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toosahallo ...08:57
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freeflying@schedule shanghai01:47
UbugtuSchedule for Asia/Shanghai: 18 Sep 22:00: LoCo | 19 Sep 20:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 20:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Sep 04:00: Technical Board | 28 Sep 04:00: Edubuntu01:47
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irvin@sked manila02:41
jsgotangcoyour puny filipino slang won't work here irvin!02:42
irvin@sched manila02:43
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jsgotangco@schedule manila02:46
Ubug2Schedule for Asia/Manila: 18 Sep 22:00: LoCo | 19 Sep 20:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 20:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Sep 04:00: Technical Board | 28 Sep 04:00: Edubuntu02:46
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Hobbsee@schedule sydney02:54
Ubug2Schedule for Australia/Sydney: 19 Sep 00:00: LoCo | 19 Sep 22:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 22 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Sep 06:00: Technical Board | 28 Sep 06:00: Edubuntu02:54
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blaa_hi hi03:46
blaa_how do I dump database from gentoo to ubuntu03:47
elkbuntuthis isnt a support channel03:48
dsasblaa_: Please see #ubuntu for support.03:49
blaa_dsas, thx03:49
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubug2] : Current meeting: LoCo | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Community Council | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu
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jonook we will start in about 5mins :)03:56
jsgotangcodum dummmmm03:57
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freeflyinghi all04:00
elkbuntuhow many people are here for this LoCo meeting so far?04:00
david`bgkI'm, but from office, so not really active04:01
jonoyeah, could everyone who is in the meeting say so :)04:01
=== freeflying from ubuntu-cn
MehdiHassanpourme too ;)04:01
elkbuntume, ubuntu-au04:01
newz2000me, ubuntu webmaster04:02
jonook, could someone else also save the log, my IRC client is a bit screwy04:02
GekitsuuI'm here for the meeting04:02
freeflyingjono: fabbione has log04:02
elkbuntusurely there's a logbot in here04:02
jonoright, lets begin then04:02
jonoI know a bunch of you already,but let me introduce myself04:03
freeflyingjsgotangco: hi, long time haven;t seen you :)04:03
jonoI am Jono Bacon and I the Ubuntu Community Manager working at Canonical04:03
jonowhen I started, one of the key things I wanted to work on is LoCo teams04:03
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jonoI think that LoCo teams are really centrally important to a strong Ubuntu with plenty of vitality and growth04:03
jonowe have a number of teams who have formed, and some teams are very strong and some need some help and assistance04:04
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jonowhen I started, one thing was clear though04:04
jonothere was *very little* communication between teams04:04
jonowe had a bunch of teams, many in regionally close areas, but with little or no communication04:05
jonoso, the first plan of action on my "list of things to do to make LoCo teams kiss ass" was to help teams collaborate together04:05
jonokick ass :P04:05
GnomonicGot a bit scared, there.04:06
jonoass kissing is tolerated though if needed :P04:06
jonoso, to help with this I have tried to get loco-contacts on its feet again04:06
elkbuntuindeed, try avoid the hairy ones though04:06
jonoand that list is intended for groups to talk together and share experiences04:06
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elkbuntui think many would agree you've made a good start on that, jono :)04:07
jsgotangcosome teams do communicate04:07
MehdiHassanpourthis sharing is very important04:07
jsgotangcoin a server POV04:07
jonothanks elkbuntu 04:07
jsgotangcoespecially those sharing in one server04:07
MehdiHassanpourbut how04:07
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jsgotangcobut that's it04:07
jonoso, communication is clearly important04:07
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jononow, there are a few other plans too:04:08
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jono * tidy up the New Teams on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList04:08
jonothere are lots of teams on that list who have not been accepted as official teams yet04:08
jonoI plan on getting to that when I return from my holiday around oct 7th04:08
jonothere is a combination of many different types of team, some confident and experienced, and some not so04:09
jonoI was thinking of methods in which we can level the playing field out a little, and one of the plans is for LoCo teams to mentor each other04:09
