
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: you would move it there or copy it there?12:10
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: move it there - then dpkg-reconfigure will start with a clean config12:10
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: and the copy in my home dir would just be a backup?12:11
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: Yes but if necessary (which I don't think it will be it could just be copied back - still trying to work out whether you need to use r128 or atimisc instead of radeon12:12
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i was being tempted to give fglrx a try12:12
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: Its only for radeon 8500 and above12:13
jmichaelxbut i think this card is probably too old for that12:13
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grothesk_Juste made a kernel upgrade. But my via-chipset still quirks. :-(12:13
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GStubbs43Anyone know if it is possible to have gtk/GNOME apps (like Firefox) use the top osx like menu bar?12:18
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: would it make any difference if i changed the "monitor" setting in the display system settings to " 1280 x 1024 @ 60 Hz"?12:20
naegling23how do I specify line in for recording?12:21
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: at present, "monitor" says 'generic'12:21
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: That xorg.conf looks nothing like anything that my dapper or edgy machines would generate looks really old12:21
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: strange, as i never had anything older than dapper on this box12:22
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ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)12:23
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: well, i am going to change this monitor setting.... if that does nothing, i will move the xconf to home and reconfigure12:24
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MadRushif im gonna get apache2+php4+mysql, do i have to do anything special to get php and mysql to cooperate?12:24
pointwoodI'm looking for suggestions as to what there is wrong with my system - I'm not getting konversation 1.0 installed :( my sources list and various other info here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2343112:24
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h3sp4wnjmichaelx: Ok let me know the outcome - i might ask in #xorg about what to use for rage 3d pro - xserver-xorg-driver-ati seems to provide ati / radeon / r128 and atimisc but there are no docs at all about how to use r128 or atimisc12:25
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: ok, i will try that. thanks for the assistance.12:26
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naegling23can anyone help me with some audio issues?12:28
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Disastamoep moep12:33
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spoopkde owns your fais12:33
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naegling23under kmix, Input, there is no option for line-in (there is a line in on my soundcard) how can I add it?12:34
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:35
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naegling23ggggggrrrrrrrr on to month number two of no audio......frustrated.........turning back to windows.....at least that works.....12:37
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D4m4gebye, bonne nuit12:39
kubuntubona nit12:39
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grotheskpointwood: I got my konversation through imbrandon.com Repo.12:41
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pointwoodgrothesk: it looks like it should be in the backports as well or am I misunderstanding the output of apt-cache madison konversation?12:43
grotheskI don't know madison12:44
pointwood"It displays available versions of a package in a tabular format." <-- from the man page12:45
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grotheskapt-cache policy doesn't show it to me.12:45
pointwooddoesn't here either12:45
pointwoodwhere can I find that repo you mentioned?12:46
grothesk## amarok dapper key: wget http://www.imbrandon.com/packages/887D9FD2.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add -12:46
grotheskdeb http://imbrandon.com/packages dapper all12:46
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pointwoodgrothesk: that worked!12:51
AlHello. The usual method of activating left-button-hold - double-tapping and holding on my mouse pad - isn't working. Does anyone know why this might be? It works in Ubuntu.12:54
ubotuTo mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk  .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows12:55
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Alalso, where's the mplayer plugin for Firefox in the Kubuntu reps?12:56
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Zambouliei need help12:57
Zambouliei installed an audigy 2 and there are no linux driver12:57
Zambouliewhat do i do?12:57
Zamboulieanybody there?12:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about undelete - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi12:59
uboturecover: Undelete files on ext2 partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3c-10 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB12:59
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about audigy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about creative - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:05
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems and http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin01:05
Zamboulieaah there we go01:05
h3sp4wn!info mplayer-mozilla01:05
ubotuPackage mplayer-mozilla does not exist in any distro I know01:05
h3sp4wn!info mozilla-mplayer01:06
ubotumozilla-mplayer: MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.17-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 421 kB, installed size 1500 kB01:06
keldon85hi guys01:06
AlI'm sure I have multiverse01:06
keldon85i made a grave mistake installing sun-java5-jdk using the adept gui01:06
keldon85since it requires input from the command line I had to abort the installation01:07
Almy mistake, I have multiverse backports01:07
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keldon85AI: What you need to do is change the one with universe and add multiverse01:08
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AlYeah :)01:08
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keldon85so is anyone awake who could help me with my aborted installation problem or should I just reinstall linux01:08
AlI had backports multiverse but not plain old multiverse01:08
keldon85AI: it's not the one with backports that you should be interested in ... what you are supposed to do is enable the universe repository01:09
keldon85but change the line so that it is 'universe multiverse'01:09
keldon85instead of just universe01:09
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ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository01:10
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Admiral_Chicago2i need help setting up an ATI card01:13
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Admiral_Chicago2i followed the walk through already01:13
Admiral_Chicago2but it doesn't recognize the card as installed on the step after reboot01:14
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keldon85Admiral_Chicago: what ati card is it?01:14
keldon85^^ just out of curiosity01:15
keldon85AI: By the way what are you trying to install?01:15
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beemonkI so badly want to play my windows games...is there no other way but to partition of a little piece and dual boot windows :(01:16
soulrideromg, did you guys know there is a Ubuntu Christian Edition ?01:16
soulriderbeemonk: thats what i do01:16
keldon85beemonk: what problem are you having?01:17
beemonksoulrider : in that case....i switched from xp to kubuntu a week ago...01:17
beemonki got rid of all my windows stuff...01:17
keldon85beemonk: I mean why is it that you can't dual boot?01:17
beemonkwill it be stable to set up another bit of one of my hard drives for windows?01:17
beemonkWell...i wanted to get rid of windows completely...been using it for so long, i switched completely01:17
beemonkdidnt think of dual booting01:17
soulrideri use kubuntu for everyhting01:17
soulriderbut not for playing01:17
soulrideri use redmond for that01:17
kubuntucan you believe that! kristubuntu   O_o?01:18
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beemonkredmond ?01:18
soulriderwindoze :P01:18
Admiral_Chicago2keldon85: Radeon X18001:18
beemonki've got... 2x 160 gig drives01:18
beemonkand a usb 400gig drive01:18
beemonkbut i formatted everything to ext301:19
beemonkis it going to be hard to section off a bit for windows ? :s01:19
Admiral_Chicago2keldon85: X1800 GTO on a 64 bit system01:19
h3sp4wnbeemonk: Should have used reiserfs (you can resise that with tools really easily)_01:19
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beemonkh3sp4wn : "should have" ? or "can" ?01:20
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h3sp4wnbeemonk: If you have alot of partitions you can just move all the data from one to the other01:21
keldon85beemonk: there shouldn't be any trouble dual booting, not sure about resizing, there are utilities for this, well with mandrake01:21
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beemonkh3sp4wn : I don't have any data....all my hard drives are in ext3 format...All i want to do is section off say 50gig of a drive, and make it so that i can install windows on it..01:22
beemonkbut im a linux noob and i dont know how to configure it so i can dual boot01:22
h3sp4wnYou need to install windows first or reinstall grub after windows01:23
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:23
beemonkDamn...I've just remembered, i put my legit copy of windows on this vmware, so its going to lock me out if i try to install windows again :S01:23
Admiral_Chicago2soulrider: ask nixternal about it01:23
Admiral_Chicago2its called Ithachux or somethign like that01:24
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soulriderAdmiral_Chicago uhm ?01:24
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MichaelVailquestion: is there any way to apt-get remove a program along with the deps it used?01:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remove - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi01:28
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MichaelVaillike to remove dar and kdar at the same time01:28
MichaelVailwithout typing apt-get remove dar kdar01:29
Kr4t05MichaelVail: Adept?01:29
MichaelVaili have a bunch of deps that are left over from programs I uninstalled01:29
lupine_85MichaelVail: aptitude does01:29
h3sp4wnaptitude only does if you always used aptitude01:29
h3sp4wnif you haven't use deborphan01:30
keldon85Admiral, have you got all of the 32 bit package requirements for a 64 bit system installed01:30
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beemonkI'm in "Disks and filesystems"....trying to create a windows NTFS partition...im a bit stuck :(01:30
keldon85Admiral: XFree86-Mesa-libGL, libstdc++,libgcc,XFree86-libs,fontconfig,expat,freetype, and zlib must be installed01:31
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beemonkMount Point / Device / Mount permission, I don't know what to put for these seeing as Its for XP01:32
timmy_Hey, anyone else having problems with Source Forge?01:32
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keldon85beemonk: you don't really need to set up the ntfs partition from within linux01:32
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse01:32
keldon85once you've freed the partition space you can simply install windows01:33
beemonkBut how do you suggest i free the partition space without creating an nfts parition01:33
beemonkas long as i have enough space, the win installer can create one01:34
beemonkbut....then after windows installs....how do i choose between linux and xp ?01:34
keldon85after windows has installed you will need to reinstall lilo/grub01:34
=== beemonk gets nervous
beemonkhow do i do that :S01:35
keldon85the installation cd's for a lot of the previous linux builds i have had have boot record restore options01:35
keldon85but just to be safe i would burn a cd that will restore the bootloader01:35
beemonkI have both Ubuntu and Kubuntu install cd's01:35
beemonkHow do i do that...lol01:36
osiriswhich doesnt work so hot with SATA drives01:36
h3sp4wnThe kanotix bootcd can fix most grub problems01:36
beemonki have a sata hd01:36
beemonkI just dont want to be stuck with no os and no options...01:36
InteliWasphow do i get xchat to open links i click on to open in firefox?01:36
osirisi couldnt get the MBR to repair with a maxtor SATA drive and via controler.  your milage may vary01:36
beemonkah i've bottled it01:37
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beemonkcant do it01:37
keldon85its not too hard, just make sure you've left space for windows01:37
beemonkwell i've got 600 gigs of space01:37
osirisInteliWasp, go to settings, advanced, and url handelers.  make a duplicate of the opera one, replacing firefox information01:37
keldon85if all else fails, the worst that can happen is that windows installs and none of your cd's will install a bootloader01:38
beemonkso the latest kubuntu cd01:38
beemonkthats got a boot loader on it?01:38
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osirisit has a "repair boot record" option01:39
InteliWaspthanks osiris01:40
keldon85oh yeah is anyone around who knows about restoring corrupt adept installs01:40
bubu1ukkeidon85: just reinstall it again01:43
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keldon85bubu: what linux?01:44
bubu1uknope, just package01:45
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lotusleafI use Synaptic with Kubuntu, I never liked Adept01:45
bubu1ukif i understood right what ur problem is01:45
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keldon85the problem i have is that most of adept is not functioning properly now01:47
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bubu1ukwhat is not working there?01:47
bubu1ukhow u mean not working properly01:48
keldon85lol, well actually it is working now01:48
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keldon85what was happening is that when i tried to remove the broken installs it would give an error message saying that other packages depended on it01:49
keldon85but it would not allow me to install it, so i also had to remove other packages that were involved01:49
keldon85from now on i will install all packages from the terminal just incase it requires input01:50
bubu1ukwell, then it's not really problem of adept,01:50
keldon85it happened because i chose the sun-java5-jdk update using the gui and not the command line01:50
h3sp4wnadept should do that (and handle dependancies like aptitude) imho01:51
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keldon85adept will not [to my knowledge]  allow any text input into the console, it was only displaying it01:51
keldon85so then the installation halted halfway through01:51
h3sp4wnIt should though (there is no reason why it should not)01:51
keldon85hmmm, well i tried every option, but maybe there is something I just didn't notice01:52
keldon85is there any way to search the repositories online in the same way you do with adept?01:53
warpzonetheres a command you can install01:53
warpzonewhich I did01:53
warpzoneand promptly forgot what it was :-P01:53
warpzoneso I guess I'm asking too01:54
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warpzonelemme see if I can find it01:54
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository01:55
bubu1uki think u can search for packages in repos, but u probably won't get full list of all aviable01:55
lupine_85apt-cache search01:55
lupine_85it searches for <regex>01:56
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bubu1ukis there somewhere on internet list of programs that r on windows and their linux equivalent?01:57
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der_steppenwolfbubu1uk, yes01:58
warpzoneooo thanks lupine01:58
bubu1ukder_steppenwolf: do u even know where? ;)01:58
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warpzoneweird question, kinda vague:02:00
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warpzoneI once saw a friend SSH into another box and start an x client on that box as a new workspace on his comp02:01
warpzonehow would you do this? a prog or command?02:01
Fatb0yyou have to enable X11 forwarding through SSH02:01
warpzoneooo sounds scary02:02
Fatb0yjust edit your ssh_config to turn on x11 forwarding and then ssh -X ip and you can run apps or other items from another box02:02
Fatb0yby default x11 foward is set to no  change it to YES02:02
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lotusleafwow, konversation 1.0 builds easy02:02
warpzoneFatb0y: sweet thanks a bunch man, thats awesome, can't wait to try it02:02
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keldon85x11 ssh was great for me02:03
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keldon85i had it working under windows when it happened ... i was compiling my code in ssh FROM HOME, and being able to execute it and see my code running02:03
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bbeck_This may be just a coincedence, but since I updated the kernel via adept Amarok hangs indefinitely when trying to listen to last.fm streams.  Has anyone else noted this?02:04
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Fatb0ythe only want to foward x11 apps to windows is with an application like x-win32 and its high   easy to forward x11 apps to another nix box or mac02:05
warpzoneawesome... need it to set up my current box as a media server02:06
Fatb0yif you meant you were shelling in and watching code build via a term like putty  thats no biggie there especailly if you preface the command with screen   then you can close it and log back in later  take back over the screen process and pick up from there02:06
warpzonejust wanted to ssh into it from my laptop02:06
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j2daoshanyone in here use amarok?02:06
Fatb0ywarpzone, then download a program that is free called putty02:06
Fatb0ysecure shell02:07
j2daoshyeah i was just wondering if thats what yall were talking about02:07
Fatb0ysudo apt-get install openssh-server  then you can shell into your box with ssh ip02:07
h3sp4wnwarpzone: use mpd - client and server (from other boxes that is quite funky)02:07
keldon85amarok!!! music app???02:07
j2daoshamarok wont play my mp3 (its ok cuz i have xmms but its an annoyance)02:07
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h3sp4wnj2daosh: install libxine-extracodecs02:08
j2daoshFatb0y: he might have to use lssh02:08
Fatb0yi love my new itunes 7 on my macbook   kubuntu is my nfs server  :)02:08
j2daoshi couldn't manage to get open-shh server working properly02:08
Fatb0yyeah  ssh is very handy02:08
Fatb0yj2daosh,  what error did you get?02:08
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Fatb0yor what were you trying to accomplish02:08
Fatb0yopenssh server is easy to setup02:09
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j2daoshdidn't get an error, just wouldn't let me connect for some reason02:09
Fatb0yyou have openssh-server installed right now?02:09
Fatb0ythats an easy fix02:09
j2daoshi just setup lssh and now im good... that and freenx... now i get twice as much work done while im at work ;)02:09
Fatb0yrun sudo apt-get install openssh-server   and be sure it generates your keys okay   then open up an ssh application from windows like putty or just open up a command line term from another nix box and be sure you have openssh-client installed and type ssh ip_of_nix_box and login02:10
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j2daoshi am already setup on ssh02:10
Fatb0yj2daosh, you may not have had openssh-client installed02:11
j2daoshi just had to use lssh instead...02:11
j2daoshyeah i had it installed02:11
Fatb0yvery strange02:11
j2daoshyeah it was02:11
Fatb0yport 22 should have been open02:11
Fatb0ybut you could have checked that in the config as well02:11
j2daoshso i said screw it and tried lssh... worked fine for me :)02:11
Fatb0ywhat is the difference with ssh and lssh?02:11
Fatb0yas i do not use lssh02:11
h3sp4wndid you remember to rehash (if you are using anything other than bash (i.e csh / zsh)02:11
j2daoshjust a different author02:11
Fatb0ywell i will have to add that to the strange list as i have never had issues installing or even compiling ssh02:12
j2daoshi only use bash02:12
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j2daoshi insteaded the lib files bnut i still get nothing from amarok02:12
Fatb0yinsteaded? installed?02:12
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:12
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j2daoshnow i got it working :)02:12
keldon85oh yeah, is there anyone who maintains the help.ubuntu.com pages here02:13
j2daoshwell that was easy02:13
keldon85because the JAVA one i just brought has an error in its text02:13
keldon85man linux is so great ...02:14
keldon85i'm running chat, installing eclipse and burning a cd at the same time !!!02:14
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j2daoshand you wont have to restart 3 times a day02:15
j2daoshor get a virus02:15
j2daoshor spyware02:15
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j2daoshand you can log in on 7 tty's02:16
j2daoshsomeone better know this02:16
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j2daoshwhat is the application that will allow me to have 7 different desktops?02:16
j2daoshlike one running on my text tty's02:16
steveirewhat is the point of ttys?02:16
j2daoshno tty you display02:16
j2daoshno display02:16
keldon85all i know is ctrl + something + F[number] 02:17
steveirej2daosh: KMenu > start new session02:17
keldon85ahh something=alt02:17
j2daoshthere was an application that changed inittab and allowed gui's on all tty's... not just 702:17
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warpzoneyeah gotta say, If linux had some professional CAD software, I'd could get rid of windows completely02:20
j2daoshit does02:21
warpzoneas it stands, since I've installed ubuntu and then kubuntu ive fallen in love with my compy02:21
Ash-FoxAnyone using the new kernel yet?02:21
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warpzonej2daosh: whats it called?02:21
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warpzonei need something like Pro-E or inventor02:22
warpzonehmm lemme take a look-see02:22
warpzoneawwww only 2-D :( :(02:22
j2daoshits only 2d?02:23
warpzonestill, worth investigating02:23
j2daoshhmm... well there is a 3-d modeling application but i dont think it is cad...02:23
warpzonemiya or something like that02:23
warpzonemy bro uses it (graphical designer and animator)02:24
j2daoshthats what my wife does lol02:24
j2daoshi cant get her to get away from winblows though02:24
ubotublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro02:24
j2daoshoh i think imma have to read that :)02:24
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j2daoshcuz yeah... i looked at it and then quit the app02:25
keldon85is gimp the main package that is used to design the linux style graphics that most of the distros have?02:25
j2daoshim too stupid to use that02:25
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lupine_85even a complete amateur like me can get half-decent results :)02:26
keldon85well i got skillz02:27
lupine_85e.g. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/rai84/googoositeimage.jpg :)02:27
ubotujava is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository02:29
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:29
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AlHow do I set my preferred programs?02:31
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Alfound it02:32
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Ma1Anyone can help me? / Est-ce que quelqu'un peut m'aider?02:36
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ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)02:38
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.02:38
=== MaxPayne [n=vitali@p54B1834B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu
naegling23under kmix, I dont have an option for a line in input, how can I add it?02:38
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keldon85how do I get Ctrl+Tab to change desktops?02:39
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Ma1ubotu : I can't get opengl working with hardware acceleration, it's just software with mesa02:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about I can't get opengl working with hardware acceleration, it's just software with mesa - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:46
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Ma1hey keldon02:47
Admiral_ChicagoMa1, thats a bod02:47
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Kr4t05Ma1:  ubotu is only a bot and can't answer abstract questions.02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about libapache-mod-php5 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:47
Ma1i saw that02:47
=== Martijn81 [n=Martijn@a80-126-145-212.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu
ubotulamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP02:47
Alargh there's a 2 in it02:47
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Alhow do I find the reason for a package to be kept back?02:48
Ma1keldon you have to create (or edit) your .inputrc file in your home dir02:48
Admiral_ChicagoAl, no idea02:49
keldon85hi ma102:49
Martijn81anyone read the dns worries on vista already on cnet?02:49
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Martijn81oops, wrong channel :o02:50
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Ma1keldon85: this page may help you http://lfs.traduc.org/view/lfs-6.0-fr/chapter07/inputrc.html02:50
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naegling23ok, so noone can help with that problem I guess....on to another.  Is there a way to save the audio delay in mplayer, so I dont have to manually adjust it all the time?02:52
timi_hey im trying to pari my phone with my computer via blue tooth, when the phone asks for passcodes does it want the user passowr or something02:52
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keldon85ok, going to relogin to try osx  styler docker02:54
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tony_anyone out there can help linux newbie ?02:56
naegling23is horrible multimedia support a linux problem, or is it just ubuntu02:57
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tony_hello ?????????????02:58
naegling23tony, what do you need?02:58
timi_how do you find out the bluetooth password for your computer?02:58
tony_hi.. i downloaded Amule for linux, how do i install that app ???02:58
tony_with dep file extension02:59
Sannenaegling23: this should answer your question at least partly: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats02:59
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ubotuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup02:59
naegling23sanne ive been directed there about 47 times, it hasnt answered my problems, neither has this channel, or the ubuntu forums02:59
tony_Thanks , will take a look.02:59
Sannetony_: amule is in the ubuntu repositories, you should use that if possible.03:00
Sannenaegling23: which questions didn't it answer in particular?03:01
naegling23its not getting the codecs and everything, I have those, but I cant record using line in, which is a major problem03:01
h3sp4wnnaegling23: recording using line and the codecs are two completely seperate problems03:02
naegling23and mplayer just wont sync audio and video, I can manually do it, but that doesnt help when watching web video03:02
Sannenaegling23: oh, that's a different issue indeed, I failed to guess from your initial message :)03:02
naegling23h3sp4wn, im fully aware of that, when I ask for help, I just get pointed to that restricted formats site on ubuntu03:02
h3sp4wnnaegling23: Have you installed w32codecs and libxine-extracodecs ?03:03
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naegling23yes, they are both installed03:04
tony_ok. .in stalled the pakage using kubuntu package menu.. but where the app was installed ?03:04
h3sp4wnnaegling23: I would use kaffeine-mozilla for viewing web video (not mplayer-mozilla)03:04
tony_how do i run the app now ?:(03:04
h3sp4wnnaegling23: Have you looked in sudo alsamixer and moved all the channels up ?03:05
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naegling23ive done alsamixer, but not sudo, would it make a difference?03:05
h3sp4wnnaegling23: nope03:05
naegling23the problem is, in alsamixer...and kmix, there is no input option for line in, only output03:06
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h3sp4wnnaegling23: Are you using an onboard soundcard where that is set in software or something with hardware dedicated as a line in03:07
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naegling23audigy2zs platinum03:07
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h3sp4wnWith a breakout box ? (I haven't used creative since I had an audigy 1 which I thought was junk)03:08
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naegling23it has a breakout box, but the line in is on the pci card03:09
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naegling23right next to the microphone port.....which works just fine03:09
naegling23so using adept, I installed kaffein-mozilla, and removed mplayer-mozilla, so that should be all I need to do right?03:11
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h3sp4wnrestart firefox03:11
naegling23sorry, juggling two problems03:11
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h3sp4wnnaegling23: Does using the breakout box not override some of the ports on the pci card ?03:11
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i have  1280 x 1024 going now..... someone in #ati looked at my x log, and told me that my video card did not have enough RAM built into it to handle that resolution along with 24 bit color... however, he said that if i reconfigured to 16 bit color, it would probably work, which it did.03:12
jmichaelxso far, oddly perhaps, i cannot tell the difference between the 24 bit color and the 16 bit03:12
Sannetony_: usually it should turn up somewhere in your menu. Generally, you cn start most apps also on the command line by typing its name, so do: menu->system->konsole, and type in amule03:12
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Sannetony_: another way is hit ALT-F2 and type the program name into the run dialog03:13
naegling23the breakout box doesnt overide anything, it just adds additional ports03:13
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: Ah makes sense - on lcd panels 16 and 24 bit color doesn't look much different (unless you have a super expensive one)03:13
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naegling23anyone have any non flash based browser video that I can try kaffeine-mozilla out on03:14
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jmichaelxh3sp4wn: interesting03:14
tony_Thanks.. i guess, i should buy a good book on linux.. this way i might figure where things are being installed03:14
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: thanks again for the help.... and i had not known there was an ati iirc room03:15
Sannetony_: I would recommend some websites first for ubuntu, gimme a second03:15
Sannetony_: https://help.ubuntu.com/   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/   http://www.ubuntuforums.org/03:16
JucatoSanne: I would actually redirect the wiki.ubuntu.com to https://help.ubuntu.com/community03:16
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: did he get dri working for you ?03:16
Sannetony_: those should get you started, and try also the help item on your menu03:16
tony_thanks.. :) , i will try them :)03:16
Sannetony_: and listen to Jucato :)03:17
Jucatoheh :)03:17
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: no. he said that i would probably have to compile the module myself... which i would have no idea how to do03:17
Sannetony_: good luck, and if you get stuck, just come here and ask :)03:17
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: I have no idea which module he means (unless he means the mach64 one)03:18
tony_i do appreciate.. im new to linux , this is my first install and i have few document on linux on older hard drive which i have to access soon :)03:18
tony_thanks Sanne :)..03:18
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: that may be what he means..... actually, i should have asked which module03:18
h3sp4wnjmichaelx: I don't know whether that exists on xorg > 6.903:18
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i was mostly concerned about the resolution, but since i normally cannot leave well enough alone, i want to look into this, lol03:19
jmichaelxh3sp4wn: i see03:19
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jmichaelxi will need to go back and ask him03:19
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h3sp4wnnaegling23: According to the audigy 2 platinum spec i have been reading on the card itself are only 3 outputs - all inputs are on the breakout box03:20
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Sannetony_: oh, here's another nice link, specific to kubuntu, should help you also: http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html03:21
naegling23there is a mic and a line in on the pci card.  On the breakout box: Spdif in/out, line in2 and aux in 2(rca)03:22
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naegling23optical in/out, and midi03:22
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naegling23now the mic on the pci card is recognised in kmix, but if I use this in mythtv, I get an echo.  Its recommended that I use my line-in, but when I connect to it...I get no audio03:23
h3sp4wnWhy not just use aux in 2 ?03:23
h3sp4wnsurely your equipment just outputs rca anyway03:23
draik_Hey, jmichaelx03:23
draik_I will be sending out tomorrow03:24
draik_Priority Mail03:24
draik_2 business days03:24
draik_should be there by tuesday03:24
jmichaelxdraik_: thank you so much, man!03:24
Telroth_Plushie|how can i make my system install the *-dev packages for all of the currently installed packages ?03:24
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naegling23Im trying to connect a tv card, so rca is not quite right, the aux2 port sounded horrible, as well as results in wires running needlessly around my case03:25
jmichaelxdraik_: i am actually excited about getting it... i have a couple of old boxes i plan to revive :-D03:25
Telroth_Plushie|draik_, what are you sending?03:25
draik_Hope they have use for them, I don't03:25
Jucatohi draik_!03:26
soulrideris thre any way to downlaod a deb file fomt he repos but not actually install it?03:26
draik_You're alive!!!!!!!!03:26
jmichaelxdraik_: they do03:26
draik_Telroth_Plushie|, you don't wanna know03:26
Telroth_Plushie|soulrider, apt-get -d install <package>03:26
Telroth_Plushie|draik_, i don't ?03:26
Telroth_Plushie|aww :(03:26
draik_Telroth_Plushie|, I took the brain cells out from various cadavers and jmichaelx has use for them, I don't.03:27
Sannesoulrider: that, or manually from packages.ubuntu.com, for example03:27
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jmichaelxdealing in cadavers....03:27
Telroth_Plushie|lol draik03:27
draikI'm the...03:27
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soulriderahh, thanks03:28
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Telroth_Plushie|any help with my question?03:28
soulriderdid a new kernel come out?03:28
crash__how do you download and install vlc player through terminal program?03:29
Jucatosoulrider: yes03:29
Telroth_Plushie|(note to anyone listening, apt-get install .*dev will lag your console)03:29
jmichaelxsudo apt-get install vlc, i think03:29
junkphreakanyone use linux ghost / g4l ?03:29
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crash__no thats not it03:30
Jucatobut still 2.6.15-26 actually03:30
Telroth_Plushie|CadaverPimp, do you know of any way to make my system install all of the -dev packages relating to the packages i already have installed?03:30
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CadaverPimpnope, sorry03:30
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CadaverPimphave you tried   sudo apt-get -f install?03:30
naegling23ugh, kaffeine is even worse than mplayer, this avenue isnt going to work out so hot03:31
soulriderJucato: i read a bit of the ubuntu book i told you yesterday about03:32
soulriderand it looks like its a good one03:32
Jucatonice :)03:32
naegling23so are these issues that im having with audio (out of sync, cant record audio) ubuntu problems, or are they linux problems?03:32
=== Jucato wishes he had time to really read...
