
LaserJockwhere the heck did "Problems with GNU FDL and the GNOME Documentation Project12:20
LaserJockcome from?12:20
nixternali have no idea..but i can't wait to see mdke's response to their bickering12:28
mptWhat started out as an innocent cross-post between ubuntu-doc and gnome-doc-list...12:35
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Kamping_Kaiserdoes the doc team sitll use SVN?10:23
Kamping_Kaiserok, thanks10:27
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=== Madpilot [n=brian@d64-180-223-93.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
BurgundaviaMadpilot: crazy time to just be joining12:07
Burgundaviaplus you are lacking your /ubuntu/member cloak12:07
MadpilotBurgundavia, just decided to try a LiveCD in Grandad's Compaq laptop :)12:08
Madpilotit works, most of the buttons on the front seem to work, except for the wireless12:09
Kamping_Kaiserwhats the laptop?12:09
Madpilotit's a Compaq (rebranded HP) Presario something or other12:10
Burgundaviafile bugs12:10
BurgundaviaI need to do dads laptop when he gets back12:10
MadpilotI would, if I could figure out the model number of this silly thing12:10
=== Kamping_Kaiser hasnt used presarios
Burgundaviadon't need it12:11
MadpilotGnome runs OK on only 512Mb RAM; laggier than my desktop w/ the full Gb, though...12:12
MadpilotBurgundavia, no?12:12
Burgundaviayes, machine has that information within it, jsut a sec12:12
Burgundaviacat /var/lib/acpi-support/*-*12:13
Burgundaviathat will get you bios version, manufacturer, product name and system verison12:14
Kamping_Kaiserand sudo dmidecode |less12:14
MadpilotHP/Presario V2000,12:15
MadpilotI'm not going to get into it tonight, but I want to poke at the wireless card in this thing a bit, see what it is and if it'll work on *nix.12:19
Burgundavialspci | grep Atheros12:20
Burgundaviareplace with Broadcom or Intel12:20
Madpilot0000:05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)12:21
Burgundaviathat should work with the builtin bcm43xx driver12:22
Burgundaviabut you need fwcutter12:22
Madpilotapt-get install fwcutter?12:22
Burgundaviahmm, not certain the exact package12:23
Madpilotactually, it is showing up in System->Admin->Networking12:24
Madpilotthe neighbors have an unsecured AP, so if it works I should be able to see it12:26
Madpilothmm, Network Settings is claiming the wireless is now active, but the blue light on the wireless button doesn't want to come on12:28
Burgundaviaright, that is the lack of firmware speaking12:29
Madpilotwhat do I use to browse available wireless networks?12:29
Burgundaviawelcome to pain12:30
Burgundaviatry doing this "sudo dhclient eth0" (or 1, if eth1 is the wireless card)12:31
Madpilotin other news, the button to turn the touchpad on & off does work on this thing12:31
Burgundaviaanyway, I really need to sleep12:31
Burgundaviawill be awake again in a about 8 hours12:31
Burgundaviabut still online12:31
MadpilotOK, good night - I should crash too, and not get disracted by this laptop...12:32
MadpilotI keep automatically reaching for the mouse on this thing... or hitting the touchpad by accident... :|12:34
Madpilotanyway, going to crash too - night all. Let's see if hibernate works on this thing, so I don't have reboot the LiveCD when I wake up...12:36
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nixternalhey guys. There is an email on the list where a patch for ubuntu/menus/C/ was added. He changes one of the files in there, and has created another file as well from scratch.  could somebody look that patch over and see if it is ok to be added to the repo.06:36
=== nixternal heads out for a few hours
Burgundavianixternal: ok, thanks07:17
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=== Gargoyle [n=gargoyle@pdpc/supporter/student/Gargoyle] has joined #ubuntu-doc
GargoyleI have created a doc for setting up postfix + dovecot + mysql. I was going to add it to the wiki and was just reading the guidelines about improving existing pages, but I am not sure if it fits in11:22
Burgundaviahere is a general feeling behind such large pages11:22
Burgundaviarather than create one giant howto that is going to fester, fix up the postfix, dovecot and mysql pages11:23
Burgundaviaand then create a small howto that links there together11:23
Burgundavianixternal: you need to consider that new migration-assistant stuff11:27
GargoyleAll the existing pages contain conflicting info.11:28
BurgundaviaGargoyle: then fix them up11:30
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GargoyleBurgundavia: I understand what your saying, but I think it would mess up existing pages if there was lots of sections for every possible config!11:48
BurgundaviaGargoyle: you can link to the installation instructions and then have the config sutff that is specific to your stuff on the main page11:49
GargoyleBurgundavia: So I could create a DovecotMysqlVirtualUser page, that basically says follow the normal dovecot install [link]  and then edit config file to look like this example... etc?11:51
Burgundaviaand cleanup the other pages while are at it11:52
GargoyleIs it worth posting [maybe a PDF]  to the mailing list to get some feedback first?11:56
Burgundaviaedit the wiki page and then ask for feedback11:56
GargoyleI'll give it a shot.11:56
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nixternalBurgundavia: whats up with that migration-assistant stuff?  is it alright to apply?  or should I wait for mdke to make a decission on that?12:06
nixternali know he is on holiday for the next few weeks12:06
nixternaltime for some lasagna..i shall return ;)12:06
Burgundavianixternal: afaik, it is already in ubiquity as of 0.212:06

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