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=== dura is now known as dura_junior
=== dura_junior is now known as dura
duraany life in here?07:37
duraI have to build magickwand from scratch against PHP5 (which is installed) and I'm wondering if I do apt-get source for the PHP5 src...07:38
infinityTo build an extension against php5, you want php5-dev installd.07:44
infinityThen you can use phpize and all that jazz.07:44
infinityYou should be able to untar magickwand, run "phpize", then ./configure --with-magickwand=/usr07:45
duraokay cool07:58
durastill learning lamp07:58
durawill there be a .deb for it soon by any chance?08:03
infinityNo idea, never heard of it until just now.08:04
durait's imagemagick for php508:06
infinityYeah, I see that.08:06
infinityObviously, I read far enough to tell you how to use it. :)08:06
durai could ahve sworn I saw something in apt last night regarding imagemagick and php5 but... it's not there now lol08:06
duralol sorry08:07
infinityThere's php5-imagick, but I think it's from a different codebase.08:07
durai'm learning 2 CMS's, maintain 4 servers including 2 lamps' learning css, php, and python, and i'm also a father and a consultant08:07
durayeah when I try to apt it it tells me it's missing or another packages refers to it08:08
infinityIt's in universe, do you have universe enabled08:08
infinityIt certainly works here.08:08
durahmm let me check I thought I did08:10
dura deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper universe08:10
duraPackage php5-imagick is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:12
duraThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:12
durais only available from another source08:12
infinityAhh, it's only in edgy.  My bad.08:19
durawhat's edgy?08:21
infinityYeah, it's the release we're working on, due out in October.08:22
=== zenrox [n=zenrox@pool-71-120-239-162.spknwa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
durahow unstable is it?08:29
durai've been thinking about trying to build a .deb for things like joomla, bitweaver and the like that would include all their requirements08:30
=== Netslayer [n=chris@] has joined #ubuntu-server
Netslayerdo the regular desktop cd images contain a "server" installation mode at the prompt?08:34
Netslayeror do i have to download the actual server image08:35
fabbioneNetslayer: yes they do, but on CD there are no server packages or server kernel08:36
fabbioneyou will have to install the rest from archive.ubuntu.com08:36
Netslayeris that all automatic off the internet when i start the installation?08:36
Netslayeris there any other diff in a server vs desktop installation than just a GUI (kde/gnome)? for example default settings in confs, etc.. ?08:37
durafrom what I see using both side by side, daily, server is more akin to Debian08:37
Netslayerso it is slightly different?08:38
durastability and security is more important then latest and greatest08:38
durain some aspects yes08:38
durabut it's still easy...08:38
Netslayerdoes amd64 bit ubuntu installs really restrict package availability? i'm coming from gentoo 64 so i'm a newb at it08:39
duraexcellent documentaion, support, packag selection, etc.08:39
duraI'm on gentoo-amd64 right now08:39
fabbioneNetslayer: it depends.. if you do a netinstall it's all automatic, but if you install from the desktop CD, no, you will need to install the other stuff manually08:39
durait's like every thing else08:39
duragentoo has things ubuntu doesn't, and ubuntu has things gentoo doesn't08:39
fabbioneNetslayer: no there is no limitation. same packages are available for amd64 and i386 (modulo some restricted crap=08:39
Netslayerfabbione, auh cool08:40
Netslayerdura, i hope i dont find that out to be a problem08:40
fabbionefor server they are exactly the same08:40
duraNetslayer: I haven't yet08:40
Netslayerfabbione, what's a net install?08:40
duraand I have isp-style postfix, two LAMP servers one using php4, the other 508:41
fabbioneNetslayer: installing from the network08:41
duraNetslayer:  like a Gentoo install08:41
duraonly not as long08:41
durait's like a Gentoo install with the base packages on cd and ready to install08:41
Netslayeris that a diff installer image i dl?08:41
Netslayeri actually need to do a full LAMP install but i'm thinkin of doing a desktop install since i may have use for a gui on it08:43
duraIt has a LAMP install option on boot08:43
durayou can also make use of X11 over ssh with x11-common08:43
Netslayeroh cool i'll have to check the boot flags then08:43
duraif you *need* a gui08:43
durait boots to a frame buffer with the option right there08:43
duradown arrow, enter, off you go08:44
Netslayerwell i may be using it as a mythfrontend, not sure yet so dont want to kill that possibility if i install server08:44
duraahh yeah...08:44
durai've used ubuntu for a server and it's fine imo08:44
durajust uses a bit more space/resources08:45
Netslayerdura, you talking ubuntu server or ubuntu desktop?08:45
durai've used it as a server08:46
Netslayerya i may end up doing that, plus is i have a pressed cd right here :-P08:47
duraI spent 14 hours on a hardened gentoo + selinux lamp install... 08:50
duragot ready to load my site...08:50
durahard drive died08:50
Netslayerdura, dude ouch O_o08:53
durayeah... i wasn't very... happy...08:53
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AviaXich habe mit dpkg bldsinn gemacht, knnte mir eventl jemand helfen?02:22
AviaXah sorry, better in english here i think02:23
AviaXanybody available?02:23
=== TrioTorus [n=dries@] has joined #ubuntu-server
TrioTorusdries@adam:/Users$ sudo /etc/init.d/autofs stop02:41
TrioTorusStopping automounter:02:41
TrioTorus  Couldn't stop automount for /net done.02:41
TrioTorusAnybody got an idea why this occurs?02:41
TrioTorusIs there another process that needs stopping first?02:42
lionelpTrioTorus: some process may lock this directory02:42
lionelpcheck with a lsof02:42
TrioTorusdries@adam:/Users$ lsof /net02:44
TrioToruslsof: WARNING: can't stat() nfs file system /net/god/Volumes/G-RAID/production02:44
TrioTorus      Output information may be incomplete.02:44
lionelptry to unmount /net/god/Volumes... manually02:46
TrioTorusha, okay, that worked02:48
TrioTorusnice, thank you.02:48
AviaXhi anybody can help me, i killed my system, by removing a package with dpkg force-depends02:51
lionelpI do not think this a server related problem02:59
lionelp#ubuntu is a better place for that02:59
AviaXah ok yes, thx03:01
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=== AviaX [n=knoppix@] has joined #ubuntu-server
AviaXafter a system crash, i reinstalled the server06:17
AviaXafter installation, my computer cant boot06:17
AviaXfailure finding boot device06:17
AviaXi have one hd06:18
AviaXi tried booting in rescue mode reinstalltin grub with grub-install /dev/hda06:18
AviaXbut it doesnt help06:18
AviaXany idea?06:18
AviaXi used ubunutu-server cd 6.0606:20
duradoes the BIOS still see the hard drive?06:43
AviaXim online with knoppix at the moment, there the hd is accesable fine06:44
AviaXi also tried fixing it by chrooting from knoppix into my system06:44
durawhen you reinstalled did you wipe the drive and re-partition?06:45
AviaXon the drive there are following partitions: hda1 for system, hda3 for data and hda5 for swap file (which is in an eytended partition06:45
AviaXno, first i tried to install into existing system, after that i formated hda1, cause i thaught maybe that was the failure06:46
AviaXbut i didnt changed the partitions06:46
AviaXso with the partitiontable should be everthing fine06:48
AviaXany idea?06:49
duramaybe the partitions tables are messed up...06:57
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