
=== zul_ [n=chuck@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
PlugCan I grab a couple of reviews of http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3080 ?01:54
FujitsuI wouldn't mind a couple for http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3084 either.01:56
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== bddebian [n=bdefrees@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
bddebianHeya gang02:48
Burgundaviahey bddebian02:50
bddebianHi Burgundavia02:50
FujitsuHi bddebian.02:51
bddebianHi Fujitsu02:52
FujitsuI've revised lucidlife, do you have time to take a look and re-advocate?02:52
bddebianWhat did you change?02:52
FujitsuI fixed the issues mentioned on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3084.02:53
FujitsuUpstream added GPL headers to the sources on my request...02:53
FujitsuAnd I split the data off into a seperate package.02:53
bddebianFujitsu: Ah, cool, OK02:54
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bddebianHmm, maybe I'm not detailed enough to review properly :'-(03:02
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FujitsuSure you are :)03:05
=== bddebian does the summon crimsun dance
=== Fujitsu does the why him dance.
bddebianFujitsu: I need his help for something :-)03:07
bddebianOr ajmitch would do :-)03:07
bddebianor probably slomo_ :-)03:07
=== Kyral [n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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=== No1Viking [n=micke@h-83-140-104-74.ip.rixbredband.se] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuThanks bddebian :)03:26
=== ajmitch is not here
=== spacey [n=herman@ubuntu/member/spacey] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuI don't think they should be in the data package...03:26
FujitsuHi ajmitch :)03:26
FujitsuLess tired than yesterday?03:27
ajmitchbut at work now03:27
FujitsuWhat do you do?03:27
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ajmitchcoding/sysadmin stuff03:27
ajmitchsmall company03:28
=== fowlduck [n=duck@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuHi LaserJock.03:36
zul_Hey LaserJock how is it going?03:37
fowlduckLJ is so popular03:41
bddebianHe is a God among us mere mortals :-)03:43
crimsunbddebian is wrongly using "us". Don't be fooled by his sheep's clothing; he's a deity, too.03:43
bddebianYeah right, I'm a freakin' nobody03:44
crimsunnot according to Google03:44
=== welshbyte [n=welshbyt@cpc3-cwma2-0-0-cust276.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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bddebianHeya welshbyte03:44
bddebiancrimsun: Google?03:44
welshbyteello bddebian03:44
welshbyteand all03:45
bddebiancrimsun: Got any time to help me with something?03:46
crimsunin 3-4 hours, perhaps.03:46
bddebianI'll be asleep by then hopefully :-)03:46
bddebianGood timing ;-P03:47
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Hobbseehey all04:28
bddebianHeya Hobbsee04:28
ajmitchhello miss hobbs04:28
Hobbseehi bddebian, ajmitch :)04:29
=== Kyral stealth tacklehugs Hobbsee
=== Fujitsu [n=Fujitsu@ubuntu/member/fujitsu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee laughs, and hugs Kyral back
FujitsuHeya Hobbsee.04:30
welshbytehey Hobbsee04:31
Hobbseehey Fujitsu, welshbyte04:31
Hobbseedoes someone have a large axe for work tonight?04:31
=== Fujitsu hands Hobbsee several large axes, and a couple of maces (on the condition they're not used here)
HobbseeFujitsu: hehe, thanks!04:32
bddebianI have a Scottish Claymore, will that do?04:32
=== Hobbsee would call in sick, but doesnt want to put her coworker in danger.
FujitsuWhere does fine Hobbsee work at this time?04:32
HobbseeFujitsu: at a supermarket04:32
FujitsuAnd what role do you fulfil?04:32
HobbseeFujitsu: we sell cigarettes.  on saturday night, i was the only one there from 6.40, and the store got hit at 7, with a couple of guys with an umbrella breaking into the cupboard and trying to steal cartons of cigarettes04:33
Hobbseeon the checkouts - including the cigarette kiosk04:33
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Hobbseerather, so i'm not wishing to go back and work a night shift terribly much04:34
KyralGo play with XGL04:34
FujitsuSo stay here and review one of my packages :P04:34
=== AstralJava [n=jaska@cm-062-241-239-3.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has left #ubuntu-motu []
HobbseeFujitsu: that's the trouble - that puts my coworker in a lot more danger.04:35
KyralHey Hobbsee if I randomly show up in Aussieland can I come visit?04:35
HobbseeKyral: maybe, why?04:35
=== Fujitsu runs up to Hobbsee.
Kyral'cause I feel like it (I have no plans to visit Aussie anytime soon lol)04:35
Hobbseeheh.  right04:35
ajmitchHobbsee: am i allowed to visit? ;)04:36
FujitsuWhy not, Kyral?04:36
Hobbseeajmitch: you seem safe.  adn you cope with my driving :P04:36
KyralFujitsu: school is in session04:36
Hobbseeajmitch: you're brave to want to come again, now that you know what my house is like04:36
FujitsuPfft. School...04:36
ajmitchHobbsee: glutton for punishment, perhaps04:37
Hobbseeajmitch: heh.  right.04:37
Hobbseeajmitch: for who's punishment?  :P04:38
Hobbseeajmitch: i dont remember you getting told off.04:38
Hobbseeajmitch: you were just instructed to have my home by midnight, which you couldnt control anyway, as i was driving :P04:38
=== ajmitch blames StevenK
Hobbseeajmitch: and pia04:39
KyralHobbsee: ajmitch has met me in person...if thats not punishment I dunno what is04:39
Hobbseeand jdub04:39
HobbseeKyral: heh, true that04:39
=== Fujitsu hasn't met anyone :(
FujitsuBecause I'm a lowly little nothing.04:40
imbrandonmoins all04:40
KyralLocal Time is now: Sun Sep 10 22:42:54 EDT 200604:40
welshbytehey imbrandon04:40
KyralI hate timezones :P04:41
FujitsuAfternoon, imbrandon.04:41
FujitsuKyral, don't we all.04:41
HobbseeFujitsu: come up to sydney and meet some of us.  maybe for LCA04:41
imbrandonheya ajmitch StevenK Hobbsee welshbyte Kyral Fujitsu , ahhh forget it ...... everyone was better ;)04:41
bddebianHeya imbrandon04:41
Hobbseehi imbrandon04:41
imbrandonoh bddebian ;)04:41
FujitsuHobbsee, how am I meant to do that/04:41
HobbseeFujitsu: come up for a holiday during LCA04:42
Hobbseedunno where you'd stay though04:42
Fujitsuerm, I have parents and no money.04:42
KyralHobbsee's house :P04:42
HobbseeKyral: i'll let ajmitch answer that one.04:42
=== imbrandon woldent be at Hobbsee's house
Hobbseehe knows what my house is like :P04:42
bddebianwouldn't ;-P04:42
imbrandonhehe yea04:43
imbrandonhey thats what computers are for , math and spelling ( i just use it for neither one it seems )04:43
FujitsuNow, with this flood of MOTUs, is somebody (other then bddebian) available to second http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3084?04:43
Hobbseeajmitch: will04:43
KyralI'm not a MOTU....04:43
ajmitchHobbsee: yes?04:43
=== imbrandon sets a regex to ignore all REVU url's
Hobbseeajmitch: you can answer to the staying at my house bit, and do the reuv :P04:44
Kyraland Hobbsee if your house is messy, then you have never seen my dorm room04:44
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah.  hehe. i like that idea!04:44
Plugajmitch: me first, biiatch04:44
=== philwyett [n=philip@80-195-142-67.cable.ubr02.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchPlug: wait your turn04:44
imbrandonsomeday i should go to that big island on the other side of the world, just dunno when, would be cool to go see the opera house though04:45
ajmitchHobbsee: and no, I'm not reviewing today04:45
FujitsuAustralia is good!04:45
=== Fujitsu hides the proposed new copyright laws.
