
lupine_85if you're set to broadcast your essid (on the router), a simple sudo iwlist ra0 scan often associates you automagically12:10
_petei have no results on iwlist scan12:10
lupine_85are you sudo'ing it?12:10
_petecoreymon i got key / essid12:10
_petelol no12:11
lupine_85and are you broadcasting the essid?12:11
_petebut still no results12:11
lupine_85try with sudo12:11
_peteand yes broadcasting essid12:11
lupine_85that's not good :/12:11
_petecoreymon77 what do i do next to not freeze up?12:12
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HeinkelI now got the dualhead working on twinview. Thanks for helping me earlier this evening!12:13
lupine_85I suspect s/he's going to get you to add all the details with iwconfig manually - e.g. sudo iwconfig ra0 essid <essid>; sudo iwconfig ra0 ap <ap>; sudo iwconfig ra0 key <key>12:13
_peteap ????12:13
_petei did essid and key12:14
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lupine_85ap feeds the card the router's MAC address12:14
lupine_85forces it to try to connect to that AP12:14
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lupine_85but if it's not showing up in scans, it's not looking promising12:14
_petecan i use iwconfig ra0 ap any?12:14
lupine_85you can12:14
lupine_85but using the MAC address tends to work better12:15
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lupine_85do you get any useful output in dmesg, by the way?12:15
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lupine_85(for key, incidentally, if it's in ASCII format you need to prefix s: to it)12:16
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lupine_85hi :)12:16
intelikeyanyone got any idea how big /usr would need to be if you did apt-get install \*  ???12:17
unix_infidelhow do i check if there is any activity on specific drive node before i umount it?12:17
_petelupine_85 ok i think i made sure to do that i'll retry12:17
intelikeyunix_infidel lsof /dev/device  maybr12:18
lupine_85intelikey: E: Regex compilation error - Invalid preceding regular expressio12:18
coreymon77well the essid and key is all i ever need12:18
lupine_85coreymoon77: there are subtle differences between access points12:19
unix_infidelintelikey: no, i dont think that's it.12:19
lupine_85you've got to love IEEE standards :)12:19
coreymon77wats ap12:19
lupine_85access point12:19
lupine_85you feed it the MAC address12:19
_petecoreymon77 talking to me man???12:19
marsol0xI'm having a problem connecting to a wireless network without manually setting the ip, netmask, gateway, etc.12:19
lupine_85marsol0x: dhclient <interface> ?12:20
marsol0xDoesn't work.12:20
shut-how can i change from gnome12:20
shut-to a diffrent one12:20
lupine_85so when you set everything manually, it works?12:20
marsol0xYes and no.12:20
lupine_85(and you do have DHCP on your router?)12:20
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marsol0xIt is much slower as a result, and so I get timed out all the time. My router does have DHCP.12:21
lupine_85static IPs aren't slower than DHCP IPs12:21
marsol0xI don't know then.12:21
lupine_85dodgy connection?12:21
marsol0xShouldn't be. On the Windows machines it works fine.12:21
intelikeylupine_85 well you could feed it something like `apt-cache search {a..z} | cut -d' ' -f3`12:21
coreymon77now how do i get my sound working12:21
lupine_85regarding the connecting at all thing, I think that when you issue ifconfig <interface> up, it triggers the connect12:22
intelikeybut you get the querry anyhow12:22
lupine_85so try making it up without any IP address, then running dhclient12:22
marsol0xI've noticed that dhclient use for netmask and, but the router is set to
marsol0xWould that be an issue?12:22
lupine_85coreymon77: no idea12:22
intelikeyerr actually -f1 i was thinking dpkg output12:23
lupine_85marsol0x: no... it's basically sending the request as a universal broadcast12:23
coreymon77anyone know how to get the default creative live soundblaster cards working12:23
marsol0xI see.12:23
marsol0xThe logs state that the router sends out a DHCPOFFER, but the network seems to miss it for some reason.12:24
lupine_85intelikey: still doesn't work12:24
lupine_85"The following packages have unmet dependencies."12:24
intelikeyso there are packages that with your repo list you can't install.   nice.12:25
grafterr, what distro, lupine_85?12:25
james___WOW COMPIZ ROX12:26
james___CUBE ROXXXORXXX12:26
marsol0xWhat is SIOC*12:26
graftyeah if you can get it to stand up for more than 10 seconds12:26
=== MetaMorfoziS bb all...
marsol0xLike SIOCFLAGS and such?12:27
lupine_85marsol0x: quite strange. maybe try increasing the timeout12:27
marsol0xDHCPDISCOVER on eth1 to port 67 interval 312:27
marsol0xDHCPOFFER from
lupine_85SIOCFLAGS are ioctl flags, I believe12:27
marsol0xDHCPREQUEST on eth1 to port 6712:27
marsol0xDHCPACK from
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marsol0xI keep getting permission denied and operation not permitted from those.12:28
lupine_85maybe sudo dhclient12:28
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marsol0xSame thing.12:28
lupine_85graft: just kubuntu 6.1012:28
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.12:28
marsol0xI'm in the root shell while doing this, sudo does the same thing.12:29
lupine_85true enough :)12:29
lupine_85not sure what to suggest, really12:29
lupine_85dodgy driver?12:29
intelikeysudo from root is as useless as the tits on a boar hog.12:29
marsol0xI thought I fixed that.12:29
lupine_85erm, I have to go now anyway12:30
marsol0xThanks for the help.12:30
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ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:31
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graftwho's offtopic?12:32
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tj_hey i need help umm im on aim and i dont know how to setup my buddylist12:32
graftyou're on aim? what client are you using?12:32
tj_kubuntu idk12:32
tj_wat do u mean12:33
tj_im linux noob12:33
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intelikeyi'm doing cp -aR /* /proc    and noticed that a lot of the binarries in /*bin are hard links...  how much more space will it take doing the cp?  cause it's sriting each file not hardlinking them. ???   (and yes /proc has something besides ram mounted on it)12:33
grafti mean what's your IM client?12:33
graftah... someone else?  i don't use kopete...12:33
red_graft: gaim works good12:33
graftugly ugly12:33
tj_ok can sommebody else help here who has kopete's aim12:34
marsol0xI think in Kopete, you just set up your AIM account, it should do the rest.12:34
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red_tj_: yea thats basically all you have to do with gaim as well12:34
justin_is there no gui in kde to config the network?12:34
marsol0xI've moved on the GAIM, though, Kopete is bulky.12:34
tj_yah i have an account already12:35
graftwait, intelikey, what? why to /proc?12:35
intelikeymount point12:35
marsol0xBut I can't use it right now since my internet is being slow and I get timed out. :/12:35
graftintelikey: you couldn't find a better mount point than that?12:35
red_justin_: there is under system settings, and then network settings12:35
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intelikeygraft one is as good as another as far as i'm concerned12:35
tj_i need to know how to like acess my account or something to add someone to buddylist12:35
marsol0xDoes anyone know a lot about wireless networks and getting them to work?12:36
grafterr, but /proc is um, used for stuff?12:36
justin_nope don't see it red_12:36
intelikeynot when i umount it it's not  :)12:36
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marsol0xtj_, it should be somewhere in the menus to add a buddy.12:36
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Mojo_risinhi, I'm trying to install dapper on my laptop acer aspire 1964, but can get xorg.conf right. Anyone with experience on this laptop?12:36
Mojo_risin(xorg.conf of previous kubuntu release doesn't work well)12:37
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red_tj_: under the main start menu there should be a system settings right above the run12:37
Kr4t05The ubiquity installer for Dapper keeps giving me issues when it attempts to format a partition.12:37
graftwhat i'm curious about is will cp know not to recurse through /proc?12:37
tj_oh i found it it was create new group worked12:38
red_then ok12:38
graftmarsol0x: what's your problem?12:38
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tj_oh no it just gave it a folder and a name12:38
intelikeygraft actually i didn't want to make a base dir and proc was the only base dir that wasn't (important)  so i used it.   not that it matters why or where.12:38
tj_will that work12:38
marsol0xI'm trying to connect to a wireless network without having to put in the broadcast IP, IP, netmask, etc manually.12:38
marsol0xIt was working, and then one day it just stopped.12:38
root__man I think the gui's\kde\gnome still have a long way to go compared to explorer but thats imo12:39
tj_if my friend gets online will it show him even though hes a named category12:40
red_marsol0x: a program called Simple Wireless Scanner is a good one for easily connecting to wireless networks12:40
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intelikeyroot__ i thought that explorer had a long way to go12:40
marsol0xI'll take a look.12:40
graftand if the gods smile upon you, network manager might even work12:40
alagranhas anyone gotten compiz and Xgl to work with KDE?12:40
graftbut what are the odds of that? slim to none12:40
marsol0xI see the network, but it wont connect for some reason.12:40
tj_o nm i found it out thanks for ur guys help cya la8er12:41
graftmarsol0x: what's in your interfaces file?12:41
intelikeyroot__ i guess it all depends on where you are "going"  :)12:41
marsol0xauto lo12:42
marsol0xiface lo inet loopback12:42
grafterr don't post it all here man12:42
red_marsol0x: ive had that problem where it just wouldnt pull an ip, but if i log into windows it would work just fine12:42
marsol0xauto eth012:42
marsol0xiface eth0 inet dhcp12:42
marsol0xauto eth112:42
marsol0xiface eth1 inet static12:42
marsol0xwireless-essid belkin54g12:42
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:42
marsol0xwireless-mode managed12:42
h3sp4wnintelikey: If when edgy is released kubuntu-desktop is requiring mono (then that is the end of {k}ubuntu for me)12:42
marsol0xmapping hotplug12:42
marsol0xscript grep12:42
marsol0xmap eth112:42
marsol0xThat's the problem I'm having now.12:42
unix_infidelis there anyway to tell if there's activity on a disk's device node before umounting it?12:42
intelikeydat' ll' get ya kicked mersol0x12:42
graftmarsol0x: um, why are you defining address and gateway and netmask if you're using dhcp?12:43
marsol0xBecause DHCP isn't working, that's the problem.12:43
marsol0xThat's why I've set it manually.12:43
intelikeyh3sp4wn mono ?12:43
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marsol0xBut it is super slow.12:43
graftoh, static i see12:43
graftshouldn't be12:43
graftdhcp is no better or worse than static, for the most part12:43
Kr4t05h3sp4wn: say what?12:43
h3sp4wnintelikey: For running #c (.NET) code on linux12:43
Kr4t05Oh, blah...12:44
graftmaybe people will have to make more whatsit queries12:44
jake1I'm trying to find a program that can convert Binary to Decimal and Hex...... any suggestions12:44
jake1* gnomefreak removes ban on jadrifter!*@67.189.*!#ubuntu-ops12:44
marsol0xThat's the problem. I really don't care how I connect to the router, just that it is slow now and it wasn't before, when DHCP was working.12:44
jake1that last part was an accident12:44
graftARP queries is what i meant12:44
jake1Octal to Decimal would also be nice12:44
jake1any suggestions?????12:45
intelikeyh3sp4wn if when edgy is released it's any more like M$ i wont be using it either  :)12:45
graftmarsol0x: that's probably some other problem, not your IP...12:45
jake1google hasn't turned up much results12:45
root__intelikey: one thing like copy and paste is horrid in linux distros but thats for offtopic12:45
graftjake1: kcalc!12:45
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intelikeyroot__ copy and paste "horrid"  what you mean ?    are you smoking crack ?12:45
grafthe wants persistent copy/paste buffers, maybe12:46
marsol0xDoes anyone know why the SIOC stuff is permission denided and not permitted for use for root?12:46
intelikeyroot__ use the left mouse button to highlight  then the middle (or both on two button mice) to paste.12:46
intelikeygraft well the [ctrl] +c/v  work like in that other os as well.12:47
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:47
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fokusleehi can anyone help me?12:48
h3sp4wnklipper is ok12:48
root__graft: yeah12:48
intelikeyand the klipper  makes it possabel to have more than one paste buffer  so...12:48
Kr4t05I'm trying to use the installer from the Live CD, and when it attempts to format any partition, it fails around 98%.12:48
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Kr4t05I try to format with G/QtParted, and ubiquity ignores it and still decides that /dev/hda1 needs to be formatted.12:49
=== intelikey is init. i own root. :)
jake1thanks graft12:49
ubotuEasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu.12:49
jake1graft: does that also do octal to decimal?12:49
graftjake1: yeah12:51
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fokusleehi can anyone help me with tar?12:52
sebastianhey how do i disable cool n quiet in ubuntu?12:52
sebastianwhen i disable it in bios the system wont start12:52
intelikeyrootOwnsYou i think you just havent configured kde to preform to your taste yet.   linux is not (or didn't use to be) all about "we do this this way" but rather linux is all about choices, alternatives and customization and flexability.    everyong that i know of who has given linux half a chance has switched to it permanantly.12:53
isidorcan anyone help me with this?^12:53
graftisidor: no, that's hopeless... you should throw your computer out12:54
graftmost municipalities accept curbside pickup of electronics on trash days12:55
graftwhat's your problem, j2re not installed?12:55
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graftthat's probably for the best, you don't want java anyway12:55
isidorI just need to play MP3s and it not working12:56
intelikeyrootOwnsYou also noteworthy; don't come to linux as a newbee thinking that because you have used windows sense 1993 that you are a computer expert and should know every thing about this new os....  it doesn't work that way.  it's easier on some one that has never seen a computer to learn linux than on that formerly mentioned attatude.   (voice of experance)12:56
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graftisidor: ah. that might be because of this:12:57
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:57
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sebastianok im back12:57
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sebastianif i disable amd cool n quiet in bios then kubuntu will not boot up how can i fix this?12:58
graftdon't disable it?12:58
graftis it kubuntu that won't boot, or does the machine simply not boot at all?12:58
jake1graft: just downloaded kcalc, but i'm having trouble figuring out what i need to do to convert bin-dec-hex-octal12:58
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sebastiankubuntu wont boot12:58
Kr4t05That's it.12:58
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sebastianwindows xp will boot12:58
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graftsebastian: what does kubuntu do?12:59
graftjake1: um, enter a number with 'base' set to Dec or whatever, and then switch to Oct or whatever and it'll convert it for you12:59
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sebastian929graft: it gets stuck at 15.952774]  kernel panic - not syncing IO-APIC timer doesnt work! try using 'noapic' kernel parameter01:02
intelikeywell it looks like a full backup of my fs is successfull.  now future incrimentals should be easy.  :)01:02
graftsebastian929: um, try using 'noapic' kernel parameter, then01:04
sebastian929graft: how do i do that01:04
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graftwhat's the name of the linux image you invoke? 'Linux'? or something like that?01:05
graftjust invoke it with 'Linux noapic'01:05
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sebastian929where do i put that tho? im new to ubuntu01:05
sebastian929well new to linux01:05
graftum, when grub starts up you can specify what kernel you want to boot with01:06
graftusually you just select from a list01:06
sebastian929and there shoudl be a option with noapic?01:06
intelikeygraft should be /boot/vmlinuz-`uname -r`01:06
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graftnah nah, not like that01:07
graftmaybe this is just a lilo thing01:08
pcnosticswhere can I find some starter website templates for Quanta +?01:08
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intelikeyit's a shame i can't make a symlink that points to two inodes....01:15
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intelikeythen venella 'eject' would spit out both cds01:15
Zambouliexgl is broken01:15
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sebastian929can someone please help me disable cool n quiet?01:16
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intelikeysebastian929 i'd love to... unfortunately it's newer than any on my hardware so i have nothing to go by.01:17
intelikeyi assume that it's a bios setting to enable cpu/fan control ?01:17
skavengehow can I automount my ipod on plugin to a specified directory?01:17
sebastian929yes but when i disable the bios setting01:18
sebastian929kubuntu hangs on boot01:18
sebastian929it starts booting up then hangs01:18
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connyosissebastian929: tried to disable powernowd at bootup?01:20
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connyosissebastian929: using sysv-rc-conf or something similar?01:20
intelikeysebastian929 can you boot with added options  vga=1  append="noacpi verbose "   and see where it errors/panics/stalls  and give me the info  i might be able to help you01:20
eaglehawkhello everybody01:20
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pushpop-how do you update your db for locate to pick up current files01:20
skavengesudo updatedb01:21
sebastian929how do i do that intelikey?01:21
intelikeysebastian929 at the grub boot screen  press [esc]    select the desired entry and perss  E   then add those to the kernel and append lines   (assuming grub)01:22
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sebastian929ok intelikey ill try that and ill brb01:22
eaglehawkcan anybody help me with sound problem01:22
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intelikeyeaglehawk what kind of sound issue ?01:23
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shadowhywindhay everyone, anyone know how to get wpa_supplicant to start on startup?01:25
intelikeyinit scripts01:25
intelikeyman update-rc.d01:25
crimsunwpa_supplicant does start automatically if you use interfaces(5) properly01:26
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intelikeyeaglehawk crimsun is the sound guy01:27
shadowhywindi really hate to say it, man update-rc.d is a little over my head this evening,01:27
shadowhywind*not the command the stuff in it*01:27
h3sp4wn/usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes (is all you need to know)01:28
shadowhywindhehe thanks01:28
intelikeyshadowhywind  man interfaces   crimsun said that it's naturally started through there.01:29
fokusleerelayfs is only for multicore processor rite?01:30
h3sp4wnintelikey: That document tells you how to set it up from /etc/network/interfaces01:30
intelikeybut as a rule anything that starts at boot is via some kind of init script.   /etc/init.d/*   they in turn may use things like /etc/network/interfaces to configure the networking.01:30
crimsun(/usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.modes.gz is apropos, yes)01:31
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crimsunfor edgy+1, we'll be shifting away from /etc/init.d/01:32
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_petei get this error on startup: there are differances between boot sector and its backup.01:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about BLK_DEV_TO_TRACE - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:32
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_petethen it lists differances and says 'not automatically fixing this'01:32
_petecan i get some kind of hdd repair prog?01:33
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jake1is there a simple KDE gui for mounting disk images01:34
IMECdoes xdm create new MIT-MAGIC cookies every time it starts ?01:34
intelikeycrimsun from /etc/init.d to ?01:34
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intelikeyjake1 idk about a gui.   sudo mount -o loop file.img /mount/point/you/select/01:35
crimsun(for upstart)01:35
shadowhywinddoes anyone know of a way of testing to see if a driver would work in 32-bit or 64-bit version...01:36
intelikeyi see.01:36
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h3sp4wnIs /etc/init.d not part of the SYSV spec ?01:37
intelikeyh3sp4wn i think they are moving away from sysv01:38
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intelikeyi had heard they were tring to deperciate it01:38
obf213firefox tries to open im links with gaim, i have kopete how do i change this, i looked in preference but i could find it01:38
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h3sp4wnintelikey: Who was ?01:39
crimsunh3sp4wn: Scott has replaced /sbin/init .01:39
intelikey"they" was  :)01:39
crimsunit's called "upstart".01:39
crimsunupstart now deprecates and will obsolete sysvinit01:40
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intelikeybut they'll be supporting sysv for the duration of dapper.  no?01:40
gnomefreakedgy maybe?01:40
gnomefreakor did they add upstart to dapper?01:41
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crimsunno, dapper is released.01:41
gnomefreakooh nvm sysv01:41
intelikeydapper is  lts aslo   else i wouldn't have switched to it01:41
crimsunedgy+2 is when all the init stuff will be obsoleted by policy01:41
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akarticledoes anyone know how to get the kmenu transparent?01:41
gnomefreakdoes that mean /etc/init.d/gdm commands are gonna change?01:42
gnomefreaki just learned it :(01:42
intelikeygnomefreak yep01:42
crimsungnomefreak: for edgy+1, they'll begin.01:42
intelikeygnomefreak but dapper is LTS   yall go on with edgy and what ever follows.  i'll skip them thanks.01:43
gnomefreakintelikey: :)01:43
gnomefreaki fixed 4 of my own nightmares today in edgy all works fine now01:43
scastFrom time to time I wonder why #ubuntu has 800+ users.01:44
h3sp4wnintelikey: SGI has a proper support policy (even though they are obsoleting mips they still support it until 2013)01:44
skavengehow do i get kde to automount my ipod on plugin to a specific directory?01:44
=== gnomefreak gonna play with kde4base somemore later
intelikeyscast cause everyone that uses ubuntu is in there ???01:44
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intelikeyh3sp4wn that might be over kill.  i'm not an extreemist about that.  a new release every 3-5 years is good.  :)01:45
scastintelikey: hmmm?01:45
scastI see.01:46
intelikeybut two a year is extreem in the oppisite01:46
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intelikeymy e's are too fast...01:47
akarticledoes anyone know how to get the kmenu transparent?01:47
james___akarticle: er... install XGL?01:47
intelikeyi think that's why teh is oefetn missepeeld01:47
akarticlejames: ~_001:47
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intelikeywell root___ seems to have either forgoten what he was doing killed the whole box or fixed his boot error....01:50
obf213it would be sweet if we could get the kmenu transparent01:50
obf213or change our bootsplahes. howo is that new bootsplash proj coming along anyone know?01:50
obf213splashy or w/e its called01:51
intelikeygrub's usplash thing... ?    or the kdm splash screen ?01:51
jake1jake@jake:~/Desktop/Downloads$ sudo mount -o loop ./ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso ~/Desktop01:52
jake1but yet it did not mount to my desktop01:52
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intelikeyjake1 what error ?01:52
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jake1no error01:52
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intelikeyjake1 ha ha i see the error.01:53
jake1it just went to jake@jake:~/Desktop/Downloads$01:53
intelikeywhen using sudo don't add ~ it's going to mount it in root's ~01:53
obf213you like the upower thing the blue kubuntu bar, they are workingon something so that we can change that01:54
intelikeyumount it and try again01:54
jake1so how  do i unmount it01:54
jake1same thing? but with unmount?01:54
obf213lol i tried it a while a go splashy but it like effed up too much so i got rid of it01:54
intelikeysudo mount ./ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso Desktop -o loop01:54
ubotuusplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto01:55
intelikeyoh   sudo umount ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso01:55
skavengesplashy has issues with kde for some reason i have it running fine under gnome though01:55
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intelikeyjake1 that first ^01:55
obf213skavenge major issues lol. i was scared for a moment01:55
intelikeyjake1  no N in umount  btw01:55
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jake1umount: ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso: not mounted01:56
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jake1jake:~/Desktop/Downloads$  sudo mount ./ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso Desktop -o loop01:56
jake1mount: mount point Desktop does not exist01:56
intelikeyjake1 just to make sure you are in the right dir   do    'dc '01:56
intelikeycd always takes you to ~01:57
jake1that might be it01:57
jake1i was in ~/Desktop/Downloads01:57
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intelikeyif the iso is there you can't mount on a subdir of the image dir01:58
intelikeymount  ./blah ../ is sure to fail or do very strange things01:58
h3sp4wnYou can with unionfs01:59
jake1jake@jake:~$  sudo mount ~/Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternative-amd64.iso  -o loop01:59
jake1mount: can't find /home/jake/Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternative-amd64.iso in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab01:59
intelikeyunion doesn't cover up the mount point  :)02:00
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h3sp4wnYou use another mount point and can mount under that02:00
intelikeywhat did i just say jake.02:00
jake1they should just have a mount to desktop option when you right click02:01
jake1on the .iso02:01
jake1dnt use ~02:01
intelikeyh3sp4wn correct.  subdir isn't the propper term.  higherarchial dir maybe ?   any one something ../ <repete as needed> can reach.02:01
jake1but it does not recognize /Desktop02:01
jake1and you also said don't do ./Desktop02:02
intelikeyno i said don't do  sudo ~  it's the tild that expands to your home dir   and root's home is /root (default)  so sudo ~ is /root/  not /home/jake/02:03
jake1jake@jake:~$  sudo mount ./Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternative-amd64.iso  -o loop02:03
jake1mount: can't find ./Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternative-amd64.iso in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab02:03
jake1is that right02:03
jake1well obviously not02:03
h3sp4wnsudo echo $HOME (gives your home dir)02:03
intelikeythere is no mountpoint in that line02:04
intelikeysudo mount  ./Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternative-amd64.iso  -o loop ./something/02:04
intelikeybut not ./Desktop/02:04
intelikeycause that wont work like you think.02:04
h3sp4wnIt will work like you think02:05
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h3sp4wnor he thinks02:05
intelikeyyou have to move the .iso out of Desktop to use Desktop for the mount point02:05
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intelikeylike he thinks   lol02:05
h3sp4wnsudo mkdir -p /media/iso && sudo mount ./Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternative-amd64.iso  -o loop /media/iso02:06
jake1jake@jake:~$  sudo mount ./Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso  -o loop /home/jake/Desktop/02:06
jake1./Desktop/Downloads/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso: No such file or directory02:06
jake1<accidentally named it alternative the first time02:07
jake1but even changing the name isn't right02:07
h3sp4wnuse tab completion then you can't get the name wrong02:08
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jake1wait......... wtf just happened02:09
jake1now i dnt have access to the directory02:09
jake1 i cnt open  ~/Desktop/Downloads02:09
jake1why what happened?02:09
jake1i didn't change privaleges02:10
intelikeyjake1 you mounted something on Desktop02:11
jake1is mounted on desktop02:11
jake1nothing is mounted on desktop*02:11
jake1not that i can see anyways02:11
intelikeythere is no desktop/*  except what ever is in .iso02:11
jake1WTF...... why does mounting an .iso need to be so complicated02:11
intelikeyi told you it wouldn't work like you thought.02:12
jake1so how do i get it back?02:12
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intelikeyanything in a dir is covered by what ever you mount on that dir.    umount it.02:12
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jake1nothing is mounted02:13
jake1i already tried that02:13
intelikeysudo umount Desktop02:13
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jake1i did that02:14
intelikeywe seem to be getting no place very quickly.     sujestion    "man mount "02:14
jake1it did something since there was no error message02:14
jake1but i still cnt access the folder anymore02:14
jake1i had it open before just fine02:14
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jake1dialogue box says "Unable to enter file:///home/jake/Desktop/Downloads. You do not have access rights to this location."02:16
jake1seemingly i cnt access any folder on my desktop02:16
jake1wtf happened?02:16
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red_u have to type SUDO02:16
jake1no........ i'm talking about just clicking on the icons02:17
jake1i didn't have to do this before02:17
red_that does suck02:17
Coffeemanhey guys I was just looking at this webpage and saw that the 5.1.0 version of ubuntu has a windows wireless drivers program and am wondering if the kubuntu version has it too02:17
jake1it worked fine before i tried mounting file02:17
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jake1this is so annoying02:17
intelikeyjake here are some commands that you need to know a little about.      man chown    man chmod    man mount    df -h    mount    ls -l     they are all apropos to this issue.       and i suspect that you still have something mounted.      mount    will confirm that.02:17
red_my firefox sucks02:18
red_it keeps freezing02:18
intelikeyi know that's a lot of reading.   but at least skim them, so you know what they do.02:19
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)02:19
Coffeemanhey guys I was just looking at this webpage and saw that the 5.1.0 version of ubuntu has a windows wireless drivers program and am wondering if the kubuntu version has it too02:19
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Coffeemanokay thanks02:19
jake1they are practically the same02:19
intelikeyCoffeeman ndiswarper ?02:20
killermach_I moved a /home drive to from a Mandriva OS to a Kubuntu OS and now my login has a Kmenu that has a "Lost and Found" on it.. there is a BUNCH of entries in this lost and found02:20
Coffeemanit didnt work the first time I tried it02:20
killermach_I can not find the Lost and found by doing "cd ~ && grep -ir lost"02:20
jake1there is my output to 'mount'02:20
killermach_how do I find and remove/correct these "lost/found" entries on the KDE menu?02:20
intelikey./ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso on /home/jake/Desktop02:21
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intelikeycongratulations you mounted it.02:21
jake1but it's not there02:22
jake1it doesn't show on the desktop02:22
jake1and i still cnt open any of my files02:22
jake1nothing on the desktop can be accessed02:22
jake1all i tried to do was mount the file02:22
intelikeyyour files in Desktop/ don't exist as long as that iso is mounted on Desktop/02:23
intelikeyDON'T USE Desktop FOR A MOUNT POINT !02:23
jake1well in OS X i can02:23
jake1this is stupid02:23
h3sp4wnMount under /proc instead (lol)02:23
jake1ok...... so i should umount it then02:24
jake1and remount it in /proc02:24
intelikey /mnt02:24
jake1or /mnt02:24
h3sp4wn /media is what some spec or other says is best to use02:24
intelikey /media/blah    even   mkdir blah   and mount it on ./blah02:25
jake1and if i mount it in a different directory will synaptic recognize it as a inserted disk02:25
h3sp4wnspecifying the path directly I think is easiest02:25
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Coffeemancan I use aircrack with ndiswrapper?02:26
jake1i tried to download a couple of packages and it required me to mount it somewhere else02:26
h3sp4wnjake1: use apt-cdrom (if you are just trying to use the deb's on it)02:26
jake1h3sp4wn and that way i won't have to insert the CD-rom in order to download + install packages02:27
jake1won't it still require me to insert the CD02:27
jake1i dnt want to have to carry the CD w/ me wherever i go02:27
jake1how would i umount that file now?02:28
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jake1./ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-amd64.iso on /home/jake/Desktop type iso9660 (rw,loop=/dev/loop/0)02:28
h3sp4wnI would just copy the deb's from the iso somewhere else and use file://02:28
jake1i want to umount that file02:28
h3sp4wnsudo umount /home/jake/Desktop02:29
jake1ok... good that worked02:29
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intelikeycp them to /var/cache/apt/archives/    and you don't need to change anything  it will just use them in place of dling new ones.... unless an upgrade exists.02:30
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jake1now i want to be able to install packages in synaptic without inserting the dapper install CD... i have the .iso on my computer02:30
jake1first i need to mount the .iso right?02:30
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jake1before i can copy the dev02:30
Admiral_Chicagois anybody else having a problem with katapult?02:30
h3sp4wnNearly everything on the dapper install cd is installed by default02:31
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wharfHi there, what program do i need in kubuntu to play mp3's02:31
jake1obviously not02:31
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_pete!fsck > _pete02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fsck - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:31
jake1cuz it asks me to insert the CD02:31
jake1such as when i tried to install alien02:31
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timi!mp3 >wharf02:32
_petewharf: update your amarok thru universe repositories, try to play an mp3, and amarok will update02:32
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intelikeyjake1 it all becomes clear now.   what you really want is to remove the cdrom from the sources.list02:32
Admiral_Chicagojake1, open up adept and it should be the first listed02:33
intelikeyit was all for nought.02:33
Admiral_Chicagolook though the menu at the top, look for something called "manage repositories"02:33
eaglehawkedit sourcelist in /etc/apt02:33
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intelikey_pete what you need to know about fsck ?02:34
eaglehawkanybody who can help me regarding webcam issues02:34
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_petetrying to figure out what is wrong with my HDD, saw a random command in a forum so decided to look it up02:36
jake1eaglehawk: ok i'm in sources.list in /etc/apt via pico02:36
jake1now what should i comment out02:36
intelikeyfsck=file system check02:36
_petei found it on man :)02:36
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intelikey_pete sudo apt-get install testdisk02:37
_peteintelikey ok ty02:37
eaglehawkfirst entry of cdrom..put a # there to ignore it just like the comments written where there is ## you just put one hash here02:37
jake1deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 6.06.1 _Dapper Drake_ - Release amd64 (20060807.1)] / dapper main restricted02:37
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eaglehawkput a hash before deb and give one space02:38
Coffeemanhey question if I have a .deb folder how do I install it in konsole02:38
intelikey_pete testdisk is pretty good at finding and fixing borked partition/fs's   but nothing is perfect so use with caution.02:38
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intelikeyjake1 yes.02:38
=== danpwn [n=danpwn@CPE-138-130-213-193.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
jake1ok i did that02:38
jake1and saved02:38
danpwnhey all - first time linux user here02:39
intelikeyyou need to update the database02:39
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jake1relaunched Synaptic and tried to install 'alien'02:39
intelikeysudo apt-get update02:39
fildomornin ppl02:39
jake1and got the same message02:39
jake1it's night here fildo02:39
fildolol . where is ya mate02:39
h3sp4wnWhat do you need alien for ? (It quite easily can mess up your system)02:39
fildo10:40am . n just rocking outta bed on a friday . the night will be good sincei  have the day off02:39
pierrethis it possible to write a script to activate an application02:40
