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misterPhyrePhox | in the install log it says "partman: no volume groups found" | 12:01 |
misterPhyrePhox | that sounds bad... what does it mean? | 12:01 |
misterPhyrePhox | (i've just tried again; still no dice) | 12:01 |
Ballsy | SirKillalot, you need to try to set the 'mode' of the session (depends on whether the remote session will allow 'character at a time' though... | 12:01 |
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SirKillalot | :-/ | 12:02 |
SirKillalot | I want to try it with netcat :) | 12:02 |
mhulse | Samuli^, if there is no uninstall target in the makefile is that all she wrote? Just have to manually try to remove it? | 12:02 |
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Ballsy | SirKillalot, heh, well, you're on your own there. With telnet, you'd issue the 'telnet' command on it's own, then mode character <enter> and then open remote-host-here and so on. | 12:03 |
treitter | has anyone ever had a situation where they can't use Ctrl-Alt-F# to switch virtual terminals? Right now, pressing Ctrl-Alt-F[1-6] doesn't do anything. I'm in X on vt7 right now | 12:03 |
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d3v1ant0n3 | dumb q- what IS a virtual terminal for exactly? | 12:03 |
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pedrocr | is aiglx in edgy? | 12:03 |
fmasi | Helo i like to knwo what is the best whay to copy a file system from ext3 to XFS. Can dumping the ext3 files and restoring on a new XFS partition whork ? | 12:04 |
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bobobogu | eyS_c0ld: acording to that man you should really use msdos fat is use in all flags like vfat etc anyway it just ads diferent blocksizes and bits to fat automaticly | 12:04 |
bobobogu | kinda thing | 12:04 |
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treitter | d3v1ant0n3: in case something's wrong with X, it can be hand to switch to one (say if X locked up for some reason, you can switch to a virtual terminal and kill the application that's locking it up, or even restart X itself) | 12:05 |
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Ballsy | Anyone know if Edgy will have biarch support? Looking to install on amd64 arch but would LOVE to avoid the chroot headaches for Firefox et al.... | 12:05 |
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d3v1ant0n3 | Ah...that would have been really handy last week | 12:05 |
d3v1ant0n3 | I was rebooting and going into failsafe mode to fix X | 12:05 |
bobobogu | so unless -t msdos really stuffed it up u should go with msdos | 12:05 |
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kash | W: GPG error: ftp://ftp.debian.org etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 010908312D230C5F | 12:06 |
kash | W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems | 12:06 |
iqon | where in udev would i put a line to automount my ipod? | 12:07 |
kash | use gtkpod, fag. | 12:07 |
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hawkaloogie | kash, not necessary to berate :p | 12:07 |
d3v1ant0n3 | is that the command? | 12:07 |
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d3v1ant0n3 | is fag some sort of advanced mounting command? Or just unnecessary homophobia? | 12:08 |
hawkaloogie | iqon, my ipod automounts itself on standard ubuntu, but you'll need gtkpod to put music on it (if you want it as a hard drive, a mount will just work) | 12:08 |
Samuli^ | kash, DON'T use the debian repos. | 12:08 |
kash | y | 12:09 |
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nickspoon | kash: mucks up versioning. | 12:09 |
Samuli^ | mhulse, use check install from now on. | 12:09 |
kash | so | 12:09 |
kash | i want to conver | 12:09 |
kash | +t | 12:09 |
recon0 | I'm trying to install my eyetoy, but easycam2 exits with an error (in french). The terminal says something about "no module ov_519" and "no module ov51x". | 12:09 |
Samuli^ | kash, do clean install. | 12:09 |
iqon | hawkaloogie, my old ipod automounts as well, but my new one doesn't | 12:10 |
kash | shit | 12:10 |
kash | i can't | 12:10 |
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eyS_c0ld | bobobogu, notice i said that after i read more ;- | 12:10 |
Samuli^ | kash, well, if you really, really want to try if that works, you need the gpg-key for the repo, Try google for how to add etch repositories. | 12:11 |
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bobobogu | cool cool | 12:11 |
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bobobogu | :) | 12:11 |
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grampajoe | How do I change the permissions of an NTFS filesystem I just mounted with the mount command? | 12:12 |
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matiu | grampajoe: I don't think you can or should change the permissions of the files. That belongs to Windoze! | 12:13 |
matiu | unless you're just using NTFS for linux, | 12:14 |
bon | my laptop ethernet is brocken and i am trying to install a usb d-link du-e100 but its not working | 12:14 |
matiu | in which case, why use NTFS... | 12:14 |
grampajoe | matiu: I just want to be able to read the filesystem from Linux as a regular user | 12:14 |
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lankster | does ubuntu handle ISOs natively? | 12:14 |
krazykit | lankster: handle how? | 12:14 |
nickspoon | if you mean burn, yes. | 12:15 |
lankster | yeah | 12:15 |
pedrocr | anyone know if aigxls is supposed to be available in edgy? | 12:15 |
lankster | so just drag and drop or what? | 12:15 |
d3v1ant0n3 | I was wondering if Ubuntu is capable of mounting ISOs in a virtual drive a-la Alcohol 120% in windoze? | 12:15 |
matiu | grampajoe: put it in /etc/fstab | 12:15 |
krazykit | lankster: in nautilus, rightclick -> burn | 12:15 |
matiu | with 'user' in the list of options | 12:15 |
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dabugas | hi | 12:15 |
naranha | d3v1ant0n3: yes | 12:15 |
nickspoon | lankster: rightclick, burn ISO | 12:15 |
dabugas | i'm slowly (via dial-up) upgrading from kubuntu breezy to xubuntu dapper and i can't seem to get alsa working. it initializes [ok] , but no program seems to find it. any ideas? | 12:15 |
lankster | thanks | 12:15 |
krazykit | d3v1ant0n3: yeah. mount -o loop -t auto /path/to.iso /mnt/point | 12:16 |
dabugas | woops, sorry... i'm slowly (via dial-up) upgrading from kubuntu breezy to xubuntu dapper and i can't seem to get alsa working. it initializes [ok] , but no program seems to find it. any ideas? | 12:16 |
naranha | you can mount it like any other drive | 12:16 |
grampajoe | matiu: Will I have to reboot for that to take effect? | 12:16 |
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d3v1ant0n3 | ah thank you:D I was expecting something super complex:p *finds notepad with handy commands written on* | 12:16 |
matiu | grampajoe: no just 'umount /media/hda... | 12:16 |
matiu | grampajoe: then 'mount /media/hda... | 12:16 |
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grampajoe | matiu: I did that, but how do I make it readable to all users when I'm mounting it? | 12:17 |
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vagrantc | trying to download xubuntu with bittorrent, using http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/6.06/release/xubuntu-6.06-desktop-i386.iso.torrent, and the tracker is refusing to allow me to connect | 12:18 |
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mtt33 | help | 12:19 |
mtt33 | i want to install ubuntu but can't resize my harddrive | 12:20 |
a8514 | Hi. | 12:20 |
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whaley | mtt33: this may not help much, but you may need to just backup your files in your other OS, reinstall the other OS with a fixed partition size, and then install Ubuntu | 12:22 |
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dabugas | how do I find out what modules I need for my soundcard to work? | 12:22 |
whaley | i haven't actually re-sized a partition, so I can't tell you for sure what to try in that case | 12:22 |
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mtt33 | i keep getting an error | 12:22 |
whaley | what's the error? | 12:23 |
matiu | mt33: I think you just double click the partition, then drag the image smaller :) | 12:23 |
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mtt33 | in partition magic the error is 1529 | 12:23 |
matiu | mt33: I have no idea what that is | 12:23 |
mtt33 | batch file mismatch | 12:24 |
matiu | mt33: in the ubuntu install, there's a "manual" partition program | 12:24 |
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mtt33 | pretty sure it won't work either | 12:24 |
matiu | mt33: Choose "manually partition disk" in the install, double click your Windoze partition, and then drag-shrink the image that appears | 12:24 |
kash | haaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 12:25 |
kash | oops | 12:25 |
matiu | mt33: maybe you your windows partition is too full? | 12:25 |
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matiu | mt33: or maybe you to run a defrag in windoze itself? | 12:25 |
mtt33 | ok | 12:25 |
aum | hi - the latest binary kernel on ubuntu feeds is 2.6.15-27, but the latest kernel source is 2.6.15-7; is this discrepancy normal? | 12:25 |
matiu | to push all the files to the front. But I think windoze, defrag doesn't do that | 12:25 |
matiu | aw | 12:26 |
kash | hi | 12:26 |
kash | hi | 12:26 |
matiu | Which is the channel to put new packages for ubuntu in? | 12:26 |
DougInKY | You need to defrag your windows drive before resizing. | 12:26 |
matiu | hi kash, How are you today? | 12:26 |
kash | that blows, DougInKY | 12:26 |
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kash | matiu: nice. | 12:26 |
dabugas | rebooting for a test | 12:27 |
dabugas | cya | 12:27 |
DougInKY | Yep. but you still have to do it. | 12:27 |
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sureshot | wb Jack | 12:31 |
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bon | my laptop ethernet is brocken and i am trying to install a usb d-link du-e100 but its not working | 12:31 |
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sureshot | how was the nap | 12:31 |
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handless | hello everyone anyone around | 12:32 |
Sembiance | :) | 12:32 |
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handless | whats goin on | 12:32 |
fmasi | Helo i like to knwo what is the best whay to copy a file system from ext3 to XFS. Can dumping the ext3 files and restoring on a new XFS partition whork ? | 12:32 |
d3v1ant0n3 | I can't get my head around mounting an ISO, so I'm burning a cd, personally | 12:33 |
Sembiance | ugh I'm torn between either going with Gentoo or Ubuntu for my future Linux installation for a workstation. On one hand Gentoo I'm familiar with and gives me ultimate capability to choose what options I compile into source code. On the other hand Ubuntu allows me to get up and running a LOT faster along with installing new stuff easier. | 12:33 |
dbe | Is the passwords only stored in /etc/shadow? | 12:33 |
Sembiance | I think Gentoo will be a LOT more work in the beginning but will provide so much more freedom in the long run. ARGH! decisions!! | 12:33 |
jpjacobs | fmasi, it was once told me that rsyncing the stuff over is best | 12:34 |
d3v1ant0n3 | I hated Ubuntu at first:( | 12:34 |
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handless | got a question for everyone, i am trying to install but the problem as soon as i put the disk in and boot up it comes up the menu no problem and select the first option and its says loading at the top of the screen in red and never leaves that screen i left it there all night and it never left | 12:34 |
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d3v1ant0n3 | BUt it got me started. And I ended up back with Ubuntu | 12:34 |
dbe | SeanTater, Concider using UTUTO XS GNU System later. | 12:34 |
Sembiance | I mean I'm switching from Windows to Linux, and I intend to make it a perm change. | 12:34 |
d3v1ant0n3 | And I'm happy | 12:34 |
dbe | Consider* | 12:34 |
grampajoe | Is there any way to open File Browser as root? | 12:34 |
finalbeta | Sembiance, it's a lot more work period | 12:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Did you have the cd do a self check for errors | 12:34 |
fifth | d3v, personally i'd go with ubuntu, but thats mainly cause i'm lazy lol | 12:34 |
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jpjacobs | handless, did you verify the iso you downloaded? | 12:34 |
handless | it did the same thing just sat there | 12:34 |
franck_ | in a terminal type sudo nautilus | 12:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sembiance: It need not be an all or nothing proposition. Many of us dual boot quite nicely | 12:35 |
handless | may sound dumb but what you mean by verify | 12:35 |
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handless | md5 | 12:35 |
handless | ? | 12:35 |
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d3v1ant0n3 | I tried out Mepis, Kubuntu and PCLOS, ended up reinstalling Ubuntu when a partitioning failed and took the HDD with it | 12:35 |
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d3v1ant0n3 | And I stayed with Ubuntu...managed to get the hang of GNOME a bit better | 12:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | handless: when you boot you come to a menu srtart or install ubuntu? | 12:35 |
sureshot | i would go with ubuntu if you are going to do work with the station i would go with what can put me there quicker and install things easier and such | 12:35 |
Sembiance | finalbeta: yes, but I'm just worried that choosing ubuntu will some how give me less flexibility. I'm just worried about what happens when I need the latest version of a particular open source app and there isn't a package for it so I install from source and run into all sorts of dependencies issues. | 12:35 |
Sembiance | finalbeta: I suppose I'd run into the same thing with Gentoo, but I could always look into making my own ebuild | 12:36 |
handless | jack_sparrow: yes | 12:36 |
malv | I get some weird font corruption (sometimes letters are jumbled atop one another) in evince and powerpoint | 12:36 |
malv | any solution? | 12:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | handless: There is an option to test the cd for errors... | 12:36 |
recon0 | A program I'm running says that it cannot find "libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2". Any idea where I can find such a library? | 12:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Have you selected that option and looked for any problems | 12:36 |
handless | i tried that two it just sat there for 3 hours saying loading at the top | 12:36 |
Sembiance | finalbeta: Also I'm concerned that with binary packages I'm forced to use it however it was compilied. I might need additional options that ARE available but only if they are compiled that way. | 12:36 |
kash | libstdc maybe | 12:36 |
Sembiance | finalbeta: but omg I am not looking forward to all the additional Gentoo work. Yet for some reason it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside | 12:37 |
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finalbeta | Sembiance, gentoo indeed has much later versions, if needed you can switch to the testing branch. I've strugled with this 2. Never got some programs latest version to work on dapper. Using edgy gives you updated packages, but only for now :/ | 12:37 |
fmasi | jpjacobs, ok i try taht (have to study rsync). do you know if i can restore a ext3 dum in a XFS ? | 12:37 |
btdown | recon, its in the repos...do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled? | 12:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Then you have a bad cd... how did you burn it. | 12:37 |
btdown | recon, I think I had to install that for NX to work. | 12:37 |
handless | i burned the first disk i tried with nero and the second with the program that ubuntu's site suggested | 12:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | handless: windows or ? I suggest burning at a slow speed.. I also suggest a program called isorecorder (free) for use in XP | 12:38 |
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mckinnoj | Has anyone here managed to get the DAAP plugin for the banshee music player to work? | 12:38 |
surabachi | i sit possible to skin gaim? | 12:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: But what spped did you burn it at? | 12:38 |
finalbeta | Sembiance, ubuntu packages usually come with all flags and whistles, I can't say I find all those gentoo flags to usefull. I think ubuntu just builds with everything. And that doesn't make stuff that slow, just uses a bit more disk space perhaps :/ | 12:38 |
amarokker | Hmm, i dunno why - but after reinstalling, i cannot get php to work on the webserver. in the config file, i uncommented the file associations- and afaik the php is added as a mod aint it? | 12:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | speed.. sorry fat fingers | 12:38 |
recon0 | btdown: yes. WHich package is it? | 12:38 |
amarokker | so what else could be wrong? | 12:38 |
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sureshot | dual boot both and have both versions run them and see which one works best | 12:38 |
w30 | dbe passwd starts out looking in passwd but the x in the passward field tells login to go to the shadow file. At least thats how I understand it. | 12:38 |
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linuchsan | Has any of you got problems with getting cnn.com | 12:39 |
handless | im in windows now and i need out i hate windows, but i burned at a i think 12 and the burner is 24 | 12:39 |
surabachi | can i have help with gaim? | 12:39 |
btdown | recon0, Oh my bad..I just checked..I was wrong..the package I was thinking of was libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 | 12:39 |
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Jack_Sparrow | handless: I assume you verified the md5 from your comment earlier | 12:39 |
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DougInKY | cnn.com coming in well here. | 12:40 |
fifth | ? | 12:40 |
handless | well i used a program i downloaded in windows to do it but not sure if i can trust it or not. | 12:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Slow the burner down as low as possible... Until you get a good burned copy, there isnt much you can do.. And do the self test.. | 12:40 |
handless | it was called md5 verfy it was an open source thing i found on a site | 12:40 |
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surabachi | is it possibel to skin gaim? | 12:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: are you running sp1 or sp2 | 12:41 |
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handless | sp2 | 12:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | handless: dl isorecorder for sp2 | 12:41 |
btdown | recon0, You can do a (as root) apt-cache search libstdc++* and see if any of those look familiar to install | 12:41 |
sureshot | handless whave verison of windows xp are you running home, pro , media | 12:41 |
dtrump | Hi | 12:41 |
handless | ihome | 12:41 |
surabachi | can i have help with gaim please? | 12:42 |
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handless | and is that the program they suggest on the ubuntu site cause i used that for the last disk | 12:42 |
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handless | one of other question, im gonna redownload it recheck the md5 and reburn from that. but im on a laptop, anyone know of any known problems with a gateway m680 | 12:43 |
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surabachi | gaim help anyone? | 12:43 |
sureshot | handless if you are running the media addition of xp you need to disable the dvd-ram driver it wont let you burn if you have it running | 12:43 |
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fifth | surabachi, http://gaim.sourceforge.net/skins.php so it looks like no | 12:44 |
handless | nah i dont have media center | 12:44 |
sureshot | ok that dvd-ram is nasty it is bad for burning | 12:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Sorry, for the lag, I had to take a call. I dont think that is the program they suggest on the wiki site. I know from personal experience isorecorder works well on most machines | 12:44 |
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Harksaw | i remember when I used Red Hat they recommended I not update the kernel through the package manager. Is it OK to do this in Ubuntu? | 12:45 |
Sembiance | finalbeta: Thanks so much for talking with me. I think I just need to pick one and see how things go :) | 12:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Just burn the cd way slow and verify it... | 12:46 |
fifth | yeah, i've had no problems doing full updates (kernel and all) with debian packages | 12:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Harksaw: np using the package manager... | 12:46 |
Svip | So. | 12:46 |
Svip | What do I do with "Input/Output error during read on /dev/hda" ? | 12:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Harksaw: The worst thing I have had happenis the grub entry for my dual boot gets washed away with the kernel update.. | 12:47 |
sureshot | hey jack he was not using media center but if he had been have anyone disable the dvd-ram driver befor burning | 12:47 |
Svip | When it is partition'ing my disk. | 12:47 |
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macusr | hye | 12:47 |
macusr | hey | 12:47 |
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Jack_Sparrow | sureshot: Good thing to note... Going into my crib sheet now.. | 12:48 |
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handless | the only other thing i can think of is i got the wrong version i downloaded the pc (intel x86) desktop cd i dont have a duo core or nothing like that and i dont have 64-bit so im thinkin i got the right one | 12:48 |
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fifth | Svip, i think i'd probably go change my underwear :P | 12:48 |
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handless | ubunto 6.06.1 LTS (dapper drake) | 12:49 |
handless | is that the right one | 12:49 |
macusr | what are the system requirements for Ubuntu? | 12:49 |
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Jack_Sparrow | handless: i386 | 12:49 |
macusr | can't seem to easily find it on the site | 12:49 |
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handless | cause i keep hearing things like breezy and dapper and i dont really know which i need | 12:49 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Dapper | 12:49 |
empty_mind | is ubuntu.com not accessible right now ? any idea ? | 12:49 |
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handless | i386? | 12:50 |
fifth | macusr, breezy/dapper etc refers to the release name, ie version 5/6 - Dapper being the most recent release | 12:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | empty_mind: came right up for me | 12:50 |
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macusr | I didn't ask that, handless did | 12:50 |
andyross | The versions are year.month, there are going to be two "version 6" for example. :) | 12:50 |
empty_mind | Jack_Sparrow: its not working from my end | 12:50 |
fifth | oops, sry | 12:51 |
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impdude5 | can anyone help me get the live disk working? | 12:52 |
holler | so i just discovered logs. i've noticed something interesting and was wondering if anybody was familiar with deciphering what they mean and if i maybe at risk of something strange going on | 12:53 |
ydnar | hello, is there an EAC alternative for linux (you know, with secure mode)? | 12:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Anyone else having trouble bringing up ubuntu.com ? | 12:53 |
macusr | I'm able to go on it | 12:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: Sure... | 12:54 |
handless | its running really slow for me | 12:54 |
visik7 | where goes the develop of compiz/Beryl/metacity/kwin ? will they have all 4 different way to implement a composite desktop ? all with its own set of effects ? I don't see the end of the tunnel :) | 12:54 |
andyross | What's an EAC alternative? | 12:54 |
handless | the site is i mean | 12:54 |
ydnar | Exact Audio Copy | 12:54 |
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ydnar | a cd ripping program for windows that can rip in secure mode | 12:54 |
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impdude5 | i keep getting this error and it freezes: Kernel panic - not synching: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(1,0) | 12:54 |
andyross | Heh, showing my ignorance: what's "secure mode" -- certainly there are many cd rippers available. | 12:54 |
fifth | jack, nope - sites working fine from here | 12:55 |
foo | How can I add a gateway for an interface? I put the static ip in /etc/network/interfaces | 12:55 |
BiGdAdDy | i have a small problem i believe my music .mp3 sounds raspy | 12:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: First question, does the cd come up to a menu start or install ubuntu.. | 12:55 |
afields_ | dudes.. this is not working out.. postgres-8.1 fails to start and gives a Perl error: patterh match failed in PgCommon | 12:55 |
BiGdAdDy | distored if you will i tried turning down everything to about 70% an its the same.. | 12:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: What hardware are you running? Have you done the cd self test for errors | 12:55 |
andyross | foo: "man interfaces" has the file syntax for you | 12:55 |
impdude5 | them neu comes up and i push start, then it gets to the error while compiling i believe | 12:55 |
Blinker | how do you mount a partition with full read and write access? (local disk/laptop) | 12:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blinker: What is the format on the partition you want to mount | 12:56 |
impdude5 | it does the error when i do the cd self test as well | 12:56 |
Blinker | ext3 | 12:56 |
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andyross | Don't pass "ro" as an option to mount. :) Seriously: is this an ntfs partition? In which case the answer is "you can't" | 12:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: you need to burn the cd at a slower speed, If it has an error it did not burn correctly. | 12:56 |
comtech | can anyone advise me how to get my samba shares (shares on a ubuntu machine) to automatically mount on some XP machines? they always give me the "failed to reconnect network drives" error and I have to type the password | 12:56 |
foo | andyross: ah, it's just gateway. thanks | 12:56 |
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impdude5 | I burned it at 4x | 12:56 |
holler | i got this in my logs Sep 19 15:42:14 localhost kernel: [6056730.815000] sd 35:0:0:2: Attached scsi generic sg4 type 0 | 12:57 |
holler | Sep 19 15:42:14 localhost kernel: [6056730.819000] Vendor: SMSC Model: 223 U HS-SD/MMC Rev: 3.60 | 12:57 |
holler | Sep 19 15:42:14 localhost kernel: [6056730.819000] Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 00 | 12:57 |
holler | Sep 19 15:42:14 localhost kernel: [6056730.875000] sd 35:0:0:3: Attached scsi removable disk sdf | 12:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: DId you verify the md5sum to make sure you got a good download? | 12:57 |
theine | Which wiki engine does http://wiki.ubuntu.com actually use? | 12:57 |
holler | Sep 19 15:42:14 localhost kernel: [6056730.875000] sd 35:0:0:3: Attached scsi generic sg5 type 0 | 12:57 |
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holler | whoops, sorry, didnt come out right...=T | 12:57 |
Blinker | andyross: was that directed at me? | 12:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | holler: Please use the !pastebin | 12:57 |
holler | well anyway, those came out....and nothing was connected at that time...could this be a refresh..? | 12:57 |
kash | hi | 12:57 |
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andyross | Blinker: yes. Sorry, too much traffic. | 12:57 |
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impdude5 | Where do i check md5sum? | 12:57 |
Blinker | verilly | 12:57 |
kash | ubotu: dapper | 12:58 |
ubotu | dapper is the 4th and latest release of Ubuntu. Version 6.06 LTS, codename "Dapper Drake" | 12:58 |
kash | ubotu: edgy | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: from a terminal | 12:58 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 12:58 |
=== Hagbarddenstore [n=hagbardd@81-235-254-217-no24.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
macusr | can someone tell me the system requirments? I can't find them on the Internet | 12:58 |
Blinker | andyross: and thats managed under fstab or mtab? | 12:58 |
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holler | Jack_Sparrow:i was actually reformatting to a friend, but ended up on here... | 12:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: Are you in windows or ? | 12:58 |
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BiGdAdDy | i have a small problem i believe my music .mp3 sounds raspy, distored if you will i tried turning down everything to about 70% an its the same.. | 12:58 |
holler | Jack_Sparrow: sorry | 12:58 |
impdude5 | im in windows right now | 12:58 |
handless | thanks for the help everyone i got it re downloading just to be same and all that but ill be back if i cant get it to work | 12:58 |
impdude5 | im a linux newb | 12:59 |
handless | but thanks again and ill talk to you all later | 12:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | impdude5: nero has a free program for checking the md5 of an iso.. please goolge it as I am a tad busy | 12:59 |
andyross | Blinker: /etc/fstab is the file you want. I'm all but certain there's a GUI for maintaining that, but don't remember where it is. Not a complicated format, anyway. | 12:59 |
impdude5 | ok thanks jack | 12:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 12:59 |
holler | !pastebin | 12:59 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 12:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | Deep breath.. where was I...? | 01:00 |
Blinker | andyross: the gui is belligerent | 01:00 |
Blinker | =p | 01:00 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !sound > BiGdAdDy | 01:00 |
BiGdAdDy | ? | 01:00 |
BiGdAdDy | perhaps its amarok | 01:01 |
River | I am trying to make a raw copy of an audio CD, what is the best way to do this in Ubuntu ? | 01:01 |
afields_ | Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /usr/share/postgresql-common/PgCommon.pm line 433. | 01:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | BiGdAdDy: You should have a window with basic sound info | 01:01 |
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afields_ | mmon/PgCommon.pm line 433. | 01:01 |
afields_ | Checked that it's not referencing a hash correctly | 01:01 |
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afields_ | so I assume logfile is not specified correctly, how to fix? (Is known issue?) | 01:02 |
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afields_ | Fresh install of postgresql-8.1 package on Ubuntu Server 6.06 w/ universe in sources | 01:02 |
holler | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24030 so i was looking at the logs, nothing has been connected at that time, and i have no usb storage devices, all i have connected to the usb is my printer. could this be some wierd fluke..? | 01:02 |
=== dema9o9ue [i=nobody@pool-71-104-211-219.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BiGdAdDy | thank you Jack_Sparrow | 01:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blinker: (sudo cp /etc/fstab ~/fstab.backup to make a backup) gedit /etc/fstab | 01:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | BiGdAdDy: np | 01:03 |
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Blinker_ | andyross: so this lne should be good to go?: | 01:03 |
Blinker_ | /dev/sda4/media/sda4ext3defaults,errors=remount 0 1 | 01:03 |
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andyross | Not sure what the errors=remount does, honestly. But yeah, that should work. | 01:04 |
afields_ | Has anyone else had issues with postgresql failing to start? | 01:04 |
lupine_85 | it should be errors=remount-rw ... | 01:04 |
mr_hus | is there a way to get 1280x800 resolution with ati mobility radeon x1600 without installing the ati drivers which i cant get to work | 01:04 |
lupine_85 | erm, ro | 01:04 |
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Blinker_ | it prefixed -ro ; should that be taken out as well? | 01:04 |
empty_mind | is there an alternative for ubuntu repositories. www.ubuntu.com is not accessible from India | 01:04 |
lupine_85 | no, keep that as well | 01:04 |
mbgb14 | hey there. can someone quickly tell me howto share a printer in dapper? | 01:04 |
andyross | Presuming, obviously, that /media/sda4 exists and that there's a valid ext3 on /dev/sda4. | 01:04 |
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lupine_85 | actually, no, get rid of the ro prefix if you want it to be writable | 01:05 |
Blinker_ | lupine_85: ok, what I thought when editing. i assumed it would attempt a remount on error *shrug* | 01:05 |
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Blinker_ | ah, k | 01:05 |
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Blinker_ | roger roger | 01:05 |
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BiGdAdDy | hmmm | 01:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | holler: Do you have a card reader in that box? | 01:05 |
jaggz- | when I install something (make install style), how can I have debian/ubuntu monitor it so I can uninstall its files? | 01:05 |
holler | Jack_Sparrow: no | 01:06 |
lupine_85 | jaggz: checkinstall makes low-quality .deb files that might work | 01:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | holler: Do you have 4 usb ports? | 01:06 |
lupine_85 | if there's a make uninstall, you're best to use that | 01:06 |
holler | Jack_Sparrow: yes | 01:06 |
BiGdAdDy | card 0: Intel [HDA Intel] , device 0: STAC92xx Analog [STAC92xx Analog] | 01:06 |
BiGdAdDy | perhaps my sound card? | 01:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | holler: then you should be fine | 01:06 |
jaggz- | I think I once encountered a make uninstall :) | 01:06 |
mbgb14 | hello? | 01:06 |
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holler | Jack_Sparrow: hmm...so its just a refresh of the ports? | 01:07 |
Blinker_ | lupine_85: happen to know what nls=utf8,umask=007,[and] gid=46 do? those are taken from my sda1 line. | 01:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | mbgb14: one sec | 01:07 |
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afields_ | if I can't solve this postgresql package issue tonight I'll have to gbuild from source.. which defeats the point of having a package in the first place | 01:08 |
afields_ | smb-3.0.22-ubunutu was equally disasterous | 01:08 |
ladydoor | jaggz-: you can use sudo make uninstall, or when installing you can use checkinstall, which will allow apt to recognize it | 01:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: Where did you get the package in the first place? | 01:08 |
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andyross | No shame in compiling important pieces of software from source... | 01:08 |
afields_ | s/smb/samba/ -- I do have Universe enabled | 01:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | mbgb14: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu | 01:08 |
lupine_85 | nls says what encoding to use for filenames; umask is the inverse of the default automagic permissions to put on new files (or something like that); gid is the group that the fs will be placed in | 01:08 |
holler | Jack_Sparrow: now that i think about it, it makes sense, the usb ports are attached to my Screen, possibly when my screen has been turned on and off... | 01:08 |
afields_ | in sources.list | 01:08 |
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Jack_Sparrow | afields_: HAve you modified your sources manually or with any scripts | 01:09 |
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jaggz- | andy, it is a mess when I want to install a later .deb of that program and they install files to different locations | 01:09 |
afields_ | Why would samba-3.0.22 ship in production server if that wasn't production ready for a typical office LAN? | 01:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | holler: agreed. | 01:09 |
=== rupturedtoad [n=steve@host-84-9-188-137.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afields_ | manually.. I'm using a .ca mirror | 01:09 |
BiGdAdDy | how would i go about updating ubuntu latest to edgy elf? | 01:09 |
afields_ | sec.. | 01:09 |
holler | Jack_Sparrow: great, thanks for the quick resolution =) | 01:10 |
andyross | Not sure what the problem is. I'm running the default samba package on a Hoary machine at home with no issues... | 01:10 |
ladydoor | BiGdAdDy: edgy is still in heavy development and not for desktop use | 01:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: Please post your sources.list to the !pastebin | 01:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | holler: np | 01:10 |
BiGdAdDy | oh ok :) | 01:10 |
=== decherdt [n=decherdt@ppp-70-129-183-154.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blinker_ | lupine_85: ok, noted, but just a hair over my linux head so in short, should i be able to write to sda4 without that information? | 01:10 |
afields_ | !pastebin | 01:10 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 01:10 |
=== green__saotome [n=green__s@tdev198-214.codetel.net.do] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
ladydoor | BiGdAdDy: it should be released in october, at which time instructions'll be all over the forums & wiki :-) | 01:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | BiGdAdDy: It will be released next month, they have lots left to do... I would wait.. | 01:10 |
lupine_85 | Blinker: the default values are to have the gid as the root group... i.e. only root will be able to write to it | 01:11 |
lupine_85 | you can remove gid=46 and replace it with uid=1000 to make the owner of the fs be the first-created user (i.e. you) - but gid=46 will "probably" work | 01:11 |
spdf | Hey fellas, with universe and multiverse enabled I still can't install gnome-devel, I'm getting unmet dependencies | 01:11 |
mbgb14 | Jack_Sparrow: that file is for 5.10 -- is there anything for Dapper? | 01:11 |
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River | can someone please point me in the right direction so I can find out how to make a raw copy of an audio CD in ubuntu | 01:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | !cups | 01:12 |
ubotu | Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows | 01:12 |
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=== hav0k [n=nevin@Bowe-11-142.rh.ncsu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BiGdAdDy | i fallowed them sound links you have sent to i however i coudlnt resolve issuse | 01:12 |
Blinker_ | lupine_85: alright, I'll test those. thanks bunches. | 01:12 |
=== Blinker_ gives lupine_85 a cookie of his choosing | ||
hav0k | has anyone installed and configured Engage? | 01:12 |
lupine_85 | mmmm ice cream cookie! | 01:12 |
Blinker_ | done. | 01:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | River: grip or the old fashioned way K3B which is just a good burner | 01:13 |
dekup | hi how can i set isapnp=0 | 01:13 |
afields_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24035 | 01:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | k | 01:13 |
River | Jack_Sparrow: thank you | 01:13 |
=== DnH500 [n=richard@user-514fa075.l2.c4.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hav0k | has anyone even heard of engage? | 01:13 |
ladydoor | nope | 01:14 |
fifth | nope, what is it? | 01:14 |
Sionide | a nokia handset?? | 01:14 |
Sionide | oh, that' n-gage | 01:14 |
DnH500 | its ok | 01:14 |
Sionide | how silly of them | 01:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | river np | 01:14 |
dekup | doesnt anybody know how can i change isapnp value to "0"? | 01:14 |
DnH500 | gp2x much better | 01:14 |
=== tjizzy [n=tgruben@rrcs-24-227-165-202.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afields_ | ca.archive.ubuntu.com doesn't carry security.. is that a problem? | 01:14 |
Sionide | DnH500, for obvious reasons | 01:14 |
mbgb14 | thanks alot Jack_Sparrow... ttyl :D | 01:15 |
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icho | En espaol??? | 01:15 |
ladydoor | !es | 01:15 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 01:15 |
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tjizzy | holler: which version of ubuntu are you using? | 01:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: You have universer rem'd out as well as dapper main... uncomment them and reload.. then try | 01:15 |
hav0k | engage is an enlightenment dock | 01:15 |
hav0k | similar to the osx dock | 01:15 |
holler | tjizzy: dapper | 01:16 |
ladydoor | and it's not working? | 01:16 |
ladydoor | hav0k: and it's not working? | 01:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | hav0k: Ask in E17 | 01:16 |
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afields_ | the only two that are #'ed are for security packages.. right? | 01:16 |
tjizzy | holler: hm | 01:16 |
icho | como uso ubuntu-es?? | 01:16 |
hav0k | Jack_Sparrow, on freenode? | 01:16 |
hav0k | ladydoor, well, i dont know how to configure it | 01:17 |
=== maple1 [i=maple@London-HSE-ppp3545793.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BiGdAdDy | Jack_Sparrow, my sound is very raspy mostly left speaker even in headfones... | 01:17 |
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Jack_Sparrow | afields_: dapper-mai is rem'd out | 01:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | main | 01:17 |
BiGdAdDy | them links you gave me didnt help | 01:17 |
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Jack_Sparrow | BiGdAdDy: Sorry but that is where we have people start. | 01:18 |
BiGdAdDy | oh ok | 01:18 |
BiGdAdDy | ;) | 01:18 |
ladydoor | icho: se necesita irse all en la misma manera en que vena aqu. lo siento, no he hablado espaol hace unos aos | 01:18 |
decherdt | modprobe keeps loading yesterdays version nvidia kernel module, ignoring the new one, which I have to insmod, how do I find and deal with it? | 01:18 |
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renzo | :) | 01:18 |
amarokker | arggh! can someone please help me to set up the webserver? well its setup- only prob is that, the server can't associate .php files with the interpreter. | 01:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: First two in your sources list | 01:18 |
afields_ | yes but then.. 006: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24035 | 01:18 |
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afields_ | oops | 01:18 |
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lupine_85 | decherdt: uninstall the old one? (assuming it's linux-restricted-modules) | 01:19 |
afields_ | deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper main restricted | 01:19 |