jonosome teams are very strong and active, and they could help get teams on their feet04:10
jonoyou can think of this as an outsourcing of myself - I just don't have time to attend to *every* team, so mentoring helps spread the load04:10
jonoI have been working with elkbuntu on this, and there is going to be a trial of one team mentoring another and then we will open it up to the full LoCo community04:10
elkbuntuyou also cant speak every language either ;)04:11
jonoI can barely speak english :P04:11
jonoso, the aim of this meeting is to share this progress04:11
elkbuntubut anyway yeah, should we go into more details?04:11
jonobut to also get ideas for ways we can work together04:11
jonoelkbuntu, sure, do you want to fill people in :)04:12
GnomonicInterruption: Does this meeting have an agenda, or is it just free-talking?04:12
MehdiHassanpourjono, how and where we can get other teams experiences ?04:12
jonoGnomonic, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamMeeting04:12
jonofairly short agenda04:12
jonoMehdiHassanpour, we will discuss that soon04:12
jonoelkbuntu, shoot :)04:12
elkbuntuwhen jono first joined the community, he spoke to me and mentioned this idea about mentoring04:13
elkbuntui thought about it for a week or so and said 'yeah, lets give it a go'04:13
Yann2don't know for you, but I barely have the time to handle -fr, so for other locoteams... :p04:14
elkbuntui nominated helping the new zealand loco team, since they're close and through one of their members that lurks in our channel, i had found out they were not going so well04:14
elkbuntuYann2, this is my second meeting today, 2 of 4 over 2 days. im going insane ;)04:14
Yann2I don't think that this kind of mentoring would be really helpful04:14
elkbuntuYann2, i also have the benefit of a self-maintaining loco that just needs the occasional prod04:15
elkbuntuYann2, what we're doing is a feasability case study04:15
Yann2ok :p04:15
elkbuntuto see how it goes, whether it works and so forth04:15
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elkbuntu4 hours ago, was the -au fortnightly meeting, and in that meeting i invited the nz members i could find and jono to join in04:16
GnomonicIt doesn't have to be the Team leader or even the LoCo-contact to help. Yann2, couldn't you find a normal team-member to be a sort of Team-mentor-liason?04:16
jonolets discuss it in a sec folks, and let elkbuntu finish :)04:16
elkbuntuit was fairly lively, got the nz guys thinking and we have a meeting organised for tomorrow to fling ideas around04:16
david`bgkjono, I've added a fourth item on the agenda, ok with that?04:16
jonodavid`bgk, sure04:16
elkbuntuso really, things are just starting in this study, and we hope to be able to figure out ways that work and so forth04:17
jonoyes, this is jus a test at first04:18
elkbuntudid you want to add anything, jono?04:18
Gekitsuuis it going to be just the one trial or will there be a few?04:18
jonoGekitsuu, just one at first04:18
elkbuntuone at a time04:18
elkbuntubaby steps ;)04:18
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jonolet me make clear what I mean by mentoring:04:18
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jonomentoring is not the same process in all scenarios, but it is helping a LoCo group to develop their own culture and way of working04:19
phanatichey loco people, sorry for being late...04:19
Ju(Hi all) for a start, helping other loco, each already running team could describe their platform (tool for wiki, planet, forum and how to combine them) and/or provide the css theme to adapt for each loco, for example some other locoteams were interested by the ubuntu-fr theme 04:19
jonothis does not mean "doing stuff" for that group, but will largely involve IRC meetings, and exchanging emails04:19
elkbuntuguys, hush, jono is speaking04:19
jonothe idea is in keeping the communication channels open between teams and helping those new at setting up teams to get on their feet04:19
jsgotangcothat's supposed to be the purpose of the locoteams channel right?04:20
jonopart of the reason why we are trialling it is so we can identify good mentors - mentors *need* to be good and open at running teams, with random mentoring that is more difficult04:20
elkbuntujsgotangco, yep, which is fine if the teams have managed to get some form of order and nominate an actual contact etc04:20
jonoso much of this is about documentation best practice when it comes to mentoring04:21
Yann2btw, the -locoteams channel has nothing official :)04:21
jonothe grand plan is to develop a community of real community building experts04:21
jonoinstead of just building ad-hoc teams, much of this is about developing an education in community building04:21
jonothis will make the community more inclusive, closer and more efficient04:21
jonook, thats me done04:22
jonoso any questions04:22
jonoor thoughts :)04:22
