
=== wa0eir [n=ted@12-217-107-95.client.mchsi.com] has joined #launchpad
lifelessSp4rKy: what do you want to do ?12:15
Sp4rKylifeless, mainly, i want added my own package to a LP team12:16
Sp4rKybut packages are not in ubuntu but in a personal repository12:16
lifelessthe source for the packages, or the binaries ?12:17
Sp4rKyso i think i can't added them and link them to their maintainers , right ?12:17
lifelesswell I dont understand quite what you are talking about yet12:17
Sp4rKyok ..12:17
Sp4rKyso, i've create a team on launchpad12:17
Sp4rKythis team provide a repository for E17 12:18
lifelessthat will be at sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~TEAMNAME/PRODUCT12:18
lifelesswhere TEAMNAME is your team name12:18
Sp4rKyi want add the packages which are on this repository on lp , link this with their maintainers12:19
lifelessand PRODUCT is the e17 product name in launchpad12:19
lifelesswhatever that is12:19
Sp4rKycan't i add the package with an other way than bazaar ?12:19
lifelessthis is what I dont understand12:19
lifelesspackages != bazaar12:19
lifelesswhen you say 'package' what *precisely* do you mean12:20
Sp4rKyyes i know12:20
Sp4rKysource packages and binary packages12:20
lifelessok, nothing to do with bazaar directly. Ubuntu uses Bazaar to manage the *source* for the source package12:20
Sp4rKyif it is possible, i want added them to lp without using bazaar, 12:20
Sp4rKylifeless, yes, but can i add my packages without bazaar to lp12:21
lifelessI think you probably need to talk with #ubuntu-motu12:21
Sp4rKyi've done12:21
lifelessbecause I dont understand what 'add packages to lp' /means/12:21
crimsunit's unclear what you're attempting to do.12:21
Sp4rKyi explain again12:21
lifelessgive me a URL for instance, that you want to have work which does not today12:21
Sp4rKy(i'm sorry i'm french and my english isn't perfect at all)12:22
Sp4rKyi've a repository at edevelop.org12:22
Sp4rKythis repository contains packages for e17 over ubuntu12:22
lifelesswhat sort of repository ?12:22
lifelessis it an APT repository ? or a bazaar repository ?12:23
Sp4rKyapt repository12:23
Sp4rKyso i would add packages which are on this repository on lp12:23
lifelesswhat do you mean by 'add packages to lp'12:23
Sp4rKylike it's done with packages which are on ubuntu repository12:23
Sp4rKylifeless, if i go on my personal lp page , i can see the list of packages i maintain in Ubuntu12:24
lifelessSp4rKy: ok. now we are getting somewhere.12:24
lifelessthat list is made by launchpad scanning the Ubuntu *distribution*12:24
Sp4rKyi would add the packages i maintain on edevelop repository in the same way12:25
lifelessyour repository is not scanned by launchpad12:25
Sp4rKyyes i know12:25
lifelessand cannot be at this point12:25
Sp4rKyok .12:25
Sp4rKythis is my question :)12:25
Sp4rKyso is there any other way for manage my repository on lp ?12:26
lifelessthere is a feature in development called personal package archives12:26
lifelesswhere launchpad will provide build daemons and host the repository12:26
Sp4rKyk (raphink talked me about that)12:26
Sp4rKylifeless, i don't need host and build daemon, but just manage package/ maintainers12:27
lifelessyou should talk to malcc and cprov12:28
lifelessthey are the soyuz folk12:28
=== HaDeS [i=HaDeS_ha@conm200-116-102-213.epm.net.co] has joined #launchpad
Sp4rKyare they sleeping ?12:28
lifelessI cannot say what they are planning to do or not in the future12:28
lifelessmalcc is on uk time12:28
lifelesscprov on brazilian12:28
Sp4rKylifeless, ok, so at this time, there is no way to manage packages with lp ?12:29
Sp4rKyeven with bazaar ?12:29
lifelessif by package you mean an apt repository the only way is as a distribution12:29
lifelessbazaar is a VCS - see bazaar-vcs.org12:29
Sp4rKyi'd seen it12:30
Sp4rKybut don't really understand how i can add my apt repository12:30
lifelessbazaar has nothing to do with apt12:32
lifelessI dont know why you keep bring up bazaar at all. 12:32
lifelessits for managing *source code*12:32
lifelessyou can use it to manage the *source code* you are making12:32
Sp4rKyso i can't manage my repository with lp at this time 12:32
lifelessI've already answered that12:32
Sp4rKylifeless, this is not the idea, 12:33
lifelesssorry, I am getting frustrated here12:33
Sp4rKyraphink, said me i can try using bazaar for manage my package 12:33
lifelessAsking the question differently will not change the answers I have to give you12:33
Sp4rKyso i try to get more info :)12:33
Sp4rKylifeless, i kno12:33
Sp4rKythx for your help12:33
LarstiQSp4rKy: yes, for when you work on the debian/ packaging12:33
