
gnomefreaknixternal: ping12:23
nixternalim sittin' here daydreaming12:23
gnomefreaknixternal: you had stated that the wiki team is open and its not12:23
gnomefreakbtw i applied in june12:23
nixternalit used to be12:23
gnomefreakstill waiting12:23
nixternaloh ya, they want to see "Prove" wiki editing experience now12:24
nixternalhmm s/Prove/Proven12:24
nixternal#ubuntu-doc and talk with Burgwork or Burgandavia, or even mdke when he is around..they can get you on the team as well12:24
gnomefreakhell i forgot about it till you said it before12:25
nixternalthere is pretty much a zero point of entry though like imbrandon said..i have committed an arse load of patches for Kubuntu documentation..actually most of Kubuntu Edgy doco is me right now..however I can't get commit access12:27
nixternalso i submit patches and they wait..and sometimes never get committe12:27
nixternalbelieve you me, i agree with splitting the stuff as well, as i feel from working with these other teams, we are looked at on a different level, and our contribution is second to that of ubuntu12:28
nixternali sure hope Riddell rocks with taking the doco svn and merging it with bzr truthfully...maybe then i will be able to commit12:28
nixternalthe only reason i said what i said in #*-meeting was because i had the same thoughts and said the same things back in march and april, and it made some people upset..so i did the "political" thing there, sorry ;(12:29
Jucatonixternal: don't worry, we'll work within the already established structures. the last thing we'd like to do is turn everyone against us :)12:30
Jucatowe might not even have to split, if we could just add in the proper Kubuntu-related instructions12:30
nixternalit would be nice to have some freedom with the doco though...it is just so generic and crappy at points..however jjesse has been kickin' arse on fixing that12:30
Hobbseenixternal: burgan* can probably be reasoned with about that.12:31
Jucatowe'll be as diplomatic as possible... if possible :)12:31
nixternalheh, every now and then Hobbsee he can be12:31
Hobbseenixternal: hmm?12:32
nixternalactually...me and jjesse actually took the freedom here recently with Kubuntu docs12:32
nixternaland trappist as well...he has been committing like crazy12:32
Hobbseenixternal: i dont undersatnd your statement12:32
nixternalsome of the people on the doc team are just set in their ways..and can be difficult to reason with at times...but some finesse usually goes a long way ;)12:33
Hawkwindnixternal: trappist is a huge assett. He was the one that gave me my ops in #Mandrake years back.  He helps the community in so many ways12:33
JucatoHobbsee: abattoir isn't here, and I just remembered one of the things he brought up. abouth KDE's 10th anniversary?12:33
Hobbseewell, isnt that true of a lot of groups?12:33
HobbseeJucato: go ahead and talk about it in the meeting :)12:34
=== Jucato gets sweaty hands again...
nixternalHobbsee: it very well may be, but that isn't true with this group ;)12:34
nixternalthats why i stay here !12:34
Hobbseenixternal: :)12:34
Hobbseenixternal: we do get quite segregated though.  which is rather bad12:34
HawkwindJucato: I'll handle it12:34
nixternalplus if i tried to leave, i fear a sharp pointy stick as well12:34
HawkwindJucato: That's why I said what I did a few ago :P12:34
nixternalya Hobbsee, and i don't like how we get segregated, then we plan on how we can fix it by "pulling away" from momma, and then someone is like, NO, you don't need to do that12:35
JucatoHawkwind: what will you handle?12:35
HawkwindThe 10th anniversary thing12:36
Jucatoah ok12:36
Hobbseenixternal: true that.  probably needs some thought12:36
nixternalit definitely does, but i don't want to step on toes again...i will walk along side though if you want to step on some ;)  i will take every other toe ;)12:37
Hobbseenixternal: i dont need to step on toes, i can just crack my whip :P12:38
nixternaltrue that...then i will stand back aways then ;)12:38
LaserJockhi nixternal 12:39
LaserJockjust reading the backlog12:39
nixternalwell hello there LaserJock ;)12:39
nixternalsnooping is more like it ;)12:39
LaserJockyou are wanting to split off kde docs from the doc team svn repo?12:40
nixternalim following the meeting, trying to figure out this "middle-click-to-close-firefox"12:40
HobbseeLaserJock: please no12:40
nixternalhehe never12:40
HobbseeLaserJock: i keep telling them *not* to go there12:40
nixternalinterested in the bzr way though12:40
LaserJockHobbsee: heh, well you guys started it :p12:40
LaserJockI tried bzr12:40
LaserJockI created a bzr repo of the svn on doc.ubuntu.com a while back12:41
nixternalbzr is the new and groovy way..we are using bzr for out other project...actually you really are12:41
LaserJockwe played around with it12:41
HobbseeLaserJock: no, i did a lot of telling them "no" - not giving the m the ideas :P12:41
nixternaldidn't like it12:41
LaserJockI really don't think bzr is the way to go for the present doc work12:41
LaserJockwe would really have to change the way we do things, I think12:41
nixternali would know really...i just 'svn diff > woohoo.diff'12:41
LaserJockwell, do you know how long it would take to branch it?12:42
LaserJocka very, very, very long time ;-)12:42
nixternalahh..we have 7 days ;)12:42
LaserJockwe have over 3,000 commits and it is close to 200MB in size12:42
nixternalHobbsee: what is this "middle click to close firefox" thing?12:42
Hobbseenixternal: er, tabs in firefox12:43
LaserJockthe other aspect is that we are currently set up to have one large repo12:43
Hobbseeit's still early, and i'm not an early bird12:43
nixternali was like, mine don't work12:43
LaserJockwe would essentially have to split the current repo up into chunks for bzr to be at all practical12:44
nixternaloh nice..you don't have to hit the stoopid x12:44
nixternalnow that wouldn't be fun LaserJock12:44
LaserJockit might be the way we have to go in the future, but it would be a lot of work12:44
LaserJockI really like bzr12:45
LaserJockbut it doesn't work as well as svn for the current doc team workflow12:45
nixternalya, i really wouldn't know though, as i don't have the 'direct' access or way to work with them as close as you do to be able to say yay or nay on the idea12:46
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to NOT BE HERE today
nixternalim used to the svn commands, however the bzr commands are similar12:46
nixternali went to make a mental note earlier, but a failed reboot stopped that12:46
LaserJockbut I think the Kubuntu part of the doc team is really strong12:47
=== Jucato makes a similar mental note to get some sleep...
nixternalthank god for kontact, otherwise i would loose all my mental notes12:47
nixternalLaserJock: it is strong, but definitely lacking12:47
LaserJockwe always need more people12:47
nixternalfull time right now, is me, jjesse, trappist, and robotgeek (when he isn't busy with school i think)12:47
JucatoI just noticed that if you have Kontact open and Knotes in your system tray, clicking on KNotes doesn't raise/show Kontact, but the notes instead12:48
nixternal50% of my screen is knotes12:48
LaserJocknixternal: but nobody but mdke is really working on the ubuntu side :/12:48
nixternalyou knwo what..look at his commits. you are right12:49
nixternalwhen he commits for me, he says "nixternal's patch"12:49
nixternaland the same for others12:49
LaserJockso I think Kubuntu is doing quite well for docs this release12:50
LaserJockas they did for the last12:50
nixternalit would be nice to finally get some commit access though..even if it was directory dependent12:50
LaserJockwell, the doc team doesn't control access12:50
nixternalright now, my kubuntu patches have just been sitting..that makes it difficult to edit for others12:51
LaserJockI know how it goes12:51
LaserJockI was there too12:51
nixternalactually...you know it wouldn't be so bad if jjesse didn't mess up his key  and his access LOL12:51
LaserJockmost people wouldn't mind applying a patch but most people (including myself) feel like they shouldn't unless they know the doc a bit12:52
LaserJocksimilar issue to package sponsorship that Hobbsee has talked about12:53
nixternaltrue...i would even accept somebody sending me plain text..i would convert it to docbook for them..or create the patch for them12:53
HobbseeLaserJock: true that12:53
LaserJockit's unrealistic to think that people should be familiar with all the docs or all the packages Ubuntu ships12:54
LaserJockand it is at least nice to know that people want to be sure of what they are doing12:54
LaserJockstuff has to get done12:54
nixternalLaserJock: i have never been sure, thats why i don't raise my arms ;)12:54
nixternali just thought about that..i dont' know how popular that commercial is, not everyone might get that ;)12:55
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== seaLne feels better for not understanding, then
HobbseeRiddell: when does KCC get renewed?12:57
Hobbseeer, like, people being part of it?12:57
Jucatois the meeting over?12:57
Hobbseewe didnt get anything from jono, either12:57
Jucatoheh he was at the top of the agenda12:57
RiddellHobbsee: I can't remember, I think we said two years12:59
Riddelltoma said 6 months12:59
HawkwindThat was a nice meeting to be a part of as my actual first real meeting to attend :)12:59
Tonio_Riddell: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13165012:59
UbugtuKDE bug 131650 in khtml event "Pasting with middle-mouse-click into a textarea also activates autoscroll" [Normal,New]  12:59
Tonio_Riddell: ;)12:59
Tonio_let's follow this bug and we can rediscuss this item12:59
RiddellTonio_: freeflying has a scim bug that's also critical01:00
Tonio_Riddell: which one ?01:00
HobbseeRiddell: right01:00
=== Hobbsee suspects she'll be gotten rid of, due to the dodgy timezone
RiddellTonio_: something is broken, I need to look at it01:01
seaLneHobbsee: sounds fair enough :)01:01
Tonio_Riddell: I'll look at the bug id and add it to the wiki page01:03
=== Tonio_ works on digikam
JucatoHobbsee: I'm off to bed. see you in a few :)01:05
=== Hobbsee wanders afk to get ready for uni
HobbseeJucato: okay01:05
=== Hobbsee is at work today
Hobbseeyes.  uni.  then work :P01:06
Jucatonight! :)01:06
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
Hobbseewarning people who have ops - there are idiots around01:07
imbrandonyea i just seen 01:07
Hobbseepretty stupid to post user list that includes the ops01:07
=== Hawkwind Isn't quit an op, in the middle still
Hobbseethat still acts as a ping :P01:08
HobbseeHawkwind: doesnt happen as much in #kubuntu - more in #ubuntu01:08
HawkwindAh, thought I was missing something01:08
HobbseeHawkwind: an idiot coming in and spamming user lists.  *shrugs*01:09
Hobbseethat's the most useless thing to scan.01:09
HawkwindHobbsee: Hah.  One of those 'smart' spammers :P01:09
HawkwindHobbsee: Agreed.  I hate when that happens01:09
=== Hawkwind Kicks tellico
HawkwindI love it when apps release a new version 2 - 3 days in a row01:10
Hobbseeor when they release a new version less than 8 hours after you merge it.01:11
Hobbseehey hang on, that may well have been tellico01:11
Hobbseeor is that in my random/ folder?01:11
HawkwindTellico was actually 2 days apart IIRC01:11
Hawkwind1.2.1 was today or yesterday, 1.2.0 was 2 days prior01:12
HawkwindThough Robby emailed me stating that there was a bug that needed immediate fixing which is why the release so quick01:12
Tonio_I'm really sick of kde maintainers when I see how they consider bugs......01:13
Tonio_"this is probably distro specific issue -> rejected"........01:13
Tonio_how "some of them" "sometimes" consider bugs01:14
goldenearTonio_: for what bug ?01:14
UbugtuKDE bug 133080 in general "Regression in 3.5.4: Auto scroll and paste with the middle button" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]  01:17
Tonio_this is really shit.......01:17
Tonio_the guy probably didn't even test, because it is very easy to reproduce, and there is a duplicate there : http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13165001:18
UbugtuKDE bug 131650 in khtml event "Pasting with middle-mouse-click into a textarea also activates autoscroll" [Normal,New]  01:18
=== PascalFR__ [n=PascalFr@pcpc.vmfacility.fr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== gnomefreak didnt touch that one i dont think
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseedarn, i cant test my assignment for sanity as easily as i wanted to :(01:42
kwwiiboah, what a load of meetings today01:43
kwwiisomehow meetings takes on the feeling of shit01:43
Hobbseekwwii: i dont mind them, if i'm chairing :P01:44
kwwiiyeah, no shit01:44
Hobbseeor if everyone wants to be there, and has a lot to say01:44
Hobbseeif i'm chairing, they get a lot quikcer :P01:44
kwwiiI feel lucky when I am early on the list01:44
=== sebas missed the meeting.
sebasDid I miss anything important?01:45
=== lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiI don't mind telling people what is up, what I am doing and what I am going to do, but I hate waiting a few hours in irc, waiting for the blinking konversartion icon01:45
kwwiisebas: you mean the first meeting, the kubuntu one01:45
Hobbseeshoot i'm late01:48
=== sebas won't shoort, it's late :P
kwwiibang, bang, shoot!01:49
=== Hobbsee dies all over kwwii
Hobbsee * kwwii is now covered in purple blood01:50
=== sebas watches CSI and sleeps.
