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lupine_85 | http://www.cut-the-knot.org/recurrence/hanoi.shtml | 12:01 |
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keegan_ | Does anyone know an Alternative to Checkinstall, cause it keeps failing on me | 12:01 |
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lupine_85 | keegan: roll your own? | 12:02 |
keegan_ | roll my own? | 12:02 |
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lupine_85 | package | 12:02 |
keegan_ | How do I do that? | 12:02 |
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lupine_85 | create the requisite directory structure and dpkg -b | 12:02 |
keegan_ | requisite directory structure? | 12:03 |
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lupine_85 | The build dir should contain one directory called DEBIAN... this contains control, and any pre/postrm/inst scripts. The build dir also contains the directory tree of the application | 12:04 |
lupine_85 | writing the control file is probably the hardest bit | 12:04 |
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keegan_ | That seems like a lot of work... | 12:04 |
keegan_ | All I want to do is build the new thunar from source... | 12:05 |
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lupine_85 | it is | 12:05 |
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tj_ | change language from command line?... anybody? | 12:05 |
princemackenzie | everyone: installing a server and then ubuntu-desktop is pretty much the same a real install, no? | 12:05 |
keegan_ | Everytime I build from source everything screws up on me | 12:05 |
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tj_ | keegan: do you have bui;d-essential, and make packages? | 12:05 |
keegan_ | Yes I do... | 12:05 |
tj_ | whats the error? | 12:06 |
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keegan_ | Building Debian package... FAILED! | 12:06 |
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keegan_ | I get that when I try to checkinstall | 12:06 |
Quaggo | greetings | 12:06 |
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tj_ | have you tried auto installers (just to see if it works) | 12:06 |
keegan_ | like automake? | 12:07 |
Quaggo | i was wondering if there is anyone who could answer a couple questions for me, I am having trouble using ubuntu for the first time... | 12:07 |
tj_ | stuff like that | 12:07 |
boink | just ask | 12:07 |
keegan_ | I did sh autogen.sh to start the process | 12:08 |
Quaggo | well, i have tried to get the live cd to boot successfully on two different machines now, both with no success | 12:08 |
keegan_ | Is that sing an auto installer? | 12:08 |
keegan_ | using* | 12:08 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-67-124-200-88.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
DaveyJ | Quaggo: maybe the burn went bad? | 12:08 |
keegan_ | Here is the error I got in the log file for checkinstall "dpkg-deb: parse error, in file `/var/tmp/SkSbeTUQrDJZpfhNIdkmS/package/DEBIAN/control' near line 7 package `xfce4-dev-tools': | 12:08 |
keegan_ | error in Version string ` 1': version string has embedded | 12:08 |
keegan_ | spaces | 12:08 |
keegan_ | /var/tmp/SkSbeTUQrDJZpfhNIdkmS/dpkgbuild.log (END) | 12:08 |
keegan_ | " | 12:08 |
riddlebox | how come dapper detects my wireless card as eth1 using ndiswrapper, but then once in a while it detects it as wlan0? | 12:08 |
DaveyJ | keegan_: pastebin | 12:08 |
tj_ | keegan: i dont beleive so, have you just tried to use sudo make install as opposed to sudoo checkinstall? | 12:09 |
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Quaggo | basically, it gets all the way up to where the dark maroon background comes up and the top and bottom bars show up, but that is all..it just sits there for hours..no icons come up, no nothing but the empty screen with maroon background and top and bottom bars | 12:09 |
Quaggo | I am installing the latest dapper drake desktop | 12:09 |
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keegan_ | No I haven't... | 12:09 |
keegan_ | That worked lol | 12:09 |
keegan_ | Whats the difference of Checkinstall and make install? | 12:09 |
Gnelg | Quaggo, what video card do you have | 12:09 |
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Quaggo | geforce 5600 FX | 12:10 |
princemackenzie | quaggo, i was having that problem | 12:10 |
Lanch^trn | this looks like a good channel to pick up girls | 12:10 |
Quaggo | lol | 12:10 |
princemackenzie | quaggo, and then all i did was turn off my overclocking | 12:10 |
Quaggo | you are referring to overclocking in the bios? | 12:10 |
princemackenzie | quaggo, yeah | 12:11 |
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Quaggo | hmm. but im' not overclocking. I also tried using an old voodoo based card, same results | 12:11 |
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Quaggo | i try starting in safe graphics mode, same problem | 12:11 |
nownot | when i boot my system i get /bin/sh: cant access tty; job contorl turnted off next line usb 1-1: device not accepting address 2, error -71 | 12:11 |
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Quaggo | what overclocking settings did you change, prince? | 12:12 |
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Lanch^trn | my linux is full of virus and pop-ups, what can i do? | 12:12 |
junkphreak | lol | 12:12 |
Gnelg | Quaggo, I was having the same trouble | 12:12 |
Lanch^trn | running northon antivirus doesn't seem to help | 12:12 |
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Quaggo | really? what did you do? | 12:12 |
princemackenzie | quaggo, i just switched it off altogether and set it to optimized defaults | 12:12 |
Quaggo | gnelg? | 12:12 |
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junkphreak | :} | 12:13 |
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nownott | anyone know anything that can help me? | 12:13 |
Quaggo | i also have an abit motherboard with VIA chipset..i tried using the pci=acpioff but didn't help | 12:13 |
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Quaggo | what motherboard prince? | 12:13 |
Lanch^trn | nownott: unplug usb stuff before turning on machine | 12:14 |
junkphreak | you try low vga option ? | 12:14 |
Lanch^trn | nownott and see if boot continues | 12:14 |
Gnelg | Quaggo, just before it went to brown background I would swith to the terminal screen using CTRL+ALT+F1 and login there and installed the nvidia binaries | 12:14 |
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princemackenzie | quaggo, i have a gigabyte motherboard with nvidia, i think our problems are unrelated | 12:14 |
hugo | is there a way to easily make all members of one group belong to another group as well? for example by giving the second group the same gid as the first one? | 12:14 |
tokenbad | ok I got the partitions into 1 partition | 12:15 |
Lanch^trn | if people have so many probs with linux, i think they should try windows | 12:15 |
tokenbad | but now I can't write to it | 12:15 |
Lanch^trn | this isn't just for anybody | 12:15 |
Lanch^trn | and if windows is still too tough | 12:15 |
Lanch^trn | well , who said you had to have a computer? :) | 12:15 |
nownott | Lanch^trn: now i just get /bin/sh: cant access tty; job control turned off | 12:15 |
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Gnelg | Lanch^trn can you loan us the $300 plus needed to purchase windows | 12:15 |
Lanch^trn | gnelg: do you have some shop selling you the pc without windows with 300$ dollars discounted from the pricetag? | 12:16 |
princemackenzie | bored and trolling, Lanch^trn? | 12:16 |
Gnelg | I built my own | 12:16 |
Lanch^trn | gnelg: i'm using linux right now but i realize that linux and computers aren't just for anyone | 12:16 |
Lanch^trn | it's a matter of fact | 12:16 |
ChaosFan | you can say that about everything | 12:17 |
keegan_ | I got an error using automake-1.8 it says "configure.in:41: option `tar-ustar` not recognized" | 12:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | No one os is for everyone | 12:17 |
keegan_ | Anyone know what that means? | 12:17 |
junkphreak | depends i guess on th preson really if you really want it you can make anything work for you :} | 12:17 |
junkphreak | person | 12:17 |
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Lanch^trn | indeed but let's admit that many makes use of linux just to tell others how k3wl and elite they are | 12:17 |
tokenbad | anyone tell me how to mount an ext3 drive so I can write to it? | 12:17 |
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ChaosFan | there are people warming up their cat in a microwave... | 12:18 |
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Lanch^trn | despite they are no productive at all | 12:18 |
keegan_ | !tar-ustar | 12:18 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about tar-ustar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:18 |
keegan_ | Damn... | 12:18 |
keegan_ | Wonder what that is.. | 12:18 |
nownott | ok well on boot i get this error /bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off and a # on the next line | 12:18 |
keegan_ | Thats the only thing I hate about linux dependecies... | 12:18 |
keegan_ | Always fucks me in the ass | 12:18 |
Quaggo | gnelg did u get my message? | 12:19 |
junkphreak | not I i use it linux at home or OS becure of the freedom it gives me and use unix at work only time i have to toucha windoze OS is when i have ti access my corp sites | 12:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | Lanch^trn: Stop trolling, this is a help channel. You want discussion, try #Ubuntu-offtopic | 12:19 |
Gnelg | no | 12:19 |
Lanch^trn | end trolling, good night ppl | 12:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | goodnight | 12:19 |
keegan_ | So yeah lets leave the offtopic out of here and help me out.. | 12:19 |
junkphreak | virus in linux | 12:19 |
junkphreak | hahah | 12:19 |
vorbote | keegan_: ustar is a tar format used in sysv unices. SCO Unix still uses it (that's a blast from the past, phew). | 12:19 |
Gnelg | Quaggo no I didn't | 12:20 |
junkphreak | whats wrong | 12:20 |
keegan_ | So how would I go along installing it? | 12:20 |
tokenbad | besides qtparted is there something else I can use to wipe a drive and reset partitions? | 12:20 |
JosefK | vorbote: blast from the past for you, some of us still have to use it :( | 12:20 |
Quaggo | ok well what do you type at the console after doing ctrl-alt-F1 | 12:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | nownott: Was this system working before or an insall that did not go through | 12:20 |
Quaggo | ? | 12:20 |
nownott | hmm futher on teh screen it says mount /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev faild: no such file or directory and a couple of more mounts that failed | 12:20 |
simtower | blast from teh past | 12:20 |
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mrbrdo | my ALTGR + other keys combinations don't work (they should make special chars) - i chose a 104 key keyboard and no dead keys - was this wrong? plz help | 12:20 |
atraeyu | I just installed roundcube-webmail, edited the two config files, and I'm getting a php error. Anyone have any experience with roundcube? | 12:21 |
vorbote | keegan_: as far as I know, the only contemporanous tar that supports it would be star by guy that writes cdrecord (you'll find pointers in freshmeat). | 12:21 |
atraeyu | I think it may be a dependency problem. | 12:21 |
keegan_ | star is in the ubuntu repos... | 12:21 |
keegan_ | well a program called star.. | 12:21 |
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vorbote | Less work | 12:21 |
Gnelg | Quaggo ok hit enter and see if you have a login prompt or what | 12:21 |
Quaggo | let me try that BRB\ | 12:22 |
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jabular_ | = | 12:22 |
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Jack_Sparrow | tokenbad: gparted | 12:25 |
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jpjacobs | tokenbad, usually i use fdisk (i know I'm a console addict) but that get's most done with the minimum of fuss | 12:26 |
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tokenbad | jpjacobs, and fdisk is part of ubuntu? | 12:27 |
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jpjacobs | dunno, think that's part of about every distro | 12:27 |
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jpjacobs | it is | 12:27 |
drew | hey | 12:28 |
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jpjacobs | hi drew | 12:28 |
Rug | How do I get kopete to send a blank-line at the end of a message with-out having to hit Enter twice? In ICQ & Gaim, hitting Enter at the end of the line preforms a Carriage Return, Ctrl + Enter then sends the message. Now if I hit enter at the end of a message, it does drop down to the next line, but Ctrl+Enter erases that null character. | 12:28 |
Rug | I need to hit Enter twice if I want a blank-space between messages. | 12:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | hey guys i just downloaded and converted gtkradiant to .deb using alien, it installed successfully with dependencies satisfied...I know have the problem of finding out how to launch it and where it is. when i do "whereis gtkradiant" i get "gtkradiant:" returned??? | 12:28 |
tokenbad | jpjacobs, ok trying to figure out how to use the fdisk | 12:28 |
drew | umm I got a 3 gig partion but its path is /tmp/disk-conf-hda7 I want its path to be /mnt/hda7 | 12:28 |
drew | how can I do this in ubuntu | 12:28 |
jpjacobs | Rug, tried shift-eter? | 12:28 |
lupine_85 | Paddy_EIRE: dpkg -L <package> | 12:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | nice one | 12:29 |
lupine_85 | lists all files installed by the package | 12:29 |
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jpjacobs | tokenbad, hit m to get commands overview, hit p to print the partittiontable | 12:29 |
jpjacobs | hit a to toggle "bootable" flag, and n for new partition, d to delete. | 12:29 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <lupine_85> excellent :) | 12:29 |
jpjacobs | whatever you do, do make a backup | 12:30 |
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Jack_Sparrow | lupine_85: Question, if you remove all listed packages do you also run the risk of pulling dependencies for other programs as well? | 12:31 |
Rug | Shift-Enter is counter-intuitve to add a line | 12:31 |
Meglo | How do I restart the Xserver? | 12:31 |
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Meglo | :< | 12:31 |
GTroy | meglo go to terminal | 12:31 |
lupine_85 | Jack_Sparrow: IIRC, apt-get processes all pending operations in it's DV | 12:32 |
Meglo | Already there. | 12:32 |
lupine_85 | erm, DB | 12:32 |
jpjacobs | Rug, but does it work? | 12:32 |
lupine_85 | dpkg doesn't | 12:32 |
GTroy | type sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 12:32 |
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drew | did anybody read my question? | 12:32 |
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GTroy | meglo the hit the wonderful command ctrl+alt+backspace | 12:32 |
Rug | jpjacobs: "Enter" is the key to preform a Carriage-Return. Yes Shift-Enter works, hitting Enter twice works too, but that doesn't answer the 'why' of sending a message deletes the null-C/R at the end of the message | 12:33 |
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hugo | I pipe grep output through cut to get the first value in each line. now I want to connect these one-value-per-line with colons to one long line. how can I do that? | 12:33 |
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jpjacobs | Ru, ah right, like that. | 12:34 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lupine_85> upon checking the net a little further I have found a few more things need to be done to get radiant working, so how would i remove this package and all files/folders it created so I can start from fresh tomorrow | 12:34 |
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Rug | jpjacobs: What? | 12:34 |
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jpjacobs | Rug, i see what you mean | 12:34 |
Asterisk411 | can someone help me, I'm trying to install unbuntu (new to linix) but I keep on getting errors | 12:34 |
Rug | ahh | 12:34 |
radek | hi desperatly looking for dvb-usb-wt220u-zl0353-01.fw firmwar | 12:34 |
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lupine_85 | apt-get remove --purge | 12:34 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Paddy_EIRE: Set fire to that hunk and reinstall tomorrow .. :) | 12:35 |
Rug | jpjacobs: AND, just to annoy some, Gaim works | 12:35 |
gubluntu | what is the correct mime type extension for a pgp encrypted text file? | 12:35 |
Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow> :) yeah i know | 12:35 |
drew | can anybody help me? | 12:35 |
radek | anyone have a copy of dvb-usb-wt220u-zl0353-01.fw can you help | 12:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Paddy_EIRE: Just re-apply thermal grease and you should no longer overheat. | 12:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | drew... just ask | 12:36 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow> i am emailing targa at the mo for a replacement power lead for my external hdd so i can backup | 12:36 |
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drew | Ok I need to change the path to one of my partitions, right now its in /tmp/disk-conf-hda7 but I want it to be /mnt/hda7 | 12:36 |
Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow> panic still hasnt gone away | 12:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | drew I see your question now.. | 12:37 |
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hikenboot | i get the following error RuntimeError: Installed debootstrap is older than in the previous version! ( < trying to run ./update inside ubuntu-meta-1.24 directory any ideas | 12:37 |
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terlmann | ahh.. drew go to the system mune and choos admin and disks and reformat under /mnt | 12:37 |
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Asterisk411 | can someone help me, I'm trying to install unbuntu (new to linix) but I keep on getting errors 4295815.13100 Buffer I/O error on device HDC, Logical block 0 | 12:38 |
terlmann | menu choose | 12:38 |
jarodl | I can't seem to burn to | 12:38 |
Ghost_Printer | Are Ubuntu updates screwed again ? | 12:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Asterisk411: Please search the wiki for a bug report on that error.. | 12:38 |
terlmann | no | 12:38 |
hikenboot | Asterisk411, why not try and run fsck from inside a live cd on that drive? | 12:39 |
christina | hi, i have a problem with my wireless card, its brand trendnet, its getting power and its being read in the networks window, but it doesnt connect to the internet, i got the driver from a windows version through ndiswrapper | 12:39 |
jarodl | I can't seem to burn to DVD -R's in Dapper Drake. I can burn to DVD +RW's, though. Anybody know how to burn to DVD -R's? | 12:39 |
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DaveyJ | heyo i'm in xubuntu and i'm trying to add some partitions to my new disks.. the create partition option is disabled.. how do i go about formatting these disks? | 12:39 |
terlmann | get a dvd - drive | 12:39 |
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keegan_ | DaveyJ: Try using gparted | 12:39 |
jarodl | My drive supports all types. | 12:39 |
lupine_85 | jarodl: as long as they're both supported by the DVD drive, they should burn the same | 12:39 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jarodl: dvd iso's are a problem, most data dvd's are fine | 12:39 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow> err...Jack what does the /opt directory normally contain??? | 12:40 |
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lupine_85 | actually, now I think about it don't dvd-r discs need a different burn type? | 12:40 |
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lupine_85 | k3b does it automagically, at any rate | 12:40 |
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drew | hmm its not letting me click the reformat button | 12:40 |
jarodl | Jack_Sparrow: Is there no way to burn an iso to DVD -R? | 12:40 |
alef0 | Ghost_Printer: well, skge is screwed for me since the last update (kernel panic on boot). *sigh* | 12:40 |
Polygon | hello, im on a live cd right now and i need to reinstall grub due to me reinstalling windows and it wiped out grub, but i cant seem to do it. im following the guide here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 but every time i try to type "find /boot/grub/stage1" it says file not found, so i dont know which hard drive (like hd1,0 or something) | 12:40 |
Ghost_Printer | ty | 12:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | jarodl: I just know there is an issue... | 12:41 |
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Quaggo | can someone tell me how to login through the ctrl-alt-F1 terminal screen and install nvidia binaries?? | 12:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Paddy_EIRE: no idea | 12:41 |
terlmann | drew un mount it make it unacessible | 12:41 |
jarodl | Jack_Sparrow: k. Thanks. | 12:41 |
christina | hi, does anyone have experience with getting wireless cards to work | 12:41 |
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lupine_85 | christina: depends on the wireless chipset, really | 12:42 |
lostinc | Is there a program that will create desktop (as in wallpaper) calendars based on a schedule ? | 12:42 |
lupine_85 | !wifi | 12:42 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:42 |
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christina | Its a trendnet wireless card | 12:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | christina: I know ndiswrapper works for the difficult cards that do not have specific drivers | 12:42 |
drew | terlmann it gives me this error : Error: mount point /tmp/disks-conf-hda7 is not below /media/ | 12:42 |
christina | does that help | 12:42 |
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digitalhav0c | in trying to compile some c++ code and i can't | 12:42 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !ndiswrapper | 12:42 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 12:42 |
Polygon | hello, im on a live cd right now and i need to reinstall grub due to me reinstalling windows and it wiped out grub, but i cant seem to do it. im following the guide here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 but every time i try to type "find /boot/grub/stage1" it says file not found, so i dont know which hard drive (like hd1,0 or something) | 12:42 |
digitalhav0c | is there something im missing i have build essenitals install | 12:43 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lupine_85> i did "apt-get remove --purge gtkradiant" and it performed what it normally does removes the files that prog created, although it said at the end "dpkg - warning: while removing gtkradiant, directory `/opt' not empty so not removed" there now exists one solitary folder called "mesa" in that dir ...should i panic | 12:43 |
digitalhav0c | !c++ | 12:43 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about c++ - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:43 |
terlmann | not media /mnt | 12:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !grub | 12:43 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 12:43 |
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drew | terlmann I clicked on computer then it says 3.0 gig and I right clicked and pushed unmount and it didnt work | 12:43 |
christina | i tried that but its not connecting to the internet, i already used ndiswrapper to connect it | 12:43 |
terlmann | and ext2 | 12:44 |
ubuntuer | hey all -- anyone know why, when I change screen resolutions, my x session crashes? | 12:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Polygon: hd0 is your first drive | 12:44 |
ep_ | Is installing the java plugin for firefox adding any security risk(s)? | 12:44 |
=== OrangeOctopus [n=don@pool-72-66-77-202.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Polygon: hd0,2 is the third partition on your first drive | 12:45 |
digitalhav0c | in i do this new kernel up date | 12:45 |
digitalhav0c | will i have to reinstall the madwifi drivers? | 12:45 |
Polygon | i have two hard drives, windows and ubuntu | 12:45 |
Polygon | which one do i tell grub to install to | 12:45 |
ubuntuer | Polygon, whichever one is bootable | 12:45 |
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Polygon | so.. the windows one? | 12:46 |
terlmann | no | 12:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Polygon: I might suggest.... http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/SuperGrubDiskPage.html since I cant know how your partitions are set? | 12:46 |
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terlmann | the primary one | 12:46 |
Ralith | hey, I just accidentally deleted my ~/.Xauthority file. How do I recreate it? | 12:46 |
jmichaelx | does the 6.06.1 live CD use the 2.6.15-26 kernel? | 12:47 |
Polygon | one sec | 12:47 |
terlmann | hda0 | 12:47 |
lupine_85 | hda0? | 12:47 |
lupine_85 | doubt it | 12:47 |
lupine_85 | hd0,? maybe (GRUB) or hda1 (device file) | 12:47 |
boink | jmichaelx: yes | 12:47 |
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terlmann | nomber uno | 12:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | hda0,1 | 12:47 |
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terlmann | primary | 12:47 |
ubuntuer | hey all -- anyone know why, when I change screen resolutions, my x session crashes? | 12:47 |
terlmann | no | 12:47 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lupine_85> did u get my message from before | 12:47 |
lupine_85 | Paddy_EIRE: maybe. which one? :p | 12:48 |
jmichaelx | ty boink | 12:48 |
Ralith | anyone? | 12:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | can i pm u incase im acussed of flooding | 12:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntuer: What video drivers do you have installed, how did you install them and what res are you trying to get? | 12:48 |
Paddy_EIRE | *accused | 12:48 |
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Paddy_EIRE | lol | 12:48 |
Ralith | surely someone here knows how to recreate a .Xauthority file | 12:48 |
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terlmann | no,edit it from a command prompt | 12:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lupine_85>can i pm it to u | 12:49 |
SteveFTW | how do i play mp3's? | 12:49 |
Ralith | geh, bbs | 12:49 |
lupine_85 | sure | 12:49 |
drew | terlmann do you know why I cant unmount this partition | 12:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ralith: We are wondering how you can accidentally delete a hidden folder/directory | 12:49 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !mp3 > SteveFTW | 12:49 |
terlmann | ralith: sudo gedit ~/Xauthority and check the .ubuntu sithe for a def layout | 12:49 |
Ralith | Jack_Sparrow: overwrote it with an archive of my old home dir | 12:49 |
SteveFTW | thanks | 12:49 |
terlmann | sithe* site | 12:50 |
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Ralith | terlmann: thanks | 12:50 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lupine_85> /join #Paddy_EIRE | 12:50 |
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terlmann | drew click the button next to format | 12:50 |
drew | terlmann in disk it is grayed out | 12:51 |
ubuntuer | Jack_Sparrow, integrated on my mboard. I'm trying to change it down from 1280x1024 to 800x600 | 12:51 |
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terlmann | yea.. is it still your current disk the one you are working from? | 12:51 |
flamesrock | guys, can I easily update from edgy eft RC to final? Because I prefer bleeding edge..?? | 12:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntuer: What video drivers do you have installed, how did you install them? Can you post your xorg.conf to the pastebin | 12:52 |
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Quaggo | is there anyone that can help me with terminal login commands?? | 12:52 |
scunizi | Where's a good channel for Evolution help? ... Here? | 12:52 |
jmichaelx | is anyone in here familiar with the netgear wg511 v2 PCMCIA wireless card? | 12:53 |
terlmann | no | 12:53 |
ubuntuer | Jack_Sparrow, /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/vesa_drv.so -- didn't do a separate install, just took defaults | 12:53 |
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kristjin | Okay, I have googled, and I have read the manual, so I am here, now, thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer. I presently have a 160GB SATA and a 200GB SATA in my machine, which as of about ten minutes ago finally has Linux installed as the only OS. | 12:54 |
azureal | hi, is it strange for my sound to suddenly stop working? | 12:54 |
vorbote | scunizi: irc.gnome.org | 12:54 |
nownott | can someone send me there fstab min is fubr and i dont know how to rewrite one so i want a sample to go bt | 12:54 |
nownott | *by | 12:54 |
terlmann | ubuntu cheese crackers are best with a slice of ethernet.. | 12:54 |
scunizi | verbote: thanks | 12:54 |
drew | terlmann umm u think you could help me by vnc'ing or rooting into my box? | 12:54 |
overshard | what performance gains are there in using reiserfs over ext3? | 12:54 |
azureal | fstab is unique | 12:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | ubuntuer: Ok... Grub Boot Options "E" at the prompt xdrvr=vesa xres=800x600 | 12:55 |
terlmann | mabye-what do you mean? | 12:55 |
nownott | i know but i can edit the swap and boot paritions | 12:55 |
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nownott | to my setup | 12:55 |
kristjin | What I want to do is set up the 160 and 200 under a RAID 1 array, with the remaining 40GB of the 200GB drive partitioned off for the explicit purpose of running Windows when necessary. | 12:55 |
drew | terlmann the partition Im going nuts its not letting me unmount it | 12:55 |
=== Remy [n=honkey@CPE-144-131-139-202.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
terlmann | i'd have to do it graphically i dont use the prompt | 12:55 |
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terlmann | hold one | 12:55 |
drew | terlmann ok let me set up a vnc server | 12:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | !raid > kristjin | 12:56 |
kristjin | I presently have a *lot* of data on my drive I want to keep, so I can't lose the data when setting up the RAID. | 12:56 |
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kristjin | And it would be inefficient to backup to DVDs. | 12:57 |
nownott | can someone send me there fstab min is fubr and i dont know how to rewrite one so i want a sample to go by | 12:57 |
terlmann | drew? vnc? | 12:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | kristjin: You are not going to be able to have raid windows and raid ubuntu on same system | 12:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow> is your /opt dir full of stuff | 12:57 |
drew | terlmann yupp | 12:57 |
kristjin | I don't want to raid the Windows. | 12:57 |
terlmann | there you will have to help me.... | 12:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Paddy_EIRE: full path to /opt ? | 12:57 |
kristjin | The Windows will be like a wart on the side of my system. | 12:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | thats it "/opt" | 12:57 |
kristjin | A 40 Gigabyte wart. | 12:58 |
ep_ | I prefer mplayer to gstreamer or xine. Is there a package for the firefox-mplayer streaming media plugin? They've got mplayer packages in multiverse. | 12:58 |
drew | I think Im gonna go into slax then and do this | 12:58 |
terlmann | i am a newb myself,but have tinkered many times with many distros... so some troubleshooting stuff i am the best at... | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | kristjin: so a seperate drive for your windows system? | 12:58 |
Paddy_EIRE | <ep_> if this works for u give me a shout | 12:58 |
kristjin | Just a separate partition. | 12:58 |
drew | terlmann Im a newb also , and have messed with some distros but Im also a teenager so I get bi-polar sometimes | 12:59 |
kristjin | I want to Raid 160 GB (Which is all I can raid anyway - ruled by the lowest size drive) and then use the remaining 40GB to run Windows - on a separate partition, as if it were its own drive. | 12:59 |
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azureal | Paddy_EIRE, after messing w/ those CDs earlier, i suddenly lost my sound | 12:59 |
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terlmann | i am 18, go to apps _acc. and gimme a screenshot... | 12:59 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal> your kidding | 01:00 |
azureal | nope | 01:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | kristjin: Never seen it done... | 01:00 |
=== kornflak [n=rhernand@adsl-75-2-149-66.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azureal | mplayer or xine must have done some shit | 01:00 |
ubuntuer | Jack_Sparrow, you mean its supposed to crach when you change on the fly? I actually have a need to swith my res. from time to time but don't want to reboot for it | 01:00 |
kornflak | hello | 01:00 |
azureal | Paddy_EIRE, restart --> no sound.. | 01:00 |
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kristjin | Hmmm.. | 01:00 |
kornflak | I am trying to get a DVD movie to play within Ubuntu | 01:00 |
kornflak | any recommendation? | 01:00 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal> what did you do, did u try logging in with the default gnome setting | 01:01 |
kornflak | I've looked at multple forums | 01:01 |
kristjin | Well, if someone is going to raid 1 a pair of drives, and one is larger than the other, what happens to the extra space? | 01:01 |
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jpjacobs | kornflak, do you have libdvdcss2? | 01:01 |
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kornflak | yup | 01:01 |
DonL | kornflak, You looked at the Ubuntu Restricted Formats page? | 01:01 |
terlmann | azureal go to the ubuntu how-to's | 01:01 |
stealg | where can i found the last pakage for ubuntu ?? | 01:01 |
kornflak | I've download it... | 01:01 |
azureal | fluxbox. | 01:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | kristjin: Start by reading the raid link I posted for you earlier. | 01:01 |
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stealg | fluxbox rules ;) | 01:02 |
kristjin | Oh, sorry, I missed that. | 01:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal> oh you said you issued a whole load of kill commands before hand, maybe you've stopped a service or 2 | 01:02 |
jpjacobs | night people! | 01:02 |
kristjin | I'll scroll back. | 01:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | or 3 | 01:02 |
kornflak | but for some reason... | 01:02 |
lupine_85 | Yoni, hehe | 01:02 |
kornflak | it just doesn't work | 01:02 |
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Jack_Sparrow | ubuntuer: It should change without restarting.. | 01:02 |
azureal | Paddy_EIRE, why didnt it work on restart, though?! | 01:02 |
terlmann | no paddy, it has happend to me too. | 01:02 |
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terlmann | hold one | 01:02 |
Quaggo | can someone tell me where I can find help with booting the live cd using the terminal? | 01:02 |
lupine_85 | erm, ignore me | 01:02 |
azureal | Paddy_EIRE, i'm considering restarting in 2.6.15 (recovery mode) or compiling 2.6.17 | 01:02 |
kristjin | Oh... | 01:02 |
kristjin | ehm. | 01:02 |
kristjin | Got it. | 01:02 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal>i think gnome saves session details by default although im not sure | 01:02 |
kristjin | *blink* | 01:02 |
azureal | Paddy_EIRE, fluxbox. | 01:03 |
DonL | kornflak, I followed it to the letter and chose the Totem-Xine setup. Works well for me | 01:03 |
=== SuperID [n=gary@c-65-96-225-97.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kristjin | This client is rather... silent and non-notifying of events. | 01:03 |
drew | terlmann http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v447/npg/Screenshot-2.png | 01:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal>oh, well maybe putting a diff kernel in would solve it | 01:03 |
overshard | does ubuntu not support logical volume grouping? | 01:03 |
azureal | Paddy_EIRE, you don't happen to know any file where i can change some line or something ? lol | 01:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal> im thinking, what processor u got | 01:03 |
kornflak | DonL, I've been trying to get it to work with LibreadDVD3 | 01:03 |
Paddy_EIRE | lol | 01:03 |
terlmann | hold on azureal ! | 01:04 |
azureal | pentium-m | 01:04 |
terlmann | hold one! | 01:04 |
azureal | about to search ubuntu forums terlmann | 01:04 |
azureal | lol | 01:04 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal>is that dual core?? | 01:04 |
terlmann | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449&highlight=sound+ac%2797 | 01:04 |
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terlmann | go here | 01:04 |
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kornflak | DonL, I think that I am going to have to try something different. Do you have the reference URL to the Totem-Zine setup? | 01:04 |
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DonL | I can find it. Just a sec | 01:05 |
Paddy_EIRE | <azureal> try doing as you said with the kernel i cant see that going wrong.. | 01:05 |
=== zenmonk [n=chatzill@ip-134-53-113-78.dhcp.muohio.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azureal | omg terlmann , that is hardcore | 01:05 |
terlmann | sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils then sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdm ubuntu-desktop | 01:05 |
kornflak | DonL, thanks... I will be very helpful for me... | 01:05 |
terlmann | just do the above | 01:05 |
zenmonk | can the livecd be used to access windows partitions? | 01:05 |
kornflak | DonL, correction: it will be very helpful | 01:05 |
DonL | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-38508785e53c611dde1859232189b2e823135eb9 | 01:05 |
FluxD | hello in software properties does the check mean enabled or disablled | 01:05 |
terlmann | and then reboot | 01:05 |
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kristjin | Yeah, no, this raid hasn't yet been created. | 01:06 |
azureal | terlmann, why install gdm and ubuntu-desktop?! | 01:06 |
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azureal | dont i already have those | 01:06 |
terlmann | bucause the remove of asla takes it too | 01:06 |
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flo_ | hi, why does this not work? [ $hour -eq 1 ] && [ $min -gt 20 ] && [ $min -lt 42 ] || [ $hour -eq 2 ] && [ $min -gt 35 ] && [ $min -lt 57 ] || | 01:06 |
SteveFTW | configure:2672: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 01:07 |
SteveFTW | See `config.log' for more details. | 01:07 |
kornflak | DonL: the link you sent me was for a SoundCard Problem | 01:07 |
SteveFTW | what can i fix that with? | 01:07 |
Who_ | can someone help me make a perl expression to use with rename that will add .png to the end of a load of filnames? | 01:07 |
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flamesrock | does anyone know about usenet that can help me? | 01:08 |
terlmann | no | 01:08 |
DonL | kornflak, did you scroll to the top of the page? | 01:08 |
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SteveFTW | how do i fix this? | 01:08 |
kpin | whoever in here said......that XGL and compiz is not stable yet was right. I got 75% of the way there.....and shit went bad | 01:08 |
SteveFTW | configure:2672: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH | 01:08 |
SteveFTW | See `config.log' for more details. | 01:08 |
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apokryphos | SteveFTW: please read the FAQ | 01:08 |
kpin | and I read up on it so much | 01:08 |
SteveFTW | which one | 01:08 |
maikol | is there a way to print out ones video card info | 01:08 |
terlmann | steve install gcc | 01:08 |
kpin | drivers for my video card ....installing xgl went fine | 01:09 |
apokryphos | SteveFTW: the one in the topic | 01:09 |
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SteveFTW | thanks terlmann | 01:09 |
kpin | but compiz is not stable | 01:09 |
apokryphos | SteveFTW: you'll have to do more than just that | 01:09 |
kpin | YET | 01:09 |
ikonia | does ubuntu's grub package have the splash image patch ? | 01:09 |
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ba | anyone aware of any canadian irc channels on this server? | 01:09 |
terlmann | no | 01:09 |
flo_ | how to combine && and || in a if statement? | 01:09 |
terlmann | ubuntu is worlwide | 01:09 |
kornflak | DonL, yes- at the top of page it states, "Comprehensive Sound Problem Solutions" | 01:09 |
azureal | btw, terlmann, i only need to put in the 2nd step, not 3rd | 01:09 |
azureal | ubuntu-desktop is huge | 01:09 |
azureal | note: i have pretty much purged gnome | 01:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | !usplash | 01:10 |
ubotu | usplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto | 01:10 |
ikonia | Jack_Sparrow: thanks, but I mean the grub splash | 01:10 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !splash | 01:10 |
ubotu | To change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image. | 01:10 |
ikonia | not startup/boot splash | 01:10 |
terlmann | yea... follow the instructions to the letter or fail | 01:10 |
ikonia | or gnome splash | 01:10 |
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DonL | kornflak, that's strange. Do a goole search for "Ubuntu restricted formats" and you should find it. When you get there, just follow what it says. | 01:10 |
flo_ | how can i make something like this work? if [ expr1 ] && [ expr2] || [expr3] && [expr4] | 01:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | Actual grub screen is much harder | 01:11 |
ikonia | grubs easy if grub has the boot splash patch applied at build time | 01:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | HAte to say google grub but that is where I found it before | 01:11 |
ikonia | just curious to if grub has the grub-boot-splash patch applied to the ubuntu package | 01:11 |
ubuntuer | Jack_Sparrow, that's the problem. I go to preferences, screen resolution and change it then boom! my session is finished and I'm back to the login screen | 01:11 |
azureal | ooh, yea, i think you can only change grub colors at this pt | 01:12 |
terlmann | ubuntuer upgrade to a newer ubuntu version like 5.10 | 01:12 |
kornflak | does anyone have any recommendation for an AntiVirus Solution for Ubuntu? any known issues with ClamAV? | 01:13 |
terlmann | no and yes | 01:13 |
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digitalhav0c | what is the c++ compiler | 01:13 |
digitalhav0c | ? | 01:13 |
terlmann | gcc | 01:13 |
digitalhav0c | which is the c++ compiler | 01:13 |
terlmann | gcc | 01:13 |
digitalhav0c | im getting errors compiling a program | 01:14 |
digitalhav0c | hum? | 01:14 |
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terlmann | make make-install packedges | 01:14 |
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terlmann | then di it | 01:14 |
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terlmann | do | 01:14 |
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azureal | digitalhav0c, you're following program directions (INSTALL file) | 01:14 |
ikonia | Jack_Sparrow: in ubuntu repo there is a grub-bootsplash pacakge | 01:14 |
ikonia | sorry for wasting time | 01:14 |
ikonia | missed it | 01:14 |
ikonia | first time around | 01:14 |
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terlmann | yea doo it but first get make make-install and gcc | 01:15 |
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terlmann | automatix rocks!! | 01:15 |
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digitalhav0c | its just a hello world program | 01:16 |
digitalhav0c | gcc hello.cpp | 01:16 |
terlmann | yea... | 01:16 |
kornflak | Any recommendations for an Anti-Virus solution? | 01:16 |
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alex222 | i got a question | 01:16 |
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alex222 | i need a good program for writing code, somthing with syntax highlighting | 01:17 |
ShadowNinja | what do u guys use for sources in edgy? | 01:17 |
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alex222 | i need a text editor with syntax highliting | 01:17 |
alex222 | what's the best? | 01:17 |
terlmann | deb-src | 01:17 |
erUSUL | kornflak: do you need to filter mail for windows machines? Becose linux does not need antivirus | 01:17 |
terlmann | alex try gedit | 01:17 |
erUSUL | alex222: emacs ;) | 01:17 |
alex222 | does gedit have highliting? | 01:17 |
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alex222 | for PHP, mysql,html | 01:17 |
terlmann | yes | 01:17 |
ShadowNinja | will someone email.....their edgy sources list? | 01:17 |
terlmann | and it is a gui app | 01:17 |
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erUSUL | ShadowNinja: #ubuntu+1 | 01:18 |
terlmann | emacs is (i thick) command line | 01:18 |
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ShadowNinja | i need one with wine and codecs | 01:18 |
erUSUL | terlmann: has both | 01:18 |
azureal | alex222, i'd say vi | 01:18 |
azureal | vi or vim | 01:18 |
kornflak | erUSUL: mainly an Anti-Virus solution to prevent virus' from spreading through a linux machine and infecting Windows machines | 01:18 |
terlmann | gedit | 01:18 |
azureal | vim takes some getting used to, i'd warn you | 01:18 |
stealg | where r the unestable pakage of ubuntu ? | 01:19 |
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terlmann | azureal have you fixed the sound issues yet? | 01:19 |
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simtower | u | 01:19 |
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kornflak | erUSUL: I know that linux doesn't need an AV solution but I just don't want my Ubuntu machine spreading viruses to Windows machines | 01:20 |
Scunizi | anyone have experience importing Outlook contacts via thunderbird to evolution? I'm not getting the addresses! | 01:20 |
terlmann | use import from file | 01:20 |
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terlmann | on linux the issue of imports is file based. | 01:21 |
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Scunizi | terlmann: did that. Got most of the info. it just doesn't bring in the actual house number and street name | 01:21 |
terlmann | hm linux cant do eaverything yet | 01:22 |
yarddog | pretty close :P | 01:22 |
Scunizi | terlmann: tried from a google export and evol froze on import | 01:23 |
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terlmann | nononono | 01:23 |
terlmann | save the file on desktop | 01:23 |
terlmann | import frome same | 01:23 |
Scunizi | terlmann: yep been there, done that... | 01:23 |
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terlmann | and dont use evol, use thunderbird! | 01:23 |
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Scunizi | terlmann: what to use for calendar app... I like the integration. | 01:24 |
mrbrdo | which package to make FLASH work in Firefox? | 01:24 |
ep | it can't steal elections like the OS | 01:24 |
ep | diebold:) | 01:24 |
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ScornInPC | hi all | 01:25 |
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apokryphos | mrbrdo: please read the FAQ | 01:25 |
mrbrdo | flashplayer-mozilla or flashplugin-nonfree? which one is right for firefox? | 01:25 |
mrbrdo | oh | 01:25 |
ScornInPC | i need to know, how to watch wmv videos | 01:25 |
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mrbrdo | can't u just tell me since i asked already | 01:25 |
apokryphos | mrbrdo: you shouldn't expect others to help if you won't help yourself, really | 01:25 |
cafuego | !RestrictedFormats > ScornInPC | 01:26 |
Crippy-Boy | ScornInPC win32codecs, Google or search the wiki | 01:26 |
Scunizi | ScornInPc: gstreamer plugins ugly 10.. If I remember correctly ... from Synaptic | 01:26 |
mrbrdo | apokryphos: heh whatever,if you knew u could have said | 01:26 |
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cafuego | ScornInPC: ubotu should have just given you some info and a wiki page link. | 01:26 |
ScornInPC | tanks | 01:26 |
erUSUL | mrbrdo: flashplugin-nonfree | 01:27 |
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Polygon | ok i need to restore grub tot he mbr. I have two hard drives, with ubuntu and windows. Windows is listed as (hd0,1) and Ubuntu is listed as (hd1,0). Which one do i need to reinstall grub to? | 01:28 |
rukuartic | So does anyone know quite how firestarter works? Yep--it appears to be working, but when I start a program up (for instance, GAIM or Firefox) does it open up certain ports for inbound traffic? What if I started a service such as OpenSSH? | 01:28 |
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apokryphos | Polygon: the ubuntu one, and you should set your BIOS to boot from that HD first | 01:28 |
erUSUL | !grub > Polygon | 01:29 |
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Polygon | ok ill try that... | 01:29 |
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Polygon | if i tell the bios to boot from the ubuntu drive first, i will still be able to boot into windows correct | 01:30 |
Polygon | without editing anything in menu.lst | 01:30 |
apokryphos | Polygon: if your grub settings are set up properly (see the FAQ) | 01:30 |
Polygon | ok | 01:30 |
Polygon | thx | 01:31 |
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mrbrdo | if i have a patch for a kernel module (bcm43xx), how would i be able to apply it? i don't have any kernel sources yet on my pc | 01:32 |
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cafuego | mrbrdo: Does the normal bcm43xx in the standard kernel not work? | 01:33 |
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mrbrdo | cafuego: it does to one extent | 01:33 |
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mrbrdo | cafuego: a patch is needed for it to work with aircrack | 01:33 |
wastrel | ubunto | 01:33 |
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cafuego | mrbrdo: Ah, you will need to grab the kernel soruce then and see if patch -p1 --dry-run < patch_file works. | 01:34 |
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gpgarrettboast | Jack_Sparrow, no luck with that link... | 01:34 |
=== slash_tmp yo_tmp! | ||
mrbrdo | cafuego: will i need to recompile the kernel then, or only the module? | 01:34 |
cafuego | mrbrdo: Probably just the module. | 01:35 |
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Ghost_Printer | are the Ubuntu repos hosed again ? | 01:36 |
gpgarrettboast | Can anyone help me get my Broadcom 802.11b/g Wireless adapter working in Ubuntu? It's a 64-bit system, and the wireless card is integrated through a pciexpress bus. | 01:37 |
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favicon | #energy forum | 01:37 |
Ghost_Printer | Can't get Flash player to install | 01:37 |
gpgarrettboast | I've tried ndiswrapper, linuxant driverloader, and the bcm43xx drivers.... | 01:37 |
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Meglo | How would I go about listing the running processes and their PIDS in a tree format in terminal? | 01:39 |
gpgarrettboast | ps -a? | 01:39 |
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Meglo | eh, I have tried many, second | 01:39 |
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Meglo | It doesn't return much of anything | 01:40 |
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EnsignRedshirt | Meglo: Take a look at pstree | 01:40 |
grub4ever | Hmm, how can I remove lilo from my system and replace it with grub? | 01:40 |
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Meglo | Thank EnsignRedshirt | 01:40 |
Meglo | s* | 01:40 |
krups | meglo - try top. | 01:40 |
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mrbrdo | who was helping me with kernel module patching be4? | 01:41 |
inglor | I need a little help, is there any way to autoscroll in linux? | 01:41 |
mrbrdo | had a "crash", kind of | 01:41 |
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grub4ever | I really want to get rid of lilo. | 01:42 |
cynical | does anyone know an xchat2 script that displays system info? | 01:42 |
inglor | autoscrolling is what happens when you click the middle mouse button in let's say firefox, then you can move the mouse up or down and it causes the page to scroll, is there any way to do that in linux? | 01:42 |
gabriel | what mouse are you using, inglor? | 01:43 |
inglor | just regard it as a generic mouse | 01:43 |
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inglor | I either use the asus cordless one that comes with my laptop, my generic SmartCom one, or my G5 | 01:43 |
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inglor | depending on what I need to do, it shouldn't matter though since autoscrolling doesn't have to do with the mouse model as far as I know | 01:44 |
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mario | tururu | 01:45 |
inglor | nevermind, I found it in firefox, I guess that'll do for now, although I'd like to know how to do it in an OS level | 01:45 |
__mikem | what does tururu mean | 01:45 |
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sethk | inglor, it's a feature of the program (in this case firefox), not the o/s or windowing system | 01:45 |
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sethk | inglor, so there is nothing additional to find | 01:46 |
cynical | grub4ever: Uninstall lilo, install grub, and follow this guide http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 | 01:46 |
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inglor | ok | 01:47 |
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kim_ | hi.. I have a problem with my OnBoard graphic card.. can anybody help me? please | 01:49 |
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largos | does anyone know how to configure the snes9x keybindings? | 01:49 |
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largos | kim_: what is the problem? | 01:50 |
kim_ | I have a SiS.. and I cant find a driver for it anywhere! im desperate!!!! | 01:50 |
kim_ | the monitor is on 61 Hz its driving me crazy | 01:51 |
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largos | what are you usingnow? svga? | 01:52 |
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kim_ | well.. ubuntu knows which card it is.... 661/741/760/761 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter but somehow to pc is running slower as it just to run with windows.. and it also used to be 85 Hz | 01:53 |
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mad_man | inglor: also clicking the left and right (dual-clicking) does the same as middle clicking for autoscrolling | 01:54 |
largos | you can probably up the refresh rate by changing the vert. refresh and hsync in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:54 |
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imc_ | Hi, sound problems with Dapper. I had to use an ALSA mixer with this machine when it was in Breezy. Now I dist-upgraded to Dapper and sound is broken. Help? | 01:55 |
kim_ | okay just wait a minute please.. | 01:55 |
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terlmann | ojey i will giude you through the fix' | 01:55 |
terlmann | okey | 01:55 |
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cronos3 | is there a way to send a message to gnome screen ? | 01:56 |
cronos3 | like a popup message | 01:56 |
inglor | hey, quick question, I've installed ubuntu, can I run KDE or do I have to completely format and install kubuntu? | 01:56 |
imc_ | inglor, you can run either | 01:56 |
inglor | how? | 01:57 |
imc_ | apt-get install K and then at the session login you can choose from those or any you like | 01:57 |
largos | imc_: oh.. that's a common problem -- if you search the forums you should be able to find it | 01:57 |
inglor | what package name does it have? | 01:57 |
imc_ | largos, thanks, I just couldn't find it | 01:57 |
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imc_ | inglor, apt-cache search kde and see what happens | 01:57 |
largos | imc_: sorry I don't have the link or solution off hand :( | 01:57 |
imc_ | no worries, thanks largos | 01:57 |
effer | hi all...i've never had any problem copying/removing any files from my SD memory card using my card reader...but now i have to delete some files, and all the sudden it's saying that i cannot remove the files because the sd card is a read-only filesystem....how do i change this? it's never happened before. | 01:57 |
inglor | what package? | 01:57 |
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hantu | aptcache search kdebase | 01:58 |
inglor | !kde | 01:58 |
ubotu | KDE (http://kde.org) is the K Desktop Environment. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE for other ways to get KDE | 01:58 |
inglor | yay :) | 01:58 |
inglor | I love ubotu | 01:58 |
mad_man | inglor:just for fun the First Computer Mouse | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:First_Computer_Mouse_pic_2.jpg | 01:59 |
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hantu | heh no wonder i can't find the package | 01:59 |
mrbrdo | where are the kernel sources after u install linux-sources? | 01:59 |
hantu | spelled it as kbuntu =\ | 01:59 |
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terlmann | imc_ use the following script : sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils && sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils gdm ubuntu-desktop | 01:59 |
Polygon | ok im getting kinda mad with grub at the moment. i installed grub to my ubuntu drive, and i tried to set my bios to boot from my ubuntu drive, but there are 4 options in my bios: hdd-0 hdd-1 hdd-2 and hdd-3. no matter which one i choose to boot third (after floppy and cdrom) they all boot windows. So.... im wanting to install grub to my windows disk's mbr, but it keeps saying "error 15: file not found" | 01:59 |
inglor | LOL, that's an actual mouse? | 01:59 |
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cronos3 | is there a way to send a popup message to gnome screen? | 02:00 |
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NuclearWaffle | Anyone know how to take a screenshot in Ubuntu? o.o | 02:00 |
Polygon | printscrn? | 02:00 |
Polygon | on the keyboard? | 02:00 |
terlmann | yea apps /acc take screenshot | 02:00 |
inglor | kubuntu-desktop: | 02:00 |
inglor | Depends: language-selector-qt but it is not going to be installed | 02:00 |
mrbrdo | what about make movie? | 02:00 |
NuclearWaffle | So is that "apps /acc take screenshot"? | 02:00 |
terlmann | applications/accsesorys | 02:00 |
NuclearWaffle | Oh. | 02:00 |
terlmann | menu command | 02:00 |
NuclearWaffle | I'm not using GNOME. | 02:01 |
terlmann | then good luck | 02:01 |
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kim_ | largos: yuhu found it.. what should be the new values?? HorizSync 28-51 VertRefresh 43-60 | 02:01 |
NuclearWaffle | Oh come on, there has to be a terminal command or something... | 02:01 |
EnsignRedshirt | NuclearWaffle: gnome-screenshot (or something like that) | 02:01 |
Polygon | does print screen on keyboard not work for kde or whatever? | 02:02 |
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NuclearWaffle | Ensign: Didn't work... | 02:02 |
Polygon | thats for gnome... if your not using it it wont work | 02:02 |
terlmann | he ismt using gnome.. | 02:02 |
terlmann | is not | 02:02 |
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NuclearWaffle | Yeah. Fluxbox. | 02:03 |
effer | hi all...i've never had any problem copying/removing any files from my SD memory card using my card reader...but now i have to delete some files, and all the sudden it's saying that i cannot remove the files because the sd card is a read-only filesystem....how do i change this? it's never happened before. | 02:03 |
EnsignRedshirt | NuclearWaffle: Or, use gimp: File-> Acquire -> Screenshot | 02:03 |
NuclearWaffle | Oh. OK. | 02:03 |
Polygon | anyways, | 02:03 |
terlmann | flux box will work even if you install the ubuntu packdge | 02:03 |
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Polygon | i need help reinstalling grub to wherever so i can boot into ubuntu again | 02:03 |
terlmann | install the gnome stuff and acsess from flux box | 02:04 |
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kim_ | largos: yuhu found it.. what should be the new values?? HorizSync 28-51 VertRefresh 43-60 | 02:04 |
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Audimage | hello | 02:05 |
GTroy | my audio sounds TERRIBLE.... | 02:05 |
inglor | !xfce | 02:05 |
ubotu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with XFCE, for more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org. To install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 02:05 |
Scunizi | Polygon: I can't give you a blow by blow description but I've done it with the alternate cd without having to reinstall everything. | 02:05 |
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Polygon | yes, that would be good | 02:05 |
NuclearWaffle | Thanks ensign. | 02:05 |
GTroy | is there a way to fix *bad* audio? | 02:05 |
Polygon | i tried that before, and succeeded once but screwed up my partition table another time | 02:05 |
Audimage | I am unable to install UT2004, when i double-click linux-installer.sh nothing happens | 02:05 |
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NuclearWaffle | terlmann: I'd rather not bulk up my system with gnome. >.> | 02:06 |
Polygon | will your method work with a 5.10 alternate cd? | 02:06 |
GTroy | switching from alsa to oss doesn't seem to help | 02:06 |
inglor | I only got it to install KDE-base, would that be a problem? | 02:06 |
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bean-oh | !proxy | 02:06 |
mrbrdo | where are the LINUX SOURCES extracted after aptgeting linux-sources? | 02:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about proxy - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:06 |
Scunizi | Polygon: Been there myself.. You're not suppose to change anything and at one point backing up a step then telling the installer just to install grub | 02:07 |
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Fingertips | hello! | 02:07 |
bean-oh | anyone know anything about setting up a system-wide proxy connection? | 02:07 |
Audimage | I am trying to install Unreal Tournament 2004 from the Editor's Choice Edition DVDs, when i double-click on linux-installer.sh in the cd nothing happens...there is no readme | 02:07 |
Audimage | either | 02:07 |
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mrbrdo | come on!! surely u know | 02:07 |
Polygon | do you know which point? | 02:08 |
Fingertips | Audimage: copy the sh file to your desktop then run | 02:08 |
Polygon | i know your suppost to mount | 02:08 |
Polygon | your root/swap and boot partitons | 02:08 |
inglor | system-administration-network proxy | 02:08 |
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Audimage | fingertips: i tried that, and the onlt thing that happens is the terminal window opens...nothing else | 02:08 |
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Polygon | is it after that that you can just go isntall grub? | 02:08 |
Fingertips | Audimage: open console | 02:08 |
Scunizi | Polygon: sorry. I found it in the forums months ago. Not much help for you.. sorry. | 02:09 |
Fingertips | type sh, then drag the sh file into your terminal | 02:09 |
Audimage | alright | 02:09 |
Polygon | ill try it and if i have questions ill ask | 02:09 |
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effer | hi all...i've never had any problem copying/removing any files from my SD memory card using my card reader...but now i have to delete some files, and all the sudden it's saying that i cannot remove the files because the sd card is a read-only filesystem....how do i change this? it's never happened before. | 02:09 |
bean-oh | inglor, but what about the other end? the server offering the proxy? | 02:09 |
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lastnode | guys i need a voip client that supports video and has working clients for both ubuntu and windows. any ideas? | 02:09 |
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mrbrdo | where are the KERNEL SOURCES extracted after aptgeting linux-sources? | 02:09 |
Audimage | fingertips: sh <space> drag the installer, or sh <enter> | 02:09 |
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lastnode | mrbrdo, /usr/src ? | 02:10 |
jrib | mrbrdo: they aren't extracted, it's a tar.bz2 | 02:10 |
Crippy-Boy | Audimage, Just cd to where the sh is then run sh name.sh | 02:10 |
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Audimage | the only thing that happens is a terminal window opens up in root | 02:11 |
GTroy | how do I use alsamixer to select the appropriate audio card/ | 02:11 |
GTroy | ? | 02:11 |
kim_ | does anybody know something about screen frequency rates???? i want to increase it (have 61 Hz HEADACHE) im in the xorg.conf right now, but i dont know what values i should choose... | 02:11 |
Audimage | it is working now, thanks crippy-boy | 02:12 |
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Netslayer | is there a site i can check the ubuntu packages at on the web? like i know gentoo-portage.com | 02:12 |
Scunizi | lastnode: ekiga | 02:12 |
Crippy-Boy | http://packages.ubuntu.com | 02:13 |
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lastnode | Scunizi, ekiga win32? :s | 02:13 |
LKRaider | Meet Mhir http://www.romlist.com/mahir/ | 02:13 |
Scunizi | lastnode: Let me double check. I'm pretty sure. | 02:13 |
largos | kim_: you need to find the correct ranges for your monitor | 02:13 |
Fingertips | i am having problems, after installing UT2004, the permissions are all in root, i need to be able to edit the ut2004 folder from my user... how do i change permissions | 02:13 |
altersense | btw, in re to Ekiga, anyone using the 2.02 pkgs? | 02:13 |
lastnode | Scunizi, the win32 client is in early alpha still no? | 02:14 |
Fingertips | !permissions | 02:14 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 02:14 |
largos | kim_: and set the v.refresh / h sync to those numbers | 02:14 |
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cafuego | Netslayer: of course, using synaptic locally is a bit faster. | 02:14 |
Scunizi | lastnode: Check out http://snapshots.voxgratia.org/win32.php it's the ekiga site | 02:14 |
kim_ | umm.. and how? :-D | 02:14 |
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Netslayer | where can i get mythtv ubuntu 20 sources? | 02:15 |
Netslayer | 18 is the only version available on multiverse | 02:15 |
Scunizi | lastnode: I'm new to Irc. How'd you change your color | 02:15 |
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lastnode | Scunizi, have you got it installed? even on ubuntu? can you connect to me? | 02:15 |
isoss | Hey guys. | 02:15 |
Crippy-Boy | Scunizi: that depends on client. | 02:15 |
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Scunizi | xchat | 02:16 |
isoss | how can I unmount a ftp or ssh folder in KDE ? | 02:16 |
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lastnode | Scunizi, ive never tried really. apt-cache search xchat themes? | 02:16 |
altersense | ioss: #kubuntu | 02:16 |
kim_ | well.. i used to have 85 Hz.. you dont happen to know what the fitting range for that is do you? (sorry if im being annoying) | 02:16 |
lastnode | can someone try an ekiga webcam chat with me please? | 02:16 |
Scunizi | lastnode: I've got it installed on ubuntu. It's standard (i think) works great. My cam though, doesn't function on ubuntu. | 02:16 |
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isoss | so this challen is for Gnome altersemse? | 02:17 |
Crippy-Boy | Scunizi: Settings > Prefs > Colors | 02:17 |
kim_ | largos: well.. i used to have 85 Hz.. you dont happen to know what the fitting range for that is do you? (sorry if im being annoying) | 02:17 |
lastnode | Scunizi, how do i call you? | 02:17 |
altersense | isoss, thought it was for the def #ubuntu dist, which does come with gnome, please correct me if I'm wrong | 02:17 |
exs | Why doesn't anyone know how to use ubuntu as a passthrough, so I am able to use the internet with my windows desktop machine Through a ubuntu laptop? | 02:18 |
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isoss | altersense: I think I must find the answer here also cuz many ppl use both gnome and kde for ubuntu | 02:19 |
isoss | in ubuntuforums.org you can ask about either | 02:19 |
printk | exs - check this out: ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217177 | 02:19 |
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altersense | isoss: have you tried from the terminal, using unmount ? | 02:19 |
exs | printk: ok thanks | 02:19 |
GTroy | did a alsactl restore... and it was fixed... go figure | 02:20 |
kim_ | o man.. im tired.. its 2 a.m. now and i have to go to school in 4 hours, so id better hurry to bed.... thanks anyway.. bye :) | 02:20 |
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altersense | isoss: from the terminal, issue mount, check if your ftp shows there | 02:20 |
isoss | I am just not sure what is the path! the folders are in the remote places, | 02:20 |
printk | isoss: what do you mean umount a ftp or ssh folder in kde? First off they are directories in linux and you can just use a terminal and use the umount(1) command | 02:21 |
=== sess [n=kamui@ip70-171-82-42.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sess | greetings! | 02:21 |
altersense | printk, kde can map mount points to ftp | 02:21 |
sess | Im a new ubuntu user, need a lil help with my wireless if you would | 02:21 |
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isoss | yup sure it's the way to do that but as I said printh I don't know the path | 02:21 |
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printk | isoss - type mount by itself it'll show you everything mounted | 02:21 |
isoss | in gnome you could just right click and unmount | 02:22 |
exs | printk: didn't seem to help.. it's just a guy asking a question, and it isn't answered. | 02:22 |
altersense | isoss: type "mount", it will show you all your mount points | 02:22 |
Crippy-Boy | sess: whats wrong with it? | 02:22 |
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isoss | oh ok | 02:22 |
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sess | crippy: nothing, I just can't get it working. Ubuntu already seems to have detected my wireless and loaded the module | 02:22 |
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Fingertips_ | how do i chmod something so that the folder and ALL OF ITS CONTENTS gets the same chmod??? | 02:22 |
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Madpilot | Fingertips, +R | 02:22 |
sess | however, when I put my essid into the wireless app and hit activate, It says disconnected after about 30 seconds, and I get no activity or connection | 02:23 |
printk | exs: i;m just googling... try it yourself. Check this out then: http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_to_Setup_Your_ubuntu_Computer_to_be_a_Router | 02:23 |
sess | I put in the correct wep key, I hope that the fact that the access point isn't broadcasted isn't a problem | 02:23 |
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sess | I tried manually dhclient eth1, but it says network down | 02:24 |
isoss | altersense, printh: I just need a litle help here! in remote places I have two folders, one is called www and the other is called website but none is displayed as mounted in mount command output | 02:24 |
sess | and I try ifconfig eth1 up, no such file or directory | 02:24 |
Fingertips_ | has anybody here been able to sucessfully set up an ATI x800 pro ... for some reason my FGLRX drivers wont allow me to bump up to native resolution | 02:24 |
jrib | Fingertips_: -R or --recursive | 02:24 |
Fingertips_ | yea i got it | 02:24 |
isoss | note that the folders are ftp and ssh and both are not working cuz the server which they were to be connecting to was changed | 02:24 |
sethk | Fingertips_, when I've seen that, what has been happening is a bit different from what you are assuming | 02:25 |
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sethk | Fingertips, what happens (in many cases and possibly yours') is this: | 02:25 |
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Plouj | there is a difference between HTTP and IPP printing protocols? | 02:25 |
Plouj | I thought IPPP and HTTP were one and the same | 02:25 |
sethk | Fingertips, the server decides that none of the modes in the configuration file are usable, and drops into a mode where it uses default resolution(s) | 02:25 |
DrBanzai | Anybody in here ever used the cluster feature of dvd::rip? | 02:25 |
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sethk | Fingertips, what also can happen is that the settings for >800x600 are a bit off, and it decides that those modes are not usable | 02:26 |
Fingertips_ | sethk: so how do i fix this | 02:26 |
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Fingertips_ | sethk: it wont let me go above 1024 | 02:26 |
sethk | Fingertips, ok, first thing to do is check the X log | 02:26 |
sethk | Fingertips, can you put it on the paste web site for us? | 02:26 |
sess | Anyone have any ideas on my wireless issue? I see that eth1 has wireless extensions, so I put in my essid and wep key using the ubuntu network app. Then when I try to connect, it fails, so I tried manually using dhclient eth1 which says network is down. So I tried ifconfig eth1 up, and that says no such file or direcctory. Any ideas? | 02:26 |
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arthomps_ | trying to use gimp (gtk) in kubuntu. it appears as black text on black background which isn't useful. what property should i be looking at to fix it? | 02:26 |
Fingertips_ | sethk: yea.. what is that site again | 02:26 |
sethk | Fingertips, it's usually /var/log/Xorg.0.log | 02:26 |
Fingertips_ | !paste | 02:26 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 02:26 |
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arthomps_ | sess - try just doing dhclient and see what happens. | 02:27 |
sethk | Fingertips, ah, an old hand, already using the 'bot. :) | 02:27 |
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sess | arthomps_: receive_packet failed on eth1: Network is down | 02:28 |
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Fingertips | sethk: i used to use fedora | 02:28 |
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Fingertips | sethk: thankfully linux isnt too unfamiliar | 02:28 |
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Fingertips | sethk: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23820 | 02:28 |
Fingertips | there you go | 02:28 |
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edge | is there a special Chan for Kubuntu? | 02:29 |
Crippy-Boy | #kubuntu? | 02:29 |
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Crippy-Boy | sess, You sure the wep key and essid are right? | 02:30 |
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Fingertips_ | sethk: tell me what you think | 02:30 |
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Buffy^ | right | 02:30 |
picasso | how do i set up WPA encryption for wifi in ubuntu? | 02:31 |
Buffy^ | any one any ideas about getting 2 amd cps to work together in ubuntu? | 02:31 |
picasso | before i upgraded to 6.06 i had a custom script that used wpa_supplicant but it doesn't seem to work any longer | 02:31 |
sess | crippy-boy: the yes, the essid is not broadcast, but im certain, Im using the wired connection to confirm the settings on the router | 02:31 |
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THX-1138 | !wep | 02:32 |
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ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:32 |
Fingertips_ | !ati | 02:32 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:32 |
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Crippy-Boy | sess: i have no idea then never had a prob with mine, Sorry :( | 02:32 |
MrKeuner | is there a way to switch to gnome 2.16 on dapper? Or should I wait for next ubuntu release? | 02:32 |
surface | MrKeuner: wait is a good option. | 02:33 |
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surface | (: | 02:33 |
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MrKeuner | surface/ I think I'll buy that | 02:34 |
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Fingertips | sethk: you there? | 02:34 |
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picasso | nm, googled my question, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo | 02:34 |
sethk | Fingertips, sorry, just got back | 02:34 |
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Fingertips | sethk: ok w hats the verdict | 02:35 |
sethk | Fingertips, handling someone who is paying for support at the same time, have to look at his stuff first. :) | 02:35 |
sethk | Fingertips, give me the url again? | 02:35 |
sethk | Fingertips, never mind, I scrolled up to it | 02:35 |
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sethk | Fingertips, that looks like only the first few lines of it. | 02:36 |
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Fingertips | sethk: ok | 02:36 |
Captain_Redbeard | I need a hand lads... When booting from grub there is a white "frame" around the OS-options you have...? Is there a way to remove that? | 02:36 |
sethk | Fingertips, but I think I already see the problem | 02:36 |
sess | anything special about the broadcom 4318 card? | 02:36 |
sess | Im at a loss here | 02:36 |
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Fingertips | sethk: ok | 02:36 |
sethk | Fingertips, it says "generic monitor" which means it didn't identify your monitor | 02:36 |
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Fingertips_ | sethk: ok what do i need to do | 02:37 |
nailbags | hi, i recently started using fluxbox instead of gnome, but now when I close my laptop's lid, it doesn't suspend any more. what daemon do i need to run to make this work again? | 02:37 |
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DrBanzai | Anybody in here ever used the cluster feature of dvd::rip? | 02:37 |
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sethk | Fingertips, so, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and when you get to the monitor section, select the "middle" level, and check the resolutions that you need but are misisng | 02:37 |
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sethk | Fingertips, the one's your video card can do, but it thinks the monitor cannot, will be on the list but without the * | 02:37 |
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sethk | Fingertips, so you add the * for the lines with the resolutions you need | 02:38 |
Fingertips_ | ok | 02:38 |
sethk | Fingertips, I'm not describing it too well but when you see it you'll know what I mean | 02:38 |
Fingertips_ | sethk: this is in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg right | 02:38 |
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Fingertips_ | sethk: i understand ive done dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg before | 02:38 |
sethk | Fingertips, right, with root privileges | 02:38 |
Fingertips_ | so i select medium not advanced | 02:38 |
Fingertips_ | sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:39 |
Fingertips_ | will that work | 02:39 |
Captain_Redbeard | no one? | 02:39 |
sethk | Fingertips, yes | 02:39 |
Polygon | hello, i need to rescue a file off my ubuntu drive. Im having a little bit of trouble with grub, and i dont have time to fix it and i dont want to accidently format that file... so im on a live cd and i need to mount my root partiton, only problem is, its saying its already mounted or busy, but when i go to the drive in /dev, it says it cant display it | 02:39 |
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nailbags | Polygon, is it already mounted under /media? | 02:40 |
sethk | Fingertips, Polygon it probably is already mounted. run in the terminal the mount command (with no arguments) which will show you where it is mounted | 02:40 |
surface | Polygon: check ur mount point first | 02:40 |
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surface | Polygon: type mount | 02:40 |
sethk | Captain_Redbeard, sorry, don't know the answer to that one. | 02:40 |
onenought | Hello. I'm having some issues with wpa_supplicant, on Dapper. Help? | 02:40 |
nailbags | so can anyone help me? | 02:41 |
terlmann | where do i find some spash screens to configure with the gnome splash screen manager ? | 02:41 |
kitsuneofdoom | hey, I have been trying to make a 32 bit chroot on my 64 bit system | 02:41 |
surface | Polygon: usually mount point is at /mnt or /media | 02:41 |
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MrKeuner | is it again possible to see a delay the next ubuntu release? | 02:41 |
Polygon | ok one sec | 02:41 |
bean-oh | is there anything i need to do besides the Network Proxy preference pane to force conenction to use th proxy? Currently it doesn't use my proxy settngs. | 02:41 |
Polygon | when i type mount i dont see and hdX | 02:41 |
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kitsuneofdoom | I used the dchroot method, and when I try to install synaptic, it says I am missing the pango library, and some other stuff | 02:41 |
Polygon | and media has nothing in the folder | 02:41 |
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DrBanzai | Polygon, which live cd are you using? | 02:42 |
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Polygon | 6.06.1 | 02:42 |
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james_xxx | what does it mean when i get the error "could not parse the XML output from the network configuration backend", when trying to enable a network device? | 02:42 |
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Polygon | according to gparted, /dev/hde2 is an extended partiton and /dev/hde5 is the actual root filesystem. if i try to mount /dev/hde5 it says its busy/already mounted | 02:43 |
surface | Polygon: df -h, are u sure ur hd is hde? | 02:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | or taht its not mounted already ;) | 02:44 |
omar | Hello guys, Wha'ts the difference bettwen dapper and breazy, I am gonna install ubutnu in one machine , but I don0t know which one choise | 02:44 |
Polygon | yes, gparted says so | 02:44 |
surface | mount | grep hd | 02:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | james_xxx, where do you get that error? | 02:44 |
sethk | Polygon, when you ran mount, did you look to see where /dev/hde5 is mounted? | 02:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | omar, 7 months development | 02:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and a few years support | 02:44 |
omar | which one recommend me | 02:44 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | dapper | 02:44 |
omar | thank you | 02:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 6.06.1 | 02:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | np | 02:44 |
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Polygon | according to mount the only things mounted are unionfs proc /sys varrun varlock procbususb udebv devpts devshm lrm tmpfs | 02:44 |
james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: i got that error in the network settings when trying to enable my wireless card.... and then again whenm i tried to enable my ethernet | 02:45 |
omar | if I need a fst download, do I have to choose a special sever? | 02:45 |
omar | no right | 02:45 |
sethk | Polygon, that cannot be accurate, because you cannot be running without a root partition | 02:45 |
miles800 | I added a new hard drive and then added a new swap parition using the gnome parition editor. Do I need to do anything to have the operating system start using it. And secondly, should I delete the orginal swap parition or is linux smart enough to use the swap on the second hard drive over the swap on the same drive as the system? | 02:45 |
jcapote | I plugged in a usb mass storage device into dapper, it shows up in /proc/scsi/usb-storage, but no dev node gets assigned to it, whats going on | 02:45 |
sethk | Polygon, instead of telling us just part of what mount is telling you, capture the output of mount and put it on the paste web site | 02:45 |
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kitsuneofdoom | I am trying to get a 32 bit chroot in dapper 64 I used the dchroot method, and when I try to install synaptic, it says I am missing the pango library, and some other stuff | 02:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Polygon, try 'mount' | 02:45 |
Zambezi | Anyone skilled on elinks/links? When I try to go to a page, it goes to a cached page. Is there anyway I can erase all cached pages and disable the cache? | 02:45 |
Polygon | where is the paste website | 02:45 |
sethk | Kamping_Kaiser, sixth time now someone has suggested he run mount. presumably he did. | 02:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | miles800, not sure if it will auto use it, and it should use both | 02:46 |
surface | Polygon: you may want to consider slax live cd, its consist of 200mb only, and it does auto mount all partition it can detects | 02:46 |
sethk | !paste | 02:46 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 02:46 |
sethk | Kamping_Kaiser, although you never know. :) | 02:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sethk, well what did it give him as output.... | 02:46 |
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Polygon | one sec | 02:46 |
nailbags | does anyone have suspend working in a WM other than gnome/KDE? | 02:46 |
nailbags | i think i need to run some daemon | 02:46 |
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nailbags | but i don't know what | 02:46 |
onenought | Anyone good with wpa_supplicant and ipw2200? I keep getting ioctl[IPW_IOCTL_WPA_SUPPLICANT] : Operation not supported. | 02:46 |
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james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: my wireless has been finniky, but have never had issues with my ethernet card before.... | 02:46 |
sethk | Kamping_Kaiser, hopefully he's putting that on the paste thing now | 02:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sethk, yah :) | 02:47 |
terlmann | on october 20 we will have 2 no oses to tinker with... | 02:47 |
terlmann | new | 02:47 |
Polygon | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23823 | 02:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | james_xxx, only thing i can think of is your .gnome* and .gconf* databases beign corrupted | 02:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but how i have nfi | 02:47 |
picasso | hey, i just installed network-manager-gnome (to get my WPA wifi working) but the little icon just says "No network connection" .. context menu doesn't have anything about adding a connection | 02:47 |
bean-oh | anyone have luck with the network proxy pane? | 02:47 |
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nailbags | noone can even give me a hint? | 02:47 |
james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: in other words, i have to reinstall? | 02:47 |
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surface | picasso: ifconfig | 02:47 |
surface | picasso: iwconfig | 02:48 |
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james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: by the way, i am in kubuntu. forgot to mention that | 02:48 |
surface | picasso: u can check wether is up or not | 02:48 |
terlmann | people learn the lesson: ubuntu needs ethernet to work right | 02:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | james_xxx, try reinstalling the networking tools | 02:48 |
sethk | Polygon, ok, now show us the mount command you are trying, and the exact error message you receive. | 02:48 |
bean-oh | picasso, probably need to edit the /etc/network/interfaces file | 02:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | terlmann, um? | 02:48 |
james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: how do i do that with no internet access? | 02:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | james_xxx, perhaps you should ask in #kubuntu, they may have heard of this issue before | 02:49 |
sethk | Polygon, it should look like this (after mkdir /mnt/hde5): sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/hde5 /mnt/hde5 | 02:49 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser doest use kde | ||
sethk | Polygon, that's assuming it's an ext3 file system, of course. | 02:49 |
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picasso | oh | 02:49 |
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sethk | Polygon, and /mnt/hde5 is just an arbitrary name that I chose; you can mount on any empty directory | 02:49 |
Polygon | ok | 02:49 |
sethk | Polygon, actually, you can mount on a directory that isn't empty also, but the results can be very confusing, so don't. :) | 02:49 |
terlmann | go to ethernet and screw the wireless "minimal clutter" idea. ethernet is reliable,fast,and definitely more simple | 02:50 |
james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: i asked in there first , but got no response. however, i am wondering if you still might be right, because i rebooted a little while ago because gnome baker would not work | 02:50 |
Polygon | yeah im mounting to an empty dir | 02:50 |
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Polygon | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23824 | 02:50 |
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Polygon | /mnt root is empty as well | 02:51 |
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picasso | /etc/network/intefaces - it's got both interfaces, an old SSID from an old network tho | 02:51 |
Fingertips_ | sethk: my question to you... should i select ati or fglrx drivers at the first part of sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:51 |
picasso | but still, shouldnt i be able to go in and configuret hat somewhere? | 02:51 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | james_xxx, ah ok. try this (no promices) : open a terminal, type `mv .gnome* .gconf* Desktop`, log out+in and try again | 02:51 |
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james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: i will try | 02:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Fingertips, whats your card? | 02:52 |
picasso | surface: iwconfig ? how can i check if it's up | 02:52 |
Fingertips_ | ati radeon x800 | 02:52 |
Fingertips_ | pro | 02:52 |
Fingertips_ | Kamping_Kaiser: i dont know how to add the litle * in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:52 |
surface | picasso, if is up, it contains an ip | 02:52 |
picasso | i want to tell it what type of WPA encryption i'm using, and the key and al | 02:52 |
Fingertips_ | Kamping_Kaiser: im assuming fglrx | 02:52 |
surface | picasso, just type iwconfig with root | 02:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | use fglrx | 02:53 |
picasso | i installed network-manager-gnome so that i could set up the WPA stuff | 02:53 |
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picasso | surface, that doesn't help me set it up tho | 02:53 |
surface | picasso, iwlist scanning | 02:53 |
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picasso | eth0 is active, eth1 is inactive | 02:53 |
Fingertips_ | Kamping_Kaiser: still how do i add the little * next to the resolution i want in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 02:53 |
surface | picasso, ur wireless is eth? | 02:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Fingertips, spacebar | 02:53 |
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picasso | yes | 02:53 |
THX-1138 | space bar | 02:53 |
leetcharmer | hihi all :D | 02:53 |
picasso | intel 2915 | 02:53 |
surface | picasso, ur wireless is eth0 or eth1? | 02:54 |
picasso | eth1 | 02:54 |
surface | ok | 02:54 |
Polygon | any help on my question? | 02:54 |
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surface | iwlist scanning | 02:54 |
picasso | i can see my network | 02:54 |
picasso | but i dont know how to set up WPA | 02:54 |
picasso | it's encrypted w/ wpa | 02:54 |
surface | Polygon: sudo ifup eth1 | 02:54 |
leetcharmer | can anyone help me out with my bug? | 02:54 |
leetcharmer | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/40700 | 02:54 |
picasso | before 6.06, i had to use wpa_supplicant. that stuff is supposed to be included w/ network-manager in 6.06 | 02:54 |
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picasso | surface, it's clearly not going to work if i don't configure the encryption | 02:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bug 40700 | 02:55 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | Ubugtu, , bug 40700 | 02:55 |
surface | picasso: ya, ur gnome network gui not working? | 02:55 |
Polygon | what would that do surface? | 02:55 |
picasso | correct | 02:55 |
kitsuneofdoom | I am trying to get a 32 bit chroot in dapper 64 I used the dchroot method, and when I try to install synaptic, it says I am missing quite a few things. It seems to not want to install perl | 02:55 |
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ivx | hey i got apache running and my domain setup but how do i get dyndns working? | 02:55 |
picasso | network manager applet doesn't give me 'add a connection' link or anything | 02:56 |
picasso | i assume that's what it's supposed to do | 02:56 |
leetcharmer | Kamping_Kaiser, ? | 02:56 |
picasso | or at least 'configure connection' | 02:56 |
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james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: what did those commands just do? | 02:56 |
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leetcharmer | Ubugtu: bug 40700 | 02:56 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | james_xxx, moved your current settings out of the way, so we can be sure its not them | 02:56 |
leetcharmer | Ubugtu, bug 40700 | 02:56 |
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Captain_Redbeard | bah... any ETA on X11R7.1 in the reps? | 02:56 |
leetcharmer | *shrug* | 02:56 |
surface | picasso: the gui should have list down eth0 eth1 | 02:56 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | <Ubugtu> Malone bug 40700 in xorg "16:9 aspect ratios not working Dapper Beta" [Medium,Needs info] http://launchpad.net/bugs/40700 | 02:56 |
