
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Burgundaviaanybody here I can give feedback on the art to12:10
kwwiilet me have it :-)12:21
kwwiiwhich art do you mean?12:21
kwwiiubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, or xubuntu?12:22
Burgundaviatroy_s, kwwii: ubuntu12:53
kwwiiBurgundavia: definitely12:53
BurgundaviaI love the new background, except for one part: the blue on it12:53
BurgundaviaThe login splash is just as good as the old one12:54
troy_sBurgundavia its a nightmare currently... it sort of spiraled from a cmyk to rgb transition12:54
Burgundaviahowever, the one piece I would like to see the same is the login screen (gdm theme)12:54
kwwiiblue in the wallpaper?12:54
kwwiiin ubuntu?12:54
Burgundaviajdub was mentioning how this is the first thing that people see when they walk up to an Ubuntu machine12:54
Burgundaviathe blue in the upper right12:54
troy_sthe gdm has thus far been the most widely acclaimed change.  i don't know how it will change etc.  a large part is determined by the gods.12:55
Burgundaviaplus the new gdm theme is much darker12:55
Burgundaviaif there is one direction our artwork should not go, it is darker12:55
Burgundaviathe old gdm theme was very bright and light, while still maintaining the brown we are famous for12:56
troy_scontrast is a very important element.  the palette is subject to some refinements though, the problem is tweaking _one_ colour cascades down.  and the palette must work with the existing high vis icons.12:56
troy_sits a tricky juggling act.12:56
Burgundaviaif there is one piece of feedback I have recieved almost universally from non-Ubuntu people is that our current backgrounds are too dark12:57
troy_sneedless to say, you will probably be seeing some subtle palette variations soon, and a different lsplash.12:57
Burgundaviahence why I like how light the new background is12:57
troy_sBurgundavia personally -- i feel if we just let ubuntu be what it is we gain a certain degree of distinctive look.  the dark dapper wallpaper had a certain mysterious quality to it... possibly related to the contrast between the tonality.12:58
Burgundaviaso please: there is no need to change the login screen from what it was12:58
Burgundaviafrom a marketing perspective, it is great12:58
Burgundavialight, while clearly ours12:58
Burgundaviaand it is the one piece we have never changed12:58
troy_syour points have been heard.  again though, a good portion of the direction is out of a single persons hands.12:59
troy_swe shall see how things shape in the coming term.12:59
kwwiithe best thing about edgy is that it is a test platform for edgy+1 :-)01:00
kwwiianyone have a link to the new wallpaper for ubuntu01:00
Burgundaviaif I send an email to the artwork list, will somebody pass it through the spam filters? (my inbox is too busy to allow me to subscribe to the artwork list)01:00
kwwiiBurgundavia: for your info, I am doing kubuntu artwork, so I am not 100% up to date with ubuntu01:00
troy_swell the problem currently burg01:01
troy_sis that we are trying to unify the look / build a visual harmony01:01
troy_sas of dapper,01:01
troy_salmost _every_ element is completely disparate01:01
troy_sthere are three primary techniques used to achieve visual harmony01:01
troy_sand we need to at least give some of them a shot.01:02
troy_sthe basic idea is to build a set of images that corresponds nicely with the hardest to change element -- the icons.01:03
BurgundaviaI would build around the login screen, which has the advantage of being one of the lightest elements in the group01:04
troy_sas sab wants to keep those for the time, and i tend to agree with him01:04
troy_swell like i said, the palette is relative.01:04
troy_sit was far darker earlier on01:04
BurgundaviaI get a lot of feedback about how dark the default theme is01:04
troy_sand has gradually gotten lighter.01:04
Burgundaviayes, it has01:04
troy_sneedless to say, don't fret too much just yet.01:05
troy_si would expect the oil/handcraft to stay01:06
troy_sbut the averages will probably adjust.01:06
troy_si would like to get them all back to rgb values, but we shall see what happens this weekend.01:06
troy_sand regarding the bluer tone01:07
troy_sthat palette is taken from a professional designers palette sheet01:07
troy_sso it _does_ work, however, the 'shock' of ubuntu not being so monochromatic will probably lead to knee jerk reactions.01:07
kwwiiI have had the same experience with kubuntu01:19
troy_swell it is one thing to be 'brown' tonally, another thing entirely to be monochromatic.01:19
troy_si would argue that the bulk of people's dissapointment with the brown was the monochromatic application.01:20
kwwiiyou cannot limit an artist to one color, or you will get one-color-boring ideas01:20
