
ompaulBurgwork, how about a feature about Saturday 16th Sept?12:19
Burgworklist it in upcoming events12:21
ompaulwiki is timing out on me for edits .... question when the info was moved from wiki. to help. was the database "cleaned/compressed" space recovered (I don't know the phrase for the wiki's db)12:24
ompaulgot in12:24
Burgworkhmm, no idea12:24
ompauland I don't know that the db does not do it itself12:26
Burgworkafaik, moin uses flat files12:28
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Flannelompaul: Info was moved over by hand, as far as Im aware.12:37
Flannelompaul: people would copy/paste into the new pages, which is why help. has no previous version history12:37
ompaulFlannel, ahh12:37
ompaulBurgwork, okay12:37
FlannelNot sure about the pages from wiki still taking up space... let me check12:38
ompaulBurgwork, I just ripped the SFD site and added a line of my own12:39
Flannelompaul: pages on wiki. that are redirects still have their old database stuff though, they still take up space in wiki.'s database: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgradeNotes?action=info12:39
ompaulFlannel, I wonder if it impacts DB peeformance12:40
Burgworkagain, moin has no db12:41
Burgworkit is flat files12:41
=== ompaul reinstalls eye to brain link
Flannelthen, it might.  I'm not familiar with how the files are stored.  But, extra data shouldnt make a big difference, if things are properly setup/indexed/etc12:41
Flannelit definately won't make a difference with editing, well, unless it stores it in one BIG file, etc12:42
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ompaulBurgwork, logging into a another machine using no passwords?12:55
=== ompaul thinks it is a bit late to start that one
ompaulTitle: Secure Login With No Password or How I learnt to stop worrying and started to use ssh12:57
ompaulKeys Not Password - Preventing SSH Knocking Attacks12:58
Burgworkompaul, sorry?12:58
ompaulI am playing with words - how to log into a server without passwords - using keys12:58
ompaulor some such titling12:59
ompaulfor the feature12:59
BurgworkPassword-less login using SSH keys12:59
Flannelthe howto isn't too explanatory, unfortunately.01:00
ompaulis that a suitable feature or is it too heavy weight01:00
Burgworkfor what?01:00
ompaul"feature" UWN01:00
Flannelompaul: write a good one! good enough so I can set it up on my box01:00
Burgworksure, that is a good one01:01
Burgworkwe need more server-oriented articles01:01
ompaulwhen should it be finished by?01:01
Burgworkhowever, better to talk about how it is possible and link to a howto01:01
Burgworkfeatures about not about how, but that they exist01:01
Burgworktomorrow, 7am yourtime01:01
ompaulnot going to happen01:02
ompaulI'll see if I can clean up the wiki a bit01:02
ompaulif I can get it to more "user" friendly then I could link to it01:02
ompaulI have about an hour left before I fall over01:03
Flannelompaul: there are two pages that both cover it on the wiki.  Although I think that's new... a few weeks ago the SSHHowTo didn't, just GPGSigningforSSHHowTo01:04
Flannelbut, Im just rambling01:04
ompaulFlannel, it would take a new page to link those01:06
Flannelompaul: er, what?  right.  I havent read the new stuff on the former, as I believe it's new as of a few weeks ago.01:06
Flannelhowever, the latter is user-centric, doesn't explain how ot set up the server portions of it at all01:06
Flanneljust "make this, give it to your sys admin" sort of thing01:07
ompauland Why OH Why do people not use "ssh -C user@machine" I don't care what size of box you have or network bandwidth unless both are silly huge 99% of use cases get a big improvement with "-C"01:08
ompaulsftp for multiple file transfers01:09
Flannelompaul: actually, I found -C was slower for me... on my LAN01:09
ompaulwhat speed is your lan?01:09
FlannelI imagine its because the compresison/decompression took more time than the data transfer01:10
ompaultell you what - do a test - do a transfer of a 3 meg file :)01:10
Flannelheh, I was watching video, not transferring files01:10
ompaulI wonder if streaming acts like ftp or http01:11
Flannelwell, it wasnt streaming... it was watching the worldcup in ASCII01:11
ompaulyou had us all doing that01:11
ompaulI am writing a little piece called "go away or I will replace you with a shell script" ;-)01:44
ompaulI'll give that ssh thing a shot for next week01:45
ompaulquestion, does upstart negate the need for inittab?01:55
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ompaulnixternal, got a moment or two?02:41
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teolemoni've written a spec here: https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/negative-review-analyser06:42
teolemonit would be a way to track negative reviews, analyse them and provide devs with clear feedback06:43
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nixternalthank you for stopping by ;)07:27
nixternalspeaking of marketing...CNN ran a story a little bit ago during their "Business" edition, and Bill Gates said as of right now, Linux isn't even a blip on the radar screen, as the marketing of such a wonderful idea doesn't exist07:28
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adamant1988hello all07:47
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