
=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Viper550Hello everyone...12:19
=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@d51A48ECC.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Viper550so, except for the (of course) replacing of the ugly purple/bronze wallpaper, are there any other Kubuntu adjustments for Knot 3?12:35
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imbrandonheya bddebian02:12
bddebianHi imbrandon02:13
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HobbseeTonio_: around?04:33
Hobbseei've just found a few more bugs that need fixing04:33
UbugtuMalone bug 16269 in kdenetwork "KPPP fails to connect." [Medium,Confirmed]  04:33
UbugtuMalone bug 13694 in kdenetwork "kppp will not connect using phone as modem" [Medium,Needs info]  04:33
Hobbseeurgh.  kopete stuff is not an easy fix.04:36
nixternalHobbsee: anything else you can think of adding to the list?04:45
nixternalanyone know when the freeze is as well?04:45
Hobbseenixternal: today sometime04:45
Hobbseeor tonight04:45
nixternalok..so then what updates i have now will be knot 304:46
Hobbseeis *anyone* planning to touch kdenetwork again before knot 3 freeze?04:48
freeflyingHi all04:52
Hobbseehey freeflying 04:54
freeflyingHobbsee: do you have any slidshow for kubuntu?04:57
Hobbseefreeflying: nope, sorry04:57
Hobbseeargh.  someone with more knowledge really needs to look at kppp04:58
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freeflyingHobbsee: what's wrong with kppp05:16
Hobbseefreeflying: did you see the bug reports above?  it doesnt tend to work OOTB05:17
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DaSkreechHi Hobbsee, nixternal, bddebian05:49
Hobbseehey DaSkreech 05:49
DaSkreechHow are you?05:49
bddebianHeh, Hi DaSkreech05:49
Hobbseegood, building things before main freeze05:50
Hobbsee(knot 3)05:50
DaSkreechMain isn't frozen?05:50
DaSkreech Oh that Freeze05:50
Hobbseewell, it is, so UVF exceptions only05:50
=== DaSkreech tries to find the KDE4 SVN of KDM
nixternalhiya DaSkreech05:51
nixternalhttp://chi.ubuntu-us.org <- top story rulez!05:52
crimsunkwii's purplish photo/wall is nice05:52
crimsunkwwii's, rather05:52
=== DaSkreech just finished reading the Official Ubuntu Book
=== DaSkreech needs to submit some patches :)
=== nixternal [n=nixterna@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechMM taste of Ubuntu :)05:56
nixternalthat dude is dead secksy05:57
DaSkreech<Fat bastard voice> Secksy Man Secksy man </Fat bastard voice>05:57
nixternalhaha yes05:58
DaSkreechI'm not sure I get the Edubuntu logo :(06:05
nixternalcome on, pass the torch to the younger generation, they are the flame to burn into the future06:07
nixternali made that up just so you know06:07
DaSkreechOk I thought it was the teaching hitting the students :)06:07
imbrandonhaha its a child raising its hand ( to ask a question , like in school )06:15
imbrandonnixternal / DaSkreech ^^06:15
nixternalwhat does it look like a flame?06:15
DaSkreechI just assumed it must be a teacher since it has a longer hand :)06:15
imbrandonumm you know those are people in a circle right ;)06:16
nixternali know the CoF is people06:16
nixternaloh ya06:16
nixternali see it now06:16
=== nixternal jets
DaSkreechYeah Don't all *buntu's have to have circle?06:18
DaSkreech>a< circle 06:19
nixternalso then, we are gear heads?  i think Auto mechanics would have something to say about that ;)06:19
DaSkreechYeah But at least xubuntu supports community exercise 06:19
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DaSkreechUbuntu-libre should be funny :)06:24
DaSkreechPunch of people running from Jail in a circle?06:24
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freeflying_Riddell: arounds?07:52
nixternalg'nite ;)07:52
DaSkreechnixternal: Night08:05
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LureRiddell: why do we depend on language-pack-gnome-en-base?08:42
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imbrandonWelcome to #kubuntu-devel ! | Main Freeze for Knot 3 | TODO:  Gamin fixes at: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Merges at: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems09:18
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:imbrandon] : Welcome to #kubuntu-devel ! | Main Freeze for Knot 3 | TODO: Gamin fixes at: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEdgyPackageUpdates | Merges at: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html | Buglist at https://launchpad.net/people/kubuntu-team/+packagebugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuEdgyKnownProblems
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Tonio__Hobbsee: ping ?10:01
HobbseeTonio__: heya!10:01
imbrandonmoins Tonio__10:02
Tonio__Hobbsee: fine ?10:02
Tonio__yop imbrandon10:02
HobbseeTonio__: hmmm?10:02
Tonio__Hobbsee: you ping me last night ?10:02
=== el [n=konversa@port-83-236-238-37.static.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio__morning el :)10:02
imbrandonmorn el10:02
HobbseeTonio__: ahhh.  it's out of date now, dont worry.  was going to ask if you had anything to add to kdenetwork before i got it uploaded10:02
Hobbseehey el 10:03
Tonio__Hobbsee: okay10:03
Tonio__Hobbsee: I've been playing with kdelibs and kdeprint this night, but couldn't find the error...10:03
elmorn Hobbsee, imbrandon Tonio__ :)10:03
Tonio__Hobbsee: I've been removing patches, looking at the code blabla, looking at the logs...10:03
HobbseeTonio__: eek, fun10:03
HobbseeTonio__: which error is this?10:03
Tonio__debugging kde is a pain cause we really miss logs and informations10:03
Tonio__Hobbsee: unable to click "local usb lpt blabla"10:04
Hobbseeah right, yes10:04
imbrandonwelp 13 hours untill i get eaten by the TB wolves ;)10:04
Tonio__I don't understant since cups and web admin work, and http connection to cups is successfull10:04
Tonio__so I miss the point10:04
Tonio__imbrandon: it'll be  okay ;)10:04
Tonio__imbrandon: I already went there and it was not that hard ;)10:05
=== Tonio__ will be there to support my FLOSS friend imbrandon
Tonio__I'll ping raphink too10:05
imbrandonyea i think i'll be ok, its just the case of the nerves like when i went for MOTU 10:05
imbrandonand it was an easy 5 minute thing , but i was VERY nervious ;)10:06
Tonio__imbrandon: yes it was the same for me10:06
Tonio__really nervous before, and cool after ;)10:06
imbrandonhehe yea10:06
Tonio__hehe raphink10:07
Tonio__raphink: tu seras la pour supporter imbrandon pour coredev ce soir ?10:07
imbrandonraphink, you gonna be able to come make it and cheer me on too ? , i forgot to ask crimsun , but Tonio__ and Riddell will make it10:07
Hobbseeimbrandon: for what?  oh, core?10:07
imbrandonyea core-dev10:08
raphinkI hope so Tonio__10:08
raphinknot sure10:08
Tonio_I'm suddenly wondering what's the point concerning adept and the usability spec10:10
Tonio_anyone has news concerning this ?10:10
imbrandoni dunno , i've been kinda wondering the same thing10:10
Tonio_mornfall: ping ?10:10
imbrandoni know mornfall took a little time off but no one else has really helped him with it either10:11
Tonio_the source is the best way to get informations10:11
imbrandon( code wise )10:11
Tonio_imbrandon: yes I know :(10:11
Tonio_adept is quite complicated code10:11
Tonio_although I don't know if it is merged in kde svn10:11
Tonio_that would probably help10:11
Tonio_mornfall: heya !!10:11
imbrandonmoins mornfall10:11
Tonio_mornfall: we were just wondering adept status, since we didn't saw you speeking here those latest weeks :)10:12
mbieblsebas: ping10:12
Tonio_Hobbsee: looks possible to close bug 5706610:17
UbugtuMalone bug 57066 in kdebase "Choosing which grub item to boot into when restarting doesn't work" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5706610:17
HobbseeTonio_: cool, okay10:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: there is diff attached from the kde bug ;)10:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: we just have to wait for the end of the freeze...10:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'm preparing the package10:18
Hobbseewell, yeah, but i wasnt sure if it was actually committed or not10:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: well we can test it and then commit :)*10:18
Tonio_those freezes are annoying.... although I can understand the need of them10:20
mbieblsebas: just wanted to let you know, that your patch (threshold for battery charge level before suspending) worked as expected10:20
mornfallsorry i got carried away :)10:20
mornfalli took time off yes10:21
Tonio_mornfall: hehe :)10:21
mornfalli have compiled adept yesterday, after many weeks of inactivity10:21
mornfalli don't know what the future has in store for me10:21
mbieblsebas: Still I think the threshold should be something like 20% or 30%, 50% is too high imho10:23
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Tonio_sebas: +110:27
Tonio_mbiebl: +1 sorry :)10:27
Tonio_going by 10% step or better 5% would be better 10:27
=== Tonio_ takes a coffee cause it is hard this morning
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imbrandonheya kwwii10:39
kwwiihi imbrandon10:39
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mornfallimbrandon, Tonio_, i'll try to get into adept coding again over the few next weeks, if that helps any10:51
mornfalli'll prolly miss both edgy and etch10:51
mornfallbut i'm not in hurry anymore :p10:51
imbrandonmornfall, thats ok, mostly just wanted to know how it/you was doing ;) we realize ( well i do ) that you dont get paid to do this ;)10:51
imbrandonbut thats good to hear 10:52
mornfallDevin Townsend -- Night10:52
Tonio_mornfall: listening to devin townsend ? love this :)10:56
mornfall(Hide Nowhere)10:56
mornfallonly have this one album tho :)10:56
Tonio_mornfall: no pb concerning adept, that's free software, so it goes as you can/want/decide :)10:56
Tonio_mornfall: hehe, you should try other ones, this guy is a real genius10:57
Tonio_I have his very first album there, with steve vai, not that cool, but okay too ;)10:57
=== Tonio_ is listening to "End of the Beginning" by Jason Becker on Perspective [Amarok]
Tonio_love this too, my favorite album so far10:58
Tonio_and this guy's life is so... inspiring and dramatic10:59
Tonio_I'm very surprized by www.live.com11:24
Tonio_results are as good as google here...11:24
Tonio_Riddell: interested in a search profile for konq ? I know it is MS, but it looks almost good :)11:25
