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BDahlAnybody Home?01:01
LaserJockI suppose01:03
Burgworkreally? wow, I am never home ;)01:03
LaserJockwell, I'm at the lab01:04
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acesuares!seen RichEd01:06
ubotuRichEd is on IRC right now!01:06
acesuaresHi RcihEd !01:06
acesuaresSorry, RichEd!01:06
jsgotangcoLaserJock: nice lab feels like my lab01:34
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rodarvusacesuares, RichEd lives on South Africa (timezone UTC-2)01:59
rodarvusits 2 AM for him, right now (1 AM when you pinged him) ;)02:00
LaserJockhi rodarvus02:00
rodarvushi LaserJock!02:00
LaserJockhow's it going?02:00
rodarvusUTC+2, not UTC-202:00
LaserJockstill doing X I see :/02:00
LaserJockpoor guy02:00
rodarvusyeah, I wish we could find someone quickly to take over X maintainership02:01
rodarvusin time for the whole edgy+1 cycle, hopefully02:01
LaserJockI uploaded edubuntu-menus the other day, don't know if you saw that02:01
LaserJockit's sitting in NEW right now02:01
Burgworkso you can concentrate on the OLPC stuff?02:01
rodarvusI'm just updating a few edgy packages in time for knot 3 (due Thursday)02:01
rodarvusBurgwork, indeed02:01
jsgotangcorodarvus: i guess we'll see more hair from you when we get to see again after someone really takes over X02:07
=== jsgotangco hides
rodarvusI shave my head from time to time ;)02:08
rodarvusso mostof the time you can't really tell if I'm bald, or if my head is shaved02:08
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jsgotangcogood reason ;)02:09
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LaserJockmy wife won't let me buzz my hair02:12
LaserJockhi bddebian 02:13
bddebianHeya LaserJock02:13
jsgotangcotried to do it before, wife hated me for it02:13
jsgotangcosaid i looked like some chinese mafia thug02:13
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javioloanyone works on a kids school ?02:29
javioloId like to know what the roamer robot is 02:30
javioloIve read its used on some schools on USA02:31
jsgotangcowhats that?02:32
jsgotangcooh a mindstorms robot02:33
jsgotangcoerr no02:33
jsgotangcolooks like a roomba02:33
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=== LaserJock is now known as Laser_away
acesuaresrodarvus thx (but !seen sais: he's there now !!!) :-)03:16
rodarvusacesuares, most of us let our irc session connected (this is called 'idling')03:16
TalkyToasterYo, I want to set up Linux for my nephew, but he won't do it unless he can play a few games (Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo). I know Wine supports them in other distros, but not sure about edubuntu ....anyone done this?03:17
jsgotangcoTalkyToaster: it should work as well03:19
acesuaresrodarvus: yes, i know03:19
TalkyToasterjsgotangco, great! I'll let him know. I'll be glad to get him off of windows03:19
jsgotangcoTalkyToaster: performance should be better with a binary video driver03:20
jsgotangcoespecially for graphics but does not equate to good overall computer performance03:20
TalkyToasterjsgotangco, yeah I know there will be lag, but I just want to be able to say, "well it works fro other people" :)03:23
jsgotangcothose games you mentioned should perform well03:23
TalkyToasterjsgotangco, thanks, he seems to think it is worth a try. He has been hot to work with Java, and is happy that at least that should be not a problem :)03:48
TalkyToasterAnyway, thanks and later03:49
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sbalneavEveing all05:42
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sbalneavhello all05:47
sbalneavLaserJock: How's it going?05:47
LaserJockI can't seem to get anything done lately05:48
LaserJockI've been busy running around doing stupid little tasks05:49
LaserJockand I end my day and it doesn't seem like I got much done05:49
LaserJockbut other than that ;-)05:50
jsgotangcoLaserJock: slacker05:54
sbalneavhey jsgotangco05:54
LaserJockwell, I'm trying05:54
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sbalneavheh, I've volunteered to HedgeMage to put a little love into the ltsp section of the edubuntu manual.05:55
LaserJockbut I don't seem to get very far some days05:55
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jsgotangcoLaserJock: maybe you just need a break, and limit your contributions to a few days instead of all week05:59
jsgotangcoits been a while since I touched actual code work considering the nature of my new work but still much in the loop but more in the use-case side06:00
nixternaljsgotangco: i think LaserJock needs to work harder, maximize his contributions, work 8 days out of the week ;)06:00
jsgotangconixternal: he doesn't seem to be into BSDM though06:01
=== nixternal will leave that one alone
nixternalmy reserve unit called me up tonight and asked if i would be interested in going back to active duty06:02
nixternali politely said "HELL NO!"06:02
nixternalmy skipper had the same reaction06:02
nixternalhe turned it down as well06:02
nixternali will make more money retiring from the reserves than i will from active duty..and they know that..so they try to persuade you to come back06:03
nixternalim senior enlisted..so i don't work as it is, active or reserves06:03
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nixternalbut if i don't have to work for 2 days out of the month, then i am happy06:03
raymondtracmanbyody want to help me?06:03
