
intelikeytriade but printf '' >   is the same as :>  so why type the extra chars :)12:09
tookln -s /home/took/Blinken/lldrv/ /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build ?12:09
intelikeyi would assume so took12:10
intelikeytry it and see.   symlinks are cheep12:10
tookno go12:10
tookmake -C /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build SUBDIRS=/home/took/Blinken/lldrv modules12:11
tookmake[2] : Entering directory `/home/took/Blinken/lldrv'12:11
tookmake[2] : *** Keine Regel, um modules zu erstellen.  Schluss.12:11
intelikeytook where is the source to your kernel ?12:11
triadeintelikey: hah! learn something everyday...didn't know taht. :-)12:11
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tooklol - they are still packed...12:12
took# ls /usr/src/12:12
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oslobonjour comment changer el fond d'ecran derriere le LOgin screen ? sous kde ?12:12
triadeintelikey: saving chars is the core of all good scripts. :-)12:12
=== ghostdog [n=daniel@c-67-191-172-254.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeytook that's what it's looking for12:12
osloi go to kubuntu-fr12:12
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ghostdogI am trying to compile kopete 0.12.2 but it seems I am having problems linking to xLibs12:13
osloso how can i change the wallpaper behind the KDE logon screen ?12:13
intelikeytriade less is more     errr no  less is better   more just stinks.12:13
intelikeyoslo kcontrol  has that answer12:14
triadeintelikey: I sent the saame line a few weeks back to a fervent DOS user. :-D12:14
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intelikeyless is more than more.12:15
intelikeymore is less than less12:15
draikwhich is ironic12:15
draikhello intelikey12:16
oslointelikey> yes but when at booting sytem prompt 4 my password there the standard blue wallpaper wich appears behind the logon windows...12:16
intelikeydraik not to us pinguins12:16
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draikintelikey, I'm a born again penguin12:16
oslointelikey> & i don't find whrer it can be change ..12:16
draikI have a few questions... mostly curiosity...12:16
draikWhat is the point to    sudo shutdown -k       ?12:17
draikI know its about "kidding", but what's the point/function?12:17
intelikeydraik can you help oslo change his kdm splash while i get those answers for you     if i can.12:17
oslodraik> do u know ?12:18
draikWhat is the issue?12:18
intelikey<oslo> intelikey> yes but when at booting sytem prompt 4 my password there the12:18
intelikey          standard blue wallpaper wich appears behind the logon windows...12:18
osloi need to change the standard blue wallpaper wich appears behind the logon windows...12:18
draikeasy cheesy12:19
draikI got it12:19
=== PeteIF [n=pete@AC9F5BF5.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu
draikLet me look for it first...12:20
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draikI can't recall the location ATM12:20
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intelikeydraik it seems that the -k switch was added as a feture to shutdown as a facility to inform all users that the process was going to commence for a system shutdown   i.e.  shutdown -k ;sleep 15 ;shutdown -r        allowing them the option to save an close important work.12:22
JFreakCaposomebody can tell me what do this lines please:12:22
JFreakCaposudo -s12:22
JFreakCapoecho "options ipw2200 led=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/ipw2200.modprobe12:22
JFreakCapormmod ipw220012:22
JFreakCapomodprobe ipw220012:22
draikI can't recall it12:24
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draikI've been going through all the options in System Settings12:24
intelikeydraik wall extended that function, but has sense been neglected.12:24
tookk. i unpacked it. and tryed ln -s /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15 /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build  - no I have a lot mor output... a lot of errors12:24
draikThank you intelikey12:24
tooklike for example12:25
took /home/took/Blinken/lldrv/lldrv.c:524: Fehler: unbekanntes Feld owner in Initialisierung angegeben12:25
intelikeyJFreakCapo that looks like the 5 lines of shell code to fix an ipw2200 module    you would paste them in a konsole just like you did in here.12:26
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=== draik is still looking
tookit starts with12:26
tookroot@kubuntu23:~/Blinken/lldrv# make12:26
tookmake default_2.612:26
tookmake[1] : Entering directory `/home/took/Blinken/lldrv'12:26
tookmake -C /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build SUBDIRS=/home/took/Blinken/lldrv modules12:26
tookmake[2] : Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15'12:26
tookMakefile:490: .config: No such file or directory12:26
took  WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.15/Module.symvers12:26
took           is missing; modules will have no dependencies and modversions.12:26
draik!pastebin > took12:26
lupine_85took: use linux-headers instead?12:27
lupine_85(don't know if it's appropriate or not - not been following this channel)12:27
JFreakCapoinelikey that's right, my wiereless led don't turn on but the wireless works perfectly maybe that code resolve the problem, but i'm afraid that my wireless don't works again, what do you think?12:28
draikI GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:28
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draikoslo, you still here???12:28
oslodraik> yes i am12:29
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osloso tell me tell me telll me !!!!!  ^^12:29
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osloyes i am12:29
intelikeyJFreakCapo simple if it doesn't work just remove the last line in /etc/modprobe.d/ipw2200.modprobe    if it's only one line remove the file.    then run the same commands again without the echo line.12:29
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whizzhow do i force a filesystem check ?12:30
Alendithi, folks12:30
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Alenditcan somebody tell me if moodbar in amarok ir just a eye-candy or usefull thing12:30
JFreakCapointelikey thks12:30
intelikeyJFreakCapo that would reverse the action/affect.   nothing to it.12:31
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intelikeychilds play12:31
intelikeyerrr pinguins play12:31
intelikeyJFreakCapo simply knowing what you are actually doing when you do things like that,  makes reversing them a snap.12:32
=== orangey [n=orangey@bas5-london14-1177677864.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
orangeyhey all!12:34
orangeyI'm trying to get the backports going, but I'm not sure that it's working out right.. what's the latest K3b available in backports? or how can I look through those packages?12:34
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=== intelikey is going to a gui now.
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intelikeyi'll be like a pinguin out of ice.12:37
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triadewhizz: fsck -f /dev/partition12:38
orient2000hello <omar>12:38
omarhello orient12:38
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omarI am a new kubuntero12:39
omarI started some days ago12:39
omarI feel free12:39
orient2000ask the question if you have one <omar>12:39
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omarI really appreciate it12:39
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omarnow I am fighting to my family 'cos tehy need the solitario spider12:40
orient2000I love kubuntu, windows is a waste of time12:40
omarwhere can I find it12:40
omaryes, I hate windows too12:40
omarit's not for thinkers12:40
CVirusomar: kubuntero is for gurus like you12:40
Hawkwindomar: sudo apt-get install pysol12:41
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orient2000how about jiddu krishnamurti , he he12:41
omarok ok12:41
Hawkwindomar: Pysol comes with about 100 or more variations of solitaire12:41
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=== whizz grumbles about the only thing he hates about linux... no kernel (or cups or whatever) support for his printer
omarpysol??, but I got an error12:42
omarE: No se pudo bloquear /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Recurso temporalmente no disponible)12:42
omarE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:42
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lupine_85whizz: http://www.turboprint.de/12:42
lupine_85get your credit card ready though ;)12:42
triadewhizz: steorotype answer: wit printer?12:42
omaryou see?12:43
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omarI am really an amateur12:43
omarbut i like learning12:43
omarand I am convicing a couple friends too12:43
whizzolivetti artjet 1212:43
orangeyomar: did you do 'sudo' first?12:44
orangeyi.e., sudo apt-get or whatever12:44
triadedjeez, never heard o that one12:44
omaromar@omar:~$ sudo apt-get install pysol12:44
omarE: No se pudo bloquear /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Recurso temporalmente no disponible)12:44
omarE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?12:44
omarthere you go friends12:45
orangeyomar: Make sure all other instances are not being used.12:45
omarinstances??? ohhh12:45
orangeyomar: sudo ps ax | grep adept ; sudo ps ax | grep apt-get12:45
omaryou are right12:45
omarlet me see12:45
lupine_85omar: either something else is running package-management, or a package management program died and left the lock file12:45
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lupine_85(if the latter, it's safe to delete /var/lib/dpkg/lock)12:45
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orangeylupine_85: let's take things one at a time. he's not experienced, so the most likely scenario is that he is running more than one.12:46
omarit's working12:46
omarlet it finish12:46
omarcan I get one more answer12:47
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CVirusomar: no you cant as you havent stated your question yet !!12:47
CVirusjust ask !12:48
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omarhe he he12:48
CVirusomar: what arab country do you come from ?12:48
omarthanks guys12:48
omarI am peruvian12:48
CVirusomar: whats with the nickname ?12:48
omardon't tell me you speak spanish12:48
orangeypor suppuesto qe si12:48
omaren serio???12:48
omarya instalaron , donde estan12:49
triadeomar: no he likes guineau pigs roasted12:49
orangeysi, perro #kubuntu no esta para espanol. solo ingles12:49
omarthere you go12:49
omarthat's the name but i don0t like them12:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about spain - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:49
omarwhere are you from12:49
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-46ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 169 kB, installed size 592 kB12:49
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:50
orangeyestoy di canada12:50
omartoo cold for me , but great12:50
orangeytoo cold for me too.12:50
orangeywhy else do you think I'm learning spanish?12:50
omarI mean I finish installing pysol12:50
omarwhere pysol is installed12:50
omarI mean what part of my directory12:51
orangeymaybe in the games section?12:51
=== whizz tells spanish talking people about #kubuntu-es
orangeyomar: why aren't you using GUI tools?12:51
omarok ok12:51
omarspanish is fine I am also speak portuguez12:51
omarthere it go12:51
=== whizz no habla espanol
omaryou are good people12:51
=== NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@c-24-91-138-50.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
omarhe he12:52
orangeyheheh. "problemas mas tipicos"! hahah : )12:52
omarmy kubuntu esta en espaol12:52
omarFamily requierment12:52
omarasi que no puedo manejar tildes, o 12:52
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omarthey don't appear12:53
orangeyomar: Bueno. bamos a #kubuntu-es12:53
omarI am there12:53
sethyou can still do tildes in English Kubuntu12:53
omarpero me refiero a que los archivos con tilde salen sin ellas o con error12:53
sethCompose + n + ~ = 12:53
omarI know, but I cannot change the language12:53
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omarmy parents speak spanish12:54
omarthey use my machine12:54
orangeyseth: What is the 'compose' button?12:54
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orangeyomar: I can see your special characters.12:55
sethorangey, whatever you set it to be. I use the 'menu' button... you can set it in SystemSettings > Regional > xkb options > Compose key12:55
whizzyou could have your own user account in whatever language you like12:55
orangeyseth: gotcha12:55
whizzand have a spanish one for your parents12:55
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omarI got you12:57
omarI speak spanish so don't worry about it , but some files are changed, you know, signs  for tildes or for 12:57
omargood I feel like a really amateur12:58
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orangeyI have figured out what he's asking.12:59
orangeyhe's saying that he has many files from his windows days.12:59
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omarthat operating system with W, it sucks12:59
orangeybut the files with special characters now have strange things where those characters used to be, essentially making them impossible to organize.12:59
orangeyhe's wondering if there is a way to recover the filenames.01:00
=== Xcalibur [n=xtreemli@cpe-69-204-192-36.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Xcaliburhow long should shipit CD's take, I ordered one like 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I live in NY01:00
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orient2000up to 6 weeks01:02
oslodraik> now i like to change the backgroug just after the logon screen when periphericals are loaded01:02
orient2000I veve got in 401:02
orient2000in canada01:02
=== dec_ [n=dec@c-68-82-191-30.hsd1.de.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dec_hello, can you use remote desktop connection to connect to a windows computer?01:04
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dec_hello, can you use remote desktop connection to connect to a windows computer?01:04
VegetaHow do I change the permission of a file to be executable? Isn't it "chmod a+x" or is there something more to it?01:05
dec_it is chmod a+x01:05
dec_can you use remote desktop connection to connect to a windows computer?01:05
dec_can you use remote desktop connection to connect to a windows computer?01:06
Riddell** testers needed  deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-16beta1/ main dapper (or edgy)01:07
Vegetadec: Even though I do that, it still says "Acces denied" to the file, when I try to install it...01:08
=== fokuslee [n=fokuslee@adsl-75-4-203-3.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
fokusleecan anyone help me by looking at a lspci print out?01:08
dec_I am using krdc and when i put in the windows machine name it says the following: connection failed a server with the given name cannot be found01:09
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draikK Menu > System Settings > Login Manager01:15
=== clams [n=clams@c-68-34-241-146.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
draikClick on the Administrator Mode button on the bottom01:15
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draikClick on the Background tab01:15
=== Invert314 [n=Daniel@d235-152-138.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu
draikoh, the same one01:16
clamshey guys, what's up with Klipper, the clipboard tool?01:17
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draikrename the image in there... or just add    .backup   to the end of the file01:17
clamsit stores everything you highlight instead of conventional Ctrl+C method01:17
draikthen rename the new background image to kubuntu-wallpaper.png and copy it to that location01:17
clamswhen I read websites, i highlight as i read.... but it builds up this huge clipboard of junk then01:17
clamsanybody know what I'm talking about?01:17
whizzdecrease or clear the clipboard history01:18
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clamsbut I only want my clipboard to store things that I Ctrl+C01:19
clamsits storing EVERYTHING that i higlihgt01:19
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oslodraik> it has worked but i have a "croosing" resolution between 1280 & 1024 but its nice01:20
oslohere the background: http://dl-1.free.fr/52616e646f6d49562dddc85c76ebefdfeaacb57bba9a69778c003f5008ce600e/Caribbean--001:20
whizzclams: right click the klipper icon, choose configure and change 'clipboard/selection behavior' to the other option01:21
oslothe zoom in zoom ou give you the feeling you re on the beach ;)01:21
clamswhizz: just tried it. it's still storing everything I highlight. :(01:22
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whizzhm.. you're right.. mine is doing that too *blink*01:22
whizznever noticed it01:22
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dec_can you use remote desktop connection to connect to a windows computer?01:23
clamsyeah it's weird!01:24
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whizzdec_: yes (but dont ask me how).. from the launchpad site:01:24
whizz Liedboek voor de Kerken  : {{{LvdK}}}01:24
whizzLiederen voor de Gemeentezang  : {{{LvdG}}}01:24
whizzOpwekkingsliederen  : {{{Opw}}}01:24
whizzTussentijds  : {{{TT}}}01:24
whizzVreugde & Vrede  : {{{V&V}}}01:24
whizzYouth for Christ  : {{{YfC}}}01:24
whizzZangbundel Joh. de Heer  : {{{JdH}}}01:24
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=== whizz grumbles.
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whizzklipper is acting up01:26
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orangeywoo! Here comes the upgrade to Edgy.. : )01:28
omarhello orangey, it didn't work :(01:28
orangeyomar: You did:01:28
omarI did everything01:29
=== fokuslee [n=fokuslee@adsl-75-4-203-3.dsl.irvnca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu
omarbut after the restart, nothing01:29
omares still unavailable01:29
omarfor me01:29
orangeysudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?01:29
orangeyomar: and it installed?01:29
fokusleeomar are u using 64 bit?01:30
orangeyomar: that site is possibly flash 801:30
omarI am not sure, but I used to have flash in W......... whatever01:30
=== irish_wopr [n=irish_wo@c-66-56-56-22.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
orangeyomar: Windows supports flash 801:30
omarwhat can I do01:31
fokusleeif ur using 64 bit then flash does not work01:31
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omarwhat's 6401:31
fokusleeif u use 32 bit there is a trick to make it look like flash 901:31
=== TheMoebius [n=zac@66-188-128-145.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
omaryou mean memory RAM01:31
fokusleeno 64 bit instruction01:31
fokusleelike althon 6401:31
fokusleeor are u using intel?01:31
omarwhere can I see it01:31
=== obf213 [n=john@ppp-70-243-74-198.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
orangeyfokuslee: what do you mean? i.e., send a version number?01:31
obf213how do i get my comp to automatically log onto wifi?01:32
orangeyfokuslee: what's the trick?01:32
fokusleehold on let me dig it up01:32
omaryes intel Pentium IV, 128 RAM01:32
fokusleeok then there is a trick to make flash 7 to 9 hold on01:33
Xcaliburthere is?01:33
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omarI am in Kinfocenter, where is my bit01:34
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orangeyomar: Pentium 4 CPUs are 32-bit01:34
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omarit's that bad01:35
orangeyomar: Trust me, that's a good thing for you.01:35
orangey64 bit ubuntu is a world of pain01:35
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LeeJunFanalthough you can avoid that pain by running 32 bit ubuntu on a 64 bit machine - like I do.01:35
oslo64bits also on windows seems to be the same ;)01:35
LeeJunFaneven though I still have a debchroot for nfsbooting. hehe01:36
omarbut the flash01:36
orangeyoslo: same here.01:36
orangeyoslo: still, I feel lesser for doing that.01:36
fokusleeu can follow that01:36
omarthere I go01:36
fokusleeit works for myspace01:36
fokusleebut not 100percent fool proof01:37
omarhe he01:37
omarbut I have konqueror01:37
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omarit's the same01:37
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fokusleei think itz fine01:38
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fokusleejust try if anything fails just edit it back01:38
fokusleeanyways can i get some video card help?01:38
orangeyfokuslee: what's the issue?01:39
fokusleehere http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2302201:39
fokusleesorri there is like a half page to read01:39
fokusleebut im truely out of ideas01:39
orangeyfokuslee: oops.. I'm in the midst of a dist-upgrade to edgy, so konq has konq-ed out.01:39
fokusleeoh ok01:40
fokusleewait edgy is out?01:40
orangeyI'm doing one of the alpha or beta versions.01:40
orangeyIn any case, what's your issue?01:40
fokusleei can't run sli01:41
fokusleeinfact sli is not even showing01:41
orangeywhat is sli?01:41
clamshey guys, you know how to make klipper only respond to Ctrl+C and not general highlight01:41
clamsSLI = two video cards01:41
fokusleesomething like that01:41
fokusleeuse 2 card to get faster graphics01:42
orangeyOK. I thought as much, but I didn't know that there was much graphics involved in it.01:42
orangeyNvidia SLI?01:42
orangeyproprietary drivers?01:42
clamsi wouldn't worry about configuring it on kubuntu too much, you'll probably end up with a bigger headache and it probably won't benefit your graphics that much.01:42
orangeyfokuslee: I would try on #ubuntu as well.01:42
ubotuklipper: clipboard utility for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 259 kB, installed size 924 kB01:42
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto01:42
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm01:43
clamshaha nearest mental health institute01:43
orangeyhehehe ; )01:43
clamsgood one ubotu!01:43
clamsarrrgh why has my mouse gestures for konqueror suddenly stopped working01:43
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orangeyclams: It's GNU/Linux surprise.01:44
orangeyclams: The next surprise is when it will randomly re-enable : )01:44
clamshaha oh nuts.01:45
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orangeyman, everytime I upgrade to an unstable version, I always tell myself that I'll never do it again..01:46
VegetaWhy is it that KDE can't distenguish between what program it should use to open a specifik file? With "foreign" softwares that is. If we take Maple as an example, it used text editer programs to open Maple files. But when I choose those files to be open in maple, it also effected the txt files, so they oppened in maple :S01:46
orangeybut then I always do it again : )01:46
clamsand yet here you are01:46
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clamseee vegeta that stinks, i remember my windows used to do something like that01:46
orangeyVegeta: that's a question for #kde01:46
=== clams pats Vegeta on the back.
ubuntuVegeta: complain to Maple for using a text/plain filename structure?01:46
orangeyVegeta: the essence is that KDE doesn't recognize files by extension only, but by the contents of the file.01:46
orangeyand maple files very likely have a first few lines that look like text01:47
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Vegetaorangey: Couldn't it be ajusted to it would recognize it by the filename?01:47
orangeyVegeta: maybe. I'd check on #kde01:48
orangeyor play around in the file types area.01:48
orangeyMaybe if specifically issued, then the filetype will be pursued, but if not, then it will try to match it to content.01:48
SanneVegeta: did you get the procedure I posted on #ubuntu? (right click, properties...)01:48
orangeySanne: that won't do it.01:48
orangeybecause the filetype he's editing would be the "text" file type.01:49
Sanneorangey: oh, ok, I see, thanks.01:49
orangeyMy guess is that his best bet is to create a new filetype with the extension .MAPLE or whatever, and try to configure that.01:49
orangeythereby creating separation between that and the text files.01:49
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VegetaWell maple file types are called mw, or mws, quit diferent from txt :S01:50
orangeyVegeta: like I said.01:50
rcmni looked a while back on the forum for a fix when you have 2 sound card.Ex: 1 time the onboard is /dev/snd and the pci is /dev/snd1.But the next day pci became /dev/sdn and onboard /dev/snd1.01:50
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Vegetaorangey: But do I do that?01:51
rcmndid someone fixed that pbm01:51
orangeyVegeta: do what?01:51
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Sanneorangey, Vegeta: isn't it possible then, what i suggested, when it has a specific extension?01:51
VegetaConfigure a new filetype01:51
orangeyrcmn: Actually, I have the same problem..01:51
rcmni know many people do01:51
JohnFluxyou need magic01:51
orangeySanne: The problem, as I've noted it, is that when the extension is not previously defined (i.e., nobody makes the .mws mimetype), then KDE tries really hard to contextualize the file. if it looks like text, then it uses the text preferences.01:52
ubunturcmn: it's not a problem01:52
orangeySanne: in other words, it does not interpret filetypes based on extension alone.01:52
rcmnnot a problem ?01:52
Vegetaorangey: How do I define the filetype then?01:53
Sanneorangey: ah, I see, thank you.01:53
ubuntuno, it's quite normal01:53
rcmnwell all my program will use a differnt card01:53
ubuntudon't rely on detection order, then01:53
rcmnwell exemple by default my game use sdn01:53
ubuntucreate a udev rule to label them01:53
rcmnthank u01:54
orangeyVegeta: I'm not sure, actually.. kcontrol is probably the first step.01:54
orangey#kde is probably the right place to ask.01:54
orangeykcontrol > kde components > file associations.01:54
JohnFluxno need for kcontrol01:55
ubuntuorangey: any KDE configuration stuff might need to be here, since Kubuntu doesn't use standard KDE Control Center01:55
sniffy96Vegeta: Do this: Open konqueror -> navigate to a maple file -> rightclick the file -> properties -> click on the icon beside type. fill out the info01:55
JohnFluxkonqueror has  Settings->configure konqueror->file associations01:55
JohnFluxsniffy96: no that will change the text/plain type01:56
JohnFluxVegeta: follow what I say ;-)01:56
ubuntuno follow what i say01:56
orangeyJohnFlux: OK. I couldn't find it in kguidance01:56
ubuntuclick a web link to a .mws or whatever ;)01:57
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ubuntuKDE can't contextually guess type if it's not local01:57
sniffy96oh. my bad. sorry for the wrong info :(01:57
VegetaJohnFlux: Ok I'll try that :)01:57
JohnFluxsniffy96: it's not obvious :(01:57
JohnFluxit's a bad gui bug01:57
actinicis this the windows xp forum?01:57
orangeyJohnFlux: agreed.01:57
JohnFluxVegeta: you want to make a maple type as a subtype of text/01:57
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orangeyactinic: yes. Feel free to ask any windows question you wish.01:58
JohnFluxactinic: #windows01:58
VegetaJohnFlux: What do you mean by that??? :S01:58
ubotuFor help with Microsoft windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. Also see http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 - !equivalents - http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm01:58
orangeyVegeta: he means that the way Sanne told you to do it SHOULD work, but it is a travesty of usability that it doesn't.01:58
Vegetaohh that01:58
VegetaIt doesn't work....01:59
omarI am still without flash in my webs :(01:59
ubuntuFlash sucks01:59
ubuntuboycott it01:59
VegetaBecause it calls maple files "Plain Text Document". And when you change the setting for the maple files, it will change it for the txt files as well....01:59
JohnFluxVegeta: do you know what you are doing?  you want to open the file associations tab, then click "Add" and add maple under the group text01:59
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orangeyVegeta: listen to the man.02:00
omarbut some wabs doens't work without it02:00
orangeyor woman.02:00
ubuntuVegeta: text/x-maple02:00
orangeyomar: YOu need to look at the restricted formats link I sent you.02:00
omarI did my friend02:00
ubuntuomar: boycott means you don't go to those sites02:00
omarand I install everything02:00
omargot it02:00
omarbut I nedd some of them02:01
VegetaJohnFlux: You mean under the File Paterns?02:01
JohnFluxVegeta: in konqueror, do Settings->configure konqueror02:01
JohnFluxthen click the File Associations tab02:01
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JohnFluxit will list the Known extensions as a tree02:01
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JohnFluxunderneath is an Add button02:02
JohnFluxclick that02:02
JohnFluxchose group "text" and enter the name  x-maple02:02
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VegetaSo you use Maple too? =)02:02
VegetaJohnFlux: Type Name : x-maple??? Why x-maple?02:03
clamswhat IS maple?02:03
VegetaA math application02:03
JohnFluxVegeta: x-  means it's non-standard02:04
clamsfor what type of math?02:04
VegetaAll kind of. It's like Mathematica02:04
ubuntuwhat's the ubuntu equiv for eselect?02:04
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ubuntueg, to make GCC 4 default02:04
JohnFluxubuntu:i don't know about gcc02:06
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miyakodoes anyone know if Kubuntu (or some other distro) will install and run on an Intel iMac?02:07
JohnFluxubuntu: but for almost everything else you do:  update-alternatives  --set editor /usr/bin/emacs21     for example02:07
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about imac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about iMac - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:08
ubotuppc is PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture.02:08
JohnFluxmiyako: ubotu says yes, but gives no useful info02:09
miyakoJohnFlux, it says the PPC macs are supported, but I am wondering about the Intel macs02:09
miyakoI heard that people where having trouble with the EFI and such, and were bricking their machines02:09
ubuntukinda defeats the purpose of getting a mac...02:09
JohnFluxmiyako: oppds02:09
Sannebye all02:10
larson9999there's a purpose to getting a mac?02:10
omarsend then again pls02:10
weas3llarson9999, video editing, image editing, sound editing02:10
ubuntularson9999: good hardware-- eg, PPC02:10
miyakoyeah, I need photoshop and I would like to be able to use iMovie02:11
ubuntunobody needs that02:11
AZ_ASeh, I plan on using that since it'll be a good intro to video editing without costing me money02:12
ubuntuit will cost you money02:12
AZ_ASI already have iMovie02:12
larson9999maybe i'm not professional enough but there are plenty good, free tools for that which don't require a mac.02:12
AZ_ASsorry, should've said extra money ;)02:12
VegetaJohnFlux: How do I then aply that "globally". Because it still uses text editor to open maple files, and maple to open txt files :S02:12
weas3lyeah, but macs are like, industry norm for most of that... least in our theatre it is.02:13
JohnFluxVegeta: okay in the file associations page again, you need to set the text/plain  back to normal - remove maple as the program to open the file with02:13
miyakowell, right now I'm working on an aging G402:13
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JohnFluxVegeta: then set the file type for  text/x-maple    to be *.mpl   or whatever it is02:14
miyakoand I would like to upgrade, but I don't want to spend big $$$ to upgrade to a nice mac just for photoshop, but if I can run Linux as well, then it would be worth it for me to buy a nice new mac02:14
JohnFluxVegeta: and set text/x-maple to run maple02:14
JohnFluxVegeta: make sense?02:14
VegetaLet's see if it works02:14
miyakootherwise I'll just go for a mac mini for photoshop and keep my current desktop running Linux02:15
deeowell you can run macosx on your linux box too02:15
deeotheres a mac emulator out there, but i never got it working, personally.02:15
deeoscreenshots show it DOES work, though.  how fast, no idea.02:15
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larson9999miyako: is photoshop that much better than gimpshop?02:16
JohnFluxVegeta: when you edit text/x-maple   make sure you look in the Embeding tab  and set "left click action"  to Show file in separate viewer02:16
miyakolarson9999: yes.02:16
ubotufish: a friendly interactive shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.0-1 (dapper), package size 355 kB, installed size 1596 kB02:16
miyakoGimp is a really good program, but productivity really suffers when trying to use it when working with people who are using Photoshop, and it is also missing a couple of key features02:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kioslaves - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:17
VegetaJohnFlux: It was already on that. What about for the plain?02:17
larson9999miyako: i think it's like people telling me the new sound cards are better than my trusty sb16s... my ears just aren't good enough.  same goes for my eyes02:17
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miyakothe problem with gimp is that it doesn't support things like folders, it doesn't support some of the layer styles in PSD files, it doesn't play well with my Wacom tablet, basically it's 80% of the way there, but that 20% is often curcial for professional work02:18
JohnFluxVegeta: leave that be02:18
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JohnFluxVegeta: make sure there's no reference to maple in text/plain   and that text/plain  is for .txt  files02:19
miyakowhen I have some spare time I might try to contribute to Gimp, I would love to see it be a real replacement for Phtoshop, but it's not there yet02:19
JohnFluxVegeta: and text/x-maple is for .mpl  files02:19
JohnFluxmiyako: krita is coming along pretty fast02:19
JohnFluxmiyako: i only do the tiniest of mucking around with photos02:19
VegetaJohnFlux: It didn't change anything...02:19
JohnFluxbut I do like krita02:19
JohnFluxVegeta: right click on the your .mpl file02:20
VegetaI could change the option for a specifik file.02:20
JohnFluxand chose properties02:20
JohnFluxin the title bar, does it call it a text/plain   file or a text/x-maple file?02:20
miyakoJohnFlux, my day job is a developer- but I moonlight as a graphics designer/animator02:20
JohnFluxmiyako: neat02:20
VegetaIt is called plain text02:21
VegetaJohnFlux: Wait I try to create a new maple file, because I messed the old ones up..02:22
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JohnFluxVegeta: nah02:22
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JohnFluxVegeta: the maple file has the extension .mpl  ?02:22
