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BHSPitMonkeyhi all10:45
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bersacetroy_s: hi brother !11:46
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@160.183-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZping Seveas: I upgraded this morning, no new usplash yet ?11:48
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=== PingunZ pokes Seveas *poke* *poke*
PingunZIs the ubuntu-usplash theme uploaded // can we start using it // how ?11:59
Seveasyes it is uploaded11:59
Seveasdon't know about build status yet11:59
PingunZWhat package should I download , once its in the repo's12:01
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=== zengunz is now known as PingunZ
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=== Chipzz [i=chipzz@ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Chipzzpeople, no offense meant, but the new gnome splash screen totally sucks05:27
troy_sit is in a state of flux05:28
Chipzz17:22 < Chipzz> and some people do have other backgrounds than the standard brown, so it is *NOT* ok to have semi-anti-aliassed corners half  part of the splash05:28
ChipzzI have a blue background, and the brown corners are like a sore05:28
troy_sWell let's see...05:28
troy_sChanging the splash is as easy as changing the wallpaper.05:29
troy_s2) It is completely unpolished, so expect once things get more settled, those little details will be repaired.05:29
troy_sIt's not a terribly easy item.05:29
Chipzzluckily I don't reboot very often ;)05:30
Chipzzthe old splash didn't have the problem with the corners?05:30
troy_sthe problem is that the source images for the dump were in 8 bit alpha05:30
troy_sand gdm splashes only support 1 bit alpha05:30
troy_sso that all needs to be trimmed.05:30
_ionIt would be nice if all the occurances of the word "ubuntu" were e.g. white instead of black against a darkish brown background.05:30
troy_s_ion indeed, but to maintain consistency with the previous versions, black was mandated.05:31
Chipzzok, so05:31
troy_sChipzz so to sort out the corners is a simple adjustment.05:31
Chipzzis the default gnome splash still shipped anywhere?05:31
troy_sIt is easy enough to pull up.05:31
ChipzzI think that will work better with my background anyway :)05:32
_ion/usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-smooth.png *rules*, and it's white. :-)05:32
troy_slet me look _ion05:32
PingunZ-- Talking about splashes, I need someone to create a basic background image for splashes. ( like gnome, openoffice, screem, gimp, xara,... ). I'll do the text and some logo's. I just need a background image.05:32
troy_s_ion, do you have a link to it?05:33
_iontroy: http://johan.kiviniemi.name/tmp/ubuntu-smooth05:34
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PingunZEek, is that the current splash ?05:35
troy_sPingunZ - no05:35
PingunZAh ok :)05:36
Chipzzhrrm damn05:36
troy_sanyways, the lsplash will see the most adjustment in the near future05:36
ChipzzI thought this was gonna be the new gnome (upstream) splash05:36
Chipzzor something alike05:36
PingunZChipzz: I was in the team who made that splash05:36
troy_sdon't know much about upstream05:36
troy_sbut it doesn't apply to ubuntu05:37
ChipzzPingunZ: the ubuntu splash or the upstream splash?05:37
PingunZChipzz: There is a bigger and better version if want so ?05:37
ChipzzPingunZ: is that actually a splash screen, or more some kind of banner?05:37
PingunZgnome.org splash -> two-point-sixteen05:37
troy_schipzz so hang in there re the splash.05:37
PingunZerr .. its a banner ;)05:37
ChipzzPingunZ: and there is no splash screen variant I presume? :S05:38
PingunZChipzz: http://www.gnome.org/img/flash/two-sixteen.png05:38
PingunZI'll see if I can find the source images05:38
ChipzzPingunZ: to be usable as a splash screen I guess it would need to be wider and taller too05:39
PingunZChipzz: Its large enough05:39
Chipzztaller to accomodate space for the icons of metacity and gnome-panel etc05:39
ChipzzPingunZ: btw, I really your work on that - great job! :)05:40
troy_sblue is a little dated no?05:40
PingunZChipzz: I didn't make it, I just helped making it05:41
