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zul@schedule montreal02:27
UbugtuSchedule for America/Montreal: 19 Sep 08:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 08:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 16:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 16:00: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team02:27
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UbugtuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: September 19 2006, 00:53:10 - Next meeting: Community Council in 11 hours 6 minutes02:53
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UbugtuSchedule for Etc/UTC: 19 Sep 12:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 12:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 20:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 23:00: Ubuntu Development Team06:52
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bimberi@schedule canberra11:12
UbugtuSchedule for Australia/Canberra: 19 Sep 22:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 22 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Sep 06:00: Technical Board | 28 Sep 06:00: Edubuntu | 29 Sep 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team11:12
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Seveas@now Brussels11:28
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Brussels: September 19 2006, 11:28:22 - Next meeting: Community Council in 2 hours 31 minutes11:28
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DBO@now Detroit11:57
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Detroit: September 19 2006, 05:57:55 - Next meeting: Community Council in 2 hours 2 minutes11:57
simira@schedule Oslo11:58
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Oslo: 19 Sep 14:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 14:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 22:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 29 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team11:58
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GNAM@schedule rome01:19
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 19 Sep 14:00: Community Council | 20 Sep 14:00: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 22:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 29 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team01:20
brendonjthi all01:20
brendonjtFujitsu, :good to see you here01:20
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DBO@now detroit01:21
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Detroit: September 19 2006, 07:21:04 - Next meeting: Community Council in 38 minutes01:21
elkbuntuwe're eager, arent we ;)01:21
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brendonjtelkbuntu, :yip we sure are01:23
gnomefreakelkbuntu: good luck :)01:23
brendonjtgnomefreak, :hi ya01:23
gnomefreakbrendonjt: hi01:23
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brendonjtgnomefreak, :me just praying me get my membership ae01:24
gnomefreakyou going up for it too?01:24
Belutzanyone know who will lead the next cc meeting?01:25
=== gnomefreak should really learn to read email
DBOelkbuntu, you have my support too =)01:25
brendonjtgnomefreak, :yip01:25
gnomefreakBelutz: same people that lead the meetings any other time01:25
gnomefreakbrendonjt: good luck01:25
brendonjtgnomefreak, :thank you01:25
gnomefreakelkbuntu: mine as weel01:25
elkbuntuDBO, gnomefreak :D01:25
gnomefreakBelutz: the CC is made up of 4 people (they lead the meeting)01:25
Belutzgnomefreak: ok :)01:26
Fujitsuelkbuntu, you of course have mine :P01:26
elkbuntugnomefreak, are all 4 going to be here do you know?01:26
ajmitchFujitsu: generous of you01:26
Fujitsuelkbuntu, sabdfl often isn't, all the others are very reliable.01:27
gnomefreakelkbuntu: 3 will be for sure and those are the 3 you need01:27
brendonjtajmitch, :i say lol01:27
gnomefreaksabdfl may be here at this one (we cant finish one of the topics without him)01:27
FujitsuAha, yay :)01:28
elkbuntuwill a certain item be left off the agenda out of respect?01:28
ajmitchhe was on irc a few hours ago, so it's likely he can make it01:28
Fujitsuajmitch, hopefully.01:29
Fujitsuelkbuntu, that's a good question.01:29
gnomefreakelkbuntu: what item01:29
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brendonjtFujitsu, : what you mean yay?01:29
elkbuntugnomefreak, i dont really want to have to say it01:29
gnomefreakoh that one01:29
gnomefreaksorry its early01:29
Fujitsubrendonjt, sabdfl will probably be here.01:29
Fujitsuelkbuntu, yeah :(01:30
gnomefreakthats the one we cant end without sabdfl01:30
elkbuntugnomefreak, :-/01:30
Fujitsugnomefreak, I thought as much.01:30
Fujitsugnomefreak, that's been going on for months, hasn't it?01:30
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BelutzSeveas, ping01:30
brendonjtFujitsu, : oh ok01:30
ajmitchFujitsu: yes01:30
gnomefreakFujitsu: yes waiting for sabdfl 01:30
dudanogueiragood morning for how is in a morning :)01:30
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dudanogueirafor who01:30
Belutzgnomefreak: sabdfl will be here??01:31
thoreauputicevening/morning all01:31
FujitsuI've read most of the saga so far.01:31
FujitsuHey thoreauputic.01:31
gnomefreakBelutz: dont know i havent seen him in weeks01:31
thoreauputicFujitsu: :) 01:31
=== elkbuntu grins as watches all the aussies pile into the channel ;)
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gnomefreak@now new_york01:32
UbugtuCurrent time in America/New_York: September 19 2006, 07:32:05 - Next meeting: Community Council in 27 minutes01:32
gnomefreakbrb i have time for a  smoke01:32
brendonjtany kiwis  here  me feels alone01:32
Belutzgnomefreak: is it possible that my agenda to be move to the first agenda, because i don't have much time, actually i'm still in a meeting in my office now01:32
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thoreauputicelkbuntu: you canthankmy dentist ;-) I am feeling no pain... *g*01:33
elkbuntuthat's great :)01:34
thoreauputicelkbuntu: insert spaces as required in that ;)01:34
bimberithoreauputic: good to read :)01:34
SeveasBelutz: ?01:34
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thoreauputicbimberi: wonders of modern dentistry and pharmacy :)01:35
=== johnlittle checks out elkbuntu's posse
thoreauputicelkbuntu: maisoui ;)01:35
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Seveas"elkbuntu's posse"01:35
BelutzSeveas, do you know who should I contact to get the statistic of how much CD that is sent from shipit to indonesia?01:35
elkbuntunot enough? you think i should arrange some more?01:36
SeveasBelutz: shipit # ubuntu.com01:36
Seveas(replace # with @)01:36
BelutzSeveas: thanks :)01:36
=== Seveas sets ban on *!*@*.au
thoreauputicelkbuntu: well, extrauser is AWOL tonight ;-)01:36
amachuhi, this is Sriramadas alias amachu contact person for Tamil team..01:36
=== Fujitsu applauds elkbuntu's impressive array of supporters.
harry_sufehmiBelutz: excellent idea :)01:36
Seveashi amachu!01:36
Seveasglad you could make it01:36
jsgotangcohey guys01:37
FujitsuHi jsgotangco.01:37
amachuyes, I am also glad01:37
brendonjtjsgotangco, :hi ya 01:37
DBOwe love elkbuntu =)01:37
Belutzharry_sufehmi: :)01:37
=== elkbuntu hands out placards.