HobbseeKyral: it's nto that that's the problem.04:46
KyralLike I pay attention to copyright law in the first play04:46
=== Fujitsu tut tuts at Kyral.
=== Fujitsu reports Kyral to the RIAA.
KyralFuck the RIAA04:48
=== Fujitsu reports Kyral to the CC :P
KyralJust a matter of time before my membership expires04:49
BurgundaviaKyral: first memberships don't expire until august of next year04:49
Kyral..notice I said "just a matter of time" I never gave a time span :P04:50
HobbseeBurgundavia: is that for everyone?04:50
imbrandonheh i think i'm gonna set another regex to take away Fujitsu's /me04:50
imbrandonHobbsee, 2 years04:50
imbrandonthe "first members ships"04:50
Burgundavia2 years for everybody04:50
=== Fujitsu shuts up.
imbrandons/\ //04:50
HobbseeBurgundavia: right, so 2 years after they applied, or just two years since memberships started occuring?04:51
Hobbseethe former, presumably04:51
HobbseeBurgundavia: by the way, i have something i'd like in the UWN next week.04:51
=== Hobbsee notes that the KCC also expires in 2 years. hmmm.
BurgundaviaHobbsee: for you my darling, anything ;)04:52
HobbseeBurgundavia: :)04:52
HobbseeBurgundavia: you need the info in by what...friday night or something?04:53
Burgundaviasooner the better04:54
Burgundaviawhat are you planning to write?04:54
HobbseeBurgundavia: i'm thinking about discussing ubuntu-universe-sponsors and ubuntu-main-sponsors, and how to best use them.  most people dont know they exist, it seems.  then again, i'm not sure if it's quite the right place for that.04:56
BurgundaviaUWN is a great place fo rthat04:56
Hobbseeon the other hand, it does give people easy ways of knowinghow they can contribute code04:57
Burgundaviaif you can figure out a news story out of it, so much the better04:57
Hobbseemight help if i write it :P04:57
ajmitchHobbsee: does require that people actively review fixes put there04:58
Hobbseeajmitch: true that.04:58
Hobbseeajmitch: they still get more reviews than people who file bugs under a package with attached patches, which someone only looks at once in a blue moon04:59
Hobbseeajmitch: universe package has worked pretty weel - crimsun does a lot of work with it04:59
ajmitchI haven't04:59
imbrandoni check it alot too ( just crimsun gets it before me alot of the time )04:59
Hobbseeajmitch: yeah, but you're the lazy MOTU :P04:59
ajmitchquite true04:59
Hobbseeajmitch: the self proclaimed one04:59
=== ajmitch hangs up his keys
=== Hobbsee gives them back to ajmitch
imbrandonbddebian, you out here in the midwestish right? you heading to the confrence in ohio ?05:00
Hobbseeajmitch: fix ubuntu, kthnksbye!05:00
ajmitchHobbsee: ENOTIME05:00
bddebianimbrandon: I'm in Pennsylvania05:01
bddebianWhat conference?05:01
imbrandonahh stuck in the middle of the east cost and the midwest hehe , its linuxfest or some such in ohio soon, lrl and llts was talking about it05:01
imbrandonnext week i think, dunno i would have to google it again, was just wondering , you were the closest person to it other than myself that i actualy talk to05:02
bddebianDamn I wish I'd known about it.  Though RL work has me pretty bogged down at the moment :-(05:03
imbrandonahh well i guess i'll go ahead and blog about my new boy since the pictures are takin longer than i thought05:03
FujitsuStupid people stealing my laptop.05:04
imbrandonbddebian, http://www.ohiolinux.org/ September 30, 2006 it seems05:04
HobbseeFujitsu: your laptop is being stolen?05:05
imbrandonthats only a few hours from here i might be able to make it, although i need to make a trip to reno soon to see my new son so i might not have the funds at the end of sept05:05
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FujitsuHobbsee, yup.05:07
FujitsuWhile I'm being graffitied.05:08
FujitsuNot particularly great.05:08
FujitsuAnd regarding the above, people generally do a good job of getting to ubuntu-universe-sponsors stuff fairly quickly.05:09
HobbseeFujitsu: when it's not on crack :P05:10
ajmitchFujitsu: for the current workload, yes05:10
FujitsuWhat, like `Please merge/sync X'? :P05:10
ajmitchFujitsu: or pydb :)05:10
HobbseeFujitsu: s/X/ndiswrapper/05:11
FujitsuOh, ndiswrapper. Fun.05:11
HobbseeFujitsu: yes.  some idiot thought that we could just randomly sync ndiswrapper, even though there were ubuntu changes.05:12
FujitsuLet's randomly sync every package in Ubuntu.05:14
FujitsuThat'll work.05:14
FujitsuHow often are packages in NEW approved?05:15
HobbseeFujitsu: once in a blue moon05:17
ajmitchtuesdays & fridays05:17
HobbseeFujitsu: hehe, eyah05:17
ajmitchare the 2 main archive days05:17
ajmitchmore often if they're urgent05:17
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=== imbrandon yawns
imbrandon ... cuz we all just wanna be big rocks, live in hill top houses drive'n 15 cars ....  05:38
imbrandonhmmm something productive, that would be good05:38
Hobbseeimbrandon: heh.  fix the kdm logout.05:38
imbrandondident lure fix that today ?05:38
Hobbseeyes, but i'm not sure if "turn off computer" actually works now05:39
imbrandonheh it was all the same issue, i'm sure it is, but i dont have a computer to "turn off" to test it atm ;)05:39
ajmitchsomeone get me a faster computer please05:43
imbrandonheh ajmitch dont you have a pretty fast machine atm ?05:43
Hobbseeajmitch: with the 12 or 16gb of ram?  heh05:43
imbrandonthought you had a ~3ghz amd6405:43
ajmitchjust the 4200+ x205:43
ajmitchHobbsee: only 4GB :P05:44
imbrandonheh i could deal with about 4 more gigs of ram05:44
ajmitchimbrandon: so could I :)05:44
imbrandonwow 4200+ , my fastest single machine is 2gb ram 3400+ amd64 ( not x2 )05:44
imbrandonand linking is still slow on it heh05:45
ajmitchmutt just takes awhile to apply a filter to my bugs folder05:46