Yann2I love the "sharing locoteams experience" part :)04:22
MehdiHassanpourI think before mentoring, teams can describe what they do and have done to shape a team04:22
Yann2some way to resume what locoteams achieved, and how they did... why not even "recipes"04:22
jonogood point MehdiHassanpour 04:22
jonomuch of this is about documentation on the wiki :)04:23
jonolt me answer this:04:23
jono<Ju> (Hi all) for a start, helping other loco, each already running team could describe their platform (tool for wiki, planet, forum and how to combine them) and/or provide the css theme to adapt for each loco, for example some other locoteams were interested by the ubuntu-fr theme 04:23
GnomonicIn my mind, there are several phases of starting a team.04:23
jonoJu, that is the kind of thing that is important too04:23
newz2000jono: I can chime in on your comment when you're ready for feedback04:23
jonoI am also interested in exploring how to centralise resources04:23
philwyettAre you looking at a set of common team goals for locoteams as a whole for a common base to build upon?04:23
jonook one sec guys04:24
jononewz2000, shoot04:24
GnomonicI believe that the initial start-up have to come from the team itself, where mentoring is a good solution for getting over the bar for being a full team.04:24
jonothen we can do philwyett 04:24
newz2000Some of you have met me, I'm the Ubuntu webmaster, and have been helping the newer teams get websites.04:24
jonoGnomonic, definitly04:24
newz2000If you don't have a website yet for your loco, please talk to me and I can help you get free hosting04:25
jononewz2000, just as a side note, I am developing some ideas about centralising LoCo resources so it is easier for teams to get going - I will arrange a meeting with you and the Launchpad dudes :)04:25
freeflyingnewz2000: where is the server hosted?04:25
newz2000We have several servers, most in the US, some in EU.04:25
freeflyingjono: centralise locoteam resource? it will be a nightmare for many guys from china04:26
elkbuntuwhen newz2000 is finished, i'd like to add something to the comment MehdiHassanpour made04:26
jonofreeflying, good point04:26
newz2000jono: OK, then I'll guess I'll leave at that for now.04:26
jononewz2000, cool, thanks!04:27
newz2000elkbuntu: go ahead04:27
jonoelkbuntu, shoot04:27
elkbuntujust going back to MehdiHassanpour's comment about before mentoring... the truely successful teams stand out themselves anyway, such as the indonesia team which has managed to get some media lately. jono initially approached me after my appearance in mainstream media here04:27
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MehdiHassanpourthat DVD is really usefull for our team too04:28
elkbuntui think it's important to keep an eye out for the work of teams that may not necissarily be vocal in the central locoteam channel or who may not know what's goign on outside their area04:28
jonoI think it is important that teams start out themselves and then get mentoring where they need it04:29
jonomentoring may be a patchy experience, only applied where needed04:29
elkbuntuthats not to say we dont plant the seed and let them decide to come ask for help04:29
jono<philwyett> Are you looking at a set of common team goals for locoteams as a whole for a common base to build upon?04:30
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=== nixternal is fashionably late like always ;)
jonophilwyett, this is part of the plan04:31
GnomonicThe sharing of team experiences and projects, I think, is a very good way to plant seeds. Wasn't there a 'ideas for a locoteam'-page at some point?04:31
jonoI am interested in developing some guidence for running a team04:31
jonoGnomonic, yep04:31
jonoI think we need the following core docs on the wiki:04:31
jono * how to run a loco team - a guide about how to run a loco effectively, encourage new members etc04:32
jono * things you can do as a loco team - details and ideas of activities a loco can do04:32
jonoI am also developing a document that outlines what a loco team needs to do to get accepted as an official team04:32
MehdiHassanpourthis will be great help, jono04:32
jonoany other questions?04:33
Yann2(may we have a dedicated website, or will we have to work on the official english wiki?)04:33
MehdiHassanpourand ask teams to announce what they do 04:33
MehdiHassanpouror have started04:33
jonoYann2, dedicated site for loco teams?04:34
philwyettFor sharing whats happening in different teams - A live bookmarks feed like the fridge to allow people to see whats happening and maybe move out of their loco-team more?04:34
GnomonicI agree with MehdiHassanpour. It helps on the efficiency of a project, when you are in some way 'accountable' for your projects.04:34
jonoYann2, I would like to see us get out wiki pages up to scratch and then a move to a dedicated site may be an option04:34