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VegetaIt has .mw02:23
VegetaJohnFlux: I think it's fixed now...02:24
JohnFluxVegeta: I just tested02:24
JohnFluxVegeta: it's required me to shutdown and restart konqueror02:25
JohnFluxVegeta: that's sucky02:25
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Vegetahmm.. I didn't need that.02:25
larson9999miyako: most 'professionals' i've talked say photoshop is worth the cash.  but in your posts you were talking about gimp.  i'm curious if gimpshop takes away much of the pain of the different UI as the site says.  i personally have never used photoshop02:25
miyakolarson9999, Personally, I haven't used Gimpshop.  The thing of it is, for me anyway, it's not the GUI that makes the difference, it's that GIMP simply lacks some very useful features that I need.02:26
larson9999miyako: oh, i thought maybe the gui was part of the issue since you talked about working with people who hadn't used gimp02:27
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miyakolarson9999, no the problem is that when you work with people who are using photoshop, they send you .psd files that are using features that Gimp doesn't support, so you end up looking at something different than what they are looking at02:27
miyakofor example, if someone creates an adjustment layer in Photoshop, saves it as a .psd, and then tries to open it in gimp, the adjustment layer disappears02:28
larson9999miyako: aha02:30
larson9999miyako: new rule: no more adjustment layers.02:30
miyakolarson9999, that doesn't really work, they are very useful things02:31
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raociao a tutti02:35
RawSewageis there a way to compare 2 folders using md5sum02:35
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miyakowell, I'm off, thanks all02:36
raociao di nuovo02:36
raonessun italiano?02:37
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RawSewagewhy do I get Permission Denied when I run  find . -type f -print0 >/foosums02:44
ubuntucuz you can't write to /?02:44
marcioOl, tem alguem por ae02:45
RawSewagetheres no special permissions on it02:46
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ubuntugo+w isn't special02:46
ubuntuerr, -02:46
ubuntu/exec -o ls -lhd /02:47
amicrawlerdoes dapper have nvidia drivers in it?02:47
ubuntuamicrawler: sure, the legal ones02:47
amicrawlerok how do i get the ones from nvidia?02:47
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ubuntubetter to learn your lesson not to buy unsupported hardware02:48
marciocomo fao para configurar minha rede02:48
amicrawleri see02:48
rcmnubuntu: thx for the tip with UDEV it worked02:48
ubunturcmn: :)02:48
amicrawleri got a nvidia fx 860002:48
ubuntuamicrawler: should have got an ATi Radeon 925002:48
amicrawleri got what i could aford02:49
ubuntuI bet the 9250 is cheaper02:49
amicrawlerati was to much for what i wanted02:49
Galathalionkonqueror isnt working very good for me. anyone help me?02:50
ubuntuwell, you got a card without 3D support02:50
ubuntuA Radeon 9250 is $3102:50
amicrawlerin suse i got 3d support02:50
ubuntunot legal02:50
amicrawlershure i did02:51
ubuntuthere are no legal 3D nvidia drivers for Linux02:51
RawSewageIm trying to compare 2 folders with md5sum02:51
ubuntuRawSewage: why not diff?02:51
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amicrawlerdown loaded the 3d drivers from nvidia.com02:51
RawSewageubuntu, anything that works. does that check the hash02:51
rcmnubuntu: do u think it's worth write a trip and trick post in unbuntuforum ? there is already for other media like usb but02:52
RawSewageI didnt even know about diff02:52
RawSewageI'll try it02:52
ubuntuamicrawler: they're illegal02:52
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amicrawlerso how do i get nvida in my system again02:53
ubuntuamicrawler: configure X02:54
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rcmnubuntu: do u think it's worth write a trip and trick post in unbuntuforum ? there is already for other media like usb but02:54
rcmnnothing for audio02:55
RawSewageubuntu, does diff check the file itself in a hash manner02:55
RawSewageto make sure both files are identical02:55
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ubunturcmn: sure02:57
ubuntuRawSewage: diff does a comparison02:57
amicrawlerhow do i get more then 1 download going at the same time?02:57
amicrawlerwith sudo ?02:58
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ubuntuamicrawler: sudo doesn't download anything...02:58
amicrawleri know that02:58
amicrawlerhow do i get more then 1 download going at the same time?02:58
ubuntuopen another shell02:59
amicrawlerthe shell sayes that something eles is going02:59
amicrawleri did02:59
shadowhywindso i am having a bit of a problem, Linux will boot up but it wont show the login screen, anyone have any ideas?02:59
amicrawleror kdm02:59
amicrawlerif you get  your user name02:59
amicrawlertype it in02:59
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amicrawlerthen startx02:59
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shadowhywindall i get is a black screen, nothing on it,03:00
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amicrawlertry  crtl + alt + f1 key03:01
shadowhywindevery once in a while i will be lucky and actraully get the login screen, but its rather annoying playing guessing games03:01
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shadowhywindi think it might have something to with acpi, becuase when i turn acpi off i have no problems03:01
jmichaelxhas anyone else ever had problems burning CDRs and CDRWs with K3B?  when i try, it fails, and the error i get says that the disc i am trying to burn to is not a DVDR....03:02
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shadowhywindso any other ideas before i restart03:03
atulCan anyone here help me with a strange audio problem03:03
shadowhywindwhats the problem atul?03:03
atulI'm running dapper on my Dell D600 laptop03:03
atulI had audio running well03:03
shadowhywindsounds like fun03:03
yango__the standard ant package doesn't have the regexpmapper mapper... I need to install the regexp jar for ant, and apt-cache search doesn't give any clues03:04
atulbut its dissappered now03:04
atulalsamixer shows all settings are good03:04
atulthre is no output using any player including aplay03:04
shadowhywindhave you tried alsaconfig?03:04
atulno, which package do I get? I dont have it installed03:05
RawSewageubuntu, diff is so slow03:05
shadowhywindalsaconfig should be installed if you have the alsamixer03:05
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atulsorry but its not installed03:05
amicrawlerno mp3 play back any  i deas03:06
shadowhywindoh, see if alsaconfig is a package03:06
amicrawlerusing the xine engin03:06
shadowhywind it has been some time sense i used alsaconfig03:06
atulits not a package03:06
shadowhywindoh dang03:06
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amicrawlermy sound card is configured03:06
atulI remeber reading somewhere that alsaconfig has been discontinued for some reason03:06
shadowhywindthat might be true,03:07
shadowhywindbeen a while sinse i tried useing it03:07
atulok any ideas?03:07
atulI can get sound with win xp03:07
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atulI checked that all the driver modules are loaded03:07
atulall apps seem to be happy playing stuff, its just that nothing comes out of the speakers:(03:08
shadowhywinddang, i don't have any other ideas, sorry03:08
RawSewageatul, you have mp3 codecs03:08
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echo1Anyone here familiar with kismet and having two sources capture at once? (#kismet is *dead*)03:08
shadowhywindmake sure that all the volumn controls are full blast and nothing is muted03:09
atulits nothing to do with mp3, i cannot play anything not even kde sounds03:09
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atulyes nothing is muted and all volumes are full03:09
RawSewagewhat about the volume roller on your laptop03:09
clamswhat's the name of kubuntu's basic text editor?03:09
RawSewageclams, Kate?03:10
RawSewageclams, try KWrite03:10
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__mikemnano works just fine03:10
atulthere are only soft keys to control volume here03:10
RawSewageit doesnt have a k in the name though03:10
atuleverything was working, i can't remember what broke it03:11
RawSewagedid you try rebooting03:11
atulmany times :(03:11
RawSewageopen KMIx03:11
RawSewagePCM is maxed right03:12
atulyes it is03:12
atulthe light is green03:12
atulmaster is maxed, master mono is maxed headphone is maxed03:12
clamsokay thanks rawsewage!03:12
RawSewageatul, did you go to System Settings03:13
atulany ideas RawSewage?03:14
RawSewageopen Sound System03:14
atulok i will do that03:14
RawSewagesee if the Enable Sound System box is checked03:14
atulyes it is03:14
RawSewagemaybe something you can do in the Hardware tab03:15
RawSewageall my boxes are unchecked in that, btw03:15
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clamsHmm... I'm trying to mount my windows partition here03:15
RawSewageand it's set to Auto Detect03:15
clamsI'm following the steps on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions03:15
clamsBut I'm stumped at Step 5... can you guys help me? the tutorial was written for Ubuntu, so it's using ubuntu directories/names03:16
clamsNavigate to the computer directory from within the places menu. Right-click the HDD partition(s) that you specified in the pmount.allow file and in the resulting menu select mount (you can also mount the disk by double-clicking its icon). Close the computer window then reopen it and the partition will be accessable.03:16
atulits set to ALSA here, changing to auto detect....03:16
clamsThat's the step, I'm not sure what to do to it.03:16
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atulRawsewage: No lock, changing it to auto detect had no effect03:18
atulno luck03:18
RawSewagei dont nkow03:18
RawSewagemaybe ask in #Ubuntu too03:18
atulthanks for your help03:19
atuli'm asking in #ubuntu03:19
beemonkCan anyone explain to me the differences between /dev/dsp, /dev/dsp1, and /dev/dsp2 ? I'm trying to get my USB 5.1 headset to work in VMware, and I can choose between those 3 for sound...03:20
beemonkOr rather...I can type anything in the box but i wondered why there are 3 dsp's03:21
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clamshey guys how can I mount my windows partition?03:21
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clamsi changed my pmount.allow to add "/dev/sda1"03:21
clamsbut what do I do from here?] 03:21
beemonkclams: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountwindows.php03:23
clamsthanks beemonk03:25
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beemonkclams: sorry to just link you when you came in here to talk to someone....but....I think it's easy enough for a +howto to explain :)03:26
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llxcamxllwhats the deal with getting a dvd to play03:26
beemonkI've found out that the forums have 99/100 answers to my problems :P03:27
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages03:28
Hawkwindllxcamxll: You need libdvdcss for one thing03:28
llxcamxllcan i like apt-get that?03:28
HawkwindSure, as long as you have the right repos setup03:29
llxcamxlli only got the standard repositories03:29
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Hawkwind!info libdvdcss03:31
ubotuPackage libdvdcss does not exist in any distro I know03:31
Hawkwind!info libdvdcss203:31
ubotulibdvdcss2: Simple foundation for reading DVDs - runtime libraries. In component extras, is optional. Version 1.2.9-0.0ubuntu2 (dapper-seveas), package size 31 kB, installed size 112 kB03:31
Hawkwindllxcamxll: Visit: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages  <~~And add the repo03:31
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=== beemonk cries
kuzmasterhey all03:34
kuzmastermy firefox dosnt work properly03:34
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kuzmastersomtimes it dosnt load pages03:34
clamsyeah, beemonk, I was able to get it. thanks!03:35
beemonkno worries mate03:36
beemonkkuzmaster: certain types of pages?03:36
beemonkkuzmaster: myspace? hotmail ?03:36
larson9999i feel like a dinosaur.  i don't like the fancy enhancements coming for the desktop.03:36
kuzmasterlike, before it wouldnt load googel03:36
beemonkJust firefox?03:36
kuzmasterafter i restarted firefox03:36
kuzmasteryeah just firefox03:36
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LNX1hi !03:37
kuzmasterafter i restarted firefox, it would load fine, but another page wouldnt load, then google wouldnt load03:37
beemonkhi :/03:37
LNX1;) I have a little trouble with KDE03:37
LNX1my USB disk and key doesn't mount03:37
atulStupid question: How do I find out what version of kubuntu I am running?03:38
LNX1automagicaly ;O03:38
LNX1but...in gnome is working great with no problem03:38
LNX1I'm on Ubuntu 6.0603:38
beemonkatul: I always wondered that :P (still dont know)03:38
kuzmasteratul, i THINK i know03:39
kuzmasterget into the help thingy03:40
kuzmasterkde help center03:40
atulbeemonk, I just found out: lsb_release -a03:40
LNX1no ones already have this trouble ??03:41
atulkuzmaster, thanks I found out about lsb_release -a03:41
kuzmasteratul, yeah, the lsb_release -a way is better03:41
beemonkatul: thanks03:41
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atulkuzmaster, now that I know I'm running dapper, what's the deal with edgy? Is it any better03:42
kuzmasteratul, i have no idea, i suppose edgy is les stable03:43
atulworse than dapper? :p03:43
kuzmasteratul, edgy is the next release, due at the end of this yeah03:43
atulmeanwhile, my audio is still silent :((03:45
kuzmastercan anyone please tell me a recomended internet browser for kubunt , apart from firefox and konquera03:46
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tjhey can some 1 give me the lin kt oofftop[ic03:49
tjof topic03:49
beemonkKubuntu Support Channel | 3.5.4 available for dapper | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapp...03:50
beemonkKubuntu Support Channel | 3.5.4 available for dapper | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Your X broken, the fix is to update again. (make sure dapper-updates repo. is enabled)03:50
larson9999kuzmaster: opera is pretty good on linux03:50
kuzmasteri wish firefox would work ;-(03:51
larson9999kuzmaster: firefox doesn't work.  why not?03:51
larson9999kushelmex: oh, you're runny edgy?03:51
LNX1someone can help for automounting of USBdisk trouble ?03:52
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larson9999kushelmex: sorry that was for kuzmaster03:52
kushelmexno problem haha03:52
kuzmasterlarson9999, no, im on daper03:52
larson9999kuzmaster: and firefox doesn't work?03:52
larson9999what's wrong with it?03:53
kuzmastersomtimes it dosnt load pages03:53
kuzmasterlike, before it wouldnt load googel03:53
kuzmasterafter i restarted firefox03:53
kuzmasterafter i restarted firefox, it would load fine, but another page wouldnt load, then google wouldnt load03:53
LNX1can you tell me if it's working without trouble for you ?? automount of usbdisk under KDE03:53
kuzmasterit kinda works, then dosnt work and works and dosnt work03:53
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larson9999kuzmaster sounds like a dsn thing03:53
kuzmasterwell, im using konquor fine03:54
larson9999kuzmaster: it's not the ipv6 thing is it?03:55
kuzmasteri dont know?03:55
kuzmasterwhat is this 'ipv6 thing'?03:55
larson9999kuzmaster: google for disabling ipv6 and see if that helps firefox03:55
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larson9999kuzmaster: if not it's only a minute or two wasted03:56
LNX1aotumounting USBDISK work great for you under KDE 3.5.403:56
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larson9999LNX1: yeah, i did have to change some settings though.  forgot what they were but it didn't take me too long to find via google.03:58
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LNX1I searched long time on google but didn't find03:59
LNX1what make me crazy is that is work great under Gnome....strange03:59
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kuzmasterwhat is the package name for gimpshop?04:02
Hawkwindkuzmaster: apt-cache search gimp04:03
Hawkwindkuzmaster: That will list everything dealing with gimp04:03
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LNX1someones here (242 people !) who say how to set the automounting of USBdisk ??04:05
beemonkwho say?04:05
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beemonkgoogle say!04:05
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LNX1loll, i search a lot on Google...but doesn't found04:05
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LNX1kubuntu forum is not for helping ?04:06
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LNX1on google, we found often some stuff very old on ubuntu/kubuntu...but doesn't work for dapper04:07
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donTaqueroReally yes!04:07
llxcamxllif a game says its compatible with linux is it gonna work on kubuntu??04:07
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LNX1llxcamxll : 95% chance yes ;P)04:08
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llxcamxllyou guys know anything about alien arena04:09
LNX1thanks...good evening04:09
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llxcamxllis .run files an installer or how do i install said extensions04:10
donTaqueroI have a problem related with the sound device... I have two devices SiS SI7012 and USB Audio. Well, I attempt to use USB Audio to Amarok but doesn't responses... How to configure the output into Amarok?04:11
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kuzmasterdoes anyone know the spefic package name for gimpshop?04:15
Kr4t05kuzmaster: sudo apt-cache seach gimpshop04:16
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Hawkwindkuzmaster: It's not in the repos.  If you do: apt-cache search gimp  you'll see it's not listed04:20
kuzmasterHawkwind, ok then where can i get it04:21
kuzmasterim looking on the gimp shop site, but i cant find it...........04:21
Kr4t05kuzmaster: IIRC, you may need to compile it from source.04:21
kuzmasterdo i want the 'Tar/GZ:'?04:22
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kuzmasteror the Tar/BZ2:?04:22
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Hawkwindkuzmaster: Either04:23
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=== mart makes a shameless plug for http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-16beta1.php
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zblachquick question. i've some keys on my keyboard (pause, play, stop). how can I change their default behaviour?04:26
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Kr4t05zblach: read what ubotu just messaged  you/04:30
zblachmuch thanks04:30
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stealgsomeone have a good source of plf for apt-get ??04:32
Kr4t05stealg: deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/plf/ dapper free non-free04:33
Kr4t05add that to your sources.list04:33
=== mart looks through the repository and finds a package called 'hotbabe'..
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martwhat's that?  I'm not googling it :)04:34
__mikemimbrandon are you available?04:35
Hawkwind!info hotbabe04:35
ubotuPackage hotbabe does not exist in any distro I know04:35
Hawkwindmart: It's a system monitoring app04:35
martoh, I've found the description in the .diff.gz04:35
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mart"When the CPU is idle, it displays a dressed girl, and when the activity goes up, as the temperature increases, the girl begins to undress, to finish totally naked when the system activity reaches 100%."04:36
HawkwindMost people shudder at the app 'pornview' too04:36
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martgood grief.04:36
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flaccid_how to config firewall?04:37
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)04:37
stealghi guys where can i found a good source list ?04:38
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Hawkwind!easysource > stealg04:38
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic04:39
stealgubotu:  i try but have errors04:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i try but have errors - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:39
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clamsHmm... how can I make AmaroK recognize my .wma's? <_<04:41
clamsrecognize it in the audio collection, I mean.04:41
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stealgsomeone can tellme his source list please04:42
wd3ok i just installed automatix, "highly recommended" and now i can't log in. on reboot i put my password in and the screen looks like it's signing on then it goes blank , then the splash again.04:42
martstealg: what exactly are you trying to install?04:42
martum, aptitude is installed by default.04:43
stealgin kubuntu not04:43
martit is in dapper.04:43
stealgsorry i miss synaptic04:43
stealgi try to install synaptic04:44
martit's in main - the default sources.list should be fine.04:44
wd3Seveas, can u help me please?04:44
stealgyes i try with the default but tellme some bad04:44
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stealgsorry for my porr english04:45
__mikemSeveas isn't here, neither are any of the operators04:45
martstealg: should I try to guess what error you get?04:45
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firesuite_Hi all, could anyone point me to a good website for console commands?04:46
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wd3__mikem, thanks, maybe u can help me. i was told to install automatix, for all the codecs and things, well now i can't sign in after reboot. i put my pass in and the screen goes black then sign in screen again.04:46
__mikemAboid automatix04:46
__mikemavoid even04:46
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.04:47
Kr4t05stealg: Est-que tu parle francais?04:47
wd3__mikem, u tknow, when i was running ubuntu, i was told about this, but the guys earlier told me that automatix was taken over by a competent team so go for it, damn it automatix.04:47
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stealgKr4t05: Imposible obtener http://users.lichtsnel.nl/~seveas/dists/dapper-seveas/all/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found04:48
__mikemwd3 I still don't recomend using it04:48
Kr4t05stealg: Mon francais est tres mal.04:48
wd3__mikem, ok.04:48
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:48
Kr4t05De rien.04:49
stealgKr4t05:  can u tellme u source list please04:49
stealgKr4t05:  i speak spanish04:49
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:49
Kr4t05My bad.04:50
stealgu can tellme Kr4t05?04:51
wd3__mikem, how do u install the codecs then for win32?04:51
pierrethHow can I update everything?04:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:51
wd3__mikem, any solution about my problem, no help in automatix.... dead. people there but no answer.....  :(04:51
Kr4t05stealg: I have a stock sources.list04:52
__mikemwd3 look at ubotu's last post04:52
Kr4t05stealg: Nothing more than what came with my install.04:52
wd3__mikem, been there, i followed, didn't work.04:52
stealgyes i think that my source its bad04:52
wd3__mikem, thnks04:52
martstealg: just remove the line that causes the error.04:53
__mikemwd3 have you tried mplayer?04:53
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wd3__mikem, after automatix... yes worked great of course. but now i can't login.04:54
shadowhywindi need some help, this is really werid04:54
=== __mikem face in hands
martinteresting definition of "worked great"04:55
shadowhywindi am playing a mp3 in xmms (dosen't matter what program), it plays it though my speakers, even if i have headphones pluged in04:55
=== dissidentcitizen [n=nick@ppp59-129.lns1.cbr1.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
actinicwow, 247 online and all chatting at once04:56
shadowhywindhopefully one of the 246 will be able to solve my werid audio problem04:56
actinicif I were to say 'OldKid is a jerk' do u think he'd notice?04:56
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actinicanyone here using ssh to connect to a remote linux pc?04:59
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dissidentcitizenhey are any of you guys having trouble using amarok with katapult? Whenever I try to load up a song amarok just gives an error "error loading media, no suitable input plugin" its happened ever since I Amarok 1.4.204:59
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
martactinic: yeah.05:00
shadowhywindi wish i could listen to music, but it refuses to play though my headphones05:00
actinicmart, that's great.  You should give 'fish' a try ... it's built-in to KDE05:00
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martactinic: I already use it :)05:00
junkphreakhave you turned in your headphone jack in kmix ?05:00
actinici love those kioslaves in KDE05:01
shadowhywindhow? (i have never had to do that before, mind you it is a new laptop)05:01
actinicnothing more than fish://hostname or fish://username@hostname05:01
shadowhywindthe only thing i have in kmix is master, pcm and capture05:01
junkphreakyou see your speaker on  taskbar05:01
shadowhywindi have used kmix before05:02
martactinic: speaking of kio slaves.... do you know if you can configure the audiocd:/ one?05:02
shadowhywindi think my audio drivers werent installed right05:02
junkphreakwell thats s00ks05:02
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actinicmart, i haven't tried tho i heard it's a drag & drop proposition, no?05:03
=== orangey [n=orangey@bas5-london14-1177677864.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #kubuntu
firesuite_could anyone tell me the quickest way to find out which version of KDE desktop im running please? :)05:03
martactinic: I want to configure the file names that appear..05:03
zblachr-click your taskbar, -> about05:04
martfirephoto: help about05:04
Dr_Willisfiresuite_,  look in the help/about menu item05:04
shadowhywindis there some easy way to doublec check audio drivers?05:04
firesuite_thanks zblach05:04
=== Crema10 [n=kubuntu@pool-70-18-57-15.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
martgah... silly tab-complete. :/05:04
Crema10hello, i'm having problems making flash plugin for mozilla firefox work05:04
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Crema10Adept says that i have it installed, but still Flash doesnt work in Firefox05:05
actinichmm, don't know mart05:05
martactinic: so instead of artist - 01 - track.ogg, I just want artist - track.ogg05:05
Crema10i isntalled libflash-mozplugin via Adept05:05
=== mart hunts the source
actinicmart, wonder if there's a linux-based file renamer out there?05:06
actinictons of them in win05:06
martactinic: at least a million - the question is... can I be bothered to learn one? :)05:06
actinicwell only you can answer that :)05:06
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actinickind of like asking if I want to be bothered trying another beer05:07
actinichell yes :)05:07
shadowhywindso any ideas about my audio issue?05:07
martactinic: ah, kcmshell audiocd :)05:08
actinicand i've got just the mod ... ftp://oberon.gotdns.com/bottleopener.jpg05:08
=== mart points at actinic - "geek!" :)
orangeyhey all! quick q: I've got some firewall dumping tons and tons of logs into dmesg and syslog.05:08
orangeyI was wondering how I could *disable* that.05:09
martactinic: I do hope that's not yours?05:09
actinickcmshell, eh?05:09
_bender_Okie, another hurdle overcome (finally figured out sudo=root and that there is no real root, just sudo)05:09
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actinichehe, nope05:09
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Dr_Willisa littel hurdle. :)05:09
_bender_lol tiny hurdle05:10
actinic_bender_: this gets close to 'real' root ... su -s05:10
actinicerr sudo -s05:10
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=== kubuntu is now known as Crema10
_bender_Ah kk, will try that the next time I encounter the need for root type ability05:10
martactinic: sssh... the children will hear!05:10
Dr_Willisim so old-skool i am used to using 'sux'05:10
_bender_Actually the biggest issue I was having was figuring out the Sudo password, didn't realize how it worked at first05:10
actinicyikes, what have I done!05:11
martDr_Willis: is sux a suse thing?05:11
_bender_Now...getting Samba to work lol05:11
martDr_Willis: oh, nvm.  I didn't realise it was a package.05:11
=== mart wonders what the point is.
Crema10damn, it didnt work :(05:11
Crema10i cant get flash to work on Firefox05:12
Crema10i dont know why, i installed everything that it needed05:12
Dr_Willissux is an old script that lets you su and have the right xhost/permissions to run apps on the desktop. :)05:12
actinicmart, i've seen sux in Kanotix05:12
_bender_:S I had same problem Crema...ended up falling back on Konqueror personally (so much easier getting flash to work in it)05:12
Dr_Willisnot even sure how it differs.. but i just use it out of habbit insead of sudo -s or whatever05:12
martDr_Willis: yeah, you're the second person I've seen this week mention it.  I've always just used xauth, or .Xauthority symlinking.05:12
Crema10_bender_: ok then if would please tell me what do i need to make flash work in Konqueror?05:13
martDr_Willis: I don't think sux is a better habit :/05:13
_bender_crema10: just decompress the flash.tar file (that you should have downloaded unless you haven';t :P)05:13
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Crema10_bender_: i'm using Adept to install things... cant i use Adept for this?05:14
_bender_Well it was just a plugin settings in Konqueror05:14
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_bender_Didn't have to use Adept to get it working properly05:14
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_bender_Just click Settings /// configure konqueror /// plugins and select "scan for new plugins"05:15
_bender_Should find the Flash plugin, select it and you're set05:15
_bender_Much easier than convincing FireFox to use Flash imo05:15
_bender_hmm...I'm being summoned to have some popcorn...05:16
_bender_Crema: Did that fix it?05:16
Crema10_bender_: ok that worked, thanks a bunch :)05:16
_bender_:D np np05:16
Crema10it sure did :)05:16
unix_infidelcan k3b burn .bin + .cue?05:16
_bender_kk brb must get popcorn :O lol05:17
Kr4t05Has anyone else gotten a Logitech Quickcam Express to work?05:17
Hawkwindunix_infidel: Of course05:17
unix_infidelHawkwind: thanks.05:17
Crema10OH WAIT! no it didnt :(05:17
Hawkwindunix_infidel: Do it as a data CD05:17
Crema10damn i thought it did05:17
Crema10thsi sucks05:17
unix_infidelHawkwind: erf?05:17
Hawkwindunix_infidel: You have to select Data CD from the menu05:18
unix_infidelHawkwind: as opposed to burn cd from image?05:18
Hawkwindunix_infidel: I do believe so05:18
Hawkwindunix_infidel: Been a while since I burned cue/bin files.  It might be the image file selection05:19
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=== mart decides to try sleeping before it gets light...
Kr4t05Anybody? Help?05:20
Kr4t05Stupid Logitech... ><05:20
_bender_sister ate most of my damn popcorn grrr05:20
=== noiesmo installed firefox for windows using wine then got firefox to install latest flash player by visiting site that needs latest flash say metacafe.com and now uses wine/firefox for flash and shockwave sites
Kr4t05_bender_: I feel your pain, but some of us have real problems. ><05:21
_bender_sory sorry05:21
_bender_Haven't tried configuring my Logitech cam yet (wouldn't know where to start with her)05:21
Kr4t05Back to my rant, does anyone, ANYONE know how to get a Logitech Quickcam working?05:21
Dr_WillisI recall the bot having a webcam factoid05:22
ubotuwebcam is now easy to install on Linux; instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras05:22
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:22
_bender_ohhhh :D05:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tapdance - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:22
KiongkuSWAT ... omg.. modereated by the police05:22
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_bender_Ehh am ok with that long as it allows me to share stuff...completly legal stuff COUGH COUGH amongst my PC's05:23
ubotusamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT05:23
Kr4t05Dr_Willis: The bot lies! Cameras are not easy to install... ><05:23
Kiongkureally bender :D?05:23
Crema10_bender_: man i give up :(05:23
_bender_lol really :D all legal...as far as anybody else is concerned05:24
Crema10thsi doesnt want to work for me05:24
_bender_Hmmm... :(05:24
=== unix_infidel hates web cams with a passion.
KiongkuKr4t05: hmm forgot how i did mine.. but i did not get much trouble05:24
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Crema10maybe its the damn image (i'm using only an image of Kubuntu via VMWare Player )05:24
Dr_WillisKr4t05,  i got 3 webcams and NONE of them work under linus. :P05:24
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Dr_Willislinux even05:24
_bender_well gonna plug mine in in a secs and see if it works with Kopete05:24
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KiongkuDr_Willis: i got one webcam that i bought in a rat hole in hong kong and its working :p05:25
Kr4t05_bender_: Kopete doesn't do video.05:25
Kr4t05_bender_: aMSN05:25
_bender_Fair enough, guess am off to find aMSN...unless there is a native way to view web cams in Kubuntu?05:25
wd3__mikem #automaix says update screwed up system, not automatix issue. was there a update screwup prb.05:25
Kr4t05_bender_: camorama05:26
Kr4t05_bender_: apt-get it.05:26
Kr4t05can't open /dev/video0: No such file or directory05:26
Kr4t05That sucks...05:26
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Kr4t05My camera is plugged in, and the little green light is one, too. ><05:27
Kr4t05on, even05:27
Dr_Willisnow your system will explode05:27
=== Kr4t05 restarts.
Kr4t05Maybe it's trying to be WIndows. ><05:28
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_bender_Hmm...but it hasn't started breathing fire and whispering sweet nothings at you yet has it?05:28
_bender_Untill then it's nothing like Windows :p05:28
_bender_Hmm looks like I don't have Camorama package part of OS...maybe...05:29
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_bender_Question...apt-get upgrade and update...what's the difference between the two commands?05:31
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Kr4t05I'm about to cry. ><05:32
Kr4t05I spent $40 for nothing.05:33
_bender_I get that feeling every day when dealing with this stuff...sometimes05:33
wd3__mikem.....  ^^^  last post..05:33
=== Kr4t05 makes sure he has his receipt.