nixternalhiya raymondtracm ;)06:03
raymondtracmhi nixternal06:03
nixternalif it is KDE related I can ;)06:03
raymondtracmi was wondering wats the minimum sys req to run edubuntu06:04
raymondtracmi want to get a lab up and running at an elemtnary school06:04
nixternalGNOME related stuff you would get better answers out of an embryo than you would from me ;)06:04
raymondtracmi dont know wat KDE and GNOME are06:04
nixternali can do that one06:04
raymondtracmim a linux n00b06:04
nixternali have it running on a p2 400???  w/ 196mb of ram, and a 6gb hard drive06:04
jsgotangcoraymondtracm: are you running it as a stand alone machine or a server06:04
raymondtracmstand alone machines06:04
nixternalit isn't the fastest in the world, but it is good enough06:04
raymondtracmi might be getting pIII 500mhz machines06:05
nixternaljust put some memory in them and you will be fine06:05
raymondtracmhow much RAM do I need?06:05
raymondtracmthis is for elementary school kids06:05
jsgotangco256 would do06:05
nixternali run Kubuntu and Ubuntu on a celeron 400 with 192mb of ram as well06:05
nixternal256 would be good, and more would be better ;)06:05
raymondtracmany reason to run it in a networked environment vs standalone unnetworked?06:06
raymondtracmi wont have to buy hubs and ethernet cables if its standalone06:07
jsgotangcoraymondtracm: terminal server setup06:07
raymondtracmi odnt have a fast server06:07
raymondtracmi think i have a dual proc PIII for a server06:07
raymondtracmthe school has no money :-(06:07
jsgotangcowell even if you dont connect it to a network, all the good educ stuff are still installed by default in a workstation install06:07
jsgotangcothe only loss is that they wont be connected to the internet for sure06:08
jsgotangcobut if you're just after the installed apps, then its alright06:08
raymondtracmany other good edu apps to install w/ edubuntu?06:09
raymondtracmive heard of linux4kids and tux06:09
raymondtracmbut linux4kids looks like a PITA to install06:10
=== cafuego has 3 crusty old iMacs booted via his desktop and running openoffice atm :-)
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willvdlMorning all09:13
Burgundaviahey pygi, willvdl09:14
pygihey Burgundavia 09:21
=== cbx33 [n=c2df514b@84-45-197-14.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33why can't I copy files to a network share on the live CD09:28
cbx33this is doing my nut !09:28
cbx33anyone know why?09:29
cbx33I setup network places in gnome09:29
cbx33copy from the local machine09:29
cbx33but I can't copy it09:29
cbx33to the network place09:29
cbx33I can create new folder09:29
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RichEdhello willvdl :)10:19
pygihey willvdl, RichEd 10:20
RichEdWe need to have a meeting with cbx33 after lunch ... get the Education Advocacy electronic split into 2 versions, and also a sample & request for print to ChrisK10:20
RichEdhey pygi :)10:21
willvdlHey RichEd, pygi10:21
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RichEd!seen pips110:50
ubotuI haven't seen pips1 recently10:50
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=== ogra has to help with a move during the day and wont be around much before the evening ...
ogracbx33, would you mind taking the wallpaper-generic pic for gdm ?11:39
acesuareshi ogra !11:39
acesuaresgood luck with a move11:39
acesuareshi RichEd11:39
ograi have to go soon, and pick up the truck ...11:39
RichEdhi acesuares 11:40
acesuaresI pop3 every 2 seconds but did not RETR your mail11:40
ograRichEd, willvdl, seen the topic ? there are testing instructions ...11:40
acesuaresno where is the topic ?11:40
ogratry /topic11:40
ogra(the channel topic)11:40
acesuaresyeah it was truncated now i see11:41
RichEdacesuares: Can we meet in 30 minutes ? I'll have your mail to you then, and we can discuss it live.11:41
ogracbx33, i'll add the wallpapers etc after i come back so we have them in knot3 and can get feedback11:41
acesuaresokay but it looks out window for this meeting 4/5 oct has passed... maybe in april...11:41
ograok, bbl ...11:41
acesuaresdl where ?11:42
acesuaresYou can download the Edubuntu CD's from the following link: 11:43
acesuares [WWW]  http://releases.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/5.10/11:43
pygiisn't that wrong relaese acesuares ? :)11:43
acesuareshttps://wiki.edubuntu.org/DownloadEdubuntu check it out11:44
acesuareshi pygi dober dan11:44
RichEdacesuares: see private dialogue window ... some quick questions re conference11:44
pygidobar dan acesuares :P11:44
pygiacesuares, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/edgy/knot-2/11:45
acesuaresmayeb you can change the wiki ?11:49
acesuaresand pygi, it's not knotr 3 ?11:49
acesuares../topic says11:49
acesuaresknot3 testing11:49
pygiacesuares, ok, then knot 3 :P11:50
acesuaresno you right no knot3 dirt11:50
pygiheh :)11:50
pygiknow 3 isnt out yet11:50
acesuarestry /topic11:50
acesuaresit goes to the wiki https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuKnot3LTSPTesting but from there no link to d/l11:51
pygiacesuares, daily cd, download it11:54
cbx33ogra: ok dude11:59
cbx33sorry was away fixing and I know you are aqway now too ;)11:59
cbx33RichEd: still up for meeting?12:09
RichEdcbx33: trying to confirm with will ... his connection keeps on dropping ...12:10
RichEdI'll phone him in a hour if he does not manage to get online and in here for more than a minute12:10
