
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== Burgwork [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== matthewrevell [i=synchron@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
matthewrevellHey guys, I've had a story in the mod queue for over a day now ... anyone around to review it?09:37
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-5-110.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
jonohey all10:48
matthewrevellJust me atm, I think10:49
matthewrevellYou sound disappointed. I am offended. You gimp10:49
jonoI am gonna need to post some content to the fridge in the future, so can I join your secret club please?10:50
=== jono thwacks matthewrevell
matthewrevellHmm, I'm not sure we want your sort10:50
matthewrevellI'll have to refer it to the secret command structure10:50
jonoso how do I go about joining? I looked for an LP team and found nothing I could join10:50
matthewrevellBasically, post a message to fridge-devel saying you think it'd be useful if you could be an editor10:50
matthewrevellThere is an LP team.10:50
matthewrevellHang on10:50
jonook cool10:51
matthewrevellRight, once your message is on the list, I'll reply to it saying of course you should join, and then Robitalle will add you to the list, provided no one objects :)10:51
matthewrevellI can set you up on the CMS10:51
matthewrevellWe have an informal system where the person who writes a story doesn't publish it.10:52
matthewrevellSo we, go for peer-review10:52
matthewrevellThat is a pain some times - e.g. I've been waiting for over a day to have a story reviewed - but has helped in the past10:52
matthewrevellMostly it's me, sladen and nixternal who are active atm10:52
jonothere is no fridge-devel on lists.ubuntu.com10:53
matthewrevellnah, it's a secret list.10:53
matthewrevellThat's another debate we've been having :)10:53
jonosecret list?10:53
matthewrevellpop an email to fridge-devel@lists.ubuntu.com and it will get to the list, I promise :)10:53
matthewrevellYou have to be invited to join10:53
matthewrevellSome of us are pushing to have it opened up10:53
jonothats nuts10:53
jonoseems I wasnt joking about your secret club10:53
matthewrevellas it doesn't seem very Ubuntu-ish10:53
matthewrevellIt's the way it was set up10:53
jonowhat is the justification for it to be secret?10:54
jonothere is no reason why it can't be a closed list if needed10:54
matthewrevellThe other guys are split roughly 50/50 between those who really want it to be open (like me) and those who don't really mind10:54
whiprushmorning guys....10:54
matthewrevellMorning whiprush10:54
jonoso do I just send a mail there and it will get moderated?10:54
matthewrevellNah, anyone can post10:54
jonowhiprush, hey dude :)10:54
jonogood work on ubucon :)10:54
jonook cool10:54
matthewrevellBut that's another thing for discussion, tbh10:54
whiprushshould I approve you on the launchpad team?10:55
matthewrevellIt results in a lot of spam10:55
matthewrevellwhiprush: Can you add jono to the ml?10:55
matthewrevellOr is Robitaille the only one with privs?10:55
whiprushnope, daniel is the ML guy iirc.10:55
whiprushI can do the launchpad thing though10:55
jonook let me join the LP team10:56
whiprush.. and done.10:57
matthewrevellwelcome berado10:58
matthewrevellbeardo, of course10:58
whiprushyou guys are killing me10:58
whiprushnew season please.10:58
matthewrevellrecorded on Weds :)10:58
matthewrevellOut Monday10:58
whiprushIf have to go on Ted Haeger alone I am going to go fucking insane.10:59
matthewrevellwhiprush: Are you able to review/approve a Fridge story?11:01
whiprushare you not able to?11:02
jonook sent the mail11:02
whiprushthought I gave you carte blanche for the CMS11:02
jonowhiprush, :P11:02
matthewrevellYeah, but I wrote it, so just wanted  someone to cast their eyes over it first11:02
whiprushmatthewrevell: ok, I'll check it out.11:02
matthewrevelljono: Right, now I need to think of reasons not to let you in11:02
matthewrevellwhiprush: Cheers :)11:02
=== whiprush does something, for once.
