
=== _Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellSime: he only wrote it the other day12:25
=== seth [n=seth@ubuntu/member/sethkinast] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddell** testers needed  deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-16beta1/ main dapper (or edgy)01:07
kwwiiFailed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-16beta1/dists/main/edgy/binary-powerpc/Packages.gz  404 Not Found01:11
kwwiimain comes afterwards01:12
Riddelloh, there's no powerpc for edgy01:12
Riddellit's still waiting on ruby to be fixed01:12
kwwiithat sucks01:12
RiddellI agree01:12
=== erov [i=j@flipthejig.org] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhello erov 01:19
jdongguys, why is kdm installed as order 99 in rc2.d?01:30
jdonggdm is 13 by default01:30
jdongand kdm works just fine being 1301:31
kwwiiso, since the last update, I cannot log-out until I kill powermanager01:31
jdongand it does give the feel of a faster bootup01:31
kwwiiis that normal?01:31
jdongkwwii: yeah, we talked about that earler tiday01:31
jdongkwwii: I'm not sure what the eventual outcome was, but at least some devs are aware of it01:31
Riddelljdong: hmm, it did used to be at a lower start number, must have got lost in the edgy sync01:32
kwwiithat, and it shows an ugly icon I made :-)01:32
jdongRiddell: k.. I last checked that like a week ago, idn if it's still the case... that was from installing kubuntu-desktop on an edgy ubuntu machine01:32
kwwiiRiddell: is there now an extra package for kubuntu-usplash stuff?01:33
=== jdong has been playing around with bootup speed today
jdongso far, it's down to around 15-20 seconds to login screen01:33
jdongand doing anything more will be absolutely reckless01:33
Riddellkwwii: same package (binary kubuntu-artwork-usplash; source kubuntu-default-settings)01:33
kwwiiRiddell: funky, never heard of that before :-)01:34
kwwiiI noticed it when updating01:34
=== kwwii reboots, to once again try the usplash...wish me luck!
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@p549558C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p549558C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ can start making a 16 color usplash again
kwwii_this is never going to work01:40
kwwii_has anyone even seen the new usplash?01:40
kwwii_so what was the point?01:43
jdongI noticed the upload, but my usplash never changed01:44
jdongand usplash on my coreduo is really messed up.. the colors are all wrong and weird01:44
jdongI'm kind of worried about how this edgy usplash thing will work out01:45
kwwii_yeah, me too01:45
kwwii_night all01:49
kwwii_see you later01:49
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p549558C0.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
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jdongumm, no xchat, but the nicks list should not take up 90% of the window....02:20
jdongI prefer to be able to see the actual channel, please....02:20
Hobbseemorning all02:20
Hawkwindjdong: The nicklist is resizable in Xchat02:22
HawkwindHobbsee: Hi ya02:22
Hobbseeheya :)02:22
jdongHawkwind: yes, but it happily forgets and defaults to what it thinks is funny every time I open it :)02:22
Hawkwindjdong: Set it to the size you want, then turn off the resize option in Preferences02:23
=== Hobbsee notes that selecting kmenu, logout, and hitting turn off computer still doesnt work.
Hawkwindjdong: Settings -> Preferences -> User List -> Resizable User List02:23
jdongHawkwind: thx02:23
Hawkwindjdong: Make sure Xchat exits cleanly and it should save its state02:23
Hawkwindjdong: Make sure that setting is *not* checked :)02:24
jdongHawkwind: that's very flattering that you told me that, thanks ;)02:25
jdongI don't think I would've figured it out :)02:25
=== claydoh [n=clay@216-220-236-108.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hawkwindjdong: Heh.  Just trying to be as specific as possible :)02:25
jdongI know, just messing with you :)02:25
=== jjesse [n=jjesse@69-87-141-8.async.iserv.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongddrescue  -v edgy-desktop-i386.iso /dev/cdrom02:36
jdong^^ the cool person's way of burning edgy cd's :)02:36
jjessegood evening :)02:40
ryanakcawhy the bleep am I not allowed to post to kubuntu-users... I'm subscribed/registered, and I sent the mail to kubuntu-users@lists.ubuntu.com02:42
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeryanakca: what's the error message?02:44
Hobbseehey jjesse 02:44
ryanakcaHobbsee: You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has been automatically rejected.  If you think that your messages are being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at kubuntu-users-owner@lists.ubuntu.com.02:45
Hobbseeryanakca: ahh.  great.02:45
ryanakcawhat... known problem? user error?02:45
Hobbseeno idea, sorry02:46
=== Hobbsee had different problems with the lists
jjessegrumble grumble02:49
jdongaah, is this some code speak or did someone put reiser4 on my computer??02:50
Hobbseejdong: has pebkac occured?02:50
jjesseits callled jjesse can't type a password correctly and th windwo is closign02:50
Hobbseejjesse: ah yes, that's always fun02:50
=== Hobbsee ntoes that knetworkmanager has stopped saving her pass again
jdongHobbsee: nuke all of its settings and empty the wallet entry :)02:51
Hobbseejdong: i nuked the settings, forgot about the wallet entry02:52
jdongHobbsee: or you could do what I typically do....02:52
jdongthat is, use gnome in retaliation for a few days02:52
jdongthen get angry about some oversimplification02:53
jdongthen come back to KDE02:53
jdongthen hop on here and whine about some bug02:53
jjesseHobbsee: are you the one who is in charge of amarok?  looking at bug 2328902:53
Hobbseeno thanks, i like the print button02:53
UbugtuMalone bug 23289 in amarok "Amarok 1.3.1 from breezy updates uses all available CPU" [Medium,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2328902:53
Hobbseejjesse: imbrandon is02:53
Hobbseebut what did you want to know?02:53
jjessewhat version are we using for edgy?  1.4.???02:54
jdongknowing imbrandon, the one that's been released for more than 3 hours02:55