lifelessbazaar is great for managing the *source code* for your package, but nothing to do with the +packages stuff in launchpad12:33
LarstiQ_not_ for the result of building a .deb12:34
Sp4rKylifeless, ok12:34
oohlaflifeless: who can I contact to change a setting in vcs-import setting for a project on LP?12:34
lifelessoohlaf: ddaa12:34
LarstiQoohlaf: ddaa12:34
lifelessoohlaf: who is on -users and will read it12:34
lifelessbut feel free to nag him here12:34
oohlafhe's prob asleep now, he is also on CET right?12:35
Sp4rKylifeless, i'll wait for personal package archive so ...12:35
Sp4rKythx again12:35
=== PenguinOfDoom [i=foobar@spleen.xzrq.net] has joined #launchpad
PenguinOfDoomHow do I search the entire bug database?12:41
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PenguinOfDoomoh, found it12:42
PenguinOfDoomlaunchpad is quite a maze :P12:42
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=== mpt has the unusual experience of not being permitted to view a bug report about Launchpad
lifelessmpt: which one ?02:10
mptlifeless, reported bug 59846 about it02:10
lifelessit may not be  abug02:10
lifelesswhat bug were you trying to look at02:10
FujitsuIt's probably marked private...02:11
mptbug 3128702:11
lifelessits private02:11
FujitsuI can't see bug 59846.02:11
lifelessand theres no subscribers02:11
lifelessother than spiv02:11
FujitsuIt is private...02:11
=== HaDeS_hack [i=HaDeS_ha@conm200-116-102-213.epm.net.co] has joined #launchpad
lifelessmpt: the security contact for lp is not subscribed to 3128702:12
mptSo, that's still a bug02:12
mptThe security contact should still be able to view it, right?02:12
lifelessit makes sense to me that the security contact should be able to by default02:13
lifelessbut if they are unsubscribed, why should they see it anymore ?02:13
mptWhy shouldn't they?02:14
lifelessI asked first ;)02:14
mptBecause letting them see it any more doesn't disclose it to anyone new02:15
lifelessmmm, too much context switching02:15
lifelessdo you need access to this bug ?02:15
lifelessI can subscribe the security contact or whatever you need02:15
lifelessafter that I' going back to deep hack mode02:15
mptI can't remember why I tried to open it, and immediate access isn't the point02:16
mptbut thanks for clarifying the issue, I'll update my bug report02:16
mptyay for Proxy Errors02:20
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UbugtuNew bug: #59846 in malone "Bug 31287 is mysteriously forbidden" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5984602:41
mptlifeless, are you able to kick staging?02:46
lifelessone sec02:46
jameshlifeless: you should be able to set the productseries branches for bzr on staging.launchpad.net now, btw02:57
lifelessmpt: there are no processes running on staging03:06
lifelessit looks deliberately shutdown03:06
lifelessmpt: is that better ?03:12
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mptlifeless, not really, https://staging.launchpad.net/ gives me an Oops :-)03:15
lifelessI'm shutting it back down03:16
lifelessstub should look at this, I'm not aware of specific instructions, but I dont have cycles right now to dig into it either03:16
mptok, thanks03:17
jameshyou sure it wasn't in the middle of a DB restore?03:25
lifelessfairly, but not completely03:28
lifelesswhich is why its shutdown again03:28
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jameshlifeless: hopefully we'll get another report on product-release-finder today04:25
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jameshspiv: how was the holiday?05:02
spivjamesh: fun, despite the stitches in the back of my head :)05:05
WebMavenspiv: I noticed you were on the list of contributors to SQLOS.05:10
WebMavenspiv: AYT?05:11
spivHeh, am I?  It's been a while...05:12
=== SEJeff [n=jschroed@h253.204.28.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #launchpad
SEJeffCan I close a bug in lp if I am not the maintainer? Some glaring ones that I just commented on like this which I am trying to triage: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/3192505:13
UbugtuMalone bug 31925 in compiz "Please package new upstream version" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  05:13
jameshSEJeff: if you click on the package name in the "Affects" table at the top, you can change the status05:18
SEJeffjamesh: thankyou05:38
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jameshspiv: any progress on getting spiv/launchpad/ddaa's-branch-ui merged?05:52
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jameshstub: would it be possible to see the log of the staging.lp.net product-release-finder runs done in the last few days?06:52
