
LaserJockogra: http://www.chem.unr.edu/~mantha/edubuntu/12:22
LaserJockthe menu files aren't really very cool ATM12:23
LaserJockbut I just, in the last couple minutes, got an Edubuntu 6.06.1 install to finally work12:23
LaserJockso I can look at the menu and get some better .menus12:24
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swhalendoes anyone know of a good web filter?12:29
LaserJockfor what?12:29
LaserJocklike a content filter?12:29
LaserJockdansguardian is one12:31
LaserJockAmaranth is working on a nice new one for Edgy12:32
LaserJockbut I don't think it's backported to dapper12:32
LaserJockswhalen: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=207008 is a decent HowTo for setting up dansguardian12:35
swhalenare there any docs on deploying this network wide?12:37
LaserJocknot that I know of12:40
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Burgworkogra, you really are trying to get into UWN this week. All these new features01:12
ograBurgwork, mostly only very roughly tested ...01:13
ograi'd rather like a big announcement before knot3 :)01:13
Burgworkwell, I plan on writing a little section about LTSP this week, if you don't mind01:14
Burgworkthe Knot3 page will also include a section on it01:14
ograespecially the installer stuff i just commited is a bit risky 01:14
Burgworkgiven you were bitching about Edubuntu having nothing ;)01:15
Burgworkcan you tell me all the people involved in the work?01:15
ograltsp ? 01:15
ograthats only me 01:15
BurgworkI see other branches being merged01:15
ograand vagrant cascadian from freegeek 01:15
ograbut he cares rather for making my stuff work in debian01:16
ograand sends the fixes back to me01:16
Burgworkjust wanted to make certain I got everybody01:16
Burgworkaccuracy and all that01:16
ograoh, sbalneav helped a lot as well 01:16
ogracbx33 deserves a HUGE praise for completing SCP01:17
ogra GF gets angry ... i need to stop for the day (worked >20h the last two days)01:18
LaserJockogra: I'm just adding the right menus, etc.01:20
LaserJockI'll have an update source package in a little bit01:21
LaserJockshall I email it to you so you can check it out when you get up?01:21
LaserJockor should I even upload it to REVU?01:21
ograyeah, that'd be nice01:21
ogranah ... mail is fine01:21
LaserJockok, I want to test it a little bit more and then I'll send it to you01:21
LaserJockI've got 8 groups right now01:21
ograbut anyway, i fall asleep over my keyboard ...01:22
ogranight all01:22
LaserJockgood  night01:22
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techlifedoes anyone know if there is a specific automatix package for edubuntu or can I just use the one for dapper?02:46
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Amaranthoh dear02:53
mhzI was about to answer02:55
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mhz_offsee ya tomorrow, sometime after 17 UTC03:16
=== LaserJock does a dance around the lab
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sbalneavEvening all04:10
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TeePOGmorning all08:49
highvoltagemorning TeePOG 08:49
TeePOGmorning highvoltage, how goes?08:49
=== TeePOG is making another attempt at getting the LTSP to work
highvoltagegood thanks TeePOG 08:50
TeePOG^^^ = reinstalling08:50
highvoltageTeePOG: did you try that command I sent you yesterday?08:50
TeePOGyes highvoltage, did nada08:51
TeePOGin the end, not even my own username would log me into X08:51
TeePOGergo, reinstall08:51
TeePOGluckily i didn't have anything else going on that box08:52
RichEdhi TeePOG :)08:52
RichEdYesterday got out of control ... I didn't get back to you ... sorry08:52
TeePOGbtw highvoltage, would you have any idea why the repos [even with all the universe/multiverse repos enabled]  cannot find an installation candidate for webmin?08:52
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TeePOGhi RichEd mate, no worries08:54
BurgundaviaTeePOG: that would be because it has been removed08:54
TeePOGhmm, ok... it's been my friend and companion since forever :-(08:54
Burgundaviait is old, buggy and mostly dead upstream08:55
Burgundaviadebian removed and thus we followed08:55
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TeePOGhmm... any alternatives?08:55
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Burgundavianot that I know of08:56
RichEdhi Burgundavia ... JaneW and I were chatting about you on the weekend :)08:56
Burgundaviawhat sort of evil things were you saying about me?08:56
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RichEdShe ran in a ladies race sponsored by a local Afrikaans newpaper ... and got a free sun visor with a big logo "Die Burger"08:57
BurgundaviaI see08:57
BurgundaviaI have a "Happiness is a warm burger bun" hat08:58
RichEdspankin' :)08:58
BurgundaviaTeePOG: this is why webmin got removed: http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvekey.cgi?keyword=webmin09:01
TeePOGsheesh, ok09:01
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cbx33ping RichEd 09:15
RichEdMeester Cee Bee Exxx Thiryyyy Threeeee !09:16
RichEdcbx33: pong09:18
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cbx33RichEd: did you want to meet today09:21
RichEdcbx33: how's your jsut past midday looking ?09:22
cbx33yeh should be cool09:22
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cbx33ogra: !!!09:39
cbx33hey dude09:40
cbx33so I'm guessing we'll know by the end of the day about SCP and main ?09:40
jsgotangcodid you make an inclusion report?09:40
cbx33and it's in the queue09:40
cbx33it's just waiting now :S09:40
cbx33I wish I'd have been able to get it in sooner09:41
cbx33but time was not on my side 09:41
jsgotangcowell it seems to be a nice addition to give it an exeception for further review09:42
cbx33do they do exceptions?09:42
cbx33I thought FF was FF !09:43
jsgotangcog-a-i used to have updates a week just before release of dapper09:44
cbx33so there is hope09:44
jsgotangcobut that's because g-a-i is an integral part of the distribution09:44
cbx33I suppose it would depend on how badly it was needed09:47
cbx33or wanted09:47
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cbx33ping Seveas 11:10
Seveaspong cbx33 11:10
tsurcAnyone know how i can add a user on a NIS server to "fuse" and get a NIS client to reconise it.11:21
tsurcI'm having problems with LDA and NIS authenication11:21
ograwe dont support LDA yet (apart from edgy), are you running ubuntu ltsp or ltsp.org ltsp ?11:35
tsurcltsp.org..... (sorry, but needs must)11:41
ograi can only talk about ubutu muecow's LDA implementation which works quite differently (communicates through ssh etc) ... but i imagine just adding the user to the fuse group should suffice 11:44
ograis the fuse module loaded ? 11:44
RichEdhi ogra ...11:50
ograhm ... 11:50
ogradoesnt look like we'll get the fully-automatic-swapwerver from rodrigo :/11:50