troy_swell... apple did ok with one colour that isn't even a bloody colour01:20
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kwwii_night all01:50
kwwii_time for bed01:50
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Burgundaviatroy_s: yes, but never underestimate the marketing power of consistency02:12
troy_sBurgundavia which is exactly the point of the edgy cycle02:12
troy_sthe real issue at stake is: what exactly is consistent in ubuntu02:13
troy_sand after hours of looking over the elements02:13
troy_sand what we can and cannot change in a single cycle02:13
troy_swe end up being bound to the high visibility elements -- like icons02:13
Burgundaviathe consistency I am talking about the changing of the login screen02:13
troy_sthat said, orange is out of the question, as the orange was intended originally as a highlight and was taken out of context a little.02:13
troy_sand accent02:14
troy_sthe problem with the logon screen as it _currently_ is in dapper is quite easy:02:14
troy_s1) it is generated, which is a far cry from human, organic, etc.02:14
troy_s2) it is a radial grad, which feels very mechanical.02:15
troy_s3) the square elements in ubuntu need to be refined to match the more rounded feels of the icons, etc.02:15
troy_s4) the palette is different from the icons by a hue factor.02:15
troy_s5) if you keep the original, then you would need to keep _some_ motif, and unfortunately it has _none_ that relate to the rest of the look02:16
troy_sjust a few points, and there are more.02:16
Burgundaviahttp://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/jabra/install-docs-ubuntu_files/image032.jpg <-- you can make the elements square02:16
Burgundavialess square, rather02:16
Burgundaviabut the glow is something I would keep02:16
troy_sthe glow is still there.02:16
troy_sthe primary issue is that the palette is completely all over the map for ubuntu02:17
troy_sthat is a long term problem, and one that most people react to when they say that they don't like brown.02:17
Burgundavianothing I am saying is disagreeing with you02:17
troy_swhich is a far generalistic issue.02:17
BurgundaviaI saying one thing: "Keep the general look of the login screen, including palette and tone"02:17
Burgundaviahow the rest of the artwork fits into that is something for the artwork types, not hte marketing ones02:18
troy_sthe problem is that02:18
troy_sthe icons don't match the dapper palette02:18
troy_sand the icons, as per sabdfl, aren't changing.02:18
troy_sthe dapper gdm02:18
troy_sin fact, the gdm is about a contextually out of touch with the distribution as any portion.02:18
troy_sso if the proposed solution is to keep the gdm from dapper02:19
troy_sthen we must retrofit _everything_ around that palette02:19
troy_sand the nonexistent motif02:19
troy_swhich is entirely a problematic mission unto itself.02:19
troy_sthere simply isn't any easy solution unfortunately.02:19
troy_sit is tricky from the bottom up02:19
Burgundaviabut the icon theme does not clash with the general theme of the dapper (and earlier) login screen02:20
troy_sgenerally, i am more of the gentle pulling and trying to establish a few motifs to build around.02:20
Burgundaviaremember, we have not changed the login screen02:20
troy_sactually it does02:20
troy_son about every level02:20
troy_sfrom palette to tones to motif02:20
troy_sa reoccurring element.  the gdm lacks one, the icons _sort_ of have one (the trademark curve) etc.02:21
troy_sthematic harmony02:21
troy_son a very subtle level.02:21
Burgundaviaok, fair enough02:22
Burgundaviahowever, the current edgy login screen looks *totally* different from the previous one02:22
Burgundaviathis is totally unacceptable, from a marketing position02:22
troy_swell, totally isn't entirely correct.  there is an underlying element below it that is identical to the original.02:22
Burgundaviaif we are going to change the login screen, it must be iterative02:22
troy_ssomething _has_ to give02:22
troy_ssomething will break02:22
Burgundaviathen break something else02:23
troy_sfrom an aesthetic standpoint, you can't keep the gdm AND try to integrate a new background AND keep aesthetic harmony02:23
Burgundaviathe login screen is too important02:23
troy_slike i said, it isn't set in stone yet.02:23
troy_snor even close02:23
troy_sultimately, edgy might look identical to dapper02:23
troy_ssabdfl calls the shots.02:24
troy_sand from a marketing standpoint02:24
BurgundaviaI understand that02:24
troy_sif you are going to issue from that vantage02:24
troy_syou know about the term life cycle correct?02:24
Burgundaviaremember, I have been around Ubuntu since October 2004. I was at Mataro02:24
troy_si am not questioning your dedication or otherwise.02:24
troy_si am just saying that we need to discuss all of this and reconcile it further02:25