afields_ | on line 006 | 01:19 |
Sionide | anyone know anything about wireless? that might be able to help with this problem -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=259994 | 01:19 |
lupine_85 | depmod -a might help as well | 01:19 |
=== Born_In_Xixax [n=dstaudt@ppp-70-242-88-235.dsl.okcyok.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: 03 and 06 | 01:19 |
decherdt | lupine_85, NVIDIA .run | 01:19 |
ladydoor | icho: por ejemple, en ingles se usa /join #ubuntu para enscribirse en esta canal--y se usara /join #ubuntu-es para inscribirse all | 01:19 |
lupine_85 | decherdt: ah... they're a bit of a PITA | 01:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: 39 & 40 | 01:19 |
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afields_ | sorry 008 | 01:19 |
lupine_85 | find / -name nvidia.ko |grep nvidia | 01:19 |
ladydoor | icho: buena suerte :-) | 01:19 |
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lupine_85 | then carefully delete the old ones :) | 01:20 |
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jaggz- | thanks .. checkinstall is cool. | 01:20 |
icho | Gracias ladydoor | 01:20 |
jaggz- | peace | 01:20 |
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ladydoor | icho: de nada | 01:20 |
afields_ | 03 & 06 are just CDROM entries which are duplicated fon 008 & 009 which are HTTP | 01:20 |
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Jack_Sparrow | afields_: agreed, | 01:21 |
briguyd | is there a way to change the capslock to shift+capslock? | 01:22 |
ladydoor | briguyd: you can probably do it with xmodmap. what do you mean "shift+capslock?" | 01:22 |
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briguyd | so, instead of hitting capslock to turn on caps, i hit shift and capslock together | 01:22 |
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afields_ | And the odd thing is used to work fine.. I don't know which package broke PostgreSQL | 01:23 |
afields_ | maybe a security update/patch? | 01:23 |
ladydoor | briguyd: yeah, you can probably do it with xmodmap...but a fix *i* like better is switching the location of caps lock & control :-) | 01:23 |
briguyd | ladydoor, yeah, but id never get used to that | 01:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: Since I dont know what you are trying to install I would uncomment 39 and 40 or rebuild the list using easysource and try it again. | 01:23 |
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NeunLeben | hey all | 01:23 |
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afields_ | k.. will do | 01:24 |
NeunLeben | please, i'm about to run Ubuntu from a CD | 01:24 |
ladydoor | briguyd: you'd be surprised how quickly you get used to it. oh well. i would suggest googling stuff like "xmodmap caps shift" or somesuch for a howto | 01:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: remember to reload once you make the change.. or update if apt-get | 01:24 |
NeunLeben | is there anything i have to take in account in advance? | 01:24 |
briguyd | ladydoor, so is there a default configuration file for xmodmap that i should just back up and edit? | 01:24 |
rocambole | hi! somebody know how delete/dont load ONLY the nvidia module from the restricted-modules? | 01:24 |
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afields_ | I was using aptitude | 01:25 |
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ladydoor | briguyd: what you do is create a .Xmodmap file in your home dir | 01:25 |
linuchsan | amarokker:look at mods-available and link php5.conf and php5.load in mods-enabled | 01:25 |
briguyd | is there not one by default? | 01:25 |
Blinker | NeunLeben: not when youre just running off the live cd | 01:25 |
ladydoor | briguyd: i think there's a utility to dump the keymap you're currently using either to a terminal or to a file, which would allow you to look at all the key combinations | 01:25 |
amarokker | yep- done that- linuchsan. | 01:25 |
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ladydoor | briguyd: well, it's a program you have to install | 01:26 |
Blinker | NeunLeben: installing is a different matter | 01:26 |
briguyd | i have xmodmap already | 01:26 |
mcphail | amarokker: you don't need to manually link - use the "a2enmod" command | 01:26 |
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andyross | rocambole: add "nv" to the /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules file. | 01:26 |
spdf | rocambole, take a look in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules-common | 01:26 |
amarokker | ok | 01:26 |
amarokker | quit | 01:26 |
amarokker | my bad. | 01:26 |
mcphail | amarokker: and remember to restart apache afterwards | 01:26 |
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afields_ | Jack_Sparrow which is easysource? | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | !easysource | 01:27 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 01:27 |
icho | hola | 01:27 |
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andyross | That, btw, is IMHO a pretty nasty misfeature. It loads the restricted modules irrespective of your actual hardware, and interacts very badly with NVIDIA's installer. | 01:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | gotta love that bot | 01:27 |
jivebunny | hey everyone, i've almost finished downloading ubunto.. used to be a debian user, but want something faster, even easier to mantain and at the same as stable as debian or slack (which i've used for over a year).. wanted to know from you people with more experience on ubunto of its real problems, if any | 01:27 |
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briguyd | it's xmodmap -pk to display the current layout | 01:29 |
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jivebunny | wanted to know about nvidia drivers installation --> is it just downloading the linux drivers from nvidia site?! or do i need some more complex instructions as it's required on debian? also mp3 / dvd support.. does it come bundled? or libdvdcss gotta be installed separately? | 01:29 |
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michael117 | How can I mount ISO disc images (preferably with a GTK app)? | 01:29 |
DarkMageZ | jivebunny, you might wanna wait for ubuntu edgy eft if you're looking for speed. i've heard that they've done some nice stuff to speed-up boot-up and shutdown | 01:30 |
jacob_ | when is eft coming out anyway.... | 01:30 |
ladydoor | briguyd: sweet | 01:30 |
andyross | jivebunny: the NVIDIA drivers are part of the distro now. But unfortunately that also means that installing from NVIDIA's installer is an error-prone mess on Dapper right now. | 01:30 |
Blinker | jivebunny: or if youre feeling a little lazy... | 01:30 |
Blinker | !easyubuntu | 01:30 |
ubotu | EasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu. | 01:30 |
briguyd | ladydoor, so should i just copy that all to the .Xmodmap file and change what i need? | 01:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | DarkMageZ: From power switch to grub selection to login and password to ready in under 1 minute running Dapper here | 01:31 |
Blinker | jivebunny: its a pretty nice tool | 01:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blinker: No | 01:31 |
hav0k | Jack_Sparrow, is the e17 on freenode? | 01:31 |
ladydoor | jivebunny: it's kind of a pain to get rid of the default desktop environments if you install from the default cd | 01:31 |
Blinker | Jack_Sparrow: no? | 01:31 |
DarkMageZ | Jack_Sparrow, and apparently they've made it even faster in edgy eft :P | 01:31 |
rocambole | andyross, thanks! | 01:31 |
ladydoor | briguyd: no...let me paste you a sample .Xmodmap in pastebin. just a sec. | 01:31 |
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=== Senesence [n=senesenc@ool-4354ab60.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rocambole | spdf, thanks also | 01:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | Blinker: It has been improved but still not the best way... | 01:32 |
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jivebunny | ladydoor, that's an issue.. cause i'm used to kde, and my wife couldn't stand gnome either | 01:32 |
rawr | Kde is great.... | 01:32 |
spdf | rocambole, no problem, he beat me too it :) | 01:32 |
ladydoor | jivebunny: well i mean, kde is one of the options if you download the kubuntu cd | 01:32 |
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ladydoor | jivebunny: it's one of the DEs i was referring to | 01:32 |
jivebunny | DarkMageZ, what about upgrading later to that one? do i need to download an entire cd again or is it just like debian with "apt dist-upgrade" ? | 01:32 |
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=== andyross found the linux-restricted-modules stuff only by stepping through the boot scripts by hand trying to make the NVIDIA installer work :( | ||
DarkMageZ | jivebunny, dist-upgrade works | 01:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Easyubuntu has been improved but not great.. Automatix is the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling. | 01:33 |
jivebunny | ladydoor, don't you like it?! i'm getting ubunto cd, but looking forward to downloading the kde stuff later | 01:33 |
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DarkMageZ | jivebunny, if you want to install kde on ubuntu, all you need to do apparently is install kubuntu-desktop | 01:33 |
rawr | theres a thing on pychocats about it | 01:33 |
jivebunny | DarkMageZ, yeah, that's the package.. =) | 01:33 |
DarkMageZ | jivebunny, but that won't remove all the gnome stuff from your system | 01:33 |
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Jack_Sparrow | dist-upgrade last I heard was being discouraged.. so please have a good backup | 01:34 |
jivebunny | DarkMageZ, alright.. that won't be much of an issue.. most gnome libs are needed for a lot of other apps | 01:34 |
ladydoor | jivebunny: sweet...kde shouldn't be too hard to install. just install kubuntu-desktop, a metapackage, from the repositories | 01:34 |
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rawr | Good site if you want to mess around with kde and others http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index.php | 01:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | jivebunny: You can select which you want from the options menu where you enter your login name | 01:35 |
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=== linlin [i=linlin@c-67-173-49-55.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Senesence | Does synaptic keep up with the latest versions of the software it lists? I ask because I notice that Python 2.5 is out but synaptic only offers 2.4, also blender (3d modeling/animation software) seems to be behind by a version. | 01:35 |
tom_g | i'm having some trouble with the live-cd installer on amd64... it gets to the part where it starts X, I can see the desktop, and the mouse cursor is movable for a few seconds, but then it locks up hard... I've had to specify noapic to get it this far... any ideas what to try next? | 01:35 |
ladydoor | briguyd: ok, here's my .Xmodmap file, which should give you an idea at least of what one looks like (i'm not trying to prosthelytise the caps/control switch, that's just what happens to be in there). good luck! | 01:35 |
ladydoor | briguyd: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24037 | 01:35 |
jivebunny | Jack_Sparrow, messed up my debian distro once with that dist-upgrade command.. got lots of unstable apps.. i was having all kind of problems with apps closing all the time.. | 01:35 |
DarkMageZ | !tell darkmagez about latest version | 01:35 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about latest version - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:35 |
briguyd | ladydoor, thanks | 01:35 |
crimsun | Senesence: it knows what you've seeded it with. Edgy only today got 2.5 final. | 01:35 |
ladydoor | briguyd: np. | 01:35 |
jivebunny | i forgot i had added a lot of unstable sources to sources.list | 01:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | jivebunny: dist-upgrade is something I would avoid | 01:36 |
Senesence | crimsun: Sorry I don't quite understand. Could you be more specific. | 01:36 |
CromagDK | question: how do i run a fullscreen app. in wine with dualscreen ? | 01:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | jivebunny: You can rebuild sources back to original with !easysource | 01:37 |
CromagDK | question: how do i run a fullscreen app. in wine with dualscreen ? using 1 screen for the app. ofcourse :) | 01:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | CromagDK: Try asking in #winehq | 01:37 |
ladydoor | !repeat | 01:37 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 01:37 |
crimsun | Senesence: it's not prescient. If you want it to know of something new, tell it about something new. In other words, your sources.list needs to have an active repo that contains newer packages. | 01:37 |
CromagDK | ah ok ;) | 01:37 |
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briguyd | ladydoor, then i have to tell xmodmap to look for that file somehow? | 01:38 |
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Jack_Sparrow | CromagDK: We have enough to do without supporting wine | 01:38 |
Senesence | crimsun: How do can I set up synaptic to do that? | 01:38 |
ladydoor | briguyd: xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap :-) (without the smiley) | 01:38 |
profoX` | hey | 01:38 |
briguyd | then i have to add it to my startup thingy to make sure it runs every time? | 01:38 |
crimsun | Senesence: you can use 6.10, or you can generate the debs yourself and install them, or use someone else's, or ... | 01:39 |
ladydoor | briguyd: yeah...i'm not sure how to do that for anything other than fluxbox or ratpoison, though | 01:39 |
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profoX` | can someone confirm if my apache install works, i can only test if it works local? | 01:39 |
RichardC | im having a hard time getting samba to work. ive installed the samba and smbfs packages, but i cant get any pcs to connect | 01:39 |
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briguyd | ok, works so far, just removeing the caps lock | 01:39 |
briguyd | now to fix it... | 01:39 |
briguyd | hmm | 01:39 |
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profoX` | Does this URL work for you guys? (to test my apache install) | 01:40 |
Senesence | crimsun: 6.10 what? By generate debs do you mean "compile from source", if so do I need to have GCC installed, does GCC come default with ubuntu | 01:40 |
jivebunny | one thing is for sure.. people always recommended ubunto due to its support and community; and i'm really impressed at how much people are helpfull and polite in this room.. thanks everyone for the answers =) | 01:40 |
Ransom | hey guys, quick newbie question... Will the AMD64 edition work on an Intel64 system? | 01:40 |
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ladydoor | jivebunny: yeah, the community's definitely a selling point :-). | 01:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | profoX`: could not connect | 01:41 |
profoX` | Jack_Sparrow: k thanks | 01:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 01:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jivebunny: We can be a pesky bunch... | 01:41 |
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crimsun | Senesence: 6.10 is the name for Edgy. By generating debs, I mean generate Ubuntu packages (not simply just compiling from source). Yes, you would need build-essential installed for the latter. | 01:42 |
tom_g | i'm having some trouble with the live-cd installer on amd64... it gets to the part where it starts X, I can see the desktop, and the mouse cursor is movable for a few seconds, but then it locks up hard... I've had to specify noapic to get it this far... any ideas what to try next? | 01:43 |
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afields_ | Jack_Sparrow : no go with http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24038 | 01:43 |
afields_ | still gives Perl error on startup | 01:43 |
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afields_ | how do I purge evreything in aptitude? | 01:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | afields_: What specifically are you trying to install | 01:43 |
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ladydoor | afields_: *everything* or anything? the binding is _ to purge a package | 01:44 |
Senesence | crimsun: How would I update from dapper to edgy? (I kinda thought the update manager would handle that for me) | 01:44 |
afields_ | just one package and all config | 01:44 |
=== rubikfrea [n=kvirc@adsl-11-86-168.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rubikfrea | Hi, I was wondering if I could receive some help? | 01:44 |
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Jack_Sparrow | rubikfrea: Just ask | 01:44 |
CromagDK | !xinerama | 01:45 |
ubotu | xinerama is using multiple monitors as one big monitor. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo | 01:45 |
ladydoor | Senesence: bewaaaare! edgy is under heavy development! | 01:45 |
crimsun | Senesence: since 6.10 hasn't been released yet, no, it won't "do it for you" | 01:45 |
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rubikfrea | ok :) | 01:45 |
=== profoX` [n=profox@d51A52303.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ladydoor | Senesence: it contains many artifacts of rare and dangerous power! | 01:45 |
stenew | anybody available to answer questions about LVM? | 01:45 |
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=== RedRose [n=thestupi@c-67-174-77-132.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
afields_ | stenew: shoot | 01:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | Senesence: Listen to the lady.... | 01:45 |
james296 | how can I install xgl/compiz without screwing up my computer??? | 01:46 |
rubikfreak | I posted a thread, and I didn't think to come here. | 01:46 |
rubikfreak | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261072 | 01:46 |
RedRose | How Do I install ubuntu with out using the LiveCD? | 01:46 |
Senesence | ladydoor: I just wanted a way to keep the synaptic software listing current with the latest versions of the listed software. | 01:46 |
no-nuke | I need help with Xgl-compiz | 01:46 |
profoX` | Jack_Sparrow: can you try it again please? | 01:46 |
profoX` | | 01:46 |
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no-nuke | can someone give me hand on this? | 01:46 |
james296 | I mean I also want the entire product and not the simple things for it | 01:46 |
rubikfreak | Redrose: try the alternate install cd | 01:46 |
RedRose | ? | 01:46 |
stenew | afields_: I have a machine with two ide drives. I basically want to treat them as one large drive. Is lvm the right choice? | 01:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | james296: Install it on someone elses computer... that is how..:) | 01:46 |
ladydoor | Senesence: in that case you should probably use the dapper-backports repositories. would you like the sources.list entries? | 01:46 |
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profoX` | james296: make backups, and know how to fix things when you screw up :) | 01:46 |
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profoX` | no-nuke: #ubuntu-xgl or #xgl | 01:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | profoX`: same | 01:46 |
RedRose | rubikfreak:Where is that lovated? | 01:46 |
james296 | Im being quite serious about this... | 01:46 |
profoX` | or was that #xgl-ubuntu | 01:46 |
no-nuke | thankx profox | 01:46 |
profoX` | Jack_Sparrow: damn.. strange.. gonna try to use a switch instead of router now hold on | 01:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | james296: Make a good backup.... | 01:47 |
rubikfreak | when you go to one of the servers to download an ubuntu iso | 01:47 |
Senesence | ladydoor: Yes, but don't I have those already. I used easy ubuntu and I thought that would do that? | 01:47 |
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jrib | Jack_Sparrow: #ubuntu-xgl is for xgl support | 01:47 |
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rubikfreak | scroll down and you will see alternate install cd | 01:47 |
jrib | james296: #ubuntu-xgl is for xgl support | 01:47 |
james296 | it used to work for me, somehow I got the configurater and everything | 01:47 |
ladydoor | Senesence: the way to check would be to do less /etc/apt/sources.list and look for these lines: | 01:47 |
james296 | how do I get that? | 01:47 |
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jrib | james296: /join #ubuntu-xgl | 01:47 |
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rubikfreak | I changed each "dapper" to "edgy" and tryed to upgrade to edgy eft knot 3 | 01:48 |
ladydoor | Senesence: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24039 | 01:48 |
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rubikfreak | now my xserver is not configured properly | 01:48 |
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ladydoor | rubikfreak: try in #ubuntu+1 | 01:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | agreed | 01:48 |
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jrib | rubikfreak: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (but yeah #ubuntu+1) | 01:49 |
gman993 | anyone help with nvidia on dapper? | 01:49 |
erUSUL | gman993: me | 01:49 |
rubikfreak | ok, thanks | 01:49 |
jrib | !nvidia > gman993 | 01:49 |
=== profoX` [n=profox@d51A522C8.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hou5ton | I have video working with CNN and YouTube, and on some sites ... like Fox News, only the sound works, not the video part. Any ideas, .....other than not worrying about it? :-) | 01:49 |
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briguyd | gah! so close! | 01:49 |
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profoX` | Jack_Sparrow: ok.. now? | 01:50 |
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Jack_Sparrow | profoX`: same | 01:50 |
briguyd | if i hold shift and hit caps, it types in caps, but as soon as i let go, its back to regular | 01:50 |
paris | hello | 01:50 |
profoX` | Jack_Sparrow: u sure? try to reload :P | 01:50 |
profoX` | i want it to work lol | 01:50 |
ladydoor | briguyd: it sounds like it's become another shift key... | 01:50 |
jrib | hou5ton: do you have w32codecs installed? what player are you using? do you know the codec the videos use? | 01:50 |
ladydoor | briguyd: hmmm | 01:50 |
paris | i have a little problem to setup ftpd service in my server | 01:50 |
hou5ton | jrib: mplayer | 01:50 |
gman993 | yea no 3d | 01:50 |
briguyd | or, mabe its just ignoring the caps and jsut using the shift im holding down | 01:50 |
hou5ton | jrib: and i think they are installed. .... how can i double check? | 01:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | profoX`: same.. tried a couple ways | 01:51 |
ladydoor | briguyd: that's possible too | 01:51 |
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profoX` | k :( | 01:51 |
paris | i have a little problem to setup ftpd service in my server | 01:51 |
paris | could you help me please? | 01:51 |
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jrib | hou5ton: apt-cache policy w32codecs, or look for /usr/lib/codecs or /usr/local/lib/codecs with a bunch of windows dll files | 01:51 |
ladydoor | paris: you should probably go ahead and ask your real question to the whole channel :-). Then we'll know whether or not anybody can help. | 01:51 |
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afields_ | stenew: yes | 01:52 |
afields_ | it's one choice | 01:52 |
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Senesence | ladydoor: In synaptic software preferences the "Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Backports (Binary)" is already checked. Is that what I'm looking for? | 01:52 |
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tom_g | profoX`: that link worked for me...? | 01:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | People, it has been fun, I need to eat... NOW.... Where is that serving wench with my Grog... Arrrrgh! | 01:52 |
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briguyd | ok, this is interesting | 01:52 |
afields_ | and a opular one at that | 01:52 |
Megaqwerty | for some weird reason, my desktop search doesn't find the files I need. I even tried the exact name of the file. Any Ideas? | 01:52 |
profoX` | tom_g: yea it worked for someone in archlinux channel too :/ | 01:52 |
profoX` | Jack_Sparrow: i think your connection sucks :P | 01:52 |
sureshot | have good Grog man | 01:52 |
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briguyd | i open up xev and hold shift and hit capslock, i get this line : state 0x1, keycode 66 (keysym 0xffe5, Caps_Lock) | 01:52 |
ladydoor | Senesence: i don't know anything about synaptic, but that sounds right. is there any particular software that's not bleeding-edge enough for you in the repos? | 01:52 |
profoX` | tom_g: thanks | 01:52 |
ladydoor | briguyd: check what you get when you *just* hit caps lock | 01:53 |
hou5ton | jrib: ya ... i have them | 01:53 |
M_A_K | I am trying to use multiple monitors with my laptop, but not having any luck. My built in screen blanks when I hook up to the external rgb connector. | 01:53 |
Megaqwerty | anyone? | 01:53 |
briguyd | hmm, i tried to set that to another control key, buts not doing that either | 01:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | profoX`: I just realized I have 1338 locked down... | 01:53 |
ladydoor | Megaqwerty: is it a new file? | 01:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry | 01:53 |
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Senesence | ladydoor: Yes, python 2.5 is the latest, but synaptic only offers up to 2.4, and a 3d application "blender3d" is currently 2.42 but synaptic still lists 2.41. | 01:54 |
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Megaqwerty | ladydoor: no, it's been on the comp for at least a day or two | 01:54 |
hou5ton | jrib: go here (http://www.foxnews.com/) and try to play the lead video about US and FRance unified on Iran | 01:54 |
hou5ton | jrib: if you're on Ubuntu, that is | 01:54 |
paris | cannot locate user entry:vsftpd errorrrrrr | 01:54 |
paris | what is this? | 01:54 |
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paris | is there anybody? | 01:55 |
ladydoor | Megaqwerty: hmm...try the "locate" command in a terminal | 01:55 |
jrib | hou5ton: it seems to use flash | 01:55 |
lostinc | Hi I was wondering is there any real discernable differnce between distros such as Ubuntu and say Red Hat Fedora? I mean other than say how it controls packages and such. In other words is there a difference in hw programs run or compile? | 01:55 |
ladydoor | Senesence: there's a way to concurrently install a newer version, if you're interested. | 01:55 |
hou5ton | jrib: is there something I can do about that, using Ubuntu? | 01:55 |
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Megaqwerty | yeah, locate can find it | 01:55 |
tom_g | so can anyone help me with my install bug? my live installer hard-crashes shortly after starting X on amd64 | 01:55 |
jrib | hou5ton: you say you hear sound but it plays no video with this movie? | 01:55 |
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M_A_K | Excuse my ignorance, but can linux handle multiple monitors? I found the settings under KDE, but it does not seem to be working (mirroring or spanning). | 01:56 |
Megaqwerty | ladydoor: /|\ | 01:56 |
hou5ton | jrib: right ... the sounds is there but the screen is black | 01:56 |
ladydoor | Megaqwerty: sweet! what does /|\ mean? | 01:56 |
Megaqwerty | look up | 01:56 |
Senesence | ladydoor: I already did for the blender application, because they had a linux binary that I could easily unzip, but I would like a way to install python 2.5 (they don't give a binary) | 01:56 |
Megaqwerty | lol sorry | 01:56 |
jrib | hou5ton: kind of strange, do you have flash installed? | 01:56 |
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Megaqwerty | ladydoor: do you know why the gui isn't finding the files? | 01:56 |
profoX` | Sorry what did you say Jack_Sparrow or tom_g or... I disconnected | 01:56 |
hou5ton | jrib: ... well ... how can I double check on that? .... I thought I installed that stuff ... probably using easy Ubuntu or something | 01:56 |
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Jack_Sparrow | profoX`: I just realized I have 1338 locked down... | 01:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry | 01:57 |
jrib | hou5ton: http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/ | 01:57 |
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ladydoor | Senesence: ok then. first thing you need to do is do sudo aptitude install build-essential and also download a source package of the latest python. let me know when you're ready to go on :-) | 01:57 |
jivebunny | M_A_K, which video card? which distribution? | 01:57 |
hou5ton | it's installed | 01:57 |
ladydoor | Megaqwerty: no idea--i just use locate and avoid unnecessary complications when possible. | 01:57 |
Megaqwerty | alright, thanks. | 01:57 |
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ladydoor | Megaqwerty: soory | 01:58 |
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hou5ton | jrib: it's installed | 01:58 |
funkja | How does one disable IPP? | 01:58 |
briguyd | im going to get back to this after dinner, thanks for the help, ladydoor | 01:58 |
profoX` | Jack_Sparrow: lol.. np | 01:58 |
ladydoor | briguyd: np...good luck! | 01:58 |
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Senesence | ladydoor: aptitude? I thought it was "apt-get"?> | 01:58 |
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profoX` | glad its not something wrong with my config :) phew | 01:58 |
starpause | my ubuntu is hemmoraging | 01:58 |
jrib | hou5ton: ok if you right click on the movie, does an mplayer menu popup or a flash one? | 01:58 |
hou5ton | jrib .... which movie .. the one on Fox? | 01:59 |
jrib | hou5ton: yes | 01:59 |
ladydoor | Senesence: aptitude is a frontend to apt-get and keeps track of dependencies better, although it sometimes installs extra packages that aren't really necessary. it's most useful for when you install a package that has a bunch of dependencies, and later uninstall that package--it'll take the dependencies with it. | 01:59 |
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hou5ton | jrib: well ... when I right-click on it, it just gives the standard right-click menu | 02:00 |
hou5ton | jrib: when I click on it normally, the fox news video player, whatever that is, comes up | 02:00 |
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hou5ton | jrib: on other sites, the system uses Mplayer | 02:00 |
jrib | hou5ton: hmm ok, is there any other site that fails to work? | 02:01 |
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JaVaSan_ | Hi, How can I install xmms? I've tried "apt-get install xmms" but I've got something like: "xmms package not found" | 02:01 |
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M_A_K | jivebunny : using ATI graphics (mobility I think) and Ubuntu | 02:02 |
jrib | !info xmms | 02:02 |
ubotu | xmms: Versatile X audio player. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1029 kB, installed size 7256 kB | 02:02 |
hou5ton | jrib: MSNBC, but I"ve never got it to work, even in Windows, while using FireFox .... | 02:02 |
JaVaSan_ | !info xmms | 02:02 |
jrib | !repos > JaVaSan_ | 02:02 |
ubotu | xmms: Versatile X audio player. In component main, is optional. Version 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4ubuntu5 (dapper), package size 1029 kB, installed size 7256 kB | 02:02 |
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Sionide | how come when i run a program in Wine, it doesn't appear on my window list at the bottom of the screen?? | 02:02 |
d3v1ant0n3 | Does xmms have a media manager type thing like rhythmbox? | 02:02 |
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handless | ok im back | 02:02 |
handless | lol | 02:02 |
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handless | anyone around | 02:02 |
JaVaSan_ | !easysource | 02:02 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 02:02 |
=== ToonArmy [n=chris@88-105-180-50.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jivebunny | M_A_K, does ATI provide linux drivers? have you dowloaded anything related? or are you using the defaults? | 02:02 |
Sionide | d3v1ant0n3, it has a playlist thingy... but amarok is better | 02:02 |
DarkMageZ | Senesence, if you want python2.5 in ubuntu dapper then you should ask the backport team or find someone who will backport it for you | 02:03 |
M_A_K | jivebunny : defaults | 02:03 |
Felipe096 | hi somebody can help me to stop that noise in the kate terminal | 02:03 |
hou5ton | jrib: YOuTube works, CNN works ... Google Video works | 02:03 |
jrib | JaVaSan_: the problem is that you do not have the main repository enabled (or it appears to be). The links ubotu provided should help you. Feel free to ask any questions though if you aren't sure about what to do | 02:03 |
profoX` | anyone have experience with dyndns and no-ip ? whats the best one ? | 02:03 |
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jrib | hou5ton: are you blocking javascript maybe? | 02:03 |
d3v1ant0n3 | but amarok needs most of KDE to work doesn't it? | 02:04 |
sureshot | jivebunny do you have the url to the ubuntu vidio how to | 02:04 |
Felipe096 | hi somebody can help me to stop that noise in the kate terminal when i have a mistake | 02:04 |
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hou5ton | jrib: hmmmm ... how do I check that? Is that in Firefox preferences maybe? | 02:04 |
jrib | Felipe096: system > preferences > sound > system beep | 02:04 |
handless | alright i redownloaded ubuntu and reburned it mad sloww and now it got past that screen but it said it couldnt load x the gui and gave me a command prompt so what did i do wrong lol | 02:04 |
sureshot | the ati web site has the ati drivers in rpm format | 02:04 |
Felipe096 | thanks | 02:04 |
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=== RawSushi [n=mike@68-117-201-173.dhcp.opls.la.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
handless | second how can install from this disk instead of running it live | 02:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | jrib: fyi that fox site does not work for me either in case you want to work on figuring it out tomorrow | 02:04 |
delaney | Can anyone tell me where the file is that tells ubuntu which files open with which application? everything on my system wants to open with mplayer as the default app??? | 02:04 |
RawSushi | I have a problem..I installed the flash plugin for mozilla firefox | 02:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Does the self test for errors go through ok? | 02:05 |
jrib | Jack_Sparrow: thanks, strange that it works for me. You are on dapper? | 02:05 |
JaVaSan_ | jrib, thank you, I'll read the links that ubotu showed me | 02:05 |
RawSushi | and It didn't work | 02:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | yep | 02:05 |
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RawSushi | what could the problem be? | 02:05 |
RawSushi | it used to work just fine | 02:05 |
jrib | RawSushi: how did you install it? | 02:05 |
handless | yeah the self test came back fine | 02:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | jrib, dosent matter to me, just wanted to let you know same problem | 02:05 |
hou5ton | jrib: Firefox preferences show java and javascript enabled | 02:05 |
Sionide | d3v1ant0n3, it's worth it... by my standards it's the best media player out there | 02:05 |
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RawSushi | I installed the flash-nonfree with apt-get | 02:05 |
Sionide | bar none | 02:05 |
jivebunny | sureshot, don't have it, sorry | 02:05 |
RawSushi | or whatever it's called | 02:05 |
Sionide | d3v1ant0n3, songbird is pretty cool but it's very beta still... | 02:06 |
jrib | hou5ton, Jack_Sparrow: well I am on edgy, but I am really doubtful that that is why it works for me | 02:06 |
sureshot | jack does that is the way to fix ati driver problems | 02:06 |
RawSushi | flashplugin-nonfree | 02:06 |
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jivebunny | M_A_K, you probably have to get specific drivers to solve your issue. i'm not experienced in ATI video cards, always used nvidia.. but they do require specific drivers to unleash their power aswell. | 02:06 |
Senesence | ladydoor: I got the build essentials, python 2.5 has a download for "everyone else" called "python 2.5.tgz", I extracted that. What do I do now? | 02:06 |
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=== hou5ton wonders if he dare try Edgy?? | ||
Dex-Freudii | hi there | 02:06 |
Dex-Freudii | i have a question | 02:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: There are some commands you can try (F6) at the first menu Grub Boot Options ide=nodma vga=normal nomce acpi=off acpi = no pnpbios=off xdrvr=vesa xres=800x600 apm=off | 02:06 |
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RawSushi | I had the problem once in the past too | 02:07 |
RawSushi | but I can't remember how I fixed it | 02:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | jrib: Not to worry, I will work on it later or tomorrow | 02:07 |
jrib | RawSushi: does it say the plugin is missing now when you go to badgerbadgerbadger.com maybe? | 02:07 |
RawSushi | it was a simple ln -s | 02:07 |
Dex-Freudii | how can I get to print a doc using a "2 pages per sheet" format? | 02:07 |
jrib | Jack_Sparrow: k | 02:07 |
RawSushi | yeah it does | 02:07 |
RawSushi | it says I need plugin | 02:07 |
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handless | ok so try to boot with that command and see what it does. but will this disk give me the option to install or is this only a live version | 02:07 |
jrib | RawSushi: run this command 'ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins' and put the ressult on pasttebin please | 02:07 |
funkja | Does anyone know how to turn off IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)? | 02:08 |
RawSushi | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8652 2006-07-31 10:55 libunixprintplugin.so | 02:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | jrib: adgerbadgerbadger.com plays fine | 02:08 |
jrib | RawSushi: that is all of it? | 02:08 |
ladydoor | Senesence: actually, would you mind sending me that download page? | 02:08 |
RawSushi | yeah | 02:08 |
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jrib | RawSushi: run this command: sudo update-flashplugin | 02:08 |
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Senesence | ladydoor: Not at all, its here: http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/ | 02:09 |
hou5ton | jrib: ... i saw what you typed to someone else, and badgerbadgerbadger.com plays fine on my system too | 02:09 |
decherdt | !modprobe | 02:09 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about modprobe - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:09 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gotta eat dinner... bbl | 02:09 |
jrib | hou5ton: yeah, it was just a test site because I didn't feel like finding the official adobe one again | 02:09 |
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hou5ton | jrib: by the way .. have you ever got video playing on MSNBC while using FireFox? | 02:10 |
Hikaru79 | Is there any chance at all that Python 2.5 will be in Edgy? Or is it too late for that, and we'll have to wait for the next one? | 02:10 |
jrib | hou5ton: I've never tried, but give me a minute and I'll see | 02:10 |
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RawSushi | automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes | 02:11 |
ladydoor | Senesence: ok, before you install it, you probably need to "divert" your current python install. that way, ubuntu programs will know where to look for it, but if you manually choose to run python, you'll be able to just use the python you're going to install. | 02:11 |
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specialbuddy | how can I change my driver to fglrx instead of mesa when I do the fglrxinfo command? | 02:11 |
Senesence | ladydoor: By divert, do you mean remove the previous 2.4 install before proceeding? | 02:11 |
ladydoor | Senesence: so do the following in a terminal: sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/bin/python.ubuntu --rename /usr/bin/python | 02:12 |
ladydoor | Senesence: no! do *not* uninstall | 02:12 |
specialbuddy | how can I change my driver to fglrx instead of mesa when I do the fglrxinfo command? | 02:12 |
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jrib | hou5ton: hey, good news! foxnews is black on my firefox too and doesn't play. I was using epiphany before. This is very perplexing, can you try epiphany? | 02:12 |
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ladydoor | Senesence: many ubuntu packages depend on ubuntu's python. you're just moving it out of the way to make room for one you like better, while simultaneously telling programs that need it where the one they like lives now. does that make sense? | 02:13 |
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hou5ton | jrib: well ... if I knew what it was? Another something like Mplayer, I'm guessing? | 02:13 |
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jrib | hou5ton: it's a web browser. package is epiphany-browser | 02:13 |
hou5ton | jrib: ok .. i'm checking on it now | 02:14 |
Luke_ | Since I updated to the new dapper kernel my computer kernel panics every time I boot | 02:14 |
Luke_ | what should I do? | 02:14 |
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jrib | RawSushi: try to prefix any messages to me with my name, otherwise they will probably get lost in the scrollback | 02:14 |
higen | xgl and compiz is lagging behind.. | 02:14 |
RawSushi | ah ok | 02:15 |
RawSushi | sorry | 02:15 |
niki_ | how long should it take to 'erase entire hard disk (40gb)' while installing using the live cd? | 02:15 |
jrib | RawSushi: ok, can you download the flash install tar.gz from adobe's site and put it on your desktop? | 02:15 |
knixtech | niki_, not long at all | 02:15 |
RawSushi | I'm sure I can | 02:15 |
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Senesence | ladydoor: Yes, I did the divert command. | 02:15 |
RawSushi | but I remember a simple command fixing it | 02:15 |
funkja | Luke_: You should have the option to boot from the old kernel in Grub. | 02:15 |
Felipe096 | jrib: where is system | 02:15 |
RawSushi | And it was SOMETHING to do with that .so file | 02:15 |
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RawSushi | and ln -s | 02:15 |
jrib | Felipe096: next to applications and places in your panel | 02:15 |
knixtech | niki_, and depends on your system | 02:16 |
ladydoor | Senesence: ok, and no errors? in that case, cd into the directory where you put the python source | 02:16 |
niki_ | knixtech, it got to be about 30-40 minutes....it was still giving me the rotaing orb 'working' icon (kde)...so i restarted...now its at 14 minutes...just wondering if thats normal? | 02:16 |
RawSushi | but it was 2 files | 02:16 |