Kr4t05And, I'm sure if I ask the folks there anything about compatiability, I can expect a blank look and the question, "What's Linux?"05:34
_bender_This is true...05:34
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Kiongkuyay webcam working ^^05:35
_bender_Jebus christies...friend told me Linux has no future once Vista arrives05:35
_bender_GRRR on humans05:35
Kr4t05Kiongku: I could hurt you.05:35
KiongkuKr4t05: geh...05:35
=== Kiongku slaps Kr4t05 with a large trout
Crema10_bender_: ok now it works with Konqueror, thanks bud :)05:36
Kr4t05Kiongku: What model?05:36
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_bender_Ah nice05:36
halfbloodprincehello people05:36
KiongkuZ-star microelectronics05:37
_bender_heya half05:37
halfbloodprince181 MB of my kubuntu iso download is done05:38
_bender_Ah nice05:38
halfbloodprincething is, if i'm downloading, i cant do anything else05:38
halfbloodprinceso i had to pause it for a while05:38
_bender_Why can't you do anything else?05:38
halfbloodprincecoz it wont let me do anything else.. hogs all the bandwidth05:39
_bender_Weird....might try a d/l manager to throttle that download then05:39
Crema10halfbloodprince: i'm running an iso of Kubuntu on VMWare also05:40
Crema10its great05:40
Crema10i'm on it right now05:40
halfbloodprincewhat's your base OS05:40
Crema10just dirty flash plugin doesnt wanna play nice with Firefox :(05:40
Crema10XP Home05:40
_bender_XP Pro over there ---> :p05:40
Crema10i have 2.5 GB of RAM though05:40
_bender_and blah to flash and firefox...05:40
_bender_boo 2.0 GB :(05:41
halfbloodprincebender, you're on xp pro?05:41
_bender_To my right is my main XP Pro machine05:41
_bender_This is on a P3 733 Mhz lol05:41
Kiongkuboo 1 GB >>05:41
Crema10is everybody here running the Kubuntu ISO on VMWare?05:41
Crema10seems like you are05:41
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Crema10oh ok05:41
KiongkuKubuntu my main os05:41
_bender_Main OS on this too05:41
Crema10my main Linux OS is Centos05:41
Dr_WillisCrema10,  i am downloading a xubuntu image to try in vmware. :P05:41
_bender_No mucking around with any virtualization or emulation05:42
halfbloodprinceI'm on XP pro, but that's because I havent installed kubuntu yet05:42
Crema10Dr_Willis: nice, please tell me how it goes. What your host OS?05:42
halfbloodprinceI'm going to do a dual boot05:42
Dr_WillisCrema10,  Kubuntu :P05:42
Kiongkunice halfbloodprince05:42
Crema10Dr_Willis: hahaha nice05:42
Dr_WillisCrema10,  also grabed a dsl-n and minix image. :P05:42
Crema10Dr_Willis: ooooooh please, that mini image link :)05:43
_bender_Wasn't prepped to do a dual boot yet if only because it's good being able to play StarCraft while having this here to chat in :p05:43
Dr_WillisCrema10,  Hmm.. it was a vmware page that had 'vmware appliances'05:43
Dr_Willishttp://www.thoughtpolice.co.uk/vmware/  has some other disrtos also05:44
kuzmasteri need help05:44
Crema10Dr_Willis: oh ok, i'll check it out05:44
halfbloodprincewhat's up kuzmaster05:44
kuzmasteri just downloade gimpshopt and and i have extracted it05:44
halfbloodprincehow was all the updatin' yesterday05:44
Crema10Dr_Willis: btw, whats dsl-n?05:44
Dr_Willisa Bigger DSL :)05:44
KiongkuRock and Roll!! Do u want a piece of me!! AHhh yeah05:44
kuzmasterhalfbloodprince, went  well, its all done05:44
kuzmasterbut anyway, i dont know what to do now05:45
halfbloodprinceyou were saying about gimpshop?05:45
Crema10Dr_Willis: I really dont get it, sorry... please explain if you could05:45
Dr_WillisI got that "Ubuntu Hacks" book - and it has a chapter on vmware :P05:45
Dr_Willisand a chapter on xen05:45
kuzmasteryeah, i downloaded it, and i have extraced all the files, but i dont know what to do now05:45
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Dr_WillisDSL - a mini linux disrto.. DSL-N - their BIGGER version05:45
Crema10Dr_Willis: gotcha gotcha.. whats so good about that distro?05:46
halfbloodprinceisn't there a guide on that site? i thought i saw one05:46
Dr_Willisits tiny. :)05:46
kuzmasterill have another look05:46
Kiongkutiny .. is big in dota..05:47
Crema10Dr_Willis: cool.. also, dont you have to use Suse in order to use Xen? I didnt know you could do Xen on Ubuntu05:47
wd3are there any update problems that will cause system not to login ur pass?05:47
Dr_WillisCrema10,  from what ive read. (never used xen) you could use about any disrto to have a XEN setup.05:47
Kiongkuwd3: dutn think so05:47
Dr_Willisbut you want a very tiny/stable initial disrto for the core of xen to run on.05:48
Dr_WillisOr so the chapter says. :P05:48
Crema10gotcha.. i have to check that out05:48
Crema10thanks Doc!05:48
Kiongkulol.. bugsbunny: whats up doc?05:49
Kiongkuwho has a customised skin for kde here?05:50
Crema10i wonder if there's a forum that just talks about virtualization05:50
Dr_WillisCrema10,  proberly - its a big topic these days05:51
Dr_WillisI just barely understand parts of it. :P05:51
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Dr_Willisbut i have a history of messing with emulators.05:51
Crema10wow, i cant believe Yahoo doesnt work on Konqueror. wtf?05:51
Crema10Dr_Willis: same here, but i'm so willing to learn , the topic is so interesting05:52
Crema10virtualiation is the future05:52
Dr_Williswhat part of it dont work?05:52
Dr_WillisCrema10,  i think i heard mention of xp some how working with xen now.05:52
Dr_Willisbut i aint messed with xen. yet05:52
Kr4t05Are the forums experiencing some some downtime.05:52
Dr_WillisKr4t05,  yes.05:52
Dr_Willisthey never have been super reliable. :(05:53
Crema10Dr_Willis: well just go to Yahoo.com and you'll see..05:53
Kiongkubye everyone.. gtg05:53
Crema10g'night Kiongku05:53
KiongkuCrema10: its g'morn.. going to church :p05:53
Crema10oh hehe05:54
Crema10church is good :)05:54
=== firesuite_ [n=firesuit@vnnyca-cuda1-cablebdl-70-34-233-165.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisok.. vmware installed... :P05:54
Kiongkuplaying drums in church is relaxing XD05:54
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wd3NDPowerBook, i have a powerbook 1400, i know it's old , how old is ur?05:57
NDPowerBookI had one of those.05:57
NDPowerBookI have a Powerbook G4 12"05:57
NDPowerBookI upgraded the CPU on my 1400 to a G305:57
wd3NDPowerBook, really, is it worth it05:58
pierrethhello, where is located source.list?05:58
kuzmasterdose/has anyone here play/played jazz jackrabbit 2 under wine?05:58
Dr_Willispowering up DSL-N under vmware. :P wee05:58
noiesmopierreth, /etc/apt/05:58
pierrethnoiesmo: is it normal mine does not exist?05:58
Hawkwindkuzmaster: The best place to ask about Wine stuff is in #WineHQ actually.  Those guys are the experts and most all of them run wine were very few here do05:59
NDPowerBookwd3: It was at the time, over 6 years ago. It must be absolutely inexpensive now.05:59
wd3NDPowerBook, i read the "weekend warrior" reviews and it said it might not be worth it, just keep it for a little word processor book, i have os 8 on mine. i want to install linux.05:59
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wd3NDPowerBook, yeah it is.05:59
noiesmopierreth, no even with cd only install you should have one05:59
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NDPowerBookUh unless you absolutely cannot afford something better I'd avoid trying to shoehorn Linux onto that thing.05:59
kuzmasterk, thanx05:59
wd3NDPowerBook, i had a forum poll asking about which distro of ubuntu..... xfce or ubuntu for it. they said it maybe to slow... what do u think?06:00
kuzmasternow, what is the command to install a .deb package06:00
kuzmasteri forget06:00
Dr_Williscould always use a VERY light window manager - like fluxbox/icewm06:00
pierrethnoiesmo: ok, i see, it is sources.list and source.list :-)06:00
wd3NDPowerBook, really06:00
wd3NDPowerBook, oh no, i wanted to do something for it...   it's old. i know.06:00
NDPowerBookwd3: Its a 10 year old laptop.06:00
NDPowerBookWell it'll be 10 years in October06:01
NDPowerBookYou are about to embark on an exercise in frustration.06:01
Dr_Williscan you say 'telnet/ssh' terminal. :P06:02
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wd3NDPowerBook, lol06:02
wd3NDPowerBook, u think so....  lol06:02
Dr_WillisWell my vmware install is a success! :P06:02
Dr_Willistoo bad i dont have a bigger system.06:02
wd3NDPowerBook, well what about the g3 upgrade, how do u like it?  wanna sell it?   lol06:02
NDPowerBookYeah I think so.06:03
Dr_Willisdsl-n is working.  a littel sluggush however.06:03
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Crema10Dr_Willis: how much ram do you have?06:03
NDPowerBookwd3: I said I "had" one of those.06:03
Crema10and whats your CPU?06:03
NDPowerBookI don't have it anymore.06:03
wd3NDPowerBook, oh06:03
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Hawkwindkuzmaster: sudo dpkg -i file.deb06:03
link_36pWorst apt-get nightmare every.......... http://pastebin.ca/16574906:03
wd3NDPowerBook, was it worth it?06:03
Dr_Willis1.5 gb or so. :P06:03
wd3NDPowerBook, the upgrade?06:03
NDPowerBookwd3: I already answered that question.06:04
wd3NDPowerBook, sorry06:04
kuzmasterHawkwind, thanxz06:04
savagenatorwhy is it that i cannot connect to other servers through the IRC in kubuntu06:04
wd3good night all, automatix has screwed me up so another install quest....... :(06:04
=== savagenator [n=savagena@pool-71-106-85-69.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
savagenatorit disconnected me06:05
savagenatoranyway how to i connect to other servers in teh kubuntu irc06:05
Kr4t05How do I find more information on a usb device06:05
tjcan someone give me the link to offtopic please06:06
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 111 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:06
Dr_WillisYou mean #kubuntu-offtopic ?06:06
=== halfbloodprince is back
tjhahaha u funny lmao not06:06
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kuzmastertj, lol, diddnt you know that ubotu knew nothing about 111?06:06
Kr4t05kuzmaster: troll06:06
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kuzmasterohhhhhhhhhhh, k06:07
halfbloodprincekuzmaster: did you figure out how to install gimpshop06:07
savagenatorso how do i connect to other servers in the kubuntu irc?06:07
kuzmasterkinda, i downloaded a .deb file of it i think06:07
halfbloodprinceyeah, that's the one you were supposed to download06:07
halfbloodprincewhat did you do earlier06:07
link_36pIs anyone here intamtly know apt-get?06:08
kuzmasteri downloaded a........................... tar ball thingy06:08
Dr_Willissavagenator,  try the /server command ?06:08
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Dr_Willissavagenator,  or check the menus for your irc client for some server /connection items06:09
halfbloodprinceKr4t05: instead of downloading extra fonts from automatix or easyubuntu or whatever, can i just burn my windows ttf fonts to a cd, and then install them by copying them in some folder?06:09
savagenatorit says name lookup has failed06:09
Kr4t05halfbloodprince: no idea.06:09
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halfbloodprinceKr4t05: How do you install ttf fonts?06:09
kuzmasterhmmmmm, now to run gimpshop06:10
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Kr4t05halfbloodprince: EasyUbuntu. :)06:10
Dr_Willishalfbloodprince,  check out 'fonts:///'06:10
halfbloodprinceKr4t05: I read on the ubuntu site that all you need to do is copy them to a /.fonts folder06:10
kuzmasterfound it06:10
amicrawlerhow do i enable the nvidia driver ?06:10
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pierrethhow can i update kde?06:10
Kr4t05halfbloodprince: I wouldn't know, so don't ask me.06:10
Dr_Willisfonts:// or somthing like that. :P06:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:10
savagenatorconnection actively refused???06:10
halfbloodprinceok thanks06:10
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halfbloodprinceyeah, that's all you need to do.. copy the fonts to ~/.fonts/06:13
savagenatoranyone know zue.net?06:14
savagenatorhow do i connect to that server?06:14
Kr4t05OK, if I do sudo lsusb, it gives me a list of usb devices. Say I want more info on a certain device. How do I do that again?06:15
hybridKr4t05: check the man page?06:15
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hybridsavagenator: what is zue.net?06:16
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savagenatorhyprid: its a IRC server, i cant connect to it for some reason06:16
hybridsavagenator: that may be out of your hands, does it deliever and errors?06:17
savagenatorit says connection refused06:17
hybridwhat errors?06:17
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savagenatorand operation not supported06:17
savagenatorcannot connect06:17
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savagenatorhybrid: ?06:21
kacknubin which dir is the kernel?06:22
Kr4t05make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.06:22
Kr4t05make: *** [default]  Error 206:22
Kr4t05What's that mean?06:23
_bender_bin I thought?06:23
kacknub./usr/src ?06:23
hybridsavagenator: what client are you using?06:23
Kr4t05kacknub: why do you want to know?06:23
unix_infidelcan ark decompress multiple rar archives at once?06:23
savagenatorhybrid: konversation06:23
savagenatorhybrid: it deosnt work on xchat either06:23
kacknubwanna check if i got it or not06:23
hybridwhat port?06:23
Kr4t05This sucks.06:24
Kr4t05How do I install and configure the kernel source?06:24
hybridsavagenator: weird their server may be messed up atm, besides that idk06:24
kacknubcause i "isntalled" kernel-source and only a tar.gz is in /usr/src06:24
savagenatori can give you an online link hybrid06:24
Kr4t05I need to compile spca5xx06:24
kacknubso if i install linux-source will there be a tar.gz in /usr/src too or is it unpacked06:25
kacknubin /usr/src/linux06:26
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kacknubnobody knows?06:28
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ccherretthow does one disable kwallet from controlling kmails passwords?06:30
Dr_Williskacknub,  install it and see. :P06:30
kacknubi need to know where my kernelfolder is please, in order to installing qc-usb-messernger-1.306:30
Dr_Willisi would guess it would be uncompressed..06:30
ccherrettI put the wrong password in kwallet and now it will not let me check my mail06:30
kacknubwhich folder would u guess06:31
Dr_Willisif you havent insrtalled the kernel source or includes yet.. you may not have one06:31
kacknubargs standard folder then06:31
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Dr_Willisinstall linux-headers-386 (or whatever kernel ya got)06:32
Dr_Willisif thats what the program you are messing with wants.06:32
kacknubi am installing "linux-source"06:32
Dr_Willisi got several /usr/src    linux-headers-2.6.15-26  linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386  linux-headers-2.6.15-26-686     dirs.06:33
Dr_Willislinux source is the kernel itself then06:33
kacknubthats what i want...06:33
kacknubdont caare bout the headers06:33
kacknubbut thx06:33
kacknubKwallet ffnen, dann:06:37
kacknubEinstellungen-Digitale Brieftasche einrichten-Hckchen von 'Das digitale Brieftaschensystem aktivieren' entfernen.06:37
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miyakoanyone here have any experience with ivtv and tvtime ?06:38
kacknuboptions - digital dunnow bla - aktivate digitalblasystem06:38
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ccherrettkacknub: wow thanks man06:39
kacknubdid it work?06:39
unix_infidelcan ark handle multiple rar files at once?06:40
ccherrettall fixed06:40
unix_infideli cant seem to get it to select more than one.06:40
kacknubwhere did u find kwallet06:41
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kacknubi dont find mine06:41
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ccherrettkacknub: kcmshell kwalletconfig06:42
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omarHi guys06:53
omarhow are you06:53
omarI gotta a ques06:53
omaro en espaol06:53
[joemaxx] woo a quest06:53
omarlook I used to love Ares, but I am Ubuntero now06:54
omarwhat can I do06:54
[joemaxx] I'm a Kubuntuero, as well06:54
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omarlook I don't wanna install anything related to the W..... system which sucks of coursew06:55
omaris there a better one for kubunteros06:55
[joemaxx] W*dows?06:55
[joemaxx] hehe06:55
Healotback to basic, Debian?06:56
link_36pguys im trying to fizx this apt-get error i keep getting -http://pastebin.ca/16574906:56
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omarhey do you have my answer06:57
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[joemaxx] omar: hmm..was that meant for me? :)06:58
[joemaxx] link_36p: hi...did u run this one as root?06:58
omarsomething better than Ares but for kubuntu06:58
[joemaxx] link_36p: do u mind putting in what command u typed in? :)06:59
link_36p<[joemaxx> sudo apt-get upgrade06:59
firesuite_could anyone tell me how to terminate process's my package manager will not let me install because something else is using ti. thanks06:59
link_36p<[joemaxx> synaptic and adept wont isntall/remove anything either...06:59
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link_36pthey want this package "reinstalled"06:59
link_36pbut trying to reinstrall it just gives an error so...07:00
[joemaxx] hmm07:00
link_36pthey file shows everything ive tried to fix it but nothing works07:00
[joemaxx] link_36p: you could try using Synaptic, man...07:00
link_36pi have tried07:00
link_36pit gives same error output07:01
firesuite_how do you stop apt get ? from console07:01
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link_36pkillall -9 apt-get?07:02
link_36pwithout the "?"07:02
link_36pu mean while its doing stuff?07:02
firesuite_no i ran it earlier then rebooted, now adept wont run cuz it says another process is using it07:02
link_36pkillall -9 apt-get07:03
firesuite_thanks very much appreciated07:03
firesuite_it says no process killed07:04
[joemaxx] firesuite_: are using synaptic ?07:04
firesuite_no adept07:04
Kr4t05can't open /dev/video0: No such file or directory07:05
Kr4t05How can I fix that?07:05
omarguys please, I need something like ares for kubuntu07:05
omardo you have something07:06
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Healotbittorrent client huh. frostwire maybe07:06
[joemaxx] omar: hav u tried looking for it in the kubunt distro? sudo apt-cache search ares07:07
Healot!find are07:07
ubotuFound: libares-dev, libares0, shared-mime-info, xserver-xorg-driver-vmware, avm-fritz-firmware-2.6.15-23 (and 114 others)07:07
Healot!find ares07:07
ubotuFound: libares-dev, libares0, dares, dares-qt07:07
Healot!info dares07:07
ubotudares: rescue files from damaged CDs and DVDs (ncurses-interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.5-2 (dapper), package size 21 kB, installed size 88 kB07:07
Healotokay, Ares isn't in official repository07:08
firesuite_could anyone tell me how i can find out which process is using apt. i cannot run adept because it says a process is already using it, even after reboot??07:09
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omarhay joemaxx, do you know a program to download free mp3, like ares or kassa but for kubunteros???07:11
omarmas claro no puedo ser07:11
Healotomar, please refrain from asking about illegal stuff here07:11
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Healotbtw, there some p2p programs like frostwire07:11
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firesuite_could anyone help. it says - You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.\\\ any ideas???07:12
firesuite_even after a reboot07:12
firesuite_my database is locked :(07:12
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snakedoes apt-get log?07:13
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firesuite_apt-get for me says (13 permission denied) unable to lock the list directory---anyone??07:15
snakefirephoto, some other program is using it07:15
Healotprefix sudo07:15
snakefirephoto, or you need to put "sudo" infront of it07:16
firesuite_okey i'll try07:16
snakesorry firephoto , ment firesuite_07:16
Healot!root > firesuite_07:16
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=== firephoto is popular tonight
Healoti know tab failed you, snake07:16
snakeTab loves me07:17
snakeits like, my best friend, all the time07:17
snakedoes apt-get log what it installs, and if so, where can I locate that log07:17
Kr4t05I want to cry... ><07:17
firesuite_so could anyone tell me how i can find out wich other program is using adept?07:17
link_36pguys im trying to fizx this apt-get error i keep getting -http://pastebin.ca/16574907:17
calcmandanI have no idea.07:20
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firesuite_what other programs would use the package manager that could lock the database??07:23
firesuite_i look in process and cant make out what most of them are07:23
Healotany GUI isntaller, apt-get, aptitude07:24
snakeIm going insane07:24
snakedoes apt-get log what it installs, and if so, where can I locate that log07:24
firesuite_i couldnt see any of them in process. even after i reboot it says database locked and ...ou will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one.07:24
Healotlink_36p: you installed that debian package and broke the install.07:24
Healoti think you can totally remove/purge the package first...07:25
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unix_infidelhey guys it seems i cant write a bin cue pair with k3b as it says it cant find the bin image?07:29
unix_infidelwhen i've verified the path and the placement of the bin cue pair in the same folder.07:29
unix_infidelas has k3b when it spits out the information for the bin file and the cue file.07:29
plugswhat is "nspluginviewer"?07:30
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llxcamxllhey dudes, how do i install a .run file07:32
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firesuite_hey i fixed my problem with the locked database not letting me run adept.. anyone wanna know what happened????07:34
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llxcamxllcan anyone tell me how to install a .run file07:34
llxcamxlli'm new to this07:34
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Deadaluswhat happened? firesuite07:35
Healotsh filename << replace filename with the actual filename07:36
firesuite_a previous installation of firestarter failed and coudltn download everything and it locked the database.. to unlock it you type "sudo dpkg --configure -a " it now all works again yay!!07:36
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junkphreakmay have to chmod 755 test.run07:38
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llxcamxllno workies07:40
Kr4t05http://pastebin.ca/165813  <- xawtv being a butt about my webcam.07:41
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llxcamxlllift off07:43
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junkphreakwhats the file your trying to do07:48
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plugsdoes anyone know what nspluginviewer is?07:57
gogetatryingto install ssh serve into a frends pc07:57
gogetakeeps saying it cant fine openssh-server07:57
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nspluginviewer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:57
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plugsthink it has sumpin to do with web browsers07:58
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ahmeniplugs: nspluginviewer is what konqueror uses to embed firefox plugins, like flash07:59
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plugsah thanks08:00
gogetaanyone knoe whats up with openssh08:01
diegohow can i turn konversation into spanish ?08:01
gogetaapt-get whont findit08:01
TachyonWhen I click Log Off from the menu, the only option I get is to end the session.  How can I add "restart", "shutdown", etc?08:01
Healotspell it conversacion :)08:02
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Healot!find openssh08:06
ubotuFound: openssh-client, openssh-server08:06
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gogetatryed it08:08
gogetajosh@josh-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server08:09
gogetaReading package lists... Done08:09
gogetaBuilding dependency tree... Done08:09
gogetaE: Couldn't find package openssh-server08:09
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Healot!info openssh-server08:10
ubotuopenssh-server: Secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.2p1-7ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 200 kB, installed size 540 kB08:10
Healotupdated the repos yet, gogeta?08:11
gogetafresh install08:11
gogetaopenssh should be in the standerd ones08:12
Healotthen, update the repos :008:13
Healotby the optional components are not installed by default08:13
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rodimuswhen i do "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" i get "Could't find package openssh-server" what am I doing wrong?08:19
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Healotupdate the repos list, pronto! fresh install, bigGrim?08:20
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bigGrimHealot: yes it is a clean install from cd...08:23
bigGrimhealot: how do i update teh repos list?08:23
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Healotsudo apt-get update08:24
Healotor use your favorite gui installer like adept or synaptic08:24
Healot!repos > bigGrim08:24
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bigGrimHealot: that didnt do anything...08:25
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ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:27
Healotfollow the links below, read, learn, and diy08:27
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alexiconhi all08:37
alexiconright so im looking to move my /home to a new mount point08:38
alexiconive reformated and copied everything over to the new point08:38
alexiconthen i just need to add to fstab?08:38
alexiconand mntab mtab whathaveyou08:39
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Healotchange the entry of /home to the new device ;008:41
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pierrethhello, i have a crash when i put a cd in my reader, what can i do?08:50
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alexiconwhat program are you using pierreth08:52
pierrethi am using kubuntu08:52
alexiconor just any cd in your drive?08:52
alexiconkubuntu installed on the harddrive? or livecd?08:52
pierrethi am two cd reader08:53
pierrethone for reading only08:53
alexicondoes it try to bring up the window asking what to do with the disc, or does it just crash as soon as you close the drive?08:53
pierrethno, it crash the whole system before that08:53
Deadalusdo you have just installed one of your cd-rom08:53
Deadalusor dvd-rom08:54
alexiconive only got one08:54
alexicondoes it crash with both of your drives?08:54
Deadalusi go that problem once08:54
pierrethyes, but it is a fresh install on a new computer08:54
pierrethno, just the cd burner08:54
pierreththe other one is just reader08:54
alexiconand the reader works ok?08:55
Deadalusit was my power supply (to much for it) when I install a brand new dvd-burner08:55
alexiconhave you tried the burner in windows or another distro?08:55
alexicontry to boot a livecd off it, to check if it still works properly08:55
pierrethyes, it works with windows08:55
alexiconwith any cd it crashes? or only blank cds?08:56
pierreththe live cd is unable to install from it08:56
alexiconmaybe the hardware is unsupported08:56
pierrethi don't know about blank cd08:56
alexiconwhat company is the drive?08:56
pierrethaudio cd crash08:56
pierrethinserting the live cd crash08:56
pierrethbut i was able to start the install with the live cd with this drive08:57
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pierrethbut when mounting the file system, it crash08:57
alexiconmaybe it hasnt detected the drive properly, i dont really know of an error like that08:57
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pierreththere is noting i can do?08:58
alexiconmaybe try to put a cd in while you are in vt terminal08:58
alexiconno X windows08:58
alexicondont know if dmesg watches the cdrom08:58
alexiconmyabe run a 'watch dmesg' while you put in a new cd08:59
alexiconsee if any errors come up08:59
pierrethbut it will crash the computer08:59
alexiconmaybe its only X that is locking up?09:00
pierrethmay the drive is not atapi09:00
alexiconi dont know where youd have to change that09:00
alexiconits probably safer to try the cdrom outside of X, might crash, or it might give you an error then crash :)09:01
pierrethi lost a lot of time before i was able to find this was the problem09:01
alexiconsorry :/09:02
pierrethdon't be :-)09:02
alexiconi probably dont know enough to help you too much, but if you have an exact error to show someone else :)09:02
pierrethok i will try, it just not fun to crah the system09:02
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alexiconyeah heh09:03
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pierrethalexicon: i saw something weird09:04
pierrethin /dev, i have cdrom and cdrw both pointhing to hdd09:05
pierrethbut i have hdc too09:05
pierrethcould it be the problem?09:05
alexiconyeah sounds like09:05
alexiconare those saved in the fstab with the drives?09:06
pierrethhow can i change this?09:06
alexiconi only know about checking the fstab and mtab09:06
alexicon /etc/fstab09:06
alexicon /etc/mtab or mntab09:06
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halfbloodprincemy kubuntu iso download is 30.3% done09:06
pierrethin fstab i have just hdc09:07
halfbloodprinceman, i have a 64kbps connection09:07
alexiconand whats hdc linked to?09:07
alexiconhdc what?09:07
alexiconlol halfbloodprince09:07
halfbloodprincethanks.. i should have the whole thing in another 2 days09:07
alexiconhope you got one of those download continuers, wouldnt want to see your connection drop out on you :P09:08
halfbloodprincei'm downloading the torrent09:08
pierrethalexicon: how can i type a slash?09:09
alexiconok ive got to go unmount my /home and reboot09:09
alexicon /09:09
pierrethso two slash09:09
alexiconwhat are you doing?09:09
alexiconin fstab?09:09
pierrethyou asked about the link09:10
halfbloodprincei thought all this mounting was done automatially?09:10
alexiconhrmm i dunno pierreth09:10
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alexiconi really gotta run tho09:10
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root_hello - testing09:32
root_How do i change my Nick?09:32
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henrymroot_: /nick newNick - replace newNick with whatever you want to change your nick to09:35
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drumlinewhat's the longest file name I can have on a Linux box?09:49
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henrymdrumline: IIRC, the longest path name can be 256 chars, so I imagine if the file was in '/' then it could have a name 255 chars long09:51
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drumlinehenrym: ahh...   drat it all to heck anyway...09:52
voicuthe longest path name in linux?09:52
drumlinehenrym: I have the displeasure of copying files into a samba share that are just a bit too long...09:52
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henrymdrumline: ahh09:53
voicuthat's a small limit, only 256 chars?09:53
henrymvoicu: I'm not 100% sure09:54
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henrymvoicu, drumline: my bad.. max filename length is 255 chars, max path length is 409609:57
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p0mppuHi all..again about iPods. How can I add a mime type for iPods so when I plug one in, I can add some functions to the "What would you like to do" -window? At the moment, if I add something (like open Amarok), it'll be shown every time _any_ mass storage disk is plugged in..10:08
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_bender_Hmm...so many coming and going10:09
_bender_and yes I've returned...StarCraft demanded my attention :p10:09
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DendeighHi all - I am looking for a AMD AM2-Board with great linux-support; any suggestions?10:14
ph0bi4Dendeigh: where are u from?10:16
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p0mppunobody familiar with mime types? really? :(10:17
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Dendeighph0bi4: germany10:20
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Dendeighp0mppu: what would you like to know about mimetypes?10:22
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p0mppuDendeigh: I'd like to know how or if I can add a mime type for iPod devices, so that I could assign some "functions" (like open Amarok) on the list when an iPod player is connected; at the moment, if I add such a thing, it is displayed with every mass storage device10:23
p0mppuat the moment the closest mime type is "mass storage device"10:24
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Dendeighk, didn't even know that devices have mimetypes10:25
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Dendeighdoesn't amarok has some support for iPod and other usb-mp3-devices  itself?10:26
p0mppuyes, but I'd like to get an option in the list that pops up when I connect an iPod, that would let me launch Amarok10:26
p0mppuI'm not sure if they're mimetypes actually but that's what KDE Control Center calls them10:27
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halfbloodprincedoes anyone here know about installing fonts in linux10:27
p0mppuI can add such an option actually but it is then visible even if I plug in a normal usb mass storage stick, which can't even play anything..and that shouldn't be visible then10:28
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Lilandrahi, anybody around?10:28
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halfbloodprincehi Lilandra10:28
Lilandrahi halfbloodprince10:28
Lilandrathere's a guy using knoppix that would be grateful for kde help...10:28
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Lilandrahe would like help in moving his panel to the top of the screen by default instead of to the bottom10:29
halfbloodprinceyou mean the taskbar?10:30
Dendeighp0mppu: not a clue, where this is managed, but it probably should have something to do with KDE interacting with HAL (hardware abstraction layer)10:30
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Lilandrayeah i guess so10:30
Lilandrayes the taskbar...with the big K10:30
Lilandrahi JhonnyB10:30
JhonnyByes right10:30
p0mppuDendeigh: yes I think so..I just wonder where I can add/tell KDE iPod is something different than a normal usb stick10:30
JhonnyBis there a way to set it on the top by default?10:31
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p0mppubut I guess I'll need to search information about HAL rather than KDE itself..thanks anyway10:31
halfbloodprincejust grab it and drag it to the top?10:32
Lilandraooo! really?10:32
JhonnyBis there a way to make it by default?10:32
halfbloodprinceit works with the taskbar10:32
halfbloodprincenot sure about the kmenu10:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about truetype - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:33
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto10:33
ubotuNo fonts in flash? Install msttcorefonts, gsfonts, and gsfonts-x11 , No fonts in mplayer? see !mplayer10:33
JhonnyBok how hard it is it configure ubuntu hardware drivers in knoppix?10:33
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halfbloodprinceJhonnyB: I didn't get your question10:35
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JhonnyBthere r ubuntu drivers available for my pc, can i make them work with knoppix?10:35
JhonnyBcoz only knoppix works on usb thumb with my pc10:36
DendeighJhonnyB: are you running knoppix off the CD/DVD or did you install it to your hard disk?10:36
JhonnyBim running it from my usb memory stick10:37
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Dendeighok, what driver is not working/present?10:38
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JhonnyBfirst of all my vga,10:38
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DendeighJhonnyB: nvidia?10:38
JhonnyBthat why the bottom portion where task bar is, always out of screen range10:38
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JhonnyBthen wifi not workin, and my wacom pen driver10:39
DendeighJhonnyB: what graphics card do you have?10:39
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JhonnyBits ali10:40
JhonnyBbut my pc is a very different and new thing10:40
JhonnyBits the smallest pc available so far10:40
JhonnyBu can have a look there10:41
JhonnyBon the website, ubuntu drivers r available10:41
diegodoes anybody know how to use cinelerra !??!10:42
Tm_Twhat's "!??!" ?10:42
diegoI recent installed it and i dont know how to import files10:42
DendeighJhonnyB: looks like lots of exotic hardware, but nice :-)10:42
JhonnyByeh thanks Dendeigh10:42
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JhonnyBim really struggling to make it work with usb10:43
DendeighI can imagine10:43
