
Admiral_Chicagohold on12:10
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Admiral_ChicagoDjStiky, hmm, i have no idea12:11
Admiral_Chicagoask again in a sec, someone else may be able to help you12:12
HawkwindDjStiky: You enter the password you created during initial install12:12
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Admiral_ChicagoHawkwind, thats not working12:12
DjStikyHawkwind, that doesnt work12:12
HawkwindDjStiky: Really ?12:12
HawkwindDjStiky: Try this:  sudo passwd   or sudo passwd su12:12
HawkwindDjStiky: Create a password for a traditional root account12:12
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:12
DjStikyok... I'll give it a shot.12:13
DjStikygotta reboot. lol12:13
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HawkwindIf it still doesn't work, he can always su -  and then run systemsettings from there possibly12:13
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osh_Perhaps a weird question, but is there some way to change the cpu-governors through the command-line? I'd like the computer to slow down a bit certain hours of the day.12:17
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menace_is there a program like limewire for linux?12:22
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jmichaelxmenace_: frostwire12:23
menace_i checked for that...its not in adept12:23
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mareyhi, does anyone knows cupsd web admin password?12:23
jmichaelxmenace_: you need to modify your sources.list.... there is a repo that contains it12:23
mareyi tried root12:23
mareybut doesnt work12:23
osh_menace_: mldonkey; amule; xmule? Not limewire though.12:23
lupine_85marey: cups:cups? cupsd:cupsd?12:24
menace_where could i get the repo michael?12:24
lupine_85ah, cupsys:x:100:106::/home/cupsys:/bin/false12:24
lotusleafI have a floppy drive but no line for the floppy in fstab, is this why hald storage keeps jumping around every few seconds without end?12:24
lupine_85so presumably cupsys:cupsys12:24
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jmichaelxmarey: try 'admin'.... i am not sure about that, but seems like it worked for me12:24
mareyjmichaelx: i tried 'admin' but doesnt works12:25
mareyI'm really startin' to despair12:25
osh_I think the web-interface for cups is disabled. It was when I tried it some year ago or so.12:25
jmichaelxmenace_: try editing your /etc/apt/sources.list and uncommenting all of the commented repos12:25
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alex___has anyone installed vista through vmware?12:26
lupine_85alex___: tried and failed12:26
lupine_85osh_: the web interface is up here12:26
mareydoes anyone knows how to set up a lexmark z53 printer12:26
alex___did u get it installed a different way?12:26
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osh_lupine_85: right. it was a while ago that i tried. bloody annoying. had to jump through a lot of hoops to get it to work. =(12:27
osh_lupine_85: good thing it works now then.12:27
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lupine_85alex___: no12:27
lupine_85simply put, it was a miserable failure12:27
menace_jmichaelx: how do i uncomment all the commented repos?...sorry..im new to linux12:28
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alex___i think i'm headed in that direction12:28
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jmichaelxmenace_: open a terminal and type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list", enter your password, and when it comes up, go through and remove all of the '#' symbols in from of each repo line. when you are done, click control-x and then select yes12:30
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sselemanhow do I save  my "X Window configuration file"12:30
menace_ok thank you very much12:30
jmichaelxmenace_: be sure not to modify anything else.... just remove the pound symbols12:30
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menace_is it ok that the words are moved a little?12:31
Kr4t05_Stupid Microsoft product activation. ><12:32
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BluesKajjmichaelx, what if the # symbol precedes like this # Automatically generated sources.list12:32
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menace_ok all the # symbols are gone12:32
Xcaliburyo, I have a Cannon IP6000, and I can't get it to work in my PC?12:32
jmichaelxi don't think that matters... although i hope you know not to remove the pound symbols around the descriptions... just the repo lines12:32
BluesKajerr looks like this: # Automatically generated sources.list12:33
Xcaliburhow do I get the printer to work12:33
menace_is frostwire now in adept or what?12:33
HawkwindXcalibur: Try setting it up in systemsettings and use CUPS12:33
Hawkwind!info frostwire12:34
ubotuPackage frostwire does not exist in any distro I know12:34
jmichaelxmenace_: in your terminal, type "sudo apt-get update"12:34
Hawkwindmenace_: Nope12:34
menace_update : done12:34
jmichaelxHawkwind: is it not in one of the normal repos?12:34
Hawkwindjmichaelx: Nope or else ubotu would have info about it12:34
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire12:34
Xcaliburwhat would be the URL to it12:34
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HawkwindYou can compile it there, but I wouldn't waste my time on p2p apps12:35
HawkwindXcalibur: URL to what ?12:35
HawkwindXcalibur: If you mean CUPS, http://localhost:63112:35
BluesKajWTF ? : NO_PUBKEY 40976EAF437D05B512:35
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jmichaelxmenace_: well, you needed to uncomment those lines anyways....12:35
HawkwindBluesKaj: Just import it12:35
jmichaelxmenace_: i know one way you could get frostwire, but some in here may shoot me if i tell you how lol12:36
BluesKajdo I get rid of the Keys that don't work ?12:36
BluesKajimport, How?12:36
Xcaliburto the USB printer, it won't let me select USB from the printer type select?12:36
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sselemanhow do I save  my "X Window configuration file"?12:37
Hawkwindsseleman: Are you editing your xorg.conf ?12:37
alex___lupine_85 where did u fail?12:37
menace_micheal,,,it says my pm to you is blocked12:37
Xcaliburok, it's a IP600012:37
sselemanI just updated my ati video card drivers12:37
sselemanand it told me to save them12:38
Xcaliburit doesn't have the driver in the list?12:38
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Hawkwindsseleman: I'm not following exactly what you are asking12:38
BluesKajHawkwind, import the keys,  How?12:38
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Hawkwindmenace_: You need to register your nick or he needs to register his12:38
menace_i need to register12:38
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Xcaliburthe only printer driver for it is iP400012:38
lupine_85alex___: right after clicking "install"12:38
menace_yes i still get them jmichealx12:39
sselemanhawkwind: it just says to "save your X Window configuration file" and I'm not sure what that entails12:39
Hawkwindgpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv 40976EAF437D05B5 && gpg --export --armor 40976EAF437D05B5 | sudo apt-key add -12:39
HawkwindBluesKaj: ^^^^^12:39
HawkwindBluesKaj: Try that, should work12:39
Hawkwindsseleman: Are you editing the file ?12:39
Hawkwindsseleman: If so, that's the only way you can save it is if you've made changes12:40
menace_and im running kubuntu..not ubuntu12:40
Przemcio78is there a beta of adobe flashplayer9 for linux already ?12:40
sselemanI believe it has been edited12:40
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HawkwindPrzemcio78: No12:40
sselemanI just need to know how to reach it12:40
HawkwindPrzemcio78: No new flash for Linux until after the first of the year12:40
Hawkwindsseleman: It's located in /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:40
Kr4t05_VMware > The world12:41
Hawkwindsseleman: If it's not open or anything, then it probably doesn't need to be saved12:41
Przemcio78Hawkwind: you mean official release i mean beta12:41
alex___lupline_85 what happened when u tried to install?12:41
menace_whats the worst that could happen with this new program jmicheal?12:41
HawkwindPrzemcio78: No, no version at all until after the first of the year for Linux12:41
HawkwindPrzemcio78: We won't even see a beta.  We'll get the first release for Linux after the first of the year and it will be flash 9 final12:41
Xcalibursomone plaz give me an alternate driver to select, thats like universal or something?12:42
HawkwindXcalibur: Have you googled for your printer at all ?12:42
BluesKajthx  Hawkwind, it did work for one kEY :)12:42
HawkwindXcalibur: I know nothing about that brand so I can't offer anymore assistance than that unfortunately12:42
Przemcio78but they promised public beta :(12:42
Kr4t05_Hah! Thanks to VMware, I can permanantly kiss my windows partition good bye. :>12:42
Xcaliburno, but I have the driver on the CD, but it says invalid driver12:42
HawkwindBluesKaj: Just replace the key number(s) you want to import then12:42
HawkwindPrzemcio78: Who did ?12:43
HawkwindPrzemcio78: I know a couple of the developers and they have said no such thing12:43
HawkwindKr4t05_: You are just now discovering vmware :P12:43
jmichaelxi need to lean about VMware, too12:43
HawkwindXcalibur: Linuxprinting.org IIRC.  Check there12:43
Hawkwindjmichaelx: It's very simple actually12:43
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository. Instructions to install VMWare Server can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingVMWare12:43
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jmichaelxand you can run windows without a Win partition?12:44
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Kr4t05_Hawkwind: I've been toying with it the past two days. I just successfully got virtual-Windows to detect and access my webcam. ^.^V12:44
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Przemcio78Hawkwind: did they tell you anything about shockwave player/ is a linux version planned at all?12:45
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jimyalgun canal con gente de Kubuntu???12:46
renatimI need some help with grub!!!!12:47
HawkwindPrzemcio78: AFAIK we will never see shockwave12:47
menace_jmicheal...i cant figure out the auth key part12:47
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jmichaelxi read a blog somewhere where one of the flash developers talked about all of this. no mention was made of shockwave12:47
HawkwindKr4t05_: I've been running vmware for a while now.  Got several distros installed and about to install SuSe 10.1 with KDE 3.5.412:47
jimymmmm, i can selected lenguage?12:47
Kr4t05_Hawkwind: if I have any further success, I'll sneak DSL into my school and use VMPlayer to run it. :P12:48
NthDegreeHawkwind, do you want to run a distro inside a distro or ya just wanna try out tons of distros?12:48
Przemcio78Hawkwind; never say never :P12:48
HawkwindPrzemcio78: I did say, AFAIK12:49
jmichaelxi am using DSL-N right now... i love DSL lol12:49
HawkwindNthDegree: I run a distro inside my distro.  Just for fun really nothing too serious12:49
NthDegreebecause a loopback disk can act as another partition and you get raw hardware to run it on :)12:49
Przemcio78Hawkwind: i know what you mean12:49
menace_jmichealx: after is says continue [Y/N]  i enter Y...but it immediately says abort12:49
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jmichaelxmenace_: in  that case, i do not know what to tell you. i never experienced that12:50
akarticlecan anyone tell me how to format a ntfs hard drive and make it a linux (ext3?) hard drive12:50
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lupine_85akarticle: mkfs.<fs-type> <devicefile>12:50
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lupine_85erm, sudo obviously12:51
NthDegreeakarticle: if you installed ubuntu you then have an ext3 hard druve12:51
akarticleok i'll try12:51
lupine_85make sure it isn't mounted!12:51
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NthDegreelupine_85: that doesn't matter if you force it methinks12:51
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lupine_85oh, and you might need to change the fs type in fdisk as well12:51
jmichaelxmenace_: you might want to visit the automatix iirc room... i think it is just #automatix but i am not sure12:51
lupine_85might as well not get in the habit though :)12:51
menace_im working on getting automatix micheal12:52
menace_its running an autoscript12:52
jmichaelxmenace_: yo may be good to go , as long as you got that key12:53
akarticlehum...keep in mind i a am a newbie...the hard drive is unmounted and it is called hdb1, can you tell me exactly what to type in?12:53
menace_MUAHAHAHAHAH i got it12:53
menace_thankjs micheal12:53
NthDegreeakarticle: mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb112:53
akarticleok...wait a sec12:53
alex___luping_85 got vista working through vmware, well it seems to be working, its in the install process12:53
lupine_85hmm. which beta?12:54
NthDegreeor rather:          sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb112:54
jmichaelxmenace_: i give you NO guarantees... you do this at your own risk. that being said, however, i have used it on 5 PCs over the last 4 or 5 months without issue12:54
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lupine_85(not that it matters - I just wiped that virtual PC for an edgy install!)12:54
jmichaelxyou guys have got me really fired up about VMware , lol12:55
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ubuntuhi all... testing kubuntu by LiveCD.....12:55
NthDegreeVMWare destroyed my kubuntu install12:55
jmichaelxNthDegree: yikes12:55
akarticlenthdegree: i have done as you said but when i type fdisk -l it still says the hd is a ntfs file system12:55
NthDegreeit put a load of crap everywhere during install12:55
NthDegreeakarticle: that is because the partition type is NTFS12:56
lupine_85akarticle: sudo fdisk /dev/hdb12:56
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lupine_85then t <return> partion number <return> 8212:56
NthDegreeakarticle:  you need to change the number to 82 or something12:56
lupine_85erm s/parititon number/112:56
lupine_85w to write and exit12:56
ubuntudo you know, how i can install some pkg for function keys on my Vaio_12:57
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lupine_85pretty safe to do while other partitions on /dev/hdb are mounted (Assuming there are any)12:57
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jmichaelxNthDegree: do you think you are looking at a re-install?12:57
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NthDegreejmichaelx: basically12:57
akarticleok its working now, thanks12:57
NthDegreeand all my media is old and borked12:57
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lupine_85np :)12:57
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lupine_85NthDegree: really?12:58
bubu1ukubuntu: i got vaio and never met any pkg that would do that thing. in linux i mean12:58
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lupine_85it runs fine here12:58
NthDegreethe y12:58
menace_whats this java install stuff popping up micheal?12:58
=== NthDegree put that wrong
lupine_85what did it do, exactly? and what version did you install?12:58
NthDegreeI installed the latest player12:58
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NthDegreeI ran the installer by putting perl ./vmware-install.pl12:58
ubuntuMMMMMm i heard about some sony acpi.... do konw something about it_12:59
NthDegreewhich is normal for a partition with noexec enabled12:59
jmichaelxmenace_: i have no idea what you are installing, but you may need to enter yes in a few places when java is being installed12:59
menace_wtf automatix just installed java 5.012:59
NthDegreethen it proceeded and failed at the vmware-config.pl bit12:59
bubu1ukubuntu: yup, sony-py i think it's called but it is as acpi, power management12:59
menace_java 5.0 web start12:59
lupine_85mmm, that sounds about right - because of the noexec, right?12:59
NthDegreeand after that the uninstaller wouldn't work12:59
NthDegreethe installer said a product was already installed01:00
jmichaelxmenace_: you must have been installing something that needed java.... in fat, i think frostwire relies on java01:00
lupine_85can't you run the vmware-config.pl manually, then try to uninstall?01:00
NthDegreethe vmware-config.pl is fine01:00
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ubuntueheheheheh ok ok... how you can see i am the NEWBEST in the chanel01:00
NthDegreeit was the /etc/init.d/vmware file which is screwed up01:00
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lupine_85sounds good01:00
hussamdoes anyone know a frontend to pppoe for dialing dsl/pppoe connections?01:01
lupine_85System Settings->Network ?01:01
hussamI'm looking or something similar to SUSE's kinternet01:01
jmichaelxi have VMware installed on a mepis box i have (yes, i used automatix), but have never used it01:01
bubu1ukubuntu: never mind. everyone is newbie in beginning.01:01
hussamlupine_85, that only configures eth001:01
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lupine_85that's a bit silly01:02
BluesKajdsl doesn't dial a connection01:02
menace_<3 automatix01:02
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menace_i have yahoo dsl....its super fast01:02
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hussamBluesKaj, no dsl , ppp over ethernal01:02
menace_my parents wireless connection is getting like 60mbps01:02
ubuntuOnly one question Suse 10.1 vs. Kubuntu Dapper.... who is the best... i am chosing my distro01:02
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lupine_85Kubuntu, definitely01:02
lupine_85SuSE 10.1 looks a bit more polished, but is slower and less secure01:03
bubu1ukubuntu: it's ur choice definitely, ur taste01:03
lupine_85and the package management system is useless01:03
BluesKajthe dsl modem should be the first thing to look at , hussam01:03
lupine_85but, yes, it's ubuntu's choice :)01:03
menace_whats the dif between ubuntu and kubuntu?01:03
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bubu1uklupine_85: less secure?01:03
lupine_85gnome or kde01:03
cLuEdArTyuck, i hate yast01:03
hussamlupine_85, ubuntu, suse 10.1 is really broken atm01:03
lupine_85what else can you call a distro that installs and activates sshd by default?01:03
lupine_85one has to wonder what else it's doing behind your back01:03
lupine_85it even punches a hole in the firewall for it...01:04
hussamBluesKaj, I don't have a modem, I just dial a pppoe over the ethernal card. I do 'pon dsl-provider' from konsole01:04
cLuEdArTthe distro flamewars will go on forever...01:04
ubuntulupine_85 in italy we say ..."YOU ARE A WOLF"01:04
BluesKajYast is broken most of the time , that's why i gace up on suse01:04
Morticelupine_85: one could check such things with netstat...01:04
Morticebut SuSE 10.1 is definitely b0rked in many ways01:04
lupine_85indeed (that's how I found it!), but the average user won't01:04
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hussamlupine_85, ubuntu, suse 10.1's package manager is broken. I'd wait fro 10.201:04
jmichaelxhas anyone in here played with mepis? i would have no reason why it might be, but i have 2 identical systems... one with kubuntu, and one with mepis, and the mepis box seems much more responsive and quick. the only difference between the two is that the kubuntu box has an ethernet connection and the mepis is wireless01:04
lupine_85the average user will also choose something really stupid for their password, then end up being hax0red on a random port scan01:05
BluesKajdhcp from the ethernet card01:05
renatimdo I need a firmware to install adsl connection in my pc?01:05
BluesKajif you can01:05
lupine_85renatim: probably not01:05
renatimI have kubuntu 5.1001:05
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lupine_85do you mean an ADSL PCI card?01:05
renatim[lupine_85]  thanx!!!01:05
lupine_85(if you do, get Sangoma)01:05
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renatimno... I have normal adsl modem.... no usb or card01:06
lupine_85the main problem I have with SuSE, is that it doesn't *tell* you what it's doing01:06
lupine_85it also doesn't give you any options to change it01:06
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hussamsuse 10.0 was there last good release01:06
Morticelupine_85: the average user doesn't want (or generally need) to know, and anyone who knows their way around can work it out01:07
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obf213how do you comment out something, you use "./ at begenning or is /. at beggining01:07
lupine_85Mortice: why would the average user need sshd installed and activated? Surely the users who do need it can install it themselves...?01:07
lupine_85obf213: bash comment is #01:07
NthDegreeMortice, it has a firewall (unnecessary)01:07
lupine_85SuSE made some really bad choices in this distro IMO01:08
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NthDegreeubuntu has the right idea01:08
NthDegreeno server daemons and no firewall01:08
renatimso all I have to do is type pppoeconf? ou do I still have to create tha pap-secrets and chap-secrets?01:08
Morticelupine_85: that's certainly an issue, but that doesn't fall under "it doesn't tell you what it's doing". Would the average user know what to do if told about it?01:08
swamptuhow do i login as root in konsole?01:08
hussamlupine_85, they's killing it by turning it into a gnome distro.01:08
lupine_85Mortice: probably not01:08
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bubu1ukarent we in kubuntu channel? obviously all will mostly support ubuntu. go to suse and it will be other way round01:09
NthDegreeswamptu: simple, sudo -i01:09
lupine_85but something like that should not be activated by default01:09
bubu1uk(not that i support suse)01:09
renatimso all I have to do is type pppoeconf? ou do I still have to create tha pap-secrets and chap-secrets?01:09
Morticeand actually, to be fair, it's right there on the installation menus01:09
hussamrenatim, I simply did sudo pppoeconf01:09
lupine_85and yes, this is a slightly biased audience :)01:09
=== lupine_85 didn't see it
lupine_85and I was looking pretty closely01:09
Morticefirst line of software configuration, IIRC, "SSH is enabled, firewall port is open"01:09
Morticethat's in SuSE 10.0, I can't remember what it says in 10.101:10
NthDegree10.1 is just as screwed01:10
NthDegreei tried it01:10
lupine_85I don't remember seeing anything like that in 10.101:10
NthDegreeyast didnt work for 1st few months01:10
swamptuNthDegree: thx01:10
hussamI tried it too, NthDegree.01:10
lupine_85the updater still didn't work when I left01:10
Morticepackage management in 10.1 particularly, but in SuSE distros generally, is appalling01:10
lupine_85used to be good01:11
NthDegreeMortice: wait for Novell to screw up smart xD01:11
bubu1ukto be honest with u all, i tried suse and wasnt unhappy with it (it only diff distro made me happier. lol)01:11
Morticebut I still think 10.0 is an OK(-ish) distribution for certain applications01:11
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NthDegreeMortice: it is supposed to be a KDE supporter, but even when it was a KDE supporter it installed GNOME stuff with it01:12
lupine_85what a difference a .1 makes :)01:12
lupine_85of course, beagle is another huge downer01:12
lupine_85apparently it's going to be in edgy :(01:12
NthDegreeZOMG don't get me started01:13
MorticeNthDegree: Gnome support is awful in 10.1. Gnucash doesn't work out of the box. You *have* to compile from source to make it work01:13
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Morticewhich requires 660MB of package downloading before you can get it to build01:13
hussamNthDegree, imo Kubuntu is the last good kde distribtion and Riddell is doing a great job at keeping it so. When it comes to suse, Novell is trying to kill kde in favour of gnome01:13
NthDegreehussam, dare you to say that in #suse01:13
NthDegreethey believe they support them both01:13
BluesKajhussam, sudo ifconfig pppoe ...have you tried that ?01:14
hussamNthDegree, as a matter of fact, I have01:14
NthDegreeyet that's why they want to move YaST and the other stuff to GTK01:14
hussamBluesKaj, sudo ifconfig ppp001:14
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BluesKajtry pppoe01:14
Morticemost of the major commercial distros will go to Gnome because of its accessibility stuff, which make it much easier to sell to governments.01:14
NthDegreemy ass01:15
hussamBluesKaj, pppoe: error fetching interface information: Device not found01:15
NthDegreeKDE sticks more to the GNOME HIG than GNOME does01:15
NthDegreee.g. integrated, consistent looking apps01:15
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BluesKajhussam, sudo ifconfig pppd ?01:15
NthDegreeonly thing it doesn't do is make double sure not to "offend" anyone01:16
MorticeNthDegree: i'm not talking about look and feel. I'm talking about accessibility for people with disabilities01:16
hussamBluesKaj, you only have to sudo pppoeconf once. you connect with 'pon dsl-provider' and disconnect with 'poff -a'01:16
Morticewhich is a major criterion for software purchases for many governments01:16
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hussamNthDegree, my all time favorite distros are Archlinux and Kubuntu01:17
NthDegreeMortice: it has every accessibility feature Windows has, does GNOME have more than Windows??? (wouldn't be surprised if it did)01:17
NthDegreehussam, Slackware is KDE-centric01:17
NthDegreethat has a good KDE01:17
hussamgtk 2.10 is fast but not as fast as qt3/kde 3.501:17
MorticeNthDegree: correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no KDE equivalent to the atk01:17
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hussamNthDegree, to be honest, I haven't tried it.01:17
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NthDegreeMortice, hit shift 5 times01:18
NthDegreeidentical to windows01:18
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MorticeNthDegree: great. sticky keys. Still not doing everything that gnome does.01:18
NthDegreefestival for screen readouts01:18
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NthDegreehigh-contrast accessibility themes01:19
Morticeon-screen keyboard, gnopernicus equivalent, etc?01:19
NthDegreegnopernicus equivalent I just said didn't I01:19
Kr4t05*Sigh* Wouldn't it figure? I've had Windows installed for two days, and I'm already cleaning out spyware.01:20
NthDegreegnopernicus is the voice thing01:20
BluesKajhussam, whereis kppp.conf ... maybe you can work from there01:20
MorticeNthDegree: yea, but it also does magnification.01:20
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NthDegreei've found one weakness in accessibility01:21
NthDegreethe accessibility of KDE is only in KDE apps01:21
NthDegreethe GNOME ones can do any app01:21
hussamBluesKaj, I think I wasn't clear. I can do it from command line using 'pon dsl-provider', but I still looking for gui frontend similar to suse's kinternet01:21
NthDegree(except KDE ones maybe)01:21
Morticeat any rate, I need to sleep.01:22
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NthDegreenight :)01:22
jviveshey all! Anyone knows if there is a xmms plugin (or any other player) for displaying the lyric of the song being played? Kind of karaoke style...01:22
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NthDegreejvives: AmaroK may have some plugin (it's big enough to)01:23
jmichaelxjvives: i think there is, enter xmms in adept.....01:23
jmichaelxAmarok definitely has that feature, i use it all the time01:23
BluesKajhussam, ok , then you do have internet, understood ...typing everytimeto get on is a PITA01:23
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NthDegreehussam, kubuntu can have KInternet01:24
BluesKajAmarok isn't working for me since I tried to upgrade to 1.4.3 :(01:24
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jmichaelxBluesKaj: that would be really sad. i wonder what went wrong?01:25
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BluesKajactaully amarok doesn't exist in my kmenu anymore01:25
jmichaelxBluesKaj: did you follow the instructions on imbrandon's website?01:26
BluesKajjmichaelx, it's my doing ...thot i should dump the existing one first...big mistake !01:26
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BluesKajtook all the dependencies with it01:26
jmichaelxBluesKaj: i have come to really love amarok01:27
jmichaelxu see01:27
jmichaelxi see*01:27
_ShoGo_Hi, im trying to install a genius videocam nb, and i have read that it uses sn9c102 driver. i have seen with lsmod that it is loaded, dmesg and lsusb detect it, and dmesg says that it is /dev/video0 but i can only see images from a tv card capturer with camorama01:27
BluesKajno matter , xmms and mplayer work well01:28
_ShoGo_nobody can help me?01:29
jmichaelxxmms does do fine.... and i think   it does have a plugin for lyrics, though i have never tried it01:29
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jvivesBluesKaj: what problem are you having with amarok? Cause I'm having problems too... When I try to play any song, it just shows the name of the song and then "Playlist finished"01:29
imbrandonjvives, an mp3 ?01:30
imbrandonjvives, " sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs "01:30
imbrandonthat will fix you up01:30
imbrandon( restart amarok after that installs )01:30
imbrandonBluesKaj, wasup ? havin amarok issues? sorry just became un-afk ;)01:31
imbrandonheya jmichaelx ;)01:31
jviveslet me try that...01:31
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jmichaelxhowdy imbrandon01:31
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BluesKajjvives, the prob I have is that i deleted the older version 1.4.2 in favour of upgrading to 1.4.3 , but that was the wrong thing to do ...now i can't get either one to reinstall due to lost dependencies01:31
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imbrandonBluesKaj, apt should pull in the deps , how are you trying to reinstall  it ?01:32
jvivesso, any amarok plugin for karaoke?01:32
jmichaelximbrandon: i hope my mentioning your site did not pull you in here, lol01:32
imbrandonjvives, not that i know of01:32
imbrandondosent mean there isnt one though01:32
jmichaelxjvives: do you just mean to show lyrics?01:33
imbrandonjmichaelx, it did hilihght me but no biggie ;) i wasent busy01:33
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TachyonIs there a way I can get a little icon in my system tray to monitor my wireless connection?01:33
jvivesjmichaelx: you said you use a karaoke function on amarok... Where is it? is it an external plugin or what?01:33
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jmichaelxjvives: all i was referring to was the function to show lyrics....01:34
BluesKajI've got the repos in my sources list but the message i get is:01:34
BluesKaj Depends: amarok-xine but it is not going to be installed01:34
BluesKaj Depends: libvisual-0.4-0 (>=0.4.0) but it is not installable01:34
imbrandonBluesKaj, looks like you dont have dapper-backports enabled01:34
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jmichaelxBluesKaj: add imbrandon's repo, and you can get the libvisual plugin01:35
imbrandonBluesKaj, my repos or kubnutu.org ?01:35
Xcaliburcan KDE 4 be used with dapper drake?01:35
BluesKajimbrandon, URL ?01:35
imbrandonXcalibur, not really01:35
imbrandonBluesKaj, www.imbrandon.com01:35
Xcalibury is that>01:35
jmichaelximbrandon: i could only get libvisual-o.4.0 from your repo01:35
imbrandonjmichaelx, its in the dapper-backports too01:36
jmichaelxok, for some reason i could not get it from there.... all i could find was 0.2.0 (i think)01:36
imbrandonjmichaelx, in the backports? you know thats not on by default right , you have to add a deb line01:36
jvivesjmichaelx: what function is that?01:37
imbrandonBluesKaj, are you registered?01:37
imbrandon( on freenode ? )01:37
jmichaelximbrandon: i will have to check again, but i am fairly sure i have that repo enabled, and could not find 0.4.0 anywhere in there... let me look again. i am not at my kubuntu PC01:37
Xcaliburso, it's not possible to run it on dapper drake, or is it possible to upgrade from DD to Edgy Eft01:37
jmichaelxjvives: click context, and from there you can select "lyrics"01:38
jmichaelxjvives: i think you will need to have ruby installed01:38
imbrandonXcalibur, yes its possible to upgrade to edgy from dapper ( but i woulddent recomend it unless your a developer )01:38
Xcaliburhow would one go about doing this?01:38
imbrandonjmichaelx, ruby is installed with amarok ( its one of the deps )01:38
_ShoGo_nobody can help me?01:39
imbrandonXcalibur, short story is open sources.list and s/dapper/edgy BUT it WILL NOT go smooth, unless you are very familiar with apt and command line i wouldent recomend it at all01:39
BluesKajyes imbrandon , registered01:39
imbrandonBluesKaj, PM me , i'll help you get going01:40
Xcaliburyou recommend not01:40
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Xcaliburso, i will not01:40
Xcaliburuntil it is told publicly01:40
BluesKajediting kate as we speak01:40
Xcaliburhow to do it smoothly01:40
jott_imbrandon: oh btw i think your amarok package is broken01:40
imbrandonjott_,  mayn hundreds of people are using it so i doubt it, but what can i help you with ?01:41
=== lupine_85 pats his imbrandon Amarok
jott_imbrandon: it misses the stuff for dynamic collection (files from usr/share/services and the libs)01:42
jmichaelximbrandon: ok, i just lookedat my sources.list , and dapper-backports are not commented. i have no idea why i could not find the 0.4.0 plugins last week when i looked for them. i had to get them from your repo01:42
imbrandonthat was fixed in the 1.4.3 update but i'll make sure , thanks for the tipoff01:42
jott_imbrandon: (see the last lines in amarok.install in the official edgy .diff)01:42
imbrandonjott_, ^^01:42
imbrandonjott_, yea i maintain it in the official repos too, i amde the cahnges i THOUGHT i made them both places but i'll look again, thanks01:43
jott_sure.. np... better to double check ;)01:43
Xcaliburso, it's not a good idea to upgrade to edgy huh?01:44
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=== lupine_85 is in the middle of installing it into a VMWare image
imbrandonXcalibur, not unless your a developer , as i said it work ( i've been useing it for months ) but it breaks often and is NOT a smooth upgrade atm01:44
Xcaliburwell, I guess I can wait for KDE 401:45
imbrandonXcalibur, not much works in kde4 atm but konsole anyhow01:46
Xcaliburwell, I g2g back to making my masterlock shimm01:47
BluesKajDoes anyone have an error free sources list ...mine sucks!01:48
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imbrandonBluesKaj, dapper or edgy ?01:48
imbrandongive me a sec01:48
imbrandoni'll dig a good one up01:48
imbrandonBluesKaj, http://www.buntudot.org/people/~imbrandon/dapper-sources.list01:49
BluesKajsometimes i end up with 2 sources lists ...why and which one takes precedence ?01:49
imbrandonyou should only have one01:50
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BluesKaji try to trash the dup one one but it ends with ~ behind it01:50
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imbrandonbecosue u are using a graphical editor like kwrite or kate01:51
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obf213how do i change the resolution of kdm?01:51
imbrandonyou can ignore it01:51
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imbrandonobf213, change the default resolution in xorg.conf01:51
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BluesKajok so the "real" sources list the one i edit in kate ?01:52
imbrandonBluesKaj, yes01:52
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BluesKajcool, thx imbrandon01:52
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obf213imbrandon where is xorg.cong01:53
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imbrandonin /etx/X11/01:53
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obf213imbrandon, my desktop has the right resolution but the kdm doesnt does this mean im out of luck because i think your saying they are the same thing01:55
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imbrandonobf213, yes they use the same thing01:55
imbrandonobf213, kdm only does 1024x768 max iirc01:55
sean5467alirght, i'm using the kubuntu live disk and it refuses to mount my hard drive01:55
obf213ah ok01:56
sean5467mount: can't find /dev/hda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab01:57
sean5467anyone know what this means?01:57