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Tonio_salut PascalFr11:26
PascalFrhello Tonio_11:26
Tonio_Hobbsee: kdm patch looks like working properly here :)11:31
HobbseeTonio_: cool :)11:31
Hobbseei just got it in my inbox a while back11:32
Tonio_Hobbsee: yup ;) we now have to wait for the end of freeze to upload11:32
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Hobbseeof course, yes11:34
imbrandonHobbsee, unless we can convince Riddell its critical ( if its the logout/turn off thing i think it is ) then it can be uploaded11:34
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imbrandonheya apachelogger how was the confrence11:35
apacheloggerimbrandon: well, kinda bad11:35
apacheloggerwe got a bad location11:36
Tonio_Hobbsee: how about a www.live.com search for konq ?11:36
HobbseeTonio_: ....11:37
Hobbseeis windows live search any good?11:37
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'm testing and I must say I'm a bit impressed11:37
Tonio_better than google sometimes11:38
Tonio_results are more recent and sometimes more precises11:38
Tonio_I don't mind it is microsoft stuff, google isn't any better ;)11:39
=== Hobbsee tries a couple
Tonio_google only does proprietary stuff  too11:39
Hobbseehmmm.  put it in - why not?11:40
Tonio_Hobbsee: ethically, if we don't want to provide live.com because it is MS, we have to remove msn from kopere too :)11:40
HobbseeTonio_: not exactly, but....11:40
Hobbseei see your point11:40
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Tonio_Hobbsee: argh another bug11:44
HobbseeTonio_: if you stop looking, you might not find the bugs :P11:45
Tonio_I can add a new search engine, but if I click one to have it in the select box, and click ok, it doesn't appear11:45
Tonio_and if I go back to the config, it isn't checked11:45
Tonio_Hobbsee: can you cinfirm this ?11:45
Tonio_that's an old bug afaik11:45
HobbseeTonio_: yep11:46
Tonio_Hobbsee: now unclick the first thing "activate blabla" and reclick, then validate, it'll work11:47
Tonio_the point is I think click an engine isn't seen by konq11:47
Tonio_Hobbsee: should be easy to fix11:50
HobbseeTonio_: the unclick the first thing "activate blah blah?"  i dont have any activate thing11:50
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes, but reclick, then "apply" button comes on, and so you can apply your settings11:50
Tonio_that'll work11:50
Tonio_the point is clicking the engines button isn't seen by konq as a change11:51
Tonio_that's why it doesn't apply the settings11:51
Tonio_Hobbsee: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11730911:52
UbugtuKDE bug 117309 in general "Bug when adding search-engines to the search toolbar" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  11:52
Tonio_known issue11:52
Tonio_old one...11:52
Tonio_looks like there is a fix ;)11:53
Tonio_Hobbsee: ah ! it works with space indeed but not mouse click11:54
=== imbrandon just applied for a job in Spain , hehe *crosses fingers*
Tonio_imbrandon: can you confirm this please ? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/6005812:11
UbugtuMalone bug 60058 in kdebase "Impossible to apply changes in search engines config popup" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  12:11
imbrandonyea one sec12:12
imbrandonhrm actualy i cant reporduce it12:14
imbrandonseems to work ok here12:14
imbrandonyou mean open the config, lcik a box next to the search engine, then apply ... correct ?12:14
imbrandonTonio_, ^^12:15
Tonio_imbrandon: re-go in the config and look, changes are not applyed ;)12:16
Tonio_now do it with space and it works12:16
imbrandonahh ok, yea your right12:16
Tonio_description isn't correct I agree, I forgot to mention that...12:17
Tonio_imbrandon: not a problem since I am working on fixing this, shouldn't be hard12:17
Tonio_            this, SLOT(checkFavoritesChanged()));12:17
Tonio_     connect(m_dlg->lvSearchProviders, SIGNAL(spacePressed(QListViewItem *)),12:17
Tonio_            this, SLOT(checkFavoritesChanged()));12:17
Tonio_+    connect(m_dlg->lvSearchProviders, SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem *)),12:17
Tonio_+           this, SLOT(checkFavoritesChanged()));12:17
Tonio_that should do the job12:17
imbrandonyup , looks like it12:17
Tonio_sorry for the pasting ;)12:18
Tonio_I want a paste.kubuntu.org !!!!!!!!!12:18
Tonio_pastebin is shit now...... almost unusable12:18
imbrandoni can make one on imbrandon.com if you want ( or do the php code for riddell for kubuntu.org too )12:19
imbrandonif he wants12:19
Tonio_imbrandon: I was looking at that spec : https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-marketing12:19
imbrandona pastebin should be simple12:19
Tonio_should we talk there about a "decent website" ? :)12:19
Tonio_imbrandon: well I can make that php code too, but that already exists, so there is no need of this :)12:20
Tonio_kubuntu.org needs love, really..... expecially compared to edubuntu or xubuntu websites12:20
imbrandonyea , Riddell said the code for it is in bzr somewhere , i might check it out, after all thats what i did for a job for many years ( a php based webdesigner )12:21
imbrandonwoot cool ;)12:21
imbrandonmoins Riddell12:22
Tonio_Riddell: would you be interested if I can find a (very) good webmaster to manage kubuntu.org ?12:22
imbrandoncan we put a pastbin on kubuntu.org ? 12:22
imbrandon( i'll code it )12:22
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Riddellimbrandon: there's no database on that server12:22
RiddellTonio_: to do what?12:22
Tonio_Riddell: my best friend is kubuntu user and one of the best coders I've ever seen12:22
Tonio_Riddell: clean code, php stuff to manage news, working on design etc.....12:23
Tonio_implementing a planet also would be nice for kubuntu, since most ubuntu planets arround are full of gnome stuff12:23
Tonio_they are not of any use for kubuntu users12:23
Tonio_Riddell: lots of things can be done12:24
Riddellthe way to fix that is to all subscribe to planet and blog kde stuff12:24
RiddellI don't want to have yet another planet to read12:24
imbrandonme either, put your blog on p.u.c and blog KDE ;)12:25
imbrandonbut i agree that alot of other stuff can be made "better"12:25
imbrandonlike a page with /all/ the kubuntu.org repo info and tidbits on it12:25
imbrandonwould be nice12:25
Tonio_Riddell: http://kubuntu.no-ip.org12:25
Tonio_Riddell: I'm working on this, but I'm searching for a kubuntu theme first :)12:26
Riddellyeah, that one is a bit brown :)12:26
imbrandonTonio_, i have a kubuntu-logo hat on my gotchi/blog ;)12:26
Tonio_imbrandon: may I see it ?12:27
imbrandoneasy nuff 12:27
Tonio_Riddell: well that's just my opinion, but kubuntu website looks mostly non-professionnal and unmanaged in my view...12:28
Tonio_compare to other *buntu ones12:28
imbrandonwe'll we're the only ones that put "news" on there but it is a bit jumbled looking, i'm checking out a branch of the code now to see if i can do anything to help12:28
RiddellTonio_: I'm happy for your friend to make a bzr branch so we can look at his ideas12:29
Tonio_Riddell: I will talk about that with him yes12:29
Tonio_imbrandon: I'm building kdebase, let's hope the fix works...12:30
Tonio_Riddell: are you aware of the kdeprint issue ? this is major one... I've been playing arround this all the night but didn't find the reason of this12:30
imbrandonRiddell, i got a warning you might want to see, dunno exactly what it means , but its just a warning ......12:30
imbrandonbrandon@voyager:~/files/devel$ bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jr/kubuntu-website/main kubuntu-web12:30
imbrandonFormat <RepositoryFormat6> for http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jr/kubuntu-website/main/.bzr/ is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance12:30
Tonio_Riddell: one thing is sure, the issue isn't due to our patches12:30
Riddellimbrandon: me too, but running bzr upgrade doesn't seem to fix it, not sure what to do but it seems harmless12:31
RiddellTonio_: I've not looked at kdeprint no12:31
imbrandonokies, just wanted to show ya ;)12:31
Tonio_Riddell: well it is simply impossible to install a printer... the "local, usb, lpt" radio is disabled12:32
Tonio_Riddell: bug 5950212:33
UbugtuMalone bug 59502 in kdebase "Impossible to install new printer with kdeprint (edgy)" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5950212:33
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seaLnein a package that builds more than one binary package how do i specify what goes where? is it with .install files?01:04
seaLneif there is no .install files be default does stuff just go into the first package?01:05
RiddellseaLne: yes, with .install files01:06
Riddellno install files means nothing gets installed, unless copy the files there yourself in debian/rules01:08
LureRiddell: [08:42]  <Lure> Riddell: why do we depend on language-pack-gnome-en-base?01:08
RiddellLure: erk?01:09
RiddellLure: what does?01:09
Lureapt-cache rdepends language-pack-gnome-en-base01:09
LureTodays apt-get upgrade installed it for me - and I though I have a clean KDE system ;-)01:09
Riddellsilly silly pitti01:10
Riddellhmm wait, on closer inspection it doesn't seem to01:11
LureRiddell: maybe it was fixed inbetween?01:13
RiddellseaLne: also you need to install rule to install to debian/tmp/01:13
seaLneRiddell: as apposed to debian/$appname ?01:14
RiddellseaLne: yes01:14
LureRiddell: interesting, apt-get remove did remove only two gnome lang packages, so it looks that I just did upgrade at wrong time...01:15
seaLneso debian/tmp rather than $(DESTDIR) ?01:16
Riddelldepends what DESTDIR is set to01:17
Riddellit might be set to debian/tmp anyway01:17
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Tonio_imbrandon: patch works :)01:18
seaLnetrying to swap over to cdbs and make it multiple binary packages was probably a bad idea as i don't know why things are broken :)01:19
Tonio_imbrandon: I have to report it upstream01:19
imbrandonTonio_, cool01:19
imbrandongood deal01:19
imbrandonbrb breakfast time01:19
Tonio_imbrandon: bon apptit ;)01:20
RiddellseaLne: what package is this?01:24
seaLnean old attempt is on revu01:25
freeflyingRiddell: how about scim-chewing and scim-pinyin for dapper-updates?01:32
Riddellfreeflying: I think a change like that is too big for a stable release01:35
Riddellkwwii: how's the artwork going?  seems we're already in knot 3 freeze01:36