RichEdogra: is the freeze in place ? will it help to send +evolution (mail & calendar) to laserjock ?11:50
ograRichEd, FF is in place at 23:00 UTC11:51
ograstill plenty of time 11:51
RichEdYesterday people were debating wed or thu 23:00 ... thanx11:51
cbx33Sorry Seveas, I just got back to the office11:52
ogramy bigger prob is the swapserver stuff ... rodrigo didnt want to show me his code so i cant finish anything ... but we wont be able to enable local devices by default without it (it will fail on very lowend clients)11:52
cbx33ogra: :(11:52
cbx33Seveas: is there any documentation on the new usplash image format...like pallete entries if there are still pallete entries etc :p11:52
ograi'm pondering a workaround but that will cost time and i need to review debian patches for ltsp as well :(11:53
tsurctried adding a fuse group on the NIS server (making sure to give it the same gid as the app servers) and adding users to it.11:53
cbx33ogra: you're definitely gonna deserve tomorrow :p11:53
tsurcbut it looks as if NIS is only transmiting the main group of the user11:53
Seveascbx33, usplash-dev contains documentation11:54
cbx33ogra: jsgotangco said in the past things have been allowed to be exceptions to FF.... g-a-i for example, think that could be the case for SCP?11:54
cbx33Seveas: you're a legend thank you11:54
ogracbx33, yes, but thats for features that are not started on feature freeze day :)11:54
Seveascbx33, usplash has changed since last upload though11:54
tsurcwhich means I will have to add the whole school to fuse on each of our app servers /etc/group file11:55
cbx33Seveas: I'm just gonna grab it now11:55
ograwhat i would implement would totally differ from the spec11:55
Seveasso you'll need to re-read it for 0.4-1811:55
cbx33Seveas: that's fine....the current docs are good right?11:55
pygihighvoltage, poke poke?11:55
Seveascbx33, almost -- there are some essentials missing11:55
Seveaswill pastbin the latest11:55
ogratsurc, well, thats surely easily scriptable ... but are you sure there is no way to make NIS supply other groups  ?11:55
cbx33thanks Seveas we're working onthe edubuntu usplash tonight11:56
Seveascbx33, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2280011:57
Seveasmulti-resolution themes ftw11:57
tsurcogra: I know.. I really didn't want to have to do it like that if i can help it. If I create another user in 3 months It'll end up taking 10 mins instead of 2... ouch11:57
ograthere must be a way to supply more groups through nis ...11:58
tsurcogra: plus NIS should be able to handle it! I just can't figure out why11:58
cbx33Seveas: ftw ?11:58
ografor the world ? 11:58
Seveas"for the win"11:59
Seveas"for teh win" actually11:59
=== cbx33 just used xubuntu for the first time
ograusing the new ldm  ? wiht session selection ? 12:00
astecpflip the walrus!12:00
cbx33ogra: what are our restrictions on the ldm login screen12:00
ogracbx33, theme wise ? 12:01
cbx33well...yeh if you want to call it a theme12:01
cbx33the wallpaper for the ldm login12:01
ograonly plain colors (no gradients) no fullscreen wallpaper12:01
cbx33is it an image?12:01
ograthe logo is12:01
cbx33i see12:02
ograyou can use transparency in the logo ... i.e. have a glowing effect ... but thas about it ... apart from that you can tweak 5 colors12:02
ograand the session/lang button images12:02
cbx33how is it put togther...?12:04
cbx33like gdm themes?12:04
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cbx33hi jono 12:05
ogracbx33, have a look at /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/ldm/themes/12:05
cbx33RichEd: one hour or two?12:06
ograthe colors file in the theme dirs are responsible for color schemes12:06
ograyou have:12:06
ograframe_color = "#000000"12:06
ograforeground = "#523921"12:06
ograbackground = "#ffffde"12:06
ograclockforeground = "#ffffff"12:06
ograloginwin_color = "#f7ebd6"12:06
RichEdcbx33: 2 please ?12:06
cbx33RichEd: np12:06
cbx33thanks ogra 12:06
ograwhere clockforeground is ignored since we dont show the clock12:06
cbx33that's all I needed12:07
ograif you exchange graphics, just make sure they have the same name 12:07
cbx33of course12:07
cbx33are you going to handle packaging of artwork12:07
ograbackground.png, icon-language.png, icon-session.png and shutdown.png12:07
cbx33of would you like me to have a stab12:07
ograas you like12:07
ogradoesnt look like artwork will happen before FF anyway :)12:09
cbx33ogra: no it won't12:09
cbx33but we should have a good idea of what it will look like by the end of today....end of friday at latest12:10
Seveascbx33, artwork packages need to depend on usplash-dev and they should not ship generated .c files12:10
Seveas(just a quick hint, that's not in the docs yet)12:10
ogra"generated .c files" ?12:11
cbx33you mean, you want the png12:11
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cbx33morning Amaranth 12:40
Amaranthugh :P12:40
Amaranthtoo early :P12:40
cbx33howz willow12:46
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Seveasogra, theme sources ship .png and .bdg files. Theme binaries ship c-code generated from them. Sources don't ship the generated C code, but depend on usplash-dev12:50
ograah, i didnt know it generates .c files12:51
cbx33Seveas: that's cool - I'll make sure :D12:51
cbx33ogra: is our artwork pacakge up to date wrt the ubuntu one?12:52
Seveascbx33, if you need help crating a theme, just poke me -- I'd also be happy to review the theme for "usplash correctness"12:52
ograwhy should it ? 12:52
ograwe dont care about ubuntu artwork at all, do we ? 12:52
cbx33heh ok12:52
cbx33Seveas: you're a start12:52
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tsurcfyi I think I may have cracked it.. in the /etc/group file on the app server there is fuse just above + so anything looking to autenticate if a user is a member of the fuse group is matching with the local fuse group and not the NIS shared fuse group. Does that sound ok to anyone. Or is it a load of tosh12:56
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tsurcwell that didn't work then01:35
tsurcsurely someone somewhere has got LDA  working with NIS01:36
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cbx33ping RichEd 01:53
RichEdbaddapong cbx33 01:53
cbx3310 mins?01:53
RichEd20 ... busy right now with charles email ... to you & jono ... will check back here in 10 ...01:54
cbx33ok 20 is fine01:54
RichEdcbx33 & jono ... proof reading now ... my 1 paragraph intro has grown into an essay :)02:00
cbx33oh dear !02:09
RichEdcbx33 & jono : you have mail02:09
pygijono, lol, interesting blog post :)02:10
=== RichEd heads off to get a mince & chilli pizza slice from the fridge
RichEdcbx33: will be ready for you in 10 mins 02:11
cbx33jono: ROGET REDHAT02:11
=== RichEd will read jono's blog post over some pizza
cbx33BILLY BLUE HAT !02:11
=== ogra has a fully-automatic-swapserver script written in 24 lines and ponders if he should add it ...
