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nictukuhi, I need to give the ownership of #ubuntu-br to someone else, and I wanted to know what you think is the best to do. is this a fine place to discuss that?12:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 12 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 13 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Community Council | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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nictukuI would either give licio the ownership, or to someone that already manages other channels12:31
HedgeMagenictuku: Check with Seveas... he's the best person for that sort of info12:33
Burgworknictuku, -locoteams is a good place12:35
nictukuthank you12:35
Seveasnictuku, /msg chanserv set #ubuntu-br contact licio12:35
Seveasand give him the channel password12:35
Seveasthat's all 12:35
HawkwindSimple as that :P12:35
nictukuwell, I know *how* to12:36
nictukuthe brazilian locoteam has collapsed in disputes, and I don't want to make that worse. It would be nice if I we found a 'neutral' way out.12:38
liciohot potato in my hands12:40
Burgworknictuku, the best way is simply not say anything and let it cool down12:43
nictukuBurgwork, I've done that for months, and now things are frozen in the community12:45
Burgworkshall we move into -locoteams?12:47
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nictukuhey, jono = jsgotangco ?03:01
jsgotangcohell no03:01
jsgotangcojono is probably asleep now03:01
nictukublame tab completion03:01
nictukuhehe /nickserv info j<tab>03:01
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brendonjt!schedual auckland03:23
brendonjt!scheduale auckland03:23
brendonjt!schedule auckland03:24
HawkwindTry @schedule03:25
brendonjt@schedule auckland03:26
UbugtuSchedule for Pacific/Auckland: 13 Sep 08:00: Technical Board | 14 Sep 08:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 20 Sep 00:00: Community Council | 21 Sep 00:00: Edubuntu | 22 Sep 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:26
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GNAM@schedule rome03:30
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 12 Sep 22:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 14:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 14:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:30
Hobbsee@schedule sydney03:31
UbugtuSchedule for Australia/Sydney: 13 Sep 06:00: Technical Board | 14 Sep 06:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 22:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 22 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:31
zul@schedule montreal03:34
UbugtuSchedule for America/Montreal: 12 Sep 16:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 16:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 03:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 08:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 08:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team03:34
Hobbseezul: i envy you.  except for that dev team meeting time.03:36
zulyeah those meetings are fun03:37
zulespecailly im zombie the next day03:37
Hobbseehehe.  i refuse to do meetings like that :P03:39
FujitsuI managed to catch an 8am CC meeting, that wasn't too bad.03:40
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=== simira waves from Oslo Ubuntu installfest
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dholbachsimira: ROCK ON!05:39
dholbachsimira: how's it going?05:39
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simiradholbach: not too bad. I just don't know enough to help many :p05:43
simirabut Tollef is05:43
simiradholbach: did you get the link to my dog's website? We visited yesterday05:43
dholbachsimira: send it again!05:43
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dholbachhaha :)05:44
dholbachHOW! CUTE! :)05:44
simirahe'll get cuter in a couple of weeks 05:46
dholbachsure :-)05:47
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simirayou saw the link to the other pics as well?05:52
mvo_simira: very cute picture!05:54
dholbachhow sweet05:54
=== mvo_ loves cats
mvo_simira: is update-manager working better for you recently btw?05:54
simiramvo_: I must admit I have been lazy (or was it busy) lately... not tested much. But it seems to work mostly, I am just a bit annoyed by it not wanting to install everything05:55
mvo_simira: it should be better about this now and give you (at least) the option to do this05:56
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simiramvo_: I'll do a knot test after release on Thursday and give you some feedback then05:58
simiraand I love both dogs and cats :)05:58
mvo_simira: thanks! make sure you update the system after installing knot, because some recent fixed did not made it into knot for the main-freeze05:58
=== mvo_ love cats a bit more .)