JhonnyBit does boot knoppix ok,10:43
JhonnyBonly prob is drives\10:43
Dendeighwhat does the following command tell you? "lspci|grep -ie vga"10:44
JhonnyBor atleast if im able to set the taskbar on top by efault10:44
JhonnyBumm do i need to run it?10:44
Dendeighin a shell10:44
JhonnyBim very new ti linux10:45
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JhonnyBok holdon, let me start knoppix on it10:45
Dendeighdo hit ALT+F2 and then type "konsole"10:45
JhonnyBgime a minute to load knoppix10:45
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JhonnyBim loading it Dendeigh10:47
LilandraJhonnyB: that's...CUTE!10:47
JhonnyBtanx Lilandra10:47
=== Lilandra wants
JhonnyByeh its a nice machine10:47
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halfbloodprinceis it possible to configure one's network settings manually? like my dns servers, ip address and default gateway?10:47
Lilandraexcept for that xp thing but aside from that :)10:47
halfbloodprincetcp/ip properties in general10:47
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JhonnyByes exectly10:48
kakaltodoes anyone know of a lightweight graphical spreadsheet application10:48
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JhonnyBits smaller than a pda and it runs everything10:48
Dendeighhalfbloodprince: you may edit /etc/networking/interfaces (or is the dirs name network, don't remember)10:48
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fdovingkakalto: like 'kspread' ?10:48
kuzmasterhey all10:49
kakaltofdoving: yeah, sounds about right10:49
halfbloodprinceDendeigh: How do I do that? Is there any easier GUI method? Like somewhere in the control panel?10:49
=== lupine_85 catches up
lupine_85halfbloodprince: /etc/network/interfaces10:49
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fdovinghalfbloodprince: can't you do that in system settings -> network?10:50
JhonnyBok daniloc its loaded, can u please tell me wat do i do ?10:50
lupine_85the static IPs and stuff :). change 'iface <interface> inet dhcp' to 'iface <interface> inet static'10:50
halfbloodprincelupine, this is all going over my head :p10:50
danilocJhonnyB:what ?10:50
halfbloodprinceis there an easier way where i can just enter the addresses in text boxes and click save?10:50
lupine_85you know what a file and an editor is, I'm sure :)10:50
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=== lupine_85 doesn't trust the GUI tools
JhonnyBok dandeigh its loaded, can u please tell me wat do i do ?10:51
halfbloodprincesomeone suggested something from Alt + F210:51
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lupine_85but there's network settings in system settings10:51
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JhonnyBsorry daniloc i meant to ask him10:51
lupine_85ctrl+alt+f2 is a terminal ;)10:51
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halfbloodprincesomeone said alt + f2 > network settings or something10:51
lupine_85System Settings->Network Settings. I've never used it though10:51
Lilandradid you get the terminal JhonnyB?10:51
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halfbloodprincedoesnt the gui way work?10:51
lupine_85it might do10:52
danilocok JhonnyB :)10:52
JhonnyBhow to get it Lilandra?10:52
halfbloodprinceor else, what's the tough way10:52
lupine_85alt+f2 is run command, lol10:52
JhonnyBaww sorry im very new to linux10:52
lupine_85halfbloodprince: the 'tough' (actually really easy) way is to edit the file /etc/network/interfaces10:52
fdovinghalfbloodprince: kmenu -> system settings -> network10:52
JhonnyBok wat commant should i type?10:52
Lilandraalt + f2 and type konsole in the dialog box that pops up (that's what...dand...said)10:52
Lilandrathen hit enter10:53
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JhonnyBthanks Lilandra10:53
Lilandraheh..i'm just *repeating*10:53
Zkyezanyone tested kde4 from the debs?10:53
halfbloodprincefdoving: in system settings -> network,  i can add my ip address, default gateway and primary and secondary dns servers?10:53
JhonnyBok its on a prompt10:53
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Lilandrathen type "lspci|grep -ie vga" without the quotes and hit enter10:54
Lilandraand that's what Dandeigh was asking you for so he could see the hardware10:54
fdovinghalfbloodprince: yes.10:54
Lilandrabeyond that i dunno10:54
halfbloodprincefdoving: awesome!10:54
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halfbloodprincefdoving: so my move to kubuntu is going to be really easy :p10:55
Lilandradoes it give any output?10:55
JhonnyBits sayz command not found10:55
halfbloodprinceman, in suse, i had to search all over for some place where i could enter my network settings.. it was killing me.. it took me like 6 hours to figure it out10:55
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JhonnyBi typed ispci|greb -ie vga10:55
lupine_85grep :)10:56
lupine_85(searches for text)10:56
Lilandrai'm just drooling at your computer. maybe my sister would want it.10:56
halfbloodprincelupine_85: the other way that you're saying is that i should double click on the 'interfaces' file?10:56
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lupine_85halfbloodprince: you'd need to edit it as root/sudo10:56
Lilandralspci i think10:56
Lilandrajhonnyb: lspci not ispci...10:56
JhonnyBstill say command not found10:56
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lupine_85so in that alt+f2 box, 'kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces' would do the trick10:57
halfbloodprincelupine_85: Okay, i'm a total dummy here :p say i open the konsole.. what do i type in there10:57
Lilandrait's l as in lilandra10:57
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lupine_85^ ^10:57
halfbloodprinceah okay10:57
lupine_85same text will work in console10:57
halfbloodprincelupine_85: thanks10:57
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lupine_85ciao tony10:57
halfbloodprincelupine_85: can i ask you about fonts?10:57
Lilandrajhonnyb: lspci not ispci10:57
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lupine_85you can ask, but I don't know very much :)10:58
toni__ragazzi chi pu aiutarmi con i permessi?10:58
JhonnyBok it gave some output10:58
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:58
Zkyeztoni: go ahead :)10:58
JhonnyBtanx Lilandra ur nice10:58
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JhonnyBok the output is10:58
Lilandrajhonnyb: wait10:58
halfbloodprincelupine_85: instead of installing fonts from adept or automatix or whatever.. can i just burn my windows fonts to a cd, and copy them into some folder?10:58
Lilandraloads of lines?10:58
Lilandraor just one?10:58
JhonnyBDendeigh ive got the output10:58
JhonnyBjust one10:58
halfbloodprincelupine_85: say, '/home/<username>/.fonts10:58
lupine_85KDE has a Forn Installer in System Settings10:58
DendeighJhonnyB: what does it say?10:59
lupine_85don't know if it'll eat .ttf files though10:59
JhonnyBit picks up my silicon display10:59
JhonnyBit sayz10:59
lupine_85halfbloodprince: ok, it can use .ttf files so yes you could10:59
halfbloodprincelupine_85: i checked on the ubuntu website (not kubuntu), and it said,  i can just paste fonts either in home/username/.fonts, or usr/share/fonts something11:00
DendeighJhonnyB: paste the complete line, pls / so I can see what chipset your maching has11:00
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JhonnyB000:00:06.0 vga compatable controler: silicon motion inc. sm720 lynx30m (rev c1)11:00
lupine_85cool, do that then :). The former is personal, the latter is system-wide11:00
JhonnyBi cant past coz its another pc11:00
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JhonnyBknoppix is running on my oqo11:00
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Dendeighforgot, sorry :-)11:01
Lilandratakes awhile to type :)11:01
toni__lupen potresti venire nella chat italiana per darmi una mano grazie11:01
JhonnyBso thats wat it sayz11:01
halfbloodprinceyeah.. i figured.. that'll work, though, right? coz a friend told me that automatix/adept takes the most time to install fonts and google earth.. and since i dont want google earth, i was just worried about the fonts.. until now, that is -- i can just copy them from a cd!11:01
JhonnyByes Lilandra :)11:01
lupine_85JhonnyB: there's a "siliconmotion" driver. Try that11:01
JhonnyBwhere lup?11:01
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JhonnyBu get anything Dendeigh?11:02
kuzmasterwhat kind of specks do to use those special effects that you can have in kubuntu (somithng to do with x.org, xrender, xcompisite and xdamage)11:03
halfbloodprincelupine_85: apparently, typing fonts:/// in konqueror goes straight to the fonts folder11:03
DendeighJhonnyB: yes the siliconmotion driver seems to support your sm720 http://www.die.net/doc/linux/man/man4/siliconmotion.4.html11:03
lupine_85just change the current driver in your xorg.conf to read "siliconmotion". source is http://web.mit.edu/jjl/www/mm10/XF86Config.txt (Section "Device")11:03
ubotux is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart  -  To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:03
JhonnyBbut it doesnt work correctly then11:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xrender - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:03
JhonnyBahh im very new to linix, i dono how to do that :(11:04
lupine_85JhonnyB: 'kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces' (or edit as root in whatever manner is best for you)11:05
lupine_85scroll down until you see a line that reads Section "Device"11:05
Dendeighlupine_85: wrong file :-)11:05
lupine_85erm, yeah11:05
Lilandrai was wondering11:05
lupine_85d'uh lol11:05
lupine_85 /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:05
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JhonnyBi dont have etc dir11:06
DendeighJhonnyB: "kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf"11:06
JhonnyBremember im running from usb11:06
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lupine_85JhonnyB: if you don't have a /etc, then you don't have alinux install11:06
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LilandraJhonnyB: in the konsole, what's the current directory?11:06
Lilandrapwd <enter>11:07
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JhonnyBhow to fint it?11:07
Lilandraremember the terminal/konsole that you had to do the lspci in?11:07
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JhonnyBit say11:07
JhonnyBknoppix@[knoppix] $11:07
Lilandrado "pwd" and hit enter11:08
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Lilandrawhat does that say?11:08
JhonnyBit say11:08
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems11:08
halfbloodprincecan i see the kubuntu 6.06 cd cover anywhere11:09
JhonnyBit say /ramdisk/home/knoppix11:09
Lilandracan you edit stuff on /ramdisk? i never am sure11:09
Lilandrai've apt-getted on a live cd before11:10
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JhonnyBi dono11:10
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Lilandrathat's the ramdisk right?11:10
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Lilandrawell you could try11:10
j2daoshanyone under konversation in here?11:10
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JhonnyBit boots from usb, then it creats ramdisk too i guess11:10
Lilandra   /ramdisk/etc/X11/xorg.conf11:10
kuzmasterwhich is less resorce intensive, xgl or compiz?11:10
lupine_85editing stuff on a ramdisc is pointless11:11
Lilandrawell it doesn't save does it?11:11
j2daoshhow do i look up a channel list on konversation?11:11
Lilandraif it's on his usb drive, can't he like find the files on his usb?11:11
Lilandrato change?11:11
JhonnyBwell it seems i have very dirrerent structure11:11
lupine_85j2daosh: F511:11
j2daosh:) thank you11:11
JhonnyBcant find /etc11:12
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lupine_85JhonnyB: they're likely compressed and hidden somewhere. And TBH we're well beyond the realms of kubuntu support now11:12
JhonnyBi see11:12
=== kuzmaster wants to know which is less resorce intensive, xgl or compiz?
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fdovinghalfbloodprince: did you find the network settings in system settings?11:12
JhonnyBi downloaded this whole thing from their website11:12
lupine_85kuzmaster: no idea11:12
kuzmasterwhich is better?11:13
kuzmasterdo you no?11:13
imbrandonkuzmaster, you cant have one without the other, thats like asking what taste better a apple or a car bumper11:13
fdovingkuzmaster: compiz use xgl, so you need both to get anywhere.11:13
halfbloodprincefdoving: yes, found em11:13
halfbloodprinceubuntu is so damn easy!11:13
halfbloodprincesuse made me work so hard for easy stuff11:13
imbrandons/ubuntu/kubuntu ;)11:13
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halfbloodprincestuff that should have been easy*11:13
fdovingimbrandon: '*ubuntu' :)11:14
imbrandonfdoving, blasphmey ;)11:14
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fdovinghah.. :)11:15
kuzmasterimbrandon, fdoving, oh k, thanxs11:15
kuzmasterill download compiz?11:16
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LilandraJhonnyB: have you looked at what other people have done on the oqo?11:16
kuzmasterwhat is the gears thing called, that you can run in konsole11:17
kuzmasterclgears or somthing?11:18
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alex_yohow to removw my mouse cursor and install it again? he is a transparent quadrat11:19
halfbloodprincefdoving: have you used automatix?11:19
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kuzmasteris it alright to download/install compiz using adept?11:23
kuzmasteror do i have to use cli to do that?11:23
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alex_yoplease help me!11:24
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fdovinghalfbloodprince: automatix is not recommended.11:26
fdoving?? automatix11:26
ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.11:26
Healotboth do the same thing, clive master11:26
fdovinghave to go babysitt my kid.11:27
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halfbloodprincewhy does everyone say it's not recommended :\11:27
halfbloodprincei mean some people say that it works great.. some say that it's not safe11:27
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SpaN-is this the channel for ppc support?11:30
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esbenI don't think anyone would mind, but on the other hand, I'm not sure that many ppc people hang around here11:31
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport11:32
SpaN-hm but i think its got to do with hardware, i get a hangup while performing installation just after partitioning11:33
esbenSpaN-: There is a log file from the installation. Anything there?11:34
cox377does anyone know how i can get this radio web page to function properly under linux "http://rope.icgo.fimc.net/staticweb/onair_players/onair_southern/player/onair_southernNS.html"11:35
SpaN-i have no OS at the moment, i used a ppc version of mandrake 10.1 but after formatting and partitioning to install kubuntu it will crash just when starting installation11:36
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SpaN-so when i reboot there is no filesystem11:37
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esbenSpaN-: Maybe you should do the partitioning manually and skip that step in the installtion of Kubuntu? I know I had problem with the Kubuntu/parted part on a laptop recently11:39
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kutanCan someone tell me how to install this theme?11:40
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VegetaWhy is it that I can't make the operator "^" in Maple? I could do that in Windows, but now it just sets the 1. sign after pressing the operator (which is not shown) to uppercase. Even when you press "Shift+" and the space it doesn't show it. Why?11:40
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PuaSnadie habla espaol?11:41
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halfbloodprinceumm people, my root username and password will be the ones i chose during installation, right?11:45
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: did you explicitly create a root user?11:46
_bender_Hey, where does Kubuntu usually keep the crash error logs?11:46
esbenkutan: I don't think it is correctly packaged. You could untar it (with Ark, e.g) and install the components, though11:46
esben_bender_: What crashed? The .xsession-error is a good place probably, depending on what crashed :)11:46
halfbloodprinceabattoir: no, i haven't installed yet, i just want to know this stuff before i install11:46
_bender_I'm not sure exactly what, it was the equivilant of a Windows BSOD11:47
kutanWell houw would I do that esben?11:47
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_bender_The entire system locked, then the screen blanked on me11:47
abattoirhalfbloodprince: in (k)ubuntu, the root user is disabled by default, the normal user gets root privileges using 'sudo'11:47
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esbenkutan: Start by clicking on the link and select "open in Ark"11:47
_bender_and .xsession-error eh, gonna take a look at it (if can find it lol)11:48
halfbloodprinceokay.. so i can use sudo commands for installing stuff, right? using my normal user info?11:48
kutanWell I know that much, but I'm not sure about installing the components11:48
abattoirhalfbloodprince: yes, using *your* own password :)11:48
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esbenkutan: Nor do I, really.11:48
halfbloodprinceabattoir: cool, thanks :)11:48
abattoirhalfbloodprince: no problem :)11:49
halfbloodprinceabattoir: i love that it's really easy to set up my network settings manually using kubuntu.. i had used suse some time ago, and it was hell11:50
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: once i install kubuntu, the first thing i'll do is change all the blue.. there's too much blue :p11:50
abattoirhalfbloodprince: well, its KDE, what do you expect :)11:50
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abattoirall the blue goodness :)11:51
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halfbloodprincethere's a way to change all the blue, right?11:52
abattoirhalfbloodprince: yes, sure, you can change almost whatever you want11:52
abattoirwww.kde-look.org is a nice place to start11:53
halfbloodprincei did check out kde-look.org, but i didn't get how they classify stuff11:53
halfbloodprincei mean, i dont know if themes are distro-specific, or desktop environment specific11:53
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abattoirno, the normal packages should work w/ any distro, but ofcourse, they are KDE-specific :P11:54
halfbloodprinceabattoir: thanks11:54
abattoirthere are sometimes packages which are made for specific distros, avoid those...11:54
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halfbloodprincekubuntu seems to be very cool indeed11:58
halfbloodprincei've finished downloading some 31% of the iso11:58
halfbloodprinceand, of course, you guys are awesome :)11:58
_bender_Very cool minus this random crashyness :( sigh11:59
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abattoir_bender_: when does it crash?12:00
abattoir_bender_: and what crashes?12:00
halfbloodprincethere is random crashyness?12:00
_bender_it's not random crashyness for everybody, my bad, just for me12:02
_bender_and it happens at random, first time while browsing through system settings, the next while in Konqueror touching a drop down menu12:02
abattoir_bender_: what crashes?12:02
halfbloodprincei'm mostly worried about my screen resolution12:02
abattoirdo the individual apps. crash?12:02
_bender_The entire system, goes to a black screen12:02
_bender_and I have to manually reboot the computer to get it back up12:03
_bender_It's only happened twice so far though12:03
abattoir_bender_: that's weird12:03
abattoirwhat video card?12:03
_bender_Let me check12:03
abattoirhalfbloodprince: what video card too?12:03
_bender_(it's an old P3 integrated video so not not sure off by heart)12:03
abattoir_bender_: was it detected automatically?12:04
halfbloodprincei have an inbuilt intel video card12:04
_bender_An Intel i81012:04
_bender_and yep it was all detected properly12:04
abattoirhalfbloodprince: and what specific resoultion do you need?12:04
abattoir_bender_: aah, that shouldnt be the problem then12:04
abattoir_bender_: did these crashes occur recently?12:04
halfbloodprinceminimum 1024 x 768, but right now i use 1152 x 864, which would be nice12:04
abattoirand have you upgraded to the latest available packages?12:04
_bender_Yah, but the entire installation is recent also12:04
abattoirhalfbloodprince: you should be able to get it....12:05
_bender_I did run apt-get update and upgrade recently12:05
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_bender_Would that be what ya mean?12:05
abattoirhalfbloodprince: might require some tweaking though12:05
abattoir_bender_: yes12:05
halfbloodprinceabattoir: what kind of tweaking12:05
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abattoir_bender_: have those crashes stopped occuring?12:05
abattoirhalfbloodprince: nothing major ;)12:05
_bender_Nope, had one a few minutes ago (second in total)12:05
halfbloodprinceabattoir: do i have to change the refresh rates and frequency and stuff?12:06
_bender_I come from Windows XP so not really sure where to start looking to determine what's causing the crash :S12:06
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: no, you might not have to... first install kubuntu, then we'll come to that :P12:06
_bender_Ok I unplugged the USB Webcam I had plugged in12:07
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_bender_I've heard bad mojo over USB devices (cams in particular) that can take down entire systems12:09
_bender_Atleast on older boxes...(worth a try)12:09
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_bender_Reaching for an answer...lest I go over to Mandriva or somewhere to see if that fixes it12:12
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kutanHmmm.. when I'm downloading graphics drivers for my video card, even if I'm using 32-bit linux can I still use AMD-64 because that's the kind of processor I have?12:18
MetaMorfoziSwhich is faster gnome or kde?12:20
tkkutan: download the version for the kernel you are running12:21
abattoirkutan: you cant12:21
tkif you are running 32bit linux, dont get the 64bit driver12:21
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vishahhi, can I export kopete contacts to a file?12:25
abattoirFile->Export contacts12:26
abattoirwill go into a KDE addressbook file12:26
suihello everyone12:27
vishahabattoir, I am trying to import the contacts to another computer..can I save the addressbook to a file?12:28
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_bender_Question...I installed Opera and it dumped it's bin // lib // share // usersettings folders into my Home Folder...is that normal for some applicatoins to do that?12:28
abattoirvishah: for using it in kopete in that computer?12:28
vishahabattoir, yes12:28
abattoirvishah: ok, wait a sec12:29
abattoirvishah: ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/contactlist.xml12:29
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vishahabattoir, I have already tried replacing that file, still when I run kopete it loads the previous contacts12:31
abattoirvishah: did you delete all the old contactlist files?12:31
vishahabattoir, you mean contactlist.xml?, yes I deleted that one12:32
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abattoirvishah: there are also a bunch of contactlist.*.new files and there is also the .bak12:32
abattoirand was kopete closed when you overwrote that file?12:32
vishahabattoir, those are also in ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/ ?12:33
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vishahabattoir, yes it was12:33
abattoirvishah: you might also want to delete ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc, or copy it12:33
vishahabattoir, oh!. that should be it.12:34
vishahabattoir, thanks a lot12:34
abattoirvishah: :)12:34
abattoirvishah: if that doesnt help, try asking at #kopete12:35
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vishahabattoir, yes, thanks again...:)12:35
abattoirvishah: you're welcome12:35
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VegetaI get the following error when I try to pdflatex: "LaTeX Error: File `maplestd2e.sty' not found." But I do have maplestd2e.sty , how can I add this package to LaTeX?12:38
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suihave a question about my dvd: i followed the instructions i found on a web-page. when i insert a dvd i get this error: [17181782.820000]  hdc: error code: 0x70  sense_key: 0x02  asc: 0x06  ascq: 0x0012:39
suiand i can't change the regioncode with regionset it says: "ERROR: Region code could not be set!"12:40
suihas anyone an idea?12:40
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kutanI tried installing the drivers but it said something about "libc" not being installed?12:41
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halfbloodprinceanyone over here used automatix?12:42
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halfbloodprinceZkyez: you happy with it?12:44
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Zkyezhalfbloodprince: it didn`t make any trouble if that is what you mean12:45
gogetaisnt this odd12:45
gogetamy tv card dedcided to work12:45
Zkyezit`s all `bout the season :)12:46
halfbloodprinceZkyez: okay, thanks :) have you tried upgrading your apps after installing them with automatix?12:46
gogetathat progy ownez12:46
halfbloodprincei'm curious about the upgrading thing.. does apt-get upgrade work after usng automatix12:46
Zkyezhalfbloodprince: da12:46
gogetasomethingii cheched fixed my tv card12:46
halfbloodprincegogeta: which progy12:47
abattoirsui: is that a region encoded disk?12:47
gogetamy ati card never worked befor12:47
abattoirsui: do other discs work?12:47
gogetainstall dcess lol12:47
gogetaplay any dvd12:47
suiabattoir: mom, i'll try12:48
halfbloodprinceur ati card works after using automatix?12:48
abattoirsui: ok12:49
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orionwaht is this?12:49
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orionwhat is this?12:50
orionsomeone can explain for me how to instal one software here...12:50
maltroncan anyone here help me with locale settings?  I _think_ I want to change LANG=en_AU.UTF-8 to just LANG=en_AU12:51
halfbloodprincewhich software?12:51
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maltronbut I want to do it system wide12:51
halfbloodprinceZkyez: does upgrading work?12:52
maltronand I'd like to know what character encoding is used if it isn't utf-8, and it isn't specified12:52
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suiabattoir: i found one original dvd working (codefree). the others won't play12:54
abattoirsui: you have libdvdcss installed?12:55
suiabattoir: yes, libdvdcss212:55
abattoirsui: and normal data discs work fine?12:55
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abattoirsui: and also are you sure, the 'others' are region encoded?12:56
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suiabattoir: not all. some are burned telecasts12:59
suisome others i don't know. got them from friends12:59
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abattoirsui: do cds work?12:59
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abattoirsui: and also, do you have that one original dvd?01:00
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abattoirsui: and also, if you have windows, do these work there?01:00
suiabattoir: i have to reboot to windows. i like to get them to work with linux :)01:01
abattoirsui: yes,  i'm just making sure its not a problem w/ the device01:01
suiabattoir: but just wait a moment, i'll reboot01:01
suiand yes, cds are working. watching an avi from cd01:01
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sui<< brb01:02
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arejayteedo i need to do anything special to get wmv's to play ? xine comes up with an error i cant see it but i can hear it01:07
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nikokossalut ... est ce que quelqu un pourrait m aider sur l installation d une cl wifi?01:08
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Ayabarahi guys. anyone using amarok with an iPod?01:08
Ayabarahow do I make kubuntu mount the iPod so that amarok can find it?01:09
halfbloodprinceAyabara: I don't, but I've heard it's possible to do that01:10
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Ayabarahalfbloodprince, it should be. my ipod gets mounted under /media/sdd2 and amarok can't find it. I think it must be under /media/ipod01:11
oliverwhy dont you use gtkpod01:11
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:11
halfbloodprincetry that01:11
Ayabaraoliver, don't know :-) . amarok is my preferred player, so I thought it would be nice if I could make it work01:11
suiabattoir: results with powerdvd: codefree dvd working, with dvds from friend windows tells me: "no disc in drive" and watching an avi from cd is working01:11
abattoir!wma > arejaytee01:11
nikokospersonne ne repond sur fr !!! dsol....01:12
abattoirsui: then either the discs dont work, or there is a problem w/ your drive01:12
abattoirnikokos: which chipset?01:12
abattoir!wifi > nikokos01:12
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halfbloodprincei want to know, if i download the tar.gz of an app, where should i save the tar.gz file in order to uncompress it successfully? is there a specific location? /home/ or something?01:13
ZkyezAyabara: if , with u`r ipod mounted, you do a "sudo ln -s /media/sdd2 /media/ipod" does your amarok see it?01:13
abattoirhalfbloodprince: nope, you can do it anywhere01:13
Zkyezhalfbloodprince: any place01:13
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maltronhalfbloodprince: your home directory is best, wherever you have write privileges01:13
suiabattoir: hm, ok :(01:13
icheynehi all - how do I change the default PDF reader? I used to know, but I have forgotten.01:13
olivereven if amarok finds it i doubt you will be able to transfer songs to it01:14
maltronhalfbloodprince: eg. /home/halfbloodprince/01:14
abattoirsui: I suspected that, that's why i asked you to check in windows :)01:14
AyabaraZkyez, no, it still can't connect01:14
halfbloodprinceAyabara: check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=146948601:14
nikokosok... so... i install my wifi key and when i do ndiswrapper -l : driver and hardware ok... but my key don' find network with wlassistant. so i start wlassistant in command line and i ve an error, key can t scanning network... sorry for my english01:14
Ayabaraoliver, why?01:15
Ayabarahalfbloodprince, thanks01:15
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suiabattoir: its weird. i will try the dvds in a stand-alone dvd-player01:15
abattoiricheyne: rt. click on the file->open with-> other, and after selecting your app, 'check' the remember appl. association box...01:15
abattoirsui: ok01:15
icheyneabattoir: aha! thanks01:16
abattoirnikokos: which chipset01:16
icheyneabattoir: I knew it was obvious01:16
halfbloodprincebefore any command, i have to type sudo, right?01:16
abattoirnikokos: also did you do 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' ?01:16
Zkyezhalfbloodprince: only for root privileges01:16
abattoirhalfbloodprince: not *any* command01:16
nikokosyes abattoir01:17
abattoirnikokos: that's your wireless chipset?01:17
Zkyezhalfbloodprince: sudo gives you root privileges01:17
nikokoschipset xg760A01:17
abattoirnikokos: do you see any indication that your adapter is on? any lights?01:17
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nikokoslights ok01:17
nikokosbut i ve an error when i start wlassistant in command line... key can t scanning network01:18
halfbloodprinceAyabara: did that forum thread help?01:18
oliverbecause it is not as simple as dragging and dropping music files on to the ipod01:18
oliveri think it adds it to an xml file or a database that is on the ipod01:19
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suiabattoir: the dvds are okay. i tested some01:19
arejayteethanks abattoir01:19
halfbloodprinceif i want to edit a .conf file using kate, i can just drag it in the kate window?01:19
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abattoirsui: then could be your drive?01:20
abattoirhalfbloodprince: sure01:20
Ayabarahalfbloodprince, I'm trying some of the steps out now01:20
suihalfbloodprince: if you have kate started with root-privileges - yes01:20
abattoirhalfbloodprince: make sure you have permissions to write that file though01:20
halfbloodprincehow do i make sure i have permissions01:20
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Ayabaraoliver, ok. I've had gtkpod working before, so maybe I'll try it later today01:21
halfbloodprincesudo kate whatever.conf ?01:21
Ayabaranow I'm heading outside for fresh air. thanks for the input :-)01:21
suihalfbloodprince: yes, thats a way01:21
halfbloodprincewhat are the other ways?01:21
suiabattoir: i'll try to change the region-code. otherwise i have to flash the firmware o_O01:21
suihalfbloodprince: just sudo kate and drop the config files from konqi01:22
halfbloodprincethanks :)01:23
halfbloodprinceone more n00b question: do i need root privileges to untar a tar.gz file01:23
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: no you dont, as long as you untar within your home dir.01:24
abattoirhalfbloodprince: tar xvzf file.tar.gz01:24
halfbloodprincei need to untar this client that my isp uses to connect me to the internet01:24
halfbloodprincethey surprisingly have a linux version for this client01:24
Zkyezwhat client?01:24
halfbloodprincecyberoam client01:24
halfbloodprinceso, i need to like 'log in' using that to access my internet01:25
halfbloodprincebut i can set it to auto login so that i don't have to keep doing -u username everytime :p01:25
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halfbloodprinceso far, kubuntu seems to be really easy to use01:27
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_ShoGo_Hi, my x server restarts when I launch "glxinfo", any idea?01:49
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tkwow, ctrl+alt+bkspc is quick, never tried that before01:52
maltron_ShoGo_: not really, but what gfx card are you using?01:52
_ShoGo_radeon   9600xt01:54
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maltron_ShoGo_: are you using proprietary drivers?  They always caused me pain01:55
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_ShoGo_Yesterday, I removed xserver-xorg-air-core, or else, and this morning x server didn start so I reinstalled it and then x server started... but i have that problem and now I can't see if I have rendering01:55
_ShoGo_maltron: i don't know, I can't launch glxinfo01:55
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maltron_ShoGo_: ah, good point. try  lsmod | grep radeon01:56
maltronwhat does it say?01:56
_ShoGo_well, if I launch glxinfo in a text tty, it says; Error, unable to open displayu (null)01:56
DjDarkmanMShy ,I moved to another city ,bought another PC ,kept the harddrive ,and I won`t have Internet connection for a while ,I`m currently in an internet cafe and I want to ask ,what should I download to be able to install an ubuntu k8 kernel and how can I make ubuntu reconfigure my network?01:57
_ShoGo_shogo@shogo-k7:~$ lsmod |grep radeon01:57
_ShoGo_radeon                119200  101:57
_ShoGo_drm                    78292  2 radeon01:57
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maltron_ShoGo_: okay, you're using the open source modules.  Now I could be wrong about this, but I _suspect_ that there is no support in the open source modules for hardware 3d rendering for the the 960001:58
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_ShoGo_well, I have experimental drivers since I installed kubuntu, and I have always had rendering with them01:59
maltron_ShoGo_: were they the propietary drivers though?01:59
_ShoGo_nope, they were experimental driver5s02:00
DjDarkmanMScan someone tell me what files should I download to be able to install a k8 kernel home?02:00
maltron_ShoGo_: what do you mean by "experimental"?02:00
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: you have a 64-bit kernel?02:00
maltron_ShoGo_: yeah, that's propietary02:00
maltron_ShoGo_: in other words, ATI wrote them themselves and they are not open source02:01
_ShoGo_"ati" and "fglrx" are propietary drivers thenn?02:01
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maltron_ShoGo_: they are horrible, but that's the only way to get 3d on most newer radeons02:01
Zkyezso is nvidia02:01
DjDarkmanMSabattoir yes02:01
DjDarkmanMSI mean no02:01
DjDarkmanMSI want to install one02:01
DjDarkmanMSand I don`t have internet connection home cause I moved02:02
_ShoGo_maltron: welll, but do u know what can i do to solve the error when launching glxinfo?02:02
maltron_ShoGo_: fglrx is yes, ati - not sure what that is02:02
