
Luresebas: reporting.current and reporting.last_full exist though and look sane here - I can add this as last fallback12:12
gnomefreakok thanks jdong_ 12:13
sebasFixes look good, thanks.12:13
gnomefreakis anyone using kde 3.5.2/3.5.3?12:20
lnxkdecheck my blog and tell me if you think it need something more? please people :D www.lnxkde.blogspot.com12:26
lnxkde3.5.4 here12:26
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-184-32.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gnomefreaki need 2 people or 1 person with bot konq 3.5.2 and/or 3.5.312:29
Hawkwindgnomefreak: For ?12:29
gnomefreakHawkwind: a bug im working on12:29
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I have 3.5.312:29
gnomefreakoik give me a sec 12:30
gnomefreakHawkwind: does that show for you?12:30
gnomefreakthat page will either open for you or error and tell you to install a newer version of netscape ect12:31
Riddelllnxkde: it would be better if it didn't use homophobic terminology12:32
lnxkdeRiddell: sorry 12:34
lnxkdeRiddell: just updated12:34
Riddelllnxkde: much better :)12:35
lnxkdewhat you think I should add or remove?12:35
lnxkdeor fix?12:35
imbrandonthe plf you have breezy repos, if your gonna use those you might atlease use the dapper ones ;)12:36
gnomefreakis there plans to send 3.5.3 to dapper? as default?12:37
imbrandongnomefreak, not afaik12:37
gnomefreakif hobbsee is right and im right it might be a very good idea12:37
imbrandonit would be too much to backport, better just to fix problems12:38
lnxkdeimbrandon: true I have been using them since dapper realease wjn plf havent updated12:38
imbrandonseveas repos > plf anyhow ;)12:39
gnomefreakshe says theres a bug with banking sites and konq. 12:39
gnomefreaklnxkde: !easysource ;)12:39
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic12:39
gnomefreaklnxkde: go there those are a list of extra repos :)12:40
imbrandongnomefreak, yea i seen it, its a https bug, but i still dont see the reason for backporting a whole DE for that12:40
gnomefreakplf being one of them12:40
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@unaffiliated/neoncode] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gnomefreakimbrandon: i dont know what is wrong with it im trying to find someone to test it on 3.5.2 and 3.5.3 to see if anything changed or atleast confirm it would be good12:41
imbrandongnomefreak, yea but thats still something that can goto -updates or -security as a patch , no real need for the whole DE12:42
gnomefreakimbrandon: agreed12:42
imbrandongnomefreak, just beet a kubuntu 6.06.1 livecd12:42
imbrandonand try it ;)12:42
imbrandonfood time bbiab12:43
gnomefreakah didnt think of that :)12:46
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Sorry for the delay.  That URL works in konqueror here12:46
gnomefreakHawkwind: 3.5.312:47
Hawkwindgnomefreak: That is correct12:47
gnomefreakor 3.5.2?12:47
gnomefreakok ty12:47
gnomefreakim gonna see if i cant try booting livecd12:47
lnxkdeimbrandon: thankx updated the blog with the latest plf :)12:50
=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@40.145-201-80.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiand now for something at least a little bit different:01:10
=== imbrandon looks
kwwiithe icons are just quickly done, to prove the idea01:11
imbrandonthats the best thing i've seen so far, thats a good mix of blue purple01:11
imbrandoni would raise the logo just a TAD more though, to make it stand out more, still over lap but higher01:12
imbrandonbut thats fskin awesom ( compared to now LOL )01:12
kwwiiwe will see if there is enough time to get that kind of thing to work01:12
imbrandonfriday the 13th , heh i just noticed01:13
Riddellkwwii: lovely01:15
imbrandonnow i rember why i hated gentoo, its fskin taking 2 days to emerge everything01:15
Hawkwindkwwii: That is exceptional looking01:16
kwwiigood to hear people like it ;-)01:16
Riddellimbrandon: this begs the obvious question of.. huh?01:16
imbrandonRiddell, heh my cluster still runs gentoo ( unless you can convince the ubuntu kernel team to make a xbox kernel package heheh )01:17
imbrandonvmlinuz.xbe ;)01:17
imbrandoni picked up 2 more ( to bring the total to 10 ) xboxes , but the thing is you cant image the drives becosue of the hdd locking in the bios01:18
imbrandonso i have to install/emerge everything to add an xbox to the cluster01:19
kwwiiany good reason not to update my ppc edgy box?01:19
Riddellkwwii: any good reason to update it?01:19
kwwiiRiddell: sound would be nice eventually01:19
Riddellthat's why I have a radio01:20
RiddellDAB has some groovy stations on it01:20
sebasThe sound driver is not fixed in the kernel edgy ships, or is it backported?01:20
kwwiiRiddell: man, you need to come to southern germany and listen to the radio01:20
=== sebas grins.
imbrandonkwwii, sucks ?01:20
kwwiithe radio here is total crap01:20
sebaskwwii: Time to get into kernel compiling :>01:20
kwwiiwell, it is great if you like bon jovi and lionel richie, interspersed with "it's raining men"01:21
imbrandonplus frostwire rocks ;)01:21
sebasCeline Dion, not to forget01:21
kwwiisebas: dude, if I knew a person who knew what they were doing I would try it :-)01:21
jdong_imbrandon: but gentoo's optimized for my computer... I just emerged firefox with "-O99 -fomit-frame-pointer -fweb -ffast-math -msse99" and it flies :)01:22
imbrandonomg jdong die irl kthxbye01:22
jdong_but seriously, firefox does benefit here from some cflags loving01:22
=== imbrandon is listening to "Easy" by Lionel Ritchie [Amarok]
imbrandonkwwii, just for you ^^01:23
=== jdong_ recompiles his ubuntu firefox packages with SSE2 :)
jdong_alright, who made the gtk-qt engine settings disappear from KSS?01:23
imbrandonjdong while your at it compile it with qt widgets ( --with-default-toolkit=qt )01:23
=== jdong_ gets out pitchforks and torches
jdong_imbrandon: does that actually _work01:24
imbrandondunno, its supose to, never tried01:24
=== jdong_ happily stays gtk-qt
imbrandonwould be nice to have a firefox-kde packages though ;)01:25
imbrandoni dont think any other distro does it01:25
imbrandonprobably good reason too01:25
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:sebas] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel! | TODO: Gamin fixes at: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Merges at: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings - Next Meeting: 7 September, 2100 UTC
sebas(removed hwdb + p-m links)01:26
sebasThe topic now actually fits on 5000px wide screens!01:26
imbrandonahh i was just trying to see what changed ;)01:26
kwwiiimbrandon: that is probably the best song that guy wrote01:26
imbrandonkwwii, hahah yea its the only one i had in my collection ;)01:26
sebasYes, even faith no more knows.01:26
kwwiiwe was a commodore, or?01:26
imbrandonnot sure01:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bed - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:27
imbrandongnight sebas01:27
=== sebas kicks stoopid ubotu
kwwiinight sebas 01:27
jdong_@lart sebas kicking ubotu01:28
imbrandonnow that was a joke , but /this/ is good , man nickleback rocks01:28
=== imbrandon is listening to "Rockstar" by Nickelback on All The Right Reasons [Amarok]
=== jdong_ kicks ubotu, too :)
imbrandonok enough of that script01:28
imbrandon .... i'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame , i'll even cut my hair and change my name ..... 01:29
imbrandonkwwii, but to answer you , my ppc runs edgy fine , but then again it installes from the livecd fine too01:31
=== jdong_ anxiously but ner
imbrandonsooo take that with some salt ;)01:31
jdong_stupid enter key01:31
=== jdong_ anxiously but nervously awaits kernel update :)
imbrandonhrm i wonder if i should try to compile a ubuntu xbox kernel01:33
jdong_imbrandon: probably not :)01:34
jdong_imbrandon: why not have your gentoo kernel boot ubuntu?01:34
jdong_debootstrap is available in portage, right?01:34
imbrandonohh wow, someone already has ........ http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/misc/xbox-cromwell01:35
imbrandonjdong yea debootstap is in portage, thats how i use the xbox to compile sid/edgy packages01:35
kwwiiimbrandon: yeah, my laptop does as well, but I just got the wlan running, so I do not want to mess it up :p01:36
imbrandonheheh airport extreem or airport classic? my classic works outa the box01:36
imbrandonjust have to put the wep key in01:36
imbrandonahhh yea restriced firmware stuff01:37
kwwiiwow, I needed to put the firmware bits in the right dir01:37
imbrandonyea for the extreeme, the classic "just works"(tm)01:37
imbrandonjust have to load the airport and orinoco modules01:38
imbrandon( but the installer does that )01:38
jdong_well... extreme works too.. all you have to do is modprobe bcm43xx and then cut the firmware and.... j/k :)01:38
imbrandonhehe yea the extreeme works but is a pita01:38
imbrandonas kwwii just noted ;)01:38
jdong_shiny... new monodevelop01:39
jdong_that doesn't compile on edgy :)01:39
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonnewer than 0.11 ?01:43
kwwiiRiddell: what are the individual percentage icons in power manager for? it uses a nifty tooltip to show the percent01:45
jdong_imbrandon: 0.12 :)01:45
jdong_imbrandon: code completion working for C# generics01:45
kwwiiI won't ask why two of them open every time I start kde01:45
jdong_imbrandon: compiles if you yank out nunit though :)01:46
=== gnomefreak falling in love with kuake
gnomefreakbtw imbrandon ty i was able to open in with 6.06 live kubuntu01:47
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@ubuntu/member/freeflying] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii reboots to see the new usplash
jdong_WHERE IS MY NEW KERNEL????01:58
jdong_j/k ;)01:58
HawkwindLinux Britannia #1 SMP Thu Aug 24 21:42:52 CDT 2006 i686 GNU/Linux01:58
HawkwindNothing newer except beta stuff01:58
jdong_Hawkwind: yeah yeah, I have that crap in my bzr branches, too01:58
jdong_don't feel like breaking it out :)01:58
jdong_I dist-upgraded to edgy for a reason dammit01:58
HawkwindThis is on Dapper01:59
jdong_Hawkwind: I had my custom's when I ran dapper, too01:59
jdong_then I got tired of maintaining a half-dapper half-edgy system :)01:59
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54956B47.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
kwwiiwell, that was quick02:00
kwwiiafter updating I get 8-10 lines more error messages02:01
kwwiino usplash at all yet02:01
=== uni`nix [n=nixterna@dyn254-03.cod.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii gets the feeling that we will be using the old usplash again for edgy
imbrandonhrm lug radio live ( with jono ) in 30 minutes02:02
kwwiijono? is that bono's brother?02:02
uni`nixlug radio live?  at 1am02:02
uni`nixhaha ya02:02
uni`nixjono is doing the radio show that they do in new york or whatever..i think that is tonight02:03
imbrandonuni`nix, yea its in 30 minutes ( live broadcast )02:04
uni`nixman..i miss all the good stuff02:04
imbrandonkwwii, jono the ubuntu community manager or what ever his title is02:04
uni`nixi will grab a recording later02:04
uni`nixthat radio show is usually pretty blah...every now and then they have some good stuff though02:04
kwwiiimbrandon: thanks02:04
imbrandonyea i dont like the show much either but i catch it when they have someone from ubuntu on02:05
imbrandonlike the last one i listened to they had sabdfl02:05
ryanakcaimbrandon: Riddell: uploading qcomicbook02:05
imbrandonryanakca, ok 02:06
freeflyingmorning all02:06
imbrandonkwwii, http://www.jonobacon.org/?p=75802:06
ryanakcakwwii: I'm creating the .dsc for that icon set... I'll upload it shortly, I'll run it threw pbuilder-edgy first02:06
kwwiiryanakca: I thought we couldn#t use it?02:08
ryanakcacan you run multiple instance of plbuilder at once?02:08
kwwiiryanakca: probably02:08
ryanakcakwwii: I worked it out with the guy and all02:08
imbrandonryanakca, yea02:09
kwwiiryanakca: ;-)02:09
ryanakcakwwii: he had downloaded from everaldo... so, he had to ask (he didn't download from kde-look)02:09
ryanakcakwwii: oh, and the guy would prefer that we put in a way to switch to his wierd kmenu icon during install instead of the sane normal klogo... follow his wishes or not?02:10
kwwiito be honest, unless we get a full theme which is better, or a partial one which highights our dist.-look I am not sure if it is a good idea to change icons since we will do it again for kde402:11
ryanakcahis klogo icon is a bird-like monster called ferny. He also packaged a sane blue klogo icon...02:11
kwwiiryanakca: definitely do not follow his kmenu idea :p02:11
ryanakcathank-you. Didn't think so :)02:11
kwwiithe one interesting thing about the bird is that when kde starts the icon bounces (the animation I hate) and it almost looks like it is flapping it's wings02:12
kwwiibut even if I like a freaky mutant owl, I do not want it on the main menu :-)02:13
ryanakcanor do I... if it was a bird watching encyclopedia-like app, maybe.02:13
kwwiialthough it has some neat icons, the ones in the default panel setup look pretty bad at that size02:13
Riddellkwwii: the percentage icons are used in both the tooltip and the systray icon02:15
ryanakcaI dont have the default panel setup, and holy... holy! running 2 pbuilders and a dist-upgrade at once on this machine was a bad idea...02:17
