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jameshPython 2.5 is out02:56
crimsun(and it's in Edgy)02:58
jameshI hope stub is okay in Thailand03:01
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Jones_How can I remove a comment I made? I pasted the wrong dmesg and I want to redo it.03:22
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mptGooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!04:02
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mpthello peridot 06:26
peridothi, I'm not sure I'm in the right place; I have a question about using launchpad06:27
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jameshperidot: ask your question, and if we can answer it, we will.06:33
peridotdoes launchpad keep track of which releases contain a bug? (e.g., Ubuntu Dapper Drake has the problem, but it's fixed in Edgy Eft)06:34
jameshnot at the moment.  There is work underway for "release targetting", so developers can decide which releases to fix a bug in, and track them separately in the bug.06:36
peridotjust, I was bitten by a bug in Dapper, so I filed a bug report; now it's closed and disappearing from the system because it's been fixed in the not-yet-released Edgy06:39
peridotat best, the bug will probably be filed again by the next person who installs Dapper06:39
jameshwith the new system, you'd be able to nominate that bug to be fixed in Dapper06:39
jameshand the developers would be able to make a decision one way of the other06:40
peridotit also doesn't show up in my bugs list, even when I use advanced search and turn on "Fix Released"06:42
jameshwas your bug marked as a duplicate?06:42
peridotno, just "Fix Released"06:43
jameshthere is another checkbox in the advanced search to show duplicate bug reports06:43
peridotah, I found it; doesn't help.06:44
jameshwhat is the bug report, and what bug listing URL do you think it should show up on?06:44
peridotthe bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/6097306:45
UbugtuMalone bug 60973 in flashplugin-nonfree "Silently fails" [Untriaged,Fix released]  06:45
peridotthe unsuccessful search: https://launchpad.net/people/peridot-faceted/+assignedbugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Rejected&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Released&field.importance%3Alist=Untriaged&field.importance%3Alist=Wishlist&field.importance%3Alist=Low&field.importance%306:45
peridotuh, sorry06:45
jameshthat's your "assigned bugs" listing06:46
jameshif you look at choose "reported" from the menu on the left, you should find your bug06:46
peridotah, sorry, that was silly of me06:46
jameshthe choice of "Bugs" going to +assignedbugs is useful for developers, but not for users like you06:47
jamesh(where you likely have no assigned bugs)06:47
peridotcould it just say "Assigned Bugs" if that's where it goes?06:47
jameshmaybe mpt has some ideas of how to improve that :)06:47
peridotit was also nice, in the Debian BTS, to see some of the closed bugs - so you knew somebody else had had the problem, and a new version of the package fixed it06:48
jameshwell, we show "fix committed" bugs by default06:51
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jameshwhich in the case of a single line of development means that users will see bug reports for issues that have been fixed but not been released06:52
peridotbut not "fix released"; perhaps my problem is that "fix released" is here being used to mean something a little odd06:52
jameshit has issues with multiple lines of development (e.g. dapper vs. edgy), as you've mentioned.06:52
jameshthe release targetting might help here06:53
peridotbut if I am using (say) scipy 0.5.1 and a = transpose(a) deletes my home directory, it'd be nice to know that that was a known problem with 0.5.1 and it's worth updating to 0.5.206:53
peridotanyway, I find launchpad much more convenient than the Debian BTS or Bugzilla, so I look forward to seeing it get used more07:00
peridotthanks for the help07:01
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SteveAgood morning!07:57
SteveAstub: nothing like an extra public holiday to curry popular support07:59
stubMore that they want everyone off the streets to avoid any panic or confusion while the important stuff gets sorted.08:01
stubPopular support will go to whoever the king supports08:05
jameshso when do you think the next coup will be scheduled?08:15
SteveAI guess when they need another holiday08:16
stubjamesh: They average one every four years - this 15 year stint is a record08:21
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SteveAI see... like number 9 busses08:25
SteveAnone for 15 years, then 4 come one after the other08:25