imbrandonmeans you dident tell it where to mount01:57
imbrandonsean5467, sudo mount /dev/hda1 /a/mount/point/here01:58
sean5467ok, thanks01:58
sean5467and is there any way to get a higher resolution than 1024x768? because it looks really bad on a larger widescreen01:59
imbrandonsure i'm at 1600x1200 now, depends on your hardware01:59
imbrandonand what you have set01:59
sean5467oh, but now i don't even see the resolution adjustment thing anymore02:00
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imbrandonsean5467, " sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg "02:00
jmichaelximbrandon: why is the size of your screen?02:01
imbrandonmy monitor ?02:01
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imbrandonjmichaelx, 30 apple cinima02:02
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=== Hawkwind Is jealous of imbrandon's monitor
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imbrandonheya Hawkwind02:02
jmichaelxi am using a 17" @ 1024x768, but have thought about changing it to 1280x800.... if it is even possible to do that on this machine02:03
imbrandon1280 x 1024 ?02:03
jmichaelx<<is also jealous lol02:03
jmichaelxyeah x1024, my mistake02:03
talljon84Ever since the CMOS battery was replaced on a computer, it no longer has sound output. It still sees the card but no sound. Also, kmix isn't showing the correct output channels for the Audigy card. How do I fix it?02:03
deinwhat command shows what processor type and speed you are using?02:04
imbrandondein, "cat /proc/cpuinfo "02:04
imbrandontalljon84, no idea man, sorry02:05
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nnn0talljon84: have you checked the BIOS02:05
deincpu mhz is my clockspeed right?02:05
imbrandondein, yes02:06
deincuz it says the one im using is 768 mhz 0.o02:06
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BluesKajI'm still getting souce list errors after editing those sources out and updating ...WTF gives ?02:06
talljon84nnn0: it's an addin card, not builtin. how would the system bios effect that?02:06
imbrandonBluesKaj, paste the error in a PM to me02:06
Admiral_ChicagoBluesKaj, post your sources.list02:06
imbrandonAdmiral_Chicago, i just helped him edit it, its probably a key issue02:07
nnn0but some BIOS loose all settings when out of power02:07
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Admiral_Chicagoimbrandon, ah02:07
kutanomg.. I need to get adobe shockwave to work on linux some how02:07
nnn0vmware ;)02:08
imbrandontalljon84, make sure the onboard one is turned off in the bios ( probably got reset )02:08
imbrandonkutan, there is a howto on the restricted formats page02:08
nnn0so you can run windows in linux02:08
talljon84imbrandon: already tried that with no effect02:08
nnn0ah you ment the plugin ? :)02:08
Admiral_Chicagonnn0, who would want to?02:08
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kutanYeah, the plugin.02:09
nnn0sry i wasn't thinking02:09
imbrandonkutan, there is a howto on the restricted formats page02:09
kutan!blahblah > kutan02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blahblah - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
Hawkwindimbrandon: Sorry for the delay...how's life with you tonight ?02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blahblah - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
kutanHow do I do that again?02:10
kutan!command > kutan02:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about command - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:10
kutanscrew it02:11
imbrandonkutan, dont abuse the poor bot02:12
imbrandon!restricted > kutan02:12
Sannekutan: just message ubotu and abuse it in private ;): /msg ubotu my_question02:13
kutanyeah lol I did that one02:13
kutanI kinda.. forgot I could do that :x02:13
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TehUnithe official nvidia drivers (from nvidia website) are newer than mine. should i upgrade, even though the package manager doesnt see a newer version? i'd have to do it manually.02:24
lupine_85TehUni: only if you need a feature of the newer drivers, IMO02:25
lupine_85if you've got a perfect configuration, no real point in trying to breaking it02:25
junkphreakanyone know of a full backup openlinux software that is like ghost but thats free ?02:26
TehUnii'm using xinerama over 3 screens02:26
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TehUniand it's incredibly slow.02:26
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junkphreakneed to image my hd and be able to do full revoery incase the hd dies aor files gte corrupted02:27
lupine_85junkphreak: dd if=/dev/hda of=/path/to/backup/partition/hugebackup.img ?02:28
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junkphreakhow about booting it ?02:28
lupine_85erm, difficult02:29
junkphreaklol yep02:29
lupine_85TBH for backup, ghosting is somewhat pointless02:29
=== lupine_85 uses rdiff
NthDegreeuse tar.bz2 then diff the rest right?02:30
lupine_85I don't think I bother with tar.bz2 atm02:30
lupine_85it's only a 2GB backup for me02:30
NthDegreejunkphreak: not difficult02:30
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NthDegreeif you make your dd backup as a loopback device you can construct a way to boot the backup02:31
NthDegreenot easy but it's possible02:31
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singinmatt13ok.  wireless networking question.  (we all love these. NOT!)  well, I've got a bcm4318 card, with wpa_supplicant and NetworkManager.  NM has worked until now, when i switched houses and tried to connect to another AP.  I click the network, it asks for the password and wallet password.  GIve both, gets up to 28 percent saying configuring IP or somesuch, and then it never gets to the link up stage.  I have a feeling if i went back home it02:35
SpAwNanyone know if its possible to use my digital camcorder(which works in linux) as a webcam type thing.......02:35
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obf213how do i change the background of my kdm02:37
singinmatt13obf213 it's under like system settings or somesuch, under splash screen or near that area.  bout all the help i can give02:38
obf213lol thanks i think i found it02:39
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Xcaliburis there anyway to skin KDE?02:39
larson9999 there's more than one way to skin a KDE02:40
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Xcaliburthen, how can i skin my KDE?02:40
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singinmatt13network help anyone?02:41
singinmatt13read my entry above02:41
XcaliburI have to get off my laptop in like 5 mins, I want to have it skinned by then, can anyone help me?02:41
_Dinkyea only if you jelp me get 3d acceleration to pass on Cedega tests with ATI 8.28.8 drivers first ;)02:42
talljon84Does anyone know what package provides the alsaconf util in Ubuntu?02:42
Xcaliburwow, then im screwed02:42
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XcaliburI g2g, hope to get some help 2morrow02:43
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singinmatt13talljon84: alsa-utils02:44
_Dinki dont think you need it anymore02:44
_Dinkunless you use ISA cards02:45
_Dinkmodprobe your card and use mixer02:45
singinmatt13hm...my alsa autoset when i installed02:46
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singinmatt13people have their own troubles though02:46
singinmatt13As i do02:46
singinmatt13again.  SEe my above entry02:46
_Dinkthat would have it yes02:46
_Dinknow how do i get 3d acceleration passing on cedega :P02:47
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talljon84singinmatt13: that package is installed but alsaconf is no where to be found02:47
_Dinkyou might have to get it from src02:49
singinmatt13sorry, man.  I haven't dealt with alsa since the olden days on my gateway solo from hell02:49
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talljon84What does Kubuntu use for sound by default then?02:49
alekzhow can i disable the sound that is launched when i open a new window or min/max it ?02:49
Sannetalljon84: to find which package provides a certian file or app, you can search at packages.ubuntu.com under "Search the contents of packages"02:50
_Dinksound & media in system seetting02:50
_Dinki thnk02:50
lupine_85kubuntu uses alsa02:50
lupine_85it also uses arts02:51
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lupine_85no idea what arts is for, though - I always disable it as soon as I get the system installed ;)02:51
_Dinkso anyone here cedega/ati experts ;)02:52
Hawkwindlupine_85: No arts soon enough though :P02:52
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Hawkwind_Dink: Plenty of them in #WineHQ and #Cedega :P02:52
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_Dinktried there... they directed me here :P02:53
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HawkwindUmmm, they shouldn't have.  They are the experts on their package :P02:53
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_Dinklol thats what I thought...02:53
HawkwindAhhhh look at that.  FiOS in Dallas Texas.  Must be nice02:53
_Dinkbasically .... ati drivers are loaded... works... everything works... except 3D accelerations fails02:54
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ErikTheRedalright this should be an easy question02:54
_Dinkjust thought I would ask in here02:55
Sannelupine_85: arts is one of the sound servers (like esd inGnome, or like jack). They run on top of the sound driver (alsa) and provide access to the sound device for more than one app at the same time. If an app can't work with such a sound server (like some games), it needs to be disabled or it blocks the sound device for such an app.02:55
ErikTheRedif i want something to load at startup, in this case compiz-manager02:55
=== lupine_85 never needs more than one sound at a time :)
_Dinkbbl maybe need to pick up wife02:55
Sannelupine_85: I thought you might want to know :)02:55
ErikTheRedlemme put my question in one sentence02:56
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lupine_85yep, thanks :)02:56
ErikTheRedif i want to load compiz-manager at startup what is the easiest way to do that?02:56
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Nekoi would like some help setting up my new laptop02:58
Nekocould i get some ?02:59
HawkwindNeko: What exactly do you need help with ?02:59
Nekonot deleting windows03:00
talljon84Can you instruct Kubuntu installer to reinstall all files and run all of it's setup scripts without formatting the drive?03:00
talljon84...basically reinstall the shell over the existing filesystem?03:00
Nekoroar  ^-^  I would appreciate instructions03:00
Nekowait, i'll be back in a little bit03:00
Hawkwindtalljon84: Absolutely03:01
Hawkwindtalljon84: AFAIK you don't have to format any partitions during the install03:01
talljon84Hawkwind: and it should just overwrite all the config files in the process? (ie if there is an unkown soundcard configuration error, it will reset it back to the default)?03:02
Hawkwindtalljon84: Possibly03:02
ErikTheRedi'll try asking my question again03:02
Hawkwindtalljon84: I've never tried it personally03:02
ErikTheRedi got xgl working03:02
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems03:02
SanneHawkwind, talljon84: I think this has just changed, IIRC, I read on ubuntu-devel that the root partition / will get formatted in any case. I don't know on which version it when it changed, though. Should I go dig for the link?03:02
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HawkwindErikTheRed: Read those URL's, might help you there03:02
ErikTheRedwell i don't need help with xgl per se03:02
ErikTheRedi just need to know how to have a program startup upon login03:03
HawkwindErikTheRed: That link tells you how to do exactly what you want03:03
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SanneHawkwind, talljon84: in any case, here's the link to the first post in the thread: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-September/020344.html03:04
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mewmewthis is Neko03:05
mewmewfirst off, how do i resize my windows partition?03:05
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Healotyou want to do while in Windows or off the LiveCD?03:06
naegling23I upgraded to kde 3.4.whatever last week, now everytime I boot, the setup wizard runs, how do I make it stop03:06
mewmewwhile on LiveDVD03:07
Healotthe DVD boots up GNOME right03:07
mewmewno kde03:07
mewmewit's a kubuntu livedvd03:07
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Healotrun qtparted while in live session03:08
mewmewok what do i do?03:08
mewmewonce qtparted is open?03:10
Healotit's simply dragging-typing...03:10
Healotclicking operation...03:10
mewmewi mean, what exactly do i need to do?03:10
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mewmewalso, should i keep the recovery info around?03:11
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Healotdo you know what you want to achieve?03:11
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mewmewi want to resize the win partition and install kubuntu03:11
Healotselecting the help menu might help03:11
Healotdo you know how to use qtparted?03:12
ubotuqtparted: A parted frontend using QT. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.5-2ubuntu9 (dapper), package size 198 kB, installed size 704 kB03:12
mewmewok, no i don't03:12
Healotdo you know how to select a menu from the menu bar?03:12
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Healotand know how to browser the internet? http://qtparted.sourceforge.net/screenshots.en.html >> Visualize it03:14
obf213anyone have a prblem with the password prompt not opening so u can run things as root, in kcontrol or system settings?03:14
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Healotsince qtparted is visual, i guess screenshots would be better to explain it03:15
cLuEdArTI've got a strange question when someone can lend some advice ;)03:15
HawkwindcLuEdArT: Ask away03:15
cLuEdArTok, so for the longest time i was using the i386 kernel03:16
cLuEdArTawhile back in started using the k7-smp kernel03:16
Sanneobf213: yeah, sometimes I have to hit the admin mode button again to make the password input window appear.03:16
cLuEdArTsince then, i haven't compiled anything.  I went to compile a package today, and I'm getting dependency issues left and right03:16
cLuEdArTare libs platform specific?03:16
cLuEdArTlike, it's having a fit over Qt, and xlibs03:17
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Healotkernel libs?03:17
Healotor application libraries?03:17
cLuEdArTjust libs and some other dev tools for source compiling03:17
Healotit's architecture specific03:17
cLuEdArTlike, I was trying to compile KSmoothDock from source03:17
HawkwindcLuEdArT: Have you installed build-essential ?03:17
cLuEdArToh of course03:17
cLuEdArTeverything on here I've compiled form source03:18
cLuEdArTsince I switched kernels, i haven't compiled anything until tonight03:18
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cLuEdArTthey are arch specific?03:18
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HawkwindIf you've compiled things that are now deps, that's why you might be having issues.  It's not picking the needed deps up in the place they should be since you compiled them and not installed them via the package manager.03:19
obf213how do make this automaticaly recognize your password03:19
obf213like the irc03:19
cLuEdArTok, for instance03:19
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cLuEdArTone of the errors was "xlibs not installed"03:21
cLuEdArTbut it is, I can apt-get xlibs and it will say it's already the newest version03:21
intelikeysome body knows how to correct "Error: No word lists can be found for the language "en_US"." ???  aspell error.03:21
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cLuEdArTso, would I be wise, the next time I reformat, to install the k7-smp kernel before installing anyting, even before build-essentials?03:22
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obf213y does nickserve tell me my pasword is incorrect when i do the auto identify thing03:23
Healoteither way, really03:23
SannecLuEdArT: make sure you have the corresponding -dev packages of the libs also.03:23
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cLuEdArTor is there a seperate set of repo's available for k7's.  I would think it would be the same as the i386 repos.03:23
obf213and i know the password is correct do i need to add <> to the password03:23
cLuEdArTSanne, I do.03:23
cLuEdArTthe xlibs package only comes xlibs-dev according to Adept when I cross reference03:24
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Hawkwind!register > obf21303:24
Hawkwindobf213: Might ask a staff member in #Freenode if they can help you recover your password03:24
SannecLuEdArT: if you have them installed and get not found errors, see if you can tell the build proccess (usually configure) where the devs and libs are.03:24
intelikeyi386!=smp  smp=i686+03:24
SannecLuEdArT: usually './configure --help' should tell you03:25
cLuEdArTi've tried using a symbolic link for my libs, but when i rerun ./configure it still chokes03:25
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intelikeyaspell issue ?03:26
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cLuEdArTbut it's weird, everythign i have from firefox to amarok, i've compiled from source with no problems, until i started using this k7-smp kernel03:26
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SannecLuEdArT: you can also go through config.log and hunt for details of the errors03:26
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intelikeyone question cLuEdArT, if you want to build everything why are you using *buntu ?03:27
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SannecLuEdArT: I doubt it's related to the kernel. Might be coincidence.03:27
cLuEdArTwell, for instance...03:27
cLuEdArTwith amarok, up until 1.4.303:27
cLuEdArTif you wanted MySQL with iPod support, you had no choice to compile03:27
cLuEdArTotherwise, you had SQLite and no ipod support by default03:28
HawkwindBut that's one thing, not everything03:28
cLuEdArTyou're right03:28
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cLuEdArTthat's just as an example03:28
Sanneintelikey: hey, did you get my message the other day? About alternate installer putting the cd in soulces.list?03:28
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HawkwindNo need to compile everything.  If you want to compile everything then you shouldn't be running a deb/rpm based distro really03:28
cLuEdArTi realize that03:28
intelikeySanne i surely did, ty03:28
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cLuEdArTi love precompile .debs and .rpms :)03:28
HawkwindIf you, you're messing up your system03:28
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Sanneintelikey: ah, cool. Then I got it done correctly :)03:29
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intelikeyyou did indeed03:29
HawkwindThese dep problems you are having are more than likely because you compiled all this stuff and it can't find it in the correct place03:29
cLuEdArTfor firefox beta 2, there is no package03:29
cLuEdArTso i compiled that from source too03:29
HawkwindcLuEdArT: You don't need the latest software all the time03:29
cLuEdArTpeerguardian is from source03:29
cLuEdArTfrostwire was from source03:29
HawkwindcLuEdArT: You could make deb packages of all those things03:30
HawkwindIt will keep your system a lot cleaner and probably work better as well03:30
HawkwindEwwwwwww no03:30
HawkwindI wouldn't recommend that to my worst enemy03:30
cLuEdArThahah, that's why I asked03:30
cLuEdArTi never use that03:30
HawkwindcLuEdArT: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5100303:30
HawkwindcLuEdArT: Quick and simple how-to03:31
timiive been trying to change the kdm background of the edgy kdm theme but i dont know where to go, i went to login in manager and taht did nothing03:31
intelikeyi tried it once.... me wonders who it was that sujested chkinstall.....03:31
intelikeytimi isn't edgy questions   #ubuntu+1   or have you asked there already?03:32
Sannetimi: there's a package for changing kdm themes I needed to install in dapper. It will change the whole theme, though, not only the background. I will look for the name, sec.03:32
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Sannetimi: the package is kdmtheme03:33
cLuEdArTHawkwind, you've had good luck with this method?03:33
johnymount:is't able to find /dev/fdo in etc/fstab or /etc/mtab....how can I fix it?03:33
timiSanne thanks, intelikey im not using edgy its just edgy kdm theme03:34
HawkwindcLuEdArT: I build packages for a living actually :P03:34
Sannetimi: you're welcome :)03:34
Kr4t05What would be a good GNU utility to zero write an entire flash drive?03:35
cLuEdArTheh, so, timeframe on this method vs ./configure then make?03:35
HawkwindcLuEdArT: You don't use the ./configure and all that03:35
cLuEdArTHawkwind, I fix aircraft for a living, lol, i'm no compiler.03:35
HawkwindcLuEdArT: It takes about 10 minutes usually03:35
cLuEdArTah ok03:35
cLuEdArTthat's what i was trying to figure out03:35
cLuEdArTi will definetly give it a shot.03:35
cLuEdArTso as far as my broken packages now, its pretty much backup /home and format/reinstall?03:36
HawkwindWhy not reboot to the other kernel ?03:36
HawkwindIf it worked there, then use it03:36
cLuEdArTother kernel is no more.03:37
cLuEdArTgone from grizzub too03:37
HawkwindSo install it03:37
Kr4t05Does anyone know of a utility I could use to wipe a flash drive?03:37
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cLuEdArTworth a shot.03:37
cLuEdArTgoodbye smp kernel lol.03:38
scytheanyone know if samba can be ran from the livecd (hoary)03:38
Sannenight all03:39
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intelikeyaspell issue.  nobody ?03:39
scythefile recovery off a non booting ntfs using the ubuntu livecd anybody?03:40
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intelikeyscythe testdisk    'maybe'03:40
scythetell me more!!03:41
cLuEdArThmmm, NTFS will only be read-only without fuse ntfs-3g03:41
scytheand that isnt on the livecd, is it cluedart03:41
intelikeyapt-get install testdisk, and run it.   errr not sure if the repos are setup in the live cd hoary version... you might want to check.03:42
swamptuwhat is easiest way to run gkrellm at startup?03:42
cLuEdArTcan you mount ntfs from the livecd?03:42
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scytheI am stuck on dialup...03:42
scythecluedart, yeah03:42
scythebut I dont have any writeable disk03:42
intelikeyscythe yes hoary should support ro ntfs03:43
token__trying to get the kernel-devel package, but `apt-get install kernel-devel' doesn't work03:43
scytheI can read the hd, I just cant write to this guys external hd03:43
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crimsunwhat is "kernel-devel" supposed to provide?03:43
token__kernel headers03:43
intelikeylinux-source  token03:43
cLuEdArTyeah, linux-source03:43
crimsunare you sure you don't mean linux-headers-$(uname -r) and build-essential?03:44
scytheI dont want to format his drive so I can write to it, he might get a little mad03:44
intelikeyif ya just want the headers03:44
stahnmaanybody having trouble with KDE apps launching after installing XGL?03:44
token__how can i search avail. packages?03:44
stahnmatoeken_ : apt-cache search whatever03:44
cLuEdArTstahnma, i have trouble with java apps crawling03:44
token__tx. again03:45
stahnmacLuEdArt: I have had that problem too03:45
cLuEdArTstahnma, but they launch no problem03:45
intelikeyscythe and you need to write to ntfs from linux why ?03:45
scythetoken, synaptic or package manager in you menus03:45
stahnmaI put on Sun JRE and the java stuff was nice03:45
stahnmaI have problems launching Amarok and Konquerer03:45
cLuEdArTstahnma, with XGL, Azureus and FrostWire hate me.  heh.03:45
stahnmawhich just seem sodd03:45
cLuEdArTthose aren't java based though03:45
stahnmaYeah, Azureus was really rough03:45
stahnmato fix Azureus I installed Sun's JRE03:46
cLuEdArTif you look on the compiz.net forums, you can get some good feedback there03:46
naegling23is anyone familiar with samba?03:46
cLuEdArTi already have jre.03:46
stahnmait looks like GIGJ sucks03:46
scytheguy has a laptop that is only ntfs, lost a sector and cant boot.  I am trying to recover the files off it  that I can read.  It is about 30 Gb worth of stuff, and he gave me an external HD.  Guess what... its NTFS too!!03:46
stahnmaor at least wasn't working well with that03:46
stahnmadid you run update-alternatives to reference Sun Java as primary?03:46
cLuEdArTif he has an xp setup disc, he can run "fixmbr" from it03:46
cLuEdArTlast comment directed to scythe03:47
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cLuEdArTstahnma, nope.03:47
intelikeyscythe   mount -o remount,rw,umask=000 <mount.point/of.ntfs>      and if it breaks the fs  forget that you heard it here.    cause i'll deny it.03:47
cLuEdArTintelikey, LMAO03:47
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scythenot the boot loader, its in the actual system03:48
cLuEdArTscythe, i misread, i was thinking boot sector03:48
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scythegets to the pretty WONDOW XP screen , then it blue screens03:48
scythenp clue03:48
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naegling23scythe, I think that means its working normally03:48
scytheI am going to try Intelikey03:48
=== intelikey hides
cLuEdArTwhat about "last known good configuration" or "recovery console" scythe03:49
scythethat was a premature return key, i meany your suggestion03:49
=== cLuEdArT gets intelikey a lawyer
scytheno go cluedart03:49
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intelikey</whistels inocently>03:49
scythemeant as well03:49
cLuEdArTscythe, A:> FORMAT C: /s y03:50
scytheNot my call, and the cisco software he has wont work under wine03:50
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=== SpAwN [n=wls@pool-70-22-184-101.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
scytheHe will be pitching the hd, and replacing it.  I have dibbs on it, but if it is losing sectors (its a dell), then the drive probably wont be good for much longer03:51
scythemaybe 2-3 more years03:51
naegling23Ive had hard drives go on me, reformatted them, and gotten 5 or so years out of them03:51
naegling23those things are weird03:52
cLuEdArTformatting can potentially fix it03:52
cLuEdArTi've had great luck with my drives03:52
scytheso have I , but laptops are ..... untrustworthy.  I think he would rather not risk it03:52
cLuEdArTdoh, it's a laptop.03:52
cLuEdArTwell, then that starts getting pricey03:53
scytheI have only had 2 drives go bad on me, one was after a cross country move... the other was a "bad" maxtor03:53
scythethe maxtor lasted 3 years after he replaced it03:53
intelikeyllf   low level format    make or break the drive....  :)03:53
scytheoo.org loads way to slow03:54
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intelikeyi don't do oo03:54
intelikeythat very reason03:54
intelikeyaspell   Error: No word lists can be found for the language "en_US".03:55
scythehehe, I have to deal with the government.... nothing but office there.03:55
scytheintel.. could you explain out that mount command you gave me?03:55
scythemainly the umask=00003:56
intelikeywhere is the drive mounted that you want to write to ?     `mount `03:56
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token__trying to install/update via apt-get results in "failed in buffer_read(fd): files list for package `evolution': Input/output error." i tried to clean the cache etc...03:56
naegling23hey, my computer seems to make more fan noise under windows, is this true, or is it just me03:56
token__few google results03:56
scytheor /media/sda103:57
scytheive been switching betweek ubuntu and knoppix lately :)03:57
intelikeysudo mount -o remount,rw,umask=000 /media/sda103:57
intelikeydrop that in the konsole03:57
scythegot thatgot that, what is the -o switch do, and what is umask=00003:58
intelikeyerr live cd   gnome-terminal03:58
scythethe rest I understand03:58
intelikeyanswers to those are found in    man mount03:58
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scytheanswers in man mount are about as clear as mud03:59
scytheand I am at a mac right now, cant guarentee the same man pages03:59
intelikey  -o     Options are specified with a -o flag followed by a  comma  sepa-04:00
intelikey              rated  string of options.04:00
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intelikeyfrom man mount.....   you can read it for your self....04:01
intelikey       umask=value04:02
intelikey              Set the umask (the bitmask  of  the  permissions  that  are  not04:02
intelikey              present).  The default is the umask of the current process.  The04:02
intelikey              value is given in octal.04:02
scythewhat does that mean in english04:02
scythe(I have man mount open on my laptop now)04:02
intelikeymeans it sets the permissions04:02
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scythelike chmod then04:02
intelikeycan't chmod a file system that doesn't have permissions bit   that options is only for fs w/o perms bit04:03
intelikeyi.e.  M$04:03
scytheand the 000 is world, group, user rwx in a very simply put manner04:04
scytheI still use M$, I have yet found anything that can rip a dvd as quick (k9copy I am still playing with)04:04
Kr4t05What's /dev/zero?04:04
intelikeydd if=/dev/zero count=1 bs=104:05
Kr4t05intelikey: Sweet, I think I may have solved my problem. :)04:06
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scythethanx intel, I may be back, depending on how he 30Gb of transfer goes!04:06
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Kr4t05I was trying to find a way to zero-write a USB drive I had, so I figured I'd dd /dev/zero onto it. :)04:07
swamptuQ: When i run glxgears the gears are spinning but i receive no output in the konsole04:07
intelikeyKr4t05 that would write all '0' on the disk04:07
Kr4t05intelikey: exactly.04:08
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intelikeyKr4t05 most often that is used for a security precaution.  gennerally first using /dev/random  or /dev/urandom   a few times then following with zero and a format04:09
Kr4t05intelikey: I was trying to fix a bad partition table on the disk.04:09
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intelikeypartition table is in the first sector.  a block size of 1 or 2 k  and count of 1  then repartitioning.04:10
BluesKajimbrandon, i still need to install libvisual-0.4-0, but the terminal says there's no installation candidate...is there a way to solv e this ?04:11
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intelikeylibvisual0.2 - Audio visualization framework04:12
intelikeylibvisual0.2-dev - Audio visualisation framework (development package)04:12
intelikeylibvisual0.2-plugins - Audio visualization framework plugins04:12
intelikeymaybe one of those superceed it04:12
Kr4t05It works!04:12
cLuEdArTswamptu, use "glxgears -printfps"04:12
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swamptuyea figured it out hehe thx, I just can't seem to get ut2k4 working....i was playing it, then i upgraded to new patch.  Now i just see splash screen for a split second and then nothing.04:13
BluesKajintel , were you talking about libvisual-0.4-0 ?04:13
intelikey--i acknowledge that this is not a bench mark     or some such on the glxgears04:14
=== nate_ [n=nate@68-190-90-101.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
intelikeyBluesKaj yeah wondering if that's the ubuntu dapper version of that package04:15
intelikeyBluesKaj you have edgy?04:15
BluesKajwell. I am running kubuntu Dapper04:15
imbrandonBluesKaj, do you have my repo ? " sudo apt-get install libvisual-0.4-0 libvisual-0.4-plugins " and tell me the output ( i assumed you have done apt-get update )04:15
BluesKajyup imbrandon , sure did04:16
imbrandonok paste that line i just put in quotes04:16
imbrandonand tell me the output04:16
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intelikeyimbrandon is that the same as the libvisual0.2  ?04:17
BluesKajPackage libvisual-0.4-0 is not available, but is referred to by another package.04:17
BluesKajThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:17
BluesKajis only available from another source04:17
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AWOSDevCan you help me with Samba?04:17
imbrandonintelikey, it replaces it, its only for the new amarok04:17
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intelikeyimbrandon i see... i was wondering why the name change...   libvisual0. libvisual-0.  often that will mean major change.04:19
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imbrandonintelikey, becosue upstream libvisual sucks and we had to mangle the packages04:20
intelikeywell i go now.04:20
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rodhi, im experiencing slow video playback with an ATI mobility card and while researching the problem was told to check the output of "fglrxinfo" and it says mesa3d.org not ATI, is this a problem, and if it it how can i go about fixing it?  thanks.04:21
TachyonIf I wanted to dock Thunderbird in the system tray so that it can stay open to check mail, what would be a good way of doing this?04:22
imbrandon!ati > rod04:22
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=== habakkuk [n=habakkuk@xdsl-1787.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #kubuntu
__mikemhey imbrandon, theres someone in #ubuntu whose hostmask contains the term terrorist, and being an american, that offends me04:24
__mikemhis username is banana04:24
rodthanks brandon!04:24
fowlduck__mikem: you said terrorist, i'm angry04:25
habakkukanyone alve?04:25
cLuEdArTfowlduck, you said terrorist, i'm angry04:25
__mikemcLuEdArT you said terrorist I am angry04:25
lupine_85and he's... french...04:25
fowlduck__mikem: you said terrorist, i'm angry04:25
__mikemand here we go round the mullburybush04:25
=== lupine_85 kisses /ignore
cLuEdArTand i'm U.S. military, and I believe in free speach, and if that guy wants to have a gay vhost, so be-it.04:26
BluesKaj__mikem, hey get a life ...04:26
__mikemI have a life and it sucks04:26
NthDegreeBluesKaj: he can always take yours04:26
imbrandonhey CHILL04:27
lupine_85just /ignore __mikem -- it makes life so much easier :)04:27
__mikemhey I am a regular in these chanels, so don't treat me like some troll04:27
=== habakkuk [n=habakkuk@xdsl-1787.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #kubuntu
lupine_85seriously. I have04:27
imbrandon__mikem, i know i was talking to everyone04:27
cLuEdArThahah regulars have some kinda l33t priveliges?04:27
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__mikemimbrandon I was talking to lupine_85, I know what you meant04:28
NthDegreeyeah, where's my OP status and my ass kissing04:28
NthDegreei'm a regular04:28
habakkukwel, once again does anoune know HOWTO deal with Wine emulator ?04:28
__mikemNthDegree, checks in the mail04:28
lupine_85habakkuk: what are you trying to do with it?04:28
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NthDegreehabakkuk: Wine Is Not an Emulator (WINE)04:29
habakkuklupine_85: well, i want to find it ;-) i followed by install instructhions on its webpage, but04:29
habakkukfinally i dont know where is it placed and stuff04:29
lupine_85once you've run sudo apt-get install wine you can run a windows binary like this:- "wine file.exe"04:30
lupine_85or right-click on a .exe in konqueror and choose open with.. and in the box type wine04:30
habakkuki did it via synaptic04:30
lupine_85yep, that's fine04:30
__mikemlupine_85 you forgot one step...Crossing your heart and praying to god that it works04:30
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NthDegreesame thing habakkuk04:30
habakkuki tried it , but i have No wine there04:31
NthDegreehabakkuk: i suggest you start by running winecfg04:31
loerI love you04:31
__mikemum loer, I believe you are in the wrong chanel04:31
lupine_85so when you type "wine --version" in some random terminal, what does it say?04:31
habakkuksorry guys, i have linux 1st time, about 4 hours so im confused a bit04:31
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NthDegreeloer, if you haven't got anything remotely smart to say, say in in #ubuntu-offtopic or don't say it at all04:32
habakkukhabakkuk@Aicha:~$ winecfg04:32
habakkukbash: winecfg: command not found04:32
=== habakkuk confused .