intelikeyclose the gui package manager or use it to update....02:40
danpwncan anyone walk me though how to get my extra mouse buttons working for navigating konqueror?02:40
pierrethdanpwn: i was unable to do it for my own mouse02:40
_peteintelikey hmmm will the mbr function fix my boot prob maybe? error = differances between boot sector and backup02:40
jake1h3sp4wn to install some .rpms02:40
eaglehawkalso do now apt-get update02:40
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danpwnoh. thats kinda sucky02:40
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jake1fildo: USA02:40
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Coffeemanhey question if I have a .deb folder how do I install it in konsole02:41
danpwnno one makes drivers for an MX700 to make side buttons work?02:41
fildojake1: crikey mate.02:41
jake1damn austrailians02:41
eaglehawkcannot install .deb folder you donnot get it02:41
h3sp4wnjake1: Get deb's - what is the program02:41
eaglehawk.deb folder is not binary02:42
jake1how do you feel about about Steve Irwin?02:42
h3sp4wna .deb is an ar archive02:42
intelikey_pete ;/   i'd need more info.   what prezactly is the issue and some specs from things like  fdisk -l  cat /boot/grub/menu.lst & device.map   maybe   lets start with "what is the problem?"02:42
fildoone crazy ass mother fucker that should of been taken by a croc . instead of a stingray02:42
eaglehawkbinary debian package is .deb02:43
_peteintelikey when i boot i get a message that says there is an error: there are differances between the boot sector and backup02:43
maltaethiron!seen Ztem02:43
ubotuI haven't seen ztem recently02:43
jake1h3sp4wn Phoenix Object Basic02:43
eaglehawkcan only be installed with dpkg -i whateverthename.deb02:43
jake1is the program02:43
jake1it's an .rpm file02:44
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_peteintelikey i have not noticed any problems as a result of this beyond the error being reported, but i figure i dont know enough to decide whether or not that problem needs to be fixed02:44
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intelikey_pete hmmm   not sure either.  when you boot linux or other os's  ?02:44
h3sp4wnjake1: Can you get it as a .tar.gz ?02:44
sugarpillHello all, I am trying to install mplayer.. and im having some problems... could anyone point me in the right direction... here is what im getting http://pastebin.ca/16388502:45
jake1if i could i would02:45
pierrethcan i activate a window with a script?02:45
jake1all .rpms02:45
jake1really i'm hoping it will run on my machine02:45
jake1it may be the 32-bit02:45
jake1and i still have yet to get chroot02:46
jake1i dnt know how to get that installed02:46
intelikey_pete i think i'd run 'testdisk' and let it search for things but not commit any changes to disk.   see what it finds.    that's a reasonable starting point.02:46
jake1it still is asking for the CD02:46
jake1to install that one Package02:46
jake1how do i do this without using the CD02:47
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h3sp4wnhave you run sudo apt-get update ?02:47
jake1yes i have02:47
jake1quiet a few times02:47
fildo# he cd out ?02:47
intelikeyjake1 and you have no mention of  'deb cdrom*' in your /etc/apt/sources.list now ?02:48
_peteintelikey when i tell it to run a test, it comes up with an error right away and asks me if i would like to proceed02:48
intelikey_pete what error ?02:48
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_peteintelikey warning: bad starting sector02:48
h3sp4wnjake1: pastebin the output of ``grep -v '^#' /etc/apt/sources.list''02:48
_peteintelikey and..      check_FAT incorrect size of partition02:49
_peteintelikey warning says the CHS and LBA don't match (whatever that means.....)02:49
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jake1wait... i missed two 'deb cdrom*' thingys02:50
jake1commented them out now02:50
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intelikey_pete yep i'd say you have a problem in the mbr    if you would make sure you have every thing important backed up   i'd fix that with that app.   assuming it will fix it.   (hoping it's not a bad sector/badblock)02:50
_peteintelikey k i'll do it on my lappy to (it has the same problem)02:51
jake1yay...... success02:51
jake1god bless america02:51
jake1fildo: so about that steve irwin character?02:52
jake1what you think?02:52
eaglehawkgod bless you jake102:52
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_peteintelikey ahahah i think i lost everything....02:52
_peteintelikey oops02:52
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intelikey_pete not likely.  keep going.02:53
jake1hey what happened to my battery monitor in my system tray02:53
_petei run testdisk and it says no harddrive found02:53
intelikeyno hd ?02:53
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_peteummm ok02:53
_petewhew. ok02:54
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_peterofl i thought i nuked everything02:54
intelikeythis is linux.  if you tell it to nuke it will nuke... but i didn't think you had.02:55
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_petewow man i dont think i should be messing with this prog02:55
_peteit is telling me to set partition types for each partition: windows, linux and swap02:56
_petedefault is delete...........02:56
jake1how do i restart the panel?02:56
Telroth`hold on02:56
Telroth`jake1, "kicker" on the command line02:56
Telroth`_pete, what program are you using?02:56
intelikeysudo killall kicker && kicker02:57
_petetelroth' testdisk02:57
intelikeyrestart ^02:57
Telroth`and what is your goal for the drive?02:57
Telroth`intelikey, you are correct02:57
intelikeyTelroth` mbr is borked02:57
_petetelroth' when i boot linux it gives me an error02:57
Telroth`sudo grub-install02:57
_petedoesnt seem to affect anything, but i dont think i would notice anyway02:58
Telroth`err, sudo grub-install /dev/hda02:58
intelikeyTelroth` but it's concerning partition tables   not just the grub app.02:58
Telroth`or whatever your drive is02:58
Telroth`OH his partition tables are gone?02:59
_petehmm i wouldnt know but i am pretty sure grub works02:59
jake1ok....... why cnt i see my battery meter02:59
intelikey<_pete> intelikey warning: bad starting sector   <_pete> intelikey and..      check_FAT incorrect size of partition  <_pete> intelikey warning says the CHS and LBA don't match02:59
jake1it exists there02:59
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jake1cuz i can move my mouse over it and it tells me the time left02:59
jake1but it's nice to be able to see the icon02:59
intelikeyTelroth` ^  a repost for you.03:00
_peteintelikey yeah that was when i was running testdisk as non-sudo03:00
Telroth`is the data accessable on the drive?03:00
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_petetelroth' yea i can get to it all03:00
Telroth`do you have a drive you can back it all up to?03:01
_petethe problem is that the boot record doesnt match the backup, thats what it says when linux starts loading03:01
_petei dont have anything worth backing up03:01
Telroth`sudo fdisk /dev/hda03:01
Telroth`type v03:01
Telroth`see what it says03:01
intelikeyi am suspecting that the fat's are mismatched on the vfat partition.  and the mbr has "maybe" a bad number for partition size in it.    so i sujested  'testdisk'03:02
intelikeyTelroth` unless hda is a filesystem  wont that fail ?03:02
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Telroth`hda is a drive.03:02
_petedude are u sure formatting will help?03:02
Telroth`hda1 is a partition03:02
intelikeyoh n,03:02
Telroth`_pete, i'm not formatting03:02
intelikeyi mis read.03:02
matt__`i am on a fresh install of kubuntu and trying to checkout a repo - but it won't work. I enter my password (i am 100% sure the password is correct), and it just keeps asking me to enter it again. and ideas what might be going on? It works fine on two other machines (windows and gentoo), so I am thinking maybe it has something to do with ubuntu?03:02
_petei get the same error on my laptop as my desktop03:02
Telroth`the 'v' command in fdisk verifies the partition table03:02
Telroth`and don't use fat32 if you can help it03:03
intelikeyi read you as saying fsck  not fdisk.03:03
Telroth`stick with ext3, reiserfs, or even ntfs03:03
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intelikeyntfs over vfat ????   hmm  linux fully supports vfat but not ntfs....03:04
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse03:04
_peteaccording to fdisk::03:04
_peteaww man i dont want to paste a bunch03:04
Telroth`intelikey, i know, but i've been using ntfs write for several years03:05
Telroth`_pete, nomorepasting.com03:05
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pushpopHello all, I am trying to install mplayer.. and im having some problems... could anyone point me in the right direction... here is what im getting http://pastebin.ca/16388503:05
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:05
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ubotumplayer is a media player. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer/Compile to compile it from source or enable multiverse repo and type sudo apt-get install mplayer for more info please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MPlayer03:05
ubotuFor Codecs try !codecs Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MplayerInstallHowto for installation tips.03:05
intelikey!mplayer > pushpop03:05
Telroth`pushpop, is there any reason you need mplayer specifically?03:05
Telroth`try kmplayer first03:06
Telroth`then look into kaffeine03:06
Telroth`those are what i recommend03:06
Telroth`i know kaffeine installs03:06
intelikeyor even vlc03:06
Telroth`it'll play any audio or video codecs that are installed, and it plays dvds03:06
pushpopTelroth: for MythTV03:06
h3sp4wnmplayer can play almost anything though03:06
user_then download xine allwin32codecs03:06
jake1is there a particular reason why an executable file wouldn't run on ubuntu03:07
jake1i extracted the rpm03:07
jake1and i found the executable03:08
Telroth`because the libraries aren't installed03:08
jake1it's for Linux03:08
Telroth`sudo apt-get install alien03:08
user_strace -eopen ./file03:08
intelikey_pete you sure you got the right url ?03:08
Telroth`then alien --to-deb myfile.rpm03:08
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Telroth`then dpkg -i myfile.deb03:08
Telroth`then sudo dpkg -i myfile.deb03:08
_peteintelikey yeah03:09
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jake1Telroth i have installed alien03:09
jake1ah i see03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about radeon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:09
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:09
_peteintelikey that's everything it says after i type the command:03:09
_petefdisk /dev/hda -v03:09
Telroth`no _pete03:09
_pete awww nm03:10
Telroth`sudo fdisk /dev/hda03:10
Telroth`after it opens03:10
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Telroth`type 'v' and hit enter at fdisk's command prompt03:10
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_pete5227 unallocated sectors03:10
Telroth`that's all it says?03:11
_peteyup thats it03:11
Telroth`try 'p', see if that prints all your partitions correctly03:11
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intelikeyhehhe all i get for that is  62 unallocated sectors....   i feel cheeted.03:12
_peteTelroth' no it doesnt03:12
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Telroth`intelikey, because you're using more of your harddrive?03:12
jake1anyone know of a program that i can use as a replacement for Microsoft Visual BASIC that will run in Linux03:12
_peteTelroth' i should have 3, windows swap and linux03:12
Telroth`jake1, apt-get install mono03:12
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intelikeyTelroth` :)03:13
Telroth`jake1, apt-get install mono-develop03:13
_peteTelroth' it has 4. one extended03:13
Telroth`(if you need a ms visual studio replacement as well)03:13
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jake1wow...... linux does have quiet alot of replacements for m$ applications03:14
Telroth`_pete, as long as it boots it'll be ok03:14
jake1telroth` do you know if the interface is similar03:14
_petek cool ty man03:14
charitohuhu, my amarok doesnt play mp3 and wma, what am i doin wrong03:14
Telroth`jake1, i've never actually gotten it working03:14
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Telroth`charito, where are the files?03:14
h3sp4wnjake1: I would never use mono03:14
intelikey_pete :)03:14
charitowindows slice03:14
jake1well then..... i dnt see how i am going to get it working myself03:15
charitobut mounted properly03:15
Telroth`jake1, mono-develop didn't work on my last system03:15
Telroth`but i haven't tried it on kubuntu03:15
Telroth`so it might work03:15
jake1h3sp4wn: i am taking VB in school03:15
h3sp4wnjake1: There is a program called kylix which is pretty visual basic like (but based on delphi)03:15
Telroth`charito, make sure your user has read priviledges03:15
h3sp4wnjake1: mono is C#03:15
h3sp4wnjake1: I thought anyway03:15
Telroth`h3sp4wn, no03:15
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jake1is there a way to program in BASIC03:16
Telroth`h3sp4wn, it does vb.net as well03:16
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jake1i need to be able keep up with my class03:16
intelikeysome how i still doubt that over half of petes hd is unused...03:16
h3sp4wnTelroth`: So with mono-develop you can write visual basic code ?03:16
=== intelikey *shurgs*
charitomounted in fstab like /dev /path vfat default,auto 0 003:16
Telroth`I haven't actually gotten mono-develop installed on my last distro, and i haven't attempted on this one yet03:16
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Telroth`charito, add umask=000 after auto03:17
Telroth`it's vfat03:17
jake1can't find package mono-develop03:17
h3sp4wnIf you want .NET I would say use windows03:17
intelikeyumask works for vfat03:17
pushpopHow do you enable a application to load when X starts?03:17
Telroth`make sure you have multiverse and universe enabled03:17
jake1i have enabled03:17
Telroth`h3sp4wn, mono runs the programs fine i know03:17
Telroth`and it also compiles vb.net programs fine03:17
jake1all of them03:17
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Telroth`i haven't tested mono-develop yet though03:17
Telroth`let me install it03:18
intelikeybut dmask and fmask are more percise03:18
charitobut xxms tells me to load the snddriver propery, it doesnt work too... but i can play CDs03:18
h3sp4wnTelroth`: The only mono apps I have used are dog slow03:18
h3sp4wnTelroth`: And use loads of memory03:18
intelikeywell i don't.  i use 32m of ram.03:18
Telroth`h3sp4wn, i do have to admit i've never checked those stats03:19
jake1wait ...... i dnt know how to tell if i have multiverse installed03:19
Telroth`jake1, package name is "monodevelop", no dash03:19
Telroth`my bad03:19
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Telroth`bbl dinner03:19
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h3sp4wnIs there any distro that refuses to use mono on principle ?03:20
Telroth`no h3sp4wn03:20
jake1as long as i can code BASIC i'm all set03:20
jake1pretty much03:20
Telroth`the principle of linux is to be the most compatable OS out there03:20
jake1i would still like to get WINE to work03:20
Telroth`which means they support mono03:20
Telroth`and windows ports03:20
jake1but i haven't been able to get chroot to work03:20
Telroth`and windows api translations03:20
intelikeyh3sp4wn could be.  one of the more obscure ones....   or you could start one.   if you do refuse perl too  :)03:20
Telroth`jake1, don't need chroot with wine03:21
Telroth`wine does it's own chroot03:21
Telroth`just wine <path to exe file>03:21
jake1Telroth`: i'm on 64bit03:21
Telroth`oh, can't help there.03:21
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Telroth`bbl guys03:21
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box03:21
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.03:21
jake1actually i tried that site03:22
charitoif i run sudo apt-get isntall xmms for example, xmms and all its dependencies will be installed?03:22
jake1i got as far as the first step under "Setting up your chroot with debootstrap"03:22
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jake1but then it didn't work03:22
h3sp4wnintelikey: I like perl (you can do alot with small amounts of typing) don't like python though03:23
jake1and no one in here or ubuntu could help me03:23
intelikeyif you have the disk for it you could install both the 64 and the 32 then boot the 32 within the 64 vmware03:23
h3sp4wnintelikey: I don't think perl should be in the base system of any distro though03:23
intelikeyh3sp4wn ok.  python then.   i just hate that *buntu demand perl and python both be installed.03:24
jake1does WINE do full screen emulation?03:24
intelikeysentiments h3sp4wn03:24
intelikeywine is wine is not an emulator03:24
intelikeyso no03:24
intelikeywine is an api03:25
nnn0more a compatibility layer03:25
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jake1i see03:25
Kr4t05It pains me to confess.03:25
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james___omg i totally love xgl, and compiz03:25
james___i heard windows vista have copied it03:25
Kr4t05I am not a Fedora user. (But, I'll still hang around here. :D )03:25
jake1well i would love to get it to work on my 64-bit system if anyone is able to assist me with the directions on that wiki site03:26
james___it actually went pretty straight forward for m03:26
intelikeyyeah eye candy is sweet to the eye but it will rot the eyes teeth out.....03:26
james___yep, it makes me feel a litte dizzy03:26
james___eps the wobble thing03:26
james___i like the cube desktop tho03:26
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KnightlustCC45 D51F B428 8C98 011C 0138 3D0D 1DE9 EDE9 C47303:28
intelikeyKr4t05 ssshh  mussent  ever mention another distro in here.  they get jelious.03:28
Knightlustooops, sorry03:28
Knightlustpasted in the wrong window03:28
Kr4t05intelikey, rofl. Okay.03:28
=== intelikey pets his mandrake.....
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intelikeyslackware too03:30
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h3sp4wnI was contenplating slackware (would use bsd if my soundcard worked properly in it)03:31
Coffeemanokay I have a .deb binary file how do I install it using konsole03:31
intelikeydpkg -i03:31
h3sp4wnCoffeeman: sudo dpkg -i whatever.deb03:31
Kr4t05Coffeeman, you could right click and select Package Manager. :P03:31
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intelikeyor you could use mc  select it hit enter and execute the install script inside the .deb  :)03:32
jake1wats the directions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot mean when it says "Then append this line in /etc/dchroot.conf03:33
jake1below that it says 'mychroot /var/chroot03:33
jake1does append mean add ?03:33
intelikeymeans add it yes03:33
jake1that's what i did03:33
Coffeemanhow do i check teh state of ndiswrapper using konsole03:34
jake1intelikey could you take a look at Setting up your chroot with debootstrap on that wiki03:34
jake1and help me figure out that direction03:34
jake1the first step03:34
intelikeyurl ?03:34
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jake1now i'm using dapper03:35
jake1so i replace breezy with dapper03:35
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jake1and then i type  sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 dapper /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ --arch i386'03:36
jake1is that right?03:36
jake1am i typing that command in right...if i want to run WINE on my 64-bit system03:37
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intelikeybuildd may need inturpreted.03:38
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intelikeyi.e. /var/chroot   or something like that.03:38
jake1i type it in just like that and i get 'E: No such script: --arch03:39
h3sp4wnyou have --arch i386 twice03:39
jake1it told me to add it to the command line that they wrote if i want a 32-bit chroot on amd6403:40
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jake1they wrote " sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 breezy /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/"03:40
intelikeyooops modem reset03:40
h3sp4wnYou wouldn't use --arch i386 twice I wouldn't have thought03:41
jake1well i'll try it both ways and see what happens03:41
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jake1oooo...... wait03:42
jake1that looks like it is working03:42
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jake1i'll brb... gotta check my hotdogs03:42
intelikeyjake1 it says to change the breezy to dapper or what ever you have.03:42
intelikeydid you do that?03:42
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larson9999Teen's captor used C64 computer <=== giving us a bad rap03:44
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jake1yea i did03:46
jake1i changed it to dapper03:46
jake1it looks like it is working now03:46
jake1i removed the extra --arch i386 at the end of the command line03:46
jake1the directions are a little misleading03:46
intelikeyyou can edit them03:46
intelikeyhelp others03:47
=== aaron_ [n=aaron@c-68-33-114-114.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
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jake1ok......  now i'm a little lost03:47
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intelikeygive back to the community that has given you so (much ?)03:48
jake1it finished03:48
jake1looks successful03:48
intelikeynext step03:48
=== timi_ [n=john@adsl-69-155-107-158.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
jake1first it mentions 'depending on the given additional options (in square brackets,) debootstrap will build a chroot for the given architecture and variant.'03:48
jake1but what brackets?03:48
jake1i dnt want to ignore that step03:49
jake1i want to understand what i just did03:49
jake1i'll continue on to make it work without root03:50
intelikeyif i stood under that, it means there are options that could have been used there.    but that wiki does need a face lift indeed.03:50
jake1now i'll run the next command03:50
jake1or well commands03:50
jake1i dnt understand how this will help me to run wine on my x86_6403:51
jake1ppl have told me that chroot is what i need to do such a thing03:51
intelikeyyou will be running it on i386  that's how.03:51
jake1ummm... whats it mean to do the following right after debootstrap.....03:52
pushpopCould anyone tell me how to mount a directory on 1 ubuntu machine to another remote computer in the same network?03:52
jake1the last output after the previous step was "I:  Base system installed successfully."03:53
intelikeysee it's not that the hardware can't run it.  it's that the 64 bit os does not support it.    so you will run a 32bit shell within the running 64bit system and in that shell "chroot" wine can run.03:53
jake1does doing it like that slow it down?03:53
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intelikeyidk  i don't own a k8  :)03:54
intelikeywish i did.  but not enough to buy one yet03:54
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jake1it was cheaper than an intel machine03:55
jake1that is why i got this03:55
jake1the whole laptop cost me $60003:55
jake1sudo sed -i s/dapper/breezy/g /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list #point apt-get to the right release03:55
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intelikeypushpop nfs question....   i'm kinda network illiterate but maybe someone else can...03:55
jake1i assume i ignore the # in the second part03:55
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jake1i dnt even know what that means to point apt-get to the right release03:55
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jake1any ideas what that means?03:56
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lexincapt-get is a package manager03:57
lexincyou type apt-get then type help03:57
satafterhany one have a good source list, mine got messed up03:57
lexinci haven't used it03:57
intelikeyjake1 you mean like in the "sudo cp /etc/hosts /var/chroot/etc/ # avoid sudo warnings when it tries..."  line   the # will cause the shell to ignore the remainder of the line.  so if you copy and paste it wont matter.   if you type just stop at the # and save the key strokes03:57
Hawkwind!easysource > satafterh03:58
jake1intelikey: but how do i know if my apt-get is pointed at the right release?03:59
jake1what would be the right release for me ?03:59
intelikeyyou use dapper ?03:59
intelikeyyou built the chroot for dapper ?03:59
HawkwindThen look to see it has 'dapper' in the sources.list03:59
intelikeyapt is pointed in the right dirrection.03:59
Telroth`jake1, if you look in sources.list03:59
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Telroth`it'll be deb <url> dapper main03:59
Telroth`or deb-src <url> dapper main04:00
jake1 sudo sed -i s/dapper/breezy/g /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list04:00
jake1this has breezy in the command04:00
Telroth`universe or multiverse might follow main04:00
jake1but also dapper04:00
jake1it says to point this at the right release04:00
jake1or at least it seems to04:00
jake1say that04:00
intelikeyjake1 you built it right you don't need to change it...04:00
jake1i think he is using breezy though and not dapper04:00
jake1cuz in the previous command he made a point in telling me to change breezy to dapper or whatever release i am using04:01
jake1i'm building it for dapper04:01
intelikeyjake1 yes and if you read prior to that you would see that the instructions are also for running a chrooted breezy on a dapper system   which you are not doing...04:01
=== shahbaz [n=shahbaz@80-43-84-160.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
justin_I apt-get installed some of the sony vaio utils for laptops yet after reboot they no longer work04:02
justin_any ideas?04:02
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intelikeyi seem to be confusing you.   i'll hush.04:02
jake1only that last bit confused me04:03
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Telroth`jake1, do you want the chroot to have dapper or breezy?04:03
jake1well.... what's the difference04:03
jake1will it matter really?04:03
Telroth`dapper has more recent files i think04:04
jake1i believe i told it dapper04:04
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jake1which is what i want04:04
jake1but he's building it for breezy i think04:04
Telroth`that command you posted earlier sets the chroot up for breezy04:04
jake1i changed breezy to dapper when i typed it in04:04
Telroth`what are you using the chroot for?04:04
jake1 sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 dapper /var/chroot/ http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/04:04
intelikeyjake as long as the system and the sources.list are  ==  you are good to go.04:04
jake1is what i wrote04:05
jake1i'm using it primarily to run WINE04:05
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jake1on my 64-bit04:05
Telroth`and wine doesn't run under a 64 system?04:05
jake1not without chroot04:05
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jake1intelikey: how do i determine if they are?04:06
intelikeyyes and the /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list should have all 'dapper' and no 'breezy' in it.04:06
intelikeyyou can check if you like.04:06
=== Telroth` is going to not get in on this, as he has no 64 bit systems
=== Telroth` will bbl, shower
=== matt_ [n=matt@c-24-16-115-6.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Coffeemanokay I need help I installed ndiswrapper, I installed ndisgtk, and when I try to open it from my system tray it doesnt open04:06
jake1after i paste "sudo sed -i s/dapper/breezy/g /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list"04:06
jake1and run that command04:06
jake1i should check right?04:06
matt_is there something that resets /etc/resolv.conf? I modify it, but when i reboot it changes back04:07
Coffeemanwait with ndsiwrapper I put my .inf file in and it said invalid04:07
intelikeyif you run that command it will change all dapper to breezy in that file.   thus mess it up for you.04:07
intelikeyso if you ran it yes check.04:07
jake1ok...... crap04:07
jake1that's what i was asking basically04:07
jake1if that was meant for building a breezy system04:08
jake1which is what i thought he was doing04:08
intelikeysed is an inline editor  it can but used both ways.04:08
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intelikey"sudo sed -i s/breezy/dapper/g /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list"04:09
lexincdoes anyone know where the source for the kernel is?04:09
jake1damn...... no it made it to breezy04:09
jake1so how do i turn it to dapper now04:09
intelikey"sudo sed -i s/breezy/dapper/g /var/chroot/etc/apt/sources.list"04:09
intelikeysed is an inline editor  it can but used both ways.04:09
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h3sp4wnmatt_: /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf04:10
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jake1ok there we go04:10
h3sp4wnmatt_: #prepend domain-name-servers (unhash that line and edit as suitable)04:10
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jake1 locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8  # or your preferred locale04:12
jake1 tzconfig  #Configure and use our local time instead of UTC04:12
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jake1i dnt have to use tzconfig if i replace 'UTF' with 'EST' right?04:13
jake1since est is my local timezone04:13
intelikeyecho bob | sed 's/b/l/g'04:14
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zblachhey dudes. how can I associate mp3 and m3u with xmms by default?04:14
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intelikeyprefered applications ?04:16
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jake1intelikey: the last bit only applies if i live outside the US right?04:16
jake1he seems to be setting it up in Great Britain04:16
jake1i tried to write it as "locale-gen en_US.EST-804:16
intelikeyjake1 yup04:16
zblachintelikey: yeah04:17
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jake1it says "Error: 'en_US.EST-8' is not a supported language or locale04:17
jake1which umm.... is not good04:17
jake1i speak US04:17
jake1not GB04:17
crimsunen_US.EST-8 is invalid04:17
intelikeyjake1 drop   .EST-804:17
jake1i am well aware of that crimsun04:18
jake1hence my problem04:18
crimsunif you know it's invalid, why are you passing it to locale-gen(8)?04:18
jake1so it becomes 'en_US.UTF-8' or 'en_US'04:19
jake1crimsun: i was aware it was invalid after i wrote it and pasted it in here04:19
crimsunthen use either en_US.UTF-8 or en_US04:19
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jake1isn't UTF a timezone?04:19
crimsunlocale-gen(8) accepts a whitespace-delimited list of first-column entries in /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED04:20
crimsunUTF is a format04:20
crimsunUTF-8 is an encoding for said format04:20
jake1he's confusing04:20
Coffeemanim trying to gert linuxant wireless card program to work i signed up for a thirty day trial but it doesnt give me a downloadble version I cant burn to a CD and put on my laptop04:20
jake1the guy who wrote this wiki04:20
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intelikeythat wiki does need a face lift indeed.04:21
crimsunuse tzconfig(8) if you want to set the timezone04:21
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jake1got that set up04:22
jake1now do i want to build a Debian chroot?04:22
jake1what is that?04:22
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intelikeyanother os04:23
jake1i know that much04:23
jake1but If you want to build a Debian chroot on an Ubuntu system you need to point it at a Debian archive04:23
jake1why would anyone want to do that?04:23
justin_           is there some wine gui config package?04:23
intelikey/j #winehq04:24
h3sp4wnjake1: Debian has newer packages - and usually they perform better04:24
jake1so do i want that h3sp4wn?04:24
jake1would that be better?04:24
justin_intelikey: in teh repos I mean04:24
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jake1or will that interfere with ubuntu?04:25
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h3sp4wnjake1: Probably wouldn't make much difference - but it would take up 1/3 of the diskspace for the debootstrap04:25
Shadowhywindhi all again04:25
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jake1so no04:25
jake1not worth it04:25
Shadowhywinddoes anyone know of a way to check to see if a driver is 32 or 64-bit version?04:25
intelikeyfile blah04:26
jake1ok.... now i want to be able to run it as non-root04:26
jake1what's it mean to fix the user and root password?04:26
=== madhatter_ [n=madhatte@h-68-164-6-26.chcgilgm.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
madhatter_what does it mean if i request an install in adept and it says break???04:27
jake1or do i even care if i run it as root or not?04:27
jake1that won't interfere with me running WINE will it?04:27
jake1or even running other i386 packages right?04:28
h3sp4wnjake1: You probably want to setup dchroot or schroot04:28
Shadowhywindquick question, anyone running edgy yet?04:29
madhatter_wouldn't work on my machine04:29
jake1h3sp4wn i am setting up dchroot right now04:29
jake1that is what i am talking about04:29
h3sp4wnSo why would it need to be run as root ?04:29
Shadowhywindwhat kind of problems did you have madhatter?04:29
jake1i dunno04:30
jake1these are just the wiki04:30
jake1read it04:30
h3sp4wnjake1: I don't need to read it I know how to do that04:30
jake1i am at Setting up a dchroot (non-root) environment04:30
jake1but i'm not sure how to properly set it up04:31
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h3sp4wnmake sure you have setup the bind's in /etc/fstab04:31
jake1that's next04:31
h3sp4wnmake sure you have at least /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/sudoers /etc/resolv.conf copied to the chroot04:31
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jake1sudo cp /etc/hosts /var/chroot/etc/ # avoid sudo warnings when it tries to resolve the chroot's hostname04:33
jake1what's that mean04:33
jake1how does one avoid a sudo warning04:33
intelikeyby     "sudo cp /etc/hosts /var/chroot/etc/"04:33
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intelikeyi told you everything after # is a comment04:35
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zblachwhere can I find nice korganizer plugins?04:37
james___zblach: google04:37
jake1sudo editor /etc/fstab04:37
jake1doesn't work04:37
james___what do u wanna do jake104:38
jake1i'm setting up dchroot04:38
intelikeyentrupret "editor"04:38
james___kate? gedit?04:38
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intelikeyi.e.  sudo nano /etc/fstab04:38
jake1i put in vi, didn't work, then i did emacs, then pico04:38
jake1none work04:38
jake1root@jake:/# sudo nano /etc/fstab04:39
jake1sudo: nano: command not found04:39
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jake1i tried everything04:39
jake1none work04:39
intelikeypath  hosed ?04:39
h3sp4wnI expect you are in the chroot atm04:39
intelikeyecho $PARH04:40
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h3sp4wnapt-get install vim04:40
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jake1root@jake:/# echo $PATH04:40
intelikeynano is default in *buntu-base  so it's installed.04:40
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intelikeyyou are in the chroot now ?04:40
jake1intelikey yes04:41
Coffeemanwhats my root username?04:41
Coffeemannvm iuts04:41
Coffeemani r teh king newblet04:41
intelikeyshould be a   /usr/bin/nano04:41
jake1ok i got vim working04:42
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intelikeyCoffeeman if you mean the root-jr of the ubuntu world it's the first user account.   grep 1000 /etc/passwd     should tell you.04:43
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brandon_I forgot how to install flash04:43
jake1none is working04:43
jake1vim isn't working04:44
brandon_i remember it was like sudo cp / then something04:44
jake1i thought it was04:44
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bballranyone there04:44
=== brandon_ is now known as Slayer4blind
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:44
killermach_adept is broken04:45
Slayer4blindwhich link?04:45
Slayer4blindI'm brandon04:45
bballrdo you know if the new Gnome 2.16 is going to be out for the next version of ubuntu/kubuntu?04:45
killermach_it hangs on installing an update for sun-java-bin04:45
intelikeyjake1 maybe try  sudo apt-get install nano   in that chroot you are in.04:45
bballras far as packaged with it?04:45
Coffeemanokay I installed the linuxant wireless thing and registered and all that jazz, now how do I use it?04:46
killermach_I have removed /var/lib/dpkg/lock and cannot get anthing to install/unstall/upgrade04:46
killermach_enyone know how to unbreak dpkg/adept/synaptic?04:46
Healotsome one encourage me to install ubuntu in real mode :)04:46
intelikeykillermach_ what's the error ?04:47
killermach_I know the microsoft method would work.. format.. reinstall.. but I don't think this should be necessary04:47
intelikeyHealot why ?04:47
killermach_intelikey: it asks if I'm root04:47
intelikeygluton for punishment ?04:47
jake1i got it04:47
jake1i had to exit04:47
jake1then edit the file04:47
jake1then mount04:47
jake1then viola04:47
jake1it was all set04:47
Coffeemanokay I installed the linuxant wireless thing and registered and all that jazz, now how do I use it?04:48
intelikeykillermach_ sudo echo root04:48
killermach_intelikey: first when clicking apdept updater icon in systray it hangs while upgrading java04:48
jake1ok now to install WINE04:48
killermach_then if I goto konsole and do "aptitude install synaptic" I get "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"04:48
jake1synaptic is open04:49
jake1close it04:49
jake1oh wait04:49
jake1do sudo04:49
jake1then that command04:49