SeveasPeople, let's move to -offtopic for th chatter01:37
Seveasso we don't clog up logs01:37
amachuso the meeting atarts at 12.00 UTC right?01:37
jsgotangcoyeah lots of minutes to go01:37
=== jsgotangco idles
johnlittleCan I borrow them when you're done Elk?01:38
Belutzjsgotangco: hai!!! long time no see :)01:38
gnomefreakamachu: correct01:38
amachu20 min to go..01:38
amachuwhat shall we do..01:38
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ajmitchin -offtopic01:40
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brendonjtbapoumba: kia ora01:49
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Community Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
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brendonjtyay not long now01:53
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harry_sufehmi@now new_york01:53
UbugtuCurrent time in America/New_York: September 19 2006, 07:53:45 - Current meeting: Community Council01:53
brendonjt@now auckland01:54
UbugtuCurrent time in Pacific/Auckland: September 19 2006, 23:54:04 - Current meeting: Community Council01:54
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hunmaat2re kelemengabor 01:54
kelemengaborhi hunmaat201:55
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brendonjthunmaat2, : kia ora01:55
amachuhi.. all...01:56
brendonjtamachu, : hi01:56
amachuthis is Sri ramadas, contact person for TamilTeam01:56
Seveasamachu, we know already ;)01:56
Seveaslet me poke the CC01:57
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Seveasmako_, ping01:57
amachuhow should i start presenting?01:57
Riddellamachu: wait for the meeting to start01:58
Seveasamachu, when you're up you can briefly introduce the team (prepare a few lines in a text editor so you can paste them), then the CC will ask questions01:58
HobbseeSeveas: s/ask questions/start grilling/g01:58
BelutzSeveas, could you ask the CC that indonesian loco team agenda to be moved first? because i'm in the middle of something01:58
FujitsuHobbsee, that's the TB, not CC :P01:58
HobbseeFujitsu: they both do.  just about different things01:59
BelutzSeveas, if it is possible01:59
SeveasBelutz, so am I (I'm actually at EUROOscon and the keynote is about to start)01:59
ajmitchSeveas: who's giving the keynote today?01:59
jsgotangcoEuroOSCON ROCK01:59
FujitsuHobbsee, the CC barely grills.01:59
HobbseeFujitsu: hmmm....true01:59
BelutzSeveas, so we are busy right now :)01:59
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Seveasajmitch, morning kynote was tim oreiully and tor norretranders, afternoon is steve coast and adrian holovaty02:01
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leleobhzdudanogueira: ?02:01
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SeveasHmm, the CC seems to be rather absent02:06
=== elmo [n=james@83-216-156-21.jamest747.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elmosorry I'm late02:06
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Seveaselmo, you're the first of the CC to arrive02:06
elmoerr, oh02:06
=== gnomefreak still working on what im gonna say :) they can take thier time
dudanogueiraSeveas, im here :)02:06
Belutzwelcome elmo02:06
Seveaselmo, if sabdfl is at EUROOscon already, he's within a few meters from me ;)02:06
brendonjtelmo, :kia ora (hi)02:07
elmoSeveas: he's not02:07
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=kgoetz@easyubuntu/docteam/kgoetz] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
elmobut he's out of the office, atm, probably won't make it02:07
elmoi'll start ringing folks I guess02:07
Seveasthank you02:07
Seveaselmo, many of the "old agenda item" people showed up today02:08
elmokamion is on his way, ETA 10 mins - sorry about this, folks02:08
lophyte10mins? sweet, I have time to eat breakfast02:09
Seveasstatment in the current keynote: "Open systems are a done deal, eg Ubuntu"02:09
FujitsuYay :)02:10
=== brendonjt makes coffee to stay awake it after midnight
elmoand mako's on his way now02:11
Seveaselmo, you rock02:11
FujitsuYay :)02:11
amachuSeveas: have we started?02:11
Seveasamachu, no, we are waiting for two more members of the council02:12
amachuSeveas: ok, Thank You02:12
=== mak|away is now known as mak
Seveashi mako_ 02:15
FujitsuHey mako.02:15
ajmitchhello mako 02:15
brendonjtmako:  kia ora hi there02:15
makomak: this is going to make nick completion a bit difficult02:15
Fujitsumako, yeah02:15
=== mak is now known as makl10n
Belutzjsgotangco: hi, remember me? :D02:15
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jsgotangcoBelutz: of course, my indonesian friend ;)02:16
jsgotangcoBelutz: let's chat in private ;)02:16
Belutzjsgotangco: ok :)02:16
dudanogueirahello all :)02:17
makl10nhave you satarted the CC meeting?02:17
Fujitsumakl10n, not quite yet.02:17
Seveasmakl10n, we're still waiting for one member of the council02:18
Seveaswho is supposed to arrive soon02:18
makl10nWe'll I've a class to take , it will be finish within 30 minutes. So, I want to come back again.02:18
Seveasmakl10n, ok, the meeting lasts for about two hours so 30 minutes is ok02:19
makl10nSeveas: if the CC looks for me (mak), tell 'em I'll be back, the fact I've applied02:20
makl10nSeveas: I'll be back02:21
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brendonjtpadmawan, : hey there02:22
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=== Kamion [n=cjwatson@83-216-156-196.colinw664.adsl.metronet.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Kamionright, sorry about that, I was moving house bits in my lunch break and forgot about the meeting02:24
SeveasKamion, welcome02:24
Seveasmako, elmo: ping, we're complete02:24
brendonjtkamion: hi there02:24
Belutzlet the meeting begin :)02:25
Kamionoh, I thought you'd have started02:25
Kamionoh well02:25
SeveasThe agenda will start with locoteams today, IRC item is waiting for sabdfl and one of the apllicants for translation coordinator just left for 30 minutes02:25
Kamionwhat about the ubuntu-desktop-effects item? that's further up the agenda than locoteams02:26
makosounds goof02:26
makogood even02:26
SeveasKamion, ah sorry, missed it02:26
gnomefreakwe can do that whenever02:26
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DBOgnomefreak, earlier would be better02:26
=== pygi [n=pygi@89-172-198-139.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
=== Quinn_Storm can handle whenever
KamionI'm assuming that the ubuntu-desktop team don't want this on ubuntu-desktop?02:26
Kamiondholbach: ?02:26
=== Seveas will have to leave too, i want to give a \o/ for elkbuntu (Melissa Draper) before I do so
Kamion(though detail would be good :-))02:27
=== pygi cheers for elkbuntu ^_^
gnomefreakKamion: made the team to take the load off of the -desktop team 02:27
dholbachKamion: on the mailing list? in the channel? I don't quite follow?02:27
Kamiondholbach: on the mailing list - I'm assuming it would be too much clutter to have aiglx/compiz/etc. discussion there?02:28
Kamionbut would like confirmation02:28
dholbachwe could try and see where it goes02:28
DBOKamion, on top of that most of the discussion would not be relevant to whats actually in the official ubuntu repos02:29
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amachuso, have we started?02:30
gnomefreakwe grew from 10 members to 82 members in a weeks time if that continues like that i think it would be alot of foreseen clutter on the -desktop list02:30
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=== Hobbsee cheers for elkbuntu too, then goes afk
makoyeah, wow :)02:31
Kamiongnomefreak: that sounds reasonable02:31
pygielkbuntu: when is it your turn?02:32
Kamionit sounds far enough off-charter for the existing lists that a new list is reasonable02:32
Kamionelmo: is the current process to RT mailing list creation requests?02:32
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elmoKamion: mail mailman@lists.ubuntu.com, yeah (which goes to RT)02:33
amachuThis is sriramadas, contact person for TamilTeam from Chennai, India. We formed the team with two members on 06-Aug-06 with two members. We are now 12 in number. We have started translating Ubuntu to Tamil.02:34
Kamionamachu: please wait until you're called02:34
Kamionwe'll get to you :)02:34
amachuSorry for that.. :-)02:34
Kamiongnomefreak: OK, could you send your new list request to the address elmo gave, then?02:34
gnomefreakKamion: yes sir ty02:34
Kamionit seems relatively uncontroversial02:34
Kamionrighto, next - locoteams02:35
KamionSri Lanka?02:35
Kamionor has that been incorporated into Tamil?02:35
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amachuKamion: No..02:36
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Kamionok, Sri Lanka not here02:37
KamionNortheastern US?02:37
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Kamionamachu: ok, you're up now :)02:38
amachuWe formed the Tamil team with two members on 06-Aug-06. We are now 12 in number. We have started translating Ubuntu to Tamil. 02:39
amachuOur language is spoken by 65 million people around the world. Tamil Nadu in India, Srilanka, Singapore are the countries with Tamil as official languages. 02:39
amachuToday myself and Mukunth, ome of our team member has represented here02:40
KamionAny interesting stories to tell about the take-up of Ubuntu in Tamil-speaking regions?02:40
amachuWe have started taking Ubuntu to kids in T Nagar...02:41
amachua locality in Channai, India02:41
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amachuWe educate kids on Computing using ubuntu02:41
MugunthHi All, this is Mugunth from tamil team 02:42
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amachuWe plan to take Ubuntu to Schools02:42
amachuand our Team is represented across two nations, India and Sri Lanka02:42
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amachuWe had a Demo of Ubuntu installation02:43
amachuin chennai, and people were amazed to see their language in computer..02:43
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KamionOh, so proprietary OSes like Windows aren't translated into Tamil?02:43
