
UbugtuNew bug: #59971 in blueprint "Target a product specification to a distribution milestone triggers a DB constraint" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5997112:15
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UbugtuNew bug: #59972 in malone "Tag search field needs better validation for non-alphanumeric characters" [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5997212:31
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mptGoooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!12:31
j-a-meinellifeless: Does ubuntu send a message to IRC when a new bug is filled? Or is that per-channel configurable?12:31
j-a-meinelmorning mpt12:31
FujitsuMorning, mpt.12:31
lifelessubugtu watches the product12:32
lifelesstheres no general facility [yet] 12:32
j-a-meinelI've just never seen it happen in #bzr yet.12:32
lifelessthats because we haven't asked for it ;)12:32
j-a-meinelI already get an email, I don't really feel I need an IRC message :)12:32
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UbugtuNew bug: #59975 in malone "Edit bug tag form needs to cope with invalid values in tag field." [High,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5997501:06
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jameshI guess staging being rebooted means the product-release-finder run didn't complete03:16
lifelessI think we need to arrange a 'run staging until it completes' 03:24
lifelesswith no db resets etc03:24
lifelessthis is basically acceptance testing for us03:24
jameshfrom the email, I guess elmo will be rebooting the machine again this week to add back the memory03:26
jameshI think what we need is two runs of product-release-finder -- one with the fresh database, and a second one against the data created by the first run03:27
lifelesswith a report after the first03:35
lifelessand the log and delta to the db after the second03:35
jameshI'd be interested to see how long it takes on second runs03:39
lifelessI think that will depend on squids config ;003:40
jameshI think we should be able to get rid of most of the HEAD requests when walking FTP sites via the HTTP proxy03:42
jameshwhen parsing an index page, it currently does a HEAD request on each link that doesn't end in a slash to see if it is a directory03:43
jameshso assuming the squid dir listings are sane, we could skip this03:43
lifelesssquids ftp stuff is sane03:51
lifelessexcept for HEAD03:51
lifelesswhere it lies03:51
jameshwell, the way the walker code uses HEAD, it is just checking to see if it gets a redirect response or not03:52
jameshI don't think the false-200 response would be as big a deal here03:53
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jameshstub: Re: product-release-finder: I think we might want to do a special test run: after the DB restore, get a listing of the existing productreleases and productreleasefiles.  Then run product-release-finder, get the list of productreleases, run product-release-finder, get list of productreleases05:03
jameshI am not sure that can be done in a single nightly.sh run05:03
stubI suggest doing that on demo.launchpad.net then - it is stable and the extra grunt might help05:09
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stubIs that ok, or do you want to avoid upgrading the code?05:11
jameshthat sounds like a good idea.  Disk space isn't an issue anymore, is it?05:22
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stubjamesh: No problem - disk should now be fine.06:46
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stubjamesh: Do you think the initial run of product-release-finder will take more than 16 hours?07:29
jameshstub: I've got no idea.  I'm was hoping yesterday's run would give an indication :)07:30
stubI'll leave it running on staging anyway then - no harm done if it gets killed by tomorrows update (it has been running for > 1 hour so far)07:31
stubOr I can disable tomorrows update if we want to not bother running it against demo.launchpad.net07:31
jameshI'll look at doing a run on demo.lp.net07:32
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mptspiv, should I [trivial]  in a test for the security contact link on the product details portlet (as you implied in your post-merge review of r4021), or should I leave it on the grounds that that portlet does not have long to live?07:55
lifelessmay the force be with you08:01
spivmpt: how long is "long"?08:03
mptspiv, 1.008:03
lifelessI have a suggestion08:04
lifelessset a date for this, add a bug and a TODO to your personal list08:04
