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nixternalhiya jsgotangco!07:35
jsgotangconixternal: hey dude how's it going07:35
jsgotangco(pretty busy as hell on my side)07:35
nixternalworking on Knot 3 release notes07:35
nixternalsame here07:35
nixternali can't wait until next month...edgy will be out, and we will have that 1 month lull around here ;)07:36
jsgotangcoi'm trying to get 1,000 machines for distribution to public schools get installed with edubuntu in a sane way07:36
nixternalyou know what...i remember \sh in #kubuntu-devel working on a project that did a mass install rather quickly..i cannot remember his project, but if you skim through http://planet.kubuntu.de and check out some of his older posts, you might run into it07:37
nixternalthey supposedly installed to a ton of machines in like an hour or something rediculous like that07:37
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jsgotangcohavent seen the actual hardware yet, but will start shipping tomorrow07:38
jsgotangconixternal: i think you should go to UDS Mountain View07:38
nixternalwhen is it?07:39
jsgotangconov. 5-10 i think07:39
nixternalOne of our milestones was it to install a couple of hundred servers in less then 10 minutes with FAI (Fully Automatic Installation).07:40
nixternalin california ey...i will have to look into that07:40
jsgotangcoyes FAI is part of the solution07:40
nixternali haven't messed with it yet..but i am going to try it out in a similar situation as you, only 50+ machines07:40
LaserJockI'd like to get edgy to work on 2+ machines ;-)07:46
nixternalthey need to do a UDS Chicago already ;)07:54
nixternalit is kind of hard to travel right now...i am in 15 credit hours worth of crap ;)07:54
LaserJockare you working full time too?07:55
nixternalnot really07:56
nixternali have my clients, and they are all good...i only deal with the now when they have issues...so i put in about 15+ hours a week at most07:56
nixternalim living off the GI bill now07:56
nixternalmy schooling is free from the Illinois Veterans Grant..so the GI Bill is cash in the pocket07:57
nixternal6 credit hours though are easy07:57
nixternalthe other 9 suck07:57
nixternalUbuntu is my full time job...trying to work in deals locally, and doing my installs and support...every CD i hand out has my info..and I have been supporting those people who are switching07:58
nixternaland here with you guys of course ;)07:58
jsgotangcoheh  nice model!07:59
LaserJockI think when I was an undergrad the lightest load I had was 18 credits07:59
LaserJockbut I was trying to do a double major in 4 years and I didn't have a job08:00
nixternalthat is nuts08:00
LaserJockall science too ;-)08:00
nixternalya, im doing a double major as well, and one is a 2yr program to finish my MBA08:00
nixternalso i have 2 more semesters after this and I will be done with the MBA08:00
LaserJockvery nice08:00
nixternalthen I am going to finish this CS stuff, and maybe go for my final degree maybe08:01
jsgotangcoi wish i had the current resources to do that stuff08:01
LaserJockI'm always thinking of degrees I'd like to get08:01
nixternali gotta work on public speaking...i gave a speech yesterday to about 250 local state reps, and i shat myself..almost got stage fright08:02
LaserJockbut I gotta get out of school sometime08:02
LaserJock250 is a lot of people though08:02
nixternalsee..i wish i would have done the schooling almost instead of the military..but then again..the military is what is putting me through school now08:02
jsgotangcothat's nothing i spoke to 500+ people in korea08:02
=== jsgotangco beams
nixternali would be totally done, probably Dr. Rich by now ;)08:02
nixternaljsgotangco: i envy you guys for that08:03
LaserJockhopefully by Edgy+2 I'll be Dr. LaserJock08:03
jsgotangconixternal: just do it when you have the chance and it just becomes natural08:03
nixternali am a horrible public speaker in front of people i don't know..now at the LUGs and Ubuntu meetings where we are about 50 deep I am ok08:03
nixternalthat is sweet LaserJock, i am going for it one of these days as well..if time permits of course08:03
nixternali may be 50 when it happens, but it will happen08:04
LaserJockI should have it by 25 which was my goal08:05