cbx33ogra: do it 02:12
cbx33do it02:12
ograi'm not sure 02:12
cbx33what are your reservations02:12
ograits way safer than usual swap (100% userspace) 02:13
ograbut it will only swapon from ldm ...02:13
ograso we wouldnt gain anything to boot small clients ...02:14
ogramy target for the swapserver was to be able to boot 24Mb clients02:14
ograinstead of 48Mb02:14
cbx33it's still worth it02:14
cbx33it's an improvement....can still be tooted can't it!02:14
cbx33after all we're trying to prove how good we are :p02:15
cbx33Edubuntu Rocks and all that :p02:15
jonocbx33, :P02:16
jonoRichEd, :)02:16
cbx33jono: I'm guessing you read those books too?02:16
jonocbx33, yep :)02:17
cbx33just outta interest how old are you?02:17
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jonocbx33, 26 :)02:19
jono27 in 10 days :)02:19
cbx33jono: yours and mine are pretty close02:20
=== cbx33 is 25 on sept 24th :p
jonocool :)02:20
cbx33ogra: did you see my pm?02:20
jonocbx33, are you part of ubuntu-uk ?02:20
cbx33no :p02:20
cbx33i don;t think so02:20
cbx33i guess I should be02:20
jonocbx33, I am keen for ubuntu-uk to be a strong LoCo team, and would be good to have you on board :)02:21
jonoI am gonna get some lunch and a shower and catch up on the LoCo mails :)02:21
pygihighvoltage, you alive? :)02:25
cbx33ping RichEd 02:26
RichEdpong cbx33 02:26
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paolobHi guys! I'using dapper, and I have a problem with the students that work on the clients: sometimes, mistakenly, they exit the gnome session hibernating the server. Is it possible to remove this possibility? thank you02:42
ograuninstall gnome-power-manager02:42
ograi just fixed the bug in edgy 3h ago :)02:42
paolobogra, thank you. what else does that imply?02:43
ografor dapper uninstalling it is the easiest workaround for now02:43
ograi will check how intrusive it is to backport it to dapper, but no promises02:43
paolobogra, no, I meant what else does uninstalling gnome-power-manager imply?02:44
ograunless you run a laptop as server it will do nothing 02:44
ogra(well, it will disable hibernate/suspend on the server itself as well)02:45
paolobogra, with gnome-power-manager it uninstall gnome-session too02:45
ograyou can also unset the can_hibernate/can_suspend gconf keys of gnome-power-manager for every user, but thats a lot of work02:46
ograugh, i didnt know seb128 made it a dependency02:46
paolobogra, I can't do that, I have about 500 users!02:46
paolobogra, and if I dpkg -r gnome-power-manager? does it honour dependencies?02:47
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ograare you able to compile a package ? i have no dapper system around, but i think the patch i added to the edgy package today might apply to dapper02:48
paolobogra, sorry, no :-(02:49
cbx33ogra: anything I can do?02:50
paolobogra, dpkg -r --force-depends gnome-power-manager ?02:50
ograno that will break02:51
ogracbx33, do you have a dapper chroot/pbuilder ? 02:51
pygiwho wanna test libburn? :)02:51
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cbx33ah actually no, but I can make one pretty quick02:52
cbx33I have a dapper machine ? that I'm on at the moment02:52
ogracbx33, paolob has the old suspend/hibernate buttons are shown in thin client logout dialogs 02:53
cbx33if the power supply wasn't bust in it....I have a....oh hang on02:53
cbx33lemme try somthing02:53
ograi added a patch to the edgy package today that fixes it ... but have no dapper chroot around and dont have the time to play with that atm02:53
cbx33I'll see if I can dig one out02:54
ograif that patch applies to the dapper package that would help him ...02:54
cbx33hang on lemme try something02:55
cbx33oh hell, why not02:56
cbx33gimme 2 secs guys02:56
ograjust drop that into the debian/patches dir of the dapper g-p-m source package and try a rebuild02:56
cbx33did you want me to test it too?02:56
ograif you have that bug ... else i'd suggest paolob tests it ...02:56
cbx33so you wnt me to give paolob a .deb02:57
ograif you dont raise the version number or anything, the next apt-get upgrade will remove it and replace it with the one from the archive so its easy to clean up if it doesnt work02:57
cbx33ah ok02:58
ogracbx33, right 02:58
paolobcbx33, It would be wonderful02:58
cbx33I have a dapper system on my laptop02:58
cbx33I'll just patch and build02:58
paolobcbx33, how long will it take?02:58
ograits a quite trivial patch ...02:58
ograbut if the file its written for changed between the releases it wont apply02:59
cbx33paolob: hopefully just a few minutes02:59
paolobcbx33, ok, I'm waiting it. Thank yo!02:59
cbx33ogra that's the source package build03:06
ograhmm, the patch applies fine03:08
paolobogra, cbx33 I must go, I'll ask you later, thank you!03:09
=== paolob goes to everyday school work
ogracbx33, thanks ...03:09
RichEdcbx33: mail sent  ... let me know when you have the spreadsheet open03:09
cbx33I'm just getting a dapper chroot03:10
ograyou would have to dpkg-buildpackage it with your key ...03:10
cbx33I'll pbuild it03:10
cbx33ogra: that package is odd.....has some strange permissions on it03:10
cbx33never seen that in a package before03:10
ograyou need to rebiuld the source package anyway03:10
ograelse it will fail on the missing gpg key03:11
cbx33I didn't build with my key....did you actually want me to build the package? !03:11
ograthat test was fine already 03:11
ograsince it seems not so urgent (paolob is gone) it can wait until i have time fiddling with dapper chroots03:11
ogra*time for03:11
cbx33sorry ogra 03:12
cbx33heh !03:12
RichEdping cbx33 : can you give me 10 mins of your time ?03:14
RichEdcbx33: then I'll update & refine and we can chat more later03:14
RichEdping anyone ... am I alive in here ?03:18
cbx33RichEd: I'm here03:19
RichEdcool ... is the ss open ?03:19