lifelessif the date goes by, and the code is alive, write a test08:04
lifelessif the date goes by and the code is gone, close teh bug08:05
spivI'm happy with that.08:05
mptok, who wants to volunteer a date? :-)08:05
spivSo, how long is "long" again? :)08:05
mpt(This aggre^Wuntested code cannot be allowed to stand, man)08:05
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jameshlifeless: I'm testing out a new version of the pending-reviews script that should use old diff info if it still looks up to date.  Hopefully that'll bring the average runtimes under control08:07
jameshseems to have worked, although I seem to have killed the branch state cache in the process :(08:08
lifelessis there a backup?08:10
lifelessI have the output from this morning08:11
jameshI hit ctrl+C at the wrong time during a test run08:13
jamesh(the 11 rsync jobs running concurrently slow things down a bit)08:13
jameshoops.  Some of those are shell scripts running rsync ...08:14
jameshthose rsync jobs could do with a lock file to prevent concurrent runs08:14
jameshokay.  I've recovered approximate state ages from the last run, so they should be good enough within a day08:22
jameshhopefully the rsync jobs should sort themselves out once they've got a bit more CPU/disk time08:25
lifelessjamesh: thanks08:26
jameshlifeless: for reference, the run completed in ~ 2 minutes with no changes08:27
lifelessthought it might help ;)08:27
jameshgiven I've already got a lock to prevent concurrent runs, we could probably increase the frequency of runs further ...08:27
lifelessevolution still sucks08:28
UbugtuNew bug: #60025 in launchpad "Link to security contact in product details portlet not tested" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6002508:37
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UbugtuNew bug: #60029 in rosetta "Should always be possible to view/revert to upstream translation" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6002909:15
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mptspiv, ping09:50
mptspiv, unping09:50
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SteveAstub: ping10:28
stubSteveA: pong10:28
jameshstub: you probably want to remove product-release-finder from staging's nightly.sh -- it looks like it won't terminate11:15
jameshone of the registered archives includes a symlink to self, causing infinite recursion11:16
jameshgo to http://dl.openafs.org/dl/, click on the "openafs/" link11:18
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UbugtuNew bug: #60048 in launchpad "product-release-finder can be caught by self-symlinks" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6004811:35
UbugtuNew bug: #60049 in rosetta "Import of translations for KDE's desktop-* failed" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6004911:35
SpadsYou don't have permission to access /dl/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/op ...11:36
Spads... enafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/openafs/ on this server.11:36
=== Spads writes a formal request
jameshSpads: I just noticed this ~ 20 minutes ago and stopped the copy running on carbon -- I guess the one running on staging is still going11:37
Spadsjamesh: oh heh.  11:37
UbugtuMalone bug 60048 in launchpad "product-release-finder can be caught by self-symlinks" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  11:38
jameshdefinitely needs fixing before going live ...11:38
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UbugtuNew bug: #60055 in launchpad "IProductSet.search() and IProjectSet.search() have unused untested optional arguments" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6005512:00
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carlosdanilos: remember, 5 minutes for our meeting about KDE plural forms12:55
daniloscarlos: sure ;)12:55
daniloscarlos: ping?01:04
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carlosdanilos: cm?01:04
daniloscarlos: sure01:04
daniloscarlos: do we need anyone else? (guess not ;)01:04
carlosdanilos: don't think so01:06
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UbugtuNew bug: #60066 in launchpad "please add basic information for bzr" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6006601:35
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jordicarlos: can you assign https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-as to "as"?02:02
carlosjordi: done02:03
=== carlos -> lunch
jordicarlos: yay02:06
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danilosjordi, carlos: I'd like to mark https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/59330 as "rejected", due to my reasoning there; what do you think?02:24