imbrandoni would love a new coreduo with about 4 to 8 gb ram though05:46
ajmitchit's only ~500MB05:46
imbrandonheh that is likely mutts fault not the computer05:46
imbrandondunno if mutt was made to handle large mailboxes05:46
ajmitchit's not like it's cpu bound :)05:47
ajmitchand it only slows down when it's a regex filter05:47
ajmitchor a simple header filter05:47
ajmitchso it's trying to match against >100K messages05:47
imbrandonkmail does "ok" with my bug mail folder when searching , but i only have about 250 - 300mb in that imap folder05:48
imbrandonif that probably closer to 25005:48
imbrandonnever realy tried mutt cept when i /absolutly/ have to05:49
ajmitchI use things remotely a lot05:49
imbrandonyea thats about the only time i do it, but 90% or better of the time i can get to my imap server05:49
imbrandonfrom a client05:49
imbrandonand the few times i cant i have been looking at installing roundcube on the mail server05:50
imbrandonits realy slick looking05:50
imbrandonbut seeing as i ssh into the imap server to use mutt, normaly if i can ssh in i can just setup the client ( unless its not my machine , thats when i use ssh+mutt )05:51
imbrandonand a big plus is all my filters and such are handled server side by proc mail , so it littlerly takes 5 seconds to setup a new mail client05:52
ajmitchyep, I have a very large .procmailrc05:52
imbrandonprocmail + fetchmail + google pop ( easy spam filtering ) rocks ( well for me )05:53
imbrandonall mail to google ---> fetchmail --> procmailrc --> imap --> client , works out great for myself, dunno how well it would scale but i'm not looking at running a company that way heh05:54
Laser_awayI mostly just do gmail for Ubuntu stuff05:55
Laser_awayI use procmail at school05:55
imbrandonheya Laser_away05:56
FujitsuMy ubuntu.com.au IMAP -> client method works well.05:56
FujitsuNo fetchmail/POP3 involved.05:56
Laser_awayyeah, thats what i do at school05:57
imbrandonFujitsu, yup if you only use one email address actively that ok, but i use @kubuntu.org @imbrandon.com @gmail.com all three for diffrent things05:57
FujitsuDoes the kubuntu.org one not just redirect?05:57
Laser_awayi use gmail for those05:57
imbrandonto gmail yea05:58
imbrandonall redirect to gmail actualy ;)05:58
FujitsuI also use my ISP one a bit (I'm migrating away from it), that's ISP POP3 -> fetchmail -> procmail -> courier-IMAPD -> client..05:58
imbrandonLaser_away, check my last post on the planet, i'm comming to your home very soonish05:59
=== Laser_away runs
imbrandongah i realy need to find something to do, i'm bored outa my mind, and find my self sitting here stairing at the IRC channel06:05
KyralJack off06:05
Kyraloh **** this isn't #ubuntuforums...06:06
imbrandoni ahve a wife for that ( but that realy isnt called for in here , even as off topic as we get at times )06:06
FujitsuEr, yeah...06:06
Kyralsorry guys... lol06:06
=== Fujitsu sends subliminal messages to imbrandon, regarding regarding REVU :P
KyralI thought he was saying that in #ubuntuforums....06:06
imbrandonKyral, i dont goto ubuntuforums but imho it shouldent be cool in there either as its not very CoC'ish but anyhow i dunt wanna preach either ;)06:07
Burgundaviaimbrandon: if it is not being coc, then somebody should be telling them off06:08
FujitsuIt's very un-CoCish...06:08
Kyral...its the dead of the night (for me at least) and no one is really flaming me... I think I'm safe06:08
FujitsuAnd all Ubuntu things should be following the CoC... So even #ubuntuforums shouldn't contain such things.06:08
imbrandonFujitsu, that was my point ;)06:08
ajmitchno matter what time of night06:08
Laser_awayhi Kyral06:10
Kyralhey LJ06:10
imbrandonanyhow onto brighter things ;) hrm .......06:10
Laser_awayyeah, I gotta get to bed06:12
ajmitchlazy people06:12
Laser_awaygood night MOTU land06:12
Laser_awayheh, I won't say anything about that06:12
imbrandonhehe ngnight Laser06:12
Laser_awaycongrats imbrandon06:12
Laser_awaywhen are you coming?06:13
imbrandonnot sure, sometime before the end of next month, i'll know more tomarrow06:13
=== Laser_away is really away now
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=== luckyone [n=jordan@CPE-65-28-2-251.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
luckyonehello all06:37
luckyonewhen will F-Spot be available in the repos?06:37
luckyonerephrased, when will F-Spot 0.2 be available in the repos?06:37
imbrandonlooks like it is now .....06:38
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-cache madison f-spot06:38
imbrandon    f-spot | 0.2.0-1ubuntu1 | edgy/main Packages06:38
imbrandon    f-spot | 0.2.0-1ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/main Packages06:38
luckyoneonly for edgy though06:38
luckyonewhen/how long does it take to trickle down into dapper?06:39
imbrandonyea i dont know much about the internals but i'm guessing it wont be backported anytime soon as it likely would reqire a mono-cli and libs backport06:39
imbrandonand that isnt likely to happen06:39
ajmitchit'd require build dependencies to be changed at least06:39
imbrandoni can look at it though and find out for sure06:39
imbrandonajmitch, yea06:40
luckyonehmm, the previous version is available for dapper06:40
imbrandonbrb , gonna grab a soda06:40
ajmitchimbrandon: I can say so for a reason :)06:40
ajmitchapart from that, it wouldn't be hard to provide a (proper) backport to dapper06:42
luckyonewhat about 0.1.1206:42
ajmitchrather than having every man & his dog having broken packages of it :)06:42
luckyoneis there any doumentation on creating backports?06:42
ajmitchluckyone: hasn't been packaged, it was released at the same time as 0.2.006:42
ajmitchas it only had fixes, not some new things that 0.2.0 got06:43
luckyoneI would love to take a project under my wing like f-spot to make it available to the Ubuntu community06:43
