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Quinn_Stormhey guys, figured I'd ask again since new people might be here...does anyone know of any good way that I could build amd64 packages on i386?  I would rather not have to build gcc from source...01:36
Quinn_Stormin fact, as I expected, I can't even make the x86_64 gcc compile01:41
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ajmitchit *may* be possible to cross-compile, but it really wouldn't be nice to setup01:42
Quinn_Stormok yeah...it just is getting obnoxious that I can't have fully up to date amd64 packages for my usres01:42
ajmitchjust find someone who you trust to build amd64 packages when needed01:42
Quinn_StormI think maybe I'll see about a build service or something01:42
=== ajmitch should set something up on his box :)
=== Quinn_Storm is just tired of amd64 users complaining since there's nothing for them
=== Quinn_Storm also...wishes she hadn't wasted 6 hours trying to build gcc
grexk_Quinn_Storm: Try buildd01:44
Quinn_Stormgrexk_: that won't help with the need to cross-compile01:44
ajmitchgrexk_: still requires having the hardware01:44
=== Quinn_Storm only owns a lowly i386 box
=== ajmitch had mini-dinstall chained up to pbuilder at one point
=== grexk_ ok....
=== Quinn_Storm 's head hurts after all that staring at binutils/gcc stuff
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zul_that would be cool to cross compile but a pain in the ass01:59
Quinn_StormI wish I had an amd64 box...or someone who really trusted me (pbuilder needs root)02:00
Quinn_Stormwell they wouldn't have to -really- trust me if they had uml02:00
plugwashhmm, if you use tt mode you should be able to install uml entirely from your normal user account02:01
plugwashand then install a pbuilder inside it02:01
Quinn_Stormtt mode? dunno much about that02:01
plugwashuml has 3 modes02:02
Quinn_Stormah ok02:02
plugwashskas mode is the best performing and most secure but needs special support in the host kernel02:04
plugwashtt mode is the original mode and provides no secuirty (e.g. users inside your uml will be able to break out to your user account on the host02:04
Quinn_Stormtt is exactly what I'd need to make a pbuilder though02:04
plugwashtt jail mode has more security features than tt mode and doesn't need any special support on the host but is much slower than any of the other modes02:04
Quinn_StormI wish I could just cross-compile, heh02:05
=== fbond|away is now known as fbond
fbondthis is new:02:10
fbondE: midisport-firmware: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly postinst:4002:10
fbondhow should I be calling an initscript from my maintainer script?02:10
crimsuntest for and use invoke-rc.d first only falling back to direct invocation if invoke-rc.d doesn't exist02:11
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ryanakcacrimsun: it's been over a month and a half since I sent the developper an e-mail to change the name from gnome-clipboard-daemon to clipboard-daemon . no response03:13
crimsunryanakca: which developer?03:14
ryanakcait's only developper, M. Lai I think... I'll check.03:17
crimsunupstream upstream, then?03:17
crimsunI wouldn't change the name without his/her explicit written approval03:17
ryanakcaMr. H. Lai03:19
=== ryanakca wonders if he'll get a reply before UniverseFreeze
crimsundon't worry about it for 6.1003:21
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable069.137-83-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ryanakcahmm.. .well, he's definetly not missing... he's a developper for AutoPackage03:23
PlugWhen is universe-freeze?03:24
crimsunSept 28t.03:24
ryanakcaSept 28th03:24
PlugCool.  That gives me a bit more time to battle my nm-pptp-vpn plugin.03:24
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LaserJockoh bugger03:27
fbondcrimsun, you seem to have a handle on udev, do you have time to help me out?03:34
crimsunwhat's the issue?03:34
fbondmy midisport-firmware package is now put together well, I think, but the firmware is no longer loaded by udev, although it worked fine under dapper03:35
fbondThe device isn't recognized appropriately, it would seem.03:35
fbondI have a shallow understanding of the actual .rules file...03:36
fbond* I haven't yet uploaded the most recent version of the package to revu, but the rules file is the same03:36
crimsunpointer please?03:36
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fbond@firmwaredir@ is replaced during build with the correct path03:39
ubuntu-esfbond: Error: "firmwaredir@" is not a valid command.03:39
crimsunusbfs isn't mounted by default anymore.03:41