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troy_saqua, xp, etc.05:41
PingunZChipzz: I can't find the source images, sorry ..05:41
Chipzztroy_s: I have the gnome glassfoot background image, and gdm theme, so that would work perfect for me :)05:41
PingunZBut feel free to edit the image and make a splash of it ;)05:41
Chipzzalas, I'm really bad with graphics ; and without the gimp source files, I really doubt I could make much of it :/05:42
troy_schipzz gnome-look probably has a plethora of images in blue for you.05:43
troy_sgreetings n7cee05:43
ChipzzPingunZ: do you know anyone who might have them?05:43
PingunZChipzz: Try gnome-look.org05:44
PingunZor you could join Gimpnet -> #marketing05:44
PingunZand ask for the source files05:44
PingunZOr gimpnet -> #gnome-art05:45
troy_sthe channel has been busier of late.05:45
PingunZhey n7cee05:45
PingunZtroy_s: This channel ? Indeed :)05:45
PingunZThat's good right ?05:45
troy_sone would think.05:47
PingunZtroy_s: What do you mean ? You prefer this channel to be more silent ?05:48
troy_sno, i think it is great that more people have been popping by.05:48
PingunZAh ;) I didn't understand you :)05:49
PingunZBtw, Do you know if the ubuntu-usplash-theme is in the repo's yet ?05:50
troy_swhich one05:55
=== Chipzz gone again
=== Chipzz [i=chipzz@ace.ulyssis.student.kuleuven.be] has left #ubuntu-artwork []
PingunZtroy_s: wasn't se veas ( don't want to ping him ) working on it yesterday ?06:14
troy_soh yes...06:16
troy_sfrank got him the _bare_ minimum06:16
troy_sbut it will take some dev time06:16
troy_ssev i believe was integrating it.06:16
troy_sbut it is far from complete.06:16
PingunZPh, I see06:22
PingunZWell, I'm out, latez06:22
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BHSPitMonkeyhi hi07:39
=== cbx33 [n=node50@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
cbx33Does usplash have completed artwork yet?07:48
cbx33or is it still the testing screen07:48
BHSPitMonkeyclarify what you mean?07:49
cbx33well, my usplash is the edgy eft starting screen07:49
=== BHSPitMonkey [n=stephen@adsl-68-95-246-24.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_scbx33 testing still.09:39
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@160.183-240-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZHey, I made some splashes : http://pingunz.deviantart.com/10:14
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=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p549558C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
cbx33kwwii is there actually a proper usplash artwork done yet?10:47
kwwiicbx33: yes, but we will still be working on improving it10:48
kwwiiwe have only yesterday included the first stuff10:48
cbx33why am I not seeing any proper usplash images?10:49
kwwiicbx33: it is broken on my machine too, no idea why10:50
cbx33ahhh ok10:50
kwwiiin fact, I cannot find anyone who has it working10:51
cbx33i just wanted to see waht is looked like10:51
cbx33so I can make the edubuntu ones look alike10:51
kwwiiboth ubuntu and kubuntu are based on the example theme now10:53
cbx33is that in the usplash-dev file?10:53
cbx33ok I'll grab that10:54
cbx33but as far as you know usplash is broken?10:54
kwwiiwell, as I said, I cannot find anyone who has it working10:54
kwwiiI have not seen it yet, only put in some pis and hoped for the best :-)10:54
cbx33we had a bit of a hiccup on our artwork side10:55
kwwiihow so?10:55
cbx33well everyone said they were interested in helping scarpered10:55
cbx33and one of our team who we thought had done some work10:55
cbx33hadn't had time to do any10:55
cbx33so we're a little behind10:56
cbx33I have a lot of it done10:56
cbx33still working away10:56
cbx33tomorrow will be "produce" day10:56
kwwiiI know that feeling10:56
troy_sgreets boys10:56
cbx33how did kubuntu art go this release?#10:56
cbx33hi troy_s10:57
cbx33like the final sounds?10:57
kwwiihey man10:57
troy_shey ken, how goes it?10:57
troy_scbx33 yes... i think they are a step in the right direction10:57
troy_sit is a tricky line to walk between organic and too cultural feeling10:58
kwwiigood troy, glad to have at least a basic version of all the artwork done by feature freeze ;-)10:58