amachuthis happened at L&T infotech, a software company in Tamil..02:44
makoi thought they were02:44
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amachuYes, Windows have recently launced Tamil version02:44
amachubut its unpopular02:44
amachuhardly two months since they released that version02:44
Kamionso not quite get there first, but get there better ... :-)02:45
amachuyes for sure...02:45
amachuBut we can make it up...02:45
amachusince the majority of masses here cannot afford to buy windows02:46
amachuthats where we have an edge...02:46
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=== gnomefreak cheers for elkbuntu (have to run out for a bit)
amachuwe do have our own mailing list for conversation02:47
Kamionok, we seem to have run out of questions :)02:48
amachuKamion: means?02:48
Kamionvery happy to see your enthusiasm, and glad to hear that there's another region where we stand a chance of becoming dominant in IT before Microsoft does02:48
makoalright then02:49
amachu:-), now we need official recognition... as translators of Ubuntu in Tamil02:49
Kamionunless anyone has any objections, I think that's the Tamil team approved02:49
amachuwe need an URL, and forum02:49
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mako.ne 02:49
=== mako nods to Kamion
KamionURL as in a domain?02:49
makoalright, next team02:49
Kamionhang on02:49
makoKamion: i saw it02:50
dudanogueiraamachu, good job! i wish you luck on our daily battle :)02:50
amachuThank You...02:50
Kamionelmo: do we (Canonical) deal with locoteam domains now, or is smurfix still doing it?02:50
makoi thought the plan was to shift that to jono02:50
Belutzamachu: Cheers :)02:50
Kamionworks for me but I don't know how far along he is02:50
=== mako nods
Kamionactually, we should grab jono in here02:51
makoi don't either02:51
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elkbuntuhes on his way02:51
amachuwe need to host our team details... on web02:51
jonojust one sec guys02:51
phanaticamachu: you should subscribe to loco-contects@l.u.c if you haven't done it yet :)02:51
Kamion13:50 < Kamion> elmo: do we (Canonical) deal with locoteam domains now, or is smurfix still doing it?02:51
Kamion13:50 < mako> i thought the plan was to shift that to jono02:51
Kamion13:50 < Kamion> works for me but I don't know how far along he is02:51
phanaticloco-contacts* sorry02:51
Kamionfor the Tamil team02:51
jonook back02:51
nixternalCanonical does hosting as well http://chi.ubuntu-us.org is Canonical hosting02:52
jonoafaik I am not dealing with LoCo resources02:52
elmowas talking to sabdfl02:52
jonoI am just helping get the teams working02:52
elmokamion: smurfix is still doing it02:52
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elmoat least on a technical side02:52
sabdflhi all02:52
FujitsuHi sabdfl :)02:52
jonohey sabdfl 02:52
nixternalhiya sabdfl02:52
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phanatichi sabdfl 02:52
amachuso should we contact smurfix?02:52
Seveas(smurfix is implementing a DIY thing for that)02:52
Belutzhi sabdfl02:52
jonoI think smufix is on vacation right now02:53
Seveashe is02:53
Hobbseehi sabdfl 02:53
Scr3W_W0rMhello sabdl02:53
nixternali went through RTS for Ubuntu Chicago02:53
amachuKamion: Who has to move our Team to the main table in the LocoTeam, page02:54
jonoI have kicked some initial discussion off about centralising LoCo resources where possible02:54
jonoamachu, I am working on getting teams accepted02:54
Kamionamachu: you should be able to do that yourself02:54
Kamionassuming this is a wiki page02:54
amachuThank You..02:54
nixternaljono: speaking of LoCo, I was told I should chat with you as well for 'mentoring', when you get time of course02:54
jononixternal, cool, who told you ?02:55
nixternali wish i could remember ;)02:55
sabdflnicely ducked :-)02:55
amachujono: can u guide us?02:55
jonoamachu, sure02:55
jsgotangcowelocme back02:55
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jonoI am building a check list of things that LoCo teams should set up and then I am going to get all pending teams to satisfy that checklist and move them to accepted02:55
amachujono: what should do from now on...02:55
jonoamachu, we can talk about this seperately so as not to impede the meeting :)02:56
amachujono: Yes sure02:56
Seveaswhere are we in the meeting?02:56
amachushall i say good bye now...02:56
makojono: yes02:56
jonoamachu, I will /msg you soon02:56
makojono: that sounds pretty sane02:56
BelutzSeveas: may i go first?02:57
makosmurf was using something very similar, at least early on02:57
Seveas(Belutz: I'm not in charge of the schedule)02:57
amachujono: how do contact u? my mail id shriramadhas@gmail.com02:57
jonoamachu, jono AT ubuntu DOT com :)02:57
jonoamachu, drop me an email with the details and I will get onto it :)02:57
makojono: our question here is: can infrastructure issues that locos have to be pushed off to you02:57
makojono: doesn't mean you have to solve them, but at least help point people to the right place02:58
makoor places02:58
amachuThank You.. 02:58
jonomako, sure, I can help point them in the right direction02:58
jonomako, I am working on some better docs on the LoCo pages to help with this to, so we can point people at the docs02:58
jonothe LoCo pages are....erm...artistic...shall we say :P02:58
jonothey need poking with a stick :)02:59
ajmitchhow diplomatic02:59
sabdflvery glad to have jono working to document and clarify the loco process02:59
=== Fujitsu suggests Hobbsee.
BelutzKamion: can Indonesian Loco Team go first after this? because i have other meeting to attend to02:59
Hobbseesay what?02:59
jonosabdfl, :)02:59
Fujitsusabdfl, certainly.02:59
elkbuntuHobbsee, your poking stick, dear.03:00
KamionBelutz: sure03:00
Hobbseeoh, the long and pointy stick.  yes.03:00
BelutzKamion: thanks03:00
FujitsuHobbsee, yes.03:00
jonofor LoCo people in here, keep an eye on loco-contacts - I will be posting a message soon about getting teams accepted03:00
Hobbsee<offtopic>I want the email address longpointystick@ubuntu.com too </offtopic>03:00
makojono: sounds good, thanks03:00
imthefaceokok jono!03:00
Belutzjono: will do03:01
jonoHobbsee, damn you! :)03:01
Hobbseejono: :P  03:01
jonoincidentally, sorry I was late to the this meeting, a meeting overrun03:01
Belutzmay i begin now?03:02
Kamionyes, I think we're done with the previous item03:02
Belutzok, thanks Kamion03:02
BelutzHi All, I'm Andi Darmawan, i'm the contact person for Indonesian LocoTeams03:03
Belutzwe are here to apply for recognised status for the Indonesian LoCo Team (http://ubuntu-id.org). We've been active in Ubuntu since the team was formed about a year ago.03:03
BelutzVarious efforts have been done. We have provided infrastructures for the local users to grow - website, mailing list, forum, documentation. We strive to create a comfortable place where anyone can get information on Ubuntu, have a honest discussions, get help, exchange experiences, solve problems, and so on.03:03
BelutzWe have also participated in a few conferences, then several people from Cidepok have also organized two Edubuntu conferences & instalfest. And currently we've managed the project to distribute Ubuntu repository in form of DVDs03:03
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Belutzdue to expensive Internet access in our country, this will help the users in Indonesia, so they can install many applications in Ubuntu without have to connect into Internet (except for the updates of course). We have many plans for the future, including writing a book on Ubuntu targeted for everyone in Indonesia.03:04
makl10nthe CC meeting started?03:04
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Belutzthere are some members who focused on edubuntu also, you can check it at this site http://toosa.oo-linux.com/weblog/index.php?op=Default&postCategoryId=17&blogId=3 (in Indonesian)03:05
sabdflBelutz: thank you for this contribution so far! what can we do to help you accelerate?03:05
BelutzIndonesian Loco teams have been appeared on Cnet Asia recently, you can check it at this site http://asia.cnet.com/reviews/blog/toekangit/0,39056105,61953558,00.htm03:05
sabdfli have to step afk for a while, will read scrollback03:05
=== imtheface cheerleader for Indonesian Team
Belutzsabdfl: we need to be the official ubuntu team for indonesia, so we could speak on behalf of ubuntu03:06
Kamionmakl10n: some time ago, yes03:06
sabdflBelutz: is there any other team right now?03:06
jsgotangcoBelutz: you sure its not just in jakarta? ;)03:06
Seveas(makl10n: I asked for the translation item to be moved down in the agenda so you wouldn't be left out)03:06
Belutzsabdfl: yes they are, imtheface, fajran, harry_sufehmi, Niwatori, and others03:07
makl10nSeveas: Thanks03:07
jonoBelutz, you progress is impressive03:07
imthefacehttps://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-id --> translation team03:07
hs_Hi, I just would like to show the achievements with the Indonesian schools : 03:07
hs_First Edubuntu installfest : http://toosa.oo-linux.com/weblog/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=25&blogId=303:07
Belutzjsgotangco: most of the members are in jakarta, but we ship the DVD repos nation wide03:07
hs_Second Edubuntu installfest : http://toosa.oo-linux.com/weblog/index.php?op=ViewArticle&articleId=30&blogId=303:07
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sabdflimtheface: how do you feel about Belutz's team taking on an official role? is there good coordination between the different teams?03:07
hs_On the second installfest, participants from as far as 600 km away came to join in.03:08
Belutzsabdfl: actually i'm proposing imtheface aka Andy Apdhani to be the Team Leader :)03:08
hs_second that03:08
sabdflok, so you're saying there are informal teams, and you'd like to create an official team that draws from those guys03:08
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sabdflsounds good to me. have you worked with jono yet?03:09