james_xxx | Kamping_Kaiser: ethernet and wireless are still both dead | 02:56 |
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picasso | well, it doesn't show any interfaces | 02:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | james_xxx, :| i'm not sure. you might need to file a bug on it | 02:57 |
surface | picasso: strange | 02:57 |
picasso | i'm talking about NetworkManager Applet 0.6.2 | 02:57 |
picasso | that's what you're talking about right? | 02:57 |
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leetcharmer | so -- any ideas how to fix my bug? | 02:58 |
surface | picasso: sorry, my ubuntu is not with me now... it should be something call gnome-network something | 02:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | leetcharmer, nope :| | 02:58 |
surface | picasso: search around other network manager, maybe u use the wrong manager, i am not sure. | 02:59 |
kitsuneofdoom | anyone has any experience with making a 32 bit chroot | 02:59 |
picasso | anyone else have any idea why NetworkManager applet wouldnt show my connections? (just upgraded from 5.10 to 6.06) | 02:59 |
leetcharmer | d'oh :/ things started going downhill for me after Breezy. That was able to detect all of my hardware and make it work like a charm. it hasn't been that way since | 02:59 |
leetcharmer | don't know why :/ | 02:59 |
onenought | surface: its network-manager-gnome | 02:59 |
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surface | picasso: onenought | 02:59 |
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picasso | huh? | 02:59 |
surface | picasso: in case u run it term, remember to put gksudo infront | 02:59 |
surface | gtg | 03:00 |
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picasso | onenought: network-manager-gnome was the package i installed | 03:00 |
picasso | but it doesnt seem to have any associated binaries in $PATH .. just the gnome applet right? | 03:00 |
leetcharmer | does anyone know what I should do to get better hardware support for my laptop by Edgy launch? I had great hardware support in Breezy ... guess I lost it :/ | 03:00 |
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daveb | is there any way to get the uswsusp package for unbuntu? | 03:00 |
nailbags | ubuntu sucks | 03:01 |
daveb | its in debian unstable and afaik i have every ubuntu repos enabled. | 03:01 |
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onenought | picasso: that is what I have as well. | 03:01 |
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picasso | so the network icon dealie shows you a list w/ all your interfaces? | 03:02 |
holycow | yep | 03:02 |
onenought | picasso: yeah. | 03:02 |
onenought | do you have any interfaces? | 03:03 |
picasso | no | 03:04 |
picasso | it doesnt show anything | 03:04 |
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picasso | "Enable Networking", (grayed out) Connection Information, about, remove | 03:04 |
picasso | enable networking is checked.. doesnt really change anything if i toggle it | 03:04 |
nailbags | goddamn suspend/hibernate is a mess in ubuntu | 03:04 |
onenought | surface: I got nothing. | 03:05 |
picasso | tooltip when i mouseover says 'No network connection' even though eth0 (wired) is connected | 03:05 |
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slavik | eh? | 03:06 |
slavik | what happened to lilo? | 03:06 |
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slavik | can XGL/compiz be run with hardware accelaration? | 03:06 |
tigg_ | hello all | 03:06 |
Crippy-Boy | slavik: thats the general idea. | 03:07 |
=== Fingertips [n=stephen@24-48-189-57.sbtnvt.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rspier_ | Is there a known issue with upgrading the mdadm package in edgy? It tries to stop mdadm-raid, which of course fails. | 03:07 |
Fingertips | can somebody help me with installing wine for ubuntu | 03:07 |
slavik | Crippy-Boy: I am using fglrx ... | 03:08 |
Fingertips | and or tell me what they think about Cedega | 03:08 |
fluvvell | rspier_ #ubuntu+1 | 03:08 |
tigg_ | can anyone help me with running audacity | 03:08 |
rspier_ | fluvvell: thank you | 03:08 |
fluvvell | np | 03:08 |
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Crippy-Boy | Fingertips: i think people should find an alternative to windows software or run windows... | 03:08 |
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Fingertips | Crippy-Boy: well i would like to try and run CS:Source... its not like theres an alternative tot hat | 03:09 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, winetools is useful | 03:09 |
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Crippy-Boy | then dual boot? | 03:09 |
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Crippy-Boy | AFAIK directx support in wine is flaky at best | 03:09 |
tigg_ | Im just trying to record live audio streams | 03:10 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: how do i install winetools | 03:10 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, apt-get winetools | 03:10 |
fluvvell | oop | 03:10 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, apt-get install winetools | 03:10 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: is that compatable with AMD 64 | 03:10 |
overshard | whenever i start compiz the borders of all my windows disappear :S | 03:11 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, windows isn't even compatible with amd64 | 03:11 |
fluvvell | ;-) | 03:11 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: so thats a no | 03:11 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: i mean can it run in 32 bit mode | 03:11 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, Drivers and programs arn't fully supported in XP64 | 03:11 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: on my proc | 03:11 |
Crippy-Boy | fluvvell: XP X64 says different | 03:11 |
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Fingertips | fluvvell: im not talking about that im talking about can my proc run it in 32 mode | 03:12 |
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fluvvell | Crippyboy, but I've tried it, have you? | 03:12 |
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Fingertips | fluvvell: Reading package lists... Done | 03:12 |
Fingertips | Building dependency tree... Done | 03:12 |
Fingertips | E: Couldn't find package winetools | 03:12 |
Fingertips | what repo is it in | 03:12 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, if you have your ubuntu in 32 mode it would help | 03:12 |
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Crippy-Boy | fluvvell: Infact yes, and i didnt read your comment about drivers and programs before i commented. | 03:12 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: how do i check | 03:12 |
fluvvell | Crippy-boy, ok | 03:13 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: if its in 32 mode or not | 03:13 |
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fluvvell | Fingertips, which kernel are you running uname -a | 03:13 |
Fingertips | ok i dont think its in 32 Linux ubuntu 2.6.15-26-amd64-generic #1 SMP PREEMPT Fri Sep 8 19:55:50 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 03:14 |
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Crippy-Boy | thats 64 bit | 03:14 |
Fingertips | yea | 03:14 |
chowdaryharsha | hi........can i know how to install flash player as i am new to linux | 03:14 |
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fluvvell | Crippy-boy, I was being a bit ironic, having had a disappointing experience with XP64, but ubuntu in 64bit ran an ice cool server ! | 03:14 |
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Fingertips | so your saying that i cant run 32 bit things on this even though the processer is compatable with it | 03:14 |
Fingertips | at least it runs windows good like | 03:15 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, you have 2.6.15-26-amd64, which means you have indeed installed a 64bit kernel | 03:15 |
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fluvvell | Fingertips, yes you have windows running in 32bit mode which is fine. | 03:15 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: yes | 03:15 |
cafuego | Fingertips: You can, but it requires fiddling. Besides, on a desktop box, most 32bit apps are actually afster then the 64bit ones. | 03:15 |
fluvvell | I agree cafuego. | 03:16 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: but my question is.... shouldnt i be able to run winetools in 32bit mode | 03:16 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, yes | 03:16 |
cafuego | Fingertips: Yes, but you will need to set up a 32bit sandbox (chroot) for it. | 03:16 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, but you'd be better doing it with a 32 bit kernel instal | 03:16 |
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Fingertips | hrm | 03:16 |
fluvvell | the sandbox is the recommended way but I don't reckon its for beginners | 03:16 |
cafuego | Fingertips: The kernel may be able to run 32bit code, but that means you also need 32bit versions of all libraries the app uses. | 03:17 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: i686 <-- if i get a winetools like that will it work | 03:17 |
Crippy-Boy | fluvvell: Ive had a disappointing experience with xp all round. If its not WGA telling me that my copy of xp is illegal and i cant install something (which incidently i had the COA with me) its the xp wireless util pissing up my wireless settings. | 03:17 |
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fluvvell | Crippy-Boy: so here we are in the ubuntu forum :-) At least I find answers to my questions, I have every app i need and almost never reboot! | 03:18 |
Crippy-Boy | If it wasnt for the fact i had to use xp for college work, i'd take great pleasure in putting the cd in the microwave and butning the COA. | 03:18 |
w30 | I compiled a custom kernel and it has no screen output on bootup untill I see the nvidia splash screen and xdm login. What did I do wrong? | 03:18 |
Crippy-Boy | fluvvell: Exactly. Ubuntu isnt the first distro ive used (debian for a year or so and Fedora before that) but up to now seems to be the most polished. | 03:19 |
fluvvell | I fully agree | 03:19 |
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w30 | Is there a boot option I need to pas to the kernel? | 03:19 |
w30 | pass | 03:19 |
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cafuego | w30: No, I think you're just missing console support. | 03:19 |
Crippy-Boy | w30, or you have the splash boot param and have disabled usplash as i did :D | 03:20 |
w30 | cafuego, that's weird, I made oldconfig | 03:20 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: ok assuming i re-install using a 32bit version what repository is winetools in | 03:21 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, if its not too late, can you reinstall with 32 bit? If you want flash and multimedia drivers, wine and all the associated goodies it might be the easier way | 03:21 |
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cafuego | w30: Did you build the kernel with an initrd? | 03:21 |
w30 | Crippy-Boy, how did you disable usplash? | 03:21 |
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cafuego | w30: For starters, remove the 'quiet' from the grub kernel line. That'll help. | 03:21 |
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w30 | cafuego, yes initrd is in | 03:21 |
junkphreak | hey how can i mount my home folder ? | 03:21 |
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fluvvell | Fingertips, problem is that i've had it installed and upgraded to dapper and don't exactly know which one it came from. | 03:22 |
Crippy-Boy | w30: rcconf. | 03:22 |
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w30 | cafuego, ok I will try removing quiet | 03:22 |
fluvvell | Fingertips, but do you have universe and multiverse? | 03:22 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: yes | 03:22 |
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bas | hi | 03:22 |
azureal | yes, sound is back ;) | 03:22 |
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w30 | Crippy-Boy, what edit rcconf? | 03:22 |
azureal | it's a great feeling to get something back (that you lost) | 03:22 |
wastrel | hi | 03:22 |
wastrel | i'm downloading photos from my camera | 03:23 |
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harsha_ | hello.............can anyone tell me how to install flashplayer as i am new to linux | 03:23 |
azureal | you never know how much you love something, or someone, til you've lost it | 03:23 |
wastrel | it is suboptimal | 03:23 |
SkippyX | If I buy a DVD-RW off e-bay, can I expect that it'll be recognized and supported by Breezy on boot-up? | 03:23 |
bas | sorry, which one is better ubuntu or kubuntu | 03:23 |
azureal | harsha_, you mean flash plugin for firefox? | 03:23 |
cafuego | bas: Neither. try both, then choose. | 03:23 |
Crippy-Boy | bas: try them and see for yourself its personal pe | 03:23 |
Crippy-Boy | prefference* | 03:23 |
burnhamd_ | depends on if you like kde or gnome | 03:23 |
cpk2 | Bas: which do you like better gnome or kde? thats the only difference | 03:23 |
burnhamd_ | personally i like gnome for is clean interface | 03:23 |
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harsha_ | hi | 03:24 |
bas | i prefered kubuntu but most of people say that kubuntu it is not estable but works fine to me!! | 03:24 |
=== panickedtest [n=travis@cdm-75-109-115-91.asbnva.dhcp.suddenlink.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
azureal | harsha_, you mean flash plugin for firefox? | 03:24 |
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burnhamd_ | kde is more advanced with nifty features but is a mess to use (for me anyway) | 03:24 |
Plouj | SkippyX: most likely. You should just check the model and whethere it's compatible with ubuntu. | 03:24 |
SkippyX | K | 03:24 |
SkippyX | thank you. | 03:24 |
wastrel | i dont understand why people make such distinctions between kubuntu ubuntu and xubuntu | 03:24 |
azureal | panickedthumb? | 03:24 |
azureal | lol | 03:25 |
Crippy-Boy | KDE has the same problems as OS X's interface, its not consistant. IMO anyway | 03:25 |
panickedthumb | yes sur? | 03:25 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: ok 32bit reinstall it is | 03:25 |
panickedthumb | sir even | 03:25 |
azureal | ubuntu will always be ubuntu, even in africa ;) | 03:25 |
burnhamd_ | osx isnt really that inconsistant | 03:25 |
wastrel | consistent | 03:25 |
harsha_ | azureal, yes.....actually i downloaded and extracted it to desktop.....whats the next step?? | 03:25 |
Fingertips | fluvvell: have you tried cedega | 03:25 |
azureal | harsha_, just follow http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux&P3_Browser_Version=Netscape4 | 03:26 |
Crippy-Boy | burnhamd_: Are you kidding me, I dont know if im going to get a metal window, a window with strange multicoloured lines or a plain old window. | 03:26 |
panickedthumb | azureal, you rang? | 03:26 |
mikeo1 | how come firefox always crashes on like 50% of the sites i visit | 03:26 |
mikeo1 | like weather.com | 03:26 |
Crippy-Boy | or a boring old grey window :-) | 03:26 |
azureal | panickedthumb, oh, just wondering why you became a thumb =P | 03:26 |
mikeo1 | cause firefox doesnt suck this much on windows | 03:26 |
panickedthumb | azureal, that's how I roll | 03:26 |
Fingertips | Crippy-Boy: have you tried Cedega | 03:26 |
burnhamd_ | so you mean inconsistant by theme not by the way the ui is layed out | 03:26 |
azureal | hahaha | 03:26 |
mikeo1 | is ubuntu really that unstable? | 03:26 |
wastrel | firefox only crashes on flash movies for me | 03:26 |
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mikeo1 | firefox crashes on any javascript i think | 03:27 |
mikeo1 | like i cant view weather rader on weather.com | 03:27 |
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wastrel | do you have a million extensions? | 03:27 |
Crippy-Boy | Fingertips: no, no i havent, i have no need for it | 03:27 |
mikeo1 | which is pretty essential | 03:27 |
Crippy-Boy | mikeo1: thats absolute rubbish. | 03:27 |
mikeo1 | it works running in wine with the windows version of firefox | 03:27 |
azureal | most of the firefox plugins are just links to the real ones in mozilla/plugins | 03:27 |
mikeo1 | but i think stuff like that should work by default | 03:27 |
burnhamd_ | the themes were orginally meant to distinguish between classes of apps but developers began to misuse them so they are going to unified in leapord | 03:27 |
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wastrel | where do i find weather radar on weather.com? | 03:28 |
mikeo1 | is it a bug with xgl maybe? | 03:28 |
mikeo1 | enter your zip code | 03:28 |
Crippy-Boy | mikeo1: 1) javascript works perfectly fine unless theres malformed crap, 2) i fail to see what firefox being unstable for YOU has to do with ubuntu being 'unstable' | 03:28 |
mikeo1 | then go down and click on the picture | 03:28 |
mikeo1 | of weather rader | 03:28 |
mikeo1 | as soon as i click it the window closes | 03:28 |
mikeo1 | happens about every 5 min on random sites i browse | 03:28 |
wastrel | no that works fine for me | 03:28 |
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wastrel | mikeo1: are you on breezy or dapper? | 03:29 |
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mikeo1 | dapper | 03:29 |
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mikeo1 | with xgl | 03:29 |
fdelacruz | good morning | 03:29 |
azureal | w00t, a vipe | 03:29 |
azureal | viper* | 03:29 |
azureal | i'm partial to vipers | 03:29 |
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Crippy-Boy | azureal: what kind? :P | 03:29 |
mikeo1 | it works great on firefox running in wine... but for some reason the default firefox never works good | 03:29 |
daveb | anyone know where to get s2ram for ubuntu dapper? | 03:29 |
mikeo1 | konqueror crashes less... | 03:29 |
azureal | Crippy-Boy, light green, i guess | 03:29 |
mikeo1 | and i have the same problem on another box that i run a server on that is running ubuntu | 03:30 |
azureal | <the snake> | 03:30 |
Crippy-Boy | azureal: i meant, Snakes? the car? what? :P | 03:30 |
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RnB-Tunes | http://www.rnb-tunes.dl.am <- new update! HOT RnB Tracks & Music Vids to Download! Check it out ;) | 03:30 |
RnB-Tunes | http://www.rnb-tunes.dl.am <- new update! HOT RnB Tracks & Music Vids to Download! Check it out ;) | 03:30 |
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Crippy-Boy | heh, i guess flooding makes up for having no tallent... | 03:30 |
wastrel | i dunno about xgl, firefox is plenty stable on my dapper system | 03:30 |
azureal | haha | 03:30 |
fuoco | what's that about ? | 03:30 |
mikeo1 | firefox is unstable on my dapper system that doesnt have xgl installed... | 03:30 |
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mikeo1 | so im pretty sure its not xgl | 03:31 |
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wastrel | maybe it's an extension you have installed? | 03:31 |
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mikeo1 | never installed any extentions... | 03:31 |
azureal | how did you install firefox | 03:31 |
mikeo1 | apt | 03:31 |
Crippy-Boy | mikeo1: Open firefox with terminal and see if you get any errors when it crashes | 03:31 |
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imc_ | sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox axureal | 03:31 |
imc_ | s/axureal/auzereal | 03:31 |
omar | Hello I am downloading a big file | 03:31 |
azureal | ? | 03:32 |
imc_ | Oh hell you know what i mean.. :) | 03:32 |
azureal | lol | 03:32 |
Crippy-Boy | omar: thats nice. | 03:32 |
azureal | imc_, oh, i was just asking mikeo1, i know how to install stuff =P | 03:32 |
deafdj | h | 03:32 |
omar | and I am not planning to use the machine for nothing else, can I liberate memory or do something to do it faster | 03:32 |
imc_ | Ahh, I see | 03:32 |
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mikeo1 | just got the error | 03:32 |
fuoco | who can recommend the best rss reader ? | 03:32 |
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mikeo1 | The program 'Gecko' received an X Window System error. | 03:32 |
imc_ | fuoco the same person who can recommend the best ice cream :) | 03:33 |
danglybits | tried this question in ubuntu+1 but no one home....will amd64 edgy have the ability to use firefox 32 bit and flash 32 bit via synaptic? | 03:33 |
mikeo1 | This probably reflects a bug in the program. | 03:33 |
mikeo1 | The error was 'BadImplementation (server does not implement operation)'. | 03:33 |
Crippy-Boy | omar: the download speed is limited by your connection. thats all, i doubt 'liberating memory' will make much difference | 03:33 |
azureal | imc_, hahahaahahah | 03:33 |
fuoco | imc_: who ? | 03:33 |
imc_ | :-D | 03:33 |
azureal | me-- mint chocolate chip | 03:33 |
SpudDogg | Ubuntu rocks | 03:33 |
imc_ | You tried the one in thunderbird | 03:33 |
imc_ | fuoco? | 03:33 |
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sethk | mikeo1, when I've seen that error, it was caused by a bad installation. That may or may not be true in your case. | 03:33 |
=== FirstStrike [i=First@66-53-16-228.lvgs.mdsg-pacwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fuoco | imc_: nope, i don;t user thunder | 03:33 |
mikeo1 | (Details: serial 34 error_code 17 request_code 130 minor_code 5) (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously; that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it. To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.) | 03:33 |
imc_ | Ah. It's not bad | 03:33 |
fuoco | imc_: gmail fan | 03:34 |
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azureal | isnt there some firefox option to choose the engine? that might cause problems... i remember there were 2 choices, Gecko or... | 03:34 |
omar | Crippy-Boy: I know but maybe my machine is doing something elase, I can't se, and I want it just downloading | 03:34 |
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Crippy-Boy | omar: then look at the process list and see what its doing that you dont like. | 03:34 |
sethk | mikeo1, none of that detail really means a whole lot. the program is talking to a different version of X than the program was compiled for. | 03:34 |
omar | Crippy-Boy: How | 03:34 |
azureal | best alias | 03:34 |
azureal | alias psf='ps aux | grep' | 03:34 |
mikeo1 | hmmm | 03:34 |
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Crippy-Boy | omar: ps? | 03:35 |
mikeo1 | so how do i fix it? | 03:35 |
mikeo1 | dont want to reformat and reinstall | 03:35 |
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sethk | mikeo1, try reinstalling just the program producing the error. | 03:35 |
Yggdrasil | how do i remove all my x-windows and window managers i jsut want my box to be console | 03:35 |
azureal | omar: simplest is 'ps aux' to see all running processes for all users... but if you can find a graphical program (similar to task manager) go for it | 03:36 |
sethk | Yggdrasil, it's easy enough to not run them. physically removing them from the disks is difficult and likely to cause problems. unless you need the disk space desparately, don't remove it, just don't run it. | 03:36 |
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Yggdrasil | sethk yea ... | 03:36 |
Yggdrasil | just bothers me everytime i update.. | 03:36 |
mikeo1 | so reinstall firefox? | 03:36 |
Yggdrasil | cuz its a slow box | 03:36 |
omar | Crippy-Boy: You mean I should download it apt-get install ps aux? | 03:36 |
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sethk | Yggdrasil, then back up carefully and fully before uninstalling | 03:37 |
Crippy-Boy | omar: uhh no... | 03:37 |
Yggdrasil | ahh ok | 03:37 |
azureal | mikeo1, you weren't prompted for something to do w/ Gecko the first time you started firefox? | 03:37 |
Yggdrasil | sethk isnt apt-get remove gnome-desktop ? | 03:37 |
Crippy-Boy | omar: use ps aux to see a list of processes and kill what you dont like. | 03:37 |
azureal | omar: ps is a built-in command... "man ps" | 03:37 |
Meglo_ | Whats the file path to the XFree module? /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers??? | 03:37 |
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mikeo1 | dont think so | 03:38 |
SpudDogg | does anyone know if Mark Shuttleworth ever comes around here? | 03:38 |
Crippy-Boy | Yggdrasil: either that or just do an install with the server cd. | 03:38 |
azureal | omar: (and then q to quit looking at the manual pages) | 03:38 |
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mikeo1 | man xkill is the greatest | 03:38 |
SpudDogg | does anyone know if Mark Shuttleworth ever comes around here? maybe to see how the community is? | 03:38 |
azureal | xkill is hilarious | 03:38 |
azureal | i found out about xkill only today | 03:38 |
Meglo | azureal, what is xkill? | 03:39 |
danglybits | will broadcomm wireless chip now work in edgy? | 03:39 |
mikeo1 | lol its the most usefull thing ever | 03:39 |
Madpilot | SpudDogg, haven't seen him much in #ubuntu | 03:39 |
omar | Crippy-Boy: it's doing a lot of things like evolution | 03:39 |
Homicide187 | hello, i am having a problem with azureus, its keeps giving me a null pointer exception | 03:39 |
Yggdrasil | whats os hilarious about it ? | 03:39 |
azureal | Meglo, are you familiar with kill? | 03:39 |
Meglo | Somewhat. | 03:39 |
SpudDogg | Madpilot, I didnt think so...it would be cool to say whats up though | 03:39 |
azureal | Yggdrasil, the skull and crossbones | 03:39 |
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Yggdrasil | crippy-boy ive allready got a lot of stuff running on it. and like i said its a slow box.. so reisntalling is pretty painfull | 03:40 |
imc_ | fuoco, me too - but you can set up thunderbird to read your gmail, too (hooah) and also / or only use it as an rss reader. Just a thought | 03:40 |
Crippy-Boy | Homicide187: Do you have low free space by any chance? | 03:40 |
azureal | Meglo, you can just type xkill, and then your mouse turns into a skull and crossbones... then click on the window of the desired prog to kill, and that program gets killed =P | 03:40 |
don_jr | Hello everyone. What is the equivilent command in ubuntu to the older unixmake | 03:40 |
Scrippie | Hi | 03:40 |
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Homicide187 | no i have 80 gb free | 03:40 |
Meglo | azureal thats really COOL | 03:40 |
azureal | are you being sarcastic? =P | 03:40 |
Crippy-Boy | Homicide187: not too sure then, just pause and restart the download. | 03:40 |
mitrick | is it better to switch from xmms to amarok or banshee? | 03:41 |
Crippy-Boy | mitrick: matter of taste. | 03:41 |
Homicide187 | i do that but it will go for a few minutes and stop again | 03:41 |
azureal | mitrick, yes, taste, but i just use beep-media-player, a version of xmms | 03:41 |
mitrick | i like how the real itunes manage the playlist | 03:41 |
azureal | amarok is bulky, imo | 03:41 |
mitrick | one big list all arranged and visibly clean to look at | 03:42 |
Crippy-Boy | Amarok is slightly bulky but i love it. | 03:42 |
Scunizi | don_jr: try man make for info on make from a console. That might be it. | 03:42 |
azureal | oh, i dont like the whole itunes setup... i just create my own playlists and load them | 03:42 |
don_jr | scunizi I'll give that a look | 03:42 |
burnhamd_ | i like the way itunes works | 03:42 |
don_jr | scunizi no manual entry for 'make' | 03:42 |
mikeo1 | did anyone ever make a plugin to scroll through windows yet? | 03:42 |
mikeo1 | for xgl | 03:42 |
mitrick | it would be nice a real itunes native under linux | 03:43 |
Scunizi | don_jr: let me try in my system. back in a sec | 03:43 |
don_jr | scunizi Okay, I'll be here. | 03:43 |
Crippy-Boy | the one and ONLY thing i miss from os x is Expose. | 03:43 |
Scunizi | don_jr .. try info make | 03:43 |
don_jr | I'm trying to install tinyfudge on ubuntu, how do I 'make the file? | 03:43 |
Yggdrasil | i havea usb hp printer and my console box. is basicly like my server . so it has no screen... can i make it work. | 03:43 |
burnhamd_ | i have both but when using linux i miss itunes and commercial support from games | 03:44 |
burnhamd_ | not to mention it integrates better on windows networks | 03:44 |
Scunizi | don_jr.... check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=compile&titlesearch=Titles for different topics on compiling | 03:45 |
Crippy-Boy | Id love a simple crappy version that does essentially the same thing as expose for linux, Im considering hacking something up myself, but i dont really know much about programming for X and im not sure if its worth the effort. | 03:45 |
mikeo1 | how do i auto mount ntfs drives? | 03:45 |
Scrippie | private | 03:45 |
mikeo1 | i had hte umask thing working in fstab but forgot the command when i upgraded | 03:45 |
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mikeo1 | and it stopped working... | 03:45 |
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don_jr | scunizi I'll check out that page then, the info make gave me a list of things I could use 'info' for, hence make not bein one of them. | 03:45 |
mitrick | i got xgl working on my other ubuntu box, there is certain apps that it wont display window borders why/ | 03:46 |
mitrick | ? | 03:46 |
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Scunizi | don_jr. I've got a better page ref. for you.... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ConfigureMakeMakeInstall | 03:46 |
don_jr | Is there not an equivilent command in ubuntu to the older nix versions of 'unixmake' | 03:46 |
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don_jr | scunizi that's sounds alot better, I'm lookin into it now, thank you for the help | 03:47 |
Scunizi | sure thing | 03:47 |
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mikeo1 | my compiz just crashed... | 03:48 |
mikeo1 | how do i restore windows so i can move them again | 03:48 |
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printk | compiz --replace gconf | 03:49 |
don_jr | say Thank you, that gave me the proper stuff I needed to run themake command | 03:49 |
Meglo | Whats the file path to the XFree module? /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers? | 03:49 |
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Meglo | Not sure if I am even asking a real question... | 03:49 |
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casey|420 | hey i am having some problems installing a program | 03:50 |
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don_jr | scunizi That gave me what I needed thank you. I hadn't installed the build-essential package yet! Thank you. | 03:50 |
casey|420 | i am receiving the error: Dependancy is not satisfiable: libssl0.9.6 | 03:51 |
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Scunizi | don_jr... I'm a nOOb but glad to help! | 03:51 |
casey|420 | how do i go about fixing this | 03:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | casey|420: what are you trying to install? | 03:51 |
casey|420 | yahoo messenger | 03:51 |
grimx | where can i download a copy of GNU C Library docs?? | 03:51 |
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marcelinojd | hi | 03:52 |
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Crippy-Boy | casey|420: Use gaim or something? | 03:52 |
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Jack_Sparrow | casey|420: I didnt realize there was a linux verson of it | 03:52 |
pj | What version of gaim do you download for ubuntu? | 03:52 |
KanRiNiN | Hey, I switched the channel and password on my router, and while NetworkManager recognizes it, it continues to try to use the old password | 03:53 |
KanRiNiN | how do I change this? | 03:53 |
sethk | grimx, the best docs available are the POSIX docs, which covers most of the GNU C library functions. | 03:53 |
casey|420 | yes there is a linux version of it | 03:53 |
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casey|420 | anyone how do i get pass this dependancy not satisfiable | 03:53 |
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Jack_Sparrow | casey|420: What does the supplier of the code say about how to install it? | 03:53 |
Crippy-Boy | casey|420: install the dependancy? | 03:53 |
casey|420 | i am trying to install it | 03:54 |
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casey|420 | but it says dependancy is not satisfiable | 03:54 |
grimx | where can i get a copy of POSIX docs ( sethk )?? | 03:54 |
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sethk | grimx, I don't have the URL off the top of my head, but google does | 03:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | casey|420: Please provide a link to the source.. | 03:54 |
grimx | ok thanx | 03:54 |
casey|420 | http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/messenger/unix/general/general-02.html | 03:55 |
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Jack_Sparrow | casey|420: Which source did you get | 03:56 |
casey|420 | the debian source | 03:56 |
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casey|420 | ymessenger something i386.deb | 03:56 |
printk | you can use gaim | 03:57 |
printk | to connect to yahoo | 03:57 |
eternalswd | anyone know of a good guide for compiling to a deb? | 03:57 |
printk | sudo apt-get install gaim :) | 03:57 |
casey|420 | it goes thru the package installer is there someway to go thru terminal and force it ? | 03:57 |
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bieb | gaim rocks | 03:57 |
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casey|420 | i want the yahoo one | 03:58 |
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casey|420 | hi roland where are u located abouts in florida? | 03:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | yahoo messenger i386. RPM???? | 03:59 |
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casey|420 | no .deb | 04:00 |
casey|420 | i have the .deb | 04:00 |
casey|420 | but it says dependancy not satisfiable libssl0.9.6 | 04:00 |
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shaggyoaf | How do I set cups to listen on a nework and allow connections from another machine? | 04:00 |
shaggyoaf | I'm looking in /etc/cups/cupsd.conf and seeing a lot of stuff about listening on localhost but nothing about how to enable it for network access | 04:00 |
shaggyoaf | and netstat reveals that it's only listening on | 04:01 |
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nownot | i finally found a solution to my ntfs ext3 problem, i formatted a drive to fat 32 when idownload something in linux in can save it in there then if i want to save it on my big ntfs storage drive boot windows and go from fat 32 drive to ntfs drive in windows | 04:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | casey|420: Please provide a link since it only shows it as an rpm... | 04:01 |
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lastnode_ | what's ubuntu rar util? (apt-get name) | 04:01 |
nownot | it all makes sense, why didnt anyone tell me to do this a week ago | 04:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | !rar | 04:01 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 04:01 |
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carlsagan | rawr! | 04:02 |
lastnode_ | !info unrar-free | 04:02 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB | 04:02 |
carlsagan | !info compiz | 04:02 |
ubotu | compiz: OpenGL composition manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.2-4ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 125 kB, installed size 424 kB | 04:02 |
overshard | how do i set something to start automatically on boot? | 04:02 |
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Jack_Sparrow | nownot: Better questions make for better answers... I use fat32 to share files between xp and ub | 04:03 |
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casey|420 | http://messenger.yahoo.com/messenger/download/unix.html#debian | 04:03 |
carlsagan | !info xserver-xgl | 04:03 |
ubotu | xserver-xgl: GL-based X server. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0.0-0ubuntu4 (dapper), package size 1584 kB, installed size 4384 kB | 04:03 |
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edylie | overshard, you could insert the command into /etc/rc.local | 04:03 |
lastnode_ | anyone know where unrar-free puts its bin? | 04:04 |
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edylie | lastnode_, find / -name unrar-free or which unrar-free | 04:04 |
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carlsagan | what is wroning with using slocate? | 04:05 |
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casey|420 | ymessenger depends on libgdk-pixbuf2 (>= 0.13.0); however: | 04:05 |
casey|420 | Package libgdk-pixbuf2 is not installed. | 04:05 |
casey|420 | ymessenger depends on libssl0.9.6; however: | 04:05 |
casey|420 | Package libssl0.9.6 is not installed. | 04:05 |
casey|420 | ymessenger depends on xlibs (>> 3.3.6); however: | 04:05 |
casey|420 | Package xlibs is not installed. | 04:05 |
Lam_ | a few of my isos are not in iso9660 format because i changed the extensions on them from .bin when i used them in windows (haha, lol). is there a way i can convert the "corrupted" iso (ie: bin file) into iso9660 format? | 04:05 |
lastnode_ | !info unrar | 04:05 |
Crippy-Boy | !paste | 04:05 |
ubotu | unrar: Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.5.4-0.1 (dapper), package size 84 kB, installed size 216 kB | 04:05 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:05 |
carlsagan | ./automatix-installer | 04:05 |
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carlsagan | Opps, i seem to have make a mistake. | 04:05 |
lastnode_ | where is unrar? (non free). i cant find it in the repos | 04:06 |
rexbron | you need to enabe multiverse | 04:06 |
lastnode_ | rexbron, it is | 04:06 |
rexbron | hmmm | 04:06 |
lastnode_ | unrar-free choked on this file | 04:07 |
carlsagan | what you mean coke? | 04:07 |
jZed | I'm getting no sound output on 6.06, e.g. rythymbox gives no sound for .ogg or fo CD audio, I installed gstream* ... what next? | 04:07 |
lastnode_ | choke/failed | 04:07 |
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carlsagan | you misspell coke? | 04:07 |
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carlsagan | oh you men "choke" | 04:07 |
rexbron | jZed: check out easy ubuntu (google) for codecs | 04:08 |
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lastnode_ | carlsagan, read what i said - chokeD, past tense of choke | 04:08 |
Crippy-Boy | casey|420, You just have to install the dependancies. | 04:08 |
jZed | I've got codecs | 04:08 |
carlsagan | well i thought you were misspelling coke | 04:08 |
casey|420 | crippyboy | 04:08 |
z3r0 | jZed check out ubuntun wiki | 04:08 |
casey|420 | where do i go to install them? | 04:08 |
z3r0 | and search for codecs | 04:08 |
jZed | I've been to the wiki and installed the recommended aps and codecs | 04:08 |
Crippy-Boy | casey|420: Google the dependancies see if you can find them yourself first | 04:08 |
rexbron | jZed: are you sure you have the right/all of them? | 04:08 |
kholerabbi | I have a wmv which plays but has only audio when there should be video as well. Could anybody help me get this working? | 04:09 |
jZed | I may not have all, but to play a .ogg ? | 04:09 |
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carlsagan | is there something gonig here i should know about? | 04:09 |
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Lam_ | is there a way to convert a 'corrupted' iso file (that was originally a bin file with the extension changed) into an iso9660 format? | 04:10 |
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eternalswd | when I use checkinstall, how do I determine what the dependencies are for that deb, in case I want to make it available to others? | 04:11 |
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New2Ubuntu | Hello. | 04:12 |
New2Ubuntu | Where can I find Ubuntu help? | 04:12 |
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DShepherd | New2Ubuntu: here...i guess.. you need to ask your question First | 04:12 |
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New2Ubuntu | I have an on-board soundcard and a Chaintech AV-210 PCI-E soundcard. Ubuntu live CD ran the Chaintech just fine but I get no sound in the full install and changing it in sound preferences does nothing. | 04:13 |
New2Ubuntu | What should I do to get my sound working with my AV-210? | 04:14 |
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Jack_Sparrow | casey|420: You would need to add all the debian repos and go after it... it is NOT ready for ubuntu | 04:17 |
eternalswd | New2Ubuntu, could you post the result of "amixer" (run that from the terminal) to http://past.ubuntu-nl.org | 04:17 |
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SpudDogg | Has anyone here ever played "Planet Penguin Racer"? Built in Ubuntu | 04:18 |
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newUbuntu | hi everyone | 04:18 |
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newUbuntu | i need some help with ubuntu | 04:18 |
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newUbuntu | i read the wiki page on how to install the new firefox version and i dont seem to be able to make it work! | 04:19 |
newUbuntu | can anyone help me? | 04:19 |
New2Ubuntu | Pasted. | 04:19 |
newUbuntu | talking to me? | 04:19 |
eternalswd | New2Ubuntu, you need to paste the link here | 04:20 |
New2Ubuntu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d23828 | 04:20 |
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Crippy-Boy | casey|420: you still here? | 04:20 |
carlsagan | ubuntu | 04:20 |
carlsagan | anyone has ubuntu? | 04:20 |
newUbuntu | hey carl i have ubuntu | 04:20 |
=== New2Ubuntu is now known as boyko | ||
newUbuntu | but im stuck :) | 04:20 |
boyko | To avoid confusion, I'm now known as "boyko" | 04:20 |
Crippy-Boy | newUbuntu: whats wrong? | 04:20 |
carlsagan | cool newUbuntu | 04:21 |
carlsagan | what happen? | 04:21 |
newUbuntu | i read the wiki page on how to install the new firefox version and i dont seem to be able to make it work! | 04:21 |
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Crippy-Boy | newUbuntu: care to give me the link to the wiki page? | 04:21 |
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newUbuntu | sure hang on | 04:21 |
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boyko | To be fair, I think it's recognizing BOTH soundcards, (the Chaintech is showing up) I just think it's set on the wrong one. | 04:21 |
jazzrocker_ | anyone know a better FTP server than vsftpd | 04:21 |
jazzrocker_ | i'm not satisfied with the config options | 04:21 |
eternalswd | New2Ubuntu, could you do the same with "amixer --card 1" | 04:22 |
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Rookie- | jazzrocker - proftpd | 04:22 |
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newUbuntu | CRIPPYBOY - I used this guy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 04:22 |
Crippy-Boy | jazzrocker: No idea and this might be a bit redundant but why not use sftp? | 04:22 |
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carlsagan | so anyone has ubuntu? | 04:22 |
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wastrel | ubuntu | 04:23 |
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carlsagan | wastrel: ? | 04:23 |
Rookie- | belive everyone has some kind of ubuntu installed | 04:23 |
eternalswd | newubuntu, where are you getting stuck? | 04:23 |
carlsagan | can you tell me does ubuntu work good on a server? | 04:23 |
newUbuntu | i did a bunch of stuff Crippy and i got a complaint | 04:23 |
SpudDogg | Is it possible to run a program like Winamp via wine? I tried but it yells at me about not having some devices | 04:23 |
carlsagan | because i have to get rid of gentoo on my server. | 04:23 |
newUbuntu | so here is what i did ok... i went to firefox and downloaded this tar.gz file | 04:23 |
carlsagan | i was hope someone might know it | 04:24 |
Rookie- | carlsagan - i running serverversion, it seems to be some stable and really easy to maintain | 04:24 |
newUbuntu | and then it is now sitting on my Desktop | 04:24 |
=== ver1oren [n=ver1oren@68-191-220-65.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Crippy-Boy | SpudDogg: use a native media player, why mess around trying to get a windows one to run | 04:24 |
carlsagan | it works in the good Rookie- =) | 04:24 |
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newUbuntu | so then i used the command line to extract it and it made a folder on my desktop called firefox | 04:24 |
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SpudDogg | Crippy-Boy, because the ones built in do not play video very nicely | 04:24 |
Rookie- | ohh, yes - and im used to slackware but this time i choosed ubuntu | 04:24 |
ver1oren | ubuntu wont let me get out of 640x480 res...i have an x800xt all in wonder card. anyone know what to do? | 04:24 |
newUbuntu | so when i go click on my quick shortcut for firefox the version is still the same | 04:24 |
SpudDogg | Crippy-Boy, and they also will not stream my vidoes | 04:24 |
Rookie- | carlsagan - and im running without GUI on that one | 04:25 |
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newUbuntu | so i dunno what i am doin wrong :( | 04:25 |
carlsagan | RobNyc|Ubuntu, apt-get? | 04:25 |
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carlsagan | Rookie-, apt-get? | 04:25 |
boyko | So, any clues? | 04:25 |
Rookie- | easy to use, easy to find pkg's | 04:26 |
newUbuntu | *** i guess in general i dont know how to install new files to my computer | 04:26 |
Rookie- | one time installation, then some update each week | 04:26 |
boyko | Tell you what, I'm going to see if a reboot can't fix the damn thing. | 04:26 |
eternalswd | newUbuntu, if all you did was extract it to your desktop, then you didn't do much. I would suggest using the script that is available http://pykeylogger.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu:Chronicles#Install_Firefox_1.5 | 04:26 |
Rookie- | dont install more then you will use, less risk for error in operation ... | 04:27 |
Crippy-Boy | newUbuntu: I suggest you read the wiki page a little more clearly, If theres a command your unsure of use man <command> then if your still stuck come back. | 04:27 |
carlsagan | you know what's | 04:27 |
=== wewik [n=wewik@216.Red-83-43-67.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlsagan | is it good rookie? | 04:27 |
eternalswd | newUbuntu, even better, wait for the new version to find it's way into the repositories and install via synaptic | 04:27 |
newUbuntu | **Crippy - I did read the wiki page carefully but it gave me a complaint saying i wasnt able to install it | 04:27 |
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Rookie- | well, i only had it for 4 weeks and i dont have any problem yet | 04:28 |
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newUbuntu | **Eternal - I looked at the script but it seems intimidating :) | 04:28 |
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eternalswd | newUbuntu, I had tried installing the mozilla version, and it ended up using 100% processor when downloading files. I'd suggest waiting for the new version to reach synaptic | 04:28 |
newUbuntu | ** Eternal - when will they distribute a new version! | 04:29 |
BHSPitMonkey | newUbuntu, next month. | 04:29 |
Rookie- | but from what dist are you coming from ? | 04:29 |
wewik | have got ubuntu any official blog?? (sorry for my english, i am spanish) | 04:29 |
carlsagan | Rookie-, gentoo | 04:29 |
kornflak | I am trying to play a DVD movie with Ubuntu, can anyone help? | 04:29 |
eternalswd | newubuntu, should be quicker than next month since it's a security update. I'd say this week sometime | 04:29 |
carlsagan | it take a long time to update on my slow server | 04:29 |
carlsagan | slower than dog dirt actually | 04:29 |
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Crippy-Boy | How slow is dog dirt? | 04:30 |
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carlsagan | 200mhz or so | 04:30 |
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newUbuntu | ** Eternal - how would i know where those updates will be? My friend lent me the Ubuntu cd so i mean... i dunno if ubuntu has an autoupdate? | 04:30 |
Rookie- | carlsagan - you will find ubuntu very easy, and if you do a one time installation you wont touh the server more than at the update time | 04:30 |
BHSPitMonkey | wewik, /join #ubuntu-es si quiere usted usar espanol | 04:30 |
epiloc | how do i set up nautilus to run as root, so it never tells me i dont have permision to copy/paste/etc | 04:30 |
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carlsagan | that would be nice if it were faster | 04:30 |
carlsagan | epiloc, no | 04:30 |
wewik | thanks, gracias | 04:30 |
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ver1oren | i can't get out of 640x480. i have an ati x800xt all-in-wonder, can someone please help? | 04:31 |
epiloc | carlsagan, sometimes id rather not do it command prompt | 04:31 |
Lam_ | is there a way to convert a 'corrupted' iso file (that was originally a bin file with the extension changed) into an iso9660 format? | 04:31 |
epiloc | carlsagan, sometimes im lazy and i want to sit back with my mouse | 04:31 |
Dr_Willis | ver1oren, install the ati drivers yet? | 04:31 |
Lam_ | err, are Ubuntu forums open to non-registered members? | 04:31 |
Rookie- | depence on what you will run with it - my server is somewhat fast for what it does and i cant tell if my server is faster or slower with any other dist ... if you use GUI it will be slower, thats for sure | 04:31 |
carlsagan | epiloc, its not something that should be done!!!! | 04:31 |
Lam_ | i'll just go post there if that's the case :) | 04:31 |
carlsagan | RobNyc|Ubuntu, i don | 04:32 |
ver1oren | not from the website, but found lots of evidence that there is already a sudo driver installed... | 04:32 |
carlsagan | Rookie-, im not using the gui on the server | 04:32 |
Dr_Willis | Lam_, should be. but i hear they are having some uptime uissues | 04:32 |
Dr_Willis | ver1oren, follow the !ATI wiki page/guide | 04:32 |
epiloc | carlsagan, i have a root terminal open most of the time, might as well give nautilus root every once in a while | 04:32 |
Dr_Willis | !ati | 04:32 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:32 |
newUbuntu | has anyone installed MYSQL ? | 04:32 |
carlsagan | Rookie-, it is for serving videos and mp3s | 04:32 |
lastnode_ | can ubuntu write to ntfs disks (write data) | 04:32 |
Dr_Willis | ver1oren, i got NO idea what you mean by a 'sudo driver' :) | 04:32 |
carlsagan | epiloc, it is very danger | 04:32 |
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carlsagan | epiloc, dangerous! | 04:32 |
epiloc | carlsagan, i know :) | 04:32 |
Rookie- | carlsagan - you wont notice any diff if so - unless you running alot of services ... and thats an issue i dont know any about | 04:32 |
eternalswd | newubuntu, it should autoupdate. you need to learn how to use synptic, and apt-get. those are the primary programs that are used to install software. the software listings are called repositories and there is a file /etc/apt/sources.list that contain the info for getting the lists. you should http://www.ubuntuforums.org for enabling all of the ubuntu repositories. | 04:32 |
carlsagan | Rookie-, i have lot of services needed | 04:33 |
Crippy-Boy | epiloc: then why not just say sod it and login as root all the time, Hey why do things by halves? | 04:33 |
carlsagan | epiloc, so start your nautilus as root | 04:33 |
eternalswd | newubuntu *search http://www.ubuntuforums.org | 04:33 |
Lam_ | Dr_Willis: ok thanks | 04:33 |
carlsagan | Crippy-Boy, CAN YOU explain sod? | 04:33 |
Crippy-Boy | carlsagan: what? | 04:34 |
ver1oren | well i haven't installed the official driver, but the "System Settings" says an ATI driver is installed | 04:34 |
Rookie- | carlsagan - try it and judge it ... change if it isnt the dist for you | 04:34 |
carlsagan | Crippy-Boy, what you mean "sod it"? | 04:34 |
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Dr_Willis | sod :) dirt/grass - used to build houses in the midwest in the old west. | 04:34 |
Dr_Willis | also slang for somthing sexual. | 04:34 |
Dr_Willis | that i wont repeate here. | 04:34 |
carlsagan | i don't get it | 04:34 |
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carlsagan | what it have to do with him going root? | 04:34 |
carlsagan | you mean the root goes in sod? | 04:34 |
carlsagan | =( | 04:35 |
newUbuntu | *** ETERNAL thanks a lot. well the thing is i sorta turned into a Linux user recently. I really dont know too well how to install and uninstall things. I am just too familiar with Windows becuase when you download the file i would assume you just extract it and give you some kind of window prompt to follow the screen | 04:35 |
Crippy-Boy | carlsagan: Its an expression, like 'f it' (being careful not to get 50 people getting the bot to tell me about my language) :D | 04:35 |
Dr_Willis | Lol | 04:35 |
epiloc | oh well, nautilus is running in root now .... muwhahahaha! | 04:35 |
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carlsagan | !language | 04:36 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 04:36 |
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Crippy-Boy | lol, exactly | 04:36 |
carlsagan | !ubuntu | 04:36 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 04:36 |
=== Wicked [i=Wicked@cpe-72-129-124-78.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlsagan | !server | 04:36 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments. The default install includes a server kernel and no GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current stable version is 6.06 LTS. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ | 04:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | epiloc: you used gksudo I hope | 04:36 |
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carlsagan | !gksudo | 04:37 |
ubotu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use gksudo, as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Avoid ever using sudo {guiapp} | 04:37 |
SpudDogg | How do I mount a Windows-shared folder to my /mnt/somefolder? | 04:37 |
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bimberi | !msgthebot | 04:37 |
carlsagan | what is wrong with sudo guiapp? | 04:37 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops | 04:37 |
nownot | where is the hotplug/usb.usermap located in ubuntu | 04:37 |
SpudDogg | !mount | 04:37 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks | 04:37 |
SpudDogg | !bot mount | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bot mount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | carlsagan: It can hose you your permissions | 04:37 |
=== zul [n=bob@CPE0006258ec6c1-CM000a73655d0e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SpudDogg | !bot mnt | 04:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | up your | 04:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bot mnt - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:37 |
eternalswd | newubuntu System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager is the gui for installing software. apt-get is the terminal command for installing software that you will see in most howto's | 04:37 |
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carlsagan | Jack_Sparrow, srsly? i do it all the time =( | 04:37 |
SpudDogg | How do I mount a Windows-shared folder to my /mnt/somefolder? | 04:37 |
epiloc | Jack_Sparrow, yes, but sudo is faster | 04:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | carlsagan: NOt the safest choice | 04:38 |
bimberi | carlsagan: doesn't happen with all gui apps, but as a rule of thumb... | 04:38 |
eternalswd | when I use checkinstall, how do I determine what the dependencies are for that deb, in case I want to make it available to others? | 04:38 |
carlsagan | crap man | 04:38 |
carlsagan | crap! | 04:38 |
abusado | i got a problem with my dapper when i ssh to to localhost it says " ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: connection refused" how can i fix this? when i ping my gateway it says Destination host unreachable | 04:38 |
epiloc | join #apache and type 'ubuntu.' there | 04:38 |
epiloc | join #apache and type 'ubuntu.' there | 04:38 |
Crippy-Boy | ahh well, if something works, why not :-) | 04:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | kdesu for kde gui appz | 04:38 |
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epiloc | better yet type 'suse.' | 04:38 |
SpudDogg | abusado, ssh -l <username> <address> | 04:39 |
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epiloc | lol, type 'suse' in #apache | 04:39 |
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epiloc | its much better | 04:39 |
SpudDogg | How do I mount a Windows-shared folder to my /mnt/somefolder? | 04:39 |
epiloc | see? | 04:39 |
eternalswd | abusade, why would you ever want to ssh to localhost? | 04:39 |
abusado | SpudDogg: its the same... | 04:39 |
SpudDogg | abusado, man, i dont know then | 04:40 |
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bimberi | SpudDogg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 04:40 |
SpudDogg | abusado, thats what i use to ssh into my mythtv box | 04:40 |
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carlsagan | what can ou explain? | 04:40 |
abusado | eternalswd: i just tested it because when i ping my gate way it says connection unreachable | 04:40 |
chowdaryharsha | can any one tell me how to install flash player??? | 04:40 |
abusado | my head aches with this problem for 2 days | 04:40 |
Crippy-Boy | chowdaryharsha: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree | 04:41 |
abusado | im Dual booting winxp and dapper | 04:41 |
w30 | SpudDogg, it's something to do with smbmount, check man smbmount I guess? | 04:41 |
bimberi | chowdaryharsha: Applications -> Add/Remove... - search for Flash | 04:41 |
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w30 | !smbmount | 04:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smbmount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:41 |
chowdaryharsha | Crippy-Boy, actually....i donwloaded it and extracted it | 04:41 |
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Crippy-Boy | chowdaryharsha: downloaded it and extracted it from where? | 04:42 |
eternalswd | chowdaryharsha, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259708&highlight=flash | 04:42 |
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chowdaryharsha | Crippy-Boy, i used that command only...... | 04:42 |
abusado | i have been searching Google about this problem but still i cant find the answer.. i tried reinstalling dapper but still my network doesnt work | 04:43 |
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chowdaryharsha | Crippy-Boy, how to navigate that directory to terminal | 04:43 |
matju | suppose i am tired of orange, but want to keep the rest of the theme intact... how do i change the colours? i mean a way to edit a theme in a way more fine-grained than putting three theme-pieces together. | 04:44 |
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chowdaryharsha | eternalswd, can u tell me how to navigate the directory to terminal | 04:45 |
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eternalswd | chowdaryharsha, is the extracted directory on your desktop | 04:46 |
carlsagan | oh em gee! | 04:47 |
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iCod | anyone know how to stop skype from saying "problem with sound device"? | 04:47 |
carlsagan | anyone on ubuntu? | 04:47 |
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chowdaryharsha | eternalswd, there is an extracted directory in my desktop | 04:47 |
yatin | anyone know how to get a package for gutenprint 5 | 04:47 |
Crippy-Boy | chowdaryharsha: cd ~/Desktop/extracteddir | 04:47 |
=== GodFather [n=rcc@c-69-244-133-39.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eternalswd | chowdaryharsha, what Crippy-boy said | 04:48 |
bimberi | iCod: does a "killall esd" prior to running it help? also, there is a 1.3beta available which plays more nicely sound-wise. | 04:48 |
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iCod | I'll try... | 04:49 |
chowdaryharsha | eternalswd, Crippy-Boy , command not found....its coming like that | 04:49 |
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Crippy-Boy | chowdaryharsha: what exactly did you type? | 04:49 |
chowdaryharsha | Crippy-Boy, first cd Desktop | 04:50 |
chowdaryharsha | Crippy-Boy, then install_flash_player_7_linux | 04:50 |
Crippy-Boy | uh huh... then? | 04:50 |
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Crippy-Boy | chowdaryharsha, Just use the command sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree | 04:50 |
iCod | bimberi, it did not work, and I'm running 1.3 beta | 04:50 |
kholerabbi | how do I convert wmv to ogg? | 04:51 |
Lam_ | !ping | 04:51 |
ubotu | ping: connection timeout | 04:51 |
chowdaryharsha | will it install | 04:51 |
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Dr_Willis | kholerabbi, a lot depends on the codec the wmv is using.. ffmpeg, and mencoder may be able to do it. | 04:51 |
Crippy-Boy | chowdaryharsha: it should do yes. | 04:51 |
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bimberi | iCod: hmmk, sorry, that's all i can suggest :| | 04:52 |
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eternalswd | kholerabbi, do you mean wmv to ogm or wma to ogg? | 04:52 |
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eternalswd | kholerabbi, wmv to ogg is video to audio :) | 04:52 |
Madpilot | eternalswd, ogg does video too | 04:53 |
iCod | oh well | 04:53 |
newUbuntu | *** Question: when most of you download apps...where do people store it? /user/local/ ??? | 04:53 |
matju | how do i edit a theme in a way more fine-grained than putting three theme-pieces together? i mean, for example, changing the orange to something else, but keeping all same icons. | 04:53 |
eternalswd | Madpilot, that's interesting, never knew | 04:53 |
kholerabbi | eternalswd: ogg is video and/or audio. I have a .wmv video which I expect has wm encoded sound. I want to convert this file so it plays as ogg (vorbis/theora) | 04:53 |
matju | newUbuntu, either /usr/local or /home/matju | 04:53 |
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matju | newUbuntu, besides, it's /usr/local and not /user/local | 04:54 |
eternalswd | kholerabbi, the easiest is probably vlc | 04:54 |
motin | I'd greatly appriciate it if you took the time to check out the problem of getting tv-out to work on a hp pavilion dv4000 with the intel i915gm graphics card: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1512441 | 04:54 |
carlsagan | matju, impossible | 04:54 |
CuriousMonkey | Is the Giga-byte GA-965P-DS3 motherboard good minus the inux issues? trying to decide on which motherboard to get and am eventually going to put ubuntu on it | 04:54 |
newUbuntu | ** oh sory Matju . yes /usr/local :) | 04:54 |
matju | carlsagan, how does one make a theme then? in a text editor? | 04:54 |
newUbuntu | **thank you | 04:54 |
azureal | System.out.println("ubuntu!"); | 04:54 |
carlsagan | matju: yes you can edit them in the geditor | 04:54 |
kholerabbi | eternalswd: the vlc player will convert the file for me? | 04:55 |
irawan | carlsagan: here we use ubuntu | 04:55 |
=== Crippy-Boy cringes at the sight of java | ||
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matju | carlsagan, any idea why there isn't an editor for themes, like in kde ? | 04:55 |
=== azureal misses java | ||
=== azureal hugs java | ||
eternalswd | kholerabbi, let me just clarify, you want the audio from a wmv to be converted to an ogg audio file without the video? | 04:56 |
carlsagan | irawan, sorry can you add a detail? | 04:56 |
=== azureal drinks java.... | ||
matju | Crippy-Boy, where's the java? | 04:56 |
carlsagan | matju: i don't know i didn't write one yet | 04:56 |
matju | carlsagan, which file(s) would i have to edit? | 04:56 |
kholerabbi | eternalswd: NO :). I want the whole video file, including the audio to be converted to a single ogg file. | 04:56 |
Crippy-Boy | I only ever used java a few times, i hated it. Then again im only just coming round to the idea of OO, Too long programming in c i guess | 04:56 |
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kholerabbi | Crippy-Boy: php-gtk is nice | 04:57 |
matju | Crippy-Boy, the real reasons for hating java don't have anything to do with OO | 04:57 |
gu014 | one of my dvd drives continues to lose its dma settings.. even after a 'sudo hdparm -d1 -k1 /dev/hdb' is there any other commans i should be aware of? | 04:57 |
eternalswd | kholerabbi, okay, then no vlc will not work, it will only do the ogg audio | 04:57 |
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gu014 | commands* | 04:57 |
carlsagan | oo is not that useful | 04:57 |
kholerabbi | eternalswd: damn | 04:57 |
SpudDogg | When I mount a network folder via Places -> Connect to server... Doesn't that assign it a local folder? For example /media/sharename? or /mnt/sharename? | 04:57 |
Crippy-Boy | kholerabbi, What exactly does php-gtk have to do with anything? :P | 04:57 |
all-natural | for some reason my usb disk drive doesn't mount on boot, and it says that i don't have the privilages to view it when i mount it manualy. does anyone no a way around this? | 04:57 |
Crippy-Boy | oo seems very useful. | 04:57 |
kholerabbi | Crippy-Boy: nice programming language :) | 04:57 |
Crippy-Boy | matju: like....? | 04:57 |
azureal | it is useful.. | 04:58 |
Crippy-Boy | kholerabbi: php is aweful, IMO | 04:58 |
kholerabbi | heheh | 04:58 |
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matju | carlsagan, those who claim that they don't do OO, reinvent it themselves in some way... and inconsistently. | 04:58 |
azureal | but then again, i'm not an addict to programming... only did a few things in java | 04:58 |
rubyphyte | how do I mount a (ntfs) hdd and have it be accessible as the default user (I tried using the administration/disks) but it doesn't mount as readable | 04:58 |
azureal | being a gamer does that to you.. | 04:58 |
=== azureal sighs | ||
Dr_Willis | The DeFacto NTFS Guide (and good info for vfat as well) ---> http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#can_i_mount_an_ntfs_volume | 04:59 |
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carlsagan | matju: lisp nazis say the same thing about lisp | 04:59 |
carlsagan | i am not phased | 04:59 |
matju | carlsagan, just because lisp nazis are nazis doesn't mean they're wrong... | 04:59 |
azureal | rubyphyte, /dev/<where it is> /mnt/<mount point> ntfs users,umask=0222,ro 0 0 | 04:59 |
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matju | Crippy-Boy, like the lousy type system it has had prior to 1.5, which requires a damn lot of casts to do anything | 05:00 |
azureal | that goes in fstab, as you probably already know | 05:00 |
matju | Crippy-Boy, (though not as many casts as one would have to do in C) | 05:00 |
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Coag | shower --> | 05:01 |
Crippy-Boy | matju: fair enough, as i said i havent really used java much | 05:01 |
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Crippy-Boy | Im slowly going towards Python, I love it so far, for what i need to do anyway... | 05:02 |
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matju | Crippy-Boy, actually i could write about it for very long, but i have other things to do. | 05:02 |
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eternalswd | kholerabbi, do you mind the file being ogm rather than ogg, cause I thought ogm was ogg video plus ogg audio or am I totally confused? | 05:02 |
rubyphyte | I go it by using the -o uid option, but why isn't that doable through the disks manager...it seems like it kind of defeats the purpose of having one if you have to go to the command prompt anyway | 05:02 |
Crippy-Boy | matju: fair enough, I s'pose no language is perfect, Each have their use :-) | 05:03 |
=== Ademan [n=dan@h-67-101-148-217.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | rubyphyte: well ntfs support in linux is iffy at the moment but there has been progress | 05:03 |
Toma- | im trying to checkinstall a build of exo, but its conflicting with libexo. any tips? | 05:03 |
carlsagan | no | 05:04 |
rubyphyte | kitche: is it that its NTFS I thought it was more just the default security option, as only giving root access | 05:04 |
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rubyphyte | kitche: certainly it had no problem mounting the drive (though of course read-only) | 05:05 |
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abusado | Im pissed off with dapper im going back to Breazy | 05:05 |
abusado | \ | 05:05 |
kitche | rubyphyte: yeah it reads fine but writing is hard to do it can corrupt the data real easy | 05:05 |
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eternalswd | anyone know how to determine the dependencies required by a checkinstall deb | 05:07 |
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carlsagan | is there anyone who is confused about how the internet work? | 05:07 |
carlsagan | and can give some tips? | 05:07 |
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eternalswd | anyone know how to determine the dependencies required by a checkinstall generated deb rather | 05:07 |
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kitche | carlsagan: what do you mean it's not hard to figure out though there is a lot of theory that might nto understand though | 05:07 |
carlsagan | yes the theory would be a good place | 05:08 |
carlsagan | can you help? | 05:08 |
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coder___ | Anyone 64bit Ubuntu users here? | 05:09 |
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coder___ | The gimp binary file that came with my Ubuntu AMD 64bit install won't run | 05:09 |
coder___ | gimp just segfaults | 05:09 |
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nownot | anyone know a program to play 3g2 files? | 05:10 |
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omar | how to configure my ecolution, I follow the steps but it still doesn't work, also, when I open evolution it doesn't ask me for a password , weird isn't it? | 05:10 |
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kitche | coder__: that might be to do with memory or how it was compiled hard to tell really since sometiems it works for me and other times it doesn't | 05:11 |
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Toma- | eternalswd: youll need to use a control file and use dpkg... not checkinstall | 05:11 |
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eternalswd | Toma, is there a good guide for that somewhere? | 05:11 |
coder___ | Nobody else is getting this? | 05:11 |
coder___ | GIMP doesn't run on 64 bit AMD? | 05:12 |
Toma- | probably... google: deb control file | 05:12 |
jZed | on 6.06, I followed wiki to download xine, codecs, etc. still no sound :-( | 05:12 |
Languid | anyone know why amarok no longer automatically uses my folder.jpg album art files when i play an album? | 05:12 |
omar | how to configure my ecolution, I follow the steps but it still doesn't work, also, when I open evolution it doesn't ask me for a password , weird isn't it? | 05:12 |
kitche | coder____: I don't think it does but I don't have a x86_64 system | 05:12 |
THX-1138 | Hi! How does apt regenerate the locally cached file list? I want to save some ubuntu bandwidth by saving /var/cache/apt/archives and re-copying those files to a fresh install. | 05:13 |
coder___ | I mean, it came installed with the system, but it segfaults when I try to run it | 05:13 |
carlsagan | can you chroot me into the ubuntu directory? | 05:13 |
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kitche | coder__: well I know some software is iffy right now with x86_64 | 05:14 |
rcsolutions | What applications can I run with WINE? | 05:14 |
coder___ | Ehhh, GIMP is really important/needed for me :P | 05:14 |
Toma- | rcsolutions: anything from appdb | 05:14 |
bieb | !wine | 05:14 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 05:14 |
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coder___ | rcsolutions: http://appdb.winehq.org/appbrowse.php | 05:14 |
rcsolutions | thanks | 05:15 |
=== Neo8750 [n=neo8750@adsl-70-224-43-112.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
THX-1138 | Most everything that doesn't rely heavily on directx or cd content protection schemes - cedega does a bit better with DX and copy protection | 05:15 |
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THX-1138 | frankscorner is also a good site for information on wine | 05:16 |
jZed | any ideas on what to try to get sound on 6.06? I followed the wiki, got codecs etc. still no sound | 05:16 |
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kitche | jZed: sound on what? | 05:16 |
indigoblu | jZed, no sound works at all or just a specific codec? | 05:16 |
maikol | i added new modes to xorg.conf, restarted x, and they are still not in the resolution thing of gnome | 05:17 |
jZed | I can get system sounds but can't play .ogg or audio cd with rythymbox or juk | 05:17 |
indigoblu | maikol, did XOrg's log say anything? | 05:17 |
kitche | jZed: could be that the audio is still being used | 05:17 |
maikol | indigoblu: whers that at | 05:17 |
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indigoblu | maikol, cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | more | 05:18 |
jZed | kitche : I dunno, how would I tell if audio being used? | 05:18 |
indigoblu | maikol, that will allow you to step through the log file | 05:18 |
holycow | lol | 05:18 |
omar | how to configure my evolution, I follow the steps but it still doesn't work, also, when I open evolution it doesn't ask me for a password , weird isn't it? | 05:18 |
maikol | indigoblu: ok cool | 05:18 |
holycow | johny mnemonic is funny | 05:18 |
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holycow | keaneau reeves just doubled the memory capacity of his brain | 05:19 |
holycow | from 80 gigabytes | 05:19 |
indigoblu | maikol, otherwise post your config on pastebin or something and i can look at it | 05:19 |
holycow | to 160 gigabytes | 05:19 |
SpudDogg | Has anyone here ever played with "3ddesktop" seen in Ubuntu's Synaptec? | 05:19 |
holycow | of course he was give a warning 'do not overuse' | 05:19 |
holycow | lol | 05:19 |
kitche | holycow: you do know that he didn't right lol | 05:19 |
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z0rz | I'm looking for a slimmed down version of Ubuntu .. I want to run it on a slower machine .. is Xubuntu that much faster? | 05:20 |
holycow | kitche, i'm just at that point | 05:20 |
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Madpilot | z0rz, it should be - depends on how old & slow your slower machine is, though | 05:20 |
holycow | oh my god | 05:21 |
holycow | the matrix totally ripped whole portions of this | 05:21 |
z0rz | well I kinda want it to just be a server .. but I also want a windows manager for when I want to use it as a Desktop | 05:21 |
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holycow | three people in trench coats are coming up in an elevator | 05:21 |
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Toma- | z0rz: i run xubuntu on a 266mhz with 128mb ram | 05:21 |
holycow | heh | 05:21 |
Crippy-Boy | z0rz: try Fluxbox :-) | 05:21 |
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maikol | indigoblu: the only WW i get (no EE, NI, or ??) is that font directory is missing and an nvidia warning that no modes where requested, using nvidia-auto-select | 05:21 |
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Madpilot | holycow, #ubuntu-offtopic is thataway to chat about Johnny Mnemonic, please | 05:22 |
z0rz | After reading what toma said I think I'll just install xubuntu | 05:22 |
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Toma- | z0rz: mind you, i install fluxbox aswell. just for simplicity | 05:22 |
nownott | ok i have some 3g2 files from my phone that i want to play but there is no sound, anyone know how to fix this? | 05:22 |
carlsagan | does anyone here have ubuntnu? | 05:22 |
Toma- | nownott: 3g2? | 05:23 |
indigoblu | maikol, msg me your section on video modes | 05:23 |
Crippy-Boy | 3gp? | 05:23 |
carlsagan | anyone can help meh with a ubuntu problems | 05:23 |
carlsagan | ? | 05:23 |
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nownott | yes similiar to 3gp which i can play with sound | 05:23 |
holycow | mr. sagan, just ask | 05:23 |
nownott | i can rename but still no sound | 05:23 |
z0rz | Toma- so what is your primary windows manager right now? | 05:23 |
holycow | his name is mr. smith | 05:23 |
Toma- | nownott: sounds like more proprietry formats that need destroying | 05:24 |
holycow | Madpilot, lol indeed :) | 05:24 |
nownott | well like i said its off a cell phone | 05:24 |
Toma- | z0rz: im on xfce 4.4rc1 on my 2Ghz pc | 05:24 |
Toma- | still running xfce on the other | 05:24 |
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Crippy-Boy | xfce is pretty nice after some poking and proding | 05:25 |
Xfacter | hello all | 05:25 |
Crippy-Boy | Enlightenment is also looking pretty damn sweet :D | 05:25 |
=== MrObvious [n=paul@adsl-67-66-110-116.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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carlsagan | does anyone here have ubuntnu? | 05:25 |
Xfacter | does anyone know if handling of the jmicron controller has been fixed in knot 3? | 05:25 |
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Toma- | on a side note, xfce 4.4 complied with hal+dbus support absolutely ROCKS. | 05:28 |
maikol | indigoblu: did you get it all | 05:28 |
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THX-1138 | If files are copied to /var/cache/apt/archives will they be used before more files are downloaded? | 05:29 |
bruenig | THX-1138, what do you mean used? | 05:29 |
Toma- | THX-1138: yep | 05:29 |
Hmmmm | hey guys, im using edgy, and my firefox keeps crashing. anyone faced a similar problem? | 05:30 |
lotusleaf | THX-1138: they're installed but retained if you so desire via preferences | 05:30 |
Toma- | Hmmmm: #ubuntu+1 | 05:30 |
bruenig | Hmmmm, it is a beta but yeah the development channel | 05:30 |
jZed | still no sound from .ogg or audio CD... have apps and codecs per wiki, can hear system sounds ... any ideas, anyone? | 05:30 |
JoseStefan | Xfacter, #ubuntu+1 | 05:30 |
THX-1138 | I saved my cache hoping to save some ubuntu bandwidth. - going to try creating an install script for those files next - one click done. ;) | 05:30 |
carlsagan | One Click Done. | 05:31 |
carlsagan | Xfacter. Ubnutu One Click. | 05:31 |
=== nwbreneman [n=nwbrenem@d213h59.public.simons-rock.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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rcsolutions | How do I change my resolution to 32-bit color? | 05:31 |
bruenig | THX-1138, shouldn't be too hard. dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb | 05:31 |
carlsagan | there is no 32 bit color | 05:31 |
carlsagan | 24 is fine for you | 05:31 |
nwbreneman | Could somebody please tell me how to download flash videos I can watch in my browser? I'd like to be able to view them locally. | 05:31 |
bruenig | for you lol | 05:31 |
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dennisharrison_A | 32 bit is 24 bit | 05:31 |
dennisharrison_A | yay windows ... | 05:31 |
dennisharrison_A | 24 bit color 8 bit alpha | 05:32 |
THX-1138 | bruenig - really that easy? - whoa! nice | 05:32 |
rcsolutions | I am trying to execute an application on WINE and it asks for 32-bit color resolution. | 05:32 |
bruenig | nwbreneman, you will only be able to watch them within the browser anyways since there isn't a recent stand alone flash player. | 05:32 |
andy_ | anyone mind answering a stupid question? | 05:32 |
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FluxD | nwbreneman get a firefox extension called video downloader | 05:32 |
bruenig | THX-1138, I assume that would work. That is only in concept though | 05:32 |
nwbreneman | Okay, I'll try FluxD's suggestion. | 05:32 |
rcsolutions | I am trying to execute an application on WINE and it asks for 32-bit color resolution. (OR 16-bit) | 05:33 |
FluxD | but I am not sure how you would be able to play in ubunu though as bruenig said | 05:33 |
THX-1138 | bruenig - np - worth a try. - only takes a couple of minutes to boot the cd again. | 05:33 |
nwbreneman | Well, I'll try it at least. | 05:33 |
indigoblu | maikol, strange, you said you restarted X too? | 05:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | synaptic says I have 1 broken package and to use the filter, using the filter shows tons of programs not just the 1 broken program | 05:33 |
FluxD | Is there a gui for tor in ubuntu? | 05:33 |
rcsolutions | can I change my resolution to 16-bit color? | 05:33 |
dennisharrison_A | rcsolutions, look in your wine config files somewhere? | 05:33 |
indigoblu | maikol, what kind of monitor? did you install nvidia non-open drivers? | 05:34 |
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THX-1138 | bruenig - GA-a-k lol! - unresolved dependencies. - it dpkgs alphbetically i guess. | 05:34 |
FluxD | rcsolutions why go with 16 when you can get 24? | 05:34 |
FluxD | Is there a gui for tor in ubuntu? | 05:34 |
maikol | indigoblu: monitor that comes with the laptop, nvidia is installed correctly | 05:35 |
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indigoblu | maikol, what is resolution on monitor 1680x1050? | 05:36 |
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maikol | indigoblu: yeah | 05:36 |
rcsolutions | FluxD, I am trying to execute an application on WINE and it asks for 32-bit color resolution. (OR 16-bit). but dennisharrison_A on this channel, told me there is not a 32-bit resolution | 05:36 |
=== Aberrant22 [n=tcoffin@h-69-3-215-124.lsanca54.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
indigoblu | maikol, how did you restart X? did you reboot or just log out? | 05:36 |
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maikol | indigoblu: loged out, killed gdm started gdm again loged back in | 05:37 |
Aberrant22 | Evening folks...got an Filesystem question | 05:37 |
CaptainKidd | how do I find out what port ubuntu is listening for incoming ssh on ? | 05:37 |
indigoblu | maikol, that will do it..... mmmm | 05:37 |
THX-1138 | rc - try 24bit | 05:37 |
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dennisharrison_A | rcsolutions, dude 24bit with 8bit alpha is what windows considers 32bit | 05:37 |
Aberrant22 | I want to format a hdd that is currently NTFS into EXT3, but when I look at the drive properties the format option is disabled | 05:37 |
indigoblu | CaptainKidd, not installed by default | 05:37 |
CaptainKidd | I know that | 05:37 |
CaptainKidd | .. | 05:38 |
CaptainKidd | whats the command | 05:38 |
Aberrant22 | How can I format the NTFS drive? | 05:38 |
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dennisharrison_A | rcsolutions, read some google.com/linux about wine 32bit | 05:38 |
indigoblu | CaptainKidd, netstat -na | grep tcp | 05:38 |
CaptainKidd | k | 05:38 |
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indigoblu | CaptainKidd, cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Listen | 05:38 |
dennisharrison_A | or look up specifically what program you are trying to run with wine after it | 05:38 |
FluxD | anyone Is there a gui for tor in ubuntu? | 05:38 |
dennisharrison_A | and look for what others have done | 05:38 |
THX-1138 | dennisharrison - Windows redifining the words - who woulda guessed. - lol | 05:38 |
carlsagan | you know what you doing... for great justice. | 05:38 |
=== rindolf [n=shlomi@bzq-88-153-246-109.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rindolf | Hi all! | 05:39 |
jnt30 | anyone very experienced with rtl8180 driver set and WPA? | 05:39 |
dennisharrison_A | THX-1138, lol did you see the /. story about some guy getting mad about microsoft trying to re-define the word genuine? ;p | 05:39 |
indigoblu | Aberrant22, fdisk it, then mk2fs -j /dev/<partitions> | 05:39 |
carlsagan | fsck | 05:39 |
THX-1138 | I sure did. - and it isn't the first time either. | 05:39 |
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rindolf | This link - http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_configure_network_connections - tells me I need to run System -> Administration -> Networking but this option is not available in my Kubuntu system. Where can I find it? | 05:39 |
carlsagan | rindolf, use ubuntu | 05:40 |
=== philip [n=philip@netblock-72-25-88-6.dslextreme.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rcsolutions | thanks dennisharrison_A | 05:40 |
jnt30 | or the kubuntu channel :) | 05:40 |
rindolf | carlsagan: I am using Ubuntu. | 05:40 |
dennisharrison_A | rcsolutions, no problem | 05:40 |
Crippy-Boy | dennisharrison_A: link plz? :P | 05:40 |
Aberrant22 | I'll try that out, thank indigoblu | 05:40 |
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andy_ | Can anyone tell me where i can find the "my network places" in ubuntu? | 05:40 |
carlsagan | rindolf, you say "kubntu" | 05:40 |
dennisharrison_A | THX-1138, no doubt | 05:40 |
JaZy84 | can someone assist me with editing my fstab i have a drive on /dev/hdb1 which i've added however i want the user 'test' to access the drive althought he can't write to it (ntfs drive) | 05:40 |
rindolf | carlsagan: I meant Kubuntu. | 05:40 |
JaZy84 | right now i get premission denied when even trying to list it | 05:40 |
dennisharrison_A | Crippy-Boy, for the article from /. ? | 05:40 |
carlsagan | andy_, you are theniking for windows | 05:40 |
Crippy-Boy | yup | 05:40 |
carlsagan | rindolf, #kubuntu | 05:41 |
rindolf | carlsagan: OK. | 05:41 |
andy_ | i meant the equivilent, sorry | 05:41 |
jnt30 | jazy, what is the problem you are having with fstab? | 05:41 |
carlsagan | andy: network neighborhood | 05:41 |
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JaZy84 | i want to mount it so that the user 'test' can access the drive | 05:41 |
JaZy84 | like i know writing is out, but just reading. | 05:41 |
dennisharrison_A | http://slashdot.org/articles/06/09/16/2252259.shtml | 05:42 |
JaZy84 | /dev/hdb1/mnt/stuffntfsauto00 | 05:42 |
JaZy84 | what it has right now | 05:42 |
jnt30 | you need to add a user=username option | 05:42 |
jnt30 | etc. | 05:42 |
JaZy84 | cool | 05:42 |
Crippy-Boy | thanks | 05:42 |
jnt30 | or you can set up a "credentials" file | 05:42 |
jnt30 | which I would suggest | 05:43 |
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JaZy84 | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb1 when i add user=test | 05:43 |
jnt30 | one sec, I'll take a look at mine agian | 05:44 |
firefly2442 | anyone know of a php script to create a SSH client over a web browser to use a remote machine? | 05:44 |
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bruenig | I was in the middle of downloading something from a repository and closed the terminal now I can't do anything for when I do I get this E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable), E: Unable to lock the download directory. I think there is some command that has the word configure in it and a -a somewhere but I forget what it is | 05:44 |
JaZy84 | bruenig, do you have | 05:44 |
JaZy84 | the synaptic open | 05:45 |
JaZy84 | ? | 05:45 |
JaZy84 | the pkg manager | 05:45 |
bruenig | no | 05:45 |
JaZy84 | hrm. | 05:45 |
carlsagan | i think someone got me hacked on ubuntu | 05:45 |
carlsagan | is there a fix | 05:45 |
bruenig | it is something. configure -a or what not | 05:45 |
JaZy84 | well there goes my guess | 05:45 |
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TJ | whats the best way to get edgy beta? | 05:46 |
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dennisharrison_A | goat sacrifice ;p | 05:46 |
JaZy84 | well i got it via reinstall | 05:46 |
bruenig | TJm download the disk image | 05:46 |
JaZy84 | i've heard there are problems with dist-upgarades | 05:46 |
bruenig | TJ, or there is also a repo | 05:46 |
bruenig | there are always problems with dist-upgrades | 05:46 |
dennisharrison_A | I haven't upgraded yet | 05:46 |
SuperMiguel | any one tried the new gnome? | 05:46 |
JaZy84 | i heard repo not best option | 05:46 |
TJ | yes... there are problems w/ dist upgrades | 05:46 |
SuperMiguel | .16? | 05:46 |
JaZy84 | that's on knot 3 | 05:46 |
JaZy84 | i'm on it now | 05:47 |
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nwbreneman | FluxD & Bruenig: The flash video I downloaded plays in movie player | 05:47 |
JaZy84 | no complaints thus far | 05:47 |
jnt30 | jazy, it's username=NaMe | 05:47 |
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nwbreneman | it's a .flv format | 05:47 |
jnt30 | not user | 05:47 |
SuperMiguel | JaZy84: is better than the .14? | 05:47 |
nwbreneman | albet it is a bit choppy | 05:47 |
bruenig | right, well I though you were talking aobut .swf | 05:47 |
bruenig | thought* | 05:47 |
nwbreneman | oh, sorry | 05:47 |
FluxD | yep | 05:47 |
nwbreneman | I found a swf-player for that, though | 05:47 |
nwbreneman | or does it not work? | 05:47 |
JaZy84 | same really SuperMiguel havn'et seen much difference | 05:47 |
JaZy84 | right ons jnt30 | 05:48 |
JaZy84 | lemme try | 05:48 |
dennisharrison_A | does anyone here know about a flash videoplayer for playing of .mpgs or .. well really anything besides flvs or swfs .. similar to the one googlevideo uses? | 05:48 |
SuperMiguel | isnt faster? | 05:48 |
bruenig | yeah I bet it looks pretty bad. But perhaps if it syncs that would be nice as my browser has problems synching | 05:48 |
JaZy84 | same error jnt30 | 05:48 |
JaZy84 | with this line | 05:48 |
FluxD | hello anyone know of a gui for TOR in ubuntu? | 05:48 |
JaZy84 | /dev/hdb1/mnt/stuffntfsusername=cjazinski00 | 05:48 |
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JaZy84 | TOR | 05:49 |
jnt30 | are you using commas to sepearte your options? | 05:49 |
bruenig | tor is for pedophiles right | 05:49 |
FluxD | jazy84? | 05:49 |
JaZy84 | that line is exact out of my fstab | 05:49 |
FluxD | lol how so bruenig? | 05:49 |
bruenig | to hide all the kiddie porn they are looking at | 05:49 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@69.detroit-16-18rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | well I guess that too but not all ppl fall in that group | 05:50 |
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jnt30 | jazy84, you want a tab or whatever between all those things, can't tell if you have those | 05:50 |
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bruenig | dang, another vast generalization fails, when will I find a generalization that doesn't :( | 05:51 |
Aberrant22 | Okay...fdisk saying "You will not be able to write the partition table" for my NTFS drive... | 05:51 |
Aberrant22 | does it make a difference that it's in an USB external bay? | 05:51 |
bruenig | Aberrant22, you can't write to ntfs | 05:51 |
Caplain | how do i get widescreen support? | 05:51 |
Aberrant22 | GParted also shows it as locked, so I can't even use that | 05:51 |
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bruenig | or you can but it takes some extra stuff and it experimental | 05:51 |
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Aberrant22 | I know, I'm trying to format the drive to EXT3 | 05:51 |
JaZy84 | jnt30, that's with a tab | 05:51 |
bruenig | Abberrant22, just delete the partition and reformat | 05:51 |
jnt30 | ok | 05:52 |
W00T | i just bought a linksys wireless-g 802.11b pci NIC and i need help getting the card to connect to a WEP enabled wireless network SSID "MayberryLand" and WEP PassCode "MayberryLand" | 05:52 |
Aberrant22 | Won't let me in gparted...it has a lock next to it | 05:52 |
bruenig | Abberrant22, you have tried right clicking and clicking deactivate or unmount or whatever it might be in gparted? | 05:52 |
field | Hi,does anybody have a running win4lin on dapper | 05:52 |
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Aberrant22 | Awesome, that worked | 05:53 |
Aberrant22 | sweeet, thanks. Think I gots it from here. | 05:53 |
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bruenig | gui always makes it harder Aberrant22 | 05:53 |
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jnt30 | Anyone around that is willing to help with a wpa_supplicant issue? | 05:53 |
bruenig | umount /dev/hdb1 would have been much easier | 05:53 |
carlsagan | no | 05:53 |
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jnt30 | currently using ndiswrapper with the rtl8180 driver set | 05:54 |
jnt30 | and can get it to work with WEP but not WPA | 05:54 |
Aberrant22 | bruenig - Yeah, but I'm a newbie...gui's make me feel more comfortable. I've been working on getting more terminal based, but 'tis a slow process | 05:54 |
jnt30 | and have worked through the tutorial quite a few times to no evail | 05:54 |
dennisharrison_A | Aberrant22, just use the terminal for everything you do for a week ;p | 05:54 |
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dennisharrison_A | screen and lynx is almost like tabs in firefox :) | 05:55 |
bruenig | but with gparted you have to figure out what the lock means how to get it "unlocked" but then again after gparted. I have no desire to rewrite the partition table from command line. Although mounting and unmounting is still easier | 05:55 |
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bruenig | I mean system based graphical stuff | 05:55 |
Farhan | Hi, has anyone tried the latest knot3 edgy release? | 05:55 |
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x_or | I am trying to use debootstrap to install debian into a swap partition. I get the error message at the very end of the output: "E: no /usr/lib/debootstrap/devices.tar.gz. cannot create devices" Can anyone tell me what this means? | 05:55 |
=== bruenig checks channel name, notes it isn't debian | ||
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Farhan | i was going to say that. | 05:56 |
andy_ | i cant seem to find network neighborhood, only linneighborhood. It finds none of the networks it should be seeing. | 05:56 |
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SpAwN | hello all . i have a usb pendrive....it has worked fine for me so far..till tonight....i plug it in..and dmesg shows this : http://pastebin.ulteo.us/107 but look at this http://pastebin.ulteo.us/108 ....my computer isnt making hte sdb1....all i have is sda* ...ive tried diff usb ports too...same thing.....it doesnt make the /dev/sdb1 | 05:57 |
Aberrant22 | Awesome, got a blank error box with gparted | 05:57 |