troy_sthe latter risks cliches and such.10:58
troy_skwwii yes indeed.10:58
kwwiiI can take a nice wieekend off without doing too much10:58
troy_syeah i was a little upset that a rather kludged lsplash got in, but my time can only come on the weekends currently.10:59
kwwiiof course, I spent the day buying 400Euros in lamps and drilling holes in my walls to install them :-)10:59
troy_scbx33 how goes edubuntu artwork?10:59
troy_show come?10:59
kwwiimy wife wanted new lighting10:59
troy_scbx33 it sounded a little chaotic last thing i heard about it.10:59
troy_swell i guess that about says it doesn't it kwwii?  lol11:00
kwwiihehe, no shit :-)11:00
cbx33edubuntu artwork is def getting there11:00
troy_skwwii any word on the aic for edgy+1 yet?11:00
troy_sthanks cbx33 i was just asking it as you typed it.11:00
kwwiitroy_s: nope, I guess that will be figured out in california in november11:00
cbx33that's an idea for the higher education wallpaper11:01
cbx33we have three wallpapers in our artwork pacakge11:01
troy_scbx33 do you have a study of all the work thus far?11:01
troy_sor is it scattered?11:01
cbx33higher_ed, school, and lower school11:01
cbx33it is pretty scatter11:01
cbx33read above :(11:01
troy_sis there a study available for each with a screenshot?11:02
cbx33we had big problems11:02
troy_syes... too bad more folks from edubuntu didn't step in line.11:02
troy_subuntu and kubuntu were pretty on sched11:02
cbx33so Lisa and I are working last minute11:02
cbx33troy_s nice ;)11:02
troy_sof course, the former needs to wait umpteen hours for sabdfl email and such...11:02
troy_scbx33 i hope it works out for edubuntu, it really is a great project and a harmonious look could greatly aid its adoption.11:03
troy_skwwii calif?  uck.11:03
BHSPitMonkeyhi all11:03
troy_shello BHSPitMonkey - how are you?11:04
cbx33of course we'll get there ;)11:04
troy_skwwii i think mark is already pondering the aic position now.11:04
kwwiitroy_s: yeah, I can imagine so11:05
troy_si think i am going to buy a 22 inch widescreen monitor11:05
troy_sand drop my tools and such onto the 1711:05
kwwiihehe, I thought about the same thing today11:05
troy_sdual heading for xara and such11:06
troy_sinkscape has blur too... did you hear about that yet kwwii?11:06
troy_sslider in the fill dialog11:06
BHSPitMonkeytroy_s, good, thanks11:06
kwwiithe thing is this: all the different buntus have different teams and different needs, so having one aic that does everything for all fo them is perhaps a bit unrealistic11:06
kwwiitroy_s: actually, I built the newest stuff and saw that11:07
troy_sthe rendering in the toolshed is a little uck, but11:07
BHSPitMonkeyheh, that higher education wallpaper has source code built right in :)11:07
BHSPitMonkeyguess it's gpl friendly11:07
kwwiiit made me look twice when I saw the slider11:07
troy_skwwii is that his plan?11:07
cbx33BHSPitMonkeymy source code ;)11:07
troy_si don't think that is his plan by any stretch.11:07
kwwiitroy_s: no, it is just my opinion11:07
troy_si think he intends to appoint an AiC for every release to get folks familiar with the system11:07
troy_sof course, the aic for ubuntu is _completely_ different than that of the others.11:08
kwwiiyeah, that is what he said....but I think that that position is more for ubuntu than anything else11:08
troy_sThe AiC?11:08
kwwiiI think he can hire one aic for ubuntu and then hire artists for his other needs11:08
troy_sThe aic i believe he wants to continue for at least both.11:08
troy_snot 100% sure, but pretty close to it.11:09
kwwiiwell, for instance, if the aic did both, who would do the artwork for kubuntu?11:09
troy_si think his goal was to have an aic for each.11:09
kwwiiI did not realize that11:09
cbx33would make sense11:09
troy_sas in, ubu aic and kubu aic just like this cycle.11:09
cbx33and edu get one....probably not11:10
troy_si believe he also has a longer term goal to establish a higher11:10
kwwiifrom what I understood in paris, it will be one person for all, and perhaps an artist or two on top11:10
kwwiiwell, not on top, but below .-911:10
kwwiiyeah, that is what I meant11:10
