=== poningru [n=poningru@ip70-171-62-28.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
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Rinchen | Nixternal - are you going to the summit in SJ? So far I'm the only one on the list...still :-) | 03:24 |
nixternal | don't know just yet | 03:25 |
Rinchen | I was going to get tickets soonish, like this week, to keep the cost low | 03:25 |
nixternal | that is midterm time for me, so i could only be there for 1 day | 03:25 |
Rinchen | I was hoping to work on Marketing/Bugs/LoCo specs and such but so far nobody from any of my projects, besides Canonical folks like Corey, are going. | 03:26 |
Rinchen | So I'm debating attending now since I wouldn't have a workgroup. | 03:27 |
nixternal | im going to try hard to make it for at least one day | 03:27 |
Rinchen | expensive to fly in and out for a day or so you know. :-) | 03:27 |
Rinchen | I suspect worst case I could be Jono's community slave | 03:28 |
nixternal | $300 give or take | 03:28 |
Rinchen | $300 for the flight but the hotel is a killer | 03:33 |
Rinchen | I fired off a note to Jono to see if he needs help. :-) | 03:40 |
=== theCore [n=alex@modemcable106.200-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
Burgundavia | hmm, I don't work for Canonical | 03:55 |
lophyte | hey Burgundavia | 03:55 |
Burgundavia | hey lophyte | 03:56 |
lophyte | how's it going? | 03:56 |
Burgundavia | not bad | 03:56 |
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johnlittle | http://johnlittle.org/working_late | 05:05 |
johnlittle | im setup for making vids now..muhahaha | 05:06 |
Flannel | johnlittle: then what are you doing here? go make videos! slacker. sheesh. | 05:06 |
johnlittle | I would if it wasnt bedtime :) | 05:07 |
johnlittle | getting up before dawn for the CC meeting wiped me out | 05:07 |
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johnlittle | ++6 | 05:36 |
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digitalmouse | greetings programs! :) | 11:16 |
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=== elkbuntu wonders if anyone is around | ||
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elkbuntu | hi nixternal | 05:23 |
nixternal | well howdy there ;) | 05:23 |
=== elkbuntu is still on a high from last night | ||
elkbuntu | well.. yesterday morning | 05:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | well... this morning | 05:24 |
elkbuntu | no... its aproximately 24 hours ago now | 05:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 24 hours and 8 minutes | 05:25 |
elkbuntu | 24 hours 20 mins | 05:25 |
elkbuntu | o.O | 05:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ooh, conflict ;) | 05:25 |
elkbuntu | fabbione logs say 5.09 elmo's ack came through | 05:26 |
elkbuntu | s/5.09/5:09/ | 05:26 |
lophyte | congrats again, elkbuntu ;) | 05:27 |
elkbuntu | soryr you missed out lophyte :( | 05:27 |
lophyte | yeah, well.. now I get an extra 2 weeks to contribute more | 05:27 |
elkbuntu | :) | 05:27 |
elkbuntu | you were feeling rushed i believe | 05:27 |
elkbuntu | from what you were saying | 05:28 |
lophyte | indeed.. Corey only suggested it to me on Sunday | 05:28 |
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lophyte | but, I think I had/have a better chance at it than some of the guys that were there | 05:29 |
elkbuntu | lophyte, no doubt | 05:29 |
elkbuntu | advantage one.. your english is fluent | 05:30 |
lophyte | good point | 05:30 |
lophyte | I'm starting work with the MOTU now.. so maybe in 2 weeks, daniel holbach will have some good words to say about me to add to my credibility | 05:32 |
lophyte | hopefully :) | 05:32 |
elkbuntu | bwahahaha.. <Kamion> beta2 is crashier than a very crashy thing | 05:34 |
MitchM | =P | 06:14 |
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Bassetts | anyone around? | 08:26 |
=== MenZa is not around | ||
Bassetts | heh | 08:26 |
Bassetts | what the hell is happening with spread ubuntu? | 08:26 |
MenZa | Iunno. | 08:26 |
Bassetts | brb | 08:27 |
=== Bassetts [n=Bassetts@cpc2-mapp1-0-0-cust630.nott.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-marketing | ||
MenZa | wb | 08:30 |
Bassetts | ty | 08:31 |
Burgwork | Bassetts, spread ubuntu has not got off the ground | 08:39 |
Bassetts | i guessed | 08:39 |
Burgwork | if you want to thelp with other projects, there is the fridge and the UWN | 08:39 |
Burgwork | plus there is a need for somebody todo the beta releae page | 08:40 |
Bassetts | is spread ubuntu still in planning/ dev though or has it been ditched? | 08:40 |
Burgwork | I have heard nothing either way | 08:40 |
Bassetts | ok | 08:41 |
Bassetts | beta release page for what? | 08:41 |
Burgwork | the Edgy Beta release is coming out next week | 08:42 |
