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fschoeptroy_s: I'm here for a few more minutes01:46
kwwiidude, what have you guys got working as far as a usplash goes?01:48
fschoepkwwii: not a lot, really01:54
kwwiifschoep: then we should stay in touch01:54
kwwiinow is when we can use cross-desktop understanding01:54
fschoepSo, I need something for tomorrow :)01:54
kwwiiI have some pics ready for both01:55
fschoepDoesn't matter what it looks like01:55
kwwiione with 256 and one with 16 colors01:55
fschoepIt can be blue / purple01:55
kwwiiI am unsure exactly how to animate the progress bar01:55
fschoepThat's something Seveas can explain probably01:55
kwwiiand the throbber is a funky thing, if the progress bar is already moving, in my opinion01:56
fschoepIt's still unclear whether or not Edgy will have a proper progress bar or a throbber only01:56
Seveaskwwii, if you have a simple background+foreground image for progress bar, you can use the code from the example theme01:57
kwwiiuntil now, it says that we have to use a normal progress bar01:57
Seveasedgy still does normal progress bar now01:57
kwwiiSeveas: yeah, I checked that out now01:57
kwwiiSeveas: I started with wanting to draw boxes to make the progress bar (6-8 boxes)01:58
Seveaskwwii, alternatively, send me the images with a description of what you had in mind and I'll create the code01:58
kwwiiSeveas: cool, sounds good.01:58
kwwiiI started to look at the README and code tonight01:58
kwwiiand then the meeting started01:58
kwwiiI will look more closely into it tomorrow01:59
Seveasit's not too difficult, but assumes a certain amount of C knowledg01:59
kwwiiI have a *lot* of experience with the older linux bootsplash01:59
kwwiiso I think I can figure it out01:59
fschoepI'll get into it as well tomorrow, shouldn't be too hard01:59
kwwiiI made the syntax of the bootsplash config files, actually01:59
SeveasI'll be online here or dennis@jabber.ubuntu-nl.org for questions02:00
=== BHSPitLappy [n=steve-o@adsl-68-95-246-24.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiiSeveas: what would be better: using a bitmap for the progress bar or drawing several boxes?02:00
Seveasbitmap is easier02:01
Seveasand looks nicer imho02:01
kwwiiSeveas: hehe, than that makes my job easier02:01
BHSPitLappytalking about usplash?02:01
kwwiiSeveas: I will ping you tomorrow about this stuff02:01
Seveaskwwii, ok, but not too early02:01
Seveashad 4h sleep last night02:01
Seveasand it's 2am02:01
kwwiiSeveas: don't worry, I am up all day02:02
kwwiiwe are in the same time zone02:02
kwwiiand I have a son02:02
kwwiihere is my first 256 color image: http://bootsplash.org/usplash_idea1256.png02:02
BHSPitLappycan someone comment on the last entry at wiki.ubuntu.org/UbuntuSounds , it feels lonely :)02:03
lapohey guys this work really is impressive http://huw.ugbox.net/UbuntuEvolve/02:04
lapono way to have it in edgy02:04
fschoepMaybe, I can't promise anything02:05
lapoI think it is the most original to date02:05
BHSPitLappyI think it looks cool, but... something about it just seems "too" messy to me02:06
BHSPitLappyand "messy" + ubuntu's color scheme = gross02:06
BHSPitLappyalso... wasn't today supposed to be the deadline for art decisions02:06
fschoepFeature Freeze, indeed02:07
yoshiznit123i like it, except for the gradient background and color, which seems out of place02:08
yoshiznit123and it would be cool if the ubuntu logo had the same style (with growing plants and stuff :-))02:08
Seveaskwwii, shiny!02:12
kwwiitoo much soo, but you get the idea02:13
kwwiiI was working on making the progress bar in singular boxes02:13
Seveasnice first attempt02:13
kwwiithe logo is kinda final02:14
kwwiiI will remove the glow02:14
lapokwwii: nice one, I'd try to make the gape between the circle and the top right gear more evident02:15
kwwiilapo: yeah, good point02:15
kwwiiI thought that the spacing between all the gears and the circle is a bit too tight02:15
BHSPitLappykwwii, does that progress bar look like the default progress bar widget that ships with kubuntu?02:15
kwwiihehe, nope02:16
kwwiiI guess not02:16