habakkuk;] 04:32
__mikemloer yes what?04:32
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=== __mikem spies a troll
lupine_851. use pastebin04:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:33
NthDegreeshall I call HIM04:33
lupine_852. you can't have installed it04:33
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-7-194.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu
__mikemNthDegree, who partell is "HIM"04:33
habakkuksorry for flood04:33
lupine_85are the files /usr/bin/wine and /usr/bin/winecfg present?04:33
habakkukwell, what did i do then ?04:33
habakkuklemme check\04:34
__mikemls /usr/bin | grep wine04:34
NthDegreewhich wine04:34
NthDegreewhich winecfg04:34
__mikemany, that command will grep all items in /usr/bin with the word wine in their name04:34
NthDegreeyeah but WINE doesn't always go in /usr/bin04:35
NthDegreeit may go in /usr/local/bin04:35
=== thom_ [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
habakkukive got there plenty of shit but no wine files at all04:35
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.04:35
ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:35
lupine_85if you search for wine in synaptic, does the package show up as installed?04:35
__mikemfine ls /usr/*bin | grep wine04:35
habakkukforgive. ;)04:35
NthDegreego to gentoo if you like to swear a lot (they permit it since users get frustrated with all the bugs)04:36
habakkuklupine_85:  may i privmsg you about that?04:36
=== __mikem wonders what happened to loer
=== Telroth_Plushie| [n=darth_an@adsl-70-241-130-205.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #Kubuntu
habakkuktheres to mooch 'conjetion'04:36
|lostbyte|habakkuk, dpkg -l | grep wine04:36
lupine_85erm, no04:37
habakkukerm, thanx :/04:37
lupine_85TBH I should go to bed anyway04:37
=== thompa [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
__mikemlostbyte's command works best04:37
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=== Mater [n=pablo@115.pool85-54-138.dynamic.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu
NthDegreenight lupine_8504:37
__mikemyou could do ls /* | grep wine04:37
__mikemnvm that doesn't work04:37
NthDegreeor which wine && which winecfg04:37
NthDegreewhich is the appropriate command04:38
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fildomorning felllow kubunters04:38
__mikemusername@computername:~$which wine04:38
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|lostbyte|habakkuk, HAve you installed wine in the first place ? how and from where ?04:38
__mikemusername@computername:~$which winecfg04:38
|lostbyte|fildo, Morning.04:38
habakkukI have no ide04:39
NthDegreehabakkuk: sudo apt-get install wine04:39
habakkuki just followed by instructions on www, maybe i just upgrded that list04:39
|lostbyte|habakkuk, whats the out put for --------> dpkg -l | grep wine04:39
habakkuk|lostbyte|: i have no idea what is this04:39
|lostbyte|habakkuk, or do what NthDegree just said.04:40
habakkukjust performed04:40
habakkukstrange transfer less than 1kb/sec04:40
=== NthDegree should use FBSD where he can say RTFM all day
=== jack is now known as jack_
NthDegreehabakkuk: slow server methinks04:41
=== Starwatcher [n=David@67-54-255-229.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu
__mikemNthDegree, just join the FBSD chatroom, and you can have the best of both worlds04:41
=== root____ [n=root@bb-66-63-96-181.gwi.net] has joined #kubuntu
NthDegreeor (try) and get a BSD system to boot off a loopback device XD04:41
=== __mikem used to be stupid enough to run as root every minute of the day
=== flea25 [n=sara@pool-70-104-67-126.pskn.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
__mikemNthDegree ever hear of something called FreeSBIE04:42
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NthDegree__mikem: I didn't even run as administrator when I was using Windows04:42
NthDegreenope, what is it?04:42
__mikemLive freebsd cd04:42
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habakkukah another question04:43
habakkukdo i need allthat file located in /usr/bin/ ?04:43
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=== _bender_ [n=bender@CPE001346d31527-CM0011ae907776.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
rich_monanyone up for ati driver install?  I need help with it.     I did it once but i'm not too sure it took.  How would I check that out?04:43
NthDegreehabakkuk: now i mean this in the politest possible way RTFM!!!!04:44
=== NthDegree joking
habakkukdidnt get ya anyway04:44
__mikemRTFM = Read the F***ing Manuel04:44
=== enrique [n=enrique@203-48-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu
habakkuki'm speding another like feefteenth hour here with my ne w os04:45
rich_moni hear ua04:45
NthDegree__mikem: you mean Read The "Fine" Manual :-)04:45
habakkukand im as impressed as confused04:45
__mikemNthDegree, check the PM I just sent you04:45
NthDegreejust did04:45
rich_monany one familiar with ATI driver installs?04:45
rich_monheh, not a favorite subject isee04:46
=== phelix [n=phelix@ip70-177-187-145.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
NthDegreerich_mon: the wiki has a HOWTO04:46
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:46
=== phelix is now known as ggj89
__mikemHow to use ati card, step 1, mount to a piece of wood, 2 take 10 paces and turn, 3 load gun, 4 fire at will, 5 buy an nvidia card04:46
=== |lostbyte| [n=thelostb@adsl8-182.qualitynet.net] has joined #kubuntu
NthDegree__mikem: you evil non-FOSS supporting f00l04:47
rich_monmike: no kidding but i'm stuck with it04:47
NthDegreeHow to use ati card, step 1, mount to a piece of wood, 2 take 10 paces and turn, 3 load gun, 4 fire at will, 5 buy an INTEL card04:47
rich_monbest solution: go back to windows04:47
NthDegreeintel have opensourced and GPLd their main stuff :)04:47
NthDegreerich_mon: read the howto04:47
__mikemNthDegree, what do you mean, I just told everyone to blow away their ati card with a gun, how much more support for FOSS do you want04:47
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:47
NthDegree!ati > rich_mon04:47
NthDegreejust incase you didn't read04:48
|lostbyte|NthDegree, Is it better that nvidia ?04:48
unix_infidelcan you restore the windows mbr from the ubuntu live cd?04:48
NthDegree|lostbyte|: the open-source drivers are said to be, but the cards are cr@p04:48
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NthDegreeunix_infidel: are you insane04:48
NthDegreeunix_infidel: use GRUB and chainload04:48
unix_infidelNthDegree: i'm trying to restore the windows bootloader for a reason.04:49
NthDegreeunix_infidel: then use the windows recovery console to do it04:49
unix_infidelwas wondering if its possible and how to do it.04:49
|lostbyte|unix_infidel, Sad to tell you, your stuck with linux for life, j/k04:49
unix_infidellostbyte: i dont mind that.04:49
__mikemthis is why I use vmware04:49
unix_infidelNthDegree: its asking for an admin password which i set and it wont accept.04:49
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NthDegreeunix_infidel:  Windows XP CD, boot it - then press R then do the commands fixmbr fixboot04:49
unix_infidelNthDegree: look above.04:50
unix_infideli'd do that if i could getinto recovery console.04:50
NthDegreeyou mean you can't download a resource kit and use the commands!?04:50
|lostbyte|unix_infidel, oh, then the format command in windows with the "/mbr" option04:50
NthDegreemicrosoft.com and engage common sense (Windows XP resource kits contain those types of commands)04:51
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NthDegreeor grab a binary copy of the mbr and rawwrite it04:52
=== habakkuk is now known as Vanique
|lostbyte|YEah, that would be a more linuxphilic way.04:53
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=== NthDegree doesn't know if he should become an ubuntu/kubuntu member and sign the CoC or not
__mikemNthDegree, I signed it, it isn't a big deal04:54
Admiral_ChicagoNthDegree, why not04:54
Admiral_Chicagoi haven't gotten around to it yet but i'm on a LoCo04:55
=== BobHate [n=bob@57.129-pool-xdsl-mi.sccoast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== NthDegree changes distros so often
rcmndoes anyone know a programme that would read my directory reconize the type of file (audio format mp3,wav,etc...) and reencode the way i need.,04:57
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Admiral_Chicagorcmn, depending on the formats, you don't want to do that04:59
Admiral_Chicagolike its from mp3 to ogg04:59
Admiral_Chicagoi use mpeg321 for my stuff05:00
Admiral_Chicagobut it's mostly for mp3 to wav05:00
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
|lostbyte|rcmn, What format do you want it to convert to ?05:01
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NthDegreercmn, get Audacity05:03
|lostbyte|NthDegree, That can do ogg ?05:03
NthDegreethen open the MP3 files and save them as OGG or w/e05:04
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NthDegreeyeah it can do05:04
NthDegreeand it doesn't need non-free libs either XD05:04
NthDegreeto open MP3s is considered free on this thing it's wierd05:04
rcmnoups sorry i had to step away , about the format i would say Mp305:04
rcmnjust because it's portable05:04
rcmnaudacity does it ?05:05
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rcmnhum i see05:06
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rcmnok i'll look more into it05:06
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root_well  i followed the ATI driver install instructions but...05:07
=== root_ is now known as rich_mon
rich_mondisplay: :0.0  screen: 005:08
rich_monOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org05:08
rich_monOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect05:08
rich_monOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)05:08
rich_monbut as you can see, it didn't take05:08
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rich_monanyone here who was helping me about 20 minutes ago?05:10
rich_monlol   can't remember who i was talking to05:10
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rich_monabout the ATI driver install05:10
Admiral_Chicagorich_mon, what is the problem now05:10
rich_monwell  i followed the ATI driver install instructions but...05:10
rich_monbut it didn't take05:11
rich_monwhen i check on the install, it doesn't say what it shoult05:11
rich_monit says something about mesa driver05:11
Admiral_Chicagoin adept?05:11
Admiral_Chicagowhat is the error?05:11
Admiral_Chicagouse a pastebin if it is long05:12
rich_monroot@Ubu:~# fglrxinfo05:12
rich_mondisplay: :0.0  screen: 005:12
rich_monOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org05:12
rich_monOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect05:12
rich_monOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)05:12
=== Nereid`laptop [n=nereid@S01060050da742a74.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
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rich_monthat's 9ot05:12
|lostbyte|rich_mon, glxinfo | grep direct ?05:12
DemonThinguh ho05:12
UQlevrich_mon, what is your CPU?05:12
Admiral_Chicagorich_mon, did you install the propiety driver or vesa05:13
rich_mondirect rendering: No05:13
rich_monOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect05:13
rich_monamd 270005:13
rich_monati 9700 pro05:13
Admiral_Chicagoi think vesa is the OS version05:13
rcmnnthdegree: audacity is an audio editor not an ripper on the fly05:13
DemonThingI have a question. I'm on a laptop with both wireless and wired ethernet. How do I configure stuff so that when the wired ethernet is connected, it uses that? (grabbing packages over wireless is slow :P)05:13
UQlevrich_mon, 32 or 64 bit?05:13
NthDegreercmn, i know05:13
rich_monya i just did the install according to the wiki05:14
UQlevrich_mon, easyubuntu has ati driver and installs it easily05:14
NthDegreercmn, you can rip using anything audacity will allow you to convert05:14
rich_monwell actually, i used easy ubuntu previously05:14
NthDegreeotherwise you'll just have WAV files that are very big usually05:14
Admiral_Chicagorich_mon, or you can do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:14
rcmni could use lame with a script as well but what i need is a mass ripper if u see what i mean05:14
HobbseeDemonThing: happens automagically with knetworkmanager05:15
DemonThingI still have wireless connected, though05:15
DemonThingso it still all goes through that05:15
Kr4t05KDE4 shall pwn the world. :D05:15
Admiral_Chicagoand change driver to flgx or whatever it is05:15
rich_monya. i actually did that05:16
rich_moni went into xorg.conf and configured it there05:16
rcmnDemonthing: if it doesn't just do sudo ifconfig eth0 down (to put wired down) or sudo ifconfig ath0 down (for wireless down)05:16
rich_moni added the fglrx parts05:16
_Dinkdid you blacklist fglrx ?05:16
DemonThingahh, right05:16
rich_monno not that i know of05:16
rich_monwhat is that?05:16
_Dinkits where fglrx wont be able to get into any bars/clubs05:17
_Dinkput it on a blacklist and they wont let it in05:17
_Dinkits in linux-restricted-modules-common I think05:18
HobbseeDemonThing: it shouldnt05:18
rcmnDemonthing: to get it up " sudo ifconfig eth0 up $$ dhcpclient eth0 " (to get wired up ) or " sudo ifconfig ath0 up $$ dhcpclient ath0 " (to get wireless running)05:18
_Dinkadd fglrx to it05:18
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Nereid`laptop`afpoop on Konversation :)05:19
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rich_monDink are you talking to me? lol05:19
rcmnDemonthing replace the "$$" By "&&"05:19
rich_monare you joking about blacklisting the criver i'm trying to use?05:19
_Dinkno im not05:19
DemonThingalright I got it, thanks.05:20
rich_monso to use fglrx, i have to black list it?05:20
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_Dinkwhich howto are you following ?05:20
rich_monthe ubuntu ati05:20
_Dinkif you building your own package etc... you should yes05:20
rich_moni'm running ubuntu05:21
rich_monI'm trying to get ut2004 to play05:21
rcmnso anyone about the mass reencoding audio ?05:21
rich_monI'm not having a lot of luck yet05:21
_Dinkwhich card do you have ?05:21
rich_mon9700 pro05:21
_Dinkill trade you my 9600 and ill get yours to work ?05:21
rich_monAMD 270005:21
rich_monya sure05:22
=== andre^off is now known as andred
_Dinkyea ive gotten mine to work 99.9%05:22
rcmnya ? lol05:22
_Dinkdamn 3d acceleration fails on cedega05:22
rich_monwell, that would be nice05:22
rich_monare u using ubuntu?05:22
_Dinkit works on 2.6.17 kernel but not .1505:22
_Dinkkubuntu same difference05:23
rich_monDink, i'm new to linux stuff  so i won't necessarily get your references   lol05:23
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rich_monwell, anyways, it seems that I ought to be able to get this to work05:24
_Dinkedit that file I told you05:24
rich_monI thought my hardware would support it qauite well05:24
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rich_monok, what is the edit?05:24
rich_monwhat file? xorg.conf?05:25
_Dinkyou have to edit that yes05:25
_Dinkand the linux-restricted something that I posted earlier05:25
_Dinkif forum was up i would post you the ati installer script05:26
_Dinkwhich works really well05:26
_Dinkwell only if you know when to catch it if it errors out :P05:26
rich_moni don't know nothing05:26
=== aaron_ is now known as mangz74
rcmnyep u're root05:27
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic05:27
rich_monya, i know05:27
rich_monbut anyways, what are the edits?05:27
_Dinkgood luck05:29
_Dinkand bewarned it doesnt catch errors... you have to do it yourself05:29
_Dinkbut it basically does the edits for you05:29
_Dinkit pretty much does this... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#head-26e8b0d4be861a6b7c545dc21c45232f909d8ca205:30
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_Dinkim out for the night... hopefully tomorrow someone can help me with my ati problem :P05:30
rcmnwhat ati ?05:31
rcmn9600 ?05:32
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rich_monthank Sink05:34
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rredd4are the updates safe to download?05:36
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flaccidhow can i kill a process that want die when i do kill pid05:40
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|lostbyte|flaccid, killall -9 <programname>05:44
flaccidthanks i forgot about that one :)05:45
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=== NthDegree cracks the root user ^.^ (joking)
ryan_is it possible to change premissions of a file and all its contents05:56
rich_monback from installing ATI vid driver with a script.    still not quite working05:56
DaSkreechryan_: What?05:56
rich_mondisplay: :0.0  screen: 005:57
rich_monOpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org05:57
rich_monOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect05:57
rich_monOpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)05:57
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rich_moni think i should have seen something other than Mesa, no?05:57
DaSkreechDid you change it to fglrx?05:58
rich_monin xorg.conf?05:58
DaSkreechok :)05:59
rich_monwhen i enter fglrxinfo, i'm supposed to see something about ati drivers, but i get the Mesa info instead06:00
rich_monso that tells me it's not right06:00
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rich_moni've tried this 3 different ways now   lol06:01
rich_moni'm getting to know how not to install ati drivers pretty well now06:01
rich_monnext i'll try it in russian06:02
ryan_some how my drive and all its files' permissions got changed is there anyway to change them all with one command06:03
rich_moni've tried the update that comes with Ubuntu, the EasyUbuntu method and now the script method06:03
rich_mon3 up ,  3 down06:03
rich_monside retired06:03
DaSkreechDoes glxgears run?06:03
rich_monthat was really exciting   lol06:04
actinicfps in glxgears?06:04
DaSkreechryan_:You want a file or your drive changed?06:04
rich_monwell, i think it's a config problem, but im not to sure06:04
ryan_the file that my drive is mounted in06:04
rich_monhow do i check fps in glxgears?06:04
actinicglxgears -fps06:05
ryan_i know how to do each file one by one but that will take forever06:05
actiniccorrection: glxgears -printfps06:05
DaSkreechryan_: How do you do one file?06:05
ryan_right clicking on the file and going in to the properties...im a nob06:06
actinicryan_, right click on folder.06:07
DaSkreechryan_: Ahhh :) What are you changing the properties to?06:07
rich_mon222 fps in glxgears06:07
Telroth_Plushie|actinic, it's glxgears -info (i'm using edgy though)06:07
NthDegreerich_mon: that is fine06:07
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NthDegreesome people get 15000fps but anything above 50 usually indicates 3d acceleration is working06:08
actinicTelroth_Plushie|, glxgears -prinftps works just fine06:08
actinicwhat vid card rich_mon ?06:08
NthDegreeactinic, so does glxgears --i-agree-this-is-not-a-benchmark -fps or w/e06:08
ryan_to let everyone on my network read and wriite06:08
rich_monya, well i still think my video card is configured ....   9700 pro06:08
=== patrick_ [n=patrick@c-67-183-91-138.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
NthDegreethere's a way to tell 1 sec06:09
rich_mon9700 PRO06:09
rich_monmight as well be a jaton 4mb06:09
rich_monmy first video card06:09
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patrick_hey anyone know where i should put a deb if i want aptitide to find it for a reinstall?06:09
Dr_Willispatrick_,  its from the repos?06:10
DaSkreechryan_: I can help you to get access to your stuff if you give me more info06:10
=== NthDegree sleeps
Dr_Willisthe apt cache is in /var/cache/apt/archives/06:11
patrick_Dr.Willis . nooo i have a package06:11
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patrick_i put it there and it says it cant find it.06:11
ryan_DaSkreech: what do you need06:11
actinicNthDegree, how long did it take to type " --i-agree-this-is-not-a-benchmark -fps". ;p;06:11
DaSkreechryan_: Where is the folder you are trying to change?06:11
patrick_Dr_Willis >E: I wasn't able to locate file for the lg3d-core package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package.06:11
NthDegreeit's something funny like that06:11
DaSkreechIt's iacknowledgethistoolisnotabenchmark06:12
actinicthere ya go06:12
patrick_Dr_Willis >i put it in there already06:12
rich_monok, well i still don't think i'm configured to use the ati driver06:12
actinicDaSkreech, now type that 20 times quickly, lol06:12
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patrick_Dr_Willis >still cant find it06:12
DaSkreechryan_: Who owns that folder?06:12
NthDegree iacknowledgethistoolisnotabenchmark iacknowledgethistoolisnotabenchmark iacknowledgethistoolisnotabenchmark iacknowledgethistoolisnotabenchmark iacknowledgethistoolisnotabenchmark06:12
ryan_i do06:12
NthDegreeyou could flood with that ZOMG06:12
=== DaSkreech pants
Dr_Willispatrick_,  did this pacakge come from some repo you got in your sources.list or did you just download it from some random site?06:13
=== DaSkreech grabs a bottle of water and pours it over his head
DaSkreechNot as young as I used to be06:13
=== NthDegree goes sleep before n*lioth catches me
DaSkreechryan_: What permissons are you changing?06:13
actiniciamnotageek iamnotageek iamnotageek iamnotageek06:13
rich_monis running ati drivers on linux always this hard?06:14
=== wayne_ is now known as saasdasd
actinicwhy yes, yes it is06:14
patrick_Downloaded from suns website06:15
rich_moni knew it06:15
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ryan_DaSkreech: i want to be able to read and write to it freely from another computer with out a password06:15
patrick_Dr_Willis >Doesnloaded ffmo suns wbsite and ever since apt-get and aptitude wont work at all saying it needs to be reisntalled.06:15
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=== RnB-Tunes [n=RnB-Tune@p54982F75.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
RnB-Tuneshttp://www.RnB-Tunes.dl.am << new RnB, Hip Hop, Dancehall Tracks!!! free Download... CHECK IT!!!!06:15
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ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, jpatric, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, or gnomefreak06:16
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
HobbseeDaSkreech: ?06:16
DaSkreechRnB-Tunes: needs a boot :)06:16
HobbseeRnB-Tunes: please dont spam06:16
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DaSkreechIt's a bot06:16
actiniccrap, spam even in irc channels06:16
DaSkreechOr a script kiddie06:16
DaSkreech Either way06:16
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b *!*@p54982F75.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] by Hobbsee
=== RnB-Tunes was kicked off #kubuntu by Hobbsee (Hobbsee)
Hobbsee[14:16]  [Whois]  RnB-Tunes is n=RnB-Tune@p54982F75.dip0.t-ipconnect.de (podster.de Web-Client)06:17
DaSkreechJoined and said that in the same second06:17
BlueFoxwhat is the command to install a program again..... yes im a NooBlet06:17
rich_monok well maybe this is poking a bee hive with a stick, but how about    Mx518 and the IMWheel06:17
Dr_Willispatrick_,  what you are trying to do wont work..  why dont ya just manually install that .deb ?06:17
DaSkreechBlueFox: Apt-get or adept06:17
Dr_Willisrich_mon,  i got that mouse. :P i like it..06:17
BlueFoxsudo apt-get install <program>?06:17
DaSkreechBlueFox: Yup06:17
BlueFoxthank you06:17
Dr_Willisrich_mon,  cant recall ever needing imwheel. but i dont use the extra buttons much.06:17
rich_mon$10000000000   if you help me get it to work06:17
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
DaSkreechryan_: What do you mean another computer?06:17
rich_monu take paypal?06:18
patrick_Dr_Willis > gives erros wont install06:18
Dr_Willisrich_mon,   go to the gentoo wikis they cover it.06:18
DemonThing`rich_mon: first you need to set the mouse protocol to ExplorerPS/206:18
Dr_Willisrich_mon,  and that "ubuntu hacks" book has a chapter.. and the ubuntu wiki proberly dies as well06:18
Telroth_Plushie|if someone wants to go fix azureus in edgy, i'll give them a cookie06:18
DemonThing`you can do that when doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:18
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DemonThing`er, that lets you choose it06:18
DemonThing`but yeah, consult gentoo wiki :)06:18
DemonThing`they have a good article on it06:19
rich_moni have it set to Esplorer/PS2 and i got the back buttons to work06:19
DemonThing`Hi rafael06:19
rafaelI can't figure out where I change it so I can switch workspaces through the keyboard06:19
rich_monI need the wheel to work when I press down ,06:19
actinicwow, 252 online and everyone's talking at once!06:19
=== VIC-20 [n=azzi_mie@host108-49-dynamic.6-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu
Dr_Willisrafael,  gee. i just set the  mouse wheel to change  workspaces06:19
Dr_Willisi move to the panel.. and scroll the wheel06:19
DaSkreechrafael: tryCtrl+F<n>06:20
Telroth_Plushie|rafael, it's keyboard shortcuts06:20
Dr_Willisunder gnome - i go to the little mini-desktops applet and scroll06:20
rafaelI don't have a mouse wheel on my laptop touchpad :(06:20
DaSkreechryan_: What do you mean another computer?06:20
Telroth_Plushie|ctrl+F<n> works06:20
rafaelDaSkreech: it worked :)06:20
Dr_Willisrafael,  Egads! the humanity! :P06:20
ryan_DaSkreech: i have a moded xbox that i can streem video and some how when i reinstalled the permissions changed or i did something to change them so i cant streem06:20
rafaelTelroth_Plushie|: where can I find those keyboard shortcuts?06:20
Dr_Willisrafael,  i wonder if my laptops touchpad scroll area works for that.06:20
DaSkreechHmm Ok so what are you changing them to?06:20
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
DemonThing`Dr_Willis: I just tried it on this laptop and it works :)06:21
=== morcego [n=morcego@200216042035.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu
ryan_ive just been checking all the boxes in the advanced permissions menu06:21
morcegoalguem aqui fala portugus?06:22
Dr_WillisDemonThing`,  heh heh06:22
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rafaelTelroth_Plushie|: where's the keyboard shortcuts? I'm rather new to kde :(06:22
DemonThing`also fun with the tabs in Konqueror or Konversation06:22
DaSkreechryan_: and then you can stream?06:22
rafaelmorcego: eu06:22
morcegorafael: como eu instalo os codec pra rodar mp3?06:23
rafaelmorcego: pvt06:23
morcegotem em add/remover mas no da pra marcar!06:23
DaSkreechryan_: ok so do one at a time till you know which one works06:23
DaSkreechThen I'll tell you how to set all the files with that06:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:23
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:23
ryan_i network with samba and i sign in to the linux computer with my normal log on06:23
Telroth_Plushie|rafael, kcontrol -> keyboard & mouse -> keyboard shortcuts06:24
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DaSkreech!es > morcego06:24
ryan_DaSkreech: is smb://username:password@ipadress/shared file directory06:26
DaSkreechryan_: This is from the XBox Drive I take it?06:26
ryan_DaSkreech:wate no its from the xbox to the computer06:27
actinickeyboard shortcuts:  found in kcontrol > regional & accessibility06:27
DaSkreechRight From the Xbox06:27
DaSkreechin advanced do you have R checked?06:27
ryan_ok then yeah06:27
DaSkreechYou should't need W or X checked06:28
DaSkreechbut the three levels of R should be checked06:28
DaSkreechIn some file you haven't done yet of course :)06:28
DaSkreechI'm asking if that's true06:28
rich_mongentoo wiki doesn't specifically lay it out for Mx518 mouse  :(06:29
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ryan_its every file even the avi files that i dont have permission06:29
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ryan_im wanting to change them all at once if possible06:29
DemonThing`rich_mon: I think it's the same as for the 51006:30
DaSkreechryan_: Right I'm asking on a file that you currently can't stream are the checkmarks under R on or off?06:30
DemonThing`turn them on then :P06:30
rich_monthe part im missing is for the use of the middle button, as when i push it'06:30
=== DemonThing` is now known as DemonThing
DaSkreechOk turn them on and then try again06:30
ryan_DemonThing theres like 200 files06:31
DaSkreechryan_: Just do one file and if it works I'll show you how to do that06:31
DemonThingchmod a+r *06:31
rich_monDemonThing:  i  have i mostly configured, all except the middle button push06:31
ryan_once i turn them on i can streem06:31
DaSkreechryan_: Schweet Ok on a konsole browse to ~/Drives06:32
rich_monDemonThing:   does Ubuntu recognize back button when navigating through folders?06:32
DemonThingfind -type f | xargs chmod a+r06:32
DaSkreechand type chmod +r -R 80GB/06:32
DemonThingrich_mon: don't know, I don't use ubuntu on my desktop with the 51806:32
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DaSkreechryan_: Or right clikc the 80GB folder06:33
morcegohow to install mp3 codec on Kubuntu?06:33
rich_moneasy ubuntu06:33
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:33
DaSkreech-> properties -> permissions -> check change all sub folders and files -> advanced permissions -> put on the checkmarks -> ok06:33
DaSkreechmorcego: install libxine-extracodecs from the multiverse repository06:34
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DemonThingIs there a keyboard shortcut for changing tabs in Konqueror besides ctrl+pageup and pagedown?06:34
DaSkreechmorcego: If you need spanish help type /join #kubuntu-es06:34
DaSkreechCtrl+[ and Ctrl + ] 06:34
morcegohow to install in APT?06:34
ryan_DaSkreech: thanks you have been a big help06:34
DemonThingDaSkreech: unfortunately that's not working :/06:35
actinicand if you need help in pig latin type /join #oink06:35
morcegothe lbxine-extracodecs06:35
DaSkreechmorcego: apt-get install libxine-extracodecs06:35
DaSkreechDemonThing: What's not working?06:35
DemonThingoh well, I'll just use ctrl+pageup/down :)06:35
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DemonThingctrl+[ and ctrl+]  in Konqueror06:35
DaSkreechmorcego: sudo  apt-get install libxine-extracodecs06:35
DaSkreech :)06:35
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DemonThingoh well06:35
deindo you guys happen to know where my keys are?06:35
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:35
DemonThingor I can just go under Configure Shortcuts and add alt-left and alt-right06:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about keys - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:36
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DemonThingah ctrl+, and ctrl+. do it too06:36
DemonThinghandy :)06:36
deinthe ubuntu linux community is supposed to be supportive06:36
deinthis really makes me mad06:36
deini quit linux now06:36
DaSkreechdein: WHich keys?06:36
deincar keys06:37
DaSkreechAh try in the car06:37
DaSkreechand it's spelt kar :)06:37
actinichey, they're in your trowsers next to your girlfriend06:37
actinicshe took them from you ... you were too drunk06:37
deinonly if the car is made by kde06:37
DaSkreechactinic: Please read teh COC06:37
ParkotronHello all. I'm looking for an email client that will let me redirect (not forward) an entire mail account to another address. Any ideas?06:38
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ubotuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:38
DaSkreechParkotron: have you tried kmail?06:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about DOA - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:38
ParkotronDaSkreech: KMail will forward individual messages but not more than one at a time.06:39
actinici read it, don't like it06:39
=== DaSkreech is listening to "How crazy are you" by Meja [Kaffeine]
ParkotronI've tried Thunderbird, KMail, and Evolution but none of them will do it.06:39
DaSkreechdein: It's not a KDE kar?06:39
DaSkreechParkotron: Which one do you like the best?06:40
warpzonewow, switched to KDE a little over a week ago and after some initial frustration its pretty impressive06:40
DaSkreechwarpzone: tried Alt+Space ?06:40
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ParkotronDaSkreech: I was a long time Thunderbird user (ie before I came to KDE) but GMail has replaced my need for an email client.06:41
flaccidOpera will replace your need for Gmail :p06:41
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DaSkreechdein: Hmm maybe #ubuntu can help then :)06:41
warpzoneDaSkreech: whoa06:41
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deinopen source cars would be bad, because then people could start it without your password06:42
actinicOpera's fantastic06:42
DaSkreechha ha ha06:42
DaSkreechdein: Eh?06:42
Dr_Willispeople would want their cars to autostart...06:42
flacciddein: lol. cept there is encryption06:42
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warpzonequestion though, is there a way to use the Windows key on a keyboard for shortcuts? Every time I assign it to something it switches back06:42
deinok bye06:43
deinim hungry06:43
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ParkotronMy situation is that my girlfriend just graduated from university and consequently her university email is about to expire. She'd like to move all the mail to her new account, but forwarding it is ugly: the dates and from address are all changed. Lots of clients let you forward one email at a time but I need to move the entire mailbox.06:43
DaSkreechwarpzone: I just use it for amarok06:44
DaSkreechParkotron: well maybe you want to ask in #thunderbird06:44
Parkotronwarpzone: Try this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12000106:44
DaSkreech how urgent is this?06:45
Dr_Willisprint them all out. :P06:45
ParkotronDaSkreech: I'm guessing I'll have to resort to some kind of command line client that handles batch jobs.06:45
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DaSkreechParkotron: Possibly but you can join irc.mozilla.org and #thunderbird and ask there06:46
DaSkreechPossibly tomorrow :) they should be able to give you a solution since they probably have been asked that more than once06:46
ParkotronDaSkreech: The account is going to expire immediately, but my girlfriend's been on my back for a while now.06:46
Dr_Willisi recall that ubuntu hacks book mentioned using thunderbird under windows - to convert the email to its format.. then copying THAT converted data to the linux system06:46
DaSkreechParkotron: IE tonight?06:46
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ParkotronDaSkreech: This week would be soon enough, I'd wager.06:47
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warpzoneParkotron: ooo very helpful thanks06:47
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DaSkreechWell do you know how to add irc.mozilla.org to your IRC client?06:48
ParkotronDr_Willis: That's a good approach. Unfortuately the the new account is webmail/POP so I can't just import mail from file.06:48
ParkotronDaSkreech: I just did. I'll head over there and see if someone can help me. Thanks.06:49
Dr_Willispop? cant ya download all the mail  from the pop server? or do you HAVE to use webmail to access them?06:49
Dr_WillisI aint done much email in ages. :)06:49
ErtainHello everyone.  I am using Skim, and when my computer starts up, it says something about the DCOP not running.  (It actually is running.)  I don't exactly know what's happening.  Though I do have a link to the default scripts in my ~/.xinput.d/ directory.06:49
DaSkreechParkotron: Doubt you'll get a huge flow of info tonight but ask around as early as you can tomorrow and you should get a few good pointers06:50
ParkotronDr_Willis: I have IMAP/POP/webmail access to the old account, but I don't have IMAP access to the new account so I can't upload to it only download.06:50
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Dr_Willisi was just thinkign store the emails locally.. but heck.. what do i know. :P Its past my bedtime06:51
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pierrethi cannot the users in the kde preferences, what should I do?06:52
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pierrethi cannot see, i mean06:52
DaSkreechErtain: Where does it say dcop is not runing?06:55
Dr_Willisyou mean 'users & groups' item/icon pierreth ?06:55
pierrethDr_Willis: yes06:56
pierrethDr_Willis: I am in French06:56
Dr_WillisEgads! you are in French!  . :P06:56
pierrethDr_Willis: I was playing with users and groups06:56
Dr_WillisMy brother law is from France. :)06:56
ErtainDaSkreech: it says it as my desktop is booting up.06:57
pierrethbut i am from canada06:57
pierrethi changed the group of my user pierreth to users06:58
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DaSkreechErtain: Did it start doing this after you did something?06:58
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pierrethit was pierreth:pierreth before06:58
pierrethi deleted the group pierreth06:58
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leonrotthow can i probe my ftp??06:59
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pierrethcan i do a reinstall to repair?06:59
warpzoneapt-get install -f i think07:00
DaSkreechWith a probulator (obvious futurama joke)07:00
DaSkreechleonrott: What do you mean?07:00
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=== Dr_Willis hits DaSkreech with a Spice Weasle!
ErtainDaSkreech: I can't exactly remember what I did.  I did install Skim, of course, and looked on Kubuntu.com to figure out how to exactly make it work (since it wasn't working).  I think I changed something in my /etc/X11/xinput directory, but I can't remember.07:00
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warpzoneoops came in at the wrong time07:00
leonrottDaSkreech: i can see in my localhost but outside not07:01
DaSkreechDr_Willis: Ha aha ha :) Cheese it!07:01
DaSkreechErtain: Skim is installed by default07:01
DaSkreechleonrott: You can ftp into yourself but not from outside?07:02
pierrethDr_Willis: no idea?07:02
ErtainHow odd.  :-/  Anyway, at first, when I installed it, it didn't work.  I had to tweak the $LC_CTYPE variable.  Then I changed something else.  Again, I can't remember. :-(07:03
leonrottDaSkreech: yes07:03
leonrottDaSkreech: with apache and ftp it is the same i can see my pages but my friends not07:03
DaSkreechleonrott: What are you using to ftp?07:03
DaSkreechleonrott: Ah is your machine behind a router?07:03
Dr_Willispierreth,  i am reminded.. that  i cant recall ever using a group for myself. :P07:03
leonrottDaSkreech: Proftpd07:04
warpzoneokay i cannot find khotkeys to save my life07:04
DaSkreechwarpzone: try System settings07:04
DaSkreechIt's under accesibilty07:04
=== DaSkreech shrugs
DaSkreech I don't know either07:04
Dr_Willispierreth,  cant readd the group? or just make a new user. and copy/chown all the stuff over to the new users homedir. (sounds like a gimmicky fix)07:04
warpzoneDaSkreech: you're right. hmmm slightly misleading. thanks!07:05
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pierrethDr_Willis: I can do what I want at the command line, but in kControl, I have this error: Impossible to load the module name 'Users and Group'07:06
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Parkotronwarpzone: It's been renamed Input Actions in KDE 3.5. It's under Regions and Accessibility07:08
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ParkotronI think mutt can handle my mail problem. It took me a while to find it because it uses the term "bounce" instead of "redirect".07:10
warpzoneParkotron: roger doger, and thanks07:10
leonrottDaSkreech: humm how can i know that? is it probably my isp do that??07:10
DaSkreechleonrott: How do you connect to the internet?07:10
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leonrottDaSkreech: humm by dsl07:11
DaSkreechleonrott: safe to say you are behind a router then :) DSL Modems act as routers07:12
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pierrethhow can i activate su?07:15
pkarticleyou can type sudo before each command you want to execute as root07:15
pierrethpkarticle: yes i know07:16
DaSkreechpierreth: sudo -i but don't abuse it07:16
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pierrethwhy su is not working?07:16
we6jboI have a question07:16
pierrethDaSkreech: OK, this is working07:17
pkarticlepierreth: you can start a root shell by clicking the session menu and then New Root Shell07:17
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)07:17
pkarticleoh ok you got it07:17
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we6jboHow do I play runescape on kubuntu?07:17
pierrethpkarticle: OK07:18
DaSkreechAh.. umm07:18
DaSkreechwhats runescape?07:18
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we6jboIt's a game on the internet that needs java to play07:18
DaSkreechAh ok It's a Java game?07:19
we6jboI'm using firefox but it won't let me type in my user name and password07:19
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DaSkreechHave you installed Java?07:20
we6jboI play it on my other computer at school but I want to play now and it won't let me type in my user name and password07:20
DaSkreechleonrott: You are going to have to poke holes in your router07:20
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we6jboit's at www.runescape.com I don't know why it won't let me type in my user name and password07:20
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DaSkreechleonrott: Either call your ISP or google for Port forwarding and your DSL Modem's model number07:20
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rich_monDBO:  back07:21
hussamany program like firestarter for kde?07:21
DaSkreechwe6jbo: Have you installed Java?07:21
we6jboand I'm using fire fox07:21
DaSkreechhussam: How about firestarter? :)07:22
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DaSkreechAnd you did the sudo update-alternatives ?07:22
warpzonewhelp Im out for the night, thanks for the help guys n gals07:22
leonrottDaSkreech: thanks its very rare problem my friends have the same configuration and they runs apache :S07:22
hussamDaSkreech, that's a gnome one. I need a kde one07:22
rich_monDBO:  still says Mesa at fglrxinfo07:22
DaSkreechleonrott: Well all I can tell you is that your IP doesn't seem to have anything running on Port 80 which is likely for a DSL modem07:23
we6jboHoly cow it finally worked I don't know what I did but it works finally gee07:23
DaSkreechwe6jbo: :-) Glad to hear07:24
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leonrottDaSkreech: humm i'll go to search about that thanks DaSkreech07:24
protostar_anyone know how to change themes in Kubuntu?07:24
protostar_cause I can't find the option to do so07:24
DaSkreechleonrott: Sure no problem07:24
DaSkreechprotostar_: Try in System Settings07:24
protostar_I'm there07:24
protostar_I see where to change the KDM theme07:25
protostar_but not the system theme07:25
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DaSkreechprotostar_: Well ... I don't know that KDE has a one button theme like Gnome07:27
protostar_I remember doing it in Suse07:27
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DaSkreechWell you have Kthemes I]  admit07:28
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protostar_thx for your help07:30
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hussamDaSkreech, firestarter won't run on edgy07:46
DaSkreechAh that sucketh07:46
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HealotYou arson :)07:52
nixternal[00:46:31]  <hussam> DaSkreech, firestarter won't run on edgy07:53
nixternalit ran for me just this week07:53
nixternali had to demo a system, and i only had wireless on my lappy07:53
nixternalso i created a quick crossover cable07:53
nixternaland ran firestarter, and it saved the day ;)07:53
nixternaland now07:54
=== nixternal beds
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|lostbyte|How to i check for updates from cli ?08:02
osirissudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:02
|lostbyte|osiris, huh ? i was looking forward to see if there is an update for a specific version.08:03
DaSkreech|lostbyte|: Or a specific package?08:04
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|lostbyte|DaSkreech, yes, want to query08:05
osirisapt-cache search ?08:05
DaSkreechI think it's apt-cache policy08:05
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DaSkreechIt should show the installed version and the candidate version which will be higher if there is a newer version08:06
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dragosjest ktos08:07
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dragosjest ktos?08:08
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draikanyone here having issues with frostwire not loading?08:08
dragosi have problrem08:08
osirisdo you have java ?08:08
dragosproblem somone help me ?08:08
dragosgive me comend to install my nividia08:09
dragosthis file name08:09
dragoshow to install this i don't know08:09
DaSkreechdragos: Which language?08:09
osirisdragos, thats a log file.  you dont install those08:09
dragosknow where i08:10
dragosfile to my08:10
|lostbyte|DaSkreech, policy, yeah it will hard.. Only if it was a one liner08:10
dragosi need to instal graphic08:10
osirisstop pasting 1 or 2 words at a time Dragnslcr08:10
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto08:10
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.08:10
DaSkreechdragos: Yes you :)08:10