=== jdong hugs all of his #kubuntu-devel buddies
jdongthey're nice to me... unlike that channel without the k :)02:55
jdongbut damn, is tomboy fun :)02:58
jdongit allows me to carry my terrible organization skills over into the virtual world!02:58
jjessewhat is tomboy?02:58
jdonggnome 2.16's new note taking applet02:58
jdonga desktop wiki, basically02:58
jdongsimilar to knotes, but more intuitive02:58
jjesseoh, is it like Microsoft's onenote? 02:58
jdongI've never used onenote02:58
jdongit's very wiki-like in its organization style02:59
jdongextremely simple in interface02:59
jdonga bare-bones note taking program, basically02:59
jdonggreat for jotting something down02:59
HawkwindTomboy is a desktop note-taking application which is simple and easy to use. It lets you organise your notes intelligently by allowing you to easily link ideas together with Wiki style interconnects.03:01
jdong^^ = what jdong said + marketing hype03:01
HawkwindMarketing hype is always important :P03:02
jdongno kidding :)03:02
=== Hawkwind Market hypes himself
Hobbseejdong: i bite :P03:07
Hobbseei'm not nice and friendly :P03:07
=== Hobbsee knaws off jdong's arm
=== claydoh [n=clay@216-220-236-108.midmaine.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeit was all a conspiracy!03:07
jdonghah ! I knew it! you kubuntu rebels can't be trusted!03:08
Hobbseetime work work03:08
Hobbseeer, time for work03:08
Hobbseetime for me to yell at people again :D03:08
jdongdamn, this is shiny03:09
Hobbsee"ooh, shiny?"03:09
jdongmy dad's new laptop03:09
jdong2.16GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM03:09
Hobbseenice :)03:09
Hobbseewhat brand?03:09
jdongDell :-/03:09
Hobbseeah yes03:09
jdongwork contracted company03:10
jdongbut damn shiny03:10
Hobbseegood battery consumption too, i'll bet03:10
jdongman, this blows my core duo out of the water03:10
Hobbseethis dies too quickly for my liking :(03:10
jdongwell gets 4 hours on stock battery03:10
jdongit's not miraculous03:10
jdongbut it's acceptable03:10
jdongthe thing's a desktop replacement though03:10
Hobbseethat's 2 and a half hours more than i get.03:10
jdongit's humongous03:10
jdongaround 10lbs, not something that I can lug around03:10
jdonghe does heavy cpu work on it03:11
=== Hobbsee doesnt talk in imperial
=== Hobbsee runs out the door.
jdongof course, first thing first03:12
=== jdong sticks in ubuntu livecd :)
jdongalways nice to do some compatibility test03:12
=== ryanakca ships jdong a kubuntu cd :P
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Riddell** testers needed  deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-16beta1/ dapper (or edgy) main03:40
=== nixternal checks it out
HawkwindRiddell: Installing now03:43
HawkwindRiddell: Installed without issues and everything seems to open and run properly.  This is in Dapper here03:47
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jdongwhoo! another 5 seconds off bootup03:50
=== nixternal needs to check the release notes on the new KOffice
nixternalit installed fine and runs fine on edgy03:55
Hawkwindnixternal: Yep seems to be working fine in my Edgy vmware as well03:58
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== inam [n=inam@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
inamhi everybody !08:45
Hobbseehey inam 08:45
=== Hobbsee waves to this mysterious "everybody"
=== Hobbsee waves to everyone else in the chnanel
inamim new to linux and kubuntu... i need some help in getting started with downloading the code, modifying it and playing around with it08:46
Hobbseeapt-get source packagename?08:47
inamwhich package should i start playing with ? i am good with C08:47
Hobbseeany of them that look interesting?08:48
inami have a dual boot of win-xp (this is my official laptop) and kubuntu (for home :)... i want to change the code so if the machine boots up mon-fri the default option in the GRUB will be winxp and at other times it will be kubuntu08:49
inamit might sound silly, but i hope it will get me started on working with linux code, compiling, make etc08:50
Hobbseei dont know how to do that, if it's possible.  check man grub08:50
inami'll do that08:50
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:50
=== Hobbsee contemplates holidays at the end of next week
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-153-13.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== sitter is now known as apachelogger
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomahi all12:34
Hobbseehey toma 12:36
tomaHobbsee: hi12:37
tomano more newsletter in my mail?12:40
Hobbseei dont konw12:40
Hobbseei havent sifted thru my email again12:40
Hobbseei just saw that someone's been doign syncs.12:41
Hobbseeand i'm mentioned, too.  cool12:41
tomathe content pf the newsletter is only on the wiki from now on12:41
tomafor richer content12:41
tomai only see one image (of an empty desktop) on the wiki though ;-)12:42
Hobbseewow, we hit 15K of bugs.12:43
tomathat can not be good sign ;-)12:50
Hobbseemakes me wonder if we'll ever get them all closed12:51
tomayou know better12:51
Hobbseemakes me wonder what they're all in, too12:51
HobbseeRiddell: ping?01:04
Hobbseeanyone running kopete here?01:17
abattoirHobbsee: i am01:17
imbrandonnot me ( bitlbee for me )01:17
Hobbseeabattoir: can you check bug 46657 for me please?01:17
UbugtuMalone bug 46657 in kdenetwork "Kopete gives error when you're on your own contact list" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4665701:17
abattoirHobbsee: sorry, i dont use AIM :(01:18
Hobbseei dont have aim01:18
Hobbseeah right01:18
imbrandonaim accounts are free01:18
imbrandonmake a kubnutu_test@aol.com with password test ;)01:19
imbrandonand we can all use it to test bugs ;)01:19
=== imbrandon go's back to trying to figure out python-dcop
abattoirHobbsee: i can confirm that the error popup is shown... its probably independent of the network...01:20
Hobbseeabattoir: right.  kopete 0.12.2?01:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: that involves using aim.01:20
=== Hobbsee goes to find out what riddell's kopete for edgy changes were.