luckyonehow do I learn how to do this06:43
luckyonehow do the motu's determine what gets built first?06:45
luckyoneis there a priority?06:45
imbrandonlearn to packages, and become active, and afaik ajmitch is the current f-spot guru06:45
imbrandonluckyone, what do you mean ?06:45
imbrandonwhat gets built first ?06:46
luckyonewell, I assume development on everything that makes a distrobution happens pretty much all the time06:46
luckyoneand you can port everythign06:46
luckyoneso you probably have to say, hey - we *need* to make this available06:47
luckyonethis can wait06:47
imbrandonumm kinda , its a little like that and a little not06:47
luckyonehow do I learn to package properly06:47
luckyoneI can build debs06:47
luckyonebut I have hosed my system before06:48
imbrandoncheck out the packageing guide , hand out in here and scavage "work" that needs to be done and pick it up as you go, the more you do the more you'll get a feel for how things work06:48
ubotuThe packaging guide is at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources06:48
imbrandon^^ good start06:48
imbrandoni havent read it in a while but iirc http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU has some good info too06:49
luckyoneI love our documentation btw06:49
luckyonethe doc team does excellent work06:50
imbrandonyup they do , special as hard worked as they are and 99% volenteers ;)06:50
imbrandoni mean /ANY/ area of the distro has its rough edges but those guys do fantastic for the most part06:51
luckyoneeverything I have read works and looks great06:51
luckyoneit is much easier to read than man pages06:52
luckyonethere is something about monotype that turns peopel off06:52
luckyonesorry - i am learning to type again with my new wedding ring06:52
imbrandonnewly wed, dont get sucked into the time consuming {k,x,ed}ubuntu .... hehe ask LaserJock, "he should /divorce/ his computer"06:53
imbrandonlol just teasin06:54
luckyoneI am ditching my wow habbit06:56
luckyoneand I bought her some Ubuntu gear06:56
=== grexk-edgy-xen is now known as grexk
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FujitsuHm. LyX is currently uninstallable due to a dependency on xdg-utils, which was built fine 5 days ago, but the binary never appeared. Any idea why it's not appeared?08:13
FujitsuAh. It's still sitting in NEW. How silly.08:14
=== Lure [n=lure@ubuntu/member/lure] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Hobbseehey all08:28
BurgundaviaHobbsee: you back from work already?08:29
HobbseeBurgundavia: had to go to uni first08:29
Hobbseework in 2 hours08:29
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crimsunwow, a sponsor. backlog08:43
Hobbseecrimsun: hmmm?  what, we need to do more sponsorships?08:44
crimsunyeah, I'm working through them08:45
crimsunthis work thing is getting in the way of ubuntu08:45
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Hobbseecrimsun: which sponsors are these, sorry?08:46
Hobbseeyou can always leave them for a while, imbrandon will do them08:46
=== AnAnt [n=anant@] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunones to which ubuntu-*-sponsors are subbed08:46
Hobbseewell, leave some of them - you dont have to do them all08:47
FujitsuWow. 23 to go...08:48
Hobbseecrimsun: you really need to get the sound stuff in as much working configuration as possible.08:48
Hobbseewe can probably handle the rest08:48
crimsunno, but stuff queued in my inbox makes me HATE life.08:48
crimsuneh, what sound stuff now?08:48
Hobbseecrimsun: i thought you were in charge of sound stuff, in general08:48
Hobbseei dont know of particular bugs that are a mustfix08:48
crimsunnot in charge of, but I might be the most visible08:48
AnAntwhen does the approved MOTU packages get uploaded to the repos ?08:51
HobbseeAnAnt: the ones on REVU or what?08:51
AnAntthe ones in REVU08:52
Hobbseeas long as someone remembers to upload them, they go and sit in NEW until they get processed.08:52
=== grexk is now known as grexk[at] work
Hobbseewhich can be anywhere from an hour or two to weeks08:52
AnAntprocessed = ?08:53
FujitsuUntil one of the archive admins actually uploads them.08:54
crimsunFujitsu: sorry about the delay, I'm working through the queue08:54
AnAntoh ok08:54
FujitsuDelay? Delay to what?08:54
crimsunthe u*-sponsors processing delay08:55
FujitsuNo need to apologise. There are more important things to do than that. It shouldn't be top priority :)08:55
AnAntok, I need help in packaging: what is the copyright year ?08:55
crimsun(clearing the queue being important due to the proximity to feature freeze)08:55
AnAntis there a way to mention patches in the changelog ?08:56
FujitsuAnAnt, the year(s) of copyright mentioned in COPYING, or so.08:56
FujitsuAnAnt, just mention that they have been added.08:56
Fujitsucrimsun, 17 days is a while...08:56
FujitsuBut I should get on with dealing with the rest of those merges...08:56
FujitsuWhat's the correct use of the motureviewers team?08:57
crimsunFujitsu: spoken truly like someone fresh to the release cycle (no offense meant, of course, but 17 days is _crunch time_)08:57
FujitsuI guess. But it's not tooo bad.08:57
crimsunwell, no, it's not like my vlc uploads up to the last minute prior to archive freeze for breezy, no...08:58
FujitsuOh dear.08:58
FujitsuThere was an ubiquity upload 3 or 4 minutes before FF :)08:58
AnAntFujitsu: I got this in a review "please name the patches, so they are grepable"08:58
=== Hobbsee takes one
AnAntwhat is meant by that ?08:58
FujitsuHobbsee, taking a what?08:58
FujitsuAnAnt, did you give the packages descriptive names?08:59
HobbseeFujitsu: taking a sponsorship request08:59
AnAntFujitsu: I got 2 patches 01_descript.dpatch & 02_makefiles.dpatch08:59