kwwiihehe, I am still working on the kdm icons01:40
kwwiiRiddell: I could give you the new wallpaper, color scheme and gradient for the window deco, it you want it01:40
kwwiior is it too late already01:40
Tonio_does someone have a floppy disk here ?01:43
kwwiiTonio_: i have a floppy, but no floppy drive anymore :p01:44
Tonio_kwwii: arf ;)01:44
Tonio_I'm trying to investigate kde bug 12061901:44
UbugtuKDE bug 120619 in media "Mounting floppies doesn't work" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12061901:44
imbrandonnone of my computers have floppy drives ;(01:45
Tonio_according to ervin this dependancy issue, but I can see the hal-system-storage-* scripts01:45
Tonio_so maybe that works on edgy...01:45
Tonio_would be nice if someone could confirm this...01:45
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kwwiiRiddell: http://bootsplash.org/KnotImages.tar.gz is what is done and can be included so far01:49
kwwiiRiddell: note that I included a much larger wallpaper pic, so we need to edit the KDM file to reflect the new size01:49
kwwii1920x1440, so that it works on wide screens01:50
kwwiiRiddell: the icons for kdm won't be done until a bit later, as I have to go to my accountant this afternoon01:50
Riddellkwwii: thanks01:54
freeflyingRiddell: then what shall I do, many guys complain that they can't use skype opera, etc.01:55
Tonio_kwwii: back to blue ? I was getting used to purple :)01:56
Riddellfreeflying: we can change it in edgy and see what happens, but I'm pretty sure a change like that won't be allowed into dapper01:58
Tonio_Riddell: are you planning kdebase upload before end of freeze ? I have changes to add to (2 bug fixes)01:59
kwwiiTonio_: well, it is still purple01:59
RiddellTonio_: I'm not planning one01:59
Tonio_kwwii: well blued purple here :)01:59
Tonio_Riddell: okay so I can prepare a package for end of freeze01:59
marseillaigrrrrrrrrrr hard to make 5.1 sound work under linux!01:59
Tonio_marseillai: yup, sound on linux sucks a bit...02:00
kwwiiwe will see what people like more, the purple or the blue, and then we can go with that02:00
freeflyingRiddell: okay,thanks02:00
kwwiiI still have not found anyone who has seen the usplash02:00
Tonio_kwwii: nope, fails here too.......02:00
marseillaiTonio_: do you have an idea what i need to configure? i've tryed with alsamixer but it doesn't work! :(02:00
Tonio_kwwii: is there a launchpad bug ? cause I have to add this to KubuntuEfgyKnownProblems02:01
Tonio_marseillai: I have never been able to figure out how alsa works.... sound on linux is a mystery for me02:01
kwwiiTonio_: not that I know of02:01
Lurekwwii: kdm icons? is this suspend/hibernate actions?02:01
Tonio_kwwii: I'm reporting02:01
RiddellTonio_: no kdebase uploads planned, what changes do you have?02:01
freeflyingRiddell: can I ask for maininclusion now, because of the damn C++ ABI( scim stuffs)02:02
Tonio_Riddell: closing bug 57066 and bug 6005802:02
UbugtuMalone bug 57066 in kdebase "Choosing which grub item to boot into when restarting doesn't work" [Unknown,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5706602:02
UbugtuMalone bug 60058 in kdebase "Impossible to apply changes in search engines config popup" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6005802:02
imbrandonRiddell, if you or Tonio_ do a kdebase upload before the knot can you pull out the purple patch please ( me and kwwii decided to do it diffrently )02:02
Riddellimbrandon: good point02:02
Tonio_imbrandon: depends if Riddell autorizes me to upload hehe :)02:03
Riddellfreeflying: well you can always try, I'm not sure that you've done enough uploads though02:03
Tonio_imbrandon: can you paste me your patch please ? I'll include to my current package02:03
imbrandonTonio_, its just a removeal of an existing patch02:03
freeflyingRiddell: no, I mean include scim-bridge into main  :)02:03
Tonio_imbrandon: which ?02:03
imbrandonTonio_, lemme look, one sec02:03
freeflyingRiddell: scim-bridge can solve many C++ ABI issues02:04
Riddellfreeflying: ah right.  that's a gtk thing as far as I can tell so best to discuss it with the gnome desktop team02:05
Riddellfreeflying: seb128 is on holiday today, dholbach should be around02:05
freeflyingRiddell: not only gtk stuffs, scim-bridge has qt-client, it can solve the problems like we can not input in native with scim in opera skype,etc02:06
Riddellkwwii: no new kdm theme then?02:06
imbrandonRiddell, hrm what was that patch called, i'm looking for it for Tonio_02:06
kwwiiRiddell: I could give you one with funky icons, but that would make more bugs than do good02:06
Riddellfreeflying: in that case the package description needs fixed :)02:06
Riddellkwwii: ok, we'll wait02:06
kwwiiRiddell: can we still include a new one after knot?02:06
Riddellkwwii: sure02:06
Riddellimbrandon: isn't it in kdelibs?02:07
imbrandonahh thats right it was kdelibs02:07
kwwiiI should probably be done sometime tonight02:07
freeflyingRiddell: I haven't uploaded the latest one :p02:07
freeflyingRiddell: I'm working on it, cause it need split into at least three binaies02:08
imbrandonTonio_, its kubuntu_58_aboutpage_artwork.diff.uu ( and the cahnge to the debian/rules ) in kdelibs 02:08
imbrandonRiddell, ^^02:08
imbrandonbrb phone02:08
Tonio_imbrandon: ah kdelibs02:08
Tonio_imbrandon: is there a bug opened by this patch or not ?02:08
imbrandonTonio_, no , no bug, we ( kwwii me Riddell ) decided not to use it ( it was what made all the about pages purple )02:10
kwwiiLure: yes, I am trying to get rid of the text :-)02:10
Tonio_imbrandon: okay02:11
Tonio_imbrandon: I'm preparing the package, but it'll have to wait for freeze end I assume02:11
Tonio_Riddell: unless you want to have clean colors for knot3 ?02:11
kwwiiTonio_: the patch was not whole, so it created a bug02:11
imbrandoni /think/ Riddell can approve that since we dont really want that in knot302:11
Riddellfreeflying: the current package depends on gtk and cairo and stuff, hopefully the new one won't have to for the qt side02:11
kwwiiLure: sorry, I missed your question till now :-)02:11
freeflyingRiddell: sure, it do  :)02:13
Lurekwwii: npb02:13
Lurekwwii: and thanks for 1920x1200 wallpaper ;-02:14
Tonio_imbrandon: kdelibs package is ready02:15
Tonio_Riddell: want it uploaded for knot3 or not ?02:15
RiddellTonio_: what do we have now?02:15
Tonio_Riddell: well we have this :02:16
kwwiiLure: well, it is 1920x1440 so it will be scaled on your monitor, but at least it fits :-)02:16
Lurekwwii: that is fine - just that I do not get random trash on the right ;-)02:16
Tonio_Riddell: http://www.planetemu.net/temp/capture5.png02:17
Tonio_Riddell: nasty...02:17
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Tonio_would be better without that bug ;)02:17
kwwiiif you squint your eyes you hardly see it at all!02:18
Tonio_kwwii: hehe02:18
Tonio_kwwii: is there a launchpad bug concerning this ?02:18
RiddellTonio_: so kdelibs to fix artwork, kdebase to fix grub and search and k-d-s with kwwii's artwork02:19
RiddellTonio_: could I see a debdiff of your kdebase?02:19
kwwiiTonio_: nope, it is a known issue02:19
Tonio_Riddell: sure02:20
kwwiibtw...the file "windowdecotest_new3.png" in that tar.gz is an improved gradient for the window decoration02:20
Tonio_Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23207 here is kdebase debdiff02:23
Tonio_Riddell: kdelibs one is just patch removal no no need to debdiff I think :)02:23
mbieblTonio_: about the problem with usplash, have you checked that /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so points to the correct theme?02:24
Tonio_mbiebl: I think yes but let me check ;)02:25
=== kwwii heads out to the tax-man :-(
mbieblI had to run update-alternatives --conf manually. After that the usplash worked fine (more or less)02:26
Tonio_mbiebl: hum, that's it you're right......02:26
mbieblupdate-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so should fix it02:27
Tonio_kwwii: link to /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so instead of /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so02:27
Riddellkwwii: did you have changes to make to the kwin settings?02:28
kwwiiRiddell: yes, the window deco overlay gradient in that tar.gz02:31
Riddellkwwii: I got that, but you were talking about shade on the text and window border size02:31
kwwiiturn off shadowed text in windodeco02:32
kwwiichange window border to 302:32
kwwiiround top corners02:32
RiddellBorderwidth=4 currently02:33
kwwiiRiddell: exactly, we should reduce it one pixel02:33
Riddellkwwii: done02:34
Tonio_mbiebl: rebooting to test usplash, will let you know02:34
kwwiiRiddell: killer02:34
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kwwiinot sure exactly what I am getting on my computere, but I do not even have /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so02:37
Riddellkwwii: do you have /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so ?02:38
mbieblYeah, that's why /etc/alternatives/ubuntu-artwork.so is a dangling symlink02:38
kwwiiRiddell: yes, I have that02:38
kwwiiso I should link to that instead of the funky /etc link02:38
Tonio_mbiebl: the update-alternatives doesn't work hare...02:39
mbieblTonio_: did you update your initrd?02:39
kwwiiyeah, it complains here too02:39
kwwiiupdate my initrd? why don't I just do that whole thing by hand02:39
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Tonio_mbiebl: nope, but there is something weird in the output, I must say I don't understand02:40
kwwiiboah, I can see 16 color usplash coming back to haunt me02:40
Tonio_mbiebl: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2320802:40
mbiebl/etc/alternatives/ubuntu-artwork.so has to point to the correct *.so file, then update your initrd02:40
Tonio_mbiebl: I can't let it point to the correct one, look at the log :)02:41
mbieblYou can fix the symlink with update-alternatives, after that run update-initramfs -u02:41
kwwiiTonio_: I got that same error (but in english)02:41
Tonio_mbiebl: ah !!02:41
Tonio_Riddell: that can be fixed in kds package easilly, just adding the update-alternative thing to postinst, no ?02:41
Riddellwe already have it02:42
Tonio_Riddell: ah ?02:42
Riddellbut it's probably missing something to fix it if you already have an alternative for kubuntu02:43
mbieblDid older versions of kubuntu-artwork-usplash install /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so02:43
mbieblIf so, postinst should probably delete the old alternative first and the install the new one.02:44