Aberrant22 | quite useful...hehe | 05:57 |
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Farhan | when i installed the latest ubuntu edgy cd the knot3, i noticed that the gnome desktops will soemone explain why? | 05:57 |
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Farhan | are blank | 05:57 |
bruenig | Farhan, #ubuntu+1 | 05:57 |
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Farhan | hmm? | 05:57 |
Farhan | what? | 05:57 |
bruenig | that is the channel for edgy | 05:57 |
Farhan | oh | 05:57 |
Farhan | sorry | 05:58 |
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patientfox | hey i goofed and tried to install a deb (jEdit) that aparently has broken my apt-get system (its trying to reinstall the package but cant find it , cant upgrade or install new packages) and trying to run dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq isnt doing anything... any thoughts? | 05:58 |
andy_ | i cant seem to find network neighborhood, only linneighborhood. It finds none of the networks it should be seeing. Anyone know what the problem could be? | 05:58 |
patientfox | any help would be appreciated. thank you. | 05:59 |
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trakie | anyone here know of anything weird happening after installing xgl and compwiz that would make amarok stop working? | 05:59 |
shawnr_ | is there a program out there that will let me bulk resize images ? | 05:59 |
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bruenig | perhaps #ubuntu-xgl might know more about such a weird happening | 05:59 |
JoseStefan | patientfox: what's the output of sudo dpkg -P <pkgname> | 05:59 |
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trakie | thanks | 05:59 |
manmadha | how to play .swf format????? | 05:59 |
bruenig | manmadha, you might try opening it with firefox | 06:00 |
bruenig | assuming you have a flash plugin | 06:00 |
manmadha | bruenig, ya i tried butt...no use | 06:00 |
patientfox | says package is in a very bad inconsistent state - should reinstall before attempting a removal | 06:00 |
shawnr_ | i need to resize 300+ images, would like something that can bulk resize... will take to long to do it one at a time | 06:00 |
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shawnr_ | anyone?. | 06:00 |
patientfox | can i manually stick the .deb in a directory so it can be found? | 06:00 |
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patientfox | like /var/vache/whatever | 06:00 |
manmadha | bruenig, can u give me the link? | 06:00 |
patientfox | cache, even | 06:00 |
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Aberrant22 | Awesome, got my external drive working. Thanks for the help folks. | 06:01 |
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Aberrant22 | Next on my to-do - Get my Ipod working :) | 06:01 |
JoseStefan | patientfox: i think dpkg only removes by pkg name, and not .deb | 06:01 |
bsdfox | Aberrant22, setup amarok | 06:01 |
bruenig | !info flashplugin-nonfree | 06:02 |
a514 | Hi there i'm using ubuntu 6.06 live cd. d/led the nvidia driver how do i stop the x server? | 06:02 |
ubotu | flashplugin-nonfree: Macromedia Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (dapper), package size 16 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386) | 06:02 |
bruenig | manmadha, assuming you have the multiverse repository enabled, just do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 06:02 |
bsdfox | a514, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 06:02 |
bsdfox | a514: then ctrl+alt+backspace | 06:02 |
manmadha | bruenig, ya i had installed it | 06:02 |
Aberrant22 | Got a question tho...running my laptop I plan on keeping the majority of music on my external drive. Will that be an issue with Amorak? Itunes goes crazy when music "disappears" | 06:03 |
patientfox | E: The package jedit needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it. | 06:03 |
SuperMiguel | whats going up | 06:03 |
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patientfox | is there somewhere i can put the .deb file so that apt-get can find it? | 06:03 |
bruenig | patientfox, you have the jedit deb? | 06:03 |
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patientfox | yes i do | 06:03 |
bsdfox | Aberrant22, you can choose what to add in amarok, don't have to sync the entire collection | 06:03 |
bruenig | patientfox, /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 06:03 |
bruenig | you might try | 06:03 |
Aberrant22 | bsdfox Awesome,, thanks...I'll check it out. | 06:04 |
manmadha | bruenig, sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 06:04 |
manmadha | Password: | 06:04 |
manmadha | Reading package lists... Done | 06:04 |
manmadha | Building dependency tree... Done | 06:04 |
manmadha | flashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version. | 06:04 |
manmadha | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 88 not upgraded. | 06:04 |
bruenig | manmadha, yeah I had already understood you had the plugin. I was just posing a possible solution. | 06:04 |
bsdfox | Aberrant22, you need to mount the ipod as /mnt/ipod | 06:04 |
manmadha | bruenig, okk | 06:04 |
bruenig | that solution failed. firefox won't for some reason play your .swf | 06:04 |
bsdfox | Aberrant22, you need to mount it before you open amarok is the only quirk I've found | 06:04 |
manmadha | okk | 06:05 |
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auk_ | on the topic of themeing... how can i hide/remove the top-level icon, and only the *top*-level icon, from the gnome menu bar? | 06:05 |
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JoseStefan | patientfox: sudo dpkg -P --force-all jedit | 06:05 |
johnny_ | can someone help me with wine | 06:05 |
Aberrant22 | bsdfox: I'm reading up on the forums...thanks for the heads up tho | 06:06 |
bruenig | johnny_, more specific? | 06:06 |
johnny_ | everything i try and run says subscript out of range | 06:06 |
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IcemanV9 | something is wrong with network-manager - wireless connection is not available anymore. only wired connection. is it bug or what? the version is 0.6.2. | 06:07 |
patientfox | JoseStefan: thank you very much | 06:07 |
JoseStefan | patientfox: sudo apt-get -f install (for good measure) | 06:07 |
ClayG | anyone here using ssmtp and/or getmail? | 06:07 |
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james296 | how can I get Doom 3 running? I got the compiz thing to make this look all fancy and all that but I dont think that had to do with problems launching my game | 06:08 |
ClayG | I need a little help | 06:08 |
johnny_ | how do i record sound from a flash player when it makes it so nothing else can use the sound card? | 06:08 |
johnny_ | or what do i use | 06:08 |
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slavik | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23834 | 06:08 |
slavik | :) | 06:08 |
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shawnr_ | is there a program out there that will let me bulk resize images ? | 06:10 |
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jay_ | [Emergency] I use 'rm' to delete some files three days ago, but now i found these files are very important, how can i recover thers files? | 06:10 |
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helter | Hi friends, need some help, how can I install a new locale and set it as my default locale? | 06:11 |
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mjr | jay_, likely not | 06:11 |
bsdfox | uhoh | 06:11 |
zenofjazz | Hello, grand and glorious wizards of Ubuntu... I bring a problem. | 06:11 |
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jay_ | Oh, not | 06:11 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, what's your problem | 06:11 |
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jay_ | Can some one help? | 06:11 |
Aberrant22 | Okay, so this may be a newb question, but now I have my external drive plugged in and powered on...I got it formatted to EXT3, and it's currently unmounted. Is it safe to unplug it then from my USB? | 06:11 |
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a514 | Hi me again what do i type to stop gdm? | 06:11 |
zenofjazz | I've got an IBM server... 1 SCSI drive.. setup as / 2 SATA drives, software RAID. | 06:12 |
Aberrant22 | Then again, I don't have any data on it to lose | 06:12 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, LVM? | 06:12 |
zenofjazz | Grub will not boot the box, it's failing at 1.5 --> GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 read error. | 06:12 |
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zenofjazz | Nope. | 06:12 |
JoseStefan | a514, ctrl+alt+backspace will restart it. sudo /etc/init.d/gdn stop will stop it | 06:12 |
JoseStefan | gdm* | 06:12 |
yoshiznit123 | jay_, if it's really important, you might try http://linuxappfinder.com/package/foremost (although i haven't tried it myself) | 06:12 |
zenofjazz | Just Software RAID on the 2 80G drives on the SATA controller. | 06:12 |
bsdfox | a514, run the sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop first | 06:12 |
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bsdfox | zenofjazz, isn't that hardware raid? | 06:13 |
uganski | hi guys...would ubuntu work with a dual core processor? | 06:13 |
mjr | uganski, of course | 06:13 |
bsdfox | uganski, yes.. works very well | 06:13 |
zenofjazz | hardware raid is an option. | 06:13 |
uganski | mjr, would it take advantage of the dual core? | 06:13 |
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zenofjazz | Uganski.. until I borked the setup, it was running nicely on this dual processor server. | 06:13 |
zenofjazz | dual core = dual processors in one chip. | 06:13 |
bmcfarli | Hey guys when I click on the volume control it says that I dont have the proper gstreamer plugins. ANy suggestions? | 06:14 |
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uganski | yeah what i mean is software wise, would it take advantage of the duality of the processor? or would it run it like a single processor? | 06:14 |
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bruenig | install the proper gstreamer plugins | 06:14 |
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zenofjazz | I'm not running hardware raid, at present. | 06:14 |
zenofjazz | uganski - > yes. it should look like 2 processors to the OS. | 06:15 |
jojoman02 | how do i list all the hard disk partitions? | 06:15 |
jojoman02 | fdisk doesn't work | 06:15 |
ClayG | anyone use ssmtp or getmail here? | 06:15 |
bmcfarli | so make sure i don't have the wrong ones installed basicly? | 06:15 |
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andy_ | Can anyone tell me where to find Network neighborhood. This linneighborhood is not working out well | 06:15 |
zenofjazz | cfdisk | 06:15 |
ClayG | I need to figure out how to make it leave a copy on the server instead of erasing it after downloadign the message | 06:15 |
ClayG | anyone have any ideas? | 06:15 |
uganski | zenofjazz, good! :D how about ntfs file system? | 06:15 |
svelectric | Hey guys. Would someone be able to help me ( a complete newb) with a graphic card issue? | 06:15 |
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jojoman02 | cfdisk, did not work, (fatal error) | 06:15 |
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jojoman02 | svelectric: what's the prob? | 06:15 |
zenofjazz | not sure how compatible ubuntu is with ntfs, should be at least read-only access. | 06:16 |
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svelectric | just installed ubuntu on a tecra 8000 laptop | 06:16 |
jojoman02 | svelectric: ok... | 06:16 |
svelectric | and the screen resolution won't go above 640-480 | 06:16 |
helter | hi, anybody can tell me how to install a new locale? | 06:16 |
uganski | any one installed ubuntu on ntfs? | 06:16 |
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jojoman02 | svelectric: ok, do you have nvidia or ati? | 06:16 |
svelectric | so it's really difficult to use since the res is so low | 06:16 |
uganski | or what file system should i format it? | 06:17 |
tonyyarusso | zenofjazz: Definitely ro, writing is sketchy still, but people have done it. | 06:17 |
jojoman02 | svelectric: ok do this, type ---> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:17 |
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tonyyarusso | uganski: Installed on, no. Used with, yes. Install to any of the options it gives you (personally my / is ext3, but some of my others are different) | 06:17 |
svelectric | it's an old laptop, it's a neomagic chipset | 06:17 |
jojoman02 | svelectric: that is in terminal, do you know about terminal? | 06:17 |
ClayG | come on | 06:17 |
andy_ | Can anyone tell me where to find Network neighborhood. This linneighborhood is not working out well. Thanks. | 06:17 |
ClayG | Someones gotta at least use getmail | 06:17 |
tonyyarusso | andy_: Network Neighborhood is a Windows icon name... | 06:18 |
andy_ | no, my network places is windows | 06:18 |
zenofjazz | Ok, so what does this error message mean: GRUB Loading stage1.5Read Error | 06:18 |
uganski | lastly...would i be able to dual boot it with another OS and windows? | 06:18 |
tonyyarusso | andy_: In newer Windows, yes. | 06:19 |
IcemanV9 | andy_: Places > Network Servers | 06:19 |
zenofjazz | uganski: Yes. | 06:19 |
uganski | yey! great...i think im all set...ill just wait for the file to download...its so slow :( thanks for the help guys | 06:19 |
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bsdfox | zenofjazz, you've got /boot mounted on the scsi drive right? | 06:19 |
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andy_ | Iceman, thanks very much. Sometimes the easy problems are the ones that get me | 06:20 |
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zenofjazz | test | 06:20 |
Q_Continuum | worked. | 06:21 |
infidel | someone tell me if they can spot the geek http://winehq.com/images/wineconf06_grp.jpg | 06:21 |
zenofjazz | well /boot is mounted as part of / ... which I think is being mounted as a normal part of operations. | 06:21 |
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bsdfox | zenofjazz, I'd say grub wasn't properly installed.. you installed grub on /dev/sda right? | 06:22 |
zenofjazz | yes. was part of the default install, originally. | 06:22 |
zenofjazz | Here's the thing. | 06:22 |
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zenofjazz | It was working fine, until I put the SATA card in. | 06:23 |
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jnt30 | clear | 06:23 |
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zenofjazz | and I've booted up the install disk, and re-installed grub, to /dev/sda | 06:23 |
IcemanV9 | infidel: the guy on the far right does NOT belongs in the pix :P | 06:24 |
Steil | hey | 06:24 |
Steil | fuck the doctor | 06:24 |
Steil | i just ate a bacon and cheese sandwich (bacon cooked with cheese then the grease drizzled on the bread to "toast" it.) | 06:24 |
Steil | and it was still cold when I bit into it | 06:24 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, ok well I think you need to reinstall grub | 06:24 |
baconbacon | bacon? | 06:24 |
Steil | yes | 06:24 |
Steil | bacon from a pig | 06:24 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, oh really? ok then this is easy | 06:24 |
zenofjazz | I have, 2x. and then did a complete re-install of the OS. | 06:24 |
Steil | undercooked underrated | 06:24 |
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Steil | very tasty, i support bacon anyday | 06:25 |
reggie10 | hello all | 06:25 |
reggie10 | I need to get some info | 06:25 |
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bsdfox | zenofjazz, sata drives show up as scsi disks.. so like your old disk was /dev/sda, but now that you have 2 sata drives it's probably /dev/sdc | 06:25 |
baconbacon | +1, i love bacon can you tell | 06:25 |
zenofjazz | and server is rebooting from install media... | 06:25 |
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Steil | I don't love bacon | 06:25 |
Steil | it gives me worms | 06:25 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, so you should just be able to boot off a livecd, change the grub config to reflect that and reinstall grub | 06:25 |
Steil | but the worms let me stay the same weight | 06:25 |
zenofjazz | Nope. it is still /dev/sda... sata are /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc | 06:26 |
Steil | i eat for 3 and i stay the same size | 06:26 |
reggie10 | installing flash player | 06:26 |
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bsdfox | zenofjazz, probably want to do sudo grub-install /dev/sdc | 06:26 |
Flannel | Steil: that's nice. #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:26 |
holycow | Steil, lol | 06:26 |
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reggie10 | any suggestions? | 06:26 |
Greatmetal2 | I am logging you all now mwhaha!! | 06:26 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, you should probably install it on /dev/sda and /dev/sdc | 06:26 |
zenofjazz | Hmm. that's an interesting thought. le tme try that. one sec. | 06:26 |
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anon9021 | how do i configure my internet connection to use a proxy? | 06:26 |
bsdfox | unless you can choose which disk to boot in the bios | 06:26 |
Michael | where can I go for help with windows servers? | 06:26 |
zenofjazz | hmm | 06:27 |
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Steil | but dude, this is on topic. Without ubuntu I would have never had the courage to go against the status quo | 06:27 |
Steil | Without ubuntu I wouldn't have worms | 06:27 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, pastebin your menu.lst | 06:27 |
zenofjazz | Not sure the bios even knows the scsi and sata are here. | 06:27 |
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Flannel | Steil: no, this is a support channel, general chatter belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:27 |
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zenofjazz | will have to type it across, I'm kvm'd to the server. one sec. | 06:27 |
reggie10 | help? | 06:27 |
RancidLM | hey all.. how do i set my alsa to except certian inputs.. i just upgrade my soundcard and alsa records every sound my computermakes + my mic instead of leating my choose my recording device.. (i don't even have the open to select my recording device in my sound properties) please hlp :) | 06:28 |
Steil | I want support for the tapeworms, how do I get rid of them? | 06:28 |
upt1me | how do you get CNN video to play? | 06:28 |
andy_ | When I connect to an ad-hoc network thru wifi-radar, i cannot see those networks in my network browser. Only the ones on the wired lan. Anyone know how to correct this? | 06:28 |
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Caplain | where are the linux kernel headers? | 06:28 |
RancidLM | Steil: spicey food :P | 06:28 |
RancidLM | Steil: + beer | 06:29 |
Born_In_Xixax | by default the kernel headers are not installed i think | 06:29 |
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Born_In_Xixax | but they would be in /usr/src | 06:29 |
reggie10 | anyone? | 06:29 |
reggie10 | << newbie | 06:29 |
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cpk2 | !flash | 06:29 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 06:29 |
cpk2 | reggie10: i think you want the 2nd link there | 06:30 |
anon9021 | i'm on my schools wireless network , can i set it to use a proxy server? | 06:30 |
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RancidLM | hey all.. how do i set my alsa to except certian inputs.. i just upgrade my soundcard and alsa records every sound my computermakes + my mic instead of leating my choose my recording device.. (i don't even have the open to select my recording device in my sound properties) please hlp :) | 06:30 |
andy_ | When I connect to an ad-hoc network thru wifi-radar, i cannot see those networks in my network browser. Only the ones on the wired lan. Anyone know how to correct this? | 06:30 |
reggie10 | thanks! | 06:31 |
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Caplain | Born_In_Xixax: where do i get them? | 06:31 |
cpk2 | reggie10: nevermind that link doesnt have flash | 06:31 |
zenofjazz | ok, I'm trying to re-install GRUB /dev/sdc | 06:31 |
Born_In_Xixax | if your ubuntu is up with network, from terminal: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-i386 | 06:31 |
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Born_In_Xixax | unless you are using some other architecture | 06:31 |
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anon9021 | what do i set sound recorder to accept input from if i want to record sound from a flash player? | 06:31 |
jojoman02 | can anyone recommend any data recovery software for an ext3 partition?? (my edgy destroyed it while resizing it) | 06:32 |
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Flannel | reggie10, cpk2, yes it does: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-f375cba46014e861cd5ec7643bd7c4ef05acff2b | 06:32 |
reggie10 | cpk2: lol yer right | 06:32 |
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zenofjazz | and Grub config is JUST the default ubuntu entries. drive spec'ed is hd0,0 | 06:32 |
zenofjazz | gonna see of changing grub config helped. one sec. | 06:33 |
cpk2 | Flannel: well i was about to say the restricted formats on has it =S | 06:33 |
cpk2 | one* | 06:33 |
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zenofjazz | ok, with grub set to /dev/sdc, got exact same error, bsdfox. | 06:34 |
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amicrawle | where do i get support for the viewsoci keay borads? | 06:34 |
zenofjazz | (hope that keyboard came with a spell checker) | 06:35 |
reggie10 | thanks flannel | 06:35 |
amicrawle | lol | 06:35 |
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robert_ | how is dapper's php4-cli/php4-cgi ./configure'd? | 06:35 |
muntyan | hey, what is mozilla-mailnews package replaced with? | 06:35 |
amicrawle | where do i get support for the viewsonic key borads? | 06:35 |
amicrawle | i need to get the hot keys working | 06:35 |
bsdfox | zenofjazz, dmesg|grep sd | 06:35 |
bsdfox | brb | 06:35 |
muntyan | apt-get says mozilla-browser replaces mozilla-mailnews, but mozilla-browser doesn't include the mail client | 06:36 |
Flannel | er, what? | 06:36 |
zenofjazz | bsdfox: how? the machine won't boot past the GRUB stage 1.5 Read Error | 06:36 |
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reggie10 | flannel: says theres no such file | 06:36 |
Magus_X_Away | cd damaged? | 06:37 |
Magus_X_Away | ah, forget | 06:37 |
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Flannel | muntyan: they don't conflict, mailnews even requires -browser | 06:37 |
anon9021 | i'm trying to record a song off a flashplayer but when i have sound recorder open i cant play sound from a flash player and vice versa | 06:37 |
Flannel | reggie10: what? the wiki does? or what | 06:37 |
anon9021 | anyone know what to do? | 06:38 |
Flannel | muntyan: the full suite is just 'mozilla' if you want to install the whole thing | 06:38 |
IcemanV9 | can evolution be used _offline_? | 06:38 |
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Jaksh_Eet | how do I register my nick? | 06:38 |
Flannel | Jaksh_Eet: /msg nickserv help register | 06:38 |
reggie10 | flannel you will have to excuse me...im a newbie linux guy here | 06:38 |
DaveyJ | hey i just set up a samba share on my xubuntu backup server.. and its asking me for a username/password to access it from a winxp box.. i tried my login/password from my main account on the backup server box.. and it wont let me in | 06:38 |
reggie10 | brb | 06:38 |
Flannel | reggie10: no problem. but, no file where? | 06:38 |
Flannel | DaveyJ: you need to setup samba passwords | 06:39 |
DaveyJ | how do i go about that | 06:39 |
DaveyJ | this is my first time using xubuntu.. while i like it.. it seems over-simplified, i'm having trouble finding thigns lol | 06:39 |
Flannel | DaveyJ: getting you a link, hold up ;) | 06:39 |
zenofjazz | easiest way to configure samba is to install webmin. Webmin's samba config is way easier than trying to do the config file dance | 06:39 |
muntyan | Flannel: i didn't say they conflict; "apt-get install mozilla-mailnews" says "not available blah blah blah, however mozilla-browser..." | 06:39 |
Born_In_Xixax | samba can be configured to use multiple kinds of backends for password validation | 06:40 |
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robert_ | how is dapper's php4-cli ./configure'd? | 06:40 |
reggie10 | flannel: I put in to terminal the following: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/*flash* /opt/firefox/plugins | 06:40 |
Born_In_Xixax | you probably have none, or the default which is I think a file of username/passwords you create, so probably no one is authorized :) | 06:40 |
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muntyan | hm, changing sources from breezy to dapper makes it even worse | 06:40 |
IcemanV9 | !webmin | 06:40 |
ubotu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it. | 06:40 |
Jaksh_Eet | how do I register my nick? | 06:40 |
DaveyJ | Flannel: thanks :) | 06:40 |
=== brendonjt [n=brendon@222-153-176-240.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | !tell DaveyJ about samba | 06:40 |
anon9021 | how do i set up my sound card so that i can play flash players at the same time i have xmms and sound recorder open? | 06:40 |
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cafuego | Jaksh_Eet: /msg nickserv help | 06:41 |
Flannel | Jaksh_Eet: /msg nickserv help register | 06:41 |
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anon9021 | usually i can only have one open at a time | 06:41 |
zenofjazz | ubotu: Why? its a useful tool.. what should I use, instead? | 06:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about Why? its a useful tool.. what should I use, instead? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:41 |
Jaksh_Eet | /msg nickserv help register | 06:41 |
reggie10 | flannel: then it asked for password... | 06:41 |
anon9021 | or else i get a message saying my sound card isnt configured properly | 06:41 |
cafuego | zenofjazz: ubotu is a python script, not a human. | 06:41 |
Flannel | Jaksh_Eet: no space | 06:41 |
reggie10 | flannel: then said "no such file or directory" | 06:41 |
infidel | IcemanV9: where does he belong? | 06:41 |
=== infidel_ [n=ecc@p1075-ipbf09okidate.aomori.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zenofjazz | yeah... not much conversational sparkle, there, indeed. | 06:41 |
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dbowling | where can I disable the screen saver from shell? this is my first time using linux, and it crashes gnome every time it enters screen saver mode, or I open the screen saver preferences dialog | 06:42 |
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zenofjazz | bsdfox, you back? | 06:42 |
reggie10 | busy night | 06:42 |
Flannel | reggie10: what firefox do you have installed? and which version of ubntu are you using? | 06:42 |
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reggie10 | lol oh great ... | 06:42 |
IcemanV9 | infidel: back to the original pix | 06:43 |
=== rspier_ [n=rspier@adsl-69-231-213-36.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macbook-pro-user | Is there a .deb for the patched version of grub that works on the intel macs? | 06:43 |
Flannel | muntyan: -mailnews should be available, in universe, but so is -browser, so you should have it | 06:43 |
reggie10 | flannel: how do I find out? :D | 06:43 |
Flannel | macbook-pro-user: you need to use elilo | 06:43 |
muntyan | Flannel: apparently it was something broken in breezy; dapper is going to install it | 06:44 |
Flannel | reggie10: run firefox, go to the help/about page, and for your linux version, lsb_release -a | 06:44 |
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reggie10 | k | 06:44 |
sethk | dbowling, edit /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf | 06:44 |
Born_In_Xixax | dbowling: you might try uninstall 'xcreensaver' or 'xscreensaver-gl' via synaptic | 06:44 |
macbook-pro-user | Flannel, I know about elilo, but there is also a patch that makes grub work on mactels, there is even an RPM. | 06:45 |
robert_ | can somebody tell me how php4-cgi is configured under 6.06? | 06:45 |
reggie10 | flannel: this? >Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.13) Gecko/20060724 Firefox/1.0.8 (Ubuntu package 1.0.8) | 06:45 |
Flannel | macbook-pro-user: ah, haven't heard of it then | 06:45 |
Flannel | robert_: in /etc/php4/ or maybe just /etc/php, but I imagine the former | 06:45 |
Flannel | reggie10: right. And, you're using Breezy? | 06:46 |
reggie10 | uhhhhh | 06:46 |
Flannel | reggie10: lsb_release -a | 06:46 |
tristan_ | how can i enable via uniochrome display driver? | 06:46 |
=== germfy [n=germfy@c-71-198-173-167.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
robert_ | Flannel: I would like to know where I can find out the ./configure line whoever packaged php4-cgi used | 06:47 |
tristan_ | how can i enable via uniochrome display driver to work for glx? | 06:47 |
reggie10 | flannel: sorry - type that in terminal? | 06:47 |
Flannel | reggie10: preferrably ;) | 06:47 |
Jaksh_Eet | where is a good place to get Ubuntu Dapper Themes thew Gnome | 06:47 |
reggie10 | lol | 06:47 |
Flannel | Jaksh_Eet: gnome-looks.org | 06:47 |
cafuego | robert_: it's in the debian/rules file in the php4 source deb package. | 06:47 |
Flannel | Jaksh_Eet: they're standard gnome themes | 06:47 |
germfy | Hi, could any1 help me conifuring my wireless adapter with WEP' | 06:47 |
robert_ | cafuego: where do I obtain that? | 06:48 |
thoreauputic_ | Jaksh_Eet: or you can install gnome-art and download a lot of themes, wallpaper etc | 06:48 |
reggie10 | flannel: LSB Version: n/a | 06:48 |
reggie10 | Distributor ID: Ubuntu | 06:48 |
reggie10 | Description: Ubuntu (The Breezy Badger Release) | 06:48 |
reggie10 | Release: 5.10 | 06:48 |
reggie10 | Codename: breezy | 06:48 |
germfy | I've tried (I think) everything.... ndiswrapper, iwconfig, ifconfig.... | 06:48 |
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cafuego | robert_: Add a deb-src line in sources.list, then run apt-get source php4-cgi | 06:48 |
Flannel | reggie10: no need to paste, but yeah. Alright, so, you just use that first command, not the second one (second is what you were using) | 06:48 |
dbowling | born_In_Xixax: synaptic does not list either of those | 06:48 |
reggie10 | sorry | 06:48 |
cafuego | robert_: That also gives you chane chance to change the ./configure line and build a custom package. | 06:48 |
Flannel | reggie10: no problem. the second link would be if you had installed FF1.5, you need to do a bit more to get it working, which is why you don't have that file, because it isn't there | 06:49 |
Born_In_Xixax | sorry, I'm on Edgy, perhaps your version uses another screen saver package :/ | 06:49 |
anon9021 | how do i set xchat to use a proxy | 06:49 |
robert_ | yes, which is what I'd like to do- I want everything to be a shared module, instead of built-in | 06:49 |
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Born_In_Xixax | someone earlier mentioned the path for the config file, where you may be able to change or disable | 06:49 |
anon9021 | my school doesnt allow me to connect to this one server | 06:49 |
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Born_In_Xixax | anaon, which network? | 06:50 |
Born_In_Xixax | gamesurge, perchance? | 06:50 |
anon9021 | dvirc.dyndns.org | 06:50 |
WillRock | and hello | 06:50 |
Born_In_Xixax | which IRC network are you trying to get onto | 06:50 |
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anon9021 | i connect to the network but then when i try to use any commands it wont let me and there are no chans in the list | 06:51 |
anon9021 | dvirc.dyndns.org | 06:51 |
Born_In_Xixax | if you check their main website, perhaps they have a server that supports a non-default IRC port | 06:51 |
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anon9021 | no everyone i talk to has no problem getting on | 06:51 |
anon9021 | at the end of the motd though it just stops | 06:51 |
anon9021 | i can only use /help | 06:51 |
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anon9021 | and a few others | 06:52 |
Born_In_Xixax | heh | 06:52 |
anon9021 | but /join /list etc do nothing | 06:52 |
germfy | Hello, I need help configuring a 3Com wireless card with security.... anyone to give directions???? | 06:52 |
Born_In_Xixax | sounds like the network itself is block you | 06:52 |
Born_In_Xixax | perhaps some kind of custom registration | 06:52 |
Flannel | anon9021: if /help is getitng through, it's not a block thing on the network | 06:52 |
FluxD | how do you run the ./configure command? | 06:52 |
anon9021 | i cant use /helpop though | 06:52 |
zenofjazz | either a firewall.. a proxy with blocking... or a filtering cache. | 06:52 |
Flannel | !tell FluxD about compile | 06:52 |
dbowling | I found gnome-screensaver in synaptic.... if I mark for removal, it says it will delete the ubuntu desktop too | 06:53 |
FluxD | ty flannel | 06:53 |
Flannel | dbowling: that's fine. it's just removing the ubuntu-desktop meta package. | 06:53 |
Born_In_Xixax | ubuntu-desktop is a virtual package | 06:53 |
anon9021 | so is it on my end or the servers? | 06:53 |
Born_In_Xixax | ya, meta package :) | 06:53 |
Born_In_Xixax | no harm | 06:53 |
Flannel | dbowling: however, you should re-add it before upgrading to another ubuntu version | 06:54 |
robert_ | cafuego: is there a way I can get the ./configure line to show-up in the -cgi version? | 06:54 |
infidel | FluxD, just type ./configure | 06:54 |
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cafuego | robert_: Hmm.. I think it should turn up if you run phpinfo() | 06:54 |
Born_In_Xixax | Flannel, will re-adding ubuntu-desktop require re-installing gnome-screensaver? | 06:54 |
dbowling | Born_: if I reinstall it, it should go back to default, right? I am pretty sure it is just the current screensaver that crashes | 06:54 |
robert_ | cafuego: not in the -cgi version :/ | 06:54 |
=== Klar [n=korrespo@d207-216-249-161.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Born_In_Xixax: it would. | 06:54 |
Born_In_Xixax | dunno dbowling | 06:55 |
reggie10 | < gives up for the night.... | 06:55 |
Born_In_Xixax | i assume if you choose 'remove completely' it should remove config files, etc | 06:55 |
Flannel | yeah, if you do 'complete removal' it'll remove the config too | 06:55 |
cafuego | robert_: source it is, then. | 06:55 |
FluxD | infidel it says there is n such command | 06:55 |
robert_ | http://allnitecafe.yi.org/info.php | 06:55 |
robert_ | heh | 06:55 |
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infidel | FluxD, are you in the right directory? | 06:55 |
FluxD | infidel it is currently on the desktop | 06:56 |
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aloon | hello | 06:56 |
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infidel | FluxD, it has to be in the same directory | 06:56 |
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FluxD | so I do cd coommand/ | 06:56 |
FluxD | ? | 06:56 |
=== gteppel_ [n=gteppel@S01060017ee330bb0.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gteppel_ | My home network is setup as follows: Cable Modem -> Motorola VOIP Router -> 4 clients with 1 of them being a linux box which is the voip router has designated as the DMZ. The reason I have my network setup this way is my router has QoS for my internet traffic but I dmz my linux box because the router seems to die when I run p2p programs like torrent behind it so I need to forward ports from my linux box to other clients in my network. | 06:57 |
infidel | FluxD, why is it on your desktop, is the hole program on your desktop? | 06:57 |
=== amicrawle [n=kvirc@adsl-70-133-75-248.dsl.scrm01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | infidel it is a tar.gz file | 06:57 |
aloon | i'm in trouble.. again , was upgrading from breezy to dapper and on apt-get dist-upgrade it got stuck on mplayer-skins and now even I apt-get -f it still gets stuck there | 06:57 |
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amicrawle | hey guys i'm looking 4 restrictive hardware arc where to ? | 06:57 |
aloon | im on a different box right now | 06:58 |
JoseStefan | aloon, could you put the outputs on the !pastebin | 06:58 |
aloon | is there a way to get apt-get to forget the stuck mplayer file? | 06:58 |
Flannel | FluxD: what program? if you don't mind me asking | 06:58 |
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zenofjazz | ok, gteppel, whats your question | 06:59 |
zenofjazz | ? | 06:59 |
aloon | thats the problem its on another box and it wont boot into kde .. hangs at checking battery | 06:59 |
=== gansinho [n=gansinho@c951ee0e.virtua.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel | FluxD, make a temp dir in your users root and copy the tar.gz file there extract it then from console run ./configure make sure you cd to the same directory | 06:59 |
gansinho | hey, someone knows if "HTTP cache cleaner" is a spyware or some tool from the system? | 06:59 |
FluxD | flannel I a trying to install vidalia from source | 06:59 |
=== Ma1 [n=max@modemcable098.210-37-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JoseStefan | aloon, can the system boot to CLI ? | 06:59 |
aloon | im not sure how to do that? | 07:00 |
Ma1 | Hey how am I supposed to do this "The environment variable CXX should point to the location | 07:00 |
Ma1 | of the c++-compiler, e.g: /usr/bin/g++-3.2" ?? | 07:00 |
robert_ | so, I just run rules? | 07:00 |
aloon | I have the ubuntu cd and on repair broken system I get so far but in the end it only gives me a shell | 07:00 |
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Ma1 | I don't know how to point a environnment var, what's the command? | 07:01 |
zenofjazz | I shall return. (but I'm gone, for now) | 07:01 |
Ma1 | yoohhoo | 07:01 |
JoseStefan | aloon, can you still run apt commands? | 07:01 |
aloon | yes | 07:01 |
FluxD | what is the delete command in console when you dont have permissions? | 07:02 |
Ma1 | get the permissions with chmod | 07:02 |
JoseStefan | aloon, join #aloon | 07:02 |
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infidel | rm | 07:03 |
FluxD | so sudo rem file location? | 07:03 |
FluxD | rm* | 07:03 |
infidel | FluxD, is this your computer your working on? | 07:03 |
tristan_ | sudo rm file | 07:03 |
tristan_ | sudo rm <file> | 07:03 |
FluxD | yes infidel | 07:04 |
robert_ | dpkg-parsechangelog: error: cannot open debian/changelog to find format: No such file or directory <-- am I missing something? | 07:04 |
infidel | FluxD, then you should have permission | 07:04 |
infidel | FluxD, what step are youat? | 07:04 |
FluxD | it has a lock in my user folder | 07:04 |
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infidel | ???? | 07:05 |
infidel | FluxD, ls -l /home | 07:05 |
FluxD | infidel I am in my users root and dragged the tar.gz file there | 07:05 |
infidel | FluxD, users root not /root | 07:06 |
infidel | FluxD, ie.. /home/whatever_the_user | 07:06 |
FluxD | my user location is /home/Flux | 07:06 |
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infidel | FluxD, and it's locked? | 07:06 |
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FluxD | infidel I dragged the tar.gz file and extracted it the extracted folder is locked | 07:07 |
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robert_ | anyway | 07:07 |
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robert_ | how do I build php4-cgi, the custom Ubuntu version, from source? heh | 07:08 |
infidel | FluxD, chown -R /Flux/locked_folder Flux i think that's right | 07:08 |
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FluxD | infidel what does that do? | 07:08 |
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infidel | FluxD, makes you the owner of that directory | 07:09 |
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FluxD | infidel I dont need /home/Flux? | 07:10 |
robert_ | blah- am I missing something? or is there a special build process for php4-cgi under Ubuntu? | 07:10 |
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-132-205.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel | FluxD, chown -R Flux /Flux/locked_folder | 07:10 |
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infidel | FluxD, chown -R Flux locked_folder | 07:11 |
Polygon | hello, i need grub reinstalling help. no matter what i try, it either makes neither operating systems bootable (windows/ubuntu) or it just boots windows and it appears that grub does not work. here is a list of things that ive done: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1512810&postcount=3 | 07:11 |
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Polygon | anyone? | 07:13 |
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FluxD | infidel I got an error while doing ./configure | 07:15 |
macbook-pro-user | Polygon what version of ubuntu are you using? | 07:15 |
=== infidel_ [n=ecc@p1075-ipbf09okidate.aomori.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel_ | FluxD, better do this sudo chown -R locked_folder | 07:16 |
FluxD | infidel I deleted that folder and extracted the vidalia folder here /home/Flux/temp/vidalia | 07:16 |
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infidel_ | FluxD, ok where you at? | 07:16 |
FluxD | then I did CD | 07:17 |
FluxD | infidel the I typed in ./configure | 07:17 |
=== enigmatik- [n=Eclypse@105.177.100-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
infidel_ | FluxD, did you make sure you had all the requirments installed first? | 07:17 |
enigmatik- | Are you speak french ? | 07:18 |
FluxD | infidel, it needed two packages which I did installed | 07:18 |
infidel_ | FluxD, ok | 07:18 |
enigmatik- | ya d francais ? | 07:18 |
macbook-pro-user | !fr | 07:18 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:18 |
enigmatik- | merci :) | 07:18 |
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T` | anyone know how to use screen? | 07:19 |
MikaT | !fi | 07:19 |
ubotu | Suomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi | 07:19 |
carlsagan | !de | 07:19 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:19 |
FluxD | !pastebin > fluxd | 07:19 |
bitchslapper | oh wow .. how many languages can ubotu do that in? | 07:19 |
carlsagan | !ru | 07:19 |
ubotu | Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. Russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help | 07:19 |
fluvvell | Polygon89 have you found the grub help page? | 07:20 |
JoseStefan | !askthebot | 07:20 |
ubotu | Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots Abusing the channel bots will only result in angry ops | 07:20 |
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=== infidel__ [n=ecc@p1075-ipbf09okidate.aomori.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bitchslapper | !hi | 07:20 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to $chan! | 07:20 |
carlsagan | !hi | 07:20 |
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carlsagan | how are you bitchslapper | 07:20 |
FluxD | wb infidel_ | 07:20 |
infidel | man xchat keeps locking up on me | 07:20 |
carlsagan | wb FluxD | 07:20 |
infidel | FluxD, so what happened? | 07:20 |
bitchslapper | I am good carlsagan, I though you passed :D | 07:20 |
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carlsagan | bitchslapper, well you know ;) | 07:21 |
eXistenZ | !hi | 07:21 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to $chan! | 07:21 |
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eXistenZ | !hi > bitchslapper | 07:21 |
carlsagan | !hi | 07:21 |
carlsagan | how are you eXistenZ | 07:21 |
bitchslapper | carlsagan, yeah .. I knew I was right .. dead people lurk around here .. | 07:21 |
eXistenZ | Haha | 07:21 |
eXistenZ | carlsagan, I'm gewd. How about you? | 07:21 |
macbook-pro-user | Lol $chan is supposed to be #ubuntu I assume :) | 07:21 |
carlsagan | please 2 meet you | 07:21 |
carlsagan | i am good | 07:22 |
bitchslapper | eelo eXistenZ | 07:22 |
FluxD | infidel http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23837 | 07:22 |
eXistenZ | Sprechest du Deutsch? | 07:22 |
carlsagan | !de | 07:22 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:22 |
macbook-pro-user | !de | 07:22 |
enigmatik- | stick usb peabird is compatible for ubuntu ? | 07:22 |
carlsagan | nein =( | 07:22 |
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bitchslapper | !en | 07:22 |
eXistenZ | carlsagan, It is 8:21AM here =] | 07:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about en - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:22 |
eXistenZ | carlsagan, I should go and sleep another hour | 07:22 |
infidel | FluxD, you need to install the compilers | 07:22 |
carlsagan | je parle un peu de francais | 07:22 |
carlsagan | eXistenZ, go back to bed | 07:23 |
eXistenZ | of course | 07:23 |
eXistenZ | seeya :) | 07:23 |
FluxD | infidel all of them? | 07:23 |
=== habakkuk [n=habakkuk@xdsl-1787.jgora.dialog.net.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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carlsagan | don't you hate it when you procrastinate on IRC | 07:23 |
bitchslapper | 8.21 .. hmm .. sounds like some where close to germany :D | 07:23 |
infidel | FluxD, no not all but do g++ | 07:24 |
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macbook-pro-user | Anyone have a direct link to the newest version of grub in a .deb? | 07:24 |
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jason_ | i don't think it comes as a .deb | 07:24 |
=== asdf123 [n=asdf123@h145.183.213.151.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macbook-pro-user | jason_, How else would you install it on a debian based system? | 07:25 |
jason_ | hang on , i'll find it | 07:25 |
macbook-pro-user | Thanks. | 07:26 |
jason_ | http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/4622 | 07:26 |
jason_ | try that | 07:26 |
bitchslapper | oh crap! I ran out of beer! :( | 07:27 |
=== asdf123 is now known as ramasdf123 | ||
jason_ | oh damn | 07:27 |
infidel | bitchslapper, don't you hate when that happens? | 07:27 |
carlsagan | can you guys talk a little less, you are hogging all my bandwidth | 07:27 |
bitchslapper | hate?? I want to kill myself! :(( | 07:28 |
ramasdf123 | anyone know how to install engae? | 07:28 |
ramasdf123 | engage? | 07:28 |
infidel | carlsagan, not to mention all the other 800 and so lurkers | 07:28 |
=== madvirii [n=madvirii@adsl-234-74-236.lft.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | infidel I am using this guide: http://trac.vidalia-project.net/wiki/InstallSource it says to do make after that is that just ./make I got few stuff after I typed in ./configure | 07:28 |
ramasdf123 | anyone know how to install engage? | 07:28 |
macbook-pro-user | jason_, Actually any version of grub will do, I just need a way to replace the grub I installed using alian on an RPM, long story... | 07:28 |
carlsagan | infidel, srsly =( | 07:28 |
=== Brokenstein [n=user@pool-72-71-176-246.bltmmd.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jason_ | that should do it then | 07:28 |
infidel | FluxD, no must make, might want to make sure you have it install too | 07:29 |
=== Corporal_Dirge [n=Dirge@74-37-85-64.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Brokenstein | how do i get permission to move data to my /usr/share ? | 07:29 |
ramasdf123 | engage anyone? | 07:29 |
FluxD | infidel so what is my next step? | 07:29 |
bitchslapper | ramasdf123: what's that? | 07:29 |
jason_ | macbook_pro_user: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub.html | 07:29 |
macbook-pro-user | jason_, If I use make then I will just have another version of GRUB that won't be updated from apt, I don't want that. | 07:30 |
=== infidel_ [n=ecc@p1075-ipbf09okidate.aomori.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== infidel_ is now known as infidel | ||
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-214-156-231.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jason_ | oh | 07:30 |
infidel | /msg NickServ IDENTIFY l0ad1e | 07:30 |
=== pickett__ [n=pickett@ppp215-82.lns1.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlsagan | Public Service Announcement: some of us use 1200 baud modems, please keep the spam level to a minimum | 07:30 |
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FluxD | uh oh infidel time for new pass :) | 07:31 |
infidel | carlsagan, damn that is an old box | 07:31 |
bitchslapper | infidel: what did ya just do? | 07:31 |
bitchslapper | I thought I was the only drunk guy around here :P | 07:31 |
infidel | bitchslapper, my exchat keep locking up | 07:31 |
FluxD | always do it in serv er tab indfidel | 07:31 |
=== Trent [n=fasdfa@CPE-203-51-112-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel | doh! | 07:32 |
macbook-pro-user | jason_, I don't know if a .deb is the only way to do that, but apt is not letting me install from `sudo apt-get install grub` because "it is already the newest version" and I can't remove it then reinstall it because there are too many dependancies. | 07:32 |
=== motin_ [n=motin@194-237-168-118-no46.business.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel | somebody slap me | 07:32 |
jason_ | macbook_pro_user: PM..? | 07:32 |
=== bitchslapper bitchslaps infidel | ||
=== FluxD slaps infide with bitchslapper | ||
macbook-pro-user | jason_, What does PM mean? | 07:33 |
ramasdf123 | engage anyone? | 07:33 |
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bitchslapper | you want some more of that smartypants? | 07:33 |
infidel | :D thanks guys knew i could count on you | 07:33 |
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jason_ | personnal message here | 07:33 |
infidel | did you guys really see that? | 07:33 |
carlsagan | macbook-pro-user, Ping Me | 07:33 |
ramasdf123 | anyone know how to install engae? | 07:33 |
steve | hi, a friend wants to download the packages for dapper drake of apache, php and mysql... he don't have internet connection on that box | 07:33 |
steve | where can he download it? | 07:33 |
macbook-pro-user | carlsagan, How? | 07:33 |
carlsagan | ramasdf123, sudo apt-get engae | 07:33 |
madvirii | ;p; | 07:33 |
carlsagan | macbook-pro-user, /ctcp <username> ping | 07:34 |
madvirii | lol @downloading with no internet connection | 07:34 |
Trent | hey, when im booting with the ubuntu desktop cd i select start or install ubuntu at the welcome screen, it then goes through a few things saying ok then it gos to unpacking linux, ok boot kernel or somthing like that and it doesnt move | 07:34 |
jason_ | macbook_pro_user: no personnal message | 07:34 |
ramasdf123 | tried taht | 07:34 |
=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ramasdf123 | but its all werid looking with '?' as the icons | 07:34 |
ramasdf123 | and when i right click it closes | 07:34 |
FluxD | infidel so what is my next step? | 07:34 |
jason_ | carlsagan: don't tell him to do that , i said "PM" as in personnal message | 07:35 |
infidel | FluxD, where are you at? | 07:35 |
carlsagan | jason_, it's the pin | 07:35 |
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FluxD | infidel, after ./configure | 07:35 |
infidel | FluxD, did everything work in configure? | 07:35 |
steve | where can i download ubuntu packages for install offline? | 07:36 |
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crimsun | steve: CC.archive.ubuntu.com | 07:36 |
cafuego | steve: Any mirror. You may want to use 'apt-zip' for Synaptic to generate a download script to do so. | 07:37 |
FluxD | infidel, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23839 | 07:37 |
ramasdf123 | engage help any1? | 07:37 |
=== ecc [n=ecc@p1075-ipbf09okidate.aomori.ocn.ne.jp] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | !engage > ramasdf123 | 07:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about engage - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:38 |
ecc | FluxD: where are you at now? | 07:38 |
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FluxD | ecc, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23839 | 07:38 |
=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@adsl-215-238-227.kymp.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel | one more beer and that's it | 07:39 |
=== Maverynthia [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Wrentype [n=KlingonE@c-66-177-121-238.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | infidel, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23839 | 07:39 |
FluxD | infidel I need to do some qmake? | 07:40 |
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=== briguyd [n=briguyd@c-24-14-167-155.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | Is compiling from source always this hard? | 07:41 |
=== ad0k [n=adok@d141-232-70.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ad0k | when i installed ubuntu with a partition of windows, it made my windows partition hidden. How can i unhide it? | 07:41 |
infidel | FluxD: did you install make? | 07:41 |
FluxD | I think so | 07:42 |
infidel | FluxD: qmake or make | 07:42 |
FluxD | make | 07:42 |
briguyd | FluxD, did you install the package "build-essential"? | 07:42 |
infidel | FluxD: ok then type make | 07:42 |
FluxD | briguyd no | 07:43 |
abusado | where can i find the httpd.conf?? i cant find it in /etc/httpd | 07:43 |
briguyd | youre trying to compile from source, right? | 07:43 |
FluxD | briguyd yes | 07:43 |
briguyd | then you'll most likely need that | 07:43 |
FluxD | briguyd ok I will get that to | 07:43 |
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briguyd | yep | 07:43 |
=== marshall [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ad0k | when i installed ubuntu with a partition of windows, it made my windows partition hidden. How can i unhide it? | 07:44 |
FluxD | infidel just make? | 07:44 |
sky123 | hi guys....have alot of the streamtuner casts been not working or cancelled?? I can only connect to the flamenco channel...lol | 07:44 |
=== elkbuntu [n=melissa@ppp47-101.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel | FluxD: yeah just make | 07:44 |
=== b_52Centos_ [n=mohammed@adsl196-165-33-217-196.adsl196-10.iam.net.ma] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | i know this should be asked in #xubuntu, but that channel is lifeless: is there a version of gnome-nettools without the gnome dependencies for xubuntu users and the like? | 07:45 |
marshall | ad0k: ubuntu by default cant really handle ntfs partitions | 07:45 |
infidel | FluxD: when you install you need to do a sudo make install | 07:45 |
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marshall | ad0k: well, linux in general | 07:45 |
=== telecon [n=telecon@c-67-190-161-50.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ad0k | well, i made the partition before i installed ubuntu, so i didnt even use the built in partitioner | 07:45 |
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FluxD | infidel : "No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop." | 07:46 |
marshall | ad0k: thats really something... | 07:46 |
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marshall | ad0k: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D217009&ei=iTIORd2hJoaSgAKA6-XdDQ&sig=__xO07U6QbTnChb-nIO9D-kbkse9s=&sig2=BKECVCZWkHWuyIH_M3ixeA | 07:46 |
briguyd | FluxD, did you try ./configure ? | 07:46 |
infidel | damn is that a path or what? | 07:46 |
FluxD | I accidently closes the terminal so I need to do ./cofigure again? | 07:46 |
ad0k | thanks marshall i will try this | 07:47 |
nextstate2 | I want to dual boot windows and ubuntu. Will the ubutnu installation detect windows and setup the dual boot for me? | 07:47 |
marshall | ad0k: np | 07:47 |
FluxD | nextstate2 yes | 07:47 |
marshall | nextstate2: yeah | 07:47 |
infidel | FluxD: no | 07:47 |
=== Spfy [i=spfy@2002:cf0:336f:0:0:0:0:0] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | FluxD, i dont think so, but it might have failed the first time, make sure you install build-essential then do it again | 07:47 |
nextstate2 | cool, I'm really starting to like ubuntu | 07:47 |
Trent | can anybody give me the link to download the main Ubuntu cd, not the live cd? | 07:47 |
Flannel | briguyd: xubuntu uses gnome libs, what dependencies you having trouble with? | 07:47 |
marshall | whats the command to update your flash plugin again? | 07:47 |
infidel | Trent: same disk | 07:48 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@69.detroit-16-18rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | Trent: you mean the alternate ISO? same place | 07:48 |
vcolombo | trent: the live cd is the main cd/install cd | 07:48 |
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briguyd | Flannel, none, i just didnt want all the gnome dependencies installed if i didnt have to | 07:48 |
Trent | when i boot, it gives me a welcome screen with a few selections | 07:48 |
=== GTroy [n=galen@71-34-213-17.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTroy | HELP! | 07:48 |
Trent | but when i choose, start or install ubuntu | 07:48 |
steve | can't i download the .deb directly of http ? | 07:48 |
briguyd | Trent, on the desktop, there is an icon to install it | 07:48 |
GTroy | I installed xmms, and now that's the only app that'll play sound | 07:49 |
steve | download .dev's from http directly for install in a offline machine | 07:49 |
Flannel | briguyd: well, then you wouldn't be using xubuntu, now would you? ;) um, there's net-tools which is a dependancy of gnome-nettool, that might have all the functionality without the wrapper, I don't know for sure though | 07:49 |
marshall | whats the command to update your flash plugin again? | 07:49 |
steve | deb* | 07:49 |
Trent | bryguyd, It doesnt install properly, it starts loading and then goes back to Uncompressing linux Ok, booting the kernel and just stays there | 07:49 |
briguyd | Flannel, ok, thanks | 07:49 |
Flannel | steve: yes | 07:49 |
steve | Flannel: where? | 07:49 |
Flannel | Trent: grab the alternate ISO, no need to mess around with liveCD to install ;) | 07:49 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd I did ./confgure with buil-essential now what? | 07:49 |
Flannel | steve: packages.ubuntu.com, or from another ubuntu machine | 07:49 |
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Trent | Flannel, thank you could you give me the link to it? | 07:50 |
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infidel | FluxD: type make | 07:50 |
briguyd | Trent, so you booted to the live cd, went through that install process and removed the cd and couldnt boot? | 07:50 |
briguyd | FluxD, now make and sudo make install | 07:50 |
Flannel | Trent: it's available on the same page as the DEsktop ISO, 'alternate ISO' ubuntu.com/download | 07:50 |
carlsagan | Public Service Announcement: some of us use 1200 baud modems, please keep the spam level to a minimum | 07:50 |
FluxD | "No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop." | 07:50 |
infidel | FluxD: you need to cd to the directory | 07:50 |
=== Android [n=Android_@85-210-53-148.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | carlsagan: this is a high traffic room, we do keep the noise level down, but there's still a lot of signal. | 07:50 |
briguyd | FluxD, are there any errors when you do ./configure | 07:50 |
infidel | FluxD: ls look for a makefile | 07:51 |
Trent | briguyd, No, whats happening is im click start or install ubuntu, it then goes through some of the install process then switches to a blank screen saying Uncompressing Linux.. Ok booting ht ekernel and just stays there | 07:51 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd I will pastebin the stuff | 07:51 |
carlsagan | Flannel, thank you for your understanding | 07:51 |
briguyd | Trent, where does it cut out? that shouldnt happen at all until the install is done | 07:52 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23841 | 07:52 |
=== xopher [n=xopher@a80-186-122-109.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Trent | bryiguyd, ill try again and tell you where its stopping | 07:52 |
Juftus | Hello! I'm running a Xubuntu box and may want to switch to Ubuntu. Just ensuring: it'll be enough to install ubuntu-desktop, right? | 07:53 |
carlsagan | no | 07:53 |
Flannel | Juftus: yes | 07:53 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd I think its looking for qmake? | 07:53 |
briguyd | FluxD, looks like it | 07:53 |
cafuego | Juftus: Yes, but just double-check that it will bring up gdm as opposed to xdm at bootup. | 07:54 |
briguyd | FluxD, but it also looks like it's there | 07:54 |
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=== MadCowBoy [n=chad@S010600134689429f.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | infidel briguyd yea I did install it | 07:54 |
=== MadCowBoy_ [n=chad@S010600134689429f.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | carlsagan, 1200 baud modems? Where are you that you're forced to use that sort of prehistoric tech? | 07:55 |
briguyd | FluxD, just to make sure, try installing qt4-dev-tools | 07:55 |
carlsagan | MadCowBoy, Jerusalem | 07:55 |
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carlsagan | hello? | 07:56 |
carlsagan | !hi | 07:56 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to $chan! | 07:56 |
Juftus | cafuego & Flannel: Thx. I might want to keep xubuntu-desktop as well, but if I opted to remove it, would it be better to do a new installation or just remove some packages? (More or less all data on the hard disk can be safely deleted, so backups would be no pain.) | 07:57 |
=== hedix [i=usr2540@c1.edrana.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
infidel | FluxD: you might have to edit your confige file where the option qmake - confige | 07:57 |
Madpilot | carlsagan, via an ISP based in Virginia? Um... | 07:57 |
briguyd | infidel, FluxD yeah, i agree | 07:57 |
ad0k | SHIT | 07:57 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd a config file? | 07:57 |
ad0k | i just unmounted my hd1 by accident | 07:57 |
Flannel | Juftus: xubuntu and ubuntu share the same libs, so you'd only have to remove some programs. But simply removing xubuntu-desktop won't do it | 07:57 |
cafuego | Juftus: I'd probably just elave it <heh> You can remove it by way of 'debfoster' and 'deborphan' though probably. | 07:57 |
carlsagan | MadCowBoy, it is from an internet account of my parent | 07:57 |
ad0k | wtf | 07:57 |
=== elkbuntu [n=melissa@ppp47-101.lns2.syd6.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | something's not right about that, looks like the ./configure file got the options wrong | 07:58 |
Trent | briguyd, its getting stuck at configuring power management and dropping back to Uncompressing linux, Ok booting kernel | 07:58 |
carlsagan | MadCowBoy, they live in USA | 07:58 |
cafuego | ad0k: Tourettes? | 07:58 |
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ad0k | what cause i said shit? | 07:58 |
ad0k | grow up | 07:58 |
Flannel | ad0k: this is a family friendly channel, please strive to keep it that way | 07:58 |
briguyd | ad0k, keep the swearing to a minimum, please | 07:58 |
cafuego | ad0k: No, because that's the ONLY thing you said, without context. | 07:58 |
jbroome | you guys realize carlsagan is a bot, right? | 07:59 |
ad0k | ad0k> SHIT | 07:59 |
ad0k | <FluxD> infidel briguyd a config file? | 07:59 |
ad0k | <ad0k> i just unmounted my hd1 by accident | 07:59 |
Flannel | ad0k: no need to paste either. and, unmounting is no big deal... | 07:59 |
cafuego | Ah, /me is blind (again) | 07:59 |
ad0k | context was there, you just need to read | 07:59 |
=== GigaClon [n=gigaclon@n159s030.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ad0k | ok its not | 07:59 |
ad0k | ? | 07:59 |
briguyd | yeah, but the first statement wasnt needed | 07:59 |
briguyd | let's drop this before it gets out of hand, though | 07:59 |
Juftus | cafuego: Thanks for that hint, never heard of those two apps before. | 07:59 |
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cafuego | Juftus: They're handy for removing cruft. | 08:00 |
ad0k | i still cant get my ntfs partition unhidden though | 08:00 |
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FluxD | infidel briguyd i can edit configure script? | 08:00 |
briguyd | FluxD, yessir | 08:00 |
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Juftus | cafuego: so it seems from what ubotu told me about them. Have to take a more thorough look later. Must do some work now, though :) | 08:00 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd what option do I need to change? | 08:00 |
carlsagan | jbroome: can i help you? | 08:01 |
=== mpan [n=mpan@a88-113-15-215.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | FluxD, whatever comes after "qmake", probably | 08:01 |
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FluxD | infidel briguyd will this only compile with qmake? | 08:02 |
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briguyd | most likely, yes | 08:02 |
=== marshall [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
marshall | hey guys | 08:02 |
cafuego | qmake: because make isn't forked enough. | 08:02 |
ad0k | does anyone here know how to use ntfs-3g? | 08:02 |
marshall | does anybody know how to fix audio going out of sync in firefox? | 08:03 |
briguyd | marshall, with flash? | 08:03 |
marshall | briguyd: yeah | 08:03 |
briguyd | marshall, wait for flash 9? | 08:03 |
=== Gilnim [n=gilnim@pD9EB8021.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
opreese | skype me at opreese ... need info to configure web server via ubuntu desktop... apache is installed (i think) | 08:03 |
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mattyv | got a Fx Q but nobody over there is around, i need an extension that allows tabbed browsing on a site with javascript links, like hotmail tabs but not just on hotmail, anybody know of one? | 08:03 |
ClayG | anyone feel like answering a question that is probally answered on google and man about getmail? | 08:04 |
marshall | briguyd: thanks for all your help | 08:04 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd I found the line any idea what to replace it with "$QMAKE -config $BUILDMODE PREFIX=$prefix MANDIR=$MANPAGEDIR $PROFILE" | 08:04 |
=== tchung [n=tchung@CPE-60-230-64-82.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Gilnim | !fglrx | 08:04 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 08:04 |
briguyd | marshall, lol, sorry, i think theres a link on the wiki, lemme check | 08:04 |
briguyd | FluxD, yeah, looks like a likely candidate | 08:04 |
marshall | briguyd: ok | 08:04 |
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ad0k | does anyone here know how to use ntfs-3g? | 08:04 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd I found the line any idea what to replace -config with? | 08:05 |
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briguyd | marshall, this thread has a lot of info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22672&page=3 | 08:06 |
marshall | briguyd: thanks | 08:06 |
briguyd | marshall, sorry about being a jackass | 08:07 |
marshall | briguyd: lol dont worry about it | 08:07 |
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FluxD | infidel briguyd I will mess with this later thanks fo all the help | 08:10 |
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briguyd | FluxD, i honestly have no idea what you should replace it with | 08:10 |
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briguyd | can anyone tell me is removing that would hurt anything, as he is sure he has qmake installed | 08:11 |
briguyd | if* | 08:11 |
FluxD | infidel briguyd thanks anyway | 08:11 |
briguyd | FluxD, where did you get that program? | 08:12 |
steve | can i add 32 bit repositories in a 64 bit system, i want to get 32 bit packages | 08:12 |
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briguyd | FluxD, im sure there has to be a patch to fix that, as i dont think it would compile as it is now | 08:12 |
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FluxD | briguyd its vidalia source a gui for tor | 08:12 |
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oprees1 | skype me @ opreese ... need help configuring apache via desktop ... my ip is ... static is set ... you should be able to see me | 08:12 |
FluxD | briguyd http://trac.vidalia-project.net/wiki/InstallSource | 08:13 |
Flannel | oprees1: what do you need help with apache with? | 08:13 |
mileskeaton | Forgive me if this is one of those things that everyone on IRC knows already, since I just arrived : but has anyone else felt their network access seem MUCH slower since a recent Ubuntu update in the past 2-3 days? | 08:13 |
mileskeaton | I thought it was our local network, but just rebooted into Windows partition and everything is SUPER fast there, then back in Ubuntu it's painfully slow again. | 08:14 |
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mileskeaton | Even just typing in a remote SSH console session, the letters are dragging many seconds behind what I'm typing. | 08:14 |
briguyd | FluxD, did you follow where it says to use "./configure --disable-debug" instead of ./configure? | 08:14 |
FluxD | mileskeaton unecessary services? | 08:14 |
Flannel | mileskeaton: try disabling ipv6? | 08:14 |
FluxD | briguyd I got same error | 08:14 |
briguyd | and qt4-dev-tools and qt4-designer are installed? | 08:14 |
FluxD | yes sir | 08:15 |
briguyd | hmm, sounds like a bad congigure file | 08:15 |
FluxD | it supposedly working under 6.06 | 08:15 |
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mileskeaton | FluxD: I woulda thought so too, but ps aux shows nothing unusual. | 08:16 |
mileskeaton | Flannel: where to disable ipv6 in Ubuntu? | 08:16 |
Flannel | !tell mileskeaton about ipv6 | 08:16 |
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GTroy | !soundcard | 08:16 |
chronic1 | is there an identd client that comes with one of the available packages from ubuntu -- that will let me specify my ident responce? | 08:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about soundcard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:16 |
mileskeaton | (Sorry I just switched over from OpenBSD. I knew how to disable ipv6 there. In kernel or boot/config thing?) | 08:17 |
briguyd | FluxD, try one more thing | 08:17 |
GTroy | anyone know *how* you select sound card for alsamixer? | 08:17 |
briguyd | go into that configure file | 08:17 |
oprees1 | flannel thanx for comm with me... i am trying to set up my index page in a new directory such as c:/owenswebpage/index.html | 08:17 |
thoreauputic | chronic1: gidentd - although afaik it just responds ( might be configurable) | 08:17 |
chronic1 | GTroy: you at gatech? | 08:17 |
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briguyd | and where it says "qmake", where you found earlier, remove -conf | 08:17 |
GTroy | chronic1? | 08:17 |
chronic1 | thoreauputic: i think gidentd just responds with the user name | 08:17 |
Flannel | oprees1: er, is this on ubuntu? or windows? | 08:17 |
chronic1 | i was asking about the "GT" part of your nick | 08:17 |
briguyd | FluxD, err... remove -config* | 08:18 |
GTroy | no, it's a mix of first and second names | 08:18 |
oprees1 | yes, i have it loaded on ubuntu | 08:18 |
thoreauputic | chronic1: you are probably right - I just use it for IRC | 08:18 |
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chronic1 | thoreauputic: i was checking out the conf file distributed with the package and on the homepage....i don't think it does anything, lol | 08:18 |
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Flannel | oprees1: why are you looking to put it in 'c:/' then? | 08:18 |
briguyd | FluxD, so it's just "$QMAKE $BUILDMODE PREFIX=$prefix MANDIR=$MANPAGEDIR $PROFILE" | 08:18 |
chronic1 | GTroy: ah hah | 08:18 |
thoreauputic | chronic1: IIRC it actually says "this config file is useless" ;D | 08:18 |
chronic1 | how many sound cards do you have installed via alsa | 08:19 |
GTroy | two | 08:19 |
FluxD | briguyd I will try that | 08:19 |
chronic1 | well mixer 0 is the first | 08:19 |
chronic1 | and mixer 1 will be the second...i think | 08:19 |
GTroy | how do I select the first one? | 08:19 |
chronic1 | just check dmesg too se what was recognized | 08:19 |
GTroy | ok | 08:19 |
chronic1 | when using the alsa tool just specify zero | 08:19 |
briguyd | FluxD, then try doing "./configure --disable-debug" or whatever it was | 08:20 |
chronic1 | alsactl -- or something like that | 08:20 |
GTroy | gotcha | 08:20 |
oprees1 | trying to get a better understanding of where files are located... thought i would make it simple on myself by just creating a new (folder) directory and place all my web pages and scripts in this new folder | 08:20 |
chronic1 | in g*e*n*t*o*o i would have to edit a conf file in rc.d to customize my shit | 08:20 |
FluxD | briguyd ne errors now | 08:20 |
chronic1 | but ubuntu seems more intuitive | 08:20 |
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briguyd | FluxD, what? | 08:20 |
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Flannel | oprees1: in apache, with default configs, the root of the webdir is /var/www/ anything in there is visible to the outside world | 08:21 |
MukiEX | Why is "locate" so fast? | 08:21 |
Flannel | MukiEX: munchkins | 08:21 |
MukiEX | I mean, I guess this is coming from a Windows user, but does EXT2/3 keep a database of filenames? | 08:21 |
thoreauputic | chronic1: is g*e*n*t*o*o so long because you have to compile the name ? ;p | 08:21 |
oprees1 | correct... sir are you able to see me from the wan | 08:21 |
FluxD | briguyd http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23844 | 08:21 |
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MukiEX | Flannel : Ah HA! | 08:22 |
chronic1 | i didn't know if there would be a bot in here that would k/b me for writing another distro....i've seen it before | 08:22 |
Flannel | oprees1: I can. | 08:22 |
chronic1 | first time on irc since installing ubuntu | 08:22 |
thoreauputic | MukiEX: it builds a database once a day - so it doesn't have to grep through everything | 08:22 |
MukiEX | Ooooh. | 08:22 |
oprees1 | so i installed correctly... now i want to create a new directory and point server to my new index.html | 08:23 |
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thoreauputic | chronic1: nah, only evil ops like me k/b people for that kind of thing ;) | 08:23 |
AZzKikR | GTroy, state your problem and ye might be helped | 08:23 |
AZzKikR | whoops | 08:23 |
chronic1 | that and, i didn't want to let anyone have the benefit of theh doubt that i was trolling, lol | 08:23 |
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AZzKikR | disregard that one | 08:24 |
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briguyd | FluxD, eek, thats beyond me, sorry, probably be best to put that line back in and ask someone else, sorry | 08:24 |
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Homer | checking for C++ compiler default output file name... configure: error: C++ compiler cannot create executables | 08:24 |
thoreauputic | ;P | 08:24 |
Flannel | oprees1: just make an index.html in that folder, or make a new folder and make an index.html in it, but they'll have to go http://your.ip.addy.here./foldername/ to get to that in a subfolder | 08:24 |
Homer | problem :( | 08:24 |
chronic1 | thoreauputic: know what i mean...vern | 08:24 |
Flannel | Homer: install the build-essential package | 08:24 |
FluxD | briguyd thanks again I am off now later | 08:24 |
Homer | k | 08:24 |
oprees1 | i thought i needed to map it or something | 08:24 |
Flannel | oprees1: nope, apache takes care of everything | 08:25 |
GTroy | AZzkikR I installed xmms and lost sound to all video apps | 08:25 |
GTroy | but xmms plays music fine | 08:25 |
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GTroy | I also have an unused sound card sitting in the pc | 08:26 |
chronic1 | i would disable the one you are not using (onboard?) | 08:26 |
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oprees1 | ok, thanx, i'll use /wwwtest/index.html .... be back in a min | 08:26 |
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GTroy | chronc1 I should | 08:26 |
briguyd | GTroy, you have 2 PCI soundcards? | 08:26 |
GTroy | but there wasn't a problem before | 08:27 |
GTroy | one onboard | 08:27 |
GTroy | so no | 08:27 |
briguyd | which are you using? | 08:27 |
GTroy | on board | 08:27 |
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chronic1 | hmmm -- so why do you have the other one installed? | 08:27 |
briguyd | GTroy, should you remove the PCI one, then? | 08:27 |
Homer | checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 08:27 |
chronic1 | no offense...just curious | 08:27 |
Homer | what now | 08:27 |
GTroy | I was trying to use the wolfson DAC | 08:27 |
oprees1 | sorry... umm.. i want to create a folder that is equivalent to c:/wwwtest | 08:27 |
briguyd | Homer, you installed build-essential? | 08:27 |
GTroy | *worked in breezy..... | 08:27 |
Homer | yes | 08:28 |
asdx | hi, i am in the 64 bit live cd, i'm dowloading some packages that i want to install offline, from synaptic, will these packages work in a 32 bit ubuntu? | 08:28 |
Homer | it got farther now | 08:28 |
Homer | but need x includes | 08:28 |
chronic1 | install the -dev packages | 08:28 |
chronic1 | for whatever you are trying to build against | 08:28 |
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Flannel | Homer: what are you compiling? | 08:28 |
Homer | gnash | 08:28 |
Flannel | what's wrong with the repository version? | 08:29 |
Homer | open source flash (swf) player | 08:29 |
Homer | ? | 08:29 |
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Homer | there are no packages | 08:29 |
briguyd | i agree with Flannel | 08:29 |
Flannel | ah, you're right. | 08:29 |
carlsagan | i agree | 08:29 |
carlsagan | maybe. | 08:29 |
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Flannel | !tell Homer about compile | 08:30 |
Flannel | Homer: that should walk you through all the steps | 08:30 |
oprees1 | sorry... how do i create a folder ie... c:/wwwtest ? | 08:30 |
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oprees1 | i went to places | 08:30 |
Homer | thanks | 08:30 |
briguyd | oprees1, for apache? | 08:30 |
oprees1 | my computer | 08:30 |
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Homer | also might I ask if there as any other solution other then gnash for amd64 | 08:30 |
oprees1 | using ubuntu desktop | 08:30 |
Homer | to play flash files | 08:30 |
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Flannel | Homer: you can install the normal flash player | 08:31 |
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freakabcd | hi all | 08:31 |
Homer | no can do | 08:31 |
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freakabcd | could someone tell me how i can use the 'Arial' font ? | 08:31 |
Homer | it's 32-bit | 08:31 |
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isoss | hi ... I need to install mysql 4.0 x86, server and it's not included in the repos ... what should I download then from mysql? | 08:31 |
briguyd | oprees1, what do want this folder for? | 08:31 |
isoss | from mysql.com* | 08:31 |
freakabcd | Arial is not available in inkscape and other gnome applications :( | 08:31 |
oprees1 | i want this folder to contain my website | 08:32 |
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Flannel | Homer: have you looked at this page? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava | 08:32 |
briguyd | oprees1, are you using apache? | 08:32 |
Madpilot | freakabcd, do you actually have it installed? | 08:32 |
isoss | or what can I add in repos so I can get older versions of mysql | 08:32 |
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oprees1 | i installed desktop then apache | 08:32 |
carlsagan | does anyone know where i can buy a new modem in jerusalem? | 08:32 |
briguyd | isoss, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP | 08:33 |
Homer | wouldn't that be really really slow? | 08:33 |
surimi | hello | 08:33 |
Homer | since my computer is running in full out 64-mode | 08:33 |
briguyd | oprees1, use nautilus to make a new folder in /var | 08:33 |
Homer | nothing 32-bit is allowed without emulation | 08:33 |
Homer | hmm | 08:33 |
Flannel | isoss: would 4.1 work | 08:33 |
chronic1 | how is ubuntu with dealing with the dual-core systems? | 08:33 |
krazykit | so... i have a crummy broadcom wireless card. would it be better to grab a ralink wireless card? | 08:33 |
isoss | no Flannel | 08:34 |
oprees1 | i was hoping to make equivelent to c:/wwwtest | 08:34 |
freakabcd | Madpilot, i dont think so. | 08:34 |
isoss | I would have downloaded it if it worked | 08:34 |
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Flannel | isoss: then yeah, you'll have to compile it yourself | 08:34 |
freakabcd | Madpilot, is there a package for it? | 08:34 |
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isoss | what about the dependecies? | 08:34 |
Flannel | oprees1: /var/www/test would be http://ip.addy/test/ | 08:34 |
briguyd | isoss, you should be able to use those instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP to install apache (you already did)_ and mysql (and php, if you need it) | 08:34 |
Madpilot | freakabcd, well, it's a Microsoft font, and I'm not sure if it's in the msttf fonts package. It certainly isn't available in Ubuntu by default | 08:34 |
Madpilot | ubotu, tell freakabcd about fonts | 08:34 |
thoreauputic | krazykit: you know about the bcm43xx driver, right? | 08:34 |
Flannel | isoss: you'll have to apt-get them | 08:35 |
freakabcd | Madpilot, yeah which is why i ask. | 08:35 |
thoreauputic | !bcm43xx > krazykit | 08:35 |
Madpilot | freakabcd, see the PM from the bot for more info | 08:35 |
freakabcd | because i need to use the Arial font in some stuff i do in inkscape | 08:35 |
briguyd | oprees1, Flannel is right, /var/www/test would be http://ip.addy/test/ | 08:35 |
isoss | can't apt-get Flannel, mysql 4.0 isn't there | 08:35 |
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isoss | ok briguyd, I'll read through that and see what happens | 08:35 |
Flannel | isoss: right, you apt-get the dependencies | 08:35 |
briguyd | isoss, apt-get install mysql-server | 08:35 |
surimi | does it exist a such nice no cost XP/Mac program http://www.linotype.com/fontexplorerX to preview/group/print/activate and desactivate fonts (and much more) in Linux world? | 08:36 |
oprees1 | ok guy... i get what you'r saying... put all the sites in the var | 08:36 |
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briguyd | oprees1, yessir | 08:36 |
isoss | hmmm so then apt-get install mysql-server won't install the mysql but it's dependecies? | 08:36 |
isoss | just to make sure | 08:36 |
krazykit | thoreauputic: the bcm43xx driver doesn't work. i fought with it for a good month before giving into ndiswrapper. i'd rather have a better supported card | 08:36 |
oprees1 | but... there is a way to map it to another directory outside the var | 08:36 |
Flannel | isoss: no. that'll install the server | 08:36 |
isoss | but I need to install a certain version of mysql!! | 08:36 |
Flannel | oprees1: yes, there are. usually users home directories, like http://ip.addy/~owen/ would be a folder inside your home dir | 08:37 |
thoreauputic | krazykit: hmm - I'm using bcm43xx here with an Apple "airport extreme" Broadcom card without issues | 08:37 |
Flannel | isoss: right, you apt-get the dependencies, then download the source, then compile. | 08:37 |
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Flannel | !tell isoss about compile | 08:37 |
thoreauputic | kraxelhuber: YMMV - you need the firmware though | 08:37 |
Ricesteam | my screensaver activates when I'm watching a media file. | 08:37 |
isoss | Flannel : how would I know the dependecies? | 08:37 |
Ricesteam | how do I disable it? | 08:37 |
oprees1 | the home directory is var/www... i want my home directory to be /www | 08:37 |
Flannel | isoss: looking them up | 08:38 |
thoreauputic | bah krazykit that was for you | 08:38 |
Flannel | oprees1: no, you dont | 08:38 |
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thoreauputic | kraxelhuber: sorry bad tab complete | 08:38 |
oprees1 | why? | 08:38 |
krazykit | thoreauputic: my issue involved losing the connection every 10 minutes, and often failing to get an IP address. | 08:38 |
briguyd | oprees1, why do you want that? | 08:38 |
isoss | I'll check that in synaptic .. but anyway, isn't there a command for knowing that? | 08:38 |
krazykit | i'll wait for edgy to see if the new driver will work better, thoreauputic, and if not, maybe try out the devicescape driver | 08:39 |
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Flannel | isoss: Not really. hense the point of package management. the mysql readme might have it, or the website, or you might have to look in the makefile | 08:39 |
oprees1 | some sites i have are on other hard drives such as d:/www or e:/test/www... etc... | 08:39 |
thoreauputic | krazykit: hmm - seems Ok here, although it took me a while to get it working with network manager. I'm only using WEP here though ( home router ) | 08:39 |
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Flannel | oprees1: linux doesn't use drive letters | 08:39 |
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krazykit | thoreauputic: yeah, i don't like network manager. i have my own custom scripts :-P | 08:39 |
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thoreauputic | krazykit: fair enough - network manager has a ways to go :) | 08:40 |
surimi | No typotheque to manage font so in Linux ? | 08:40 |
isoss | I'll read what can I read and then get back to you guys, thanks for your support | 08:40 |
thoreauputic | krazykit: netapplet also worked OK for me | 08:40 |
oprees1 | so i am new to linux... i am familr with win and was hoping i could relate | 08:40 |
briguyd | is there a way to remap the capslock to something like shift-capslock and have jsut regular capslock do nothing? | 08:41 |
Flannel | oprees1: what are you ultimately hoping to accomplish? | 08:41 |
krazykit | thoreauputic: well, i don't really use gnome... or kde... or xfce... and don't really have a system tray up often... | 08:41 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: in linux drives are "files" - everything is a file - for instance your C drive would normally be /dev/hda1 | 08:41 |
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oprees1 | it's not absolutly necessary i use folders outside var... i just did'nt want to mess things up | 08:41 |
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thoreauputic | krazykit: right, n-m is useless without X at least ( works in fluxbox, sort of) | 08:42 |
oprees1 | ok... so i use var... so let's start with my main index.htm | 08:42 |
Kanpachi | hello, is anyone experincing any trouble with the new kernel update? | 08:42 |
muukav | Im trying to install madwifi, but when using make, i get the following error message: /bin/sh: line 0: /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-386/build: no such file or dir.. and then the same with makefile.inc, asking me to set KERNELPATH.. how do i fix this? | 08:42 |
Flannel | oprees1: /var/www/ not /var/ | 08:42 |
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oprees1 | right | 08:42 |
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Flannel | oprees1: and, just put the main index in /var/www, so it'll be /var/www/index.htm | 08:42 |
ryan | hello | 08:42 |
krazykit | thoreauputic: indeed. iwconfig works well enough, anyway. | 08:43 |
oprees1 | ok... i'll put and index.html in var/www | 08:43 |
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oprees1 | one min pls | 08:43 |
=== thoreauputic wonders why windows refugees tend to use "htm" and linux people tend to use "html" | ||
ryan | hi | 08:43 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: three letter extensions, that's where the htm came from, DOS's 8.3 filenames | 08:43 |
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krazykit | thoreauputic: 8.3 :D | 08:43 |
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thoreauputic | Flannel: ah, of course! | 08:43 |
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Flannel | thoreauputic: and, not just linux people, but real web developers, etc. use .html as well ;) | 08:44 |
=== thoreauputic hits himself for stupidity | ||
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Kanpachi | hello, is anyone experincing any trouble with the new kernel update? | 08:44 |
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krazykit | Kanpachi: nope. what's your trouble? | 08:44 |
Kanpachi | well | 08:44 |
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thoreauputic | Kanpachi: new? as in several days ago? | 08:44 |
Kanpachi | yes | 08:45 |
thoreauputic | Kanpachi: worjing fine here | 08:45 |
thoreauputic | *working | 08:45 |
Kanpachi | k7-15.26 something | 08:45 |
Kanpachi | well, firefox and other apps start crashing with just like that | 08:45 |
Kanpachi | no errors shown | 08:45 |
thoreauputic | ah, don't know - I don't have an amd cpu | 08:45 |
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oprees1 | i dont have permission to save in var/www ? | 08:45 |
Kanpachi | and a few mins ago, my whole system froze, totally froze! i couldn't even move my mouse, i had to hard reboot it | 08:46 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: no, it is root only -you would need sudo | 08:46 |
Kanpachi | i mean, i couldn't even move the cursor around | 08:46 |
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Wiseguy | ok this is kind of off topic., but i will have a related question after this :P does anyone know what the devices are called that are kind of like laptops but much much smaller (and im not talking about a PDA or palm pilot or anything)... they fold just like a regular laptop with the screen on one side and a tiny keyboard on the other... looks about twice the thickness of a PDA, but about the same length and width | 08:46 |
oprees1 | ok i used the text editor | 08:46 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: no, it's www-data not root | 08:46 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: you can use another dir - say public_html in your home directory | 08:46 |
thoreauputic | Flannel: ah sorry | 08:46 |
thoreauputic | Flannel: quite right | 08:47 |
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Flannel | thoreauputic: no trouble, just making sure you don't confuse the poor guy ;) | 08:47 |
thoreauputic | Flannel: rightly so | 08:47 |
oprees1 | i am haveing a hard time keeping up with the chat... sorry guys... i know youre trying to help... thanx | 08:47 |
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Flannel | thoreauputic: and, as such, he'll want to save everything in there as www-data, sudo -u www-data instead of just sudo | 08:47 |
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Kanpachi | never happend to anyone? not kernel wise, but a simillar problem with 6.06.1 | 08:48 |
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krazykit | Wiseguy: OMPC? | 08:48 |
Flannel | Kanpachi: you can always revert to your old kernel (you do keep at least one revision of old kernel installed, right?) by changing grubs default, or whatnot | 08:48 |
oprees1 | ok... so how do i sudo text editor to save in var/www | 08:48 |
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thoreauputic | Flannel: it might be easier if he just has a home server to use ~/public_html and redirect to that | 08:49 |
Kanpachi | flannel, the weird thing is | 08:49 |
Kanpachi | this new kernel totally took over | 08:49 |
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Kanpachi | i can't find my old kernel in the grub menu! | 08:49 |
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Flannel | thoreauputic: I agree, that'll probably be eaisest | 08:49 |
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krazykit | Kanpachi: uh, no, it can't, unless you manually removed the old one. | 08:49 |
Kanpachi | only the 386 one | 08:49 |
Kanpachi | i don't remember doing anything like that | 08:49 |
oprees1 | i just want to practic... what ever is simplest | 08:49 |
erpo | Is there a virtual desktop switcher for gnome that shows previews? | 08:49 |
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Wiseguy | krazykit: ?? what is that? do you have a link? | 08:49 |
thoreauputic | Flannel: the by default http://blah.org/~username will work | 08:49 |
krazykit | Wiseguy: no. i just remember hearing the word. | 08:50 |
Kanpachi | well, i can always install the older one via synaptic and use it | 08:50 |
thoreauputic | *then | 08:50 |
Kanpachi | btw, how do i change grub's default? | 08:50 |
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krazykit | Kanpachi: you could install the 386 one and see if it helps. | 08:50 |
Flannel | Kanpachi: default in the menu.lst ;) | 08:50 |
krazykit | Kanpachi: it's in the /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:50 |
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Kanpachi | ok thanx | 08:50 |
Flannel | Kanpachi: it'll be a number of the entry | 08:50 |
oprees1 | if anybody can skype me (voice) | 08:50 |
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oprees1 | talk me thru it | 08:51 |
carlsagan | skype me | 08:51 |
carlsagan | baby | 08:51 |
carlsagan | one more time | 08:51 |
oprees1 | i would let you vnc me if possible | 08:51 |
mybers | hello to everyone! how do you list all the running background services in the console please | 08:52 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: if you have a default apache2 install you can put your stuf in your home directory under public_html directory, and http://your.url.com/~yourusername will be the index.html file in that directory | 08:52 |
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Flannel | mybers: jobs | 08:52 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: that's the easiest way | 08:52 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: no, you need to uncomment it out of apache2.conf | 08:52 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: it's at the bottom of the file, pretty easy to spot though | 08:53 |
surimi | #ubuntu-motu | 08:53 |
thoreauputic | Flannel: you do? I never remeber that - it's been a while - thanks for the correction (again) | 08:53 |
thoreauputic | *remember | 08:53 |
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Flannel | thoreauputic: or at least, in breezy it is. believe default apache isn't commented, but ubuntus version is | 08:53 |
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thoreauputic | Flannel: are you sure? I seem to remember that working out of the box | 08:54 |