BurgundaviaFujitsu: there is that moodle fix08:59
FujitsuAnAnt, you need to say something like:08:59
Fujitsu * Added 01_descript.dpatch, to [insert what change that patch makes here] .09:00
=== Zdra [n=zdra@129.232-243-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuBurgundavia, what about it?09:00
AnAntok, thanks09:00
BurgundaviaFujitsu: sponsorship requiset stuff09:00
FujitsuI think that should have probably gone to ubuntu-universe-sponsors, actually.09:01
AnAntwhat is the correct FSF address ?09:02
AnAntwhere can I find it ?09:02
AnAntregarding the copyright year09:03
AnAntthe author seems to have just copied the COPYING file as is without changing it09:03
AnAntand there are many years there09:03
AnAntCopyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation <= is that it ?09:04
FujitsuAre people who have already done merges for Edgy likely to update those merges? There are 154 of them...09:04
crimsunthen you need to do the legwork and insert the relevant active years.09:04
AnAntwhat is relevant active years ?09:04
crimsunFujitsu: "maybe".09:04
HobbseeFujitsu: probably not09:04
Hobbseeyeah, maybe09:04
=== Hobbsee has done most of hers
crimsunAnAnt: the year(s) in which the author(s) wrote the program09:04
AnAntcrimsun: how can I know that ?09:05
crimsunFujitsu: if it's any indication, you can usually count on one hand the number of truly active MOTU09:05
FujitsuYeah, I've noticed that not too many are particularly active.09:05
FujitsuMaybe you need some more :P09:05
crimsun"real life".09:05
FujitsuReal life. What a silly concept.09:06
Hobbseecrimsun: heh.09:06
AnAntFujitsu: I don't understand your question09:06
AnAntwhat merges ?09:06
HobbseeFujitsu: feel free to step up :)09:06
crimsunAnAnt: read the cvs changelog(s)09:06
imbrandoncrimsun, i've been trying to help but the *-universe ones are mostly sync's that are left ( 22 of them ) waiting on archive09:07
FujitsuHobbsee, I don't think I'd succeed, and being embarrassed in front of the TB is not high on my agenda at the moment.09:07
AnAntcrimsun: no dates in changelogs, no CVS !09:07
HobbseeFujitsu: well, yeah, but you can still do an awful lot of merges and get them sponsored09:07
FujitsuAnAnt, you'll have to ask upstream, then.09:07
AnAntFujitsu: doh, he doesn't answer my emails09:08
FujitsuHobbsee, true. I've done about 50 merges/syncs so far, not much in the scheme of things, with over 1000 packages with changes...09:08
crimsunFujitsu: every single package counts.09:08
imbrandonFujitsu, yea it adds up fast09:08
imbrandonevery little bit helps09:08
FujitsuI suppose so.09:09
=== grexk[at] work is now known as grexk
FujitsuHobbsee, can I please borrow your stick of DOOM for use on my parents?09:09
HobbseeFujitsu: hehe09:10
Hobbseeyou can try09:10
FujitsuI'm now stuck on 28.8kbps until the end of the month, because I've exceeded my download limit.09:10
Hobbseeyou really need to get a higher limit09:10
FujitsuI do.09:11
crimsuninterestingly enough, I'm on 28.8 kbps dialup.09:11
Fujitsu$15 extra will get 12GB on peak, 24GB off peak.09:11
FujitsuBut Nooooo.09:11
imbrandoncrimsun, wow09:11
Fujitsucrimsun, why?09:11
crimsunout of range for dsl & cable09:11
FujitsuI'd be a lot more functional if I could download things feasibly :(09:11
Fujitsucrimsun, how do you survive?09:12
crimsunI use well-connected shells.09:12
FujitsuAlthough I've learnt to survive on 28.8kbps for two thirds of the time.09:12
imbrandonFujitsu, there /was/ life before the internet you know ;)09:12
Hobbseecrimsun: hehe, yeah.09:12
imbrandonyea a shell account for irc / building is a must on 28.8k i would think'09:13
Fujitsuimbrandon, I doubt it.09:13
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B20EA.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
imbrandonheya dholbach09:13
FujitsuIRC uses up most of my bandwidth.09:13
FujitsuAnd I can sometimes download a 200 or so kilobyte file without something dieing.09:13
=== Hobbsee fixes two different bugs at once
Hobbseehey dholbach09:13
=== Fujitsu watches Hobbsee get the changes into the wrong packages.
dholbachgood morning09:14
dholbachhey imbrandon, hey Hobbsee09:14
Hobbseeargh!  bashisms.  rottten things.09:14
FujitsuAfternoon, dholbach.09:14
FujitsuHobbsee, yup.09:14
=== Hobbsee hugs dholbach in greeting
FujitsuHobbsee, I love 'em.09:14
FujitsuWhich packages?09:14
dholbachhiya Fujitsu09:14
=== dholbach hugs Hobbsee back
crimsunFujitsu: you may as well just strip the php4 stuff from the Dependencies, since it's all in universe, and the point is to not drag in extra universe stuff09:15
crimsunFujitsu: (RE: 59472)09:15
Fujitsucrimsun, OK. I'll do so.09:15
=== Hobbsee builds it again.
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HobbseeFujitsu: supertux09:17
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FujitsuAh. A big package.09:17
FujitsuSilly graphics.09:17
FujitsuToo big.09:17
Hobbseenot that big :P09:18
FujitsuIt'd be nice if there was a `download size' column on MoM :P09:18
AnAntwhere do I put copyright year ?09:18
FujitsuSuperTux has graphics, and is bigging that a few hundred KiB, so is big.09:18
Fujitsu*bigger than09:18
AnAntI seen example copyright files, and I can't see it anywhere09:18
FujitsuI can't type in this cold :(09:18
thomFujitsu: it's dropped below 20? :P09:19
AnAntk, found it09:19
FujitsuIt hasn't reached above 20 for more than 2 days in a couple of months :P09:19
Hobbseeright.  one uploaded.09:21
=== Hobbsee waits for the other one to build.
Hobbseecrimsun: are you taking care of quotlibet stuff?09:22
crimsunI keep an eye out, sure. I'm not going to ask for 0.23.1 to be synced, because there are some important fixes post-
Hobbseemlind has already requested it09:23
Fujitsucrimsun, patch is uploading...09:24
=== Fujitsu continues to fume.