Belutzsabdfl, yes, so there could be one official teams03:09
jonoBelutz, I recommend we have a chat about your work03:09
imthefaceyes, i've follow discussion on loco mailing list!03:09
sabdflif jono is happy with the state of the team, organisation, leadership, website, mailing lists, goals... then +1 from me03:10
Belutzsabdfl: i don't think i have chat with jono, but my friend imtheface who recently make contact with other loco team03:10
sabdfli need to step afk for real now!03:10
sabdflwill read scrollback03:10
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jonoBelutz, I would like to have a discussion to discuss the specifics if possible, as I am not familiar with your team03:10
Belutzjono: will do :)03:11
jonoBelutz, how do the informal teams work together?03:11
Belutzjono: actually they moved alone at first, but we ask them about joining us, because some of the informal teams doesn't know about loco teams03:12
sabitha i iiiiiiiiiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii03:12
jsgotangcosabitha: bless you03:12
jonoBelutz, when you say informal teams, are these Ubuntu teams or Linux User Groups?03:12
Belutzjono: if we could be as one, we could make the activities nation wide03:12
imthefaceand currently I've made contact with them so we can work together with them side by side03:13
jonoBelutz, yes03:13
Belutzjono: they are not LUG and not Ubuntu Teams, but they promote ubuntu and edubuntu03:13
jonoBelutz, has anyone applied to be the official team before from these informal groups?03:13
jsgotangcoBelutz: id is a very large place, is that even feasible03:13
Belutzjono: not yet as far as i know03:14
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jsgotangcoive experinced this as well03:14
jsgotangcofor groups wayyy down south03:14
Belutzjsgotangco: it is feasible, as long as we communicate and work each other :)03:14
jonoBelutz, ok, well +1 from me, I am happy to make you an official team :)03:14
jsgotangcoi let them use loco resources, ie., website, etc.03:14
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Belutzjono: thanks :)03:14
jonoBelutz, I think you need to take special care to get all the informal teams communicating together well and preferably on the same mailing list and IRC channel03:15
Belutzjsgotangco: thanks for all your support :)03:15
imthefacesame here jsgotangco!03:15
Belutzjono: yes, our mailing list becoming more active everyday03:15
jonoBelutz, awesome :)03:15
imthefacejono, already in progress!03:15
jsgotangcothe thing is, you don't need to influence the actions of far flung teams, as long as the goals are much the same collectively03:15
jonothen sure, I am happy to make you an official team03:15
imthefacethey've join to our mailing list!03:15
jsgotangcobut sometimes these informal groups look into guidance03:16
jsgotangcothat's where you guys come in ;)03:16
Belutzjsgotangco: that's why we persuade them to join us :)03:16
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imthefacejono, many thanks then!03:16
imthefaceharry_sufehmi, welcome back!03:16
imthefacealso cheers jsgotangco 03:16
jonoimbrandon, :)03:17
=== imbrandon looks up
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jonoimtheface, :)03:17
jonoBelutz, I will move the team to the official table now03:17
Belutzjono: so, what should we do next?03:17
harry_sufehmihi imtheface, hope I didn't miss anything important 03:17
imthefacejono, sorry didn't make it to the loco-meeting yesteday!03:18
jonoimtheface, no worries03:18
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jonoBelutz, I will move you to the official table and you are now considered official :)03:18
imthefaceharry_sufehmi, u miss the whole things03:18
Niwatoriharry: you missed the approval fanfare :P03:18
kenyanteamhi, i'm here to represent kenya loco team03:18
Belutzthanks to jono and all CC members :)03:20
Belutzwe will do our best to promote ubuntu in indonesia03:20
harry_sufehmithanks all03:20
jonoBelutz, do keep me updated with how you get on :)03:20
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Belutzjono: i will, your email is jono @ u.c ?03:21
dudanogueiraBelutz, wish you luck03:21
jonoBelutz, yes03:21
Belutzdudanogueira: thanks :)03:21
AmyJhi freeflying03:21
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freeflyingAmyJ: hey03:21
Belutzjono: ok, i'll note that03:21
BelutzCheers for Indonesian LoCo Teams :)03:21
jsgotangco\o/ ubuntu-id \o/03:21
Belutzjsgotangco: thanks :)03:21
makl10nCheers for Indonesian LoCo Team from me too03:22
Niwatorithx jsgotangco03:22
Belutzok, i have to attend another meeting, thanks again all :)03:22
fajranthanks all!03:22
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jonoBelutz, also see #ubuntu-locoteams :)03:22
Belutzjono: will do :)03:22
Belutzbye all :)03:23
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elmoso, err, where are we up to?03:24
Hobbseehow late will this meeting run?   will we have a 3 hour meeting or something?03:24
Hobbseeelmo: heh.  poke someone to talk03:25
Kamionwell, I have to step out in an hour's time for twenty minutes or so, so I hope not03:25
Kamionok, Bangladesh was next in the normal ordr03:25
=== Hobbsee wonders who usually chairs this thing.
Kamionthen Ukraine, Kenya, Hungary03:25
Kamionany of those here?03:25
KamionHobbsee: kind of magical floating chair03:25
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elmosometimes it floats off without someone attached03:26
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phanaticKamion: Hungary present03:26
HobbseeKamion: right...it seems that whoever's sitting on it today needs a good poking, before everyone falls asleep :P03:26
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Kamionphanatic: ok, please carry on03:26
phanaticHi everyone, I'm Szilveszter Farkas, the contact person for the Hungarian LoCo Team. Please let me introduce our team in a few words. The whole story began with the Translation Team, which was formed at the end of August 2005 after translating the entire (unofficial) Breezy Guide. Since then we organized many Translation Weekends to accelerate the localization of Ubuntu.03:27
phanaticThe next step was the founding of the Hungarian Ubuntu Community homepage (ubuntu.hu) in the middle of December 2005. We set up a Wiki-based site, so anyone can contribute (there are dozens of howtos available). A forum is also available, we have more than 550 members as of today, and many of them are very active. We have a crew who are hanging around on IRC to help other people as well (#ubuntu-hu). There are two mailing lists current03:27
phanaticly: one for the translators and one for the community.03:27
phanaticIn February 2006, a member of our team introduced Ubuntu both on TV and radio (smaller, non-profit stations).03:27
phanaticIn the mean time we also helped out on other IT forums in Hungary to help the beginners getting started with Ubuntu.03:27
phanaticWe have also localized the Ubuntu and Kubuntu Desktop CDs, and found sponsors for mirroring them.03:27
phanaticThe latest news is that we are organizing an Ubuntu Conference in Budapest (with the kind support from Canonical). We invited many well-known developers to present their contributions, and there are also talks in Hungarian to beginners, professionals and business people. (Almost 200 people registered to attend.) More info on that: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/545 - We plan to give away 100s of {U,Ku,Edu}buntu CDs, and also ordered a p03:27
phanaticlenty of laptop stickers. Oh, and everybody is invited to both the conference and the Edgy release party after that ;)03:27
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jonophanatic, this all sounds great03:29
phanaticjono: thanks03:29
jonophanatic, was it you who mailed me about speaking at the conference?03:29
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phanaticjono: i don't think so03:31
phanaticjono: that must have been another conf03:31
hunmaat2And a more latest news is that we are upgrading our community site. We want to make (and have made for test) a hungarian ubuntu planet-like drupal site and a wiki module for it, migrating our old forum and ubuntu-guide-based documentation.03:32
jonowell your team certainly gets a +1 from me03:32
phanaticjono: thanks a lot :)03:32
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phanatici hope the others agree too03:33
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Seveasanything else needed from/for the hungarian team or can we move on?03:34
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makoalright then03:35
elmolooks fine to me03:35
jonodo the CC members want to vote or are they happy?03:35
makoyes, seems find03:35
jonook cool03:35
SeveasI want to speak on behalf of RolandoBlanco03:36
makoSeveas: ok03:36
SeveasI've been e-mailing him and sadly tuesday is a very bad day for him03:36
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Seveasif we can have a meeting on wednesday, at a same time for him (south america) he can show up03:36
makoSeveas: every day and time is bad for some people03:36
makl10nsuzan229: hello...03:37
Seveasmako, agreed, but having one meeting on a wednesday won't hurt, would it?03:37
suzan229makl10n: sorry for late03:37
makl10nsuzan229: it's okay. the Translation / Localization agenda not yet started03:37
makoSeveas: except that we'll all forget it :)03:38
suzan229mak110n: That's good. So I'm not late. :-)03:38
makl10nsuzan229: hang around. okay?03:38
jonook, I will make the Hungarian team official if there are no objections03:38
makowell you are late, but this has been a long meeting03:38
Seveasmako, give me a list of phone numbers and I'll be stalking03:38
suzan229makl10n: ok03:38
makojono: go ahead03:38
jonophanatic, congrats! :)03:38
makoSeveas: we can talk about it at the end of this meeting when we plan the next one03:38
makolets move on03:39
Seveasmako, ok03:39
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Seveaskirjanov denis?03:39