ryanakcaSysinfo for 'rkavanagh': Linux 2.6.17-6-686 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: Pentium III (Coppermine) at 996 MHz (1995 bogomips), HD: 37/186GB, RAM: 353/375MB, 191 proc's, 6.21d up02:18
ryanakcas/holy!/ 02:18
kwwiiRiddell: cool, thanks...sorry for the stupid question, I do not even have a battery02:18
=== ryanakca hates it when you don't see something when you type it and you type it twice
kwwiiryanakca: I hate it worse when I type something in the wrong window02:18
kwwiione of the biggest features I can think of that I miss from SUSE is to install without wiping out a home dir02:21
Riddellkwwii: you can do that02:21
kwwiiRiddell: how?02:21
Riddelljust don't format whatever partition the home directory is on02:21
kwwiiI guess it is somewhere in the partitioner02:21
kwwiiwell, I only have one partition for all of root02:21
kwwiinext time I wipe everything I should simply make a /home partition, I know02:22
kwwiibut then how do I update all my desktop settings?02:22
Riddellupdate in what way?02:23
kwwiiahhh, forget that02:23
kwwiiit is late02:23
kwwiiI should go to bed02:23
kwwiiI cannot stop working on KDM02:23
kwwiiI saw that the knot2 edgy theme is already on kde-look.org02:24
RiddellI wonder who did that02:25
kwwiiwell, I will wait with any update for a while02:25
kwwiiget the most bang for the buck, so to speak02:26
RiddellKnot 3 probably next week02:26
kwwiiaround which day?02:30
kwwiiI could include the usplash, kdm, ksplash, wallpaper, and update the amarok theme02:31
kwwiiimbrandon: why is the right corner of every about page still blue?02:31
Riddellkwwii: not sure which day, hopefully towards the end of the week02:31
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, the more towards the end, the better02:32
kwwiiprobably have to tweak the colors and the window deco as well02:33
imbrandonkwwii, becosue the images arent done ( the only one i finished was konqueror ) and it got uploaded to kdebase ( not kdelibs )02:33
imbrandonor vice versa02:33
imbrandonthe konqi top-right-konqueror.png i sent to Riddell but somehow dident make it in the patch02:34
imbrandonactualy i think it did , just the worgong place02:34
Riddellthe help documentation has the purple blue fun the other way round :)02:35
imbrandonmost of the images should have went to /kdeui/about but the top right png's are in the /<appname>/about02:35
imbrandonwow nice LOL02:35
imbrandonthe help center is using the konqui image02:36
imbrandonthat is supose to be in <konqui>/about 02:36
RiddellI just did what you told me :)02:37
imbrandonhehe yea , i probably told you wrong in the mail, there was one image from that email that needed to be in another package02:37
imbrandonthe images are spread between kdebase and kdelibs02:37
imbrandonso it kinda sucks02:37
kwwiiwell, we need to work that out02:37
kwwiiand I am not sure if the total purple effect is the best anyway02:38
imbrandonyea i dont like it either02:38
kwwiiI mean, purple is nice, but let's not go too far02:38
imbrandonspecial with the more blue 02:38
imbrandonit sounded good but in practice it sucks02:38
imbrandonplus ontop of that , those arent02:38
kwwiiit has been my opinion, since I made the bg's, that the blue-purple version will be default because everyone will like it more02:38
imbrandoneasy to change if someone wants to change from the default theme02:39
kwwiithe orange-purple was meant to sell everyone on purple and give them something to complain about02:39
kwwiialthough I like it myself02:39
imbrandontbh i say we revert the purple stuff on all the /about pages and leave it default02:40
kwwiiI think that the orange-purple version ties in nicely with Ubuntu02:40
imbrandonbut what do you think kwwii / Riddell ?02:40
kwwiiimbrandon: for now at least, we should02:40
imbrandonheh orange and purple done mix well02:40
kwwiior we should work on it some more02:40
imbrandonto me02:40
kwwiiwe could actually change the pics a bit02:41
imbrandonwell i say revert it for knot3 and then work on it as we have time ...... hows that ?02:41
imbrandonits just a diff so should be easy to pull out02:41
kwwiisounds best, as we will have a new blue-purple wallpaper, the blue will probably fit to some extent02:41
imbrandonon next recompile02:41
imbrandonkwwii, yea we'll just add some purple hilights on some things 02:42
imbrandonand leave the blue for the most part02:42
kwwiiimbrandon: I could see the blue simply changing to the lighter blue in the middle of the new wallpaper02:42
imbrandonthat way too if someone ( like me ) changes from the default theme they arent totaly stuck with an unchangeable image either02:42
kwwiiperhaps a few purple things in the text usage, etc.02:42
imbrandonyea exactly, just in the css, not the iamges02:42
imbrandonok i'll try to wrap that up in the next little while02:43
kwwiiyeah, time for bed here02:43
kwwiisee you all tomorrow02:43
imbrandonhehe sleep well kwwii02:43
imbrandoni should be arround earlier tomarrow02:44
kwwii2:43 am is late enough02:44
kwwiimy son is still on summer vacation from school02:44
imbrandon(EE) Failed to load module "ati" (module does not exist 0)02:44
kwwiiand he somehow wants to get up early every day02:44
imbrandonbut durring school days sleep in ;)02:45
kwwiihehe, yeah...funny how that works02:45
ryanakcaooh... we swtiched to upstart, eh?02:53
ryanakcanice :)02:53
Riddellso long as you never shut down your computer02:53
ryanakcaoh... ???02:54
ryanakcaaptitude dist-upgrade automaticly installed it and uninstalled sysvinit02:54
=== ryanakca is ready to CTRL-C...
ryanakcaRiddell: anything I should know about? cancel the upgrade?02:55
=== beligum [n=beligum@d54C49C69.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellryanakca: nah, should be fine02:55
Riddellhi beligum 02:55
beligumhi Riddell02:55
beligumalmost done packaging :)02:56
ryanakcabeligum: you released those libraries and that screen capturing app?02:56
ryanakcagood :)02:56
ryanakcayou packaging them? or do I still have a go at them?02:56
ryanakcaupload them to REVU tommorow night... in time for REVU day...02:57
ryanakcaor at least try02:57
beligumtomorrow REVU-day ?02:57
ryanakcaBefore the feature freeze02:58
ryanakcaUniverseFreeze I mean02:58
beligumCan I get that REVU-URL again please? did a poweroff in the wrong shell :-$02:59
ryanakcameaning we can't upload stuff to the Universe any more...02:59
ryanakcarevu.tauware.de I think...02:59
Riddellbeligum: have you asked for an account yet?02:59
beligumno, not yet03:00
Riddellbeligum: see https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MOTU/Packages/REVU03:00
beligumah, k, that's the one I was looking for03:00
ryanakcaso your packaging it?03:01
beligumjip, on it right now03:02
beligumpeople told me I should do it myself03:03
beligumdon't ask me why03:03
ryanakcapackaging is fun03:04
ryanakcaand hey, if theres something wrong with it, you know the code and how to fix it :)03:04
beligumthat's true03:04
beligumwhow, apparently, I'm already subscribed to Launchpad03:05
beligumit's like the M$ Passport feeling all over again03:05
ryanakcawiki and launchpad and bazaar share the same database (I think)03:06
beligumyou'd think03:06
beligumdamn, I forgot how to NOT include the header files03:13
beligumin a make build script03:13
beligumIn Makefile.am, I've pkginclude_HEADERS03:14
beligumbut those header files get installed, how do I prevent this?03:14
beligumsubstitute with include_HEADERS ?03:14
Riddellnoinclude_HEADERS or something like that03:24
beligumOk, got registered with pgp at launchpad03:26
uni`nixnow, you just gotta sign that CoC, become an Ubuntero, and you are on your way to....i don't know actually, so you can just fill this in with whatever ;)03:27
uni`nixya that too ;)03:28
kwwiioops, I am sleeping03:36
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54956B47.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcaimbrandon: Riddell: uploaded qcomicbook03:41
ryanakcaand I'm going to bed, so any comments you have, can you post them on REVU?03:42
Riddellryanakca: to where?03:42
ryanakcaRiddell: just a second... I'll get REVU link03:42
beligumok, just sold my soul ;-)03:42
Riddellryanakca: that's fine, I can find it03:42
beligum2nd package nearly done03:42
Riddellalthough I'm ofdf to bed too03:42
ryanakcaRiddell: well, I won't be back till around this time tommorow.... schools back in session :)03:43
ryanakcaRiddell: G'night :D03:43
=== uni`nix wants to sleep now
ryanakcaimbrandon: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=304403:45
Riddellbeligum: you can put the .debs and sources on any web server if you want us to look at them before you get your revu account set up of course03:46
=== Riddell beds
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
beligumWould someone be prepared to look at the .debs for ScreenKast and libinstrudeo?03:54
=== claydoh [n=clay@216-220-253-232.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
beligumI'll come back tomorrow, got to get some sleep, before you all read lines and lines of bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb04:05
=== beligum [n=beligum@d54C49C69.access.telenet.be] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatomornin' Hobbsee! :)04:08
Hobbseehi all04:09
Hobbseehey Jucato :)04:09
=== Hobbsee notes that her email has exploded.
uni`nixhiya Hobbsee ;)04:12
Hobbseethe total unread jumped from 1 to 80.04:13
uni`nixis the Ubuntu Uploader/Syncher working again?04:13
Hobbseewhen wasnt it?04:13
Hobbseeand you're meaning soyuz, or what?04:13
uni`nixno, edgy-changes or commits rather04:14
uni`nixthe Ubuntu Installer at times loads up a bunch of files and hits the inbox kind of hard04:14
uni`nixUbuntu users is anohter one04:14
Hobbseeuni`nix: that's because it's manually done.04:14
uni`nixoh well..time to head home04:16
uni`nixcya in a few04:16
=== mars [n=mars_@AMarseille-256-1-1-47.w86-219.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoimbrandon: the Storage Media in Konqueror's navigation panel still uses "media:/"05:41
imbrandonstorage media ?05:42
Jucatoyes, Konqueror's Navigation panel, Services > Storage Media05:43
imbrandonahh ok05:44
Jucatoheh, sorry if I was being vague :)05:44
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatojust remembered you saying to inform you if some things still point to media:/ :)05:44
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
nixternalwhat is the gcc version for dapper?06:35
Hobbsee!info gcc06:37
ubotugcc: The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.0.3-1 (dapper), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB06:37
nixternalgrrr ;)06:37
imbrandonheya Hobbsee06:38
Hobbseehey imbrandon 06:38
=== Hobbsee has found a powerpoint. yay
Hobbseeremind me to get a laptop that has a better battery life next time.06:38
imbrandoni'd sell you my lappy but shipping would be insane06:39
Hobbseewhat are the battery life on them like?06:39
imbrandonmine gets 4+ hours deepending on what i'm doing06:40
freeflyingimbrandon: ibook?06:40
imbrandonif i dont compile or use the cd-rom about 5 , if i do about 3 or 3.506:40
imbrandonyea an ibook freeflying06:40
imbrandonmost of the time its a mix so i get about 4 ;)06:41
=== freeflying 's only 3 hrs
imbrandonfreeflying, 3 hours is still better than most x86 laptops that get aobut 45 minutes if your lucky06:41
freeflyingimbrandon: some thinkpad can use 4 hrs  :)06:42
imbrandonyea but most thinkpads i've seen that can have zero nice features like the other x86 or apples ;)06:43
imbrandonsides they dont make thinkpads anymore , well IBM dosent06:43
freeflyingI prepare to buy a thinkpad  :)06:44
freeflyingusing ibook, I can't do may stuffs in China  :p06:45
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HobbseeRiddell: can you check out https://launchpad.net/bugs/54326 please?07:34
UbugtuMalone bug 54326 in kdelibs "Broken kdelibs4-dev package" [Untriaged,Rejected]  07:34
Hobbseeis that from your packages?07:34
imbrandondosent it say rejected07:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: apparently it's a bug for something else, i changed the status back07:40
imbrandonum you unrejected it ? did you reporduce it ?07:40
imbrandonbecosue i cant07:40
Hobbseeimbrandon: dapper?07:41
Hobbseei set it to unconfirmed07:41
imbrandonright but my thinking is someone rejected it for a reason07:41
imbrandonand if it cant be reporduced07:42
imbrandonthen why unreject it07:42
Jucatohm... is there a way I could check if it's installed on my dapper system, while I'm on edgy?07:42
imbrandonJucato, a chroot would work if you set one up07:42
Jucatooh... except that :)07:42
JucatoI was going to check if I had kdelibs4-dev installed :)07:42
imbrandonheh where is your dapper mounted ?07:43
Jucato /media/hdb1 :)07:43
Hobbseeimbrandon: i set it rejected07:43
Hobbseeimbrandon: due to unsynced mirrors or something07:43
Hobbseedidnt even think about dapper07:43
imbrandonchroot /media/hdb1 /bin/bash07:43
imbrandonits that simple ;)07:43
Jucatoah ok, will try :)07:43
abattoircould it be becuase he doesnt have backports enabled by any chance?07:43
imbrandonno , what does backports have to do with it ?07:44
Jucatohe's just trying to install kdelibs4-dev...07:44
Jucatoimbrandon: does that command need a "sudo"?07:44
imbrandonJucato, possibly07:44
imbrandonHobbsee, i'm an "it" now ;)07:45
imbrandoneveryone is an "it" ;)07:45
Hobbseeimbrandon: are you now?  why so?07:45
abattoirbackports/updates/security updates...07:45
imbrandondunno just being silly07:45
=== Hobbsee is a green bug eyed alien type it.