FujitsuWhat a waste of cable internet this is.09:25
FujitsuIt is!09:26
FujitsuGot better speeds when we were on dial-up, and that was much cheaper too.09:26
Hobbseeyay. that built.09:26
FujitsuStupid parents :(09:26
=== Hobbsee merges that too
FujitsuMerging my parents? :P09:27
FujitsuNow, if I can convince my parents to spend that extra $15 a month within the next few days, I'll be able to merge 24/7 from next week, and remove the nasty numbers of merges that are remaining...09:28
=== Fujitsu plots.
=== Goshawk [n=vincenzo@d83-176-84-64.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
FujitsuDo we really have to request syncs for packages without Ubuntu changes?09:35
HobbseeFujitsu: since the autosyncer got turned off, yes.09:35
FujitsuThat's annoying...09:35
AnAntanyone here available to review a package ?09:35
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FujitsuThankyou Hobbsee :)09:39
HobbseeFujitsu: no problems09:39
Hobbseecrimsun: in vi, how do i get it to delete from where the current cursor is, to the top of the file?09:40
Hobbseei know down is dG09:40
FujitsuI think that should do.09:40
FujitsuBecause G will go the last line, and 1G will go to line 1.09:40
Hobbseeahh...that's it, thanks09:41
FujitsuNo problem.09:41
AnAntdgg ?09:41
crimsunyes, d1G09:41
Fujitsudgg also works.09:41
AnAntcool !09:42
crimsunperhaps in vim09:42
crimsunit definitely doesn't work in nvi.09:42
HobbseeFujitsu: ahhh...09:43
thomyeah, gg is a vim thing09:43
AnAntmay someone review this: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=308609:45
AnAntI need to discuss something, that package has an executable with setuid permission, which makes lintian & linda complain09:46
AnAntyet it needs to +s to work09:46
AnAntso any thoughts about this ?09:46
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FujitsuI really like the new merge workflow.10:02
=== Starting logfile irclogs/ubuntu-motu.log
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@ubuntu/bot/ubuntulog] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Topic for #ubuntu-motu: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | REVU Day Sept 8th | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Documentation | [Edgy MoM] https://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Add yourself to http://tinyurl.com/fgpgy to upload to REVU
=== Topic (#ubuntu-motu): set by imbrandon at Thu Sep 7 10:11:03 2006
(crimsun/#ubuntu-motu) I always check the actual bug report before I do any work. For instance, with all these queued and several of us touching the queue simultaneously, I want the race window as small as possible.10:05
(Hobbsee/#ubuntu-motu) true10:05
=== dholbach hugs crimsun
(crimsun/#ubuntu-motu) moins daniel10:06
(StevenK/#ubuntu-motu) crimsun: Hell, you're like a rocket-powered chipmunk when it comes to dealing with those bugs.10:06
crimsunthat makes geser and Fujitsu the crazy ones ;)10:07
crimsunyou're filing them10:07
FujitsuThere must surely be more.10:08
crimsun(crazy there should be interpreted for speed, not mental state)10:08
FujitsuI hope so :P10:08
=== jinty [n=jinty@132.Red-83-55-196.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Mithrandir wonders who he can trick into packaging up nspluginwrapper
FujitsuHow bad is it?10:20
MithrandirI wouldn't think it'd be bad at all, really.10:20
FujitsuIt sounds like it'd be very useful.10:21
=== Adri2000 [n=Adri2000@unaffiliated/adri2000] has joined #ubuntu-motu
AnAntwhat is nspluginwrapper ?10:25
MithrandirAnAnt: http://www.gibix.net/dokuwiki/en:projects:nspluginwrapper10:25
AnAntMithrandir: are you gauvainpocentek@yahoo.fr ?10:26
FujitsuThat's Gloubiboulga :)10:26
MithrandirAnAnt: not last time I checked, no.  My French is non-existent.10:26
AnAntFujitsu: ok, thanks10:27
AnAntMithrandir: that hasn't been packaged before, right ?10:31
MithrandirAnAnt: not that I know of, no.10:33
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=== Plug isn't wrapped in any NS!
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AnAntMithrandir: is that a library or a single binary ?10:57
MithrandirAnAnt: for dh-make?  library, probably.10:57
AnAntI tried making a library before & failed10:59
AnAntFujitsu: are you going to work on it ?10:59
FujitsuAnAnt, probably not.10:59
FujitsuI've got no non-i386 machine around, and I'm in no position to download much.,11:00
AnAntwhat the non-i386 macine for ?11:00
FujitsuI believe the point of nspluginwrapper is to allow use of i386 plugins on non-i386 architectures.11:03
Mithrandirit is.11:05
AnAntI don't have non-i386 machine either11:10
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crimsunTheMuso: / Fujitsu: did you verify that the previous Ubuntu delta for soundconverter (namely adding python-all [adding python2.5] ) is valid?11:16
FujitsuIt works, and I presume it's OK, because TheMuso did it first.11:18
crimsunworks with python2.4 and python2.5?11:19
slomo_crimsun: any news on my ymfpci bug? ;)11:19
FujitsuI haven't tested python2.5... But I'll check it.11:20
crimsunslomo_: I've been away from alsa for a bit, will check this week11:22
Fujitsusoundconverter dies with python2.5, unable to find pygtk...11:23
crimsunuh huh. :)11:24
FujitsuI don't see how that change could have ever been valid, as there's no pyGTK for 2.5...11:25
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FujitsuThanks for those, crimsun :)11:27
crimsunthe python2.5 part should be fixed when pygtk is rebuilt11:27
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FujitsuI don't see why it needed python-all, python (>= 2.3) should have been fine... I should have thought about this before I did that merge >_<11:30
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FujitsuHi, ajmitch.12:38
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FujitsuIs anybody available to review http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=308412:56
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Fujitsucrimsun: ping.01:50
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xerxasis the complete telepathy suit packaged?02:47
xerxasI think there's only cohoba and telepathy-python02:47
xerxasI don't see Telepathy-SIP , nor -MSN , nor -IRC (nor -Wilde )02:47
=== philwyett [n=philip@80-195-142-67.cable.ubr02.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xopherHi. How can I automate building of packages, when what I want to do is download the debianized source from a site when its updated, then build it with pbuilder, and after that upload them to my repository.. Any suggestions?02:52
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shawarmaxopher: wget, pbuilder, wput, trigger-repo-update-script?02:53
xopherIll look into that, thanks02:54
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xerxasslomo,  do you know the state of telepathy stuff in edgy ?03:00
xerxas(Hi slomo )03:00
slomoxerxas: better ask dholbach :)03:00