troy_sthere will eventually be someone above the aic's it sounds like, but right now i think the idea is to get infrastructure in place11:10
troy_sneed to get a good set of design docs out there.11:11
cbx33a "paid" aic would be better11:11
cbx33would be able to devote more time to the project11:12
troy_swell paid is good, but ultimately the job description needs to be fully fleshed out11:12
cbx33which is another reason why lisa struggled11:12
troy_sincluding the drafting and implementation of design docs11:12
cbx33had so much paid work to do11:12
troy_swe all do11:12
cbx33she had to prioritise11:12
troy_sof course.11:12
cbx33did any of the other aic's get paid this release?11:12
troy_sif you pay someone to generate work though, it is very short lived.11:12
troy_scbx33 i don't know.11:13
cbx33well lisa is actually doing a lot of the work11:13
troy_sthe structure is far more important in terms of long term goals.11:13
cbx33of course11:13
troy_skwwii might have more insight into that as he is one of them11:13
kwwiihehe, yes, I am being paid11:13
troy_skwwii is the official AiC for kubuntu for edgy+111:13
cbx33well that kinda sux11:14
troy_si must clean my bloody keyboard.11:14
cbx33good on you kwwii11:14
kwwiitroy_s: hehe, I wish11:14
kwwiiI am only official for edgy11:14
cbx33but I'm a little dissapointed that there were no funds for edubuntu11:14
kwwiiI did dapper (at the end of the cycle) and now edgy11:14
troy_scbx33 well considering there was exactly _zero_ art team at the start of edgy11:14
troy_sit isn't really a shocker11:14
kwwiicbx33: I truly think that edubuntu needs more artistic support11:15
cbx33you mean for edubuntu?11:15
troy_sthe artwork structure and such really came online in edgy.11:15
troy_skwwii -- well that is the goal -- pool artistic resources11:15
cbx33we tried to get people involved but no one was interested11:15
troy_sthe single warrior model isn't terrific11:15
cbx33hence I'm working with Lisa on it tomorrow ;)11:15
kwwiicbx33: it is too small of a market to interest enough users which are artists, I think11:15
cbx33hopefully something may happen for lisa next release if we manage to pull out all the sotps tomorrow11:16
cbx33I know she's love to work even part time on it11:16
troy_si don't know about that.  the buntu's are a tidal wave11:16
cbx33well I'm off to bed11:16
troy_saight... get some rest.11:16
cbx33early start tomorro11:16
troy_sbe good cbx3311:17
cbx33take cae guys11:17
kwwiicbx33: night, see you:-)11:17
PingunZWow, has been active last 15 minutes11:17
PingunZJust when I was gone -_-11:17
troy_s117 folks on the launchpad tracker now.11:18
kwwiioh now that you are here ...........11:18
troy_sthat's pretty bonkers.11:18
kwwiihehe, no doubt11:18
kwwiimy wife is watching female boxing. freaky11:18
kwwiishe likes boxing a lot11:18
PingunZkwwii: rofl11:18
PingunZShe practices on you ?11:18
BHSPitMonkeyPingunZ, have you had any usplash-related luck11:19
PingunZBHSPitMonkey: ?11:19
troy_skwwii do you have a screener of the current usplash for kub/ub?11:19
BHSPitMonkeydo you have the new usplash working for you, with a pretty theme?11:19
troy_si think frank got the work off to sev.eas11:19
PingunZBHSPitMonkey: Not yet, I haven't been told how to..11:20
troy_si imagine sev.eas is dreading having submitted those usplash refinements... testing is going to be a nightmare.11:20
kwwiitroy_s: nope, I made the pis, but I cannot get it running (or find anyone who could)11:20
BHSPitMonkeywell, I got usplash-dev or whatever11:20
BHSPitMonkeyand compiled the example11:20
troy_skwwii do you have a code snippit?11:20
kwwiifrank and I got our stuff done in time (and Seveas was nice enough to help and package it)11:20
troy_si still need to get edgy up on bloody vmware-player11:20
PingunZtroy_s: Why not a partition ?11:20
troy_sseveas has really pushed a massive rock up a hill.11:21
PingunZIts really stable, its my prymary os11:21
kwwiitroy_s: the usplash theme for kubuntu is in kubuntu-default-settings11:21
PingunZkwwii: What is it in for ubuntu ?11:21
kwwiihe has done a great job, and was really patient11:21
Seveastroy_s, the victim is the other thing you asked me to look at11:21
=== BHSPitMonkey is running Knot 2, from a partition he dedicated to distro testing :)