jameshI'm interested to see if they succeed yet06:52
stubjamesh: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/private/launchpad-error-reports/07:19
stubThe reports are in jubany's nightly.sh07:19
jameshstub: could you approve my subscription to that list?07:21
stubjamesh: done. You might want to turn off mail delivery or subscribe to only the topics you want.07:23
jameshstub: the last run doesn't appear to have been with the latest code.  I guess I'll wait til today's run is done07:29
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stubasuka's nightly.sh is running right now07:59
stubproduct-release-finder.py has been running for two hours now. Hopefully that is a good sign ;)07:59
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jameshdoes sound good08:00
jameshthe speed could probably be improved by scanning multiple tarball repos in parallel08:02
jameshat the moment it is all in a single thread08:02
stubI would have assumed the bottleneck was downloading08:09
jameshand I'm sure we could download stuff from ftp.gnome.org and ftp.debian.org in half the time if done in parallel08:10
jameshgiven the bandwidth of the datacentre08:10
jameshanyway, the fact that it hasn't crapped out yet is a good sign that it'll get all the way through08:12
stubWill it only be the initial run that will be slow?08:12
stub(for some value of slow we don't know yet ;) )08:12
jameshif it starts with a clean DB every night, yes08:13
jameshor maybe not if the datacentre proxy caches the files between runs08:13
jameshonce the production DB has some of this data, the staging runs won't be starting with a clean slate08:14
jameshso should be faster08:14
stubIt sounds like speed is probably not an issue then. Doesn't matter if the initial run takes a week if subsequent runs happen in an hour or less.08:19
jameshthe way to test that would be to do another run on staging without a clean DB08:21
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stubmorning. Any chance to play on the new server yet?08:21
=== tomveens__ [n=tomveens@ztn-c-1566b.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #launchpad
SteveAgood morning08:33
SteveAstub: http://www.zope.org/Collectors/Zope3-dev/706   seen it?  a minor sessions infrastructure bug.08:35
stubNot seen it. I've never worked out how to drive the collector and only have read access anyway.08:36
stubDoesn't look like a problem worth caring about08:37
stubBut I can't comment as far as I can see :-(08:38
SteveAask jim for access sometime08:39
SteveAor, maybe they'll be using launchpad by then ;-)08:39
SteveAstub: what do we do nowadays if someone registers a new product, but they didn't mean to do so?08:40
stubWe flag it as inactive08:40
stubI don't know if they can do it themselves or not - probably not.08:40
stub(or else people will go around removing products they don't want to use with Launchpad, but we still want the data displayed as a registry)08:41
SteveAthere are no bugs, support requests, translations etc.08:41
SteveAjust the product and two series08:41
stubSure. flag it as inactive.08:41
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SteveAok, done08:42
SteveAwhat happens to its name?08:42
stubOne day we will have the technology to delete the simple cases, but for the time being just flag 'em as inactive.08:42
SteveAI mean, can another product be registered with the same name?08:42
stubname is still taken, so we can rename them at the same time as flagging them inactive if we need it.08:42
stubEventually, I think we need some sort of garbage collector. eg. Product x has been inactive for 3 months so we can now safely delete all the translations, bugs, series, branches etc. associated with it.08:43
stubAlthough even that is scary (trashing branches might be too far)08:43
SteveAhmm, I can't rename it, as I can't get to a URL for it08:43
stubok. So we need to remember to rename first ;008:44
stubWhat name product? I'll do it on the db08:44
SteveAwould you rename the inactive product 'firebird' to 'firebird-inactive' ?08:44
jameshor you could reactivate the old product08:45
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SteveAjamesh: thanks for mailing about the validate() issue.  I replied with a couple of things to think about.08:49
stubjamesh: Can't reactivate via the web as the product page gives a 404 ;)08:49
SteveAI haven't really thought them through , though08:49
SteveAI wonder if either of the other options would be easier to write validate() methods for08:49
SteveAand not make the kind of mistake you describe happening08:49