soulriderill send it if ya want :P03:33
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Jucatosoulrider: thanks. but maybe some other time. I think I have a backlog of about 10+ books to read :P03:33
Telroth_Plushie|CadaverPimp, that's not the problem. apt-get packages are all set up correctly, but i'm compiling UnrealIRCd03:33
Telroth_Plushie|so i have to get all the dev packages for ssl and zlib and stuff03:33
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CadaverPimpThat's the "man" from the class given on compiling, from 2 weekends ago03:34
CadaverPimpSorry for any lag I have... ktorrent is almost done downloading... about 5 more minutes03:35
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Ma1I need help so muuucchh03:35
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Telroth_Plushie|CadaverPimp, i've complied it plenty of times before, i just and having lots of fun finding the dev libraries i need ^^03:35
Telroth_Plushie|*am having03:35
Ma1Did anyone got ATI drivers for 9500+ series working?03:36
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Ma1Please help me, I've been working on this all day03:37
Fatb0yhave you followed a howto on how to set them up?  just asking the obvious03:38
Ma1Yes sir..03:38
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Fatb0yand what error are you getting?03:38
Fatb0yor can you just not start x?03:38
Ma1In fact I've been following a lots of them today03:38
CadaverPimpsorry that I can't help03:38
Ma1I can start X server but it is using damn mesa so there's no hard acceleration03:39
Fatb0yor can you start X but the ati driver is not initialing03:39
BluDog_Anchoriteah.  the joys on nvidia03:39
Fatb0ythen you have not got the driver installed correctly     in the drivers section what is your call? ati?   like i use nvidia03:39
Fatb0ynvidia and linux = NICE!03:40
Ma1umm wait a min please03:40
Fatb0yMa1,  also, did you build the driver or are you using a packaged install driver?03:40
Ma1packeged driver both tried from ATI website itself and from easyubuntu03:41
Fatb0yand is the driver you are using on the kernel is was built for?03:41
Fatb0ymeaning if the driver was built for 2.6.1  then are you using a 2.6.1 kernel03:42
Ma1Fatboy, my call is fglrx cause i'va been tweeking things alot but is was at some time "ati"03:42
Fatb0yjust once again asking obvious questions03:42
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Telroth_Plushie|checking for gmake... make03:42
Telroth_Plushie|checking for gmake... no03:42
Telroth_Plushie|stupid system can't make up it's mind03:42
Fatb0yMa1,  is the "tweaking" what is causing the issue then?   you should just be trying to get it working before "Tweaking" for instance03:43
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Fatb0ygmake  the gnu make   apt-get install gmake :P03:43
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JucatoI need help in sharing files/folders with XP on VMWare. absolutely no knowledge on networking/samba stuff here... :(03:44
Ma1Fatb0y i don't know, can you see for what version this driver is made https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=897&task=knowledge&folderID=3959?03:44
Ma1https://support.ati.com/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=897&task=knowledge&folderID=3959 * ?03:44
Fatb0ylet me fire up the browser  give me a sec03:44
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Fatb0yand you have a radeon 8500?03:45
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Ma1it says Linux kernel 2.4 or higher so i'm alight (no i have 9600xt)03:46
Ma1which I know it works03:46
Fatb0yk  one sec03:46
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Fatb0y`fglrxconfig` is no longer provided with the ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Installer. To configure your display devices, use `aticonfig`.03:47
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Fatb0yi remember you stated you were using flgrx03:47
Ash-Foxmmm clearlooks for GTK apps and klearlook for KDE. Can't tell the difference now :)03:47
Fatb0ydid you read that right on the install howto?03:47
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D3ltaCainany one here?03:47
Telroth_Plushie|we're all phatoms03:48
D3ltaCainjust checking03:48
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Telroth_Plushie|anything i can help with?03:48
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D3ltaCainI have a fairly complicated problem think you can help?03:48
Fatb0ynope, no one here   if you will leave a message we will get back to you some day    please deposit 9,000,000 for the next minute03:48
Telroth_Plushie|D3ltaCain, i'll try03:48
Ma1yes, i didn't tried to use fglrxconfig03:48
D3ltaCainso basically my friend got screwed over by windows03:48
obf213Help my computer doesnt restart03:48
Fatb0yso you did use aticonfig correct?03:48
Ma1I did the sudo aticonfig --initial03:49
Fatb0yMa1, please stay with the convo if i am going to help   need some faster replies03:49
Telroth_Plushie|obf213, error?03:49
D3ltaCainhe installed that update thing and so I tired formating his computer and installing kubuntu onm it03:49
obf213telroth it just shuts down03:49
Ma1yes correct03:49
Telroth_Plushie|obf213, error when restarting?03:49
obf213i dont know wht i did, i changed some of the init filles to not initialze03:49
Fatb0yagpgart is not active correct?03:49
D3ltaCainI dont know03:49
obf213telroth, no, it just shot down03:49
obf213like  hit restart, it shuts down03:49
obf213and doesnt turn back on03:49
Ma1i did a lsmod and didn't found it03:49
Telroth_Plushie|obf213, boot into recovery mode03:49
Telroth_Plushie|from grub03:50
Ma1since i did not compiled my kernel i don't know if it was enabled03:50
D3ltaCainany ways basically my problem is kubuntu loads fine but than the screen goes into standby03:50
Telroth_Plushie|D3ltaCain, ok, what's the problem currently ?03:50
D3ltaCainwhen the log in screen should appear, no more message goes to the monitor03:50
Telroth_Plushie|does it wake up when you wiggle the mouse?03:50
Fatb0yMa1,  check your load config and be sure its not set to load on start or anything03:50
obf213also Telroth, when i do want to shut down, it doesnt seem to stop anything anymore it just stops kdm and halts is that bad03:50
D3ltaCainI tried changing graphic cards but that didnt have any effect03:50
D3ltaCainhe has 256mb ram03:50
Fatb0ythats one thing to make sure of03:50
Telroth_Plushie|D3ltaCain, do you have the computer with you right now?03:50
SanneJucato: in Menu->Help, there's a section about samba in the server guide, maybe that could help you. there are also some pages about vmware on the wiki, though I don't know if they contain info about samba file sharing.03:50
Ma1where's the load config?03:51
Telroth_Plushie|(i'm running kubuntu on a 128mb computer at 500mhz ;) )03:51
D3ltaCainI can also tell you though when you press the power button and hold it, kubuntu goes into terminal mode for a sec than goes through the proper close sequence03:51
Telroth_Plushie|D3ltaCain, when you get to it03:51
Fatb0ycheck your init scripts to see what all is loading03:51
Telroth_Plushie|log in until the screen does black03:51
JucatoSanne: I tried the samba guide on the wikis. it presumes that I already have the network setup already... which I don't know how to do... :(03:51
Telroth_Plushie|then press <Ctrl><Alt><F1>03:51
D3ltaCainwhat does that do?03:51
Telroth_Plushie|switches to console login03:52
D3ltaCainI see03:52
Fatb0yMa1,  also, have you uninstalled and reinstalled the driver just to make sure it installed correctly?03:52
SanneJucato: what do you mean, which network setup?03:52
Telroth_Plushie|log in using the user03:52
Ma1I'm sorry but I don't know where they are..03:52
Ma1there was 2 install options03:52
Telroth_Plushie|then "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log"03:52
D3ltaCainthat's gonna be log for what?03:52
Telroth_Plushie|look for any lines that start with (EE) that don't have to do with the /dev/wacom errors03:52
Telroth_Plushie|that's the log file for the X server03:53
Fatb0ydid you install the driver while in X windows? and if so you got to see the ATI driver install GUI?03:53
Telroth_Plushie|the Xserver manages all of the GUI graphics03:53
Ma1one was distrib dedicated and the other was general or automatically gererated.03:53
Fatb0ydid you choose AUTOMATIC install?03:53
Ma1I tried both03:53
D3ltaCainsounds like a plan03:53
Fatb0yMa1,  okay do this03:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ram - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi03:53
D3ltaCainfrom there whant kind of options would I have03:53
Fatb0yuninstall the driver you have loaded now03:53
Ma1Yes I got ATI GUI03:53
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SanneJucato: with vmware you have a virtual network card, and if activated, your network should be "pysically" (virtually) functioning.03:53
Fatb0yand lets start from scratch03:53
obf213does anyone remember the website that explains how linux uses its ram03:53
D3ltaCainI mean as far as fixing goes03:53
JucatoSanne: ah my bad, that was for the networking wiki... :(03:53
Ma1alright, thank you for your help, it is VERY appreciated03:54
Telroth_Plushie|D3ltaCain, i really don't know03:54
D3ltaCainlol alright03:54
D3ltaCainwell any ways03:54
Telroth_Plushie|i can do a lot if i know what's wrong03:54
D3ltaCainat least I have an idea of how to troubleshoot now03:54
Telroth_Plushie|problem is i don't know exactly what's wrong03:54
D3ltaCainwell thanks a bunch03:54
Telroth_Plushie|if nothing is in the xserver file03:54
D3ltaCainI'm sure if I get into terminal I can do some more troubleshooting of my own03:54
JucatoSanne: do you know which setting I should use fro the eth0 in VMWare? right now I'm using NAT because that's the only way I could have internet in VMWare...03:54
Telroth_Plushie|check /var/log/kdm.log03:54
JucatoSanne: using VMWare Server, btw03:54
D3ltaCainthat would be the log for what?03:54
lupine_85Jucato: it runs a DHCP server by default03:55
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Telroth_Plushie|(that's the k destop manager, aka the KDE login window)03:55
Jucato(K Display Manager)...03:55
D3ltaCainwell I tried xubuntu as well as ubuntu03:55
SanneJucato: I'm having file sharing working with win98 in vmplayer, but I'm not sure I remember everything I did. I don't think I have options for that in vmplayer? I will look, sec.03:55
D3ltaCainso I dont think the problem is kde03:55
Jucato(KDE Display Manager I mean...)03:55
Telroth_Plushie|D3ltaCain, /var/log/syslog.log may also be helpful03:55
JucatoSanne: lucky you :)03:55
D3ltaCainalready well once more thnaks for the help03:56
D3ltaCainI'll probably be able to go somewhere from there03:56
Jucatolupine_85 or Sanne: should I use Bridged, NAT, or Host only for networking to work?03:57
Telroth_Plushie|just trying to make the world a better place03:57
Fatb0yMa1,  you there?03:57
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D3ltaCainhave a good night / day / morning ... depeding on your timezone . the wonders of the internet03:57
Telroth_Plushie|i will, you too03:57
lupine_85I used Bridged + NAT03:57
D3ltaCainlol alright thanks03:57
Fatb0yMa1,  did you uninstall the driver?03:57
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Ma1I don't actully know how to unistall a driver03:57
lupine_85Host Only, IIRC, is where it can only network to the real PC03:57
Ma1and II'm shy to admit it03:57
Fatb0yread the HOWTO03:57
SanneJucato: what I remember: basically you have to do two things, put a workfroup name in the samba config file, and make a section for your shares. Then, you need to put the same workgroup name in your virtual windows. Somehow that got it working for me ;)03:57
Fatb0yits right in it03:57
lupine_85e.g. no IP forwarding03:57
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Fatb0yit says how to uninstall at the top03:58
Fatb0yi thought you had read this thing a few times and tried a few methods?03:58
SanneJucato: ok, my network card in vmplayer is set on NAT.03:58
JucatoSanne: ah ok. thanks :)03:59
JucatoI'll try that... (hope I know what I'm doing, which I really don't...)03:59
Fatb0yMa1,  #  With super user permissions, enter the command "sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh"03:59
SanneJucato: but I don't know if I have internet access from within windows... I don't need it so I didn't set it up.03:59
Ma1well in fact i was more conerned about installing this darn thing than uninstalling it03:59
JucatoSanne: ah. you probably do, if you're using NAT :)04:00
Ma1they say that to go there /usr/share/fglrx but i don't have such dir04:00
lupine_85Jucato: NAT should work fine. If you've got a glut of public IPs, then you'd probably be able to get the vmnet interface created on the real PC to have a non-NATed IP; then the virtual PC could also have one04:00
Fatb0yMa1,   well lets make sure you "INSTALLED" it correctly   so uninstall it and then lets do it right04:00
lupine_85I just used NAT :)04:00
Fatb0yMa1,   for instance do you have a default xorg.conf file that has not been messed with?04:00
FrederickDoes anyone here use magick wand or magick core lib?04:00
Ma1yes i have like 10 backups04:00
Ma1ill restore the oldest04:01
Fatb0yrestore the default xorg.conf before reinstalling the ati driver04:01
SanneJucato: Probably. But everytime I test, this darned MSN internet access thingy comes up, and I've got no patience for that ;). It's been awhile since I last installed windows...04:01
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Fatb0yuninstall ati driver   restore default xorg.conf  reinstall driver   restart x and it just might work04:01
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Fatb0yif you follow the howto correctly04:01
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Fatb0ythen all you need to tweak is display size maybe04:02
poopybutti used to use pump to connect with debian, what is the ubuntu equivalent04:02
Ma1you mean that by default mese won't be used?04:02
Fatb0ynot if you install the driver correctly no it wont04:02
Telroth_Plushie|poopybutt, for dhcp ?04:02
Fatb0yit will be the ati drivers in use04:02
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Ma1but the call was to "ati"04:03
poopybuttTelroth_Plushie|: yeah04:03
Fatb0ygreat  thats probably what it should be04:03
Ma1but when i did fglrxinfo there was mesa04:03
Fatb0yhave you uninstalled the driver yet?04:03
Fatb0ylets do one thing at a time04:03
Fatb0yuninstall driver  i gave you the command off the howto site04:03
Fatb0ythen restore xorg.conf file   default04:04
Ma1ok but i have a problem.. the unistall file is just not on my system04:04
Sanneanyway, gotta sleep now, night all.04:04
Fatb0ythen you will need to rebuild the driver04:04
Telroth_Plushie|poopybutt, kcontrol -> network connections -> administrator mode -> enter password -> select interface -> configure -> set to dhcp -> ok -> apply -> wait for it to reload the network04:04
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Fatb0ythe uninstall program is in /usr/share/flgrx04:04
Ma1rebuild means compile?04:04
Fatb0yso be sure you are in that folder before you run the command04:04
Ma1i don't have such directiry04:04
poopybuttTelroth_Plushie|: but what about on the command line?04:04
Fatb0yyes rebuild means to recompile but not before you uninstall04:04
Fatb0ynavigate to /usr/share/flgrx04:05
Ma1lol ok..04:05
Telroth_Plushie|poopybutt, can't help you much there. GUI has spoiled me.04:05
Fatb0yfrom a terminal window of course04:05
Telroth_Plushie|poopybutt, i've always had the luck of having a gui program do dhcp for jme04:05
Ma1i'm sorry04:05
Ma1I'm such trouble04:05
Fatb0yhas to be there04:06
Ma1i swear it is not04:06
Fatb0yare you su'd to root or using sudo?04:06
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Fatb0ydo sudo su root04:06
poopybutthow can i mount my drives to view them on the live cd?04:07
Ma1still not there04:07
BluDog_Anchoritepoopybutt: what kind of hard drive04:07
Fatb0ydo this   find / -name flgrx-uninstall04:07
Ma1couldn't i juste reinstall on it04:07
Fatb0ynot adviseable04:07
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Mnabilwhat is package for enable mp3 support in amarok ?04:07
Telroth_Plushie|poopybutt, use sudo to mount them like you normally would as if they weren't in /ect/fstab04:08
Ma1it's searching...04:08
Jucatolibxine-extracodecs from "multiverse". to enable multiverse follow this guide04:08
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:08
Ma1nothing found04:09
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Telroth_Plushie|Mnabil, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs04:09
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Fatb0yMa1,  are you sure you installed the drivers then?  the install package automatically (from their OWN hotwo) installs and uninstall packge04:09
Fatb0yfor some reason i dont think the drivers are even installed on your system then04:09
MnabilTelroth_Plushie|: LOL, OK :)  i just ask about the package name, not how to install :)   , but thanks a lot04:10
Ma1I'm shure I installed the drivers, I got the control panel from ATI in me menu entrie04:10
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Ma1I'll try to rerun the installer to see if it ask me to uninstall04:10
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Fatb0yit wont04:11
Ma1well if you think it's not..04:11
Ma1let's install it correctly04:11
Fatb0yi would do a custom install to be sure it selects to use XORG04:11
Fatb0yyou did restore your xorg.conf file correct?04:12
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Ma1i'm doing this right nowe04:12
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Ma1it is restored04:13
Ma1i'll have to restart xserver though04:13
Fatb0ydid you try this ?   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2455704:14
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Fatb0yrestart x and then  go to that web page04:14
VaniqueFatb0y: may i psg you ?04:14
Fatb0ymsg me?  sure04:14
Vaniqueso check you priv04:15
Fatb0ybut i may not necessarily be the person with the most knowledge on a subject   its good to ask the channel04:15
Fatb0yask your question04:15
DaSkreechJucato: Go ot bed!04:15
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JucatoDaSkreech: er? it's almost 10:30 AM here :)04:15
DaSkreechDaskreech: Go to bed!!04:16
DaSkreechJucato: Corrected04:16
poopybuttdoes kubuntu not support mp3s out of the box?04:16
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CVirus!restricted formats04:17
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:17
CViruspoopybutt: ^04:17
DaSkreechpoopybutt: First Ewwwwww Second no it doesn't04:17
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poopybuttnot my fault most of the internet has songs in mp3 format04:17
CViruspoopybutt: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats04:17
Fatb0yVanique,   get to your question04:17
DaSkreechpoopybutt: Oh No I'm not fighting mp3's Just your nick :)04:17
JucatoDaSkreech be nice :P04:18
poopybuttoh ok04:18
DaSkreechWhat? I'm not being mean04:18
DaSkreech Just Honest04:18
VaniqueFatb0y: check you priv MSG04:18
poopybutti dont care04:18
Fatb0yVanique, kubuntu is a i386 release04:18
poopybuttthats the point of the name04:18
Fatb0ywhy would you expect to see i686 in your control panel?04:18
DaSkreechGood now that we understand each other04:18
Vaniqueso what shall i do if i have computer i686 ?04:18
Fatb0yumm Use it?04:19
Vaniquebut i see this there04:19
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Vanique[04:17]  <Vanique> System:  Linux04:19
Vanique[04:17]  <Vanique>   Release:  2.6.15-26-38604:19
Vanique[04:17]  <Vanique>   Machine:  i68604:19
Fatb0yonly mandriva i believe has an i586 or i686 release    if you want it built specifically for your kernel then you can built your entire system    have you tried Gentoo?  seeing how you have been using linux for 2 days i suggest you get used to the interface a bit before taking on that task.04:20
Vaniqueits quite strange because this PC is 5 years old or so04:20
poopybuttok so it suggests to convert to ogg, which im not interested in doing04:20
Fatb0yVanique, the questions you are asking are not making much sense.  i don't think you quite understand linux at all yet.04:20
warpzonehomg I tried to start on Gentoo04:21
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Fatb0yhave you thought about reading some websites about the operating system?04:21
Vaniquegentoo is too difficult for me04:21
Vaniqueofcourse i dont04:21
warpzoneI thought all linux was that crazy to set up and took days to compile04:21
Vaniquei m runnin it 2 days !04:21
Vaniquethats why i wanted someone to explain it04:21
Telroth_Plushie|warpzone, only gentoo04:21
Fatb0yVanique,   kubuntu is at this moment a bit above you but in time if you read a bit then you will get it    just READ04:21
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Vaniqueokay, thanks04:21
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Telroth_Plushie|warpzone, in truth it was until a few years ago04:22
warpzoneVanique: unofficial starter guide, wiki, IRC, forums... stick with this, it has all the help you can get04:22
Fatb0yVanique,  Linux Operating systems for the most part are Free, but it is up to you (since you are getting such a great system for free) to learn a bit about it04:22
poopybuttok, so after reading im still kind of confused on how to add mp3 support04:22
Vaniqueyes mate youre right04:22
warpzoneTelroth_Plushie: I can't imagine. No wonder it's just now kicking off04:22
Fatb0ypoopybutt,  apt-get install (the file you were told to install earlier)04:23
Vaniqueanyway asking junk questions here its a kind of getting knowlede, isinti t?04:23
Fatb0yumm no04:23
Fatb0yasking dumb questions will usually be ignored04:23
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Vaniqueit depends on ppl, if you are here to help, you help not only in advanced cases04:24
Fatb0yif you took the time to download the installer then you can take the time to read a bit on the kubuntu website about the operating system and also google some info04:24
Fatb0yVanique,   not all cases are "advanced"     depends on what you consider advanced04:24
Vaniqueofocurse i can and i'm doing it too,04:24
Vaniqueokay, thanks anyway04:24
Fatb0ykubuntu is an Easy version of linux compared to many04:25
Vaniqueeven if its easy its hard as hell for a very start04:25
warpzoneyeah I'm still confused sometimes, like where programs get installed and how, stuff about the basic linux file setup04:25
Fatb0yi am an old slackware user for a long time   i still love slack but i don't have time to maintain it anymore so i moved to a more package driven operating system    kubuntu was a good choice04:25
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warpzoneFatb0y: maintain? what kind of maintainence does Slackware require?04:26
VaniqueFatb0y: how many years do you use linux ?04:26
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poopybutti tried with apt-get says could not find package04:26
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DemonThingI know this is slightly aside, but installing/using Gentoo taught me a hell of a lot about Linux.04:26
poopybuttbut also im not completely sure what file to get, there was some contrasting info the multiple web pages04:27
cpk2warpzone: well you know, every once in a while you try to do something and realize you dont have some lib and then you have to go get it04:27
Fatb0ywarpzone, it doesn't require much maintenance but it does require that you check the changelogs and download / install the updates yourself unless you use a third party installer like slack-pkg which i don't like or slapt-get which will break your system or swaret which will also do the same as slapt-get04:27
Vaniquepoopybutt: try to update repos04:27
poopybuttVanique: i did04:27
DemonThingpoopybutt: apt-get couldn't find - repositories? like universe/multiverse04:27
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warpzoneFatboy: holy crap.04:27
Fatb0ywarpzone,   off an on i have used linux a few years    now i use a macbook pro as my primary machine and a linux machine for storage but i also keep it up to date wiht a good card as it makes a good back up gaming machine if i want04:28
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Fatb0ywarpzone,   don't get me wrong    slack is a great operating system  but you have to be more hands on04:28
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Jucatopoopybutt: have you enabled the (correct) multiverse repository?04:28
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu04:28
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Jucatopoopybutt: following that guide ^^^^04:28
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warpzoneoh, random question I'm having trouble with04:30
omarhi everybody04:30
omari got a question04:30
warpzoneis it possible to open another workspace that isnt running X? just the term?04:30
warpzonehiya omar04:31
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Fatb0ywarpzone,   slackware 11 will release soon  about the time that gnome 2.16 will be about and since slackware does not support gnome in its official packages   dropline-gnome and other variants will have packages out at the same time for 11.0      would be good for you to try but don't think that X will be automatically configured for your full size display / etc.   you have to be as stated more hands on.04:31
Telroth_Plushie|there are already 6 running04:31
Jucatowarpzone: you mean like Ctrl+Alt+F1 to F6?04:31
Telroth_Plushie|<Ctrl><Alt><Fn> where n is a number 1-6 ;)04:31
Jucato(Ctrl+Alt+F7 brings you back to X)04:31
Fatb0ywarpzone, yes  control Fwhatever  that will switch you to a terminal then control F7 i think it is to get back to X04:31
warpzonehmm i think I do mean that! thanks!04:31
poopybuttdoes init 3 not work in ubuntu?04:32
Fatb0yin the inittab?04:32
Telroth_Plushie|looks like it would, haven't checked in depth04:32
poopybuttin console04:32
Telroth_Plushie|ubuntu's init levels are all screwed up though04:32
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cpk2poopybutt: you dont use init04:32
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warpzoneFatb0y: yeah I'll probably stick with kubuntu for a while longer until I'm more acclimated. Then who knows, maybe stick with it anyways04:32
Fatb0yif i remember reading the inittab file correctly in ubuntu many of them are all claimed as multi so i would say yes it does work fine04:32
Fatb0ywarpzone, yeah  its a good linux distro04:33
DaSkreechpoopybutt: did you sudo it?04:33
cpk2poopybutt: i believe its "sudo touch init-rc kdm stop"04:33
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Fatb0ywarpzone,   got a screen shot of your system?04:34
DaSkreechIs there a way to mass create thumbnails or to shrink pictures?04:34
Telroth_Plushie|warpzone, kubuntu doesn't make for a good server, but of all the distro's i've tried, kubuntu takes the cream so far04:34
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Telroth_Plushie|DaSkreech, use picasa to batch resize ?04:34
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warpzoneFatboy: ehhhh give me a day to make it pretty, switched to KDE only a few days ago and it needs some makeup :-04:35
poopybuttis there an dist-upgrade in ubuntu?04:35
Fatb0ylinux is linux   why would ubuntu not make a good server?04:35
DaSkreechpicasa? Ay open source way?04:35
DaSkreechpoopybutt: Yup04:35
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BluDog_AnchoriteTelroth_Plushie|: actually, its fine as a server.  apache gives me no issue04:35
Telroth_Plushie|BluDog_Anchorite, err, it sucks for compiling ;)04:35
warpzoneTelroth_Plushie: glad I found it. and thanks all you guys for the help, part of what makes it so fantastical04:36
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BluDog_AnchoriteTelroth_Plushie|: as does any packaged distro04:36
Telroth_Plushie|warpzone, yw04:36
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Telroth_Plushie|BluDog_Anchorite, nope. elive and knoppix both default with gcc and dev packages installed04:36
omarhey guys please, do you know something about video capture card04:37
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warpzoneomar: never tried anything in that area, sorry man04:38
Ma1is it normal if i have 2 "device" sections in my xorg.conf file?04:38
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epWhat command line and also gui tools might i search a directory hierarchy for identically named files and list/sort them by size?04:39
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warpzoneMal: do you have more than one video card?04:39
omarthanks anyways04:39
omarjust one card04:40
omarvideo capture, I used to watch TV with that04:40
Ma1umm,.. i have a mother video exit04:40
Ma1mother board*04:40
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warpzoneMa1: that's what it's picking up then. one is the internal video, the other the video card04:40
warpzoneomar: perhaps look at MythTV?04:41
Ma1but both are ati see04:41
Ma1Section "Device"04:41
Ma1Identifier  "ATI Technologies, Inc. RV350 AR [Radeon 9600 XT] "04:41
Ma1Driver      "ati"04:41
Ma1BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"04:41
Ma1Section "Device"04:41
Ma1Identifier  "aticonfig-Device[0] "04:41
Ma1Driver      "fglrx"04:41
warpzoneomar: I believe it makes use of the TV-in, but dont know much more about it04:41
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)04:41
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warpzoneMa1: eeek, radeons and linux are a scary combo04:41
JucatoMa1: please use pastebin next time. thanks :)04:41
Ma1ok its my first time sorry04:42
warpzoneMa1: but that second section is just the driver, dont worry04:42
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warpzoneMa1: its fine unles you want direct rendering, then you're SOL unless ou can deal with some bugs/lockups04:43
Ma1there's 2 drivers "ati" and "fglrx"04:43
Ma1in fact i really need direct rendering. I do 3D motion pictures with Blender04:43
warpzoneMa1: ati is the open source driver, fglrx is ATI's proprietary driver04:44
warpzoneMa1: wonder which one is being used though :-04:44
Ma1ah ok04:44
Telroth_Plushie|warpzone, disable one, and force it to use a specific one ;)04:44
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warpzoneMA1: yeah I would just uninstall fglrx, just use the ati driver04:45
DinkAnyone got xgl working with cedega ?04:46
Ma1ok, but i'll try first to use thoses instructions http://xoomer.alice.it/flavio.stanchina/debian/fglrx-installer.html#install04:46
warpzoneMa1: no no no pleeeeease04:46
warpzoneMa1: there are some ubuntu specific instructions in the forums or wiki04:47
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warpzoneMa1: but like I said, unless you are trying to use the S-video or direct rendering there is no need04:47
warpzoneMa1: and you'll have a slew of other problems instead04:47
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Ma1but i found this on ubuntu forums http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2455704:48