troy_spingunz:  because i don't like rebooting and my sata drives don't like it either apparently.11:21
kwwiiPingunZ: not sure, you would have to ask frank11:21
troy_sthe victim?11:21
troy_sc'est la vie.  with a dead end, where would we travel?11:21
troy_si got the rounder in on the gdm at least.11:22
PingunZSeveas: What package is the ubuntu usplash theme in // how can I enable it ?11:22
SeveasI'll look at it again for fuzzy11:22
SeveasPingunZ, for ubuntu the package is not through NEW yet11:22
Seveasfor kubuntu it's in kubuntu-default-settings11:22
troy_spingunz -- ubuntu is a little more, eyes on fries so to speak11:22
kwwiihttp://bootsplash.org/usplash_idea1-800.png is the current kubuntu stuff11:23
troy_swhich, ultimately, is a good thing.11:23
PingunZthat looks nice11:23
Seveaskwwii, riddell made it th xubuntu splash too ;)11:23
troy_skwwii do you have any studies/sheets of the general look for kub yet?11:23
kwwiiSeveas: to be honest, I thought we should simply use the offical logo for each and a simple throbber or progress bar :-)11:24
troy_sas in a recent screener set or something?11:24
Seveaskwwii, I agree11:24
troy_skwwii i think frank went sole logo11:24
kwwiitroy_s: I have put a few shots on the nasty huge wiki page11:24
Seveastroy_s, what do you mean with 'laf.'?11:25
troy_ssomething to be said for scaling.11:25
troy_seek... that's the second person who asked me that this week.  laf simple shorthand for laugh.11:25
kwwiiI will be changing all the artwork in the next day or two, I thought about making a montage with all the artwork11:25
Seveastroy_s, was the other person fschoep or msikma perhaps?11:25
Seveasthey're dutch like me11:25
troy_si can't remember who it was.11:26
Seveasand laf is dutch for being a coward11:26
troy_sbut i think everyone automatically thinks it is some strange acronym11:26
PingunZ // I'm dutch too -_-11:26
troy_show strange is that?11:26
kwwiiI never knew that11:26
troy_skwwii what does hehe mean?11:26
=== troy_s apologizes.
SeveasPingunZ, I thought you were flemish?11:27
troy_sbut i can see why with the dutch thing.11:27
kwwiitroy_s: it means "yo-yo-yo-mutha-fucka11:27
PingunZYup Seveas I am ..11:27
kwwiioops, sorry11:27
Seveas's not dutch :11:27
PingunZBut I don't think ppl all over the word understand ' flemish ' :)11:27
=== Seveas will be in flanders oct 18-21
Seveasin brussels11:28
PingunZSeveas: come and visit me lol11:28
PingunZI live very close to brussels11:28
PingunZgoogle -> hoeilaart ;)11:28
BHSPitMonkeyhey Seveas11:28
SeveasPingunZ, I have little time, I'm going to eurooscon11:28
troy_shave you guys seen what pyrotica has been working on?11:28
troy_sit is pretty damn incredible really.11:28
PingunZSeveas: eurososcon ?11:28
SeveasPingunZ, O'Reilly open source conference11:29
kwwiitroy_s: boah, holy shit dude, that is amazing11:29
kwwiiask me now what "boah" means11:29
troy_syeah nice eh?11:29
PingunZSeveas: Is everyone allowed ? :)11:29
troy_swhat is boah?11:29
troy_sjust for you.11:29
SeveasPingunZ, everyone who pays 995,-11:29
kwwiiit is the sound I make when I am.....11:30
troy_spretty crazy eh?  i have been looking for additional documents11:30
troy_sfound a few...11:30
PingunZSeveas: You aren't serious right ?11:30
SeveasPingunZ, I am11:30
kwwiiI could touch that up and make a kdm-using-gdm-xml howto11:30
troy_sbloody handy though considering that documentation is about the weakest link in the process.11:30
troy_sthat would rock11:30
troy_skwwii my jaw dropped when i checked in on it last time.11:31
kwwiiin about two months when I get around to it :-)11:31
PingunZSeveas: You pay 995 for a conference ??11:31
SeveasPingunZ, no I got a free ticket11:32
kwwiiSeveas: did you know that I was co-author of the bootsplash?11:32
Seveaskwwii, I read it on bootsplash.org11:32
SeveasGraphical consultant: Kenneth Wesley Wimer II<kwwii at bootsplash dot org>11:33
PingunZSeveas: What is so good about it that you should pay 995 for it ??11:33
SeveasPingunZ, look at the schedule11:33
Seveas995 is a pretty LOW price for a conference11:33
PingunZErr .. I'm kinda confused11:34
SeveasPingunZ, you've just bever been to a conference ;)11:35
PingunZNowp :)11:35