stubactually, that collector bug is valid. If auth credentials are stored in the session and a user walks away from their terminal for a few hours, then it may be possible to visit some urls (ones that cause a transaction abort) using the old auth and obtain a window where the auth credentials remain valid even though in theory the credentials should have expired.08:52
jameshSteveA: I am not sure a special "missing value" entry in the data dictionary would reduce OOPS reports -- it might just change them from KeyErrors to other errors caused by not checking if the value was the special "missing value" object08:57
SteveAso in that case, maybe a standard test for forms can be08:58
SteveA - pass into validate() a non-empty non-full dict08:58
SteveAso a dict that doesn't match08:59
SteveA  if not D:08:59
SteveAbut that doesn't contain anything the validate() method wants08:59
jameshit'd be pretty easy to add that to the LaunchpadFormView test harness.09:00
jameshpass in a dictionary of form values, and have it test each combination of present values against the validate() routine09:00
jameshpoint out which combinations result in an exception09:00
jameshthis would be applicable even with the "missing value" object idea -- just replace entries with missing value instead of deleting them09:01
SteveAwell, I'm not sure about the value of putting "missing value" into the dict09:04
SteveAthat might just encourage people to test for None rather than consulting field.missing_value09:05
SteveAthe point is to make a change that prevents the problem you described happening, which doesn't increase what the review team have to do09:05
SteveAI think a standard test harness would help there09:05
SteveAif there is no API change that would help09:05
BjornTthere's one api change that i could think of that would help, not sure if things get easier though.09:14
BjornTinstead of having a general validate() function, it could be nice to register separate validate functions for each field tuple you want to validate09:15
BjornTso you could say that i want to validate field A and B, and that validate function would only be called if A and B validated properly by themselves.09:16
jameshthat's an interesting idea09:16
jameshe.g. @validator('owner', 'product', 'name') def validate_branch_name(self, owner, product, name)09:16
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BjornTyeah, something like that.09:17
jameshthe above syntax would also get rid of the direct dict lookups too09:18
SteveA @validator(*ISchema.names()) def validate_schema(names, in, alphabetical, order):09:21
SteveAstub: call?09:24
BjornTi think it would be more intuitive to have the method parameters in the same order as the appear in @validator(...)09:25
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=== Topic for #launchpad: Developer meeting: Thu 14 Sep, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by mpt at Fri Sep 8 07:38:50 2006
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SteveABjornT: yes, and that's why my silly example would work (except I forgot the 'self')10:19
SteveAbecause interface.names() is sorted10:19
SteveAlifeless: is there meant to be a bzr meeting today?10:24
BjornTSteveA: well, interface.names() isn't sorted, is it? afaik, it simply builds a dict and return the keys, so the output should be completly unsorted.10:28
SteveAi think it is meant to be sorted10:30
SteveAhmm, the interface doesn't say anything abot it10:31
SteveAso, I guess it would need to be sorted()10:31
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lifelessSteveA: AFAIK yes10:37
jameshstub: product-release-finder is still running?10:55
=== stub wonders wtf has happened with his sound today
stubjamesh: Yes - still running10:58
stub3% cpu, 245MB10:58
jameshstub: if the results look good, I guess we should run it in production at least once, so that the runs on staging don't take so long11:01
jameshstub: I have a script to add "trunk" product series to all products which currently have no series.  Would it be possible to get it run on production at some point?11:10
stubsure. Did we rollout the bug fix to stop it happening yet?11:10
jameshwith the last rollout, all new products should have the default trunk series11:11
stub(I think the query to do that is already around in database/schema/archives from last time we did this)11:11
jamesh(it now gets created in the database/ code rather than the view class for one of the entry points for creating a products)11:11
jameshI'm just going through the sample data now to make sure it has a product series for each product too11:13