phanaticjono: thanks, we'll try hard to keep you happy :)03:39
Seveas(btw: I mailed ALL the people with old items on the agenda, those who don't show up today can imho be removed)03:39
SeveasNeal Bussett, Flannel?03:39
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thoreauputicoh, i hope Flannel makes it - he has been quite helpful on #ubuntu03:40
HobbseeSeveas: IRC is set to away03:40
Seveasy3dips, Ahmad Muammar?03:41
thoreauputicmaybe he went to sleep ;p03:41
Hobbsee[23:40]  [Whois]  Flannel has been idle for 4 hours, 7 minutes, and 36 seconds.03:41
Hobbseethoreauputic: quite likely.03:41
HobbseeSeveas: [23:41]  [Whois]  _y3dips[0xff]  has been idle for 5 hours, 1 minute, and 30 seconds.03:41
HobbseeSeveas: who's next?03:41
Seveasthoreauputic, he said he would make it -- he can always reapply later. Being removed from the agenda merely means that we have a smaller agenda ;)03:41
SeveasBrendon Toogood brendon803:42
brendonjtkia ora03:42
thoreauputicSeveas: good point - lets move on03:42
SeveasHi brendonjt 03:42
SeveasPlease introduce yourself to us and the CC03:42
brendonjtmy name is brendon toogood and from new zealand03:42
KamionBrendon had an e-mailed endorsement from a local computer technician he's worked with, saying that he's been a staunch supporter and advocate of Linux in the area03:43
brendonjti have been using ubuntu  since dapper but have been using linux for a number of years,since the release of dapper, and alot of my work03:43
Hobbseebrendonjt: do you have a wiki page here?03:44
brendonjthas been un-noticed except by the endorsement for the it tech who emailed the cc03:44
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brendonjtmy wiki page might not be as flash or set out as flash as others but i  use all my spear time promoting ubuntu and teaching people how to use it and have been in the #ubuntu channel03:45
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makobut work in advocating gnu/linux more generally alone does not cross the threshhold of participating in *ubuntu*03:46
=== Hobbsee kicks the wiki
=== nixternal watches as the wiki kicks back
Seveashi whitesoft, good you could make it!03:46
makowhitesoft: yes, definitely03:46
brendonjti have been promoting ubuntu not just linux and have made flyers and the likes around my small town to promot and get people in volved even took the live cd to a school to show off how powerful it is and got positive response03:47
Seveasbrendonjt, you'll have to excuse me for being blunt, but the CC is looking for a sustained and significant contribution and your wiki page does not show such a contribution03:48
brendonjtSeveas, : yes true i have problems with wording myslef  it is a health problem  i am more hands on03:48
makobrendonjt: right, but the only testimonial you have does not demonstate involvement in *this* community03:49
Seveasbrendonjt, how active are you in the NZ locoteam?03:49
brendonjti am involved as we are going to be relaunching it and am involved with the people there who are to to relaunch it 03:50
brendonjtsome of them are here03:50
makobrendonjt: great03:50
Seveasbrendonjt, that's very good -- this means that in a few weeks or months you WILL have made a visible contribution to the Ubuntu community03:51
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Seveasthe NZ team should be kicking the AU teams ass imho 03:51
makobrendonjt: what wi would recommend is that you continue your involvement in the loco, and then come back with few testimionaisl from folks on the loco and that you have worked with in ubuntu as part of that03:51
=== thoreauputic eyes Seveas
=== siccness glares at Seveas :)
HobbseeSeveas: they dont have big enough feet03:52
=== Fujitsu prods Seveas with a big poker.
makobrendonjt: so work closely with jono which you should be doing already with the loco and he should be willing to help tell you when you're going to be ready to head back here03:52
makolets move on03:52
=== Hobbsee attacks Seveas with her long pointy stick.
brendonjtSeveas, : but the way it was launched was pretty dim compared to what it should have been, i only discovered it by google had no idea at the stage it even exsisted03:52
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Seveasnext up is whitesoft03:52
Seveaswho could make it after all03:52
Seveasbrendonjt, help making it grow and you'll get a kiss from Hobbsee03:53
Hobbseenow hey!!!03:53
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Hobbseeyou most certainly will not03:53
Kamionbrendonjt: that does sound like a good reason to relaunch with a bit more fanfare03:53
=== Hobbsee thumps Seveas
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thoreauputicoh dear..... i fear there has been a motion against the chair ;)03:53
Seveaswhitesoft, ?03:53
whitesoftPlese, sorry for m poor english ;)03:53
brendonjtyip only got a few weeks to help out  as i am starting back at work  up at 4am till 4am03:54
whitesoftHello, my name is Rolando Blanco (www.blanco.net.ve) I'm System Engeneer, works with Ubuntu since warty, I discover it browsing the net...03:54
whitesoft...How in my country, de gob. do mandatory the use of Linux in the desktop, then I try ubuntu. and be loved whit it.03:54
whitesoftI forgot Hasefroch, then changa me mind and my work only Linux,03:54
whitesoftHow UBUNTU if for Huma, then I decide us it...03:54
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SeveasIs anyone from the latino american team around to vouch for whitesoft ?03:56
SeveasThe ubuntu.org.ve site looks nice, how involved are you with it right now whitesoft?03:57
makoyes, it is pretty impressive03:59
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Seveasok, next sessions are starting here, so unfortunately I'll be away again03:59
whitesoftRigth now I just bring support and teach Ubuntu Linux03:59
whitesoftMay be someone, ask what can I do for Ubuntu, Welll...03:59
whitesoft...You can check www.ubuntu.org.ve this is the site of the LoCo VenezuelanTeam03:59
whitesoftRigth now, Matt and me are working to change to www.ubuntu-ve.org too04:00
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Hobbseeelmo, Kamion questions?04:02
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KamionI'd really like to hear something from other Latin American Ubuntu folks04:03
Kamionabout how whitesoft is doing04:03
makl10nthoreauputic: on which agenda the meeting going on. for the time being04:03
makowhitesoft: looks really good04:03
makobut i'd love to hear from others04:03
KamionWould it be possible to get somebody else on the Latin American team to e-mail in an account of what you've been doing, and we can review that next time (in your absence, if necessary)?04:06
makoyes that's fine04:06
makowhitesoft: it's good that you've showed up, you don't need to do ita gain04:06
makobut it would be good to collect a couple testimonials before we make a decision to approve the membership request04:07
whitesoftI m the creator of this, In fact, I host it, and register it, this was a very nice experience, beacause, I did it only me, just along, then every day some one come and join the team04:07
whitesoftrigth now, we are more then 500 people, have 3 web administrators, have an IRC channel, and a mailing list, was greate just in 4 mounth04:07
whitesoftevery body join it, but jus may be official member how sign the Code of Conduct04:07
whitesoftwho sig, (sorry)04:07
whitesoftWe are not JUST an other Comunity,,,04:07
whitesoft... we say that we are a Fraternity...04:07
whitesoftThe official mane of our organization is...04:07
whitesoft... Fraternity Ubuntu Linux of Venezuela.04:07
whitesoftWe most to try to operate every time whit the COC and try to NO talk bad about any other Operative System...04:07
whitesoftOk, thank you to all.04:08
makowhitesoft: great, thanks for showing up04:08
jonosorry was on the phone04:08
Hobbseejono: seems that *everyone* was.04:08
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makowho is next on the schedule04:09
Hobbseemako: looks like dudanogueira and elkbuntu are here and active, for a start04:09
Kamionwhitesoft: very glad to hear that, and it sounds like you're doing a good job - we just like to hear from other people with regard to community-building work04:09
Hobbseemost of the others seem to be away04:09
Hobbseeperhaps we process them first?04:09
elkbuntujohnlittle is around also04:09
johnlittlen/me is not away04:09
EdgyEftdudanogueira is next04:09
=== lophyte is not away either
Hobbsee[00:06]  [Away]  john_little is away: I'm busy04:10
Hobbsee[00:06]  [Whois]  john_little has been idle for 2 hours, 46 minutes, and 10 seconds.04:10
evandI am here as well04:10
elkbuntuwrong johnlittle ;)04:10
dudanogueiracan start?04:10
Hobbseeheh.  your whois' lie then04:10
EdgyEftdudanogueira: please do04:10
dudanogueiraIts a daily battle. As i borned in a small city, i havent the information necessary for technology freedom. Moved to a bigger city for studing (4 years now!, Gratuating in Public Affairs Management with focus on technology) and for a good work on webdevelopment. Now i finally have tech freedom :)04:10
dudanogueiraIt doesn't came from the college, i had to learn it on the hard way: already on a job. So, i feel the need to spread the free software philosophy and possibilities wherever i can: at colleges, friends, work, partners and on. Its the key for a tech freedom country.04:10
dudanogueiraIn my natal city (a very poor one), i have to admit, its getting better all the time. In 26/10 we gonna have an event in a new college from there, and they called us (ubuntu-br-mg) for talking about software libre, and of course, ubuntu. ;). We'll have workshops, radio and newspappers interview, and a lot more. Wait for photos! It will be the trhird event that i unnoficially represents Ubuntu.  More Details in my Profile: http04:10
whitesoftExcelent, just remember please, that in the Launchpad and in the site, I identify my self like rolando, see you Bye...04:10