cbx33just doing it03:19
RichEdokay ... off to window ...03:19
highvoltagemy word03:20
RichEdno highvoltage "my Open Office Word Processor" ... get with the programme03:21
highvoltageI missed pygi by only 8 minutes this time03:24
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sbalneavMorning all03:47
cbx33hi sbalneav 03:48
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sbalneavHey cbx33 03:53
ograsbalneav, hey03:55
pygihello ogra, sbalneav 03:57
sbalneavogra: hello!03:58
ograsbalneav, what do you think: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ldm-swapon03:58
sbalneavHey, last night, I got the ltsp-build-client to go....03:59
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sbalneavbut I had to comment out the linking of /proc/self/fd in 010-proc-mount in the plugins dir.03:59
sbalneavHey pygi!  Sorry, been really busy here at work lately, but did you say yesterday you got libburn going over iscsi?03:59
pygisbalneav, I erased and burner iso file on remote burner :)04:00
sbalneavHow'd you do it?04:00
pygibut that solution won't work for us, it requires some kernel stuff and thingy04:00
pygiwe still need that userspace lib :)04:01
sbalneavAh, that was my worry.04:02
sbalneavI had asked the other day, but I think you'd left already.04:02
pygieh :-/04:03
pygiwe must find someone to implement library like that :)04:03
sbalneavin cdrecord, there's an rscsi.c that implements some of that sort of stuff.  How "clean room" are you trying to be?  If we take some of that from the gpl'd version of cdrecord would that be ok? Or are you trying to be completely cdrecord-clean?04:04
pygi1)completely clean from schily code04:04
pygi2)We won't be implementing this directly into libburn anyway most probably04:05
sbalneavSure, but as a basis for a separate library.04:05
pygiright, I'd be glad if we could go without schily :)04:05
sbalneavOK, well, we'll need to find a specification for the iSCSI protocol then, and see if we can implement it from there.04:05
pygiindeed, libuiscsi :)04:06
pygiI have yet to see userspace implementation of iscsi04:07
pygiand if it is doable, we might just be the first one to have it04:07
pygiI am sure a lot of people would like to see that04:08
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pygisbalneav, you alive? :)04:14
sbalneavogra: Ah, so you're enabling the swap after people log in?  Smart.04:14
ograwell, not really04:14
sbalneavpygi: yeah, sorry, 15 conversations going on.04:14
pygisbalneav, ok, later then04:15
ograsbalneav, but the best solution for the current situation04:15
sbalneavSo, this is using a stock nbd-swap setup, and not mods to the swap server?04:17
ograits a bit odd, since it doesnt help to boot < 48M machines04:19
ograbut apart from that its way more beautiful than any other solution04:19
sbalneavIt's certainly workable.  So the mods to the swap server will be for edgy+1?04:20
ograright, thats the idea04:20
ograso we do have *something* at least04:20
cbx33ogra: good decision bud !04:21
ogralocaldev on an 48M macine will break i guess ...04:21
ogra(without any swap)04:21
ogranow the big question ... 04:21
ogrado i enable it i our default lts.conf ? 04:22
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cbx33ogra: I'm gonna have to skoot in a while, are you going to poke pitti and seb128 later?04:22
ogra10 clients will eat 320M on the servers disk04:22
ogracbx33, yes04:22
ograwill do04:22
cbx33thanks ogra :D04:22
sbalneavok, this would be the perfect place for a session_start and session_end script in ldm.  We'll want to spec that in for the next version as well.04:23
cbx33you're the best04:23
ograsbalneav, nope04:23
ograsbalneav, we dont want to swapoff ...04:23
cbx33ogra: just need to add that packaging bit to make it restart/reload dbus04:24
ograsbalneav, imagine if something is in the swap and you just kill the nbd-server 04:24
sbalneavGood point.04:25
ograit will hardlock ...04:25
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_acesuares_!seen riched05:12
ubotuRichEd is on IRC right now!05:12
RichEd_acesuares_: hello :)05:12
_acesuares_RichEd ? u there ?05:12
_acesuares_ah hi!05:12
RichEdyep ... let me read your email again ... give me a minute ...05:13
_acesuares_Had a chance to think about the seminar 4+5 oktober 2006  in Curacao ?05:13
ubotuUbuntu Dapper 'Desktop' CD contains a Live CD (Ubuntu that runs straight off the CD and RAM) with an install option. Breezy's Live CD contained no install.05:13
_acesuares_!livecd edubuntu05:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about livecd edubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:14
RichEd_acesuares_:  ping into pvt window05:18
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RichEdhi LaserJock : final basic menu list sent today via email05:19
acesuaresRichEd waht is that ping into pvt window05:20
LaserJockRichEd: it's longer than I had anticipated05:20
LaserJockogra: pingo?05:20
RichEdfeel free to trim it down with your laser05:20
RichEdacesuares:  in dialogue box ... question : hello ... okay to get my head straight ... you said netherland yesterday ... I said S America ... is Curacao a dutch colony in South America ?05:22
LaserJockRichEd: I put a package up for ogra and everybody to test at: http://chem.unr.edu/~mantha/edubuntu/05:24
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cbx33hey everyone05:24
acesuaresRichEd: there are mapos in the wikipedia.05:24
=== cbx33 gets to work
LaserJockhi cbx33 05:24
acesuaresIt's NOT south america (altough it's 70 km off the coast of Venzuela)05:24
cbx33Hey LaserJock 05:24
cbx33I have something to show you05:25
cbx33give me a minute05:25
cbx33see if you laugh05:25
acesuaresit's NOT a colony but a part of a seperate counter in the Kongdom of the Netherlands.05:25
RichEdOkay acesuares : I'll respond to the email with comments 05:25