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dragoswhere i can take this file nvidia? ;> say plx i need install graphic08:11
draikosiris, you were saying?08:11
draikyes I do08:11
DaSkreechdragos: Which language do you speak we can send you to the right people to ask08:11
osiristry running frostwire from the CLI, is there an error ?08:11
draiklet me check08:12
dragosme are poland08:12
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ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:12
DaSkreechI think >_<08:12
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draikosiris, You need to upgrade to JRE 1.4.x or newer from http://www.java.com08:12
DaSkreechdragos: try /join #ubuntu-pl08:13
osirissudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre   draik08:14
DaSkreechThough that's not a lot of folks in there :(08:14
draikIt's installed, latest version08:14
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dragosroot@dragos-desktop:~# apt-get install "nvidia-installer.log"08:14
dragosCzytanie list pakietw... Gotowe08:14
dragosBudowanie drzewa zalenoci... Gotowe08:14
dragosE: Nie udao si odnale pakietu nvidia-installer.log08:14
dragoscan find file pakiets invifdia-installer.08:14
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Healotholy polska!08:14
dragossome help me ;/08:15
osirisdraik, i guess i uninstalled it08:15
draikosiris, java version "1.4.2"08:15
osirisgimme a sec08:15
osiris!frostwire > osiris08:15
DaSkreechdragos: type /join #ubuntu-pl08:15
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:15
DaSkreechdragos: If you can't get them today try tomorrow. They can help08:16
DaSkreech!nvidia > dragos08:16
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osirisquick question, is there a -U option (update) for dpkg ? or does dpkg -i update if already installed ?08:17
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osirisim used to rpm's08:18
flaccidosiris: apt-get update to update list of updates08:18
flaccidapt-get upgrade to fetch updates from update list08:18
osirislooking to install a package by hand, and update if its already installed08:18
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osirisvia dpkg08:19
flacciddpkg -i is update as well08:19
draikdpkg -i should update it if installing a newer version, AFAIK08:19
flaccidi mean is upgrade if the package is installed already08:19
osirisrpm had a -I and a -U so i wondered08:19
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flaccidyeah no -U in dpkg, just -i08:19
draikwill only install if newer version too, I think08:19
osiristhx.  like i said.  comming from many years of rpm's08:20
flaccidi asked the same question in here when i switched :)08:20
osirisloads fine here08:21
|lostbyte|flaccid, -i updates it, automatically. although there is a --update-avail option too.08:21
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osirisdraik, must be a java issue on yer end, or try deleting any .files it may have in ~/ and see if that helps08:22
osirisi got the deb from their site, and it works fine08:22
flaccidyeah thats what i said08:22
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yanishow can I change that ugly red picture that is displayed when I block a pic from a specific url in Konqueror?08:22
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osirisyanis, use firefox with ad-block08:23
yanisbut I like konqueror08:23
|lostbyte|There is adblock for konqueror too.08:24
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|lostbyte|adn there is no red picture.08:25
yaniswhere can I find it?08:27
draikIt's kinda weird that I go to java.com and it tells me that I have the latest version of java08:27
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dragosi cant find nvidia for my computer08:30
dragosi have nvidia riva tnt 32mb08:30
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osirisdraik, but do you have jre 1.4.2 (i think ? ) or higher ?08:34
osiris!java > osiris08:34
draikI am going through 'sudo update-alternatives --config java' and I'm selecting...08:35
draikchoosing                /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java08:35
DaSkreechdragos: The drivers you have should be good then08:35
draikWas           /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java08:36
|lostbyte|dragos, i think you need the.. nvidia-glx-legacy08:36
dragosye i can't find this08:36
dragosin the08:36
|lostbyte|dragos, adept has it.08:36
osirisdragos, try more than one word a line, and have a little patience08:36
dragosok i see in trhe web i write here when i find or something08:37
osiris!nvidia > dragos08:37
osirisfollow those instructions that i just sent to you dragos08:38
draikosirs, that did the trick08:38
draikThank you for your help08:38
draikmuch appreciated08:38
osirisget yer frosty on08:38
draikyou know it :p08:38
draikStay Frosty08:39
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osirisany easy way other than top to see whats using so much bloody ram ?08:42
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royalhi um for a school project i'm trying to install kubuntu on a linux machine. is it possible in any way shape or form to put the ability to play sound back in?08:46
thoreauputicosiris: it's pretty normal for Linux to use a lot of RAM - it tries to use it in preference to swap at all times08:46
thoreauputicosiris: the second line of  free -m i s more relevant08:47
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royalum or would I have to put in a completely different motherboard?08:48
royalmy gateway is a 9310S08:51
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royal... no one has an answer?08:52
flaccidwhats wrong with the sound, royal?08:53
royalnot playing :P08:53
flaccidit was working before?08:54
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems08:54
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flacciddouble clicking on the volume control, where is this?08:55
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Healotfor kubuntu - Kmix;somewhere in the KDE Menu08:56
federicohello all! can anybody please help me with a wireless card installation?08:59
flaccidbut you can't double click on a menu item08:59
flaccidand there is no file -> change device in kmix08:59
federicoi searched https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported but no suggestions are available for my cisco aironet 350.. :(08:59
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royaloh. so board audio drivers isn't the issue09:00
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AegeanLinuxHI ALLL!!!!!!!!!!109:02
AegeanLinuxwhere does Kubuntu store it's global File Associations ?09:02
dragoswho now where i get nvidia install i need to my coimputer09:02
AegeanLinux! nvidia09:03
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:03
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AegeanLinux! hello09:03
ubotuhello: The classic greeting, and a good example. In component main, is optional. Version 2.1.1-4 (dapper), package size 47 kB, installed size 472 kB09:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about p0rn - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:03
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gamba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:03
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ubotugambas: Visual development environment for the Gambas programming language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.13-2 (dapper), package size 964 kB, installed size 2256 kB09:03
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AegeanLinuxdoes anyone know where Kubuntu stores it's global File Associations ?09:04
dragos nvidia-glx-09:06
royalubuto: where is alsa?09:06
dragoswhere i find this  file?09:06
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems09:06
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about alsa-libs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:06
flaccidAegeanLinux: you can't double click on volume control, and there is no file -> change device09:07
dragoswho have maybe link to nvidia-glx09:07
dragosto download09:07
AegeanLinuxdragos: heard of this thing called "google" by anychance ?09:08
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dragosi can't find i check ;/09:08
dragosin the goodle09:08
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nv - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi09:13
Healot!info ati09:13
ubotuPackage ati does not exist in any distro I know09:13
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:14
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ryanri am using kate on ubuntu and I am trying to get the "Warn about file being modified" to work, but it doesnt seem to notify me, just curious if I need some other library09:19
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dein|non-osshey guys09:23
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AegeanLinuxhoe dein09:23
deinwhat do you think of a laptop i just purchased09:23
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AegeanLinuxIt looks great!09:23
deinspecs: Intel core duo 1.6ghz09:23
AegeanLinux(ie , how would I know !!! )09:23
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dein1 gb ram09:24
deinetc etc09:24
deincost me 1k09:24
deingood deal or no?09:24
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royaloh for a moment I thought you said core 2 duo09:24
royaldunno about core 1 duo though09:25
deinwell, its already bought, hopefully it'll serve me well09:25
royalbtw, it doesn't seem to be as so much a problem playing sound as so much a problem playing the mp3 put on it09:25
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deinmy desktop died last week, its power supply died and fried my motherboard among other things09:26
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royalI repeat... I'm running kubuntu on a gateway 9310S. I've got it to play dings and dongs, but not the mp3 file I put on the computer.09:28
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royal(this isn't the gateway i'm using btw, this is a homebuilt gaming machine)09:28
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deinare you new to linux royal?09:28
deingo to adept09:28
deinor actually one sec09:28
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royalon top of this i'm doing this as a class project.09:29
grotheskHow to I implement 'normalize' into k3b?09:29
deinread that guide, and it will get all your mp3, and other things working09:29
federicohello! Just 1 question:how can i get the MAC address of my wireless card? Please...09:29
deinthey can't be installed by default thanks to legal issues09:30
deinfederico: iwconfig09:30
grotheskThere is no 'normalize' for ubuntu, but 'normalize-audio' which is not found by k3b...09:30
deingrothesk: i have no idea09:30
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deinfederico: enter that in the cli09:31
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federicodein thanks, but it doesn't show me the mac... :(09:31
royalso does this sound converter package thing come with ubuntu or do I have to download it?09:31
wryhey guys09:31
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deindont do sound converter09:32
federicodein it says: access point invalid09:32
wryhavin some probs with adept09:32
deinone sec federico09:32
royalwhat then dein?09:33
grotheskfederico: ifconfig09:33
federicodein ok it is a pcmcia card, i already installled the driver09:33
deinone sec ill give you instructions09:33
deinfirst go into adept09:34
wrywhen I try and open adept it tells me that another process is using the database.09:34
royaladept is where now?09:34
deintry sudo apt-get install wry09:34
deinunder system09:34
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federicodein thanks09:34
royal(btw that thing isn't connected to the internet)09:35
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royal(just so you know)09:35
deinyou're gonna need to get it connected09:35
deinbut in the meantime09:35
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deingo to the view menu in adept09:36
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deinand choose manage repositories09:36
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wrydein---> I don't have anything in particular i wants to get and so would rather browse in the gui09:36
deinwry still try downloading something in apt-get, it will tell you what to do if the problem persists09:37
deindo sudo apt-get install libtorrent09:37
deinsee where it says ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe' royal?09:38
royalfor me or wry?09:38
deinthe two lines that start with deb, right click them and choose enable09:38
royalgot it09:39
deinthen click the components section of those lines and make it say 'universe multivers'09:39
dein'universe multiverse'09:39
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wrydein--> E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:40
deinrun that command it just told you to run wry09:40
deinshould fix your problem09:40
wrycool, just thought i might need to find somethin in specific to run it on09:41
deintell me if that fixes it09:41
deinafter you're done editing those lines royal tell me09:41
royalalright i'm done09:42
deinok, next section there is a line that reads "## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'"09:42
deinenable the two lines09:43
deinthen make sure their components section reads 'main restricted universe multiverse '09:43
deinclick apply and then close09:44
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wrycan anyone suggest a good email client?09:45
deintell me when you're done09:45
deinkmail is what i use09:45
wryKontact keeps tripping over itself09:45
deinwhat kde version are you using?09:45
royalok wait the two lines below the uncomment the following lines etc only have to be "main restricted universe multiverse" or all 4 lines?09:46
deinonly the two lines below09:46
wrydein--> humour me please... how do i check the version?09:46
deinyou using konversation as your irc client wry?09:47
deinif so go to help->about kde09:47
royalok got it09:47
deinthat will tell you what version you're running09:47
deinok royal, when you get your computer connected to the internet go to konsole09:48
deinits under the system menu09:48
deinand type in "sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs"09:48
deinor "sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs mplayer mozilla-mplayer" if you want to enable embedded video in firefox as well09:50
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deinwry: you might wanna upgrade to 3.5.3 or 3.5.409:50
Healota total of 17MB download09:51
deinthey're much faster09:51
Goliath23it seems that after the update to 3.5.4, the konqueror file previews don't work anymore... I have the arts-codecs installed... what else can I do?09:51
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deinapt-get install kdemultimedia goliath2309:52
Goliath23sorry, libarts-xine I meant...09:52
halfbloodprincehey, people! my kubuntu iso download is 100% done! yay!09:52
deinlol congrats09:52
halfbloodprinceany tips before i burn the cd and go ahead with the install?09:52
Goliath23dein: I'm not sure I want all that stuff in kdemultimedia... do you know which might be the missing package?09:52
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:53
deinno i'm afraid not goliath, all i know is that kdemultimedia enabled file previews for video for me09:53
halfbloodprincelupine_85: you there?09:53
Goliath23I got w32 codecs installed09:53
wrydein---> where will I find them?09:53
Goliath23btw. It doesn't show previews for mpeg1 too.09:54
Healotdo you know where the codecs  are located, Goliath23?09:54
deinyou have to add a repository09:54
Healotbtw, you need libxine-extracodecs first09:54
halfbloodprinceany tips before i install?09:54
Goliath23Healot: adept tells me it installed them in /usr/lib/codecs (the w32codecs) ... I'm sure I have extracodecs as well, mom09:54
deindeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 dapper main09:55
deinthats the one for kde 3.5.409:55
Goliath23extracodecs are installed as well!09:55
dein3.5.3 is the same except replace "kde-354" with "kde-353"09:56
deinhalfbloodprince, are you new to linux?09:56
Healotgreat, thanks09:56
Goliath23Healot: I take a look at the dependencies and find that package09:56
halfbloodprincedein: i'm not new to linux per se.. i've uses SuSe linux earlier for a short period.. and i wasn't very happy with suse, so i uninstalled it09:57
halfbloodprincei've used*09:57
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halfbloodprincethis is the first time i'm trying out kubuntu.. it seems to be really easy and promising09:57
deinwell let me ask you a couple of questions quick ok?09:57
deinwhat kind of network connection are you using for the internet09:58
deinethernet or wireless09:58
halfbloodprincecable internet09:58
halfbloodprincethat's cool right?09:58
deindid your networking work out of the box on suse?09:59
halfbloodprincedein: it worked once i found the network settings panel hidden deep within yast09:59
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halfbloodprinceand once i entered the correct ip address, etc, it worked09:59
deinhmm, if it was just a configuration issue you should be fine09:59
halfbloodprincei know that it's easier in kubuntu, coz the network settings box is right there10:00
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Goliath23lol? kdemultimedia comes with lots of -dev packages?10:00
deindo you know what video card you are using?10:00
halfbloodprinceyeah.. an integrated intel video card10:00
deinok you should have 3d accel automatically then10:00
|lostbyte|Where are the firefox temperory files ?10:00
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HealotGoliath23: could you pastebin the file list of w32codecs...10:01
deineverything else should work fine then10:01
deincome back when you've got installed and ill give you a guide for how to enable mp3 and the other restricted formats10:01
halfbloodprinceokay, i'm burning the iso using nero.. i'm going to select the 'burn image to disc' option.. is that correct?10:01
halfbloodprincecoz there's another option for burn bootable disc10:02
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halfbloodprincei'm doing the image to disc thing10:02
Healothalfbloodprince: yes thats the way...10:02
deinthe image is already bootable10:02
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wrydein---> added the repository, but a search of kde just brings up zillions of apps (of course)10:03
halfbloodprinceso once i boot using kubuntu.. it first 'loads' the live cd, right?10:03
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Goliath23Healot: it's not that I have a problem with a certain file type. I can even play all sorts of wmv files. but konqueror just refuses to even try to show previews in icon mode10:03
deinwry: do sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:04
deinthen do ctrl+alt+backspace to reset your xserver10:04
HealotGoliath23: don't worry about that... as long as you can play it with other player10:05
deinfollow that guide halfblood for adding repositories10:05
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halfbloodprincecool, thanks10:05
halfbloodprincethe cd's burning now10:05
Goliath23Healot: don't tell me not to worry about video previews. I liked them and I wont them back (they worked before) :)10:06
deinthen you can get mp3 support and other special stuff10:06
halfbloodprinceonce i boot using the cd, it lods the live cd right?10:06
deinand there will be an icon on the desktop that you can choose to install with10:06
halfbloodprincewhat if the live cd doesn't detect my hardware correctly10:06
deinthen you go play on the internet while kubuntu installs10:06
deinthen you should probably wait a little longer before you get linux10:07
halfbloodprincebut it should detect it, right? i have faith in kubuntu :p if suse can detect it, kubuntu definitely can10:07
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deinif suse detected it, kubuntu will too10:08
HealotGoliath23: I guess you have to worry then10:08
deinoh, btw halfblood, kubuntu is much faster than suse10:08
=== halfbloodprince grins
deinexcept when running off the live-cd of course10:08
halfbloodprincesuse was such a pain.. beginning with the 5 cd install10:08
deini stopped with suse when its package manager went to hell in 10.110:09
ririhbp use suse DVD10:09
ririif i had the equivalent of firestarter working on suse i would stick to it10:09
deinplus it was so slow on this laptop (which has a 780mhz processor btw)10:10
halfbloodprincewhat's the default screen resolution that kubuntu installs with10:10
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deindepends on your card10:10
halfbloodprincei currently use 1152x864.. would that be possible10:10
riribut know i am testing edgy kubuntu ... i start to like it :)10:10
deinand it's capabilities10:10
=== Lenwe is now known as njeudy
halfbloodprincewell, i'm on windows right now, and i'm on 1152x86410:10
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halfbloodprinceso i guess the card supports it10:11
ririi guess no vista ?10:11
deinif your card is an intel one, and its running 1152x864, you can probably get that running easily on it10:11
halfbloodprincecool :)10:11
deinjust go to system settings--> display10:11
wrydein---> not a happenin thing10:11
ririhbp you should try knot 2 edgy kubuntu10:12
deinhmm wry?10:12
ririwry is why ?10:12
wrydein--> apt-get update stalled for quite a while10:12
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deindont do it halfblood, hes trying to get you to install beta software10:12
wryand then told me why10:12
deintry with adept?10:13
deinor is the repository down?10:13
wryCould not connect to kubuntu.org:80 (, connection timed out10:13
wryFetched 3B in 2m0s (0B/s)10:13
wryFailed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354/dists/dapper/Release.gpg  Could not connect to kubuntu.org:80 (, connection timed out10:13
wryReading package lists... Done10:13
halfbloodprincenah, i'm installing 6.06.110:13
wryW: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.10:13
wryoops that was a bit rude... sorRy all10:13
ririedgy is not beta ... alpha10:13
riribut knot 2 is installing as well as dapper10:14
wryshort answer i spose is yup it's down!?10:14
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ririand you got 3.5.4 installed at once10:14
deindouble check your repository?10:14
deinmake sure its in correctly10:15
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deinwhen it's down it usually says 404 error10:15
halfbloodprinceyay the cd's written10:15
deinwell, get back on when you're on the live-cd10:15
halfbloodprincecool :)10:16
halfbloodprincewish me luck!10:16
deinthe kubuntu disc should have konversation with kubuntu channel preloaded10:16
wrydein--> http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 is what's I gots10:16
riridein : no problem with it ?10:17
deini dont see a problem10:17
ririok you are lucky10:17
deintry the 353 repository10:17
wrytype deb distro dapper components main10:17
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ririget automatix10:17
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ririand it will do it all for you10:18
riridapper automatix10:18
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deinhey riri10:18
wrydein   smae deal but endin in 3 yeah?10:18
ririhey dein10:18
deinya, its basically the same but with a little more bugs10:18
halfbloodprincethanks you guys10:19
halfbloodprincesee you in a bit :)10:19
deinriri you alpha loving psycho, install kde 4 on your system and tell me what its like10:19
halfbloodprincesee you dein10:19
deincya halfblood10:19
ririi already compiled kde4 on dapper10:19
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wrydein--> but less than 3.5.2 yeah?10:19
deingimme screenshots10:19
deinyes wry10:20
ririvery easy with kde website explaination10:20
ririyest not much about desktop10:20
deinlooks pretty much the same so far?10:20
riridein i give you the link if you want to try10:20
deini prefer a stable system10:21
riribut seems to be quicker10:21
ririi don't mind10:21
deinill wait until the rc at most10:21
ririi like to be on the edge10:21
ririi guess you will wait a certain time ! :)10:21
deinyeah ; ;10:22
ririi install it on another pc (compiled it)10:22
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riribut now i installed kubuntu edgy and compiled it... need a day about10:22
deinwell, maybe ill try it on my new pc when it comes10:22
=== mad_mad goes to burn one <ZZZZZZZ## ```
deinthen ill wipe edgy and go back to dapper10:23
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ririthis is the link for compiling kde410:24
deini can't believe that it's faster tho10:24
wrydein---> same deal10:24
ririit works fine for me and everytime10:24
deinkde 3.5.3 and .4 are fast already10:24
deinhmm wry10:24
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riridein why are you on edgy ?10:24
deinim not on edgy10:24
wryany other places to get it?10:25
ririsorry i missunderstood10:25
deinsend me your repository file10:25
ririi am on edgy10:25
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=== J-a-r [n=netstar@c83-252-125-31.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu
rysiek|plhi guys, got a strange issue here (asked on #ubuntu already, no help gotten though :/) - the log is here: http://wklej.org/id/14b07dd695 and I have absolutely NO idea whatsoever what to do with that. apart from a clean reinstall, but that's no fun, is it now? ;)10:26
riribut the edgy guy 's on irc must be sleeping or i disturb them with my questions ... they don"'t answer10:26
deintheres something wrong with your repos wry10:27
wrydein--> forgotten where it lives10:27
deinbecause i just did a update, and the server responds for me10:27
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deinread me out the line you have as it is exactly?10:28
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deinwhats in your components section of your repos wry10:30
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wrytype: deb URL:http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 Distro:dapper  components main10:31
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wrydein---> sorry was gettin carried away with an awsome jazz solo10:31
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MattyMattin Disk & Filesystems - System Settings, I've lost the ability to modify drive settings since I manually added sth to fstab :(10:32
wryyou've never heard ukulele 'til you've heard Jake Shimabukuro10:33
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deinthis is really weird wry10:33
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MattyMattand when I try to mount my card reader it says "can't find mount point"10:34
deintry this one deb ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de/pub/kde/stable/3.5.4/kubuntu dapper main10:36
MattyMattdoes a trailing lf in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab mess things up? or editing it as root?10:36
deinim not that good with fstab mattymatt, you may wanna wait till morning for better help (or night, depending on where you are)10:36
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deintell me if that works for you wry, i wanna go to bed10:38
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wryW: GPG error: ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de dapper Release: The following signature                         s couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6                         D4DD4D508810:39
wryW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems10:39
gogetayou need the key10:40
gogetaeasy enough10:40
wryso i ask the gate keeper??10:40
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wrythanks for all your help and patience dein... goodnight10:41
dein|sleepynite wry10:41
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wrycheers again dein10:42
gogetawget http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/key.gpg.asc10:42
gogetagpg --import key.gpg.asc10:42
gogetagpg --export --armor 521A9C7C | sudo apt-key add -10:42
gogetareplace that with your site10:42
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dein|zzzzzhmm i never had to do that gogeta10:43
dein|zzzzzi wonder why ?.?10:43
dein|zzzzzoh well goodnight10:43
gogetamy pc i didnt another i did10:43
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gogetadepends i guess10:43
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=== Vanique np Kat - Delirium Remens.mp3
Vaniqueo fook, mam zle piwsane10:44
dein|zzzzzoh well, have fun with the performance boost that is kde 3.5.4 wry10:44
Vaniquenoth thach n10:44
Vaniquewrong window, sorry10:44
Vanique;] 10:44
dein|zzzzzlol ok10:44
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wryabsolutely dein10:45
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Emesshey, just added a new item to my kmenu and when selecting an icon for it and clicking ok it jsut shows up blank, and after saving hte new item isnt there10:49
wryok gogetta after havin made some toast i came back and put in the first two lines one at a time10:49
wryall good10:49
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wrybut i'm fuzzy as to where to put the ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de/pub/kde/stable/3.5.4/kubuntu bit10:49
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wryGOGETTA---> I'm lost!10:51
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gogetai gave you all the commands10:52
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Emessmeh never mind, restarted X and it was fine10:53
wryyeah got 'em down... but replace what with my site?10:53
MattyMattgrr. why is /media showing the contents of hdb1 when /dev/hdb1 is mounted at /media/hdb1 (according to fstab) ?10:53
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gogetathe one you said wasenty getting a key10:54
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wrysorry man still seems a bit fuzzy?10:55
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wryI've got10:56
wrywget http://www.getautomatix.com/apt/key.gpg.asc10:56
wrygpg --import key.gpg.asc10:56
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wrygpg --export --armor 521A9C7C | sudo apt-key add -10:56
wryreplace that with your site10:56
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wryreplace what?10:57
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wryI appologise if I'm frustrating you gogetta, but theres obviously a miscomunication11:00
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wrywhich wors on which line do I replace with ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de/pub/kde/stable/3.5.4/kubuntu??11:03
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=== coolzero [n=coolzero@ARennes-251-1-94-37.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
massctrlyowz, just installated kubuntu for the first time, pretty nifty, I have a problem though, I have an external screen connected to my laptop, the image is not centered, .... and I can't change of fiddle around with the resolution, ... quid?11:05
wrygogetta---> theres something i'm missing, what is it?11:06
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wryCome on man I obviously need help please don't snub me11:10
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wryI understand I have to replace something with ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de/pub/kde/stable/3.5.4/kubuntu11:11
wrybut you haven't made it clear what11:11
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wrywe on the same page?11:12
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wryok so I'm obviously talkin to m'self here yeah?11:14
ririgo on kubuntu webpage11:15
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wryto find the key?11:16
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wrysorry guys but I need specifics riri----> what will I be looking for on the webpage?11:17
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ririthe repository for kde3.5.411:21
ririaren't you looking for it ?11:21
ririand the key11:22
ririand you copy it in sources.list11:22
ririafter sudo apt-get update11:22
ririand sudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:23
ririwith -f if problems11:23
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wrycheers riri11:27
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gogetaim not dead yet11:52
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rufethola a todos,hi to all11:54
rufetalguien habla castellano?11:55
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ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:05
mikkihow do i play dvds in kubuntu?12:05
ubotuSee http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages12:05
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TheFuzzballwhen I try to play a DVD it says: There is no Imput Plugin to Handle dvd:/ and then The Source Can't be read maybe you don't have engough rights for this or source doesn't contain data (Not disc in drive /dev/dvd)12:20
TheFuzzballbut my system mounts /dev/scd0, and there is no /dev/dvd12:20
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godfatherG' day12:25
godfatherGuys ...i'm a newbie...i've just installed Kubuntu on my laptop...i have a modem wireless but i can't set the connection12:26
Vaniquewhy you can not ?12:27
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godfatherkubuntu can see the net12:27
godfatherbut i can't connect12:27
godfatherand surf on internet12:28
godfatheranyone can help me12:28
Vaniquemaybe there are no wireless sites avaliable ?12:29
DannilionDoes anyone know what Error 2 when compiling something means?12:29
godfatheri don't understand12:30
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Stardoganyone here know the correct command in terminal for cleaning up the foomaticdriver?12:31
Stardogsomething like that12:31
godfatheri use wireless assistant12:32
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godfatheri set the wep12:33
gsuveganyone know kickoff menu solution?12:33
godfatherbut i can't surf on internet12:33
Stardoganyone here know the correct command in terminal for cleaning up the foomaticdriver?12:35
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cox377godfather: so you can see the wireless connect?12:37
godfatheryes i can12:38
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cox377when u enter your wep details12:38
cox377godfather: does it all go through fine, it doesnt kick up any errors?12:38
godfatherthe only message it gives to me is when i try to connect12:39
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godfatherit tells me that it's impossible to connect12:39
cox377godfather: Ummm12:40
cox377godfather: with an error?12:40
cox377godfather: can u access the router or is it just a problem with the internet12:40
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godfatheri don't think it is a probeleom of the router o in ternte12:41
godfatherhere there there are three laptops connected12:41
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cox377godfather: so the problem comes when you try to connect to the wireless connect?12:42
cox377how did u set up the wireless card on your laptop? is it usb or internal?12:42
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godfatheri have got an usb adapter but i don't know how it sees it12:43
godfatherusb or internal12:43
cox377godfather: but when you scan for networks it fines the network in question12:44
godfatherit's strange but i finds it12:44
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mikkineed some  help with playing dvds12:45
godfatheris there any procedure by command line12:46
cox377godfather: I'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination but i spent days tryingt o get my wireless network working under kubuntu with a usb stick so it's amazing u got it working straight out of the box, try turnoing the wep off the router and see if u can connect that way then can work from there12:46
godfatheri tried12:47
godfatherbut it didn't work12:47
cox377godfather: Ummm.. basically, the problem i had was that i got the wireless all working fine, and then, i think after an update it stopped working and i never managed to get it working again. i wonder if the problem u have is the same, i could get it to see the wireless network but it wouldnt connect12:48
cox377mikki: whats the prob?12:48
cox377godfather: can u take a screen dump and see if it's the same problem12:48
mikkiits no program that wants to play dvd12:49
cox377have u tried VLC?12:49
Stardogmikki: have u installed dvd playback capability?12:50
=== goldenear [n=goldenea@vol75-4-82-225-33-186.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
mikkidont know12:50
mikkii get this with okle: /media/cdrom0 is a folder, but a file was expected.12:50
cox377  # apt-get update12:51
cox377   # apt-get install vlc libdvdcss212:51
cox377mikki: can u not actually see the files?12:51
Stardoganyone here know the correct command in terminal for cleaning up the foomaticdriver?12:51
mikkii can se the files12:52
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cox377try installing what i said12:52
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mikkiit said that i alredy got vlc, and the package libdvdcss2 dont exist12:55
mikkii have also tried vlc12:55
mikkivlc opens but dosnt play the dvd12:56
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Stardogi think u have to install dvd playback cpability... should be easy to find this in adept really.... and use xine, mplayer or kaffeine12:58
mikkiill try12:59
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Linux_GaloreI had a busy day, been demo'ing Kubuntu to people12:59
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Linux_Galorepeople are rather stunned that its so pretty (helps that Ive given everything a once over)01:00
mikkido u know what its called ?01:00
mikkinothing on dvd playback01:01
Linux_Galorejust do a search on dvd  should see something like libdvdcss201:02
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z1pp3rI've got an Asus P5LD2 motherboard with an onboard soundcard (Realtek ALC882). I also have an Audigy 4 PCI soundcard installed. However, i'm only able to get sound from my audigy card. I found a guide on the forums that told me to use OSS instead of ALSA, and i tried that - i still only get sound from my audigy card. Anyone got a hint on what to do?01:03
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arunkalehey people01:05
arunkalethis is halfbloodprince01:05
arunkaleand i'm on kubuntu!!01:05
arunkaleanyone around?01:06
arunkaleyay i'm on kubuntu :)01:06
arunkalei installed it properly01:06
arunkaleand it was SO easy01:06
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Linux_Galorez1pp3r: you need to setup two sounds devices, I wouldnt bother though sound in Linux is still not quiet there yet01:07
Morticenice. now get off whatever antisocial irc client you're using which doesn't respond to ctcp VERSION. :P01:07
=== arno__ [n=arno@123.185-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #kubuntu
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: just stick with the sb card01:08
lupine_85was it worth the d/l time? :)01:08
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: the realtek stuff is rubbish01:08
halfbloodprincelupine_85: you around?01:09
halfbloodprincecan someone please tell me how to change system fonts, etc?01:09
Linux_Galorehalfbloodprince: kcontrol01:09
lupine_85yes :)01:09
lupine_85K->System Settings01:09
lupine_85enjoying it so far?01:10
halfbloodprinceloving it01:10
halfbloodprinceit was soo easy to install!01:10
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, i know i should.... but i'd really like to get it working, even if it's not an easy task. I'm always in for a challenge, especially when others have reported the very same soundcard (on the same motherboard even) to work, just by changing to OSS01:10
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halfbloodprincetotally worth the download time01:10
MorticeKonversation :(01:10
halfbloodprinceand it detected my hardware like magic01:10
halfbloodprinceeven the live cd ran so fast!01:10
Morticeyou a new linux convert then, halfbloodprince?01:10
halfbloodprinceyeah, man01:10
lupine_85Konversation is good :)01:10
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: you do realise OSS is total rubbish and really sux at sound management01:11
Morticewelcome to the madhouse :)01:11
halfbloodprincewhere exactly do i change fonts in system settings01:11
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, i do realise that. I also realise no sound sucks even more01:11
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: the sb card should work fine under alsa01:11
lupine_85Erm, Appearance->Fonts01:11
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, hmm... Then the problem must be linux using my audigy instead of the realtek one? Is there any way to change this, or even better, get them both working at the same time?01:12
Linux_Galorehalfbloodprince: I just open a terminal type kcontrol then go to Look->fonts  section01:12
=== lupine_85 spanks Mortice
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: you have to define a whole pile of mixer options manually for that, ie what sounds do you want to go to what card ??01:13
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Morticehi gan|y|med :)01:13
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: you can have both cards but you cant send the same sounds to the both cards01:13
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, well, i want all sounds going to both cards. But if it's such a hassle, i could easily settle for being able to change between the two01:13
halfbloodprinceyeah, got it01:14
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: you wil have to define what sounds go were and to be honest why the hell would you do that01:14
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, bummer01:14
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halfbloodprincehow do i minimise everything to desktop?01:14
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, due to my setup... i have my amplifier connected to the realtek one, and my headphones (for games) connected to my audigy card01:14
lupine_85Linux_Galore: I use my second card for SIP01:14
lupine_85z1pp3r: you can generally define which app uses which card - it's often a bit of a pain to find the (per-application) settings though01:15
Morticehalfbloodprince: right click on your panel. Add to Panel > Special Button > Desktop Access01:15
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: I have a similar rig but I have a small plantronics switch box that costs $8 that lets me select the headset or the speakers, way simpler01:15
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Morticehalfbloodprince: then click the button that adds01:16
z1pp3rlupine_85, i have quite a few apps that don't allow me to select which soundcard i want to use... if i could change it globally, that would probably be for the best01:16
halfbloodprinceMortice: I added all the fonts I want, I've even changed them from the 'appearance' section.. but the changes aren't reflecting immediately.. do i need to give some kind of refresh command?01:16
Morticehalfbloodprince: I think the font changes only affect newly started applications01:17
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Morticehalfbloodprince: easiest way would be to log out and log back in01:17
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Linux_Galorelupine_85: http://www.plantronics.com/australia/aus/products/cat5180054/cat5180053/prod3090125;jsessionid=SS0JQ34DWVDBQCQBGNUCFEYKAEZWSIV001:17
lupine_85z1pp3r: hardware is the solution :(01:17
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, i know i could to that, but i prefer not to. There must be a better solution (every device between the pc and the speakers just adds more noise anyway)01:17
halfbloodprincehow do i log out and log back in?01:17
lupine_85arts "should" be able to do it, but it's a PoS01:17
Linux_Galoreoops z1pp3r ^ link01:17
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Morticehalfbloodprince: on the main menu, there's a logout button01:18
halfbloodprinceokay, cool01:18
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: eeet its a switch it doesnt generate any noise01:18
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, i appriciate you trying to help, but i dont want to do it that way01:18
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: well wait a year and its will be fixed01:18
z1pp3reven a copper wire generate noise.01:18
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Linux_Galorez1pp3r: lol you been reading the idiot pages on the "Im a dumb assed audio freak who never set foot in a University who knows everything"01:19
arunkalei'm back01:19
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halfbloodprincei'm back*01:20
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, normally i would accept that, but it doesnt mix too well with what i've been reading about people getting their realtek soundcard working without much trouble01:20
Morticewelcome. did that apply your font changes, halfbloodprince?01:20
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Linux_Galorez1pp3r: you only get noise in copper in this day and age if the cable is utter rubbish and you sitting next to a big assed live transfomer made by a dislexic monkey01:20