Homeris there a way to convert Ubuntu 5.10 to Kubuntu 6.06 without a CD?04:48
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Ma1in this page there's a link to the page i posted before04:48
warpzoneMa1: thats for Hoary, that was two releases ago :-P04:49
warpzoneMa1: you want stuff under Dapper Drake now :-P04:49
Ma1but i'll still try a restart of the xserver just to see what happens, brb04:50
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Ma1if i can04:50
Admiral_ChicagoHomer, yes04:51
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warpzoneooo man I feel his plight, I'll never buy another ATI card or laptop using ATI. bollocks to 'em04:51
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HomerAdmiral_Chicago, how?04:52
Admiral_Chicagoin the run command type "gedit /etc/sources.list04:53
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Ma1Ouch, didn't worked.. .I had to restore xorg.conf from console04:54
Vaniquedoes any1 know why i cant play sound on youtube.com ?04:54
Vaniquethat videos are working but theres no sound04:54
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: *cough*kate*cough*04:54
Ma1i can't neither04:54
warpzoneVanique: because you're only using flash 704:54
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, 5.1 Ubuntu to 3.06 Kubuntu04:54
warpzoneflash 9 hasn't yet hit linux04:54
Vaniqueso it wont work ?04:55
miyakoVanique, sometimes the different sound servers clash with eachother, and that can cause problems04:55
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: ah ok. lol04:55
cpk2Admiral_Chicago: kubuntu has gedit?04:55
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: sorry I forgot the *U* part :D04:55
warpzonenope, not unless you install Firefox for windows in wine04:55
Ma1gedit is GNOME04:55
Admiral_Chicagocpk2, in theory you could install it iirc but its best to use kate04:55
warpzonea bit of a pain but Flash 9 should be out soon04:55
Ma1that's for the G04:55
Admiral_ChicagoHomer, did you open it up?04:55
warpzonejust in time for Flash 10, probably :-P :-P04:55
Ma1but a simple sudo apt-get install gedit will do i think04:56
Telroth_Plushie|(btw, KDE ftw! it runs on 128mb ram with a 500mhz pII)04:56
cpk2yes but without all the kde eyecandy =P04:56
Telroth_Plushie|(<insert general gnome-bashing here>)04:56
Admiral_Chicagoit will but its got a ton dependecies04:56
warpzoneTelroth_Plushie: are you serious? wow04:56
miyakoI'm trying to decide between an iMac, a Mac Mini, building another PC, or just saving my money04:56
Telroth_Plushie|cpk2, no, with the eyecandy04:56
Admiral_Chicagomiyako, i'd get a PC, put Linux on it04:56
cpk2oh, hmm04:56
Telroth_Plushie|with the default install from the 6.06 dapper cd04:57
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Telroth_Plushie|the gui is smooth too04:57
miyakoAdeman, I already have a PC with Kubuntu, and if I get a mac it will dual boot OS X and Kubuntu04:57
Telroth_Plushie|there are lags when it reads stuff off of harddrive04:57
miyakopossible triple boot OS X, Kubuntu, and SLED04:57
warpzoneMa1: no reason to install gedit, Kate will do the same04:57
Telroth_Plushie|(mainly because the harddrive is slow as crap)04:57
Dr_Williswowsers.. for a long time ktorrent was always stalling at 99.9% of a download.. then it started working.. now its back to stalling. :P04:57
Telroth_Plushie|but once it load an app, it runs nicely04:57
Admiral_Chicagosome of these conversations can go it #kubuntu-offtopic04:57
Dr_WillisANyone heard of such issues befor?04:58
miyakobut nobody is in #kubuntu-offtopic :(04:58
Admiral_Chicagoi am04:58
Ma1warpzone: Yes I know, he was wondering if he could. I'm actually using kate04:58
HomerAdmiral_Chicago, I can't right now cause I'm performing updates04:58
HomerAdmiral_Chicago, I think I'll just wait for Edgy Eft04:59
Admiral_ChicagoHomer, but thats so far off04:59
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Admiral_Chicagoits not until October04:59
Admiral_Chicagobesides Edgy won't be the most stable, its really a lot of cutting edge technology04:59
Admiral_ChicagoDapper is the best05:00
lupine_85I've not noticed any stability problems :)05:00
Admiral_Chicagolupine_85, me neither05:00
warpzonealrighty I'm off, take it eeeeeeasy05:00
HomerI read the upgrade wiki05:00
Homerit looks too complicated05:00
Admiral_Chicagobut if you read the release notes that Shuttleworth wrote05:00
Admiral_ChicagoHomer, its so easy05:00
Homerok ok what do I do05:00
Admiral_Chicagobasically change everything that says Breezy to Dapper05:00
Homerso that is what a new version is?05:01
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Admiral_Chicagothere is a find and replace tool and everything05:01
Admiral_ChicagoHomer, it is the latest until mid October05:01
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Admiral_Chicagothen do a sudo apt-get updat && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:02
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Admiral_ChicagoHomer, correction! "sudo apt-get update" then "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"05:04
Admiral_Chicagomissed an 'e'05:04
Telroth_Plushie|Admiral_Chicago, how does dist-upgrade differ from upgrade ?05:05
Admiral_ChicagoTelroth_Plushie|, its better for dependency issues05:05
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Homerhow the hell can apt update something I'm currently running05:05
Homerlike it installed a new version of firefox while I am in firefox05:05
Admiral_ChicagoHomer, because GNU/Linux is great05:06
Admiral_Chicagoand the changes take affect the next time the program launchen05:06
Admiral_Chicagoand you almost never have to reboot for a change to work like Windows05:07
Admiral_Chicagoat most, you have to restart x05:07
Admiral_Chicagoand you can do that with ctrl + alt + backspace05:07
Homergood stuff05:07
Homerit's dling updates now05:08
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CadaverPimpHow goes it05:11
JucatoCadaverPimp: doing fine :)05:11
Dinkok who here want a tough question and i wont take its not possible for an answer :p05:11
Telroth_Plushie|Dink, try us05:11
JucatoCadaverPimp: how about you?05:11
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Telroth|Sleephurry though, i be leaving.05:11
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Dinkxgl, direct rendering and cedega =)... all working side by side as one happy family05:11
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Telroth|Sleepwell, i've got xgl+dri running on nvidia drivers05:12
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Telroth|Sleepdoesn't work for loading at boot though05:12
Telroth|Sleepi haven't messed with it much05:12
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Dinki dont want 2 x sessions going to play a game :p05:13
Telroth|Sleepi think there's #xgl-compiz05:13
Telroth|Sleepwhich may be of use to you05:13
Admiral_ChicagoTelroth|Sleep, #ubuntu-xgl05:13
Dinkill give it a shot05:14
Dinkjust asked in #cedega but i guess everyoen is zzzz05:14
cvthow can i configure konqueror to always display files and folders in the tree column view permanently?05:16
Dr_Williscvt,  thats somthing ive never seen either.05:16
Dinkyou have to choice and save it as a profile i think05:18
Dr_WillisThat makes sence05:20
Dr_WillisI had a profile set up once where i had a terminal at the bottom05:20
Dinkin konqueror ... settings save profile05:20
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Dr_WillisHmm.. I remember seeing a lot more profiles in that menu befor05:20
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Dr_Willisthere used to be a 'mc' sort of looking one.05:20
Dr_WillisKDE is amazing how flexiable it is05:21
JucatoDr_Willis: those have been removed, for simplicity05:21
Jucatoat least in Kubuntu05:21
Dr_WillisHumbug! :p05:21
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Jucatothey could be restored05:21
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Dr_Willisyea - i rember restoring them once.05:21
=== Dink is loving his xgl/compiz :)
Dinkif only cedega would work with it ... bastages05:21
Admiral_ChicagoDink, i'm digging XGL too05:22
Kr[4] t05Can Ark open .7z natively?05:22
Admiral_Chicagobut my panel is so cluttered05:22
Dinkmy num locks dont work :P05:22
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cvtDink,  thx05:23
Jucatoanyone had any problems with the kernel updates earlier?05:23
BluDog_Anchoritehavent booted to it yet05:23
Jucatooh :)05:23
BluDog_Anchoriteyou ?05:23
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 7zip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi05:24
Dr_WillisKr[4] t05,  i  imagine it requires the 7zip bianries to be installed05:24
Dr_Willissince its just a front end05:24
Kr[4] t05Dr_Willis: Yeah, it worked.05:24
JucatoBluDog_Anchorite: no problem here. just want to check if it breaks X again05:24
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BluDog_AnchoriteJucato: ok.  just wonder if you knew of an issue05:25
Dinkno problem here but agian i use
Kr[4] t05Hrm05:25
JucatoBluDog_Anchorite: heh. was wondering if there was an issue. after what happened the last time :)05:25
Kr[4] t05Would updating the kernel from the edgy reps cause any forseeable problems?05:25
BluDog_Anchoriteon a stable install, probably05:26
JucatoKr[4] t05: if you're on Dapper?05:26
Kr[4] t05Bah... ><05:26
Dinkwhy dont you just compile your own kernel05:27
Kr[4] t05Dink: Everytime I do, X breaks. ><05:27
Dinkit really shouldnt05:27
Dinkgreat howto on the ubuntu forum05:27
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Dinkwhat breaks x is updating your kernel via apt-get ;)05:28
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CadaverPimpHello everyone05:31
CadaverPimpHow can I convert VCD to DVD?05:31
Dr_Willisheh.. done that with nero. :P and edads they looked nasty!05:31
CadaverPimplinux has nero?05:32
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Dr_WillisI did it on my windows box. using the nero video tools05:32
Dr_Willisthere is a nero-linux out.. but it cant do much05:32
Dr_Willisthose were the first vcd's id ever messed with. :) and proberly the last05:32
Dr_Willisbut my dvd player does play the vcd disks i found out.05:32
CadaverPimpmine plays them as well, I just thought maybe I'd like to have them as DVD05:33
CadaverPimpIf it's not broken, don't fix it... I suppose05:33
Dinkphilips dvd players... plays it all 50$ =)05:33
Dr_WillisI managed to put the 2 vcd movie onto one dvd.. and got the chapters backwards05:34
Dr_WillisThe new dvd players can even play divx i hear.05:34
Dinkput about 3/4 vcd on a dvd and you good to go05:34
CadaverPimpthey play them all05:34
Dr_Willistoo bad i go tall these .ogg and .vmk and other  files05:34
Dr_Willisi need to learn how to use ffmpeg and transcode someday05:34
CadaverPimpI heard about someone trying to put 2 dvds on a dual layer so that you can have 1 main menu that would ask "Which DVD?" and then to the sub menu, which was the movie's main menu05:35
Dinkspeaking of vcd going to watch illusionist :P later05:35
CadaverPimpI used ffmpeg once or twice05:35
CadaverPimpbut that's about it05:35
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Dr_Willisi convert things to play on my psp05:35
CadaverPimpI was following the instructions from LinuxJournal Magazine05:36
Dr_Willisgot a useabel  tool/front end for linux now for that task.. but its lacking in ways05:36
ubotuffmpeg: multimedia player, server and encoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:0.cvs20050918-5ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 3833 kB, installed size 9808 kB05:36
CadaverPimphmmm, no links05:36
unix_infideldoes anyone here have an ob3 dot files that are incur similar functionality to fluxbox?05:37
CadaverPimpMaybe this could help05:38
CadaverPimpI was just noticing my name and thought about something... I want to be a mortician (sp?)05:39
Kiongkuhmm kubuntu upgrading kernel version?05:39
CadaverPimpI wonder if monster.com and careerbuilder.com could have something like that05:39
JucatoKiongku: yep05:39
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KiongkuJucato: did u already upgrade?05:39
JucatoKiongku: yep05:40
Jucatoworking fine here05:40
CadaverPimpJucato, I heard something about a .47 and .48. What's that all about?05:40
KiongkuJucato: k.. doing mine now05:40
JucatoCadaverPimp: the security patches for the kernel05:40
CadaverPimpRe: Kernel upgrade05:40
CadaverPimphow can I tell if I have the newest one?05:40
Admiral_Chicagowhen I boot my computer, it doesn't boot and i keep getting beeping from the Mobo05:40
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Admiral_Chicagowhat can the problem be?05:40
CadaverPimpdepends on the beeps and where it freezes up on you05:41
JucatoCadaverPimp: from Adept05:41
CadaverPimpno CLI, Jucato?05:41
JucatoCadaverPimp: of course there is :)05:41
CadaverPimpPlease do tell05:41
JucatoCadaverPimp: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:42
CadaverPimpUGH... how did I know that was coming05:42
CadaverPimpI am getting errors from Seveas's server05:42
CadaverPimpon update05:42
CadaverPimpand from ftp.free.fr  as well05:42
cpk2Admiral_Chicago: look up your motherboard documentation05:43
KiongkuJucato: u know the actual kernel version :P?05:43
cpk2and find out what the beeps mean05:43
Jucatoit's just a patch to the current 2.6.15-26 kernel. not a new kernel actually05:44
CadaverPimpnevermind, seveas's server is ok05:44
CadaverPimp404 from Seveas ???05:44
KiongkuJucato: :(.. it installs separately right?05:44
JucatoAFAIK, nope05:44
CadaverPimpftp.free.fr        gives me Unable to fetch file, server said 'Failed to open file.  '05:44
Jucatoit's not a new kernel05:44
KiongkuJucato: hmm ._o .. bcoz i'm currently on my custom kernel.. not the default one.05:44
Jucatohm... that complicates things...05:45
JucatoCadaverPimp: try ping'ing the ftp?05:45
CadaverPimpI'm just going to hash them from my sources.list05:45
KiongkuJucato: doh.. synaptic tells me its upgrading the default one.. i guess it should be alright05:45
KiongkuJucato: anyway whats up... any interesting things :P?05:46
JucatoKiongku: you would know if a kernel will be installed separately if it's marked as "install" rather than "upgrade" in Adept05:46
Jucatoum... security stuff... I don't know the details, though05:46
KiongkuJucato: i think so05:46
KiongkuJucato: btw did u add a firewall yet XD?05:47
CadaverPimpPenguin Liberation Front (packages)  is what gives me issues05:47
Jucatolol no :)05:47
KiongkuJucato: ._. hmm05:47
Jucatoprobably next month in Edgy :P05:47
Kiongkugimme ur ip address i wanna do something :p05:47
CadaverPimpedgy released next month?05:47
JucatoCadaverPimp: Oct 26 target date05:48
CadaverPimpmy ip address is...  That always points to me!!! :p05:48
=== das-q smiles
Dr_Willis"anyone got a Fast Quake Server" (asked years ago all the time) - we would reply. try /server
=== Jucato wonders why das-q is smiling...
KiongkuCadaverPimp: is that ur ip :P?05:49
Dr_WillisThen the guy would say AWSOME ping! but no one is on it!05:49
Admiral_Chicagocpk2, thanks05:49
das-qJucato: now you know it05:49
CadaverPimpwould seem that way05:50
CadaverPimpusually isn't though05:50
Kiongkuhmm why?05:50
CadaverPimpusually 83.x.x.x05:50
josefhai guys give me a name of good firewall that i can install05:50
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing)05:50
CadaverPimpfirestarter is another05:50
Admiral_Chicagojosef, Linux...05:51
KiongkuJucato: ._. ?05:51
CadaverPimpyour IP address Jucato05:51
josefok thanks everybody.... I just keep on learning kubuntu..hehehe05:51
Jucatoi dunno :P05:51
CadaverPimpthat's your IP05:51
KiongkuJucato: type ifconfig in shell :P05:52
CadaverPimp easy trick to just /whois <nick>05:52
KiongkuCadaverPimp: try find mine :D05:52
Jucatoit just changes everytime I reconnect05:52
KiongkuJucato: same here05:52
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cpk2Admiral_Chicago: you figure out what your mobo is saying yet?05:54
Admiral_Chicagoi'm in the middle of a million conversations05:55
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KiongkuJucato: hmm ._o i need 17 route hops to get to ur pc05:55
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JucatoKiongku: don't even try :P05:55
KiongkuJucato: ?_?05:55
JucatoI have chat logs :)05:56
KiongkuJucato: lol :P?05:56
Jucatodocumenting your "attempt"05:56
Kiongkui just tried tracepath <Jucato's ip>05:56
Kiongkuu know whats that command?05:57
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Kiongkuit just traces how many routers a packet transmitted from my pc has to take to reach urs05:57
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Kiongkulalala.. i'm no hacker... i can't even program ._.05:59
=== Kiongku goes learnign python
Dr_WillisHmm.. freaky. OS-X x86 version running in vmware. :P06:00
=== Jucato speaks pythong
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Dr_WillisMoo! moo! moO06:00
KiongkuWaf waf!!?! WAF06:00
Jucatoheh Dr_Willis doesn't not have super cow powers :P06:00
=== Starting logfile irclogs/kubuntu.log
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Kubuntu Support Channel | 3.5.4 available for dapper | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | Your X broken, the fix is to update again. (make sure dapper-updates repo. is enabled)
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by tobias__ at Sun Aug 27 00:40:33 2006
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(Dr_Willis/#kubuntu) Not sure if its GPL free..06:03
(Kiongku/#kubuntu) Dr_Willis: oh its very clear... i just cant atatch windows stuff with free :p06:03
(Jucato/#kubuntu) Kiongku: it's not from MS06:03
(Dr_Willis/#kubuntu) :)06:03
(Jucato/#kubuntu) "FreeDOS is a complete, free, 100% MS-DOS compatible operating system."06:03
(Kiongku/#kubuntu) Jucato: ehrm right.. MS-Dos is windows..06:04
(nikkiana/#kubuntu) random general question.... how long does it usually take before a new version of something is put in the repository?06:04
(Dr_Willis/#kubuntu) nikkiana, every 6 mo everything gets updated06:04
Kiongkunikkiana: the time it needs to be broken by one of us?06:04
Jucatoyes. but "MS-DOS compatible" doesn't mean "from MS"06:04
Kiongku:p hurray for all the hackers that is for the door06:05
CadaverPimpJucato, I agree with you... such as WINE06:05
KiongkuWhy did Bill "GATES" opt for a stupid thing called "WINDOWS" .06:06
nikkianaDr_Willis, so i assume that would mean that the newest version of f-spot will not like show up in there for awhile?06:06
JucatoKiongku: well, it didn't start out to be stupid. Like it or not, Windows revolutionized computing on the PC06:06
Kiongkunikkiana: right ont he spot..06:06
Dr_Willisnikkiana,  Bingo06:06
Dr_WillisHmmm.. I got a qemu harddrive.img file.. but i want to make vmware use it. :(06:07
Jucatonikkiana: unless a dev decides to "backport" a new version. but it will not be officially supported in Dapper if that happens06:07
KiongkuJucato: doh..06:07
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KiongkuJucato: did u need to restart to use new kernel?06:08
JucatoKiongku: yes. like any/all kernel upgrades :)06:08
KiongkuJucato: bah i wunt restart for a while :p06:08
JucatoKiongku: heh no one's forcing you to :P06:09
KiongkuDarn.. i want to access my windows hard disk06:09
nikkianai guess i have a problem then.... :-(06:09
KiongkuJucato: heh any idea how to go in my windows hard drive without goign back to win?06:09
CadaverPimpHow can I make sure the my computer is set up to use 6-channel audio, rather than 2-channel or such?06:09
JucatoKiongku: mount the partition?06:10
JucatoKiongku: just remember NTFS = read only; FAT32 = read/write06:10
KiongkuJucato: .. so simple to say.. how i mount it -_-06:10
nikkianacause f-spot currently won't work.... and the new version depends on updated versions of other stuff that hasn't been updated in the repository either.06:10
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse06:10
=== nikkiana headdesks.
Kiongkunikkiana: want a hammer too?06:11
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JucatoKiongku: ^^^06:11
nikkianais there a spot where you can see logs of when you downloaded stuff?06:11
nikkianaor does anyone know off hand if mono was updated in the repository recently?06:11
Jucatonikkiana: /var/log/dpkg.log06:11
Jucatoor dpkg.0.log or dpkg.1.log... depends on how old or far back you want to look06:12
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Jucatoer... dpkg.log.1 dpkg.log.2... sorry about that :)06:13
=== nikkiana hmms.
Jucatonikkiana: nope, no update for mono afaik06:14
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jinanyone here know how to start proftpd? i was shutting the server using ftpshut06:15
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LeeJunFanjin: /etc/init.d/proftpd start06:20
jinbut it doesnt work06:20
jini tried many times06:20
jini even search in google and none is working06:20
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Dr_Williscare to elaborate on what it is doing whatn you use that /etc/init.d line?06:22
Ma1hey, how can i know the bus identifier of my video  card Like PCI:1:0:0 ??06:23
Kiongkumount: /dev/hda5 already mounted or /media/windows busy06:23
jinkinongku: try lspci06:24
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Kiongkujin: ?06:24
Ma1that's what i get : 0000:01:00.1 Display controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AR [Radeon 9600]  (Secondary)06:24
jincommand from the terminal06:24
Kiongkui did06:25
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Kiongkudarn my file system is hpfs/ntfs06:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hpfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi06:33
CadaverPimpHow can I make sure the my computer is set up to use 6-channel audio, rather than 2-channel or such?06:33
epHow do I determine my current screen resolution and how do i change it? Seems like this should be in 'system settings' but I cant find it.06:35
KiongkuCadaverPimp: Kmix?06:35
Kiongkuep: system settings/display?06:36
epKiongku: not there, i got 4 categories Hardware, System Administration , Internet, and Personal and none of them have a "display' sub-category.06:38
CadaverPimpKiongKu, thank you. That worked. I had a feeling it was on 2-ch... audio was pretty shot06:40
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Kiongkuep: strange should have been udner hardware06:46
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epseems its a  kubuntu bug, according to a forum post or two06:51
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intelikeyhow can a process be made imutable ?06:53
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intelikeyhowto make $PID immutable ?06:55
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Kiongkuwhast immutable o006:58
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unix_infidelintelikey: as i understand it pid's are assigned during init.06:58
unix_infideli'm not sure you can make pid's immutable.06:59
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intelikeynot the pid the process.06:59
Kiongkuhmm does linux has an equivalent to disk defragmenter?06:59
unix_infidelKiongku: you dont need one.07:00
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unix_infidelimmutable processes?07:00
Kiongkuunix_infidel: when linux do scan disk on boot up.. i see % fragmented files i think07:00
unix_infidelKiongku: that's during startup, that's negligible fragmentation.07:00
unix_infidelwe dont do win32 like filesystems here.07:01
unix_infidelare systems are fast and require little maintainence.07:01
intelikeyKiongku ext2 will show the % non-contiguous07:01
intelikeyhighest i have ever seen was 5%07:02
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Kiongkuis there a comamnd to check it directly on shell?07:03
Vaniquecan someone remind me the name of wondows fonts ?07:03
Vaniqueso i can get it07:03
intelikeyKiongku normal is more like .3%07:03
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intelikeyKiongku fsck07:04
Vaniqueor corel , well the mos popoular, please07:04
Kiongkuintelikey: thx07:04
Kiongkuintelikey: ahh.. cannot perform on mounted drive... later i'll do it then07:04
intelikeyKiongku man e2fsck07:04
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intelikeythat's the app used by fsck     and you can check mounted but you have to be careful not to commit changes to disk07:05
intelikeyi.e. a read only check07:06
Kiongkuwell nvm :p thx.. i'll do it next time07:06
intelikeyso anyone know of a way to make a process immutable ?07:07
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unix_infidelhey guys, i'm thinking about putting a couple of windows images on a NFS share on a linux server, and i'm planning on using ntfsclone.07:15
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unix_infidelanyone with any experience doing a backup system like this, automating ntfs clone and MAYBE using gzip to compress along with it.07:15
epI fixed kcontrol's missing display module with this hack: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=4373.msg17167#msg1716707:16
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Jucatoep: it's not a bug, btw.07:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfsclone - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:17
flaccid!recover Jucato07:17
uboturecover: Undelete files on ext2 partitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3c-10 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 108 kB07:17
Jucatoit's going to be the default, it seems. the Display module will only be accessible through KControl or System Settings07:17
Jucatoflaccid: nice :)07:18
epJucato: ok i was only quoting a forum post, why was it missing?07:18
flaccidnot really... never comes up with anything07:18
Jucatoep: it's not missing. it has been moved07:18
epto where?07:18
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Jucatoep: System Settings or KControl07:19
Jucatoep: it will no longer be shown when you right-click > Configure Desktop07:19
flaccidwhat is it?07:20
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epJucato:  thats the two places i couldn't find System settings and kcontrol.  It was missing.07:20
flaccidoh i see07:21
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flaccidgosh i'm so good at making pizza07:25
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Jucatogrrr don't make me crave for one...07:25
flaccidi need to put um my recipe one day07:25
flaccidon the interweb07:25
flaccidnow all thats left is to get beer07:27
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Jucatodon't make me crave for that one too :P07:28
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flaccidhow about some lard?07:29
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weedarFor some odd reason my viewport is bigger than my screen resolution (again), but to add injury to insult I can only choose between 1280x1024 and 640x48007:42
jpiccolo_which way do i want to nice something to give it low pority07:43
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jared777Reality show where they ask a blonde to replace a CPU I would of killed the bitch  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY_CidIS8YM&eurl=07:55
unix_infidelthey had something similar in the states07:56
jared777Did they?  I just saw that on Digg and died laughing07:56
unix_infidelthe american version had hotter women :)07:57
JucatoBeauty and the Geek?07:57
jared777if you know where a clip is I would love to see it but i doubt they could beat her stupidty.. She couldn't grasp the concept of INSIDE the computer and thought the monitor was the PC07:58
JucatoI think unix_infidel meant that there's a show like that in the US...07:58
Jucatowell, if she was used to a Mac...07:59
jared777oh thought they had a similar segment07:59
jared777shudder imac07:59
unix_infidelmacs are so sexy on the inside.07:59
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jared777but i have known alot of PC users that think the monitor is the PC07:59
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Jucatomacs have their CPU and the monitor in one unit, right?08:00
jared777imacs did i believe08:00
jared777and that horrible one button mouse08:00
chris___yeah :) if the monitor isnt working anymore , you can throw away the whole box :P08:00
jared777just watch the video08:02
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jared777Btw LOVE the distro first one I like well enough i relplaced windows with it08:07
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rredd4need help with kguitar.  When I open a gp4 file and play it, it says:  error opening midi device.  I have libtse2 installed.  any ideas please08:16
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rredd4libtse2 = libtse308:18
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rredd4kguitar users, need help please.  When I open a gp4 file and play it, it says:  error opening midi device.  I have libtse3 installed.08:29
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chrisoverlyhow do you mount another hard drive08:38
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chrisoverlyits NTFS08:39
Admiral_Chicagochrisoverly, sudo mount /dev/drive /location08:39
chrisoverlythanks so much08:40
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  -  See also !fuse08:40
Admiral_Chicagochrisoverly, ignore ll that08:40
Admiral_Chicagojust edit your fstab08:40
chrisoverlyhow do you do that08:40
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Admiral_Chicagochrisoverly, go to /mnt and create a folder called ntsf08:41
Admiral_Chicagoso it'll be /mnt/ntsf/08:42
Admiral_Chicagothen open up a terminal and type sudo fdisk -ls08:42
chrisoverlywe want to keep our partitions as they are08:43
chrisoverlyno fdisk for me thanx08:43
Admiral_Chicagochrisoverly, this will list your partition08:43
Admiral_Chicagonot edit them08:43
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Admiral_Chicagoor you can check out the man page and under options you will see fdisk -l will "List  the  partition  tables  for the specified devices and then exit"08:46
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ArvineClonehey, anybody here had luck getting XGL working?08:47
Admiral_ChicagoArvineClone, i did08:48
Admiral_Chicagoask in #ubuntu-xgl if you need trouble shooting08:48
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Admiral_Chicagochrisoverly, do you want to save the trouble of mounting the drive every time the computer boots?08:51
jaime01por favor alguien que me ayude con ubuntu08:51
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:52
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rredd4which version of kde is with kubuntu?09:14
JucatoKubuntu Dapper ships with KDE 3.5.209:15
JucatoKubuntu Edgy will ship with KDE 3.5.409:15
emonkeyrredd4, there are packages of kde 3.5.4 for Dapper Drake avalaible09:16
emonkeyso you can update Dapper from 3.5.2 to 3.5.409:17
MuJyes, http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php09:17
=== Jucato wouldn't personally recommend upgrading to 3.5.4....