jameshstub: here is the script I did: https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/ensure-product-series11:15
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stubjamesh: I've run that script on production11:32
jameshstub: thanks11:33
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jameshstub: I think I was mistaken about the automatic product series creation fix being in the current rollout.  I'll add a note about rerunning the script on the next rollout11:38
stubPlease do11:38
lifelessannoying that specs require unique urls11:40
jameshlifeless: perhaps we need "SpecTasks" so you can assign a spec to multiple contexts :)11:40
lifelessthat wants one spec per release attached to it11:41
jameshjust add extra dots to the end of the domain name11:42
lifelessI've abused it differently11:42
jameshor http://www.bazaar-vcs.org/ vs. http://www.bazaar-vcs.org:80/11:42
lifelessbut its a nuisance11:42
jameshfile a bug about getting the constraint relaxed then11:43
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lifelessreview meeting in 1012:50
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jameshlifeless: btw, the pending-reviews script is taking quite a while these days (last run was 55 minutes) -- we might need to reduce the frequency a bit if it can't be sped up12:54
lifelessjamesh: ok12:55
jameshsince we added the work-in-progress section, the list of branches has increased quite a bit12:56
lifelessI was wondering about that12:56
lifelesswe have viewbzr now12:56
lifelessperhaps for wip a calculated URL on that would be better12:56
jameshviewbzr being different to bzr webserve?12:57
spivYou'd lose the "this wip has conflicts with rocketfuel" feature, but that's probably not a big deal.12:57
SteveAI'd be happy with wip being analyzed just once a day12:58
SteveAand pending reviews more often12:58
SteveApending reviews is a very important part of our workflow12:58
SteveAwip is more about seeing how things are going, and looking at um... work in progress12:59
SteveAso daily is fine12:59
lifelessI was thinking along that direction myself12:59
lifelessjamesh: do you reuse the diff when its already known ?12:59
jameshlifeless: not currently -- that is another area that'd improve things a lot12:59
lifelessreview meeting time01:00
=== lifeless grabs the agenda
jameshalthough each new launchpad commit implies that most diffs will be recalculated01:00
lifelessbut thats not 12 per day01:00
lifelessor even 24 per day01:01
jameshI should see about getting that working01:01
lifeless * Next meeting01:01
lifeless * Queue status.01:01
lifelesshi BjornT 01:02
lifelessso, same time, one week ok ?01:03
lifelessI'm going to remove this from the agenda01:03
SteveAlifeless: what's the agenda?01:04
lifelessand instead have it always the same unless someone explicit adds it as an agenda item01:04
lifelessSteveA: the two lines with ' * ' prefixes01:04
SteveAlifeless: prefix it with "Agenda:" then, so it is clear01:04
SteveAand add a "roll call" perhaps01:04
SteveAI thought you were introducing the items, and getting through them01:05
SteveAand I was looking for the agenda01:05
lifeless== Agenda ==01:05
lifeless * Roll call01:05
lifeless * Next meeting01:05
lifeless * Queue status.01:05
lifelessis whats on the wiki page, so I'll just paste the full thing in future01:05
lifelessspiv: are you here ?01:06
lifelessso the queue this week01:06
lifeless5 items01:06
lifelessoldest is 6 days with salgado01:07
lifelessnext oldest is 4 days which is just on our target service level considering the weekend01:07
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov
lifelessjamesh and bjornt both 1 item each01:07
lifeless - except - the queue page https://devpad.canonical.com/~jamesh/pending-reviews/ - does not list the post-merge reviews01:07
lifelessof which there are ~1201:08
lifelessBjornT, jamesh, spiv please look these up and use the bzr web, or bzr on devpad, to do them01:08
lifelesssalgado: are you around ?01:09
lifelessHas anyone done any of the post merge reviews so far?01:09
BjornTi've done one01:09
lifelesswas it appropriate to be trivial ?01:10
BjornTyes. it was a one-line change in a test setup, so i think the [trivial]  was correct to use there.01:11
lifelessjamesh: ?01:13
lifelessI haven't01:13
jameshI haven't done any of the post-merge reviews in my queue yet01:13
SteveAwhat's the procedure when you've done a post-merge review?01:13
lifelessemail launchpad-reviews as per regular reviews I think01:13
=== BjornT sent an email to launchpad-reviews and removed the item from PendingReviews
SteveAfor both appropriate merges, and for inappropriate ones?01:14
