DaSkreech | check the banner command? | 12:09 |
_rob | no, the banner command won't do exactly wat i want | 12:10 |
_rob | it's to simple | 12:10 |
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_rob | I need pictures and stuff with it, basicly I wish OO could print things larger that the paper like that | 12:10 |
DaSkreech | Didn't think so :) was worth a try | 12:10 |
Kr4t05 | Does anyone know what version of the kernel update is broken? | 12:11 |
DaSkreech | ask in #openoffice.org if there is a filter for that. Though they are kinda silent | 12:11 |
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_rob | yea, 2 people in there, no sign of life | 12:12 |
Kr4t05 | Does anyone here know what version of the kernel update is broken? | 12:13 |
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Kr4t05 | It's .47, right? | 12:14 |
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octan | is ther a gui tool for setiing up runlevels ? | 12:19 |
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octan | i mean what to startup and not to startup ... stuff like that | 12:20 |
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root_ | probe connection !? | 12:21 |
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boeroe | just tried my wireless assistant on an averatec series 3700 laptop and the system freezes. what is the problem | 12:31 |
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octan | is ther a too like ksysv ? i need another tool like that,, coz kvsys is buggy on my system | 12:32 |
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draik | Anyone know the name of the w32 app for viewing linux partitions in NTFS | 12:40 |
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nimmrod | hello | 12:40 |
nimmrod | i dont know how to use kubuntu | 12:40 |
draik | hello | 12:40 |
nimmrod | how do i install packages? | 12:40 |
draik | what are you trying to do? | 12:40 |
draik | depends | 12:41 |
nimmrod | i want to install apache | 12:41 |
nimmrod | how do i use he package administrator? | 12:42 |
draik | open up konsole (K Menu > System > Konsole) and type sudo apt-get install apache | 12:42 |
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nimmrod | hold on... | 12:42 |
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DaSkreech | nimmrod: It will ask you for a password. It means your password | 12:43 |
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nimmrod | draik: give me 5 minutes to find out if it works 'cause im on windows (stupid :( (brb) | 12:43 |
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nimmrod | ok | 12:47 |
nimmrod | im with linux now | 12:47 |
nimmrod | hehe | 12:47 |
DaSkreech | sudo apt-get install apache | 12:48 |
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nimmrod | hmm.. says it can't find the package | 12:48 |
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Kr4t05 | apache2 | 12:49 |
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BluDog_Anchorite | nimmrod: you might need to set up our sources/repo's | 12:49 |
DaSkreech | ah WHoops. Apache is universe | 12:49 |
nimmrod | nop... but i dont think its even trying | 12:49 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Try apache2 | 12:49 |
nimmrod | the message appears too fast | 12:49 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: I can explain that but it does work | 12:50 |
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DaSkreech | Have you tried apache2? | 12:50 |
nimmrod | yes | 12:50 |
nimmrod | same error | 12:50 |
DaSkreech | Hmm | 12:50 |
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DaSkreech | do you know pastebin? | 12:51 |
nimmrod | its very strange... when i tru the "su" command and type my password returns "Authentication failure" | 12:51 |
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DaSkreech | nimmrod: Try sudo su | 12:51 |
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nimmrod | that one worked | 12:52 |
steveire | nimmrod: You haven't set a root password. | 12:52 |
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nimmrod | apparently not | 12:52 |
nimmrod | i dont know | 12:52 |
DaSkreech | Doesn't need one :) | 12:52 |
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steveire | You set a password for your nimmrod account, but not your root account. | 12:52 |
DaSkreech | ok nimmrod Do you know pastebin? | 12:52 |
nimmrod | yes | 12:52 |
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DaSkreech | Can you pastbin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 12:53 |
nimmrod | but i have to warn you... its in spanish | 12:53 |
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nimmrod | oh.. ok... | 12:53 |
nimmrod | just a sec | 12:53 |
nimmrod | its a directory, right? | 12:55 |
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DaSkreech | It's a file you can open it in kate | 12:56 |
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DaSkreech | or your editor of choice | 12:56 |
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Stardog | !rip | 12:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:57 |
Stardog | !mp3 | 12:57 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 12:57 |
=== abattoir [n=abattoir@cm61.omega22.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ep | help page for w32codecs? | 12:57 |
nimmrod | ok... i opened it | 12:57 |
DaSkreech | ep: See above | 12:57 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Can You pastebin it ? | 12:58 |
DaSkreech | !paste | 12:58 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 12:58 |
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nimmrod | im on it | 12:58 |
nimmrod | but the page wont load | 12:58 |
DaSkreech | >_< | 12:58 |
DaSkreech | try pastebin.ca | 12:58 |
ep | yes page won't load | 12:59 |
DaSkreech | ep:Which? | 12:59 |
Tonitito | servidor espaol de ubuntu? | 12:59 |
nimmrod | http://pastebin.ca/173446 | 12:59 |
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ep | finally did, nm | 12:59 |
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DaSkreech | nimmrod: That would explain a lot | 01:00 |
nimmrod | what is it? | 01:01 |
DaSkreech | YOu have everythign commented out | 01:02 |
nimmrod | lol | 01:02 |
nimmrod | which lines should i uncomment? | 01:02 |
DaSkreech | What did you use to open it? | 01:02 |
nimmrod | Kate | 01:02 |
DaSkreech | OK close kate and from the terminal type kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 01:03 |
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Admiral_Chicago | DaSkreech, he can also do that from "run command" in K menu | 01:03 |
Admiral_Chicago | command line really shouldn't be used to launch GUI | 01:03 |
DaSkreech | I think that nimmrod already has a command line up :) | 01:03 |
DaSkreech | Admiral_Chicago: Tell that to X :-P | 01:04 |
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nimmrod | done | 01:04 |
nimmrod | its empty now | 01:04 |
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nimmrod | :-s | 01:05 |
DaSkreech | Ok HOld on | 01:05 |
DaSkreech | http://pastebin.ca/173456 | 01:06 |
DaSkreech | Use that | 01:06 |
nimmrod | and save...? | 01:06 |
nimmrod | ok, done | 01:06 |
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DaSkreech | Yup | 01:08 |
DaSkreech | ok open adept | 01:08 |
DaSkreech | Might as well teach you a little about it | 01:08 |
nimmrod | adept? | 01:08 |
DaSkreech | Alt+Space -> Adept | 01:08 |
DaSkreech | Just type ade and press enter | 01:08 |
=== garret [n=garret@pool-151-205-233-58.cap.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kr4t05 | Woah | 01:09 |
nimmrod | ok | 01:09 |
Kr4t05 | I never knew about Katapult. | 01:09 |
DaSkreech | It rocks your world | 01:09 |
Kr4t05 | I always used Alt+F2 | 01:09 |
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nimmrod | excelente | 01:09 |
nimmrod | excelent! | 01:09 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 01:09 |
DaSkreech | Now when Adept opens up press Fetch Updates | 01:10 |
=== garret is now known as garret_ | ||
Kr4t05 | The one thing about using Windows in VMware is that it tends to slice up your RAM, making things less responsive all around. >< | 01:11 |
nimmrod | where is that? | 01:11 |
garret_ | All, I need help installing Acrobat 7.0. I got the tar file and have extracted and copied the files out to a dir, but do not know how to "run the install script" The install --help did no help. | 01:12 |
DaSkreech | It's a button on Adept | 01:12 |
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DaSkreech | You put in your password? | 01:12 |
nimmrod | no | 01:12 |
DaSkreech | garret_: Why do you need Acrobat? | 01:12 |
nimmrod | never asked | 01:12 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: YOu did the Alt+space and typed adept? | 01:13 |
garret_ | <nimmrod> Want to use the fillable form fields in PDF's | 01:13 |
garret_ | <DaSkreech> Sorry, bad copy - to use the PDF form fields. | 01:13 |
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DaSkreech | nimmrod: And it never asked for your password | 01:14 |
nimmrod | no | 01:15 |
Stardog | does anyone know if there's mobilephone managers for linux? | 01:15 |
Stardog | like a program | 01:15 |
DaSkreech | Hmm Ok try Kmenu -> System -> Adept | 01:15 |
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nimmrod | ok | 01:17 |
nimmrod | still is not asking me for a password | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | argh ok forget adept :) | 01:17 |
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garret_ | Here is the text from Acrobat intall directions 4. In the newly created AdobeReader directory, run the INSTALL script. | 01:17 |
nimmrod | maybe im as root already | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apache2 | 01:17 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: It opened? | 01:17 |
nimmrod | yes | 01:18 |
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gnomefreak | anyone feeling smart? | 01:18 |
=== gnomefreak cant remember command to see cpu info to dave my life | ||
DaSkreech | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 01:19 |
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gnomefreak | ty | 01:19 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: And you don't see a fetch Updates button? | 01:19 |
nimmrod | maybe... because this thing its in spanish | 01:19 |
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DaSkreech | nimmrod: Of course haha | 01:20 |
Ayabara | hi guys. what can I use in kubuntu to join avi/mpeg files? | 01:20 |
nimmrod | hahaha | 01:20 |
DaSkreech | It's a button with a circle of arrows | 01:20 |
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nimmrod | oh.. hen yes.. i pressed it | 01:20 |
DaSkreech | garret_: Is the install script executable? | 01:21 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: And you see al list of progams come up? | 01:21 |
nimmrod | yes | 01:21 |
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garret_ | daskreech, not shure how to tell it is in all caps | 01:21 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: in the box you can write in type apache | 01:22 |
nimmrod | after pressing enter nothing happens | 01:22 |
garret_ | DsSkreech: It shows as a Shell Script in Konqueror | 01:23 |
narg | !restrictedformats | 01:23 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:23 |
narg | !mp3 | 01:23 |
narg | Ayabara: That should lead you to the answer. | 01:24 |
Ayabara | narg: thanks | 01:24 |
=== llxcamxll [n=llxcamxl@CPE-124-177-185-207.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
garret_ | All got it "./INSTALL" Tried that before, but in lower case. | 01:25 |
nimmrod | DaSkreech: in the search box i type apache, then press enter.. right? | 01:26 |
DaSkreech | garret_: Cool :) | 01:27 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: It should filter the programs beneath it | 01:27 |
nimmrod | yeah.. all the list beneath dissappears but the list end up empty | 01:27 |
nimmrod | i dont think its connecting the server | 01:28 |
DaSkreech | Umm. Not sure. | 01:28 |
=== which [n=which@201-13-44-240.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | How many packages are available? It should say in the bottom of hte window | 01:29 |
nimmrod | 942 | 01:29 |
nimmrod | 942 of 942 installed | 01:29 |
Kr4t05 | nimmrod: enable universe? | 01:30 |
nimmrod | its definetly not conneting with the server | 01:30 |
nimmrod | what do u mean? | 01:30 |
Kr4t05 | -.- | 01:30 |
Kr4t05 | !universe | 01:30 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:30 |
nimmrod | all the checkbox are checked | 01:30 |
Stardog | !beer | 01:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:31 |
Stardog | loll | 01:31 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Yeah I think that's correct | 01:32 |
nimmrod | what is DaSkreech? | 01:33 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Under view -> show last download do any of them fail? | 01:33 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: That it is not seeing the server | 01:33 |
nimmrod | i dont see any of them | 01:34 |
nimmrod | progress bar is on 0% | 01:34 |
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llxcamxll | !homosexuality | 01:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about homosexuality - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:35 |
llxcamxll | i bet you don't | 01:35 |
DaSkreech | !fishing | 01:35 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops | 01:35 |
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llxcamxll | lol | 01:35 |
Kr4t05 | Thank you, DaSkreech | 01:35 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Yup that's a problem | 01:35 |
DaSkreech | can you ping the server? | 01:36 |
llxcamxll | !ping | 01:36 |
ubotu | ping: connection timeout | 01:36 |
nimmrod | let me try | 01:36 |
llxcamxll | ubotu dun like me | 01:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dun like me - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:36 |
llxcamxll | nasty bot | 01:36 |
DaSkreech | Stop playing with it | 01:37 |
llxcamxll | is he gettung angry | 01:37 |
DaSkreech | No but you are spamming the channel | 01:37 |
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=== david_ [n=david@host86-132-158-197.range86-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nimmrod | server's up... none packet lost | 01:37 |
nimmrod | its so strange | 01:37 |
llxcamxll | with one liners | 01:37 |
MenZa | bed. | 01:37 |
nimmrod | so rare | 01:37 |
llxcamxll | like you running 32x32 resolution?? | 01:38 |
llxcamxll | no the spam, too much spam | 01:39 |
garret_ | Now, how does one delete a directory/folder that has files in them redir does not work. | 01:40 |
DaSkreech | rm -rf | 01:40 |
garret_ | Thank you | 01:40 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: what happens if you do a sudo apt-get update ? | 01:40 |
garret_ | DaSkreech: Thanks again, did google search to no luck. I thought it was a command with a flag, but could not remember. | 01:41 |
DaSkreech | rmdir might work as well I forget | 01:42 |
nimmrod | (im translating from spanish): reading list of packages. . . Done | 01:42 |
nimmrod | nothing else | 01:42 |
llxcamxll | nimrod: have you done the multiverse thing | 01:42 |
nimmrod | multiverse? | 01:42 |
llxcamxll | oh | 01:43 |
llxcamxll | so like you haven't added multiverse to any of the repositories | 01:43 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Hold on | 01:43 |
nimmrod | i dont even know what is that | 01:43 |
llxcamxll | ok | 01:43 |
llxcamxll | have you got adept open | 01:43 |
nimmrod | yes | 01:43 |
llxcamxll | how many packages are available to you, should say at the bottom | 01:44 |
nimmrod | 942 | 01:44 |
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llxcamxll | ok, there are some things you gotta change | 01:44 |
nimmrod | ok.... | 01:45 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: See if you had been listening instead of playing with ubotu :-P | 01:45 |
=== Ertain [n=jason@c-24-0-216-68.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | go to manage repositories in the menu up top of the window | 01:45 |
llxcamxll | lol | 01:45 |
nimmrod | hahaha | 01:45 |
nimmrod | ok llxcamxll | 01:46 |
nimmrod | done | 01:46 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: http://pastebin.ca/173480 | 01:46 |
DaSkreech | replace your sources.list with that | 01:46 |
llxcamxll | ok, any of the reps that start with deb and deb-src | 01:46 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: He has them already | 01:46 |
llxcamxll | right click and enable them then apply | 01:46 |
llxcamxll | ok | 01:46 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: that's not the problem | 01:46 |
nimmrod | hehe | 01:46 |
llxcamxll | what about multiverse | 01:46 |
Ertain | Hello everyone. I'm trying to get an xscreensaver to work with KDE. Though I have written up a *.desktop file and placed it in the right spot (/usr/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers) and have placed the right xscreensaver file into the /usr/bin/ directory, it still doesn't work. Any ideas? If anyone wants to, I can post the *.desktop file. | 01:46 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Has it | 01:46 |
llxcamxll | hmm | 01:47 |
llxcamxll | can't be right if he can't access all the packages | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Do the kdesu kate thing again | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | You can just press up :) | 01:47 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: He can't get contact the servers | 01:47 |
llxcamxll | nimrod: what reps have multiverse next to them | 01:47 |
llxcamxll | hmm | 01:48 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Look at the pastebin I just posted | 01:48 |
nimmrod | done | 01:48 |
llxcamxll | i just don't understand why he can start adept though can't reach servers | 01:49 |
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llxcamxll | nimrod can you tell me which reps have got universe multiverse next to them | 01:50 |
nimmrod | it is very rare | 01:50 |
nimmrod | i dont know either | 01:50 |
nimmrod | hehehe | 01:50 |
llxcamxll | what you mean? | 01:50 |
nimmrod | i have no idea why i cant connect to the server | 01:51 |
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llxcamxll | which server though, you mean the one to get all the packages | 01:51 |
nimmrod | yes | 01:51 |
llxcamxll | ok | 01:51 |
llxcamxll | are you still in adept | 01:52 |
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nimmrod | yes | 01:52 |
llxcamxll | go to manage repositories | 01:52 |
nimmrod | ok | 01:52 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Fetch updates first | 01:52 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Have you even looked at the pastebin? | 01:52 |
llxcamxll | nope | 01:52 |
=== Ertain is now known as Ertain|away | ||
llxcamxll | its a simple problem | 01:53 |
nimmrod | done that | 01:53 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: How many packages do you have now? | 01:53 |
llxcamxll | now look at the column to the left of the reps and tell me which ones have multiverse next to it | 01:53 |
nimmrod | same number | 01:53 |
nimmrod | 942 | 01:53 |
=== theine [n=theine@c-9d32e655.1027-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | to the right i mean | 01:54 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Have fun. When you solve it ping me | 01:54 |
llxcamxll | lol...kk | 01:54 |
nimmrod | 4 | 01:54 |
nimmrod | but is not multiverse but universe | 01:55 |
llxcamxll | could you paste the name of the rep | 01:55 |
nimmrod | # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify: | 01:55 |
nimmrod | deb http://jm.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted | 01:55 |
nimmrod | # Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify: | 01:55 |
nimmrod | deb-src http://jm.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted | 01:55 |
nimmrod | 01:55 | |
nimmrod | ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the | 01:55 |
nimmrod | ## distribution. | 01:55 |
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nimmrod | im sorry | 01:56 |
nimmrod | i dont know hy it did that | 01:56 |
nimmrod | sorry sorry | 01:56 |
llxcamxll | how many lines are there that start in either deb or deb-src | 01:56 |
nimmrod | http://ve.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ | 01:56 |
nimmrod | thats the server | 01:56 |
=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548DA950.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | ok | 01:57 |
llxcamxll | hmm | 01:57 |
=== Martijn81 [n=Martijn@a80-126-145-212.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nimmrod | omg | 01:58 |
nimmrod | i think i got it | 01:58 |
DaSkreech | It's updating now? | 01:58 |
llxcamxll | what you done | 01:58 |
llxcamxll | enable? | 01:58 |
DaSkreech | pressed fetch updates I'll bet | 01:58 |
nimmrod | no... i just found two source list files | 01:58 |
Martijn81 | argh, what is my ISP doing! | 01:58 |
nimmrod | one is sources.list and the other one is source.list | 01:59 |
DaSkreech | >_< | 01:59 |
DaSkreech | of course | 01:59 |
llxcamxll | hmm | 01:59 |
nimmrod | both should be uncomment, right? | 01:59 |
llxcamxll | so how many packages you getting now | 01:59 |
DaSkreech | only sources.list counts | 02:00 |
nimmrod | wait wait.. ims still editing the files | 02:00 |
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nimmrod | how was the kdesu thing again?? | 02:01 |
llxcamxll | !kdesu | 02:02 |
ubotu | In KDE, use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions/config files. For what to use in GNOME, see !gksudo | 02:02 |
nimmrod | now i cant open the file....!! arrrg | 02:03 |
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=== luigi_ is now known as Brunellus | ||
nimmrod | "Failed to open devide" | 02:04 |
nimmrod | device* | 02:04 |
llxcamxll | kdesu adept | 02:04 |
llxcamxll | ? | 02:04 |
llxcamxll | like wtf | 02:04 |
llxcamxll | nimrod what are you trying to achieve, it might be easier to figure out | 02:04 |
llxcamxll | i timed out | 02:05 |
nimmrod | im trying to modify the source.list file | 02:06 |
llxcamxll | and why is this | 02:06 |
nimmrod | because is commented | 02:06 |
nimmrod | everything | 02:06 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:06 |
llxcamxll | so you still got no packages other than the installation ones? | 02:06 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: the sources.list is the important | 02:06 |
nimmrod | i know but now i cant modify the damn file!! the kadesu kate cant failes!!!! | 02:07 |
nimmrod | i mean | 02:07 |
nimmrod | i type kdesu kate /etc/apt/source.list | 02:07 |
gekko` | why not open a terminal and use vim or nano? :-) | 02:07 |
DaSkreech | kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:07 |
nimmrod | Output: "Failed to open device" | 02:08 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Yeah that's normal. Isn't kate open? | 02:09 |
nimmrod | no | 02:09 |
DaSkreech | try sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 02:09 |
llxcamxll | daskreech can you explain to me what he's trying to do and why? | 02:10 |
nimmrod | how i save the changes | 02:11 |
nimmrod | ? | 02:11 |
llxcamxll | this is doing my head in | 02:12 |
DaSkreech | Ctrl+O | 02:12 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: He wants to install apache :) | 02:12 |
llxcamxll | oh | 02:12 |
llxcamxll | i see, but like does he still have the package prblem | 02:12 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Yep :) you seem to be on top of the situation | 02:13 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:13 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Ctrl+X to exit | 02:13 |
llxcamxll | well like all you gotta do is multiverse the right reps and enable the deb and deb-src's and fetch updates and you flying | 02:14 |
nimmrod | same problem | 02:15 |
llxcamxll | ok nimrod, are you listening? | 02:16 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: give him a break :-) | 02:17 |
llxcamxll | hmm | 02:17 |
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nimmrod | i dont know anything about this OS!! i dont know what do you mean with multiverse :-( | 02:18 |
llxcamxll | ok | 02:18 |
llxcamxll | i'll tell you man | 02:18 |
llxcamxll | simple as, just gotta follow step by step | 02:18 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Help him with his problem first :) | 02:18 |
nimmrod | ok | 02:18 |
=== phitoo [n=phitoo@dpc674484141.direcpc.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
llxcamxll | what with obtaining apache?, or reps | 02:19 |
nimmrod | huh? | 02:19 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:19 |
=== pk0nink [n=roselawn@c-71-56-157-9.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | ok open adept | 02:19 |
DaSkreech | obtaining apache that's what he wanted when he came in | 02:19 |
llxcamxll | how he gonna get it if he ain't got the reps working | 02:19 |
nimmrod | or anything... doesnt matter.. i want to be able to install any package | 02:19 |
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llxcamxll | ok | 02:20 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Then you need to help with that | 02:20 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 02:20 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:20 |
llxcamxll | at the top right of the window nimrod select manage repositories | 02:20 |
freedom | 02:20 | |
freedom | gnome 2.16 | 02:20 |
nimmrod | problem solved | 02:20 |
nimmrod | hahahahaha | 02:20 |
llxcamxll | huh | 02:20 |
nimmrod | yeaaaaayyy | 02:20 |
nimmrod | hahaha | 02:20 |
llxcamxll | tell me you didn't just click on fetch updates | 02:21 |
nimmrod | no.. | 02:21 |
=== Pepper [n=peppery@203-118-178-46.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nimmrod | it was the source.list file | 02:21 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: Told you :) | 02:21 |
=== MightyMouse [n=tommy@c-69-248-93-153.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
freedom | hi all , how to upgrade to gnome 2.16 | 02:21 |
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nimmrod | thank you very much you both helped me out... thank you | 02:21 |
DaSkreech | freedom: Maybe try in #ubuntu ? | 02:21 |
llxcamxll | all good | 02:21 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: ok now llxcamxll is going to explain multiverse to you :) | 02:21 |
llxcamxll | so you got all the packages then nimrod | 02:21 |
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nimmrod | ok | 02:22 |
nimmrod | yes i think so | 02:22 |
DaSkreech | How many do you see now? | 02:22 |
llxcamxll | how many packages are there available | 02:22 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:22 |
DaSkreech | More than 900? :) | 02:22 |
nimmrod | 18846 | 02:22 |
llxcamxll | its done them | 02:22 |
llxcamxll | *then' | 02:22 |
=== ash__ [n=ash@p213.54.164.170.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nimmrod | :-) | 02:22 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:23 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Go ahead and explain multiverse :) | 02:23 |
ash__ | hi | 02:23 |
DaSkreech | He can listen while installing apache ;-) | 02:23 |
DaSkreech | ash__: hi | 02:23 |
llxcamxll | what to explain | 02:23 |
ash__ | nice system | 02:23 |
nimmrod | hehe | 02:24 |
nimmrod | yeah | 02:24 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: What it is and why is it different from universe I guess | 02:24 |
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ash__ | grad mal installiert | 02:24 |
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llxcamxll | to be honest i don't really know, but like i had the same probs as nimrod and thats all i did | 02:24 |
llxcamxll | on two of my reps i added the multiverse | 02:25 |
LeeJunFan | !multiverse | 02:25 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:25 |
ash__ | mit live cd find ich ne tolle sache | 02:25 |
llxcamxll | and enabled all deb, deb-src reps then fetched updates | 02:25 |
ash__ | und die installation ist kinderleicht | 02:25 |
llxcamxll | wam bam | 02:25 |
nimmrod | hehe | 02:25 |
DaSkreech | !de | 02:25 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 02:26 |
ash__ | kennt jemand ein gutes tut zum kernel anpassen? | 02:26 |
nimmrod | donde... apache with PHP modules and everything.. sweet! :-D | 02:26 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod, llxcamxll: both of you read that link then :) | 02:26 |
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nimmrod | done* | 02:26 |
llxcamxll | dun worry nimrod i'm new to this non-microsoft universe | 02:26 |
llxcamxll | ahh no negative on the reading | 02:26 |
DaSkreech | Don't use no Double negatives! | 02:27 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:27 |
=== Kr4t05 [n=andrew@dsl-206-251-7-194.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | spam | 02:27 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 02:27 |
ash__ | sry | 02:27 |
ash__ | cu | 02:27 |
llxcamxll | choi | 02:28 |
llxcamxll | i need a hobby | 02:28 |
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=== [Relic] [n=[Relic] @adsl-64-109-203-173.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | ash__: No problem | 02:28 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: What do you like doing? | 02:28 |
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=== we6jbo [n=we6jbo@cpe-66-91-245-251.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | moth hunting and bird watching | 02:28 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:28 |
[Relic] | anyone good with installing modules? | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | backyard scientist | 02:29 |
llxcamxll | have my moments | 02:29 |
llxcamxll | you should of seen the chlorine, break fluid incident of 99 | 02:29 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 02:30 |
DaSkreech | Well if you want you can help out with Kubuntu :) | 02:30 |
llxcamxll | to be honest just getting things to work on here is a hobby in its self | 02:30 |
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llxcamxll | and how would i do that, post stuff in the forums | 02:30 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:30 |
DaSkreech | And the wiki | 02:30 |
DaSkreech | That's the low impact easy way :) | 02:31 |
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llxcamxll | think i'll pass on that one | 02:31 |
DaSkreech | Kool | 02:31 |
llxcamxll | i couldn't really help dude, i'm pretty much a freestyler | 02:31 |
llxcamxll | no real method, just the madness | 02:32 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 02:32 |
llxcamxll | hmm | 02:33 |
llxcamxll | can i put kubuntu on an xbox?? | 02:33 |
DaSkreech | Pretty sure you can. They have a render farm with them I think | 02:34 |
DaSkreech | Compile farm sorry | 02:34 |
llxcamxll | i heard you can't actually just boot from the cd, you gotta like do something to the flashcard | 02:34 |
[Relic] | put blender on them and you can have a render farm :) | 02:35 |
mike_ | cross compile | 02:35 |
mike_ | ? | 02:35 |
llxcamxll | i need kaffiene | 02:35 |
=== Philip5 [n=Philip@c83-253-44-150.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | !compile farm | 02:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about compile farm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:36 |
mike_ | k.. | 02:36 |
llxcamxll | !cross compile | 02:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cross compile - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:36 |
[Relic] | !module installation | 02:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about module installation - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:36 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:37 |
mike_ | ok.. | 02:37 |
llxcamxll | !msgsrv32 | 02:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about msgsrv32 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:37 |
mike_ | sorry.. | 02:37 |
llxcamxll | lol | 02:37 |
=== axxxs [n=axxxs@ip70-188-126-239.lu.dl.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | !advanced dillusionary pschytsophrenia with involuntary narcasistic rage | 02:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about advanced dillusionary pschytsophrenia with involuntary narcasistic rage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:38 |
[Relic] | !bot abuse | 02:38 |
ubotu | Please don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot | 02:38 |
llxcamxll | !caring | 02:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about caring - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:39 |
[Relic] | !installing modules | 02:39 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about installing modules - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:39 |
llxcamxll | !bot abuse | 02:39 |
ubotu | Please don't play with the bots, or else... Also see !behaviour and !msgthebot | 02:39 |
[Relic] | !ovachip | 02:40 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ovachip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:40 |
DaSkreech | Stop playing with the bot in the chan please | 02:40 |
DaSkreech | use /msg ubotu question | 02:41 |
DaSkreech | You can abuse it like crazy there if you like | 02:41 |
llxcamxll | i enjoy stamp collecting and collage projects | 02:42 |
llxcamxll | paper mache | 02:42 |
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=== glebis [n=glebis@ppp83-237-123-132.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[Relic] | guess I need to go to the forums :) | 02:43 |
mike_ | xorry..i cant help... | 02:45 |
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timpino | how do you install rar? | 02:46 |
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DaSkreech | timpino: To rar something up or to unrar a rar file? | 02:47 |
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timpino | I need to unrar a dl | 02:47 |
timpino | just installed the kubuntu system | 02:47 |
DaSkreech | !unrar | 02:47 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 02:47 |
timpino | basicly I have to use a term to unrar it | 02:49 |
=== November [n=jen@222-155-161-250.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timpino | ? | 02:50 |
Hawkwind | timpino: You can do it from within konqueror | 02:50 |
November | !restricted | 02:50 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:50 |
timpino | really? | 02:50 |
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Hawkwind | timpino: If you have unrar installed ark will pick it up and unrar the files when you right click and choose 'Extract' | 02:50 |
November | !codecs | 02:50 |
timpino | how do I install it then? can't find an install... | 02:50 |
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=== ironfroggy [n=calvin@c-68-83-47-56.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
November | !responsitories | 02:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about responsitories - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:51 |
November | !reponsitories | 02:51 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about reponsitories - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:51 |
Hawkwind | !repositories > November | 02:52 |
llxcamxll | !repositories | 02:52 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 02:52 |
November | Tahnks | 02:52 |
Hawkwind | timpino: Read the info above that ubotu gave | 02:52 |
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timpino | actually the bot refered to a 404 | 02:53 |
=== jpdaigle [n=jpdaigle@host-209-50-87-18.dyn.295.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | it doesn't like you | 02:54 |
DaSkreech | timpino: take off the . at the end | 02:54 |
DaSkreech | /me thought he had fixed that | 02:55 |
Hawkwind | timpino: They all work here | 02:55 |
DaSkreech | Hawkwind: It doesn't :) | 02:55 |
Hawkwind | DaSkreech: It does here | 02:55 |
DaSkreech | !unrar > Hawkwind | 02:55 |
November | What I should add behind the conponents to download packages | 02:55 |
nimmrod | whats the package i should download so i can listen to mp3 files? | 02:55 |
November | I forgot about it | 02:55 |
DaSkreech | Hawkwind: You clicked it? | 02:55 |
Hawkwind | DaSkreech: Oh the unrar one | 02:55 |
Hawkwind | I was doing restricted, sorry :) | 02:55 |
timpino | lol | 02:56 |
timpino | :) | 02:56 |
DaSkreech | nimmrod: libxine-extracodecs | 02:56 |
llxcamxll | ok nimrodd i suggest xmms player | 02:56 |
timpino | thanks | 02:56 |
llxcamxll | oh | 02:56 |
nimmrod | ok | 02:56 |
=== DaSkreech listens to llxcamxll bustling off to download that as well | ||
llxcamxll | lol | 02:56 |
Hawkwind | DaSkreech: Fixed! | 02:57 |
DaSkreech | !unrar | 02:57 |
ubotu | unrar is rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 02:57 |
DaSkreech | Thanks I had submitted it two weeks ago I think | 02:57 |
Hawkwind | Ah, I didn't have bot access then or wasn't an op then either :) | 02:57 |
DaSkreech | Which reminds me Jucato wants !ph changed | 02:58 |
=== mike_ [n=mike@d-65-175-182-226.metrocast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hawkwind | DaSkreech: He has bot access too | 02:59 |
DaSkreech | !ph | 02:59 |
ubotu | Join #ubuntu-ph for tagalog | 02:59 |
timpino | !info unrar-free | 02:59 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB | 02:59 |
DaSkreech | Hmm Figured he would have done somethign about that by now | 02:59 |
Hawkwind | DaSkreech: He probably just forgot | 03:00 |
DaSkreech | Yeah I"ll pong him | 03:00 |
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November | Guys, there is a w32codec. I forgot where to get it. can u tell me? | 03:01 |
Hawkwind | !info w32codecs | 03:01 |
ubotu | w32codecs: win32 binary codecs. In component extras, is optional. Version 1:20060611-0.0 (dapper-seveas), package size 13911 kB, installed size 33488 kB (Only available for i386) | 03:01 |
DaSkreech | It's on the restrictedFormats page | 03:01 |
DaSkreech | You are joking :) | 03:01 |
DaSkreech | is there anything useful that seveas doesn't package? | 03:01 |
Hawkwind | Hah | 03:02 |
November | What i should add to components to download more package? | 03:02 |
DaSkreech | He saved my butt about 6 months back | 03:02 |
Hawkwind | !repos > November | 03:02 |
Hawkwind | November: Read the info the bot just pm'd you with | 03:02 |
November | nono i mean add something behind components tabs | 03:02 |
=== rdalton [n=rdalton@c-68-58-98-71.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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DaSkreech | November: I'm lost which application is this? | 03:04 |
DaSkreech | Bye Nimmrod! | 03:04 |
November | DaSkreech : inside managine repositories | 03:04 |
llxcamxll | nimrod has left the building | 03:04 |
November | i need to edit some sources list | 03:05 |
DaSkreech | November: ahh Just click on it | 03:05 |
DaSkreech | Might be double clik. You can edit it right there | 03:05 |
November | DaSkreech : i forgot wat to put XD | 03:05 |
DaSkreech | November: What do you want there? | 03:06 |
DaSkreech | Man I should Ask amarok to marry me | 03:06 |
November | i wanna add mulitversi | 03:06 |
llxcamxll | lol the multiverse | 03:06 |
claydoh | lol amarok is my mistress' | 03:07 |
November | dapper multiverse | 03:07 |
November | or dapper/multiverse | 03:07 |
llxcamxll | dapper universe multiverse? | 03:07 |
November | i think so XD | 03:08 |
josh_ | xgl | 03:08 |
josh_ | !xgl | 03:08 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 03:08 |
DaSkreech | November: It's added after universe on the line like deb http://jm.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe | 03:08 |
=== pc [n=pc@adsl-9-68-22.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | Which reminds me if anyone sees Noisemo ping me | 03:08 |
llxcamxll | daskreech that was like the one thing i knew how to do | 03:09 |
llxcamxll | stolen the thunder | 03:09 |
=== al [n=al@d207-6-34-59.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== gandalph [n=gandalph@AAnnecy-152-1-173-245.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: Soory dood :) I'll keep quiet when it comes to repos :) | 03:09 |
llxcamxll | lol | 03:09 |
timpino | woooo | 03:09 |
llxcamxll | nah you the man | 03:09 |
timpino | I think it's working | 03:10 |
timpino | :) | 03:10 |
DaSkreech | timpino: W00t! | 03:10 |
=== simp [n=simp@130.24-218-195.adsl.internet.lu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
simp | !tkip | 03:10 |
pierreth | How can I get version.h? | 03:10 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tkip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:11 |
simp | is there any way i could use wifi that is secured with tkip? | 03:11 |
simp | i'm in from windows right now because i can't access internet thourgh kubuntu | 03:11 |
=== rylasasin [n=rylasasi@207-118-144-112.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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DaSkreech | I've never heard of tkip | 03:13 |
simp | wpa-tkip if i'm right | 03:13 |
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simp | sorry | 03:14 |
simp | WPA-tkip ;) | 03:14 |
llxcamxll | i know this sounds a bit out there but can i use some sort of emulator to put photo shop on kubuntu | 03:15 |
claydoh | you might try wine for photoshop | 03:15 |
unix_infidel | !wine | 03:15 |
DaSkreech | llxcamxll: DontlikeKritaorimp? | 03:15 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 03:15 |
claydoh | but it won't be easy | 03:15 |
unix_infidel | PS7 is easy to get going. | 03:16 |
llxcamxll | oh | 03:16 |
=== [Relic] [n=[Relic] @adsl-64-109-203-173.dsl.milwwi.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
unix_infidel | PS 8 (CS) and PS 9 (CS2) are very difficult. | 03:16 |
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simp | llxcamxll it will be really slow | 03:16 |
simp | i know i've tryied | 03:16 |
unix_infidel | that's not necessarily true. | 03:16 |
simp | at least ps 8 was | 03:17 |
simp | i did get it working | 03:17 |
llxcamxll | whats the linux equivalent to photoshop?? | 03:17 |
simp | gimp | 03:17 |
simp | anyway another try to get wpa-tkip working | 03:17 |
timpino | Woooo even got vlc to play the movie! | 03:17 |
November | !restricted | 03:19 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:19 |
November | !unrestricted | 03:20 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about unrestricted - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:20 |
=== Kiongku_ [n=waikeung@ADSL-TPLUS-6-78.intnet.mu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kbrooks | !freeformats | 03:21 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:21 |
=== SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== timpino [n=timpino@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timpino | !mp3 | 03:24 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:24 |