Luke | funkja: i'm using lilo because its a macbook | 02:16 |
niki_ | knixtech, its a p4 2gig | 02:16 |
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Sembiance | I've been using Windows as my workstation for years now. I'm about to format my box and switch to Linux. I've gathered up all my files, firefox bookmarks, wrote down what apps I have installed (to find suitable replacements under linux) and saved some settings from some other apps (such as what extensions winamp, firefox have, etc) | 02:16 |
ladydoor | Senesence: and then do ./configure...hopefully there will be no errors. | 02:16 |
knixtech | niki_, give it some time | 02:16 |
Sembiance | Anything I'm forgetting before I format? | 02:16 |
knixtech | niki_, ;) | 02:16 |
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funkja | Luke: Does Lilo give you a list of kernals to boot from or just a generic Ubuntu? | 02:16 |
gr4ce | Anybody feel like helping me with nvidia drivers? I'm having issues. | 02:16 |
higen | btw.. any ATI fglrx users here? | 02:16 |
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rawr | nvida has alot of issues..... | 02:17 |
ladydoor | Sembiance: good luck! | 02:17 |
Luke | funkja: just generic. I'm sure I still have the old kernel I just dont know how to point lilo to it | 02:17 |
gr4ce | quite aware | 02:17 |
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Senesence | ladydoor: By python source, I assume you mean Python-2.5 dir that I extracted from Python-2.5.tgz? | 02:17 |
niki_ | knixtech, ok...so that's normal? it's not anything to worry about? | 02:17 |
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ladydoor | Senesence: yup! | 02:17 |
knixtech | niki_, ya, its doing its job | 02:18 |
knixtech | ^_^ | 02:18 |
niki_ | knixtech, kk, thanks so much :) | 02:18 |
knixtech | np | 02:18 |
funkja | Luke: You will probably have to boot from a Live CD and edit the lilo settings - but I have never used it so I don't know how for sure. They are most likely in /boot/lilo or something like that. | 02:18 |
Luke | funkja: good call | 02:18 |
concept10 | hi | 02:18 |
Luke | thanks | 02:18 |
CromagDK | im looking for information regarding customizing layouts for X. Anyone have any good stuff ? :) | 02:18 |
Sembiance | ladydoorL Just hope I am not forgetting anything | 02:18 |
ladydoor | Senesence: so cd Python-2.5 . you *may* want to move it to an out-of-the-way place...i, for example, have a dir in my home dir called misc, in which there's an src dir, in which stuff like that goes. you may consider doing somethin glike that first | 02:18 |
ladydoor | Sembiance: writing an inflammatory letter to microsoft maybe? | 02:19 |
Sembiance | ladydoor: hehe | 02:19 |
Felipe096 | thanks | 02:19 |
hou5ton | jrib: Epiphany isn't showing the video on Fox News either. Just the sound | 02:20 |
funkja | Luke: try a locate lilo to find out where the config files are | 02:20 |
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ladydoor | Senesence: otherwise, just let me know when you're ready to go on | 02:20 |
orbin | CromagDK: layouts? | 02:20 |
Luke | funkja: its /etc/lilo | 02:20 |
CromagDK | orbin: well yeah, for starting x in a different way | 02:20 |
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Luke | funkja: i'm more worried about the kernel panic... dapper should not be releasing kernels like this! | 02:21 |
jrib | hou5ton: ok, well the final possibility is that it is because I use a flash blocker and have to click to load the flash after everything else loads. I blame this strange behavior you are experiencing on the site itself... (one sec let me try something) | 02:21 |
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CromagDK | orbin: atm im using xinerama. and wine fullscreen app doesnt support that :) so i need something to take one screen away sometimes | 02:21 |
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ladydoor | Luke: i'm pretty sure it's not the kernel that's the problem...i heard something about it misconfiguring bootloaders | 02:21 |
Senesence | ladydoor: Wow, many things happened, it's done. I didn't create the misc dir beforehand though, so it's still in the desktop. | 02:21 |
Luke | ladydoor: aah awesome | 02:21 |
Luke | ladydoor: lilo and grub? | 02:21 |
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ladydoor | Senesence: it'll be fine :-). ok, if it didn't spit out a bunch of conspicuous errors at the end, it's safe to proceed. now, you type make | 02:22 |
funkja | Luke: which kernel was it/ | 02:22 |
Luke | ladydoor: any resources about it? | 02:22 |
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Luke | funkja: -27 686 i think | 02:23 |
ladydoor | Luke: i'm sorry, no...you might do a search on the forums | 02:23 |
Luke | ladydoor: will do - thanks | 02:23 |
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ladydoor | Luke: good luck | 02:23 |
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ladydoor | Senesence: (make is step 2 in the standard install process...the last one, sudo make install, will put everything where it belongs) | 02:24 |
jrib | hou5ton: actually this is a hassle for me to test, but you can try installing https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/433/ and seeing if it has the same effect for me | 02:25 |
jrib | hou5ton: *as it does for me* | 02:25 |
hou5ton | jrib: is that the flash blocker thing? | 02:25 |
jrib | hou5ton: yes, but I use something different for epiphany | 02:25 |
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noriega | hey | 02:26 |
CromagDK | orbin: might know what i could look for ? | 02:26 |
profoX` | look guys! its working http://wesley.hopto.org/gip/bugs | 02:27 |
profoX` | :P | 02:27 |
Senesence | ladydoor: Ok, now I'l start with sudo make install, right. | 02:27 |
orbin | no idea sorry. tried doing a search on "xinerama fullscreen wine"? | 02:27 |
ladydoor | Senesence: you did make already? if so, then yeah, go on to sudo make install. i guess let me know when it finishes and if it spits out any errors. | 02:27 |
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jrib | RawSushi: well you can do 'locate libflashplayer.so' if you wish to see if it exists anywhere on your system, but if you use update-flashplugin to install after downloading the tar.gz I think it is a better option | 02:28 |
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rawr | hey i am having some problems with flash i used easy ubuntu to do it | 02:28 |
CromagDK | well, yeah, but it will be with out xinerama, so only 1 screen. Im just trying to figure out how i can change between one screen and two screens | 02:28 |
RawSushi | ah | 02:28 |
rawr | install* | 02:28 |
RawSushi | k I'll just do that then | 02:28 |
RawSushi | thanks | 02:28 |
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rawr | i just don't work. | 02:29 |
inglor | rawr, what do you mean won't work? you don't get the plugin in firefox? | 02:29 |
hou5ton | jrib: that is so weird. Just like you said... when I have the flash blocker and then click the arrow, it works | 02:29 |
rawr | nope it says its not installed. | 02:29 |
Senesence | ladydoor: Done. | 02:29 |
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rawr | konquer don't do anything either | 02:29 |
AbortD | why is it downloading 386 updates when i am on 686? | 02:29 |
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ladydoor | Senesence: sweeeet. ok, now do ls /usr/local/bin. does it have a file called python in it, or just python-some-extension-here | 02:30 |
ladydoor | ? | 02:30 |
=== Homer [n=kvirc@68-235-225-150.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | hou5ton: yeah, I guess your options are 1) stick with the blocker 2) find out what's really happening and write some greasemonkey script to fix it in their code 3) tell foxnews and hope they care | 02:30 |
orbin | AbortD: 'cos you still have the 386 image installed? | 02:31 |
AbortD | ? | 02:31 |
hou5ton | jrib: by the way ... just HOW buggy is Edgy? :-) | 02:31 |
AbortD | hm oh well im gonna update | 02:31 |
AbortD | brb reboot | 02:31 |
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ladydoor | hou5ton: it's under *heavy* development | 02:31 |
hou5ton | ladydoor: ah .... probably too much for me just yet | 02:32 |
Senesence | ladydoor: There is: idle pydoc python python2.5 python2.5-config python-config smtpd.py. Does this mean it's all set? | 02:32 |
ladydoor | hou5ton: yeah...right now i'd leave it to the dev team | 02:32 |
Xappe | have a small grub issue...i've moved my system from hdb to hda and created a new bootpartition...how do I make grub understand that the bootpartition exists? | 02:32 |
ladydoor | Senesence: yup! looks good. to run it you just need to type python in a shell. enjoy! (and now you know how to install from source!) | 02:32 |
\Dj\Krit\ | hi, when i try to open an NTFS partition on another hard drive I get the following errors: /dev/hda5 is not removable | 02:33 |
\Dj\Krit\ | could not execute pmount | 02:33 |
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CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: did you mount it ? | 02:33 |
jrib | RawSushi: once you have the tar.gz downloadedto your desktop, you should be able to do: sudo update-flashplugin -l ~/Desktop | 02:33 |
=== holler_ [n=holler@rrcs-24-227-165-202.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
\Dj\Krit\ | that's the error i get when i do try to mount | 02:34 |
raz | anyone help me? on a ./configure: No package 'libglade-2.0' found | 02:34 |
raz | I've tried searching for and isntalling all the glade packages | 02:34 |
jrib | raz: what are you compiling? | 02:34 |
CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: open or mount | 02:34 |
raz | anjuta | 02:34 |
\Dj\Krit\ | yeah, that's what i'm trying | 02:34 |
ladydoor | raz: you need to install libglade-2.0-dev (or something along those lines0 | 02:34 |
ladydoor | ) | 02:34 |
raz | trying to get an IDE up and running | 02:34 |
jrib | raz: anjuta is in the repositories | 02:34 |
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CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: 2 different things :) | 02:34 |
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jrib | !info anjuta | 02:34 |
CromagDK | !nfts | 02:34 |
holler_ | raz: did you try sudo apt-get install libglade-2.0-dev | 02:34 |
ubotu | anjuta: A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.4a-2ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 866 kB, installed size 2072 kB | 02:34 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nfts - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:34 |
CromagDK | !ntfs | 02:34 |
\Dj\Krit\ | either or | 02:34 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 02:34 |
ladydoor | raz: when make doesn't find a package, it means you need to install the development package. | 02:34 |
raz | ok | 02:35 |
raz | ill remember that | 02:35 |
\Dj\Krit\ | i've tried just to open it, and, rt click > mount and i get the same errors | 02:35 |
holler_ | raz: or sudo apt-get install anjuta ? | 02:35 |
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jrib | raz: make sure you have universe enabled to get anjuta | 02:35 |
RawSushi | hmm | 02:35 |
raz | that works | 02:35 |
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CromagDK | sudo mount /dev/hdx/ /media/ntfspart/ -t nfts -o umask=0222 | 02:35 |
RawSushi | jrib: it says plugin changed, not trusted | 02:35 |
jrib | RawSushi: hmm | 02:35 |
CromagDK | where hdx is ur hd and ntfspart is a dir you create in medai for your nfts mounted partition | 02:36 |
Senesence | ladydoor: Great works from shell, however IDLE (which is the IDE I used with 2.4) still loads as 2.4, I'll figure it out though. Thanks for the lesson on installing from source. Thank you. | 02:36 |
\Dj\Krit\ | it said the mount point didnt exist | 02:36 |
\Dj\Krit\ | ahh | 02:36 |
\Dj\Krit\ | ok | 02:36 |
\Dj\Krit\ | narf | 02:36 |
ladydoor | Senesence: np! good luck with IDLE | 02:36 |
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raz | and one last question, how to get 1280x1024 on my resolution options for gnome? | 02:37 |
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higen | hmm.. beagle live search dosent work out of the box with deskbar wihout beagle-python. | 02:38 |
CrippsFX | what's the channel for edgy? | 02:38 |
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higen | +1 :P | 02:38 |
CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: works ? | 02:38 |
higen | i was in wrong channel | 02:38 |
jrib | RawSushi: ok, well in that case you should just extract the tar.gz and copy flashplayer.xpt and libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 02:38 |
higen | #ubuntu+1 | 02:38 |
CrippsFX | higen, thnx :) | 02:38 |
noriega | if I mount a partition in fstab, must its mount folder exist beforehand? | 02:39 |
Hikaru79 | noriega, yes. | 02:39 |
noriega | thanks | 02:39 |
\Dj\Krit\ | hmm, does it matter that its a sata drive? | 02:39 |
CrippsFX | does anyone here have working native broadcom ? | 02:39 |
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noriega | when I mount in terminal, it complains about that, but i tjhought that maybe fstab is bit more forgiving ;) | 02:39 |
jrib | RawSushi: that will only work for your user though, it should be fine if you are the only user. Otherwise I guess your forced to go dabble with sudo in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ | 02:39 |
\Dj\Krit\ | sudo mount /dev/hdx/ /media/ntfspart/ -t nfts -o umask=0222 | 02:39 |
\Dj\Krit\ | i tried that, no luck | 02:39 |
CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: they are called sd | 02:39 |
CromagDK | mostly afaik | 02:39 |
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CromagDK | hdx is not possible no | 02:40 |
CromagDK | you have to use you own hd's | 02:40 |
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CromagDK | hda hdb | 02:40 |
\Dj\Krit\ | say wha? | 02:40 |
\Dj\Krit\ | one sec, i think i got what you're saying | 02:40 |
raz | anyone know how to add 1280x1024 to the resolution options in gnome? | 02:40 |
CromagDK | :) | 02:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | \Dj\Krit\: /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 is mine | 02:41 |
wy | Hi all. I want to know what's the name of the program that can let Ubuntu know that I have installed an alternative for a software package. | 02:41 |
CromagDK | Jack_Sparrow: in fstab ? | 02:41 |
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michael117 | I'm trying to install cdemu with this guide (http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Mount_ISO_script) but when I try to run install-cdemu.sh I get the error message "ls: /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-686/build: No such file or directory" | 02:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | CromagDK: Yes... | 02:42 |
CromagDK | michael117: using sudo to do it ? | 02:42 |
michael117 | CromagDK: yes | 02:42 |
CromagDK | Jack_Sparrow: oh thats why not -t for type ? | 02:42 |
CromagDK | weird. | 02:42 |
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Blinker | is there a terminal command to, in effect, 'reapply' fstab? | 02:43 |
michael117 | CromagDK: I have build-essential installed which would seem like a likely source of problems with any errors involving the word "build" but it still won't work | 02:43 |
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CrippsFX | I'm running dapper 32 bit, I have a broadcom wireless card and the native broadcom module installed, and loaded, firmware loaded, but my card isn't "seeing" my AP (i.e. iwlist eth1 scan returns no results) ... I'm sitting on top of my AP ... ahas anybody else run into this? | 02:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | sudo mount -a to re-read the fstab | 02:43 |
\Dj\Krit\ | yeah, it wont go | 02:43 |
Blinker | Jack_Sparrow: thx | 02:43 |
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CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: what did you type to mount it ? | 02:44 |
\Dj\Krit\ | the funny thing is that ubuntu will see the drive, the drive size, but wont open it | 02:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 02:44 |
=== tom_g [n=default@CPE00c0f0690c34-CM014300001808.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mark_ | does anyone know much about the ATI drivers for ubuntu | 02:44 |
CrippsFX | !ati | 02:44 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:44 |
mark_ | no not to install them | 02:44 |
Jamminpotato | when does the edgy release canidate come out | 02:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | \Dj\Krit\: Post your fstab to the !pastebin so we can check it out... 5 minutes before dinner is ready | 02:44 |
\Dj\Krit\ | sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/win/ -t ntfs -o umask=0222 | 02:44 |
CrippsFX | michael117, no, it just means that you don't have the kernel sources installed. | 02:45 |
tom_g | hey guys... so i had trouble booting the live cd.. i used (after trial and error) "noapic acpi=off" to get it to boot, but then my usb mouse doesnt work...any hints? | 02:45 |
CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: and you are sure thats the NTFS partition ? | 02:45 |
CrippsFX | mark_, THEN WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW? | 02:45 |
CrippsFX | sorry caps | 02:45 |
\Dj\Krit\ | i sure as poo hope so, its my windows drive! | 02:45 |
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RawSushi | jrib: that worked. thanks a lot | 02:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | acpi=off and acpi = no (Solves no mouse problem) | 02:45 |
CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: but not sure ? | 02:46 |
tom_g | Jack_Sparrow: i tried that too.. mouse still didnt work | 02:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | usb? | 02:46 |
tom_g | yep | 02:46 |
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\Dj\Krit\ | yeah, i'm positive, i'm a little green to linux but not totally | 02:46 |
michael117 | CromagDK: Oops, I'm dumb... I didn't have the kernel headers installed | 02:46 |
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CromagDK | michael117: ah happends :) | 02:46 |
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\Dj\Krit\ | i know how to mount and what not, but why would ubuntu throw an error about the drive not being removable | 02:47 |
michael117 | CromagDK: Thanks for your help | 02:47 |
CromagDK | michael117: didnt help tho | 02:47 |
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CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: maybe wrong name for partition | 02:47 |
=== CrippsFX whistles whilst waiting for a reply about native broadcom drivers | ||
fdelacruz | hi guys | 02:47 |
CromagDK | !shout | 02:47 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 02:47 |
mark_ | sorry 3# | 02:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | \Dj\Krit\: Is your ntfs after your fat32? | 02:47 |
michael117 | CromagDK: Well, you guided me in the right direction when you mentioned the kernel sources not being installed | 02:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | \Dj\Krit\: Is your ntfs after your ext3 | 02:47 |
CromagDK | michael117: i didnt :) | 02:47 |
\Dj\Krit\ | no | 02:47 |
fdelacruz | please anyone can teach me how to configure kismet? | 02:48 |
\Dj\Krit\ | the NTFS is on its own 300gb sata | 02:48 |
mark_ | some body?? | 02:48 |
trymeout | you have 2 discs? | 02:48 |
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\Dj\Krit\ | i have 3 | 02:48 |
\Dj\Krit\ | 1 sata, and two ide | 02:48 |
trymeout | humm | 02:48 |
mark_ | quake 3 ?? no sound | 02:48 |
ladydoor | !patience | 02:48 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 02:48 |
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rawr | yup | 02:49 |
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mark_ | srry first time IRC user | 02:49 |
rawr | me to. | 02:49 |
rawr | I learned yesterday a good lesson on a friends computer | 02:49 |
rawr | don't try to put a harddrive where a cd drive gos. | 02:49 |
trymeout | :) | 02:49 |
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rawr | His windows went crazsy. | 02:50 |
CromagDK | Jack_Sparrow: you gone for dinner ? | 02:50 |
inglor | anyone knows where to get aiglx help? | 02:50 |
\Dj\Krit\ | rawr, that dont sound right, but ok... | 02:50 |
inglor | rawr, windows boxes go crazy regardless of what you do to them | 02:50 |
CromagDK | !aiglx | 02:50 |
ubotu | AIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. | 02:50 |
rawr | Yup | 02:50 |
infidel | anyone running emacs | 02:50 |
mark_ | !quake3 | 02:50 |
inglor | yeah, I know what AIGLX is, that doesn't say where to get help with it :P | 02:50 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about quake3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:50 |
trymeout | nope, vim! | 02:51 |
mark_ | pico all the way | 02:51 |
=== edison [n=edison@40-114-223-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TigerCR1200 | mark_: what is the problem with your quake 3 again? | 02:51 |
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trymeout | are you having trouble with emacs? | 02:51 |
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CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: ls /dev/ |grep sd | 02:51 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: no sound | 02:51 |
tahorg | (I just wanted to say, compiz on aiglx with an i945 is really impressive.) | 02:51 |
chnode | hello | 02:52 |
trymeout | hi | 02:52 |
edison | cual soy tu | 02:52 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: you have sound normally? Play cd's and what not? | 02:52 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: yes | 02:52 |
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TigerCR1200 | mark_: getting any errors when running it? | 02:52 |
Kewlb | I just installed mplayer (manual way, my CCIE study requires me to view a lot of wmv files).. how can I make mplayer the default application for viewing movies and mp3s? | 02:52 |
CromagDK | sure its sda1 | 02:52 |
CromagDK | ? | 02:52 |
chnode | the atiwiz-xfonts runs in gtk2? | 02:52 |
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mark_ | TigerCR1200; No | 02:52 |
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\Dj\Krit\ | yeah | 02:52 |
\Dj\Krit\ | i only have one sata drive | 02:52 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: are you running from an icon or terminal? | 02:52 |
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mark_ | TigerCR1200: icon | 02:53 |
CromagDK | well me 2 but 3 partitions | 02:53 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200 and terminal | 02:53 |
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mckinnoj | Does anyone here use the Banshee music player with the DAAP plugin? | 02:53 |
\Dj\Krit\ | each drive only has 1 partition | 02:53 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: and the terminal puts nothing out about no sound? | 02:53 |
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\Dj\Krit\ | well, no, this one has three technically, but you know what i mean | 02:53 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200 dont think so | 02:53 |
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CromagDK | so theres a hda hdb and sda ? | 02:53 |
\Dj\Krit\ | in dev...i have: | 02:53 |
lcohen | Good evening all,I cannot seem to get my Dell's Fn key working in Ubuntu with KDE, but I can with Gnome, any thoughts? | 02:53 |
trymeout | mark_: have you configured it? | 02:54 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: what sound or the game? | 02:54 |
\Dj\Krit\ | hda, hda1, hda5, hdb, hdb1, hdb2, hdb5, hdc, sda, sda1 | 02:54 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: about the sound | 02:54 |
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mark_ | TigerCR1200: no | 02:54 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: how to ? | 02:54 |
CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: and tried sda ? | 02:54 |
\Dj\Krit\ | yep | 02:55 |
CromagDK | still removeable error ? | 02:55 |
trymeout | lcohen: have you tried changing the keyboard layout? | 02:55 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: you would just have to watch the console for anything from the time it starts, till the time it stops | 02:55 |
\Dj\Krit\ | no, the removable error only happened when i tried to open from the UI | 02:55 |
mckinnoj | What about just DAAP in general? | 02:55 |
ladydoor | lcohen: check out this thread: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237408 | 02:55 |
CromagDK | ok what is the error now ? | 02:55 |
mark_ | hmm | 02:55 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: ok | 02:55 |
CromagDK | i forgot :S | 02:55 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: are you using kubuntu? | 02:55 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: no | 02:55 |
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ladydoor | lcohen: when you're using xev, press your fn key plus whatever key you want to press at the same time to get the code for that combination | 02:56 |
TLE | CromagDK: I've been away for a while, sooo, are you still looking for en answer on how to switch between on and two screen's in xinerama ? | 02:56 |
lcohen | xev? | 02:56 |
CromagDK | TLE: uh yeah :D | 02:56 |
bl4cktone | anyone got a good link for a step by step for installing XGL into 6.06 with a nvidia geforce 6800go | 02:56 |
ladydoor | lcohen: if you look at the thread, all will be explained. | 02:56 |
TLE | CromagDK: 2 sek | 02:56 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: start up the game and try to find in the console output the line that says ------- sound initialization ------- | 02:56 |
CromagDK | TLE: du er ret dansk da. | 02:56 |
\Dj\Krit\ | mount: /dev/sda already mounted or /media/ntfspart is busy | 02:57 |
mark_ | <TigerCR1200>: im re-installing the whole game | 02:57 |
mark_ | <TigerCR1200>: just a sec | 02:57 |
lcohen | lady: I'm sorry, which thread? | 02:57 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: ok no problem | 02:57 |
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\Dj\Krit\ | hmm | 02:57 |
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CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: hmm ? | 02:57 |
\Dj\Krit\ | it gives me the same removable error with my pata drive that's ntfs | 02:57 |
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CromagDK | pastebin | 02:58 |
CromagDK | paste what you write and what error you get | 02:58 |
CromagDK | !paste | 02:58 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 02:58 |
=== Skwid__ [n=Skwid___@bas1-montreal42-1178045539.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ladydoor | lcohen: please see a little ways up when i said your nick and told you to see a thread. your name should be flashing or something. | 02:58 |
\Dj\Krit\ | the removable error is coming from the UI, not the console | 02:58 |
TLE | CromagDK: Tjek, but not inhere, it's inpolite, wonna go to #ubuntu-dk ? | 02:58 |
CromagDK | sure. | 02:58 |
ladydoor | lcohen: actually, here's the link again. http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=237408 | 02:58 |
ladydoor | lcohen: incidentally, is your nick a reference to leonard cohen by any chance? | 02:59 |
thenetduck | can anyone help me really quick with a wireless problem im having? | 02:59 |
Kewlb | can anyone assist me in making mplayer (built it manually did not use apt-get) my default player for video and mp3 files? -- registered with nickserv so I can handle privmsgs as well. | 02:59 |
CromagDK | \Dj\Krit\: lets se som pasting :) | 02:59 |
lcohen | nope, my name actually | 02:59 |
lcohen | same initials | 02:59 |
lcohen | :) | 02:59 |
inglor | thenetduck, shoot | 02:59 |
thenetduck | thanks inglor ... | 02:59 |
thenetduck | ok I have a Broadcom wireless card on my desktop | 02:59 |
trymeout | boy am i bored... :\ | 03:00 |
thenetduck | I need to install the XP driver for it inglor | 03:00 |
jrib | !defaultapp > Kewlb | 03:00 |
ladydoor | Kewlb: what do you mean your "default player?" If you start it you can choose whatever file you want, or you can specify it on the commandline | 03:00 |
Kewlb | thanks jrib | 03:00 |
Kewlb | I think I need to install that file viewing app first :) | 03:01 |
thenetduck | inglor: i Installed ndiswrapper and have the driver on my desktop (the XP one) I also blacklisted the driver I guess I dont need. I don't know where to go from here | 03:01 |
inglor | thenetduck, why? | 03:01 |
ladydoor | lcohen: did i send you to the right place? it *should* be a thread about remapping keys | 03:01 |
inglor | thenetduck, what wireless card are you using? | 03:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | CromagDK: He might end up having to edit... /etc/pmount.allow | 03:01 |
thenetduck | is a Broadcom chipset.. thats all i really know about it | 03:01 |
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thenetduck | inglor : 14e4:4318 | 03:02 |
\Dj\Krit\ | ok, so i go to run the commands again, to get a fresh try, and the mount worked, i think, it didnt throw any errors, but when i tried to cd into /media/ntfspart i get permission denied | 03:02 |
inglor | thenetduck, did you check the wiki pages | 03:02 |
inglor | !wireless | 03:02 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 03:02 |
Kewlb | mylaptop is using a broadcom Wireless NIC I believe. | 03:02 |
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peterocks | hey, does anybody know if i can get directX working in linux? do i have to use wine to install it? | 03:02 |
thenetduck | inglor yes | 03:02 |
CrippsFX | Kewlb, is it working for you? | 03:02 |
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Kewlb | CrippsFX it came right up after I put in my WEP Key.. still learning this, is there a quick way I can see the vendor and model of the card? | 03:03 |
CrippsFX | what's the latest kernel in the ubuntu repos? | 03:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | CromagDK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions (mixing ide and sata) | 03:03 |
d3v1ant0n3 | hellos | 03:03 |
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Kewlb | still need to see if I can get it supporting TKIP | 03:03 |
CrippsFX | Kewlb, lspci|grep Network | 03:03 |
Shish | peterocks: afaik wine has it's own directx implementation; I'm not sure if installing microsoft's will work well, since it does a lot of hardware stuff... | 03:03 |
Kewlb | k, hold on | 03:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | Kewlb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper is a good broadcom link...info | 03:04 |
d3v1ant0n3 | Just a quickie...does amarok have a way of playing .wma files? I know its an icky format, but I have tons of music backed up as wma | 03:04 |
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CromagDK | aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! | 03:04 |
CromagDK | ja | 03:04 |
CrippsFX | d3v1ant0n3, yeah, using the amarok-xine plugin it can. | 03:04 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: have you done an apt-get upgrade lately? there's a new one, and whatever that one is, is it | 03:04 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: still here | 03:04 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: and you can find out what that is with uname -r | 03:04 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: yeah I am here | 03:04 |
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mark_ | TigerCR1200: it says this | 03:04 |
d3v1ant0n3 | Do i need to install that seperately? I just installed Amarok using add/remove | 03:05 |
Kewlb | CrippsFX, sorry its not a broadcom.. must be my work laptop.. this one is the Intel Pro | 03:05 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, care to give me a version number? I have 2.6.15-26-386, but according to the ubuntu wiki, I *should* be able to get 2.6.17-x ... | 03:05 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: Could not mmap dma buffer PROT_WRITE|PROT_READ | 03:05 |
mark_ | trying mmap PROT_WRITE (with associated better compatibility / less performance code) | 03:05 |
mark_ | /dev/dsp: Input/output error | 03:05 |
mark_ | Could not mmap /dev/dsp | 03:05 |
CrippsFX | Kewlb, ah. | 03:05 |
peterocks | shish: ok thanks, maybe you know where i can go to find out how to get WoW working on linux? i get a better wireless connection with this than i do with windows (weird, huh?) | 03:05 |
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Kewlb | I need to check that.. I am dual booting on my work laptop too -- have not tried wireless on it yet tho.. always been connected via a cable. | 03:05 |
=== IceT [n=chatzill@201-25-232-107.fnsce703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | let me boot it up and see | 03:06 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: so what do u think is wrong? | 03:06 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: could you give the wiki page you're looking at, please? | 03:06 |
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imperfect- | Hi | 03:06 |
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TigerCR1200 | mark_: Check out this page, not sure if it ever came to a resolution or not but it might point you in the right direction. http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/65964-dapper-quake-3-demo-no-sound.html | 03:06 |
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CrippsFX | ladydoor, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Dapper hm ... I see ... may be an issue of me misunderstanding what it says. | 03:07 |
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IceT | hello, I have some memory questions. Why does latest KDE in distro X uses 57MB RAM and it uses 167MB in ubuntu/kubuntu? | 03:07 |
TigerCR1200 | imperfect-: looks like you got it fixed. | 03:07 |
imperfect- | TigerCR1200 : Changed hosts. | 03:07 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: ok | 03:07 |
imperfect- | TigerCR1200 : comcast.net must have a ban somewhere. | 03:07 |
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imperfect- | Anyone know why my onboard lan wouldn't be detected (even w/ lspci) ? | 03:07 |
TigerCR1200 | imperfect-: possible | 03:07 |
Luke | ladydoor: I was unable to find any information on my misconfigured kernel boot leader on the forums. can you try to remember anything more that you heard about it? | 03:07 |
imperfect- | i've got a ECS-P4M800-M w/ onboard ethernet but lspci doesn't even see it | 03:08 |
imperfect- | I dunno what that's about | 03:08 |
ladydoor | Luke: it may have just been grub...sorry to send you on a wild goose chase :-( | 03:08 |
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Luke | ladydoor: np | 03:08 |
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Kewlb | k, booting up the other laptop now | 03:08 |
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hikenboot | hello all anyone know what this error means ? ...."Runtime Error: Installed debootstrap is older than in the previous version? | 03:08 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: so you're trying to get wireless set up? is that the issue? | 03:09 |
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bl4cktone | hey guys I'm thinking of installing Xgl what do you think about this post? | 03:09 |
bl4cktone | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131267 | 03:09 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, set up, no .... working, yes. | 03:09 |
Luke | bl4cktone: they are forking it so now is not a good time | 03:09 |
Vanique | hi | 03:09 |
Luke | bl4cktone: wait a day or something | 03:09 |
regx | hi | 03:09 |
CrippsFX | bl4cktone, xgl is nice, but pretty much useless. | 03:09 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: aha. and you've got a bcm-whatever driver? | 03:09 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: no use | 03:09 |
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mark_ | TigerCR1200: dam | 03:09 |
imperfect- | I think I dont see the point in XGL yet | 03:09 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, yep. | 03:09 |
Vanique | can you tell me which version of kernel i should have for amd750 mhz ? | 03:09 |
imperfect- | wobbling windows are of little use | 03:10 |
imperfect- | ;) | 03:10 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: have you seen this http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Quake3 | 03:10 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: no | 03:10 |
Kewlb | guess I was very mistaken.. work laptop is intel pro wireless as well | 03:10 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: check it out they talk about a work around | 03:10 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: ok cool | 03:10 |
Kewlb | must be my bluetooth | 03:10 |
KanRiNiN | Hey I have a question about Edgy. | 03:10 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, basically goes words to the effect of: I jhave native broadcom installed (properly), I'm sitting on top of my AP, and when I do "iwlist eth1 scan" I get no results. | 03:10 |
KanRiNiN | will Edgy fix the totem-gstreamer not playing dvd's problem? | 03:10 |
bl4cktone | Luke: what do you mean by forking it? | 03:11 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: to be honest, my advice to you is to use ndiswrapper, as i for one have found it to be more stable and reliable than the kernel driver. | 03:11 |
CrippsFX | Vanique, there's a forum topic here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85917 | 03:11 |
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CrippsFX | ladydoor, you're running a broadcom card too? | 03:11 |
Vanique | CrippsFX: thanks mate :) | 03:12 |
CrippsFX | Vanique, np :) | 03:12 |
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Kewlb | jrib, thanks for making the bot send me the info.. that worked perfectly. | 03:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | mark_: DOnt know the problem you are having but I thought you might find this site useful http://www.liflg.org/?catid=6 | 03:12 |
handless | jack_sparrow man gots a question for you | 03:12 |
mark_ | Jack_Sparrow: ok thanks | 03:12 |
Kewlb | now with rdesktop and seamless window.. if I can get this damn citrix client working i'll never really have to go back to windows again. | 03:13 |
handless | im talkin to you from some ubuntu so im in but i had to use safemode | 03:13 |
inglor | I got aiglx working, it's aweosme | 03:13 |
inglor | and it's even faster than xgl | 03:13 |
higen | inglor: what drivers? | 03:13 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: yup! | 03:13 |
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noriega | is anyone here using xvncviewer ? | 03:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Glad you got that far... | 03:14 |
Luke | bl4cktone: there is a post about it on compiz.net | 03:14 |
Luke | does anyone know how to mount a harddrive without udev? | 03:14 |
CromagDK | !paste | 03:14 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 03:14 |
handless | not sure why it didnt work the first time i tried it but safe mode worked the second time, so i got in but now what do i need to do to make it boot normal before i use the install to put it on the harddrive instead of running off cd | 03:14 |
Luke | i've got an old install cd and I cant mount my harddrive to fix it | 03:14 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, kk. IIRC I also had some troubles using NDIS wrapper as well ... but I'll give it another shot. | 03:14 |
piclez | hi, how to delete a command from the history? | 03:14 |
noriega | when I write /usr/bin/xvncviewer it works fine, but whenever I add options it freaks out | 03:14 |
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jivebunny | noriega, use X11vnc | 03:14 |
bl4cktone | Luke: thanks man! | 03:14 |
jivebunny | as for viewers, any java one will do it | 03:14 |
web250 | anyone know why my install always freezes while trying to configure X? | 03:14 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: oh, that's too bad...i hope you get everything up and running! | 03:15 |
noriega | jivebunny, why use the other one? | 03:15 |
inglor | hijen, default intel ones | 03:15 |
piclez | ok found out tks | 03:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | handless: Plenty of people to help... I just had 2 seconds waiting for the wife... | 03:15 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, you have no idea ;) | 03:15 |
inglor | hey, what's that cpu throttler called? | 03:15 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: it's always frustrating trying to get stuff to work in the first place | 03:15 |
Luke | bl4cktone: np. i've been using compiz for a long time and its great (if you disable wobly windows) but it broke today because of the fork | 03:15 |
inglor | I want to underclock dynamically again | 03:15 |
handless | cool well thanks for helpin man | 03:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | !powernowd | 03:15 |
ubotu | powernowd: control cpu speed and voltage using 2.6 kernel interface. In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 23 kB, installed size 116 kB | 03:15 |
inglor | and check how long the battery lasts, then compare it to windows again | 03:15 |
jivebunny | noriega, well, that's just a personal opinion, but i found x11vnc to be the best app of this kind | 03:15 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, yeah ... the worst is when it *does* work, and then stops and you can't figure out why :/ | 03:15 |
handless | aight anyone wanna help me figure out why i can only boot in safe mode i wanna figure it out before i install to the harddrive. | 03:16 |
noriega | jivebunny, but I'm not running a server, I'm connecting to a windows computer | 03:16 |
imperfect- | Anyone know what kernel module I need for VIA VT6103L 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet PHY | 03:16 |
ladydoor | CrippsFX: oh no! | 03:16 |
Kewlb | anyone know a good terminal emulation program that would work well with Dapper? something like terraterm or powerterm for windows... also if I could build expect or use expect with it that would be even better.. I am a CCIE so I pretty much live on a router :). | 03:16 |
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handless | im thinkin its my graphics card. is there a known problem with ati x700 mobility | 03:16 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, yep ... that's been my experience with my bcm card since I upgraded from FC4 .... it didn't work in FC5, and then worked in dapper, but sporradically breaks ... | 03:17 |
CromagDK | !hardware | 03:17 |
ubotu | For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport | 03:17 |
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thenetduck | hello would anyone be able to help me with my wireless connection | 03:17 |
CromagDK | hangfire: check list :) | 03:17 |
thenetduck | to the internet ? | 03:17 |
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ladydoor | CrippsFX: hmmmm...that's really lame. good luck | 03:17 |
CrippsFX | ladydoor, thanks. | 03:18 |
handless | i checked there and i see that it says the x700 is compatible sept the 3d is ify but it doesnt say anything bout the mobility | 03:18 |
MrParanoia | strange - i don't get any errors when rsyncing but the file doesn't appear on the remote machine | 03:18 |