Tonio_mbiebl: it is supposed to ;)02:44
Riddellmbiebl: yes02:44
kwwiiso, do I need to link uspash-artwork.so to usplash-theme-kubuntu.so? in /usr/lib/usplash?02:45
Tonio_Riddell: ah !02:45
Tonio_./debian/kubuntu-artwork-usplash.prerm:    update-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so02:45
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Tonio_shouldn't we s/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so/kubuntu-splash.so there ?02:45
kwwii I think I will wait until Tonio_ get's it figured out and then ask him :p02:45
Tonio_Riddell: I think we are not removing the good one :) I'm testing this02:46
Riddellkwwii: rm /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so; sudo ln -s /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so02:46
Riddellit's Hobbsee!02:47
=== imbrandon hides
HobbseeRiddell: it is!02:49
kwwiiI'll reboot on the way out...see you all later02:49
=== Hobbsee throws some water balloons at imbrandon
=== imbrandon steped behind kwwii so they hit him
Hobbseeoh dear, now your'e both covered in water.02:49
imbrandonwow , it looks like i have a GOOD chance at that job in spain02:49
imbrandonthat would be awesom02:50
Hobbseenice!  what job is this?02:50
Tonio_Riddell: got it ;)02:50
imbrandonWarp Networks ( ebox ) , one of the guys posted it on planet.k.o02:50
kwwiiimbrandon: then you could come and visit me much cheaper :-)02:50
imbrandonkwwii, haha yea02:50
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=== kwwii is out
Tonio_Riddell: sudo update-alternatives --remove-all usplash-artwork.so removes it correctly02:51
Tonio_Riddell: tested in kds here, it works correctly02:51
Tonio_Riddell: I'm fixing...02:51
mbieblTonio_: this should have been called by the old kubuntu-artwork-usplash package.02:51
Tonio_mbiebl: probably yes02:51
mbieblNot by the new one.02:52
imbrandonHobbsee,  i sent them my CV and they replied within the hour ( 3 times ) and just interviewed me on IRC ( oftc )02:52
Tonio_mbiebl: also, that's not an issue removing and reinstalling everytime02:52
Hobbseeimbrandon: nice :)02:53
Tonio_mbiebl: well the point is that it will need 2 update of the package for the fix to apply...02:53
Riddellmbiebl: the link is only removed in the .prerm if the package is removed, not if it's upgraded02:54
mbieblYou could upload a version, which calls update-alternatives --remove-all usplash-artwork.so in postinst02:54
mbieblbefore adding the new one.02:54
Riddellmbiebl: that seems like the best idea02:54
Riddellwell, not --remove-all02:54
mbieblBut keep the current prerm as it is.02:54
Riddelljust remove the kubuntu one02:54
mbieblAh, right ;-)02:54
Hobbseeoh yay, my kdenetwork changes went in.02:56
Tonio_Riddell: doesn't work unfortunatelly, I haven't been able to remove it with standard --remove foo bar thing02:56
Riddellupdate-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so02:57
Tonio_Riddell: yes, and that failed here02:57
RiddellTonio_: is your alternatives in manual or auto?  02:57
Riddellupdate-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.so02:57
Tonio_Riddell: how to check this ?02:57
Riddellfirst line with that command02:57
Tonio_Riddell: currently auto02:58
Tonio_but I removed the old one so I can't check02:58
marseillaithere's no alsaconf under ubuntu ???? :|02:59
Tonio_Riddell: only way I found to remove was --remove-all, but that can be a local issue....03:00
jdongmarseillai: who uses that anymore :P03:00
Tonio_can someone confirm please ?03:00
marseillaito try to configure 5.103:00
Hobbseeargh.  trying to eat foil is a bad idea.03:00
Tonio_Hobbsee: please ? :)03:00
HobbseeTonio_: sorry, confirm what how?03:01
Tonio_sudo update-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so && ls -l /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so03:01
Tonio_Hobbsee: do you get one line output after this ?03:01
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Hobbseelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 2006-09-08 08:01 /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so -> /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so03:02
HobbseeTonio_: ^03:02
Tonio_Riddell: so it looks like globally failing.... is there a way to force this ?03:02
Tonio_appart from --remove-all of course :)03:02
Riddellhi GNUrante 03:03
HobbseeTonio_: use --removal-all, then add the new one :P03:03
RiddellTonio_: it worked for me03:03
Tonio_Hobbsee: that'll impact people using both gnome and kde....03:03
Tonio_Riddell: hum.... strange03:03
GNUranteRiddell: Hi! =)03:03
HobbseeTonio_: point03:03
HobbseeRiddell: yes, but you have a strange system :P03:03
Tonio_Hobbsee: +1 ^^03:04
Tonio_the point is that we don't know how to do this propperly.....;03:04
Tm_Tis that official voting? then +1 from me too03:04
LureTm_T: only KCC is allowed to vote ;-)03:05
Tonio_Lure: hehe03:05
Tm_Tok, count that as "support" then ;)03:05
Hobbseemaybe we should allow everyone else half a vote.  or quarter vote or something.03:05
Lureand Riddell cannot vote as his system is in question ;-)03:05
mbieblTonio_: if update-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so does not work for you, it also explains why the old prerm did not successfully remove the alternative.03:06
Tonio_Riddell: we can do as you say, give the package to Hobbsee and see if it works better in a package :)03:06
=== Hobbsee looks at the talk w.r.t usplash in #ubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: lol03:07
Tonio_mbiebl: well I never removed the package, only updated it, so prerm didn't apply03:07
Hobbsees/ Riddell / Tonio_ /03:07
Tonio_Hobbsee: I was serious :) I'm packaging right now03:07
HobbseeTonio_: sure, okay03:07
mbiebliirc prerm is also called on updates.03:07
Tonio_mbiebl: ah ?... I will have learned something today ^^03:08
Tonio_mbiebl: I always though prerm was avoided during updates...03:09
Tonio_okay so we don't have any solution...03:09
Riddellmbiebl: it has a case) remove statement03:09
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mbieblRiddell: that's why it does not properly upgrade03:09
Tonio_mbiebl, Riddell: no it failed because the removal command is incorrect03:10
Tonio_update-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so03:10
Tonio_that's not the good command, so it might explain why upgrades didn't fix this03:11
RiddellTonio_: that's correct for the current package03:11
Tonio_Riddell: yes but that will not remove old thing, unless the good command has been use on previous versions03:11
RiddellHobbsee: try http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/kubuntu-artwork-usplash_6.10-32_i386.deb03:11
HobbseeRiddell: 404'd03:12
Tonio_Riddell: too quick for me.... build is still running here03:12
RiddellHobbsee: try http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kubuntu-artwork-usplash_6.10-32_i386.deb03:12
mbieblTonio_: yes, that's why I suggested to remove the old one in *postinst* before installing the new one.03:13
Tonio_mbiebl: yup, you wwere right indeed :)03:13
HobbseeRiddell: right.  what am i doing then?03:13
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~/Desktop$ ls -l /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so03:13
Hobbseelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 34 2006-09-08 08:01 /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so -> /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so03:13
Tonio_Hobbsee: weird.......03:14
HobbseeTonio_: rather03:14
RiddellHobbsee: what does this give you?  update-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.so03:14
GNUrantewhat do you think about a screensaver for Kubuntu like this: http://www.gnuton.org/blog/projects/kdescreensaverkcad/ ?03:14
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~/Desktop$ update-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.sousplash-artwork.so - status is manual.03:14
Hobbsee link currently points to /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so03:14
Hobbsee/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so - priority 1503:14
HobbseeCurrent `best' version is /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so.03:14
RiddellHobbsee: you have it manual, that's the problem03:15
Tonio_Riddell: probably same for me03:15
HobbseeRiddell: likely to be the default03:15
Riddellfixed by  sudo update-alternatives --auto usplash-artwork.so03:15
Tonio_Riddell: great03:16
Riddellthe default is auto03:16
Tonio_GNUrante: any screenshot available ?03:16
HobbseeTonio_: the ones on that page, it looks like03:17
Tonio_Hobbsee: I can't see them.......03:17
HobbseeTonio_: http://www.gnuton.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2006/05/KCad2.0_3.thumbnail.png03:17
Hobbseegoes from 1-3 (the last digit)03:18
Tonio_GNUrante: you're blog's code is crappy :)03:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: yes it works in firefox03:18
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HobbseeTonio_: ah.  you were trying in konq or something?03:18
GNUrantesee http://www.gnuton.org/blog/projects/kdescreensaverkcad/ version (with windoze logo)03:18
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe, yes, it looks like my adblock rules are a bit violent :)03:18
HobbseeTonio_: heh03:18
Tonio_GNUrante: sorry, local issue :)03:19
GNUranteTonio_: why it's crappy?03:19
GNUranteTonio_: :P03:19
=== Hobbsee notes that it's set to auto. now what? :P
Tonio_Hobbsee: now restart the -remove command03:19
Tonio_and then ls -l again03:19
Tonio_you should see a different03:19
Tonio_Hobbsee: what now ?03:20
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~/Desktop$ sudo update-alternatives --remove usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so && ls -l /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so03:20
Hobbseelrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 41 2006-09-12 23:20 /etc/alternatives/usplash-artwork.so -> /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-theme-kubuntu.so03:20
Tonio_Hobbsee: hehe :)03:20
Hobbseeit's in green, not red, too03:20
Hobbseemaybe you need to set it to auto before running your other command?03:20
Tonio_Riddell: are you doing the package or do you want me to do the stuff in postinst ?03:20
Tonio_Hobbsee: should be auto03:21
Tonio_Hobbsee: retry the --display command03:21
HobbseeTonio_: i dont think i've changed the defaults03:21
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Tonio_Hobbsee: neither did I.....03:21