crimsunI have a hackaround for my homebrewed udev rule for the M-Audio DFU03:42
fbondok, I don't know much about that03:42
fbondso, is there anything that I personally can do about that, or is this, "sorry, can't be helped?"03:42
fbondDoes my udev rule need to mount usbfs?03:43
crimsunI haven't checked fxload. Does it require usbfs?03:43
fbondI believe it does...03:43
fbondhang on 2 secs03:43
crimsunthe code will have a usbfs_t03:43
crimsunif so, the code needs to be updated03:43
crimsununfortunately I haven't done that yet03:44
fbondues ot dpes03:44
fbondyes it does require usbfs03:44
fbondthe fxload code needs to be updated?03:45
fbondto mount usbfs?03:45
crimsunno, to note rely on usbfs03:45
crimsunto not03:45
crimsun(this lag is horrible)03:45
fbondthat's ok03:45
fbondor, it's ok for me, anyway :)03:45
fbondso, can I help you with that, or is it better just to leave it to "those who know"03:46
fbond(I'm actually a little curious as to how one would remove a dependency like that, apart from a significant re-write...)03:47
crimsunclemens needs to update it, else I'll just patch it and push it to him03:47
fbondok, sounds good03:47
fbondin the meantime, I'll consider my package ready to go, so, keep that in mind if you have a few minutes to take a look :)03:47
fbondthanks for your help, too...03:47
fbondBTW fxload manpage also contains references to usbfs; may want to make sure the manpage gets patched, too...03:48
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Hobbseehey all04:09
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welshbytehey Hobbsee04:09
TheMusoHey Hobbsee.04:09
ajmitchhello Hobbsee04:10
TheMusoHey ajmitch.04:11
Hobbseehey welshbyte, TheMuso, ajmitch04:12
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printkHello everyone.  I see there are several books that are free that are very interesting to linux.  (Linux Device Drivers Rev 3 for example).  Anyway, I was thinking about packaing these books into pdf (if not already) and creating debs to put them in /usr/share/doc.  Now I know I for one would appreciate this.  Do you guys feel this could be something that would be useful or should I not really bother?04:48
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bluefoxicyhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/ufoai/  #16 most active on sf.net05:45
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Burgundaviabluefoxicy: good, caused they were almost dead for a long time05:48
bluefoxicyBurgundavia: nods, I'm gonna go shower, probably make sure that's on MOTU/Teams/Games in the wiki when I get back05:49
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ubotuping: connection timeout06:00
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xerxasHi everyone08:50
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FujitsuAre any MOTUs available to upload a patch for ettercap for me? It doesn't build at the moment.08:53
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dholbachgood morning09:19
Kagougood morning dholbach09:22
Mithrandirhi Daniel09:22
dholbachhey Kagou, hey Tollef!09:23
imbrandonmoins dholbach Mithrandir and Kagou09:33
dholbachhi imbrandon09:33
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Kagouhey imbrandon09:41
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=== cypher1 is back (gone 00:39:34)
imbrandoncypher1, please turn off away/back messages09:53
cypher1imbrandon: sure.. sorry..09:54
imbrandonno worries ;)09:54
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cypher1tomorow is REVU DAY right09:54
cypher1nothing mentioned in topic :(09:55
imbrandonyes tomarrow is revu day09:55
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:imbrandon] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | REVU Day Sept 8th | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | Focus on http://tinyurl.com/nl87h (MOTU bugs) and http://tinyurl.com/rjcqu (UNMETDEPS) and http://tinyurl.com/kbxpe (mysqlclient) | http://tinyurl.com/pghsw (motureviewers) | [Edgy MoM] https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fg
imbrandonthere ya go ;)09:56
cypher1:D thanks09:56
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dholbachimbrandon: the last bit is truncated10:08
imbrandonahh yea topic limit10:08
dholbachdrop the UNMETDEPS and mysqlclient stuff10:09
imbrandonyea i was just thinking that, its been there for months10:09
dholbachthe other link too10:09
dholbachMOTU bugs10:09
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:imbrandon] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | REVU Day Sept 8th | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | [Edgy MoM] https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU