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runes2006 | Hi everyone, quick question: what is a good simple ftp client in ubuntu? | 03:18 |
thenetduck | I need help with my wireless connection .... anyone know how to set up a Broadcom ? | 03:18 |
hangfire | checklist? | 03:18 |
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CromagDK | runes2006: gftp | 03:18 |
jivebunny | noriega, then as i said any viewer will do it =) i prefer java ones as they work everywhere | 03:18 |
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web250 | My install always freezes while trying to configure xserver-xorg...I had 6.06 installed and had to reinstall...please i need my computer back | 03:18 |
runes2006 | thx CromagDK | 03:19 |
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noriega | jivebunny, ok, it's just that I can't get the flags to work when I put it as a starter | 03:19 |
noriega | is "starter" the English word? I'm running Swedish ubuntu :) | 03:19 |
jivebunny | yay! finished downloading ubunto 6.06.1.. will be back in a few minutes after it's finished installing.. moving from debian.. see ya all soon | 03:19 |
narf | type 1 if you live in a single story house, 2 if you live in a double, 3 if you live in a condo, 4 if you live in an apartment, 5 if you're in a mobile home or 6 for other | 03:20 |
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Kewlb | gl jivebunny | 03:20 |
hangfire | yes starter is an english word | 03:20 |
narf | i hate statistics class... | 03:20 |
imperfect- | Yeah that hardware support page is crap | 03:20 |
noriega | ok | 03:20 |
noriega | narf, me too! | 03:20 |
Kewlb | nah, statistics was fun. | 03:20 |
inglor | is there any way to decrease the lowest freq in powernowd | 03:20 |
Kewlb | I have put it to quite good use in limit poker. | 03:20 |
noriega | damn chi square tests | 03:20 |
narf | type 1 if you live in a single story house, 2 if you live in a double, 3 if you live in a condo, 4 if you live in an apartment, 5 if you're in a mobile home or 6 for other | 03:21 |
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Kewlb | 2 | 03:21 |
narf | wtf jon | 03:21 |
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handless | anyone ever run guildwars on linux before using wine | 03:21 |
narf | thanks | 03:21 |
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Wiseguy | hey guys, what folder can i put the jdk folder in so java will be in my PATH? | 03:21 |
narf | i need a few more people | 03:21 |
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Flannel | !tell Wiseguy about java | 03:21 |
Flannel | narf: take it elsewhere. this is not the place for that | 03:21 |
narf | type 1 if you live in a single story house, 2 if you live in a double, 3 if you live in a condo, 4 if you live in an apartment, 5 if you're in a mobile home or 6 for other | 03:22 |
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inglor | narf stop it | 03:22 |
narf | typing one numeric value is gonna hurt you huh? | 03:22 |
kash | hm | 03:22 |
narf | god damn that was hard | 03:22 |
kash | i can't get my X resolution to change. | 03:22 |
kash | 0_0 | 03:22 |
inglor | is there any way to decrease the lowest freq in powernowd | 03:22 |
ladydoor | narf: no, but it's a discussion more appropriate to #ubuntu-offtopic. also, please don't curse in the channel | 03:22 |
inglor | !language > narf | 03:22 |
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handless | anyone ever run guildwars on linux before using wine | 03:22 |
Flannel | !tell kash about fixres | 03:23 |
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CrippsFX | brb | 03:23 |
inglor | handless, try the wine channel | 03:23 |
handless | ohh sorry didnt know there was one | 03:23 |
kash | oh my god | 03:23 |
TigerCR1200 | handless: winehq doesnt have much info on it. | 03:23 |
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kash | everything is a URL | 03:23 |
kash | i can't VISIT them | 03:23 |
kash | -_- | 03:23 |
Wiseguy | Flannel, im not using the java from the multiverse repo though, i just used the jdk installer from the java site... all of the files are there, i just dont know what the common directory to it in is | 03:23 |
Flannel | kash: er, why not? | 03:23 |
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Kewlb | I just plugged in a radio shack USB Serial cable, how can I verify if it was detected and is active/working? (believe it or not, nothing I can console/serial into right now to do a test that way) | 03:23 |
w30 | if you type 5 you might be a friend of jeff Foxworthy | 03:23 |
tjb891 | does anyone know why music files don't prewiew anymore when i put the mouse over them? | 03:23 |
kash | no browser | 03:23 |
Flannel | Wiseguy: then get instructions from the java site, they shold have them | 03:23 |
Flannel | kash: why not? w3m? | 03:23 |
kash | i hate w3m | 03:23 |
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ladydoor | kash: elinks? | 03:24 |
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Flannel | kash: so, install some other textmode browser. links2, whatever. And, if it's no-info vs a disliked browser, most people would choose the former. | 03:24 |
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ladydoor | Flannel: the latter you mean? | 03:25 |
kash | ok, another problem. | 03:25 |
Flannel | yeah, sure. | 03:25 |
kash | apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade both fail, exclaiming that libeel2 and nautilus have been held back. | 03:25 |
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kamiro_u_niebo | Hello, i have been having problems trying to get NTFS drives to mount under ubuntu 6.06 i get the error "error: device /dev/hdc1 is not removable error: could not execute pmmount" | 03:25 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kamiro_u_niebo: You have both ide and sata drives correct? | 03:26 |
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Flannel | kash: remove your extra repositories | 03:26 |
TigerCR1200 | How did you guess that Jack_Sparrow? lol | 03:26 |
kamiro_u_niebo | i have a sata controller but nothing hooked up to it | 03:26 |
TigerCR1200 | oh wow | 03:26 |
inglor | is there any way to decrease the lowest freq in powernowd? | 03:27 |
kamiro_u_niebo | all my drives are pata. and a usb external | 03:27 |
kamiro_u_niebo | (the externam is formatted hfs+ and works fine) | 03:27 |
kash | nope | 03:27 |
kash | same problem. | 03:27 |
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cabin | can anyone help me, i'm trying to install a second storage hard drive, I have added it to fstab , but when I try to chmod 777 /media/storgae it says I cant | 03:27 |
thenetduck | would anyone be able to help me with my Broadcam wireless card? 14e4:4318 | 03:27 |
Parisi | Hmm. | 03:27 |
kash | errors saying about stuff not being configured yet | 03:27 |
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inglor | cabin, are you sudoing it? | 03:27 |
cabin | yes | 03:27 |
thenetduck | i need to install my wireless card | 03:27 |
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thenetduck | cant figure out how to | 03:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | kamiro_u_niebo: I would like to suggest this light reading... since I think it applies.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 03:28 |
Parisi | Feels good to be back on windows, :) | 03:28 |
Flannel | kash: 'errors' doesn't give us much to work with. Your problem is you used not standard repositories, so... a number of random things could be wrong | 03:28 |
cabin | oops inglor i think you were right | 03:28 |
kash | i'm using the std ones now. | 03:28 |
kash | and how would you know if that happened? | 03:28 |
kash | i'm using all the ubuntu repos | 03:28 |
Flannel | kash: because libeel isn't in the repositories | 03:28 |
kash | uh, yeah it is. | 03:28 |
kash | root@rama:/etc/X11# apt-cache search libeel | 03:28 |
kash | libeel2-2 - Eazel Extensions Library (for GNOME2) | 03:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | kash: Once you go outside the repos.. it isnt as simple as rebuilding your source.list again... | 03:29 |
cabin | inglor still says must be root to have permission | 03:29 |
inglor | cabin, so su | 03:29 |
Flannel | kash: that's not what you said the first time, libeel2 isn't in repos. You need to be extremely explicit debugging problems. | 03:29 |
Flannel | cabin, inglor, sudo, not su. | 03:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | kash: Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling | 03:29 |
Kewlb | nevermind my last question, I can be an idiot sometimes.. there was a device manager plain as day in System. | 03:29 |
kash | Jack_Sparrow: .. | 03:30 |
inglor | Flannel, he is saying sudo isn't working for him for som ereason | 03:30 |
kash | whoa, ubuntu for dummies. | 03:30 |
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Flannel | cabin: what error do you get trying to sudo? | 03:30 |
JoseStefan | kash, sudo apt-get -f install then: sudo dpkg --configure -a | 03:30 |
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cabin | i have sudo chmod 777 /media/storage which is my storage hard drive, but when I try to mount it in konqueror it says you dont have permissions | 03:31 |
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blaze3 | anyone use OCFS2 on ubuntu server? | 03:31 |
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existance | How can I remove a symbolic link? | 03:31 |
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JoseStefan | existance, rm | 03:32 |
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cabin | says only root can mount disk on hdb1 | 03:32 |
existance | JoseStefan, will that remove the actual file as well? | 03:32 |
blaze3 | anyone? ocfs2? | 03:32 |
Flannel | cabin: right, but sudo makes you root, so what error do you get trying to sudo? | 03:32 |
JoseStefan | existance, for symbolic links, no | 03:32 |
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cabin | i was trying to view the drive through konqueror | 03:33 |
Kewlb | is there an easy way (or at least can it be done) to create a sh or bash script that would open up the default terminal program, open up 8 tabs, and telnet to a specific address in each tab? | 03:33 |
docmur | How can I add a program to my boot | 03:33 |
kamiro_u_niebo | thankyou | 03:33 |
kamiro_u_niebo | fixed my problem | 03:33 |
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Flannel | cabin: you still need to mount it first though | 03:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | cool | 03:33 |
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cabin | how is that done? | 03:34 |
noriega | should this not be sufficient? xvncviewer display :3 ip-number | 03:34 |
blaze3 | cabin mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb3 | 03:34 |
TigerCR1200 | !mount | 03:34 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks | 03:34 |
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h4ch3r | hello guys | 03:34 |
h4ch3r | exists some command in linux to know if my processor has instruction SSE3? | 03:34 |
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cabin | thanks a lot | 03:35 |
eae | Hey, what's the command for installing programs? | 03:35 |
blaze3 | h4ch3r? did you do a cat on the processor? | 03:35 |
jrwa | hi there | 03:35 |
Kewlb | eae sudo apt-get install PROGRAMHERE | 03:35 |
TigerCR1200 | eae apt-get install | 03:35 |
h4ch3r | Pentium D 3.0 Dual Core 64bits | 03:35 |
TigerCR1200 | nm | 03:35 |
eae | Thanks. | 03:35 |
Parisi | Wow | 03:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kamiro_u_niebo: Did you just need to edit /etc/pmount.allow | 03:36 |
blaze3 | h4ch3r try a cat /dev/procinfo | 03:36 |
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blaze3 | er.. sorry .. | 03:36 |
kash | Hostname: server1.test-net.be - OS: FreeBSD 6.1-STABLE/i386 - CPU: Pentium/P55C (199.43-MHz 586-class CPU) - Processes: 83 - Uptime: 16d 1h 33m - Load Average: 0.00 - Memory Usage: 15.45MB/55.47MB (27.84%) - Disk Usage: 2.17GB/3.86GB (56.41%) | 03:36 |
ootput | are any of you getting "mplayer: symbol lookup error: mplayer: undefined symbol: a52_resample" when launching mplayer? | 03:36 |
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kash | :\ | 03:36 |
kamiro_u_niebo | yup | 03:36 |
blaze3 | cat /proc/cpuinfo | 03:36 |
kash | ootput: install libaa | 03:36 |
kamiro_u_niebo | i added in the partitions i wanted to access and ti worked | 03:36 |
eae | Ok, guys, another thing. We have a strange way to connect to the wireless in school here. I'd need some help with that, too. | 03:36 |
jrwa | anyone knows the command to launch gnome's multimedia systems configuration? I've dont have the menu entry on my dapper... | 03:36 |
Kewlb | anyone got time to answer a question for me? | 03:36 |
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Jack_Sparrow | kamiro_u_niebo: Glad it worked out for you. | 03:36 |
Flannel | !ask | 03:36 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 03:36 |
ootput | kash: libaa1? looks like it's already installed | 03:37 |
h4ch3r | no exists comand | 03:37 |
Kewlb | ah, but it never gets answered :) | 03:37 |
h4ch3r | I'm use edgy eft | 03:37 |
Flannel | h4ch3r: #ubuntu+1 | 03:37 |
h4ch3r | blaze3, | 03:37 |
kash | #ubuntu+1 | 03:37 |
blaze3 | yes? | 03:37 |
Kewlb | basic question is there a way to emulate or run a Solaris native program in linux? I have a pretty "secret" program that runs only on Solaris w/ SPARC hardware.. I runit there now, but would love to run it locally if possible | 03:37 |
Kewlb | I cant stand having to have 8-10 telnet windows open at a time. | 03:38 |
TigerCR1200 | vmware probably can do Kewlb | 03:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !attitude | 03:38 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 03:38 |
kash | TigerCR1200: wrong. | 03:38 |
blaze3 | kewlb .. did you try it through vmware and installing solaris on a virtual machine? | 03:38 |
kamiro_u_niebo | How would i mount a HFS+ partition as writable automatically? | 03:38 |
eae | Excuse me, I installed a program, but it says command not found when I try to run it by typing the program name? | 03:38 |
Kewlb | hrm | 03:38 |
eae | Something else I should type | 03:38 |
eae | ? | 03:38 |
Kewlb | can it emulate Sparc hardware? | 03:38 |
JoseStefan | eae, what program? | 03:38 |
eae | pingus | 03:38 |
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blaze3 | would think it would have to.. | 03:38 |
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Kewlb | hrm | 03:38 |
Kewlb | cool | 03:38 |
Kewlb | that would rock | 03:38 |
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eae | JoseStefan? | 03:39 |
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Kewlb | heck while I am here I might as well spread the love | 03:39 |
kash | http://pastebin.ca/176917 | 03:39 |
kash | there's my problem. | 03:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | kamiro_u_niebo: Check out this script... http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter | 03:39 |
jrwa | any hint on the multimedia systems config? | 03:39 |
mutk | Kewlb, VMware will _not_ emulate Sparc. | 03:39 |
docmur | how can I tell gnome to auto start gdesklets when it loads | 03:39 |
JoseStefan | eae: try dpkg -L pingus | grep -i bin | 03:39 |
blaze3 | mutk - too proprietary? | 03:39 |
Kewlb | if anyone deals with cisco a lot or is studying for the CCIE, I have a program that can save you many thousands on hardware :). | 03:39 |
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mark_ | does anyone know if you can install counter strike coundition zero with steam on linux | 03:39 |
Kewlb | mutk, crap! thanks though! | 03:40 |
eae | JoseStefan, I did that, nothing happened. | 03:40 |
JoseStefan | eae: ok try dpkg -L pingus | 03:40 |
mutk | VMware is a x86/x86-64 system. The only Solarise I know to run in a VMware Workstation is the Sol x86 version. | 03:40 |
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Kewlb | k | 03:40 |
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blaze3 | i thought through vmware you could emulate and do a mac system as well | 03:40 |
Kewlb | I already tried solarix on x86.. no go | 03:40 |
blaze3 | on the old m68k arch | 03:40 |
eae | JoseStefan, then? | 03:40 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: is it native linux? If check the www.winehq.org | 03:40 |
mutk | blNope. | 03:40 |
Kewlb | program refused to run. | 03:40 |
CromagDK | pingus works here | 03:40 |
kash | blaze3: no, that's the x86 version of osx and it's illegal. | 03:41 |
mutk | blaze3, I mean,, Nope. | 03:41 |
JoseStefan | eae: see if you can find the binary on the list | 03:41 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: thanks for quake its working now | 03:41 |
Parisi | I have tried the osx x86, pretty cool. | 03:41 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: ubuntu native | 03:41 |
blaze3 | i know there is an x86 ver of OS-X.. but i oculd've sworn people could emulate it through vm | 03:41 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: good to hear | 03:41 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: errr CS is? | 03:41 |
eae | JoseStefan? I don't think so, I don't know. | 03:41 |
RedGhost | What is the apt package for firefox flash plugin? | 03:41 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: sorry ? | 03:41 |
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mark_ | TigerCR1200: I wanna install CS CZ | 03:42 |
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JoseStefan | eae: could you put the output on the !pastebin | 03:42 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: right thats a windows game right? | 03:42 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: and play online with steam | 03:42 |
blaze3 | hmm damn | 03:42 |
h4ch3r | blaze3, | 03:42 |
h4ch3r | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24048 | 03:42 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: yeah | 03:42 |
briguyd | with xmodmap, is it possible to have a modified key be a modifier? | 03:42 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: counter-strike | 03:42 |
Kewlb | I had to manually install it RedGhost | 03:42 |
kash | mark_: LOL! | 03:42 |
kash | oops, sorry | 03:42 |
briguyd | for example, shift+capslock be capslock? | 03:42 |
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kash | i mean, you're SOL. | 03:42 |
mark_ | kash: what man | 03:42 |
eae | JoseStefan, sorry about that. | 03:42 |
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RedGhost | Alright thanks kewlb | 03:42 |
noriega | can anyone here help me with xvncviewer? | 03:42 |
mark_ | kosh: wtf? | 03:42 |
kamiro_u_niebo | thankyou | 03:42 |
noriega | the syntax isn't working | 03:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 03:43 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=4323 | 03:43 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: thanks | 03:43 |
TigerCR1200 | np | 03:43 |
blaze3 | h4ch3r what did you want to know about hte proc? | 03:43 |
Kewlb | before I spend hours with vmware (in case I dont need it) -- can it do full-screen of the guest-os -- but still allow you to switch workspaces easily? | 03:43 |
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h4ch3r | not | 03:44 |
h4ch3r | oppps yaeh man! | 03:44 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: not sure, been awhile since I played with it. But from what others said it wont do sparc | 03:44 |
eae | Anyone? I installed pingus and I don't know how to play :( | 03:44 |
Kewlb | a problem I have with rdesktop.. while its great.. is if you use full screen mode there is no way to escape out of full screen without logging out / disconnecting | 03:44 |
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DrBanzai | Anybody in here familier with the cluster mode of dvd::rip? | 03:44 |
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JoseStefan | eae: run this: dpkg -L pingus and put the output on the pastebin | 03:45 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: does this tell you how to install it | 03:45 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: cos im pretty new to linux | 03:45 |
eae | JoseStefan, I got it. I wrote: /usr/games/pingus | 03:45 |
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Kewlb | thanks tigercr1200 but this is dealing with yet another issue.. I do a lot of asp.net programming and in windows could easily minimize my remote desktop session to go back to my desktop (which I did a lot); however with the linux rdesktop I cant seem to find a way to do this. | 03:45 |
JoseStefan | eae, did it start? | 03:46 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: you have to install wine | 03:46 |
eae | Yeah. | 03:46 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: dunt no lol | 03:46 |
Kewlb | and full screen mode is a must. | 03:46 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: dont think so | 03:46 |
yanger | uhm, found a bug.... /usr/bin/calendar is broken when ubuntu is installed... requires cpp :? | 03:46 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: wine in terminal brings nothing | 03:46 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: no, i gues | 03:46 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: ok hang on | 03:46 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: ok | 03:46 |
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Kewlb | yanger I could be wrong but installing build-essential should install gcc, cc, cpp | 03:47 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149585&highlight=steam | 03:47 |
yanger | Kewlb, oh, i just did apt-get install cpp and it worked :X | 03:47 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: thanks | 03:47 |
TigerCR1200 | np | 03:48 |
eae | I try to play something in XMMS and I got "Couldn't open audio" | 03:48 |
Kewlb | yanger: cool | 03:48 |
yanger | build-essential is more recommended? | 03:48 |
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Flannel | yanger: yeah. since you'll need libraries and stuff too, and the toolchain | 03:48 |
Kewlb | eh I still screw around with CircleMUD and other stuff some so I needed gcc and cc as well | 03:48 |
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yanger | i see.. i'll make a note :) | 03:48 |
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Kewlb | anyone, off the top of your head, know a way to switch workspaces or minimize a full screen rdesktop session? | 03:49 |
yanger | anyone know if debian-multimedia's apt sources work in ubuntu? :| | 03:49 |
bur[n] er | anyone have banshee 0.11 deb packs yet? | 03:49 |
mark_ | TigerCR1200: it says to install old version of wine | 03:50 |
=== detectiveinspekt [n=cyborg_j@ip-58-28-156-235.ubs-dsl.xnet.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu | ||
detectiveinspekt | is there any portible mp3 players that can use linux and is it worth it? | 03:50 |
Andre | hai | 03:51 |
TigerCR1200 | mark_: its old, I would just do sudo apt-get install wine | 03:51 |
mark_ | <TigerCR1200: ok | 03:51 |
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TigerCR1200 | then skip ahead to the next parts about winetools | 03:51 |
cpk2 | detectiveinspekt: when you say mp3 player you mean like an ipod or some such? | 03:51 |
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Kewlb | is that version of wine better? | 03:51 |
detectiveinspekt | yes portible mp3 | 03:51 |
Kewlb | I just went to the site, downloaded, and compiled | 03:52 |
faki3 | My freaking nvidia card keeps locking up in opengl games :( | 03:52 |
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cpk2 | !ipod | 03:52 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto | 03:52 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: what version is that sorry? | 03:52 |
cpk2 | theres that for ipods | 03:52 |
Kewlb | let me see hold on | 03:52 |
Kewlb | wait | 03:52 |
Kewlb | version of rdesktop or version of wine? | 03:52 |
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faki3 | I have done about everything that I can think of | 03:52 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: sorry wine | 03:52 |
Kewlb | 0.9.21 | 03:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpk2: I use an nex II, inexpensive, had two of the same type for 5 years now.. | 03:53 |
detectiveinspekt | the latest ipods arn't supported by linux though | 03:53 |
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Kewlb | I do get an error when I launch winecfg tho, doesnt seem to be hurting anything that I know of, just looks wierd. | 03:53 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: thats the one I am using, but patched for WoW | 03:54 |
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Kewlb | getting this: Unknown device ID 5460, please report. Assuming plain R300. | 03:54 |
cpk2 | Jack_Sparrow: i was going to say the creative ones are probably better than an ipod | 03:54 |
Kewlb | and No ctx->FragmentProgram._Current!! | 03:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpk2: I chose the nex II because it used cf cards, as do my 3 camera and my ipaq | 03:54 |
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TigerCR1200 | thats your video card Kewlb | 03:55 |
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cpk2 | cedega always spits random warning messages to me Kewlb | 03:55 |
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cpk2 | Jack_Sparrow: how big are the cards for them? | 03:55 |
supermiguel | besides art.gnome.org that any one know any other pages wehre i can download themes? | 03:55 |
jrib | supermiguel: gnome-look.org | 03:55 |
ootput | gnome-look.org | 03:55 |
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Jack_Sparrow | cpk2: I have a dozen up to 2 gig | 03:56 |
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cpk2 | Jack_Sparrow: nice, gonna have to google nex ii now | 03:56 |
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djy88 | ajmitch, | 03:57 |
jake1 | i'm having trouble getting sun-java-bin | 03:57 |
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UKMatt | has anyone used any Skype like programs? what would be the best to use that also has a Mac OSX platform | 03:57 |
jrib | jake1: what kind of trouble? | 03:57 |
djy88 | nf2+9200se can use XGL ?? | 03:57 |
inglor | hey, ubuntu is stripped off anything that isn't FOSS right? | 03:57 |
cpk2 | Jack_Sparrow: i like these guys already haha "lucking fovely entertainment" | 03:57 |
jake1 | it seems that i have multiverse and universe repositories setup | 03:57 |
jake1 | or at least i think i do | 03:57 |
jake1 | yet i can't find the package | 03:57 |
jake1 | anywhere | 03:57 |
djy88 | nf2+9200se can use XGL ?? | 03:57 |
djy88 | nf2+9200se can use XGL ?? jake1 | 03:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpk2: they are NOT riaa compat... | 03:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | cpk2: That is a good thing | 03:58 |
jrib | jake1: make sure you have dapper multiverse, not just dapper-backports multiverse | 03:58 |
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Jack_Sparrow | goodnight all | 03:58 |
djy88 | .. | 03:58 |
Kewlb | anyone installed or tried to install the cisco vpn client yet? | 03:58 |
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djy88 | this is morning | 03:58 |
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tjb891 | can you use synaptic in kubuntu? | 03:59 |
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djy88 | nf2+9200se can use XGL ?? | 03:59 |
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djy88 | ajmitch, nf2+9200se can use XGL ?? | 04:00 |
lirelent | anyone in here feal like dealing with my network manager woos? | 04:01 |
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jake1 | jrib: what do i need to type in for dapper multiverse | 04:01 |
jake1 | djy88 why do you keep saying that? | 04:01 |
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TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: have you tried rdesktop with the window just almost full screen? | 04:02 |
jrib | !multiverse > jake1 | 04:02 |
squeaks | iwlist eth1 scanning shows several networks, but NetworkManager is only showing "Wired Network", NetworkManager had been working up until recently, what can I look at to figure out how to fix this? | 04:02 |
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clearzen | hi, does anyone know how I would go about setting up a server to stream videos remotely. with a web browser interface? Or have any ideas? Please point me in the right direction. | 04:02 |
djy88 | jake1, i am china .my 9200se don't use 3d | 04:03 |
jake1 | i think i got it jrib | 04:03 |
Kewlb | TigerCR1200: I tried.. either I get overlap and can't see everything (one above 1024x800) or I have to do 1024x800 which is just not large enough | 04:03 |
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jake1 | apparently it was commented out | 04:03 |
jake1 | kewlb you may need to edit your xorg file | 04:03 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: ahhh the switching desktops seems to be a common issue | 04:03 |
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Kewlb | seamless window is nice, but if I am in .NET and try to run my app it doesn't bring the app up (keeps it in the background) | 04:04 |
SeAofSaRo | hey, can anyone tell me the command to search for a list of packages? | 04:05 |
djy88 | jake1, welcome to join #ubuntu-cn this is many chines in it . | 04:05 |
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djy88 | jake1, welcome to join #ubuntu-cn this is many chinese in it . | 04:05 |
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Kewlb | will the default evolution mail client eventually learn what is junk and what is not.. or does it require you to manually mark everything as junk all the time? | 04:06 |
jake1 | can someone get rid of djy88 | 04:06 |
jake1 | he isn't exactly contributing to the channel | 04:06 |
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jake1 | Kewlb: what does your /etc/X11/xorg.conf look like | 04:07 |
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Kewlb | jake1 what does the xorg.conf file have to do with rdesktop? just wondering. | 04:07 |
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djy88 | ... | 04:08 |
jake1 | oh......... sorry | 04:08 |
jake1 | my bad | 04:08 |
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david_ | how can i add root to my log in screen?\ | 04:08 |
clearzen | is there anyway I can have access to videos on my computer via a web interface remotely? | 04:08 |
Kewlb | no prob jake1 -- thanks for trying to help :) | 04:08 |
djy88 | . | 04:09 |
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jake1 | i thought you were talking about something else | 04:09 |
jake1 | i try | 04:09 |
jake1 | i'll jst keep my mouth shut next time | 04:09 |
Kewlb | nah | 04:09 |
Kewlb | better to speak up and maybe help then keep quiet | 04:09 |
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bruenig | can anyone confirm the name of the version of ubuntu after edgy, I heard it was sneaky snake | 04:09 |
jake1 | clearzen: to watch? or to download then watch? | 04:09 |
Kewlb | clearzen -- why not just NAT/PAT to your linux box and install apache | 04:09 |
jake1 | you could set up an FTP | 04:09 |
clearzen | both | 04:09 |
jake1 | or use Apache | 04:09 |
jake1 | like what kewlb said | 04:10 |
clearzen | I am but I don't know how to stream videos | 04:10 |
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Kewlb | setup PAT to map some wierd ass port to 80, setup authentication, and then you can get them :) | 04:10 |
Kewlb | hrm | 04:10 |
Kewlb | streaming | 04:10 |
Kewlb | videolan! | 04:10 |
Kewlb | but thats not via web interface | 04:10 |
jake1 | oh....... so you want to stream videos | 04:10 |
jake1 | you could build a website with all your videos there | 04:11 |
clearzen | tight...I'm using something called ubuntu center for a web interface | 04:11 |
dipnlik | hi. is it possible to switch desktops in Gnome using the scroll wheel in the desktop? | 04:11 |
jake1 | and then go to the website and watch them directly on the website | 04:11 |
jake1 | but that may be slow | 04:11 |
bruenig | dipnlik, you can scroll where the workspace switcher is | 04:11 |
clearzen | I don't know enough php or mysql to program streaming video in it myself though | 04:12 |
bruenig | dipnlik, or you can set up a keyboard shortcut to do it | 04:12 |
Kewlb | I know that videolan allows for real streaming | 04:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | dipnlik: hover over the screens and move the wheel | 04:12 |
Kewlb | but its not via the web | 04:12 |
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Kewlb | you would connect in directly to the stream | 04:12 |
foo | How can I change the Eterm fonts? Hm | 04:12 |
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Jack_Sparrow | dipnlik: hover over the screens (bottom right corner) and move the wheel | 04:12 |
clearzen | maybe I can figure it out...I'll check out videolan | 04:12 |
jake1 | yea... kewlb: but then he'll need a client on the other end to watch it | 04:12 |
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=== bruenig notes echo | ||
kash | can someone use alien to convert sysvinit deb file to tgz | 04:12 |
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kash | :)? | 04:12 |
DrBanzai | Anybody in here familier with the cluster mode of dvd::rip? | 04:12 |
Kewlb | true, but thats the easy part | 04:12 |
dipnlik | bruenig , Jack_Sparrow , not what I wanted but that helps, thank you | 04:12 |
Kewlb | windows -- media player | 04:12 |
clearzen | I want to be able to view and then possibly download if I wish | 04:13 |
Kewlb | I setup my Myth HTPC to do that. | 04:13 |
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clearzen | I want to share my ip with my friends and share | 04:13 |
clearzen | media* | 04:13 |
jake1 | clearzen: that might be hard | 04:13 |
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Kewlb | hrm... not really sure what solution for that clearzen | 04:13 |
clearzen | I think I'm going to learn more about php and mysql | 04:14 |
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clearzen | I might have to program parts of it | 04:14 |
clearzen | thanks anyway | 04:14 |
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jake1 | but you could i suppose set up a remote server | 04:15 |
jake1 | type thing | 04:15 |
jake1 | but that might run slow | 04:15 |
jake1 | depending on your upload speed | 04:15 |
jake1 | and depending on the download speed of the remote computer | 04:15 |
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jake1 | bleh.... my wifi is having problems | 04:15 |
david_ | how can add root as one of my login choices | 04:15 |
clearzen | that is what I have setup | 04:15 |
czer323 | Are there any ubuntu specific rooms for InitNG? | 04:15 |
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clearzen | sorry I have a remote server | 04:15 |
roler | the last few days i've had two 2.6.15 kernel updates, the first one didn't have a changes file in the auto updater program, the second kernel update did but didn't offer version history of the version it was installing. Where can I go to see the changes of the 2.6.15 kernel package? | 04:15 |
clearzen | that is running apache2 and mysql | 04:15 |
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jrib | david_: you mean into GNOME? | 04:16 |
dipnlik | can you recommend IM clients other than Gaim, Kopete and Psi? | 04:16 |
jake1 | david_ it should already be there as a choice | 04:16 |
jake1 | you just might need to give it a password | 04:16 |
david_ | yeah in to gnome | 04:16 |
Kewlb | david_ I do not believe you can login as root.. you use sudo for all priv commands. | 04:16 |
david_ | its not there already | 04:16 |
=== livingtm [n=livingtm@rrcs-24-173-60-251.sw.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jrib | david_: that's a bad idea really and there is no need to do it, checkout the message from ubotu | 04:16 |
jrib | !sudo > david_ | 04:16 |
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czer323 | !initng | 04:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about initng - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:16 |
clearzen | if you want a root terminal type this sudo -s -H | 04:17 |
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Kewlb | right | 04:17 |
Kewlb | only need to do that once in a term and you are root | 04:17 |
Kewlb | no need to LOGIN as root.. ever. | 04:17 |
clearzen | or sudo passwd root | 04:17 |
clearzen | and then su | 04:17 |
clearzen | I agree | 04:17 |
clearzen | it is a horrible idea to make root a login | 04:17 |
david_ | i used to run mandrake and rh thy had root login, i thought it was i nice feature if you were going in to do things that you need root privs | 04:18 |
Kewlb | thats what sudo is for ;) | 04:18 |
clearzen | just put a root shell launcher on the lancher panel | 04:18 |
Kewlb | and I noticed if you give the password once in a term session | 04:18 |
clearzen | that's what I do | 04:18 |
Kewlb | you keep it for that session | 04:18 |
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jrib | Kewlb: expires after 15 minutes by default | 04:18 |
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Kewlb | ah | 04:19 |
Kewlb | even better | 04:19 |
jrib | at least I think it's 15 | 04:19 |
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livingtm | this may not be the appropriate channel, but does anyone know if coldwar or any other such games run on anything other than ati or nvidia? | 04:20 |
jbroome | there's something other than ati or nvidia? | 04:20 |
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livingtm | jbroome, i have a laptop with an intel chipset | 04:20 |
czer323 | Anyone know of a good preference manager? Like it will be able to list all the preference xml files in the home directory and open them for editing? | 04:20 |
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DrBanzai | Anybody in here familier with the cluster mode of dvd::rip? | 04:23 |
roler | where can I see package changes/history ? | 04:23 |
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Kewlb | is there a way to make websites that only show wmv content or content that requires windows media player to use mplayer to play that content? | 04:23 |
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lostsync^ | is there a way to install ubuntu 6.06 without booting into a LiveCD? | 04:24 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: there is a firefox plugin to use mplayer | 04:24 |
lostsync^ | im working with a PC that has the slowest CD-ROM still in use | 04:24 |
jrib | lostsync^: use the alternate install cd | 04:25 |
Xappe | lostsync^: the alternate cd | 04:25 |
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lostsync^ | dope thanks | 04:25 |
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lostsync^ | i pressed "Forward" on the language selection dialog literally 45 mins ago | 04:26 |
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Kewlb | TigerCR1200: when I try to install that it tells me I also have to install mplayer (the ubunto supported one) and like 10 other things | 04:26 |
SeAofSaRo | can anyone help me delete a partially installed debian package? | 04:26 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: welcome to dependency hell | 04:26 |
Kewlb | and according to what I have read.. that will remove my ability to play wmv files.. which is a must. | 04:26 |
Kewlb | is there a standalone package for it | 04:27 |
=== spacemind [n=spacemin@bl7-221-61.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TigerCR1200 | for the addon? | 04:27 |
Kewlb | or even a manual way to compile and add the plugin in | 04:27 |
spacemind | hi | 04:27 |
w30 | lostsync, Is it a Sony cdu535 with a tray? Ha. I got one of those at a Ham fest. :=) | 04:27 |
TigerCR1200 | have you looked at vlc | 04:27 |
SeAofSaRo | hi spacemind | 04:27 |
Kewlb | vlc ? probably not.. what is it? | 04:27 |
spacemind | i need some help to format a 200gb hd to fat32 in linux, can anyone help ? | 04:27 |
TigerCR1200 | another video player | 04:28 |
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Kewlb | oh videolan? | 04:28 |
Kewlb | I am familar with it. | 04:28 |
TigerCR1200 | I think it might support wmv cant remember | 04:28 |
TigerCR1200 | yes | 04:28 |
Kewlb | yeah I have mplayer supporting wmv now | 04:28 |
Kewlb | works perfectly | 04:28 |
Kewlb | thats why I dont want the package to remove it and install its own version | 04:28 |
acersales | hi i have linuxcbt bash programming that is in .bin file format i cannot run it with vlc player | 04:28 |
acersales | what else is the way to run it ? | 04:28 |
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w30 | lostsync, I installed RedHat 4.6 with it. It took all night to get it installed. | 04:29 |
TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: check the mplayer site (assuming you configured it yourself) see if you can find the plugin there | 04:29 |
kyja | !paistebin | 04:29 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about paistebin - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:29 |
kyja | whats that url? | 04:29 |
spacemind | !pastebin | 04:29 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 04:29 |
kyja | thx | 04:29 |
sess | how do I show the trashcan on my desktop again? | 04:29 |
spacemind | :) | 04:29 |
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Kewlb | duH! | 04:29 |
Kewlb | let me look | 04:29 |
specialbuddy | can anyone help me out with fglrx? | 04:29 |
spacemind | !fat32 | 04:29 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 04:29 |
spacemind | !format | 04:30 |
ubotu | Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted - Formatting partitions: see the manual page for mkfs ("man mkfs") - Mounting partitions in Gnome: System -> Administration -> Disks | 04:30 |
TigerCR1200 | specialbuddy: whats the problem with it? | 04:30 |
jackson | I can't seem to change the size of my system fonts. like the font that the clock uses or the font that the minimized windows use. I've tried all the options in System > Preferences and the only one that does anything is lowering the DPI. is there a reason for this? I can't find any way to change the font face. the problem started when I installed KDE and I've since removed it | 04:30 |
ootput | how do i get something like orage to startup when i log in? | 04:30 |
specialbuddy | well it worked before and now it's not working | 04:30 |
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Kewlb | TigerCR1200: doesn't seem to be a firefox plugin for it on mplayerhq.hu | 04:30 |
specialbuddy | and fglrxinfo says mesa | 04:31 |
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acersales | hi i have linuxcbt bash programming that is in .bin file format i cannot run it with vlc player any way to play on ubuntu ? | 04:31 |
specialbuddy | but I checked xorg.conf and it says it's using fglrx | 04:31 |
sess | sorry, can someone tell me how to reenable the trashcan on my desktop? | 04:31 |
specialbuddy | so somehow it changed | 04:31 |
bruenig | ootput, put it in the startup commands in system>preferences>sessions | 04:31 |
TigerCR1200 | specialbuddy: check your xorg.conf make sure it is still using fglrx as the driver | 04:31 |