xerxasslomo,  done,  but he is away03:00
=== Sp4rKy_ [n=max@dy020230.etu.univ-rennes1.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
elmargolis telepathy a bitlbee clone?03:04
slomoelkbuntu: telepathy.freedesktop.org03:05
slomoxerxas: well, some parts are already there, some not... but things are progressing :)03:05
xerxasslomo,  I saw that03:05
xerxasI installed gablled this week end03:05
xerxasbut don't see tapioca, neither telepathy-msn  ....03:06
xerxasslomo,  can I help for that ?03:06
=== elkbuntu pushes the comment over to elmargol
xerxas(at least, try to help )03:06
slomoxerxas: sure... but better talk to dholbach, i'll get into this next week and try to do all the missing parts ;)03:06
xerxasslomo,  not too fast please !03:06
xerxasI'm getting tired of not being able to contribute03:07
=== bjp [n=bart@82-170-236-40-static.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
xerxasslomo,  or can you direct me to easy things to do , that doesn't necesarly interest me03:08
xerxasbut I can help with03:08
xerxasslomo, I have an edgy running !03:08
slomoxerxas: sorry, i have to reboot now and fix some things... seems like my filesystem exploded :(03:08
xerxasslomo,  np03:09
xerxasjust, remember, I don't have plenty of time, but I have some spare time03:09
xerxasand I want to help , contribute, learn ...03:09
xerxasso get back to me, or I'll get back to you ! :)03:09
slomoxerxas: telepathy would be a nice start i guess03:09
xerxaspython ...03:09
xerxascool stuff03:09
slomoanyway... fixing filesystem now :) brb03:10
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xopherWhat would you recommend using for creating / maintaining a repository?03:31
thomapt-ftparchive or mini-dinstall03:32
StevenKmini-dinstall seems to get confused incredibly easily in my experience.03:32
xopherFailed to fetch: 302 found - What does that mean really? And how can I get rid of it? My repo works for me now but not for anyone else :)03:35
StevenK302 Found is a redirect03:36
StevenKApt doesn't like redirects03:36
xopherSo how do I get rid of it..03:36
xopherWhat does it mean? It's trying to redirect you or?03:40
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bddebianHeya gang03:45
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xopherAnyone one amd64 here that would like to confirm if my repository works? [ deb http://koti.mbnet.fi/xopher/ dapper main-amd64 ] 04:31
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trappistxopher: apt-get update works.  is there something you'd like me to install from it?04:39
xophertrappist, so that means the 302 error is gone? :) If you dont have the latest ones already you can try the compiz packages04:40
trappistcompiz-core installs fine04:41
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xerxasIs there a motu arround here ?05:16
xerxasI have a problem creating a package with debhelper05:16
xerxasin debian/rules section install I see that :05:17
xerxas# Add here commands to install the package into debian/icmptx.05:17
xerxasbut don't know what to add05:17
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bddebianHeya welshbyte05:18
welshbytehey bddebian05:18
xerxas_did you get my last message before It disconnected?05:18
xerxas_("but I don't know what to add" )05:18
bddebianxerxas_: $(MAKE) install ?05:18
xerxas_bddebian,  it's alredy in05:19
bddebianThere ya go05:19
xerxas_I have an error building the package with pbuilder05:19
xerxas_seems to be on dh_installdirs05:19
xerxas_I didn't specify where to install the program05:19
bddebianDo you have a icpmtx.dirs or dirs file in debian/ ?05:19
xerxas_and the Makefile doesn't have an install rule (the upstream makefile )05:20
xerxas_I have a dirs file05:20
bddebianOh. There's no make install target?05:20
xerxas_should I write one ?05:20
xerxas_xerxas@dready:~/contrib/icmptx/debhelper/icmptx-0.01/debian$ cat dirs05:20
xerxas_bddebian,  I should add an install rule in the upstream Makefile  ?05:21
xerxas_then re-run debuild -S ?05:21
xerxas_right ?05:21
bddebianxerxas_: How does upstream tell you to install it?05:21
xerxas_what does my install rule should look like ?05:21
xerxas_upstream seems to use ./05:22
xerxas_to run programs05:22
xerxas_bddebian, Ok , I think I found the solution05:23
xerxas_I'm building icmptx, ip over icmp tunnel05:23
xerxas_there's a package called nstx, ip over dns tunnel05:23
xerxas_In debian/rules of nstx I see that:         # Add here commands to install the package into debian/nstx.05:23
xerxas_        install nstxd -D $(CURDIR)/debian/nstx/usr/sbin/nstxd05:23
xerxas_        install nstxcd -D $(CURDIR)/debian/nstx/usr/sbin/nstxcd05:23
xerxas_so I should do the same with icmptx probably05:24
xerxas_rifht ?05:24
xerxas_ right ?05:24
bddebianxerxas_: You can do that, yes05:25
xerxas_the re-run debuild -S ?05:25
bddebianadd -sa if you plan on uploading to REVU05:26
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xerxas_what is -sa ?05:30
xerxas_do I have right upload on revu ?05:30
xerxas_or should I be granted for it ?05:30
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welshbytexerxas_: you just need to join the ubuntu-universe-contributors launchpad team to upload to REVU05:33
xerxas_how do I join it ?05:33
welshbyteread https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU for more information05:34
xerxas_"GPGKey has been added to the REVU keyring"05:35
xerxas_if it's on launchpad, it's in revu ?05:35
welshbyteessentially, yes05:36
welshbytewhen you join that team05:36
xerxas_need to go home05:37
xerxas_will continue at home05:37
xerxas_but the package have been built05:37
xerxas_just need to check it work on my edgy system05:37
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FunnyLookinHatMyth TV .20 released.   :)05:56
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phanaticgood afternoon06:24
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Adri2000revu day is always friday ?06:35
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dholbachgood night08:58
bddebianGnight dholbach09:00
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Sp4rKyhi guiys09:19
Sp4rKydoes anyone knows a good help for using debconf for asked end-user about something ?09:19
bddebianHeya Sp4rKy, LaserJock09:19
Sp4rKyLaserJock: o/09:19
Sp4rKyhi bddebian :)09:19
LaserJockSp4rKy: there is a reference09:20
LaserJockhmm, I'll have to dig it up09:20
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Sp4rKydo you have a link ?09:22
LaserJockSp4rKy: http://www.fifi.org/doc/debconf-doc/tutorial.html I think09:22
Sp4rKyperfect :)09:25
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matidHi. Can any MOTU reviewer take a look at bug 5390609:46
UbugtuMalone bug 53906 in video-dvdrip "dvdrip should depends on libgdk-pixbuf-perl" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5390609:46
matidThere is a quick fix, debdiff attached.09:46