kwwiiI spent sooo much time trying to make everything the same02:16
kwwiiand then someone comes along and says that that is not important02:16
lapokwwii: I think the space is ok, I'd use something like a brighter o darker stroke/bevel like on the othe to02:16
kwwiilapo: sure, it needs lots of work, it is the result of half an hour02:17
lapocool tho02:17
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desrttroy_s; your gdm splash screen is gorgeous04:58
desrttroy_s; just wanted to send some positive feedback your way.  it looks great :)04:59
desrtapt-get install edgy-gdm-themes04:59
BHSPitLappyI'm gonna install knot 2 after this thing's finished copying, I've already got it burned05:00
troy_sdesrt... thanks for that.  there is going to be massive chitter about the whole thing.  it is a tricky rope to walk in ubuntuland.05:01
desrttroy_s; ignore the haters.  it's beautiful :)05:02
desrtBHSPitLappy; http://desrt.mcmaster.ca/random/edgy-ubuntu-theme.png05:02
desrthttp://desrt.mcmaster.ca/random/edgy-gdm-theme.png rather05:03
troy_sNo haters.  It is quite a bit of effort to get the artwork 'working' in Ubuntu because we ultimately have sabdfl as a 'client'.05:03
BHSPitLappyvery pretty05:04
troy_sAnd _he_ calls the shots -- extremely busy fellow that he is with the snowball of ubuntu.05:04
BHSPitLappydesrt, how'd you guess my exact screen resolution ;)05:04
desrtBHSPitLappy; *shrug* :p05:04
=== desrt telefrags your resolution
BHSPitLappyI wish someone would comment on my submission to wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSounds ...05:05
desrttroy_s; sabdfl is a crazy :)05:05
desrttroy_s; with a fetish for liquid latex05:05
BHSPitLappyyou mean LaTeX05:06
troy_sNo, he is quite a bright fellow actually.05:06
desrti mean liquid latex in a bottle :p05:06
troy_sdo you have a widescreen monitor desrt?05:07
desrttroy_s; 1280x800 on my macbook05:07
BHSPitLappysame on my dell i600005:07
desrtmy macbook is famous.05:08
troy_sSo it at least scaled properly.  The logo still needs a tweak -- the output cropped the alias off the bottom of the lettering.05:08
troy_sThere could very well be a migration back to monochromatic however.05:09
BHSPitLappyI could only tell by looking reeeeeal close, after you said it.05:09
troy_sBHSPitLappy, that's good.05:10
troy_sWell it means that it isn't _too_ obvious ... but Frank has been working furiously to hit the deadline05:10
=== desrt sifts through flickr
troy_sand seveas has been running on zero sleep to make sure usplash gets improved for edgy.05:10
troy_sall in all, there has been a _lot_ of hard work by a lot of folks on much stuff that isn't entirely 100% up front visible.05:11
BHSPitLappyand it's surely worth it, the new usplash stuff is awesome05:11
BHSPitLappydesrt, paint?05:12
troy_sHow cool is that?05:12
troy_sI was going to say, its those window gels05:12
troy_sits funny.05:13
troy_shence the laf.05:13
desrt"laf." is the new LOL05:13
BHSPitLappyoh. missed the memo.05:13
desrtanyway.  gotta jet.  ciao :)05:13
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BHSPitLappydead channel?05:58
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PseudoPlacebogoodnight guys07:30
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bersacetroy_s: hey brother !10:33
bersacecongrats for the artwork !10:33
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=== HiddenWolf [n=HiddenWo@136.140.dynamic.phpg.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
HiddenWolfHey guys.11:24
HiddenWolfI was wondering, has anyone made an ubuntu-themed screensaver?11:25
HiddenWolfSay a variation on the bouncing gnome-foot idea or something?11:25
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klepashas anyone here worked with ksplash theming much before?12:03
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=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955D59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiiso...guess it is time to start in on the usplash03:03
HiddenWolfThe rest of the stack looks really sweet already.03:04
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoepkwwii: just read your e-mail so ping :)03:12
kwwiihey man03:13