thoreauputic | Flannel: that might be it | 08:54 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: I may be wrong. I don't remember commenting it though | 08:54 |
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oprees1 | ok the public_html directory... where is this... in var/www ? | 08:54 |
mybers | wats commands can use | 08:54 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: no, in your user hme directory | 08:54 |
thoreauputic | *home | 08:54 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: oh, wait. it's a module now. | 08:55 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: alright, so itis enabled out of the box | 08:55 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: cd ~ ; mkdir public_html ; put index.html in that directory | 08:55 |
Flannel | thoreauputic: just not via that directive in apache2.conf, but via a module. | 08:55 |
thoreauputic | Flannel: ah OK | 08:55 |
oprees1 | found usr but no home | 08:55 |
Flannel | oprees1: cd ~ | 08:56 |
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MZM | how hard is to move from working dapper to edgy? | 08:56 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: then test with http://localhost/~yourusername | 08:56 |
Flannel | MZM: pretty easy. #ubuntu+1 for details | 08:56 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: just "cd" will take you home actually | 08:56 |
oprees1 | so the root is home | 08:56 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: assuming you are running as your user | 08:56 |
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Flannel | oprees1: no, /home/username/ is your home | 08:57 |
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thoreauputic | oprees1: no, /home/yourusername/ | 08:57 |
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thoreauputic | :) | 08:57 |
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oprees1 | hmmm.. im using ubuntu desktop (places) k | 08:57 |
Flannel | oprees1: so, /home/owen/ but, you can also just use ~ to move you there | 08:57 |
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oprees1 | wouldn't it be simpler for you guys to vnc me | 08:58 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: just hit the home button, and create a public_html directory there :) | 08:58 |
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thoreauputic | oprees1: giving strangers access to your machine is not a Godd Thing (tm) | 08:58 |
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DaveyJ | is there anything special i have to do in order to get a firewire network going? | 08:58 |
thoreauputic | umm Good | 08:59 |
DaveyJ | the only time i've done it is in windows where its plug'n'play (probalby the only thing in windows that actually works that way) | 08:59 |
oprees1 | it does not matter... its a test computer... i just want to learn this | 08:59 |
FlaX | Is the cd supposed to be burned as a boot image? | 08:59 |
Flannel | oprees1: you wouldn't learn if we did it for you, now would you? | 08:59 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: then follow the directions I gave you | 08:59 |
oprees1 | yup | 08:59 |
Robbster | lo all. I've got a VERY annoying problem. I'm running Dapper (fully updated) and sometimes, when I open a gnome file dialogue it (and the application) crash. Completely. | 08:59 |
Flannel | FlaX: burn the ISO like a normal ISO | 08:59 |
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oprees1 | ok,... im look'n for the home button | 08:59 |
FlaX | Flannel alright thx | 09:00 |
Flannel | oprees1: places > home | 09:00 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: all you need is public_html as a dir in /home/you | 09:00 |
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Robbster | This affects gaim, firefocx (browse), open office. Basically, it's a killer. | 09:00 |
Robbster | Any ideas on how to fix? | 09:00 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: then put your index.html in there | 09:00 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: note: these are case sensitive | 09:00 |
oprees1 | case sentive... got it | 09:00 |
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thoreauputic | oprees1: and remember that by default to access it you need the ~ before your username in the URL | 09:01 |
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thoreauputic | oprees1: like http://localhost/~oprees1 or whatever | 09:02 |
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oprees1 | ok... fond home button... created public_html | 09:02 |
thoreauputic | oK now put your website content in ther | 09:02 |
thoreauputic | *there | 09:02 |
Flannel | oprees1: right, you're doing fine: | 09:03 |
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kholerabbi | how do you change the theme by commandline? | 09:03 |
kholerabbi | or by modifiing a file? | 09:03 |
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thoreauputic | Khisanth: put your theme in ~/.themes | 09:03 |
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thoreauputic | Khisanth: if that's what you mean | 09:04 |
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oprees1 | ok... got index.html in home/public_html/index.html | 09:04 |
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thoreauputic | oprees1: OK you should be able to access that now as above | 09:04 |
thoreauputic | umm - not /home/public_html - /home/owen/public_html | 09:05 |
kholerabbi | thoreauputic: If you talking to me, than I mean I want to select one of the preinstalled themes, not install a new one | 09:05 |
thoreauputic | or whatever your username is | 09:05 |
oprees1 | ok | 09:05 |
Flannel | oprees1: that's fine. it works. go there ;) you'll see. | 09:05 |
abusado | i installed programs on UBUNTU using the add application after installation i cant find where it's located... help me im a newbie | 09:05 |
Flannel | abusado: probably in the application menu, depends on which app though | 09:06 |
kholerabbi | abusado: it should be in the applications menu.. if its a game then in the applications>game menu, if office software then in >office, etc. | 09:06 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: I see "test" - looks like you got it :) | 09:06 |
oprees1 | send me url to me please | 09:06 |
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Flannel | oprees1: | 09:07 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: | 09:07 |
thoreauputic | heh | 09:07 |
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oprees1 | ok i c it | 09:07 |
oprees1 | thanx guys | 09:07 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: no worries - enjoy :) | 09:08 |
orphean | Is there an Ubuntu equivalant to /etc/conf.d? (ie, some sort of central init script prefs directory) | 09:08 |
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Flannel | orphean: /etc/init.d/ | 09:08 |
abusado | kholerabbi: it is in the accessories i installed CPU/Mem monitor... but i cant find it in accessories | 09:08 |
oprees1 | beer time | 09:08 |
abusado | also i installed Mysql administration but i cant find it | 09:08 |
thoreauputic | oprees1: :)) | 09:08 |
orphean | Flannel: Erm, is that their configuration files as well? | 09:08 |
Flannel | orphean: or is that not what youre looking for? | 09:08 |
orphean | Flannel: I'm looking for an Ubuntu equivalant to /etc/conf.d/local.start which runs whatever commands one wants to run at boot. | 09:09 |
kholerabbi | abusado: you probably didn't need a memory or cpu monitor, as there is one already, go to system>administration>system monitor, then click the second tab | 09:09 |
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orphean | Flannel: I found it ;) If anyone else asks, point them to /etc/rc.local | 09:11 |
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kholerabbi | Help! My panels are dead, frozen. When I login most of the things are there (the menu, launchers, a drawer.. but not deskbar, clock, network applet, ) and I can't click anything in the panels, nothing happens when I do.. and after a while everything just disappears of the panels, leaving them blank - any help PLEASE?! | 09:11 |
Flannel | orphean: thankee | 09:11 |
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carlsagan | help | 09:13 |
Flannel | !help | 09:13 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 09:13 |
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Flannel | bah. anyway, ask your question. we aren't psychic. | 09:13 |
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thoreauputic | !ask | 09:13 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 09:13 |
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KyoLptp` | I just downloaded some fonts; how do I install them? | 09:14 |
Flannel | !tell KyoLptp` about font | 09:14 |
KyoLptp` | thank you | 09:15 |
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DaveyJ | anyone use firewire networks with ubuntu? | 09:15 |
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kholerabbi | aha!!! 'killall deskbar-applet', message: "The panel applet Deskbar has encountered a problem, do you want to delete this item from your configuration: yes" then the panels load properly :) | 09:15 |
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brendonjt | hi all | 09:16 |
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C-O-L-T | hello I use Opera as browser but under linux the fonts are too annoying. I would like a standard font like in firefox for example | 09:18 |
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C-O-L-T | can anybody help me? | 09:18 |
oprees1 | <?php | 09:18 |
oprees1 | echo "test"; | 09:18 |
oprees1 | ?> | 09:18 |
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oprees1 | oooppss ... sorry | 09:19 |
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oprees1 | test.php | 09:20 |
KyoLptp` | :D Segoe UI is quite pretty | 09:20 |
freesun | anyone, should I use updates? I think one of updates makes quinnstorms compiz crap out | 09:21 |
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freesun | I am talking of ubuntu updates | 09:21 |
KyoLptp` | the quinn/vanilla stuff got deprecated ages ago | 09:21 |
KyoLptp` | they're supposed to 'crap out' to make way for csm | 09:21 |
KyoLptp` | check out compiz.net | 09:22 |
freesun | which page of compiz.net? | 09:22 |
KyoLptp` | help, forums, etc | 09:22 |
oprees1 | so i can't run php scripts from home/owen/test.php | 09:23 |
Flannel | !tell oprees1 about php | 09:23 |
Flannel | er, sorry. | 09:23 |
Flannel | !tell oprees1 about lamp | 09:23 |
oprees1 | guys my friend came over yesterday and mapd a directory of my choice to work in such a manner | 09:24 |
oprees1 | but cant replicate | 09:24 |
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Flannel | oprees1: you need to run it from home/owen/public_html/test.php | 09:24 |
oprees1 | that's why i was ask'n | 09:24 |
oprees1 | about this map stuf | 09:25 |
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oprees1 | but it's not called mappin | 09:25 |
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oprees1 | is called sumpn else | 09:25 |
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Flannel | oprees1: the people in #apache might be able to help you more. but, again, putting your entire home folder online is asking for trouble | 09:26 |
oprees1 | if i knew the name is the equiv to mapn then it'd be easy | 09:26 |
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freesun | lol making home online... ow! oprees1: don't really do that it is really asking for a lot of trouble | 09:26 |
oprees1 | ok... so it is best for security reasons to keep all in var/www | 09:27 |
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DaveyJ | is there anything special i have to do in order to get a firewire network going between my backup server (xubuntu) and an xp box? | 09:27 |
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Flannel | oprees1: or, home/owen/public_html | 09:27 |
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oprees1 | ok | 09:28 |
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oprees1 | so i think i saved test.php in the right place | 09:28 |
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wall0159 | hey all. Can anyone advise me how to get data from a DVD-R that reports as blank, but that I _know_ isn't..? | 09:29 |
oprees1 | yup,,, it's next to index in folder | 09:29 |
oprees1 | so i use same url (instead of ~owen/index.html i use ~owen/test.php and it says do i want to down load it | 09:31 |
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DaveyJ | quick question.. how do i unload xgl/compiz and reload it without closing out of my session? | 09:31 |
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Flannel | DaveyJ: #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl | 09:32 |
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z0rz | Is there anything better than bandwidthd? I want a Web statics page and realtime info per IP without having to route the network traffic through the PC that is monitoring the bandwidth | 09:33 |
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domster | snmp? | 09:34 |
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z0rz | How does that work? .. I know it's a protocol .. but is there a tool or something that does it all in one? | 09:35 |
z0rz | and don't you have to have like a snmp-compliant device that responds back? | 09:35 |
oprees1 | ok... i was trying to copy and paste test.php to var/www but i can't cuz of this sudo thing? | 09:36 |
Flannel | oprees1: you don't need to | 09:36 |
domster | well, I'm a bit confused as to what you need. snmp would be ideal for monitoring the bandwidth usage of a number of ips under your control, but it wouldn't let you see the ips that those machines are communicating with | 09:36 |
oprees1 | test.php don't work from public | 09:36 |
z0rz | Sounds good... where do a look for more info? | 09:36 |
Flannel | oprees1: that's not because of it's location | 09:36 |
domster | z0rz, if that's what you're looking for, take a gander at 'cacti' | 09:37 |
oprees1 | oh | 09:37 |
domster | the basic approach is you install snmp on each computer you want to monitor, which lets each of them respond to requests for info | 09:37 |
oprees1 | php ain't loaded or installed or setup correctly? | 09:37 |
brendonjt | under dapper what is a good model wireless adsl modem/router/ap | 09:37 |
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domster | then, on the monitoring computer, you set up something to query the data and compile it into pretty looking graphs | 09:38 |
domster | cacti does that | 09:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | brendonjt: what do you mean? | 09:38 |
Flannel | oprees1: right. or rather, apache and php aren't setup to work together | 09:38 |
Flannel | !tell oprees1 about lamp | 09:38 |
z0rz | well domster .. I don't really want to install anything on all the computers .. some of the computers I might not be able to install it on .. for example.. laptops of those getting on my Wireless AP | 09:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | brendonjt: you mean wireless card? | 09:38 |
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oprees1 | ok | 09:38 |
Flannel | oprees1: that page goes into what you need to do | 09:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | brendonjt: anything with an atheros chipset. (you can find this easily by looking for cards that have 108 mbps super G technology, atheroes are the only ones who have this) | 09:39 |
oprees1 | so, i'll look into getting php installed correctly | 09:39 |
Shadowpillar_ | atheros* | 09:39 |
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brendonjt | oh yip me bad one that works straight out of the pac | 09:39 |
oprees1 | what about this business of not being able to copy and paste into the var/www folder? | 09:39 |
domster | z0rz, right, fair enough, but that probably means you need to connect the monitoring computer at a point that the network data is travelling through, or at least where it's mirrored (advanced switches, or an inline hub) | 09:39 |
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maxamillion | in edgy, how do you make gaim not show buddy icons in the buddy list? | 09:40 |
X-Rob_ | Anyone alive want to go through and check a ubuntu install guide for freepbx (asterisk GUI)? | 09:40 |
z0rz | domster well bandwidthd will do what i need.. I was just looking for a similiar or better program.. | 09:40 |
Bokonon | Hello, is there any application that i can use to download a list of URIs i got from apt-get install -f --print-uris on Windows? | 09:40 |
Flannel | oprees1: it's because you don't have permission to | 09:40 |
X-Rob_ | Ooh, and I just discovered a problem (http://www.aussievoip/wiki/freePBX-Ubuntu) | 09:40 |
z0rz | 09:40 | |
Bokonon | Problem is, my ubuntu machine does not have an internet connection | 09:40 |
oprees1 | who do i get permission from | 09:40 |
domster | z0rz, you might try IPFM | 09:41 |
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Bokonon | so i have to down'em from the PC at work. | 09:41 |
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domster | not that it makes nice graphs | 09:41 |
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Bokonon | ack- otherwise, i have to paste each URL one by one. i was hoping there's an application (a download manager) that could read each URI | 09:42 |
frank__ | 668 | 09:42 |
Flannel | oprees1: you use sudo. but agian, that's not your problem. you need to finish setting up php | 09:42 |
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oprees1 | yup... got it... but was interstered in permission thing | 09:42 |
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sess | it took me a lifetime, but I managed to do it | 09:42 |
Flannel | !tell oprees1 about sudo | 09:42 |
sess | got wifi working using the 4318 | 09:42 |
oprees1 | ok... permission thing later. | 09:42 |
TLE | Is it just as bad for quality to convert from ogg->mp3 as I have heard it is the other way around? I know that there always be loss when conerting between compressed formats, hence the wording "just as bad" | 09:43 |
oprees1 | sudo later... mus only be available fm cmd line | 09:43 |
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Flannel | TLE: yes. I imagine it's the same both ways. | 09:43 |
oprees1 | i'll check out my php config | 09:43 |
oprees1 | using synaptic? | 09:44 |
sess | had to install ubuntu i386 and scrap amd64 build. Then I didn't even bother to try the internal 43xx driver, I used ndiswrapper, took 2 hours, but it finally works. And Im a little upset because it may have initially worked had I manipulated the /etc/network/interfaces file directly (the wep key was *********************1 instead of the code in ascii) | 09:44 |
Flannel | TLE: the problem is they both (ogg and mp3) throw away different pieces of sound ranges, and as such, going from one to the other (either way) has thrown away both | 09:44 |
carlsagan | hi sess | 09:44 |
sess | carlsagan: hi | 09:44 |
wall0159 | Hey again - I burned a data DVD, and I want to recover the data. I can physically see the data track on the disk, however, it appears that the session was not closed, or the table-of-contents was not written and the PC sees the disk as blank. Can anyone suggest how to recover the data? I've tried using parted (with the idea of searching for a partition) but that only works on hard disks (surprise!). Any thoughts? | 09:45 |
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oprees1 | php-common and php-cgi installed | 09:45 |
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sess | I've never been able to get my ATI Radeon XPRESS 200M working 3D accelerated in linux, (gentoo or debian), does anyone have this card working in ubuntu? | 09:46 |
Flannel | oprees1: did you read that page? | 09:46 |
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TLE | Flannel: Yeaaahhh. Well I thought, without being a programmer or anything, that there might be som differences in the algorithms that made one way better than the other | 09:46 |
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Flannel | TLE: if there are, its far too subtle to notice. but I seriously doubt there is. | 09:46 |
oprees1 | what page to read... sorry... cant find in this chat | 09:47 |
Flannel | oprees1: check your private message from ubotu, about LAMP | 09:47 |
azureal | if vim is giving me weird errors and i cant look at man pages.. should i reinstall ubuntu-desktop? | 09:47 |
TLE | Flannel: Thanks for your reply, it doesn't matter that much anyway. I was hoping to start rip all my cd's to ogg for ideological reasons. but unfortunately my mobile player doesn't support ogg :( So it'll have to wait then | 09:48 |
oprees1 | i know it must be frustrating for you folks most of the time... but my private msgs. hmmm | 09:48 |
apokryphos | azureal: re-installing ubuntu-desktop won't change things, it's a metapackage (see the FAQ) | 09:48 |
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Flannel | TLE: you might look into FLAC ;) if you're trying to get them off physical media. | 09:48 |
sess | anyone gotten direct rendering at 24bpp? | 09:49 |
azureal | "it won't change things" lol | 09:49 |
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Flannel | oprees1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP | 09:49 |
krazykit | TLE: flac wins. you can transcode it to whatever you want, provided you have time to spare :-D | 09:49 |
Flannel | oprees1: obviously, you need only worry about the apache/php parts | 09:49 |
apokryphos | azureal: what weird errors is vim giving yoou? | 09:50 |
carlsagan | hi apecat | 09:50 |
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printk | join #ubuntu+1 | 09:50 |
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oprees1 | ok i c a few msgs (which must be private msgs to me) you sugest i read the docs... i will | 09:50 |
DaveyJ | is it possible to bridge/bind ethernet connections in ubuntu? | 09:50 |
carlsagan | n, | 09:51 |
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oprees1 | what, cant bridge in ubuntu? | 09:51 |
carlsagan | no | 09:51 |
carlsagan | you need to swim | 09:52 |
Flannel | yes it is | 09:52 |
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oprees1 | i guess so | 09:52 |
carlsagan | sry | 09:52 |
DaveyJ | i wanna bridge my 10/100 lan and my firewire | 09:52 |
carlsagan | i stated it | 09:52 |
oprees1 | what if i don't know how to swim | 09:52 |
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carlsagan | you can use a ferry | 09:52 |
DaveyJ | carlsagan: you left the realm of funny =/ | 09:53 |
carlsagan | what | 09:53 |
oprees1 | what if i cant afford the ferry | 09:53 |
carlsagan | then you will have to have your oxen ford the river | 09:53 |
carlsagan | and one will probably die | 09:53 |
DaveyJ | cork the wagon! | 09:53 |
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Flannel | !offtopic | 09:53 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 09:53 |
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oprees1 | ok sorry | 09:53 |
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TLE | Flannel: krazykit: Yeah I just had a look at it, it seems like a good soulution, I'm just going to need a litle more HD space then ;) | 09:54 |
Flannel | TLE: yeah. just a smidge more ;) | 09:54 |
carlsagan | my bad Flannel | 09:54 |
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carlsagan | forgive me | 09:54 |
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TLE | Flannel: Yeah according to their homepage it about 1/2 size, with mp3/ogg being what something like 1/8 or 1/10 | 09:55 |
azureal | ah, nvm...i managed to run out of space | 09:56 |
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Flannel | TLE: yep, rather large. However, it is lossless, and really processor friendly to decode. | 09:56 |
oprees1 | trying to install php5 now | 09:56 |
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azureal | why didnt the error just say "USER, you have run out of space! stop before you lose!" | 09:57 |
TLE | Flannel: looks nice thanks | 09:57 |
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peterretief | any ideas on how to interface to a gsm network? | 09:57 |
Bonaldo2000 | anyone here know anything about ntfs-3g? I have a weird problem... | 09:57 |
Flannel | TLE: I'd never use it on CDs etc in media players, but for master copies, it's handy. | 09:57 |
azureal | but no.. instead it's "GConf Error: Failed to contact configuration server; some possible causes are that you need to enable TCP/IP networking for ORBit, or you have stale NFS locks due to a system crash." | 09:57 |
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azureal | <this is complete bs> | 09:58 |
DaveyJ | so flannel how do i bridge connections? is there a howto anywhere? | 09:58 |
Flannel | DaveyJ: unfortunately, I have no idea. but I do know it's possible ;) | 09:58 |
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carlsagan | impossible | 09:59 |
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DaveyJ | lol | 09:59 |
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carlsagan | =) | 09:59 |
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DaveyJ | ooo apparently theres a bridge package | 10:00 |
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BeepAU | hey everyone, could someone please teach me how to burn a dvd? i'm confused. | 10:01 |
DaveyJ | dunno how ot use it though :( | 10:02 |
Bokonon | toss it into the fireplace? no really- thats going to take a lotta reading- if you've got mplayer installed, just try man mplayer | 10:02 |
oprees1 | attempting to install all php5 components... probably not the smartest thing to do but is choice i made to see if i can just get php to work | 10:02 |
Bokonon | or on win32, try autogk | 10:02 |
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carlsagan | impossible | 10:03 |
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oprees1 | side note: i opted to install desktop first and then install server components secondary cuz ubuntu server (lamp) had no gui | 10:04 |
oprees1 | by defualt | 10:04 |
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CromagDK | !bug | 10:05 |
ubotu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu, please report it at http://bugs.ubuntu.com | 10:05 |
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carlsagan | !hi | 10:05 |
ubotu | Hi! Welcome to $chan! | 10:05 |
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oprees1 | would be terrific if there was a way to install (LAMP) via desktop install | 10:05 |
oprees1 | ok if not (LAMP) then (AMP) | 10:06 |
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tsw | oprees1: apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server ? | 10:07 |
Madpilot | !lamp | 10:07 |
ubotu | offically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say: Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :) | 10:07 |
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oprees1 | oprees1: apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server ? that's it | 10:07 |
JosefK | !lapp | 10:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lapp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:08 |
JosefK | shame :( | 10:08 |
tsw | oprees1: or read what ubotu just told about lamp | 10:08 |
Flannel | oprees1: no. You need libapache2-mod-php5 | 10:08 |
=== SirKillalot [n=sirk@dslb-084-056-065-132.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | oprees1: LAMP is perfectly installable with a desktop. There's no requirement that it be text-only or anything silly like that. | 10:09 |
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drumline | text-only isn't silly! :P | 10:10 |
drumline | heh | 10:10 |
krazykit | TLE: lucky for you, hard drive space isn't TOO expensive. FLAC is worth it, IMO. | 10:10 |
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Flannel | drumline: no, it's not. but having text-only as a requirement for LAMP is silly | 10:11 |
oprees1 | my hopes were to be able to instruct friends using the telephone on how to simply install ubuntu (swithing from win to the best free world) and be able to host web sites ... simply... i'm not a guru by far... just trying ubuntu out to see if it is easy for me and others | 10:11 |
Flannel | oprees1: it is. they just need to install, then follow a few simple steps (which are copy/pasteable) and they can have it up pretty easily | 10:11 |
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oprees1 | i know it must be simple... but ya know how it is... everybody has their quirks ... such as mine | 10:12 |
BeepAU | how do i Verify DMA is enabled for my DVD burner? | 10:13 |
TLE | krazykit: yeah. Thanks for all your help, I'll have to study a little now. "Organisationel theory" Yaaaawn | 10:13 |
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oprees1 | going to reboot now | 10:14 |
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sess | hell yea, it works | 10:14 |
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sess | now I have video,3D,audio,net,wireless,and misc usb all working in ubuntu | 10:15 |
Madpilot | !dma | 10:15 |
ubotu | dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks run faster, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA | 10:15 |
sess | why didn't I switch to this distro years ago | 10:15 |
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Flannel | sess: because it's only been out for two? ;) | 10:15 |
sess | yea, I heard about it in 2004 working for oit at umass, but I was really into gentoo at that time | 10:15 |
sess | been a debian man mostly for the greater part of 5 years | 10:16 |
siimo | hi is there a way to recover a ubuntu system? i think i didnt shut down cleanly and stuff from /etc/ was lost (including the inittabs and even sources.list!!) is there a way to force install the whole base system again to get this back? | 10:16 |
siimo | :( | 10:16 |
Stinovlas | yesterday. i was trying to install gentoo.. damn.. its impossible! :D | 10:16 |
sess | gentoo takes a few practice installs I think, then its pretty quick and painless to install | 10:16 |
WinterWeaver | hey all..... right.... first of: I'm a linux newb .... secondly... i've been throught the online documentation on TwinView, and other links supplied by peeps in this IRC, but no matter what I've been trying... I can't get my dual monitors to work | 10:17 |
sess | main advantage is that it doesn't install ANYTHING, you basically buildyour own system | 10:17 |
sess | sort of like stampede in 1999, too bad they went under | 10:17 |
CromagDK | when my syslog tells me kernel: [17213209.960000] kernel BUG at mm/rmap.c:486! should i post the "cut here" part on bugs.ubuntu ? or would there be a need for other info ? (if anyone knows) | 10:17 |
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siimo | anyone know?? | 10:18 |
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CromagDK | siimo: RIP | 10:18 |
CromagDK | !rip | 10:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rip - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:18 |
CromagDK | theres something called rip somewhere | 10:18 |
krazykit | TLE: feh, studying. i have at least 4 more pages of stuff to write before i have to wake up in 3 hours. | 10:18 |
siimo | WTF | 10:18 |
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CromagDK | i remember, but not sure what and what not | 10:18 |
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BeepAU | whats the command to list the cd/dvd drives? | 10:18 |
CromagDK | BeepAU: have a look in /media/ | 10:19 |
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WinterWeaver | !TwinView | 10:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about TwinView - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:19 |
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WinterWeaver | >.< | 10:20 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: ok | 10:20 |
sess | hmm, now if I can get cd burning working.... | 10:20 |
CromagDK | ehm | 10:20 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: what is the problem | 10:20 |
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CromagDK | i have dual monitors on nvidia | 10:20 |
Caplain | anyone had issues with emerge after updating to the latest portage? | 10:20 |
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surface- | emerge? i tot i get in wrong channel | 10:20 |
BeepAU | CromagDK -- what if i want to know what the drives are called (hda etc.) ? | 10:20 |
=== Caplain high fives CromagDK. Dual Headers Unite! | ||
opreese | rebooted... still no php | 10:21 |
carlsagan | haha rejected | 10:21 |
Madpilot | Caplain, this is #ubuntu, not #gentoo ;) | 10:21 |
Caplain | surface-: i just notices | 10:21 |
carlsagan | pwnt | 10:21 |
CromagDK | BeepAU: oh uhm, have a look in /dev/ | 10:21 |
opreese | may i interject | 10:21 |
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Caplain | lol sry | 10:21 |
=== Caplain fressed ctrl alt page up | ||
CromagDK | Caplain: lets help this poor dude :) | 10:21 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: I can't get my dual monitors to work | 10:21 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: that i know, but what have you done and what have you not done then :) | 10:22 |
Caplain | which poor dude? | 10:22 |
kendals | What program can I use to have audio chats with MSN users? | 10:22 |
Caplain | i use gentoo as my servers and ubuntu as my desktop | 10:22 |
CromagDK | Caplain: WinterWeaver, he has trouble with dualmonitor on nvidia :P | 10:22 |
CromagDK | oh | 10:22 |
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BeepAU | CromagDK -- ya couldn't give me a command to list them? | 10:22 |
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CromagDK | BeepAU: not on top of my head no. | 10:23 |
opreese | my concerns is that if a person such as myself is willing to let you vnc me ... wouldn't it be a more effective means for you guys to share your knowledge with us? | 10:23 |
Caplain | oh, whats his setup type? two crts? | 10:23 |
CromagDK | Caplain: no idea yet | 10:23 |
Caplain | WinterWeaver: stats? | 10:23 |
CromagDK | Caplain: trying to get info :) | 10:23 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: I've been editing the xorg.conf file a lot... but have not had any success.... Yes... two CRT's | 10:23 |
WinterWeaver | Geforce 6200 | 10:23 |
Caplain | oh joy.... | 10:23 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: different screens ? 2 gfx cards ? | 10:23 |
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WinterWeaver | 1 grafics card... two different screens | 10:23 |
surface- | kendals: chat with msn, gaim, but not audio conversation | 10:24 |
WinterWeaver | graphics* | 10:24 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: wich card is it ? | 10:24 |
Caplain | wouldnt nvidia-config write the approprite settings in xorg.conf? | 10:24 |
CromagDK | no | 10:24 |
sess | well, goodnight for now | 10:24 |
CromagDK | not for twinview | 10:24 |
WinterWeaver | NVIDIA Corporation NV40 [GeForce 6200?] | 10:24 |
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Caplain | if not then i think nvidia would just assign a second bus to the other card...amirite? | 10:25 |
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Caplain | ...nobodys awake in #gentoo btw | 10:25 |
CromagDK | Caplain: should, yes | 10:25 |
Caplain | WinterWeaver: lspci -X | 10:25 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: did you have problems with the card yesterday ? | 10:25 |
Caplain | brb bathroom | 10:25 |
Caplain | ..tmi | 10:25 |
Caplain | does both screens init when he powers up? | 10:25 |
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Caplain | he should have cloned displays on boot | 10:26 |
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WinterWeaver | no probs with the card yesterday | 10:26 |
kendals | surface: I know Gaim can chat to MSN without audio, but I need audio... | 10:26 |
CromagDK | Caplain: i didnt have that. | 10:26 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: ok, well... 2 screens are they identical ? | 10:26 |
kendals | I need to chat to MSN users with AUDIO CHAT- I've used Kopete, Gaim, Mercury, aMSN, etc....no luck- anybody? | 10:26 |
kendals | And Skype doesn't like my headset. | 10:26 |
WinterWeaver | no.... the one is a flattron.... the other just a normal LG | 10:26 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: try go to pastebin and paste your conf. in a file. | 10:27 |
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CromagDK | !pastebin | 10:27 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 10:27 |
WinterWeaver | lol... how do I do that? (I'm newb) | 10:27 |
surface- | kendals: not to msn client, but i heard linux support skype and genzo or something | 10:27 |
CromagDK | look up ;) | 10:27 |
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opreese | for what it's worth... i do thank you guys for your assistance... got to go | 10:27 |
WinterWeaver | ah...kk | 10:27 |
CromagDK | look up ;) | 10:28 |
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CromagDK | ups | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | c sd | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | ss | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | s | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | f | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | sfdef | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | sf | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | sd | 10:28 |
guest_amastudent | fsf | 10:28 |
CromagDK | ffs | 10:28 |
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guest_amastudent | secret | 10:28 |
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WinterWeaver | kk | 10:32 |
CromagDK | :) | 10:32 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: its there | 10:32 |
CromagDK | then give me a link | 10:32 |
CromagDK | :) | 10:33 |
WinterWeaver | 1 sec :P | 10:33 |
CromagDK | heh | 10:33 |
WinterWeaver | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23850 | 10:33 |
CromagDK | sec | 10:33 |
WinterWeaver | I omitted most other irrelevant stuff | 10:33 |
CromagDK | ye i see that | 10:34 |
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CromagDK | well. nv should afaik be nvidia | 10:34 |
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CromagDK | sec ill look in my own | 10:35 |
WinterWeaver | kk... thx ! | 10:35 |
CromagDK | ill post mine.. | 10:36 |
CromagDK | then look the difference | 10:36 |
WinterWeaver | kk | 10:36 |
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=== aSTeK Mp3 : Arab Collection - Sidi Mansour | ||
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CromagDK | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23851 | 10:38 |
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WinterWeaver | thx | 10:38 |
TeePOG | g'day everyone | 10:38 |
sam2espino | hello | 10:38 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: th thing is, i have identical screens | 10:38 |
WinterWeaver | ok.... i'll have a peek neway | 10:39 |
CromagDK | yeah :) | 10:39 |
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CromagDK | nv = nvidia | 10:39 |
CromagDK | thats some driver thingie | 10:39 |
CromagDK | nv40 = 6200 AND 6800 ? | 10:40 |
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WinterWeaver | 6200 | 10:42 |
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WinterWeaver | ok... I've made some changes | 10:42 |
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WinterWeaver | I'm gonna restart quick and see what happens | 10:42 |
CromagDK | yes but it identifies both 6200 and 6800 as NV40 | 10:42 |
CromagDK | :) | 10:42 |
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CromagDK | just restart gnome | 10:42 |
WinterWeaver | ? | 10:42 |
WinterWeaver | lol | 10:42 |
CromagDK | ctrl alt backspace | 10:42 |
WinterWeaver | ah... kk | 10:42 |
WinterWeaver | canI leave all win's open? | 10:43 |
CromagDK | no | 10:43 |
WinterWeaver | kk | 10:43 |
WinterWeaver | brb | 10:43 |
Caplain | maybe its just my card | 10:44 |
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Caplain | hrm.... | 10:44 |
CromagDK | it is | 10:44 |
CromagDK | :P | 10:44 |
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BeepAU | whats the command for the wine browser? | 10:47 |
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agliv5 | Greetings :) I'm looking for a linux alternative for Virtualdub, anybody know of any good programs? | 10:48 |
CromagDK | is there a browser in wine ? | 10:48 |
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surface- | BeepAU: wat is winebrowser? | 10:49 |
agliv5 | BeepAU: what do you want to do with wine? | 10:49 |
BeepAU | agliv5 -- i'm trying to set-up and use dvd decrypter and dvd shrink | 10:49 |
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dinamizador | hola!! | 10:50 |
CromagDK | i actually tried to get counter strike running yesteday | 10:50 |
CromagDK | didnt work the best hehe | 10:50 |
agliv5 | BeepAU: you don't need a browser for that, you should just be able to run the exe using wine... | 10:51 |
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BeepAU | CromagDK -- yes, there's a browser, but i don't remember the command | 10:51 |
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BeepAU | agliv5 -- i just prefer a graphical interface | 10:51 |
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surface- | agliv5: ffmepg | 10:52 |
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surface- | agliv5: ffmpeg | 10:52 |
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CromagDK | Caplain: im a bit scared that the dude from before dont have X working now. | 10:53 |
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CromagDK | wow' | 10:53 |
CromagDK | hah | 10:53 |
WinterWeaver | yikes | 10:53 |
WinterWeaver | soz for taking so long | 10:53 |
CromagDK | what happend? :) | 10:53 |
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CromagDK | it went dead ? | 10:53 |
WinterWeaver | for future reference.... what command can I use to edit files If i cant get into X | 10:53 |
CromagDK | on damn | 10:54 |
CromagDK | nano | 10:54 |
agliv5 | surface-: thanks, I didn't know that ffmepg was available for linux... | 10:54 |
CromagDK | sudo nano filename | 10:54 |
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Caplain | CromagDK: one sec | 10:54 |
CromagDK | Caplain: two sec | 10:54 |
WinterWeaver | kk | 10:54 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: what happend there ?? | 10:54 |
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Caplain | CromagDK: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:54 |
NET||abuse | hey guys, i'm not sure which i should stick with, i've loaded up xine, mplayer and totem,, which would be the nicest player to use? | 10:54 |
Caplain | WinterWeaver: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:54 |
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WinterWeaver | CromagDK: The system did not like "nvidia" | 10:54 |
CromagDK | weird.. | 10:55 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: do what Caplain says. | 10:55 |
CromagDK | ill look a bit | 10:55 |
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d1sc0rd | I cannot seem to get any of the ftp servers in repos working | 10:55 |
Kwong | hi there every1 | 10:55 |
d1sc0rd | anybody know why | 10:55 |
d1sc0rd | hello | 10:55 |
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Kwong | can i ask a question regarding to nm-applet? | 10:55 |
CromagDK | d1sc0rd: get proftpd and gproftpd | 10:55 |
WinterWeaver | kk | 10:55 |
CromagDK | make universe and multiverse repos also | 10:56 |
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Caplain | WinterWeaver: dance like a monkey | 10:56 |
CromagDK | Caplain: hah ;) | 10:56 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: do it :p | 10:56 |
Caplain | lol | 10:56 |
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Kwong | i am just wondering if any1 has experienced an issue with nm-applet in which nm-applet does not show wireless connecition access point (i am using ipw2200)? | 10:56 |
d1sc0rd | Kwong: whats that | 10:56 |
Caplain | lets be nice | 10:56 |
Caplain | i think nvidia-config has settings for dual head | 10:56 |
CromagDK | Caplain: yeah might be better. | 10:57 |
d1sc0rd | CromagDK: I already had progrpd getting gproftpd | 10:57 |
Kwong | dlsc0rd: you have any ideas? | 10:57 |
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Kwong | d1sc0rd: do u have any idea? | 10:57 |
=== WinterWeaver dances like a monkey | ||
CromagDK | Caplain: sure | 10:57 |
CromagDK | YAAAAY!! | 10:57 |
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d1sc0rd | Kwong: `i wont if you dont ask | 10:57 |
Caplain | this is fun | 10:57 |
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Kwong | d1sc0rd: my question is how to get nm-applet shows up my wireless ap | 10:58 |
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d1sc0rd | Kwong: oic | 10:58 |
Kwong | d1sc0rd: i still can use wireless but nm-applet does not show up any access point connections | 10:58 |
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surface- | agliv5: i use ffmpeg to convert flv to mpg, else i couldn't get it play at linux | 10:58 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: you did all this ehm apt-get install nvidia-kernel-common and stuff ? | 10:58 |
CromagDK | (not sure its the right one but close) | 10:58 |
Kwong | d1sc0rd: i am using ipw2200 card | 10:58 |
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d1sc0rd | Kwong: ok I'm thinking and looking | 10:59 |
DennyCrane | morning all, im having issues apt-get installing compiz-vanilla-aiglx because it depends on gset-compiz which is not installable (apparently) is this something where I am just being a muppet or do I need to report it as a bug? | 10:59 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: nope... no idea what that is ? | 10:59 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: one sec then | 10:59 |
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CromagDK | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.29 | 11:00 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: that | 11:00 |
d1sc0rd | Kwong: try this http://john.nile.homelinux.net:8000/ubuntu-dapper-and-my-ipw2200.html | 11:00 |
CromagDK | im sorry, i need to leave for a minute or 5 | 11:01 |
WinterWeaver | kk | 11:01 |
WinterWeaver | n[ | 11:01 |
WinterWeaver | np | 11:01 |
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Kwong | d1sc0rd: thx, i have looked through that, its not the issue i am having | 11:02 |
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d1sc0rd | Kwong: ok | 11:02 |
d1sc0rd | Kwong: I have had trouble with network manager not working before | 11:03 |
d1sc0rd | Kwong: does iwlist work for you? | 11:03 |
d1sc0rd | - no such group 'nobody' - Fatal: Group: Unknown group 'nobody' on line 19 of '/etc/proftpd.conf' | 11:03 |
agliv5 | surface-: does ffmpeg have a gui? | 11:04 |
d1sc0rd | do I need to create a group called nobody? | 11:04 |
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d1sc0rd | CromagDK: - no such group 'nobody' - Fatal: Group: Unknown group 'nobody' on line 19 of '/etc/proftpd.conf' | 11:04 |
surface- | agliv5: i uses commandline only, i am not sure, the doc is so difficult to find. | 11:05 |
d1sc0rd | CromagDK: do I need to create a group for nobody? | 11:05 |
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WinterWeaver | d1sc0rd: Crom is afk for about 5 mins | 11:06 |
d1sc0rd | Kwong: are you running edgy? | 11:06 |
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d1sc0rd | WinterWeaver: well i should just figure it out myself then :) | 11:07 |
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CromagDK | d1sc0rd: what are you talking about now ? | 11:08 |
krazykit | NET||abuse: if you're still curious about players, i prefer mplayer for general videos, and xine for dvds | 11:08 |
WinterWeaver | :P | 11:08 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: ok what did we do.. | 11:08 |
CromagDK | egm | 11:08 |
d1sc0rd | CromagDK: don't worry I'm just not going to worry about nobody group | 11:08 |
CromagDK | ehm | 11:08 |
CromagDK | d1sc0rd: ehm ok | 11:09 |
d1sc0rd | CromagDK: thanks for the help | 11:09 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28NVIDIA.29 u did that ? | 11:09 |
Kwong | d1sc0rd: yeah everything seems to work but the nm-applet just doesnt display any access point connections | 11:09 |
CromagDK | d1sc0rd: np | 11:09 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: I just finished reconfiguring | 11:09 |
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Stinovlas | damn i crashed it again :D | 11:09 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: ok, with the guide ? | 11:09 |
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WinterWeaver | CromagDK: nope not yet... restarting gnome quick and then I'll be on that | 11:09 |
Caplain | Stinovlas: were you wearing your saftey belt? | 11:09 |
CromagDK | ok | 11:10 |
WinterWeaver | brb | 11:10 |
illvarg | hello! somehow i can't get special symbols (altgr+something) to work with xfce4. i've got a norwegian keyboard. how do i go about to fix this? | 11:10 |
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Stinovlas | [Caplain] well, im still trying to install my proxy server and its still not working.. ive already tried Gentoo, Ubuntu and Debian, but im noob :D | 11:11 |
Caplain | Stinovlas: gentoo is the best, go with tinyproxy | 11:12 |
Caplain | gentoo is the best for server apps | 11:12 |
Caplain | i should say | 11:12 |
Stinovlas | [Caplain] yes, is the best, but who wants compile it for weeks? :D | 11:12 |
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Stinovlas | damn, that PC wont start :DD | 11:13 |
Caplain | Stinovlas: weeks? no, a day or two at the most | 11:13 |
Caplain | beiseds, the best things come to those who wait | 11:13 |
surface- | captain, gentoo is great and u are staying here chatting... | 11:13 |
Stinovlas | yeah, i know.. it was unduly... ; | 11:13 |
Stinovlas | ;) | 11:13 |
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DarKnesS_WolF | i have a question i want to make when i close my laptop screen it dosn't look but it make suspend any idea where i can configure this ? | 11:14 |
Caplain | surface-: i use gentoo for my servers and ubuntu for my desktop sir | 11:14 |
Caplain | dont speak so quickly | 11:14 |
d1sc0rd | CromagDK: man i'm still having no luck even with gproftpd | 11:15 |
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Lemon | Hi everyone | 11:15 |
Stinovlas | hi | 11:15 |
d1sc0rd | CromagDK: if i ftp localhost nothing happens and the dameon is running | 11:15 |
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Lemon | I have one question about how to install SCIM input methods to Linux. | 11:15 |
Stinovlas | gproftpd? | 11:15 |
Stinovlas | i have proftpd.. and working well | 11:15 |
d1sc0rd | Stinovlas: yeah its a frontend | 11:15 |
Stinovlas | ;) ok, sorry | 11:16 |
d1sc0rd | Stinovlas: I'm not having luck with progrpd | 11:16 |
d1sc0rd | Stinovlas: proftpd wanna try to help me out | 11:16 |
NET||abuse | krazykit, thanks for the recomendation | 11:16 |
d1sc0rd | Stinovlas: when I ftp localhost or my ip nothing happens | 11:16 |
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Stinovlas | dunno, ive started it on Ubuntu and Debian and it was working.. try ftp your IP with user and password to your system user, but not root ;) | 11:17 |
surface- | captain: great (: i din't say anything bad on it, do I? | 11:17 |
sess | someone want to recommend a good graphical ftp client for use with gnome? I've used ncftp all my life, but now I feel "forced" to use the gui since ubuntu does such a great job of making it seamless and fully functional | 11:17 |
sess | also I would like to state that I miss metisse very much | 11:18 |
d1sc0rd | Stinovlas: I cannot even get a login | 11:18 |
d1sc0rd | maybe itrs this - IPv6 getaddrinfo 'integral.domain.actdsltmp' error: Name or service not known | 11:18 |
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Stinovlas | [d1sc0rd] hmm, try to restart computer.. | 11:18 |
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d1sc0rd | :( | 11:19 |
d1sc0rd | Stinovlas: maybe I will but that's silly | 11:19 |
d1sc0rd | Stinovlas: make me feel like I'm running windows | 11:19 |
Stinovlas | d1sc0: yeah, it is like windows.. i click icon and system must restart for changes :DD | 11:20 |
surface- | sess: i think nautilus support ftp too, that is great for me | 11:20 |
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DarKnesS_WolF | i have a question i want to make when i close my laptop screen it dosn't look but it make suspend any idea where i can configure this ? | 11:22 |
=== WinterWeaver [n=winterwe@dsl-165-14-231.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CromagDK | wb | 11:22 |
sess | surface: tnx, but i need a more featured client | 11:22 |
WinterWeaver | ^_^ | 11:22 |
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WinterWeaver | interesting | 11:23 |
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porko | what | 11:23 |
CromagDK | any good ? | 11:23 |
WinterWeaver | something seems to be happening | 11:23 |
porko | really | 11:23 |
WinterWeaver | I've not been to that link yet | 11:23 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: but ? | 11:23 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: what did you do then hehe :) | 11:23 |
sess | gftp? | 11:23 |
WinterWeaver | but now for the first time my second monitor fired up... but complained about the frequency settings | 11:23 |
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porko | bla bla | 11:23 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: then tell it wich to run | 11:24 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: Yeh.. I'm about to :P | 11:24 |
CromagDK | :D | 11:24 |
CromagDK | not sure it works. but you can try heh | 11:24 |
Newbi8 | Hello!Could someone give me the mainlines of using ther terminal? | 11:24 |
CromagDK | eh ? | 11:24 |
CromagDK | mainlines ? | 11:24 |
gnomefreak | !cli > Newbi8 | 11:25 |
gnomefreak | Newbi8: read your pm for help with terminal | 11:25 |
CromagDK | !cli | 11:25 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 11:25 |
CromagDK | mmm :D | 11:25 |
Newbi8 | Thank u!:) | 11:25 |
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siimo | Hi can someone please tell me what package the calculator comes in in default ubuntu install?? i cant find it! | 11:26 |
siimo | (gnome) | 11:26 |
AZzKikR | gnome-calc? | 11:26 |
TeePOG | is there a reason why dapper has no installation candidate for the package "lyx2html"? | 11:26 |
AZzKikR | siimo, gnome-calculator :) | 11:26 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: yup... this is where identical monitors come in handy .... | 11:27 |
sess | thats very clever, does ubotu also understand the pipe command? | 11:27 |
siimo | AZzKikR: its not there :\ | 11:27 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: hehehe ok | 11:27 |
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CromagDK | you need to restart gnome for it to take effect | 11:27 |
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AZzKikR | siimo, apt-get install gnome-calculator does not work? | 11:27 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: cause I don't know where to tell the second monitor what it should be | 11:27 |
CromagDK | aah | 11:27 |
mywltm | hi, is the 2.6.15-26-686 kernel update 'safe'? | 11:27 |
CromagDK | one sec. | 11:27 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: should I create another "monitor" entry? | 11:28 |
CromagDK | think instead of "monitor" it should be called "monitor0" and "monitor1" but not sure. wait a sec. | 11:28 |
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siimo | AZzKikR: package not found man | 11:28 |
siimo | im running breezy by the way | 11:29 |
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AZzKikR | siimo, try updating via apt-get update | 11:29 |
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siimo | AZzKikR: i just did it it didnt help | 11:29 |
AZzKikR | balls | 11:29 |
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mangel | hola a todos | 11:29 |
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cpk1 | !gnome-calculator | 11:30 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gnome-calculator - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:30 |
AZzKikR | siimo, did you try adding other repositories to your apt source list? | 11:30 |
sess | hola magel quetal? | 11:30 |
siimo | i really need this calculator or my dad will kill me :| | 11:30 |
cpk1 | !info calculator | 11:30 |
ubotu | Package calculator does not exist in any distro I know | 11:30 |
siimo | AZzKikR: i have main universe multiverse and restricted | 11:30 |
AZzKikR | !info gnome-calculator | 11:30 |
cpk1 | !info gnome-calculator | 11:30 |
ubotu | Package gnome-calculator does not exist in any distro I know | 11:30 |
ubotu | Package gnome-calculator does not exist in any distro I know | 11:30 |
AZzKikR | what bs is that?! | 11:30 |
cpk1 | try the educational tools, does gnome have that? | 11:30 |
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cpk1 | like the kde educational package | 11:30 |
mangel | aqui liado y tu | 11:31 |
mangel | estoy instalando el vmware, y al final me peta. | 11:31 |
TeePOG | i use gcalctool, HTH | 11:31 |
mangel | podrias ayudarme | 11:31 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154248&highlight=twinview something there.. | 11:31 |
CromagDK | Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "31.4-68.6" | 11:31 |
CromagDK | Option "SecondMonitorVertRefresh" "59-85" | 11:31 |
AZzKikR | siimo, if all else fails, you can probably download it seperately... but still, it's very odd that the package does not exist... | 11:31 |
TeePOG | !info gcalctool | 11:31 |
ubotu | gcalctool: A GTK2 desktop calculator. In component main, is optional. Version 5.7.32-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 607 kB, installed size 4960 kB | 11:31 |
sess | vmware? no | 11:32 |
siimo | TeePOG: is gcalctool the default one? | 11:32 |
mangel | gracias de todos modos. | 11:32 |
elkbuntu | yes, it is | 11:32 |
siimo | one that provides financial calculator etc | 11:32 |
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TeePOG | siimo: must be, it was there upon installation... all i did was add the launcher to my panel | 11:32 |
AZzKikR | gnome-calculator and gcalctool point to the same app iirc | 11:33 |
sess | mangel: #vmware | 11:33 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Dual_Monitors | 11:33 |
CromagDK | i know its gentoo but its the same as i remember tit. | 11:33 |
CromagDK | it* | 11:33 |
WinterWeaver | lmao | 11:33 |
CromagDK | but dude | 11:33 |
siimo | thanks for saving my life dudes!! | 11:34 |
AZzKikR | anytime :) | 11:34 |
fo0bar | !info galculator | 11:34 |
ubotu | galculator: A GTK+ 2.0 based calculator. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.5-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 708 kB | 11:34 |
TeePOG | np | 11:34 |
mangel | gracias sess | 11:34 |
cpk1 | siimo: if you open up synaptic/adept and do calc in the search entry there are all sorts of different calc programs to pick from | 11:34 |
CromagDK | i had to use the link from before the apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common | 11:34 |
CromagDK | and so on | 11:34 |
fo0bar | ^^^ GTK calculator that doesn't further depend on gnome | 11:34 |
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agliv5 | Is anybody really good with mencoder? having problems converting a WMV... | 11:34 |
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CromagDK | you have to install the stuff | 11:34 |
siimo | cpk1: ahh ok i did apt-cache search and it came with too many but i wanted that particular one because it has financial calculations etc | 11:34 |
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WinterWeaver | I installed it from the package manager | 11:35 |
WinterWeaver | that ok? | 11:35 |
AZzKikR | uh oh, a new xorg-driver-fglrx... | 11:35 |
cpk1 | i saw a currency calc ^^ | 11:35 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: i think so | 11:35 |
DiamonD | Hi ppl | 11:35 |
sess | de nada | 11:35 |
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CromagDK | but go to the link for the rest of the stuff :) | 11:35 |
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DiamonD | does someone know how to configure postfix | 11:35 |
cpk1 | and apparently train routing calculators are popular... | 11:35 |
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DiamonD | main.cf is missing in the dir | 11:35 |
siimo | :) | 11:35 |
DiamonD | ./etc/postfix | 11:35 |
sess | gnight all, 5:30 am = bedtime | 11:36 |
cpk1 | DiamonD: better luck in #postfix probably | 11:36 |
AZzKikR | sess, nite nite | 11:36 |
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CarinArr | !nvidia > CarinArr | 11:36 |
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porko | pike grde ste vsim kle gor | 11:36 |
porko | hej pike | 11:36 |
khaije1 | can anyone reccommend a NAS for linux? | 11:37 |
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siimo | you guys rock! thanks a bunch :) | 11:37 |
siimo | laters | 11:37 |
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TeePOG | khaije1: there's a free NAS called | 11:37 |
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dv5000 | kan i give sudo permissions to a tekstfile i made as a normale user? | 11:37 |
TeePOG | khaije1: there's a free NAS called FreeNAS... it's BSD-based, and available as a VMWare Player image | 11:38 |
dv5000 | s/kan/can/ | 11:38 |
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khaije1 | TeePOG: do you know if it run's on linux? | 11:38 |
khaije1 | (not strickly necessary) | 11:38 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: died on me now ? | 11:38 |
WinterWeaver | nope | 11:38 |
CromagDK | heh ok | 11:38 |
WinterWeaver | i just noticed there was something I hadn't installed | 11:39 |
CromagDK | what ? | 11:39 |
WinterWeaver | what is that command again? | 11:39 |
CromagDK | oh sec.. | 11:39 |
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TeePOG | khaije1: I run VMWare Player in Ubuntu... the FreeNAS pre-built Virtual Machine should runn straight off the bat | 11:39 |
CromagDK | sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common | 11:39 |
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CromagDK | and after that : sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 11:40 |
khaije1 | TeePOG: i'll check it out, any runner's up to that one? | 11:40 |
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WinterWeaver | CromagDK: first command... The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 11:42 |
WinterWeaver | nvidia-glx: Depends: xserver-common (>= 4.0.3) but it is not going to be insta lled | 11:42 |
WinterWeaver | E: Broken packages | 11:42 |
WinterWeaver | I had the same problem with the package man | 11:42 |
CromagDK | hmm | 11:43 |
CromagDK | sudop apt-get update | 11:43 |
CromagDK | ? | 11:43 |
CromagDK | -p | 11:43 |
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dv5000 | Can i give sudo permissions to a textfile i made as a normale user? | 11:43 |
anmar | hey guys. There is a whack of aiglx setup how tos for Edgy. which one is the officially (well as officially as can be) supported one by Edgy knot3 release ? | 11:44 |
CromagDK | !edge | 11:44 |
CromagDK | !edgy | 11:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about edge - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:44 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 11:44 |
CromagDK | :) | 11:44 |
lastnode_ | anmar, #ubuntu+1 | 11:45 |
WinterWeaver | lol.. I wish I knew what all those commands meant... ^_^.... in time I guess | 11:45 |
anmar | lastnode_: thanks dude | 11:45 |
lastnode_ | np | 11:45 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: well the sudo apt-get update is for updating packages | 11:45 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: btw... | 11:46 |
WinterWeaver | ? | 11:46 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: mihgt need to make more repos | 11:46 |
mangel | sass, sabes cuales son los servers del irc-hispano | 11:46 |
WinterWeaver | repos? | 11:46 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: repositories | 11:47 |
cpk1 | !es | 11:47 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:47 |
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CromagDK | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories WinterWeaver | 11:47 |
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CromagDK | might do good stuff to the update. | 11:47 |
CromagDK | !nikon | 11:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nikon - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:48 |
CromagDK | !camera | 11:48 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about camera - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:48 |
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WinterWeaver | ok... the first question that I, linux newb #1, would have is.... what the hell is repositories? | 11:49 |
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WinterWeaver | :P | 11:49 |
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CromagDK | WinterWeaver: you can call it ehm | 11:49 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: packeinformation places | 11:50 |
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CromagDK | packageinformation | 11:50 |
CromagDK | !repos | 11:50 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 11:50 |
WinterWeaver | ah | 11:50 |
isoss | hey guys | 11:50 |
WinterWeaver | ok... I am busy installing updates through the package man... is gonna take a while >.< | 11:51 |
CromagDK | ;) | 11:51 |
isoss | I know inorder to see my memory status I use the command free .. but how can I view what programs are eating the memory? | 11:51 |
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kalif | isoss: top | 11:51 |
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WinterWeaver | kk... done.... with that | 11:53 |
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WinterWeaver | should I reload gnome? | 11:53 |
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isoss | kalif: say I am running a backup bash script with cron, suspecting that it's running now, how can I figure that out? | 11:53 |
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WinterWeaver | oh... crap.... lol | 11:54 |
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WinterWeaver | I killed something | 11:54 |
CromagDK | oook ? | 11:54 |
CromagDK | what ? | 11:54 |
WinterWeaver | Icons and Menus | 11:54 |
CromagDK | ehm ? | 11:54 |
isoss | top moves very fast, can't get to know all that is eatting my memory | 11:54 |
isoss | any idea guys ? | 11:55 |
kalif | press M | 11:55 |
kalif | that'll sort the processes by memory usage | 11:55 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: lol.. I cant do anything if firefox | 11:55 |
kalif | press s to change delay between updates | 11:55 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: not sure what you mean. | 11:56 |
kalif | press h for other options :) | 11:56 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: nvm... I think Firefox just crashed on me... I'll kill it | 11:56 |
CromagDK | heh ok | 11:56 |
WinterWeaver | O.o | 11:57 |
WinterWeaver | No | 11:57 |
WinterWeaver | I did something bad I think | 11:57 |
WinterWeaver | half my menus are gone | 11:57 |
CromagDK | you didnt DO anything | 11:57 |
CromagDK | you updated packages | 11:57 |
isoss | thanks kalif ... | 11:57 |
WinterWeaver | so do I just restart ? | 11:58 |
CromagDK | unless you did something else. | 11:58 |
CromagDK | how much is gone ? and what is it ? | 11:58 |
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WinterWeaver | well... on my applications menu, i only have 4 submenus, most of my apps are missing, and under system I don't have the conficuration menu | 11:59 |
WinterWeaver | configuration* | 11:59 |
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CromagDK | lol ? | 12:00 |
CromagDK | what happend ?! | 12:00 |
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WinterWeaver | I have no Idea :P | 12:00 |
WinterWeaver | I think I'm gonna restart | 12:00 |
CromagDK | watch out | 12:00 |
WinterWeaver | ? | 12:00 |
CromagDK | might wanna do stuff back to waht they were | 12:00 |
ndlovu | if I can see that stellarium is taking up 15MB in /var, why does it only say 2286kB will be freed if I try to apt-get remove it? | 12:00 |
WinterWeaver | so how do I revert? | 12:01 |
enyc | ndlovu: erm... /var ... cached data? | 12:01 |
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enyc | WinterWeaver: its probably only within your useraccount | 12:01 |
ndlovu | sorry, that should be /usr | 12:01 |
raid | hi all | 12:01 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: just do stuff backwards i think | 12:01 |
raid | need some help with folder permissions | 12:01 |
enyc | ndlovu: ok... pease explait/show how you came to the 15mb value | 12:01 |
xinted | hi | 12:01 |
CromagDK | !chown | 12:01 |
ubotu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via applications -> accessories -> terminal (gnome) or kmenu -> system -> konsole (kde). Manuals: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands | 12:01 |
CromagDK | !chmod | 12:02 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about chmod - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:02 |
ndlovu | enyc, using xdiskusage | 12:02 |
enyc | ndlovu: note that disk usage and file content sive are not the same thing | 12:02 |
kalif | neat bot | 12:02 |
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raid | I need to change the permissions of a folder with all of its subfloders and files in it... | 12:02 |
ndlovu | enyc, it shows graphical blocks showing what directory is taking up what space | 12:02 |
kalif | !top | 12:02 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about top - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:02 |
enyc | ndlovu: hrrm /var/stellarium or something? | 12:02 |
CromagDK | raid: i would read about chown and chmod | 12:02 |
xinted | chmod | 12:02 |
kalif | well, sort of :) | 12:02 |
ndlovu | enyc, /usr/share/stellarium | 12:03 |
enyc | ndlovu: I see | 12:03 |
enyc | ndlovu: now... the 'stellarium' may be a depenhdancy for other packaces | 12:03 |
WinterWeaver | CromagDK: hmm.... lol... do stuff backwards? | 12:03 |
enyc | ndlovu: e.g. there might me a separate 'stellarium-data' package | 12:03 |
kalif | !volumemanager | 12:03 |
raid | cromagdk, i used chmod and chgrp but they will change the access only of the parent folder and not the subfolders and files inside the folder... do i have to do it folder by folder and file by file? | 12:03 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about volumemanager - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:03 |
CromagDK | WinterWeaver: hehe you know hehe undo them :P as you can hehe | 12:03 |
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CromagDK | raid: ah -r | 12:03 |
CromagDK | i thiknk | 12:03 |
xinted | try sudo chmod | 12:03 |
ndlovu | enyc, ah | 12:03 |
CromagDK | recursive | 12:04 |
xinted | aah yes | 12:04 |
enyc | ndlovu: oh yes there is ;-) | 12:04 |
ndlovu | enyc, indeed there is a stellarium-data package! | 12:04 |
enyc | ndlovu: that will by why then | 12:04 |
raid | meaning chmod -r user folder ? | 12:04 |
ndlovu | enyc, thanks for the help! | 12:04 |
CromagDK | t -R, --recursive change files and directories recursively | 12:04 |
CromagDK | not the t | 12:04 |
CromagDK | chmod --help show -R, --recursive change files and directories recursively | 12:04 |
raid | cromagdk: works also on chgrp? | 12:04 |
CromagDK | donno | 12:04 |
enyc | ndlovu: im sure there is a may in dembian packaging to romeve packages that havent been explicitly installed... | 12:04 |
CromagDK | this was chmod | 12:04 |
habakkuk | ROFL !!!! :D | 12:04 |
enyc | ndlovu: bunt are no-longer depended-upon | 12:04 |
WinterWeaver | hmmm... none of the links in the menus works either >.< | 12:05 |
raid | ok thx, try it right away.... | 12:05 |
xinted | hehe | 12:05 |
CromagDK | raid: but yes | 12:05 |
habakkuk | ive found really interesting option in ms word 'control of the bastards and widows' | 12:05 |
habakkuk | can you imagine? | 12:05 |
habakkuk | :D | 12:05 |
ndlovu | enyc, I'll check the apt-get man - should be in there somewhere | 12:05 |
enyc | WinterWeaver: its problem broken in your user account only | 12:05 |
ulfar | is vlc no longer in apt-get ? apt-cache search vlc turns up nothing for me :o | 12:05 |
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KenSentMe | ulfar: have you enabled universe and multiverse repositories? | 12:06 |
enyc | WinterWeaver: you can probbaly logout, rename osme of the .gconf etc. from a terminal/console... and re-login | 12:06 |
KenSentMe | !info vlc | 12:06 |
ubotu | vlc: multimedia player for all audio and video formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4.debian-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 7620 kB, installed size 18808 kB | 12:06 |
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ulfar | KenSentMe: hmm nvm, apt-get update fixed it :p thanks tho | 12:06 |
ulfar | one more question, how do i know if im using ALSA, aRTS or Esound? wich VLC package should i choose ? :o | 12:07 |
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xinted | try vlc-alsa | 12:08 |
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mooky | Hello all, is there an ncurses/terminal version of synaptics | 12:08 |
ulfar | keke | 12:08 |
xinted | apt-get vlc-alsa | 12:08 |
xinted | sae to vlc-arts | 12:08 |
cpk1 | mooky: apt-get? | 12:09 |
spdf | mooky, You could try dselect | 12:09 |
mooky | I was thinking more like aptitude | 12:09 |
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raid | CromaGDK thx man, it worked | 12:09 |
raid | God bless u all Cheers! | 12:09 |
mooky | I'll just use apt-get | 12:10 |
mooky | thanks | 12:10 |
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BeepAU | could someone PLEASE help me burn a dvd? | 12:14 |
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spdf | BeepAU, Which app are you using? | 12:15 |
BeepAU | spdf -- i've tried too many | 12:15 |
BeepAU | spdf -- what should i be using? | 12:15 |
KenSentMe | BeepAU: do you want to burn a video-dvd or a data-dvd? | 12:16 |
BeepAU | KenSentMe -- a video-dvd, i guess, i want to backup a dvd i have. | 12:17 |
KenSentMe | BeepAU: can you play the source dvd on your system? | 12:17 |
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spdf | BeepAU, For copying movies I use Dvd Shrink in Wine, and then burn the dvd iso with gnomebaker | 12:18 |
BeepAU | KenSentMe -- it won't play in xine, but it plays in my dvd player | 12:18 |
BeepAU | spdf -- i've had little luck with wine in the past | 12:18 |
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KenSentMe | !dvd | 12:19 |
ubotu | See http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 12:19 |
Samuli^ | BeepAU, why don't you use dvd::rip? | 12:19 |
Samuli^ | it's really great. | 12:19 |
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spdf | BeepAU, So, lets backtrack. When you say burn you mean copy? | 12:19 |
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BeepAU | Samuli^ -- i have it installed, but don't know hot to use it | 12:19 |
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BeepAU | spdf -- yes | 12:19 |
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chibiace | force version in synaptic is really useful if you manually upgrade packages and want to downgrade them | 12:20 |
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schmirgo | hi, how do i downgrade from python2.4 to python2.3 without uninstalling all software which depends upon python? also how can prevent upgrading to python2.4 again when i'm doing the next update? | 12:20 |
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chibiace | schmirgo, :D synaptic has lock version too | 12:21 |
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BeepAU | so what do i do? | 12:22 |
schmirgo | i cant use synaptic i can't fire up xorg ;) | 12:22 |
chibiace | eep why | 12:22 |
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schmirgo | because its a server install | 12:23 |
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spdf | BeepAU, If you're wanting to do DVD -> DVD copies then I'd suggest looking into WIne and DVD Shrink.. | 12:23 |
chibiace | oh :( you dont feel like you want to install x or anything perhaps fluxbox with it | 12:23 |
sovieticool | know someone how to fix 5.1 sounf to work ? | 12:23 |
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BeepAU | spdf -- can you guide me through using it? | 12:23 |
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CarinArr | spdf, what's wrong with tools like k3b? | 12:24 |
schmirgo | chibiace, i really can't access it... the only way i coudl do it would be with xdmcp over the internet... i dont have physical access to that pc -.- | 12:25 |
spdf | CarinArr, I'm thinking 9GB to 4.5GB copying, hence dvd shrink... I wasn't aware k3b did that sort of thing.. | 12:25 |
chibiace | schmirgo, i had upgraded dbus and afew other dbus things, the main dbus package wanted to uninstall everything, i removed all the other dbus ones but the main one first then the last one and it didnt ask to uninstall everything | 12:25 |
=== aSTeK Mp3 : Morandi - Love Me | ||
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chibiace | schmirgo, oh change all the removes to force version in synaptic | 12:25 |
chibiace | schmirgo, vlc is easy to setup | 12:26 |
Samuli^ | what codec/player do you use to view h264? | 12:26 |
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chibiace | schmirgo, vnc sorry | 12:26 |
ulfar | im having some difficulties with VLC in firefox | 12:26 |
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ulfar | or should i be using quicktime? :o | 12:26 |
schmirgo | chibiace ok, i will try that then... thanks :) | 12:27 |
predaeus | schmirgo: aptitude is ncurses i think and also has a hold option | 12:27 |
sovieticool | know someone how to fix 5.1 sound to work ? | 12:27 |
schmirgo | ok, thanks ;) | 12:27 |
ulfar | i only get sound, no picture when playing some videos in firefox | 12:27 |
chibiace | ulfar, what about the totem firefox plugin thing? | 12:28 |
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lastnode | i want to dd this ubuntu install to another partition, what's the safest way? | 12:29 |
ulfar | chibiace: installed vlc, vlc-plugin-esd and mozilla-plugin-vlc | 12:29 |
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chibiace | ulfar what about vlc-plugin-alsa? | 12:29 |
chibiace | ulfar oh you get sound | 12:30 |
ootput | lastnode: why specifically 'dd' ? | 12:30 |
lastnode | ootput, how else can i do it? | 12:30 |
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ootput | lastnode: rsync, cp | 12:31 |
ulfar | chibiace: yea i get sound | 12:31 |
chibiace | ulfar: perhaps you need a video output plugin. vlc-plugin-sdl or something | 12:31 |
lastnode | ootput, while im using this parition? | 12:31 |
RogerRabb | how can I do a count of every file recursively in directories by that match a given handle.. eg the number of files in /blah and all subdirs of blah that end with .html ? | 12:31 |
ootput | lastnode: sure | 12:31 |
ootput | lastnode: it's a single root partition? | 12:32 |
lastnode | ootput, sample syntax? | 12:32 |
lastnode | ootput, i want to cp /dev/hda5 to /dev/hda6 | 12:32 |
kalif | RogerRabb: find /blah -name \*.html | wc -l | 12:32 |
ootput | lastnode: rsync -aHxv /mountpoint/of/hda5/ /mountpoint/of/hda6 | 12:32 |
RogerRabb | ah wc -l.. sweet that's what I was after | 12:32 |
RogerRabb | thanks | 12:33 |
lastnode | thanks Oompa | 12:33 |
ootput | lastnode: remember to add the trailing / after hda5 | 12:33 |
lastnode | ootput, even | 12:33 |
lastnode | ok cool | 12:33 |
sovieticool | know someone how to fix 5.1 sound to work ? | 12:33 |
RogerRabb | kalif how about getting the total filesize from the number of results returned? | 12:34 |
BeepAU | hey guys, i've loaded dvd shrink in wine, but it doesn't recognise any of my disc drives, how do i change this? | 12:35 |
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spdf | BeepAU, run winecfg and setup your Drivers | 12:39 |
spdf | BeepAU, Drives rather... | 12:39 |
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BeepAU | spdf -- how do i open a app in wine once it's installed? | 12:41 |
BeepAU | spdf -- i try going wine DVD Shrink...exe, but it doesn't like spaces | 12:41 |
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spdf | BeepAU, rename it | 12:42 |
BeepAU | spdf -- how? | 12:42 |
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BeepAU | spdf -- nevermind | 12:43 |
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fuci | How can I change resolution in FluxBox? It's like 1600x1200 and way over my normal resolution. Thanks. | 12:45 |
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decherdt | BeepAU, use quotations eg;wine "DVD Shrink" | 12:45 |
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firenx | edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 12:45 |
ndlovu | I'm trying to get kino working, but it seems to need mp2enc to do the audio - anyone know which package contains this? | 12:45 |
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BeepAU | YES~ | 12:46 |
BeepAU | it's working | 12:46 |
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BeepAU | thanks spdf and anyone else who helped | 12:46 |
Ramunas | hello | 12:47 |
Ramunas | how can I make ubuntu to use 100hz refresh rate instead of this ugly 60HZ | 12:47 |
Ramunas | ? | 12:47 |
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erUSUL | !fixres | 12:49 |
ubotu | x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 12:49 |
elias_ | does edgy come with aiglx out of the box? | 12:49 |
sovieticool | !fixsound | 12:49 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fixsound - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 12:49 |
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spdf | Hmm, Beep'd better be good at googlin' because something tells me he's going to come back and say dvddecrypter can't find his cdrom.. | 12:49 |
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tomcatt | !mouse | 12:54 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 12:54 |
Vapour | hello. I tried to update ubuntu with apt-get update and it says E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied). does anyone know what is wrong? | 12:54 |
schmirgo | Vapour, you may have running synaptic or the update tool in gnome | 12:55 |
elias_ | does anybody know about aiglx/xgl in edgy? | 12:55 |
jrib | !xgl | 12:55 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 12:55 |
schmirgo | you can only have synaptic or apt-get or the update tool for automatic updates running | 12:55 |
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Vapour | schmirgo: what does that mean? (sorry I just started to use Linux) | 12:56 |
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Ramunas | how can I install nvidia drivers? | 12:56 |
schmirgo | Vapour, just close synaptic... or the autoupdater | 12:56 |
ulfar | Ramunas: with the apt-get tool :p | 12:56 |
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schmirgo | Vapour, then it should work | 12:56 |
jrib | Vapour: or you didn't use sudo? did you do 'sudo apt-get update' ? | 12:56 |
spdf | Vapour, did you sudo apt-get update? | 12:57 |
spdf | Beat me to it.. | 12:57 |
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Ramunas | !nvidia | 12:57 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 12:57 |
Vapour | jey, I should try sudo... that might do the trick | 12:57 |
ulfar | Ramunas: try using, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx | 12:57 |
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jrib | !sudo > Vapour | 12:59 |
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Vapour | thanks jrib :) | 01:00 |
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illvarg | hi! how do i get the altgr key working in xfce? using no-map. i understand there is a problem with the keyboardmapping. how do i fix this? | 01:04 |
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cope_oz | i tried to update to kde (sudo apt-get install kde-desktop) and i uninstalled it, but i still have the kde slash, how can i fix that? | 01:07 |
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unfknblvbl | ew kde | 01:08 |
unfknblvbl | but no idea | 01:08 |
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UU | How to install ntfs3g and get it . | 01:14 |
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jrib | cope_oz: what does you mean by the "kde slash" ? | 01:14 |
cope_oz | jrib, splash screen sorry | 01:14 |
spdf | Sounds like kdm is still installed | 01:14 |
illvarg | anyone, please help:) | 01:14 |
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jrib | cope_oz: well removing kubuntu-desktop with apt won't actually remove anything because kubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that depends on other packages, but you can remove kdm and reconfigure gdm to take care of the splash screen | 01:14 |
cope_oz | thanks jrib | 01:14 |
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whazilla | hey | 01:14 |
whazilla | how do i mount a floppy in linux ? | 01:14 |
whazilla | it complains about filesystem | 01:14 |
whazilla | it's formated on a xp | 01:14 |
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ootput | whazilla: have you tried -t auto? | 01:14 |
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thoreauputic | either ubotu has a bug or I've totally misunderstood the syntax for updating factoids - the !font factoid is broken | 01:14 |
jirihavelka | jrib i dont think that cope_oz was meaning this, but OK | 01:14 |
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jrib | cope_oz: what did you mean? | 01:14 |
ulfar | where does ubuntu keep configuration files for, eth0 etc... | 01:14 |
whazilla | somebdoy ? mont floppy fat ? | 01:14 |
schmirgo | illvarg: wahr do you mean with with "does not work" ? | 01:14 |
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thoreauputic | whaley: try mount -t vfat | 01:14 |
=== winterweaver [n=winterwe@dsl-165-14-231.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
winterweaver | ok.... wow | 01:14 |
whazilla | ootput so just -t auto ? and in mwhat map must i then look ? | 01:14 |
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thoreauputic | whaley: sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 or whatever | 01:14 |
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sovieticool | how do i fix 5.1 sound ? know someone ? | 01:15 |
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winterweaver | you know that feeling of impending doom... right before you execute a command??? | 01:15 |
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thoreauputic | whazilla: umm sorry that was for you | 01:15 |
cope_oz | jrib, ??? thankyou | 01:15 |
schmirgo | illvarg: if you dont get euro sign and at sign if thats what you want... try playing around in the xorg.conf. as far as i can recall you have to add something in the keyboard section... like: Option "XkbOptions" "compose:ralt" | 01:15 |
thoreauputic | whazilla: it should appear in /media | 01:15 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-67-124-203-18.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
jrib | cope_oz: ok, np | 01:16 |
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domster | I'm installing an ISA ne2000 compatible network card. modprobe succeeds, no errors, card appears as eth0. Problem occurs when trying to use the card: 100% packet loss. _Something_ is happening: the transmit light flickers in time to ping packets. What else can I check? | 01:16 |
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encode | hello people - ive done something really dumb, need to reboot to single user mode, but i never set a root password - how is that going to work? | 01:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | Morning jrib, ompaul et al | 01:17 |
=== the_Cat [n=jgrund@81-232-98-185-no13.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
schmirgo | encode: set a root PW with "sudo passwd" | 01:17 |
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schmirgo | encode: thats what i would do but there might be an other solution | 01:18 |
=== ofer [n=chatzill@CBL212-235-1-36.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | encode: no need to set a password, just choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu and you'll go straight into a root prompt | 01:18 |
=== Cybertrash [n=admin@dslb-084-057-228-227.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
encode | jrib: ok thanks | 01:18 |
encode | schmirgo: the really dumb thing i did was to screw up sudo | 01:18 |
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ofer | I am trying to install zope and after ./configure --prefix /opt/Zope-2.9 I need to do make and it writes me sudo: make: command not found | 01:18 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !build-essential | 01:19 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 01:19 |
whazilla | thkx thor it worked | 01:19 |
jrib | ofer: zope is in the repositories | 01:19 |
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Jack_Sparrow | domster: odd that a standard card like that is giving problems.. are you behind a router? | 01:19 |
whazilla | euh thoreauputic is short for drugs ? ... cuz i'm hooked ;) thkx already :D | 01:20 |
domster | Jack_Sparrow, yep, sure am, but the error showing is ICMP destination host unreachable | 01:20 |
jrib | !find zope | 01:20 |
ubotu | Found: python-zopeinterface, python2.4-zopeinterface, zope-common, zope-debhelper, zope3 (and 90 others) | 01:20 |
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ofer | jrib: but not last version and also I don't know if I am using the repository to what dir it is installing it? | 01:21 |
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domster | Jack_Sparrow, and it's when pinging anything at all, or from anything to the computer in question | 01:21 |
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ofer | jrib: I want to install 2.9.4 | 01:21 |
thoreauputic | whazilla: sorry afk - you're welcome :) | 01:21 |
jrib | !info zope3 | 01:21 |
ubotu | zope3: Open Source Web Application Server (Libraries). In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 4044 kB, installed size 27856 kB | 01:21 |
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cope_oz | jrib, i'll just live with it, i've googled "ubuntu splash" and i see you can change it without to much trouble. | 01:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | domster: I'm still half asleep but what happens when you drop this in a browser | 01:22 |
jrib | cope_oz: oh, that's what you meant... jirihavelka was right :) | 01:22 |
ofer | jrib: zope3 is not like zope 2 | 01:22 |
jrib | ofer: oh, ok, just do what Jack_Sparrow said then | 01:22 |
jirihavelka | jrib thanks | 01:22 |
ofer | jrib: and what he said? :) | 01:23 |
jrib | !compile > ofer | 01:23 |
domster | Jack_Sparrow, it's a server install, no net connection to grab lynx, but ping fails, same error | 01:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 01:23 |
jrib | ofer: you need build-essential installed, and you should probably do a 'sudo apt-get build-dep zope2.9' | 01:23 |
ofer | and that's why the make and make install are not working? | 01:24 |
jrib | ofer: make isn't isntalled by default | 01:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | ofer: read the info at that link | 01:24 |
ofer | jrib: thanks didn't know that | 01:24 |
ofer | Jack_Sparrow: ok reading now | 01:24 |
domster | on the off chance that it's faulty even though the module didn't complain, I've got another, different make but also a ne clone, I'll try it | 01:24 |
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ofer | so this manual is not so good http://plone.org/documentation/how-to/how-to-install-plone-2-5-zope-2-9-on-debian-sarge | 01:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | domster: I've never done the server install.. Doubt it is a hardware issue though | 01:25 |
=== mr-russ [n=mr-russ@CPE-203-45-3-69.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
finalbeta | How does load average gets calculated, what does it depend on? | 01:25 |
mr-russ | finalbeta: depends on the number of processes waiting for cpu time, on average over the time period specified. | 01:26 |
domster | oh, something relevant I just noticed in dmesg: when it's been pinging a while I get: 'eth0: bogus packet size: 4160, status=0x21, nxpg=0x5d' | 01:26 |
domster | the nxpg increments | 01:26 |
edylie | how do you find out what is the screen resolution? | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | system pref screen res | 01:28 |
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domster | google says: 'It means your NE2000 clone wet itself' | 01:28 |
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domster | heh | 01:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 01:29 |
jrib | finalbeta: happy reading: http://www.teamquest.com/resources/gunther/display/5/index.htm | 01:29 |
finalbeta | great, thnx | 01:30 |
=== tigerwolf [n=tigerwol@ppp129-51.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spdf | domster, is the interface configured using dhcp? | 01:30 |
edylie | Jack_Sparrow, I dont have pref under system. I am using Xubuntu. Is there anyway i could find out from the X log file? | 01:30 |
spdf | domster, is the cable shot? plugged into the other end? :) | 01:31 |
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lastnode | does anyone know how to draw diagrams in OOo presentation? | 01:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | I never have used xubuntu.. which is why I hang out in Ubuntu and not kubuntu or xubuntu | 01:32 |
edylie | ops :) | 01:32 |
lastnode | edylie, try #xubuntu | 01:32 |
jrib | edylie: xdpyinfo | grep dim | 01:32 |
spdf | domster, as well, what does ifconfig return? | 01:32 |
unfknblvbl | there was something to show my current screen resolution in xubuntu | 01:33 |
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edylie | jrib, very cool. that tells me the res :) | 01:33 |
unfknblvbl | can't remember though | 01:33 |
edylie | ta | 01:33 |
unfknblvbl | or that | 01:33 |
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jrib | yeah there is probably some gui utility but I'm not familiar with xfce either :/ | 01:33 |