lifelessSteveA: I think for inappropriate ones there should be some escalation01:14
SteveAidea: mail the reviews list, and add it to the agenda of the dev meeting01:15
SteveAwe can have a special section for this01:15
lifelessbut I'd start with a review to the list, cc'd to the committer01:15
lifelessadding it to dev agenda sounds fine to me01:16
SteveAlifeless: please write the process on the Pending Reviews page, or somewhere like that01:16
lifelessso: inappropriate merges are raised in the dev meeting agenda as well as the normal review mail being sent01:16
lifelessSteveA: sure01:16
lifelessany other business ?01:17
SteveAany phone pre-impl calls happening?01:17
SteveAI had a kinda one with stub today01:17
jameshthere is the "pending-reviews is slow issue", but that was mostly discussed before the meeting01:18
SteveAalthough it was combined with more general management stuff01:18
spivI had a call with malcc the week before I went on leave about soyuz testing.01:18
spiv(which wasn't exactly a pre-impl call)01:20
lifelessany other business ?01:23
lifeless=== -5- ===01:23
lifeless=== -4- ===01:23
lifeless=== -3- ===01:23
lifeless=== -2- ===01:23
lifeless=== -1- ===01:23
lifelessmeeting closed01:23
lifelessthanks for coming y'akk01:24
lifelessSteveA: so, skype? normal phone ?01:27
SteveAlifeless: let me check with ddaa about delaying his call by 10 mins01:28
SteveAI'd like to have a quick call with you first01:28
SteveAddaa: ping01:28
SteveAddaa: delay by 10-15 mins?01:29
SteveAok, thanks01:29
SteveAlifeless: try sip then fall back to POTS?01:29
lifelessnormal phone is easiest right now, microphone is not setup01:30
SteveAok, POTS01:30
lifelessbut if you want 3-4 minutes I'll run round and grab it01:30
SteveA /msg me your prefered number01:30
ddaaSteveA: can futher postpone the call by one hour?01:41
SteveAddaa: sure.  what time UTC?01:43
ddaasay, 1300 UTC01:44
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stubcarlos, danilo[out] : Do we need to support updates of POSubmission. Particularly changing POSubmission.person and POSubmission.pomsgset. Also, do we need to support updates of POMsgSet.pofile ?02:23
carlosstub: POSubmission.person, would be useful to fix some bad credit for those translations02:26
carlosstub: the others, I don't think we are going to change it ever02:26
stubSo I can enforce POMsgSet.pofile never changing. That makes my life easier ;)02:27
carlosstub: I think so, yes02:27
=== carlos -> lunch
carlosstub: do you need anything else?02:27
stubcarlos: nope.02:28
LarstiQSteveA: sorry to keep bothering you, but do you have any more information on the rosetta output copyright assignment?02:30
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SteveALarstiQ: nothing yet.  To make further progress, I need to talk with Mark about it.  He's traveling, but back in London next week.02:36
LarstiQthank you.02:37
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WebMavenSteveA: AYT?03:39
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salgadostub, around?04:06
stubsalgado: yes04:07
salgadostub, I tried to run https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/fileWFvar1.html on staging, but it was taking too long and matsubara had to stop it.  would it be possible to get it to run faster?04:10
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stub select count(DISTINCT POSubmission.person) FROM validpersonorteamcache,posubmission where posubmission.person = validpersonorteamcache.id; will be faster for the first one04:14
stubsimilar for the second04:14
SteveAstub: ping for a chat when you have time04:14
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stubSteveA: pong04:14
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salgadostub, cool, thanks a lot04:17
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henoare there any known problems with bzr on LP ATM?04:18
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Spadsis there a way for me to subscribe somehow to package build/upload pages such as https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy/+source/xen-3.0 ?04:23
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malccSpads: No. Good idea though. If you've time, file a bug on Soyuz suggesting it?04:24
Spadsmalcc: I'll try04:25
salgadoSpads, malcc, I think there's a bug for it already04:25
=== salgado checks
malccsalgado: Ah, bug 501 perhaps04:26
UbugtuMalone bug 501 in soyuz "Subscribe to packages by email" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/50104:26
salgadoyeah, looks like that one04:26
Spadsokay, good04:26
oohlafddaa: can you help me with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/launchpad-users/2006-September/000608.html04:28