kwwiiso I guess you have seen the example theme03:13
fschoepNo, didn't get to that yet - sounds stupid I know ;)03:14
kwwiihehe, I built it but it does not work on my eMac03:14
kwwiiand I don't want to mess up the system on my laptop03:15
fschoepI can understand that03:15
fschoepI just need *something* to get into Edgy right now03:15
kwwiibut checking out the pics in the source makes things clear03:15
fschoepas you probably gathered yesterday03:15
kwwiiwell, at the least, we could change the bg in the test theme, and the throbber pics03:16
kwwiithat would get something in now03:16
fschoepIt's in usplash-dev?03:16
fschoepAnd it needs to go into usplash-art?03:16
kwwiigood question, not sure03:16
fschoepWait I think someone said it in yesterday's meeting - Spotlight here we come03:16
fschoepKeybuk: remember that the usplash artwork should go in the themes packages03:18
fschoep[01:32am]  Keybuk: not in the usplash package03:18
fschoepMaybe I should just go and check out the example and report back once I know more03:20
kwwiihehe, might be good03:20
kwwiibut removing the progress bar is not an option if I understood correctly?03:20
fschoepThe design can change a bit later on I presume, at least - I hope03:20
fschoepWhere did you read that?03:21
kwwiiI thought it was in a mail03:21
kwwiione second03:21
HiddenWolfat the very least it's not a good idea03:21
HiddenWolfpeople get nervous when they don't see progress indication during boot03:21
HiddenWolfI sure as hell do.03:21
fschoepOK sure, but replacing the progress bar with an animating throbber would work, no?03:21
fschoepLike WIndows and Mac OS X do?03:21
cbx33fschoep: hi03:21
fschoepReal progress indication is going away for Edgy (or +1) anyway03:22
fschoepcbx33: good to to you, sir03:22
HiddenWolfprobably, yes. :)03:22
cbx33ow are you fschoep03:22
fschoepcbx33: fine, thanks, you?03:22
kwwiifschoep: I think I misunderstood that part03:22
fschoepcbx33: noticed your sounds are in since yesterday?03:23
fschoepcbx33: I've been told people quite like them03:23
cbx33yeh me too03:23
fschoepkwwii: do you know if boot messages are still shown?03:23
kwwiifschoep: I think so03:24
fschoepSo there still needs to be an area for that?03:24
fschoepI really thought Keybuk was on the ball to remove those but I couldn't really make anything out of his update yesterdat evening so I very well might be wrong03:25
=== kwwii looks into the theme file
kwwiiit appears to be shown in the example theme03:26
fschoepI see03:27
fschoepMaybe it *is* a better idea for me to check the code first :)03:27
fschoepDo we meet later today kwwii ?03:28
kwwiifschoep: yes, please, if you have time03:28
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fschoepOK, what time are you on?03:28
fschoepI think I can squeeze into IRC from 18.00'ish to 20.30'ish03:29
kwwiicool, sounds good03:29
fschoepOK, my main priority today is get *something* in, after that we can work on designing something together03:30
kwwiiexcellent, me too03:31
fschoepOK, nice - see you this evening hopefully! Possibly even earlier than that,03:31
kwwiisee you later :-)03:31
fschoepOK, thanks!03:31
=== klepas [n=klepas@203-213-31-142.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Seveaskwwii, the example theme just showcases possibilities. But upstart doesn't have to use all that usplash has to offer. If you want to play safe, implement it all and scott can choose what he needs.05:28
Seveastroy_s, looking at gnome-session code, I really don't think a cairo based approach is the right thing to do for a shaped window. I'll look at the gnome splash screen code and try to do a similar thing for the logout window (and maybe even for the gksu window), but that's for edgy+105:30
kwwiiSeveas: the problem with that idea is that it seriously limits the art side of things05:31
Seveaskwwii, why?05:31
kwwiiSeveas: making a picture that looks good even though you cut out certain pieces just doesn't work very often05:31
Seveasah, right05:31
kwwiiwell, it is possible to get the greatest common denominator effect...but that is not ideal05:32