lifelessstub: you lie there has been a coup08:46
jameshlifeless: the Committee for Democratic Reform are the coup leaders08:48
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juliuxwhich rights i need to add a event to a team calendar?09:58
doko_carlos: ping10:09
carlosdoko_: pong10:09
carlosdoko_: how was the conference?10:09
carlosjuliux: I think you need to be the owner or an admin of that team10:09
carlosjuliux: but I'm not completely sure10:09
doko_very informative. 350 people, up to 4 parallel tracks so you couldn't visit all talks.10:09
juliuxcarlos, admin is not enough10:10
carlosjuliux: then, you need to be the owner....10:10
doko_carlos: does rosetta can handle it, if I do not generate the GSI files for one build, if I know that nothing changed? i.e. are the translations of the last build kept?10:11
carlosI guess that could be seen as a bug...10:11
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carlosdoko_: that's the problem with big events in short time...10:11
juliuxcarlos, thxs10:11
carlosdoko_: if you don't generate any GSI files10:11
carlosnothing new will be imported into Rosetta10:12
carlosso previous data will remain unchanged10:12
doko_ok, so these translations are not marked "obsolete"?10:12
SteveAmpt: ping10:13
carlosthe only way to set a translation as obsolete is that the GSI with the english translations doesn't have a string anymore10:14
carlosso if you don't import anything, nothing changes10:14
carlosdoko_: in fact, we will not know about the new release10:14
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jordicarlos: there's an interesting mail in rosetta-users where someone from the Dutch team is pissed.10:24
jordicarlos: can you have a look?10:24
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carlosjordi: I agree with your answer10:31
carlosjordi: if they fixed it for Dapper after the Edgy opening, it sounds either like a bug or like someone changing it10:31
carlosI think we should start collecting more metadata about those changes10:31
carlosso we know who and when did that change10:32
jordithat would be good10:33
carlosthat will allow us too to know whether is a bug or a bad user10:33
carlosjordi: btw... how's going that email about KDE?10:38
carlosit's taking already too much time...10:38
jordidanilos offered help last weekend. I guess I'll take the offer if I don't finish it today.10:38
carlosyes, please, I think it should be ready before this Friday....10:38
UbugtuNew bug: #61383 in launchpad "Team Calendar only writeable for the owner" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6138310:40
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jordicarlos: count on that11:11
carlosjordi: thanks11:11
jordicarlos: the queue urgency is over now, I can go back to stuff like this again11:11
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UbugtuNew bug: #61391 in soyuz "PackageFilePublishing views should include distrorelease not just name" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6139111:35
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SteveAmpt: ping11:52
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cprovspiv: ping12:54
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UbugtuNew bug: #61409 in launchpad "Disable SSL" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6140901:05
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sabdflSteveA: how fast can i setup a new 360-degree review?01:48
sabdfli have a set of categories and questions01:48
sabdflthis is for my foundation in SA01:48
sabdflone subject, 6 reviewers01:48
SteveAsabdfl: 1 sec, I'll ping pov01:49
SteveAsabdfl: privmsged you01:52
=== carlos -> lunch
carlosdanilos: btw, after lunch, you owe me a couple of meetings...01:59
daniloscarlos: of course ;)01:59
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SteveAcarlos, danilos: when you have time, I'd like a followup chat from some things carlos and I discussed yesterday02:11
danilosSteveA: I'm fine with it anytime, don't know if carlos is out to lunch already02:11
carlosdanilos: I am, but saw the 'ping'02:11
carlosSteveA: we are going to have the meetings I told you about yesterday after lunch02:12
carlosSteveA: I guess we could have the followup after that02:12
carlosis that ok for you?02:12
SteveAI have a phone call in 2 hrs02:12
SteveAwith mark and kiko02:12
SteveAit can be before that, or after that02:13
SteveAmainly, I want to check into the timestamp/export thing02:13
SteveAI still don't understand it to a level I'm comfortable with02:13
carlosthat doesn't affects our meetings, so we could have it as soon as I'm back from lunch02:14
carlos13:00 UTC ?02:14