killermach_so I kill any running "ps ax|grep adept" PIDs and rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock04:49
intelikeyyou manually remove the lock and wonder why it breaks.....04:50
Slayer4blindwhat is the command to install flash player?04:50
killermach_intelikey: it does what is asked, it prints root and returns the commandline04:50
Slayer4blindI forget the commands04:50
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intelikeykillermach_ ok it's not sudo  sudo apt-get install -f04:50
intelikeywhat does it say ?04:51
Coffeemandoes anyone use driverloader by linuxant04:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:51
killermach_after killing adept PIDs and removing var/lib/dpkg/lock, I run aptitude install synaptic, it states there are upgrades waiting .. or words to that effect I enter "Y"04:51
jake1is WINE available via apt-get04:52
killermach_after that it states "E: Couldn't lock list directory..are you root?"04:52
jake1was that yup for me?04:52
MrObviousjake1: Do you have multiverse/univverse04:52
jake1is the package name just WINE04:52
intelikey!info wine04:52
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB04:52
MrObvious!info wine04:52
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB04:52
MrObviousIs there an echo in here?04:53
killermach_intelikey: thank you.. apt-get install -f .. is installing java.. and running from konsole I was able to answer Sun's questions and accept the agreement04:53
Coffeemancan someone help me out getting my wireless working>?04:53
Slayer4blindmrobvious, it doesn't tell me the command to install it04:53
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)04:53
Coffeemani have a few times...04:54
jake1my root password does not work in chroot04:54
jake1why not04:54
intelikeyjust ask your stinking question  </school teacher voice>04:54
=== deuce868 [n=deuce868@pool-71-246-155-218.rich.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
Coffeemanim trying to get wireless on my laptop, i got the freetrial from linuxant and I installed and all that stuff and I dont know what to do now.04:54
MrObviousSlayer4blind: It's there.04:54
killermach_intelikey: so dpkg isn't broken, the systray icon updater is broken since it doesn't display terminal questions that need answering and the update hangs04:54
Slayer4blindi don'tsee it04:54
MrObviousYou can use adept or whatever (apt-get probably) to install it.04:55
intelikeyjake1 cause you didn't cp the /etc/passed to /var/chroot/etc/04:55
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MrObviousIt's under Macromedia Flash on the right on that menu.04:55
Slayer4blindI read it and it doesn't have adobe flash04:55
MrObviousNumber 1004:55
Slayer4blindwhich link?04:55
jake1intelikey i did type that in04:55
jake1is it to late now04:55
MrObviousFirst one.04:55
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:55
Coffeemanim trying to get wireless on my laptop, i got the freetrial from linuxant and I installed and all that stuff and I dont know what to do now.04:55
Rhodrihi, i'm trying to install packages from the ubuntu alternative cd, but don't know how to do it (i don't have a net connection to get them online).  can anyone point me in thr right direction please?  thanks04:55
stealg__hi how can i install a pack .deb ?04:56
robotgeekRhodri: usually, you pop it in and it asks you04:56
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intelikeykillermach_ the hung update in a sense broke dpkg  the apt -f == fix missing  which is fick'en it04:56
robotgeekRhodri: you can add the cd using apt-cdrom tool04:56
Rhodriapt-cdrom, ok that sounds straught forward04:56
Coffeemanim trying to get wireless on my laptop, i got the freetrial from linuxant and I installed and all that stuff and I dont know what to do now.04:56
jake1intelikey, ... is it to late to do now?04:57
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intelikeyjake1 no, not too late.   exit the chroot   and cp the files from etc  over04:57
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jared777I am trying to get sound working on sites such as youtube and google video, I told firefox to use AOSS and it worked once and no longer works.  Anyone have any ideas to fix this annoying bug?04:58
Coffeemanim trying to get wireless on my laptop, i got the freetrial from linuxant and I installed and all that stuff and I dont know what to do now.04:58
killermach_intelikey: thank you again.. I'm new to .deb installs.. I'm changing over from nearly 10 years of Redhat and Mandrake04:58
jake1still did not work04:58
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jake1i did that04:58
robotgeekstealg__: sudo dpkg -i file.deb, or right click install04:58
intelikeykillermach_ there are lots of simularities, but a lot of differances as well.  you'll catch on quick.   man apt-get  is a good start04:59
jake1intelikey, nothing04:59
jake1same results04:59
Telroth_Plushie|jared777, make sure no other sound applications are running04:59
Telroth_Plushie|including the KDE sound server (setttings -> sound & multimedia -> sound server -> disable)05:00
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intelikeykillermach_ they bost that dpkg is so much better than rpm   but i have actually had more trubble with it than i ever had with rpm and urpmi    but both work in their own right.05:00
Dr_Willisive had little trobuel with any of them :P05:01
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killermach_intelikey: thank you and goodnight.05:01
Slayer4blindhey look it's doc05:01
intelikeyjake1 in the chroot do  passwd    and see if you can set your passwd  then if so   sudo passwd should let you set the root passwd as well....05:01
Telroth_Plushie|apt-get install <package> OR google <package> debian, download, dpkg -i <package>05:01
intelikeykillermach_ np05:01
intelikeyjake1 you didn't forget  /etc/shadow  did you ?05:02
jake1it asked me to configure it05:03
jake1and i did05:03
jake1it asked me my shadow password05:03
jake1and i gave it to it05:03
jake1and it's not working05:03
intelikeyjake1  so enter as root  and skip the formallities.05:04
jake1well i jst did that05:04
jake1and it worked05:04
jake1i typed in from mychroot 'su root'05:04
jake1and entered the passwd05:04
jake1and it worked05:04
intelikeywhen my system won't let me in.  i kick the damn door down and enter anyway.05:04
intelikey"so you are root, you think you have power in linux.  well i'm INIT prepare to die !   ha ha ha </evil laughter>05:06
intelikeyor somethin like that05:06
intelikeykernel ?   no!  no!   don't panic kernel  </end init>05:07
Coffeemanhow do I use kwifimanager to connect to my wireless networkwork (has encryption)05:08
robotgeekCoffeeman: dont use it. use something better like knetworkmanager05:09
intelikeyCoffeeman you05:09
robotgeekkwifimanager is evil :)05:09
intelikeyCoffeeman you "might" have better luck in ##linux   seeing that no one is answering in here.    i was about to say...05:10
Coffeemanso its not possible at all ot use kwifimanager even though it says im connected, and all that jazz but my Local IP is unavailible05:11
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robotgeekCoffeeman: its evil, and hopefully in edgy, kde-network manager will come installed by default :)05:12
intelikeyCoffeeman i wish i could answer that... but you are playing in the other end of the pool from me...  i'm CLI and init heavy.  GUI and network light.   ;/05:13
Coffeemanok thanks ill check out the other channel05:13
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Telroth_Plushie|zinfacter, i think intelikey meant to say "can I help you?"05:16
intelikeynormally it is expected that when someone enters and expresses a greeting, they want a responce....  but obviously not always.05:16
zinfacteroh lol05:16
eaglehawkanybody who tried alsa 1.0.13rc1 with acer05:17
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zinfacterthis is my first time using kubuntu, kind of a linux noob. just installed on my laptop05:17
intelikeywelcome to the other side of computing05:17
Telroth_Plushie|intelikey, if that's what you were going for, then you should respond with a greeting and not an attempt to call specific listening attention to yoruself asif you are about to ask a question.05:17
Telroth_Plushie|zinfacter, we're here to help you05:17
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Telroth_Plushie|you have working internet, which is a major plus ^^05:17
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zinfacterheh, as simple as plugging a network cable in ;p05:18
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Telroth_Plushie|(linux sucks when you have no clue how to solve a problem *and* have no ip)05:18
intelikeyTelroth_Plushie| to respond with the name of the greeted is customary greeting around here.05:18
Dr_WillisTelroth_Plushie|,  as opposed to windows.. that just sucks all the time. :)05:18
Telroth_Plushie|yes Dr_Willis05:18
Telroth_Plushie|in all honesty05:19
Dr_WillisBeen readint that Ubuntu Hacks book today by Orieally.05:19
Telroth_Plushie|i'm definatly rebooting into windows if i plan to do any gaming05:19
Dr_Willisits got some nifty articals in it.05:19
Dr_WillisIve been removing most of my windows games.. they are are just bla.05:19
Dr_Willisgames are just bla these days to me.05:19
Telroth_Plushie|can't leave those behind ^^05:19
Dr_WillisBla, Bla, and Bla.05:19
zinfacteri just beat Prey, which is a cool 'windows' game ;d05:19
Telroth_Plushie|oh, and TA is a great game05:20
eaglehawkanyone tried the logitech web cam05:20
Telroth_Plushie|i think it'll wine though05:20
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Telroth_Plushie|eaglehawk, can't say I have05:20
Dr_Williswhen im downloading torrents.. my ping is too high to play FPS's  (which i suck at anyway), i hate MMORPG's.  and RTS are just click-fests05:20
eaglehawkso does it work05:20
zinfacteri enjoy anarchy online sometimes05:21
Dr_WillisIve been trying to play that "Oblivian" game. but egads.. it just Drags ON and on and on...05:21
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Dr_Willislooks nice... but other then that..05:21
Dr_Willisand Running over People in GTA:WHatever - got old. :)05:21
intelikeyDr_Willis mmo ?  in mmorpg's ^05:22
Dr_WillisMassive Munchkin Obsessive RPGs :P05:23
intelikeynever heard that exp05:23
Dr_WillisI think i still have GuildWars installed.. but last i played it - it was one big Spam of "want to buy, want to sell, lets gamble, spam" :)05:24
Dr_Willisthen they took out the '/roll' command05:24
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intelikeyoh that kind of mmo05:25
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ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:25
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intelikeyi've played two games for more than 5 minutes in linux...   thought i might use a diversion and looked for a good "lowend" but with graphices rpg....    still looking for one...05:28
Dr_Willisnethack owns :P05:29
intelikeyit seem that all i can find either have no graphics   or are one dimentional in structure.05:29
Dr_Willisheh.. amazing how much depth some of those games have.05:29
Telroth_Plushie|Dr_Willis, play falconseye?05:29
Dr_WillisTelroth_Plushie|,  the fancy gfx distract from the game :)05:29
Telroth_Plushie|nah :P05:29
Dr_Willisumoria, is another neat one05:29
Telroth_Plushie|play planeshift?05:29
zinfacteris there an easy way to connect to my ftp server through kubuntu?05:29
Dr_WillisI dident care for planshift05:29
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Telroth_Plushie|open konqueror05:30
Dr_Williszinfacter,  a web browser. :P05:30
Telroth_Plushie|type "ftp://username@my.ftp.server.com05:30
Dr_Willisor any of the dozen other ftp clients/tools out there05:30
zinfacteralright, cool05:30
Telroth_Plushie|but kio slaves are cool!~05:30
intelikeyDr_Willis the ones you mentioned nethack...  have graphics ?05:30
Telroth_Plushie|you can use them in apps as well05:30
Telroth_Plushie|intelikey, no05:30
Dr_Willisintelikey,  classic graphics. :P05:30
Dr_Willis@ --> you05:30
Dr_Willisd --> a dog05:31
Telroth_Plushie|intelikey, but falconseye is nethack + graphics05:31
Dr_Willisthere are variants with more graphical graphics05:31
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intelikeyTelroth_Plushie| ok.05:31
obf213i want to dock my Kontact how do i do that05:31
intelikeyi'll look.05:31
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intelikeyQ.  "egoboo - 3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack"   does 3d in that sense refer to gfx or game play ?05:34
intelikeyi don't have highend hardware.  tuxracer is too much for this system.05:35
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Dr_Willisgo to 'the linux game tome' and look at all tehg screen shots. :P05:38
intelikeyi found 'wesnoth' it runs fine and has the makings of a good game EXCEPT it's one dimentional in the games story line.   you have no choices "literally none"  you go to map 1 then to map 2 then 3   you get the feeling of just kinda watching the show... not really being involved.05:38
Dr_Willis"Rocks and Diamonds" is a great game.05:39
intelikeyi cant do that.  i don't have all year.05:39
Dr_Willisif you like the old boulder-dash kind of game.05:39
intelikeyi looked at t&d  it was one of the less than 5 minutes bunch05:40
intelikeyerr r&d ^05:40
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intelikeyi'm a "let me explore, let me try something that the programmer didn't expect, and see what happens... "  kinda fellow...  :)05:42
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intelikeyi guess that's part of the reason i have kubunt installed on /dev/sda  mounted nosuid    and that sort of thing...05:43
intelikey"they said it couldn't be done."   so i did it.05:43
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intelikeyor the reason i formated half an dh then made a partition on the other half and formated it.   "it can't be done." but i did it anyway.   and it will work.05:47
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intelikeyme and my dislexic typing...   s/dh/hd/ ^05:51
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intelikeythe reason i run x on tty5  rather than 7...  customize everything leave nothing default.   not even the kernel...   idk.   being cripled don't help i guess....05:56
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ryan_anyone know a good program for unpacking a rar file ark wont do it06:03
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Dr_Willisark can do it..  if you install the rar packages06:04
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:05
ryan_where do i get the package06:06
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Dr_Willis For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression.06:09
Dr_Willis!info rar06:09
uboturar: Archiver for .rar files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.30-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 236 kB, installed size 476 kB (Only available for i386)06:09
Dr_Willis!info unrar-free06:10
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB06:10
Dr_Willisuse the package manager of your choice and isntall them :) assuming you got the universe repository enabled.06:10
ryan_DR_Willis- thnks06:11
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StrudelNinjaHey, I went to connect my Kodak Z740 to this computer for the first time and it's not in the list of supported cameras06:14
StrudelNinjacan I access the SD card on it somehow?06:14
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Dr_Willisplug it in.. see what dmesg says06:17
intelikeyStrudelNinja if it can be set to 'disk' mode it will be /dev/sda  most likely.06:17
Dr_Willisit may show up as a usb-drive06:17
StrudelNinjawhen I plug it in it's recognized as a camera, but the only option in the box is to open it, which leads to one empty folder06:18
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abattoirJucato, Hawkwind: Guys, I'm really sorry for letting you down like this :(06:19
Dr_Willisgot a usb card reader? that may be the easiest way06:19
StrudelNinjano I don't06:19
StrudelNinjaI got this camera back when I had a win box in my room, and it's worked fine06:19
Dr_Willisgoogle for that camera - its possible some of the photo tools support it.06:20
Dr_Willisor break down and buy one of thise 8 in one - media readers06:20
StrudelNinjayeah it just auto mounts as a usb imaging device06:22
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StrudelNinjaok so I opened adept and I'm having a BIG problem. well a "small" problem06:23
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StrudelNinjaI was messing with my fonts and now, my fonts in KDE programs (adept, kmail, konquerer) are all miniscule06:23
StrudelNinjaand the fonts in the tooltips when I hover over items in my menu bar is gigantic06:24
StrudelNinjaI can't find a way to change them back06:24
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StrudelNinjanone of the fonts in there change the fonts I mentioned when I change them06:29
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StrudelNinjanow the tooltips are giant, but the others were fixed06:31
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RawSewage_I think someone's stealing my wifi.  how do I check06:35
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unix_infideldetermine what ips are leased and match them up to known mac's on your net.06:36
[-KaSatKa-] Whenever I edit files with kate, it makes a file like "Filename.html~" why does it do that?06:37
RawSewage_I have no clue about any of that stuff06:37
unix_infidelRawSewage_: you're router's browser configuration should tell you all you need ta know.06:37
intelikey[-KaSatKa-]  backup of the origenal is  blah~06:40
intelikeyso you can restore it.06:41
[-KaSatKa-] Is there a way to turn that off?06:43
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intelikeyman kate.   or select help from within kate.06:45
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james_xxxwere there anyupdates today that may have broken X?06:50
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fignewwow, I never realized, Konversation is really good07:04
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Jucatoheh :)07:04
wordI have a hard drive hooked up..that's bad-ish..i didn't realize this until putting 80 gigs of recordings...i have space for them elsewhere..but after moving about a gig of data it crashes..it seems that a lot of seeking sets it off...is there a way i could limit the seeking so it was a REALLY slow yet stable transfer?07:05
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fignewword: in konq?07:05
fignewI'd transfer one file/folder @ a time07:06
fignewbecause chances are that it's one or two files that are corrupted07:06
fignewand when they fail, the whole transfer fails07:07
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fignewalso, when you do manage to transfer your data, md5sum it just to make sure everything is intact07:08
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bLaZeDcan anyone tell me where mysql keeps its database's?07:11
wordfignew: it's all tv recordings mainly so that's 1.1 - 2.2 gig files for the ones that aren't transcoded07:11
fignewthat makes it easy :)07:12
wordi do have some music and video files. but all of  the ones i've tried (i think all) are causing the drive to stop :-/07:13
fignewbLaZeD: are you trying to make a backup?07:14
fignewif so, you have to dump the DB07:14
fignewinto a .sql file07:14
bLaZeDi just wanted to know...im new to using mysql and i found a howto...and it says to edit /make a new db.....07:15
fignewthere's no directory for that07:15
bLaZeDk i wasnt sure...but thanks07:16
fignewyou have to run "mysql"07:16
fignewand that'll give you a console07:16
bLaZeDyea ive figure dout that much07:16
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wordfignew: how do you get the md5 of a file?07:20
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weas3li'm wondering if someone here may have an answer to an install question i have in regards to installing kubuntu onto a laptop... i am able to get into the desktop on the desktop cd, and i am able to open the examples folder, but when i try to run the install, the program never fully loads...07:21
weas3lany advice?07:21
fignewmd5sum *07:21
fignewthere's a way to compare the md5 sum of two folders07:21
fignewbut I've never used07:21
link_36panyone here tried looking glass?07:22
fignewweas3l: yea, throw that disk away and download the alternative ISO07:22
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wordfignew: I had downloaded a knoppix iso to it a couple weeks ago..that when i burned didn't work..and i just compared the md5 sums..and they aren't the same...07:22
fignewwhat two things are you comparing?07:23
fignewthe CD and iso?07:23
fignewbecaus that won't work07:23
wordno the two isos07:24
wordi'm redownloading it to the same drive now just to make sure..07:24
weas3lthanks fignew07:25
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fignewah hah07:26
ccherrettwhat are the first steps to getting a printer working in kubuntu07:26
fignewI'm guessing you're downloading via http/ftp07:26
wordKmenu -> System settings - > click the printer icon - > add new printer07:27
fignewso the location you download it from should also have a blah.md5 file somewhere nearby07:27
wordyah does that change the md5? :-/07:27
ccherrettthank you07:27
fignewwell, I always download my ISOs via Bittorrent07:27
fignewand bittorrent makes sure the data it download's is not corrupted07:28
fignewHTTP/FTP don't07:28
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fignewactually, I have no idea why they sometimes fail to download properly07:28
plugshi, i can't change permissions on a folder, i get Could not change permissions error. what should i do.07:28
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hhhhhddddzzzhi all i'm bored07:29
hhhhhddddzzz...and drunk07:29
wordplugs: do you have priviledges to the folder?07:30
jmichaelxok, can simply switching the type of mouse one uses break X?07:30
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ubuntuhey guys07:30
wordjmichaelx: not break..just cause it to not start up :P07:30
hhhhhddddzzzwho's HAL?07:30
ubuntuharware access layer?07:30
wordhardware abstraction layer?07:30
hhhhhddddzzzhe said somethin' 'bout hibernate failed...07:31
fignewyea, cause you to have to edit your Xorg config file07:31
jmichaelxword: i just found that out the hard way..... and with a lot of pain and agony lol07:31
hhhhhddddzzzyet hybernate worked fine???07:31
ubuntuhhhhhddddzzz:  u have to have the dbus service running in background07:31
ubuntumake sure it is running07:31
hhhhhddddzzz... ithink...07:31
hhhhhddddzzzohhhh thanx07:31
hhhhhddddzzzi'lll look into that07:32
wordjmichaelx: heh should always either be ready to sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf or do sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup07:32
jmichaelxword: why would X recognize a USB mouse, but refuse to start when i switched to a PS/2?07:32
ubuntutry /etc/init.d/dbus start07:32
ubuntuthen use hibernate07:32
ubuntukool np07:32
wordjmichaelx: look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.107:32
plugsword, i'm not sure07:32
jmichaelxword: i did a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.... i HATE that lol07:33
fignewjmichaelx: I switch back and fourth all the time07:33
ubuntujmichaelx:  i do too :)07:33
jmichaelxword: what happened, is that i added one of those switches that allow you to use two PCs with one monitor/keyboard/mouse07:34
jmichaelxand then x would not start07:34
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wordx is picky that way07:35
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jmichaelxand.... i was actually using the same USB mouse, but i put a USB to PS/2 adapter on it07:35
fignewjmichaelx: do you have two monitors?07:36
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fignewbecause if you did you could get some synergy action going on07:36
jmichaelxfignew: i only have one hooked up to these 2 PCs07:36
jmichaelxi have like 7 monitors lol07:36
fignewthen you must check out synergy07:37
jmichaelxok, sounds interesting07:37
jmichaelxty, i'll check that out07:37
fignewlet's you move your mouse between two (or more) screens (each plugged into a different comp.)07:37
jmichaelxfignew: now  that sounds totally awesome07:38
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weas3lugh... is it supposed to take about 5 minutes to accept the changes to my time settings?07:38
jmichaelxi am gonna have to get this who mouse issue straightened out.... these 2 PCs are sharing a monitor and a keyboard nicely, but i have to have 2 mice on my dek...07:40
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hhhhhddddzzzhowa 'bout a better command than find?07:41
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StrudelNinjaAnyone know where to change the font for tooltips on my taskbar, and the font for my torrent listings in ktorrent? I think they're one in the same, but only general will change them, and then all my other fonts get too small07:43
hhhhhddddzzzcome on don't make me go to meadors lol07:43
hhhhhddddzzzgood q Stru*07:43
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abattoirStrudelNinja: look in Kcontrol/System Settings->Appearance..->Fonts07:49
StrudelNinjaI have07:50
StrudelNinjalike I said, the only way to make them smaller is to change general, which makes everything else unreadable07:50
StrudelNinjathe same goes for when I change the menu font07:51
StrudelNinjathe menus at the tops of windows are readable07:51
StrudelNinjabut my kmenu becomes huge07:51
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abattoirStrudelNinja: hmm, then i'm not sure there is a way to change that07:53
ccherrettword:when installing the printer driver it complains that it does not have the proper permissions to install the driver. Do I need to to run this from command line with sudo?07:54
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wordwhen in the printer menu (before clickign on add printer) you need to click on the bottom right - > administrative mode07:55
wordthis will put you in the printer settings as 'root' which is simmilar function to sudo in command line07:55
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DackelErste deutsche Zenwalk-Community: http://www.zenwalkers.de08:00
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fignewDas heir ist kein Deutschen zimmer08:01
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halfbloodprincehello, folks08:03
ccherrettword: I entered in administration mode but it tells me that hpijs does not exist. Does that driver need to be downloaded?08:05
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wordccherrett: does the driver for the printer have multiple entries?08:05
fignewfios :-O08:06
wordclick on the one that isn't currently selected08:06
ccherrettdo you mean when it askes you to select a port?08:07
ccherrettor when it asks you to select a model?08:07
ccherrettword: ADD -> local printer (parallel, serial, USB) -> HP 930C08:10
ccherrettthat was my steps08:10
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ccherrettshould I select the 930C unser the other node?08:10
halfbloodprincecan i scan using gimp08:11
halfbloodprincelike i do in photoshop08:11
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ccherrettword: I seem to get the same error no matter what printer I choose08:13
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wordccherrett: sudo apt-get install hpijs08:14
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fignewif that is already installed, try sudo /etc/init.d/hplip restart08:15
ccherrettfignew: thanks08:15
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wordfignew: well the knoppix iso i redownloaded is fine md5 checks out :-/08:15
halfbloodprincequestion: If I run the Live CD, will I be able to save stuff?08:16
wordhalfbloodprince: depends on a few things, the distro, and if it's an r/w cd08:16
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halfbloodprinceword: thanks08:17
fignewsleep! HAH!08:18
fignewI still have alot of Homework08:18
fignewluck for me the library is open all night08:18
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Healotkubuntu-desktop+ubuntu-desktop in 14 minutes ho08:20
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tulgacan I decode executable bin file?08:21
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fignewtulga: the best you can do without much work is strings08:24
fignewstrings /usr/bin/firefox-bin08:24
fignewfor example08:24
tulgafignew: ok, tnx08:25
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kristinai have problems with my gdesklets!  icant add a starter to the starterbar08:42
JucatoI didn't know gDesklets could run on KDE?08:42
osh_kristina: gdesklets, isn't that a gnome-thing? if so, perhaps #ubuntu is a better channel.08:42
abattoirJucato: they run, as does superkaramba on Gnome... but might not run very well08:43
ccherrettfignew: I have hpijs installed restarted and in administrator mode and it still complains that the I do not have permissions or the driver is not installed08:43
abattoirJucato: stuff like transparency/translucency might not work08:43
Jucatoand GNOME specific commands/features08:43
fignewccherrett: is the printer plugged in via USB?08:44
ccherrettfignew: it also errors on other drivers other than the hp specific one08:44
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fignewok run sudo kaddprinterwizard08:46
fignewand if that doesn't work, run a lsusb and paste the part (if any) about the printer in here08:46
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Healotfinally on ubuntu08:49
fignewfinally got this wiki working08:49
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ccherrettfignew: that got it thanks08:55
ccherrettmust have been some permissions problems08:55
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figneww00t :)08:56
ccherrettfignew: thanks you08:57
fignewno prob :-O08:57
ccherrettfignew: I am trying out a 19" wide monitor and the right hand side of the screen is missing. do I just need to add a new resolution to xorg.conf?08:57
scastwhere can I find what's coming new in kubuntu edgy?08:59
fignewsudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:59
fignewgo down to the screen section09:00
ccherrettfignew: cool I will google for the new res settings09:00
grxmrxIs it possible to have other mime settings for konqueror as www browser and other for konqueror as file/directory browser?09:00
imbrandonweekly news letter is a good start09:00
imbrandonccherrett, " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg " is MUCH easier and less error prone09:01
imbrandongrxmrx, yes but you'll have to google to find out how, as i dont rember right off09:01
imbrandonbut it is possible09:02
fignewI'd rather just add "1280x1024" to a file :P09:02
fignewthat's all the change would be after all...09:02
imbrandonfignew, at times, sometimes the hardware dosent support it with the current diver config and you wouldent know it09:03
Jucatohi imbrandon! :)09:03
imbrandonas i said less error prone, specialy to those that dontr know09:03
imbrandonheya Jucato09:03
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fignewI dunno... if it's a matter of drivers you would just change vesa to nv or whatnot09:03
imbrandonfignew, sure if you knew that, but someone new dosent09:04
fignewHe does know though... because I'm here :P09:04
fignewanyways, it's a good learning experience09:05
imbrandonhrm ok let me put it diffrent, the prefered way is to do it with the config tool ( that also backs up the file etc )09:05
imbrandonso its good to tell them the prefered way even if you offer an alteritive09:06
fignewyou see, this preferred way only works in a few distros09:06
fignewmy way works in all09:06
imbrandonfignew, sure, and we're only talking about kubuntu here , and kubuntu's audiance ;)09:07
imbrandonmakes it simple huh ;)09:07
fignewperhaps in the future he wont be running kubuntu09:07
fignewbecause you know, distros come and go09:08
imbrandoni dident say dont tell him about it, i just said please offer the preferd way if ytou do offer an alternative ;)09:08
lupine_85imbrandon: universal is always better. Besides, IME dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg leads to the possibility of much more breakage09:08
fignewIt's just that there's alot of things that tool can't do09:08
imbrandonfignew, perhaps so, and perhaps not but we are getting offtopic, lets take it to #kubuntu-offtopic if you wish to bicker more, i was just simply telling you the prefered way09:08
fignewI never wanted to bicker :/09:09
imbrandonlupine_85, universal isnt always better ;)09:09
=== lupine_85 stays quiet :)
imbrandonother wise it wouldent matter what distro you choose09:10
lupine_85why not use xf86config ? ;)09:10
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imbrandonlupine_85, probably becouse its not installed on a default config09:10
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Healotthere isn't any by default09:10
lupine_85and here was me thinking that dpkg-reconfigure just acted as a wrapper round it09:11
imbrandonand probably becouse its an xorg server not xf86 ;)09:11
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lupine_85xorgconfig ?09:12
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lupine_85I'm out of date :)09:13
fignewI am too :(09:13
Healotyup. we can see that clearly09:13
lupine_85all these new-fangled things ;)09:13
fignewall flashy and stuff09:13
tulgafignew: I tried strings. but not good result. any idea?09:13
fignewtulga: what are you trying to do?09:14
tulgafignew: I tried extract bin file09:14
Healotchmod +x filename; ./filename09:15
Healotheh... most of the time taht works09:15
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fignew[02:22]  <tulga> can I decode executable bin file?09:15
fignewconfused me :(09:15
imbrandondepends on the file and what you mean by "decode" heh09:15
fignewI thought he wanted to decode binary executables09:16
tulgayes. then I tried strings. but not good result09:16
imbrandontulga, what are you trying to do ?09:16
fignewdo what Healot said09:16
tulgafignew: no. I don't need execute bin file09:17
imbrandontulga, what are you trying to do ?09:17
tulgaI need to know that what include bin file09:17
fignewchmod +x filename.bin; ./filename.bin09:17
imbrandonwhat kind of bin file09:17
imbrandonthere are many types of binary files09:17
tulgathat is my problem09:18
tulgaI don't know what types09:18
imbrandonfignew, he just said he dident want to execute it09:18
imbrandontulga, where did ytou get it from , what are you TRYING to do ?09:18
lupine_85"what include"...09:19
lupine_85are you trying to get out something inside the .bin file?09:19
tulgasome guys give me executable bin09:19
lupine_85like an archive?09:19
fignewtulga: do: "file file.bin"09:19
tulgaI think they use my code09:19
fignewand tell us what it says09:19
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tulgatest.bin: data09:19
lupine_85ah :)09:19
lupine_85strings would be your best bet for that sort of thing09:20
lupine_85round in a complete circle ;)09:20
tulgaI tried strings. but not good result09:20
magical_trevskyin my xorg.conf, i have a line saying Identifier      "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 320M (RS200 IGP)"       Driver          "ati", is this the same as the open source radeon driver (because direct rendering is on, so i'm kinda confused about why it doesn't say the driver is called "radeon")?09:20
lupine_85in that case, they probably didn't use your code09:20
lupine_85any more involved analysis would have to involve decompilation09:20
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fignewand that's a pain09:21
imbrandonmagical_trevsky, yes ati is the opensource radeon09:21
lupine_85just a bit09:21
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magical_trevskyimbrandon, cool, thanks :D (now to try and get xgl to work right :p)09:21
lupine_85there is a program that tries to generate C from assembly... but without debug symbols, it's basically assembler organised into functions09:21
ccherrettanyone know what the 19 widescreen resolutions are. I tried editing my xorg.conf to use 1440x900 but upon restarting X there was no change09:21
fignewtulga: you could also run the program through strace09:21
fignewand see if it does anything like your program :/09:22
tulgait is embedded software09:22
tulgaI have files only. then I cannot run it09:22
fignewccherrett: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:23
tulgabut I saw, it was working like my program :(09:23
lupine_85tulga: you could always issue a court summons and see if he gets scared09:23
imbrandonbrb afk09:23
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lupine_85but if you can't run it, and nothing shows up in strings, then you're running out of options09:24
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tulgalupine_85: ok. have you any idea?09:25
Healotanyone with a duel-core CPU?09:25
fignewHealot, why?09:25
HealotAMD X209:25
Healotseen the 4way CPU in Windows? with duel-core+HT?09:25
fignewthat's weak!09:26
lupine_85tulga: no sorry.09:26
Healoti would like to have the screen shot of 4 way CPU, on the task manager CPU tab09:26
fignewa dual, dual core is better ;)09:26
lupine_85I only have experience with code->binary, not the other way around09:26
Healotsince, i don't have any duel-core CPU09:27
tulgalupine_85: can you suggest me other channel?09:27
fignewlike this: http://renderfred.free.fr/4TaskManager.gif09:27
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lupine_85sorry, tulga09:28
lupine_85no idea09:28
tulgaok :)09:28
imbrandonfignew, wow windows with an osx theme ;)09:28
Healotyeah, thanks a lot fignew09:28
imbrandonHealot, i'm on a amdx2 3400+ atm09:29
Healota duel core with HT09:29
imbrandonno windows though09:29
Healotcat /etc/cpuinfo for me09:29
=== lupine_85 quietly strokes his Sempron-64 2500+
lupine_85no dual core here :(09:30