tkwhat does BREAK install mean when you request a package to be installed?02:02
DjDarkmanMSbut I have a working kubuntu installation02:02
_ShoGo_if I launch glxinfo in a text tty, it says; Error, unable to open displayu (null)02:02
abattoir!info linux-amd64-k802:03
ubotuPackage linux-amd64-k8 does not exist in any distro I know02:03
Tm_Thi abattoir02:03
maltron_ShoGo_: I suspect the reason you can't launch glxinfo is because opengl doesn't work for that card with that driver.  So you can't really get info on opengl stuff with it02:03
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: search fo linux-amd64-k8 in adept02:03
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: its a metapackage, it'd pull the latest kernel02:03
maltron_ShoGo_: you would have to install the proprietary drivers again02:03
abattoirTm_T: Hi :)02:03
_ShoGo_maltron ok, thanks for then info mate :)02:03
maltron_ShoGo_: no worries - I hope I haven't led you up the garden path though!02:03
DjDarkmanMSabattoir one problem ,I currently don`t have internet home02:03
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Tm_Tabattoir: have you seen our art master, kwwii?02:04
maltron_ShoGo_: I'm no expert, but that's my best guess.  It's a slow night so I thought I'd have a go!02:04
abattoirTm_T: i think yesterday...02:04
abattoirTm_T: he should come on to #kubuntu-devel in some time, i guess02:05
Tm_Tok, thanks02:05
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: ok... wait a sec02:05
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DjDarkmanMSand is there a command to reconfigure the network likw dpkg-reconfigure or something else?02:05
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: linux-image-<kernel version>-amd64-k8 ought to be it02:06
maltron_ShoGo_: do man radeon and you'll find this line:02:07
maltron       R300        Radeon 9700PRO/9700/9500PRO/9500/9600TX, FireGL  X1/Z1  (2D02:07
maltron                   only)02:07
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: you might need linux-restricted-modules-<kernel version>-amd64-k8 too02:07
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DjDarkmanMSabattoir how can I download it`s packagees to install them home?02:07
maltron_ShoGo_: sorry, that was meant to tell you that it only does 2d for those cards02:07
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: mmm, why do you need it?02:08
DjDarkmanMSI`m at a netcafe wich is running windows :(02:08
DjDarkmanMSand I need to take them home02:08
maltron _ShoGo_: which is why you have to get the fglrx drivers to get 3d, unfortunately :-(02:08
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: ok, you can get it from packages.ubuntu.com02:08
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: but why do you need it over amd64-generic?02:09
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: there might be other dependencies too02:09
abattoirDjDarkmanMS: so installing it may/may not work02:09
DjDarkmanMSabattoir yes but how can I see the deps too?02:09
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abattoirDjDarkmanMS: packages.ubuntu.com has it listed02:10
DjDarkmanMSis there a command to reconfigure the network?02:11
DjDarkmanMSI have problems with that too02:12
DjDarkmanMSwe have a small home network and it doesn`t seem to work02:12
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whizzi can't boot into the gui02:19
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Bocianwho's from poland?02:22
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Bocianahh,yeah :P02:23
Bociani search peaple from poland ;/02:23
ubuntuI'm new bie on linux... a people to help me to configure xgl?02:23
whizzmaybe there is #kubuntu-pl ...02:24
Bocianehh, great thing :D02:24
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ubuntuxgl on kubuntu are possible?02:25
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tkcan anyone explain the BREAK (install) notice in Adept when you request an install of some packages?02:26
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lupine_85tk: usually it conflicts with some other package, the removal of which will break yet other packages02:32
tkahh, any way to track that to see whats the culprit?02:33
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Hobbseetk: show details button tends to be effective02:36
tkI looked there, didnt see anything about conflicts02:36
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whizzi couldn't start any program in the gui: 'kdeinit couldn't launch <program>'02:43
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oliveri am trying to add a printer to cups but on http://localhost:631 it comes up with authentication but when i type in my usename or roots user name and passwd it does not come up02:46
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arejayteeis thier a startup equivalent in kubuntu?02:48
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zizamy hostname isn't set anymore when i login. does anybody else have this problem? i think the update i made yesterday caused this :(02:50
ziza /etc/hostname seems to be ok02:50
DocTomoeis there a way to change PDF Metadata in kubuntu? I am using imagemagick to convert scanned PNGs to PDF, and it would be nice if I could edit Metadata to find my documents again later...02:52
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ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare02:56
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Linux_GaloreDocTomoe: pdftk02:57
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Kr4t05VMWare costs money?!02:58
angasuleI have a samsung cell phone and recently got a USB cable to plug it into the pc, when I plug it in, "drivers/usb/serial/pl2303.c: Prolific PL2303 USB to serial adaptor driver" is loaded, but I don't know what app to use to connect to it manage the address book, etc02:58
Kr4t05angasule: bitpim02:58
angasuleKr4t05: some versions do, yes02:58
angasuleKr4t05: thanks :)02:58
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Kr4t05angasule: I don't think it's in the repos. I could be wrong, though.02:58
angasuleKr4t05: vmplayer is free, and also the workstation version, I believe02:58
Zkyez__workstation is NOT free03:00
Zkyez__vmware player is free03:00
angasulehmm, it's not :/ if I compile it in another kubuntu dapper system, can I copy it over to this one? (and then make install)03:00
Zkyez__same version?03:00
Zkyez__same packages installed?03:00
angasulethe server, then?03:01
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shadowhywindmorning all03:01
angasuleZkyez__: yeap, I hope :)03:01
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shadowhywindi have this werid audio problem, my audio plays from the speakers even though my headphones are pluged in (laptop)03:02
angasuleI tried installing the friggin' USB cable on windows, but the instructions were highly compressed screenshots, or a chinese manual03:02
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shadowhywindany ideas?03:04
Linux_Galoreshadowhywind: I dont think your plugged into the headphone socket, I suspect it the suround output socket03:05
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shadowhywindits a laptop, i have 3 ports, 1 mix and 2 headphones and i pluged something into all 3 and still nothing (and yes all 3 at once too)03:05
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shadowhywindany other ideas linux_galore03:06
Linux_Galoreshadowhywind: sounds strange, usually theres a switch built into the headset socket that disables sound the to the speakers03:06
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shadowhywindthats what i thought too, hehe03:07
Kr4t05angasule: I'm looking at the VMWare website, and they offer VMWare Server for free. But, it's version 1.01.03:07
Linux_Galorethe headset socket site just after the pre amp stage before the final amp to when you plug something in it just open circuits the final amp stage03:07
Kr4t05Oh, bah...03:08
Linux_Galoreshadowhywind: might be a dirty contact in the headphone socket03:08
Kr4t05I'll just carve out a slice of my harddisk and dual boot for eternity. ><03:08
shadowhywindworks perfect in windows03:08
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shadowhywindbut the other werid thing is i get no sound out of the headphones ether.03:09
Linux_Galoreshadowhywind: aaah so its driver side03:09
Linux_Galoreshadowhywind: check kmix03:09
angasuleKr4t05: I don't really use vms, but what about qemu? is it usable?03:09
Linux_Galoreshadowhywind: theres a headphone section03:09
shadowhywind(in windows at the moment) but kmix only shows master, pcm, and capture03:10
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shadowhywindi am in windows at the moment, going to switch over03:10
Kr4t05angasule: I'm not sure. I was only looking into VMWare because I want to use my new webcam.  I spent all last night compiling spca5xx, and I still didn't get it to work.03:10
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Kr4t05angasule: I spent $30 on the darn thing, and I'm too proud to return it. ><03:11
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angasuleKr4t05: oh, yeah, my webcam is resting forever inside a drawer, thanks to creative not supporting it03:12
Linux_Galorehold on let me power up my crappy laptop03:13
Linux_Galorethe machine Im on has a sb audigy card with 101 options in kmix03:14
Kr4t05angasule: Bah....03:14
angasuleKr4t05: my feelings exactly03:14
charlie5is there a way to get kubuntu packages built for pentium4 ... and would they make much difference ?03:15
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Linux_Galorecharlie5: there already in the repo look the the 686 package of the 2.6.15 kernel03:16
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Kr4t05This really disheartens me to buy something only to find out about a long, tedious installation process, where the end result is variable. Or, even worse, to find out it isn't compatiable at all. And, I can't ask the people at Walmart, because, in Hick Valley, USA, I'm the only human who even uses Linux.03:16
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charlie5Linux_Galore: is that just for the kernel ... how about all the other packages ?03:16
halfbloodprincenot funny, but yeah03:16
Linux_GaloreKr4t05: google is your buddy, just punch in the make and model into www.google.com/linux03:16
zizai would pull my hair if i hadn't shaved them yesterday :(03:17
angasuleKr4t05: I've been working on this friggin' usb cable for an hour, maybe two, and the monkeys here can't even advice me about windows03:17
Kr4t05Linux_Galore: Nice search, but I already used that.03:17
halfbloodprincei'm actually surprised to see what you guys are choosing to ditch your hardware rather than your OS.. for most people it's the other way around03:17
Linux_Galorecharlie5: theres no real advantage with many packages with compiling for 686, in fact in some cases the extra stuff slows it down03:17
Linux_GaloreKr4t05: stick with a brand of go to a white box maker03:18
angasulehalfbloodprince: well, we ditch what works badly03:18
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charlie5Linux_Galore: thanks, that's what i was after ... just wondering if i can get a bit of a performace boost somehow :)03:18
angasulehalfbloodprince: windows will blue screen on every boot after about 2 days, on this pc, it just doesn't like it, I  got tired of reinstalling every two months, and my parents (it's their pc) like linux, it's shiny :)03:19
Linux_GaloreKr4t05: if you buy a cheap assed heap of crap wallmart machine, yes many bits wont have drivers and even under windows there a bit crappy because the drivers were a one of release for some cheap 50c hardware03:19
halfbloodprinceangasule: :) cool.. good to know that people aren't scared to try linux03:19
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halfbloodprinceand to actually use it as a primary OS03:19
Kr4t05Linux_Galore: It's a Logitech QuickCam Express. It's supposed to work with Linux, according to the drastically out-date wiki pages.03:19
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charlie5btw, anyone here from .au using bband, who can recommend a provider ?03:20
Linux_GaloreKr4t05: most logitech stuff do but there are a few models that are troublesome due to there chipset usage being one off03:20
charlie5... or de-recommend one :)03:20
Linux_Galorecharlie5: you do realise there are over 140 countries each with a pile of there own broadband providers03:21
charlie5Linux_Galore: that's why i said from .au :)03:21
angasuleLinux_Galore: most countries don't have broadband, though, like here, they call 256kbps broadband heh03:22
Kr4t05Linux_Galore: Exactly. The ProductID is 0x092f, which, from what I've seen on the SPCA5xx and other sites, it rather rare and troublesome. ><03:22
Linux_Galorecharlie5: Im on tpg, any adsl works fine the headache is the modem you choose not the service03:22
=== Kr4t05 sighs and gets ready to book into the Live CD and resize his partitions.
Kr4t05Later, folks.03:23
Linux_GaloreKr4t05: yep sounds like a one off cheap as hell made to a price wallmart job03:23
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halfbloodprinceis it necessary to set up a root user03:23
Linux_Galorehalfbloodprince: nope03:23
angasulehalfbloodprince: no03:23
angasulehalfbloodprince: use sudo or kdesu :)03:24
halfbloodprinceso if some script asks me for a root password, i can just enter my own password?03:24
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Linux_Galorehalfbloodprince: yep same as windows03:24
charlie5Linux_Galore: ah, the modem will be a problem, i guess, if it's anyhing like dialup modems ... winmodems suck big time :)03:24
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:24
Linux_Galorehalfbloodprince: just use your main user password03:24
halfbloodprincewindows is getting a bit dull for me03:24
ubotuIn KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo03:24
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angasulehalfbloodprince: you might encounter some script that actually expects a root account, what you should do in that case, is use sudo to run the script03:25
phreakysdoes anyone know if akamaru works on kubuntu?03:25
halfbloodprincelet's say i'm installing automatix, and it asks me for a root password03:26
halfbloodprincewhat should i do then03:26
angasulehalfbloodprince: write your own03:26
angasulehalfbloodprince: although I think automatix is un-recommended?03:26
charlie5Linux_Galore: what modem do you use ?03:26
angasulephreakys: what is akamaru? is it on the repos?03:27
tkugh, if XGL uses compiz 0.0.2-4ubuntu why does that not exist anywhere...03:27
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phreakysangasule, its a dock for xgl03:28
Linux_Galorecharlie5: I use a dsl router, less hassle that way because I only setup the router once and when I install windows/osx/linux I dont have to do a thing the routers is setup with dhcp so its all automated03:28
halfbloodprinceangasule: no, i've heard it's actually not that bad now, it used to be, but not now03:28
phreakyslike the osx dock, but looks cooler03:28
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:28
phreakysive got xgl/compiz allready running03:28
phreakysjust wonder if it works with kde/dapper03:29
Linux_Galorecharlie5: the one I have is a 4 port smc router but a netcom one is as just as good03:29
whizz-can i clone an ext3 fs, write a new ext3 fs and then restore the clone ? (my main ext3, the one with the kubuntu install, has errors that fsck doesn't seem to be able to fix)03:29
angasuleI have no idea, phreakys, sorry03:29
phreakysok, np ;)03:29
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angasulehi again, Kr4t0503:29
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Kr4t05Due to my inane disire to annoy and aggravate those I know, I have to ask.03:30
angasulewhizz-: ouch, are you sure it's not a hardware issue? you would probably end up backing up broken data?03:30
Kr4t05Would 4GB be enough for a thoroughly stipped-down install of WindowsXP?03:30
Linux_Galorecharlie5: dont buy acheap single line modem for $40 go buy a 4 port dsl router, they cost like $69 and you never have to setup Linux ever again03:30
angasuleKr4t05: yeah03:30
angasuleKr4t05: let me give you the size of my current xp install03:31
halfbloodprincei so hate windows... especially now with all the WGA and SP2 crap03:31
charlie5Linux_Galore: ah, ok :) ... sounds good, but a bit beyond my skills maybe, atm ... i barely know dialup/modems ... netcomm is a good brand in general for linux modems ?03:31
whizz-other question then.. can i back up the list of packages currently installed ?03:32
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angasuleKr4t05: 2.4G currently in use, and that includes office and some other junk03:32
Kr4t05angasule: good deal03:32
tkKr4t05: without SP1/SP2 a basic XP install comes out right around 1Gig03:32
charlie5Linux_Galore: well, if they're that cheap, maybe i will give it a try, thanks03:32
Kr4t05Aww, man.03:32
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angasulewhizz-: yes, but I don't remember the command03:32
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Kr4t05Why can't QTParted resize ext3?03:32
Linux_Galorecharlie5: doesnt matter, if the modem has dhcp support on the lan side you dont care what brand it is, dhcp is a automated network thing that all lans use these days, just plug in your machine to the router, router sends a file to your machine thats tells it were everything is and thats it all automated03:33
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 198 kB, installed size 704 kB03:33
Linux_Galorecharlie5: every OS out there supports dhcp for a lan connection03:34
Linux_GaloreLinux_Galore: in the case of Ubuntu it connects to dhcp by default so you never set anything up03:34
angasuleKr4t05: I just googled and found this, maybe it's useful, maybe it eats all your data: http://www.hermann-uwe.de/blog/resizing-ext3-partitions-with-parted03:35
Linux_Galorecharlie5: : in the case of Ubuntu it connects to dhcp by default so you never set anything up03:35
charlie5Linux_Galore: :) ... sounds like the way to go then03:35
Kr4t05angasule: you rock.03:35
halfbloodprincedoes anyone know if the foxmarks extension for firefox works in kubuntu?03:35
angasuleKr4t05: haha thanks :D03:36
Linux_Galorecharlie5: yeah getting a cheap modem and stuffing around with pppoe and the dns stuff is a pain, just get a cheap router with dhcp support and you never have to worry about connecting anything to the router again'03:36
charlie5Linux_Galore: so i need to buy a adsl modem with dhcp support and also buy a 4 port dsl router ... the modem connects to the router and the router connects to my machine ... and kubu will detect it all via dhcp, which i don;t need to setup ... is that right ? ... :)03:37
Linux_Galorecharlie5: no you buy a all in one adsl router03:37
Linux_Galorecharlie5: they usually have 4 ports and one phone line jack03:38
charlie5Linux_Galore: ok, the router is built into the modem, sorry :)03:38
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: most firefox extensions work, but check in the extensions' page, it'd be stated there if it works in linux03:38
halfbloodprinceabattoir: thanks03:39
charlie5Linux_Galore: or vice vera :)03:39
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Linux_Galorecharlie5: you can plug up to 4 machine into it and you only setup the router once for you ISP and thats it, lets say I buy a new machine throw ubuntu on it, because the router supports dhcp I dont have to setup anything in Linux the installer automatically connects to the router03:39
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charlie5Linux_Galore: sounds brilliant ... i have an old machine with broken cd ... been trying to get an OS onto it via etherboot w/o much luck ... maybe i can isntall kubu onto it via dhcp :)03:42
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Linux_Galorecharlie5: just buy a cdrom or walk down the street on a junk week and you will see a pile of old machines with cdroms in them03:43
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shadowhywindis there a log of what happens on startup?03:44
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tktalk about a bad typo03:44
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tkI just deleted /usr/bin because I hit space instead of /file03:45
charlie5Linux_Galore: well, the trouble is machine won't boot from cdrom, cannot access bios, and only has a kboard which all bootloaders do not recognise ... so it's kinda compicated :/03:45
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tkwell I guess that makes me up for a reinstall tommorow morning03:48
halfbloodprinceWhen I burn the ISO, it's not automatically a live cd right? It's just a bootable install cd? I don't want it to be a live cd which gives me the option to install03:48
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tkhalfbloodprince: if you downloaded the Live CD its a live CD, but it gives you boot options if you dont want to use the live portion of it03:49
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tkugh, guess I'm gonna reobot to windows for tonight, dont feel like reinstalling my fresh install because I made a stupid mistake03:50
tkunless there is an easy way to restore /usr/bin? :P03:50
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oliverhow do you execute a jar file in the command line03:51
halfbloodprincetk: I'm downloading kubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso.torrent03:51
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: that's the 'livecd version'03:52
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ririhi : is it here for edgy too ?03:53
abattoirriri: is what here for edgy?03:53
abattoirthe livecd?03:53
ririkubuntu irc for edgy support03:53
halfbloodprinceabattoir: aahhhh.. but i can just select the option to boot from it, right? and not use the live cd portion, like tk said?03:53
ririi am compiling kde4 on edgy and kdebase can't compile03:54
abattoirriri: aah, #ubuntu+1 is the channel :)03:54
ririok thanks03:54
angasuleriri: aren't there packages for kde4 on edgy anyway?03:54
shadowhywindanybody know of the log with information from bootup?03:54
riribut mine are better03:54
abattoirhalfbloodprince: the way it works is, you choose Start/Install Kubuntu->get into the livecd->Click on Install in the desktop03:54
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ririwith dapper I compiled all kde403:55
halfbloodprinceis it a good idea to run the live cd? if the live cd doesn't detect my hardware, am i to assume that it definitely won't detect it on a full install?03:55
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: well, in most cases, you can 'make' it work03:56
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abattoireven if the livecd doesnt detect/work with it out of the box03:56
angasulehalfbloodprince: if it works on the livecd, it should work just fine after install, and after the install, a lot of extra stuff can be made to work, too03:56
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Linux_Galorehalfbloodprince: if you can open a browser and connect to the net the rest is just minor hacks03:57
halfbloodprinceokay, cool.. coz i intend to install it anyway, even if the live cd doesn't detect all my hardware :p03:57
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halfbloodprincei hope you fine people will be able to help me out in case that happens, but i have full faith in kubuntu03:58
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Linux_Galorehalfbloodprince: dont try installing 6.10 though stick to dapper03:59
Linux_Galoreie 6.0603:59
halfbloodprinceLinux_Galore: I'm getting 6.06.103:59
Linux_GaloreI tried 6.10 on my laptop and it hangs, 6.06 works fine04:00
Linux_Galore6.10 works on my workstation but half the apps freez up04:00
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Kr4t05angasule: what was that link you pasted me before?04:02
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officerwhere can i find mp304:03
officerdownloader for kubuntu04:03
angasuleKr4t05: umh, don't remember, I'm on another pc, I closed that session04:03
officerkan use dual screen04:04
fhmartenssonhi, can anyone help me with the setup of wine pls04:04
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troyhola folks04:05
officerkpeckage will help you04:05
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troywas wondering if Edgy is going to have a wider support for 32bit libs under amd64?04:05
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officersomebody that can help me for my dual screen04:06
fhmartenssonnew to linux04:06
fhmartenssonused windows before04:06
officerhave a ati radeon 9550 it works on windows xp but not on kubuntu04:06
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:07
fhmartenssonneed help to install winehq04:07
fhmartenssoncan some one help04:07
Martijn81!LSB > Martijn8104:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about LSB - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:08
angasulefhmartensson: there is a wine package in adept04:08
officeri have istall fglrx04:08
fhmartenssonhow do i find this, new to linux04:08
cwojackI am having trouble with adapt.  It won't show (Not installed ) applications  I ran "sudo aptitude update" no update The computer is on the net as it is this unit>04:08
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.04:08
=== luisgp82 [n=luisgp82@189.Red-213-97-96.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
abattoir!info wine04:08
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 8578 kB, installed size 40460 kB04:08
Zkyez__cwojack: try apt-get update;apt-get upgrade04:08
officeri have istall fglrx04:08
lmhey there. can anybody tell me how to add the button to minimize all windows to kicker in kde... just as it is in gnome?04:09
abattoirfhmartensson: ^^^^ follow that guide, and install that package... you'd need to enable the universe repository04:09
abattoirlm: you mean 'Show Desktop'?04:09
lmabattoir:  exactly04:09
fhmartenssonhow do i enable the universe repository04:09
abattoirlm: rt. click on the panel -> Add applet->Show Desktop04:09
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:09
abattoirfhmartensson: ^^^^04:09
luisgp82i installed kubuntu, but i cant install Synaptic. Why?04:09
Martijn81lm: unlock the panel by right click-> and then see abattoir's reply04:10
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lmabattoir:  ahh thanks :)04:10
phreakysanyone knows why kiba wont drop and drag?04:10
abattoirluisgp82: do you want synaptic instead of adept?04:10
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cwojackNo luck it says reading package lists but nothing happens.  No long updat is run.04:11
abattoirluisgp82: kubuntu has a program called adept, which is used to add/remove programs04:11
abattoirluisgp82: Kmenu->System->Adept04:11
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shadowhywindi have one more question for the lady, my kubuntu will randomly freeze before the login screen displaying a black screen, i think it is freezeing at the saving vesa file any ideas?04:12
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luisgp82synaptic is in grey color04:13
fhmartenssonwhich panel do i right click04:13
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fhmartenssonis there any one who has got a step by step idiot proof manual04:14
fhmartenssonsorry for all these thousands of questions04:14
abattoirfhmartensson: the rt. click thing wasnt for you04:14
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fhmartenssonabbatoir, you seems to be able to help me04:15
abattoirfhmartensson: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:15
abattoirfhmartensson: i dont know anything simpler than that...,04:15
lmanybody know how to change the default file manager from konqueror to krusader?04:15
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romeo_hello does anyone know when firefox 15.06 will be coming out for debian?04:16
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halfbloodprincecan i just copy my existing ttf fonts from windows to the fonts directory in kubuntu, instead of installing the msttfcore package04:17
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frojndhello guys04:17
frojndI have one prob04:17
frojndbeside many more ;)04:17
romeo_ hello does anyone know when firefox 15.06 will be coming out for debian?04:18
frojndI formated SATA disk into ext304:18
angasuleromeo_: you might want to ask in debian? :)04:18
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romeo_ok sorry in kubuntu04:18
frojndI am asking how can I make that disk work...04:18
angasulefrojnd: you want to read it from windows?04:18
frojndjust from linux04:19
frojndit was NTFS and I formated it04:19
frojndin to ext304:19
frojndand now I must set the permissions and mount it04:19
frojndI don't know exactly how to do this so04:19
romeo_hello does anyone know when firefox 15.06 will be coming out for kubuntu?04:20
angasulefrojnd: go to System Settings-> System Administration -> Disk & Files04:20
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halfbloodprinceangasule: got a minute?04:20
angasuleromeo_: stop asking again and again04:20
angasulehalfbloodprince: just ask, if I can't answer, somebody else will :)04:21
romeo_sorry so no one has the answer?04:21
lmask in debian04:21
halfbloodprinceangasule: can i just copy my existing ttf fonts from windows to the fonts directory in kubuntu, instead of installing the msttfcore package04:21
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angasulehalfbloodprince: hmm, yeah, you can copy ttf files, but I don't know if there is any side effects or anything04:22
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halfbloodprinceside effects?04:22
frojndok angasule I went to disk & files, and I tryed to enable disk, but it says that I must mount it first...04:22
frojndhow can I mount it04:22
halfbloodprincein the ubuntu manual, it says that to install fonts, i can install them manually by copying them into the usr/shared/fonts directory04:23
angasulehalfbloodprince: I don't know how fonts work these days, with unicode and all that :) but it should work fine, I guess04:23
halfbloodprincedoes adept do something special with the msttcorefonts package apart from downloading/copying fonts into the respective directories?04:23
halfbloodprinceokay, cool04:23
angasulefrojnd: in konqueror, go to media:/04:24
cwojackAdapt and ap-get don't seem to know ware to get its info.  How do i fix this?04:24
Ayabarawhat do I need to put in my /etc/fstab for my ipod to be mounted under /media/ipod?04:24
angasulefrojnd: do you see the disk you want to use there?04:24
abattoircwojack: huh? what do you mean?04:25
frojndIt's there04:25
abattoirAyabara: have you already added an entry for it to be mounted as something else?04:25
Ayabaraabattoir, no. it comes up as /media/sdd2 all by itself04:26
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dhqi am having problems i cant start kdm04:26
dhqit says diplay problems04:26
frojndangasule It's there, but when I clik on it, it says that I can't access it..04:27
angasulefrojnd: you need root access to mount it, yes, that's fine04:27
abattoirAyabara: are you sure you'd need it to be mounted on every boot?04:27
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halfbloodprinceok guys..brb04:27
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frojndangasule frojnd: you need root access to mount it, yes, that's fine  root@kubuntu:/dev# mount /dev/sdb1 /home/q/sdb104:28
frojndmount: you must specify the filesystem type04:28
abattoir!fstab > Ayabara04:28
Ayabaraabattoir, hmm. good point. it's mounted as /dev/sdd2 I meant. I have a problem connecting to it in amarok04:28
abattoirAyabara: that should have the info you'd need04:28
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angasulefrojnd: mount -t ext3 (and then the rest), but go back to Disk & files, and enter administrator mode, you could make it mount on boot from now on, if you want04:29
abattoirAyabara: amarok? why dont you specify that device in amarok?04:29
abattoir /dev/sdd2?04:29
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frojndroot@kubuntu:/dev# mount -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 /home/q/04:30
frojndmount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist04:30
frojndI don't get it04:30
frojndwhen I go to disk & files it's there04:30
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Zkyez__it seems i have a problem with akregator. i cannot increase the font size04:30
Ayabaraabattoir, I asked the wrong Q.. the problem seems to be another one. amarok detects the ipod on /dev/sdd2, but when I press connect it says "no mounted iPod found"04:30
frojndand it says that it's ext304:30
abattoirAyabara: from what i can see( i dont have an ipod, btw), amarok lets you choose the device...(/dev/sdd2)04:30
angasulefrojnd: can you enable it?04:30
frojndIt says that I must mount it04:30
angasulefrojnd: are you in administrator mode?04:30
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Ayabaraabattoir, that's right. I'll try the amarok forum for more help :-)04:31
abattoiror #amarok04:31
abattoirAyabara: or i'll see if the wiki has some info04:31
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angasulefrojnd: select the partition and click on 'modify'04:32
Ayabaraabattoir, that's what I meant, actually. I'm thinking one thing and writing another today...04:32
frojndangasule: ok04:32
giwenfix my charst04:32
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dhqwhat does this mean "Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd                                                              /Gnome.pm line 54, <> line 1."04:33
giwen/charset iso-5589-1?04:33
abattoirdhq: where do you get that?04:34
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[Deathmaster] anyone of you using kvirc 3.2.4 from a deb package ?04:34
abattoirdhq: synaptic?04:34
dhqabattoir: well in konsole04:34
dhqabattoir: i have somany broken packages04:35
abattoirdhq: doh... after doing what?04:35
fhmartenssonabbatoir, tried to download the wine after i followed the instructions you send me(thanks by the way) but still no sign of this04:35
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dhqabattoir: when ever i download any repos04:35
abattoirfhmartensson: if you followed those porperly, you'd see wine in the packages list04:35
abattoirfhmartensson: did you click on fetch updates after adding the entry?04:35
frojndangasule: still there04:35
abattoirdhq: do 'sudo apt-get update'04:36
fhmartenssoni did04:36
fhmartenssonok so you mean the the wine should be on its own04:36
abattoirfhmartensson: and did you enable universe for 'dapper'(the distribution) rather than 'dapper-backports' ?04:36
angasulefrojnd: yes04:36
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abattoirfhmartensson: no, once you finished that process, type wine in the search bar, you should see it04:36
dhqabattoir: i have been getting display errors04:36
fhmartenssoni think so, will check again04:36
tyler_dmy Gdebi package installer will not open??04:37
cwojackI am still having a problem with installing packages with adapt.  It isn't getting the updates.  Help04:37
frojndwhen I click on modify settings are: mount point: /media/sdb1 ; enable at start up ; writable ; mount permission: one user at the time04:38
frojndmay enable disable04:38
zizaha! something ate my hostname binary! it's an empty document.04:38
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zizabut it has the same date as the binary of an older installation04:39
AyabaraI need some help mounting my ipod. I have an ipod icon on my desktop, but when I right click and press 'mount' I get an error symbol, without any explanation04:40
zizai was looking for a reason why my hostname is set to (none). i think i found out now :)04:40
Pensacolamy KDE is in english and I want it in dutch, what do I need to do?04:40
angasulefrojnd: well, you want it to enable at start up (enable = mount, by the way)04:40
fhmartenssonabbatoir, i followed the instructions just as it said  on the link you send me04:41
tyler_dhow do you add/fix a repository when you get an error about no pubkey available?04:41
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angasulefrojnd: the other options depend on what you want to do with them, etc04:41
phreakyswohoo, kiba dock works :D04:41
Ayabaraabattoir, I asked in #amarok, and they told me I had to mount the ipod. that didn't work, so now I'm back :-)04:41
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fhmartenssonabbatoir, do i need to restart the computer for this to take effect04:42
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:42
angasulefrojnd: 'writable' set to on is probably a good idea :) and 'only root may enable/disable' is just fine, if you'll keep it always mounted04:42
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frojndanother porb04:43
frojndwhen I enable settings04:43
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abattoirAyabara: i thought you had it mounted in /media/sdd2 ?04:44
frojndmount /dev/sdb1 does not exists04:44