Seveasthen the art team has to summon sabdfl and kamion and make them decide what they want05:33
kwwiiat first, we are going to put something in based on the example theme, then when we slowly move forward with specific ideas and changes05:33
kwwiiSeveas: yeah, that is kinda what I was thinking last night at the meeting05:33
SeveasI liked imbrandons approach05:33
Seveasbtw: for edgy+1 I have a few more usplash ideas (more drawing primitives, better text support) and I'll implement it early in the cycle05:34
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
kwwiiSeveas: cool, sounds good05:44
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoepSeveas: do you have a minute?07:15
fschoepkwwii: I'm here07:15
Seveasfschoep, yes07:16
fschoepGreat, it's about usplash ;)07:17
kwwiifschoep: me too07:19
fschoepOK, nice07:19
fschoepSeveas: I need to get *something* packaged before tonight07:19
fschoepSeveas: can you help me out?07:19
fschoepSeveas: can you also get it into Edgy?07:20
fschoepJust asking as much as I want ;)07:20
SeveasI can package it for you if that's what you mean07:20
fschoepSeveas: I just need a random usplash image for now07:21
Seveasfschoep, easiest thing is to take the example theme from usplash-dev07:21
fschoepSeveas: I have an extremely boring one at hand07:21
kwwiifschoep: are we agreed that both ubuntu and kubuntu will have the same basic theme, only with different pics?07:22
fschoepkwwii: I think so, as long as "ours" fits into the rest of "our" theme ;)07:22
kwwiifschoep: exactly :-)07:22
Seveasfschoep, dennis@ubuntu.com would welcome it07:22
fschoepSeveas: OK, thanks - I'll send it in a minute07:22
Seveasis it .xcf/.svg?07:22
kwwiiSeveas: could we put both the kubuntu and ubuntu stuff in one theme?07:22
fschoepSeveas: XCF07:22
Seveaskwwii, no07:22
fschoepSeveas: both kwwii and I need to get at least *some* picture into Edgy today to please the FF people07:23
kwwiiSeveas: do you think he'd package mine too then? :-)07:23
fschoepSeveas: if you can help me and kwwii out, you'll get two beers next time we meet ;)07:23
Seveaskwwii, you know the address07:23
Seveasfschoep, where in NL do you live? 07:23
fschoepSeveas: Zeeland07:23
Seveasfschoep, hmm, never been there07:24
fschoepSeveas: you do'07:24
fschoepdon't want to go there07:24
kwwiiSeveas: which part of europe do you live in?07:24
fschoepit's flat, empty and about ten people per square mile07:24
Seveaskwwii, NL07:24
Seveasfschoep, I live in lelystad07:24
kwwiihehe, I am surrounded by dutchmen07:24
Seveas60000 people surronded by nothingness07:24
fschoepHehe ;)07:25
fschoepkwwii: sometimes I feel Ze Germanz are taking over Ubuntu with your posse :)07:25
fschoepj/k of course07:25
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@160.183-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoepBut on the topic of work, Seveas if I send you a picture (large resolution) can you get it into Edgy tonight?07:26
fschoepThat would be so awesome07:26
PingunZHey all :)07:26
Seveasdoes it include a picture of a progress bar?07:26
fschoepHey PingunZ how you doing?07:26
PingunZFine, just finished the Blubuntu GDM07:26
fschoepSeveas: Not sure, I don't think so - can you use your example one?07:26
Seveasof course07:26
fschoepPingunZ: I saw it, looking good07:26
Seveasbut it won't fit the kubuntu theme07:26
PingunZThanks fschoep :)07:26
SeveasI forgot again07:27
fschoepSeveas: kwwii: we'll work on getting them in line later on, right now we need to please the FF people ;)07:27
Seveaswhat is the lowest common widescreen resolution?07:27
PingunZSeveas: Could you repeat the commands to use your custom usplash theme ? -> I had an X crash while trying it ;)07:27
Seveas<Seveas> @calc 1280/16*907:28
Seveas<Ubugtu> 72007:28
kwwiiwell, you also have 16:10 on lots of machines07:28
fschoepI honestly don't know anyone with that screen resolution?07:28
=== PingunZ neither
fschoep16:10 is more common I think (props kwwii)07:28
kwwiihehe, the computer I am working on has it07:28
Seveasok, 16:1007:28
fschoepMine as well (macbook)07:29
Seveasnow scale that to a 4:3 resolution07:29
Seveasmeh, I am calculating the wrong way07:29
PingunZ@calc 1280/16*1207:29