HobbseeTonio_: yeah, now it's set to auto03:22
Tonio_okay, cool :)03:22
HobbseeTonio_: what i'm suggesting is, check if it's set to auto to begin with, if not, change it, then do the whole remove thing03:22
Tonio_Hobbsee: we can simply force it to auto in any case, that shouldn't cause any issue03:22
RiddellTonio_: I'm doing it (along with ken's artwork)03:22
HobbseeTonio_: that works too03:23
Tonio_Riddell: okay, and just one last thing, are you upload kdebase or can I do it eventually ?03:23
RiddellTonio_: I just asked mithrandir for permission, no reply yet03:23
Tonio_Riddell: okay, let's wait. kdelibs is ready here too03:23
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Hobbseehey jjesse 03:26
Tonio_Riddell: we have to check is the alternative is set to manual for most dapper users, since in that case, the workarround cannot be temporary... we would have to keep it for distro updates03:27
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imbrandonHobbsee, wow i just found out / realized atleaste 2 of the head guys for this company in spain are DD KDE maintainers ;)03:30
imbrandonthis could turn out to be cool03:30
Riddellimbrandon: issac and dato?03:30
Hobbseeimbrandon: hehe.  so you can use their power anyway, even if you dont get the job03:31
imbrandonRiddell, yea03:31
Tm_TTonio_: ahoy03:32
imbrandonRiddell, i'm on oftc talking to them now03:32
imbrandonHobbsee, heheh03:32
Tonio_Tm_T: none of those guys didn't even respond to me........03:32
Tm_Tusplash-artwork.so - status is auto. link currently points to /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so03:32
Tm_T/usr/lib/usplash/usplash-default.so - priority 1003:32
Tm_TCurrent `best' version is /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so.03:32
Tm_T/usr/lib/usplash/kubuntu-splash.so - priority 5003:32
Tonio_Tm_T: okay you are in auto03:32
Tonio_Tm_T: none of those bastards didn't even took a second to help us..........03:33
Tonio_Tm_T: and we're working for them....... that sucks03:33
Tm_Twell, sometimes there's only "passive" newbies03:33
Tm_TI think many active users are gone somewhere else03:34
Tonio_and the same guys will shy if usplash doesn't work after update......03:34
Tonio_this is why I don't accept they don't repond, since they'll be the very first to shy...03:34
Tonio_Tm_T: I said what I had to say...03:35
Tonio_damn that's incredible, I am totally ignored......03:36
Tonio_just a 3 seconds contrib is too much for them...03:37
Tm_TI think we need channel to more skilled and/or active users03:37
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Tm_T-offtopic was it, for awhile, it changed after time03:37
Tonio_Tm_T: well they are active, but they just don't give a shit in helping, looks like03:37
Tm_TTonio_: active as ready to help03:38
Tm_Tand interested to know how thing works03:38
Tonio_Tm_T: yes...03:38
Tm_Tnot just "help me"03:38
Tonio_Tm_T: no need ot understand how it works...03:38
RiddellTonio_: no reply from mithrandir, lets just upload and see what happens03:38
Tonio_Tm_T: they just have to paste the command I said in konsole and gimme the response...03:38
Tonio_Riddell: okay I'm uploading kdebase and kdelibs03:38
HobbseeRiddell: you can take the yelling later, yeah :P03:38
Tm_TTonio_: I'll poke active ones, one second03:39
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Tm_Tman, ssh is slow over gprs :-P03:41
Tonio_Tm_T: ;)03:41
Tonio_Tm_T: you see, that's THE problem of FLOSS...03:41
Tm_Tok, "yes"03:42
Tm_Tauto seems to be there03:42
Tonio_Tm_T: to many fanatics trying to "spread the oss spirit" and that are simply egotists, not ready to even help a second....03:42
Tonio_Tm_T: cool, although I would have liked 10 or 20 responses to be sure, since Hobbsee and I got manual without any change from us...03:43
Tm_Thmm, several auto responses this far03:43
Tonio_Tm_T: cool03:43
Tonio_pv asking ?03:43
Tonio_private asking03:44
Tm_Tno, just asked in finnish channels :p03:44
Tonio_Tm_T: finish guys are nice :)03:44
Tm_Tless "newbie" fuss and more action03:45
Tm_TTonio_: I'll ping you when I have 10 similar responses03:46
Tonio_Tm_T: thanks :)03:46
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seth|awaywhat command should I run, Tonio_?03:53
=== seth|away just woke up
Tm_Tupdate-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.so03:54
sethalright, one sec, booting the edgy box03:54
Tonio_seth: and tell me if you have manuel or auto setting :)03:54
Hobbseeoh darn it!03:56
=== Hobbsee gets the dunce cap award for the day
RiddellHobbsee: why's that?03:56
HobbseeRiddell: i was going to put my laptop on to charge for uni tomorrow, and i completely forgot.  so now the battery is almost dead.03:57
sethTonio_, manual03:57
=== Hobbsee tries not to leave this charging overnight.
Tonio_seth: okay, dapper native install or breezy update ?03:58
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HobbseeTonio_: s/dapper/edgy/ && s/breezy/dapper/03:58
Tm_TTonio_: all auto in dapper systems, it seems04:00
sethTonio_, dapper native install -> edgy dist-upgrade04:00
sethTonio_, on my dapper native install it is set to auto04:00
seth(different computer)04:01
=== seth sets it to auto on the edgy computer too
sethHobbsee, erm, there's nothing wrong with charging a lappy overnight04:01
Tonio_Riddell: it looks like something happens during the update that changes from auto to manual...04:01
sethit will stop charging when it is 100%04:01
Tonio_most dapper users have auto and edgy users have manual settings04:01
Hobbseeseth: yes.  i've yet to have it catch fire or something.  but still.  i'm paranoid :P04:02
sethtoo paranoid04:02
imbrandonokies i need to go take a ( short ) nap before the TB meeting today , see you all in a few hours ( about 4 so i'm awake in time ) gnight Riddell / Hobbsee / Tonio_ and everyone04:02
sethparanoia should never affect your daily routine :P04:02
Hobbseenight imbrandon 04:02
Hobbseeseth: true that.  ish.04:02
=== seth looks for clean white coat
=== Hobbsee ate them all.
sethbut my name is embroidered on them and everything04:04
sethnow people won't call me Dr. Seth04:04
=== seth finds one hiding in the back of the closet that Hobbsee missed
Hobbseeseth: surely they call you Dr. Kinast04:04
Hobbseei never miss.04:04
sethI'm off to the lab04:04
Hobbseecya seth|away 04:04
seth|awaybye Hobbsee <304:05
Tm_TTonio_: ok, just one dapper with "manual", he don't remember if he had do something to it himself04:06
Tonio_Tm_T: that's really strange....04:08
Tonio_Lure: concerning optical medias bug, the problem is that the patches are already in04:09
Tonio_but they have been added to long ago to be the latest, that's why I don't understand...04:10
Tonio_Lure: looks like latest ones are not on the page04:10
Tonio__Sime_: ping ? ;)04:10
Tonio_Lure: and also the issue is still there :)04:10
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imbrandonok one quote that made my day better , then i'm REALLY off to sleep ;) [08:16]  <koke> yep, that's why I think a "debuntu" conference would help everybody04:15
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kwwiiso my usplash fails because it cannot find the screen size04:15
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jdongwhat's this about kubuntu going blue again?04:23
kwwiiit is a test to decide which one people like more, and it is not totally blue04:23
jdongI see04:23
Hobbseehow blue is this?  screenshot?04:23
kwwiiit is another variation on the one we already used, don't worry04:25
kwwiiI like the older one better, but I put this one in to appease a few people04:25
kwwiiand get everyones opinion04:25
=== Hobbsee still wants a screenshot
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kwwiiHobbsee: get http://bootsplash.org/KnotImages.tar.gz it is in there04:34
=== jdong grabs tarball
Tonio_allee: I'm on bug 5933404:38
UbugtuMalone bug 59334 in kubuntu-default-settings "Wrong language and country in kdeglobals" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5933404:38
RiddellTonio_: I think raphink looked at that04:39
Tonio_allee: it looks like back to english is due no language detected, and it's hardcoded in the source, that's the first point :)04:39
Tonio_Riddell: ah ? yes he did but afaik he didn't found still... maybe I'll have more chance...04:39
kwwiiscreenshot here: http://bootsplash.org/snapshot2.png04:39
kwwiiI get the feeling that people might like the last wallpaper better04:41
LureTonio_: are you sure? _Sime_ updated one and is still on "Pending" list...04:44
jdongkwwii: the new one doesn't look too bad04:45
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kwwiijdong: yes, but which one is better?04:47
Tonio_Lure: yes but that's it, the patches are already in...04:47
jdongkwwii: personally, I think the new one is better04:47
kwwiiof course they are all good...I made them! :p04:47
Tonio_Lure: and the issue isn't resolved here so that's why I would like to make a point with him first :)04:47
jdongkwwii: I'm not that fond of the yellowish hues04:47
kwwiiI was also thinking about saving the blue version for edgy+104:47
Tonio_Lure: you can check kdebase and kdelibs sources, patches are in04:47
kwwiikinda do a bit of work in advance04:47
LureTonio_: ok, then we should update wiki page..04:47
jdongkwwii: it looks like ubuntu seeped into kubuntu's laundry and the colors never washed out all the way :)04:48
Tonio_Lure: no since there is a difference with the supposed date of the patches04:48
Tonio_Lure: they have been added before supposedly written, that's why I think patches on the page are not the latest ones04:48
Tonio_supposed to be but they are not04:48
kwwiijdong: I kinda liked it because it drew the two projects back together a bit04:49
jdongkwwii: no! not supposed to happen! never!04:49
jdongwe infiltrate them... not vice versa :)04:49
jdongit's the gtk QT engine, not the qt GTK engine :)04:50
jdongbut either way, both schemes look good to me.. I don't have that big a preference :)04:50
Hobbseemind you, i'm currently annoyed at how difficult it is to get the bsod screensaver in kubuntu.04:50
Hobbseelooks like you need xscreensaver-data-extra, but need to have xscreensavers installed for it to work.04:51
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Tm_Tkwwii: played around with that curve thing and one logo: http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/current-temp.png05:02
Tm_Tgrey background is by kdesktop05:02