RichEdHe needs to be part of the chat. He made some good contact with Chris Kenyon when he popped past London next week.12:11
cbx33ahh nice12:11
cbx33I'm planning to write my introduction email later today12:11
RichEdSo Will will be driving.12:11
cbx33things have been super busy with SCP/pessulus and work here12:11
RichEdGood :) Charles is giving some good input.12:11
RichEdI'm going mad with planing stuff, to break the back of it by tomorrow so i can share properly at the meeting.12:12
cbx33I'm real sorry about the minutes12:12
RichEdincoming stuff, need process12:12
cbx33I'll get onto those.....12:12
cbx33been so busy coding havnt had time :(12:12
acesuarespygi: daily cd? downloading takes me about 14 hrs, so I need to be really sure... 12:13
RichEdif will is dodgy today, then tomorrow may be better for our 3-way ... so we will all have some clearer time & headspace.12:14
acesuaresfor all I know the daily cd changes *while* I am downloading...12:14
cbx33ok RichEd 12:14
cbx33RichEd: did you hear12:14
cbx33SCP got into main ;)12:14
=== RichEd now gets into acesuares email ... so will ignore people for the next 15-20 mins
RichEdwell done cbx33 : onwards and upwards to the core gentlemen !12:14
acesuaresStudent Control Panel... ? = SCP ? good ! some more tools to make it easier !!!!12:15
cbx33acesuares: yup12:16
pygiacesuares, uh, 14 hours :-/12:17
acesuaresgood work! (haven't seen it yet, which downlaod for knot3 ? pygi says 'daily cd' but where ?12:18
acesuares14 hrs when lucky12:18
pygiacesuares, cdimage.ubuntu.com12:18
pygifind it there :)12:18
acesuares128kbit costs about 220 usd /mo12:18
pygithats even more expensive then here, a lot more expensive12:19
pygiand I thought here was expensive12:19
acesuaresand then to think we are at a 9 terabit backbone or so :-((((12:19
cbx33acesuares: once you have downloaded one you can rsync the updates12:19
cbx33much quicker and smaller download12:19
acesuarescbx33: oh! thx !12:19
cbx33ogra: has a script12:20
cbx33I was creating a GUI for it12:20
cbx33I'm not sure if his script is up todate12:20
cbx33ask him when he returns12:20
acesuaresI am gonna look at it tonight, so at earliest tomorrow morning (i am gmt - 4)12:21
cbx33ok cool12:21
acesuaresbut as I said by the time i have 20060912, 20060913 will be there :-) but then I can do the update so that's cool.12:21
cbx33yeh the updates are real quick12:21
acesuarescbx33: I am struggling (for some years now) with some unified ldap based interface to my webserver/emailserver etc12:22
acesuareshttp://www.qwido.net has some screenshotsw12:22
acesuaresIt's meant to be scalable etc12:22
acesuaresI am trying to move over to ruby away from php12:22
acesuaresbut as I am not a full time coder it takes ages to change even the smallest thing12:23
cbx33ah nice12:23
cbx33yeh I've looked at ruby12:23
cbx33but I'm still rooted in php12:23
cbx33acesuares: tell me about it12:23
acesuaresstruggling with samba-ldap now for weeks (here an houir, there an hour)12:23
cbx33I took on the SCP spec because everyone else was busy12:23
cbx33I learnt so much12:23
cbx33but it did take me a while12:23
acesuaresgood... i figure... 12:24
acesuaresthe startup curce is always quite steep12:24
acesuaresscarmbling around for the docs etc12:24
cbx33my problem was I was using some python API's that didn't have python docs12:24
cbx33they had C docs12:24
acesuaresruby seems easy though12:24
cbx33but were vastly different12:24
cbx33I saw a tutorial on it, ruby that is, but never tried it yet12:25
cbx33been tiooooo busy12:25
acesuaresanyway, one of the side goals is to do some user management for ltsp accounts/samba but on some centralized way )over multiple servers)12:25
acesuaresthat replicate parts of the tree to the real servers so they vcan work even if the central server is down12:25
acesuaresbut this will take what, another year - if ever...12:26
acesuaresI wish I had a sh*tload of $$$$12:26
cbx33heheh me too12:26
cbx33I'd quit work and work on edubuntu12:26
acesuaresIt seems you can get a 1 Mbit frame relay for under 1000 usd nowadays :-)12:26
acesuaresbrb (time to make breakfast)12:28
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RichEdping acesuares: You've got mail. Please open it and give me a pong response when you are ready to discuss.12:43
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TeePOGmorning all12:57
=== TeePOG greets everyone
TeePOGhow does sound work on the ltsp?12:59
TeePOGis it forwarded to the thin client?01:00
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=== STORMCHAS3R [n=stormcha@c-68-80-182-194.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
STORMCHAS3Rgood morning all01:53
STORMCHAS3RIf i install edubuntu on a workstation, how do I join and be able to authenticate on a windiws domain using active directory?01:53
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STORMCHAS3R If i install edubuntu on a workstation, how do I join and be able to authenticate on a windiws domain using active directory?02:10
cbx33ping RichEd 02:20
RichEdhi cbx33 ... wassup ?02:20
cbx33did you catch up with will02:20
cbx33also could Ihave a few minutes...really just a few in a pm?02:20
RichEdno not yet, yes for sure.02:21
acesuaresRichEd: sent the message. Let me know if you want to know more.02:24
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-230-75.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