kwwiiat least it is a nice color01:50
Hobbseehmmm.  is there any point driving to uni and back for half an hour only?01:52
=== imbrandon does some work on apt-mirror for sid while he eats
Hobbseeand it's just started raining.  yay01:52
=== kwwii watches a film and sleeps
imbrandonpr0n ?01:53
imbrandonheh j/k01:53
=== Hobbsee smacks imbrandon
=== imbrandon says ouch and sits back down
Hobbseesurely that wouldnt make him sleep :P01:53
imbrandonhrm what are the components for sid ? main contrib non-free ?01:54
imbrandonisnt there one more ?01:54
Riddelljust the three01:55
imbrandonheya LaserJock01:55
LaserJockhi imbrandon 01:55
Hobbseeimbrandon: use the new request sync script01:56
Hobbseeit even works with smtp servers, so you dont need a MTA for it01:56
imbrandonHobbsee, nah its for bugs actualy in the sid package01:56
imbrandonsomeone filed a darn typo bug lol01:57
imbrandonfigured i would close it , will be simple01:57
imbrandonsince it is the one and only package i have in sid and only one bug ;)01:57
imbrandonand really its not tyop's at all it's more of changing "it's" to "it is" type thing01:58
imbrandoni guess for translations, would be my only guss, but still simple enough fix01:59
=== jjesse [i=user@69-87-139-148.async.iserv.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey jjesse 02:03
jjessesorry i missed the mtg :(02:04
=== Hobbsee hangs, draws, and quarters jjesse for missing the meeting
=== jjesse cowers
Hobbseejjesse: i missed the first 45 mins :(  slept for 40, system wouldnt boot for the next 502:05
HobbseeTonio_: where's that crucial bugs page?02:05
jjessewhat if we ran the mtgs during your evening?02:05
Tonio_Hobbsee: will write it tomorrow02:06
Tonio_I'm on digikam for the moment02:06
Hobbseejjesse: then it's during the UK lunchhour.  we tried it once02:06
HobbseeTonio_: okay. i've just thought of some02:06
ryanakcaimbrandon: did you get the link for the most recent upload? (not last night, but tonights?)02:06
Tonio_Hobbsee: note them, I'll had it tomorrow :)02:06
UbugtuMalone bug 22336 in acpi-support "laptop overheats when performing CPU intensive tasks." [High,Confirmed]  02:07
Hobbseefor one02:07
Hobbseethe whole issue of https://launchpad.net/bugs/5267002:07
UbugtuMalone bug 52670 in mozilla-thunderbird "Thunderbird uses konqueror as web browser" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  02:07
jjessewhat are you guys/girls thoughts on kickoff start menu?02:08
Hobbseejjesse: what is it?  i hear of it, but havent seen it02:08
ryanakcait looks sweet... haven't tried it yet02:08
imbrandonryanakca, no i dident feel free to shoot it to me, i'll look right after i upload this to unstable ( ~15 minutes )02:08
jjessei was curious to try it as well it looks like it will rock :)02:08
Hobbseeoh that02:09
imbrandonjjesse, looks good, i've been trying to get it packaged proper, it compiles but ummm packaging is a diffrent story02:09
ryanakcaHobbsee: http://home.kde.org/~binner/kickoff/sneak_preview.html   I thought your the one who had told me about it...02:09
imbrandonryanakca, okies02:09
jjessethat's a bummer cause i would love to test it :)02:10
imbrandonjjesse, i'll have a test but i doubt ( unless i get some help ) that it will be in edgy02:10
Hobbseeryanakca: imbrandon may have.  i dont tend to check out suse stuff02:10
ryanakcajjesse: well... just download the source, compile and checkinstall it02:10
imbrandonexcept for 3rd party repos02:10
Hobbseeimbrandon: are you still watching -meeting?  they're were discussing ff stuff02:10
imbrandonHobbsee, yea02:10
=== ryanakca is willing to stick it in his repos... if someone packages it for me..
freeflyingmorning all02:11
=== ryanakca had a chance to do 90% of his homework, have supper, take the dog for a walk, read an odd 20 e-mails and it's still going :)
Hobbseeoh, thanks02:12
ryanakcalol, its much much longer than the one I introduce myself in02:12
Hobbseeyou reminded me about the stuff i urgently needed to merge02:12
imbrandonryanakca, yea i keep my own repos but its not a simple upgrade as they basicly just patched kicker and kdebase instead of making a new applet02:12
imbrandonso its not a new kmenu in a sence its the old one patched to hell02:13
imbrandonkinda an either or type thing02:13
ryanakcathat makes things a whole lot more complicated... it would've been simpler for them to write in seperatly instead of patching02:14
imbrandonone would think, but thats not what happened02:14
ryanakcaat least simpler for others02:14
imbrandonthe kickoff svn is a full kdebase branch02:14
ryanakcaoh gosh02:14
=== ryanakca has changed his mind about wanting to test it out
ryanakcasure, it's interesting, but I don't think it would be worth the hassle02:15
ryanakcaIf it was on a demo linux computer, sure... but other than that... never02:15
imbrandonthats kinda my thinking, thus i dont spend much time on it, just poke it now and then02:15
ryanakcasame for XGL/compiz02:15
imbrandonwell xgl/compiz works much better in edgy02:16
imbrandonbecouse you dont need the third party crap02:16
jjesseit looks a little much like the start menu in xp/vista02:16
ryanakcaSure I could go out, spend 200$ on more ram and a better video card... but I don't feel like it02:16
imbrandonjjesse, and thats bad? the kmenu looks like a 1995 start menu too ;)02:16
imbrandonjjesse, think about how many useabilty experts are behind the suse and windows projects ;)02:17
jjesse imbrandon: i run xp in "classic" mode02:17
=== ryanakca wonders if theres a fvwmubuntu kicking around
imbrandoni dont run XP at all ;)02:17
jjessehow would you pronouce that?02:17
ryanakcaimbrandon: someone on planet kde wrote a thesis on menu useability I think02:17
imbrandonryanakca, yea celest02:18
ryanakcaI only use my mom's XP for iTunes02:18
imbrandonryanakca, ouch , i use OSX and wine for that ;)02:18
imbrandonthe true iTunes ;)02:18
imbrandonand amarok comes a close 2nd to iTunes ;)02:18
ryanakcaI don't have a mac that will run OSX... but my teachers giving me a performa02:19
imbrandonthat will run linux02:19
ryanakcaimbrandon: amarok is nothing close to iTunes for ipod support02:19
imbrandonryanakca, sure it is, if you set it up right, you have to fiddle with the config for the auto mounting and unmounting02:20
imbrandonbut it is02:20
jjesseworks fine for me02:20
ryanakcaimbrandon: just as it will run Mac OS9  (well, their os #9)02:20
imbrandonthe only os9 ( coca ) app i have is SimCity 200002:20
ryanakcameh.. iTunes it just works... when I get around to learning C++ I'll help out with amarok and iPod02:20
imbrandonalso if you install ipodslave it "just works" too ;)02:21
imbrandonbut the main inclusion report for that isnt approved yet02:21
imbrandonryanakca, ever see my ipod running kubuntuized linux ?02:22
ryanakcaif I had just a no-name brand mp3 player, it would be different, but figuring out how to stick on album images... oh, and an annoying thing. Stick something on ipod with amarok, and you can't read what iTunes put on it beforehand.. it's still there... just can't access them02:22
ryanakcaimbrandon: I've read about running linux on iPods... but last time I checked it didn't run on a nano...  got a link to the picture?02:23
imbrandonsure you can, use 1.4.3 thats all fixed02:23
Riddellryanakca: that sounds like what kwwii had02:23
imbrandonruns on my nano 4gig just fine02:23
imbrandonryanakca, ^^02:24
ryanakcaRiddell: what, the iTunes + Amarok   songs on ipod problem?02:24
kwwiiapparently it depends on how you put them onto your ipod or such02:24
imbrandonyea thats fixed in 1.4.3 ( according to the changelog )02:24
ryanakcaimbrandon: nice... I might switch to it... but then you can't use ipodlinux + iTunes i presume?02:25
kwwiiI gave up worrying about it02:25
imbrandonryanakca, sure you can , you can even still run the apple firmware too ( dual boot )02:25
ryanakcakwwii: yeah. except your stuck with one or the other.. amarok or iTunes02:25
kwwiiryanakca: yepp, apparently so02:25
ryanakcaon a 2GB... how big is the image?02:25
imbrandonipodlinux only makes a 32mb partition for the kernel and init scripts, the rest is run off the normal partition02:26
ryanakcahmm... that's 4-6 songs worth... half a cd.. I can live with that... how big is the apple image?02:26
imbrandonthats including the apple image02:26
imbrandonit only takes 32mb extra space to do the linux on the ipod02:27
ryanakca32mb = linux, and then add the apple... how many mb is the apple image... 40-50mb?02:27
ryanakcaor is 32mb including apple image?02:28
imbrandon32mb == the OS altogather , apple + linux02:28
imbrandonthe rest is all music/pictures/games etc what ever you put on it02:28
ryanakcaah, got a link to the OS? like your modified one (and yes, I know we're offtopic, but the channel isn't being used... :P ), or do you have an option to set up the boot image (I think thats what that was)?02:29
imbrandonplus you can play videos on the nano with linux ;)02:29
ryanakcaoh sweet... too bad the screen is so small though02:29
imbrandoni can play doom / halflife / 007 too ;)02:30
=== kwwii has a 60gb ipod, I could put pretty much everything on that, including linux
imbrandonkwwii, yea i fit a few k songs and videos and games no problem on my 4gig02:30
imbrandonipodlinux.org ryanakca02:31
=== ryanakca is finding his 2gb small... lol, and I used to find my 128mb no-name mp3 player big...
ryanakcaIt's not that you'll listen to all of it every day, it's just that it's there when you want it, where you want it.02:31
kwwiiand rockbox, or whatever it is called?02:31
kwwiihow is it02:32
imbrandonrockbox is ok, just lacks features02:32
imbrandonrockbox == alterntive appleos , not based on linux but opensource02:32
Tonio_ryanakca: opensource firmware for MP3 jukebox02:32
Tonio_imbrandon: nope, not only apple02:33
imbrandonTonio_, true , many mp3 players02:33
Tonio_rockbox is originally designed for archos players, but has been ported to many more, including shity ipod02:33
imbrandonactualy you /can/ tripple boot ;)02:33
imbrandonTonio_, shitty ? heh i love mine02:33
Tonio_imbrandon: if you live proprietary formats and drms, have fun :)02:34
kwwiisooo.../me watches a film now, and the sleep02:34
ryanakcalol, kk02:34
=== Tonio_ shits on the ipod
imbrandonTonio_, thats iTunes, you dont HAVE to use the propitary formats02:34
imbrandonhas noting to do with the ipod , it just plays them02:34
Tonio_imbrandon: which open format can you use ?02:34
Tonio_ogg, mpc, flac ?02:35
Tonio_no one02:35
imbrandonTonio_, mpg ogg flac02:35
Tonio_ogg is nativelly supported ?02:35
imbrandonwith linux on it , dunno about apple os, but i know you dont have to use the drm 02:35
imbrandonin the apple os02:35
imbrandononly f you use itunes to buy the music02:36
Tonio_not any free format is supported with apple firmware02:36
imbrandon... 02:36
kwwiiTonio_: shitting on the ipod is a much prettier idea in french than in any oher language02:37
kwwiimy itunes does ogg02:37
Tonio_of course you can use mp3's without drms :)02:37
imbrandonand aac is open afaik02:38
Tonio_kwwii: in french : "je chie sur l'ipod !!!"02:38
Tonio_imbrandon: point, indeed :)02:38
kwwiiTonio_: exactly :-)02:38
imbrandonjust not aac+drm but as i said thats an itunes thing not ipod, the ipod will play aac ;)02:39
Tonio_aac is opened except when apple adds it's ****sensored***** drms on them :)02:39
imbrandonhehe yea iTunes ;)02:39
Tonio_I really dislike apple in fact :)02:39
Tonio_the only company that is worse than m in my view :)02:40
Tonio_whenever they do good products02:40
imbrandonheh i realy like apple, and the fact that most everythgin "just works" and its still a *nix OS02:40
imbrandonbut thats where we differ ;)02:40
kwwiiimbrandon: no doubt02:40
Tonio_imbrandon: they take everything they can in OSS and provide only proprietary stuff....02:41
Tonio_that's not ethical02:41
Tonio_microsoft doesn't like OSS, but they don't make usage of them, which sounds more logic in my view02:41
imbrandonsure it is , i dont see a major problem with it02:41
Tonio_and honnestly, apple with monopolistic market share would be 10 times worse than microsoft02:41
imbrandonbut thats why i hate RMS as much as Bill Gates02:42
imbrandonbut thats another story altogther02:42
Tonio_imbrandon: hehe :)02:42
imbrandonRMS is the bane of Open Source02:42
Tonio_I'm not a fan of rms too, but I really think he is more respectable than bill02:42
LaserJockI'm sort of an apple fan too02:42
imbrandonTonio_, not really he is just as black/white , no middle02:42
=== Tonio_ cannot understand why opensource fans love apple......