=== Hobbsee wonders why Riddell's got a changelog distro of edgy, for a dapper build
imbrandonprobably becouse it is a backport ;)01:26
Hobbseemust be01:29
=== Hobbsee is fixing it. for i386 at least.
Hobbseebug 59641 is annoying me01:29
UbugtuMalone bug 59641 in kopete "Kopete should not depend on XMMS" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5964101:29
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A632B8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== imbrandon go's back to his konversation chanserv script
=== imbrandon isnt understanding dcop totaly heh
RiddellHobbsee: pong01:40
HobbseeRiddell: if i fix your kopete packages, will you stick them onto kubuntu.org please?01:41
Riddellisn't kopete is backports?01:41
HobbseeRiddell: true that.  want to remove yours then?01:41
Riddellcould do01:41
HobbseeRiddell: well, you can either fix them, remove them, or be driven nuts.01:42
hungerI was just informed that my battery was removed when I unplugged my laptop.02:05
Hobbseehunger: wha'ts more interesting is when it tells  you that, when nothing's changed at all02:05
abattoirhunger: g-p-m ?02:05
hungerkde guidance thingy.02:05
abattoiraah, ok02:05
=== Tm_T [i=tm_travo@xob.kapsi.fi] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== kwwii_ [n=kwwii@p549577EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_Tkwwii_: call that perfect timing, hi :)02:06
=== kwwii_ is now known as kwwii
kwwiihi Tm_T02:07
abattoirTm_T: :)02:07
Tm_TI'm trapped to gprs connection, so I play around with inkscape in windows02:07
Tm_TI added some gimp effects to this small idea I got: http://www.tm-travolta.net/pics/art/blue-curves-002-k-gimp-01.jpg02:08
Tm_Tpretty much just throwing things together, but I think that could be developed further02:09
Hobbseehey kwwii 02:09
Hobbseehi Tm_T 02:09
Tm_THobbsee: :)02:09
=== jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiihowdy Hobbsee02:12
kwwiiTm_T: nifty shine effect02:12
kwwiiTm_T: best would be to use the newest version of the logo though02:13
Tm_Thmm, that's just gimp "supernova" ;)02:13
kwwiia lense effect02:13
Tm_T...and I didn't find newer, I'm behind sloooow connection so any web search takes minutes to hours02:13
Tm_Tlost adsl once again02:13
Tm_Tso only gprs02:14
kwwiialso, using lines is kinda tricky, because people tend to have panels and icons everywhere, so no matter where you put lines, it will end up covering part of it02:14
kwwiiwhat happened to you adsl?02:14
Tm_Tno idea02:14
Tm_Tit's been on-off long time now02:15
kwwiinot sure if I could handle that :-)02:15
Tm_Tit's not under my power to do anything about it, I don't own the phone wire you see ;)02:15
Tm_TI'm sort of "borrowing" adsl02:16
Tm_Tsounds like my life actually :-P02:17
Tm_Tjust been in sick leave once again, hate it02:17
=== kwwii just got back from having a really big lunch
Hobbseenice :)02:18
Hobbseedid you bring some back for us?02:18
kwwiinope, I ate it all myself :-)02:18
Tm_Tbig lungs? well that help in diving I guess02:19
=== Hobbsee boots kwwii for eating all the lunch.