PingunZAnd I won't cause I haven't got 995 O_o11:35
PingunZMY dad would kill me if I paid that much for a conference ( I'm 15 ;) )11:36
BHSPitMonkeyPingunZ, do you code?11:36
troy_snot the dutch laf11:36
PingunZBHSPitMonkey: NOwp11:36
BHSPitMonkeyI don't like this whole "laf" thing11:37
SeveasPingunZ, such conferences are more targeted at CEO types11:37
Seveasnot 15 year olds11:37
PingunZtroy_s: try ' rofl , lmao, lol, ..11:37
troy_ssee what i mean -- it's the evil laf11:37
troy_ssorry pingunz -- been using laf online since about 198911:37
troy_sit is hard to shake.11:37
PingunZtroy_s: Its like switching apt-get to aptitude11:37
BHSPitMonkeyyou've been using an acronym since I was born?11:38
BHSPitMonkeyPingunZ, who would want to make that switch?11:38
Seveastroy_s, why would you shake it?11:38
PingunZBHSPitMonkey: smart ppl :)11:38
troy_sthat just scares me and makes me feel very old.  lol.11:38
BHSPitMonkeyheh :P11:38
troy_saptitude _does_ have some upsides.11:38
Seveastroy_s, just out of curiosity, how old would that be?11:38
BHSPitMonkeythat should be scary... MY lifetime, you've been online11:38
troy_s35 -- 36 in oct11:39
kwwiihehe, same here11:39
=== Seveas will be 24 in 20 days and 20 minutes
PingunZWow you're more then twice as old as me11:39
BHSPitMonkeywell, I'm 17. nice to meetcha.11:39
kwwiiwell, 35 in feb11:39
troy_sfirst started coding on an apple ] [ in 197911:39
troy_sat the collossal age of 9.11:39
kwwiihehe, I wish, 36 in feb11:39
PingunZrofl, nice script Seveas :)11:39
SeveasPingunZ, script?11:39
BHSPitMonkeymy brother's nine11:40
BHSPitMonkeyI'm impressed if he can write a sentence properly11:40
PingunZSeveas: You don't calc that yourself right ?11:40
troy_sthat made me laugh out loud.11:40
Seveasof course I do11:40
kwwiimy brother is 5411:40
troy_swell everyone gets up to speed at some point, some just go about it in different ways ;)11:40
PingunZroflmao, I don't believe you man11:40
kwwiithe oldest11:40
=== Seveas needs no script to know his birthday...
=== BHSPitMonkey just started C/C++ last year, at the ripe age of 16
troy_shey -- it was basic with line numbers.11:40
Seveastroy_s, GOTO 1011:41
BHSPitMonkeystarted using TI-BASIC in 2001, that was my start11:41
PingunZI know basic python ... Basic php, html and a little css11:41
SeveasPingunZ, html, php and css aren't programming languages11:41
troy_sthe desktop computer had quite an impact on my psyche then, so my buddy and i (who owned the damn computer -- something like 4700 bucks cost to his family -- apple hasn't changed a bit)11:41
BHSPitMonkeyI know next to nothing when it comes to web development11:41
BHSPitMonkeywhich sucks11:41
BHSPitMonkeyit's really easy to find work on web sites11:41
troy_sstarted learning like little rodents.11:41
PingunZSeveas: I know, BUt I would be silly with just 2 languages ;)11:42
SeveasPingunZ, you mean one11:42
troy_sdog break.  back in  afew.11:42
PingunZSeveas: php is a programming language IMO11:42
SeveasPingunZ, no -- it's a way to vomit on the internet11:42
kwwiihehe, that is why I learned perl so many years ago11:44
kwwiiit paid well at the time11:44
Seveasit's outdated and crap to maintain now11:44
Seveasperl does not only allow you to shoot yourself in the foot, it hands you the loaded gun too11:44
kwwiiit is certainly no longer a good language for the net11:45
kwwiibut for some stuff it still rocks11:45
kwwiiobfuscation, for one11:45
Seveasjob security11:45
troy_swell that blasted fschoep should have popped on this morn.11:46
troy_sseveas are you on the bug killing fest now?11:49
troy_si take it?11:49
troy_sto get usplash to work.11:49
=== PingunZ goes to sleep
Seveastroy_s, no11:58
Seveasthe difficult work is mjg59's part11:58
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-001-248.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_swhat is his issue?12:00
troy_si presume something of that magnatude is ugly as hell to implement.12:00
kwwiiimplementing it in a nice way is12:01
kwwiihacking something together that basically works, but needs "going over" is a bit easier12:01
kwwiibut bug-fixing this stuff is going to be fun, I bet12:02

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