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bimberielkbuntu: ping02:28
bimberielkbuntu: initial thought - making it 4 pages or less would be good - then they can be either 2 double-sided sheets or a single if shrunk to A502:30
=== hybrid [n=x@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
bimberielkbuntu: applies to current users survey only (of course) :)02:33
elkbuntubimberi, i know.. but you try decide what on the current users to throw out please?02:34
bimberielkbuntu: nothing.  perhaps by doubling up the answer lists in places - for example the answer parts in questions 7 to 16 could be formated like question 202:37
elkbuntuhmm. i'll try that02:38
bimberielkbuntu: btw, sorry i've not been able to help with it, sfd has soaked up my spare time :|02:39
elkbuntuthats ok, i understand. you and the others have been really busy with all this.. in fact, nobody in the loco has done much else lately02:40
elkbuntukarl has helped me though so :)02:40
bimberibbl (~30 min)02:40
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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elkbuntubimberi, done :D .. thinking of that at 3am was a little bit of a big ask ;)03:24
bimberielkbuntu: cool.  i hadn't noticed the email time :o03:37
bimberielkbuntu: i haven't actually been able to go through the questions yet but will try to do so and get back to you by 12:3003:39
elkbuntuk. i'll send you the updated pdf now03:39
Burgundaviawhiprush: do you run popcon your servers?04:03
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whiprushBurgundavia: no just my desktops. should I?07:00
Burgundaviawhiprush: just wondered if you had good stats on the gnome-games stuff, to see waht is being run07:01
whiprushnot a gnome-game07:02
whiprushbut by far, the most popular one07:02
Burgundaviatoo bad upstream is mostly dead07:03
Burgundaviait was proposed for gnome 2.607:03
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bimberi_elkbuntu: ping07:52
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elkbuntuoh poop.. *me shakes fist at mother for stealing time*09:06
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=== Burgwork [n=corey@d64-180-214-139.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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Klaidasmenza's eytest is just brilliant08:30
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=== MagicFab is now known as MagicFab_BRB
=== gaz00 [n=gaz00@HSE-Montreal-ppp128243.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
ompaulBurgwork, I have not seen a big rush to do thi UWN this week10:03
Burgworkompaul, this evening10:15
ompaulBurgwork, ahh, when I am in bed ;-)10:49
=== tonyyarusso [n=anthony@dialup-] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgworkompaul, feel free to work on it as much as you want until then10:59
=== MagicFab_BRB is now known as MagicFab
MagicFabI guess this is "good" news11:03
MagicFabLast paragraph: "So here's a modest proposal: Boycott Vista. Keep your old Windows XP PC around. Don't buy a new one. That's the only way we have to let Microsoft know Vista is an overhyped, late, and pointless update to XP - a perfectly fine operating system."11:03
=== MagicFab is now known as MagicFab_8pm

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