PingunZBah, I Shut up :p07:29
fschoepPingunZ: no magic?07:29
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PingunZ@calc 1280/16*1207:30
fschoepNice trick07:30
Seveas@calc 1024/16*907:30
fschoep@calc 1024/16*1007:30
Seveas@calc 768/9*1607:30
PingunZSeveas: Math freak ? :)07:31
Seveasso... 1365x768 scaled to 1024x768 should be nice on widescreen07:31
fschoepYou know what, that Ubugtu guy can sure calculate things fast.07:31
PingunZrofl fschoep that's a bash.org one07:31
fschoepProbably ;)07:32
PingunZYou weren't serious right ?07:32
fschoepSeveas: my "picture" is one color with the logo on it, that's all.07:32
fschoepPingunZ: no07:32
Seveaskwwii, and yours?07:32
PingunZSeveas: I think you missed my question above :: How can I use your custom-usplash-theme ( I had an X crash when you explained me yesterday ) ?07:33
kwwiihere is my idea: http://bootsplash.org/usplash_idea1a.png07:33
SeveasPingunZ, now is not the time -- work to do07:34
SeveasI have 4.5 hours to create 6 usplash themes07:34
PingunZWell, tell me in 5 hours then ;)07:34
PingunZIf you need any help that doesn't require intelligence I'd like to help :)07:35
Seveaskwwii, could you send that to me as xcf, (btw, the contrast between progressbar and its background is too small)07:35
kwwiiI made mine as an SVG...should I send the png files (with the same palette, of course)07:35
kwwiiSeveas: yeah, that is what I thought too07:35
Seveaskwwii, if you send pngs, I need these:07:35
Seveas* Full progressbar07:35
Seveas* Empty one07:35
PingunZkwwii: That mockup with a scrolling logo would be sick :)07:35
Seveas* 800x600 rendering of image without progressbar07:35
Seveas* 1024x768 rendering07:35
kwwiiSeveas: I have versions of all the pics in the example-theme file07:36
Seveas* 1365x768 rendering, preferably even scaled to 1024x768 (NOT with imagemagick)07:36
kwwiiincluding the cropped one07:36
fschoepSeveas: I sent you the "design"07:36
kwwiiSeveas: cool, I'll send you them asap07:36
Seveasthe scaled one in the example is bad07:36
Seveasfschoep, great07:36
kwwiihehe, we had quite a discussion about scaling last time around07:36
fschoepkwwii: tell me about it ;)07:37
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Seveasfschoep, I need the xcf of the theme or the rendering in the 3 resolutions I asked07:58
fschoepSeveas: oh dear, can't you clip the canvas?07:58
fschoepSeveas: I can't imagine an XCF adding a lot more data, but maybe I'm wrong07:59
Seveasfschoep, what's the resolution of the .png (too lazy to look) ;)07:59
fschoepLet me determine08:00
fschoep1600 by 1200 px08:01
Seveasthat'll do08:01
bersaceyoupi ! i have dputed my first package to revu :D08:01
Seveasbtw: shouldn't there be a xubuntu splash too??08:02
fschoepbersace: !08:02
fschoepSeveas: that is a good question, it's not my task to get that one in right now08:02
fschoepSeveas: there are also no Xubuntu developers in the weekly meeting08:03
PingunZAnd what about Edubuntu ?08:05
SeveasI think that if we get ubuntu and kubuntu in, edubuntu and xubuntu can be accepted post-freeze08:05
fschoepSeveas: indeed08:06
fschoepSeveas: I think, but it's only thinking, that Ubuntu and Kubuntu are the more rigidly controlled distro's.08:07
Seveasok, palette created, now to create the images08:07
kwwiiSeveas: sending you pics now08:08
PingunZ-- Me gets exited for the result --08:12
PingunZAnything I can do to help ? -- Not requiring a lot of skills ..08:13
fschoepPingunZ: high contrast icons ;)08:13
PingunZrofl fschoep, sorry I hate to make icons ..08:13
PingunZI listed them for you but I can't make icons ..08:13
fschoepPingunZ: is there a reason for it?08:13
fschoepI've got about five minutes before I need to run elsewhere, anyone want to discuss something right now?08:17
PingunZfschoep: I'm not good in small pictures .. :)08:18
fschoepPingunZ: I see, it's no problem I think bersace is on the ball08:18
bersacefschoep: say what ?08:18
PingunZbersace: Are you the high-contrast icon designer ?08:19
fschoepbersace: we were talking about the highcon icons08:19
bersaceah yes08:19
fschoepbersace: I said to PingunZ you were doing that a bit08:20