imbrandonabattoir, update and security updates are seperate from backports, the former is supported the latter isnt07:45
imbrandonand enabled by default where the latter isnt07:46
Hobbseeneither should let anything break though.07:46
Hobbseeby the same token, universe isnt supported07:46
Jucatohm.. seems like I have it installed on my Dapper07:46
imbrandonand none have anything to do with that bug07:46
imbrandonJucato, yea , it should stay rejected then, it was probably a pre-release dapper bug07:46
imbrandondone deal ;)07:47
imbrandonsee wasent too hard ;)07:47
Jucatoerr... wait... 2 versions of kdelibs4-dev?07:47
imbrandonJucato, type exit to leave the chroot07:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: that last comment was a day or so ago?07:47
Jucatoerr 3 versions..07:47
imbrandonJucato, dpkg -l|grep ii|grep <pkgname>07:47
imbrandonyou cant have 3 installed07:47
Hobbseeor just apt-cache policy kdelibs-dev07:48
Jucatonot installed, but 3 available from different sources07:48
Jucatoused madison07:48
imbrandonHobbsee, that dosent tell you if its installed07:48
imbrandonneither does madison07:48
Jucatodapper main, dapper-security, and kubuntu.org07:48
imbrandonmadsion == wrong tool for the job07:48
Hobbseeimbrandon: sure it does07:48
Jucatoeh :)07:48
imbrandonJucato, try to install it07:49
imbrandonHobbsee, ahh 07:49
JucatoI already have it installed07:49
Hobbseeimbrandon: under "Installed: "07:49
imbrandonahh ok good deal, you can "exit" to leave the chroot07:49
Jucatoyay! I learned another trick :)07:50
imbrandonHobbsee, true , i use grep becouse i look for more than one package most of the time07:50
Jucatochroot ftw :)07:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: point07:50
nixternalinit 0 ftw07:50
imbrandonJucato, chroot is a powerfull tool, be carefull with it ;)07:50
HobbseeJucato: exactly.  i've asked that the doco get updated to add that in, but it hasnt happened yet, to my knowledge07:50
imbrandonjust FYI07:50
=== Jucato is always very, very, very careful in CLI...
imbrandonHobbsee, add chroot ?07:51
nixternalHobbsee: that is all being worked on, slowly but surely...im not part of that hard project, that is for sure07:51
=== Jucato is even afraid of using rm -rf under any circumstance...
Hobbseeimbrandon: how are chroots dangerous?  particularly if you're logged into one.07:51
HobbseeJucato: well, yeah.  that's one of the more dangerous commands07:51
imbrandonHobbsee, becouse you login as ROOT ;)07:51
Hobbseenixternal: right.07:51
Hobbseeimbrandon: not over your own system though07:51
Hobbseeimbrandon: in a chroot07:51
imbrandonHobbsee, he was ROOT on his dapper box ;)07:51
Hobbseeimbrandon: you can rm -rf anythign you like in the chroot, and it makes no difference once you ctrl+d...07:52
Hobbseeahh okay07:52
Hobbseeyes, well07:52
imbrandonHobbsee, yes it does07:52
imbrandonyour thinking pbuilder07:52
=== Hobbsee contemplates that.
imbrandonNOT pbuilder07:52
Hobbseeso i figured :P07:52
imbrandona full chroot like i told him, you rm -rf something in a chroot its GONE ;)07:52
Jucatomaybe I won't need to login as root if the partition's UID/GID was mine?07:53
imbrandonJucato, the command chroot alone makes you login as root07:53
imbrandonchroots are very dangerous if not used right, like if he "sudo chroot /dev/hdb1 /bin/bash" then "sudo apt-get remove kde*" and logged into dapper it would not have kde07:54
Hobbseetrue that07:54
imbrandonits loke logging onto the system with your running kernel as root07:54
Hobbseei was thinking of a dapper pbuilder chroot that you were logged into.  *shrugs*07:54
=== Jucato is afraid whenever he sees "#" signs....
imbrandonyea pbuilder is not a "true" chroot , well it is but it has many other scripts that "reset" it on logout07:55
imbrandonpbuilder is totaly diffrent07:55
imbrandonthus at the end of a build you see "cleaning build env...." 07:56
imbrandonthats "resetting" it to pristine condition07:56
=== Jucato looks at imbrandon and sees a huge repository of Linux knowledge... :)
Hobbseeimbrandon: actually, it doesnt get reset.  i'm going to be nitpicky07:56
imbrandonthe only ceveat to that is when you use "pbuilder login --save-after-login"07:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: it extracts the stuff out of the base tarball, and builds a chroot in $pbuilder/$distro/builds/07:57
Hobbseeit just deletes the directory07:57
imbrandonHobbsee, well it gets deleted and never used again and the next use is a new base untar 07:57
Hobbseeit doesnt modify the base.tgz unless you update it.07:57
imbrandonsame result07:57
Hobbseetha'ts my *point* :P07:57
imbrandonwell it does if you use --save-after-login ;)07:57
=== Jucato watches imbrandon's and Hobbsee's conversation like a ping pong match...
Hobbseeimbrandon: true that.  but who uses --save-after-login anwyay?  if you were going to do that, you may as well run a chroot and be done with it, because it's not goign to be pristine the next time you use it anyway.07:58
imbrandonstill point is "chroot" the command can be just as dangerous as loggin in as root but can be even more powerfull for recovery from say a botched install using a livecd ;)07:59
Hobbseewell, logging in as root is of course dangerous.  was that the debate here?  :P07:59
Jucatohm... actually it all started with whether the bug report needs to be rejected or unconfirmed...07:59
imbrandonHobbsee, alot of times, its easier to, say if your doing a package that needs a lib thats not in the repos but want a clean compile other than that, you copy the base manualy , save-after-login then minstall the lib  compile cop the old base back and done08:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: ewww.08:00
imbrandonhey you asked why ;)08:00
imbrandonthats the "right" way ;)08:00
Hobbseeimbrandon: i tend either add the extra repo i want, and --override-config or just sudo pbuilder login, wget the file, dpkg -i it, apt-get -f install, and then do whatever else.08:01
imbrandonotherwise you would have to compile the lib, upload it wait for it to hit the archive, then update the pbuilder then build the app08:01
imbrandonyea that works if its in another repo08:01
=== nixternal tips his hat and bids farewell
imbrandonbut not if its a new lib like say libmtp08:01
Hobbseeimbrandon: that's where i use wget :P08:02
=== Jucato hopes that one day he'll be able to make heads or tails of this discussion..
Hobbseeafter installing it of course08:02
imbrandonJucato, lol08:02
=== Hobbsee is semi suprised at not havign to dpkg -i apt*.deb or something equally annoying.
imbrandonture , they both do the same thing , just diffrent ways08:03
imbrandonbut with my way you dont have to worry about getting the finished deb OUT of the chroot when done08:03
Hobbseepoint.  guess you want to do that, too.08:03
imbrandonunless you waana copy your gpg key etc to the chroot and dput it from there , thats a pita08:03
imbrandonmore math(s) ?08:04
Hobbseeno, the idea of installing all of that, just to dput08:04
Hobbseeor you could ssh it somewhere, of course, unsigned08:04
imbrandonstill a pita 08:04
=== Hobbsee wonders if you can copy from inside teh chroot, out.
imbrandonHobbsee, no thats the point of a chroot , you cant08:05
imbrandonits cutoff fromt he rest of the system08:05
=== Hobbsee gives up
=== Hobbsee goes off to eat something, and to class.
imbrandonthough you can bindmount08:05
imbrandonhahah /me quits08:05
=== Jucato wanders of and thinks of going to sleep extra early for the meeting...
imbrandon3 minutes left on my 1.6 gb download08:06
JucatoHobbsee: be sure to get something to eat, not someone :)08:06
imbrandonheh i'll be awake from now till the meeting then sleep afterwords probably08:06
=== Hobbsee eats imbrandon
=== imbrandon hides his hands from Hobbsee
Hobbseetoo slow.08:07
=== imbrandon hands Hobbsee a sugar free sugar cookie
Jucatooh.. so everyone can ping imbrandon today coz he's gonna be awake :)08:07
imbrandonJucato, not likely ;)08:07
Hobbseeimbrandon: there are more bugs for you to fix in amarok i see.  get to it08:07
imbrandonand a glass of milk ?08:07
imbrandonHobbsee, yea i see them , i'll get to some today08:08
=== Jucato hopes that there will be a Dapper bug hunting day after Edgy's release..
imbrandonsome i'm waiting on for soyuz08:08
HobbseeJucato: unlikely.08:08
imbrandonJucato, not likely08:08
HobbseeJucato: well, only if people bring in patches or something.08:08
Jucatoactually, the KDE 3.5.4 bugs08:08
Jucatooh well... wishful thinking :)08:08
imbrandon3.5.4 isnt official soooooo08:09
imbrandonpatches will be to 3.5.2 only for dapper08:09
Jucatohey, Riddel said it was. officially Kubuntu08:09
Hobbseeit is08:09
imbrandonbut not defautl08:09
Hobbseeimbrandon: if they occur at all, you mean.08:09
Jucatopatches to KDE 3.5.2? never heard of it :)08:10
imbrandonHobbsee, heh yea , only MAJOR bugs and or security for dapper  ( and edgy for that matter ) after release08:10
imbrandonerr Jucato08:10
Jucatook.. I must have heard wrong :)08:10
Hobbseepeople wont care about edgy so much though, after release, because it's not LTS08:10
Hobbseepeople seem to be under the illusion that LTS == less bugs08:10
Jucatonot if they install KDE 3.5.4. though...08:10
Hobbseeanyway, class started 10 mins ago08:10
imbrandonlts , late to ship ;) hehehehehe08:10
Hobbseewell, we cant do mucha bout a buggy upstream.  *shrugs*08:10
Jucatobtw, there would still be some who'd want Edgy just because of the kernel...08:11
=== Hobbsee runs
HobbseeJucato: of course.  i'd imagine most would update anyway08:11
=== imbrandon thinks about turning on the radio broadcast
Jucatohm.. an update on nvidia-glx...08:13
=== ryanakca [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoI wonder if that really is ryanakca... or just reconnectiong...08:14
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatois it me or did the GNOME 2.16 icons just got more... cartoonish?08:16
Jucatoimbrandon: if you're not too busy, I'd just like to ask something08:18
imbrandonask away , if i know i'll answer08:18
imbrandonif not i'll tell you to google ;)08:18
Jucatodoes it matter if I'm using Dapper's GRUB with Edgy entries in menu.lst?08:19
JucatoI mean,would I be missing anything?08:19
imbrandondosent matter at all08:19
Jucatoah thanks :)08:19
Jucatostill couldn't get over that Error 18 experience :)08:19
JucatoI'm going to rearrange/remake my partitions after Edgy is released. I've learned my lessons... (and need still to learn some more...)08:20
Jucatoand I'll probably take you up on your offer to teach me, after Edgy :)08:21
imbrandonJucato, here ya go http://federation.imbrandon.com/kde-osx-install.png08:30
imbrandonreinstalling it with the new kde4 binarys08:30
Jucatowhat installer is that?08:31
imbrandonthe one rangerrick makes from the packages me and him and dcode put togather ( with kwwii art hehe )08:32
Jucatonice... /me drools...08:32
JucatoI can only dream of Oxygen for now... until I learn how to build it from SVN...08:32
imbrandonits even using the oxgyen icons becouse they were made for kde4 ;)08:33
Jucatobtw, the Oxygen guys don't have plans of doing a new KDE icon for KDE4?08:33
imbrandonthe one you see in that installer is the updated one08:33
Jucatobut that's almost the same as everaldo's (....)08:34
=== ryanakca [n=ryan@d226-26-139.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoso nice... I could keep staring at that 59% all day...08:34
imbrandonumm no08:34
imbrandonthats not "everaldos" at all08:34
imbrandonhe helped with the old kde3 one08:34
imbrandonerr kde208:34
Jucatoah, the KDE Logo Crystal SVG... but not the KDE Logo itself... :)08:36
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=== Jucato saves imbrandon's screenshot :)
imbrandonhold on i'll make another of an app running 08:37
imbrandon*looks for seomthing to run*08:37
Jucatoyou really want to make me drool irl, don't you....08:37
Jucatojust a bit more and I probably will :)08:37
imbrandonJucato,  http://federation.imbrandon.com/krita.png 08:42
imbrandontheres krita running ;)08:42
imbrandonnative kde4/osx08:42
Jucatoicons aren't Oxygen yet, right?08:42
Jucatoso nice :)08:43
imbrandonnot yet , will be in a few days08:43
=== Jucato needs crash course in compiling/building oxygen from SVN
imbrandoncheck it out and run the sh script08:43
Jucatothere's a .sh script? 08:44
imbrandonyea , do you know how to install an icon set ?08:44
=== Jucato saves screenshot again...