LaserJockI can get lots of opensource software for it02:43
imbrandonTonio_, becouse apple does give back alot ot opensource02:43
Tonio_can you imagin apple is attacking people that only criticize them on apple's related boards ?02:43
Tonio_this brand sucks, really02:43
Tonio_imbrandon: they give a lot ? I remember kde guys had to cry to get usable stuff from safari02:44
LaserJockheh, Apple has got a long way to go for sure, but I think they are a lot better than MS, but that's just my opinion02:44
imbrandonLaserJock, exactly02:44
imbrandonthere has to be a middle02:44
imbrandonyou dont have to be 100000% open source not to be un-evil02:44
Tonio_LaserJock: in my view MS is wrong on its opinion related to opensource softwares, but they are not hypocrits02:44
LaserJockI run OS X close to 12hrs a day02:44
kwwiiyou guys type too fast02:45
LaserJockthere are things I don't like about it, but there is a lot I do02:45
Tonio_kwwii: use speech to text software :)02:45
imbrandonTonio_, they give back to what they use ( darwin ) they developed their own gui, i dont see that as hipocrytical02:45
LaserJockI think it's the TB grillings02:45
Tonio_imbrandon: liking OSS and provide only proprietary stuff, protocols, formats is a nonsense, sorry02:46
LaserJocknot *only*02:46
Tonio_did apple create only ONE opensource standard, like adobe did with pdf ?02:46
imbrandonand ms isnt hipocrytical ? i seem to rember not to long ago when the zlib explot hit FOSS ms had alot of zlib patches too for stuff like office etc where they used the BSD code, and dont even get me started on the tcp/ip stack02:46
Tonio_apple wants apple users to use apple stuff, apple protocols, apple formats etc.......02:47
Tonio_the same way ms does02:47
imbrandonTonio_, wants and forces are diffrent02:47
Tonio_they don't promote standards at all02:47
imbrandonthey promote aac ;)02:47
imbrandonthey promote gnu tools in darwin02:47
Tonio_I don't mind closed sources as long as the applications are respecting the standards, like opera for example02:47
Tonio_imbrandon: they promote aac + drms, which is completly different02:48
imbrandonyou see your flaw in MS thoughts though? MS does use OSS , they just use the BSD code so they dont HAVE to give back where apple dosent02:48
Tonio_they are changing ipod firmware so that any compatible music selling plateform become uncompatible02:48
imbrandonTonio_, not really ipod will play aac too without drm ;)02:48
Tonio_is that different from what ms does ?02:48
Tonio_imbrandon: they will, but apple doesn't sell any of those files, so I don't see where is the promotion02:49
imbrandonbecouse it dosent FORCE you to use the drm02:49
imbrandonliek i said wanting and forcing is diffrent02:49
imbrandonwhere as MS forces you to use wma on its device02:49
Tonio_imbrandon: they don't FORCE because they don't have the market share to do it02:50
Tonio_with the same market share than ms has, they would force, no doubt on this02:50
LaserJockI'll just put it this way, I run both OS X and Windows XP on a daily basis, in Windows I feel trapped in closed source software but on OS X I fell much more free to use open source software02:50
Tonio_imbrandon: wrong, you can also do mp3 if you want02:50
imbrandonTonio_, apple has 80% of the market share in music devices, that was evident when they forced the RIAA to let them sell at 99c still02:50
Tonio_just that it is not the default :)02:50
Tonio_but the difference between wanting and forcing is very very little in those cases02:51
imbrandonTonio_, but enough to not be evil02:51
Tonio_imbrandon: yes, 80 and 96% are stigltly different :)02:51
Tonio_80% is a lot, while 95% is a monopole02:51
LaserJockanyway, Ubuntu rocks, regardless! ;-)02:52
imbrandon100% isnt a monoply if they allow competition02:52
imbrandonyea ubuntu rocks ;)02:52
imbrandonok dinner time bbiab02:53
imbrandon[19:45]  <kwwii> you guys type too fast << hahahah i just saw that02:53
Tonio_imbrandon: hehe ;)02:53
imbrandonTonio_, ;)02:54
imbrandonok food brb02:54
LaserJockimbrandon: because you were typing too fast02:54
kwwiiimbrandon: type to fast, and read too slow02:54
=== Hobbsee beats kwwii with his walking stick
LaserJockbah, you aren't that old kwwii 02:55
imbrandonLaserJock, wasent you that are younger than me ( but smarter hehe )03:01
imbrandonwasent it*03:01
LaserJockcould be, I doubt the smarter part03:02
=== imbrandon kicks kwwii, you still drink beer at international bars your not old
=== imbrandon is 28
kwwiihehe, I am just german in the meantime03:02
LaserJockman, you are old :-)03:02
imbrandonugh , dreading 30 soon-ish03:02
LaserJock35 isn't bad at all03:03
imbrandonhahahaha LaserJock03:03
imbrandoni'm odl at 28 but 35 is ok ? hehehe03:03
LaserJockI'm 24 but I feel much older03:03
imbrandonLaserJock, well your working on your PHd, i'm good to have a few credits ;)03:04
imbrandonso smarter ;)03:04
LaserJockjust because I've been in college for 9 years doesn't mean I'm smarter03:04
LaserJockin fact it might mean just the opposite03:04
imbrandonhahah not really , well not ot me03:04
LaserJocksurely one of these years I'm going to graduate ;-)03:05
imbrandoni would LOVE to be in school full time , if i could find a way to make money and do that i would03:06
LaserJockthat's what I do03:06
LaserJockgrad school in chemistry  is pretty sweet that way03:06
LaserJockmy advisor pays tuition, insurance, and I get ~ 20k a year03:06
imbrandonwow , cool03:07
LaserJockwell, it's a big job, they can't get people to do it otherwise03:07
imbrandonheh sign me up, little bit of a late start but , lol j/k03:07
LaserJockif I had to pay for school and be out of a job for 9 years there would be no way I could do  it03:07
imbrandonvery true03:08
LaserJockwe've got at least a couple grad students in their 40s03:08
imbrandonyea i would be pushing 40 if i started now03:08
LaserJockI think the average age is close to 30 for graduate students03:08
imbrandonthat would really be the perfect thing though, find someone to pay me to get a phd in comp sci or something nice like that03:09
imbrandoni dunno about chemist though, i would be too tempted to make lsd ;) 03:09
nixternalyou and cutiecoder are made for each other03:10
imbrandonnixternal, blasphmey03:10
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonnever speak those words again03:10
nixternali wouldn't share anyways03:10
imbrandongood ;) hehe03:10
nixternalyou know..this is just a tad bit OT and not nice...03:10
LaserJockbah, lsd is for undergrads ;-)03:10
=== nixternal shuts up
imbrandonLaserJock, lol03:11
nixternalall you old fogies03:11
imbrandonmdma ? or what ever the abriv is for it03:11
nixternallsd was so 20 years ago03:11
imbrandoni did some good lsd about 8 or 9 years ago ;)03:11
LaserJockno, I don't think many chemists would do too many drugs, we know how it's made :-)03:12
nixternalya, i won't tell anyone (who doesn't read this log)03:12
imbrandonheh i dont even know what mdma is exactly, but i know that and cacaine are the main ingred to extacy03:12
LaserJockI made benzocaine in organic lab03:13
imbrandonhaha that stuff rocks03:13
LaserJockall those *caines are related, mostly anesthetics03:13
imbrandoni used to eat it like candy when i had a tooth pulled03:13
LaserJockI made aspirin too03:14
LaserJockand the stuff that makes a firefly glow03:14
imbrandonbenzocaine is the main active ingred in ambisil and umm 03:14
LaserJockI think that's the one that uses the main ingredient in teargas03:14
LaserJockthe firefly stuff that is03:15
imbrandonthe stuff that makes a firefly glow ?03:15
LaserJockit's too bad that sometimes the cool chemistry involves nasty stuff03:15
LaserJockI'll be working with some nerve gas stuff pretty soon03:15
LaserJockgotta be careful03:15
imbrandonyea that would suck03:16
imbrandonhrm /me wonders what other phd stuff pays now03:16
LaserJockanyway, I'm more of a physicist than chemist really03:16
imbrandonheh stars and stuff ?03:16
imbrandonor earth phy03:17
LaserJockimbrandon: no, atoms and molecules03:17
LaserJockquantum physics03:17
LaserJockand lasers, obviously03:17
imbrandonahhh nice03:17
LaserJockanyway, that was waaaay OT03:19
imbrandonwe need a dev-offtopic chan ;)03:20
LaserJockHobbsee: mhm, gotta love the lasers ;-)03:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: nah....03:21
=== Hobbsee just uploaded something, and was useful
=== Hobbsee is allowed to talk to people, on that basis.
imbrandonwasent there a big deal here semi-reciently about blue/green laszers in 03:21
imbrandonconsumer pointers03:21
imbrandonor soemthing03:21
imbrandonpointing at planes or something becouse they could go farther03:22
LaserJocknifty, I like blue lasers. They are sorta hard to come by (like down into the UV blue)03:22
=== Hobbsee pictures LaserJock coming to a dev conference with a blue laser attached to hi s head
ryanakcaimbrandon: qcomicbook comments on REVU? I'm going to bed...03:22
imbrandonryanakca, ahh yea i got side tracked and forgot, i'll look now03:23
Hobbseeit's not the 8th in all timezones yet :P03:23
ryanakcaimbrandon: lol, thanks, see you tommorow night :)03:23
LaserJockHobbsee: oh, you should come to my lab, I've got IR, red, green, and UV strobing at 10Hz03:23
imbrandonsee ya03:23
imbrandonLaserJock, haha cool03:23
LaserJockI put on some Creedence Clearwater Revival and have fun03:23
imbrandonheh 03:23
=== imbrandon is listening to "Bad Moon Rising" by CCR [Amarok]
HobbseeLaserJock: nice :D03:24
LaserJockimbrandon: heck yeah03:24
LaserJockbut on the flip side, I'm *actually* working on a 1hr presentation I just found out I'm supposed to give at group meeting tomorrow03:25
LaserJockand my trig was somewhat failing me03:26
LaserJockthank goodness for wikipedia03:26
imbrandongah phone brb03:31
LaserJock\o/ kubuntu-desktop installed03:32
imbrandonLaserJock, just curious, how does the other half put up with your FL/OSS stuff? hehe 03:33
LaserJocknot very well, tbh03:34
Hobbseeimbrandon: grabbed the newest requestsync script on your machine03:34
imbrandonmine thinks we should start a "wives" club LOL03:34
Hobbseeoh darn, i cant use it there03:34
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe03:34
Hobbseewhat dothey say?03:34
LaserJockmine says, "you need to divorce you computer"03:34
LaserJockI think that has an implied, "or else" in there03:34
imbrandonLOL how true03:34
LaserJockI really need to cut back03:35
LaserJockUbuntu work is addictive, fun, and productive, but I really have to have other priorities03:35
imbrandonHobbsee, heh , if you cant use it here ( and i wont ) no need for it03:36
LaserJockI need to get very careful about what projects I sign up for03:37
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Hobbsee!info libksba edgy03:55
ubotuPackage libksba does not exist in edgy03:55
Hobbsee!info libksba-dev edgy03:55
ubotulibksba-dev: X.509 and CMS support library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.15-1 (edgy), package size 119 kB, installed size 380 kB03:55
Hobbsee!info libksba03:56
ubotuPackage libksba does not exist in any distro I know03:56
=== Hobbsee kicks the repos
Hobbseewhat do you *mean* it doesnt exist?03:56
crimsunit doesn't03:57
crimsunubotu searches for binary packages, not source packages, by default03:57
Hobbseecrimsun: then why do the corresponding binaires?03:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about searches for binary packages, not source packages, by default - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:57
Hobbseewhy cant my apt-cache search find it either?03:57
crimsunwhich CC.mirror are you using?03:58
crimsunit's definitely available here:03:58
crimsun$ apt-cache search ksba03:58
crimsunlibksba-dev - X.509 and CMS support library03:58
crimsunlibksba8 - X.509 and CMS support library03:58
crimsun(I'm using archive.uc)03:58
Hobbseecrimsun: gb/au03:58
Hobbseecrimsun: i thought the source would also show with apt-cache show.  hmm.03:59
Hobbseeat least apt-cache search03:59
crimsunno, only binary packages03:59
crimsunFWIW, the description in apt-cache(8) could use a bit of clarification04:00
crimsunit's not immediately obvious that source packages aren't culled with 'search'04:01
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HawkwindAre there plans of replacing arts in KDE4 ?04:19
imbrandonHawkwind, arts isnt in kde4 correct04:19
HawkwindWhat replaced it ?04:20
imbrandonsolid i /think/ , its all kinda fuzzy to me still but i konw for sure no arts04:20
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imbrandoncrimsun, are you a DD by chance ? heh04:21
imbrandonhrm ok04:21
imbrandonknow any that are alive / awake atm ?04:21
=== imbrandon heads to debian-mentors
Hobbseeimbrandon: if i told you who around here they were, i'd have to shoot you04:24
imbrandonits ok, i poked debian-mentors , someone is bound to answer, i just hate to email my sponsor as it takes him days to upload 04:25
imbrandonshould be trivial its just a manpage fix to a package i'm the maintainer of ( not even a nmu upload hehe )04:25
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@21.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
crimsunI'd be happy to do one, but I can't.04:34
Tonio_Riddell: digikam splitted and uploaded, will write main inclusion report tomorrow :)04:34
robotgeekhey Tonio_ 04:36
imbrandoncrimsun, hehe thanks, yea its like pulling teeth to get an upload if your not a DD ;)04:36
crimsunthe ones I've checked in ubuntu-* are idle04:36
imbrandonyea seems everyone on oftc in -devel and -mentors is too04:37
Tonio_yo robotgeek04:37
imbrandonbtw hiya robotgeek dident see ya sneek in04:37
robotgeekhey imbrandon04:38
robotgeekdoes anyone know where i can find vmware images for kubuntu knot (if available :)04:38
imbrandoni dont think there is a knot one avaible , last i heard in the TB they wasent gonna make anymore "official" ones becouse it was a manual process04:39
imbrandonunless they found a way to auomate it04:39
robotgeekokay, let me google for installing kubuntu in a vmware partition or so04:40
imbrandonrobotgeek, should be pretty streight forward, i can help you do it if you have questions04:40
imbrandonbut i dont know of any pre-made images04:40
HobbseeTonio_: split, surely.  not splitted :P04:41
=== Hobbsee ducks
robotgeekimbrandon: plannning to do the install at work, and verify the desktop guide. its too tough working on my laptop04:41
imbrandonheh ok, vmwareplayer or server ?04:42
imbrandoni can give ya a quick rundown, its semi-simple04:42
Tonio_Hobbsee: sorry but it is very late and I must say I don't understand the joke, if any ;)04:42
Tonio_near 5 am in france :)04:42
robotgeekimbrandon: the free one :)04:43
imbrandonTonio_, it was abad play on words for a non-native english speaker ;)04:43
imbrandonrobotgeek, they are both free04:43
imbrandon( as in beer no speech )04:43
Tonio_imbrandon: you'll explain it to me tomorrow, but the the moment, /me beds :)04:43
imbrandonbut mostlikely you mean the player as thats the one in the repo's04:43
robotgeekimbrandon: oh, the machine at work is windows. *ducks*04:44
imbrandonanyhow robotgeek just head to easyvmx.com and create the blank "image" from their web interface and then after that its just like a normal install04:44
imbrandonrobotgeek, they both also work in windows ;)04:44
HobbseeTonio_: ah, fair enough.  splitted isnt a word - the word you wanted was split.  i've heard people at work use it incorrectly too, which is why it annoys me04:44
=== Hobbsee gets annoyed when native english speakers confuse lose and loose.