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nomasteryoda | sess, was it on the desktop or in the taskbar? | 04:32 |
Crescendo_ | Is there anything I can do to enable multiple things to play sound at once? ( So I don't have to close XMMS and Firefox and wait a few seconds, to boot firefox back up and watch a video. )) | 04:32 |
specialbuddy | yeah I checked that but I'm using Xgl now too so I think that might have screwed something up last time it upgraded | 04:32 |
barata | which one is better, kopete or gaim? | 04:32 |
specialbuddy | do you think that has something to do with it? | 04:32 |
sess | nomasteryoda: it was on the taskbar | 04:32 |
acersales | hi i have linuxcbt bash programming that is in .bin file format i cannot run it with vlc player any way to play on ubuntu ? | 04:32 |
DarkMageZ | Crescendo, are the video's under flash player? | 04:32 |
barata | is kopete dependent on gaim? | 04:32 |
TigerCR1200 | specialbuddy: could be | 04:32 |
bruenig | barata, they are similar enough that I would just use the one that corresponds with your DE as that means less libs and less clutter | 04:32 |
nomasteryoda | sess, you can add any of those applets by rightclick taskbar, | 04:32 |
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nomasteryoda | drag to where you want | 04:32 |
ootput | bruenig: you wouldn't happen to know how to do that with xfce, would you? would .xinitrc work? | 04:32 |
acersales | hi i have linuxcbt bash programming that is in .bin file format i cannot run it with vlc player any way to play on ubuntu ? | 04:33 |
TigerCR1200 | specialbuddy: I would try going back with out XGL and try it out that way | 04:33 |
bruenig | ootput, not sure. | 04:33 |
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TigerCR1200 | Kewlb: hmmm search google for the plugin instructions? | 04:33 |
specialbuddy | well Xgl was working before no problem | 04:33 |
jake1 | try in a terminal 'sudo passwd root <password> | 04:33 |
jake1 | then logout use 'root' as the username | 04:33 |
jake1 | what's not there? | 04:33 |
Kewlb | acersales if no oen has answered your question, there is a tool like daemon tools that can play .bin/.cue | 04:34 |
sess | nomasteryoda: is there a way to put a trashcan on my desktop? thats what I really want, so I can put it into kiwa-dock | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | sure | 04:34 |
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specialbuddy | but even if I don't use Xgl it's still not working | 04:34 |
jackson | I can't seem to change the size of my system fonts. like the font that the clock uses or the font that the minimized windows use. I've tried all the options in System > Preferences and the only one that does anything is lowering the DPI. is there a reason for this? I can't find any way to change the font face. the problem started when I installed KDE and I've since removed it | 04:34 |
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=== Chu [n=chubuntu@cpe-66-74-195-151.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barata | thanks bruenig | 04:34 |
nomasteryoda | sess, i do that with the gconf-editor | 04:34 |
TigerCR1200 | specialbuddy: what driver are you using in your xorg.conf? | 04:34 |
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quiet | jake1: you recommend that in here and you're likely to get kicked. | 04:34 |
Kewlb | acersales: CDEmu | 04:34 |
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Kewlb | acersales: is the name of the program | 04:34 |
barata | Chu, are you chinese? do you use qq with gaim? | 04:35 |
Chu | No, I am not. | 04:35 |
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acersales | kewlb really i have used that in windows but i couldnt find in linux | 04:35 |
barata | okey | 04:35 |
barata | any chinese/user who uses gaim/kopete for qq? | 04:35 |
Kewlb | acersales: its called CDEmu for Linux -- installed it today -- it works. | 04:35 |
specialbuddy | Driver "fglrx" | 04:35 |
nomasteryoda | sess, do as user and click Edit, search for trash | 04:35 |
acersales | kewlb thanks | 04:35 |
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matiu | I did a kernel update or something and now sound stopped working after reboot | 04:35 |
matiu | How do I make it work again? | 04:35 |
TigerCR1200 | specialbuddy: not sure then, I would start all over with the FAQ's on how to set up ATI drivers | 04:36 |
acersales | Kewlb, i will try now ;) thanks a lot i was wondering there would be something ;) thanks again | 04:36 |
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specialbuddy | that's weird that it just changed it | 04:36 |
=== culix [n=culix@S01060016cf0eeedb.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | acersales: you will have to install the linux headers or something like that.. it takes about 30-40 mins to get installed | 04:36 |
roler | where can I see package changes/history in ubuntu? | 04:36 |
matiu | alsaplayer says it's using a "null plugin" | 04:36 |
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acersales | kewlb i can do apt-get rite ? | 04:36 |
Kewlb | acersales: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-69530.html | 04:37 |
SeAofSaRo | what is the dpkg man command? | 04:37 |
TigerCR1200 | !dpkg | 04:37 |
ubotu | dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 04:37 |
tjb891 | i just used the program deborphan to remove what it called orphned packages, unfortunately after i removed the orphaneed libraries i noticed that in orphaned applications it had some legitimite applications, cold it have deleted anay libraries i need? | 04:37 |
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tjb891 | *could | 04:37 |
sess | great, thanks nomasteryoda | 04:37 |
Kewlb | acersales: no problem on the help.. I used it today to load a cisco voice ccie CBT stuff | 04:37 |
acersales | Kewlb, there is no apt-get for it i guess | 04:37 |
sess | worked perfectly | 04:37 |
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acersales | Kewlb, this is i want | 04:38 |
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Kewlb | acersales: ?? | 04:38 |
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acersales | i mean i cannot find in apt-cache search Kewlb | 04:39 |
Kewlb | acersales: you can do the apt-get for the build-essentials and for the linux headers.. but you do have to manually compile CDEmu -- it worked fine for me tho just | 04:39 |
flasher | how can i tell whether my old computer has USB 2.0 or USB 1.0 ports? I ask because I want to know whether USB 1.0 has less power (to charge my iPod). | 04:39 |
Kewlb | acersales: can't find what package? | 04:39 |
nomasteryoda | flasher, usb 1.0 is lower power | 04:39 |
nomasteryoda | lsusb | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | or lspci | 04:40 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: what's lsusb? | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | a command | 04:40 |
nomasteryoda | to findout what usb things are plugged in | 04:40 |
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flasher | nomasteryoda: i don't need to know what things are plugged in, just wthere my comp has usb 1 or usb 2 | 04:41 |
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nomasteryoda | flasher, and lspci | 04:41 |
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nomasteryoda | will tell you what usb controller you have | 04:41 |
flasher | ok | 04:41 |
nomasteryoda | alogn with lots of other stuff | 04:41 |
nomasteryoda | along | 04:41 |
=== jme_ [n=jme@c-24-7-89-173.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aphex_Twin | can I find a freeware alternative to Macromedia (Adobe) Flash development tools? | 04:42 |
xHitSx | hello | 04:42 |
flasher | so this is what i got when i did lspci: 0000:00:04.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01) | 04:42 |
=== supermiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xHitSx | hi | 04:42 |
flasher | does "rev 01" mean usb version 1? | 04:42 |
acersales | Kewlb, i have downloaded build-essential | 04:42 |
quiet | Aphex_Twin: not reallt. use wine or crossover office to run flash or dreamweaver or fireworks | 04:42 |
supermiguel | does gdesklets make your computer slower? | 04:42 |
acersales | Kewlb, what is linux headers ? | 04:42 |
barata | is there a way to explode rpm in ubuntu? | 04:42 |
quiet | rev 1 means USB 1.1 | 04:43 |
flasher | quiet: thanks. | 04:43 |
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nomasteryoda | mine is like rev a4 | 04:43 |
SeAofSaRo | Aphex_Twin : Ya, Macromedia's stuff is really proprietary | 04:43 |
SeAofSaRo | unfortunate too because it's become a standard | 04:43 |
Aphex_Twin | I found an open source compiler for swf | 04:43 |
Kewlb | acersales: guessing its the linux header files for your version. | 04:43 |
nomasteryoda | dualboot if you must have macromedia flash | 04:43 |
SeAofSaRo | and from what I've read Macromedia/Adobe really don't care anything about linux users | 04:43 |
nomasteryoda | use linux for your exploration | 04:43 |
niki_ | question : i'm installing kubuntu using a live cd...it's been erasing my 40gig hard drive for nearly 3 hours now. it hasn't locked up or froze, it's still working (showing the rotating 'busy' icon in kde)....is this normal? | 04:44 |
quiet | SeAofSaRo: that's not true. | 04:44 |
flasher | So if usb 1.1 means lower power, what does lower power mean? Does it just mean that it takes a longer time to recharge my gizmos, such as my iPod? | 04:44 |
nomasteryoda | SeAofSaRo, true | 04:44 |
nomasteryoda | lol | 04:44 |
Kewlb | acersales: just follow the instructions to get them using the `uname -r` | 04:44 |
SeAofSaRo | quiet: explain. | 04:44 |
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nomasteryoda | quiet, really for their software packages it is... only plugins they care about. | 04:44 |
acersales | Kewlb, i cannot download from apt-get ? | 04:44 |
flasher | because my 5th gen 30 gig iPod is suppossed to have a battery life of upto 14 hours, but after 30 minutes of playing some audio, and then pausing it, 2 days later, it's fully drained | 04:44 |
Kewlb | acersales: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 04:44 |
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barata | is there a way to explode rpm in ubuntu? | 04:45 |
SeAofSaRo | well has anyone else signed the waiver to get a 64-bit flash plugin? | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | flasher, i would get a stand-alone usb charger for the ipod | 04:45 |
quiet | adobe has a full-time linux developer... flash 9 is very close to release for linux... it's runnign successfully on ubuntu, rhel, gentoo(that's what the developer uses), and some others. | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | or a 10$ usb card | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | er, usb2 | 04:45 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: why? Do you mean just in my case, since I have a usb1.1 computer? | 04:45 |
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acersales | Kewlb, thanks a lot | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | or that second option | 04:45 |
roler | where can I see package changes/history for ubuntu? | 04:45 |
niki_ | question : i'm installing kubuntu using a live cd...it's been erasing my 40gig hard drive for nearly 3 hours now. it hasn't locked up or froze, it's still working (showing the rotating 'busy' icon in kde)....is this normal? | 04:45 |
nomasteryoda | roler, just sec | 04:45 |
SeAofSaRo | see, i've only read the opposite about flash 9 | 04:46 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: can you tell me more of what you mean by "lower power"? | 04:46 |
nomasteryoda | sure | 04:46 |
nomasteryoda | hang on | 04:46 |
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flasher | i guess it's an electrical question | 04:46 |
flasher | ok. | 04:46 |
flasher | i'll wait | 04:46 |
quiet | SeAofSaRo: it's simple economics... it's not that they don't care about linux users, it's that it's simply not advantageous to spend so much money on linux development until it has more of a market share. but it can't get more of a market share until it gets support for apps like macromedia and adobe, and such... a bit of a catch-22. | 04:46 |
SeAofSaRo | the letter i read from one of adobe's CEO's sounded like he really didn't care about getting a 64-bit flash 9 setup for linux users | 04:46 |
quiet | SeAofSaRo: where did you read that? i'm speaking from the adobe linux developers blog. | 04:46 |
wastrel | ubunto | 04:47 |
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quiet | i don't about 64-bit flash. | 04:47 |
quiet | and i don't care... i don't run 64-bit hardware... and that's exactly why. | 04:47 |
SeAofSaRo | exactly, it's all about the $ | 04:47 |
tonyr1988 | Sorry to butt in the middle of a discussion, but my desktop died (methinks a motherboard problem) and I want a new one (it needed an upgrade anyway). The thing is - I have a new hard drive, new sound card, etc. Who's your favorite OS-less customized desktop dealer? | 04:47 |
quiet | it's not very well supported yet. | 04:47 |
SeAofSaRo | which is why Adobe products aren't a great solution for linux users | 04:47 |
Kewlb | newegg -- buld it yourself | 04:47 |
Kewlb | cheaper that way | 04:47 |
wastrel | tonyr1988: yes i've heard good things about newegg | 04:48 |
tonyyarusso | I need some GIMP help: trying to make an animated gif out of three still gifs (just a rotating icons thing), and don't know how to do that since I'm not very familiar with the GIMP interface yet. | 04:48 |
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nomasteryoda | flasher, http://www.usbpluspower.org/ | 04:48 |
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quiet | Xara Xtreme will be to Linux soon though.. which will be freaking fantastic... finally.. a production quality graphics tool. | 04:48 |
SeAofSaRo | they have barebone systems at newegg.com also | 04:48 |
DarkMageZ | flash 9 for linux should be ready next year | 04:48 |
TigerCR1200 | !gimp | 04:48 |
ubotu | An advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information. | 04:48 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: thanks | 04:48 |
wastrel | tonyyarusso: put them in 3 diff layers on the same image and save as gif | 04:48 |
nomasteryoda | np | 04:48 |
SeAofSaRo | xara is cool | 04:48 |
nomasteryoda | who xara? | 04:48 |
quiet | gimp is an okay program.. but it's not a prime-time tool. | 04:48 |
tonyr1988 | I've done simple "building" on desktops, but never from scratch (motherboard and all) - easy enough to do??? | 04:48 |
SeAofSaRo | i'm actually having a lot of trouble getting maya installed | 04:48 |
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SeAofSaRo | blender rocks | 04:48 |
SeAofSaRo | once again, free and available in synaptic | 04:49 |
niki_ | question : i'm installing kubuntu using a live cd...it's been erasing my 40gig hard drive for nearly 3 hours now. it hasn't locked up or froze, it's still working (showing the rotating 'busy' icon in kde)....is this normal? | 04:49 |
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flasher | nomasteryoda: i don' think it helps | 04:49 |
Kewlb | tonyr1988: pretty simple if you ask me. you can also buy a barebones from newegg as well (I believe) so that the motherboard and other components are already in for you | 04:49 |
bruenig | niki_, I am going to say no | 04:49 |
TigerCR1200 | niki_: Ill guess its not | 04:49 |
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tonyyarusso | wastrel: How exactly should I go about creating those layers and putting them in / in what order? I tried mucking with some add layer and paste stuff last night, but it never turned out quite right (only had two of the three images in the end, or a white layer separately). Also, where do I specify the timing between them? On save? | 04:49 |
tonyr1988 | Sweet - I'm off to newegg! Thanks everyone | 04:49 |
niki_ | bruenig, TigerCR1200, what should i do? | 04:49 |
roler | hmm | 04:49 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: it talks about new design | 04:49 |
nomasteryoda | http://www.usb.org/home | 04:50 |
Kewlb | grr.. I am having no luck finding the mplayer plugin on the addon mozilla site :( | 04:50 |
quiet | http://www.xaraxtreme.org/ | 04:50 |
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TigerCR1200 | niki_: honestly Im not sure, maybe start over but dont take my word | 04:50 |
Kewlb | although every doc I have seen said download it from that site.. you think they would link it, lol | 04:50 |
nomasteryoda | Kewlb, add the repos | 04:50 |
RedGhost | Why are the Canadian repositories so slow :( | 04:50 |
Kewlb | nomasteryoda: when I do that they want me to install THEIR version of mplayer that does not support wmv | 04:50 |
nomasteryoda | ah | 04:51 |
nomasteryoda | ic | 04:51 |
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roler | nomasteryoda, ; can't find it? | 04:51 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: are you sure that the USB 1.1 ports supply less power than USB 2.0 ports? | 04:51 |
wastrel | tonyyarusso: timing is when you save it i think. as for layers, play with the layers dialog. you can raise and lower layers and delete them | 04:51 |
niki_ | TigerCR1200, i actually did that...the first time i let it run 45 minutes before restarting | 04:51 |
tonyyarusso | RedGhost: I really don't know, but often had trouble with them. Switched to Ireland's. | 04:51 |
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nomasteryoda | flasher, i know they do | 04:51 |
tonyyarusso | wastrel: Is there an expanded view so I can see all of the layers that exist at once? | 04:52 |
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Mr_Awesome | is there a bash function to simply create a file? | 04:52 |
RedGhost | tony, I am getting < 1kb when my average download is like 1mb/s, I might switch to the USA ones. | 04:52 |
Kewlb | nomasteryoda: if I do the apt-get for the firefox mplayer plugin it wants to remove the existing version, add their version, etc.... unfortunantly no way to add it as a standalone since it doesn't detect mplayer already installed | 04:52 |
TigerCR1200 | niki_: you could try getting a gparted live cd and just erasing the drive then try that way. | 04:52 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: can you give a reference source please? Coz someone else told me they supply same power | 04:52 |
nomasteryoda | i have usb 2.0 drives that will not work without 2 usb 1.1 or one usb 2.0 connections | 04:52 |
wastrel | tonyyarusso: the layers dialog lets you see what you've got yes | 04:52 |
nomasteryoda | ya | 04:52 |
nomasteryoda | same, but not same amps ...hangon | 04:52 |
tonyyarusso | RedGhost: US is no better :( | 04:53 |
RedGhost | Dammit. | 04:53 |
supermiguel | does any one knows if gdesklets make your computer slow when it loads the deamon | 04:53 |
Kewlb | hrm.. I found them to be pretty fast thus far. | 04:53 |
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tonyyarusso | wastrel: Okay, that will help alleviate some confusion. | 04:53 |
Kewlb | but I also have MetroEthernet to my house. | 04:53 |
TigerCR1200 | supermiguel: it can be ram intensive | 04:53 |
TigerCR1200 | just ask jiSh | 04:53 |
supermiguel | TigerCR1200: what do you mean? | 04:53 |
tonyyarusso | supermiguel: Yes, it does. It uses quite a bit of RAM, as well as CPU, thus heating up the machine noticably. (Although they are quite fun.) | 04:54 |
jiSh | wha | 04:54 |
jiSh | my ubuntu channel be highlighted. | 04:54 |
TigerCR1200 | supermiguel: it can use alot of ram, and cpu at times | 04:54 |
TigerCR1200 | jiSh: was a gdesklet question about ram | 04:54 |
jiSh | :P | 04:54 |
supermiguel | there is one that will use less tam and cpu? | 04:54 |
jiSh | use conky | 04:54 |
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supermiguel | conky? | 04:54 |
jiSh | about..4MB of ram | 04:54 |
TigerCR1200 | yeah conky is a good option set it up fairly easily | 04:54 |
jiSh | yes one sec i find you good thread | 04:55 |
TigerCR1200 | search the forums for conky | 04:55 |
nomasteryoda | flasher, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Serial_Bus#Power_supply | 04:55 |
jiSh | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205865&highlight=conky | 04:55 |
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jiSh | supermiguel: look at that thread for screenshot/install | 04:55 |
supermiguel | umm | 04:56 |
supermiguel | does it work with gnome> | 04:56 |
TigerCR1200 | yes supermiguel I am using it right now | 04:56 |
supermiguel | what can you do with it? | 04:57 |
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TigerCR1200 | supermiguel: read the thread, it will tell you | 04:57 |
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bl4cktone | Hey guys what is universe apt repository? | 04:58 |
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tonyyarusso | !universe | 04:59 |
ubotu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and !easysource | 04:59 |
miyako | is there a proxy server that is simpler and lighter weight that squid that anyone could recommend, I'm trying to set up something really simple to forward http, and to access it outside my network. squid seems like overkill, and after a week of trying to make it work, overcomplicated for what I need. | 04:59 |
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Falcongrinder | hello helpful people :) | 05:00 |
supermiguel | hello | 05:01 |
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Wiseguy | hey guys if i install openoffice through synaptic, is it going to install the gcj stuff again? | 05:01 |
supermiguel | ye | 05:01 |
Wiseguy | bah | 05:01 |
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Falcongrinder | noob here, trying to figure out how to make xmms my default mp3 player and mplayer my default movie player | 05:01 |
Falcongrinder | is there a config file I could nano to change this? | 05:02 |
supermiguel | right click on a mp3 file and click on properties ->open with | 05:03 |
Falcongrinder | and thats it? thanks! | 05:03 |
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Dr_Willis | Amazing how Difficult Linux can be. :P | 05:04 |
supermiguel | thas it | 05:04 |
miyako | I like linux being complicated, keeps the riff-raff away :-P | 05:04 |
inglor | hey, I need some help :) my power button (the one that pops the menu that lets you log out) doesn't work | 05:05 |
inglor | instead of working it makes everything in the x but the mouse irresponsive | 05:05 |
inglor | anyone? | 05:05 |
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w30 | /part | 05:06 |
inglor | what? | 05:06 |
wastrel | inglor: does system->quit do the same thing? | 05:06 |
inglor | lemme check | 05:07 |
inglor | wasterl, yes | 05:07 |
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BluR | if I group something in a pattern how do I reference it later? | 05:08 |
BluR | $0 isn't working | 05:08 |
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wastrel | inglor: you ctrl-alt-backspace to fix? | 05:08 |
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inglor | wasterl, what? | 05:08 |
bl4cktone | when I see this in my source.list it means I'm already setup for universe? | 05:09 |
bl4cktone | deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper-updates universe multivers | 05:09 |
specialbuddy | I have a usb harddrive and I was wondering how I can change the fstab so that they are given the same drive everytime it's plugged in | 05:09 |
bl4cktone | had to generate my source.list with sorce-o-matic | 05:09 |
bl4cktone | source-o-matic | 05:09 |
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wastrel | inglor: what do you do when it freezes? | 05:09 |
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specialbuddy | because all of my music is on it and I don't want to select the music folder everytime I disconnect/reconnect | 05:09 |
Flannel | bl4cktone: no. you need just plain dapper as well, dapper and dapper-updates | 05:10 |
inglor | wastrel, cold reset | 05:10 |
Flannel | bl4cktone: (on different lines) | 05:10 |
jtkiefer | anyone know where the logs for failed, logins, su, and sudo are kept? | 05:10 |
DarkMageZ | Flannel, it's best if you pastebin your entire sources.list | 05:10 |
DarkMageZ | Flannel, ops :P | 05:10 |
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dibblego | how do you find out the version of the latest or an install package with apt-get? | 05:10 |
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dibblego | *installed | 05:10 |
bl4cktone | Is the universe a program I can open Flannel? | 05:10 |
ladydoor | weird question...does anybody know how to turn on insults in sudo when you get the password wrong? i know how to open visudo, but from there? | 05:11 |
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wastrel | inglor: what does ctrl-alt-backspace do? (that should kill X, which should then restart.) or try ctrl-alt-f1 to drop to terminal (ctrl-alt-f7 will return) | 05:11 |
czer323 | Random question: I know that ram usage at least on my windows side, I try to keep to a minimum. Yet, I seem to be maxing out my 640MB pretty much non-stop with Ubuntu/gnome. The desklets are ram hogs too! 10-20mb each. | 05:11 |
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Flannel | bl4cktone: no, it's a collection of software, you can peruse it via synaptic, or packages.ubuntu.com, if you'd like though | 05:11 |
bl4cktone | like synaptic | 05:11 |
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inglor | control+alt+f1 works | 05:11 |
bl4cktone | Ohhh ok | 05:11 |
fokuslee | hi hi | 05:11 |
inglor | control+alt+backspace does too | 05:11 |
inglor | doesn't help me much | 05:11 |
fokuslee | does any one have a prebuilt wine for k8? | 05:11 |
BluR | what is wrong with this?: | 05:11 |
BluR | $HTTP["host"] =~ "^(www.)?([^\.] +.)norbauer\.com" { | 05:11 |
BluR | server.document-root = "/var/www/$1norbauer.com" | 05:11 |
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czer323 | Any suggestions about how to minimize ram usage? Perhaps a memory manager for emptying the cache more often? | 05:12 |
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flasher | nomasteryoda: you said that your 2.0 drives won't work without 2 usb 1.1 ports because each drive needs 2 1.1 cables plugged in? Also, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Serial_Bus#Power_supply doesn't say anything about the difference in power supply between usb 1.1 and 2.0 | 05:12 |
mckinnoj | hey guys i have a question | 05:12 |
inglor | wastrel, you there? | 05:13 |
wastrel | inglor: i'm not really sure but i think this may be a problem relating 3d acceleration? your graphics card. | 05:13 |
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mckinnoj | i've done this before on my computer but i've forgotten how to do it | 05:13 |
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tonyyarusso | czer323: Ubuntu will actually try to keep the ram filled pretty well to minimize disk access. That is not necessarily an indication of decreased performance (unless you can observe such). | 05:13 |
inglor | wastrel, to be honest I recently installed aiglx, it's probably what might've cause it, | 05:13 |
mckinnoj | i need to access the Windows partition on my hard drive...i know that there is a shell script for it...where can i find it? | 05:13 |
wastrel | inglor: that "logoff" window fades the screen and pops up the logoff buttons. your X is still responding to keyboard commands. but your display is locked up. | 05:13 |
inglor | wastrel, but is there any easy fix? | 05:13 |
wastrel | i have no idea | 05:13 |
richee | hi folks, I want to play an avi file but the qulaity of it is so bad that I can't see a thing, tried mplayer avifile-player but still the same | 05:13 |
richee | ? | 05:13 |
nomasteryoda | flasher, well i know it is different for some devices... maybe they are not using standard usb specs | 05:13 |
nomasteryoda | hmm | 05:13 |
wastrel | maybe a smart person will help you next inglor :] | 05:13 |
czer323 | Tonyyarussa> There's only been one occasion when I noticed it was starting to do a lot of paging from the hd. I just thought it was unusual. | 05:14 |
inglor | wastrel, do you know such a person :P? | 05:14 |
wastrel | inglor: if you turn off your 3d accel does it still happen? | 05:14 |
jtkiefer | does anyone know where the logs for failed, logins, su, and sudo are kept? | 05:14 |
mckinnoj | guys i need some help | 05:14 |
mckinnoj | i need to access the Windows partition on my hard drive...i know that there is a shell script for it...where can i find it? | 05:14 |
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jtkiefer | I want to load them up in log viewer to keep them monitored | 05:15 |
Krokinole | hello Ubuntu friends! | 05:15 |
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fokuslee | krokinole hellow | 05:15 |
inglor | wastrel, first of all how? second of all wouldn't that make aigxl stop working (causing my system not to boot since it's a part of xorg)? ? | 05:15 |
Rookie- | !nvidia | 05:15 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:15 |
mckinnoj | can anyone help me please? | 05:15 |
asldfjwof | any suggestions which file system type i should create my linux part? | 05:15 |
botxj | ext3 maybe! | 05:15 |
botxj | i mean, it's the only choice! | 05:15 |
fokuslee | mckinnoj what are u talking about | 05:15 |
acersales | Kewlb, all goes well from the tutorial but when it comes to modprobe it gives no output | 05:15 |
yanger | asldfjwof, any. ext3, reiserfs, and jfs work wonders :) | 05:15 |
fokuslee | ntfs should be visibal | 05:16 |
botxj | whoa, i forgot about those file systems | 05:16 |
mckinnoj | fokuslee, there is a shell script that you can install that allows you to access your windows partition on ubuntu | 05:16 |
asldfjwof | ext2 or ext3, what is the diff? | 05:16 |
fokuslee | and mounted | 05:16 |
Senesence | Anyone know how to get "Python 2.5 IDLE" working on ubuntu? I'v looked around everywhere but I can't find anything on the topic. | 05:16 |
botxj | ext3 is obviously better than ext2 | 05:16 |
Krokinole | The Ubuntu forums seem to be down! | 05:16 |
flasher | nomasteryoda: by the way, am i on 1.1 or 1.0. -----> 0000:00:04.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82371AB/EB/MB PIIX4 USB (rev 01) | 05:16 |
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asldfjwof | botxj how is that obvious? | 05:16 |
bimberi | ubotu tell mckinnoj about ntfs | 05:16 |
acersales | Kewlb, all goes well from the tutorial but when it comes to modprobe it gives no output | 05:16 |
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jtkiefer | so I guess nobody has the answer to my question about the logs | 05:16 |
inglor | krokinole, working fine for me | 05:16 |
yanger | asldfjwof, google explains better | 05:16 |
inglor | warstel? | 05:17 |
bimberi | mckinnoj: the /msg from ubotu should have a link for you | 05:17 |
BluR | anyone know how I can capture a regular expression from a $HTTP["host"] =~ regex? | 05:17 |
wastrel | inglor: i don't know how - but X functions fine without 3d accel... | 05:17 |
asldfjwof | google also has 503858359035 pages to reference | 05:17 |
botxj | asldfjwof beats the heck outta me man, but it's in the numbers | 05:17 |
Kewlb | acersales: hrm.. i'll look at that in a sec, busy screwing something up right now | 05:17 |
inglor | wastrel, but does it with aixgl inbound? | 05:17 |
Krokinole | inglor, this is mystifying - rest of ubunty site works fine | 05:17 |
wastrel | inglor: i don't know what aixgl is :] | 05:17 |
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wastrel | inglor: gotta go.. :] | 05:17 |
fokuslee | does any one have a prebuilt wine for k8? | 05:17 |
acersales | Kewlb, take your time | 05:17 |
yanger | asldfjwof, google actually has 2320000 referenced | 05:17 |
yanger | :) | 05:17 |
jtkiefer | again, does anyone know where the logs for failed, logins, su, and sudo are kept? | 05:17 |
inglor | wastrel, it's similar to XGL | 05:17 |
=== Mangix [n=Mangix@c-67-188-160-39.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mangix | !itunes | 05:17 |
ubotu | itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 05:17 |
inglor | wastrel, only much better and integrated into X | 05:17 |
fokuslee | !wine | 05:18 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer for running windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information. | 05:18 |
reptyle | jtkiefer, /var/log/auth.log usually. | 05:18 |
Flannel | flasher: all versions of USB provide 5V | 05:18 |
asldfjwof | yanger: wouldn't that be relative to what you searched for? | 05:18 |
Mangix | !players | 05:18 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 05:18 |
Krokinole | Anyone using ATI Xpress 200m? | 05:18 |
jtkiefer | reptyle, thanks | 05:18 |
Mangix | hey | 05:18 |
Mangix | anyone know how to manage an iPod in Ubuntu? | 05:18 |
Mangix | !ipod | 05:18 |
ubotu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto | 05:18 |
Senesence | Anyone know how to get Python 2.5 IDLE working on Ubuntu? | 05:18 |
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ladydoor | !repeat | 05:18 |
ubotu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly, if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 05:18 |
Krokinole | !200m | 05:18 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 200m - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:18 |
Krokinole | !ati | 05:18 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:18 |
yanger | asldfjwof, .. but really... googling or ext3 and ext2 found a list, somewhat cumbersome list, yes, but if u read the titles, they can tell you ALOT ;) let's say... title says "ext2 vs. ext3" oh! my! comparisions :) http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/03/nori/maenad/geek/di8k-debian/node29.html | 05:19 |
jtkiefer | !patience | 05:19 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Your attitude will determine how fast you are helped. See also http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 05:19 |
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yanger | asldfjwof, :) ext3 has journaling. ext2 doesn't | 05:19 |
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jtkiefer | in terms of secondary partitions though if you want interoperability with windows just for file storage and transfer fat16 and 32 work as well I think | 05:21 |
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asldfjwof | yanger: not to be a pretentious snob, but I fully understand file systems. There are many different fs and I know that certain fs work better with various OS's. | 05:21 |
=== JoseStefan [i=Stealth@79sdl30m49.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JoseStefan | any known recent issues with update-rc.d ? | 05:21 |
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yanger | asldfjwof, so, why are u asking about ext2 and ext3? | 05:21 |
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asldfjwof | Granted Ubuntu isn't something "new", I wasn't sure if using a particular fs with Ubuntu offered any pros. | 05:21 |
ladydoor | JoseStefan: what're you trying to do? | 05:21 |
asldfjwof | I just want to get it installed so I can try out Ubuntu | 05:21 |
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ladydoor | asldfjwof: ext3 is probably the best for ubuntu, as it's the default | 05:22 |
JoseStefan | ladydoor, update-manager said there was a new flash version available | 05:22 |
asldfjwof | I'm a freeBSD/Mandrake guy | 05:22 |
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asldfjwof | thanks ladydoor | 05:22 |
yanger | :| it depends what you're using it for. if your just playing with it, ext3 is great, ext2 isn't recommended anymore? | 05:22 |
bl4cktone | JoseStefan: You da man! | 05:22 |
ladydoor | JoseStefan: err...what was your question about update-rc.d? | 05:22 |
=== mkquist [n=michael@h-69-3-181-20.lsanca54.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ladydoor | asldfjwof: np | 05:22 |
JoseStefan | ladydoor, it failed because of it, wondered if there was any known issues with it | 05:22 |
fernando_ | i mess up while cutomising my pc how do i restore it to the original way | 05:23 |
fokuslee | does any one have a prebuilt wine for k8? | 05:23 |
ladydoor | JoseStefan: is the flash you're using from a standard ubuntu repo or from somewhere else? | 05:23 |
=== bruenig [n=bruenig@adsl-69-155-90-145.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JoseStefan | ladydoor, yes | 05:23 |
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ladydoor | fokuslee: please stop repeating yourself. ask on a wine channel. | 05:23 |
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ladydoor | JoseStefan: well, now that we've covered both options...which is it? | 05:24 |
JoseStefan | ladydoor, standard from repos | 05:24 |
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ladydoor | JoseStefan: ah, ok. does sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade spit out any errors, and if so, would you pastebin them? | 05:24 |
=== AbortD [n=abortd@ip-12-195-52-66.ncwcom.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | it works WAHHOOO!!!!!!!!! | 05:24 |
Bryce | hey guys i hate to be that asshole who just walks in and asks a question, but i cant't for the life of me figure out how to google for it correctly | 05:24 |
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Bryce | i want to stop a module from loading without just moving it from the modules folder | 05:25 |
Bryce | and it's not in /etc/modules | 05:25 |
Bryce | where would it be listed | 05:25 |
Kewlb | found the manual download for the firefox mplayer plugin, got it installed and it works perfectly for playing wmv files and streaming content that only windows media player is suppose to play | 05:25 |
Bryce | and i grepped through all of the text files in /etc/modprobe.comf | 05:25 |
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bruenig | Kewlb, why didn't you just use the repo? | 05:25 |
teimu | why can't i set my resolution to 1280x1024. i've downloaded the nvidia drivers, changed to "nvidia" vs "nv" in xorg.conf, but still, nothing. any ideas? | 05:25 |
Bryce | does your screen support it? | 05:26 |
teimu | yea | 05:26 |
=== supermiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Bryce | is that configured correctly? | 05:26 |
teimu | i had it on breezy | 05:26 |
Kewlb | bruenig: it would have removed the version I had installed that supported the wmv codecs | 05:26 |
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teimu | Bryce, well, how do i know if it's configed correctly | 05:26 |
bruenig | Kewlb, the one you had wasn't from the repo was it? | 05:26 |
Kewlb | bruenig: nope, built it manually | 05:26 |
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JoseStefan | ladydoor, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24056 | 05:27 |
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bruenig | yeah, that is why I don't build stuff manually unless I absolutely have to | 05:27 |
Bryce | teimu: Check the horizontal and vertical syncs and see if they match up with your monitor | 05:27 |
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jtkiefer | Ok, I officially hate the gnome movie player, I can't for the life of me to play this dvd, it keeps giving coded errors | 05:27 |
jtkiefer | err codec errors | 05:27 |
Kewlb | heh | 05:27 |
Captain_Redbeard | Hmm where can i find info about the so called "break my ubuntu" repositories? | 05:27 |
Kewlb | gtkiefer mplayerhq.hu | 05:27 |
Bryce | teimu: What sort of monitor is it lcd? crt? laptop lcd? | 05:28 |
jtkiefer | despite the fact that I've downloaded all the available codec packs via apt-get | 05:28 |
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teimu | lcd | 05:28 |
jtkiefer | Kewlb, I'll check it out | 05:28 |
ladydoor | JoseStefan: i'm really sorry...i don't know what to tell you | 05:28 |
Bryce | teimu: what make? and model? | 05:28 |
Kewlb | jtkiefer: I ran into this today, I had to remove the apt-get ones.. and manually download configure and make the mplayer from mplayerhq -- but everything is working great now | 05:28 |
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JoseStefan | ladydoor, is there a log of cmds done with sudo? | 05:28 |
teimu | samsung syncmaster 912T | 05:28 |
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ladydoor | Captain_Redbeard: deb http://www.microsoft.com main | 05:29 |
Bryce | Anyone know how to find all modules that will be loaded? It's not in /etc/modules and i can't figure out where to look from there | 05:29 |
drcode | hi all | 05:29 |
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drcode | any one know about project of voice fillter | 05:29 |
jtkiefer | Kewlb, ugh, just rm -rf / my drive now for all the work it'll take | 05:29 |
drcode | so I can fillter my own voice? | 05:29 |
jtkiefer | :) | 05:29 |
ladydoor | JoseStefan: i don't know...sorry. | 05:29 |
jtkiefer | jk | 05:29 |
=== Captain_Redbeard grins at ladydoor | ||
Kewlb | jtkiefer: eh wasn't THAT bad.. it did take about 2 hours though | 05:29 |
Captain_Redbeard | I would like to try out X11R7.1 and I can't find any packages for it anywhere so I thought I'd try there... :p | 05:30 |
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Kewlb | jtkiefer: also there was an error on the doc I found giving instructions.. and had to take out a configure line to get it to compile | 05:30 |
jtkiefer | Kewlb, I took the time and bandwith to download and install KDE so I'm gonna check out the options on that first before I resort to uninstalling and reinstalling a default package just to get one filetype to work | 05:31 |
jtkiefer | oops, I meant mediatype not filetype | 05:31 |
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jtkiefer | but thanks for the advice | 05:31 |
Captain_Redbeard | How about edgy repositories then? :p | 05:31 |
Captain_Redbeard | anyone? | 05:31 |
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specialbuddy | can someone please help me with fstab? | 05:31 |
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Kewlb | jtkiefer: how bad was the KDE install?.. I like KDE better.. but now that I got everything working right I be damned if I am screwing with it | 05:31 |
Bryce | Redbeard: i Hvent found any XllR7.1 packages yet | 05:32 |
=== Aphex_Twin [n=Aphex_Tw@comitel.iasi.astral.ro] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | what about fstab specialbuddy | 05:32 |
briguyd | with xmodmap, is there any way to modify a modifier key, in order to have capslock be shift+capslock instead? | 05:32 |
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Kewlb | also for the love of god.. is there a better IRC client other then XChat | 05:32 |
Bryce | get opera | 05:32 |
Bryce | and use the chat in there | 05:32 |
briguyd | Kewlb, which? | 05:33 |
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Bryce | that's what i'm doing | 05:33 |
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=== Blinker_ [n=mobile@adsl-75-45-168-99.dsl.sfldmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jtkiefer | Kewlb, i downloaded and instlaled BitchX which works pretty well | 05:33 |
briguyd | Kewlb, err... why? | 05:33 |
specialbuddy | Kewlb, I have a usb hd with 3 partitions and everytime I plug it in the drives go to different folders | 05:33 |