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imbrandonwho is william grant ?10:22
seaLnehttps://launchpad.net/people/fujitsu ?10:24
imbrandonahh ok10:25
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=== Arbiter says hello to everyone
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=== Kagou hugs dholbach
=== dholbach hugs Kagou back
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imbrandon /quit12:37
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frandavid100hi guys01:11
frandavid100are we still in time to include new packages in edgy's universe?01:12
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phanaticfrandavid100: hi01:12
phanaticyes :)01:12
frandavid100hi phanatic01:12
frandavid100I'm very interested in getting CCL, an internet cafe control software into the repos01:13
frandavid100But I don't still have the skills to make a compliant package, so a guy from ubuntuforums did it for me here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1472615#post147261501:14
frandavid100it still needs some tweaks I think... when's the deadline?01:14
phanatic28th september i think01:16
frandavid100still lots of time then... somehow I thought it was this week01:17
frandavid100what if we fixed the thing and uploaded it to REVU? do you think i would hit edgy, or does it take lots of time to revise?01:18
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phanaticfrandavid100: it depends. but my advice is to go ahead :)01:24
phanatichey Gloubiboulga01:24
Gloubiboulgahello phanatic01:24
frandavid100it does work ^^ I'll have to check the package descriptions and the copyright info, but it's basically done!!01:25
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frandavid100see you later guys01:46
frandavid100thanks for all phanatic01:46
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FujitsuErm, what's up with jonpollack's karma?01:58
FujitsuHe's apparently the 5th-top Ubuntu contributor, with > 500000 karma, and only two karma-related actions.01:59
phanaticFujitsu: lol, it's more than interesting :)02:02
FujitsuIt's the oddest thing I've ever seen on Launchpad. And I've seen a lot of odd things.02:02
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beligumhi all, I'm about to upload a new package to REVU and I'm wondering if I've got everything02:39
beligumdid a dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot && dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot02:40
beligumthat's it?02:40
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phanaticbeligum: the last command should be enough02:43
beligumah, ok02:44
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beligumso now, all I need is dput *_source.changes ?02:45
phanaticbeligum: yea02:45
Hobbseebeligum: dput revu *source.changes02:45
Hobbseeyou dont need the revu if you've changed dput.cf though02:46
beligumah, allright02:46
beligumshould I wait for someone to review the packages, or commit now?02:46
Hobbsee(otherwise you'll be trying to upload straight to the ubuntu archives, and it will decline you)02:46
Hobbseebeligum: does commit mean run the dput command?02:46
beligumyes, indeed, sorry02:47
Hobbseebeligum: people will look after you dput - that's what revu is there for02:47
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
beligumok, it's just that Ridell offered to review them first02:48
Hobbseebeligum: he'll want you to upload to revu, and review them there, i'm guessing02:49
Hobbseethis is a new package?02:49
beligumScreenKast, a screen-capturing program02:50
Hobbseeyeah, dput it02:50
Hobbseesounds nice :)02:50
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beligumhmmm, what's the difference between debuild and dpkg-buildpackage03:15
StevenKbeligum: debuild is a wrapper around the latter.03:17
StevenKbeligum: debuild also can run things like lintian or linda after dpkg-buildpackage finishes03:17
beligumHmmmm; E: Couldn't find package debuild03:18
zulyou might have to install devscripts03:18
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beligumcool, so debuild does everything necessary to release to package?03:24
Hobbseeit doestn call debsign03:25
beligumah, k03:25
StevenKI thought it could?03:27
StevenKSure it can03:27
=== StevenK waves to manual page at Hobbsee
zuler...debuild -S03:27
HobbseeStevenK: it probably could.  doesnt by default though03:28
=== Hobbsee waves her axe at StevenK
beligumcrap, I get a newer-standards-version 3.7.2, should I change to that?03:28
=== TheMuso waves to Hobbsee and StevenK.