kwwiiman, it was sooo goood!!!! A super tender veal steak in white wine sauce with grilled porcino mushrooms02:21
=== Tm_T is hungry
Tm_TI just ate though02:21
kwwiimy wife had a goose breast with bread dumplings and kale02:21
kwwiitime for a nap, I think02:22
Tm_Tsome formula1 or something, monza ->02:22
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg123@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@186.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
tomaTonio_: i've passed on the question about the paste/auto scroll thingie to a khtml person, let's wait for his reaction03:13
tomaTonio_: i browsed through the code a bit yesterday, but it is very complicated code03:13
tomaal least for me03:13
Tonio_toma: hehe great ;)03:14
Tonio_toma: you mean about the bug that clicking a textarea also let the autoscroll appear ?03:14
Tonio_toma: did you give him the kde bug id ?03:14
Tonio_it is a confirmed issue :)03:14
Tonio_see kde bug 13165003:15
UbugtuKDE bug 131650 in khtml event "Pasting with middle-mouse-click into a textarea also activates autoscroll" [Normal,New]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13165003:15
Tonio_toma: that was working before 3.5.4.... damn we should have gotten the functionnality then :)03:15
tomano, but he found the bug number of the smooth scrolling, so he'll manage ;-)03:15
Tonio_toma: ok ;)03:15
Tonio_toma: maybe this bug id would be interesting for him since it shows it has been working in the past03:16
=== Tonio_ still cannot close his kde session........ that's very annoying
Tonio_toma: works for you ?03:17
tomapasting without scrolling?03:18
LureTonio_: just stop power-manager and start it again and you can logout03:21
Lurepower-manager blocks all other tray icons to start and also logout by ksmserver03:22
Tonio_Lure: argh !03:22
Lurewe need to change kde-guidance to install a shell scipt in /usr/bin/guidance-power-manager that calls .py with & to fork it in background03:22
Tonio_Lure: is sebas aware of this ?03:23
LureTonio_: yes, but it is packaging issue03:23
Tonio_Lure: I can fix this03:23
Tonio_let me check ;)03:23
Tonio_is there a bug report03:23
Lurecurrecltly we make just sym link to .py, but we should put a simple script which calls .py with & at the end03:24
LureTonio_: not sure, but many reported this issue here03:24
Tonio_okay, let me checl03:24
=== Tonio_ notes that klipper didn't start......
Tonio_Lure: ho ! I fixed klipper fyi :)03:25
Tonio_maybe I already told you....03:25
LureTonio_: seen on edgy-changes - so what did you do?03:25
Tonio_Lure: explained on the bug on launchpad03:25
LureTonio_: yes, power-manager blockes klipper, adept_updated, kgpg and kbluetooth here03:25
Tonio_in fact the build system currently hacks the desktop files03:26
Tonio_the problem is that the klipperrc file is called .desktop in the sources :)03:26
Tonio_so that /etc/kde3/klipperrc was corrupted03:26
Tonio_so I did a debian/rules entry to get that file cleaned before installation in the package and that's it03:26
LureTonio_: wow, this is really stupid bug03:27
Tonio_the big thing was to find were was the error03:27
Tonio_Lure: the problem is that klipper uses a rc.desktop file for translation, not a .po file03:27
LureTonio_: great that you nailed it down!03:27
Tonio_sounds stupid but that's it03:27
Tonio_Lure: yes I'm proud of that :) hehe03:27
Tonio_ok let's fix guidance now03:27
LureTonio_: I might have new power-manager this evening (multi-battery support), but you should not wait for that03:28
Tonio_Lure: you would suggest to fix autostart/guidance-power-manager.desktop ?03:28
Tonio_Lure: ahhhhhhh03:29
Tonio_ok I have it03:29
LureTonio_: no - there is /usr/bin/guidance-power-manager link created - I suspect by post-inst or similar03:29
Tonio_Lure: okay I can see it :)03:29
Tonio_you would like a script instead03:29
Lurethis should be replaced by simple script with the following content:03:29
Tonio_bash script that calls with & and get the app in background03:29
Tonio_noticed, I'm doing it03:30
Lure /usr/share/python-support/kde-guidance/guidance-power-manager.py03:30
Lureand & at the end ;-)03:30
Tonio_Lure: why did that work before ?03:31
Tonio_should have failed too.........03:31
Tonio_okay I'll fix that today, thanks for the tip03:31
LureTonio_: I suspect it never did - or did by accident as multiple pm's were started until recent fix03:31
LureTonio_: thank you for fixing this03:32
Tonio_Lure: possibly yes03:32
Tonio_Lure: thank you for finding this :)03:32
=== Tonio_ fixes now
LureTonio_: me and sebas did not notice it as we were always running it from shell (to watch messages)03:32