Hobbsee"please dont loose this bottle"04:45
Hobbseewritten in brigth blue marker!04:45
Tonio_Hobbsee: ah it is an irregular verb ;)04:45
Tonio_I'll remember this04:45
HobbseeTonio_: yes.  like the rest of english, it seems :P04:46
robotgeekimbrandon: thanks, i'll download tommorow 04:46
Tonio_hehe :)04:46
=== Tonio_ beds now, seya
Hobbsee</nitpick>  :P04:46
Hobbseenight Tonio_ :)04:46
imbrandonc ya04:46
=== imbrandon twiddles his thumbs
robotgeekhmm,i might also download a kubuntu dapper and updgrade to edgy?04:49
crimsundunno how you'd save the updated image, but I've never played with vmware-player04:50
robotgeekcrimsun: i would be updating the image itself, so saving is not an issue04:50
robotgeekunless the upgrade fails or so04:50
imbrandonyea it should write right to the hdd04:50
imbrandonno save needed04:50
robotgeekcool, i guess i will try tommorow. more on that later :)04:55
robotgeekimbrandon: did you ever manage to build amarok for OS X?04:55
imbrandonrobotgeek, nah its not possible atm ( without fink )04:56
imbrandonits not ported to qt4 totaly04:56
robotgeekimbrandon: oh okay. i'm just tired of itunes, the minor amount of time i am in Os x04:56
imbrandonheh well you can use 1.4.3 under fink04:57
imbrandonthat does work04:57
imbrandonand work on the 2.0 branch has started afaik so it wont be long04:58
robotgeekbtw, got ubuntu server running trac + subversion for dev people at work04:58
imbrandonbut just how long is "not long" i have no idea04:58
robotgeekthey seem to be pretty happy, except that we deal quite a bit in binary files04:59
Hobbseeimbrandon: do i want to merge sane-backends?05:00
imbrandonheh upto you heh05:00
=== Hobbsee doesnt really want to run the risk of breaking it, but it looks like a simple merge.
crimsunyou're core-dev now, Hobbsee?05:01
Hobbseecrimsun: no05:02
Hobbseecrimsun: of course not05:02
crimsunand if it's simple enough, sure, go for it05:02
crimsunsorry, I thought you had gotten it at TB or something05:02
Hobbseecrimsun: heh, nope05:02
Hobbseecrimsun: wont be trying that again for a while05:02
crimsun(it wouldn't be unreasonable to try post-Edgy)05:02
robotgeekhmm, what's going to be new in edgy, powermanagement wise?05:03
crimsun"stuff works better"05:03
robotgeekokay, but no change in packages as such05:03
Hobbseeguidance-power-manager is new05:03
robotgeekhmm, i guess i should just wait till tommorow :)05:04
Hobbseecrimsun: yeah, maybe.  will look at it when i come home, i expect05:09
Hobbseethis error is annoying me05:09
nixternalHobbsee: amarok 1.4.3...sharing the music right..i goto synchronize and transfer...when i right click and transfer, amarok just crashes05:12
nixternalhappens on all my machines05:12
Hobbseenixternal: blame imbrandon 05:12
nixternali tried before..he pawned it off on you ;)05:12
Hobbseewasnt me05:12
Hobbseehe's doing the packages now05:12
robotgeekbtw, are we shipping knetworkmanager by default?05:12
Hobbseei dont think so05:13
robotgeekok, thanks05:14
Hobbseenot stable enough05:15
robotgeekhmm, worksgreatforme :)05:17
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lnxkde*^$#&$%* I dont try to help someone to update kubuntu again, people like free help and support and then they talk Cr** saying that linux is too dificult, that is why people prefer windows, I started to love windows more since I have been using linux,.08:16
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Jucatoimbrandon: would you happen to know why the "GTK Style and Fonts" and "Wallet" modules were removed from System Settings in Edgy?09:13
Jucatook thanks! :)09:15
Jucatoimbrandon: thanks again for the icons! I'm loving them :)09:17
=== Jucato needs some more sleep.... again....
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Tonio_hello all11:04
Hobbseehey Tonio_ :)11:05
Hobbseehey Jucato 11:09
JucatoI'm still trying to recover from the change in "timezones" :)11:10
Jucatonow I have to be somewhere.... :)11:11
Jucatobye! :)11:11
RiddellTonio_: I never knew showfoto was part of digikam11:17
Tonio_Riddell: hehe ;)11:17
Tonio_Riddell: got the new package ? everything is now split11:17
RiddellTonio_: I did the digikam main inclusion review a while ago, but there some other dependencies it needs11:18
Tonio_Riddell: I'm just writing the maininclusionreport11:18
Tonio_Riddell: is it already written ?11:18
Riddellbut there other packages it needs as I say11:19
Tonio_ah yes it is11:19
Riddellsorry, should have said before11:19
Tonio_Riddell: no problem :)11:19
Tonio_Riddell: let's look at the deps11:19
Tonio_Riddell: Filename: pool/universe/libk/libkexif/libkexif1_0.2.3-2_i386.deb Filename: pool/universe/d/dcraw/dcraw_8.36-0ubuntu1_i386.deb11:23
Tonio_here are the 2 dependancies that are in universe11:23
Tonio_what is the process to get in main in the same time than digikam ?11:23
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Tonio_writting 2 other main inclusion reports ? :)11:24
=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@d51A48ECC.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: I'm writting the 2 other main inclusion reports11:31
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Riddellthanks, just use the same Template11:32
Tonio_Riddell: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13308011:33
UbugtuKDE bug 133080 in general "Regression in 3.5.4: Auto scroll and paste with the middle button" [Normal,Resolved: duplicate]  11:33
Tonio_hehe, it is resolved, so I'll ask for a little debdiff and we can rediscuss this ;)11:33
=== je4d [n=jeff@peridot.caffeinated.me.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportDcraw https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportLibkexif12:14
Tonio_here they are12:14
RiddellTonio_: say if libkexif meets the Debian library packaging guide standards.12:16
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Riddelladd to UbuntuMainInclusionQueue, and it's done12:17
Tonio_Riddell: yup12:18
Tonio_Riddell: added and that's it :)12:28
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@56.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellrocking, thanks Tonio_ 12:40
Tonio_hu ????????12:40
Tonio_I'm unable to shutdown or reboot my computer12:40
Tonio_"disconnect" in kmenu doesn't produce anything......... can someone confirm ?12:40
JucatoLogout doesn't do anything here, too12:40
Riddellsounds like upstart12:41
Tonio_Riddell: known issue ?12:41
Tonio_Riddell: possibly yes12:41
HobbseeTonio_: use sudo /sbin/poweroff12:41
Tonio_Riddell: I just noticed kdeprint doesn't work here too... impossible to add a usb printer12:41
Tonio_works with gnome-cups-manager12:42
Tonio_another 2 bugs for the wikipage :)12:42
Hobbseeyeah, logout doesnt do anything here as well12:42
Hobbseelets whine at keybuk about it.12:42
Tonio_can anyone test kdeprint please ? I wouldn't like to add local problem to the wikipage :)12:43
=== Hobbsee looks
=== Jucato doesn't have a printer...
Tonio_no pb here with a network printer, just that the lpt/usb radio is unclickable12:43
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_yop goldenear12:44
Tonio_goldenear: any news concerning oskar developpment ?12:44
Tonio_Hobbsee: confirmed ?12:44
Hobbseeif i scan on the wrong subnet, no wonder i dont find the printer.12:44
Tonio_Hobbsee: do you have a local usb printer ?12:44
Tonio_anybody else ?12:45
HobbseeTonio_: i had a local parallel port printer :P12:45
Tonio_Hobbsee: problem should be the same for lpt printers too12:45
HobbseeTonio_: ah yeah, confirming that.  that was in dapper too12:47
Tonio_Hobbsee: unable to click "local printer (usb, serial, lpt)", that's it no ?12:49
HobbseeTonio_: that's it, yep12:49
Tonio_Hobbsee: writting https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyTopBugs12:50
HobbseeTonio_: okay.  says it's not created yet12:50
Hobbseeis there too12:51
Tonio_Hobbsee: ho, okay :)12:51
Tonio_let's use this one12:52
goldenearTonio_: two things about Oskar: 1) Oskar for KDE 3.5 is now in the hands of Koos... Indeed, Oskar for 3.5 uses the code of the actual kmplayer and Koos is the only personne that really understand its code.12:54
goldenearThe code is not very flexible and the mix of the new ui and the kmplayer is not very easy because of that.12:55
Tonio_goldenear: hum.... not nice to ear ;)12:55
goldenear2) We are about, with Mr Freeze (and Koos I hope) to start working on Oskar for KDE 412:55
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
goldenearthe actual UI code is very easy to port to KDE 4 and the engine code almost need to be rewrite from scratch for KDE 4 (use of dbus, phonon, etc...)12:56
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["wth]
Tonio_Hobbsee: can you confirm please ? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/5950212:59
UbugtuMalone bug 59502 in kdebase "Impossible to install new printer with kdeprint (edgy)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  12:59
goldenearTo sum up, Oskar for KDE 3.5 will exist is Koos want it (or if any one want to dive and spend time into the code of kmplayer).12:59
HobbseeTonio_: you cant confirm yourself?12:59
Tonio_Hobbsee: well the point is that confirmation requires 2 personns :)01:00
Tonio_"I report and autoconfirm my issue" sounds strange to me ;)01:00
HobbseeTonio_: i would have just said "i've confirmed with tonio_ on irc that this occurs"01:00
HobbseeTonio_: yeah, if mdz sees that, he yells :P01:00
Tonio_Hobbsee: exactly ;)01:01
goldenearTonio_: From our side (Mr Freeze and I) we prefer to spend time and energy to work on Oskar for KDE 4 than to try to understand how to "fix" kmplayer.01:02
Tonio_goldenear: that makes sense, indeed01:02
goldenearand KDE 4 is not vapourware anymore :)01:03
goldeneareven if it may not be ready for edgy +101:03
Tonio_goldenear: hehe01:04
=== goldenear wonders what will be in edgy +1 KDE 3.5.6 or KDE 4.0...
Tonio_Hobbsee: any bugs to add to the list ?01:15
HobbseeTonio_: havent looked sorry01:15
JucatoHobbsee: do you have tty1? I only have tty2-tty601:16
HobbseeJucato: i do now, i dotn think i did before01:16
Hobbseegot the latest upstart/usplash?01:16
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Tonio_] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel! | TODO: Gamin fixes at: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Merges at: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems
Jucatoah. maybe with the updates a while ago01:16
JucatoI'll try to restart later01:17
Jucatosudo /usr/sbin/reboot ?01:17
HobbseeJucato: reboot -f works01:17
Jucatoah thanks01:18
Tonio_haha ;)01:18
Tonio_I've been prompted that I am low on battery power, 99% charged ;)01:18
Tonio_sebas: I finally saw the prompt dialog, but it looks like there is a little problem with it :)01:19
HobbseeTonio_: hehe, me too01:21
HobbseeTonio_: the ones that amuse me more is when it thinks the battery has been taken out.01:21
Tonio_Hobbsee: I've also been prompted that the battery had been removed when charge was 100%01:23
HobbseeTonio_: hehe, yep01:23
Hobbseethat's what i get too01:23
Tonio_well that's not critical, but we should see that with sebas too :)01:23
Tonio_Hobbsee: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems feel free to add your bugs there ;)01:27
HobbseeTonio_: will do. 01:27
HobbseeTonio_: currently i'm *dealing* with the bugs for a team that i'm the owner of01:28
Hobbseewhere at least 2 of them ftbfs - and we're requesting syncs for them.01:28
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-221-42-86.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseegah.  one that's depending on a package that ftbfs in itself.  how carefully were these checked???01:31
=== WindowsUninstall [n=WindowsU@kde/developer/bettio] has joined #kubuntu-devel
WindowsUninstallHi all01:32
WindowsUninstallI've a question about free CDs ship. how many time take special request? I need CDs for the 28th of october01:33
gnomefreakdepends on where you are in the world depends how many you order depends on mail service. normally orders take about 6 weeks. ive seen them take as long as 2 1/2 months01:35
WindowsUninstallgnomefreak, Oooh01:36
WindowsUninstallgnomefreak, Where do you live?01:36
gnomefreakWindowsUninstall: US01:36
=== el [n=konversa@port-83-236-238-37.static.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellWindowsUninstall: what's it for?01:36
WindowsUninstallRiddell, For the italian linux day01:37
gnomefreakWindowsUninstall: order them as soon as possible and in your request state why you need them and for when01:37
RiddellWindowsUninstall: make a shipit order and let me know if you don't get them by the 22nd01:41
WindowsUninstallRiddell, OK01:42
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p54955D59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiihi all02:02
kwwiiafter last nights update, my computer no longer boot :-)02:02
Hobbseehey kwwii 02:03
Hobbseekwwii: well, clearly it does, else you wouldnt be here.  *g*02:03
kwwiimoin Hobbsee 02:03
WindowsUninstallRiddell, Will I Recive an email or a message when my order is aproved?02:03
kwwiiHobbsee: I am running OSX :p02:03
Hobbseekwwii: ahhh...02:05
kwwiiactually, I have more kde4 built on osx than on linux :-)02:11
WindowsUninstallkwwii, lol02:11
WindowsUninstallkwwii, Are you a KDE developer?02:11
kwwiiWindowsUninstall: I am KDE Ken :-)02:11
RiddellWindowsUninstall: you can check back on the shipit site02:11
kwwiian artist, not really a developer any more02:11
WindowsUninstallRiddell, OK02:11
Hobbseedid i miss something here?  or did making a spec mean that you actually have to do something about it, if you want it implemented?02:11
imbrandonkwwii, whats your machine doing ? 02:11
WindowsUninstallkwwii, I develop for KDE when I have the time :)02:11
Hobbseeie, doesnt a spec say "I'm going to do this, for this point in time?"02:11
imbrandonWindowsUninstall, most of us in here are kde hackers in some way shape or form ;)02:11
imbrandonHobbsee, yea , why ? hehe02:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: some idiot has just posted to ubuntu-devel about creatign a spec, asking someone else to implement it!02:11
imbrandoni can see asking for HELP, but not for someone to DO it02:11
imbrandonvery few things you can get done 100% on your own02:11
imbrandonanyway, i'm off to go pickup my son bbiab02:11
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955D59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwii_imbrandon: when it boots, it says about 5 times between each normal boot message "chdir, file doees not exist"or udevd.../dev/null/ file does not exist02:11
kwwii_hehe, the third time is a chrarm02:12
kwwii_not sure why, but now it boots02:12
Tonio_Riddell: who manages dapper backports ? mez ?02:13
Tonio_Riddell: that's for bug 5773902:13
UbugtuMalone bug 57739 in knetworkmanager "please backport 0.1~svn-r575138-0ubuntu1 to dapper" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5773902:13
HobbseeTonio_: imbrandon can backport02:13
Tonio_I agree with this02:13
Tonio_imbrandon: would you be okay to do this ?02:14
Tonio_edgy version really closes lots of issues...02:14
kwwii_rebooting, bbl02:14
gnomefreakjdong is a backporter iirc imbrandon also02:14
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955D59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
RiddellTonio_: jdong, imbrandon, mez02:18
imbrandonTonio_, yea i'll check it now02:18
imbrandonlol @ Hobbsee02:18
kwwiiI was quite worried for 5 miutes there02:18
=== Tonio_ is in bugtriage mode :)
imbrandonheh you had me worried since i havent rebooted yet02:18
Tonio_heya kwwii ;)02:18
HobbseeTonio_: yay ;)02:18
HobbseeTonio_: i'm in "hobbsee is being a nitpicky bitch mode" - perhaps i should do some more reviews on REVU?  :P02:19
WindowsUninstallkwwii, I need an opinion: I've written this application for KDE 4: http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/6439/schermata19gx1.png02:20
WindowsUninstallIt's for the disk managment.02:20
WindowsUninstallDo you like? 02:20
kwwiiWindowsUninstall: looks pretty good to me...how do you draw the pie chart?02:21
kwwiiI assume some lib, not pics02:23
WindowsUninstallkwwii, An homemade function :)02:23
kwwiiit would be cool if you could antialias the lines on it a bit :-)02:23
WindowsUninstallkwwii, I'm not an artist :D02:23
Tonio_I HATE this kind of comments02:24
WindowsUninstallkwwii, Also I don't know how to draw antialiased lines02:24
Tonio_bug 4078602:24
UbugtuMalone bug 40786 in knetworkmanager "Missing documentation" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4078602:24
Tonio_shit, if you don't like the doc has it is, provide a better one or shutup !!02:24
Hobbseei remember that one being shocking, yes02:24
WindowsUninstallkwwii, I need more ideas for this program02:24
=== Jucato notes that adpt doesn't have docs either...