abattoirfhmartensson: nope, you dont, this is not windows04:44
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abattoirfhmartensson: well, if you followed the instructions carefully, it should work... could you just go over it once again quickly?04:44
fhmartenssonok, thanks for all the help by the way04:45
=== ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu
Ayabaraabattoir, my bad. it is in /dev/sdd2, and I have to mount it04:45
angasulefrojnd: I don't know what's going on, really, I'm not much good at working from a distance :)04:45
Ayabarain /media/ipod or something like that04:46
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abattoirAyabara: ok,  you'd need to create a /media/ipod04:46
abattoirAyabara: 'sudo mkdir /media/ipod'04:46
Ayabaraabattoir, that dir seems to be there already04:47
abattoirAyabara: then, adding an fstab entry might also be useful...04:47
PensacolaI can only add US english in languages, not dutch what do I need to do?04:47
abattoirAyabara: btw, Kubuntu doesnt do it automatically for you? the mounting?04:47
abattoirPensacola: languages... where?04:48
Ayabaraabattoir, when I hover over the icon on the desktop, it says 'unmounted removable medium'04:48
Pensacolasystem settings - regional and accesability04:48
abattoir!info language-pack-kde-nl04:49
ubotulanguage-pack-kde-nl: KDE translation updates for language Dutch. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.06+20060725 (dapper), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB04:49
abattoirPensacola: ^^^^04:49
Pensacolaok thx04:49
Pensacolasorry for the noobish questions :s04:49
abattoirAyabara: when you click it... it doesnt get mounted?04:49
AyabaraPensacola, don't apologize, cause then I have to too ;-)04:49
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Ayabaraabattoir, no. I get an error. a box with the red circle and white cross, and a button for ok. no error message at all04:50
abattoirno error messages? that's weird04:50
Ayabaraabattoir, do I need to set some permissions on /dev/sdd2 to be able to do it?04:50
abattoirAyabara: try 'sudo mount /dev/sdd2 /media/ipod'04:51
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phreakysis there a way to use ctrl-alt-del for getting runtime processes?04:51
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oslophreakys> ctrl-ESC i tink04:53
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Ayabaraabattoir, 1. there was an old symlink in the way "mount: mount point /media/ipod is a symbolic link to nowhere". when I removed that, did 'sudo mkdir ipod' and tried to mount without sudo, I got the same empty error message. when I mounted with sudo it worked :-)04:54
fhmartenssonabbatoir, have followed the link as it says but no wine installed04:54
Ayabaraabattoir, the question now is if I will be able to write to it :-)04:54
abattoirAyabara: nice ;)04:54
abattoirAyabara: now go back to #amarok :P04:55
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Ayabaraabattoir, already did. now it says (mounted at /media/ipod) :-)04:55
abattoirfhmartensson: did you search for wine in the searchbox in adept?04:55
abattoirAyabara: so it works w/ amarok too?04:55
tyler_danyone help me with the Gdebi package installer not opening??04:55
Ayabaraabattoir, almost, since I mounted with sudo, my user can't write to the iPod.04:56
Ayabaraabattoir,  failed to create lockfile on iPod mounted at /media/ipod: Permission denied04:56
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abattoirAyabara: hmm, you'd probably need to change permissions...04:57
Ayabaraabattoir, so I can mount it without sudo, or so I can write to it when it is mounted with sudo?04:57
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abattoirAyabara: i generally, open konqueror as root, rt. click on that partition, and change permissions.. but most if not all people would contest that... :P04:58
abattoirAyabara: i dont know if it'll screw up your ipod fs... let me find out wait04:59
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Ayabaraabattoir, ok, really appreciate the help :-)04:59
phreakystnx oslo. it works :-)04:59
fhmartenssonabbatoir, i did but no matches04:59
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oslophreakys> you re welcome05:00
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omarHi guys How are you dong05:02
omari am a beginner user in kubuntu05:02
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omarbut let me tell you , it is really good, better than Win.......s05:02
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halfbloodprincewhat's better than win...s05:02
abattoirAyabara: i guess the way is to add an entry in /etc/fstab and include the 'user' option, so that it can be mounted by regular users05:03
omarHowever there are some things I really wanna do , but I still didn0t get05:03
omarbetter than windows05:03
phreakysright now in kde, when i press del in konqueror, it deletes content without warning05:03
phreakyscould this be changed?05:03
Ayabaraabattoir, what happens if I don't have the iPod connected at startup?05:03
abattoirphreakys: i thought it gives a warning...05:03
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omarfor example, I really would like to change icons in each desktop05:04
abattoirAyabara: if you have the 'noauto' option, it isnt mounted at startup05:04
phreakysno, it deletes without warning :/05:04
abattoirphreakys: plain delete or shift+delete?05:04
Ayabaraabattoir, of course... thanks05:04
ElectrolyteDeleting files gives me a warning.05:04
phreakysjust delete05:05
phreakysit moves everything to the trashcan, but i would like to have some kind of warning05:05
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halfbloodprincewhy has the room gone silent all of a sudden?05:10
cwojackI am still having a problem with adapt.  It isn't getting updates.  any ideas?05:10
abattoirAyabara: '/dev/sdd2 /media/ipod vfat sync,user,noauto 0 0' looks good to me...05:10
Philip5anyone in here who have built their own recent 64bit kernel and made it a deb package?05:10
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abattoircwojack: try 'sudo apt-get update' does that work?05:11
Ayabaraabattoir, "/dev/sdc2 /media/iPod vfat nosuid,noauto,nodev,rw,umask=077,gid=1000,uid=1000,user,defaults,noatime,iocharset=utf8 0 0" seemed to work, though I have no idea what it does... anything dangerous in this line?05:11
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cwojackNo  It dosen't seem to know ware to go.  it dosn't download anything.05:12
abattoirAyabara: where did you pick that from ? :P05:12
abattoirAyabara: seems good though... but is your's /dev/sdc2 ?05:12
Ayabaraabattoir, http://www.ubuntux.org/node/14705:12
Ayabarachanged it to sdd205:12
abattoircwojack: what do you mean? could you pastebin the output?05:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:13
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abattoirAyabara: as long as it works, its all good :)05:13
Ayabaraabattoir, indeed. thanks a lot for _all_ of your help05:14
abattoiryou're welcome :)05:14
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halfbloodprinceAyabara: can u copy stuff to your ipod now?05:15
cwojackit says "reading package list ... Done"05:15
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fhmartenssonabbatoir, did you find any solution to my problem with wine05:15
dvaquerto all05:15
cwojackThis is instead of downloading all the repository data.05:15
abattoirfhmartensson: what problem did you have... I asked you if you searched in adept for it05:16
ketsugiWhat's the difference between PyQt and PyKDE?05:16
fhmartenssoni did and i replied back to you05:16
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fhmartenssonno luck im afraid05:16
abattoirketsugi: there are certain qt classes which are optimised a bit more for KDE applications...05:17
fhmartenssonit seems that it is not installed of some reason05:17
abattoirketsugi: pykde provides bindings for those05:17
Ayabarahalfbloodprince, yep, it works like a charm05:17
abattoirfhmartensson: it will not be installed by default, but is it 'listed' ?05:17
ketsugiso if I wanted to write a KDE app, I'd choose PyKDE, but if I wanted to write an environment-agnostic Qt-based app, I'd choose PyQt?05:17
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abattoirketsugi: if you need to take adv. of those 'special' kde classes, pykde, else pyqt.. :)05:18
fhmartenssonso if i search for wine in adept and it cant find it then what?05:18
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abattoirketsugi: however you'd need to see if it's supported in other 'environments'... depending on what you mean by that05:19
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ketsugilike, I can run Qt-based apps under Gnome, or Windows, etc05:19
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abattoirfhmartensson: then 1) you either havent added universe 2) or you have enabled it in the wrong place 3) or you havent fetched updates05:19
abattoirketsugi: running under gnome should work fine if you have the necessary pyqt 'libs' installed... i dont thin there is a pyqt for windows... so not sure about that05:20
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ketsugiThere has to be, because I've got an sqlite browser app that's qt-based and which runs under Windows XP05:20
abattoirketsugi: btw, pykde apps will work fine in gnome too05:20
abattoirjust like normal kde apps do05:20
ketsugihmm ok05:20
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ketsugiI'll just dabble with pykde and see how it goes then05:20
abattoirketsugi: aah, that's Qt, not PyQt :)05:21
ketsugi...oh yeah05:21
ketsugi<-- stupid05:21
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abattoirketsugi: Qt is C++, but PyQt provides bindings so that a python developer can make use of it05:21
cwojackNo luck yet. any ideas?05:21
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abattoircwojack: iirc, i asked you to pastebin the output of 'sudo apt-get update'05:22
cwojackI am soyyr . How do i do that?05:23
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abattoircwojack: ok, run that command in a terminal... copy all the stuff that comes out... and put it in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ ... click submit... it'd give you a link give that back here05:24
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Hetaumahi does any1 know if I can install kubuntu on a core duo proccessor yet ?05:26
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matusHetauma: yes, you can05:28
fhmartenssonabbatoir, there were only 1 place that i could enable it on, all the othe places it did not allow me05:29
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SnakeDoes apt-get log what it installs?05:29
fhmartenssonabbatoir, i got this cd from a magazine, and it said full version of kubuntu 6.0605:30
phreakysanyone knows how to set double click for konqueror?05:31
Martijn81phreakys: kpersonalizer probably05:31
danilocwhat you mean for double click?05:31
danilocto, open it with double click or something else ?05:31
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phreakysah, got it05:33
SnakeDoes apt-get log what it installs?05:34
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longbeanwhere's Autostart live in kde 3.5.4? I'm reading a guide saying that there should be something in System Settings->KDE Components, but i got nothing05:34
abattoirfhmartensson: hmm, what do i say... following those instructions *must* work... i cant think of any exceptions other than what i've already told you05:34
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abattoirfhmartensson: nope, there is no Home basic, Basic Home, Home professional etc. w/ Kubuntu... there is only *one* version :P05:35
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fhmartenssonok thanks05:35
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abattoirlongbean: you mean the Autostart folder?05:36
longbeanabattoir: sort of. http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/1000081 says something about being able to get an app to start on startup via System Settings05:38
longbeani could probably do it manually i guess, soon as i figure out how...05:38
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pierre__I have a question05:41
pierre__why do i not delete a folder with bash command 'rm' ?05:42
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pierre__nobody ?05:42
p0w4hpierre: you could try rm -fr (force)05:42
fhmartenssonabbatoir, do i change it in the canonical commercial repositeries as well05:42
pierre__ok thanks05:42
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longbeanpierre: by default rm doesn't work on folders05:43
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longbeanpierre: 'rmdir' will delete an empty directory (or folder if you prefer calling them that)05:43
pierre__with -fr i can05:44
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pierre__folder is not the same of directory ?05:44
longbeandifferent names for the same thing05:45
pierre__(sorry but i'm french, but in kubuntu-fr, nobody is)05:45
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abattoirfhmartensson: nope, only in http://??.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper05:45
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abattoirlongbean: i cant seem to find it either... guess the article meant ~/.kde/Autostart05:45
fhmartenssonthts what i did then05:46
abattoirlongbean: you can create a file, put the command in, and it'll get executed05:46
longbeanabattoir: i guess so. i figured it out.05:46
abattoirfhmartensson: ok, do 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list'05:46
abattoirfhmartensson: copy and pastebin that file05:46
longbeannow to test05:46
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)05:46
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ernst_I have a question05:47
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ernst_I want to uninstall koffice 1.6 alpha, but I can't find the directory05:47
ernst_does anyone know the default directory of koffice 1.6alpha1??05:47
abattoirernst_: how did you install it?05:48
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ernst_manually so with ./configure --> make --> make install05:48
abattoirernst_: then go into that folder, 'sudo make uninstall'05:49
rudizmy screensaver is inactive? how to fix it?05:49
ernst_which folder??05:49
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fildowhere u ./configured it05:49
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pierre__in /usr/share/applications/kde ?05:49
brandon_why does msn not connect?05:49
arudio@ ernst_ where your source code is05:50
fildobrandon_: client ur using05:50
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brandon_it says Unable to lookup messenger.hotmail.com05:50
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abattoirbrandon_: try manually pinging messenger.hotmail.com05:50
abattoir'morning Hawkwind :)05:51
fildofind out if network issue first05:51
brandon_and how do i do that?05:51
fildoin bash05:51
abattoirbrandon_: 'ping messenger.hotmail.com'05:51
Hawkwindabattoir: Morning.  How's things today05:51
pierre__ernst : locate koffice05:51
pierre__if you don't find05:51
abattoirHawkwind: a bit slow initially... but picking up ;)05:51
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brandon_what do i mean by ping?05:52
ernst_yeah someone else said me to do this... but it gave a whole list of results05:52
arudioernst_: if you didnt configure sth. else, your koffice is in /usr/local ususally...05:52
abattoirernst_: do what?05:52
brandon_I'm just learning how to do networking, I'm a little slow05:52
rudizihe screensaver does not work? how to fix this bug?05:52
abattoirrudiz: your KDE version is?05:53
ernst_usr/local and than what...05:53
rudizthe latest one05:53
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longbeanok that was weird. compiz loaded on startup, but i got no window directions. running compiz-start from the terminal fixed it05:53
arudioi think /usr/local/koffice or sth. similar?05:54
longbeanthink i need some direction on actual compiz use and configuration here. anyone willing to point me in the right direction?05:54
rudizabattoir kde 34505:54
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ernst_there is no such folder05:55
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rudizabattoir, 3.5.405:55
ernst_I guess I deleted the folder with the source code05:55
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abattoirrudiz: could you make sure you are fully up to date?05:55
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abattoirrudiz: if you have dapper updates enabled...05:55
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ernst_is there anyother way to uninstall software without the source code folder05:56
arudiosorry - usually source programs install themselves under /usr/local if you dont tell them to install anywhere else...05:56
rudizi install xscreensaver also05:56
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abattoirrudiz: ok, what is the problem exactly... it doesnt launch at all?05:56
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brandon_umm... could it be server problems if it says could not find server at messanger.hotmail.com?05:57
Hawkwindbrandon_: It's messenger not messanger05:57
rudizif i am way from pc...no screensaver  action05:57
brandon_i dunno how to spell05:57
Hawkwindbrandon_: We noticed :P  Just kidding05:57
ernst_ok there are 9 folders in /usr/local/05:58
brandon_I remember you....05:58
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brandon_I'm the retad that couldn't figure out samba, but eventually did05:58
rudizabattoir if iam away frompc noc screensaver action05:58
ernst_bin etc games include man lib sbin share and svr05:58
fildoah ur just a newbie05:58
ernst_whichone is the one with koffice05:58
arudioernst_: seems as if koffice installs anywhere else ;-))05:59
fildowe all go thru it05:59
fildobrandon_: onpen konsole > type ping <url>05:59
brandon_can't find the server at messenger.hotmail.com.05:59
arudioernst_: did you try locate koffice?05:59
Hawkwindbrandon_: It seems to be down as I get 100% packet loss06:00
ernst_ok I'll try locate koffice06:00
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ernst_there are three posibilities06:00
rudizabattoir, its on Automaticaly start screensaver06:01
ernst_either /usr/share/apps/koffice or /usr/lib/ or /var/lib/dpkg/06:01
brandon_yea, I pinged it and no response06:01
ernst_these directories are most common if i type locate koffice06:02
fhmartenssonabatoir, thanks but how do i do this and were06:02
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brandon_ok well then06:02
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arudioernst_: please try which koffice to see where the koffice binary is06:03
brandon_about java, I tried to install it, but it still says that I don't have the plugin installed06:03
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Slayer4blindaka brandon_06:03
fhmartenssonabatoir, can you please bare in mind that i am a very new user to linux06:04
ernst_you mean typing "which koffice" in the konsole06:04
ernst_that doesn't do anything06:04
longbeanhm. can't download compiz-kde. says it depends on package compiz 0.0.2-4, but compiz is at
arudioernst_: yes, type in which koffice in the konsole...06:04
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ernst_I just get the cursor (or whatever it is) on the next line06:05
ernst_it doesn't say anything06:05
Slayer4blindHow do I install java for Firefox?06:05
arudiothen either koffice is not in your PATH or it isnt installed at all :o))06:05
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Slayer4blindI need the JRE plugin06:05
arudiowhich and whereis look for binaries in your PATH-dirs...06:06
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ernst_well, it is installed so how can i change the path06:06
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Slayer4blindI guess no help06:07
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fhmartenssonhi is there anyone else that can help me with my problem on how to install the winehq so i can use the windows application, especially the wireless as though it is only compatible with windows06:07
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arudioif you know where koffice is installed you can expand your PATH by adding directories to your existing path ...e.g. in /etc/profile or in your own ~/.profile....06:07
cwojackhave you looked at the ap-get data?06:07
arudioernst_: PATH=$PATH:/new/directory1:/new/directory206:08
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arudioernst_: export $PATH06:08
fhmartenssonhave managed the reposuitories06:08
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theineernst_: did you install koffice via apt-get/synaptic/adept?06:10
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ernst_so if i do "cd /" and then which koffice it must find the binary because it's the broadest path???06:10
theineernst_: you won't need "cd /"06:10
halfbloodprincecheck this out: http://www.wired.com/news/wireservice/0,71756-0.html?tw=rss.index06:10
ernst_no i installed koffice 1.6 manually06:11
arudioernst_: if you type "echo $PATH" the dirs in your PATH-variable will be shown...06:11
theinewhere did you install it on your system?06:12
arudioernst_: chdir to / wont help you here06:12
ernst_I don't know if it's of any use but this is the result of echo $PATH06:12
ernst_this /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/games06:12
arudiotheine: it looks as if ernst_ installed it by ./configuring it to defaults.06:12
arudiobut there is no koffice-dir under /usr/local06:13
fhmartenssonhalfbloodprince, can you help me out with my problem of not able to run windows applications06:13
theineis there anything under /usr/local?06:13
arudio...known to me as "mother" of all self-compiled programs06:13
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arudioernst_: sorry, must leave now - good luck searching :-))06:14
halfbloodprincewhich apps do you want to run?06:14
ernst_thanks for your help06:14
fhmartenssonthe wireless06:14
theineernst_: i'd do "sudo updatedb && locate kword"06:14
jamesarthurhow do you install "wine"?06:14
fhmartenssonand winehq06:14
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meAnyone know if Kubuntu comes with some sort of password security utility to protect a specific folder in the admin profile?  Like, if I forget to lock my profile, is there a way to set a desktop folder to promt for a password everytime it's opened?06:15
halfbloodprincei don't know much abut wine man06:15
ernst_ok, i did sudo updatedb && locate kword06:15
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theineernst_: any result?06:15
ernst_not yet06:16
ernst_lol he's kinda slow06:16
fhmartenssonany idea then of how i can be able to use the wireless for linux even though it is for windows06:16
jujimufuI need help, because I am stuck with some dependancy problems. I tried to instsall compiz, but something went wrong, and now I want to get rid of it, but I can't.  This is the error I get:06:16
jujimufudeb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper multiverse06:16
jujimufudeb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper multiverse06:16
jujimufuoops, sorry, wrong copy06:16
jujimufuThe following packages have unmet dependencies:06:16
jujimufu  compiz-aiglx-gnome: Depends: compiz-aiglx (= 0.0.13-0gandalfn~dapper1) but it is not installable06:16
jujimufu  gset-compiz: Depends: compiz but it is not going to be installed or06:16
jujimufu                        compiz-vanilla but it is not going to be installed or06:16
jujimufu                        compiz-aiglx (>= 0.0.8) but it is not installable06:16
theineright, that's updatedb that's taking so long06:16
fhmartenssonas it is now i cant install the drivers06:16
longbeanfhmartensson: i think you need a thing called ndiswrapper06:17
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theineernst_: that's normal06:17
theineernst_: but locate itself is very fast06:17
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:17
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ernst_wow what a list of results06:17
Hawkwindjujimufu: ^^^^^^^^^06:17
theineernst_: ok, then do "locate kword | grep bin"06:17
jujimufuHawkwind: sorry :\ didn't think it would take that much space06:17
fhmartenssonthanks but how do i get hold of this from and how do i install it06:17
Hawkwindjujimufu: For XGL/Compiz stuff, have you tried asking in #Ubuntu-XGL as those guys there know their stuff06:18
Hawkwindjujimufu: No worries, was just for future references :)06:18
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jujimufuHawkwind: yeah, but the problem isn't with compiz, it's with the package06:18
ernst_it says usr/bin/kword06:18
jujimufuHawkwind: as in, I can't download any more packages because of this problem06:18
wesselHello, I have a problem, I dont know how I did it, but my toolbar in Konqueror is gone(the one containing the "File", "Edit", "Help" etc menus, how can I get this back?:S06:19
longbeanfhmartensson: try the ubuntuforums i guess. don't know much about wireless routers, the name "ndiswrapper" is all i can give you06:19
theineok, then just type "/usr/bin/kword" and hit enter06:19
fhmartenssonthanks longbean i will try there, if you can come up with anything else pls let me know06:19
ernst_it starts kword if i do that06:20
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Hawkwindjujimufu: I had that problem too at one time as I had compiz/xgl sources in my list even though I didn't use the stuff.  I don't remember the fix unfortunately :(06:20
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ernst_sorry theine have to go06:22
ernst_thanks for your help anyway06:22
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wesselHello, I have a problem, I dont know how I did it, but my toolbar in Konqueror is gone(the one containing the "File", "Edit", "Help" etc menus, how can I get this back?:S06:24
longbeancompiz is nice, but all the wobbling is making me queasy. how do i stop it?06:24
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kokeit seems I can't install latest edgy snapshot in powerpc06:24
longbeanwessel: try ctrl-M06:24
kokeinstaller fails to guess the newworld partition06:24
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wesselthanks, it has returned :D06:25
alex_has anyone tried dual booting dapper with vista rc1?06:25
longbeanwessel: now don't press it again :P06:25
wesselyeah sorry :(06:25
longbeanwessel: unless you want to of course :)06:25
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wessellol, i think ill keep it this way06:26
wesseli always forget those shortkeys anyway :S06:26
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stealghi guys i have a problem i was install ati drivers and the 3d acel its good but have less video memory of my hardware  i have a mobility radeon x1300 with 256 in video but in dapper give me 64 mb06:32
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begleysmhi guys... what is the command to list your connected devices and show the bus identifiers?06:39
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rouge8attempting to add a printer in either kcontrol or systemsettings locks up >.>06:41
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xenalisegah... anyone else here use kvirc?06:43
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xenaliseI got some scripts from the kvirc site, but theres no "addon manager" in kubuntu's kvirc :|06:43
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jesshow di i get up stairs06:46
gustavohi i just instaled kubuntu and im having some problems. i dont know hwy but i cant access my other drives06:46
abattoirjess: there is kgetupstairs...06:46
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abattoirgustavo: try  media:/ in konqueror... see if it lists all your partitions06:47
abattoirgustavo: if its there, just click on them and they'll be mounted... have to go now.06:47
kristinahow can i install a network between 2 kubuntu pc's?? how can i make a share folder like in windows?06:48
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gustavoit does list all my drives and partitions but i cant access them06:49
gustavogot this mensage06:49
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fdovinggustavo: is your user in the 'plugdev' group? (is it the user created during install?)06:54
fdovingok, the devices are not removable?06:55
fdovingi figure hdc1 is not removable.06:55
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gustavodunno what does that means, first time i use linux :P06:55
gustavobelow where says "type" of hdd says "unmounted hard drive"06:56
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fdovinggustavo: ok, open konsole (you can find it in kmenu -> system -> konsole)06:56
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fdovinggustavo: kmenu is the K in the lower left corner.06:56
fdovinggustavo: tell me when you've got the konsole window up.06:56
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fhmartenssonhi anyone if i do not have the synaptic installed can you tell me where to find it?06:58
fdovinggustavo: ok, then type this: sudo echo '/dev/hdc1' >> /etc/pmount.allow06:59
fdovinggustavo: and then press enter. you'll be asked to enter your password.06:59
fdovinggustavo: oh, hang on.. that won't work.06:59
fdovinggustavo: go for 'sudo -i' first.06:59
fdovinggustavo: then: 'echo '/dev/hdc1' >> /etc/pmount.allow06:59
fdovinggustavo: 'sudo -i' will ask you for your password. this is to gain administrator rights.07:00
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fdovinggustavo: then the echo command will add a line containing /dev/hdc1 on the end of the /etc/pmount.allow file.07:01
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fdovinggustavo: that will allow the mounting system to mount that device.07:01
fdovingeven though it's not removable.07:01
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gustavonothing happed07:04
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fdovinggustavo: try to run 'cat /etc/pmount.allow'07:04
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fdovinggustavo: is /dev/hdc1 listed at the end?07:05
gustavocat /etc/pmount.allow07:05
fdovingin the konsole window :)07:05
gustavoye ye :P07:05
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gustavonope, nothing happed07:06
fdovingno output?07:06
gustavonothing happed when i typed it07:06
fdovingwhat is the output of 'id'07:06
Dr_WillisHmm..  Learning about apt-cacher :)07:06
Dr_Willisnifty tool if you got a lan of ubuntu machines.07:07
fdovingDr_Willis: actually, squid with some customisation can be atleast as good (and you can use it for other thing too)07:07
Dr_Willisreading in the ubuntu-hacks book. :P07:08
Dr_Willisfor my 2 pc lan. its working good.07:08
Dr_Willisor at least it seems to be working good.07:08
Dr_WillisI still cant figure out why one pc can install some apps.. that the other dont want to.. some sort of apt-issues I think07:08
fdovinggimme error messages :)07:08
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fdovinggustavo: what did the 'id' command return?07:09
Dr_Willistrying tio install 'cream' on both machiens.. it installed on the laptop.  but on the older desktop07:09
Dr_Willisvim-gnome: Depends: libpango1.0-0 (>= 1.12.3) but 1.12.2-0ubuntu3 is to be installed07:10
gustavooh im back07:10
gustavowhats that command ::(07:10
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fdovingDr_Willis: 'apt-cache madison libpango1.0-0'07:10
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Dr_Willismadison ? where did that come from?07:11
fdovingit's a nice feature of apt-cache :)07:12
Dr_Willislibpango1.0-0 | 1.12.2-0ubuntu3 | http://amd64 dapper/main Packages  - is one of the several lines.07:12
fdovingi think the problem is that you've got some unofficial packages somewhere..07:12
fdovinglaying around.07:12
Dr_Willisim using the identical sources.list on both machines..07:12
Dr_WillisI proberly do on this older machine07:12
Dr_Willisso i just copied the source.list over from the 'new' installe07:12
fdovingthat's your problem.07:12
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fdovingso you need to force the new(older) ubuntu packages.07:13
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fdovingDr_Willis: what you want is to tell apt-get what version of libpango you want. like this: 'apt-get install libpango1.0-0=1.12.2-0ubuntu3'07:14
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ubotutvtime: A high quality television application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 627 kB, installed size 1744 kB07:14
fdovingDr_Willis: the clue is to install the version the other packages depend on, as easy as that :)07:14
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Dr_Williswhich i cant seem to find.. :P but i am learning my apt-fu skills.07:15
Dr_WillisNot sure how they got confused.. the only extra repos ive added are the wine, and skype ones.07:15
Dr_WillisI think07:15
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Dr_Willisaptitude install cream gives a Lot of interesting info07:15
fdovingi'm no hardcore aptitude user.. can't help you much there. :)07:15
highnekoHow can I check the free space or used space of a partition?07:16
fdovinghighneko: mounted partition?07:16
highnekoI would like to do this from theterminal07:17
Dr_Willisjust seems apititude gives me a bit more info about whats broken.07:17
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gustavois there any remote desktop option or something like that, i dont have any idea what im doing :(07:17
fdovinghighneko: 'df'07:17
Dr_Willisright now its saying i got about 200 packages that are broken. :P07:17
highnekoOk, thanks07:17
fdovinghighneko: 'df -h' for human readable, MB GB etc.07:17
Dr_WillisI think ive cleaned out some repos from my sources.list that i shouldent of. :)07:17
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fdovinggustavo: we don't do remote desktop support, and you shouldn't trust us to fix your computer, if that's what you mean.07:18
fdovinggustavo: didn't the 'id' command return anything?07:18
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fdovinggustavo: are you sure? that sounds very very unlikely.07:19
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic07:19
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highnekofdoving, thanks alot07:20
fdovinghighneko: you're welcome :)07:20
mighty-dhi, does anyone knows what login-password should i use in the cups web administration07:20
Dr_WillisCUps is semi-disabled in the web interface.07:21
Dr_Willislet me get ya the url with the info.07:21
fdovinggustavo: you can try a new command, this command will start a editor, editing /etc/pmount.allow you should add a new line at the bottom containing '/dev/hdc1' the command is : 'sudo nano /etc/pmount.allow'07:21
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fdovingmighty-d: this might help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PrintingCupsWebInterface07:21
Dr_Willismentions the fix's and tweaks to get the cups web interface working07:22
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mighty-dok, thanks, i'll check those out07:22
Dr_Willisand is a bit of a rant about the ubuntu guys breaking cups web interface. :P07:22
gustavouid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)07:22
Dr_Willisso its a good read. Lol07:22
firesuite_anyone know how i can update to xorg 6.8 ?07:23
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fdovinggustavo: nice, that's good, now what does 'cat /etc/pmount.allow' say?07:23
BluesKajwell i have tvtime installed and I'm receiving decent video but no sound ...searched the internet for a solution but it all has tod ow ith mythtv setups ...i don't need mythtv , but i do need sound !07:23
gustavo# /etc/pmount.allow07:23
gustavo# pmount will allow users to additionally mount all devices that are07:23
gustavo# listed here.07:23
fdovingfiresuite_: what version of kubuntu do you run?07:24
fdovinggustavo: that's all?07:24
firesuite_i thought i had the latest, dloaded and installed like 3 days ago07:24
fdovinggustavo: ok,  run 'echo "/dev/hdc1" >> /etc/pmount.allow'07:24
fdovingfiresuite_: what version? hoary,breezy,dapper?07:25
fdovingfiresuite_: 5.04, 5.10, 6.06 LTS ?07:25
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firesuite_how can i tell. sry for noob questions..07:25
Tulpe_Hello, ive a wlan problem07:25
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Tulpe_can anybody help me?07:26
firesuite_6.06 dapper :) found it07:26
gustavonope i dont get any mensage back07:26
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fdovinggustavo: you're not supposed to. try to run the 'cat /etc/pmount.allow' again, does it have a /dev/hdc1 at the end?07:27
BluesKajTulpe_, just ask yer question, if anyone can help, you will get an answer07:27
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fdovingfiresuite_: then you have xorg 7.0 already.07:27
Dr_Willissilly source-o-matic page.. i save the shown sources.list.. and it saves the web page.. :P07:27