LureTonio_: it was actually sebas who suggested this fix ;-)03:33
Tonio_Lure: ah ok ;)03:33
=== Lure is just gateway ;-)
Hobbseehey Tonio_, you forgot hte kopete default settings at the meeting03:35
Tonio_Hobbsee: I couldn't be at the meeting sorry :)03:37
Tonio_Hobbsee: can you resume the situation please ?03:37
HobbseeTonio_: ahh...of course, yes03:37
Tonio_email would be perfect ;)03:37
HobbseeTonio_: at next meeting?03:37
Hobbseei suppose we could email it asking for comments to the k-d mailing list03:38
Tonio_Hobbsee: are there big changes required ?03:38
HobbseeTonio_: the kopete default settings?  you were the one who last replied to it03:39
Tonio_Hobbsee: ah yes, those stupid paranioa things :)03:40
HobbseeTonio_: that's the one :)03:40
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes I didn't talk about it ;)03:40
Tonio_Hobbsee: sorry I though it was discuss in dev meeting, like konversation settings03:40
Tonio_Hobbsee: I just think that's stupid debate and the meeting took horrible decision concerning this, but yes, I don't want to ignore the meeting se we have to rediscuss this03:41
Tonio_and I have to force the decision to my opinion :)03:41
=== Tonio_ loves democraty
HobbseeTonio_: i completely forgot about it03:41
Tonio_me too03:41
HobbseeTonio_: yeah, particularly when we make up part of quroum :P03:42
Tonio_hehe :)03:43
Tonio_Lure: package is fixed, I'm testing and uploading03:46
LureTonio_: great03:47
Tonio_I'm surprized there is no bug concerning this03:48
Tonio_Hobbsee: do you know if there is one ?03:48
Tonio_the "impossible to logout" issue03:48
HobbseeTonio_: i havent seen one, no03:50
Tonio_Hobbsee: ok thanks03:50
=== Hobbsee wishes that this 64bit guy would just give up
Hobbseeit should be clear - "if you want it, fix it.  we dont have the people"03:50
abattoirHobbsee: what does he want?03:55
Hobbseeabattoir: perfect support ofr 64bit ubuntu, pretty much.03:56
Hobbseeabattoir: see ubuntu-devel mailing lists03:56
ryanakcaimbrandon: when will you end kde-pim's color messup by uploading those packages?03:57
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Lure: problem : kde-guidance ftbfs here04:03
Tonio_Lure: even the current version unmodified.......04:03
LureTonio_: really? why?04:03
Tonio_can someone try to pbuild apt-get source kde-guidance please ?04:03
Tonio_Lure: dunno for the moment......04:03
Tonio_Lure: obscur python error04:04
=== Lure has no clue of kde-guidance package, but should not be complicate as it is python
Tonio_  File "setup.py", line 19, in <module>04:04
Tonio_    import kdedistutils04:04
Tonio_ImportError: No module named kdedistutils04:04
Tonio_that's it......04:04
Tonio_missing builddep ?04:04
Luresounds like04:04
Tonio_what is strange is that the current version used to be built in the past.......04:05
Tonio_I must say I don't understand04:05
Tonio_even the current version ftbfs here04:05
Lure /usr/share/python-support/pykdeextensions/kdedistutils.py04:05
Lurethis is on my system04:05
Lureprovided by pykdeextensions04:06
Tonio_pykdeextensions: usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/kdedistutils.py04:06
Tonio_hehe apt-file is your friend04:06
Tonio_Lure: but how did the current version build ?04:06
LureTonio_: by luck ;-)04:06
Lureit sounds really strange04:07
Lurerunning pbuilder?04:07
abattoirHobbsee: ask him to switch to kubuntu, there is a workaround where flash, java work in 64-bit konq. :P04:07
Hobbseeabattoir: hehe04:07
abattoirHobbsee: or atleast install konq.04:07
Tonio_Lure: well I assume the build system uses pbuilder no ?04:07
Tonio_Lure: I'll try adding the builddep04:07
LureTonio_: chroots, similar to pbuilder yes04:07
Tonio_Lure: except if the extension is already installed :)04:08
Tonio_it is not in a pbuilder04:08
Tonio_Lure: I'm just surprized Riddell didn't use pbuilder to build04:08
Tonio_Lure: argh, the builddep is already there........04:09
LureTonio_: even better ;-)04:09
Tonio_Lure: can you try to pbuild kde-guidance on your machine ?04:09
Tonio_maybe my pbuilder is broken somehow04:09
LureTonio_: I do not have pbuilder setup yet (knot2 reinstall), but will do it now04:10
Tonio_Lure: thanks.... I don't to upload ftbfs stuff I you can imagin :)04:10
HobbseeTonio_: Riddell doesnt like pbuilder.04:11
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe, didn't knew this :)04:11
Tonio_Hobbsee: why ?04:11
Tonio_Hobbsee: well if you don't mind apt-get install *, then debuild does the job too, but well....04:12
Tonio_a chroot like pbuilder is cool in my view04:12
HobbseeTonio_: true that04:12
=== Hobbsee likes pbuilder.
