
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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lophytehey johnlittle05:00
lophytehow goes?05:02
johnlittlenot bad..you?05:03
lophytepretty good... we had an ubuntu toronto meet today.. about 12 people showed05:03
lophytewe're working on a marketing project for SFD right now.. but after that I'll bring up the video project again05:03
johnlittle12 people is a pretty good start05:05
lophytei've got an old Dell machine here without an ethernet card.. I have no clue how to open it05:08
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Burgundaviajohnlittle: ready to work on the UWN?05:24
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johnlittleburgundavia : sure. whats going on?05:28
Burgundaviagobbied up\05:30
Burgundaviajohnlittle: I was thinking about the Kubuntu specific information05:34
BurgundaviaI think I want to split it out and not have a distro specific section05:34
Burgundaviafor any distro05:34
johnlittleburgundavia: split it out how?05:40
Burgundavialike I am doing05:40
johnlittleIt's much more flexible that way05:41
johnlittlelet the weeks news dictate the structure instead of trying to force the news into a format05:42
johnlittleburgundavia: got a link for the edgy artwork?05:55
Burgundaviaasked in artwokr for one05:58
BurgundaviaI can create one05:58
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-120-239-162.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
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=== johnlittle [n=john@adsl-70-241-133-44.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
johnlittleburgundavia: ping06:30
Burgundaviajohnlittle: pong06:30
johnlittlesee my question in gobbhy chat?06:31
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johnlittleburgundavia: Gobby ping07:53
Burgundaviajohnlittle: gobby down08:22
Burgundaviajohnlittle: back in the wiki08:27
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Burgundaviaanybody awake?10:01
popeydefine $anybody10:08
Burgundaviapopey: what to help me proofread UWN?10:10
popeyis "the default init for edgy" going to mean much to some people? Should it briefly state what init is and why it's replaced?10:13
popeyor is that too much information?10:13
Burgundaviayou can add a sentence about what init is10:13
popeyhas the new ubuntu-sounds been mentioned in a past UWN?10:19
Burgundaviaadd that under the edgy section10:20
Burgundaviapopey: ping me when you are done editing10:25
popeyBurgundavia: done10:27
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@ubuntu/member/ompaul] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Burgundaviaompaul: morning10:27
Burgundaviaompaul: very sorry, but I had to yank your feature of the week. It was very techny and not very "featurey"10:28
ompaulGood morning - my lag is always bad for the first few seconds10:28
ompaulno proble10:29
Burgundaviacan you give the UWN a once over for typos, etc.?10:29
=== Kamping_Kaiser opens uwn
ompaulyeap even10:29
Kamping_KaiserIssue # for the week of Sept 3 <- should that # be something?10:30
=== Kamping_Kaiser hasnt seen uwns before, so i dont know about 'asumed conventions'
Kamping_Kaiserand 'in this issue' is empty....10:35
=== klepas [n=klepas@203-213-31-142.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
ompaulit could do with: ||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR] ] [[TableOfContents] ] ||10:36
ompaulsome kind of termination of a line after: These two packages are the upstart equivalent of "initscripts"10:37
ompaulforbes lies: Ubuntu works in 22 languages,10:38
ompaulthe forbes quote should be abandoned, it is so badly written: Ubuntu now has 4 million users, half of which are governments10:39
ompaulthere are 2 billion governments on planet earth .. you have a one in three chance of being a .gov ;-)10:40
Burgundaviaompaul: umm, where did you those numbers/information from?10:40
ompaulThe FSF.hu Foundation and the Hungarian Ubuntu Community10:41
ompaulwoops in the press10:41
ompaulthat last one, perhaps should read: The FSF Foundation in Hungry (fsf.hu) and the ...10:41
ompaulthat is from the upcomming events10:42
ompaulwith one m10:42
=== rjian[O-U-T] [n=rjian_se@] has joined #ubuntu-marketing
Kamping_Kaiserompaul, say it again...i dont get it ;)10:43
ompaulokay: forbes info is from, in the press10:43
ompaulthe upcoming events part, says: The FSF.hu Foundation and the Hungarian Ubuntu Community, I think it would be better as: The FSF Foundation in Hungry (fsf.hu) and the Hungarian Ubuntu Community10:44
Burgundaviasounds good10:44
Burgundaviaedit as you please10:44
ompaulit just looks better10:44
ompaulI thought you were editing :)10:45
ompaulshall I add the menu?10:46
Kamping_Kaiseranyone else that contributes <- want a capital A to start with10:48
ompaulKamping_Kaiser, done10:50
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elkbuntuhmm i dont get a mention in the press section? -- joke :P10:52
Kamping_Kaiseraw, bl elkbuntu :(10:53
ompaulelkbuntu, smh.com.au what was the actual url again please :)10:54
=== ompaul read it and forgot to bookmark it, and managed to have a machine with over 5 years service choose yesterday to stop being my workhorse
ompaulpci bus went for an overheated chip style walk10:55
elkbuntugood excuse to buy a new machine?10:56
ompaulI have sevearl I had to adjust the function of one10:59
=== ompaul needs a spellchecker between his brain and his hands :)
elkbuntuyou've been around seveas too long11:00
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elkbuntuyou're now incorporating his nick into your typos11:00
ompaulBurgundavia, I would like to take those figures out of the forbes item11:06