simiramvo_: I update almost every day, normally.05:59
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imbrandon@schedule us/chicago07:37
imbrandon@schedule us/central07:38
UbugtuSchedule for US/Central: 12 Sep 15:00: Technical Board | 13 Sep 15:00: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 02:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 07:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 07:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 10:00: Ubuntu Development Team07:38
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Technical Board | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 13 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Sep 07:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Community Council | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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mdzgood evening09:55
mdzgood UTEvening09:57
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mdzimbrandon: are you here?09:57
mjg59mdz: I don't quite make it 20:00 UTC yet09:58
mdzmjg59: about 1 minute 20 away by my clock09:58
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mdzreviewing the applicant lists, it seems we have imbrandon for -core-dev and thelinuxfr for -dev10:00
mdzbut I don't think either is present10:00
mjg59Give them a few minutes?10:00
mjg59I don't think we've got any other business10:00
mdzis there anyone present who is here to apply for development team membership?10:00
mdzmjg59: I missed the previous meeting due to holidays; assuming one happened, anything I should know about?10:01
mjg59mdz: Nope10:01
mdzthe agenda is empty, so I'm going to idle and continue with other work, but be nearby for the next hour or so in case something appears.  please nudge me if so10:03
mdzKeybuk and sabdfl are both otherwise engaged, for the record10:04
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imbrandonmdz sorry10:05
imbrandoni am late10:05
mdzimbrandon: no worries10:05
imbrandonsoo am i up now ?10:06
mdzimbrandon: Yes. Would you like to tell us about your application for -core-dev?10:06
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imbrandonsure ...10:06
mdzmjg59: (ping in case you decided to idle as well)10:07
mjg59mdz: Here10:07
imbrandonoh wow , ok my klipper is not letting me paste so i will do this by hand10:07
imbrandonsorry , wiki with full explanation at http://wiki.kubuntu.org/imbrandon10:08
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imbrandonand i have been working as a MOTU and member of the community for a while now and concentrate on10:08
imbrandonthe "gadgets" of ubuntu like ipods and digital cameras making sure they work well OOTB as much as possible10:09
mdzimbrandon: according to Launchpad, you've been a member of ubuntu-dev for a bit over one month now.  is that correct?10:09
imbrandonyea, just over a month or so10:09
imbrandoni brought Riddell tonio and raphink ( and crimsun ) to cheer for me too10:10
imbrandon( if they made it )10:10
imbrandonthey all work with me daily10:10
mdzimbrandon: but you've been doing packaging work for longer than that?  I see you maintain at least one package in Debian as well10:10
mdzraphink is here at least10:10
raphinksorry to come only now10:10
Nafallocrimsun did just speak on #launchpad.10:11
imbrandonyes sir i package apt-mirror in debian10:11
imbrandonand manitain it10:11
imbrandonand try to work with debian as much as possible ( but we are ahead on most things versiuon wise in KDE )10:11
imbrandonbut hopefully that wont be that way for long10:11
mdzare you a DD, or are your Debian uploads sponsored by someone (if so, who?)10:12
mdzand who generally sponsors your Ubuntu uploads?10:12
mdz(to main)10:13
imbrandonanibal is my DD sponsor ( plus i'm interviewing for a company atm too that a few DD's work at that also handle KDE )10:13
imbrandonRiddell, and tonino do 90%  of my uploads to main10:13
imbrandoni mostly work on amarok and kubuntu default settings10:13
imbrandonbut i have been known to touch all of kde when needed10:14
imbrandon( oir ubuntu for that matter )10:14
mjg59raphink: So how have you found working with imbrandon?10:14
imbrandoni work very closely with the konversation and amarok teams upstream also10:15
raphinkmjg59: he's been doing great work10:15
mjg59raphink: What areas have you been working with him on?10:15
raphinkI can tell :)10:15
raphinktonio is not here but he told me lately that he's very happy with imbrandon10:15
raphinkesp. as we are not so numerous on Kubuntu lately10:15
raphinkmjg59: packaging mostly I think10:16
raphinknot recently, but I've looked at his packages in the past and they were very good10:16
imbrandonheh yea our numbers are small but we get the job done10:16
mdzimbrandon: I've noticed that quite a few of your uploads also incorporate changes from other people.  what tools are you using to coordinate this work?10:16
imbrandoni also tend to sponsor a few uploads too and am active on ubunutu-universe-sponsors10:17
mdzis there a revision control repository for, e.g. amarok?10:17
imbrandonmdz yes and no , we do most of our colab directly on IRC and there is a invite only amarok developers list i participte in10:17