ryanakcadoesn't everybody?04:12
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ryanakca@,@ heh... I always use it..04:13
Tonio_Hobbsee: maybe you try to pbuild kde-guidance too :)04:13
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'm very embarrased since I cannot upload the fixed package here because of that ftbfs04:13
Tonio_can be a local problem too04:14
bddebianHi ryanakca, Tonio_, Hobbsee04:14
ryanakcahey bddebian: 04:14
Tonio_heya bddebian04:14
Hobbseehi bddebian 04:14
ryanakcacould you run a kubuntu pbuilder on debian and vice versa? I can't see why you couldn't... 04:15
ryanakcapackages might have different names, so you'd have to watchout that way... but other than that...04:15
Hobbseeryanakca: yeah, but you need different base tarballs, and sources lists04:16
Tonio_ryanakca: yes it works nice :)04:16
ryanakcaand anybody have a link as to making a build farm (I think that's what they call them...) I have a couple of P2s and P1s kicking around...04:17
ryanakcaand my school is trashing a pile of them... so I could probably pilfer some from there as well...04:17
Hobbseeryanakca: ask imbrandon about that04:17
ryanakcaimbrandon: ping :)04:17
Tonio_Lure: the point is it can fail here in pbuilder and work on the build machine, but only Riddell knows if that's common issue04:17
ryanakcawhere is the build machine anywais?04:18
ryanakcaeurope? (sorry for being offtopic)04:18
Tonio_Lure: I'm trying to install all builddep and debuid the package, that's the way the build farm works I guess*04:20
Hobbseeryanakca: gb,  i think04:22
Tonio_Lure: same error debuilding the package........04:26
Tonio_I don't understand, it look like something changed since kde-guidance has been build04:26
Tonio_Lure: want something funcky ???04:31
Tonio_look at that 04:31
Tonio_Lure: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2306104:32
Tonio_Lure: the first part is the end of debuild log04:32
Tonio_error is impossible to import blabla04:32
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Tonio_then I launch python and I can load the module ;)04:32
Tonio_strange isn't it ?04:32
Tonio_I don't understand the point there04:32
LureTonio_: I think build uses python-2.5 and command line is 2.404:33
Lureprobably migration to python 2.5 break something04:33
Tonio_Lure: is that recent migration ?04:33
Luresee 2.5 mention at trhe beginning of your paste?04:33
LureTonio_: I think I have seen some related changelogs on edgy-changes recently04:33
Tonio_Lure: maybe we can switch python to 2.4 for the package04:34
LureTonio_: we should probably poke #ubuntu-devel (not sure if anybody is here today though)04:34
Tonio_just adding the version in it04:34
Tonio_temporary, and then pole ubuntu-devel for the next versions04:34
LureTonio_: not sure what the plan is for edgy...04:34
Tonio_Lure: probably keep both04:34
Tonio_Lure: let me test something on the package :)04:35
Tonio_I'll change the dep to python 2.4 instead of just python04:35
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A632B8.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseehey, how do i check if my key is actually signed?04:36
jsgotangcoerr check from a keyserver?04:37
Hobbseeyes, but how?04:38
Tonio_Lure: python-all-dev depends on both python 2.4 and 2.504:39
Tonio_Lure: there is certainly a way to set the version of python to use in the package...... I'm investigating04:39
LureTonio_: explicitly request python 2.4?04:39
LureHobbsee: kgpg and update key from keyserver, then view key if any signature is added04:40
Tonio_Lure: impossible python-all-dev is a build dep and depends both pythong 2.4 and 2.5 ;)04:40
Tonio_both version of python are installed de facto04:41
Tonio_so I have to force the build to 2.404:41
HobbseeLure: hmmm.  i tend to just use gpg04:41
Hobbseei think it said added04:41
Hobbseeyet it comes back untrusted.04:41
Hobbseewhen using dput04:41
Hobbseewhich doesnt really matter, as it doesnt stop me uploading...but...04:41
Tonio_Lure: I have found a way to do it, using debian/pyversions file04:49
LureTonio_: great04:49
LureTonio_: you should put some note as this may be just temporary workaround04:49
Tonio_Lure: but we have to ping ubuntu-devel for the issue concerning the import kdedistutils04:49
Tonio_Lure: I will of course :)04:50
Hobbseebed time.  night all04:53
Tonio_nite Hobbsee04:53
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Lure: I'm rebooting to completly test new package and uploading04:57
ryanakcaapple is doing a good job a annoying me... I got a free monitor with my free performa, and go to use it with my old P2, but no, apple decided to make their connector proprietairy, and doesn't fit...04:59
jdongit's not proprietary... it's the standard.. the VGA connector is proprietary ;)04:59
jdongor so an apple techie told me :)04:59
ryanakcawell, I'm going to smoke test this old box... *gulps*05:01
jdongMemory: 8192M real, 4703M free, 433M swap in use, 38G swap free05:01
jdonghmm, running low on RAM :P05:01
ryanakcawhat the bleep are you yapping about05:02
ryanakcaSysinfo for 'rkavanagh': Linux 2.6.17-6-686 running KDE 3.5.4, CPU: Pentium III (Coppermine) at 996 MHz (1995 bogomips), HD: 37/187GB, RAM: 370/375MB, 192 proc's, 10.12d up05:02
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@186.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcamost video cards have more ram than my main desktop05:02
Tonio_Lure: kde-guidance fixed and uploaded05:03
Tonio_logout issue is resolved :)05:03
jdongSunOS home-on-the-dome.mit.edu 5.10 Generic_118822-26 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V44005:03
Tonio_I wonder who is the python man for ubuntu ?05:03
Tonio_I need to report the kdedistutils issue for python 2.505:04
