
=== shiv [n=shiv@c-65-96-200-131.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
shivany bibus users here?12:19
=== cbx333 [n=prochat1@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
cbx333ping HedgeMage12:26
Laser_awayshiv: not really, I know what it is and that's about it12:33
shivLaser_away: thants okay12:33
shivI was curious12:33
cbx333you heard the news12:37
cbx333i can't believe it12:38
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-5-110.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
cbx333hi jono12:48
jonohey :)12:49
cbx333i can't believe he's gone12:49
cbx333lilo was always so helpful and kind12:49
jonolilo is gone?12:50
=== cbx333 [n=prochat1@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #edubuntu
jonooh my god, lilo is dead?12:50
cbx333when i read digg, "lilo is dead"12:51
cbx333i thort they meantbthe bootloadr12:51
cbx333jono yes12:51
cbx333hit by a car whilst on his bike12:51
cbx333on the 12th12:51
cbx333died earlier today, after being in a coma12:52
cbx333rumor of hit and run12:52
cbx333i still can't believe it12:54
cbx333nn all your thoughts and prayers to debbie and ben, his wife and son12:56
Solaris444what the hell... lilo is dead...01:03
Solaris444That isn't right *shakes head*01:03
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=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #edubuntu
=== HesNikke [n=natef@69-12-135-6.dsl.static.sonic.net] has joined #edubuntu
HesNikkewould edubuntu be a good distro to put on my 7 year old nephews 5 year old POS dell?01:34
HesNikkeor should i go with xubunutu01:34
AmaranthHow much RAM does it have?01:35
HesNikkenot much01:35
HesNikkei wanna say 32 megs or 64 megs01:36
AmaranthOh dear.01:36
AmaranthI don't even think Xubuntu will work on that01:36
HesNikkei got knoppix to work after hacking in some swap01:36
HesNikkequite slowly01:36
AmaranthXorg itself will use about 10MB01:37
HesNikkeyeah, 64 megs01:37
AmaranthI think the kernel uses another 4-8MB01:37
AmaranthYou'd be better off using fluxbox or something on there, I'm almost positive Xubuntu will be too heavy01:37
AmaranthLook into upgrading the RAM. :) 128MB will make Xubuntu happy, 256MB will make Ubuntu (and probably Edubuntu) happy01:38
HesNikkeok, so the other question is01:38
HesNikkedoes edubuntu have tools for a 7 year old?01:39
HesNikkeeducational games for 2nd graders and what not01:39
AmaranthI think so.01:39
AmaranthI don't use it, I just make things. :)01:39
Amaranth"Gcompris is huge collection of activities for the kindergarden. It gently introduces kids to basic computer use, then it builds on that by expanding to basic maths, reading activities, and more."01:41
Amaranth"The Tux4kids project has produced software such as TuxPaint, TuxMaths and TuxTyping."01:41
HesNikkei can't find info on setting up xubuntu from the command line on the interweb01:43
HesNikkeany suggestions?01:43
Amaranthfrom the command line?01:43
HesNikkeor should i download an alternate CD?01:43
HesNikkeyeah, it complaining about the xserver being setup wrong when i boot from the cd01:43
HesNikkebut if i boot with the single optoin at least i get a prompt01:43
Amaranthyeah, you need X to install from that CD01:44
AmaranthYou're talking about the Desktop CD, right?01:44
HesNikkealright, so i'll setup X01:44
HesNikkeinsuficiant memory window01:47
HesNikkenot enough RAM :(01:47
Amaranthheh, i figured as much01:48
HesNikkeand it had already picked up the swap partition i set up (256 megs)01:51
HesNikkepentium II's used PC100 RAM right?01:51
=== knixtech [n=stormcha@c-68-80-182-194.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
knixtechhello guys, can you help me in getting ganttproject working on here?01:51
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bddebianHello knixtech02:15
knixtechbddebian, good evening02:16
=== knixtech is thinking about getting a ubuntu tattoo!!!!