=== Mithrandir tickles Hobbsee
Hobbseehey TheMuso03:30
=== Hobbsee tickles Mithrandir back, and stomps on his levitated feet
Hobbseebeligum: no that's fine.03:30
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Hobbseebeligum: StevenK needs to get his version updated03:30
MithrandirHobbsee: how's .au today?03:30
StevenKHobbsee: That's Lintian!03:30
StevenK*NOT* Linda03:31
HobbseeStevenK: i thought linda was giving that anyway.03:31
StevenKAnd I thought I fixed it.03:31
HobbseeMithrandir: i'm being yelled at by StevenK.  au still exists.03:31
=== Hobbsee hides from StevenK
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TheMusoHey Hobbsee. Manage to prevent yourself from being blown over today? :)03:33
beligumJust to be difficult: how do I build a package on one machine, but sign it on another?03:33
HobbseeTheMuso: just03:33
Hobbseebeligum: debsign -r - check man debsign03:33
beligumHobbsee, thx03:34
Hobbseebeligum: assuming you've got ssh from one machine to the other03:34
beligumyeah, sure03:34
Hobbseebeligum: otherwise copy the source from one machine to the other, then sign it on the other machine03:34
beligumHobbsee, just out of curiousity, does the binary or the source get signed?03:36
beligumor both?03:36
Hobbseebeligum: the source.03:36
=== Hobbsee wonders if you can sign a binary
Hobbseewell, you specify what you want signed03:36
Hobbseeusually the source.changes03:36
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geser!info dpkg-sig edgy03:40
ubotudpkg-sig: create and verify signatures on .deb-files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13 (edgy), package size 36 kB, installed size 232 kB03:40
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beligumHow bad are the error messages lintian returns?03:45
Hobbseedepends what they are03:49
synicwhere do I upload my gpg key in launchpad?03:51
Hobbseesynic: launchpad/people/yournick and hit the gpg thing03:52
beligumI've a dilemma here: don't think the packages (libinstrudeo & ScreenKast) will be finished and I'll have to leave in an hour and won't be back till Sunday, should I sent them to REPO anyway?03:56
beligumdamn, REVU that is ;)03:57
Hobbseethey'll just sit there, no problem03:57
synicok... so now I'm supposed to ask to be added to the universe contributors team04:03
beligumCan someone tell me what happens after uploading to REVU, just quickly?04:03
beligum(btw, done)04:03
synicwho do I ask for that?04:05
Hobbseesynic: see the /topic ?04:06
Hobbseebeligum: you give people in here the link, ask them to look at it, MOTU's can look and review it.  if you get two passes, they upload it04:07
beligumHobbsee, great, thanks for that04:07
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beligumAfter loggin in with email at revu and pressing recover, I get this python error: Mod_python error: "PythonHandler mod_python.publisher"04:13
beligumgot a traceback too04:14
Hobbseesiretart: *poke*04:15
Hobbseeeh, probably idling04:15
Hobbseebeligum: siretart may well want that error pastebinned, and a link given to him04:15
beligumok, sec04:15
beligumhmm, now it changed04:17
beligumto "To decrypt your password, type the following into your shell:" ...04:18
beligumbut plaintext, no html04:18
Hobbseeyou want to use the plaintext04:19
Hobbseeit's all encrypted04:19
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=== Hobbsee waves to dholbach
beligumNo, I mean, after logging in at revu, and pressing recover, I get some plaintext message (pastebin not cooperating here)04:22
beligumIt says: "To decrypt your password, type the following into your shell:", but I can't see the message or any html at all04:25
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beligumthat's the python error04:27
siretartbeligum: try reloading04:31
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beligumdone now, I get this: bpower2.com/revuerror2.txt04:34
beligumHow long should I wait before the uploads show up on revu ?04:37
phanaticbeligum: 5-10 minutes max.04:38
siretartdid you upload exaile_0.2.2_i386.changes ?04:39
beligumnope, libinstrudeo and screenkast04:39
siretartyour key isn't in the keyring. are you already in the lp group?04:40
beligumyes, I think so04:42
beligumI'm in the ubuntu universe package contrib group04:43
beligumuploaded and confirmed my key last night, thought that was done04:44
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siretartbeligum: processed manually now04:47