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unfknblvbl | nuh there is one | 01:33 |
unfknblvbl | can't remember its name though | 01:33 |
unfknblvbl | i tried xubuntu | 01:33 |
unfknblvbl | very very fast | 01:34 |
unfknblvbl | everything loads very fast | 01:34 |
edylie | yes it does | 01:34 |
edylie | have you guys tried edgy? | 01:34 |
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Jack_Sparrow | No, but there is a channel for that as well | 01:34 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Dont mean to be surt with you... Just after 4am... This place gets insane enough without taking on other versions and wm's | 01:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | curt | 01:36 |
TeePOG | how do I set a default password for SMB shares in Gnome? | 01:36 |
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jhasse | I can't start firefox. Every time i try i get "already running". But i just startet ubuntu, so it can't be running, can it? | 01:38 |
Denstark | I'm having a hard time installing Java so that it works in Mozilla Firefox. I followed the steps on the wiki but it couldn't find either package, sun-java5-bin or sun-java5-plugin | 01:38 |
Denstark | jhasse, open a terminal and run killall firefox-bin | 01:38 |
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Denstark | then start firefox and you should be good to go | 01:38 |
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jhasse | Denstark, no process killed | 01:39 |
jrib | Denstark: have you enabled multiverse? | 01:39 |
Denstark | jhasse, try: ps aux | grep firefox | 01:40 |
Denstark | jrib, i think so, let me double check though | 01:40 |
jrib | Denstark: make sure you have dapper multiverse, and not just dapper-backports multiverse | 01:40 |
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Denstark | Ah thats what I have. | 01:40 |
Denstark | I have to get the normal multiverse | 01:41 |
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Denstark | Added it, thank you jrib | 01:42 |
jrib | Denstark: np | 01:42 |
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jhasse | Denstark, nothing found | 01:42 |
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Denstark | And you still can't start firefox? Hrm | 01:43 |
jhasse | yeah, it's strange | 01:43 |
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=== TigerWolf [n=tigerwol@ppp129-51.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: Sorry to interrupt, Have you run scripts like Automatix or EasyUbuntu? (NOT recommending that you do.) to install anything | 01:44 |
jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, dunno, maybe teamspeak did | 01:44 |
edylie | Automatix is very handy. | 01:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | garbage | 01:45 |
edylie | why is that so? | 01:45 |
lupine_85 | I install it on all my enemy's computers :) | 01:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | Automatix and Easyubuntu are the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling. | 01:45 |
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jhasse | does teamspeak do that??? | 01:46 |
ulfar | lupine_85: heheh, i install Windows on my enemies computer | 01:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Even when the problems are not immediatly apparent, they show up later... | 01:46 |
edylie | Jack_Sparrow, I am interested to find out about your view on why both utilities are bad. | 01:46 |
lupine_85 | ooh, that's harsh | 01:46 |
lupine_85 | I'm not that evil | 01:46 |
ulfar | if Windows would suck, it would be good for something | 01:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: I dont know of any programs that call them up on their own. | 01:47 |
jhasse | so how can i check out? | 01:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | edylie: they work 95% of the time, sounds good until you realize 1 in 20 ends up here with problems. You get NO help from the Automatix channel | 01:48 |
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gfxstyler | hi | 01:48 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: post your sources list to the pastebin.. | 01:48 |
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gfxstyler | whats the difference between 24 and 32 bit in the xorg.conf? and is there a difference at all? | 01:48 |
Ironmonk3y | Hey all anyone interested in adsense | 01:48 |
edylie | okie so it is due to lack of support and the utility does not work 100%. | 01:48 |
jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, how? | 01:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | gfx color depth | 01:48 |
Dandre | Hello, | 01:48 |
gfxstyler | Jack_Sparrow, so i can set it to 32bit ? | 01:48 |
Ironmonk3y | Hey all anyone interested in adsense | 01:48 |
jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, you mean the .deb-sources? | 01:48 |
ulfar | Jack_Sparrow: i seem to have a dilema, every time i switch from desktop to console(like console F1) i get a blank screen..didnt use to be like that, but it seems the screen is only blank since i can actually login and type stuff there | 01:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list but I suggest you also sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/sources.list.backup | 01:49 |
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gfxstyler | Jack_Sparrow, dont get me wrong i know the difference between 24 and 32bit, but all xorg.conf files i've seen yet use 24bit | 01:49 |
Ironmonk3y | i got an awesome adsense ebook | 01:49 |
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Jack_Sparrow | 24 is all ive seen and the only thing that seems to want 32 are games in wine | 01:49 |
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ulfar | anyone know why my console has a blank screen ? :o | 01:50 |
gfxstyler | Jack_Sparrow, okay, so the background-gradients that are not smooth have to be gnome's fault | 01:50 |
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Ironmonk3y | http://yourprxy.com/TDOA.html thats the link to the adsense stuff | 01:51 |
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jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, http://www.ubuntuusers.de/paste/3661/ | 01:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: Looks fine | 01:51 |
winterweaver | can someone link me a help page for dual monitor setup? | 01:52 |
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Jack_Sparrow | xinerama | 01:52 |
winterweaver | !xinerama | 01:52 |
ubotu | xinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo | 01:52 |
gfxstyler | !ssh | 01:52 |
ubotu | ssh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 01:52 |
winterweaver | thx ^_^ | 01:52 |
=== pty [n=peter@cpc2-oldh5-0-0-cust458.manc.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: I'll have better answers once I finish first cup of coffee and my eyes open | 01:53 |
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Dandre | I have a question not directly related to ubuntu but I don't know where to ask: | 01:53 |
Dandre | I wounld like to have for some situations, a desktop that extend the screen resolution. I already know that this may be done in X configuration but I only want to have this resolution in some situation and all the other time, use the standard configuration. Anybody knows how to do that? | 01:53 |
ulfar | Jack_Sparrow: coffee is ebil, Coca-Cola for the win | 01:53 |
jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, okay, thx | 01:53 |
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Vapour | !GUID | 01:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about GUID - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:55 |
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=== Thug_P [n=Thug@c537515f9.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Thug_P | hey | 01:55 |
Thug_P | wzup | 01:55 |
=== angrykeyboarder [n=Someone@ip68-226-118-7.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: try install a different browser to test the rest of the system | 01:56 |
jhasse | Does anyone know btw where can i reach the official ubuntu chat in german? | 01:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dm | 01:56 |
gfxstyler | ubuntu-de | 01:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dm - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:56 |
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jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, yes, Mozilla and epiphany work fine | 01:56 |
gfxstyler | jhasse, /join #ubuntu-de | 01:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | I never get that one right | 01:56 |
jhasse | gfxstyler, thx | 01:56 |
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UU | I had install fuse of version 2.5 , but while i do ./configure check it <2.5 ,why ?? | 01:57 |
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Jack_Sparrow | UU: Hope you have a good backup... | 01:57 |
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Ironmonk3y | http://yourprxy.com/TDOA.html | 01:58 |
Ironmonk3y | woops dont go there | 01:58 |
Ironmonk3y | PLEASE1 | 01:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 01:58 |
=== Caplain_ [n=matt@169.detroit-09-10rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ironmonk3y | damn | 01:58 |
gfxstyler | i cant resist | 01:58 |
Ironmonk3y | im making a secret site there | 01:58 |
gfxstyler | have ... to ... click | 01:58 |
angrykeyboarder | Am I just not paying attention or is the Gonf (Configure System --or something like that) no longer a menu item in GNOME (Edgy - GNOME 2.16).? I can't seem to locate it. It used to be under Applications-->System Tools and now I can't find it anywhere. | 01:58 |
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Ironmonk3y | but i didnt want to show people the directory | 01:58 |
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Jack_Sparrow | 863 people hit the site | 01:58 |
CreativePony | I've plugged a usb hard drive in to a dapper, and its no longer showing up in Computer.. like its not being auto detected.. the filesystem is okay and it works fine on another computer and used to work in this one too | 01:59 |
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CreativePony | I can mount it with the Disks app in System -> Administration, but that only gives read only access.. | 01:59 |
UU | ? | 01:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | CreativePony: What filesystem is on the drive? | 02:00 |
CreativePony | single fat32 partition, it works fine on another dapper machine | 02:00 |
ulfar | So, can anyone explain why all my console screens are blank, when i switch from desktop? (ctrl+alt+F1 etc) | 02:00 |
predaeus | Dandre: you can switch through the resolutions in xorg.conf with CTRL-ALT-NUMPAD+/- on the fly. but it seems to be disabled, doesnt work now here. Maybe you can find more info about that on the net. | 02:01 |
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Jack_Sparrow | UU Fuse is a good way to trash your ntfs partition... | 02:01 |
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=== Decadent Greeds everyone :) | ||
jhasse | Jack_Sparrow: Got it: profile of firefox was on a fat32-partition which wasn't mounted | 02:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: That is not one we would have found.. | 02:03 |
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jhasse | Jack_Sparrow: Yes, i'm sorry, my fault | 02:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 02:04 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Even if I cant help, I CAN listen | 02:04 |
Balachmar | Hi, I want to enable spam filtering using spam assasin in Evolution on an exchange account, but I don't know how to train spam assasin now | 02:04 |
komzi | !help | 02:04 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 02:04 |
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jhasse | Is there a gui program for the fstab? | 02:04 |
Caplain_ | whats the different between i686 and x86? | 02:04 |
enyc | Caplain_: not a lot | 02:04 |
komzi | ! | 02:05 |
ulfar | Jack_Sparrow: so, do you have any idea what my problem could be ? :o | 02:05 |
enyc | Coag: 386 is part of the "x86" processor series | 02:05 |
cafuego | Caplain_: i686 is a specific bunch of x86 CPUs. | 02:05 |
komzi | ! | 02:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: I use a script to mount ntfs and fat32... or just edit it manually | 02:05 |
enyc | Coag: 686 refers to pentium-pro and later series | 02:05 |
CromagDK | !help -> komzi | 02:05 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about help - - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:05 |
CromagDK | !help > komzi | 02:05 |
Caplain_ | and x86 is for amd etc? | 02:05 |
enyc | Caplain_: x86 is generic term | 02:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: gksudo gedit /etc/fstab (sudo cp /etc/fstab ~/fstab.backup to make a backup) | 02:05 |
ulfar | jhasse: fstab will load it automaticly at bootup for you | 02:05 |
Caplain_ | well nobody in #gentoo was answering my questions so i asked here | 02:06 |
enyc | Caplain_: x86 includes the original 8088 and 80188/80186 and 80286 and 80386 and soforth | 02:06 |
enyc | Caplain_: x86 is a "family" of cpus | 02:06 |
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rambo3 | Caplain, its better that they didn't answer | 02:06 |
enyc | Caplain_: linux has always been a 32bit protected mode program and hence requires an 80386 or newer | 02:06 |
jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, ulfar, but i don't know the correct options for fat32 so that other users than root can write on it | 02:06 |
JosefK | are the complete set of registers on, say, an AMD64 or Core 2 Duo chip available/used under x86? | 02:06 |
Caplain_ | so i want i686 for intel chips and x86 for amd? | 02:06 |
JosefK | or are they restricted to the same subset as x86? | 02:07 |
seraphim | 686 is also kind of x86 ;) | 02:07 |
ompaul | !cn | 02:07 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 02:07 |
enyc | JosefK: they implement new modes and extensiens but are backwards-compatible with all other x86's in short | 02:07 |
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Dandre | predaeus: ok thanks | 02:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | jhasse: /dev/sda4 /media/sda4 vfat rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 | 02:07 |
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JosefK | enyc: that I get, but I mean will all those extra registers ever be used under x86 compat? | 02:07 |
komzi | !cn | 02:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Diskmounter Script http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter for mounting NTFS, Fat32 and NFS Drives Most people need to restart X before the Drive Icons show on the desktop .. after saving the page to your desktop use terminal and type cd /home/your_username_here/Desktop | 02:08 |
komzi | !kr | 02:08 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kr - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:08 |
=== Caplain [n=matt@169.detroit-09-10rs.mi.dial-access.att.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
enyc | JosefK: well not for prgrams that dont use them ;-) | 02:08 |
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carlsagan | hello, i am carlsagan | 02:08 |
carlsagan | how are you? | 02:08 |
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enyc | JosefK: its complicated... those newer cpus use interpreter and internal microcode... with multilpe exectution units | 02:08 |
JosefK | enyc: hehe, indeed :/ I guess the trickery required will come in a new GCC | 02:08 |
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jhasse | Jack_Sparrow, thank you very much! Btw, is there a way to redo the fstab file without reboot? | 02:09 |
ulfar | Does anyone know what the problem is if you get blank screens in console? | 02:09 |
=== TigerWol1 [n=tigerwol@ppp129-51.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bbrazil | which VTs? | 02:09 |
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ulfar | bbrazil: im talking about console, ctrl+alt+F1 etc, switching from desktop | 02:10 |
ulfar | all my consoles are blank.... | 02:10 |
ulfar | but im still able to login, but the screen is blank | 02:10 |
JosefK | ulfar: you never get a bash prompt? | 02:10 |
CromagDK | 14:10 < ulfar> but im still able to login, but the screen is blank | 02:11 |
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anto9us | ulfar: press enter a few times to see if the screen scrolls | 02:11 |
ulfar | JosefK: nop, all i see is a blank screen | 02:11 |
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ulfar | anto9us: i tried that | 02:11 |
ompaul | power on contrast and brightness trurned up | 02:11 |
JosefK | ulfar: but you still see a username/password prompt? | 02:12 |
bbrazil | ulfar: the consoles are known as virtual terminals (VTs) | 02:12 |
ulfar | anto9us: i can log in, go to desktop terminal and see that i am logged in | 02:12 |
anto9us | ulfar: I've noticed sometimes the monitor height needs adjusting | 02:12 |
ulfar | JosefK: nop | 02:12 |
UU | I don't know you meaning and how to handle it . i want to do ntfs have write function | 02:12 |
bbrazil | ulfar: something up with /etc/inittab? | 02:12 |
ulfar | anto9us: running a laptop | 02:12 |
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Jack_Sparrow | UU: NTFS write is NOT safe.. | 02:12 |
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bbrazil | ulfar: check for stuff in syslog, possibly about respawning too fast. Is there a blinking cursor in the top left? | 02:13 |
UU | using tool of ntfs-3g | 02:13 |
Przemcio78 | hi, how to set up kde application's ui font under gnome? | 02:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ntfs-3g | 02:13 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 | 02:13 |
UU | many friend recommand it . | 02:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | UU: Make a fat32 partition ans use it to share files between XP and Ubuntu | 02:14 |
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Jack_Sparrow | UU: You have been warned... | 02:14 |
UU | .... | 02:15 |
enyc | Note that fat32 has limit of 4gb maximum size of any file | 02:15 |
leetcharmer | has anyone not been receiving the help they used to get in the earlier days of the ubuntuforums? | 02:15 |
ulfar | bbrazil: the only repeating message in /var/log/messages is "Sep 18 12:04:40 localhost kernel: [17190674.996000] sr 1:0:0:0: Device not ready" | 02:15 |
leetcharmer | I've made quite a bit of posts recently, and they're very rarely viewed | 02:15 |
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enyc | rather... 2^32 -1 actually (4Gb-1b) | 02:15 |
JosefK | leetcharmer: it could be because the people on there more likely to help are all busy trying Edgy right now | 02:15 |
leetcharmer | and almost never replied to | 02:15 |
=== aSTeK honour to lilo.farewell | ||
leetcharmer | JosefK, hrm ... i suppose | 02:16 |
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Jack_Sparrow | enyc: agreed :) | 02:16 |
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TeePOG | which usergroup[s] does my username have to belong to, in order to use my username/password for the SMB shares on my ubuntu box? | 02:16 |
leetcharmer | lilo is the kid that made the bootloader we don't use, right? | 02:16 |
bbrazil | ulfar: that's scsi iirc | 02:16 |
JosefK | TeePOG: it's not a group, you just have to run 'sudo smbpasswd *your username*' | 02:17 |
bbrazil | ulfar: try sudo init q | 02:17 |
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enyc | Jack_Sparrow: there is a good ext2 r/w driver for win32 at least... ext2 only though (i.e. wont mount a not-cleanly-unmounted ext3) | 02:17 |
JosefK | TeePOG: to setup a seperate Samba password for your username - then you can use it to login | 02:17 |
TeePOG | ahhhhh thanks JosefK | 02:17 |
JosefK | np's:) | 02:17 |
ompaul | leetcharmer, no the guy who build freenode - and no kid | 02:17 |
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leetcharmer | lawl, kid refers to all people in my world ^_^ | 02:18 |
ulfar | bbrazil: nothing happens :o | 02:18 |
beu | leetcharmer: lilo here? no | 02:18 |
gr33npho3nix | enyc: theres ext2fs, which isn't a driver but program you can use to access ext2 and ext3 partitions in windows | 02:18 |
leetcharmer | so .. did he die? | 02:18 |
enyc | gr33npho3nix: errm.. "explore2fs" | 02:18 |
ompaul | yes | 02:18 |
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leetcharmer | who's gonna run freenode then! | 02:18 |
ulfar | bbrazil: however, i found out that if i press enter a few times in the blank screen, my X shuts down, or restarts | 02:18 |
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Jack_Sparrow | enyc: Yes, I am aware of it. thanks.. | 02:18 |
gr33npho3nix | there you go | 02:18 |
UU | i found include the function of "ntfsprogs" package in the xindeli manager. | 02:19 |
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ompaul | leetcharmer, http://freenode.net/news.shtml | 02:19 |
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deddly | hello all, ubuntu noob, here. a quick question. If i wanted to host sites on my pc. do i need ubuntu server or will just ubuntu do? | 02:20 |
CreativePony | the pdpc would run freenode i expect.. | 02:20 |
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leetcharmer | deddly, will you also use it like a regular PC? | 02:20 |
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deddly | yeah, i will - good or bad? | 02:20 |
leetcharmer | deddly, do you have the need to conserve HDD space? | 02:20 |
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Sp4rKy | hi | 02:20 |
=== GyrosGeier thought that "desktop" was "server"+gnome | ||
enyc | erm http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net | 02:21 |
UU | ntfs-3g == ntfsprogs ?? or ntfsprogs are rename? | 02:21 |
deddly | not really, why you ask? | 02:21 |
derek | does multiverse come in dapper commented or not because im not getting thigns from it and im on a fresh instll | 02:21 |
leetcharmer | deddly, if you're not low on hard drive space, just install regular ubuntu :D | 02:21 |
leetcharmer | Server edition doesn't come w/ graphical output | 02:21 |
JosefK | derek: multiverse/universe aren't enabled by default | 02:21 |
leetcharmer | it's just a console | 02:21 |
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ompaul | deddly, to frame the answer to your question | 02:21 |
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leetcharmer | BUT -- you *could* install the LAMP version | 02:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | derek: yes commented out.. | 02:21 |
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leetcharmer | it sets that stuff up automagically | 02:21 |
deddly | i have regular ubuntu running already | 02:22 |
derek | could anyone get me the line | 02:22 |
leetcharmer | and then you could do sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dekstop | 02:22 |
leetcharmer | and then you'd be good to go :D | 02:22 |
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Sp4rKy | please , i'm setting quota on my /home (ext3), i would allow 1Go per user, but i just can set blocks/inode limit, so how many blocks/inodes are in 1GO ???? | 02:22 |
derek | from thier sources.list | 02:22 |
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JosefK | derek: iirc they're just commented out, 'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' | 02:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | derek: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/sources.list.backup | 02:22 |
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derek | i have already checked | 02:22 |
leetcharmer | deddly, if you already have Ubuntu running how you want it, head on over to www.howtoforge.com and follow some of their tutorials :D | 02:22 |
derek | ive looked in it | 02:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | derek: Please make a backup before editing | 02:22 |
leetcharmer | they'll get you goin! | 02:22 |
derek | i know what commented means | 02:23 |
JosefK | derek: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:23 |
derek | its not there | 02:23 |
deddly | cool, ill see about adding the lamp stuff individually now, thanks charmer | 02:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | derek: Please post your sources list to the !pastebin for us.. | 02:23 |
leetcharmer | deddly, not a problem, sir :D here to serve \0/ | 02:23 |
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bbrazil | ulfar: that's quite odd, I'm not sure what's happening. do gettys show up in ps aux ? | 02:23 |
deddly | thanks | 02:24 |
xy77 | short question: how do I dist-upgrade to edgy? Is editing sources.list and apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade all there is to do? | 02:24 |
Sp4rKy | hi Hobbsee | 02:24 |
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JosefK | xy77: dist-upgrade is currently discouraged, but #ubuntu+1 for edgy questions | 02:24 |
ulfar | root 5017 0.0 0.0 1560 492 tty1 Ss+ 09:00 0:00 /sbin/getty 38400 tty1 | 02:25 |
xy77 | JoesfK: thanks for pointing me to the correct channel. :) | 02:25 |
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bbrazil | ulfar: try crtl-q | 02:25 |
ulfar | bbrazil: ulfar tty1 - 12:25 5.00s 0.23s 0.21s -bash | 02:26 |
klausos | how can I put the link to the terminal in the list that appears when I click with the right button of the mouse in the wallpaper | 02:26 |
Hobbsee | hi | 02:26 |
klausos | ??????????? | 02:26 |
ulfar | here i am, logged in, through a blank screen | 02:26 |
JosefK | klausos: there's a package for it, two seconds... | 02:26 |
leetcharmer | xy77, I haven't tried it -- but, after editing your sources, have you tried going to the Update Manager? I hear there's a button there that'll go ahead and upgrade everything | 02:26 |
bbrazil | ulfar: so it's working? | 02:26 |
derek | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23874 | 02:26 |
derek | there we go | 02:26 |
JosefK | klausos: sudo aptitude install nautilus-open-terminal | 02:26 |
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Jack_Sparrow | thanks..checking | 02:27 |
JosefK | klausos: you'll probably need to logout/login again before it works too | 02:27 |
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ulfar | bbrazil: well... screen is blank | 02:27 |
derek | i had a problem with sources.list on my last install too on a different box | 02:27 |
ulfar | bbrazil: but i can login, ye lol | 02:27 |
=== h4ch3r [n=CaRlOsRe@201008244041.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klausos | JosefK: thank's man | 02:27 |
ulfar | bbrazil: well, lunch, bbl thanks for the help | 02:27 |
bbrazil | ulfar: anything else running on that tty? | 02:27 |
JosefK | derek: follow that link I gave you - it sets up a sources.list with some other cool repositories | 02:27 |
JosefK | derek: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:27 |
UU | Could you help me complete the fuse update ? | 02:27 |
JosefK | klausos: np :) | 02:28 |
sovieticool | !source | 02:28 |
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sovieticool | source.lst wher i find it ? | 02:28 |
klausos | someone knows if the XGL is sstable in edgy with a ati radeon 9200 ??? | 02:28 |
sovieticool | to edit repos ? | 02:28 |
derek | JosefK: ya i went there but why would i want a script to do it or whatever source-o-matic | 02:28 |
UU | ......... | 02:28 |
derek | well i guess its in there and i wasnt looking very good but nothing from multiverse will install | 02:29 |
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derek | and its not commented out | 02:29 |
JosefK | derek: because it's the easiest way | 02:29 |
sovieticool | !repositories | 02:29 |
derek | JosefK i dont want easy | 02:30 |
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Sp4rKy | nobody have an idea to help me ? | 02:30 |
sovieticool | where i edit new reposit ? | 02:30 |
Sp4rKy | how many inode / block are in 1Go of ext3 partition ? | 02:31 |
jpjacobs | !repositories | 02:31 |
bbrazil | Sp4rKy: tune2fs will help you figure it out | 02:31 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 02:31 |
klausos | sovieticool: system-adminitration-software | 02:31 |
=== fire [n=fire@bl7-160-183.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
klausos | click add | 02:31 |
derek | sovieticool: look in system/administration/software preferences if you already know the information | 02:32 |
Sp4rKy | bbrazil: thx :D | 02:32 |
fire | hello | 02:32 |
sovieticool | yeah but that su gedit /.../../source?? | 02:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | klausos: Ask in edgy | 02:32 |
fire | im new config linux | 02:32 |
klausos | bbrazil: are you from brasil?? | 02:32 |
sovieticool | /etc/source/apt/sources.list | 02:32 |
sovieticool | i find it | 02:32 |
klausos | yes that's it | 02:33 |
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fire | and im trying instal java on my ubuntu | 02:33 |
klausos | the most hard way sovieticool | 02:33 |
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fire | how can i do that | 02:33 |
klausos | go to wiki | 02:33 |
derek | klausos: but either way its not that hard haha | 02:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | derek: I agree looks fine | 02:33 |
klausos | or just search for java in synaptic | 02:34 |
manmadha | he i have installed gstreamer plugins.....then my color of the vlc& totem is changed (blured,...greenish...)can any one help me? | 02:34 |
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=== Gasten [n=martin@h3n8c1o1095.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kvidell | is "blackdown" still a good jre? | 02:34 |
manmadha | i have uninstalled the gstreamer pluginss but no use? | 02:34 |
manmadha | can any one help me? | 02:34 |
derek | Jack_Sparrow then why do i have to go to the ubuntu packages page to get multiverse packages | 02:34 |
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JosefK | kvidell: (IMO, solely) no, especially not now we have sun's JRE/JDK in Universe | 02:35 |
knithx | hi | 02:35 |
knithx | !paste | 02:35 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 02:35 |
Samuli^ | kvidell, sun's java is in the repositories. You'd be better of installing that. | 02:35 |
knithx | can anyone paste me his /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom and /etc/gdm/gdm.conf? | 02:35 |
knithx | pleas | 02:35 |
knithx | e | 02:35 |
=== angrykeyboarder [n=Someone@ip68-226-118-7.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kvidell | ah, okay. I just remember my Debian days and blackdown being what was the lowest common denominator for that stuff. | 02:36 |
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manmadha | he i have installed gstreamer plugins.....then my color of the vlc& totem is changed (blured,...greenish...)can any one help me? | 02:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | derek: Are you trying with synaptic or apt-get? | 02:36 |
manmadha | i have uninstalled the gstreamer pluginss but no use? | 02:36 |
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derek | apt-get | 02:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | derek: As a test please try same thing but with synaptic | 02:37 |
ndlovu | does anyone know of a howto-type resource for digital video editing on linux? | 02:37 |
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derek | Is there really a difference..? | 02:37 |
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deddly | utini ndlovu? | 02:37 |
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derek | ive been using ubuntu for almost 3 years | 02:37 |
knithx | can anyone paste me his /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom and /etc/gdm/gdm.conf? | 02:37 |
derek | i know apt-get | 02:37 |
derek | but i will try it i guess | 02:38 |
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ndlovu | deddly, utini? | 02:38 |
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Jack_Sparrow | derek: Sorry all | 02:38 |
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deddly | salibonani Ndlovu | 02:38 |
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dv5000 | !dvd | 02:39 |
ubotu | See http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 02:39 |
=== Corporal_Dirge [n=Dirge@74-37-85-64.dsl1.elk.ca.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ndlovu | deddly, I wish I knew enough zulu for a good reply! | 02:39 |
TeePOG | what does it mean when i go "sudo smbpasswd *username*" and it says "Failed to find entry for user *username*" ? | 02:39 |
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`ph8 | it means *username* doesn't exist? | 02:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 02:39 |
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knithx | can anyone paste me his /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom and /etc/gdm/gdm.conf? | 02:39 |
knithx | please | 02:39 |
JosefK | TeePOG: aye, sorry, you did replace *username* with your username? :/ | 02:40 |
derek | doesnt work | 02:40 |
deddly | haha ok, im not good either, i just recognised your name as zulu | 02:40 |
leetcharmer | brb, restarting | 02:40 |
TeePOG | yes JosefK... it worked on my ubuntu box but not on the edubuntu one :-( | 02:40 |
Samuli^ | TeePog, you need to add that user before you can add samba password for him. | 02:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | derek: So something is hosed at a low level... | 02:40 |
Samuli^ | TeePog, adduser.. :) | 02:40 |
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JosefK | TeePOG: obscure, but see per Samuli^'s answer | 02:40 |
deddly | hey, isint kino a kde app, is there a gnome equiv.? | 02:41 |
TeePOG | Samuli^: it is added... it's my own username dammit! i can use it over ssh, scp, ltsp... everything but SMB | 02:41 |
TeePOG | the same username in all cases, on all machines | 02:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | derek: If apt-get and synaptic are not reading your sources list correctly.. I dont kow where to go from there... | 02:42 |
rambo3 | cow? | 02:42 |
JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: I've already pointed him to source-o-matic, but apparantly that's too easy :( | 02:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | JosefK: His sources list looked fine | 02:42 |
JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: is it pasted anywhere? | 02:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | JosefK: Check it out, he posted a link | 02:42 |
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Jack_Sparrow | JosefK: I may just be having a brain fart morning and missed something.. | 02:43 |
leetcharmer | back | 02:44 |
JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: I can't find the damn thing in scrollback, could you paste the link? :( | 02:44 |
Przemcio78 | how to set up kde application's ui font under gnome? | 02:44 |
JosefK | !paste | 02:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | JosefK: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23874 | 02:44 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 02:44 |
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derek | Jack_Sparrow: all i need is flash player to work | 02:45 |
JosefK | derek: could you paste the full error somewhere? | 02:45 |
leetcharmer | derek, wait for Penguin.SWF to finish it :D | 02:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | derek: I must ask... Have you run scripts like Automatix or EasyUbuntu? (NOT recommending that you do.) to install anything | 02:45 |
derek | haha, leetcharmer, but why would i want to wait | 02:45 |
JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: only thing I can think of is the GPG key for the Penguin-Liberation-Front | 02:46 |
derek | Jack_Sparrow | 02:46 |
leetcharmer | derek, because delayed gratification is a good skill to have? | 02:46 |
leetcharmer | and patience is a virtue? :D | 02:46 |
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leetcharmer | and patience is also a fruit of the spirit ^_^ | 02:46 |
DrAk0 | How I can make a copy of a dvd into a .iso ? | 02:46 |
DrAk0 | is a DVD video | 02:46 |
JosefK | derek: could you paste the full error when you try to 'sudo aptitude update' please? | 02:47 |
kvark | how do you change the font in the terminals to monospace? "consolechars --font=monospace" says "Cannot open font file 'monospace'" | 02:47 |
=== kabads [n=adam@84-45-156-162.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
derek | JosefK i already updated a few times | 02:47 |
JosefK | derek: if that works, then the sources list is fine. is the problem when you try to install a package from the PLF? | 02:48 |
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Jack_Sparrow | derek: I didnt see the answer to my other question? | 02:48 |
derek | using aptitude didnt give me anything | 02:48 |
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JosefK | didn't give you any what? | 02:48 |
derek | derek@derek-lappy:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-cache search sudo aptitude update | 02:48 |
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derek | derek@derek-lappy:~/Desktop$ | 02:49 |
rambo3 | thats nice | 02:49 |
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Blob | Quick question: I connect to a windows box from my ubuntu box via samba. Nautilus says "Connected to server..." How do I disconnect? | 02:49 |
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sovieticool | if i want to install vmware what ot download ? VMware Player or VMware Server or both | 02:49 |
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rambo3 | sovieticool, there is howto on ubuntuforums | 02:49 |
kabads | one of my users is in group audio, but can't hear anything if she runs an application - what should I check? | 02:50 |
kabads | apart from the bleeding obvious | 02:51 |
jpjacobs | kabads, try checking the volume | 02:51 |
kvark | i think consolechars wants the full file name, does anyone know the full filename of the monospace font? | 02:51 |
kabads | jpjacobs: done | 02:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | JosefK: May I pm you? | 02:51 |
kabads | jpjacobs: that comes under my heading of bleeding obvious | 02:51 |
sovieticool | rambo3, recomand for me please a food tutorial ! | 02:51 |
sovieticool | i'am n00b | 02:51 |
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JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: yes, although I can't reply :( (someone registered this nick a year ago then dissapeared) | 02:52 |
DrAk0 | How I can make a copy of my movie DVD to be burn later? | 02:52 |
JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: yes, I can :) | 02:52 |
jpjacobs | :) | 02:52 |
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rambo3 | sovieticool, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84275 | 02:53 |
sovieticool | rambo3, thank's ! | 02:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | People Automatix and Easyubuntu are the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling. | 02:54 |
=== huats [n=chris@AMontsouris-152-1-10-183.w82-123.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TeePOG | JosefK: i created a new user with adduser, created a password, and then tried "smbpasswd" again... with the same results... "Failed to find entry for user *username*" | 02:55 |
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fire | can i set up an ftp server in ubuntu desktop | 02:55 |
fire | ? | 02:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Fire yes | 02:55 |
=== shenshei [n=shenshei@4va54-2-82-224-229-104.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !proftp | 02:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about proftp - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:55 |
shenshei | yop | 02:55 |
habeeb | Greetings, tried to burn an .avi in a .dvd with mandvd and all I get in the console mode is "Skipping Frame!" but the encoding is at 9%. I guess this is a problem ,right | 02:55 |
habeeb | ? | 02:55 |
shenshei | someone know how to use the "at" command ? | 02:55 |
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jrib | shenshei: at TIME, then enter your commands, see 'man at' | 02:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | shenshei: Need more info.. AT can also be attention command to a modem | 02:56 |
JosefK | TeePOG: that's obscure :/ I've never seen that error though, and unfortunately haven't got Edubuntu either :/ | 02:56 |
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RMorris85 | how do u install sound themes? | 02:56 |
JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: really? I can't see the correct command in NickServ's help :( | 02:56 |
shenshei | i do echo "dcop amarok player play" | at 14:48 | 02:57 |
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shenshei | but this didn't work | 02:57 |
shenshei | the job is in queue (atq) | 02:57 |
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shenshei | and it's disapear at 14:48 but nothing append | 02:57 |
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RMorris85 | if i got a sound theme off of gnome-look how do i install it? | 02:59 |
shenshei | so someone know, why this doesn't work ? | 02:59 |
sovieticool | how i disable SHIFT+BACKSPACE to restart X ? | 02:59 |
rambo3 | you are outputing string and when its finished you . what | 02:59 |
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vik | what package would have the source of the standard C library? | 02:59 |
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rambo3 | shenshei, output of string should end ther whats the problem | 03:00 |
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Blob | Quick question: I connect to a windows box from my ubuntu box via samba. Nautilus says "Connected to server..." How do I disconnect? | 03:00 |
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shenshei | yes but when a do "at 14:58" i have t prompt | 03:01 |
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shenshei | i write dcop amarok player play + ctrl-d | 03:01 |
jeremy_c | Anyone know how to supply the password to sftp w/o having to enter it? I do not have the option of giving the remote host a public key and I need to script nightly sftp transfers. | 03:01 |
fire | i have download de protools files | 03:01 |
shenshei | and this doesn't work too | 03:01 |
fire | how can i instal it | 03:01 |
jrib | shenshei: probably some issue with the environment the command gets run in | 03:01 |
vik | Blob: right click on the mounted disk, the click unmount | 03:01 |
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AviaX | hi | 03:02 |
rambo3 | shenshei, are you shure you need echo | 03:02 |
AviaX | i have killed my system by removing a half-installed package with dpkg force-depends, anybody can help? | 03:02 |
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shenshei | rambo3, nope but it's the only way to have the commande in one line | 03:03 |
jrib | shenshei: see if you received any mail with the output from your job | 03:04 |
JosefK | AviaX: ouch :/ the big warning on those force commands is there for a reason :P what's it done exactly? | 03:04 |
shenshei | jrib yes i recieve mail | 03:04 |
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jrib | shenshei: did it say anything? | 03:04 |
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Blob | vik -- When I right-click I do not see an unmount option. | 03:05 |
JosefK | AviaX: if it's taken some of the core system out, and you can still apt-get okay, 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop' would get you the core system back | 03:05 |
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vik | Blob: strange. | 03:05 |
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AviaX | @josefk Ehm, no, after i did dpkg, he couldnt find any command anymore, and after rebooting i got a kernel panic | 03:06 |
JosefK | AviaX: painful :/ it's beyond my ability to repair that, but it looks hosed anyway | 03:07 |
AviaX | @josefk i have a ubuntu-server btw, but i think with this problem, it dosnt care | 03:07 |
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JosefK | AviaX: if you need to recover data, you can do it from the livecd - chalk it up to experience | 03:07 |
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helgesdk | Hello, I'm having problems with wins name resolving with Firefox in Xubuntu 6.06. | 03:08 |
AviaX | yes im already online on that computer with knoppix | 03:08 |
helgesdk | I installed winbind and added "wins" to the "hosts:" line in /etc/nsswitch.conf. | 03:08 |
helgesdk | I can now ping and ssh local servers with their netbios name, but in Firefox I still have to use the ip-address. | 03:08 |
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AviaX | i have access to my drives and could copy things from /etc etc | 03:08 |
JosefK | aye, I think that's all you have left | 03:08 |
helgesdk | Does anyone know how to add wins name resolving globally? Or just: how to make it work with firefox? | 03:08 |
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akar | hi to everybody | 03:08 |
helgesdk | hi | 03:08 |
phaedrus44 | woot mornig yalls | 03:08 |
AviaX | @JosefK Ok, i think so too. I was interested, in what went wrong. | 03:09 |
akar | i have just installed ubuntu and i have tons of question do you think is that the right place to be | 03:09 |
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akar | ? | 03:09 |
JosefK | AviaX: for the future, I think --force-reinstreq is a safer force. which package did you force to remove (along with it's dependencies)? | 03:09 |
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helgesdk | wow, so many people yet not a single answer ;) | 03:10 |
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theCore | I opened a new a Launchpad team, Ubuntu Support, if you been helping other peoples for while, please consider joining https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-help | 03:11 |
akar | now i have instaled ubuntu and then then installed the updates | 03:11 |
angrykeyboarder | It's a luck thing, mostly. | 03:11 |
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AviaX | @JosefK Hehe, k, I used taht command without knowing what im doing, when it removes also thing which depends on it, than i think, i removed half of my system | 03:11 |
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akar | then went to get-automatix | 03:11 |
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Denstark | Is there any way to upgrade your Ubuntu 6.06 to Edgy Eft 6.10 without reinstalling? | 03:11 |
akar | downloaded and installed all programs there | 03:11 |
JosefK | AviaX: it might not've removed them straight away, but the next time you ran an apt install it would've done :( | 03:11 |
=== copernic [n=copernic@AMontpellier-257-1-115-78.w90-0.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rambo3 | !upgrade > Denstark | 03:12 |
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helgesdk | !upgrade | 03:12 |
ubotu | Upgrading, please see the instructions on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 03:12 |
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akar | now i want to install kde but do you think that will i have any problem | 03:12 |
helgesdk | uuh :-o | 03:12 |
akar | ? | 03:12 |
b08y_ | help: why does my beagl search so damn bad, doesnt find simpel thins, e.g. an PDF named test.pdf in an seacher "test", and "Ctrl+F" works also very very bad, seesm he dosnst indexing anything | 03:12 |
Denstark | Thank you rambo3 | 03:12 |
AviaX | @JosefK I wanted to remove libc6, cause i manually installed la newer libc6, than it was available in ubuntu, but that didnt function, and apt-get wanted a apt-get -f install, so ii tried to remove iit, to install the ubuntu one again | 03:12 |
helgesdk | No info on WINS and Firefox? ;) | 03:12 |
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helgesdk | (already tried the official firefox channel) | 03:13 |
TeePOG | who can recommend a good scp frontend in Gnome? | 03:13 |
helgesdk | ...and of course, googling for hours :P | 03:13 |
JosefK | AviaX: erk :/ the apt-get -f would've been the killer | 03:13 |
AviaX | @JosefK But apt-get -f install wanted to free 830MB, incl my kernel, so i thaught, ok, i better dont do it | 03:13 |
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rambo3 | !samba | 03:13 |
ubotu | samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 03:13 |
=== RoboNuggie [n=christop@adsl-83-100-141-128.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | JosefK: Sorry I had to run off, but when the coyotes come up to the house for a drink my dog goes ballistic. | 03:14 |
JosefK | Jack_Sparrow: wow, the worst we get here in the UK is a few owls, np's | 03:14 |
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helgesdk | Thanks ubotu | 03:14 |
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cAys | hi... wie kann ich beim booten gleich installen??? weil wenn ich erst auf die kde geh gehts net?? | 03:14 |
helgesdk | I'll try taking a look at samba again :) | 03:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | !dk | 03:15 |
ubotu | For at f support til Ubuntu p Dansk bedes du venligst g til #ubuntu-dk. I denne kanal tales kun Engelsk. | 03:15 |
=== justin_ [n=justin@modemcable138.202-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
b08y_ | cAys: geh auf #ubuntu-de | 03:15 |
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JosefK | AviaX: libc6 would've been in memory still, but when you rebooted without one it caused a panic | 03:15 |
rambo3 | helgesdk, i thougt it was a samba issue now ff. | 03:15 |
justin_ | How do I get window managers who so not add themselves automatically to the GDM list, to be present in it manually? --- I forget what file I needed to edit :)) | 03:15 |
b08y_ | !beagle | 03:15 |
ubotu | beagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB | 03:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | Second time today I have gotten that wrong | 03:15 |
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jpjacobs | justin_, there's a file to add in some dir... a .desktop file (try locate gnome.desktop to find which dir) | 03:16 |
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rambo3 | !de | 03:16 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 03:16 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Now have postit on my computer.. | 03:16 |
justin_ | jpjacobs: Yes that is what I thought, ok thanks for the hint -- I will figure out the rest :) I did it before.. im just rusty as to what I did heh | 03:16 |
helgesdk | rambo3, I already tried changing "wins support = yes" in samba, but it doesn't seem to change anything. | 03:17 |
richard | tttttteeeeeeessssst | 03:17 |
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phreakys | hi | 03:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | Baaaaaaaaaaan | 03:17 |
phreakys | i wonder how i can make myself a rootuser within kde | 03:17 |
phreakys | can someone help me out? | 03:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | !root | 03:18 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 03:18 |
helgesdk | WOoo! :D | 03:18 |
helgesdk | Suddenly it just works! | 03:19 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-84.skycon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
helgesdk | Maybe the winbind client had to use some time updating the database | 03:19 |
helgesdk | I don't know | 03:19 |
helgesdk | I didn't do anything :) | 03:19 |
johns^ | ha, that's the best way to deal with a lot of things | 03:19 |
helgesdk | hehe | 03:19 |
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kvark | what font types does the command line terminal support? | 03:21 |
=== BD [n=pontuslp@lund-kc50-sr0-vl100-56-058.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
theCore | kvark, console? | 03:21 |
helgesdk | Anyway, here's again how I made it work (use computer names instead of ip addresses): | 03:21 |
helgesdk | > sudo aptitude install winbind | 03:22 |
helgesdk | > sudo nano /etc/nsswitch.conf | 03:22 |
helgesdk | Add "wins" to the "hosts:" line and save the file. | 03:22 |
helgesdk | It might take some time before it works with Firefox etc. | 03:22 |
kvark | theCore yeah, the ones on Ctrl+Alt+F# | 03:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !paste > helgesdk | 03:22 |
BD | does ubuntu support sata discs? | 03:22 |
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Jack_Sparrow | bd yes | 03:22 |
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helgesdk | !pase | 03:22 |
helgesdk | !paste | 03:22 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pase - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:22 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 03:22 |
theCore | kvark, the fonts are in /usr/share/console-fonts/ | 03:22 |
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kvark | i'm trying to tell it to use a truetype font but it doesn't seem to like that format | 03:23 |
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theCore | kvark, you can change the console font with the `consolechars' | 03:23 |
kvark | so i wonder what format to convert the font to | 03:23 |
BD | think i will have any chance of rescuing data on a sata disc with corrupt ntfs file, that just hangs windows over the second i activate drivers for sata? | 03:23 |
theCore | kvark, `man consolechars' should give you the answer | 03:24 |
kvark | yes thats the command i tried when it complained about that it doesn't like the truetype format | 03:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | BD: Please explain further... drivers for sata? what hangs? | 03:24 |
theCore | kvark, that because truetype isn't supported | 03:24 |
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theCore | kvark, truetype need a special library to render them | 03:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | BD: You should be able to mount and read sata (Non-raid) with no problems | 03:25 |
theCore | kvark, which console doesn't have access to | 03:25 |
kvark | what do i need to convert the font to then? | 03:25 |
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redkrieg | BD, are you trying to use dmraid to read an nvraid partition? | 03:26 |
BD | I few months ago, I just surfed the web when suddenly i got bluescreen saying ntfs was corrupt | 03:26 |
BD | I've had no problems with the disc before | 03:26 |
=== uber_mort [n=untwiste@c-67-186-35-110.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | BD: Are you running livecd or is this a dualboot system, are you running ubuntu, kubuntu xubuntu | 03:26 |
BD | but after that, windows wont reqognize it | 03:26 |
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BD | i havn't installed ubuntu yet | 03:26 |
theCore | kvark, psf? | 03:26 |
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theCore | kvark, there's many formats | 03:26 |
ulfar | Jack_Sparrow: i was thinking about my blank-screen in console, could it be some sort of frambuffer or diffrence in resolutions ? | 03:26 |
Jack_Sparrow | BD: HAve you been using fuse or ntfs-3g or ? | 03:27 |
kvark | ps type 1 binary? | 03:27 |
theCore | kvark, pfs is the most common one | 03:27 |
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BD | uhm, don't know what that is | 03:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | BD: good... | 03:27 |
theCore | kvark, I doubt truetype fonts would looks good on a console | 03:27 |
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BD | although, the "boot" was copied from an older disc via some program which name i have forgotten... | 03:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | BD: Boot up Ubuntu livecd and try to read your ntfs partition | 03:28 |
theCore | kvark, they are designed for high-resolution display | 03:28 |
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BD | im going to burn the cd soon, got 40% left | 03:28 |
BD | im sick of windows anyway... :P | 03:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | BD: Do you have usb drive or memory stick? multiple partitions on the drive? | 03:29 |
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indigoblu | BD: years from now you will thank yourself | 03:29 |
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=== Jug [n=Jug@f287b.ttorni.tontut.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BD | usb drive like in a usb-memory? i've got a mp3player | 03:30 |
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BD | the disc got two partitions | 03:30 |
=== Mr0bvious [n=paul@adsl-67-66-110-116.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | BD: I dont have the time to walk you through a whole windows recovery. But Ubuntu is a good place to start the provess. | 03:30 |
Jug | would it be possible to create preconfigured ubuntu install cd? or just install ubuntu and then backup the / partition? any ideas? | 03:30 |
BD | nice | 03:30 |
BD | then i will test it seriously | 03:30 |
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BD | thanks alot for the help | 03:31 |
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kvark | theCore, I tried with ps type 1 binary, which gave a .pfb file that the terminal didn't like either, guess i'll try other types that has PS in the name | 03:31 |
tuxtheslacker | hey. can someone tell me how to upgrade my automake from 1.4 to 1.9? | 03:31 |
indigoblu | Jug: tar -czvpf system-image.tar.gz / | 03:31 |
ulfar | BD: gogo, del c:\windows\*.* | 03:31 |
tuxtheslacker | sudo apt-get install automake1.9 didn't seem to make the change take effect in kdevelop. | 03:31 |
ulfar | BD: you will feel much better | 03:31 |
BD | ^^ | 03:31 |
Jug | indigoblu: yeah I know how to do it but just wondering the options...what would be the best | 03:31 |
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indigoblu | Jug: you can go with other options, the only requirement of my solution would be that the disks be partitioned before you reinstall again | 03:32 |
BD | then i wont be able to burn ubuntu :p | 03:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jug: BEst is too subjective, what works best for you may not be what works best for someone else | 03:32 |
jrib | tuxtheslacker: sudo update-alternatives --config automake | 03:32 |
tuxtheslacker | jrib, I did sudo apt-get upgrade automake... what will that do? | 03:33 |
indigoblu | Jug: ive always wanted to try PartImage (www.partimage.org) | 03:33 |
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Jug | Jack_Sparrow: yeah I understand that but perhaps the besti means easiest in my situation :), is it easy to create some sort of preconfigured installition media like livecd or just to backup the / ? | 03:33 |
jrib | tuxtheslacker: that will try to upgrade all the packages on your system | 03:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jug: Depends on what you intend to do with it.. Is this just for your system or to install on many others | 03:34 |
Jug | indigoblu: seems nice, but I have hard drive already partioned so that's not a problem | 03:34 |
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Jug | Jack_Sparrow: well just for one computer | 03:34 |
Neo8750 | how hard is it to install ubuntu and remove it? i assume easy but i've never removed grub only lilo from mbr | 03:34 |
indigoblu | Jug: what changes are you trying to save beyond the default installation? | 03:34 |
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tuxtheslacker | jrib, I did sudo apt-get upgrade automake... what will that do? | 03:34 |
BD | btw, since I've never used anything else than windows, what's the process of changing os | 03:34 |
jrib | tuxtheslacker: that will try to upgrade all the packages on your system | 03:34 |
Jug | indigoblu: well all configuration and then some default server applications like LAMP | 03:35 |
jrib | :) | 03:35 |
BD | will i have to create new partition | 03:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Jug: tar -cvpzlf /backup.tgz --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/backup.tgz / is what I use for my basic backup. | 03:35 |
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GnarusLeo | Hi. I have a Samsung Digital Photo Printer (http://www.samsung.com/en/products/printers/photoprinters/spp_2040.asp) wich I want to use with ubuntu. Is there any tutorial on howto print photos or does anyone have a clue? Ubuntu doesnt recognize it | 03:35 |
BD | will i have to remove all on disc... etc.? | 03:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | BD: Do you want dual boot system, are you trying to recover info from corrupt ntfs.. | 03:35 |
Jug | Jack_Sparrow: but how do you restore that then? | 03:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | jug tar -xvpjf backup.tar.bz2 -C / | 03:36 |
Jug | Jack_Sparrow: is it okey to just copy everything while system is still operating? | 03:36 |
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agt | whats the command to find what version xorg i have installed? | 03:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !backup > jug | 03:36 |
indigoblu | Jug: honestly, easiest thing really is using tar, (have never tried PartImage) .. if your system dies you boot from CD, reformat and extract the .tarball over your disks and you get a system that is exactly like you backed it up | 03:36 |
GnarusLeo | !printer | 03:36 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 03:36 |
GnarusLeo | !photo_printer | 03:36 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about photo_printer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:36 |
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tuxtheslacker | jrib, thanks! | 03:36 |
Jug | yeah | 03:36 |
GnarusLeo | !photo | 03:37 |
Jug | thanks | 03:37 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about photo - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:37 |
BD | i'm not sure, but it'd be nice if i didn't have to clean this 20gig first, so i can get stuff for firefox and such, if you can import settings | 03:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !sbackup | 03:37 |
ubotu | sbackup: Simple Backup Suite for desktop use. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-1 (dapper), package size 36 kB, installed size 340 kB | 03:37 |
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slight | i've been getting fairly regular random segfaults lately, has anyone else experienced anything simmilar? | 03:38 |
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slight | *similar | 03:38 |
th1ef | hello with what program i can play AVI movies on ubuntu??? | 03:38 |
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Jack_Sparrow | BD: That is why I was asking about the usb drive or stick, or dual cd/burner | 03:38 |
BD | ive got burner | 03:38 |
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GnarusLeo | Hi. I have a Samsung Digital Photo Printer (http://www.samsung.com/en/products/printers/photoprinters/spp_2040.asp) wich I want to use with ubuntu. Is there any tutorial on howto print photos or does anyone have a clue? Ubuntu doesnt recognize it | 03:38 |
BD | and another player | 03:38 |
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BD | 1 dvd/cdburner and one cdreader | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | BD: But do you have second cd to run live and still have a place to burn | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | cool | 03:39 |
BD | yeah | 03:39 |
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jrib | agt: Xorg -version | 03:39 |
BD | is live run from cd? | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | yes | 03:39 |
agt | jrib: thanks :) | 03:39 |
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malegria | hi, i wanna rename a couple of files using a text editor. i found emv (http://www.i0i0.de/toolchest/emv) but i dont know how to use it. can anybody help me? | 03:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | slight: I must ask... Have you run scripts like Automatix or EasyUbuntu, (NOT recommending that you do.) to install anything? | 03:40 |
slight | th1ef, try 'movie player' (totem). if that's no good then try here: https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/codecs.html | 03:40 |
slight | Jack_Sparrow, no | 03:40 |
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slight | i have a few checkinstall apps but that's it | 03:40 |
slight | and i haven't installed any of those for quite some time, this is a pretty recent issue and they're all non-system apps | 03:40 |
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BD | file downloaded: ubuntu-6.06.1-desktop-i386.iso | 03:41 |
th1ef | totem could not play the file | 03:41 |
tuxtheslacker | checking for X... | 03:41 |
tuxtheslacker | configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 03:41 |
tuxtheslacker | how do I fix that? | 03:41 |
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slight | th1ef, did you try the link i gave? | 03:42 |
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Jack_Sparrow | slight: We have had a rash of people that have trashed their systems running those scripts. Have not seen people getting seg faults though. Lucky you. | 03:44 |
slight | :/ | 03:44 |
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slight | yeah i know i tried automatix once and refused to go near it again | 03:44 |
jrib | tuxtheslacker: you probably need libx11-dev | 03:45 |
jrib | tuxtheslacker: what are you compiling? | 03:45 |
BD | downloading burner program... i do hope ubuntu is as good as people sa | 03:45 |
th1ef | yes i have try the link | 03:45 |
mohamed | anybody know why beagle doesn't want to index mp3 files & images ? | 03:45 |
th1ef | but i cannot find the plugins | 03:45 |
=== racun [n=racun@h208n5c1o1031.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | bd, what burner program.. | 03:45 |
slight | Jack_Sparrow, if it just installed debs it'd be once thing, but they do too much non-reversable command line messing | 03:45 |
tuxtheslacker | jrib, I'm trying to compile a simple program application... Trying to figure out how to use Qt :-) | 03:45 |
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Jack_Sparrow | slight: yep... | 03:45 |
racun | What does "Installing libtcl8.5.so to /usr/local/lib/ | 03:45 |
racun | cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/local/lib/#inst.15843#': Permission denied | 03:45 |
racun | mv: cannot stat `/usr/local/lib/#inst.15843#': No such file or directory | 03:45 |
racun | chmod: cannot access `/usr/local/lib/libtcl8.5.so': No such file or directory | 03:45 |
racun | make: *** [install-binaries] Fel 1 | 03:45 |
racun | " mean? | 03:45 |
jrib | !paste > racun | 03:45 |
r000t | what should i use .. aptitude or apt-get | 03:45 |
malegria | ok, think i got it: sh <emv-script> <files> | 03:46 |
r000t | someone ?? | 03:46 |
racun | sry :/ | 03:46 |
BD | some free called cheetah, it needs to reboot windows... but soon ill have the cd mwahahaha | 03:46 |
erUSUL | racun: probably you need to use sudo with the comand you are trying | 03:46 |
BD | brb | 03:46 |
jrib | r000t: I prefer aptitude because it remembers dependencies that get installed, so you can easily remove them all when you remove the parent package | 03:46 |
tuxtheslacker | jrib, libx11-dev is already installed. | 03:46 |
tuxtheslacker | kdevelop apparently didn't pick it up thoguh. | 03:46 |
racun | erUSUL: how do I use it? | 03:46 |
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mohamed | Hi.. anybody know why beagle doesn't want to index mp3 files & images ? | 03:46 |
r000t | jrib: so thats whats recommended then.. ok thanks man | 03:46 |
slight | Jack_Sparrow, any suggestions for tracking down the source of these segfaults? i'm presuming it's a corrupt library as that's happened to me once before. unfortunately this time the only debug i'm getting is 'segfault' (launching all apps from shell to try to get feedback on what the cause is) | 03:47 |
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sovieticool | how i can find what gcc version i have ? | 03:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | slight: Ohters here are better at the hard problems.. | 03:47 |
slight | k :) | 03:47 |
NET||abuse | hmm, need a good visual ftp client, something up to smartftp on windows... anyone know of something as good? | 03:47 |
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GnarusLeo | sovieticool, gcc --version | 03:47 |
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slight | NET||abuse, gftp | 03:48 |
homer_linux | hiya ppl | 03:48 |
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GnarusLeo | Hi. I have a Samsung Digital Photo Printer (http://www.samsung.com/en/products/printers/photoprinters/spp_2040.asp) wich I want to use with ubuntu. Is there any tutorial on howto print photos or does anyone have a clue? Ubuntu doesnt recognize it | 03:48 |
Eddie | Hi guys, im trying to use pidof to renice all kacpid processes | 03:48 |
mohamed | anybody using beagle on dapper ? | 03:48 |
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Eddie | pidof kacpid | renice 20 -p doesn't seem to work | 03:48 |
homer_linux | i was wonder if there is a program that test hdd preformance | 03:48 |
slight | mohamed, sometimes | 03:48 |
xvxvx | anyone know a program equivalent to paint(brush) in windows? krita is pissing me off atm, need to draw simple diagrams. | 03:48 |
NET||abuse | slight, last time i tried gftp, it was as prehistorically basic as wsftp | 03:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | xvxvx: gimp | 03:48 |
jrib | tuxtheslacker: I'm not sure of the package then, check the configure script to see how it checks for the X includes, and then find the package that gives you that file | 03:48 |
slight | NET||abuse, what do you need it to do | 03:48 |
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JohnFlux | homer_linux: hi | 03:49 |
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mohamed | <slight> is it working fine with u? | 03:49 |
JohnFlux | homer_linux: hdparm -tT /dev/hda | 03:49 |
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slight | mohamed, one moment i'll try it | 03:49 |
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mohamed | k thx | 03:49 |
Jack_Sparrow | bbl | 03:49 |
=== BD [n=pontuslp@lund-kc50-sr0-vl100-56-058.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
th1ef | hello with what program i can play AVI movies on ubuntu??? | 03:49 |
jrib | !multimedia > th1ef | 03:50 |
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NET||abuse | slight, , well i'm giving it a go fora day see if it does everything i need | 03:50 |
mohamed | slight: try to search for mp3 or images | 03:50 |
th1ef | jrib what u mean? | 03:50 |
slight | i'm not getting any results from it at the moment actually | 03:50 |
mohamed | the same here | 03:50 |
jrib | th1ef: check your private messages from ubotu | 03:50 |
slight | but i think i have a library problem, as i'm getting random segfaults | 03:50 |
xvxvx | Jack_Sparrow, gimp isnt that good for drawing lines, circles etc, i think haven't used it that much | 03:50 |
slight | it's worked ok in the past | 03:50 |
mohamed | the same here | 03:50 |
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mohamed | I thought it's just for me | 03:51 |
mohamed | did u get it from atomatix? | 03:51 |
mohamed | automatix | 03:51 |
slight | you're getting segfaults? | 03:51 |
slight | no no automatix | 03:51 |
slight | only unusual thing i'm running is quinndebs xgl/compiz | 03:52 |
linux1 | man automatix hasnt let me down yet | 03:52 |
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slight | which is my next area for investigation | 03:52 |
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mohamed | It just can get foldernames & a few text files | 03:52 |
slight | i can't stand automatix, it fucks around with things it shouldn't | 03:52 |
mohamed | lol | 03:52 |
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mohamed | it just save much time | 03:52 |
slight | it shouldn't be tweaking stuff through scripts, it should use debs | 03:52 |
BD | how about viruses, is there any threats from these in ubuntu? | 03:53 |
slight | *it should *noly* use debs that is | 03:53 |
BD | and spywares | 03:53 |
sovieticool | how i stop to restart x from shift + backspace | 03:53 |
slight | BD only theoretical | 03:53 |
th1ef | jrib i have try the link but i cannot find codecs | 03:53 |
mohamed | I agree but I don't know how they will be able to do this without scripts | 03:53 |
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slight | sovieticool, put this in a file called .gnomerc in your home dir : xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace BackSpace Terminate_Server" | 03:54 |
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slight | mohamed, they could do it from within debs | 03:54 |
jrib | th1ef: I have to go now, someone else can help you out | 03:54 |
slight | debs support scripting, they just have to follow rules about fixing things afterwards | 03:54 |
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GnarusLeo | Anyone to help me with my photo printing problem?? | 03:54 |
GnarusLeo | Hi. I have a Samsung Digital Photo Printer (http://www.samsung.com/en/products/printers/photoprinters/spp_2040.asp) wich I want to use with ubuntu. Is there any tutorial on howto print photos or does anyone have a clue? Ubuntu doesnt recognize it | 03:54 |
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mohamed | can't u suggest this to them on their forum? | 03:55 |
slight | GnarusLeo, have you tried googling for it? there are some sites that specialise in linux printing | 03:55 |
racun | I can't get any sound, I've got a creative SB live! 5.1, help? | 03:55 |
GnarusLeo | slight, I have, cant seem to find anything | 03:55 |
th1ef | hello with what program i can play AVI movies on ubuntu??? | 03:55 |
slight | ok i have to go | 03:55 |
erUSUL | !avi | 03:55 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:55 |
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54007E6A.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
erUSUL | !sound | 03:55 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems | 03:55 |
mohamed | k thx | 03:55 |
BD | im going to test live now, bbl | 03:55 |
GnarusLeo | slight, too bad If I cant use it with linux, cuz its a pretty cool printer :=) | 03:55 |
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slight | GnarusLeo, i'd have thought you can, it can just be a bit of a pain getting things set up | 03:56 |
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xjonex | th1ef: for example with vlc you can play movies... | 03:56 |
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GnarusLeo | slight, does this say anything to you? http://linuxprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=Samsung-SPP-2040 | 03:56 |
kupesoft | Can I install .deb files for Dapper (ie php5.1.2) on Breezy? | 03:56 |
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russ | i get "Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted." with my burner....can anyone help....???.... | 03:57 |
mohamed | th1ef : just try to install xine lib & multimedia codecs & u will play anything with Totem | 03:57 |
slight | GnarusLeo, i can't connect to it sorry | 03:57 |
slight | GnarusLeo, i'm just checking my printer setup to see if it's listed | 03:58 |
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GnarusLeo | thanks slight | 03:58 |
kupesoft | Can I install .deb files for Dapper (ie php5.1.2) on Breezy? | 03:58 |
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erUSUL | kupesoft: not recomended just switch to dapper if you need them | 03:58 |
kupesoft | But I don't want to switch! Gnometric for dapper is terrible! | 03:59 |
slight | GnarusLeo, no it's not listed, but you may find that if you try telling ubuntu (cups) that it's another samsung printer with a similar model number it may just work... | 03:59 |
GnarusLeo | ok slight, Ill try that even, thanks | 03:59 |
kupesoft | *Gnometris | 03:59 |
ndlovu | does anyone know how to import an mpg file into kino (non-dv format)? alternatively to convert an mpg file into a dv file. | 04:00 |
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erUSUL | ndlovu: maybe ffmpeg can do it but i'm not sure | 04:01 |
Submatrix | hi, anyone know where i can get a list of ubuntu cheat codes for the live cd? | 04:01 |
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uberspaced | what's the ubuntu way to install perl modules? | 04:01 |
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ndlovu | erUSUL, I'll check the man page, thanks | 04:01 |
th1ef | how i can install xine lib and multimedia codecs? | 04:01 |
uberspaced | I did perl -MCPAN -e shell and tried to install something, but that failed. | 04:01 |
erUSUL | uberspaced: via packages... | 04:01 |
Submatrix | uber, did you try force install? | 04:02 |
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uberspaced | Submatrix, i dont usually like to do that w/ cpan :) | 04:02 |
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uberspaced | erUSUL, cmd line example please. | 04:02 |
xjonex | th1ef: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/DapperGuide#How_to_install_Multimedia_Codecs | 04:03 |
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erUSUL | uberspaced: sudo apt-get install libmp3-info-perl | 04:03 |
uberspaced | hrm. | 04:03 |
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linux1 | GNU/Open Solaris hybrid, hmmmm | 04:03 |
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Submatrix | argh why cant i find ubuntu cheat codes >_< | 04:04 |
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erUSUL | th1ef: sudo apt-get install xine-ui w32codecs | 04:04 |
erUSUL | !w32codecs | 04:04 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:04 |
homer_linux | hiya ppl is there any way to edit the list off commands that the treminal remembers | 04:04 |
uberspaced | looks like libtext-csv-perl is probably the one I want. | 04:04 |
uberspaced | and it was. | 04:04 |
uberspaced | erUSUL, muchass garcias. | 04:05 |
homer_linux | need to hide some my tracks on a system that i use | 04:05 |
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erUSUL | uberspaced: no hay de que... no problem | 04:05 |
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ahfeel | hi all | 04:06 |
ahfeel | could anybody tell me in which apt package i can find the ar executable ? | 04:06 |
ahfeel | it's not included in ubuntu server | 04:06 |
ahfeel | and i need to extract some .deb | 04:06 |
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tuxtheslacker | anyone here able to help me out with kdevelop at all? their channel is dead. | 04:06 |
jadams | Nautilus is crazy slow since a few days ago. It might be because I added a WebDAV share. Anyone seen this before? | 04:06 |
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homer_linux | any ideas anyone | 04:07 |
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dFense | Is it possible to get a warning/alert when battery life is critical? Using dapper, the computer just shut's down without warning the battery is empty | 04:08 |
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jadams | dFense: I get a warning | 04:08 |
jadams | it | 04:08 |
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erUSUL | homer_linux: that list is in ~/.bash_history | 04:08 |
ulfar | dFense: click on the icon and propertise it | 04:08 |
jadams | it's called powermon or something... | 04:08 |
Fraj | can someone recommend a P2P software which is very easy 2 use for ubuntu please? | 04:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | powernowd? | 04:09 |
`ph8 | bittorrent? | 04:09 |
jbroome | frostwire, bittorrent | 04:09 |
erUSUL | Fraj: what network?? | 04:09 |
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dFense | ulfar: there's only a option for showing the battery icon when it's critical, | 04:09 |
TyggerBob | Hello.. quick question. have the 686 kernel installed and working great. how do I tell apt to stop installing 386 kernels when I do an upgrade? | 04:10 |
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ulfar | dFense: aw, well i havent finished my battery before so :) | 04:10 |
mahesh | hi i am new to linux can u plz tell me how to install totem pulgins?? | 04:10 |
`ph8 | apt-get remove the c86 package i believe tyggerbob | 04:10 |
`ph8 | * 386 | 04:10 |
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`ph8 | mahesh: Use synaptic | 04:10 |
`ph8 | the package manager | 04:10 |
dFense | ulfar: ok :) | 04:10 |
`ph8 | and search for 'totem', that will probably turn up totem related things | 04:11 |
ulfar | this is my first time using linux as desktop :p | 04:11 |
erUSUL | mahesh: use synaptic to install gstreamer plugins (the ones used by totem) | 04:11 |
TyggerBob | Ok.. I'll give that a shot, `ph8 | 04:11 |
TyggerBob | thanks | 04:11 |
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erUSUL | !synaptic > mahesh | 04:11 |
sonik | anyone from bulgaria?:) | 04:11 |
jadams | bulgarians are | 04:12 |
sonik | ? | 04:12 |
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sonik | aham no one from Bg :) | 04:14 |
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tuxtheslacker | configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 04:14 |
tuxtheslacker | help? | 04:14 |
dFense | anyone else? about the battery critical alert? | 04:14 |
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sonik | this support forum is boring :) | 04:15 |
sonik | have a nice day | 04:15 |
orbin | tuxmaniac: what are you installing? | 04:15 |
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erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: install xlib-dev ?? | 04:15 |
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tuxtheslacker | erUSUL, I believe so... what's the exact package? | 04:15 |
dxy | does ubuntu has gcc installed by default? i have only 1 cd | 04:15 |
TyggerBob | anyone having problems with card initialization using hostap_cs? | 04:16 |
TyggerBob | I have a smc 2532w that I'm trying to get working.. | 04:16 |
tuxmaniac | orbin> what? | 04:16 |
tuxtheslacker | anyone able to help me out? | 04:16 |
orbin | dxy: you need to install build-essetial ... which i believe is on the cd | 04:16 |
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xjonex | sonik: i was in Bulgaria in june.. nice country and also nice people too... ;-) | 04:16 |
dxy | orbin: is it on the 1st cd? | 04:17 |
orbin | tuxmaniac: whoops, damn tab complete :) .. meant for tuxtheslacker | 04:17 |
orbin | dxy: there's only one cd :) | 04:17 |
fredl | hi guys, I'm having a little problem. Go to http://emazinggaming.com/index_final.php | 04:17 |
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tuxtheslacker | orbin, I've build-essential installed. | 04:17 |
dxy | orbin: ok but does it have gcc installed by default? | 04:17 |
fredl | now click on the 'Watch more now' link under media center. It will create a media player in the center column | 04:17 |
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erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: i'm sure you are as able as i am to do an apt-cache search xlib dev | 04:17 |
erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: ;) | 04:17 |
fredl | but totem says it can't play it. | 04:17 |
caliban | hi, anyone can help? plz | 04:18 |
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fredl | I don't know how to find out which plugin totem is missing for this. | 04:18 |
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fredl | does it play anything for any of you? | 04:18 |
`ph8 | fredl: what are you trying to do? | 04:18 |
`ph8 | I use xine | 04:18 |
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`ph8 | xine > * :) | 04:18 |
tuxtheslacker | erUSUL, didn't realize it took multiple arguments | 04:18 |
orbin | dxy: afaik, no. but you can grab it from the cd by installing build-essential | 04:18 |
fredl | `ph8: I use xine too and for me it doesn't play anything | 04:18 |
fredl | `ph8, does it play anything for you? | 04:18 |
`ph8 | depends what you're trying to play? | 04:18 |
`ph8 | you might just not have the codecs | 04:19 |
caliban | i'm using linux 5.10, when i upgrade to 6.06, cdrom stop, i cant access, erro about mount hdd | 04:19 |
`ph8 | what are you trying to play? | 04:19 |
ganja_ | hey, does anyone can help me to install last.fm? | 04:19 |
fredl | `ph8, I know, but I can't figure out on that page which plugin it requires | 04:19 |
fredl | `ph8, go to emazinggaming.com/index_final.php | 04:19 |
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dxy | orbin: build-essential a tool for install, update like rpm in fcore? | 04:19 |
fredl | `ph8, click on the button that says 'Watch more now' under the Media center in the left column | 04:19 |
homer_linux | thanks erUSUL worked a treat | 04:19 |
agt | ganja_: check out http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213185 | 04:20 |
cwc | hi all... im looking for some help in mounting my fat32 logical drive | 04:20 |
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ganja_ | agt, 10x! | 04:20 |
orbin | dxy: no, it's a package that grabs gcc for you | 04:20 |
caliban | i'm using linux 5.10, when i upgrade to 6.06, cdrom stop, i cant access, erro about mount hdd | 04:20 |
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dxy | tthanks | 04:20 |
erUSUL | dxy: build-essential is a meta package that instals gcc and related tools (automake make etc) | 04:20 |
fredl | caliban, it's Ubuntu 5.10, not Linux 5.10 | 04:20 |
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erUSUL | caliban: which is the exact error? | 04:20 |
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dxy | ok thanks | 04:20 |
fredl | `ph8, any luck? | 04:21 |
tuxtheslacker | configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! | 04:21 |
tuxtheslacker | where do I get the newest version of Qt? | 04:21 |
cwc | !fstab | 04:21 |
ubotu | The /etc/fstab file lists all drives and partitions that are mounted on the system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !partitions | 04:21 |
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ganja_ | agt, but, whats about the program, that i find in the last.fm site? | 04:21 |
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Ramunas | hello again, can I mount .bin images just as iso files? | 04:22 |
fredl | `ph8, you still there? | 04:22 |
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erUSUL | Ramunas: no you have to convert them to iso first | 04:22 |
Ramunas | erUSUL: and how do I do that? | 04:22 |
erUSUL | !info bchunk | 04:22 |
ubotu | bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB | 04:22 |
caliban | erUSUL: I cant mount hdd, write-protect. says about fstab, dmesg and tail too | 04:22 |
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agt | ganja_: download the last attachment on the first post of that link i gave you | 04:23 |
erUSUL | caliban: can you post the error to a pastebin? | 04:23 |
erUSUL | !pastebin | 04:23 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:23 |
ganja_ | agt, okz | 04:23 |
lastnode | how do you unlink a symlink? | 04:23 |
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fredl | okay, I got my problem narrowed down a bit. When I start up totem and 'Open Location' it won't play | 04:24 |
agt | ganja_: then you extract that, and you've got your .deb file, which you can install by double clicking it | 04:24 |
ganja_ | agt, File Type: bz2 last-exit_2.0-1ubuntu2_i386.deb.tar.bz2 (217.7 KB, 253 views) this one? | 04:24 |
caliban | erUSUL, wait, i'll find error in the net, because i unistall 6.06 and install 5.10 | 04:24 |
erUSUL | lastnode: removing it ?? | 04:24 |
fredl | how do I figure out what xine plugin I need for ? | 04:24 |
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agt | ganja_: ya | 04:24 |
stealg | hi how can i run wireless network at the boot ??? | 04:24 |
ganja_ | great! :D | 04:24 |
=== MystaMax [n=mystamax@jimbo.angelica.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuxtheslacker | hey, what is the package for the newest version of Qt? | 04:24 |
mahesh | how can ichange my sound drivers | 04:25 |
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fredl | where can I see what plugins Totem has anyway?? | 04:25 |
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lastnode | shoot! i just rm -r /usr/lib/xorg <-- anyway i can regen that? | 04:25 |
Stevo | does anyone know anything about wireless? | 04:25 |
fredl | Stevo, yeah a little, why? | 04:25 |
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=== theclaw [n=theclaw@p5494B9AD.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theclaw | hi there | 04:26 |
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Stevo | i'm trying to connect to this Linksys router, and i'm able to connect to this wireless network, but i can't obtain an ip... | 04:26 |
GnarusLeo | Isnt there any bluetooth remote control? Wich let you remote control the desktop, amarok and such? | 04:26 |
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GnarusLeo | !bluetoothremotecontroll | 04:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bluetoothremotecontroll - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:26 |
Stevo | i'm just using cable right now. | 04:26 |
GnarusLeo | !bluetoothremotecontrol | 04:26 |
theclaw | is it possible to install gnome, kde, etc. at the same time in ubuntu? | 04:26 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bluetoothremotecontrol - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:26 |
GnarusLeo | !remote | 04:26 |
Mortice | GnarusLeo: why bluetooth rather than infrared? | 04:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:27 |
erUSUL | fredl: it seems an mp3 stream install gstreamer0.10-mad (and all gstreamer0.10-* packages they will do no harm) | 04:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | theclaw: yes | 04:27 |
cwc | can someone help me.... ! | 04:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !ask | 04:27 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 04:27 |
GnarusLeo | Mortice, why not? Infrared needs to be close, doesnt it? | 04:27 |
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erUSUL | lastnode: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' | 04:27 |
Stevo | bluetooth is uncomparably better than infrared | 04:27 |
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=== DualC [n=M@81-226-219-97-no38.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
theclaw | Jack_Sparrow: i thought ubuntu is a gnome-only distribution? | 04:27 |
Mortice | GnarusLeo: so does bluetooth. :) Depends what you mean by close. | 04:27 |
=== G-net [n=gilnim@pD9EB8021.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lastnode | erUSUL, i removed xserver-xorg and installed again wtih apt. ok? | 04:27 |
GnarusLeo | Mortice, bluetooth can be several feet, including walls, wich infrared cant | 04:28 |
mahesh | hi i am using 845 intel mother board .....but ubuntu does not supporting my sound card .....can any one help me???/ | 04:28 |
GnarusLeo | Mortice, + mobile phones are more supported by bluetooth | 04:28 |
Stevo | any ideas on the obtaining of an ip (dhcp obviously) for wireless? | 04:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | theclaw: Ubuntu comes with gnome, kubuntu comes with kde, I installed ubuntu added kubuntu-desktop as well as ice | 04:28 |
fredl | erUSUL, E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.10-mad. I'll check if I can apt-cache search though | 04:28 |
Mortice | yea GnarusLeo, but we're talking about remote control of a computer, no? | 04:28 |
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nataraj_ | today, while checking the root file-system, while booting, i got an error saying the fs has been mounted 30 times. then it started checking the fs and spotted some non-contigous lacations | 04:28 |
GnarusLeo | Mortice, yes, by using a cellular | 04:28 |
Mortice | GnarusLeo: aha, i see | 04:29 |
nataraj_ | what does it mean? | 04:29 |
cwc | HELP !!! | 04:29 |
=== GigaByte_ [n=kranian@net136-138.paichai.ac.kr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mortice | GnarusLeo: i'm afraid i don't know anything about that. | 04:29 |
fredl | erusul: gstreamer0.8-mad is already the newest version. | 04:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | theclaw: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ... select your desktop from the options where you enter your user name | 04:29 |
Mortice | cwc: just ask your question, so that someone *can* help :) | 04:29 |
mahesh | hi i am using 845 intel mother board .....but ubuntu does not supporting my sound card .....can any one help me???/ | 04:29 |
mahesh | i am new to linuz | 04:29 |
theclaw | Jack_Sparrow: hrm, means i can use the packages from kubuntu or the ones from xubuntu in ubuntu _without_ problems? there aren't any dependency-problems? | 04:30 |
cwc | well, i mounted my fat32 manually by putting an entry in etc/fstab... now i am not able to create any document in it... only root can ! | 04:30 |
Stevo | i'm not very new but wireless is kicking my tail for sure | 04:30 |
erUSUL | !ntfs > cwc | 04:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | cwc: Read what people post and be patient, there are 889 OTHER people here as well | 04:30 |
Stevo | doesn't make any sense to be able to connect to the network, but not get an IP | 04:30 |
caliban | erUSUL: sorry i couldnt found, i forgot wats show.. :( but dont read cdrom and show error about write-protect hdc | 04:30 |
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erUSUL | caliban: well a cdrom unit is read only by definition.... | 04:31 |
dFense | Stevo: do you use any kind of security on your wireless network? | 04:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | theclaw: I run gnome desktop and K3B and Konversation etc, it does install what it needs so there is some overhead to consider but it works just fine for most things. | 04:31 |
Stevo | dFense> just WPA encryption | 04:31 |
nataraj_ | why did it mount the root filesystem 30 times or rather how could it? | 04:31 |
=== _Sand_man_ [n=manoel@201-63-44-1.netconsultoria.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stevo | which i have the key for | 04:31 |
nataraj_ | wonder what the error means! | 04:32 |
theclaw | Jack_Sparrow: thanks | 04:32 |
dFense | Stevo: tried to connect without security? | 04:32 |
Stevo | and he allows for 10 connections, so i assumed it was an "open" network | 04:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | cwc: Post your fstab to the pastebin or use Diskmounter Script http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter for mounting NTFS, Fat32 and NFS Drives Most people need to restart X before the Drive Icons show on the desktop .. after saving the page to your desktop use terminal and type cd /home/your_username_here/Desktop | 04:32 |