dudanogueiraSome cool links: http://barraroumi.wordpress.com/2006/08/29/iii-festival-software-livre-da-bahia-fotos/, http://blog.licio.eti.br/?p=21, http://fotos.ubuntubrasil.org/v/1UbuntuBeerH/04:11
makodudanogueira: thanks04:11
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makodudanogueira: i'm checking out the links/wiki04:11
makoelmo: 04:11
makoelmo: "Author on Brazilian Ubuntu Planet"04:11
makoelmo: improvement this time :)04:12
dudanogueiramako, unfortunately, my fellows coudnt be present in a great number, as they had to work04:12
nixternallol mako04:12
makodudanogueira: can you provide a link to your brazilian forum posts?04:12
makolike a summary or a place we can view them?04:12
dudanogueiramako, owk, im grabbing it04:13
Seveasdudanogueira: that actually is not too bad, the -br crowd was rather noisy last time04:13
makowell, it's nice to have someone04:14
dudanogueiraSeveas, yeah. -br people here is very active04:14
makoif folks can't come, they are welcome to send testimionaisl to community-council@list.u.c04:14
Seveas-br must be the locoteam with most Ubuntu members04:14
dudanogueiramako, cant find how to index all the posts04:14
makoSeveas: yeah, probably04:14
sfairSeveas, and we wanna be the most active too :-)04:15
dudanogueiramako, already granted licio, Ubuntuser, OgMaciel and other testimonials, that will be sent later04:15
sfairmay I say some words about dudanogueira?04:15
Seveassfair: please04:16
sfairmako, http://planeta.ubuntubrasil.org/author/35 (dudanogueira's posts)04:16
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makosfair: those are not forums posts04:16
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makosfair: those are planet posts, i already saw that04:16
sfairas a member of ubuntu-br-doc i'd like to say that we have good guys working here and duda is one of them04:16
sfairhe does an excelent job, helping us to improve our wiki... he also helps doing translations04:16
sfairmako, sorry04:16
makosfair: that's useful, thanks04:16
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makodudanogueira: can you at least point me to your user profile in the forums?04:17
dudanogueiramako, it should be here: http://ubuntu.linuxval.org/smf/index.php?action=profile;u=4543;sa=showPosts04:17
sfairand dudanogueira also has a great job spreading the ubuntu spirit as he said in his wikipage04:17
dudanogueirasfair, thank you :)04:17
Kamiondudanogueira: out of interest, what have you been doing with the accessibility team?04:17
SeveasNome:  bit_doidao04:18
SeveasMensagens: 24 (0,329 por dia)04:18
SeveasPosio: Usurio Ubuntu04:18
SeveasData de registo: 07 de Julho de 2006, 12:0204:18
Seveasltima visita: Hoje s 11:1604:18
Seveas(from his profile)04:18
dudanogueiraKamion, as i "converted" my mother, i listen her complains and experiences. From now i coudnt help a lot04:18
dudanogueirabut its on my plans to make some suggestions. Simple things that bothers beginner users04:19
jsgotangcothat's not accessibility related04:19
Kamionaccessibility => disabled users04:19
dudanogueiraKamion, owk, maybe i misunderstood the initial concept.04:20
jsgotangcoyou might want to check out NUN (New User Network)04:20
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Seveasanyone have questions for dudanogueira ?04:21
Kamionyou seem to have done a fair bit of translation work though, along with the rest of the pt_BR cabal :)04:22
dudanogueiraany questions?04:22
makodudanogueira: wait, so you've posted only 24 messages on that account04:22
makothat's fine04:22
makobut it doesn't seem like that would qualify as an active contributor04:22
makoespecially since it's over several months04:22
dudanogueiramako my focus is on wiki and translating the educational apps04:22
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makothat's fine04:23
makobut on your wiki page, you claimed an active role in the forums and i'm not really finding that04:23
dudanogueiraand also spreading the free software phisolophy in related events04:23
dudanogueiramako, active in the server talk area, and this area isnt so active. But i have one eye on there, and every question i try to solve as i can :)04:24
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SeveasMore questions?04:26
makodudanogueira: have you done your translation through rosetta04:26
KamionI have to go and pick my stepson up from school; I'll be back in about 15 minutes04:26
Kamionplease do continue without me and I'll vote belatedly if necessary04:26
SeveasKamion: ok04:26
dudanogueiramako, some stuffs are translated in rosseta, but the mainly content is translated in our wiki, also produced too04:26
dudanogueirain rosetta i give a focus on educational softwares04:27
makodudanogueira: can you point to some wiki pages that you are proud of that you have helped do?04:27
dudanogueiramako: http://wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/VoipNoUbuntu04:27
makodudanogueira: your wiki page is good in that it lists a lot of things that you ahve worked on but without links it makes it very hard to verify most of your claims04:27
makowhich it's our responsibility to do :)04:28
dudanogueiraits a article for using Voip on Ubuntu, as far as the VOIP operators doesnt say that linux is suported. 04:28
makocool, looking now04:28
makoany others that come to mind?04:28
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dudanogueiramako, translated the iptables and restriceted formats (looking in to it)04:28
Kamping_Kaisersorry to interupt, but i have to go. heres my *woot* of support for elkbuntu . *woot elkbuntu *04:29
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dudanogueiraand also the SubGruposRegionais, that is a try to map all the brazilian user on a per city basis04:29
jsgotangcothis is probably the longest CC meeting of all time04:29
makoi know04:29
thoreauputicjsgotangco: I think a serious look at limiting time spent on each issue would help...04:29
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Seveasjsgotangco: thoreauputic, meta-discussions like this don't help04:30
dudanogueirawiki.ubuntubrasil.org/SubGruposRegionais, wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/FormatosProprietarios04:30
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 20 Sep 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 21 Sep 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team
thoreauputicSeveas: meta discussions may not help, but this meetinghas been a farce, sorry04:30
makodudanogueira: but much of those pages are not translated04:32
makoat least the last one04:32
makodudanogueira: it looks good but i'm going to want to see a few more testimonials04:32
dudanogueiramako, strange. it was 100% translated04:32
makodudanogueira: look at wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/FormatosProprietarios04:33
dudanogueiraas far as i can remember04:33
dudanogueiraalready on there04:33
makoonly up until  Real Media04:33
makoand http://wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/SubGruposRegionais is just a list04:33
makoanyway, i'd really like to have a few more testimonials04:33
makoespecially because you come from a team with so many members04:33
makothere's really not excuse not to04:34
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SeveasLooking at the info for the Formatos page, dudanogueira didn't doo too much on it04:34
makodudanogueira: and try to provide links and example for all of the things on your wiki page04:34
dudanogueiraSeveas, we are working on it04:34
dudanogueiraalso http://wiki.ubuntubrasil.org/Iptables04:34
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jsgotangcopretty good lp karma though, if not only recently04:35
Seveasdudanogueira: pleasee collect dome testimonials from others04:35
Seveasmako: I propose to move forward04:35
dudanogueiramako, Seveas sure :)04:36
makoi need to be at work in like -1 hour :)04:36
Seveasevand: you're on04:36
evandHi, I'm Evan Dandrea.  My Launchpad page is https://launchpad.net/people/evand.  I was one of the students working for Ubuntu in this year's Summer of Code.  I am working on adding migration assistance to debian-installer and Ubiquity.04:36
evandThis project enables users to import user accounts, documents, and a variety of settings from their previous operating systems.  This project has made it into Universe for Edgy, though it is not included in the installer as it wasn't ready for mass use at the cutoff.04:36
evandGoing forward I'm aiming for inclusion on the CD for Edgy+1 as well as Vista and OS X support.04:36
makoevand: who was your mentor?04:36
jsgotangcoKamion was your mentor no?04:36
evandmako: Kamion04:36
evandjsgotangco: correct04:37
makodid Kamion suggest that you apply for membership?04:37
evandI brought it up with him, but he was willing to support it.04:37
makothat's a pretty high endorsement04:37
evandI know :)04:37
jsgotangcoand his project is in edgy04:37
evandas a source package, yes04:38
evandKamion did say he would speak on my behalf, but as he said above he's a bit tied up at the moment.04:39
Seveasevand: do you mind if we postpone you until he's back?04:40
evandSeveas: Not at all04:40
Seveasevand: thank you, let's move on then, johnlittle is up next04:40
johnlittleHi all. I will try to make this brief04:41
johnlittleMy name is John Little. I've been an Ubuntu user and advocate since Warty. I'm a member of the Marketing Team, where among other things I work on the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. I have blogged about Ubuntu in various locations since its initial release. My personal blog is ranked by Technorati as the second most authoritative Ubuntu blog. Continued...04:41
johnlittleMore recently, I've created Ubuntu Video (http://www.ubuntuvideo.com) and it is the focus of much of my Ubuntu-related work. I'm also providing technical feedback to the Fridge editors and if all goes well will eventually be able to get access and help them with some Drupal administration issues that will help with SEO and site maintenance. My wiki address is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JohnLittle. Let the grilling begin.04:41