siretarttry lostpw again, please04:47
beligumnope, error2 again04:49
synicsiretart: that was me.  Something wrong with it?04:52
siretartsynic: yes. the part about exaile_0.2.2_i386.changes04:52
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bddebianHeya gang04:53
synicsiretart: what do I need to do to fix it?04:55
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siretartsynic: upload a exaile_0.2.2_source.changes file instead04:58
synicah, ok04:58
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siretartok. lostpw.py should do again now04:59
siretartwas indeed a silly permissions problem. which really needs to be fixed at some point05:00
bddebianHeya siretart05:02
beligumHi all, thanks for all the help05:03
siretarthuhu bddebian. how are you?05:03
beligumscreenKast and libinstrudeo successfully uploaded05:03
bddebiansiretart: OK, thanks.  You?05:03
siretartbddebian: badly stressed with move, thesis, gf, the world..05:04
beligumhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3048 and http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=304705:04
beligumWould be great if you could take a look05:04
bddebiansiretart: Heh, I hear that man05:04
beligumAnyway, I'm off to France, cya on Sunday or Monday05:06
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Lutinbddebian, is there a policy related to the x-session-managers packaging ?05:10
bddebianLutin: Hello.  Probably but I couldn't tell you what it is unfortunately.  Sorry.05:11
Lutinbddebian, ok.05:11
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geserwhat could be a reason why a package builds fine in a pbuilder but not on the buildds?05:23
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LaserJockgeser: maybe your pbuilder is not updated05:24
LaserJockgeser: is it on the same arch?05:24
bddebiangeser: What's the error on the build log on the buildd?05:24
bddebianHeya LaserJock05:24
geserit builds in my pbuilder05:24
bddebiangeser: I mean on LaunchPad?05:25
geseria64 failed with the same error05:25
geserthe last try on amd64 dito (the current try failed because of a chroot problem)05:26
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bddebiangeser: What arch are you building on x86?05:27
geserit try on amd6405:28
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Sp4rKyplease how must i do when i package a login display manager ?05:50
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geserbddebian: I tried to build the package again but now w/o the arch-indep packages and it failed06:16
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fowlduck-anyone here using edgy yet?06:53
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LaserJockI'm not actually06:56
fowlduck-boooooooooooo! er.. ;D06:56
LaserJockI was going to do a dist-upgrade maybe today06:56
fowlduck-oh, cool06:57
fowlduck-i mean, is it nearing completion?  Only a month left06:57
phanaticfowlduck: yeah, it's considered usable now (feature freeze is tonight)06:58
bddebianWell I have two Edgy machines at work.  Neither working atm06:58
fowlduck-oh, coooooool06:58
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fowlduck-lets see, one for it, one undecided, and one (bddebian) definitely against06:58
bddebianI am not against it, I just can't get it working on those machines :-(06:59
LaserJockyeah, I *did* have a working edgy machine06:59
fowlduck- rm -rf /bddebian/workputers/edgy06:59
=== LaserJock hates Windows :(
fowlduck-where is that list of packages that are under revu?07:02
LaserJockdarn, it "working directory C:\ is not valid"07:02
LaserJockfowlduck-: revu.tauware.de07:02
Amaranthdoes feature freeze apply to universe?07:02
Amaranthmy _only_ machine is running edgy :)07:03
LaserJockwe have Universe Freeze (28th) which is UVF+FF07:03
Amaranthso please don't break it :)07:03
LaserJockyeah, I tried edgy on 3 machines07:03
LaserJock2 went unbootable07:03
LaserJockbut I got that worked out07:04
LaserJockand then my main dev machine decided it didn't want networking07:04
LaserJockand I couldn't figure out what the problem was07:04
LaserJockso I wiped it and put on 6.06.107:04
Amaranththe only problems i'm having can be safely blamed on nvidia07:04
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LaserJockI tried installing a few different Knot2 .isos and none worked :-)07:05
LaserJockI think that computer must have issues07:05