carlosI really need to leave, please agree on a time and I will attend (as long as it's after 13:00 UTC)02:15
=== carlos -> out
SteveAok, fine02:16
SteveAthis isn't urgent, but I'd like to talk about it today somtime02:16
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UbugtuNew bug: #61428 in malone "Want a "subscribed to teams" portlet..." [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6142803:05
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carlosSteveA, danilos: Are you ready?03:09
daniloscarlos: #cm?03:09
carlosdanilos: launchpad-meeting03:09
UbugtuNew bug: #61429 in malone "Would like to see *all* assigned/subscribed bugs" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6142903:10
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kikogood morning vietnam04:05
cprovkiko: hey, morning04:06
kikohow's it going04:06
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cprovkiko: fine, I've updated https://launchpad.canonical.com/NoMoreAptFtparchive, take a look when you have time04:07
flacostekiko: morning, let me know when you're available to finish our SupportTrackerWorkflowSpec chat04:09
malcckiko: Morning! Soyuz fixes are in rf, just started a last test-run to give rf-head the all-clear for drescher deployment, hope to complete this before my vacation days on Friday and Monday04:13
kikomalcc, great to hear this.04:13
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kikohey matsubara 04:14
kikohow's the fish04:15
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kikohey bradb 04:24
SteveAkiko: 04:24
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BenChello lp folks04:30
kikohey BenC 04:31
BenCI have a quick feature request, maybe it already exists somewhere :)04:31
BenCwould be nice if bug reports had a counter for "affected users" or something along those lines04:31
BenCusers having the problem could increment04:31
kikoBenC, so you could come on and say "This bug affects me"?04:32
BenCyeah, without kicking in another comment04:32
kikoBenC, do you feel that subscriptions to bugs are not a good way of measuring that?04:32
BenCand it would be easy to weight the bug at a glance04:32
BenCkiko: No, because a lot of people will sub to a bug out of interest04:32
kikoI'm not sure that's a "No". :)04:33
BenCI have bugs where there are more "interest" subs than "affected by the bug" subs04:33
BenCinterest meaning developers working on it, upstream developer, etc.04:33
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BenCnot people affected by the bug04:33
BenCkiko: Plus with a counter, people could decrement and stay sub'd if the bug is fixed for them04:34
=== BenC hardly looks at the sub list in most cases
kikoBenC, I'm not entirely sure that a subscriber count wouldn't give you enough of the same effect you're looking for04:36
BenCbut the counter would have to be tied to the lp login, so people can't arbitrarily get more attention for a bug by falsifying the count04:36
kikowhich does add to some of the complexity04:36
kikoof implementing this feature04:36
BenCwell, would just need a single table, ref'd to bug id's and logins04:37
kikoBenC, how about this: I could add a subscriber count somewhere useful in the bug page right now04:38
BenCjust an idea, though...something I've been wanting to see for awhile..the sub list is just kind of noisy, and doesn't really stick out unless it gets really big04:38
BenCkiko: that would be a great start04:38
kikowell, there's no counter for it :)04:38
kikoif you find that to be useful I could try adding that to the main bug listing04:39
kikoand if you found that after that subs still doesn't give you what you were looking for we can add an UsersAffectedByBug table.04:39
BenCif you could subtract the "subscribed because they maintain the product" ones, that would be even better :)04:39
kikoBenC, sure, but the numbers themselves don't have as much meaning as the comparison between numbers in different bugs.04:40
BenCooh, those are under "Also notified", so sub count would be good04:40
BenCvery true, checking all bugs in linux-source-2.6.17 and sorting by subs would be nice04:40
kikookay I will get my hands dirty with that sometime today04:41
kikolet me get back to my CHORES04:41
BenCsweet, thanks04:41
stubsalgado: Are you finished with your branch on staging?04:44
salgadostub, yeah! I thought I told you yesterday that it wasn't necessary to disable the daily updates...04:45
stubsalgado: I wasn't sure when the script would finish ;)04:46
stubsalgado: I'll rebuild with brad's branch04:46
salgadoah, right. thanks a lot again. :)04:46
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daniloscarlos: ping05:01
carlosdanilos: pong05:01
carloslet me get my power plug05:01
carlosand I will be ready05:02
