
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #ubuntu-motu
fbondhey, a little off-topic, but: I did a dist-upgrade to edgy with a custom theme, and now, after switching back to Human, my menu highlights are still my custom color (a blue)...12:12
fbondWhy, when I change to human, don't my menu highlights turn orange?12:12
bddebianHeya LaserJock12:17
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LaserJockhi bddebian01:11
LaserJockanybody doing bzr pushes to LP around? I can't get it to work01:11
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kokehi all!01:41
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bddebianLaserJock: Still aboot?02:59
bddebianDo we not have a section on library packaging in the packaging guide?02:59
LaserJocknope, wanna write one?03:00
bddebianWhat, are you nuts? :)03:00
bddebianThis will be my first attempt at packaging a library :-)03:01
LaserJockthat's 1 more than me ;-)03:01
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bddebianLaserJock: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/libpkg-guide.html03:04
HobbseeLaserJock: hehe, me too03:09
bddebianI thought you two were the masters??03:09
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LaserJockbddebian: of course, just master's of what?03:11
LaserJockbddebian: and don't say it ;-)03:11
bddebianWell, the Universe of course ;-P03:12
FujitsuCan somebody please have a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3073?03:16
bddebianFujitsu: Give me a few minutes and I will03:19
FujitsuThanks :()03:19
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ajmitchbddebian: they are the masters03:36
ajmitchdon't let them fool you about not knowing library packaging03:37
LaserJockoh yeah, sorry03:40
LaserJocki forgot, I know *everything* about library packaging ;-)03:40
ajmitchbddebian: see?03:40
ajmitchraging MOTU-holic that he is03:40
FujitsuNonono. LaserJock, you've got it all wrong.03:40
FujitsuYOu know *everything*, full stop.03:41
ajmitchFujitsu: that goes without saying03:41
Toadstoollibrary packaging is easy as long as you don't have to package one :p03:41
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Toadstoolhi everybody03:41
ajmitchhi Toadstool03:41
FujitsuHi Toadstool.03:41
ajmitchFujitsu: that's why the rest of us have given up, when we have people like LaserJock & bddebian03:41
Toadstoolmy few minutes of internet of the day :p03:41
FujitsuHa. Ha.03:41
FujitsuAnybody else available to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3073?03:42
LaserJockand the ragin Ubuntu-holic MOTUs run ;-)03:42
=== ajmitch is not worthy
LaserJockajmitch: whatever, that's soooo not true03:43
LaserJockajmitch is the Master of Revu ;-)03:43
ajmitchLaserJock: which is why I don't ever review stuff?03:43
ajmitchFujitsu: +Depends: ${misc:Depends}, libgnomevfs2-0, libgtk2.0-003:43
ajmitchexplain why you put those libraries in there03:44
ajmitchand why you don't use ${shlibs:Depends}03:44
LaserJockajmitch: you used to, and were very good at it03:44
FujitsuSo I should use shlib:Depends? OK, I shall do so.03:44
ajmitchFujitsu: it makes things so much easier03:44
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LaserJockbut first explain what they are and how they are used ;-)03:44
bddebianHeya ajmitch, Toadstool03:45
ajmitchLaserJock: that's what you're for :)03:45
Toadstoolhey bddebian03:45
bddebianajmitch: I don't do anything, you know that03:45
=== Fujitsu hits bddebian.