imbrandon( riddell and hobbsee are both members too )10:18
mdzimbrandon: so they email patches to you and you apply them to the package?10:18
imbrandonas for mergin mostly bzr and svn10:18
imbrandonin the case of amarok yes, with konversation its all svn10:18
mdzimbrandon: it's interesting that the amarok list is invite-only.  do you feel that works well for them?10:19
imbrandonwell its mostly for spam reasons i think ( and so it dosent turn into a support list ) but anyone can get invited if they ask10:19
imbrandonsanely in the -dev chan10:19
imbrandonand the packagers tend to get the patches and version before the general public so we can have it ready for the distro on release day also10:20
imbrandon( konversation and other kde projects also do this )10:20
mdzimbrandon: how does limiting subscription (as opposed to posting) prevent spam?10:21
imbrandonwell its a google list so limiting sub/posting is tied togather afaik10:21
imbrandonand the archives are open to the public also10:22
imbrandonso its not totaly closed , just limited i would say10:22
mdzimbrandon: I've never seen spam from a subscriber of a list; usually it's restricting posts to subscribers only which helps prevent spam10:22
mdzwhich is orthogonal to restricting subscription10:22
imbrandonright , i was totaly speculating on the reasons , i would probably have to poke eean or marke to find out /exactly/ why10:23
imbrandon( amarok list admins and devlopers _10:23
mdzjust curious10:23
mdzwhat's your experience with the launchpad bug tracker?  do you feel that it works well?10:24
imbrandonheh /me wishes riddell would poke in soon10:24
imbrandonyea i think it works exceptionaly well compared to say bugs.kde.org10:24
imbrandonalthough the kde BTS is getting better10:24
imbrandonand the debian BTS is hard to use for non-debian users and new members10:25
imbrandonimho but still useable10:25
imbrandonbut LP far outwieghs that plus10:25
mdzwhat do you do with bugs which are reported to Ubuntu, but are not specific to Ubuntu and affect KDE upstream as well?10:25
imbrandonthe ability to use bzr and other tools directly from it is nice10:25
imbrandonwhen i can, most of the time i stay within the kubuntu relm but track them upstream also when needed / warented10:26
imbrandonand try to bring it to the attn of the right developers on irc upstream if i know them10:26
mdzare you using bzr for Ubuntu development today?  I'm interested to know if it's working well for you10:27
imbrandonone thing i have noticed about LP though that makes it hard but is beeing worked on iirc is the ability to mark as fixed in a release but wontfix etc in another release ( eg dapper or edgy )10:27
imbrandonyes i use bzr to track apt-mirror ( as there is no upstream rcs so me and the only orther developer oped to just use LP bzr )10:28
imbrandonand also for konversation ( thats synced with svn )10:28
mdzimbrandon: can you show me that branch in LP? it doesn't seem to be registered to your LP account yet10:28
imbrandonthat me and mez both activly keep tabs on10:29
imbrandonsure there should be an apt-mirror product with that as the only branch10:29
imbrandonsame for konversation10:29
mdzthere it is10:30
imbrandonalso Riddell keeps the kubuntu-website in bzr so we can all branch from it and make sugestions as needed with code patches 10:30
imbrandon( i just learned that today so i will be using that more )10:30
imbrandonyes sorry i'm at a console that dosent ahve a www browser atm ( have to do this all from memory )10:31
mdzso it's stored on the supermirror under ubuntu-dev, meaning that any member of ubuntu-dev can commit to it.  do others commit directly to it?  has that worked well for apt-mirror?10:31
imbrandonits worked very well for apt-mirror and its still fairly new so no other developers have shown intrest in it 10:31
imbrandonthey are welcomed to ;)10:31
imbrandonbut it keeps me and the other developer thats not in the ubuntu community in sync10:32
mdzimbrandon: I see you're a member of the backporters team and the bugsquad team. are you active on either of those?10:32
imbrandonvery active in backports ( infact ask kamoin i bug him regularly ) and active in ubuntu-sponsors10:32
imbrandonas far as bugsquad i do alot of lp bug work and squishing and bugdays but dont much10:33
imbrandonpartisipate int he irc much of -bugsquad10:33
imbrandonjust becouse of time constraints mostly10:33
imbrandontbh i think at time me and crimsun are the only ones working on ubuntu-*-sponsors heheh but he is lightning fast ;)10:34
imbrandoncrimsun, just spoke up in -motu , i cant paste from there if someone would please do the honors ;)10:36
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imbrandon( sorry i'm on a dead irssi link atm )10:36
mdzI wasn't in #ubuntu-motu at the moment; crimsun is in this channel though if he has something to say10:36
Lure[22:34]  <crimsun> sorry, just got called away to a meeting. If imbrandon needs my backing for TB, I've worked with him on various packages (konversation and apt-mirror come to mind immediately), and he has my +1.10:36
imbrandonthanks lure10:37