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interloperhello all, how can i test and see if i have the nvidia drivers installed?07:27
firesuite_ok well i was messing with the themes and settings and after a reboot it came back and said that the composite manager crashed twice within a minute and is disabled for this session07:28
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firesuite_it then said composite extension not foudn - You must use XOrg  6.8 for translucency and shadows to work.07:28
fdovinginterloper: you'll see the NVIDIA logo when starting X, if you haven't disabled the splash.07:28
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fdovingfiresuite_: i don't know anything about xgl, you can try #ubuntu-xgl for XGL related questions. Might have better luck there.07:29
interloperfdoving no i sure don't07:29
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firesuite_thanks fdoving i'll try that07:30
interloperfdoving i used synaptics to install it.07:30
gustavofdoving = http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/6660/snapshot1jp5.pngv07:30
abattoirfiresuite_: you already have xorg >6.807:30
abattoirfiresuite_: make sure you have Composite enabled in xorg.conf07:31
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firesuite_ok i'll take a look in xorg07:31
abattoirfiresuite_: for the transparencies/shadows to work, you'd need that section enabled07:31
fdoving!nvidia > interloper07:31
abattoirfiresuite_: just follow the instructions in that KDE warning dialog07:31
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abattoirfiresuite_: but be careful when modifying your xorg.conf07:32
firesuite_so when it says modify my xconfig it means xorg.conf ??07:32
interloperfdoving thank you i'm looking through it right now.07:32
abattoirfiresuite_: yes, /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:32
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AyabaraI need a tool for renaming my pictures using exif data. any tips?07:33
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fdovinggustavo: like this: http://rafb.net/paste/results/wniU9a50.nln.html07:34
Dr_WillisIts possible theres some cpan modules out for that.07:34
fdovinggustavo: can you see the two commands?07:34
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firesuite_i see no transparencies/shadows in there07:34
abattoirfiresuite_: no, you'd need to *add* it there07:34
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abattoirfiresuite_: copy the info the Kde warning dialog says...07:35
abattoirfiresuite_: something like "07:35
abattoirSection "Extensions"07:35
abattoir    Option "Composite" "true"07:35
abattoirfiresuite_: and paste it at the end of xorg.conf07:35
abattoirfiresuite_: but before that please backup your existing xorg.conf07:35
firesuite_hehe yea i'll back it up ;)07:35
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gustavooh it finally says /dev/hdc107:36
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abattoirfiresuite_: after you've added it to xorg.conf, restart X... and you should see all the translucency/shadows stuff :)07:36
fdovinggustavo: nice, now try to doubleclick it in the browser again.07:37
firesuite_in case i dont do you think it will still let me boot to kde ?07:37
abattoirfiresuite_: well if that happens, restore you xorg.conf from the backup07:37
highnekoOn my kicker I see stuff on all desktops. How can I change this?07:37
abattoirand all should be fine07:38
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abattoirhighneko: you mean you dont want to see the 'pager' ?07:38
abattoirhighneko: rt. click on the applet->Remove applet07:38
highnekopager? The windows I dont' wanan see.07:38
firesuite_ok its done, im gonna restart, if im not back on here in a few ive killed it. LOL thanks abattoir youve been a great help07:39
highnekothe programs and stuff.07:39
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abattoirfiresuite_: if you've done it properly, it should work :)07:39
firesuite_if im not back in 5 send s search party.. im out07:39
abattoirhighneko: does it say 1 2 3 4 on it?07:39
abattoirfiresuite_: wait07:39
surgyok i just got my cds in the mail :)07:39
surgyso i want to install kubuntu without destroying my windows install07:40
highnekoOh, I konw what pager you meant now. No I got that how I want. I meant the windows when minimized, they're on all desktops.07:40
surgyi have a single 80 gb hdd and i want to give kubuntu 15 gb of it07:40
surgyhow do i do that without destroying windows?07:40
gustavo# /etc/pmount.allow07:40
gustavo# pmount will allow users to additionally mount all devices that are07:40
gustavo# listed here.07:40
highnekodoes windows take up the whole drive?07:40
abattoirhighneko: you mean you want a window to be present only in 1 desktop, instead of all?07:41
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highnekoIt should be in the kontrol panel thing.07:41
surgyhighneko: using about 10 gb of it now, but yes the ntfs partition is the whole drive07:41
abattoirhighneko: ok, click on the top left corner(on the application's icon)->To Desktop->wherever you want07:41
surgyalso how hard is it to make a radeon 9250 work under kubuntu?07:42
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fdovinggustavo: no dice?07:42
highnekosurgy: If you have no more room, you would probably have to resize your ntfs. I would use norton patrition magic.07:42
clamsi need some awesome/addicting games for kubuntu. any suggestions?07:42
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php07:43
fdovingclams: addictive? frozen-bubble07:43
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firesuite_hey abattoir it worked, thanks a lot man :)07:43
clamsfdoving: im apt'ing it right now07:43
highnekoabattoir: I konw how to move windows. I want an option to make all windows, when they open to be only on one desktop, not all of them.07:43
abattoirfiresuite_: cool :), now enjoy all the awesome transparency goodness ;)07:44
highnekoIf I change to desktop two, or three, all my windows are there.07:44
surgyhighneko: i dont have access to nortan, and resizing my ntfs is abou 90% likely to destroy windows right?07:44
firesuite_who needs vista, pft!!07:44
suihui, i've ruined my installation :>07:44
gustavothats all i got07:44
abattoirhighneko: ugh, that's what i said07:44
highnekosurgy: Anyways, you should probably backup, on another drive.07:45
abattoirhighneko: click on the icon on the windeco(to the left of the title)->To Desktop->All07:45
suidoes kubuntu write a boot.log? what config file do I have to edit for this?07:45
Blaathi, When I start amarok i get a message that says that xine is unable to initialize audio drivers, but audio works fine with other programs, amarok is set to use alsa, what am i doing wrong?07:45
abattoirhighneko: now, no matter which desktop you go to, that app will always be there07:45
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highnekoabattoir: Yes, but I want the opposite.07:45
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suii clicked al little bit in control center and removed some services, and now i'm not able to log in07:46
surgyok so what is the best partition type for kubuntu?07:46
surgyand does it use grub? if so then i should install windows first right?07:46
fdovingsui: in console,run 'sudo update-rc.d xorg-common defaults;sudo update-rc.d kdm defaults' i think that shold do it.07:47
abattoirhighneko: normally, an application is present only in one window, the one where you opened it... so even if you are in another desktop, if you click on it in the taskbar, the desktop where you opened it is loaded07:47
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abattoirhighneko: sorry if i dont seem to understand what you mean... could you be a bit more clear?07:48
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surgyi mean what is the name of the type of partition used my kubuntu? becuase i have partition magic.07:48
abattoir*application is present only in one desktop(rather than window)07:48
highnekoabattoir: I think what I want isn't possable with kubuntu.07:49
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suifdoving: /etc/init.d/xorg-common: file does not exist07:49
fdovingsui: what version of kubuntu?07:49
abattoirhighneko: could you please clearly explain what you want?07:49
highnekoI do'nt want it to be visable on the kicker when I change desktops. Only visable on kicker on one desktop.07:49
suifdoving: 6.0607:49
fdovingsui: are you sure? did you uninstall something?07:49
highnekoIt's possable with suse.07:49
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abattoirhighneko: aah that... rt. click on the taskbar->Configure taskbar->uncheck show windows from all desktop07:50
gustavofinally works on all drives07:50
fdovinggustavo: great :)07:50
gustavoty very much fdoving07:50
abattoirhighneko: suse(if you mean kde under it) and kubuntu both use KDE, so technically, you can do almost the same things under them07:50
fdovinggustavo: you're welcome :)07:50
suifdoving: no, I tried to get mpd to work. therefore I found a section in kcontrol for starting services on bootup- that's been all07:50
abattoirugh, i should rephrase that07:51
surgyoh well i guess ill do it by ear07:51
highnekoOk, there it is.07:51
highnekoabattoir: Thanks alot.07:51
Breadmachineokay all, quick question and its a biggie, i havent been using linnux lately, and ive forgottten my root password, is there any way i can recover or change it?07:51
surgysee you guys in about 7 hours07:51
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abattoirhighneko: you're welcome :)07:51
abattoirBreadmachine: you mean your normal user password?07:51
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fdovingBreadmachine: boot into recovery mode, and run 'passwd' to change it.07:51
highnekoI've found that option 100 times on other distributions. Strange. x_x07:51
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suifdoving: I stopped kbluetooth and some others I thought I never need them- perhaps there was one service which I need07:52
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Breadmachineabattoir: im talkin my root password i need to run adept and all my other system crap07:52
fdovingsui: how far do you get? when does it stop? do you get console login?07:52
suifdoving: on startup i get one failed service, but it's to fast to read07:52
abattoirBreadmachine: that's just *your* password...07:52
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suifdoving: oh, kdm ist starting, I just can't login07:52
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abattoirBreadmachine: in (k)ubuntu, there is no root a/c by default07:53
abattoirBreadmachine: the normal user can get admin privs. by sudo07:53
fdovingBreadmachine: that's your user password. you can change it the same way, with 'passwd username'07:53
BluesKajabattoir,  are you running a tvtuner card ?07:53
abattoirBreadmachine: by entering their own password07:53
abattoirBluesKaj: no07:53
BluesKajor anyone for that matter07:53
fdovingsui: kdm is starting, you just can't login?07:53
suifdoving: I type my password and hit enter, and then I return to the login screen07:53
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fdovingsui: ah, can you login from console?07:53
suifdoving: yes, I am :)07:53
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Breadmachineabattoir: so i just run recovery mode and type "passwrd bread"?07:54
fdovingsui: if you login from console, and run 'tail -n 10 ~/.xsession-err*' what does it say?07:54
Breadmachineoops passwd bread07:54
abattoirBreadmachine: you dont remember your own password?07:54
suifdoving: mompl, I need gpm07:55
Breadmachineabattoir: nope, im just that magically forgetful07:55
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abattoirBreadmachine: yes, that should work, i guess... unless if it asks for your current password :P07:56
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Breadmachinewell, crap on toast07:56
abattoirBreadmachine: btw, you disappeared after i asked you to try something... have always been wondering....07:56
abattoirBreadmachine: if i broke your system :P07:56
gustavowhere i can download xlibs ?07:57
fdovinggustavo: you probably have it.07:57
fdovinggustavo: what do you need it for?07:57
gustavotrying to install something but says package is not installed07:57
gustavocedega ask for it07:58
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fdovinggustavo: search http://packages.ubuntu.com07:58
suifdoving: /etc/X11/Xsession: line 81: /dev/null: Permission denied -- Xsession: unable to create X session log/error file; aborting. -- /etc/X11/Xsession: line 18: /dev/null: Permission denied07:58
fdovingsui: ah.07:58
fdovingsui: 'ls -lah /dev/null' ?07:59
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suifdoving: oh sure, I remembe. i clicked on "start udev on system boot"07:59
suifdoving: I just need to remove it from the default runlevel08:00
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fdovingsui: you want udev08:00
suifdoving: crw------- 1 root root 1, 3 2006-08-06 02:14 /dev/null08:01
fdovingsui: that's wrong.08:01
fdovingsui: you want udev, but it should not be in the runlevels, only in rcS08:01
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suifdoving: how can I fix this08:02
gustavoty  u very much again fdoving08:03
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smokeHI All08:03
jujimufuhim smoke :D08:03
aes52what internet apps do you guys use normally in kubuntu?08:03
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smokeLinux Rulllllzzzz08:04
suican I simply remove the file S50udev in /etc/rcS.d/ ?08:05
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suino, not rcS.d, but rc2.d08:05
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jujimufuaes52: firefox for browsing, kopete for messaging and konversation for IRC08:05
suiaes52: konsole and konqueror ;)08:05
suikonsole for centericq and irssi08:06
firesuite_guys so am i right in thinking there is no multiverse in kubunutu adept ??08:06
firesuite_i can only see universe08:06
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fdovingsui: 'update-rc.d -f udev remove' and 'update-rc.d udev start 10 S .'08:06
abattoirfiresuite_: of course not....08:07
abattoirfiresuite_: or rather, of course there is08:08
fdovingsui: sorry for the delay.08:08
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:08
Raul12installing Package management  offline help08:08
abattoirfiresuite_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:08
fdovingRaul12: what is you problem/situation?08:08
abattoirfiresuite_: you'd need to add it 'next' to universe08:08
Raul12i just installed kbuntu08:08
Raul12n gcc n all other packages were missin08:09
firesuite_thanks, i shouldve found that myself. i'll stop asking noob questions :)08:09
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Raul12so how i install them offline08:09
halfbloodprinceany one here who's installed the libfreetype6 package?08:10
Raul12any help will be well come08:10
fdovingRaul12: you don't have internet access on your kubuntu computer?08:10
firesuite_i wonder why multiveres isnt in adept by default08:11
Raul12i kinda upgraded ubuntu in to kbuntu -core08:11
llxcamxlli had to add multiverse08:11
fdovingRaul12: you can go to http://packages.ubuntu.com and search for build-essential, then you'll get a list of depends you need to download and copy to your kubuntu machine. There are links and all, so i think that is the easiest way.08:11
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Raul12and doesnt have adept(package manager08:12
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suifdoving: ty, thats it08:12
fdovingsui: you're welcome :)08:12
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suiand now to the next problem: how can I get mpd to work :)08:13
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halfbloodprinceno one with libfreetype6?08:14
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thompais it possible to shrink the existing linux partition in use08:14
fdovingsui: what is your problem? it works like a charm here, i however, do not run it as a service. i run it as a user.08:14
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suiI installed mpd, ncmpc gmpc. I added a user mpd (uid=107(mpd) gid=29(audio) Gruppen=29(audio)) and created an mpd.conf. for the .mpdstate and .mpddb i chowned the user to mpd:audio08:16
fdovingthompa: i think you can only grow online filesystems.08:16
fdovingthompa: don't take my word on that, but once when i investigated it a while back, you could only grow.08:16
suifdoving: i like it to work as service, butr i can't connect to mpd08:16
suierror [15] : problems getting a response from "localhost" on port 6600 : Connection refused08:17
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suiroot@Shmoo:~# /etc/init.d/mpd start >> Starting Music Player Daemon: mpd.08:18
suino error message in konsole08:18
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thompafdoving: ok.08:18
thompafdoving: im going to move the data from windows drive, and then reformat it to ext3 for storage08:19
suibut mpd is nozt starting08:19
thompathat way I can have grub on the sata (ubuntu) drive08:19
fdovingsui: you know it's not running?08:20
fdovingsui: 'netstat -lpnAinet' nothing listening on port 6000 ?08:21
Raul12any way can i save these build-essential through automated process in my hard drive08:21
fdovingerr. 6600 ?08:21
suifdoving: ps axf |grep mpd gives no output, just the grep08:21
Raul12from internet08:21
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fdovingsui: ah.. ok, did you try to start it manually as the mpd user?08:21
Raul12any 108:21
Raul12 any way can i save these build-essential through automated process in my hard drive from internet08:22
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Raul12plz any108:22
fdovingRaul12: that's what apt-get is for, if you don't have a kubuntu/ubuntu system connected to the internet you can't easily do that in a automated way, as far as i'm concerned.08:22
stephanhello - test08:23
fdovingsui: do you have a /etc/mpd.conf ?08:23
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suifdoving: i tried to start as normal user (sui), but i'm not allowed to set the user/gid to mpd (cannot setgid of user mpd: Operation not permitted). after this I tried to start as root with /etc/init.d/mpd start08:23
Raul12but does it will save the packages to my hard drive n if they did where they will store08:23
fdovingsui: what if you try as user 'mpd' ?08:23
fdovingsui: 'sudo su mpd' or something..08:24
fdovingRaul12: yes,apt-get will do that.08:24
fdovingRaul12: the packages will be saved to /var/cache/apt/archives/08:24
Raul12where it will store on hard drive08:24
suifdoving: mpd needs a login-shell then?08:25
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fdovingsui: hang on, i'll configure mpd as a service too.08:25
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suifdoving: got it working08:28
suiI started mpd as user mpd.08:28
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suifdoving: thats my mpd.conf (the neccessary part) >> http://nopaste.php-q.net/23874908:29
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suifdoving: oh, I forgot to paste "user "mpd"" to nopaste08:30
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_stepzdoes anybody else have problems logging out/shutting down kubuntu edgy08:30
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unksiI do08:30
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unksilogging out is only possible by killing xorg and shutting down is only possible by pressing power button for 10 seconds/taking out the power supplies08:31
_stepzany idea whats the problem or how to fix/debug it08:31
Raul12how to automate the installing process after the upgrade of build essential package08:31
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_stepzwell i could shutdown doing sudo shutdown now08:32
Kr4t05I've commited a fallacy.08:32
Raul12how to automate the installing process after the upgrade of build essential package offline08:32
unksiThere is a bug report about the latter one, no idea about the former one08:32
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Raul12how to automate the installing process after the upgrade of build essential package offline08:32
|lostbyte|Why is wifi so uneasy on linux ?08:32
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|lostbyte|dhclient does'nt connect.. it.08:33
|lostbyte|Is there a better tool, than dhclient.08:33
Raul12how to automate the installing process after the upgrade of build essential package offline08:33
_stepz|lostbyte|: probably because the drivers suck08:33
Raul12how to automate the installing process after the upgrade of build essential package offline08:33
Raul12plz help08:33
Kr4t05|lostbyte|, because hardware vendors don't want to open up their drivers to linux devels. ><08:33
|lostbyte|_stepz, If i configure it manually it works, perfectly.08:33
|lostbyte|Kr4t05, yeah.. :)08:34
Raul12how to automate the installing process after the upgrade of build essential package offline08:34
Kr4t05OK, I have to reboot in true Windows fashion. ><08:34
|lostbyte|Kr4t05, could you paste me the command to connect to any free wireless service if available... ?08:35
|lostbyte|on any channel ..08:35
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fdovingRaul12: don't repeat your question every 10 seconds. it will only get you kicked for annoying everyone. it's not polite and disrespectfull to everyone else in the channel. Thanks for understanding.08:35
|lostbyte|at any rate and any mode.08:35
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firesuite_anyone tell me whats the best web browser to use in kubuntu, my firefox keeps dying08:36
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Hawkwindfiresuite_: Not really a 'best'.  Try opera, mozilla, galeon08:36
_stepzunksi: any idea on bug # or keywords, I don't seem to be able to find it08:36
Hawkwindfiresuite_: What keeps crashing it ?08:36
firesuite_everytime i got to yahoo.com it quits08:37
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sethYahoo doesn't support Konqueror08:37
_stepzfiresuite_: konqueror seems to be good for me08:37
sethor Opera08:37
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unksi_stepz: sorry but I cant find it myself either atm, I am sure that I saw one today tho..08:37
firesuite_im gonna re install it first08:37
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suifdoving: I will retry at home to start mpd as service. universitys closing >_<08:37
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fdovingsui: i think it's related to this: http://mpd.wikia.com/wiki/Music_Player_Daemon_Common_Errors#Error_Trouble_creating_directory_.2Froot.2F.mcop08:38
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fdovingsui: try to add mpd to your users group too.08:38
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fdovingsui: if your username is sui: 'adduser mpd sui'08:38
Bocianwhat's the adress of polish kubuntu users? ;]  thx for help if any :D08:38
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Bocianor polish chanell?08:39
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:39
Bocianohh thx :D08:39
suifdoving: ok, have it. bbl :)08:39
Bocianmy firs time on kubuntu irc :D08:39
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pierre__I've a question08:41
pierre__I've dapper08:41
fdovingsui: ah, try to add 'ao_driver "oss"' or alsa0908:41
fdovingsui: to the mpd.conf08:41
pierre__and i've also OOo08:41
fdovingsui: that did it for me.08:41
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pierre__But i read the "Excel" of OOo is Calc08:42
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pierre__And mine is Spreadsheet08:42
pierre__Is it normal ?08:42
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pierre__(OOo was installed in the same time of the installation)08:43
Raul12apt-get Package build-essential   these command wont work08:43
pierre__(so i've not installed it)08:43
ninHer_hi all08:43
fdovingRaul12: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'08:43
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coreymon77how do i get my souind working08:44
coreymon77sblive speakers08:44
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ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:45
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pierre__nobody for me ? :'(08:45
Raul12what the size of build esseintial package ???08:45
seth!info build-essential08:46
fdovingpierre__: spreadsheet = calc, yes.08:46
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.1 (dapper), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB08:46
coreymon77wait a sec08:46
pierre__ok thanks fdoving08:46
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coreymon77when you say the volumje control08:46
coreymon77do you mean kmix08:46
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fdovingRaul12: build-essential is a meta-package, basically a package that says 'if you install me, i'll install all my dependencies on your system', so it's not big itself, you'll have to count the dependencies sizes too.08:47
helena_well, next item to solve before I can pass this laptop to my GF, knetworkmanager isn't able to configure my wifi. it stops at Activation stage: Configuring device.08:48
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_stepzconfiguring by hand using iwconfig and dhclient works like a charm08:49
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coreymon77that link didnt help08:53
coreymon77its for ubuntu not kubuntu08:53
coreymon77gnome is different from kde08:53
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fdovingcoreymon77: you can do everything on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems in kubuntu too.08:55
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Raul12HOW I GONNA INSTALL OFFLINE  THE PACKAGE STORED IN /var/cache/apt/archives/partial  AUTOMATED WAY08:56
Raul12HOW I GONNA INSTALL OFFLINE  THE PACKAGE STORED IN /var/cache/apt/archives/partial  AUTOMATED WAY08:56
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Raul12how can i install packages offline in automated way08:59
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Raul12pls can any 1 help08:59
fdovingRaul12: "shouting" won't get you higher on the priority list. we try to keep this channel in a odered and nice state.. where people are polite to each other. thanks for understanding.09:00
admin__Please how to change to Dalnet server ?09:00
fdovingadmin__: /server irc.dal.net09:00
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admin__thanks :)09:00
fdovingyou're welcome.09:00
Raul12i am not tryin to shout09:01
fdovingRaul12: did you copy the contents of /var/cache/apt/archives/ to the computer without internet connection?09:01
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Raul12i just want some help thats all09:01
Raul12i did09:01
Kr4t05 I need a Win32 IM client with video chat support and multiple protocols.09:01
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fdovingRaul12: then just open a konsole, and use 'cd' to go the directory you keep the copied files. and run 'sudo dpkg -i *.deb' in that directory.09:02
Kr4t05Stupid Trillian doesn't do Video unless you pay for Pro.09:02
fdoving.. wow.. that was bad sentence building..09:02
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fdovingKr4t05: i think win32 IM client is waaay offtopic for this channel. consider #kubuntu-offtopic or ##windows thanks.09:03
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keKr4t05, aMSN (both for linux and windows). And consider #windows yes...09:05
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Kr4t05ke, I'm talking about multi-protocol, like gaim.09:07
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admin__Pleae any one can help how to change the encoding to windows-1256 ?09:10
coreymon77right at the beggining there is something that doesnt make sense09:11
coreymon77right at the begining of the ubuntu sound herlp thing09:11
Raul12from where can i find codecs for multimedia09:11
coreymon77In alsamixer, check that sound is unmuted and that the volume is turned up09:11
coreymon77    *09:11
coreymon77      I found it hard to find these controls: its not the "sound" in preferences; click on panel; add to panel; volume controls; speaker icon appears on panel; left click on icon; preferences; played around here and it worked09:11
coreymon77    *09:11
coreymon77      Unmute everything. I had to unmute "Master Surround" even though I only have two speakers, for example.09:11
RogueJediXEr, need some help. When typing "sudo cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" it reports the device being busy. So how can I find out which bugger is using the thing?09:12
coreymon77there is no such this as volume control in any of the add panel menus09:12
Kr4t05!paste > coreymon7709:12
Hawkwind!codecs > Raul1209:12
coreymon77sorry about that09:12
coreymon77i didint know09:12
Kr4t05coreymon77, K Menu -> Multimedia -> KMix09:12
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Moo_Moohttp://wlserver1-he.gindis.com/modules.php?name=WLAccount&file=visitor&op=game&userid=MzU4Ng== Gindis game the best game ever , if anyone get into, in down of page have flags choice flags on language u want play09:12
ubotuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php09:13
coreymon77oaky then09:13
coreymon77there is no such thing as preferences/cahange audio device in the file menu09:13
Raul12where can i find codec pack for multimedia packages like asala mp3 avi mepg09:13
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coreymon77there is no preferences when you left click on the speaker icon09:14
HawkwindRaul12: Read the info the bot sent you in pm09:14
coreymon77so then what09:15
coreymon77there is no preferences09:15
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RogueJediXI don't get it. The sound was working before. Now, after the reboot, it doesn't.09:16
coreymon77what do i do about the fact that there is no preferences09:17
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coreymon77and the debugging hardware detection page doesnt exist09:17
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hussamanyone here running kubuntu edgy?09:19
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hussamfdoving, the logout button in kmenu doesn't do anything09:20
hussamI get no logout dialog09:20
Sa_aDi do09:20
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Hawkwindhussam: I don't either and haven't since I installed Edgy09:22
hussamHawkwind, ok09:22
fdovinghighneko: me neither. i don't get a logout dialog. did you report the bug? i can confirm.09:24
fdovinghighneko: sorry, wrong nick.09:24
RogueJediXAnyone care to solve the riddle of the missing sound that was there before the reboot?09:24
fdovinghussam: me neither. i don't get a logout dialog. did you report the bug? i can confirm.09:24
fhmartenssonhi,can someone help09:24
Hawkwindfhmartensson: We might if you tell us what you need help with :)09:25
hussamfdoving, I just installed kubuntu edgy a few moments ago. I'll file a bug and give you the link09:25
unksifhmartensson: Please ask your question, not if you can ask.09:25
fhmartenssoncant use windows.exe on linux09:25
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Hawkwindfhmartensson: .exe files are for Windows only09:25
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Hawkwindfhmartensson: What are you trying to do exactly ?09:26
unksifhmartensson: You could try to run it with a program called Wine. There is no guarantee that it will work though.09:26
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fdovinghussam: great. thanks :)09:26
fhmartenssoncan you pls tell me step by step of how to set up wine as though i have tried before09:26
ubotuwine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information.09:27
unksiBest solution would be to find a Linux equivalent of the program.09:27
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Hawkwindfhmartensson: Best to read that URL, and also they have a channel you can visit, #WineHQ09:27
fhmartenssonhow then09:27
Hawkwindfhmartensson: What program are you wanting to use ?09:27
fhmartenssonmy wireless, so i dont have to by a new one09:27
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stephanHey Nelja, klappt doch !!!09:28
Hawkwind!wireless > fhmartensson09:28
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Hawkwindfhmartensson: Depending on your card/chipset, you might have to use ndiswrapper09:28
neljaUnd meine Phrasen?09:28
Hawkwindfhmartensson: Read the info the bot gave you, as it gives all sorts of help on wireless stuff09:28
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:28
stephanDa sind sie doch...09:28
neljaCool! ich habe automatisch enter gedrckt und jetzt sehe sie.09:29
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stephanIch werde mich mal schnell hier registrieren, dann kann ich Dir auch private Nachreichten schreiben.09:29
fhmartenssoni am very new to linux so ecuse for all the daft  questions09:29
stephanNa nu? wo Bist Du nun? Nelja????09:29
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fhmartenssonhow do i find the terminal09:30
neljaUnd jetzt versuche ich wieder kubuntu drcken09:30
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:30
sebastian929ok i installed imwheel on my kde machine and now it wont boot up properly09:30
fdovingstephan: #kubuntu-de please. or continue here in english.09:30
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Hawkwindnelja: stephan: Try to keep it english here please09:30
neljaNee, nur mit Enter klappt es.09:30
sebastian929can anyone help me out09:30
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ElectrolyteDoes Kubuntu have a trace route command for console?09:30
Hawkwindfhmartensson: Hit alt-f2 and then type: konsole09:30
fdovingElectrolyte: you can install traceroute.09:30
unksiElectrolyte: traceroute09:31
HawkwindElectrolyte: Yes, traceroute09:31
neljaEnglisch kann ich nicht, sorry. Jenamd will mich verstehen.09:31
ElectrolyteAh, ok.09:31
fdovingnelja: english.09:31
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sebastian929Kde loads up to the logon screen then i put my password and login in and it never goes into kde09:31
neljaEnglisch kann ich nicht!!!09:31
fdovingnelja: then /join #kubuntu-de09:31
neljaIch habe nur diese.09:32
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stephanNelja: es geht so: tippe /join #kubuntu-de09:32
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stephanDann bekommst Du die deutssprachigen Seiten09:32
stephanHabe ich bei mir gerade gemacht09:33
stephanDu musst alle Zeichen, auch Sonderzeichen eingeben09:33
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neljaUnd dann? Enter? Hat gerade nicht geklappt.09:34
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ririis there any kde4 krash package for dapper ?09:37
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Hawkwindriri: No09:38
Hawkwindriri: It's only for Edgy AFAIK09:38
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sebastian929hey can anyone help me with kde?09:38
zippyi'm looking for french ubuntu chat09:38
Hawkwindsebastian929: We can try if we know what you need help with09:38
sebastian929i installed imwheel09:38
Hawkwindzippy: #Ubuntu-FR or #Kubuntu-FR09:38
sebastian929and now it wont boot up09:38
zippytahnx hawkind09:39
sebastian929then i went into recovery mode and used apt-get remove imwheel09:39
ririi got a problem with kdebase in edgy kde4 can compile except kdebase09:39
Hawkwindzippy: You're welcome09:39
sebastian929and now its still all screwd up09:39
andy__qualche italiano?09:39
Hawkwindsebastian929: Have you tried to remove imwheel ?09:39
sebastian929it gest to the KDE boot screen( which i disabled because i put autologin) but it goes to the login screen and when i login it wont bott into kde09:39
Hawkwindandy__: #Kubuntu-IT or #Ubuntu-IT09:39
Hawkwindsebastian929: I know nothing about imwheel so I can't really help you unfortunately09:40
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andi_in a Function for example int Sum(int a,int b) then, int is Parameter and (int a,int b) are the arguments ! Is that right ?09:40
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sebastian929well is there a way i can check where its stalling?09:41
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sebastian929Hawkwind: is there anyway to check where its stalling?09:43
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surfacingHallo! Bruchte schnell hilfe bitte!09:45
suifdoving: I already ha ao_driver in my mpd.conf09:45
suis/ha/had/     it's working now09:45
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:46
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|lostbyte|Could soemone help me connect to a open ap ?09:46
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sui*hehe* good to know there are german chans too. i joined #kubuntu.de and i was the only one ;)09:47
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coreymon77no matter what i do09:47
coreymon77i cant get my sound working09:47