=== Jucato thinks in Dapper at least...
imbrandonTonio_, knetworkmanager backport fixed up, it will be done with the archive rounds today 02:25
kwwiiWindowsUninstall: if I think of anythng I'll let you know :-)02:26
WindowsUninstallThanks :)02:27
WindowsUninstallkwwii, http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/kde4/playground/base/kdiskmanager/02:27
WindowsUninstallThe source are here02:27
Tonio_imbrandon: thanks :)02:27
Tonio_imbrandon: I've assigned two bugs related to this to you02:28
Tonio_imbrandon: in case you wanna close them once backport is in ;)02:28
Tonio_Riddell: is there a way to nuke package from ubuntu ? knetswitch, gnetswitch and netswitch are now unmaintained02:31
HobbseeTonio_: file a bug requesting its removal02:31
Tonio_and there are not of any use with networkmanager02:31
Tonio_Hobbsee: who to assign to ?02:31
HobbseeTonio_: subscribe ubuntu-archive02:32
Hobbseecheck the rdepends first, fo course :)02:32
Tonio_hehe, yes :)02:32
HobbseeTonio_: i'm leaving nothing to chance tonight.02:32
=== Hobbsee has already seen too much idiocy.
=== Jucato double checks if he's done something stupid tonight...
Hobbseeno, i dont think you have02:33
Jucatoheh, at least not yet :)02:33
kwwiigiven enough time, I am sure you will :P02:37
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: ping?02:47
jdongwow, kde4 really rocks... look at how much it runs :)02:50
jdongkonsole.... and ... umm... konsole.... and umm... hey! kpersonalizer!02:50
Riddellhi Hobbsee 02:51
imbrandonjdong, heh on my ibook it runs koffice, kdegames, konqui / konsole / and the rest of kdebase , among others ;)02:51
HobbseeRiddell: did you forget about oping Hawkwind?02:51
RiddellTonio_: file a bug and ask for removal and subscribe ubuntu-archive02:51
imbrandonhavent tried Riddell's packages yet though, about to today02:51
RiddellHobbsee: I did it last night02:51
Tonio_Riddell: already done, thanks :)02:51
Riddell13:51 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- 1   20    HAWKWIND                            <never used>02:52
imbrandon[07:52]  [Notice]  -ChanServ- +-- Access List for [#kubuntu]  --02:52
imbrandon[07:52]  [Notice]  -ChanServ- +Num Level Hostmask                            Time since last use02:52
imbrandon[07:52]  [Notice]  -ChanServ- +--- ----- --------                            -------------------02:52
imbrandon[07:52]  [Notice]  -ChanServ- +1   20    HAWKWIND                            3s02:52
Hobbseeso he is.02:53
Hobbseewonder why it's all in caps02:53
HawkwindHobbsee: My nick was originally registered in all caps when I first came here02:53
imbrandonits probably the way he registered his nick02:53
HawkwindI need to see about getting that changed02:54
HobbseeHawkwind: ahhh...02:54
abattoirRiddell: hi :)02:55
abattoirRiddell: sorry about not being able to make it to the meeting :(02:55
imbrandonwow between Hobbsee and Tonio_ bugmail blew up my mailbox ;)02:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe02:56
imbrandoni thought i was doing good with 4 bugs delt with, then i look at my mail02:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: why, on the ubuntu-universe-sponsors list?02:56
=== gnomefreak didnt do kubuntu bugs lastnight sorry :)
imbrandonHobbsee, why am i ?02:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: i dont know.  you could be, though02:57
imbrandonbecosue i offer to sponsor uploads for people02:57
Hobbseeit seems that the email goes to everyone, as i ahvent set an address02:57
imbrandonHobbsee,  the mail gos to the whole team anyhow02:57
imbrandonweather you set one or not afaik02:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: ah right.02:57
=== imbrandon missed something in that conversation
Hobbseei dont know.  my brain is screwed, i'm annoyed, and i still have a few people to yell at.03:01
=== Hobbsee should probably do something else for a while.
jdongimbrandon: whoa whoa, did you test the knetworkmanager backport?03:02
jdongimbrandon: I've tried backporting it before, and installing it will cause dbus hell03:02
jdongimbrandon: namely, the nm backend will refuse to start, etc03:02
imbrandoni made sure it built and installed03:02
imbrandonother than that no03:02
WindowsUninstallSee you later03:02
kwwiiso...what kind of usplash do we want? a very simple one? more complicated? with throbber or w/o?03:03
jdongyou got any dapper boxes that you can conform it works on?03:03
jdongI'm pretty paranoid about that backport03:03
imbrandonjdong, not handy, i can later today03:03
jdongI've got no dapper boxes or working vmware03:03
jdongimbrandon: k03:03
imbrandonkwwii, i was always a fan of the simple suse ones with a throbber in the middle03:04
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imbrandonsolid color with a nice logo+text with a monocrome throbber03:04
imbrandonjust my 0.2c03:04
Hobbseekwwii: one like the one on the artwork page :)03:07
kwwiiyeah, if we have a throbber, we should not have the progress bar though03:07
kwwiiand turning off the text would be good in that case too03:07
kwwiiand I am not sure if we can turn either of those two things off03:07
imbrandonseveas would be the one to ask i think03:08
imbrandonabout that03:08
imbrandonkwwii, ydo you have a fullsize 5b easy for me to grab ?03:08
imbrandoni wanna try something real fast03:08
kwwiiimbrandon: all those pics are in a tarball03:09
Tonio_I have to go, back in an hour03:09
kwwiione second, I'll get the url03:09
imbrandoni thnk i got the tarbal03:09
imbrandonyea i got it03:10
abattoirRiddell: are you free now? may i speak with you?03:11
Riddellabattoir: a bit03:11
imbrandonkwwii, isnt thetre a line tool ( for a broken line ) in PS ?03:12
imbrandoni'm not finding it ( working on a quick proof-of-concept thingy )03:12
kwwiiimbrandon: should be03:13
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@56.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiimbrandon: you need to make a brush like that and use the line tool03:17
imbrandonyea i just found it03:17
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@56.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiifor now, I guess I will simply put the new logo on black and edit the throbber pics from the example theme to match, at least we will have somewhere to start from03:18
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonkwwii, ok last request ( for now ) hehe do you have the edgy-test.png logo with a totaly transparent bg ?03:26
imbrandonthe one on the wiki has some white03:26
imbrandonbehind it03:27
kwwiiyou mean the one with the light shining through it?03:27
imbrandonnah the 03:27
imbrandonmain one 03:28
imbrandonthe one you use on kdm03:28
kwwiiahhhh, well, I have an SVG I made it from03:28
imbrandonhehe can you export a png with a trans bg pweeeeease ?03:28
kwwiione second03:29
imbrandonthanks ;)03:29
=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@mail.ottens.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonheya bddebian03:33
bddebianHeya imbrandon03:33
Tonio_yop bddebian03:34
kwwiiso... imbrandon: http://bootsplash.org/idea_raw.png03:34
bddebianHi Tonio_03:34
kwwiibut it still has a bit of color in it03:34
kwwiithe objects that make the lines are slightly purple, tec.03:34
kwwiiso who wants to test the new usplash?03:36
Hobbseekwwii: wow!  pretty!03:36
=== gnurante [n=Toninux@host11-35-static.25-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeTonio_: how easy would it be to fix the "no searching in khelpcentre unless htdig is installed"?03:41
HobbseeTonio_: cd size would be the only thing stopping us, presumably03:43
Tonio_Hobbsee: same ease than getting an app in universe :)03:43
Tonio_in main sorry03:43
Hobbseethat too03:43
Hobbsee!info htdig edgy03:43
ubotuhtdig: WWW search system for an intranet or small internet. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2.0b6-1 (edgy), package size 1781 kB, installed size 6328 kB03:43
Hobbseei see.03:43
Tonio_Riddell: can we afford htdig on the cd ?03:43
HobbseeTonio_: he's afk03:43
Tonio_Size: 182383003:43
Hobbseethere has to be some stuff that we can pull off as being useless03:43
Tonio_looks reasonnable03:43
imbrandonkwwii, ping 03:45
gnomefreakafter the kde4base upgrade is it safe to install kubuntu-desktop back or will it replace the new libs?03:45
imbrandonkwwii, http://federation.imbrandon.com/concept1.png03:45
imbrandongnomefreak, wow your brave ;)03:45
gnomefreakalways :)03:45
Jucatoabsolutely amazing imbrandon! :)03:45
gnomefreakimbrandon: +1 on that03:45
gnomefreakthat is nice03:46
imbrandonJucato, i wouldent call it that, i through it togather in 5 seconds03:46
Jucatoif that's what you could do in 5 secs, I'm excited to see what you could do in a whole minute :)03:46
gnomefreakmake the white one purple :)03:46
Jucatognomefreak: it's gonna be a throbber :)03:46
gnomefreakJucato: after the first 30 secs you start messing things up 03:47
gnomefreakoh sweet03:47
imbrandonkwwii, so what ya think ?03:47
Jucatoimbrandon: you also typed in those side notes within 5 secs? :P03:47
imbrandonJucato, shush 03:47
Jucatooops... sorry...03:47
imbrandonok 34 minutes ( just looked back at the irc log to see when i started heheh )03:48
=== Jucato hopes imbrandon wasn't annoyed...
imbrandonheh no03:49
imbrandonshush was playfull03:49
Jucatowhew :)03:49
Jucatoah... it's hard to tell in IRC :)03:49
imbrandontrust me people know when i'm annoyed, i'm not shy ( but i dont get annoyed easy imo )03:50
jdongimbrandon: where's my ktorrent?03:50
jdongimbrandon: where's my ktorrent?03:50
imbrandonok that will get a /kick03:50
imbrandonSeveas, is that even possible with the new usplash code ? ( e.g. http://federation.imbrandon.com/concept1.png )03:52
Tonio_imbrandon: any reference to your angry night with upstream concerning konversation default settings ?? ;-)03:52
imbrandonTonio_, yea that was one of the few times i was a bit annoyed03:53
Hobbseemore than "a bit" annoyed03:53
imbrandonlol shush /me was hopping no one read the logs03:53
Tonio_Hobbsee: lol, yes 3 phrases, 7 f*ck in them ;)03:53
Hobbseei didnt count03:54
Hobbseeimbrandon: i still get the honour of teachign the dev team what  ffs was.03:54
Tonio_everyone in invited to add his points here03:54
imbrandonffs ?03:54
Hobbseeimbrandon: check google or wikipedia or something03:54
imbrandon~google ffs03:54
imbrandongah no bot03:54
=== Hobbsee was *incredibly* annoyed that night, due to a stupid windows machine
imbrandoni dident bother with an acronym, i was uterly p*ssed off to say the leaste03:55
imbrandonbut it was all good by morning03:56
imbrandonits amazing what a few hours away from the keyboard will do 03:56
Hobbseeah yes, i dont usually use the f word though.03:56
imbrandoni think i'll try the new kde4 debs while i wait for kwwii03:57
=== Jucato hasn't seen Hobbsee use the f word... yet...
imbrandonyou probably wont either ;)03:57
HobbseeJucato: i have a couple of times. that's it03:58
Jucatodarn! 03:58
Hobbseeand some of fubar'd03:58
imbrandonjdong, ping04:03
jdongimbrandon: pong04:03
imbrandonok knetwork manager runs fine, no issues , and the issues you had before were probably not knm related as nm is the backend and a diffrent package04:04
kwwiiimbrandon: nifty :-)04:04
imbrandonso can you please do BACK to the bug and retaact that04:04
kwwiisorry, I took a shower04:04
imbrandonlast statement ;)04:04
imbrandonjdong, ....04:04
imbrandonSetting up network-manager (0.6.2-0ubuntu7) ...04:04
imbrandon * Stopping NetworkManager daemon                                                                                                         [ ok ] 04:04
imbrandon * Starting NetworkManager daemon                                                                                                         [ ok ] 04:04
imbrandon * Stopping NetworkManager dispatcher                                                                                                     [ ok ] 04:04
imbrandon * Starting NetworkManager dispatcher                                                                                                     [ ok ] 04:04
imbrandoneverything running smooth, connect , disconnect ertc etc etc04:05
jdongimbrandon: k, cool04:05
imbrandonnm interacts with dbus and knm interacts with nm ;) just fyi04:05
kwwiiimbrandon: I doubt that your pic is 256 colors, or?04:06
jdongimbrandon: i know, but the knetworkmanager config file it installed in /etc/dbus last time caused dbus to stop starting04:06
imbrandonkwwii, so you like the concept ;)04:06
jdongoh well :)04:06
=== jdong goes back to comment in launchpad ticket
kwwiiimbrandon: to be honest, I think that it is a bit too much...all you really need is the throbber and the logo04:07
imbrandonkwwii, thats what i was talking about "SuSE" like , back in the olden days04:07
imbrandonyea but if you cant get rid of the text / bar04:07
imbrandonmight as well use them04:07
kwwiiI am actually trying to move forward since I did that work :P04:07
imbrandonhehe but i LIKED that hehe 04:08
imbrandonanyhow it was just to show you my idea better than i could with words ;)04:08
kwwiiwell, what we have now is a pulsating progress bar, a logo above it and text below it04:08
kwwiihonestly, the stuff doesn't work on my system, so I am just gathering that from the .c file04:08
imbrandonit dosent work on my ppc either04:09
imbrandondunno why04:09
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imbrandonRiddell, it should be able to install those debs and only use kde4 from a seperate user right ?04:10
=== Jucato thinks Riddell is still cycling...