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Stevo | nah? my dad (which is across the street) set it up so that you have to have a key... without it, i wouldn't even be able to connect. | 04:32 |
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theclaw | can i upgrade my system when using ubuntu as easily as when using debian, does "apt-get dist-upgrade" work as well? | 04:32 |
ccooke | nataraj_: every time you start the computer, you mount the root filesystem. Each ext3 filesystem has a counter that contains the number of times it was mounted since the last check | 04:33 |
ccooke | Drat. | 04:33 |
earthian | is there any way to undo mkswap actions? i accidentally ran mkswap on my /boot partition :S | 04:33 |
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caliban | erUSUL: now is running, because i installed 5.10, but if i upgrade to 6.06, the system cant mount :S | 04:33 |
earthian | can someone give me a hand on rebuilding the /boot partition? | 04:33 |
=== michele__ [n=michele@85-18-45-50.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Micksa | hey, uh, do we still talk about breezy in here? | 04:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | ccooke: agreed, he misunderstood what was going on. | 04:33 |
dFense | Stevo: If toy could diable the WPA for testing purpose and try to get an IP | 04:34 |
=== Samuli^ [n=samuli@dasee2980.ulapland.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ulfar | earthian: ...mkdir boot && mount /dev/hda? /boot | 04:34 |
SupremacyGnu | Hello, I'm having a problem to mount .img files. How do I do it? Is there any GUI program which I can use? Or do I have to convert it to .iso? Program? (beginner linux user) | 04:34 |
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Micksa | I'm wondering if I should (under normal circumstances) be able to burn dual layer DVD discs in breezy | 04:34 |
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ulfar | ulfar: lol, but ofcourse you need the kernel in there | 04:34 |
justin__ | How do you remove KDE-BASE? | 04:34 |
Stevo | would i just go into the router setup? | 04:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | Micksa: DVD.ios's Doubtful | 04:34 |
=== tanath [n=user@d36-72-255.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
earthian | ulfar, mount: /dev/mapper/via_ibaefechf1 already mounted or /boot busy | 04:34 |
erUSUL | SupremacyGnu: .img files can be many things what kind of image files are yiou triyng to mount? | 04:35 |
=== chronic1 [n=death@adsl-33-172-136.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ulfar | earthian: you have to change hda? to your boot partition | 04:35 |
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earthian | same is with the mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/via_...1 | 04:35 |
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earthian | i am using a RAID | 04:35 |
ulfar | earthian: and make sure boot isnt already mounted | 04:35 |
=== cubebomb [n=ubuntu@cpe-72-230-87-158.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
earthian | so it goes to mapper | 04:35 |
SupremacyGnu | erUSUL, it's a game... there's a lso an cue file in the folder | 04:35 |
chronic1 | is there anything special you have to do inorder to get flash and other plugins running in firefox? | 04:35 |
tuxtheslacker | hey, what is the package for the newest version of Qt? | 04:36 |
_Sand_man_ | Hi, can someone help me? My ubuntu dapper doesnt work correctly on my laptop (toshiba a75). The CPU fan doesnt cool the processor and the laptop turn off automatic (because the processor get hot). How to solve this problem? | 04:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !flash | 04:36 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:36 |
tuxtheslacker | I need the library and the headers. | 04:36 |
dFense | Stevo: probably your dad would have to do that, unless you have admin access to the linksys box | 04:36 |
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earthian | ulfar, how do i know if /boot is mounted? | 04:36 |
erUSUL | SupremacyGnu: so is a bin/cue file you can only mount it if you convert it first to iso | 04:36 |
Stevo | dFense> i do have access | 04:36 |
erUSUL | !info bchunk > SupremacyGnu | 04:36 |
ulfar | earthian: type "mount" | 04:36 |
ubotu | bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (dapper), package size 12 kB, installed size 68 kB | 04:36 |
Micksa | Jack_Sparrow: .ios's? | 04:36 |
chronic1 | thank Jack_Sparrow | 04:37 |
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SupremacyGnu | erUSUL, ok, thanks | 04:37 |
tuxtheslacker | hey.... | 04:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Micksa: are you trying to burn an iso image? | 04:37 |
=== Shish [n=shish@stuE032.kent.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mahesh | hi i am using 845 intel mother board .....but ubuntu does not supporting my sound card .....can any one help me???/ | 04:37 |
tuxtheslacker | what's the package for QT3? | 04:37 |
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earthian | ulfar, /boot is not in the list. | 04:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | !quicktime | 04:37 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 04:37 |
earthian | so it is not mounted | 04:38 |
earthian | :/ | 04:38 |
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erUSUL | !sound > mahesh | 04:38 |
dFense | Stevo: ok, then you could log on to the box with a browser and disable wireless security and try to get IP, then you would know if there's a problem getting IP or some configuration error | 04:38 |
Micksa | mslade 179288 2006-04-26 20:32 Scrubs - S05E20 - My Lunch.avi | 04:38 |
Micksa | 179204 -rw-rw-r-- 1 Jack_Sparrowsadfsf | 04:38 |
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Micksa | Jack_Sparrow: yes. | 04:39 |
mahesh | erUSUL, thank u | 04:39 |
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Stevo | dFense> hmm.. thanks. | 04:39 |
mrbrdo | a | 04:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Micksa: No you cant | 04:39 |
Micksa | what about dapper? | 04:39 |
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=== vaq [n=lars@0x57306388.rdnxx5.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Micksa | anyway why does it matter if it's an ISO? | 04:40 |
vaq | Hello, how can i fix my touchpad (Laptop) | 04:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | Micksa: Burning iso's of dvds has problems | 04:40 |
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Micksa | this is a data disc though, not a DVD movie | 04:40 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Micksa: Is it an ISO? | 04:40 |
Micksa | yes. | 04:40 |
mrbrdo | anyone here? | 04:40 |
mrbrdo | i think i am disconnected | 04:40 |
_Sand_man_ | anyone knows about toshiba a75 cpu cooler to really cool the processor (maybe any acpi control)? | 04:40 |
vaq | Hello, how can i fix my touchpad (Laptop) - I can't dobbelt click with it atm. | 04:40 |
erUSUL | Jack_Sparrow: i have burned knoppix dvd isos without problems... | 04:41 |
cubebomb | help!- Im moving from windows xp to ubuntu, and i love it, the only thing i have now, is that my HD is not accessible, and i cant move the important stuff i have there to my External HD, Im able to see my external HD and eveyrthing, and im also able to see my Internal HD, but i cant Move anything, Any help, Im a new guy at this, so help plis. thanks | 04:41 |
erUSUL | !ntfs | 04:41 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 04:41 |
Micksa | I can burn single layer ISOs, no problem. | 04:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | Micksa: SOme people have not been able to get ISO's to work. | 04:41 |
=== zaggynl [n=zaggynl@dsl-083-247-026-021.solcon.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | DVD ISO's | 04:41 |
=== FrdPrefct [n=adamisp@host-84-9-93-49.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ulfar | cubebomb: using ntfs on your hd? | 04:41 |
=== dv5000 [n=marcel@cc194379-b.assen1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dv5000 | hi, what are dvd menu supported dvd-players? | 04:42 |
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erUSUL | !dvd | 04:42 |
ubotu | See http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 04:42 |
zaggynl | Hi, anyone knows how to get the amarok global hotkeys to work under a vanilla ubuntu installation? | 04:42 |
vaq | Hello, how can i fix my touchpad (Laptop) - I can't dobbelt click with it atm. | 04:42 |
=== c0n [n=nocfed@host-84-9-93-49.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | erUSUL: agreed.. | 04:42 |
sexcopter8000m | !glxgears | 04:42 |
cubebomb | NTFS yes i am | 04:42 |
ubotu | To display the FPS in glxgears, run 'glxgears -printfps' in a terminal. | 04:42 |
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ulfar | cubebomb: by default ntfs cannot be written to, try copying your files only, not moving them | 04:42 |
zaggynl | !ntfs | 04:42 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 04:42 |
zaggynl | !fuse | 04:43 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 04:43 |
mrbrdo | if i plug in my usb mouse after unplugging it, it doesn't work anymore | 04:43 |
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Micksa | hmm, I haven't tested this drive in any other OS. | 04:43 |
=== BiGcaT [n=Perl@84-12-164-122.dyn.gotadsl.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ulfar | cubebomb: you can read your hdd but you cant write to it, if it has ntfs | 04:43 |
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dv5000 | erUSUL: E: Package xine has no installation candidate? | 04:43 |
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GnarusLeo | When I try to pair my cellular phone to my computer using bluetooth I get the following error: "Problem connecting with K610i.Host rejected for security reasons" .. Ubuntu Didnt even let me enter a pairing code!!?? | 04:43 |
cubebomb | i cant even do that, Like all the files are Grayed out, and i cant open nor copy them. :-/ | 04:43 |
Micksa | but boy I sure don't want to move the thing | 04:43 |
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mrbrdo | i plugged my usb mouse in while ubuntu was running and it didn't seem to detect it | 04:43 |
gypsymauro | hello | 04:43 |
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erUSUL | dv5000: have you enabled all repos (universe multiverse) also is xine-ui iirc | 04:43 |
gypsymauro | sorry in debian you use dpkg-reconfigure locales to modify locales, in ubuntu? | 04:43 |
Micksa | argh. | 04:43 |
mrbrdo | but it works if it's plugged in when i boot | 04:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | cubebomb: Format your external drive to fat32 | 04:43 |
mrbrdo | what can i do | 04:43 |
erUSUL | gypsymauro: exactly the same | 04:44 |
mrbrdo | someone, please? | 04:44 |
gypsymauro | erUSUL: oh.. then I miss something..I've installed it from debootstrap | 04:44 |
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erUSUL | mrbrdo: restart x (x is not very hotplug friendly) | 04:44 |
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gypsymauro | locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory | 04:44 |
gypsymauro | locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory | 04:44 |
mrbrdo | huh ok, is that the only way? | 04:44 |
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erUSUL | !paste | 04:45 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:45 |
mrbrdo | i have to do that every time i reconnect my mouse? i'm on a laptop, i do that often | 04:45 |
cubebomb | If i format ill loose everything music pictures, | 04:45 |
cubebomb | yikes | 04:45 |
ulfar | cubebomb: i reccommend copying your stuff over first :) | 04:45 |
=== eletido [n=Jon@24-197-203-144.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GnarusLeo | When I try to pair my cellular phone to my computer using bluetooth I get the following error: "Problem connecting with K610i.Host rejected for security reasons" .. Ubuntu Didnt even let me enter a pairing code!!?? .. I have checked that it has to use /etc/bluetooth/link_key ... wich I dont have | 04:45 |
erUSUL | mrbrdo: i have not used linux in a laptop so maybe i'm misstaken. Someone else may have a better advice | 04:45 |
robert_ | how do I build php4-cgi from source on ubuntu? | 04:46 |
Neo8750 | mrbrdo: if your not loged in you could just do ctrl+alt+backspace | 04:46 |
=== kippi [n=none@untrust-gct.equinoxit.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Neo8750 | thats to restart x | 04:46 |
kippi | hey | 04:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | cubebomb: Writing to ntfs is risky... Drives are cheap... | 04:46 |
=== blc [n=blc@host-84-9-93-49.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuxtheslacker | configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.2) (library qt-mt) not found. Please check your installation! | 04:46 |
tuxtheslacker | For more details about this problem, look at the end of config.log. | 04:46 |
tuxtheslacker | can somone please help? | 04:46 |
erUSUL | !paste | 04:47 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:47 |
=== gaz00 [n=gaz00@HSE-Montreal-ppp128074.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kippi | I am new to ubuntu, whats the best way of searching for a file? used to use locate | 04:47 |
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ulfar | tuxtheslacker: looks like you need qt? :o | 04:47 |
cubebomb | when i open " computer " and click on my Harddrive, it says, "The Folder Contents cannot be displayed" | 04:47 |
=== dolf [n=dolf@droev209.athome242.wau.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuxtheslacker | ulfar, I have Qt I bleieve... qt-mt may be the wrong version? | 04:47 |
erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: you need the qt devl packages. What are you trying to compile? sure it is not in the repos? | 04:47 |
=== mrbrdo [n=mrbrdo@zephyrus.mrbrdo.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cubebomb | you do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents. of ..... | 04:47 |
cubebomb | so i cant open the dam thing, is there away to breach it | 04:48 |
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cubebomb | . | 04:48 |
DualC | Does, anyone knows if i can use another Kernel under da InstallProcess ? | 04:48 |
zaggynl | Anyone knows how to get amarok global hotkeys working? | 04:48 |
tuxtheslacker | erUSUL, I'm trying to compile a program that I'm writing by hand... I just need to learn how to use Qt :-). | 04:48 |
zaggynl | I've set them, but nothing happens :< | 04:48 |
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erUSUL | !ntfs > cubebomb | 04:48 |
diezare | Guys, what is the name in the apt-get of gcc and gcc++ compiler, etc.... | 04:48 |
tuxtheslacker | erUSUL, where can I get the devel packages? | 04:48 |
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cubebomb | !ntfs | 04:49 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 04:49 |
ofer | how can I give permissions to user to write to few dirs in the system? | 04:49 |
erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: whre you get all other packages repos with aptitude or synaptic | 04:49 |
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DualC | Does, anyone knows if i can use another Kernel under the InstallProcess ? | 04:50 |
erUSUL | ofer: you won't if users does not have perm to write in system dirs is for a good reason | 04:50 |
diezare | any ideas about which package should i install through apt-get to get the compilers and build utilities?? | 04:50 |
orbin | diezare: build-essential | 04:50 |
=== Stevo2 [n=steve@c-68-59-27-89.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tuxtheslacker | erUSUL, which package is the dev package though? | 04:50 |
diezare | orbin, thnx | 04:50 |
diezare | exit | 04:50 |
ofer | erUSUL, this is for installing package | 04:50 |
erUSUL | diezare: that's the diference between linuxa nd windows ;) | 04:50 |
dv5000 | erUSUL: thanks it was a typo i did xine instead of xine-gui | 04:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: What is the problem? | 04:50 |
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erUSUL | ofer: use sudo to install packages | 04:50 |
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Stevo2 | dFense> thanks. that worked. but my dad would kick my ass leaving security off. lol | 04:51 |
Stevo2 | dFense> so it must have been something in my configuration..? | 04:51 |
ofer | erUSUL, this last zope version and there is no package for it so it is from source | 04:51 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: I got confused problems to Install Ubuntu 6.06-1 on my comp, GRUB wont not install .. | 04:51 |
erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: maybe qt3-devel or somthing similar you can search it by yourself i'm sure | 04:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: What hardware do you have? | 04:52 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: and i got messy error about my SATA drive in Console.. | 04:52 |
erUSUL | ofer: as i said do the final 'make install' with sudo | 04:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: Are you running raid sata? | 04:52 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: Nope. | 04:52 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: only 1 drive. | 04:52 |
tuxtheslacker | erUSUL, I've been looking. | 04:52 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: what cpu hardware setup? | 04:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: Are you trying to dual boot? | 04:53 |
GnarusLeo | Ok, I have paired the device. But it seems like the only thing I can see is the "object push"??? Doesnt linux provide more than that? | 04:53 |
SirKillalot | anyone here who tried out the new games for ipods? | 04:53 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: An AMD 2400xp processor.. | 04:53 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: yes, i got XP installed before | 04:53 |
ofer | erUSUL but after installing zope I need to create zope instance on the user account (not as root) and need to write to few dirs | 04:53 |
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erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: apt-cache search libqt dev | 04:54 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: You need to tell us the error you are getting , not just messy error? | 04:54 |
PecisDarbs | !nvidia | 04:54 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:54 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: Ok, wait.. | 04:54 |
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erUSUL | tuxtheslacker: easy ;) | 04:55 |
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m_0_r_0_n | Is it possible to create a new fstab file by default? A friend of mine has overwritten his file with the fstab of my pc, but default mount points are completly different | 04:55 |
Fraj | can someone recommend a P2P software which is very easy 2 use for ubuntu please? | 04:55 |
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mooky | apt-m_0_r_0_n just use a text editor to recreate it | 04:56 |
Stevo2 | dFense> wb | 04:56 |
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Stevo2 | dfense> your suggestion worked | 04:56 |
erUSUL | !info zope | 04:56 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: i got errors like these... http://www.romantika.name/v2/?p=160 | 04:56 |
ubotu | Package zope does not exist in any distro I know | 04:56 |
dFense | Stevo2: thanx | 04:56 |
m_0_r_0_n | mooky, he doesnt know the partitions | 04:56 |
SpComb | m_0_r_0_n: fstabs are usually simple enough that it's fairly painless to rewrite them by hand | 04:56 |
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Stevo2 | dfense> so my configuration must be out of sorts | 04:56 |
Moc | is it me or the last compiz is alot faster with dual screen ? | 04:56 |
erUSUL | !info zope2.8 | 04:56 |
ubotu | zope2.8: Open Source Web Application Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-1 (dapper), package size 5314 kB, installed size 35000 kB | 04:56 |
erUSUL | !info zope2.9 | 04:57 |
Mortice | !xgl | 04:57 |
SpComb | m_0_r_0_n: does he have the computer booted up off the old fstab? If so, df -h to list existing partitions | 04:57 |
ubotu | zope2.9: Open Source Web Application Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.9.2-1 (dapper), package size 6561 kB, installed size 45564 kB | 04:57 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 04:57 |
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Stevo2 | dfense> do you know where i sould go from here? i can't leave the security off... | 04:57 |
mooky | m_0_r_0_n then he's screwed. If he doesn't know what partition his OS is on and doesn't know how to find out, a re-install will be a good learning experience for him | 04:57 |
tuxtheslacker | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 04:57 |
tuxtheslacker | where do I get that? | 04:57 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: But i get these errors ONLY if i try to install Live CD.. | 04:57 |
dFense | Stevo2: ok, have you installed network-manager? | 04:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: is that a gforce4 controller in your pc | 04:57 |
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SpComb | m_0_r_0_n: if not, boot up a livecd and do a fdisk -l on his hard drive and see if you can find out what the partitions are from their sizes. You can also just mount them all and take a quick look inside | 04:58 |
dxy | i cant find the hardware support in the official website, does ubuntu support USR serial modem? | 04:58 |
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mooky | apt-cache search movie | 04:58 |
mooky | oops | 04:58 |
mooky | sorry | 04:58 |
Stevo2 | dfense> that's what i'm using now.. it came with the ubuntu install. but i tried using wifi radar, i used wpa-supplicant and ndiswrapper, so if it's getting mixed signals between those apps, i don't know.. | 04:58 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: nope i got an ATI 9800 Pro. | 04:58 |
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mrbrdo | how can i figure out which driver my USB wlan card is currently using (on my machine, not in general). it's supposed to use prism54, but that module is not loaded, even though the card works :( | 04:59 |
Stevo2 | dfense> i removed wifi radar tho. just using network-manager-gnome now | 04:59 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: i get much futher if i use Txt install.... | 04:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: That is the video card not the controller chipset, but that is ok... When you run livecd you get to a menu that says start or install Ubuntu... have you done the cd self test for errors.? | 04:59 |
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erUSUL | ofer: well if you really must you can give write perms with chmod +w dir | 05:00 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: yes i have .. and its ok... | 05:00 |
ofer | erUSUL thanks | 05:00 |
mrbrdo | someone plz | 05:00 |
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SpComb | mrbrdo: perhaps `lsusb -v` might show something, not sure | 05:01 |
SpComb | take a look and see if you can find anything googleable | 05:01 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: If i do a txt install.. i can partition my linux partitions and install Ubuntu.. but only to the GRUB install.. | 05:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: Sorry, I dont have an answer. | 05:01 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: NP.... | 05:02 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: I dont know why grub would not install on your mbr, do you also have a system recovery partition on that system> | 05:03 |
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alessio | hi | 05:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: HAve you tried leaving unallocated space and having the install program use all unallocated spacve without manual partitioning | 05:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mrbrdo: ndiswrapper comes to mind | 05:04 |
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alessio | can anybody tell me how i can contact an ubuntu's pr? | 05:04 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: Nope, not an recovery Partition, and Yes, i have tried to let the install automaticly partition my emty space.. | 05:04 |
kupesoft | alessio: http://www.ubuntu.com/ | 05:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: no idea.. | 05:05 |
Gilnim | following Problem (sorry for flood): | 05:05 |
Gilnim | gilnim@Gilnim:~/ATI Graphic Card Drivers$ sudo bash ati-driver-installer-8.28.8.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/dapper | 05:05 |
Gilnim | Creating directory fglrx-install | 05:05 |
Gilnim | Verifying archive integrity... All good. | 05:05 |
Gilnim | Uncompressing ATI Proprietary Linux Driver-8.28.8... | 05:05 |
Gilnim | ATI Technologies Linux Driver Installer/Packager | 05:05 |
Gilnim | Generating package: Ubuntu/dappercp: cannot stat `/home/gilnim/ATI': No such file or directory | 05:05 |
Gilnim | cp: cannot stat `Graphic': No such file or directory ... | 05:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | !paste > Gilnim | 05:05 |
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alessio | i did not found anything there | 05:05 |
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dFense | Stevo2: make a copy of /etc/network/interfaces | 05:05 |
Gilnim | !paste | 05:05 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 05:05 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: The strange part in whis is, what Mandriva 2006 / 2007 Free, CAN install GRUB all da times.. | 05:06 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: Are there other os on that box besides XP and the Ubuntu you are trying to install? | 05:06 |
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quiet | what are some good GUI front-ends for MySQL?? I phpMyAdmin | 05:06 |
gesac | oi | 05:07 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: Nope, only 2 NTFS partitions.. | 05:07 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: and XP preinstalled as i say before.. | 05:07 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: a simple GRUB install as i seen it.. | 05:08 |
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cubebomb | Can you play Battlefiled 2 with ubuntu? | 05:08 |
earthian | need help on removnig swap and setting that space to /boot partition | 05:08 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: and as i sad, i have sucessfully installed it a couple of times.. | 05:08 |
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erUSUL | Gilnim: it is a problem with the ATI installler i suggest to ask in the ATI support channels/forums/mailing lists | 05:09 |
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Gilnim | thanks | 05:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: No idea... what does your bios show for your sata access? | 05:09 |
Gilnim | #join #ati | 05:09 |
MystaMax | does "./" mean current directory??? | 05:10 |
erUSUL | MystaMax: yes | 05:10 |
MystaMax | erUSUL, thanks | 05:10 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: the SATA bios u mean, it doesent show much information at all im sorry.. | 05:10 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: Mine lets me select ide compatible etc... | 05:11 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: Did you use the seagate utility to install your drive? | 05:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: It uses a boot sector translator.. | 05:11 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: i have an IBM drive.. | 05:12 |
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Jack_Sparrow | DualC: The link you gave me was for a seagate barracuda drive | 05:12 |
kabturek | heelo | 05:12 |
dFense | Stevo2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager | 05:13 |
kabturek | i have problem with installin kubuntu desktop | 05:13 |
=== BD [n=pontuslp@lund-kc50-sr0-vl100-56-058.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kabturek | the dependencies are wrong | 05:13 |
BD | I'm having problems booting from my cd | 05:13 |
kabturek | i must the kde repositories for it to install | 05:13 |
DualC | Jack_Sparrow: Sure, but i got similar . outputs... | 05:13 |
kabturek | *add | 05:13 |
BD | it loads "essential drivers" then nothing happends | 05:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | DualC: You are on your own sorry.. | 05:13 |
BD | at memtest, there are lots of faults about 35% into it | 05:14 |
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DualC | Jack_Sparrow: Hehe, thanks anyway.. | 05:14 |
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erUSUL | BD: you have answered yourself then; you have faulty memory | 05:14 |
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orbin | kabturek: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org ... pastebin the command you're using, and the resulting error output | 05:15 |
BD | :S | 05:15 |
BD | gah | 05:15 |
BD | seems like my whole computer is falling apart | 05:15 |
Daniel92 | Can someone talk me through partitioning? | 05:15 |
BD | how come windows runs? | 05:15 |
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AidyMole | hey anyone know how I can change vnc (vino) settings without X (through ssh)? somehow I can't vnc in to my comp | 05:15 |
quiet | make a seperate / /var and swap partition, and you'll be fine... make /var at least 2-3 GB, depending on what you're doing. | 05:16 |
orbin | Daniel92: what setup do you have? | 05:16 |
Daniel92 | So can anyone help me install ubuntu an the partitions? | 05:16 |
quiet | Daniel92, explain your system specs and probably. | 05:17 |
orbin | quiet: why's /var important? i usually only have /home seperate to / | 05:17 |
Daniel92 | System specs as in? everything in it? | 05:17 |
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TyggerBob | I don't suppose anyone here's using a PCMCIA prism2 card with Ubuntu, eh? | 05:17 |
quiet | orbin, because /var is the only fileystem that fragments. So if you have /var into /, then your whole system will slow over time. | 05:17 |
TyggerBob | I have an SMC2532w-b that I can't get to work and was wondering if anyone else has overcome the problems I'm having. | 05:18 |
Daniel92 | amd sempron 2ghz, 80gb master harddrive that is full, a 180gb slave harddrive that has 140gb free, a nvidia geforce 7800gs | 05:18 |
kabturek | orbin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23890 | 05:18 |
Daniel92 | 512mb of ram | 05:18 |
Daniel92 | any more ? | 05:18 |
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orbin | Daniel92: help me is kind of general. how bout you tell us what problems you're having w/ it? | 05:18 |
Daniel92 | Oh | 05:18 |
Daniel92 | well | 05:18 |
Dexter_F | hi | 05:18 |
Daniel92 | I don't know how to partition | 05:18 |
lupine_85 | TyggerBob: should work out of the box | 05:18 |
TyggerBob | for me, wlan0 never shows up.. errors are as follows: http://pastebin.ca/175149 | 05:18 |
Daniel92 | "New partition size:" I want my linux to be 40gb | 05:18 |
TyggerBob | lupine_85, so I would have thought | 05:18 |
Gilnim | !fglrx | 05:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:18 |
Dexter_F | trying to mount an smb share I get in dmesg: smbfs: mount_data version 1029990773 is not supported | 05:19 |
orbin | quiet: oh, i thought ext3 was non-fragmenting? why would directories matter? | 05:19 |
TyggerBob | works on every other distro I've tried | 05:19 |
Dexter_F | the file server is samba3.0.23 on slackware | 05:19 |
orbin | kabads: looking | 05:19 |
kabturek | orbin: i have ubuntu dapper with all the standard repos and upgraded the repos a minute ago | 05:19 |
lupine_85 | TyggerBob: is this dapper? | 05:19 |
Daniel92 | quiet: when I set my partition to 23% (43.2gb) it doesn't let me install it | 05:19 |
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ccooke | Hum. Anyone here know about any clock scaling issues with Core 2 Duo (mobile) processors? | 05:20 |
quiet | orbin, it's not that ext3 doesn't fragment, it's the way files are written... the logs in /var are the only files that are physically appended to. if you edit, resave a document it removes the old and rewrites the new, rather than simply updating it. | 05:20 |
TyggerBob | lupine_85, yes | 05:20 |
lupine_85 | hmmm... interrupt conflict? I'm not sure TBH :( | 05:20 |
orbin | kabads: hmm, i'm having trouble looking for something i recognise in the polish...maybe #ubuntu-pl can help better | 05:20 |
Daniel92 | quiet: when I set my partition to 23% (43.2gb) it doesn't lte me install it, it says not enough space | 05:21 |
TyggerBob | Sokay.. thanks anyway, lupine_85 | 05:21 |
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quiet | Daniel92, you probably haven't actually formatted... after you repartition your drive you must reboot to the hard drive partitions can be re-read. | 05:21 |
orbin | quiet: oh, i see. guess i need to do some reading. | 05:21 |
Daniel92 | I don't want to format it though. | 05:22 |
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Daniel92 | anyway to install ubuntu without reformating ? | 05:22 |
Daniel92 | and partition it to 40gb of my harddrive? | 05:22 |
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Daniel92 | Is there? | 05:23 |
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redkrieg | yes, the livecd installer has a great interface for that, Daniel92 | 05:24 |
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redkrieg | give it a shot | 05:24 |
Daniel92 | What's that? | 05:24 |
redkrieg | do you have a livecd for dapper? | 05:24 |
quiet | orbin, this may be of some help, but maybe not: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/articles/partitioning-p2.xml?style=printable | 05:24 |
Daniel92 | Not that I know off | 05:25 |
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redkrieg | Daniel92: how were you planning to install? | 05:25 |
orbin | Daniel92: so you want to insall on the slave drive. how is it formatted? one big ntfs ipartition? | 05:25 |
Daniel92 | I think so | 05:25 |
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orbin | redkrieg: he has: 80gb master harddrive that is full, a 180gb slave harddrive that has 140gb free ...he wants his linux install to be 40g | 05:26 |
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Daniel92 | Without reformatting | 05:26 |
orbin | Daniel92: you'll need to resize the partition to make some free space | 05:26 |
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Daniel92 | How do I do that? | 05:26 |
orbin | Daniel92: then you can install ubuntu into that free space | 05:26 |
Daniel92 | How ? | 05:26 |
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redkrieg | Daniel92 that's the default option when you use the installer from the livecd. get the install cd for dapper from www.ubuntu.com and follow the instructions to burn the iso to a disk | 05:27 |
Daniel92 | I'm on ubuntu at the moment | 05:27 |
redkrieg | running from cd? | 05:27 |
Daniel92 | Yes | 05:27 |
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redkrieg | the install icon on the desktop, double click it | 05:27 |
Daniel92 | Ok | 05:27 |
Daniel92 | then ? | 05:27 |
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Daniel92 | I set it all up till the partition bit | 05:28 |
redkrieg | answer questions til it asks where you want to install | 05:28 |
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Daniel92 | then do what ? | 05:28 |
Daniel92 | click /dev/hdb: IDE1 slave ? | 05:28 |
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timtim | timtim22 | 05:28 |
redkrieg | yeah, find the one whose size matches the drive you want to put it on | 05:28 |
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timtim | timtt | 05:29 |
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redkrieg | and there should be a slider bar to resize the partition | 05:29 |
timtim | timtim2222 | 05:29 |
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Daniel92 | I want me linux size of the partition to be 40gb | 05:29 |
Daniel92 | my* | 05:29 |
Daniel92 | so I move it down to 40gb? | 05:29 |
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Jaak_ | how do i set a certain key to do a certain command? | 05:29 |
redkrieg | yeah, its a percentage slider, so if the disk is 80gb, set it to 50% | 05:30 |
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Daniel92 | it's 203.9 | 05:30 |
kabturek | orbin: any ideas why kubuntu-desktop wn't install without secial repos - it should according to wiki | 05:30 |
Daniel92 | so I'll set it to 23% ? | 05:30 |
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orbin | kabturek: i can't read polish so i can't really understand the errors. did you try asking in #ubuntu-pl? | 05:30 |
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redkrieg | I think that's right. make sure you have enough free space on the disk to resize though, or you'll lose data | 05:30 |
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AndroidData | ? | 05:31 |
AndroidData | you'll lose me? never! | 05:31 |
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orbin | Daniel92: hang on, i don't think you should do 23% | 05:31 |
gnomefreak | kabturek: make sure the cdrom repo is # out | 05:31 |
nox-Hand | Hey | 05:31 |
Daniel92 | Whyn ot? | 05:31 |
Daniel92 | not* | 05:31 |
orbin | Daniel92: that would shrink it down to 23% of 200gb | 05:31 |
gnomefreak | !info kubuntu-desktop | 05:31 |
Daniel92 | and I just clicked next.. | 05:31 |
ubotu | kubuntu-desktop: Kubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 0.86 (dapper), package size 11 kB, installed size 40 kB | 05:31 |
Daniel92 | Fuck ? | 05:31 |
nox-Hand | This might sound like an odd thing to do, but how can I make it so when the | 05:31 |
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bmcfarli | Hey guys anyone else have trouble with the fglrx drivers? | 05:31 |
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nox-Hand | mozilla command is run, it runs firefox instead? | 05:31 |
gnomefreak | Daniel92: please watch your language | 05:31 |
Daniel92 | ok what do I do then? | 05:31 |
orbin | Daniel92: i don't think you're at partitioning yet...can you click back? | 05:31 |
Paddy_EIRE | How do i remove all Xgl/Compiz Stuffs from my comp | 05:32 |
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nox-Hand | gnomefreak: Ubuntu | 05:32 |
Daniel92 | I aborted | 05:32 |
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Daniel92 | one sec I'll get back to it | 05:32 |
redkrieg | make it 78% ? | 05:32 |
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Daniel92 | Do I make it 78%? | 05:32 |
nox-Hand | gnomefreak: Ubuntus gnome is slow on my sisters PC. 1,5 ghtz, 256 ram. Can I speed it up?* | 05:32 |
galenus | just wanna try some emoticons | 05:32 |
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galenus | :-) | 05:32 |
galenus | ;-) | 05:32 |
gnomefreak | nox-Hand: you want mozilla to run firefox? | 05:32 |
galenus | they work | 05:32 |
Neo8750 | nox-Hand: add ram =) =P | 05:32 |
galenus | :d | 05:33 |
redkrieg | Paddy_EIRE: you'll need to uninstall all the packages and revert to the old versions of config files you modified during install | 05:33 |
galenus | great | 05:33 |
galenus | have nice day | 05:33 |
galenus | cu | 05:33 |
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orbin | Daniel92: yes i think so. that'd shrink it down to ~150, giving you your 40gb free space | 05:33 |
nox-Hand | Neo8750: lol | 05:33 |
redkrieg | Paddy_EIRE: find the tutorial you used to install and do it in reverse | 05:33 |
Daniel92 | rebooting cya | 05:33 |
Paddy_EIRE | <redkrieg> oh, i cant even begin to remember what method/s i used to install and setup with | 05:33 |
nox-Hand | gnomefreak: Well, yeah. aMSN and lots of apps run mozilla - its a quick fix. I dont ever want mozilla anyhow | 05:33 |
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kabturek | orbin: yes - the have suggested to add the reppos ;) which generaly is an option but it shouldn't be necessay | 05:34 |
Thug_P | wzup | 05:34 |
redkrieg | Paddy_EIRE then you can try going to wiki.compiz.net and finding an install tutorial there to un-follow | 05:34 |
kabturek | orbin the error says : | 05:34 |
redkrieg | Paddy_EIRE: work from the bottom up ;) | 05:34 |
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orbin | kabturek: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file | 05:35 |
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gnomefreak | kabturek: please post your sources.list file on pastebin | 05:35 |
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Flosoft | hey | 05:35 |
kabturek | orbin: Becouse you ordered just one operation ,it's very probable that the package can't be installed and you should report the error | 05:35 |
kabturek | ok wait a sec | 05:35 |
Flosoft | I want to access my network at home without any big problems | 05:35 |
Flosoft | what can I do? | 05:35 |
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Neo8750 | Flosoft: what you mean? | 05:35 |
Flosoft | I thought of a Proxy? | 05:35 |
Flosoft | like access internal adresses? | 05:36 |
Paddy_EIRE | <redkrieg>ok sounds like a learning experience, | 05:36 |
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gnomefreak | kabturek: you dont have right repo enabled or you have a wrong one enabled | 05:36 |
AndroidData | how do I set my screen resolution to 16 bits? I'm using gnome | 05:36 |
Neo8750 | you mean you want to beable to access your home computer from a remote location? | 05:37 |
Jaak_ | what is .xstartup file for? | 05:37 |
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Neo8750 | Jaak_: probly has to do with the start up of x | 05:37 |
kabturek | gnomefreak: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/23891 | 05:37 |
Flosoft | anyone? | 05:37 |
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caliban | erUSUL | 05:38 |
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phred | hi | 05:38 |
Neo8750 | Flosoft: you mean you want to beable to access your home computer from a remote location? | 05:38 |
Jaak_ | i have to make it according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MappingWindowsKey | 05:38 |
Flosoft | Neo8750: yes | 05:38 |
caliban | erUSUL: are u there? | 05:38 |
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orbin | Android: change the defaultdepth line in /etc/X11/xorg.conf then restart X | 05:38 |
Neo8750 | Flosoft: do you want a gui or do you want a cli ? | 05:38 |
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Flosoft | Neo8750: and not only the one Linux Server, but also other pcs in the home network | 05:38 |
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phred | does anyone else experience very slow hibernation with recent kernels? | 05:38 |
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Flosoft | Neo8750: GUI is always nice | 05:38 |
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Flosoft | Neo8750: I want to access webservers at home like my router etc. | 05:39 |
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caliban | anyone know this error? mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only | 05:39 |
kabturek | gnomefreak: i know that adding kde repos get's rid of the problem but it should work without it (i.e. it worked without it sometime ago) | 05:39 |
gnomefreak | kabturek: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 05:40 |
AndroidData | how do I restart the X server? :\ | 05:40 |
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Neo8750 | Flosoft: well you need to be more specific on what ya mean there because you could do it all through ssh (like telnet but better) and then have a cli to work with and you could mount shares through the command line then have access to all those file | 05:40 |
kabturek | gnomefreak: dapper | 05:40 |
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orbin | AndroidData: ctrl+alt+backspace should do it | 05:40 |
Flosoft | Neo8750: can I PM you? | 05:40 |
Thug_P | gnomefreak what\s up | 05:40 |
gnomefreak | kabturek: doe sthe errors say something about depends? | 05:40 |
gnomefreak | hi Thug_P | 05:40 |
Neo8750 | or you could try to confiure x to work remotely or do a vnc setup | 05:40 |
dantolini | hello everybody.... i'm getting desperate here, since i find nowhere a solution to solve my "access beyond device"-problem..if anyone already has heard or experienced already about this "acces beyond end of device"-thing... please answer me! :D | 05:40 |
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caliban | plz | 05:40 |
caliban | anyone know this error? mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only | 05:40 |
Thug_P | whats your email add me on msn lets talk tonight about computer software | 05:40 |
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Thug_P | thug_p6@hotmail.com | 05:41 |
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Thug_P | later i gotta go 2 the cinema | 05:41 |
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Thug_P | ciao | 05:41 |
orbin | caliban: what file system, what mount command? | 05:41 |
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dantolini | @caliban i think its sth about the parameters how you mount it | 05:41 |
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dantolini | search the net for fstab options | 05:41 |
kabturek | gnomefreak: at the bottom it says - Depends: <the 6 packege names> isn't installed | 05:41 |
ootput | how do i prevent ubuntu from telling to monitor to go into standby mode when I'm trying to watch a full-screen movie | 05:41 |
ootput | ? | 05:41 |
caliban | orbin: ubuntu 6.06 LS , this error show when i open cdrom | 05:41 |
Paddy_EIRE | how would I go about changing the splash screen upon logging in | 05:42 |
gnomefreak | kabturek: ok try this sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop | 05:42 |
kabturek | gnomefreak: i tried apt-get install kde only but it also has dependencies that can't be met | 05:42 |
dantolini | Paddy_EIRE: www.gnome.org | 05:42 |
gnomefreak | kabturek: also paste output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin (i will be back shortly i need coffee | 05:43 |
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caliban | orbin: i dont wat happen, because with 5.10 is normal cdrom, but to 6.06 i cant use cdrom | 05:43 |
dantolini | has anyone ever seen a message like: "access beyond end of device" ??? | 05:43 |
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orbin | caliban: pastebin /etc/fstab | 05:43 |
caliban | i did it | 05:44 |
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caliban | orbin: i did it :( | 05:44 |
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caliban | orbin: /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 05:45 |
dantolini | Seveas, your the owner of this channel? | 05:45 |
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Seveas | dantolini: no | 05:45 |
dantolini | Seveas, but why are you the contact person`? :) | 05:46 |
manmadha | !mysql | 05:46 |
ubotu | offically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say: Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :) | 05:46 |
orbin | caliban: same as mine... | 05:46 |
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Seveas | dantolini: because I;m the contact person | 05:47 |
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orbin | caliban: are you the sole user? | 05:47 |
Zambezi | I have problems with elinks? Can anyone help me? The homepage never updates properly. | 05:47 |
caliban | orbin: my cdrom is lg cd/dvd, cant be this? | 05:47 |
orbin | doubt it | 05:47 |
kabturek | gnomefreak: thx it (aptitude) helped - it maked some packeges older and stopped the actualization od some packeges | 05:47 |
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dantolini | Seveas, well ok.. which channel would you recommend me if i have a problem with a ext3-partition, probably broken inodes.. and this error message: "access beyond end of device" | 05:48 |
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gnomefreak | kabturek: im beting they started to port kde3.5.3 to dapper if you comment out your backports repo it should work also | 05:48 |
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Empty | Hey guys... I have a problem on my laptop I cannot lick. At random times ( but while using it- if left alone it does do this) the screen blacks out and will not come back | 05:48 |
Seveas | dantolini: I'd recommend buying a new disk | 05:48 |
Zambezi | And elinks seems to use cached files. Can I turn that off? | 05:48 |
caliban | orbin: sole user? | 05:48 |
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Ramunas | erUSUL_: you still here? | 05:49 |
orbin | caliban: checking if you have user prvileges to use the cdrom | 05:49 |
kabturek | gnomefreak: ok thx , ill do that .. once again thx for help | 05:49 |
dantolini | Seveas, i still got the hope that's not a hardware problem, but i don't know anything about this kind of thing & i gotta find an expert or so :) | 05:49 |
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kvark | how do you convert ttf to psf to use the font in the console? | 05:49 |
gnomefreak | kabturek: your welcome | 05:49 |
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orbin | caliban: when do you get the error? when you insert a cd? | 05:49 |
caliban | orbin: but i have only one acc! :( | 05:49 |
Empty | I am sshed into it right now as it just did the blackout thing... I have previously forced reinstall on Xorg core and that did not help, and I cannot find useful data in the logs | 05:49 |
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gazzill | where can i get precompiled w32codecs and dvdplayer packages Libcss ? | 05:49 |
Ramunas | I'm trying to convert this file to iso, is this right: bchunk rld-nu2a.bin ? | 05:49 |
astro | hello | 05:49 |
orbin | caliban: that's why i asked, just checking | 05:50 |
Paddy_EIRE | how can i view what would be installed when i do "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" without downloading or installing them | 05:50 |
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caliban | orbin: no, when i access | 05:50 |
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Seveas | !seveas > gazzill | 05:50 |
gnomefreak | Paddy_EIRE: apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop | 05:50 |
orbin | caliban: using nautilus? | 05:50 |
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gazzill | Seveas ? | 05:50 |
Seveas | gazzill: ubotu sent you the info | 05:50 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <gnomefreak> nice one | 05:50 |
gazzill | i can't use apt-get Seveas ... offline pc | 05:51 |
gazzill | as i said precompiled ? | 05:51 |
Seveas | gazzill: you can simply download the .deb files too | 05:51 |
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gazzill | k thkx | 05:51 |
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gazzill | can i download them here from svn with cygwin on my xp ? | 05:52 |
gazzill | cuz i don't see deb links | 05:52 |
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gazzill | only sourcles.list addons | 05:52 |
kvark | ...or where can i get clear and easy to read fonts for the console? | 05:52 |
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astro | hey guys who can i stop the NAT | 05:53 |
caliban | orbin: i use nautilus and shell | 05:53 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <gnomefreak> would there be any ill effects of installing "kubuntu-desktop", as i just want it to be there for choice of a environment...im a gnome user myself and totally happy with that for me, but my family may want something similar to windows or mac | 05:53 |
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gnomefreak | Paddy_EIRE: no | 05:54 |
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Gilnim | !ubuntu | 05:54 |
Znuff | Hello. What are the repos for Ubuntu 6.06? | 05:54 |
ubotu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuHowCome | 05:54 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <gnomefreak> ok ill take your word on that...is there anyway i can stop "kubuntu-desktop" from cluttering my menus in gnome | 05:55 |
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caliban | orbin: i use nautilus and shell | 05:55 |
gnomefreak | Paddy_EIRE: alacarte menu editor | 05:55 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <gnomefreak> and that will not effect the kde side of things?? also i want my boot screen to remain the same as do i want my login screen | 05:56 |
gnomefreak | Paddy_EIRE: no | 05:56 |
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gnomefreak | kde doesnt use alacarte | 05:57 |
Znuff | Anyone? | 05:57 |
gazzill | gnomefreak u know a link to w32codecs lib and dvdlibcss ? | 05:57 |
gazzill | or maybe xmms-wma ? | 05:57 |
gnomefreak | gazzill: yes in your pm from ubotu | 05:57 |
gazzill | 3 things i needs | 05:58 |
gazzill | nope not ther | 05:58 |
gazzill | apt-get source list | 05:58 |
gazzill | it's for an offline pc | 05:58 |
i4get | need to enable universe and multivers for it to be there | 05:58 |
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i4get | oh n/m | 05:58 |
gazzill | i don't got apt-get !!! | 05:58 |
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gazzill | :$ | 05:59 |
caliban | my cdrom!!! plz helpp meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 05:59 |
caliban | mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only | 05:59 |
caliban | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd, | 05:59 |
caliban | missing codepage or other error | 05:59 |
caliban | in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 05:59 |
caliban | dmesg | tail or so | 05:59 |
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gazzill | taliban ? | 05:59 |
Znuff | !sources.list | 05:59 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 05:59 |
Znuff | !easysource | 06:00 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 06:00 |
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Daniel92 | Ok guys | 06:00 |
Daniel92 | The partitions, what do I set it too? | 06:01 |
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caliban | gazzill: waht? | 06:01 |
gazzill | nvm i like u ;) | 06:01 |
kismet_ | I'm using a very vanilla Ubuntu install, and the Gnome buttons will frequently have a strange background color (red, pink, etc) until I hover over it, then it corrects itself. Any ideas? | 06:01 |
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caliban | grazzill: nvm? | 06:02 |
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gazzill | nevermind :p | 06:02 |
caliban | gazzill: :( | 06:02 |
Daniel92 | quiet | 06:02 |
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quiet | Daniel92, what's up? | 06:03 |
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Daniel92 | the partition | 06:03 |
Daniel92 | do I set it to 23% or 83%? | 06:03 |
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bmcfarli | hey guys i am having trouble accessing harddrives. It says I dont have proper permission. Any ideas? | 06:03 |
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qmf | is there a way to turn off the systemwide tooltips in dapper? | 06:03 |
quiet | Daniel92, well, how much do you want to use? | 06:03 |
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surface | bmcfarli: which harddrive? | 06:04 |
Daniel92 | I want linux/ubuntu to use 40gb and the rest for my windows os | 06:04 |
surface | bmcfarli: how u access? | 06:04 |
jbu | hey guys, i'm a linux newb, does ubuntu have a gcc that comes with it? | 06:04 |
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quiet | Daniel92, and how big is the drive? | 06:04 |
bmcfarli | its my master, second partion | 06:04 |
surface | jbu: you can download it by just using synaptic | 06:04 |
Daniel92 | 203.9gb | 06:04 |
quiet | jbu, install 'build-essentials' and it does. | 06:04 |
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=== molkko [n=user@a84-231-238-186.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bmcfarli | ubuntu is front partion, ntfs is second. windows is on the slave | 06:05 |
kismet_ | quiet: is that the apt-get package name? | 06:05 |
gazzill | can i ask a link to deb packages again ? all i got is a apt-get src link | 06:05 |
quiet | Daniel92, 40 GB is 20% of 200 | 06:05 |
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gazzill | i don't got apt-get ! | 06:05 |
quiet | kismet_, for what? | 06:05 |
Daniel92 | So I set it to 20%? | 06:05 |
quiet | EVERYONE has apt-get | 06:05 |
Daniel92 | and that'll be linux, right? not my windows? | 06:06 |
quiet | Daniel92, yeah, that's fine. | 06:06 |
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kismet_ | quiet: for gcc and g++ and so on, is that all in 'build-essentials'? | 06:06 |
bmcfarli | you need proper english.... | 06:06 |
Daniel92 | Positive? because I really don't want to screw this up | 06:06 |
quiet | kismet_, yes. | 06:06 |
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quiet | kismet_, build-essential * (no 's') | 06:06 |
quiet | i think? | 06:06 |
quiet | *shrug* | 06:06 |
Daniel92 | quiet: "Failed to create enouhg space for installation" | 06:07 |
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Daniel92 | enough* | 06:07 |
kismet_ | quiet: you are correct sir! sweet | 06:07 |
surface | bmcfarli: try to run mount and see ur partition is there or not | 06:07 |
quiet | *sigh* you're definitely doing something wrong here... I don't dual boot so I can't be of much help in this part. sorry. :( | 06:07 |
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kismet_ | Daniel, i dual boot, what are you doing??? What partitioner are you using? | 06:08 |
romrom | hi all | 06:08 |
Daniel92 | the one that came with ubuntu | 06:08 |
surface | bmcfarli: it should be looks like /dev/hda1 or something | 06:08 |
Daniel92 | I'm trying to instill ubuntu | 06:08 |
quiet | kismet_, he's on the live cd... trying to shrink is windows partition to install ubuntu. | 06:08 |
kismet_ | The installer partitioner? Or an application inside the install? | 06:08 |
kismet_ | oooh | 06:08 |
quiet | in the installer, i believe. | 06:08 |
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qmf | sorry to repeat but is it possible to remove tooltips? | 06:08 |
romrom | is there a way to manually install an ubuntu (eg. from an old livecd or other distrib) ? | 06:08 |
quiet | romrom, there is an alternate install CD with the tex-based install. | 06:09 |
quiet | it's on the same download page.. just down a little further. | 06:09 |
Samuli^ | I wouldn't use gparted to shrink ntfs or any partition for that matter. | 06:09 |
romrom | i can't burn | 06:09 |
Daniel92 | kismet_: what do I do? | 06:09 |
quiet | romrom, oh, yo mean with debbootstrap? | 06:09 |
romrom | i only have a breezy livecd | 06:09 |
kismet_ | Daniel92: in my experience, it's better to shrink your windows partition with a windows tool | 06:09 |
Samuli^ | better to use partition magic etc. for windows. gparted is really buggy with resize. | 06:09 |
quiet | er... debootstrap. i don't think ubuntu supports that, but i dunno. | 06:09 |
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surface | partition magic should be easy | 06:09 |
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quiet | romrom, http://blog.nanorails.com/articles/2006/07/01/remote-ubuntu-dapper-drake-install | 06:10 |
romrom | ok thanks :D | 06:10 |
gazzill | can't find a deb | 06:10 |
gazzill | libdvdcss/ | 06:10 |
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bmcfarli | Surface: yeah, but it says i dont have permission to access that drive...is there a way to set my permission in shell? | 06:10 |
kismet_ | Yeah, Partition Magic makes it a snap, *if* you have it | 06:10 |
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Daniel92 | Nope. | 06:10 |
sharperguy | was there a bug in the last kernal update | 06:10 |
kismet_ | There are freeware and shareware partitioners for windows also | 06:10 |
Samuli^ | Daniel92, really. DON'T use gparted (the one on live-cd) for resizing. You could easily end up with skewed partition. | 06:11 |
i4get | <qmf> in kde yes | 06:11 |
qmf | not in gnome? | 06:11 |
surface | bmcfarli: then u need sudo | 06:11 |
sharperguy | because im getting another one, and I just updated the other day | 06:11 |
quiet | use the gparted livecd. | 06:11 |
bmcfarli | i know sudo | 06:11 |
surface | bmcfarli: sudo -i and type ur password | 06:11 |
bmcfarli | ok | 06:11 |
quiet | i've heard it works great... never used it myself. | 06:11 |
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sharperguy | cant wait until edgy clears your menu.lst | 06:11 |
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bmcfarli | ok. i am in root now | 06:11 |
snowblink | sharperguy, looks like a new security update which is annoying as I've just restarted a bunch of servers | 06:11 |
sharperguy | lol | 06:12 |
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Samuli^ | quiet, I've tried resizing with gparted few times and I always ended up with non-working partition and everything lost on that. | 06:12 |
quiet | Samuli^, with the most recent gparted livecd? | 06:12 |
Samuli^ | quiet, dapper drake live. | 06:13 |
quiet | Samuli^, not what i was talking about. | 06:13 |
quiet | http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 06:13 |
Samuli^ | quiet, there's a gparted live-cd? Anyways. I wouldn't trust that program for resizing. | 06:13 |
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=== ephemeros yo \m/ | ||
quiet | Samuli^, i'll keep that in mind. thanks. Like I said, I've never used it. But i've had a couple people tell me it resized their NTFS without an issue. | 06:15 |
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ootput | how do i prevent ubuntu setting my displays to standby (power saving mode) when viewing full-screen movies (via mplayer?) | 06:15 |
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Empty | My laptop is trandomly blanking screen, and will not ever wake up. Seems to only hapopen when I am using it... Anyone have any idea? | 06:16 |
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kvark | i really want to start using the command line console for actual work, but it uses a font that is too hard/slow to read, there is no way i can work for hours on that font :( | 06:17 |
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quiet | ootput, the gnome power manager | 06:17 |
kvark | i've been trying all day to convert a good ttf font to a psf font for the console but just can't figure it out | 06:17 |
quiet | under preferences. | 06:17 |
ootput | use fixed-utf8, or terminus | 06:17 |
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ootput | the latter is great for coding | 06:17 |
kvark | and i've been looking for psf fonts but can't find any | 06:17 |
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quiet | how do you change the console font? | 06:18 |
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Empty | It's something systemic as I created a new user, logged in, and eventually got this same crash | 06:18 |
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Dr_Willis | quiet, you mean the CONSOLE as in not the X 'terminal window' ? | 06:18 |
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Dr_Willis | :) | 06:18 |
quiet | Dr_Willis, yes. | 06:18 |
kvark | consolechars --font=/path/to/font.psf | 06:18 |
kvark | ootput, where can I get those fonts? | 06:18 |
Dr_Willis | quiet, theres a command to do it. but finding a decent font is the issue | 06:18 |
mrbrdo | how to download package source, change something and install it as normal package? | 06:18 |
jbu | if i'm trying to install gcc, would a binary for gfortran be ok? | 06:19 |
mrbrdo | i think it should be possible with apt-get and dpkg somehow | 06:19 |
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snowblink | mrbrdo, apt-get source | 06:19 |
ootput | kvark: terminus is in repos, fixed-utf8 should be easy to google | 06:19 |
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ootput | kvark: http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ucs-fonts.html | 06:20 |
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astro | hi, i have a little problem, ., i cant find the nat file-.-.-. where is the default location | 06:21 |
mrbrdo | snowblink - how do i make it into a package again, after i change it tho? and where is the source code located (/usr/src?) | 06:21 |
mrbrdo | and install that package.. | 06:21 |
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AviaX | hi | 06:21 |
kvark | ootput thank you so much, finally some good fonts to get for the console :D | 06:21 |
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AviaX | after a systemcrash i reinstalled my ubuntuserver | 06:21 |
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ootput | terminus-console is what i use | 06:22 |
AviaX | installation went fine, but after it my computer cant boot anymore, boot device failure | 06:22 |
ootput | afaik, it's the standard for edgy | 06:22 |
snowblink | mrbrdo, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 06:22 |
mrbrdo | thx | 06:23 |
AviaX | i tried to boot in rescue mode from the installation cd an resinstalled grub with grub-install /dev/hda but it doesnt helped | 06:23 |
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crashd | is there any reason why the 'check for updates' menu item in ubuntu is greyed out? | 06:23 |
Kill_X | ompaul, I'm ready to rumble ;) | 06:23 |
AviaX | anybody has an idea what to do? | 06:23 |
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snowblink | crashd, firefox? | 06:23 |
ompaul | Kill_X, msg me the nicks | 06:24 |
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ompaul | we shall sit back and watch the show :) | 06:24 |
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BD | Ubuntu failed to boot on my old memories as well as my new ones | 06:25 |
kvark | hmm, there are many files named things like ter-v12n.psf.gz how do i figure out which of those files to use? | 06:25 |
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crashd | yeah, sorry | 06:25 |
crashd | i just got home from work and my head isnt quite plugged in | 06:25 |
AviaX | nobody can help with the bootproblems? | 06:25 |
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snowblink | crashd, you're running Ubuntu version of FF. It will only update for security. | 06:26 |
crashd | oh | 06:26 |
crashd | that's a pain | 06:26 |
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crashd | no matter, i need to install the 32bit jailed version anyway for flash-nonfree | 06:26 |
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mrbrdo | snowblink: wtf: "sh: dpkg-source: not found" | 06:26 |
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mrbrdo | nvm i think i got it | 06:26 |
TheGateKeeper | AviaX: linux the only OS on your hard disk? | 06:27 |
JohnFlux | how do i register a domain name? | 06:27 |
briguyd | JohnFlux, you need to go to someone like godaddy.com for that | 06:27 |
jbu | can someone help me, i'm a linux newb...i'm trying to install a gcc so that I can start compiling source | 06:27 |
redkrieg | I'll paypal you a nickel not to use godaddy | 06:27 |
jbu | i cant install anything right now | 06:27 |
JohnFlux | briguyd: i just chose a domain name, give them an IP, and that's it? | 06:27 |
cadet | JohnFlux: http://godaddy.com/ http://joker.com/ | 06:28 |
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JohnFlux | redkrieg: what do you recommend? | 06:28 |
AviaX | @TheGateKeeper yes only linux | 06:28 |
andrei | hello. i have a maxtor 40gb hdd. is this hdparm tested performance good: Timing cached reads: 1392 MB in 2.00 seconds = 695.96 MB/sec and Timing buffered disk reads: 106 MB in 3.04 seconds = 34.82 MB/sec ? thanks! | 06:28 |
redkrieg | JohnFlux: I'm going through 1and1.com right now, great hosts | 06:28 |
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TheGateKeeper | !grub > AviaX | 06:28 |
JohnFlux | andrei: the only part that's interesting is the 34.82MB/sec | 06:28 |
snowblink | !build-essential > jbu | 06:28 |
JohnFlux | andrei: that's fairly okay | 06:29 |
andrei | JohnFlux. ok | 06:29 |
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TheGateKeeper | AviaX: probable need to fix grub, read the PM | 06:29 |
andrei | JohnFlux, thank you | 06:29 |
comtech | hi, when I do emerge -uvDNa world it wants to downgrade cairo from 1.2.4 to 1.0.4 which ends up breaking a lot off stuff... but when I do emerge -uvNa world it doesn't... how can I figure out what's causing that and fix it? | 06:29 |
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briguyd | JohnFlux, do you want to host it yourself? | 06:29 |
TyggerBob | anyone here use an SMC-2532w wireless card with hostap vice orinoco drivers? | 06:29 |
JohnFlux | andrei: however for almost everything you do on the computer, the only thing that actually matters is the seek time | 06:29 |
JohnFlux | briguyd: might as well | 06:29 |
comtech | andrei, is that a 5400rpm? | 06:29 |
JohnFlux | briguyd: unless someone else will host it for nearly nothing ;-) | 06:29 |
andrei | comtech, 7200 | 06:30 |
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astro | thanks | 06:30 |
briguyd | JohnFlux, you'd have to pay for the domain name (usually by year, or month or whatever) | 06:30 |
TheGateKeeper | commctrl_: running gentoo ? :-) | 06:30 |
redkrieg | JohnFlux: What are you trying to host? | 06:30 |
TheGateKeeper | commctrl_: sorry wrong person | 06:30 |
briguyd | JohnFlux, then you have to go to someone else, because i havent hosted anything myself | 06:30 |
ootput | comtech: wrong channel? | 06:30 |
andrei | JohnFlux, comtech: ive begun to wonder when linuxdcpp did a very slow hash on my shares | 06:30 |
JohnFlux | redkrieg: just some wedding photos etc ;-) | 06:30 |
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JohnFlux | Timing buffered disk reads: 188 MB in 3.01 seconds = 62.45 MB/sec | 06:31 |
TheGateKeeper | comtech: we running gentoo then :-) | 06:31 |
comtech | oops :D | 06:31 |
comtech | wrong channel | 06:31 |
JohnFlux | Timing buffered disk reads: 74 MB in 3.56 seconds = 20.76 MB/sec | 06:31 |
ootput | emerge --you pee V.D. | 06:31 |
JohnFlux | Timing buffered disk reads: 166 MB in 3.02 seconds = 54.99 MB/sec | 06:31 |
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comtech | hi, when I do emerge -uvDNa world it wants to downgrade cairo from 1.2.4 to 1.0.4 which ends up breaking a lot off stuff... but when I do emerge -uvNa world it doesn't... how can I figure out what's causing that and fix it? | 06:31 |
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JohnFlux | andrei: that's 3 of my disks | 06:31 |
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AviaX | @TheGateKeeper I've already tried several thinks, booting in to rescue system, reinstalling grub | 06:32 |
TheGateKeeper | comtech: need to wait till I get a bit more experience :-) | 06:32 |
ootput | comtech: emerge --you pee V.D. | 06:32 |
aFlag | hello | 06:32 |
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H080J03 | how do you make it so gdm is your default display manger? | 06:32 |
andrei | JohnFlux, i too have 56.51 MB/sec on my SATA drive | 06:32 |
comtech | shoot sorry guys | 06:32 |
AviaX | booting from rescue cd and knoppix chrooting in my system and doing grub-install and in grub-shell root (hd0,0) setup (hd0) nothing helped | 06:32 |
comtech | Timing buffered disk reads: 124 MB in 3.02 seconds = 41.00 MB/sec | 06:33 |
comtech | Timing buffered disk reads: 182 MB in 3.01 seconds = 60.44 MB/sec | 06:33 |
aFlag | There's seem to have a broken dependency on my system: | 06:33 |
aFlag | dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of gnome-applets: | 06:33 |
aFlag | gnome-applets depends on gnome-applets-data (= 2.14.3-0ubuntu1); however: | 06:33 |
aFlag | Version of gnome-applets-data on system is 2.14.1-0ubuntu3. | 06:33 |
comtech | top is a 7200rpm ide seagate, bottom is a 7200rpm sata maxtor | 06:33 |
aFlag | what should I do? | 06:33 |
crashd | curses, ff32 doesn't want to work | 06:33 |
andrei | JohnFlux, comtech, it seems i get ok values | 06:33 |
TheGateKeeper | AviaX: had you tried running badblocks from a live CD, or looking /boot to see if it's damaged? | 06:33 |
crashd | seems to just run the 64bit version ;\ | 06:34 |
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comtech | andrei, yeah probably | 06:34 |
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andrei | comtech, JohnFlux thank you very much both | 06:34 |
aFlag | How do I fix the broken dependency? | 06:34 |
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AviaX | no in knoppix complete drive is accesable, but didnt tried that, ill try it now | 06:35 |
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aFlag | :( | 06:35 |
TheGateKeeper | AviaX: good luck | 06:35 |
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ootput | H080J03: vim /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 06:36 |
synjet | aFlag: try apt-get -f install | 06:36 |
AviaX | for /boot btw i have no extra partition | 06:36 |
ootput | H080J03: i'm not sure if there's an update-alternatives option for that, though | 06:36 |
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aFlag | force? Won't that broke things even more? | 06:36 |
TheGateKeeper | AviaX: I don't either on my kubuntu install (wish I did) | 06:36 |
piclez | hi, how can I find out my IP number please | 06:37 |
=== Neo8750 raises eyebrow | ||
=== sonium [n=Sonium@p5492A3F5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
synjet | aFlag: f is for "fix-broken" | 06:37 |
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AviaX | k | 06:37 |
TheGateKeeper | AviaX: mine is in the main /root partition | 06:37 |
Neo8750 | piclez: ifconfig | 06:37 |
piclez | yes! thanks Neo8750 | 06:37 |
AviaX | yes dito | 06:37 |
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TheGateKeeper | piclez: ifconfig will give you your machine ip address | 06:38 |
piclez | thanks, and how to give my machine name? | 06:38 |
TMT | Hi | 06:38 |
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AviaX | @TheGateKeeper Is there a way that we could talk in an extra window? | 06:38 |
ootput | piclez: are you behind a router? | 06:39 |
piclez | ootput: no ;0 | 06:39 |
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TheGateKeeper | AviaX: see my PM? | 06:39 |
piclez | ohmm.. I think yes | 06:39 |
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ootput | piclez: sudo ifconfig eth0 | grep 'inet addr' | 06:40 |
AviaX | from ubotu? | 06:40 |
ootput | piclez: which is it? :) | 06:40 |
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TheGateKeeper | AviaX: nope from me? | 06:40 |
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qmf | after upgrading from the ati driver to fglrx thing are looking very strange. i get this error: | 06:40 |
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piclez | ootput: just gives my IP.. how to know my machine name? | 06:41 |
mrbrdo | how can i make APT-GET ignore a package (ie. never upgrade it - blacklist it or something - i want to retain my current version) | 06:41 |
qmf | Error: unable to open display :0 | 06:41 |
qmf | when i do fglrxinfo | 06:41 |
qmf | any ideas? | 06:41 |
piclez | my Ubuntu is connecting to a Windows network | 06:41 |
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ootput | piclez: hostname? | 06:41 |
ootput | piclez: I'm not sure what you're after | 06:41 |
mrbrdo | anyone, how to blacklist a package for apt-get? plz | 06:41 |
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piclez | yah.. ootput: Im having another windows machine connecting with the same IP as my Ubuntu | 06:42 |
ootput | piclez: this is at home? | 06:43 |
ootput | piclez: are you using a switch instead of a router? | 06:43 |
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redkrieg | piclez: and are you using static ip's on either machine? | 06:43 |
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SurfnKid | guess what guys | 06:44 |
shaver | hello everyone | 06:44 |
SurfnKid | another friend just got ubuntu | 06:44 |
SurfnKid | woohoo | 06:44 |
Bonzodog | mrbrdo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto | 06:45 |
SurfnKid | i convinced him | 06:45 |
Bonzodog | look there, tells you how to 'pin' a pckage | 06:45 |
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piclez | ootput: at work! | 06:45 |
mrbrdo | thx | 06:45 |
kkaisare | SurfnKid: Impressive. I haven't had any luck in that regard. | 06:45 |
shaver | im having a terrible time setting up my widescreen resolution, anybody have any experience on the subject? | 06:45 |
Bonzodog | that will stop the package from upgrading or changing | 06:45 |
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piclez | I'm using dynamic IPs for Windows and static for Ubuntu | 06:45 |
libertad0 | look that http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/2006/09/ubuntu-christian-edition-features.html | 06:45 |
piclez | redkrieg: thks | 06:45 |
SurfnKid | kkaisare, haha, he uses unix so he needs a linux environment | 06:45 |
SurfnKid | thats what probably helped too | 06:46 |
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shaver | i have looked on every single forum/support site, but haven't got anything that works | 06:46 |
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Bonzodog | shaver: you tried editing xorg.conf resolution lines? | 06:46 |
shaver | yes | 06:46 |
rbman | anybody got an faq as to how to set up one machine to act as a gateway to another machine for access to the net using ubuntu? I'd like to set this machine up as a proxy to my cable modem using dansguardian for my daughter's machine. I've got two nics on this machine and one on hers. | 06:46 |
kkaisare | SurfnKid: That explains a lot. FUD still rules the Real World. | 06:46 |
Bonzodog | hrm..normally that should work | 06:46 |
redkrieg | piclez: if you change to dynamic, that might fix it | 06:46 |
ootput | piclez: and you have access to the router (as admin) then, i take it? | 06:47 |
piclez | ok ;) tks.. how to get the mac address? | 06:47 |
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somethingelse | does anyone use nessus? | 06:47 |
piclez | ootput: I have access to the router | 06:47 |
ootput | piclez: ifconfig is handy, issue it at the commandline some time | 06:47 |
shaver | i need a 1680x1050 resolution, editing the xorg.conf doesn't give methat option, so i have also tried using 915resolution, but that has only managed to give me a black screen that turns my monitor off ( i have a feeling its a sync error) | 06:47 |
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SurfnKid | kkaisare, exactly | 06:47 |
piclez | ok tks guys | 06:47 |
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ootput | piclez: you should be able to do mac-filtering on it | 06:47 |
quiet | rbman http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 | 06:47 |
synjet | shaver: if your res isnt in xorg.conf, manually add and see | 06:47 |
piclez | ootput: nhmm sounds complicated?! | 06:48 |
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Bonzodog | yes, change the first resolution in the correct bit mode | 06:48 |
ootput | piclez: not if you do your research ;) | 06:48 |
shaver | it is in the xorg.conf, under every single depth, i did add 1600x1200, and that kind of works, but the 1680x1050 does not | 06:48 |
Bonzodog | which would be 24 | 06:48 |
Bonzodog | it might be that the X driver it's suning might not be able to handle the res | 06:48 |
kaosx | google adding a "line mode" to your xorg.conf | 06:49 |
Bonzodog | using, even | 06:49 |
ootput | Bonnuit | 06:49 |
=== Cybertrash [n=admin@dslb-084-057-236-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
piclez | ootput: Ok ;) | 06:49 |
Bonzodog | what graphics card do you have? | 06:49 |
kkaisare | SurfnKid: Interestingly though, I find Ubuntu installations ridiculously simple now - definitely as easy as, if not easier than, Windows XP Professional Edition. | 06:49 |
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shaver | its an itel 845g | 06:49 |
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=== Bonzodog admits that he does not understand how to use windows, only can understand linux | ||
quiet | kkaisare, easier, since it asks less questions. :D | 06:50 |
Bonzodog | shaver; what driver is X using to run? | 06:50 |
shaver | i810 | 06:50 |
kaosx | Weird problem Im having with sound..sounds works when booting up I hear the goofy little drums when gdm pops up...they just arent working for this particular user. I tried doing "chmod 666 /dev/dsp*" with no luck either | 06:50 |
kaosx | any ideas? | 06:50 |
kkaisare | SurfnKid: And Synaptic makes getting new applications a matter of standard operating procedure. | 06:50 |
SurfnKid | kkaisare, yeah, now im not afraid of making a linux partition, i was a wreck when it came to one before | 06:50 |
Bonzodog | hrm... | 06:50 |
sureshot | hey can someone email me a xconfig file show the config for 2 monitors need an example | 06:50 |
SurfnKid | kkaisare, yep | 06:50 |
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zaggynl | !dvd | 06:50 |
Bonzodog | that might well be the problem...a driver limitation | 06:50 |
ubotu | See http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html. Libdvdcss can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 06:50 |
quiet | kaosx, add the user to the audio group | 06:51 |
SurfnKid | kkaisare, thats what i told my friend, and XGL well... enough said :) | 06:51 |
synjet | hi, anybody have any idea on any gnome app that enables having window thumbnails on the desktop? | 06:51 |
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kaosx | quiet: the user is a member of the admin group | 06:51 |
Bonzodog | look up intel 845g cards and X in google | 06:51 |
kaosx | shouldnt that take precidence? | 06:51 |
quiet | so? make him a member of audio. | 06:51 |
kaosx | weird thing | 06:51 |
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mind | hi all, i'm wondering if ubuntu has something similar to buildd.debian.org | 06:51 |
kkaisare | SurfnKid: I have a sissy 32 MB GeForce 2 MX , don't talk to me about XGL :( | 06:51 |
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kaosx | when i do "groups username" it only show two groups, if I add that user to audio, it doesnt show admin anymore | 06:51 |
Cybertrash | hi together, i would like to install my m-audio lt-1010 sndcard under ubuntu 6.06 is anybody able to help? | 06:52 |
quiet | kaosx, in the GUI tool, is the check box done for "Use audio devices" ? | 06:52 |
Siphroma_ | What do I have to install to be able to read an NTFS Drive on a ubuntu system? | 06:52 |
kaosx | didnt know there was a gui tool | 06:52 |
quiet | under user properties -> user privileges tab. | 06:52 |
kaosx | let me look | 06:52 |
SurfnKid | kkaisare, hehe, get a 64 or 128, thatll work sweet | 06:52 |
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SurfnKid | < 128 M10 ATI 9600 Radeon | 06:52 |
quiet | kaosx, under system -> administration | 06:52 |
kaosx | checking now :) | 06:52 |
theclaw | bye | 06:53 |
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SurfnKid | but even with a 64, i say it should work good | 06:53 |
shaver | has anyone successfully used 915resolution? everyone i've read says i need to use that, but ive had no luck with it | 06:53 |
sureshot | i got my 9550 off ebay for 60.00 us it is dual head and 256meg | 06:53 |
=== SurfnKid thinks the number 915 always remind him of intel | ||
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kaosx | quiet: it did not have those privs, I added them..gonna see what happens | 06:53 |
SurfnKid | sureshot, nice deal | 06:53 |
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Siphroma_ | Anybody know if you can even read an NTFS drive in linux? | 06:54 |
kpin | some people drink coffee in the morning to wake em up or takde amphetamine pills (adderall) today I ate pussy and stuck my dick in it and i was 100% awake. and then I had my coffe and amphetemine pillz | 06:54 |
quiet | kaosx, :) should work. | 06:54 |
kpin | heh | 06:54 |
kkaisare | SurfnKid: I don't earn much, but I am saving towards a couple of nice 15 inch flatscreen TFTs | 06:54 |
kaosx | prolly gonna have to log out/in | 06:54 |
SurfnKid | sureshot, mine's embedded in the laptop | 06:54 |
quiet | kaosx, yes | 06:54 |
SurfnKid | kkaisare, hey gime one! hehe | 06:54 |
kaosx | brb, thank you for the help kind sir | 06:54 |
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sureshot | mine is an x600 se with 128 sorry | 06:54 |
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sureshot | my laptop | 06:54 |
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SurfnKid | dell | 06:54 |
kkaisare | SurfnKid: Sure, drop in after about two years or so, I will have saved enough by then. ;) | 06:55 |
SurfnKid | smell | 06:55 |
kpin | my laptop kicks ass | 06:55 |
sureshot | toshiba | 06:55 |
kpin | duo core 2 | 06:55 |
SurfnKid | kool | 06:55 |
gnomefreak | kpin: watch your language | 06:55 |
kpin | 2 gb ddr2 | 06:55 |
sureshot | 17 inch montior | 06:55 |
kpin | 7900 go card | 06:55 |
kpin | 512 mg ram | 06:55 |
SurfnKid | it kicks mass | 06:55 |
kpin | 17 inch | 06:55 |
SurfnKid | thast better | 06:55 |
kpin | maxed out | 06:55 |
=== kaosx [n=kaosx@68-168-190-101.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
keescook | Siphroma_: I've had success with the "ntfs" filesystem module. | 06:55 |
kpin | by dell | 06:55 |
shaver | ill get you another weird problem i'm having, when i set up the 1600x1200 in xorg.conf, i could select it, HOWEVER, when it runs in 1600x1200 it outputs in 1024x768 to the monitor, so its a really big display i have to scroll all over for, does that make sense? | 06:55 |
kaosx | quiet: you rock | 06:55 |
SurfnKid | kpin, rock on | 06:55 |
kpin | i love rocking on | 06:55 |
Samuli^ | should I be using sdparm instead of hdparm for my S-ata drive? | 06:55 |
=== kpin rocks on | ||
kaosx | apparently sudo doesnt work as well as su for adding users to groups | 06:56 |
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quiet | kaosx, great :) i'm off to lunchnow. | 06:56 |
SurfnKid | 128MB M10 9600 ATI Radeon, 2.1Ghz Centriono 2MBL2 Cache, 1024MB DDR, Dell 8600 | 06:56 |
Bonzodog | kaosx: use sudo -s | 06:56 |
Bonzodog | then that drops you into root | 06:56 |
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SurfnKid | and i have another Dell laptop which im going to install ubuntu once i get a chance | 06:57 |
kaosx | does it track your usage in .bash_history? | 06:57 |
=== sampo_v2 [n=v2@cs181148215.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sureshot | hey kpin i have a dual head ati card in my desktop could you send me email a example of a xconf file with that example | 06:57 |
gnomefreak | or try the root terminal in system tools :) | 06:57 |
Bonzodog | no | 06:57 |
kaosx | I can login as root, thats not the issue gnomefreak | 06:57 |
sampo_v2 | where can i find the changes between dapper's 2.6.15-26 and 2.6.15-27 ? | 06:57 |
gadek | dpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't show any menu - how can I reconfigure the list of locales from text mode ? | 06:57 |
kaosx | it was that using sudo wasnt adding groups correctly | 06:57 |
shaver | has anyone ever got an integrated intel graphics chip to run a high-rez widescreen monitor? | 06:57 |
sampo_v2 | shaver: yes. running atm | 06:57 |
Rez | on a high-what monitor? ;) | 06:58 |
shaver | res, sorry | 06:58 |
briguyd | Rez, lol | 06:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | shaver: what video card does your xorg show | 06:58 |
SurfnKid | lol | 06:58 |
=== SurfnKid sees rez and laughs | ||
Rez | shaver: :) | 06:58 |
=== Nookie [n=mensur@h39n2fls35o982.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shaver | Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics | 06:58 |
sureshot | hey jack how are you | 06:58 |
SurfnKid | hey Nookie | 06:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | Hi sureshot | 06:58 |
Nookie | hej SurfnKid | 06:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | shaver: Is that from your xorg or your spec sheet? | 06:59 |
shaver | sampo_v2 - what resolution does your monitor run on? | 06:59 |
shaver | yes | 06:59 |
SurfnKid | Nookie, which part of Europa are ya in | 06:59 |
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Nookie | SurfnKid: sweden =) | 06:59 |
sampo_v2 | shaver: 1920x1200 | 06:59 |
SurfnKid | hehe thought so | 06:59 |
Nookie | SurfnKid: why? | 06:59 |
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SurfnKid | telia | 06:59 |
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Nookie | ahh yeah | 06:59 |
sureshot | jack i know you are busy but when you get a chance could you send me an xconf file example of a dual monitor config via email | 06:59 |
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SurfnKid | gave ya away! | 06:59 |
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Nookie | :-D | 06:59 |
SurfnKid | heh | 07:00 |
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Jack_Sparrow | sureshot: I dont know that I have one here.. | 07:00 |
b0ysc0ut | anybody knows how to make engage works?do i need enlightment? | 07:00 |
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harleypig | anyone famliar with getting compiz/xgl working on kubuntu using gdm? | 07:01 |
shaver | sampo_v2: did you have to use 915resolution to make it run? | 07:01 |
mind | does anyone knows where are the logs of packagebuilder of ubuntu? | 07:01 |
gnomefreak | harleypig: best to ask in #ubuntu-xgl | 07:01 |
sampo_v2 | shaver: yes. it ran on 1600x1200 before i installed 915res | 07:01 |
harleypig | I'm able to boot to kde and run compiz-start, but I don't get any window decorations | 07:01 |
SurfnKid | anyone know after running ubuntu in a session, the system doesn't log off properly, it just freezes, blank screen and nothing else, sometimes i get lucky and it works | 07:01 |
harleypig | gnomefreak: thanks | 07:01 |
gnomefreak | yw | 07:01 |
sureshot | @yahoo.com | 07:01 |
sureshot | opps | 07:01 |
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sureshot | if you know someone that does please have them email it to prk62@yahoo.com | 07:02 |
synjet | gnomefreak, you have any idea on any gnome app that enables having window thumbnails on the desktop? | 07:02 |
sureshot | num lock was not on lolol | 07:02 |
shaver | sampo_v2: well, when i run 915resolution, i think it actually tries to run at 1680x1050, but the monitor freaks out and immediately turns off, thats the closest i've gotten | 07:02 |
SurfnKid | since im running xgl, i cant shutdown directly, no option, just log off or switch | 07:02 |
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sampo_v2 | shaver: does ddc work? | 07:02 |
Bergie | How do I restore a saved mount to new installation? | 07:03 |
Samuli^ | does anyone have idea about how to enable acoustic management for sata-drives? | 07:03 |
gnomefreak | synjet: no not off hand | 07:03 |
shaver | haven't used/heard of it, lemme google it | 07:03 |
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klm- | does anyone have a cure for overly saturated quality of videofiles? I've installed all codecs recommended in ubuntuguide. | 07:03 |
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shaver | what exactly is ddc? | 07:05 |
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kismet_ | ddc is a monitor signal used to report it's specifications/capabilities to the device it's connected to | 07:06 |
crashd | hey guys, i've got a serial port wacom tablet, is there anyway to get this working under linux? | 07:06 |
burk | shaver, ddc = Dewey Decimal Classification | 07:07 |
crashd | i also own a wacom usb, but the serial is a bigger tablet | 07:07 |
shaver | umm, all i know is that it is picked up as a generic monitor in xorg.conf, so would that mean it did not use ddc? | 07:08 |
gharz | guys, i've got one question and i'm not sure where to ask. i'm currently here in dubai and the isp blocks some major websites... like skype... can anyone inform me if there a way to open these blocked sites? | 07:08 |
crashd | gharz: you could use ssh tunnelling | 07:08 |
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crashd | if you have a box outside of dubai that runs linux | 07:08 |
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C0F9B5.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crashd | or rather, that runs sshd ;) | 07:08 |
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redkrieg | crashd: seen this page? http://www.mepis.org/node/9325 | 07:08 |
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kismet_ | blocking websites, gotta love that... | 07:09 |
redkrieg | its mepis, but they're based on the same core | 07:09 |
J-_ | how can i change the *default* size of my icons? | 07:09 |
harisund | Does anybody know if wget can be used with wildcards? I want to download all the pdf files from a web page.... is it possible? | 07:09 |
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crashd | redkrieg: ah, cheers | 07:09 |
redkrieg | np ;) | 07:10 |
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Paddy_EIRE | deskbar rocks | 07:10 |
shaver | is it ok to paste some lines from my xorg.conf in here? | 07:10 |
gnomefreak | harleypig: i think it can but check man wget to make sure | 07:10 |
Paddy_EIRE | as does beagle :) | 07:10 |
harleypig | gnomefreak: / | 07:10 |
harleypig | gnomefreak: ? I mean | 07:10 |
gnomefreak | oops | 07:10 |
harleypig | I think you meant someone else | 07:10 |
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gnomefreak | sorry harleypig | 07:10 |
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harleypig | :] | 07:10 |
harisund | gnomefreak: harisund :) .. man page doesn't reveal anything about wildcards .... | 07:10 |
Tyle1 | Hey everyone, im needing some help with networking. My Windows machine shows up fine on Linux, but on the Windows machine when I try to access the Ubuntu box it wont let me view the folder im trying to share. It keeps asking for a pass, I dont remember setting up a pass :( Can anyone help? | 07:11 |
gnomefreak | harisund: check man wget im fairly sure it does | 07:11 |
shaver | Section "Device" | 07:11 |
shaver | Identifier"Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device" | 07:11 |
shaver | Driver"i810" | 07:11 |
shaver | BusID"PCI:0:2:0" | 07:11 |
shaver | EndSection | 07:11 |
shaver | Section "Monitor" | 07:11 |
harisund | gnomefreak: hmm.. ok will do again .. | 07:11 |
shaver | Identifier"Generic Monitor" | 07:11 |
shaver | Option"DPMS" | 07:11 |
shaver | HorizSync28-83 | 07:11 |
shaver | VertRefresh60 | 07:11 |
shaver | EndSection | 07:11 |
gnomefreak | shaver: dont paste in here please use pastebin | 07:11 |
shaver | sorry | 07:11 |