troy_si would like to try and keep it as evolutionary feeling as possible02:25
Burgundaviano, I merely mentioning that I have been around awhiel and thus understand how sabdfl works02:25
troy_sright now, i think the issue at hand is:02:25
troy_srealizing that almost everyone agrees that aesthetic harmony is a bit of a priority.02:26
troy_s2) change will always invoke issues.  period.02:26
Burgundaviahttp://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=718&slide=15 <-- this background is very nice02:26
Burgundaviais is also clearly in the same palette range as the login screen02:26
troy_s3) no, its closer though.  the problem is more that i don't think sabdfl likes the lighter tones.02:26
troy_sjmak did that one i believe02:27
Burgundaviatry changing them lighter and see what happens02:27
troy_swell that's certainly on the agenda02:27
troy_sthere _will_ be changes02:27
troy_sthe real test is to sit with all of the elements jumbled in a pile and look at them02:27
troy_sthey should all fit together like a puzzle02:27
Burgundaviawell, I hear you talking a lot of the "agenda" but the only changes I see have gone in the other direction02:28
troy_swhich is currently _far_ away from where dapper is.02:28
Burgundaviaand it is already Sept 9th02:28
troy_si don't mind if the art stays the way it is actually.  this isn't a personal mandate by any stretch of the imagination.02:28
Burgundaviathe way it is being dapper or the current edfgy stuff?02:28
troy_swell sabdfl has yet to weigh in on a quite a bit of the points.  he is damn busy at the moment.02:29
Burgundaviahmm, you realize you have actually passed the artwork freeze?02:30
Burgundaviaas that wqas Sept 7th02:31
Burgundaviaputting on my other hat of documentation team,02:31
Burgundaviayou had better decided quicklyt02:31
troy_smight i also remind you that i am not the AiC.02:31
troy_sit isn't for me to decide.  the best i can do is try to get responses out of sabdfl.02:31
troy_sand _that_ is quite a task.02:31
troy_sthe rapport is increasing, but it takes a helluva lot of work and my time is very slim.02:32
Burgundaviasabdfl has a habit of liking to hcange the artwork very late in the cycle02:32
Burgundaviadrives the documentation team nuts02:32
troy_swell... we tried to avoid that.02:32
troy_sand so far, we have been successful.02:32
Burgundaviathey changed it for hoary 3 days before release02:32
troy_snotice how this discussion is coming up _now_ :)02:32
troy_syes... ugly stuff.02:32
troy_strying to get into a schedule deadline is quite a bit of work.02:33
troy_shaving done this for a while (the creative end of things) this is a _very_ tricky situation on _so_ many new level.s02:33
troy_si plan on trying to accomodate a plethora of requests tonite, and yours will be at the top of the pile.  believe me.02:35
troy_shopefully we can come to some sort of negotiated middle ground that works with the icons and the rest of the thematic elements of ubuntu.02:36
troy_sagain, one of the problems of a distinct lack of design docs02:36
troy_sbut luckily even the term ubuntu connotes a certain degree of aesthetic02:36
Burgundaviatbh, given we are already passed feature freeze, I think we should just leave the dapper artwork in place and work on non-default artwork02:37
Burgundaviathe only thing I would chnage might be the desktop background, but I would want to be within monday or tuesday02:38
troy_swell... again, it will be sabdfl's call.  not mine.  i get pinched in this merely because i care about ubuntu's look and feel.02:38
troy_syou also put me in a darn tough spot because02:40
troy_sup to now, the most postive feedback from the forums, my private mail, the fridge, etc have all been about the new gdm look.02:40
troy_soops... i can't say laf anymore... lmao.02:40
=== BHSPitMonkey [n=stephen@adsl-68-95-246-24.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Burgundaviatroy_s: is the login screen, splash and background available somewhere for me to link to as part of the UWN?05:52
troy_ssorry Burgundavia, i was afk06:11
troy_sYou need a link to the images?  Hrm... I think Frank was drafting a page on the wiki relevant to all of the elements.06:11
BurgundaviaI kind of need it in about 3 hours, so I might do the images myself06:12
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troy_sgreat work sik10:37
troy_sjust mailed you10:37
msikmaThanks, I just read it10:38
msikmaI think that if moving the logo up instead of in the center, it might be neat to not use a purely round radial light for the background, but rather a slightly tilted spotlight10:39
troy_ssure try it.10:39
troy_ssee if we can hit phi with the circle10:39
troy_slighten the background to a nice shade10:39
troy_sand see how the changes work out.10:39