FujitsuNot true!03:46
=== ajmitch looks at bddebian's karma
LaserJockyeah, I don't think anybody on the top-contributors list can say that03:46
ToadstoolI hate qwerty keyboards :p03:46
ajmitchLaserJock: hence why I'm not on there :)03:47
LaserJockme neither03:47
LaserJockI totally suck as a MOTU :/03:48
bddebianAm I even on that list anymore?03:48
ajmitchbddebian: uh, of course03:49
LaserJockI do try, but I find I'm a totally inefficient03:49
=== ajmitch looks at the increasing number of crackful specs
ajmitchsome specs are 1 sentence at most03:50
FujitsuThey do that.03:51
FujitsuAnd then there's the one which has a uuencoded .tar.bz2 of a diff in it.03:51
LaserJockI can't even figure settle which editor to use :/03:51
bddebianWell I use nano but I wish I knew emacs better, if at least for the tag stuff03:52
Fujitsuajmitch, found any other issues?03:52
FujitsuVim forever!03:52
ajmitchFujitsu: haven't looked much03:52
ajmitchhaving config.sub & config.guess in the diff is messy (as well as intltool-extract003:53
ajmitchespecially as they're probably being generated on each build03:54
FujitsuThose shouldn't have been in there...03:54
ajmitchLaserJock probably has something in the packaging guide about using autotools-dev03:54
ajmitchif not, he should have :)03:54
FujitsuI'll remove them in the clean target.03:54
fowlduckare there any instructions on upgrading to edgy anywhere?03:55
LaserJockI just used update-manager -d -c03:55
Fujitsufowlduck, just change your sources.list, aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade, cross your fingers, fix the breakage.03:56
FujitsuOr what LaserJock said.03:56
ajmitchand pick up the pieces afterwards, wiping away the tears?03:56
fowlduckis it really so unstable still?  even with the freeze?03:56
bddebianFujitsu: OK, made a few comments.  Looks pretty good overall to my dumb arse03:57
Toadstoolfowlduck: feature freeze means that everything is broken and that we should fix things before release without adding new features :p03:57
FujitsuIt needs a manpage, does it?03:58
ajmitchToadstool: well, no it means that feautes must be in, and work 'well enough' :)03:58
ajmitchFujitsu: ideally yes03:58
bddebianFujitsu: Should have one but I don't know that it's "required"03:58
ajmitchthough manpages for GUI apps tends to be a bit pointless03:58
FujitsuYeah, that's why I didn't give convertall one, and it got uploaded.03:58
Toadstoolajmitch: i wanted to scare him :)03:58
fowlduckToadstool, yeah, I thought what ajmitch thought.  I guess maybe I'll hold off a month then.03:58
=== fowlduck smacks Toadstool with a large trout
FujitsuIs there a preferred way to remove autotools/intltool-related stuff?03:59
=== ajmitch wouldn't hold off
ajmitchwe need all hands on desk03:59
=== ajmitch is tired
FujitsuAt midday?04:00
ajmitchFujitsu: got up at 6:3004:00
ajmitchand it's 2pm04:00
FujitsuTrue, for you.04:00
Toadstoolwell, i'm useless and my renter wants his computer back, cya :)04:01
bddebianLater Fujitsu04:02
bddebianErr Toadstool04:02
FujitsuSo, just remove config.guess/config.sub/intltool-stuff in the clean target? Or is there a dh_cleanautotools? :P04:02
ajmitchFujitsu: have a look at autotools-dev docs04:04
FujitsuThanks :)04:05
ajmitchdh-make puts them in at the clean: target04:05
ajmitchwhich is one option04:05
ajmitchanother is to copy them before running configure04:06
FujitsuYeah, I've seen that done.04:08
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FujitsuWhat's your preferred method?04:10
ajmitchgenereally whatever works ;)04:16
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bddebianWhat is shlibs vs shlibs.local?04:24
=== Fujitsu groans.
FujitsuI seem to have a half-upload on REVU.04:26
FujitsuSomething died..04:27
ajmitchFujitsu: which?04:29
FujitsuThanks :)04:29
ajmitchbddebian: man dpkg-shlibdeps04:30
ajmitchit can explain better than I04:30
bddebianpfft, thanks "buddy"04:31
ajmitchyou sound so grateful04:31
bddebianI'm lazy :-)04:31
=== ajmitch goes back to doing useful stuff instead
FujitsuI've reuploaded, fixing the shlibs:Depends and autotools things.04:32
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bddebianHmm, do I dare try to build this thing..04:47
Plugajmitch: useful stuff, eh04:47
PlugIs it ok to restart dbus in a postinst?04:49
PlugIt could do things like "drop/restart networking" for people who use NetworkManager04:49
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FujitsuWhat thing, bddebian?04:52
bddebianThis library04:52
FujitsuWhich library?04:52
bddebianI'm trying to package libburn for pygi04:54
bddebianGads a permission error on ./configure??04:56
Fujitsuchmod +x?04:56
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Pluganyone, on the dbus restart question?05:07