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, why the sudden hostility? And for your information, i set my foot in an university every day01:20
halfbloodprinceMortice: yes it did!01:20
halfbloodprincekubuntu is so brilliant!01:21
halfbloodprincei only have one complaint01:21
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: because I hear the same wives tale rubbish all the time01:21
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, if you're unwilling or unable to help me, just say so or ignore me. Starting to talk trash just makes you stand out like an ignorant zealot01:21
halfbloodprinceMortice: In Kubuntu, my maximum screen resolution is 1024x768.. while in windows, i can go upto 1280 x 102401:21
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: lol no Im stating the truth, if you want to believe in consumer fantasy put out by magazines adertising over priced bits of copper go for it01:22
z1pp3rand for your information, even gold wires produce noise... it's just insignificant on most setups01:22
z1pp3rdude, wires are the reason i set my foot in the university every day, please dont lecture me about this stuff01:23
Morticehalfbloodprince: You should be able to change that in system settings somewhere. I think there's a display section. I can't tell for sure, because I'm not on a graphical login01:23
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Morticehalfbloodprince: sorry, i'm trying to keep up with other channels too :)01:23
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: lol they really have you sucked in dont they01:23
halfbloodprinceMortice: yeah, but my maximum screen res only goes upto 1024x768.. doesn't go above that01:23
halfbloodprincethat's weird01:24
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, whatever. I've become too old for this kind of "discussion". Query yourself if you want to continue any further01:24
Morticehalfbloodprince: ok, let me have a look around the web for you.01:24
halfbloodprinceMortice: thanks :)01:25
Morticehalfbloodprince: ah, of course, i didn't need to. Open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"01:25
Morticehalfbloodprince: in there it gives you an option to choose which resolutions you want to make available.01:26
halfbloodprincethat will fix it?01:26
halfbloodprinceokay, cool01:26
Morticehalfbloodprince: then you'll need to hit ctrl-alt-backspace to restart the X server, and you should then be able to use 1280*1024 as your resolution by changing it in system settings01:26
halfbloodprinceMortice: i typed the command01:27
halfbloodprinceit gives me a bunch of options01:27
halfbloodprincewhich one do i select01:27
Morticehalfbloodprince: leave everything as it is, except for the screen where it asks about resolutions01:27
halfbloodprinceoh it says 'need an action option'01:27
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Morticehalfbloodprince: hold on a second, i'll go through the same process with you01:28
halfbloodprincedude please allow unregistered users to pm you :)01:29
halfbloodprincei forgot my password01:29
Morticehalfbloodprince: i have no idea how to do that on freenode. Any clues?01:29
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halfbloodprinceone sec01:30
Morticehalfbloodprince: it appears that it's not up to me. Seems you can only pm me if you're registered01:31
halfbloodprinceno no01:31
halfbloodprinceyou can do this: /msg nickserv set unfiltered on01:31
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Morticeah, thanks01:31
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: if you "really" fussy about your audio you wouldnt be using a analogue sound card sitting on side a pc full of digital noise you would use a USB audio bridge and have the amp/decoder right next or "in" the speakers01:31
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Linux_Galores/on side/in side/01:32
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, who says i'm using AN anologue soundcard? Anyway, i do get your point, but as i said earlier, i have no interrest in discussing this any further01:33
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Linux_Galorez1pp3r: trust me with a realtek audio chipset cable noise is the least of your worries01:34
Linux_Galorebit like filling the grand canyon with a table spoon01:34
z1pp3rthats true. I've never argued that statement01:34
Linux_Galoreso why worry about a switch box01:34
godfatherit's time to cook something to put under teeth01:34
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, cus' i dont want to use it.01:35
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: as i said wait till next year sound management is next on the hit list of things to sort out01:36
z1pp3rLinux_Galore, and if you remember, i responded: Why should i wait a year, when several people have realtek ALC882 working right now?01:36
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:36
ubotuThough it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse01:37
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: you can get it to work but its not going to have much functionality die to the nature of the chipset01:37
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z1pp3rthats fine01:39
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: I have a nice collection of SB Live PCI cards, the main reason being most built in chipsets on motherboards are rubbish and a SB Live card gives me 5.1 and the drivers are really bloody good in Linux and there are tons of options in the mixer01:39
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Linux_Galorez1pp3r: open your mixer window with your realtec chipset and there are hardly any optional adjustments, but one of my $10 SB live cards has about 30 options01:40
josh_question... what file do i modify to make a permanent change to my path variable?01:41
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z1pp3rLinux_Galore, first of all, i have no kmix for my realtek soundcard and besides, i know all this. What's your point? Sigh, we're getting nowhere, lets just drop it01:42
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Linux_Galorez1pp3r: one of the reasons kmix has tabs in its setting is because when people used SB cards two years ago the adjusters would go off your screen there were so many so they then put the adjusters in three groups01:43
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: kmix is in Kubuntu01:43
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: its the mixer UI01:43
z1pp3rit's in kde really01:43
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z1pp3ror for kde rather01:44
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: pretty much a clone of the sound mixer in windows01:44
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: yep open a terminal and type kmix01:44
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Linux_Galorez1pp3r: it sits in your taskbar01:44
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z1pp3ri'm not a novice with linux, i know this01:44
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: same as windows01:44
z1pp3rcan we PLEASE just drop it already?01:45
Linux_Galorez1pp3r: did you select oss in kcontrol01:45
z1pp3ri'm sorry, but i dont have much motivation to keep talking to you. I do appriciate your inital help, but that has to be it.01:45
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Telroth_Plushie|z1pp3r, i can't stay long, but what do you need help with?01:47
Telroth_Plushie|It looks like you're trying to get sounds drivers working, correct?01:47
z1pp3rTelroth_Plushie|, i barely have time now myself either, but thanks. I was trying to get my onboard realtek alc882 working, but i guess it's just faster to split the cable from my working audigy card01:48
z1pp3reven though it's an annoying way to do it due to the physical setup01:49
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Telroth_Plushie|z1pp3r, there's a program called alsaconf if you can find out which package it's in01:49
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Telroth_Plushie|kubuntu detected by two cards, but i've had to use alsaconf on other systems.01:49
Telroth_Plushie|it updates your module list and loads the appropriate modules, after which everything seemed to work01:50
z1pp3ryeah, i've tried alsaconfig as well, didnt do me much good i'm afraid01:50
Telroth_Plushie|you give it a try when you get a chance01:50
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Telroth_Plushie|i'll see if i can help more when i'm back on (16-18 hours or so)01:51
z1pp3rthanks a lot, i'll try to be online there then01:51
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halfbloodprincei enabled 1152x864 and 1280x1024 in xorg.. and it still doesn't show me those options in system settings -> display ... any ideas?01:57
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cox377halfbloodprince: are u trying to force a rezolution?02:01
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mohammedgu please what the default root password in ubuntu ?02:03
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halfbloodprincecoz377: not trying to force one.. just enabled two02:04
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cjhwhats the deal with this "channel"? newbie and not sure why theres no chatter02:05
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halfbloodprincecan anyone help?02:06
Healotthis is not a cht channel02:06
cjhright. what is it then?02:06
cjhi read support but?02:07
halfbloodprinceHealot, can you help?02:07
Tm_Tmainly support channel, though some topic chatting is going on always02:07
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cjhok thanks02:08
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cox377halfbloodprince: mate, the way i got it to work is delete all the other rez's from xorg file or which ever one it's called02:09
cjhis there somewhere for general chat about linux? as said, im new to linux and my net connection is slow as so forums are not fun02:09
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Healotthe offtopic channel?02:10
halfbloodprincecox377: my problem is, in windows, i can use upto 1280x1024px resolution.. but in kubuntu it shows me a maximum resolution of 1024x76802:10
Healotyou can laways chat here02:11
cjhwhich reminds me. anyone know why whenever i close my "network settings" app by clicking "ok" it stops my net connection?02:11
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halfbloodprincei cant go above 1024x768 apparently02:11
Healothalfbloodprince: what monitor does X detect?02:11
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cjhthe net connection configuration is always reset when i close it02:12
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halfbloodprinceHealot: what do you mean?02:12
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cjhi dont know how to get to offtopic channel??02:13
Healotwhat monitor does X see?02:13
cox377halfbloodprince: dude, delete all the other rez's available and just enter the 1280x102402:13
Healotthe monitor that it detected?02:13
Tm_Tcox377: /join #channel  <- / points to command, "join" is desired command and #channel is target02:14
Tm_Tcjh: that was to you02:14
cox377Tm_T: lol what02:14
cjhthought so. thanks Tm_T02:15
Tm_Tcox377: sorry, bad tabfilling with slooow ssh connection02:15
cox377does anyone know a command to find all devices on a network?02:15
Healotifconfig -a02:15
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halfbloodprinceHealot, where do I see that?02:16
lupine_85cox377: assuming they aren't Zeroconf-enabled, you'd need to nmap02:17
Healotin the xorg.conf section "Monitor"02:17
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cox377lupine_85: just type nmap in cmd?02:17
Healothalfbloodprince: a better way is to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:17
halfbloodprincethat's what I did Healot02:17
cox377Healot: that method got me no where02:17
lupine_85cox377: man nmap will give you the options you need02:17
halfbloodprincebut it's not showing the ones that added02:17
cox377Healot: the only way i managed to get it to work was delete all other options02:18
Healotselect the most suitable monitor that match you monitor02:18
halfbloodprincehey, lupine_85.. what's up?02:18
lupine_85not a lot :)02:18
halfbloodprincei'm on kubuntu :D02:18
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lupine_85really ought to be revising02:18
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cjhare there many channels around? im not having much luck02:19
cjhanywhere i can search channels?02:20
Tm_Tcjh: sure, /list might help02:20
Healottype /list >> you'll get thousands02:20
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cjhtype it where by the way? sorry, like i said new! lol02:21
Healottype it anywhere, in channel, server wndow02:21
Healotpress enter key or return for Mac :)02:21
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mrji have had problems with broadcom wireless adapter02:23
mrji just compiled the kernel
mrjbut now when i boot my wireless card is not loaded02:23
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mrji tried to modprobe bcm43xx and this module loads nice but my card is still not switched on02:24
mrjcould somebody help me ?02:24
halfbloodprincefor some reason my internet connection is accelerated while using kubuntu :D02:24
halfbloodprinceconnection speed, i mean02:24
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z1pp3rmrj, i used ndiswrapper to get my bcm43xx working02:26
z1pp3rcant remember exactly how though =/02:26
lupine_85mrj: you need ther firmware as well02:26
z1pp3rworks like a charm, unless i have to disable/re-enable it02:26
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mrjz1pp3r: what is your bcm43xx modell, mine is BCM431002:26
lupine_85http://www.lupine.me.uk/bcm43xx (the tar.gz) is one potential one02:26
lupine_85extract it into /lib/firmware and /lib/firmware/
mrjlupine_85: i need the firmware even with the new copiled kernel ?02:27
lupine_85mrj: yes02:27
z1pp3rmrj, usch.... i'm sorry, i cant remember. It was on my laptop (i gave up linux on it, since acpi was impossible) which is an Asus A6R02:27
mrjii wil ltry that02:27
lupine_85the firmware is proprietary, so you won't find it in the kernel02:27
lupine_85if ^ that firmware ^ doesn't work, then you'll need to use fwcutter to get some out of the windows drivers02:28
mrjz1pp3r: i have also problems with the ACPI02:28
mrjz1pp3r: but u can fix the DSDT broken ACPI table02:28
z1pp3rproblems with acpi with linux on a laptop is obligatory :)02:28
z1pp3rmrj, even on an A6R? I read that was impossible02:29
z1pp3ron that specific model02:29
mrjfor A6R am i not sure02:29
mrji have read an article for my HP nx632502:29
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mrjok guys i will try that with the firmware02:29
mrjso be right back :)02:29
mrji mean - i'll be right back02:30
halfbloodprincelupine_85: can you help me out with my resolution issue?02:31
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cjhthis is ridiculous with my supposed 14kbps driver connection02:32
lupine_85halfbloodprince: sorry I've got no idea02:32
lupine_85it "just worked" here02:32
lupine_85dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-core ?02:33
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lupine_85oh, have you set up your video driver properly yet?02:33
cjhis there any alternatives to the linuxant driver for conexant modems? i cant find any02:34
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lupine_85spca5xx-source ?02:34
lupine_85(just apt-caching it)02:34
lupine_85I know GlobeSpan Virata are vaguely supported02:35
lupine_85erm, no that's not useful02:35
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cjhi may seem cheap but $20.00 is a bit much for me at the moment02:37
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BluesKajHowdy all02:44
willnapierhi folks. I've realised I've been copying some stuff (including a 700Mb iso) onto a 1Gb usb pen drive without mounting first. Does this matter?02:45
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Morticeif it's copying across, it's mounted. :)02:45
willnapierbut it isn't listed when I do 'mount'02:46
Morticewillnapier: if the files are there when you take it out and then read it again, it must've been mounted when you copied to it :)02:46
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willnapierMortice: thanks. I'll check when it finishes copying the iso02:47
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mrjno good02:48
mrji ve extracted the firmwaare in both directories02:48
mrjafter reboot i have not seen my wireless card loaded02:49
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gogetahi anyone deal with badram02:54
mrji ve compiled my kernel02:54
gogetatrying to figure outweather my frends pc has a bad ram stick or a fryed prosser02:55
mrjnow i cannot see my wireless02:55
Tm_Tmrj: sounds like your kernel is missing something that wifi needs02:56
mrjit is possible02:56
mrjwhat could it be02:56
mrjwhen i modprobe bcm43xx this goes well but i stil lcan not see my wireless02:56
Tm_Tthough I don't know, I trust to packaged kernels, never compiled myself02:56
mrjifconfig eth0 up says: no such device02:57
Tm_Twireless is not eth002:57
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alex_ciao a tuttie le ragazze!!!!!c' qualche ragazza????02:59
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Tm_Toh please02:59
Tm_Talex_: here, use english only02:59
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:59
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BluesKajAnyone familiar with tovid scrn settings ...the video encodes nicely but I end up with a sqeezed picture on my tv , which I hate , to me it's unwatchable, Does anyone know how keep the original widescrn picture? The input scrn settings in tovid don't have any effect03:02
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tovid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:03
BluesKajthat site sucks!03:04
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b_52Centosin the middle of the install of kubuntu i have set a root password and i know i am not able to access to run account what is the default root password ?03:05
Tm_Tb_52Centos: none03:07
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ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:07
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b_52Centosubotu:  yeah i know03:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yeah i know - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:08
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zarckim trying to customize my usplash image... but all i end up with is a black screen, and if i change back to the default it works... im not getting any errors or anything when generating it either =/03:13
b_52Centosmonitor:~$ sudo passwd root03:13
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zarckrealy gets to me, cos it apears that it should work flawless, not like when im trying to run png2bogl with a 24bit image =)03:17
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[GuS] Bonjour les gens...03:20
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:20
tchunghow to connect to Ubuntu server?03:20
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[GuS] BluesKaj, i am not french indeed :P03:21
[GuS] is my way to say hi.. ok? :)03:21
charlie5hi folks ... can i damage my monitor if i try too high a screen resolution & too high a refresh rate ?03:21
BluesKajhehe [GuS]  , ok bonjour to vous too :)03:21
[GuS] ;)03:21
tchungdon't think so, charlie03:21
BluesKajit'll just crash if it can't handle the rate03:22
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charlie5tchung: system settings if offering  1400x1050 @ 85Hz ... i didn't think my monitor or graphics card could handle that ...03:22
charlie5(if => is)03:23
charlie5i guess i could just try ... if it can't damage the equipment03:23
tchungsorry charlie... I ain't an expert here...03:23
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charlie5tchung: no probs :)03:23
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tchungI hope that some other expert can help you03:23
BluesKajwow , that's asking a bit much03:23
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BluesKajcharlie are you gaming ...and ya wanna keep up with braggart buddies etc ?03:24
BluesKajif yer video card can't handle that rate , you'll know soos enuff :)03:25
charlie5BluesKaj: no :) ... just done a system update & noticed this new possible setting ... it don;t look right, and i'm a;scared to try :)03:25
BluesKajwell, why bother then03:26
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BluesKajif idoesn't "look " right it prolly isn't03:26
b_52Centospff still with the root password !03:26
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charlie5i'd like a higher resolution but the ones on offer are all at lower refresh rates (60Hz) ... except the 1400x1050 one03:26
BluesKajanything above 60 ya won't really notice03:27
halfbloodprincelupine_85: i tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-core03:27
sakiHey, probably not the right place to ask, but I've been trying to install Wine, and it seems like it cannot configure the C compiler properly03:27
sakiany suggestions?03:27
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halfbloodprinceand i added whatever resolutions i needed... but they aren't displaying.. i even logged off and restarted the x server.. do you think it will make a difference if i restart properly?03:28
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larson9999saki there is a package for wine03:28
voicuHi, could you tell me how I can enable ssh logins on my host?03:28
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BluesKajsorry i gave up on wine, i dunno why it's so buggy ...some ppl love it and it runs nicely ...it depends on the prog mostly03:28
charlie5BluesKaj: i'll play about with it a bit anyways, thanks03:28
NeoSakilarson: for x86_6403:28
voicuDo I need a server-kind program or just to set some permissions?03:28
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Tonio_hum we experiment an issue on kubuntu-default-settings package in edgy and I would require your help, since we need a dapper users information03:29
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Tonio_can you launch "update-alternatives --display usplash-artwork.so" and tell me if on the first line it appears to be "manual" or "auto" please ?03:29
b_52Centosed@monitor:~$ sudo passwd root03:30
b_52Centosdon't work03:30
larson9999NeoSaki: don't know.  haven't tried 64 yet,  i see too many people in here having trouble with 64 to give it a go :)03:30
b_52Centoshe ask for a root password :)03:30
NeoSaki>_> 64 is nice, this is actually the first proggy i've ran into that won't configure03:31
Tonio_that's important for dapper -> edgy update03:31
herasvoicu: you'll need to install something like openssh-server03:31
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Tm_TTonio_: I'll check03:31
halfbloodprincecan someone help me out with my resolution issues?03:31
grafthey, anyone know how i can get my goddamn encoding to be utf8 permanently in Konsole?03:31
voicuheras, thanks, that's the one03:32
Tonio_Tm_T: thanks, we need the info of several users to be sure in fact03:32
BluesKajNeoSaki, that's why i dropped 64bit and installed 32 bit ...the progs run on 32 , on 64 a lot of them won't work03:32
grafthalfbloodprince: what's your resolution issue?03:32
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suppamananyone on ppc ??03:32
graftsuppa, suppaman03:32
willnapierHi folks I'm having problems copying to a usb key. I mounted it and did 'cp <filename> /media/usb_key. It told me it was a read-only file. I tried 'cp <filename> /dev/sda and it seemed to work. when I did ls I got gobbledygook.03:32
suppamangra, graft03:32
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graftwillnapier: did you mount it rw or ro?03:33
Vaniquehow to set opera web browser as a default ?03:33
Vanique;] 03:33
willnapierneither - I just did mount03:33
halfbloodprincegraft: in windows, i could use a maximum resolution of upto 1280x1024px... but in kubuntu it won't let me increase the resolution to above 1024x76803:33
graftwillnapier: well what was your mount command?03:33
halfbloodprincei tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-core03:33
halfbloodprinceand i added whatever resolutions i needed... but they aren't displaying.. i even logged off and restarted the x server.. do you think it will make a difference if i restart properly?03:33
grafthalfbloodprince: probably not - what color depth are you using?03:34
BluesKajhalfbloodprince, have you tried setting it in admin mode , under system settings/hardware?03:34
alexiconhrm anyone here tried to copy a game over from windows into linux for cedega03:34
graftVanique: there's a 'component chooser' under 'KDE components' in kcontrol that lets you set your default web browser03:34
alexiconknow if i can just throw the whole game structure right into TransGaming_Drive/Program Files03:35
Tonio_thanks a lot for your much appreciated help... :(03:35
halfbloodprinceBluesKaj: no, i don't think so..03:35
willnapiergraft: sudo mount /dev/sda /media/usb_key03:35
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graftman, this is what always happens.. i come here to get a question answered and end up answering other people's stuff... and my question never gets answered03:35
graftwillnapier: what's the line for sda in /etc/fstab?03:35
suppamandoes anyone know how enable airport using kubuntu on a Mac ?03:35
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graftwillnapier: or what does 'mount' say for /dev/sda?03:36
halfbloodprinceBluesKaj: yeah.. it won't let me increase the resolution to over 1024x76803:36
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alexicongraft: in konsole does it change to utf03:36
alexiconthen just not go back when you start a new term03:36
willnapiergraft: /dev/sda on /media/usb_key type iso9660 (rw)03:36
BluesKajhalfbloodprince, system settings/display/admin mode/03:36
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graftalexicon: yeah, it's always Western-iso-8859-1 or some such... no matter what i do03:36
willnapiergraft: the filesystem that I formattted it with is vfat03:37
halfbloodprinceBluesKaj: I did that03:37
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graftwillnapier: um, i'm guessing you overwrote the FS anyway when you did your cp blah /dev/sda03:37
Vaniquegraft: thank you :)03:37
BluesKajwhere is the res slider positined ?03:37
graftwillnapier: did you try doing your cp <file> /media/usb_key as root, or sudo'ing it?03:37
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willnapierI did it without using sudo and not as root03:38
grafthow do you pronounce that, su-do-ing, or su-doing! ?03:38
halfbloodprinceBluesKaj: it's positioned to the maximum, which is 1024x76803:38
willnapierhehe su-doing sounds greatg03:38
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BluesKajeven in administrator mode ?03:38
inc|freakyhi all. im trying to upgrade to kubuntu edgy, but since more than 6 weeks it doesnt get any further because the package gsfonts-x11 cant be set up correctly - it says: usage error: unrecognized option\n Usage: update-fonts-dir DIRECTORY ...03:38
graftwillnapier: well reformat your key and try it with sudo - might be rw only for root since you mounted it as root03:38
halfbloodprinceyes, even in administrator mode03:38
graftwillnapier: otherwise try mounting it without 'sudo' and see if that works - if so you should be able to cp as user03:39
BluesKajare on dapper 6.06 ?03:39
willnapieryes - is there any difference between formatting as vfat and formatting as fat16?03:39
graftwillnapier: yeah, fat16 sucks03:39
halfbloodprinceyeah dapper 6.06.103:40
willnapierok - it's just that those were the instructions for building a bootable install on a usb key. I'll stick with vfat then.03:40
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NeoSakihey any instructions on how to setup a 32-bit chroot?03:40
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BluesKajwhat video card  halfbloodprince ?03:40
abattoirNeoSaki: on a 64-bit install?03:41
graftwillnapier: basically vfat has long filename support and fat16 does not03:41
halfbloodprinceBluesKaj: it's an integrated intel video card.. this other guy on the channel had the same problem some time ago apparently, so he deleted all the other resolutions in xorg.conf except the one that he wanted to use.. that apparently worked03:41
NeoSakiabattoir: yup03:41
willnapieryes - can't see that this would matter though for a use-once bootable install. but as long as syslinux recognizes either thats ok03:42
BluesKajoh , I never tried thjat halfbloodprince, so i couldn't say if it works on all machines03:42
abattoirNeoSaki: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457503:42
graftwillnapier: everyone should be able to understand vfat, it's almost ubiquitous03:42
NeoSakiabattoir: thanks man <303:43
willnapiergraft: ok thanks.03:43
halfbloodprinceBluesKaj: could it harm my computer in anyway if i did that?03:43
abattoirNeoSaki: :)03:43
grafthalfbloodprince: no, it's just a config file03:44
halfbloodprincewhere's it located, lemme try03:44
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grafthalfbloodprince: /etc/X11/xorg.conf, usually03:44
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BluesKajdunno about that halfbloodprince :( , maybe one of the other guys here can help you on that one ... abattoir?03:44
abattoirhalfbloodprince: with what?03:45
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: if i edit xorg.conf to delete all the screen resolutions except the one i want to use, will that harm my computer in any way?03:45
BluesKajthe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, I'm not sure how to use it03:45
abattoirhalfbloodprince: why'd you want to do that?03:46
rodhi, i have kubuntu on an lg laptop, but don't have some keys like the pipe key.  so i'm trying to use lineakd to change some unused keys to this function but can't work out how to do it, does this have anything to do with kubuntu or would i be better of contacting the developers of lineakd?03:46
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: my xorg.conf says this:03:46
halfbloodprinceSubSection "Display"03:46
halfbloodprinceModes"1280x1024" "1152x864" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"03:46
BluesKajhe wants to increase his res from 1024x768 , which is max in his display settings03:47
halfbloodprincebut i dont see any resolutions more than 1024x768 in my system settings>display03:47
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: ok, which card?03:47
halfbloodprinceit's an integrated intel video card03:47
abattoirhalfbloodprince: any idea about the model no. ?03:47
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halfbloodprincecan i check that in some way? i dont know exactly..03:48
suppamanhow can I scan for wireless network ?03:48
halfbloodprincei can view resolutions upto 1280x1024 properly in windows03:48
willnapierdo I have to mount a usb pen drive before using fdisk?03:48
abattoirhalfbloodprince: try 'lspci | grep Display' in the command line...03:49
suppamanhas kubuntu a wireless network scanner ?03:49
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abattoirsuppaman: sure.. Kmenu->Internet->Wireless Assistant03:49
suppamanabattoir: thanks03:50
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suppamanthis essid is unproposable..03:50
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tchungI would like to install gvim03:50
tchungdoes anyone know where I can find it?03:51
suppaman? isn't it in repository ?03:51
administrator__can anyone assist with totem codecs newbie03:51
tchungI searched for it03:51
tchungno match03:51
halfbloodprinceabattoir: i tried that.. it just goes to the next line (the prompt) without doing anything03:51
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suppamantchung: what repositories ?03:51
abattoirhalfbloodprince: hmm, ok then just try 'lspci' see if that helps,03:51
abattoirhalfbloodprince: go through all that stuff till you see something to do w/ Intel and video..03:52
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abattoir!info gvim03:52
ubotuPackage gvim does not exist in any distro I know03:52
halfbloodprincewhat exactly am i looking for, a bunch of stuff showed up03:52
abattoir!info vim-gnome03:53
ubotuvim-gnome: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI. In component main, is extra. Version 1:6.4-006+2ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 695 kB, installed size 1444 kB03:53
abattoirtchung: ^^^ ??03:53
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suppamanabattoir: great assistant!03:53
tchunghow do you run it, abattoir?03:53
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abattoirtchung: run what?03:53
tchunghold on03:53
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: what am i looking for in this?03:53
abattoirsuppaman: who do you mean? :P03:53
abattoirhalfbloodprince: please pastebin it03:54
tchungthx abattoir03:54
administrator__is anyone able to assist with codecs and plugins?03:54
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suppamanabattoir: who ? I meant that Kmenu->Internet->Wireless Assistant is a great helper..03:54
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abattoirsuppaman: aah, ok :)03:55
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halfbloodprincepastebin it?03:55
BluesKajhalfbloodprince, something like "VGA compatible controller"03:55
suppamanabattoir: is there a way to generate the hex key from a passphrase ? I generated it on Netgear AP and I don't like to enter the 26 digits by hand03:55
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)03:55
abattoirhalfbloodprince: copy the output and paste it^^^^03:56
abattoirhalfbloodprince: give me back the link03:56
abattoirhalfbloodprince: after so many days here, i though you'd know what pastebin was :P03:56
halfbloodprincehaha i know what it is03:56
BluesKajif the .org one is slow ...try the www.pastebin.com site03:56
halfbloodprincei just dont know how to use it03:56
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abattoirsuppaman: hmmm wait a sec, let me check03:56
halfbloodprincenever hav03:57
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BluesKajhalfbloodprince, do you know haow to copy and paste ?03:58
halfbloodprincehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d23215 i guess03:58
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SuperSubCan anyone assist we totem codecs and installation? PLZ NEWBIE03:59
abattoirweird, does the link above work in konq. for anyone?03:59
alexiconSuperSub: what do you need?03:59
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alexiconwhich link abattoir04:00
halfbloodprincewhat about this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2321504:00
abattoirnot sure if the d should be there04:00
SuperSubcodecs to play avi files04:00
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:00
abattoirSuperSub: ^^^04:00
willnapierI'm trying to format my usb key using fdisk. 'mount' says it is not mounted. 'sudo fdisk /dev/sda' gives 'unable to open /dev/sda. sudo fdisk /mnt/usb_key gives the same. It is down as sda1 in fstab so i tried that too.04:00
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tchungwhat is the best ssh client for ubuntu?04:00
alexiconSuperSub: just make sure you get libxine-extracodecs and libmpeg04:00
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alexicontchung: konqueror?04:00
alexiconrsync ^_^04:01
abattoirhalfbloodprince: i thought i asked for the entire output...04:01
abattoirhalfbloodprince: anyways, its an s3 savage04:01
z1pp3ralexicon, konqueror for ssh?04:01
alexiconkonqueror if you want a gui04:01
abattoirhalfbloodprince: and not an intel04:01
halfbloodprinceok sorry04:01
alexiconuse fish://04:01
z1pp3ralexicon, forgive me my ignorance, but why would you want ssh to be gui?04:01
alexiconthats what he asked04:01
alexicontchung: asked for an ssh client?04:01
alexiconi assumed graphical04:02
tchungjust a basic one04:02
tchunglike putty04:02
abattoirhalfbloodprince: see if you have xserver-xorg-video-savage installed...04:02
halfbloodprinceabattoir: check this - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2321604:02
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halfbloodprincehow do i see if i have that installed? (sorry about the n00b questions)04:02
alexicontheres putty actually for unix04:02
alexiconhavent tried it tho04:02
graftfish:// is really an sftp client, isn't it?04:03
alexiconbut you just use konsole or whatever :P04:03
tchungumm, is there a built in one in ubuntu?04:03
graftssh client would be like, konsole + ssh04:03
alexiconfish does ssh too04:03
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: try 'sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-savage'04:03
alexiconcos i only have ssh port open on my gentoo box04:03
abattoirhalfbloodprince: if it's installed, it'll tell you, else it'll install it for you04:03
graftalexicon: i mean, fish:// doesn't give you a shell, it is a file transfer client04:04
alexicontchung: you mean where you just have a terminal in ssh? like xterm, konsole, gnome-terminal...04:04
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halfbloodprinceit says 'couldn't find package xserver-xorg-video-savage'04:04
alexiconno shell graft just a file manager view of ssh04:04
tchungyea... I wanna connect to a ssh server04:04
alexicontchung: to do what?04:04
alexiconsend files, or run apps?04:04
abattoir!info xserver-xorg-video-savage04:04
ubotuPackage xserver-xorg-video-savage does not exist in any distro I know04:04
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grafttchung: use konsole and the 'ssh' command04:04
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tchungI am just trying to connect to my school ssh server04:05
abattoirhalfbloodprince: wait a sec04:05
tchungwanna check their config04:05
graftssh is probably the most useful commandline app there is...04:05
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graftwell, maybe 'ls' is more useful..04:05
alexiconyeah tchung just use konsole or xterm04:05
graftbah, xterm! *spits*04:06
alexiconaterm whatever you fancy04:06
abattoirhalfbloodprince: try xserver-xorg-driver-savage04:06
z1pp3ryeah, eterm is the way of the future, we all know that04:06
z1pp3rwhile we're at it, lets discuss vim vs emacs :)04:06
alexiconi cant even figure out how to quit in emacs lol04:07
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BluesKajok guys , does anyone use TOVID ?04:07
alexiconjust bash on the keyboard til it goes away X-P04:07
z1pp3ryeah, that should do the trick04:07
alexiconkillall emacs -904:07
graftvim clearly kicks the shit out of emacs04:07
alexiconi havent tried this new vim7 yet04:07
graftonly unshaven people with body odor like emacs04:07
halfbloodprinceabattoir: i got this message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2321704:08
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BluesKajheh, that leaves me out ...what is emacs for anyway ?04:08
z1pp3rgraft, or people who loves gadgets... "Oh look! My text editor can play mp3's! How usefull!"04:08
abattoirhalfbloodprince: do you have adept running?04:08
abattoirhalfbloodprince: please close it if you do04:08
alexiconlol rms <304:09
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halfbloodprinceah, it says it's already the new version04:09
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: do you think the resolutions will show if i restart?04:10
abattoirhalfbloodprince: ok, now run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'04:10
abattoirhalfbloodprince: no04:10
abattoirnot yet, atleast04:10
abattoirhalfbloodprince: have you run that?04:11
halfbloodprincehold on04:11
abattoirhalfbloodprince: choose 'savage' as your driver04:11
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource04:11
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: then choose the resolutions that you want04:12
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: this is what i get when i gave that command: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2321804:13
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abattoirok, did you choose the resolutions that you wanted?04:14
BluesKajif it's jus 2 lines or so halfbloodprince, you can post it in here :)04:14
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halfbloodprinceso what do i do?04:15
halfbloodprinceabattoir: it didn't ask me to choose anything, i gave that command and i got what i pasted04:15
abattoirhalfbloodprince: you didnt get a blue screen?04:16
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: did you execute the exact command that i gave you?04:16
halfbloodprinceabattoir: i had already configured it earlier using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:17
abattoirhalfbloodprince: did you choose savage the last time?04:17
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: yeah, i chose savage.. the changes are even reflected in my xorg.conf.. but i still don't see it04:18
abattoirhalfbloodprince: and after choosing savage did you choose the resolution that you wanted?04:18
halfbloodprinceit gave me a list of resolutions04:19
abattoirok, when did you exactly run  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?04:19
halfbloodprince640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768 were already selected (with an asterisk next to them), i added 1280x1024 and 1152x86404:19
halfbloodprinceabattoir: i ran it about an hour ago04:19
abattoirhalfbloodprince: ok, so you knew your card was savage...04:20
abattoirhalfbloodprince: did you restart X after that?04:20
halfbloodprinceabattoir: i'm confused, man.. i was told by my hardware guy that it's intel, and the driver i got was s3 savage.. so i thought that it was just the driver name (sorry)04:20
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halfbloodprinceyeah, i logged off, and did a ctrl-alt-backspace, and logged back in04:21
abattoirhalfbloodprince: ok, run it again, restart X and if it still doesnt work, pastebin your xorg.conf file04:21
GNUrantewhen edgy knot go out? the 13 September?04:21
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ubotuUbuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule04:21
abattoirhalfbloodprince: try that, will be right back04:23
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: restart04:24
Morticehalfbloodprince: still having resolution trouble? :(04:24
NeoSakiwhats the dapper equivalent of /etc/groups ?04:24
eliasome body help?04:24
MorticeNeoSaki: /etc/group :)04:24
halfbloodprincedo i need to log off to restart x04:25
NeoSaki xD04:25
eliamy kubuntu always crash,04:25
abattoirhalfbloodprince: just close all open stuff(save all unsaved stuff) and press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace04:25
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alexicon!codecs > alexicon04:26
JFreakCapohello everybody, i need help, i install ubuntu but my windows don't boot, then re-install windows, but now muy ubuntu don't boot, can i re-install just grub from de ubuntu's cd please i'm newbie04:26
GNUranteelia: wht?04:26
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GNUranteelia: why04:26
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abattoirarunkale: does it work?04:27
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:27
arunkalenope, hold on04:27
abattoirarunkale: ok, wait a sec, i'll brb04:28
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GNUranteJFreakCapo: you can remove grub for starting windoze: boot with simply recovery disk and after you can remove grub with fdisk /mbr04:29
arunkaleokay, now it's acting a bit weird04:29
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JFreakCapo<GNUrante> i don't need boot windows, i re-install it but now, my ubuntu don't boot...04:30
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NeoSakiomg...i just spent 20 minutes troubleshooting a problem setting up the 32bit chroot to find out I misspelled etc with ect04:32
=== NeoSaki is an idiot
GNUranteJFreakCapo: use installation Cd with this kernel paramenter root=/dev/hd?? after rerun grub /dev/hd?04:33
JFreakCapothks !!04:33
GNUranteJFreakCapo: =)04:33
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arunkaleBluesKaj: you there?04:34
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arunkaleanyone there?04:38
BluesKajyes arunkale04:38
buzwhy is it that the kubuntu.org RSS stream is broken since pretty much forever04:39
NeoSakianyone know of a good, customizable RSS news scroll for the desktop?04:40
arunkaleBluesKaj: this is halfbloodprince..04:40
arunkaleI did what abattoir suggested, but now i can't change the resolution at all04:40
arunkaleI mean i can open system settings -> display.. but if i click on 'administrator mode', i can't see the slider04:41
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BluesKajdid you try it in system settings again ?04:41
arunkalein 'normal' mode, i can see it04:41
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arunkaleyeah, i'm talking about system settings itself04:42
Dr_Willishmm.. all the 'plugins' for ktorrent are missing. :()04:42
Dr_Willisthere were there the other day. Lol..04:42
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arunkalei'm panicking a bit here :)04:42
BluesKajdunno arunkale, ... better wait for abattoir or some who knows more about it ...I'm a relative newbie when it comes to command line stuff04:43
=== Dr_Willis missed the question.