MuJhmm.. it wasn't question but.. oh well09:18
=== emonkey likes 3.5.4 several things worked better for me
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emonkeyespecially CF-Cards09:19
=== Jucato thinks that 3.5.4 (on Dapper) would require some working to "fix" some things...
rredd4emonkey  synaptic?09:20
Jucato... or Adept, which is the default package manager GUI in Kubuntu09:21
=== emonkey is using apt-get usually... but it works with all of them
rredd43 5 2 is ok with me, just wanted to know which version dapper had.......... ty09:21
Admiral_Chicagoemonkey, yes09:22
Admiral_Chicagocheck kubuntu.org09:22
Admiral_Chicagoactually hold on09:22
Orinhello! i want to get all .deb packages, wich i  installed but no saved in the cache/apt/arhives. is it real?09:22
Jucatoexcept that you have to do dist-upgrade for KDE 3.5.4 rather than plain upgrade09:22
rredd4Jucato  from dapper?09:22
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Jucatorredd4: yes. but anyway, if you're not interested to upgrade to KDE 3.5.4 you should be ok09:23
Jucatorredd4: upgrading to 3.5.3 can be done with normal upgrade09:23
Admiral_Chicagothat link will help you update to 3.5.409:24
rredd4i am trying to get midi working with kguitar,09:24
rredd4needed to know what version of kde i had09:24
Admiral_Chicagoactually i think the distro after edgy will use KDE 4 out the box09:24
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: only if KDE 4 stable is released before April09:24
Admiral_Chicagobut there is a development package for KDE4 in edgy09:24
Admiral_Chicagoso you can install KDE4 alongside KDE3 and use either of them09:25
Jucatorredd4: you can check which version of KDE you are using by going to the Help menu of any KDE app and selecting "About KDE"09:25
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: yep. but basically it's really just for developers/programmers/curious people (like us?)09:25
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, i predict two updates past Edgy will use KDE4 with amazing art/stability09:26
Admiral_Chicagolike Dapper is the best of Ubuntu so far09:26
Jucatohopefully :)09:26
rredd4Jucato  ahh i see, thanks!09:26
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, i'm tempted to use it but I just got compiz to work so i'm not going to mess around09:26
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: use what? KDE 4 on Edgy?09:27
Jucatoheh actually there's nothing to use there09:27
Jucatounless you really prefer to run Kate and Konsole in KDE 3.80.1 :)09:27
Jucatobut basically, nothing noticeable from a user's point of view09:28
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Admiral_Chicagoicons and text...09:28
Jucatonot even09:28
Jucatoer.. text probably for the About <App> and About KDE09:29
JucatoKDE 3.80.1 or KDE 4 development preview, a.k.a. Krash, is more of an "it's alive!" thing09:30
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Admiral_ChicagoJucato, no hold on09:31
Admiral_Chicagoyou have to see this09:31
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=== Jucato is holding on... :)
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, can't find the link09:33
Jucatolink about?09:33
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Admiral_Chicagoif you open up konq you will see buttons or text09:36
Admiral_Chicagonever both in one icon09:36
Admiral_ChicagoKDE4 will change that09:36
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: even Riddel can't open up Konqi in KDE409:37
Jucatowe've been trying, though09:37
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Jucatoseems like Hawkwind's the only one who's been lucky enough to do that09:37
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, no konq in 3.509:38
JucatoActually, you can have buttons under text even in KDE 3.5... in one button09:38
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Admiral_Chicagoi was using a status vs future09:38
Admiral_Chicagoyou know more than me apparently09:38
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=== Admiral_Chicago hides
Jucatobut they did fix the size of the buttons09:38
Jucatowell, at least some did...09:39
=== Jucato will grab a few shots of KDE 4 if/when he boots back into Edgy...
Jucatobut so far (aside from Umbrello), the only things that run in KDE 4 properly are Kate and Konsole09:40
aseigowhether or not konqi opens when using kde4's code base depends on the day of the week09:40
Jucatoaseigo: heh :)09:40
aseigothings are changing pretty rapidly from day to day and sometimes things that were working don't09:40
aseigoand vice versise09:40
aseigokicker runs fine, kwin runs09:41
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Jucatoaseigo: yes, but using the packages Riddel provided, konqi doesn't lunch09:41
Jucatoer... launch09:41
aseigonumerous other apps are doing alright to various degrees... kjots works afaik09:41
aseigoah .. yeah... packages. =)09:41
aseigothose are really designed more for app developers porting their apps than people trying to run apps ;)09:41
Jucatoaseigo: heh... I've been trying to tell people that...09:42
Jucatoproblem is, once they saw the announcement... :)09:42
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Jucatowell, let's just say that people are really excited about KDE 4 :P09:42
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, you know about upstart09:43
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Admiral_Chicagoi think thats what it is called09:43
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: the new init system?09:43
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Jucatoaseigo: btw, kde-look already has a section reserved for plasmoids. talk about anticipation :P09:44
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, yes09:44
Admiral_Chicagoit is looking real cool09:44
Admiral_Chicagoi can't wait for it09:44
Admiral_Chicagois it going to be in Edgy?09:44
Jucatowell, it's in Edgy now09:45
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Admiral_Chicagoreally? i'm on Knot 3 and i haven't noticed anything09:45
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Admiral_Chicagoprobably because the boot screen is still not fixed09:45
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ubotuedgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule09:45
Jucatoall I know about it is that 1) it will replace sysvinit, 2) there won't be much, if not any, noticeable difference now, and 3) it will be improving in the long run09:45
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, the idea is pretty interesting09:46
Jucatobut the "noticeable improvements" won't probably come before Edgy's released09:46
Kiongkuedgy testing platform ..09:46
Admiral_Chicagoespecially teardown, that should speed up process09:46
Jucatohaven't read the docs about upstart yet. (and I'm not that familiar with the whole init system in the first place :P)09:46
Jucatofor the sake of those listening and are interested about upstart: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/09:47
Admiral_Chicagoif something isn't writing or reading HDD, then it should be shut down rather than wait for one process, then another and another09:47
Kiongkudid u ppl upgrade from breezy to dapper?09:47
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, i did a long time ago09:47
JucatoKiongku: I did both. upgrade first, then fresh install09:47
Kiongkuhmm why both :P?09:47
Jucatomy first ever dist-upgrade experience wasn't the nicest thing in the world09:48
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, mine went fairly smooth09:48
Jucatoit was hell. :)09:48
Admiral_Chicagohad to report a bug though09:48
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: probably because I had some other stuff installed09:48
Jucatoeither compiled or .deb09:48
Kiongkubleh.. >> got to back up everything before ever upgrading -_-09:48
JucatoKiongku: always, always back up09:49
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, backports?09:49
KiongkuJucato: dah... lazy XD09:49
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: nope. compiled stuff or .deb pacakges09:49
Admiral_Chicagoah i have a few of those09:49
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Admiral_Chicagobut i compiled them on edgy so...09:49
Jucatoanyway, it took me more than half a day to upgrade09:50
Kiongkuwhats the big diff btw edgy and dapper anyway..09:50
Jucatobut after that, I decided I wanted to experience the "fresh Dapper feeling" so I reinstalled from scratch09:50
JucatoKiongku: new kernel, new KDE, new apps09:50
KiongkuJucato: new apps?09:50
Jucatonew themes, upstart, new look, new System Settings09:50
Jucatowell, new versions of apps actually09:50
KiongkuJucato: loool09:50
Jucatobut they MIGHT be shipping digikam by default this time. and kipi-plugins for gwenview, too. (at last!)09:51
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Kiongkuhmm.. the bug in kde system settings is still here.. i wodner when will they ever fix it09:52
Jucatowhich one?09:52
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Admiral_Chicago!info digikam09:52
ubotudigikam: digital photo management application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2~rc1-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 4077 kB, installed size 9724 kB09:52
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Kiongkusystem settings > regional > keyboard shortcuts > command shortcuts09:53
Jucatoah that one09:53
Jucatowell, they MIGHT look into it after Edgy's released09:53
Admiral_Chicagoall my settings are to use dvorak as a keyboard input09:53
Admiral_Chicagobut KDM still uses qwerty09:53
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Kiongkuis digikam good?09:53
Admiral_Chicagonot sure how to change that09:54
JucatoKiongku: in the mean time, if you absolutely need that command, you can use kcontrol instead09:54
Admiral_Chicagoor if it's a bug09:54
KiongkuJucato: did it a long time ago :)09:54
JucatoKiongku: some people think so. at least it's good enough to be considered to be installed by default09:54
KiongkuJucato: and u are among the "some people" :P?09:55
Jucatothink of it as GwenView on dope :)09:55
JucatoKiongku: well, not really, but I've been hearing/reading good things about it09:55
Admiral_Chicagoi just installed it09:55
KiongkuGwenview.. is it in ubuntu?09:55
JucatoKiongku: it's the photoviewer in Kubuntu09:55
Jucatodon't let the "G" fool yah09:55
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Admiral_Chicagoits cool09:56
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: specially with it's photo/album management features09:57
JucatoI think it also works well with digital cameras (hence the name)09:57
KiongkuJucato: hmm.. cant find gwenview..09:57
Admiral_Chicagoi like the date part of the organizer09:57
JucatoKiongku: K Menu > Graphics09:57
JucatoGwenview (Image Viewer)09:58
Jucatounless of course you removed it :P09:58
Kiongkudoh really its not here..09:58
JucatoAlt+F2 and then "gwenview"09:58
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Kiongkuyah its not installed.. just checked..09:59
grizzlyhow can restart konsole without password?10:00
Admiral_Chicagoi did?10:00
Jucatotsk tsk tsk10:00
Admiral_Chicagogrizzly, close it and reapen it?10:00
grizzlyoops I mant restart comp10:01
Kiongkugrizzly.. restart XD10:01
Jucatogrizzly: hm.. from the K Menu...10:01
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grizzlyrestart from konsole10:01
Admiral_Chicagoyou can't10:01
Jucatono you can't without root privileges...10:01
Admiral_Chicagoyou need to do "sudo reboot"10:01
Jucatowhich is actually what puzzles me...10:01
Admiral_Chicagoand i think you need to speciffy10:01
Admiral_Chicago"sudo reboot now" or something10:01
grizzlyJucato: but kmenu doesn't require a pass10:01
Jucato"sudo shutdown -r now" does the same thing10:01
Kiongkuif u could restart without password.. i think i can make a great linux virus10:01
Jucatogrizzly: yeah. it'a KDE/GNOME/Xfce magic thingy10:02
Jucatoup to date, no one has been able to satisfactorily answer that question of mine, too10:02
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Admiral_Chicagoyea thats definitely a This Isn't Unsecure Computing10:02
hackerballhelp me10:02
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, what question10:02
Admiral_Chicagohackerball, what do you need10:02
hackerballresolution of screen10:03
Admiral_Chicagowhat about it?10:03
Jucatogrizzly: I think it has something to do about some of the process being started by root and those apps are the ones that control shutting down/restarting10:03
grizzlyJucato: hmm thanks , that makes a lot of sense10:03
hackerballmy monitor is samsung syncmaster 510n10:03
hackerbally no funca la resolution of screen10:04
Admiral_Chicagosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:04
Admiral_Chicagouse konsole10:04
hackerballI want resolution 1024 x76810:04
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Jucatois it a yes, or a no... :)10:05
hackerballnot prove10:06
hackerballi speak spanish10:06
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Admiral_Chicagotype "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal10:06
ubotuPara Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:06
hackerballlittle english10:06
Admiral_Chicagoand just hit enter10:06
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Admiral_Chicagoall of 7 people in that channel10:07
hackerballI do not solve my problem10:07
hackerballmy monitor is samsung syncmaster 510n10:07
Admiral_Chicagohackerball, can your monitor go up to 1024 x 76810:08
hackerballI want 1024 x76810:09
arunkaleum hey people.. i'm having a little trouble with colours..10:09
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Kiongkuarunkale: seeing the world in white?10:10
arunkaleKionku: ha.. no.. on web pages, i see light grey as light pink10:10
Admiral_Chicagomax res is 1024 x 768 for your monitor10:10
Admiral_Chicagohow do you change resolution...haha10:11
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arunkaleKiongku: this is not for images, i can see image colours properly, but if a certain column or something has a light grey background, i see it as light pink10:11
arunkaleany ideas?10:11
Kiongkuarunkale: with konqueror?10:11
Admiral_Chicagohackerball, go to K menu10:12
Admiral_Chicagosystem setting >> Display10:12
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: talking abot res.. whats urs?10:12
arunkaleKiongku: with firefox10:12
Admiral_Chicagouhh i have no idea10:13
=== Jucato is stuck in 1024x768 until he gets a new monitor...
Admiral_Chicagoi think its the one about 102410:13
Admiral_Chicago1280 or something like that10:13
hackerballI have to edit the xorg.conf10:13
Admiral_Chicagohackerball, no you don't10:13
Kiongkudarn mine is 1280 X 1024 but only 60 hz refresh rate.. that hurt the eyes10:13
Admiral_Chicagosudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  edits xorg.conf for you10:14
Kiongkuarunkale: strange.. how do u know thats its supposed to be light grey?10:14
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hackerballyes ,But the problem continues10:15
arunkaleKiongku: I made the page10:15
Admiral_Chicagohackerball, did you restart X/10:15
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hackerballyes ,But the problem continues10:17
hackerballI cannot delizar the control of resolution10:17
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grizzlyhey which are the services/processes responsible for automount ?10:18
grizzlyI think I switched mine off .. accidentally10:18
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Jucatohm.. hal I think10:18
grizzlythere's dbus10:18
Kiongkuarunkale: ah ok10:19
grizzlythere isn't an exact process by the name of hal..10:19
grizzlyis mountdevs?10:19
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Jucatoyes there isn't an exact process...10:19
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grizzlyJucato: then which starts hal?10:20
Jucatosome script maybe? I'm not really sure. sorry10:20
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Jucatogrizzly: probably. it's the hal daemon I think10:21
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grizzlyk, anything else ersponsible for automount?10:22
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hackerballmy problem10:24
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Admiral_Chicagoi should be asleep by now10:28
Admiral_Chicagoits honestly 3.30 am for me10:28
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Admiral_Chicagowhat is that in metric time10:29
MenZa..metric time?10:30
MenZa24-hour clock?10:30
MenZa... 3:3010:30
Jucatomilitary time?10:30
emonkeyhere's 10:30 am10:30
Admiral_Chicagoi find it odd that there is now adept manager and adept installed10:30
Jucatoemonkey: +2 UTC?10:30
Admiral_ChicagoMenZa, yes it exists10:30
emonkeyJucato, +1 I think10:31
JucatoAdmiral_Chicago: Adept Manager is the "formal name" of adept10:31
Admiral_Chicago10 months, 10 weeks, 10 days, 10 hours, 10 minutes, 100 seconds10:31
Kiongku12 37 pm10:31
Admiral_ChicagoJucato, yes but i went to run "adept" in the kmenu10:31
Admiral_Chicagobut it couldn't find the command10:31
Jucatowell, the command is still "adept" :)10:32
emonkeyadept updater is adept_updater afaik10:32
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JucatoAdd/Remove is adept_installer and Adept Notifier is adept_notifier10:33
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Admiral_ChicagoJucato, i mean in the "run command" section of Adept10:34
Admiral_Chicagowant a screen shot?10:35
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Jucatonah :)10:35
Admiral_Chicagocuz i got one10:36
Kiongkudigikam is a good photo organizer?10:37
Jucatoso I've heard10:37
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, some people thing so10:37
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: how about u...10:37
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Admiral_Chicagoi like it10:39
Admiral_Chicagoespecially the date sorting10:39
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JucatoKiongku: you can organize photos and make albums.10:39
Jucatowithout moving them from where they are in the directories/folder, I think10:39
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Kiongkugonna test10:41
Kiongkuall those ppl "zz" in this channel.. frankly i rarely saw any other ppl talk10:42
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Jucatothe other people are either devs, ops, or something :)10:42
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KiongkuJucato: know any good place to find themse for KDE?10:48
Admiral_Chicagoi won that one Jucato10:49
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Jucatoexcept that he was asking *me* :P10:49
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Admiral_Chicagoah that he was10:49
KiongkuXD... lol nvm10:49
Jucatoit's ok...10:49
Admiral_Chicagoits cold10:49
Kiongkuis it a fight for support givers :P10:50
JucatoI wish you answered a bit faster, would have saved me the typing :P10:50
Admiral_Chicagoi'm working on getting my typing fasetr10:50
jt_this noob needs some help10:50
Admiral_Chicagobecause i'm on dvorak and all10:50
Admiral_Chicagojt_, suP?10:50
Kiongkuhahaha but beware of typos..10:50
jt_uhmm kk firstly i luv kubuntu10:51
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, that is a good point10:51
Admiral_Chicagojt_, as do I, what can we try to help with10:51
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jt_my source list...10:51
Admiral_Chicagojt_, what about it?10:51
jt_its not connecting..it hangs on waiting for headers10:52
Admiral_Chicagoyou want to make a new one, add multiverse, change a repo?10:52
Admiral_Chicagohow long?10:52
jt_forever it ends up goiung back to the main screen10:52
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Kiongkuwhats that karamba class?10:53
Admiral_Chicagojt_, try using the terminal10:54
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, superkaramba?10:54
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KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: heh?.. no i see something called karamba as type..10:55
Kiongkuthere's splash screen,wallpaper, etc.. and also karamba o010:55
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Admiral_Chicagoopen up a konsole and type "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade"10:55
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, oh nevermind I have no ida10:56
jt_thank you ill give it a go10:56
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KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: beware of typos :D10:56
Admiral_Chicagothat *may* fix it10:56
Admiral_Chicagoi heard typos are the number one cause of diabetes in the US10:57
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: and whats the scientific reasoning in it :P?10:57
Fangorhello, if I shall install nvidia drivers in ubuntu, how shall I do? :)10:58
KiongkuFangor: isn't it in by default??10:58
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Fangornot a clue, I'm a total beginner :)10:59
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ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:59
Admiral_ChicagoFangor, follow that10:59
Fangorthanks mate10:59
Admiral_Chicagono problem10:59
jt_does anyone know where i can find the kubuntu default source list?10:59
Fangorand btw how do I exit x or boot without it?10:59
Admiral_Chicagojt_, i don't know10:59
Admiral_Chicagobut you could use source-o-matic11:00
jt_no worries mate11:00
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:00
Admiral_Chicagojust make sure to check community packages and source11:00
Admiral_Chicagoand use the country letters as well11:01
Admiral_Chicagothat's kinda important11:01
Admiral_Chicagoanyone know what language amarok was written in11:02
jt_what is the latest kubuntu..breezy or hoary?11:03
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Admiral_Chicagojt_, dapper11:03
jt_hmm dat is the 6.06 one rite?11:03
cvtjt_,  the latest i have is breezy 5.1011:03
Admiral_Chicagojt_, correct11:04
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Admiral_Chicagocvt, you should probably update11:04
Kiongkuif u want the latest least theres edgy.. but its testing platform XD11:04
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cvtAdmiral_Chicago,  does that entail losing compatibility with current apps?11:04
Admiral_Chicagoits really easy11:04
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Admiral_Chicagocvt, no11:04
Admiral_Chicagowhat would you be incompatilbe with? all the applications are updated as well11:05
kyrvinping jono :)11:05
Kiongkumay be the custom compiled ones11:05
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jonokyrvin, pong!11:06
jonokyrvin, ready? :)11:06
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kyrvinjono: yes11:06
cvtAdmiral_Chicago,  extensions in firefox like paste and go, super dragandgo, and tabbrowser preferences, for starters11:06
Admiral_Chicagono you wont11:06
Kiongkujono kyrvin ping pong O_o?11:06
Admiral_Chicagoif you are really paranoid, just back up your profile11:06
Admiral_Chicagoits in ~/.mozilla11:07
Kiongkucvt: admiral is right11:07
cvtKiongku,  about which part?11:07
jonoKiongku, heh11:08
Kiongkucvt: mozilla is independent11:08
Admiral_Chicagowhen i updated from breezy to dapper, i didn't lose any information11:08
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Admiral_Chicagocvt, just go to K menu, run command "kdesu kate /etc/sources.list"11:11
Admiral_Chicagoand use the tool in kate to find and replace everything that says breezy to dapper11:12
Admiral_Chicagoand do a sudo apt-get update11:12
Admiral_Chicagosudo apt-get dist-upgrade11:12
eeoshi all11:12
Admiral_Chicagotoo many greetings11:13
josefguys i got some trouble playing DVD its says "audio output is unaivalable Device is busy()"11:13
Admiral_Chicagoah Kiongku jumy on it11:13
Admiral_Chicagojosef, are you using anything else11:13
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Admiral_Chicagoe,g. are you running amarok, mplayer, etc11:13
josefno  only Konversation to chat11:13
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josefand gaim thats all11:14
Admiral_Chicagowhat player are you using?11:14
Admiral_Chicagoto open up the dvd11:14
josefkaffeine player11:14
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KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: hmm "jumy on it"?11:15
Admiral_Chicagojump on it, quit11:15
josefMaybe is there something on the background working that i havent notice yet11:16
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Admiral_Chicagoi'm very tired but not sleepy11:16
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Admiral_Chicagojosef, try runnig pstree in a knosol11:16
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, you're my new spell checker11:16
josefpstree ??? how is the syntax i am new in kubuntu11:16
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: hahaha.. :P11:17
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: *runnig*11:17
Admiral_Chicagojosef, open up konsole11:17
Admiral_Chicagoand type "pstree"11:17
josefok is already open11:17
Admiral_Chicagoit'll show you all the running processes11:17
Admiral_Chicagoyou can go up with shift and page up11:17
josefok and then11:17
Admiral_Chicagowhat do you see running, anything using arts?11:18
josefwait i have to look to arts right11:18
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Admiral_Chicagookay i'm going to try to go to bed11:19
Admiral_Chicagothird time is the charm11:19
Admiral_Chicagobe back in like 1011:20
josefi see artsd11:20
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: stop counting the sheeps.. talk to the shepherd directly11:20
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, Jesus?11:20
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: well it depends which sheep ur trying to count :P11:20
josefI see artsd11:21
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, my life is complicated11:21
Kiongkuartsd.. hmm arts daemon11:21
Admiral_Chicagojosef, is there anything branching off it11:21
Admiral_Chicagotoday i had to pick between IRC or walking to a girl's room11:21
Admiral_Chicagoto "spend the night"11:21
Admiral_Chicagoguess where I am?11:21
josefadmiral under artsd is allot of program i think??11:22
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: Confusius says Man living complicated life is Man having hard times11:22
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: in a girl's room talking on irc?11:22
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, in my room on IRC11:22
Admiral_Chicagoher computer doesn't have XGL11:22
Admiral_Chicagofuck her11:23
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: University dorm?11:23
ubotuPlease watch your language and keep this channel family friendly.11:23
Admiral_ChicagoKiongku, College dorm11:23
KiongkuAdmiral_Chicago: whats the diff...11:23
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Admiral_Chicagouniversities have graduate programs11:23
Admiral_Chicagothas the only difference11:23
Kiongkulol.. how old are u11:24
aseigoAdmiral_Chicago: either she's ugly, annoying or you need to check your priorities ;)11:24
Admiral_Chicagothe last one11:24
Admiral_Chicagomy priority now is bed11:24
KiongkuAnnoying :P... omg11:24
Admiral_Chicagono i can be rested tomorrow night to stay up drinking11:24
Kiongkuso what is the age group for college?11:25
Admiral_Chicagono actually there is a story about me not wanting to leave my room11:25
Admiral_Chicagohere, its like 18-2211:25
Admiral_Chicagobed nov11:25
=== Admiral_Chicago afk
Kiongkubbyyyyeeeeeee go go go11:25
KiongkuGet in position!11:25
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g-hennahi everyone11:26
g-hennai have a problem printing landscape pdfs from kpdf11:27
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g-hennawhile printing from ooo works fine, if i export to pdf, then it is actually printed on portrait format and with a part truncated11:27
g-hennasee this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdegraphics/+bug/4764911:27
g-hennaand in addition, in the kdeprint window, the part to select paper orientation is greyed out, so i cannot change it. in print preview, i actually already see that it will go wrong11:28
g-hennahow can i work around this?11:28
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tobias_hello! I just wanted to ask how likely it is that something breaks when upgrading from Dapper to Edgy at the end of october (when edgy's out). On the mailinglist, people sometimes had problems when upgrading from Breezy to Dapper. Is this just as likely to happen in the Dapper -> Edgy situation?11:44
Tm_Ttobias_: I'll try to find out about it today ;-P11:45
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tobias_Tm_T: But Edgy's still in development ... it's quite likely that something breaks now, isn't it?11:47
Tm_Ttobias_: well, yes11:47
Tm_Tbut if we can spot the problem now, it can be fixed before release11:48
Tm_Tso said, you have slight hint how it will be, nothing more11:48
Tm_Ts/have/will have/11:48
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tobias_Tm_T: True!11:48
Tm_Tbut hey, what I wouldn't do for the name of science ;)11:49
Tm_Tanyway, pharmacy now and upgrade later ->11:49
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tobias_Generally speaking, is it necessary to recompile certain programs that I've got running on my system now? Like e.g. 'Kubication' - a nice, lean Network-environment switcher... will it still work in the next distro - theoretically?11:50
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fdovingtobias_: it will probably work in the next version, without recompiling, yes.11:52
tobias_fdoving: That's good to hear .. I thought that maybe manually compiled programs only worked with the kernel/packages they were originally compiled on & that I had to recompile them after a dist-upgrade...11:53
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about eth - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ethernet - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:59
fdovingtobias_: that's true on major version changes, where backwards compability breaks.12:02
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fdovinghave to go.. lunch.12:03
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tobias_fdoving: Thanks for the info! Bye!12:04
ElectrolyteYou guys had best watch when updating your fglrx driver.12:04
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ElectrolyteI just had to re-configure it via console again, since it wouldn't boot the kernel.12:04
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MenZahmmm... how can I have Kubuntu detect an ethernet connection if I plug it in AFTER booting?12:06
MenZain Network Settings I see eth0, but I have no IP address.12:07
tn3270sudo ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient12:09
MenZatn3270: ...permission denied :o12:10
MenZa(creating dhclient.leases and dhclient.pid12:11
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MenZaI thought sudo allowed me to do everything :O12:11
tn3270sudo ifconfig eth012:12
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tn3270seeif it is up first12:12
tn3270then sudo dhclient12:12
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MenZasudo dhcilent12:12
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MenZagot it12:12
MenZaThanks :D12:12
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MenZaWhere do I set aliases again :D?12:12
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HetaUmais there any "easy" way yet to install kubuntu on systems with p965 chipsets with jmicron controller?12:14
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emonkeyMenZa, ~/.bashrc12:15
MenZaemonkey: cheers.12:15
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d11anyone here using a multimonitor system12:23
d11with a laptop maybe12:23
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d11does anyone know how to set up the system so i can toggle between using the12:24
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d11external screen as extension12:25
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems12:25
d11it works alright already12:25
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d11but i want to toggle12:26
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vixenkhello room :)12:27
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d11i need some help12:29
d11i cant use skype and amarok at the same time12:29
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d11they start complaining about the sound card12:30
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vixenkwell my first guess would be that theyre both trying to use oss instead of alsa at the same time12:30
vixenkbut im new to kubuntu as of like 5 minutes ago and have never used skype :S12:31
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d11skype somehow doesnt allow for any configuration12:31
d11ill search the iner some more12:31
vixenkgo into amaroks xine engine settings12:32
vixenkmake sure its set for alsa12:32
vixenkas for skype i dont know which driver it uses by default12:32
vixenksorry i cant help more than that :(12:32
d11ive got a noob question: skype for example i just installed by unpacking an archive, but how do i get it to show up in the menus und in the Alt F2 run dialog12:34
vixenkwhat kind of archive was it?12:35
d11i can start it through the shell12:35
d11but i want it in the menu12:36
vixenkgo to system settings > panel > menu tab12:36