mdzimbrandon: what would you say are your reasons for wanting to join -core-dev? what difference would it make in the work that you currently do?10:37
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imbrandonwell i think i have alot to contribute and i do that now with alot of work in main ( amarok and konversation )10:38
imbrandonit would help our workflow but thats not the "main" reason10:38
imbrandonjust that i know i can handle it , love to do it, and ....10:39
mdzwhat is the main reason?10:39
imbrandonkubuntu needs the love ;)10:39
imbrandonserouisly , its something i like to do and alot of my work so far has been main type work10:39
mdzit's unusual to join the core team after such a short time as a member of the development team as a whole10:39
imbrandonwell some of that was i joined -motu late , and then wanted to show that i could do main work well10:40
imbrandonas even before i was motu i was active in alot of this10:41
mdz-core-dev isn't simply about the main component, but about being a consistent, long term contributor, closely involved with the project, and taking responsibility for the quality of the distribution10:41
imbrandonmdz definately , and i ( myself and others i work with daily ) think i show and do that imho10:41
imbrandoni definately keep the quality high and work on kubuntu and floss in generall daily ( even as a JOB heh )10:42
mdzimbrandon: we're now in feature freeze and will release a beta of Edgy quite soon.  what will you do differently over the next few weeks leading up to the release?10:42
imbrandonand feel i can adhear to high standards i and everyone expects fof ubuntu10:42
imbrandonmostly makeing sure the polish and all the "little" touches are put into k-d-s ( outlined more clearly on my wiki as to exacty changes )10:43
bddebianExcept for spelling apparently ;-P10:43
mdz(the beta, that is)10:43
imbrandonbddebian, yea i'm not at my normal computer heh10:43
bddebianI'm joking, sorry :)10:44
imbrandonmdz, that and we keep a list of "critical:" pre release bugs10:44
imbrandonthat i work to keep down top10:44
mdzimbrandon: what about the mechanics of what you do, such as uploading packages? how will that change?10:44
imbrandonwell i wouldent have to go though the sponsor routine daily if thats what you are asking 10:45
imbrandonright now my workflow go's10:45
imbrandonlike this .... hehe10:45
mdzimbrandon: I mean in relation to the release10:45
imbrandonok well in relation to release 10:45
imbrandonthe workflow is concentrated on showstopers and major bugs in the desktop10:46
imbrandoninstead of "new crack" in kde10:46
imbrandonfor lack of a better word, making sure we have all major bugs from upstream closed and any in our kds packages that need addressing10:46
imbrandonto put that final touch on the release10:47
imbrandonkds == kubuntu-default-settings10:47
mdzwhat I'm trying to get at is what you will consider when you make a decision about changing something in the distribution, and how that will change as we approach release10:47
mdzdoes that make sense?10:48
imbrandonohhh 99% of our clab is done via kubuntu meeting and in kubnutu-devel with riddell tonio crimsun 10:48
mdzit's critically important for a core developer to be aware of the release preparation process and bear it in mind when making uploads10:48
imbrandonand quite a few other active members 10:48
imbrandonmdz, exactly i pay close attn to that10:49
imbrandoninfact just this moring when the ubntu-dev topic changed i made the10:49
mdzfor example, an announcement went out today regarding the upcoming knot release.  what would you do differently now, compared to before that announcement went out?10:49
imbrandonchange in k-devel to make sure everyone saw it also10:49
mdzin terms of your uploads10:50
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imbrandonwell i try to stay very current with the happening in both -devel channels and the ML and as far as uploads naturaly in the freeze it gets cleared by riddell or other relevant person ( you ?)10:51
imbrandonnon freeze for knot e.g now leading to release "the beta" only bug fixes and everything is triple checked and 10:51
imbrandonrevied by someone else if its code i'm not familiar with10:51
imbrandonbut i tend to stick with things i know when it comes to crunch time10:52
mdzimbrandon: so to use an example, one week ago you uploaded amarok 2:1.4.3-0ubuntu1.  would you make that same upload today?  why or why not?10:53
imbrandonthat one i would becouse it was critical bugfixes to 1.4.2 ( showstopers ) thus the fast release from 1.4.210:54
imbrandonand ONLY bugfixes10:54
imbrandonif it hadent been then10:54
imbrandoni would have stiped out the relvant patches and only applied those to 1.4.2 and if it was today 10:54
imbrandoni would do the same 10:54
imbrandon( the patches )10:55
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mdzin tollef's announcement, as with other milestone freezes, he said that all uploads to main required approval from the release team10:55
mdzso it would not be appropriate to make that same upload now10:55
imbrandonyes and that was given by kamoin iirc10:55
imbrandon( and i think noted in the changelog )10:55