specialbuddy | I want to make it so that each partion goes to a certain folder | 05:33 |
Bryce | automount would probably be your problem | 05:33 |
Kewlb | ahh BitchX . an old school client | 05:33 |
=== RaggedJack [n=Ragged@cpe-024-162-251-047.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | makes me remember the old days when I installed linux just to winnuke people. | 05:33 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: are they going into /media/<something> | 05:33 |
SSXS | well you could try konversation | 05:33 |
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briguyd | with xmodmap, can you modify a modifier key, for example to have lock be shift+capslock instead? | 05:33 |
SSXS | konversation really rocks | 05:33 |
specialbuddy | yeah | 05:34 |
Dr_Willis | i download and compule xchat 2.4 :P | 05:34 |
Bryce | briguyd: I'm not sure but i thought that you could only do a 1 -> 1 change | 05:34 |
Kewlb | ah | 05:34 |
=== mickey [n=mickey@adsl-69-208-160-166.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | this is xchat-gnome 0.0. -1 | 05:34 |
czer323 | Any users tried GimpShop? Opinions please? | 05:34 |
Kewlb | heh | 05:34 |
jtkiefer | Kewlb, it was a pain just because it took awhile to download and install and the main kde packages and programs was about 700 megs or so, but it hasn't been bad since then, though the session management on the login screen makes switching back and forth from gnome to kde and visa versa a bit of a pain | 05:34 |
specialbuddy | then /media /usbdisk-1 | 05:34 |
specialbuddy | etc. | 05:34 |
briguyd | Bryce, what does that mean? | 05:34 |
mickey | hello, im pretty new to ubuntu | 05:34 |
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Blinker_ | ok, so i've tried a dozen different mount option variations and I cant get ubuntu to mount a partition on the local drive for user rw access. ideas anyone? | 05:34 |
SSXS | well... | 05:34 |
ubunturos | mickey, what brings you here? | 05:35 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: try editing the file /etc/fstab and setting it up explicitely in there | 05:35 |
Dr_Willis | Blinker_, and whats the file system on the drive? | 05:35 |
specialbuddy | but If I have my music on it, I don't want to have to change the directory all the time to make it work | 05:35 |
SSXS | does that mean that u cant run kde apz on ubuntu ? | 05:35 |
Kewlb | jtkiefer: ah.. downloads not that bad for me.. my company pays for me to have a Metro Ethernet connection | 05:35 |
SSXS | without the kde files? | 05:35 |
mickey | well im having some trouble learning some new tricks, my friend told me to try you out | 05:35 |
bruenig | SSXS, you can, just need the kde libs | 05:35 |
specialbuddy | I know I need to change /etc/fstab but I'm having a hard time with it | 05:35 |
SSXS | ohhhh | 05:35 |
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Xenguy | mickey: ask away | 05:35 |
ubunturos | do you have any reference books? | 05:35 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: what troubles are you having? | 05:35 |
Blinker_ | Dr_Willis: ext3. see also: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24057 | 05:35 |
mickey | im trying to access files on my other windows partition, and he said it has something to do with etc/ something | 05:35 |
mickey | rewriting code | 05:35 |
SSXS | yeah... but thats weird... I run kubuntu and it comes preconfigured to run gnome and kde file | 05:35 |
Kewlb | nothing better then 10MB fiber drop right to your house. | 05:35 |
=== Gevaudan82 [n=gevaudan@cpe-071-068-049-175.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
briguyd | Bryce, what do you mean by a 1 -> 1 change? | 05:36 |
=== Idea [n=cwhall@bas1-guelph22-1177620483.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubunturos | yes, you need not re-write code | 05:36 |
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mickey | nice | 05:36 |
ubunturos | but edit the /etc/fstab file | 05:36 |
mickey | yeah thats what i think he was saying | 05:36 |
jtkiefer | SSXS, if you want to use purely KDE I suggest Kubuntu, if you want to switch back and forth it isn't too hard to get KDE and gnome to both be installed and switcheable at login | 05:36 |
mickey | fstab | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | Blinker, for my ext3 drives. i make a directory in the mounted drive. and then assign the permissions on THAT to be r/w by the users i want. (sort of a 2nd home for them) | 05:36 |
=== ZeZu [i=NULL@c-69-246-232-134.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
specialbuddy | I just want it to go to certain folders but I don't know what to change | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | Blinker, i dont assign the 'whole' drive (hdb1) to be owned by them, | 05:36 |
specialbuddy | because 1 is fat32 and the other 2 are ntfs | 05:36 |
jtkiefer | kewlb, spoiled | 05:36 |
ubunturos | I'll post a link where you can learn to | 05:36 |
Xenguy | mickey: backup the original /etc/fstab first :-) | 05:36 |
mickey | thanks | 05:36 |
ubunturos | edit the /etc/fstab file | 05:36 |
Bryce | mickey: Try NTFS-3g http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=23836054&forum_id=2697 | 05:36 |
mickey | ok, how do i find that, lol sry, new to this | 05:36 |
ubunturos | or ..alternatively, just try one command.. | 05:36 |
mickey | i know the terminal tho | 05:36 |
Kewlb | jtkiefer: nah.. I usually do not tunnel my internet traffic through it. its mostly for a site-to-site vpn straight to cisco | 05:37 |
ubunturos | open gnome-terminal | 05:37 |
=== jtkiefer should start writing up a FAQ on using the different windows managers on Ubuntu | ||
ubunturos | and type | 05:37 |
Bryce | briguyd: like you can only take one key and make it another | 05:37 |
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ubunturos | sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media | 05:37 |
Bryce | birguyd: you can't take one key and have it act like a combo of keys | 05:37 |
ubunturos | this would allow you to acess | 05:37 |
Kewlb | jtkiefer: but if I have something large to download i'll turn off the split tunnel on the router and tunnel everything through the ME connection.. and yep.. it flies. | 05:37 |
RaggedJack | I have added all of the multivers universe repositories to my sources.list and I can not get java to install apt-get says it does not exist. I have followed the faq but still no joy any suggestions I did an apt-get update after editing the sources.list file as well. | 05:37 |
sess | anyone have a wacom device configured properly? | 05:37 |
ubunturos | the C: drive of windows under the folder /media | 05:37 |
mickey | ok | 05:37 |
briguyd | i think theres ways to do shift and alt and stuff to keys, but i was wondering if you could so that for a modifier key, like caps lock | 05:37 |
ideas | you guys ever heard of these people? needing to find a host that offers ssh access and it seems not many good ones do ... www.NexusNetworks.com ... love to hear your experiances... | 05:37 |
briguyd | ideas, dreamhost allows it, too | 05:38 |
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Xenguy | mickey: assuming the windows partition is hda1 of course | 05:38 |
mickey | this is odd... | 05:38 |
mickey | it asks me for my password, and it wont type anything in | 05:38 |
Gevaudan82 | ideas: try eapps.com ...they give you full administrative access and tomcat support if you need it using virtuozzo | 05:38 |
ladydoor | mickey: it's so people can't see its length | 05:38 |
Bryce | special buddy: copy and paste me what you have | 05:38 |
mickey | ooo | 05:38 |
ladydoor | mickey: it's just a better security precaution than windows uses | 05:38 |
nrdb | I am trying to setup the vmware-player package but it is failing saying "Module vmnet is not loaded" can anyone help? | 05:38 |
specialbuddy | !pastebin | 05:39 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 05:39 |
Bryce | ideas: try Rimu Hosting, full virtual servers using zen | 05:39 |
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Bryce | xen* | 05:39 |
ubunturos | so, you can supply the password? | 05:39 |
mickey | mount: special device /dev/hda1 does not exist | 05:39 |
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Dr_Willis | nrdb, why not install the vmware server also? :P | 05:39 |
ubunturos | so you don't have the C: drive in windows? | 05:39 |
chowdaryharsha | hi.......can i know how to install another browser | 05:39 |
ideas | ladydoor, contact me | 05:39 |
chowdaryharsha | ?? | 05:39 |
ideas | zen sucks.. rather use vmware | 05:39 |
ladydoor | ideas: about your question? i don't know the answer. sorry | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis | chowdaryharsha, apt-get install opera, or dillo, or whatever ya want | 05:39 |
mickey | well, i made the dual boot after i installed windows, im using the same drive | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis | !opera | 05:39 |
supermiguel | chowdaryharsha: which one do you want | 05:39 |
ubotu | opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser. Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser | 05:39 |
bruenig | chowdarharsa, what browser? | 05:39 |
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Xenguy | mickey: this should display your partitions: fdisk -l | 05:39 |
mickey | k | 05:39 |
ideas | ladydoor, no Ithe answer about your vmware player quewstion | 05:39 |
=== falmeshon [n=falmesho@220-253-111-36.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rendo | I'm trying to install mysql-server and I'm following the ubuntu dapper guide wiki http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_MYSQL_Database_Server and I get this message mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failederror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' What am I doing wrong? | 05:40 |
chowdaryharsha | may i know to install another browser | 05:40 |
specialbuddy | Bryce, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24058 | 05:40 |
Gevaudan82 | nrdb: hmm...i had no problem installing vmware player on ubuntu...worked out of the box...might try updating your kernel via symantec if you aren't at the latest | 05:40 |
ubunturos | see which one do you want to mount | 05:40 |
nrdb | Dr_Willis: there is no vmware server package . | 05:40 |
jtkiefer | ugh, firefox is much better than opera | 05:40 |
Bryce | ideas: Xen is the future, a 2-8% performance hit beats the crap out of the 20-35% hit from vmware | 05:40 |
ladydoor | ideas: i'm afraid that wasn't my question. you've got me confused with someone else | 05:40 |
ladydoor | ideas: thank you anyway, though. | 05:40 |
jtkiefer | though I'm somewhat dissapointed with plugin and extension issues that it keeps causing | 05:40 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: you need to start the service.../etc/init.d/mysql start | 05:40 |
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ideas | ESX doesn't have a 20-35% performance gap | 05:40 |
Dr_Willis | nrdb, do it the old fashioned way then and download it from the vmware site. | 05:40 |
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nrdb | Gevaudan82: kernel just updated package reloaded. | 05:40 |
mickey | partition 1 | 05:40 |
Dr_Willis | nrdb, i been playing with it all week.. its .. fun. | 05:40 |
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briguyd | does anyone here know how to use xmodmap? | 05:40 |
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Kewlb | hrm.. never heard of Xen.. is it virtual machine software? | 05:40 |
ubunturos | mickey, http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html should help you too | 05:40 |
ideas | yes | 05:40 |
rendo | Gevaudan82: It's already running, and still comes up with that message. | 05:41 |
mickey | kk | 05:41 |
st4hl | hi, i have a question in ubuntu server installation, what is the difference between "install to the hard disk" and "LAMP" ? just the AMP part? | 05:41 |
Blinker_ | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24057 I need to know how to set the options for sda4 so that any user can r/w | 05:41 |
mickey | well let me make sure its configured correctly for doing this.. | 05:41 |
ideas | and its like compairing a car in the 1920's (xen) compaired to a sports car in the 2010 (vmware) | 05:41 |
nrdb | Dr_Willis: there seems to be a package dependancey problem here. | 05:41 |
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mickey | im running windows/ubuntu off of 1 drive, and theres 2 partitions. 1st partition is windows, 2nd is ubuntu im guessing | 05:41 |
Hit3k | ideas i'd rather have the classic | 05:41 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24059 | 05:41 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo...mysql by default has no root password...so you should be able to type mysql -u root and get in...if it doesn't work, easiest way is to uninstall, reinstall and then set you a root password using mysqladmin passwd root newpassword (check this to make sure, i belive it is the right order though) | 05:41 |
Kewlb | st4hl: just guessing but install to hard disk is prolly basic install while LAMP will install apache, php, mysql as well | 05:41 |
Bryce | you just had to replace the smbfs with ntfs | 05:42 |
ideas | vmware was around before xen Hit3k | 05:42 |
ideas | ;) | 05:42 |
st4hl | nod | 05:42 |
ideas | so guess its a classic | 05:42 |
rendo | I'll try that, thank you. | 05:42 |
ideas | just use an older version ;) haha | 05:42 |
ubunturos | mickey, are you using a SATA hdd? | 05:42 |
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mickey | yup, a raptor | 05:42 |
Gevaudan82 | xen is supposed to be faster...but well vmware has more support so i'm sticking with vmware for the time being as you probally should for compatibility with basically all guest OSs | 05:42 |
specialbuddy | thanks Bryce | 05:43 |
mickey | pretty nice drives other than the fact that theyre hard to work with | 05:43 |
ubunturos | umm... | 05:43 |
Bryce | ideas: Have you read the differences between Xen and Vmware and how they both work differently? BInary patching is not capable of being as fast as para-virtualization, especially now with Pacifica and VT | 05:43 |
Kewlb | I got a question about vmware -- can you run the guest-os full screen in one workspace and easily switch over to other workspaces ?? | 05:43 |
rendo | Umm, I uninstalled, and re-installed and it STILL comes up with the same error about using password: NO | 05:43 |
Hit3k | why has noone mentioned qemu | 05:43 |
Hit3k | ? | 05:43 |
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Gevaudan82 | kewlb...not with vmware player as far as i know...correct me if i am wrong though...with vmware workstation i know you can | 05:44 |
Bryce | no problem specialbuddy | 05:44 |
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Bryce | qemu is a pain in the ass | 05:44 |
Bryce | it's great when you get it to work, dare i say fantastic | 05:44 |
mickey | its not gonna work is it? | 05:44 |
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specialbuddy | actually that didn't work Byrce | 05:45 |
rendo | Is there a guide somewhere that WORKS for installing mysql and other related web hosting services? | 05:45 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo...do a sudo /etc/init.d/mysql status just to appease me :) | 05:45 |
Kewlb | Gevaudan82: I am guessing that workstation is not free.... my problem is that I do a lot of dev in vb.net and using rdesktop in full screen works ok, but in rdesktop there is no easy way to minimize it.. you have to disconnect or log off | 05:45 |
briguyd | haha! i DID IT! | 05:45 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: what errors did it give you? | 05:45 |
briguyd | woo! | 05:45 |
=== supermiguel [n=miguel@252-223.126-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
specialbuddy | none it just doesn't work | 05:45 |
briguyd | Bryce, now shift+Capslock is capslock for me | 05:45 |
Kewlb | I need a solution that will allow me to work full screen in a windows OS (remote desktop or VM) and easily switch workspaces between that and the linux os | 05:45 |
specialbuddy | they mount but not to the folders I want | 05:45 |
JoseStefan | ladydoor, if anything comes up let me know | 05:45 |
ladydoor | briguyd: congratulations! | 05:45 |
rendo | Server version 5.0.22-Debian_0ubuntu6.06.2-log Protocol version 10 Connection Localhost via UNIX socket UNIX socket /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock Uptime: 9 min 34 sec | 05:45 |
briguyd | ladydoor, thanks for your help | 05:45 |
ladydoor | JoseStefan: good luck! | 05:46 |
Kewlb | and dual-display not an option on a laptop and Citrix is not an option either on the server. | 05:46 |
Xenguy | mickey: do you know what the windows filesystem is (NTFS, or ...?) ? | 05:46 |
Bryce | speicalbuddy: oh crap that's my bad hold on | 05:46 |
briguyd | anyone want the xmodmap file? | 05:46 |
nrdb | Hit3k: with qemu I have had a lot of trouble with it NIC setup. | 05:46 |
ladydoor | briguyd: well, it was you that figured it out! good work. | 05:46 |
mickey | ntfs | 05:46 |
mickey | no fat for me | 05:46 |
briguyd | ladydoor, wouldnt have done it without your help | 05:46 |
Bryce | briguyd: can you send me that xmodmap file? | 05:46 |
n0dl | is there anywat to get rid of the system beep? | 05:46 |
briguyd | hold on, ill pastebin it | 05:46 |
briguyd | !pastebin | 05:46 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 05:46 |
ubunturos | oh...then there would be a different mounting procedure, mickey | 05:47 |
ladydoor | briguyd: well...glad to help! | 05:47 |
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mickey | sweet, as long as it works | 05:47 |
linlin | heh hey mickey | 05:47 |
Xenguy | mickey: please preface with my nick, as this channel is busy, and I'm on other channels too :-) Meanwhile, NTFS can be mounted, but only read-only IIRC (without special tricks anyway) | 05:47 |
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mickey | haha hey will | 05:47 |
linlin | forgot i had this romo open | 05:47 |
specialbuddy | so what's the difference between vm player and vm server? | 05:47 |
mickey | how do i do that | 05:47 |
linlin | room* | 05:47 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: this shoudl work http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24060 | 05:47 |
supermiguel | mockt | 05:47 |
supermiguel | micky | 05:47 |
mickey | ? | 05:48 |
supermiguel | mickey: type on the console sudo apt-get install libfuse2 fuse-utils | 05:48 |
briguyd | it's actually quite simple, just took a while to figure it out exactly | 05:48 |
mickey | done | 05:48 |
Bryce | briguyd: well that's good, what's the pastbin link? | 05:48 |
supermiguel | then download http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ntfs/libntfs8_1.12.1-1_i386.deb | 05:48 |
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specialbuddy | that's still not going to work Bryce? | 05:48 |
supermiguel | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ntfs/ntfsprogs_1.12.1-1_i386.deb | 05:49 |
specialbuddy | thanks for trying to help though | 05:49 |
supermiguel | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/fuse/libfuse2_2.4.2-0ubuntu3_i386.deb | 05:49 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: It's still not working? | 05:49 |
briguyd | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24061 **REPLACE "66" with your caps lock keycode from the output of "xmodmap -pk"** | 05:49 |
supermiguel | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/fuse/fuse-utils_2.4.2-0ubuntu3_i386.deb | 05:49 |
mickey | ok it downloaded | 05:49 |
specialbuddy | it's not going to | 05:49 |
supermiguel | 4 differerent programs | 05:49 |
specialbuddy | something is missing | 05:49 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: why not? | 05:49 |
supermiguel | you got all 4? | 05:49 |
briguyd | no more accidental caps for me | 05:49 |
briguyd | yay | 05:49 |
mickey | not yet | 05:49 |
mickey | sry | 05:49 |
Bryce | briguyd: awesome thanks so much! | 05:49 |
specialbuddy | it's just not going to work | 05:49 |
briguyd | Bryce, sure | 05:49 |
=== nostrum [n=nostrum@c-71-206-171-90.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nostrum | hey guysssssssssss | 05:49 |
supermiguel | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ntfs/libntfs8_1.12.1-1_i386.deb, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-ntfs/ntfsprogs_1.12.1-1_i386.deb, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/f/fuse/libfuse2_2.4.2-0ubuntu3_i386.deb, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/f/fuse/fuse-utils_2.4.2-0ubuntu3_i386.deb | 05:50 |
nostrum | I just installed ubuntu but startx is doing NOthin! | 05:50 |
briguyd | it's pretty sweet, especially after working off and on on this for weeks | 05:50 |
nostrum | whats the dilli yo | 05:50 |
nostrum | I got dapper drake | 05:50 |
nostrum | but gnome is no go | 05:50 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: the problme was that they were commented out | 05:50 |
mickey | ok all 4 done | 05:50 |
specialbuddy | I know | 05:50 |
nostrum | anyone to help? | 05:50 |
nostrum | peas | 05:50 |
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specialbuddy | I uncommented them before | 05:50 |
supermiguel | mickey: do you installed all of them? | 05:51 |
nostrum | please | 05:51 |
grndslm | anybody know how i can request a certain ip from my router?? i need it to be a static address? | 05:51 |
mickey | not yet, ill do that | 05:51 |
ubunturos | mickey, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions this link should help you | 05:51 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: and they had the ntfs? | 05:51 |
nostrum | grndslm: yup | 05:51 |
supermiguel | ok | 05:51 |
cess_ | grndslm, depends on router | 05:51 |
supermiguel | do that | 05:51 |
specialbuddy | yeah | 05:51 |
nostrum | grndslm: i know | 05:51 |
supermiguel | and let me know | 05:51 |
Bryce | nostrum: try apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 05:51 |
specialbuddy | but I don't think it can be ntfs | 05:51 |
nostrum | grndslm: is linksys>? | 05:51 |
specialbuddy | it has to be nfs or smbfs | 05:51 |
nostrum | Bryce: thanks | 05:51 |
supermiguel | grndslm: www.no-ip.com | 05:51 |
Bryce | specialbuddy: why not | 05:51 |
nostrum | Bryce: I thought it came auto with the cd... | 05:51 |
briguyd | ladydoor, you like? | 05:51 |
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Bryce | nostrum: what cd did you use? | 05:51 |
supermiguel | tell then to give you an static ip | 05:51 |
ladydoor | briguyd: like what? | 05:51 |
mickey | for everything, it says that its already been installed, after the first one | 05:51 |
Kewlb | hrm.. I wonder if hydraIRC will work on wine | 05:51 |
nostrum | grndslm: what you mean by static exactly? | 05:51 |
ladydoor | briguyd: oh, just a sec... | 05:52 |
briguyd | the capslock thingy | 05:52 |
nostrum | Bryce: the Alternate cd | 05:52 |
supermiguel | ok | 05:52 |
grndslm | i can't install openwrt on it....and i need it to be a local IP, not a domain name | 05:52 |
supermiguel | now type | 05:52 |
specialbuddy | I don't think it can read ntfs unless you have nfs or smbfs | 05:52 |
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supermiguel | sudo dpkg -i libfuse2_*.deb fuse-utils_*.deb ntfsprogs_*.deb libntfs8_*.deb | 05:52 |
Bryce | nostrum: It should have but something may have been accidently clicked | 05:52 |
ladydoor | briguyd: sweeeeeet! | 05:52 |
grndslm | i need it to be | 05:52 |
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nostrum | grndslm:oh ok | 05:52 |
nostrum | grndslm: you dont do that at the router level | 05:52 |
mickey | says no file or directory after some coding | 05:53 |
supermiguel | nop | 05:53 |
nostrum | grndslm: you specify static address at the machine | 05:53 |
grndslm | nostrum, in the networking app? | 05:53 |
briguyd | ladydoor, hehe, thanks, let me know if it works for you | 05:53 |
supermiguel | are you sure | 05:53 |
supermiguel | you install all 4 of them? | 05:53 |
nostrum | grndslm: and then you specify a range of dhcp addresses on teh router | 05:53 |
mickey | yeah ill try 1 more time | 05:53 |
ladydoor | briguyd: oh, i'm not going to use it! but thanks | 05:53 |
Bryce | Anyone know where the list of modules that gets loaded is? | 05:53 |
ideas | on startup? | 05:53 |
ladydoor | briguyd: i could *not* do without control to the left of a | 05:53 |
Bryce | not /etc/modules | 05:53 |
grndslm | nostrum, i was going to try it, but it says: "Unable to copy the user's Xauthorization file." | 05:53 |
Bryce | well in addition to that | 05:53 |
nostrum | grndslm: i dont know what app you are referring to i just started with ubuntu but im familiar with networking | 05:53 |
ideas | chkconfig --list | 05:53 |
ladydoor | briguyd: thank you, though. | 05:53 |
supermiguel | there are 4 | 05:54 |
nostrum | grndslm: the deal is that you must use a static address set at the machine | 05:54 |
Bryce | i have a ath_pci that keeps getting loaded and i've got a hack where i just renamed the .ko's but i want to just remove them from being able to be loaded | 05:54 |
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nostrum | grndslm: and the info gets sent to the router | 05:54 |
ideas | /etc/modules and comment out the line | 05:55 |
nostrum | grndslm: once i get ubuntu installed on this machine here i guess ill figure out which tool to use... | 05:55 |
grndslm | hmm....well, i get it...but i can't open this damn network-admin program and i don't know the command lines to set that up | 05:55 |
briguyd | ladydoor, im sure you could change it so the control is without the shift and caps is with it | 05:55 |
mickey | i downloaded the 4 from your post previously, where all links were in 1 post, and i installed them | 05:55 |
Bryce | ideas: it's not in /etc/modules | 05:55 |
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nostrum | grndslm: in Gentoo it is a file called /etc/conf.d/net | 05:55 |
briguyd | then you could free your control key for something else | 05:55 |
mickey | 2 of them went fine, the others wanted to reinstall | 05:55 |
Bryce | ideas: i think it gets loaded by hotplug or some system like that | 05:55 |
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supermiguel | reinstall them | 05:55 |
mickey | ok | 05:55 |
bl4cktone | i'm trying to backup my gdm.conf-custom but I'm at a loss of what to type it's in etc/gdm | 05:55 |
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nostrum | grndslm: i am not sure where the net configuration is in ubuntu tree yet | 05:55 |
Bryce | grndslm: check /etc/network/interfaces | 05:56 |
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grndslm | i'd have to add something then? | 05:56 |
grndslm | umm....lemme see if i can google that | 05:56 |
[1] Kewlb | I guess that answers my question | 05:56 |
ladydoor | briguyd: true true, but i really can't think of what. however, i'm glad you've found a setup that works for you :-) | 05:56 |
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spacey_ | Anyone seeing 2.6.17-8-generic #2 SMP crashing amd64? | 05:57 |
spacey_ | make that, anyone *else*? | 05:57 |
cess_ | how can i get rhythmbox to play WMA files? | 05:57 |
eyequeue | spacey_, #ubuntu+1 | 05:57 |
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mickey | still doesnt work | 05:57 |
supermiguel | cess | 05:57 |
spacey_ | OK, thanks | 05:57 |
eyequeue | spacey_, -generic is not in dapper | 05:57 |
supermiguel | http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_mount_Windows_partitions_.28NTFS.29_on_boot-up.2C_and_allow_users_read_and_write_access | 05:57 |
nostrum | i dislike the installer for ubuntu so far | 05:57 |
mickey | kk | 05:57 |
briguyd | ladydoor, thanks, im going nuts | 05:57 |
spacey_ | I didn't see that channel. I'll go there now | 05:57 |
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eyequeue | !edgy | 05:58 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 05:58 |
ladydoor | briguyd: what do you mean? | 05:58 |
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nostrum | I went to change the bootloader to lilo and it like went crazy and had to repartition the drives again... | 05:58 |
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nostrum | hmm i dont think i like ubuntu | 05:59 |
nostrum | also, its ugly how it starts up | 06:00 |
darnell_ | is there an active desktop proggy that will allow my desktop to move | 06:00 |
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Bryce | nostrum: edgy will be significantly quicker startup because of upstart | 06:00 |
inglor | hey, what's the bash command to log out? | 06:00 |
nostrum | Bryce: what? | 06:00 |
nostrum | Bryce: what is edgy? | 06:00 |
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nostrum | Bryce: a new release? | 06:00 |
Hit3k | inglor, exit usually | 06:00 |
inglor | nostrum, next release | 06:00 |
eyequeue | !info upstart edgy | 06:01 |
nostrum | oh | 06:01 |
ubotu | upstart: event-based init daemon. In component main, is required. Version 0.2.6-1 (edgy), package size 84 kB, installed size 288 kB | 06:01 |
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eyequeue | !edgy | 06:01 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 06:01 |
Bryce | nostrum: yup | 06:01 |
nostrum | I wasnt upset about the time for startup... i was more mad by the seemingly randomly tab-delimited output for the boot | 06:01 |
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nostrum | for instance, in gentoo everything is more similar for output of program startup | 06:01 |
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eyequeue | !info usplash | 06:01 |
acersales | Kewlb, hi there i found an easy way well your way doesnt work for me but this may increase your knowledge a bit more | 06:02 |
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ubotu | usplash: Userspace bootsplash utility. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2-4 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 196 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc sparc ia64 hppa) | 06:02 |
nostrum | like it goes "Starting blah blah...............[ok] " | 06:02 |
n0dl | how would i start up my wireless card? | 06:02 |
Kewlb | acersales: what way did you do? | 06:02 |
n0dl | is it ifup eth0? | 06:02 |
Bryce | eyequeue: you rock | 06:02 |
acersales | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountIso | 06:02 |
the1 | n0dl:it could be | 06:02 |
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eyequeue | Bryce, seemed apropros heh | 06:02 |
nostrum | the gentoo booting output is so clean with one message per line, etc so you can tell what is actually happening | 06:02 |
inglor | my shutdown button isn't working :S | 06:02 |
n0dl | the1: theres more than one way? | 06:02 |
acersales | i converted my .bin .cue to iso file and just simply mount | 06:02 |
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nostrum | inglor: in command line: halt | 06:02 |
x2mJokada | exit | 06:03 |
Kewlb | acersales: that works for iso images.. not for REAL .bin/.cue images | 06:03 |
Bryce | eyequeue: haha just fit perfectly | 06:03 |
the1 | n0dl: first of all, you do know that eth0 is your wifi card? | 06:03 |
acersales | Kewlb, but bchunk can convert within one minute so no problem ;) | 06:03 |
inglor | 1)it's not working | 06:03 |
inglor | 2)my actual logout button isn't working, at all | 06:03 |
eyequeue | nostrum, we dpnt care abous gentoo on #ubuntu, but "nosplash" seems to be what you want, at boot, if you were actually looking for support on that :-/ | 06:03 |
Kewlb | acersales: cool.. glad you got it figured out. | 06:03 |
acersales | Kewlb, thanks and same to u got to go | 06:04 |
acersales | ubuntu | 06:04 |
x2mJokada | leaving | 06:04 |
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ladydoor | nostrum: to get rid of the usplash, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and remove "splash" from the kernel's boot options | 06:05 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: ^ | 06:05 |
lastnode | anyone know how i can stop ubuntu from putting icons for my disks on the desktop? | 06:05 |
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n0dl | the1: well im not sure. I dmesg and i see that it detected my wireless card ipw3945 Intel PRO/Wireless | 06:05 |
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eyequeue | ladydoor, yeah, he probably does want the change to be permanent, eh | 06:05 |
justin_ | Is there any command in console, that will tell me my refresh rate in X? | 06:06 |
n0dl | when i ifconfig however only one device shows (eth0) | 06:06 |
the1 | n0dl: what is your iwconfig output? | 06:06 |
ladydoor | lastnode: check the gconf-editor. it has an option somewhere, i think. but *i* don't know where it is and don't use gnome, so i can't be more specific. | 06:06 |
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ladydoor | eyequeue: yeah. though it does get put back in at any kernel update--i used to boot without a splash and always had to edit menu.lst. | 06:07 |
lastnode | thanks aly | 06:07 |
lastnode | ladydoor, | 06:07 |
ladydoor | lastnode: yes? | 06:07 |
lastnode | sorry, bad tab complete | 06:07 |
lastnode | i said thanks ladydoor :-) | 06:07 |
eyequeue | ladydoor, uplash is broken on edgy presently, so i add the nosplash bootparam manually, since i want to see if it gets fixed, heh | 06:07 |
ladydoor | lastnode: no problem :-) | 06:08 |
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ladydoor | eyequeue: it's broken? huh. when did that happen? | 06:08 |
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eyequeue | ladydoor, within the pst week, i'd say. i get references to an inability to find something for 640x800, even though i don't use that | 06:09 |
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eyequeue | ladydoor, it's edgy, i don't mind, at least it boots, heh | 06:10 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: that's really weird. i guess i should wait a while before rebooting, huh? | 06:10 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: oh! that would be the problem. i use dapper | 06:10 |
eyequeue | ladydoor, heh | 06:10 |
eyequeue | ladydoor, it's only on a small partition here, i'm in dapper now, as is usual for me | 06:11 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: oh, ok | 06:11 |
n0dl | lo no wireless extensions eth0 no wireless extensions eth1 unassociated ESSID:off/any Mode: Managed Frequency=nan kHz Access Point:not associated bit rate 0 kb/s Tx-power 16dBm Retry limit 15 RTS thr off Fragment thr:off Powermanagement off Link quality 0 Signal level 0 noise level 0 Rx invalid nwid 0 Rx invalid crypt 0 Rx invalid frag 0 Tx execessive retries 0 Invalid misc 613 missed beacon 0 sit0 no wireless extensions | 06:11 |
czer323 | Is there a way to make the border of windows a bit larger? Or at least easier to grab and resize? Just using the default gnome/metacity window manager with tish skins. | 06:11 |
n0dl | the1: | 06:11 |
n0dl | that was my iwconfig output | 06:11 |
carthik | How do I ask sylpheed-claws-gtk2 to download messages in all folders for offline use when using an IMAP server? (sylpheed-claws-gtk2 is the mail reader I choose to use) | 06:11 |
ladydoor | !paste > n0dl | 06:11 |
n0dl | ladydoor: sorry about that | 06:11 |
ladydoor | n0dl: no problem | 06:11 |
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the1 | n0dl:looks like eth1 is your wifi fard | 06:12 |
the1 | n0dl:*card | 06:12 |
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the1 | so you would bring it up with | 06:13 |
briguyd | oh, how do i have ubuntu run a command every time it starts on/logs in? | 06:13 |
the1 | ifconfig eth1 up | 06:13 |
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n0dl | the1: alright thank you ill try it out :) | 06:13 |
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the1 | man ifconfig and man iwconfig for more options | 06:13 |
n0dl | oh btw is there anyway to turn of system beep? | 06:14 |
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briguyd | anyone? | 06:14 |
eyequeue | n0dl, system > preferences > sound | 06:14 |
n0dl | eyequeue: in CLI | 06:14 |
JoseStefan | ladydoor, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1520874 | 06:14 |
n0dl | if you know a way :) | 06:15 |
eyequeue | briguyd, for login, !/.bash_profile | 06:15 |
eyequeue | n0dl, no | 06:15 |
n0dl | eyequeue: aaa i | 06:15 |
n0dl | c | 06:15 |
the1 | eyequeue:that will allow you to change gnome sounds, but what bout the beep you get when for example, you backspace too far on a virtual terminal console? | 06:15 |
n0dl | thanks anyway | 06:15 |
the1 | *about | 06:15 |
eyequeue | the1, sis you look there? look at system beep | 06:15 |
n0dl | the1: well i read xsetb off xsetb 0 0 0 | 06:15 |
n0dl | but that only works in x | 06:16 |
the1 | o | 06:16 |
briguyd | eyequeue, just add the command to the end of that file? | 06:16 |
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kendals | How do I open .bin files in Ubuntu? | 06:17 |
kendals | Without burning them... | 06:17 |
eyequeue | briguyd, or anywhere in the sequence you want it. the file is a bash script basically, so use that syntax | 06:17 |
Dr_Willis | the idea of a 'bin' file is vague.. what KIND of file is it supposed to be. | 06:17 |
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Gevaudan82 | kendals: chmod +x *.bin && ./*.bin | 06:17 |
briguyd | eyequeue, what syntax? | 06:17 |
Dr_Willis | :) ie. ya refering to a cue/bin or some sort of installer? | 06:17 |
kendals | Thanks Gevaundan82. | 06:18 |
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Dr_Willis | kendals, thats to install a binary installer package.. | 06:18 |
eyequeue | briguyd, any thing you would add to a bash script :) /usr/bin/foo --some --things /here maybe :) | 06:18 |
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Dr_Willis | kendals, your 'without burning them' statement - imples you are working with a cdrom image file. | 06:18 |
kendals | Ahh, yeah, Dr Willis. | 06:19 |
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kendals | It has a cue file as well, so yeah- image. | 06:19 |
eyequeue | !cue | 06:19 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about cue - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 06:19 |
kendals | lol. | 06:19 |
Dr_Willis | convert them to iso , then mount them with the loopback filesystem trick.. Not srue if you can mount a cue/bin directly | 06:19 |
eyequeue | not sure what that is | 06:19 |
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kendals | Ahh okay....so how do I convert to iso? | 06:19 |
kendals | NeroLinux? | 06:19 |
Dr_Willis | i forget. :P bhunnck or somthing like that | 06:20 |
kendals | Or, how do I burn them to cd then? | 06:20 |
Dr_Willis | k3b can burn them to cd i hear.. never done it however with it. | 06:20 |
krazykit | i think k3b will burn bin/cue | 06:20 |
ladydoor | kendals: bchunk converts to iso | 06:20 |
kendals | ahh, ta. | 06:20 |
Gevaudan82 | kendals: i think k3b has support....apt-get install k3b | 06:20 |
briguyd | eyequeue, but if i just add a command to the end, it'll run? | 06:20 |
the1 | bchunk - CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr | 06:20 |
Dr_Willis | i do seem to recall theres some trick to get k3b to do it. | 06:20 |
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the1 | apt-get install bchunk | 06:20 |
eyequeue | briguyd, presuming it's something bash can decipher. be sure to use /full/path/to/app too | 06:21 |
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kendals | grabbing k3b and bchunk now :) | 06:21 |
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eyequeue | briguyd, and nothing interactive, like sudo asking you for a password :) | 06:21 |
briguyd | bah, where is xmodmap stored? | 06:21 |
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the1 | /usr/bin? | 06:22 |
eyequeue | whatis: option requires an argument -- s | 06:22 |
eyequeue | usage: whatis [-dhV] [-r|-w] [-s section] [-m systems] [-M manpath] [-C file] | 06:22 |
eyequeue | keyword ... | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -d, --debug produce debugging info. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -v, --verbose print verbose warning messages. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -r, --regex interpret each keyword as a regex. | 06:22 |
Gevaudan82 | Anyone here had a problem with the elusive "8254 timer not connecteed error" that a lot of people seem to have...add noapictimer to the end of the grub boot line works but i'm curious to what this line actually does and what the performance impact is if any? | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -w, --wildcard the keyword(s) contain wildcards. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -s, --section section search only this section. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -m, --systems system include alternate systems' man pages. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -M, --manpath path set search path for manual pages to `path'. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -C, --config-file file use this user configuration file. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -V, --version show version. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | -h, --help show this usage message. | 06:22 |
eyequeue | sorry | 06:22 |
eyequeue | not sure where that came from even | 06:23 |
Kewlb | aight night guys, wife wants some attention before bed. | 06:23 |
Kewlb | thanks for all the help. | 06:23 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: pastebin... | 06:23 |
eyequeue | ladydoor, random client spew, unknown cause | 06:23 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: works for me | 06:23 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: what client? | 06:24 |
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eyequeue | ladydoor, xchat, i'm in gnome right now even | 06:24 |
ladydoor | eyequeue: wow. | 06:24 |
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nilothiago | oi! como instalo o AMSN no ubuntu? | 06:24 |
eyequeue | ladydoor, lol yeah, but trying to compare dapper and edgy apps these days, for future support reasons, heh | 06:25 |
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CharonX | Question. I have installed sun-java 5.0(jdk) and also java 1.4.2(jdk) via the package manager. My system uses 1.4.2 by default. Can I make it use 5.0 without manually changing all of the symlinks ? | 06:26 |
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Gevaudan82 | charonx: update-alternatives --config java | 06:27 |
eyequeue | update-alternatives ? | 06:27 |
CharonX | Thanks ... | 06:27 |
CharonX | That was easy, thanks guys | 06:27 |
eyequeue | nice little tool | 06:27 |
CharonX | I did not know of that program before | 06:27 |
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CharonX | Yea... | 06:27 |
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rathel | hey I got a folder with a bunch of RAR files with MP3s in them, how do I get XMMS to play from RAR or is there another player that allows me to do that? | 06:28 |
Bryce | eyequeue: if you were curious they were hidden as modules.alias and modules.dep in /lib/modules/<kernelversion> | 06:28 |
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eyequeue | Bryce, ahhhhhh, that does make a bit of sense i guess | 06:28 |