vixenkthere will be a button that will allow you to edit the kmenu12:37
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vixenkfrom there you can add it on12:37
Jucatoactually, he can just right-click on the K Menu button and choose Edit Menu...12:37
vixenkthat doesnt work in kubuntu for me12:37
vixenki was actually wondering about that12:38
Jucatovixenk: really? that's not normal...12:38
vixenkwell since i upgraded to 3.5.4 it does :S12:38
vixenkbut yah, when i first installed it, it didnt work12:38
Jucatod11: if ever you installed an app (that's supposed to have a menu entry in K Menu) and it doesn't show up, you can type this command in Konsole "kbuildsycoca --incremental" and ignore the error messages12:38
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d11ok, worked12:39
Jucatoer... I meant right-click on K Menu and choose "Menu Editor"12:39
Jucatovixenk: can you also right-click on any menu item and choose "Edit this item"?12:40
vixenkbut before the upgrade i couldnt, lol12:40
vixenki noticed kde has been tweaked a lot in this distro so i just figured that was a kubuntu thing12:41
d11jucato: any ideas on why skype wont work when i am listening to musik with amarok?12:41
Jucatod11: unfortunately, no. (that's why I was pretty silent until now...)12:41
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d11then another thing : i cant seem to be able to get firefox to be my default browser12:43
d11i made it check for default but it just does nothing12:43
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d11can i force that somewhere12:43
vixenksystem settings > kde components > default applications12:43
vgrossihi all, i'm working in an italian school and i would to put up 10 kubuntu machines (that have the same hardware)... how i can "replicate" one installation to the other 9? (i was looking to partimage" but i wander if there is another solution... thnx a lot12:44
vixenkclick on web browser and then select in the following browser:12:44
Jucatod11: you have tried doing it from the GUI like vixenk said?12:44
vixenktype firefox12:44
d11thx, works fine12:45
d11first time i use kubuntu, just installed it on my laptop12:45
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MenZamy laptop likes kubuntu aswell ^_^12:46
vixenkyah i dont know why they put that in the firefox linux version... it never works, at least it never has for me, lol12:46
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Jucatoit actually never works for anyone on Linux :)12:46
vixenki must say im impressed by kubuntu though, after going through my usual tweaks its pretty snappy12:47
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d11i've got another one: I have another debian machine in the network which is running mail server and webserver. but wenn i type http://klserver in the addressbar it wont find it. i always have to use the ip12:47
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d11powersaving doesnt work as well yet though12:48
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d11only have 4 hours instead of 612:48
d11anyone have an idea why the dns isnt resolved?12:49
d11it works with smb://klserver12:49
d11and the internet works fine12:49
=== Jucato has no idea... :(
d11thx anyway, ill google then for another few hours :(12:50
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d11just found out that skype uses oss12:55
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d11vixenk: if skype uses oss, in the internet it says it asla has to emulate it... do you know how?12:56
vixenkk... i would suggest starting it either via the run dialogue or console with "aoss " without the quotes preceding it12:56
vixenkif that works you can add it to the skype entry in kmenu12:56
vixenkthats it ^ :)12:57
d11aoss command not found12:57
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vixenkdid you do that in console or via the run dialogue?12:57
d11oh, sry12:57
vixenkim not 100% sure it will work in console is why i asked12:58
vixenki know it works with the run dialogue12:58
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dhqis there a calculator in konsole12:59
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Jucatodhq: you can use Katapult (Alt+Space)12:59
Jucatobut in Konsole, I'm not sure12:59
dhqwell wantted to know in konsole :)01:00
d11aoss /home/d11/Programs/skype- ----- cant run command01:00
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vixenklet me check real quick to see if its just skype specific01:00
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vixenkyup it is :(01:01
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Pensacolaafter installing the new linux image I can't login to kubuntu anymore :s01:02
d11vixenk: what about a package i found: alsa-oss its an alsa wrapper for oss whatever that means01:03
vixenkoops forgot about that01:03
=== vixenk looks embarrassed
d11what, do i need that?01:04
vixenkyes, lol01:04
vixenksorry about that... im so used to installing it i forgot that it doesnt come by default, lol01:04
d11ok its starting01:05
d11well at least it places the call01:06
d11dont know about it actually working01:06
vixenk:) well at least were making some progress, lol01:06
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d11still got a lot ahead of me01:07
d11thx for know01:07
d11my laptops coming along01:07
Pensacolaafter installing the new linux image I can't login to kubuntu anymore it only seems to restart X01:07
weedarIsn't it possible to resize a fat32 partition with qtparted or gparted?01:08
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems01:08
vixenkdll: np :) weedar: yes but you want to make sure to defrag it first01:09
Hobbseeweedar: should be01:09
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HobbseePensacola: hit ctrl+alt+f1, login, type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and try again01:09
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Pensacolaok will try01:10
JucatoHobbsee: sounds like "please dial the number and try again" :P01:10
intelikeyor dist-upgrade01:10
weedarwell Hobbsee and vixenk, qtparted just shows an exclamation mark (!) without an error-message, and gparted doesn't let me do anything at all to the partition :/01:10
HobbseePensacola: or chose an older kernel from grub, and update your system01:10
vixenkis the partition mounted?01:10
Hobbseeweedar: hmmm okay.  weird01:10
weedaryes vixenk01:10
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vixenkqtparted wont work with mounted partitions, thats probably why its showing the exclamation mark01:11
=== weedar gets hit by a huge chunk of The Obvious
Hobbseecant you not resize a mounted partition?....01:11
weedarthanks vixenk :)01:12
vixenknp :)01:12
intelikeyi wonder if i can resize my fs ?01:12
weedaris there a tool to defrag a fat32 partition in linux then?01:12
vixenkthat i do not know, but you can try searching for it in the repos01:13
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intelikeyany way to resize an ext3fs == ext2 + journal  without loosing data ?01:14
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intelikey(not a partition ^ )01:14
=== vixenk doesnt know
pchphello ya til un francais?01:14
vixenki know you can with a partition and the same goes for it as does fat3201:14
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:15
weedarshould be possible to chop off the end of the partition intelikey, gparted at least claims resizing is possible on ext2/301:15
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|lostbyte|I have an interface up.01:15
intelikeyhmmm yeah but i don't have a partition....01:15
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octanhow do i for a pkg to be installed?01:16
intelikeydpkg -i --force-all01:16
intelikeyoctan i doubt that you want to though01:17
Tm_Thmm, I recommend to NOT force all01:17
Tm_Tjust that particular issue01:17
octani need to force01:17
Tm_Tbut I doubt you have to force _all_01:17
Tm_Tjust overwrite or something like that I think01:17
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octani just fond that :)01:18
Pensacolasudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade didn't fix anything, it didn't install any new packages :s01:18
intelikeydid it error out ?01:18
intelikeyif the update failed the upgrade didn't start.01:19
Pensacolait said 0 upgradable packages01:19
intelikeysudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:19
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PensacolaI'm in windows now, reboot :)01:20
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intelikeyPensacola what have you got broken anyway ?01:20
MenZa!dk > ke01:21
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intelikeyHobbsee before i point pensacola in the wrong dirrection.... what is he/she working on ?01:22
Hobbseeintelikey: X broke due to the kernel upgrade01:23
intelikeyah ati or nvidia ?01:23
Hobbseeintelikey: work around is to use the old kernel01:23
Hobbseei dont know - i havent booted dapper since july 2201:23
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intelikeyfix is to rebuild the driver for the vidio card for the new kernel.    should be a wiki on that...01:25
timmynubHi, anyone got time to give me a hand with something please?01:25
=== intelikey claps with something
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timmynubI've got problems with an IDE DVD -RW. I have two of them - the second one (slave) will auto-mount and play DVD's, but the first (master) won't..?01:28
intelikeyany way to exploit an open console ?01:28
vixenki dont really know much about that issue but would a dpkg --force-downgrade work maybe?01:29
intelikeytry it01:30
timmynubis that aimed at me?01:30
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vixenkoh, lol, no it was aimed toward intelikey01:30
timmynubaaah, my bad01:30
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timmynubnew to all of this :-|01:30
vixenknah i shouldve pinned his/her name to it before i said it :)01:31
=== intelikey still says --force-all
timmynubright. Well, I've only been using this just over a day, never used IRC before either :-s01:32
intelikeywelcome to the land that doesn't exist timmynub01:32
weedarI thought RL was the land that didn't exist01:32
intelikeyweedar may be....01:33
timmynubheh, cheers intelikey.01:33
intelikeycyber space is kinda non-existant, altered reality, wonder land of nameless un-important people that are all kings in their on mind.01:34
vixenktimmynub: when you say it wont automount do you mean you dont get the window asking you what you want to do with the cd when you pop it in?01:34
timmynubyea, exactly01:35
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intelikeyyou get used to it.01:35
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timmynubvixenk: thing is, it'll mount CD's fine, but not DVD's01:35
weedarwell, if cogito ergo sum means "I think therefore I am", doesn't that mean that thoughts are the only "real" things. cyber-space is just a collection of thoughts and ideas so... ;)01:35
intelikeyso you never questioned the validity of "cogito ergo sum" ?01:36
weedarwell, er, no?01:36
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intelikeyok lets get back on topic just the same01:37
psb154weedar from our perspective, you are simply lines of text.01:37
vixenktimmynubs: if you go to system settings > storage media you *should* be able to change it back01:37
intelikeypsb154 the bot has been just as real to some... :)01:38
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:38
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timmynubvixenk: what exactly should I be looking for there?01:39
vixenkunmounted dvd01:39
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vixenkitll be in the dropdown menu at the top01:39
timmynubyea, got that01:40
timmynubbut I'm not entirely sure what I should be changing?01:40
XVampireXI got a little problem01:40
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vixenkput a checkmark next to enable medium application autostart after mount if its not there already01:40
XVampireX"plug and play" doesn't work, so for example if I plug something, say, a printer, into the usb, it will only start working when I restart X01:41
timmynubvixenk: I'm pretty sure my fstab entry for the drive is wrong. Whats weird is that the second DVD drive (the one that WILL work) is'nt shown in fstab at all..01:41
vixenkand make sure that nothing is highlighted in the notifications tab in the white box before clicking apply01:41
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vixenkwhat is your fstab entry for it?01:42
vixenkthe one you said was wrong, i mean01:42
intelikeytimmynub remove the entry for the one that dont work.01:42
timmynubvixenk: /dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       001:42
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vixenkyah do what he says, lol01:43
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timmynublol, ok01:44
timmynubI'll give it a whirl01:44
vixenkjust make sure to backup first ;)01:44
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timmynubtoo late >.<01:44
intelikeywhat ever kind of automounter *buntu is using it doesn't rely on fstab  and things mounted through fstab most likely wont automount.01:44
vixenklol, well at least you posted it in here so it can be added back :)01:44
timmynubso what does it use to auto-mount? I was told to edit fstab to get my windows drive to mount..01:45
vixenkim guessing hal...01:45
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vixenkcould be wrong, though01:46
intelikeytimmynub yes to mount permanant devices.  but removables are using prolly "hald" and something in the xinit01:47
timmynubright, removing that line has'nt done anything..01:47
intelikeyi don't automount anything and i don't X (hardly at all)  so i havent checked.01:47
vixenkdoes the icon for the drive appear at all on your desktop?01:48
timmynubI'm a wimp, I was using windows until yesterday morning, when it blew - instant swap lol01:48
timmynubnope, no icon01:48
intelikeytimmynub it wont until you   sudo umount -a && sudo mount -a      and restart X01:48
timmynubaaah ok,01:48
timmynubI'll give that a shot then01:48
timmynubback shortly, I hope01:49
vixenkk im off... when i start forgetting about rebooting after editing fstab i know its time to sleep :P01:50
intelikeyreboot ?01:50
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=== intelikey takes note that the *buntu crowd has change the expression that designates starting the x server. rather than say start X they say "boot" :)
=== intelikey suspects, too long in the 'window'
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voicuIs there a program for linux to write a bootable disk(i.e. a floppy)?01:54
voicuLike rawwrite for windows..01:54
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intelikeyrawwrite for M$ is the dos/windows port of  dd01:55
intelikeyman dd01:55
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voicuok, thnx01:56
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intelikeyso to simply answer your question,  yes.01:56
intelikeyRJT ?01:56
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timmynubThat was a no-go, it's still not working01:58
arejayteewtf? intelikey who are u?01:59
intelikeytimmynub i checked to see what in the world you were working on,  seems that a kernel upgrade made your xorg fail ?01:59
arejayteewas that a guess?02:00
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intelikeyRJT i'm nobody important.02:00
timmynubintelikey: I'm not sure I follow?02:00
Telroth|Sleeparejaytee, which is known because he has "intel" in his name02:00
arejayteei usually go by RJT and this is my secondary nick, but i didnt think ive ever used that in here hahaha02:01
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intelikeytimmynub i came in the channel about the time Hobbsee gave you the command to use to upgrade the system... i didn't know why.  so i asked while you were away,  you are having issues with the xserver  correct ?02:02
arejayteewas just freaky, what made u use RJT lol02:03
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intelikeytimmynub sorry  i have the wrong nick02:03
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Telroth|Sleepintelikey, there's a better way to do this02:03
timmynubintelikey: lol, not to worry02:03
intelikeytimmynub yours is the no automount issue.02:03
Telroth|Sleepwell, cya later guys02:03
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fragskehello, how can I check if kubuntu sees my dual core? :)02:04
arejayteewhats a good ftp client ?02:04
Telroth|Schoolsudo apt-get install secureftp02:04
Telroth|Schooluniverse or multiverse may have to be enabled though02:05
intelikeyi'm streight again.   timmynub now you should check the settings in the kcontrol app  maybe.   like vixenk said eariler.   put a checkmark next to enable medium application autostart"02:05
timmynubintelikey: thats already done, still nada though02:05
arejayteeyeah they are, a newb but not that much lol02:05
arejayteegotta wait for adept to finish doing security updates02:06
intelikeytimmynub question. did you restart x  or reboot the system ?02:06
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timmynubintelikey: rebooted the system02:09
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intelikeytimmynub i recall something in kde.  go to menu > settings > control center      in the left pane select desktop > behavior   on the right side {device icons} tab    have a look for your drive02:15
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timmynubintelikey: I don't have that under settings?02:17
intelikeyif i recall correctly,  not saying that i do;  but changing the settings there can cause the automounter to reset,  that is to say it will start watching things it wasn't watching.02:17
timmynubdo you mean Kinfocenter?02:18
intelikeytimmynub sure you do.   [alt] +[f2]   type kcontrol02:18
intelikeystarts the same app02:18
intelikeycontrol center.   should be first in the list02:19
timmynubintelikey: that started it, you'll have to take my word about not having it on the menu though!02:19
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intelikeyyou have   menu > settings     but control center   is not the top of the list ???02:21
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intelikeymost pecular02:21
timmynubonly one thing under that, which is Network Tools02:21
Telroth|Schoolmenu -> system settings02:22
Telroth|Schoolshould be below help02:22
timmynubI hounestly can't see it02:23
arejayteeahh knew id seen it before though lol02:23
Telroth|Schoolok, did alt+f2 "kcontrol" work?02:23
timmynubit did, yea02:23
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intelikeyTelroth|School hehhe i don't have a kcontrol listing in  menu -> system settings   :)02:23
Telroth|Schoolintelikey, no, System Settings is kcontrol,  not another menu02:24
Telroth|Schoolit's moved & renamed02:24
timmynubMounted DVD is checked under Desktop > Behaviour > Device Icons02:24
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Telroth|Schooladd the storage media to your panel02:24
Telroth|Schoolerr, "Storage Media" applet02:25
timmynubTelroth|School: guide me through that in plain english please?! lol02:25
Telroth|Schooli can't i have to go :(02:25
Telroth|Schoolintelikey can02:25
timmynubnot to worry!02:25
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timmynubpoor intelikey, he/she is probably sick to the back teeth of me!02:26
intelikeyTelroth|School there is no listing "system settings" anywhere in my menu02:26
Telroth|Schoolintelikey, i'm just saying what i have ;)02:26
intelikeyit must be kubuntu specific02:26
Telroth|Schoolbased on the fact i didn't move or rename mine before or after installation02:26
=== Telroth|School shrugs
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intelikeyTelroth|School k02:27
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intelikeytimmynub what Telroth|School was talking about is    right click blank part of the pannel   select  add applet to pannel      and choose "Storage Media"      assuming the applets are named the same02:29
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timmynubintelikey: still nothing02:30
intelikeytimmynub that probably wont do what you wanted, but might be a good work-around for the time.   until someone that uses kde and automounts media  can help you.02:31
intelikeyoh and i'm obviously lagging about half a minute right now.02:32
intelikey[Lag 24] 02:32
timmynubwhats really got me baffled, is that CD's will auto-mount02:33
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timmynubjust not DVD's02:33
intelikeyi'm in the middle of a 30 minute dl   full band narrow-ness used up02:33
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intelikeyyou folks with high speed have band-width.  i have band-narrowness  :)02:34
timmynubI have a bit of wet-string, when it rains, the connection drops02:34
intelikeytimmynub you're sure it is a dvd player ?02:35
=== intelikey had to ask
timmynublol, yes, it's definatly a DVD player02:35
timmynubunless phillips put the logo's on to take the piss02:35
arejayteehrmm i aint got kcontrol linked anywhere not even as help02:35
arejayteelooks nice too02:35
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intelikeyjust checking02:35
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timmynubkcontrol is the same as menu > system settings, just a different layout. Took me a minute to suss that out..02:36
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arejayteewithin reason there is alot more in kcontrol02:36
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arejayteedont have themes and such in system settings02:37
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Jucatosystem settings does not display control modules that could already be set somewhere else, to reduce duplication and confusion02:37
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timmynubwhat's the file type for DVD? I thought maybe I could try and sudo-mount the drive in Konsole..?02:38
timmynub*filesystem type02:38
Healotiso9660 or udf02:39
Healottimmynub: use pmount instead02:39
timmynubHealot: what is pmount?02:39
intelikeythat must be a kubuntu specific thing.   i didn't install kubuntu, i installed kde   and i can't find what yall are talking about.     kde has no "system settings"   in any menu.02:40
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Healotuser-space mount02:40
Healotrequires no root-access02:40
Jucatointelikey: yes it is02:40
intelikeytimmynub you don't need the fs type.  just the device and mount point02:40
arejayteelookds like it intelikey02:40
Jucatointelikey: System Settings is Kubuntu's "unique" control center.02:41
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XVampireXintelikey: yeah, system settings is kubuntu thing02:41
timmynubmount: no medium found02:41
arejayteei like the theme manager in kcontorl (windows part of me lol)02:41
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XVampireXintelikey: It's there to make n00bs coming from windows figure out "Here's the control panel!"02:42
Jucatoarejaytee: the theme manager itself is practically useless...02:42
arejayteeoh man02:42
JucatoXVampireX: not really. it's taking a completely different path02:42
intelikeyexample;  sudo mount /dev/hda /media/cdrom1                 pmount /dev/hda /media/cdrom102:42
XVampireXIt works similarly to control panel :D02:42
Jucatoat least it has grown in Edgy02:42
JucatoXP's control panel?02:43
JucatoXVampireX: FYI, the first system settings actually resemebled OS X's System Preferences more than XP's Control Panel02:43
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timmynubintelikey tried both, same error message.. mount: No Medium Found02:44
mojosoundIf the live cd does not find my wireless card would it be better to waqit for a release that would before installing?02:44
arejayteegotta agree with that, whats the gnome proggie that makes the menu resemble the xp look start menu02:44
Jucatoaren't CD's supposed to be automounted? you can't manually mount them02:44
intelikeythere's only so many things you can do with shrimp,  i mean a menu...02:44
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abattoirJucato: you can't mount a cd manually?02:44
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Jucatoabattoir: hm.. it was supposed to be a question.. forgot the "?"02:45
timmynubabattoir: no, it's me that can't.. DVD not CD though..02:45
abattoirJucato: aah ok :P02:45
snewsHi All, I need some help, i try to install krb5-user as apt-get install krb5-user but says Package krb5-user is not available, how I proceed to install kerberos ?02:45
Jucatoarejaytee: GNOME progie? or are you referring to Kbfx on KDE?02:46
arejayteesomething i found a bit annoying is that when i set the DNS in network settings, after hitting APPLY after a short time it would default back to the routers ip address, i had to click apply and then reset which was a litlte wierd02:46
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timmynubabattoir: I've got a DVD drive that will auto-mount CD's fine, but won't do anything with DVD's at all.02:46
arejayteeumm i was looking at it on my work xp lappy, but its wasnt for kde, got it from digg i think02:47
intelikeytimmynub  that was an example.  obviously it's not hda or cdrom1 doesn't exist or there is no dvd in the drive.         `cd /dev ;for Q in hd? ;do eject $Q > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo "drive $Q" ;done ;cd `02:47
mojosoundI cannot get the live cd to use my wireless card.  Is there anything I can do?02:47
JucatoMac OS X's System Preferences: http://www.apple.com/macosx/features/systempreferences/02:47
abattoirtimmynub: is it w/ one particular DVD, or have you tried others? also is it a data DVD or a movie DVD?02:47
snewstimmynub: have you tried k3b ?02:47
intelikeydrop that string in a konsole to see where the device really is02:47
timmynubintelikey: I changed the mount point to the correct one!02:47
snewsHi All, Someone can help-me?, i try to install krb5-user as apt-get install krb5-user but says Package krb5-user is not available, how I proceed to install kerberos ?02:48
Ash-Foxipsec is such a pain. I prefered the older versions where ipsec had it's own interface name. Playing with iptables to block non-encrypted packets is a bit messy :/02:48
Ash-Fox(older versions, being the 2.4 kernel)02:48
abattoirJucato: aah, i didnt know it was a 'clone'... thought it was a nice design the devs. had come up w/ :P02:48
timmynubabattoir: tried several, both Data and Movies. Thing is, they all work in my second DVD drive (two in the same machine)02:49
timmynubsnews: can't say I have?02:49
Jucatothought so too, except for that "nice design" part :P02:49
Jucatobut system settings in Edgy definitely takes the cake :D02:49
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abattoirtimmynub: have you tried the same discs in the same drive in another operating system?02:49
abattoirtimmynub: if so does it work there?02:49
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timmynubabattoir: yea, it was working under windows fine, windows died on me yesterday however02:50
arejayteetrying edgy isnt worth it for a newb yet is it02:50
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intelikey!info krb5-user02:51
ubotukrb5-user: Basic programs to authenticate using MIT Kerberos. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-5ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 115 kB, installed size 312 kB02:51
snewsHi All, Someone can help-me?, i try to install krb5-user as apt-get install krb5-user but says Package krb5-user is not available, how I proceed to install kerberos ?02:51
intelikeysnews repeting doesn't help unless you wait a while between02:51
intelikeysnews did you look at the ubotu post ^02:52
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intelikeysnews do you have universe enabled in your sources.list ?02:52
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:52
snewsintelikey: how I check if universe is enable?02:52
=== intelikey anticipated
intelikey                        ^02:53
NeoSakihrm....kernel update?02:53
NeoSakiwhen did that occur?02:53
snewsintelikey: ok, i will read... thanks02:53
Jucatoseems like hours ago?02:53
=== NeoSaki just got home from work
intelikeyNeoSaki mine did today02:53
NeoSakianyone know what the changes were?02:54
intelikeyhaven't even looked at it.02:54
intelikeyyou can read the change log02:54
timmynubintelikey: thanks for your help, I'm gonna try and swap the drive out for a spare I have and see if that works lol02:55
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NeoSakii can't wait till Flash 802:55
NeoSaki8.5 release*02:55
intelikey/usr/share/linux-*/   or /usr/share/doc/linux-*/something02:55
intelikeytimmynub my not being an X user and not liking automount   i wasn't much help.   but yw anyway02:56
NeoSakii hope the frglx update addresses my bitch of a problem with running games02:56
HealotNeoSaki: hint WINE+Firefox02:57
NeoSakiHealot: Yeah, i know02:57
NeoSakibut I want Native flash 8.502:57
=== intelikey wishes there was a good game for.... no scratch that.
=== intelikey is glad he hasn't found any game he really liked
HealotNeoSaki: be an Adobe developer then....02:58
NeoSakiintelikey: Why?02:58
NeoSakiHealot: I don't do Adobe dev02:58
=== NeoSaki is game programmer
HealotNeoSaki: heh; bugger02:58
arejayteehrmm my buttons have gone missing from konqueror02:58
intelikeycause i'm compulsive addictive.... i'd dever get anything done as long as there was a game to play.02:58
arejayteedever sounded better02:59
intelikeythe n and the d are just to close togather02:59
NeoSakiintelikey: funny thing is, i read it like never02:59
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NeoSakiarejaytee: did you apply a theme recently?03:00
intelikeyi have no incline why but n gets supstituted for h a lot in my typing.03:00
NeoSakianyone have a nice way to get the windows version of FF?03:01
arejayteesorta clicked defaults, nothing happened cept the icons03:01
arejayteejust selected a diff them and then reapplied and its fixed03:01
intelikeywhy would anyone prefer a windows version of a web browser.......................03:02
NeoSakiHealot I mean the actual proggy03:02
NeoSakiintelikey: non-native flash 8.503:02
Healotgo to mozilla's site?03:03
NeoSakiI wants to watch the transformers vids03:03
NeoSakiHealot: It autodetects OS03:03
intelikeyNeoSaki that helps me understand nothing.   why would anyone want flash ?03:03
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Healotyou can download for other versions03:03
NeoSakiYoutube's flash is 703:04
NeoSakithe Transformer site is in flash 803:04
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intelikeyheh  dialup.  so smoke that !03:04
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arejayteei installed flash but youtube aint work03:05
HealotOther Systems and Languages  >> click on this link... NeoSaki03:05
NeoSakiHealot: thanks, never noticed that little text down there03:05
hansHow do I change which tab is the current one in konqueror without using the mouse?03:07
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intelikeywell it's 1 pm      some where....  at least that's what my clock says...      wonder why it's displaying gmt ?03:08
intelikey [01:08pm] 03:08
hansIt isn't it is displaying UTC03:09
hansnitpicking i know03:09
intelikeyutc != gmt ???03:09
Dr_WillisI thouhg they were the same03:10
MenZaUTC = GMT03:10
intelikeyi thought  utc == gmt03:10
MenZaNeither have DST.03:10
timmy_intelikey: must have been the drive, the spare one works perfectly o.003:10
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intelikeytimmy_ that kind of theing can happen.03:10
hansgmt is utc +30 seconds03:11
arejayteeJucato: i cant find the forum i was browsing that had the gnome version03:11
hansor minus03:11
intelikeyyou made me wonder when you said it would work with cd but not dvd...03:11
hansgmt is "earth" time UTC is atomic time03:11
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arejayteei hate it when that happens03:11
intelikeyanyway  i found the answer.    /etc/adjtime03:12
intelikeymine should be blank.  it wasnt03:12
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intelikeyso atomic time needs adjusted if it's 30 seconds off03:12
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EruantalonNo because a seconds is defined as the vibrations of a certain atom03:13
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intelikeylast time i checked.  we all still lived on earth not in a nucular reactor03:13
Eruantalonthe weird thing is that gps time is 17 seconds from gmt03:14
lupine_85earth==giant nuclear reactor03:14
intelikeyso earth time must be the standard.03:14
lupine_85powered by an even bigger nuclear reactor03:14
Eruantalonand the russian(?) gps is 25 seconds from03:14
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intelikeyearth!=giant nuclear reactor03:14
intelikeysun==giant nuclear reactor03:14
Eruantalonintelikey: Any other place that sentence would have been: "earth IS NOT a giant nuclear reactor"03:15
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NeoSakisun==giant FUSION reactor03:17
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intelikeyhmm will i have to reboot to affect the change made in /etc/adjtime  ?03:18
lupine_85fission/fusion is implied, not explicit03:18
intelikeyNeoSaki could be.  i've never been there to see03:18
lupine_85bit OT though ;)03:18
=== Jucato has begun to think he got lost in a physics chat room...
