raphink | hi | 12:18 |
raphink | anyone here could help with deleting bzr branches on LP? | 12:18 |
LarstiQ | fairly impossible atm I'm afraid. | 12:19 |
lifeless | raphink: is the branch faulty ? | 12:20 |
raphink | yes | 12:20 |
lifeless | raphink: or just obsolete ? | 12:20 |
raphink | faulty | 12:20 |
raphink | I didn't understand how this worked | 12:20 |
raphink | so I created the branches manually on LP | 12:20 |
raphink | from the http interface | 12:20 |
lifeless | mark it abandoned | 12:20 |
raphink | ok | 12:20 |
lifeless | we dont have an interface for deleting branches at the moment | 12:20 |
lifeless | lots of data consistency to ensure before we do that | 12:20 |
raphink | then I've pushed a new branch, with a new name | 12:21 |
raphink | the push worked | 12:21 |
raphink | but I can't branch from it | 12:21 |
lifeless | whats the url? | 12:21 |
raphink | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ichthux-dev/ichthux/germinate-seeds | 12:22 |
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raphink | bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ichthux-dev/ichthux/germinate-seeds/ | 12:22 |
raphink | but the push works and the directory is there when I view it in sftp | 12:23 |
lifeless | look here: https://launchpad.net/people/ichthux-dev/+branch/ichthux/germinate-seeds | 12:25 |
lifeless | Recent revisions | 12:25 |
lifeless | This branch has not been scanned for revisions yet, or no revisions were found on the last scan. Branches are scanned at least once a day. | 12:25 |
lifeless | it needs a few minutes to copy over from sftp to http | 12:25 |
raphink | ok | 12:26 |
raphink | thanks | 12:26 |
raphink | i'll wait | 12:26 |
raphink | thanks lifeless | 12:36 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #60820 in launchpad-bazaar "branch registration form allows bazaar.launchpad.net urls" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/60820 | 12:40 |
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AlinuxOS | danilo_, hello ;) | 04:36 |
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Ubugtu | New bug: #60876 in malone "could not link a "conglomerate" bug to upstream" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/60876 | 07:31 |
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dem | hey guys how do i create a new template for translations in launchpad, I have one already for my app, but i'd like to have a second one for the documentation. | 06:45 |
jordi | dem: just upload a new pot file with a different name | 07:06 |
jordi | ie, if you used foo.pot for your app | 07:06 |
jordi | upload foo-doc | 07:07 |
jordi | and magic will happen behind the scenes :) | 07:07 |
dem | and it show up a new template? | 07:12 |
dem | okay | 07:12 |
jordi | dem: if you do it right now, it might happen really fast | 07:16 |
jordi | ie, because I'm looking now :) | 07:16 |
dem | okay let me try then | 07:16 |
jordi | what product? | 07:17 |
jordi | be sure to upload the file outside the context of your already existing template | 07:17 |
jordi | ie.. /products/foo/+series/bar/+translations | 07:17 |
dem | drapes | 07:18 |
dem | yeah, i can't find a button for it on my page | 07:18 |
jordi | hm | 07:19 |
jordi | trunk, or 0.5pre? | 07:19 |
jordi | https://launchpad.net/products/drapes/trunk/+translations | 07:19 |
jordi | in this url, use the "Upload translations" link at the left | 07:20 |
dem | i wish i could merge my trunk with the main branch i have for bzr | 07:20 |
dem | i dunno how it happened | 07:20 |
jordi | can't you just change the name? | 07:20 |
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dem | no | 07:22 |
dem | aparently i cannot | 07:22 |
jordi | hm, I suggest you seek help tomorrow morning here | 07:22 |
jordi | today's a bad day for support | 07:22 |
dem | that's okay | 07:23 |
dem | i uploaded the new template now | 07:23 |
jordi | ok | 07:23 |
dem | i wish launchpad was a lot more explicit | 07:23 |
dem | like it would say instead of upload files, it would say: Upload NEW template | 07:24 |
dem | and Update current template/po files | 07:24 |
jordi | can you file a bug about it? | 07:24 |
dem | sure, cause i guess i would say "launchpad makes me feel slow" | 07:24 |
jordi | hehe | 07:24 |
jordi | hm, the file is drapes.po. | 07:25 |
jordi | shouldn't it be drapes-doc.pot? | 07:25 |
dem | i just uploaded drapes-help.pot | 07:25 |
jordi | oh, and drapes, as well? | 07:25 |
dem | no, i just uploaded one file | 07:26 |
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dem | what's the name of the project for launchpad that i would file a bug for | 07:26 |
jordi | weird, it appeared as drapes.po... | 07:26 |
jordi | rosetta | 07:26 |
dem | i can go againe | 07:28 |
jordi | https://launchpad.net/products/drapes/trunk/+translations | 07:28 |
jordi | nope | 07:28 |
jordi | I fixed it | 07:28 |
dem | okay, why did that happen? | 07:28 |
jordi | I have no idea | 07:28 |
jordi | anyway, it will appear in any minute | 07:29 |
jordi | I gotta go | 07:30 |
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dem | https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/60939 | 07:37 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 60939 in rosetta "Rosetta isn't explicit enought/too cryptic" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] | 07:37 |
Ubugtu | New bug: #60939 in rosetta "Rosetta isn't explicit enought/too cryptic" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/60939 | 07:45 |
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