msikmaI've got a pretty nice design now but the difficulty lies in making the dithering work right10:49
msikmathe background is lighter now and the dithering is more apparent that way10:49
msikmawe just broke an important technical barrier for usplash and already I'm wishing we had 16m colors :)10:51
BHSPitLappyalso, preeeeeetty.11:23
BHSPitLappyI like 3 a little better than 4. It doesn't have to be really dark11:24
msikma4 is mostly about a subtle hue shift closer to brown11:24
BHSPitLappytrue, but it also removes that saturated area that filled the middle of 311:26
BHSPitLappyall very pretty though... how are these getting made?11:26
msikmajust photoshop11:30
msikmait has support for very basic animation11:30
msikma(depending on the state of the layers)11:30
BHSPitLappywow, that's good photoshop11:34
BHSPitLappyalthough that's not very linux-purist-friendly ;P11:34
Seveasmsikma, it moves a bit too fast imho11:37
msikmaPerhaps, the movement speed can be determined later on anyway, when it's all in place in the new usplash code.11:38
=== PingunZ [n=kristof@147.13-136-217.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZHey all11:48
PingunZI need a favor, I'm making ubuntu splashes ( for apps like OOo, gimp, .. ). I need a .svg template, I'm not experienced enough with inkscape myself, so could anyone make a template for me ?11:49
PingunZAtm I have this : http://pingunz.deviantart.com/gallery/?order=5&search=Splash11:50
PingunZSo basically, I need a background image .. maybe some effects on it and a template text11:51
BurgundaviaPingunZ: sure, but be aware, ubuntu will not brand programs that heavily by default11:51
PingunZBurgundavia: I know that the chance that they get included is really small but I could put it on gnome-look or whatever ..11:52
PingunZSee, I just want a complete splash serie ..11:52
PingunZBurgundavia: Could you make one for me ?11:55
Burgundavianot currently, as it is almost 3am here and I am trying to get to sleep11:55
PingunZOk, good night11:57
=== effraie [n=effraie@jem75-1-82-228-146-152.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZtroy_s: ping ! read up, could you make a splash-template for me ?12:12
msikmaif you become active again, troy, maybe we could wrap up the new usplash.12:30
msikmaI'm going afk12:30
PingunZYay, I found a nice splash background, it rocks !!12:40
PingunZI'm making one for gimp / openoffice and xara too12:52
=== effraie [n=effraie@jem75-1-82-228-146-152.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
PingunZMade an opeoffice one too01:13
effraiemaybe it where great in orange?01:19
PingunZEasy to change .. I have it in .svg01:20
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msikmaeffraie: "maybe it where great in orange"?02:12
effraiedo you want something?02:14
msikmaDo you mean that PingunZ should make it orange? Because I totally did not understand what you said there.02:16
effraieyes, that was what i mean02:17
msikmaOkay, I see02:18
PingunZThadam, gimp splash done too02:42
PingunZ( was out for lunch )02:42
PingunZI'll see if I can make it orange effraie02:42
PingunZshite, the gimp logo doesn't scale well02:43
effraielook here : http://ubunteros.free.fr/dotclear/images/oooubuntusplashorange.bmp02:45
PingunZeffraie: That kind of orange ? or that background ?02:47
PingunZyou could send me the background ..02:47
effraieno, i'cant... it's not mine.02:48
effraiebut maybe you can contact the author? i found it on that blog02:48
PingunZOh, well I like my image more, but I could check how it looks in orange ..02:48
msikmaThat background doesn't work well for the Ubuntu logo.03:17
msikmaIt blends in too much.03:17
=== coz_ [n=coz_@pool-141-151-183-183.pitt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
coz_if you want.. take a look at some of my new wall paper posts   ming/ =-=-= Start at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork =-=-= Tasks at http://www.launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-art/+specs =-=-= IRC Logs at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ =-=-=03:20
coz_* Topic for #ubuntu-artwork set by troy_s at Mon Sep 04 18:40:15 200603:20
PingunZmsikma: you like my splashes ?03:21
coz_ Sorry bad copy paste up there         http://ubuntuforums.org/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=3462&cat=500&ppuser=4439403:22
msikmaI do, but you should make them all consistent with the Banshee splash you made.03:22
msikmaE.g. that format, a nicely rendered version of its icon used twice.03:22
msikmaI don't think that the designs are very "Ubuntu", though03:22
msikma(Not just because they don't use the typical Ubuntu color set)03:22
PingunZmsikma: You have a point there ..03:24
PingunZThey are more suse-like03:24
msikmaI've never seen striped used like that in Ubuntu before03:25