Amaranthwell, except for both my cores using the performance governor on boot and one of them being reset to performance on resume07:05
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LaserJock1.3GHz + 256MB ram I think might be a part of the problem07:05
fowlduck-school computers07:05
fowlduck-LaserJock, I tried a desktop install on similar hardware.....that failed miserably07:06
LaserJock"can't live with them, can't format them" ;-)07:06
LaserJockI tried a kubuntu alternative install07:06
fowlduck-and still pooped? argh07:06
LaserJockand perhaps an Ubuntu arlternative as well07:06
LaserJockwell, they keep dying at the end07:07
fowlduck-well, i need to fix this junk up and get these packages out, ack07:10
fowlduck-bddebian, you commented on my package, I was wondering what specifically looks weird about the copyright: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=276407:10
fowlduck-bddebian, that is, if you have time07:11
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bddebianfowlduck: I don't remember off-hand.  Do you still have the full copyright in there?07:18
fowlduck-no, I don't think so, but you said "debian/copyright still looks a little strange"07:18
fowlduck-i can check tonight when I get home07:18
fowlduck-orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr i can get out my laptop07:19
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bddebianfowlduck-: Yeah, you still have the whole: "How to apply GPL to your New programs" stuff07:21
LaserJockoh yeah07:21
fowlduck-oh, I thought you were supposed to include only the first few paragraphs07:22
fowlduck-hmmm, my mistake i suppose07:22
fowlduck-wait, quote from the previous comment by ajmitch, "debian/copyright has the whole GPL in it. It is better to use the 3 paragraphs listed in the section "How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs" & then give a reference to the rest of the license. Most other packages that use the GPL can be looked at as an example"07:23
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bddebianHmm, OK, it just looked like more than I am used to07:23
fowlduck-ok, I'll still take a look tonight07:23
bddebianI know less about all the licensing crap than I do about packaging in general :-)07:23
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Sp4rKywhere could i find all db_* binaries and what is them ?07:28
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fowlduck-if i'm on dapper, to build an edgy environment in pbuilder is as trivial as specifying it in the initial pbuilder command, correct?07:42
geserSp4rKy: db_* sounds like Berkeley DB07:44
fowlduck-does he mean dh_*?07:46
Sp4rKyno db_07:48
geserfowlduck-: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingBasics lists the steps to create an egdy pbuilder on dapper07:49
geserdb4.3-util for db4.307:49
Sp4rKyin gdm postinst script, many software like db_get are used07:49
geserand db4.4-util for libdb4.407:49
geserthe programms are called db4.x_* to be co-installable07:49
fowlduck-geser, many thanks :)07:49
geserwhere x is 3 or 407:49
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LaserJockhmm, what's a good way to test your download speed08:11
LaserJockI should have a very good connection08:11
LaserJockbut all the Ubuntu mirrors seem to be giving me like 20-30 kB/s08:11
zulfind a site that does a speed test08:11
fowlduck-are the ubuntu mirrors syncing or something maybe?08:22
trappistanybody know the status of compiz-kde?  looks like still a pretty old package in edgy, maybe from dapper, depending on a really old compiz08:25
LaserJockhmm, well I don't get it, perhaps they are syncing or maybe getting hit hard08:26
LaserJockbut I'm trying to do a dist-upgrade and it'd be nice to have it done by the weekend ;-)08:27
trappistLaserJock: yeah my last one took almost 24 hours, between all the downloading, installing, apt-get -f install, update again, etc.08:30
trappistLaserJock: what mirror are you using?08:30
LaserJocktrappist: Portland, right now08:31
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LaserJockit's the fastest I could find, and I"m getting ~50kB/s08:32
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ivoksi could listen new edgy sounds whole day09:23
Amaranthawesome stuff09:24
Amaranthkind of long though09:24
BazziI'm still updating... archive.ubuntu.com is painfully slow :/09:25
=== Arbiter is trying gnome 2.16
ArbiterBazzi: i've updated about 10-15mins ago09:25