RichEdthanks acesuares : The quesions may have been a bit "trivial" given the amount of background you had already shared with me, as well as the excellent link from earlier today. It will however help a lot to have a "common request & response format" for each request, to enable lie-for-like comparison. Your responses will probably end up as the example set that others will look to for guidance.02:29
=== pygi_ [n=pygi@89-172-230-244.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
STORMCHAS3Rhow do i change the hostname in edubuntu?02:38
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-230-244.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
STORMCHAS3Rcan you guys please give me some insight on how to use the edubuntu server and get clients connecting to it"?02:42
RichEdSTORMCHAS3R: hi there ... 02:43
RichEdhave you read up in the help and the cookbook ?02:43
STORMCHAS3RRichEd, morn Rich02:43
STORMCHAS3Rnope, 02:43
STORMCHAS3Rcookbook nice02:44
STORMCHAS3Rill check it out, ty RichEd 02:44
RichEdthe cookbook is a good place to start ... lemme get the link for you ... it's a whack of a PDF ... brb02:44
STORMCHAS3Rdo you guy listen to podcasts?02:44
pygiRichEd, cookbook isnt pdf? :)02:45
pygiSTORMCHAS3R, wiki.ubuntu.com/Chapters I think02:45
RichEdpygi: I confused it with the tuXlabs cookbook which is PDF.02:47
RichEdSTORMCHAS3R: the docs page is good bookmark02:47
pygiRichEd, ok, no worries :)02:47
STORMCHAS3Rroger that, ty02:47
RichEdSTORMCHAS3R: note that people are quite busy today ... there is usually more responsive guidance ... but the general population will expect you to have gone through at least GettingStarted :)02:48
RichEdQ1: what's the podcast question in reference to ?02:48
STORMCHAS3RRichEd, ty for the honesty02:48
RichEdQ2: what's your need for Edubuntu / circumstances etc.02:49
STORMCHAS3RI was on one in refernce to implementing linux in education.02:49
RichEdwell we need to chat then ... move to window ->02:49
pygiRichEd, you are very attached to windows :)02:53
RichEdpygi #1 multi tasking ... need to keep track of threads ... 02:55
RichEdpygi #2 don't want to bore the people by saying Hi I'm the education programme manager over and over :)02:55
RichEdpygi #3 : please ensure you mean windows generic and not windows TM ;)02:56
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sbalneavMorning all03:41
pygihey sbalneav 03:42
sbalneavMorning pygi 03:43
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pips1!seen RichEd04:17
ubotuI last saw RichEd (n=richard@dsl-165-222-126.telkomadsl.co.za) 4m 52s ago, quiting: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)04:17
pygipips1, he was searching for you :P04:18
=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-146-136-06.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
pips1hi RichEd04:20
pips1looking for you too :-)04:20
RichEdhi ... damn adsl reset ...04:20
RichEdgot phone call give me 1004:20
STORMCHAS3Ranyone know of a good program to create buisness cards?04:21
pips1ms powerpoint! (giggle)04:22
STORMCHAS3Rlol, i meant in ubuntu04:22
pips1STORMCHAS3R: sorry no04:23
STORMCHAS3Rha, alittly ctrl+F action in Synaptic shows "glabels"  w00t04:24
RichEdhi ... back ... my first radio interview ... small local station :)04:28
highvoltageRichEd: seriously your first one?04:29
RichEdpips1: busy going through your email response now - the matt & jono one04:29
highvoltagewhich station?04:29
RichEdValley FM - Worcester & Breede Valley04:29
highvoltageare they going to send you a copy of the interview?04:30
RichEdhighvoltage: My first one since 1996 when I locked myself in a room with only Internet connectivity for 88 days.04:30
highvoltageRichEd: aah, that's how Jane met you, right?04:30
RichEdhighvoltage: I'll ask for it ... it was quite lightweight ... mostly a response to the IOL stories today04:30
pips1RichEd: ping me once you read the mail, but don't bother to reply yet... it's probably more efficient to make our skype call now.. is that possible?04:31
RichEdyep ... "I married a chic I met on the internet" <- how much more geekier can you get thatn that ?04:31
RichEdhighvoltage: Just scanned the mail you sent to Catherine Capers ... some quite provocative statements from her side :)04:32
RichEdespecillay considering the people you CC'd across at k1204:33
RichEdpips ... have you got my skype details ?04:33
highvoltageRichEd: I think it's a he04:33
pips1RichEd: nope, and in fact, I haven't even installed skype on ubuntu partition yet!04:34
highvoltagehe mailed before, I think ogra has learned to just ignore him :)04:34
highvoltagebut somehow I always feel obliged to respond to people.04:34
RichEdA he called Catherine ? Well good luck to him then :)04:34
highvoltageRichEd: sometimes these people who make provocotive statements mean well, as hard as that is to believe :)04:34
pips1RichEd: either i reboot into m$ windows, or I install it... ahm, hold on04:34
highvoltageRichEd: I think Catherine is part of his surname04:35
highvoltagethere was an explanation in one of the e-mails, but I lost it04:35
=== pips1 looks for skype in synaptic
RichEdhighvoltage: No, it's a good mail to have replied to and copied to me and the K12 people ... it puts the rat amongst the pigeons04:35
RichEdstir it up a bit04:35
pips1RichEd and highvoltage: stop talking about it, I'm almost exploding from curiosity by now ;-)04:36