acesuaresBut apart from that, yes, it's a Colony of the netherlands in South America05:25
acesuarescounter- country05:25
acesuaresokay RichEd I'll wait.05:25
RichEdThanks for the explanation ... I'm not being insensitive, just looking for broad brushstrokes now ... to get my bearings. Can drill into specifics later.05:26
RichEdAs a quick response, the best bet will be one of our loco members ... A Local Community person who lives close by. We have no formal offices near you.05:26
RichEdI'll do some digging and mail you back with suggestions.05:26
acesuaresRichEd, we will fly anyone in, if the budget permits.05:27
acesuaresWe would be happy with loco members but they need to be fluent in english or dutch05:27
RichEdWell that makes it easier. Thanks. Let me explore a bit.05:27
acesuareswe do also speak spanish most of us so a spanish/english speaker can be okay05:27
acesuaresBasically, I am the closest to the Local Community person you cna get - see http://www.luna.suares.an05:28
acesuaresI also haver the priviliege to work together with a larger organisation who pays and organises the seminar.05:28
acesuaresI am just trying to fill up the bit about Open Source end Free Software.05:28
RichEdI'll mail you a profile set of questions ... to get an idea of the audience and level. We'll look for the best fit in terms of getting results 1) comunicating a good understanding and 2) actions which can be carried forwards.05:29
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RichEdIn terms of "close relationships" or "similar commercial / education profile" what country or countrys are a good match ?05:30
acesuaresThis is a very difficult question.05:30
RichEd(I would like to understand hurdles for Open Source).05:31
RichEdI'll save it for the mail then.05:31
acesuaresOn one hand, we tend to get most educational material from the dutch05:31
=== RichEd listens
acesuareshowever, we are far behind in hard3ware and IT acceptance.05:31
acesuaresFOr instance, 27 Pentium I, 90 MHz on a school for 12-15 year people.05:32
RichEdThat is not a bad thing :) A mature market usually has embedded forces that are difficult to change. A fresh market usually sees open source as a good proposition.05:32
acesuaresOn another level, we look at America - bachelor and masters degreess at the university/higher education05:32
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TeePOGevening all05:32
acesuaresThe mentality is largely south american, the word 'manjana' has it's own connotation here05:33
acesuaresThen there is also a large group of black poeple (the majority) who tends to be in the poorer demographics05:33
RichEdOkay ... I will bring another person into the conversation. Mauricio mhz from Chile. He speaks Spanish & English. He knows LAms School & University Education issues wel.05:33
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acesuaresso, the whole imagery and language for most dutch educational software does not represent local images05:33
RichEdHe knows of many government programs ... if we can prepare conversation links for future relationships, we will have more success.05:34
RichEdWait for the mail :) will be later tonight or tomorrow morning. (my time) 05:34
acesuaresOkay, anyway, we have no bearings with LAms Schools and University Education.05:35
acesuaresGenerally, I would not invite South American people to lecture, but I am not excluding anyone till I hear there story.05:35
acesuaresIt's just that for instance, if I tell the director of the school of a succesfullprject in Namibia (schoolnet)05:35
acesuaresthen the reaction is - ah that's namibia, where the people are poor05:36
acesuarestell me about a succesfull project in Europe or America, then I;ll listen05:36
RichEdcomment: And I would not propose a person until we have an agreed fit.05:36
acesuaresvery racist people here, on that level. Not the common people, but the higher up the more tendency towards whiteness there is.05:37
acesuaresFortunately, the OS movement is not that racist and Edubuntu is Linux for 'people' >:-)05:37
RichEdOkay that is some good background for me to ask the right questions. Based on the fact that you could cover the cost of a visitor (reaonable low-budget) we can be flexbile.05:37
acesuareshi pygi !!!05:38
pygihey ho05:38
cbx33hi pygi 05:38
acesuaresRichEd, I'll wait for your mail. Please don't forget or I'll come harassing you at IRC :-)05:38
RichEdI have some background in Racism :) past = aparthied South Africa and present = New South Africa with new eilte class and confused views about the future.05:39
RichEdSo, I will be able to understand, and guide.05:39
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acesuaresRichEd: hey - that's good. Wasn't Sout Africa populated by Dutch Speaking individuals that supported apartheid, whiuch itself is a dutch word ? 05:39
acesuareslook at www.herensiadisklabitut.com for an exposition on slave trade and the consequences on our island...05:40
acesuaressse ya later, RichEd, gotta go now, I'll wait for the mail05:40
RichEdacesuares: That's about 20% of the story ... it is not an easy IRC topic ... but what is probably best to take away is that: We had probably the most embedded and entrenched set of racist laws in the world, which we have overcome peacefully.05:41
=== acesuares sets status to 'even more away'
RichEdLots of problems, but more success than failures.05:41
cbx33ping ogra 05:42
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pygihighvoltage, poke, you have time?05:47
highvoltagepygi: yes :)05:47
pygiyou on dapper?05:47
highvoltagepygi: I missed you by 8 minutes this afternoon!05:47
pygiah :-/05:48
pygihighvoltage, are you on dapper or edgy?05:48
highvoltageedgy from about 2 weeks ago05:48
pygiok, so now listen and execute :)05:48