=== Mythbusters [n=azzi_mie@host183-49-dynamic.16-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== __mikem [n=__mikem@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== simp [n=simp@130.24-218-195.adsl.internet.lu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== simp is back | ||
simp | now i installed knetworkmanager and it gets stuck(while connecting) on 28%(configuring device it says) | 03:27 |
simp | !tell simp about knetworkmanager | 03:28 |
simp | !knetworkmanager | 03:28 |
ubotu | knetworkmanager: User friendly KDE frontend for NetworkManager. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1~svn-r533312-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 263 kB, installed size 1412 kB | 03:28 |
timpino | hmmm installed the packages but mp3 dosn't play | 03:29 |
timpino | !mp3 | 03:29 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:29 |
simp | timpino you used the "hurry" one? | 03:30 |
timpino | hurry? | 03:31 |
timpino | i don't want to convert 80 GBs of mp3 music | 03:31 |
timpino | so if there is a goof codec to dl ill be please | 03:32 |
timpino | d | 03:32 |
=== michael__ [n=michael@host86-136-21-237.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== rolando__ [n=rolando@95.Red-81-37-66.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== November [n=jen@222-155-161-250.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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DaSkreech | libxine-extracodecs | 03:33 |
timpino | yeah i did that | 03:34 |
timpino | but xmms didn't play | 03:34 |
timpino | dled some gstreamers now | 03:34 |
timpino | no change | 03:34 |
ep | In regards to multimedia, is there a package for the free formats ogg vorbis are or they already installed? | 03:35 |
DaSkreech | timpino: try amarok? | 03:36 |
timpino | I think ogg comes with the system | 03:36 |
DaSkreech | ep: Should work out of the box | 03:36 |
timpino | nothing | 03:36 |
rylasasin | is there a way to make MP3s on websites play through either firefox or conquerer? | 03:36 |
timpino | it just wont play... :@ | 03:36 |
LeeJunFan | even some of the kde sounds are ogg, perhaps it's a lower level sound problem? | 03:37 |
rylasasin | like on YTMND | 03:37 |
DaSkreech | timpino: Does anything play? | 03:37 |
timpino | yeah my video I dl:d plays fine | 03:37 |
=== batwing [n=batwing@70-41-82-220.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | rylasasin: Far as I know that's a flash site | 03:37 |
DaSkreech | timpino: Music and all? | 03:37 |
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timpino | if you mean is there audio in the video then yes | 03:38 |
rylasasin | well i installed flash and the mp3s don't play | 03:38 |
DaSkreech | Oh Right :) | 03:39 |
pk0nink | does anyone know - I'm having a hard time setting up vsftpd.conf, specifically setting up the vsftpd.chroot_list | 03:39 |
pk0nink | i'm setting up file-sharing - uaing avahi | 03:40 |
pk0nink | *using avahi | 03:40 |
=== siim [n=siim@130.24-218-195.adsl.internet.lu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== siim is now known as simp | ||
simp | so... | 03:40 |
DaSkreech | rylasasin: have you installed libxine-extracodecs? | 03:40 |
simp | does anyone know anything about connection to wifi wich is secured with WPA? | 03:41 |
simp | it just freezes on 28% of connecting | 03:41 |
=== obf213 [n=john@adsl-69-149-165-235.dsl.ksc2mo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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obf213 | hey if i shut down when im logged in i get an x error how do if ix this | 03:42 |
obf213 | the screens goes black like its about to show the shutdown secquence but thein i just see two gray rectangles | 03:43 |
obf213 | and eventually it will shutdown/restart | 03:43 |
DaSkreech | obf213: Check your X logs | 03:43 |
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timpino | ok, tried dling everything on the hurrylist | 03:43 |
nimrod | heeyyy | 03:43 |
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-214-156-231.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nimrod | i installed firefox but i dont know how to make it work :-s | 03:44 |
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nimrod | haha | 03:44 |
llxcamxll | alt f2 | 03:44 |
llxcamxll | firefox | 03:44 |
timpino | Nothing | 03:44 |
DaSkreech | Well you have to be on the internet :) | 03:44 |
nimrod | hahaha | 03:44 |
nimrod | greate | 03:44 |
nimrod | i want a shortcut now | 03:45 |
=== the-only-real-sh [n=shegman@pD957D861.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
simp | nimrod don't you have it in the "start menu" - internet? | 03:45 |
nimrod | yep but ot firefox | 03:45 |
obf213 | DaSkreech, how do i check my X logs | 03:45 |
DaSkreech | It's in /var/log/X.0.log | 03:46 |
LeeJunFan | nimrod: open konsole and run 'kbuildsycoca' it will rebuild the menu for you. | 03:46 |
nimrod | but... i installed firefox because i dont know how to install the adobe flash player plugin for konqueror | 03:46 |
timpino | update: mp3playback works in gxine | 03:46 |
DaSkreech | !flash | 03:46 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:46 |
nimrod | thank you LeeJunFan | 03:46 |
DaSkreech | timpino: What engine? | 03:46 |
timpino | oooh | 03:46 |
=== batwing [n=batwing@70-41-82-220.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timpino | don't know, how can i check? | 03:46 |
obf213 | DaSkreech: i have no such log :( | 03:47 |
obf213 | nvm. its named diff | 03:47 |
DaSkreech | Ok | 03:47 |
obf213 | DaSkreech: um what am i lookinf for in the lg | 03:48 |
=== DaSkreech shrugs at timpino. Check options? | ||
DaSkreech | obf213: Errors? :) | 03:48 |
obf213 | hopefull it says errors in the log | 03:48 |
timpino | xine | 03:48 |
obf213 | lol ill check | 03:48 |
DaSkreech | and it doesn't work in Amarok? | 03:48 |
timpino | it's a xine player | 03:48 |
DaSkreech | obf213: I think that EE shows an error | 03:49 |
=== lufis [n=sam@adsl-70-232-77-99.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
obf213 | yeah | 03:49 |
obf213 | the only error it found was | 03:49 |
timpino | ffmpegaudio | 03:50 |
obf213 | cannot open /dev/wacom | 03:50 |
timpino | could that be the mp3 decoder | 03:50 |
=== batwing [n=batwing@70-41-82-220.cust.wildblue.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving..."] | ||
lufis | I'm running Ubuntu and want to give KDE a try but don't want all of the kubuntu apps included in the kubuntu-desktop package. How do I get just barebones KDE? | 03:51 |
DaSkreech | obf213: That's fine | 03:51 |
DaSkreech | lufis: You do know that there are probably more apps in vanilla KDE? | 03:52 |
lufis | DaSkreech: :P probably. I don't know exactly how to phrase the question... what I want is a KDE equivalent for gnome-panel, nautilus, metacity, etc. etc., but without kopete, kate, etc | 03:53 |
DaSkreech | lufis: You want just KDE with no apps? | 03:54 |
=== D4rkly [n=user@cpc3-lanc1-0-0-cust880.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lufis | DaSkreech: Yes, is that practical? | 03:54 |
LeeJunFan | that's hardly trying kde. | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | kde-core I guess then | 03:54 |
lufis | DaSkreech: Thanks :) | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | This metapackage includes the core official modules released with KDE. This includes just the basic desktop (browser, file manager, text editor, control center, panel, etc.) and important libraries and data, in addition to the aRts soundserve | 03:54 |
simp | emm how can i connect to a wifi network that is secured with WPA? | 03:54 |
DaSkreech | !wpa | 03:55 |
simp | actualy i got to connecting | 03:55 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:55 |
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simp | but it hangs up at 28% | 03:55 |
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simp | DaSkreech: do you know anything about hanging at about 28% and saying that knetworkmanager has been disconnected | 03:55 |
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rylasasin | yeah libxine-extracodecs are installed | 03:56 |
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=== raindog [n=marty@pm843-10.dialip.mich.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rylasasin | but I still don't hear anything when I veiw at site at YTMND.com | 03:57 |
timpino | All right, I'm pissed off now, mp3 playback works in both my video players but not in my musicplayers | 03:59 |
ironfroggy | Kubuntu has so pissed me off | 04:00 |
ironfroggy | i spent weeks playing my list of never before played songs on amarok, so they could get their initial scores. | 04:01 |
timpino | lol | 04:01 |
ironfroggy | had it down to the homestretch, and I had to restart. | 04:01 |
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timpino | why bother? | 04:01 |
ironfroggy | and when i logged back in, do you know what i found? | 04:01 |
ironfroggy | AMAROK WASNT INSTALLED | 04:01 |
timpino | i can guess | 04:01 |
timpino | lol | 04:01 |
ironfroggy | what the f*ck was i running for three weeks?! | 04:02 |
timpino | lmao | 04:02 |
timpino | does anyone know why reiserfs is not supported by kubuntu? | 04:02 |
=== pierreth [n=pierreth@ip216-239-85-205.vif.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Cadet [i=Cadet@cpc2-ptal2-0-0-cust71.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
timpino | !reiserfs | 04:02 |
ubotu | reiserfs is a journalling file system, in benchmarks it outperforms many others on I/O operations, but they take notoriously long to mount. | 04:02 |
timpino | !idiot | 04:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about idiot - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:03 |
LeeJunFan | hans reiserfs is a suspect in his wifes disappearance. | 04:03 |
rylasasin | !being stupid | 04:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about being stupid - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:03 |
timpino | lol | 04:03 |
simp | what if knetworkmanager freezes on 28% of connecting to a WPA-Tkip secured wireless network | 04:03 |
timpino | bots are fun | 04:03 |
rylasasin | ROFLMAO | 04:03 |
rylasasin | !picking up chicks | 04:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about picking up chicks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:04 |
Tm_T | stop fishing | 04:04 |
rylasasin | XD | 04:04 |
rylasasin | ok i'll stop now | 04:04 |
=== intelikey [n=root@0-2pool242-56.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | hmmm odd i don't guess i had even noticed ./blah == .//blah | 04:05 |
rylasasin | ok though seriously i cant hear anything when I vist sites on ytmnd.com... like this one: http://jownstewartbfg.ytmnd.com/ | 04:06 |
timpino | alright, adept wont start now | 04:06 |
rylasasin | I should hear a doom music remix but I dont | 04:06 |
warpzone | rylasasin: try this | 04:06 |
warpzone | rylasasin: sudo cd /dev && ./ MAKEDEV audio | 04:07 |
=== MaOn12 [n=maoner@p54AC715F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
intelikey | so complain to the website mantainer for using flash 8 | 04:07 |
MaOn12 | Hello! I am selling Sony Vaio AR190G Notebooks (Core Duo T2500 2 GHz /17" /2GB DDR2 /200 GB HDD @ 7200 rpm /256MB GDDR SDRam / 17" WUXGA TFT Active Matrix (1920 x 1200)/DVD+-RW- / Blu-Ray disc), brand new for $ 500, if interested send me an e-mail or msg now inti3m@yahoo.com , Thank You | 04:07 |
warpzone | wtf | 04:07 |
intelikey | tell them flash is evil | 04:07 |
warpzone | Macromedia and Adobe are merged, aren't they? | 04:08 |
LeeJunFan | yeah | 04:09 |
timpino | WOOOOOOOOO | 04:09 |
ironfroggy | stupid spammer is across all the channels im in! | 04:09 |
timpino | talk about being a stupid n00b | 04:09 |
warpzone | so is Adobe just anit-linux or pro crap software? | 04:09 |
=== Tobmeister [n=tholland@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ironfroggy | disgraceful abusing the network on the day of lilo's death. | 04:09 |
timpino | remember to press quit on amarok, otherwise it stays alive... | 04:09 |
rylasasin | sudo: cd: command not found | 04:09 |
ironfroggy | warpzone: they are pro linux, which is why there is no Flash 9 player YET for linux | 04:09 |
Tobmeister | Hey all, Kubuntu 6.06 user here for the first time on IRC | 04:10 |
MaOn12 | dont call me stupid spammer, you will wake up one day with no fingers, and wont be able to code | 04:10 |
Tobmeister | THis is really great! | 04:10 |
warpzone | cd not found? um, that might be a problem | 04:10 |
intelikey | warpzone depends on whom you ask. imo adobe is just krap but that's opinion... | 04:10 |
Tm_T | Tobmeister: welcome to wonderland | 04:10 |
ironfroggy | MaOn12: i hope the next computer that "falls off a truck" lands on your head. | 04:10 |
DaSkreech | Tobmeister: aint it? | 04:10 |
warpzone | can somebody please kick Ma0n12? | 04:10 |
LeeJunFan | intelikey: been using kde too long? you subst k for c ") | 04:11 |
Tm_T | ironfroggy: MaOn12: drop it | 04:11 |
MaOn12 | will catch it with my strong hands | 04:11 |
MaOn12 | and will sell it to your nephew | 04:11 |
intelikey | LeeJunFan it's not a mistake. | 04:11 |
Tobmeister | hey, whats the best app to use on my GNU/Linux sys to run IRC? | 04:11 |
DaSkreech | Tobmeister: The one you like | 04:11 |
rylasasin | sudo cd /dev && ./ MAKEDEV audio doesn't work | 04:11 |
Tm_T | Tobmeister: irssi, but it's not easiest to approach, so I'd say try konversation | 04:12 |
DaSkreech | you have konversation kvirc xchat irssi | 04:12 |
=== bobduhgeek [n=bobduhge@c-68-80-163-64.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
warpzone | rylasasin: um try them seperately, first cd /dev then sudo ./MAKEDEV audio | 04:12 |
Tobmeister | hmm, Will gaim work? Or is thre another more tecnical app? | 04:12 |
Tm_T | Tobmeister: it's not really good for irc | 04:13 |
Kr4t05 | Bah... >< | 04:13 |
intelikey | Tobmeister please do your self and all the rest of us a favour. don't ask what is "best" it only starts fight. best is subjective and opeinionative. there are many 'good' apps but none can be called best. | 04:13 |
Tm_T | imo | 04:13 |
warpzone | Tobmeister: if you're using KDE then I'd stay konversation, its nice and easy | 04:13 |
warpzone | Tobmeister: I want to learn irssi just for fun though | 04:13 |
Tobmeister | konversation, is that packaged with KDE? | 04:13 |
Kr4t05 | I need to install libgtk2.0-dev but it drops me into dependancy hell. >< | 04:13 |
rylasasin | rylasasin@rylasasin-desktop:/dev$ sudo ./MAKEDEV audio | 04:13 |
rylasasin | rylasasin@rylasasin-desktop:/dev$ | 04:13 |
DaSkreech | Tobmeister: Alt+Space -> Konv -> Enter | 04:13 |
rylasasin | ... dunno if it did anything | 04:13 |
bobduhgeek | !find osborn | 04:14 |
rylasasin | didn't show an error or anything | 04:14 |
ubotu | Package/file osborn does not exist in dapper | 04:14 |
warpzone | rylasasin: it redid you audio device | 04:14 |
DaSkreech | Tobmeister: Press Alt+Space and type in Konv | 04:14 |
warpzone | *your | 04:14 |
rylasasin | oh | 04:14 |
bobduhgeek | oh | 04:14 |
warpzone | rylasasin: close and open firefox, see if it helped with the sound | 04:14 |
bobduhgeek | @find god | 04:14 |
Kr4t05 | bobduhgeek: please don't be an idiot. :) | 04:15 |
DaSkreech | bobduhgeek: Stop lpaying with the bot please | 04:15 |
warpzone | rylasasin: in worked for me, cept I still dont have sound in quicktime... that's a different fix :-P | 04:15 |
DaSkreech | playing | 04:15 |
bobduhgeek | @find joan osborn | 04:15 |
Kr4t05 | !paste | 04:15 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:15 |
Kr4t05 | bobduhgeek: Stop. | 04:16 |
=== NDPowerBook [n=ndpowerb@c-24-91-138-50.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bobduhgeek | why? | 04:16 |
intelikey | bob don't give geeks a bad name | 04:16 |
timpino | !java | 04:16 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 04:16 |
Kr4t05 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23699 <- My dependancy mess. | 04:16 |
bobduhgeek | oh this is sad... | 04:17 |
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rylasasin | no it didn't help | 04:17 |
rylasasin | but I did see a thing called uknown pluggin when I clicked on topw here it says missing plugigns requireed | 04:18 |
warpzone | rylasasin: lolol, okay, what plugin do you need? | 04:18 |
warpzone | rylasasin: I'm guessing flash? | 04:18 |
rylasasin | dunno I thought I got done installing that | 04:18 |
warpzone | If you click it will tell you what the plugin you need is | 04:19 |
rylasasin | it just went back to the page I was veiwing :( | 04:19 |
intelikey | Kr4t05 see if sudo apt-get install -f libgtkmm-2.4-dev will fix it. | 04:20 |
warpzone | rylasasin: hmm, what are you trying to do again, view video? | 04:20 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: no. Still whines about dependancies. >< | 04:20 |
intelikey | Kr4t05 then you have repos issues | 04:21 |
intelikey | !repos | 04:21 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 04:21 |
rylasasin | no hear audio (which on that site its mp3s sometimes wav at others, but mostly mp3s) | 04:21 |
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warpzone | rylasasin: usually the audio is played through a flash app, I believe | 04:22 |
warpzone | rylasasin: what guide did you follow to install flash? | 04:22 |
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rylasasin | the adobe one | 04:22 |
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LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: you ever install some stuff from a non-standard repository? ie - other than ubuntu? | 04:23 |
warpzone | rylasasin: ooooo yup there's the prob, I made the same mistake. I believe the ubuntu wiki has the correct guide for installing the flash plugin | 04:23 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: No. Just XGL/compiz, and some things from the PLF repos. | 04:23 |
Kr4t05 | I bet I hosed my entire install. >< | 04:24 |
Kr4t05 | Dammit. | 04:24 |
warpzone | rylasasin: but be aware it's only flash 7, when the current version is 9, so I wouldn't expect too much. Also sound in flash is slightly bunk anyways, might require a fix or too | 04:24 |
warpzone | *two | 04:24 |
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LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: that's what I meant - likely one of your libs was modified from one of those. I had a similar problem with the xgl stuff, then I went back to standard repos and had problems. | 04:24 |
rylasasin | so what should I do? | 04:24 |
Kr4t05 | I reset back to my original sources.list, and it gives me something different. | 04:24 |
warpzone | rylasasin: let me look up the guide for you, one second | 04:25 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: So, I can blame Quinn-Storm? | 04:25 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: You don't have any advice for me, do you? | 04:26 |
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flaccid | wtf is Rob? | 04:27 |
Kr4t05 | flaccid: lilo | 04:27 |
flaccid | he died? | 04:27 |
rylasasin | !winning at life | 04:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about winning at life - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:27 |
Kr4t05 | flaccid: yeah, biicycle accident. | 04:28 |
flaccid | dang | 04:28 |
warpzone | rylasain: here, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 04:28 |
Kr4t05 | He was hit by a car while out on his bike. | 04:28 |
rylasasin | now theres one for YTMND | 04:28 |
warpzone | rylasasin: scroll down till you see Flash for i386 | 04:28 |
flaccid | yay | 04:28 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: double check your repositories and make sure your dapper-updates are enabled. | 04:28 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: I did swith back to a vanilla sources.list I had lying around. | 04:29 |
warpzone | rylasasin: it shows how to enable sound and a bunch of other things you'll probably need. Wiki and forums are great places for info | 04:29 |
Tobmeister | great gottcha, don't ask whats best. Konversation, great! thanks | 04:29 |
LeeJunFan | the 2.8.17-1ubuntu5 came with dapper, the 2.8.10 is in updates. | 04:29 |
DaSkreech | >msg Christel Was he the founder of freenode? | 04:29 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: so what likely happened is your lib got updated, then your repos got updates removed, then you try to install dev and it can't find the right version from updates. | 04:30 |
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aytch | anyone know a goal-tracking program, similiar to http://joesgoals.com ? | 04:30 |
aytch | I'd prefer something local rather than web start-up-based. | 04:30 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: if you want - paste your sources list file. | 04:31 |
intelikey | Kr4t05 you did remember to update after the switch ? | 04:32 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: Yes, I'm not a total noobie. :P | 04:32 |
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Kr4t05 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23703 <- This is the source.list I had BEFORE the madness started. | 04:33 |
Kr4t05 | Kr4t05: It may be worth noting that parts of this list were insterted by easyubuntu | 04:33 |
Kr4t05 | Why did I just higlight myself? | 04:34 |
intelikey | Kr4t05 don't get all defencive, i wasn't calling you names. just trying to cover all the bases. | 04:34 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: I'm just joking. :P | 04:34 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: even in that one dapper-updates is missing universe and multiverse | 04:35 |
intelikey | deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main <<<--- eek | 04:35 |
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warpzone | hey, with linux and SSH, can I have multiple sessions under the same user name? Like say I want to remote login to my box, from another comp using this name, would I need to close this session first? | 04:36 |
LeeJunFan | warpzone: no | 04:37 |
LeeJunFan | warpzone: you can login multiple times | 04:37 |
Tm_T | warpzone: tell me if you ever hit session limit | 04:37 |
warpzone | LeeJunFan: okie thanks, having a hella time trying to do it | 04:37 |
Kr4t05 | Argh... | 04:37 |
Kr4t05 | Still no dice. | 04:37 |
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warpzone | Tm_T: just getting connection refused, trying to determine why | 04:38 |
intelikey | unless things have changed sense i was informed, debian (even though it is the upstreem distro) isn't fully compatable with ubuntu. it can indeed break things if you randomly install debian.deb's on a ubuntu system or vice-versa | 04:38 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: use cards instead | 04:38 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: what sources.list do you have now? | 04:38 |
Tm_T | intelikey: sure | 04:38 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: The one I pasted, with universe and multiverse added to dapper-updates | 04:38 |
Kr4t05 | warpzone: No, you should be able to have multiple sessions under the same user. | 04:39 |
Kr4t05 | Oh, I'm too slow. | 04:39 |
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Tm_T | warpzone: ok, sounds like you don't have ssh server running ;) | 04:40 |
intelikey | the number of sessions is configurable | 04:40 |
Tm_T | !ssh | 04:40 |
ubotu | ssh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 04:40 |
Tobmeister | does anyone know if there is an IRC for Nvu? | 04:40 |
DaSkreech | Tobmeister: Doubt it. You can ask on irc.mozilla.org | 04:40 |
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DaSkreech | hybrid: Coolie? | 04:41 |
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rylasasin | nope still no sounds | 04:41 |
rylasasin | http://hobocruisedoom.ytmnd.com/ like if you go here | 04:41 |
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rylasasin | you shoudl here a doom remix | 04:41 |
rylasasin | does anyone else not hear a doom remix? | 04:42 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: You just made me realize what I screwed up. | 04:42 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: Damn easycam. | 04:42 |
Kr4t05 | >< | 04:42 |
hybrid | yes | 04:42 |
Kr4t05 | I just got everything set up the way I like, and now I have to reinstall... | 04:42 |
Kr4t05 | I'm this close to pressing caps lock and venting... | 04:42 |
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intelikey | even a blind hog finds an acorn every now and then | 04:43 |
rylasasin | well I gtg | 04:43 |
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rylasasin | tell me how to get sound on here when I get back | 04:43 |
Kr4t05 | Man, now I want to cry. | 04:44 |
Kr4t05 | I have to reinstall, don't I? | 04:44 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: that line you changed in sources - it's -src. | 04:44 |
DaSkreech | ha ha I hear the doom remix :) | 04:44 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: it needs to have a line like deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main universe multiverse restricted | 04:44 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: No, I got both of them | 04:44 |
LeeJunFan | not deb-src | 04:44 |
LeeJunFan | oh, I didn't even see a non src in there. | 04:45 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: I'm not fucking blind, I got both of them. | 04:45 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: and you did update repos after editing it? | 04:45 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Wait... | 04:45 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: You were right. | 04:46 |
Tobmeister | caio all talk to you later | 04:46 |
warpzone | DaSkreech: hmm I defintely don't. need to work on that :-P | 04:46 |
Kr4t05 | !easysource | 04:47 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 04:47 |
warpzone | wooo remote login, now to try fowarding X | 04:48 |
llxcamxll | damn i missed it | 04:48 |
DaSkreech | !language > Kr4t05 | 04:49 |
llxcamxll | hey anyone know of a photo shop equivalent besides gimp | 04:49 |
intelikey | hmmm i was about to do something silly, and useless; someone talk me out of it, i was about to install a kernel | 04:49 |
Kr4t05 | DaSkreech: Spamming me won't make me any more cheerful. | 04:50 |
DaSkreech | intelikey: Don't | 04:50 |
warpzone | llxcamxll: can try paintshop through wine, thats really it | 04:50 |
intelikey | ty DaSkreech | 04:50 |
llxcamxll | ok | 04:50 |
intelikey | i'm good now. | 04:50 |
USlvlC | i read one place how to install compiz with kde | 04:51 |
USlvlC | and another that u cant do that | 04:51 |
USlvlC | i think i beleive the latter cuz im just F$#!ed | 04:51 |
DaSkreech | USlvlC: Was it older than a day? | 04:51 |
LeeJunFan | USlvlC: they are both kind of right. | 04:51 |
USlvlC | yep | 04:51 |
DaSkreech | Then they are both out of date :) | 04:52 |
LeeJunFan | USlvlC: kde-window-decorations don't work with compiz, you have to use gnome-window-decorations. | 04:52 |
intelikey | yeah out of date.... 101 | 04:52 |
llxcamxll | so like if i get wine can i install photoshop under that? | 04:52 |
USlvlC | oh im way out of date i know that | 04:52 |
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intelikey | llxcamxll i don't think wine supports ps but you can check. someone else can confirm or refute. | 04:53 |
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intelikey | cedega maybe | 04:53 |
USlvlC | so compiz is a window manager on its own....dont try to put it on top of kde | 04:54 |
llxcamxll | hmmm, i really don't want photo shop, just an equivalent, like gimp is good but i want something a bit better | 04:54 |
DaSkreech | LeeJunFan: Argh we need to promote http://www.kde-look.org/news/index.php?id=236 | 04:54 |
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intelikey | yeah i always wanted something a little less 'good' than gimp. somethin about half way between gimp and kpaint/xpaint | 04:55 |
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Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: source-o-matic may have brought me back from the edge of oblivion. | 04:56 |
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Kr4t05 | I was this close to using my Windows CD. *shudders* | 04:56 |
warpzone | hmm that was an adventure, think I'll leave X forwarding for another night :-P | 04:56 |
llxcamxll | a gimp/photoshop combination is what i'm after | 04:56 |
Kr4t05 | !info gimpshop | 04:57 |
DaSkreech | gimpshop? | 04:57 |
ubotu | Package gimpshop does not exist in any distro I know | 04:57 |
Kr4t05 | Hrm... | 04:57 |
Kr4t05 | Not in repos. | 04:57 |
intelikey | kr4t05 dont speek such blasphemous words in here.... | 04:57 |
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ep | Media streaming in firefox, do you guys recomend totem-zine or totem-gstreamer or something else? Also does konqueror do movie clips? | 04:57 |
llxcamxll | less gimp, more photoshop | 04:57 |
llxcamxll | use vlc | 04:57 |
Kr4t05 | llxcamxll: Wine and Photoshop. | 04:57 |
intelikey | Kr4t05 will it run in wine ? | 04:57 |
warpzone | does photoshop run in wine? last I heard you couldnt get through the install even | 04:58 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: Hrm... | 04:58 |
Kr4t05 | VMware | 04:58 |
warpzone | paintshop, however, is known to work | 04:58 |
llxcamxll | yeah but no guarantee's, and like running big time images under an emulator | 04:58 |
Kr4t05 | I repeat myself, VMware | 04:58 |
Tm_T | gimp <3 | 04:58 |
warpzone | could always remote into a windows machine | 04:59 |
llxcamxll | fuck that | 04:59 |
llxcamxll | vmware | 04:59 |
llxcamxll | too much effort | 04:59 |
Kr4t05 | llxcamxll: it's really not that hard | 04:59 |
warpzone | tut tut such language, could be kids on board | 04:59 |
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llxcamxll | hmm, sceptical | 04:59 |
Hawkwind | !language | 05:00 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 05:00 |
Tm_T | :) | 05:00 |
Kr4t05 | And, it's worth the effort, I use it for my webcam and certain other items. | 05:00 |
Tm_T | family/op friendly | 05:00 |
llxcamxll | i feel like an as***** | 05:00 |
Tm_T | llxcamxll: come on | 05:00 |
Hawkwind | llxcamxll: Please stop even with the substitutions | 05:00 |
llxcamxll | lol | 05:00 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: I use webcam in linux | 05:00 |
llxcamxll | ok | 05:00 |
llxcamxll | i feel like the effluent of australian society | 05:01 |
Tm_T | haha | 05:01 |
Kr4t05 | Tm_T: Sadly, my mutant model of the Logitech QuickCam Express/Go is not supported by spca5xx. | 05:01 |
warpzone | Kr4t05: you can use VMware to run your cam? I may have to do that. Or yknow, go buy a supported one. | 05:01 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: :p | 05:01 |
warpzone | Yeah I have two generic webcams, both slight deviations from the supported models but still no dice using spca5xx | 05:01 |
Kr4t05 | warpzone: I bought this cam thinking it was supported, but the ProductID is off by one character. This makes enough of a difference that v4l and the like don't even look at it. | 05:02 |
llxcamxll | so with this vmware can i just install it then put in the photo shop cd and bob's your uncle?? | 05:02 |
Tm_T | llxcamxll: no, you need OS | 05:02 |
llxcamxll | yeah see bash that | 05:02 |
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Kr4t05 | llxcamxll: You'll need a working/legal copy of Windows XP / Mac OS X | 05:02 |
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llxcamxll | anything slightly better than gimp | 05:02 |
Tm_T | haha | 05:02 |
Tm_T | I love gimp and inkscape | 05:02 |
llxcamxll | thats all i need | 05:03 |
Kr4t05 | llxcamxll: If not... than I suggest www.gimp.com/tutorials | 05:03 |
intelikey | purchase open source supported/compatable hardware ? but linux supports more hardware than any other os in existance. | 05:03 |
warpzone | I like gimp, its just not for professional jobs yet | 05:03 |
Tm_T | intelikey: well, but not many hw manufacturer support linux ;) | 05:03 |
llxcamxll | tmt what sorta limitations do you find in gimp | 05:03 |
Tm_T | llxcamxll: many, but I work around | 05:03 |
Tm_T | I never used photoshop, never had money nor need to buy it | 05:04 |
llxcamxll | ah ok | 05:04 |
intelikey | Tm_T only because there is no kick back from linux | 05:04 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: It's not easy when you know that if you ask the folks at your local Wal*mart they will stare blankly and tell you that you're on your own. | 05:04 |
warpzone | Kr4t05: does the VMware + cam combo bring your system to a halt? Sounds like a RAM eater | 05:04 |
Kr4t05 | warpzone: Not at all. | 05:04 |
intelikey | Kr4t05 do your home work before you go to the store | 05:04 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: you could get that same look from a wal-mart associate if you asked them to find their own rear end. | 05:04 |
warpzone | hahaha | 05:05 |
Kr4t05 | inteli | 05:05 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: I DID | 05:05 |
scast | can you run OS X from VMWare? | 05:05 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: I'm not a two-year old. | 05:05 |
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hsys | XD | 05:05 |
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intelikey | Kr4t05 then why are you asking a shelf stocker about high tech info ? | 05:06 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: I didn't. | 05:06 |
ep | krita is getting better | 05:06 |
Kr4t05 | I was saying that I knew better than to. | 05:06 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: keep up with the conversation, or stay out. | 05:06 |
Kr4t05 | Thanks. | 05:06 |
Kr4t05 | Ok... | 05:08 |
intelikey | "<Kr4t05> intelikey: It's not easy when you know that if you ask the folks at your local Wal*mart they will stare blankly and tell you that you're on your own." that seemed to be in answer to "<intelikey> purchase open source supported/compatable hardware ? but linux supports more hardware than any other os in existance." i'm not sure who's behind... | 05:08 |
Tm_T | ep: yes, I test it often | 05:08 |
Tm_T | ep: still don't end up to my workhorse though | 05:08 |
intelikey | doesn't matter though | 05:09 |
Kr4t05 | intelikey: I purchased the hardware with the idea that it would be supported. However, the 'wonderful' and 'dedicated' ubuntu community hasn't updated the wiki pages in 2 years. | 05:09 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: ok, did you update it? | 05:10 |
Kr4t05 | Tm_T: Why should I? I'm just a noob. | 05:10 |
Tm_T | fair enough | 05:10 |
Tm_T | http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/current-temp.png | 05:10 |
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Tm_T | there's some of latest wallpaper work | 05:11 |
travis | YES | 05:11 |
travis | this is tbay | 05:11 |
LeeJunFan | It may suck but each OS has it's limitations, just like you wouldn't expect a honda civic to go thru 4 feet of snow, you can't expect Linux to run wal-mart software. | 05:11 |
travis | i got it to work | 05:11 |
travis | i am a GENIUS! lol not really, i am happy i have linux now | 05:11 |
Kr4t05 | L | 05:11 |
Tm_T | travis: ok | 05:11 |
travis | haha, wow, the IRC chat is much simpilar on Linux then it is on mIRC | 05:12 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Doesn't load FWIW | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Look, let's stop this. The point, is, it works, in a round-about fashion. | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | Back to the source of my frustration. | 05:12 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: ? | 05:12 |
travis | hmmm, do i need to do sudo commands to mount my fat32 partition? | 05:12 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: I've (hopefully) pinned the problem on one single package. | 05:12 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Didn't load Cameup as ASCII | 05:13 |
intelikey | mount needs either root access or settings in fstab users, | 05:13 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: well, works here just fine, hmm | 05:13 |
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Tm_T | DaSkreech: does current.png load fine? | 05:13 |
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intelikey | travis normally people setup fstab to auto mount all hhd stuff | 05:14 |
DaSkreech | LEts try | 05:14 |
Tm_T | thanks | 05:14 |
travis | im not to sure how to set it up to make it automount | 05:14 |
Tm_T | !mount | 05:14 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks | 05:14 |
DaSkreech | Yup | 05:15 |
travis | i am an idiot when it comes to figuring out linux, well a newbie | 05:15 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: it works? | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | Let's try -temp again | 05:15 |
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Tm_T | travis: have you searched from help.ubuntu.com? | 05:15 |
DaSkreech | Ahhh Moodbar :) | 05:15 |
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travis | yeah i guess i will do that, i am running kubuntu though | 05:16 |
Kr4t05 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23707 <- I think I might be getting closer. >< | 05:16 |
intelikey | travis if you want to pastebin the output of `ls /media && sudo fdisk -l && mount ` i'll see what i can do for you. | 05:16 |
intelikey | !paste | 05:16 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 05:16 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: What's the thingy at the right ? | 05:16 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: upper right? conky and kicker | 05:17 |
travis | nah, i will read up on how to mount drives, easier if i learn the hard way :-) | 05:17 |
intelikey | suit your self. | 05:17 |
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Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: did you get my pastebin? | 05:18 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Which one are we talking about? :) | 05:18 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: I don't know, should be same in both | 05:18 |
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intelikey | if you are going to learn how. i sujest you do ` man mount ;man fstab ` | 05:18 |
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travis | alright | 05:19 |
DaSkreech | uptime etc are Konqueror? | 05:19 |
Kr4t05 | This makes me feel ignorant. | 05:19 |
travis | i just have one quick question, Fat13 is compatible with windows xp, i thought i read somewhere its compatible with linux also | 05:19 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: one of those non standard repos must have libgtk2.0-dev in it. try apt-cache showpkg libgtk2.0-dev and see where it says it's getting that package. | 05:19 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: conky | 05:19 |
intelikey | travis fat13 ? | 05:19 |
travis | errr fat 32 | 05:20 |
travis | sorry | 05:20 |
intelikey | travis fat32 is linux supported | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Haha I always thought that conky was a bastard spelling of Konqui | 05:20 |
travis | ok just making sure | 05:20 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: =) | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | I've been missing out | 05:20 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Should I pastebin the output? | 05:20 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Alright what about the kopete signals in the lower right? | 05:20 |
travis | thanks intelikey :-) | 05:20 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: probably only need the top 10 or so lines. under Versions: | 05:21 |
intelikey | travis np. | 05:21 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: don't need the reverse depends. | 05:21 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: kopete desklist plugin | 05:21 |
Kr4t05 | LeOh.. Too late. | 05:21 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Oh.. Too late. | 05:21 |
intelikey | travis you can ask if you need help later on. | 05:21 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Where from? | 05:22 |
travis | i will, i just got kubuntu installed, so i just wanna mess around for awhile | 05:22 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23708 | 05:22 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: http://kopete.kde.org/ <- left, "plugins (unofficial) | 05:22 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: okay, so that package is fine now. It's the 2 other ones we need to tackle. | 05:23 |
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DaSkreech | Argh I need to do work. See this is why I don't run e | 05:23 |
Tm_T | =) | 05:24 |
DaSkreech | No Debs eh? | 05:24 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: try apt-get install libxcursor-dev libxfixes-dev | 05:24 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: I don't know why it's not installing those. | 05:25 |
Kr4t05 | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 05:25 |
Kr4t05 | libxfixes-dev: Depends: libxfixes3 (= 1: but 1:4.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed | 05:25 |
Kr4t05 | Bingo | 05:25 |
Kr4t05 | Anyway I could downgrade libxfixes3 to the needed version? | 05:26 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: no debs | 05:26 |
Tm_T | I could do, but I don't | 05:26 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: See above. | 05:27 |
intelikey | brb | 05:27 |
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LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: apt-get install libxfixes3=1: | 05:29 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: E: Version '1:' for 'libxfixes3' was not found | 05:31 |
Kr4t05 | :< | 05:31 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Where do Plugins go? | 05:32 |
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Tm_T | DaSkreech: what you mean | 05:32 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23710 <- here's the showpkg for libxfixes3 | 05:33 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: I presume you remembered to do "apt-get update" after every sources.list change | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | Well I'm guessing they have to go somewhere for kopete to pick up on it? So I can enable it? | 05:33 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: there's something more to it - I've got V 4.0-0 on mine, and I have libgtk2.0-dev w/o any problems. | 05:33 |
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Tm_T | DaSkreech: aye, in contact list window, settings -> configure plugins | 05:34 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: So once I compile it just turns up there? | 05:34 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: I notice some 404 errors when doing apt-get update | 05:35 |
Tm_T | yes, after restart of kopete I think | 05:35 |
Tm_T | and? | 05:35 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: I can tell you it's the X update crap from the compiz that's screwing it up. | 05:35 |