daniloscarlos: ok, I am letting you ;)05:02
carlosI'm back05:03
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salgadostub, the db patch on my person-creation-rationale branch has an UPDATE. should this update be moved into another sql scripts inside the pending/ directory?05:40
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malccAnyone fancy doing a quick review on an almost-trivial patch?06:25
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jgihello everyone06:30
BjornTmalcc: sure06:31
malccBjornT: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/file3ZFfGm.html06:35
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BjornTmalcc: looks good. i guess i could comment on the indentation style, though, i'd have os.path.join on the same line as its arguments are on. i think it's slightly more readable that way.06:41
BjornTi.e.: function(06:41
BjornT  os.path.join('foo', 'bar'),06:41
BjornT  other_argument)06:41
malccBjornT: Yes, that's probably better isn't it? I'll change it06:42
BjornTi think it's easier to see that other_argument is an argument to function, not to os.path.join that way.06:42
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kiko_ah, the glorious internet07:03
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carlossee you!!!07:20
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=== bradb & # lunch
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ddaaI'm vaguely puzzled by my karma08:11
ddaaI cannot make myself to believe that all the bugstuff I have done is worth less than a little specstuff, and some completely marginal supportstuff.08:11
j-a-meinelspec work does seem to be valued much higher than bug stuff08:12
j-a-meinelI suppose because that makes you a developer rather than just a bug reporter.08:12
kikoj-a-meinel, it's because there are less people doing specs than bugs.08:13
kikoI'm not sure I agree with this scale though08:13
kikoI think the bugzilla.gnome.org karma scales are much more interesting.08:13
ddaakiko: I understand the motivation, but the emergent result is... puzzling at least.08:13
kikoddaa, agreed.08:14
ddaaesp. since my karma has been bouncing wildly up and down lately08:16
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j-a-meinelis there any way to set the 'date-released' column for a new 'release' of a branch?08:23
j-a-meinelI wanted to update some old records for bzr.08:23
j-a-meinelhttps://launchpad.net/products/bzr/0.9/0.9  was released on 2006-08-11 but it defaulted to using 'today', and doesn't let me set it anywhere.08:23
j-a-meinelWhich means this page: https://launchpad.net/products/bzr/08:24
j-a-meinelShows the wrong release date.08:24
ddaaj-a-meinel: you mean a "release", not a "branch", right?08:24
j-a-meinelIt is a release of a given product series.08:24
=== ddaa has no idea
j-a-meinelIt may be something that requires db admin at this point.08:25
ddaaI think all this Registry stuff has been in a no-mans-land in terms of ownership for years.08:25
j-a-meinelSince 'edit details' only lets you discuss summary, etc.08:25
ddaaj-a-meinel: I suggest you file a bug on Launchpad about the stupid default value and being unable to change it yourself, and a support request so somebody with the appropriate magic powers can do the fixes you want.08:27
ddaaI think that's especially important since jamesh is currently working on a tool that will automatically create tons of releases.08:28
ddaaso we should avoid polluting the database with bogus release dates08:29
ddaaIMO, being unable to say "unknown release date" should even be a blocker08:29
j-a-meinelbug 4557 seems to cover this08:31
UbugtuMalone bug 4557 in launchpad "launchpad doesn't ask for release date when adding a new product release" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/455708:31
kikomalcc, why do you drop exc_info=True in uploadprocessor.py?08:38
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kikooh. log.exception() doesn't have exc_info? :)08:38
ddaakiko: I've put in a helper for that08:40
ddaait's probably somewhere in the script logger stuff08:40
=== ddaa workraves
kikoddaa, oh, pray tell where that is?08:40
ddaaprobably canonical.launchpad.scripts.log08:41
ddaaThe branch scanner uses it IIRC08:41
ddaa(branch scanner is bzrsync.py)08:41
kikomalcc, that sounds like a good place to put that method of yours!08:41
bradbDo we have any examples of LaunchpadFormViews that don't use any schema or fields, instead rendering a form manually?08:43
bradbI think I want to convert the noms form to an LFV, to achieve validation, error reporting, and other consistency, but writing widgets makes me feel terrible.08:44