highvoltagebut i have an edubuntu knot 2 cd on my disk05:49
highvoltagethat sounds dangerous :)05:49
pygisvn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org05:49
pygisvn co http://libburn-svn.pykix.org libburn05:49
pygi(second one :P)05:49
pygicd libburn/trunk05:49
pygi./configure --disable-static05:49
pygisudo make install05:49
pygionce you are done with that, we'll continue :)05:49
cbx33Right I'm off to my windows machine to make some artwork05:50
highvoltagepygi: ok. i'll ping you :)05:50
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pygihighvoltage, oki :)05:51
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cbx33*bah* damn windows update06:04
cbx33why did wine break so I can't use photoshop anymore06:05
pygihighvoltage, you done? :)06:06
Amaranthogra: So, I have a package for willowng that works well except for the error pages, is it worth uploading?06:07
ograAmaranth, sure06:08
ogracbx33, pong06:08
ogragah ... LaserJock is gone ..06:08
pygihighvoltage, poke, poke :P06:09
ograAmaranth, what does "except for the error pages" mean ? 06:10
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ograwe dont have them at all ? the custom ones dont work ...06:10
ograthe html is broken ...06:10
Amaranthogra: Instead of an error page for blocked stuff you get some weird header output06:10
ograthats fine ...06:10
ograits a bug ... :)06:10
ograenough time to fix it if thats the only issue06:11
ograwhat about bayesian ? 06:11
Amaranthwell, that and making that checkbox work06:11
Amaranthit gives you the broken error page too06:11
ograwell, thats only an iptables rule ...06:11
Amaranthoh, you want to do transparent proxying now?06:12
ograi want to block port 80 and make it only useable by the willowng user ...06:12
Amaranthalright, then it's a hack for firefox that likely won't be accepted, debconf keys, gconf keys, and blocking port 8006:12
Jon335Hi guys, I just set Edubuntu up on a computer to help me teach my siblings about computers. Thanks alot!06:12
ograAmaranth, no06:12
ograAmaranth, i *only* want to do the iptables rule06:13
Amaranthogra: Oh.06:13
ograno tweaking of app settings06:13
Amaranthogra: So you want to leave users to figure out how to make it work?06:13
ograthats up to the admin06:13
Amaranthuser==admin for a family computer06:13
ograits written on the checkbox, isnt it ?06:13
cbx33ogra, LaserJock is looking for you06:14
ogracbx33, yes, i saw that06:14
cbx33he has written the edubuntu pacakge06:14
cbx33for menus06:14
ograi wonder why he doesnt upload it06:14
cbx33to universe?06:14
ograwe'll need it anyway at some point06:14
cbx33I told him to do that06:14
cbx33any news from pitti/seb128 ?06:15
Amaranthogra: I don't see how setting it up automatically can hurt though.06:15
=== TeePOG will brb, rebooting
ograAmaranth, youre touching user settings ...06:15
ograthats not nice ...06:16
Amaranthno i'm not, i'm touching system settings06:16
Amaranthi can do firefox without touching the user profile06:16
Amaranththus "hack"06:16
ogracould you ask iwj what he thinks about it ? he's the firefox guy06:16
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cbx33ogra: what were you saying about touching a file to restart dbus?06:19
ograthere is something you can touch like /var/run/reboot_required06:19
ogralook at other ackages that use dbus ...06:19
cbx33ahh ok06:20
cbx33thanks ogra06:20
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ograLaserJock, pong06:25
ograwhy dont you just upload it =06:25
LaserJockogra: hi06:25
LaserJockogra: I wanted another MOTU to check it out first06:25
LaserJockit's not a big complicated package I suppose06:26
ograit will go through NEW anyway ... you will have an archive admin checking it ;)06:26
LaserJockok, uploading then :-006:26
LaserJock:-) rather06:27
pygihighvoltage, I'll eat you if you don't respond soon :)06:27
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highvoltagepygi: pong pong!!!06:28
LaserJockogra: do you want it in Main for Edgy?06:28
pygihighvoltage, so are you done with the above steps? :)06:28
highvoltagepygi: my connection is seriously dodgy, seems like it is at it's worst this time of day06:28
ograLaserJock, lets see 06:29
highvoltagepygi: not yet, struggling a bit with my e-mail first06:29
pygiahm,oki then :)06:29
ograLaserJock, i dont think pitti has time for MIRs06:29
LaserJockogra: yeah, that's what I kinda figured06:29
ograso only if we get approval to move it after FF06:29
pygihighvoltage, just poke me if you are done in the next 80 years or so :P06:30
ograbut having it in the archive wont hurt at all06:30
Amaranthogra: http://dev.realistanew.com/releases/willowng/0.3/deb-src06:30
LaserJockok, I'm fine either way, it isn't a "killer" app quite yet, but I think it would work better installed by default06:30
AmaranthLaserJock: what is it?06:31
LaserJockif we can put some menu-editing front-end to it it will be much better06:32
Amaranthah :)06:32
cbx33LaserJock don;t forget me :p06:32
Amaranthdid you ever figure out how to work out of the problem i explained or did you decide it was Somebody Else's Problem? :)06:33
LaserJockAmaranth: which problem?06:33
Amaranththe fun merging06:33
sbalneavAhh, SEP.06:33
ograAmaranth, uploaded 06:33
cbx33I prefer, NMP06:33
cbx33Not My Problem06:33
Amaranthmerging the student and teacher menus, for example06:34
cbx33ogra this wallpaper is progressing nicely06:34
LaserJockAmaranth: well, it turns out that xdg works pretty well06:34
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Amaranth(along with merging user changes)06:34
ograAmaranth, btw, now that you got some money from SoC to be able to travel, how about getting you key signed :P06:34
Amaranthogra: hehe, i'm broke :P06:34
Amaranthtwo weeks or so i should get more06:34
cbx33you just got SoC...:p06:34
ograthere is still money to come ...06:34