RichEdSome of the commente re newbie install 7 docs & help are 100% spot on ... this is part of a debate between Matt, Jono, Philip and myself ...04:36
RichEdinstall & docs : not seven docs04:37
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@p54AEF058.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
pips1highvoltage: did your mail go to a public list?04:38
RichEdk12 merger is somewhere in the future, given the LTSP debian merge happening now, but if we can't please this sort of user, and show good support for a non-techncial person, then technical equivalence to K12 is not enough.04:38
RichEdSo, in a funny way, that mail is bang on the head ... spot on problem focus !04:39
RichEdpips1: I'll mail it to you. Highvoltage mentioned you in the mail by name, so you're in the loop already.04:39
=== pips1 is still fiddling around with repositories in synaptic
pips1was skype dropped entirely?04:41
RichEdpips1:  let me know when you have skype ... or if it becomes a hassle, we can IRC04:41
highvoltageRichEd: do you ever tab-autocomplete nicks in your IRC client? It's just funny for me to see my nick with a capital H :)04:41
RichEdMostly I autocomplete with a tab. Sometimes my fingers go ahead and autocomplete.04:41
RichEddepends on how many threads are running04:42
pips1you must be a fast typer then04:42
pips1RichEd: are you using skype on ubuntu at all?04:47
=== pips1 anticipates RichEd making a confession about using m$ or mac ;-)
RichEdI use a steam powered Turing machine with a tin can and a bit of string.04:48
RichEdpips1: Yes. I have skype installed on Edubuntu.04:49
pips1you avoided a confession very well ;-)04:49
RichEdLet me see where I found it.04:49
RichEdNext to my Edubuntu/Ubuntu/Kubuntu/WindowsXP quad boot machine, I have a MS Noebook, a MS Server and in my study I have a MS Tablet as my internet gateway.04:50
RichEdI use Edubuntu for 95% of my work.04:50
pips1glad to hear it :-)04:50
=== RichEd decides to confes before the electricity generator and probe machine comes out
highvoltageRichEd: too late04:51
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-230-244.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
pips1anyway, I start to suspect that I had installed skype with the binary installer provided by them04:51
=== pips1 shudders
RichEdahhh highvoltage alert .... 04:52
highvoltageRichEd: I think pips1 were just testing whether you'd confess before we send the bigger probes (you don't want to know what we use them for)04:52
pips1highvoltage RichEd have you ever used ekiga VoIP?04:53
highvoltageI've been meaning to04:53
RichEdpips1: I remember a skype page on ubuntu telling why it is not part of main / universe becuse of the proprietary nature of the protocol even though the s/w if free04:53
RichEds/w is free <- not if04:54
highvoltageI'd like to have a good alternative to Skype (not that I use Skype of course, I refuse to)04:54
highvoltagethen I could just suggest that when people want to skype me04:54
pips1highvoltage: sometimes voice chat is just much more efficient than text chat... 04:55
sbalneavhighvoltage: I've used ekiga several times, it seems to work.04:56
=== highvoltage runs ekiga to take a quick peak
=== pips1 wonders what will be faster, signing up for an ekiga sip account, or reboot into m$
RichEdEither I am being doff, or the Skype profile settings page is doff. It does not show my skype name anywhere !04:59
RichEdI am about to search for myself in the available contacts to see what I called myself.04:59
=== willvdl [n=willvdl@vc-196-207-37-219.3g.vodacom.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
=== pips1 waits for the ekiga.net sip account confirmation
=== pips1 waits and waits
=== pips1 got his sip account
pips1RichEd: if you get yourself a sip account, we can talk on ekiga... why not try it out now!?05:06
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RichEdhi bddebian 05:09
bddebianHello RichEd05:10
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-230-244.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
pips1ack, I got a problem with my router. ekiga says it's symmetric NAT. ekiga wants Cone NAT for STUN support. It tells me to enable port forwarding. Aha, oho05:10
pips1So much for "it should just work" ;-)05:11
RichEdpips1: let me know if I must do the eiga thang ... and explain it please :) question posed in [pips1] 05:12
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pips1RichEd: well, I just chose 'forward' all the way in the configuration wizard. but the audio test failed, i.e. I couldn't hear my recording. :-(05:14
=== pips1 now suspects that his crappy headset is fubar
pips1RichEd: sorry for the fuss, I'll reboot and try to call with skype, ok?05:16
RichEdokily dokily05:16
=== TeePOG will bbiab, switching PCs
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sbalneavMorning ogra06:17
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Burgworkmorning sbalneav ogra 06:38
sbalneavMorning Burgwork 06:39
TeePOGa question: how do I make edubuntu not run a terminal server? I don't need 2 ltsp servers on the same network06:53
BurgworkTeePOG, if you are looking for a fat client, install the workstation06:54
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
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LaserJockogra: ltsp-server became a dep of edubuntu-desktop?07:28
LaserJockhmm, no07:29
LaserJockedubuntu-desktop depends on SCP, which depends on ltsp-server07:31
