
neuraliszul: still getting an error unpacking xen-utils-3.0 on x86_64. 12:23
zulneuralis: what error?12:29
neuraliszul: it can't find module blkbk which causes xend to fail starting12:30
zulhmm...ok ill take a look12:31
zulcan you do modprobe blkbk12:31
neuralisnope, don't have that module12:32
zulok ill take a look soon12:33
neuralisno rush, thanks12:33
BenCmjg59: got it, thanks12:54
=== _sah_ [n=sah@cpc4-hitc1-0-0-cust766.lutn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
_sah_sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but nobody else seems to be able to answer. Are there plans to add MPT Fusion SAS RAID support to the ubuntu-server kernel? If so, when? Thanks.01:38
infinity_sah_: modinfo mptsas01:40
infinity_sah_: What's wrong with that one?01:40
_sah_the kernel that ships with the ubuntu-server install CD does not support RAID on these devices. AFAIK the driver was updated somewhere between 2.6.15 and 2.6.16 and ubuntu ships with 2.6.1501:41
infinityOh, you're talking dapper.  Check.  I did the above on an edgy machine. :)01:42
infinityNot sure how updating the fusion stack in dapper would/could destabilise OTHER fusion drivers, for the sake of new hardware support.01:42
infinityBut that's not my call.01:43
_sah_yes, dapper01:43
_sah_who is the one to talk to about this? As dapper is being used as base for the LTS version, it would be nice to use that one.01:44
infinityBenC would be the man to discuss this with.  The Fusion stack is generally pretty stable, but doing large driver updates on a stable kernel is always risky.01:45
infinityOh, he's only been idle 50 mins..01:45
infinityBenC: Ping.  Still around?01:45
_sah_Is there an email address I could use or a particular good time to contact BenC on this channel?01:47
zulyou might want to start by opening a bug in launchpad01:51
_sah_it has already been filed as Bug #3745201:55
_sah_apparently no solution could be found back then. we are in exactly the same situation as described in the bugreport.01:57
_sah_I have no idea of how git, etc. works but if someone would give me some pointers on how to create a server install cd with a custom kernel I would be more than happy to give it a try.01:58
_sah_Have to go now. Thanks for your help so far.02:06
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fabbionezul: didn't you go to sleep today?09:18
zulfabbione: yep i did..09:18
fabbioneso what are you doing up at 3am?09:19
zulfor the meeting09:19
zulbesides katie is talking in her asleep again09:19
fabbionedude.. the only reason why you wake up at 3am is to either get laid or get a beer or watch porn while your wife talks in her sleep09:20
zulheh..or i cant sleep09:20
fabbionethat's solvable with beer09:20
zulim beerless though09:20
rodarvusare you wineless too?09:33
zuli dont like wine09:35
fabbionehe is also dickless^Wbrainless09:36
=== fabbione hides
zulhah hah09:36
zuland xen is still stuck on 2.6.1609:42
Mithrandiryou did some work on getting it up to .18, didn't you?09:42
zulyeah 09:42
fabbionexen sucks.. it will never get merged upstream09:42
zulheh i was playing with esx today09:43
Mithrandirfabbione: there appears to be a small bit of movement around it upstream.09:43
fabbioneMithrandir: yeah but most core kernel guys don't like it09:44
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zulBenC: i guess you dont have a 2.6.18 git lying around for edgy+1 do you?04:10
makxedgy is not based on 2.6.18 dooh04:12
BenCzul: I think edgy+1 will be 2.6.1904:22
BenCbut to answer your question, no04:23
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fabbioneBenC: fixed glibc have been uploaded.. just waiting knot-3 to be out for acceptance06:24
fabbioneit also reduces the size of the initramfs of about 2.5MB on sparc06:24
BenCerr, cool06:24
fabbioneand that should make Niagara boot again06:24
fabbione(testint it right now)06:24
fabbioneLoading initial ramdisk (6290368 bytes at 0x1FF800000 phys, 0x40C00000 virt)...06:26
fabbioneold PHYS address06:26
fabbionewe will still need to understand why it corrupts06:26
fabbionebut this will give us a bit of time to do it06:26
fabbione[    5.145560]  checking if image is initramfs... it is                               06:27
BenCI already know why, remember :)06:27
fabbioneright, but we still need:06:27
fabbionea) understand why .15 can boot using the same PHYS06:27
fabbioneb) get a fix ;)06:27
fabbioneoh crap we also need to get infinity to kick silo back06:28
fabbionenow the headers should be available for it to build06:28
fabbionebut that's not really important06:28
fabbione.10 we have is basically .1206:28
fabbioneand the rebuild didn't even boot06:28
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BenCmjg59: ping06:55
BenCmjg59: Can you look at https://launchpad.net/bugs/53381, follow the linux bug, and tell me if we should be defaulting ec_intr to 0?06:56
mjg59I don't think so06:59
mjg59It breaks all sorts of other things07:00
mjg59Get him to retry with the new acpi code after the next upload07:01
=== stepomaticc [n=stepomat@85-125-151-238.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
zulBenC: ping another question for you07:28
BenCzul: shoot07:29
BenCmjg59: ok, thanks07:32
zulim going to be doing a xen-restricted modules which consist of the nvidia kernel module, and i was going to call the .ko file nvidia-xen does that sound reasonable?07:32
Mithrandirwhy not just let it still be named nvidia.ko?07:32
BenCzul: I suspect you don't need to do that, since the modules will be in a separate module directory anyway07:32
zulah true...i didnt think of that07:33
BenCzul: why not just build it all out of the same lrm?07:33
BenCwe can just add new flavours07:33
MithrandirBenC: because lrm is restricted, xen is universe07:33
BenCadd depends for the xen header packages07:33
BenCMithrandir: so?07:33
MithrandirBenC: restricted can't build dep on universe, afaik?07:33
BenCwe can't have lrm build-dep on universe?07:33
Mithrandirttbomk, no07:33
BenCthat sucks :/07:33
Mithrandirnot without putting it in multiverse07:33
BenCwould xen make sense in multiverse?07:34
Mithrandirmultiverse can build-dep on universe.07:34
zuli thought multiverse was for non-gpl stuff07:34
Mithrandirjust not the other way around.07:34
Mithrandirzul: non-free, not non-gpl07:34
Mithrandirzul: else, we'd have to punt X and other stuff to multiverse, which would be a shame. :-)07:35
zulyou know what i meant :)07:36
Mithrandiryeah, I do07:36
fabbioneBenC: up to room up for UDS?07:50
BenCfabbione: hell yeah07:51
fabbionedone :)07:51
fabbioneBenC: i will invite also David since it's close to where he lives07:51
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zulsparc is not being built on hoary is it?09:19
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Mithrandirzul: you're working on xrm now?10:02
zulMithrandir: im at work right now, but will fit some time into it tonight10:02
Mithrandirzul: do you want my preliminary stuff or is that useless for you?10:02
zulMithrandir: that would be good it would give me a starting point10:03
MithrandirI'mm make them work with the current xen from git then10:04
Mithrandirand then put them somewhere10:05
zulMithrandir: ill probably add a domU kernel as well this weekend10:05
Mithrandirzul: coolie.  I don't know if I'll have time for it, but maybe I'll get around to do the update-initramfs magic and such10:06
zulthat would be super as well, but isnt that handle by kernel-package?10:06
Mithrandirapparently not10:06
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-44-127.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu-kernel
zulright im heading home...later..10:30
Philip5what is the abi-file in /boot used for? and second... when i make a kernel from vanilla kernel source with make-kpkg i don't get a abi-file10:31
Philip5how do i make one and do i need one?10:31
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