ajmitchPlug: restarting dbus is bad & should not be done05:11
ajmitchdbus-using apps don't handle the bus disappearing05:12
ajmitchupgrade & restart of dbus is generally a reboot05:12
Plugis there a cleaner way to tell dbus you've installed a new service, without restarting it?05:13
ajmitch    # Ask the bus to reload the config file05:13
ajmitch    if [ -x "/etc/init.d/dbus" ] ; then05:13
ajmitch      invoke-rc.d dbus force-reload || true05:13
ajmitch    fi05:13
ajmitchfrom avahi-daemon postinst05:14
PlugahaQ!  thanks05:14
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LaserJockbddebian: doh, you got roped into libburn?05:21
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bddebianLaserJock: Yeah, I get roped into everything :-)05:25
bddebianWhy the hell does it build locally but I get some C errors in pbuilder.. :'-(05:25
ajmitchbddebian: a challenge for you to fix05:26
LaserJockajmitch is always sooo helpful :-)05:26
bddebianIsn't he though :-)05:27
bddebian-Wall was in the rules file but I took that out05:27
bddebianI think it's a missing build dep but I can't figure out WTF it is :-(05:27
ajmitchneither can we without more info ;)05:28
bddebianlibburn/.libs/async.o: In function `burn_async_join_all':05:29
bddebianlibburn/async.c:190: undefined reference to `pthread_join'05:29
bddebianlibburn/.libs/async.o: In function `add_worker':05:29
bddebianlibburn/async.c:83: undefined reference to `pthread_create'05:29
ajmitchmissing -lpthread somewhere?05:29
ajmitchwhich shouldn't need to be a build-dep05:29
bddebianI would think so but why does it not do that locally?05:29
ajmitchcan't tell without seeing it05:30
bddebianYou wanna see it? :-)05:31
ajmitchif you wish05:32
=== ajmitch isn't sticking around for long today though
=== bddebian hugs ajmitch :-)
=== ajmitch has other obligations to attend to
Burgundaviawhat is hobbee's real name?05:32
bddebianSarah Hobbes05:32
ajmitchBurgundavia: Sarah Hobbs05:32
=== Fujitsu points any idle time-having MOTUs to http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3075
ajmitchBurgundavia: make sure you get Hobbs, not Hobbes :)05:33
bddebianActually I think it's spelled Barry deFreese ;-P05:34
ajmitchno, she really doesn't look like a barry05:35
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bddebianajmitch: http://www2.bddebian.com:8000/packages/ubuntu/libburn/05:36
ajmitchdiff.gz that's nearly as large as the orig.tar.gz05:38
bddebianI have some cleanup issues :-)05:38
ajmitchI'd use ~ rather than +05:39
ajmitchsince debian supports it as well now05:39
bddebianajmitch: Oh and ignore the libc6-dev build-dep :-)05:40
ajmitchI am05:41
=== ajmitch would blame a dodgy makefile
bddebianWell that brings up a question I have been wanting to ask for a while.  What is the "policy" for running autoconf/etc?05:42
ajmitchwhatever you feel like05:42
bddebianI figured it must be bad since so few packages actually run it05:43
ajmitchit is considered bad by some05:43
ajmitchand I prefer to put autotools changes into a patch if possible05:43
ajmitchsince relying on autotools on the buildd can be fragile05:44
bddebianWell I didn't make any changes but I did run his bootstrap05:45
=== ajmitch rebuilds
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ajmitchI need a faster computer05:46
ajmitchok, built05:48
ajmitchadded into the root Makefile.am:05:48
ajmitchlibburn_libburn_la_LIBADD = $(THREAD_LIBS)05:48
bddebianlocally or using my "package"?05:48
ajmitchusing the package05:48
ajmitchthen ran automake --foreign -a -c05:48
ajmitchthen debuild -S, pbuilder, etc05:48
bddebianajmitch: Is there anything actually in the debs? :)05:49
ajmitchwell, no05:49
ajmitchthe compile finished05:50
ajmitchI didn't say the debs got built :)05:50
ajmitchdh_install: libburn-dev missing files (usr/include/*), aborting05:50
ajmitchprobably using the wrong sourcedir for dh_install :)05:51
bddebianwrong source dir?05:53
bddebianTo configure?05:56
ajmitchno, to dh_install05:56
bddebianOh, duh05:56
ajmitchdepends on how you feel like using it05:57
ajmitchlike everything in debian, there are multiple ways about it05:57
=== ajmitch has to head out for a fun-filled afternoon
ajmitchback later05:58
bddebianThanks man!05:58
bddebianWhat is supposed to be in /usr/share/pkgconfig/?06:03
FujitsuThe .pc.06:05
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bddebianHmm wtf generates that?06:06
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FujitsuI'm not sure.06:07
FujitsuI don't build libraries :P06:07
bddebianI don't either normally, obviously :-)06:08
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FujitsuThis place is really devoid of MOTUs at the moment :(06:31
PlugBest you become a MOTU then :)06:31