PingunZNIce :)08:20
fschoepbersace: going well?08:20
bersacebut i've stopped the work08:20
bersacefor some days08:20
fschoepPhew, no problem ;)08:20
fschoepIs the contact with Henrik going well?08:20
bersace(university registration, gnomescan uplaod to universe, gnome 2.18 roadmap, etc.)08:20
bersacein fact, the laptop i used to do the icon will come back this evening (in few minutes)08:21
fschoepI see :)08:21
bersacethen i'll be able to get back all to icons and work on it again :P08:21
fschoepGood, good, keep it up :)08:21
bersaceI would like to have a SVN at fd.o for a cross desktop highcon icon set08:21
fschoepThat sounds terrific, how did the KDE guys react?08:22
bersacequite well :)08:22
bersaceluckly :P08:22
fschoepDo I need to pitch in, or can Henrik help out maybe?08:22
fschoepSomething like high contrast Tango sounds awesome.08:22
bersacei would like to do something useful and reusable08:23
bersacei'll have to dive into icon-naming-utils and such08:23
fschoepIndeed, that's a great goal to achieve08:24
fschoepAlright, I got to go, it's been nice talking to you. Seveas if you need something to get the job done, mail / ping me or kwwii and we'll help you out immediately.08:25
fschoepThanks a lot again for your time.08:25
Seveasfschoep, it should be done in a fw minutes08:25
fschoepOK, great!08:25
PingunZCool, you're talking about Usplash themes right ?08:25
PingunZCan I test them ??? :)08:25
fschoepSee you soon all08:25
PingunZlaterz fschoep :)08:26
fschoepcu :)08:26
=== kwwii ate dinner....re
=== newz2000 [n=matt@12-216-147-124.client.mchsi.com] has left #ubuntu-artwork ["Talk]
PingunZSeveas: How is the usplash going ? ( You said it would be done in a few minutes, a few minutes ago  :) )08:46
SeveasPingunZ, I discovered a bug in usplash, so I'm fixing that first08:46
=== _ion [i=johan@kiviniemi.name] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZNice :)08:47
_ionBtw, now that gnome-background-properties supports "Style: Zoom", isn't the widescreen version of the Ubuntu background image redundant? Just set the default style for "Ubuntu Lagoon" as "Zoom", and it will work on every screen as expected.08:48
_ionThat also makes it work nicely on a dualscreen setup.08:49
_ionIn case anyone wonders what "Style: Zoom" does: on a 16:9 screen (or 8:3, as in my setup) it crops a 4:3 image from the top and the bottom so that it fits the screen's aspect ratio exactly.08:52
Seveasok bug fixed08:55
=== PseudoPlacebo [n=Placebo@user-12lcr8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZNIce Seveas :)09:00
PingunZArgh, I have the too-long-shift-pressing bug :)09:00
=== msikma [n=msikma@s55933ad4.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
_ionI posted this as a comment to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/edgy-wallpapers/+bug/4538509:05
PingunZOk _ion09:07
Seveaskwwii, ubuntu splash done09:09
Seveasnow for yours ;)09:09
kwwiiI sent you pics with the same indexed colors (unless I screwed up)09:12
PingunZSeveas: Is it the theme you're talking about // can I test it ?09:13
SeveasPingunZ, you can't test it09:13
Seveasright now it will build but not install09:13
Seveaswhich is intentional09:14
Seveasit needs a fixed usplash09:14
PingunZOk, well if I can help testing tell me :)09:14
Seveasotherwise it'll segfault09:14
Seveasno need for testing09:14
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-027-204.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZAh, well I just want to help :)09:30
PingunZIs there any way to shrink a .svg's ?09:30
_ionWhat do you mean by shrink?09:31
PingunZThe size09:32
kwwiiPingunZ: yes, open it in inkscape and then resize it09:32
PingunZSo it loads quicker --> Svg09:32
PingunZ*--> GDM09:32
kwwiihehe, the size of it has nothing to do with the loading time09:32
kwwiithe file size matters09:32
PingunZI meant that09:32
_iongzip it. :-)09:32
kwwiiclick on "clear defs" in the file menu09:32
PingunZOk :)09:32
kwwiigzipping it means it takes longer to load09:32
kwwiiremoving the extra definitions might help a bit09:33
kwwiitry to use primitives whenever possible09:33
kwwiipaths take up space09:33
