
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
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=== matthewrevell [i=synchron@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
matthewrevellUWN 13 in mod queue09:50
imbrandonmatthewrevell, rockin start to season 4 btw ;)09:54
=== imbrandon just got done listening to it
Burgundaviamatthewrevell: can you get me rocking with an account so I can do the UWN stories myself09:58
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
imbrandonBurgundavia, if not whiprush can ( when he's un-afk )09:59
imbrandonwelcome Hobbsee ;)09:59
=== Hobbsee hides
=== Hobbsee whispers hello
imbrandonBurgundavia, or Daniel too for that matter iirc10:00
Burgundaviaimbrandon: given I know both personally, I will bug them10:03
=== Burgundavia is reminded of the first time I got on Lugradio, via a letter I wrote
Burgundaviathey made fun of my name10:03
Burgundaviaanyway, truly sleeping now10:05
matthewrevellBurgundavia: Sorry, been in meetings. Will mail you Fridge account details11:53
=== matthewrevell [i=synchron@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-5-110.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
jonohi all02:57
jonoany chance we can fasttrack a submission?02:57
jonoI am writing up a post for recipes for the ubuntu book, but I need recipes in my Monday02:58
jonoso I could do with getting it posted ASAP02:58
jonoBurgundavia, ping03:00
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
jonohey Hobbsee03:05
Hobbseehey jono03:05
matthewrevelljono: I'll appove it mate03:07
matthewrevellHobbsee: get my mail?03:07
Hobbseematthewrevell: er, yes.  didnt you see my dying in #ubuntu-devel on reading it.03:07
jonomarsu, cool03:07
jonomatthewrevell, cool03:07
matthewrevellHobbsee: Erm, I don't go in #ubuntu-devel, so no :)03:07
matthewrevelljono: Say my name!03:08
matthewrevelljono: ping me when it's in the queue03:08
jonomatthewrevell, where do I put it in the queue?03:08
matthewrevellfridge.ubuntu.com/user ... then click "Contribute" in the left-hand nav, once you're logged in.03:09
matthewrevellIt'll automatically go in the moderation queue03:09
jonomatthewrevell, what username and password do I use for the fridge? launchpad?03:17
=== lloydinho [n=andreas@rosinante.egmont-kol.dk] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
matthewrevellHobbsee: Should I assume you'd prefer not to?03:22
Hobbseematthewrevell: for the moment, yeah.  let me figure out quite what i'm doing first :P03:22
Hobbseebesides, i hate interviews03:22
matthewrevellHobbsee: okeydoke :)03:27
Hobbseematthewrevell: although i guess this one would be in text, so it wouldnt be quite so bad.03:28
matthewrevellHobbsee: Yeah, we could do it by email, so there's no pressure03:30
matthewrevellguys, can anyone publish my UWN story?03:45
Hobbseematthewrevell: it's a wiki, last i knew.  Burgundavia would like it though03:46
matthewrevellHobbsee: Sorry, I mean on the Fridge. We tend to post a story, then get another Fridge editor to review it.03:47
matthewrevellI've posted a story about UWN, to the Fridge.03:47
Hobbseematthewrevell: ah right... :P03:47
=== Hobbsee remembers about the stuff she's supposed to be adding to UWN this week.
jonoif I use the event category, does it still have a main news story item ?03:58
matthewrevelljono: If you click "Promote to front page", yeah03:59
matthewrevellThat;s how I did the Hungarian Ubuntu Conference story03:59
jonomatthewrevell, submitted04:19
matthewrevelljono: You published it yourself :)04:23
jonomatthewrevell, I just clicked the promote to front page option04:24
matthewrevellAh, yes, now I remember. Events are automatically published04:25
matthewrevellSo, if you're putting it on the front page, we've tended to un-click "Published"04:25
matthewrevelljust to get someone to proof it04:25
matthewrevellHaving siad that, it's getting difficult to get anyone to proof articles at the moment :(04:25
jonomaybe make a post to encourage more contributors :)04:28
matthewrevellYeah, we've been working to get the Marketing and Docs teams interested but the problem we have is that ther'es no obvious way to change the04:33
matthewrevellI mean to contribute04:33
matthewrevellA post would be good on the Fridge04:34
matthewrevellbut it'd be nice to have an easy way to post content04:34
matthewrevellA couple of guys have said they could do it04:34
matthewrevellint hat they understand Drupal04:34
matthewrevellwe don't have server access tho04:34
matthewrevellMatt East was talking to elmo about getting access, but they'll only give acccess to one member at the moment, and we didn't have anyone who really went ofr it04:35
matthewrevellwe need a Fridge meetng. There's some discussion on the list04:37
jonoit seems that the whole process just needs documenting04:37
matthewrevellbe good to organise something04:37
jonoyeah, a meeting would be good04:37
jonothe fridge is so important to ubuntu, too04:37
matthewrevellI wrote a wiki page04:37
matthewrevellhan gon04:37
matthewrevellNot exactly ideal but it'sa start04:39
matthewrevellanyway, I've gotta shoot04:39
matthewrevellcatch you later04:39
=== Byzmut [n=fabien@ANantes-251-1-117-4.w81-48.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
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neuralishi. anyone with edit rights present?10:20
Burgworkneuralis, what doy ou need?10:20
neuralisBurgwork: please correct the 'your pic; edubuntu or windows?' post. end of second sentence "has successfully booted an olpc image of edubuntu on one" -> "has successfully booted an official olpc image (based on fedora core linux), as well as an edubuntu one."10:21
neuralisthe linuxdevices.com article is basically misinterpreting the thai wiki, and conflating both to an "edubuntu olpc image" which doesn't exist.10:21
=== neuralis [n=krstic@solarsail.hcs.harvard.edu] has left #ubuntu-fridge []
=== matthewrevell [i=synchron@outbound.silenceisdefeat.org] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
sladenanyone seen carthik?11:06
=== Wroot [n=Miranda@lan31-7-82-241-250-4.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-fridge
=== Wroot [n=Miranda@lan31-7-82-241-250-4.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-fridge

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