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu
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knixtechlets all get edubuntu tattoo's03:17
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Burgundaviaknixtech: you are an odd one04:05
simpwhat if knetworkmanager freezes on 28% of connecting to a WPA-Tkip secured wireless network04:05
knixtechBurgundavia, why do you say that?04:06
Burgundaviasimp: then file a bug04:06
Burgundaviaknixtech: never mind ;)04:06
knixtechBurgundavia, im serious04:06
simpBurgundavia: but i've had it for 3 installs of kubuntu04:06
simpall of them were from different CD-s04:06
Burgundaviathen it is clearly a bug in the program itself, or the driver04:07
knixtechBurgundavia, you talking about the tattoo statement?04:07
simpBurgundavia: but is there ANY way to get it working? i really need wifi04:07
knixtechWell when a distro makes you feel like this, y wouldnt you do it04:07
knixtechsimp, wpa or wpa2?04:08
Burgundaviawhat chipset is your card?04:08
simpmy card is linksys WUSB54G 2,4ghz 802,11g04:09
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Burgundaviathat tells me nothing04:09
Burgundaviachipset, not manufacturer04:10
Burgundaviadmesg will tell you04:10
simpin terminal dmesg eth1?04:10
Burgundaviajust dmesg04:11
knixtechtattoo right on the back of the neck04:11
Burgundaviadmesg | grep Atheros or dmesg | grep Intel04:12
knixtechwith Burgundavia name in the middle04:12
simpBurgundavia:  that's all i get: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/2369804:14
simpBurgundavia:  that's all it says about eth1 eth1: link is not ready04:15
Burgundavialooks liek you have an intel chipset04:18
Burgundaviathus I blame knetworkmanager04:18
Burgundaviafile a bug against it and try to use dhclient directly04:18
simpBurgundavia:  i don't get it dhclient... terminal sudo dhclient or smth?04:19
Burgundaviasudo dhclient eth104:20
simphow do i set the passwords and stuff?04:21
simpBurgundavia: it says 04:22
simpNo DHCPOFFERS received.04:22
simpNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.04:22
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cbx333good morning07:51
bddebiangood night cbx333 :-)07:52
Laser_awayhi cbx333 08:23
=== Yagisan [n=Yagisan@doomsday/developer/Yagisan] has joined #edubuntu
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=== doomer say goodmorning
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cbx33!seen ogra12:38
ubotuI last saw ogra (n=ogra@ubuntu/member/ogra) 9h 23m 30s ago, quiting: "Verlassend"12:38
=== RichEd [n=richard@dsl-146-164-92.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33hey pygi 01:04
cbx33hi RichEd 01:04
pygihey cbx33 ^_^01:05
cbx33pygi, you heard about lilo right??01:06
pygicbx33, yes :'(01:06
cbx33Hi Yagisan 01:08
cbx33pygi, I started some development on gallium01:08
cbx33Amaranth has done a great job so far01:08
YagisanG'day cbx33, pygi, and anyone else here01:08
cbx33and wil probably continue to do so.......thought I'd help out where I could ;)01:08
Yagisancbx33, I found myself in wikipedia now. All I need is a vanity page ;)01:09
cbx33Yagisan, really?01:09
pygihey Yagisan 01:09
cbx33link me01:09
Yagisancbx33, yes, really01:09
pygicafuego, :-D01:09
pygicbx33, :-D*01:09
Yagisancbx33, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Doomsday_Engine01:10
cafuegopygi: hmm?01:10
pygicafuego, sorry :P01:10
cafuegofine, ignore me. I am nobody. bastard.01:10
Yagisancbx33, someone went to the effort of finding my legal name01:10
cbx33if I type pete savage on google....I'm second ;)01:11
YagisanI just type Yagisan, and I get most of them01:11
Yagisancbx33, I spent a week pulbically b**chslapping GPL violators01:13
Yagisancbx33, I slammed one so hard they yanked their project off the net :D01:13
=== jono [n=jono@88-107-5-110.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #edubuntu
pygihey ho jono 01:20
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cbx33Yagisan, ouch01:51