kwwiiAI actually writes much smaller paths09:33
kwwiiso the file size is much smaller09:33
kwwiiit creates the same look with fewer nodes09:34
PingunZkwwii: Does the page size influence the file size ?09:34
kwwiiPingunZ: nope09:34
PingunZAh ok09:35
PingunZSo I just click vacuum defs09:35
PingunZand that's it ?09:35
kwwiiremove any unused objects and get rid of any layers09:35
PingunZDone that :)09:35
PingunZIts for the blubuntu gdm btw ;)09:35
kwwiicool :-)09:36
kwwiiif you use the same path twice link it from the orig instead of copying and pasting it (but I admit that I am too lazy to do that)09:36
PingunZkwwii: you mean in the xml code of the GDM ?09:37
kwwiiPingunZ: nope, I mean in the SVG itself09:38
PingunZOh, sorry :)09:38
PingunZBah, it loads quick enough now09:38
PingunZI stripped the .xml file, user a .jpg as background, ..09:39
PingunZkwwii: You designed the Suse GDM right ? It only has a 800*600 .jpg picture as background09:41
kwwiiPingunZ: yes, I made it, but no it does not only have that size of image09:42
Seveaskwwii, kubuntu theme finished too09:43
Seveasnow what?09:43
kwwiiSeveas: take a break! have a beer on me :-)09:44
SeveasI though it had to go in today ;)09:44
kwwiiSeveas: thanks so much for taking care of this stuff...it would have taken me 3 times as long09:44
Seveaskwwii, more09:45
Seveasyou wouldn't have succeeded09:45
Seveasbut that's my fault09:45
SeveasThere was a bug in usplash, and one in the example theme09:45
PingunZSeveas: Can I use/test it now ? :P09:45
SeveasPingunZ, neither09:46
Seveasthey will make current usplash segfault09:46
PingunZWhen will I ba able to ?09:46
kwwiithen I really am lucky ;-)09:46
SeveasI'm waiting for a core-dev to upload a fixed usplash09:46
PingunZWhat's the ETA for it to be ready ?09:47
Seveasthe fix is there09:48
Seveasjust needs to be uploaded09:49
PingunZYay, that doesn't take long I hope :)09:49
PingunZSo then we will have it in the repo's and be able to use it ?? :)09:49
Seveaskwwii, pushed some people around, uploads should happen soon10:12
PingunZThen I can just upgrade ? :)10:15
PingunZAny screenshots Seveas ?10:15
kwwiiSeveas: excellent!10:15
SeveasPingunZ, i don't have any vm's lying around for that10:15
Seveasscary though, I had a kubuntu usplash for a while10:16
SeveasEven though I really don't like kde at all10:16
PingunZSeveas: The background image ?10:16
=== PingunZ doesn't like kde either
=== kwwii either
kwwiiI LOVE IT!!!10:17
PingunZkwwii: you don't like gnome then ?10:17
kwwiiPingunZ: no, I have nothing against gnome10:17
PingunZI always get lost in kde :)10:17
kwwiiheck, many of the programs I use are gtk :-)10:18
PingunZKonquerror -> Eww :)10:18
kwwiikonqueror is my favorite part10:18
kwwiisince it can do everything10:18
kwwiiit is like a swiss arm knife of browsing10:18
kwwiiI have one window open with file browsing tabs, websites in tabs, several ftp connections in tabs, and SVN in tabs10:19
PingunZSeveas: Perhaps now you have the time to tell me how to use you custom usplash theme -> the one from the video.10:20
kwwiiopen the embeded terminal too and you are in business10:20
SeveasPingunZ, that probably won't work anymore10:20
kwwiiheck with konqueror you almost do not need the rest of kde anymore :p10:20
PingunZSeveas: Too bad, I liked the look :)10:20
PingunZkwwii: If you type in ' google ' in konquerror, does it automatically links to google.com ?10:21
kwwiiPingunZ: type "gg: searchphrase"10:24
kwwiiin kubuntu, if you only type a phrase in it will use locate:10:26
kwwiiwhich is a local search, naturally10:26
PingunZAh ok10:26
PingunZIs konquerror as quick as FF ?10:27
kwwiito be honest, I never tested the difference10:28
kwwiiI use firefox for certain pages that require it specifically10:29
PingunZping me when its uploaded ;)10:46
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=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoepHi guys11:08
fschoeptroy_s: ping11:08
fschoepkwwii: ping11:08
fschoepSeveas: ping11:08
Seveasfschoep, themes are uploaded11:09
fschoepGodlike, thanks!11:09
fschoepWhich package are they in?11:09
Seveasusplash-theme-ubuntu and kubuntu-default-settings11:09