imbrandonplus i have a coreduo lappy next to me and a celeron in the other room and a few other misc computers arround the house ;)09:30
Healotsorry /proc/cpuinfo09:30
imbrandonon what one? the amd ?09:31
imbrandonSysinfo for 'birdofprey': Linux 2.6.17-7-generic running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3400+ at 1000 MHz (2005 bogomips), HD: 65/139GB, RAM: 654/686MB, 109 proc's, 59.36min up09:31
imbrandonbrb afk09:31
imbrandonlupine_85, cpu throttleing, i only have irc runinng09:32
unix_infidelimbrandon: time to get some more RAM.09:32
Healotcat /proc/cpuinfo >> to pastebin of course09:32
imbrandonHealot, i will when i get back, gotta run , bbiab ( ~20 minutes )09:32
imbrandonunix_infidel, yea09:32
=== lupine_85 's doesnt support that
imbrandonunix_infidel, i only use this machine once in a GREAT while09:33
imbrandonmost of the time its off09:33
unix_infidelimbrandon: heh, yea.09:33
unix_infideli have a 2.6ghz box i just started using again, at 512 now, needs an upgrade and soon.09:33
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imbrandon98% of the time i'm on my 2.9 ghz celeron , or on my buildd cluster09:34
imbrandonanyhow REALLY afk09:34
tulgaI need to get full file information. which program I use?09:34
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ccherrettfignew: all fixed thanks09:43
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plugspopsicles! mmm~09:45
plugs=] 09:47
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tulgawhat is most powerful binary decoder?09:51
fignewask #c++09:52
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Kabalthe fixxes after the broken X.. are they safe to install? don't want to crash my laptop...10:29
lupine_85Kabal: no problems with them here10:29
Kaballupine_85: oke thanx :)10:29
lupine_85I'm running 1:1.0.2-0ubuntu1010:29
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eeosI have problem in playing / streaming asx file with kaffeine10:31
eeosanyone who can help out there?10:32
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abattoireeos: wmv?10:36
eeosabattoir what does wmv mean?10:36
abattoireeos: make sure you have win32codecs installed10:37
abattoireeos: what processor?10:37
eeosabattoir amd 6410:37
abattoireeos: Windows Media Video, nvm10:37
eeosabattoir sory :)10:37
abattoireeos: do you have the 64-bit version of Kubuntu ?10:37
eeosabattoir yes10:37
abattoireeos: i'm afraid you cant play it out of the box - directly10:38
abattoireeos: you'd need to set up a chroot10:38
abattoireeos: are you using konversation?10:38
eeosabattoir yes10:38
abattoireeos: can you type /sysinfo ?10:38
danilocSysinfo for 'Daniloc': Linux 2.6.15-26-386 running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMDAthlonXP1800+ at 1533 MHz (3070 bogomips), , RAM: 244/250MB, 101 proc's, 40.48min up10:38
abattoirdaniloc: i didnt ask you :)10:38
daniloci know, just testing ;)10:39
abattoirdaniloc: hi, btw :)10:39
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abattoireeos: ??10:39
eeosabattoir cannot run syinfo10:39
danilochi abattoir )10:39
andreahi all. i installed netbeans 5.0. but the fonts look weird. How can I make it use the standard fonts of the OS?10:40
eeosabattoir would uname -ra do the same?10:40
abattoireeos: sure, you could give me that output too10:40
eeoseeos@kubuntu-laptop:/sys$ uname -ra10:41
eeosLinux kubuntu-laptop 2.6.15-26-amd64-generic #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 02:52:35 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux10:41
eeoshere it is10:41
eeossorry for head and tail :(10:41
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands10:41
abattoir!info sun-java5-fonts10:41
ubotusun-java5-fonts: Lucida TrueType fonts (from the Sun JRE). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 1 kB, installed size 112 kB10:41
abattoirandrea: ^^^^ try installing that10:41
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andreaok lemme try10:42
eeosabattoir did you receive the uname -ra?10:43
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abattoireeos: nope10:43
abattoiroh sorry, yes10:43
eeosabattoir :)10:43
abattoireeos: as i said before, they are 32-bit codecs, and dont work w/ a 64-bit system10:44
abattoireeos: you might either want to install the 32-bit version of Kubuntu, or setup a chroot10:44
eeosabattoir I already have a 32 bit chroot for some development10:44
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andreaabattoir: i was talking about the font used by the IDE itself10:45
abattoireeos: aah, ok, then you can install w32codecs there, and install the necessary browser, and its plugins :)10:45
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eeosabattoir do you mean reinstall kaffeine inside the chroot?10:45
andreaabattoir: the menus...etc10:45
abattoireeos: is it already installed in the chroot?10:45
eeosabattoir no10:46
abattoireeos: yes, then you'd need to install a 32-bit version of kaffeine in the chroot10:46
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abattoirandrea: else try changing the entry in /usr/lib/<your jdk version>/jre/lib/font.properties10:47
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eeosabattoir sounds like a lot of downloading. why was I able to lay asx files before the last few uploads?10:47
abattoireeos: you mean before the last few updates?10:47
eeosabattoir yes10:48
abattoireeos: what did you first do to get it to work?10:48
eeosabattoir I do not remember of course :(10:48
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andreaabattoir: WOW10:49
abattoirandrea: what happened?10:49
andreaisnt there an easier way?10:49
andreai just want to have a consistent look with the rest of the apps10:50
abattoirandrea: no, i dont know of anything else :(10:50
danilocabattoir: how to install all needed libraries ?10:50
andreaabattoir: how can i remove an app that was not installed via Adept?10:50
andreaie i installed a binary10:50
abattoirandrea: the jdk?10:50
abattoiror netbeans?10:50
andreaits in /opt10:51
abattoiri think netbeans has its own uninstaller... dont quite remember10:51
danilocabattoir: how to install all needed libraries ?10:51
abattoirdaniloc: what needed libraries?10:51
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abattoirdaniloc: 'build-essential' is a useful package... if you want to start compiling stuff10:52
danilocfot others installation10:52
danilocbuild-essential ?10:52
abattoir!info build-essential10:52
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB10:52
danilochow to install that?10:52
abattoirdaniloc: either through adept, or 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'10:52
lupine_85as for needed libraries... if it's a .deb package, it'll do that automtically. If you mean -dev packages, it takes  bit of gueswork to get right10:53
lupine_85generally ./configure will tell you10:53
danilocabattoir: build-essential is ok, something else ?10:53
abattoireeos: do you by any chance know if the stream is wmv9 ?10:53
abattoirdaniloc: what are you doing/compiling/installing?10:54
eeosabattoir no, why?10:54
danilocsome packages i must install and compile10:54
danilocand i need libraries?10:54
danilocsorry my english is fu*ed up10:54
abattoireeos: just asking... are you a 100% sure that you had this stream working in the same 64-bit OS?10:55
danilocwhat stream ?10:55
abattoirdaniloc: there are tens of thousands of libraries...10:55
abattoirwhich one do you need specifically?10:55
daniloci dont know10:55
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danilocstandard libraries10:55
daniloci cant install all .deb packages10:56
abattoirdaniloc: build-essential should do for now...10:56
danilocok, thanks man10:56
abattoirif anything complains, come back10:56
eeosabattoir yes, It was not long ago10:56
abattoiri'll tell you which package you might need10:56
danilocthanks man :)10:56
danilocyou are the best10:56
danilocawesome :)10:56
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danilocabattoir: i build the radio stream10:57
abattoirdaniloc: you mean you are going to stream your own...err... stream?10:57
danilocit is internet radio streaming ;)10:58
abattoiraah cool :)10:58
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abattoirdaniloc: "The source cannot be read for the URL: - Fotografija/Merlin - Fotografija.mp3"10:59
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cox377I'm looking for a decent FTP client, something with equivalent usability to FLASHFXP on M$, does anyone have any recommendations?11:13
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abattoircox377: kbear ??11:16
abattoir!info kbear11:17
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ubotukbear: graphical ftp client for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.1-13ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 2401 kB, installed size 8604 kB11:17
abattoircox377: ^^ its in universe11:17
milcoif i move to gwm, then i lose my kde-taskbar right?11:17
eeos!info KFTPGrabber11:18
ubotukftpgrabber: KDE FTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7.0beta1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 993 kB, installed size 2836 kB11:18
cox377abattoir:  i shall give it a go mate, cheers11:18
abattoircox377:  :)11:18
eeos!info KGet11:18
ubotukget: download manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu6.2 (dapper), package size 425 kB, installed size 1164 kB11:18
cox377I;ve just been googling fto clients, people are ssaying the same tht there doesnt seem any really decent ftp clients about11:19
eeoscox377 you can chose among three at least11:19
eeoscox377 the best ftp client in my opinion is konqueror11:19
cox377eeos: as in the standard browser within kbuntu?11:20
eeoscox377 yes, try to do ftp://your-domain in the location bar11:20
cox377just did, says cant connect but i know the things there11:21
cox377wonder whats going on11:21
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whitinghow do i become identified?, says i can't join a chanel because im not identified11:23
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cox377it was firestarter blocking it11:23
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eeoscox377 once ou are connected you can use konqueror as you use it on the desktop11:25
visik7whiting: read motd and go to www.freenode.org11:25
eeoscox377 not bad isn't it?11:25
cox377eeos: to tell u the truth, i like quite like bear11:26
eeoscox377 yes, I have it installed. but once you get the hand on using conqueror this way it is fantastic. you use the ftp server as ou use any other partition on disk11:27
eeoscox377 yu can copy and move from partition to partition (including ftp server)11:28
milcoi got 2 soundblasters in this machine11:28
milcohow do i set the default one?11:28
eeoscox377 even decompress on ftp server (not really, but it looks like)11:28
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cox377eeos: lol.. i've falled short with bear, for some reason i cant open my own directories11:29
cox377eeos: a learning curve i suppose ;)11:29
eeoscox377 :D11:29
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milcoyesteday my soundblaster was still working11:32
milcohavent touched anything, today - no sound11:32
milcoi got a onboard one and a sblive11:32
milcothe onboard one is 'set to default' is the idea i get..11:33
milcois there a place where i can change the default one?11:33
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cox377eeos: alright, i was wrong, kbear just kept crashing.. konquer did the job straight upo; )11:39
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eeoscox377 :)11:39
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cox377one more thing11:42
cox377i like to work in tree view11:43
cox377but i keep setting everything to tree mode and after reboot it goes back to normal icon11:43
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eeoscox377 it shouldn't11:47
eeoscox377 what version of kde are you using11:47
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eeoscox377 what version of konqueror / kde are you usig?11:49
redondo81_Hi boys, I have a problem installing a visual style (Domino), when I lunch the command make it gives me several errors...who can help me please?11:52
cox377eeos: is there a command to find that out?11:52
redondo81_Can anyone help me please?11:53
eeoscox377 you can use adept, or simply konqueror > help > about konqueror (or about kde)11:53
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Trollinatordoes anybody know a good cd ripper for KDE?11:57
abattoirredondo81_: is this a KDE widget style?11:57
Trollinatorwith musicbrainz or cddb support.11:58
redondo81_I downloaded it from kde.look.org11:58
redondo81_I can paste the errors on paste.ubuntu11:58
eeosabattoir I set up kaffeine to run in chroot but it gives me an error11:58
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abattoireeos: what's the error?11:59
cox377eeos: 3.5.411:59
abattoirTrollinator: kaudiocreator11:59
abattoirTrollinator: or you can use the audiocd:/ kioslave in konqueror12:00
redondo81_abattoir:You can find the errors here :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2290312:00
eeoscox377 that is the very last one, so you should not have this problem12:00
abattoirredondo81_: please do that12:00
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redondo81_abattoir:You can find the errors here :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2290312:00
_ianhi how do i enable file sharing with a windows computer? im conencted using a router with four ports..... my other computer is running winxp12:00
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eeosabattoir believe or not i installe the gstreamer engine with plug ins and now it works at 64 bit12:00
abattoirredondo81_: got it :)12:00
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abattoireeos: hmm, are you running dapper ?12:01
eeosabattoir yes12:01
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mito125ma non si parlava italiano qui???12:01
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:01
Trollinatorabattoir: does kaudiocreator support cddb or musicbrainz?12:02
abattoireeos: afaik, wmv9 doesn work, anyways, if it works for you, then its great :)12:02
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abattoirTrollinator: cddb i think12:02
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abattoirTrollinator: as does the audiocd:/ kio-slave12:02
eeosabattoir believe me it works!12:02
eeosabattoir listening to radio canada now12:02
abattoireeos: aah, its not a *video* stream?12:03
eeosabattoir no, audio stream12:03
redondo81_abattoir:what do you think is the error?12:03
abattoirredondo81_: there are so many errors :P12:03
abattoirredondo81_: i assume ./configure went cleanly.... ?12:04
andreai downloaded a theme/style from Kde-look....how can i apply it?12:04
redondo81_yes, all ok12:04
abattoirandrea: depends on what theme it is12:04
abattoirandrea: read the instructions inside the archive12:04
andreaabattoir: ok12:05
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abattoirlooks like imbrandon's setup :P12:06
_ianis there a good step by step guide on how to network kubuntu with windows xp ? on lan? to enable file sharing12:07
abattoirandrea: might be interested in http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/theme/royale/12:07
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henrym_ian: install samba and file sharing should work quite happily (at least, it did for me)12:07
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT12:08
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andreaabattoir: 10Q12:10
abattoirandrea: np12:10
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_iandoes kubuntu automatically update it self?12:12
henrym_ian: not totally, in kubuntu, an icon should pop up in the system tray and if you click on it it will list any updates, and allow you to install them12:14
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_iani see...12:14
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_ianso how do i configure samba? i clicked on administration button and said i require a root access?12:16
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henrymopen up konqueror and type in 'smb:/' into the location bar, i found everything Just Works and the windows computers on the network just showed up12:17
eeoscox377 did you solve it? you should save the profile with your settings to have always th same settings.12:19
henrymalso, in both kubuntu and ubuntu when it asks for your root access password, just type in the same password as your normal user account and it should work12:19
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_iani see its working now !!!! thanks so much1!12:19
cox377eeos: u gotta save the profile12:19
cox377i shall try that12:19
henrym_ian: no problem :)12:20
eeoscox377 konqueror > settings >  save "whatever" profile12:20
eeoscox377 with a reasonable name, not whatever12:21
cox377shall seewhat happenes next time on reboot12:23
cox377eeos: cheers12:23
eeoscox377 :) cheers12:23
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_ianis there an easy way to access that like in windows... its already in my comp/12:24
_ianwell i figured it out i jsut created a shortcut12:25
voicuRandom Fortune: We come to bury DOS, not to praise it. -- Paul Vojta, vojta@math.berkeley.edu12:26
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user_hi all12:28
cox377i notice there is a back up system app under utilities, can this be used to back up the whole systems settings, applications used n all so when reloaded the system is then the same.. like a generic settings that can be applied to systems?12:30
cox377or is there a folder that holds all the system settings, such as icons, apps used etc etc?12:30
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voicu /etc is where you will find most of your settings (system wide settings)12:31
cox377so if i back that up, i can then copy it to a new system?12:31
voicufor user settings look in your home directory for something like .kde, .gaim, ...12:31
voicui guess so, but if you don't use the same software versions there might be problems12:32
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voicuif you want to make it complete, copy your /home/user directory too12:33
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kuzmasterhey all12:34
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kuzmasteris there a way to use google talk on kubuntu, so i can use the voip features of google talk?12:35
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kuzmasteris there?12:35
voicuwell, gaim can work with google12:36
voicugoogle talk uses the jabber protocol12:36
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voiculook on google.com for details12:36
frojndI have one question12:36
frojndI am using Kubuntu and I got 160GB disk (ntfs)12:37
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frojndhow can I format it in something that linux likes it ?12:37
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adrian__eine frage an elle wie komme ich auf den deutschen channel12:37
kuzmastervoicu, i know about the jabber protocol and gaim ect, but is there a program so i can use the voip features of google talk12:37
voicui don't know, i thought gaim had voip :P12:38
parangoogle uses a closed protocol for voip in google talk12:39
kuzmasterparan, oh k, thanx12:39
frojndanyone who has been dealing with NTFS partitions here?12:39
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kuzmasterparan, thats a bummer cos wine dont work with google talk12:39
voicufrojnd, do you want to write on the partition or just read it?12:39
frojndI want to use it with linux12:39
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parankuzmaster: i don't think there are any free clients. you could try running google's client in Wine, might work.12:39
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frojndI have NTFS disk12:40
frojndand I wanna format it in somethig that works on liunx12:40
frojndthat I can write and read it12:40
frojndjust for linux!!12:40
kuzmasterfrojnd, do you want to erase it, and loose the data thats currentally on it?12:40
kuzmasterkuzmaster, if so, you would want to format it using either ext3 (linux only) or fat32 (linux and windows)12:41
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frojndlinux only12:41
parankuzmaster: lots of stuff works in wine, but I recomend a version from WineHQ. the one in dapper is a bit old12:41
kuzmasterfrojnd, k, then format it using ext312:41
frojndand command for this is:12:41
frojndthe partition name is: sdb112:42
voicuthere is a gui in kde, in system settings12:42
kuzmasterfrojnd, dont know if there is one, but you can download a partition thingy thru adept12:42
frojndmkfs.ext3 /dev/hd<whateveritis><partition> <--isn't somth. like this ?12:43
voicuor you can search the net for the command, should probably be something like fdisk12:43
kuzmastercan someone please tell me the command to re-fresh the sources.list?12:43
paranfrojnd: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 <- that will format the partition with a ext3 file system12:43
kuzmasteri forget, and i just edited it12:43
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frojndparan frojnd: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 <- that will format the partition with a ext3 file system  (I don't care if formats...)12:43
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parankuzmaster: sudo aptitude update12:44
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kuzmasterwouldnt it be sudo adept update?12:44
kuzmasterthis is kubuntu?12:44
voicuadept is only a frontend for aptitude which is a frontend for apt :P, apt is the main application, right?12:45
kuzmasteri know, and i figured it out, its 'sudo adept update'12:46
kuzmasterbut my dns's hate me12:46
voicumine aren't friendly either :)12:46
parankuzmaster: doesn't matter, you can run apt-get update also if you like. they all use the same files12:46
ElectrolyteCan someone remind me the command after glxgears to enable the frame counter?12:46
ElectrolyteSomeone I know is pestering me for my results :/12:46
Tonio_anyone there using edgy and a usb/lpt printer ?12:47
Tonio_I need bug confirmation to define top priority bugs for ubuntu wiki12:47
LynoureTonio_: people on #kubuntu+1 more likely than tere12:48
Tonio_Lynoure: yes, sorry :)12:48
ElectrolyteNo one can remember the command? :<12:48
frojndwhat's the difference between fat32 and ext3, besides the ext3 is linux only12:49
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse12:50
LynoureElectrolyte: glxgears -printfps12:50
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ElectrolyteHmm, last command was something much larger - I'll try any way :)12:51
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ElectrolyteAh, ty Lynoure :)12:51
LynoureElectrolyte: This one works but there is the long cutesy notabenchmarktool or something too12:51
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paranfrojnd: the main difference is that fat32 is crap, while ext3 is a advanced file system ;-) (there are ways of accessing ext3 partitions from windows as well...)12:53
LynoureElectrolyte: if you give the number to someone, remember there is a world of difference between being fullscreen or not12:53
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frojndsamba can handle accesing ext3 partitions12:54
LynoureElectrolyte: in my case 90fps vs 1500fps...12:54
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ElectrolyteWell this was left in Windowed.12:55
Electrolyte9800 FPS :E12:55
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kuzmasteroh ;(, i only got 400fps on averge, but it spiked to 1163 fps12:56
robert____anyone know what parameters to serve wget when trying to download a google video URL? kaffeine open same URL just fine, why?12:56
Lynourewell, it is not a benchmark tool.12:57
frojnd/dev/sdb1 is mounted; will not make a filesystem here!12:57
kuzmasteri know12:57
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kuzmasterfrojnd, un-mount it12:57
frojndumout /dev/sdb1  ?12:58
kuzmasterfrojnd, ummmmmmmmmm................. yeah12:58
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frojndty :)12:58
frojnddon't get mad with me, I am using linuxes for 3 days..12:58
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LeeJunFanSlimG: you can open google videos? I get sound but no video :-/12:58
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pointwoodhrm...funny problem here - when I load a video at video.google.com, I get sound when trying to play it in Konqy, but no video. Trying the same in Firefox, I get video, but no sound...12:59
vgepointwood: video is swf in this case?01:00
pointwoodwait...just tried again and this time I seem to get video as well in konqy :)01:00
frojndhej guys, any pages for newbie linux users01:00
pointwoodvge: yes, swf01:00
LeeJunFanpointwood: damn you - I haven't been able to watch google vids. hehe01:00
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pointwoodLeeJunFan: hehe01:01
kuzmasterhmmmm......... adept seems frozen while downloading/installing firefox ;-(01:01
SlimGLeeJunFan: i download the video (flash won't work for me either) and run them thru a script that open the video in kaffeine01:01
kuzmasterits stuck on 'waiting on headers (0%)01:01
frojndWriting inode tables: done01:01
frojndCreating journal (32768 blocks): done01:01
frojndWriting superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done01:01
frojndThis filesystem will be automatically checked every 25 mounts or01:01
frojnd180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.01:01
frojndso now it's formated?01:01
pointwoodnow I just need a faster connection01:01
kuzmaster!tell frojnd about pastebin01:01
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:02
kuzmasterfrojnd, please use paste bin in the future01:02
LeeJunFanI've got the same problem on as pointwood had with google video, in konq I get audio but no video, in firefox I get video, but no audio. Guess I'll have to try opening them at the same time :)01:02
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ubotuskim: smart common input method platform for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.4-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 1218 kB, installed size 2640 kB01:03
pointwoodLeeJunFan: hehe, I guess it must be something with using different audio subsystems or something like that01:03
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voicufrojnd, i have some docs, wait a sec01:06
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ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)01:09
kuzmaster how do i download firefox via terminal?01:09
milcosudo apt-get install firefox01:09
ubotuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, apt-cache, the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com  -  Ubuntu has about 18000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!01:09
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource01:09
kuzmasterk, but is there a thingy so you can download all its dependinces01:10
milcoread this information kuzmaster01:10
kuzmastersomthing like '-f'01:10
milcokuzmaster: that happens automaticly01:10
kuzmasterohhhhhhhhhhhh k01:10
milcowhen you do apt-get install firefox01:10
milcothats why i say read the information from the links ive given you01:10
milcoelse you'll never learn it..01:10
kuzmasteri have, ive used kubuntu heaps01:11
kuzmasterbut i just come back, and i forgot01:11
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:15
kuzmasterhey, HELP PLEASE http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2290901:17
kuzmasteri do 'sudo apt-get install firefox' and it says that01:17
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kuzmasterand im not running apt-get or adept01:18
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lupine_85kuzmaster: delete /var/lib/dpkg/lock and try again?01:18
kuzmasteri also get a problem like that when i TRY to run the adept update notifier01:18
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kuzmasterit says command not found01:19
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lupine_85try "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock"01:19
halfbloodprincehey lupine01:20
kuzmasterlupine_85: YAY!!!!!!!!! THANKS *gives hug*01:20
lupine_85halfbloodprince: ?01:21
halfbloodprincejust saying hey01:21
voicufrojnd, still there?01:21
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kuzmasterholy poop01:23
kuzmasteri have 244mb of updates to download01:24
halfbloodprincewhat's your connection speed01:24
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WindowsUninstallHi all01:24
halfbloodprinceit's not that bad then :)01:24
kuzmaster*sob sob sob*01:25
kuzmasterit hates me01:25
kuzmasterit officially hates me01:25
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lupine_85ah, hi :)01:25
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=== lupine_85 has 8Mb/sec BB :D
WindowsUninstallI've a question: how many time take special request? (https://shipit.kubuntu.org/specialrequest) ?01:25
kuzmasterme cant get adsl 2 or higher01:26
=== halfbloodprince as 64 kb/sec
WindowsUninstallI need to ship about 15 CD's for the 28 october (linux day)01:26
=== kuzmaster cant get adsl 2 or higher
kuzmastertheres a linux day?01:26
WindowsUninstallkuzmaster, Yes, here in italy01:27
kuzmasterwell im in australia where 2 australian icons have died in one week01:27
kuzmasterin 2 totally un-realated deaths01:27
kuzmasterim gonna have to re-start01:28
kuzmasterim over linux for the time being01:28
frojndvoicu ja here01:28
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=== frojnd make flash of freezing water in to voicu
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frojndwake up01:30
lupine_85I'm on ADSL1 :)01:30
frojndur everywhere01:31
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frojndI used man fstab01:31
frojndI don't understand quite at all :S01:31
lupine_85frojnd: something like this then... /dev/<devicefile> /path/to/mountpoint ext3 defaults,user 0 201:32
lupine_85also make sure that the mountpoint itself has appropriate permissions (e.g. 777, or whatever)01:33
frojndwhere did u picked that man01:33
frojndi am willing to read this for myself01:33
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frojndI just don't know where01:33
frojndif there were some nice page with tutorials or smtk.01:34
lupine_85memory :)01:34
lupine_85you put it in /etc/fstab01:34
lupine_85(edit as root/sudo)01:34
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grizzlyis ti dangerous to close the klogd and syslogd services?01:36
grizzlyor they like only loggin services01:36
frojndlupine_85 /dev/sdb1 /media/sdb1 ntfs ,uid=1000,gid=0,auto,nouser 0 001:36
lupine_85not sure about the uid and god, but yes01:37
lupine_85erm, gid01:37
lupine_85oh, is it an ntfs partition?01:37
frojndi just formated it01:37
lupine_85then change ntfs to ext301:37
frojndinto ext301:37
lupine_85change nouser to user01:37
lupine_85and you're there01:38
frojndlet's check01:38
frojndstill don't have permission to read it01:39
lupine_85did you set the permissions of the mountpoint?01:39
lupine_85then do so :)01:40
lupine_85make sure you've got at least a+r01:40
lupine_85(so sudo chmod a+r /path/to/mountpoint)01:40
frojndlupine_85 frojnd: something like this then... /dev/<devicefile> /path/to/mountpoint ext3 defaults,user 0 201:40
lupine_85yep, but the one you've got now should work fine01:40
lupine_85...you have unmounted (as root), and remounted (as user), right?01:41
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=== B4zzA-2 is back (gone 00:27:41)
HobbseeB4zzA-2: please turn off that away message01:41
B4zzA-2sorry, its not a script01:42
frojndI think I unmounted it as user01:42
B4zzA-2its a part of irc01:42
lupine_85frojnd: make sure it's unmounted, then remount as normal user01:43
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HobbseeB4zzA-2: you can turn such things off.01:43
Hobbseeit's an option in xchat somewhere01:43
B4zzA-2yes well..01:43
B4zzA-2im sorry...01:43
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halfbloodprincelupine_85: I'm still wondering whether to install Ubuntu, or not01:44
B4zzA-2i guess i shall leave this chan (i dont see a @ next to your name)01:44
lupine_85halfbloodprince: it's great fun01:44
lupine_85B4zzA-2: don't let the door hit you on your way out ;)01:44
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lupine_85not really for the weak of heart, though01:45
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lupine_85you need to have a mentality that allows you to stay calm in the face of problems :)01:45
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halfbloodprincelupine_85: As in, I really want to install Ubuntu, but most of my professional work requires me to use Windows01:46
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lupine_85halfbloodprince: you can dual-boot01:47
lupine_85even use VMware01:47
=== Hobbsee notes that it's freenode policy not to keep the @'s
halfbloodprincelupine_85: If I dual-boot, I'll be using Windows most of the time anyway, right?01:47
lupine_85think of how useful it'd be to have 3, 4 different windows boxes running at the same time...01:47
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frojndI mount it like user: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /home/q/sdb101:47
frojndand it says01:47
halfbloodprincelupine_85: I didn't get you01:47
frojndmount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or /home/q/sdb1 busy01:48
lupine_85no, you mount it as user by (after editing fstab) mount /dev/sdb101:48
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lupine_85you need to unmount it first01:48
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lupine_85halfbloodprince: you can run windows in linux by using VMware01:48
frojndI unmounted it as root: umount /dev/sdb101:48
lupine_85very handy for development work etc.01:48
mase_can i disable dosfck from checking at startup?01:48
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danilocabattoir: there?01:49
abattoirdaniloc: yes01:50
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mase_any help?01:50
danilochow are you?01:50
Hobbseehey Dannilion & Dannilion_01:50
halfbloodprincelupine_85: which one should I get? vmware server?01:50
abattoirmase_: it scans another partition?01:50
abattoirhello Hobbsee01:50
danilocabattoir: how to install .deb from console?01:50
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Hobbseehi abattoir01:50
Hobbseedaniloc: sudo dpkg -i *.deb01:50
abattoirdaniloc: 'sudo dpkg -i /path/to/deb'01:51
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abattoirmase_: you can try disabling it in /etc/fstab01:51
lupine_85vmware server is great, yes01:51
danilocabattoir: i got the errors01:51
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daniloccan i paste u to pvt?01:51
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)01:51
halfbloodprincelupine_85: Let's say I don't get vmware, and I have a dual boot for my Windows stuff.. then I'll be using Windows mostly right?01:52
abattoirdaniloc: ok01:52
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DannilionHey Hobbsee01:52
lupine_85halfbloodprince: probably01:52
danilocabattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2291301:52
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abattoirdaniloc: dep. issues.. you need later versions of those packages01:54
abattoirdaniloc: btw, running at root is not recommend... unless you understand the risks01:54
abattoirdaniloc: and if you are in a root prompt, you dont need to use 'sudo'01:54
daniloci know, how to install latest ?01:54
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abattoirdaniloc: where did you get that deb?01:54
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mase_abattoir:how ?01:55
HobbseeDannilion: :)01:55
abattoirmase_: in the entry for that partition, make sure the <pass> entry is 001:55
DannilionHow is Hobbsee?01:55
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HobbseeDannilion: annoyed at people who are being annoying.01:56
danilocand abattoir01:56
danilocwhat i need to do?01:56
abattoirdaniloc: well, the official repos for dapper dont have packages later than the ones you already have01:56
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abattoirdaniloc: you might need to compile it manually01:57
daniloci have a only .deb filre01:57
abattoirdaniloc: or find a lower version of pcmanfm01:58
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danilocok, thanks.,..01:58
abattoirdaniloc: you're welcome...01:58
danilocthanks a lot again01:58
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zinfacterHow do I get file sharing to work correctly? When I click properties on a folder and go to Sharing, it prompts for a password, I enter one and it takes me to this window where I can't click anything.02:01
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danilocabattoir: can i pvt you ?02:01
daniloctoo easy for help, i am noob and i have a lot of question's, but my english is bad and i cany read and understand all02:02
danilocprivate chat=pvt02:02
abattoirdaniloc: sure02:03
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zinfacterno one knows about this ftp problem?02:11
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zinfacterfile sharing problem*02:11
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[GuS] Hi people...02:19
[GuS] i want to ask.. why setting Firefox as default web browser has no effect in KDE? (inside Systemsettings, KDE Globals)02:19
Jucatowhat do you by "no effect"?02:20
[GuS] because opens Konqueror with a site link02:20
Jucatoa link from Thunderbird?02:20
WindowsUninstall[GuS] , Look in kcontrol02:21
[GuS] yeah.. from that... and maybe others too02:21
[GuS] WindowsUninstall, i was there....02:21
JucatoWindowsUninstall: System Settings is the control center of Kubuntu02:21
[GuS] i've configured THere02:21
Jucatobut uses the same modules as KControl02:21
[GuS] is same thing02:21
[GuS] to make clear i am not a newbie....02:21
[GuS] but well02:21
[GuS] i dont know why this happen02:22
=== WindowsUninstall hates system settings.