Yagisancbx33, You would have enjoyed the drama01:52
lucasvoYagisan: wow01:53
lucasvoYagisan: what were they doing?01:53
Yagisanlook fir the Risen3D newspost01:53
Yagisanthen if you feel like reading a novel, read the linked threads01:53
Yagisanlucasvo, they used GPL code as if it was BSD. Refusing to release source01:54
lucasvobtw, is there any time-window in which people have to deliver the source?01:55
lucasvofor e.g. one could place each letter in one mail and send one mail per day01:55
cbx33lucasvo, i think it is complete source01:56
cbx33when released01:56
cbx33I'll bbl guys01:56
lucasvoYagisan: how do you find these projects?01:56
Yagisanlucasvo, the users come whinging to me for support o_O01:57
Yagisanyes indeed. basiaclly the title is changed01:58
Yagisanand that is about it01:58
lucasvoYagisan: do you work at fsf?01:58
lucasvohow do people find you?01:58
YagisanI just have copyright on the stolen code, and the support channels all point to our project01:59
Yagisanlucasvo, my posts look like novels don't they02:01
lucasvooh. ok02:02
lucasvoYagisan: you created dooom?02:02
Yagisanlucasvo, I am a doom engine author02:06
Yagisanlucasvo, not id software02:06
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pygihey ho bddebian 03:06
bddebianHi pygi03:07
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knixtechgood morning edubuntu buddies04:31
pygihello knixtech 04:31
knixtechwanna see my pw, hee hee jk04:33
pygiknixtech, nah, no need, thanks ^_^04:33
knixtechdo any of you guys here read linux format?04:34
pygiknixtech, nop, at least I don't :)04:38
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knixtechdo you guy know how to mask your ip on here?04:42
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cbx33hey sbalneav 05:31
sbalneavHello cbx3305:32
jsgotangcowow sunday folks, no life eh?05:36
=== highvoltage has actually been working very hard today
jsgotangcoheh well its almost midnight here05:38
=== cbx33 is working on gallium
jsgotangcoyou just dont stop huh?05:41
=== jsgotangco is working on nothing at the moment and is actually a bit durnk
=== knixtech [n=stormcha@c-68-80-182-194.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33hi knixtech 05:52
knixtechcbx33, morning05:52
knixtechwhats new?05:55
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knixtechhey pygi 06:19
pygihey knixtech, ogra 06:20
knixtechpygi, did you ever get that email?06:20
knixtecham I not worthy06:20
pygiknixtech, yes, I got the mail ^_^06:20
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
knixtechpygi, and am i worthy?06:32
pygiknixtech, everyone is worthy to contribute, I'm just seriously lacking time :) You'll get the response, no worries :)06:32
pygiknixtech, I'm really sorry for not responding yet, but time and stuff ^_^06:33
knixtechits quite ok06:33
pygiknixtech, could you please remind me tommorow? I'll reserve some minutes for you06:33
pygithanks :)06:34
knixtechnp ;)06:35
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cbx33afternoon pygi 06:56
pygihello cbx33 ;)06:56
cbx33howz it going?06:56
pygigood and bad (you know why bad :P)06:57
pygicbx33, how is you?07:04
cbx33yeh good07:04
pygicbx33, glad to hear that :)07:06
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maccam94knock knock, anybody home?08:50
Burgundaviamaccam94: yep08:53
maccam94scenario: thick client machines, multiple rooms, /home and /etc are central shares on a server.08:54
maccam94is it possible to have certain printers only visible in certain rooms? (thus on only certain machines)08:54
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Burgundaviamaccam94: I honestly have no idea09:02
knixtechdoes anyone know were the default templates are located?09:05
knixtechfor open office, srry09:05
maccam94Burgundavia: lol, s'ok, i don't think it's an easy question09:05
Burgundaviamaccam94: you could create different print servers and only allow people to print to printers off one server09:06