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Jucato greets the clone of Hobbsee_
=== Hobbsee is no clone
=== Jucato bids farewell to the ghost of Hobbsee
=== Hobbsee had to reboot the router and cable connection
imbrandonoh wow http://pastebin.ca/16429104:19
DaSkreechHi Hobbsee04:19
Hobbseehey DaSkreech 04:19
=== Jucato wonders why his fingers automatically click on any URL posted by imbrandon...
Tonio_Hobbsee: shouldn't we think about switching back to kbackup, since keep looks unmaintained ?04:20
HobbseeTonio_: i've used neither.  in fact, i disable keep.  sounds sane though, to go to a maintained app.04:21
Tonio_or konserve eventually, which is the official one04:21
Jucatooh darn! I forgot to ask about Krita...04:21
jdongapt-get autoremove really scares me :)04:22
HobbseeTonio_: konserve sounds familiar, yes.04:23
imbrandonwhy? you should be able to fix just about /anything/ as a developer ;)04:23
imbrandonif not you know who to ask04:23
=== sitter [n=me@N866P024.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonanyhow i'm off to bed, see yall later04:23
Jucatobye imbrandon! night :)04:24
Hobbseenight imbrandon 04:24
=== Jucato considers sleeping early tonight... for a change :)
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes but unmaintained too04:24
HobbseeTonio_: ah okay04:25
=== Hobbsee notes that this list doesnt seem that bad.
=== sitter is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerhow to easily prevent .la files from been packaged?04:25
=== Hobbsee hits y on it.
apachelogger...ya have to wait 3 months to get your packages reviewed, and then you should prepare for traveling... oioi would insanity say04:27
DaSkreechGnight Jucato of the Beatuiful Women :)04:28
JucatoDaSkreech: heh not yet :)04:28
=== apachelogger is still asking how to easily prevent .la files from been packaged
DaSkreechcover them in smog?04:30
=== DaSkreech ducks
apacheloggersmog is always good :P04:31
=== apachelogger doesn't get why to remove them at all
apacheloggerdo they harm someone?04:31
Hobbseeapachelogger: run a rm -R *.la in debian/rules, clean section or something?  no idea.04:31
Hobbseeapachelogger: "because they're evil"04:31
apacheloggerdo they slowly eat apt?04:31
apacheloggeror do they fight with amarok about world domination?04:31
DaSkreechNo just the mannerism of World Domination04:32
Hobbseethey cause death and destruction to poor innocent penguins.04:32
apacheloggerHobbsee: hm, guess the rm must be in the binary pre-packaging section, however that is called04:32
apacheloggeranyway, thx :)04:32
apacheloggerwhen I get reborn I want to be a .la file04:32
apacheloggerso that a ubuntu motu can remove me :P04:32
=== DaSkreech votes for the PLF to get a name change bTW
Hobbseeapachelogger: i doubt that's the clean way of doing it.04:33
Hobbseeapachelogger: i think that's the quick and dirty way04:33
apacheloggerreally, I wouldn't remove them at all04:33
apacheloggerit's just to make my life less productive I guess04:34
=== apachelogger considers to write a script for auto adding a remove rule
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apacheloggerI know I recently packaged something which is removing a file post-build04:36
Tonio_Hobbsee: dh_iconcache is now in kde.mk right ?04:37
Tonio_so all related problems are supposed to be resolved ?04:37
HobbseeTonio_: yes, for apps that dont distribute a custom kde.mk, obviously04:37
Hobbseeand for packagse which dont use cdbs04:37
apacheloggerpart of the install section04:37
HobbseeTonio_: otherwise, yes04:37
Riddellimbrandon: which debs?04:38
apacheloggerHobbsee: binary-post-install04:38
Tonio_Hobbsee: for cdbs : of course :)04:38
RiddellTonio_: I'd really rather not have htdig on the CD04:38
HobbseeRiddell: why not?04:38
HobbseeTonio_: yeah :)04:38
Tonio_Riddell: wb :)04:38
Tonio_Riddell: what is the reason ?04:39
HobbseeTonio_: debhelper sucks.  Long live CDBS!04:39
apacheloggerRiddell: heya, do you know a reason for removing .la files? apart from not needed04:39
Tonio_Riddell: the problem is that khelpcenter give horrible error messages while htdig isn't installed....04:40
Seveasimbrandon, yes that is possible04:42
Tonio_ARGH !!!!!!!!!!!04:43
Tonio_"translate this application" launches firefox here......04:43
DaSkreechSeveas: Didn't he go to bed?04:43
SeveasDaSkreech, no idea, just reading the highlights from my backlog 04:44
DaSkreechSeveas: How do you get that?04:44
JucatoDaSkreech: in Konversation, lines with you name in it are red04:45
DaSkreechYes but .. You just scrool through and read the red ones?04:45
DaSkreechCan't it aggreagte them to a F-Key?04:45
SeveasI just use PgUp and PgDn 04:45
Jucatogood question :)04:46
HobbseeDaSkreech: konversation has a find function.04:46
Jucatoyep.. scrolling :)04:46
=== Hobbsee uses it for banlists.
JucatoFirefox-like find function, I might add04:46
DaSkreechHobbsee: Yeah and I'm going to search for my name? I talk a lot04:46
Seveasthen talk less :04:46
HobbseeDaSkreech: for the last point at which you said something? sure04:46
=== Hobbsee high-fives Seveas
DaSkreechI love that it seaches backwards by default though :)04:47
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Tonio_kwwii: if you are okay I'm closing this : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/+bug/5742804:56
UbugtuMalone bug 57428 in kubuntu-default-settings "kdm background is still blue but has purple wallpaper" [Untriaged,In progress]  04:56
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Tonio_I will patch /etc/kde3/kdm/backlgroundrc to match the correct background04:57
Jucatoyay! :)04:57
Tonio_I can confirm this bug here04:57
Tonio_Jucato: your solution is the good one :)04:57
Riddellsitter: depends on the situation, but .la file for plugins should be there, for libraries they should be in the -dev package04:57
=== sitter is now known as apachelogger
Jucatothanks :)04:58
apacheloggerRiddell: well, one is a kwin theme and the other is a konqueror plugin04:58
apacheloggeractually both don't have a lot of content at all ^^04:58
jjesseis it safe to assume that there is a bug or people are aware that theme doesn't completely cover konqueror's start page?05:00
Jucatoaware of it, and I think imbrandon has a working copy of the corrected one?05:01
kwwiiTonio_: yes,  please do05:13
kwwiiahhh, wait05:13
kwwiino, we need to change that color to match the general bg colors from kdm and the desktop05:13
kwwiithat is important05:13
Jucatothat, too. :)05:13
Tonio_kwwii: too late.......05:14
kwwiiTonio_: :p05:14
kwwiiwell, when we change the wallpapers in a few days you might have to change that color again :-)05:14
Tonio_true ;)05:14
Tonio_kwwii: wallpapers will change ?05:14
DaSkreechDoes ubiquity take the current settings from the Live CD?05:14
Jucatowouldn't the BG color be hidden if a background is set in KDM?05:14
Tonio_Jucato: should yes, that's why I would consider this optionnal05:15
Jucatoah, just in case. :)05:15
=== sitter [n=me@N804P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JucatoDaSkreech: I think so. but I'm not 100% sure...05:16
Jucatowow! Konqueror crashed on me for the 1st time...05:17
DaSkreechI'm guessing that's more the Ubuntu team?05:17
kwwiiTonio_: yepp, we are going green and pink soon05:21
JucatoI'll be waiting in the forums for comments on that one :D05:22
Tonio_kwwii: pink ??????????????????05:23
kwwiiactually we are going to blue-purple05:23
Tonio_ah ok :)05:23
kwwiibut in the end, maybe we should stay with the current orange-purple05:23
Jucatoerr.. orange?05:23
kwwiiI like the current one, and may others do too05:23
=== Jucato Ctrl+Alt+D
Tonio_Riddell: should we include gtk-qt-engine to systemsettings/appearance ?05:23
kwwiiwell, it is orange/yellow05:24
DaSkreechBlue-pink to be gender neutral with awful sterotypical offensive colours05:24
Tonio_it is still usefull to sync the fonts and install the firefox scrollbar fix05:24
JucatoTonio_: please do :)05:24
Tonio_that cannot be automated05:24
Tonio_Jucato: hum, I probably will but for this, I prefer to have _Sime or Riddell acknowledgment :)05:24
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=== Hobbsee beds
Hobbseenight all05:29
jjessehave a good night :)05:29
Hobbseewill do05:30
Hobbseeor morning.05:30
jjessesleep tiight05:30
DaSkreechNight Hobbse05:30
Jucatonight Hobbsee!05:30
=== apachelogger [n=me@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellTonio_: why?05:31
Tonio_Riddell: if you don't see it, you cannot set that gtk apps have to use kde settings for fonts05:32
Tonio_that has top be done each time you change them05:33
Tonio_Riddell: another thing is that it now allows to install a fix for firefox scrollbars05:33
Tonio_Riddell: that caused lots of bugs on launchpad...05:33
Riddellwhat's the fix, shouldn't we have that on by default?05:33
Tonio_Riddell: hidding it only manages the theme dynamically, but for the rest, manual access is required05:33
Tonio_Riddell: no we shouldn't cause that can impact people using both gnome and kde...05:34
alleeTonio_: hi, is anti-alias not working after initial login in dapper the fix known (3.5.4) ?  Otherwise I can tell you05:34
Tonio_it is probably better to let people install is manually I think....05:34
Tonio_Riddell: and concerning fonts, only manual sync is possible05:34
Tonio_so people without access to gtk-qt kcontrol module will not be able to set gtk apps to sync to new kde settings...05:35
Tonio_that's an issue in my opinion05:35
Tonio_allee: in dapper ????05:35
Tonio_I never saw that....05:36
DaSkreechRiddell: Which KDM do we use?05:36
Tonio_Riddell: if you want we can put it in the advanced tab of kss if you don't want Joe to see it ;)05:36
alleeTonio_: new user, first login, no alias.  k-s-s: turn alias off, apply, turn on again, apply -> fixed.  As patch this looks like:05:37
allee--- /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kdeglobals.save        2006-09-08 17:31:16.000000000 +020005:37
allee+++ /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kdeglobals     2006-09-08 17:31:42.000000000 +020005:37
RiddellTonio_: I'm not sure the reason for not including it but I'd like to find out what it was first before we add it back05:37
allee@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@05:37
Tonio_allee, yes I fixed that in edgy ;)05:37
allee selectBackground=74,149,21405:37
allee selectForeground=255,255,25505:37
allee buttonBackground=240,240,24005:37
Tonio_the point is kde 3.5.4 requires a new parameter05:38
Jucato"GTK Style and Fonts"05:38
Tonio_yes it is this one :)05:38
Tonio_allee 3.5.2 people shouldn't have the problem am I wrong ?05:38
alleeTonio_: good.  Now it's fixed  here too for dapper 3.5.405:38
alleeTonio_: yes, I can't remember seeing it with 3.5.2.  But 3.5.2 is history here ;)05:39
JucatoTonio_: kwallet seems to be missing in kss, too?05:39
Tonio_allee for edgy, yes, but I didn't do that for dapper05:39
alleeTonio_: 'k.  np as long as it's know how to fix.05:39
Tonio_Riddell: well I  discussed with _Sime concerning this and he apparently removed it because he didn't knew everything in it wasn't automatic :)05:39
Tonio_Riddell: he though access to it was purelly optionnal, so removed it05:40
Tonio_Sime: can you confirm this ?05:40
RiddellTonio_: we may need to rebuild keep to pick up dh_iconcache05:41
Tonio_Riddell: hum didn't it got rebuild auto for edgy ?05:41
RiddellTonio_: nope05:42
Tonio_Riddell: okay gimme a second05:42
Riddellalthough personally I think the gnomes should do it, since it's to fix their desktop05:42
Tonio_Riddell: reuploaded :)05:43
=== toma [n=toma@84-53-90-221.wxdsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Jucatowe can type in "sudo /usr/sbin/reboot -f" in Konsole while the logout options aren't working, right?05:47
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DaSkreechWhich svn branch of KDM does Debian use?05:49
Tonio_hum kpowermanager should conflict with guidance-power-manager05:51
Tonio_or at least disable it's autostart05:53
RiddellDaSkreech: 3.505:53
=== DaSkreech browses through the websvn
JucatoDaSkreech: would you know how to download whole folders in websvn? :)05:54
Tonio_Riddell: anyh idea how to perform this properly ?05:54
DaSkreechJucato: nah I just SVN it it's just faster to browse in web svn plus I get easy comments and comit times05:54
DaSkreechApparently the suse uses a branch called coolos_KDM which doesn't have the White box problem plauging kwwii and others05:55
DaSkreechSo I'm going to see the code on that and the code on the official KDM which is apparently not really being maintained05:56
=== apachelogger is wondering whether there is something coolo didn't branch from KDE ^^
RiddellTonio_: no reason not to have two power managers running at once06:01
DaSkreechapachelogger: Possibly. Though both of them seem to have fairly recent updates06:02
DaSkreechTime to diff :)06:02
kwwiiDaSkreech: yeah, I made him make it that way :-)06:02