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=== WindowsUninstall thinks that kcontrol is better
Jucato[GuS] : for Thunderbird, I think there's a specific step that must be done. As for the other apps like Kopete and Konversation, they have their own ways to control which browser they will use/launch02:23
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JucatoWindowsUninstall: to each his own :)02:23
[GuS] yeah WindowsUninstall ...02:23
[GuS] ok Jucato ...02:23
JucatoSystem Settings is getting better, specially in Edgy02:23
Jucato[GuS] : I don't have the exact links or steps, as I don't use Firefox as my default. I would suggest searching in the forums, as I remember seeing the same question there02:23
[GuS] i will02:23
[GuS] thanks any way..02:23
Jucatohttp://www.ubuntuforums.org or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/forums02:23
[GuS] :)02:23
[GuS] yeah i know.02:23
Jucatoheh. just in case :)02:24
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eaglehawkhello everybody02:27
=== Jucato says hello, since he thinks he's part of everybody...
eaglehawkcan anybody tell me do I need to download linuxwacom drivers for edgy 2 for the tabletpc02:28
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eaglehawkhi especially to jucato..:)02:29
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Jucatoeaglehawk: I'm not really sure, but you might try to ask the guys in #ubuntu+1 for help. since it's a driver question :)02:29
[GuS] Jucato, this do the trick: sudo update-alternatives --set  x-www-browser /usr/bin/firefox02:29
[GuS] ;)02:29
[GuS] i've forgot that command02:29
[GuS] i've done that with java too02:30
Jucato[GuS] : heh, I thought it would be something like that. I just didn't remember the exact command02:30
[GuS] yeah, me too02:30
[GuS] ;)02:30
=== Jucato doesn't want to give out inaccurate commands... :)
[GuS] :)02:30
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Przemcio78hi, does anyone here use wengophone?02:34
NetcadHi, is there somebody out there who can give me a hint on the following? I need to search a large directory structure for directories and where ever found delete all files in there.02:35
[GuS] Przemcio78, me02:35
Przemcio78GuS, are sms messages free in wengo?02:35
NetcadDirectory is .deleted for example02:35
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[GuS] mm i dont know... i read you question in their channel... but i never use that02:36
lupine_85netcad: some mixture of find and rm ? but carefully. Very, very carefully ;)02:36
Przemcio78i can't find answer anywhere :(02:36
Przemcio78anyway, thanks for trying to help GuS02:37
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mase_i want to start konqurer as root02:51
Jucatomase_: press Alt+F2, then type in "kdesu konqueror"02:52
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=== Jucato applauds
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HawkwindLOL @ elite02:54
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tyler_dhow do I uninstall all of my movie players and codecs? I am having latency issues when trying to watch any type of video, the video is not fluent??02:55
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eeostyler_d what typo of video02:56
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tyler_deeos: any type, dvd, avi02:57
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eeostyler_d what version of kubuntu are you using?03:00
tyler_deeos: 6.06 k603:00
eeostyler_d could you please give me the result of the command uname -ra03:01
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tyler_deeos: Linux macphee 2.6.15-26-k7 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 03:40:32 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux03:01
intelikeykde starts and then just sits there blinking the  "starting the window manager"  splash.    so i thought i'd investigate and look at this...03:01
intelikeytty2 [root@~]  top03:01
intelikeybrutopia: error while loading shared libraries: libproc.so.2.0.7: cannot open shared03:01
intelikeyobject file: No such file or directory03:01
brandnewbieI have KDE on Kubuntu and I want to change my settings yet it keeps saying that my password is wrong, however I have only ever used one password when ever it asked for me to enter in one03:02
eeostyler_d what are you using for playing the video files (for example I use kaffeine)03:02
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intelikeybrutopia it tab completed form  top:03:02
lupine_85brandnewbie: it's got to be the caps lock ;)03:02
brandnewbielol yeh03:02
brandnewbiei tried that severeal times >.<03:02
tyler_deeos: doesn't matter, tried all of them, mmovie player, totem, kaffeine, and gxine-movie player.03:03
lupine_85well, boot into the recovery console and use passwd <user> to change it03:03
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brandnewbieit jsut says conversion with su failed >.<03:03
lupine_85that's not a password failure03:03
eeostyler_d did you install all available codecs? audio and video? including w32codecs?03:03
brandnewbieoh ?03:03
lupine_85that's a b0rked kdesu03:03
brandnewbiewhats that :?03:04
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tyler_dtried to.... not sure if it was successfull though?03:04
lupine_85kdesu is what turns you into a root user to run GUI programs03:04
tyler_deeos: what codecs do you use?03:04
lupine_85unfortunately, I've no idea how you'd fix that particular error03:04
eeostyler_d ffmpeg, theora,03:04
lupine_85try searching the forums:- http://www.ubuntuforums.org/03:04
brandnewbiewould a complete erase and reinstall fix it ?03:05
lupine_85or just google the error message03:05
intelikeyanybody tried top lately ?03:05
lupine_85brandnewbie: of course, but this isn't windows ;)03:05
lupine_85intelikey: works here03:05
intelikeyis mine the only one broken ?03:05
BigGood Morning03:05
brandnewbieyeh i know03:05
brandnewbiei only installed this all tonight03:05
intelikey"top: error while loading shared libraries: libproc.so.2.0.7: cannot open shared03:05
intelikeyobject file: No such file or directory"03:05
lupine_85slocate / |grep libproc ?03:06
tyler_deeos: what is the source for that?03:06
lupine_85intelikey: you're not using... edgy... are you?03:06
intelikeyi found it.03:06
intelikeyold version of top lying around03:07
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eeostyler_d for what?03:07
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intelikey 2186 klog      25   0  2408 1324  380 R 98.1  0.5  20:38.72 klogd03:07
brandnewbiesigh >.<03:08
brandnewbiereformat ftw03:08
brandnewbiesee you in 2 hours03:08
intelikeyklogd using 99% of the cpu03:08
brandnewbiehow do i get KDE on kubuntu to recognise my graphics card ?03:08
brandnewbieor my monitor03:08
tommyanyone know where i can find a tutorial on how to use terminal and/or konsole?03:08
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lupine_85Tommy: just bash/command line tutorials in general03:09
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tommylupine_85: yes03:09
lupine_85google for "debian" and "bash" and "tutorial"|howto, and you're away03:09
tyler_deeos: s'all good, found one for both03:09
eeostyler_d search for theora, fmmpeg, codecs using adept03:09
tommythanks lupine03:09
eeostyler_d do you also have w32codecs?03:09
tyler_deeos: think so... installing some codecs now though03:10
tyler_deeos: my source list is messed up though03:10
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eeostyler_d look at this page on the wiki https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Media/Codecs?highlight=%28codec%2903:11
eeostyler_d what do you mean with your source is messed up?03:11
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eeostyler_d probably you have to do some manual cleaning.03:12
x31pessoal alguem me pode ajudar a configurar a minha placa grafica?03:12
x31tenho uma ATI Radeon 7000 IGP!03:13
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x31alguem ja configurou uma placa com os drivers compativeis com a minha?03:14
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tyler_deeos: what do you mean??03:14
x31I want configuration my graphics card?03:15
eeostyler_d here there is the list of codcs you seriously need to play most of strange stuff you can find around https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats03:15
unfknblvblif my graphics card is not in the list of the graphics cards in kubuntu with KDE, how do i add it in ?03:15
Dr_Willisunfknblvbl,  what card you got?03:15
eeostyler_d well, what do you mean with your source is messed up? do you mean your repository?03:15
Dr_Willisyou may just need toselect a similer card.03:15
unfknblvblnvidia geforce 6800gs03:15
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x31ATI Radeon 7000 IGP03:15
tyler_deeos: oh that... yah I fixed that03:16
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Dr_Willisunfknblvbl,  nv or nvidia is whats in the list I think03:16
unfknblvblk ta03:16
tyler_dstill stutters on dvd's??03:16
eeostyler_d ok03:16
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:16
intelikeyi don't get this.  kde wont run. all i get is a BSOD out of it.03:16
gnomefreakDr_Willis: same factoid03:16
eeosx31 did you install ATI original drivers or OSS drivers?03:16
Dr_Willis:) how lazy of them! :p03:17
gnomefreakDr_Willis: it points to a general page and you pick ait ro nvidia from there :)03:17
x31I think that my graphics card use OSS drivers!03:17
gnomefreakati from*03:17
Dr_Willisgnomefreak,  we want specific  Instant gratification!03:17
eeosabattoir are you around please?03:17
abattoireeos: hi03:17
Dr_Willissetting up ati is still a pain. I managed to get it working on my 2 machines.. but not sure how it worked. :) it wasent working.. then it started working03:18
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eeosI have installed kaffeine in chroot, following our discussion this morning03:18
abattoireeos: ok..03:18
eeosabattoir but I get a strange error every ime I try to run it03:18
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abattoireeos: what do you get?03:18
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eeosabattoir wait03:19
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abattoireeos: could you pastebin it if its large?03:19
eeosx31 ty installing original ati drivers03:19
unfknblvblif you test your graphics settings and you get no message it works ?03:19
x31my graphic card uses OOS, not original ATI.03:20
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eeosabattoir here it is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2292403:20
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x31The drivers ATI, they are not compatible03:21
eeosx31 compatible with what?03:21
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x31with my card!03:21
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eeosx31 ah! what is the problem with the oss drivers?03:22
x31in google earth the image is busy!03:23
eeosx31 busy?03:23
Dr_Willisso its incompatiable with one program ?03:23
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x31with tux racer!03:23
x31and google earth!03:23
x31and aiglx03:23
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x31name of display: :0.003:24
x31display: :0  screen: 003:24
x31direct rendering: Yes03:24
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x31server glx vendor string: SGI03:24
x31server glx version string: 1.203:24
x31server glx extensions:03:24
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x31    GLX_ARB_multisample, GLX_EXT_visual_info, GLX_EXT_visual_rating,03:24
x31    GLX_EXT_import_context, GLX_OML_swap_method, GLX_SGI_make_current_read,03:24
x31    GLX_SGIS_multisample, GLX_SGIX_hyperpipe, GLX_SGIX_swap_barrier,03:24
x31    GLX_SGIX_fbconfig03:24
x31client glx vendor string: SGI03:24
x31client glx version string: 1.403:25
x31client glx extensions:03:25
x31OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Radeon 20050528 AGP 4x NO-TCL03:25
x31OpenGL version string: 1.2 Mesa 6.4.103:25
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:26
eeosx31 use pastebin please! http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/03:26
x31my drivers graphics card is crazy03:28
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aztunhi all03:29
AeSSeDanyone have test KDE 4 First Development Snapshot on kubuntu edgy??03:29
aztunhas anyone tried kde4?03:29
aztunAeSSeD: xD03:29
eeosx31 please send the link to pastebin with your text03:29
aztunAeSSeD: I installed it on a laptop this morning at work03:30
AeSSeDaztun: :DD03:30
aztunbut couldnt launch kde403:30
aztundont know how03:30
AeSSeDaztun: I've tried on vmware virtual machine03:30
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AeSSeDbut don't resolve all dependecies03:31
aztun"about kde" on every window says its kde 3.5.403:31
aztunAeSSeD: I instaled all packages with no problem03:31
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eeosabattoir did you undestand anything from the file I pastebin-ed?03:31
Bazziinstructions are posted on kubuntu.org03:31
aztunbut later didnt know how to boot kde403:31
aztunBazzi: really short instructions03:32
abattoireeos: i'm really sorry, one sec03:32
abattoireeos: i missed it03:32
Bazzishort is good enough if they contain everything needed03:32
abattoireeos: do you have pkg-config installed03:32
abattoireeos: or wait, that wasnt your paste03:32
aztunyes Bazzi, but I thinks this isnt the case03:32
Bazziyou know that no apps are included with the new packages?03:33
aztunI followed instructions, then restarted X system and everything seemed the same03:33
eeosabattoir  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/22924 here it is again03:33
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eeosabattoir did you get it again?03:33
aztunBazzi: but on "about kde" it should say kde 4, isnt it03:34
Bazzihmmm, it's just the base libs03:34
abattoireeos: yes, one sec03:34
Bazziwithout recompilation the other apps may not even know they got kde4 under the hood03:34
aztunso there is nothing special on interface to know u are using kde4?03:34
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victorbhey there, I have a simple (?) question regarding 5 button pointing rodents in kubuntu 6.06 ... basically I want one of the extra buttons to map to 'close active window' but am having no luck. I've used xbindkeys to map it to 'alt+F4' but it doesn't close the window like alt+f4 does03:35
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aztunBazzi: so without recompilation the apps dont use new features on kde4?03:35
gnurantehi all03:35
Bonhommexev shows the events generated by the mouse key as the right keys in the right order but with 'synthetic = YES'03:35
Bazzithere are no new features yet03:36
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Dr_Willisif it was gnome.. the  new version would have less features! :P03:36
aztunI understand....03:36
Bazzignome actually made progress the last 18 months :P03:36
Dr_WillisBlasphmy! :P03:37
fildoany doc's or sites for smbfs ? and mounting03:37
aztunso its normal that I cant see any special change on interface after instaling the development snapshot of kde4....03:37
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Dr_Willisfildo,  should be several dozen+ sites on using samba and mounting using smbfs03:37
Dr_Willislook for that 'using samba' book thats avail online.03:38
aztunfildo: smbmount //remotepc/share /mountpoint03:38
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AeSSeDaztun: Have you seen increment of boot speed?03:39
fildodo i need any credentials after it ? for fstab ?03:39
Bonhommeon the subject of mounting (and since my other question has gained no traction ..) - has anyone had good experience with captive ntfs driver for ntfs write support? (or any other method?)03:39
aztunyes AeSSeD03:39
Dr_Willisi find it safer to let windows read/write to the ext2 :)03:39
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aztunthats the only thing I have seen03:40
aztunreally faster than before03:40
aztunon kde boot and opening new windows03:40
BonhommeDr_Willis: I wasn't aware windows could write to ext2 ... what's more I'm using ext303:40
intelikeyi really don't get this... i ran startx in tty1  and top reports this03:40
intelikey   1 root      16   0  1564  528  464 S  0.0  0.2   0:04.61 init03:40
intelikeywhy would startx be calling init ?03:41
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Bonhommeintelikey: I think init just always runs03:41
Bonhommeintelikey: it has nothing to do with startx03:41
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Dr_WillisBonhomme,  if you looked into it more.. you would learn that ext3 is backwards compatiable with ext2 :P03:42
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v3ctorext3 is ext2 with a journal03:43
BonhommeDr_Willis: fair call ... but I'm guessing I need some special windows tools to read/write ext2/3 partitions?03:43
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Dr_Williswww.fs-driver.org  - has the tools to let xp read/write to the ext2 partitions03:43
intelikeyBonhomme look at the tty #03:43
intelikeyand owner03:43
Dr_Willisit works decently well.. but be cautious. every thing is done as 'root' on the filesystem03:43
Dr_Willisand soft links dont work right. :(03:43
intelikeyBonhomme wait.  that's pid not tty the first number... my bad.03:44
Dr_Willisi just make a spare ext3 partition i use as a 'shared' partition. for both os's to share data on.03:44
BonhommeI do have a large ntfs volume that's just data ... maybe the answer is to make that VFAT03:44
intelikeynot used to looking at top03:44
Dr_Willisvfat has a size limit.03:44
Dr_Willisi forget what it is however.03:44
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BonhommeDr_Willis: oh you are right. more precisely it has a block limit, so your block size must increase for a larger volume ... mine is 200gb which is probably on the 'unoptimally large' end of block size for vfat ...03:45
BonhommeI forgot that >_<03:45
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Dr_Willisand isent there a file size limit? i aint messed with vfat in ages03:46
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BonhommeDr_Willis: there's a size limit for individual files I think03:46
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Dr_WillisXP seems to hate the idea of using fat for anything. :(03:46
BonhommeDr_Willis: I vaguely remember '4gb' ;)03:46
Dr_Williswork time fo rme..  BBL.03:46
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Bonhommewhich would defeat the purpose ... since it would make DVDISOs hard to store there03:46
gan|y|medgimp gurus here (i have tried #gimp)?03:47
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intelikeykde is still screwy...   it's reading from one dir and writing to another.03:47
gan|y|medthere is an overall limit of 32gb for fat32 in windows, which, interestingly, does not hold for linux03:48
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:48
intelikeythen wondering why it can't find it's files.03:48
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Bonhommeintelikey: that in itself doesn't sound bad? I mean cp does that ;)03:48
intelikeyBonhomme no. the configs  .kde/03:48
intelikeyit's trying to read them in ~/.kde/  but writing them to another dir.03:49
Bonhommethat's ... weird03:49
BonhommeI've not had that but then I don't use startx03:49
dhqhow to get default config of sources.list03:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sourcelist - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:49
intelikeyeach time it starts it runs the first time wizard03:49
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource03:49
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic03:49
Bonhommeintelikey: is there an obstacle to using kdm?03:50
intelikeythen hangs at starting the window manager cause the configs it just wrote are not where it's looking for them03:50
intelikeyBonhomme no  but it does the same thing.03:50
Bonhommeintelikey: using stock versions of stuff??03:50
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intelikeyyeah as far as kde is concerned.03:51
intelikeyhome is not where home would be by default03:51
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intelikeyBonhomme want to test something with kde ?   "requires root."03:52
Bonhommeintelikey: maybe that's the problem - it's not resolving it but using /home/user/?03:52
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intelikeythat's exactly the problem03:53
Bonhommeintelikey: I dunno - is it going to break my KDE? coz that would be mildly annoying this time of night ;)03:53
TheCobrahi can anybody help me with my kubuntu03:53
TheCobraI want to set up my twin view03:53
intelikeyno it won't break it.  but it's already broke03:53
TheCobrawhen I get the login  screen the twinview works03:53
TheCobrabut when I login it is back to 1 screen again03:54
BonhommeTheCobra: have you set it all up in system settings -> display?03:54
Bonhommeintelikey: shoot03:54
TheCobrainstalled my ati drivers03:54
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intelikeyBonhomme change the home dir for root then as root do startx (assuming kde will be the desktop)03:54
TheCobrathere I switch to twinview but03:54
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TheCobrait seems he doesn't want to accept it03:55
Bonhommerepeating now my simple question regarding 5 button pointing rodents in kubuntu 6.06 ... basically I want one of the extra buttons to map to 'close active window' but am having no luck. I've used xbindkeys to map it to 'alt+F4' but it doesn't close the window like alt+f4 does. xev shows the keypress events generated by the mouse click with 'synthetic = YES' (xev closes if I really press alt-f4)03:55
BonhommeTheCobra: ah I dunno, I don't have a twinview card ... the options do seem to be there but if they don't work then *shrugs*... sorry03:56
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Shadowhywindmorning all03:56
Bonhommeintelikey: is that going to just recreate the bug you described?03:56
intelikeyif (and that's a big if) it actually gets you into kde open a konsole and type echo ~    see where it says the home dir is.03:57
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Shadowhywindis there a built in dhcp command in linux? i just installed edgy 64, and my ethernet card isn't dhcp'ing and i can't figure out how to configure it correctly03:57
intelikeyit's remaping my ~ and $HOME to a bogus (hard coded) dir03:57
intelikeynot using the real home03:58
intelikeyand yes you are correct.  that will be checking if your kde and my kde do the same thing.03:58
Bonhommehmm ok03:59
TheCobrahmm trying to restart my x04:00
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BonhommeShadowhywind: ifconfig <interface> up should have it automatically attempt to get a DHCP lease04:01
BonhommeShadowhywind: I'm stumped as to why you'd even need to do that though04:01
Shadowhywindoh thats what i didn';t do!04:01
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Shadowhywindor try i should say04:01
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intelikeyBonhomme it's not an x issue. blackbox fluxbox icewm xfce4 and twm all work correctly with the changed home...04:02
Shadowhywindmy eth card is allready up, but maybe i should down it and up it again04:02
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bomberohi, im looking for toll to confix X11 (3D support)04:03
Shadowhywindif i down it and and up it again, and that still doesn't work any other ideas?04:03
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bomberohi, im looking for tool to confix X11 (3D support)04:03
dhqmy kdm dosnt start i have to start via startx04:03
intelikeydhq man update-rc.d04:04
BonhommeShadowhywind: I would be double/triple checking cables and whatever's at the other end of them at that stage04:04
intelikeydhq  have you tested to make sure that kdm will work ?04:04
intelikeysudo kdm04:04
intelikeybombero what card ?04:05
Shadowhywind*i am connected to the internet now* duel-boot04:05
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bomberointelikey: NVidia04:05
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:06
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intelikeycheck that link bombero ^04:06
unfknblvblokay this is wierd, i can change my graphics settings, there doesn't apppear to be any error in testing them, but the settings are not saved ?04:06
unfknblvbli go apply04:06
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unfknblvbland change it all04:06
unfknblvblbut it doesn't save it >.<04:06
bomberointelikey: ok, thanx04:06
Bonhommeintelikey: what's the quick way to get a root shell? root account being locked ...04:06
Bonhomme(I'm new to ubuntu ... not being able to just use 'su' kinda shits me ;p)04:06
intelikeysudo -i04:06
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intelikeyhehhe if you really like su   sudo su -04:07
Jucatointelikey: would that ask for a root password? or just the first user's password04:07
Bonhommeit's probably better for me not to use root shells all the time ;)04:07
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intelikeyJucato just the normal sudo thang04:08
Jucatoso what would be the different between these 3? sudo -i, sudo -s, sudo su -04:08
intelikeyroot can su or sudo or what ever without auth04:08
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intelikeyah -s  i'd have to check  the other two nada04:08
intelikeyexcept an extra app  of course04:09
Jucatothans intelikey! I tried reading the man page, but.. heck, my intelligence has it's limits...04:09
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intelikeysame end result04:09
Jucatowhat extra app?04:09
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Jucatoso sudo -i is more recommended, since it doesn't have that extra app?04:10
Bonhommehmm what's the name of that nifty package that gives console mouse support?04:10
intelikeylike the differance in doing  script.sh   and  sh script.sh04:10
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Bonhommeit was like ... 3 letters04:10
intelikeyJucato yep04:10
_Shade_hi there04:10
intelikeyand the *buntu    use only sudo   never su or root...04:11
_Shade_how do you like the latest edgy theme eh ? ;)04:11
Bonhommeintelikey: anyway kde does the same thing for me04:11
Bonhommeintelikey: changed root's home dir to /home/root and verified that it changes for console logins04:11
intelikeyBonhomme did it hange or run ?04:11
Jucato_Shade_: nice, not my personal favorite, but it's good :)04:11
Bonhommeintelikey: ran kde and verified that itwas using /root04:11
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Bonhommeintelikey: it ran but I already have all the stuff set up in /root (I didn't move any files, just edited /etc/passwd)04:12
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_Shade_Jucato: well i find it's too bright, I preffered the dapper stuff - it was much better imho04:12
intelikeyhmmm so you had ran kde as root before... maybe i should have tried that.04:12
_Shade_i regret that adept will still be a default package manager in edgy04:14
JucatoI haven't noticed the brightness. Actually the Dapper theme was a bit bright if you're considering the contrast between the (darker) blue window borders and the (lighter) white windows. The wallpaper is definitely lighter than Dapper's04:14
Bonhommeintelikey: whoa04:14
intelikeyBonhomme what's also starange to my is that if i  rm -r /root and try it it just remakes it and does the same junk.04:14
Bonhommeintelikey: my existing kde did something very strange04:14
Jucato_Shade_: It's still growing, and evolving. slowly, but it's getting there...04:14
Bonhommeintelikey: can you not just symlink /root to wherever you want?04:14
=== Jucato actually uses aptitude more these days...