imbrandonif not its definately on LP ( i do all uvfe in LP for that reason )10:56
mdzit wasn't in the changelog, but that would have been an exception to the upstream version freeze10:56
imbrandonyes that was my mistake not to include it in the changelog but it is documented on LP10:56
imbrandonas a bug against amarok with the title uvf in it10:57
mdzmy point is that even if it had been granted a UVF exception yesterday, if you were preparing an upload today, it shouldn't be uploaded yet due to the milestone freeze. make sense?10:58
imbrandonsay 1.4.4 comes out tomarrow ( and knot freeze is over ) that will be stripped to patchess against 1.4.3 for bug fixes only10:58
Nafalloexcept approval from Tollef that is... :-)10:58
imbrandonahh right ,yea no uploads for the knot , i unerstand that i guess i missed your question10:59
imbrandonor that part of10:59
imbrandonso if i was to do it litterly TODAY yes i would prepar it and hold off till 48hours or so when the kknot milstone is released11:00
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imbrandon( and have done so in the past , iirc 1.4.2 came out in the knot 2 freeze )11:00
mdzright, I was literally asking whether you would do the same thing *today*, not whether your upload last week was OK :-)11:00
imbrandonahh ok , sorry i missed that part11:01
mdzI have no further questions. mjg59?11:01
imbrandonyes i understand the milstone freezes though , as i said i was the one that added it to the k-devel topic so everyone would note it this morning11:01
imbrandonsorry for not being clear11:01
mdzthanks for your patience in this discussion, I know it's been long11:02
mjg59imbrandon: Are you happy with being able to upload stuff that could break everyone's systems?11:02
imbrandonno problem at all, thanks for letting me be a bit late ;)11:02
imbrandonmjg59, yup as i'm confident that i can NOT break everyones system heh11:02
mdzbut I'm sure you understand that this is a great responsibility and it's important that we establish whether you understand that11:03
imbrandonwe're all human but i do tend to check very well and do ask for opinions when its code i'm not familiar with11:03
mdzmjg59: I'm ready for a vote when you are11:04
LureI can say that imbrandon typically publish his work on his server for review, particularly for larger changes (kdebase...) so I can say he is very conservative in this part11:04
mjg59mdz: Sure, go head11:04
mjg59Sorry, my connection is becoming alarmingly laggy11:05
mdz+1 from me.  please remember to take this responsibliity very seriously, and be conservative with regard to the release process.  when in doubt, ask.  even if you don't doubt, asking for confirmation never hurts!11:06
mjg59I'm inclined to go with +1, for working closely with upstream and seeming to have a good sense of the responsibilities11:06
imbrandonmdz, definately11:06
mdzimbrandon: congratulations and welcome11:06
imbrandonthansk guys ;)11:06
Lureimbrandon: congrats and great to have you in core-dev11:06
imbrandon( now to get on my normal box ) heh11:06
ogracongrats imbrandon !11:06
imbrandonyay \0/11:06
pittiimbrandon: welcome!11:06
mdzis there any other business for the TB tonight?11:07
imbrandonheya pitti thanks11:07
Nafalloimbrandon: congratulations :-)11:07
rodarvusimbrandon, congratulations!11:07
LaserJockcongrats imbrandon 11:07
imbrandonok sorry to run, i have to go get on my "real" system , this console is killing me11:07
LaserJockimbrandon: party at my place? ;-)11:07
imbrandonbb in 5 min11:07
imbrandonLaserJock, ypu yup11:07
=== imbrandon is a new dad too ;) w00t
mdzimbrandon: double congrats then11:07
pittiimbrandon: wow, congrats again11:07
ograimbrandon, nice :)11:08
imbrandonhehe the postr SHOULD still be on planet , but thanks ;)11:08
mdzlast call for TB business11:08
Nafalloimbrandon: congrats, I'm sure you will be up many nights now :-P11:08
imbrandonok <detached> back in a sec11:08
rodarvusimbrandon: heh, nice. congratulations on that too :)11:08
pittimdz: has there been any word on the usplash status?11:08
mdzpitti: more specifically?11:08
pittimdz: i. e. will we go with the SVGA patch or revert to VGA?11:08
mjg59kamion has it working with framebuffer11:09
mdzas far as I'm aware, the only outstanding issue is powerpc11:09
mdzand I saw an upload from colin which I thought might address that11:09
pittiwell, and amd64+nvidia11:09
mjg59There's a reversion on amd64 systems with nvidia hardware11:09
ograright, he said it was fixed for him11:09
mjg59I'm confident that's repairable, and if not we can fall back for that specific case11:09
mdzI'm confident we should push ahead with it then11:09
pittiok, thanks for the heads-up!11:09
pittiglad to see that it doesn't need to be reverted completely11:10
pitti(and eager to see it actually working :-P)11:10
mdzif there's a bug report open about the nvidia issue, I'd appreciate a subscription.  if not, there should be one11:10
=== pitti will check
mdzTB adjourned, thanks everyone11:10
slomopitti, mdz: it works fine for me on ppc too with the latest upload11:10
=== ogra hasbt tested yet, but will tonight/tomorrow for the knot tests
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