synjet | Tyle1: you have to set up smb password I guess | 07:11 |
kismet_ | my fresh Ubuntu install is doing strange GUI things - Buttons will frequently have an incorrect background color, anyone know what that's about | 07:12 |
Tyle1 | synjet: how do I do that? | 07:12 |
harisund | gnomefreak: HTTP retrieval doesn't support globbing. I will have to use a -A switch :) | 07:12 |
Gilnim | !ntfs | 07:12 |
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ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 07:12 |
synjet | smbpasswd | 07:12 |
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synjet | Tyle1: smbpasswd | 07:12 |
Gilnim | !fuse | 07:12 |
ubotu | Though it's still very unsafe, you can read about Ubuntu NTFS writing here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lkraider/NtfsFuse | 07:12 |
Tyle1 | Thanks i'll give it a try | 07:12 |
synjet | !smb > Tyle1 | 07:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smb - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:12 |
synjet | !smbpasswd > Tyle1 | 07:12 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about smbpasswd - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:12 |
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Paddy_EIRE | !beagle | 07:13 |
ubotu | beagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB | 07:13 |
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Tyle1 | synjet: Could not connect to machine NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE | 07:13 |
Tyle1 | Failed to change password for tyler | 07:13 |
romrom | http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/i386/apds03.html (Installing Ubuntu from a Unix/Linux System) tells to run `/usr/sbin/base-config new`. But apt-get says it's not available... what's the replacement ? | 07:13 |
gizmo_the_great1 | HI. I am trying to reconfigure sbackupd to include a directory that I've missed out. Except whenever I launch it I'm told that "Another Simple Backup daemon already running: exiting". I run 'top' and cannot see it listed. How do I resolve? | 07:13 |
synjet | Tyle1: | 07:14 |
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Tyle1 | synjet: im not sure... :S | 07:14 |
hetauma | any1 knows if the JMicron controller bug is fixed in knot 3? | 07:14 |
naranha | Tyle1: did you do smbpasswd tyle ? | 07:14 |
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Tyle1 | synjet: my linux box shows up on the windows machine, but it wont let me access it without a password and username. | 07:14 |
Tyle1 | naranha: yes | 07:15 |
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shaver | http://paste.uni.cc/10190 could someone pelase look at my xorg.conf and see why i cant display 1680x1050 | 07:15 |
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Tyle1 | naranha: but its asking for the old password, I dont remember setting a pass up | 07:15 |
dwhsi1 | so I asked this at #gstreamer with no luck... maybe here? ... sound juicer & gstreamer were working fine ripping mp3s from cds until ubuntu upgraded to 6.06... now I get files that are 10x the size they should be, and not clear they are actually mp3s... when played, whole song plays in about 2 secs | 07:15 |
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synjet | Tyle1: the username is your username on linux m/c and the passwd is I guess the one you set using smbpasswd | 07:15 |
dwhsi1 | my gstreamer pipeline is "audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! lame name=enc preset=standard" | 07:15 |
dwhsi1 | thoughts? | 07:15 |
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kismet_ | gizmo_the_great1: type "sudo /etc/init.d/sbackupd stop" to stop the current process | 07:16 |
Tyle1 | synjet: i never set up a password for smd | 07:16 |
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Tyle1 | synjet: is there a way to reset it without the old password? | 07:16 |
sureshot | the old password is the one you set up in your login just tested it | 07:17 |
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synjet | Tyle1: set your samba passwd using smbpasswd | 07:17 |
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Tyle1 | sureshot: my ubuntu username pass? | 07:17 |
z1pp3r | In quake4 i cannot enable support for multiple cpu (I have a dualcore intel d805) even though 'uname -a' reports "2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP". What gives? | 07:17 |
sureshot | yes i just used my ubuntu password it took it but it was the first time | 07:17 |
gizmo_the_great1 | kismet_: thanks, but I get this "sudo: etc/init.d/sbackupd: command not found" | 07:17 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | kismet_: same if I type "sudo: /etc/init.d/sbackupd: command not found" | 07:18 |
shaver | would anyone kindly examine this xorg.conf file and see why i can't display 1680x1050 http://paste.uni.cc/10190 | 07:18 |
Bergie | How do I restore a saved mount to a new installation? | 07:18 |
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kismet_ | gizmo_the_great1: you're not typing a colon, are you? | 07:18 |
sureshot | i hope that works | 07:18 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | kismet_: nope. The output given is what is returned after I type "sudo etc/init.d/sbackupd: command not found" at the terminal | 07:19 |
Tyle1 | sureshot: I put in my pass in the Windows machine and got this back as a username TYLER-DESKTOP\tyler...but it didnt access my ubuntu box | 07:19 |
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Tyle1 | :( | 07:19 |
gizmo_the_great1 | kismet_: or sudo /etc/init.d/sbackupd: command not found | 07:19 |
harry | hi, is there a way to connect to a wireless network with a given SSID automatically on boot? At the moment I have to run wlassistant to connect it | 07:19 |
Tyle1 | it knows my linux box is there, but it wont access it | 07:19 |
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python_user | harry, what about ndiswrapper? | 07:20 |
z1pp3r | shaver, i *think* X has a very hard time coping with widescreen resolutions (Or well, anything but 4:3 resolutions in general). I'm a afraid i never found a solution to it though. Probably just a single line you need to insert somewhere. | 07:20 |
iqon | how do i get a machine to reboot at the end of linuxrc in an initrd image? | 07:20 |
sureshot | ok i was just saying aobut the smb password to set smbpasswd use your linux password | 07:20 |
synjet | harry: gnome-network-manager remembers | 07:20 |
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Tyle1 | i tried that | 07:20 |
linuxboy | what is the policy for bug reporting and ubuntu? | 07:20 |
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bockman | anyone get an orinoco card working with dapper without recompiling anything? | 07:21 |
Bonzodog | Tyle1: are you using just explorer to explore the linux box? | 07:21 |
gizmo_the_great1 | harry: my laptops connect OK automatically. Just configure the wireless connection accordingly | 07:21 |
harry | python_user: haven't tried that, will look at it thanks | 07:21 |
Bonzodog | through samba? | 07:21 |
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SurfnKid | i use tacowrapper | 07:21 |
SurfnKid | works good | 07:21 |
piratepenguin | !grub | 07:21 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:21 |
shaver | z1pp3r: thank you for your response, i think it also has a problem with that video card, but if i can't get it to display at the right resolution, i can't run ubuntu | 07:21 |
Tyle1 | No im trying to map a drive in Windows to the ubuntu box | 07:21 |
Bonzodog | AFAIK, it needs an ssh login | 07:21 |
sri_ | !movieplayer plugins | 07:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about movieplayer plugins - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:21 |
kismet_ | gizmo_the_great1: if you installed the app in a normal way (apt-get or synaptic) you can see it in /etc/init.d , so check that directory for the real name of the application and try again | 07:21 |
sureshot | i have not had a chance to do that just yet been busy | 07:21 |
sri_ | !movieplayer | 07:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about movieplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:21 |
harry | synjet: oh right thanks ill check it out | 07:21 |
python_user | yeah, im also having problems with mplayer | 07:21 |
Bonzodog | Tyle1: I've never seen Windows map a linux mount | 07:22 |
python_user | cant play .mov file | 07:22 |
Bonzodog | linux can map the windows mounts but vice versa | 07:22 |
python_user | tried to install essential codecs | 07:22 |
python_user | from website | 07:22 |
python_user | but it still doesnt work | 07:22 |
python_user | :( | 07:22 |
ketsugi|IMF | Bonzodog: there's a Windows driver for Ext2/3 | 07:22 |
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ketsugi|IMF | http://www.fs-driver.org/ | 07:23 |
Bonzodog | yeah, ithink he needs to have the ext3 driver installed in windows, then use smbfs | 07:23 |
z1pp3r | shaver, i've had the problem with widescreen resolutions on both nvidia and ati based cards, so i doubt it's a card specific issue. I'm sure however, it *is* possible, i just never had the patience to look for a solution since i only needed it for tv-out/dualview (which i rarely use anyway) | 07:23 |
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harry | hmm also while Im here, is there a way to force X to use a certain resolution (1200x800)? Ive googled it n tried lots of different config things with modelines etc but not got anything yet | 07:23 |
Bonzodog | that would enable windows to understand the ext3 FS | 07:23 |
Tyle1 | Bonzodog: Well what im trying to do is, im using VMWare to run a Windows VM, so I can use SAM Broadcaster for internet radio streaming (since there isnt an alternative for Linux that im aware of). Im trying to map E Drive in the Windows VM to the /media/windows/ folder in Linux. | 07:23 |
shaver | z1pp3r: this is an integrated intel chip | 07:23 |
z1pp3r | harry, sure. Just specify 1200x800 as the only possible resolution in xorg.conf | 07:23 |
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Tyle1 | Bonzodog: Now I got the VM WIndows to see the Linux host, but it wont go into it. | 07:24 |
kismet_ | z1pp3r: that's a little dangerous, don't you think? if it fails? | 07:24 |
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harry | z1pp3r: done that but it Xorg.0.log says its not a valid mode, even when I add the modeline and defaults to 1024x768 | 07:24 |
z1pp3r | kismet_, thank god for irssi :) | 07:24 |
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Bonzodog | Tyle1: you really would be better off using a native linux client for that, like the shoutcast client | 07:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | <ketsugi|IMF> i thought this driver behaved pretty erratically on a windows 2000 install I used to have, and i have not used the driver since......then again i have not used windows since either | 07:24 |
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Bonzodog | icecast or something | 07:24 |
sureshot | sorry i had to leave there for a minnute | 07:25 |
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z1pp3r | kismet_, either way, he could always just change it back if it doesnt work. I fail to see the danger | 07:25 |
Bonzodog | Tyle1: I would work on getting internet broadcasting working properly in linux | 07:25 |
z1pp3r | harry, hmm, and i suppose your monitor and graphicscard *do* support 1200x800? | 07:25 |
Tyle1 | Bonzodog: SAM is a fully automated internet radio station program which scheduling, music database, and so on. It isnt a DNAS plugin like Shoutcast or Icecast. http://www.spacialaudio.com is the one I use now that produce SAM. | 07:25 |
Tyle1 | Is there a SAM alternatuve for Linux? | 07:26 |
Tyle1 | alternative* | 07:26 |
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Bonzodog | have you googled for one? | 07:26 |
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Tyle1 | Bonzodog: Many of times. | 07:26 |
JosefK` | harry: you probably need 915resolution | 07:26 |
harry | z1pp3r: hehe yeah its a laptop using an Intel chipset, windows runs it with resolution 1280x800 (sorry didnt mean to put 1200x800) | 07:26 |
Tyle1 | Bonzodog: I come back with a few that dont work well. | 07:26 |
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JosefK` | harry: if it's a laptop, you _definitely_ need 915resolution. | 07:27 |
reon | Anyone here use automatix ? | 07:27 |
JosefK` | harry: I'm just looking for the wiki link | 07:27 |
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harry | JosefK`: yeah i was looking at that but I wasnt sure which chipset i was using, i think its something like Intel 950, which I didnt see in the compatibility list | 07:27 |
Bonzodog | it could be 'edge' software with a small userbase, thus devlopment is slow at best | 07:27 |
aloon | greetings | 07:27 |
ketsugi|IMF | Paddy_EIRE: so far it's seemed to be pretty stable for me | 07:27 |
Ricesteam_ | Hi my spellchecker in OpenOffice does not seem to work. Can anyone help? | 07:27 |
ketsugi|IMF | on Win XP Home | 07:27 |
z1pp3r | harry, have you manually specified the hsync and vrefresh for your screen? Perhaps dpms is telling lies... | 07:27 |
ketsugi|IMF | admittedly I don't often boot into XP | 07:27 |
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Tyle1 | Bonzodog: What about WINE, WINEX, or Crossover to use SAM, could that work? | 07:27 |
JosefK` | harry: it's usable with that chipset, all it does is modify the in-memory list of usable resolutions, it doesn't touch the card itself | 07:27 |
Tyle1 | Bonzodog: or would it be unstable? | 07:27 |
sexcopter8000m | i want to install edgy on a new partition, so is it ok to make one and use the same swap partition as i use for dapper? | 07:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | shaver: How much ram is set aside in the bios for that card? | 07:27 |
sexcopter8000m | or do i need make a second swap partition | 07:28 |
sexcopter8000m | even if they don't run at the same time | 07:28 |
linuxboy | what does "Detect LAN Printers" in CUPS do? | 07:28 |
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aloon | I screwed up my girl friends perfectly working breezy by dist-uprgading it to dapper, now it won't boot ... it hangs on checking battery can anyone please, please help me? | 07:28 |
z1pp3r | harry, never mind me, seems like JosefK` knows what to do | 07:28 |
harry | z1pp3r: I think I just put the defaults for whatever dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg set. Then for the modeline i used the info in the X logs | 07:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | <ketsugi|IMF> k nice one it must have been sorted in between times....good to know | 07:28 |
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shaver | jack_sparrow: it's the max it supports, i think its 16 but it may be 8 | 07:28 |
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aloon | I'm on a different box and i'm trying not to lose her files by nuking the system and going fresh | 07:29 |
harry | JosefK`: hmm so if all goes wrong then I should be able to reboot n all will be as before? | 07:29 |
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harry | z1pp3r: sweet, well thanks for your help | 07:29 |
JosefK` | harry: indeed | 07:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | shaver, have you tried lowering the depth and seeing if the res works? | 07:29 |
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kinema | what meta package in edgy depends on the latest smp capable kernel compiled for 686? | 07:29 |
JosefK` | harry: sudo apt-get install 915resolution | 07:29 |
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z1pp3r | harry, wasn't really that helpfull, but you're welcome | 07:29 |
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Bonzodog | Tyle1: WINE would be worth a shot | 07:29 |
JosefK` | harry: this http://www.geocities.com/stomljen/readme.html seems to cover it | 07:29 |
shaver | jack_sparrow: how would i lower the depth? | 07:29 |
harry | JosefK`: woo, didnt want to install it cos I thought it flashed the chips :) | 07:30 |
=== ryu [n=chris@p5487E1A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nox-Hand | Hey - how do I make it NOT use my motherboards soundcard, and use the PCI card? | 07:30 |
harry | JosefK`: sweet thanks | 07:30 |
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Jack_Sparrow | shaver you have default depth set to 24... | 07:30 |
JosefK` | harry: np's :) | 07:30 |
shaver | yes | 07:30 |
z1pp3r | In quake4 i cannot enable support for multiple cpu (I have a dualcore intel d805) even though 'uname -a' reports "2.6.15-26-686 #1 SMP". What is wrong? Is there any way to see if linux is actually recognizing both cores? | 07:30 |
=== kamisan [n=chatzill@ti121210a080-10579.bb.online.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shaver | , just chanhe that to 16? | 07:30 |
kamisan | Hmm, I got a problem here | 07:30 |
osten | Hi, I was wondering if someone here would like to help a linux newbie with multi monitors? | 07:31 |
=== PreZLaptop [n=prez@112.sub-70-194-211.myvzw.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kamisan | The old computer won't boot the damn disc | 07:31 |
stealg | how can i delete a broken pakage ?? | 07:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | shaver: Just a thought, if you have 8 megs of ram and you want to go 1400 x something and 24 bit you may just be running out of ram. | 07:31 |
kamisan | It just says DISC BOOT FAILURE | 07:31 |
aloon | the error i'm getting is when the dist-upgrade got to mplayer-skins it says can't overwrite a file, so I type apt-get -f install and it says the same overwrite message | 07:31 |
JosefK` | harry: it might be worth googling for "your laptop model + ubuntu", for the correct arguments to 915resolution | 07:31 |
kinema | zirpu: "cat /proc/cpuinfo" if you see to procs listed the kernel is recognizing both cores | 07:31 |
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aloon | i also tried sudo dpkg -p --force- depends mplayer-skins and it did not work | 07:32 |
z1pp3r | kinema, it does | 07:32 |
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kinema | z1pp3r: then linux is using both cores. | 07:32 |
kamisan | Do I need to kind of floppy start up disc? | 07:32 |
kamisan | some* | 07:32 |
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JosefK` | aloon: try 'dpkg --force-remove-reinstreq -p mplayer-skins' | 07:32 |
z1pp3r | kinema, but hmm... it's finding it as CPU 0 and CPU 1, each with only 1 core. Shouldnt it just find 1 cpu, with 2 cores? | 07:33 |
aloon | now i'm thinking about throwing her hard drive in my box, dragging her files over and nuking her system with a fresh dapper | 07:33 |
harry | JosefK`: ah good idea, ill do it now. thanks | 07:33 |
sureshot | i have read i hope this is helpful but games have to be written for dual cores if not they dont use them both | 07:33 |
shaver | jack: would it make sense that I could run it at this resolution and depth in windows but no tubuntu? | 07:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | aloon: That is the best bet... | 07:33 |
aloon | thanks jose, sorry i disappeared last night, I switched over to her box to do what you were helping me with | 07:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | shaver: Yes... it would.. | 07:33 |
JosefK` | aloon: np's :) | 07:33 |
gizmo_the_great1 | what backup software do people here use? | 07:33 |
shaver | ok, thanks ill try it | 07:33 |
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aloon | one monitor.. | 07:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | gizmo_the_great1: sbackup or simple tar.. | 07:34 |
nox-Hand | What is the Via AC97 alsa module called? I want to blacklist it :D | 07:34 |
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crayzee | Hey, in bash, if you do: for I in *.jpg; convert $I $I.png; done | 07:35 |
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crayzee | Whats the thing that you do to get JUST the filename without extension | 07:35 |
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JosefK` | crayzee: you need a 'do' before the command | 07:35 |
crayzee | something like ${I%.jpg} | 07:35 |
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sureshot | this is a repeat question so those who have read it ignor but dose anyone have a example of a xconf file for dual monitors. they can email me | 07:35 |
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we2by | hi, any one has ubuntu on a macbook? | 07:36 |
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osten | Does anyone know if I can use "Xinerama" and how to install it on ubuntu? | 07:36 |
crayzee | JosefK`, fair point :) But thats just a typo. | 07:36 |
ptivoiz1 | re | 07:36 |
JosefK` | crayzee: probably the easiest is to pipe the filename through "sed -e 's/\..*$//'" | 07:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !xinerama | 07:36 |
ubotu | xinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo | 07:36 |
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crayzee | JosefK`, I'm sure I've seen it in scripts... ${I somethin} | 07:36 |
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osten | Thank you | 07:36 |
JosefK` | crayzee: not a clue :/ I'd just do that using sed though | 07:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 07:37 |
sureshot | book marked it thanks | 07:37 |
nightfreak | ich habe probleme mit der installation von php5-dev, es kommt die meldung "php5-dev:Hngt ab: libssl-dev, aber es wird nicht installiert.", beim versuch libssl-dev zu installieren kommt eine hnliche warnung | 07:37 |
crayzee | JosefK`, Ahh... it was my guess. Why didnt I just try it lol! | 07:37 |
Flannel | !de | 07:37 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 07:37 |
Seveas | !de | 07:37 |
python_user | stealg, have you tried using synaptic? | 07:37 |
harry | JosefK`: magic, it worked. Thanks, so odd looking at the screen n it not being blurred :) | 07:37 |
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python_user | you can use a broken filter search i think | 07:37 |
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nightfreak | oh sorry | 07:37 |
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-1650.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
habtool | HI All | 07:37 |
habtool | Could someone please be so kind as to advise a link to the following info, or advise here if there are non available. | 07:37 |
habtool | I am running vmwareplayer and Nvidia (installed via automatix), i have just dist-updated to the latest kernel. | 07:37 |
habtool | How do i get vmwareplayer and nvidia to work with this kernal, when i boot xorg fails and i end up at a terminal screen. | 07:37 |
habtool | i can get into the desktop by loading the old kernal at boot | 07:37 |
JosefK` | harry: :D have fun | 07:37 |
nox-Hand | What is the Via AC97 alsa module called? I want to blacklist it :D | 07:37 |
Paddy_EIRE | When ubuntu is at the boot stage (when all those services are being loaded and it gets the OK next to it) it says "Setting Sensors Limits : failed" I think this is to do with xsensors which I installed it did not work so I then removed it with "sudo apt-get remove --purge xsensors" although it still shows that "failed" message?? | 07:38 |
Seveas | habtool: tough luck, automatix sucks | 07:38 |
nightfreak | ich habe probleme mit der installation von php5-dev, es kommt die meldung "php5-dev:Hngt ab: libssl-dev, aber es wird nicht installiert.", beim versuch libssl-dev zu installieren kommt eine hnliche warnung | 07:38 |
=== rand1 [n=rjonasz@bas2-hamilton14-1167918626.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | habtool: Automatix and Easyubuntu are the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling. | 07:38 |
shaver | jack sparrow: i got the same thing, whenever I use 915resolution to go to 1680x1050, my monitor has a several blue and green lines that blink and then cuts off (seems like a safety cutoff to prevent damage to the monitor) | 07:38 |
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shaver | and i set the defaultdepth to 16 | 07:39 |
Flannel | nightfreak: you're still not in -de ;) | 07:39 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Seveas] by ChanServ | ||
=== Bonzodog begs to differ with Seveas; there are well known differences of opinion on that; Easy Ubuntu and Automatix offer the same level of help IMO | ||
Jack_Sparrow | shaver: Screen is ok at 16bit depth..? | 07:39 |
=== Mathis_ [n=fdaf@ppp-62-10-106-92.dialup.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mathis_ | hello! Can someone help me please? | 07:40 |
shaver | no, it did not work at 16bit depth | 07:40 |
stealg | python_user, tnks i fix that ;) | 07:40 |
Seveas | Bonzodog: they only help wrecking your system :) | 07:40 |
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Flannel | Bonzodog: We have to fix plenty of automatix installs, you can beg all you want, doesn't mean it's right ;) | 07:40 |
nightfreak | Flannel: sorry for that | 07:40 |
Seveas | !someone > Mathis_ | 07:40 |
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Bergie | How do I restore a saved mount to a new installation? | 07:41 |
kamisan | Are you people ignoring me ? | 07:41 |
sureshot | gee this is edumentation sitting here reading this LOL | 07:41 |
Mathis_ | is it possible change the device name of a partition? | 07:41 |
python_user | stealg, no problem :D | 07:41 |
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kamisan | IT won't boot even if I put the CDROM as the first boot device =/ | 07:41 |
habtool | I dont have a problem after running automatix, with the kernel at the time it runs fine, i just need to get nvidia to run after a dist-upgrade to a later kernel, is that not possible? | 07:41 |
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Bonzodog | habtool: you will need to reinstall the nvidia drivers to match the new kernel; I advise doing it through synaptic this time | 07:41 |
rand1 | hello everyone | 07:42 |
sureshot | kamisan if no one answers they are either busy or they dont know be patient someone wiill be with you | 07:42 |
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Bonzodog | the nvidia drivers are kernel matched | 07:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | kamisan: HAve you tested the cd on another machine, how did you burn the cd, what speed did you use? | 07:42 |
Bonzodog | thus, new kernl, ner driver interface | 07:42 |
kamisan | IT's an original disc | 07:42 |
habtool | Bonzodog: do i uninstall the current ones first? | 07:42 |
nightfreak | i'm having probleme when installing php5-dev, it complains about beeing associated with libssl-dev | 07:42 |
kamisan | and I tried using another CDROM | 07:42 |
Bonzodog | no, you don't need to | 07:42 |
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sureshot | kamisan may i thorugh 2 cent in here | 07:43 |
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root_____ | Hey | 07:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | kamisan: HAve you tested the cd on a different computer? | 07:43 |
Bonzodog | what you are looking for in Synaptic is called 'restricted modules' | 07:43 |
kamisan | yeah | 07:43 |
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kamisan | and they work | 07:43 |
Bonzodog | get the restricted modules that match the new kernel version | 07:43 |
kamisan | I tried 3 different original cd's | 07:43 |
sureshot | have you checked the cable to make sure the red strip is next to the power plug on the cd rom i | 07:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kamisan: So it is a hardware issue with the system that will not boot to the cdrom | 07:44 |
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sureshot | as i said it is 2 cents worth | 07:44 |
kamisan | Yes, I have | 07:44 |
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sureshot | ko | 07:44 |
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kamisan | It may be a hardware issue | 07:44 |
habtool | i cant boot to the new kernel as xorg fails, so i would need to remove the current nvidia first, then boot to the new kernel, then get the restricted modules etc? | 07:44 |
kamisan | but is there any way to boot it from a floppy? | 07:44 |
gizmo_the_great1 | hi. I am having major trouble with sbackup. I can run the restore utility OK, but whenever I try to run the backup part, it says "Starting sbackup", hangs about for about 15 seconds, then just never loads. I've tried typing 'sbackupd' at the terminal, same problem. I've tried to stop it from running processes but cannot find it listed. I have looked in etc/init.d and cannot see it in there either so cannot run 'sudo /etc/init.d/sbackupd st | 07:45 |
gizmo_the_great1 | op' either | 07:45 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | i have also tried uninstalling and re-installing but same problem | 07:45 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | using sudo apt-get remove sbackup | 07:45 |
kamisan | The computer won't even read the god damn CD | 07:45 |
mrbrdo | where can i increase the sound buffer? | 07:45 |
gizmo_the_great1 | followed by sudo apt-get install sbackup | 07:46 |
Bonzodog | habtool; yes, you could do it that way, and make a minor adaption (temporary) to the xorg.conf file: change the word 'nvidia' to 'nv' | 07:46 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | but problem persists | 07:46 |
Seveas | kamisan: swearing won't help | 07:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | !language > kamisan | 07:46 |
shaver | is there a place to download updated intel graphics drivers, because my 2d video performance is very bad right now | 07:46 |
harry | hi, sorry one last question :P how do I get a script to run on boot? just put it in /etc/init.d and enable it in bum? | 07:46 |
Bonzodog | that way, X will start, using the default standard nv driver# | 07:46 |
Seveas | harry: that would work | 07:46 |
harry | Seveas: cool thanks | 07:46 |
=== Bonzodog goes to dinner; back soon | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Maybe Ubuntu will NOT run on a TImex-SInclair | 07:46 |
bockman | anyone get an orinoco card working with dapper without recompiling anything? | 07:47 |
=== AlexC [n=AlexC@host86-142-9-253.range86-142.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kendals | I need to chat to MSN users with AUDIO CHAT- I've used Kopete, Gaim, Mercury, aMSN, etc....no luck- anybody? Skype doesn't like my headset which works. | 07:47 |
AlexC | Hey, | 07:47 |
Paddy_EIRE | How would I disable this "Setting Sensors Limits : failed" | 07:47 |
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AlexC | Does anyone know where the soruce files are for the Gnome Pannel Applications are, like the Window List | 07:47 |
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sureshot | hey jack sorry for butting in there | 07:47 |
elmargol | kendals: MSN is a piece of shit. no this is no flaming its the truth! upnp is such a damn bad idea | 07:48 |
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Jack_Sparrow | np | 07:48 |
AlexC | elmargol, fact is many many people use it, so there still needs to be Linux alternatives so people can chat | 07:48 |
sureshot | i am big into ms dont that all my life new to ubuntu though so i do know a little somthing | 07:48 |
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sureshot | i just can type LOL | 07:48 |
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sureshot | can=cant | 07:49 |
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kamisan | Hmm | 07:49 |
mrbrdo | where can i increase the sound buffer? | 07:49 |
kamisan | I seem to have a problem with the IDE cable | 07:49 |
SillyZ | afternoon yall | 07:49 |
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sureshot | when you said it would not open that is why i asked that question | 07:49 |
kendals | elmargol: that doesn't help solve the problem- I already know it sucks, but I still need audio MSN conversations ... | 07:50 |
boink | elmargol was kicked | 07:50 |
habtool | Thanks, Bonzodog. Will change to NV and see how i get along | 07:50 |
=== newpZ [n=chris@londonderry-cuda3-24-51-50-218.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kendals | lol, boink. | 07:50 |
kendals | So anyone know how I can get audio MSN conversations? :( | 07:50 |
AlexC | Does anyone know where the soruce files are for the Gnome Pannel Applications are, like the Window List | 07:50 |
=== carlsagan [n=wawawawa@c-69-255-188-5.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
python_user | well | 07:50 |
kendals | Or when Skype will support Linux properly (i.e. ALSA).. | 07:50 |
python_user | bye guys | 07:51 |
mahesh | i am a new user 2 linuz please help 2 install k3b | 07:51 |
=== topcoders [n=topcoder@cable-87-244-191-89.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
carlsagan | hello | 07:51 |
python_user | in case i dont see you again | 07:51 |
pty | kendals: no. but you can contact gTalk users using tapioca | 07:51 |
python_user | good afternoon, good evening | 07:51 |
python_user | and good night | 07:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | anyone know how i can disable a certain service from starting when my comp boots | 07:51 |
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boink | and only Skype knows when it will do whatever | 07:51 |
rdz | i just installed 'fglrx-control', but i don't have a clue how to start it. the program name is not 'fglrx-control'. can somebody help me? | 07:51 |
Seveas | mahesh: you might want to check out the spellchecker first | 07:51 |
Seveas | rdz: fireglcontrolpanel | 07:51 |
kendals | pty, thanks. do i just install tapoica by itself, and use IT solely to talk to gtalk uses voip? | 07:51 |
=== elmargol [n=elmargol@host4-61.pool8248.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
elmargol | sorry | 07:51 |
kendals | thanks boink- thought as much re: skype :) | 07:51 |
AlexC | mahesh, open up Terminal ( Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ) then type sudo apt-get install k3b | 07:51 |
epiloc_work | screen -raAd | 07:51 |
=== ana [n=ana@80-43-10-48.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kamisan | Much better | 07:52 |
kamisan | now it boots | 07:52 |
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pty | kendals: yep. | 07:52 |
=== kamisan dumps his head into an aquarium of piranjas. | ||
osten | Can anyone tell me why ubuntu tells me I don't have "permission" to any files apart from the home folder? | 07:52 |
rdz | Seveas, many thanks | 07:52 |
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kamisan | Thanks for the help | 07:52 |
Seveas | osten: why woukd you need that? | 07:52 |
kendals | cool, i'l install thatn ow, and it'll do me better than skype/msn :) | 07:52 |
sureshot | kamisan that is why i ask i hope i did not offend you but sometimes things like that happen | 07:52 |
kendals | thanks | 07:52 |
=== Yawner [n=alex@82-44-194-226.cable.ubr07.haye.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
osten | To change a config file | 07:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | osten: Linux is trying to protect itself | 07:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | osten: What config are you trying to change? | 07:53 |
osten | I am sure it is | 07:53 |
kamisan | Yes, I am sorry about that. | 07:53 |
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Seveas | osten: /msg ubotu sudo | 07:53 |
osten | Xorg.conf | 07:53 |
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sioux | Hi I have a problem with network esplorer it pops me a error: string SBM:/// is not a valid position name. How can I fix it? | 07:53 |
sureshot | not a problem what was wrong with the cable | 07:53 |
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Seveas | sioux: smb:// | 07:53 |
pty | kendals: the line you need to add to sources.list is on http://tapioca-voip.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Installation_Guide | 07:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | osten: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf.backup | 07:53 |
sioux | how can I change it? | 07:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | osten: Use the second command first to create a backup | 07:54 |
kamisan | does ubuntu have samba pre-installed? | 07:54 |
=== SillyZ [n=sillyz@CPE-72-129-177-185.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
th1ef | hello i have upgrade ubuntu...and now when booting a logo of EDUBUNTU appears and everything is about EDUBUNTU...how i can bring back UBUNTU enviroment?? | 07:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | !samba | 07:54 |
ubotu | samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT | 07:54 |
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Samuli^ | gedit makes backup by default. Good idea to back up manually though. | 07:54 |
epiloc_work | anyone on irssi ? | 07:54 |
osten | jack, I can't separate those two into two commands :) | 07:55 |
kamisan | Actually I want to make a printerserver | 07:55 |
KenSentMe | epiloc_work: i am | 07:55 |
osten | wait, I think I got it | 07:55 |
Paddy_EIRE | anyone know how to disable "Setting Sensors Limits" when the comp is booting ubuntu?? | 07:55 |
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kamisan | To share the printer with the MAC's and PC's | 07:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | osten: Remove my coment.. | 07:55 |
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epiloc_work | KenSentMe: what is the command to resize the window? i can only see one line of chat text at a time :( | 07:55 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !cups > kamisan: | 07:56 |
AlexC | Anyone know where I could find the source for the Window Selector Gnome Pannel thingy? | 07:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cups | 07:56 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 07:56 |
epiloc_work | KenSentMe: im gonna have to hit 'print screen' as soon as you type it lol | 07:56 |
kamisan | Central Unix Printing system ? | 07:56 |
KenSentMe | epiloc_work: i don't know. Maybe check the irssi website | 07:56 |
KenSentMe | epiloc_work: sorry | 07:56 |
epiloc_work | KenSentMe: ok, ill google it a bit | 07:56 |
pty | kameron: Common, i think | 07:56 |
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epiloc_work | KenSentMe: no prob, thanks anyways | 07:57 |
th1ef | hello i have upgrade ubuntu...and now when booting a logo of EDUBUNTU appears and everything is about EDUBUNTU...how i can bring back UBUNTU enviroment?? | 07:57 |
pty | kamisan, sorry | 07:57 |
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mahesh | how can change my sound drivers in linuz | 07:57 |
sioux | ubot how can i browse with nautilus remote shared folder? | 07:57 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kamisan: cups... see the link above | 07:57 |
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kendals | thanks pty! :) | 07:57 |
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WildZeck | hi | 07:58 |
TheGateKeeper | !sound > mahesh | 07:58 |
AlexC | Hum, Does anyone know where _any_ of the gnome panel source is ?? | 07:58 |
WildZeck | what is the default user on the latest ubuntu ? just after install please ? | 07:58 |
AlexC | WildZeck, there isn't afaik | 07:58 |
mahesh | i am new to ubuntu please any body help 2 install 3gp video converter | 07:58 |
z1pp3r | WildZeck, it's whatever you specified it to be | 07:58 |
Yawner | Howdy Guys, Having a little disk trouble.. Using qtparted I formatted my second hard disk, which used to house a single Partition on NTFS, It now shows under qtparted as Unknown Type, yet when I retry formatting it again to ext3 I will assign it, but when I hit Commit it wont stay, any ideas? When I formatted the drive it wasnt mounted, the drive isnt on the /etc/fstab file, I have tried mounting it, but I am unsure of the p | 07:58 |
Yawner | rocess.. | 07:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | AlexC: The gnome configuration setup | 07:58 |
AlexC | Jack_Sparrow, how do you mean? | 07:58 |
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Jack_Sparrow | AlexC: You are looking for the panel source code? | 07:59 |
mrbrdo | where can i increase the sound buffer? | 07:59 |
AlexC | Jack_Sparrow, well - the Window Selector panel aplet thingy | 07:59 |
WildZeck | z1pp3r, :/ | 07:59 |
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AlexC | Jack_Sparrow, I just want it to stop that stupid behaviour where the Window Selector's size will just randomly change | 08:00 |
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AlexC | it annoys the hell out of me | 08:00 |
kamisan | what's a crc error? | 08:00 |
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th1ef | hello i have upgrade ubuntu...and now when booting a logo of EDUBUNTU appears and everything is about EDUBUNTU...how i can bring back UBUNTU enviroment?? | 08:00 |
kendals | bad archive | 08:00 |
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Ramunas | how can I make my 5 key mouse work right, I can't use those additional buttons now | 08:00 |
ubuntu | ck OTHECEH | 08:00 |
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Jack_Sparrow | AlexC: Use Terminal and type gconf-editor might be what you want.. You were not getting an answer because your question implied you wanted the source code | 08:01 |
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epiloc_work | win gr 1 | 08:01 |
AlexC | Jack_Sparrow, yeah I did really - I wanted to try and fix it! | 08:01 |
AlexC | i'll try gconf, highly doubt it's in there though, Jack_Sparrow | 08:01 |
th1ef | hello how i can change enviroment from EDUBUNTU to UBUNTU ??? | 08:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | AlexC: No idea on that.... | 08:01 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !patience > th1ef | 08:02 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | i am trying to change the ownership of a mounted drive as follows "sudo chown ted Mounts/vfat" but it keeps saying "chown: changing ownership of `Mounts/vfat': Operation not permitted". What gives? | 08:02 |
rdz | am i correct in thinking, that 'fireglcontrol'-tool does nothing i cannot set in the xorg.conf myself? | 08:02 |
Yawner | Ramunas: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=219894 Try that.. | 08:02 |
nickspoon | th1ef: 1) does it really matter that much? | 08:02 |
nickspoon | 2) is ubuntu-desktop installed? | 08:02 |
Yawner | Ramunas: I am unsure of your mouse brand, but this is for Logitech | 08:02 |
pty | th1ef: log out and click 'session', select ubuntu and log back in | 08:03 |
Seveas | rdz: yes | 08:03 |
=== szabi [n=szabi@adsl-d211.84-47-10.t-com.sk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Yawner | Howdy Guys, Having a little disk trouble.. Using qtparted I formatted my second hard disk, which used to house a single Partition on NTFS, It now shows under qtparted as Unknown Type, yet when I retry formatting it again to ext3 I will assign it, but when I hit Commit it wont stay, any ideas? When I formatted the drive it wasnt mounted, the drive isnt on the /etc/fstab file, I have tried mounting it, but I am unsure of the p | 08:03 |
Yawner | rocess.. | 08:03 |
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rdz | Seveas, ok. thanks | 08:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | th1ef: If gnome desktop is still installed... use the options where you enter your user name... | 08:03 |
epiloc_work | ack! I cant figure out irssi | 08:03 |
=== CommonlyKnownAsK [n=Kirsten@host81-159-232-226.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Ramunas | Yawner: thx, I'll try that | 08:03 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | Wtf is this? | 08:04 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | :) | 08:04 |
AlexC | that's a face, CommonlyKnownAsK | 08:04 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | Not the smiley face! | 08:04 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | I mean this whole thing... | 08:04 |
Bergie | How do I restore a saved mount to a new installation? | 08:04 |
AlexC | >< there is nothing else there, commctrl_ | 08:04 |
pty | CommonlyKnownAsK: the internet? | 08:04 |
AlexC | woops, I mean CommonlyKnownAsK | 08:04 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | Nooooooo | 08:04 |
AlexC | CommonlyKnownAsK, the Real World ? | 08:04 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | No. | 08:05 |
AlexC | Tesco's ? | 08:05 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | This chat thing? | 08:05 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | I only just found it | 08:05 |
AlexC | xChat, IRC | 08:05 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | yeah | 08:05 |
jrib | !irc | 08:05 |
ubotu | irc is Internet Relay Chat - Ubuntu IRC clients: xchat (http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/XChatHowto), gaim (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/GaimHowto), Konversation (http://konversation.berlios.de/docs/) - Also see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat and !guidelines | 08:05 |
pty | IRC = Internet Relay Chat | 08:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Internet Relay Chat | 08:05 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | I don't get how I got on here.... | 08:05 |
szabi | Hi, i have some performance problems with my notebook (1.7 centrino, ati9700) mainly with mplayer. The picture lags sometimes. I'm using the 686 optimized kernel. Can sbdy help? | 08:05 |
Yawner | No-one know anything about Disks then? | 08:05 |
Yawner | :( | 08:05 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | Is it just general chatting? | 08:05 |
AlexC | CommonlyKnownAsK, you click on xChat under Applications -> Internet | 08:05 |
Yawner | waiting game it is then | 08:05 |
jrib | CommonlyKnownAsK: this channel is for help with ubuntu | 08:05 |
Seveas | CommonlyKnownAsK: no, this is a support room | 08:05 |
CommonlyKnownAsK | Oh ahhaa ok | 08:05 |
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Seveas | chatter goes somewhere else | 08:06 |
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CommonlyKnownAsK | Wheree? | 08:06 |
boink | anywhere :) | 08:06 |
AlexC | CommonlyKnownAsK, type this: /join #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:06 |
sureshot | try using a 98 boot disk and use fdisk | 08:06 |
mrbrdo | I've got laggy sound. How can i increase the sound buffer for my USB sound card? | 08:06 |
epiloc_work | clear | 08:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | CommonlyKnownAsK: The power button is all you need to press if you want to leave | 08:07 |
gizmo_the_great1 | i am trying to change the ownership of a mounted drive as follows "sudo chown ted Mounts/vfat" but it keeps saying "chown: changing ownership of `Mounts/vfat': Operation not permitted". What gives? | 08:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | sureshot: bootdisk.com works too... | 08:07 |
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Seveas | gizmo_the_great1: fat doesn't know about permissions | 08:07 |
sureshot | thanks did not know that | 08:07 |
Seveas | you need to mount it differently if you want different permissions | 08:07 |
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kendals | pty: i installed tapioca, and started an audio chat with a friedn, but he couldn't hear me :( | 08:07 |
kendals | but i can hear myself through the speakers. | 08:07 |
Elektrochelovek | hello there | 08:07 |
sureshot | selt tought you know how that goes Jack | 08:07 |
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szabi | guys, is there a solution for the distorted sound issue when using alsa? | 08:08 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Seveas: OK, thanks. When you say differently, how? | 08:08 |
pty | kendals: could you hear him? | 08:08 |
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kendals | he wasn't speaking...lo. | 08:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | sureshot: that is the best way, lessons learned the hard way stick longer.. | 08:08 |
kendals | he was typing. | 08:08 |
kendals | he has no mic... | 08:08 |
kendals | lol | 08:08 |
kendals | so that makes it harder to test | 08:08 |
kendals | but the connection was there (audio convo) | 08:08 |
epiloc_work | does anyone know how i can make irssi scroll when my window fills up? ive been googleing it but still not sure | 08:09 |
pty | hmmm | 08:09 |
epiloc_work | is it a script? | 08:09 |
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sureshot | i am doing away with microsoft it is a 4 letter word to me man | 08:09 |
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kendals | 4 letters ey? | 08:09 |
kendals | ... ;) | 08:09 |
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sureshot | microsofts way of counting yes | 08:09 |
sureshot | lol | 08:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | !alsa | 08:10 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems | 08:10 |
pty | kendals: all installed via apt or did you compile? | 08:10 |
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kendals | apt, yeah | 08:10 |
kendals | alsa is selected. | 08:10 |
jrib | epiloc_work: pageup and pagedown let you scroll | 08:10 |
kendals | and it has the capture device se tup | 08:10 |
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epiloc_work | jrib: any idea how to set it to auto scroll? im at work and am away from the computer a lot | 08:11 |
pty | try running it from a console and seeing if it throws up any complaining messages etc | 08:11 |
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jrib | epiloc_work: hmm it should auto-scroll to keep up automatically unless you scroll up. Not sure how that got disabled for you | 08:11 |
sureshot | hey jack now all i have to learn is c programing still use vb | 08:11 |
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szabi | is there any gui app like netlimiter for ubuntu? | 08:12 |
epiloc_work | clear | 08:12 |
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Jack_Sparrow | sureshot: Offtopic, so I wont discuss more, but check out RealBasic.. free for linux | 08:12 |
jrib | epiloc_work: /sb end <-- this should take you to the bottom | 08:12 |
kendals | pty: he can hear me | 08:12 |
epiloc_work | once my screen is full, it just displays one line of chat, and i cant even scroll bak up to find it | 08:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | bbl | 08:13 |
kendals | but says it's like i'm ina jungle- he can barely make out what i'm saying | 08:13 |
kendals | and it's all staticy- but on my end, it sounds flawless? | 08:13 |
jrib | epiloc_work: make sure you have /set scroll ON | 08:13 |
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szabi | any traffic bandwith limiter for linux with graphic user interface? thx | 08:13 |
sureshot | ok and thinks that was just a comment i am full of them LOL but i will | 08:13 |
Elektrochelovek | hey, who can tell me how i can update my xorg packages after dist-upgrade? the way in this page didnt work: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241254 | 08:13 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Seveas: i think I sorted it. Need to add 'iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0' to my fstab entry, then I unmounted an -remounted and it seems to be OK | 08:14 |
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epiloc_work | jrib: /set scroll ON didnt fix it | 08:14 |
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epiloc_work | jrib: i have to continually /clear | 08:14 |
jrib | epiloc_work: try #irssi, they probably know more of the finer points about irssi | 08:15 |
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csp | Hi, does anyone know how I can stop ubuntu from fsck-ing my vfat-partition all the time? | 08:16 |
jrib | csp: /etc/fstab | 08:16 |
csp | jrib: but I do want it mounted, is there some option? | 08:16 |
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jrib | csp: set the sixth field to 0 | 08:17 |
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sv452 | hi all | 08:17 |
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sv452 | i have a question - i have a cam that works with ov519 chipset and just can't get it running - any help ? | 08:18 |
Elektrochelovek | hey | 08:18 |
csp | jrib: thanks! (although I won't know if it works until next reboot) | 08:18 |
sv452 | my thanx to whoever helped me some time ago sorting my synaptic issue with the our work proxy - thanx !!! :) | 08:19 |
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SpComb | !beer whoever helped sv452 | 08:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about beer whoever helped sv452 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:19 |
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sv452 | hehehe - good one SpComb | 08:20 |
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sv452 | now if i can get my webcam to work | 08:20 |
ninix | Hi, anyone use VMware under ubuntu for run WINXP PRO(physical installation) i got a blue screen, (my laptop is a Dell inspiron 9400) | 08:20 |
Justy | Hello | 08:20 |
Yawner | I decided to try and get my second hard drive, (was running NTFS on a windows Partition working).. I decided that I would just format it and then leave it with an ext3 filesystem, It was not mounted so I went to qtparted and hit "Format" selected the ext3 system and hit Commit, The drive does not seem have to have a file system anymore, and if I try the format process again it doesnt work, it just wont apply the changes.. An | 08:20 |
Yawner | y Ideas??? | 08:20 |
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Justy | Hello all, | 08:22 |
=== Empty [n=empty@ip70-176-192-240.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Justy | I have Intel PRO W 2200 BG and I want to connect ASUS AAMV2045IV via WPA | 08:23 |
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mar | hello :) | 08:23 |
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mrbrdo | how to INCREASE sound buffer? | 08:23 |
mrbrdo | for my usb sound card | 08:23 |
Empty | Anyway, here's one fr any X gurus. I am running an ATI Mobility graphics card in my IBM T42. Recently it started blanking the screen at random times. I tried apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade per instructions online, to no avail | 08:23 |
Justy | and I have been doing those = https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo | 08:23 |
Justy | and I had problem. | 08:23 |
mar | any drivers for Canon i250? | 08:23 |
Justy | It told me that: | 08:24 |
Justy | You should see something like the following, but more verbose (if you get a different result, append -dd to the above command line and ask someone on #ubuntu for help): | 08:24 |
gizmo_the_great1 | i have added a folder to share with other machines using the 'Share Folders' settings. How do I getmy Windows XP laptop to see it? | 08:24 |
Justy | and now i have that problem : http://justyy.by.ru/wpa.txt | 08:24 |
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Justy | Can anyone help me? | 08:24 |
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usuario__ | jhku | 08:25 |
hegoi | y | 08:25 |
usuario__ | m,m | 08:25 |
usuario__ | jhh | 08:25 |
usuario__ | ola | 08:25 |
hegoi | Alguien que hable castellano y me ayude?? | 08:25 |
jrib | !es | 08:26 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:26 |
usuario__ | yo si | 08:26 |
csp | Justy: what wlan card do you have? | 08:26 |
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usuario__ | cnt | 08:26 |
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csp | Justy: (as you seem to be using the wrong driver for wpa_supplicant) | 08:26 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | i have added a folder to share with other machines using the 'Share Folders' settings. On my Windows XP laptop, if I got to My Network Places etc I can see the 'MSHOME' entry to my Ubuntu box. But when I give the username and password it just loops? Any ideas? | 08:27 |
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Justy | I have Intel Pro Wireless 2200BG | 08:27 |
Justy | csp, | 08:27 |
mrbrdo | please | 08:28 |
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Neo8750 | gizmo_the_great1: did you put in your username and pass for the | 08:28 |
mrbrdo | where do i increase sound buffer | 08:28 |
mrbrdo | someone? | 08:28 |
Neo8750 | ubuntu box | 08:28 |
csp | Justy: well, you shouldn't get the ioctl messages if the wpa_supplicant driver and the kernel driver match. But as I never worked with an IPW I can't really help you | 08:28 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Neo8750: yes I did | 08:28 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Neo8750: bad secuirty, but I use the same username and password on all my machines! | 08:29 |
Andrew67 | gizmo_the_great1: might be required to create a user within samba itself | 08:29 |
Andrew67 | lets see if i can recall... | 08:29 |
Neo8750 | try this on ubuntu box: sudo smbpasswd yourusername | 08:29 |
Justy | csp: what do ioctl messages mean? | 08:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | mrbrdo: search the wiki for sound lag.... I dint think you are asking the right question | 08:29 |
sureshot | my 2200bg worked fine from install | 08:29 |
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Neo8750 | then try login again | 08:29 |
kovan | how do i purge gcj from my system? without uninstalling eclipse | 08:29 |
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Justy | Hello all, I have Intel PRO W 2200 BG and I want to connect ASUS AAMV2045IV via WPA and I have been doing those = "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo" and I had problem. It told me that: ' You should see something like the following, but more verbose (if you get a different result, append -dd to the above command line and ask someone on #ubuntu for help)' . and now i have that problem : http://justyy.by.ru/wpa.txt . Can anyone help me? | 08:30 |
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usama | hi all | 08:30 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Neo8750: cool - that has worked! Thanks man!! I love it when things work! | 08:31 |
Neo8750 | gizmo_the_great1: np | 08:31 |
usama | does rhythmbox support equilizer? | 08:31 |
mrbrdo | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=206749 someone plz help, how to increase sound buffer?? | 08:31 |
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kovan | usama: could you please tell me if you find it out, i have the same problem | 08:33 |
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csp | Justy: Sorry, I did something stupid and had to reboot. | 08:33 |
sureshot | on the wpa question are you at a business | 08:33 |
usama | kovan: rhythm is very good but i wonder why they (developers) did not add equilizers :( | 08:33 |
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Justy | csp: no problem but, what do you think i should do? | 08:34 |
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csp | Justy: Don't know where I was, but you could try using "-Dwext" instead of "-Dipw" | 08:34 |
kovan | usama: i think the solution goes trough equalize the global sound output, not just rhythmbox, but I don't know how to do that either | 08:35 |
Justy | csp: Didn't work... :( | 08:35 |
Justy | csp: By the way I installed network-manager and it just sees wired network, not wireless | 08:35 |
csp | Justy: Yeah, that's because you manually configured wireless | 08:35 |
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Justy | csp: so? | 08:36 |
csp | Justy: If you want to use NetworkManager (nm) you should remove (or comment) all entries in /etc/network/interfaces regarding "eth1" | 08:36 |
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csp | Justy: So place a # in front of the lines mentioning "eth1" | 08:36 |
Justy | but i use eth1 for wireless and eth0 for LAN | 08:36 |
Kian | Hi does anybody hav any idea how to install ubuntu from dos with cd drive working and recognised? | 08:37 |
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csp | Justy: yeah, but configuring eth1 using /etc/network/interfaces makes NetworkManager ignore your eth1 | 08:37 |
meheren | does anyone know what cleint is more lightweight? frsotwire or limewire? | 08:37 |
csp | Justy: it's a feature | 08:37 |
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Justy | csp: #iface eth1 inet static | 08:38 |
Justy | #wireless-essid benq | 08:38 |
Justy | #wireless-key AAAAAAAABB | 08:38 |
Justy | #address | 08:38 |
Justy | #netmask | 08:38 |
Justy | #gateway | 08:38 |
Justy | ok? | 08:38 |
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Justy | i had been connecting to benq lately now i use wpa on asus | 08:38 |
Justy | btw | 08:39 |
csp | Justy: no line with "auto eth1" or "iface eth1" ? | 08:39 |
Justy | csp: Now should i restart? | 08:39 |
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Justy | csp: ops there were in the most bottom | 08:39 |
meheren | what happened to lilo? | 08:40 |
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czer323 | Random question I've been working on: Some Tray notification icons never show up at startup. nm-applet, gnome-power-management. I've added them to my "startup" in the sessions settings, but at reboot they're not on my screen. I can check the "Current session" and they'll be running and it seems like they do run in the background, but not in my tray notification area. Also, if i run nm-applet from a command line, it will put it | 08:40 |
czer323 | self on the tray with no errors. | 08:40 |
Justy | csp: i commented it ok | 08:40 |
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csp | Justy: If I'm correct (I'm in doubt here, not too much of a guru) NetworkManager picks it up anyway and should show your wireless card anyhow, but maybe you have to restart networkmanager | 08:40 |
kovan | hey I have a lot of fonts for indian, japanese, chinese, korean... etc. which are taking a lot of space in my disk, how do i find out which ones I don't need??? | 08:40 |
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csp | Justy: so you could "sudo killall NetworkManager" and then restart with "sudo NetworkManager" | 08:40 |
Justy | csp: ok thanks for that | 08:41 |
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csp | Justy: but NetworkManager only replaces all of your configuration, If you messed up the driver in some way it won't help you | 08:41 |
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meheren | does anyone know what cleint is more lightweight? frsotwire or limewire? | 08:42 |
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Elektrochelovek | i dist-upgraded to egdy | 08:43 |
Elektrochelovek | and i got an error | 08:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | Not a good idea | 08:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | I knew that was comming | 08:43 |
Elektrochelovek | wrong abi version, cant laod radeon drives | 08:44 |
Elektrochelovek | *driver | 08:44 |
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Elektrochelovek | due to version mistmach | 08:44 |
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jrib | !edgy | 08:44 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 08:44 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Elektrochelovek: Edgy is #Ubuntu+1 | 08:44 |
Elektrochelovek | ok, thnx! | 08:44 |
slimz | does anyone know a way to configure the gnome deskbar so it was like it used to be? instead of clicking the magnifying glass to make the query appear, to have a way to make the query always visible? | 08:45 |
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jrib | slimz: it's somewhere in the preferences, just right click > preferences | 08:45 |
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meheren | does anyone know what cleint is more lightweight? frsotwire or limewire? | 08:45 |
jrib | meheren: go with frostwire imo | 08:46 |
slimz | jrib: yeah im retarded i found it, thanks | 08:46 |
jrib | they are both memory hungry java apps | 08:46 |
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meheren | jrib, there is 0 ppl there | 08:46 |
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jrib | meheren: where? | 08:46 |
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Jack_Sparrow | 154 nics in the edgy room | 08:47 |
teethdood | how do I turn off the annoying beeping sounds when I type things in the wrong location? | 08:47 |
meheren | oh nvm go with... hehe when i read it i read go te frostwire (and thought u meant #frostwire)... sry | 08:47 |
meheren | thx | 08:47 |
jrib | teethdood: not sure if this is the beep you are referring to, but system > preferences > sound > system beep ? | 08:47 |
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Error_X | Hi, I have just installed skype 1.3. I can hear myself in my speakers, and hear other ppl at skype.. but they cant hear me.. Mic boost and everything is set on. | 08:48 |
Error_X | I use dapper | 08:48 |
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aim1159 | re all | 08:50 |
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teethdood | jrib, thanks. I'm trying to do something to cause it to "beep" again but so far so good | 08:50 |
aim1159 | is there any tcl/tk developer here? | 08:50 |
yallax | Heyas all! just got my Core 2 Duo rig up and running, got a question tho.. can i use or will the 64bit ubuntu perform well with core 2 duo? | 08:50 |
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aim1159 | i got a problem with russian cyrillic input in all tcl+tk apps (tkabber, amsn for example | 08:50 |
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i4get | ? is there a way to run the iso I have downloaded of edgy from the mnt command? I do not have a burner on this laptop and would like to run the live cd if that is possible? | 08:51 |
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gubuntu | how do find my most recent upgrades and remove them? | 08:51 |
Infamy | can i get suport for Ubuntu Server in here? | 08:51 |
gubuntu | i updated my ati stuff and now im tottally boned... | 08:51 |
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jrib | Infamy: someone will help if they can, just ask | 08:51 |
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fdoving | gubuntu: check /var/log/dpkg.log | 08:52 |
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Infamy | trying to install ubuntu server on a compaq DL380 G1, the installer runs fine and finds the disk. But once it install the kernel does not seem to have the module/find the disk controller (which is a scsi raid unit.. | 08:52 |
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i4get | hmm need to have suplement cd ? | 08:53 |
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i4get | nm | 08:53 |
Infamy | well the installer finds it and lets me install to it just fine... | 08:53 |
Justy | csp: omg | 08:53 |
Infamy | tis weird | 08:53 |
FluxD | Hello I am trying to run wine with a program where exactly is the "c: " drive or folder created in thefilesystem | 08:53 |
i4get | ./wine | 08:54 |
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csp | Justy: ? | 08:54 |
Justy | csp: i d/c ed | 08:54 |
boink | which scsi raid is being used? | 08:54 |
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FluxD | i4get: ./wine? | 08:54 |
Justy | csp: then i reconfigured LAN. but couldnt connect | 08:54 |
yallax | Heyas all! just got my Core 2 Duo rig up and running, got a question tho.. can i use or will the 64bit ubuntu perform well with core 2 duo? | 08:54 |
Justy | csp: when i configured WLAN it connected :S | 08:54 |
=== xXxMasterSpyxXx [n=mastersp@200-158-121-83.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | Infamy: Hardware raid..? | 08:54 |
i4get | yes view hidden files in your folder | 08:54 |
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csp | Justy: I don't know how NM handles multiple links | 08:55 |
Justy | csp: NM even didn't start :s | 08:55 |
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=== Leirez|Fs Est Away! (: | ||
csp | csp: huh?! you've got a funny system :) NM should be loaded on boot when you've installed the package | 08:55 |
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=== Leirez|Fs Est de Volta! Motivo do away: sem motivo [Durao: 13secs] | ||
Jack_Sparrow | yallax: Add the 64bit kernel.. I run 386 and 686 kernels | 08:56 |
FluxD | i4get: ./wine? where exactly is that location? | 08:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 08:56 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 08:56 |
Infamy | Jack_Sparrow: yes hardware... it is a hardware unit i think it is a SYM8C400 or somethimg like that | 08:56 |
csp | (wow, i'm talking to myself now) | 08:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | !raid > Infamy | 08:56 |
Justy | csp: i will remove and reinstall | 08:56 |
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robert_ | how do I build the ubuntu version of php4-cgi from source on ubuntu? heh | 08:56 |
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i4get | <FluxD> if you have installed wine it should be in your home folder ... show the hidden files | 08:56 |
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Justy | csp: "Package network-manager is not installed, so not removed" | 08:56 |
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Justy | ops | 08:57 |
FluxD | thanks i4get | 08:57 |
yallax | Jack_Sparrow: what do you mean? use 2 kernels? | 08:57 |
klm- | what do I need to play .mid? | 08:57 |
Infamy | Jack_Sparrow: hardware raid unit.. looks just like a disk to Debian and works fine with debian 3.1 | 08:57 |
i4get | wine just emulates it does not make a partition as regular windows | 08:57 |
i4get | welcome | 08:57 |
Justy | brb | 08:57 |
Paddy_EIRE | wow "Deskbar" and "Beagle" should be installed on ubuntu by default these apps are amazing you aint using them yet then you gotta try them! | 08:57 |
boink | Infamy: you need to get more facts, what's the hardware? | 08:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | yallax: I have different kernels available in my grub menu... | 08:58 |
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FluxD | i4get to install a exe file using wine do I type in wine the abc.exe? | 08:58 |
Infamy | boink: hang on let me load back up the livecd to see what the harware is... | 08:58 |
sess | Anyone offer assistance on WHY Dapper won't play any of my media files using totem? I can however play the exact same mp3 files using mpg321 | 08:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | Infamy: I was just pointing you to the info on raid and Ubuntu... not entirely the same as pure debian.. | 08:58 |
i4get | you can but generally all you should have to do is dbl click the exe | 08:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | !restricted > sess | 08:59 |
Infamy | Jack_Sparrow: i get that but all this is, a hardware raid solution form the ealy 2000 | 08:59 |
Infamy | it is scsi enterprise hardware.. | 08:59 |
jrib | !mp3 > sess | 08:59 |
FluxD | i4get get this error : Couldn't display "/home/admin/Desktop/install_flash_player.exe". | 08:59 |
boink | chip number? model number? | 08:59 |
Infamy | runs debian just fine.. aka kernel 2.6. for some reason the ubuntu kernel is well useless on it.. BUT the installer finds it and installs to it.. so there is something mess in the installer | 08:59 |
i4get | not all programs run under wine..its still beta software | 09:00 |
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yallax | Jack_Sparrow: ah..is there a guide on how i can add diffrent kernels and boot from them? | 09:00 |
i4get | try wine then the command but i do not know if flash player will run | 09:00 |
fritz | oh gosh, this place was big =) | 09:00 |
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kovan | how do i remove gcj without removing eclipse? | 09:01 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow>cheers for the advise on the processor.. :) its quiter now than it was but I bet that wont last for long...im waiting for ariapc to deliver ...errrr | 09:01 |
i4get | if you need to run windows programs then code weaver makes a good emulator | 09:01 |
=== mininet [n=mininet@wsip-68-107-209-74.tu.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Infamy | Weird. i can see the /dev/ida/c0d0 under the boot shell (after it fails to find the disk that has the root FS) | 09:01 |
FluxD | i4get wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\install_flash_player.exe": Module not found but why not? dont you have to pay for codeweaver? | 09:01 |
Infamy | and that is the complet "raid" drive name | 09:01 |
boink | is c0d0 bootable? | 09:02 |
Infamy | boink: yes.. the ketnel boots.. just cant find the root fs | 09:02 |
=== D [n=david@spc2-bolt1-0-0-cust790.bagu.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
i4get | if you want to run windows on top of linux then get vmware. umm yes but there is a free codeweaver thats a little older but still good | 09:02 |
Infamy | whch ins on c0d0p1 | 09:02 |
fritz | so.. a few questions, is it just free for all or some sort of que?? :) | 09:02 |
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FluxD | i4get I will try ty does it work same way? | 09:03 |
=== i4get cant think which version...think 4.x | ||
Justy | csp: network-manager doesn't work :S | 09:03 |
i4get | pretty much but gives more tools | 09:03 |
csp | Justy: how does it "not work"? Still doesn't show your wireless card or won't help you connect? | 09:03 |
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Justy | well i will refresh http://justyy.by.ru/wpa.txt hang on please... | 09:04 |
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C0RVUS | bonjour | 09:04 |
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fritz | hmm.. anyhows.. how come i cant get higher resolutions then 1024xwhatever it was ? | 09:04 |
C0RVUS | je cherche un logiciel de gravure pour linux :) | 09:04 |
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zenmonk | can I use the live cd to get some data off of a damaged windows installation? | 09:04 |
kovan | how do i remove gcj without removing eclipse?? | 09:05 |
i4get | :-( is there a free tool to actually emulate a second cd like alcohol? | 09:05 |
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zenmonk | does the kerrnel support this without extra modules? | 09:05 |
fritz | zenmonk: worked for me :) | 09:05 |
fritz | had full access to everything on the ntfs drives anyways | 09:05 |
jrib | !fr | 09:06 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 09:06 |
Justy | csp: http://justyy.by.ru/wpa.txt | 09:06 |
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i4get | !ISO | 09:06 |
ubotu | To mount an .iso image: sudo mount -o loop my.iso /some/mountpoint - bin/cue can be converted to iso with bchunk .iso images of Ubuntu CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com Always verify the .iso before burning, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows | 09:06 |
Ricesteam | Windows Network is behaving weird. At first I can see all windows share. I closed Nautilus then reloaded it, and now I can't see any Window computers. Does anyone know why? | 09:06 |
Infamy | okay details.. the card is detected as a SYM53C8XX by ubuntu and by gentoo BUT debian 3.1 finds it as a CSISS card | 09:06 |
fractalmind | Is there a channel dedicated to Edgy? | 09:06 |
fractalmind | I am having trouble making an initrd on Edgy. | 09:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | !edgy | 09:07 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 09:07 |
SkippyX | Using Breeze. Started Synaptic. Got the following message. W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 09:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | bbl | 09:07 |
mcd | Hello. Does anyone know where I can download drivers for my ATI Radeon 9600 SE video card for Ubuntu? | 09:07 |
csp | Justy: nothing seems changed | 09:07 |
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k31th | Humm just running automatix. | 09:07 |
CromagDK | mcd: jep.. | 09:07 |
FluxD | i4get how do you cd from this location in wine "c:\\windows\\system32\\? | 09:07 |
k31th | seems pretty kool | 09:07 |
Justy | csp: it finds asus_router but "Failed to set encryption." | 09:07 |
mcd | CromagDK, where? | 09:07 |
CromagDK | !ati | 09:08 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 09:08 |
FlaX | Just installed ubuntu server edition however it didn't allow me to set a root pass. And is there a x-windows like mod for it? | 09:08 |
i4get | ? cd from that location? | 09:08 |
mcd | CromagDK, thanks! | 09:08 |
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AZzKikR | !root | 09:08 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 09:08 |
csp | Justy: Yeah, scanning works, but sending keys to your card doesn't. It still seems it doesn't understand the IPW-specific commands | 09:08 |
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FluxD | i4get all programs run from system32 folder? | 09:08 |
k31th | FlaX: wat? why bpother just do sudo -s | 09:08 |
mille | lo | 09:08 |
FlaX | k3, I wont need a root pass for that | 09:09 |
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Justy | csp: will it help if i upload /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf ? | 09:09 |
FlaX | ? | 09:09 |
k31th | FlaX: no. | 09:09 |
sess | jack_sparrow: Thank you, that was EXTREMELY helpful | 09:09 |
FlaX | Alright thx | 09:09 |
CromagDK | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_Graphics_Driver_.28ATI.29 mcd or there. | 09:09 |
nox-Hand | How would I get CUPS to set up my printer to be able to be accessed by Windows PCs over network? | 09:09 |
k31th | just so long your in the right group. | 09:09 |
=== lostsync [n=lostsync@c-71-56-112-179.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
csp | Justy: for me it won't help. I don't know what driver you should have for the IPW and what wpa_supplicant is supposed to tell you | 09:09 |
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i4get | maybe maybe not dont know really need to check out wines home page http://www.winehq.com/ | 09:09 |
SpudDogg | Does anyone know what ports need to be opened to remote desktop into my Ubuntu box? | 09:09 |
CromagDK | 5900 | 09:09 |
mille | i'm having problems playing some movie clips. normaly, on windows, I only have to download vlc and i get all codecs. tried with vlc for ubuntu, but i still can't play them.. suggestions? | 09:09 |
k31th | n00b heaven | 09:09 |
Justy | csp: IPW is Intel PRO Wireless | 09:10 |
CromagDK | SpudDogg: 5900 | 09:10 |
k31th | mille: win32codecs | 09:10 |
mille | apt-get? | 09:10 |
k31th | if you have the right sources... | 09:10 |
Justy | csp: And i think it is correct with Intel PRO Wireless 2200BG | 09:10 |
Infamy | any one with some info for me? | 09:10 |
k31th | millie consider using automatix | 09:10 |
k31th | google that. | 09:10 |
mille | thanks alot | 09:10 |
k31th | np | 09:11 |
=== frej [n=frej@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl203-047.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | i4get all programs run from system32 folder? | 09:11 |
k31th | wat? | 09:11 |
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i4get | FluxD : maybe maybe not dont know really need to check out wines home page http://www.winehq.com/ | 09:11 |
=== bitchslapper [i=bitchsla@dhcp80ff667d.dynamic.uiowa.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FluxD | i4get ty | 09:12 |
i4get | welcome | 09:12 |
bitchslapper | some place I could get some tex help around here? | 09:12 |
jayt | !automatix | 09:12 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix. | 09:12 |
k31th | bitchslapper: maybe | 09:12 |
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sess | anyone use beagle? | 09:13 |
mininet | I have a USB drive that auto mounts as read only is that normal? It one I share with my OSX laptop. is there a way to set it so I can write to it as well? | 09:13 |
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bitchslapper | k31th: well .. just wanted to know a room .. guess people wouldn't be too please to see tex questions being answered in an ubuntu channel | 09:13 |
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k31th | tex? | 09:14 |
bitchslapper | tex latex | 09:14 |
Infamy | okay.. so where can i get help? | 09:14 |
csp | How do I disable SHIFT+Backspace as reset in Xgl? | 09:14 |
bitchslapper | k31th: #latex :D | 09:14 |
CromagDK | !xgl | 09:14 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 09:14 |
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kalif | automatix..... | 09:17 |
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kalif | is there a distributed keep-your-system-up-to-date script somewhere | 09:18 |
jayt | bad news | 09:18 |
cyzie | hi, after apt-get update, how can i show all the packages comes from a certain repos (URL) ? | 09:18 |
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Gud | has anyone in here successfully run ubuntu inside wmvare? | 09:19 |
Jowi | kalif: other than "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"? | 09:19 |
Gud | vmware | 09:19 |
Justy | csp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=251092&highlight=shift+backspace+xgl | 09:19 |
kalif | Gud: ? | 09:19 |
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kalif | Jowi: something like SMS for windows | 09:20 |
ifrozen | hi there | 09:20 |
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bmcfarli | hey guys how do i set my permissions to format drives? | 09:20 |
Justy | csp: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1515151#post1515151 they say my card is not supported :\ | 09:20 |
kalif | central management of all ubuntu's in the network | 09:20 |
Jowi | kalif: i have no idea what SMS is | 09:20 |
kalif | central management of all ubuntu's in the network :) | 09:20 |
kalif | but for windows | 09:20 |
Gud | kalif: I want to run ubuntu inside windows | 09:21 |
redlounge | hi everyone. i can not ping when i use my wlan connection instead of ethernet. anyone has an idea why? (dapper) | 09:21 |
kalif | OK - VMware server is what you want | 09:21 |
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bmcfarli | anyone know how to set my permison to format a drive? | 09:21 |
Gud | ubuntu starts, but it doesnm't get past booting | 09:21 |
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ifrozen | kalif: M$ Virtual PC 2004 is easier for a win user | 09:21 |
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ifrozen | can you help me how to change my screen resolution to 1280x1024? | 09:22 |
kalif | ifrozen: I wouldn't know :) | 09:22 |
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Gud | lol, win user :) | 09:22 |
bmcfarli | !permissions | 09:22 |
ubotu | The files and directories on an Ubuntu system are organized according to a standard, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard - file permissions are explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions - All filenames and directory names (and many other things) are case sensitive in Linux | 09:22 |
TU | Is there a place where i can get the change log for a package? | 09:22 |
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TU | i'd like to figure out WTF is going on in the kernel package | 09:22 |
Gud | the only reason I'm using windows is because my modem doesn't work in *nix | 09:22 |
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ifrozen | kalif: that's why I say. | 09:22 |
der0b | TU, a lot of that is kept in /usr/share/doc/<package> | 09:22 |
kalif | Gud: strange, I have at least 6 virtual ubuntu's | 09:23 |
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der0b | dunno if that includes kernel updates though | 09:23 |
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Ansonmus | Hello, can anyone tell me what the default root pwd is or how to set it the first time? | 09:23 |
kalif | ifrozen: Vmware supports ubuntu - M$ doesn't | 09:23 |
Gud | kalif: did you install them on different partitions, or are they images in windows? | 09:23 |
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Gud | Because I have ubuntu installed on a seperate partition. | 09:23 |
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kalif | Gud: I always use images | 09:24 |
ConsoleFx | when i am conencting my mobile phone with my laptopn in usb then the mobile is getting switched off automatically :( .. plz help me | 09:24 |
Gud | Okay, maybe that's why it works for you | 09:24 |
ConsoleFx | plz | 09:24 |
ConsoleFx | i am unable to connect to internet in linux :( | 09:24 |
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Gud | I have ubuntu installed on a separate partition | 09:24 |
ConsoleFx | suggest me something plz | 09:24 |
kalif | and my host OS is Ubuntu, but that's really shouldn't matter | 09:24 |
ikonia | does anyone know off the top of their head, how to resize (make smaller) the icons in gnome on the desktop | 09:24 |
ikonia | or could you point me at the right resource | 09:24 |
ifrozen | kalif: that can be true as well... but VMWare is just a simple virtual machine... so it supports everything | 09:24 |
Justy | Hello! | 09:24 |
csp | Justy: isn't there an ndiswrapper solution to it? | 09:24 |
ikonia | wikis not showing anything relevent | 09:24 |
ifrozen | :) | 09:24 |
TU | Is there a way to get a specific patch applied into Ubuntus kernel source? and if it was to get placed in is there any way to ever get it into stable? | 09:24 |
FlaX | !lynx | 09:24 |
ubotu | Browsers available for Linux: Firefox (GTK), Opera (Qt), Konqueror (KDE/Qt), Links (terminal-based). HTTP servers: apache2 | 09:24 |
ifrozen | can you help me how to change my screen resolution to 1280x1024? | 09:24 |
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Justy | csp: ahh yes there was something like that! | 09:24 |
ikonia | TU make a test kernel deb package and submit to ubuntu upstream the patch | 09:25 |
redlounge | ikonia: right mouse klick, there is a menu option to resize | 09:25 |
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Empty | Seriously, I need help with thiis vid card issue... The video just magically dies but the box remains up. The card is an ATI Radeon Mobility 7500 | 09:25 |
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kalif | ifrozen: yes - that's why it's so popular :) | 09:25 |
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Gud | ikonia: edit X11.conf? | 09:25 |
TU | i've been fighting to get my ricoh card reader working for so long hehe. | 09:25 |
Gud | or whatever it's called in ubuntu | 09:25 |
jacobmp92 | is http://appdb.winehq.org/ down for anyone else? | 09:25 |
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Gud | xorg.conf | 09:25 |
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ikonia | Gud: the desktop icons arn't controlled from X11.conf | 09:25 |
csp | Justy: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List#I does list your 2200BG | 09:25 |
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Gud | ifrozen* | 09:26 |
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mille | one other thing. xvnxviewer doesn't support encryption. is there something i can download to make it support it? or which other program can i use for accessing a (4.0 prefered) vnc server that uses encryption? | 09:26 |
ikonia | can't see a right click menu | 09:26 |
ikonia | to resize all the icons | 09:26 |
jacobmp92 | lol | 09:26 |
ifrozen | kalif: :) L0L ... ubuntu makes fun of me... like linux for human g33kingz :) | 09:26 |
mille | not sure if the encryption only is for authing. | 09:26 |
kalif | hehe | 09:26 |
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redlounge | ikonia: ok, the right click menu is for single icons | 09:26 |
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ifrozen | kalif: so how? | 09:26 |
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redlounge | ikonia: dont know how to change default size, sorry | 09:26 |
Gud | kalif: locate xorg.conf | 09:27 |
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ikonia | redlounge: could only see a stretch icon for single icons anyway | 09:27 |
Gud | ifrozen: | 09:27 |
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Gud | * | 09:27 |
Justy | csp: yes =) | 09:27 |
kalif | ifrozen: ehh... forgot the question | 09:27 |
ConsoleFx | when i am conencting my mobile phone with my laptopn in usb then the mobile is getting switched off automatically :( .. plz help me | 09:27 |
ConsoleFx | when i am conencting my mobile phone with my laptopn in usb then the mobile is getting switched off automatically :( .. plz help me | 09:27 |
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Justy | csp: it is .exe? | 09:27 |
ifrozen | kalif: screenres to 1280x1024 | 09:27 |
kalif | oh.. wasn't me | 09:27 |
ifrozen | :) | 09:28 |
FluxD | whats the easiest way to close a hanged up program like control alt del replacement? | 09:28 |
ConsoleFx | how i can patch it so i will be able to connect to internet | 09:28 |
redlounge | ikonia: i have a german wiki page to change the default icon size ;) | 09:28 |
csp | Justy: you're supposed to get the windows drivers yet | 09:28 |
=== sboo [n=sbu@wbs-196-2-102-52.wbs.co.za] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mille | anyone using vnc? | 09:28 |
csp | *yet=yes | 09:28 |
[GuS] | FluxD, killall app | 09:28 |
[GuS] | app= name opf the app | 09:28 |
ikonia | ich can nicht spreaken sie deutche | 09:28 |
ifrozen | mille: why? | 09:28 |
mille | ifrozen: read up 10 rows. ;p | 09:28 |
SkippyX | Anybody feel like helping w/ a synaptic/update/repository/sources question? | 09:28 |
ifrozen | ok | 09:28 |
Justy | csp: omg i cannot use my laptop with wpa then ?! | 09:28 |
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mille | make that 25, ifrozen. heh | 09:28 |
Empty | Can anyone tell me with authority why my box is acting like this? It's like someone unplugs my LCD on my laptop- everything else keeps chugging but the display is just gone | 09:28 |
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sess | !beagle | 09:29 |
ConsoleFx | when i am conencting my mobile phone with my laptopn in usb then the mobile is getting switched off automatically :( .. plz help me | 09:29 |
ubotu | beagle: indexing and search tool for your personal data. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.6-1ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1208 kB, installed size 3992 kB | 09:29 |
Ansonmus | How can I enable the root account in Ubuntu ? | 09:29 |
SkippyX | Started Synaptic, got the following message: W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 09:29 |
FluxD | [GuS] its winamp under wine so what will be the name winamp.exe? | 09:29 |
csp | Justy: it should be possible. the newer ndiswrappers support wext and so does wpa_supplicant | 09:29 |
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[GuS] | no | 09:29 |
redlounge | ikonia: you have to change the icon size in nautilus | 09:29 |
[GuS] | in that case FluxD es wine | 09:29 |
[GuS] | or search it with ps aux | 09:29 |
epiloc_work | ok, does everyone know they network icon that lets you connect to the other shares on your private network? well how do I get to that via the terminal ? | 09:29 |
[GuS] | maybe wineserver | 09:29 |
ikonia | redlounge: thank you, I'll look | 09:29 |
ikonia | thats a good area to check | 09:29 |
[GuS] | killall winserver | 09:29 |
[GuS] | wineserver* | 09:30 |
SkippyX | Checked the etc/apt/sources.list against the unofficial ubuntu starter guide http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Breezy#How_to_add_extra_repositories ... and it's correct. | 09:30 |
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klm- | how can I kill a process? | 09:30 |
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redlounge | ikonia: nautlius -> edit -> preferences -> something like default icon size | 09:30 |
ikonia | killl -11 | 09:30 |
SkippyX | So, I can't access the universe. As it were. | 09:30 |
SkippyX | any ideas? | 09:30 |
csp | Justy: http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/WPA | 09:30 |
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epiloc_work | ok, does everyone know they network icon that lets you connect to the other shares on your private network? well how do I get to that via the terminal ? | 09:30 |
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ikonia | redlounge: thanks | 09:31 |
epiloc_work | i am ssh'ed into my box at home, but im not sure how to access the network shares | 09:31 |
ConsoleFx | when i am connecting my mobile in my lap via usb then the mobile is getting swritched off automatically...so i am unable to connect to internet... help me plz | 09:31 |
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Jowi | !jre | 09:31 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jre - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:31 |
Jowi | !java | 09:31 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 09:31 |
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csp | Justy: and you probably should follow the ubuntu docs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper | 09:32 |
Jowi | hmmm... where is the firefox java plugin located? | 09:32 |
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neildarlow | ikonia: into nautilus. Edit|Preferences|Views tab, under Icon View Defaults, Default zoom level... phew! | 09:32 |
ikonia | neildarlow: thanks | 09:32 |
RancidLM | hey all for some reason on this newer soundcard i installedi do not have a "capture" tab in my sound properties.. sounds are being captured from every thing.. how do i enable a capture tab on a sb audigy? | 09:32 |
Justy | csp: thanks for all | 09:32 |
mcd | If I am trying to select a program for a online radio to open with, where should I look on my HDD for Beep Media Player program? | 09:33 |
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der0b | I don't know what beep's executable name is, but it should be in /usr/bin/ | 09:33 |
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ConsoleFx | how i can install sound driver in my compaq presario 2500 laptop?? help | 09:33 |
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Rawplayer | yo, does anyone of you guys have the official book? | 09:34 |
eamonn | beep-media-player | 09:34 |
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FlaX | !ssh | 09:34 |
ubotu | ssh is the Secure SHell protocol (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto). Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows, which can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ | 09:34 |
mcd | thanks der0b & eamonn | 09:34 |
FluxD | umm is there a way to remove the kubuntu splash and login screen after you install the kubuntu-desktop? | 09:35 |
thre1 | Does any one know if firestarter is ready to go by default or is there some config needed? | 09:35 |
RancidLM | thre1: i always have to run it manually by going system->admin-> firestarter | 09:35 |