Gevaudan82 | rathel: is it too much effort to just extract them? | 06:28 |
Bryce | eyequeue: i must be off thanks again! Take care! I dont' know when i'll be back because my college blocks IRC | 06:28 |
Gevaudan82 | rathel: i have a feeling very few players would support this | 06:29 |
Bryce | bye all | 06:29 |
eyequeue | Bryce, take care until then :) | 06:29 |
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rathel | hmm... does, foobar2000 work under wine? cuz I can just use that | 06:29 |
CharonX | rathel, mp3s are already in a compressed format. Thats quite odd to play them from a rar ? | 06:29 |
eyequeue | and odd implies very few apps would code in support for it heh | 06:30 |
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Gevaudan82 | out of curiosity how does .tar.gz stack up against .rar anyway? | 06:30 |
CharonX | rathel, you could try mounting the rar ..... | 06:30 |
rathel | they're on a networked computer with emule :x | 06:31 |
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eyequeue | Gevaudan82, well, tar was written for tape backups and has become somewhat of a standard, but oyu might want to tar.bz2 if you want compression over compatibility | 06:31 |
Gevaudan82 | good info, thanks | 06:32 |
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eyequeue | Gevaudan82, "every" *nox box can probably handle .tar.gz btw, so there's reason it's still so common, heh bzip2 is still new in the scheme of things | 06:35 |
eyequeue | s/nox/nix/ | 06:35 |
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Maczimus | hi | 06:37 |
darnell_ | is there a page that tells what is different about edgy eft? | 06:37 |
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jedispam | whats up | 06:38 |
jedispam | how is everyone doing | 06:38 |
the1 | still breathing | 06:39 |
mainer | rathel: http://www.rarsoft.com/ | 06:39 |
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rathel | mainer: yup that's what I used to archive them | 06:40 |
jedispam | cool | 06:40 |
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jedispam | anyone have call of duty 2 running? | 06:41 |
jedispam | on a distro | 06:41 |
Dr_Willis | perhaps with cedega | 06:41 |
Dr_Willis | or is there a nativbe linux port of that one? | 06:41 |
jedispam | with cedega | 06:42 |
jedispam | is what i've herad | 06:42 |
jedispam | heard | 06:42 |
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jedispam | i'm wondering if anyone has had experience with it | 06:42 |
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Dr_Willis | My experience with cedega.. is that im better off rebooting to windows. | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | sadly | 06:43 |
Yggdrasil | hello ,anyone know where i can get some old world mac help for ubuntu? | 06:43 |
mainer | rathel: then unrar them you'll have the mp3's | 06:43 |
the1 | call of duty 2 is ported to macOS...you would think the developers would just do a port to linux along with or even in place of that | 06:43 |
rathel | mainer: nah that's okay I'll just use Foobar2000 under wine | 06:44 |
Dr_Willis | the1, they dont want to spend the effort.. or support costs. sadly.. | 06:44 |
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the1 | not to troll, but I think Linux has more market share than MacOS | 06:44 |
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rendo | Why is it extremely difficult to install and get apache php and mysql to work with dapper? | 06:44 |
CharonX | Hmm anyone know of a firefox extension that syncronizes extensions like some syncronize bookmarks ? | 06:44 |
Dr_Willis | support for linux from a comercial game.. is a bigger hassle then on the mac. | 06:44 |
the1 | rendo: I think there is a LAMP package that makes it easier | 06:44 |
Gevaudan82 | the1: it does...but having a corporate backing has its benefits | 06:44 |
rendo | !LAMP | 06:44 |
ubotu | offically the LAMP stack is: Linux-Apache-Mysql-{PHP,Perl,Python}, Setup LAMP on Ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP ; See also server cd install menu ; however jdub had this to say: Linux, Apache, Most-of-our-scripting-languages-start-with-a-P, Postgresql (and that other one) :) | 06:44 |
Yggdrasil | the1 this mac is ancient.. and its running linux | 06:44 |
Yggdrasil | pretty awesome | 06:44 |
rendo | Thank you. | 06:44 |
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Yggdrasil | having some problems getting it into an udated kernel | 06:45 |
CharonX | Yggdrasil, OS X or a open source linux distro ? | 06:45 |
Yggdrasil | uh | 06:45 |
Yggdrasil | ubuntu | 06:45 |
Yggdrasil | its a mac clone from the 90's | 06:45 |
mainer | rathel: cool,in case its handy http://frankscorner.org/ its very good | 06:45 |
CharonX | That is old | 06:45 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: if you don't want to go the LAMP route, try searching "perfect install 6.06" in google...it will set you right up | 06:45 |
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marko2 | can someone help me install this thing? I've tried the regular CD and it goes painfully slow (i assume its because I only have 256MB, not sure). So I got the alternate CD and when I go into text mode, it says it's booting kernel, but then it reaches a black screen and stays there for ever | 06:48 |
jedispam | reset | 06:48 |
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Gevaudan82 | marko2: the live cd should boot w/ just 256 mbs of ram...what happens when you use the livecd---how far do you get? | 06:49 |
Maczimus | marko you may be able to try the "safe graphic install mode" | 06:49 |
kendals | How do I get my asoundrc file to be back to default? | 06:49 |
Gevaudan82 | Maczimus: doesn't the livecd use the vesa driver anyway and not try to detect your graphics card? | 06:50 |
Maczimus | wasnt real sure but there is an option? | 06:50 |
Maczimus | finally got dual boot and wireless working on my laptop YAY! | 06:51 |
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marko2 | Gevaudan, i'm not sure if it goes all the way, but it literally takes 10 minutes to load up a screen | 06:51 |
morzel | morning | 06:51 |
Maczimus | oh and i have had systems start in the "safe mode" vs normal installer | 06:52 |
Gevaudan82 | Maczimus: i did so once, but i've decided just to stick w/ vmware for the time being...i ran into trouble reinstalling windows and getting grub reconfigured again | 06:52 |
marko2 | macziums, how do I do that? | 06:52 |
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Maczimus | tell me about it....twice it happened to me but i wanted more speed and it'll let me play with things but trust me. i imaged my hard drive BEFORE the install this time :) | 06:53 |
Gevaudan82 | marko2: it's a livecd so it should take a while but definitly not 10 minutes...once you get into gnome, if you do, try installing to the hard drive and see if performs improves after install | 06:53 |
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marko2 | ya, i do get into gnome, but within gnome again it literally takes like 10 minutes to go from one step of the wizard to the next | 06:54 |
marko2 | launching the install itself takes very long | 06:54 |
Zvezdichko | Hello, community! I'm running Kubuntu on a slow Pentium 3 machine, and I can say It's flying. Maybe this is one of the best distros I've ever installed | 06:54 |
kendals | How do I get my asoundrc file to be back to default? | 06:55 |
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Neo8750 | restore it from the backup you made? | 06:56 |
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Gevaudan82 | marko2: sounds like a deeper issue than the graphics card and likely not attrituable to your machine's 256 mb ram and questionable performance...i've only had problems like that when i change my hostname to something weird and then gnome apps take forever to boot until restart...more specific to redhat distros but oh well | 06:56 |
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the1 | maybe run top and see if something is hogging the cpu? | 06:57 |
marko2 | it's strang though, why doesn't the alternate CD work | 06:57 |
the1 | and if it is not something necessary for the install then killall it? | 06:57 |
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rendo | Gevaudan82 I followed the "perfect setup" junk and I'm still getting the same issues with mysql when trying to set the root password.... mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failederror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' | 06:57 |
james__ | hello | 06:57 |
tom_ | How do I find the video card's bus identifier for my ati radeon 9800 pro 128mb? | 06:58 |
the1 | if the cd is bad you should see errors in dmesg, right? | 06:58 |
JoseStefan | dont upgrade to the new flashplugin-nonfree (bug 61349) | 06:58 |
Maczimus | marko when the normal cd didnt work the alt did.... not sure what your problem may be...may want to run the ram check from the cd as bad ram can cause many problems... | 06:58 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: when you uninstalled did you do a complete removal not just a removal? | 06:58 |
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marko2 | maybe it's the way my cd roms were hooked up, i've got now only 1 DVD drive and it's on the secondary, i'll give it a shot again | 06:58 |
detra | Hello ... I just installed ubuntu again ... I keep adding universe and multiverse to sources.list ... but still it can't find flashplugin-nonfree in apt-get ... what should I do ... | 06:58 |
rendo | Probably didn't do a complete removal, what does that entail? | 06:58 |
mainer | kendals: /var/lib/alsa/asound.state | 06:58 |
marko2 | macziums, the normal one worked, but went slow, the alt didn't work at all | 06:58 |
Maczimus | hmmm | 06:59 |
mileskeaton | If your network (between your Ubuntu box and an internal net) was going REALLY slow, what tool would you use to debug it? | 06:59 |
james__ | i just recently switched from windows xp to ubuntu i was a windows user for 6 years im having a issue regarding torrent speeds on ubuntu . | 06:59 |
mileskeaton | I'm on a dual-boot Ubuntu laptop that just 3 days ago started going REALLY slow on all network activity. | 06:59 |
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mileskeaton | (Like for example: when SSH'd into a remote box, typing, what shows up on the screen lags many seconds behind what I typed.) | 06:59 |
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mileskeaton | When I boot into Windows, the same SSH session is flying. So it really is my Ubuntu, not the network itself. | 06:59 |
mileskeaton | Any thoughts, anyone? I'm stumped. | 06:59 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: try it...i don't know for sure but once i locked myself out of mysql and after doing a complete removal and then reinstall i was in...use mysqladmin to set a new password | 06:59 |
mileskeaton | (ps aux / top doesn't show anything unusual) | 06:59 |
rendo | How do I do the complete removal? | 06:59 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: use synaptec | 06:59 |
james__ | i just recently switched from windows xp to ubuntu i was a windows user for 6 years im having a issue regarding torrent speeds on ubuntu . | 07:00 |
rendo | ... And? | 07:00 |
Maczimus | mileskeaton, ive heard disbling ipv6 speeds up the network....sorry cant remember where i found it, maybe on digg.com | 07:00 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: right click, it's the last option...should be complete removal or total unistall or something like that | 07:00 |
mutk | mileskeaton, What type of network connection are you using ? | 07:00 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: referring to mysql-server btw | 07:00 |
the1 | mileskeaton: if you are doing multiple things on the network and interactive traffic is slow, install wondershaper. It automatically prioritizes interactive traffic; gives you nice low latency at little cost to bandwidth | 07:00 |
mileskeaton | I'm on a Cat5 connected to internal network, that has a T3 to the world. | 07:01 |
mileskeaton | the1: re: wondershaper. thanks. I'll try it. | 07:01 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Ok, static or DHCP assigned address? | 07:01 |
mileskeaton | static IP | 07:01 |
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mutk | mileskeaton, Ok. One of 2 NIC's? | 07:02 |
Halpo | what compiler do you guys use? | 07:02 |
mutk | s/of/or | 07:02 |
mileskeaton | mutk: only one GigE ethernet in this laptop. also has a wireless, but that's disabled on the hardware level. | 07:02 |
Gevaudan82 | Halpo: compiler for what? if talking gcc v4.0.3 | 07:02 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Check with ifconfig command - See if any errors or carrier drops are occuring. | 07:02 |
mileskeaton | RX packets:2088 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0 | 07:03 |
mileskeaton | TX packets:2343 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 | 07:03 |
mileskeaton | RX bytes:677247 (661.3 KiB) TX bytes:277732 (271.2 KiB) | 07:03 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Ok looks good | 07:03 |
Halpo | does synaptic package manager install gcc when you download it (yeah the c/c++ version) | 07:03 |
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mutk | mileskeaton, ethtool eth0 See if it's running at Gig speeds | 07:03 |
mileskeaton | mutk: thanks for your help, so far. I really appreciate it. | 07:03 |
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Gevaudan82 | Halpo: install build-essential | 07:03 |
mutk | mileskeaton, No problem :) | 07:03 |
Gevaudan82 | Halpo: or build-essentials i can't remember | 07:04 |
mileskeaton | Speed: 100Mb/s | 07:04 |
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mileskeaton | Current message level: 0x00000007 (7) | 07:04 |
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mutk | mileskeaton, Right that _may_ be something to do with it. Is duplex half or full? | 07:04 |
mileskeaton | full | 07:05 |
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mutk | mileskeaton, A GigE card should show Speed: 1000Mb/s \n Duplex: Full | 07:05 |
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shinobi2 | i want to be able to rdp into ubuntu, what do i need to install on ubuntu? | 07:05 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Do you have a GigE router/switch at all? | 07:05 |
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n0dl | the1: what would i do after ifconfig up eth1? i tried sudo dhclient eth1 but it doesnt assign me an ip | 07:05 |
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n0dl | ive looked on the forums for my card inten pro/wireless 3945 and found something but the solution did not work | 07:06 |
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Gevaudan82 | shinobi2: remote desktop? you already have vino...just set it up under System - Preferences - Remote Desktop | 07:06 |
the1 | have you tried configuring your network with system administration networking/ | 07:06 |
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the1 | *? | 07:06 |
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Gevaudan82 | ^^ story of my life | 07:07 |
n0dl | th1: no do i sudo apt-get install that? | 07:07 |
abhinay | how to install GRUB for SATA hard disk ? | 07:07 |
=== feAR` [n=gintas@adsl-213-190-56-76.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
feAR` | hi | 07:07 |
feAR` | maybe someone uses nvdia with tv-out? :) | 07:07 |
the1 | n0dl:your desktop has a sytem meny | 07:07 |
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the1 | *menu | 07:07 |
jedispam | sudo apt-get updates | 07:07 |
n0dl | the1: i did a server install | 07:07 |
amicrawle | how do i install .deb files | 07:07 |
cess | what do i need to install for a intel core duo t2300? | 07:07 |
feAR` | dpkg -i | 07:07 |
cess | amicrawle, dpkg -i | 07:08 |
amicrawle | i did a dkpg -i | 07:08 |
feAR` | ;] | 07:08 |
Gevaudan82 | amicrawle: did you do so as root or sudo | 07:08 |
amicrawle | that's all | 07:08 |
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amicrawle | sudo | 07:08 |
feAR` | :) | 07:08 |
the1 | n0dl: so you aren't running X? | 07:08 |
marko2 | live cd seems to be going faster now with the way i've setup my dvd rom | 07:08 |
cess | what do i need to install for a intel core duo t2300? | 07:08 |
marko2 | question, will there be an option during install tha allows me to format the drive? | 07:08 |
mileskeaton | mutk: we do have GigE switch, but only 100baseT/Full out to the world, of course. | 07:08 |
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Maczimus | marko yes | 07:08 |
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n0dl | the1: no | 07:08 |
Gevaudan82 | amicrawle: could be a bad package or you are messing up the path of the .deb file...that's the command no doubt | 07:08 |
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feAR` | guys, maybe somebody uses nvidia tvout? | 07:08 |
james__ | i just recently switched from windows xp to ubuntu i was a windows user for 6 years im having a issue regarding torrent speeds on ubuntu . | 07:08 |
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marko2 | thanks | 07:09 |
Maczimus | whole drive or it will also partition if u wish | 07:09 |
mileskeaton | mutk: but this same physical cat5 cable + 100baseT/Full switch is lightning fast in Windows, and was lighting fast in Ubunutu up until 3 days ago. | 07:09 |
Commander-Crowe | hey I can't op in my channel cuz it says I need to be lvl 10 | 07:09 |
Commander-Crowe | help? | 07:09 |
daurnimator | Commander-Crowe: become level 10? | 07:09 |
mileskeaton | mutk: I have the feeling that something on the Ubuntu level is iterfering with the network activity, but I can't see what it might be. | 07:09 |
Maczimus | ha ha | 07:09 |
Commander-Crowe | how? | 07:09 |
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the1 | n0dl:I think your iwconfig output shows that your cards driver is correctly installed, you can do modprobe -l to check for sure. It think you should be able to configure your card just like you would any network interface. | 07:10 |
the1 | *I | 07:10 |
=== pickett [n=pickett@ppp203-27.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tom_ | How do I open files on a windows network through audacity? | 07:10 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Yes I agree, there is something - But doing what we have done so far is logical.. | 07:10 |
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Gevaudan82 | tom_ mount the windows folder or network | 07:10 |
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tom_ | thanks | 07:10 |
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Maczimus | nodl you may try installing Gnome Network Manager, i had to to get my wireless card to show the ssids and such | 07:11 |
detra | nobody wanna answer me ? | 07:11 |
mutk | mileskeaton, The thing is that the GiGE interface in Linux , if connected to a GigE switch, _should_ auto-neg to 1000/Full if it is working properly. The gateway to the rest of the internet is not important.. | 07:12 |
shinobi2 | Gevaudan82: vino? i have to check it out later, i need to rdp into ubuntu from another OS. | 07:12 |
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shinobi2 | thx | 07:12 |
Maczimus | dont see what you asked detra | 07:12 |
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detra | Hello ... I just installed ubuntu again ... I keep adding universe and multiverse to sources.list ... but still it can't find flashplugin-nonfree in apt-get ... what should I do ... | 07:12 |
mileskeaton | mutk: I'm not on the GigE switch directly. Plugged through a 10/100 hub inbetween. That's why it only sees it as 100. | 07:12 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Ah ok. Good. | 07:13 |
Maczimus | you can try automatix or easy ubuntu detra | 07:13 |
abhinay | how to install/recover GRUB for SATA hard disk ? | 07:13 |
Flannel | detra: sudo apt-get update | 07:13 |
mutk | mileskeaton, What gateway /route out are you using ? | 07:13 |
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Gevaudan82 | detra: vino works great but just one caveat you have to be logged in ubuntu for it to work...you'll get the exact desktop your logged in ubuntu session has...use vncserver4 if you want individual sessions for each login but i've found this creates more problems than it is worth in terms of application profile errors, namely in firefox | 07:13 |
detra | Maczimus, explain | 07:13 |
detra | Flannel, I did that ... | 07:13 |
Flannel | detra: pastebin your sources.list please | 07:13 |
Gevaudan82 | err, that should have been for shinobi2 | 07:14 |
detra | Flannel, pastebin ? | 07:14 |
=== micromoog [n=micromoo@c-69-245-24-86.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Flannel | !paste | 07:14 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 07:14 |
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mileskeaton | mutk: | 07:14 |
azureal | hi, how do i change my gdm theme? (through terminal please...and changing the GtkTheme= line in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf did not seem to work) | 07:14 |
Maczimus | there are two "script" packages for ubuntu that install codecs and other restricted software automatically. i have never had problems with automatix go to getautomatix.com i believe to install/check it out | 07:14 |
detra | !paste /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about paste /etc/apt/sources.list - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:14 |
Flannel | Maczimus: Don't recommend automatix. | 07:15 |
Flannel | detra: You'll need to open it in an editor, go to that website, copy/paste | 07:15 |
tom_ | I'm trying to mount an external windows folder using: sudo -t ntfs \\tulip\server\mp3 /storage but it's not working, what am I doing wrong? | 07:15 |
Gevaudan82 | detra: did you refresh your repos after adding those repos in synaptec...also see this if you want your life to be easier: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories | 07:15 |
Flannel | detra: then hit submit on the page, and then bring the resulting url back here | 07:15 |
JNeverMind | hi | 07:15 |
Maczimus | sorry flannel im still a newb at this but have never had problems with it.... | 07:15 |
Flannel | tom_: use forward slashes | 07:16 |
JNeverMind | ive installed ubuntu server LAMP install a couple of times now, but after 1st reboot, theres nothing | 07:16 |
Flannel | Maczimus: Plenty of people have. | 07:16 |
Flannel | JNeverMind: nothing? | 07:16 |
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JNeverMind | pc cant find boot | 07:16 |
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Flannel | JNeverMind: so, you've got a grub issue? or is it paste grub? | 07:16 |
Gevaudan82 | JNeverMind: i'm not a LAMP person, but are you trying to access it from something other than localhost? firewall issue maybe? | 07:16 |
Flannel | past even | 07:16 |
=== MistaED [n=mistaed@203-214-156-231.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mutk | mileskeaton, Is that the same gateway Windows uses? | 07:16 |
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tom_ | Flannel, it doesn't believe that that location exists... | 07:17 |
JNeverMind | install goes just fine. i add 1 swap, and 1 reiserf at / bootable | 07:17 |
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mileskeaton | mutk: yep. | 07:17 |
JNeverMind | install says completed successfully | 07:17 |
geser | azureal: search for GraphicalTheme in the gdm.conf | 07:17 |
JNeverMind | but i dont think its finding the boot files for some reason ?? | 07:17 |
Flannel | tom_: what? you need a protocol | 07:17 |
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detra | !paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24068 | 07:17 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about paste http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24068 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:17 |
Flannel | detra: thanks, just the url, but I got it ;) | 07:17 |
JNeverMind | ive installed slack w/lilo and ubuntu desktop many times without probs | 07:17 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o ajmitch] by ajmitch | ||
Num43 | Hi guys:) where can I download ubuntu from? | 07:18 |
detra | oh ok | 07:18 |
Flannel | Num43: ubuntu.com/download | 07:18 |
tom_ | Flannel, I'm trying to learn as I go along... what do I google? 'network mounting protocol on ubuntu'? | 07:18 |
Num43 | somehow...i should have sen that | 07:18 |
Num43 | seen* | 07:18 |
Flannel | tom_: well, what protocol are you using to access it? samba? | 07:18 |
Gevaudan82 | Num43: that's the worst question i've ever read here in all honesty | 07:18 |
azureal | geser, ah, thx-- should i change GtkTheme and GraphicalTheme lines? | 07:18 |
tom_ | I'm not using any protocol that I'm aware of | 07:18 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Hmm. Ok In a terminal do 'wget http://url.to.a.mirror/path/to/a/biggish/file Substitute a URL to a a bigish file. See if it's an SSH problem. | 07:18 |
Num43 | It had more to it | 07:18 |
JNeverMind | it doesnt even get to grub | 07:18 |
Num43 | But I hit the Enter key:P | 07:18 |
Flannel | tom_: how are you sharing the files? | 07:19 |
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tom_ | The files are shared on a windows computer, I can see them through ubuntu, but mounting them doesn't work | 07:19 |
Flannel | detra: alright, so, this is your sources.list, right? not you currently editing and stuff? | 07:19 |
Flannel | tom_: how do you see them in ubuntu? | 07:19 |
detra | Flannel, That's my sources.list ... | 07:19 |
geser | azureal: changing GraphicalTheme only is enough | 07:19 |
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Gevaudan82 | detra: just use this and you will have no problem: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_add_extra_repositories | 07:19 |
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tom_ | I go to network servers and it's shown there | 07:20 |
Flannel | Gevaudan82: no, he won't. He's already done that. | 07:20 |
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Flannel | detra: go to a terminal, type sudo apt-get update, you get any errors or anything? | 07:20 |
Rizla420 | hellow everybody its Dr. Nick! | 07:20 |
Rizla420 | j/k, anyone have some free time they could give me some pointers | 07:20 |
detra | Flannel, No errors ... | 07:20 |
the1 | aren't the smb shares shown in gnomes network shares mounted? | 07:21 |
Gevaudan82 | Rizla420: paste your question | 07:21 |
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Flannel | detra: alright, and then apt-cache search flashplugin doesn't show it at all? | 07:21 |
Rizla420 | i have my ubuntu setup perfectly right now (after much trial and error being a boob and all) | 07:21 |
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RedGhost | If any of you have laptop experience with Ubuntu, I would appreciate your suggestions: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261257 | 07:21 |
Rizla420 | but as it turns out I have a problem with my WinXp partition | 07:21 |
marko2 | ok, install in safe graphics mode is going a lot smoother :) | 07:21 |
Gevaudan82 | Rizla420: i too went through the being a boob stage | 07:21 |
Rizla420 | who would thunk it right?! | 07:21 |
Flannel | !tell tom_ about samba | 07:21 |
Flannel | tom_: read the link ubotu sent you | 07:22 |
tom_ | cheers mate, will do | 07:22 |
carthik | Is it possible to edit the tags of mp3 files using rhythmbox? | 07:22 |
detra | Flannel, Then is just shows > and nothing else ... | 07:22 |
withayanda | anyone have know much about wpa_supplicant? | 07:22 |
Gevaudan82 | Rizla420: not sure your problem but you can always install gtparted or use fdisk for modifications to the partition | 07:22 |
Rizla420 | so the low down is that my windows partition is riddled with viruses cuz i like to download *cough* "free" programs | 07:22 |
Flannel | detra: >? | 07:22 |
detra | Flannel, yeah | 07:22 |
Rizla420 | so i naturally want to wipe it out and do a fresh install | 07:22 |
Flannel | detra: where are you currently? | 07:23 |
Rizla420 | but im afraid that i'm going to kill grub in the process when winxp trys to rewrite the MBR | 07:23 |
Flannel | Rizla420: yep, but you can fix i | 07:23 |
Rizla420 | whats my best plan of attack | 07:23 |
Flannel | !tell Rizla420 about grub | 07:23 |
JNeverMind | is there a way to write grub to mbr from the ubuntu-server 606 cd ? | 07:23 |
Flannel | that first link, aptly named ;) | 07:23 |
detra | Flannel, detra@detra-Ubuntu:~$ | 07:23 |
Flannel | detra: and then apt-cache search flashplugin and it gives you >? | 07:24 |
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Rizla420 | wow, you guys have a freakin script to point boobs (noobs) like me to for help | 07:24 |
Flannel | JNeverMind: server? I believe so. | 07:24 |
Rizla420 | now that is first class service :) | 07:24 |
detra | Flannel, nothing | 07:24 |
mileskeaton | mutk: 642.00K/s ! | 07:24 |
mileskeaton | mutk: nice fast connection | 07:24 |
mileskeaton | mutk: seems to be some kinda latency | 07:24 |
rubyphyte | how much memory should the ubuntu server use? | 07:24 |
Flannel | detra: ah, so it runs, but doesn't find anything. And, you're sure you have no errors with the update? | 07:25 |
JNeverMind | ive already installed 3-4 times, and it then pc says 'cant find boot record' | 07:25 |
detra | Flannel, I tried again ... and it just did nothing and then back to write ... | 07:25 |
Flannel | detra: back to write? | 07:25 |
detra | Flannel, yeah no errors ... | 07:25 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Ok cool, so it _looks_ like it's just SSH that has the problem.. | 07:25 |
detra | Flannel, Yeah detra@detra-Ubuntu:~$ | 07:25 |
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Flannel | JNeverMind: try grabbing the 'grub superdisk' from the first link here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 07:25 |
rubyphyte | it seems to be using 380M of mem and 570M of swap, and I haven't installed anything but ruby on rails since clean installing it | 07:26 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Almost certainly a latency problem. Perhaps the Windows box set's up QoS on it's TCP connections.. | 07:26 |
james__ | can anyone tell me why im having slow torrent speeds | 07:26 |
azureal | detra usually it gives you > if a command is incomplete | 07:26 |
mutk | mileskeaton, Do you know if your network has a QoS policy in place for network traffic? | 07:26 |
mileskeaton | mutk: good point. i'll look into the SSH issue. | 07:26 |
Rizla420 | totally retarded question. Flannel since yo pointed me to the guide, its saying that i need the alternate cd. I just recieved a crapload of disks from Ubuntu via the mail, but none of them is marked explicitly stating which is which | 07:26 |
mileskeaton | mutk: thanks again. | 07:26 |
azureal | detra like if you just type ' | 07:26 |
detra | ok | 07:26 |
Gevaudan82 | james__: thousands of factors including the individual torrent/site you are downloading from...you've determined it is just w/ ubuntu? | 07:27 |
Flannel | Rizla420: they're all 'desktop' right? the liveCD? Read that part, the LiveCD/Desktop not the alternate/install | 07:27 |
mutk | mileskeaton, No problem. We go somewhere in the end. With little guess work :) | 07:27 |
james__ | yes it is just with ubuntu | 07:27 |
james__ | ive used windows for 6 years just switched | 07:27 |
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Gevaudan82 | james__: what is the discrepency? meaning you get X kbps in windows and X kbps in ubuntu? | 07:27 |
Rizla420 | i believe they're all live cd's, but i cant tell since they all look exactly the same (im def going to hand them out at work, i've been praising ubuntu for the past 2 weeks since i installed it) | 07:28 |
james__ | in windows i get around 110 kb/s in ubuntu im getting 10kb/s | 07:28 |
Rizla420 | spread the word | 07:28 |
Rizla420 | or die like turd | 07:28 |
JNeverMind | thx flannel | 07:28 |
Rizla420 | haha, hmm.. booze and computers dont mix | 07:28 |
Gevaudan82 | james__: what are your other downloads like? and what bt client are you using? | 07:28 |
Num43 | I'm too much of a gaming addict to give up XP | 07:29 |
Gevaudan82 | james__: by other downloads meaning downloads via http, ftp, etc | 07:29 |
james__ | ive try bittornado / azureues / kttorrent or smth | 07:29 |
azureal | james__, likely there are many possible causes, as Gevaudan82 said -- client, site, peer:seed | 07:29 |
james__ | my other downloads are fine about 110kb | 07:29 |
azureal | firewall.. | 07:29 |
the1 | Num43: You've been to http://www.tuxgames.com/, right/ | 07:29 |
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james__ | yes gev downloads via http | 07:29 |
Num43 | nope | 07:29 |
james__ | im i think the problem lies in ubuntu somewhere | 07:30 |
Num43 | Now I am | 07:30 |
Gevaudan82 | james__: i don't think this is anything specific to ubuntu...i don't mean to doubt you but try a number of different peers and see if you cap out at 10kbps in all cases | 07:30 |
Rizla420 | flannel, sorry to other you, you seem to be pulled in different directions. IM looing over the link | 07:30 |
james__ | the same torrent in windows ( i have dual boot ) downloads fine | 07:30 |
azureal | james__, it can not lie in "ubuntu" | 07:30 |
Gevaudan82 | james__: i say that because I download at 500kbps which is my cap w/ no problem usign the regular old bit torrent client included w/ ubuntu by default | 07:31 |
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carthik | Sorry to repeat myself, but: Is it possible to edit the tags of mp3 files using rhythmbox? | 07:31 |
Flannel | Rizla420: what? | 07:31 |
Rizla420 | i've got my setup with /dev/hda2 as my root and /dev/hda5 as my "/home" | 07:31 |
Rizla420 | which should i install grub on? | 07:31 |
azureal | james__, did you choose some kind of super-security when installing ubuntu, or perhaps installed a firewall for ubuntu? | 07:31 |
james__ | no | 07:31 |
Gevaudan82 | carthik: no clue, might want to try http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_ID3_Tag_Editor_.28EasyTAG.29 | 07:31 |
Rizla420 | typo, HDS2 | 07:31 |
james__ | i just did the stock | 07:31 |
Rizla420 | crap | 07:32 |
james__ | thing | 07:32 |
Rizla420 | HDA2 | 07:32 |
Flannel | Rizla420: install it to your MBR | 07:32 |
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zoidberg | hey guys i have a question | 07:32 |
azureal | "the stock thing" ? | 07:32 |
nightshade | who has java runtime environment on the linux | 07:32 |
Flannel | !tell nightshade about java | 07:32 |
james__ | whatever it installs stock | 07:32 |
james__ | from the cd | 07:32 |
Gevaudan82 | nightshade: everyone pretty much | 07:32 |
azureal | everyone | 07:32 |
carthik | Gevaudan82, okay - thank you, I was wondering if there was a plugin or something to enable tag editing in rhythmbox - seems not :) | 07:32 |
zoidberg | my college apparently has a UPX or UPN or something like that protocol so kids with linux can acces their college drives....do u guys know how to use this protocol | 07:33 |
zoidberg | ? | 07:33 |
Madpilot | carthik, use EasyTag | 07:33 |
azureal | james__, is it possible you have an outdated version of bt? | 07:33 |
zoidberg | its something like UPX or UPN mount or something | 07:33 |
nightshade | i need help i cant seem to make a symbolic link to the java plug-in for the mozilla browser | 07:33 |
james__ | dont think so | 07:33 |
Madpilot | zoidberg, VPN? | 07:33 |
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carthik | Madpilot, yes, but that won't help me edit the tags from within rhythmbox, right? | 07:34 |
Gevaudan82 | nightshade: no need, apt-get has the java plugin already | 07:34 |
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Flannel | nightshade: you're on Breezy? with FF1.5 installed? | 07:34 |
Madpilot | carthik, no, but EasyTag is designed to edit id3 tags | 07:34 |
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zoidberg | Madpilot: can you mount VPN like an ssh folder almost? | 07:34 |
nightshade | iam using the linux instrutions off the java site | 07:34 |
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Flannel | nightshade: you don't need to. | 07:34 |
Madpilot | zoidberg, I'm not sure, tbh | 07:34 |
Flannel | nightshade: that's what package maangement is for, read the link ubotu sent you | 07:34 |
wastrel | ubunto | 07:35 |
gene | use automatix to do it niteshade | 07:35 |
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carthik | Madpilot, of course, I already use easy tag. Today I was listening to a song, and found taht the artist was wrong, and wanted to fix it right then in Rhythmbox, which is why I asked. Thanks for your help. | 07:35 |
Flannel | no. nightshade, don't. | 07:35 |
Gevaudan82 | nightshade: assuming your extra repos are setup sudo install sun-java5-plugin | 07:35 |
Flannel | gene, don't recommend automatix here. | 07:35 |
Madpilot | gene, please don't recommend that thing. | 07:35 |
daurnimator | whooping dog (zoidberg): i remember seeing SOMETHING to let you do that | 07:35 |
azureal | nightshade, are you sudo/root? you need to be for symbolic links in / | 07:36 |
azureal | (to create anything in /) | 07:36 |
Flannel | azureal: he doesn't need to make symbolic links at all | 07:36 |
nightshade | ya iam su | 07:36 |
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gene | works great for me | 07:36 |
Flannel | nightshade: read the link ubotu sent you | 07:36 |
Flannel | !worksforme | 07:36 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 07:36 |
azureal | oh, he doesnt? oh well | 07:36 |
Gevaudan82 | nightshade: no need to create a symbolic link for the mozzila plugin...use synaptec | 07:36 |
Ryan_ | is there a way to change my screen resolution a installed kubuntu from a ubuntu live CD | 07:36 |
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tom_ | whats the command to open/edit my /etc/fstab file again? | 07:37 |
Flannel | Ryan_: mount the partition and edit the Xorg config | 07:37 |
Gevaudan82 | tom_: sudo vim /etc/fstab | 07:37 |
tom_ | thanks | 07:37 |
Flannel | tom_: or use nano | 07:37 |
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Rizla420 | Random Q, im trying to log into freenode from Mirc on my win box, but i keep getting disconnected | 07:38 |
Gevaudan82 | tom_: you'll have to use one or the other command line editors at some point so you might as well get used to them | 07:38 |
Rizla420 | irc.freenode.net | 07:38 |
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azureal | Flannel: in my /usr/lib/firefox/plugins i do have a libjavaplugin_oji.so, so i think a symbolic link is indeed needed | 07:38 |
Flannel | azureal: Right, but the package manager takes care of it. | 07:38 |
azureal | package manager? how do you know he didnt install the binary w/ ./<binary> | 07:39 |
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Flannel | azureal: He's trying to, because he didn't know of the existance of the one in the repositories. Which is what we're trying to inform him of. | 07:39 |
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azureal | lol.. you should just tell him how to finish what he started =P | 07:39 |
Rizzla420 | alright i got in | 07:40 |
azureal | Flannel, which is pretty much one command | 07:40 |
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Rizzla420 | so now im on both my system... time to reinstall meanwhile staying logged in in case i run into any issues | 07:40 |
Flannel | azureal: no, because that just creates more headaches for support down the road | 07:40 |
Gevaudan82 | ^ | 07:40 |
Rizzla420 | flannel, whats the link to the grub info again | 07:41 |
JNeverMind | grubsuperdisk cant seem to write to mbr | 07:41 |
Gevaudan82 | half the shit i used to do and probally still do was half ass...you learn through experience and other people's insight | 07:41 |
Flannel | !tell Rizzla420 about grub | 07:41 |
azureal | Gevaudan82, you are having headaches w/ JRE? | 07:41 |
JNeverMind | i have a an old lappy hd in my pc | 07:41 |
Rizzla420 | thanks bud | 07:41 |
azureal | i can't seem to imagine that happening to me... | 07:41 |
azureal | i did have my headaches, but they were about plugins in general... flash/realplayer/quicktime/wmp | 07:42 |
Gevaudan82 | azureal: not me...it's a cakewalk in ubuntu to install...the ubuntu wiki documents it perfectly and all that is left to do is install the plugin | 07:42 |
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azureal | how are you supposed to learn anything if you just api (my alias for apt-get install) | 07:43 |
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Flannel | azureal: #ubuntu-offtopic and I'll be happy to talk about it ;) | 07:43 |
Gevaudan82 | not everything exists in synaptec...you learn through use and extended use at that | 07:43 |
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zoidberg | daurnimator: do u remember what it was? | 07:44 |
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JNeverMind | will the the lamp server install fit on 2gb or 3 gb hd ? | 07:45 |
Gevaudan82 | JNeverMind: both | 07:45 |
Rizzla420 | flannel, it seems like from my brief stay here you seem to tbe the grand puba in this channel | 07:45 |
Rizzla420 | resident tech support? | 07:45 |
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Flannel | Rizzla420: hardly | 07:46 |
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Gevaudan82 | JNeverMind: but i tend to stay clear from lamp...makes it more difficult in my opinion to integrate with J2ee web containers down the road and create SSL certificates...try searching "ubuntu perfect install" in google...that should get you setup | 07:47 |
Bom | what is the best way to test my ATI card is working? | 07:47 |
Rizzla420 | kudos on lending a hand to the gaggle of people vieing for help | 07:47 |
wastrel | Bom: glxinfo| grep render | 07:47 |
Gevaudan82 | Bom: search the ubuntu wiki | 07:47 |
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Rizzla420 | your like a person who volunteers at soup kitchens, except the noobs are your bums and your knowledge is the soup :P | 07:48 |
Bom | glxinfo| grep render | 07:48 |
Rizzla420 | -ha | 07:48 |
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Bom | direct rendering: Yes | 07:48 |
Bom | GLX_ATI_render_texture | 07:48 |
Bom | OpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9550 Generic | 07:48 |
Flannel | Rizzla420: there's plenty of us, I jsut seem to be one of the few active at the moment. hardly extraordinary ;) | 07:48 |
wastrel | Bom: it's working | 07:48 |
Bom | thanks | 07:48 |
Rizzla420 | your keep us fed | 07:48 |
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Rizzla420 | i'll probably be coming for a second helping soon, im in the process of reinstalling windows so my MBR is in soon to be wiped | 07:49 |
Bom | I dont like Windows | 07:49 |
Bom | Vista nees 1gig of ram. that's not the real world. | 07:49 |
Gevaudan82 | they each have their purpose | 07:49 |
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SurfnKid | hi | 07:50 |
JNeverMind | ive used win since 311 and im steering clear of vista for sure | 07:50 |
SurfnKid | has anyone been able to successfully install the TrueMobile Bluetooth 350 model chip to a Dell Laptop on Linux? | 07:50 |