Burgwork | we need a page for it, like ubuntu.com/testing/knot3 | 08:42 |
Bassetts | there is one | 08:42 |
Bassetts | oh you mean somewhere else? | 08:42 |
Burgwork | create the page on the wiki | 08:43 |
Burgwork | that knot3 page was written as wiki.ubuntu.com/Edgy/Knot3 | 08:43 |
Bassetts | ok | 08:43 |
Bassetts | so what needs doing | 08:43 |
Burgwork | take a look at the style of those pages | 08:43 |
Bassetts | yeh | 08:44 |
Burgwork | create a page with style, but it needs to cover all the changes in edgy | 08:44 |
Burgwork | basically, look at all the knot pages and combine them into one page and then throw out the boring and duplicative bits | 08:44 |
Bassetts | so /testing/knot3 needs to be a proper page not a wiki page | 08:44 |
Bassetts | the edgy wallpaper looks wayyyy too much like the win logo | 08:45 |
Burgwork | no | 08:45 |
Burgwork | the page is written on the wiki and then moved to the Ubuntu website | 08:45 |
Bassetts | ok... | 08:45 |
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Burgwork | see the wiki URL I added earlier | 08:45 |
Bassetts | yeh | 08:46 |
Burgwork | look through the history of that page | 08:46 |
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Bassetts | it doesnt exist | 08:47 |
Burgwork | just a sec | 08:49 |
Burgwork | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot3 | 08:50 |
Burgwork | look at the history of that page | 08:50 |
Bassetts | ok | 08:51 |
Bassetts | and? | 08:53 |
Bassetts | so basically there needs to be a /testing/beta page for Edgy? | 08:55 |
Burgwork | yes, but create it at /EdgyEft/Beta on the wiki | 08:56 |
Burgwork | I can do the moving once it is written | 08:56 |
Bassetts | right | 08:56 |
Burgwork | to be clear, the beta page should cover every major change, especially the user visible ones, since dapper was released | 08:56 |
Bassetts | so use the knot pages to find the changes then | 08:56 |
Burgwork | yep, and your brain | 08:57 |
Burgwork | ask around | 08:57 |
Burgwork | think like a reporter | 08:57 |
Bassetts | ill see what i can do =) | 08:57 |
Burgwork | anything you can do is great | 08:58 |
Bassetts | ok | 08:59 |
Burgwork | Bassetts, your real name is Jason Licquorish ? | 09:07 |
Bassetts | Liquorish | 09:08 |
Bassetts | yes | 09:08 |
Bassetts | i get called allsorts.... ;-) | 09:09 |
Burgwork | right | 09:09 |
Bassetts | heh | 09:09 |
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Bassetts | Burgwork, what template do I need to use for the page? | 09:27 |
Burgwork | Bassetts, don't worry about that | 09:32 |
Burgwork | copy the knot3 page and start from there | 09:32 |
Bassetts | im not too up-to-date with wiki formatting =S | 09:33 |
Burgwork | that is why copying it good | 09:33 |
Burgwork | play! you have a few days to do so | 09:33 |
Bassetts | so copy the code from: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot3?action=diff | 09:33 |
Burgwork | you can look at the raw code any one point | 09:34 |
Burgwork | johnlittle, http://news.com.com/Something+different+than+Windows+or+Mac+OS/1606-2_3-6114944.html?tag=fd_carsl | 09:34 |
MenZa | ROFL | 09:36 |
MenZa | I'm looking at an ad | 09:36 |
MenZa | "Sponsored by Microsoft" | 09:36 |
MenZa | On Cnet of course | 09:36 |
Burgwork | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot3?action=raw&rev=13 | 09:37 |
Bassetts | got it | 09:37 |
Bassetts | ok research time! =D | 09:37 |
Burgwork | excellent | 09:38 |
KenSentMe | I found an error on the DIYMarketing page at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DIYMarketing. Who can i report it to? | 09:41 |
Burgwork | KenSentMe, it is a wiki, you can edit it yourself | 09:41 |
Burgwork | what is the fix? | 09:41 |
KenSentMe | Burgwork: i know. The problem is a link to a quicktour on help.ubuntu.com, but the page doesn't exist and i can see where it should link to | 09:42 |
Burgwork | quicktour is dead | 09:43 |
Burgwork | kill the link | 09:43 |
Burgwork | given I wrote the quicktour, I can comfortably say that | 09:43 |
KenSentMe | that means removing the complete line | 09:43 |
Burgwork | yep, that is fine | 09:43 |
KenSentMe | ok | 09:43 |
Bassetts | Corey can you give me some pointers where to find changes | 09:44 |
Burgwork | edgy-changes mailing list | 09:45 |
Burgwork | reviews of edgy | 09:45 |
Burgwork | blog posts of developers | 09:45 |
Burgwork | previous Knot pages | 09:45 |
Burgwork | specs that are implemented | 09:45 |
Bassetts | ok | 09:46 |
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adamant1988 | hello | 10:06 |
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Burgwork | johnlittle, did you mean to send that email just to me? | 10:09 |
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