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donTaquero_Oops! Good afternoon! I have a problem with Konqueror browser. I attempt to see a YouTube video but the sound don't operate. I have two cards SiS SI7012 and USB Audio. Both works fine but I use USB Audio to amarok and xmms. I need to configure the sound output to Flash to ear YouTube videos. How to do it?09:48
donTaquero_Thanks in advance!09:48
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coreymon77i have an sblive card09:48
coreymon77and no matter what i do09:49
Raul12cant play mp309:49
coreymon77i cant get it to work09:49
coreymon77im getting extremely frustrated09:49
Raul12after applying Gstreamer09:49
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coreymon77i seriously do not know what to do know09:50
Raul12cant play mp309:51
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coreymon77can someone please help me09:51
HawkwinddonTaquero: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=108799409:51
coreymon77im getting desperate now09:51
HawkwinddonTaquero: Have you looked at that URL.  Lots of people have used it and been successful09:51
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Raul12cant play mp309:52
=== mrj [i=FDvxEmpm@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu
mrjhello guys09:52
coreymon77raul: atleast you can play everything else09:52
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coreymon77i cant do anything09:53
mrji have a problem here09:53
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Raul12no man09:53
mrji ve bought an HP nx6325 with an wireless Broadcom on it09:53
Raul12i cant play anything09:53
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mrjand i ve tried a lots of tutorials09:53
NDPTAL85mrj: Have you installed KNetworkManager?09:53
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JFreakCapohi, where can find lincity how play ?09:54
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Hawkwind!info lincity09:54
ubotulincity: build & maintain a city/country. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.13.1-4ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 502 kB, installed size 2856 kB09:54
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HawkwindJFreakCapo: It's in Universe09:54
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mrji ve finally managed to install the broadcom wireles adapter by extracting the firmware from the wl_apsta.o in /lib/firmware09:55
coreymon77raul: does sound work otherwise09:55
=== RawSewage [n=RawSewag@168-103-51-220.eugn.qwest.net] has joined #Kubuntu
JFreakCapobut i don't now how play it where can i get info...09:55
unclemike? is there a newer kernel then 2.6.15-23 for kubuntu09:55
mrjNDPTAL85: Knetworkmanager does'nt work by me09:55
HawkwindJFreakCapo: Google for their website09:55
Raul12it work09:55
belal122hi,  is the color scheme for kubuntu knot 2 the decided color? or will it change?09:55
Hawkwindunclemike: You can build your own very easily following a how-to I have on LFD09:55
coreymon77raul: well then you are a step ahead of me09:55
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JFreakCaposorry but not find how play... :(09:55
HawkwindJFreakCapo: http://lincity.sourceforge.net/09:56
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coreymon77Raul12: alright what do you mean you cant play mp3s or anything?09:56
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unclemikeHawkwind: ok thanks....like your E17....is there away to put everything in a menu09:57
mrj`NDPTAL85: the blue LED light is now funktioning09:57
Raul12i cant play mp3 in amy music player09:57
Raul12or avis09:57
mrj`i am also able to see the possible wireless networks09:57
coreymon77try real player09:57
mrj`i cannot connect to anyone09:57
Raul12i cant play that09:58
mrj`i ve tried it under WIn and it works with the same settigns of the router09:58
Hawkwindunclemike: You can edit menus with entangle09:58
NDPTAL85mrj`: Sorry I don't know what else to suggest.09:58
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Raul12i cant play mp3 with amarok or music player09:58
unclemikeHawkwind: ok thanks09:58
mrj`NDPTAL85: do you have the same wireless card ?09:58
mrj`somebody ?09:59
coreymon77raul: apt-get install realplayer09:59
mrj`i ve spend the whole weekend with that09:59
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coreymon77try using real player and it may work09:59
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:59
mrj`and i can nnot find any solution09:59
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:59
coreymon77you can download from the real web site www.real.com09:59
coreymon77or use apt09:59
NDPTAL85mrj`: Have you tried the Ubuntu/Kubuntu forums on Ubuntu.com10:00
sebastian929can someone please tell me how to check where KDE is stopping before booting10:00
coreymon77dont know if apt is the latest version of real player though10:00
sebastian929is there a log file i can check?10:00
Raul12and real player dont play avis10:00
mrj`NDPTAL85: yes and i ve managed to install the wifi card but i can not connect to any wireless network10:00
suisebastian929: afair ist /var/log/kdm.log the place where kde puts its logs10:00
coreymon77ya it does10:00
coreymon77ive done it10:00
Raul12that what i found out in fedora10:00
sebastian929sui: thanks10:00
Raul12ok i try then10:01
coreymon77fedoras is probably different10:01
coreymon77everything of fedoras is different10:01
mrj`NDPTAL85: it tries to connect and says: connection failed - and i can not explain that myself10:01
coreymon77cause fedora is red hat and kubuntu is debian10:01
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Raul12couldnt find a package realplayer10:03
Raul12man i cant find real player with apt -get10:04
sebastian929can someone help me figure out why i cant boot into kde please?10:04
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suicoreymon77: not only fedora ist different from another distribution ;) take a look at SuSE or gentoo ;)10:05
suisebastian929: if you have any question you can ask here- it'll help perhaps others with the same problem10:06
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sebastian929ok i installed imwheel on my computer and now instead of autologgin into kde it goes to the boot screen.. i cant login into kde.. i put my login in and then it just goes back to the login screen10:06
sebastian929i went into recovery mode and uninstalled imwheel using apt-get remove imwheel10:07
sebastian929but it still wont let me into kde10:07
Ayabaradoes anyone have the media keys working on an inspiron laptop?10:07
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sebastian929i just want to know how i can find out whats stopping my kde from booting up10:07
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suii don't know imwheel, nor what it's doing. has anything else changed?10:09
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sebastian929is there a way to see where KDE is stalling10:09
florinsomething might be wrong in kde`s settings10:09
sebastian929or if theres a error when booting10:09
sebastian929but what could imwheel change that would not allow me to get into kde10:09
sebastian929i havent touched anything else10:09
florinin which case you can move ~/.kde to ~/.kde-old10:10
sebastian929i even backed up my xorg before installing imwheel10:10
florinand retry10:10
sebastian929florin: how do i do that10:10
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sebastian929nevermind hold on one sec10:10
florinsebastian929:  cd ~; mv .kde .kde-old10:10
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Pointblankhey all10:10
sebastian929ok what will that do10:11
sebastian929im not in kde im in windows right now i have to do it in here10:11
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suisebastian929: it will create a new kde config10:11
florinsebastian929: better boot in single mode or a non-graphic runlevel10:11
coreymon77raul: go to www.real.com and download it manually10:11
Pointblankmy cd drive is not being recognised and i can't access it, how do i find it and mount it?10:11
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sebastian929brbr let me try this out10:11
florinsebastian929: will create new defaults10:11
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suii'm using a thinkpad with kmilo- is there a possibility to change the layout of the "popup-window"?10:12
ZkYeZis it possible to bind a function+f2 to a unix command?10:13
suiits quite ugly ;)10:13
Pointblankanybody know how i can find my cd drive and mount it so i can acess files on it?10:13
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SpAwNPointblank, assuming that your cdrom drive is /dev/cdrom use "sudo mount /dev/cdrom /where/u/want/to/mount/it"10:16
SpAwNPointblank, your cdrom could be called somthing diff too...10:16
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Pointblankah nice that worked10:18
sebastian929it didnt work :(10:18
SpAwNPointblank, good =D10:18
sebastian929is there anyway of fixing this or should i just reformat??10:18
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Pointblankis there a way to get it to appear 'storage media' called like 'cdrom'?10:19
SpAwNPointblank, on my system all i have to do is "sudo mount /media/cdrom" and it mounts it10:19
SpAwNPointblank, the 1st way i showed u to mount it is like the last case cenerio....alot of times it will auto mount...or u will be able to use a shorter command10:19
sebastian929sui: what can i do to see where its stopping the bootup?10:20
SpAwNsebastian929, whats the problem?10:20
sebastian929i cant boot into kde10:20
sebastian929it gest to the login screen10:20
SpAwNit boots to command line only?10:20
SpAwNso u see the kdm log on screen?10:20
sebastian929and put my login and the monitor turns off and on and it goes back to the login screen10:20
sebastian929it wont let me go past the login screen10:20
SpAwNsebastian929, try this real quick10:21
SpAwNin the login screen10:21
sebastian929this happend after installing imwheel btw10:21
SpAwNtype ctrl alt f110:21
SpAwNit will drop u to a command line10:21
sebastian929then waht10:21
SpAwNlog in to your account there10:21
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sebastian929i can login10:21
sebastian929i just cant get into kde :S10:21
Pointblankok i see10:21
dereks_hey, is there support to have a freenx server?10:21
SpAwNthen mv ~/.kde ~/.kde-backup10:21
sebastian929did that already also :$10:22
sebastian929didnt owrk10:22
sebastian929work :(10:22
SpAwNsebastian929, ouch10:22
HawkwindSpAwN: He's tried all that10:22
SpAwNsebastian929, sorry10:22
sebastian929how could a program like imwheel screw up my kde so bad10:22
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yannuxhye everybody10:22
highnekoWhat filesystem should I make my extra hdd? I'm using it for data like movies pictures, and stuff.10:22
SpAwNsebastian929, did u tamper with your xorg.conf?10:22
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sebastian929i backed it up before installing imwheel10:22
sebastian929then copied the backup back after uninstalling imwheel =\10:23
SpAwNi dont even know what imwheel is10:23
yannuxI've a little problem with kde, when I want to disconnect from my session, any window appear to choose Reboot or Halt10:23
sebastian929i was using it to get my mouse working with all 5 buttons10:23
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yannuxsomeone has an idea ?10:23
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SpAwNsebastian929, and u are 1000000000000%  sure that the back copy of the xonf over wrote the one that imwheel wrote?10:24
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SpAwNsorry my typing sucks today ;D10:24
highnekoDoes this os have some program I can open for creating partitions?10:24
sebastian929becuaes i installed imwheel before10:24
sebastian929and had to reformat before10:24
sebastian929but i thought this time it would work10:24
sebastian929i guess not :(10:24
Pointblankim installing a windows game through wine and its asking for where to install it, do i leave it as 'C:/programfiles..... or change it to like /usr/games/....10:24
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suihighneko: try qtparted10:25
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sebastian929is there anyway to check where its not working?10:25
sebastian929like in a log file?10:25
SpAwNsebastian929, i hate that....u think u will be able to fix it THIS time....but nope...doesnt always work that way10:25
highnekoPointblank: It should install like /home/username/.wine/program files/10:25
sebastian929yah but i cant beleive that a program like that would be able to screw up my kde =\10:25
sebastian929frig i dont want to reinstall its kind of a pain haha10:25
SpAwNPointblank, when i install stuff with wine/cedega i leave the default place to install10:25
SpAwNusealy wintin ~/.wine or ~/.cedega10:26
SpAwNsebastian929, im not sure its kde now10:26
SpAwNsebastian929, but i could be totaly wrong10:26
ZkYeZcedega sux ass10:26
SpAwNcedega works great10:26
Pointblanki just put cd in, clicked on setup.exe and open with'ed wine, is this the right way to go about it?10:26
sebastian929what else could i check out?10:26
ZkYeZthe opengl implement is odd and unstable10:26
SpAwNPointblank, pretty much10:26
Pointblankk cool10:26
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SpAwNsebastian929, maby try to reconfigure your xorg.conf10:27
ZkYeZfor me starcraft and cedega didn`t work together10:27
ZkYeZstarcraft and wine did10:27
SpAwNZkYeZ, umm it can be with ati10:27
Hawkwindsebastian929: Have you tried: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?10:27
highnekoSame for me. I couldn't figure out how cedega worked.10:27
sebastian929no i havent10:27
sebastian929should i try that out?10:27
ZkYeZSpAwN: it`s an intel but it is not relevant. it`s software rendering10:28
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ZkYeZthe 3d stuff is from unreal tournament for windows and ut for linux10:28
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)10:28
SpAwNZkYeZ, i dont have may problems with cedega10:28
ZkYeZthe 80 fps that were the difference make me think that their opengl sux10:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about f77 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:28
Pointblankit says it cant make the folder and it should be written like 'C:/apps'10:29
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SpAwNi play cs and cs:s and gta:sa and tehey all have minor glitches...but nothing that makes them unplayable10:29
ZkYeZSpAwN: what`s the latest version of cedega?10:29
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SpAwN5.2.3 or 510:29
SpAwNi forget10:29
sebastian929ok brb i gotta try this out10:29
SpAwNZkYeZ, hehe 80 fps difference...hehe10:30
Pointblankhow do i go about this if its asking to install it in C:/apps10:30
ZkYeZi have 5.2.310:30
SpAwNPointblank, wine is like this10:30
ZkYeZengine is
SpAwNPointblank, it all goes in ~/.wine in there there should be a c_drive which is = to your c:10:31
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SpAwNso if it asks u to install in c:apps10:31
SpAwNit would be /home/user/.wine/c_drive/apps10:31
SpAwNif im not mistaken10:31
Pointblankso if i just leave the default path as 'C:/Program Files...' and it creates the foler, it  will make that folder in '.wine'?10:31
ZkYeZanyone tried opensuse 10.1 b4?10:32
Ayabarawill a *.sh script run at startup of I put it in .kde/Autostart? I tried putting it there and restarting X, but it seemed it did not work10:32
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SpAwNc_drive = drive_c10:32
ZkYeZ10.2 i mean10:32
JFreakCapo<SpAwN> I try to play game with cedega but dont' works for example need for speed most wanted10:32
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JFreakCapo<SpAwN> the game just stop and hangs10:32
SpAwNJFreakCapo, i played nfs underground 2..havent tried the most wanted10:32
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Pointblankah awesome i see it now10:32
dreameenhey guys10:33
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JFreakCapo<SpAwN> how works undergound 2 ?10:33
dreameencan u pls tell me how to disable filesystem checking on each boot up??10:33
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SpAwNJFreakCapo, actualy decently.....it had a few glitches...but all in all id say it was very playable10:33
dereks_is there official support for freenx in dapper?10:33
JFreakCapo<SpAwN> do you play others games ?10:34
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SpAwNJFreakCapo, yes....hitman:contracts worked good, counter strike and counter strike source, dod, dod source, nfs u2, mtx:motorcross,umm10:35
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sebastian929spawn: didnt work :(10:36
JFreakCapo<SpAwN> i gonna try it thks10:36
SpAwNJFreakCapo, http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/ i wouldnt try anything with less then 3 starts on playability10:36
surgyok im having instalation problems10:36
unclemike? whats the command to edit /ect/x11 xorg.conf..as root10:36
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SpAwNJFreakCapo, also the games with a * next to them are officialy supported...and have a better chance of working10:36
mrj_could someone help me sith BROADCOM Wireless ond Kubuntu ?10:36
mrj_I ve installed the card but i can not connect10:36
surgyunclemike: su gedit /etc/x11.conf10:37
mrj_i need help !10:37
SpAwNsebastian929, damn,,,,,,,not sure what else to have u do atm.....but i am about to leave...so stick around10:37
SpAwNsebastian929, someone should be able to help u10:37
|lostbyte|mrj_, i know some place better ---> #bcm-users10:37
unclemikesurgy: thanks10:37
|lostbyte|mrj_, very healpfull people.10:37
Ayabarahow can I make an sh script run at boot?10:37
sebastian929spawn thanks for all the help10:37
SpAwNnot a prob at all sebastian929 =D10:37
sebastian929can anyone else help me figure this problem out?10:37
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surgyi have an 80gb hdd partioned into a 20 gb part. and a 55 gb part. im trying to put xubuntu on the 20 gb part but it keeps hanging can someone help?10:38
surgyunclemike: np10:38
mrj_|lostbyte|: THANKY U SO MUCH !10:38
|lostbyte|Ayabara, at kde boot or kernel boot ?10:38
sebastian929i think im goin to reformat my linux drive should i go with a 64bit or 32bit kubuntu?10:38
sebastian929i have a 64bit processor10:39
unclemikesurgy: just X11.conf   no xorg.conf10:39
sebastian929i was running 64 bit before10:39
surgyunclemike: what are you talking about?10:39
suisebastian929: why do you want to reinstall?10:39
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sebastian929because i cant boot into it10:39
sebastian929so i might as well reinstall10:39
surgycan anyone help me?10:40
unclemikeyou said su gedit /ect/x11.conf...and im editing the xorg.conf10:40
sebastian929sui: do you know anything else i can cehck?10:40
suisebastian929: thats windows-behaviour10:40
Ayabara|lostbyte|, doesn't matter I think. it's a bunch of xmodmap calls to make the media keys of my laptop work10:40
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surgyunclemike: oh lol sorry its the same either way though10:40
unclemikeohh ok..10:40
Hawkwindsebastian929: Stick with 32bit by all means10:40
surgyjust gedit /etc/xorg.conf10:41
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|lostbyte|Ayabara, place it in.. .kde/Autostart/10:41
suisebastian929: no, i can't help you, cause i'm not firm with ubuntu-- but I suppose you can find the answer on the net. try to ask go-ora-gle10:41
obf213anyone know where you can watch nfl online w/ linux.10:41
suisebastian929: is X starting?10:41
|lostbyte|nfl ?10:41
sebastian929i dunno how can i tell?10:41
Ayabara|lostbyte|, should it run if I restart X then, or when I restart the kernel10:41
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|lostbyte|Ayabara, restart X10:41
surgydoes someone know a little about partitions? mind giving me some info on swaps and stuff?10:42
Hawkwindobf213: You can't AFAIK10:42
Ayabara|lostbyte|, thanks10:42
obf213are they working on flash 8 for linux10:42
sebastian929sui: how can i tell i get to the boot screen10:42
sebastian929sui: where i login to kde10:42
Hawkwindobf213: No new flash for Linux til after the first of the year.  We'll have flash 9 as our next version10:42
|lostbyte|surgy, NOTE : Swap should be equal to the ram your having.10:43
obf213ahh i c. just in time for the superbowl? lol this sucks10:43
suisebastian929: your system has already bootet, i suppose. it's a login error you get10:43
draikQUESTION: If I do a 1-to-1 copy of a DVD, can I use K3B or do I have to use K9Copy?10:43
Hawkwinddraik: k9copy10:43
sebastian929sui: yah im trying to figure out this error10:43
Hawkwinddraik: You have to shrink it first, if it's a movie DVD10:43
sebastian929sui: i know its windows behaviour but right now kubuntu is acting like windows10:43
draikno way I can do 1-to-1?10:43
Hawkwinddraik: If it's regular data, then you can straight copy it10:43
sebastian929install one package and its toast10:43
Hawkwinddraik: Not if it's a movie, no10:44
surgylostbyte: but the partition manager on the kubuntu installer is saying i need a completely seperate partition just for swap.......should i partition 512 mb off of the 20gb partition?10:44
draikThank you Hawkwind10:44
draikJust wanted to clarify10:44
Hawkwinddraik: No problem10:44
Hawkwinddraik: You can use k3b for movies if you have dual layer DVD's which I doubt you do :P10:44
draikIs there a faster way of copying 1-to-1?10:44
|lostbyte|surgy, yes, partition it and name it linux-swap10:44
draikI have a dual-layer burner, but not the media10:44
suisebastian929: try update-rc.d xorg-common defaults; update-rc.d kdm defaults10:45
Hawkwinddraik: Then you have to use k9copy10:45
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draiknothing faster?10:45
surgylostbyte i allready split it up 20 gb for kubuntu and 55 gb for windows, so now your saying i need to take more off of the 20 gb?10:45
Hawkwinddraik: Nope10:45
draikoh well :(10:45
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|lostbyte|surgy, i am only saying keep a partiton for swap.10:45
surgylostbyte i only have two partitions.........10:46
surgylostbyte and windows cant be removed becuase win32 emulation isnt where i want it to be10:46
draikHey Hawkwind, the book Beginning Ubuntu Linux and Linux Pocket Guide come in handy... if only I would have noticed that the Linux Pocket Guide was for Fedora...10:46
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Pointblankhey all back10:47
|lostbyte|huh, So is this a freah linux install..10:47
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|lostbyte|surgy, are you installing kubuntu at the moment ?10:47
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Raul12ok i play mp3 with real player but not any avis or mpegs10:47
surgylostbyte can i use my windows partition  as a swap? (that whould destroy windows right?)10:47
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Pointblanky'know once ive installed a game using wine, if i wanted to uninstall it, is it just a case of deleting the files from the .wine folder10:48
|lostbyte|surgy, it would.10:48
surgylostbyte yes im talking to you with the live cd and running the installer in the background10:48
|lostbyte|surgy, k, then resize your linux partion down, giving place fore swap.10:48
surgylostbyte 1gb whould be enough for swap?10:49
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sh4d3zmore than enough10:49
|lostbyte|surgy, Yes..10:49
yannuxnobody for my problem ?10:50
surgyok just so happens i had 1.492 mb at the end after i changed the ubuntu part to 20gb10:50
Pointblankok cool i found the wine uninstaller10:50
sh4d3zooo where is that?10:51
ZkYeZwish me luck. i`m updating dapper to edgy10:51
surgylostbyte i should format the small one as "linux-swap" ?10:51
ZkYeZany success/horror stories?10:51
yannuxI've a problem with disconnect session :s10:51
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yannuxany windows appear to choose halt or reboot10:51
yannuxor just quit kde10:52
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yannuxsomeone can help me ?10:52
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unclemikesurgy: on the su gedit /ect/x11.conf.... gedit or kwrite come up unknown ID:10:52
naegling23when I run sudo dpkg --configure -a in console, errors come up in mythtv and mythtv database, this causes errors when trying to install packages in adept, what can I do to fix these errors, both mythtv programs are installed and running fine?10:52
Tulpe_Hello, my usb wlan stick doenst work, i need help...10:52
RogueJediXAnyone else have trouble accessing kubuntu.pastebin.com?10:53
surgyunclemike i think its /etc/X11.conf (with a capitol X)10:53
Tulpe_if i start the interface i got a message: SET failed on device wlan010:53
surgywhy isnt my new partition showing!!!!10:53
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HawkwindRogueJediX: Nope, works here just fine10:53
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surgyunder prepare mount points10:53
Tulpe_can anyone help me?10:53
Tulpe_just open query pls10:53
AzzcoI'm wondering about how to write h2o with the 2 a bit lower... does anyone know how?10:53
HawkwindTulpe_: Just ask your question here in the channel10:54
yannuxerf any help ??10:54
MetaMorfoziShow can i start multiple x server?10:54
HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: startx -- :210:54
Tulpe_ok, /etc/init.d/network restart10:54
HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: Or you can do startx /path/to/gnome -- :210:55
AzzcoMetaMorfoziS,  it's easy "sudo X :1"10:55
Tulpe_and then: SET failed for devive wlan0: Operation not supported10:55
MetaMorfoziShoho azzco thx, and how can i start a kdm for it?10:55
RogueJediXCan someone please take a look at my aadebug output and see if they can find anything unusual or wrong?10:55
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surgyok see you guys aft install10:56
Azzcoyou can swith between xserver with Ctrl + Alt + F7/F8 and you can launch an xterm in display :1 with "xterm -display :1"10:56
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unclemikesurgy: how about kdesu gedit....10:56
MetaMorfoziSits in f910:57
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surgyunclemike what?10:57
MetaMorfoziSmeta@sajtroot:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start -DISPLAY:110:57
MetaMorfoziSStarting K Display Manager: kdm already running.10:57
Tulpe_the configuration in /etc/network/interfaces look properly correct10:57
surgyuncle mike rephrase your question10:57
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AzzcoMetaMorfoziS,  okay well you should be able to navigate a bit with your console on the other Xserver ;) (I'm not good at this as I learned it myself a few days ago)10:57
Tulpe_ive set the ESSID und the encryptiopn key10:58
HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: Do it from another tty, hit ctrl-alt-f410:58
HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: Log in there and do it from that screen10:58
unclemikeediting the xorg.conf.....kdesu is working insted of su10:58
chozabujoin #pyweek10:58
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MetaMorfoziSHawkwind: it not work, it hink my syntax is bad... how? /etc/init.d/kdm start DISPLAY=1 or DISPLAY 1 or DISPLAY:1 or DISPLAY=1:0 or what?10:59
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HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: startx -- :111:00
HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: I've never seen it work with the commands you are trying to issue11:00
_ShoGo_have edgy been released?11:00
MetaMorfoziSFatal server error:11:00
MetaMorfoziSServer is already active for display 011:00
MetaMorfoziS        If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock11:00
MetaMorfoziS        and start again.11:00
MetaMorfoziSbut i have running x11:00
MetaMorfoziSon f911:00
MetaMorfoziSbut i can1t start kdm again11:00
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MetaMorfoziSbecause it said it's already running, that is true, but i want once again:D11:01
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trappistMetaMorfoziS: what you want is for kde to start multiple X instances, which I think you'd set up in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc11:02
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HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: Try startx -- :2  then11:02
MetaMorfoziSstartx starts kde?11:03
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HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: It works here without editing any files for starting multiple X sessions11:03
MetaMorfoziSor only x?11:03
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HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: It starts KDE by default, yes11:03
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MetaMorfoziSstartx always gets errors11:03
HawkwindMetaMorfoziS: But do it from a different tty like ctrl-alt-f411:03
MetaMorfoziSyes, it do the same error from konsole11:03
sumkann mir spontan jemand ein bildverwaltungstool empfehlen ;)11:03
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MetaMorfoziSStaticServers=:0,:1 ?11:04
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robert____hey, was geht hier?11:07
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ravenousmaybe im missing the button but can you set kde to switch desktops when you bump the side of the screen?11:10
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ubuntu_hi ever body11:17
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ubuntu_i was just wonder how do you get m3p working11:19
MattyMatthi all. I just installed kubuntu 6.06.  It never asked me for a root password11:20
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ubuntu_the password is the one you picked for your reguler name11:21
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ubuntu_you have to use sudo first11:22
MattyMattsu root says Sorry11:22
lupine_85su passwd to set a real root password - although you don't generally need11:24
lupine_85erm, sudo passwd rather11:24
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lupine_85sudo (for console) and kdesu (for GUI) are what Kubuntu generally uses for gaining root privs on an app-by-app basis11:24
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MattyMattsweet. got it11:25
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orient2000Hi! Does anybody know how to increase volume in .avi movie? Is there any program in Kubuntu to do it?11:26
Raul12man these kbuntu gives notthin11:27
Raul12not even any codec to play any thing11:27
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orient2000I can play all .ogg, mp3, watch the movies, no problem.11:29
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HawkwindRaul12: Sure it does.  You just have to install them11:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:29
orient2000.avi, dvd,s all is there to get to work --- easy kubuntu?11:29
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Raul12they all given half hartened software11:30
Raul12no 1 work on start11:30
HawkwindRaul12: Not true.  It works for everyone that has installed them11:30
HawkwindRaul12: It doesn't have the support due to legal issues11:30
Raul12u have 2 find configure11:30
orient2000It is microsoft and other companies blocking codecs.11:31
HawkwindNo you don't11:31
Raul12then it work11:31
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HawkwindRaul12: If you install the stuff it tells you then it simply works11:31
orient2000Hi! Does anybody know how to increase volume in .avi movie? Is there any program in Kubuntu to do it?11:31
suii installed the w32codecs and all the other today... it's working fine11:31
Raul12that what i am doin 4 past 6 hrs11:31
Hawkwindorient2000: Please don't repeat every couple of minutes. If/When someone knows and can help they will11:31
suiorient2000: use kmix, or the button in kaffeine11:32
Hawkwindorient2000: Are you talking about increasing it within the file itself...or just turning up the volume on your system ?11:32
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sander_Does anyone know is there a way to change device numbers on a hard drive? I.e. change sda7 to sda811:33
MattyMattit's the FSF who forbid the distribution of closed source codecs and drivers with GPL kernel11:33
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Hawkwindsander_: That is dependant on where it's plugged in on the cable within the system11:33
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sander_In this case I installed Kubuntu and it changes the partition number when I recreated it and moved everything around. sda5 became sda8 and the other linux can't find anything.11:34
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sander_I thought the gparted cd could change this ordering, but I was wrong.11:35
Raul12no it cant11:35
Raul12u just have write down u partition before makin any changes11:36
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sander_Yeah, I keep trying to boot back in to suse, but there's some setting that causes the kernel to panic before I can edit fstab to let it know where things are.11:37
sander_Maybe I can edit the fstab on that drive from in kubuntu...11:37
Raul12restart kbuntu in fail safe mode then root then fstab11:38
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tjwhy cant i play tghis game i downloaded11:39
tji have windows crossover?11:39
Vegeta^Where do I find the equiv. of System -> Preferences -> Sound (gnome) in KDE?11:40
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tjuh can someone help me?11:41
_bbeckVegeta^: System Settings -> Sound & Multimedia I assume, never used gnome.11:41
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tjnow can someone hellp me please11:42
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suitj: you're asking meta-questions11:42
tjhow do i get to meta or.......wat do i do11:43
tjiim a noob11:43
suitj: helpful for us is: what have you installed, what have you done, have you looked on the web for an answer?11:44
suitj: nice document: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html11:44
tjno i hsavent11:44
tjill look there11:44
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tjim just gonna delete it for now till my friend "xcalibur" comes over and shows me11:45
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orient2000thanks <sui> Kmix is perfect. Have a nice day to all. James.11:45
tjbut can someone give me the link to offtopic11:45
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Hawkwindtj: You mean #Kubuntu-OffTopic ?11:46
tjyah thanks cya11:46
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suisometimes i'm scared ;>11:47
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Raul12where externally installed software stored on the system11:48
suiRaul12: what "software"? how did you install it?11:48
suiRaul12: which programname is your friend11:49
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Raul12real player11:49
Raul12or if i install amarok from external source11:49
suiRaul12: why didn't you use apt to install real?11:50
Raul12i didt found it11:50
Raul12in apt11:50
suiRaul12: depends on your configureprefix11:50
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Raul12how do i know that11:50
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sander_Thanks for the help Raul12 and Hawkwind11:51
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suiRaul12: you set it yourself. normally you find all software under /usr/bin, sometimes in /usr/local/bin and in same rare cases in /opt11:52
Raul12thanks sui11:52
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TheGateKeeperRaul12: you want to install realplayer?11:53
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alex_has anyone dual booted vista with dapper?11:55
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reuwena ver11:58
Kr4t05alex_: No one dual-boots anymore. All the cool kids use VMWare. :P11:58
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kendrickhey there.11:58
kendrickwhat package contains the menu updater tool for KDE?11:59
kendrick(the one that finds apps that you might want added to the K menu)11:59
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kendrick.. in the meantime, i'm starving! bbiab12:00
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Raul12real player cant play avis12:02
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firesuite_hey guys, is there a decent photoshop package for Linux?12:03
suifiresuite_: try gimp or gimpshop12:04
firesuite_thanks i'll take a look12:04
Raul12how to see running process in ubuntu12:05
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Kr4t05Raul12: CTRL+ESC12:05
Kr4t05I think...12:06
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suiKr4t05: jap, you're right12:07
firesuite_Raul try this - http://www.cyberciti.biz/nixcraft/linux/docs/uniqlinuxfeatures/lsst/ch02sec20.html12:07
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