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Trewasi810 driver crashes (the usual I830WaitLpRing crash) always on second resume (never in the first) with thinkpad x41 unless I use nosplash boot-option, with nosplash it seems to always resume fine... is there point in filing a new bug or adding that information somewhere?11:47
Trewasand this on current edgy11:47
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toodlesHi. I've been looking for a while and I can't find any info on this. When I boot my dell laptop (running edgy alpha3 with and without updates applied), I get a non fatal error: "usplash: No usable theme found for 640 x 480". Any ideas why or where I can get more information?12:19
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tritiummjg59: ping08:00
mjg59tritium: Hi08:01
tritiummjg59: hi.  Do you recall the ipw2200 "quiesce on reboot" patch?08:04
tritiumIt doesn't seem to carry over to either new kernel versions or new releases.08:04
tritiumAside from filing a bug on the current kernel in edgy, is there anything more that I can do to ensure that this fix doesn't get lost with each new kernel/release?08:05
mjg59tritium: Does it still seem to be needed on -8-generic?08:07
tritiummjg59: Oh, upgrading now.  Let me verify that.08:08
tritiumJust got knot 3 installed an hour ago...08:08
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tritiummjg59: had to boot into single-user mode on -8-generic.  gdm doesn't load, and can't switch away to a v.c.08:20
tritiumA few packages failed to upgrade properly, so I'll have to see what's up.08:20
tritiumAnyway, I'll look into the ipw2200 reboot issue and let you know.  You expect it to be fixed on -8-generic?08:20
mjg59It might be08:20
mjg59I'm not sure08:21
tritiumOkay, I'll get back to you later on that.  Thanks!08:21
Infectoi boot -8 and cant se the power managment 08:21
Infectois that known problem ?08:21
mjg59Please file a bug and attach /var/log/dmesg08:22
tritiummjg59: "reboot" command did work properly from single-user mode on -8-generic, so that's a good sign...08:24
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Infectohmmm 09:12
Infectoi turn on klaptop 09:13
Infectoi made suspend to ram 09:13
Infectoand wake up the maschine but fans dont want to run 09:13
Infectostate:                   active[2] 09:13
Infectoactive[2] :               47 C: devices=0xdffe2e3c09:13
Infecto     Thermal 1: active[2] , 50.0 degrees C09:13
Infectoi dont hear the fan 09:13
mjg59What kernel version ?09:14
mjg59And what hardware?09:14
InfectoLinux lapi 2.6.17-8-generic #2 SMP Tue Sep 19 11:58:06 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux09:15
Infectocompaq nc8000 09:15
Infectoi try to actiwate it manualy but it want 09:15
Infecto cat state09:15
Infectostatus:                  off09:15
Infectoecho "on" > state09:16
Infectoroot@lapi:/proc/acpi/fan/C212# cat state09:16
Infectostatus:                  off09:16
mjg59I'll look into it.09:16
mjg59Does dmesg say anything?09:16
Infecto1 min 09:17
mjg59Hm. Ok, so not really.09:19
mjg59Oh, it's echo 0 >state09:19
mjg59Not echo "on" >state09:19
mjg590 and 3 are on and off09:19
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Infecto root@lapi:/proc/acpi/fan/C212# echo 0 > state09:21
Infectostatus:                  off09:21
Infecto ;[09:21
Infectoi think i must reboot09:40
Infecto  i think i build my own kernel 09:43
Infectoi think i stop think 09:53
Infecto:) 09:53
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Infectomjg59: and ? did you find something ?10:28
mjg59Infecto: I'm busy with real world work right now10:28
mjg59I'll get to this at some stage10:28
Infectomkkey 10:28
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