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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | Kernel GIT tree info (updated): https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.17-7.19 uploaded, Momma told me there'd be days like these | Daily kernel builds (for debug and testing purposes only) http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/ | Kernel Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryKernel
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Tue Sep 5 18:27:00 2006
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MithrandirBenC: hiya; I have a bunch of servers which seem to have problems with the md code somewhere.  They keep chucking one of the drives out of the raid array; those machines are running dapper.02:22
BenCMithrandir: did this start with the latest dapper kernel?02:23
MithrandirBenC: no, we've seen it for a while.02:23
BenCMithrandir: ah...not sure, haven't heard of that problem before now02:23
BenCzul, crimsun: ping, re: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.15/+bug/5264902:38
zulcould you reverse that patch?02:40
BenCcan you find the commit for it?02:41
zulno probs02:44
zulmy bad again02:44
zulor alan cox's bad..02:45
=== ivoks [n=ivoks@ubuntu/member/ivoks] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
Mithrandirzul: can I whine at you about xen? :-)03:00
Mithrandirhave you had a chance at poking the firewall so I can mirror from you?03:04
zulnot yet..03:05
Mithrandirand do you have packages for the stuff you managed to get working?03:05
zuli uploaded them last night this morning03:05
zulalthough amd64 didnt build last night because of the .config i used03:05
zuli didnt have a chance at the firewall because i was trying to fix xen ;)03:06
Mithrandirok, then. :-)03:06
zulis there somewhere i can put it other than on my home connection so where you can get it and mirror it03:07
MithrandirI don't have any systems I can just give out accounts on, unfortunately. :-/  At least, none I can think of offhand.03:08
MithrandirI guess I could give you an account on my home system.  It won't be fast, but I can easily enough mirror it to somewhere else.03:10
zulill just create a new git tree with my latest crack and scp the tar ball over03:11
Mithrandiryou'll be able to push to that and I can mirror it further.03:11
Mithrandirwhat do you want as your user name?03:12
Mithrandirdo you have a pgp key somewhere?  (Preferably signed)03:16
zulyep check launchpad03:17
Mithrandirheh, you're two hops from me.03:24
Mithrandirzul: ok, mail or http://pastebin.ca/16692003:27
=== fabbione feels the missing link
Mithrandirfabbione: willy.03:27
fabbionezul: didn't we exchange fingerprints?03:27
zulwe might have03:27
neuraliszul, Mithrandir: i'm happy to provide a (very fast) git repo for the xen work03:42
neuralis(we plan to deploy shortly on the laptop.org servers.)03:42
=== dilinger [n=dilinger@c-24-128-243-228.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
zulthat would be nice thanks neuralis what do you need from me?03:44
neuraliszul: nothing, your ssh key is up, will have it ready in a second03:44
Mithrandirneuralis: thanks a lot. :-)03:44
neuraliszul: repo at git+ssh://zul@dev.laptop.org/git/projects/ubuntu-xen03:47
neuraliszul: conf instructions for pushing at http://dev.laptop.org/wiki/ImportingYourProject (not sure how familiar you are with git, ignore if you're comfortable)03:48
neuralisMithrandir: np03:48
zulneuralis: quite comfertable :)03:48
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neuraliszul: okay, give that a go, let me know if you have trouble (your ssh key on lp is wrapped for some reason; i unwrapped it manually)03:49
neuraliswhat's up?03:49
neuralisoh, the lp wrapping03:49
Mithrandirneuralis: mind giving me access to it too?03:50
neuralisMithrandir: sure, can you wait about 45 minutes? i'm about to run out very briefly03:50
Mithrandirneuralis: (tfheen on lp, ssh key also available on http://err.no/dotfiles/ssh/authorized_keys , unwrapped)03:51
neuralisMithrandir: eh, created it now; tfheen@dev03:53
Mithrandirthanks a lot03:53
Mithrandirzul: I'll just nuke your account on aine, then03:53
neuraliszul: back soon, leave a message here if your key acts up.03:54
zulyep go ahead03:54
zulneuralis: ill upload soon im not really suppose to be doing ubuntu stuff at work03:54
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Mithrandirzul: if you feel like telling when you're done pushing, that'd be lovely.04:27
Mithrandirand with that I'm off to make some food04:27
zulMithrandir: probably wont be for another hourish..04:28
zulThis upload queue does not permit SECURITY uploads.04:29
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zulMithrandir: ping05:31
zulits up05:32
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=== dilinger yawns
zulhey dilinger 08:18
dilingerBenC: i've got one more sata_mv-related patch for you for dapper's kernel; hopefully a) it fixes all the issues i've been having, and b) i can get it in before the next kernel release08:20
BenCdilinger: ok08:21
dilingerBenC: here's the patch against 2.6.18-rc6: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.linux.ide/13037/focus=1305308:22
dilingerthe code is different in 2.6.15; here's the patch for that: http://mouth.squishy.cc/~dilinger/sata_mv.patch08:23
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dilingerhaven't filed a launchpad bug on it yet because i'm waiting for an ACK from jgarzik 08:25
dilingeroh man.  filesystem corruption that you discover while doing a libc6 upgrade is the best!09:03
=== dilinger didn't really need any working commands, anyways.
zulworking commands is overrated09:04
dilingerBenC: eh, nm.  there's still some corruption occuring w/ 2.6.15 that's not showing up w/ 2.6.18-rc*.  i'll need to start bisecting before i know what specifically is causing it09:12
Mithrandirzul: yay, great.09:40
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zulright im going home...later09:44
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Philip5is there a way to use git the way you use cvs to just fetch the latest versions of ubuntu-2.6.git without using clone to have it all?11:06
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