kwwiithat looks much classier05:03
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Hobbseekwwii_: that gradient looks heaps better05:16
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Hobbseeand not fair, you're using the crystal icons, for screenshots :P05:16
kwwii_at least someone says nice things to me05:18
Tm_Tkwwii_: you will be good soil to trees05:19
Tm_Tisn't that nice ;)05:19
Tm_Tfood and sleep ->05:19
=== bddebian whispers sweet nothings to kwwii_
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nixternalktorrent 2.0.2. is this going to be in Knot 3 or no?05:26
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jdongnixternal: I doubt it from the way it looks05:29
jdongall the info for a UVF exception has been sitting there for a week, no activity05:29
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Tonio_kwwii_: sudo usplash works here, but fails at boot. Probably due to the resolution detection I assume05:33
Tonio_allee: 05:37
Tonio_cat kdebase-3.5.4/kcontrol/locale/default/Makefile.am05:37
Tonio_kcm_locale_data_DATA = entry.desktop05:37
Tonio_kcm_locale_datadir = $(kde_locale)/en_US05:37
kwwii_Tonio_: yeah, Kaimon told me he is fixing something05:37
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Tonio_allee: I'm now wondering if bug 59334 is a real bug or a "feature"05:38
UbugtuMalone bug 59334 in kubuntu-default-settings "Wrong language and country in kdeglobals" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5933405:38
hungerWhy is my freenode setup in konversation suddenly hijacked to irc.ubuntu.com?05:38
nixternalRiddell: the HWDB, is that installed by default in Knot 3?05:38
Tonio_allee: would be interesting to compare with another distro05:38
jdonghunger: because mez wrote a patch to do that :)05:39
jdonghunger: irc.ubuntu.com points to whatever irc server ubuntu is using05:39
jdongat the time, freenode05:39
hungerjdong: I do not care which server ubuntu is using! I want to use freenode.05:39
Riddellnixternal: yes05:39
jdonghunger: change it back :)05:39
nixternalhow do you access it?05:40
jdonghunger: and tell mez to stop hijacking your IRC settings :)05:40
hungerjdong: Would you guys please stop messing with the stuff I have configured? I spend time configuring my system the way I want it. It is extremly impolite to keep changing stuff with each upgrade.05:40
jdonghunger: dude, you're using a development branch....05:40
hungerjdong: Sorry, that was not meant for yoou.05:40
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hungerjdong: What does that have to do with it?05:41
jdonghunger: you won't get a lot of the setting changes (i.e. themes, etc) that come with the newer release unless the package changes it05:41
hungerjdong: I do expect the occassional breakage and I do not mind that. But I do mind people changing the stuff I configured.05:41
Tonio_[17:41]  <-- _: Huahua ajoute le pseudo et %2 l'objectif"I will be back!" a quitt ce serveur (%2).05:41
nixternalirc.ubuntu.com == irc.freenode.net05:41
Tonio_hurgh ! is that french translation related issue or ?05:42
jdongTonio_: lol, I don't think that french translation was done right... :)05:42
Tonio_jdong: hum..........05:42
Tonio_jdong: works for you ?05:42
=== jdong is not french.... :)
Tonio_trying with english...05:43
hungerConfiguration is user data just like text documents, etc. That should be sacrosanct for packages to mess with.05:43
jdongbut the "ajoute le pseudo et %2 l'objectif" part really concerns me :)05:43
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jdong[11:43]  <-- Tonio_ has left this server (Remote closed the connection).05:43
jdong[11:43]  --> Tonio_ has joined this channel (n=tonio@179.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net).05:43
jdongthat was good, Tonio_05:44
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Tonio_okay I'm in english...05:44
Tonio_can someone leave and join please ?05:44
Tonio_jdong: yes but can be locale issue maybe05:44
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Tonio_okay it works....... let's go to rosetta05:45
jdongwhile we're complaining about konversation.... why is the hotkey for moving the tab up alt+shift+left?05:46
jdongwouldn't say.... UP.. make more sense?05:46
alleeTonio_: Could you confirm the bug?  AFAIR when I installed Kubuntu in German the desktop came up in with german translations too (dapper)05:46
Tonio_allee: yes, that's not the bug ;)05:47
Tonio_allee: the only thing concerns clicking "defaults"05:47
alleeTonio_: side note: instead of post inst I would suggest to use Language[e] = or something like this.05:47
Tonio_allee: when I install in french kde comes with french, but if I click defaults, then kde switches to en_US05:47
alleeTonio_: ah, the defaults  I remember this problem.05:48
Tonio_allee: kubuntu language out of the box doesn't bug at all05:48
alleeTonio_: I'm not sure but I remember lots of fixes for kcm modules, that sound like fixing exactly this bug05:48
Tonio_only that default thing... and looking at kdebase code, it looks like a "wanted feature", not a bug05:48
Tonio_allee: in svn ?05:48
alleeTonio_: yes, 3_5_branch05:49
alleewait ...05:49
Tonio_allee: okay ;)05:49
nixternalRiddell: any blog links or regular links for:  "Hibernate on Logout" and "Power Manager Changes" as well as "Gamma Page/Display Config from sime"?05:51
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alleeTonio_: wb05:52
alleeTonio_: it was helio. Lots of commits like: Setting module to use system defaults05:52
Tonio_allee: ;)05:52
alleeTonio_: maybe ping him on #kde-devel?  From the commits msg and some Re: I think he addressed the problem but better ask him.  Maybe I'm wrong05:53
Tonio_allee: would be interesting to bet a patch and test maybe no ?05:53
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alleeTonio_: asking him first or do a branch pull kcm/ of kdebase  (he did lots of fixes for other modules too)05:55
Riddellnixternal: nope05:56
Tonio_allee: will do, thanks for the tip :)05:56
Riddellnixternal: hwdb is in the menu, install hwdb-kde to find it05:56
nixternaloh. so it has to be installed manually right now then?05:56
alleeTonio_: most of this happened 22nd of August05:57
Tonio_allee: interesting ;)05:57
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alleeTonio_: filtering kde-commits ML is really interesting read ;)05:58
Tonio_allee: yup, I should subscribe to this :)05:59
alleeTonio_: NOOOOO05:59
Tonio_allee: ?05:59
alleeTonio_: there's a filter service out, where you can subscribe to only parts of kde-commits ml.05:59
alleeTonio_: kde-commits volume is huge.  Using this service is on todo since month, but too busy right now :(06:00
Tonio_allee: okay I'll have a look ;)06:00
alleetoma: ^^ afair you told me one about thei kde-commits filter service?06:02
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Tonio_allee: any url plz ? :)06:04
alleetoma: ^^06:04
alleeTonio_: no but toma, was always good bookmark-fallback ;)  He know all the KDE goodies around in the net06:05
Tonio_allee: will remember hehe ^^06:06
Tm_Trss from there, lovely06:12
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alleeTonio_: http://commitfilter.kde.org/ ?06:22
=== jdong builds crack-optimized firefox 2.0b2
jdongsegfaults, here I come!06:28
jdong--enable-optimize=-O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -march=nocona -mfpmath=sse -freorder-blocks -fno-reorder-functions -gstabs+ -pipe06:28
nixternalcrimsun: are you around at all?06:43
Tonio_allee: thanks06:46
kwwii_time for dinner06:50
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Tonio_raphink: yop t'as une seconde ?07:04
raphinkheu rapidement07:04
Tonio_vivi, t'as edgy la ?07:04
Tonio_ca prend 4 secondes07:04
Tonio_bon bah voila pas besoin d'en savoir plus :)07:04
raphinkje vais pas tarder  passer sous edgy07:04
Tonio_oki ;)07:05
raphinkon a sorti ichthux 6.09 aujourd'hui07:05
raphinkdonc maintenant on passe sur edgy pour dvelopper07:05
Tonio_putain sur rosetta on peut pas afficher plus de 10 lignes a chaque fois ?07:05
Tonio_c galre pour corriger une ligne errone07:05
Tonio_mais alors galre comme jamais07:05
Tonio_raphink: on peut pas faire de recherche dans les templates ?07:06
raphinkpas que je sache07:06
Tonio_waip bah pour corriger une ligne foireuse, t'es oblig de te taper TOUTES les pages07:07
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tomaca va?07:44
Tonio_toma: ;)07:51
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seaLneis it just doc team that can edit help.u.com pages?09:12
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RiddellseaLne: I'm not sure09:13
Riddellit's certainly restricted09:13
beligumHi all09:13
beligumsomebody found time to take a look at ScreenKast yet?09:14
seaLneRiddell: i was just thinking https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto3 where it talks about just having /home encrypted should have a warning about some stuff may be exposed due to tmp files09:14
seaLnethats the main way you get evidence when investigating encrypted data :)09:16
seth|lappybeligum, link to screenkast?09:17
seth|lappyI'll take a peek09:17
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Lurealybody seen allee in recent days? or any other user with multiple batteries on laptop?09:19
beligumyou'll need libinstrudeo too: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=304709:19
seth|lappybeligum, this shouldn't be a native package, you should create it with orig and diff09:22
seth|lappyalso target distro should be edgy, not unstable09:22
beligumallright, thanks (this is my first package for ubuntu, so please be gentle ;-))09:23
seth|lappyyeah, no worries :)09:23
seaLnebeligum: did you look at the lintian output that is complaining about .svn dirs?09:24
beligumcrap, I thought I deleted them09:24
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seth|lappybeligum, also you don't need to b-d the source package on g++ or similar build tools09:30
seth|lappyif you require a very specific version of g++, it's okay to b-d on a version, but my guess is that you don't need those at all09:31
beligumthis all for libinstrudeo and screenkast ?09:31
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto09:31
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seaLnebeligum: ^09:32
seaLnethat way you can check that the package builds fine with the depnds you have specified09:32
beligumhow do I quickly re-build the .changes file and check it with lintian?09:35