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Tm_T | =) | 05:36 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: I'll put the compiz repos in and see if that helps | 05:36 |
xithilinx | Does anyone know what's wrong with my kubuntu I've installed it via alternative install because it's the only one that works, and when It boots up kubuntu it says all of the information on the bottem saying ok, than goes to the next screen with the kubuntu logo bar and just hangs there doing nothing | 05:36 |
xithilinx | anyone got any idea? | 05:36 |
xithilinx | because it's been giving me hell all day | 05:37 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: I'm saying that it was putting the compiz version of X on your machine that screwed it up, the ubuntu libs for some X dev stuff aren't compatible. I had problems getting libgtk-dev on mine too until I reverted to standard X from ubuntu. | 05:37 |
LeeJunFan | I just now remembered it was the exact package I had problems with :p | 05:37 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: And I do this how? | 05:37 |
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xithilinx | no one? | 05:38 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Which one? | 05:38 |
Flarp | hi. i am looking for a web site ripper similar to httrack | 05:38 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: libgtk2.0-dev | 05:38 |
Flarp | for kde | 05:38 |
Kr4t05 | Flarp: man wget | 05:38 |
Flarp | !siterip | 05:38 |
xithilinx | great | 05:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about siterip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:38 |
xithilinx | support irc and forum gives me no response | 05:38 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: -.- | 05:38 |
xithilinx | fantastic | 05:38 |
travis | w00t! I mounted my fat32 partition and the file opens up in kubuntu, ok now i am set :-) sooo happy | 05:38 |
travis | thank you ubuntu team for making such a great OS | 05:38 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: So, how do I revert to stardard X? | 05:38 |
USlvlC | agreed great os | 05:39 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: firstly remove the compiz source, then apt-get install xserver-xorg=7.0.0-0ubuntu45 | 05:39 |
xithilinx | not when you can't even fucking get it working | 05:39 |
Kr4t05 | travis: wait 5 weeks, and you won't be singing such praises. | 05:39 |
LeeJunFan | oh, and do apt-get update after removing compiz sources. | 05:39 |
travis | heh why? | 05:39 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: I hope this works. | 05:39 |
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travis | don't tell me they have a new version coming out or something? | 05:39 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: me too. I know I got a bit frustrated tracking down why when I had the problem too. | 05:40 |
travis | that i will need to reinstall | 05:40 |
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Kr4t05 | travis: No. | 05:40 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Where is the path to KDE? | 05:40 |
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Kr4t05 | travis: It's just that it can be easy to screw things up if you don't pay attention to what you're doing. | 05:40 |
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Kr4t05 | travis: Yes, there is a new version coming out, but you can install the new version over top of the old one easily. :) | 05:41 |
travis | yeah, i know, i had regular Ubuntu system up and some things were getting screwed | 05:41 |
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Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: xserver-xorg is already the newest version. | 05:42 |
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Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Ping | 05:43 |
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Kr4t05 | Ugh, regardless of whether or not this is finished, I'm going to bed at 12. -.- | 05:45 |
Kr4t05 | I may just go back to Windows in the morning. This experience has taught me that I'm too dull for a real OS. | 05:46 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: /usr, use --prefix=`kde-config --prefix` | 05:46 |
Kr4t05 | I've broken Fedora, Debian, and FreeBSD within two weeks. Now, I can add Kubuntu to my list of distros I suck at. | 05:46 |
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Tm_T | Kr4t05: =) | 05:47 |
pierreth | abattoir: ? | 05:47 |
Kr4t05 | Tm_T: You're rather skilled at words. | 05:47 |
Tm_T | I think abattoir is sleeping | 05:47 |
=== KaiHanari [i=kaihanar@stjhnf01-22-142163031151.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pierreth | Tm_T: be may, he is in France I think | 05:48 |
USlvlC | ill say thin i am a noob trying to make the move from M$ to linux permanently... | 05:48 |
USlvlC | ..kubuntu succeeded wher debian failed | 05:48 |
Tm_T | :) | 05:48 |
Tm_T | I love Kubuntu | 05:48 |
=== USlvlC high fives kubuntu crew | ||
pierreth | Tm_T: i am moving from the mac | 05:49 |
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Kr4t05 | USlvlC: You would be a great addition if you took a look at Aspell. | 05:49 |
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Tm_T | USlvlC: I thank for all of us | 05:49 |
pierreth | Tm_T: but i am missing something like Visio with Linux | 05:49 |
USlvlC | heheh | 05:49 |
Tm_T | pierreth: what is visio? | 05:49 |
pierreth | Tm_T: a drawing program to make diagram | 05:50 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: sry, had a small emergency here. | 05:50 |
Jucato | wah | 05:50 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Eek. | 05:50 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: use $(kde-config --prefix) :) | 05:50 |
Tm_T | pierreth: aah, you mean like kplot? | 05:50 |
pierreth | Tm_T: I'll have to buy Windows | 05:50 |
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Jucato | Tm_T: like Kivio | 05:50 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: naah | 05:50 |
Tm_T | Jucato: yes :) | 05:50 |
DaSkreech | ah ha WHats the QT headers called? | 05:50 |
pierreth | Tm_T: like Kivio | 05:50 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: YOu have bot powas! | 05:50 |
Jucato | I do? | 05:51 |
pierreth | Tm_T: Linux fails to replace my Mac | 05:51 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: So I'm told | 05:51 |
Tm_T | pierreth: in what | 05:51 |
Jucato | lol :) | 05:51 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: misleaded poor fellow you are | 05:51 |
pierreth | Tm_T: I don't have a program like visio on Linux | 05:51 |
Jucato | Tm_T: actually he's correct (about the bot powers thingy) | 05:52 |
Tm_T | pierreth: like Kivio? so what's wrong in Kivio | 05:52 |
pierreth | Tm_T: The missing link | 05:52 |
Tm_T | Jucato: ;) | 05:52 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: Have you tried to change a Bot response? | 05:52 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Everything okay? | 05:52 |
Tm_T | pierreth: link? | 05:52 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: yeah. | 05:52 |
Jucato | hm... one. for the Automatix response (added link to their homepage | 05:52 |
Jucato | ) | 05:52 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: trying to get back on track :) | 05:52 |
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pierreth | Tm_T: The missing peace if you prefer | 05:52 |
Tm_T | still don't get it, sorry | 05:53 |
Tm_T | but I haven't slept so... :) | 05:53 |
pierreth | Tm_T: Linux is still poor by comparaison to Mac or Windows | 05:53 |
pierreth | Tm_T: There is not enough software available | 05:53 |
Jucato | just because Visio doesn't run on Linux... | 05:53 |
pierreth | Jucato: Visio or something to replace it | 05:54 |
USlvlC | wow | 05:54 |
Tm_T | pierreth: hmm, that's hard words, might be true with you, but to me it's only usable choice | 05:54 |
Jucato | pierreth: isn't Kivio "something" to replace it? | 05:54 |
pierreth | Tm_T: i depends what you do | 05:54 |
pierreth | Jucato: Kivio is a very very poor replacement | 05:54 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: xserver-xorg is already the newest version. | 05:54 |
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Kr4t05 | That's all that's happened since you left. | 05:54 |
Tm_T | pierreth: yup | 05:55 |
josh_ | emergency help | 05:55 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: so what were those errors with apt-get update? | 05:55 |
Jucato | I guess if you compare it to Visio. it's not suposed to be a clone | 05:55 |
Kr4t05 | Tm_T: It couldn't touch the PLF server, for some reason. | 05:55 |
pierreth | i don't care about visio, i just want something to do the job | 05:55 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: I see | 05:56 |
josh_ | in order to type i have to hold each key for a second | 05:56 |
Tm_T | josh_: wireless keyb? | 05:56 |
josh_ | help me fix this | 05:56 |
josh_ | no | 05:56 |
Tm_T | I see | 05:56 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: what about apt-get install libxfixes-dev ? I don't think we tried that AFTER updating your sources. | 05:56 |
pierreth | may be i just continue the work on Kivio to have a tool i can really use | 05:57 |
josh_ | randomly happened | 05:57 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: still the same errors. | 05:57 |
josh_ | any way to reset keyboard/ | 05:58 |
pierreth | What's bad about Linux is the fact that PC shops are selling Windows machines | 05:58 |
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josh_ | YAY!!! | 05:58 |
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josh_ | i fixed it | 05:58 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: SUCCESS!! | 05:58 |
josh_ | its cuz i held down shift too long one time | 05:58 |
pierreth | What asking for a Linux machine, they don't know about it | 05:59 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: you install libxfixes3? | 05:59 |
Tm_T | pierreth: amen :( | 05:59 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Yeah, I managed to downgrade after an update. | 05:59 |
Tm_T | pierreth: actually I'm intended to go harrass some salesmen next week ;--P | 05:59 |
Tm_T | just to see how little they know about what they're selling | 06:00 |
pierreth | Tm_T: I should start a Linux/BSD computer store | 06:00 |
pierreth | Tm_T: Welcome to Liberty computer store! | 06:00 |
rcmn | pierreth:yes u should | 06:00 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: YES! Thanks for sticking with me! I got it all fixed! | 06:00 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: cool - you got libgtk2.0-dev installed then? | 06:01 |
Kr4t05 | pierreth: You stole my idea! COPYRIGHT VIOLATION! | 06:01 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Installing now. :) | 06:01 |
Jucato | er... actually it's more of an IP violation :P | 06:01 |
pierreth | Helping you getting away of Windows with free softwaire | 06:01 |
Kr4t05 | Thank God, it all works again. | 06:02 |
LeeJunFan | Curing your diseased computer. | 06:02 |
pierreth | Kr4t05: Just join me | 06:02 |
Tm_T | pierreth: :) | 06:02 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: So no bot powas for you? | 06:02 |
Kr4t05 | pierreth: I'll start an East US branch, and you can start one where ever you live. | 06:02 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: I do. I just don't use it a lot | 06:02 |
Kr4t05 | I may start mine in downtown Pitt. | 06:02 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: I can set on some bot powers if you need to have | 06:02 |
DaSkreech | Ah so why don't you clean up !ph ? | 06:02 |
pierreth | Kr4t05: I am in Canada | 06:03 |
LeeJunFan | Kr4t05: and what's cooler is what you learned today by not just re-installing. Now you know how to track deps problems :) | 06:03 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: because our LoCo team leader doesn't want me to | 06:03 |
pierreth | Kr4t05: Just in front of the AppleStore | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: Seriously? | 06:03 |
Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: Stop being a muppet. | 06:03 |
Jucato | dead serious | 06:03 |
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Kr4t05 | LeeJunFan: This isn't Sesame Street! There is no moral to the story! | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | Have you tried taking away the mushrooms? | 06:03 |
Jucato | mushrooms? | 06:04 |
Kr4t05 | There. | 06:04 |
Kr4t05 | A compile job that was supposed to take 20 minutes took 3 hours. | 06:04 |
Tm_T | Kr4t05: I will compile all this day | 06:04 |
Tm_T | and still have a great chance to not sucseed | 06:05 |
Tm_T | if that makes you feel any better ;) | 06:05 |
Tm_T | oh I love colours of cmake | 06:06 |
DaSkreech | Jucato: What ever drugs he may be taking | 06:06 |
Jucato | lol | 06:06 |
Kr4t05 | What makes it even more rewarding is that the code doesn't even compile. >< | 06:07 |
Kr4t05 | Oh well... | 06:07 |
Kr4t05 | Atleast I can go to bed. | 06:07 |
=== Laser123454321 [n=laser123@72-48-29-55.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | =) | 06:08 |
DaSkreech | Is there a libqt3-mt-headers? | 06:08 |
Jucato | yes | 06:09 |
Jucato | er now | 06:09 |
Jucato | I meant, no | 06:09 |
DaSkreech | Argh | 06:09 |
DaSkreech | libqt3-mt-dev breaks | 06:09 |
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=== DaSkreech kicks the desklisy plugin | ||
Tm_T | =) | 06:11 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: what's the problem | 06:11 |
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DaSkreech | It's looking for qt-mt libs | 06:13 |
Tm_T | and? | 06:13 |
DaSkreech | Well I tried to install libqt3-mt-dev and it broke | 06:13 |
DaSkreech | Not sure why | 06:13 |
Tm_T | how | 06:13 |
DaSkreech | It says BREAK in big red letters :) | 06:13 |
Tm_T | err | 06:14 |
Tm_T | do "apt-get install libqt3-mt-dev" | 06:14 |
Tm_T | sounds like you use adept or some other gui app | 06:15 |
Tm_T | s/you use/you're using/ | 06:15 |
DaSkreech | Yeah but it normally says that for some reason I find out about later after I install it :( | 06:15 |
Jucato | DaSkreech: what error messages do you get if you try installing it using apt-get? | 06:15 |
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Jucato | (apt-get is more talkative in that sense :P) | 06:15 |
Tm_T | Jucato: see what I asked before | 06:16 |
Jucato | lol | 06:16 |
DaSkreech | xlibmesa-gl-dev but it is not installable | 06:16 |
Tm_T | damn, you're lika abattoir, repeating me like some parrot | 06:16 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: let me see | 06:16 |
Jucato | switching between rooms every 5 seconds blurs my vision :P | 06:16 |
Tm_T | Jucato: move faster then | 06:17 |
Jucato | my hands move faster, my eyes don't follo | 06:17 |
Jucato | s/follo/follow | 06:17 |
Jucato | having only slept for about 3.5 hours doesn't help either :P | 06:17 |
Tm_T | Jucato: no sleep here | 06:17 |
Jucato | ok, I'll stop complaining then :P | 06:18 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: that's weird, ok, forget those packages, do "apt-get build-dep kopete" | 06:18 |
Tm_T | I'm interested to see if it can be replaced by other package | 06:18 |
Tm_T | broken dependency doesn't make much sense to me | 06:19 |
DaSkreech | Build-dependencies for kopete could not be satisfied | 06:19 |
Laser123454321 | does apt-get install build-essential | 06:19 |
Laser123454321 | not work | 06:19 |
DaSkreech | !b-e | 06:19 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 06:19 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: aah, libgl-dev | 06:20 |
DaSkreech | That satisfies the x-gl-dev? | 06:20 |
Tm_T | should | 06:20 |
Tm_T | stupid packages | 06:20 |
Laser123454321 | yeah read it | 06:21 |
echo1 | How does one add links in the "Menu of Important System Places?" I can't find the config file or anything for it... | 06:21 |
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Laser123454321 | Im trying to install VMware-tools and im at the ./VMware-config-tools.pl stage and its asking where make is | 06:22 |
abattoir | Tm_T: we're so impressed by your words of wisdom that we cant help but keep on repeating what you say :) | 06:22 |
abattoir | Tm_T: and no... that doesnt mean you have attained 'Idol status' yet... | 06:22 |
abattoir | :P | 06:22 |
LeeJunFan | Laser123454321: then build-essential isn't installed, and yes it's available. might need to update your /etc/apt/sources.list to include universe. | 06:22 |
LeeJunFan | !repos | 06:22 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 06:23 |
Tm_T | abattoir: bah | 06:23 |
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Tm_T | abattoir: and moin moin :) | 06:23 |
abattoir | Tm_T: 'morning :) | 06:23 |
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Jucato | hi abattoir :) | 06:23 |
Tm_T | compiling KDE is fun | 06:23 |
DaSkreech | libgl1-mesa-dev: Depends: mesa-common-dev (= 6.4.1-0ubuntu8) but 6.5.1+cvs20060815 is to be installed | 06:23 |
lars30 | anyone had any trouble with GDM after installing NVidia Drivers? | 06:23 |
DaSkreech | Laser123454321: apt-get install build-essentials ? | 06:24 |
lars30 | I can run X off the new vid card just fine... | 06:24 |
lars30 | but I can't get GDM to run. | 06:24 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: mesa? err | 06:24 |
lars30 | API mismatch error.. on nvidia driver versions? | 06:24 |
LeeJunFan | DaSkreech: no s on essential[s] | 06:24 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: Don't ask it kept asking to be more specific until it broke again | 06:24 |
lars30 | dunno why it works with startx though | 06:24 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: that's interesting | 06:25 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: How did you get this thing installed? | 06:25 |
DaSkreech | A while back I'm guessing? | 06:26 |
Laser123454321 | wow not even my restricted repository was enabled | 06:26 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: well, I untarred, configured, compiled, installed, used | 06:26 |
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Tm_T | no dependency problems at all | 06:26 |
DaSkreech | Damn you Tm_T That's all I have to say | 06:27 |
Laser123454321 | you know theres a problem when main restricted is disabled | 06:27 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: there's something funny going on there | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | Yeah. I know shame I wrote the punch line | 06:27 |
Tm_T | what punch? ;) | 06:28 |
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Tm_T | DaSkreech: busy? | 06:28 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: trying to be I can Alt+Tab though | 06:28 |
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Tm_T | I mean, if you have time, I could try to track those issues with you | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | I know that's what I mean as well | 06:29 |
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Tm_T | :) | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | Currently it's telling me that the version to be installed it too high I think | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | Should I just pastebin my sources now since I know that will eventually be what we are going to do? | 06:30 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: let's roll back to root of this problem, what exactly is missing from configure now? | 06:30 |
Tm_T | man, compilind KDE4 base takes some time =) | 06:31 |
Tm_T | I really need faster processor | 06:31 |
Jucato | whoa.... KDE4 :P | 06:31 |
DaSkreech | 266 Mhz? | 06:31 |
Tm_T | 2100 MHz AMD, but still | 06:32 |
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Tm_T | Jucato: yes ;) | 06:33 |
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LeeJunFan | Tm_T: I could rent you some CPU time on a server with dual AMD Opteron's :p | 06:33 |
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fatejudger | which VMWare program do I need if I wish to emulate Windows inside of Linux | 06:33 |
DaSkreech | Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (library qt-mt) not found. | 06:33 |
fatejudger | it's damn near impossible to download legal music in Linux | 06:33 |
Laser123454321 | whats the kernal headers package called? | 06:33 |
LeeJunFan | fatejudger: just vmware server for linux. | 06:33 |
DaSkreech | fatejudger: e-music :) | 06:34 |
Tm_T | LeeJunFan: I thought to do same with this shell/web server ] ;= | 06:34 |
fatejudger | LeeJunFan: I didn't see a package for that in the repos | 06:34 |
LeeJunFan | fatejudger: it's not - you have to go to vmware.com and get it. | 06:34 |
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DaSkreech | Tm_T: want the error from config.log? | 06:34 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: yes please | 06:34 |
fatejudger | DaSkreech: I want unlimited downloads | 06:34 |
fatejudger | DaSkreech: and good quality music, as in 192 kbps or higher mp3s | 06:35 |
hastesaver | Does anyone know the reason for "qstring_to_xtp result code -2" errors/warnings? | 06:35 |
phreq | I having a problem, I can copy and paste accented characters into KDE programs fine, but I can use any keyboard layout that would allow me to input accented characters directly--has anyone else had this problem? | 06:35 |
fatejudger | LeeJunFan: you haven't heard of any third party repos that have it? | 06:35 |
phreq | but I can't, rather. | 06:35 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: actually, to have clear chat, should we go private? | 06:35 |
LeeJunFan | fatejudger: no, but it's pretty simple to install. | 06:36 |
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LeeJunFan | fatejudger: just get the tarball, tar xfvz [filename] , cd vmware-distrib and run the install script in there. | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23712 | 06:36 |
fatejudger | LeeJunFan: I'm sure it's easy, I just like having everything packaged neatly by apt | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | Naw here is fine | 06:36 |
Tm_T | ok | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | Tm_T: I'l just remember nick completion | 06:36 |
Tm_T | DaSkreech: well, still lot of noise ;) | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | If you prefer that's ok as well :) | 06:37 |
Tm_T | ok, to me it's clearer | 06:38 |
LeeJunFan | fatejudger: I am surprized they don't have it in a deb considering the popularity of both ubuntu and debian. They have rpm's for the whole 200 people who use an rpm based system. hehe | 06:38 |
davebgimp | Anyone know what I have to type on a command terminal to find out what version of kernel I'm currently using? | 06:38 |
LeeJunFan | davebgimp: uname -r | 06:38 |
fatejudger | LeeJunFan: yeah, Ubuntu is definitely the distro of choice right now | 06:39 |
davebgimp | LeeJunFan: Perfect, thank you | 06:39 |
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Laser123454321 | hey my current kernel is 2.6.15-26-386, where can i find headers for that | 06:42 |
Laser123454321 | wow nobody? | 06:43 |
hastesaver | Laser123454321, install the package linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 | 06:43 |
LeeJunFan | !headers | 06:43 |
ubotu | To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages | 06:43 |
Laser123454321 | couldnt find linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 | 06:43 |
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LeeJunFan | Laser123454321: it should - they are in main. | 06:44 |
Laser123454321 | main restricted? | 06:44 |
LeeJunFan | main | 06:44 |
Jucato | in dapper-security main | 06:44 |
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LeeJunFan | the space separates different pools | 06:45 |
Laser123454321 | AH HA | 06:45 |
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logan1 | hmm piza | 06:47 |
Laser123454321 | yeah those towers can be quite delicious | 06:47 |
logan1 | nice ubuntu wallpaper -> http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=45764 | 06:47 |
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logan1 | bit weird too | 06:48 |
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Linux_Galore | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY chatmad | 06:51 |
Linux_Galore | hmm | 06:51 |
abattoir | Linux_Galore: might have left a space before /msg | 06:51 |
fignew | hate when that happens :( | 06:52 |
LeeJunFan | or 2 /'s | 06:52 |
abattoir | Linux_Galore: better change your p/d soon :P | 06:52 |
Jucato | heh | 06:52 |
fignew | soon meaning right now, right ;) | 06:53 |
LeeJunFan | I did that with my user sysem password once into IRC. Thought the ssh session had focus... hehe | 06:53 |
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Linux_Galore | pfft | 06:53 |
Linux_Galore | stupid server | 06:53 |
flaccid | !openvpn | 06:54 |
ubotu | openvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-1 (dapper), package size 310 kB, installed size 940 kB | 06:54 |
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flaccid | !vpn | 06:54 |
ubotu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 06:54 |
flaccid | how do i get the openvpn wiki page ? | 06:54 |
LeeJunFan | better than typing ifdown eth0 in a shell thinking it's your local machine only to realize it WAS an ssh session to a server 70 miles away. :( | 06:54 |
fignew | doh! | 06:56 |
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obf213 | i have a shell script that was messing up my shutdown. K10Halt, so i opened up konqueror and dleted it. | 07:01 |
obf213 | but somehow it came back again | 07:02 |
obf213 | how do i get rid of it for good | 07:02 |
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adamant1988 | hello all | 07:02 |
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adamant1988 | I ran "sudo aptitude -f install kubuntu-desktop" BUT I was given this error. The following packages have unmet dependencies: language-selector-qt: Depends: language-selector-common (= 0.1.20) but is installed. | 07:03 |
adamant1988 | and therefor it downloaded a lot of files and then didn't install them. | 07:03 |
adamant1988 | can someone help me figure this out? | 07:03 |
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flaccid | adamant1988: did you update packages first? | 07:04 |
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flaccid | perhaps try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:04 |
adamant1988 | flaccid: I want to use aptitude so I can remove it if the files screw up something on my computer | 07:05 |
obf213 | adamant1988: you will still be able to remove them through adept | 07:05 |
adamant1988 | does adept remember what was downloaded with specific packages? | 07:06 |
obf213 | i dont know if aptititude=adept, but if it does you can still remove them | 07:06 |
adamant1988 | also, I found that downgrading the file worked well enough | 07:06 |
adamant1988 | I have no clue how I managed to get a more up to date version than what the dependencies wanted... | 07:07 |
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flaccid | err you could use adept, apt-get or aptitude... | 07:07 |
adamant1988 | apt-get will remove all of the files dependencies though. | 07:07 |
adamant1988 | aptitude will only remove the ones I downloaded with the package. | 07:07 |
flaccid | depends what switches you use | 07:08 |
adamant1988 | flaccid: explain... is there a switch which allows apt-get to do the same thing? | 07:08 |
flaccid | use dpkg to remove it and install the correct version if 1 of the package managers cannot work around it | 07:08 |
adamant1988 | it's working around it right now | 07:08 |
flaccid | there is but i can't remember it | 07:08 |
flaccid | someone might remember or man apt-get | 07:09 |
adamant1988 | I just had to downgrade the file to the correct version | 07:09 |
adamant1988 | kubuntu-desktop is installing as I hoped now. | 07:09 |
adamant1988 | well, downloading. | 07:09 |
Linux_Galore | isn that great theres is nothing in the freenode irc manual on changing your password | 07:09 |
adamant1988 | it'll finish installing after it downloads. | 07:09 |
flaccid | cool | 07:09 |
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adamant1988 | I also want to say that I really, seriously love irssi | 07:10 |
adamant1988 | it's blazing fast. | 07:10 |
flaccid | what is irssi? | 07:10 |
flaccid | !irssi | 07:10 |
ubotu | IRSSI is a command line interface IRC application ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out ) | 07:10 |
LeeJunFan | Linux_Galore: /msg nickserv help set | 07:10 |
flaccid | irc application? | 07:10 |
adamant1988 | yep | 07:11 |
Jucato | flaccid: yes | 07:11 |
adamant1988 | it runs IRC from the command line | 07:11 |
flaccid | don't they mean client? | 07:11 |
Jucato | command line chat client | 07:11 |
adamant1988 | it's awesome for when you do things like... bork X | 07:11 |
Jucato | a client is an app :P | 07:11 |
flaccid | so is a server... | 07:11 |
adamant1988 | or when you just want to get some help quickly and don't want to wait to load up xchat | 07:11 |
adamant1988 | just open a cli and start irssi | 07:11 |
Jucato | I guess it depends on what how you use the word "client" and "server" | 07:12 |
flaccid | the bot entry doesn't confirm which one it is | 07:12 |
flaccid | thats all | 07:12 |
flaccid | for me starting up konversation with auto connect to servers would be faster | 07:12 |
adamant1988 | I hope that konversation is better than kopete is with IRC. | 07:14 |
flaccid | i think it is | 07:14 |
Jucato | adamant1988: definitely better | 07:14 |
Jucato | Kopete's IRC feature is more of an add-on than a core feature. it doesn't even treat channels as channels, but as contacts | 07:14 |
Linux_Galore | ooh goody, now it says I cant set my password unless Im a server admin | 07:15 |
adamant1988 | Jucato: it's just very poor at handling IRC. | 07:15 |
adamant1988 | I *normally* like KDE apps more than most gnome apps... but that's where I make an exception | 07:15 |
Jucato | I think it's logical, since Kopete is a dedicated IM client rather than an IRC one | 07:16 |
adamant1988 | well, I'll give konversation it's fair run. | 07:16 |
Jucato | heh, but even GAIM's IRC pales in comparison to XChat's | 07:16 |
Linux_Galore | also the irc help is cryptic | 07:16 |
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Dr_Willis | xchat 2.4 was the best. :P | 07:16 |
Jucato | adamant1988: Konversation 1.0 is even better. tree-view side "tabs" (like Xchat's) | 07:16 |
flaccid | konversation just needs scripting and i'd be satisfied | 07:16 |
Jucato | it does have scripting, just not sure what language is used | 07:17 |
adamant1988 | I'm a big fan of clean and fast... I usually don't run GUI apps for things when I don't have to. | 07:17 |
Linux_Galore | so to set my password I just type /SET PASSWORD newpass ?? | 07:17 |
adamant1988 | that's why I use aptitude over synaptic, etc. | 07:17 |
adamant1988 | irssi instead of xchat. | 07:17 |
flaccid | desktop = convenience | 07:17 |
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Dr_Willis | use the 'Twin' text based window manager. :P | 07:18 |
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Jucato | desktop = clicking fun/fore-finger exercise :P | 07:18 |
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Jucato | !irssi | 07:18 |
ubotu | irssi is a command line interface IRC client ( "sudo apt-get install irssi" without the quotes to try it out ) | 07:18 |
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Jucato | flaccid: for you ^^^ | 07:18 |
flaccid | thanks br0ther | 07:18 |
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flaccid | !vpnserver | 07:18 |
adamant1988 | Jucato: I'm convinced that computers could run strictly from the steam powered pressing motion of all the mouse clicks we make :) | 07:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about vpnserver - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:18 |
flaccid | Jucato: is this in the bot? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNServer | 07:19 |
flaccid | not all GUI users are mouse driven :) | 07:19 |
Jucato | adamant1988: but even more power is generated by typing than by clicking :P | 07:19 |
adamant1988 | oh I use a gui... I just don't when I don't have to lol. | 07:19 |
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Jucato | flaccid: yes, that's why we have keyboard shortcuts :) | 07:20 |
adamant1988 | Jucato: it ruins my smartalic statements when you taint them realism | 07:20 |
Jucato | thank god I don't have to go to gconf-editor to setup some of them :) | 07:20 |
adamant1988 | I feel like browsing qdb.us.. | 07:20 |
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Jucato | adamant1988: I was actually trying to be smartalic-like too :) | 07:20 |
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flaccid | Jucato: when you do VPN can you make the ^^ link come up too, not just the gaming vpn? | 07:21 |
Jucato | !vpn | 07:21 |
ubotu | From more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD | 07:21 |
Jucato | hm... I'll see | 07:21 |
=== Jucato only edits responses that he really knows abut | ||
Jucato | s/abut/about | 07:22 |
flaccid | well they are both help.ubuntu pages :) | 07:22 |
flaccid | i would of thought openvpn would take precedence anyway | 07:22 |
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Jucato | !openvpn | 07:23 |
ubotu | openvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-1 (dapper), package size 310 kB, installed size 940 kB | 07:23 |
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adamant1988 | ok guys | 07:24 |
adamant1988 | the package is installing | 07:24 |
adamant1988 | should I change to kdm by default or stick with gdm? | 07:24 |
Jucato | your choice :) | 07:25 |
adamant1988 | does it really matter? | 07:25 |
flaccid | kdm is better | 07:25 |
flaccid | imo | 07:25 |
adamant1988 | flaccid: what's the difference? | 07:25 |
Jucato | adamant1988: only if you like themes :) | 07:25 |
Jucato | I mean, it matters if you like themes | 07:25 |
flaccid | lol i cant even remember | 07:25 |
adamant1988 | so the only thing that really changes is the theme? | 07:25 |
Jucato | because gdm themes don't work on kdm, and vice versa | 07:25 |
adamant1988 | oh I see | 07:26 |
flaccid | and you need to install a theme manager package for kde, but thas cooll. | 07:26 |
Jucato | I don't know of other differences, but that's the most obvious one for me | 07:26 |
adamant1988 | well I haven't altered the themes.. don't plan on it | 07:26 |
adamant1988 | so there isn't any real benefit to switching to kdm? | 07:26 |
Jucato | actually, the KDM theme manager is an optional GUI front end for manually editing files | 07:26 |
flaccid | not really | 07:26 |
Jucato | it starts with a K? | 07:26 |
adamant1988 | i just stuck with gdm | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | if you use kde more then gnome.. you may benifit from using kdm | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | same with gnome and gdm. | 07:26 |
adamant1988 | I like the orange colors more. | 07:26 |
adamant1988 | Dr_Willis: how would I benefit? | 07:27 |
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flaccid | kdm gives benefit of ability to configure in kcontrol etc. | 07:27 |
Dr_Willis | I recall a 'few' little fetatures that worked best when using gdm with gnome. - like the 'login in new desktop' and a few other features | 07:27 |
flaccid | instead of using a gtk app to manage gdm by gui | 07:27 |
Jucato | ah yes.. that's another "obvious" thing that escaped me.. | 07:27 |
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Dr_Willis | but I use 'startx' :P shows what i know. heh heh | 07:27 |
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unix_infidel | Dr_Willis: apparantly you just like to start x | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 07:30 |
unix_infidel | but then again, what do i know, i'm running studio 8, gaim, 5 firefox windows, winamp, cygwin, X11, gkrellm, objectdock, Photoshop all with 512MB physical RAM | 07:30 |
unix_infidel | oh and vlc and aptana and about 5 vim windows :) | 07:31 |
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adamant1988 | oh.. well I'll have to play around in KDE to see if I like it enough to bother switching my destkop manager to kdm. | 07:31 |
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adamant1988 | hey.. does anyone here know what key is "^N" or "^P"? | 07:35 |
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unix_infidel | adamant1988: try xev in Konsole | 07:38 |
DaSkreech | Whats the difference between a builtin and a keyword in a shell? | 07:40 |
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Linux_Galore | DaSkreech: a builtin is as the word states a command that is "built into" bash versus a command that is a seperate binary | 07:55 |
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Healot | !amarol | 07:56 |
Healot | !amarok | 07:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about amarol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:56 |
ubotu | amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org | 07:56 |
DaSkreech | Linux_Galore: Understood whats a keyword? | 07:56 |
DaSkreech | It's ... nota command? | 07:57 |
Linux_Galore | no a builtin is something that usually is used to better define how bash operates ie alias v ls were ls is a seperate program and alias defines a feature | 07:58 |
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josh_ | i'm trying to install americas army | 08:00 |
josh_ | there are no instructions | 08:00 |
josh_ | its a .run rile | 08:00 |
josh_ | file* | 08:00 |
josh_ | how do i execute it? | 08:00 |
Linux_Galore | ./filename | 08:00 |
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josh_ | permission denied | 08:01 |
josh_ | and i tried it in root | 08:01 |
josh_ | same thing | 08:02 |
josh_ | i cd'd into the directory | 08:02 |
MistaED | josh_: chmod +x file.run | 08:02 |
josh_ | aaah | 08:02 |
MistaED | or right-click it and go into properties under konqueror and set it to execute | 08:02 |
josh_ | its going i think | 08:03 |
josh_ | YES!!! | 08:03 |
Linux_Galore | DaSkreech: keyword is a reserved word, token or operator. Keywords have a special meaning to the shell, and indeed are the building blocks of the shell's syntax. As examples, "for", "while", "do", and "!" are keywords. Similar to a builtin, a keyword is hard-coded into Bash, but unlike a builtin, a keyword is not in itself a command, but part of a larger command structure. | 08:03 |
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Linux_Galore | would have though AA would be in a repo | 08:05 |
josh_ | is it common for a video card to have less performance in linux | 08:05 |
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Linux_Galore | thought* | 08:05 |
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josh_ | in google earth i lag when i zoom out and move the earth around | 08:05 |
josh_ | in windows this doesn't happen | 08:05 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: depends on the card and the driver | 08:05 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: with nvidia i find there is no difference because the windows and linux drivers are basically compiled fomr the same code | 08:06 |
DaSkreech | Linux_Galore: Ok think I got it | 08:06 |
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JFreakCapo | hi everybody | 08:07 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:imbrandon] : Our deepest condolences go out to lilo's family http://freenode.net/news.shtml | Kubuntu Support Channel | 3.5.4 available for dapper | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperKnownProblems | Free Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org/ | Large pastes go here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | IRC info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage | ||
Linux_Galore | josh_: also installing the latest binary driver for your card isnt always a good idea, good example is if you install a brand new 8*** series driver with a 5200 card it runs slower than with a 76** driver because you have shading active | 08:08 |
JFreakCapo | exist some tool gui and open source to connect to ms sql server ? | 08:09 |
JFreakCapo | can sugest to me one please ? | 08:09 |
Linux_Galore | JFreakCapo: hmm a browser | 08:09 |
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chrisoverly | what program do you use for mp3's | 08:10 |
JFreakCapo | a dba tool, something like phpmyadmin for mysql for example... | 08:10 |
Linux_Galore | JFreakCapo: ksqlanalyzer | 08:11 |
Linux_Galore | http://www.kpage.de/en/ | 08:12 |
chrisoverly | what program do you use for mp3's | 08:12 |
Linux_Galore | amarok | 08:12 |
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Linux_Galore | chrisoverly: dump a mp3 file on your desk and click on it, it will then try and install the mp3 libs | 08:13 |
chrisoverly | it does not play any of my mp3's | 08:13 |
JFreakCapo | Linux_Galore: thks | 08:13 |
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josh_ | i'm running americas army in XGL | 08:26 |
josh_ | why is it so slow | 08:26 |
josh_ | fps wise | 08:26 |
josh_ | i go into normal kde and its way faster | 08:26 |
josh_ | why is this? | 08:26 |
Linux_Galore | well xgl is beta for starters and maybe the graphics driver doesnt fully support xgl yet | 08:27 |
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josh_ | mhmm | 08:27 |
josh_ | and help me use nvclock | 08:27 |
josh_ | my stock clock on this is way past what the stock is supposed to be | 08:27 |
josh_ | so it artifacts | 08:27 |
Linux_Galore | well nvclock "may" help but it will make things break faster too | 08:28 |
josh_ | no | 08:28 |
josh_ | i clock it DOWN | 08:28 |
josh_ | i have it but i dont know how to use it | 08:28 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: just leave it on the default | 08:28 |
josh_ | no | 08:29 |
mike__ | linux effing sucks | 08:29 |
josh_ | i'm artifacting like crazy | 08:29 |
mike__ | i just installed it | 08:29 |
mike__ | and i can't get anything to work | 08:29 |
josh_ | stock clock on the core is supposed to be 550 | 08:29 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: duh xgl is beta so isnt main stream | 08:29 |
josh_ | the default for some reason is 606 so i artifact like mad | 08:29 |
josh_ | and no this is even in windows, i think its an error in the video card's bios or soemthing | 08:30 |
josh_ | i just need to use nvclock to fix it | 08:30 |
=== Pidalc [n=borut@BSN-77-106-105.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Linux_Galore | josh_: could be the card is over clocked already | 08:30 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: you can buy dodgy over clocked cards | 08:30 |
josh_ | no | 08:31 |
josh_ | i know what i'm talking about | 08:31 |
josh_ | i can get the card to 580 | 08:31 |
josh_ | and its stable | 08:31 |