arunkaleah okay, thanks :)04:43
BluesKajmay be Dr_Willis can help you , arunkale :)04:44
arunkaleDr_Willis: hey04:45
arunkalegot a minute?04:45
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Dr_Willisask away04:45
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arunkaleWell, I can choose a screen resolution of upto 1280x1024 on Windows.. but Kubuntu won't let me increase my screen resolution beyond 1024x768. I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg from the Konsole, and added the resolutions I wanted.. but now when I check system settings > display, the slider still shows the max. resolution to be 1024x768. And if I click on 'administrator mode', I get this screen: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2322304:47
arunkaleany ideas?04:47
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arunkaleI'm starting to panic a little bit04:47
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Dr_WillisIts possible its your MONITOR settings that are telling the video card it can only do the lower res.04:48
Dr_Williswhat video card ya got?04:48
NeoSakihow can you give a chroot access to your current x server?04:48
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Dr_WillisNeoSaki,  the use of the term 'chroot'  in that question is incorrect.04:49
arunkaleI have a S3 Savage video card04:49
Dr_Willisyou can run X apps as the root user with sudo,  or the Kde/gnome equilivents04:49
arunkaleDid you see that screen, Dr_Willis?04:49
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fildojust manually configure xorg.conf04:51
Dr_Willisarunkale,   you could either use that x modline genrator web site. and hand customise the xorg.conf , OR (and even a better idea) try some of the various live cd's and see if they use the correct res. if so. copy THEIR xorg.conf over. and compare what they use vs what your system is using.04:51
fildowith the specs of your card.04:51
Dr_Willishttp://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl   - for the modeline generator04:51
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fildomerino: japanese?04:52
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_DinkAnyoe here running ati 8.28 driver with cedega ?04:52
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merinofildo: what? japanese?04:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about jp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi04:53
arunkaleDr_Willis: at this point, i dont even mind the 1024x768.. i just want my administrator mode thing to work in the display dialog box...04:53
arunkalehow do i fix that?04:53
yamalnaah that's chinese04:53
luckysaifyi m indian04:53
ubotuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk04:53
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Dr_Willisarunkale,  no clue there. ive rarely ever used that part of kde.   try running that preferance tool from the shel and see if any errors show up04:53
fildothat modeline is a good site, ill book mark that for newbies04:53
NeoSakiwhats the fstab equivalent of this expression: mount -t devpts none /chroot32/dev/pts?04:54
merinooh,sorry,I'm speaking chinese:)04:54
merinoI complie kernel
fildocedega !04:54
fildosend! to me04:54
Dr_Willisdevpts? hmm.. aint seen that in ages04:54
merinothe sound card cannot work04:54
_Dinkif you can help me fix my 3d acceleration failed test sure ;)04:55
NeoSakishould i just have it bind or is it none none?04:55
fildook whats up04:55
merinobut very strange, alsaconf and alsamixer show everything is quite well, just no sound04:55
_Dink3d acceleration fails in cedega :P ... everything else works and gives correct output..04:56
_Dinkfglrxinfo is fine... cedega notices the driver... but fails 3d test04:56
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BluesKajTOVID fails alot ..is there another burning prog that can encode/decode video ...K3b is not set up for  video properly04:56
_Dinki get no love in #Cedega first they told me to come here... now they just ignore me :P04:56
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Dr_Willis_Dink,  the cedega forums  - would be the place to go.. assumin gyou got 3d support for your video card working.04:57
KingHeavencan kubuntu umcompress .rar files?04:57
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free04:57
Dr_WillisKingHeaven,  no - but the rar tools can. :)04:57
_DinkDr_Willis, Tried forums04:58
KingHeavenwhat tool ?04:58
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_Dinkcedga and ubuntu04:58
Dr_Willisark + those Rar packages just shown..04:58
_Dinkno answer to the problem04:58
fildoati card ?04:58
fildoor nv04:58
Dr_Willis_Dink,  #1 - is your video card 3d working correctly.  if not - then its a kubuntu issue/configuration issue.04:58
_Dinkyes it is04:58
_Dinkfgl_glxgears is fine04:58
_Dinkfglrxinfo spits out correct info04:59
_Dinkhonestly im stumped04:59
_Dinkati card04:59
main2x_Dink, can you repeat ur question?04:59
KingHeavenark doesn't work04:59
main2xati card - should run on :1 display 104:59
main2xit has fglrx bug..04:59
main2xATI SUCKS ASS, boycot them05:00
NeoSakiLinux hates ATI05:00
_Dinki think its running on 0.0 screen 005:00
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main2x(they've never supported, or given about the *nix community, show them how money can hurt  )05:01
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Dr_WillisKingHeaven,  ark can work - if you have the unrar/rar packages/tools installed.05:01
main2xNeoSaki, linux hates nobody05:01
_Dinkmain2x so you think its display issuebug ?05:01
arunkaleDr_Willis: I restarted.. the administrator mode is working now :)(05:01
main2xthats ur imagination05:01
_Dinkchange it to 1 ?05:01
=== Dr_Willis hopes the ati/amd merger helps out in that area
_DinkIts wierd though ... 2.6.17 works05:02
arunkaleDr_Willis: this guy earlier had the same problem, what he did was delete all the resolutions from xorg.conf except the one he wanted to use05:02
_Dinkmight be the display thing like main2x said i didnt check that05:02
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fildo_Dink: ps -A | grep Xgl05:03
fildooutput of that?05:03
Dr_Willisarunkale,  i normally set the one res i use.. which is the lcd's native res. :P05:03
_Dinkinteresting nada05:04
main2xif this is about Xgl, i just came in.. but them im 100% sure that its the :1 display bug05:04
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arunkalei guess 1024x768 is not that bad :\05:04
_Dinkfildo no output05:04
main2x_Dink, ur trying to get Xgl running?05:04
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Dr_Willisits HIGHLY possible theres some odd bugglet with the newer version.05:05
_Dink3d acceleration with cedega05:05
_Dinkati driver 8.28.805:05
fildono xgl . no acceleration05:05
_Dinkhonestly any I tried 8.25, 8.2705:05
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Dr_Williswith cededa - the versions of the different parts.. can be the  big factor.05:06
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_DinkI dont think  you need xgl to pass cedega 3d test05:07
fildodose it honestly run good with cd cedega ?05:07
=== SuperSub [n=administ@c58-107-215-156.sunsh4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
fildoive never seen it before05:07
fildoi recon you would05:07
_Dinkit ran excellent with 2.6.17 kernel05:07
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_Dinkplus I didnt think ati and xgl were compatible yet05:09
Dr_Willisive found it pays to be cautious with things like ati drivers. and cedega, and kernel versions :P05:09
=== willnapier [n=willnapi@84-45-208-244.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #kubuntu
fildodid u buy cedega ?05:09
fildoor compile from source05:09
_Dinkyea thats it i bought it :P05:10
_Dinkdebian binary05:10
fildoits like $5bucks05:10
_Dink5$ im saving up for a better non-ati card :p05:10
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z1pp3rI've grown tired of the look of the default theme of kde in kubuntu. Where can i find more themes?05:11
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fildouse compiz05:11
KingHeavendoes rar support ppc ?05:11
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z1pp3rfildo, i'll use compiz when it becomes more stable05:12
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usuarioAnyone of you guys know how can I convert a WPS file into a open office file?05:13
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fildostable for me ..05:14
fildojust needs a bit of tlc05:14
Morticeusuario: you should be able to open it in openoffice and then save it as an openoffice file?05:14
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_Dinkso any other suggestions :P ?05:14
fildo_Dink: never mind copy on torrent05:14
usuarioMy open office can't open it05:15
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_Dinkyuck torrent has trackers...05:15
usuarioAnd I've been reading on the net and they say something about converters05:15
_Dinkget emails from companies all the time to tell our students to stop downloading stuff off torrents05:15
_Dinkor legal actions will be taken05:16
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fildohaha newbs05:17
fildoproxies rock . .fake idents .05:17
merinofildo: can you help me?05:18
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_DinkI use ftp :P05:18
usuarioAny suggestion MORTICE?05:19
_Dink1gb/100mb sources =)05:19
fildowhats up merino05:19
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fildoLinux liberty 2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 03:13:28 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux05:20
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fildoman ive only had this install for a month or so05:20
fildoim no expert. ha05:20
merinofildo: I complie new kernel, the soundcard out of work, but alsaconf & mixer show the status is fine05:20
buzwhy do you compile a kernel, anyway05:20
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halfbloodprincewaback, abattoir05:21
alexicondo they have /etc/init.d/XX status in ubuntu?05:21
abattoirhalfbloodprince: did it work?05:21
abattoirty :)05:21
alexiconhow can you check which inits are running05:22
fildops aux ?05:22
halfbloodprinceabattoir: no, it's still 1024x76805:22
halfbloodprincedo you want a copy of my xorg.conf?05:22
abattoirhalfbloodprince: yes :)05:22
alexiconi dunno gentoo has stuff like /etc/init.d/sshd status05:22
alexicontells you if its on or off05:22
alexiconor some rc-status?05:22
fildomerino: narh cant help mate, no expirence in sound , its usallt worked out of the box for me05:22
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merinofildo: see05:24
=== Electrolyte [n=Leky@cpc2-lich5-0-0-cust446.brhm.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
merinofildo: thx05:24
halfbloodprinceabattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2322405:24
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: run 'randrtray05:26
halfbloodprincei should type this in the konsole?05:27
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: yes, konsole, or in the KDE run dialog(Alt+F2)05:27
abattoirhalfbloodprince: it should go into the system tray05:27
abattoirhalfbloodprince: click on it... and see if the res. you want are available05:27
halfbloodprincenope, not available05:28
halfbloodprince1024x768 is the max05:28
abattoirok, wait i'll see if the driver supports it05:28
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fildour monitor not a 14" or anything halfbloodprince05:31
halfbloodprince15", i think05:31
fildothats probably max res05:32
fildoof monitor05:32
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alexicon!wine > alexicon05:32
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fildobut u said u had it running higher in windows ?05:32
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: i've not found much info...05:33
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: other than adding an opion to xorg.conf05:33
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: want to try that?05:33
abattoirhalfbloodprince: i'm not sure about the side-effects/rammifications of putting that in... so i warn you...05:34
fildodo as u will :p05:34
fildoin otherwords05:34
abattoirhalfbloodprince: so tell me if you want to try it05:34
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kOpterYello :)05:35
halfbloodprincewhat option?05:35
kOpterI've just installed a new soundcard.. how do I get it to work?!05:35
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: Option "NoUseBios" in xorg.conf05:36
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23228 <--- it should look like this05:37
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halfbloodprincehow exactly does this work?05:39
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octanhi all05:41
abattoirhalfbloodprince: i'm not sure, but it think it overrides the information that is provided by the bios on the resolutions05:41
octanhow can i extract a rpm file in kubuntu?05:41
octannot install05:41
octanbut decompress it05:42
halfbloodprinceabattoir, no thanks :) i'll stick to this hehe05:42
halfbloodprincethanks a lot for your help though05:42
halfbloodprincei so love kubuntu05:42
Alextremohello good mornig, how are alls ?05:42
octandoes anyone know?05:42
abattoirhalfbloodprince: i'm not sure, it might do nothing at all, and your res. might come up, but since i'm not sure i wont guarantee anything :)05:42
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: can you recommend some good looking themes? i know i can look at kde-look, but was wondering if anyone has any favourites here05:44
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: my favourite widget style is baghira(because you can change its colour)...05:45
fildooctan: use alien to convert to .deb05:46
uboturpm is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu does not use RPM, but !APT, and RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous).05:46
halfbloodprinceman, kubuntu is truly linux for human beings05:46
halfbloodprincei set up everything so fast!05:46
fildovery easy.05:46
Tm_Tabattoir: I use tiblit, no other widget style offer same level of control, atleast I haven't seen any05:46
fildoi started off with redhat 905:46
fildoa big difference05:47
octanfildo, thank you05:48
fildooctan: nps05:48
fildoits what iam here for, nothing else to do :p05:48
fildothen sitting and monitoring some mrtg screens05:48
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fildon getting paid for it05:49
=== mrj [i=r1oXFHx8@nat-wh-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #kubuntu
mrji have a patch05:49
mrjfor aa kernel05:50
mrjhow do i patch the kernel ?05:50
Alextremosorry, (i talk spanish).... what is widget ?????05:50
Alextremowidget style ????05:50
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mrjcould somebody help me05:53
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AWOSDevI need help using DD.05:54
AWOSDevI need it to copy only 512 bytes from the if05:54
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mrji wanna patch my kernel05:55
BluesKajis there an avi to mpeg2 convertor for Kubuntu ?05:55
mrjwhen i try the patch command it says : file to patch :05:56
noobhi folks .. I think I screwed up my x-server ... it doesn't start anymore ... I tried to get some xgl-stuff working .. but .. hrm :(05:56
mrjwhich file should i type ?05:56
halfbloodprinceanyone know any good window themes?05:56
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halfbloodprinceAlso, how do i separate the kmenu from the taskbar?05:57
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leccihi all05:57
AWOSDevhalfbloodprince, I don't think you can separate those.05:57
abattoirTm_T: hi :)05:57
halfbloodprinceAWOSDev: really? I've seen screenshots where they're separated05:57
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abattoirTm_T: havent tried that one, maybe when i get bored of baghira :P05:57
MorticeAWOSDev: sure you can. remove the taskbar from the panel the menu button is on, create a new panel, add the taskbar to that panel.05:58
abattoirhalfbloodprince: what do you mean by 'separated' ?05:58
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leccii have a problem istalling freeradiu... when i make ./configure return this:configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH... Someone can help me?05:58
Tm_Tabattoir: I leaved baghira because it became "heavy" to my eyes05:58
halfbloodprinceabattoir: I want my minimised programs to go to a taskbar on top05:58
halfbloodprinceOS X style05:58
AWOSDevOh yeah, I also tried "dd count=b 512" like in the manual05:58
fildoabattoir: baghira is like osx05:58
AWOSDevbut it said "b 512: invalid number"05:59
abattoirTm_T: heh05:59
fildoor just a theme manager05:59
halfbloodprincewhere can i see baghira05:59
abattoirfildo: yes... but more customizable05:59
leccii have a problem istalling freeradiu... when i make ./configure return this:configure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH... Someone can help me?05:59
fildolike compiz ?05:59
abattoir!find baghira05:59
ubotuFound: kwin-baghira05:59
AWOSDevlecci, Kubuntu (for some reason) doesn't come with gcc.05:59
noobwhat would you do to reconfigure the x-server ? :>05:59
abattoir!info kwin-baghira05:59
ubotukwin-baghira: KDE theme for Apple junkies :). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.7a-1build2 (dapper), package size 642 kB, installed size 1848 kB05:59
fildolecci: sudo apt-get install g++ gcc05:59
AWOSDevlecci, sudo apt-get install gcc05:59
abattoirhalfbloodprince, fildo^^^05:59
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems06:00
noobbuargh compiz06:00
Dr_Willistheres several reasons it dont come with it. :P06:00
abattoirfildo: it has its own finder-like app, a windeco, a widget style(from what i've seen...)06:00
noobthat's the cause of my fscked up X :(06:00
noobah .. I have to remove it.06:00
lecciImpossible find g....06:00
halfbloodprincehow do i get baghira06:00
mrjhow do i patch the kernel ?06:01
abattoirhalfbloodprince: do you have universe enabled?06:01
fildonoob: haha.why ? i just did the install today06:01
fildoworked fine ;p06:01
fildoapart from the firt run n crash ..06:01
mrji mean when i run the command patch -p0 <patch_name it asks which fiel should be patched06:01
mrjwhat should  i do ?06:01
halfbloodprinceabattoir: yes06:01
abattoirlecci: 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'06:01
fildomrj man patch06:01
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Dr_WillisI think you got a long road ahead of you mrj :P06:02
abattoirhalfbloodprince: then 'sudo apt-get install kwin-baghira'06:02
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noobfildo hmm well I changed my xorg with some xgl xorg .. and now my X server won't boot06:02
fildowell thats ur problem there06:02
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noobI did everything according to some 'manual'06:02
frojndhello everybody06:02
fildou edit it to suit . either ati / or nv06:02
noobI know..06:02
frojndhow can I unrar .ace file with Ark?06:02
abattoirnoob: try 'sudo dexconf' that should get you back your 'default' xorg.conf06:02
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mrjwhy do i need man patch06:02
fildofrojnd: apt-get install rar06:02
lecciimpossible find built-essential....06:02
noobabattoir:  thanks06:02
noobok .. wish me luck or something else .. hehe06:03
noob<-- reboot06:03
mrjthe patch-script asks me which file should be patched06:03
abattoirlecci: 'build-essential'06:03
fildono luck need06:03
fildolet the force be with you06:03
halfbloodprinceabattoir: does it just install widgets? or even the window themes and taskbar and everything?06:03
frojndfildo no rar...06:03
abattoirhalfbloodprince: it installs the widget and windeco...06:03
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:03
mrjfildo: which fiel is been patched usually when one pathes his kernel ?06:03
frojndat least not on 5:10 version06:03
lecciimpossible find build-essential06:03
abattoirhalfbloodprince: what do you mean by the taskbar? a dock?06:04
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: or do you want 2 separate panels(like gnome)?06:04
fildomrj: never patched kernel before06:04
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abattoirlecci: ok, try 'sudo apt-get update' first, and then try it06:04
mrjfildo: nope06:04
leccii try06:04
fildomrj: i mean i havent06:05
fildo+google it06:05
fildour best friend06:05
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noobre. ;>06:05
fildohowd ya go noob06:05
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noobnot too good ;O(  .. x still doesn't want to boot .. it only shows me that kubuntu-loading-bar06:06
halfbloodprinceabattoir: yeah, one panel on top where the minimised stuff goes, and one at the bottom with icons for launching stuff06:06
halfbloodprincelike os x06:06
lecciimpossible find build-essential...06:06
fildook ur sources.list is wrong i think06:07
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abattoirnoob: did you change something else?06:07
mrji was not able to find anything06:07
abattoirhalfbloodprince: ok, just move the panel up...06:08
abattoirhalfbloodprince: and kxdocker is the app you are looking for06:08
abattoir!info kxdocker06:08
ubotukxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB06:08
noobabattoir : yes ... probably too much... I installed the xgl version of xorg .. and compiz and other stuff compiz needed06:08
Morticeinnovative and a copy? interesting. ;)06:08
abattoirnoob: aah, then you might need the 'stock' xorg...06:08
noobI uninstalled xserver-xorg and reinstalled it again06:09
noobshouldn't be that enough?06:09
lecciabattoir: return always E: Impossibile trovare build-essential06:09
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noobnote to myself: never touch a running system!06:09
lecci!seen smok06:09
ubotuI last saw smok (n=Richard@clyne.plus.com) 9h 36m 48s ago, quiting: "Leaving"06:09
lecci!seen smoking06:10
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ubotuI haven't seen smoking recently06:10
lecci!seen smooking06:10
abattoirlecci: which roughly translates to?06:10
ubotuI haven't seen smooking recently06:10
NthDegreeVanique: dude you ever sleep06:10
fildo!seen fildo06:10
ubotufildo is on IRC right now!06:10
fildono way06:10
halfbloodprinceabattoir: ?06:10
fildotcl script working well06:10
abattoirhalfbloodprince: huh?06:11
leccireturn: E: Impossible find build-essential06:11
lecci!seen smooking_man06:11
ubotuI haven't seen smooking_man recently06:11
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abattoirlecci: could you please pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf?06:11
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)06:11
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ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic06:13
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Dr_Willis!info hexedit06:14
ubotuhexedit: view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.12-1 (dapper), package size 24 kB, installed size 104 kB06:14
=== Vincer- [i=Vincer-@119.169.101-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Hawkwind Peeks in and looks around
Vincer-'lut a tous06:15
frojndo nose06:15
Vincer-en tant que meme pas encore noobie, j'ai  l'evidence une question  vous poser ^06:15
frojndI can't downlaod winace :S06:15
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:15
Vincer-oups !!sorry06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:16
abattoir'morning Hawkwind06:16
HawkwindHey there abattoir06:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mk - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:16
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:16
abattoiror, rather, close to noon :P06:16
Vincer-mmh, i'm not to good in english to explain my problem ^  ^06:16
Vincer-bye :)06:16
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Hawkwindabattoir: I have 43 minutes :P06:17
abattoirHawkwind: well, closer to it than morning at least :P06:17
Hawkwindabattoir: Though I've been up for a while, just didn't get on the computer06:17
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nixternalabattoir, Hawkwind, Jucato:  Anyplace where we can meet privately for a second?06:17
nixternalin a way ;)06:17
fildo2:18am here in AUS06:18
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: is baghira easily uninstallable? without side effects?06:20
abattoirhalfbloodprince: sure, remove kwin-baghira... the same package you installed06:20
abattoirhalfbloodprince: why? dont like it?06:20
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: no, haven't tried it yet.. i'm a paranoid bastard, i need to know this stuff before i install it :p06:21
halfbloodprincei installed a skin for windows once.. it soo screwed up my system06:21
abattoiraah, google for it, might find some interesting info and screenshots06:21
fildogood night people. happy problem solving06:22
Dr_WillisYou are thinking in 'windows terms' again halfbloodprince  :)06:22
halfbloodprincewhich browser do you guys use?06:22
sakiight i completely formated my computer and installed i386 kubuntu06:22
Dr_Willistheming under windows - is intintially CRippled by MS. so they can promote their look/feel/brand image.. APple does the same thing.06:22
Dr_WillisIntentially :)06:22
halfbloodprinceopera is good?06:23
halfbloodprincefor linux?06:23
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fildowell i choose to use it over any other browser, thats just me i guess06:24
halfbloodprincebtw, my clock is showing the wrong time06:24
sakiDr_Willis, thats actually the original reason I wanted linux, the customizability06:24
fildofirefox i like aswell . very similar06:24
halfbloodprincehow do i fix the time06:24
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fildojust opera handles mail n everything . n newer version supoprts widgets06:24
Dr_Willishalfbloodprince,  is it the clock.. or your system clock. :P06:24
AWOSDevhalfbloodprince, uh, date?06:25
halfbloodprincedate is correct06:25
halfbloodprincetime is wrong06:25
Dr_Willismy times are always screwed up. :P i think my system clock is set to utc.. but the clock applet is showing the localtime06:25
Ayabarais it possible to use a webcam with skype in kubuntu?06:25
abattoirAyabara: skype for linux doesnt support video, yet06:25
Dr_WillisAyabara,  i dont know if the linux sype cliekt has webcam support yet.06:25
AWOSDevhalfbloodprince, I mean use the program called date.06:25
halfbloodprincehow do i fix the time06:25
abattoirAyabara: might be possible w/ wine... but dont know06:25
Dr_Willishalfbloodprince,  click on the clock.. adjust the time06:26
Ayabaraabattoir, Dr_Willis: I suspected it might be so :-(06:26
Dr_Willislogical place to put a menu to adjust the time eh? :P06:26
halfbloodprinceif i click on the clock, it shows me the calendar06:26
Dr_Willistry the MENUS on the clock06:27
fildoright click06:27
halfbloodprinceah okay06:27
AWOSDevContext-click it06:27
Dr_Willisor do we have to get even more basic :)06:27
Dr_Willismove the mouse over... a little more... too far...06:27
fildouse index finger.06:27
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fildoright button, surpress. release. surpress06:27
Dr_Willisclick the right button...    wife: You got 3 buttons@! how do i know what one is the right one!!06:27
Dr_Willisactivate the correct digit interface control.06:28
fildomate, in that case, lick the middle button06:28
fildon watch the other 2 explode06:28
BluesKajI DL'd and  did the tar xvjf filename command  , but the prog doesn't show up in the kicker ...what am I doing wrong ?06:28
halfbloodprinceyeah, done now06:28
AWOSDevYeah, the 'right' button...that's why I *always* say context-click (but then nobody knows what context-click is if they weren't around in Windows 3.1/95 days)06:28
Ayabaraare there other chat programs for linux and windows that support video? I want to call a friend using windows06:28
Dr_Willisthats the problem with spoon-feeding people (and using game guides) ya get trained to not even try to think or explore. :)06:28
Dr_Williscall = voice :P06:29
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Dr_Willislike seeing their face will promote better communications.06:29
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BluesKajDr_Willis, ?06:29
AWOSDevUnless you mean call with a videophone.  :P06:29
Dr_WillisUnless its the grandparents.. who want to see the kids...06:29
BluesKajI DL'd and  did the tar xvjf filename command  , but the prog doesn't show up in the kicker ...what am I doing wrong ?06:29
frojndI can't uncompreesed .ace file wit unace :S06:29
frojndcan someone help me?06:29
fildowhy not06:30
frojndq@kubuntu:~$ unace x Summoning-LetMortalHeroesSingYourFame.ace06:30
Dr_WillisNot like a postage sized jerky webcam video.. really shows you details of  blueprints, or other things.06:30
frojndUNACE v1.2    public version06:30
frojndError opening file Summoning-LetMortalHeroesSingYourFame.ace06:30
fildofrojnd: man unace06:30
AyabaraDr_Willis, good point :-)06:30
AWOSDevDr_Willis, I added a bunch of repos and still apt-cache search hexedit finds nothing.06:30
fildowill give u command to uncompress06:30
abattoirBluesKaj: which prog. ?06:30
AWOSDevfrojnd, are you sure it's capitalised like that?06:31
Dr_WillisAWOSDev,  i am using the ones from easysource06:31
BluesKajtovid fails06:31
Dr_WillisAWOSDev,  i just clicked all of them.. and cut/pasted06:31
frojndAWOSDev : unace <command> [switches]  <archive[.ace] >06:31
willnapierhi folks I'm having problems with my usbkey. I have used fdisk to create one fat16 partition on /dev/sda1. Now when I try to use mkdosfs (sudo mkdosfs /dev/sda1) I get 'no such file or directory.06:31
sdlnxgk!usb mass storage06:31
AWOSDevRight I did that06:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb mass storage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:31
frojndI don't knw what dto do with [switches] 06:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:32
sdlnxgk!mass storage06:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mass storage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:32
BluesKajabattoir, http://pastebin.ca/16799806:32
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Dr_Williswillnapier,  it may be using the old partitioninfo.. perhaps unplug/plug it back in.06:32
sdlnxgktrying  to access my 1gig usb storage device does anyone have one up and running??06:32
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Dr_Willissdlnxgk,  oodles of people use them :P06:33
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ubotuautomatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix.06:33
VaniqueNthDegree: alive, dude ?06:33
willnapierDr_Willis: thanks I 'll try that06:33
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BluesKajlooks like it installs but I can't find the exec file to open it06:33
Dr_WillisI got 2 external usb hard drives here.. and a 2.2 gb usb thing... :P and a 1 gb psp memory card06:33
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abattoirBluesKaj: its a dir..?06:33
halfbloodprincewhat is the 'kde wallet'06:33
Dr_Willishalfbloodprince,  a plac3 to store all your passwords06:33
halfbloodprinceit's saying 'a kde wallet is open'06:34
halfbloodprincewhts' tht mean06:34
halfbloodprince'KDE Wallet: A wallet is open'06:34
abattoirBluesKaj: and its glade... you'd need to install python-gtk and the python-glade stuff.. adept should help you out w/ the correct names06:34
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BluesKajok , sorry to bother you, i should have checked there first06:35
Dr_WillisI would gues syou got a kdewallet session open allready halfbloodprince06:35
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LouKallgrr! i need help unrar'ing a file06:35
halfbloodprincehow did that happen06:35
frojndIt doesn't wanna to extracked...06:36
abattoirLouKall: do you have unrar installed?06:36
abattoir!info unrar06:36
ubotuunrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB06:36
LouKalli cant do it through the terminal, and i cant do it through xarchive!06:36
Dr_Willishalfbloodprince,  its your system.. you tell us. :P06:36
NeoSakiIs there a way to have Wallet auto sign in without password input?06:36
LouKalli am supposed to have them installed.06:36
frojndq@kubuntu:~$ unace x -y Summoning-LetMortalHeroesSingYourFame.ace06:36
frojnd and it says: Error opening file Summoning-LetMortalHeroesSingYourFame.ace06:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kwallet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:36
AWOSDevfrojnd, I meant is the *file* capitialised like that.06:36
frojndI copy/paste it06:36
abattoirLouKall: if you have it installed, then 'unrar x file.rar' or even ark can handle it(unless it has a password)06:36
AWOSDevfrom ls?06:36
halfbloodprince!kde wallet06:36
willnapierDr_Willis: in the fstab it says 'auto' for the type, when it is actually fat16. should I change the entry from auto to vfat?06:36
ubotukde: the K Desktop Environment official modules. In component universe, is optional. Version 5:45ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 7 kB, installed size 40 kB06:36
frojndnot grom ls06:36
Dr_Williskwalletmanager and check its settings06:36
LouKallabbattoir: i have it installed, but i cant unrar anything in terminal.06:37
frojndgrom konqueror..06:37
AWOSDevOh, okay.06:37
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LouKallabbattoir: it does have a pass on it.06:37
Dr_Williswillnapier,  vfat is not fat16.. 'fat' i think is.. but vfat may work also.06:37
abattoirLouKall: ok, then 'unrar x file.rar' it is06:37
LouKallabbattoir: i dont know how to get the pass either.06:37
frojndbut, still doesn't work :D06:37
Dr_Williswillnapier,  normally ive NEVER seen auto work for the fat** filesystems06:37
abattoirLouKall: well, if you dont know the pass, you cant extract it :P06:37
LouKallabbattoir: it just says command not found when i try unrar06:37
willnapierDr_Willis: thanks that could be it I'll change fstab06:37
LouKallwell that was a waste of a download.06:37
abattoirLouKall: unless you use some brute-force methods which take ages06:37
abattoirLouKall: then you dont have unrar installed06:38
LouKallabbattoir: what do you suggest?06:38
uboturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:38
LouKalli swear it.06:38
abattoirLouKall: 'sudo apt-get install unrar' if you have universe06:38
abattoirLouKall: well, try finding the password06:38
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abattoirLouKall: if you cant, then i guess you just delete the file06:38
LouKallyay unrar works now.06:39
abattoirLouKall: did you put the password?06:39
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abattoirLouKall: there might be a comment which might indicate the p/d if someone else did it(or atleast i used to do that)06:39
LouKallabbattoir: thats what i figured they would do. im searching. cannot find anything.06:40
AWOSDevDr_Willis, I checked off *every* repo on easysources.06:40
AWOSDevReading package lists... Done06:40
AWOSDevBuilding dependency tree... Done06:40
AWOSDevE: Couldn't find package hexedit06:40
abattoirLouKall: i cant think of anything then... other than brute-force(and am not aware of a linux brute-fore app)06:40
LouKallabattoir: how do i do the file name for... Dead To Fall - The Phoenix Throne.part01.rar06:41
Dr_Willisyou did apt-get update?06:41
Dr_Willis!info hexedit06:41
ubotuhexedit: view and edit files in hexadecimal or in ASCII. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.12-1 (dapper), package size 24 kB, installed size 104 kB06:41
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abattoirLouKall: you'd need to put \ in front of spaces...06:41
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LouKallabattoir: okay, shanks.06:42
Dr_Willisdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse06:42
Dr_Willisdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe multiverse06:42
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AWOSDevI didn't realise I have to 'apt-get update' *blush*06:42
frojndhello one probelm06:42
frojndIt doesn't wanna open .ace file06:42
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression06:43
frojndError opening file Summoning-LetMortalHeroesSingYourFame.ace06:43
gavinwhat about06:43
NeoSakiFrojnd: does it state anything else?06:43
frojndUNACE v1.2    public version06:43
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ketsugiAfter adding a filetype handler, I've been getting this error from some KDE apps (Konqueror, Kate, Kmail and Kpdf so far): "Could not find mime type: application/octet-stream"06:44
LouKallabattoir: this sucks. hah.06:44
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frojndNeoSaki I don't understand this line: sudo mv /location/of/downloaded/unace /usr/bin/unace06:44
abattoirketsugi: which one did you add? and when does this occur(or what are you trying to open)?06:44
AWOSDevThe following NEW packages will be installed: hexedit06:45
AWOSDevSelecting previously deselected package hexedit.06:45
Dr_WillisAWOSDev,  :P and what did you say earlier about ubuntu sucking?> :P lol.06:45
AWOSDevI didnt?!06:45
AWOSDevAll I said was it isn't the best Linux, but alot easier to install and use than Debian.06:45
Dr_WillisAWOSDev I'm on Ubuntu, not real Debian   --> :) ok you sort of slammed ubuntu .06:45
ketsugiabattoir: I added a handler for x-comic (.cbr and .cbz; I made up the mimetype myself)06:46
halfbloodprinceI'm SOOO loving Kubuntu!06:46
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ketsugiand it happens whenever I /open/ kpdf or kmail or konqueror06:46
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Dr_Willisapt-get  should be identical to debian's ussage. :P06:46
halfbloodprincehey, ketsugi :)06:46
ketsugihbp: yes yes, I'm going to sleep soon ;p06:46
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gavinAm new to Linux (Ubuntu6.06)  Any help on Firefox with problem add plugin for Macromedia player?06:46
halfbloodprinceketsugi: i'm using kubuntu right now06:46
Dr_WillisI cant see much reason to use debian really.  over ubuntu..  at least nothing that my needs demand.06:46
ketsugiGood for you :)06:47
NeoSakifrojnd: where did you see that line at?06:47
AWOSDevgavin, just click on the 'Install Missing Plugins' bar at the top of the page.06:47
Dr_Willisim sure theres some off the wall reasons. :P heh heh06:47
AWOSDevgavin, at least that's what *I* did :)06:47
lupine_85Debian can be more up-to-date :)06:47
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frojnd<gavin> http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS06:47
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ketsugiabattoir: any ideas? is there a proper mime type I should have used?06:47
abattoirketsugi: hmm one sec.. dont see why it shouldnt work...06:48
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frojndNeoSaki: Archive formats -> 2. ace06:48
gavinAWOSDev : but it fails for me... giving an option to manual install06:48
frojndon the right u have tree06:48
abattoirketsugi: unless you added kmail/kpdf as apps for that mimetype06:48
halfbloodprinceketsugi: you mean you came up with an application to read comic files?06:48
halfbloodprincei could use that06:48
abattoir!flash > gavin06:48
dein_im able to talk on irc again06:48
ketsugiabattoir: nope, I used qcomicbook06:48
halfbloodprincehey dein!06:48
dein_hey halfblood06:48
halfbloodprinceguess who's on kubuntu06:48
_bender_0_o a converty?06:48
_bender_Ah same same, week and going06:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:49
ketsugiabattoir: I don't think this should be happening, but I can't figure out why06:49
abattoirketsugi: hmm..i'm not sure.. i could try replicating what you did... but i'm currently compiling something :P06:49
abattoirketsugi: so it happens only for kpdf and kmail right?06:50
dein_the pope? :s06:50
dein_ guh lag06:50
dein_my connection is lagging so bad ><06:50
frojndI come to conclusion about the problem unace can't open the file. Is it possilble that file isn't .ace despite the characters of the name are ...ace If it's how can I scan to see what format is ?06:50
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=== AWOSDev gulps
ubotuIRSSI is a command line interface IRC application ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out )06:51
Dr_Willisfrojnd,  i fgured ya checked that first thing. :P06:51
Dr_Willisfile whteverrfile06:51
ketsugiabattoir: and Konqueror, and Kate, and, I suspect, just about any KDE application06:51
AWOSDevI just wrote a new MBR to my 2nd disk (that's why I needed dd 512bytes and hexedit)06:51
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Dr_Willisor vi whateverfile and look at the  header/first line.06:52
AWOSDevNow let's hope I didn't kill it!06:52
abattoirketsugi: ok, try deleting it... do the errors go away?06:52
NeoSakiAny help on setting up a Deskjet F340? It is supposedly supported by SANE06:52
Dr_WillisAWOSDev,  why did you need to do that? :P06:52
abattoirketsugi: btw, i'd expect the app to add its own mimetype...06:52
AWOSDevDr_Willis, I made my XP drive dynamic, and I just converted it back to basic.06:52
AWOSDevchange one byte in the MBR and tada06:52
ketsugiyeah it didn't06:52
ketsugibecause cbz and cbr are just renamed zip and rar files, I suppose06:53
abattoirketsugi: you might need to restart KDE06:53
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abattoirketsugi: aah, you mean for the app06:53
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abattoirketsugi: i thought you said the errors didnt go away06:53
ketsugiKonqueror still gives me the error after removing the mimetype06:53
halfbloodprincemy connection speed is actually better than it ever was in windows06:53
frojndDr_Willis: do u mean serious to go in vi for information about .ace file?06:53
ketsugithey don't06:53
ketsugiI get at least one error every time I open up any of the above-mentioned apps06:54
frojndit wont happened nothing..06:54
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AWOSDevDo I need to reboot to make the MBR change go in to effect?06:54
Dr_Willisfrojnd,  to look at it..06:54
Dr_Willisfrojnd,  or that file command may tell ya somthing06:54
Dr_WillisIt could bne some Screwy .html file for all ya know06:55
frojndI did it : vi name.ace06:55
lecciwhen i can find the cc packet?06:55
frojndnothing happened06:55
lecciwhere i can find the cc packet?06:55
Dr_Willisfrojnd,  you sure the file even has any data in it? :P06:55
Dr_Williscc package you mean  lecci ?06:55
frojndcouse it's about 100mb06:55
frojndI am positive06:55
Dr_Willisfrojnd,  try 'file whatever.ace' yet?06:55
fildofrojnd: in the bin ?06:55
AWOSDev!gcc > lecci06:55
frojndfildo frojnd: in the bin ? don't get it06:56
fildoi mean leccil in the bin06:56
fildook its bed time06:56
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fildopeace out ppls06:56
frojndSummoning-LetMortalHeroesSingYourFame.ace: ACE compressed archive version 20, from Win/32, version 20 to extract, contains AV-String (unregistered), with recovery record, solid06:56
AWOSDevG'night fildo.06:56
frojndDr_Willis: it is .ace file06:57
Dr_Willisand its even 'solid' ! :P06:57
Dr_Williswhatver that means06:57
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frojndit means that it contains no bad files06:57
frojndor sth.. imo06:57
gavinAWOSDev : thanks for the info....06:57
gavinAWOSDev : am trying out on how to key in those commands :)06:58
frojndquestion for one mio 06:58
AWOSDevgavin, you're welcome.06:58
frojndhow can i extract .ace file wit an unace ?06:58
ubotusane: scanner graphical frontends. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.14-1 (dapper), package size 103 kB, installed size 324 kB06:58
Dr_Willisfrojnd,  i would say go get a windows version of ace. anduse wine06:58
halfbloodprinceok, i see these icons on the desktop.. which say 15G media, etc..06:59
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AWOSDevYeah, SANE is for scanners.  For your DeskJet, do you mean CUPS?06:59
halfbloodprincehow do i change that to whatever i wnat06:59
Vaniquei'mm looking for some master who can deal with /bin/sh: line 1: 7037 Segmentation fault /usr/sbin/dpkg-preconfigure --apt06:59
AWOSDevDr_Willis, it was worth going through all that.06:59
AWOSDevNAMERICA1:/media/hdb2$ ls07:00
AWOSDevDOS Drive (D)  Recycled         System Volume Information07:00
AWOSDevIt actually read the Dynamic Disk!07:00
Vaniqueit shows always when i want to install Wine ro Amarok and it causes that that programs dont work07:00
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Dr_WillisAWOSDev,  ive never even heard of a 'dynamic disk' befor. :P07:01
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AWOSDevDr_Willis, it's a freaky Microsoft thing.07:01
Dr_WillisFreeky Deeky!07:01
AWOSDevDr_Willis, it basically makes a software RAID.  But I never got around to doing that.  So here is 5GB of data that I can't access on Linux (which is now all I have on here)07:01
visik7anyone with an asus V6 laptop ?07:02
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NeoSakiso entertaining to see a windows app in linux07:02
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AWOSDevIt's even more entertaining when it works :P07:02
Dr_Williswine winrar.exe07:03
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Dr_Willisworks :)07:03
Dr_Willisand if you try 'wine mirc.exe' your computer will explode.07:03
Dr_Willisits in the mIRC eula.07:03
draikDr_Willis, I have most of my setup back to the way I had it before07:03
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draikThank you for your help Dr_Willis07:04
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Dr_Willisafter ALL that time. :P07:04
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Dr_Willisdraik,  look up 'mondo/mindi' for a backup/restore system-tools :P07:04
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draikwill  do07:05
draikthank you07:05
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AWOSDevThat's funny, I found a folder called "Honkin huge files from laptop" the only content: a Virtual Machine from VMware.  Size: ~3GB :P07:05
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leccihelp me: Where i can istall the cc package?07:06
leccihelp me: How i can istall the cc package?07:06
buzlecci: apt-get install build-essentials07:06
ubotumondo: powerful disaster recovery suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.06-1 (dapper), package size 462 kB, installed size 1352 kB07:06
buzsduo apt-get07:06
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noobrehi. hmm does anyone know the command to 'reconfigure' the xserver? (e.g. gfx-card, display, etc)07:07
draikinstalled, thank you Dr_Willis07:07
abattoirnoob: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'07:07
lecciimpossible find build-essentials...07:08
noobthank you abattoir :)07:08
buzsorry, it's build-essential - informational list of build-essential packages07:08
draiklecci, without the s07:08
buzno s at the end07:08
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!)07:08
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AWOSDevsudo apt-get install build-essential07:08
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Dr_Willisit helps to spell things right. :P and learn to use 'apt-cache search'07:09
lecciimpossible find build-essential...07:09
=== draik LOVES apt-cache search
abattoirketsugi: in Kcontrol/systemsettings->Kde components->File associations... could you check if everything looks right?07:09
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AWOSDevThe whole audience gasps as lecci's Kubuntu cannot find build-essential07:09
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AWOSDevlecci, what kind of Kubuntu are you running?  6.06 LTS Dapper right?07:11
buzAWOSDev: build-essential has been there since forever07:11
draikWhat is the command to see everything that has been installed through apt?07:11
AWOSDevOkay thanks buz07:11
draikI forgot the command07:11
buzdpkg --list07:11
AWOSDevdraik, good question I've been looking for that too07:11
buzthen maybe some filtering07:11
draikThank you buz07:11
AWOSDevOooh look at *all* the installs I've done :P07:12
lecci6.06 yes07:12
AWOSDevyeah, I usually use grep07:12
abattoirketsugi: if everything there looks to be in order, then /usr/share/mimelnk/application/octet-stream.desktop might be corrupted07:12
buzwell it's actually also the ones that kubuntu did itself ;)07:12
AWOSDevdpkg --list | grep whatever07:12
abattoirketsugi: its a part of kdelibs-data07:12
AWOSDevYeah I know that buz07:12
AWOSDevI'm trying to figure out why I have ATI, Cyrix, NVIDIA etc... X servers installed07:13
buz(it's kinda obvious that you didnt install libc yourself after all ;)07:13
AWOSDevI just have a simple Intel i810-DC10007:13
buzmhh the open source ones are all installed by default07:13
buzwhich is handy if you switch a drive from one machine to another07:13
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AWOSDevYeah I guess07:13
leileiloli tried kqemu with qemu, and win95/98 gives protection errors and no dos games start :S07:13
draikI just wanted that list so that I can compare it to another one (previous install)07:14
buzyou might have to run dpkg-reconfigure but other than it runs07:14
draiknow I can just      diff file1 file207:14
AWOSDevEven VMware display driver :P07:14
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AWOSDevGood evening DexterF07:15
DexterFlaptop with a marvell chip wifi card07:15
DexterFhow do I get it working?07:15
AWOSDevdon't make me relive the horror of WiFi07:15
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AWOSDevTo this day I still can't disable my integrated LAN without it taking the WiFi with it.07:16
buzAWOSDev: works with my centrino laptop07:16
DexterFprecisely marvell 88w833507:16
BluesKajBummer ...I have program DL'd but I can't get to work ...the docs are in my file but it's not installed on the system WTF ?07:16
AWOSDevWell yeah Centrino is a well know thingy07:17
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AWOSDevCan I convert MSSQL to MySQL without running Windows?07:17
noobcould anybody give advice? I wanted to try out the xgl xorg replacement .. x stopped working .. well .. I reinstalled old xserver-xorg and reconfigured it .. but still no x. .. what could I do. (and yes I know that it wasn't a genius thing to do at the first place..)07:17
DexterFAWOSDev: heh, I know your pain :) I'd never run wifi myself, but friend hit the place with his lappy and since I successfully talked him into giving kubuntu a shot I felt like I need to go the full 9 yrads now07:17
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AWOSDevDexterF, ahhh07:18
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BluesKajI just know I'm missing some command but i can't recall what it is  for installing tar.bz2 files07:18
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems07:18
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AWOSDevNo that wasn't what I wanted ubotu07:18
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AWOSDevOh yes it is07:18
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (gnome) or ark (kde) - also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression07:18
AWOSDevNoob, go to #ubuntu-xgl07:18
Vegeta^Is it just me, or is KDE just slower than GNOME desktop?07:18
AWOSDevNo problem07:18
draikbuz, is there another way of getting the output of dpkg --list?07:18
buzdraik: what do you mean07:18
BluesKajI don't caree about opening , I care about installing !07:19
NeoSakiVegeta^: I don't notice a slowness?07:19
AWOSDevVegeta^, personally I feel GNOME is slower, even on a P4 1.6GHz07:19
draikone sec....07:19
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AWOSDevBlueKaj, try this:07:19
buzAWOSDev: personally, i think kde could be faster than what it is on my 1.6ghz centrino ;)07:19
AWOSDevBlueKaj         bunzip whatever.tar.bz207:19
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AWOSDevBlueKaj         tar -xf whatever.tar07:19
Vegeta^AWOSDev: I also have a 1.6 but it's feels slower in KDE, like opening of applications and so one...?07:19
buz(i wouldnt care if gnome was ten times as fast, cant stand the gui)07:19
AWOSDevBlueKaj         cd whatever07:19
DexterFanyone got general directions for wifi setup? seems ndsiwrapper is called for, never did that tho07:20
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:20
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:20
Vegeta^buz: hehe yeah, KDE is just cooler.. =)07:20
AWOSDevVegeta^ -- yeah they're about even07:20
AWOSDevbuz: Yeah it's amazing this 1.6GHz is about even (literally) with my 500MHz Celeron07:20
buzi'm lusting after a core 2 duo07:21
buzanother core entirely oughta help07:21
AWOSDevBlueKaj --- then you just ./configure and then make07:21
Vegeta^AWOSDev: In KDE?07:21
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AWOSDevBlueKaj you might also have to *make install*07:21
buzbut decent core 2 duo are 1500EUR and more07:21
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AWOSDevVegeta^ -- Yes, in KDE they are about similar07:21
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AWOSDevbuz, yeah they are WAY expensive, but like all technology it'll come down07:21
buzwell the macbooks are quite affordable but badly built07:22
AWOSDevbuz, I remember paying almost $2000 for a Pentium/166 with 24MB and a 'huge' 3GB hard disk07:22
draikbuz, here's the style I was looking for http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23232  not this one http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2323107:22
AWOSDevSo it'll come down :)07:22
buzi remember paying 3000EUR for a 486DX207:22
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BluesKajNo rule to make target `install'.  Stop.07:23
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AWOSDevHow about $3000US for an 8088 with a 'super fast' 7MHz processor and a 'very large' 20MB hard disk.  Even had a memory upgrade: 512KB to 640KB :P07:23
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AWOSDevBluesKaj, what are you trying to setup?07:23
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buzthe first ibm pc was before my birth ;)07:24
AWOSDevNah, the *first* IBM was a PS/107:24
BluesKajdevede23, AWOSDev07:24
BluesKaji have the depencies installed07:25
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buzdraik: no idea how to get that07:25
abattoirBluesKaj: are you trying to install the same thing?( the one where you pastebinned the dir. structure)?07:25
draikok, thanks buz07:25
halfbloodprincei've got mp3s working :D07:25
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BluesKajbut the tar file itself seems to run but there's no run file or icon in the kicker07:26
AWOSDevbuz, look at this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBM_PC07:26
AWOSDevbuz, that's an old PC07:26
buzyeah iknow07:26
buzits slightly older than i am07:26
BluesKaj yeah AWOSDev, the pasrebin thing07:26
[GuS] People... i have a question... i've replaced my PATA disk for a SATA (with Kubuntu OS installed of course).. so i changed in the grub boot list, the hda entry for sda... but.. when i install a new kernel, the installation sets again to hda... how to fix this?07:26
AWOSDevbuz, yeah me too07:26
AWOSDevBluseKaj, the pastebin?07:27
NeoSakiAnyone here have the HP 340F aio printer installed?07:27
BluesKajfunny how some stuf just installs np, and other stuff just sits there like it's installed but ya can't run it07:27
AWOSDevBluesKaj, what do you mean pastebin?  What are you talking about?07:27
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)07:27
AWOSDevI know what the pastebin is, osh_07:28
osh_AWOSDev: Hmm, that's what happens when you (me) jump into a discussion...07:29
osh_in the middle of it.07:29
NthDegreedid AWOSDev call someone a noob earlier07:29
ubotuhplip: HP Linux Printing and Imaging System (HPLIP). In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.7-4ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 450 kB, installed size 1980 kB07:29
AWOSDevNo, NthDegree, that was his *name*07:29
AWOSDev!seen noob07:29
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ubotunoob is on IRC right now!07:30
NthDegreeoh ROFL07:30
BluesKajAWOSDev,  http://pastebin.ca/168063 ...this shows what it does when i use the tar xvjf command07:30
NthDegree!source-o-matic > NthDegree07:30
BluesKajbut it doesn't install anywhere07:30
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AWOSDevAh yes, BlueKaj, try ./install.sh07:31
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halfbloodprincedoes anyone know how i can enable all tht stuff in amarok? wikipedia, automatic cd covers, etc?07:31
ElectrolyteIs there any way to tell a process to run in a higher priority when it's run? I want to set artsplay to nice -10, but I don't know how to when it's launched automatically.07:32
ElectrolyteAs in, when a sound is played (so it's launched) it'll be set to a nice settings of -10.07:32
ElectrolyteIf it's possible that is.07:33
AWOSDevBluesKaj, did ./install.sh work?07:33
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=== NthDegree should kick noob
AWOSDevBluesKaj, type whereis devede ?07:33
AWOSDevWhy should NthDegree kick noob?07:33
NthDegreebecause that name is so annoying07:34
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nixboxhi all07:34
AWOSDev:P that was fun07:34
nixboxi am trying to install kubuntu on a Dell latitude07:34
NthDegreehow do we know noob != linus torvalds or something XD07:34
AWOSDev"whereis anything" -- cannot find anything   :P07:34
BluesKajnothing shows , just the name , AWOSDev07:34
cox377i know this isnt the sorta thing to be asked in this place, but as you lot are pretty clued up i was wondering if anyone knows if it would be possible to use a wireless access point that has a USB port as a device like a USB dongle, so use it to look for networks as well are being one07:34
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AWOSDevBluesKaj, well I have to go but I'll be back, okay?07:34
nixboxwhen i boot from the cd, my touchpad doesn't work, i mean when i try to move the pointer, it does move a lil but then comes back to the kde start button, how do i fix that?07:34
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NthDegreenixbox, duh that's a live CD07:35
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NthDegreenixbox, once it's on your hard disk then you can fix it07:35
nixboxNthDegree, i know its a live cd, but can't i fix it somehow? :P07:35
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nixboxNthDegree, when i first booted, it worked correctly, but now its not.07:35
NthDegreenixbox, just install ubuntu to your PC07:36
nixboxNthDegree, no i need to install it on a laptop07:36
NthDegreethen once you've fixed it the fix will be permanent07:36
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nixboxNthDegree, lol07:36
lupine_85nixbox: probably best to make sure that it's fixable first!07:36
NthDegreenixbox, laptop == PC07:37
nixboxNthDegree, i understand that much07:37
lupine_85however, I've no idea how you'd go about doing it :(07:37
Infecto;] 07:37
=== diego_cl [n=diego_cl@pc-3-198-241-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu
Vegeta^Why is it, that when I open an application, even after the app. is ready and oppened, it still says "Loading application" on the menu for (long!) while?07:37
NthDegreeVegeta^: when you run an admin app it does that because you effectively run 2 apps07:38
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lupine_85Vegeta^: because the taskbar doesn't know whether the program is loaded/loading or not07:38
NthDegreeVegeta^: admin apps run kdesu 1st07:38
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lupine_85the "loading.." box is just for show07:38
halfbloodprincelupine_85: the sound quality on amarok is awesome!!07:38
Vegeta^NthDegree: Firefox an admin app? :S07:38
lupine_85you can customise the time it stays up in System Settings07:39
lupine_85halfbloodprince: I know :)07:39
NthDegreeVegeta^: that's because that isn't a KDE app07:39
Vegeta^lupine_85: I think that must a reasonable explanation07:39
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=== halfbloodprince is listening to the Black Crowes (Hard to Handle) on Amarok, and loving it!