Jucatoonly the "regular" way08:44
imbrandon... as in goto the control pannel and pint it to the tar.gz08:44
imbrandonright ?08:44
imbrandonnot unzip the tar etc etc etc08:45
Jucatoah yes. I had to repeat that over and over again to some guys in the forums...08:45
imbrandonhere is a snapshot a made a few days ago of oxgyen08:45
imbrandondont give the url out becouse i dont want my server hammered08:45
imbrandonsave ya some trubbly08:45
JucatoI don't even give your repos out :)08:46
imbrandonrepos i dont mind08:46
imbrandonanything on federation.* i dont realy want the public to have though08:46
imbrandonas thats my cable modem 08:46
Jucatoso whenever there's a new snapshot released, I'd have to get it from SVN and build it again?08:47
imbrandonthere isnt a releases08:47
imbrandonthat was the day i checked it out and made the atr08:47
imbrandonfor myself08:47
Jucatoyay almost done!08:49
Jucatodone :)08:50
Jucatoso nice! :)08:51
Jucatothank you thank you thank you!! :)08:51
imbrandonbrb afk09:02
seaLnedoes anyone else get an empty popup when mousing over guidance pm applet?09:05
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abattoirseaLne: works fine for me...09:39
abattoirif its the systray icon, that you mean09:39
Jucatoworks ok for me too, but then again, I'm on a desktop PC... "No battery found" pops up...09:39
seaLneyeah i'm on a desktop09:42
LureseaLne: new version will not start on desktops09:51
JucatoLure: is this new version out already? or still coming?09:52
LureJucato: just in svn09:52
LureJucato: but this is pretty much the only difference to the one currently in edgy09:53
Jucatothat's nice. bye bye little green battery...09:53
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danimoheya Tonio_11:18
danimoTonio_: how are you?11:18
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Tonio_hey danimo ;)11:45
Tonio_well I'm pretty fine :)11:45
danimoTonio_: btw: we talked about how you thought it was hard to get into kde development. we are currently reworking dev.kde.org. the new page will be an open wiki11:46
Tonio_danimo: euh... I only rarely talked about dev.kde.org since I'm not a coder myselft....11:54
Tonio_I am generally talking about bugs.kde.org, which I find very confusing, yes :)11:55
Tonio_isn't that lure or anyone else that was talking about this instead of me ?11:56
danimoTonio_: bugs.k.o is going to be changed, too11:58
danimoTonio_: no I talked with you I think. shortly before linuxtag11:58
Tonio_that's possible yes :) I've gotten crazy while searching for docs concerning the different options provided by, for example, dedesktop files :=11:59
Tonio_desktop, sorry11:59
Tonio_the information exists, but searching for it is....... a mess :)12:00
Tonio_a wiki would be by far more appropriate in my view12:00
Tonio_and that sounds very nice reading the bts is gonna change :)12:00
danimoTonio_: it will still be bugzilla though12:00
danimoTonio_: but we will probably improve things12:01
danimoTonio_: if you have suggestions, they're welcome12:01
Tonio_danimo: yes but bugzilla offers lots of things that are disabled in the kde one12:01
Tonio_danimo: I'll think about it and maybe give a little feedback, yes ;)12:01
danimoTonio_: what for instance?12:02
danimook :)12:02
Tonio_danimo: a simple thing, giving the possibility ot order bug ids by date12:02
Tonio_without going to the advanced search12:03
Tonio_that the kind of missing functions that make me crazy12:03
Tonio_danimo: when you search for a bug, you generally find kde2 stuff, which are globally useless today*12:06
Tonio_the simple search should for example give the possibility to search for each major version, like kde v 2/3/412:08
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Tonio_how about bug 5543601:09
UbugtuMalone bug 55436 in kdebase "Missing View-Mode toolbar button" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5543601:10
Tonio_I agree this is important01:10
Tonio_Riddell: I have found a way to configure this to only appear while browsing files, but not the web01:10
Tonio_would you agree testing this setting ?01:10
Tonio_that can be easilly removed is people don't appreciate01:10
Tonio_toonights meeting can be a good way for people to give their feedback01:11
JucatoI think I've encountered a few posts in the forums asking for that button...01:11
RiddellTonio_: I'd agree to test it but I don't see a way to have it that doesn't mean the button gets in the way01:12
Tonio_Riddell: well it is an action, list that is merged01:13
Tonio_the point is is it possible to disable the "khtml in use" actions and keep the other ones01:13
Tonio_Riddell: works here :)01:13
Tonio_so the button appear beofre the url toolbar are dissappear while khtml is used01:14
Tonio_Riddell: http://planetemu.net/temp/capture1.png01:16
Tonio_Riddell: http://planetemu.net/temp/capture2.png01:16
Tonio_Riddell: here is the result, look fine to me01:17
Tonio_anyone giving his opinion ? danimo maybe ?01:17
Tonio_Jucato:  ?01:17
RiddellTonio_: I don't like it, they take up too much space01:18
Jucatohm... would it be better if the view-mode buttons were placed after the location bar instead? before or after the filter search?01:18
Tonio_Riddell: the point is that I can't put them on another toolbar since the toolbars to display are not depending the profiles in use....01:19
Tonio_so they'll appear whatever is the content browsed...01:19
Tonio_Riddell: how about going back to a 2 bars mode view with url location on the second one ?01:20
Riddelldefeats the point of our compact view01:20
Tonio_Riddell: the point is lots of people are complaning browsing files is quite complicated since lots of things are disabled01:20
Tonio_Riddell: we need to find a compromise01:20
Tonio_Riddell: were would you place those buttons ?01:21
Tonio_I can search for a way to do what you want01:21
Tonio_I agree that is pretty large in a 1024 configuration01:21
Tonio_Riddell: I can had that to our context toolbar, but that means browsing files will have 2 toolbars loaded, sounds better for you ?01:23
Tonio_s/had/add.... my english is horrible today, sorry01:23
Tonio_Riddell: how about Jucato's idea ?01:28
Tonio_near the dirfilter makes sense01:28
Riddellit's probably an improvement but it still takes up too much space01:29
Riddellthree buttons for one function is daft anyway01:29
Tonio_Riddell: I agree on that point, but there is no ther way to do....01:30
Tonio_I would prefer one button like on windows or osx01:30
Tonio_Riddell: let me search if there is a way to get the content of "view" -> "display type" in a button01:32
RiddellI'm pretty sure there isn't without patching the code01:33
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Tonio_Riddell: I've been able to do it, there only miss an icon :)01:37
Tonio_I may found a way to get that done01:37
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Tonio_Riddell: http://planetemu.net/temp/capture3.png01:39
Tonio_Riddell: I'm sure you will like it :)01:39
Tonio_just an icon and that will be okay01:39
Riddellthat is an improvement01:40
Riddellstill needs a patch in the code to give that menu an icon01:40
Tonio_Riddell: but I have to patch to get it loaded only when browsing files01:40
Tonio_Riddell: I can patch this I think01:40
beligumhi all01:40
Tonio_Riddell: let's go :)01:40
Riddellhi beligum 01:41
beligumthat was a great night :)01:41
beligumScreenKast packages are ready01:42
beligumWould someone be interested in a little review?01:43
Riddellbeligum: in a bit01:47
beligumBefore packaging, I adapted the build system, so the header files aren't included in the package, is that bad?01:53
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Riddellbeligum: that's fine02:08
Tonio_Riddell: hum doesn't look easy to patch :(02:08
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54956354.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
Jucatohi kwwii! :)02:12
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdonghow do I nuke guidance-power-manager from startup?02:13
jdongno offense to anyone who's put work into it, but I still like my kpowersave :)02:13
Jucatojdong: remove it from /usr/share/autostart ?02:13
jdongthat sounds like a plan02:13
jdongand I survived the kernel upgrade intact :)02:14
Jucatojdong: err... I forgot that you could also right-click it and Quit, and choose Do No Start... :)02:14
jdongno, it doesn't ask02:15
jdonghow rude02:15
jdongonly kpowersave asks that :)02:15
jdongas does klaptopdaemon02:15
jdongbut guidance has the canonical take-over-the-world spirit02:15
jdongso it doesn't ask02:15
Jucatoyou might have selected "do not ask again" once... so there :)02:15
Jucatooh actually...02:15
Jucatoit doesn't ask anymore lol02:16
jdongdoes the kickoff menu thingie work in ubuntu?02:19
jdongthat'd be sweet to have in edgy :)02:19
beligumok, I did a dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot && dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot , is that's all I need to upload to REVU ?02:20
kwwiiJucato: howdy02:21
kwwiijdong: kickoff menu?02:23
=== Jucato hears the word "kickoff" and hyperventilates...
beligumhmmm, who was the owner of seerofsouls again?02:23
beligumah,k 02:24
jdongkwwii: the new suse kde menu thingie02:29
Jucatojdong: better ask imbrandon. I think he's building it...02:29
kwwiijdong: ahhaaa! gotcha02:29
jdongthat thing02:29
kwwiijdong: it is a ximian thingy though...not really a kde thingy02:30
=== Jucato hears the word "kickoff" and hyper ventilates... again....
JucatoI heard that if all goes well, it will be an official KDE thingy?02:30
kwwiieventually, perhaps02:30
kwwiibut kde copying gnome copying windows is perhaps not the best idea02:31
=== MidMark [n=marco@host-84-221-197-5.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoisn't SUSE going to have that other GNOME menu thingy? different from kickoff?02:32
MidMarkRiddell: yesterday I have tried kde-guidance svn snapshot that you provide, but with Dapper has big problem, is it normal?02:32
kwwiiJucato: I thought that they were about the same302:33
Jucatokwwii: nah. KDE 's still sticking to the "Start menu" type. Anyway, I might have thought wrong about their GNOME menu...02:34
Jucatoactually, some are saying that kickoff looks more like Vista's02:34
beligumor the other way around...02:35
beligumhmm, something totally different: strange that, nowadays, I care so less about source-code, while five years back, it was like gold to me02:37
beligumhow FOSS will change your world02:37
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeevening all02:45
JucatoHobbsee! :)02:45
=== Hobbsee notes that she cant add things to the agenda now.
JucatoHobbsee: btw, I was looking through the bug report you and imbrandon were discussing earlier02:46
HobbseeJucato: ah yes.  02:46
JucatoI noticed that his installed packages were pre-Dapper?02:46
Hobbseethey are?02:47
Jucatolibarts1-dev (>= 1.5-rc1) but it is not going to be installed02:48
Hobbsee!info libarts1-dev dapper02:48
ubotulibarts1-dev: development files for the aRts sound system core components. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.2-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 1172 kB, installed size 6500 kB02:48
Hobbseewell, it still satisfies it02:48
Hobbseeand the packages dont get autoupdated (usually) to require the latest versions02:48
Jucatoah 02:49
JucatoI was thinking he might be installing kdelibs4-dev which would depend on some packages in Dapper, while the rest of his system isn't on Dapper?02:50
Jucatooh well... my bad02:50
Hawkwindbeligum: You here ?02:50
Hobbseeor he's used some packages from somewhere else, etc02:50
=== Hobbsee shrugs
HobbseeHawkwind: he's in -motu too02:50
JucatoDaSkreech should be helping beligum :)02:51
Hawkwindbeligum: Just a little FYI on your screenkast packages....when built, they don't have the requirement of libstudeo so the user can actually install screenkast and not the needed dep02:51
beligumwhy's that ?02:51
Jucatohe's your #1 advocate :)02:51
beligumHawkwind, hmmm, thx02:52
HobbseeHawkwind: er, what?  you mean it needs a dependancy of libstudeo that it doesnt?02:52
=== Hobbsee throws her brain into gear, and starts editing
=== Jucato wonders if Hobbsee's brain is running on upstart already :)
Jucatoerr.. delete the "on"...02:54
beligumHawkwind, you're right02:54
Hobbseeit's been a long day02:54
Tonio_Riddell: it is possible to patch this by only changing a few desktop files :)02:54
JucatoHobbsee: even longer if you're not goinng to sleep :)02:54
HawkwindHobbsee: Hah.  Time to get the brain functioning02:54
HobbseeJucato: oh i will sleep02:54
HobbseeTonio_: are you still looking for a list of "must fix" bugs for edgy?02:54
Jucatoheh you're lucky :)02:54
Hawkwindbeligum: I added the packages to my repo yesterday to test it and discovered that02:55
HobbseeRiddell: got any more changes to make to kdenetwork at all?02:55
HawkwindHobbsee: You see what I did with http://SeerOfSouls.com/ last night :)02:55
HawkwindHobbsee: I changed it to purple to match Edgy's KDE02:55
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes I'll prepare this for toonight's meeting02:56
beligumHawkwind,  is updating debian/control the way to fix that?02:56
HobbseeTonio_: want me to add it while i've got the lock?02:56
RiddellHobbsee: why?02:56
Hawkwindbeligum: I do believe so02:56
HobbseeRiddell: i have another bug to fix, as i was an idiot.02:56
Riddelloh yes, there's overlapping files02:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: sure02:57
=== viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
beligumlet's hope this get's done by tonight, leaving for France in a few hours03:00
beligumHawkwind, when packaging ScreenKast, I get this at the end: 'unable to find dependency information for shared library libinstrudeo'03:02
beligumdep is included in control file though, but is this bad?03:02
Hobbsee!info libinstrudeo03:02
ubotuPackage libinstrudeo does not exist in any distro I know03:02
beligumnot yet... ;-)03:02
Hobbseebeligum: does it actually exist in ubuntu?03:02
beligumHobbsee, no, it's the backend-engine of ScreenKast03:03
beligumok, I updated the packages, should be allright now, thx for the tip03:05
beligumI'll dput them now03:06
Hawkwindbeligum: So you've built 1.3 ?03:06
beligumno, 0.1.303:08
HobbseeRiddell: we've got linux-headers-generic - surely we want to make that the dep of kubuntu-desktop now?03:08
beligumHow do I sign the packages?03:10
=== beligum feels like a total noob here
HawkwindAre you using debuild, if so, debuild -s -SA  IRC03:11
beligumdpkg-buildpackage actually03:12
RiddellHobbsee: why?03:12
HobbseeRiddell: we've got linux-headers-686 as a dep now.03:12
HobbseeRiddell: also, it looks like they're finally distributing kopete 0.12.2 with kde 3.5.5.  the rotters.  why couldnt they have done that 1+ releases ago?03:13
=== Hobbsee is wondering what to do with them.