LaserJockbut who knows, maybe I'll ditch the chemistry thing and work for Mark08:06
nixternalwhat days are people planning on arriving out there?08:06
LaserJockMountain View?08:06
LaserJockI would guess the 4th08:06
nixternalthe 4th and 5th are possibly my only open days..unless we have the Ubuntu Chicago Show that weekend08:07
nixternaldamn..and I think we are08:07
LaserJockmaybe you could get an exuse note signed by Mark08:08
nixternal$223 round trip, arrive friday the 3rd at 9:35, and arrive back here in chicago on monday at 1pm...right before school...i know though..that once i was there..i wouldn't leave..adn i would be in toruble08:10
nixternalplus..i would stay with a girlfriend out there as well08:10
nixternalmaybe i can get a sponsor..as i will be flat broke, because i will be arriving from mexico the week or so prior ;)08:11
LaserJockditch Mexico, this is Ubuntu we're talking about :-)08:11
jsgotangcoapply for sponsorship then08:11
jsgotangcoi doubt you'll get denied sponsorship considering its in the same continent08:12
jsgotangcoand LaserJock won't have his wallet picked for sure08:12
nixternaloh i could never ditch mexico..it is the Birthday Bash..i haven't missed one in 10 years now08:12
nixternalheh, i had my wallet picked once..in London with my x-wife and daughter as well..dude was crafty08:13
LaserJockjsgotangco: you know it08:13
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nixternali didn't feel a thing..at least in Atlanta the guy knocked me out08:13
nixternaland all he got was $108:13
LaserJockyeah, well the guy in Paris got a lot more then that08:14
nixternalthat sucks08:14
LaserJockbtw, jsgotangco what a fine picture of you and Matt and Aaron on fridge ;-)08:14
nixternalya, the guy in london got over $1000 if i remember correctly08:14
nixternalbuy guess what...my american express covered everything..just like in the commercials08:15
jsgotangcohmm what's the package i need to be able to play unencrypted dvds?08:15
nixternalya..my x-wife used to live in london, and it was her idea to bring all that cash..as the people in london are way to nice to knock you out and steal your cash ;)08:15
LaserJockI lost my credit cards, driver's license, and a little over $10008:15
nixternali should have known better..i have seen movies like snatch, and locked stock and 2 smoking barrels or whatever it was called ;)08:16
nixternaland trainspotter08:16
nixternalheh, i wonder if identity theft is huge over there?08:16
nixternalsomeone stole my identify a few years back..and i claimed all of his income on my taxes08:16
nixternalhe made some good money too...about $50k08:17
nixternalso i figure i probably got an extra $500 or so back in taxes because of him08:17
nixternalhell..it happened to my brother and my mom as well08:17
LaserJockof course you won't find pickpocketers in the Bay area08:20
LaserJockthey are subsidized by the government :-)08:20
nixternali think that once i am done with all my schooling...i am probably heading to either Spain, Greece, or Greece ;)08:20
nixternalya, i was just there last year for an interview at the lusterous googleplex08:21
LaserJockmy grandpa saw one of the streat performers drive off in a BMW after he was done for the day08:21
nixternaloh wow...Chicago will outdo that one...Channel 5 news followed 5 "bums" from their posts near Union Station, to their million dollar homes in Naperville, Buffalo Grove, and other towns08:22
LaserJockat least in Paris they did a decent show08:22
nixternalchannel 5 news..if you are bogus they will get you08:22
LaserJockthere was a lady on the train playing a flute that was nice08:22
nixternalwell..i was in paris 3 years ago..and i went up against some people pissed off at the US08:23
nixternalthe police wouldn't even help me08:23
nixternalmy x-wife and daughter got away and into a building..but since they speak greek fluently..they are safe pretty much08:23
nixternalnot i08:23
nixternali looked like a pumpkin after that one08:23
nixternali even had women kickin' my butt08:23
LaserJockpoor guy08:24
nixternalyou want to know what started it..i was wrong though08:24
nixternalthis guy was taking a pic of the eiffel08:24