Yann2with wiki, blog, documents for getting approved as official locoteam, hosting, [...] 04:34
jonophilwyett, I have been talking to the fridge people about getting far more loco news on there04:34
philwyettjono: Ah, OK04:35
jonoI think we need loco teams to be able to see what other teams are doing and it will inspsire them to do their own things04:35
jonoI posted to loco-contacts for case studies and stories, do send them over :)04:35
MehdiHassanpourmany of these projects can be localized and customized by other teams for their local use too04:35
=== freeflying hope we can access to launchpad more easy from china :p
jonoany final questions?04:36
=== Yann2 don't like launchpad :D :p
jonolets cover this item:04:37
jonoImproving communication between LoCo teams and Canonical/Ubuntu orientations04:37
jonoDavid - want to outline what you mean?04:37
Yann2david`bgk, ping04:37
jonothanks Yann2 :)04:37
david`bgkyes, we don't know what ubuntu/canonical want about locos04:38
elkbuntuafaik thats why we now have jono ;)04:38
jonodavid`bgk, this is what I am interested in helping with04:38
jonoI want to realise the full potential of the LoCo community04:39
GnomonicEvery home needs a Jono.04:39
jonodavid`bgk, in answer to your question:04:39
david`bgkelkbuntu, yes but what about locos and canonical projects? we can do it together (for example spreading ubuntu at the office, etc)04:39
Yann2david`bgk 's afraid about competition between canonical and community, i think :)04:40
elkbuntui think the fact that canonical has hired jono should make it clear that they take the community seriously. jono -is- part of canonical04:40
jonoCanonical have ideas about how LoCo teams can help, and I have stacks of ideas, but part of what I want to do is to help the LoCo community develop cool ideas, schemes and more04:40
david`bgkYann2, not at all but what can we do together to promote ubuntu04:40
jonocanonical take community *extremely* seriously04:40
elkbunturightly so since it is the one thing that makes ubuntu awesome04:41
jonodavid`bgk, so you mean methods in which we can advocate ubuntu?04:41
david`bgkjono, yes for example when did they want to promote officially ubuntu in france?04:41
jonodavid`bgk, what do you mean 'officially' ?04:41
elkbuntudavid`bgk, you're free to drop into the marketing team channel at any time, btw04:41
david`bgkyes in terms of marketing04:42
jonodavid`bgk, you mean canonical marketing or the ubuntu community marketing?04:42
Yann2mmmh. in other words, we heard canonical wants to hire someone in france, essentially to do some advocacy04:43
david`bgkjono, is there a difference between those? (and what about foundation?)04:43
jonodavid`bgk, I don't think an effective LoCo structure is for Canonical to say "we want you to do this" and LoCo teams just do it04:43
Yann2we were surprised they didn'nt ping us, and wondered where our work start, and where it stops :)04:43
jonoCanonical want LoCo teams to be their own entity in many ways04:43
david`bgkjono, not "want" but maybe "suggest" ;)04:43
elkbuntui think there's a distinct line between the responsibilities of canonical and the responsibilities of the community04:43
jonodavid`bgk, sure, and we can certainly suggest ideas :)04:43
jonoas for canonical and ubuntu marketing - remember, ubuntu is its own project, but canonical sponsor it04:44
jonocanonical does not rule ubuntu and controll it04:44
Yann2don't want to troll but... that's not that clear, sorry :/04:44
jonoYann2, what isnt?04:44
Yann2well that's another debate04:44
Yann2that canonical/ubuntu foundation thing04:44
elkbuntuim going to suggest that since this isnt a loco based thing as such it be brought up with the CC04:45
Yann2let's stick to the topic 04:45
GnomonicMaybe it would be great with an informational-meeting about that topic?04:45
jonoGnomonic, I agree04:45
elkbuntufeel free to suggest it to the CC04:45
Yann2already have my answer,  from mark himself, just not that satisfied with it :p04:45
jonoI think we need to remember that LoCo teams are not there to just do work for Canonical, but they are there to help and promote Ubuntu04:46
elkbuntuthere is a CC meeting tomorrow04:46
GnomonicIt you just pop into that an make a suggestion?04:46
jonodavid`bgk, if you are interested in Canonical establishing how LoCo teams fit in with the Canonical marketinbg strategy, I think we should think about it04:46
jonoGnomonic, add it to the agenda04:47
david`bgkjono, ok now or on the mailing-list?04:47
GnomonicJust before we get back on topic. Could anyone check up on it, because I probably won't be able to attend.04:48
MehdiHassanpourI think loco teams can have some kind of professional support and charge customers too, to cover their costs04:48
jonodavid`bgk, I don;t think we have time now, plus I would like to get our Marketing manager along to a meeting about that04:49
jonodavid`bgk, maybe at the next LoCo meeting04:49