intelikeywelcome to fscs 10103:19
EruantalonHmm I always wondered what is 101?03:19
Eruantalonnot from us03:19
intelikeydon't know.   it looks a lot like   lol03:20
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lupine_85Room 101 :)03:20
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intelikeyactually  one on one03:20
Jucato101 is usually the subject code for basic classes/subjects03:20
EruantalonIs 102 then the next?03:21
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lupine_85Orwell had the right idea ;)03:21
intelikeyno advanced is the next03:21
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Jucato102 is usually for a more advanced subject for the next semester of the same academic year...03:21
Jucatoso English 101 (frist sem), English 102 (second sem)03:22
Jucatousually, or at least the way it's done here...03:22
Jucato201 is for the 2nd year first sem.03:22
intelikey101 == entroductry    one on one  confrontation with the basics03:22
snewsSomeone can help-me? I nedde the file /etc/init.d/ntpdate for control the service...  the aplication is installed, but has no script for run..... how proceed?03:22
NeoSakisnews, rewind and explain03:22
Eruantalonok thanks03:22
Jucatointelikey: hm.. "101" is actually a subject code, afaik03:22
Jucatoit's used in colleges here.03:23
intelikeyJucato yeah probably.  but it stemed form03:23
EruantalonJucato: usa?03:23
NeoSakijucato: what does afaik mean?03:23
JucatoEruantalon: nope :P03:23
Eruantalonas far as i know03:23
Jucatobut our colleges try to imitate US standards as much as they can03:23
snewsI need the script file /etc/init.d/ntpdate for control the app ntpdate, how i buil this ?03:23
v3ctorsnews: there is no such file by default, you should use /etc/ntp.conf03:24
EruantalonWhere are you?03:24
intelikeysuch as iv league colage == league of (iv) roman numeral 403:24
snewsv3ctor: ok03:24
v3ctorsnews: ntpdate is a command you use to set the time/date03:24
Jucatos/colage/college ?03:25
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v3ctorsnews: ntpd will query timeserver regularly and keep it in step03:25
snewsv3ctor: thanks, it's what i need...03:25
NeoSakireal quick, anyone have any hot kicker mods?03:25
v3ctorsnews: no problem03:25
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intelikeyJucato i don't correct your code.  you leave my spelling alone   :)03:25
Jucatointelikey: hm.. since when have I had any code? heh03:26
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Jucatobut sure, I'll leave your spelling alone :)03:26
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intelikeyi can't spell collage   so i wrote a script to check my spelling..... go figure.    (script doesn't work in irc client tho)03:28
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MenZacollege, intelikey?03:29
intelikeyi could make it work in here.  but it'd get me kicked for flooding.    all my typos....03:29
intelikeyscript say "yes (college) is spelled correctly." menza03:30
intelikeyit also warns me that ispell is not installed....   heh03:31
intelikeyshows i havent been using it sense the last reload03:31
d11_how do i get a different spellcheck language installed?03:31
d11_wich package do i need03:31
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internet_i have a very small but !:;,!:;nn)_ problem my screen saver in autolock alone03:32
internet_inkcontrol is disable03:33
internet_someone have idea03:33
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internet_salut les frenchs tuc03:34
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MenZainternet_: ...?03:34
mojosoundIs there a kubuntu mailing list?03:34
internet_je suis bloqu avec un verrouillage d'ecran de veille  il se met tout seul03:34
MenZainternet_: do /j #kubuntu-fr03:34
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.03:34
Jucatomojosound: yes03:34
intelikeyd11_  aspell ispell myspell ?    depends on the app03:34
Jucatomojosound: here's a list of available mailing lists related to Ubuntu: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/03:35
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mojosoundJucato:  Thanks.03:35
d11_the one kopete uses03:35
d11_it keeps highlighting my words (german)03:35
ubuntuhello world03:35
egarimhow could i enable mouse gesture in kde ?03:37
divansantanaDoes anyone know how to auto logout an inactive KDE Session???03:37
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d11_intelikey: the one kopete uses03:37
divansantanaWould help in my Kubuntu LTSP enviroment...03:37
Dr_WillisYou dont want to know the Gestures I normally give my computer. :)03:37
intelikeyd11_ you'd have to go into the settings in kopete and see what its using.  or ask someone that knows.03:37
JucatoDr_Willis: lol03:37
Dr_Willisdivansantana,  i recall a kde 'koisk' configuration tool. but i dont know if there was an auto-logout feature of it.03:37
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divansantanaThats a good place to look! Don't think it has that option though...03:38
Jucatoalthough "koisk" does sound cute :)03:38
divansantanaI'm going to implement that soon :D03:38
divansantanaIts really good kde-kiosk03:38
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d11_intelikey: aspell03:39
intelikeyd11_ apt-cache search aspell | less03:40
Dr_Willisi just toyed with kde-koisk the other day03:40
Dr_Willislocked down my wifes account so she couldent mess with her settings03:40
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intelikeyd11_ probably   sudo apt-get install aspell-de03:40
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d11_intelikey: done, thax03:41
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divansantanaDr_Willis Yeah its awesome03:41
divansantanaciao all03:42
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intelikeywhat provides the ubuntu configuration scripts "/usr/sbin/update-* "03:43
Dr_Willishmm let me check03:43
Dr_Willisapt-file to the rescue03:43
v3ctorsudo aptitude search ntp03:44
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intelikeyv3ctor wrong window ?03:44
v3ctoryou can find what packages are associated with ntp03:45
intelikeybut you don't need sudo03:45
arejaytee~/ would that mean root?03:45
intelikey~==$HOME==(your home dir)03:46
intelikeyecho ~03:46
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arejayteeok ta03:48
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v3ctoroh yeah..forgot03:48
NeoSakii like kompile03:48
intelikeyecho -e "#!/bin/sh \n\necho $PWD" > whereami ;echo -e "#!/bin/sh \n\necho ~" > wheredoilive ;chmod 755 whereami wheredoilive03:48
Dr_Williswhereamigoing, wherehaveibeen, wherearemypants03:49
arejayteetrying to configure conky03:50
intelikeyerr actually single quotes not dubble03:50
intelikey<Dr_Willis> whereamigoing ---> /dev/null03:50
intelikey<Dr_Willis> wherehaveibeen <--- /dev/random03:51
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intelikeyi'll leave that last one alone..03:51
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intelikeyDr_Willis did you check what provided those scripts ?03:52
d11_does anyone know if it is possible to boost a micro03:52
d11_boost a microfone03:52
intelikeyall the update-blah scripts ?03:52
Dr_Willisapt-file seems borked..03:52
Dr_Willisupdating its cache. lets try again03:53
intelikeyyes it is.  you can over drive a mic input pretty easily tho03:53
Dr_Willisits still updating. :( heh03:53
h3sp4wnwell update-grub is provided grub03:53
h3sp4wnprovided by03:53
intelikeyyeah it wants a 2 hour dl for me,  hense i don't use it.03:53
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h3sp4wnupdate-alternatives is with dpkg03:54
intelikeywell update-default-?spell is not provided by ?spell  cause when i install ?spell it cant find the update script03:54
intelikeycould be dpkg   i'll reload it and see03:55
h3sp4wnthat is in dictionaries common03:55
arejayteebahaha i just renamed a file .something i gotta rename it through cli dont i lol03:55
h3sp4wndictionaries-common: /usr/sbin/update-default-aspell03:55
intelikeywhat about update-menus ?03:56
Jucatointelikey: I heard something from the mailing lists that update-menus doesn't comply with fdo standards?03:56
h3sp4wnno idea (I don't have it installed) who needs menu's anyway03:56
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intelikeyJucato most of those scripts are perl scripts  imo that don't comply with intelikey standards03:59
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intelikeyodd  according to ispell and aspell  both collage and college are spelled correctly.  but i can't find collage in the websters dictionary    are my spelling programs in error or is the word missing form the dictionary ?04:02
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intelikeyoh wait. it's the 1825 version of the dictionary.  the later spelling wont be in there04:03
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d11_what sources do i need do get w32codecs04:04
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d11_i cant find them04:04
Jucatod11_: you have to download them manually04:04
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats  -  See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html  -  But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:04
Jucatogo to that RestrictedFormats page for the download instructions04:04
Riddickif you open up multiverse there is a lib-extracodecs or something like that04:04
Riddickshould make it apt-obtainable04:04
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JucatoRiddick: w32codecs isn't available in any of the official ubuntu repos04:05
arejayteewhats the command to show hidden files? was in that link u posted me first time i came here Jucato04:05
arejayteeones with . in front04:05
intelikeyRiddick it's a leagle issue.04:05
Riddickhmmm  well i know you can get a deb source04:05
Jucatohm... ls -al ?04:06
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Riddickthats how i usually install them  i just can't remember where i obtained them the last time i setup04:06
Riddickits been a while04:06
intelikeydon't want the whole project sewed for M$-illions  now do we.04:06
Jucatoarejaytee: "ls -al" I guess?04:07
arejayteeyeah thats its thanks dude04:07
intelikeyls -a04:07
intelikeyls -A04:07
intelikeyi like -A04:07
Riddicksetup an alias for ls -al so when you type ls you get a full list   makes it easy that way04:07
intelikeybut are you sure you want -l  ?04:08
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Jucatohm.. ok.. "ls -a" will list all files, including hidden ones. "ls -al" will list all files, in long/detailed format <-- arejaytee04:09
Riddicki do when i am using console   if i have too many in a list then i do | more04:09
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intelikeyalias ls='/bin/ls --color=auto -HAs'04:09
intelikeyi like that alias ^04:09
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arejayteebahaha almost typed del .conkyrc lol04:11
arejayteeshowing the noobness04:11
intelikeyRJT hehhe :)04:12
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Riddickbe sure you know what you are del'ing when you do rm -rf especially as super user04:12
intelikeybe sure you know what your doing when you add -r  to anything   or  -R04:13
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Riddickyou can go from great running machine to hosed in a matter of one key stroke04:13
intelikeysomething as simple as chmod 644   can get ugly with -R appended.    cause that's no-exec and dirs have to be exec'd04:13
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intelikeyand back again... depending on what you do... :)04:14
intelikeyso BE SURE AND ALWAYS START EVERY COMMAND WITH   "sudo"  !!!04:15
Dr_Willisalias dir = 'echo *'04:15
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intelikeyyeah  that works.04:16
Dr_Willisactually its amazing how handy 'echo *' or echo *.txt or whatver can be04:16
pierrethDoes someone knows where the kde keyboard shortcuts are located?04:16
Jucatopierreth: System Settings > Regional & Accessibility > Keyboard Shortcuts04:17
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intelikeywell i think i'll look at the new kernel updates....   see yous guys laters,  k ?04:17
pierrethJucato: no, the file I mean, this is crashing04:18
Jucatopierreth: are you on KDE 3.5.4?04:18
pierrethJucato: yes04:18
AlCan I make Konqueror default to file browser mode?04:18
pierrethJucato: This is a bug04:18
Jucatopierreth: ah, only the Command Shortcuts tab crash. but you can run kcontrol instead04:19
pierrethI can run kcontrol04:19
pierrethi cannot use this tab04:19
pierrethi want to fix the shortcuts manually04:20
pierrethdo you know where this file is?04:20
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arejayteeconky or superkaramba04:21
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Jucatopierreth: what do you mean you cannot use the tab in KControl04:22
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pierrethJucato: clicking on it makes KControl crash so I cannot go there04:22
Jucatopierreth: hm.. KControl is different from System Settings04:23
pierrethJucato: ?? What is the difference?04:23
acidic32ooo soz04:23
acidic32Sysinfo for 'huggy': Linux 2.6.15-26-amd64-generic running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMDSempron3000+ at 1808 MHz (3621 bogomips), , RAM: 483/500MB, 97 proc's, 1.2h up04:23
acidic32didnt mean to do that04:23
Jucatopierreth: press Alt+F2 and type in "kcontrol"04:23
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NeoSakihow do I enable Firefox to be able to run downloaded files?04:24
pierrethJucato: OK, this one is working04:24
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Jucatotold you so :P04:25
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WendelinHello! I am havinbg to minor problems belonging into the Catogory:Annoyances: First, After having my KDE personalized, KPersonalizer pops every time up I log into my account. How do I prevent to start Kpersonalizer?04:28
acidic32how do i change KDM to GDM?04:28
d11_can someone help me plz: i have a mic which needs boosting but i cant find the mic boost option. its supposed to be in the kmix switches dialog right? but on my laptop it is nowhere to be found04:28
pierrethJucato: but the preferences are still crashing04:29
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h3sp4wnacidic32: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm (or gdm) either will work04:30
pierrethJucato: this is happening when an application having a shortcut is uninstalled04:30
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pierrethJucato: I made a report about the bug04:30
arejayteehrmm kbfx dont wanna work for me04:31
Jucatoyeah I think I confirmed it04:31
pierrethJucato: You can try it :-)04:31
Jucatobtw, which "preferences" is still crashing?04:31
WendelinHow do I prevent kpersonalizer to pop up each time I log into my system?04:31
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pierrethJucato: The system preferences is crashing while kcontrol works well04:31
Jucatopierreth: ah system settings (system preferences is OS X :P)04:32
Jucatoyes I have conifirmed that bug report and have mentioned it already04:32
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pierrethsorry, this is where I came from :-)04:32
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Jucatoheh, figures :P04:33
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arejayteewhats the menu edit prog?04:36
Hawkwindkmenuedit ?04:37
Jucatofast typing...04:37
gambixif someone can help me ...04:37
Jucatofor someone who's sick :P04:37
arejayteelol yeah was trying to find a shortcut to it04:37
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gambixmy sister want absolutely to have dbl click icon management on she's desktop ... but i don't remember how to configure that...04:38
gambixif someone remember that...04:38
Hawkwindgambix: You want double click or single click ?04:39
Hawkwindgambix: Either way, it's in kcontrol -> Periphereals -> Mouse04:39
PensacolaI hope the updated linux kernel doesn't mess up this instalation :)04:39
gambixHawkwind: yop :)  thanks a lot...04:39
arejayteehrmm how come i got games and such in kmenuedit but they aint showing up>04:40
arejayteeand i right clicked on the menu last time that why i couldnt find shortcut lol04:41
Jucatoarejaytee: empty menus/submenus don't show up04:41
ubuntuwell, I will check that out later04:41
arejayteeahh ima dumbarse04:42
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cox377_does anuyone know if thre is a way to get kopete to sign in automaticayy?04:44
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kubuntukubuntu .fr !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:45
Trollinatorkubuntu: stfu04:45
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Trollinatorcox377: there is04:45
abattoircox377_: sure04:45
JucatoTrollinator: please watch the language04:45
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abattoircox377_: Settings-Configure Kopete->Behaviour...04:45
kubuntume nob novice04:45
cox377_Trollinator: how so man?04:45
abattoircox377_: ...General->Misc.04:46
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kubuntume novice kubuntu04:46
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kubuntume possible kubuntu fr !!04:46
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cox377_abattoir: nice one mate, cheers fort hat04:47
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:47
cox377_for that*04:47
abattoirkubuntu: ^^^04:47
abattoircox377_: you're welcome :(04:47
abattoir* :)04:47
kubuntuthank you me friend ...............04:47
abattoirkubuntu: :)04:47
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arejayteewheres startup control in kcontrol04:49
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ubuntu__me noob !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:50
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Jucatodefinitely the same person... if he comes back again...04:51
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arejayteehrmm i cant remember how i got yakuake to startup on reboots lol04:54
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire04:55
abattoirarejaytee: KDE components->Session mgmt.04:55
Jucatoarejaytee: put a link to yakuake in ~/.kde/Autostart ?04:55
abattoirarejaytee: if that's what you mean04:55
Jucatoor that04:55
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abattoirarejaytee: if you log out w/ yakuake open and have session mgmt. on, it should be opened on next restart04:56
arejayteeyeah maybe thats what i did lol04:56
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arejaytee1am my brain aint working lol04:56
arejayteeyeah restore prev session is on04:56
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arejayteeanyone ftp progs that support ssl?05:14
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Jucatoarejaytee: doesn't konqueror support ssl? "ftp:/"05:14
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Dannilionkonqueror supports sftp as well05:16
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JucatoDannilion!! hi!! :)05:17
DannilionHey :)05:18
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Dr_Willisand fish:\\05:20
Dr_Willisor is it fish://05:20
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Dr_Willisor is it fish://///////////////////////////////////05:20
Jucatobut I would prefer pork:/ or beef:/ myself...05:20
Dr_Willisonce they start using more then 1 / - it gets screwy05:20
Tm_TDr_Willis: come on05:20
racookierhi, i need to install second ethernet card ???05:20
Dr_Willisor is it fish:/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\  (waves.. get it?)05:20
Jucatothey look more like mountains...05:21
h3sp4wnracookier: Put it in run /sbin/ifconfig -a see if its there - edit /etc/network/interfaces05:21
Dr_Willisor is it fish:/~\/~\/~\/~\  (waves.. get it?)05:21
ririracookier just install it05:21
Tm_TDr_Willis: quit it05:21
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=== Dr_Willis goes back to sleep
Jucatonope, volcanos05:21
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Jucato~~~~~~ (waves)05:22
Dr_Willisthe whole fish:/ and other kisoslaves - is a very Cool feature05:22
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=== Tm_T loves apt kio
JucatoI probaly love apt:/ the most05:22
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Frederickfoks anyone else here having problems to debug applications wich use magick core and magick wand? I cant debug them on gdb nor ddd05:24
arejayteemy friggin taskbar has disappeared05:24
racookierdon't work05:25
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abattoirarejaytee: 'kicker' should get it back, if the whole panel has disappeared05:25
arejayteejust wont show up, i have to go to desktop and middle click to bring this up bahaha05:25
Jucatoarejaytee: try pressing Alt+F2 and running "kicker"05:25
abattoirarejaytee: if it hasnt, try rt. click->add applet->Taskbar05:26
abattoirarejaytee: you have switched Hiding on?05:26
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abattoiror auto-hide05:26
arejayteeauto hide like 4 days ago05:26
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Jucatoah it might have been just dragged somewhere else05:27
alessandropironican anybody help me with printing? There is a way to print in dapper?05:27
arejayteethought thatn aswell lol05:27
arejayteehappened when i closed gftp05:27
JucatoAlt+F2, "systemsettings" (one word) then look for it in the Panel settings05:27
Jucatoif, and only if, it's already running in the first place :)05:27
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arejayteelol wierd, i changed a setting and then applied and the it showed back up05:29
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arejayteerunning real slow now05:29
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draikHey there Jucato05:30
Jucatodraik: !!05:30
arejayteethanks guys05:30
draikI just went through another enjoyable delight of not having X05:30
draikGood thing this is so common for me that its routine05:31
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abattoirdraik: heh05:31
Jucatodraik: what happened?05:31
draikI went through my System Settings and input my actual Monitor and Video Card...05:31
draikthey were "untested" or something similar...05:32
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draikso when I shut down last night, the updates happened on this start05:32
draikabattoir, it happened again... "WELCOME TO 3.5.4"05:32
abattoirdraik: arent you *on* 3.5.4?05:33
draikHow many welcomes can you receive before it no longer feels welcomed05:33
abattoiror do you mean 3.5.2 or something else?05:33
draikbut I receive that "WELCOME" every time I boot05:33
Jucatodraik: heh.. kpersonalizer bug05:33
draikoh yay05:33
abattoirdraik: or do you mean kpersonalizer05:33
Jucatoyou have finally been hit...05:33
draikno, it's 3.5.405:33
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv405:35
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h3sp4wnWhy does !ipv6 not even mention anything whatsoever about using ipv6 ?05:37
lupine_85IPv6 is cool05:37
lupine_85but none of the ubuntu GUI config tools support it05:37
h3sp4wnSurely either it should be disabled by default or there should be some information about using it (with a ipv6 to ipv4 gateway if necessary)05:38
Firetechhummz, my mimelnk-directory isn't synced with my profilerc settings (some mimetypes are only in profilerc), how to fix?05:39
snarfwhats the diff between using aptitude and apt-get to install stuff?05:39
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h3sp4wnsnarf: /var/log/aptitude05:39
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snarfi do not understand.05:41
h3sp4wnsnarf: apt-get doesn't log what it does - aptitude does05:42
h3sp4wnhence if you use aptitude then you can remove unused dependancies also05:43
snarfoh, thanks05:43
h3sp4wnthere is still the dpkg logfile but that doesn't provide enough information05:44
Trollinatorapt-get is actually junk compared to aptitude :o)05:44
miyakoI think there needs to be an uninstaller called teg-tpa05:44
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h3sp4wnTrollinator: apt-get does have some features that aptitude does not have05:45
Trollinatorlike what?05:45
h3sp4wnapt-get source05:45
h3sp4wnapt-get build-dep05:46
=== Ash-Fox likes apt-build.
Jucatoapt-get policy and apt-get madison05:46
h3sp4wnthey are apt-cache05:46
Trollinatordito :o)05:46
miyakoI use apt-cache search more than anything else05:47
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miyakowell, actually I probably use it less than apt-get install, since I generally search for fewer packaged than I install, but apt-cache search is handy when you need it05:48
arejayteedamnit i wont some eps and need ssl, konqueror isnt enabling it lol keeps saying use secure access05:48
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h3sp4wnI use aptitude search \~ilinux~nimage (for example)05:48
Jucatosame here...05:48
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Jucatoanyway, I've aliased most of the apt-get and aptitude commands so sometimes I forget which one I use05:48
h3sp4wndoing the same with apt-cache requires awk and | 's05:48
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Aikurndoes anyone have this bug in Amarok? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i2352505:53
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Aikurn"Etiqueta - Valor" is repeated05:54
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epCan't change fonts "Configure Konsole..." opens an error dialog window. "kcm_konsole.la" not found in paths. Possible reason : orphaned control module left from last KDE upgrade.  How to fix?05:58
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epAnother kubuntu problem, possibly related:  Configure display module is missing from both "System Settings" and "Kcontrol"06:00
draikThis is a confusing upgrade... linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686 (
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epHere's a pet peeve these read only error displays should allow the user to select the error message in order to google them verbatim.06:02
=== draik agrees with ep
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draikwell, with the last one anyway06:03
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acidic32where would i find res_mkquery?06:09
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d11can i upgrade alsa to 1.0.11? if so how?06:09
acidic32thought it was libc06:10
acidic32but its installed yet it cant be found..06:10
h3sp4wnd11: What do you need from 1.0.11 ?06:10
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d11the boost mic switch06:10
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d11its missing atm06:10
d11h3sp4wn: and i dont know why06:11
h3sp4wnd11: Do you know it is definately fixed in 1.0.11 ?06:11
d11h3sp4wn: i asked in the alsa channel and someone told to update06:11
steveireI use dapper. What version of KDE do I use, or how do I find out?06:13
arunkale3.5.4 likely06:13
abattoirsteveire: should be 3.5.206:13
abattoirsteveire: Help->About KDE06:13
abattoirsteveire: ...unless you upgraded to 3.5.406:14
d11h3sp4wn: no i dont, but worth a try or not... or is it too unstable06:14
h3sp4wnd11: It is not unstable but you would have to either try edgy or backport it yourself (it can go wrong)06:15
MetaMorfoziSwhere is the latest kubuntu alternate iso downlaod page?06:15
steveire3.5.2. I'm trying to get kate to be my python magician.http://kate.kde.org/3rdparty.php06:15
MetaMorfoziSthat have the latest upgraded 3.5.4 kde etc06:15
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d11h3sp4wn: have u ever heard of the mic boost switch not being there?06:16
MetaMorfoziSsteveire: 3.5.2 is very old and bugous... i you need to update06:16
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steveireI recently dist-upgraded. It's more complicated than that then?06:16
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h3sp4wnd11: Never had any hardware that has had that (I use m-audio stuff - sounds decent +4 outputs works pretty well in linux - If I need to record from a mic I just use a mixer with 2 1/4 inch jack outputs into the inputs of the card)06:17
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tbQuestion: Anybody know what software I need to pipe amarok through airtunes speakers?06:19
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octanairtunes speakers?06:20
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Raul12how to configure boot for kbuntu, slackware,mips06:22
tboctan. Sorry. Airport express with speakers connected.06:22
octantb join #amarok06:23
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tbwill try that. Although I believe it's more setting up a virtual device06:24
MetaMorfoziSso where can i download kubuntu?06:24
MetaMorfoziSthat have the latest kde06:24
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MetaMorfoziSand upgraded...06:24
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JucatoMetaMorfoziS: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php06:27
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octantb, maybe this will help06:27
Jucatobut I would personally suggest staying with KDE 3.5.3...06:27
octantb,  http://www.macosxhints.com/article.php?story=2006060206553238406:28
MetaMorfoziSi want to present it to my friend who wan to try it out06:28
JucatoMetaMorfoziS: ah you mean Edgy?06:28
tboctan thanks. Will look.06:28
MetaMorfoziSand i don't want him to try the bugous 3.5.206:28
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h3sp4wn3.5.2 is the most tested version06:29
JucatoMetaMorfoziS: that's the only thing that Dapper has. Dapper ships with KDE 3.5.2. you can upgrade to KDE 3.5.3 or KDE 3.5.4 from the Kubuntu packages06:29
MetaMorfoziSit's lol.06:29
jbirdAngelot, anyone here want to help me with a php script im getting errors on06:29
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MetaMorfoziSwhy not an uptodate iso avaialble?06:29
tboctan Ooohhh. Looks just about right. Will print & peruse. Much thanks :)06:29
Jucatobut official support for KDE in Dappe stops at 3.5.206:29
MetaMorfoziSwhen i downlaod the cd i need to download again a half or more cd to upgrade it?06:29
MetaMorfoziSit's lol...06:29
JucatoMetaMorfoziS: because Edgy Eft, the next Kubuntu release will be out by october06:29
octantb np.. hope it works tho06:30
Frederickfolks anyone having problems with kdevelop beeing unable to set breakpoints using non std libs in c?06:30
tbah. Mac-specific software needed :(06:30
JucatoMetaMorfoziS: Dapper is LTS or Long Term Support. It's meant to be a stable release, supported for 5 years. that's why there are no new Kubuntu Dapper ISO's with an updated KDE06:31
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Raul12how to configure boot for kbuntu, slackware,mips06:34
draikJucato, desktop is 3 years, server 5 years... IIRC06:34
Jucatodraik: your probably right. didn't check :P06:35
Raul12can any 1 help ???06:35
draiksomething about desktop is usually 18 months, this time its doubled to 3 years... something like that06:35
Raul12 :|06:36
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draikRaul12, you mean your GRUB?06:36
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Raul12modifing grub 4 kbuntu,slackware,mips06:37
draikdo you know where your / are?06:37
draikGRUB is located in      /boot/grub/menu.lst06:37
Dr_Willistripple booting 3 disrtos.. will get.. ineresting06:38
Dr_WillisYou will have to increase your Grub-Fu Grasshopper!06:38
draikehh, it's do-able06:38
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Dr_Willisyep its doable.06:38
Raul12when i install 1 other getdeleted06:38
draikLOL @ Dr_Willis06:38
Dr_Willisnot too hard really. its just in the details.06:38
draikoh yea06:38
Raul12slackware use lilo06:38
Raul12kubuntu use grub06:39
octantb, http://raop-play.sourceforge.net/ http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=119473&package_id=13018706:39
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Raul12any sugessions ?06:40
Dr_Willisyou can have each disrto on its own hard drive makes it a little easier.. :P06:40
h3sp4wnRaul12: How are you running kubuntu / slackware on a mips processor ?06:40
Dr_Willisi think you can put the boot records for each disrto on their own partition. and chain load.. but that can be a bigger pain06:40
lupine_85modify slackware so it boots from grub?06:41
tbYou can edit the (whassitcalled) grub config to point to the kde partition & initrd. I've done it (on the other machine, sorry).06:41
octanif you install kubuntu after a slackware install.. the kubuntu install will fix a grub with both slackware and kubuntu boot06:41
Dr_Willisif you are lucky :)06:42
octanive always been lucky in that case :p06:42
Dr_Willisor just run slackware inside vmware on the ubunut setup06:42
Dr_Willisive had the NORMAL grub setup break on my machine.06:42
Raul12kubuntu,slackware and MEPIS on my secondary hard drive06:42
Dr_Williswith 1 disrto. Lol.. silly update-grub got confused as to what drive was hda and hdc06:42
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Raul121st hard drive windows06:43
main2my nvidia driver 'says' in my xorg.log that it only validates 3 modes (1024/800../640..) on a 19" well configured monitor (iiyama)06:43
main2im using the right settings i think (in xorg), but how can it be that it doesnt detect the higher modes? :(06:43
draikThese new kernel upgrades are breaking my GRUB to my 3rd HDD, which isn't meant to boot anymore06:43
Raul12when i try to install mepis it messing up06:43
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Raul12\COMMENT any106:44
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Dr_WillisOther then - dump mepis? :P06:45
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Raul12but i dunn want to dump06:46
Dr_Willisor learn how to edit the grub menus and let one disrto handle the grub configuration06:46
Dr_Willisand some how hope the others dont trash it when they install06:46
Raul12any thought where i can find help on edting grub menus06:47
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h3sp4wnAnything inside the debian automagic kernel section will be overwritten by update-grub06:47
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kristinahow to install cvscedega???????????06:50
kristinacan somebody help me06:50
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h3sp4wnI have never managed to get it working properly - but there is a script on linux-gamers called wine_cvs.sh (or something like that)06:52
h3sp4wnyou need to install directx 9 from microsoft06:52
Raul12how can u install directx on linux ??06:53
h3sp4wnIt is under cvscedega06:53
h3sp4wn(which is a wine fork)06:53
Dr_WillisGrub is very very very well documented on the web. and the grub homepage is the de-facto site.06:53
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: Tried grub2 ?06:54
Dr_WillisIve never had to install directx on cedega.06:54
Dr_Willish3sp4wn,  not had the need. :)06:54
kristinacan somebody help to install direct x & winw06:54
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h3sp4wnTo get evercrack working - it needed directx 9c under cedega (for my brother)06:54
h3sp4wnstill didn't work right06:55
instructorAj Kubuntu needs nice fonts06:55
draikis there a way to view fonts?06:55
Dr_WillisBest thing you can do for EverCrack is... well.. never mind...06:56
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h3sp4wnDr_Willis: Don't play it06:56
h3sp4wnDr_Willis: That is the best solution (I have not played it for 6 years)06:56
Dr_Willish3sp4wn,  i was thinking more of using a Hammer on the person.. "Tough Love!"06:56
Dr_Willisor point out how the game is the same thing over and over and over. :)06:57
Dr_Willisor how the idea of "Agrro" is silly06:57
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draikI'll go with the "Tough Love" option :)06:57
abattoirdraik: fonts:/ in konq.06:58
draikThank you abattoir06:58
abattoirdraik: that shows all installed fonts06:58
abattoirdraik: clicking on one should bring up kfontview06:59
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octanhow does dbus work?06:59
octancan i use dbus to get info from a app like i can with dcop?07:00
instructorMessage passing07:00
ubotudbus: simple interprocess messaging system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.60-6ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 316 kB, installed size 700 kB07:00
octanyay.. you made me wize now :P07:00
instructoroctan: That's the eventual goal I think :)07:00
octanso howto?07:01
octandbus appname?07:01
=== instructor shrugs :)
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octan*instruct me :P07:01
=== octan waves @ instructor
octanaha,, thank you07:02
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draikHow do I get my Menu bar to work? Seems like it won't respond to anything. I have it hidden and *should* open when I go down to the bottom left corner. It won't come up.07:03
draikis it kicker?07:04
octanman dcop is so much simpler07:04
instructordraik: Alt+F1?07:04
draikALT+F1 works, but not with the mouse07:04
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draikI went into "Configure Panel" and re-selected Bottom Left Corner. Works now07:05
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MetaMorfoziSis teher!printer07:10
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows07:10
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about RAID0 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi07:11
ubotuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO07:11
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Stardogwhats the adress for the irc undernet?07:12
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[GuS] Hi!!! Hello people!... someone knows why the  fonts goes more little (but is the same size in systemsettings, 9) after upgrated to Edgy?07:21
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||arifaX[GuS] , generally or in a special program?07:23
[GuS] in general07:23
[GuS] exept gtk ones07:23
||arifaXthen no idea from me07:23
[GuS] yeah... is weird---07:23
[GuS] is the same size.. and the same font as in dapper07:24
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=== Jucato wonders if it has anything to do with the new Xorg in Edgy...