kwwiihere is the logo on a black bg in 256 colors for the usplash...ideas?03:16
kwwiiI might get rid of the dark blue glow around it03:17
kwwiioh, and we could use a throbber, but the progress br has to be used as well, so I see no point in using a throbber03:17
Hobbseekwwii: nice.  what happened to using the one on edgy artwork page?03:18
Jucatois that for USplash?03:18
kwwiiHobbsee: you mean the white glowing one?03:20
kwwiia bit too many colors, I think03:20
Hobbseekwwii: aww...pity.  it's very pretty03:20
RiddellHobbsee: I just follow ubuntu in that regard03:21
Riddellkwwii: nice usplash03:21
raphinkhi Riddell03:21
HobbseeRiddell: right, which means?03:21
raphinkRiddell: may I ask what you think of https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/+bug/59334 ?03:21
Ubug2Malone bug 59334 in kubuntu-default-settings "Wrong language and country in kdeglobals" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  03:21
jjessewow 111 packages are being updated today :)03:22
raphinkkwwii: do we have to have a black bg?03:22
Riddellraphink: I don't understand why having our own kdegloabs should make a difference03:23
kwwiiraphink: yes, because it will often be shown unscaled on a lack bg03:23
kwwiibut at least this time it will have different pics for different resolutions03:23
raphinkRiddell: we do have our own kdeglobals already03:23
Hobbseejjesse: yeah, a fair few.  obviously the results of the straight dope kernel testing thread.03:23
raphinkRiddell: and it seems to be the source of this bug03:24
raphinkRiddell: I guess KDE might assume thatonce the kdeglobals are set, the country and lang in it are aswell03:24
raphinkRiddell: the funny thing is that this doesn't prevent from having KDE installed for the right country and language03:25
Riddellthat makes no sense to me03:25
kwwii /me takes a shower, then off to the travel agent...bbl03:25
raphinkhow do you mean?03:25
Hobbseeraphink: there are reports of kde not installing the lang packs, at least for dapper.  no idea if that's still the case or what03:26
raphinkHobbsee: this is nothing to do with that bug03:26
Hobbseeraphink: right, i didnt check it03:26
raphinkHobbsee: this bug doesn't prevent from having the right lang or country set in KDE03:27
raphinkit only falses the settings in systemsettings/kcontrol03:27
Hobbseeraphink: was intented to be "on a related note, this occurs"03:27
Hobbseeoh fun03:27
raphinkbut doesn't not break anything03:27
raphinkand I've seen it on al the machines I've checked installed with Kubuntu03:27
raphinkalthough it goes unoticed on English American systems obviously ;)03:28
=== jdong_ [n=jdong@d192-24-235-141.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Jucatowb Hobbsee03:40
Hobbseewell that's weird03:41
Jucatowhat's weird? (other than me)03:44
jdong_that I keep asking for FF 2.0b2 packages and they're still not showing up in my dist-upgrade? :D03:45
Hobbseefont sizes on the virtual terminals are stacks bigger now03:45
Hobbseejdong_: did the UVF get approved for taht?  or even filed?03:45
jdong_Hobbsee: iwj wants to hold off until after feature freeze03:45
jdong_because he has "other things" he wants to get in first03:45
Hobbseejdong_: fair enough03:47
Riddellwoo, coming at you from Konsole of KDE 4!03:50
HobbseeRiddell: yay!  does it break?03:51
HobbseeRiddell: and can we get kde 4 in edgy then?  03:51
=== Hobbsee ducks
=== jdong_ thinks it's time to open edgy+1
RiddellHobbsee: konsole works, konqueror breaks03:53
RiddellHobbsee: yes, I'll upload it to edgy soon03:53
HobbseeRiddell: ah, fair enough03:53
Hobbseenice :)03:53
=== Hobbsee wonders what the new bits are in kde 4 konsole
jdong_whoa, is edgy gonna ship with kde4?03:54
abattoirjdong_: :P03:54
Jucatojdong_: of course not eheheh03:54
=== Hobbsee smacks jdong_
Riddelljdong_: it'll be in universe03:54
abattoirRiddell: is it possible for edgy to 'commemorate' 10 yrs. of KDE in some way?03:55
jdong_I see03:55
HobbseeRiddell: it what?  really?03:55
Jucatowhoa? KDE 4 in universe?!?!03:55
Jucatothis is too good... :)03:55
RiddellJucato: it's not that exciting, all the same programmes :)03:55
jdong_but.... what about all the pretty pictures and mockups novell has been teasing us with?03:56
Jucatoaah... heh03:56
Jucatothat's just SUSE...03:56
Jucatokickoff isn't even sure to be KDE new menu...03:56
Riddelljdong_: kickoff is a KDE 3 applet03:56
Hobbseejdong_: pictures and mockups.  you answered your own question :P03:56
Jucatojdong_: on a related note, openSUSE 10.2 alpha 4 w/ kickoff is out :)03:56
jdong_Jucato: I'm not gonna sit here and torrent 5 cd's :)03:57
jdong_just to get some beta novell build with crack packaged python03:57
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marskickoff will probably have his own plasma applet as kbfx. Perhaps even before the release of kde4!04:12
Jucatoso this is the start of the generic kernel?04:27
Jucatoooh... interesting...04:28
=== Jucato hopes all goes well...
Jucatook... that's 2 consecutive times that people ask for help on how to install build-essential stuff because they need to compile things in order to get internet up... 04:32
HobbseeJucato: they were using ndiswrapper?04:35
Jucatoa catch-22 situation...04:35
Hobbseendiswrapper is on the cd.04:35
abattoirno not necessarily, the first person wanted to compile a driver for his dialup modem04:35
HawkwindThey need build-essential to compile drivers for their modems04:36
HawkwindWithout build-essential, they are stuck in a catch-2204:36
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeabattoir: right, yeah.04:37
Jucatowhatever happened to that heated debate about including build-essentials by default?04:37
=== Jucato starts the ball rolling...
Hobbseei wasnt on ubuntu-devel then04:38
Hobbsee!info linux-kernel-headers edgy04:38
ubotulinux-kernel-headers: Linux Kernel Headers for development. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.17-5.16 (edgy), package size 1671 kB, installed size 5108 kB04:38
jdongyeah, isn't the kernel headers package installed by default in kubuntu?04:38
Jucatoin Dapper, I think so04:39
jdongnot in dapper04:39
Jucatoah ok.04:39
Jucatoheh :)04:39
jdongyes, it's a dependency of kubuntu-desktop04:39
Hobbsee!info linux-headers-generic edgy04:39
ubotulinux-headers-generic: Generic Linux kernel headers. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB04:39
Hobbsee!info linux-headers-2.6.17-7-generic edgy04:39
ubotulinux-headers-2.6.17-7-generic: Linux kernel headers for version 2.6.17 on x86/x86_64. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.17-7.20 (edgy), package size 888 kB, installed size 23496 kB04:39
jdongnow, what sense is it to have kernel headers without a compiler??04:39
Hobbseeheh, right04:39
Hobbseejdong: i dont know, ask Riddell 04:39
Hobbseethey're not actually terribly big on the cd.04:40
Hobbsee!info build-essentials edgy04:40
ubotuPackage build-essentials does not exist in edgy04:40
jdongyeah, that's a good excuse :)04:40
Hobbsee!info build-essential edgy04:40
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3 (edgy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB04:40
jdongwhy not include mono, too? :)04:40
JucatoI think there was some discussion about it buing a security risk..04:40
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has left #kubuntu-devel [requested]
Jucatobecause we don't have tomboy installed by default?04:40
HobbseeJucato: it's a gnome program.04:40
=== mode/#kubuntu-devel [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongI hate you guys :)04:41
JucatoI was being sarcastic..04:41
Jucatoand that was meant for jdong :)04:41
=== jdong running gnome right now for retaliation
Hobbseejdong: :P04:41
=== Jucato thinks of what to do in re-retaliation
Hobbsee* Jucato has left this channel (requested by Hobbsee: " i'll give you some retaliation...").04:42
Hobbseedoes anyone remember why we committed that stupid https:/ fix for konq?04:44
=== Jucato stares... blankly...
abattoirthe problem with the bank sites ?04:44
Hobbseepre edgy, certainly04:46
Hobbseenot sure if it was pre dapper, or in dapper develpment04:46
=== Hobbsee remembers there was something. dont remember what it was
Hobbseeand launchpad isnt behaving.04:49
Hobbseeit's not returning me what i want04:49
Jucatotsk tsk...baaad LP04:51
Hobbseeand i'm not seeing it in the changelog either04:51
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Hobbsee!info kdebase04:53
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 38 kB, installed size 76 kB04:53
Hobbsee!info kdebase edgy04:53
ubotukdebase: base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.4-0ubuntu13 (edgy), package size 44 kB, installed size 88 kB04:53
Hobbseepackage size is nto 44k.  it's 30.1mb.  grumble04:54
gnomefreakshouldnt it be a konq. problem more so than kdebase?04:54
Hobbseegnomefreak: apt-cache show konqueror | grep Source04:54
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-13.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeor apt-cache showsrc konqueror, i guess04:55
gnomefreaksame as konsole than04:55
gnomefreakone of these days im gonna figure out where to get a tar for konsole but not happening til after i fix these kernel source/nvidia issues04:56
Hobbseegnomefreak: apt-get source konsole?04:56
gnomefreakthat would make sense :(04:57
Jucatobtw, is the real/true transparency for gnome-terminal in GNOME 2.16 really true? (saw a screenshot, but didn't know if it was official)04:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: that'll bring the source package which is kdebase :)04:57
jdongooh, Hobbsee has joined the can't-turn-off-computer-with-upstart club :)04:57
Tonio_Jucato: if it is that means pure software, which is evil04:57
HobbseeTonio_: exactly :P04:57
gnomefreakJucato: i havent looked yet but im thinking not so much04:57
Hobbseejdong: yeah.  figured i'd confirm that04:58
Tonio_Jucato: unless they do it dynamically depending X configuration, but that's weird job to do04:58
Jucatoit was a user submitted screenshot on GNOME.org, so I was a bit dubious...04:58
Jucatojdong: can I join that club, too :)04:58
gnomefreakuse compiz/zgl its easier04:58
Hobbseegnomefreak: i cant find evidence of the offending bit04:58
gnomefreakcrappier but easier04:58
Tonio_gnomefreak: xgl is only experimental and will remain04:58
Tonio_gnomefreak: it is not done for everyday usage in my view04:59
=== Jucato weeps for kompmgr...
gnomefreakTonio_: i know :) i hate xgl but shhh04:59
Tonio_gnomefreak: consider aiglx04:59
gnomefreakHobbsee: i dont think your going to i think it is a him issue.04:59
Tonio_ah ok ;)04:59
gnomefreakTonio_: cant for a while04:59
jdongTonio_, tell that to my fglrx/nvidia :)04:59
Hobbseegnomefreak: i do think they changed something.  i just cant seem to find anything else04:59
gnomefreakjdong: nvidia support for aiglx will be next month or month after05:00
Hobbseebecause a lot of people complained that they couldnt access their bank sites in konq anymore, due to the encryption05:00
HobbseeTonio_: do you remember any of that?05:00
gnomefreakHobbsee: its kind of hard to check if you dont have an account at that bank site05:00
jdonghey, is this apt-get autoremove thing safe? :P05:01
Hobbseegnomefreak: yes, remind me to switch to comm bank...05:01
Hobbseei knowthey have this problem05:01
Hobbseewell, had.  i dotn know about having it now05:01
gnomefreakbrb gonna smoke and bang my head against the wall til brain starts working again05:03
Hobbseegnomefreak: i wonder which will kill you quicker.05:03
jdongusually the brain starts working is a bad thing05:04
Jucatowhich will kill him quicker: the smoke, the wall, or the braing starting to work again?05:05
Hobbseei was thinking between the smoke and the wall, but yeah05:05
Tonio_Hobbsee: I don't remember that kind of complain, sorry....05:06
gnomefreakthe brain working would kill me faster05:06
HobbseeTonio_: right.05:07
=== Hobbsee starts to wonder if her brain has gone crazy.
gnomefreakHobbsee: did you update edgy kernel?05:07
Hobbseegnomefreak: yep05:07
=== Tonio_ hopes his konqueror patches will work properly
gnomefreakthe kernel source was updated too wasnt it?05:08
gnomefreakTonio_: hard to patch what you cant find05:08
gnomefreakif you mean the bank thing05:08
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gnomefreakyes it was updated darn it05:09
gnomefreakjdong: i just saw that ill try it and let you knwo if its safe05:12
gnomefreakonly worried about liboobs i thought that was needed05:13
gnomefreakjdong: seems safe it asks you before removing things05:14
jdonggnomefreak: yeah, but it asks to remove quite a deal05:14
gnomefreakit does05:14
jdongI haven't investigated if those are useful or not :)05:14
gnomefreaki wouldnt recommend it to a new users i would still be careful with it though05:15
gnomefreakill be back im gonna try this from beginning again :(05:15
Jucatois it ok to post my own screenshots of unmodified Knot 2?05:17
jdongJucato: never! it's a trade secret05:18
Jucatook :)05:18
mornfallwhat's knot05:18
Riddellthe testing CDs05:18
mornfalli'm completely out of loop05:18
jdongmornfall: knot really in the loop? ;)05:18
Jucatooh no.. knot that again...05:18
=== mornfall draws a circle and sprinks salt
=== mornfall wonders what to summon to punish those two :)
=== Jucato watches...
