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jjessenixternal: did i miss anything good in the mtg?02:21
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nixternaleverything was good at the meeting ;)02:31
jjessegoopd sorry i misssed it02:32
nixternalthe big thing that involved anything remotely with us, was the idea of "seperation" again...but i let every know that they are free to edit wiki and docs02:32
jjesseagreed, i don't understand why they always push for speration, but never contribute to the docs02:32
nixternali shouldn't say 'everyone' either...there was only a couple of the newer members who might not have known the the docs all fall under the Ubuntu Documentation Project02:33
nixternaljjesse: i did the same thing in my infancy here as well02:33
jjessemaybe we need to explain it a bit further02:33
nixternalwell..i think that once the "How to Contribute" comes about as well, it will all fall into a place a little bit more02:34
nixternali know some of the newer members were talking about how docs needed to be edited, thinking that the development team did all of that as well02:34
jjessei hope02:34
nixternali let them know...as for Kubuntu docs, right now there is jjesse, trappist, robotgeek, and me02:35
nixternalthat do a majority right now02:35
jjesseand anyone can feel free to submit patches :)02:35
LaserJockis there any "Contributing to Kubuntu" material on the wiki or something?02:35
nixternalya, i let them know02:35
nixternalLaserJock: there is, but very 'eh' at best02:35
jjessei think so02:35
nixternalit is old too, as there is Kubuntu Docs, Kubuntu LoCo, and Kubuntu Marketing02:36
jjessewow its old: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu02:36
nixternalutilizing Andreas' work, I will probably either create Kubuntu specific doco on that topic for the wiki02:36
LaserJockwell, no matter what you do people will always be like "I have a great idea, lets for a new team for docs" ;-)02:36
jjesseneeds some loving02:36
jjessehmm its all setup for dapper :(02:37
nixternalya...you know what..i thought the whole "lets create a team to do..." was cool for a while..but after hanging out here, in this channel alone, has made me aware of some 'not so good' ideas ;)02:37
nixternali know one thing that Riddell and myself talked about was creating a doc "Kubuntu on the Web" that is similar to the "KDE on the Web" doc..this will link a lot of the Kubuntu specific pages/locations02:38
jjesse+1 to that02:38
LaserJockI haven't heard of "KDE on the Web"02:39
nixternalim definitely planning on making it look better than the current KDE version as well..as that is pretty vanilla02:39
LaserJockgot a URL?02:39
nixternalKHelpCenter ;)02:39
LaserJockoh really?02:39
nixternallemme grab a url for you as well02:39
LaserJockwell, I'll get edgy Kubuntu soon02:39
LaserJockmy edgy Edubuntu is 3 min from being done02:40
LaserJockthen I'll aptitude install kubuntu-desktop02:40
nixternalthat isn't it, but that is neat02:51
nixternalheh, that is it ;)02:53
nixternalsomething along the lines of those 202:55
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nixternalrobotgeek!  hey, were you still interested in splitting up the KDG in order to get it done by next week?05:15
nixternalalrighty...sling me some chapters and i will work away05:15
nixternalmaybe post it on the the list, so we don't get some cross-work going on05:16
robotgeekjjesse has already done most of the work, i guess. 05:16
robotgeekthe partions chapter needs to be relooked at. 05:16
robotgeekand i am not sure how the nvidia/ati stuff has changed. other than that, we seem to be okay. 05:17
robotgeekno new additions, though. 05:17
nixternalso, nothing needs to be added to those, just looked over?05:18
nixternalno new additions, as in new chapters05:18
nixternalgot it05:18
robotgeekyes, unless we want to add new material. :)05:18
nixternali don't think there should be anything new05:19
nixternalnothing has really changed since dapper05:19
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robotgeekcool, then mostly looking over stuff, i guess05:19
nixternalalrighty...i will work on the partition and vid sections then05:20
robotgeeki will look and see how the add remove stuff has changed, if at all05:20
nixternalit hasn't changed really05:20
nixternalsystem settings is the only thing that has really changed, and probably needs/needed redocumenting in a sort05:21
robotgeekthere is not much about system settings anyway. 05:21
nixternalpower management, printer sharing, hotkeys are small sections if needed at all as well05:21
robotgeekmaybe mention it to change resolution or so. 05:21
robotgeeknot sure, i will take a look at it tommorow, and see if something needs to be added. i havent seen edgy yet, sadly05:22
robotgeeknixternal: cool, if you can take care of that, i will take care of the rest :)05:24
nixternalsure..i can help out anywhere you need me to on it05:24
nixternalim taking care of the "about kubuntu" as well, ans started the "release notes" which jjesse has just added a patch to as well05:25
nixternalactually...about kubuntu wasn't much/isn't much anyways..version changes, and a rewording of support really05:25
robotgeekunfortunately, i havent had time of late. maybe next time around05:25
nixternaledgy isn't getting long term support, since the whole idea behind it is to be the foundation of future releases05:25
nixternalare you back in school or what?05:26
robotgeekno, still working till this month end. school (hopefully) from jan05:26
nixternalahh..i thought maybe you headed back for a second..but maybe i remember reading your blog about a job as well05:27
robotgeekyeah. thats keeping me busy (as it should)05:28
robotgeekanyways, i'll be back again tommorow05:28
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philbullHey guys12:29
philbullI have a question...12:29
philbullwhat would be required to get a product added to launchpad for the switching from windows guide?12:30
philbullwould it need to be accepted into ubuntu-docs?12:31
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jjessenixternal: sent an email to you and mdke about getting you setup w/ svn access05:14
jsgotangcofile it on the request tracker, it'll be much faster, unless (i do not know) mdke can actually create svn accounts now05:15
jjessei don't know how to file it on the request tracker05:17
mdkei'll do it, sure05:19
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jjessethanks mdke05:29
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mdkempt: has the Yelp online search feature been implemented for Edgy? If so, would you open a bug to remove the "Online documentation" entry in the Help menu?08:29
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Burgworkmdke, yes08:48
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mdkeBurgwork: yes to my question to mpt?09:44
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mdkeBurgwork: as in, it searches the Ubuntu help wiki as a fallback?10:14
Burgworkmdke, yes, ask shaunm for more details10:15
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mdkeBurgwork: well, I know the feature exists in yelp, I want to know if it has been patched for Ubuntu to work with our documentation site10:57
mdkeI don't think shaun will know10:58
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Burgworkmdke, jdub did the work on the gnome side10:59
mdkeBurgwork: I think we're at cross purposes. I am aware it works with Gnome, I want to know if it has been modified to work with ubuntu11:12
Burgworkmdke, the plan is for it to work with distros11:15
Burgworkjust a sec, let me get you a link11:16
mdkeBurgwork: yes, it was designed to, and does work with our help wiki. I just want to know if yelp has been patched already11:23
Burgworkhmm, no idea11:23
Burgworkask seb128 or dholbach11:23
Burgworkmdke, what is the default svn commit message editor in ubuntu?11:44
Burgworkneed to set it in FC4 here11:44
mdkeBurgwork: not sure. It's nano on dapper, I'm fairly sure11:51
mdkeit's determined by whatever is the default editor11:51
Burgworkcan you believe that FC4 doesn't have EDITOR or VISUAL set?11:53
mdkeI don't know much about it, but I don't have either of those on my dapper11:54
mdkeif they are environment variables11:54
Burgworkthey are. SVN is apparently looking for them11:55
Burgworkdo you have SVN_EDITOR set?11:55
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mdkeBurgwork: no, it just uses the default system editor11:57
Burgworkapparently FC4 has no concept of that11:59

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