TeePOGactually Burgwork, i want a server, but without the ltsp... it's going to be a vmware server07:32
TeePOGand i'm not downloading another ISO, i have no time07:32
LaserJockwell, I suppose you could remove ltsp after you install it07:33
TeePOGwill the workstation installation not be able to function as a server?07:33
TeePOGthat's what i'm actually doing07:34
LaserJockwell, the packages all come from the same repo07:35
LaserJockit's just a matter of how much you want and how much work you'll need to get things the way you want07:35
=== cbx33 [n=node50@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJock"server" is a very vague term07:36
TeePOGand i'm using IS' repo anyway... it's directly upstream, since they're our ISP07:36
cbx33ping ogra07:37
cbx33hi LaserJock07:37
LaserJockhi cbx33 07:37
TeePOGhi cbx3307:37
LaserJockcbx33: what file on an .iso tells me the release, etc.07:37
cbx33u using gisomount ?07:39
LaserJockI just mounted the .iso07:39
cbx33that would tell you07:39
cbx33it's in07:39
cbx33hang on07:39
TeePOGby the way, is there an equivalent to gisomount in kde?07:39
LaserJocknot yet07:39
cbx33what root folders do you have07:40
LaserJockneither cbx33 nor I know pykde yet ;-)07:40
cbx33TeePOG there may be one one day ;)07:40
TeePOGthanks cbx3307:40
LaserJockpool, dists, install, no casper so I guess it's an alternate CD07:40
TeePOGif there's one *doze app i miss, it's Daemon Tools07:41
cbx33what's in there07:41
cbx33is there a file called disc?07:41
ograRichEd, please ignore mails from "Catherine Capers" (yes its a male and has even managed to upset jammcq already)07:41
LaserJockoh sorry, I already found it cbx3307:42
cbx33ok np07:42
ogracbx33, sorry i have to return the truck now ...07:42
cbx33ok np07:42
cbx33just gonna ask about the package07:42
ograwill still tacke 1h or so 07:42
=== cbx33 is waiting to update his edubuntu machine ;)
LaserJockwell, edubuntu-desktop now wants to install ltsp-server07:42
ograLaserJock, thanks for pointing that out ... indeed ltsp-server should only be a suggests07:42
LaserJockI mean, I certainly don't mind installing it which all that coding goodness ;-)07:43
ogra(i'd make it an recommends, but i'm not sure about the results nowadays that apt installs recommends by default :) )07:43
LaserJockbut I wondered if it was intended behaviour07:43
ograwell, it wont do anything without ltsp-server installed ...07:43
ograbut it will indeed not stop working :)07:44
=== ogra is afk again ... bbl
TeePOGis there no linux-image for k8?08:24
PetarisTeePOG: did you try kernel-image?08:25
Petarishrm, I use the k8 amd64 image08:26
TeePOGthat's weird... i searched for "linux-" and ony got up to k708:27
Petarislinux-image-amd64-k8 - Linux kernel image on AMD K808:27
TeePOGok, will try, brb08:27
TeePOGi don't have that in my list in synaptic, even tried apt-cache search08:30
TeePOGPetaris: i installed with the i386 install disc08:35
TeePOGwould you mind to pastebin your sources.list?08:36
PetarisTeePOG: What arch are you running?08:37
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PetarisTeePOG: http://phpfi.com/15198908:39
TeePOGedubuntu 6.06.1, literally vanilla workstation install08:39
PetarisI meant your processors08:39
TeePOGamd64 3200+08:39
Petarisk8 may be amd64 only08:39
Petarisok, and your running the i386 arch on that08:40
TeePOGyah i know, got the 686-smp kernel on my p4D08:40
PetarisI bet the k8 is only if you use the amd64 kernel image08:40
TeePOGyes, i had no other ISO file and i figured i could apt-get the other kernel08:40
Petarisahh, I'm not sure its that simple08:40
PetarisI don't think it will just show you the amd64 kernels08:41
Petarisyou have to tweak things08:41
TeePOGdamn it08:41
TeePOGsuch as?08:41
PetarisI can't remember off hand08:41
Petaristhey should know in #ubuntu-kernel though08:41
TeePOGthanks Petaris mate08:42
PetarisTeePOG: np08:51
TeePOGi'm going with the k7 kernel, not reinstalling AGAIN, time is of the essence08:53
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sbalneavogra: Still awake?08:59
LaserJocksbalneav: did you see the news about the next dev summit?08:59
cbx33hi guys09:00
sbalneavNo, where is it?09:00
LaserJockGoogle HQ09:00
cbx33sbalneav ogra willbe back later09:00
sbalneavMan, how will we find it?09:00
sbalneavthat's a, ah say, that's a JOKE son...09:01
cbx33guys I'm thinking of upgrading my pc - think a 3800 Dual Core, with an Asus A8N-SLI and 1Gb Corsair RAM would run vmware machines nicely09:01
=== sbalneav wonders if anyone knows who Foghorn Leghorn is :)
BurgworkLaserJock, where is that announced?09:03
=== Peaceful [n=Peaceful@] has joined #edubuntu
PeacefulIs there a HowTo somewhere for getting LTSP to work with edubuntu?09:04
cbx33Peaceful check the website, most of it should run OOTB09:04
PeacefulI just did an edubuntu install and then configured /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf...09:04
cbx33Burgwork oooh snap09:05
PeacefulBurgwork: cbx33: I've been through that09:05
cbx33so what isn't working09:05
PeacefulI set a machine to network boot (PXE), it gets the ubuntu splash screen, then stops on:09:05
Peacefulnfs: server x.x.x.x not responding, still trying09:06
cbx33have you check the nfs service is running?09:06
Peacefulx.x.x.x is the server's IP address, of course.09:06
Peacefulcbx33: it appears to be09:06
cbx33have you tried mounting the nfs from another machine?09:06
cbx33is this edgy or dapper?09:06