SeveasAny marketing/fridge people around for cheering?04:41
bimberi\o/ for johnlittle, in particular the fantastic Ubuntu Video site and i'm aware of his strong contributions to the marketing team over the last two months (at least).  I'm also aware that he sat through an excruciating CC meeting while applying for membership ;p04:41
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elkbuntuhe's done alot with the marketing group, yeah04:42
makoevand: i'm happy with membership FWIW04:42
evandthanks mako 04:42
=== Seveas kicks the wiki
nixternaljohnlittle has done so much from an advocational aspect for Ubuntu in such a short time.  He has helped out a lot with the UWN, created a new project on his own, and merged it with Ubuntu Marketing, Ubuntu Video. He is a ++ candidate IMHO and would be an assett to Ubuntu and the community04:42
elkbuntuwe're trying to get burgwork and nixternal currently04:42
Seveasnixternal: thanks a lot04:43
mindspinnixternal: ++04:43
makojohnlittle: great work!04:43
makoi hadn't seen ubuntuvideo before04:43
johnlittleThank you04:43
nixternalUbuntu Video totally kicks arse!04:43
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makoa littlea nnoying it can't be played without flash, but that's not really your fault04:43
nixternalhe has even put up his own money as a bounty to receive some killer videos!04:44
johnlittletheres a flash fee section on the right sidebar04:44
makooh really!04:44
thoreauputicmako: actually IIRCsome can be played with ffplay for instance ( flv?)04:44
makoyes, 04:45
johnlittlePart of the goal is to get people to push videos out to google video and youtube..hence the flash part04:45
=== mako stops watching videos and goes back to the meeting
makocorey burger sent a testimonial over email as well04:45
makoI have also worked with John Little as part of the Marketing Team and04:45
makohave been very pleased with John's work and communication skills. John04:45
makostarted Ubuntu Video (ubuntuvideo.com) before he even found out about04:45
makothe Marketing Team, but after some communication with him, quickly04:45
makocame to help us out. He has also thrown himself into helping create04:45
makothe Ubuntu Weekly News and have nothing but praise for his efforts in04:45
makothat area. You can read more about John at04:46
makojohnlittle: anyway, great and original contributions04:46
johnlittleThanks again04:46
makojohnlittle: stuff we've never seen before :)04:46
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makoi'm happy with johnlittle for membership04:46
makoelmo: ?04:46
nixternalplus he interviews politicians!  he is our way into congress ;)04:46
makojohnlittle: great 2/3, Kamion will weigh in when he returns04:47
Seveasok, Lie_Ex 04:47
makoLie_Ex: wait04:47
makolets finish with evand first04:47
makoKamion: want to say a word about evand since you worked with him?04:48
KamionI'm happy with John Little too04:48
Kamionimpressive testimonials04:48
Seveasjohnlittle: congratulations!04:48
johnlittleWoot! Thanks04:48
bimbericongrats johnlittle :)04:49
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nixternalcongrats johnlittle04:49
Kamionyeah, I worked with Evan this summer; very competent development work, quick understanding of the infrastructure involved, and the migration assistant will (when ready) be an excellent tool for attracting switchers04:49
Kamionwhich I believe is a substantial part of Evan's motivation04:49
KamionI saw Evan around a little bit before the summer of code, and he's willing and eager to continue contributing after it04:50
Seveassounds good04:50
Kamionwhile Evan did bring it up with me, I also expressed a desire that he go for membership while writing up his final Google report, before reading what he'd written04:51
Kamionso I was pleased that it occurred to both of us04:51
evandAh, I forgot about that, sorry.04:51
KamionI can't remember if I mentioned it, but no worries anyway04:51
makogreat :)04:52
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makowell i'm happy with evand with membership04:52
Kamionso, er, slightly obviously, evand++ for membership, and I'd like to see him go for MOTU as well04:52
evandwill do04:52
Seveaselmo: ?04:52
Seveaselmo will catch up, we really should move on04:53
Seveas(unless anyone protests)04:53
SeveasLie_Ex: please paste your introduction04:53
evandKamion: thanks for the kind words04:54
Lie_ExHi,all.I'm Chinese,Lie Ex is my English name.04:54
Lie_ExI've been a Linux desktop user for 2+ years and started using Ubuntu from Breezy.Before 4 months I joined zh_CN translation team.04:54
Kamionevand: no problem, and looks like elmo agrees, so you're in04:54
Seveaselmo: merci, evand: congrats!04:54
evandgreat!  Thanks everyone!  Sorry to interrupt Lie_Ex.04:54
Seveasare there some l10n-zh-cn people around to testify?04:55
Lie_ExI'm charge of the tranlastion of basement apps now.04:55
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makoyour translation work looks very impressive04:56
Kamionbasement> base system?04:56
Lie_ExMy wiki page:https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lie_ex04:56
makothe KDE booklet that you put together does as well, although it's not directly related to work in the ubuntu community04:56
Lie_ExKamion: e.g:coreutils/quota/rpm and so on.04:56
makoLie_Ex: many of your rosetta translations seem to be in kde apps?04:56
makoLie_Ex: still your interest?04:57
Lie_Exmako: Yes,and for working.04:57
freeflyingSeveas: me04:57
Kamionyou said you were interested in coordinating translation; is anyone filling that role at present?04:57
Seveasfreeflying: any comments/testimonials about Lie_Ex are welcome, so please speak up :)04:57
Kamionor do you mean the localisation/translation team leader post?04:58
freeflyingLie_Ex: have done many translation on launchpad, we all appreciate with her work04:58
Lie_ExKamion: It looks that we're lacking of the person now.04:58
freeflyingSeveas: Kamion  and we think Lie_Ex is the right now for l10n-zhcn04:59
=== Lie_Ex Maybe I made some grammar error.:P
Seveassounds good05:00
Lie_ExKamion: Meanwhile I try to spread Ubuntu/Kubuntu to my company,the effect looks well.05:00
Seveasany other questions?05:01
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KamionI'm happy05:01
Seveas1 down05:01
Seveasmako, elmo?05:01
makosorry, called away there for a moment05:03
Seveasargh, ok, sorry about the pinging folks05:03
makophone call :)05:03
Seveasirssi got the better of me05:03
makobut yeah, i'm happy with Lie_Ex 05:03
makogreat translation work05:03
Seveasok, elkbuntu please start your introduction while we wait for elmos vot05:04
elkbuntuHi, I'm Melissa Draper, aka elkbuntu. You may have heard of me in conjunction with the Ubuntu Counter (http://www.ubuntucounter.org) or the surveys (http://surveys.geekosophical.net) that are currently being done. I'm also the LoCo Contact for the Australian LoCo and lately I've been working with jono on a LoCo Mentoring pilot/feasibility case study. I've also done a bit of support stuff and so forth in #ubuntu and on the 05:04
elkbuntu-users mailing list, but lately I have focused on the abovementioned things. My wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MelissaDraper and my launchpad is https://launchpad.net/people/melissa05:04
Hobbseeyay elkbuntu!05:04
Fujitsuelkbuntu has been doing a terrific job of running the Australian Team.05:04
johnlittleElkbuntu hardly needs props from me..but shes done awesome work05:04
bimberielkbuntu is doing a great job as LoCo-au team contact - maintaining the momentum established by her predecessor.  Then there's the work with the marketing team and the ubuntu counter and, just recently, the ubuntu surveys.  She has been and will be a great asset to this community.05:04
FujitsuThe counter and surveys are fantastic too!05:05
thoreauputicelkbuntu is also a great contributor on IRC05:05
jsgotangcowe can now all bow to her ubuntu-au majesty05:05
siccnessIndeed, thoreauputic.05:05
Fujitsujsgotangco, yup.05:05
=== gnomefreak cheers for elkbuntu :)
nixternalMelissa Rocks!  Need we say more than "Ubuntu Counter". This little project blew up and became fairly popular, and has helped tremendously from a marketing standpoint. Plus you have her work with the Aussie team. Excellent member candidate and w/o a doubt another asset to the community!05:05
elkbuntuwow.. thanks guys05:05
makocorey burger also sent a very positive testimonial about elkbuntu 05:05
jribI know elkbuntu basically because of the counters and surveys, they seem to have generated a lot of discussion on digg and the likes.  She seems really comitted!05:05
lucychili+++ from kamping kaiser siccness and me05:05
bimberiand the fact that we've stayed around this late to cheer her on demonstrates the esteem in which we hold her :)05:06
makoyes :)05:06
thoreauputicbimberi: it does indeed :)05:06
=== Fujitsu yawns... It's 1am.
elmoack lie_ex05:06
nixternaltruth be told, she threatened the Aussies w/ physica bodily harm if they didn't stay05:06
lucychilisorry siccness thought youd scarpered =)05:06
Seveaselmo: merci05:06
SeveasLie_Ex: welcome to "the club"05:06
elmo(sorry, was AFK)05:06
makoelkbuntu: great work :)05:06
rodarvusdude, elkbuntu is probably the new record holding person for most chering in a CC meeting :)05:06
freeflyingLie_Ex: congrats05:06
siccnessHeh, I did, but wanted to support elkbuntu05:07
bimbericongrats Lie_Ex!05:07
elkbuntunixternal, of course you know this since you're aussie, right ;)05:07
makoelkbuntu: i'm looking forward to your loco mentoring work with jono05:07
Seveasis anyone doing LP duty today?05:07
makoSeveas: i can do it after the meeting05:07
nixternalnope, im a lonely chicago`ite or something like that ;)05:07
Seveasmako: thanks05:07
Kamionelkbuntu's work and testimonials are impressive, and I'm especially pleased to see somebody else working on general locoteam coordination05:07
makoelkbuntu: you have my support 05:07
=== rikai whistles loudly in support of elkbuntu.