PingunZI was asking for a background like the striped here this morning03:26
PingunZbut nobody replied to me so I just grabbed one from google03:26
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PingunZmsikma: Could you make me a .svg template ?03:31
msikmasvg template?03:31
msikmaYou mean a base to work with?03:31
PingunZI'm an Inkscape anti-hero :)03:32
msikmawhy would you want to use svg for this? They aren't scalable.03:32
PingunZNo, but I could easily scale them, and move/remove items03:32
PingunZthey are all based on the same .svg file03:32
=== PingunZ is out, homework
troy_smsikma -- sorry man... i was in bed.04:28
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cbx33this is ticking me off05:45
PingunZWhat is ?05:45
PingunZAre you making a theme for it or trying to get it to work ?05:46
cbx33trying to get it to load the theme05:46
cbx33I just keep getting the test screen05:47
cbx33I know someone who has got it to work05:47
cbx33I've made my .so file05:47
cbx33I'm working on edubuntu05:47
cbx33it sets up /etc/alternatives....05:47
cbx33I have replaced the /usr/lib/edubuntu-usplash.so with my new one05:47
PingunZask se.veas05:48
cbx33I've changes the symlink in /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so to point to that file05:48
cbx33yeh, he's not around at the mo05:48
PingunZHe patched it ..05:48
cbx33I know05:48
PingunZ!ping Seveas05:48
Seveascbx33, update-initramfs -u05:48
cbx33oooh thanky05:50
cbx33Seveas I am a little concerned ;)05:50
cbx33the symlinks point to each other on a default edubuntu install05:51
cbx33p /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so points to /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so05:51
cbx33and visa versa05:51
Seveascbx33, errr that's not good05:52
cbx33yeh I know05:52
cbx33circular resolutions ;)05:52
Seveas/etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so should point somewhere else05:52
cbx33whre should it point?05:52
cbx33well my artwork didn;t work :(05:52
cbx33i just got a black screen05:53
cbx33I broke it05:53
cbx33I must be mega stupid05:53
cbx33does this mean I did it wrong Seveas ;)05:53
cbx33why did it go wrong ?05:56
cbx33Seveas it appeared to make the .so ok06:03
Seveascbx33, tar up your theme and e-mail it06:04
cbx33Seveas I used the kubuntu one06:04
cbx33changed the images06:04
cbx33and just make on it06:04
cbx33would that work?06:04
cbx33ogra said he did it that way06:04
Seveasdepends on the images06:04
Seveasall same 256 color palette?06:05
cbx33they are png 356 colours06:05
cbx33possibly not the same pallete06:05
cbx33didn't know they had to all have the same pallete06:05
cbx33do the throbbers have to have the same pallete as well?06:05
Seveasall images must have the exact same pallette06:06
cbx33ok would taht result in a black screen06:06
cbx33and total system breakage ?06:06
Seveasblack screen is possible06:06
cbx33it didn;t boot at all06:06
Seveasthat shouldn't happen06:06
cbx33well I'll try the pallete thing06:06
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cbx33ok I have the new images06:14
cbx33gonna try building now06:14
cbx33if not I'll mail to you so you can tell me what an idiot ive been ;)06:14
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cbx33Seveas i have breakage06:21
cbx33I'm mailing you the images06:21
cbx33the throbbers look odd but ignore that for now06:21
Seveasdid you mail it yet?06:28
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cbx33Seveas just doing it now07:32
cbx33Seveas sent !07:37
=== kamstrup [n=kamstrup@0x3e42da90.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
Seveascbx33, I'm not getting them08:03
Seveascbx33, heh, the spamfilter caught them08:04
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
fschoepGood evening everyone08:26
cbx33hi fs08:27
fschoepDoing fine?08:27
cbx33howaz you dude08:27
fschoepFine, thanks08:28
fschoepReading up on my mail now08:28
cbx33good good08:28
fschoeptroy_s: ping08:31
troy_smsikma ping08:37
troy_sevening to you perhaps08:37
troy_show are you doing fschoep08:37
fschoepFine thanks08:37
troy_ssorry msikma, i had to go to sleep over here.08:37
troy_si wasn't ignoring you.08:38
troy_sgood thanks fschoep08:38
msikmaThat's okay08:38
msikma(didn't think you were)08:38
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-049-241.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== dborg [n=daniel@e182051028.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== PseudoPlacebo [n=Placebo@user-12lcr8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
troy_sping msikma11:25
=== PseudoPlacebo [n=Placebo@user-12lcr8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-artwork
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-artwork

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