matidThe change is needed, because one of the dependencies has been renamed09:47
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stevenBppracer questions?10:14
stevenBI have a gimp pallete I'd like to contribute to ppracer-gimp-dev.  Is this the right place to discuss that?10:18
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Plugmorning REVUers :)10:36
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Plughi there10:39
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superm1Hi guys, I was wondering if there is already someone working on getting some packages for mythtv-0.20 into REVU for Edgy.  I have started to work on a packaging that was updated for 0.20, but will hatl work if there is already someone taking over this task10:40
PlugI saw a launchpad job about that yesterday10:42
Plugfrom some time ago, however10:42
Plugare you one of the people who regularly releases mythtv-svn debs?10:42
superm1I had made two releases10:42
superm1and then stopped because I couldn't keep up with work and school10:42
superm1but I'd like to at least get another release up to 0.20 out10:43
superm1I was hoping that one of us who regularly try to get debs out could actually get something into REVU though in hopes of making it into edgy soon enough10:44
superm1even if its not me10:44
crimsunsuperm1: please coordinate w/ FunnyLookinHat, bddebian, and the MOTUMedia team10:46
bddebiansuperm1: We can wait for Debian Multimedia to do it :-)10:46
superm1okay, have you heard from the group lately?  I haven't kept up with their releases10:47
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superm1are they at least getting started, or possibly need a hand in it?10:47
bddebianDunno about .20.  I can't even get .19 synced from them :-(10:47
crimsunwhy not?10:48
bddebiancrimsun: I guess the archive admins don't have the time or are afraid of license issues or some such10:48
superm1is the current maintainer assigned to it, mdz on debian multimedia, or were you planning on switching the maintainer to be the debian multimedia team?10:49
crimsunbddebian: eh, it's already in multiverse, so I don't _think_ that's the culprit [but I could be wrong] .10:50
Plugmdz hasn't been involved for some time10:50
Plugdebian-multimedia is Christian Marrilat10:50
superm1that's what I was thinking10:50
crimsunyour sync request (bug 56536) doesn't appear to adhere to the new sync guidelines.10:50
UbugtuMalone bug 56536 in mythtv "[debian-multimedia]  mythtv 0.19-0.10" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5653610:50
crimsun(e.g., no indication whether Ubuntu changes can be discarded, no upstream changelog entries, etc.)10:51
Plugbug 58212 was the one I saw10:53
UbugtuMalone bug 58212 in mythtv "Build (and include) mythtv-0.20 for Edgy" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5821210:53
Plugand you've seen that already superm110:54
superm1Yea I was one of the last posts on there, but I didn't read the entire commenting10:54
bddebiancrimsun: .19 is in multiverse?10:54
crimsunmythtv | 0.18.1-5ubuntu3 | http://archive.ubuntu.com edgy/multiverse Sources10:54
crimsunI would reject 5653610:55
superm1crimsun, at this point, who needs to confirm whether ubuntu changes can be discarded and such to sync from debian-multimedia then?10:55
crimsunthen instead of spewing trash all over 58212, please actually make it a valid sync request.10:55
crimsunsuperm1: anyone can testify that a straight import of the source package builds, installs/upgrades/removes, and functions correctly, but a MOTU has to ACK it.10:56
superm1so at this point, what is the best way to go about this?  Talk to Merrilat, and help him get 0.20 sources ready?  And then figure out what can be stripped from ubuntu patchset, and then talk to a MOTU?10:58
crimsunyes, and prior to asking for an ACK please verify that said source package builds, installs/upgrades/removes, and functions correctly.10:59
superm1On edgy or dapper?10:59
superm1at the point10:59
crimsunyou'll need a pbuilder/sbuild log, a debdiff, and a screenshot of the correctly functioning 0.2010:59
crimsunnot dapper at all unless you want it backported.10:59
superm1Well I'd  like to be able to, but I think that's a better thought for later11:00
crimsunright, focusing on edgy will be more productive11:00
superm1I'll try to get in contact with Christian then11:01
superm1thanks crimsun11:01
stevenBI have a gimp pallette I'd like to contribute to ppracer.  How do I go about doing that?11:03
crimsunspeak w/ ppracer upstream proper11:03
crimsun(that way all distros & bsds benefit)11:03
stevenByou mean talk to the debian or ppracer folks?11:03
crimsunupstream upstream (the latter)11:04
stevenBwhat about the planetpenguin-racer-extras package?  The upstream people seem to have disappeared.11:05
crimsunthe upstream proper for ppracer?11:06
stevenBthe hompage: http://tuxracer.fubaby.com/courses.php hasn't been updated for years11:06
stevenBthe extras package is seperate from ppracer11:07
crimsunif you want it in ppracer proper, talk with ppracer upstream proper11:07
stevenBsorry. I wasn't clear.  I have two seperate suggestions, one for ppracer proper, and one for ppracer-extras11:09
crimsunI'm not sure what you're asking regarding planetpenguin-racer-extras11:10
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stevenBseveral courses in planetpenguin-racer-extras are broken.11:11
crimsunif they can be fixed, we can apply said fixes locally and push back upstream11:11
stevenBok.  how do I help with that?11:12
crimsundo you have fixes for said brokenness?11:13
crimsunthen generate a debdiff against the current edgy source package and attach it to a bug filed against the source package.11:13
stevenBok.  Thanks for your help and patience11:14
bddebiancrimsun: How come you never have any time for me? :'-(11:15
crimsunI made time yesterday; you went to sleep.11:16
bddebianHeh, good out :)11:17
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crimsun(fwiw I did stay up to process ubuntu-universe-sponsors)11:18
bddebianGood man11:18
crimsunin any case, I'll try to be around this evening11:18
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bddebianNo worries, apparently pygi has no patience for me anymore :-)11:19
bddebianLater folks11:23
superm1Crimsun, just spoke with Christian.  He says that that he has begun work on packaging 0.20 packages already, and didn't need help/ will release when ready.  Would it still be a good idea for me to test his 0.19 packages in and edgy pbuilder to get those into edgy if the 0.20 doesn't make it in time you think?11:26
crimsunno, it makes no sense to work on outdated packages.11:27
crimsunwork-> "try getting into multiverse"11:27
superm1ah I see.11:28
superm1Ok, I'll watch out for when he's finished and throw them into an edgy pbuilder once I see the new versions then.  Speak with ya then.11:29
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