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BurgundaviaThere is an online tutorial on using package management tools, including Add/Remove, Synaptic and Aptitude in 20 minutes in #ubuntu-classroom05:43
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Lukehmm...  first time ever using IRC, complete noob here.  Test Test =)12:20
Lukeeh... nm... wrong channel.  sry12:20
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anmarHey guys. I am testing Edgy Eft Knot 2 (not sure if my last update pused it to 3) and I have some problems I wish resolved so I can file my report06:58
anmarMy question is: Is this the right place to discuss this kind of stuff or should I still go to #ubuntu ?06:58
NailorWell, we're not supporting channel07:10
NailorOf course you can shoot us with the question, we'll might answer :P07:10
anmarNailor: hehe... thanks dude... 07:10
anmarNailor: I am trying to test edggy knot 3 and resume is a problem. 07:11
NailorWorked fine before?07:11
anmarI am using the 915resolution packages but resume from suspend leaves my screen black 07:11
anmarNailor: where can I find what happens when you resume a laptop ?07:12
NailorDunno, ACPI documentation maybe?07:12
anmarNailor: I mean what gets started first... it is a bit confusing since there are acpi packages, gnome-power-manager and hiberante ... yikes07:12
anmarNailor: yeah.. I dug there a bit... 07:12
anmarNailor:  will keep digging... cause I think it might be a bug worth filing 07:13
NailorYou could also check if someone has same kind of problems from laptop testing team wiki07:13
anmarNailor: there is a laptop test report from this guy (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Lenovo_IBM)07:14
anmarbut it is incomplete07:14
anmarNailor: BTW, can I use the same report or should I start my own ?07:15
simiraanmar: search for similar problems reported in Launchpad, else, file a bug on it07:17
anmarsimira: will do07:17
Nailoranmar: Use the same report, just add yourself as one of the contributors in there07:18
anmarNailor: ok. cool. 07:18
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Infectohmmm 09:57
Infectois something moving in suspent do ram problem 09:57
BurgundaviaInfecto: you filed a bug10:02
BurgundaviaI have not seena  suspend to ram issue10:02
InfectoBurgundavia: it works for you ?10:03
Infectofor me it want to suspend 10:03
=== philwyett [n=philip@80-195-142-67.cable.ubr02.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-laptop
Infectonot wake up 10:03
Infectobut suspend 10:03
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