DaSkreech_Shade_: What were you looking for?04:15
intelikeyi could but why would i them move out if i was going to leave a forwarding address.....04:15
JucatoDaSkreech:  <_Shade_> how do you like the latest edgy theme eh ? ;)04:15
DaSkreechJucato: What?04:15
Bonhommeintelikey: interestingly my current kde just ... froze ... no keyboard (even num lock or ctrl-alt-backsp or ctrl-alt-f1) or anything04:15
Jucatohe/she was just asking about the Edgy theme/colros04:16
DaSkreechBonhomme: Can you move the mouse?04:16
Bonhommeintelikey: eventually after mashing keys I got back to tty1 and killed the other X session and moved root back04:16
BonhommeDaSkreech: I could (everything back to normal now, as evidenced by the whole 'typing' thing)04:16
intelikeyBonhomme what?  hanged the existing one ?04:16
DaSkreechJucato: _Shade_ also said "i regret that adept will still be a default package manager in edgy"04:16
Bonhommeintelikey: dunno if it was related04:16
DaSkreechWhich is what I was asking about04:16
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Bonhommeintelikey: also don't know how I got control back so I might leave that one alone ;)04:16
_Shade_i'm just going to give knot 2 a try04:16
JucatoDaSkreech: ah ok... sorry :)04:16
intelikeysee it's been hanging my root kde04:16
Bonhommewhy do you even run a root kde?04:17
Jucato_Shade_: just on another partition or a different box :)04:17
intelikeycause i'm all mounted nosuid04:17
Bonhommebut then isn't running a root X session kinda defeating the purpose?04:17
intelikeyi thought i'd adjust the timezone cause it was 6 hours off04:17
Bonhommedon't you think you're abusing the security system a bit?04:17
Bonhommehmm you don't need KDE for that do you?04:18
_Shade_DaSkreech: i find adept is very unfriendly... i prefer the gnome tools... it's updater and add/remove programs is much better as well (imo)04:19
intelikeyyes actually i did.   hw clock set to gtm and console `date `  was correct but in user kde the clock was 6 off04:19
DaSkreech_Shade_: In what way?04:19
intelikeyso the only way to set the clock in kde was in kde  and root has to do it...    or if there is another way i'm not fameliar with it.04:20
_Shade_DaSkreech: you mean "what's wrong with adept"" or "what's good about the gnome stuff" ?04:20
DaSkreech_Shade_: Eihter you'd like to start with04:20
Bonhommeintelikey: oh dear04:20
Bonhommeintelikey: that kde experiment hosed my XAuth for this X session04:20
Bonhommeintelikey: now nothing new will stasrt04:21
Bonhommeintelikey: Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server04:21
intelikeyyou can kill it sudo rm /root/.*auth*  start it again.04:21
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intelikeythat's all you changed isn't it04:22
Bonhommeintelikey: yeah but this kde session isn't root04:22
Bonhommeintelikey: it's running as user (supposedly)04:22
intelikeyand yes if you run kde as user it still uses /root04:22
Bonhommeintelikey: and it's not been stopped, I ran the otehr on another display (-- :2)04:22
Bonhommehmm ok04:23
_Shade_DaSkreech: i find the gnome tools are more... errr.. clear and compact. There is just what you need it their GUI. In adept there's a lots of many unusable options and stuff what makes it more complicated04:23
intelikeythat's my gripe.   kde is hard coded to use /root   and should not be.04:23
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Bonhommeso a userspace window manager process can write to the /root home directory. wonderful04:24
intelikeyyep.   and it shouldn't use root's home.   /tmp even.   or /var/lib/kde04:24
intelikeybut not hard coded /root04:24
intelikeythat was one of the reasons i moved root out of /root04:25
Bonhomme(what's wrong with the user's home dir...)04:25
intelikeythat was the way it used to work04:25
intelikeyi don't know who or why they changed it.  but i call it a bug.04:26
=== Bonhomme wonders if kubuntu is easily changeable back to gnome without a lot of work ;p
Bonhomme(I bet it is)04:26
tobias_hello all! I'm using kubuntu dapper & mount several windoze-partitions of a local file-server on boot. When I hibernate my laptop & start it again later, the system comes back up (Yeah!) but it isn't working correctly - saying that the process system has stopped working. The mounts are gone then.04:26
intelikeysure.   sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:26
tobias_any hints?04:26
Bonhomme(see I was right)04:26
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Bonhommeintelikey: holy crap that's a long list XD04:27
DaSkreech_Shade_: True but I think there is an adept simple mode04:27
intelikeyBonhomme yep04:27
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Bonhommeoh here's a nice one - is there a way to make apt-get fork and get more than one package at once?04:28
JucatoBonhomme: you mean like apt-get install package1 package2 package3?04:29
BonhommeI'm downloading from my ISP's local mirror, on a 12mbit connection, and getting 150kb/sec, which is stupid (and I don't know how it manages - debian's apt-get, which I'd have thought is the same - pushed the limit)04:29
intelikeyBonhomme it does bu default ?04:29
Bonhommeno, it downloads package1, then package204:29
Bonhommeit doesn't open 2 concurrent downloads for packages 1 and 204:29
Jucatoaah, you mean simultaneously04:29
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BonhommeI want it to grab say, 3 at once04:29
Bonhommeor 504:30
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intelikeymine gets up to three at a time04:30
intelikeytwo always04:30
Jucatointelikey: does it simultaneuosly download packages?04:30
Bonhommeintelikey: anything special you did?04:30
intelikeyJucato yes04:30
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JucatoI mean while package1 is downloading, it's downloading package2 also?04:30
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intelikeyBonhomme installed ubuntu hoary and upgraded to dapper.... that maybe the differance04:31
intelikeyJucato yes04:31
DaSkreechMine does that as well btw04:31
mindspinits the same on a fresh dapper install too04:31
JucatoI didn't notice that, just like Bonhomme. :)04:31
intelikeyone two and three  all have % indicators04:31
JucatoI do notice that in Adept or Synaptic04:31
Jucatobut not in apt-get04:32
mindspinyou tried it from console? then you should see...04:32
Bonhomme <intelikey> Bonhomme installed ubuntu hoary and upgraded to dapper.... that maybe the differance <-- lies!04:32
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=== Bonhomme installed dapper from kubuntu 6.06 ISO
intelikeylies ?04:32
_Shade_DaSkreech: i also like the gnome updater and the add/remove section because i like the way they show you apps/updates available. Not only that there's a patch available. It's a more detailed view but yet easy to get, and useful04:32
Bonhommeisn't 6.06 dapper?04:32
Bonhommeso that's what I installed04:33
Jucato_Shade_: Adept Updater also has that, last time I checked04:33
intelikeyyou misread04:33
BonhommeI didn't install haory and upgrade04:33
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DaSkreech_Shade_: Yeah we been complaining about that a long time :) have you read mornfall's blog. That's kinda what he's working on now04:33
intelikeyi was telling you that i did that.04:33
Bonhomme00:33 <-- time04:33
Bonhommethat's my excuse04:33
mindspinBonhomme: dont't blame intelikey it was a guess not a lie04:33
intelikeyin answer to your question "<Bonhomme> intelikey: anything special you did?"04:34
Bonhommemindspin: no it was just my illiteracy04:34
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intelikeyso bx doesn't add the fancy colen on tab completion of nicks....  so what.04:35
Bonhommeintelikey: can you see anything in your /etc/apt/apt.conf about queue-modes?04:35
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Bonhommebx does - it adds an ugly bold colon, unless you changed it04:35
Bonhomme(which I could understand)04:36
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intelikeyBonhomme <--- where ?04:36
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Bonhommeintelikey: maybe whoever packaged it changed it04:36
Bonhommealso understandable04:36
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_Shade_DaSkreech: no i haven't. Can you paste a link please ?04:36
_Shade_Jucato: that's good, because last time I did it it was simply a list of patches and nothing more... well i can always go to more detailed view and see what i am about to install but it's not so convenient04:36
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Bonhommebitchx bold colon is the fastest way to get banned from EFNet #linux (or was ... last time I went to that channel years ago)04:36
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_Shade_i find the kde apps seems like.... just GUIs and not much further if you guys know what i mean04:37
intelikeykey word "years ago"   bx did hasn't in years.04:37
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Jucato_Shade_: there's an arrow that points to the right beside the package name. if you click it, it will see options for viewing more details.04:37
trappist_Shade_: if you mean they're mostly frontends to stuff you could do on the console, that's pretty right on04:37
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intelikeywhat can be done in the gui that cant be done in the console ?04:38
Jucato_Shade_: Linux GUI's are actually really just frontends to command line stuff.04:38
DaSkreechAs all things should be :)04:39
Jucatounlike in that other OS...04:39
DaSkreechJucato: What's openWengo a front end for?04:39
TrollinatorJucato: bs04:39
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Jucatook, mostly04:39
Jucato"most" Linux GUI's04:39
JucatoTrollinator: do you really have to say that?04:39
Trollinatorlet's say "some"04:39
larson9999finally realised i wasn't going to be able to resolve my random ati lockups and figured i'd call ati tech support as a last effort before returning this system.  the rep told me i should know that while there is a driver for linux, they don't provice phone tech support for linux04:40
intelikeywhat is openwengo ?04:40
DaSkreechTrollinator: I think Most is a good coverage :)04:40
intelikey!info openwingo04:40
ubotuPackage openwingo does not exist in any distro I know04:40
DaSkreechlarson9999: They suck04:40
_Shade_Jucato: i didn't mean that... just please compare the apps like updater, package manager and add remove in both - gnome and kde and you'll see what i mean04:40
Bonhommelarson9999: I'm surprised you got more than "duh ... what's a linux?"04:40
Bonhommeok I'm going to restart this session04:41
Bonhommenot being able to open a web browser kinda sucks for RTFMing04:41
larson9999DaSkreech: i'm not unhappy with this system or the performance of the card except for the fact that i locks up 2-3 times a day with the ati drivers and the oss don't give 3d04:41
Jucato_Shade_: well, updater and add/remove are recent additions, trying to "mimic" (for lack of a better term) precisely those Synaptic apps of the same name. But like I said, it's a work in progress. give it a bit more time. Synaptic enjoys something that Adept doesn't: time04:41
Bonhommelarson9999: I think by 'they' he meant the tech support not the cards04:42
_Shade_trappist: not quite... i meant that the gnome's stuff has much bigger functionality and it is more user friendly although i prefer kde04:42
larson9999Bonhomme: i used to get that a lot with tech support :)  the cable company used to be fun to talk to :)04:42
Jucatoby time, I mean that Synapttic has been in existence far longer than Adept has. so logically it would be better in some aspects04:42
DaSkreechintelikey: It's supposed to be the open source Skype killa04:42
larson9999Bonhomme: yeah04:42
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DaSkreech_Shade_: What functionality04:43
trappist_Shade_: I prefer kde because kde seems to prefer configurability over user-friendliness, with a good balance.  gnome is more user-friendly, I think, but sacrifices too much in the way of configurability for me.04:43
intelikeyok.   hmmm   and there is not a cli way to do what it does ?   hard to imagen...04:43
=== Jucato hopes this doens't really turn into an off-topic thread...
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larson9999DaSkreech: i told her i'd been using nvidia for years but heard ati was becoming more linux friendly and the purpose of the call was to keep me from returning it and going nvidia.  she said, "sorry i can't help you."   :)04:44
DaSkreechHa ha :-) I love it when they keep hte front desk in teh dark04:44
intelikeyi think we can remove that last line now.04:44
intelikeyit's been what two weeks ?04:44
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intelikeyooops what's this all about ?04:45
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intelikeyCan't open /usr/lib/ispell/default.hash04:46
Bonhommeintelikey: it couldn't spell the path to the file correctly? ;)04:46
intelikeytty2 [root@~]  ls /usr/lib/ispell/default.hash04:46
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eaglehawkcan anybody tell me is linuxwacom-dev implemented in ubuntu04:47
_Shade_DaSkreech: forgive my mistake :). They do both the same task so the functionality should be at the same level as well, but i think the gnome apps (i mean the one mentioned before) are more proffesional and mature04:47
intelikeyfile exists  /usr/lib/ispell/default.hash   but why is it red ?04:47
DaSkreech_Shade_: Yup agreed :-)04:47
intelikeywhat does colour red mean in ls colours ?04:47
Jucato_Shade_: agreed. they are more mature. because they are older :)04:48
DaSkreechI love the tags in adept though Keeps me from jumping ship04:48
Pensacolahttp://img.photobucket.com/albums/v634/Pensacola/desktop.jpg I love kubuntu :)04:48
JucatoDaSkreech: I wish I could learn how to use those...04:48
DaSkreechAnd I don't ever see Synaptic getting those04:48
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DaSkreechJucato: Want a quick course :)04:48
JucatoDaSkreech: probably if debtags became more used?04:48
intelikeyah broken link04:48
JucatoDaSkreech: a quick page, perhaps?04:48
DaSkreechPensacola: Where did you get the calendar04:49
Jucatothat was an answer I was prepared for :D04:49
intelikeyhmmm points to  /etc/dictionaries-common/default.hash  that file is missing....04:49
_Shade_well all we need is a bit of patience it seems :)04:49
=== intelikey goes looking for it
Jucatointelikey: ah I remember... red colors mean broken symlinks :)04:49
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DaSkreech_Shade_: Nope :) We need to be  good users04:50
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intelikeyJucato i just said that  ^04:50
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_Shade_ok gtg,,, it was nice to tallk to you guys04:50
Jucatointelikey: heh, that's why I just remembered :)04:50
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DaSkreechJucato: poke me when you have Adept open04:50
=== intelikey really goes looking for the hash now
DaSkreech_Shade_: Bye :)04:51
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Bonhommehmm who waas it who said apt-get doesn't do >1 download simultaneously, but adept etc do?04:51
Bonhommefor me adept also doesn't04:51
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JucatoI think I said that...04:51
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JucatoJust for those who might be interested in taking a quick pick of Edgy (like default apps, or the New System Settings): http://jucato.multiply.com/photos/album/2204:52
intelikeyhmmm why don't i have an ispell common hash file ?04:53
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ubotuHi! Welcome to $chan!04:54
Jucatohm... didn't respond :)04:55
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Bonhommejucato - looks exactly like dapper!04:55
JucatoBonhomme: except for the color themes04:55
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Jucatoand the new system settings04:55
intelikeyJucato hehhe it's the owner of the bot.... think about it.04:55
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joheyI have just booted Kubuntu on my Acer Aspire 1352 laptop for my first time. Everything is really well configured by default after it is finally started, but the framebuffer at boot is completely messed up. Will it be so after the install as well, or is it just the live cd?04:55
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joheyLive DVD that is. I downloaded yesterday. 6.06 I believe.04:56
joheyah, one more thing. The framebuffer works fine with Gentoo live CD.04:56
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intelikeyjohey it's configurable04:57
Mr0bviousWhat's the framebuffer? :|04:57
intelikeyyeah try booting with vga=77104:58
intelikeyor what ever [f5]  tells you04:58
Bonhommeor if it doesn't bother you just install and change it when you've got an isntallation04:58
Bonhommewho cares about the livecd04:58
intelikeyBonhomme i only mentioned about the live cause if it will work on the live....04:59
Bonhommeintelikey: I spent more time working out how to make apt download faster (and failing) than the download was originally going to take ><04:59
DaSkreechBonhomme: Always do that kind of stuff in parallel04:59
intelikeyahh another execrise in futility05:00
intelikeybeen there05:00
Bonhommeyeah >_<05:00
intelikeydone that05:00
Bonhommewell it's only 130mb05:00
Bonhommeadept does seem to be doing a better job than command line apt05:00
Bonhommewhich is weird coz I thought it just _ran_ command line apt05:00
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intelikeyvanity of vanities, all is vanity...05:00
DaSkreechintelikey: Solomon?05:01
intelikeyit does run apt05:01
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DaSkreechJucato: If you teach me how to use Skim I'll teach yuo how to use tags :)05:01
intelikey and yes05:01
Bonhommeso anyone have any idea how to bind an extra mouse button to 'close window'?05:01
JucatoDaSkreech: heh I don't know how to use Skim. I just know what it is :)05:01
weedarIs there any way of searching through all mounted directories for a file? slocate doesn't seem to look through /media at all :/05:01
DaSkreechDamn >_<05:01
DaSkreechSomeone must know how to use that thing05:02
Chousukeweedar: find05:02
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Bonhommeweedar: find / -name *.foo (for example)05:02
DaSkreechOh Jucato you are edgied right?05:02
JucatoDaSkreech: yes. I'm a bit edgy too. :D05:03
Mr0bviousWho here knows about VNC? I want to change the WM that is used.05:03
DaSkreechDoes katapult have a spelling module?05:03
JucatoDaSkreech: here? nope05:03
Mr0bviousI normally use E17 but VNC uses KDE.05:03
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weedarThank you Bonhomme :)05:04
JucatoI think that's a limitation of Katapult itself?05:04
DaSkreechWell Riddel wrote a spelling plugin for it05:04
Jucatobtw, it's only now that I discover that Katapult's display/theme could actually be changed...05:04
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DaSkreechOh Yah :) It Rocks05:05
Bonhommewhat's a katapult?05:05
DaSkreechBonhomme: Alt+Space = katapult05:05
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ubotukatapult is the new application launcher for KDE, to be used with applications, bookmarks, and Amarok playlists. Once you have installed, hit Alt+f2 -> katapult, then hit Alt+Space, and type what you want.05:05
shadowhywindso yah, putting my connection down and bringing it back up didn't work, any other ideas?05:05
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Bonhommeoh nice05:07
JucatoBonhomme: it's installed by default starting Dapper. :)05:07
intelikeywhat am i missing here.  i reinstalled "dictionaries-common"  but i still dont have an /etc/dictionaries-common/default.hash    ???05:07
joheyintelikey: Ah oki, good. I'm installing Kubuntu on my laptop at the moment. I hope it will be easy to configure it permanently later on.05:08
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Bonhommeshadowhywind: can you check any kind of logs at the other end of that network cable?05:08
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Bonhommeintelikey: I don't have that file either05:08
intelikeyBonhomme does ispell work ?    `echo boo | ispell -a `05:10
Bonhommebash: ispell: command not found <-- nope ;)05:10
Bonhommebtw adept downloaded all those packages ages ago and now is stuck on 'preparing' ... is that normal?05:11
daniloci need one help05:11
danilochow to create mysql database name jinzura ?05:11
Bonhommeoh there was an interactive prompt from debconf05:12
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Bonhommedaniloc: connect to the server and do 'create database jinzura'05:12
Bonhommedaniloc: to set a password read mysql manual section on GRANT05:12
danilocwhat is that?05:13
Bonhommeonce you create a database you want a user, eg. 'dani' to have access with a password05:14
daniloci know05:14
intelikeyhmmmm maybe doing   `find /usr/*bin/ -name update* -exec {} \;`  wasn't such a good idea....05:14
danilocwhere to find that05:14
Bonhommeto do that you grant permissions on database X to user 'dani' identified by password 'abc123'05:14
daniloci must create database name jinzora2 and password05:14
Bonhommebut I can't remember the exact syntax05:14
DaSkreechwhere is Rich Text in Kopete?05:15
Healotgrant all privileges <enter> to 'dani'@'localhost' identified by 'password';05:15
intelikeywell that worked... what ever it was that didn't get done before got done now... now i have a default.hash05:16
Bonhommehealot ftw05:16
danilocHealot how to do that?05:16
daniloci am n00000b05:16
Bonhommeso ... question05:17
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Healotdaniloc: for starter, I suggest you use MySQL GUI tools05:17
Bonhommeis there a way to programatically control kde or other WM events, via say a script?05:17
DaSkreechBonhomme: dcop05:17
danilocwhat tools?05:17
Bonhommeeg. 'close active window'05:17
daniloctell me, i dont know nothing05:17
mindspindaniloc I would suggest phpmyadmin05:17
intelikeyyou bet05:17
intelikeybut don't ask me how.05:18
BonhommeThis manual page documents briefly the dcop command. <-- they aren't joking when they say 'briefly'05:18
HealotMySQL GUI tools... the exact name05:18
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mindspinbut read some documentation about it05:18
Healotdownload it at mysql website05:18
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intelikeyBonhomme yeah   /usr/share/doc/*  might have more info... "key word (might)"05:19
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mindspinbecause when you are a real noob, you first should have a bit of knowledge how a webserver is configured aso05:19
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mindspinwhat do you mysql need for?05:20
Bonhommedaniloc: I would recommend first doing a tutorial of some sort ... google for 'mysql tutorial' and find one that looks nice05:20
DaSkreechJucato: Are there new examples for edgy?05:20
daniloci will do thath05:20
danilocwhanks a lot05:20
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Jucatonone yet. probably in the next days :)05:20
Jucatowill keep you updated :)05:21
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intelikeywell bless my time.  no wonder find /usr -name update* -exec {}  fixed it...   tab reveales   update-ispell-dictionary   hehhe should have know...05:22
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Bonhommeintelikey: it _almost_ seems easier to learn to spell doesn't it ;)05:23
BonhommeI'm going to try the gnome environment now... brb05:24
intelikeywhy was `update-pciids` doing a wget from sourceforge.net ???05:25
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intelikeyBonhomme  it's a little late for that  ;/05:26
intelikeyok   i'm going to leave for several moments.05:28
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Bonhommewhat's the gnome package manager proggie called?05:29
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Bonhommethat is, the gnome GUI to apt05:29
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Healotnot to be confused with synaptics << a pointer device driver ;)05:33
eeosabattoir hi there05:33
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abattoireeos: hi05:34
abattoireeos: sorry for asking... did i answer whatever question you asked me?05:34
Jucatoi keep on forgetting the apostrophe too05:34
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eeosabattoir di you understand what wa shappening in the error message?05:34
eeosabattoir no :D05:34
abattoireeos: ok, wait one sec...05:34
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_thumper_Hi all05:36
_thumper_I have dapper on my vaio sz2xp05:36
_thumper_the headphone jack used to work05:36
_thumper_at some stage, one of the automatic updates caused it to stop working05:36
_thumper_for example05:36
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_thumper_right now I have a monty python video in firefox05:36
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_thumper_when I have the headphones not plugged in I get the audio out the speakers05:37
_thumper_but when I plug them in, nothing05:37
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_thumper_the headphones work with my iriver fine05:37
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_thumper_System settings has audio device set to autodetect05:37
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befuddledzomg i'm going to cry05:38
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DaSkreechdo You know what day it happened?05:38
_thumper_weeks ago I think05:38
_thumper_but hasn't really been a problem05:38
_thumper_just irritating05:38
Bonhommeanyone found sound not working in kdetv?05:39
DaSkreechAll players don't output thought the headphones?05:39
_thumper_is there any way to tell which device it chose with autodetect?05:39
_thumper_or is there one that I should force?05:39
befuddledyeh my sound innit working either05:39
Bonhommebefuddled: was that for me or thumper?05:40
abattoireeos: how does your /etc/fstab in the chroot look?05:40
abattoireeos: sorry, your normal /etc/fstab05:41
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befuddledBonhomme: it wuz 4 u05:41
befuddledhow do i get the kubuntu to save my changes in the display settings ??05:42
befuddledi change them, go test, no message appears, then click apply, no message appears05:42
befuddledand the restart x and nothing is changed >.<05:43
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befuddledanyone ?05:43
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TheFuzzballhey, does anyone know how to fix it when KDE doesn't logout when I right click and it doesn't logout?05:44
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dhqhey all05:44
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Guest571i have a serious prob with my internet05:46
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Guest571no prog ex skype gets access05:46
Guest571router,connection is fine05:47
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Guest571cannot even ping05:47
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Guest571tried adresses and even ips05:49
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Guest571at the moment I am running M05:50
v3ctorsee where it stops05:50
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Guest571I online using M$ win05:50
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Bonhommesleep time, nite all05:50
v3ctorthen write all of this down for later05:50
Guest571because only have 1 pc avlbl05:50
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NicknameI just DL the Kubunto ISO...I un archived it but the folder doesn't end in .ISO05:51
Nicknamewhat files do I burn to disk?05:52
Guest571i can access the routers utilities05:52
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intropNickname: What is the filename that unpacked?05:52
v3ctoryou can ping the router?05:52
Guest571and it can ping the net05:52
v3ctormost likely problem with default route setting05:53
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Guest571but m$win works fine and kubuntu did 2days ago and Idid not change a thing05:53
Nicknameits a folder containing lots of stuff....i tried burning  disk as is but it didn't work05:54
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intropNickname: What was the name of the file you downloaded?05:54
Zeergonwas in the live cd/install section...05:55
Martijn81Zeergon: without a file extension?05:56
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intropDid you start from http://www.kubuntu.org/download.php ?05:56
DaSkreechZeergon: Where did you get it from?05:56
ZeergonYes I did05:56
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DaSkreechZeergon: Windows?05:56
ZeergonDaS: yes05:57
DaSkreechDo you have Winrar?05:57
DaSkreechSweet open it with Winrar05:57
ZeergonI did and it gave me a folder of the same name05:57
DaSkreechWhats in that folder?05:57
intropHmm.  All files downloaded from the links from kubuntu.org are typically .iso files.05:58
Zeergona fw folders, some icons, a bitmap...05:58
DaSkreechYep it could be renamed for some reason05:58
DaSkreechZeergon: how big is it?05:58
Zeergonthe folder is...05:58
Zeergon698MB 522 files 97 folders05:59
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befuddledwhere can i find the X configuration tool ?06:00
ZeergonBTW: of all the Linux distro communities I've delt with, y'all are by far the nicest.  So thank you...06:00
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befuddledwhere can i find the X configuration tool ?06:02
Martijn81befuddled: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:02
Zeergonanyway, so I am confused...06:03
JucatoZeergon: sorry came in late into the conversation.. what are you trying to do again?06:04
Martijn81Zeergon: you should burn the iso file as image06:04
intropZeergon: the file you downloaded was probably an ISO.  Try renaming it and looking at it with an iso tool.06:04
ZeergonI DL the kubutu disk (i386) and did not get an iso file.06:04
Zeergonso name it as .ISO?06:04
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Zeergonsimple as that?06:04
JucatoZeergon: you have winRAR installed, right?06:04
Zeergonyes and I un archived it.06:05
Martijn81Zeergon: on the download page is a link to a short page that covers burning the iso file06:05
Zeergongave me a folder06:05
DaSkreechZeergon: It seems to be the right file06:05
JucatoZeergon: don't unarchive it06:05
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vgeya, waste of time06:05
DaSkreechZeergon: try just puttin a .iso on it and burning it06:05
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Martijn81Zeergon: see this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto06:05
DaSkreechZeergon: What do you use to burn CDs?06:05
Zeergonput .iso on the archive or on the unarchived folder?06:05
MessaboogieIm a retard and totally forgot how to store output of command into a variable?06:05
ZeergonDaS I use nero06:06
DaSkreechMessaboogie: A variable or a file?06:06
JucatoZeergon: the reason it seems that you don't have an ISO is because WinRAR sees it as an archive. but it's really an ISO06:06
JucatoMessaboogie: command > file06:06
intropMessaboogie: x=`command`06:06
MessaboogieDaSkreech: variable06:06
ZeergonTY Marijin06:06
DaSkreechvariable = $(command)06:06
Jucatoah sorry wrong comand :)06:07
Zeergonso rename the "archive" as an .iso and try burning?06:07
DaSkreechZeergon: No I think it is a ISO. But WinRar has taken it over :)06:07
Messaboogiethank ya06:07
Zeergoni see.  but how would the extension change?06:07
JucatoZeergon: no need to rename it.06:07
weas3lugh.... if an install is taking about 24 hours, is that an indication of a bad iso, or something else wrong?06:07
DaSkreechI"m not sure which version of Nero are you using?06:07
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JucatoZeergon: no need to change the extension either... when Nero asks for an ISO to burn, just browse to that file06:08
Zeergon6.06 i believe06:08
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h3sp4wnMake sure you burn it DAO06:08
Martijn81weas3l: that's more an indication of having too less ram in the pc06:08
DaSkreechNero is version 6.0.6?06:08
weas3lhow much ram does 6.06 need?06:08
intropweas3l: Eeep.  Even on my old P3, dapper only took about two hours to install.  :/06:09
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Healot256MB minimum with X installed06:09
weas3lyeah, it took like, an hour to even get the install started.06:09
Healottaht for ubuntu and kubuntu06:09
weas3lhmmmm, my laptop has 512...06:09
MessaboogieDaSkreech: Maybe you can just tell me an easier way of trying to make this work....06:09
Healotfor xubuntu, 128MB minimum06:09
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DaSkreechMessaboogie: of what?06:10
kRiSHHello :)06:10
ZeergonDAO means what>06:10
DaSkreechZeergon: It's a button. It shoudl be checked already :)06:10
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DaSkreechDon't worry about it too much :)06:10
Healotdata access object L:06:10
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MessaboogieDaSkreech: I want to tar a file with some txt then with the date at the end06:10
kRiSHCould i get some help here?06:10
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DaSkreechWhat are you doing now?06:11
Zeergonok....well I'll reburn and be back06:11
MessaboogieDaSkreech: so like user.date.tar06:11
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kRiSHI want to install kubuntu on a pc, how do i do it? :p06:11
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DaSkreechRight. So user$(date --withoptions).tgz06:11
DaSkreechZeergon: You know how to burn a ISO with Nero?06:11
kRiSHi guess06:11
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introptar -cf user.`date --withoptions`.tar ...06:12
Zeergonyes. I do...06:12
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Zeergonpretty simpe with nero06:12
intropkRiSH: go download the bootable CD from kubuntu.org (downloads section), burn it to a CD, and boot from it.06:12
Zeergoniso disc....drag and drop.06:12
intropFrom there, just click on the desktop icon 'install' (or just monkey around in kubuntu that boots from the CD).06:12
kRiSHthats what im gonna try06:13
kRiSHbut i only got one crt-screen, so im leaving for now06:13
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Martijn81good luck kRiSH06:14
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DaSkreechZeergon: That works well :)06:16
weas3lintrop, its crazy about this install... i meet the requirements for ram and all, but it has literally taken all night to even get to step 6 of the install and its just hung there...06:16
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intropweas3l: Hmm.  Well, the choices are bad disc, bad parts (say, a flaky cdrom, etc.), or bad environment (not enough memory, etc.).  The first one is easier to check than the latter two.  :/06:17
Martijn81that is some weirdness indeed06:17
Zeergonwhen I try to find the iso (archive) in nero, in order to add it to the burn folder, it doesn't appear...06:17
Zeergondoesn't recognize it06:17
Pensacolaanyone good here with superkaramba?06:18
weas3li've tried two different iso's of ubuntu, and this one of kubuntu... the laptop is brand new (literally got it yesterday), and as far as i can see, i meet the msr...06:18
Martijn81Zeergon: and when you filter on "all files", or doesn't nero let you do that in the "burn image dialog" ?06:19
Zeergoni dont see a filter..06:21
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Zeergonmaybe I should switch to nero express mode06:22
Martijn81might be the white line under the file selection part, but anyway, the file should be called *.iso06:22
JucatoZeergon: something like "File type"?06:22
Martijn81probably you need to enable the viewing of file extension in windows first (yes, i know, that's crazy)06:22
Zeergonthat is crazy :)06:23
Martijn81let me walk down staires and look how the setting is called06:23
intropI <3 windows file-hiding fun.06:23
ZeergonI siwtched to express mode, filtered all files06:23
Zeergonand found it06:23
=== BluesKaj [n=kaj@bas1-sudbury98-1177675752.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Zeergongoing to burn06:23
Zeergonand make coffee06:23
DaSkreechintrop: It's a coming to KDE I'll bet :)06:23
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h3sp4wnZeergon: Burn Disk at once06:23
Jucatoburn pc at once!06:24
Jucatoburn h3sp4wn at once! :)06:24
=== Jucato is on crack...