LaserJockAmaranth: for menu groups I set $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS to /usr/share/edubuntu/menus/06:35
Amaranthcbx33: I was pretty far behind on bills and junk, $2500 goes fast06:35
LaserJockAmaranth: which is just an applications.menu that has a <MergeDIR>06:35
cbx33tell me about it06:35
cbx33my wage just covers living06:35
cbx33for my wife and I06:35
Amaranthoh, and i went clothes shopping06:35
LaserJockAmaranth: that is my dentist bill :(06:35
Amaranthand i _enjoyed_ it, something is wrong06:35
cbx33Amaranth that is wrong06:35
=== ogra cries
cbx33what's up ogra?06:36
ograsbalneav, any idea how to get a proper ps output from the ssh socket ? 06:36
ograseems if i run the script i dont see all processes06:37
Amaranthi need to stop growing, it sucks having all your pants be too short for you after a year06:37
sbalneavWow, I haven't seen that.06:37
sbalneavLet me try.06:37
ograi just wanted to add a check if an nbd-server is running for the specific port/ip 06:37
cbx33Amaranth - I can imagine that :p06:37
ograrunning it from commandline on the client is fine06:37
sbalneavgimme 2 shakes06:37
ograbut as soon as i do "ps ax|grep nbd-server" from a script i dont get the other users processes06:38
highvoltagesbalneav: you remind me of a good charlotte song06:38
sbalneavoohhh, don't use ax06:38
sbalneavuse -ef06:38
ogradoesnt work either06:38
sbalneavWhat about netstat -anp?06:38
ograi'm through all px options ...06:39
Amaranthdoes feature freeze apply to universe too?06:39
sbalneavgimme a sec, gotta set it up...06:39
ograsbalneav, lsof doesnt even work for foreign files06:39
ogranetstat complains in the header already06:41
ograremember i run as user06:41
sbalneav?!?!?!  Works for me.06:45
sbalneavNow, I'm not doing this from a terminal06:46
sbalneavJust between 2 machines.06:46
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TeePOGhi agin06:48
ograthat works fine here as well06:48
TeePOGhi again*06:48
TeePOGogra, you'll be pleased to know that I have a much happier system than yesterday06:51
TeePOGjust one last thing: how do you make the LTSP desktop use a specific resolution? 800x600 to be exact06:52
sbalneavogra: So, I wonder what's different between a TERMINAL doing the ssh, and a regular user doing it.06:53
sbalneavSomething in /etc/ssh/ssh_config on the terminal, maybe?06:53
ograseems netstat works, even it complains loud06:59
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ograsbalneav, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ldm-swapon got it ...07:09
ograthis way it works and doesnt spawn new servers over and over :)07:09
cbx33ogra :D07:33
cbx33ping LaserJock07:33
LaserJockhi cbx33 07:33
cbx33did you get my pm07:34
cbx33about benzene>07:34
LaserJockyeah, I think you are talking about naphthalene07:34
LaserJockor maybe anthracene07:34
cbx33what about aspartame ?07:34
cbx33I'm j/k07:34
cbx33top search strings for my site07:45
cbx331 4 6.45% how to use gisomount 07:45
LaserJockcbx33: http://chem.unr.edu/~mantha/edubuntu/caffeine.gif07:46
LaserJockcbx33: or do you want bigger?07:46
cbx33are those bonds just floating?07:47
cbx33off the N atoms?07:47
LaserJockwell, it's actually a CH3 at the end of them07:47
cbx33could.....could you possibly add that?07:47
LaserJockwe don't usually include the C and H atoms explicitly07:48
cbx33I know....but for effects sake...it'd look cool make the molecule a little more complex07:48
cbx33and if you could make the image a little larger that'd be great07:48
LaserJockcbx33: reload07:49
cbx33oooh 07:49
cbx33much better07:49
cbx33do you ever expand the CH3 into a diagram at the end?07:49
LaserJockI could do a wonderful opengl rendering of it in 3D too, but ...07:49
LaserJockcbx33: you can do like http://www.sdsc.edu/discovery/chem-act/caffeine.html07:50
LaserJockbut that gets kinda messy07:50
cbx33could we do that.....pretty please07:51
cbx33would fill the gap I have a little better07:51
cbx33whats the diff between CH3 and H3C07:51
LaserJockwell, you do that so it's clear that the bond is to the C07:52
LaserJockcbx33: here's one from my own research http://chem.unr.edu/~mantha/edubuntu/bromoBIPS.gif07:53
cbx33can I have that one?07:54
LaserJockcbx33: reload the caffeine one07:57
LaserJockcbx33: that's how we would draw it fully07:58
LaserJockcbx33: and those are just .gifs to show you, I can do better quality I think too if you want07:59
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sbalneavogra: Sexy!08:00
ogra30 lines of beauty :)08:15
ograthis socket was the best we ever added ... i owe you a barrel of beer fo pushing for it :)08:16
cbx33oooh LaserJock I like that08:28
cbx33I'll bookmark that08:28
cbx33we have to pop out but we'll be back08:28
cbx335.5 hours till FF ?08:29
LaserJockcbx33: let me know what you need08:29
cbx33am I right?08:29
LaserJockhmm, Kamion said 4 hrs, 30 min ago in -devel08:29
TeePOGerm... FF?08:29
cbx33LaserJockthose are fine08:29
LaserJockTeePOG: Feature Freeze08:30
LaserJockTeePOG: the point at which we stop taking in new features and start focusing on bug fixing and stability08:30
TeePOGohhhh ok, I thought a new version of Firefox had passed me by... </n00b idiocy>08:32
LaserJockheh, np08:32
TeePOGanyway, just thought I'd mention: I have Edubuntu LTSP booting successfully in a VMWare Player window on my Windows desktop. The system is a contented tent dweller :-D08:35
cbx33nice TeePOG08:35
cbx33now switch it08:35
cbx33put windows in the VM :D08:36
TeePOGlol, did that already... Windows, PC-BSD, and [when the torrent is done]  OS X 10.4.608:36
sbalneavWhat, has apple torrented OS X?08:37
TeePOGerm... oops, was that out loud?08:37
TeePOG;-] 08:37
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TeePOGmore precisely, OSx8608:37
TeePOGwe're getting a whole network of Intel iMacs! I'll need to admin them08:38