UbugtuMalone bug 59330 in rosetta "Request: Mark string as "translation is not necessary"" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  02:24
jordidanilos: 1 min02:25
danilosjordi: I don't know if that satisfies the women you're with, but if you're happy with that, so am I :P02:26
jordioh man :D02:27
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danilosjordi: thanks02:41
jordiwhat does he mean with docs?02:43
danilosjordi: ubuntu-docs, stuff extracted with xml2po ;)02:48
jordiright, as I suspected02:49
jordisame case as any other po tho02:49
jordiif it has stuff that shouldn't be in, fix the po02:49
danilosjordi: exactly, or, fix xml2po :)02:54
daniloswell, simply add support to it for per-document ignored tags02:54
danilos(it's currently per-mode, so docbook documents have their own ignored tags)02:54
danilosanyway, marking 59330 as rejected02:55
daniloscarlos: I'd like your input on bug 59377 as well; there's a task for ubuntu l10n manager already, imho :)02:59
UbugtuMalone bug 59377 in rosetta "Original author names not kept in PO files" [High,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5937702:59
jordiI have mixed views on #11603:03
jordibecause handing translator-credits automatically can be bad too03:03
jordiI wouldn't add myself to credits if I just translate 10 strings out of 25003:03
jordimaybe using a % threshold03:04
jordigotta go home03:04
danilosjordi: agreed03:04
danilosjordi: watch out for the traffic, get there safely!03:04
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danilosjordi: btw, read my comment in 59377 as well: old credits would be lost, and that's not the right thing to do03:05
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SteveAdanilos, jordi, carlos: brief irc meeting in 20 mins time?  is that okay?03:07
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danilosSteveA: jordi just went home, not sure how long will it take him03:08
SteveAthat's okay03:08
SteveAwe can start without him, and catch up on other things later03:09
danilosSteveA: well, ok, I'm fine with it, though I have another scheduled discussion with carlos at 16h, but we can probably move that :)03:10
SteveAi think this will be quick03:10
carlosSteveA: it's ok for me too03:10
carlosdanilos: sure, we can move it03:10
carlosdanilos: I agree with the rejection of bug #5933003:12
UbugtuMalone bug 59330 in rosetta "Request: Mark string as "translation is not necessary"" [Untriaged,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5933003:12
daniloscarlos: ok, thanks for looking into it03:16
danilosSteveA: just ping us when you're ready for the meeting; btw, anything to put our minds to before we start? :)03:17
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cbx33hi guys03:38
cbx33what do you people recommend for project management03:38
carloscbx33: it depends on your requirements03:40
cbx33carlos: elaborate ;)03:40
carloscbx33: well, I think you are the one that should elaborate your question ;-) What do you want to do?03:41
cbx33well, it's kinda open ended at the moment03:41
cbx33could be a small implementation coulde be huge03:41
cbx33mainly for small specification tracking03:41
carloscbx33: launchpad itself allows you to manage specifications03:42
carloscbx33: launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+specs03:42
carlosthat's an example03:42
cbx33I'm on about a little finer grain03:43
cbx33like creating sub tasks for each larger speficiation03:44
cbx33assigning these to people03:44
cbx33progress tracking03:44
kikocbx33, use bugs?03:46
cbx33kiko: I was thinking something like dot project03:47
cbx33kiko: http://www.dotproject.net/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=703:47
carloscbx33: Perhaps this fits your requirements, but it's not online: http://live.gnome.org/Planner 03:47
kikoI have never seen one of these tools used competently.03:47
malcckiko: Ping03:47
kikoand I've seen them being used /many/ times03:47
malcckiko: Got a request from infinity to get 58187 into production ASAP; the fix is ready but I'm still addressing review comments on the automated test03:48
cbx33carlos: that's not webbased is it?03:48
malcckiko: Can we do this? I understand it would be quite a big help03:49
carloscbx33: no, it isn't03:49
cbx33yeh i need the collaborative nature03:49
carloscbx33: then I guess you should ask at #ubuntu if launchpad doesn't fit your requirements...03:49
carlosanother option is03:49
kikomalcc, is your fix reviewed?03:49