jonomatthewrevell, damn you, you little angry bastard11:03
matthewrevellDid you know Shuttleworth was considered for the South African version of The Apprentice?11:04
matthewrevell"You're fired, in a spirit of humanity"11:04
whiprushmatthewrevell: posted. I put the quote in a blockquote11:06
whiprushbecause our blockquote css rocks.11:06
matthewrevellOh, it wasn't a quote tho :)11:06
matthewrevellIt maybe shouldn't have been a bullet either.11:06
matthewrevellI'll grab the actual quote and update it11:07
matthewrevellThanks for approving that.11:07
=== whiprush nods
matthewrevellI've got a load more to go in the queue :)11:07
whiprushmatthewrevell: dude you guys have been rocking and rolling the fridge, I am going to buy you so many beers at the next LRL.11:08
matthewrevellI admit that I posted the Apprentice story mostly because the bloke who actually took the role is called Tokyo Sexwale11:08
whiprushthat name is comedy gold.11:09
=== jono is joining at just the right time it seems :)
whiprushmatthewrevell: the link to my page is wrong on the ohiolinux story, I'm going to fix it11:09
matthewrevellOoh, that's a pain11:10
whiprushI wonder if that forbes story will make it to their print edition11:13
matthewrevellIs Forbes *the* business mag in the States?11:14
whiprushit's big one11:14
whiprushthat and Fortune11:14
whiprushjono: will you be coming to the gnome summit in october?11:16
jonowhiprush, unlikely, I am only holiday for part of it11:19
jonoI would love to go though11:19
jonoI might ask Mark when I speak to him next11:20
whiprushjono: next year then11:37
jonowhiprush, yeah! :)11:37
jonowhiprush, good work on the Offical Ubuntu Book btw, its kicking ass :)11:37
jonois there a fridge post about the book?11:37
whiprushthere's been a few.11:38
whiprushnot recently though11:38
jonoincidentally, part of the reason why I am applying for fridge editorial kudos right now is that I need to post something soon to get more submissions for an update to the community chapter in the book to be shipped with edgy11:38
jonoI will write up a post to give to you guys soon11:38
whiprushI met debra at linuxworld.11:38
whiprushI've got two guys chomping at the bit to do some work for her11:39
matthewrevelljono: While you're waiting for your Drupal account, send the story to the fridge-devel list.11:40
jonowhiprush, :)11:41
jonomatthewrevell, cool, need to get some other stuff done first, then I will :)11:41
matthewrevelljono: no rush dude :)11:42
whiprushjono: debra is great, she took me and corey (and three of our friends) to a nice fancy sushi place as thanks for working on the book. It was great.11:43
whiprushshe sent me a stipend too, which was nice, I guess silbs forgot to mention that I would have done it for free, heh.11:43
jonoshe is awesome I love her to bits, she does a great job :)11:47
matthewrevellwhiprush: would it be a pain for you to look another Fridge story?11:52
whiprushmatthewrevell: rock me dude. On it.11:54
matthewrevellCheers :)11:55
whiprushmatthewrevell: linkage to some of the speakers would help11:56
matthewrevellwhiprush: Fair point.11:57
matthewrevellwhiprush: I'll bung some in.11:57
whiprushAn ubuntu printing guy too, lets hope he never quits.11:58
matthewrevellwhiprush: much linkage now :)12:11
whiprushmatthewrevell: off to work, bbiab12:16
sladenmorning guys.  ahhh, jono, good to see you aorund these parts12:40
jonohey sladen :)12:40
jonosladen, hows tricks pal ?12:41
sladennice to see you doing some work for a change :P12:41
jonosladen, you know, you can go off people... :P12:41
=== mrDaniel_ [n=daniel@d049139.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
matthewrevellsladen: hey12:41
sladenmatthewrevell: is it worth expanding that Forbes one with the inaccuracies  (see http://lwn.net/Articles/198459/)12:42
matthewrevell/me check lwn12:42
sladenmatthewrevell: I like the way took the Apprentice line12:42
matthewrevellIcouldn't resist Tokyo Sexwale12:42
sladenjono: 04:58 <imbrandon> sladen, when is a good time for you to hash out some podcast ideas and schedule some times to recored, i really wanna get that rockin BEFORE the edgy release12:43
matthewrevellsladen: The LWN comments don't really raise anything I hadn't noticed. I mean, the article itself (the Forbes one) isn't really that exciting, it's just The Apprentice bit that's interesting.12:44
sladenjono: do you think you could hash out something with him.12:44
sladenmatthewrevell: yup indeedie12:44
matthewrevellIf you think it's important, please say :)12:44
jonosladen, sure, I was thinking of doing some interviews ready for release :)12:44
sladenjono: if you get can sort interviews, I'm happy to fire up audacity and edit them12:46
matthewrevellsladen: Is this the buntudots (as was) podcast?12:46
jonosladen, whatever is easiest - I can always record and edit them here if needed, I can record phone calls here y'see :)12:46
sladenjono: edit as in, remove the 'buts', 'umms', pauses... I would like a really quality result12:46
jonoyeah :)12:46
sladenjono: even if that means cutting a 20 minute interview down to 512:46
imbrandonmoins fellas01:41
jonoimbrandon, hey :)01:54
=== Burgwork [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== Burgwork [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@ubuntu/member/nixternal] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@] has joined #ubuntu-fridge

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