josh_ | stock is "supposed" to be 550 | 08:31 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: then install nvclock there is a linux version | 08:31 |
=== fignew <3 mike__ | ||
josh_ | but its at 606 so i artivact like MAD | 08:31 |
josh_ | like the screen was filling with colors | 08:31 |
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josh_ | ya i got it with adept | 08:33 |
josh_ | apparently there is supposed to be a graphical version | 08:34 |
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Linux_Galore | josh_: ?? thought it was graphical, well it was the last time I used it | 08:36 |
josh_ | hmm | 08:36 |
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Linux_Galore | josh_: aah apt-get install nvclock-qt | 08:37 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: that gives you the graphical front end | 08:37 |
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josh_ | hmm | 08:39 |
josh_ | no | 08:40 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: sudo apt-get install nvclock-qt | 08:40 |
josh_ | ya | 08:40 |
Linux_Galore | I usually have a root terminal open so dont use sudo | 08:40 |
josh_ | how do i run it | 08:40 |
josh_ | i did nvclock and its a console thing | 08:41 |
Linux_Galore | josh_: type nvclock_qt | 08:41 |
josh_ | YAY | 08:41 |
josh_ | thx so much | 08:42 |
Makro___________ | hi | 08:43 |
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romeo_ | hello, whay am i getting a message while trying to upgrade amarok that it will break the package? | 08:44 |
Makro___________ | how to access to some more tnat one word directory on a win partition from kubuntu using console? for example, when i try to use a program in "program files" with wine, it only see "program" but not "program files", | 08:44 |
Linux_Galore | romeo_: ?? dont have a clue | 08:45 |
Makro___________ | tnat=that | 08:45 |
Makro___________ | than | 08:45 |
romeo_ | anybody know? | 08:45 |
Tm_T | Makro___________: use tabfilling | 08:45 |
Linux_Galore | romeo_: just updated to 1.4.3 and it worked fine | 08:46 |
romeo_ | should i uninstall the okd version? | 08:46 |
Makro___________ | tm_t: ok but that means that i should make changes to the names of the original directories? | 08:46 |
romeo_ | old+ | 08:46 |
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Linux_Galore | romeo_: sounds like you have something old installed that creating a conflict with the new version of amarok | 08:47 |
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romeo_ | hm | 08:47 |
Linux_Galore | romeo_: click on details, it explains whats conflicting | 08:47 |
romeo_ | ok | 08:48 |
romeo_ | brb | 08:48 |
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alessandro_ | hallo | 08:50 |
alessandro_ | is there anybody? | 08:51 |
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alessandro_ | please | 08:51 |
alessandro_ | hallo | 08:51 |
tejinder | after adding kde354 in sources.list, apt-get update upgrade does'nt include kde why? | 08:51 |
alessandro_ | is there anybody? | 08:52 |
alessandro_ | I need important information | 08:52 |
alessandro_ | adapt manager gives to me the following notice: | 08:53 |
alessandro_ | You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one. | 08:53 |
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alessandro_ | hallo | 08:55 |
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romeo_ | hmmm adept tells me it will break amarok if i upgrade but no details | 09:00 |
romeo_ | should i use konsole? | 09:01 |
tejinder | should i have to do sudo apt-get install kde? | 09:01 |
Hobbsee | romeo_: yeah, could be a good idea | 09:02 |
tejinder | ok how can i disable some daemons from boot? | 09:03 |
tejinder | someone help please | 09:03 |
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romeo_ | whay comand should i use? | 09:03 |
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alessandro_ | hey | 09:06 |
alessandro_ | good morning | 09:06 |
alessandro_ | adept manager gives to me the following message: | 09:07 |
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alessandro_ | You will not be able to change your system settings in any way (install, remove or upgrade software), because another process is using the packaging system database (probably some other Adept application or apt-get or aptitude). Please close the other application before using this one. | 09:07 |
alessandro_ | What appens | 09:07 |
Tm_T | Makro___________: no | 09:10 |
josh_ | are there packages to optimize performance? | 09:10 |
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josh_ | i think i saw one one day and i can't find it | 09:10 |
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alessandro_ | no | 09:11 |
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alessandro_ | I'm not able to install nothing | 09:11 |
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alessandro_ | I got it also on mine laptop | 09:12 |
=== llxcamxll [n=llxcamxl@CPE-124-177-185-207.sa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
llxcamxll | is there support for m4a format in any of the media players | 09:13 |
llxcamxll | !m4a | 09:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about m4a - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:13 |
llxcamxll | !.m4a | 09:13 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about m4a - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:13 |
pkarticle | vlc media player might probablp play it | 09:13 |
llxcamxll | nah just tried it | 09:13 |
pkarticle | ah | 09:13 |
llxcamxll | kaffiene | 09:13 |
llxcamxll | amarok | 09:13 |
llxcamxll | might see if i can find something on the reps | 09:14 |
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alessandro_ | If I uninstall kubuntu may I reboot win xp again which is on the first boot? | 09:16 |
Linux_Galore | xmms will play m4a just install the xmms-mp4plugin | 09:16 |
tejinder | alessandro_: yes | 09:17 |
alessandro_ | no problem? | 09:17 |
Linux_Galore | alessandro_: its called dual bootinh | 09:17 |
tejinder | alessandro_: you have grub installed? | 09:17 |
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alessandro_ | yes | 09:17 |
tejinder | alessandro_: there wont be any problem then | 09:17 |
alessandro_ | thank you so much | 09:18 |
tejinder | np | 09:18 |
Linux_Galore | llxcamxll: install xmms and the xmms-mp4 package | 09:19 |
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Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: read the problem. no he cant. | 09:21 |
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Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: it'll....errro 15 on you, iirc. it'll certainly error out | 09:21 |
Linux_Galore | Hobbsee: ?? cant what | 09:22 |
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arienh4 | i've got a problem, because everytime i start my computer, the KDE Configuration Assistant starts again... | 09:22 |
abattoir | arienh4: kpersonalizer? | 09:22 |
arienh4 | i think so, it starts before login | 09:23 |
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abattoir | arienh4: are you running dapper? and did you upgrade to KDE 3.5.4 ? | 09:23 |
Linux_Galore | arienh4: unceck the tick box | 09:23 |
Linux_Galore | uncheck* | 09:23 |
arienh4 | where? | 09:23 |
Linux_Galore | right corner usuallu | 09:23 |
arienh4 | it should only start once, can't find a tickbox | 09:23 |
arienh4 | i can check if i see one | 09:24 |
Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: cant uninstall kubuntu, and expect grub to work to boot XP. | 09:24 |
arienh4 | no tickbox | 09:24 |
Linux_Galore | arienh4: hmm wonder if kcontrol has it in the startup menu | 09:25 |
Hobbsee | arienh4: rm ~/.kde/share/config/kpersonalizerrc | 09:25 |
arienh4 | thats the file i needed i think | 09:25 |
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Hobbsee | yep | 09:25 |
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Linux_Galore | Hobbsee: funny I just did a dapper install and the desktop setup thing didnt appear | 09:29 |
Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: do you have kpersonalizer installed? | 09:29 |
Linux_Galore | Hobbsee: yep | 09:30 |
Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: weird. kde 3.5.2? or .4? | 09:30 |
Linux_Galore | .2 | 09:30 |
Hobbsee | that's why, i think | 09:30 |
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Linux_Galore | Im thinking of poitning apt @ 3.5.4 | 09:31 |
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Linux_Galore | wondering how much breakage I will get | 09:31 |
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Hobbsee | not much. you'll probably want to rm that file though | 09:32 |
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Linux_Galore | ok updating to 3.5.4 | 09:36 |
Linux_Galore | one of the cool aspects of having a few computers with Linux is if one bombs your not fussed | 09:37 |
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tejinder | does kde 3.5.4 has kopete 0.12? | 09:37 |
Linux_Galore | hmm not sure I usually use konversation | 09:37 |
tejinder | fir IM? | 09:38 |
Linux_Galore | 139 packages to update , ouch | 09:38 |
Linux_Galore | no irc I dont do im | 09:38 |
Linux_Galore | got a mobile for that | 09:38 |
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Tm_T | tejinder: 3.5.5, but Kubuntu packages of 3.5.4 has 0.12 | 09:40 |
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tejinder | Tm_T: like if i install kde-354 i will get kopete installed or i have to do it myself? | 09:42 |
Hobbsee | tejinder: you'll get it installed | 09:42 |
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stisev | oh man | 09:42 |
=== Hobbsee wonders if we're keeping the kopete sources split in future releases | ||
stisev | lilo passed away? | 09:42 |
stisev | WTF? | 09:42 |
stisev | oh man that's very very disheartening | 09:42 |
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Linux_Galore | yeah lilo did a man on bike versus large metal moving object experiment | 09:43 |
tejinder | and where can i get java 1.5? | 09:43 |
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Hobbsee | !java | 09:43 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 09:43 |
tejinder | sun-java5-jre has mozilla plugin? | 09:44 |
tejinder | sun-java5-plugin | 09:44 |
tejinder | got it | 09:44 |
tejinder | :P | 09:44 |
Linux_Galore | Hobbsee: yeah also have to run a setup thing | 09:44 |
Linux_Galore | Hobbsee: after the java packages are installed | 09:44 |
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Hobbsee | Linux_Galore: likely. and it's during installation? | 09:45 |
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Linux_Galore | sudo update-alternatives --config java | 09:47 |
Linux_Galore | I had to run that or it kept trying to use the gnu stuff | 09:47 |
tejinder | I installed flashplugin-nonfree, but konqueror is'nt showing it? | 09:48 |
Linux_Galore | tejinder: download the official plugin from macromedia and run the installer | 09:48 |
abattoir | tejinder: did you 'scan' for it konqueror? | 09:49 |
tejinder | yes | 09:49 |
Linux_Galore | tejinder: select to but the plugin in /home/username/.mozilla/ | 09:49 |
abattoir | tejinder: was it found? | 09:49 |
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tejinder | abattoir: no | 09:49 |
SillyZ | greetings | 09:49 |
abattoir | tejinder: can you run 'sudo update-flashplugin' ? | 09:49 |
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abattoir | tejinder: see if you get any errors | 09:50 |
tejinder | automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes | 09:50 |
Linux_Galore | I figured out how to get Flash 9 running in the "Linux" version of firefox and work with youtube | 09:50 |
SillyZ | Ive noticed under the regular gnome ubuntu that my fan on the cpu does not want to come on for some reason... does kubuntu have the same problem? ( gateway solo 5300... piii-750 ) | 09:50 |
Tm_T | mooh, I'm tired | 09:50 |
abattoir | tejinder: i guess you have to download the file manually from Adobe, then.. | 09:50 |
abattoir | tejinder: http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash | 09:51 |
SillyZ | also, what version of kde is currently being served up by kubuntu? 3.5.? | 09:51 |
Hobbsee | SillyZ: try it. 3.5.4 | 09:51 |
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SillyZ | 3.5.4 ok thanks Hobbsee | 09:52 |
abattoir | hi Hobbsee, btw :P | 09:52 |
Linux_Galore | one trick I found is to install flash 7 go to youtube, run a video, then kill firefox then copy the wine link for the flash plugin to ~/.mozilla/plugins | 09:52 |
SillyZ | Ive tried acpi on, acpi off, etc, powernowd and god only knows what else to get this cpu fan to turn on ... it should be on constantly and isnt | 09:53 |
Linux_Galore | bingo flash 9 on youtube works in firefox | 09:53 |
fdoving | SillyZ: what model is this? | 09:53 |
SillyZ | gateway solo 5300... its a p3-750 Intel | 09:53 |
SillyZ | Ive googled it to death, and then beat it with a stick to try and get some sort of result | 09:54 |
Linux_Galore | SillyZ: have you looked on freshmeat.net see if there aby utils | 09:54 |
Linux_Galore | any* | 09:54 |
tejinder | is there konversation 1.0 out for kde 3.5.4? | 09:54 |
SillyZ | Ive 'heard' Kubuntu dosent have the same problem as the gnome based Ubuntu something to do with gnome-cups-icon? | 09:55 |
SillyZ | Linux_Galore: no i havent but i sure will right now | 09:55 |
Linux_Galore | SillyZ: I found a set of utils for my toshiba there | 09:55 |
llxcamxll | do boueray devices play dvd's | 09:55 |
llxcamxll | *blueray | 09:55 |
Linux_Galore | llxcamxll: yes | 09:55 |
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SillyZ | Linux_Galore: heh searching for 'gateway' on freshmeat, thats gonna do me a lot of good .... rofl | 09:56 |
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Linux_Galore | have to go updating kde | 09:57 |
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llxcamxll | does anyone know how expensive blueray discs are compared to dvd's | 09:58 |
fdoving | SillyZ: i recommend taking a look at linux-on-laptops.com see if you can find it. | 09:58 |
fildo | blueray ? | 09:58 |
llxcamxll | blueray man, like 5 times the capacity of the dual layer dvd | 09:59 |
fdoving | llxcamxll: might try #kubuntu-offtopic :) | 09:59 |
llxcamxll | lol | 09:59 |
SillyZ | linux-on-laptops.com | 10:00 |
SillyZ | ok thanks fdoving | 10:00 |
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fdoving | llxcamxll: here you go, i'm waay too nice. http://www.onsale.com/shop/detail~dpno~7088431.aspx | 10:02 |
slaxy | + | 10:02 |
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slaxy | hi guys i installed kubuntu desktop on my ubuntu .... while installing i selected my desktop manager as kdm ... can someone plz tell me how to change kdm to gdm | 10:03 |
fdoving | slaxy: in a terminal, run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow gdm' | 10:04 |
fdoving | that will let you choose again. | 10:04 |
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zblach | experts, i'm having a strange problem which, when googled, yields no results. on waking from a suspended state, my sound refuses to play. any ideas? | 10:05 |
slaxy | thx fdoving ... should i run this while X is running or should i just do this in console mode | 10:05 |
fdoving | slaxy: doesn't matter, after you've done it, the easiest way to check that it works, is to reboot. (it's not strictly, needed, but fastest and easiest). | 10:06 |
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Fille-laptop | usch | 10:06 |
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Fille-laptop | nsta vecka | 10:07 |
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Fille-laptop | woops sorry the wrong channel :o | 10:07 |
fdoving | zblach: you should try to re-load your sound driver module. | 10:07 |
slaxy | thx a lot fdoving... will give it a try... :) | 10:07 |
Linux_Galore | that was fun | 10:07 |
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Linux_Galore | I cant see the any bigies between kde 3.5.2 and .4 | 10:07 |
zblach | fdoving: could you elaborate somewhat? | 10:07 |
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fdoving | zblach: some sound drivers needs to be unloaded before going to sleep, and then re-loaded after waking up. | 10:08 |
zblach | ok. how could I automate this? | 10:08 |
SillyZ | well i think 90% of the problem is the arch the solo 5300 was built around was APM not ACPI | 10:09 |
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ge2x | hey where can i find a creative soundblaster live 24bit driver for linux? | 10:09 |
fdoving | zblach: you should go read /etc/power/README | 10:10 |
zblach | thanks | 10:10 |
llxcamxll | fdoving:too kind | 10:10 |
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zblach | alas, no readme file | 10:10 |
Linux_Galore | ge2x: should be built in | 10:11 |
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zorglu_ | kde really need a apps to simply display the cpu/disk/network usaged | 10:13 |
zorglu_ | the existing one is way too hard to use | 10:13 |
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zblach | zorglu_: superkaramba? | 10:14 |
zorglu_ | oh there are alternative | 10:14 |
|lostbyte| | zorglu_, this is one.. argh. cant remmber it. | 10:14 |
zorglu_ | no i was talking about 'system guard" | 10:14 |
zblach | oh | 10:14 |
zorglu_ | this one is very hard to configure and keep stopping or something | 10:15 |
zorglu_ | currently it stopped displaying the vumeter | 10:15 |
zorglu_ | i mean the box aare there but not updated | 10:15 |
zorglu_ | my guess is that there is an option somewhere but where ? :) | 10:15 |
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Kalagaraz | Does kubuntu 6.06 contain kde 3.5 with superkaramba? | 10:16 |
fdoving | zblach: ah, sorry, the README is in a powerpc specific package. I don't have a i386 machine to give you the files and dirs, sorry. | 10:17 |
Ayabara | is it safe to move my root partition with gparted? I run dualboot and want to install vista rc1 instead of xp, but I need to expand my ntfs partition first | 10:17 |
zblach | ok. thanks anyways | 10:18 |
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heinkel_111 | ayabara....if you have backup.... | 10:18 |
heinkel_111 | Ayabara: ^ if not there is always a risk | 10:19 |
heinkel_111 | for instance if there is a power - out during the operation | 10:19 |
Ayabara | heinkel_111, so safe should be replaced by "safe"? :-) | 10:19 |
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heinkel_111 | yes | 10:19 |
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Ayabara | have an external I can backup to, so I will be ok. too bad if I f**k up my kubuntu install though.. | 10:20 |
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zorglu_ | ok i think i need the sun java to run eclipse :) | 10:20 |
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heinkel_111 | Ayabara: apart from such worries, i have not had any problem with gparted/qtparted and whatever programs they run in the back end, ever | 10:20 |
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heinkel_111 | kaffeine rocks | 10:20 |
Kalagaraz | Does kubuntu 6.06 contain kde 3.5 with superkaramba? | 10:21 |
=== heinkel_111 takes another sip... | ||
Ayabara | heinkel_111, gparted has worked smoothly for me too, and I manage to do weird things with my computer | 10:21 |
Ayabara | :-) | 10:21 |
heinkel_111 | Kalagaraz: yes | 10:21 |
heinkel_111 | at least after an update | 10:21 |
heinkel_111 | but you will need to install Superkaramba from the repositories | 10:22 |
Kalagaraz | OK thanks | 10:22 |
zorglu_ | !java | 10:22 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 10:22 |
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Linux_Galore | well that sort of went bad | 10:23 |
Linux_Galore | updated to 3.5.4 and now adept keeps saying there is another service running so you cant change anything | 10:23 |
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lars30 | is there a nice clean apt-get way to install compiz themes? | 10:24 |
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Linux_Galore | adept: ERROR: Communication problem with adept, it probably crashed. | 10:25 |
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slaxy | hey guys i tried " sudo dpkg -reconfigure -plow gdm " to change my desktop manager from kdm to gdm ... but it says dkpg: conflicting actions --control and --remove ..... plz help | 10:26 |
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[Nige] | hi all | 10:27 |
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Linux_Galore | fixed it | 10:28 |
Linux_Galore | good o'l dpkg | 10:28 |
[Nige] | how do I map my windows key "superkey" to the panel popup menu | 10:28 |
[Nige] | ? | 10:28 |
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Linux_Galore | slaxy: why do you want to change to gdm ?? | 10:29 |
fdoving | slaxy: 'dpkg-reconfigure -plow gdm' 'dpkg-reconfigure' not 'dpkg -reconfigure' | 10:30 |
SillyZ | well this is nice, get lmsensors all set up, do a sensors -s.... no sensors found | 10:30 |
SillyZ | sigh | 10:30 |
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Pensacola | how can I update firefox to | 10:30 |
slaxy | Linux_Galore: well i installed XGL on gnome and when i switched it to kdm XGL isnt working.... also, i wanted to know how to change kdm to gdm , vice versa | 10:30 |
slaxy | oops... let me try that fdoving | 10:31 |
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Linux_Galore | slaxy: ok, Im usre i saw a compiz kde plugins package | 10:31 |
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Linux_Galore | slaxy: did you install the plugins package for compiz ?? | 10:32 |
Linux_Galore | the kde plugins* | 10:32 |
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slaxy | Linux_Galore: well even i heard of it... and i wanted to try XGL on kde.. that was the primary reason why i installed kde.. guess i will give that a try in few hours... but for now... i just want to switch to gnome for a while... | 10:33 |
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Linux_Galore | slaxy: xgl needs the desktop plugins for that working enviroment for it to work | 10:33 |
slaxy | hmmm ok | 10:33 |
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Linux_Galore | slaxy: bet you didnt installs the kde plugins such that hardly anything happens | 10:34 |
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Linux_Galore | slaxy: the effects are driven by plugins | 10:35 |
SillyZ | Linux_Galore: I think ive got the problem worked out here, the arch the 5300 was built around was APM technology not ACPI technology.... thus newer kernels are only supporting acpi not apm | 10:35 |
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Linux_Galore | SillyZ: you can install apm still | 10:35 |
slaxy | Linux_Galore: yea i havent and i will soon... cos i also like kde the way i like gnome.... | 10:35 |
Linux_Galore | but yes apm didnt work that well | 10:35 |
slaxy | anyway brb... guys catch ya soon... thx for the help.... :) | 10:36 |
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SillyZ | Linux_Galore: Id have to recompile the kernel to do it.... modprobing the apm mod tells me it dosent exist | 10:36 |
Pensacola | I've downloaded the latest firefox but I don't know where to unpack it | 10:36 |
Linux_Galore | SillyZ: its a seperate package | 10:36 |
SillyZ | unpack it into some junk folder, then run the installer | 10:36 |
SillyZ | tells me no such device on modprobe apm | 10:37 |
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SillyZ | makedev /dev/APM ? | 10:37 |
Linux_Galore | Pensacola: usually ~/Documents is were i dump firefox | 10:37 |
Pensacola | ok thx | 10:37 |
SillyZ | or is there a boot command line i can use to tell acpi=off and apm=on | 10:37 |
Linux_Galore | ok Im out | 10:37 |
zorglu_ | !eclipse | 10:38 |
ubotu | eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB | 10:38 |
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SillyZ | *sigh* unfortunatly I gotta pull this laptop drive out, stick it in another box to re-install Kubuntu over the Gubuntu installation..... no cdrom | 10:38 |
SillyZ | welp ill bb w/ Kubuntu :D | 10:39 |
SillyZ | thanks for the help everyone | 10:39 |
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|lostbyte| | weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.. !! | 10:59 |
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zblach | another issue. i've a built in webcam, but am unable to use it. | 11:01 |
zblach | it | 11:01 |
zblach | 's detected as a USB PTP class camera, but errors upon use/configuration | 11:01 |
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ubuntu_ | hi | 11:02 |
ge2x | hey could anybody recommend a good download manager for kubuntu? | 11:02 |
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ubuntu_ | how stable kubutu really are? | 11:03 |
fdoving | ge2x: kget | 11:03 |
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zblach | ubuntu_: fairly | 11:03 |
ge2x | where do i get it? | 11:03 |
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x__ | hola | 11:04 |
x__ | alguno que hable espaol | 11:04 |
x__ | me puede ayudar | 11:04 |
abattoir | !es | 11:04 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:04 |
x__ | quiero instalar el compiz +xgl en mi kubuntu | 11:04 |
abattoir | x__: ^^^ | 11:04 |
ubuntu_ | 'cause i want to switch my net activity from xp to linux and this looks perfectly good alternative | 11:04 |
fdoving | ge2x: adept | 11:04 |
ge2x | tnx | 11:04 |
abattoir | !compiz | 11:04 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 11:04 |
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abattoir | x__: ^^^^^ too | 11:04 |
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ubuntu_ | and another Q kubuntu or ubuntu peep? | 11:06 |
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zorglu_ | wow i switch my dev env from fc4 to kubuntu in less than 24h :) | 11:07 |
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kalagaraz | how can I check my KDE version? | 11:08 |
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SillyZ | greetings, am in live install of kubuntu.... | 11:08 |
glaedr | hi | 11:08 |
SillyZ | no filesystem selection for reiserfs ?? | 11:08 |
SillyZ | theres jfd and ext3, but no reiserfs option? | 11:09 |
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SillyZ | jfs even | 11:09 |
SillyZ | am i mmissing something here or was it just simply left out completely? | 11:10 |
abattoir | SillyZ: nope, ReiserFS isnt available | 11:10 |
abattoir | SillyZ: you can manually do it if you want though | 11:10 |
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abattoir | SillyZ: with mkreiserfs | 11:10 |
SillyZ | aue thats my backup plan at the moment | 11:11 |
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SillyZ | now how to tell the installer /dev/hda2 is swap and hda3 is reiser.... | 11:12 |
kalagaraz | how can I check my KDE version? | 11:12 |
MilanZR | hi,i need help about xmms | 11:12 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: Help->About KDE | 11:12 |
kalagaraz | thanks | 11:12 |
MilanZR | is there have onyone who can help me? | 11:12 |
MilanZR | a* | 11:13 |
SillyZ | I can try MilanZR | 11:13 |
abattoir | SillyZ: dont do anything during the partitioning stage(qtparted), and there'd be a summary page about the partition layout, you can specify at that time | 11:13 |
MilanZR | thx sillyZ | 11:13 |
SillyZ | well it gives 2 options use the full drive or manually partition | 11:13 |
MilanZR | i try to install | 11:13 |
MilanZR | but i hve prob with gib | 11:13 |
SillyZ | and whats the error your getting? | 11:14 |
abattoir | SillyZ: do you have data which you need on the Harddisk? | 11:14 |
kalagaraz | Ok my version of KDE is out of date. How do I upgrade? | 11:14 |
SillyZ | nope, its open free space | 11:14 |
kalagaraz | Download full KDE? | 11:14 |
MilanZR | configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first *** | 11:14 |
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abattoir | SillyZ: do you want only kubuntu on it? or do you plan on adding something else later? | 11:14 |
MilanZR | but i have glib install | 11:14 |
SillyZ | soo yuou need to install Glib v1.2.2 or greater | 11:14 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: which version do you have? | 11:15 |
MilanZR | when i do check on glib it works | 11:15 |
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SillyZ | open up the synaptic package manager and search for glib | 11:15 |
zorglu_ | glib2 would be better :) | 11:15 |
kalagaraz | 3.5.2 | 11:15 |
zorglu_ | glib is for glib1 | 11:15 |
MilanZR | hmmm | 11:15 |
MilanZR | but i have glib on my PC | 11:16 |
SillyZ | abattoir: its going to be a dual boot system, hda1 contains winhosed, hda2 is swap for hda3 which is linux, and hda4 is just plain ol fat32 storage | 11:16 |
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abattoir | SillyZ: ok, then choose manual partitioning, and then create those partitions | 11:16 |
abattoir | SillyZ: and if you plan on installing windows, I suggest you do that first before installing Kubuntu | 11:16 |
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SillyZ | I had to create the partioins manually with fdisk as it would only allwo me to create 1 partition under the manually edit partition table option | 11:17 |
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SillyZ | as long as I can get hda3 set for / and hda2 set for swap Im good | 11:17 |
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abattoir | kalagaraz: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-354.php | 11:18 |
SillyZ | seems to take an awful long time scanning the drive for different filessytems | 11:18 |
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zorglu_ | !root | 11:20 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 11:20 |
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SillyZ | now it says its formatting the swap andd other partitoin on hda3, but that its formatting it to god only knows, was a reiserfs on the prior | 11:21 |
kalagaraz | abattoir I ran those commands and get "gpg: no ultimately trusted keys found" | 11:21 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: i guess you can ignore the 'wget....' and the 'sudo apt-key...' commands for now | 11:22 |
SillyZ | hmmm no choice for package selection during installation, not cool imho | 11:22 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: you'll get an error saying the packages are not trusted, when you download them, you can ignore that too | 11:22 |
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SillyZ | now heres the big question, this drive is a 2.5inch laptop drive which is currently connected to a 3.5inch converter so i can install kubuntu....... prior in gnome-ubuntu, the cpu fan would not turn itself on, does anyone know if kubuntu is acpi or apm bacsed ?? | 11:24 |
MilanZR | no | 11:25 |
MilanZR | try to guess :) | 11:25 |
SillyZ | MilanZR: :P | 11:25 |
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MilanZR | 50%-50% :D | 11:25 |
SillyZ | Im assuming acpi but thought id ask for sure | 11:25 |
fdoving | SillyZ: generally, installing on another machine, and moving the disk might leave such things unconfigured. | 11:25 |
SillyZ | the older laptop is an apm abased system with no acpi functiion | 11:26 |
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fdoving | SillyZ: you can't boot the install image with pxe over the network or something? | 11:26 |
SillyZ | fdoving: if ou have some way of installing it nativly on the laptop without having to pull out the hard drive id love to hear it | 11:26 |
kalagaraz | I'm sorry really new to linux, but I'm getting 'deb command not found' | 11:27 |
SillyZ | i know of the PXE boot method, but that seems to be aton of work for what its going to accomplish 1 time | 11:27 |
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SillyZ | heh 100gb drive w/ 8mb cache..... can we say sccreamin? | 11:28 |
zorglu_ | q. i would like to have a terminal with a root shell in it and the ability to launch X command (aka to display), what can i do ? | 11:28 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: ok... do as i say.. | 11:28 |
abattoir | zorglu_: 'sudo -i' | 11:29 |
=== kalagaraz waits for RTFM comment :) | ||
abattoir | kalagaraz: heh, no :P | 11:29 |
kalagaraz | yay | 11:29 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: 'kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list' | 11:29 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: that opens your sources.list file in kate, which is a text editor | 11:29 |
zorglu_ | $ sudo -i | 11:29 |
zorglu_ | root@jmehost1:~# xclock | 11:29 |
zorglu_ | Error: Can't open display: | 11:29 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: doesnt seems to work :) | 11:30 |
kalagaraz | lots of failed device errors, that normal? still opened | 11:30 |
abattoir | zorglu_: that's because root doesnt have an X session | 11:30 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: ignore that | 11:30 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: how can i allow root to display on my desktop ? | 11:30 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: like kdesu is doing | 11:30 |
MilanZR | SillyZ,i try do ./configure glib but there is some error configure: error: *** pkg-config not found | 11:30 |
MilanZR | and the main prob | 11:30 |
MilanZR | is | 11:31 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: add 'deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-354 dapper main' (w/o the quotes) to the end of that file. | 11:31 |
MilanZR | i have png on my pc | 11:31 |
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abattoir | zorglu_: why do you want to launch xclock as root? | 11:31 |
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kalagaraz | done | 11:31 |
abattoir | zorglu_: and why do you want a 'root shell' instead of using sudo? | 11:31 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: xclock was only an example :) after that i will launch other command | 11:31 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: ok, now save that file and close kate | 11:31 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: because i need to be root quite a lot and typing all the time is consuming | 11:32 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: now do 'sudo apt-get update' | 11:32 |
kalagaraz | done | 11:32 |
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abattoir | zorglu_: you mean typing the password or sudo? | 11:32 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: no errors? | 11:33 |
kalagaraz | nope | 11:33 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: and do you see http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde... ? | 11:33 |
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abattoir | in the 'output' | 11:33 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: both :) | 11:33 |
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kalagaraz | I see a bunch of things like Get:1 http://kubuntu.org dapper Release.gpg [191B] | 11:34 |
abattoir | zorglu_: for the password, you can edit /etc/sudoers | 11:34 |
MilanZR | is there have anyone who can help me abot png and glib ? | 11:34 |
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MilanZR | about* | 11:34 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: ok, fine, now do 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 11:34 |
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abattoir | zorglu_: if you want to run X as root(which is not recommended at all), close your current session and run startx as root | 11:35 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: do you see new KDE pacakges? | 11:35 |
kalagaraz | its updating or something | 11:35 |
kalagaraz | 30% | 11:35 |
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kalagaraz | Get:25 http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/main imagemagick 6: [1616kB] | 11:36 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: ok i think there is a misunderstanding, what i want is not to run the whole X as root but simply to get a thing like sudo with 'x forwarding' | 11:36 |
zorglu_ | what kdesu is doing to get the 'X forwarding' ? | 11:36 |
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abattoir | zorglu_: from what i understand, they run these programs under your user, but with root privileges... i'm not sure that's possible from a root prompt | 11:37 |
zorglu_ | The program you execute will run under the root user id and will generally have no authority to access your X display. KDE su gets around this by adding an authentication cookie for your display to a temporary .Xauthority file. After the command exits, this file is removed. <- fromhttp://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdebase/kdesu/Internals.html | 11:38 |
zorglu_ | hmm i think i need to get something like xhosts or something | 11:38 |
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kalagaraz | Alright that finished. I assume I should reboot now? | 11:39 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: are you sure? so soon? | 11:40 |
kalagaraz | yeah | 11:40 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: i suspect you missed something somewhere | 11:40 |
zorglu_ | ok xhost is not working | 11:40 |
kalagaraz | I did about, and it said 3.5.4 | 11:40 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: did you see kde packages being upgraded? | 11:40 |
kalagaraz | yeah | 11:40 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: ok, that's good then :) | 11:40 |
kalagaraz | This isn't a cheap computer :) | 11:40 |
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kalagaraz | and a 10mbps internet connection | 11:40 |
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abattoir | kalagaraz: well, the servers arent always that fast :P | 11:41 |
kalagaraz | So I don't need to reboot? | 11:41 |
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abattoir | kalagaraz: well, if you want only the new KDE to take effect, restarting X is good enough | 11:41 |
kalagaraz | alright. | 11:42 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: unless you installed a new kernel or something... then you might want to restart | 11:42 |
kalagaraz | brb | 11:42 |
kalagaraz | wait | 11:42 |
kalagaraz | how do I restart just KDE :) | 11:42 |
kalagaraz | startx nevermind :) | 11:43 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: close all open apps, unsaved stuff, and press Ctrl+Alt+Backspace | 11:43 |
abattoir | heh | 11:43 |
flaccid | k menu | log out? | 11:44 |
abattoir | flaccid: yes, but the former is faster :P | 11:44 |
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flaccid | its not clean | 11:44 |
kalagaraz | Alright. Now to try to figure out how to install superkaramba | 11:45 |
flaccid | what signal does it send to open apps? | 11:45 |
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abattoir | kalagaraz: do you have universe enabled? | 11:45 |
kalagaraz | universe? | 11:45 |
abattoir | !universe | 11:45 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 11:45 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: ^^^ | 11:45 |
flaccid | !hacking | 11:46 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: once you enable it, you can find superkaramba there in adept, or do 'sudo apt-get install superkaramba' | 11:46 |
kalagaraz | I see a blank page | 11:46 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hacking - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:46 |
flaccid | ah ubotu isn't a hacker | 11:46 |
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abattoir | kalagaraz: the wiki is a bit slow, might take time to load | 11:46 |
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kalagaraz | there it goes :) thanks | 11:46 |
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SillyZ | well heres a kick in the shorts for ya..... this 'fan' problem with the CPU not wanting to turn on, well it appears it only wants to turn on about 10 percent of the time otherwise the fan is physically 'stuck' ... | 11:48 |
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lynxorgd | http://www.cyber-wars.com/?ref=100628 | 11:48 |
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kalagaraz | woot superkaramba installed :) | 11:50 |
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kalagaraz | Glad that worked, the configure file when I downloaded it failed :( | 11:50 |
kalagaraz | missing c compiler | 11:50 |
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siim | !mp3 | 11:50 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:50 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: if you plan on compiling software manually, you'd need some tools, | 11:51 |
abattoir | !b-e | 11:51 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 11:51 |
zorglu_ | abattoir: in case another asks the same question, the trick was to (i) put "xhost +local:" as plain user who loged in X, and (ii) do 'sudo -i' (iii) isinde the sudo 'export DISPLAY :0.0' and then xclock works ok :) | 11:51 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: ^^^ | 11:51 |
zorglu_ | an obvious one :) | 11:51 |
abattoir | zorglu_: thanks, i'll remember | 11:52 |
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lynxorgd | http://www.cyber-wars.com/?ref=100628 | 11:53 |
lynxorgd | http://www.cyber-wars.com/?ref=100628 | 11:53 |
lynxorgd | http://www.cyber-wars.com/?ref=100628 | 11:53 |
Electrolyte | Does anyone know if there is a hardware limit on the amount of keyboard keys that can be pressed as the same time? | 11:53 |
lynxorgd | http://www.cyber-wars.com/?ref=100628 | 11:53 |
lynxorgd | http://www.cyber-wars.com/?ref=100628 | 11:53 |
lynxorgd | http://www.cyber-wars.com/?ref=100628 | 11:53 |
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Electrolyte | Bloody spammers :/ | 11:53 |
Chousuke | Electrolyte: depends on the keyboard. | 11:53 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o imbrandon] by ChanServ | ||
siim | !Universe | 11:53 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 11:53 |
Electrolyte | Ah, right - some people keep telling me they can press up to about 6 keys when I can only press up to 3. | 11:53 |
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siim | i can press 8 at the same time :D | 11:54 |
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Electrolyte | Up to 3 on my USB keyboard before no other key works in a game. | 11:55 |
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Lynoure | Electrolyte: what do you test it with? | 11:55 |
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Electrolyte | A game. | 11:55 |
Chousuke | you have a crappy keyboard then | 11:55 |
Electrolyte | If I press more than 3 keys the motherboard usually beeps at me, or the 4th keyboard doesn't do anything. | 11:56 |
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Electrolyte | 4th key* | 11:56 |
Electrolyte | But I've not tried that in Linux yet. | 11:56 |