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BluesKajgonna give tovid a chance , if it works to my satisfaction, I may consider expanding my kubuntu partition06:25
Jucato*cracked skull*06:25
soonhi folks. Partitioning question .... I have 1 harddisk, with a / and /swap partition and 34gb free space ... I would like to use this freespace for a second distro ... to play around with xubuntu etc ....how can I do this?06:25
soonI obviously cant format it as / (as I already have one) .... do I need LVM or ???06:26
BluesKaj2 linux distros on one HDD ...hmmm06:27
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soonjep! Two linux distros on one HD ....06:28
BluesKajwindows as well ?06:28
DaSkreechAs long as it's not the same partition >_<06:28
Martijn81Zeergon: check is this option is unmarked(should be): this computer> extra> folder options> view> hide extension for known file types   (note: translated)06:28
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Zeergonit was an .iso somehow winRAR removed the iso suffix06:28
Zeergonbut near adds it06:28
soonBluesKaj ... yes a Win partition for my CounterStrike06:29
weas3lif i use the alternate iso, thats only for command line, it won't even install the GUI for kubuntu?06:29
soonjoin #kde06:29
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=== Martijn81 thinks that option is about the most useless thing in explorer
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DaSkreechHide extensions?06:30
intropweas3l: I can't say.  I've never used that image.06:30
weas3lshould i not be worried about fucking up this install thats supposedly happening06:30
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.06:30
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weas3lerm, sorry.06:31
BluesKajhow does one config the MBR/bootloader with 2 linux OS's and windows? ...I guess that's the real question , soon .06:32
Zeergonburning as we type06:32
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ZeergonI must ask this...06:32
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:32
Zeergonwhat distro did y'all use before Ubu?06:32
ZeergonI'm coming from FC06:32
vgeslackware _()/06:32
BluesKajsuse 10.106:33
DaSkreechIt sucked06:33
DaSkreechBarbie OS06:33
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BluesKajlindows ?06:34
BluesKajwalmart OS06:34
juhohi there..anybody who's familiar with (both) iPods and Amarok?06:34
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b0uncerwrong nick sorry :)06:34
DaSkreechHi aseigo06:34
BluesKajsuomalianen eh ?06:34
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b0uncerBluesKaj: yup06:36
b0uncerI can't get Amarok to recode wma (or other unsupported format) files to mp3 during the syncing to iPod :/06:36
Zeergonsounds like we have a wide range :)06:36
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ZeergonLindows wasn't  for Walmart was it?  they just sold some laptops with it instlled06:37
b0uncerplus it tens to give errors after the iPod is connected&disconnected, sequential connections don't work before the whole iPod is detached and re-attached06:37
Zeergonheard it sucked06:37
ZeergonBouncer you should check out Rockbox06:37
Jucatoisn't Lindows now Linspire?06:37
larson9999i have a computer with an embedded ati x200 graphics card.  it locks up a couple times a day.  think an nvidia card would stop the lockups?06:37
DaSkreechyes which is also Freespire06:38
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DaSkreechIt's not bad It's just has an infalted ego06:38
BluesKajb0uncer, I was  born in a small town in northern finland called kaavi, but I've lived here in Canada for 59 yrs :)06:38
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BluesKaj<---retired geezer06:38
Zeergonrockbox will "unleash the dormant power" of your ipod06:39
vgenaah, you moved from a greater country ;)06:39
Zeergonbut the battery life isn't as great06:39
b0uncerBluesKaj: never heard about Kaavi, how north is it exactly? :)06:39
bill__I have a question about partitions. I have some free space on my harddrive and would like to setup a dual boot with another linux distro. can I use the same swap partition for both kubuntu and the other distro? or do they both need their own swaps?06:39
BluesKajtoo dark in winter06:39
b0uncerwhat's rockbox?06:39
MuJkaavi.. nice =)06:39
Zeergonopen source DAP firmware06:39
MuJI'm from neughbourin town ;P06:40
Zeergonit (pardon) rocks06:40
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b0unceroh, and how do I add scripts to Amarok? Where/what is the ScriptManager (or something)?06:42
tristan_I have a question. My konqueror is not displaying the minutes anymore but is displaying just :MM. How can I change that?06:42
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Martijn81b0uncer: in tools probably (again: translated)06:42
tristan_for example in konqueror list, in modified, it tells me 14:MM....06:43
weas3lwll i screw this install up if i shut down my laptop to start again with a different iso or to check the disk?06:43
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Martijn81weas3l: not as long as you're not writing in the MBR not06:44
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b0uncerMartijn81: oh..thanks a lot, it was named a bit strangely, now I found it :)06:44
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BluesKajb0uncer, Kaavi is about 250km NE of Helsinki...it's a tourist/mining area06:45
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weas3lMartijn81, you totally lost me.06:45
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tristan_anyone for my konqueror date trouble?06:45
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Martijn81weas3l: yeah i have that on myself too sometimes... you can skip the installation, but the OS will not boot or will be corrupt. In either case it's not a problem as long you don't skip while the installation is writing to the mbr, before or after that stage is fine. Though you will have to life with an extra partition06:48
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Martijn81in case it's after that stage06:48
weas3lwriting the mbr?06:48
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intropTranslation: if you're not currently partitioning the disk, you're 99.99% safe.06:49
Martijn81master boot record yes, that's where the bootloader and the partition table goes06:49
intropYou'll just have to start the install over if you kill it now.06:49
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Martijn81weas3l: you don't wanna interupt when the installation is writing the (new) partition table06:49
BluesKajis there a bootloader that will allow more than 2 OS partitions ?06:49
b0uncerTrying out the transcode script with Amarok...nothing happened yet. It seems odd to me that Amarok tends to "forget" some settings I've made (like if I check the "transcode when necessary", it's not there next time I plug the iPod in)06:50
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intropBluesKaj: grub does.06:50
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weas3li'm not to sure, when i went to bed last night it was claiming to be erasing the hard drive (step 5) i woke up this morning it was on step 6, but 0 percent complete. its still sitting there, and the capslock isn't working...06:50
intropBluesKaj: I have FC4, kubuntu, and windows on a machine at home.06:50
BluesKajok , how did you install the 3rd OS ?06:51
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intropWhen I installed kubuntu (last), I just stuck it in its own partition and everything worked.  I may have had to change an entry in /boot/grub/menu, but I don't recall it was much work.06:52
BluesKajthinking of installing suse10.1 again but I like Kububtu and I still use windows for burning movies etc06:52
BluesKajok GParted only allows 2 partitions ...does qParted work ?06:53
fildohey peeps, getting the following error while goin an apt-get anyone got any idea on a solution06:53
fildo Couldn't stat source package list http://au.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/au.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)06:54
weas3l... is it a bad thing if the cd stops checking at ./casper/filesystem.squashfs ?06:54
b0uncerI don't get this -- transKode does transcode an ogg file to mp3 (I tested) if I pick it from the menu, but when transferring the file to iPod it starts transcoding it but won't actually do anything..06:55
DaSkreechBluesKaj: Make sure you aren't making all of them primary partitons06:55
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BluesKajso which one do ya recomend i make the primary , DaSkreech?06:56
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DaSkreechBluesKaj: I don't know I haven't been listening to you06:56
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Martijn81weas3l: first things first. you said it was a new system right? Then because something is going wrong-> first boot from the cd and check the ram inside the computer with memtest (is on the cd), then if all goes well without errors, check the image on the md5sums, then if that goes well, well, we might have a bigger problem06:57
BluesKajwindows, kubuntu or suse06:57
DaSkreechI just saw the only make two paritions comment06:57
ubuntulol never windows06:57
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DaSkreechDoesn't matter technically but Philosophically...06:57
weas3lMartijn81, i'll check the memory as soon as this disk check is finished...06:58
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weas3lwell that came back as fine06:59
abattoirBluesKaj: hi07:00
abattoirBluesKaj: long time no see ;)07:00
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Martijn81weas3l: memtest? can't be, that should take 12 minutes at least with 512MB ram07:00
weas3lno, the disk check.07:00
weas3li t'was mid check when you suggested the memtest.07:01
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weas3land it seems i was mistaken, i've 256 on this thing...07:01
Martijn81ah i see07:01
Martijn81well 256 *should* install just fine07:01
tristan_I have a question. My konqueror is not displaying the minutes anymore but is displaying just :MM. How can I change that?07:02
abattoirtristan_: where is this?07:02
abattoirtristan_: where in konqueror? when you are doing what?07:02
tristan_abattoir, for example when I use the list or when I transfer big files07:02
Martijn81anyone knows if there's a potential blacklist for new computers on the wiki that do not work with ubuntu07:02
weas3lMartijn81, yeah, i figured it *should*, but it *aint* :P07:02
tristan_abattoir, it shows something like 01:MM07:03
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JohnFluxtristan: run System Settings07:03
JohnFluxtristan: perhaps your locale got screwed up somehow07:03
JohnFluxtristan_: i can't think how it could possible do that though07:04
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JohnFluxtristan_: but in System Settings  go to to regional settings07:04
JohnFluxthen country/region & language07:04
JohnFluxthen times & dates07:04
weas3lMartijn81, so far its passed 55%07:04
kristinai have mounted my ntfs prtitions, but have the problem cant copy anything or rename files how to cange the permission??? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2293207:05
kristinahere ist my fstab file07:05
JohnFluxkristina: does it work on other machines?07:06
JohnFluxkristina: i.e. is the ntfs server setup right07:06
tristan_JohnFlux, in system settings andcountry and language, I can see the time but it says 19:MM:2007:06
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tristan_JohnFlux, it gives me the seconds but not the minutes!07:06
intropkristina: plain fs "ntfs" mounts are read-only unless you install drivers to make them otherwise.07:06
vgekristina: and usually ntfs volumes are mounted readonly07:06
kristinai can use or copy the files from ntfs07:06
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JohnFluxintrop: uh what?07:07
JohnFluxoh wait07:07
intropHer fstab says "ntfs" fs type.07:07
JohnFluxi was reading it as nfs mounts07:07
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kristinahow to change the line?????????07:07
JohnFluxkristina: you can't07:07
intropYou can install, say, ntfs-3g to get read/write abilities, but it can be a little flaky.07:08
JohnFluxtristan_: in the Times & Dates  tab, what is the Time format:   set to?07:08
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JohnFluxkristina: because microsoft suck07:08
intropBecause ntfs is a god-awful complicated file system.07:08
JohnFluxkristina: and won't release the specs07:08
BluesKajoh Hi abattoir...how's things ...was away for a few mins getting some lunch07:08
tristan_JohnFlux, ok, I went back to defautls and it's ok now. thanks07:08
JohnFluxtristan_: np :-)07:08
abattoirBluesKaj: :)07:08
Martijn81weas3l: yeah it really should do all tests to know sure, but it's starting to look like a laptop with hardware that the install has a very hard time with. Otherwise i can't explain the slowness ;(07:08
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intropkristina: I used ntfs-3g on both my main machines at it works very well.  It's never corrupted a file (though I do sometimes have to boot to windows and chkdsk if I delete too many directories).07:09
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JohnFluxkristina: or you could make a fat32 partition07:09
weas3lMartijn81, i'm talking with some of my linux cohorts and they have said something to the effect that it may be something with a buggy DSDT...07:10
JohnFluxkristina: both windows and linux can read from fat3207:10
BluesKajabattoir, i was considering installing suse alongside windows and kubuntu , but then i remembered what a painin the ass the Yast sources are so decided against it :)07:11
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JohnFluxBluesKaj: why would you want suse and kubuntu?07:11
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BluesKajJohnFlux, prolly just bored07:12
kristinaok i change to fat 32! my brother have kubuntu too. he can copy files over network to my ntfs but he cant connect to my kubuntu he is stupid07:12
BluesKajcan't think of a good reason :)07:12
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Guest12060no luck07:12
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zeergonburned the "iso" but wouldn't boot07:13
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Blissexkristina: http://FS-driver.org/ to use 'ext3'/'ext2' under MS Windows.07:13
TheCobrahi I have a very strange thing07:13
Blissexzeergon: make sure you burned it as an image, not a file.07:13
TheCobrawith the login screen07:13
TheCobracan somebody help me with it07:13
Blissexzeergon: look at what is in it: if it is a single very big file it was not burned in the right way.07:13
TheCobra(using a ATI Radeon)07:14
zeergonBliss that's exactly what happened07:14
BlissexTheCobra: ask direct questions to the channel and wait.07:14
zeergonis that a nero setting or is the file bad?07:14
TheCobraBlissex:  sorry07:14
Blissexzeergon: it is a Nero setting.07:14
TheCobraproblem:  screenresolution of the loginscreen seems to be wrong, but here in X everything seems to be normal07:14
TheCobrawhat can be the problem07:15
Blissexzeergon: IIRC it is under 'tools''.07:15
Martijn81weas3l: that sounds reasonable to me, and seeing the laptop is new nobody has worked on it. You could try the support from the manufacture, but i seriously doubt they well feel responsable. (i get the "get lost kid" feelings back now) I would give it another try and if it fails request another laptop.07:15
BlissexTheCobra: probably you need to configure KDM, the login managers, for the right resolution.07:15
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weas3li suppose.. i'd rather try another flavour of linux, since this laptop is going to be for comp lit class...07:15
TheCobraBlissex:  how can i configure KDM ??07:15
BlissexTheCobra: well, I usually edit the config file directly. But IIRC there is some kind of GUI frontend for less experienced users, I can't remember where.07:16
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infideli'm usung ubuntu and i want to add the latest kde where can i find a repository?07:22
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ratbert90ok, I have one heck of a question here07:22
ratbert90that I have never seen, nor heard of07:23
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cccinfidel: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php07:23
ratbert90I have a 9800pro 128meg R350,  When I install the fglrx driver, everything says it's a-ok after a restart07:23
root__do one need to install nividia drivers from their homepage (didnt find any through apt-get or apt-cache search, done it before)07:23
infidelccc: thanks07:23
ratbert90however, if I restart again,  it goes back to the mesa driver07:23
ratbert90what on earth do I do to prevent it from reverting back to the mesa driver?07:24
weas3lugh... Martijn81 its still testing the memory... did one set of tests which it passed, but then the pass status bar went back to 0% and its startign over...07:24
TheCobraratbert90: after installing the fglrx driver, my loginscreen is totaly messed up ;) so some problems with the drivers maybe07:24
ratbert90yeah, but the drivers work untill I reboot07:24
root__odd that my nivida drivers worked, now they are ******* up07:25
ratbert90they work fine in ubuntu07:25
ratbert90but not kubuntu07:25
Martijn81weas3l: yeah one test is enough, more test is better because it will make the ram hotter, but pass is a good test07:25
TheCobralol:) drivers worl will here to but if i logout it's omg07:25
ratbert90This happens with xgl trying to work07:25
TheCobraratbert90:  i work with ubuntu07:25
TheCobraI got them work with kubuntu today07:25
weas3lwell, on the chart where it shows results it says 'Pass: 2' i can restart the computer now?07:25
TheCobrabut did something totaly wrong07:25
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TheCobraso I installed ubuntu now:d07:25
ratbert90but they do work07:26
ratbert90untill I reboot :(07:26
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TheCobraratbert90:  very strange07:26
TheCobrawell I'm going to log off again and see if my problem is fixed07:27
root__bah will try to reinstall nivida drivers and hope they dont get destroyed again07:27
TheCobraBut I will come back07:27
ratbert90it is07:27
infidelccc: that been done how do i add all of kde apt-get wise?07:29
JohnFluxroot__: don't irc as root07:29
MenZasudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:29
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MenZa@ infidel07:29
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infidelMenZa: that will give me everything?07:30
TheCobraOK probl. solved07:30
MenZainfidel, yup07:30
infidelMenZa: ok thanks07:31
cccinfidel: remember to first do sudo apt-get update07:31
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infidelccc: ok07:31
JohnFluxroot__: did you add restricted non-free  etc to your /etc/apt/sources.list  ?07:31
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:31
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root__had it working over a year07:32
root__<JohnFlux> at least i  think it worked07:33
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root__<JohnFlux> now i am a little confused, i should use Linux AMD64/EM64T if one got AMD64 but running 32 bit (EM64T seemed to be 64 on 32 system for intel)07:34
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JohnFluxroot__: i think stick to the 32 bit binaries07:35
infidelwow 237Mb07:35
weas3lhmmmm, this alternate install seems to be quicker...07:35
JohnFluxroot__: did you follow the url ubotu says?07:35
root__<JohnFlux> IA32 then07:35
root__<JohnFlux> nah, follow nivida install instruction, looking now though07:35
JohnFluxroot__: it's best to follow the ubuntu guides07:36
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JohnFluxwhen using ubuntu07:36
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root__oh they made it into apt-get07:37
root__thought i have found nividia on packet manager, however today i found nothing07:37
root__will do that07:37
JohnFluxgood good07:37
root__think i really crashed my system, i am the master on crashing07:37
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nat - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about masquerading - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:40
JohnFluxI really really hate ubotu07:40
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JohnFluxsomeone put up a decent factoid bot please07:40
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root__<JohnFlux> the guid is for ubuntu, this fork and packet manager doesnt got the same options, neither the possibility to add restricted (copyrighted) software07:41
JohnFluxroot__: package manager07:42
root__yes there but cant do what they ask07:42
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JohnFluxroot__: it can07:42
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JohnFluxroot__: look around - you can edit the sources somewhere07:43
JohnFluxroot__: settings->repositories07:44
JohnFluxroot__: you see that, right?07:44
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root__no already uncommented all of the sources, just cant spell nvidia right when searched though07:44
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JohnFluxroot__: okay you'll need to edit one of them07:44
Heinkelroot__:  as a rule dont do irc as root07:45
JohnFluxroot__: you have one which is deb    http://archieve.ubuntu.com  right?07:45
Heinkelnot safe07:45
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JohnFluxroot__: you want to set the section to:   universe main multiverse restricted     it should already be at least one of them07:46
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root__uncommented all of them, but spelled nvidivia wrong, twice07:47
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root__that was why i didnt find them07:47
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JohnFluxroot__: right07:48
root__one more question, do i manually need to change xorg.conf from nv to nivida (it says nv still)07:48
JohnFluxi forget which is which07:48
JohnFluxwhat does the guide say?07:48
root__thanks for all the help, and sorry for being stupid and not being able to spell correctly07:48
root__nv is default xorg, when installing from nvidias home page i  think it is nvidia07:49
root__at least i couldnt load nvidia so i had to change to nv to get into xorg07:49
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tom___can anyone tell me how i can enable the use of my dualcore ?07:52
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tom___i ran updates and it installed new kernel but its not running dualcore07:53
heinkel_111tom___: which kernel do you use?07:53
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tom___2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT07:54
heinkel_111and what processor are you using07:54
tom___Pentium D07:54
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tom___i had it working last time i used ubuntu07:54
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tom___but its been so long07:54
heinkel_111i have got an AMD 64 X207:54
ratbert90Did i drink the blood of  puppies?07:54
ratbert90why does ati hate me so much?07:54
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heinkel_111it jsut works with 64-generic kernel, i never had to do anything...07:54
intropI thought .15-26 was the latest kernel updated by ubuntu?07:55
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tom___update manager says the kernels not installed07:55
tom___when infact im lookin at it in my terminal07:55
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intropLinux lemon 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT07:56
tom___:( my linux is pretending to be be windows07:56
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gael_Someone speaking french ? (my english isn't very fluent)07:56
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:56
gael_thank you07:57
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tom___all i shuhld have to do is apt-get the new kernel right and it installs automaticly?07:57
intropI would think so.  I do it through adept, but it's just a pretty front-end.07:58
tom___or do i have to apt-get a diffrent kernel then the one it recommends me07:58
intropDoes it show up in /boot ?07:58
tom___fore my dual core07:58
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intropNo idea on the dual core bit.  Sorry.07:58
tom___aah ok there it is07:58
tom___wasnt there before07:58
h3sp4wntry installing linux-image-686 linux-headers-68607:59
tom___whre is grub.conf07:59
tom___ah ok08:00
tom___that shuld do it08:00
tom___does it auto write to the bootloader?08:00
tom___i been using FreeBSD and OpenBSD,08:01
tom___dont know too much about ubuntu anymore08:01
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intropIf you installed it with apt, you should see it in the grub menu next time that you boot (it goes into menu.lst during install).08:01
tom___it doesnt give me a grub meno08:02
tom___it just boots08:02
tom___i dont get a choice in any kernels08:02
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intropLook at your /boot/grub/menu.lst08:02
mareyhi, im trying to set up a lcd screen, sony 19" hsp95, can anyone help me?08:02
tom___theres like 6 titles...08:02
intropHmm.  No grub, though.  *scratches head*08:03
tom___oh recovery mode08:03
tom___this is kubuntu08:03
tom___if thres any diffrence i dunno08:03
intropmarey: What problem are you having with it?08:03
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=== introp is running kubuntu, too.
mareyi can see images but 800x60008:04
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tom___brb gonna gonna rboot08:04
mareyi want 128008:04
intropmarey: Have you opened System Settings and changed the screen size in Display?08:04
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tom___marey be sure ur monitor can handle that big of size first, other wize if u set it that way, your gonna be stuck in TEXT mode until u get it fixed in xorg.conf08:04
mareyyes, but 800x600 is the largest option08:05
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llxcamxllcan someone help me08:05
intropOkay.  In the Display dialog, pick the "Hardware" tab.  Does it show your monitor as monitor 1?08:05
mareydo you have a xorg.conf file with lcd screen?08:05
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llxcamxlli'm new with linux08:05
llxcamxllbut like i download jam from the adept manager08:06
llxcamxllbut how do i run it after that08:06
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intropmarey: I'd wager that it believes either your video card or your monitor can't handle more than 800x600.  What does it list for your graphics card and driver?08:06
mareyi own an nvidia msi 5200 fx08:06
bluecookieshow to configure IP08:06
mareyi was running windows xp with 1280x*** depth08:07
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intropmarey: On the same Hardware tab, the first entry should show your graphics card and driver.  What does it say?08:07
llxcamxllhey tom dude08:07
tom___thanks introp, got it workin, and about my menu, i had to this ESC to view it, and it only give you 1 second to do that08:08
tom___hey llxcamxll dude08:08
llxcamxlli'm desperate08:08
intropAhh.  Hiddenmenu.  That's an option in the grub menu.lst   :/08:08
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mareynv for card08:08
llxcamxlli need help man08:08
mareyand generic08:08
tom___with what08:08
llxcamxllalot of things08:08
llxcamxlli downloaded jam from adept manager08:09
=== tom___ hands llxcamxll a joint
llxcamxllbut like how do i run it08:09
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llxcamxllpuff puff08:09
tom___i have no idea what jam is08:09
tom___type jam in ur terminal or something08:09
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llxcamxllwell like how you run shit that been downloaded from that adept08:09
miyakojam is boost's package manager is'n't it?08:09
llxcamxlljam is builder08:10
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tom___Jamfile: No such file or directory08:10
tom___...found 7 target(s)...08:10
tom___thats what it says when i try to run jam08:10
tom___i dunno what that means08:10
miyakoyeah, builder, that's the word08:10
tom___never used or heard of jam08:10
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tom___sry man08:10
llxcamxllthats cool08:10
miyakojam:boost::make:everything else08:10
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miyakoisn't it?08:11
tom___ive been off the linux scene for quite some time, gotta gimmie time to come back08:11
llxcamxllok so how do i use anything that i have downloaded08:11
tom___you just type the name of it in terminal08:11
llxcamxlli'll download something now08:11
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tom___example; if u did apt-get install xchat, once ites done, type xchat08:11
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bobbinHas anyone else here tried edgy and found trouble with cups?08:12
Lynoureor find it in a menu, in some cases08:12
tom___yeah taht too08:12
llxcamxllahh ok08:12
Lynourebobbin: one other guy asked that earlier08:12
llxcamxllso do you use source code08:12
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Lynourebobbin: but people on #kubuntu+1 can help you more08:13
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tom___man i love amarok08:14
llxcamxllwhats amarok??08:14
tom___Music player08:14
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llxcamxllso whats a good compiler to use08:14
tom___all of them08:15
tom___use all compilers08:15
llxcamxllcan i apt-get any?08:15
tom___i wuld think so08:15
tom___sudo apt-get install gcc08:15
h3sp4wnIntels c compiler is pretty good (If you have an intel chip the auto vectorisation stuff is pretty funky)08:15
intropTry adept, llxcamxll.  You can browse the bits associated with gcc.08:15
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llxcamxllthis is all too hard08:16
Roman123Hi! How can I install Kubuntu on a software raid (1). It seems like the installer does not offer such an option.08:16
intropIn this case, I hope that 'new' and 'hard' just look a lot alike.08:17
Roman123At older versions, there was a text mode (expert mode) which provided this option.08:17
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h3sp4wnthe alternate iso (It shouldn't be any worse than older versions)08:18
h3sp4wnused to be called the install cd08:18
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llxcamxllso what do i need to turn source code into something i can use08:20
Coffeeman1hello, im using 5.1.0 and wondering how to get my kubuntu out of konsole mode (screen black, writing no UI)08:20
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h3sp4wn5.10 ?08:20
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h3sp4wnlogin and do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:21
Ayabarawhat plugins/packages must I download to use exif info in krename?08:21
intropllxcamxll: typically make and the gcc compiler suite.  Are you a programmer, or can you not find a pre-packaged version of an application you want?08:21
equinoxeBhy there... guys... I have kde 3.5.3 and I don't know how to install icons. There's a readme file there and it sends me to kcontrol. but there I can only install icon libraries. I only have a bunch of png in a few folders...08:22
Coffeeman1no I dont want it to be a server08:22
lars__question, have the support for 32-bit in 64-bit Linux been improved so it works on the fly, instantly after install? Else if one install 32-bit Kubuntu again would it matter if i use beta and update or use latest version?08:22
llxcamxlli'm just lost all together, not a programmer, i just want to be able to install stuff and make it work08:22
heinkel_111lars__: beta is beta! stable is stable!08:23
lars__yes but it is a cd, when updating shouldnt it be the same08:23
heinkel_111what kind of 32 bit support are you looking for08:23
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intropFire up adept.  Type in the name of the package (application) you want.  Wait for it to show you the list of what matches that name.  Click on thing, pick install, then click "apply".  It will go off, install things, and (usually) you get a taskbar icon for that app now.  Some things don't make taskbar entries, and you have to run them from a console.08:23
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lars__would like 64-bit Linux but can install and run 32-bit on the fly, dont want to do that and that and it will work poorly08:24
heinkel_111lars__: the stable release is 6.06.1 Kubuntu dapper drake08:24
Coffeeman1theres a command its like F10 or someting that brings it out of konsole mode isnt there?08:24
lars__had 64-bit but since 32-bit dont work a lot of app cant be used unless one wish to compile it themselves08:25
h3sp4wncontrol alt f7 (or sometimes F6) but that presumes X is working08:25
lars__now running 32-bit but i would like to call this a bad crash enough for reinstallation08:25
Coffeeman1much better thankyou08:25
heinkel_111lars__: i have not tried myself, but upgrading from 32->64 might include removing and reinstalling a lot of packages08:25
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heinkel_11132 bit should run ok on a 64 bit processor though08:25
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heinkel_111lars__: ^  but i run 32 on my 32 and 64 on my 64 x208:26
lars__so flash will work without doing any special or waiting for there upgrade (the next release that will support 64-bit or making chroot or stuff)08:26
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equinoxeBthere's nothing like... "installing icons on Kubuntu" on the web......08:27
heinkel_111lars__: according to the info i got, flash does not work in 64 bit08:27
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heinkel_111nor does wma and wmv08:27
lars__that is 1 app, there is a lot more08:27
tom___damn computer, my keyboard keeps on dying08:27
lars__ok, will stay in 32 bit then, thought they had improved compatibility between 64 and 3208:27
heinkel_111lars__: there is only a problem with proprietrary ...all open source applications and formats will be taken care of08:28
lars__new cd or install beta and upgrade08:28
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ahmeniequinoxeB: I think you just put them in /usr/share/icons/name/XXxYY/type/blah.png08:28
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heinkel_111lars__: you should not install beta08:29
equinoxeBthis is a thing my mom can't do for shure...08:29
equinoxeBI can...08:29
heinkel_111unless you want to beta-test08:29
equinoxeBnew to linux...08:29
heinkel_111which version do you have on the cd, lars__ ?08:29
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lars__so there is a diffrence using a beta of dapper drake and upgrading and getting latest dapper drake cd08:29
llxcamxlllike how do i even get mozilla firefox08:29
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tom___sudo apt-get install firefox, llxcamxll08:29
h3sp4wnlars__: Hundreds of megs of downloads08:30
heinkel_111lars__: current beta is Edgy Eft08:30
graftyo, anyone have any familiarity with zeroconf use in KDE?08:30
intropOr, fire up adept, type in firefox in the search box, and pick it (adept is a graphical front-end for apt-get).08:30
ahmeniequinoxeB: ouch.  lemme see if I can find an easier way then08:30
heinkel_111lars__: i think you can install an old dapper beta and upgrade, yes08:30
heinkel_111i thought you had a edgy cd08:30
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats08:30
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h3sp4wnIt would probably be not much different in terms of downloads to just getting a current cd08:31
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tom___oops wrong box08:31
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lars__ok thanks once more, hope i dont destroy that version too like i am the master of08:31
main2is there an easy way to install the w32 codecs?08:31
tom___yes main208:31
tom___get easyubuntu08:31
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intropequinoxeB: have you tried the help in the Appearance | Icons section of the System Settings?08:31
llxcamxllPackage firefox is not available, but is referred to by another package08:31
Coffeeman1anyone here have experiance with using kwifimanager? I just need to get on it for a few minutes08:32
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llxcamxllwhats a good compiler for like game source code08:34
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main2BIG THANKS TOM!08:34
equinoxeBIt works :). 10x.08:34
equinoxeBbut I had to use root08:35
equinoxeBto copy them there08:35
equinoxeBkind'a geeky... :(08:35
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tom___lol no problem main208:36
ahmenillxcamxll: most games compile using gcc or g++08:36
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tom___most games only work on NT08:36
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ahmeniyeah, sucks, but we're getting more games as time goes by :D08:37
tom___well that sucks too dude08:37
tom___the more games that play on linux? the more windows people that convert08:37
ahmenithough I think A Tale In the Desert is our only real MMO so far08:37
tom___then linux is dumbed down and thus becomes mainstream and then linux has viruses and spyware like windows08:38
h3sp4wnwhat about planetscape08:38
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ahmeninever heard of planetscape, what's it like?08:40
=== aseigo notes that the "mainstream and simple == insecure" meme is one that is not particularly supported by evidence, but a common myth put forward by the dominant desktp maker
h3sp4wnahmeni: Complicated - Some stuff is not finished yet08:42
grafthow many pc-based important games are there these days, anyway?08:43
graftmostly it's consoles08:44
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graftcourse, maybe i'm biased since i think halo is like the only game anyone needs to play08:45
graftthey have wow for the mac, right? seems like wow for linux is not out of the question...08:46