bddebianThanks buddy :-)06:32
crimsunyeah, bddebian's MOTU enough for all of us06:32
=== bddebian kicks crimsun
bddebiancrimsun: If that were true I could package this stupid library and would know wtf a .pc file is :-(06:32
crimsunsee the violence inherent in the system!06:32
crimsunpkgconfig file?06:33
FujitsuYeah, we need more MOTUs on this side of the world...06:33
bddebiancrimsun: Yeah, I got that part but I don't know what they are :-)06:33
bddebianFujitsu: What do you need?06:34
Fujitsubddebian, that package reviewed. I made the changes.06:34
bddebianAnd you added a manpage? :-)06:35
FujitsuNo... But most GUI apps don't have them.06:35
FujitsuEspecially as this has no command line options or anything.06:36
Pluglintian on revu06:48
PlugE: network-manager-pptp_0.6.3+cvs20060819-0ubuntu4_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file edgy06:49
PlugI take it I can ignore that?06:49
bddebianPlug: Yes06:49
bddebianFujitsu: Re-reviewed06:49
FujitsuYay :)06:49
PlugHow about native-package-with-dash-version?06:57
PlugI have a .orig.tar.gz, I'm not sure why I'm getting a native package.06:57
bddebianWhat's the filename?06:57
crimsun0.6.2+cvs20060819 vs. 0.6.3+cvs2006081906:58
Plugaha, good point06:58
PlugI just bumped the version number :)06:58
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FujitsuHi Lure.06:59
Lurehi Fujitsu07:00
bddebianAck, it's 1am.  Gnight folks07:00
FujitsuBye, bddebian.07:00
FujitsuThanks :)07:01
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PlugCan someone remove the most recent upload of a package on REVU, or should I just bump the version?07:24
crimsunthe latter07:28
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FujitsuEvening, Hobbsee!08:35
AnAntping lionelp08:35
Hobbseehi Fujitsu08:36
AnAntmay someone have a look at those uploads: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=300508:37
AnAnt, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2984  and  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=257308:38
FujitsuIf you've got sufficient time this evening, would you be able to second bddebian's advocation of http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3075?08:38
AnAntthe first two need a second advocation08:38
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=== Hobbsee hides
AnAntwhy am I scaring every reviewer !08:46
=== Hobbsee hides from all reviews.
FujitsuHi Gloubiboulga.08:48
=== Fujitsu takes his review request from Hobbsee, and places it in front of Gloubiboulga :P
Hobbseehey Gloubiboulga08:49
Gloubiboulgahello :)08:50
GloubiboulgaFujitsu, url?08:50
=== Fujitsu rubs eyes...
FujitsuThis is incredible.08:50
AnAntGloubiboulga: can I add a URL or   2 ?08:51
FujitsuWasn't it 3, AnAnt? :P08:52
GloubiboulgaAnAnt, sure, but I think I won't have time this morning08:52
GloubiboulgaI'll have a look later today08:52
Gloubiboulga(if Hobbsee hasn't done it yet when I'll be back ;) )08:52
Hobbseei wont have08:52
=== Hobbsee needs to actually do her assignment
FujitsuWho ever heard of doing real-life work.08:53
FujitsuThat's just not possible.08:53
=== Hobbsee has to :(
GloubiboulgaAnAnt, could you mail me the urls at gauvainpocentek@gmail.com?08:54
AnAnthttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3005 & http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=298408:54
GloubiboulgaFujitsu, building the package08:57
FujitsuThanks, Gloubiboulga :)08:58
Gloubiboulgathe packaging looks nice, but the license is not clear08:58
Gloubiboulgai.e. there's no header in the source files08:58
FujitsuDoes there need to be?08:59
Gloubiboulgathe COPYING file is not enough08:59
FujitsuSo, what should be done about this?09:00
Gloubiboulgaping upstream :)09:01
GloubiboulgaI'm trying to find the link which explains how to use the GPL in programs09:01
BurgundaviaGloubiboulga: copying file is not enough?09:02
GloubiboulgaFujitsu, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html09:02
GloubiboulgaBurgundavia, no, because it doesn't say "this file is under this license"09:02
Gloubiboulgait doesn't say "I'm the copyright older" either09:03
Gloubiboulgas/older/holder :)09:05
FujitsuOK, I'm emailing upstream at the moment.09:05
GloubiboulgaFujitsu, cool :)09:06
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FujitsuMorning, phanatic.11:26
phanatichi Fujitsu11:26
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phanaticevening ajmitch11:58
zakamehi MOTUs! :D11:58
FujitsuHey ajmitch.11:58
FujitsuAnd hi zakame (although I'm not a MOTU at this time).11:59
zakameyo Fujitsu !11:59
=== Arbiter [n=arbiter@unaffiliated/arbiter] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuEvening, Arbiter.12:00
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phanatichey zakame12:00