Electrolyte | So far it hasn't done anything like that in UT2004. | 11:56 |
kalagaraz | I'm obsessed with widgets | 11:56 |
Chousuke | As far as I know it depends entirely on the hardware of the keyboard | 11:56 |
llxcamxll | widget the world watcher | 11:56 |
Chousuke | there was a web page that explained this. | 11:57 |
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Chousuke | but I can't remember the URL | 11:57 |
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Lynoure | Electrolyte: I do not have any keycombos that use altctrlaltgr + something on the top | 11:57 |
Electrolyte | The ones I use at times are ctrl + a and w. | 11:57 |
Electrolyte | Which would be crouch then move forward & left - which works. | 11:58 |
Lynoure | Electrolyte: I was wondering whether there is software that shows what all is pressed down | 11:58 |
Electrolyte | I haven't an idea. | 11:58 |
imbrandon | xev maybe ? | 11:58 |
Chousuke | it depends on the keys you press too | 11:59 |
zorglu_ | any way to remove those "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168" each time i open kate ? | 11:59 |
Chousuke | if I press q and a, w no longer works | 11:59 |
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Lynoure | Electrolyte: some cheap keyboards also cannot handle multiple presses without hw-related weirdness I have been told | 12:00 |
Electrolyte | I've got a Logitech Media Elite. | 12:00 |
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Ayabara | I run rsync to backup my photos, but I get the message "rsync: chgrp failed: Operation not permitted (1)". can anyone give me a quick tip? I run "rsync -avz" | 12:04 |
USlvlC | F~MilanZR: cannot pm | 12:04 |
USlvlC | wsup man | 12:04 |
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kalagaraz | How do you install a theme? | 12:07 |
arcasa | How do you run a .tgz? | 12:08 |
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kalagaraz | that's like a zip isn't it? don't you extract it? :) | 12:08 |
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arcasa | Yeah... I started Kubuntu 3 days ago... I don't know how to do that either :P | 12:09 |
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kalagaraz | right click it | 12:09 |
siim | !libxine-extracodecs | 12:09 |
SillyZ | greets from the laptop | 12:09 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB | 12:09 |
kalagaraz | and extract | 12:09 |
SillyZ | woohoo! | 12:09 |
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siim | !multiverse | 12:09 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 12:09 |
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arcasa | Cool. I extracted it. Now I have an executable that I don't know how to use. | 12:11 |
arcasa | (I'm trying to run the old Linux version of Tibia :P) | 12:11 |
llxcamxll | ./filename | 12:11 |
arcasa | I tried to get Tibia running in WINE | 12:12 |
arcasa | But.... Well you know. Being on Linux is like being black in 1940's America. | 12:13 |
zorglu_ | wow lilo died yesterday... | 12:13 |
zorglu_ | glups | 12:13 |
MilanZR | good job SillyZ :) | 12:13 |
abattoir | kalagaraz: a .skz theme? | 12:14 |
siim | knetworkmanager can't connect to my wpa-tkip secured wireless networks it just "freezes" on 28% i'm using linksys WUSB54G 802,11g 2,4ghz intel chipset | 12:14 |
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kalagaraz | .kth | 12:15 |
Ayabara | no rsync wizards here? | 12:16 |
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Lynoure | Ayabara: what's your magical need? Many levels of mages... | 12:18 |
SillyZ | MilanZR: wasnt too tough just had to dpkg-reconfigure xserver-org when i moved it ove to the lapptop, other than that it seems fine | 12:18 |
SillyZ | the issue with the fan wasnt a software failure was a physical failure of the cpu fan | 12:19 |
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SillyZ | as long as its moving air over the cpu heatsink , thats all i care atm :D | 12:20 |
Ayabara | Lynoure, I run rsync to backup my photos, but I get the message "rsync: chgrp failed: Operation not permitted (1)". I run "rsync -avz" from ext3 to a fat32 | 12:20 |
SillyZ | wrong permissons mounted on the drive for fat32 ? | 12:20 |
kalagaraz | I figured out how to install theme | 12:21 |
kalagaraz | :) | 12:21 |
Lynoure | Ayabara: iirc, fat32 does not do groups... | 12:21 |
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Ayabara | Lynoure, ok. do I just need another argument to make it work? | 12:22 |
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zorglu_ | q. where can i change the desktop shortcut | 12:23 |
Lynoure | Ayabara: what do you have the fat32 mounted as? (that in, check the permissions first like SillyZ said) | 12:23 |
zorglu_ | like if i press alt-f4 i go to the forth desktop | 12:23 |
fdoving | !fat32 | 12:23 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 12:23 |
Ayabara | Lynoure, SillyZ : owner - view, modify. group and others can view only | 12:24 |
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SillyZ | abattoir: sometimes the wrong user permsiison can be set when mounting a faat32 drive only allowinng root to create / exxecute files on the at32 drive | 12:24 |
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Ayabara | came up like that default :-) | 12:24 |
abattoir | SillyZ: that message was for Ayabara ? | 12:25 |
SillyZ | ctrl+alt+1 will get you a proompr, ctrl+alt+7 will get ya back onto your desktop | 12:25 |
SillyZ | abattoir: yes it was | 12:25 |
SillyZ | sorry tired as hell been out storm spotting all night , and jus winding down here | 12:26 |
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hastesaver | Ayabara, remove the -a, I think | 12:26 |
Ayabara | hastesaver, I'll try it out. I have an external hd formatted as ext3 too, so I did the backup there instead for now | 12:27 |
hastesaver | Ayabara, you only need -r, I think (-a stands for -rlptgoD) | 12:28 |
Ayabara | just wanted to get to the bottom of it :-) | 12:28 |
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hastesaver | Ayabara, read `man rsync` :-) I think the "-g" in -a is causing problems, as FAT doesn't have groups | 12:28 |
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Kalagaraz | How do I change my resolution? | 12:31 |
Ayabara | hastesaver, SillyZ, Lynoure: thanks for helping me out. because of this channel I haven't visited my xp install in weeks :-) | 12:31 |
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SillyZ | Ayabara: np, gladi could be of help | 12:32 |
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Raul12 | what extra software is with dvd .iso file in kubuntu | 12:36 |
Raul12 | any list of those software | 12:37 |
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Raul12 | any1 | 12:41 |
Raul12 | help ? | 12:41 |
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zorglu_ | i think the dvd contain a package list :) | 12:42 |
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zorglu_ | i dunno it offhand | 12:42 |
abattoir | Raul12: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/6.06.1/release.1/kubuntu-6.06.1-dvd-i386.list might help | 12:43 |
zorglu_ | you may try to google for "kubuntu dvd package list" | 12:43 |
zorglu_ | or this url :) | 12:43 |
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abattoir | it might not be in the best format for viewing the packages... | 12:43 |
abattoir | but basically all the stuff under /pool/main and /pool/restricted | 12:43 |
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freewill | can some one help me to install eclipse? | 12:44 |
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Raul12 | ok | 12:44 |
freewill | i told adept to install the pkgs and it downloaded through last night | 12:45 |
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Raul12 | u have to name the package | 12:46 |
freewill | eclipse is installed now but in adept it tells me 'eclipse----BORKEN(intalled)-----BREAK(no change)' | 12:46 |
Raul12 | freee | 12:46 |
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Raul12 | check the dependiencies for eclipse | 12:47 |
Raul12 | then reinstall it | 12:47 |
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freewill | if i tipe eclipse in the console it tells me cat: /etc/eclipse/java_home: No such file or directory and some others stufff | 12:48 |
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freewill | i'd guess eclipse and my jre are clashing | 12:48 |
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freewill | (i have tried reinstalling) | 12:49 |
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Raul12 | did u check the dependiencies ? | 12:49 |
freewill | no, but doesn't adept do that for you (it downloaded allot of stuff with eclipse) | 12:50 |
SAngeli | Hi guys. I am considering kubuntu as an alternative to gentoo. What are the most common issues with this distro I should learn? | 12:51 |
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freewill | this is what i got when i re-installed eclipse just now "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages." | 12:51 |
Raul12 | if thier any internal mismatch then apt cant get it right | 12:51 |
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Raul12 | better check dependiencies n manual then install and if u can do it manually | 12:52 |
Raul12 | than apt - install process | 12:52 |
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freewill | thx | 12:53 |
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Raul12 | np | 12:53 |
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Raul12 | can any 1 give the link of software archive ? pls | 12:57 |
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abattoir | Raul12: what software archive? | 12:59 |
freewill | is there a java jdk (not some thing like gcj) in the archives? if so whats its name? | 12:59 |
abattoir | Raul12: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ? | 12:59 |
psb154 | freewill, sun-java5* | 12:59 |
freewill | i have got gij-4.1 and i think it might be a reson for eclipse not working.. | 01:00 |
abattoir | !info sun-java5-jdk | 01:00 |
ubotu | sun-java5-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 5.0. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.0-06-1 (dapper), package size 4868 kB, installed size 11548 kB | 01:00 |
psb154 | !sun-java | 01:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sun-java - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:00 |
freewill | lol | 01:00 |
psb154 | :-) | 01:00 |
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Raul12 | i want the link where i can down software from ubuntu archive | 01:01 |
freewill | sun-java5-jdk is not in my list | 01:01 |
abattoir | Raul12: try packages.ubuntu.com | 01:01 |
Raul12 | k | 01:01 |
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abattoir | freewill: do you have multiverse enabled? | 01:01 |
freewill | yes every thing that can be enable is | 01:02 |
abattoir | its in multiverse, so if you have it enabled, it should be there | 01:02 |
freewill | except the comments ofcourse | 01:02 |
Raul12 | is all the packages listed in packages.ubuntu.com are in dvd version ?? | 01:03 |
psb154 | freewill you may have to add 'multiverse' to one of these sources... | 01:03 |
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abattoir | freewill: make sure its enabled against 'dapper' rather than 'dapper-backports' | 01:03 |
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abattoir | Raul12: no | 01:03 |
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octan | read this.. it so funny --->> http://www.crisscross.com/jp/forum/Worlds_worst_hacker%_IRC_t ranscript/m_422436/tm.htm | 01:03 |
freewill | abattoir: should i rename it because dapper-backports is how mine looks | 01:04 |
abattoir | Raul12: only packages under main and restricted make it into the DVD | 01:04 |
Raul12 | hmm | 01:04 |
abattoir | freewill: add universe multiverse to 'dapper' then, dont rename it | 01:04 |
abattoir | !multiverse | 01:04 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 01:04 |
freewill | thx | 01:04 |
abattoir | freewill: ^^^ just in case you need some reference | 01:04 |
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Hobbsee | octan: please dont spam | 01:04 |
octan | Hobbsee shutup and read it :P | 01:05 |
=== abattoir has a feeling octan is going to be kicked :P | ||
Hobbsee | the link is dead anyway | 01:05 |
Raul12 | i think the server is down i cant enter | 01:05 |
abattoir | indeed | 01:05 |
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Hobbsee | take out the % | 01:06 |
octan | dead.. i can go to it | 01:06 |
freewill | abattoir: under what does eclipse go? like multivese and stuff | 01:06 |
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abattoir | !info eclipse | 01:07 |
ubotu | eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB | 01:07 |
abattoir | freewill: ^^^ universe | 01:07 |
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Raul12 | i am asking a silly ques. universe = free ??? | 01:08 |
Hobbsee | Raul12: yep | 01:09 |
Raul12 | multiverse = shareware ? | 01:09 |
abattoir | http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components | 01:09 |
Hobbsee | octan: heh. i love the fact that he doesn tknow what is | 01:09 |
abattoir | Raul12: ^^^^ | 01:09 |
octan | Hobbsee lol yea.. | 01:09 |
Raul12 | lo thxs | 01:10 |
Raul12 | ^_^! | 01:10 |
freewill | did you read the article on digg about that guy that 'hacked him self' | 01:10 |
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Raul12 | nope O_O? | 01:11 |
Raul12 | hacked himself ? how | 01:11 |
octan | read the like i posted :) | 01:11 |
octan | just take out the % and you its a valid url | 01:11 |
freewill | lol this guy thinks he got kick form chat but it was just a normal time-out | 01:11 |
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freewill | so his like i'll hack the guy that kicked me | 01:12 |
freewill | and some one told him that the hackers ip was | 01:12 |
Raul12 | invalied request url O_O? | 01:12 |
Raul12 | octan | 01:13 |
octan | _hacker% become _hacker | 01:13 |
octan | take out the % i said :) | 01:13 |
Raul12 | k | 01:13 |
octan | anyway i need to make a initscript for my mythbackend | 01:15 |
octan | can i use start-stop-daemon for it? | 01:15 |
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freewill | and he deleted his own hdds rofl | 01:16 |
freewill | abattoir: is this how it should look? 'deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main universe multiverse' | 01:16 |
D4m4ge | hello all | 01:16 |
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=== abattoir wonders if freewill deleted some of his HDD :P | ||
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freewill | dam 56/ks | 01:17 |
abattoir | freewill: yes, that's right | 01:17 |
abattoir | freewill: add restricted too though | 01:17 |
abattoir | deb http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted universe multiverse | 01:17 |
freewill | cool so you got the last message | 01:17 |
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abattoir | yes, you didnt get mine :P | 01:17 |
=== abattoir wonders if freewill deleted some of his HDD :P | ||
abattoir | </quote> | 01:18 |
freewill | i'm to poor for some :O | 01:18 |
abattoir | huh? | 01:18 |
Kalagaraz | Do I need to get special drivers for my nvidia card? | 01:18 |
Hobbsee | !nvidia | 01:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 01:18 |
Raul12 | yea | 01:19 |
freewill | lol no i just spent too much on gfx and not on hdd | 01:19 |
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octan | Kalagaraz, yes and no is you want gxl you need the nvidia driver else you can use the nv driver | 01:19 |
octan | *glx | 01:19 |
freewill | should i add deb-src one too? | 01:19 |
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octan | no,, | 01:20 |
Kalagaraz | what's glx? | 01:20 |
abattoir | freewill: not unless you'd want to download the sources for the packages | 01:20 |
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freewill | ok thx for the help cya | 01:20 |
abattoir | freewill: which most users dont need | 01:20 |
octan | Kalagaraz something you need to get full performance of you nvidia card :) | 01:21 |
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pielgrzym | is there a program for data recovery fron ntfs partitions for linux? :) | 01:21 |
octan | no | 01:21 |
SAngeli | Hi guys. I am considering kubuntu as an alternative to gentoo. What are the most common issues with this distro I should learn? | 01:21 |
pielgrzym | any chance I will sucessfully run a data recovery program on vmware? | 01:22 |
octan | SAngeli issues? ther is no issues :P | 01:22 |
SAngeli | really? | 01:22 |
octan | ya. | 01:22 |
ge2x | hey i tried to extract an archive with ark to /usr/local/games and it said that i dont have write permission | 01:22 |
ge2x | but im the administrator | 01:22 |
octan | ge2x sudo | 01:23 |
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SAngeli | octan: is it a preferable choice among fedora, suse and kubuntu? | 01:23 |
ge2x | and is there any way to do root stuff not from the command line? | 01:23 |
octan | SAngeli, its a good choice | 01:23 |
edvmech | hello | 01:23 |
SAngeli | octan: thanks | 01:23 |
edvmech | new here , whats up ? | 01:24 |
octan | ge2x root? ther is no root unless you make one.. | 01:24 |
octan | sudo passwd root to make one :p | 01:24 |
octan | but then you need to setup sudousers | 01:24 |
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abattoir | !sudo | 01:24 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 01:24 |
ge2x | hmm for example i need to change a folder permissions from konqueror and i cannot cause the owner is root and my user is ge2x | 01:25 |
freewill | what is sun-java5-bin and why would i need it for sun-java5-jre? | 01:25 |
eihnat | use sudo command then | 01:25 |
octan | ge2x then you need to startup konqueror like this.. | 01:25 |
octan | kdesu konqueror | 01:25 |
ge2x | but changing permissions from the command line sui have to type sudo chmod... | 01:26 |
eihnat | dj | 01:26 |
Kalagaraz | Now to try and install xgl/compiz | 01:26 |
eihnat | ops, wrong window | 01:26 |
octan | ge2x, yea. sudo chmod 755 blah blah | 01:26 |
octan | etc | 01:26 |
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octan | ge2x, sudo chown ge2x:ghe2 755 blah blah | 01:27 |
octan | erm | 01:27 |
ge2x | i know that command its just i want to do stuff like that from the gui and not the command line | 01:27 |
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octan | ge2x, i toild you how to | 01:27 |
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octan | kdesu konqueror | 01:27 |
ge2x | but is there a way that i could have root privileges when i login to kubuntu? | 01:29 |
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octan | dude. | 01:30 |
octan | why you want that | 01:30 |
octan | make a icon on your desktop.. make the command of the icon kdesu konqueror | 01:30 |
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ge2x | cause then i wouldnt have to type my password everytime when i launch synaptic or ather app that could alter the system | 01:31 |
octan | ge2x, go install windows | 01:31 |
ge2x | and i could write all the folders without the command line | 01:31 |
octan | you dont login as root | 01:31 |
ge2x | hmmm i wonder why isnt there a posiibility to do that? | 01:32 |
octan | it is posseble | 01:32 |
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ge2x | how? | 01:32 |
octan | but i ain telling you it,, cos your stupid if you wanna be root all the time | 01:32 |
ge2x | plz tell me | 01:32 |
ge2x | why plz explain it to me | 01:33 |
octan | no,, i dont wanna be the one that tould you how to screw up your install :P | 01:33 |
ge2x | if i wanted i could srew up my install with sudo :P | 01:33 |
octan | ge2x, dont play with root.. make the changes you need .. do it once and thats it | 01:34 |
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octan | ge2x its not like that,, lets say your in konqeror and in the /boot dir,. and you by accsident hit delete on the files,, then what do you do.. | 01:35 |
ge2x | oh so the only reason why the user created by me cant have root rights is because i'd srew up my system?:/ | 01:35 |
ge2x | ahhh... | 01:35 |
ge2x | wouldnt it ask do i REALLY want to delete that file? | 01:35 |
octan | and you said yes.. | 01:36 |
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ge2x | but why i'd wanna say yes? | 01:37 |
octan | you dont understand the power of root do you? | 01:37 |
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ge2x | root is a precaution from noob that go and screw up anything they lay their hands on | 01:39 |
ge2x | but not everyone is taht kind of noob | 01:39 |
llxcamxll | how can i make my pc connect to the router through usb? | 01:39 |
octan | ge2x, only a noob want to log in as root | 01:39 |
octan | llxcamxll, yes if you got the proper driver. | 01:40 |
llxcamxll | like which one? | 01:40 |
octan | i dont know.. google | 01:40 |
Raul12 | where can i find libraries with their descriptions ??? | 01:40 |
llxcamxll | !usb | 01:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:41 |
llxcamxll | oh | 01:41 |
octan | llxcamxll use google.. network usb connection | 01:41 |
ge2x | i'm just fed with all those "enter ur password" dialogs and "u dont have permission to do that" | 01:41 |
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llxcamxll | ok | 01:41 |
Raul12 | where can i find libraries with their descriptions ??? | 01:42 |
octan | what libs? | 01:42 |
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Raul12 | all liabries listed | 01:45 |
Raul12 | 4 ubuntu n their destripions | 01:45 |
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Hobbsee | Raul12: either apt-cache show packagename, or packages.ubuntu.com | 01:47 |
octan | apt-cache show kde | 01:47 |
octan | lol | 01:47 |
octan | dam you,, you beat me | 01:47 |
octan | :P | 01:47 |
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octan | ge2x, do you use xchat? | 01:49 |
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Kalagaraz | I'm following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=845077 but I'm getting missing compiz package error | 01:50 |
Kalagaraz | on the sudo apt-get part | 01:50 |
octan | ge2x, letrs say you use xchat.. and you login to X as root.. and someone tould you to do /exec -o rm -rf / and acualty did it,, what do think what would happen :P | 01:50 |
zorglu_ | q. i would like user to be able to dump core file. but ulimit -c report 0. how can i change this ? | 01:51 |
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||arifaX | how can I disable the single click feature in kubuntu, I want to doubleclick on files and folders for opening not single. | 01:54 |
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zorglu_ | there is an option for that in window behaviour i think | 01:55 |
octan | yes | 01:55 |
octan | ther is | 01:55 |
zorglu_ | in short, this is possible but i dont remember where exactly :) | 01:55 |
||arifaX | let me see, I am sorry to ask that but I could find, let me see | 01:55 |
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zorglu_ | i would like to do echo 0 >/proc/sys/kernel/core_uses_pid at every boot, where is the proper place to put this ? | 01:57 |
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pavi | how to play mp3 in kubuntu | 01:58 |
abattoir | !mp3 | 01:58 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 01:58 |
abattoir | pavi: follow the instructions there^^^ | 01:58 |
pavi | ya | 01:58 |
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||arifaX | zorglu_ I can not find it | 01:59 |
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zorglu_ | look more :) and find somebody to find it for you :) | 02:00 |
||arifaX | :) | 02:00 |
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zorglu_ | i saw it this morning, so it is there :) | 02:01 |
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octan | zorglu_ make a init sctipt that does that | 02:06 |
zorglu_ | i put it in /etc/rc.local | 02:07 |
zorglu_ | now i have to reboot to see if everything is ok :) | 02:07 |
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Raul12 | i have all liabries stored in 'lib' folder how do i install all libraries in it all at once ?????? | 02:09 |
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Raul12 | help ? ... ^_^ | 02:10 |
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Raul12 | .... | 02:12 |
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kalagaraz | Anyone know how to install xgl/compiz | 02:14 |
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Raul12 | help ? | 02:17 |
Raul12 | i have all liabries stored in 'lib' folder how do i install all libraries in it all at once | 02:17 |
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exobuzz | Raul12: i don't under stand your question ? | 02:18 |
octan | Raul12 explain more | 02:18 |
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octan | kalagaraz yes i know how to | 02:18 |
exobuzz | kalagaraz: there are many tutorials/howtos on the forums www.ubuntuforums.org | 02:19 |
octan | http://nuxil.dynserv.net:81/howto/xgl&compiz/compiz&xgl.txt | 02:19 |
Raul12 | i have software packages stored in "lib" folder in home dir. How can i install these all software at once ? | 02:19 |
Raul12 | without typing name of each | 02:19 |
exobuzz | you have .deb packages in a diretory call /lib in your home directory and you want to install them ? | 02:20 |
Raul12 | yea | 02:20 |
exobuzz | cd; cd lib; dpkg -i *.deb | 02:20 |
octan | dpkg -i | 02:20 |
octan | :) | 02:20 |
Raul12 | thxs u 2 ^_^ | 02:20 |
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kalagaraz | Is kubuntu dappar installed automatically | 02:23 |
kalagaraz | that guide you posted said to install it? | 02:23 |
octan | just follow it line by line :) | 02:24 |
octan | it aint that hard | 02:25 |
kalagaraz | will that work for amd65? | 02:25 |
kalagaraz | 64* | 02:25 |
octan | i dont know. | 02:25 |
octan | it should | 02:25 |
kalagaraz | I was following some other guide and I got to a part and missing gset-compiz | 02:25 |
octan | as long as the files in the repo is 64 arch it will work | 02:25 |
Raul12 | i cant enter help.ubuntu.com. r they servicing server | 02:25 |
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Raul12 | O_O? | 02:25 |
kalagaraz | 64 arch? How do I check? | 02:25 |
octan | synaptic or adept does that for you | 02:26 |
octan | apt | 02:26 |
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kalagaraz | eh missing package errors even with yours | 02:30 |
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kalagaraz | this time says can't find compiz-kde | 02:30 |
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mendred | hi any one using kooldock here? | 02:34 |
mendred | hey Hobbsee | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | hey mendred | 02:35 |
Hobbsee | i'm not, sorry | 02:35 |
mendred | Hobbsee: oh its ok :) | 02:35 |
mendred | it was a question to everyone in general | 02:35 |
mendred | basically when i do a fullscreen movie | 02:35 |
mendred | it still comes up | 02:35 |
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mendred | at bottom | 02:36 |
mendred | unless i set the auto hide to on | 02:36 |
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abattoir | mendred: you can add a 'Special Window/Application setting' to overcome that problem | 02:50 |
mendred | abattoir: ummm the trouble is i am not using kwin | 02:51 |
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mendred | abattoir: do u know how can i do it in cgwd | 02:51 |
abattoir | mendred: nope | 02:51 |
mendred | abattoir: *sigh* will keep it on autohide then | 02:51 |
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mendred | btw aiglx-compiz on this laptop runs like a charm | 02:52 |
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mendred | amazed that it runs so well on lousy hardware | 02:53 |
timpino | Hi! | 02:53 |
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timpino | !adept | 02:54 |
ubotu | adept is the Kubuntu package manager. Howto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto | 02:54 |
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timpino | I have kind of a problem with adept, I though it was taking to long, and I had to go to bed, so I quit it during installing of something, now I can't start it because it says it's already running, so I killed an adept process and tried again and now I can see all the lists but I can't apply my changes | 02:57 |
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seb__ | Hello all. | 02:59 |
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seb__ | Does somebody already tryed to create a Debian package for a KDE applicaiton? | 02:59 |
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seb__ | I'm at the "fakeroot debian/rules binary" stage of the .deb package creation. But in a Makefile.am, there is a $(kde_datadir), so it try to install some files in / instead of the debian/myapp folder. | 03:01 |
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seb__ | Somebody here? | 03:02 |
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timpino | !java | 03:11 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 03:11 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 03:12 |
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der0b | hi folks, is there any way to prevent kde from messing with my gtk themes? this was a kubuntu machine, I installed the ubuntu-desktop and the kde gtk settings are preventing me from changing menu fonts without making the change in kcontrol | 03:14 |
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slow-motion | re | 03:17 |
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kbrooks | ping :P | 03:18 |
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fildo | !openvpn | 03:29 |
ubotu | openvpn: Virtual Private Network daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.6-1 (dapper), package size 310 kB, installed size 940 kB | 03:29 |
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nimrod | hello | 03:30 |
szkuciak | hello | 03:31 |
nimrod | i want to install MySQL runing apache | 03:31 |
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LeeJunFan | !lamp | 03:32 |
ubotu | lamp is a shortcut for Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}. To setup a LAMP server on Ubuntu, install the packages libapache2-mod-php5, php5-mysql, and mysql-server-5.0. You can also choose 'install a LAMP server' from the server install cd boot menu. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP | 03:32 |
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CVirus | LAMP > GoD | 03:33 |
nimrod | thanks | 03:33 |
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sc0tch | Q: I'm trying to remoe/uninstall OpenOffice, if I select the package for removal it reports that kubuntu-desktop will be removed also, that doesn't sound good. Is that the proper way to remove OO? | 03:34 |
CVirus | sc0tch: kubuntu-desktop is just a meta package .. you can easily remove it while removing OO then install it again | 03:35 |
CVirus | sc0tch: not very sure about that though | 03:35 |
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Kr4t05 | sc0tch: kubuntu-desktop is only a meta-package, so, it's safe to remove OO. | 03:35 |
zorglu_ | it is written in the kubuntu-desktop description which is safe to remove it | 03:35 |
zorglu_ | got the case yesterday :) | 03:36 |
Kr4t05 | Man, I want to compile something | 03:36 |
sc0tch | thanks, I'll give the removal a try. | 03:36 |
zorglu_ | be a man and do compile then :) | 03:36 |
octan | !paste | 03:36 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 03:37 |
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marten | hi | 03:40 |
marten | i upgraded my dapper to edgy | 03:40 |
octan | does this look like a ok init script for my mythbackend ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23756 | 03:41 |
marten | and now there aren''t any fonts shown | 03:41 |
marten | neither in a real console nor in kde | 03:41 |
marten | can anyone help me please? | 03:41 |
octan | hah. and you didnt expext to get buggy apps when you upgraded | 03:42 |
octan | why in gods name did you upgrade to edgy = | 03:43 |
octan | ? | 03:43 |
marten | octan: of course i did. i only upgraded because i have still a working gentoo.... :D | 03:43 |
marten | octan: but for every bug there is a fix ^^ | 03:43 |
octan | its still stupid if your not a dev or pkg maintainer | 03:43 |
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marten | octan: ok yeah i know | 03:44 |
marten | but any idea how to fix? | 03:44 |
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octan | ask in #ubuntu+1 | 03:45 |
marten | ok thx | 03:45 |
octan | np | 03:45 |
MetaMorfoziS | have the kubuntu livecd the k3b? | 03:46 |
octan | no clue., just apt it :P | 03:46 |
MetaMorfoziS | where the livecd saves? | 03:46 |
MetaMorfoziS | how many freespace it have? | 03:46 |
octan | ehh | 03:47 |
octan | think :P | 03:47 |
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loehn | hallo, sind deutsche da? | 03:55 |
shegman | #kubuntu-de | 03:55 |
CVirus | !de | 03:55 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 03:55 |
CVirus | loehn: ^ | 03:55 |
loehn | danke | 03:56 |
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shegman | bitte | 03:56 |
zorglu_ | !flash | 03:56 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:56 |
ge2x | could anyone plz tell me how to install quake 3 on linux? | 03:57 |
shegman | with wine. i had no problems | 03:57 |
shegman | even with the default wine installation | 03:57 |
zorglu_ | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168 <- i got those very frequently, how can i get rid of them ? | 04:01 |
=== sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sorush20 | hi .. could someone tell me if this feed here give you very odd dates .. like 27/02/2935093 | 04:02 |
sorush20 | http://www.newscientist.com/feed.ns?index=stem-cells | 04:02 |
SonicChao | I'm trying to compile a package....and it says: | 04:03 |
SonicChao | checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! | 04:04 |
SonicChao | For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log. | 04:04 |
zorglu_ | !info qt-dev | 04:04 |
ubotu | Package qt-dev does not exist in any distro I know | 04:04 |
sorush20 | well SonicChao have you looked at the file , if not then you don't really have to just install qt-development files | 04:05 |
zorglu_ | you need to install qt lib, but i dunno the ubuntu name for it | 04:05 |
sorush20 | !info libqt-dev | 04:05 |
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ubotu | Package libqt-dev does not exist in any distro I know | 04:05 |
SonicChao | sorush20: I don't kow what to look for. | 04:05 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Want me to pastebin? | 04:05 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: no wait. | 04:06 |
SonicChao | k | 04:06 |
sorush20 | 1 | 04:06 |
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sorush20 | !info libqt4-dev | 04:06 |
ubotu | libqt4-dev: Qt 4 development files. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.1.2-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 3478 kB, installed size 17228 kB | 04:06 |
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sorush20 | that is the package I think | 04:06 |
SonicChao | Ok. | 04:06 |
sorush20 | use adept or apt-get get install.. | 04:07 |
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SonicChao | libqt4-dev is already the newest version. | 04:07 |
SonicChao | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded. | 04:07 |
sorush20 | did you do sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev | 04:07 |
SonicChao | Yeah | 04:07 |
SonicChao | That's what it says. | 04:07 |
zorglu_ | qt4 is NOT compatible with qt3 | 04:07 |
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SonicChao | o.o; Then I need Qt3 libraries? | 04:08 |
XVampireX | ya | 04:08 |
zorglu_ | yep, play with 'qt3' in adept | 04:08 |
SonicChao | ok. | 04:08 |
SonicChao | Can I have Qt4 and Qt3 libs? | 04:08 |
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XVampireX | Qt widgets are not as cute as GTK widgets | 04:09 |
sorush20 | is anyone else getting the same error in akregator using using this feed http://www.newscientist.com/feed.ns?index=stem-cells | 04:09 |
zorglu_ | it is unlikly you need qt4, as it is not really used now | 04:09 |
zorglu_ | and i know kde developper got a lot of issues about having both at the same time | 04:09 |
zorglu_ | i dunno if those issues applie to you tho | 04:09 |
zorglu_ | but i would advise against having both | 04:09 |
SonicChao | There are so many qt3 packages though... | 04:10 |
SonicChao | I don't know what to install. T_T | 04:10 |
zorglu_ | !info libqt3-dev | 04:10 |
ubotu | Package libqt3-dev does not exist in any distro I know | 04:10 |
zorglu_ | !info libqt-dev | 04:10 |
zorglu_ | !info libqt-devel | 04:10 |
ubotu | Package libqt-dev does not exist in any distro I know | 04:10 |
zorglu_ | !info libqt3-devel | 04:10 |
ubotu | Package libqt-devel does not exist in any distro I know | 04:10 |
zorglu_ | massive spam :) | 04:10 |
ubotu | Package libqt3-devel does not exist in any distro I know | 04:10 |
sorush20 | stop it you guys.. | 04:10 |
zorglu_ | well i dunno :) | 04:10 |
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sorush20 | just use adept and search for the packages. install anything that says headers and qt3 and 4 | 04:11 |
sorush20 | that is it .. | 04:11 |
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SonicChao | Headers? | 04:11 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: wait | 04:11 |
SonicChao | sorush20: k | 04:11 |
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sorush20 | sudo apt-get install libqt3-compat-headers libqt3-headers libqt3-mt-dev libqt4-dev | 04:12 |
sorush20 | just do that.. | 04:12 |
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SonicChao | Ok. | 04:13 |
sorush20 | is you get errors just do sudo apt-get -f install, or sudo apt-get -f remove | 04:13 |
sorush20 | if you still get errors just do sudo dpkg --configure -a | 04:13 |
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sorush20 | and if you still get error pastebin the errors.. | 04:14 |
SonicChao | It's not a deb package. | 04:14 |
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SonicChao | It's a targz. | 04:14 |
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SonicChao | Ok. I've installed them. Do I run ./configure again? | 04:14 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: what are you compliling? | 04:15 |
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sorush20 | SonicChao: this is what I should have asked in the beginning | 04:15 |
SonicChao | sorush20: ScreenKast | 04:15 |
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zorglu_ | there is a pacakge for it no ? | 04:16 |
SonicChao | No. | 04:16 |
SonicChao | I checked the repos before trying to install this way. | 04:16 |
zorglu_ | hmm the author itself came here to get its new version pacakge | 04:16 |
Kr4t05 | Hawkwind: | 04:16 |
Kr4t05 | ping | 04:16 |
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zorglu_ | so i get ther is a old version | 04:16 |
SonicChao | Could be. I'd install it. | 04:16 |
SonicChao | I just don't know the name for it. | 04:17 |
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sc0tch | in a 'dpkg -l' list what does the prefix 'rc' mean in front of the package name? | 04:17 |
zorglu_ | SonicChao: http://instrudeo.bpower2.com/packages/Ubuntu/dapper/ look here:) | 04:18 |
SonicChao | Cool. =3 | 04:19 |
SonicChao | Do I install all of them? | 04:19 |
zorglu_ | http://zerlinna.blogweb.de/archives/110-Easy-screencasting-with-Screenkast.html and here :) | 04:19 |
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sorush20 | SonicChao: see there was a package.. | 04:19 |
gnomefreak | sc0tch: it should tell you on the top of the output of dpkg -l | 04:19 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Not in the repos. Or was I aware of it. | 04:20 |
sorush20 | usually I just do a .deb programname search in google.. | 04:20 |
gnomefreak | well i thought it did :( | 04:20 |
sorush20 | someone will have enventually done a package on it.. | 04:20 |
SonicChao | Ok. =) | 04:20 |
SonicChao | "vncserver with a set password* *Those are not direct dependencies, but will be required to actually record the videos. " | 04:21 |
SonicChao | That's confusing me. | 04:21 |
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SonicChao | Do I already have that? | 04:21 |
zorglu_ | !java | 04:23 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 04:23 |
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SonicChao | Oh. I have Java. XD | 04:23 |
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CaBlGuY | !icq | 04:24 |
ubotu | Instant Messenger Clients: Gaim (GNOME, http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Kopete (KDE), both supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. | 04:24 |
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SonicChao | Is that server down or something? It's not even downloading. | 04:26 |
psb154 | !jaba | 04:26 |
SonicChao | The deb package. | 04:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jaba - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:26 |
david_ | psb154: do you mean jabber? | 04:26 |
psb154 | yes | 04:26 |
psb154 | :-/ | 04:26 |
psb154 | that'll be why I cant find the home page :-/ | 04:27 |
SonicChao | !jabber | 04:27 |
ubotu | jabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, like MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Gaim (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org | 04:27 |
psb154 | ta | 04:27 |
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david_ | tehee. clearly you need to be a star wars geek to use linux :-D | 04:27 |
psb154 | lol | 04:27 |
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david_ | !skywalker | 04:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about skywalker - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:28 |
sorush20 | david_: no star wars.. star trek.. | 04:28 |
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Russel | hiho | 04:28 |
david_ | jabber the hutt was in star wars dude. | 04:28 |
david_ | jabber the communication protocol was his brother. | 04:28 |
SonicChao | =( | 04:28 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Can you download the debs? I can't. | 04:28 |
Russel | how much swap need i to using suspend to disk with 512 mb ram? | 04:28 |
david_ | your swap is the equivalent to "virtual memory" in windows. | 04:29 |
david_ | generally the rule of thumb is twice the size of your physical memory. | 04:29 |
ge2x | how can i bypass the md5 sum verification used by sh? | 04:30 |