Peacefulcbx33: no.  I've never used nfs.09:06
Peacefulcbx33: It's edubuntu 6.06.109:07
sbalneavIs there a pastebin for this channel>09:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:07
cbx33sbalneav take your pick ;)09:07
sbalneavPeaceful: Could you paste your /etc/exports file to the pastebin?09:07
Peacefulsbalneav: sure09:07
cbx33Burgwork / LaserJock what' the correct way to instruct people to restart a service09:07
cbx33last time I told someone to do something in CLI and got told off09:08
LaserJocksbalneav: haha, good old Foghorn.09:08
LaserJockBurgwork: on fridge09:08
cbx33I kow the name09:08
cbx33but can't remember from where ;)09:08
Peacefulsbalneav: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2324109:09
PeacefulThat pastebin site is slow for me.  ubunt-nl -> netherlands?09:09
sbalneavPeaceful: Is your dhcpd server running?09:10
sbalneavps -ef | grep dhcpd09:10
Peacefulsbalneav: yes09:10
cbx33it's getting the ip sbalneav09:10
Peacefuldhcpd     7851     1  0 12:51 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/dhcpd3 -q -pf /var/run/dhcp3-server/dhcpd.pid -cf /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf09:10
cbx33is nfs running09:11
cbx33ps aux | grep nfs09:11
Peacefulya, lots of nfsd lines09:11
sbalneavMaybe the mountd's mucked.  do an invoke-rc.d nfs-kernel-server restart09:11
sbalneavLets see if that works09:12
Peacefulnfsd processes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2324209:12
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Peacefulnfs restart:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2324309:13
cbx33try rebootign the client09:13
Peacefulok, rebooting...09:13
Peacefuldidn't respond to 3-finger salute.  Had to hard-reset.09:14
Peacefulsplash screen...09:14
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-200-220.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu
cbx33did it get further?09:14
Peacefuldropped to text09:14
cbx33for the login?09:15
cbx33or for n error?09:15
Peacefulhasn't got to the same spot yet...09:15
Peacefulit paused on the "IP-Config: eth0 ..." line for a couple of minutes last time, looks like it's taking the same amount of time this time as well09:15
cbx33sounds odd09:16
sbalneavIt's having trouble with the dhcp09:16
cbx33yeh seems like it09:16
sbalneavCan you paste your dhcpd.conf file to the pastebin?09:16
cbx33Peaceful care to paste your hdcp conf09:16
cbx33sbalneav hehe09:16
sbalneavGreat minds think alike.09:16
sbalneavFools seldom differ.09:17
Peacefuldhcp conf: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2324509:17
Peaceful^- that's /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf09:17
Peacefulnow it's to "WARNING: /var/cache/man does not exist"  (it did that last time too)09:18
Peacefuland there it is:   "nfs: server not responding, still trying"09:18
sbalneavIs that the IP address of the server?09:19
sbalneavOK, so it's got the right server.  Any chance you could have some faulty networking hardware?  Something that's dropping UDP packets?09:19
sbalneavIs this connected to a switch or a hub?09:20
Peacefulshouldn't be09:20
sbalneavManaged or Unmanaged09:20
Peacefulone of each09:20
Peacefultwo switches between the machines, actually09:20
Peacefulthe managed ones don't have any "features" turned on, though09:20
sbalneavOn the server, check the dmesg command.09:21
Peacefulnmap shows nfs open on 204909:21
sbalneavSee if you're getting any "Too much work on eth0" or equivalent messages.09:21
Peacefulsbalneav: nope, just the messages from nfsd and a RPC failure to cantact portmap09:22
PeacefulI'll pastbin it...09:22
sbalneavah ha!09:22
=== sbalneav suspects portmap.
PeacefulI put the nmap scan in that pastebin too09:23
sbalneavOK, lets restart portmap, if it's borked, then mountd isn't gonna work.09:24
Peaceful/etc/init.d/portmap restart    ?09:24
sbalneavinvoke-rc.d portmap restart && invoke-rc.d nfs-kernel-server restart09:25
Peacefulah, ok09:25
sbalneavthen reboot client and cross fingers :)09:25
Peacefulok, rebooting09:25
PeacefulIP-Config: ...09:26
Peacefulthe "RPC: failed to contact portmap (errno -5)." line showed up in dmesg again09:27
Peacefulclient is warning about absence of /var/cache/man again...09:27
sbalneavI know this is a stupid question, but there's not a firewall on this server, is there?09:28
PeacefulI checked iptables myself, it's empty09:28
Peacefuland we don't have any hardware firewalls at all09:28
sbalneavdpkg -l | grep nfs09:28
Peacefulon the LAN at least09:28
sbalneavgot both nfs-common and nfs-kernel-server?09:29
Peacefuldpkg output: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2325009:29
sbalneavshowmount -e shows /opt/ltsp?09:29
PeacefulIt's a clean, default install of edubuntu 6.06.109:29
Peacefulshows "/opt/ltsp *"09:30
Peacefulthe client hit the same "nfs: ..." error09:30
sbalneavSince it gets the kernel, and KNOWS where it's supposed to get the nfs from, and does appear to be actually TRYING to nfs mount, Im leaning towards thinking the config's ok.09:30
Peacefulsounds reasonable09:30
Peacefulso...is there something I need to configure with nfs?09:31
sbalneavSo, here's the next question: any chance we can get both the server AND the client on the same switch?  I'm assuming one's on one, and the other's on the other.09:31
Peacefulya, sure, I could go stick the client on the same dumb switch in the noisy server room09:31
sbalneavI'm thinking we're dropping udp packets somehow.09:31