TeePOGand not getting ANOTHER server just for that08:38
TeePOGi am buying a legal copy as well08:39
TeePOGso there :-P08:39
LaserJockjust put Ubuntu on the iMacs ;-)08:39
TeePOGi wish, the designers want OS X for all the nice proggies :-(08:39
TeePOGanyway, is there a kernel out for the Core Duo yet?08:40
cbx33bbl guys08:40
TeePOGciao cbx3308:40
LaserJockTeePOG: kernel?08:41
TeePOGor does it use the i386 / 686-smp kernel?08:42
TeePOGi have not really had a Core Duo to play wiff08:42
TeePOGi profess my ignorance08:43
TeePOGi profess my leaving as well, it's late08:44
TeePOGciao guys08:44
TeePOGthanks for all the help08:44
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_acesuares!seen ogra10:08
ubotuI last saw ogra (n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra) 6m 39s ago, quiting: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)10:08
Petarislater all10:10
=== cbx33 [n=node50@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2006-September/005146.html :D10:10
LaserJockcbx33: yeah, somebody already commented on it I think10:12
cbx33good or bad ?10:13
cbx33ogra_ any news?10:13
LaserJockcbx33: "ivoks: i could listen new edgy sounds whole day"10:13
cbx33wow cool10:13
LaserJocknot sure if he meant the new login sounds, but I would assume so10:14
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-194-163.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
=== juliux [n=juliux@ubuntu/member/juliux] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33are there other new sounds?10:21
=== blue-frog [n=bluefrog@dyn-83-153-104-47.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #edubuntu
Amaranthcbx33: they are awesome10:39
Amaranthbut perhaps a bit long10:39
LaserJockAmaranth: hehe, you just need a slower machine10:41
Amaranthyeah... :P10:41
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #edubuntu
AmaranthXGL/compiz memory leak, brb10:46
cbx33they may be a little long for edgy10:48
cbx33not tried10:48
cbx33perfect for dapper on an AMD64 machine10:48
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
Amaranthcbx33: I get back to gdm in about 1 second, how long is the logout sound? :P10:52
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33aww shucks11:02
cbx33sorry Amaranth11:02
=== _acesuares_ [n=ace@] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33about 6-7 secs i think :p11:05
cbx33I'm hoping to get a shiny new sound card to rerecord them11:06
cbx33LaserJock you still around bud?11:07
=== hareem [n=hareem@CPE00121788bf68-CM00109558344a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #edubuntu
hareemok how can i start gproftpd from the shell. what is the command11:12
LaserJockgksudo gproftpd11:13
hareemdoesnt work laser11:14
LaserJockhareem: are you getting an error message?11:16
hareemi installed the prepacked file for gproftpd11:17
LaserJockdoes gproftpd start up?11:19
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #edubuntu
hareemso what should i do11:22
LaserJockhmm, it's odd that gproftpd doesn't start up11:23
LaserJockbut I would have just installed vsftpd11:24
hareemi know. But i need a gui based ftp server11:28
LaserJockwell, but the GUI isn't working11:28
LaserJockvsftpd is pretty to set up from what I've read11:28
LaserJockcbx33: I like it, it kinda seems bottom heavy11:30
cbx33to leave room for icons11:30
cbx33but i know what you mean11:30
LaserJockpeople put icons on the top?11:30
LaserJockhmm, I do the side or bottom mostly11:31
LaserJockpeople are weird creatures for sure :-)11:34
LaserJockcbx33: well, the background would kill my eyes but I think it looks great11:34
cbx33ogra_ you around old buddy old pal?11:34
LaserJockoh, that's nice11:35
LaserJockbut my molecule left :(11:35
LaserJockoh well11:35
=== cbx33 hacks up another version :p
Burgworkcbx33, too much english text, but otherwise I like it11:36
LaserJockBurgwork: interesting point11:37
cbx33LaserJock refresh it11:37
cbx33Burgworkwe can change that11:38
cbx33it's a concept11:38
LaserJockhmm, I don't know, the first one does look cleaner11:38
cbx33as opposed to a fully fledged idea11:38
LaserJockis that SCP code?11:38
cbx33the plugin handler11:38
LaserJockdid you ask the permission of the author? ;-)11:39
cbx33ummm....oh shute no I forgot..11:39
cbx33lemme just ask11:39
cbx33he said no11:40
cbx33damn !11:40
_acesuares_!SEEN OGRA11:41
ubotuI last saw ogra (n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra) 1h 39m 45s ago, quiting: Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)11:41
=== cbx33 [n=pete@ubuntu/member/cbx33] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockcbx33: heh, you want to know the full name of that molecule?11:45
cbx33sure !11:45
LaserJockcbx33: 6,8-dibromo-1,3-dihydro-1,3,3-trimethyspiro[2H -1-benzopyran-2,2-(2H )-indole] 11:45
cbx33I do like telling people what PTFE stands for11:45
cbx33LaserJock, ok...you got a common name for that11:46
cbx33like polytetrafluraethelyene ?11:46
cbx33is that spelt right :p11:46
LaserJockI call it 6,8-dibromoBIPS11:46
LaserJocks/flura/fluro/ I believe11:46
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-5-110.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33hey jono11:47
cbx33I sure hope edgy wine runs photoshop11:48
jonohey cbx33 11:48
cbx33else I'll be miffed :p11:48
LaserJockcbx33: no gimp for you?11:48
cbx33gimp is ok11:48
cbx33but without adjustment layers it's of little use to me11:48
LaserJockI can't use either really11:49
cbx33LaserJock, you have PS?12:01
cbx33PhotoShop !12:01
LaserJockoh, I used too, I have a great uncle that works for a publishing company just down the street from Adobe12:02
LaserJockhe used to send me beta cds that Adobe would send to them12:02
cbx33jono, Johnny and Jennifer Yellow-hat12:02
jonocbx33, haha12:03
jonohey Burgwork :)12:06

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