bradbMaybe I want to use LFV by filling a slot with my custom form, not including action buttons, and let LFV do the rest. Anyone else think like I think?08:46
kikoBjornT should know..08:48
flacostematsubara: if you have a minute, could you run the following SQL queries on staging: https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/fileFzS2fQ.html08:49
flacostematsubara: i want to get some global usage pattern on the support tracker08:49
=== mdz [n=mdz@studiocity-motorola-bsr1-70-36-194-85.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #launchpad
bradbMaybe I should just write a widget, but it does seem like the long way around, particularly because it won't be reused.08:51
SteveAbradb: why would you write a widget?  do you need to present something entirely new?08:52
BjornTbradb: i'm not sure i understand what you want to do. you don't want do use widgets, and you don't want to use the form template. what exactly from LFV do you want to use?08:53
bradbSteveA: I need to present a list of checkboxes of releases that can be nominated.08:53
SteveAjust do it by hand08:53
bradbSteveA: Done. But I wanted to convert it to LFV for error message, validation, and other consistencies.08:54
bradbBjornT: I want to make https://staging.launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1/+nominate behave like other forms, WRT error reporting, validation, etc.08:55
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in ubuntu-meta "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  08:55
bradbBjornT: I do want to use the form template. I don't have a schema.08:56
matsubaraflacoste: https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/filebnlN2h.html08:56
=== AlinuxOS [n=alinux@d81-211-249-2.cust.tele2.it] has joined #launchpad
flacostematsubara: you rock, thanks!08:58
matsubaraflacoste: you're welcome.09:00
BjornTbradb: well, i think you need at least a field in order to take advantage of LFV. it'd be quite easy to create a List field, with value_type=Choice(). you could create a vocabulary on the fly to pass to the Choice field. then you should be able to use a standard MultiCheckboxWidget.09:00
bradbBjornT: okay, will look into it, thanks09:02
BjornTbradb: if you look in browser/bugtask.py, you see an example of  creating a Choice field on the fly. search for SimpleVocabulary.09:04
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bradbBjornT: got it, thanks09:04
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flacostekiko: you should have received an email with the result of your AWStats query09:08
flacostekiko: executive summary: isn't available09:08
kikoI saw that and wonder why09:08
kikoin particular because webalizer does have it09:08
flacosteand AWStats can generate the data, there is just no way to present it on one page09:09
kikohow fucked up09:09
flacoste(you have the reporting month daily averages at the bottom of the monthly report)09:09
flacostebut even the year view, only shows current month09:10
flacostethey just didn't think about an yearly overview report :-(09:10
=== Spads [n=spacehob@host-87-74-55-77.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad
kiko<flacoste> (you have the reporting month daily averages at the bottom of the monthly report)09:11
kikowhere? what's the heading?09:11
flacosteat the end of 'Days of the Month', there is an 'average' line09:12
flacoste(my report is in French, so I might get the exact wording wrong)09:12
flacostebut it's the second report on the main page (3rd if you count the Summary)09:13
flacostekiko: did you find it?09:15
kikoyes, thanks.09:16
AlinuxOSdanilo[out] s, ping09:22
AlinuxOSoops :)09:22
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=== Spads [n=spacehob@host-87-74-54-82.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #launchpad
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UbugtuNew bug: #61508 in malone "Please change "request fix" terminology to something more accurate" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6150809:50
mptGoooooooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!10:00
Burgworkhey mpt 10:02
ddaahey mpt10:05
ddaampt: good thing I'm up late today, I'm expecting a reply to the email I sent you today :)10:05
mptddaa, ok10:08
mptafter I reply to bradb10:09
kikosalgado, can you get me a quick review of an SQLObject fix?10:12
salgadokiko, I'm reviewing another small branch right now. will do yours quickly10:13
kikoit's not complicated10:13
kikoand it fixes the problem that stub was pointing out, sorting using that function stuart wrote.10:13
kikosalgado, essentially, it wraps set operations in SELECT * FROM (...) so that the order by works.10:14
kikosalgado, it only does that for non-accumulating queries, though, which I think is correct.10:15