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[GuS] buts looks more little07:24
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jmwnewbie here- for ubuntu and kubuntu - is there a best wireless card - that will just plug in and work? am wired for now orusing  winxp withDlink  DWL 520rev E07:25
MarcChow do I refresh the KMenu so it shows an app I installed?07:25
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JosephRiversif i've downloaded a debian package, what command can I use to install it?07:26
JucatoMarcC: type "kbuildsycoca --incremental" in Konsole (ignore the error messages)07:26
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sethJosephRivers, sudo dpkg -i /path/to/the.deb07:27
h3sp4wnJosephRivers: debian is not binary compatible with ubuntu07:27
h3sp4wnJosephRivers: You can only use debian source (most of the time)07:27
jmwrivers- what package did u get?07:27
JosephRiversh3sp4wn: this should probably work it's the opera browser. Thanks for the warning though.07:27
[GuS] JosephRivers, you have for dapper too07:28
[GuS] that app...07:28
sethJosephRivers, you can install the Opera browser through Adept07:28
h3sp4wnJosephRivers: There is a specific ubuntu version in the dapper-commercial repository07:28
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MarcCJucato: thanks, I did that but it didn't show the games I just installed...sgt-puzzles07:28
JosephRiversh3sp4wn: I've had some bad experiences with the versions in Adept-- I prefer to install them directly from their web site if I can.07:29
sethJosephRivers, add the repository deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu dapper-commercial main07:29
JucatoMarcC: some apps/games, like 3D chess, don't really show up in the menu07:29
MarcCok, thanks...although it's a pain because that package includes about 20 games :D07:29
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leander_ik werk voor het eerst met linux en probeer mmplayer te installeren07:30
leander_kan iemand me helpen?07:30
ubuntuI've tried this CD now07:30
ubuntuIt's great07:30
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ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl07:31
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steveirehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1502857#post1502857 <<< Can I gt some help for this?07:31
leander_ik ben nieuw in linux (kubuntu) en probeer mmplayer te installeren, kan iemand me helpen?07:31
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instructor leander_: Which language is that?07:32
steveirelooks dutch07:32
leander_dutch, enlish is ok07:32
steveireIt reads like german. I understand it anyway.07:33
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leander_i'm new to linux and i trie to install mplayer, can someone help me?07:33
steveireDid you use spt-get and what happened?07:33
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instructorI was thinking it looked kind of german07:33
dlissnermay someone quickly tell me the command to unpack tar.gz' in the konsole?07:33
instructorleander_: You can ask in #ubuntu-nl as well07:33
steveirethey are very similar languages07:33
dlissnersurprisingly searching for it in google got me nowhere07:34
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h3sp4wndlissner: tar xvfz blah.tar.gz07:34
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dlissnerwhat does the xvfc do and can i specify a dir?07:35
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instructordlissner: You can't x && c07:36
dlissneroh ok07:36
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instructorOne is to extract from a file and c is to compress to a file07:36
instructorCan't do both at the same time07:36
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yamlaI want to install Kubuntu 6.06 (64-bit) on a machine.  The machine is plenty powerful enough.  HOWEVER, it has no optical drives and currently no operating system.  Any way to get Kubuntu installed using a floppy drive, a usb key, or an external hard drive?07:37
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yamlaIt has a working network connection.07:38
MarcCinstall over the network07:38
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yamlaCan someone point me to a web page which discusses installing over a network?07:38
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MarcChm...maybe the easy way to do it now is to grab the image from another machine on the network07:39
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yamlaMarcC, do you mean install to an external hard drive, boot from that hard drive (possibly in read-only mode), then dd the partition across or something like that?07:40
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dcmrdoes anyone else have a problem where firefox cuts off the bottom of pages when printing?07:41
h3sp4wnYou can just setup netboot using tftp07:41
[-KaSatKa-] What package do i need to install to have php support for my apache2 server?07:41
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yamlanetboot would be something like http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install right?  That looks easy enough.07:41
MarcCyeah, there are instructions out there but I haven't done it (the PXE stuff)07:42
yamlaOkay, thanks everyone.  I'll try that out.  I'm happily running Kubuntu on a number of other systems, by the way.07:42
MarcCright on, for work or pleasure?07:42
h3sp4wnI think tftpd-hpa is the easiest tftp server to use07:42
h3sp4wn(don't know what they suggest)07:43
yamlaWork and pleasure.  Kubuntu on a PVR box, Kubuntu on my main desktop (work) and on my laptop (with a custom kernel, damn ASUS laptops).07:43
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MarcCheh, nice...PVR running mythtv?07:43
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yamlaPVR running mythtv, yes.  It was a bit of a hassle to get set up but now works well.  And with built-in support for my USB 802.11g network card thing, I can perform remote backups quite easily.07:44
MarcCvery cool :)07:44
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instructordcmr: Not heard of that07:45
yamlaOh, and the Kubuntu systems are running distcc so my compiles are very fast.  :)07:45
yamlaOkay, I'm off to try a network install.  Wish me luck.07:45
MarcCgood luck07:45
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instructorcan someone give me an interactive program that doesn't have network dependecies?07:48
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Tm_Tinstructor: deck of cards07:48
Tm_Tbox of legos07:48
instructorlupine_85: I'm testing a HereDoc07:49
instructorBut the network latency messes up the order of the commands07:49
instructorNever mind Python seems to work :)07:50
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=== instructor sighs as he passes over upgrading amarok
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dcmrcould someone help me with a firefox printing problem?07:58
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DaSkreechIs there a howto on antialising fonts for KDE 3.5.4?08:01
=== DaSkreech shudders at the jaggies :)
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epInstructions on kubuntu.org tell me "You will also need the dapper-updates reponsitory enabled."   How do I do this?08:02
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ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire08:03
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DaSkreechep: In adept go Adept menu -> Manage Repositories08:03
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu08:03
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DaSkreechLook for a line that says dapper-updates and make sure it's enabled08:04
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DaSkreechSweet :)08:06
Stardogtried installing frostwire from www.ubuntuguide.org like downloading a deb file an then installing... but when clicking it.. .nothing happends08:06
lupine_85right-click and choose install....08:07
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NeoSakidamn you lupine08:07
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DaSkreechStardog: Right click it and you should get a install package option08:07
NeoSakibeat me to it08:07
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epDaSkreech: thanks, I can do that.  I've never used adept.  usually i do command line or sometimes synaptic.  I'm trying to learn.08:07
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StardogDaSkreech: did it via terminal... and it shows in the start menu... but no windows opens :o08:07
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DaSkreechStardog: You have Java installed?08:09
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DaSkreechep: No problem make sure the lines with dapper-updates in /etc/apt/sources.list are not commented out08:10
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Stardogyup... or atleast... java works in opera :p08:11
Vegeta^Is it possible to enable/disable the wireless netcard by assigning the short-key "Fn+F2" to it (on a laptop)?08:12
epI asked the wrong question maybe.  There is no "dapper update" line because I have breezy.  How do I  update from breezy to dapper easily?08:12
DaSkreechStardog: did you do the update-alternatives ?08:13
Stardogone sec08:13
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DaSkreechsudo update-alternatives java IIRC08:14
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Stardogbut i have 3 alternatives... wich one i choose?08:15
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Stardogit worked DaSkreech; somehow.. i dont't know... but thx :D08:18
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DaSkreechWell Ubuntu time08:19
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ironfroggyhow can i get something to recognize a filename with a # in it?08:20
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v3ctorescape the #08:21
v3ctor with \#08:21
ironfroggywhat does # mean at the shell then?08:21
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v3ctormeans ignore all after #08:21
ironfroggyits not taking it as a comment08:21
ironfroggythe command itself is complaining the filename doesnt exist, and the name its complaining about includes the #08:22
ironfroggyescaping does no affect.08:22
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[Relic] any how to get a webcam working pages?  USB recognizes it, I just have to clue on how to get the driver or some programm running for it08:23
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v3ctordoes the filename begin with # ?08:23
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ironfroggyno its in the middle08:24
v3ctorautocomplete should complete in a way that should allow the #08:24
ironfroggywell it does08:24
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epIs there  help for updating from breezy to dapper?  Maybe I've already done this and I just need to edit  sources.lists because everything there says 'breezy', how do I check?.08:24
ironfroggywhat i cant figure, is if i cant open them, how are they being written?08:25
steveirehas anyone got compiz working with kubuntu?08:25
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srednaMan, creating a simple graphic is complicated in linux :(08:27
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srednaOpen krita, try, give up because it's too weird, open gimp, fight it's oddities, fight the odd gtk file dialog ... :\\08:28
MarcCpixel is a nice one, just bought it08:28
MarcCworks great in Kubuntu08:29
holysmokecan anyone help me in getting my k menu and toolbar to reappear ... a workmate did "something" and now i'm struggling to get it back08:29
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tsdgeostoolbar you mean the lower part of the screen?08:29
holysmokelol i got it by  going  run command  systemsettings  --- panel  ---- hiding08:30
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holysmokethanks though08:30
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epTo update from breezy to dapper, can I use adept; change  'breezy' to 'dapper' and click fetch updates and reboot?08:34
tsdgeostechnically yes08:34
tsdgeosbut the update is a bit bad08:35
tsdgeosand iirc it removes most kde programs08:35
epwhats a better method08:35
tsdgeosso install kubuntu-desktop after updating08:35
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tsdgeosthat's the better method :D08:35
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ubuntulo all08:35
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eptsdgeos: (A) So do what I just said and then install kubuntu-desktop or just (B) just install kubuntu desktop and then edit my sources.list, replacing breezy with dapper?08:37
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epok thanks08:37
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl08:37
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NicksteI'm busy installing Kubuntu 6.06 LTS. I'm at the partitioning window. I create an ext3 patition of 3gb in some free space, near the end of my drive. Once I create it, it won't let me create swap space, etc. in the free space.08:38
Martijn81someone knows what's this "Score is -40" thing in aptitude?08:38
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ubuntuI've just gone to install windows xp on a spare part of my HD...forgot to partition some space off, I exited out of the installer, and now kubuntu wont boot up, i get the "error - operating system not found" message. I'm using the live cd as we speak :P08:38
=== ubuntu is now known as beemonk
Alextremo((((((    good afternooooon ))))))))))))))))))))))   haw are alls ????????08:39
beemonkAnnoyed with using the live cd at 800x600 res Alextremo  :P08:40
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Nicksteonce kubuntu is installed, what resolution can I go up to?08:40
=== beemonk sighs
beemonkNickste: whatever resolution your monitor/graphics card supports08:40
eptsdgeos: What about individual packages in my sources.list ,  can I just change 'breezy' to 'dapper' there as well08:41
Nicksteok, and can I use the same swap space for Ubuntu and Kubuntu?08:41
tsdgeosep, wht do you mean with "individual packages"?08:41
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dumbkiwiNickste: yes08:42
Nickstedo I need to reformat it?08:42
beemonkCan no one help me then....08:42
dumbkiwiNickste: no08:42
Nickstestoke :)08:42
dumbkiwibeemonk: with what?08:42
beemonkdumbkiwi: sec i'll re post08:42
beemonkI've just gone to install windows xp on a spare part of my HD...forgot to partition some space off, I exited out of the installer, and now kubuntu wont boot up, i get the "error - operating system not found" message. I'm using the live cd.....08:42
dumbkiwibeemonk: You could try restoring the mbr, but I can't remember if the live cd has a "repair mbr" option08:43
NicksteIf the Ubuntu dual boot menu is currently being used, and I install Kubuntu, will the Kubuntu boot manager take over?08:43
beemonkdumbkiwi: Not unless you can run it as an additional option (which i dont know off, havent been using this long)08:44
dumbkiwiNickste: Probably, but it'll be exactly the same - it's just grub08:44
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dumbkiwibeemonk: another livecd may have that option.  But my pick is that you're best option is to start again, unless you've got something vital on there.08:45
dumbkiwibeemonk: Depends on how far through the xp install you got.08:45
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dumbkiwibeemonk: second point is that if you install xp second, it'll overwrite the mbr anyway, and if you don't know what you're doing you won't be able to boot to linux anyway.08:46
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Nickstehow do I specify more space to the08:50
Nickste"/" part of my partition08:50
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dumbkiwiNickste: You're better to move part of the root filesystem to another partition, and simply to it.08:52
ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems08:52
epI've got problems on breezy.  sudo apt-get intstall kubunu-desktop fails: Broken packages.   The help file I'm reading says this must be installed before upgrading to dapper, says its VITAL!08:53
dumbkiwiNickste: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/08:54
dumbkiwiNickste: huh?08:54
Nicksteshot = thanks :)08:54
NicksteDo I have to specify a /home dir and a /media dir?08:55
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epkubuntu-desktop: Depends: akode but it is not going to be installed08:55
dumbkiwiNickste: when?08:55
Nicksteon install08:55
NicksteI just set the /media and /home drop down menu's to blank, and it is now installing fine :)08:56
christiancannot get flash to work in konquror, tried easyubuntu and automatix, any hints?08:56
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abattoirchristian: you'd need to enable it manually... did you do that?08:56
dumbkiwiNickste: you don't have to specify anything as far as I recall.  I would suggest that you put /home on a separate partition, so that if you want to do a clean upgrade, you can do it without losing your personal data08:57
beemonkstart again ?08:57
Nicksteah right, thanks08:57
christianyut I scanned on the configure konq08:57
beemonkI completely switched from xp to u/kubuntu...i've just got all my data back on kubuntu08:57
abattoirchristian: did it list the plugin?08:57
beemonkthe XP install got to the point where you partition your drives08:57
Nicksteman, the kubuntu install kills windows :) I can IRC while I install!!!08:57
beemonkwhere you partition them, i exited out...08:57
beemonkim a big noob but...cant i access grub i think it is08:58
beemonkand change it..?08:58
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dumbkiwibeemonk: up to you, but if you've got no important data on kubuntu, the quickest way is to start again08:58
beemonkbut, i have08:58
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beemonkwell, not so much that, just that i've had to reinstall 3 times already and i dont want to have to install EVERYTHING again08:58
dumbkiwibeemonk: I would start again.08:59
christianabattoir: it lists only a "Netscape Pluggins" and pull down menu called "pluggin" with a bunch of "mime" type in subfolders08:59
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beemonkdumbkiwi: thanks for your advice08:59
christianabattoir: but nothing with flash as a name08:59
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dumbkiwibeemonk: but set up your partitions first (use gparted on the livecd)08:59
abattoirchristian: yes, it should be under that ...08:59
abattoirchristian: you dont see an entry for a ..../libflashplayer.so ?09:00
miyakoerr sorry09:00
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christianabattoir: nope09:00
abattoirchristian: how did you install flashplayer?09:01
abattoirchristian: you dowloaded it manually from adobe's site?09:01
abattoirchristian: or did you use the package in the repos?09:01
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ikkinuhi all; kbib developer ask me for my KDEDIR, but I can't see it with _env_; how can I help him?09:03
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christianabattoir: sorry, kid crying... I installed it from repos09:05
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abattoirchristian: ok, can you try 'sudo update-flashplugin' ?09:06
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abattoirchristian: after that try scanning again, and see if you see the entry for ...libflashplayer.so09:07
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christianabattoir: konsole returns message "automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes"09:07
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abattoirchristian: ok, try doing a 'sudo apt-get update' first then try that command09:08
abattoirchristian: you are on dapper, right?09:08
abattoirikkinu: $KDEDIR ?09:08
ikkinuabattoir, yes09:08
ge2xhey ive just installed kubuntu desktop with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu and how can i remove gnome?09:08
abattoirge2x: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop09:09
abattoirikkinu: afaik, its /usr in kubuntu09:09
Vegeta^What package do I install, so that I get all the LaTeX packages? (the sty-files). I'm using kubuntu.09:09
christianabattoir: did sudo apt-get update, worked fine, and am on dapper 6.06.109:10
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ikkinuabattoir, he said /usr/local/kde..so he's wrong?09:10
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abattoirchristian: ok, now try the 'sudo update-flashplugin' command again09:10
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abattoirikkinu: there doesnt seem to be a kde folder in /usr/local09:11
ikkinuby the way, shouldn't I see it with 'env')09:11
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:11
ge2xok i did sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop so how do i switch to the kde desktop?09:11
ikkinuabattoir, I have it09:11
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sabaalIs anyone else getting a "timeout on server" error from kde-look.org?09:11
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abattoirsabaal: works fine for me09:12
sabaalHuh, that's strange. Any ideas what would cause that?09:12
christianabattoir: sameold 'automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes...09:12
sabaalIt's only happening on kde-look and kde-apps. :/09:13
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christianMaybe I should uninstall the plugin and start over?09:13
abattoirchristian: i think adobe have changed the url or something...09:13
abattoirchristian: could you try downloading it and installing it manually from adobe's site?09:13
christianabattoir: should I follow their instructions for install or ubuntu's09:14
abattoirchristian: their's09:14
christianabattoir: thanks, get back later09:15
abattoirchristian: follow the procedure, the rescan in konqueror, should be detected...09:15
epHow do i uninstall KDE 3.5 which I installed via a individual deb package I downloaded from kubunto.org?09:16
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abattoirchristian: i guess the ubuntu package is temporarily broken, in the sense the link doesnt work09:16
abattoirep: you have all the debs?09:16
abattoirep: oh, uninstall?09:16
Vegeta^What is a better pdf viewer than KPDF?09:17
epI need to uninstall it so I can upgrade to dapper09:17
sabaalVegeta^: Depends on what you need it to do.09:17
abattoirep: you are on breezy?09:17
abattoirVegeta^: kghostview is an alternative09:17
abattoirVegeta^: the official Adobe reader exists too09:17
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sabaalFor Linux? I thought Adobe was getting ready to abandon us?09:18
abattoirep: why do you think you must 'uninstall' 3.5?09:18
epAt least my sources.list says "breezy".   I don't really know how to verify.09:18
Vegeta^abattoir: It's not on the package list rhough..09:18
Vegeta^sabaal: I only want to use it to view pdf file documents.09:18
epbecause the help page on ubuntu.com said it was vital that kubuntu-desktop was installed in order to upgrade09:19
epIts not installed and it WONT install09:19
Vegeta^sabaal: Well the thing that annoyes in KPDF, is the menu to the left with the pages in mini format, how do I remove that?09:19
sabaalVegeta^: I'll have to check myself. One moment...09:19
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abattoirVegeta^: you can click on the divider and move it to the left09:20
abattoirso it 'disappears'09:20
ubotuUpgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:20
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sabaalVegeta^: Settings > Hide Navigation Panel; or Ctrl+L.09:21
burns2alguem me recomenda algum player de audio e video?09:21
jatoshow do I get xnest?09:21
burns2video com legendas09:21
burns2*novato em linux aqui* ;p09:21
epabattoir: sudo apt-get -f intstall kubunu-desktop fails, Broken packages.09:21
Vegeta^sabaal: Ok thanks09:21
sabaalVegeta^: No problem. I'm just glad to be giving help for once. :P09:22
Vegeta^hehe :D09:22
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abattoirep: if you are upgrading to dapper, your sources.list file must say 'dapper'09:22
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epabattoir: Yes i know, change all 'breezy' to 'dapper'.  That is not the problem09:24
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ge2xhey could som1 help me ive just installed kubuntu on ubuntu and now im using kubuntu but i think gnome is still running cause i can still run gnome applications (like gaim)09:25
ge2xhow can i stop gnome?09:25
jatosps -A09:26
jatosuse that to get the PID of gnome applet09:26
epabattoir: It is vital that I have kubuntu-desktop installed on breezy before I upgrade to dapper.  Says so in BOLD letters here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DapperUpgrades09:26
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epthats the problem09:26
jatosactually, just press ctrl+alt+backspace ge2x09:26
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ikkinuge2x, u'll be always able to run gnome apps09:26
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ge2xjatos: i dont understand could u plz explain simplier?09:27
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jatoson your keyboard press ctrl, alt and backspace similtaneously09:27
jatoskills gnome09:28
jatosthough for more power do apt-get install ksysguard09:28
ikkinukbib developer ask me for my KDEDIR, but I can't see it with _env_; how can I help him?09:28
jatosthis very handy program lets you kill an app at your wim09:28
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jatosit is technically for KDE but works in Gnome09:28
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ge2xso how can i stop gnome?09:30
jatospress ctrl+alt+backspace on your keyboard, that will stop Gnome09:30
abattoirep: i think it refers to the kubuntu-desktop from breezy... dont you have that installed already?09:30
ge2xthat will restart the pc09:30
jatosno, it will kill Gnome not restart your PC09:31
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ge2xi just pressed 5 minutes ago and it restarted the pc09:31
jatosctrl+alt+del will restart if your in the console, but while you in the same display as Gnome09:31
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gourdinhi tere09:31
gourdinanyone got problem with kicker under dapper ?09:32
epabattoir: no its not installed and it wont install sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop fails and it also fails if I use the -f option09:32
ge2xso what should i do?09:32
jatosare you in console or in Gnome?09:32
ikkinuge2x,  are u sure you have gnome running?09:32
ge2xwell yes how else could i be able to run gnome apps?09:32
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ikkinu<ikkinu> ge2x, u'll be always able to run gnome apps09:33
abattoirep: your sources.list still points to breezy right? if so please pastebin the error message09:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things)09:33
gourdinwhat the problem with kde ?09:33
jatosif your in gnome and in the active display ctrl-alt-backspace doesthe job09:33
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epand yey still points to breezy09:33
jatosthough if your in teh console you can also...09:33
NeoSakiI just realized Kompile has a grammar error09:33
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jatostype: ps -A09:33
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NeoSakiSources Builded09:33
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jatosthis will get a list of running processes with PID09:34
jatosfind the PID for gnome-applet and type: kill PID09:34
jatosPID been the PID of the program of gnome-applet09:34
ge2xhmm so let get the point: lets say im now in kde and when i run a gnome app it wont take double the system resources like i'd be running two desktop environments (kde and gnome)09:34
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ge2xwait ill try09:35
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ge2xwhat no?09:35
jatosGnome apps just run using the GTK api, but when you starta Gnome app from KDE it does not start the Gnome desktop09:35
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:36
ge2xok i think i get it09:36
ge2xbut what if i wanted to remove gnome and all its apps09:36
ge2xhow to do that?09:36
jatosremove GTK is the easiest way09:36
jatosgnome, and its apps are dependant on it, so it gets rid of Gnome and all its apps09:37
ge2xcould u explain simplier plz im new to linux :)09:37
jatosfrom synaptic or adept09:37
jatosas appropriate09:37
NeoSakiGTK is like a base that all Gnome apps are built on09:37
NeoSakiwhen you uninstall it, the program will automatically uninstall all apps based on it09:37
NeoSakiso uninstall GTK then reinstall it09:38
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NeoSakiand you won't have Gnome or Gnome apps09:38
Tm_TI'd say uninstall some gnome libs instead09:38
jatosoh goodness, GTK is formed of several package, lets make life fun huh?09:38
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Tm_Tnot all gtk apps are gnomeware09:38
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NeoSakiTm_T: i was explaining what jatos was suggesting in simplier terms09:39
ge2xso what is the best?09:39
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jatosI'm just thinking09:39
NeoSakiMy idea would be, if you haven't done much to the system, is reinstall from Kubuntu cd09:39
jatosright ge2x go into the console09:39
ge2xp.s. i dont really want to reinstall from kubuntu cd09:40
jatosand type apt-get remove libgtk2.0.-009:40
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jatosthat will completely get rid of gnome09:40
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jatosbut NOT kubuntu09:40
ge2xE: Couldn't find package libgtk2.0.-009:41
ge2xthat what it says09:41
epabattoir: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2354109:41
jatostry this: apt-get remove libgtk2.0-009:41
jatosmistyped it...09:41
flocan someone with a nvidia gforce 5200 or higher(preferible higher ) and proprietary driver tell me the fps of glxgears ? it's for a test thx09:41
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ge2xthnx man09:41
ge2xmaybe u have tried edgy?09:42
jatosnot yet...09:42
jatosbut I am risk taking person so I might put on my desktop at some point09:42
Tm_Tedgy is fun atm09:42
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ge2xhmm could i ask a question related to warez?09:42
jatosdepends what is?09:42
ge2xwell i need to get quake 3 for linux09:43
foxinessis there any mockup or screenshot about kde 4? i09:43
Tm_Tbuy it ;)09:43
ge2xi mean for free :D09:43
jatosI think there is an official port of Quake 3, try Google09:43
pierrethwhat is the command to start openoffice?09:43
Sanneflo: there you go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2354209:44
ge2xyeah i know there is09:44
jatosbut I am helping you get the warez09:44
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jatos*not helping you get warez09:44
SpEeDFrEaKanyone plz i need open source hosting control panel for Ubuntu version 6 server edition plesk 8 or cpanel do not support09:44
floSanne thx09:44
ge2xoh well ill get it from a p2p program later09:44
Tm_Tfoxiness: well, not much reason to take screenshots yet imo, mockups are somewhere there, haven't seen any lately though09:44
jatosas a software programmer I hate pirating of programs...09:44
SpEeDFrEaKneed suggestions09:44
ge2xmaybe u know how to install09:44
NeoSakijatos: I'm with you there09:45
foxinesspierreth, ooffice -writer %U09:45
Sannege2x: the Q3A linux binary is free, the data is not.09:45
jatosthanks NeoSakie09:45
Tm_Tjatos: it's unmoral at least09:45
Sanneflo: you're welcome09:45
foxinesspierreth,  this for writer and maybe oofice what you seek for09:45
ge2xwhat do u mean the data's not?09:45
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NeoSakiQ3 is still sold by and somewhat maintained by iD09:46
Sannege2x: I mean the game data, levels, textures, sounds, that artsy stuff :). But if you have the windows version, you're all set.09:46
pierrethfoxiness: it start but i have an error09:46
=== NeoSaki has the windows version
ge2xoh so all i need is a windows version and then i have to get the linux binary09:46
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ge2xis that right?09:46
Sannege2x: yeah, you just need to copy over some pak files. I'll get you a howto, sec.09:47
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zblachhey all. quick question. i want to burn a collection of ...family movies onto a dvd. I could use k3b, but I'd much rather be able to watch my ...family movies on any dvd player. any recommendations?09:47
foxinesspierreth, i can not test it on my laptop coz i my system now busy "backup"09:47
pierrethfoxiness: no, it start and then it stops09:47
Sannege2x: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO%20Quake309:48
pierrethfoxiness: i think my installation is not complete09:48
mikedep333hello, by the time I am fully logged in 3 services are running that I dont want to run: kalarm, knotify, and beagled. they are not init services. how do I set them to not start up automatically?09:48
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foxinesspierreth, is there a channel for openoffice there? if there one go ahead to it09:48
zblachmikedep333: system settings -> system services09:49
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sabaalzblach: As far as I know, K3b doesn't burn any differently from any other app you could find out there. You should be more worried about the format of the disc itself, methinks.09:49
foxinesspierreth, reinstall may help09:49
mikedep333zblach: that only shows init services09:49
mikedep333they are not there09:49
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ubotuCompiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl  See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems09:49
sabaalOf course, I don't even own a DVD burner.09:49
Sannege2x: I don't know if the referenced linux binary is the latest version, though. I remember a newsitem not long ago about a security patch. Gimme a sec to look what version I have.09:49
pierrethfoxiness: yes but i am using the install of the distribution09:49
foxinessTm_T, i ask about it after i see news on kubuntu about alpha ver of kde409:50
ge2xwhat is the best dc client for linux?09:50
ge2xi use LinuxDC++ now09:50
mikedep333ge2x: that is probably the best09:50
mikedep333I just wish it was more stable09:50
zblachanyone recommend me a dvd burning program>09:50
mikedep333ge2x: did you find packages somewhere?09:51
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foxinesspierreth, synaptic can do reinstall for you09:51
Sannege2x: the latest q3a linux binary is 1.32c09:51
mikedep333zblach: k3b?09:51
pierrethfoxiness: i am using it but it is not working09:51
ge2xmikedep333: i built from source09:51
zblachdvd-readable burning09:51
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mikedep333ge2x: did you have to modify the source for it to compile?09:52
Sannege2x: you should find the update on the same ftp server from id software. I can't get you the link right now because it seems down at the moment, try to dig around a bit.09:52
foxinesspierreth, what about java ?09:52
ge2xkk thnx very much man09:52
Tm_Tfoxiness: ah yes, haven't seen shots from that one09:52
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ge2xmike: no i didn't09:52
mikedep333can anyone help me on how to stop kalarm, knotify, and beagled from running automatically? system services does not help09:52
mikedep333ge2x: sweet, thanks09:52
ge2xdoesnt it compile for u?09:53
pierrethfoxiness: i have the java from sun09:53
mikedep333I havent tried yet09:53
mikedep333I typically have bad luck with compiling graphical apps09:53
ge2xwell np...09:53
pierrethfoxiness: can i use the .rpm?09:53
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foxinesspierreth, you can convert it to deb by alien but it not recommended09:54
Sannege2x: ah, the patch is right here: ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake3/quake3-1.32c.zip09:54
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pierrethfoxiness: this is what i did but i was getting a mess09:54
pierrethfoxiness: now, i am trying to repair09:54
orbit45244I have a problem, in kde the image on my screen is slanted09:54
foxinesspierreth, why you do not tell me about that ): ,wrong Q09:55
orbit45244I have the same problem with my login screen, but I don't have this problem in GNOME.09:55
pierrethfoxiness: i taught that was independent09:56
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pierrethfoxiness: the OOo of kubuntu is buggy09:57
foxinesspierreth, now you know it does, remove it and install it from ubuntu repos or use ubuntu cd for that09:57
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pierrethfoxiness: the live cd?09:57
foxinesspierreth, no install cd09:57
foxinesspierreth, if you have one09:58
pierrethfoxiness: the live cd is also the install cd09:58
pierrethfoxiness: i wil try to remove it another time and I will reinstall again09:59
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obf213hey i need help with my shutdown / restart09:59
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obf213it got messed up somehow09:59
marqhey everyone10:00
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llxcamxllhow do i install a .bin file10:00
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obf213hey can anyone help me with my restart/ shut down10:01
foxinessllxcamxll, bash file.bin10:01
llxcamxllthats it10:01
llxcamxllbash fuhquake.bin10:01
foxinessllxcamxll, or try ./ file.bin10:01
tuxarobf213: What exactly do you need ?10:01
llxcamxlloh ok10:01
obf213tuxar there arfe a few problems10:01
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obf213the major one is that my comp doesnt reboot now10:02
tuxarobf213: try sudo reboot10:02
tuxarobf213: try shutdown -9 now10:02
obf213tuxar wht do those do10:02
obf213my comp can shut down, but ti donest like restart10:02
marqcan someone help me? When I try to run Apollon it tells me it cannot find my gIFT installation ...10:02
obf213i changed some things in the boot to make it load faster but i ddint touch the reboot and it doesnt work, even when i restord defalult settings10:03
marqand when i try to run GTK-Gnutella it won't start or even load10:03
foxinessobf213, init 610:03
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orbit45244I have a problem, in kde the image on my screen is slanted10:04
orbit45244I have the same problem with my login screen, but I don't have this problem in GNOME.10:05
NicksteWhen I set a new screen resolution in the Display settings, nothing changes... Any ideas?10:05
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foxinessNickste, change it by hand on /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:05
obf213tuxar my problem is taht my computer wont restart10:05
obf213i can shut down10:05
obf213it just shuts down and doesnt restart10:06
Vegeta^If I want to use packages from other location for LaTeX, is it the command "export TEXINPUTS=::~/<somelocation>"? Or is there an error in the command? What is the exact command. Im unsure...10:06
tuxarobf213: sudo reboot do nothing ?10:06
obf213also when i do a regular shut down the usplash come up like normal, it just says stopping usplash time out, and then it just halts, it doesnt go throught the process of shuttind down alsa and all thoses other things10:06
obf213tuxar: it shut down my computer10:06
obf213my prblem is gtting it to turn back on, it used to.10:07
obf213i changed some of the init files, then all off a sudden i cant rebooot10:07
obf213so i change d them back to default10:07
obf213an i cant reboot, not only that on shutdown it doesnt stop services, i dont know if thats bad or not, but shut down only takes lie 2 seconds, ti goes shuttind downg kdm, then it says will not halt10:08
obf213then it shuts down10:08
tuxarobf213: have no idea, someone can help ?10:08
obf213lol i need like abattoir or summthing i guess10:09
obf213but thanks for trying tuxar10:09
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tuxarobf213: youe wellcome, have you looked at #ubuntu channel ? or ubuntu Forums ?10:10
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nikkianais there a way to fix f-spot if it breaks, does anyone know?10:10
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d11anyone have an idea why video from dvd playback doesnt work. tried lots of players and got css and w32 codecs10:11
foxinessnikkiana, maybe dpkg-reconfgure10:11
foxinessdpkg-reconfigure f-spot10:12
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noxshi all10:12
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noxsis it possible without kernel changing to activate ubuntu as router?10:13
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noxsthe notebook has a wireless connection with a pcmcia card...10:13
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pierrethfoxiness: it is working now but i don't have the menu bar10:13
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noxsand i want the ethernet connection of the notebook for connecting another notebook and get access with it to the internet...10:14
noxshow to do?10:14
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noxscan someone help me?`10:14
foxinesspierreth, is this one "rpm ver"?10:14
pierrethno, it is the kubuntu10:15
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noxshow to activate routing?10:16
pierrethfoxiness: OK the menu bar is back10:16
pierrethfoxiness: she like to travel...10:17
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foxinesspierreth, huh10:17
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dumbkiwinoxs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137010:18
tuxarnoxs: you want to use your notebook with internet access and share your internet conecction ?10:18
noxsnotebook 1 has a wireless internet connection and i want to use ethernet of notebook 1 for connection notebook 210:20
magical_trevskyhi, I need to install the 'C headers which match my running kernel', can anyone tell me how to do this?10:20
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noxstuxar: THX10:20
tuxarok, the way I know is installing firestarter firewall,, when started for the first time runs a small wizard and ask you if you want to share your internet10:20
noxsah...great...so ill test it right now...10:21
nikkianafoxiness, i'll give it a shot...10:21
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tuxarwith otre computers on the net10:21
tuxarprivate net of course10:21
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nikkianahmm.... i don't think that worked10:21
ElectrolyteCan someone help me set permissions to a file? Looking on google is confusing me even more.10:21
nikkianait gave me errors.10:22
ElectrolyteI want to add my standard user to read/write to a file.10:22
=== nikkiana sighs sadly.