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neildarlow | FluxD: if kubuntu has standard'ish KDE, in Control Center | 09:36 |
Justy | csp: is wpa_suppliciant dir. /etc/wpa_suppliciant ? | 09:36 |
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thre1 | RancidLM: is it ready to go at install or do i need to add rules | 09:36 |
csp | Justy: that's where the wpa_supplicant.conf configurations file is | 09:36 |
Tinned_Tuna | Hi, I've broken my Xorg by trying to install XGL/COmpiz. I've restored the config as best I can, but I'm not sure what's still broken, and what isn't | 09:36 |
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RancidLM | thre1: i would say add rules from my exerance it adds very basic generic rules but thats it.. | 09:37 |
thechanklybore | I've just sudo rm -r -f /usr/lib32 accidentally | 09:37 |
thechanklybore | brilliant | 09:37 |
TU | is there anyway to find the FASTEST mirrors? | 09:37 |
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RancidLM | .... uhu | 09:37 |
TU | a script or something | 09:37 |
Justy | csp: omg it explains it so technically and uplevel @ http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/WPA | 09:37 |
FluxD | neildarlow so I login using kde to find this option? | 09:37 |
RancidLM | ndiswrapper is awesome | 09:38 |
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RancidLM | for some reason on this newer soundcard i installedi do not have a "capture" tab in my sound properties.. sounds are being captured from every thing.. how do i enable a capture tab on a sb audigy? | 09:38 |
der0b | fluxd: to change the login manager back to GDM, sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm, to get the usplash back sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so, then select usplash-default.so. Then finally sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image | 09:38 |
csp | well there is no reason to follow that exactly.. try to stick with the ubuntu doc | 09:38 |
Subhuman | TU, umm yeah there is a script about for debian mirrors, you could prob hack it for ubuntui | 09:38 |
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TU | gah lameness. | 09:38 |
TU | my mirrors are all reallly slow atm. | 09:38 |
thre1 | RancidLM: I hate to ask this but is there a hot-to somewhere that will walk me through setting up the rules, I've never sone it before | 09:38 |
neildarlow | FluxD: yes, you can change splashes and backgrounds under Desktop iirc | 09:38 |
csp | Justy: e.g. you don't have to compile wpa_supplicant again, the Ubuntu version already support wext | 09:38 |
Justy | csp: abdullah@q0z:/etc/wpa_supplicant$ ls | 09:38 |
Justy | ifupdown.sh | 09:38 |
Tinned_Tuna | can anyone help? The error message is... | 09:38 |
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neildarlow | FluxD: i switched from Gentoo/KDE to ubuntu/GNOME recently and the fine detail of KDE has gone already :) | 09:39 |
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TU | you could always use kUbuntu if you really wanted. | 09:40 |
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TU | i don't even KDE/Gnome | 09:40 |
FluxD | neildarlow der0b tyvm | 09:40 |
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zaggynl | Is there something like netlimiter for Linux? | 09:40 |
FluxD | neildarlow control center is a KDe option right? | 09:40 |
RancidLM | thre1: not of the top of my head.. your best bet would be to google it | 09:40 |
zaggynl | http://www.netlimiter.com/ | 09:40 |
jaysef | hello, i downloaded the new linux headers which were available to me via new software updates, i installed them, it created a new entry in grub menu..but i cant boot into it ? | 09:40 |
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MystaMax | im trying to copy all the contents of a directory (including folders) with sudo cp * /Folder/destination/ but bash reports that its omitting directories. Why is that? | 09:41 |
der0b | mystamax: use cp -a | 09:41 |
MystaMax | der0b, thanks. | 09:41 |
der0b | -av for verbose output | 09:41 |
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TU | zaggynl, there is DEFINATLTY a way to do that in linux. | 09:41 |
neildarlow | FluxD: yes, should be accessible from the K-menu somewhere | 09:41 |
TU | It will be kinda complicated. | 09:41 |
TU | you can definatly do it using IPTables though | 09:42 |
FluxD | new problem my grub menu has now duplicates of the alread existing entries anyone know why? | 09:42 |
sess | anyone know of an interface for beagle that I can sit on the gnome top toolbar? | 09:42 |
czer323 | Can anyone provide a quick link to some type of database for the changelogs of Ubuntu updates? | 09:42 |
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zaggynl | TU :< I'm kinda GUI addicted since Wintendo XP | 09:42 |
TU | zaggynl, Now is a great time to get over that :P | 09:42 |
zaggynl | :P | 09:42 |
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zaggynl | I did like MSDOS before I saw the window being opened | 09:42 |
TU | Just think of linux as IRC with dire consequences of what you tell it to do :P | 09:43 |
zaggynl | hahaha | 09:43 |
czer323 | Like someone in the chatroom has a gun to your head? | 09:43 |
der0b | czer323: check in /usr/share/doc/<package> for changelogs | 09:43 |
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TU | czer323, exactly. | 09:43 |
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czer323 | der0b> I was hoping for something online, to check BEFORE i install updates to see what they changed | 09:43 |
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der0b | that would indeed be handy... | 09:43 |
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Tinned_Tuna | ahah, the error is "xinit: Connection refused (errno 4): unable to connect to X server\nxinit: No such process (errno3): unexpected signal 2" | 09:44 |
josip | Is bashrc executed when loggging in with gdm ? | 09:44 |
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zaggynl | Hey, trickle seems to be a netlimiter equivalent | 09:45 |
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FluxD | anyone know why GRUB has duplicate entries of the already listed stuff? | 09:45 |
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Tinned_Tuna | where can I find the default gmd config? I over wrote that in the XGL frenzy | 09:45 |
Tinned_Tuna | I believe mine was fairly default... | 09:45 |
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Tinned_Tuna | or can someone post it on rafb.net/past? | 09:46 |
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Rawplayer | -,- | 09:46 |
sess | well, what about true transparency in Gnome, anyone gotten this working? | 09:46 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:47 |
brubu | FluxD did you make any new installation? | 09:47 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:47 |
sandrakatherine_ | que paso | 09:47 |
brubu | hola sandra | 09:47 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola como te yamas | 09:47 |
epiloc_work | does anyone know the path to get to my windows network shares? I can do it through nautilous but trying to access through terminal | 09:48 |
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Tinned_Tuna | me yamas Tinned_Tuna | 09:48 |
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Tinned_Tuna | woo I remembered something from spanish class! | 09:48 |
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misterPhyrePhox | hehe, "y"? | 09:48 |
sandrakatherine_ | a mucho gusto en conserte | 09:48 |
pozdiy | sandrakatherine_, use el asiento para flotar | 09:48 |
brubu | que tal? | 09:48 |
zaggynl | holy crap, ktorrent is sickening fast :o | 09:48 |
sandrakatherine_ | me yamo yohanna | 09:48 |
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epiloc_work | does anyone know the path to get to my windows network shares? I can do it through nautilous but trying to access through terminal | 09:49 |
sandrakatherine_ | que | 09:49 |
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sharperguy | NVidia Users: GUI does not load after kernel update | 09:49 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:49 |
misterPhyrePhox | so i'm having a bit of trouble installing ubuntu | 09:49 |
sharperguy | interesting i have nvidea and was not affected (i did get that update though) | 09:49 |
misterPhyrePhox | the graphical "wizard" doesn't really work on my slow slow system | 09:49 |
czer323 | sharperguy> I updated and I have nvidia as well. No issues here. | 09:50 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola que paso | 09:50 |
misterPhyrePhox | the guide in Installation/LowMemorySystems tells me to type "server" somewhere to do a base install | 09:50 |
misterPhyrePhox | but i don't know where to type it...? | 09:50 |
FluxD | brubu ^^^ No I did not | 09:50 |
neildarlow | misterPhyrePhox: have you tried the alternate install iso? | 09:50 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:50 |
sharperguy | czer323, its a paint because i had to download a whole new kernal for nothing | 09:50 |
kalif | misterPhyrePhox: at the first prompt | 09:50 |
sandrakatherine_ | que paso | 09:50 |
misterPhyrePhox | sorry? what alternate install iso? | 09:50 |
sharperguy | lol, paint = pain | 09:50 |
misterPhyrePhox | i've got a liveCD i got from a friend | 09:50 |
sandrakatherine_ | que paso | 09:50 |
pozdiy | sandrakatherine_, dancando lambada | 09:51 |
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Tinned_Tuna | erm, does anyone know where I may find the default GDM config? | 09:51 |
sharperguy | !alternate > misterPhyrePhox | 09:51 |
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sandrakatherine_ | queeee | 09:51 |
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misterPhyrePhox | ahh | 09:51 |
neildarlow | misterPhyrePhox: you can download an iso image that permits alternate/advanced installation options. it's called the alternate install iso | 09:51 |
Ansonmus | How can I enable the root account in Ubuntu ? | 09:51 |
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misterPhyrePhox | yeah, that'd be great... but unfortunately i have no CD burner | 09:51 |
vyrishkis | sveiki | 09:51 |
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brubu | FluxD and did not install any new kernel? | 09:51 |
Jowi | anyone's got firefox java plugin to work? i get error "/home/lib/i386/libjavaplugin_nscp.so: cannot open shared object file" of course it doesn't exist. how do I configure java to point to the correct location? | 09:51 |
misterPhyrePhox | is there no way to install from the CLI on my graphical liveCD? | 09:51 |
jastarafi` | unsure | 09:52 |
sandrakatherine_ | me yao sandra | 09:52 |
FluxD | brubru I installed some update | 09:52 |
FluxD | brubu I installed some update | 09:52 |
lophyte | misterPhyrePhox: you need the alternate CD if you want a text-mode installer | 09:52 |
sandrakatherine_ | que | 09:52 |
brubu | well | 09:52 |
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misterPhyrePhox | okay, thanks for your help | 09:52 |
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nox-Hand | Can someone help me get electricsheep to donwload quicker? | 09:52 |
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neildarlow | Ansonmus: you normally don't (use sudo instead) but if you must, just give root a password. | 09:52 |
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sandrakatherine_ | no si no me abla bien | 09:53 |
brubu | so I think that automatically grub put 2 kernel | 09:53 |
niruana | how do i open rar files? what do i need to install? | 09:53 |
osten | !twinview | 09:53 |
brubu | the ol and the new one | 09:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about twinview - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:53 |
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niruana | !winrar | 09:53 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about winrar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:53 |
niruana | !rar | 09:53 |
ubotu | rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 09:53 |
sandrakatherine_ | hoooolaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 09:53 |
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neildarlow | niruana: some package with unrar in its name :) | 09:53 |
qmf | i've still not had any luck in turning the tooltips off in gnome, anyone got any ideas? | 09:54 |
niruana | apt-get install rar ? | 09:54 |
EnsignRedshirt | sandrakatherine_: Para hablar espanol: #ubuntu-es | 09:54 |
niruana | !info unrar-free | 09:54 |
ubotu | unrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1-2 (dapper), package size 15 kB, installed size 84 kB | 09:54 |
pozdiy | !ubuntu-es | 09:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-es - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:54 |
sandrakatherine_ | que | 09:54 |
zaggynl | Anyone knows of a tool to periodically ping a host? | 09:54 |
zaggynl | something like wmpiki | 09:54 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:54 |
zaggynl | !ping | 09:54 |
ubotu | ping: connection timeout | 09:54 |
niruana | neildarlow: apt-get install rar ? | 09:54 |
zaggynl | heh | 09:54 |
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sandrakatherine_ | me boi ya | 09:55 |
neildarlow | zaggynl: cron ;) | 09:55 |
zaggynl | neighborlee, lol :P | 09:55 |
osten | Is it just me or is help.ubuntu.com slow (at least atm) | 09:55 |
zaggynl | neighborlee, a bit like this: http://dockapps.org/file.php/id/120 | 09:55 |
mininet | Ansonmus you can also just type (sudo /bin/bash) to run more commands as root with out typeing sudo before each one | 09:55 |
vyrishkis | ubuntu & audigy 4........ wer get drive | 09:55 |
zaggynl | but it isn't in the rep so meh | 09:55 |
klm- | do I need a plugin on xmms to play .mid's? | 09:55 |
Samuli^ | !realplayer > Samuli^ | 09:55 |
sandrakatherine_ | que paso | 09:55 |
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ChaosFan | !es | 09:55 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 09:55 |
botxj | que? | 09:55 |
Samuli^ | !deb realplayer > Samuli^ | 09:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about deb realplayer - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:56 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:56 |
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neighborlee | zaggynl, I dont recall messag'ing you but anyway..this url is leading to a blank website | 09:56 |
Samuli^ | umm, how do I get package info from ubuntu? | 09:56 |
pozdiy | sandrakatherine_, meterla de mira quien viene | 09:56 |
botxj | que? | 09:56 |
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MetaMorfoziS | hi all | 09:56 |
zaggynl | neighborlee, oops sorry, wrong named was tab completed | 09:56 |
botxj | hello person i've never seen before | 09:56 |
neighborlee | zaggynl, ahhh gotcha np ;) | 09:57 |
jazwec | hi...please, could anybody help me with choosing filesystem? im installing ubuntu after a long time and dont know which one is now the best... | 09:57 |
neildarlow | Samuli^: either dpkg or Add/Remove... Advanced/Search/Properties | 09:57 |
Bonzodog | ext3 | 09:57 |
Bonzodog | or reiserFS | 09:57 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:57 |
sandrakatherine_ | me yamo sandra | 09:57 |
botxj | here is how i do my file system /boot = ext2 and /<root> = ext3 | 09:57 |
EnsignRedshirt | jazwec: "Best" is relative, but... ext3 is fine. | 09:57 |
botxj | and i always give like 4GB partition for swap | 09:57 |
Bonzodog | heh..I have a 1 GB swap | 09:58 |
Bonzodog | never used | 09:58 |
botxj | same here man | 09:58 |
Samuli^ | neildarlow, I meant from ubotu. I know he can tell if a package is in multiverse, universe etc. and what version it is. | 09:58 |
botxj | i never use my swap | 09:58 |
kupesoft | Can I install packages for dapper on a breezy box (ie, breezy only has php 5.0 and I want 5.1 that dapper has) | 09:58 |
botxj | i have 3GB of ram | 09:58 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:58 |
EnsignRedshirt | botxj: That's why you never use your swap :) | 09:58 |
eztk | hi sandra | 09:58 |
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Thug_P | yo wzup | 09:58 |
kupesoft | Can I install packages for dapper on a breezy box (ie, breezy only has php 5.0 and I want 5.1 that dapper has)...? | 09:58 |
Thug_P | sandrakatherine do you have msn | 09:58 |
sandrakatherine_ | soy yo | 09:58 |
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sandrakatherine_ | sandra | 09:58 |
Thug_P | can you come online there | 09:58 |
botxj | EnsignRedshirt i know! isnt it great, ubuntu never even uses more than 40% of my ram | 09:59 |
jazwec | EnsignRedshirt i know anybody cant say "best"..but my english isnt that good to say everything i mind...so i have to use simple words | 09:59 |
Thug_P | yeah sandra | 09:59 |
Thug_P | why not | 09:59 |
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neildarlow | kupesoft: most likely not. the dependent libraries will be newer also | 09:59 |
Thug_P | thug_p6@hotmail.com | 09:59 |
Thug_P | bye | 09:59 |
sandrakatherine_ | tu ablas ingles | 09:59 |
RichardC | ive got a problem | 09:59 |
EnsignRedshirt | jazwec: I understand. I wasn't trying to be critical or anything. | 09:59 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola | 09:59 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 10:00 |
RichardC | i installed gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly and -ugly-multiverse, and now my sound no longer works | 10:00 |
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RichardC | i was following the instructions from ubuntuguide.org | 10:00 |
sandrakatherine_ | holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 10:00 |
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RichardC | ive tried restarting x, the computer, and even reinstalling all the gstreamer0.10-plugins | 10:00 |
jazwec | EnsignRedshirt i know...i just wanted to explain you how it is...so, now i have dilemma...ext3 or reiserfs...when i used ubuntu, i used ext3..but it was long time ago...so you say ext3, right? | 10:01 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 10:01 |
sandrakatherine_ | que paso | 10:01 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola | 10:01 |
Ansonmus | neildarlow: Ive tried "sudo passwd root" but he ask one password (enter) | 10:01 |
Ansonmus | neildarlow: and he doesn't ask for a new password | 10:02 |
sandrakatherine_ | na chao | 10:02 |
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neildarlow | Ansonmus: sudo is asking for your invoking user password to execute passwd | 10:02 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 10:03 |
jay | hey all | 10:03 |
sandrakatherine_ | hola | 10:03 |
Siphroma_ | Anyone know why frostwire would not start and not give me an error message | 10:04 |
sandrakatherine_ | chao | 10:04 |
Ansonmus | neildarlow: tx. I thougt it was the old root password | 10:04 |
sandrakatherine_ | chaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 10:04 |
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jay | I need help nailing down a troublesome computers problem | 10:04 |
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jay | siphroma: install JRE2.0 | 10:04 |
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Siphroma_ | Thank Jay | 10:05 |
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jay | No worries | 10:05 |
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sandrakatherine_ | hola | 10:06 |
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theBishop | is there a way to get the soundrecorder to "capture" PCM sound exactly as it is processed on the soundcard? | 10:06 |
jay | I have a computer that gives the gnome-panel segmentation faults and dbus and hal are crashing... off a base install, updated with automatix and ubuntu updates | 10:06 |
karsten-ib | Running xubuntu on an iBook. How do I: get pageup/pagedown, get l/r/m mouse button equivalents? | 10:07 |
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zaggynl | is there a way to use ebuilds in ubuntu? | 10:07 |
neildarlow | someone point sandrakatherine to #ubuntu-es in spanish, please :) | 10:07 |
eztk | lol @ neil | 10:07 |
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karsten-ib | jay: Did the system run something else well previously? | 10:08 |
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eztk | Hola SandraKatherine. Usted debe ir a acanalar #ubuntu-es | 10:08 |
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eztk | Maybe that will work. | 10:09 |
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Jamminpotato | is there an edgy repo for automatix? | 10:10 |
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karsten-ib | Jamminpotato: universe/multiverse perhaps? | 10:10 |
Rawplayer | hi, is the official ubuntu book recommended for ubuntu certification? | 10:11 |
jay | karsten-ib: it ran windows and quit one day, random reboots, - then wouldn't reinstall windows... so I suggested ubuntu as this is a friends comp that I fix. I run it at home no probs... - this one worked for the first day and then problems start.. random ones.. this is the thrid reinstall... I'm now getting these errors... trying to track them down this time and see if I can fix them.. was thinking of killing power management... | 10:11 |
niruana | ?exit | 10:11 |
Jamminpotato | karsten-ib, no there is a www.getautomatix. w/e dapper repo | 10:11 |
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karsten-ib | jay: Sounds like it might be HW issues. | 10:11 |
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karsten-ib | jay: As in, it's w/in the realm of possibility. | 10:11 |
comtech | jay: hardware | 10:11 |
mrtaran12345 | not sure if this is the right room for this, but anyone have experience using nvidia card on a laptop... hotkey for external monitor? | 10:12 |
daxxar | I'm having some problems resizing an ext3-partition after a LV-resize (under LVM): sudo resize2fs /dev/main/storage gives me "/dev/main/storage is mounted; can't resize a mounted filesystem!", sudo umount /dev/main/storage gives me "umount: /dev/main/storage: not mounted" (and I umounted it manually previously, without any warnings or errors) | 10:12 |
karsten-ib | jay: otherwise, strace on the processes to see why they're quitting, whether or not they're consistent. | 10:12 |
comtech | mrtaran12345, hotkey doesn't work | 10:12 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: its working for me | 10:12 |
zaggynl | I miss wmpiki :( | 10:12 |
comtech | mrtaran12345, you need to setup the xorg.conf file | 10:12 |
comtech | mrtaran12345, really? mine doesn't | 10:12 |
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mrtaran12345 | comtech: are you using toshiba? | 10:12 |
jay | karsten-ib: likely - trying to see if I can make linux work around it for now until the problem can be fixed - guy doesn't have money to replace said hardware right now.. I think it's either the ram or the mobo | 10:12 |
karsten-ib | Jamminpotato: "w/e" == ?? | 10:13 |
daxxar | Anyone have any suggestions? | 10:13 |
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karsten-ib | jay: Maybe try Knoppix as a test base. Should eliminate any SW possibilities. | 10:13 |
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TU | woo. | 10:13 |
b0ysc0ut | engage with ubuntu?anybody? | 10:13 |
TU | eftyedge is looking very spiffy | 10:13 |
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Jamminpotato | karsten-ib, some more stuff in the url | 10:13 |
zaggynl | I wish this tool was in the rep: http://dockapps.org/file.php/id/120 | 10:13 |
willy | hi | 10:13 |
jay | karsten-ib: sounds like a plan | 10:13 |
zaggynl | So much dockapps but not wmpiki :( | 10:13 |
comtech | mrtaran12345, dell | 10:14 |
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neildarlow | TU: does it use compwiz? | 10:14 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: i booted up and my 21" popped up etc... but its not using it's own config.. its using generic or my laptop's config because i dont know how to set the external monitor's config to "external monitor" | 10:14 |
karsten-ib | Jamminpotato: Sec. copy/paste doesn't work (my problem): iBook, one mouse button. | 10:14 |
Jamminpotato | karsten-ib, dont sweat it i just ran it and it says it doesnt work with edgy yet | 10:14 |
karsten-ib | Feck. Or pageup.... | 10:15 |
zaggynl | Could someone put this in the repository: http://ftp.tiscali.nl/gentoo-portage/x11-plugins/wmpiki/ ? | 10:15 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: its using my laptop's resolution of 1200x780 | 10:15 |
zaggynl | I really loved it when using Gentoo, but I'm going Ubuntu now :> | 10:15 |
comtech | mrtaran12345, you need to setup xorg.conf for that. Does your hotkey work to switch when you're already in X? | 10:15 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: im using dell inspiron 8500 | 10:15 |
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TU | neildarlow, i am not. | 10:15 |
TU | and mwping is crappy | 10:15 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: i cant switch out of it when im in X | 10:15 |
zaggynl | mwping? | 10:15 |
epiloc_work | anyone know how i can browse my windows shared folders fom a terminal? | 10:15 |
TU | mwpiki | 10:15 |
zaggynl | It's not crap :( | 10:16 |
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w30 | Is there any application that will let me change a partition label form core3 back to "/". Qparted let me change the label from "/" to "core3" but it won't let me change it back to "/". It says we don't let you label a partition "/" anymore. | 10:16 |
zaggynl | I don't want to ping by hand, just start this tool and check now and then | 10:16 |
epiloc_work | what is the path to my windows network? | 10:16 |
epiloc_work | from the terminal | 10:16 |
mrtaran12345 | mrtaran12345: i guess it sees that i have an external and it uses it.. but how would i add resolution config to it ... i have a long line of config prepared for the big external | 10:16 |
zaggynl | TU, tell me why it's crap :P | 10:16 |
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mrtaran12345 | err comtech! hehe | 10:16 |
epiloc_work | like, how would i access the workgroup. computer A, etc? | 10:16 |
TU | it uses a console command in the source | 10:16 |
=== BD [n=pontuslp@lund-kc50-sr0-vl100-56-058.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
zaggynl | Which is bad? | 10:16 |
TU | it should just send an actual ping command from the actual source | 10:17 |
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TU | hell yea. | 10:17 |
TU | thats dumb. | 10:17 |
zaggynl | It's just a gui wrapper around the console ping command | 10:17 |
eille-la | hi, I currently have wine 0.9.21 installed via aptitude. I want to downgrade to the 0.9.20 version. /var/cache/apt/archives/wine_0.9.20~winehq0~ubuntu~6.06-1_i386.deb still exists but I can't use apt-get to reinstall it. i read the man page but apt-get install wine=0.9.20 does not work. are files kept in the download cache are still usable with apt-get? | 10:17 |
zaggynl | well actually that's just what I need | 10:17 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech*: i guess it sees that i have an external and it uses it.. but how would i add resolution config to it ... i have a long line of config prepared for the big external | 10:17 |
BD | can you format discs in the installer? | 10:19 |
=== neighborlee is away: Im away for the moment, please dont wait up for me ;-) | ||
mrtaran12345 | comtech: do you use twinmode? | 10:19 |
zaggynl | BD: yeah | 10:19 |
BD | sweet | 10:19 |
comtech | mrtaran12345, yeah | 10:19 |
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zaggynl | BD: You do mean the Ubuntu installer right? | 10:19 |
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comtech | mrtaran12345, you need to setup two device profiles and two monitor profiles in xorg.conf | 10:20 |
comtech | there is good documentation in the nvidia drivers | 10:20 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: i did that already.. but how would i link them to the xorglayout etc? | 10:20 |
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mrtaran12345 | the hotkey would guy which is which? | 10:21 |
comtech | mrtaran12345, it's all in the readme | 10:21 |
mrtaran12345 | i read a lot about twinmode not a lot about hotkey | 10:21 |
mrtaran12345 | i read the whole readme thx | 10:21 |
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comtech | my hotkey doesn't work at all.. I have an inspiron 510 0though | 10:21 |
comtech | 5100 | 10:21 |
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mrtaran12345 | the readme doesnt say how to use different config for your external monitor in hotkey | 10:21 |
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comtech | mrtaran12345, the readme for sure gives instructions on setting it up | 10:21 |
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ruzgar | !.deb | 10:21 |
ubotu | deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click on them (Ubuntu) or right-click and select Kubuntu Package Menu->install (Kubuntu) | 10:21 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: only for twinmode it gives good instructions for that | 10:22 |
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comtech | mrtaran12345, it's the same config file.. you just need to add another device and another monitor then setup the screen and serverlayout to reflect those | 10:22 |
ruzgar | how can i install a .deb pack in ubuntu 5.10 | 10:22 |
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comtech | ruzgar, sudo dpkg whatever.deb | 10:22 |
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ruzgar | ok | 10:22 |
mrtaran12345 | comtech: ill switch to twinmode | 10:23 |
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NET||abuse | hey, anyone know of a good windows network browser? | 10:28 |
NET||abuse | can't get a network/host listing on windows network here | 10:28 |
sureshot | what is good to use 2 monitors as one desktop | 10:29 |
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Ricesteam | In nautilus I closed the "folder explorer" on the left side by accident. How do I renable it ? | 10:31 |
ANT_MAN | Hello all | 10:31 |
ANT_MAN | does anyone have experience setting up WILDFIRE on a Windows box? | 10:31 |
Cyball | hi @all i've a little problem ... i had 5.10 installed and everything was allright after installing 6.06 my wlan does not work and after aktivate it my keybord does not work anybody know this error ??? | 10:31 |
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CrippsFX | wait ... what happened to lilo? | 10:32 |
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w30 | Ricesteam, click on view in nutulus and click the button side pane | 10:33 |
w30 | nutlus/nautilus | 10:34 |
theBeno | w30, You've got a second? | 10:34 |
Ricesteam | w30: thanks | 10:34 |
Justy | Hello | 10:34 |
theBeno | Does anyone know what the easiest way to get a Virtual Machine running is? | 10:34 |
theBeno | VMWare, Xen, Qemu, etc? | 10:34 |
sureshot | what is a good package to use 2 monitors as one desktop in ubuntu 6.06 | 10:35 |
Justy | I have a Intel PRO Wireless 2200BG and I want to connect to ASUS AAM6020VI via WPA | 10:35 |
Justy | but cannot... | 10:35 |
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Justy | can anyone help? | 10:35 |
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CrippsFX | sureshot, no package ... just use Xinerama with xorg ... there's plenty of how-to's on that subject. | 10:35 |
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wirah | we might need just a _little_ more detail Justy | 10:35 |
sureshot | just google it you say | 10:35 |
=== Shanghaiteej [n=localbob@cpe-24-165-117-109.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
theBeno | Justy, i've got a ipw2200 wireless card too. | 10:36 |
theBeno | Justy, what's the problem? | 10:36 |
wirah | theBeno - VMWare is easy and works great | 10:36 |
Justy | theBeno: can you connect via WPA? | 10:36 |
theBeno | Justy, Yeah I have my wireless WPA and works great. | 10:36 |
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Justy | I just cannot connect network manager did show NO wireless connections | 10:36 |
Shanghaiteej | does anyone know where i can get a .deb file for personal security manager so i can transfer it over to another computer that does not have internet access | 10:36 |
Justy | theBeno: how did you make your card work? | 10:37 |
Shanghaiteej | mozilla-psm to be exact | 10:37 |
Justy | theBeno: I have been working for 2 days.. | 10:37 |
theBeno | Nothing, it was flawless on install. | 10:37 |
CrippsFX | I'm running Ubuntu x86 on an x86_64 machine ... I have a bcm4318 card installed, and I'm using the bcm43xx native driver. It's been kind of dodgy for me ... right now I'm sitting on top of my AP and with the interface up running "iwlist eth1 scanning" returns no results. Has anyone else run into this? if it helps, I'm runningkernel version 2.6.15-26-386 | 10:37 |
Justy | theBeno: But the result is i am unsuccessful | 10:37 |
w30 | theBeno, Xen seems to be up and coming, but I have never used it. | 10:37 |
=== MenZa` [n=menza@0x535de899.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Justy | theBeno: http://justyy.by.ru | 10:38 |
theBeno | wirah, but I don't really want a vm that requires a licence... That's why I don't want to run vmware server... | 10:38 |
Justy | theBeno: http://justyy.by.ru/wpa.txt | 10:38 |
Cyball | hi can anybody help me please with WLAN ??? my WLAN does not work on 6.06 but on 5.10 on 6.06 my keyboard does not work anymore after activating wlan | 10:38 |
kalif | theBeno: Qemu doesn't do virtual machines | 10:38 |
kalif | it emulates | 10:38 |
sureshot | thanks man | 10:38 |
=== Goshawk [n=vincenzo@d83-176-7-241.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Justy | theBeno: can we talk on private? | 10:38 |
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Justy | theBeno: I really need you :( | 10:38 |
CrippsFX | Cyball, it's possible that help could be given ... provided you wanted to give out more information on the problem. | 10:38 |
drjnet | so whats this linux ive been hearing about then? | 10:39 |
CrippsFX | drjnet, what do you want to know about it? | 10:39 |
drjnet | is it the new version of windows? | 10:39 |
CrippsFX | drjnet, far, far from it. | 10:39 |
theBeno | Justy, my card just worked from install. | 10:39 |
drjnet | joke.... i love ubuntu | 10:39 |
sureshot | bite your tounge man LOLOL | 10:39 |
theBeno | I've got a Toshiba Satellite M35-S456 | 10:39 |
CrippsFX | drjnet, crazy mofo :P | 10:40 |
Shanghaiteej | i'm sorry for repeating, but does anyone know where i can download mozilla PSM other than apt-getting it? | 10:40 |
theBeno | kalif, Have you used xen or vmware? | 10:40 |
drjnet | mwahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 10:40 |
sureshot | try synaptic do a search for it | 10:40 |
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Justy | theBeno: what install ? | 10:40 |
CrippsFX | Shanghaiteej, why would you want to do it any other way? | 10:40 |
Shanghaiteej | well, i have and know it's on synaptic | 10:41 |
Cyball | CrippsFX: i've a Intel Wireless PRO Mini PCI WLAN 802.11b/g card inside | 10:41 |
theBeno | Justy, Ubuntu 6.06 LTS | 10:41 |
qmf | can anyone suggest a decent screen video capture application? | 10:41 |
Shanghaiteej | well, my sister needs to get ona college network | 10:41 |
TEN | The other day I discovered there's a bug somewhere in CUPS/foomatic-rip causing (X)Ubuntu 6.06.1 not print anything but PostScript. While I've reported it at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/60931, I wonder why no-one seems to have figured out where a variable or escaping is missing. (I'm a hundred miles away from the machine -and printer- most of the time, a fact which doesn't exactly help with debugging ;-)) | 10:41 |
Shanghaiteej | and she can't access the internet from her computer, so no synaptic | 10:41 |
Justy | theBeno: omg does Ubuntu 6.06 LTS supports WPA standart? | 10:41 |
kalif | theBeno: I use VMware every day | 10:41 |
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i4get | Shanghaiteej> if you know which repository its on then just go to it via web | 10:41 |
Shanghaiteej | so i have to transfer the deb file to her computer with a flash drive | 10:41 |
CrippsFX | Cyball, you will also have to explain "doesn't work." "Doesn't work" can describe anything from "the dog peed on it" to "I didn't turn it on" | 10:41 |
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Justy | theBeno: did you get it right not WEP, WPA.. | 10:41 |
kalif | it's my job | 10:41 |
bikstopa_ | hi | 10:41 |
CrippsFX | Shanghaiteej, have you tried checking out the mozilla website? | 10:42 |
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theBeno | Justy, have you got your card working on an unencrypted network? | 10:42 |
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Shanghaiteej | crippsfx: yes i have, and can't find a .deb for it, is there a way to find the .deb package from somewhere on my computer if i downloaded it from synaptic? Like in the temporary files or something? | 10:42 |
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theBeno | kalif, VMWare server? | 10:43 |
theBeno | or just vmware player? | 10:43 |
Justy | theBeno: I could work perfect on WEP before... | 10:43 |
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GNAM | do you want to crash firefox? http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/ffoxdie.html | 10:43 |
Cyball | CrippsFX: after activating wlan with Network Utility my Keybord does not work any more i can not call ALT+F2 or ALT+F4 or do any input in terminal or any text file so i have to restart the notebook | 10:43 |
Shanghaiteej | i4get: i've tried to do that, but i can't find the exact files | 10:43 |
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eugman | Anyone know how to set up clamassassin with evolution? | 10:44 |
CrippsFX | Shanghaiteej, ahh ... there's the qualifier ... you want to download it AND it has to be a deb. well, as i4get said, you can just find out where it is on the given repo and download it. | 10:44 |
darknido | Where can I find disk image for ubuntu and kubuntu 6.06 to print onto printable disks? | 10:44 |
Shanghaiteej | crippsfx: i've gone to the repo sites and i can't find any deb files...i will try again... | 10:45 |
CrippsFX | darknido, check out the FAQs in the topic. they'll point you to other documentation, and ubuntu mirrors. | 10:45 |
kalif | theBeno: VMware Server and ESX | 10:45 |
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theBeno | Justy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26623 | 10:46 |
CrippsFX | Cyball, have you tried enabling the wireless via the terminal instead? it *might* make a difference ... if not, you can check out the kernel logfile and see if there's any errors with address conflicts. | 10:46 |
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theBeno | kalif, so you registered with vmware and got the licence and keys? | 10:47 |
Cyball | CrippsFX: how can i enable wlan with terminal is there an tutorial for that ??? | 10:47 |
CrippsFX | kalif, VMWare released a free server ... (not the ESX) ... should be able to build a *.deb from the source | 10:47 |
Justy | theBeno: omg i have searched all wpa included topics :s but what is it ! THANKS VERY MUCH =)! | 10:47 |
earthian | does anybody here use gFTP ?? do you know if the file transfers in the queue could be automatically resumed next time i start gFTP after i clos it? | 10:47 |
kalif | theBeno: yes - I think so | 10:47 |
theBeno | Justy, no prob | 10:47 |
Cyball | CrippsFX: where can i find the kernel logfiles ??? | 10:47 |
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kalif | (i have acces to unlimited lilcenses so I don't really pay attention :)) | 10:48 |
theBeno | kalif, Have you had vmware installed for a long time then? | 10:48 |
kalif | yes | 10:48 |
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kalif | 2 years or so | 10:48 |
theBeno | kalif, What version of ubuntu are you running? | 10:48 |
kalif | 6.06 | 10:48 |
CrippsFX | Cyball, there's tutorials all over the net for it ... it's pretty simple ... just run "ifconfig wlan0 up; iwconfig wlan0 essid default; dhclient wlan0;" where "wlan0" is your interface name, and "default" is the ssid of your wireless network. | 10:48 |
sureshot | is there any free vmserver software a person can use | 10:48 |
theBeno | So you just upgrade distros with the cds? | 10:48 |
kalif | CrippsFX: I guess it's possible, but I haven't done it | 10:48 |
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darknido | Where do I find the disk lables for ubuntu and kubuntu 6.06 for my cd? | 10:48 |
CrippsFX | Cyball, they should be somewhere in the /var directory | 10:48 |
theBeno | kalif, So you just upgrade distros with the cds? | 10:48 |
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earthian | does anybody here use gFTP ?? do you know if the file transfers in the queue could be automatically resumed next time i start gFTP after i clos it? | 10:49 |
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caliban | plz help me | 10:49 |
CrippsFX | kalif, yeah, when I was on fedora I used the rpm they had available ... it was decent. | 10:49 |
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kalif | theBeno: No - I chance laptops every 6 months or so | 10:49 |
caliban | i'm problem to open cdrom! | 10:49 |
asmo674hurt | How to add new Mouse pointer? | 10:49 |
natascia | Son giusta? | 10:49 |
kalif | theBeno: but I guess I would be easy to upgrade | 10:49 |
CrippsFX | asmo674hurt, in english, the syntax for that statement is: How do I ass a new Mouse pointer?" | 10:49 |
theBeno | kalif, so you just reinstall? | 10:50 |
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ruzgar | !java | 10:50 |
ubotu | java is an object oriented programming language. To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 10:50 |
CrippsFX | caliban. no help without information. | 10:50 |
kalif | theBeno: Yes: new version come out so often | 10:50 |
caliban | CrippsFX | 10:50 |
theBeno | Cool | 10:50 |
CrippsFX | Shanghaiteej, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/mozilla-psm | 10:50 |
kalif | I just grab the tar.gz- version and run it | 10:50 |
asmo674hurt | CrippsFX, "ass" ? | 10:50 |
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CrippsFX | asmo674hurt, er ... "add" | 10:51 |
phreakysz | hi | 10:51 |
caliban | CrippsFX: my problem is mount: block device /dev/hdd is write-protected, mounting read-only | 10:51 |
caliban | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdd, | 10:51 |
caliban | missing codepage or other error | 10:51 |
caliban | in some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 10:51 |
caliban | dmesg | tail or so | 10:51 |
CrippsFX | heh ... typo. | 10:51 |
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phreakysz | im trying to use a new dsdt for my acer aspire 1692. Dl'ed a custom dsdt, made an initrd of it in /boot, and changed grub entry to use the new initrd. It hangs now on initializing the acpi module! ;( | 10:51 |
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phreakysz | plz help? | 10:51 |
asmo674hurt | How do I add a new Mouse pointer??? | 10:51 |
paolo | hi.. | 10:51 |
CrippsFX | caliban, two things: 1) don't paste in the channel. that's what pastebins are for. 2)that's not what you asked when you came in. | 10:52 |
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earthian | :S | 10:52 |
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i4get | <Shanghaiteej> http://packages.debian.org/unstable/web/mozilla-psm | 10:52 |
Shanghaiteej | crippsfx: thank you | 10:52 |
CrippsFX | someone REALLY needs to add this to the Topic: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html | 10:52 |
earthian | i wonder if gFTP client saves download queues? | 10:53 |
CrippsFX | Shanghaiteej, no problem :) | 10:53 |
caliban | CrippsFX: sorry, i'm crazy, i cant accs my cdrom :( .. all time i see this error | 10:53 |
i4get | lol | 10:53 |
asmo674hurt | How do I add a new Mouse pointer??? | 10:53 |
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i4get | <CrippsFX> just saw your post ;-) | 10:53 |
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Shanghaiteej | i4get: thank you as well, both you guys are awesome | 10:54 |
CrippsFX | caliban, that basically tells me that it's mounting the CD as read-only. That means that you find out where it's mounted and access the files from it. You just can't write to it, which is standard behaviour for CD-ROM media that already have data written to them. | 10:54 |
CrippsFX | i4get, my post about what? *confused* :D | 10:54 |
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CrippsFX | i4get, the smart questions one? | 10:54 |
sureshot | hey all is there any free vm software a person could download to play with and learn | 10:54 |
asmo674hurt | How do I add a new Mouse pointer??? | 10:55 |
CrippsFX | sureshot, yes. check out the vmware website to find it. | 10:55 |
asmo674hurt | plzz! | 10:55 |
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sureshot | is that the www.vmware.com | 10:55 |
sureshot | by the way call me stupid sorry to ask | 10:55 |
wirah | sureshot - yes, you'll want vmware server | 10:55 |
CrippsFX | asmo674hurt, patience. adding "plzz" will make anyone who knows just grow impatient with you. While you're waiting, search google. | 10:55 |
CrippsFX | sureshot, sure is :) | 10:55 |
sureshot | thanks man retired and just trying to keep myself busy | 10:55 |
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CrippsFX | sureshot, no problem. come back in anytime ... ask queastions ... learn ... just ask good questions ;) | 10:56 |
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PiedotTaste | hi | 10:56 |
caliban | CrippsFX: i dont know wat i've to do :S | 10:56 |
sureshot | ok sorry :} i watch all the time | 10:56 |
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kalif | sureshot: on ubuntu you'll need to install build-essential and linux-headers-`uname -r` to get it running | 10:56 |
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sureshot | ok is there a good howto with it | 10:57 |
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paolo | i has a problem with a laser epson, mod (epl-6200l) | 10:57 |
caliban | CrippsFX: i changed fstab, but, havent success | 10:57 |
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paolo | can yuo help me? | 10:57 |
sureshot | kalif thanks man you all in here are good people .. the ms helpdesk could learn a few things by just watching this | 10:58 |
PseudoPlacebo | From Ubuntu-server, how do I install a window manager, preferably Fluxbox or xfce? | 10:58 |
CrippsFX | caliban, "cat /etc/fstab" on the line that says "/dev/hdd" there is a directory listed. that's where your cdrom will be mounted. most likely it will be "/media/cdrom" ... then go here: http://doc.vic.computerbank.org.au/tutorials/linuxdirectorystructure/ and read | 10:58 |
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CrippsFX | caliban, don't CHANGE fstab! | 10:58 |
kalif | sureshot: :) | 10:58 |
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CrippsFX | I said "look at it" not "change it" | 10:59 |
=== CrippsFX beats his head against the brick wall | ||
kalif | PseudoPlacebo: I compiled fluxbos myself | 10:59 |
kalif | fluxbox | 10:59 |
Shanghaiteej | how do i find my MAC address for my wireless card? | 10:59 |
paolo | it dont stamp.. | 10:59 |
kalif | Shanghaiteej: ifconf | 10:59 |
kalif | ig | 10:59 |
CrippsFX | kalif, that must've taken all of 3 minutes ;) | 10:59 |
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kalif | :) | 10:59 |
PseudoPlacebo | kalif: Yeah, thanks, but how? | 10:59 |
Shanghaiteej | thank you | 10:59 |
kalif | follew the readme | 10:59 |
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kalif | ./configure; make; make install | 11:00 |
philc | I just added my own script to init.d; how can I tell ubuntu to start it on startup? | 11:00 |
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Shanghaiteej | ifconf is not a recognized command | 11:00 |
paolo | i runn mepis 6.0 | 11:00 |
Shanghaiteej | and i sudo'd it | 11:00 |
kalif | Shanghaiteej: ifconfig | 11:00 |
Shanghaiteej | ahh | 11:00 |
kalif | sorry | 11:00 |
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DeMoNSeEd | for what it's worth, another interesting review of 6.06 at http://www.gotux.org/ | 11:00 |
Shanghaiteej | no problem, i appreciate it | 11:00 |
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kalif | PseudoPlacebo: there might be a .deb available | 11:01 |
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kalif | but really: Openbox is the way to go these days, as I've heard it | 11:01 |
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CrippsFX | kalif, hm. haven't heard of openbox. | 11:02 |
caliban | CrippsFX: is: /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 00 | 11:02 |
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pianoboy3333 | Where do the desktop wallpaper pictures get stored when you import them? | 11:02 |
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CrippsFX | caliban, should be good. | 11:03 |
CrippsFX | caliban, that's what mine has. | 11:03 |
natascia | ma scrivono tutti in inglese | 11:03 |
Cyball | CrippsFX: i tried now to connect wlan with terminal but it said me No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leasess in persistend database | 11:04 |
caliban | CrippsFX: i dont know wats happen, because, i'm using ubuntun 5.10 is normal, when i upgrade to 6.06 happen this | 11:04 |
pianoboy3333 | natascia: espanol? | 11:04 |
jrib | !it | 11:04 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 11:04 |
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pianoboy3333 | jrib: sometimes I can't tell the difference | 11:05 |
CrippsFX | Cyball, I'm having a similar problem with my card ... but I don't think that my solution will work with your card when I find one. Sorry, I can't help any further. | 11:05 |
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jrib | pianoboy3333: I remember tutti is italian, and I have a nice irssi plugin to tell me the location of a person :) | 11:05 |
xenoborg | interesting ubuntu information on this site -> http://mrroot.homelinux.org/wordpress/ | 11:05 |
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pianoboy3333 | jrib: awsome | 11:05 |
CrippsFX | caliban, the cdrom will be mounted to /media/cdrom or /media/cdrom0 .... if you need to access the files on your CD, check that directory. | 11:06 |
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CrippsFX | jrib, lol. | 11:06 |
caliban | CrippsFX: /media/cdrom0 | 11:06 |
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CrippsFX | caliban, are the files on your cd in there? | 11:06 |
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Skaag | I have a TwinView setup and applications open up on the TV instead of my CRT, any idea how to fix this? | 11:07 |
comtech | can anyone advise me how to get my samba shares (shares on a ubuntu machine) to automatically mount on some XP machines? they always give me the "failed to reconnect network drives" error and I have to type the password | 11:07 |
caliban | CrippsFX: i'd try every type cds... music, programs, linux,.. etc | 11:07 |
=== effer [n=effer___@68-184-133-6.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Skaag | comtech: that sounds like a windows issue rather than ubuntu | 11:08 |
CrippsFX | caliban, answer the question. | 11:08 |
Skaag | comtech: i'm sure samba will gladly share your stuff given the correct permissions. | 11:08 |
effer | help! my ATI drivers have worked fine since install...now, all the sudden, when i type fglrxinfo in console, it's back to Mesa! how do i fix this? | 11:08 |
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CrippsFX | effer, you probably did a kernel update. follow the how to to get the drivers set up again. | 11:08 |
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effer | !ati | 11:08 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 11:09 |
effer | CrippsFX, thanks :) | 11:09 |
CrippsFX | effer, no problem. It's happened to me too :) | 11:09 |
NET||abuse | So if i want to connect to a windows network, find a lists of machines, and list their shares,, what can i do?? | 11:09 |
caliban | CrippsFX, yep!!! there is files in the cd | 11:09 |
CrippsFX | NET||abuse, you could try man samba ;) | 11:09 |
NET||abuse | samba is to much work, i'm a tech under pressure | 11:10 |
NET||abuse | i need a quick fix, a handy tool | 11:10 |
CrippsFX | caliban, no problem then. There was no problem in the first place, you needed to look in the right directory. | 11:10 |
CrippsFX | NET||abuse, from a linuxbox? | 11:10 |
NET||abuse | CrippsFX: okok, ill read samba :) | 11:10 |
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Alucard | I'm wanting to know how to install a .gz file? | 11:11 |
=== MeTa [n=sajt@53d8290b.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alucard | I downloaded avi player and like most things I download it's just sitting on my desktop. | 11:11 |
pianoboy3333 | Alucard: you don't install .gz files, gz are similar to .zip files | 11:11 |
pianoboy3333 | Alucard: are they tar.gz files? | 11:11 |
briguyd | Alucard, you need to unarchive it | 11:11 |
CrippsFX | NET||abuse, check out this page: http://www.freeos.com/articles/4310/ ... scroll down until you see the non-samba alternatives | 11:11 |
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briguyd | Alucard, it's like a .zip file | 11:11 |
NET||abuse | CrippsFX: cheers, i'll check that out | 11:12 |
FirstStrike | gz = gunzip | 11:12 |
FirstStrike | you have to extract the files | 11:12 |
CrippsFX | NET||abuse, you're welcome :) | 11:12 |
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briguyd | Alucard, under gnome, right click the files and hit "extract here" | 11:12 |
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phaedrus444 | what is that funny little command to see hd and free space? | 11:12 |
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Alucard | okay i extracted | 11:12 |
briguyd | err... i think thats what it says, im not 100% sure | 11:12 |
CrippsFX | phaedrus44, df -lh | 11:12 |
wirah | df -aTh | 11:12 |
wirah | phaedrus444 | 11:12 |
Alucard | i just don't know what file is comparable to a .exe file if any at all. | 11:12 |
Jowi | I need a ginneypig to test my vnc server. your browser must support and have a working java plugin. | 11:12 |
briguyd | Alucard, you might have to compile from source | 11:12 |
phaedrus444 | ok thanks a million | 11:12 |
caliban | CrippsFX, if i get in the /cdrom, is empty... | 11:13 |
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CrippsFX | Alucard, ELF binaries usually don't have extensions. | 11:13 |
w30 | phaedrus44, df | 11:13 |
CrippsFX | caliban, that's because it's not mounting to /cdrom | 11:13 |
briguyd | Alucard, in the directory you just made, is there a file called "configure"? | 11:13 |
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Alucard | yeah i tried that fil | 11:13 |
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Alucard | e | 11:13 |
CrippsFX | caliban, if you're confused, read "man mount" and "man fstab" | 11:13 |
Alucard | it just brings up a document | 11:13 |
briguyd | ok, you need to compile the program | 11:13 |
briguyd | open up a terminal | 11:13 |
briguyd | do you know how to do that? | 11:14 |
Alucard | yeah | 11:14 |
Alucard | I just *hoped* it didn't have to be done through terminal | 11:14 |
briguyd | then type sudo apt-get install build-essential | 11:14 |
Alucard | haha | 11:14 |
=== fildo [n=fildo@c220-239-236-78.livrp1.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yary | hello all | 11:14 |
briguyd | type your password and tell me when that finishes | 11:14 |
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Alucard | "couldn't find package build terminal" | 11:14 |
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briguyd | "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 11:15 |
pozdiy | I need to convert a mpg video into some other format , what are most popular video converters under ubuntu? | 11:15 |
briguyd | no quotes | 11:15 |
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caliban | CrippsFX, i do backup fstab to 5.10, now i see, is = | 11:15 |
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Alucard | Okay, it's installing packages | 11:15 |
briguyd | ok, tell me when its done | 11:15 |
MattJ | Hey all | 11:15 |
wirah | pozdiy - ffmpeg | 11:15 |
Alucard | ty for the help btw. | 11:16 |
briguyd | any time | 11:16 |
MattJ | I'm setting up a HTTP server | 11:16 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | How do I print from GIMP? I don't see any print option | 11:16 |
MattJ | It can't bind to port 80, unless running as root | 11:16 |
MattJ | How to get around this? | 11:16 |
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wirah | that's normal | 11:16 |
wirah | ports 0 - 1024 are reserved for root | 11:16 |
MattJ | I know | 11:16 |
MattJ | and I don't want the server process running as root | 11:16 |
h4ch3r | http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=32976 | 11:17 |
Alucard | ookay it's done | 11:17 |
=== th1ef [n=th1ef@adsl-2-212.cytanet.com.cy] has joined #ubuntu | ||
MattJ | But, how can I set it up another way? | 11:17 |
wirah | if you were to run the process under an account with root priviledges, you could bind to 80 | 11:17 |
briguyd | Alucard, ok, now cd to the directory you just made by extracting those files | 11:17 |
th1ef | with what program can i play avi mpeg movies? | 11:17 |
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MattJ | That's not a wise thing to do with a web server | 11:17 |
wirah | th1ef - totem-gstreamer | 11:17 |
briguyd | type "cd (whatever that folder is)" without quotes or parentheses | 11:17 |
Alucard | sudo apt..? what | 11:17 |
pozdiy | wirah, tnx | 11:17 |
wirah | MattJ - good point | 11:17 |
finalbeta_ | Where do I report a translation error for edgy? It's in the dutch main menu's. | 11:17 |
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MattJ | :) | 11:18 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | MattJ: Even if the server runs as root, the users have www-data permissions only | 11:18 |
briguyd | Alucard, you in the directory yet? | 11:18 |
MattJ | What useres? | 11:18 |
eyequeue | i hope everyone here has a short uptime! | 11:18 |
MattJ | This is a HTTP server | 11:18 |
Alucard | Im in the folder and in terimal | 11:18 |
Alucard | terminal* | 11:18 |
=== flipfone [n=flipfone@seymour-cuda1-24-49-173-22.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | you need to cd (change directory) to the folder you just extracted everything to | 11:18 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | I mean the scripts and such. | 11:18 |
wirah | hm, apache runs as www-data on my machines | 11:19 |
th1ef | wirah where i can find it? | 11:19 |
tuxub | has someone made it to install gnome-catalog | 11:19 |
MattJ | Yeah, apache starts as root, but switches after startup | 11:19 |
Alucard | so what command is that sudo cd desktop/avi ? | 11:19 |
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tuxub | ? | 11:19 |
=== sess [n=kamui@ip70-171-82-42.no.no.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wirah | th1ef - "sudo apt-get install totem-gstreamer" I believe | 11:19 |
wirah | or look in synaptic | 11:19 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | wirah <- thats what I mean, what he said... | 11:19 |
fildo | morning | 11:20 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | MattJ: so what's wrong with that? | 11:20 |
briguyd | Alucard, no, type into the terminal "cd (the directory)" with no sudo, no quotes, and no parentheses | 11:20 |
MattJ | I'm not using Apache :) | 11:20 |
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wirah | what are you using? | 11:20 |
yary | excuse me, i'm new. How can i install files .package? | 11:20 |
MattJ | Abyss | 11:20 |
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wirah | never heard of it! | 11:20 |
MattJ | Congrats :) | 11:20 |
MattJ | :D | 11:20 |
wirah | what does their documentation suggest | 11:20 |
tuxub | where can i submit a new package to ubuntu? | 11:21 |
MattJ | It's 100x faster than Apache | 11:21 |
P3L|C4N0 | greetings | 11:21 |
MattJ | It doesn't... | 11:21 |
MattJ | use a different port :D | 11:21 |
tuxub | gnome-catalog seems to be a great app | 11:21 |
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briguyd | Alucard, how are you doing? | 11:21 |
wirah | hm | 11:21 |
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MattJ | Google suggests using ipchain/iptables | 11:21 |
wirah | that's one way | 11:21 |
MattJ | and running that as root | 11:21 |
wirah | but a bit convoluted | 11:21 |
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MattJ | It seems to be what people do | 11:21 |
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Alucard | well.. | 11:22 |
sureshot | hey can root be turned back on in ubuntu | 11:22 |
Alucard | I tried this | 11:22 |
eyequeue | sureshot, very unwise se the bot | 11:22 |
sureshot | instead of sudo | 11:22 |
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Alucard | cd home/alex/desktop/avi/avi-xmms-1.2.3 | 11:22 |
printk | root is never turend off :) | 11:22 |
tuxub | sureshot, sudo passwd root | 11:22 |
wirah | then I suppose it's a good way to do it | 11:22 |
eyequeue | !root > sureshot | 11:22 |
wirah | sureshot - I wouldn't enable root | 11:22 |
eyequeue | tuxub, please don't advise that in this channel | 11:22 |
briguyd | Alucard, and...? | 11:22 |
tuxub | eyequeue, ok... why? | 11:22 |
Alucard | no such file directory -_- | 11:22 |
MattJ | wirah: http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/port80 | 11:22 |
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MattJ | For example | 11:22 |
eyequeue | tuxub, against policy, it is unsafe | 11:23 |
tuxub | eyequeue, sorry, didnt knew that | 11:23 |
=== robertj [n=robertj@68-117-221-30.dhcp.athn.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | try "cd avi" then hit tab twice, see what happens | 11:23 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | MattJ: can you make it run as root and switch to www-data like apache does? There must be a way... | 11:23 |
igor | how can i change the dimension of my kde interface? i want to put 1024x680px | 11:23 |
tuxub | (the policy thing) | 11:23 |
printk | and if you have to ask how to unlock root, you probably don't need it. Not to be rude, but be careful. | 11:23 |
sureshot | just asking i know why i think | 11:23 |
MattJ | I don't know | 11:23 |
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@wcnat-41-36.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wirah | MattJ - i'd recommend you do that then, it sounds like the way it's done | 11:23 |
MattJ | I'll have to google | 11:23 |
Alucard | it brings up different paths | 11:23 |
wirah | FlyingSquirrel32 - I think apache itself forks processes off as www-data | 11:24 |
eyequeue | tuxub, it is considered one of ubuntu's primary security features | 11:24 |
th1ef | wirah totem-gstreamer is already the newest version. | 11:24 |
wirah | so without writing a script to do that, i'd reckon no. | 11:24 |
wirah | th1ef - then simply run it | 11:24 |
=== Phoul [n=Phoul@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
th1ef | wirah from where i can run it? | 11:24 |
Phoul | Hey, I have a totally offtopic question its not even related to windows but im asking in rooms with a lot of people, please dont be annoyed with me. Im looking for a picture that may or may not have won an award on dev art a while back. http://lucho.sagehall.com/files/screenshot-08.09.06.png its shown in that screenshot, if anyone has it i would really like it | 11:24 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | wirah: oh, that would make it pretty hard to duplicate with already-written software :( | 11:24 |
igor | how can i change the dimension of my kde interface? i want to put 1024x680px | 11:25 |
sureshot | is opera one of the better browsers to use | 11:25 |
briguyd | Alucard, so you exrtracted the files to a new folder on your desktop? | 11:25 |
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wirah | Applications Menu / Sound & Video | 11:25 |
eyequeue | sureshot, non-free, right? so i would say no | 11:25 |
Alucard | Yeah I just made a desktop folder and extracted | 11:25 |
eyequeue | !info opera | 11:25 |
ubotu | opera: The Opera Web Browser. In component non-free, is optional. Version 9.00-20060616.7 (dapper-commercial), package size 5415 kB, installed size 12376 kB (Only available for i386) | 11:25 |
briguyd | whats the folder called? | 11:25 |
sureshot | ok but it is letting me use it free just asking | 11:25 |
Alucard | folder name is avi and inner folder is avi-xmms-1.2.3 | 11:25 |
wirah | eyequeue - it is a good browser, free or not, but I probably prefer firefox for various reasons | 11:25 |
eyequeue | sureshot, ^^ | 11:25 |
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briguyd | so try "cd /home/desktop/avi/avi-xmms-1.2.3" | 11:26 |
eyequeue | wirah, non-free is not "good", by definition, imo | 11:26 |
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briguyd | err... | 11:26 |
briguyd | sorry | 11:26 |
th1ef | wirah totem cannot play file | 11:26 |
djancak | is there an quick and easy way to set a variable that links to a directory? for example, i want to just type $test to go to my /var/www/test/ directory | 11:26 |
briguyd | "cd /home/desktop/YOURUSERNAME/avi/avi-xmms-1.2.3" | 11:26 |
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ckoehler | how hard would it be to change my distro from centos to ubuntu using only SSH ? :) | 11:26 |
wirah | eyequeue - I don't think non-free makes it bad though. I mean it is functionally good, it's very fast. | 11:26 |
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tuxub | eyequeue, i know (and use sudo)... and understand the reasons, but if we wants to know how to do a thing that can be done... | 11:26 |
Alucard | no such file or directory | 11:27 |
briguyd | gah | 11:27 |
briguyd | i messed up | 11:27 |
Alucard | terminal hates me ;_; | 11:27 |
tuxub | its like to learn someone how to edit the grub configs | 11:27 |
briguyd | "cd /home/YOURUSERNAME/desktop/avi/avi-xmms-1.2.3" | 11:27 |
tuxub | it can break the boot process | 11:27 |
=== ^GrOF_MaO^ slusa: www.yucafe.com - Vrcak - 08 - Cao Za Kraj feat. | ||
eyequeue | tuxub, then refer him to the web page, if he wants to make unwise decisions, let him do that on his own, not on your conscience :) | 11:27 |
briguyd | change the caps part to whatever it is for you | 11:27 |
Alucard | same thing | 11:27 |
tuxub | but if he want to learn it ;) | 11:27 |
Alucard | yeah I did. | 11:27 |
PseudoPlacebo | How do I log into root from a default Ubuntu server install? | 11:28 |
tuxub | but i understand!!!! | 11:28 |
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=== we2by [n=jinxi@h8441153081.dsl.speedlinq.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
printk | Alucard: try cd ~/Desktop/ | 11:28 |
we2by | hi | 11:28 |
printk | Alucard: it should be there | 11:28 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | How do I print something with GIMP, am I the only one with no print option? | 11:28 |
eyequeue | tuxub, he can learn it from that web page, did you read it yet? the one the bot told you | 11:28 |
briguyd | maybe its a cpaital D in Desktop | 11:28 |
briguyd | try that | 11:28 |
=== Fikus [n=Fikus@c-24-245-49-49.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
we2by | can any one search their system if you have the package gset-compiz?? | 11:28 |
rocco | hi, problem with the "addd/remove function in ubuntu. can someone help me?:) | 11:28 |
printk | Alucard: ls is your friend :) | 11:28 |
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briguyd | can some gnome user tell the the path to the desktop directory? | 11:28 |
th1ef | wirah totem cannot play file. why it cannot plays AVI ? | 11:28 |
we2by | I can't find it using apt-get, maybe because I'm on a macbook. | 11:28 |
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printk | briguyd: /home/<userid>/Desktop | 11:28 |
eyequeue | !restrictedformats | 11:28 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 11:28 |
we2by | !mp3 | 11:28 |
wirah | th1ef, it is probably not officially an avi | 11:28 |
briguyd | printk, thanks | 11:28 |
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wirah | th1ef - see what ubotu just said | 11:29 |
Alucard | it just now says | 11:29 |
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we2by | hello? | 11:29 |
Alucard | username/Desktop | 11:29 |
briguyd | Alucard, "cd ~/Desktop/avi/avi-xmms-1.2.3" | 11:29 |
eternalswd | can someone confirm this...running firefox using alsa-oss from the terminal "aoss firefox" results in a firefox freezing after a sound event has ended in a flash element but that not running through aoss is perfectly fine? | 11:29 |
printk | Alucard: and type ls and do you see your avi directory? | 11:29 |
th1ef | i have try those links but i cannot get it work | 11:29 |
printk | Alucard: these are real basic linux commands, I suggest you read a linux beginning tutorial | 11:29 |
=== tatiane [n=tatiane@201009059034.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alucard | yes | 11:29 |
wirah | th1ef - perhaps the avi is damaged or is in an incompatible format | 11:29 |
Alucard | I see the directory | 11:30 |
briguyd | god, i cant help someone change directoriesl, i need help myself | 11:30 |
briguyd | ok | 11:30 |
tuxub | eyequeue, yep, already knew that | 11:30 |
=== motin_ [n=motin@194-237-168-118-no46.business.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | you in the directory? | 11:30 |
wirah | try typing 'file blah.avi' in a terminal | 11:30 |
printk | Alucard: then you should be able to cd into it | 11:30 |
PseudoPlacebo | How do I log into root from a default Ubuntu server install? | 11:30 |
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wirah | where 'blah.avi' is your filename | 11:30 |
Alucard | yeaH I'M IN THERE | 11:30 |
briguyd | ok | 11:30 |
briguyd | now | 11:30 |
Alucard | oops csp.. | 11:30 |
eyequeue | briguyd, cd | 11:30 |
Alucard | caps* | 11:30 |
ckoehler | PseudoPlacebo, terminal? | 11:30 |
th1ef | wirah on windows xp the same avi plays normal | 11:30 |
briguyd | type ./configure | 11:30 |
PseudoPlacebo | ckoehler: Yeah. | 11:30 |
eyequeue | PseudoPlacebo, you don't, root is intentionally dosabled | 11:30 |
briguyd | "./configure" into the terminal | 11:30 |
eyequeue | !root > PseudoPlacebo | 11:30 |
we2by | can any one search their system if you have the package gset-compiz?? | 11:30 |
briguyd | Alucard, a buncha text should go past | 11:30 |
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ckoehler | PseudoPlacebo, log in as your user, type sudo passwd | 11:30 |
Alucard | yep yep, configuring | 11:30 |
tuxub | eyequeue, so, have you heard of gnome-catalog or what? :) | 11:30 |
wirah | th1ef - that is irrelevant to this, it uses completely different software | 11:31 |
ckoehler | set a root password | 11:31 |
PseudoPlacebo | I know about sudp. | 11:31 |
eyequeue | ckoehler, do NOT advise that in here please | 11:31 |
=== kitche [i=kitche@pool-70-16-35-254.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
PseudoPlacebo | Sudo. | 11:31 |
Alucard | it says not installed please install first | 11:31 |
PseudoPlacebo | Eh. | 11:31 |
we2by | pleaseee | 11:31 |
eyequeue | tuxub, no | 11:31 |
printk | we2by: that is not a standard package in ubuntu (unless they put compiz in). Try #ubuntu-xgl | 11:31 |
th1ef | wirah any codecs ? | 11:31 |
briguyd | Alucard, tell me when it's done, and if there are any errors | 11:31 |
PseudoPlacebo | I don't like how it's disabled. | 11:31 |
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PseudoPlacebo | =\ | 11:31 |
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briguyd | Alucard, it says what isnt installed? | 11:31 |
eyequeue | PseudoPlacebo, read the page the bot sent you | 11:31 |
tuxub | eyequeue, take a look at http://gnomecatalog.sourceforge.net/ | 11:31 |
ckoehler | eyequeue, he's just asking.... his responsibility | 11:31 |
=== philwyett [n=philip@80-195-142-67.cable.ubr02.wiga.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckoehler | but alright | 11:31 |
Alucard | GLIB | 11:31 |
Alucard | >=1.2.2 | 11:31 |
caliban | CrippsFX, its impossible :( | 11:31 |
eyequeue | tuxub, not interested in it | 11:31 |
eyequeue | ckoehler, point him to that web page then, don't feed dangerous commands to people in here | 11:32 |
tuxub | eyequeue, do you know something better? | 11:32 |
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ckoehler | eyequeue, what webpage? | 11:32 |
tuxub | ckoehler, this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 11:32 |
eyequeue | tuxub, i have no idea what it is, so no comparisons | 11:32 |
eyequeue | !root > ckoehler | 11:32 |
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tuxub | a offline disk catalog | 11:32 |
Rokkones | hi, my "add/remove" function in ubuntu dissapears after loading. someone that knows how to fix it? | 11:33 |
tuxub | don't you have a bunch of piles of cds and dvds? | 11:33 |
=== orphean [n=orphean@c-67-164-102-208.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ckoehler | eyequeue, yeah I know about sudo... thanks though | 11:33 |
CrippsFX | caliban, keep reading. you'll understand it sooner or later. Or even better, try reading it in your native tongue. | 11:33 |
=== f1assistance [n=packets@cpe-024-163-085-150.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eyequeue | ckoehler, please don't give bad advise in channel though | 11:33 |
briguyd | Alucard, did you install the package "build-essential"? | 11:33 |
ckoehler | eyequeue, yeah I got it. I don't tihnk it's bad advice in the hands of an experienced user | 11:34 |
Alucard | was that not like 10 ims ago? | 11:34 |
Alucard | mins* | 11:34 |
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briguyd | Alucard, just checking | 11:34 |
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eyequeue | ckoehler, it violates ubuntu security policy, hence is considered bad in here, disagreements can be brought up with the security team, not #ubuntu please | 11:34 |
Alucard | I just wasn't sure if that was the one you meant | 11:34 |
briguyd | i honestly have no idea, sorry, ask someone else who's better at this stuff | 11:34 |
ckoehler | eyequeue, okay, I didn't know that, sorry about that | 11:35 |
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eyequeue | ckoehler, thanks | 11:35 |
Alucard | that's okay you tried, thanks alot | 11:35 |
djame | hello I'm looking for a chan which deals with installation problem on ppc | 11:35 |
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tuxub | ckoehler, youre the second tonight ;) | 11:35 |
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=== grimpy [n=grimpy@143.195-244-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eternalswd | Alucard, you may need to install the libglib2.0-dev and libglib1.0-dev | 11:35 |
djame | ubuntuppc seems to be empty right now$ | 11:35 |
ckoehler | tuxub, :) only second huh | 11:35 |
eyequeue | #ubuntu-ppc ? | 11:35 |
georgy | !ppc | 11:35 |
ubotu | ppc is PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers, and now a fully supported Ubuntu architecture. | 11:35 |
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PseudoPlacebo | Hm. | 11:36 |
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briguyd | eternalswd, just 2.0-dev | 11:36 |
printk | I love ubuntu, but man there are some wacky guidelines. Like they don't recommend compiling your kernel, and keeping user root with no password. (which both I do :) | 11:36 |
ckoehler | so I have centos and want ubuntu. All I have is ssh | 11:36 |
=== printk is done | ||
ckoehler | any change I can make that work? | 11:36 |
briguyd | eternalswd, i think... | 11:36 |
ckoehler | change = chance | 11:36 |
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Alucard | eternalswd okay, I'd like to do that I am just kinda clueless I just installed linux like 3 days ago and I've been busy with my job so I"ve only been able to devote a few hours to it until today | 11:36 |
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eternalswd | briguyd, some source has upper limits as well | 11:36 |
Malnilion | Anybody else having trouble playing flac files when upgrading to the newest amaroK available via apt-get? | 11:36 |
djame | yes, I know it's fully supported but on my powerbook g4 the installation seems to start on a bad frequency range (there're 3 bugs reports on the topics but no solution) | 11:36 |
PseudoPlacebo | How do I start /+ set up SSH on ubuntu-server? | 11:36 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@ppp-69-229-178-27.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
briguyd | eternalswd, yeah, right | 11:36 |
tuxub | ckoehler, try not to teach 'dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hda1' special trick to anyone!!! :P | 11:36 |
PseudoPlacebo | Is there a ubuntu-server newbie guide? | 11:36 |
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printk | PseudoPlacebo: should be /etc/init.d/ssh start | 11:37 |
tuxub | eyequeue, take care of the people ;) | 11:37 |
foo | I am going to be installing ubuntu on a box here.. and the owner wanted to make sure all information will be lost ... is doing an install over the current partitions and stuff good enough for erasing everything? Or should I run some utility to wipe the drive? | 11:37 |
eyequeue | printk, kernel-package contains make-kpkg, if you insist on that | 11:37 |
djame | the last version (5 something worked fine but not hte last one) | 11:37 |
PseudoPlacebo | printk: Thanks. | 11:37 |
georgy | Pseudo : sudo /etc/init.d /ssh start | 11:37 |
eternalswd | Alucard, sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev libglib1.0-dev | 11:37 |
ckoehler | tuxub, what do you mean? | 11:37 |
printk | eyequeue: yah i do, I compile it the "debian way" heh | 11:37 |
eyequeue | PseudoPlacebo, sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 11:37 |
PseudoPlacebo | Dude, I have to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda bs=512 count=1 everytime I install Ubuntu, otherwise Grub will freak out. | 11:37 |
briguyd | foo, it'll be gone, but there are still *technically* means to recover it all | 11:37 |
eyequeue | printk, heh | 11:37 |
eternalswd | Alucard, do that from the terminal | 11:37 |
tuxub | ckoehler, clean crash the hard drive with zeros :) | 11:37 |
foo | briguyd: Ok, how would someone do that? Would you happen to know? | 11:38 |
tuxub | bye!!! | 11:38 |
grimpy | hi everybody, i currently have a problem with i think udev not sure, it started when i upgrade to kernel udev doesn't create my device example '/dev/null' doesn't exist @ boot, when i manually stop start udev everything works fine anybody got an id how this cane be solved? | 11:38 |
Alucard | AAH couldn't find package libglibl.0-dev | 11:38 |
ckoehler | tuxub, oh yeah that makes sense :) | 11:38 |
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djame | ubuntu-ppc is linked here :( | 11:38 |
eyequeue | grimpy, upgrade that, it has a security hole! | 11:38 |
ckoehler | so is there any way to install ubuntu via ssh? | 11:38 |
Alucard | separate commands i hope? | 11:38 |
briguyd | foo, i know there are a few services that do it, there are also ways to write over the data X times with random data to make everything unrecoverable | 11:38 |
eyequeue | i hope everyone here has a short uptime! | 11:38 |
eternalswd | Alucard have you added universe and multiverse to your sources list yet? | 11:38 |
briguyd | eyequeue, why? | 11:38 |
grimpy | eyequeue, i just upgraded to same thing | 11:38 |
Alucard | I know I added multiverse | 11:38 |
foo | briguyd: hm, ok. I don't think that's worth it. Thanks! | 11:38 |
Alucard | though I'm not sure about universe | 11:39 |
foo | briguyd: Are there linux programs to recover this type of data? I'm curious | 11:39 |
eyequeue | briguyd, because you need to reboot to have the new kernel take effect | 11:39 |
briguyd | ah, when did the new kernel come out and what was in it? | 11:39 |
eyequeue | briguyd, today, and security patches, multiple | 11:39 |
briguyd | cool, lemme upgrade | 11:39 |
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Alucard | is there like a tutorial for just beginner ubuntu? | 11:40 |
drbashir | Yet another new kernel? | 11:40 |
administrator_ | hi i just installed ubuntu and i need to install drivers for my intel graphics card i wanna check the repositories but am unsure howto do so..can anyone assit? | 11:40 |
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eyequeue | briguyd, "27" in the package name | 11:40 |
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eyequeue | drbashir, today, yes | 11:40 |
theCore | I opened a new a Launchpad team, Ubuntu Support, if you been helping other peoples for while, please consider joining https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-help | 11:40 |
drbashir | eyequeue, but thats the 2nd one in a short time... Is that normal? | 11:41 |
eternalswd | Alucard http://ubuntuguide.org/ | 11:41 |
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eyequeue | drbashir, if there are lots of holes found, yes, if not, no :) | 11:41 |
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briguyd | installing now, thanks for the heads up eyequeue | 11:41 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | I need some assistance with Ubuntu, anyone willin' to help? | 11:41 |
briguyd | is there any update notifier for XFCE/xubuntu? | 11:41 |
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Alucard | well I'll go make sure universe is installed and read this stuff, be back later, thanks for the help guys. | 11:42 |
Alpv | please help with the console keyboard layout | 11:42 |
drbashir | eyequeue, The kernel though, is not just tested by Ubuntu ppl right? | 11:42 |
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eternalswd | can someone confirm this...running firefox using alsa-oss from the terminal "aoss firefox" results in a firefox freezing after a sound event has ended in a flash element but that not running through aoss is perfectly fine? | 11:42 |
eyequeue | theCore, done, heh | 11:42 |
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Gnomer_The_Malfi | I got a freezing problem, and I need help fixing it. | 11:42 |
drbashir | eyequeue, and how do I remove the older versions from Grub, because its getting crowded | 11:42 |
jazzrocker | Gnomer_The_Malfi, just explain the problem please | 11:42 |
eyequeue | drbashir, there is an ubuntu kernel team (and a security team) but you are correct, tehre are countless non-ubuntu people who run it as well :) | 11:43 |
eternalswd | gnomer_the_malfi, you'll need to be a bit more specific | 11:43 |
administrator_ | hi i just installed ubuntu and i need to install drivers for my intel graphics card i wanna check the repositories but am unsure howto do so..can anyone assit? | 11:43 |
jazzrocker | Gnomer_The_Malfi, if someone can help they will | 11:43 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | jazzrocker, and eternalswd, I can't explain to problem | 11:43 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | It simply freezes | 11:43 |
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Gnomer_The_Malfi | With no error, at all | 11:43 |
wirah | eternalswd - do you have a page I can test that on | 11:43 |
Alpv | please help with the console keyboard layout | 11:43 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | It freezes to the point that I can't even shut it off, without removing the battery (It's a lappy) | 11:43 |
eyequeue | drbashir, dpkg --purge linux-image-2.6.15-26-686, as one exmple (update-grub should list them all, leave the hogh-number one, and perhaps one "known-working" one | 11:43 |
eyequeue | ) | 11:44 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | And, it never freezes in any certain spot, It could be at startup..Or after 136 lines of perl code | 11:44 |
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eternalswd | wirah, http://www.homestarrunner.com/sbemail100.htm | 11:44 |
eyequeue | drbashir, did i say that clearly enough? :-/ | 11:44 |
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Alpv | how do I change the Keyboard layout for the text-only console | 11:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gnomer_The_Malfi: Does it freeze running the livecd or windows...? | 11:44 |
drbashir | eyequeue, I think you did :) | 11:44 |
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eyequeue | drbashir, okay, my typoing doens't help,but that just sounded clumsy ;-) | 11:44 |
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Alpv | how do I change the Keyboard layout for the text-only console? | 11:45 |
JosefK | Gnomer_The_Malfi: is it a laptop that's around 2/3 years old? | 11:45 |
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Alpv | how do I change the Keyboard layout for the text-only console? | 11:45 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | Jack_Sparrow, Windows as the operating system works fine on it. The liveCD I haven't tested. It installs fine but then it freezes after a bit | 11:45 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | JosefK, it's not old, no. | 11:45 |
eternalswd | gnomer_the_malfi, do you have a wireless card? | 11:45 |
bianca | someone can help me to configure an internet sharing for windows clients ? | 11:45 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | But, it's not new either. | 11:45 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | eternalswd, yup. | 11:45 |
Alpv | how do I change the Keyboard layout for the text-only console? | 11:45 |
JosefK | Gnomer_The_Malfi: try editing your /boot/grub/menu.lst and adding 'noapic nolapic' to the kopt line | 11:45 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | eternalswd, I've got it working, so that's not a problem | 11:45 |
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=== Gnomer_The_Malfi boots up his lappy | ||
eternalswd | gnomer_the_malfi, you might want to check for conflicting drivers. I had the problem of the computer freezing after about five minutes | 11:46 |
=== ephemeros cyah! | ||
Gnomer_The_Malfi | eternalswd, conflicting drivers? | 11:46 |
jazzrocker | Gnomer_The_Malfi, that sounds like a hardware problem | 11:46 |
JosefK | Gnomer_The_Malfi: with laptops it's often non-standard components causing problems, typically the APIC | 11:46 |
jazzrocker | Gnomer_The_Malfi, try safe mode | 11:46 |
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=== Gnomer_The_Malfi takes notes of what to try | ||
=== kpin wonders when xgl and compiz will be 100% up and running | ||
Gnomer_The_Malfi | Anything else? | 11:47 |
kpin | no more beta | 11:47 |
=== ebel_ [n=rory@213-202-153-87.bas503.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Alpv | how do I change the Keyboard layout for the text-only console? | 11:47 |
Alpv | please, how do I change the Keyboard layout for the text-only console? | 11:47 |
eyequeue | !repeat | 11:47 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 11:47 |
eternalswd | gnomer_the_malfi, what kernel are you using? | 11:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | I cant figure out why people insist on running xgl/compiz eye candy .. | 11:47 |
Gnomer_The_Malfi | Which ever comes on the 5.10 disk as default. | 11:47 |
eyequeue | Jack_Sparrow, they like broken machines? heheh | 11:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | :) | 11:48 |
Alpv | !patience | 11:48 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 11:48 |
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eyequeue | Jack_Sparrow, if they saw how many in here report disasters, i would hope they would avoid it, but who knows? | 11:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | almost as bad as running Automatix... | 11:48 |
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linuchsan | Alpv:man loadkeys | 11:49 |
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eternalswd | gnomer_the_malfi, you might want to try installing dapper, it's alot better with hardware detection, though I understand if that's not a viable solution | 11:49 |
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bmcfarli | hey guys, I am having trouble working with my harddrives. It says i lack the permission | 11:50 |
kitche | Jack_Sparrow: that's what aiglx is for it doesn't break systems | 11:50 |
eternalswd | wirah, any results from the testpage? | 11:50 |
infidel | bmcfarli, what are you trying to do? | 11:50 |
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bmcfarli | well format if need be, but access an NTFS partition on a harddrive | 11:51 |
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Fracture | I accidentially deleted my current kernel form /boot, how can I force apt to re-install it ? | 11:51 |
administrator_ | whats the grep command to find ur video card out? | 11:51 |
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TU | what is the edgy eft channel? | 11:51 |
tello-mpaul | bmcfarli, there is a simple solution to your problem | 11:51 |
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ubuntu | h ola | 11:51 |
bmcfarli | amazing...what is it? | 11:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | bmcfarli: Read ntfs is not a problem.. writing to one is VERY dangerous | 11:52 |
Fracture | I tried sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-686 | 11:52 |
=== ^GrOF_MaO^ slusa: www.yucafe.com - Vrcak - 14 - Posledniot Den - | ||
georgy | admin : lspci | 11:52 |
robert_ | how do I build the ubuntu version of php4-cgi from source on ubuntu? heh | 11:52 |
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Fracture | but it doesn't put the files in /boot | 11:52 |
Kill_X | bmcfarli, you can change the permissions through your /etc/fstab file | 11:52 |
bmcfarli | ok | 11:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | !edgy > TU | 11:52 |
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Kill_X | bmcfarli, first of all you need to open a terminal window | 11:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | bmcfarli: Diskmounter Script http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter for mounting NTFS, Fat32 and NFS Drives Most people need to restart X before the Drive Icons show on the desktop .. after saving the page to your desktop use terminal and type cd /home/your_username_here/Desktop | 11:53 |
linuchsan | Fracture:what does dpkg -l |grep linux-image say? | 11:53 |
administrator_ | georgy: shouldnt it come up instantly it seems like its just hanging there | 11:53 |
TU | Jack_Sparrow, THANK YOU =) | 11:53 |
Kill_X | bmcfarli, then do a 'sudo nano -w /etc/fstab' | 11:53 |
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bmcfarli | ok | 11:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | TU np | 11:54 |
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bmcfarli | i am there, what now? | 11:54 |
=== godfather [n=godfathe@host122-227-dynamic.17-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
godfather | g' night | 11:54 |
godfather | guys | 11:54 |
Kill_X | bmcfarli, put your cursor into the line with the ntfs partition you want to access | 11:55 |
georgy | admin : just type lspci | 11:55 |
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godfather | is it possible having the telephonr number obtain the ip? | 11:55 |
bmcfarli | there | 11:55 |
administrator_ | for the grep | | 11:55 |
administrator_ | dam little | | 11:55 |
inglor | hey, I need some help setting up my cable modem | 11:55 |
georgy | admin : ok VGA ? | 11:55 |
inglor | I'm in Israel, I'm getting "Timeout sending config requests, connection terminated modem hangup" | 11:55 |
Kill_X | bmcfarli, can you post that line to a pastebin? | 11:56 |
bmcfarli | bad news kill_X doesnt show up.... | 11:56 |
=== PseudoPlacebo [n=Placebo@user-12lcr8r.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kill_X | bmcfarli, past the entire file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 11:56 |
administrator_ | georgy: i have the 915GM/PM/910GML need to see if linux supports | 11:56 |
Kill_X | and give me the link to your entry | 11:56 |
Kill_X | I'll be right back | 11:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | administrator_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/i915Driver | 11:57 |
kitche | administrator_: well you might have to compile it since Intel just released the drivers for 915 just recently | 11:57 |
=== skroll [n=skroll@d14-69-228-126.try.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
inglor | anyone? | 11:57 |
bmcfarli | ok i posted it there | 11:57 |
Fracture | linuchsan: aah.. I had to apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-2.6.15-26-686 (the specific version) rather than the meta package | 11:57 |
administrator_ | thanks guys | 11:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 11:58 |
skroll | If I were to install edgy-eft knot3, how big of a difference/hassle would it be to go to production once it's released? | 11:58 |
georgy | np | 11:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | !edgy | 11:58 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 11:58 |
Fracture | linuchsan: thanks for the hint about dpkg -l :)_ | 11:58 |
=== IR3166 [i=ircap@84-120-153-57.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kill_X | bmcfarli, I'm back | 11:58 |
=== insomnik [n=insomnik@smg13-2-82-232-128-209.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | bmcfarli: Are you trying to get write access to that ntfs drive? | 11:59 |
caliban | where can i find iso 9660 file? | 11:59 |
Kill_X | Jack_Sparrow, he tries to access it at all | 11:59 |
=== [eDu] [n=edu@162.Red-83-61-203.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluvvell | This could be a but issue, every now and then I get a CPU max out caused by gnome-cups-icon. Ending the process allows a restart of the item and everything gets back to normal | 12:00 |
bmcfarli | no..the NTFS drive i want is mounted behind my ex3 partition | 12:00 |
fluvvell | I mean a bug issue | 12:00 |
=== turquaz [n=hasan@cpc4-cwbn1-0-0-cust426.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kill_X | Jack_Sparrow, I know this issue, Dapper somehow recognizes some NTFS partitions as removable drives | 12:00 |
=== killown [n=killown@unaffiliated/killown] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fluvvell | Has anyone else had problems with gnome-cups-icon in Dapper? | 12:00 |
caliban | where can i find iso 9660 file? plz | 12:00 |
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Kill_X | and/or sets permissions within the fstab file incorrectly | 12:00 |
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