Lie_ExSeveas: Well,thank you for ratify.05:07
thoreauputicin addition to her great work, elkbuntu helps to keep a good atmosphere in the channels05:08
nalioth+1 for elkbuntu 05:09
johnlittleand she rounds up puppies for Corey Burger05:09
elkbuntujohnlittle, he demanded kittens for the recommendation05:09
Kamionelmo: how about you?05:09
FujitsuYay :)05:09
nixternalwoohoo!! Ubuntu Marketing 2/2! Congratulations elkbuntu and johnlittle!!!05:09
FujitsuCongrats elkbuntu :D05:10
Seveaselkbuntu: thanks for rocking so hard and being fast in the meeting05:10
bimberi\o/ elkbuntu05:10
elkbuntuthanks everyone!05:10
siccnessCongrats elkbuntu05:10
Hobbseeyay elkbuntu!05:10
Fujitsubimberi, agreed!05:10
siccnessnow i can go to bed :)05:10
Seveassuperm1: you're up05:10
freeflyingelkbuntu: congrats05:10
thoreauputicelkbuntu: well done :)05:10
nixternalbreak it down one time05:10
rikaielkbuntu: congrats05:10
Seveasok, lophyte please go first05:10
=== superm1 [n=supermar@68-115-81-248.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Seveasah wait05:10
jsgotangcoheh au folks are holding on at this hour05:10
FujitsuSeveas, he went to bed.05:10
Seveassuperm1: try not to flood ;)05:10
nixternalSeveas: lophyte had to split05:10
superm1whoops got booted for flooding05:10
gnomefreakcongrats elkbuntu :)05:10
Fujitsu*away, not to be05:10
superm1ill try agin05:11
rikaiSeveas: he had to leave.05:11
superm1Hi everyone, I'm Mario Limonciello (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/superm1).  I've been a long time Gentoo user, and converted to beign an Ubuntu user the last year.  I switched because I was helping set up linux for a friend, and wanted something very user friendly for them.  I hadn't used Ubuntu, but heard raving reviews about how great it was.05:11
Fujitsujsgotangco, yeah..05:11
superm1 Once I set it up for her, I acknowledged why it was so great and began to start using it myself.  Since then, I've tried to give back to the community in helping people on the forums, even going through and mining beginner posts every so often for quick answers to help them with.  I have taken an interest in compiz/xgl, and maintaining a HOWTO on compiz.net for setting it up a bit differently then most people.  All along 05:11
superm1 As newer versions were released in Ubuntu, packaging started to fall behind.  Earlier this year, I wanted to try to do something to help this situation.  I learned how to package in debian format and properly packaged a mythtv 0.19-fixes branch to match the current Gentoo revision at the time.05:11
superm1Since then, I have tried to keep up on the packaging up through the recent 0.20 release.  The most recent build is now a sync from debian-multimedia along with a patch from my own personal repository for gnome-screensaver support.  I'm looking to become an Ubuntu member to join the MOTU's, and be able to help get newer software like MythTV into Ubuntu sooner, so we dont go through a release that misses a new version of som05:11
Kamionoh, we need to deal with those debian-multimedia syncs ...05:12
FujitsuKamion, yes you do.05:12
Seveassuperm1: your wiki page doesn't really show any significant contribution to Ubuntu -- did you bring any -ca or -marketing people to cheer for you?05:12
superm1Unfortunately, I didn't bring anyone along.  I was asking some MOTUs to join, but they said they couldn't make it05:13
superm1I've tried to present my repo however I could05:13
makohe's done a bunch of work on the multimedia stuff.. but most of seem slike it's still in the process of transitioning into the project05:13
KamionI think that's mostly not his fault05:13
Kamionbut sure05:14
=== mako nods to Kamion
makosuperm1: do you have testomials05:14
Kamion(multimedia syncs tend to require lots of review due to the prevalence of dodgy licensing/patents)05:14
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superm1Just people on the forums saying thanks and such for putting repos up really05:14
superm1And then imbrandon thanked me for helping get mythtv into revu so soon05:15
superm1after marrilat finished his package05:15
superm1I've searched around the net and seen my repos put up for some myth howtos even.  in languages I don't know how to read :)05:15
jsgotangcoyeah that happens05:16
jsgotangcoyou just get surprised at the same time happy to know05:16
makosuperm1: lets wait until a few more people get a chance to take a look at it05:17
makosuperm1: with a few testimonials and a continued role of maintaining the packages, you should be a no-brainer05:17
makosuperm1: work with jono to make sure he's comfortable with the state of the app05:17
makosuperm1: and when he gives a nod, come on back :)05:17
superm1sounds good to me05:17
SeveasWE MADE IT05:18
Seveasthe end of the agenda :)05:18
=== GazzaK faints
Seveasnow to determine date & time of the next one05:18
SeveasOct 3, but which time?05:18
elmohow about a 2 year break instead of 2 weeks?05:18
Seveaselmo: heh05:19
elkbuntunice try05:19
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Seveaselmo: I'll be e-mailing the CC about some proposals to shorten the meetings 05:19
Seveasmako/elmo/kamion: any time proposals?05:20
GazzaKwiring up to electric chairs with remote switches?05:20
elmoI'm easy05:20
elmoearly evening this time? like 5pm UTC or so?05:21
makothat sounds fine05:21
makolet me put it in my calendar05:21
makoi forgot to put todays05:21
elmoKamion: ok for you too?05:21
Kamionyes, that's ok05:22
Kamion(sorry, was called away by veg box delivery)05:22
Seveassee you all next time people, I'll edit the agenda later today05:22
Kamionalso, I should mention that I e-mailed notice that I'd like to retire from the CC05:22
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Seveasthanks to all (and the CC in particular) for lasting05:22
Kamionassuming Mark accepts that, I expect that there'll need to be some kind of new CC member election05:23
Kamion(since my two-year term is up, and I think others can probably do a better job than me by now)05:23
SeveasKamion: I'd like to propose jono as candidate05:24
KamionJono was also one of my proposals05:24
Kamionhowever, nominations are Mark's decision05:24
Kamionanyhow, I need to go and clean up a spill05:24
Seveashave fun, see you in 2 weeks!05:24
makl10nso the meeting is over05:25
Seveasmakl10n: yes, finally05:25
gnomefreakmakl10n: yes05:25
jsgotangcomakl10n: finally05:25
rikaiLater CC people, thanks for putting up with all that. :)05:25
makl10nSeveas: the CC meeting is finished05:25
makl10nwhat about the Localization / Translation Team Leader agenda05:26
Seveasmakl10n: oh damn05:26
Seveasmakl10n: I doubt that the CC has enough energy for that right now, and og and the LP crew are also missing05:26
dudanogueiraSeveas, one of the proposed members for translation leader isnt here, OgMaciel :(05:26
Seveasmakl10n: my apologies for forgettingto bring it up earlier05:27
Linuturk_yaaarrjust accept them all ;p05:27
makl10nits.. Okay. I watched how busy you were05:27
makl10nSeveas: I can realize you had the longest meeting ever for CC05:27
Seveasthere was a longer one05:28
makoyes, sorry, i'm done for the day05:28
makowith this meeting at least :)05:29
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makl10nOkay no prob05:29
makl10nAlaways there is a next time05:29
jsgotangcoheh ciao05:29
makl10nEdgyEft: Shall I leave? Say something05:31
makl10nEdgyEft: How about on next meeting?05:31
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makl10nKamion: Shall I leave?05:32
makl10n*i'm leaving05:32
rikai"There was a legend of a longer CC meeting... But it has long since been lost in the annals of ubuntu history..." *awkward silence*  "...We forgot to log it, ok?"05:32
eyequeueall that time, but the irc on freenode issue never got discussed05:32
johnlittleIs there ant sort of followup us new member tyoes have to do?05:34
naliothjohnlittle: be patient?05:34
nixternalyou still have initiation hazing to go through...meet us at the UDS Mountain View for that ;)05:34
Kamionnope, mako will do the LP processing, and at some point soon after that an @ubuntu.com address should be semiautomatically created05:35
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