Arbitermy download speed was around 500kB/s09:25
BazziI'm getting just 30KB/s09:25
Bazziand have 189MB to download09:25
LaserJockyeah, I'm at 30-50KB/s09:26
LaserJock2 1/2 hrs to go :-)09:26
LaserJockfor the download09:27
Bazzi31m to go here, I've got 68% already09:27
ArbiterThe following packages where automatically installed and are no longer required:09:28
Arbiter[..] 09:28
ArbiterUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.09:28
Bazziaptitude does that as well09:29
ivokstoo nice09:29
ArbiterBazzi: yeah but this is an apt feature09:29
Arbiterbuiltin, no extra software09:29
Arbiterno more need of deborphan or such things09:29
Arbiter(i suppose)09:29
Bazziwell, aptitude is a standard tool as well :-)09:30
BazziI'm using it mostly now instead of apt-get09:31
Arbiternext step is trying upstart09:31
Bazzithe automatic conflict resolving is great, too09:31
BazziArbiter: heh, I was most surprised when I started testing upstart09:31
Bazziit just....worked09:31
Bazzino manual script hacking, no configuring... everything was just fine09:32
Bazziand if you updated just 15 minutes ago upstart should be installed09:32
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Arbiternope, i don't have it installed09:33
Bazziwasn't it defaulted by now?09:34
Arbiterdon't know if its a depndency of *ubuntu-* metapackages09:34
Arbiter(since i don't have any of them installed)09:34
Arbiterahhh ubuntu is great09:36
Arbiteris so innovative..09:36
Bazziit is even in ubuntu-minimal now afaik09:36
=== Arbiter comes from distros like gentoo, slackware...
=== ivoks runs gdmflexiserver -n, just too look at new theme
BazziArbiter: ooooh!09:37
Arbiterwith ubuntu i can have some relax :P09:37
Bazzifunny thing is, one of my friends was gentoo enthusiast, too09:37
Bazziuntil he installed dapper recently09:37
Bazzihe was like "wow the ubuntu team is really doing a better job than I expected"09:37
ArbiterBazzi: ah gentoo is great, it only takes a loooooong time to install/upgrade/install new software09:37
Bazzithe new Core 2 Quadro will greatly help Gentoo users once it's out09:38
ArbiterBazzi: doh, same as my reaction after my hoary installation :P09:38
BazziI'm most thankful as well, since ubuntu made desktoplinux for me usable09:39
Bazzi(though I still use windows as primary OS)09:39
Arbiterupstart installed09:40
Arbiterlet's try it09:40
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Arbiterit works09:46
Arbiterkeyboard doesn't work :P09:46
=== Arbiter fallback to slackware partition
Arbiterit's better to keep sysvinit09:47
Bazzino :(09:47
ivoksusb keyboard?09:47
ArbiterPS2 keyboard09:47
ivoksthat's too odd09:48
Bazziyou sure its not the X update that broke it? or doesnt it work on console as well?09:48
Bazzior the kernel update09:49
ArbiterBazzi: haven't tried09:49
Bazzibecause I cannot image upstart breaking as simple things as keyboards09:49
ArbiterBazzi: can't switch to tty :P09:49
Arbiteri'll try again09:50
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zulhey ogra09:53
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Arbiterlot of error messages while booting but..09:58
Arbiterit boots :P09:58
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Arbiterslomo, ping10:19
jordypHi, what is the procedure for requesting updates to packages in multiverse?10:20
hubjordyp: launchpad bug10:27
jordyphub: well basically about bug 3216910:28
UbugtuMalone bug 32169 in mythtv "Update to .19" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3216910:28
hubthen it will get triaged10:29
jordypokay, so nothing else is needs to be done?10:30
LaserJockI'm pretty sure that is sort of being worked on10:31
LaserJockI don't think it's trivial10:31
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jordypWell, I'm currently trying the packages I've rebuild in edgy under vmware10:35
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jordyp\whois hub10:43
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gesercrimsun: ping?11:14
crimsun_geser: pong11:14
crimsun_my other client is defunct, host is being DDoSed.11:14
gesercould you upload the php4-yaz fix for dapper-updates?11:14
crimsun_was is approved by mdz?11:15
crimsun_it, even11:15
geserI've got a mail from infinity stating "I'll happily push this through the UNAPPROVED queue if it's uploaded."11:15
crimsun_if so, please sub me to the bug report, and I'll look at it this evening11:15
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