Arbiterhey Fujitsu :)12:01
Arbitermorning :)12:01
phanatichi raphink12:01
=== Arbiter here is 12am :)
=== lfittl [n=lfittl@janus.donbosco.sth.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu-motu
raphinkhi phanatic12:06
zakameyo phanatic12:13
zakameand ap12:13
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PlugI am so ready for reviews of http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=308012:40
HobbseeBurgundavia: didnt know i'd made it into the weekly news :P12:40
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Sp4rKydoes .postinst file is executed when i do a dpkg-reconfigure ?01:01
Hobbseeer, wait, what does dpkg-reconfigure do?01:02
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Sp4rKyhi motus02:40
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FujitsuHi Sp4rKy02:40
Sp4rKyplease, does hot babe could be added to universe or is it to much shocking02:40
HobbseeSp4rKy: it's too shocking, it's been discussed before02:41
FujitsuI think the probability of inclusion is somewhat less than 002:41
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thomit really is a little sad02:47
FujitsuOnly a little sad?02:48
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thomthat was english understatement in full effect :-)02:48
Hobbseethom: and why is it sad?02:49
thomHobbsee: um, you're kidding right?02:51
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Hobbseethom: only half.  i havent looked at the page in question.02:52
MithrandirI think thom understated so much he flipped around, really.02:52
FujitsuHobbsee, what?02:52
HobbseeFujitsu: i just saw what hotbabe actually was.  i knew of it before02:53
FujitsuIt is /quite/ sad.02:53
thomMithrandir: heh02:53
FujitsuReally pathetic..02:53
Hobbseewhat's more sad is that some people have tried to get it into repos before02:55
FujitsuThey have?02:56
FujitsuThat's... impressive.02:56
Hobbseei believe Mithrandir was the one to tell them no last time02:56
Hobbseewhich was how i heard it at all02:56
Hobbseethen again, we do have a klibido in repos, for some reason, iirc02:56
FujitsuErm, what's klibido got to do with anything?02:57
MithrandirHobbsee: klibido seems to just have a silly name.  hot-babe generated a huge discussion on debian-devel and was eventually rejected (or never uploaded, I can't remember)02:59
HobbseeMithrandir: ah right....03:00
FujitsuYeah, klibido is just an odd name.03:00
HobbseeMithrandir: i, understandbly, dont download them to check :P03:00
FujitsuI just apt-cache showed klibido :P03:01
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Sp4rKyhow can i get the default resolution of a computer ?03:27
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bddebianHeya gang04:14
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mr_pouitI have a question about a program : is dir2ogg (http://badcomputer.org/unix/dir2ogg/) a good candidate for universe, or is there some problem since it can handle *.wma ?04:21
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Flamekebabthis may seem silly, but I hope it doesn't - would here be an appropriate place to ask for Kino 0.9.2 to be added to the repositories?05:40
tsenghere would be an appropriate place to say "here is my updated package for kino, please review it"05:47
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Flamekebabfair enough then05:47
FlamekebabI guess I'll bugger off and leave you be then05:47
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Adri2000for reviewers needing some work : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3071 ;-)06:02
bersacedo we have to all post our upload details page ?06:03
bersacein the chan06:03
bersaceor do we have to wait until REVU day06:04
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bersacehello all : here is gnomescan for universe ! : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=308206:16
bersacestill some bugs06:16
bersacebut that's help for wide testing06:17
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phanaticgood evening08:03
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Sp4rKyplease, does dvdstyler can be accepted on universe or multiverse ?09:53
Sp4rKyit is under GPLv209:53
Sp4rKybut maybe uses some library not free09:53
BurgundaviaSp4rKy: non-free library?09:53
Sp4rKyi'm looking for them09:54
Burgundaviaif you can give exact name, I can probalby help you09:54
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Sp4rKyBurgundavia, i'm checking all of libraries listed in the README09:57
Burgundaviasounds goold09:58
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welshbytegood evening11:36
phanatichey welshbyte11:40
welshbytehey fowlduck, phanatic11:40
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