apacheloggerkwwii: so you're responsible for all the other branches as well? :P06:03
DaSkreechI wonder why Ossi won't integrate teh two06:03
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@56.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hum, Riddellit looks like for people wanting to switch to kpowersave, splitting power-manager out of guidance would help06:05
Tonio_s/Riddellit/ Riddell it06:06
Riddellspose we could do that06:06
Tonio_Riddell: added to todo list to discuss this with Sime06:09
Tonio_Riddell: that may require a modification to the seeds no ?06:17
RiddellTonio_: yes06:17
Riddellkwwii: seen http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=45422 ?06:17
JucatoTonio_: excuse, just a quick question: the kwallet module was removed from kss?06:19
RiddellI don't think it has one06:20
Jucatoin Dapper it did? under the Security.. forgot the whole name, though06:20
Tonio_Jucato: looks that yes...06:20
Tonio_it probably should go to advanced, but not be removed...06:20
Jucatoah Security and Privacy. KControl seems to have it still06:20
Tonio_I'll see this too with Sime06:20
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Tonio_hu ? did anyone remove and reinstall kubuntu-desktop ?06:47
Jucatohm.. haven't tried reinstalling it06:47
Tonio_apt then suggest everytime to autoremove all dependancies06:47
Jucatoit was removed when I installed kde4base...06:47
Tonio_The following packages where automatically installed and are no longer required:06:47
Tonio_  xserver-xorg kpdf ksystemlog xserver-xorg-video-rendition krdc krfb kscd kppp konversation libkscan1 xserver-xorg-input-evdev kdeprint06:47
Tonio_hum, right, after installtion, the prompt ends.......06:48
Tonio_but I really dislike this feature06:49
Tonio_it helps keeping a clean system, but that very dangerous06:49
JucatoI remember jdong saying it was very scary...06:49
Tonio_Jucato: well lots of people might want to remove OOo and install koffice for example06:50
Tonio_then they will be prompted everytime with a hudge list to remove those packages blabla06:50
Tonio_the newbie will do it and crash his system.......06:50
Tonio_that's not fairt06:50
Jucatoheh, sounds almost like aptitude, when it tries to be smarter than you :)06:50
HawkwindIs anyone here able to run konqueror in KDE4 in Edgy ?06:56
Jucatoyou're one of a kind Hawkwind :)06:56
HawkwindIt surely seems that way06:56
Riddellnot I06:57
DaSkreechIs there planes for a Krash+1?06:58
JucatoDaSkreech: KDE 4 tech preview will be released in Oct, AFAIK...06:59
HawkwindDaSkreech: You running Edgy with KDE4 anywhere ?07:00
DaSkreechNaw. Power Company blew two of My hard drives so I'm space strapped07:00
HawkwindWow, wonder what I did so special to get konqueror to run07:01
JucatoHawkwind: coz you're special :)07:01
JucatoDaSkreech: you don't have to download the whole thing?07:01
DaSkreechJucato: Eh?07:01
JucatoIn fact, you can run Krash with KDE 3.5.4 on Edgy 07:01
HawkwindI run it in vmware07:01
Jucatojust a few hunderd MB's07:01
DaSkreechHmm 07:02
Jucatohttp://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.1.php (but i386 only)07:02
Jucatonight people! :)07:08
=== Jucato [n=jucato@] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
RiddellseaLne: around?07:12
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DaSkreechossi: Says he'll do it some day07:18
Riddelldo what?07:21
Simehi all07:43
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gnomefreakRiddell: do i need to go up for membership to get a @kubuntu.org email?07:50
gnomefreakit wont let me use my ubuntu.com one :(07:51
Riddellgnomefreak: only kubuntu-members get @kubuntu.org e-mails07:52
Riddellare you an ubuntu member?07:52
Riddellturn up at the next meeting and we can vote you in07:52
gnomefreakdo i need a speach?07:52
Riddellwhat won't let you use your ubuntu.com address?07:52
Riddellyou need to say why you should be a kubuntu member07:52
gnomefreakits used already for my Lp page.07:52
hungerIs it possible to get basket updated to the latest beta? It is a seriously nice app.07:57
Riddellnot usually a good idea to upload beta versions07:57
hungerRiddell: Yeah, you are probably right:-(07:57
DaSkreechRiddell: merge the suse (coolos) branch of KDM with the KDE version08:00
DaSkreechwhen is the final shipping?08:01
=== J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-125-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellDaSkreech: see EdgyReleaseSchedule08:03
DaSkreechI meant for Basket :)08:03
hungerDaSkreech: No idea... it got much nicer though.08:03
DaSkreechHow much nicer?08:03
hungerDaSkreech: Check here: http://basket.kde.org/development.php08:04
DaSkreechKontact integration!08:06
=== DaSkreech decalres Game Over
hungerDaSkreech: yeap:-)08:06
hungerDaSkreech: I like the hierarchical baskets, too.08:06
DaSkreechI haven't reached that far08:07
=== lnxkde [n=lnxkde@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
lnxkdegoing to install edgy :D08:15
=== lnxkde is backing up his home
=== lnxkde wants to try out KDE4 krash :)
freeflyingRiddell: arounds?08:23
Riddellhi freeflying 08:23
freeflyingRiddell: how can I upload updates to dapper08:29
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Riddellfreeflying: new versions of a programme or small bugfixes?08:36
freeflyingRiddell: bugfix08:36
freeflyingRiddell: dose it need approve by mdz?08:38
Riddellfreeflying: yes, e-mail him the debdiff to ask if he approves with as much information as possible08:38
freeflyingRiddell: ok, thanks08:39
mdzRiddell: it doesn't need my review if it isn't a new upstream; if it's just a bugfix patch you can review and upload08:39
freeflyingmdz: thanks08:39
Riddellah, I've must be being extra cautious with my dapper-updates then08:40
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiwell, I have now given the usplash stuff up to be packaged08:45
kwwiiso, at least theoretically, we have all parts of the artwork included08:46
kwwiibefore freeze :-)08:46
mdzRiddell: oh, I didn't notice this was for dapper08:49
mdzRiddell: you're correct then08:49
mdzfreeflying: we only issue updates to dapper for security and other high-impact bugs08:49
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kwwiiI encourage anyone who can test the usplash to test it (when the packages are done) and let me know how it looks ;-)09:13
DaSkreechhi el09:16
Tonio_kwwii: crosing my fingers......09:16
kwwiiTonio_: hehe, me too :-)09:16
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Tonio_kwwii: any screenshot how it might look ?09:17
=== mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechlnxkde: Hey got the repo?09:17
lnxkdewhat repo?09:17
=== Tonio_ trying to get that view button fixed in konqueror
Tonio_hard to patch when you don't speak c++...09:17
=== pascalFR [i=lagpWadh@cha92-7-82-230-174-61.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== lnxkde is updating his new edgy install
kwwiiTonio_: pretty much what I posted earlier, only I touched up the progress bar a bit09:18
Tonio_but I'll succeed !09:18
Tonio_kwwii: what takes 2 minutes to a kde dev takes me 3 hours + compiling time09:18
Tonio_kwwii: my only advantage is that I don't need to sleep a lot :)09:18
kwwiisleep in between builds09:19
Tonio_good idea indeed :)09:19
kwwiiI actually used to do that 09:19
DaSkreechlnxkde: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-3.80.1.php09:19
kwwiiset an alarm09:19
lnxkdeDaSkreech:  yep. going to install it as soon I get edgy updated :)09:20
Tonio_pbuilder build *.dsc && amarok -i sepultura.mp309:20
Tonio_sounds like a good way to proceed :)09:21
elhi DaSkreech 09:21
Tonio_kwwii: I promiss to test this one day hehe09:21
Tonio_I'll try to get mimetypes fixed in kds toonight too09:22
Tonio_we miss a lot of them (mp4, aac etc...)09:22
kwwiiTonio_: can't you just make symbolic links for them?09:25
Tonio_kwwii: yes, like cakma (compile and kick my ass)09:25
Tonio_kwwii: I generally don't like links since you get lost when you are not in front of the computer09:26
Tonio_so as I can type quite quickly, I prefer not to use them09:26
Tonio_the same way I don't use bookmarks on the web on contacts in kmail09:27
Tonio_I prefer to get my brain trained a bit09:27
Tonio_I'm not a vegetable, I'm a human beeing !!!09:27
kwwiiI just wonder how much space we waste by including the same icon twice or three times09:27
Tonio_kwwii: too much probably :)09:28
kwwiiwell, we will get that sorted in kde409:28
Tonio_kde4 will not have this issue afaik, since everything will be based on svg's right ?09:28
kwwiiwell, I know that I do not intend to make the same mistake twice09:28
ryanakcakwwii: need any help with usplash?09:29
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Tonio_kwwii: 09:29
Tonio_tonio@kubuntu:/usr/share/icons/crystalsvg$ du -sh *09:29
DaSkreechkwwii: the Suse code is nasty :)09:29
Tonio_2,9M    128x12809:30
kwwiiryanakca: not at the moment...waiting for the package to be built09:30
Tonio_3,0M    16x1609:30
Tonio_2,0M    22x2209:30
Tonio_2,6M    32x3209:30
Tonio_2,1M    48x4809:30
Tonio_2,0M    64x6409:30
Tonio_sorry for this.......09:30
Tonio_kwwii: looks reasonnable09:30
kwwiiDaSkreech: which SUSE code?09:30
DaSkreechKDM -- White box09:30
kwwiiTonio_: that is in base, only, or?09:30
ryanakcaRiddell: want to look at qcomicbook? .imbra.ndon. advocated is... if not, I'll go bug someone in -motu      http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=305009:30
Tonio_kwwii: in base ?09:30
kwwiiDaSkreech: yeah, that is why it never went upstream09:30
Tonio_that's just an example for one theme09:30
kwwiiit was always a nasty hack09:31
DaSkreechossi says that he wouldn't mind integratingi it for a KDE4 release but the code needs to be smoother. I'm trying to get the list of requirements and pass them along 09:31
Tonio_I assume the global loss is maybe about 80 MB09:31
DaSkreechWould be sweet to have edgy+1 ship with it09:31
Tonio_that's reasonnable compared to apt stupid cache :)09:31
kwwiihehe ossi never wanted to work with us, so we had lubos take care of things ;-)09:31
kwwiiwhat would be really cool, would be a decent looking face browser09:31
DaSkreechYeah but duplication of efforts is always such propietary sense09:32
DaSkreechDefine decent09:32
Riddellryanakca: I thought imbrandon had already uploaded qcomicbook09:33
DaSkreechIt made it?09:34
=== mbiebl [n=michael@dslb-084-056-238-224.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mbieblsebas: ping09:36
kwwiiDaSkreech: well, one that looks nice :-)09:37
DaSkreechWhat's ugly about the present one?09:37
kwwiiand is at least somewhat themeable09:37
kwwiithe bg color should be transparent09:37
kwwiiand the widgets as well09:37
=== jjesse_ [n=jjesse@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
SimeRiddell: hi, we've been discussing on the PyKDE list developing PyKDE in KDE's SVN for KDE 4. BTW.09:44
Tonio_hey Sime !09:44
SimeTonio_: you're back.09:45
Tonio_Sime: may I take 3 minutes of your time ?09:45
RiddellSime: that's great news if it happens09:45
Tonio_Sime: hehe :)09:45
Tonio_Sime: I was wondering about reincluding gtk-qt-engine to k-s-s09:45
Simeyeah yeah, just let me go grab a can of America champage from the fridge.09:45
RiddellSime: although it does mean releases have to be available in time for the KDE releases09:45
SimeRiddell: it looks like it will happen once some of the details are worked out.09:46
Tonio_we miss a few features if we don't include it, like resync fonts to kde ones and apply firefox/thunderbird patches09:46
SimeRiddell: that would be the main goal.09:46
mbieblRiddell: Who is currently in charge for guidance-power-manager (edgy)?09:46
Tonio_Sime: and also kwallet should probably be back in the advanced tab, don't you think ?09:46
mbieblIs it you or sebas?09:47
Tonio_Sime: any opinion concerning this ?09:47
Riddellmbiebl: me, sebas and lure are the ones who have been working on it09:47
Simembiebl: sebas09:48
mbieblOk, there is one issue with g-p-m I have. 09:48
SimeTonio_: I don't know a hell of a lot about that functionality. I'm guessing that you need that in KSS other wise the user can't do what they need to do.09:49
mbieblIf I pull the plug, my laptop immediately hibernates although the batteries are fully charged.09:49
mbieblMy batteries need a little bit of time, until the report a valid "remaining time" value, something like 30 secs.09:49
kwwiiRiddell, mdz: a kubuntu usplash has been submitted and built by Seveas (thanks go to him)09:50
Tonio_Sime: yes, gtk-qt-engine automatically binds the kde theme over gtk apps, but for example, syncking the fonts has to be done manually09:50
Tonio_Sime: moreover, the firefox patch cannot be automated in kubuntu since it might impact gnome users using kde09:50
Tonio_so people have to apply it themselves09:51
mbiebliirc kpowersave had solved that by ignoring battery events for ~60 secs after pulling the plug. Maybe that would make sense for g-p-m too.09:51
=== Sime is installing kcontrol.