SteveAmpt: good morning10:15
AlinuxOSmpt, good morning :D10:15
AlinuxOSmpt, ah New Zealand! :D10:15
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UbugtuNew bug: #61519 in launchpad "Set operations in SQLObject can't handle ordering using functions" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6151910:30
kikosalgado, that's the bug I'm trying to fix10:33
kikoBjornT, ping?10:47
BjornTkiko: pong10:48
matsubaraBjornT: ping10:52
kikoBjornT, I have a patch that uses non_ascii_* for the tests.10:52
matsubaraBjornT: does you recent work on BugTagsWidget address this kind of errors: http://launchpad.dev/products/firefox/+bugs?field.tag=&field.tag10:52
matsubaraBjornT: actually oops is OOPS-261C67510:53
kikoBjornT, would that mean r=bjornt for that branch?10:53
kikoBjornT, https://sodium.ubuntu.com/~andrew/paste/fileuB1cn2.html10:54
kikoBjornT, or do you prefer using the renamed files?10:55
BjornTmatsubara: no, it doesn't fix those kind of errors. i'm planning to do some work to prevent those kind of errors soon, though.10:56
kikomatsubara, I was going to say that -- BjornT has agreed to take up on this issue10:56
matsubaraBjornT: ok, thanks. I'll file a bug and assign it to you, ok?10:57
BjornTkiko: no, i think it's fine. r=me.10:57
kikoBjornT, you rock!10:57
BjornTmatsubara: sure.10:57
salgadokiko, +            q = "SELECT * FROM %s AS foo ORDER BY %s" % (q, l)11:00
salgadomaybe use a name other than 'foo'?11:00
kikoyes salgado?11:00
kikosalgado, I changed that to TMP as you use above.11:00
kikoBjornT, are you gone already or will you have time to review my additional patch to fix CVEs?11:00
BjornTkiko: well, not quite gone, but i'd rather to it tomorrow instead.11:04
kikoBjornT, okay. I'll follow up in email.11:04
salgadokiko, I think it'd be nice to have a comment explaining why we have to special-case accumulations on _queryForSetOperation. other than that, looks good11:04
kikosalgado, I'll add one. thanks.11:04
UbugtuNew bug: #61531 in malone "Forbidden error when trying to mark a bug as private" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6153111:10
UbugtuNew bug: #61534 in launchpad "Subscribed Bugs is missing one bug" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6153411:15
kikomatsubara, in bug 61534, is the bug missing a dupe?11:34
UbugtuMalone bug 61534 in launchpad "Subscribed Bugs is missing one bug" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6153411:34
matsubarakiko: not, it's a fix released bug. I'm answering it right now.11:34
bradbbug 28697 may have helped avoid that bug report11:38
UbugtuMalone bug 28697 in malone "Bug lists should show current search filter" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2869711:38
kikobradb, fixing that would ROCK.11:39
bradbchinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/bradb/launchpad/malone-remove-search-filter/ !11:42
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kikobradb, "remove search filter"?11:42
bradbkiko: yeah, that branch should have a patch that could be reverse applied to resurrect the search filter UI i built11:43
kikobradb, what search filter UI?11:43
bradbkiko: that one i did a while back, remember? you suggested that I revert it, and then we were going to discuss it in more detail at the London sprint back then11:44
bradblinkified search filter, etc11:44
bradbbecause you suggested aiming for a more general thing that could modify the filter easily too.11:45
=== ddaa waves at mpt
kikoanyway I'm all for displaying the filter, bradb 11:46
ddaaI'm starting to fall asleep, so tell me if you plan to reply in the next minutes.11:46
bradbkiko: that branch would be worth looking at again then, when the time comes11:48
=== ddaa calls it a day
ddaagood night folks11:58
UbugtuNew bug: #61547 in malone "BugTagsWidget crashes when it receives a list" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6154712:00
UbugtuNew bug: #61548 in launchpad "Description/comment fields needs to cope with insanely large values." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6154812:05
kiko"needs to cope" or "shouldn't crash"? :)12:05
matsubarakiko: fixed12:08
UbugtuNew bug: #61549 in launchpad "Description/comment fields needs to cope with insanely large values." [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6154912:10
ajmitchkiko: I saw a bug the other day where someone had pasted in 7MB of logs12:10
kikoajmitch, that person should go to jail :)12:10
ajmitchand I wonder why my bug mail folder grows so large..12:11
AlinuxOShello,is it possible to give owner status to other person in launchpad?12:13

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