beligumbtw, thx, seaLne09:36
seth|lappydebuild -S -sa will give you a new *source.changes to run lintian on, I believe09:36
crimsunnixternal: pong09:44
beligumwhy do I get a "newer-standards-version 3.7.2" lintian-warning?09:45
nixternalya, there was a guy with an issue earlier, and i figured if anyone could fix it, it was you..he has since left though09:45
nixternal<jayphi> i tried to boot ubuntu from my second hard drive but it gives me the message /bin/sh:  can't access tty; job control off  Can someone please help?09:45
nixternalit was a stock install, no nfs..09:45
crimsundapper or edgy?09:45
nixternali told him to email the ubuntu-users list, and hopefully someone would help him..dapper09:45
crimsunbeligum: see the output from ``apt-cache madison debian-policy''09:46
crimsunnixternal: ok.09:46
beligumok, so I need to change the control file to
seaLne3.7.2 is the latest09:49
seth|lappy3.7.2.1 methinks, actually?09:50
seth|lappydebian-policy | | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com edgy/universe Packages09:51
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seaLne minor versions probably make not much difference09:51
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beligummy god, I'm officially stupid, I'm trying to build an edgy package on dapper09:53
crimsunbeligum: 3.7.2 is fine if your source package adheres to policy 3.7.2. The lintian warning is just that.09:53
seth|lappybeligum, that's what pbuilder is for... so you can build edgy packages in a clean-room environment, no matter what distro you happen to be running09:54
beligumhmm, ok09:54
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crimsunimbrandon: ping10:02
Lurecrimsun: he said that he will be here, so he probably felt a sleep...10:03
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ryanakcakwwii: hey, I have that iconset packaged.... http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=309810:12
imbrandonRiddell, crimsun ping10:12
imbrandoncan you poke in the meeting 10:12
_beligumq: where is the pbuilder chroot env installed?10:13
seaLneit is unpacked each time its run to ensure its clean10:16
crimsunbeligum: /tmp/ if you're referring to extraction, otherwise /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz for the packed.10:16
beligumok, thx10:19
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=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Viper550Hello kwwii and everyone else10:37
beligumCan I just run sudo pbuilder in the directory where I unpacked the tarball and created my debian directory ?10:39
kwwiihi Viper55010:40
Viper550Any major artwork changes or minor adjustments for Knot 3?10:40
kwwiiwell, the bg is going to a blue-purple version10:41
=== ryanakca [n=ryan@unaffiliated/ryanakca] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiithe color scheme was tweaked a bit10:41
kwwiithe window deco gradient was changed10:41
Viper550That's good, I thought the wallpaper was a bit weird with the bronze10:42
beligumfound it, nevermind10:42
=== rouzic is away / se ha ido
=== rouzic is back / ha vuelto
beligumlol, no, I didn't10:45
Viper550Are there any screenshots yet10:47
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beligumcrimsun or seth|lappy, I get this error after a "sudo debuild -S -sa"; gpg: skipped "Bram Biesbrouck <b@beligum.org>": secret key not available10:50
beligumwhy's that?10:50
beligum(I must admit I'm pretty new to gpg)10:51
tomabeligum: do you have a secret key?10:56
tomafor which emailaddress?10:56
beligumthe one specified10:56
beligumno ;-)10:57
beligumhow can I check that?10:57
tomagpg -K10:58
beligumok, everything looks fine10:59
tomahmm, you  were in a pbuilder?10:59
tomaor a debuild?10:59
beligumbut sudo11:00
beligumshould I install fakeroot instead?11:00
beligumsorry, just thinking of that11:00
tomanot sure, i only use pbuilder11:00
tomabut as su it will probably not find your key11:00
beligumhow do I build a new source-tarball using pbuilder?11:00
ubotupbuilder is a system to easily build packages in a clean chroot environment. To get started with PBuilder, see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto11:01
toma;-) it was a guess but it works ;-)11:01
beligumI guessed I needed to generate a .dsc file using debuild first, and then compile it with pbuilder11:01
beligumI already read that tutorial11:01
beligumbut it doesn't present a solution :(11:01
tomacreate the .dsc with dpkg-source 11:02
tomadpkg -b folder/11:02
tomadpkg-source -b folder/11:02
tomathen run the pbuilder on the generated dsc11:03
beligumallright, thanks11:03
tomawhenever you change something in folder/debian/whatever, rerun the dpkg-source command and the pbuilder11:03
beligumpbuilder using sudo, right?11:04
tomayou can debsign it afterwards11:04
tomabut then you'll have the same problem probably11:05
tomabut i don't know how to solve that11:05
beligumworks perfectly using fakeroot11:05
tomaoh, that was su related. i forgot11:06
beligumok, new problem11:06
beligumCouldn't find package libdts-dev11:06
tomaimbrandon: concrats!11:06
Lathiatimbrandon: phew ;)11:06
Lathiatimbrandon: would you like a cold towels? :)11:06
tomayou survived the >1 hour interigation11:07
imbrandonthat was a grilling ;)11:09
imbrandonthanks everyone11:09
beligumhmm, could it be that the ubuntu website and the repository are out of sync?11:11
kwwiiryanakca: ping? I just read the log, sorry I missed your comment11:11
ryanakcakwwii: lol, np11:12
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@179.8.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
ryanakcakwwii: had I given you the link?11:12
Tonio_kwwii: new blue colors are okay finally :)11:14
Tonio_kwwii: I just saw kdm stuff isn't there at the moment11:14
kwwiidude, we are reverting to the old version, just because of that comment11:14
LureTonio_: now you come, when imbrandon was grilled for an hour w/o any kubuntu -core-dev to cheer ;-)11:14
kwwiikdm should work, the ksplash stuff is still messed up11:14
Tonio_kwwii: my girlfriend lets you know she appreciates blue too :)11:14
ryanakcaewww... are we switching back to blue?11:14
LureTonio_: but he passed anyhow ;-)11:14
Tonio_Lure: yes I know, sorry but I wasn't in the mood to come...11:14
=== ryanakca loves his purple...
Tonio_Mother at phone since we have a little familly issue at the moment.......11:15
kwwiiwell, it is blue-purple11:15
Tonio_imbrandon: I'm honnestly sorry but I couldn't be there11:15
Tonio_imbrandon: 11:15
=== ryanakca curses the color change
Tonio_Lure: was it okay for imbrandon ?11:15
kwwii"a little family issue" sounds like your girlfriend is pregnant11:15
=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureTonio_: I am just teasing you - you will have to read logs to see the grill ;-)11:15
LureTonio_: yes, he did well 11:16
Tonio_Lure: no core was there........ damn...11:16
Tonio_shame on me, really11:16
Lurekwwii: lol11:16
Tonio_Lure: is the log online ?11:16
Tonio_Lure: he's approved then ? cool :)11:17
LureTonio_: probably not yet, but important is this:11:17
Lure[23:06]  <mdz> imbrandon: congratulations and welcome11:17
ryanakcakwwii: I think he's ignoring that comment :P11:17
Tonio_ah... so it is a temporary no and yes in a few weeks ?11:17
Tonio_kwwii: familly issue is my parents having lots of problem to accept the dog's death...11:17
Tonio_kwwii: can sound ridiculous, but well...11:18
Viper550Everyone, me and kwwii were talking about what we should do about KDE themes for Kubuntu11:18
LureTonio_: wrong - he got enough support11:18
Tonio_kwwii: I couldn't say to my mother crying at phone "hey I've a meeting" ;)11:18
kwwiiTonio_: sorry to give you shit11:18
Tonio_sounds loginc11:18
imbrandonTonio_, yup i got in woot ;)11:18
Tonio_kwwii: hey, there's no problem :)11:18
Tonio_kwwii: just to explain the situation... I'm embarrassed since I promissed imbrandon to be there to support him11:19
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:19
Tonio_imbrandon: beg your pardon, that's unfair...11:19
Tonio_imbrandon: is there a way to read the log ?11:19
Tonio_imbrandon: ho you got mdz ? hard to attempt with him... he has hard and strong questions...11:20
Tonio_imbrandon: congrats ;)11:20
kwwiihas anyone here tried the QtCurve style (and the corresponding GTK engine?)11:21
imbrandonhehe it was over one hour, and i'm sure its in the logs11:21
imbrandon3:05 to past 4pm11:21
imbrandon( local time )11:21
Tonio_kwwii: I did, it is not bad at all11:21
ryanakcakwwii: might have... is it new? (I've tried a pile of kde styles)... (if it isn't a KDE style, my bad :D )11:21
tomaimbrandon: remind me of that when I want to apply for motu11:21
Tonio_imbrandon: can you put your logs online ? I'd like to read those :)11:22
Viper550Okay, QtCurve is this nice new KDE style...with a twist11:22
imbrandonTonio_, one sec i'll look for the public link11:22
kwwiiryanakca: not too new11:22
kwwiiit is very glossy11:22
LureTonio_: I will paste them 11:22
Tonio_imbrandon: thanks11:22
Tonio_Lure: please11:22
ryanakcakwwii: link?11:22
imbrandonLure, it should be in the public logs already11:22
kwwiiryanakca: somewhere on kde-look.org11:23
Viper550It's very configurable, but it has one great feature that will make it perfect for Kubuntu11:23
Viper550(native Dapper package) http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=4092011:23
LureTonio_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2325811:23
Tonio_Lure: thanks !11:24
ryanakcaViper550: which is...11:24
imbrandonLure, thanks11:24
Viper550The theme has 2 parts, a KDE style and a GTK engine11:25
ryanakcalooks nice-ish11:25
=== kwwii tries to build it
Viper550The GTK theme portion uses the QtCurve GTK engine to read the configuration for the QtCurve KDE theme, giving GTK apps like Firefox the EXACT SAME APPEARANCE11:26
=== ryanakca hates the fact that FF looks one way and KDE the other... it "clashes"
Viper550Alot of people have been driven away from Kubuntu because there is no GTK theme (aka in their case, Firefox doesn't look very good)11:26
LureViper550: that sounds nice11:27
Viper550Alot of people prefer Firefox over Konqueror due to it's popularity11:27
LureViper550: any side-effects for users using both GNOME and KDE on system (multiple users with different DE) - is this completely per-user?11:27
LureViper550: particularly GTK engine part11:27
Viper550GTK themes undeer Gnome are different than GTK themes baseline11:28
=== ryanakca prefers FF over konq...