david_ | ^^note how russel uses Yoda speak, thus tying in another Star Wars reference. | 04:30 |
abattoir | heh :P | 04:30 |
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david_ | when does sh use md5? | 04:31 |
SonicChao | T_T What debian pkgs? There are none. | 04:31 |
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ge2x | i type sh script.run | 04:31 |
SonicChao | That are on a server that goes faster then 2.5kb/s at least. | 04:31 |
=== SonicChao dies | ||
sorush20 | SonicChao: I was able to .. | 04:31 |
ge2x | and then it says error in md5 checksums | 04:31 |
zorglu_ | ge2x: this mean your download is corrupted | 04:31 |
sorush20 | send me your email and I will send to you.. | 04:31 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Then can you send them to me with DCC? | 04:31 |
zorglu_ | not a good idea to bypass it :) | 04:32 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Ok, that works too | 04:32 |
ge2x | tell me plz if u know | 04:32 |
ge2x | :) | 04:32 |
SonicChao | sorush20: sonicchao05 AT gmail DOT com | 04:32 |
Russel | mhhh at the moment i have 509 swap and 503 ram (told by free) | 04:32 |
Russel | is it sufficent for suspend to swap? | 04:33 |
david_ | quite probably, suspend does a RAM cleanout before it suspends. | 04:33 |
david_ | and some crazy compression shizzle. | 04:33 |
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Russel | ok | 04:33 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: Its coming though | 04:33 |
david_ | best way to find out...test it | 04:34 |
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SonicChao | sorush20: your sending? ok. | 04:34 |
david_ | if it goes horribly wrong with the message "not enough swap" then you need some more. | 04:34 |
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sorush20 | SonicChao: did you look for other programs like this/ | 04:34 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Not really. =( | 04:34 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: you really should do.. | 04:35 |
SonicChao | D= That isn't exactly helpful... | 04:35 |
SonicChao | But I'll try | 04:35 |
SonicChao | And thanks for sending debs. =3 | 04:35 |
sorush20 | check your mail now.. its about 3mb | 04:35 |
SonicChao | Yeah. I have them. | 04:36 |
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sorush20 | np.. | 04:37 |
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SonicChao | I wish there was some sort of KDE version of GDebi Pkg installer. Oh well. | 04:38 |
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david_ | SonicChao: have a look on kde-apps.org, | 04:39 |
SonicChao | now it's saying I have no VNCServer....... | 04:39 |
SonicChao | *runs into wall* | 04:39 |
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JohnFlux | Hey all! | 04:42 |
JohnFlux | I have a sony video camera | 04:42 |
JohnFlux | i've plugged it in... | 04:42 |
JohnFlux | lsusb sees it | 04:42 |
JohnFlux | but it's not registering as a storage medium | 04:43 |
JohnFlux | so I'm not sure what to do next | 04:43 |
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SonicChao | I | 04:43 |
SonicChao | 'll sudo apt-get it. | 04:43 |
zorglu_ | JohnFlux: try with vlc to see the pitcure :) | 04:44 |
JohnFlux | apt-get what? | 04:44 |
zorglu_ | picture | 04:44 |
JohnFlux | zorglu_: hmm? | 04:44 |
sorush20 | JohnFlux: what is the meda flash or tape? | 04:44 |
JohnFlux | dvd-rw | 04:44 |
JohnFlux | although when I just put the dvd-rw in my machine it thinks it's blank | 04:44 |
JohnFlux | same in windows and linux | 04:44 |
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sorush20 | JohnFlux: must be patented format sony is using. | 04:45 |
SonicChao | AAAAAAAAAAA....... | 04:45 |
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sorush20 | just type the model number of you camera in google like mycamera ubuntu dapper | 04:45 |
SonicChao | sorush20: This isn't working right. I installed VNC Server, etc. etc. | 04:45 |
sorush20 | see what you get | 04:45 |
SonicChao | It's recording a blank screen with an X for a cursor. Not what Im looking at =( | 04:46 |
SonicChao | And then it says "error while importing the recorded session" | 04:46 |
Hawkwind | Kr4t05: Pong | 04:47 |
SonicChao | *jumps out window* | 04:47 |
Kr4t05 | Hawkwind: Hey... | 04:47 |
Kr4t05 | Hawkwind: Now I forgot what I was going to say... | 04:48 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: did you manage to install everything .. ? | 04:48 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Even that development package? | 04:48 |
SonicChao | I was...supposed to do that...? | 04:48 |
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Hawkwind | Kr4t05: Hah. Happens to me all the time | 04:48 |
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zorglu_ | hmm i like ubuntu :) our pompom girl is nelson mandela while window pompom girl is a guy which have been repeatedly convincted for unrully behaviour | 04:48 |
zorglu_ | 2 worlds :) | 04:49 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: yes do all of that | 04:49 |
jason | hi everyone | 04:49 |
SonicChao | Ok. | 04:49 |
sorush20 | jason: hi | 04:49 |
jason | i have problems with using a video capture card... hp media center m1080... Leadtek Winfast 2000XP Expert... any pointers?? | 04:50 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: did you install vnc4server? | 04:52 |
SonicChao | sorush20: No. | 04:52 |
sorush20 | try that one.. | 04:52 |
sorush20 | and uninstall the older one.. | 04:52 |
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nimrod | i installed apache with php module and everything. When i go to http://localhost/apache2-default/ says everything its ok and apache is running But when i try to see a .php file return "Forbidden: You don't have permission to access /login/index.php on this server." | 04:55 |
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nimrod | i dont understand | 04:56 |
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josh_ | hey | 04:57 |
SonicChao | sorush20: This time it's weirder. | 04:57 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: I don't think I can help you any more | 04:58 |
josh_ | what's the command to make shift + backspace not restart X | 04:58 |
sorush20 | SonicChao: your best bet it to look for a howto on the whole thing.. | 04:58 |
josh_ | it keeps happening to me | 04:58 |
sorush20 | I never used it before.. | 04:59 |
sorush20 | goot luck | 04:59 |
SonicChao | Hmm... | 04:59 |
SonicChao | =( | 04:59 |
josh_ | does anybody know that command? | 04:59 |
SonicChao | sorush20: Can you recommend anything like it? | 05:00 |
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sorush20 | SonicChao: you should really read the faq on the http://www.captorials.com/index.php?cmd=faq | 05:04 |
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DjDarkman` | hy ,is amarok and mp3 support available on the dapper dvd? | 05:05 |
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abattoir | DjDarkman`: no, its not | 05:06 |
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david_ | dapper DVD? | 05:08 |
david_ | is that a live disc? | 05:08 |
DjDarkman` | abattoir and how can I get it if I don`t have internet connection? | 05:08 |
david_ | that would be just genius. | 05:08 |
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david_ | DjDarkman`: stick it on a USB pen. | 05:08 |
abattoir | DjDarkman`: you'd have to downl libxine-extracodecs(in universe) and libmad0 | 05:08 |
abattoir | !info libxine-extracodecs | 05:09 |
ubotu | libxine-extracodecs: the xine video/media player library, binary files. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), package size 1148 kB, installed size 2976 kB | 05:09 |
abattoir | !info libmad0 | 05:09 |
ubotu | libmad0: MPEG audio decoder library. In component main, is optional. Version 0.15.1b-2.1 (dapper), package size 75 kB, installed size 160 kB | 05:09 |
abattoir | DjDarkman`: ^^^^ | 05:09 |
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abattoir | *(in multiverse) | 05:09 |
DjDarkman` | do they have dependencies? | 05:09 |
SonicChao | =( | 05:09 |
SonicChao | I need a KDE program to record what I'm doing on the screen | 05:10 |
DjDarkman` | SonicChao you want to make a movie? | 05:10 |
SonicChao | DjDarkman`: YEs | 05:10 |
nethad | SonicChao: there exists skreenkast | 05:11 |
david_ | !istanbul | 05:11 |
abattoir | DjDarkman`: you should have those installed already | 05:11 |
ubotu | istanbul: Desktop session recorder. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.1-3ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 65 kB, installed size 344 kB | 05:11 |
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nethad | or screenkast, i'm not sure | 05:11 |
SonicChao | Oh no. Not screenkast. | 05:11 |
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abattoir | DjDarkman`: libxine-extracodecs depends on libmad0(among other things), that's why i mentioned it specifically | 05:11 |
SonicChao | That has screwed me so bad in the last hour or so. | 05:11 |
abattoir | DjDarkman`: the others are libc6(which should be installed) and zlib1g(which i think is also installed) | 05:12 |
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SonicChao | david_: I'll try that. | 05:12 |
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renan | tem algum brasileiro aki | 05:13 |
SonicChao | Whatin the world? | 05:13 |
SonicChao | What is that red thing down there? o.o | 05:13 |
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SonicChao | And how od I get it to start capturing? | 05:13 |
abattoir | !br | 05:13 |
ubotu | Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em portugus. Obrigada. | 05:13 |
abattoir | renan: ^^^ | 05:14 |
renan | oi | 05:15 |
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renan | qual que desse programa ? | 05:16 |
david_ | arg, I've forgotten how to read english. | 05:16 |
zorglu_ | lets guess the language ... :) | 05:16 |
zorglu_ | !es | 05:16 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:16 |
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david_ | espanol I'd guess | 05:16 |
david_ | (that's spannish to any language n00bs) | 05:17 |
zorglu_ | spannish is not the proper term ? | 05:17 |
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david_ | zorglu_: what is then? | 05:18 |
zorglu_ | ok i missed something :) | 05:18 |
Luke | can anyone help me install ndiswrapper please? | 05:19 |
david_ | I'm off to tackle a huge pile of washing up | 05:19 |
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Luke | can anyone help me install ndiswrapper please? | 05:21 |
zorglu_ | oinnn eclipse crashed and dont want to come back now | 05:22 |
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abattoir | Luke: sure... | 05:22 |
jita | How do i search for the installed packages? | 05:23 |
Luke | abbattoir: ive tried installing it using the make install command which doesnt work | 05:23 |
abattoir | Luke: do you have ndiswrapper-utils installed? | 05:23 |
abattoir | jita: in adept? or in the command line? | 05:23 |
jita | abattoir: command line | 05:23 |
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abattoir | jita: dpkg --get-selections | 05:24 |
Luke | abattoir: i have ndiswrapper-1.23 which i unpacked and then tried to install | 05:25 |
jita | abattoir: it does'nt show the version number? | 05:25 |
abattoir | jita: 'dpkg -l |grep ^ii' | 05:25 |
abattoir | Luke: ok, is there a reason why you aren't using ndiswrapper from the repos? | 05:26 |
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Luke | abattoir: because i have to do it offline | 05:26 |
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abattoir | Luke: ok, then you'd need the kernel headers | 05:27 |
abattoir | Luke: do you have them installed? | 05:27 |
Luke | abattoir:i dont think so, it asks for kernal build files | 05:27 |
jita | abattoir: thanks | 05:27 |
abattoir | Luke: exactly, you need the kernel header files | 05:27 |
abattoir | jita: you're welcome :) | 05:27 |
jita | abattoir: and how do i know which version apt-get is going to install? | 05:27 |
Luke | abattoir: is there a debian with them in? | 05:28 |
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lontra | i'm running edgy and my window borders don't look like those on the knot3 wiki | 05:28 |
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lontra | what's the default window for edgy? | 05:30 |
Luke | abattoir: how do i get the kernal header files? | 05:31 |
abattoir | Luke: you'd need to install the respective linux-headers-{uname -r} package | 05:31 |
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abattoir | where {uname -r} would be your kernel version | 05:32 |
abattoir | (got by typing uname -r in the cli) | 05:32 |
jatos | anyone know what 'more' does? | 05:32 |
abattoir | lontra: crystal | 05:32 |
jatos | its part of util-linux | 05:32 |
abattoir | jatos: try 'man more' ;) | 05:32 |
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abattoir | lontra: did you upgrade *after* knot3 was released? | 05:32 |
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lontra | actually...i installed a build a week ago and today installed kubuntu-desktop | 05:33 |
abattoir | jita: i think it mentions it when upgrading... | 05:33 |
jatos | thanks abattoir | 05:33 |
abattoir | jatos: :) | 05:33 |
jita | abattoir: nope only the names of the packages to be upgraded | 05:33 |
jatos | I am doing an LFS build via my kubuntu system and was wondering what it did... | 05:33 |
jatos | handy tool now I know... | 05:34 |
abattoir | lontra: well, then there have been updates after knot3(as they are constantly being revised) so you have the latest revision, which was modified after knot3 | 05:34 |
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abattoir | jita: one sec... | 05:34 |
jita | anyone point me to the screenshots of knot3? | 05:34 |
lontra | abattoir: well i had to 'polished' it up cause i run the kde wizard and i think screwed stuff up :) | 05:34 |
jita | abattoir: sure | 05:34 |
abattoir | jita: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdgyEft/Knot3/Kubuntu | 05:35 |
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abattoir | lontra: aah, yes, kpersonalizer... | 05:35 |
jayuel | hello | 05:35 |
abattoir | lontra: remove ~/.kde/share/config/kpersonalizer if it keeps coming up | 05:35 |
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Freddy2 | hi | 05:35 |
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lontra | abattoir: is there a way i could set it to the defaults? | 05:35 |
abattoir | lontra: Click on the icon on the windeco(to the left of the title)->Configure Window Behaviour->Window Decorations | 05:36 |
abattoir | lontra: and choose Crystal | 05:36 |
jita | frankly telling that purple color is not a good idea, hope they do something in final or beta edgy | 05:37 |
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lontra | i don't mind the purple - it's nice on the eyes | 05:37 |
abattoir | jita: afaik, its staying | 05:37 |
lontra | what is kimdaba now called? | 05:37 |
lontra | kphotoshow? | 05:37 |
abattoir | jita: if you have some comments on it, add it to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Artwork/Incoming/Kubuntu-Edgy-Ideas-Feedback | 05:38 |
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jita | abattoir: many people already pointed out that puple thing matter :P | 05:39 |
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zorglu_ | abattoir: mine is 'no purple!!!' :) | 05:39 |
abattoir | zorglu_: :P | 05:40 |
nethad | i read that there will be hibernation support in edgy, what's the difference between hibernation and sleep or standby? | 05:40 |
=== lontra like the purple shade | ||
zorglu_ | i say a poll must be made :) | 05:42 |
zorglu_ | and im confident about the result :) | 05:42 |
zorglu_ | and made before releasing this as the real LTS stuff | 05:42 |
lontra | zorglu_: what do you want purple or not purple? | 05:42 |
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zorglu_ | i dont want purple :) | 05:43 |
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greg | hi ya'all I'm trying to update from kubuntu breezy to kubuntu dapper. When I "apt-get install kde-desktop" I get errors involving unmet dependencies. Should I just install those packages it's complaining about or will this just hose everything up? | 05:43 |
lontra | :) | 05:43 |
zorglu_ | there is a reason why everybody does it blue :) | 05:43 |
zorglu_ | people like blue | 05:43 |
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zorglu_ | some like purple but a lot less than blue :) | 05:43 |
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zorglu_ | there are actually marketing study about this :) | 05:43 |
MilanZR | hey ppl,which p2p prog, is the best for linux ? | 05:44 |
nethad | greg: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DapperReleaseNotes/Kubuntu/UpgradeProblems?highlight=%28dapper%29%7C%28upgrade%29 | 05:44 |
greg | MilanZR: frostwire | 05:44 |
MilanZR | tnx greg | 05:45 |
jita | MilanZR: amule. apollon? | 05:45 |
|lostbyte| | MilanZR, kmldonkey | 05:45 |
greg | nethad: thanks | 05:45 |
MilanZR | oo nice :) | 05:45 |
|lostbyte| | BRB | 05:45 |
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MilanZR | tnx ppl | 05:45 |
Luke | where can i download the headers? | 05:46 |
abattoir | jita: ubuntu doesnt seem to have apt-show-versions -u .... i'll see if i can find something else | 05:46 |
jita | abattoir: oh ok | 05:46 |
Luke | *where can i download the kernel header files? | 05:46 |
abattoir | jita: try install 'apt-show-versions' | 05:47 |
abattoir | jita: then try apt-show-versions -u | 05:47 |
Hawkwind | Luke: apt-get install linux-headers | 05:47 |
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abattoir | Luke: package.ubuntu.com | 05:47 |
abattoir | Hawkwind: he has no internet connection | 05:48 |
Hawkwind | Oh | 05:48 |
abattoir | *packages.ubuntu.com | 05:48 |
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abattoir | Luke: ^^^ | 05:48 |
jita | abattoir: I added kde-354 repo in sources list, now if i do apt-get install kde, it will install 3.5.4 version? | 05:48 |
gnomefreak | need net connection for that too | 05:48 |
Hawkwind | If he doesn't have internet, how's he going to get to that URL :P | 05:48 |
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abattoir | jita: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 05:48 |
Hawkwind | jita: Just do dist-upgrade | 05:48 |
abattoir | Hawkwind: i meant on the system where he was installing :P | 05:48 |
jita | I hope it does'nt upgrade to edgy | 05:48 |
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Hawkwind | abattoir: Heh I know. Was just being funny | 05:48 |
gnomefreak | Luke: you need to download it from packages.ubuntu.com save it to a usb stick or a cd and than install it using dpkg | 05:49 |
abattoir | jita: no it wont :P | 05:49 |
Hawkwind | jita: It won't unless you added edgy sources | 05:49 |
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abattoir | jita: as long as the 'distribution' section says dapper | 05:49 |
jita | yes it is dapper | 05:49 |
Luke | gnomefreak: where is it in packages? | 05:49 |
gnomefreak | Luke: what does uname -a say? | 05:49 |
abattoir | Luke: you need to go search for it there... | 05:49 |
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Luke | 2.6.15-26-386 | 05:50 |
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jita | btw whats the difference between dist-upgrade and upgrade? | 05:50 |
gnomefreak | jita: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=2.6.15-26-386&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all | 05:51 |
Hawkwind | jita: dist-upgrade will update things like the kernel and such, where upgrade won't | 05:51 |
Hawkwind | jita: dist-upgrade will also get you to the next version of the OS if you have the right sources set, where upgrade won't | 05:51 |
jita | oh ok | 05:52 |
CVirus | what pacakges do I need to use make xconfig ? | 05:53 |
Mnabil | CVirus: qt, you can use, kconfig too | 05:54 |
gnomefreak | CVirus: make is in build-essential | 05:54 |
CVirus | Mnabil: I have qt installed already | 05:54 |
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CVirus | gnomefreak: I'm talking about xconfig not make itself | 05:54 |
Mnabil | CVirus: you can ask in #kernel | 05:55 |
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greg | nethad : I read the page and yes I do have kde 3.5 running on breezy. Is it safe to go ahead and do a dist-upgrade or will this break kde? | 05:56 |
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leleobhz | how can i set the popup block for somesites? | 05:58 |
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fernanda | ALGUIEN Q HABLE ESPAGNOIL | 05:58 |
leleobhz | i need some sites allowed to open popups | 05:58 |
Hawkwind | !es | 05:58 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:58 |
fernanda | ESPAOL | 05:58 |
Luke | the linux headers wont install | 05:58 |
Hawkwind | leleobhz: What broswer ? | 05:58 |
fernanda | OK | 05:58 |
fernanda | GRACIAS | 05:58 |
leleobhz | Hawkwind: konqueror | 05:58 |
fernanda | O THANK YOU | 05:58 |
Hawkwind | fernanda: You're welcome(denada) | 05:59 |
leleobhz | fernanda: por favor, no uses mayusculas | 05:59 |
leleobhz | :] | 05:59 |
fernanda | lo siento | 05:59 |
Hawkwind | leleobhz: Ah I don't use konqueror as a webbrowser so I'm not sure | 05:59 |
leleobhz | Hawkwind: ok | 05:59 |
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fernanda | es la primera vez me me meto aca (is the first time that i'm here | 05:59 |
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leleobhz | fernanda: y es la primera chance de escribir en espanol en anos :] | 06:00 |
abattoir | leleobhz: when konq. blocks a site, a small icon is shown at the bottom... click on it and choose to show the window | 06:00 |
fernanda | how can i change channel | 06:00 |
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leleobhz | s/la primera/la mia primera/g | 06:00 |
abattoir | *click on it and select the option to show the window | 06:00 |
Hawkwind | fernanda: Type: /join #Kubuntu-ES | 06:00 |
leleobhz | fernanda: qual cliente? | 06:00 |
fernanda | ok | 06:00 |
leleobhz | Hawkwind: :p | 06:00 |
fernanda | quiero irne a ese mismo | 06:00 |
fernanda | kubuntu es | 06:00 |
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nickste | lo all | 06:00 |
jita | which language is this? | 06:00 |
abattoir | jita: Spanish? | 06:01 |
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Luke | the kernel headers wont install | 06:01 |
jita | i dunno i am asking :P | 06:01 |
abattoir | jita: ok, Spanish. | 06:01 |
nickste | How do I run firefox? I've downloaded it, and extracted... | 06:01 |
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fernanda | /join #Kubuntu-ES | 06:01 |
fernanda | spanish | 06:01 |
fernanda | jejje | 06:01 |
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fernanda | eso tengo q escribir? | 06:01 |
leleobhz | si | 06:01 |
Mnabil | nickste:can you apt-get it | 06:02 |
leleobhz | pero sin espacio | 06:02 |
Mnabil | ? | 06:02 |
fernanda | ojk | 06:02 |
nickste | yeah. | 06:02 |
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fernanda | y domndese supone | 06:02 |
Hawkwind | nickste: Why didn't you just sudo apt-get install firefox instead ? | 06:02 |
fernanda | jkajajajaj | 06:02 |
nickste | just apt-get firefox? | 06:02 |
nickste | ah | 06:02 |
nickste | okies | 06:02 |
fernanda | no cacho una | 06:02 |
nickste | ta :) | 06:02 |
dennister | ahhhhhhhhhh here at last (?) | 06:02 |
Mnabil | nickste: apt-get install it | 06:02 |
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josh_ | NO | 06:03 |
josh_ | OMG | 06:03 |
dennister | how is everyone this beautiful day? | 06:03 |
nickste | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 06:03 |
josh_ | emergency! | 06:03 |
nickste | ? | 06:03 |
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abattoir | nickste: you have adept open... | 06:03 |
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nickste | bleh | 06:03 |
Hawkwind | nickste: If you have adept open, you need to close it | 06:03 |
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nickste | I'm new to this :) thanks | 06:03 |
fernanda | me resulto | 06:03 |
abattoir | nickste: you can install it through adept as well | 06:03 |
josh_ | adept went into read only mode and no matter what i do it says its being used by another process | 06:03 |
fernanda | gracais muchachos | 06:03 |
josh_ | how do i fix this? | 06:03 |
fernanda | gracias | 06:04 |
nickste | aha, it's working :) | 06:04 |
abattoir | nickste: just search for firefox in the adept search box | 06:04 |
abattoir | ok, nvm :) | 06:04 |
nickste | reeally don't like Konqueror browser! | 06:04 |
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leleobhz | noone use konqueror as webbrowser? | 06:04 |
CVirus | me does | 06:04 |
=== abattoir does too :) | ||
nickste | lol, it is the WORST | 06:04 |
dennister | i use konqueror as browser | 06:04 |
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dennister | i like that i can use one program for web AND system file browsing | 06:05 |
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CVirus | at least it doesnt leak memory when left idle for a couple of hours like Firefox | 06:05 |
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nickste | So let me guess, you use IE in windows ;-p | 06:05 |
CVirus | no time for that .. sorry | 06:06 |
abattoir | and it can rip cds, act as an ftp client, show a terminal window, act as an ssh client... bleh i'm too tired to type all of its features :P | 06:06 |
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dennister | would anyone have some time to help a noob with some config fixes? | 06:07 |
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Wodger | all programs will tend to leak or just gather memory as it uses more... | 06:07 |
f2b | . | 06:07 |
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Nickste | once I download the extracodex support (for mp3's), do I need to do anything else to get them working? e.g restart sound server? | 06:07 |
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abattoir | Nickste: nope, just close and reopen amarok | 06:07 |
dennister | i'd really, really, really(!) appreciate it | 06:07 |
abattoir | dennister: what do you need help w/ ? | 06:08 |
abattoir | !ask | 06:08 |
qwerty | I'm having some trouble with mailto: association. Anyone care to help me? | 06:08 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 06:08 |
abattoir | dennister: ^^ :) | 06:08 |
abattoir | qwerty: in konqueror? | 06:08 |
Nickste | hmmm, it doesn't play... Does this have anything to do with the fact that the mp3 | 06:08 |
dennister | several areas: sound for one (mike is default and it shouldn't be | 06:08 |
Nickste | 's are on NTFS drive? | 06:08 |
dennister | although it's working...wierd... | 06:08 |
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qwerty | abattoir: No, in firefox | 06:09 |
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dennister | all my mp3's extra codecs, movies, dvd's --all working :) | 06:09 |
abattoir | Nickste: might be, see if copying over a file to your home and playing it from there works | 06:09 |
qwerty | I read somewhere, on some maillist, that there was some problem with this in kubuntu | 06:09 |
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Nickste | okies | 06:09 |
abattoir | qwerty: isnt there an extension for that? | 06:09 |
qwerty | That you had to use Kmail for it to work | 06:09 |
qwerty | abattoir: A firefox plugin, you mean? | 06:10 |
abattoir | qwerty: yes | 06:10 |
zblach | experts, i'm having a strange problem which, when googled, yields no results. on waking from a suspended state, my sound refuses to play. any ideas? | 06:10 |
abattoir | qwerty: which client do you wish to use? | 06:10 |
abattoir | email client, i.e | 06:10 |
row | #red-eyez | 06:10 |
qwerty | Might solve the problem. But it should be handled by kubuntu, methinks | 06:10 |
Nickste | abattoir: works now, once i copy it across :) | 06:10 |
qwerty | Firefox and Thunderbird | 06:10 |
qwerty | Instead of Konqueror and Kmail | 06:10 |
abattoir | zblach: everything else works? mouse, keyboard etc. ? | 06:10 |
zblach | yeah | 06:10 |
zblach | sound just doesn't run upon waking | 06:11 |
dennister | did u c my reply? | 06:11 |
abattoir | Nickste: i think there is a problem w/ reading from NTFS, dont remember if it was fixed | 06:11 |
Nickste | ok | 06:11 |
Nickste | where do I find firefox once it is installed? | 06:11 |
abattoir | Nickste: are you running the latest version of amarok? | 06:11 |
Nickste | yep | 06:12 |
dennister | better "-) | 06:12 |
abattoir | Nickste: you installed from the repos? | 06:12 |
qwerty | Nickste: /etc/firefox | 06:12 |
zorglu_ | Nickste: in the internet menu, but you need to restart kde | 06:12 |
zorglu_ | btw good question | 06:12 |
dennister | seems I'm rusty with irc, 2 | 06:12 |
Nickste | ah, as in reboot? | 06:12 |
Luke | why wont the kernal headers install? | 06:12 |
qwerty | Nickste: Could do ALT+F2, enter "firefox" and hit enter too | 06:12 |
Nickste | I'm using amorak 1.3.9 | 06:12 |
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zorglu_ | q. how do i make the menu reload the conf | 06:12 |
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Nickste | shot qwert | 06:12 |
zorglu_ | Nickste: it would work, but delog and relog is enougth | 06:12 |
Nickste | ok, thanks | 06:13 |
abattoir | qwerty: try Kcontrol/System Settings->KDE components->Default Applications | 06:13 |
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qwerty | abattoir: I'm using Thunderbird as my client | 06:13 |
Nickste | aaahhhh, MUCH better :) | 06:13 |
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qwerty | abattoir: Yeah, I did that | 06:13 |
abattoir | !amarok | 06:13 |
ubotu | amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org | 06:13 |
qwerty | abattoir: But then nothing happens when I click mailto: links | 06:13 |
abattoir | Nickste: ^^^ see if upgrading fixes that prob., not sure if it will, though | 06:13 |
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abattoir | qwerty: did you enter the correct path? | 06:14 |
qwerty | abattoir: Let me doublecheck that | 06:14 |
dennister | I suppose everyone's too busy; I'll be patient | 06:14 |
zblach | almost as thought it can no longer detect my sound hardware after entering standby | 06:14 |
Nickste | abattoir: ok, will do | 06:14 |
abattoir | dennister: what was your question? :P | 06:14 |
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qwerty | abattoir: Hrm.. I don | 06:15 |
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dennister | heheh...my mike is default alsa; it shouldn't be | 06:15 |
qwerty | abattoir: I haven't given it any parameters, I see | 06:15 |
abattoir | dennister: huh? what do you mean? | 06:15 |
abattoir | qwerty: so it works now? | 06:15 |
qwerty | abattoir: I'll try with "mozilla-thunderbird %t" | 06:16 |
abattoir | qwerty: ok | 06:16 |
dennister | in my hal configs, usb mike is showing as default alsa device, yet everything is working properly with non-default sound from mobo | 06:16 |
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Nickste | gcc doesn't come installed by default does it? | 06:16 |
qwerty | abattoir: Nope, nothing. Unless I have to restart firefox? | 06:16 |
qwerty | Nickste: Nope | 06:16 |
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abattoir | qwerty: try restarting... | 06:17 |
dennister | i'm proud that this noob has all her multimedia codecs and everything's working beautifully with non-mike alsa | 06:17 |
dennister | except for surround sound | 06:18 |
Luke | my linux headers wont install because there missing themselves =S | 06:18 |
abattoir | dennister: what do you mean by 'non-mike' alsa? i still dont get it | 06:19 |
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qwerty | abattoir: Didn't solve it. :/ | 06:19 |
dennister | my sound is onboard with the mobo | 06:19 |
nagyv | hello! I plan to buy my first PDA/Pocket PC in the comeing week, and I would like to hear your suggestions. I have two expectations. 1) synch with my kubuntu, 2) to be able to use Skype (this means that is runs Windows Mobile 5 or PocketPC 2003). Which softwares would you recommend me? | 06:20 |
dennister | that should be the default alsa device (mobo ac97) --not the usb mike | 06:20 |
Luke | help me get my headers installed please? | 06:20 |
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qwerty | abattoir: Any other suggestion as to how I could solve this? | 06:21 |
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=== punkmexic I have problems with my winmodem..its a .deb (smartlink) that i downloaded..i can connect.the problem is that if im not connected to internet my phone line is killed i cant do calls cuz my kubuntu blocks my phone what could i do?? can somebody send me a private message and help me===??? | ||
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dennister | I'm thinking that if I could fix which sound system is the default for also (Nvidia/realtec ac97) showing up in the hardware device manager, then perhaps I can get my surround sound | 06:22 |
abattoir | qwerty: i cant think of anything else... but i remember a firefox extension that lets you configure the mailto: settings(open w/ an external app, open w/ a webpage etc.) | 06:22 |
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qwerty | abattoir: I'll look that up, thanks | 06:22 |
dennister | it's also annoying to have the mike as default alsa device;;; it's not right and I know it | 06:23 |
qwerty | On another note, I need mysql working but not sure how I can go about getting that | 06:23 |
abattoir | dennister: try Kmix->Switches->Mic. select | 06:23 |
qwerty | I have downloaded it with the Adept manager, but that's it | 06:23 |
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dennister | qwerty: i'd like to get that fixed myself | 06:23 |
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dennister | abbatoir: i did fix that in kmix...but it's still not showing up properly in device manager --and remember, all my multimedia sound is working through non-default ac97 | 06:25 |
qwerty | dennister: It's a odd for some reason, having to boot windows to do some developing :P | 06:25 |
abattoir | punkmexic: kubuntu does not *block* your phone line... that's how dialup works, data is sent as pulses... | 06:25 |
Luke | can somebody please help me install my kernel headers? | 06:25 |
sybux | Hi. I've justed removed my windows from my computer and added Kubuntu. I've got 2 problems. 1- Activate the dual screen on my nVidia 2- install my USB scanner | 06:26 |
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dennister | lol qwerty, i'm not even a real programmer, and i never want to tough windoze again | 06:26 |
freewill | if i tipe java in the console i get 'Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...' how do i get normal java (sun) btw i have got java-sun-jre installed | 06:26 |
Hawkwind | sybux: I can post my xorg.conf for you since I'm using Nvidia twinview | 06:26 |
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sybux | Hawkwind: yes i would appreciate. You can private paste it to me | 06:27 |
zorglu_ | q. im trying to get system guard to display the network vumeter, i got a new 'worksheet' configured in system guard itself but i cant make it appears as an applet (what i want), any suggestino ? | 06:27 |
punkmexic | abattoir: i undrestand that dialup block it when im online but it doesnt need to block it when im not connected thats the problem i have | 06:27 |
punkmexic | *understand | 06:27 |
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Hawkwind | sybux: http://pastebin.ulteo.us/106 | 06:27 |
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abattoir | punkmexic: hmm, sorry, my mistake | 06:28 |
dennister | but if I can't get mysql server and kmysqladmin working, I won't be able to watch tv on this kubuntu drive, so I'll be stuck with going back to win 5 days a week | 06:28 |
Hawkwind | sybux: You might have to change the resolution sizes, but it should work as long as you have your nvidia drivers installed | 06:28 |
sybux | Hawkwind: tkx | 06:28 |
abattoir | punkmexic: you are using kppp ? | 06:28 |
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qwerty | dennister: What does you watching TV have to do with running a mysql server? o_O | 06:28 |
sybux | Hawkwind: you're both monitor are the same right ? | 06:28 |
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Hawkwind | sybux: Correct. They are both running at 1024x768 for an overall size of 2048x768 | 06:29 |
dennister | qwerty: mythtv uses mysql server on backend | 06:29 |
punkmexic | yes abattoir | 06:29 |
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qwerty | dennister: Haven't heard of that. Have an url? | 06:29 |
sybux | Hawkwind: ok I'll adapt my xorg.conf. You have enabled Xgl also right ? | 06:29 |
dennister | qwerty: and I've just begun working with databases, too...do script-level programming with endnote | 06:30 |
Hawkwind | sybux: No, I don't use XGL or compiz. I have lines for some of it but they are commented out | 06:30 |
dennister | qwerty: mythtv.org | 06:30 |
abattoir | punkmexic: so you mean to say, even after you *disconnect*, the line isnt dropped? | 06:30 |
sybux | Hawkwind: ok | 06:30 |
punkmexic | yes i mean that | 06:30 |
punkmexic | for example..i turn on kubuntu | 06:30 |
punkmexic | and i dont click on kppp | 06:31 |
punkmexic | and im not connected | 06:31 |
punkmexic | but since my kubuntu starts....my phone dies. | 06:31 |
dennister | this is a home theatre pc, and the only way I can watch/record tv/films is through xp media centre sof ar | 06:31 |
freewill | if i tipe java in the console i get 'Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...' how do i get normal java (sun) btw i have got java-sun-jre and i guess gij installed | 06:31 |
punkmexic | so i must turn off computer to use my phone | 06:31 |
qwerty | dennister: Gotcha | 06:31 |
qwerty | dennister: You're using an antenna cable then? Or do you wath TV over the Internet? | 06:32 |
abattoir | punkmexic: you mean to say the line is blocked evne if you dont connect manually, but just start kubuntu ? | 06:32 |
punkmexic | i was trying to kill slmodem pressing ctrl+esc but..it says i need permission but i dont want to be killing it and reloading it | 06:32 |
punkmexic | yes just for starting kubuntu | 06:32 |
dennister | qweerty: have u tried kmyswladmin yet? a gui front end for mysql server...no, I use a cable descrambler box | 06:32 |
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qwerty | dennister: Nope, I've never heard of it. But I'll try it right away, that was to be my next question here. ;) | 06:33 |
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punkmexic | i used to have dialup on uubuntu..but to connect i needed to put commands in terminal and use gnome-ppp then i upgraded..and i cant connect..i just installed kubuntu and i can connect easy as in winxp...but i have this problem that kills my phone even if im not connected to internet | 06:33 |
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punkmexic | i have used a minidistro...that have support to my winmodem and that one doesnt show me that problem | 06:33 |
dennister | querty: glad I could help then, i did get it installed, but i haven't got any kind of database yet and I can't connect tot he server | 06:34 |
abattoir | punkmexic: you were using kppp under that? | 06:34 |
dennister | perhaps it's because i haven't got a database yet? | 06:34 |
abattoir | punkmexic: i wonder if its your modem driver that's causing this | 06:34 |
punkmexic | it has a similar icon to kpp but i think it wasnt kppp | 06:34 |
=== punkmexic suspects that the debian package i installed its so generic that gives me that problem | ||
dennister | but how can i get a database if I can't connect tot he server? catch-22 | 06:34 |
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abattoir | punkmexic: could be... where did you get the package? | 06:35 |
qwerty | dennister: You can connect to mysql even if it doesn't have a database | 06:35 |
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punkmexic | packages.ubuntu.com | 06:35 |
qwerty | dennister: In fact, mysql uses a database for it's settings and users and such. So it'll always have atleast one. | 06:35 |
abattoir | !info slmodem | 06:35 |
ubotu | Package slmodem does not exist in any distro I know | 06:35 |
dennister | qwerty: can we chat privately? perhaps we can help each other then | 06:35 |
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abattoir | info sl-modem-daemon | 06:36 |
abattoir | !info sl-modem-daemon | 06:36 |
ubotu | sl-modem-daemon: SmartLink software modem daemon. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.9.10+2.9.9d+e-pre2-5build1 (dapper), package size 496 kB, installed size 1136 kB (Only available for i386) | 06:36 |
qwerty | Sure thing. Got some IM? | 06:36 |
sybux | Hawkwind: I've a question about xorg.conf you have specified connectionMonitor "crt, crt" I'm using tft monitor shall I need to change or is it just a generic option ? | 06:36 |
abattoir | punkmexic: ^^^ you installed that? | 06:36 |
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punkmexic | sl-modem daemon yes | 06:36 |
dennister | lol...not yet...loet's try this: | 06:36 |
qwerty | dennister: Can't query without a registered acc here | 06:36 |
qwerty | dennister: Kubuntu ships with clients, or you perhaps doesn't have any accs? | 06:37 |
punkmexic | this one sl-modem-daemon_2.9.10+2.9.9d+e-pre2-5build1_i386.deb | 06:37 |
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abattoir | punkmexic: hmmm i think there is a bug in the driver... | 06:38 |
dennister | querty, i opened a private window for u | 06:38 |
abattoir | punkmexic: since you say it does this as soon as you boot up | 06:38 |
dennister | but I'm not sure it's open and u can see it | 06:38 |
qwerty | Konversation doesn't have DCC support? | 06:39 |
Hawkwind | sybux: I use tft flat panel as well. I got my xorg.conf from a friend when I first installed Kubuntu | 06:39 |
qwerty | dennister: I haven't got a registered account here on freenode so I can't chat privatly it seems.. | 06:39 |
punkmexic | abattoir: dont u know if theres and updated driver that i can use? | 06:39 |
abattoir | qwerty: it does | 06:39 |
dennister | oh, ok...neither do i actually...it's been years since I chatted on irc | 06:39 |
Hawkwind | qwerty: You can register a nick | 06:40 |
Hawkwind | !register | 06:40 |
ubotu | Information about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration | 06:40 |
abattoir | punkmexic: that's the latest for dapper | 06:40 |
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qwerty | Hawkwind: Ugh.. :P Very well then. | 06:40 |
dennister | rusty in this department, too.. | 06:40 |