Seveasthe formr needs NEW massaging, so won't appear right now11:09
kwwiifschoep: pong11:10
fschoepSeveas: OK, but it will make it into Edgy later on?11:10
fschoepkwwii: Hi, everything OK for your usplash?11:10
Seveasyes, as soon as kamion/keybuk make it go through11:10
kwwiifschoep: although I have never seen it in action, I hope so :-)11:10
fschoepSeveas: OK, great - that's exactly what I needed11:10
Seveas(Feel free to poke them for it)11:10
fschoepSeveas: how can I ever pay my gratitude?11:10
Seveaskwwii, I've seen it, it needs work on the tekt colors but that's all11:10
Seveasfschoep, you promised me a beer11:11
fschoepTrue, but is that enough?11:11
Seveasfschoep, come to utrecht next saturday for software freedom day11:11
Seveasyes, a beer will do -- it wasn't that hard11:11
fschoepIt's in?11:11
fschoepUtrecht duh11:11
fschoepIt's too late for me 8)11:11
Seveas5 minutes from utrecht overvecht station11:11
Seveasfrom 12 to 1611:12
SeveasI'll be showcasing usplash ;)11:12
kwwiifschoep: the final pic (before cutting, paletting) is http://bootsplash.org/usplash_idea1-640.png11:12
fschoepSounds doable, but I'm not sure on my schedule11:12
fschoepkwwii: looking good11:12
fschoepSeveas: do you have a link to the schedule?11:12
Seveasthere is no real schedule11:13
Seveas1 room is nllgg meting11:13
Seveas1 room is Ubuntu people11:13
fschoepI see, which building is it in?11:13
Seveaswill have to look that up 11:13
SeveasLiefland College11:14
fschoepI see11:16
fschoepIf I can go, I'll be there11:17
fschoepSeveas: thanks for pointing that out, I hope I can be there11:17
PingunZEek, is the usplash done ?11:18
PingunZand uploaded ?11:18
fschoepPingunZ: seems like it, yes11:19
fschoepIt's a test image11:19
fschoepto replace the test image11:19
PingunZCan I just install it in edgy ? --> What should I do ?11:19
fschoepAsk Seveas, he'll tell you if you ask nicely11:19
PingunZ // what repo11:19
PingunZMister Seveas, How can I install your new beautiful usplash theme in Ubuntu Edgy ? :)11:20
SeveasPingunZ, unly for kubuntu and xubuntu you can use it11:20
Seveasby simply upgrading11:21
Seveasthe ubuntu theme needs archive maintainer love11:21
kwwiiSeveas: I wouldn't mind trying it again on my ppc box11:21
PingunZCan I download the kubuntu theme ? :)11:21
kwwiiI wonder if there is more that I need to do...it never worked since installation11:21
Seveasapt-get install kubuntu-default-settings11:21
kwwiiedgy installation I mean11:22
Seveaskwwii, usplash on ppc has been broken for a long time11:22
Seveasbut should be fixed now11:22
kwwiiI will try it out11:22
kwwiiit cannot be worse than it is :-)11:22
fschoepHey guys, it's been a good day today but I'm thinking about going to sleep, so goodnight everyone.11:23
PingunZ'night fschoep11:23
fschoepThanks, see you all (and thanks again Seveas :) )11:24
PingunZI'm rebooting, to see the usplash theme :D11:24
kwwiifunny, it sees when updating that I have changed my kdm xml file and does not change it, but it replaces the pics I made with the old ones11:26
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@160.183-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZSeveas: Err, I apt-get installed kubuntu-default-settings, I rebooted and I still saw the old usplash11:30
SeveasPingunZ, hmm dpkg -l usplash kubuntu-default-settings11:31
PingunZii  kubuntu-defaul 6.10-28        Default settings and artwork for the Kubuntu11:31
PingunZii  usplash        0.4-20         Userspace bootsplash utility11:31
Seveasthose are old versions11:31
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p54955D59.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Seveasprobably the new ones are waiting to be built and installed into the archive11:31
Seveasso be patient 11:32
PingunZ:'( I installed kubuntu for nothing :)11:32
PingunZBah, I'm going to sleep then11:32
PingunZBye all11:32
kwwiiyeah, mine still has the same mknode errors followed by the incompatible theme message11:33
kwwiiI'll try it again tomorrow morning :-)11:33
kwwiisomething to look forward too11:33

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