Peacefulwouldn't it be simpler to tcpdump udp packets on the server?09:32
sbalneavMaybe, if you feel comfortable trying that, have a look.09:32
PeacefulThere's a whole bunch of udp traffic that it sees, but it all looks like broadcast stuff09:33
Peacefuloh, there the servers sending out udp stuff09:33
Peacefulto an IP address in the dhcp range09:33
Peacefulno incoming except for broadcast, though09:34
sbalneavSomething's amiss there.09:34
PeacefulI'll go stick it on the same switch, to rule that out.09:34
Peacefulok, I OFFICIALLY hate Cisco now.  Before it was unofficial.09:39
PeacefulThat was IT!09:39
Peacefulon the same switch, it works just fine.09:39
Peacefulthanks, guys09:39
PeacefulI'll go poke around the switches and see if I can't...punish them...somehow09:39
sbalneavGlad we could help09:41
sbalneavCisco equipment is.... idiosyncratic. :)09:42
sbalneavThat's about as generous as I can be :)09:42
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
Peacefulya, no kidding.  Why the heck is a SWITCH dropping UDP traffic??  I want all my switches to be SWITCHES!09:45
Petarislater all09:50
PeacefulI can't find a single setting that looks like it would affect udp traffic10:04
BurgworkPeaceful, might there be a switch to control broadcast traffic?10:04
PeacefulBurgwork: I don't understand what you're asking10:07
PeacefulHmm...here's a setting:10:07
Peaceful802.1x->Interface Settings->FastEthernet0/1->Multiple Clients->Disabled10:08
PeacefulMaybe that interferes with other switches that are connected to the big cisco switch?10:08
TeePOGthis might bethe wrong place to ask, but does Gnome have the equivalent of the KDE YaKuake Quake-style drop-down console? It's my favourite part of KDE10:11
BurgworkTeePOG, yes, it does, but the name is escaping me right now10:12
TeePOGnm Burgwork, will search in synaptic10:12
TeePOGi just cannot be bothered installing KDE on a server whose sole purpose is a VMWare server10:12
Peacefulhmm, nope, that wasn't the setting.  That's only for authentication stuff, and my authentication stuff is off anyway10:13
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cbx33ogra you alive yet?10:29
cbx33brb 1.5 hours10:32
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
ograsbalneav, pong10:38
LaserJockogra: I don't suppose you've had a chance to look at edubuntu-menus10:44
ogranot yet, i'll do it tomorrow if the CD isnt totally broken ...10:44
ograsorry for that ...10:44
LaserJockoh yeah, Knot 310:44
ograhmm, cbx33 didnt apply for motu ...10:45
rodarvushe'll have to wait a few weeks more, I guess :/10:45
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ogranow that he didnt apply he will, yes10:46
rodarvus(since they are almost done with the TB meeting)10:46
ograi see it10:46
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Burgworkogra, he went out, maybe he didn't know about it11:13
ograwell, i asked him to apply for motu :)11:13
ograbut i guess he was too busy ... he did so much edubuntu work the last weeks11:13
ograi guess he spent every spare minute he had for us ...11:14
LaserJockI'm afraid I might have scared him off a bit too11:19
Burgworkno, I think he is in the for the long haul11:20
Burgworkogra, did you catch ivoks, myself and somebody else talking about public computing in -devel?11:20
LaserJockI mean, he asked me about it11:20
LaserJockand I suggested he hang around -motu a bit more11:21
LaserJockto get know to the team, etc.11:21
ograBurgwork, i was very busy with RL half of the day 11:21
ograso no, i didnt11:21
pygiLaserJock, you familiar with autotools perhaps?11:24
LaserJockpygi: probably not more than you11:25
pygiLaserJock, oki then, thanks anyway :)11:26
Burgworkogra, basically we figured out how to do desktop cleanup very easily11:27
LaserJockoh man, gcompris source is huge11:27
ograLaserJock, yeah ... no fun to upload a new upstream version ...11:27
bddebianYep :-)11:28
Burgworkgcompris 8 is almost out, too11:28
LaserJockI was just going to look at this python dep bug11:28
ograBurgwork, to edgy for us :)11:28
Burgworktoo edgy?11:28
ograit can go into edgy+1 11:29
LaserJockI tried gcompris out on my niece not too long ago11:29
LaserJockbut she was a little young11:29
ograto edgy == to near to the bleeding edge ;)11:29
Burgworkthat would be "too", not "to"11:29
ograok, off for knot testing ... bbl11:30
Burgworkoh, bugger11:30
BurgworkI needed him11:30
LaserJockme too11:31
LaserJockmust be terrible being that popular ;-)11:31
TeePOGguys, having a problem... i installed compiz, enabled it... and suddenly all my programs are attached to the menubar at the top, over the gnome bar!11:32
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BurgworkTeePOG, welcome to why we don't use compiz...11:47
TeePOGhmm... yet some people love it11:47
TeePOGis there a way to repair the damage?11:47
Burgworkswitch back to metacity?11:48
TeePOGerm... more information if you please?11:48
TeePOGsorry, i normally use kde, gnome is a mystery to me11:48
Burgworkcompiz replaces metacity, the default gnome window manager11:48
Burgworkor it replaces kwin11:49
TeePOGah ok...11:49
TeePOGdo i edit some file?11:49
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ograhrm ... i should probably read the channel backlogs before running blindly into broken CDs ...11:52
TeePOGwhere do i tell gnome to use metacity again?12:05

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