punkmexic | i never exxpect that only installing a deb file my kubuntu could connect | 06:40 |
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dennister | ubotu: thx! or r u a bot? lol | 06:40 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about thx! or r u a bot? lol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:40 |
punkmexic | because i remember i spent like 8 hours compiling a driver for ubuntu to connect some months ago | 06:40 |
abattoir | punkmexic: edgy has that as well, so i guess it is the latest package | 06:40 |
abattoir | punkmexic: try compiling then, might help you out | 06:41 |
dennister | seems it's a bot | 06:41 |
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punkmexic | abattoir: im not good compiling | 06:41 |
qwerty | dennister: We could do this a little later, alright? | 06:41 |
punkmexic | abattoir: do u know where can i suggest to solve that bug | 06:41 |
dennister | qwerty...no probs. | 06:41 |
abattoir | !bug | 06:41 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com | 06:41 |
dennister | have fun | 06:42 |
abattoir | punkmexic: ^^^ try there, or you might need to register one on sl-modem-daemon's site(if it has one) | 06:42 |
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Luk1 | can someone please help me sort out my kernel headers? ive tried installing the linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 but it says the package linux-headers-2.6.15-26 is not installed | 06:43 |
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dennister | abattoir: ur 1 busy person...helping everyone | 06:43 |
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abattoir | dennister: it's fun ;) | 06:43 |
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abattoir | Luk1: how did you 'install' it ? | 06:44 |
dennister | lol, and i thought I was nuts for volutneering so much of my time and exeprtise | 06:44 |
punkmexic | thanx abattoir | 06:44 |
Luk1 | its a .deb and i right clicked and used the kubuntu package menu | 06:44 |
abattoir | punkmexic: np, sorry i couldnt be of more help | 06:44 |
abattoir | Luk1: and you entered your password... etc. right? | 06:45 |
Luk1 | yep | 06:45 |
abattoir | Luk1: did it give out any error? | 06:45 |
Luk1 | yeh it has dependency problems | 06:45 |
dennister | brb pps | 06:46 |
abattoir | Luk1: hmmm, which package does it want now? | 06:46 |
punkmexic | abattoir: DO U HAVE IDEA on how to choose to start sl-modem manually | 06:46 |
Luk1 | linux-headers-2.6.15-26 | 06:46 |
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abattoir | punkmexic: 'sudo modprobe sl-modem' ? | 06:47 |
abattoir | punkmexic: i assume its a kernel module | 06:47 |
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abattoir | Luk1: isnt that the package you are installing? | 06:47 |
dennister | i'm baaaaaaaaaaack | 06:47 |
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qwerty | That's wierd.. A configure script's telling me gcc can't make executables. o_O | 06:47 |
punkmexic | i mean..i want to start kubuntu with sl-modem turned off..then type a command tu turn it on when i want to connect. | 06:47 |
Luk1 | im installing linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 so yes | 06:47 |
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abattoir | punkmexic: first find the name of the module... is it sl-modem? | 06:48 |
abattoir | punkmexic: if it is, then blacklist the module(so that it doesnt startup at boot) | 06:48 |
abattoir | punkmexic: then do 'sudo modprobe sl-modem'(again if sl-modem is the name) to load the module | 06:49 |
kbrooks | qwerty, innstal build-essential | 06:49 |
abattoir | punkmexic: and 'sudo rmmod sl-modem' to remove it | 06:49 |
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punkmexic | how can i blacklist it | 06:49 |
qwerty | kbrooks: Umm. What? :) | 06:49 |
dennister | let's seeeeeeeee | 06:49 |
dennister | that's better | 06:49 |
Luk1 | abattoir: im installing linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 so yes | 06:49 |
abattoir | Luk1: is it possible to get me the exact error message? | 06:49 |
kbrooks | qwerty, you need to install build-essential for gcc to work | 06:50 |
Luk1 | yeh sure | 06:50 |
kbrooks | AFAIK | 06:50 |
qwerty | kbrooks: There's a package called that? | 06:50 |
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kbrooks | qwerty, yes. install it | 06:50 |
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qwerty | kbrooks: Found it and installing it now. | 06:50 |
timpino | Hi, anyone know why filetransfers in gaim take forever? | 06:50 |
dennister | qwerty; did u install the kmysqladmin yet? | 06:51 |
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qwerty | dennister: Trying to, but I need to fix this first it seems | 06:51 |
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abattoir | !b-e | 06:51 |
abattoir | ubotu: ping | 06:51 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 06:51 |
ubotu | ping: connection timeout | 06:51 |
dennister | I thought you were leaving the channel...k first things first | 06:51 |
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qwerty | There we go, thanks kbrooks! | 06:51 |
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Luk1 | abbatoir: it wont let me copy n paste | 06:52 |
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JohnFlux | i copied a dvd as just a VIDEO_TS folder with a bunch of files in it | 06:53 |
qwerty | "checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!" - Could anyone tell me how to solve that? | 06:53 |
JohnFlux | can i just burn this to a dvd? | 06:53 |
kbrooks | qwerty, x11-dev | 06:53 |
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JohnFlux | does that make a dvd movie? | 06:53 |
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kbrooks | qwerty, er, no | 06:53 |
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kbrooks | qwerty, let me recheck | 06:53 |
|lostbyte| | Hi, guys. | 06:53 |
qwerty | kbrooks: Thanks | 06:53 |
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fdoving | qwerty: xorg-dev if you run xorg. (you probably do). | 06:54 |
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qwerty | fdoving: Another package to install, that is? | 06:54 |
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fdoving | qwerty: yes, xorg-dev is the one you want. | 06:55 |
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Luk1 | abattoir: it unpacks | 06:55 |
Luk1 | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 | 06:55 |
Luk1 | linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 depends on linux-headers-2.6.15-26 however | 06:55 |
Luk1 | linux-headers-2.6.15-26 is not installed | 06:55 |
Luk1 | error processing linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 (--install) | 06:55 |
Luk1 | dependency problems leaving unconfigured | 06:55 |
Luk1 | errors were encountered by processing | 06:55 |
Luk1 | linux-headers-2.6.15-26-386 | 06:55 |
fdoving | Luk1: please use pastebin | 06:56 |
fdoving | !pastebin | 06:56 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 06:56 |
heinkel_111 | !pastebin > Lik1 | 06:56 |
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heinkel_111 | ah | 06:56 |
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Luk1 | ooops sorry | 06:56 |
heinkel_111 | sltt av frode | 06:56 |
heinkel_111 | :) | 06:56 |
qwerty | heinkel_111: Svenne? :) | 06:56 |
abattoir | Luk1: then you need the linux-headers-2.6.15-26 package too | 06:56 |
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Luk1 | there isnt one, it asks you to choose the i386, amd64 or w/e | 06:57 |
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abattoir | Luk1: i think its a metapackage.. wait let me check | 06:57 |
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heinkel_111 | qwerty: que? no comprendo :P | 06:57 |
qwerty | nvm then | 06:57 |
Luk1 | abattoir: thanks | 06:57 |
heinkel_111 | <- er norsk | 06:58 |
qwerty | fdoving: That worked but now I bumped into another error message | 06:58 |
fdoving | qwerty: what is it. | 06:58 |
abattoir | Luk1: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/devel/linux-headers-2.6.15-26 | 06:58 |
qwerty | Qt (>= 3.1 (20021021)) (headers and libraries) not found, | 06:58 |
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qwerty | Are those stuffed into some package too? | 06:58 |
fdoving | qwerty: try to install libqt3-mt-dev | 06:59 |
qwerty | That's Gnome stuff, isn't it? | 06:59 |
abattoir | qwerty: and kde-devel too, if its a kde app | 06:59 |
fdoving | no, QT is kde stuff. | 06:59 |
heinkel_111 | qwerty: are you doing the same tutorials as I did earlier today:P | 06:59 |
heinkel_111 | ? | 06:59 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Luk1 | abattoir: how do i just get the linux-headers-2.6.15-26? | 06:59 |
heinkel_111 | just get all the qt and kde stuff :) | 06:59 |
qwerty | heinkel_111: Tutorial? Nope, trying to install kmysqladmin | 06:59 |
fdoving | kde-devel as a build-dep is very overkill. | 06:59 |
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ninHer | anyone from sweden ? | 06:59 |
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abattoir | Luk1: i just gave you the link | 06:59 |
fdoving | kdelibs4-dev can be used if it's a kde app. | 07:00 |
fdoving | !se | 07:00 |
ubotu | Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 07:00 |
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Luk1 | abattoir: but if i choose i386 its the pakage i already have | 07:00 |
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abattoir | Luk1: no it isnt... | 07:00 |
qwerty | fdoving: Alright | 07:00 |
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ninHer | ubotu i mean here and now; thanks | 07:00 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about i mean here and now; thanks - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:00 |
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=== heinkel_111 overkilled all dependencies by installing just about everythin with kde and/or qt in package name | ||
ninHer | nice bot lol | 07:00 |
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abattoir | Luk1: there is a difference between linux-headers-2.6.15-26 and -26-386 | 07:01 |
josh_ | i want to know how to load NVCLOCK settings on startup | 07:01 |
dennister | seems pagefualt is having probs staying in | 07:01 |
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Admiral_Chicago | ninHer, you know ubotu is a robot right | 07:01 |
abattoir | Luk1: and package names in ubuntu end w/ the architecture type(i386/amd64/all/ppc) | 07:01 |
sybux | Hawkwind: thx for the help of the dual screen. It's working fine ! | 07:02 |
ninHer | Admiral_Chicago: it was easy to guess | 07:02 |
Luk1 | abattoir: ok, its just it has the same filename as the one ive already tried | 07:02 |
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dennister | b4now folks | 07:02 |
qwerty | fdoving: There we go, trying again | 07:02 |
qwerty | dennister: Cya | 07:02 |
Hawkwind | sybux: No problem. Glad to hear it helped :) | 07:03 |
sybux | Hawkwind: I've just encoutred a little problem. I've removed by mistake my nvidia driver so X wouldn't start :) | 07:03 |
abattoir | Luk1: then you need http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Fmain%2Fl%2Flinux-source-2.6.15%2Flinux-headers-2.6.15-26-386_2.6.15-26.47_i386.deb&md5sum=f4ba23501e0321e00d70af685717cac4&arch=i386&type=security | 07:04 |
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Admiral_Chicago | sybux, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:04 |
JohnFlux | hmm | 07:04 |
JohnFlux | i plugged in my camera in windows | 07:04 |
Admiral_Chicago | use the nv driver, thats the Open Source version | 07:04 |
JohnFlux | but it wasn't recognised | 07:04 |
JohnFlux | i plugged it in in linux | 07:04 |
JohnFlux | and it just worked | 07:04 |
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Admiral_Chicago | JohnFlux, yea that happens | 07:06 |
qwerty | fdoving: I seem to have forget the command to run after "config". "config install", was it? | 07:06 |
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fdoving | qwerty: when doing what? | 07:06 |
fdoving | qwerty: configure,make, make install? - if that's the case, i recommend checkinstall. | 07:06 |
fdoving | !checkinstall > qwerty | 07:06 |
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qwerty | Nice | 07:07 |
qwerty | Make doesn't exists thought, even though I just successfully ran configure | 07:08 |
fdoving | install the 'build-essential' package. | 07:08 |
qwerty | Actually, I was trying ./make | 07:09 |
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qwerty | Just doing make worked. I thought you had to use ./ to target that specific makefile? | 07:09 |
kbrooks | no. | 07:09 |
kbrooks | make is a program | 07:09 |
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qwerty | How does it know which application I'm installing then? Configure sets that up? | 07:09 |
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kbrooks | It doesn't need to. | 07:10 |
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kbrooks | applications are a moot point to make | 07:10 |
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kbrooks | make just gets a makefile and uses that | 07:10 |
qwerty | Bare with me, I've been running Linux for aprox 2 days | 07:10 |
fdoving | qwerty: no, to target a special makefile you can use 'make -f file' however it's not necessary as make will search for and use the file named 'Makefile' in the directory it's ran from, if it exists. | 07:10 |
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qwerty | fdoving: Ahh. Thanks for clearing that up. | 07:11 |
qwerty | checkinstall comes with the default kubuntu installation? | 07:11 |
kbrooks | no | 07:11 |
kbrooks | iit has to be installed\ | 07:12 |
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qwerty | And by using it, what I install is shown in the Adept Manager? | 07:12 |
mluser-laptop | Anyone know how I can get 'kuickshow' in kubuntu? | 07:12 |
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fdoving | mluser-laptop: you can't from the archives. it's been dropped as it was old an unmaintaned, and depended on a deprecated and unmaintaned library. | 07:13 |
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fdoving | qwerty: correct. that's the beauty of it. you can easily uninstall stuff without deleting file-by-file. | 07:14 |
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qwerty | <3 | 07:14 |
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mluser-laptop | fdoving: thanks | 07:14 |
qwerty | fdoving: Can't find checkinstall though. Is it really named "checkinstall"? | 07:14 |
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fdoving | !info checkinstall | 07:15 |
ubotu | checkinstall: installation tracker. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.3-3ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 132 kB | 07:15 |
isidor | hello, I need help browsing a PDF file i downloaded it but I can't view anything else?// | 07:15 |
fdoving | qwerty: it's in the universe repository. do you have it enabled? | 07:15 |
qwerty | Can't find it using apt-get nor.. Erm, I don't know | 07:15 |
qwerty | There, should be enabled now | 07:16 |
qwerty | fdoving: Universe repository is enabled but I still can't find it | 07:17 |
qwerty | Actually, there were two more universe | 07:18 |
fdoving | qwerty: you need to either run 'apt-get update' or run adept -> fetch updates | 07:18 |
=== Naosz [n=Nailz@cpc4-cani1-0-0-cust491.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
qwerty | Found it now | 07:18 |
mluser-laptop | fdoving: I wonder why it is still dropped.. its now part of the kdegraphics-3.5.4 package. And is now being maintained | 07:18 |
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ge2x | where can i get glibc-headers? | 07:18 |
fdoving | mluser-laptop: hmm... interessting. | 07:18 |
qwerty | How I love this repository and the package handling! :D | 07:19 |
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mluser-laptop | fdoving: Perhaps I need to contact the kde maintainers and let them know | 07:19 |
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ge2x | where can i get glibc-headers package ???? | 07:19 |
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Nickste | how do I change themes? I can't find the KDE folder that this site specifies: http://www.kde-look.org/help/index.php?type=28 | 07:19 |
|lostbyte| | Nickste, kcontrol | 07:20 |
qwerty | fdoving: Problems.. | 07:21 |
fdoving | mluser-laptop: it's still in kdegraphics, but last changes were done sometime in 2003.. | 07:21 |
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fdoving | qwerty: shoot. | 07:21 |
mluser-laptop | fdoving: thanks.. | 07:21 |
qwerty | fdoving: I successfully built a debian package of the installation but failed to install it. And some process was occupied, so I couldn't even see the logfile. | 07:21 |
fdoving | ge2x: libc6-dev | 07:22 |
fdoving | qwerty: it'll be automatically installed by checkinstall.. if i recall correctly. | 07:22 |
qwerty | fdoving: Yes, but it failed to install it. | 07:23 |
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fdoving | qwerty: you probably have adept running. that would make it fail. | 07:23 |
qwerty | The building was OK but the install FAILED | 07:23 |
kraut | moin | 07:23 |
fdoving | qwerty: as adept locks the database. | 07:23 |
qwerty | Ugh, that's it | 07:23 |
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qwerty | Do I need to redo the entire process now or just install the package? | 07:23 |
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fdoving | qwerty: install the package. | 07:23 |
qwerty | fdoving: Where would I find it and how can I install it? | 07:24 |
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fdoving | qwerty: hmm.. don't remember. isn't it in the current directory where you ran checkinstall? maybe in .. | 07:24 |
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qwerty | fdoving: Should be a .deb file? | 07:24 |
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fdoving | qwerty: yes. | 07:25 |
qwerty | If so, it's in the directory I ran it | 07:25 |
qwerty | Goodies! | 07:25 |
qwerty | apt-get install filename? | 07:25 |
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qwerty | Or..That'd look up the online database.. | 07:25 |
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fdoving | Nickste: you can create the directory if it doesn't exist already. | 07:25 |
CraZy675 | is there a way I can do key macros? | 07:26 |
fdoving | qwerty: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 07:26 |
PsySine | will new kde releases be coming to dapper (officially) even after edgy is released, for those of us who want to keep dapper? | 07:26 |
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CraZy675 | so i can record keypresses then repeate them | 07:26 |
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qwerty | fdoving: Err.. Package architecture doesn't match system | 07:26 |
qwerty | I'll redo the checkinstall | 07:27 |
lontra | PsySine: i doubt it | 07:27 |
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qwerty | fdoving: Nope, I still get that error.. | 07:28 |
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qwerty | "package archistructure (x86_64) does not match system (amd64) | 07:29 |
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lcohen | good morning all, I have a question, my new 6.06 defualt install of Ubuntu does not have a /usr/lib/hotplug directory, so I cannot load the firmware for my intel wireless...what am I missing? thanks! | 07:29 |
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CraZy675 | I would like to create a macro of key presses is they a way I can do this or what would this be called so I can google it? | 07:30 |
ironfroggy | why are programs that are installed, sometimes even by default with the initial installation, seemingly missing from where you expect them? that is, not having menu entries or having "Open With..." associations you would expect? | 07:31 |
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lcohen | lots of questions....no answers :( lol | 07:31 |
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fdoving | qwerty: ah.. checkinstall + amd64,i don't know how to work that out. sorry. | 07:34 |
fdoving | lcohen: try /lib/firmware | 07:35 |
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qwerty | fdoving: Alright. Thanks anyway and thanks for all the help so far | 07:35 |
qwerty | /quit | 07:35 |
qwerty | Err | 07:35 |
lcohen | ah | 07:35 |
wayne__ | what is a good FTP program for kubuntu? | 07:35 |
lcohen | there it is | 07:35 |
fdoving | CraZy675: can you tell me more about how you want this macro-key to work? i don't understand. | 07:36 |
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lcohen | thank you | 07:36 |
Diablo_ | hi all! | 07:36 |
fdoving | ironfroggy: because, in the opensource world a lack of standard ways to do that sort of things has been a problem. Now thanks to the freedesktop.org project, we're getting better. | 07:37 |
lcohen | also, any idea which intel wirelss driver comes installed with 6.06.1 | 07:37 |
lontra | can't you just use konqueror for ftp? | 07:37 |
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CraZy675 | fdoving: i have to remove the trailing and leading characters from a web form, and I don't have access to the db. | 07:37 |
Diablo_ | did someone know how to change keyboard map in xgl to abilitate superkey? | 07:37 |
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CraZy675 | fdoving: so i just wanted to record Home + del + end + backspace | 07:37 |
fdoving | wayne__: there is kbear, i don't know how good it is. you can also use 'krusader' if you like twin-view filemanager-style. | 07:37 |
CraZy675 | and do that 300 times | 07:37 |
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fdoving | CraZy675: you have a textfile you want to remove this from? | 07:38 |
CraZy675 | fdoving: no a web form | 07:38 |
fdoving | CraZy675: ah.. hmm.. | 07:38 |
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wayne__ | thank you fdoving | 07:39 |
pierreth | What is the package name for the news in Kontact? | 07:39 |
CraZy675 | I don't even know what that would be called so i can search google for it | 07:39 |
fdoving | pierreth: knode | 07:40 |
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pierreth | fdoving: thanks | 07:40 |
fdoving | CraZy675: me neither.. it's a special case :) | 07:40 |
ironfroggy | fdoving: but im talking about things the Kubuntu installer installs by default. specifically, not putting Krita in the Open With menu for images. | 07:40 |
CraZy675 | I would assume someone has created something that does this in KDE | 07:40 |
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fdoving | ironfroggy: ah, that's another case. that's a kubuntu specific bug. please poste a bugreport at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug | 07:41 |
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ironfroggy | thank you | 07:42 |
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keb | hi, i use now the live cd coz my grub is gone and i want to install it again | 07:42 |
keb | but i dont know how to do it | 07:43 |
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fdoving | !grub | 07:43 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:43 |
fdoving | keb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 07:43 |
keb | kk, thx | 07:44 |
keb | i1ll look | 07:44 |
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themassacre | hey | 07:47 |
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themassacre | hallo | 07:48 |
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themassacre | kan mir jemand helfe?? | 07:48 |
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keb | venn du deutsche hilfe brauchst, versuch mal #kubuntu-de | 07:49 |
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themassacre | oke danke | 07:50 |
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keb | macht nix | 07:50 |
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fdoving | CraZy675: found it. | 07:53 |
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USlvlC | i tried to dual boot with debian and installed grub to mbr | 07:53 |
keb | dam.. i cannot do what that manual tells me | 07:53 |
USlvlC | only to find debian netinstall sed it installed grub | 07:53 |
USlvlC | but did not | 07:53 |
USlvlC | hence bringing me to kubuntu | 07:53 |
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=== USlvlC hugs kubuntu | ||
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keb | i dont have boot options when live cd splash appears | 07:54 |
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keb | so i cannot choose to be my reiserfs partition to be my root | 07:54 |
CraZy675 | fdoving: really?!! | 07:54 |
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=== lupine_85 has a reiserfs partition for / | ||
fdoving | CraZy675: kmenu -> run command - type in 'kcmshell khotkeys' - expand the 'examples' entry. read the comment on 'Type hello' | 07:55 |
CraZy675 | fdoving: Amazing! thans | 07:55 |
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fdoving | CraZy675: you're welcome. hope it works :) | 07:56 |
CraZy675 | fdoving: I'll let you know | 07:56 |
fdoving | CraZy675: great :) | 07:56 |
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Nickste | man, I'm digging kubuntu so much! | 08:00 |
ge2x | Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem when i try to start quake 3 | 08:00 |
ge2x | any ideas? | 08:01 |
fdoving | CraZy675: i just tested with a text file, and it works great! | 08:01 |
sybux | I've got a little problem with my sound device. I've got a soundcard and a USB headset. The default device is my headset and I don't know where to change it any ideas ? | 08:01 |
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CraZy675 | fdoving: i'm still working on it, not having luck with firefox | 08:02 |
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vikke | anyone know of any good capture program, nothing to fancy (want to show my xgl desktop to a friend) | 08:06 |
ge2x | Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem when i try to start quake 3 any ideas? | 08:06 |
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fdoving | vikke: video-capture or just screenshot? | 08:06 |
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vikke | fdoving: video-capture | 08:06 |
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ge2x | Sys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem when i try to start quake 3 any ideas? | 08:08 |
pierreth | What is the meaning of 'purge' in Kontact? | 08:08 |
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fdoving | vikke: maybe this can help you: http://wolphination.com/linux/2006/06/30/how-to-record-videos-of-your-desktop/ | 08:10 |
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vikke | fdoving: thanks! :) ill check it out | 08:10 |
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unix_infidel | usually if you need to do it for multiple platforms vmware makes it very easy. | 08:11 |
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fdoving | pierreth: where do you find purge? | 08:12 |
pierreth | fdoving: sorry, i am translating from French | 08:13 |
pierreth | fdoving: in kmail | 08:13 |
fdoving | pierreth: i'll translate to norwegian, so it'll be fun, in what menu? | 08:14 |
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pierreth | fdoving: in the contextual menu | 08:14 |
pierreth | fdoving: when selecting a folder | 08:14 |
sybux | I've got a little problem with my sound device. I've got a soundcard and a USB headset. The default device is my headset and I don't know where to change it any ideas ? | 08:15 |
pierreth | fdoving: but now I know | 08:15 |
fdoving | pierreth: delete, or remove i guess. | 08:15 |
pierreth | fdoving: it really delete the mail deleted | 08:15 |
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pierreth | fdoving: I found the doc on the net | 08:15 |
fdoving | pierreth: ah, great :) | 08:16 |
pierreth | fdoving: the documentation for the kde applications is not very good | 08:16 |
pierreth | fdoving: the local doc that I have is just the beginning | 08:16 |
pierreth | fdoving: don't you think? | 08:17 |
fdoving | yes, i know the doc team is working on it. | 08:17 |
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pierreth | fdoving: ah cool | 08:18 |
fdoving | i have to go for 10 mins.. brb. | 08:18 |
pierreth | fdoving: i really kde, I came from the Mac | 08:18 |
pierreth | fdoving: OK | 08:18 |
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unix_infidel | pierreth: you really {what?} kde? | 08:21 |
unix_infidel | OS X front end doesnt compare to kde. | 08:22 |
pierreth | unix_infidel: i like it | 08:22 |
unix_infidel | what mac you run? | 08:22 |
pierreth | i just sold it, it was a macmini | 08:22 |
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jvives | hey guys! | 08:23 |
jvives | what do I need to watch WMV on my kubuntu? | 08:23 |
unix_infidel | !restrictedformats | 08:24 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:24 |
pierreth | unix_infidel: but i think kde on cocoa are different | 08:24 |
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pierreth | unix_infidel: I mean they are different | 08:24 |
pierreth | unix_infidel: I miss the drag and drop with KDE | 08:25 |
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pierreth | unix_infidel: I hope drag&drop will improve | 08:25 |
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pierreth | abattoir: ? | 08:28 |
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n1981 | servus | 08:30 |
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junkphreak | ls | 08:32 |
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CraZy675 | fdoving: I have it working, perfectly!!! Thanks again | 08:32 |
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misieq | i have a wireless network that i think might be providing internet only to cle | 08:32 |
misieq | clients with a specified mac address | 08:32 |
misieq | how can i change a mac address of my wifi card? | 08:33 |
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lupine_85 | misieq: that's called MAC address filtering. It's a "security feature" | 08:33 |
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lupine_85 | reather neatly defeated in linux with ifconfig | 08:33 |
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misieq | lupine_85: yeah, but how do i change my mac address? and can i check if i'm connected even if i can't ping anything? | 08:34 |
skafiskafnjak | how to list chat channels? | 08:34 |
lupine_85 | misieq: As I said, ifconfig lets you change mac address | 08:34 |
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misieq | lupine_85: if later i use network config util from system settings will it still be set to this value i provide it with?\ | 08:35 |
lupine_85 | it's a per-boot thing | 08:35 |
skafiskafnjak | does anybody of you use XaraXtreme? | 08:35 |
misieq | thanks | 08:35 |
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manu__ | hola | 08:36 |
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misieq | lupine_85: could you tell me what's wrong with this: "sudo ifconfig eth1 hw ether 00:30:4F:29:EC:13" | 08:40 |
lupine_85 | nothing's wrong with it | 08:41 |
lupine_85 | if it doesn't work, the driver doesn't support MAC addressing | 08:41 |
misieq | it's intel centrino duo laptop... | 08:41 |
lupine_85 | means nothing :) | 08:41 |
lupine_85 | some drivers do, some don't | 08:42 |
lupine_85 | nothing you can do, really | 08:42 |
misieq | driver or nic? | 08:42 |
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lupine_85 | could be either, I think | 08:43 |
timpino | !ubuntu | 08:44 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 08:44 |
misieq | well, thanks | 08:44 |
misieq | bye! | 08:44 |
lupine_85 | np | 08:44 |
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lupine_85 | good luck with the next wlan you hax0r :) | 08:44 |
lupine_85 | oops, he's gone | 08:44 |
=== lupine_85 hax0rs someone else's wlan network | ||
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Stardog | Is amarok compatible with any other mp3player than ipods? | 08:45 |
Skrot | The River-something something, and almost any generic usb mass storage device | 08:46 |
Stardog | ah..kk | 08:46 |
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lupine_85 | iRiver++ ! | 08:47 |
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Stardog | can i make it compatible with creative zen? | 08:47 |
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Skrot | Most mp3-players are recognized as usb mass storage devices, but apple uses some crazy internal database or something on the iPod, which has to be updated when you upload files | 08:47 |
Stardog | and neither creative, tried to let amarok find it today... it couldn't | 08:48 |
Admiral_Chicago | Stardog, there is a package called... | 08:48 |
Admiral_Chicago | dang i can't remember the name | 08:48 |
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Stardog | heh :D | 08:48 |
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wayne__ | how can i make my windows transparnet? | 08:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | wayne__, yes | 08:50 |
wayne__ | ? | 08:50 |
david_ | Stardog: check the amarok wiki about creatives | 08:50 |
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david_ | I'm fairly sure there's an article on it | 08:50 |
Stardog | !amarok | 08:50 |
ubotu | amarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.3 and packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org | 08:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | wayne__, let me find you the link | 08:50 |
Admiral_Chicago | it is written for gentoo though | 08:51 |
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wayne__ | thank you | 08:51 |
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nimrod | how can i make a shortcut file to a dir? | 08:51 |
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magical_trevsky | is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between workspaces in kde? | 08:53 |
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wayne__ | how can i make my windows transparnet? | 08:53 |
Hawkwind | wayne__: Depends on the app you are referring to | 08:54 |
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Admiral_Chicago | wayne__, http://gentoo-wiki.com/TIP_Xorg_X11_and_Tranparency | 08:54 |
Hawkwind | wayne__: If you want them all transparent then you need to use XGL and Compiz | 08:54 |
ge2x | !nvidia | 08:54 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:54 |
wayne__ | thank you | 08:54 |
kalagaraz | How do I install xgl and compiz on kde? | 08:54 |
Admiral_Chicago | wayne__, or AIGLX | 08:54 |
Hawkwind | wayne__: Some apps like xchat and terminals do parts of it with just a setting | 08:54 |
Hawkwind | !xgl | 08:54 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 08:54 |
magical_trevsky | Hawkwind, or just plain composite | 08:54 |
magical_trevsky | if all you need is transparency, composite is a lot easier to setup than xgl | 08:55 |
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Hawkwind | magical_trevsky: Right. Some apps don't even need composite though | 08:55 |
Stardog | euhm... I see new versions of kde environment coming up, will they be automaticly added for update or do I have to do that manually? | 08:56 |
fdoving | magical_trevsky: ctrl+tab switch between workspaces. | 08:56 |
klerfayt | composite is slower than xgl | 08:56 |
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magical_trevsky | fdoving, doesn't work :( | 08:59 |
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fdoving | magical_trevsky: oh.. | 09:00 |
freewill | http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=2531&forum=7&post_id=12104#forumpost12104 | 09:00 |
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fdoving | magical_trevsky: system settings -> keyboard & mouse -> shortcut keys.. or something. | 09:02 |
fdoving | magical_trevsky: there you can set your own.. i might have done that some time ago, since ctrl+tab works for me. | 09:02 |
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magical_trevsky | ah, cool, thanks :D | 09:02 |
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freewill | how do i install a deb file so that it doesn't check for deps? | 09:05 |
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Admiral_Chicago | freewill, sudo dpkg -i <pacakge>.deb | 09:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | if you cd in the directory | 09:07 |
Admiral_Chicago | though it probably should check for dependecies | 09:07 |
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freewill | yeah i think it will | 09:07 |
SillyZ | afternoon yall | 09:08 |
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SillyZ | Im actually finding that Kubuntu is fasterr on this same laptop I was runing Gnome-Ubuntu on... rather intresting i suppose | 09:08 |
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freewill | cool didn't know that | 09:09 |
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Admiral_Chicago | SillyZ, i've heard that too | 09:09 |
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SillyZ | window changes from one application to another seem to be much more responsive, and less "laggish" than g-ubuntu was , on the same machine, same hardware, same amount of ram, swap, etc | 09:10 |
freewill | i think this will do the trick 'sudo dpkg --force-depends -i <pkg>' | 09:10 |
=== lupine_85 has exactly the same experience | ||
lupine_85 | +xgl & compiz makes it even faster :) | 09:11 |
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Sn4pS | hello all I am a newbie trying to learn. What is the way to make kubuntu look like mac os x instead of using konqueror? | 09:13 |
kalagaraz | Why does this xgl guides keep failing :( | 09:13 |
kalagaraz | http://noiesmo.dnsalias.net/article.php?story=20060602173658632 | 09:13 |
kalagaraz | ZFollowing that, and on sudo apt-get install compiz xserver-xgl libgl1-mesa libglitz-glx1 compiz-gnome cgwd cgwd-themes compizthemer gconf-editor | 09:14 |
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kalagaraz | I get no installing canidate for compiz-gnome | 09:14 |
Admiral_Chicago | Sn4pS, what does konqueror have to do with graphics+ | 09:14 |
dek | Anyone knows how to make Opera stream wmv videos, like Konqueror does? | 09:15 |
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Sn4pS | Admiral_Chicago dunno just trying to learn how to modify the desktop look to make it look like mac os x | 09:16 |
Freddy2 | dek: there's an external plugin for this, but "sometimes" it doesn't work.. xD | 09:16 |
Freddy2 | it's called.. plugger, i think | 09:16 |
SatanGolga | how do i remove vmware? | 09:16 |
Admiral_Chicago | Sn4pS, there is a walk through probably | 09:17 |
Admiral_Chicago | hold on | 09:17 |
vikke | csm | 09:17 |
=== Ingmar [n=ingmar@d51A4875A.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Admiral_Chicago | i saw the guide a long time ago | 09:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | and it was written for GNOME | 09:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | might want to try #ubuntu i have no idea how to do it on KDE | 09:19 |
kronoz | nixternal, apparently you write this page, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/EdgyEft/Knot3/Kubuntu#head-cf9a72758eee67f1b3af7fa0c5d5f2abc35677f8, theres a few spelling errors, under the konversation header; "You can now pklace you server and channel tabs on the left hand side of the window. Refer to the image to the right." | 09:19 |
Sn4pS | tnx Admiral_Chicago | 09:19 |
Admiral_Chicago | kronoz, i don't think nixternal is around | 09:20 |
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Admiral_Chicago | i'll put it in #ubuntu-chicago as well | 09:20 |
kronoz | ok thanks | 09:21 |
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chrys | Hi everybody | 09:23 |
dek | Freddy2: plugger is on the repositories? | 09:23 |
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Freddy2 | probably not.. i've only seen sources for it | 09:24 |
Freddy2 | i think you have to compile it | 09:24 |
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wwallace | how do i mount /devhda1 using live cd? | 09:24 |
TheGateKeeper | wwallace: create a dir then mount /dev/hda1 <created dir> | 09:25 |
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wwallace | create? | 09:25 |
wwallace | is live cd | 09:25 |
TheGateKeeper | you can use mkdir | 09:25 |
wwallace | straight | 09:26 |
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wwallace | no need of union fs? | 09:26 |
TheGateKeeper | mkdir mypartition then mount /dev/hda1 mypartition | 09:26 |
TheGateKeeper | mkdir mypartition then mount /dev/hda1 /mypartition | 09:26 |
wwallace | lemme c | 09:26 |
TheGateKeeper | ooops 2nd one ^^^ | 09:27 |
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wwallace | ok | 09:29 |
wwallace | i mountd is mounted | 09:29 |
wwallace | only regular user can not browse it | 09:29 |
wwallace | permission denied | 09:29 |
wwallace | cd ing to it? | 09:29 |
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wwallace | TheGateKeeper: ? | 09:30 |
TheGateKeeper | wwallace: use sudo then, I have done this before to repair a problem so I know it works | 09:31 |
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wwallace | i did use sudo | 09:31 |
wwallace | to create the dir | 09:31 |
TheGateKeeper | and to mount? | 09:32 |
wwallace | whats the pw for su? | 09:32 |
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fdoving | wwallace: what did you mount? i recommend using pmount and mount as every user, if you can. | 09:32 |
wwallace | i mounted root | 09:32 |
wwallace | cause it only root can mount | 09:32 |
wwallace | i use mount | 09:32 |
wwallace | i mounted /dev/hda1 | 09:32 |
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wwallace | whats the pw for su? | 09:33 |
TheGateKeeper | wwallace: try fdoving suggestion pmount | 09:33 |
fdoving | wwallace: i recommend adding /dev/hda1 to /etc/pmount.allow and go to media:/ and mount hda1 as every user. | 09:33 |
wwallace | damn | 09:33 |
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wwallace | i hate changing distros | 09:33 |
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wwallace | thanks anyway | 09:33 |
wwallace | no time now | 09:34 |
TheGateKeeper | fdoving: that better when you are using a livecd | 09:34 |
wwallace | whats su pw? | 09:34 |
wwallace | whats fdoving | 09:34 |
fdoving | wwallace: use sudo, then it's your userpassword. | 09:34 |
wwallace | never heard of all that stuff b4 | 09:34 |
wwallace | /etc/pmount? | 09:34 |
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fdoving | wwallace: if you want a root shell, use 'sudo -i' and then your user password. | 09:34 |