carlosto request the missing features and we would evaluate whether we could implemente them in launchpad03:50
malcckiko: Yes, as in the branch went to review, and the comments which came back were only about the style in the test code03:50
kikomalcc, why don't you finish fixing the test and get it reviewed then?03:50
malcckiko: Well that's what I'm working on, when I got this request to get this working now if possible, which is why I thought I'd find out if it was allowed to make this possible03:53
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kikomalcc, I'd rather you followed the process. I can help review if you are blocked on a reviewer.03:53
malcckiko: Ok thanks03:53
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danilosSteveA: quick review: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/filehOZZMu.html04:08
SteveAdanilos: r=me04:09
danilosSteveA: sure, thanks04:09
carlosdanilos: will that append the copyright to whatever upstream has?04:10
daniloscarlos: nope, it's just a simple change in order of statements, and removing double (c)04:11
daniloscarlos: you think we should do that right away as well?04:11
carlosdanilos: well, if you don't see it too complicate... that would make some people more happy. I don't remember if we do something like that right now though04:12
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daniloscarlos: we don't, ok, I'll do that as well04:13
malcckiko: Ok, the test is fixed, the diff is here: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/file1UTaHN.html04:16
malcckiko: It's all testing except the lines removed from distrorelease.py04:16
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malccAny reviewers got a minute to help me out?04:33
salgadomalcc, sure04:37
malccsalgado: So, I've got a two-line change to distrorelease.py, to fix frozen distros04:37
malccsalgado: jamesh has been reviewing it, and I've been making changes to tests at his suggestion, but now it's become urgent and I need to land something04:38
malccsalgado: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/file1UTaHN.html04:39
malccI'm just as happy to land it without the test changes for now if that's easier04:39
salgadomalcc, so, you've done all changes that jamesh asked you to?04:47
malccsalgado: Yes04:47
malccsalgado: But, I only have "needs reply" from him not "merge conditional", so if I merge r=jamesh I think I'd be cheating04:48
jameshmalcc: hi.  If the changes I suggested got your tests working with LaunchpadZopelessLayer, go for it.04:49
malccjamesh: Thought you'd be safely in bed at this hour :)04:49
malccjamesh: Thanks :)04:49
malccsalgado: Thanks for your time04:49
salgadomalcc, np04:50
jordiSteveA: I'm here04:56
carlosSteveA: I'm going to send you the log by email04:57
carlosjordi: sent05:00
UbugtuNew bug: #60086 in launchpad "Could be more specific about ``please use its official bug tracker''" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6008605:06
UbugtuNew bug: #60089 in malone "Enable custom searches and modifying preset searches" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6008905:06
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salgadojamesh, still around?06:03
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punkmexicdo anyone knows if ubuntu will support winmodems in next release at lease smartlink drivers?08:51
kikopunkmexic, #ubuntu08:52
punkmexicim there kiko08:52
kikopunkmexic, that subject doesn't have anything to do with launchpad08:53
punkmexiclaunchpad what exactly is.08:54
punkmexici asked in ubuntu a question with this subjetc and they told me to go to launchpad08:54
kikopunkmexic, it's a tool for managing open source projects08:54
kikowho told you that?08:54
kikoflacoste, when are we going to get rid of this annoying "Change source package" link hmm? :)08:55
flacostekiko-afk: do we have a bug open on that?08:56
kikoI'm not sure we do08:56
flacostekiko-afk: i don't think so08:56
punkmexic<ravenous> punkmexic: www.launchpad.net08:56
flacosteflacoste: feel free to open one up :-)08:56
flacostekiko-afk: ^08:56
kikopunkmexic, I'd ask him why he thinks launchpad might help him answer that question08:57
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UbugtuNew bug: #60113 in launchpad "oops.cgi should offer a linked HTTP_REFERER" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6011309:00
kikoflacoste, it's part of bug 2510, is it not?09:01
UbugtuMalone bug 2510 in launchpad-support-tracker "Confusing mixture of pages for editing a ticket" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/251009:01