=== ddaa know something there requested his help and was churning through the backlog
oohlafthe last update on the old host is a few months back, on the new host is from 2 days ago or something04:39
henoWe are having some problems with https://launchpad.net/people/onboard/+branch/onboard/main 04:48
henoFirst it accepted a commit by someone not on the onboard team04:48
henoand now it won't update with a new commit04:48
henoThe first one is esp worrying ...04:48
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jameshheno: are you sure none of the other team members pushed that change?04:52
jameshand what error are you getting for the "now it won't update with a new commit" problem?04:53
henojamesh: is was in fact Chris Jones who pushed the change, but from a friends computer. So his name appears differently 04:54
henoChris Scutcher <beast@tecra> is not registered in the team04:54
henothough it came from the same IP04:54
jameshheno: the name that appears there is the name recorded in the revision04:54
jameshwhich isn't directly related to an LP user name04:55
henojamesh: oh, I see, but he might have committed using a correct login, ok04:55
henoas for the update there was no error (AFAIK), it just hasn't been updated yet04:55
ddaaheno: the published branch has revno 2404:56
jameshthere is a time delay between changes being uploaded via SFTP and appearing via HTTP04:56
ddaathe listing on launchpad lags a bit behind what is actually published04:57
henoddaa, jamesh: ok, thanks. That should explain both items :)04:57
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oohlafddaa: I notice you updated the host. Cool, thank you05:17
ddaaoohlaf: look at your mail05:17
ddaathe import is still broken and I need your input05:17
ddaaalso, please beat the CVS admin with some large, heavy, hard object for me.05:18
oohlafddaa: ok, I'll look up that file in their cvs05:18
ddaayou'll see it called yate-gtk2.conf.default05:18
oohlafddaa: stupid thing about their cvs is that both old and new host share the same ip05:19
oohlafit's prob a vhost05:19
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ddaaoohlaf: no trace of the .tabbed file, it's probably a case of CVS repo surgery05:22
oohlafI'll ask in #yate05:22
ddaaoohlaf: thank you. I do not like to make people jump through hoops, but I need the cvs admins out there to understand how "renaming" breaks their users.05:23
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oohlafit's better if they just rm and add, and not try to preserve history by moving these ,v files05:25
oohlaflike http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/notes/cvs/renaming-files.html05:26
ddaaIf I become master of the world one day, I'll get all those who post "insightful" documents like that up a wall.05:27
oohlafhmm, #yate is a bit unresponsive at the moment05:29
ddaaoohlaf: I'm quite sure it's a case of "renaming". Please just remember to whine at the c05:30
ddaaat the cvs admin.05:30
ddaaI'm working on fixing the import now.05:30
=== Mr-Petah esta Ausente, Razon: ( Volver... no s cuando, pero volver... xD | http://mrpetah.homelinux.net ) | Desde: ( Lunes, Septiembre 11, 2006. 14:52:01 ) Xlack v2.1
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tortoise_Having a problem with this bzr branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~onboard/onboard/main05:49
ddaaoohlaf: fixed now, the new stuff should be published within a day05:49
=== carlos -> out
oohlafddaa: ok, thank you, I whined in #yate, but no response yet05:50
carloswill be back in 30 minutes05:50
tortoise_it doesn't register new revisions properly.  The commit message is show but the files arnt updated and are stuck at an old revision05:50
ddaatortoise_: ?05:50
oohlafddaa: I looked at cvs log/status but could not find a trace of .tabbed05:51
tortoise_ddaa:  any ideas?05:51
jameshtortoise_: there is a delay between the branch being uploaded via SFTP and it being published via HTTP and its revision info being displayed on the website05:51
tortoise_i've given it a good hour05:51
jameshtortoise_: heno was just here complaining about that branch, btw :)05:51
tortoise_jamesh: oh good05:51
ddaatortoise_: where is the commit message shown, and where are the files not upgraded?05:52
jameshand the revision list on the website has updated since then (from rev 23 to 24)05:52
tortoise_yes but the files have not05:52
tortoise_bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~onboard/onboard/main05:52
tortoise_gives a very old revision with some files missing too05:53
ddaahere, that gives revision 2405:53