LureTonio_: great - ask on #ubuntu-devel who should we poke about 2.505:09
Tonio_Lure: done :)05:09
Tonio_Lure: maybe we should simply look at pykdeextensions status05:13
Tonio_is it supposed to manage 2.5 ?05:13
LureTonio_: not sure - sebas, _Sime and Riddell may know more05:14
Tonio_Lure: yes, I'm not a python expert too :)05:14
Tonio_Lure: I just bought my first "developping using python" book05:14
Tonio_I need to learn this :)05:14
LureTonio_: not yet ;-)) (you mentioned some python books)05:14
Tonio_Lure: yes, python is very usefull even for sysadmin, so I nead to learn python dev05:15
Tonio_the only problem is that it is object based, which standard sysadmin laguages like perl are not :)05:15
Tonio_so it is completly different from perl, php or any language I know05:16
Tonio_Lure: I am probably the only linux sysadmin that uses phpcli for his scripts hehe :)05:44
ryanakcajdong: it passed the smoke test, and it took 5 minutes for the live cd to startup05:45
ryanakcaI don't think it'll make a very effective build machine...05:52
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Tonio_yop goldenear06:51
goldenearyop :)06:52
goldenearI'm trying to install edgy06:52
goldenearbut it doesn't work :/06:52
Tonio_goldenear: good luck ;)06:52
Tonio_goldenear: native knot2 or update from dapper ?06:52
goldenearnative knot206:52
Tonio_I wish it'll work :)06:52
goldenearI have a 10Gb free hda2 part06:52
Tonio_I didn't test any knot* cd so far06:52
goldenearbut the installer doesn't seem to be working06:53
Tonio_text of express ?06:53
goldenearthe installer of the desktop CD06:53
Tonio_okay, kubuntu-express then06:53
Tonio_goldenear: I don't know the status of it since Riddell didn't talk to much about that since dapper is out06:54
Tonio_goldenear: better ask him first :)06:54
goldenearI choose "use all the free space" and then click next06:54
Tonio_goldenear: et pis bon on est que deux donc autant parler francais :)06:54
goldenearbut then it stop working (endless waiting mouse cursor)06:54
Tonio_goldenear: fait un rapport de boggue06:55
goldenearbah a ne pose pas de pb oui ...06:55
Tonio_sur le packet kubuntu-express06:55
Tonio_et assigne le a Riddell06:55
goldenearpar ailleur l'acpi ne fonctionne toujours pas06:55
goldenear(enfin c'est peut tre normal  partir du CD)06:56
goldenearen gros a se met en veille, mais au "rveille" l'cran reste noir (comme dans dapper) :(06:56
Tonio_goldenear: ca il faut voir en fonction du modele06:57
goldenearje vais tlcharger l'install en mode text pour voir si a marche06:57
Tonio_et deja voir si globalement ca marche avec d'autres distros06:57
Tonio_chez moi ca marche plutot bien je dois dire06:57
goldenearla mise en veille ?06:57
Tonio_l'install en mode texte marche toujours bien06:57
Tonio_goldenear: bah sur ma edgy waip ca marchouille bien :)06:57
goldenearje tlcharge :)06:57
Tonio_tiens je teste en live pour confirmer que je dis pas de connerie :)06:58
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@186.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__goldenear: ca marche nikel :)07:02
Tonio__sauf que network-manager pte un peu un cable en sortie de veille :)07:02
Tonio__mais sinon pour le bureau et tout c'est bien support waip07:02
Tonio__ah bah voila :)07:02
Tonio_we need a package for this07:05
Tonio__Sime: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=39085 heard about that ?07:09
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Luregoldenear: this is know bug in knot2 - it may help if you remove all partitions before starting the installer (it has to do with some strange partition tables)07:59
goldenearLure: I can't delete all the partitions... I'm on my laptop and I work with it :)08:07
goldenearI guess install will work from alternate CD08:07
RiddellTonio_: been talking about me?08:12
seaLneRiddell: i forgot to say when we were talking on fri about my problems (a while ago) getting ubuntu to run on the blade that debian seems to work fine on it so it was specific ubuntu problems, i remember seeing the bug i had closed so not sure if it does work now08:14
LureRiddell: I have most of multi-battery support implemented, just do not know what is proper way to implement critical battery level action08:23
LureRiddell: problem is that remain time is only reported by one battery at a time (the one that is discharging), so it is hard to estimate total remain time08:24
LureRiddell: since the other battery can be empty or full or anything inbetween, it is very hard to tell when critical battery event should fork08:24
LureRiddell: any idea?08:25
LureRiddell: there is battery.charge_level.capacity_state reported by HAL: on my laptop it is either "ok" or "critical" (when battery is low or almost zero), so one idea is that remain time would be taken into account if all other batteries are "critical", meaning we have only the current left08:26
LureRiddell: if there is any other in "ok" state, we hope that one will have enough juice to generate critical event08:27
RiddellI'd be tempted to look at gnome-power-manager and see how it works it out, but it's probably hard to read that code08:27
LureRiddell: good idea, will check if I find some idea08:27
HawkwindCan someone tell me a command to use to find out what files come within an installed package ?08:29
RiddellHawkwind: dpkg -L foo08:29
HawkwindRiddell: Thanks08:30
HawkwindHmmm, aren't there supposed to be .a files included with the libboost-thread-dev package ?08:30
Riddellnot necessarily, a lot of libraries will only have the .so08:31
HawkwindSo where would the .a files be ?08:32
HawkwindI'm asking because of this that someone just asked me about: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/boost/+bug/4336808:32