Jucatouh oh...05:19
=== Jucato hides
=== jdong is now known as not_jdong
mornfallthat's good :)05:20
=== mornfall summons jdong
not_jdonghe's not here..... :)05:20
=== not_jdong is now known as knot_jdong
=== Jucato summons soyuz to ward of jdong
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=== knot_jdong is now known as jdong
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jdongooh, gnome 2.16 memory usage seems to be lower than 2.1405:25
=== jdong switches back into kde
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdonggrr, that's right... gtk-qt settings aren't in KSS anymore05:29
jdonghint hint grumble hint hint05:29
=== Jucato wonders why...
=== jdong wonders why, too
Riddell** testers needed deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.1/ ./05:29
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-44-233.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongwill this break my system? :D05:30
Jucatowill it break edgy? :)05:30
Jucato2 conflicting answers... :)05:30
jdongdoes vmware-player work anymore? :D05:30
LureRiddell: I might be late (worst case not present) for meeting today - feel free to discuss my topics even if I am not there ;-)05:30
Riddellit'll remove the normal qt4, that's about all05:30
RiddellLure: ok05:31
gnomefreakis anyone else missing the tty's in edgy05:31
=== Lure has to run - bye all
jdonggnomefreak: usplash user?05:31
Jucatognomefreak: I am05:31
jdongmjg59 said that he fixed that in the latest usplash upload05:31
=== jdong doesn't believe him :P
Jucatowhich I just finished downloading. yay me! :)05:32
gnomefreakme neither since i dont have them05:32
gnomefreakthey  worked til just now05:32
jdonggnomefreak: I don't think it's a good time to interrupt #ubuntu-devel :)05:34
jdongthey seem to be in a flamewar05:34
gnomefreaki see 05:34
HawkwindJucato: You installing the KDE 3.8 in edgy ?05:34
Jucatoaah KDE 4.. maybe :)05:35
gnomefreakJucato: nope05:35
Hawkwindgnomefreak: It's actually 3.8.1 at the moment is the name of it05:35
HawkwindThough it's KDE4, I was going by number scheme05:35
gnomefreakwhen did that come out?05:35
Jucato<Riddell> ** testers needed deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde4-3.80.1/ ./05:36
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Couple of minutes ago05:36
JucatoI'll probably try to install it, since it's Edgy :)05:36
gnomefreakJucato: ty05:36
gnomefreakgonna play with it05:37
Jucatoooh generic kernels... :)05:37
HawkwindRiddell: I assume it's safe to update to that KDE while in KDE ?05:37
Jucatorestarting, to test the new kernels and if the tty problem was fixed :)05:38
RiddellHawkwind: yes05:38
gnomefreakjucato isnt fixed its trashed :(05:41
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoklipper didn't start...05:42
=== jdong|laptop [n=jdong@d192-24-235-141.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoand still no tty05:42
HawkwindHmm, I do a apt-get dist-upgrade and no new KDE packages come up05:44
JucatoHawkwind: read the instructions..05:44
jdong|laptopHawkwind: ahem, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.1.php05:44
HawkwindHah I just clicked that after I typed my sentence05:44
=== toma [n=toma@84-53-90-221.wxdsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatohm...  let me try again if klipper will load...05:45
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatoklipper really doesn't load. and the KDE icon bounces and bounces and bounces...05:46
=== Hobbsee notes that if mum's going to lecture her over what time it is, she should at least try to get the time right.
Hobbseeno, i'ts not almost 5am.   it's only almost 2am.05:46
Tonio_toma: ping ?05:46
HobbseeRiddell: you going to give me a wakeup call for the meeting or something?05:47
RiddellHobbsee: sure05:47
tomaTonio_: hi05:47
HobbseeRiddell: thanks05:47
Hobbsee*turns phone back on*05:47
Jucatoreeeeestarting again :)05:47
=== Hobbsee wonders if she'll be told about the 10 o clock news again :P
JucatoRiddell: what apps are confirmed to work on the KDE4 preview?05:48
Riddellnaw, I've already watched the news today, it's boring Tony didn't resign05:48
RiddellJucato: konsole05:48
Hobbseehehe, right05:48
RiddellJucato: kpersonaliser05:48
Jucatoooh kpersonalizer. don't we just love that Hobbsee? :)05:48
Hobbseeyeah, great piece of software05:48
Hobbsee*does actually use it occasionally*05:48
gnomefreaktheres no repo yet for kde 3.8?05:49
JucatoRiddell just gave one?05:49
RiddellJucato: have you installed kde 4?05:49
Jucatoprobably after the meeting :)05:50
Jucatooh what the heck, I can always log into Dapper :)05:50
gnomefreaki added the repo but its not updating05:50
gnomefreakkde isnt updating05:51
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatognomefreak: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.1.php05:51
gnomefreakreading instructions now05:51
Jucatothis will help me stay up until the meeting lol05:52
gnomefreakthis autoremove is confusing05:53
Jucatooh yay the unmounting bug has been fixed! :)05:53
HawkwindJucato: You're going to stay up another 5 hours ?05:55
marsTonio_: t'as deux minutes ?05:55
=== sitter [n=me@N929P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoHawkwind: probably... too late to sleep now...05:55
HawkwindRiddell: My KDE4 is still installing at the moment.  Nearly done05:55
HawkwindJucato: Hah.  I'm about to take a nap here in a bit since naptime is usually in about 4 hours05:55
gnomefreakdo i want to keep all those packages like kmplayer and things like that? 05:56
=== Jucato gets some tea while kde4base downloads...
=== sitter is now known as apachelogger
gnomefreaklooks like what came with kubuntu-desktop its saying is no longer needed but will i lose them?05:57
=== jdong|laptop doesn't recommend reaching for autoremove anytime soon :)
gnomefreak5 hours? what are you installing?05:58
Jucatognomefreak: no. 5 hours before the meeting...05:58
=== gnomefreak only has 11 packages installing
gnomefreakoh ok05:58
=== omeow [n=omega@co63471-a.olden1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HawkwindHmmm, I ran the commands on the page and then tried starting konsole and it says Segmentation fault06:00
Tonio_mars: je t'ecoute06:02
RiddellHawkwind: cool06:02
marsTonio_: je t'ai dis en PV06:02
HobbseeTonio_: if you're wanting to fix bugs, you could fix https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/49779 :P06:02
Ubug2Malone bug 49779 in Ubuntu "Keyboard locks up" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  06:02
=== mars is now known as marseillai
HawkwindThough everything still says KDE 3.5.406:03
JucatoHawkwind: there's no need to log out/in again?06:03
HawkwindJucato: I did but I still get KDE 3.5.4 no matter what I do06:03
Tonio_Hobbsee: I saw that using dapper, but never using edgy06:03
gnomefreakmight have to06:04
HobbseeTonio_: point.  i havent seen it recently either06:04
JucatoHawkwind: maybe it's under a new Session type?06:04
Tonio_Hobbsee: I assume this is resolved since kde 3.5.306:04
gnomefreakwere the docs updated?06:04
HobbseeTonio_: could well be.  it happens randomly, so...06:04
=== Hobbsee whines
Tonio_Hobbsee: but what to do ? should be resolved on dapper since it is lts.......06:05
Hobbseehaving my hand hurting isnt good when i have to go to work later....06:05
HawkwindJucato: Nope doesn't seem so06:05
HobbseeTonio_: leave it open for the moment, i guess...06:05
HawkwindJucato: So I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong06:05
Tonio_unless we backportkde 3.5.3 officially, I don't see what we can do06:05
Jucatomaybe the export commands need to be run first before installing kde4base?06:05
HobbseeTonio_: i'm not sure it's a kde 3.5.2 bug.  i dont know what on earth causes it.06:05
HobbseeTonio_: feel free to reject, and i'll reopen if it's a problem again06:06
=== claydoh [n=clay@216-220-253-232.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HawkwindJucato: I wouldn't think so, no06:06
Hobbseeit's useless where it currently is, of course06:06
=== Hobbsee beds
Hobbseenight all!06:06
HawkwindHobbsee: Sleep well, see you at the meeting06:06
Jucatosee yah later! :)06:06
JucatoHawkwind: so "apt-get install kde4base" then "export..." commands, then "apt-get upgrade"?06:06
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gnomefreakHawkwind: give me a few minutes to see what i come up with06:12
gnomefreaki lied make it an hour or 206:13
Jucatognomefreak: but the sequence of commands I mentioned is correct?06:13
HawkwindJucato: No06:13
HawkwindJucato: Install everything as the site says, then the commands are done last06:14
gnomefreakJucato: im not sure about upgrade but it cant hurt but seems correct06:14
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HawkwindJucato: KDE will start normally.  It's once you run those commands from a terminal that running commands from that terminal afterwards don't work06:14
gnomefreakyou grab kde4base than the 3 export commands06:14
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HawkwindYou type konsole or konqueror from that terminal you did the export commands.  Everything here seg faults :)06:15
gnomefreakHawkwind: restarting the apps doesnt fix that?06:15
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I have nothing open but konsole06:15
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I run the export commands, then type konsole or konqueror and nothing starts06:15
gnomefreakHawkwind: do they open frommenu?06:16
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Yes, but that's KDE3 stuff if you do it that way06:16
=== Jucato wonders why klipper won't load... probably because he's starting from an empty session...
gnomefreakHawkwind: oh so it is a mix06:16
Hawkwindgnomefreak: That is correct06:17
gnomefreakHawkwind: that is why06:17
Jucatoah I get it...06:17
HawkwindThose export commands only work for apps run from that terminal.  Once you close it, then you have to redo the commands06:17
gnomefreakHawkwind: command konsole isnt telling it what console to open06:17
=== Lure_ [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatosomeone was asking earlier about g-p-m showing a blank popup when moused over...06:18
Hawkwindgnomefreak: So would there be another way of trying to start the apps ?06:19
JucatoHawkwind: I'll probably take a nap after KDE 4 finishes downloading...06:19
gnomefreakHawkwind: not sure yet you can try konsole with version number06:20
Hawkwindgnomefreak: How ?06:20
gnomefreakHawkwind: removing konsole from 3.5 might work also but im not sure if that is the issue yet06:20
Hawkwindgnomefreak: No I don't think that's necessary06:21
HawkwindReading the site you install the stuff as stated, run the export commands, then type in 'konsole' or other app names to start the KDE4 versions06:21
HawkwindAtleast that's how I understand it06:21
gnomefreaki would ping riddell about it. but i would think version numbers are causing the seg fault (not looking at backtrace)06:21
HawkwindRiddell: Can you give us some insight on this by chance ?  Am I doing this correctly ?06:22
gnomefreakit doesnt say how to run them though06:22
=== Jucato tries to get some salt...