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ahmeninot out of the question, but it's hard to justify the development costs08:47
graftdoesn't seem that unreasonable - they must have something pretty close to it already08:48
graftplus they make a BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR08:48
grafti mean they can afford one lousy programmer for linux08:48
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ahmenihard to know how many programmers it would take without knowing how the internals of the code work though08:51
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ahmenithere's just one programmer for the linux port of ATITD and he's usually pretty swamped08:51
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Bbetto_how can i conect to windows red?08:52
Bbetto_i have samba08:52
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heinkel_111how do i remove a package that was not installed correctly?08:54
h3sp4wnheinkel_111: Does it say its in an inconsistant state and cannot be removed ?08:54
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heinkel_111i get error messages in adept all the time because wmnet did not install properly08:54
heinkel_111all i wnated was kdevelop...08:55
heinkel_111hi h3sp4wn  :)08:55
Bbetto_does anyone can say me a web adrees about a red windows kubuntu?08:55
heinkel_111i get no proper error messages in adept08:55
heinkel_111h3spaawn but i think i can reproduce the erorr message using dpkg-configure -phigh ?08:56
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heinkel_111dpkg-reconfigure -phigh ?08:56
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heinkel_111h3sp4wn: it is the install script for wmnet that keeps failing08:56
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heinkel_111so i just thought, let's get rid of vmware, i don't need it08:57
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h3sp4wnDid you install vmware-player from adept ?08:59
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Bbetto_the web about a windows red and kubuntu09:00
heinkel_111yes...it came along with kdevelop3...don't know why09:00
h3sp4wnsudo apt-get remove --purge vmware-player (see what that says)09:00
llxcamxlli've got a file on my desktop which i cannot delete...how do i get rid of it09:01
h3sp4wnsudo rm ~/Desktop/filename09:02
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pimuriis there a way I can startup the "GUI" in a new shell?09:02
pimuriwhere there's only  login-screen (but a shell)09:02
h3sp4wnWhat you mean you want another copy of X on another vt ?09:02
pimurierr yes09:02
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pimurinow I'm on the X linked to the key "F7"09:03
pimuribut I'd like to open up another one on a shell on e.g F209:03
grafterr, that should be sudo rm ~<user>/Desktop/filename, llxcamxll / h3sp4wn09:03
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heinkel_111h3sp4wn: thank you again, i think i managed to resolve the issue now09:03
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h3sp4wngraft: Why ? when you use sudo ~ is substituted for the user running sudo's home directory (sudo echo $HOME) proves this09:05
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grafterr, yeah, you right09:06
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graftfigured sudo gave you a new shell env09:06
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llxcamxllthis is insane09:07
llxcamxlli try to move a folder to trash but it says access denied09:07
graftllxcamxll: clearly your permissions are f'd up09:08
llxcamxllwell don't know how to change that09:08
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intropllxcamxll: what folder are you trying to trash?09:09
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llxcamxllsome how firefox folder is on my desktop, but it ain't the one i got from adept09:11
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intropOkay.  If it's on your desktop, it's safe to remove (sometimes people try to delete folders that the system is correctly telling them they oughtn't).  So...09:11
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llxcamxlljust says i been denied09:12
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intropin a console, "sudo rm -rf ~/Desktop/directoryname".  (Be very careful when typing -rf means it'll nuke that folder, safety be damned.)09:12
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llxcamxllkatusha missiles09:12
intropOnce you get that stuff fixed, it should be smooth sailing.  I'd wager someone had you sudo some action, trying to help you, and it made folders with root permissions.09:13
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introp(sudo == run this command as another user, typically root)09:13
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llxcamxllit lives09:14
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SpAwNmy computer has been randomly locking up overnight......ive been working on fixing it....1st i thought it ndiswrapper then i thought it was a firewall....now i have no clue ...in my syslog this is the last entry b4 i had to hit the power button the last line now is : Sep  8 10:17:01 localhost /USR/SBIN/CRON[24913] : (root) CMD (   run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)09:16
SpAwNSep  8 15:09:10 localhost syslogd 1.4.1#17ubuntu7: restart.09:16
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h3sp4wnSpAwN: Is it currently overclocked ?09:17
SpAwNh3sp4wn, nope.09:17
SpAwNjust a normal off the shelf p409:17
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SpAwN3.6 ghz..i think its actualy called the pentium pro...but im not sure09:17
llxcamxlllol...successfully nuked09:17
h3sp4wnNo obvious heat problems in the bios pc health window ?09:17
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SpAwNh3sp4wn, bios health screen?09:18
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h3sp4wnSpAwN: Yes if the core temperature is above 60 oC I would try and doing something about it09:18
frojndWhat's the command for my sdb1 partition (it's one partition NTFS on one HD) to delite it and than to create an ext3 partition with fdisk ?09:18
frojndcan someone help me with this09:19
h3sp4wnfrojnd: all you need to do is umount it09:19
SpAwNh3sp4wn, well i dont think i have a health screen and i know i dont have monitors on the mb09:19
h3sp4wnthen use sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb109:19
h3sp4wnSpAwN: Award or AMI bios ?09:19
frojndh3sp4wn frojnd: all you need to do is umount it  done09:19
frojndwhat's next09:19
SpAwNaward...its a dell ;D09:19
h3sp4wnAward has PC HEALTH09:20
SpAwNh3sp4wn, am i gonna want to axx this bios health thinggy during boot?09:20
h3sp4wnfrojnd: ^^09:20
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SpAwNive never seen a health monitor option in my bios b409:20
h3sp4wnSpAwN: Its in the bios screen (which should be blue) - left hand side 5th one down09:21
frojndu se... I allready tryed: mkfs exte09:21
frojndand something goes wrong09:21
SpAwNh3sp4wn, damn.....u know ya stuff thanks man =D09:21
SpAwNlet me go check it out09:21
frojndprobably couse NTFS was still not empty09:21
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h3sp4wnfrojnd: sudo fdisk /dev/sdb09:21
intropfrojnd: This may sound strange, but I actually recommend downloading the gparted liveCD, booting from it, and doing it from there.  It's about as simple graphically as you can get, and a fairly small image.09:21
h3sp4wnfrojnd: then 't 1 82'09:22
h3sp4wnfrojnd: then w09:22
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h3sp4wnactually t 1 8309:22
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clamshey guys, question for you:09:23
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clamshow do i install macromedia shockwave/flash for konqueror? the instructions on their webpage tell me how it works for mozilla...09:23
frojndI wrote fdisk /dev/sdb and the last line us: Command (m for help):09:23
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h3sp4wnthen type 't 1 83'09:23
h3sp4wneverything inside ''09:23
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h3sp4wnthen w09:24
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frojndIzbrani razdelek 109:24
frojndHex code (type L to list codes):09:24
ubuntu_Hi I just tryed to load the latest Kubuntu live cd and me box is just dieing @ boot with a black screen me box is a 6400r compaq quad09:24
frojndchosen part 109:24
main2i got a haupauge pvr150 tv-card, can i install some? software and then watch on another machine?09:24
h3sp4wnt 8309:24
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h3sp4wnor press m and look at the options (you need to change the partition type to linux - then press w to quit)09:25
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SpAwNh3sp4wn, that was no where to be found in my bios...is there any other things i should check?09:28
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clamsis there any way to set keyboard shortcuts for volume/track control? i haven't been able to find any...09:28
scastclams: maybe dcop and input actions?09:29
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intropclams: Go to System Settings, Regional and Accessibility09:29
intropPick Keyboard Layout, and then pick a Keyboard model that's reasonably close to yours.09:30
intropThat will give you mappings for your multimedia keys.  (Well, two of mine still don't work, but I haven't had time to try to figure out why.)09:30
clamsOkay, thanks introp, i'll give it a shot!09:30
clamsand thanks to scast too, even though i'm going with introp's idea >_>09:31
h3sp4wnSpAwN: Are you using dapper or edgy ? (It sounds like a hardware problem to me but I may be wrong)09:31
SpAwNh3sp4wn, it could be......but what hardware.....memeory looks good....09:32
scastI thougt you mean controlling kmix heh09:32
SpAwNmy computer did start making a noise abotu a week ago...but its only done it like once or twice09:32
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SpAwNthe sound was coming from one of the fans....but it never stopped working...just made a noise....figured i needed to take it out and clean it thoughrly.....the inside of the case is relativly clean.......09:33
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shadowhywinddoes anyone know where to get 64-bit drivers for ndiswrapper from??09:34
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main2shadowhywind: doesnt this depend on what drivers you need for your card.. ?09:35
h3sp4wnshadowhywind: Use the windows x64 drivers for your card (if nothing is listed on the wiki - latest version of ndiswrapper - #ndiswrapper are not interested in older versions)09:36
clamsis there any equivalent to Linkification (firefox extension that makes text links clickable) for Konqueror?09:36
shadowhywindwell thats the thing i can't fcind the driver for my card09:37
h3sp4wnshadowhywind: What chipset is it ?09:37
shadowhywindbroadcom bcm431109:37
shadowhywindi just got it working in the 32-bit, so i wanted to try the 64 and see if i can't get that workin in here too09:37
h3sp4wnI am not sure about bcm43xx on 64 bit09:38
shadowhywindbcm43xx driver didn't work for me in 3209:38
h3sp4wnSpAwN: I will think about it back in about 10 mins09:38
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miyakois there a way to make top sort by memory usage instead of processor usage?09:40
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jm^have you tried pressing 'h'?09:41
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Xcaliburif I ordered my shipit CD like 2 weeks ago, how long should it take to get here?09:47
grotheskXcalibur: Depends on where you are located.09:48
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llxcamxllhow do i start g++, i just got it from adept09:48
SpAwNh3sp4wn, sure man i have to leave myself now but thanks for your help...if u do think of anything just say my naem when u do..and ill check when i get home +D09:49
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olololohello guys, how's everyone doing today???09:54
mayday_from_plwho from PL ??09:54
DannilionI'm ok09:55
Dannilionupgrading to KDE 3.5.4  :)09:55
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Xcaliburhow long will it take09:55
Dannilionerm... dunno09:56
Danniliontook 20 minutes on my desktop09:56
Dannilionbut this laptop has a much slower processor, but double the ram09:56
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Dannilionall the files have downloaded09:56
llxcamxllhow do i start g++09:56
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olololothis may be off topic, has anyone managed to setup kubuntu on a wireless network??09:57
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llxcamxllcan anyone help me10:00
llxcamxlli just got g++ from adept but i can't run it10:01
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ahmenillxcamxll: what error do you get?10:01
h3sp4wnSpAwN: Try installing and setting up lm-sensors (that should give you some detailed hardware information core temp etc)10:01
grotheskolololo: Sure...10:02
eaglehawkcan anybody tell me is linuxwacom-dev implemented in ubuntu10:02
llxcamxlli downloaded g++10:02
llxcamxlli type it into the console and nothing10:02
grotheskI'm running kubuntu on my Laptop, olololo10:02
ahmenillxcamxll: it returns no message or anything?10:02
ololologrothesk: did you find it hard or something??10:03
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ololologrothesk: please call me olo10:03
grotheskolololo: That depends on your hardware.10:03
llxcamxllshould i reboot or something10:03
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ahmeniyou shouldn't have to10:04
eaglehawkcan anybody tell me is linuxwacom-dev implemented in ubuntu10:04
grotheskolololo: I'm using tabcompletion, I'm typing olo anyway.10:04
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llxcamxllits wierd cos it does nothing10:04
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ahmeniare you just running "g++", or "g++ file.gcc"?10:04
grotheskeaglehawk: There are wacom drivers included.10:04
olololoI have a computer and it runs windows with a D-Link  wireless USB, and I would like to try the LiveCD10:04
llxcamxllthats what i downloaded, and thats what i been trying to run10:05
eaglehawkbut i my tabletpc pen is not working10:05
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grotheskolololo: It depends on the chipset of the USB-Stick.10:05
h3sp4wnolololo: I don't think you will easily get ndiswrapper working with the kubuntu livecd10:05
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llxcamxllshould i re-install and try again10:06
olololoIf I can get it to work, then I will be able to format the system and then install linux on it, in the mean time, I don't want to risk formatting my system10:06
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olololoI love the kubuntu interface and its very easy to use10:08
olololo..but if I can just get it towork wirelessly, them I will celebrate :)10:09
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h3sp4wnIt almost certainly will work with ndiswrapper - but not on the live cd (maybe a kanotix or knoppix live cd would tell you whether ndiswrapper is possible)10:09
olololothanks h3sp4wn10:10
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olololothe reason why am having trouble is because the router is downstairs and my computer is in the bedroom with windows installed10:11
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eaglehawkanybody who can help me with webcam10:13
h3sp4wnI understand what you mean (once tried to install debian testing - and the kernel was compiled with a different gcc to the one the cd so I couldn't build the wireless modules etc etc)10:13
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ubuntunick olo10:13
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lostI've ubuntu and today I install kubuntu-desktop from synaptic, but now when i close my session my sistem die,10:21
lostonly if i close the session becouse if i restart my machine o turn off is ok10:22
lostwhat can i do???10:22
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KickstartArgh. I've never had to register my nick before, and it's making me wait 1200 seconds before I can talk to #rubyonrails. Does anyone know how to solve this?10:23
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_Shade_where can i track the latest achievements in edgy development ? I mean some blogs or something10:25
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BluesKajWell, I got TVTime video working ok, now i have to figure out why there's no sound! :(10:33
l33t_n00bdoes anyone know if edgy eft will have compiz and XGL enabled?10:34
LeeJunFan_Shade_: I dunno but it's tempting to try edgy/kde4 - since it's installable alongside kde3.10:36
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LeeJunFanthere's still the problem that kde window decor doesn't work with compiz even if edgy does support it. Having to use gnome w/ kde sucks.10:36
l33t_n00bi tried the knot 2 cd but it won't detect my video10:37
l33t_n00beven when i set it on VGA 800 x 600 3210:37
ahmeniLeeJunFan: You don't have to use use gnome, just a window manager that supports it, like cgwd10:38
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baryhey i need some help can anyone help me please?10:39
_Shade_LeeJunFan:  maybe you're right, but it's for developers only10:40
scastKubuntu edgy is going to go for purple colorschemes?10:40
LeeJunFan_Shade_: recommended for devels only, but could be still worthy of showing off.10:40
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baryi;am a new user to kubuntu ...can any1 help me with a problem?10:43
ace_how do i view a windows network server on ubuntu10:44
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Arepieace_:  system menu -> remote places -> samba10:44
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bary_guys please can you help with a problem?10:46
scastI can't yet believe edgy colorscheme is going to be purple...10:46
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SlackRatits linux, create your own schemes10:46
brandon_how come amarok is playing some wma files, but not others?10:48
BluesKajbary, just state your problem, if someone can help, they will10:48
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scastIt looks like a scheme my sister would like...10:49
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BluesKajbary_, just state your problem, if someone can help, they will10:50
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brandon_why won't amarok play some of my wma files?10:50
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PigCorpseMaybe they have DRM10:50
brandon_it plays some, but others it won't10:50
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PigCorpseDid you buy them for $1 from a music store?10:51
brandon_I ripped them from a cd10:51
PigCorpseThen I don't know10:51
brandon_could it be a lincensing problem?10:51
brandon_how can I fix it?10:52
tom___u need the codecs10:52
brandon_where can i get the codecs?10:52
tom___my amarok plays it10:52
tom___download easyubuntu10:52
tom___it does it for u10:52
brandon_well yea, but some of them play10:52
brandon_other ones don't10:52
tom___oh well10:52
tom___then ur files are broken10:52
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jake1i'm having so trouble10:52
brandon_no, they play on windows media but i had to get a licence10:53
bary_can any1 help me ? i want to see my windows partition10:53
brandon_and on amarok it won't play10:53
brandon_I'm thinking it's a linsencing error10:53
PigCorpseCan I ask my question? lol10:53
brandon_lol sure10:53
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PigCorpse@ brandon: I don't know exactly how to solve it, but try ripping to mp3 or ogg or something.10:54
mzelemdoes anyone know where I could find info on testing serial ports?10:54
brandon_ummm well, I don't have the cd anymore10:54
ironfroggywhat might cause terrible performance for all video operations? that is, window updates, video playback, the slideshow screensaver, they all are very slow in framerate. what can i diagnose to find the cause?10:54
brandon_i ripped it from a friend10:54
PigCorpseI have a small 15GB unallocated space on my 200GB hard drive. How can I install Kubuntu on it without touching anything else?10:54
brandon_and that brings another problem, when i rip songs, it says error cannot make directory10:55
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brandon_portition it?10:55
PigCorpseWell, can I get the installer to automatically do that?10:56
jake1i had this outut when i tried to run Wine10:56
jake1what's going on????????10:56
brandon_you might be able  to, but you might have to assign the installtion to that portion of the drive10:56
bary_why this command its not working? gksudo gedit /etc/pmount.allow10:56
ironfroggyi mean, what is the common denominator in all those problems?10:56
brandon_make a backup just incase and try it10:57
mzelemdoes anyone know how to check to see if serial ports are recognized by kubuntu?10:57
PigCorpseWell, I can't really back everything up, so I'm being really careful.10:57
brandon_umm... swapable drive?10:57
jake1can someone help me please10:57
ace_how do i use samba10:57
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brandon_but it's confusing as crap10:58
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brandon_but I can't rip songs, it says error cannot make directory10:59
sashoei marto10:59
tom___probably not configuring something correctly brandon10:59
tom___or ur setting to make directory in a place u dont have perms10:59
brandon_what do I need to config?10:59
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brandon_ummm I tried my home folder and in a folder I made11:00
brandon_how do I get permission to use a folder I made?11:00
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tom___woot k3b worked11:01
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brandon_ok, well how does that solve my prob?11:02
tom___no clue, dont know what ur doing11:02
DaSkreechjake1: What FreeType do you have installed?11:02
jake1i just installed it11:02
jake1still not working11:02
brandon_I'm trying to rip songs11:02
brandon_everything is at defualt in the config11:02
DaSkreechcan you locate winex11.drv?11:03
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brandon_why can't I rip songs?11:04
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brandon_KAudioCreator isn't working apparently11:04
Tom-_-use grip11:05
sh4d3zdoes anyone know a good graphics card that will work for linux?11:05
brandon_do I gotta install it with adept?11:05
DaSkreechbrandon_: You are ripping from a CD?11:05
Tom-_-geforce shades11:05
Tom-_-yes brandon11:05
h3sp4wnbary_: Use kdesu kate /etc/pmount.allow11:05
Tom-_-i bet he dont have the cd mounted tho11:05
DaSkreechbrandon_: Audio Cd?11:05
Tom-_-mount /mnt/cdrom11:05
brandon_it is mounted11:06
DaSkreechOpen konqueror and type audiocd:/11:06
Tom-_-mount it harder11:06
brandon_it just can't make the directory11:06
brandon_har har har nvm11:06
brandon_I fixed it11:06
DaSkreechGot a bunch of different directories?11:06
DaSkreechThere we go11:06
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brandon_I left ewverything on default11:07
brandon_now where may the files be?11:07
jackleHelp! My lvm disappeared after I installed kubuntu and says now:"Incorrect metadata area header checksum"11:07
jackleAny one any ideas?11:07
brandon_oh nooooo11:09
brandon_where are the songs?11:09
Tom-_-where ever u put them11:09
brandon_I didn't assign a place11:09
brandon_I left it default11:09
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Blissexjackle: there are a few ''LVM recovery'' HOWTOs/tutorials. If you did not install carefully perhaps you asked for repartioning without LVM. In which case a bit of work is needed :-).11:09
Slayer4blindI'll sit here and call for them11:10
Slayer4blindmaybe they wil show up11:10
Slayer4blindah ha11:10
Slayer4blindI'll use search11:10
jackleBlissex: I'm working now through some gentoo tut's .. though very confusing (we seriously need a kde lvm tool... like yast)11:11
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Slayer4blindomg omg omg11:11
Blissexjackle:  there is alternative LVM2/DM frontend called EVMS which is pretty user friendly. Problem is, the concepts involved are not simple.11:11
Slayer4blindI can't find em11:12
BlissexSlayer4blind: 'locate'?11:12
shadowhywindso i reinstall kubuntu and now my ndiswrapper wont load anymore... *cries*11:12
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jackleBlissex: You think the evms could fix the lvm? Luckaly fdisk still detect the partitions as LVM and not as ext311:12
Blissexjackle: no, just that EVMS has an easier interface. If you still got the partitions, there is some way to rebuild the LVM2/DM config by doing a scan.11:13
lostPlease help, i have ubuntu but today i try to install kubuntu-desktop. The instalation was ok but now everytime that i close the session my system die11:14
jackleBlissex: Hope the tut's work. Tx11:15
lostthat's is only when i close my session becouse if i restart o turn off my machine all is ok11:15
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lostwhat happened?11:15
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Slayer4blindwhere are them files?11:16
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sorush20eventhough when there are files transferring I get the message stalled  .. I can't see the speed of transfer..11:16
Slayer4blindI'm using find files/folders11:16
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Slayer4blindwhere does KAudioCreator store songs by default?11:18
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h3sp4wnNo idea (I rip cd's with k3b)11:19
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Slayer4blindI'm a doo mass11:19
Tom-_-k3b > all11:20
Slayer4blindI found it11:20
Slayer4blindit was right in front of me ^_^11:20
Slayer4blindI just can't read11:20
jackleBlissex: It seems that one of the partitions has now the type: ext3 ... how can I change this to lvm?11:20
Slayer4blindhow do I find other servers11:20
Slayer4blindI didn't want ogg's11:21
Slayer4blindI want mp3's11:21
Slayer4blindcrap >.<11:21
Blissexjackle: let's hope the only thing that has been changed is the type and not the contents... Use 'fdisk', the 't' command to change the type. Or 'cfdisk'11:21
Slayer4blindI'm gunna go insane :|11:22
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Slayer4blindwhich ancoder encodes files as mp3>?11:23
RawSewageit's an honest question11:24
Slayer4blindthank you11:24
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h3sp4wnRawSewage: huh ? lame is the name of the encoder11:25
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shadowhywindanybody have an idea why the drivers would work for ndiswrapper, but when i reinstall the drivers don't work anymore?11:26
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RawSewageh3sp4wn, ok, I thought you were being rude11:26
Slayer4blindwell it said the encoder was not found?11:26
h3sp4wnRawSewage: Just directly answering the question11:26
Slayer4blinddo I gotta install it?11:26
LeeJunFanugh, just had someone DoS'ing one of my T1's. I hate that crap. damn kiddiez11:26
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h3sp4wnshadowhywind: If you have switched from 32 bit to 64 bit then you need the drivers for windows 64 bit edition11:27
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h3sp4wnshadowhywind: And use the latest ndiswrapper he has substantially improved 64 bit support since dapper11:28
Slayer4blinddo i have to use adept to install lame?11:28
Slayer4blindit says the encoder was not found11:28
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h3sp4wn!info lame11:29
ubotulame: LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.96.1-1 (dapper), package size 222 kB, installed size 620 kB11:29
jackleBlissex: One of the tut's tell me to use pvcreate --uuid <<text>> --restorefile <<file>> ....but I dont have the file.. Can I just put the relevant partitions such as /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdc1 in stead of --restorefile11:29
h3sp4wnshadowhywind: its in multiverse11:29
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Blissexjackle: probably yes, cannot remember right now, but seems right.11:29
fakepatriot! mounting hard drives11:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mounting hard drives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:29
Blissexjackle: i'll check with 'man pvcreate'11:29
fakepatriot!mounting hard drives11:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mounting hard drives - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:30
Slayer4blindso that means it doesn't encode the files?11:30
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ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse11:30
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted  -  Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs")  -  Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks11:30
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JFreakCapoanybody can helpme? how change KDM for GDM :)11:32
h3sp4wnsudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm11:32
JFreakCapo(a lot)11:32
h3sp4wnJFreakCapo: or sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm (and select gdm as the choice)11:32
Slayer4blinddo you just get bored so you come in here to help people?11:32
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lxnayhi, where can I find kubuntu debs for download?11:34
Slayer4blindahhh adept froze11:34
Slayer4blindand it was installing lmae11:35
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h3sp4wntry aptitude11:35
Slayer4blindwhats that?11:35
h3sp4wnpackage manager11:35
Slayer4blindwhere is it>?11:36
Slayer4blindI don't think I have it11:36
h3sp4wnsudo aptitude (from a terminal) - you can still use the mouse its just an ncurses gui11:36
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Slayer4blindI'll just restart adept11:37
Slayer4blindsee if it works this time11:37
Slayer4blindI need more ram11:37
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Slayer4blindonly 128MB >.<11:37
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Slayer4blindbut I'm getting 1024MB soon ^_^11:37
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h3sp4wnJust use the existing ram more efficiently (i.e by using aptitude instead of adept)11:37
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Slayer4blindwell I may do that11:38
Slayer4blindadept isn't showing up again11:38
Slayer4blindis there a task manager like on windows?11:38
h3sp4wnps -ef or ps auxw11:38
kegiehey, anyone else having a problem with firefox not refreshing when loading new pages (on dapper)?11:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lnaguage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:39
Slayer4blindthis termibal is getting hard to get used to\11:39
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kegieSlayer4blind: try ksysguard11:39
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h3sp4wnSlayer4blind: I think the kde way for killing stuff is using dcop but I don't remember the syntax11:40
DaSkreechSlayer4blind: Ctrl+Esc11:40
=== misieq [n=misieq@arv215.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu
misieqi have to cut out a piece of html from a website, starting with specific text and ending with specific text... what tool would be best to do that?11:40
Slayer4blindaptitude isn't working right11:41
h3sp4wnWhat do you mean ?11:41
shadowhywindanyone have any idea why my wireless driver worked in one install but not again in the reinstall??11:42
Slayer4blindwell it said something about the admin thing already in use11:42
h3sp4wnshadowhywind: You cannot use 32bit drivers with a 64 bit kernel (as I have said multiple times to you)11:42
Blissexshadowhywind: we are sorry, but our clairvoyant advisors are all busy on other lines :-).11:42
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Slayer4blindand that would be by adept11:42
Slayer4blindbut adept proccess wont end and yea11:42
h3sp4wnSlayer4blind: run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lame (it will tell you which lock file is in use)11:43
shadowhywindi reinstalled 32 again11:43
stefan_-/join xgl-de11:43
shadowhywindso i could have my wireless working again11:43
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Slayer4blindI'm going to restart11:43
Slayer4blindthis is angering me11:43
Slayer4blindmy computer sucks11:43
kegieSlayer4blind: try just logout/login again11:43
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Slayer4blindwill it end all proccesses?11:44
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h3sp4wnshadowhywind: But you got it working last time ?11:44
shadowhywindi had it working in 32-bit, yes11:44
Telroth_Plushie|pull out a console11:44
kegieyeah.. but its faster than rebooting ;) but you couldn't kill adept from ctrl+esc?11:44
Slayer4blindI did11:44
Telroth_Plushie|sudo killall adept11:44
shadowhywindand useing the same drivers as before11:44
=== Karanga [n=dchant@cpc3-with1-0-0-cust32.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
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misieqi have to cut out a piece of html from a website, starting with specific text and ending with specific text... what tool would be best to do that?11:45
Telroth_Plushie|misieq, once or multiple times?11:45
misieqi'm smart enough to use text editor if that's what you mean :] 11:45
misieqof course multiple11:46
Telroth_Plushie|misieq, open url in konqueror -> view -> document source if you simply need to do it by hand a few times11:46
Telroth_Plushie|if you need to do it repeatedly and often, look into perl scripts or bash scripts11:46
misieqnah.... i want it _automated_ to put in cron11:47
Telroth_Plushie|ah, ok11:47
Telroth_Plushie|you can write a script in bash11:47
Telroth_Plushie|use wget to fetch the page11:47
misieqyeah, i was thinking about perl or sed/awk....11:47
JohnFluxmisieq: hi11:47
Telroth_Plushie|then use bash or perl to run it through sed/awk11:47
JohnFluxmisieq: when you select html in konqueror, it does actually copy the html to the clipboard11:47
misieqi only want to know how to cut that piece11:47
JohnFluxmisieq: wait, "cut out"?11:48
misieqargh... let me refine my problem11:48
JohnFluxmisieq: oh, like you want to preprocess the html pages first11:48
JohnFluxmisieq: use a webproxy11:48
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misieqi have a webpage that is generated (let's take it i've already downloaded it) and there is a piece of information contained between some text markers that i want to use. how do i cut out this piece of information?11:50
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JohnFluxmisieq: as a once off?11:50
misieqno. i want to put this job to cron11:51
JohnFluxmisieq: and you want the piece of information, or the html page without that piece of information?11:51
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misieqi want only the piece that is contained between name it <!-- start --> and <!-- end --> markers11:52
MeTa[AwAy] by eall yoo 811:52
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JohnFluxmisieq: okay, well what specifically are the markers?11:53
cannonballperl's HTML::TokeParser will do it, but if you're not a perl guy, it is like speaking a different language.11:53
JohnFluxmisieq: you can use  sed   for this11:53
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JohnFluxcannonball: possibly an overkill11:53
misieqyou can take they are <!-- start --> and <!-- end --> only the text that is commented out is different11:53
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misieqcannonball: i'm a bit to programming (though not shell) but leraning whole perl to do this one simple thing? i think it's exaggerated.11:54
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misieqthough if there's no other way out i might give it a try11:55
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francesco_salve a tutti11:55
h3sp4wnIf it always the same number of lines inbetween then you can just load all the lines into an array and then just put back the line numbers you need11:55
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misieqh3sp4wn: no. as i said it is generated11:56
h3sp4wnmisieq: What do you mean ? it generates a different number of lines of html each time ?11:56
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misieqJohnFlux: you have any script? or can you only suggest a tool?11:56
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JohnFlux   cat somefile.html  | sed -ne 's/<!-- start -->\(\(.|\n\)*\)<!-- end -->/\1/p'11:57
misieqh3sp4wn: not *exatly* each time, once daily it changes and i want to run the script with resolution of 1 day.11:57
JohnFluxi haven't tested11:57
misieqJohnFlux: thanks, going to try it out11:57
mike__2342322342can someone help me install xgl?11:58
JohnFluxmisieq: will there be newlines between the start and end?11:58
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misieqJohnFlux: wait a sec11:59
JohnFluxcat somefile.html  | sed -ne 's/^.*<!-- start -->\(.*\)<!-- end -->.*$/\1/p'12:01
JohnFluxthat's works when there's no newline12:01
misieqJohnFlux: the file i want to cut information from is here: http://misieq.dyn.pl/helion/ and the information i want to have is contained between "<!--prawy panel-->" and "<!--koniec prawego panela-->"12:01
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DaSkreechHow do I detach a screen session I'm currently in?12:02
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: control D (unless you are in 2 at once)12:03
h3sp4wnDaSkreech: Then it would detach the main one12:03
DaSkreechWhich would still be running?12:03
h3sp4wnAre you talking about just one copy of screen that is running ?12:04
gnomefreakDaSkreech: they all would12:04
gnomefreakdetaching just takes a session and moves it to a new terminal(screen)12:05
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DaSkreechYeah I need to login start a process which takes a few days and then logout and see family eat sleep and all that other sterotypical non-it stuff12:05
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ubotuscreen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen12:08

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