ompaulI would like to leave it to be just the last part11:07
ompaulI would like to leave in the fedora command and the last line so it would look like this:11:07
ompaul"After its public release in October 2004, Ubuntu quickly deposed Red Hat's Fedora as the most popular version of Linux on DistroWatch, a Web site that caters to Linux users. ... New users rave about the simple user interface, which has gained recent converts in a couple of well-known bloggers who switched from Apple Computer's OS X."11:08
Burgundaviaexcept all the facts are wrong11:08
BurgundaviaI would rather leavce the quote and then put underneath that:11:08
Burgundaviathen say: closer to 7 million11:09
Burgundaviadeposed Mandriva11:09
Burgundavia30+ languages11:09
ompauland is it not 95 langauges11:09
Kamping_Kaiserwow. thats tottaly different11:09
BurgundaviaI have no idea, but rosetta can tell you11:09
ompaulrosetta front and centre please :)11:10
Burgundaviajust a sec11:10
ompaulokay I will put that in there11:10
Burgundaviahmm, coverage kind of sucks11:11
elkbuntusort it by status and it looks better11:11
Burgundavialooking at that11:12
elkbuntucant see it reflected in the url though :-/11:12
Burgundaviayes, the problem with ajax11:12
BurgundaviaI would say 30+{11:12
=== elkbuntu does not like ajax
ompaulBurgundavia, this text okay?11:15
ompaulHowever these facts are in need of some revision, firstly the install base is currently suggested to be in the region of 7 million, it deposed Mandriva, and it works in over thirty languages, the current state of translation can be seen here.11:15
ompaulhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+translations  Click on status, for a better view.11:15
ompaulsaved anyone else want to take a shot at it?11:17
ompaulI never took out in this issue11:17
ompauljust a sec11:17
ompaulwith the table on the right there is no need for in this issue11:18
BurgundaviaBetter: While we appluad Forbes for covering Free Software, we thought we might correct a few of their facts. Ubuntu is installed on somewhere between 6 and 7 million computers (the exact number is hard to tell) in a great many languages, about 30 of which are fairly complete and the reining champion on Distrowatch was Mandrake (later Mandriva) not Red Hat or Fedora.11:19
ompaulright I am going to so some alterations to this machine to try and get it back to a point where it is more useful to me ;-)11:22
Burgundaviaompaul: please add edit summaries11:26
Burgundaviaor I will shot you11:26
ompaulit is a bit late now11:26
Burgundaviano, but in th efuture11:26
ompaulcould we have a red box around that to bring ones eye to it? (and that is serious)11:27
Burgundaviathere is a switch you can turn on that forces people to fill it out11:27
ompaulhit is11:28
ompaulseriously hit it11:29
Burgundavianot my call11:29
ompaulno point in having the tools for best practice is your not going to follow it11:29
Burgundaviaok, I am going to send out the weekly news11:29
Burgundavianew format, however: only the TOC is going out11:30
Burgundaviaand a short summary11:30
ompaulas long as the url is there :)11:31
Burgundaviathat also means we can continue to tweak it11:33
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: to make up for forgetting you, I am going to mention your interview in the summary11:33
Burgundaviaok, text to review11:42
Burgundaviapaste alert11:43
BurgundaviaWelcome to this weeks Ubuntu Weekly News, covering the happenings and events in the Ubuntu community during September 3rd through 10th. In this issue, we cover Scott James Remnant's upstart going live, Edgy getting GNOME 2.16, Melissa Draper's interview with the Sydney Morning Herald in Australia and much more. Read on at11:43
Burgundaviashould I add a section about us trying out this new format?11:43
Burgundaviaompaul, elkbuntu: ^11:45
elkbuntuyeah, people will be wondering11:46
BurgundaviaI need to play with the template11:50
Burgundaviacan I get feedback on the text of the announcement before I send?11:50
elkbuntusounds good but then i could be biased here ;)11:54
Burgundaviaok, I will send11:54
Kamping_Kaiserlol elkbuntu12:06
Burgundaviawe are done this week12:18
Burgundaviaplease keep cleaning up the typos12:18
BurgundaviaI am going to sleep12:18
Burgundaviaelkbuntu: would you mind editing the template to reflect this weeks layout?12:19
Kamping_Kaisershes away atm.12:20
Burgundaviayou can do it to12:21
=== ompaul got ousted this machine is used for international voip .. I really need to fix my wifes computer to do the same
Kamping_Kaiseri'll tell her when shes back :)12:22
elkbuntuedit the template, as in put in the contents box?12:36
=== elkbuntu pokes the wiki with a pointy stick. Work damnit!
ompaulI think we should then make versions 15 16 and 17 include the "forward looking information about those days"12:39
ompaulso if there is an event 3 three weeks away we could have a note about it, and we could google it to see if the info got better than the previous releases12:41
ompauli.e. so if you wanted to talk about an event on New Years day you might do monthly Sept Oct Nov and weeks 1 3 4 Dec and an event wrap up in jan12:42
=== elkbuntu hits save and hopes the edits are right
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Burgundaviaelkbuntu: you around?07:21
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=== Cogito_ergo_sum esta Ausente, Razon: ( ya regreso... deja tu mensaje ) | Desde: ( Sunday, September 10, 006. 13:0:7 ) Xlack v.1
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poningruhow come that ubuntu christian thing hasnt been shutdown yet?11:34
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