ddaadated today05:53
ddaaand well, the files are what is in the branch...05:54
jameshif there are missing files, is it possible that you didn't "bzr add" them before committing?05:54
tortoise_the one I get when I branch has the old debian/rules so that's pre 09-0205:54
ddaatortoise_: in all likelihood, launchpad just gives what people have put there05:55
tortoise_My last commit I made by branching from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~onboard/onboard/main overwriting with the new and missing files, committing and pushing.05:55
ddaaif stuff is outdated, you should check with those people https://launchpad.net/people/onboard05:55
ddaaHa, you're chris jones05:56
tortoise_ddaa:  lol05:56
ddaatortoise_: I do believe you have a bzr usage problem here, not related to Launchpad. You would get better help on #bv05:57
ddaaon #bzr05:57
jameshtortoise_: you might want to read http://blogs.gnome.org/view/jamesh/2006/08/17/105:57
jameshtortoise_: it describes a workflow for using shared branches on bazaar.launchpad.net05:58
ddaa tortoise_: your commit only modified one file in the bzr branch05:58
ddaacheck with "bzr log -v | less"05:59
ddaayou can also get the log for only one file, for example "bzr log -v onboard/debian/rules | less"06:01
tortoise_ddaa: It should have added a whole new directory06:02
ddaasounds like you forgot to "bzr add"06:02
ddaa"bzr status" is useful to run before committing to avoid this sort of mistake06:03
tortoise_ddaa: ahhh06:03
ddaaif you do you "bzr commit", it will run status and display the output in a text editor where you can type the commit message06:03
ddaait's very convenient06:03
tortoise_ddaa: thanks06:04
j-a-meineltortoise_: Another thing you may want to do is add 'commit=commit --strict' into your aliases.06:07
j-a-meinelThen 'bzr' will abort a commit if it has unknown files.06:07
j-a-meinel(you can override this with 'bzr --no-aliases commit' or with bzr >= 0.10 you can do 'bzr commit --no-strict')06:08
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kikohey there06:19
kikohow's it going06:19
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SteveAkiko: hey06:22
kikoSteveA, how's it going? 06:23
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SteveAkiko: I've had a good day.  about to head out.  quick call?06:23
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elmoSteveA/kiko: ping?07:40
kikoelmo, pong?07:40
teolemonjordi, i've merged the files for clamwin07:42
elmokiko: I need to take staging down and borrow some  of it's memory.  urgently.  is that ok?07:42
teolemonand uploaded them on LP07:42
kikoelmo, okay, then. is there an ETA for recovering it?07:43
elmokiko: as soon as my supplier can ship it, late tuesday/wednesday07:43
kikoelmo, thanks. I'll email the list07:44
elmoit'll go back to the 3Gb/4Gb it use to have (I can't recall which offhand)07:45
salgadoelmo, is that the appserver or the db server (or are they both running on the same machine)?07:48
elmosalgado: same machine07:48
salgadocan you hold it for a few minutes? (no more than 10)07:48
salgadoelmo, ^07:49
salgadoelmo, it's not urgent, so it's no big deal if you can't07:50
elmosalgado: I'm not near the DC yet - that shouldn't be a problem ;-)07:51
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ddaaGood night folks,09:16
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nessmukI'd like to know how to unsubscribe from launchpad so I don't receive bug reports in my email09:18
kikonessmuk, are you subscribed to ubuntu-bugs?09:19
kikonessmuk, just unsubscribe from that list, then.09:19
nessmukoh...I think you mean a mail list. I'm not in one of those, just registered to report bugs on the launchpad page09:20
kikonessmuk, can you give me an example of a bug which you are receiving bugmail for?09:20
UbugtuMalone bug 56452 in at-spi "Edgy: at-spi Crashes frequently" [Unknown,Needs info]  09:21
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kikonessmuk, why don't you just unsubscribe from that bug?09:22
nessmukcan't figure out where to do that....noobie blues!09:22
kikothere's an "unsubscribe" link on that (admittedly very busy) page09:23
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kikohttps://launchpad.net/products/at-spi/+bug/56452/+unsubscribe I believe09:24
UbugtuMalone bug 56452 in at-spi "Edgy: at-spi Crashes frequently" [Unknown,Needs info]  09:24
kikoor maybe it's https://launchpad.net/products/at-spi/+bug/56452/+subscribe09:24
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elmook, staging is going down now09:53
elmoand is back10:19
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