dumbkiwiElectrolyte: chmod u+rw file10:23
tuxarElectrolyte: you have to use the chmod command, it resume the binary format in three numbers10:23
dumbkiwiElectrolyte: or chmod 455 file10:24
dumbkiwiElectrolyte: oops, ignore that.10:24
jatosanyone here ever used Google desktop?10:25
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foxinesscan i boot linux for USB even if my laptop not support that "boot from usb"10:25
dumbkiwiElectrolyte: chmod 644 file10:25
jatos@foxiness: the power of Grub!10:26
foxinessjatos, good :)10:26
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jatosmind if I pm foxiness?10:26
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foxinessjatos, on linux or windows?10:27
SanneElectrolyte: this might help you understand (in case you didn't see this already): https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions10:27
obf213can anyone take a screen shot of there sysv runlevel config so i can see wht mine are supposed to look like10:28
foxinessi dont know if there one for linux :)10:28
jatoson Windows10:28
obf213i think i messed mine up10:28
jatosGoogleDesktop doesn't natively run on Linux10:28
jatosI trying it on crossover office10:29
jatosboy, am I going to buy that program when I got some money or am I going to buy it?10:29
foxinessjatos, me :) ,google for desktop ,but its come with a cost10:29
SanneElectrolyte: you can also set permissions from konqueror file manager with right click/properties/permissions10:29
nikkianawhat does this mean: X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 16910:29
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ElectrolyteNot when it's already as root.10:29
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|lostbyte|Hai :P10:30
foxinessjatos, like the cost of beagle :)10:30
SanneElectrolyte: ah, then you would have to start konqui with kdesu (but be very careful then... very much power to mess things up)10:30
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jatosor is a case of Google is my friend?10:31
ubotubeagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB10:31
jatosfoxiness: mind If speak to you in a PM window?10:33
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TinchioHello, can anyone help me to install a Geforce 6200?? I've already tried a lot of methods with no results10:35
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TinchioI've even installed another graphic cards in anothers PCs, with i can't do it with this one10:36
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dumbkiwiTinchio: you can't physically install it, or you've got software issues?10:36
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ge2xhey who knows a good dl manager for kubuntu?10:37
Tinchiodumbkiwi: I've got software issues10:37
dumbkiwiTinchio: have you got X up?10:37
ge2xon ubuntu i had gwget but what about kubuntu?10:37
Tinchiodumbkiwi:  yes10:37
dumbkiwiTinchio: so what's the issue?10:38
tuxarge2x: kget10:38
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Tinchiodumbkiwi: I've installed 2 differents cards in another PCs, a ATI 9200 and a fx5500, and I had succeded but with this one i can't make it10:39
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dumbkiwiTinchio: can't make it what?  If you've got X running what more do you want?10:40
soulriderhi everyone10:40
Tinchiodumbkiwi: I can't make the "nivida" driver to work10:40
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soulriderTinchio: need help ?10:41
|lostbyte|IS there a way to increase signal pwoer of a wireless card ?10:41
Tinchiodumbkiwi:  as soon as I chanhe "nv" for "nvidia" i crashes10:41
dumbkiwiTinchio: have you installed the nvidia drivers?10:41
Tinchiosoulrider:  yes :(10:41
soulriderya, installt he drivers and then change that10:41
soulriderit has to work10:42
Tinchiodumbkiwi:  yes, nvidia-glx10:42
dumbkiwiTinchio: what happens when you type:  sudo modprobe nvidia10:42
soulrider!nfo nvidia-glx10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nfo nvidia-glx - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi10:42
SanneTinchio: do you have linux-restricted-modules for your kernel installed?10:42
soulrider!info nvidia-glx10:42
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1.0.8762+ (dapper), package size 3963 kB, installed size 12240 kB10:42
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Tinchiodumbkiwi:  strange...FATAL: Module nvidia not found.10:44
TinchioSanne:  yes i have10:44
dumbkiwiTinchio: that's one problem10:44
Tinchiodumbkiwi:  strange because i did the same steps on another Pc and it worked fine10:45
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Tinchiodumbkiwi:  with the same drivers and that10:45
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Vegeta^Are all the ports closed when Linux (ubuntu) is installed? Or are there some open? Like 6881 for KTorrent and etc.?10:45
Nailujhi all10:46
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dumbkiwiTinchio: you might have to find someone else to help.  I mostly use Gentoo.  Haven't installed nvidia on ubuntu.  Surely there are good howtos on the forums tho.10:46
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Tinchiodumbkiwi:  thanks i'll continue reading (even more :S) just one more thing that may be helps10:47
dumbkiwiTinchio: Did you make sure that the nvidia drivers match your kernel version?10:48
mad_madhow to i get kaddressbook and korganizer to show under all app/office menu ?10:48
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flukej-walkermad_mad: right click the menu, edit item10:48
dumbkiwimad_mad: you don't.  just alt+f2 then type the name of the app.  Much simpler.10:48
Trollinatorcan someone help me with mencoder? i'm trying to encode an audio file, but it keeps telling me that a video stream is mandatory10:48
Tinchiodumbkiwi:  there's one difference between this installation and the other ones I did, in this case When I first run ubuntu inside the  xorg it showed the correct card name, but in this case it showed Nvidia.....NV40? [Unrecognized....] 10:49
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flukej-walkeror alt+space for katapult10:49
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Tinchiodumbkiwi:  yes i am10:49
mad_maddumbkiwi>problems is i is very poor speller10:49
dumbkiwiTinchio: shouldn't affect the fact that it can't find the module when you modprobe.10:49
Alextremoohhh talk by this..........  how run one app from Konsole ??????????????10:50
flukej-walkerAlextremo: type the name of the app10:50
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Alextremoin Konsole ?????10:51
flukej-walkermostly, it will work10:51
SanneTinchio: just to make sure, let's simulate installing the restricted modules and see what it tells you. Please type (the -s simulates): sudo apt-get -s install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)10:51
flukej-walkerif you want to give the app root permissions, throw in a sudo10:51
MenZaAlextremo: you might want to do 'application &'10:52
MenZae.g. firefox &10:52
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MenZathat way, your terminal doesn't freeze up.10:52
=== sew [n=sew@dslb-084-060-143-025.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
flukej-walkerthat is helpful to see problems when app launches10:52
TinchioNo se pudo encontrar el paquete linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68610:52
TinchioSanne: No se pudo encontrar el paquete linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-68610:52
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AlextremoMenZa: What you mean ???10:53
TinchioSanne:  in english it says that it couldnt find the package10:53
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obf213when you shut down you rcomputer do you ever have the toolbar load up, and error window comes ups ayign couldnt talk to klauncher10:54
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MenZaAlextremo: if you start an application, instead of doing "firefox", do "firefox &"10:54
SanneTinchio: hmmm, so we seemingly learn 1: you don't have it instalkled, and 2: your repositories are somehow not set up correctly.10:55
flukej-walkerAlextremo: If you just type the app name, your Konsol session will just display that app's logs, etc until you quit or ctrl+c\10:55
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TinchioSanne: how do i get the restricted drivers for my 686 kernel?10:56
SanneTinchio: I'm searching now on packages.ubuntu.com, perhaps you could try to do this also. Let's see what we find10:57
TinchioSanne:  ok, thanks for helping me, i m so tired i've been with this all day10:57
TinchioSanne: i'll search too10:58
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TinchioSanne:  found one :D i'll download10:59
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jackleGood day everyone11:00
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SanneTinchio: no, don't11:01
SanneTinchio: please wait11:01
SanneTinchio: real life interfering, just a moment11:02
TinchioSanne:  ok11:02
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jackleHave anyone tried reiser4 on kubuntu dapper?11:03
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ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about reboot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi11:04
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ubunturunning knot 3 yeah11:06
Danniliondoes knot 3 work better than knot 2?11:06
ubuntuknot 2 didnt work for me11:06
ubuntuknot 3 ruley11:06
SanneTinchio: sorry, I just broke part of my tooth cap...11:06
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TinchioSanne: ohh sorry 'bout that11:07
SanneTinchio: so, we learn from the packages page that the package is in the restricted repository11:07
flukej-walkerDannilion: Knot 3 would be more recent, thus more stable11:07
TinchioSanne: what should i do?11:07
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flukej-walkerDannilion: generally more stable, that is11:07
TinchioSanne: i found this "Package: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15-26-686 ( [security]  [restricted] "11:08
SanneTinchio: understand, firstly :) Do you see that [restricted]  part?11:08
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TinchioSanne: yes11:08
ubuntui am running kubuntu knot3 livecd with vmware and its fast11:08
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jackleDoes kubuntu ship with a reiserfs4 module so that one can mount a reiser4 filesystem?11:08
Phoenix1701Hey folks; is there any way to get one's grubby mitts on the Oxygen icon theme for Dapper, preferably via apt-get?  The site seems to say it's finished, at least for Edgy...11:08
ubuntureiser4 is coming with kernel 2.6.19 i heard11:09
SanneTinchio: oh, you also see "security", that's also a hint on what repositories you need to have enabled. So now we need to look at your /etc/apt/sources.list. Please paste the contents of this file to paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:10
TinchioSanne: im already in that file :D11:10
Phoenix1701(pretty please?) :)11:11
SanneTinchio: cool :) Paste it to the pastebin, please.11:11
TinchioSanne: which content? i don't undestand11:11
SanneTinchio: the contents of the file /etc/apt/sources.list11:12
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SanneTinchio: paste it to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11:12
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TinchioSanne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2355111:13
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SanneTinchio: looking...11:13
flukej-walkerPhoenix1701: If I'm looking at the same site (oxygen-icons.org) it looks to me like its in development11:13
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Phoenix1701flukej-walker: That's the right site, yeah...  the thing that makes me think it's done is this:  https://features.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-icons11:14
Phoenix1701The "Implementation: Implemented" makes me think it's done.11:14
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AlHi all. My "Administrator Mode" button in network settings doesn't work. When I click it, the frame gets a red border and all the information in it is removed.11:14
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flukej-walkerPhoenix1701: you can always hunt around for a .deb package though11:15
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Phoenix1701That's what I've been searching for; unfortunately it's difficult to search for "deb" on Google. ;)11:15
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timimy comp is getting all messed up now11:16
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trappistAl: run kde-guidance from the command line.  see if you get an error in the console when you click administrator mode.  if so, file a bug on launchpad and paste that output.11:16
SanneTinchio: try to add "restricted" to the line "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main", so that it reads: "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-security main restricted"11:16
timiwhenevr i open a program after log in it seems like x gets stuck11:16
timilike i open firefox, and everything got frozne but the firefox wepage i was on11:16
SanneTinchio: it's a the bottom, line 035 in pastebin11:16
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timiand now iopen this and i cant click on any of my icons or the toolbar for this program or anything11:16
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flukej-walkerPhoenix1701: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2359 looks like a fair place to start11:17
timidoes anyone know why when  i open  a program it seems to freeze everything else11:17
jatosis that the case for any program?11:17
flukej-walkertimi: what version of FF?11:17
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Altrappist: bash: kde-guidance: command not found11:18
TinchioSanne: ok now i try to download again?11:18
timiit not just firefox any program11:18
timiit just unfroze it self11:18
timii open an program11:18
SanneTinchio: first you need to update apt, for exapmle in the konsole by typing: sudo apt-get update11:18
trappistAl: sorry, kde-guidance is the package name - the command is 'systemsettings'11:18
timieverything else freezes but the program im using, so i opened this first, all my tool bar buttons wouldn work, the links in this did work, but i culd still navigate my irc11:19
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TinchioSanne:  done11:19
ge2xi get an error when trying to compile: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!11:19
SanneTinchio: ok, now again first simulate: sudo apt-get -s install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r)11:19
ge2xwhat should i do?11:19
TinchioSanne:  already downloadin because now it finds the module :D11:20
flukej-walkerge2x: you need the -dev package for X11:20
Phoenix1701Hm...  all 403s though.  Oh well.11:20
SanneTinchio: ok, that would be the next step anyway :)11:20
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lecciHow can i run a sh .file11:20
Frederickfolks I need some idea withi a problem Folks I have the following problem I have a project in kdevelop wich uses image magick but it seems unable to set breakpoints and stuff thou if I set breakpoints manually with gdb it runs smooth I have no idea about what can I do or what to look for11:20
lecciHow can i run a sh .file?11:20
trappistlecci: sh filename11:20
Altrappist: all I get is an input device error, which I get when I load the app anyway.11:20
leccidon tell me nothing...11:20
ge2xflukej-walker: where do i get?11:21
trappistAl: nothing new on the console when you hit the admin mode button?11:21
trappistAl: what's the input device error (may be relevant, I dunno)11:21
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SanneTinchio: sometimes it's tricky to find out exactly which repositories you need to enable. Looking at packages.ubuntu.com usually tells you.11:21
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flukej-walkerge2x: if you use synampic, just search X dev11:21
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jackleDoes anybody know where I might be able to get a reiser4 kernel module for dapper?11:22
TinchioSanne: thanks  a lot i hope that it works now, and if not i learnt something new about repositories :S11:22
ge2xflukej-walker: is adept the same?11:22
TinchioSanne: :D11:22
Altrappist: "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168" with some details. The same error appears when I first launch systemsettings.11:22
Kr4t05Is there any way to control the sound volume from command line?11:22
SanneTinchio: that was my plan :) Good luck!11:22
TinchioSanne: thanks :D11:22
flukej-walkerge2x: you can check, but Syn. is much better11:23
SanneTinchio: you're welcome :)11:23
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Altrappist: and it doesn't appear the second time until I've pressed the admin mode button11:23
flukej-walkeryou can install Synaptic through Adept11:23
ge2xi agree but im using kubuntu is there an alternative?11:23
flukej-walkeryou can install Synaptic with Kub, I do11:23
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trappistAl: sounds like something in your xorg.conf - not very helpful unfortunately11:24
ge2xkk tnx11:24
flukej-walkerno prob11:24
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epCan someone help me install kubuntu-desktop?  Here's the error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2355311:24
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kutanHow come I can't hear sound on an AVI even after downloading the w32 codecs?11:25
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Kr4t05kutan: Install libxine-extracodecs?11:25
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flukej-walkerep: have you tried it through adept or synaptic?11:26
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epyes same error11:26
Trollinatorwhat's the difference, they both suck :o)11:26
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Trollinatoradept > all11:26
alleeep: what does 'apt-get install akode' give?11:26
kutanoy... Maybe that'll work Kr4t05 eheh11:26
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flukej-walkerep: which package is broken?11:26
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in system->preferences->keyboard shortcuts (Gnome) or "input actions" in Kcontrol (KDE). If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try keytouch - http://keytouch.sourceforge.net11:27
flukej-walkerep: kubuntu-desktop has a billion depends11:27
Altrappist: maybe an xorg reconfigure?11:27
epi'm not sure what's broken let me try akode11:27
trappistAl: I don't think that'll fix the message, and I don't think the message is the problem11:27
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flukej-walkerep: synaptic has a 'broken' filter which comes in handy11:28
kutanAh yeah that worked kr4to5 thanks a bunch11:28
kutanUntil next time (I have a problem), see you peoples later.11:28
epyes i fixed everything broken via synaptic ( i thought anyway)11:28
eplooks like i can install akode but it removing six other kde packages to do so :)11:29
epso I'm going to do it, ok11:29
Altrappist: if i run systemsettings as root, can I bypass the admin mode button?11:29
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Alor some other alternative?11:29
trappistAl: yes, that's worth a shot11:30
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ge2xchecking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! how to correct this error?11:31
obf213err i dont know wht  i did now but my x keeps freezing11:31
obf213when iclcik on somethinn my dekstop everything freezes but the desktop, when i open this program everything freezes but this program etc11:31
flukej-walkerge2x: did you install the -dev packages?11:31
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ge2xX-dev is installed11:32
obf213i keep on having to cntr+alt+F1 to another loging screen then back to this one to unfreeze it11:32
ge2xi didnt need to install it11:32
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flukej-walkerhow about x11-dev and stuff like that?11:32
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ge2xhows it called exactly?11:33
flukej-walkernot sure11:33
fdovingxorg-dev ?11:33
epThanks, I think this is going to work now. That was easy :)11:33
flukej-walkerthats the one, also, I take it you've installed build-essentials?11:33
ge2xyeop its not installed11:34
ge2xbut it needs a hell lot of dependecies11:34
fdovingbuild essential is for make and gcc and stuff. xorg-dev is for the x devel libs.11:34
fdovingwhat is it you're going to compile?11:34
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flukej-walkeryou're gonna need the KDE-devs and stuff too11:35
fdovingthere is a package in edgy, atleast. you can take the build-depends from it.11:35
flukej-walkeryou'll prob need libqt-mt, libqt-mt-dev11:36
ge2xso what should i do?11:36
fdovingge2x: http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/kde/kmobiletools11:36
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ge2xand what to do now?11:37
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fdovingge2x: err, i mean, go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/edgy/source/kmobiletools11:38
fdovingge2x: that's the build depends.11:38
ge2xso should i download them all?11:39
fdovingge2x: that's for the version, you should check the upstream changelog, for changes that would include more depends.11:39
fdovingge2x: if you're going to build it, you have to.11:39
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mikedep333hey, long story short, everything on my drive is now owned by root. Other than my home folder and /tmp, what should I enable users to access?11:39
TimmynubAnyone got any experiance with XGL/Compiz on Kubuntu please?11:40
fdovingTimmynub: tried #ubuntu-xgl - that's where the XGL gurus live.11:40
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Timmynubfdoving: much obliged11:40
fdovingmikedep333: most should be owned by root, users should however be able to read alot of the system files.11:41
mikedep333fdoving: yeah11:41
mikedep333I changed my home directory to be owned by me11:41
mikedep333but permissions got reset too11:42
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mikedep333so I can still read system files11:42
mikedep333but what else should I reset?11:42
SonicChaoWhere is the character map for KDE?11:42
fdovingmikedep333: what is the permission of everything?11:44
mikedep333fdoving: nm11:45
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mikedep333I can see the permissions of everything on my laptop11:45
mikedep333I'll just use that as a reference11:45
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obf213when you log onto irc does it ttell u specific stuff for yur computer11:47
fdovingmikedep333: you can use 'chmod -R a+rX foo/' - that would make dirs 755 and files 644, i don't know if that helps you.. though.11:47
mikedep333fdoving: yeah, thanks11:47
obf213like it says "Your X is broke, the fix is to update again)11:47
fdovingmikedep333: make sure you don't run that on the bin or sbin directories. as it would disable all your programs.11:47
obf213is that specific to my computer, because every time i open a program everything else seems to not frerez but i can click it11:47
fdovingmikedep333: it'll remove the executable bit on your programs, so don't run it on /usr/bin or /usr/sbin or /bin or /sbin.. etc.11:48
obf213so for example ic ant clkin on anything but i can still use this program, but tlike teh window decorations are forzen i cant move them11:48
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alex_yohello @ all11:49
alex_yocan somebody help me?11:49
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vhogemannalex_yo, sure11:50
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vhogemannalex_yo, what's the problem?11:50
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alex_yowhere i have to install my own programs like blue j? in the dir /opt/blue j or /usr....11:51
vhogemannalex_yo, I usualy install under my own home dir...11:52
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vhogemannalex_yo, but if you want to share it with another users, a nice place is /usr/local/11:52
alex_yoand  it works 4 other usr11:53
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alex_yowithout problems?11:53
vhogemannalex_yo, create a link to the executable under /usr/local/bin11:53
vhogemannif you install blue_j under /usr/loca/blue_j11:54
vhogemanndo something like: ln -s /usr/local/blue_j/bluej.sh /usr/local/bin/bluej11:55
fdovingif you install it with --prefix=/usr/local it should be inteligent enought to put a executable in /usr/local/bin itself.11:55
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alex_yoi install it in "/usr/local/bluej/"11:55
Timmynubmeh, #ubuntu-xgl is evil lol11:55
vhogemannfdoving, I don't think he is using make to install it11:55
vhogemannfdoving, blue_j is a java app11:55
obf213my comp is doing this werid freezing thing11:55
alex_yowith java11:55
fdovingvhogemann: ok11:56
obf213were all the open apps are running, but i cant click on them11:56
alex_yojava -jar bluej.jar11:56
Vegeta^If my upload in KTorrent almost always stays on 0 kB/s, does it then have something to do with that I'm firewalled? I can download tough...11:56
obf213i cant click on any of the scroll bars on teh sides11:56
fdovingobf213: try alt+f2 'killall kwin;kwin &'11:56
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Phoenix1701Is it safe to delete ~/.Xauthority?  Mine is currently owned by root and not readable or writable by me, which is causing me to be unable to do a remote X11 login.11:57
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fdovingPhoenix1701: yes.11:58
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Phoenix1701Awesome.  Do I have to do anything to recreate it (Google says something about xauth-b or whatnot)11:59
fdovingPhoenix1701: i think it'll be done automatically for you.12:00
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Vegeta^Does kubuntu have a firewall? Where do I find it, and do I configure in it?12:00
alex_does anyone know how to make the scroll ball on a mouse not make web pages for forward and back?12:00
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alex_vegeta, have u tried firestarter?12:01
fdovingVegeta^: i recommend installing 'guarddog' for firewalling and if you need to share your internet connection, i recommend 'guidedog'. they can both be found in the Universe repository.12:01
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Vegeta^ok.. So ubuntu isn't installed with a firewall?12:02
fdovingnot by default. no.12:02
fdovingit isn't needed, as it's not shipped with any running services.12:02
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jatosanyone here ever had an argument with a Gentoo to user as to whether Emerge or Apt-get is better?12:06
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fdovingjatos: i don't need to, i know apt is the best of the two :)12:08
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