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Jak08 | hello again people | 03:29 |
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Jak08 | Ok, I have a question, I do wish to be an active member of the artwork team, my intrest has existeded for several months, but unfortunitly don't have highspeed internet in wich to use ubuntu online and therefor haven't been able to use it, i aim to recieve highspeed internet withen the year, but my question is, is there anyway i can still help without the use in which i have specified? | 03:58 |
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dborg_ | Jak08: it's about 5am in europe ;) maybe you should better use email | 04:57 |
Jak08 | ? | 05:06 |
Jak08 | is that in refferance to the long email or it's content? | 05:07 |
Jak08 | gerr, now you had me say email instead of message, :) | 05:08 |
detgar | Jak08: the clock is currently 05:30 in Europe (give or take an hour, depending on timezone), meaning that a lot of people are asleep, and you will have trouble initiating a conversation on this channel. | 05:25 |
Jak08 | ok, I was going to just leave my dialup on and wait till morning here and see who had left a responce | 05:29 |
Jak08 | as it is 10:30 where i am at | 05:30 |
detgar | ah, sounds like you should use the mailing list instead of the IRC channel. That way you don't have to stay connected to receive an answer to your questions. | 05:31 |
Jak08 | ahh, true, and I have had subscription to the mailing list for some odd months now | 05:32 |
detgar | kk | 05:33 |
Jak08 | but anyway sence you are here, do you by chance have an answer for me? | 05:33 |
detgar | Unfortunately not, I don't know anything at all about the art team | 05:34 |
Jak08 | oh | 05:34 |
detgar | I joined the channel today out of curiosity | 05:34 |
Jak08 | ahh | 05:35 |
detgar | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/GetInvolved | 05:35 |
detgar | try that link | 05:35 |
Jak08 | you realize that this is only the second conversation I have started with someone in the art channel | 05:35 |
Jak08 | yeah I looked at that yesterday | 05:35 |
detgar | ah | 05:35 |
Jak08 | it changed a bit in the last few months | 05:35 |
Jak08 | idk mabey i'll be able to help out a lot for the next release because it seems that this one is about done as far as the art teams efforts are concerned at least in the parts that a person can just hop right in and start working | 05:38 |
Jak08 | but I would like to do a lot of the work outside of ubuntu seeing as how all my tools are for os x and windows | 05:40 |
Jak08 | like photoshop and maya | 05:40 |
detgar | k | 05:40 |
Jak08 | have you by chance had the opertunity to try one of the new macs? | 05:40 |
detgar | no | 05:40 |
Jak08 | ahh, I love my imac too bad it doesn't have a 775 socet or I would upgrad to the 2.66 core 2 duo | 05:41 |
Jak08 | i think the brand new Imacs have 775 sockets though | 05:42 |
Jak08 | the one that came out 2 weeks ago | 05:42 |
detgar | What's a 775 socket? | 05:43 |
detgar | socket for the CPU? | 05:43 |
Jak08 | and the 24" has a nice nividia graphics card which has me wondering if it has an actual card instead of integraded | 05:43 |
Jak08 | it is a socket for intels mainstream desktop procesor, the one in my imac is the one they use for laptops | 05:43 |
Jak08 | but still dual core 2.0 ghz isn't bad, and i can still upgrad to a 2.33 core 2 duo, but i don't see the point but i guess it is almost 50% faster than the one i got so I may reconcider | 05:44 |
Jak08 | but It also disapoints me, I can't get ubuntu to install on my Imac without doing a clean instal, it doesn't recognize my empty partition, so I am also hoping the new version of ubuntu will | 05:45 |
Jak08 | but the eject button on the apple keyboards works on ubunut so thats something good, that I can't quite say for vista beta 2, I hope that rc1 will be better, but I'm still waiting for my disc which should arive by the end of this week | 05:46 |
Jak08 | sorry I said a lot there | 05:46 |
Jak08 | have you gotten to use vista yet? | 05:47 |
detgar | I only use Ubuntu at the moment | 05:49 |
detgar | I'm going AFK, gonna make some breakfast, cya | 05:52 |
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Jak08 | ahh, I don't want to use vmware so I guess that is the problem I have, is I have to have all three Installed, and the only legal way for me to do that, was by getting an intel mac, but from the amount that I have used linux like ubuntu and *gasp* mepis, vista is a little bit of a letdown but very much better than xp and I really like os x, but i would have to put linux and os x above windows even though i have used it most | 05:52 |
Jak08 | kk, see ya | 05:52 |
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effraie | !seen who | 01:26 |
effraie | does not work here.. | 01:26 |
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effraie | does somedy know where i can found who's wallpapper for blubuntu? | 08:44 |
kwwii_ | the wiki, I would guess | 08:45 |
effraie | no, on the wiki, there are only thumbnails, i think | 08:45 |
kwwii_ | hrm, not sure then | 08:48 |
PingunZ | effraie: mail him | 08:52 |
effraie | PingunZ: great idea | 08:52 |
PingunZ | effraie: Or add him to googlechat -> he is pretty active there | 08:53 |
effraie | what is googlechat? | 08:53 |
effraie | jabber? | 08:53 |
effraie | you know his ID? | 08:53 |
PingunZ | effraie: googlechat is just the interactive chat in your gmail inbox | 08:54 |
PingunZ | goto gmail.com | 08:54 |
PingunZ | and check the right box ;) | 08:54 |
effraie | i know it | 08:54 |
PingunZ | Ah well, you have to mail him first .. it automatically adds him | 08:55 |
effraie | it's a jabber implementation, so i prefer use jabber ;) | 08:55 |
PingunZ | mailforwho@googlemail.com | 08:56 |
effraie | thanx | 08:57 |
PingunZ | np ;) | 08:58 |
PingunZ | goto go ( lost is starting ;) ) | 09:03 |
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