=== kwwii like konqi waaaayyyyyyyyy better
=== Lure prefers FF over konq for web, but konq rocks for file mgmt
kwwiiFF is a nice web browser, but nothing else11:28
Viper550Gnome gets it's GTK theme settings from the local gConf using the Gnome Settings Daemon, everywhere else, it's from the .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home directory11:29
eeanI liked konqi before web 2.011:29
kwwiihehe, web 2.011:29
kwwiithat should almost be a bad word11:29
Viper550So when you use KDE, it looks all consistent, and under Gnome, it uses your standard Gnome selection11:29
eeanit is already11:29
eeanI felt dirty using it11:29
=== ryanakca googles web 2.0
Viper550Even worse, when you use a different KDE style, the color schemes will still match when using the QtCurve GTK theme!11:30
nixternalthere is no way I am the only one seeding Kubuntu Edgy downloads for Knot 211:30
beligumis there a way to apt-cache search for a package in a pbuilder chroot ?11:31
LureViper550: not that I care about GNOME users, but we had issues with GTK Styles and Fonts issues11:31
Viper550Like what?11:31
Tonio_imbrandon: OMG... one hour questionning...11:31
Tonio_imbrandon: congrats you did well !11:31
imbrandonTonio_, thanks ;)11:31
Tonio_and once more I'm sorry since looking at the question I could have been helpfull....11:32
Viper550So, who's with me on the QtCurve train?11:32
Tonio_Viper550: hum, I'm not that hot11:32
LureViper550: gtk apps looked like shit in gnome after KDE GTK sytles were applied - Tonio fixed this in k-d-s11:32
beligumwhat about the questionning? I'm not following.11:32
Tonio_Viper550: it looks like qtcurve has issues with our gtk-qt-engine afaik11:32
kwwiiin whiich package does one find the xserver includes?11:32
Tonio_Viper550: needs deep test before any attempt11:32
Viper550Note, this is an entirely different system! It's not the QtGTK engine that messes everything up11:33
Tonio_Viper550: yes but gtk-qt-engine has one advantage :11:33
LureViper550: so we qould need to drop QtGTK? That may be an issue at this point in time (after feature freeze)11:33
Tonio_respect gnome settings for kde/gnome users11:33
Tonio_Lure: yes especially that gtk-qt-engine does more than simply binding the theme11:34
Tonio_Lure: it changes scrollbars on the fly, and allow fonts synchronisation11:34
Viper550oh great...11:34
Tonio_Viper550: if we remove it, how will kde users sync the gtk fonts when they change them ? :)11:35
Viper550If you want to never mind about the GTK theme, Polyester is a bit better: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2796811:35
Tonio_Viper550: gtk-qt-engine also binds kde icons on gtk apps11:35
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Viper550QtCurve binds Scrollbars, Icons, and style/colors, but not fonts unfortunatly11:35
Tonio_Viper550: fonts too ? interesting11:35
kwwiiwell, that doesn't build11:35
Tonio_Viper550: yes, fonts is a major point, since it is a pain to configure gtk apps fonts when you don't have gnome installed11:36
Tonio_Viper550: let's rediscuss this for edgy+1, but honnestly, this is a deep change and it is too late for this11:36
LureViper550: can we have universe package for testing in Edgy?11:36
Viper550Never mind, if you just want a glossy theme and not care about GTK, Polyester is nicer11:36
yvesluhi, will fontconfig 2.4 be in edgy?11:37
Tonio_Viper550: also the other advantage of gtk-qt-engine is that a user can change it's theme, gtk apps are still sync...11:37
LureViper550: isn't polyester in beta still?11:37
Tonio_Viper550: with qtcurve, people that want an homogenous theme will not be able to change it...11:37
Viper550Not exactly, they are using the term "beta" because it's not 1.011:37
Tonio_Viper550: so this question is very problematic11:37
ryanakcaViper550: it installs, but I don't see anything under "Style" in KControl11:38
Viper550Ahh ryanacka, you have to install both the KDE style and the GTK engine, 2 separate files!11:38
Viper5501st AND 2nd file11:39
Viper550But, there was a Kubuntu Dapper package too you know11:39
ryanakcaViper550: but they're different versions... (KDE 3 - 0.42.3) (Gtk 2 - 0.42.2)11:39
Lurekwwii: didn't you mention rounded upper corners today? I do not seem to get them here...11:40
Viper550I know, 0.42.3 is a KDE3 only update11:40
ryanakcaooh, rounded upper corners...11:40
Viper550Okay, to everyone concerned about the GTK portion...11:41
ryanakcaViper550: still doesn't show up... I installed ../QtCurve-Gtk2-0.42.2.tar.gz  ../QtCurve-KDE3-0.42.3.tar.gz   *goes back to poking it*11:41
kwwiiLure: yes, I did11:41
Viper550Compiled both...AND SET TO THE CORRECT PREFIX?11:42
=== imbrandon looks at the room title , nope no gtk concerns in here
kwwiiLure: but I think that is one of those things that Jonathan rather dislikes :-)11:42
Lurekwwii: so he dropped it silently ;-)11:42
kwwiiwell, maybe there was just too much to do :-)11:42
Lurekwwii: like disto logo instead of K icon ;-)11:42
nixternalis the top right image in konqi gonna be fixed before knot 3?11:43
imbrandonLure, yea we need that11:43
Viper550Polyester would just work better, and actually looks alot cooler than QtCurve11:43
imbrandonnixternal, it was fixed last night dodo11:43
ryanakcaLure: well... I have one of those... look for kde-icons-crystal-diamon on REVU11:43
imbrandonnixternal, update man11:43
nixternalwell...apt-get update didn't fix it11:43
=== ryanakca updates
Viper550Crystal Diamond...WICKED!11:43
nixternali can't update it any further11:43
kwwiiViper550: polyester is very much like lipstick, which is what we have11:43
imbrandonViper550, we are well into UVF and also feature freeze so changing the deco now isnt a concern11:44
ryanakcaViper550: where am I supposed to install to?11:44
Lurekwwii: it has more glossy look11:44
Viper550 /usr11:44
Viper550Polyester does have a Lipstik like mode, but it's base mode is gloss11:44
kwwiihrm, I shuld try it again11:44
imbrandonnixternal, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/edgy-changes/2006-September/005489.html11:45
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Viper550Oh yeah kwwii, on KDE look there were also Kubuntu packages11:45
ryanakcaViper550: no duh... KDE part installed to /usr/share/apps/kstyle/themes/qtcurve.themerc , GTK to /usr/share/themes/QtCurve/gtk-2.0/gtkrc11:45
Lurekwwii: I would like to have it, but I am concerns with potential bugs this late in process - remember cpu load due crystal window deco?11:45
kwwiiViper550: dude, I run ppc, there are never packages on websites for me11:45
Viper550oh, never knew that!11:46
kwwiiLure: yes, I know11:46
kwwiiLure: it would take a major action to change something now11:46
kwwiiwell, changing things is not soo hard, adding things would be11:46
ryanakcaViper550: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=3098     feel free to review it at the same time :)11:46
imbrandonryanakca, Viper550 isnt a MOTU ( he dosent even run {k}ubuntu ;)11:47
Viper550Yeah, I'm not MOTU, and I'm RPM based!11:47
ryanakcaOh yeah... he runs FC5, eh?11:47
Viper550Okay, I used to use Ubuntu when I joined this group11:47
=== ryanakca remembers now...
imbrandonViper550, btw there is a art channel ;)11:47
Viper550That's where the QtCurve talks began...11:48
ryanakca#kubuntu-devel-art ?11:48
imbrandonryanakca, no11:48
Viper550Then I suggested "Let's bring it up in kubuntu-devel"!11:48
imbrandonViper550, wow bad call ;)11:48
nixternalimbrandon: thats great the kdelibs was accepted last night..but it didn't fix the blue rectangle/konqi logo11:48
nixternali have 4 kubuntu edgy machines..just updated, and every single one has the same issue11:48
Lurenixternal: it fixed it for me...11:49
imbrandonnixternal, sure it does, it removes all the purple from the rest of it 11:49
Lurenixternal: only kdm splash is still old purple...11:49
nixternalwell, konqi on all 4 boxes is still blue11:49
nixternali just installed with the latest image as well, and did apt-get updates11:49
imbrandonnixternal, as it should be 11:50
=== ryanakca wonders who's idea it was to switch to a blueish-purple... I liked my plain old purple
kwwiiLure: we need to point the path of the slash bg to the right wallpaper11:50
Viper550And why I brought up QtCurve, is because I brought up my glossy panel11:50
kwwiiryanakca: it was my idea11:50
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=== ryanakca hopes he isn't being ignorant and that the "blueish-purple" is his beloved purple
nixternalwell, i have 4 blue konqi logos after updates..so i don't get it...is there a new repo?11:50
ryanakcakwwii: and edgy+1 will be purple?11:50
imbrandonnixternal, and just so you dont keep pulling your hair out it hasent be built yet ;)11:50
kwwiinote that I am, until now, only the "artist in chief" for kubuntu for this cycle11:50
imbrandonbut it will before release ;)11:51
nixternalso it is still blue then? until it has been built of course11:51
kwwiiryanakca: and it is puple11:51
kwwiithe window deco is still purple, the color scheme is purple11:51
nixternaland on my ubuntu box, now i have a big dumb "Artwork Preview" on my wallpaper ;)11:51
imbrandonnixternal, it will stay blue dammit, did you not read what i said, the purple left from the rest of it though11:51
kwwiithe amarok is purple (still need to improve on that)11:51
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=== imbrandon kicks nixternal in the nads
nixternaloh...there was to much "higlighting" up there11:52
nixternalwhy back to blue?11:52
imbrandonomg , ok your 3 days late11:52
nixternalthe purple looks sweet11:52
nixternalwell..i have been gone for 3 days11:52
nixternal4 actually11:52
Viper550I brought up QtCurve because he wanted the panel to match11:52
imbrandonbecouse it was too much purple, it will get redone before the final release11:52
Lurenixternal: we changed it as you said your monitor was burnt by it ;-)11:52
Lathiatso i booted kubuntu edgy knot 2 and i see that the konqi painting orange on the wallpaper for april fools was a sign of things to come.. ;)11:53
nixternalroger that11:53
nixternalhaha the wallpaper yes...but the purple konqi background was nice11:53
imbrandonit was too much11:53
nixternali still have that wallpaper as well...11:53
nixternalanyways...has the freeze occured?11:53
nixternalfor knot 311:53
Lathiatsee topic11:53
nixternalright in front of my eyes11:53
Lurenixternal: you like it now when you got the blue one? ;-)11:53
imbrandonnixternal, yes read the topic ( but that dosent mean things wont change as there is still things on the buildd's )11:54
nixternaloh well then...i won't do any artwork stuff for this release...as it hasn't changed from knot 211:54
Tonio_Viper550: let's rediscuss this later....11:54
Viper550Actually is has11:54
Tonio_Viper550: edgy is on the way to be released and we have *much* important things to figure out11:54
=== Viper550 [n=Viper550@d57-121-167.home.cgocable.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Just]
imbrandonomg he gets on my LAST nerve , maybe its becouse i'm tired11:55
imbrandonnixternal, btw i just made core-dev \0/ yay 11:55
nixternalcongrats brother!!! \o/11:56
nixternalyou got a big ass head, use a lower case o, otherwise you look like a freakin' conehead ;)11:56
=== GNUrante [n=GnuToniu@host11-35-static.25-87-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_imbrandon: I think he his qtcurve upstream no ?11:58
Tonio_imbrandon: he already went during breezy dev cycle if my memory is correct11:58
imbrandonTonio_, not sure11:59
kwwiiI told him no, for a shorter version of the same things you said, and he said "I'll take this to kubuntu-devel!!!" and I said "hehe, go ahead"11:59
Tonio_imbrandon: I'm pretty certain11:59
imbrandonlol @ kwwii11:59
imbrandonhe'll email the art list next12:00
nixternalisn't he the same one pimping fedora on the lists?12:00
kwwiiI must admit, he has a panel bg he made (much like yours imbrandon) and it looks nice12:00
kwwiinixternal: yepp12:00
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm120.omega23.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu-devel
imbrandonkwwii, hehe12:00
nixternalya, i almost replied with an anti-coc12:00
kwwiithat fact alone gets him ignored12:00
nixternali almost spamassasined his ass12:01
nixternalbtw, i like the colors of fedora, but the helix crap is old, especially coming from hardware work with nvidia12:01
nixternaland ati12:01
nixternalthey wore that helix crap out the past few years12:01
nixternalim all about simple, clean, and good looking12:02
nixternalbling bling in an OS is just like it is in real life - RETARDED!12:02
nixternalsomeone put a boog on my screen12:03
nixternalman..ubuntu likes to fade everything out when you click on something12:04
Luretime for bed -> good nite all!12:09
kwwiinight Lure12:09
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=== Ingmar^ [n=ingmar@d51A48ECC.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel

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