jonothis brings me onto the subject of LoCo meetings04:49
jonoI would like us to have regular meetings where possib04:49
david`bgkjono, ok good idea04:49
jonobut we need to hit the different time zones fairly04:49
jonoso everyone can participate04:49
GnomonicI was thinking about suggesting that.04:49
elkbuntujono, you know about the timeanddate.com meeting planner?04:49
jonolet me see04:49
jsgotangcowe alway use that to sched events on diff tzs04:51
jsgotangcoor juse something like tzwatch04:51
jonoelkbuntu, wow thats cool04:51
elkbuntutimeanddate.com == teh awesome04:51
Yann2(is the meeting over?)04:53
elkbuntunot sure04:53
elkbuntui think jono's playing with the site04:53
jonosorry, phone call04:53
elkbuntuor that04:53
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jonook, any final questions or comments?04:53
Yann2(I noted a lots of good intentions, but nothing really concrete)04:53
jonothe aim of these meeting is not to create actions, but to just discuss some ideas04:54
grimacedamn I've missed it ;)04:54
jonoone concrete decision should be to have regular meetings04:54
elkbuntugrimace, yeah sorry. the logs will be up soon or so04:54
GnomonicI have an idea: What about a LoCo idea pool?04:54
jonoI am thinking every two weeks on a Monday04:54
GargoyleI am very new to ubuntu, and the UK team. But I like what <MehdiHassanpour> said.04:54
jonoGnomonic, good idea, a wiki page where people can add ideas04:54
philwyettSlight OT question. The wiki is getting slower of late. Is this issue being addressed?04:55
jonoGargoyle, which point04:55
grimaceelkbuntu: no worries and thanks04:55
=== Yann2 for 1/month
elkbuntuphilwyett, i believe it is being looked in to04:55
jonophilwyett, it has been, I have been onto the sysadmins about it, I will poke them again04:55
Yann21 every two weeks is a lot :(04:55
Gargoyle<MehdiHassanpour> I think loco teams can have some kind of professional support and charge customers too, to cover their costs04:55
philwyettelkbuntu and jono: Good - thanks.04:55
Hobbseejono: ping (at the end of your meeting)04:56
elkbuntuYann2 the meetings dont have to be long or in depth, they can be simply a catchup and a chance to ask jono a question in a group environment04:56
jonoI think we need to do meetings fortnightly - so one meeting a month is one timezone, and the other is another04:56
jonoHobbsee, ok :)04:56
jonoelkbuntu, exactly04:56
Yann2elkbuntu, it's just my own opinion ;)04:57
freeflyingjono: I still need your help :) 04:57
elkbuntuYann2, also note what jono said. they'll end up monthly for most people anyway04:57
jonolets try every two weeks and see how we get on, nothing is cast in stone :)04:57
GnomonicWhat time-zone was this meeting?04:57
jonognomefreak, UTC04:57
jonoeurope mainly04:58
MehdiHassanpourI agree with every 2 weeks04:58
jonoalthough east coast US could fit in and elkbuntu is in .au04:58
elkbuntuits now 1am here04:58
GnomonicI would like to propose that the next 'europe'-meeting be set at least an hour later.04:58
Hobbseeelkbuntu: will be used to having dodgy timezones.  it's a curse of living her.e04:59
jonoright, lets finish up them04:59
elkbuntufitting times to people is part of getting into the meeting mode04:59
elkbuntuHobbsee, aye04:59
jonoI will schedule another meeting, but the next one I won't be there as I am on holiday04:59
Yann2jono, may I have two words with you after the meeting? :)05:00
jonoYann2, sure :)05:00
jonook, thanks people :)05:00
elkbuntujono, how long are you on holiday?05:00
jonoelkbuntu, two weeks05:00
jonoI return Oct 6th05:00
GnomonicSo the next meeting will be on monday the 2. of october at some-or-the-other time.05:00
GnomonicThen no.05:00
elkbuntujono, make it after you return, and start the schedule from then05:00
jonoGnomonic, yep05:00
jonocan do05:00
GnomonicI agree with the elk.05:00
jonomaybe start on Oct 10th05:00
MehdiHassanpourI agree05:00
jonocool :)05:01
jonoobviously you can't get enough jono, which is understandable :P05:01
GnomonicIt's a deal then.05:01
MehdiHassanpourset it whenever you are and have time05:01
elkbuntuyou're effectively the point of these meetings jono, so your attendance is priority05:01
jonook cool :)05:01
jonothanks for attending people, and keep using loco-contacts :)05:02
=== dsas marvels at the size of jonos head :p
elkbuntumeeting closed then?05:02
jonodsas, haha05:02
=== elkbuntu hands dsas a nice sharp needle.
Gnomonici guess so.05:02
elkbuntugoodnight all :)05:03
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MehdiHassanpournice to meet you all05:04
=== elkbuntu figures she'll just hover in here for the next 20 hours
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 19 Sep 12:00 UTC: Community Council | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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poningruI missed the meeting 06:22
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