Riddellmbiebl: hmm, interesting09:51
Riddellmbiebl: does this affect a paticular manufacturer?09:51
Tonio_Sime: and concerning kwallet, giving access to it is very usefull since sometimes, the wallet can get corrupted, or you can want to play with 2 wallets (I do for example)09:51
mbieblDon't know if other laptops are affected by this too. At least mine does (HP nx7000)09:52
SimeTonio_: GTK fonts etc looks neccessary.09:53
SimeTonio_: maybe El has an opinion about kwallet...09:54
mdzkwwii: thanks, looking forward to seeing it in edgy09:54
Tonio_Sime: El ?09:54
SimeTonio_: ellen (el)09:54
Tonio_Sime: ah !09:54
Tonio_Sime: well the wallet can be configured within the systray, so I think we maybe can forget this09:56
Tonio_Sime: concerning gtk-bla, are you adding it to svn and I resync the package or do we provide a patch for the moment ?09:57
SimeTonio_: does kwallet appear in kmenu?09:57
SimeTonio_: I can add gtkfonts to svn.09:57
Tonio_Sime: no, but you can go and configure in with the systray icon09:57
Tonio_open, and go -> configure09:57
SimeTonio_: yeah, but how can you turn it on in the first place?09:58
Tonio_so that's not very important I must say, except when it bugs and you don't see the icon :)09:58
Tonio_Sime: it is by default as soon as an application calls it09:58
Tonio_like kmail, kopete or knetworkmanager09:58
Tonio_that opens it automatically09:58
SimeTonio_: maybe, but if is inot enabled then you will never see the icon. I've _never_ seen the kwallet icon. I don't have it turned on at all.09:59
Tonio_Sime: you also have a kded running in the background that can be restarted eventually09:59
Tonio_Sime: it is but you don't see the icon since you never created any wallet10:00
Tonio_Sime: go watch kded services, you'll see a kwallet one running10:00
Tonio_Sime: the icon appears when a wallet is created whitch is done automatically when an app requires it.....10:01
Tonio_the only way to get it stopped is to set the kded service to stop10:01
SimeTonio_: I don't think so. I use krdc and have the "use kwallet" checkbox on, but I've never seen an systray icon for it appear.10:01
Tonio_Sime: I think people that would break this know what they do :)10:01
Tonio_Sime: are you on kubuntu edgy ?10:02
jjesse_hmm i'm up to date on edgy and katapult still doesn't start by default10:02
Tonio_Sime: the wallet is buggy on kde 3.5.3 and 3.5.4, but I've patched it on edgy10:02
SimeTonio_: I'm talking about dapper. Has kwallet been changed in edgy?10:02
Tonio_Sime: yes10:02
Tonio_Sime: dapper kde later packages don't have the fix10:03
Tonio_that's why you don't see the icon10:03
SimeTonio_: aaah10:03
Tonio_Sime: see bug 5769610:03
UbugtuMalone bug 57696 in kdeutils "edgy + 3.5.4, kwallet doesn't show up in the systray" [Medium,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5769610:03
SimeTonio_: ok then. If configuring kwallet via the systray is acceptable, then there is no need to put it in KSS. y/n?10:04
Tonio_touches dapper too if you don't use native 3.5.2 version10:04
Tonio_Sime: y10:04
Tonio_just add gtk-qt thing and I'll upgrade the package :)10:04
Simeworking on it...10:07
Tonio_Sime: thanks, let me know when done, I'll upgrade immediately10:10
SimeTonio_: done10:26
Tonio_Sime: perfect, upgrading th epackage now :)10:26
Tonio_thanks a lot10:27
Tonio_Sime: can you just reming me the svn url ?10:27
SimeTonio_: the whole url?10:27
Tonio_just the branch would suffice10:28
nixternalhey you guys, before i forget...can you all either /msg me or email nixternal@ubuntu.com with some stuff to display on the UWN..i want to add some KDE/Kubuntu stuff in there for this week before the Ubuntu guys kill it10:34
nixternalim gonna be afk for a bit10:34
SimeTonio_: it is under trunk/playground/base/systemsettings/10:35
SimeTonio_: is that enough info?10:35
nixternalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter ;)10:35
Tonio_Sime: thanks :)10:35
SimeTonio_: and if you want one file..10:36
SimeTonio_: look further in menu/systemsettings.menu10:36
kwwiinixternal: we could put pics of the new themeing10:36
Tonio_Sime: will do thanks a lot :) I'm packaging k-s-s now10:36
Riddellnixternal: I've added some stuff10:36
nixternalhmm..i will look into that..but i don't know how they are going about...like if they are just doing it "plain text" style..if not, i will add pics10:36
nixternalRiddell: groovy ;)10:37
nixternalyou just made my to do list shrink a little bit10:37
nixternalhey...who did the new layout for Katpult?  was that you kwwii?10:40
ryanakcaRiddell: no...10:40
Riddellryanakca: ok, I'll do it10:40
kwwiinixternal: yes, any comments?10:40
nixternaloh ya, plenty10:40
kwwiiit might be too little contrast10:40
nixternalhere are my thoughts on it as of right now10:41
nixternalIT ROCKS!10:41
nixternali love the true transparency, and the "yellow" letters make it easy to read on my lcd10:41
nixternaland the purple tint as well...good job man..keep rockin'!10:41
kwwiiyellow was the only color I could find that looked good on all screens and bg's10:41
kwwiithanks :-)10:42
nixternalya, it works great for me10:42
nixternalthe katapult in dapper was solid black right? there was no transparency10:42
Riddellit had some transparency10:42
nixternalok..can't remember..been running edgy for so long now ;)10:42
Tonio_kwwii: shouldn't we increase a bit it's opacity ?10:43
nixternali petitioned my local university to look into C++ for Linux and Qt Programming courses. I received a phone call from the Dean, and he stated they will look into it, as there needs to be more "UNIX" courses at the college10:43
Tonio_hard to read sometimes when lots of text behind10:43
kwwiiTonio_: no, i would suggest reducing the transparency :P10:44
Tonio_kwwii: to make it really unreadable ? that's a plan :)10:44
Tonio_ho sorry10:44
Tonio_kwwii: hum, I'm not a specialist, but what is the difference between reducing transparency and increasing opacity ?10:45
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=== Tonio_ feels has just ask a really stupid question
nixternalTonio_: i think they are the same10:45
nixternalbut like you, im not a specialist either10:45
kwwiiTonio_: yes, that is why I put the :p behind my comment10:45
kwwiijust having fun with you10:45
Lurehi Tonio_10:45
Tonio_nixternal: okay, I just wanted to be sure that there wasn't a different for a professionnal :)10:45
Tonio_hey Lure :)10:46
Tonio_kwwii: sorry but at that time, me english gets limited especially to understand jokes :)10:46
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ryanakcaRiddell: thanks :)10:53
kwwiiryanakca: as soon as the package is available for update, you could test the new usplash and if possible make screenshots :-)10:55
ryanakcakwwii: how do you make screenshots of usplash?10:56
kwwiiryanakca: in a virtual system10:57
kwwiilike vmware or such10:57
=== lnxkde is installing KDE 4 krash
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Tonio_Sime: k-s-s uploaded11:20
Tonio_Lure: ping ?11:20
SimeTonio_: super sweet11:20
LureTonio_: pong11:21
Tonio_Sime: ready to help me with the kdebase toolbarview patch ?11:21
Tonio_maybe Sime would be interested since he has good knowledge in UIs :)11:21
Tonio_Sime: eventually interested ?11:21
SimeTonio_: what is that?11:21
Tonio_Lure: I'm explaining Sime in pv, pinging you in 10 mintues :)11:22
=== Sime is can't respond. -> not registered.
SimeTonio_: true11:23
SimeTonio_: awesomeness11:23
Tonio_Sime: okay it is just to avoid pulition on the channel :)11:24
SimeTonio_: that is so common that it deserves to be two buttons. Pull downs suck.11:24
SimeTonio_: el might agree. ;-)11:25
Tonio_Sime: agree on rationnale ?11:25
SimeTonio_: yes11:25
Tonio_okay so here is the point, I played with konqueror, but havent been able to find out how to had the icon to that11:26
kwwiirebooting, brb (usplash test)11:26
Tonio_there are two methods : m_toolBarViewModeActions gives the three buttons11:26
Tonio_lst gives only one but without an icon11:27
Tonio_we have 2 possibilities : patching m_toolBarViewModeActions to act like lst but with the icon11:27
Tonio_or patching lst to create an icon that dynamically change depending which view is used11:27
Tonio_like m_toolbar.......; does11:28
Tonio_second looks easier to perform, but I couldn't do it myself11:28
Tonio_Sime: everything is in kdebase/konqueror/konq_mainwindow{.cc|.h}11:28
Tonio_Sime: now you know everything11:29
Tonio_I havent been able to do that, nore toma11:29
Tonio_Sime: if you can do that, we'll kickass any distro ;)11:29
Tonio_since nobody has this11:29
SimeTonio_: didn't that work in past versions of KDE?11:29
=== Sime needs to fix media:/ stuff first.
Tonio_Sime: nope I don't think so, since the lst method called is designed for the "view" menu, not a toolbar :)11:30
Tonio_but the modularity of kde allows to call it as a toolbar too, just the icon misses11:30
Tonio_I'm sure it is pretty easy to do for someone acknowledge to kde UIs11:31
Tonio_Lure: maybe you can do too, but I'm not able to do it...11:31
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955D59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
Tonio_Sime: talking about media, you were talking about fixing the "selection action" popup that still misses ?11:33
Simeit is fixed. There are a couple of patches that still need to be applied.11:33
LureTonio_: might look into this over weekend - but need to hack multi-battery power-manager first11:34
=== Lure is to tired to look at code tonight - braindead
Tonio_Lure: sure ;)11:34
Tonio_well both of you know the idea, and were to search, so it is okay, don't need to bother you more (for the moment hehe)11:35
Tonio_Sime: you definitly rock !!11:35
=== toma did someone just mentioned my name in combination with 'failure' ????
Tonio_toma: we were talking about the toolbar view button selector11:37
Tonio_toma: sorry for the combination... ;)11:38
tomai dont really mind, am used to it ;-)11:38
Tonio_toma: ^^11:38
Tonio_kwwii: how to test the new usplash stuff ?11:38
Tonio_have packages been uploaded ?11:38
kwwiiTonio_: it will be in an update soon11:38
Tonio_kwwii: screenshot available ?11:39
kwwiiTonio_: nope :-)11:39
Tonio_kwwii: ah !!!11:39
kwwiiTonio_: you could look at http://bootsplash.org/usplash_idea1-640.png11:40
kwwiithat shows you the idea11:40
kwwiithe lower progress bar is the background of the upper one (ie the upper one is active)11:41
Tonio_Sime: in k-s-s, shouldn't "connexion preferences" be in advanced ?11:41
Tonio_Sime: Joe will probably never go to configure timeouts and ttls :)11:41
Tonio_or play between active/passive ftp modes11:41
Tonio_kwwii: very nice :)11:42
Tonio_kwwii: isn't a background in your plans too ?11:42
kwwiiwe'll see how it turns out11:42
SimeTonio_: el wanted it there...11:42
=== DaSkreech liked the silver :-(
kwwiiTonio_: for the usplash?11:42
SimeTonio_: some people do need to mess with that to get kde working on the net.11:42
DaSkreechCan we get a silver meter to fill?11:42
Tonio_Sime: doesn't make sense for me but well.... that pure network tweaking11:43
=== DaSkreech votes for the Flower BG
Tonio_Sime: in any case that's for me only for advanced users, not my mother :)11:43
Tonio_kwwii: yes, for usplash11:43
SimeTonio_: some people do need to uses it just to be able to get konq to work properly at all.11:44
kwwiiTonio_: only if I know that if works full screen on all machines11:44
Tonio_Sime: hum, strange, but if it is known problem....11:44
kwwiino need for black boxes on the edges or such11:44
kwwiiI mean, it is edgy...but.....uhhhhhh11:45
Tonio_kwwii: the strange point is usplash boots in hi-res on my machine, but shuts down in low-res :)11:45
Tonio_probably kdm shit....11:45
kwwiiTonio_: hehe, see what I mean11:46
ryanakcakwwii: another thing about usplash, is if you change console size, usplash doesn't run11:46
kwwiihehe, yeah11:46
kwwiiI could actually list a few other problems11:47
Tonio_ryanakca: that's usplash code relative issue, not theme, so I don't think kwwii could be of any help :)11:47
ryanakcalol, kk11:47
Tonio_kwwii: stop me if I'm wrong :)11:47
kwwiibut hey, let's not get into this with the artist :-)11:47
Riddellryanakca: uploaded11:47
=== ryanakca runs after the artist with a gnome foot
ryanakcaRiddell: thanks :)11:47
kwwiifrom what I have heard, ppc should be fixed as well11:48
kwwiiRiddell: did you end up building the new kubuntu-default-settings package?11:48
Tonio_why is kde bts so horrible ? :'(11:48
Tonio_everytime I wanna check it takes ages..........11:48
Riddellkwwii: I uploaded that yes11:48
RiddellTonio_: a new one is in progress11:48
kwwiiRiddell: thanks :-)11:49
Tonio_Riddell: I know, danimo and I discussed this, since I complained a lot about it :)11:49
Tonio_still bugzilla, but improved and nex features enabled :)11:49
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Riddellhi jott_ 11:51
kwwiiluckily Seveas put the theme package together from the pics I gave him...in doing so he apparently found a bug - I would have been screaming and shouting :-)11:54
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Tonio_that klipper bug is gonna make me crazy ;)11:56
Seveaskwwii, I immediately recognized the bug, it was something I meant to fix earlir but forgot11:56
kwwiiSeveas: you saved me several hours of confusion, I really appreciate your help...if you ever need a kde icon, let me know! :-)11:59
kwwiiI will, once again, reboot...brb11:59
Seveaswell, you could do me a favor with some graphics11:59
kwwiiSeveas: sure, how could I help?12:00
Seveaslook at mirror.ubuntulinux.nl -- the falcon image there is in an unclear copyright situation, but I quite like it. Do you think you can draw something similar in black&white?12:00
DaSkreechTonio_: Which bug?12:01
Tonio_DaSkreech: bug 5637712:02
UbugtuMalone bug 56377 in kdebase "klipper crashes on login " [Unknown,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5637712:02
DaSkreechAh. Ugh12:02
Tonio_it looks like an old bug in the klipper code, which only appears when ubuntu updated gcc or something12:02
kwwiihrm, living things are pretty hard...I could come close but I am nto sure how good it would be..I could try when edgy is slowing down12:02
Tonio_DaSkreech: look at the attached kde bug, exactly the same behavior, but different consequences.... it was in march12:03
Seveaskwwii, I'd appreciate it a lot12:03
kwwiifunny but someone asked me to draw an owl's head today12:03
kwwiiperhaps I can kill two birds with one stone (lol)12:04
kwwiianimals are really hard12:04
kwwiivery dependent on style12:04
Seveaswell, you have an example image12:04
Seveasthat should help a bit I guess12:05
kwwiiyeah, kinda going over that and getting the basic idea does help12:05
Seveashttp://calontir.sca.org/marshal/olga-falcon.gif 12:06
Seveasthat's th large original12:06
kwwiiI will see what I can do...it might take a while until edgy slows down though12:08
DaSkreechWhich should be just enough time to give you amonth before KDE4 picks up :)12:09

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