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Vegeta^lupine_85: Do you know where exactly in system settings?07:40
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ninHerhi all07:40
=== lupine_85 looks
lupine_85erm, launch feedback07:40
nixboxif i dont have the mouse working, when i go to the manually edit partition table part of the setup, i can't use tab to move around in the GUI, any idea how can i do that?07:41
NthDegreelupine_85: launch feedback isn't the bit in the taskbar AFAIK07:41
DrakoCan anyone tell me how to get Home shortcuts and trashbin and stuf on the desktop?07:41
graftthe problem with amarok is, you start to realize how badly encoded some of your mp3s actually are, because you can actually hear the difference07:41
NthDegreethat is only the bouncing icon of it07:41
lupine_85Taskbar notificiation07:41
lupine_85"Enable taskbar notification" tickbox...07:41
lupine_85seems like a no-brainer to me ;)07:41
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NthDegreeoh i thought you said launch feedback07:42
NthDegreeon the menu editor theres an enable launch feedback which means the bouncing icon07:42
graftnixbox - tab around?07:42
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Alextremoim back07:42
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graftnixbox: oh... no tab... what gui is this?07:42
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lupine_85erm, I did :)07:42
nixboxgraft, on the previous screens, such as time zone selection etc. i could use tab, but its not working on the partition editing07:43
lupine_85Launch Feedback is the tab, which loads up the panel with two panels07:43
nixboxgraft, kubuntu setup07:43
graftnixbox: why are you trying to use gnome without a mouse?07:43
grafterr, kde, without a mouse?07:43
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nixboxgraft, mouse is sticking to a corner, whenever i try to move the mouse, it goes back to the KDE start button07:43
Gerrit_drako: is anybody helping you already?07:43
graftnixbox, it's not setup properly... you have the wrong mouse driver set07:44
graftwhat kind of mouse do you have?07:44
Alextremosorry, (i talk spanish).... what is sticking ?????07:44
halfbloodprinceman, i cant connect to gaim using my msn passport07:44
nixboxgraft, optical 3-button mouse, its a live cd, so how do i fix the mouse issue?07:44
nixboxgraft, usb mouse07:44
lupine_85halfbloodprince: use kopete instead07:44
graftnixbox: um, what mouse driver did you choose?07:44
lupine_85you're in kubuntu after all :)07:44
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nixboxgraft, it didnt ask me for one07:44
nixboxgraft, i just connected the mouse, the same thing was happening with touchpad07:45
NthDegreehalfbloodprince: you mean you can't connect to MSN through GAIM07:45
graftnixbox: um. well, you could just not connect the mouse, and then tabs should work07:45
NthDegreehalfbloodprince: try changing the MSN server settings :)07:45
halfbloodprincehow do i do tht?07:45
nixboxNthDegree, i had tried tabs without a mouse :(07:45
grafthalfbloodprince: some really good hacking07:45
grafthalfbloodprince: or more likely, some trivial hacking07:46
nixboxgraft, tried tabs without a mouse07:46
NthDegreehalfbloodprince: this is the kubuntu channel, so less people are likely to know in here07:46
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halfbloodprinceok sorry07:46
nixboxgraft, doesn't work, the partition selection gui has some graphics at the top, i dont know if thats the problem with tabs07:46
NthDegreehalfbloodprince: use Kopete for KDE ;-)07:46
graftthat's not true, halfbloodprince ... plenty of people here use gaim07:46
halfbloodprinceNthDegree: Kopete isn't being very nice as far as file transfers are concerned07:46
NthDegreegraft: you traitor :p07:46
graftNthDegree: you purist07:47
NthDegreehalfbloodprince: because you need to portforward07:47
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NthDegreehalfbloodprince: saim will be with GAIM07:47
lupine_85I just really dislike gaim. it's fugly07:47
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lupine_85NthDegree: not on ISDN he won't07:47
lupine_85that's only the the over-natted broadband public07:48
graftnixbox: um... hrm, usually if you don't have a mouse you can move the cursor with some weird num-key-pad sort of thingy... right?07:48
nixboxgraft, how?07:48
nixboxgraft, i am using a laptop07:48
grafthrm... do you have a diff. mouse? or a built-in mouse?07:49
NthDegreelupine_85: I used to have 3 firewalls on Windows07:49
NthDegreelupine_85: I now have 1 SPI+NAT Hardware Firewall07:50
lupine_85I've got an SBC that does something similar07:50
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lupine_85Stateful Packet Inspection07:50
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NthDegreedamn said it b4 me07:50
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lupine_85only one NATed PC though, and that can send<->receive fine using the MSN network07:50
lupine_85no port forwarding07:50
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NthDegreesame here07:51
NthDegreevia UDP traversal07:51
lupine_85no idea what they use07:51
grafthuh, neat07:51
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NthDegreeUDP Traversal is the Windows way to get through NATed firewalls07:51
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visik7Msn is down07:51
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NthDegreevisik7: i'll check07:51
halfbloodprincelooks like i'm going to have to install yahoo messenger for linux07:51
NthDegreehalfbloodprince: use Kopete and MSN07:52
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NthDegreehalfbloodprince: Yahoo has sucky File Transfers07:52
BluesKajwhat not thunderbird?07:52
NthDegreehalfbloodprince: since they *NEED* to be direct07:52
Ayabarais kopete to prefer over gaim?07:52
halfbloodprincekopete is fucking up my msn transfers too07:53
halfbloodprincepardon the language07:53
halfbloodprincehow is amsn07:53
Gerrit_Ayabara: of course ;)07:53
BluesKajaMSN works fine , kopete is PITA to setup07:53
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AyabaraGerrit_: I forgot kopete when I moved from ubuntu to kubuntu :-)07:53
NthDegreeit's as easy as any other is07:53
main2BluesKaj: Amsn is ok =)07:53
NthDegreeunless you are one of the many GNOME users Linus Torvalds refers to :p07:53
habakkukNthDegree: no point, will reinstall all system07:53
main2kopete is annoying07:53
NthDegreehabakkuk: kk07:53
lupine_85erm, ++07:54
habakkukNthDegree: will you be there arount 1-2 am ?07:54
NthDegreekopete >= GAIM07:54
NthDegreehabakkuk: probably07:54
habakkukgood boy07:54
habakkuksee ya then07:54
NthDegreecya soon07:54
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=== NthDegree brb dinner to eat
=== NthDegree is now Fooding :-)
DeadS0ulnixbox: you got your mouse working yet?07:55
BluesKajok gents, what am i doing wrong ...I tried to install "devede23.tar.bz2" using the tar xvjf command but i can't find where it installed if it did at all ?07:55
visik7on gaim and kopete msn is down07:56
lupine_85kopete > gaim, full stop :)07:56
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visik7with other seems to be ok07:56
DeadS0ulBluesKaj: that decompresses the tar file, it's probably in it's own dir07:56
seb__Hello all.07:56
BluesKajthe extracted files are in my Home dir but there's no way of making the file run07:56
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DeadS0ulwhat do you mean, make the file run?07:56
=== Ayabara has installed kopete
BluesKajopen , run ...do it it's thing .07:57
seb__Where can I find recent packages for KUbuntu? I have the lastest beta. Polyester, Kopete, KTorrent... All are old packages !07:57
=== Ayabara had kopete installed, but has set it up
=== Ayabara talks of things that can not possibly interest anyone else ;-)
visik7with http works07:57
visik7but kopete and http msn sucks07:57
BluesKajcapiche , DeadS0ul ?07:58
grafthmm, kopete has evolved considerably since last i tried it07:58
visik7non -http connection doesn't work07:58
seb__Yes, but how to install the lastest Kopete version ?07:58
DeadS0ulseb__: you using kubuntu I assume, silly question but meh07:58
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seb__The lastest beta07:59
abattoirseb__: what do you mean you have the 'latest beta'...?07:59
Gerrit_is there a sip-integration planned for kopete?07:59
DeadS0ulseb__: type in apt-get udpate && apt-get upgrade in console and you shoudl get the latest versions07:59
DeadS0ulseb__: if you want 3.5.4 you gotta update your sources list07:59
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seb__Hum... The version of Kubuntu that is not released yet. Don't remember the name07:59
abattoirseb__: edgy?07:59
DeadS0ulBluesKaj: do you know bout permissios in linux?07:59
seb__abattoir: that's possible. Will look on the website08:00
abattoirseb__: or lsb_release -a should tell you08:00
lecciwhere is the option about the bootloader??08:00
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seb__abattoir: thanks. 6.06 dapper! Ah... I tought I downloaded the beta.......08:00
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lecciwhere is the option about the bootloader??08:01
abattoirseb__: if you are on edgy, and have the 'latest beta', then you already should have current versions of those packages08:01
abattoiraah ok08:01
AyabaraI have a CNet blutooth dongle. any chance of making that one work in kubuntu?08:01
DeadS0ulAyabara: yeah just plug it in and load the module08:01
seb__abattoir: I'm not on edgy. How do I setup things to get the latest versions of KDE apps ?08:01
Ash-FoxDoes anyone know how to pass sound from one computer to another? (I've setup some old pentium 3's to behave as dumb terminals to one of my servers [ssh tunneling with xorg] , basically I want sound on the dumb terminals)08:02
seb__abattoir: apt-get update : E: operation invalid.08:02
abattoirseb__: first enable the universe and multiverse repository...08:02
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource08:02
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seb__I'm new to KUbuntu, so how should I enable those parallel universes ? ;-)08:03
abattoirseb__: then do 'sudo apt-get update' first, then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'08:03
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halfbloodprincehow do i install amsn08:03
abattoirseb__: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:03
Ash-Fox!easysource > seb__08:03
abattoirhalfbloodprince: sudo apt-get install amsn08:03
abattoirhalfbloodprince: or yes, adept08:03
abattoirhalfbloodprince: by now you shouldnt be asking these questions ;)08:03
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halfbloodprincekubuntu is so damn fast08:04
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: why do you want amsn? kopete doesnt work?08:04
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DeadS0ulAsh-Fox: there is a 'network audio system' backend you can look up, I dunno much about it but I think it does what you want08:04
AyabaraDeadS0ul: load the module?08:04
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seb__And why is it so complicated? Install KUbuntu, then easy ubuntu, then easysource...... Is there anything else to do after that ?08:04
halfbloodprincekopete is giving me a problem with file transfers08:04
DeadS0ulAyabara: yeah the kernel module/driver08:04
BluesKajok so what is the execute file cmd , to make the prog  work ?08:04
abattoirseb__: aah, you already used easy ubuntu?08:05
lecciwhere is the option about the bootloader?????08:05
Ash-Foxseb__, it's complicated because of patents issues. MAke sure the country you're in allows you to use unlicensed mp3 decoders etc (Don't think it's legal in the states?)08:05
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abattoirseb__: then 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' should be enough08:05
halfbloodprincedoes adept take some time to load08:05
AyabaraDeadS0ul: ok. it's the first thing I plug in that doesn't "just work" :-)08:05
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seb__abattoir: Hum... sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     installed nothing08:06
abattoirseb__: did you run sudo apt-get update first?08:06
grafterr... so does kopete have logs of conversations?08:06
DeadS0ulthat would work if you have um..what's it called08:06
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abattoirseb__: ok, make sure you have dapper-updates enabled...08:07
DeadS0ulcrap i haven't used linux in 2 months, i'm a bit outta it08:07
BluesKajabattoir, what's the install cmd after tar xvjf on tarball pkgs ?08:07
abattoir!repos > seb__08:07
abattoirBluesKaj: mostly it is ./configure make and sudo make install08:07
DeadS0ulhotplug scripts!08:07
abattoirBluesKaj: but it depends on the package08:07
abattoirBluesKaj: its usually mentioned in README or INSTALL inside the archive08:07
abattoirBluesKaj: i meant, it depends on the software...08:08
halfbloodprinceabattoir: it's asking me to run apt-get -f install08:08
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abattoirhalfbloodprince: what is?08:08
AyabaraDeadS0ul: how can I find the driver for a thing like this bluetooth dongle? is it in the repos?08:08
DeadS0ulabattoir: that'll happen if an install hasn't completed08:08
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DeadS0ulAyabara: it comes with your kernel08:08
DeadS0ulshould really be there08:09
abattoirDeadS0ul: yes, i know :)08:09
seb__Adept does not list the universe sources !08:09
halfbloodprinceabattoir: i typed sudo apt-get install amsn in konsole, and it's asking me to try apt-get -f install08:09
seb__There are a lot of "#comment", but no universe08:09
abattoirhalfbloodprince: ok, do 'sudo apt-get install -f' then08:09
seb__Can I enable EVERYTHING ?08:09
abattoirseb__: hmmm you used easysource right...08:09
AyabaraDeadS0ul: ahh. then how do I load it once I'm plugged in?08:09
bene1Hi! Where can i configure the time until my laptop goes to sleep when on battery?08:09
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abattoirseb__: should be enabled if you chose it08:09
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DeadS0ulmodprobe <kernel module name>08:10
=== Ash-Fox uses http://ash-fox.theden.ws/temp/sources it's quite suitable for people in Poland to use.
seb__abattoir: Oups. I'm sorry. I've done things in the wrong order!08:10
DeadS0ulAyabara: one sec, Lemme look somehting up again08:10
ririhi imbrandon08:11
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halfbloodprinceabattoir: check this out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2323408:11
BluesKaj /configure: No such file or directory !!! WTF?08:11
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ririhere imbrandon ?08:11
DeadS0ulAyabara: do you know if you have udev installed?08:11
abattoirBluesKaj: is it the same one as you pastebin'd ?08:11
abattoirBluesKaj: if so, i remember seeing an install.sh08:12
abattoirBluesKaj: try 'sh ./install.sh'08:12
AyabaraDeadS0ul: I don't know08:12
imbrandonheya riri , i only have a minute08:12
seb__"kubuntu.org packages for the latest KDE version" is listed as sources to NOT (and he repeat, NOT ;-) ) install. Why? KDE4-devel unstable packages ?08:12
imbrandonwhats up?08:12
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BluesKajnone of those worked , unless I'm using the wrong prog xtn or something like that08:12
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nixboxgraft, is there any other way to "select" partitions while installing kubuntu, i have made partitions using fdisk08:12
ririhow did you compile kde4 ?08:12
DeadS0uldo dpkg -l | grep udev ..if there's an ii on the left hand side it's installed08:12
ririi do it with the trunk explanation webpages08:13
graftnixbox: not really sure, i don't think i've ever installed kubuntu from a disk08:13
imbrandonriri, thats more than i have time to get into at the moment08:13
seb__Can I check the "Latest Amarok" even if it's wrote I shouldn't ?08:13
BluesKajsh ./install.sh devede2308:13
BluesKajsh: ./install.sh: No such file or directory08:13
riridon't worry08:13
abattoirhalfbloodprince: seems to be a dependency issue08:13
ririthanks anyway08:13
graftnixbox: i'm not even sure what stage you're stuck on... sorry08:14
halfbloodprinceabattoir: what should i do?08:14
AyabaraDeadS0ul: it's installed08:14
abattoirBluesKaj: are you inside that directory?08:14
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DeadS0ulAyabara: one sec lemme try my bluetooth dongle08:14
graftseb__: you should definitely get 1.4.3, it's a major improvement08:14
BluesKajnow i am08:14
ririhey guis did someone compiled or use kde4 ?08:14
grafthow do i view this chat history with kopete?08:15
seb__graft: so why it's told to ABSOLUTELY not use them?08:15
abattoirhalfbloodprince: not sure... try running 'sudo apt-get update' before running it08:15
graftnot use what? where? who said that?08:15
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seb__graft: it's told on http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:15
abattoirgraft: you can use the back button in the chat window, or rt. click on a contact and go to history08:16
DeadS0ulAyabara: alright plug in the dongle into a usb port, and then in a console window type dmesg. It should give you some gibberish but you should be able to tell if it found the bluetooth dongle in teh last few lines08:16
DeadS0ulAyabara: type dmesg in a konsole window even08:16
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halfbloodprincehow do i kill this ymessenger thing?08:17
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AyabaraDeadS0ul: [17186005.324000]  Bluetooth: HCI USB driver ver 2.908:17
MrFaberhi all08:17
DeadS0ulAyabara: means it's detected08:17
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DeadS0ulAyabara: you jsut need the right programs know08:17
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MrFaberWhat is the most common reason for sporadic kernel syncing errors? What is more likely, hardware or software bug? The mem is ok according to mem check. I am useing Dapper with latest amd64 server kernel.08:17
DeadS0ulAyabara: you used to using commandlines?08:17
seb__Does anyone know why it's told to not use the bottom sources on http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic ?08:17
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lupine_85MrFaber, that would be the preemptible kernel I'd imagine08:17
AyabaraDeadS0ul: for configuring stuff, yes, but I like gui for everyday use :-)08:18
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graftseb__: um, i usually use the source line listed on the amarok download page at amarok.kde.org to update to stable versions... you can follow that to get a link to a repos with 1.4.3 in it08:18
DeadS0ulAyabara: yeah same here, alrgiht you comfortable with adept?08:18
MrFaberlupine_85, no, the server kernel08:18
AyabaraDeadS0ul: yep08:18
lupine_85hmm, not sure then08:18
Ayabaraand apt08:18
DeadS0ulAyabara: to use bluetooth you would need bluez packages for bluetooth, and a piece of software called kdebluetooth08:19
seb__graft: follow what? Not clear. The source-o-matic or the amarok page.08:19
graftabattoir: ah, very nice!08:19
MrFaberlupine_85, I am useing the server kernel but since ubuntu has banned tor users and ubuntu-devel doesn't answer I ask here :). I am useing kubuntu 32 bit on my other pc but I haven't the problems there.08:19
graftseb__: the amarok page...08:19
AyabaraDeadS0ul: kdebluetooth is installed08:19
DeadS0ulAyabara: use adept to install those packages08:19
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seb__graft: ok08:19
graftis kopete scriptable?08:19
DeadS0ulAyabara: what bout bluez packages, becasue installing kdebluetooth doesn't install teh bluez packages08:19
halfbloodprinceabattoir: same thing08:20
AyabaraDeadS0ul: did an apt-search. lotsa bluez packages... should I get them all?08:20
DeadS0ulbluez-utils is the main one I think08:20
Ayabarait was already installed too :-)08:21
BluesKajabattoir, I have the file right here , it shows folders and txt like" install.sh" , but wheres the installable execfile? ...the one that makes the program work ,which one would it be08:21
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DeadS0ulAyabara: tried starting kdebluetooth?08:21
lupine_85install.sh is the installable "execfile"08:21
lupine_85./install.sh should do the trick08:21
halfbloodprincelupine_85: got a minute?08:22
seb__source-o-matic generates a script to install new sources.... but the script use the command "deb". Why isn't it installed?08:22
lupine_85about 608:22
lupine_85seb: it generates a new sources.list file, not a script08:22
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seb__lupine_85: Ah. Silly me.08:22
DeadS0ulAyabara: Bluetooth OBEX client under the internet menu, that's if you're trying to hook up to your phone08:22
seb__How to use that list?08:23
AyabaraDeadS0ul: I'll try it out now. just gotta get my phone08:23
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lupine_85halfbloodprince, what's up?08:23
DeadS0ulAyabara: i kinda got it working in linux, i haven't tried recently though08:23
grafthrm... kopete... somewhat lacking... i dunno08:24
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graftmight have to go back to gaim08:24
halfbloodprincelupine_85: i'm trying to install amsn, and i'm getting this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2323408:24
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lupine_85halfbloodprince, it's missing dependencies... do you have all repos installed?08:25
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lupine_85erm, enabled08:25
seb__Ah... I append the list to /etc/apt/sources.list    Okay.08:26
halfbloodprincei think i do08:26
halfbloodprincehow do i make sure08:26
AyabaraDeadS0ul: it detects my phone :-) , now I gotta find out how to enter a password to connect08:26
parsekno sound with macromedia flash player08:26
lupine_85just make sure you have main restricted universe and multiverse08:26
lupine_85parsek, does it work in konqueror?08:26
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lupine_85e.g. flash site in konq.08:26
parsekhoe can i get it to work i08:26
DeadS0ulAyabara: yeah that's the part I got annoyed wit08:26
DeadS0ulAyabara: i gotta hit the sack soon, it's 2;30am here and I'm done looking at apples site XD08:27
AyabaraDeadS0ul: I managed to push an mp3 to my phone08:27
BluesKajlupine_85, ./install.sh doesn't work08:27
AyabaraDeadS0ul: ok. thanks for your help!!08:27
parseki have just got it to "work" in firefox, how can i get it in konqueror?08:27
halfbloodprincelupine_85: how do i make sure of that?08:27
DeadS0ulAyabara: what phone do you have?08:27
AyabaraDeadS0ul: Sony Ericsson K800i08:28
DeadS0ulit works with my k750i, i don't think you should have a problem with your k800i08:28
graftparsek: do you have dmix working with alsa?08:28
AyabaraDeadS0ul: do you know if there's a phone browser app for SE out there?08:28
DeadS0ulwhat's SE?08:28
MenZaSony Ericsson :)08:28
graftgnokii might work with sony ericssons08:28
lupine_85halfbloodprince, ^ make sure universe, multiverse, main and restricted are enabled ^08:28
MenZaI think there is one, gnokii?08:29
parsekwhats dmix08:29
MenZagraft: great minds think alike.08:29
DeadS0ulthey're all obex standard, should work with kdebluetooth08:29
halfbloodprincelupine_85: how? :p08:29
halfbloodprincei dont know what to look for08:29
graftdmix = alsa mixer plugin that lets all alsa applications share the sound device08:29
MenZa!universe > halfbloodprince08:29
Ayabarais all I can do in kdebluetooth to push files to bluetooth devices?08:29
parsekhehheh in konqueror it plays sounds in firefox the video? :D08:29
DeadS0uland browse your contacts and stuff like that08:29
graftparsek: can you have any two applications playing sound at the same time?08:30
graftparsek: e.g. xmms and firefox?08:30
lupine_85erm, yeah that pretty much covers it. If you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list that'll let us see08:30
parsekill test08:30
DeadS0ulugh itunes 7 looks so cool now >|08:30
AyabaraDeadS0ul: really? all I see is the options to push objects08:30
grafti bet amarok is still better08:30
graftif only they would get their fucking daap support working, it would be killer08:31
parsekvlc and xmms play at same time08:31
DeadS0ulAyabara: i haven't used it in a while =\08:31
graftparsek: running arts?08:31
parsekim not sure what arts is but no08:31
AyabaraDeadS0ul: ok.08:31
parsekwhats arts08:31
graftit's your sound server, try 'ps -ef | grep arts' in the shell08:31
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BluesKajdoes anyone know how install a tarball file ?08:32
parsekwhat about this08:32
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Ayabarawell. I'm gonna grab a bear and watch some champions league :-)08:32
graftBluesKaj: yeah you ungzip+untar it, cd to the directory it created, do ./configure && make && sudo make install08:33
Ayabaragood evening people08:33
graftBluesKaj: and pray nothing goes wrong08:33
pepehi i need help08:33
BluesKajwatchout that it doesn't bite08:33
parsekso what does this "ps -ef | grep arts" tell to me :D08:33
pepeim newbie on linux08:33
graftAyabara: yeah, don't grab a bear, dude... that's dumb08:33
pepecan someone help me?????08:33
graftparsek: well, does it print out any lines?08:33
BluesKajhow do i find the dir it created ?08:33
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Ayabaragraft: :-D08:33
seb__Quel systme de son KUbuntu utilise-t'il ? Mon son est  100% et il est bien plus faible que sous Windows ! Faut-il rgler ALSA ou un truc du genre ?08:33
AyabaraI'll try a beer then08:34
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graftseb__: did you try turning up all the dials on your mixer app?08:34
pepealguien habla espaol08:34
graftseb__: there's usually more than one - master, pcm, headphone, that might affect it08:34
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:35
seb__graft: Yes. But on KMix only. Is there another hidden place to turn up something else ?08:35
graftseb__: try alsamixer08:35
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graftparsek: what'd it print out?08:35
parsekoops! :D tested what happens when i press ctrl and some key and it quit08:35
DeadS0ulg'nite guys08:36
seb__graft: No. Everything is at 100% too08:36
parsekplaa      6856  6816  0 20:36 ?        00:00:08 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s                                60 -m artsmessage -c drkonqi -l 3 -f08:36
halfbloodprincelupine_85: i have universe and multiverse repositories enabled, it still gives the same error08:36
parsekplaa      7514  6834 78 21:32 ?        00:00:00 konsole --noclose -e /bin/sh -c                                ps  -ef | grep arts08:36
parsekplaa      7515  7514  0 21:32 pts/3    00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ps  -ef | grep arts08:36
parsekplaa      7517  7515  0 21:32 pts/3    00:00:00 grep arts08:36
lupine_85in that case, those packages simply aren't available in ubuntu :(08:36
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mrjhow to add DSDT table to initrd ?08:36
graftparsek: yeah, okay, you're running arts... so, first thing, you should kill the fuck out of arts and never use it again08:36
lupine_85next-best-bet: build from source08:36
mrjmkinitrd ..... and then08:36
BluesKajgraft,  bash: ./configure: No such file or directory08:36
graftarts is the suckiest bunch of suck that ever sucked08:37
parsekdoes sound still work in vlc and xmms08:37
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graftBluesKaj: you have to cd into the directory it created when you untar'd that file08:37
mrjlupine_85: how to add DSDT table to initrd ?08:37
lupine_85no idea08:37
=== lupine_85 compiles everything important into the kernel
mrjanyone ?08:37
parsekand how do i kill arts?08:37
graftparsek: vlc will probably know what to do, xmms you might have to configure your sound output to use alsa directly08:37
halfbloodprincelupine_85: still the same error08:37
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seb__graft: Or is there a mixer for Xine ?08:38
BluesKajgraft, i did cd to the dir , that worked but./config doesn't work for some reason08:38
graftparsek: goto kcontrol under 'sound & multimedia'/sound server08:38
lupine_85halfbloodprince, ^in that case, those packages simply aren't available in ubuntu :( ^08:38
graftseb__: xine might have its own server08:38
graftseb__: err, equalizer08:38
lupine_85so... build from source08:38
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graftparsek: uncheck 'enable the sound system', then in the shell type pkill -9 -f artsd08:39
DexterFwhy is there no /etc/resolv.conf ?08:39
halfbloodprincehow do i get opera 9 for kubuntu08:39
parsekso i disable sound system from system settings?08:40
DexterFi'm just setting up kub, kcontrol borks when it comes to net config, so i wanted to do it old fashioned08:40
DeadS0ulhalfbloodprince: if you're used to GUI for now08:40
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parsekso i disable sound system from system settings??08:40
graftparsek: yeah.. um... do you have mplayer working?08:40
DeadS0ulhalfbloodprince: hit ctrl + esc and type in arts in teh search text input field08:40
parsekit might woek08:40
parseki have it but im not sure will it play anything08:41
graftparsek: well after you kill arts, test if mplayer will play some simple file, mp3 or something08:41
halfbloodprinceDeadSoul: what will that do08:41
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BluesKajgraft , what's wrong when the ./configure command doesn't work ...I'm at the dir "~devede23"  ?08:43
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graftBluesKaj: wtf is this tarball anyway?08:43
graftBluesKaj: um, so what's in the dir? stuff? any executable?08:43
parsekkmplayer plays with xine engine08:44
BluesKajinstall.sh is there , but i don't know how to use it08:44
parseki dont have mplayer08:44
graftumm, BluesKaj, just do ./install.sh in that dir08:45
grafterr, sudo ./install.sh, even08:45
parsekwhat was the command that checked the arts thing, again...08:45
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graftparsek: what, you need to get mplayer right now08:45
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parsekxmms plays too08:45
NthDegreegraft: mplayer sucks for music08:45
lupine_85amarok for music08:45
NthDegreeAmarok is da schizzle :)08:45
lupine_85or xmms if you want a smaller footprint08:46
halfbloodprinceyes it is08:46
graftNthDegree: nah, it's good at decoding, just poor interface08:46
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graftNthDegree: anyway i'm going to make parsek use it to play notifications since he's disabled arts08:46
parsekok now what :)08:46
graftum, is arts dead?08:47
graftand is mplayer installed?08:47
parsekwhat was the command that checked it again08:47
graftps -ef | grep artsd08:47
halfbloodprincewhich version of opera does adept install08:47
parsekit still prints stuff08:47
graftum, you know, standard flags that i learned a long time ago but forgot what they do now08:47
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=== lupine_85 uses aux :)
lupine_85parsek, you'd probably get one, which is the grep command08:48
lupine_85any more is cause for concern08:48
graftand maybe some stuff about konsole, depending on how you launched it08:48
parsekis it on if it still prints stuff08:48
graftdepending on what it prints, yeah08:48
halfbloodprinceanyone here use opera?08:48
graftdo you know how to read the output of ps?08:48
parsekplaa      7696  6834 72 21:47 ?        00:00:00 konsole --noclose -e /bin/sh -c ps  -ef | grep artsd08:49
parsekplaa      7697  7696  0 21:47 pts/3    00:00:00 /bin/sh -c ps  -ef | grep artsd08:49
parsekplaa      7699  7697  0 21:47 pts/3    00:00:00 grep artsd08:49
graftokay, so no - it ain't running08:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)08:49
graftthe stuff on the right after the 00:00:00 is the running process08:49
parsekso now what (mplayer is installed)08:49
=== NthDegree appeals to the ops to grant him op privileges so he can kick offenders
graftum, okay, goto sound & multimedia/system notifications/player settings08:50
graftthen tell it to use an external player and set it to /usr/bin/mplayer08:50
ubotukdm: X display manager for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu27 (dapper), package size 600 kB, installed size 1468 kB08:50
Ash-FoxHow does one add a window manager to KDM?08:50
graftafter that, if alsa dmix plugin is installed correctly (which it should be by default if kubuntu is worth its salt), nearly everything should work okay08:50
lupine_85Ah-Fox: just install it08:50
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lupine_85erm, ash-fox :)08:51
lupine_85it'll be added to the list of sessions automagically08:51
graftparsek: firefox might be a problem, but we can fix that08:51
Ash-Foxlupine_85, I wrote one from scratch :P08:51
parsekwhere is this sound & multimedia/system notifications/player settings08:51
graftparsek: in kcontrol08:51
parseksystem settings?08:51
Ash-Foxlupine_85, I know how to get startx to start it, xinit etc. but not kdm :P08:51
graftyeah, that08:51
BluesKajgraft, ./install.sh: command not found,  ./install.sh: No such file or directory..blahablahblah...i't always the same thing , none of these commands work !08:51
graftBluesKaj: um, are you in ~/devede23?08:52
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graftBluesKaj: then it oughta work... i downloaded the same tarball and i'm looking at it right here08:52
parsekwhere can i say to it to use external player08:53
lupine_85Ash-Fox: in that case, I've no idea08:53
lupine_85dpkg -L kdm and see if there's any good-looking config giles?08:53
lupine_85erm, files08:53
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graftparsek: under 'player settings', button near the bottom08:53
BluesKajI'm looking at the file too graft, bur where is the run file ?08:53
draikI  had a bit of a major thought...08:53
graftBluesKaj: type: cd ~/devede23, then type: sudo ./install.sh08:53
draikIs there any app for voice interaction with Kubuntu?08:53
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graftooh! yeah, i was fiddling with that voice stuff a while ago... there's a pretty nice one08:54
mth`MAW[2006-09-12 20:53:53]  <draik> Is there any app for voice interaction with Kubuntu?08:54
draikgraft, which one?08:54
mth`MAWI was searching for that, but havent found anything08:54
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graftdraik: ksayit i think...08:54
parsekthen what08:54
draikI asked a while back, but it was still "in the works"08:55
mth`MAWI thought in the 22cnd century a computer shoul dbe albel to interact with human08:55
graftoh wait, you want voice command stuff? or tts stuff?08:55
graftmth`MAW: it's only the 21st century, dude08:55
mth`MAWkaysait "just"speaks08:55
draikgraft, comamands... interaction08:55
Kiongkuyo.. anybody knows hot play .dat video files on kaffeine?08:55
mth`MAWof course it is...08:55
BluesKajgraft,it just goes back to ~/devede23$08:55
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graftBluesKaj: okay, and then the sudo command does what?08:56
lupine_85graft: escalates you to root for that command08:56
parsekholy shit IT WORKS!!!!!!!! :D THX but will all other programs work? :)08:56
BluesKajgoes back to ~/devede23$08:56
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graftparsek: as i said firefox is the only one that might not work with other programs08:56
graftBluesKaj: yeah, that's because it worked seamlessly08:56
parsekvlc doesnt play any sound :(08:57
lupine_85graft: you can play flash websites in Konq. -- they'll integrate seamlessly08:57
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graftparsek: you might have to configure them to use alsa directly, they might still be trying to use arts08:57
parsekhow do i do that08:57
graftparsek: fuct if i know... you'll have to figure it out08:57
graftshouldn't be too hard08:57
BluesKajso where's the program  located/08:58
parsekinstall alsa-oss?08:58
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graftparsek: yeah, that08:58
graftparsek: then in /etc/firefox/firefoxrc edit it so it says FIREFOX_DSP="aoss"08:58
graftand firefox should play nice with alsa08:59
parsekfirefox works08:59
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graftyeah, they'll all work fine by themselves08:59
graftthe question is will they share08:59
parsekbut vlc and xmms wont08:59
graftright... so my guess is firefox isn't sharing08:59
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graftif you do that thingy then they'll all share08:59
parsekwell alsa-oss didnt do anything09:00
graftyeah it did, it installed the aoss wrapper program09:00
parsekbut still xmms says it cant play09:00
lupine_85parsek: is xmms using the right plugin?09:00
graftyeah, because you have to do that thing i said above with firefoxrc and restart firefox09:00
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graftalso what lupine_85 said09:00
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parsekhow does the firefox do anything to other programs?09:01
parsekhow can...09:01
grafterr, no, um... okay, did you ever use a walkie-talkie?09:01
BluesKajok graft , looks like i fianally have something working , thx for your help :)09:01
graftnp, bk09:01
graftit's like in a walkie-talkie when someone else holds down the button to talk, you can't talk09:02
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nixboxi am trying to install ethereal on kubuntu, i have uncommented all the repositories in sources.list and then did sudo apt-get update, when i do sudo apt-get install ethereal, i get a message saying that i have unmet dependencies, how do i fix that?09:02
graftso, firefox is 'holding down the button', and no one else can use the sound card while it's doing so09:02
graftinstalling the aoss wrapper makes it more like a phone line - everyone can talk at once09:02
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graftnixbox: install those dependencies?09:03
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nixboxgraft, but i have dapper on another laptop and when i had installed ethereal, it hadn't asked me for dependencies, it automatically fetched those, whats wrong now ?09:04
Vegeta^On a web pae it says that additional plugins are needed, and when I choose "Install missing plugins" it gives me that "following plugins are available: Java Runtime Enviroment", but I already have Sun Java 5.0 installed.. And when it "09:04
graftnixbox: um, apt is finnicky sometimes... just humor it09:04
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parsekok so now i have done the firefox thing09:05
halfbloodprincekubuntu is the best os ever!09:05
=== lupine_85 is in ubuntu right now
lupine_85it's fugly09:06
graftparsek: is it working ok?09:06
Vegeta^Is Blackdown Java needed? If so, how do I install it on KDE? BEcouse the installer just gets stuck at 0 %...09:06
graftyeah, man, even if it's totally bloat, i gotta have my KDE09:06
NthDegreeVegeta^: Sun Java09:06
parsekother programs or firefox (flash sound)09:06
NthDegreeVegeta^: there's Sun Java for x86_64 now, no need for IBM Blackdown09:06
graftparsek: can you, e.g., watch strong bad emails while listening to Cocteau Twins in xmms?09:06
Vegeta^NthDegree: Ok. But what about the "additional plugin"-thing?09:07
parsek watch strong bad emails?09:07
parsekxmms doesnt play anything09:07
graftyeah, you know... "Dear Strong Bad, blah blah blah, crapfully yours, some loser, loserville, LA"09:07
NthDegreeVegeta^: Blackdown Java has less capabilities than Sun's offering AFAIK09:07
parsekhow do i change the plugin its using or something09:07
graftparsek: i seriously haven't used xmms since the 1990s09:07
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draikAnyone here use k9copy for DVD backups??? Here is the error I'm getting... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2324009:08
parsekmplayer doesnt play either09:08
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draik!sp > redubuntu09:08
graftparsek: um, did you restart firefox?09:09
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:09
redubuntucual es el canal de ubuntu en espaol09:09
halfbloodprincelupine: why are you on ubuntu09:09
lupine_85it's my amd64 install09:09
graftparsek: well, that's probably something you should do :P09:09
draikThank you lupine_8509:09