jsgotangcolike when we were in paris, there were this group beating the crap out of a guy in the streets08:24
nixternaland i said it didn't have "sh!7" on the sears tower08:24
jsgotangcoalong the seine08:24
nixternalthat is all it took08:24
nixternalhaha, and sebas was the hero!08:24
LaserJockyeah, I didn't hear about that until after I don't think08:25
LaserJockpoor guy08:25
LaserJockwell, Paris was my first trip outside the US really08:25
LaserJockit was interesting for sure08:26
LaserJockbut I don't have a huge desire to go to Paris for a little while a least08:26
nixternali don't like the big city of france, but the country side is so beautiful there..and the same with germany08:26
nixternalbut i love spain and greece the most over there08:26
nixternalgive me the med and im good08:26
nixternalfrance has the most awesome little villages...if you speak english you are screwed...i would just put money out an dpoint to things on the menu08:27
nixternalbut if i am going to stay in the US..i have to move to either the Carolinas, Georgia, or Southern Cal..I can't stand the Chicago area any more..politics here are getting bad08:28
nixternalSo, it is either those states, Mexico, Greece, or Spain when school is out08:29
jsgotangconixternal: come to hong kong or manila one time08:29
nixternali have been to the PI in the navy08:30
nixternalvery briefly08:30
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nixternaldidn't get to see anything08:30
nixternal1994 was about the time frame08:30
jsgotangcoyou've probably just went to the bars in clark or subic08:30
nixternali didn't even hit a bar08:30
nixternalwe went in, to meet the "lady prez" at the time..i forgot her name08:30
nixternalpick up stuff and leave08:31
nixternali can't remember..she was very popular then as well08:31
nixternali would remember though if i heard it08:31
nixternal1994-1996 time frame maybe08:31
nixternal1991-1993 was the Persian Gulf08:32
nixternaland it was after that08:32
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LaserJocknixternal: move to Montana with the rest of us freaks ;-)08:35
nixternalim down with that08:35
nixternali was just there a not even a year ago for my buddies wedding08:36
LaserJockI visit places, but Montana is still home for me08:36
nixternalmontana has the greatest mountain ranges i have seen i think08:37
LaserJockbut of course ;-)08:37
nixternalwhen you get upon a valley..my god it goes on for miles08:37
nixternalit is the most beautiful...in the early spring, and right before winter..actually right about now08:37
nixternalwith the leaves turning08:37
LaserJockI grew up on a ranch08:37
nixternalthat rocks08:38
LaserJock5 mi x 30 mi08:38
LaserJockit was a whole valley08:38
nixternalbranch, not a ranch ;)08:38
nixternalthe dividians08:38
LaserJockand ~ 10-15 people lived in that area08:38
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nixternalhiya Burgundavia!08:56
nixternalhow is the knot stuff going for you guys?08:56
nixternali was loving this Ubuntu look here until they plastered the "Artwork Review" on the sweetness of a wally08:56
BurgundaviaI hate those08:58
Burgundaviamakes screenshots harder08:58
Burgundaviawas out tonight, so our knot page will have to wait until then08:58
nixternaloh ya..i rememer you saying you were going to be afk08:58
nixternalwell i have Ubuntu Edgy Knot 3 freeze running..so if you need something, let me know08:59
Burgundaviaok, why is dns failing08:59
nixternalhmm..i should create one in vmware08:59
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RiddellBurgwork: when is the UWN meeting?02:06
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Riddellrob: could you give me that funky more then 20 channel privilage?03:26
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BurgworkRiddell, tonight06:46
RiddellBurgwork: 02:00UTC?06:46
Burgwork6pm PTD which is 1am UTC06:47
lloydinhoBurgwork, did you see the mail I sent about finishing up before doc freeze?06:47
Burgworklloydinho, when did you send it?06:47
lloydinhoA few hours ago to the doc list.06:47
lloydinhouh... around 10 UTC06:48
BurgworkI have not yet read my email06:48
lloydinhoah.. okay. It's just kind of a "somebody with commit rights and clue - help me!" kind of mail.06:49
lloydinhoLet me know if you can help me out.06:49