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Right, which is why I just assumed to type them into the terminal06:22
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Because those export commands aren't permanent by any means and are only effective from within that terminal you typed them in06:23
gnomefreakHawkwind: running the export commands from what version of konsole?06:23
Jucatothe only version of Konsole that you can run...06:23
Hawkwindgnomefreak: You run from within KDE 3.5.406:23
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I just opened a new tab in konsole and typed 'konsole' and it starts, but the 3.5.4 version of course06:23
=== LeeJunFan_ [n=junfan@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HawkwindSo I'm obviously doing this correctly06:23
gnomefreakif you were shouldnt the konsole you just opened be 3.806:24
Hawkwindgnomefreak: It should, but as Riddell stated, things are quite broken06:24
gnomefreakyour gonna runa  big loop06:24
RiddellHawkwind: insight into what?06:25
gnomefreakif your in konsole 3.5 and you run command konsole or open a tab its gonna stay 3.5 you would have to start a new version06:25
Hawkwindgnomefreak: The export commands only take presidence within the terminal you type them in.  So typing 'konsole' would try to start the KDE4 version.  If you open a new tab within the already started konsole, then that one allows you to start anything 3.5.4 related06:25
gnomefreakmind you im still downloading it06:25
Hawkwindgnomefreak: No, that's not correct06:25
JucatoHawkwind: Riddell's asking you :)06:26
gnomefreakRiddell: hawks having issues running apps06:26
HawkwindRiddell: I ran the export commands from within konsole 3.5.4.  Then I typed 'konsole' and get the segfault.  Is that how it's supposed to be done ?06:26
HawkwindJucato: I was typing :P06:26
HawkwindJucato: I type fast, just not above 115wpm :P06:26
Jucatoin short, after installing kde4base, then typing in the export commands, how do we try to run apps?06:27
gnomefreaktoday im typing 3-5 lpm06:27
HawkwindJucato: Type them in the konsole06:27
HawkwindJucato: In the same konsole you ran the commands06:27
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gnomefreakif you dont runt he export commands does konsole 3.8 open?06:27
Jucato(I thought we were asking Riddell that...)06:27
Hawkwindexport is only a temporary command. 06:27
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Absolutely not.  It defaults to 3.5.4 as it should06:28
gnomefreakno segfault though?06:28
HawkwindBecause the KDE4 stuff is installed in a completely different place outside of the users $PATH06:28
Hawkwindgnomefreak: No, because KDE 3.5.4 works perfectly as is 06:28
gnomefreaki have this feeling its a conflict in versions (but my brain isnt doing so well today between kernel usplash tty and nvidia issues) :(06:29
Jucatognomefreak: still no tty after the latest upgrades...06:29
Hawkwindgnomefreak: It's not a conflict06:30
Jucatoand I seemed to have lost the scrolling text in USplash...06:30
gnomefreakJucato: yes06:30
gnomefreakthats normal06:30
gnomefreakJucato: he pulled it out06:30
Jucatoah the USplash? but not the missing tty's?06:30
gnomefreakhe told me usplash had nothing to do with tty06:31
gnomefreakJucato: usplash 0.4-18 will be in updates within next 12-24 hours06:31
gnomefreakits already uploaded06:32
Jucatoheh.. it's so fun to be "involved" in development :)06:32
Jucatogotta try this again in edgy+1 :D06:32
gnomefreakJucato: been doing this a while it gets irratating at times06:33
gnomefreakpre breezy i think i started06:33
JucatoI guess everything's nice when you're new :)06:33
gnomefreaki wouldnt give it up for anything (you learn _alot_ testing distros)06:34
RiddellHawkwind: you could try installing kde4base-dev and seeing if that helps06:34
HawkwindRiddell: Ahhh, that might do something since it's 144MB of more goodies :)06:35
Riddellhmm yes, I get segfault if I remove the -dev packages06:35
Jucatoso kde4base-dev needs to be installed as well :)06:35
HawkwindHah.  I didn't even think to see if the -dev packages got installed or not06:35
HawkwindJucato: Absolutely06:35
HawkwindJucato: For now anyways06:36
Jucatoyay for kde4! :)06:36
HawkwindRiddell: That did the trick for sure06:37
JucatoRiddell r0x!06:37
=== Jucato still has 40% left to download...
HawkwindWow, konqueror works too06:38
HawkwindVery nice06:38
RiddellHawkwind: really?  better than I get06:38
HawkwindI do get what seems about 1,000 spit into konsole when I run it, seems normal stuff06:39
HawkwindBut it seems to work pretty darn good06:39
HawkwindJucato: You'll be happy to know klipper doesn't work in KDE4 either :P06:39
Jucatowell Klipper was working until I rebooted... probably something with session management] 06:40
Jucatoeven adept_notifier didn't start up. although kmix and g-p-m did06:40
Jucatoand katapult06:40
HawkwindLOL @ running kicker in KDE406:40
HawkwindNow that is a groovy effect06:40
Jucato2 kickers?06:41
Jucatoah killed the other one first06:41
HawkwindIt puts one on top of the original, then keeps stacking them all the way to the top of the screen06:41
=== Jucato really needs to get more RAM to run vmware...
HawkwindAhhh, now it works06:42
=== jjesse needs lots of more RAM
HawkwindKilling the original first then running it 06:42
HawkwindJucato: How much RAM you have ?06:42
Jucato640 MB06:42
HawkwindJucato: That is more than enough to run vmware-server06:43
Jucatovmware runs fine...but slows down a bit06:43
=== Jucato is planning to get 1GB more... :D
HawkwindOhhhh, no configing the kicker in KDE4 06:43
jjessei have a gig and a qtr but need more06:43
jjessemy laptop is really slow w/ vm on it06:43
Jucatogotta have more RAM... RAM.. RAM...06:44
Riddellso lets upload kde 4 to edgy and see what happens06:44
HawkwindHah!  That'll upset some people06:45
HawkwindI like how in konqueror where the throbber is supposed to be, it says: Animated Logo06:45
HawkwindRiddell: Sorry, wrong channel I typed that in :P06:45
gnomefreakok i missed this but we need the -dev files?06:46
HawkwindKDE4 seems to be a bit quicker than the 3.5 branch06:46
Jucatognomefreak: seems like it06:46
Hawkwindgnomefreak: kde4base-dev06:46
Riddellgnomefreak: seems so, kde4base-dev06:46
Hawkwindgnomefreak: Without it things don't seem to work 06:46
gnomefreakok ill be sure to add them06:46
RiddellHawkwind: qt 4 is faster06:46
HawkwindMight want to update the .php page and put that info on there06:46
Jucatoyay for qt4!06:47
jjesseso is edgy set for kde 4?06:47
gnomefreaki finally filed a bug that i should have filed 3 hours ago06:47
HawkwindRiddell: This is certainly my first experience with qt4 so I can understand that's what makes it faster06:47
Jucatoone of the best parts about KDE 4 that I'm looking forward to is being able to use KDE apps in Windows (only if/when I need to be in windows..)06:48
HawkwindJucato: That's just sick!06:49
jjesseso what version of kde will edgy ship w/  (working on release notes)06:49
kwwiidude, you should see kde4 run on osx!!!06:49
JucatoKDE 3.5.406:49
Jucatokwwii: I did06:49
jjessekwwii: didn't someone post screenshots recently?06:49
Jucatoimbrandon made me drool..06:49
Hawkwindjjesse: Should ship with 3.5.4 I would think06:49
HawkwindHah!  Opening adept tells me wrong password, even though it's the rightone06:51
Hawkwinds/rightone/right one06:51
=== mornfall notes it's not adept's fault
=== sebas grins.
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=== sitter [n=me@M3155P013.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HawkwindHah, well it's not mine.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!06:56
HawkwindSo when can we start filing bugs on this KDE version :)07:01
Jucatoheh :)07:01
=== Hawkwind Needs to build his karma
Jucatodon't worry about that... you'll get more soon enough...07:01
HawkwindJucato: Hah, we don't know that for sure07:04
=== Hawkwind Gets nervous
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoHawkwind: I find it... amusing, that we're testing KDE 4 barely a day after GNOME 2.16 was released :)07:05
HawkwindHah yeah07:05
Jucatoyay! almost done... kde4base-dev next07:06
HawkwindHmmm, is there a backport of Gnome-2.16 for Dapper I wonder07:06
Riddellwe're 1.84 ahead of them!07:06
HawkwindKDE has been around 10 years now, how long has Gnome been around, anyone know ?07:06
sebas1.64, with krash :-)07:06
Hawkwindsebas: Hah, true07:07
Hawkwind1.64.1 actually :P07:07
=== sebas seeks food
=== Jucato hides...
jdong|laptopHawkwind: a backport of gnome 2.16? you got to be kidding :)07:08
gnomefreakHawkwind: no backport for gnome07:08
Jucatoaw.... how come? :)07:08
HawkwindAhhh, I was just curious as to what my favorite Gnome app, gedit, looks like now07:09
=== jdong|laptop no touchy core system packages
gnomefreakgnome and kernels are 2 things you will most likely never see backported07:09
jdong|laptopcore-devs would smack me07:09
gnomefreakHawkwind: same as it did in 2.14 :(07:09
gnomefreaksmack is an understament on that one07:09
=== Jucato wonders how gedit became Hawkwind's favorite...
Hawkwindgnomefreak: It's supposed to have gotten some new features especially with the gedit-plugins stuff07:09
HawkwindJucato: I don't know.  Just something I used and have stuck with it07:10
jdong|laptopHawkwind: you should be able to pbuilder gedit from edgy....07:10
jdong|laptopI don't think that'll get you into dependency hell07:10
gnomefreakHawkwind: normal usage ther eis no diff. i have too many issues the past few weeks to play too much with it'07:10
HawkwindHmm so 2.16 is in Edgy already ?07:10
gnomefreakyes the other day07:11
JucatoEdgy will use 2.16 :)07:11
=== rkd [n=rday@80-41-116-50.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
gnomefreakbeen updating 2.16 for the last 4-5 days07:11
JucatoUbuntu's cycle sycns with GNOME's07:11
HawkwindThen I'll install ubuntu-desktop in my vmware Kubuntu :P07:11
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gnomefreakyes try to always07:11
jdong|laptopHawkwind: you could just install gedit.07:11
Hawkwind165MB to install07:11
gnomefreakgedit would be 100mb :)07:12
Hawkwindjdong|laptop: VMware has nothing better to do than to install the entire Gnome desktop :P07:12
jdong|laptopsuit yourself :)07:12
HawkwindBesides, it's already done07:12
gnomefreakHawkwind: your net connection is way too fast07:12
Hawkwindgnomefreak: I complain that it's too damn slow still07:13
HawkwindWe are supposed to be up to 25MB by the end of the year, and up to 200MB by the end of next year07:13
gnomefreaki download 27kbs on dsl07:13
=== Hawkwind Hugs his 8MB connection
gnomefreakwell dsl lite07:13
Jucatohe's running SoS.... should that be a surprise? :)07:13
Tonio_Lure: ping ?07:14
HawkwindJucato: Hah!  SoS is hosted elsewhere.  RR would kill me if I hosted that site at home07:14
LureTonio_: hi07:14
Tonio_Lure: hey07:14
HawkwindJucato: Actually...they just cut the line07:14
HawkwindThey'd tell me: No more soup for you!07:14
=== Jucato spaced out for a few minutes
=== sitter is now known as apachelogger
RiddellKDE 4 announced on the website and uploaded to edgy07:23
Jucatothat fast? whoa07:23
Jucatojust when I finished installing it... :)07:23
Jucatoheh konqueror doesn't run :)07:26
RiddellJucato: konsole?07:26
Jucatoit runs07:27
Jucatoso does kate07:27
RiddellHawkwind: are you sure you had konqueror 4 running?07:27
HawkwindRiddell: Absolutely positive07:27
HawkwindI pulled up the about screen to verify07:28
Jucatokicker runs as well, but no system tray and pager07:28
Tonio_Riddell: I may require help concerning the viewmode patch07:28
RiddellTonio_: what's that?07:28
Tonio_Riddell: the button to change view :)07:28
Tonio_Riddell: everything is done in kds and I patched the viewmode-toolbar actionlist to react like the viewmode one07:29
Tonio_Riddell: toma looked but didn't find what to patch to add the icon, so Lure is gonna look07:29
Tonio_Riddell: in case he doesn't find, will you eventually have a look ?07:29
Tonio_I have looked at the structure and that may not be that hard to do, but I'm not able to do it myself........07:30
Jucatokcontrol runs with no modules...07:30
Tonio_I think it is important to do this since we had lots of complains concerning this.......07:31
HawkwindJucato: Hah, you're right07:34
HawkwindRiddell: Can you not get konqueror to start at all ?07:34
JucatoHawkwind: neither can I07:34
HawkwindJucato: Run it from a terminal07:34
JucatoI did07:34
HawkwindIt won't start for me if I click on the icon, but it will from a terminal07:34
Jucatoit crashes07:34
Jucatokinfocenter and kcontrol run, but crashes upon exit and have no contents. khelpcenter runs, has a table of contents, but no contents :)07:36
Jucatolol Hawkwind try running ksysguard and watch your Konsole :)07:36
Jucatono fair07:37
HawkwindJucato: What am I looking for when ksysguard runs ?07:37
Jucatothe terminal that launched ksysguard?07:38
Jucatomine scrolls like hell07:38
hungerHow can I get rid of that kubuntu background image in konqueror again?07:38
HawkwindJucato: Mine doesn't07:38
Jucatohunger: View menu?07:38
HawkwindJucato: It does when I run konqueror though07:38
JucatoView menu > Configure Background07:38
hungerJucato: Doh!07:38
hungerJucato: I checked everything under the settings tab!07:39
HawkwindJucato: What else can you not get running ?07:39
Jucatokonsole, kate, kcontrol, kinfocenter, khelpcenter, ksysguard07:39
HawkwindJucato: Weird stuff07:40
JucatoI like :)07:40
HawkwindJucato: Have you restarted KDE after the upgrade before running the export commands ?07:40
Jucatoer.. nope07:40
HawkwindRestart KDE, then open up konsole, type the export commands, then run programs07:41
JucatoI'm in the middle of uploading some stolen screenshots of Knot 2 :D07:41
=== apachelogger is now known as morpheuz
HawkwindUploading them to where ?07:41