UbugtuMalone bug 43368 in boost "no statically linked library in boost thread" [Medium,Unconfirmed]  08:32
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HawkwindRiddell: How would I find out what package the .a file(s) is part of or do they even exist ?08:35
Riddellthey should be in the -dev if they exist08:36
Riddellpackages.ubuntu.com could help08:36
Riddellor look at the source08:36
HawkwindIf they don't exist, is there any reason why they don't, and shouldn't they exist08:37
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jdongHawkwind: apt-file is helpful to keep around, too08:42
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eeandoes kubuntu ship kdelibs with debug turned on or are these users on crack? http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13386408:43
UbugtuKDE bug 133864 in general "filebrowser doesn't get updated, kded module needed" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]  08:43
eeanbah thanks Ubugtu 08:44
eeanwrong bug report ;)08:44
UbugtuKDE bug 132851 in general "Amarok crashes finding lokal DAAP share" [Crash,Assigned]  08:44
eeanthese users are having an assert thrown in kdelibs and claiming their using kubuntu packages08:44
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jdongdamn, amd64 prices are so low that it depresses me08:59
jdongsomeone please talk me out of throwing more money at my socket 754's.....08:59
darklinux939 to next month socket f  :-P 09:02
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RiddellTonio_: thanks for fixing the power manager startup issue09:25
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Riddelleean: we do compile with debug on (and then strip the debug symbols)09:28
eeanRiddell: so all asserts are active? :S09:29
RiddellI guess so09:29
eeanyou should do a s/assert\((*.)$//09:29
eeanand btw I have no idea why this assert is activated09:30
eeanI guess I need to ask some kdelibs folks09:30
eeanRiddell: but seriously, could you look into removing asserts? probably just takes some sort of DEFINE. asserts have no place in production code.09:32
eeanAmarok itself has a strict no-assert policy :) they suck.09:32
Riddellthey do a bit09:32
=== Riddell adds that bug to his todo list
eeanawesome :)09:33
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goldenearTonio_: edgy installed :D10:09
goldenearTonio_: but some problems : my network card is not detected during install (alternate CD text install) and acpi doesn't work properly (the computer have blank screen after wakeup) :(10:11
Tonio_goldenear: concerning the networkcarc, was that different with dapper ?10:35
Tonio_I think you have broadcom stiff no ?10:35
Tonio_Riddell: concerning power-manager : you're welcome :)10:35
Tonio_Riddell: we still need to have a look at the pykdeextensions uncompatible with python 2.510:36
goldenearTonio_: I don't remember I had any problem with my network adapter and dapper10:37
Tonio_goldenear: hum....... what card is that ?10:37
Tonio_if it is broadcom, they are not supported out of the box since kernel doesn't include those firmwares10:37
goldenearTonio_: 0000:03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.: Unknown device 8168 (rev 01)10:39
Tonio_goldenear: strange.....10:39
goldenearalso my wifi adapter is correctly detected, but the installer provide no way to use it (no way to set ssid and wep/wpa key)10:40
goldenearThat's would be nice if wifi could be used during text install10:40
goldenearTonio_: about power-management it's the same with both suspend and hibernate... the computer doesn't repond after wakeup, only a blank screen (but the harddrive led blinks sometime as if there was system activities)10:44
Tonio_goldenear: hum...10:45
Tonio_goldenear: bett10:45
Tonio_r le moment) de jeux Open-Source. Certains sont gratuits, d'autres non - Open-Source ne signifie pas forcment gratuit, il est toujours bon de le rappeler. Les genres sont multiples, mais les jeux de rle (RPG) sont videmment assez nombreux, ainsi que les FPS et bien d'autres types de jeux.10:45
Tonio_ En cherchant bien, vous devriez trouver votre (vos) bonheur(s). Un petit Armagetron Advanced entre INpactiens ne serait pas dplaisant :-)10:45
Tonio_better reporting this to Riddell or sebas since they develop the tool ;)10:45
Tonio_I may not be of any help concerning this10:45
goldenearThe keybord doesn't seems to respond anyway... I tryed a blind console switching and echo "hello" > test to see if it works10:45
goldenearI pretty sure the problem is from a kernel module that doesn't like suspend10:46
goldenearI'm using suspend2 (and a patched kernel) with dapper and hibernate works properly... The computer wakes up without any problem.10:47
Tonio_sorry for the bad copy/paste :)10:48
goldenearTonio_: tu es INpactiens aussi ? :)10:49
Tonio_goldenear: arf, je suis grilled :)10:49
Tonio_goldenear: waip je suis INpactien  mes heures perdues :)10:50
goldenearah ah... grilled oui ;) c'est ton petit cot nerd cach :D10:51
kwwiibitte, wenn du in ein andere Sprache sprechen willst, dann Deutsch ;-)10:55
kwwiiobwohl Jonathan findet es bestimmt schn seinen fhigkeit euch zu verstehen benutzen zu knnen10:58
goldenearkwwii: please speak english... it's the only authorized language here ;)10:59
goldenearDo we speak french ?10:59
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de11:00
Tonio_kwwii: ;)11:05
kwwiiI am a dick sometimes11:05
Riddellfrench is fine with me :)11:12
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, that is what I said in german :p11:13
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Tonio_nite all11:50
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