nixternali already committed it06:49
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lloydinhonixternal, awesome.07:40
lloydinhoI guess I really should start subscribing to the doc-commits list as well.07:41
nixternalit isn't the busiest, but it lets you know to "svn up"07:41
lloydinhowhich is what I just did. :-)07:42
lloydinhonixternal, would you know anything about testing the .omf files I changed for the front page?07:43
nixternalcan't say that i do....but i am going to look into after class tonight...it is something i want to learn ;)07:45
lloydinhocool. I also attached two patches to the "Finishing the Ubuntu-docs for Edgy" mail I sent out.07:46
lloydinhoOne for the .OMF files (all except the Switching guide which I know nothing of) and one for the ADSL USB modems section of the Desktop guide.07:46
lloydinhoHope you'll have time to look at them as well. :-)07:47
LaserJocklloydinho: sorry I've been worthless on this contributing doc :(07:51
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lloydinhoLaserJock, hey - no worries. You've been all kinds of busy with other stuff.07:52
lloydinhoAnd I've had plenty of other people to help me with the committing and all that.07:53
lloydinhoBTW. LaserJock : you wouldn't happen to know the answers to the questions I asked in that email I sent out to the list?07:54
LaserJockhang on let me check, I've got a bit of an email backlog from -doc ;-)07:55
lloydinhoheh. 07:55
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LaserJocklloydinho: argg, what was the title of the email, you are  sending too many ;-)07:57
lloydinhoheh. From today: "Finishing the Ubuntu-docs for Edgy"07:58
lloydinhoLaserJock, with mdke on holiday, I promised to have a look at getting everything ready for packaging, so that's the reason for all the email.07:59
LaserJockwe seriously need more time for docs08:01
lloydinhowell, it seems that this has been a very lazy cycle. We'll need to put in a serious effort for the Furious Fruitfly if we'll go through reorganizing the docs from books to context-based articles.08:05
Burgworklloydinho, furious fruitfly?08:06
lloydinhoheh. Or Flashy Ferret or whatever.08:06
lloydinhoIt's more fun than saying edgy +1 and it creates RUMOURS. ;-)08:07
=== lloydinho goes to dinner.
trappistFlamboyant Flamingo would be fabulous08:19
LaserJockFabulous Flamboyant Flamingo08:21
lloydinhoLaserJock, did you get around to taking a look at the mail?09:26
LaserJockthe omf question?09:28
LaserJockI just really don't know :/09:29
LaserJockmdke has always handled the omf stuff09:30
lloydinhonot ideal.09:30
LaserJockwhen is mdke going to be back?09:31
lloydinhonot for another week or so.09:32
LaserJockwell, this sucks09:32
LaserJockwe are not ready for doc freeze at all09:32
LaserJockand mdke is gone09:32
lloydinhoI'll try heading over to the GIMPNet and see if any of the Yelp guys can help me out.09:32
lloydinhoLaserJock, about the patches I sent out with the mail - can you have look at them and commit them if they look good to you?09:33
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nixternal<lloydinho> It's more fun than saying edgy +1 and it creates RUMOURS. ;-)09:55
nixternalis anyone going to review the ADSL and OMF for the Ubuntu side of things?09:56
nixternaldude..im clueless sometimes09:56
nixternaldon't worry about the ADSL stuff..that i can handle ;)09:56
nixternalthe .omf though, i have no stinkin' clue..that is a new one for me09:57
lloydinhonixternal, I'm talking to the guys in the GNOME docs section and they'll hopefully walk me through it.09:58
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purplehi all10:22
purplecansomebody paste mi a link to repository of latest kde 3.5.4 to install it on dapper?10:23
lloydinhohi purple, you might try the #kubuntu channel for kubuntu support. :-)10:28
purplei runnung UBUNTU10:28
purpleand want to install KDE enviroment10:28
LaserJockpurple: then install kubuntu-desktop10:29
purplebut it installs only 3.5.210:30
purplei want latest10:30
LaserJockwell ...10:33
LaserJockedgy has kde 3.5.410:33
purplei installed it few days ago on 6.06.1 but i lost link10:34
robRiddell: done10:39
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