kikoflacoste, well, it could be at least. what do you think?09:01
flacostekiko-afk: indeed, it could be09:01
flacostekiko-afk: one specific problem of the 'Change Source Package' link is that you get an Unauthorized exception for it, at least I do09:02
punkmexickiko well my question there was <punkmexic> anyone knows an official website where i can make a suggestion to.ubuntu developers? or e-mail09:02
kikopunkmexic, you can file bugs on ubuntu using launchpad (launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs)09:02
kikopunkmexic, you can also file support requests09:02
punkmexicthanx kiko09:03
kikopunkmexic, most welcome09:03
flacostekiko-afk: are you still on vacation?09:03
kikoflacoste, no.09:03
flacostekiko-afk: good, i was afraid that you were answering work email on your vacation time ;-)09:05
flacostekiko-afk: or that it was raining heavy and couldn't bike...09:05
kikoI only bike early in the mornings though09:06
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ddaaI'm wondering whether something is wrong about Launchpad and Ubuntu communication...09:53
ddaaso many people appear to think that launchpad == ubuntu09:53
ddaawe need to fix that or it's going to be an adoption blocker09:53
jordiddaa: confirm09:54
jordimany people talk negatively about rosetta as being "ubuntu-centric"09:54
ddaajordi: ?09:54
jordiubuntu-oriented is what they tend to use, actually09:54
ddaaMaybe getting Linspire on board would help that perception.09:55
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=== ddaa ponders blogging about "I am a Launchpad devel, and I do not care much about Ubuntu. It's a cool distro that spares me from dealing with updates and stuff, but that's about it. Well that's also the distro of my employer, so I am strongly encouraged to use it. But I care more about bzr than about ubuntu."
ddaaProbably not a good idea.09:59
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crimsunI think part of the issue is that MOTU haven't documented using LP all that thoroughly. There are only a handful of MOTU using it consistently, and we haven't linked to Scott's announcement on u-d-a prominently. Additionally there's confusion (at least to me) when referencing LP bugs in source package changelogs whether "Closes Ubuntu" or "Closes LP" or "Closes Malone" is preferred.10:07
kikothere's also the problem of LP branding which The New UI is supposed to improve10:11
ddaacrimsun: it should be "Closes Ubuntu", a given bug number in Launchpad can apply to Ubuntu, upstream, and any number of other distros and products.10:13
crimsunddaa: ok, that's what I've been using10:14
LarstiQddaa: agreed10:20
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malccHmm. My test is passing locally, but failing on pqm with an error "(<DistroReleaseQueue at 0x2aaaad280550>, 'addSource', 'launchpad.Edit')"12:00
malccAnybody know what might cause that?12:00
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kikomalcc, what's the full TB12:03
malcckiko: Can't tell, bare excepts in nascentupload are swallowing it, I just get the string of the exception in a rejection email12:04
kikomalcc, are you fully merged?12:05
malcckiko: Yes12:05
kikomalcc, the error is a permission error -- you're trying to call DRQ.addSource() 12:05
kikoand your user doesn't have launchpad.Edit on that table12:05
kikoZCML missing perchance?12:05
malcckiko: I'm running with LaunchpadZopelessLayer, I'm told this should give me a permissive security policy, and indeed running locally this seems to be working12:06
kikoit's odd but that's the error... could it be an ordering issue?12:08
kikoi.e. this test is being run in a different order in PQM?12:08
malcckiko: Unless some other test is doing something horrible to the permissions, I can't see how ordering could cause this12:09
malcckiko: Now pqm has done its thing and run all tests for me, confirming there are no other breaks, I'd really love to delete those two bogus lines on drescher to fix frozen and sort this out in the morning :)12:11
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malccYes, it must be something, even though nothing looks very possible right now12:12
kikowell, my concern is that this will get dropped if there is an emergency in the morning12:12
kikoand we'll end up in the same situation we were before12:13
kikoIIWY I would just go to bed and sort it out tomorrow.12:13
kikoaddSource is in the queue zcml fwiw12:13
kikomalcc, do you know what line is failing?12:13
kikoin nascentupload.py I mean12:13

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