Jucatomy Multiply site07:41
=== morpheuz is now known as brain
=== brain is now known as bulb
HawkwindJucato: All of those things run for me here07:42
=== bulb is now known as bruecke
Jucatomy apologies..07:42
=== bruecke is now known as amen
JucatoI did knot see "not" in your previous question07:43
Hawkwindkinfocenter and khelpcenter are empty07:43
Jucatothose are the things that I CAN run...07:43
HawkwindAhhh ok07:43
HawkwindSo what can you *NOTTTTTTTTTTT* run07:43
=== amen is now known as kay4life
=== kay4life is now known as apachelogger
jjessewow that was a lot of nickname switches :)07:48
Jucatomultiple personality disorder?07:48
mornfallwe call that schizophrenia ;-)07:49
HawkwindOk, nap time.  3 hours til the very important meeting07:49
=== Hawkwind Gets really nervous
Jucatoheh... you're gonna be too nervous to sleep :)07:49
mornfallalthough wikipedia seems sorta disagreeing about that usage07:50
mornfallHawkwind: what meeting :)07:50
jjessekubuntu meeting today at 21:00 i think07:51
JucatoSept 7, 2006 21:00 UTC....07:51
mornfallc'mon, you can't be nervous because of that :p07:51
Jucatooh he is... for some reason :D07:51
mornfallEpica -- Sensorium07:52
mornfallJucato: what reason :)07:52
mornfallmaybe he takes matters too seriously :))07:52
mornfallalthough considering my state, i may take everything too lightly...07:53
=== mornfall has the feeling that there isn't much more to lose
mornfallchanop? that's all? :)07:54
Jucatofeels like he's gonna stand before the Inqusition probably :)07:54
Jucato(I probably would, too, if I were in his shoes... glad I'm not)07:54
=== mornfall is getting old
Jucatoheh no way!07:55
mornfallwell, i'm left completely cold by a thought of being #kubuntu chanop, or by someone deciding about that :p07:55
mornfallor any channel for that matter07:56
Jucatoif you're getting old, then that means I am too... so don't get old :)07:56
mornfallJucato: how old are you? :)07:56
Jucatoaround your age. 23 :)07:56
gnomefreakall i need is the kde4base-dev now?07:56
mornfalloops :)07:56
Jucatognomefreak: yep07:56
mornfallJucato: okey, so you are older than me :p07:57
jjesse23 is not old07:57
mornfallit's not07:57
mornfallbut it's relative07:57
Jucatoheh. but you've done more than I have :)07:57
tomaTonio_: ping07:57
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JucatoRiddel and mornfall (and me) are almost the same ages...07:57
=== mornfall is 21
jjesseso at 28 i'm the old man of the club?07:58
Jucato"almost" :)07:58
LaserJockjjesse: is oooold :-)07:58
gnomefreakolder than jjesse  but shhhhhh07:58
gnomefreakbrb gonna try the tty's before i finish this install07:58
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gnomefreakstill no tty's :(08:02
Jucatognomefreak: hm... I think I mentioned that a while ago?08:02
Jucatoor probably not...08:02
gnomefreakJucato: they havent worked all morning08:03
Jucatoyeah, and I just updated a while ago, and restarted. still not tty's...08:03
gnomefreakJucato: what you just updated i updated at 4am this morning08:04
Jucatohm... timezone differences...08:05
gnomefreakits now 2pm :( and i want my damn nap now but guy in #ubuntu doesnt have the first clue on what he wants or what he is doing08:05
JucatoI update before I started installing kde 408:05
Jucatooh there, new updates again...08:05
=== jdong [n=jdong@d192-24-235-141.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
marseillaiconcerning kubuntupowermanagement is there possiblity to have several scheme settings for each sort of utilisation wich possibility to configure those settings? And would it be possible to have configuration for two level of battery remain? I mean is it possible to make kubuntupowermanager looks like kpowersave for the settings possibility ?08:09
sebasThere is not, and it's not planned.08:10
marseillaiwhy that ?08:10
marseillaiyou think there's no need for this ?08:11
sebasIt's supposed to be KISS (and there's not enough time to write all that anyway).08:11
marseillaikiss ?08:11
sebasNo, I think there's kpowersave already, you can use that.08:11
sebas"Keep It Simple Stupid"08:11
marseillaikpowersave doesn't use acpi-supports so it doesn't work fine on many laptops08:12
marseillaiand keep it simple stupid is imho more gnome spirit than kde spirit08:13
marseillaiyou can make it simple to use and let many configuration options for power user08:14
sebasThen there's still one reason left: "There is no patch that does it"08:14
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marseillaiyes i know that's the reason i came here : to say i think it should be pretty good to improve this!08:15
sebasBut if there is no one who wants to write it, it's moot.08:15
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sebasIn fact, the kpowersave people are working on a rewrite, so in the long term, all should be fine.08:17
sebasThis rewrite is supposed to make more use of HAL, that should take care of your acpi-support issues.08:17
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marseillaisebas: as does klaptopdaemon ?08:26
sebasI'm not aware of active development on klaptopdaemon.08:30
sebasAre you?08:30
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Tonio_toma: pong08:43
Tonio_a bit late sorry ;)08:44
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tomaTonio_: fyi, the smoothscrolling patch is in kdelibs now08:45
Tonio_toma: perfect ;) thanks a lot for this :)08:45
Tonio_kwwii: http://www.planetemu.net/temp/capture4.png08:47
Tonio_kwwii: is that known problem ?08:47
Tonio_toma: Lure is gonna try to help me concerning the viewmode patch08:48
kwwiiTonio_: OMG!!! you broke it!!!!08:48
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kwwiiTonio_: yes, that is a known problem08:48
Tonio_kwwii: hehe :)08:48
kwwiiat first, the blue still being included was a bug, but now, the purple being included is a bug :p08:48
Jucatowhat's a known problem?08:48
Tonio_kwwii: and just to be sure, usplash isn't providing any graphics for me, kinda development stuff, like a test channel on tv08:49
Tonio_kwwii: I presume that's normal, but I'd like to be sure :)08:49
kwwiiTonio_: yes, that is known as well08:50
kwwiithat is what you get when there is no theme08:50
Tonio_I'm just surprised dapper stuff doesn't appear, has it been removed ?08:50
Tonio_ah oki :)08:50
kwwiiwe will be including a new usplash soon08:50
Tonio_forget me then :)08:50
kwwiithat is one of the issues I will bring up at tonights developer meeting08:50
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Tonio_I'm just steeling your time my friend08:51
Jucatohm.. strange thing... when I boot into the k7 kernel (which was installed before), I can see the scrolling text. but if I boot into the general kernel, I don't see them. feature or bug?08:51
=== sebas doesn't see power-manager running and looks angry at Tonio_.
Tonio_sebas: hu ?08:51
Tonio_sebas: I didn't touch kds concerning this08:51
=== kwwii has two of the damn things (and no battery anway)...looks at sebas
sebaskwwii: Uuh ... look away!08:51
=== Jucato had 4 of those...
Tonio_sebas: I said I "could" do something in case of no patch beeing released, but I didn't do that at all08:52
sebaskwwii: Did you install the latest one?08:52
=== Tonio_ wonders why sebas look him agry :'(
kwwiisebas: it was updated yesterday08:52
sebasThat was a joke 08:52
kwwiisebas is this big ass, mean dutch guy...wanna watch yourself around him08:52
Tonio_sebas: add a smiley next time :)08:52
=== sebas points at the yankee and grins :>
kwwiiI am waiting for the day when I meet a developer who answers my question of "when did you get into linux?" with "prison"08:53
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bddebiankwwii: hehe09:03
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Tonio_Lure: bug 30809 just fixed09:08
Ubug2Malone bug 30809 in kdemultimedia "KsCD does not work out of box" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3080909:08
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kwwiidoes anyone have a good reason as to why we should not round the corners of the windows09:49
jdong|laptopyes. you lose valuable space around the edges of the windows09:52
jdong|laptopyou can squeeze like 4 more letters in without rounded edges09:53
jdong|laptopbut seriously, if it looks good then it's fine09:53
jdong|laptopthe way gnome does it, it's still a bit rough around the edges (pun intended)09:54
jdong|laptopand just ugly because of it09:54
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jjesseis katapult enabled by default in edgy?10:03
Riddelljjesse: yes10:03
jjessehmm i had to manually launch it10:03
Riddellit was broken in Knot 2 I think10:05
jjesseah, need to update then10:05
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=== jdong|laptop performs very evil deed
=== jdong|laptop uninstalls libqt3 and purges everything upward on edgy test box #2
jdong|laptop350MB free space... not good10:09
apacheloggermornfall: ping10:16
apacheloggermornfall: if one adds a new line to sources.list via adept - will it be saved to the sources.list after clicking Add?10:17
mornfallprobably no10:17
apacheloggermornfall: should be that way IMO10:18
apacheloggerbecause if I already clicked Add, I'd not see a reason to click Apply as well10:18
apacheloggermornfall: neither did a totally newbie user in #amarok10:18
mornfallwhat about edits10:18
apacheloggermornfall: should talk to someone from kde usability10:19
mornfallwell, not really10:19
mornfallthe whole thing is going away10:19
apacheloggerah, ok ^^10:19
mornfallthat'll take time10:19
mornfalllike, lots of time10:19
mornfalli haven't touched the code for over a month10:19
mornfalland there's job and there'll be school10:20
apacheloggermornfall: should do some promotion for adept coding to get a team10:20
apacheloggeralso working in team is lot more fun - even for one app ^^10:20
mornfalli'm notoriously hard to work with10:20
mornfallalthough that may have changed recently... a bit10:20
mornfallbut it still needs people that are pretty skilled with C++10:21
mornfallit's hard for me to write easy code, for some reason10:21
ryanakcaimbrandon: Riddell: fixed the "E: qcomicbook: description-starts-with-package-name" http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=305010:22
apacheloggermornfall: might be advantage when searching for help - some people look out for stuff to show themself how good they are ;-)10:23
mornfalldon't know those i guess :-)10:24
mornfalldebugging adept is sort of black magic these days...10:25
Simesebas: ping10:25
mornfalli can only think of 2 people who managed to build trunk at all :p10:26
mornfalland i'm not feeling like going on a marketing campaign now10:27
mornfallmaking it all nice and cozy to build etc to attract people10:27
DaSkreechStill trying to get qcomicbook in?10:27
mornfallthat's almost as much work as making it actually work10:27
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apacheloggerRiddell: btw, package news @ kubuntu.org should describe stuff little better, for the apt newbies10:38
apacheloggerRiddell: maybe link to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu10:38
Riddellapachelogger: patches welcome :)10:39
=== Jucato recalls recently answering a question on the forums on that very topic...
apacheloggerRiddell: hehe, will work on something while traveling to Essen, Germany tomorrow :)10:41
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nixternal<Riddell> planet does smell of big feet quite a bit today10:54
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Riddell** kubuntu meeting in 5 minutes on #ubuntu-meeting10:56
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HawkwindRiddell: Did you call Hobbsee ?11:01
Riddelltoma: ping?11:03
tomathnxs Riddell11:04
seaLnei timed this really badly i'm halfway through cooking my dinner :-/11:04
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HawkwindHobbsee: Good morning :)11:46
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kwwiiHobbsee: MEETING!!!!11:47
Hobbseehey Hawkwind 11:47
=== Hobbsee waves tiredly and dizzily
kwwiiyou are already there, sorry11:47
Hobbseehey raphink 11:47
kwwiigood morning11:47
Hobbseehow much have we already covered?11:47
HawkwindKST is next item11:47
Hobbseekwwii: so i see :P11:47
=== Hobbsee could have sworn that 40 mins just vanished into nowhere
Hobbseeyeah, i autojoin11:48
kwwiijust a bunch of boring technical things11:48
JucatoHobbsee: and abattoir_ isn't responding..11:48
HawkwindBut abattoir has serious connection issues :(11:48
Hobbseeah great11:48
Hobbseeguess you guys will have to talk instead11:48
HawkwindGuess it's up to Jucato to lead it :P11:48
Hobbseecan someone pastebin me a log of all that'sgone on please?11:48
=== Jucato not prepared...
Hobbseefabbione's are usually delayed by half an hour ro so11:48
HawkwindHobbsee: ^^^^11:49
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Jucatoabattoir_: I hope that you're there...11:51
HawkwindHe's not responding :(11:51
HawkwindNo ping reply either11:51
JucatoI'm not really prepared... 11:51
JucatoHawkwind: we'll owe you big time :)11:51
=== Hobbsee reads
kwwiiblah, blah, technical, technical, blah, blah11:53
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Hawkwindkwwii: Your true thoughts... ?11:53
kwwiiHawkwind: funny, eh? funny, but the older I get, the more natural I want to live my life...one day I will probably just throw my computers out the window and quit11:55
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tomafabo: btw, when you have time left, it would be good to get some default settings of kscope, it asks for the path to cscope for example...12:03
fabotoma: added on my TODO12:03
Hobbseefabo: congratulations12:04
fabothanks Hobbsee :)12:04
tomafabo: oki!12:04

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