fdoving | wwallace: /etc/pmount.allow it's a file. | 09:35 |
wwallace | i dont have a user password | 09:35 |
wwallace | is a live cd | 09:35 |
fdoving | ah, then it's blank, should be. | 09:35 |
wwallace | no | 09:35 |
fdoving | use 'sudo' not su. | 09:35 |
=== PeteIF is now known as pete | ||
SillyZ | if I could only get about a half a dozen winhosed applications to run under Kubuntu, Id wipe this 100gb drive of a dual boot and just go with Kubuntu in a heartbeat | 09:35 |
fdoving | i have to go watch a voodoo-magic-crime-investigation program with my girlfriend.. have to run. bbl. | 09:36 |
Hawkwind | SillyZ: Dang man, long time no see! | 09:36 |
SillyZ | Hawk!!!!!! | 09:36 |
SillyZ | How goes it bro! | 09:36 |
Hawkwind | Good good, and you ? | 09:36 |
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SillyZ | Goes well, daughter got thru her surgery with flying colors | 09:37 |
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SillyZ | hows you and the fam? | 09:37 |
Hawkwind | SillyZ: Join me in #Kubuntu-OffTopic | 09:37 |
SillyZ | Hawkwind: join #sillyz | 09:37 |
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dennister | hi guys! | 09:41 |
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dennister | abattoir: do u know ur chips? | 09:42 |
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dennister | anybody here? | 09:45 |
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Buffy^ | hello three | 09:45 |
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dennister | hi buffy | 09:46 |
dennister | what's going on? | 09:46 |
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dennister | what am i doing wrong here/ | 09:48 |
Sanne | hi | 09:48 |
dennister | sanne? | 09:48 |
Sanne | dennister: yo | 09:48 |
dennister | u can finally see my type? | 09:48 |
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dennister | where is everyone? | 09:48 |
Sanne | dennister: heh, I just joined... what's going on? | 09:48 |
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dennister | haven't the foggiest; was here at this channel an hour ago and it was busy as ehll | 09:49 |
dennister | but then again, this is only my 2nd time, and i haven't chatted on irc in years | 09:49 |
Sanne | dennister: sometimes there can be quiet periods... everybody pondering something important :) | 09:49 |
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dennister | lol... | 09:50 |
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dennister | and i'm trying to remember if i have a k7 cpu or a k8 | 09:50 |
timpino | there is an election going on in sweden right now and the liberals are going for the win! GO GO! | 09:50 |
=== misieq [n=ubuntu@asf83.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | if i don't figure it out i'll probably wreck my entire install | 09:50 |
Sanne | timpino: really? | 09:50 |
timpino | dennister: open the hatch | 09:50 |
misieq | how do i mount samba shares using smbmount? | 09:50 |
timpino | yeah | 09:50 |
Trevor-KBT | Can anyone help me plz ??? How can I make sure my OpenGl is working correctly ??? | 09:50 |
dennister | the hatch? | 09:51 |
shegman | dennister: type less /proc/cpuinfo | 09:51 |
timpino | Sanne: there will probably be a change of government | 09:51 |
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dennister | k, hold on | 09:51 |
timpino | dennister: I meant pop the hood of your computer | 09:51 |
misieq | !smb > misieq | 09:52 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:52 |
misieq | !samba > misieq | 09:52 |
Sanne | timpino: I hope it will work out the best for Sweden :) | 09:52 |
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dennister | timpino: typed in the code in shell and it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know | 09:52 |
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timpino | dennister: try opening you computer and check the hardware | 09:53 |
dennister | I have an amd athlon 64 X2 3800 | 09:53 |
Sanne | dennister: me too | 09:53 |
dennister | is that a k7 or k8? | 09:53 |
Trevor-KBT | Can anyone help me plz ??? How can I make sure my OpenGl is working correctly ??? | 09:53 |
timpino | it's a amd64 | 09:53 |
dennister | great sanne, do u know if it's k7 or k8? | 09:54 |
timpino | don't think they count it as k7 or k8 anymore | 09:54 |
Skrot | Trevor-KBT: glxinfo | grep direct | 09:54 |
dennister | ahhhhhhhh | 09:54 |
dennister | k8 includes opteron 64... | 09:54 |
Sanne | dennister: I *hope* it's k8, the kernel I use is: 2.6.15-26-amd64-k8 | 09:54 |
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timpino | ill check their homepage if you want | 09:54 |
Nickste | why does the kubuntu gui feel a bit slower than windoze? | 09:55 |
dennister | perfect!!!! thx so much sanne, that's what I needed to know: which kernel to use | 09:55 |
Sanne | dennister: heh :) | 09:55 |
Sanne | dennister: just keep your current kernel around so you could boot back into it in case you need to | 09:56 |
dennister | I'm trying to configure my xorg/xll for glx purposes, and I needed to know which linux-restricted-modules to use | 09:56 |
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dennister | how do I keep both sanne? | 09:57 |
dennister | how will the bootup know which to use? | 09:57 |
Sanne | dennister: when you install a new kernel, just don't remove the old one. It will get added to your boot menu where you can choose which one to boot into. | 09:58 |
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dennister | sorry...noob here...never compiled a kernel before | 09:58 |
Sanne | dennister: don't compile, just install from apt/synaptic/adept/<your-package-manager> | 09:58 |
timpino | dennister: it's not that hard, give it a go, if it fucks up just try again | 09:58 |
Trevor-KBT | Skrot: thx man | 09:58 |
dennister | great! that's what I was worried about...so grub will give me a new option once I install it from synaptic? | 09:58 |
Sanne | dennister: that's the plan :) | 09:59 |
Sanne | dennister: wait a sec, another tip... | 09:59 |
dennister | timpino: do you have any idea how often i've reinstalled ubuntu/kubuntu, got it going well, and then ruined it? | 09:59 |
dennister | usually with xorg, 2, lol | 09:59 |
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timpino | dennister: Im, in the same seat | 10:00 |
Sanne | dennister: when you have booted into your new kernel, you can install the correct restricted modules with: dennister: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 10:00 |
timpino | dennister: you don't wanna know about my slackware experiences | 10:00 |
dennister | k, here goes: bb in a sec | 10:00 |
dennister | hehehe...can't be worse than my 6 weeks of hell with mandriva | 10:00 |
dennister | bb | 10:00 |
shegman | slackware is cool. a lot of work done by hand but it gives experience | 10:01 |
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dennister | k, back...but this bloody broken msttforefonts is preventing me from installing anything properly...just get errors | 10:04 |
dennister | can't seem to get rid of the mstt thing, either, tried uninstalling, reinstalling... | 10:04 |
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Sanne | dennister: did you install msttcorefonts from synaptic? | 10:05 |
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dennister | no, unfortunately...was following a howto for myth...used apt-get | 10:05 |
Sanne | dennister: apt-get is fine also, but did you use official ubuntu repositories? | 10:06 |
dennister | have no idea...apt-get doesn't tell u where it's getting the apps it's getting | 10:06 |
Sanne | dennister: you can look with: apt-cache policy msttcorefonts | 10:06 |
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Sanne | dennister: if you want, paste the output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org so we can have a look | 10:07 |
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dennister | k. pasted the line into shell and i have lots of info I don't know what to do about...can't find the repository it used...will try the paste line | 10:09 |
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Sanne | dennister: while you're at it, paste also the install errors you were talking about. | 10:11 |
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shegman | erm. noob question because of translation problems. what do they mean with freenode "lilo"? | 10:12 |
dennister | sorry...i don't think i got any results to paste...just directions on how to use the less command | 10:12 |
dennister | i'll try the pasting the error message | 10:12 |
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Sanne | dennister: please paste also the command you gave | 10:13 |
dennister | can't do the past of the terminal into past.org either...not from synaptic, anyway | 10:14 |
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Sanne | dennister: ok, let's do this slowly... open a konsole, enter the following command and execute it: apt-cache policy msttcorefonts | 10:16 |
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Sanne | dennister: tell me when you did that please | 10:17 |
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dennister | hold on...did the msttcorefonts thing about 30-60 minutes ago...error messages say something about a defoma scipt, so i did it...seems to be cleaning things up | 10:18 |
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promethevs_ | hi everyone | 10:18 |
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promethevs_ | recently ive updated amarok to 1.4.3 and now i can;t play flac files, anyone know how to fix it? | 10:19 |
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dennister | hahahaha!~!! problem fixed...linix-restricted...k8 installed with no errors! | 10:20 |
drnoone | My TVCard Remote isn't working. The rest of te functions works ok. I have a saa7134 based Card running on Dapper......anyone had the same problem? | 10:20 |
dennister | wahoo! | 10:20 |
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Sanne | dennister: ok, congrats then :) | 10:20 |
dennister | thx for ur support guys! | 10:21 |
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Sanne | dennister: well, you fixed it all by yourself after all :) | 10:21 |
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dennister | now the other nvidia drivers should go in without so many probs, including the one from the nvidia site with the run command | 10:21 |
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Nickste | is there anyway to make the icons, on the task bar, be fixed to a cetain desktop? E.g, wen I click on desktop 2, only the icons of the programs in desktop 2 will display on the taskbar? | 10:22 |
dennister | yeah, i did fix it, but lots of times i have to ask for help b4 i can finally figure it out for myself...lol | 10:22 |
Sanne | dennister: I recommend installing the drivers from the ubuntu repositories | 10:22 |
dennister | yes, I do try to do that most of the time | 10:22 |
dennister | but obviusly things like w32codecs can't be installed that way | 10:23 |
tac | kubuntu en espaol? | 10:23 |
Sanne | dennister: I mean the nvidia drivers, from the repositories | 10:23 |
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dennister | not the one from the nvidia site with the run extension? | 10:23 |
Sanne | dennister: hold on a sec | 10:24 |
dennister | I've got a 7800 series card here | 10:24 |
Sanne | dennister: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 10:24 |
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Sanne | dennister: better use ubuntu packages if you can | 10:24 |
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dennister | yes, I've been reading that, but it does refer us to the nvidia site with the run download | 10:24 |
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Sanne | dennister: no | 10:25 |
promethevs_ | my xine engine doesn't play flac files, anyone hav this problem? | 10:26 |
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dennister | no? | 10:26 |
Sanne | dennister: it says to install the packahes nvidia-glx and linux-restricted-modules for your kernel, both packages are in the ubuntu repositories. The nvidia kernel module is precompiled for us, so we won't have to use the installed from the nvidia site. | 10:27 |
dennister | I just successfully re-installed the nvidia-glx file from xynaptic, and it says to run a command afterwards to configure it, but i got another error in shell | 10:28 |
Sanne | dennister: please paste any errors to paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 10:28 |
dennister | that's good to know sanne, but here's the error when i ran the command xyanptic told me to: | 10:28 |
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dennister | the command that xyanptic told me to do was: nvidia-glx-config enable | 10:29 |
dennister | I did, and here's what I got | 10:29 |
Sanne | dennister: please paste any errors to paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 10:30 |
dennister | Error: your X configuration has been altered. | 10:30 |
dennister | This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this | 10:30 |
dennister | not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following | 10:30 |
dennister | command: | 10:30 |
dennister | md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum | 10:30 |
dennister | otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section | 10:30 |
dennister | from nv to nvidia. | 10:30 |
dennister | sorry | 10:30 |
Sanne | dennister: please don't paste in here | 10:30 |
dennister | k...won't do it again | 10:30 |
dennister | sorry | 10:30 |
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klerfayt | Nickste: you probably mean this http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/5871/pilt1ha7.png | 10:32 |
Sanne | dennister: this just means that your xorg config file has been altered, maybe by another script, or by you manually. Just do what it tells you: md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum | 10:32 |
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dennister | lol...k | 10:32 |
klerfayt | dennister: or you can run sudo nvidia-xconfig | 10:33 |
dennister | all right: it ended up giving me a line with the hash number and the file name | 10:33 |
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dennister | and i did the nvidia-xconfig to make sure...it told me the new xorg.conf was written | 10:35 |
dennister | whew! | 10:35 |
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Sanne | dennister: you just have updated the checksum of the xorg config file, so that you can now proceed. Make a backup first, just to be sure, of the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:35 |
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Sanne | dennister: ok, too late:) | 10:35 |
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Sanne | dennister: I told you where it put the backup file, I hope. Take note of that, in case it doesn't work. | 10:36 |
Sanne | dennister: *it* told you | 10:36 |
intelikey | i'm getting an xfce error, 'cant look up host name for blah, this will prevent xfce from functioning correctly' ? | 10:36 |
intelikey | maybe that should be in #xubuntu ??? | 10:37 |
dennister | yes, i just took a look at the new xorg.conf file, and it is the way it should be. I did actually know where it was, as I'd already backed up the orginal file by making a copy of it | 10:37 |
Sanne | intelikey: maybe, or even in #ubuntu. I suspect this error is not desktop specific... | 10:37 |
dennister | learned the hard way to ALWAYS make a backup of a *.conf file before changing it | 10:37 |
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Sanne | dennister: ah, good! Well, then you should be good to go, and hopefully know how to revert to the old config if your xserver doesn't start. | 10:38 |
intelikey | Sanne maybe. but i don't /j ubuntu any more. | 10:38 |
dennister | and yes, sanne, *it* did tell me, but gave me two options | 10:38 |
Sanne | intelikey: not? How come? | 10:38 |
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dennister | yep, let's hope I'm good to go...I'm jsut gonna check out a coupla things and then try to reboot, which of course will be the acid test | 10:39 |
Sanne | dennister: so, then, be brave and restart your x server, and hopefully see you in a few seconds :) | 10:39 |
intelikey | i'm sensitive that way. ban me for no reason and i take it personally. | 10:39 |
dennister | brave???!?!?! i'm scared sh*tless | 10:39 |
dennister | cya soon, and Thanks!!! | 10:40 |
Sanne | dennister: you *did* boot into your new kernel before installing nvidia, did you? | 10:40 |
zorglu_ | q. is there a set of font i could add to kubuntu ? i failed to find one font i could look at :) something like a text tty would be goo d:) | 10:40 |
dennister | nnnnoooooooooooo | 10:40 |
Sanne | dennister: what?!? | 10:40 |
intelikey | zorglu_ clean | 10:40 |
dennister | lol, I didn't exit from this irc, did I? | 10:40 |
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zorglu_ | intelikey: ? | 10:41 |
intelikey | zorglu_ font name clean | 10:41 |
freewill | first time i installedd my nv drivers was on mandrake 9.2 and i needed to compile kernel headers with gcc in init 3 mode that was user-friendly my ass | 10:41 |
intelikey | zorglu_ looks almost like console | 10:41 |
Sanne | dennister: you need to make sure that you installed the restricted mosules package for the kernel you plan to use with nvidia and you plan to boot into. | 10:41 |
klerfayt | zorglu_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig | 10:42 |
zorglu_ | intelikey: cool :) i dont find it while searching in kde fonte selector, which packet should i get ? | 10:42 |
zorglu_ | package | 10:42 |
dennister | so to make up for my non-booting after I installed the linux restricted... | 10:42 |
Sanne | intelikey: well, that doesn't sound nice with this banning... but maybe somebody was just overreacting? It can be pretty stressful there at times. | 10:43 |
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dennister | I should probably save the new xorg.conf file with a different extension, rename the original xorg.conf file, then boot into the new k8 kernel, and install the nvdida? | 10:43 |
Sanne | dennister: exactly! :) | 10:43 |
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zorglu_ | klerfayt: what is it supposed to do ? i launched it and it ask many things i dont get :) | 10:43 |
intelikey | zorglu_ hmmm it used to be default in the 100dpi set i don't know. apt-cache search font | 10:43 |
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zorglu_ | intelikey: ok will look | 10:44 |
dennister | k, gotcha...thank the lord for backups...and thx again for catching me b4 a disaster | 10:44 |
Sanne | dennister: you're welcome, and good luck | 10:44 |
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klerfayt | zorglu_: maybe you don't like default antialiasing of fonts in kubuntu... | 10:44 |
dennister | hopefully i'll bback soon with a report. If i'm not back...u know i'm in trouble :-) | 10:45 |
klerfayt | zorglu_: this command lets you change font antialiasing stuff | 10:45 |
zorglu_ | klerfayt: ah ok will try thanks | 10:45 |
freewill | i have got opengl enabled with only installing nvidia-glx and editing xorg.conf nv-->nvidia do i realy need to restricted kernel modules? | 10:45 |
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Sanne | freeflying: I guess that's the important package with the actual kernel module, so, yes ;) | 10:46 |
Sanne | freeflying: chances are they were already installed | 10:46 |
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zorglu_ | klerfayt: much better indeed :) | 10:47 |
freewill | ok so that might be the reson boson is crashing? | 10:47 |
Sanne | freeflying: sorry, meant freewill | 10:47 |
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Sanne | freewill: dunno, what's boson? | 10:48 |
freewill | a stratigy game | 10:48 |
Sanne | freewill: needing opengl? | 10:48 |
freewill | written in opgl and for kde | 10:48 |
Sanne | ah | 10:48 |
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Sanne | freewill: try to start the game from a konsole window and look at the errors it gives you, might help find the problem | 10:49 |
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freewill | w8 a sec.. | 10:49 |
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wayne__ | amap | 10:49 |
Sanne | freewill: looks nice, this boson | 10:50 |
wayne__ | amap | 10:50 |
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Rug | Can kopete import account settings from gaim? | 10:52 |
freewill | can't find the post where i put the info of the error | 10:53 |
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freewill | or i thing i got it | 10:53 |
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freewill | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=258567 | 10:54 |
Sanne | freewill: looking | 10:54 |
Homer | when is edgy eft comming out? | 10:54 |
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freewill | i use this how-to https://help.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/hardware.html they say here you only need nvidia-glx | 10:55 |
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Arepie | "dapper" or "knot 3" is betteR? | 10:57 |
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wayne__ | anyone know why i can apt-get Kismet but i cant see it in my KDE menu? | 10:58 |
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Sanne | freewill: I guess you have the modules, otherwise x wouldn't have started. But let's check to be sure. Please paste (here) the output of: uname -a | 10:59 |
lupine_85 | dapper, if you need to ask :) | 10:59 |
allyourcrwebs | wayne__: guess it doesn't have a menu entry via default | 10:59 |
wayne__ | can i make one? | 10:59 |
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allyourcrwebs | sure | 11:00 |
klerfayt | speaking of nvidia-glx - anyone know why nvidia-settings don't load my settings at login like they do it in suse e.g. | 11:00 |
allyourcrwebs | wayne__: right click on the K, and hit menu editor | 11:00 |
Homer | !xgl | 11:01 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 11:01 |
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wayne__ | how do i whipsrer back to people? | 11:01 |
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xithilinx | hey does anyone here know how to install ati drivers in kubuntu | 11:02 |
klerfayt | wayne__: sometimes you have to logout and login to update kmenu | 11:02 |
klerfayt | wayne__: maybe there is command to do it | 11:02 |
freewill | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 11:02 |
Sanne | freewill: got my last message? | 11:03 |
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klerfayt | freewill: can you run glxgears? (in konsole) | 11:04 |
freewill | yes | 11:04 |
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Sanne | freewill: can you do what I asked, please? | 11:04 |
host-one | hello:) | 11:04 |
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freewill | yes for glxgears in console | 11:04 |
sybux | Hi, I'm looking for wine guru ! are they online tonight ? | 11:05 |
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Sanne | freewill: I said: I guess you have the modules, otherwise x wouldn't have started. But let's check to be sure. Please paste (here) the output of: uname -a | 11:05 |
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host-one | why in firefox at google video I can't hear audio? | 11:05 |
kalagaraz | What can I use to make a movie of my desktop? | 11:05 |
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freewill | yes i have notice that just now it must have installed automaticly | 11:05 |
allyourcrwebs | glxgears will run without nvidia-glx, just very slowly | 11:06 |
Sanne | freewill: so you also confirmed that you have linux-restricted-modules for your kernel? | 11:06 |
klerfayt | host-one: that's because flash uses oss audio | 11:06 |
Sanne | freewill: *already*, not also | 11:06 |
intelikey | allyourcrwebs yeah i get about 60fps | 11:06 |
freewill | Sanne: i have linux-restricted-modules-i386 | 11:06 |
klerfayt | host-one: and oss plays only then other applications aren't using audiocard | 11:06 |
Sanne | freewill: and is this the ecaxt version you need for your running kernel? | 11:07 |
klerfayt | host-one: other solution is to configure alsa-oss | 11:07 |
freewill | Sanne i guess so (i didn't install it) but i don't have x64 if ur asking that. | 11:08 |
intelikey | does there need to be an empty file /etc/host.{allow,deny} ? | 11:08 |
Sanne | freewill: *sigh* that's why I bade you to give me the output of 'uname -a', so that I can help you make sure. So I suggest you just do it. Please? | 11:09 |
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karim_ | yo ppl | 11:09 |
karim_ | any Egyptian folks in here | 11:09 |
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karim_ | ? | 11:09 |
freewill | sry | 11:09 |
SillyZ | uname -a is not going to reveal any passwords or such, its just going to provide version information about what your running in linux, ie: linux kernel | 11:09 |
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karim_ | yo Cairo is in fa hauuuuse | 11:10 |
freewill | Linux freewill-desktop 2.6.15-23-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue May 23 13:49:40 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 11:10 |
SillyZ | Sanne: thought id try and help a bit | 11:10 |
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intelikey | i've lost my menu xfce wont display a menu | 11:10 |
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Sanne | freewill: ok, thanks. Now please run the command and paste the output to paste.ubuntu-nl.org: apt-cache policy linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) | 11:10 |
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roffman20 | wenas | 11:11 |
roffman20 | como estan | 11:11 |
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Sanne | SillyZ: let me just try this one, ok? ;) | 11:11 |
karim_ | can't run .asf ,mpeg .mpg | 11:11 |
SillyZ | Sanne: np | 11:11 |
dennister | i'm baaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkk :-) | 11:11 |
roffman20 | nadie habla espaol | 11:11 |
karim_ | on caffeine | 11:11 |
=== percevaus [n=percevau@unused-145-81.via.ecp.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dennister | worked beautifully, first with just the new kernel, and then with the kernel + new xorg.conf file | 11:12 |
tsdgeos | !es | 11:12 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:12 |
dennister | i can't thank u enough, sanne | 11:12 |
roffman20 | gracias | 11:12 |
Sanne | SillyZ: I'm trying to help freewill find out if the linux-restricted-modules matches the installed kernel. | 11:12 |
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Sanne | dennister: I take that as a "wohoo, it worked", yes? :) | 11:13 |
dennister | yes, yes, yes | 11:13 |
Sanne | dennister: wohoo! | 11:13 |
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freewill | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23790 | 11:13 |
Sanne | freewill: looking | 11:14 |
dennister | now the next challenge is to get mysql working...but later; I need a nap and then make a phone call for work | 11:14 |
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intelikey | twm has no menu well it has one but there is no apps in it. only twm commands ? | 11:14 |
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dennister | not even a job, cause i don't get paid, but i'm back at my old recruiter's schedule of recruting pps on a sunday afternoon | 11:14 |
dre | i just started with kubuntu one week ago,but i think its very dapper...:) | 11:15 |
dennister | hopefully I'll run into u again sanne | 11:15 |
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kalagaraz | What can I use to record a video of my desktop? | 11:15 |
dennister | dre: I'm shocked! what a pun! | 11:15 |
intelikey | hmmm, i guess i've borked it well | 11:15 |
Sanne | freewill: so, we see the the restricted modules version matches your kernel's version exactly: 2.6.15-23-386. That tells us that the installation of your nvidia drivers seems to be correct. next we take a look again at the error message from boson. | 11:15 |
dre | a pun?.... | 11:16 |
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freewill | should i paste it in again the same way? | 11:16 |
dennister | lol...yes, a play upon words: ubuntu....dapper.... | 11:16 |
Sanne | dennister: I'm pretty often on freenode, except time stretches where my workload is too high. Looking forward to meet you again :) | 11:16 |
dre | a ok....yep thats what i mean | 11:17 |
dennister | later pps :-) | 11:17 |
Sanne | freewill: I think I have the tab still open, sec | 11:17 |
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Sanne | freewill: yup | 11:17 |
Sanne | freewill: the first line of interest is: libGL.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 11:18 |
Sanne | freewill: boson want a library but can find it. Now we try to find out why. | 11:18 |
freewill | Sanne: how do we do that? | 11:20 |
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Sanne | freewill: it looks for a file /usr/lib/libGL.so, which I have on my system. Let's see what your system tells you, type: ls -la /usr/lib/libGL.so | 11:21 |
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freewill | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2006-09-16 19:41 /usr/lib/libGL.so -> libGL.so.1 | 11:22 |
Sanne | freewill: hm, if you have it, boson should find it. What does this return: ls -la /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 | 11:24 |
kalagaraz | What can I use to record a video of my desktop? | 11:24 |
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freewill | lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2006-09-16 03:27 /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 -> libGL.so.1.0.8762 | 11:25 |
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Sanne | freewill: that's the same what I have. | 11:26 |
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Sanne | freewill: onelast time, please paste the output of the following command to the pastebin: ls -l /usr/lib/libGL* | 11:27 |
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kalagaraz | I need something to record my desktop :( | 11:28 |
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Sanne | kalagaraz: I think we all know this by now :) | 11:29 |
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kalagaraz | yeah well I was disconnected, and didn't see an answer | 11:29 |
=== Sanne scrolls | ||
Sanne | kalagaraz: it seems there was no reply | 11:30 |
freewill | Sanne http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23792 | 11:30 |
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kalagaraz | how can no one know of a tool to record... | 11:30 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: Try wink | 11:31 |
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surimi | I have compile and install http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=39052 | 11:31 |
surimi | cause it doesn't exist un deb | 11:32 |
Sanne | freewill: I can't dcc because of my router. You can attach a picture on the pastebin also, at the bottom :) | 11:32 |
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surimi | in Ubuntu/gnome there is no Font manager like that | 11:32 |
freewill | k | 11:32 |
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surimi | but now I have this http://pastebin.wikistuce.info/?215 | 11:32 |
bipolar | In edgy, will there be an applet to control ejecting pcmcia/cardbus cards? | 11:33 |
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Sanne | freewill: this is what I have, let's compare: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23793 | 11:33 |
SillyZ | whats a good application to test a webcam with under kubuntu? | 11:34 |
freewill | can i edit the pate or must i make a new one in order to post a pic? | 11:34 |
Sanne | freewill: dunno | 11:34 |
kalagaraz | how do I run an installer.sh file? | 11:35 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: sh file.sh | 11:35 |
ketsugi|IMF | ./installer.sh | 11:35 |
octan | whats the diff between openssh and ssh ? | 11:35 |
freewill | Sanne i got this extra i think /usr/lib/libGL.la | 11:35 |
wayne__ | anyone know of a good readme file on how to setup and run kismet? | 11:35 |
kalagaraz | ahh wink doesn't work for amd64 :( | 11:35 |
wayne__ | im having probems | 11:35 |
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octan | kalagaraz yes it does :P just compile it for a 64 arch :P | 11:36 |
freewill | Sanne btw do you know if boson works? i mean maybe the thing is broken or something? | 11:36 |
kalagaraz | I dunno how to compile... | 11:36 |
Sanne | freewill: *I* got this extra, you don't seem to have it. | 11:36 |
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kalagaraz | the installer.sh file says x86 only | 11:36 |
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freewill | Sanne sorry yeah u got it | 11:37 |
Sanne | freewill: I don't know if boson works. My next check would be if you can run other opengl apps :) | 11:37 |
Sanne | freewill: but this libGL.la worries me. Let me check where it came from and if you should have it. | 11:37 |
freewill | Sanne i can run supertux;nexuiz | 11:37 |
Sanne | freewill: ah | 11:37 |
freewill | Sanne supertux is opengl mode | 11:38 |
kalagaraz | how do I comple wink for 64? | 11:38 |
Sanne | freewill: so have you tried boson again recently? Same error? | 11:38 |
octan | but an extra option to make command | 11:38 |
octan | man make | 11:38 |
freewill | Sanne yes | 11:38 |
kalagaraz | I don't see make anywhere... | 11:38 |
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freewill | Sanne i think its the game.... | 11:39 |
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Hawkwind | kalagaraz: It's a command you type | 11:39 |
sybux | I've got a liitle question : I'm running on a pentium D proc. Shall I need to recompil my kernel for the 2nd proc be used ? | 11:39 |
Sanne | freewill: I mean, it tells us nonsense, it says it wants /use/lib/libGL.so, and you have this file. It must be blind ;) | 11:39 |
kalagaraz | there is no source for wink though. It's just binaries | 11:39 |
Hawkwind | sybux: No, use the linux-686 kernel which is for SMP kernels | 11:39 |
freewill | Sanne: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23796 | 11:39 |
Hawkwind | s/kernels/processors | 11:39 |
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freewill | Sanne: i guess its blind | 11:40 |
MidMark | hi | 11:40 |
Sanne | freewill: I also come to think it might be boson that's at fault. | 11:40 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: You untar the package, cd to the directory it makes, then read the README or INSTALL files | 11:40 |
MidMark | someone knows where to find ubuntu packages for mandvd 2.2? | 11:40 |
sybux | Hawkwind: once again, you save my life ! | 11:40 |
klerfayt | what is the package name of i686kernel and do I have to just reboot after installing it? | 11:40 |
Hawkwind | klerfayt: linux-686 | 11:40 |
octan | kalagaraz then you need to jail it to 32bit | 11:40 |
Sanne | freewill: oh, that's another error | 11:40 |
octan | kalagaraz, 1 sec | 11:41 |
Hawkwind | !info mandvd | 11:41 |
ubotu | Package mandvd does not exist in any distro I know | 11:41 |
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freewill | Sanne: thats in the boson-info app | 11:41 |
octan | kalagaraz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24575 | 11:41 |
kalagaraz | it says ""This installer only has x86 binaries. Sorry."" | 11:41 |
octan | dude look at link i gave you :P | 11:41 |
klerfayt | Hawkwind: I see; and reboot will take to my new kernel; no configuration required? | 11:42 |
MidMark | !why not? | 11:42 |
Sanne | freewill: I don't have a folder "modules" in /usr/X11R6/lib | 11:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about why not? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:42 |
octan | just change hoary to dapper | 11:42 |
kalagaraz | none of that stuff in that link makes any sense to me | 11:42 |
Sanne | freewill: so I guess boson would also error on me, and this looks suspiciously like a bug. | 11:42 |
octan | kalagaraz it makes perfectly sence :P | 11:43 |
kalagaraz | well I've never used linux before | 11:43 |
MidMark | none in the world uses mandvd? | 11:43 |
freewill | Sanne: theres another tab that dispays errors | 11:43 |
octan | kalagaraz follow it step by step | 11:43 |
Sanne | freewill: this file it wants is here: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o | 11:43 |
kalagaraz | What's it do? | 11:43 |
freewill | Sanne: lest me just upload it | 11:43 |
Hawkwind | klerfayt: It should, yes | 11:44 |
Sanne | freewill: I suspect by now that the maitainer didn't tell boson to look in the correct location for this file. | 11:44 |
Sanne | freewill: ok | 11:44 |
kalagaraz | error on step one | 11:44 |
kalagaraz | E: Couldn't find package dchroot | 11:44 |
freewill | Sanne: k, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23799 | 11:44 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 11:44 |
freewill | Sanne: thats about all the info i can get (the console and those 2 tabs) | 11:45 |
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kalagaraz | still get E: Couldn't find package dchroot | 11:46 |
freewill | Sanne: will you please try and file a bug report? i don't know how :P | 11:46 |
Sanne | freewill: that's an even better error message. I think i'm at the end of the line here, you may try to post those error screenshots at the forums, and if that doesn't lead to a solution, you might consider filing a bug at launchpad for boson. | 11:46 |
Sanne | freewill: ha! | 11:46 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: Then install it | 11:47 |
kalagaraz | how? | 11:47 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: Same way you install everything else, sudo apt-get install <package-name> | 11:47 |
kalagaraz | thats what I'm trying to do | 11:47 |
kalagaraz | sudo apt-get install dchroot debootstrap | 11:47 |
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Sanne | freewill: you really should do it, because 1. I don't have it installed, 2. I also didn't do a bug report yet, and 3. don't be lazy! ;) | 11:48 |
Hawkwind | !info dchroot | 11:48 |
ubotu | dchroot: Execute commands under different root filesystems. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12.1 (dapper), package size 10 kB, installed size 88 kB | 11:48 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: You need to set up all of your repos correctly first | 11:48 |
Hawkwind | !repos > kalagaraz | 11:48 |
freewill | Sanne k lol | 11:48 |
freewill | Sanne so u say launchpad | 11:48 |
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Sanne | freewill: yeah, I can try to find the bug page, sec. | 11:49 |
Sanne | freewill: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 11:49 |
kalagaraz | I've did that already Hawkwind | 11:50 |
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Sanne | freewill: there's link "report a bug", and maybe there's help on that on the wiki also? | 11:50 |
freewill | Sanne k | 11:50 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: dchroot is in universe so you need to make sure you have universe as one of your repos | 11:50 |
Sanne | freewill: of yourse, first try to search for other bugs on boson, maybe it's already reported. | 11:50 |
kalagaraz | I have multiverse as that guide says | 11:50 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: Universe | 11:51 |
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Hawkwind | kalagaraz: Big difference from multiverse | 11:51 |
kalagaraz | it says | 11:51 |
kalagaraz | nce that's done you will want to add Multiverse to them. Double click the universe text so that you get an edit box and beside universe type multiverse and hit Enter and do the same for the other line as well. | 11:51 |
kalagaraz | in that guide | 11:51 |
kalagaraz | that you send me | 11:51 |
Hawkwind | !universe | 11:51 |
ubotu | The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu | 11:51 |
Hawkwind | Read that URL there. It tells you about multiverse and universe | 11:51 |
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kalagaraz | Yes I followed that guide exactly yesterday | 11:52 |
kalagaraz | it sets up mutliverse | 11:52 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: Open up your /etc/apt/sources.list and add universe to each line that has multiverse | 11:52 |
Hawkwind | This is where you will be able to enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories. The first step on this page is to locate this line and the line below it. Once you have found these two line right click and select enable for both the deb and deb-src lines. | 11:53 |
Sanne | freewill: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | 11:53 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: ^^^^^^ that's from the URL | 11:53 |
kalagaraz | oh I was suppose to add | 11:53 |
kalagaraz | not change | 11:53 |
Hawkwind | kalagaraz: That page does both actually :) | 11:53 |
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Sanne | freewill: you *did* install boson from the ubuntu repos, didn't you? | 11:54 |
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kalagaraz | ok it works now | 11:55 |
kalagaraz | sorry :( | 11:55 |
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Hawkwind | kalagaraz: No worries :) | 11:55 |
rudy__ | hola? | 11:55 |
freewill | Sanne yes the deb files from ubuntu | 11:55 |
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freewill | Sanne (ubuntu's archive) | 11:56 |
Sanne | freewill: ok, just to be sure it's actually a bug in an ubuntu package :) | 11:56 |
kalagaraz | I installs istanbul from the repo now. Where is it installed to? | 11:57 |
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kalagaraz | nm | 11:57 |
kalagaraz | got it | 11:57 |
freewill | Sanne what should i put in further information? | 11:59 |
Nookie^ | how do i restart kicker?? | 12:00 |
Sanne | freewill: er... I'm sorry, I really didn't do this myself... can anybody please help freewill with abug report? <waves to channel> | 12:00 |
Hawkwind | killall kicker && kicker | 12:00 |
Nookie^ | thanx | 12:01 |
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klerfayt | hmm I rebooted and still using i386 kernel instead of i686 | 12:04 |
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=== InMyDream [n=rtbyuen@120.Red-83-46-227.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== DaSkreech [n=skreech@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== lynxorgd [n=lyucnxt@ACCB9D15.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
DaSkreech | What's kabc? | 12:09 |
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