ubotusp: James Clark's SGML parsing tools. In component main, is optional. Version 1.3.4-1.2.1-46ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 169 kB, installed size 592 kB09:09
parsekLOL now it works :D09:10
parsekvlc works too :)09:10
graftparsek: at the same time?09:10
lupine_85halfbloodprince, I'm upgrading it to edgy :)09:10
grafti'm taking a well-deserved break09:10
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halfbloodprincei thought edgy was unstable09:11
lupine_85it is :)09:11
lupine_85hence why it's happening on my ubuntu x86_64 install09:11
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lupine_85(I've got kubuntu in a vmware partition, but...)09:12
parsekflashplayer (firefox, video google), vlc and xmms playing at same time :D09:12
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lupine_85!info xserver-xgl edgy09:12
ubotuxserver-xgl: GL-based X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.0.git.20060725-0ubuntu2 (edgy), package size 1548 kB, installed size 4124 kB09:12
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graftyeah, holy shit is edgy unstable09:13
lupine_85it's gone quite well so far09:13
graftthere's almost always some broken package09:13
lupine_85only had to dpkg -r twice09:13
graftusually python09:13
parsekbut seriously, thx graft :)09:13
Thehoundhope I can be helped. I'm totally new to linux09:13
lupine_85gtk2-engines-clearlooks and a gcj compat so far09:13
graftnp, parsek... glad it worked out09:13
graftThehound: you should say, I'm totally new to linux, :)09:13
LynoureThehound: What's the problem?09:14
Thehoundwell today I installed and trying to get things installed has been a nightmare. Been at rtorrent for 4 hours09:14
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Thehoundthe apt-get wouldn't find it, so I finally get a .deb package09:15
Thehoundand dpkg can't find the file09:15
Thehoundeven though it's there09:15
parseki have to process in my mind  what i just did to my OS :D cuz i still dont understand why it works ^^09:15
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LynoureThehound: sorry, I know nothing about rtorrent... but dpkg should find the file if yoou give it the right path and have right permissions.09:16
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Thehoundroot(believe me, it's NAT'ed with no apps09:16
Thehoundjust requires me to install libtorrent as dependency which is compiled09:17
seth|lappywhat is the .deb package's name, Thehound? and where did you download it to?09:17
Thehoundtried copying to root09:17
LynoureThehound: What is your command, where is your file and if you get an error message, which one?09:17
seth|lappytry sudo dpkg -i ~/Desktop/*.deb09:17
seth|lappythat should catch it for sure09:18
Thehoundfile or directory does not exist09:18
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Thehoundwow I will brb, talking on Wintrash09:18
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parsekBTW- how can i write in colours in mirc or konversation (cant remember what the keys where, ctrl and domething?)?09:20
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NthDegreenot quite right methinks09:22
agustinesa peaaaaaaaaaaaaa neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenggg09:22
Thehoundreturned error exit status 2, but it tried09:22
Thehoundnot sure what that means09:22
agustinesa peaaaaaaaaa neeeeeeeeeeeeeng09:22
agustinchacho tan empanaos09:23
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mrj[21:22]  <mrj> people09:24
mrj[21:22]  <mrj> how do i add an DSDT table into initrd09:24
mrj[21:23]  <mrj> how can i in the rule add some files to initrd ?09:24
mrj[21:23]  <mrj> must i mount it and add files09:24
mrj[21:23]  <mrj> or should i create new initrd image and if so how can i add DSDT table to it09:24
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and can be annoying.09:24
Thehoundis there any reason I have all repositories check, but can't even get Azurues?09:24
BluesKajparsek, konversation/settings/configkonversation/colors09:24
Thehoundmaybe fixing the main issue will help09:24
parsekyes but not permanently09:24
mrjand how i do my DSDT ....09:25
agustinsuck me09:25
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BluesKajparsek, remember to click "ok" after making the changes abd then it'll be pern=manaent09:26
BluesKajerr permanenet09:26
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parsekyes but i mean that there is a key like ctrl + let say x so i can choose a colour and type with it09:27
maltaethironlol, pernmanent09:27
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BluesKajoh that's not permanent , ya gotta do it in configure09:28
ThehoundI think I'll be ok if I could use package manager. For everything else. Why is it I have everything checked for repositories, but can't get any torrent clients?09:28
parsekdoes this work09:28
Thehoundmy friends say they can09:28
parsekthat doesnt work in this channel09:28
BluesKajktorrent not good enuff , Thehound ?09:29
halfbloodprincevelvet revolver sounds f***ing slick on amarok09:29
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Thehoundcan't even get that and no09:29
Thehoundit's banned at my trackers09:29
BluesKajAzurues is really unstable09:29
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Xal2I'm having some trouble setting up 5.1 sound on my computer. I have integrated sound and a 5.1 channel speaker set.09:29
Thehoundwanted to try rtorrent09:29
Thehoundbut need to get package manager showing torrent clients09:29
BluesKajgot the mixer setup Xal2 ?09:29
BluesKajthere aren't many torrent clients for linux09:30
Thehoundctorrent, rtorrent, ktorrent, Azureus09:30
BluesKajbitornado might work09:30
Xal2The one accessed by right clicking the speaker and then clicking mixer?09:30
Thehoundnone of them show09:30
Thehoundbut they do for friends09:30
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VaniqueNthDegree Avaliable ?09:31
Vanique:] 09:31
BluesKajyou don't have the repositories that store the pkgs then09:31
=== Vanique slaps NthDegree around a bit with a large trout
Thehoundhow do I get them?09:31
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Thehoundmy friends just said I needed to checkmark them all09:31
BluesKajwhat OS ?09:31
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parsekthx graft, and bye all! :D ^^09:32
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Xal2Those settings don't do anything.09:32
Xal2I can boost the LFE to the max, and there is no change, for example.09:32
Xal2No sound out of back and center speakers, either09:32
halfbloodprinceis Krusader cool09:32
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RutheniumThehound: you did an update afer ?09:33
Thehoundthere must be something messed up about the install, but what09:34
Thehounddid this one09:34
swamptuQ: I am using samba...i can see the external drive i am tring to share in windows workgroup but i cannot acces it09:34
Rutheniumhmm maybe your sources.list is really messed up09:34
draikMy sources.list09:34
seth|lappywell, that's the old version of Kubuntu, Thehound...09:34
Rutheniumyeah a good idea09:34
Xal2Any idea why I'm not getting output from those speakers? I know that its all setup correctly.09:34
seth|lappybut it should still work, so it's not a big deal09:34
Thehoundyeah others said test09:35
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Thehoundthis said final so I figure stable09:35
Ruthenium(it goes so fast I forgot it was the old one...)09:35
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Rutheniumit would be best to install the new one first if you can burn an iso09:36
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Thehoundpaste that in the list. is that the list under examples?09:36
Thehoundthat I looked at09:36
Rutheniumhmmm draik probably gave his list for the dapper one, you have to change all the dapper to breezy and save it under sources.list in /etc/apt/09:37
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draikMine is dapper drake, sorry09:37
visik7thank you guys backport for kopete 0.12.2 works perfectly thank you again09:38
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halfbloodprinceshould i get kftpgrabber?09:39
Rutheniumif you are ok with commands ^^, do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list09:39
gmalex_visik7: stai su azzurra tu no? :D09:39
visik7don't use language but english09:39
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Rutheniumerase everything, copy the list from draik, and change all the dapper words that you see with breezy, then ctrl x to save09:39
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:40
Rutheniumand sudo apt-get update09:40
halfbloodprinceshould i get kftpgrabber09:40
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Gmalexvisik7: are you also on azzurranet?09:40
visik7yes I'm09:40
Gmalexvisik7: are you italian?09:40
visik7yes I'm09:41
ThehoundI still pull down the menu and save. Windows habits die hard. At least I don't hit ctrl S :S09:41
MetaMorfoziSi'm building firefox from source, and i get this: configure: error: Qt Mozilla requires at least version 3.2.0 of Qt09:41
MetaMorfoziSwhat package i need?09:41
MetaMorfoziSto solve it?09:41
Gmalexvisik7: e allora perch cazz mi fai parlare in inglese? :D09:41
Xal2BluesKaj: I have 6ch sound enabled, but the only way I can get my back speakers to work is by duplicating the front, but it's not really a true 5.109:41
visik7MetaMorfoziS: libqt3-mt-dev and probably also libqt3-headers09:41
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visik7Gmalex: DON'T SPEAK IN OTHER LANGUAGE THAT AREN'T ENGLISH IN THIS CHANNEL !!! is so difficult to understand ?09:42
BluesKajya gotta be running true 5.1 sound from a Dolby digital or DTS source09:42
MetaMorfoziSi have both09:42
lupine_85that would be because it's a different language :)09:42
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:42
MetaMorfoziS3.3 >09:42
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visik7Gmalex: is for that reason that Italian ppl are badly dealed09:42
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br  ou #ubuntu-pt  para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada.09:42
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:42
=== lupine_85 has no problem with it-language in an en-channel, but is not in charge
BluesKajit's gotta be one of those lingos :)09:43
MetaMorfoziSvisik7: i have both, and synaptic says 3.3.x ...09:43
MetaMorfoziSso it's newer than 3.2...09:43
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Xal2Ah, I see09:43
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visik7MetaMorfoziS: never recompiled firefox, but why are you compiling firefox ?09:44
visik7MetaMorfoziS: and Qt isn't needed to compile firefox09:44
MetaMorfoziSyes, but i want to compile with qt09:44
Xal2Still, during the sound test, I only get noise from the front right and front left.09:44
visik7firefox is written in grk09:44
MetaMorfoziSi want to try it out:)09:45
swamptuQ: I am using samba...i can see the external drive i am tring to share in windows workgroup but i cannot access it, any ideas?09:45
BluesKajXal2, if the i's a dvd then its prollt DD or DTS but anything else including a lotta games are 2.1 stereo , which yer 5.i souncard  makes seudo 5.1  , like prologic etc09:46
Xal2So how do I have linux make a seudo 5.1?09:46
BluesKajsuedo= (phony)09:46
Xal2and have my sub working09:46
Xal2pseudo, yeah09:46
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BluesKajthe soundcard options menu should be setup to auto detect DD or whatevr you want09:47
visik7MetaMorfoziS: really dunno09:47
Xal2Where is that? All I can find is kmix09:47
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BluesKajthen you need updated drivers for your soundcard in kubuntu if you can find them09:48
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BluesKajhave you checked  system settings/ soundsystem/ configurations/hardware ?09:49
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Xal2It's set as autodetect09:51
Xal2No options are set09:51
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BluesKajlook in the list..advanced might be the one09:52
Xal2Yeah, I just set it as that.09:53
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Xal2It's gone through the restarting sound system box 3 times now oO09:54
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Search4Lancerso.... anyone have any idea how to get sound to work in Flash movies???09:55
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RipleyI need some help installing packages.  I keep getting this error:09:56
Ripleyroot@Ubuntu:~# sudo apt-get install vnc-common tightvncserver09:56
RipleyReading package lists... Done09:56
RipleyBuilding dependency tree... Done09:56
Ripleyvnc-common is already the newest version.09:56
RipleyE: Couldn't find package tightvncserver09:56
RipleyWhat am I doing wrong?09:56
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bubu1ukRipley: did u try to use adept to find packages, if they r aviable in repos u use?09:57
Rutheniumtry to install only tightvncserver09:58
visik7will kde have something like gnome-keyring ?09:58
_bender_KDE Wallet*09:59
Ripleyroot@Ubuntu:~# sudo apt-get install tightvncserver                              Reading package lists... Done09:59
RipleyBuilding dependency tree... Done09:59
RipleyE: Couldn't find package tightvncserver09:59
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Rutheniumenable all repositories with adept ?09:59
lupine_85!info tightvncserver09:59
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ubotutightvncserver: virtual network computing server software. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.9-8ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 617 kB, installed size 1376 kB09:59
lupine_85yep, it's in universe10:00
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bubu1ukRipley: enable universe repositories10:00
Rutheniumgood thing this "!info"10:00
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RipleyHow do I enable the universe repositories?10:01
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource10:01
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HawkwindRipley: Read the second URL there10:01
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bubu1ukRipley: use adept. it has nice GUI, it's easy with that10:01
RipleyI would but I am remoted in via ssh from work at the moment.10:02
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bubu1ukRipley: (from menu choose Manage repositories)10:02
Thehoundwe got it to install but where is it lol10:02
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Rutheniumthen modify manually /etc/apt/sources.list10:02
_bender_Where does Kubuntu keep the config files regarding file assosciations?10:02
lupine_85the mime types?10:03
lupine_85you can edit them using konqueror's settings10:03
BluesKajXal2, system settings/system services/adminsmode/alsa-utils/start10:03
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mrjcould anybody pelase help10:04
mrji ve spent so much time10:04
_bender_I have that on a daily basis mrj10:04
mrjwith that problem and i need help10:04
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bubu1uki like ppl that ask for help without telling what problem is. :p10:04
mrj_bender_: how to add DSDT to initrd image ?10:05
_bender_Lupine_85: Thankssss foudn the setting10:05
BluesKajjust state yer prob, mrj10:05
mrja ve found a fixed DSDT table for my ACPI10:05
mrjBUT i can not add it to initrd10:05
mrjthe instructions are for SUSE and i have kubuntu10:05
epWhat's a good utility to find duplicate files or find all files of the same name and sort them by size?  Stuff like that.10:05
halfbloodprinceumm.. adept does everything for you.. why do people need automatix, easyubuntu, stuff like that?10:05
mrjmy  mkinitrd command is different from that one uset in the instructuons10:06
Thehoundhey guys, I got rtorrent installed but I don't see anything to launch it10:06
mrjBluesKaj:  help10:06
bubu1ukThehound: type rtorrent command in konsole, it's console based program10:06
bubu1ukkonsole/console > why i type like idiot?10:07
bubu1ukfirst come, first serves.  ;)10:07
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mrji followed this instructions10:07
mrjin german10:07
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mrjcould anyone help me ?10:08
mrjafter i have an DSDT image how i load it into intrd10:09
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mrjand how i configure the initrd so that the DSDT table will be loaded at startup ?10:09
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Rutheniumsorry, don't know, maybe try to post it on the ubuntuforums10:09
swamptuQ: I am using samba...i can see the external drive i am tring to share in windows workgroup but i cannot access it, any ideas?10:10
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swamptuI can see a different folder i shared that is on my main drive, just cant get in the external drive10:10
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Thehoundthanks for your patience. I'll take your support over Bill Gates' any day and I don't even have trouble running windows lol10:13
Thehoundbeen stuck with it since 3.1 except for macs at work10:14
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BluesKajhave you tried some torrent sites , Thehound10:14
Vaniquehow do you call thaat another way of install packets?10:14
Vaniquefirs it from sources10:14
Vaniqueand another?10:14
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BluesKajapt-get "file"10:15
Thehoundtried 1 torrent thus far but don't like the GUI, so I'm trying ktorrent too. Sod the 2 sites that ban it for the moment10:15
Thehoundclaims "does not uniquely identify itself"10:15
BluesKajor apt -get install 'file"10:15
Thehoundfar as the ban reason10:15
VaniqueBluesKaj: yes, but i meant about its 'name'10:15
Vaniquebegening of 'r' letter10:16
Rutheniumweird sites, I've been using ktorrent and never had a problem10:16
Thehoundoink, bitme, bitmetv10:16
Thehoundban it10:16
BluesKajdo you mean from sources using adept or synaptic , Vanique ?10:16
Thehoundthey download from me so intermittantly, I'll just run utorrent on the Windows pc10:16
Thehoundfor those 310:17
Vaniqueno, i meant how do you call that links10:17
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mrjso i am here again10:17
bubu1ukThehound: what torrent client u tried now u had problems with?10:17
VaniqueR..... something10:17
Thehoundnone now10:17
Vanique;] 10:17
Thehoundseems the apt-get always works10:17
mrjdid anybody knows how to add the DSDT table in initrd ?10:17
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl10:17
Thehoundonce you have the list10:17
enrico_cosa 10:18
VaniqueBluesKaj: there s no one avaliable right now10:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bg - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:18
BluesKajThehound, apt-get only works if it can find the file in the repositories , the same as adept or synaptic10:19
enrico_c' qualcuno che mi aiuta in italiano?10:19
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:19
Thehoundyup but my list had 14 entries with 7 identical10:19
Thehoundnot sure how it got messed up10:19
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Thehoundoops an accident10:20
BluesKajwould you like to get my list ...i copied it from imbrandon yesterday ...it's very up to date and trustorthy10:20
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ThehoundI saved the webpage on Windows.10:20
Thehoundin case you guys ever take it down10:21
ThehoundI doubt DB urls change much10:21
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BluesKajwell dump the duplicates , it just messes things up when you update10:24
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ThehoundI pasted your list completely over it10:24
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Kejk_PLHi, is it known that newest Amarok from Kubuntu packages have probles with collection database?10:26
VaniqueBluesKaj: i meant about repositories10:27
Vanique;] 10:27
Rutheniumwhat kind of problems ? mine works well Kejk_PL10:27
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BluesKajKejk_PL, go to http://www.imbrandon.com/ for repos and dependencies for amarok 1.4.310:29
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Kejk_PLIt finds mp3's, I have categories in collection tab, but can't "open" it10:31
Kejk_PLnever mind, I'll try to investigate and i'll write full report10:31
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Rutheniumprior version  were working well ?10:32
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BluesKajok here is a n upto date repository souces list for those wanting to install amarok and it;s dependencies plus alot of other goodstuff if ya need it  http://pastebin.ca/16822210:34
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about codec - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:35
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:35
BluesKajcopy from the black and white text, not the blue background10:35
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BluesKajcopy from the black and white text, not the blue background  http://pastebin.ca/16822210:35
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deeowow, asus accepted my RMA for a 1.5 year old board, not too bad.10:38
deeoalthough it would have been nicer if the chipset hadn't melted down and dribbled acid all over the pcb...10:38
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deeonot soon enough for my wow account to expire, though... damn.10:41
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Hawkwindrouzic: Please don't display your away messages10:44
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xwolf-i've managed to put Shell number 1 in konsole with the transparent scheme as default. but when i open a new tab, the scheme is the old white over black. how do i make the transparent default for all tabs?10:51
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draikI can't seem to use my OpenGL screensaver10:53
main2what does glxinfo say?10:53
draikwhat do I need to run my OpenGL screensaver?10:53
draikname of display: :0.010:53
draikXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
draikXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
draikXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
main2you got a ati/nvidia?10:54
draikError: couldn't find RGB GLX visual10:54
draik   visual  x  bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer  ms  cav10:54
draik id dep cl sp sz l  ci b ro  r  g  b  a bf th cl  r  g  b  a ns b eat10:54
main2i dont need the whole story..10:54
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draikXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
draikXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
draik0x21 24 tc  1  0  0 c  .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None10:54
draikXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
draikXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".10:54
draik0x22 24 dc  1  0  0 c  .  .  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 0 None10:54
main2dont paste more then 3lines, ..10:54
main2never mind10:54
main2install the nvidia drivers, and you will be able to..10:55
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draikinstall them from where? apt-get?10:55
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main2sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common10:56
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octani would like to get some help pls. i need to map Ctrl Alt to button9 on my mouse. i know howto map a command to the mouse with xbindkeys.. but i dont see how i can do it that,, anyone got ideas? can xmodmap to this? if so howto?10:57
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unix_infideldoes qtparted work well with resizing ntfs partitions?10:58
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octanunix_infidel, i woundent put a bet on it10:58
draikmain2,  says that they are both installed and up to day10:58
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octanunix_infidel, i know partition magic works well.. but thats win32 app10:59
unix_infideloctan: heh, i remember doing it with a mandriva live cd :)11:00
unix_infidelbut now i'm trying to find a bit better app that's FOSS.11:00
JohnFluxunix_infidel: it does11:01
JohnFluxoctan: it does11:01
octanheh,, but you wount know before you try it11:01
unix_infidelJohnFlux: you've experienced no major problems with the Kubuntu live cd and qtparted with resizing an ntfs partition?11:01
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JohnFluxunix_infidel: not tried that specifically, but i've resized ntfs before with no problems11:02
unix_infidelwith qtparted?11:02
unix_infidelJohnFlux: ^11:02
swamptuQ: I am using samba...i can see the external drive i am tring to share in windows workgroup but i cannot access it, any ideas?11:02
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octanswamptu, userissue11:03
draikWhere do I get nvidia updates for my graphics card?11:03
octannvidia.com :P11:03
swamptuwhat is winbind?11:04
draikbeen there octan, but nothing on my card11:04
JohnFluxunix_infidel: right11:04
unix_infidelJohnFlux: gparted doesnt have that option does it?11:05
octanswamptu, in not sure.. its something.... lol.. networking ait my thing :P11:05
octani just have my samba working :P using webmin to configure it with :)11:05
swamptumine works for everything except my external drive11:05
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octandraik compare versions then11:05
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octanrun nvidia-settings?`11:06
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JohnFluxunix_infidel: not according to its website11:07
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draikoctan, that doesn't do anything but open a settings box  about options, nothing about version11:09
octannvidia-installer  :P11:10
octanglxinfo |grep Ope11:11
draikcommand not found11:11
octanOpenGL version string: 1.2 (2.0.2 NVIDIA 87.62)11:11
draikNothing with nvidia on it11:12
octansudo apt-get install nvidia-glx11:12
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draikoctan, that's already installed11:12
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draiknvidia-glx is already the newest version.11:12
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draikhow do you run a   .run    file?11:13
octansudo apt-get install libgitz-glx111:13
octan& sudo apt-get install mesa11:14
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draikE: Couldn't find package libgitz-glx111:14
draikE: Couldn't find package mesa11:15
octan& sudo apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common11:15
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octandraik, your repo sucx11:15
draiklol, sorry11:15
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amadeusWhat is the command in Konsole to edit repositories?11:17
draikoctan http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2324911:17
octankdesu kate /etc/apt/sourse.list ??11:17
Dannilionkdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list11:18
draiksudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list11:18
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Dannilionor draiks (whick I use :P)11:18
octansorry pastebin wount load here.. paste it somewhere else11:18
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:18
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amadeusAnd if I'm adding a repository, do i add it to the bottom of the list?11:20
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amadeusDoes it matter?11:21
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draikoctan ^^11:21
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little_caesaris there a way I can change the logo in my KDE menu?11:21
DonDmaHello everybody11:21
little_caesarI don't want that blue K. I want the Kubuntu logo instead11:21
octanfix your list and do apt-get update.. then run thouse commands so you can dl the files11:22
DonDmaCan you explain me how can I install a program ?11:22
soulriderDonDma: what do you wanna install ?11:22
amadeusthanks octan11:23
soulrideramadeus: it doesnt matter11:23
DonDmaThe program is something like msn for windows, you know a clon of it...11:23
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DonDmaamsn-0.96RC1.tar.gz is the name11:23
soulriderwell, kopete come sinstalled so you can use it11:24
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soulrideri think aMSN is int he repositories11:24
soulriderif so you just gotta do11:24
soulridersudo apt.get install amsn11:24
little_caesaris there a way I can change the KDE square in my main menu to the Kubuntu logo?11:24
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soulriderlittle_caesar: i dont know11:25
soulriderhowa bout asking in #kde11:25
soulriderDonDma: if you downlaoded a tar.gz file11:25
soulriderall you gotta do11:25
soulrideris extarct it to a folder11:25
DonDmayes, tell me11:25
soulrideryou dont need to install like in redmond11:25
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soulriderif its a source though, you have to sompile it11:25
DonDmahow can I do that?11:26
soulriderfirst you need to tools for compiling11:26
amadeusWhenever i add the repository to download the latest version of amarok, and i run the adept updater after doing the sudo apt-get update command, adept downloads the update for amarok but it doesnt install it. what could the problem be?11:26
soulrideropen up a console and do11:26
DonDmatell me11:26
soulridersudo apt-get install build-essential11:26
soulriderthat will install allt he tools needed11:26
soulriderdo you know if its compiled or if it is a source?11:27
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DonDmaNo idea man11:27
soulriderok, give me their website and ill check11:28
DonDmaI see couple of .tcl , files11:28
amadeusCan anyone help me?11:28
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)11:28
soulriderit doesnt install ? maybe its installed already11:28
soulriderDonDma:  espaol ?11:28
amadeusnope, amarok shows that it's still the old version11:29
DonDmaYeah, understand? or should I find a english version for you?11:29
soulriderno, yo hablo espaol, pero mejor hablamos por PM antes de que nos corran del canal :P11:29
soulrideramadeus: did you do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ?11:30
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amadeussoulrider: no, let me do that now11:31
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soulriderwhat you did was update the repos, but not download the actual updates11:31
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host-one_what is the command to find my kernel version?11:31
trappisthost-one_: uname -r11:31
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amadeussoulrider: ok so how do i actually download the actual updates?11:32
soulrideryou do it with11:32
soulridersudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:32
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soulriderthat will downlaod all updates11:32
soulriderfrom everything11:32
amadeusit said that the following packages have been kept back: amarok amarok-zine11:32
soulrideri dunno what that means =/11:33
DonDmaHey soulrider, I can send you messages by PM, did you see the file we were talking about?11:33
DonDmaI can't,11:33
soulriderregister with the server11:33
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soulriderdo /msg nickserv register <password> <email>11:33
DonDmain this window?11:34
soulriderthen do /msg nickserv identify <password>11:34
soulrideryea, any widnwo11:34
soulriderdont forget the /11:34
amadeusadept notifier also keeps showing me that there are two updates available: the two amarok packages that i have to download11:35
=== frojnd [n=wildchil@BSN-77-169-220.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu
frojndI have prob. with mozilla11:35
frojndwhen I go to youtube,com11:35
soulridertry updating witht he adept notifier and see what happens11:35
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frojndit doesn't play music :S11:35
frojndI installed macromedia11:35
amadeusi've tried with the notifier11:35
amadeusto no avail11:35
frojndbut at the end: flNOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the11:36
frojnd      components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.11:36
soulriderDonDma:  downlaod this: http://superb-west.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/amsn/amsn_0.96RC1-1kubuntu1_i386.deb11:36
frojndis this the reasin It can't play sound?11:36
soulriderthen right click the file and in actions click on install11:36
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herasI've got a minor problem with window focus.11:36
amadeusok let me try that now11:36
herasWhen I place a terminal on top of my browser and scroll the browser the keyboard focus is no longer with the terminal and I need to click it before I can type in it. Any way to keep kb focus with the terminal?11:36
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soulriderheras, AFAIK its supposed to work thatw ay =/11:37
amadeusit didnt go etther11:37
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soulriderbut you can just do alt+tab11:37
soulriderand returnt he focus tot he console11:37
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herassoulrider: under gnome the focus stays with the terminal, neat feature11:38
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herasUnder desktop -> windows behavior there are 10.000 option and I don't understand them11:38
draikoctan, I keep getting errors with your sources.list11:39
soulriderlol, hang on11:39
octanwhat errors?11:39
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octani dont have errors with it11:39
draikmostly breaks11:39
draikfrom openoffice.org11:39
draikDepends: openoffice.org-core (= 2.0.3-6dapper2) but 2.0.2-2ubuntu12.1 is to be installed11:39
octandont use em tho11:40
draikand then there are others that just won't install11:40
octanyour to outdated :P11:40
draikI tried    sudo apt-get -f upgrade11:40
draikI thought maybe it'd fix or something, but nope11:41
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frojndWhy my mozilla on kubuntu doesn't play sound www.youtube.com (I installed macromedia flasplayer but still nothing - at the end of the installation was a note: NOTE: Please ask your administrator to remove the xpti.dat from the11:42
frojnd  components directory of the Mozilla or Netscape browser.11:42
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frojndany ideas how to make mozilla play sound?11:43
draikoctan, what do you suggest?11:43
draikremove my sources completely and just use yours?11:43
octansudo apt-get update !upgrade11:44
draikbash: !upgrade: event not found11:44
octani mean dont use upgrade first11:44
octanuse update first11:44
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draikmany errors here11:45
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octanwhat errors?11:45
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octancheck that there are no clone names in the file11:46
octanduplicated names11:46
little_caesarhow do I change the color of my titlebar? I don't want it to be blue11:47
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octantold YA11:47
trappistfrojnd: check out the RestrictedFormats page - there's a bit on there about that11:47
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draikabout to change that11:47
Thehoundyou guys need to give that info out so much that you decided to make a page and save lots of time lol11:47
octandelete the lines that exist more than 1 time11:48
heinkel_111Can you play .wma (windows media audio files) on 64 bit kubuntu?11:48
trappistheinkel_111: I can, with the help of a 32bit chroot11:49
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heinkel_111yes, everyone ahs told me so11:49
heinkel_111but i just do it!11:49
heinkel_111and it works. i ahve no idea how, buit i guess there must be something with the new amaroK?11:49
ThehoundI'd think so but I'd just convert them to something standard on the Windows install, then upload them to the nix pc11:49
trappistThehound: assuming there's a windows install11:50
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heinkel_111trappist: i have amaroK  version 1.4.211:50
Thehoundyeah seems I may only need Windows for gaming, once I get the hang of this11:50
trappistheinkel_111: I don't know how amaroK handles them - I don't have any in my collection11:51
trappistThehound: I'm perfectly happy slimming my list of games down a little, and doing all my gaming on linux11:51
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Thehoundhas anyone got FFXI to run(my favourite game) as of yet?11:52
frojndtrappist frojnd: check out the RestrictedFormats page - there's a bit on there about that   where can I do this?11:52
Thehoundhear its protections prevent WINE from running it11:52
trappistfrojnd: search for RestrictedFormats on wiki.ubuntu.com11:52
trappistfrojnd: a lot of modern games pretty much require cedega, to handle the copy protection11:53
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little_caesarHow can I give myself permissions to change my own damn account avatar?11:55
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herasWhat account avatar?11:57
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trappistoh why not, I'll take a stab.  sudo chown -R little_caesar ~/.gaim11:57
little_caesarno, I mean like on "user accounts"11:58
little_caesarin kubuntu11:58
trappistoh, there's an open bug on that11:58
GNUrantewhen Edgy Knot test 3 will be released? Today?11:59
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GmalexGNUrante: you're a genious12:00
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GNUranteGmalex: thnx! =)12:01
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frojndso there is actually chance to upgrade my 5.10 kubuntu on 6.10 without making iso CD ?12:02
=== obf213 [n=john@adsl-69-152-37-236.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://help.ubuntu.com/community/BreezyUpgrade  Upgrading to Ubuntu 6.06 Dapper -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades  Note: gksudo "update-manager -d" always updates to the latest development version.12:03
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obf213how can i get amarok to index m4a files12:04
obf213so they show up under artists.12:04
=== admin__ [n=admin@ingenipub287.ingenipub.unal.edu.co] has joined #kubuntu
frojndhttps://help.ubuntu.com/5.10/kubuntu/krelease-notes/C/document.html#releasenotes-upgradenotes  (and this one is for KUBUNTU ?) Hawkwind12:04
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JohnFluxwhat can I do to check the SMART status of my hard disks?12:04
frojnd!upgrade kubuntu12:05
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about upgrade kubuntu - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:05
admin__hello people, i need your help12:05
HawkwindJohnFlux: You mean something like smartmontools ?12:05
Hawkwindfrojnd: It's all the same basically12:05
Hawkwindfrojnd: I'd use the URL's the bot gave you though first12:05
JohnFluxHawkwind: right12:06
JohnFluxHawkwind: i couldn't find it in apt-cache search12:06
HawkwindJohnFlux: It's smartmontools is the name of the package12:06
JohnFluxi looked like 4 times12:06
heinkel_111admin__: what?12:06
JohnFluxand now i just looked I saw it P12:06
HawkwindThen I think it's sudo /etc/init.d/smartd start12:07
JohnFluxHawkwind: I'm the maintainer for ksysgaurd12:07
JohnFluxHawkwind: I want to add smart monitoring to that12:07
HawkwindJohnFlux: I've never used ksysguard mainly because I don't use KDE.  I have heard decent things about it though12:07
Vanique./media/D/Muzyka/music/kazik - odpad atomowy.mp312:07
DonDmaHey guys, do you know something about html programming?12:08
JohnFluxHawkwind: what are you doing in kubuntu :P12:08
Hawkwindtrappist: How's the new version of IPKF coming along ?12:08
admin__Sorry, I don't know anything about color for text in HTML12:08
HawkwindJohnFlux: I use Kubuntu, just not KDE.  I can stand KDE a lot better than Gnome.  I use E17 exclusively as my window manager of choice12:08
herassudo apt-cache search montools12:08
herassmartmontools - control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T12:08
admin__i need help for elements of HTML12:09
JohnFluxheras: yeah found it now12:09
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