maccam94well there are going to be classrooms, which each have their own printer09:09
maccam94and every computer will be identical09:09
maccam94(there are 300 at least)09:09
maccam94people will be able to log on to any machine with their own unique username and password09:10
maccam94what i would like is for the available printer list to be location-sensitive09:10
maccam94maybe some sort of naming scheme could be done based on mac address, and then the computers derive the available printers from their hostnames (like rm250pc1 would see printers rm250pr*)09:11
BurgundaviaI don't think the gnome printer dialog supports that yet09:11
maccam94it would be some sort of conf file variable09:12
maccam94$printerhost = $hostname - pc* + pr*09:13
maccam94(that's not valid but just the concept)09:13
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=== JJF [n=jjfortui@] has joined #edubuntu
JJFJust new to Edubuntu...09:30
JJFhi maccam09:31
pygihi JJF, welcome to the community ^_309:31
JJFI'll prob. gonna be here a lot, since i'm trying to get everyone at my school involved with linux-edubuntu09:32
JJFyou guys all work with Edubuntu?09:32
JJFhi pygi09:32
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knixtechJJF, how are you going to do this?09:33
pygiJJF, you can meet some small part of Edubuntu community and as such contains a lot of people interested & involved in various things in Education, development, marketing, schools, unis, and such :)09:33
JJFgood question... knixtech... I got a new job in Aruba, and there's a lot of financial problems. Old computers, hardly money for new machines, not to think about Microsucked licences09:34
knixtechJJF, very very nice,  do it up09:35
JJFi had a meeting last friday, and got a few people interested, I need to setup a small lab, in order to convice my collegeas09:35
JJFthen, the board/other staff members09:35
knixtechyou think about ltsp?09:35
JJFit not just concerns the school where i work at, but the whole public school system here in Aruba09:35
JJFlove ltsp09:36
JJFi worked with windows terminal server as well..09:36
JJFgreat concept, especially when it's free and doesnt stall!09:36
pygiJJF, ;)09:36
JJFas said before, the problem here is money, microsoft makes it harder also to pirate software, which btw i dont think is bad... but since i'm (or the schools) are wihtout money, what's left to do09:37
knixtechyou got that right, welcome09:37
JJFI prefer legal and stability, therefor linux... i looked into edubuntu, and it might be my solution09:38
JJFhehe thanks kniptech09:38
JJFbut do you guys work in schools too, or you comp.wizardz at home/work09:38
pygiyou can't just generalise stuff like that :)09:39
JJFwhat do you mean09:39
knixtechJJF, i am a network admin for technical education and am going to implement edubuntu in education09:39
pygiJJF, well, not everything boils down to "school worker" or "computer hacker"09:39
JJFofcourse pygi, but since this channel is for edubuntu, that's why i asked it09:40
JJFim a network admin myself, mainly school enviroments, but had too many problems with windows09:41
JJFthis situation might not just convince my collegeas, but also government employees09:41
JJFthe available educational software and ltsp will give the pro's vs the cons... (if there are any cons)09:42
maccam94i wish the ubuntu mystory thing was up09:42
knixtechJJF, you are right up my alley, we should brainstorm together09:42
JJFur in the US knix?09:43
JJFI lived in ATL09:43
knixtechdo u have aim or anythng?09:43
JJFran away09:43
JJFi'm at the beach again09:43
JJFwe can setup a confere here ;)09:43
JJFanyone interested?09:44
knixtechJJF, do you use aim or somekind of protocol?09:44
JJFu mean the messenger right?09:44
JJFstill on old msn09:44
knixtechdo u use it09:45
JJFit's on now09:45
knixtechdo u mind if i have your username09:45
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