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Gevaudan82 | Bom: rc-1 isn't bad, i've tested it...most of the problems users experience is in a lack of knowledge in configuring windows and the fact that everything is by default turned "on" in windows | 07:51 |
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Kewlb | windows is not that bad | 07:51 |
sess | I need some help with my cpu scaling. I have powernowd running, and my kernle is built correctly. My cpuinfo_max_freq and scaling_max_freq don't match, and I can't keep scaling_max_freq set to the correct 1800 mhz. In fact I can't set it anymore at all | 07:51 |
ChrisBradley | Holy crap - 808 nicks | 07:51 |
Kewlb | win2k3 and Cisco keep me employed | 07:51 |
SurfnKid | !bluetooth | 07:51 |
ubotu | For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup | 07:51 |
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SurfnKid | Kewlb, cisco keeps me employed :) | 07:52 |
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sess | anyone know anything about cpu scaling? | 07:52 |
BTJustice | What is the latest Ubuntu Live CD version? | 07:52 |
Kewlb | me too | 07:52 |
Gevaudan82 | BTJustice: 6.06 | 07:52 |
Kewlb | working on my 2nd CCIE as we speak. | 07:52 |
Flannel | BTJustice: 6.06.1 | 07:52 |
Halpo | where do i get different themes from? | 07:52 |
Kewlb | but if I have to reload unity one more time I am gonna throw this damn MCS server out the window. | 07:52 |
BTJustice | Where can you download the 6.06 Live CD at? I go to Ubuntu's website and I cannot find it. | 07:52 |
epiloc | on the corporate scale: the number of windows servers has far outgrown the number of linux or *nix based servers. | 07:53 |
Bom | Gevaudan82 true...I just prefer Ubuntu cuz it's free. Sure windows is easier...I just like to mess with stuff. | 07:53 |
Flannel | BTJustice: Desktop ISOs is what they're called now, live + installer | 07:53 |
BTJustice | AH! | 07:53 |
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wastrel | for great justice | 07:53 |
Gevaudan82 | epiloc: unix admins aren't cheap and the ones who truly know what they are doing are a rare breed | 07:53 |
BTJustice | I just downloaded the Breezy one. I don;t think it supports serial drives. | 07:53 |
BTJustice | SATA | 07:53 |
Flannel | SurfnKid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptopsDell might be of some help... You'd have to crossreference card numbers | 07:54 |
Madpilot | BTJustice, it should - I ran both Hoary & Breezy off a SATA drive - my only HDD is SATA | 07:54 |
epiloc | Gevaudan82, on average, *nix certified admins are paid 20k more pers year than windoze admins :) | 07:54 |
BTJustice | hmmm | 07:54 |
Kewlb | i'll agree to that. | 07:54 |
Gevaudan82 | epiloc: understandably so...i can set up everything you'd ever want in windows 2003 in about an hour | 07:55 |
BTJustice | Well I'll try this one I just made a CD with and see if it works. If not, I will get the latest one. Thanks guys. | 07:55 |
Bom | Windows is better for the end user but linux is so much more fun if you have some insight | 07:55 |
Madpilot | BTJustice, if you install Breezy, you can update it to Dapper w/o reinstalling | 07:55 |
SurfnKid | Flannel, hey man, yeah im looking at a list of compatible Bluetooth manufacturers. I just happened to run into mine. :) | 07:55 |
BTJustice | Well for now I am gonna stick with the Live option. Last time I tried it I didn;t like it. | 07:55 |
epiloc | Gevaudan82, speed maybe not mean stability, but what you say is quite true | 07:55 |
Kewlb | for the business I own, I do have windows servers for everything though :(.. but in my defense I wrote all my code in asp and just refuse to port it. | 07:55 |
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mutk | Kewlb, There's 2 mistakes :/ | 07:56 |
Gevaudan82 | epiloc: that was microsoft's big marketing strategy during NT's release and it worked for the most part...get up and running in a matter of hours...only because everything is by default turned "on" for the most part unlike unix where things must be manually turned "on" | 07:56 |
Rizzla420 | Good news, old windows has just been formmated | 07:56 |
Bom | Microsoft should join rank with opensource. | 07:56 |
Rizzla420 | bad news.. new install has begun | 07:57 |
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Gevaudan82 | Bom: never going to happen, i promise you this | 07:57 |
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Rizzla420 | not a good idea to start a new install at 2am EST | 07:57 |
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Bom | Microsoft is about $. And I think Ubuntu will eventually be out to make a profit.. | 07:57 |
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Rizzla420 | *please dont let anything happen to my ubuntu partition* | 07:58 |
nostrum | Rizzla420: i just did | 07:58 |
Madpilot | Bom, Canonical already is, more or less. | 07:58 |
Bom | true | 07:58 |
Gevaudan82 | Bom: the potential is there i agree...but most corporations especially small buisnesses will live and die by micrsoft for the support | 07:58 |
Rizzla420 | nostrum, you just did what? resinstalled windoz? | 07:58 |
SurfnKid | As long as i can never be behind the Microsoft Knife when it comes to software piracy, Ubuntu will be my default OS | 07:58 |
Bom | Support like what? i dont get that...you pay for windows and then what support do admins need? | 07:58 |
SurfnKid | none | 07:59 |
Rizzla420 | gevendan82, i dont think its really just small business' i work for a large financial company and i doubt we'll ever switch to open source | 07:59 |
wastrel | windows discussion really belongs in the offtopic channel :] | 07:59 |
SurfnKid | wastrel, exactly | 07:59 |
Rizzla420 | true, this is the channel for my windows problems! | 07:59 |
nostrum | Rizzla420: new ubuntu install | 07:59 |
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Gevaudan82 | SurfnKid: some might disagree, but as far as I am concerned if pirated software is not being used for profit then meh...at least in terms of expensive packages like JBuilder and a number of the UML packages that exist | 07:59 |
satempler | can any one tell me how to comile ndiswrapper | 07:59 |
satempler | in edgy | 08:00 |
SurfnKid | yep | 08:00 |
Flannel | satempler: #ubuntu+1 | 08:00 |
satempler | I got most of it | 08:00 |
epiloc | Gevaudan82, i agree, microsoft has made multi-billion dollar operating systems in the past, but it worries me when they slowly and consistently pile code on top of code... code unreadable by those of us who might be able to fix some of their deep-seeded problems- if only we had the opportunity to look at it | 08:00 |
xevix | i think proprietary and oss/fsf each have their niches | 08:00 |
SurfnKid | epiloc, i agree | 08:00 |
SurfnKid | microsoft should just slowly die | 08:00 |
Rizzla420 | ah.. well my ubuntu install is just snazzy its my windows thats a pain in the buttox | 08:00 |
Rizzla420 | i keep infecting it with crap programs i get off bittorent | 08:00 |
Gevaudan82 | Rizzla420: i'm surprised you would run your web servers and public facing servers running windows...the number of exploits are so numberous, it's almost laughable...although i think windows 2003 server works great for lans and active directory works pretty good to | 08:01 |
Rizzla420 | sadly i cant pinpoint which one it is that keeps messin me up | 08:01 |
Kewlb | is there an easy way to get "Places" and "System" to be expandable under the "Applications" dropdown to conserve menu space? | 08:01 |
botxj | i want a Sony Vaio UX180P micro pc, you think i could install ubuntu on that? | 08:01 |
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Kewlb | eh, you can do an ok job of protecting the web servers with decent access-lists and nbar on a PIX | 08:02 |
Bom | I dual XP/ubuntu My wife uses XP I use Ubuntu | 08:02 |
Bom | I'm a rebel! | 08:02 |
SurfnKid | I dont have a wife and I dual XP/ubuntu boot, whos the rebel now | 08:02 |
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SurfnKid | =] | 08:02 |
Rizzla420 | unless your using some really specific programs, i think she can probably do eveyrhitn she needs on ubuntu | 08:03 |
wastrel | Kewlb: you can remove the menu bar applet and replace it with the main menu applet | 08:03 |
epiloc | i fear there may one day be a generation of coders working at microsoft (one day soon infact) -that have no idea what really makes windows tick... coders that take the 640k memory chip for granted.... coders that dig themselves into deeper and deeper holes | 08:03 |
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SurfnKid | she'll especially like the cube | 08:03 |
Rizzla420 | i have a gf, and i use ubuntu. I tried to get her to switch, but she said i love my computers too much | 08:03 |
Gevaudan82 | Kewlb: i was in a defense competition a year back and the windows 2003 server running IIS was the primary target and the one we had most difficulty securing...kind of contradicts microsoft's original server marketing strategy | 08:03 |
SurfnKid | and if you place a neat creative background on the skydome, she'll love it | 08:03 |
Rizzla420 | wtf is that about?? | 08:03 |
wastrel | Kewlb: i don't know why i didn't think of doing that before... mmm more panel space <3 | 08:03 |
botxj | does anybody here own a UMPC? | 08:03 |
Gevaudan82 | Kewlb: dcom exploits mainly | 08:03 |
Flannel | guys, windows discussion doesn't belong in #ubuntu, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic please | 08:03 |
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Rizzla420 | sorry flannel.. i get carried away.. | 08:04 |
Kewlb | Gevaudan82, I never said it was pretty.. I will admit its fairly insecure.. you can just hedge a lot of it with a good firewall config.. esp if you have firewall+ids IOS | 08:04 |
Flannel | Rizzla420: it happens, no big deal. | 08:04 |
SurfnKid | :X | 08:04 |
epiloc | Flannel, why? with ubuntu on the rise, it seems only natural for users to wonder why they are still attached to their windows boxes | 08:04 |
Kewlb | I admit I loved the idea of linux, but would never consider running it as a main OS until ubuntu | 08:04 |
Kewlb | and now after a week I find myself going into windows less and less | 08:04 |
Flannel | epiloc: because #ubuntu is strictly a support channel, even general ubuntu-related chatter belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:05 |
epiloc | exactly my point | 08:05 |
=== SurfnKid takes the cookies and the soda to the offtopic channel, and waits to see if everyone follows | ||
Kewlb | once I figure out some funky crap with rdesktop I will never have to go back | 08:05 |
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wastrel | holy schwakamole i have a lot of free space on my gnome panel. <3 <3 <3 | 08:05 |
Gevaudan82 | epiloc: last thing flannel and i'm done...quite frankly, most of the competing open source software just can't compete with what windows has...gimp while good doesn't hold a candle to photoshop nor does bluefish to dreamweaver | 08:05 |
epiloc | Flannel, maybe one day there will be a #ubuntuVSwindows | 08:05 |
Flannel | epiloc: #ubuntu-offtopic works quite well for it, on the occassion it gets brought up ;) | 08:05 |
botxj | does anybody here own a UMPC? | 08:05 |
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botxj | i'd be great to install ubuntu on one of those | 08:06 |
botxj | it'd* | 08:06 |
Rizzla420 | ok well to keep things on topic (while my shh.. windows reinstall keeps trucking) how come firefox and thunderbird take forever to load in ubuntu? | 08:06 |
epiloc | Gevaudan82, 2 big reasons why im still stuck :( | 08:06 |
raknam | where can i get a serial number for vmware server? they're free right? | 08:06 |
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SurfnKid | Rizzla420, try getting a faster processor | 08:06 |
Gevaudan82 | raknam: to downoad you should have had to register | 08:07 |
Rizzla420 | surnkid, im cookin on a 2.93Ghz playa with 1GB of ram | 08:07 |
SurfnKid | :| | 08:07 |
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Gevaudan82 | rakman: pay no attention once you install to the message "...taints kernal" it's just because it is a commercial service | 08:07 |
SurfnKid | try erasing some cache or something man | 08:07 |
wastrel | Rizzla420: breezy had a problem with that iirc. | 08:07 |
SurfnKid | oh you on breezy, im on diaper | 08:07 |
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Kewlb | wastrel, ohh yeah that is much better now. also setup shortcut keys to change workspace so I could remove the workspace selector and removed the bottom bar all together | 08:07 |
Kewlb | much cleaner | 08:07 |
Rizzla420 | funny thing, the only way i was able to get ubuntu installed was first buying a damn book that had the breezy cd, then doing the update to dapper | 08:07 |
Rizzla420 | i had burned the dapper iso, but none of them worked, kept getting errors on this pc, it worked on my other laptop though.. | 08:08 |
rendo | Okay, I did a complete removal of mysql php apache, etc etc etc, and I still get the SAME BULLCRAP error with mysql when trying to set the password. error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' | 08:08 |
Kewlb | anyone know of a good terminal emulation program (like for configuring routers and such via serial port) for linux? | 08:08 |
Rizzla420 | i pretty much paid 40 bucks for ubuntu | 08:08 |
raknam | i registered after i downloaded and mostly installed it because someone told me thats how i get the reg code but i still can't find where to get it | 08:08 |
SurfnKid | Rizzla420, weird, sorry to hear you had problems, my first DVD iso worked, right after burning it, tho the install was a PITA, after a few times i finally got it going | 08:08 |
wastrel | rendo: your mysql data directory contains a password somewhere in it - did you use -purge when you removed the mysql packages? | 08:09 |
ChickenTalons | Kewlb, terminal is built in | 08:09 |
ChickenTalons | should be in accesories or system tools | 08:09 |
rendo | I removed them completely from synaptic wastrel | 08:09 |
SurfnKid | Rizzla420, I'd rather be without an OS than pay for it | 08:09 |
Flannel | rendo: you follow the instructions on the wiki page? | 08:09 |
Rizzla420 | oh well, luckily everything is working now. its still 40bucks well spent even though i havent even read the book | 08:09 |
Flannel | !tell rendo about lamp | 08:09 |
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Flannel | rendo: you do need to do some setting up of everything ,after installing | 08:09 |
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Rizzla420 | the only reason i bought it was cuz i couldnt wait the 4-6 weeeks for the ubuntu cd's. of which i got yesterday | 08:10 |
Gevaudan82 | i buy a ton of network/os/programming books...most of what you can find using google doesn't put things in perspective like a good book can | 08:10 |
SurfnKid | Rizzla420, well if you worry later on down the line and ubuntu starts charging for rights of installation and such, you can always claim you bought the cd :) | 08:10 |
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Rizzla420 | haha, true | 08:10 |
SurfnKid | hehe | 08:10 |
SurfnKid | Gevaudan82, true | 08:10 |
Rizzla420 | i should read that book though, get myself aquainted with some stuff | 08:10 |
Kewlb | ChickenTalons, I see and use the termninal a lot, but I dont see a way for it to connect to a COM port | 08:10 |
Rizzla420 | so far everythign i've been doing is how-to/forum based | 08:10 |
Kewlb | maybe I am overlooking it | 08:10 |
Rizzla420 | plus lots and lots of mistakes, i can configure XGL with my eyes closed now | 08:11 |
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sess | how do I write a value to scaling_max_freq? when I try to do a echo "1800000" > scaling_max_freq, it says permission denied despite me using sudo | 08:11 |
SurfnKid | yeah, I got on linux only cuz ubuntu was easy to install and get the GUI going, now I can probably get a red hat, debian, or gentoo install all by myself, I just didnt know any commands, what they did, behind the scenes, but its way easier than what i thought | 08:11 |
Gevaudan82 | Rizzla420: has the novelty worn off are do you use XGL on a day-2-day basis? | 08:11 |
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Rizzla420 | i still use it on a day to day basis. granted i hate the wobbly effect | 08:12 |
SurfnKid | i cant survive without xgl now | 08:12 |
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Rizzla420 | but the only thing i like is the scale thing to show all my windows and the slick alt+tab | 08:12 |
Flannel | Rizzla420: you can turn that off, you know. | 08:12 |
rendo | Flannel: Does the LAMP walkthrough give those instructions, or do I have to look for more crappy walkthroughs that lead me to the same crap issues? | 08:12 |
Rizzla420 | and everynow and then i get fancy with the cub | 08:13 |
Flannel | rendo: yes, it gives those instructions | 08:13 |
Rizzla420 | yea, i turned wobbly off | 08:13 |
SurfnKid | wobbly just makes your eyes spin more | 08:13 |
SurfnKid | if the window turned, stop already! but no, it keeps wobbling 0_0 | 08:13 |
Gevaudan82 | Rizzla420: i read you can turn it on in gconf...i had it working in suse once...never cared to pursue it on ubuntu mainly because it serves 50% of the time as my desktop and 50% as a public/private server w/ pretty active traffic | 08:13 |
SurfnKid | :P | 08:13 |
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SurfnKid | well i guess i better get to slee | 08:14 |
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GNAM | kernel 2.6.18 O U T!!! | 08:15 |
Gevaudan82 | g'nite SurfnKid | 08:15 |
SurfnKid | kernel 2.6.12-25 xgl O U t !!! | 08:15 |
Flannel | !offtopic | 08:15 |
ubotu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome! | 08:15 |
SurfnKid | Gevaudan82, nite man | 08:15 |
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llama32 | i went to log in just then, and i couldn't... it would start xfce/kde/gnome, but they'd just crash or stall while starting... only 9WM and E17 seem to work... i have ample free disk space and such - what could be preventing them from starting? | 08:15 |
botxj | i want a Sony Vaio UX180P | 08:15 |
Rizzla420 | sorry for by brief absence, but i just finished reinstalling xp | 08:16 |
Gevaudan82 | Flannel: well it is 2:15 am at least on the east coast...i suppose the rules can bend about this hour ;) | 08:16 |
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Rizzla420 | alright, got my xp situtation back (look ma, no more viruses! (for now) ) | 08:16 |
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Rizzla420 | now.. *gasp* is where i'll need the help | 08:16 |
Rizzla420 | i need to get grub back | 08:16 |
botxj | grub is good | 08:17 |
botxj | lilo better? | 08:17 |
rendo | WHAT THE HELL. SAME BULL CRAP with the LAMP setup steps too. error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' | 08:17 |
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Flannel | rendo: did you follow the entire guide? | 08:18 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: is the service started (sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart)? can you login (mysql -u root)? If so set a password after exiting from mysql by typing exit (sudo mysqladmin passwd root newpassword) | 08:18 |
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Gevaudan82 | rendo: then to login with your new password: mysql -u root -p | 08:19 |
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Flannel | rendo: it's all on that page ;) tells you how to create a non-root, grant everything, etc. | 08:19 |
rendo | I can't even log on. | 08:19 |
rendo | ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) | 08:19 |
outofblue | quit | 08:19 |
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MorphDK | Hi there, I get an error message every time I try to install flashplugin_nonfree. Can somebody please help me? | 08:20 |
Gevaudan82 | MorphDK: someone mentioned earlier that there was a bug doing that released earlier today | 08:20 |
azureal | flannel lives for ubuntu problems | 08:20 |
MorphDK | Gevaudan82, do you know how to install it then? | 08:21 |
Rizzla420 | ok guys, need all your brain power | 08:21 |
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Flannel | rendo: did you follow that guide, the WHOLE way through? where it talks about setting a root password for mysql, etc? | 08:21 |
rendo | That's what I'm trying to do. | 08:21 |
Gevaudan82 | MorphDK: i installed it using apt-get like you are trying to do...if i were you, i'd wait a day or two and try again and i'm sure things will be fixed since the bug has already made it to irc | 08:21 |
Ryan_ | im booting from a live cd trying to change some display setting on an installed kubuntu how do i get permission to access the .kde file to get to my config file | 08:21 |
rendo | It WON'T SET the root password for mysql | 08:21 |
wastrel | MorphDK: flashplugin-nonfree is the name of the package | 08:22 |
rendo | THAT is the error it gives EVERYTIME | 08:22 |
Rizzla420 | damn it! kernel panic | 08:22 |
rendo | I've removed it completely like people have suggested 3 times now and the SAME crap still happens. | 08:22 |
Flannel | rendo: what command are you doing that gives the error? | 08:22 |
MorphDK | wastrel, i know, typing error | 08:22 |
mutk | rendo, Got a link to the guide you're following ? | 08:22 |
MorphDK | Gevaudan82, but I really would like to use flash today :/ | 08:22 |
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rendo | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-2b91cc1ce37842102d20e88e029477b035bee150 | 08:22 |
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wastrel | MorphDK: flashplugin-nonfree is in multiverse - have you added the multiverse repository? | 08:22 |
Gevaudan82 | MorphDK: you can always manually download it and then configure the mozilla plugin yourself...probally not worth it honestly imho | 08:23 |
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MorphDK | wastrel, it downloads the package fine, it's when installing I get the error.. | 08:23 |
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Rizzla420 | GOD DAMN IT.. thiss is the same bullshit i had the firs time i tried installing ubuntu.. "invalid compressed format (err=2") -System halted | 08:23 |
MorphDK | Gevaudan82, okay i'll just wait then :) thanks | 08:23 |
Flannel | !language | 08:23 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 08:23 |
Rizzla420 | ubotu, sorry man | 08:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sorry man - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:24 |
botxj | isnt ubotu a bot? | 08:24 |
Flannel | Rizzla420: booting from a self-burned CD? or what? | 08:24 |
Gevaudan82 | ^^^^ bot...he kind of smells anyway | 08:24 |
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Rizzla420 | nah, this is a cd i got mailed to me from ubuntu's wherever | 08:24 |
Flannel | rendo: what command are you doing that gives the error? | 08:25 |
rendo | root@ubuntu:/usr# mysql -u root ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) | 08:25 |
mutk | rendo, Hmm A couple of critical steps are omitted there.. Like starting the server.. | 08:25 |
rendo | It is started. | 08:25 |
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Flannel | mutk: that's done automatically by the package manager | 08:26 |
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darnell | what command tells me about my system.. as in motherboard information | 08:26 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: mysql -u root -p then hit enter when it asks you for a password. | 08:27 |
fyrestrtr | darnell: sudo lshw | 08:27 |
rendo | Same thing fyrstrtr | 08:27 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: did you install mysql-server ? | 08:27 |
rendo | root@ubuntu:/usr# mysql -u root -pEnter password: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) | 08:27 |
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rendo | Ye | 08:27 |
rendo | Yes* | 08:27 |
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Rizzla420 | grr.. | 08:28 |
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Rizzla420 | this is what happens when you start install stuff at 2am | 08:28 |
Flannel | rendo: er, tried entering your root password? | 08:28 |
rendo | YES. :@ | 08:28 |
rendo | Same thing. | 08:28 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: is this the first time you have logged into mysql? | 08:28 |
Rizzla420 | yea! i've got windows back! BOOOOOO! i lost ubuntu | 08:28 |
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rendo | Pretty much. | 08:28 |
Rizzla420 | my losses have far exceeded my gains at this point | 08:28 |
fyrestrtr | !grub | 08:28 |
ubotu | grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 08:28 |
rendo | I haven't done anything with it yet since it won't work. | 08:28 |
Rizzla420 | i just need to fix grub | 08:28 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: when i suggested you uninstall completely...i don't think you did...what's happening is when you do a normal uninstall it is keeping the databases where your mysql user/pass information is stored...do a complete removal using synaptec | 08:28 |
drumline | we all need to fix grub | 08:29 |
rendo | I did that. | 08:29 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: what do you get with sudo apt-get install mysql-server | 08:29 |
rendo | I right clicked like you said. | 08:29 |
Rizzla420 | i dont have a flopy drive | 08:29 |
Rizzla420 | so all i can try is the cd's | 08:29 |
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Rizzla420 | but the cd's dont play nice | 08:29 |
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Kewlb | rendo: stupid question -- but have you SET a root password yet? | 08:29 |
rendo | Building dependency tree... Donemysql-server is already the newest version.0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded. | 08:29 |
rendo | Yes. | 08:29 |
drumline | I tried to load the Vista beta with 512MB of RAM in a VM like VMWare suggested and the damned thing whined about not having enough memory to enter 64 bit mode. | 08:29 |
fyrestrtr | Rizzla420: form a complete thought, type it out, then hit the enter key. Don't use the enter key as punctuation. | 08:29 |
Gevaudan82 | Kewlb: by default there is no root password | 08:29 |
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rendo | I swear I'll just format and re-install if it keeps this crap up. | 08:30 |
Kewlb | Gevaudan82, right.. which I doubt you could run things as root if there is no password defined. (at least in Solaris) | 08:30 |
rendo | I follow instructions EXACTLY like they are, and it doesn't work. | 08:30 |
rendo | I listen to you guys, still doesn't work. | 08:30 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: first, get out of the root shell you are in. | 08:30 |
rendo | It's like it hates me. | 08:30 |
rendo | K | 08:30 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: then, try mysql -u root -p | 08:30 |
rendo | same thing | 08:30 |
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fyrestrtr | rendo: if that doesn't work, sudo apt-get remove --purge mysql-server | 08:31 |
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fyrestrtr | rendo: then re-install it again. | 08:31 |
Gevaudan82 | listen to this guy ^^ | 08:31 |
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rendo | Re-installed, now what. | 08:31 |
Rizzla420 | fyrestrtr, here's the deal. My winXP was shot due to viruses i wanted to format, knowing that it would kill restructure my mbr to make ubuntu non existant | 08:31 |
Rizzla420 | i formatted, reinstalled windows | 08:31 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: sudo apt-get install mysql-server | 08:31 |
Netslayer | anyone know how to fix the mythphone SIP crap that makes mythfrontend segfault in ubuntu dapper? | 08:31 |
rendo | I did that already. | 08:31 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: now, sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart | 08:31 |
Rizzla420 | and now im trying to install gub again | 08:32 |
Rizzla420 | *grub | 08:32 |
Gevaudan82 | after you uninstalled? that was awfully quick | 08:32 |
rendo | Done. | 08:32 |
Netslayer | i can't seem to uninstall mythphone... and so i can't start mythfrontend | 08:32 |
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fyrestrtr | rendo: now, mysql -u root -p and hit enter, then at the Password: prompt, hit enter again (don't type anything). | 08:32 |
Rizzla420 | but i cant boot to live CD bcause i keep getting the "invalid compressed format (err=2_ --System halted" error | 08:32 |
Rizzla420 | but i cant boot to live CD bcause i keep getting the "invalid compressed format (err=2) --System halted" error | 08:32 |
rendo | Same error. | 08:32 |
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Gevaudan82 | Rizzla420: could be a corrupt disk | 08:33 |
rendo | denied for user 'root'@'localhost' | 08:33 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: what do you get when you type lsb_release -a | 08:33 |
LC | why mp3 dont work ? :) | 08:33 |
Rizzla420 | not a corrupt disk, these are the disks i got from ubuntu directly via mail | 08:33 |
Rizzla420 | this is the 2nd one i tried | 08:33 |
wastrel | !mp3 | 08:33 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:33 |
Gevaudan82 | LC: search the ubuntu wiki...it's all there | 08:33 |
gemeindebau | hello folks. i am trying to install windows on my new computer, but the installations stops / hangs when it tells me "Uncompressing Linux... Ok, booting the kernel. i tried the most obvious options but the result stays the same | 08:33 |
Rizzla420 | i was having the same error with another disk i had burned | 08:33 |
rendo | No LSB modules are available.Distributor ID: UbuntuDescription: Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTSRelease: 6.06Codename: dapper | 08:33 |
Rizzla420 | i think it might be my cdrom, but i had tried another cdrom and still the same issue | 08:33 |
Rizzla420 | does Knoppix have grub? | 08:34 |
gemeindebau | sorry! i am trying to install ubuntu, NOT windows :) | 08:34 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: did you ever set a root password in the system? | 08:34 |
rendo | Yes. | 08:34 |
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Rizzla420 | rendo, yes to who? me? | 08:34 |
Gevaudan82 | Rizzla420: not sure if it is grub but it has a bootloader | 08:34 |
LC | Rizzla420: Knoppix have lilo | 08:34 |
rendo | Wait, root for my system not mysql right? | 08:34 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: both, did you set either one? | 08:34 |
Rizzla420 | crap.. is there anyway to use knoppix to install grub? | 08:34 |
rendo | For the system, yes, for mysql it won't. | 08:34 |
rendo | Gives those errors. | 08:35 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: the password for your system root and mysql are totally different | 08:35 |
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rendo | I don't have a password for mysql because it won't set. | 08:35 |
rendo | I can't even SET the password, I'm not even passed that step. | 08:35 |
Gevaudan82 | rendo: as i mentioned, your mysql passwords are stored in the database mysql under your database tree | 08:35 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: when you login to mysql as root, try your system's root password. | 08:35 |
azureal | Rizzla420, you installed windows, then linux, and you dont have grub...? | 08:35 |
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rendo | Same problem fyrestrtr | 08:36 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: then something else is wrong. | 08:36 |
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gemeindebau | Actually, it tells me: Uncompressing Kernel then i get the screen where it says as second option: Mounting File System ... where i do NOT get an OK at the end, it jumps back to the non graphic Uncompressing Linux ... Ok, booting the kernel and there it stays | 08:36 |
RogerRabb | I'm pretty keen to try out how edgy eft is going.. from dapper can I just edit my sources.list so then it'll get all the libraries for edgy? | 08:36 |
Rizzla420 | no, i init8ially installed windows first, then linux, but then reinstalled windows cuz it was corrupt | 08:36 |
fyrestrtr | RogerRabb: no, don't recommend you do that. | 08:36 |
Rizzla420 | but now i lost grub becasue i reinstalled | 08:36 |
RogerRabb | oh, so a fresh install or nothing fyrestrtr? | 08:37 |
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rendo | I can't wait until I get my osap in. | 08:37 |
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rendo | I can buy a new machine and throw this one into a corner somewhere and ignore it | 08:37 |
fyrestrtr | RogerRabb: yes. | 08:37 |
rendo | Just hates Ubuntu and mysql :@ | 08:37 |
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gemeindebau | there is no kernel panic, and i can soft reset the system at that moment, but even after having tried the most obvious boot options there is no difference. Well if i type nolapic it tells met that there is no apic or something like that | 08:37 |
n0dl | is there a method of acessing network-manager via a terminal emulator in X? or do i have to have network-manager-gnome? | 08:38 |
botxj | what's a kernel panic? | 08:38 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: you did something else, because there is no way that mysql would not let you in. | 08:38 |
RogerRabb | fyrestrtr how about when edgy is officially released - will I be able to upgrade by editing sources.list or fresh install again? | 08:38 |
RobNyc|Ubuntu | how can i play .wmv files ? | 08:38 |
fyrestrtr | RogerRabb: no, then you'll be able to upgrade. | 08:38 |
Gevaudan82 | botxj: :( as far as i'm concerned | 08:38 |
fyrestrtr | RogerRabb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 08:38 |
rendo | Well, is there any thing you can suggest that could possibly fix it then? | 08:38 |
rendo | Besides re-installing the entire OS | 08:38 |
gemeindebau | RobNyc|Ubuntu: check on the site ubuntuguide.org where there is a real smart and easy way (automatix) to install the necessary support for wmv files | 08:39 |
azureal | what fyrestrtr said was meant for you, RobNyc|Ubuntu | 08:39 |
RogerRabb | RobNyc|Ubuntu that was for you ^ the restricted formats guide | 08:39 |
RobNyc|Ubuntu | gemeindebau, i have automatix | 08:39 |
fyrestrtr | rendo: did you only install it from repos, or did you install it from somewhere else, didn't work, then installed it from the repos again? | 08:39 |
botxj | www.ubuntuguide.org | 08:39 |
RobNyc|Ubuntu | and installed everything | 08:39 |
indigoblu | botxj, its the blue screen of death | 08:39 |
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wastrel | if you have root can't you manually go in and edit the password directly in the mysql database | 08:39 |
rendo | I installed it from the repos | 08:39 |
botxj | linux has a BSOD? | 08:39 |
fyrestrtr | gemeindebau: do NOT recommend automatix in here. | 08:39 |
wastrel | it's stored in a file somewhere under the database tree iirc | 08:39 |
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wastrel | been a while since i played with mysql | 08:39 |
Gevaudan82 | wastrel: if you mean root by system root then no | 08:39 |
fyrestrtr | wastrel: no :) | 08:39 |
gemeindebau | fyrestrtr: sorry. i was not the only one. but i understand your concern perfectly | 08:39 |
wastrel | why not? | 08:40 |
Gevaudan82 | wastrel: b/c the db is stored in binary format | 08:40 |
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wastrel | ah nvm i was thinking of postgres | 08:40 |
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Rizzla420 | any ideas on how to get grub back without the livecd, but using knoppix instead? | 08:40 |
fyrestrtr | wastrel: because its not stored in a file, its stored in a database. | 08:40 |
azureal | ooh! automatix.. let me see what it does =P | 08:40 |
Rizzla420 | im loading knoppix now | 08:40 |
Rob00000 | dumb question for anyone: how does one enter diacritics in polytonic greek? | 08:40 |
fyrestrtr | Rizzla420: if knoppix has grub, just set it up on your main disk. | 08:40 |
Rob00000 | can't find it in any of the documentation. | 08:40 |
azureal | lol | 08:41 |
wastrel | !gr | 08:41 |
ubotu | #ubuntu-gr #kubuntu-gr | 08:41 |
rbowell | Hi All , im trying to install oracle client on Ubuntu but im getting this error .. /bin/chown: `oracle:dba': invalid user | 08:41 |
rbowell | any ideas ? | 08:41 |
fyrestrtr | rbowell: do you have a user called oracle and a group called dba on your system? | 08:41 |
Gevaudan82 | i swear all...i fudged up my mysql password once...doing a complete removal, installing it again allowed me to login just fine...so i am clueless what the probalem could be after doing the troubleshooting already done | 08:41 |
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Rob00000 | been there (empty) ;) | 08:41 |
fyrestrtr | rbowell: there is a wiki entry that explains how to install Oracle properly. | 08:41 |
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rbowell | <fyrestrtr>: ok ill add the user and group see how it goes :) | 08:42 |
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azureal | Rob00000, google is your friend | 08:42 |
ehime | Would someone be able to answer a technical ? for me about an Ubuntu migration? | 08:42 |
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Gevaudan82 | ehime: just ask the question for future reference | 08:42 |
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n0dl | how would i start network-manager-gnome from a terminal emulator? | 08:43 |
Rizzla420 | Sweet, knoppix has grub. | 08:43 |
Rizzla420 | lifesaver! | 08:43 |
n0dl | ermm... whats the command? network-manager-gnome & ? | 08:43 |
azureal | it's probably gnome-network-manager... maybe you got the words reversed | 08:43 |
ehime | bitte, I plan on migrating a VAIO machine that has a dual core pentium processor, I wanted to know if there is something "special" i need to ensure compatibility | 08:44 |
Gevaudan82 | n0dl: i don't think that you can...although network-manager-gnome is just a frontend for the configuration files which you CAN edit using the terminal | 08:44 |
fyrestrtr | ehime: desktop or laptop? | 08:44 |
wastrel | n0dl: the command is network-admin i think | 08:44 |
azureal | n0dl, you can always "ls /usr/bin | grep gnome" to see a list of commands that contain gnome | 08:44 |
ehime | I haven't had exp with dual cores and linux distro's before, i tried a dig but couldn't find anything on the subject | 08:44 |
ehime | desktop | 08:44 |
ehime | just post install statistics and crap | 08:45 |
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fyrestrtr | ehime: for dual core support, you'd need a kernel that has SMP support. Ubuntu provides one, but its not installed by default. So, once you get the base system installed, first thing I would do is install linux-686 to get SMP support. | 08:45 |
gemeindebau | ehime: i've got a dual 2 extreme in my new computer here, but i am unable to even boot the live cd | 08:45 |
Gevaudan82 | ehime: honestly, your best bet is to spend a day or two and try it out for yourself...at least then you will know what works and what doesn't wheras you can finetune your searches | 08:45 |
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fyrestrtr | ehime: after that, you have the 'normal' problems that anyone else has, like hardware that doesn't work properly, etc. If your desktop has any sony specific hardware, then that might not work -- other than that, it should be okay. | 08:45 |
ehime | true, just want to make sure with a standard distro the screen won't stay black | 08:45 |
Gevaudan82 | ehime: if it helps I have a dual core ibm t60p...i installed the 686 smp kernel and things work fine | 08:45 |
ehime | I wasn't sure if it would only recognize a single processor or the second core | 08:46 |
ehime | or... neither | 08:46 |
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Gevaudan82 | ehime: by default it won't recognize the dual core...you have to install the 686 smp kernel yourself | 08:46 |
fyrestrtr | it would recognize the first core, but once you install the smp kernel, it will recognize both. | 08:46 |
ehime | not sure what's t60p, still new to dualcores | 08:46 |
fyrestrtr | ehime: its a model number for Thinkpads. | 08:46 |
Gevaudan82 | ehime: basically a dual core laptop...2.0ghz intel dual core | 08:47 |
ehime | hm, recognize it the same as a desktop then | 08:47 |
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ehime | i guess proc is the same but mobo config would vary | 08:47 |
fyrestrtr | the computer doesn't care (much) if you are on a desktop or a laptop. | 08:47 |
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ehime | good stuff looking for the port now, thx for the help | 08:48 |
rbowell | <fyrestrtr> i managed to instsll oracle-xe-client, now how do i do a tnsping ? | 08:48 |
botxj | wow would ya look at that http://mozy.org/vaio/ a guy installed Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio UX180P | 08:48 |
rbowell | fyrestrtr i managed to instsll oracle-xe-client, now how do i do a tnsping ? | 08:48 |
fyrestrtr | rbowell: as I told you earlier, read the wiki :) | 08:48 |
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rbowell | grrr | 08:48 |
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Gevaudan82 | nice machine...looks slick | 08:49 |
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ehime | lol bot | 08:49 |
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ehime | same here, least im trying | 08:49 |
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elkbuntu | !nz | 08:49 |
ubotu | nz is the New Zealand LoCo Team has a channel at #ubuntu-nz | 08:49 |
Rizzla420 | what would be considered my ubuntu partition? where my root folder is or where my home folder is? | 08:49 |
Rizzla420 | i created seperate partitions for each | 08:49 |
wastrel | root | 08:50 |
Gevaudan82 | rizzla420: where your root is | 08:50 |
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Rizzla420 | cool, thanks, dumb ques, i know ,but just wanted to make sure | 08:50 |
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ehime | lol where's root | 08:50 |
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Gevaudan82 | sometimes i like to refer to myself as root | 08:50 |
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ehime | lol | 08:51 |
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ehime | nice ego | 08:51 |
botxj | i like to refer to myself as sudo-man | 08:51 |
v4m21 | how to get into rescue mode using kubuntu 6.06 LTS cd ? | 08:51 |
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Gevaudan82 | i'm too lazy to type sudo after every command but i'm not so bad i log in to the window manager as root | 08:51 |
botxj | Gevaudan82 you're kidding me! lol | 08:52 |
Gevaudan82 | v4m21: press esc quick once the grub boot loader comes on and click rescue mode | 08:52 |
v4m21 | grub was gone after installing windows. I am trying to reinstall the grub. | 08:52 |
ehime | gev here's a good question, what's a good way to tell ppl you refuse to fix their computers | 08:52 |
Gevaudan82 | v4m21: uh oh | 08:52 |
kishore | v4m21, how to install grub. after. installing windows | 08:52 |
v4m21 | just get into rescue mode. | 08:53 |
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Gevaudan82 | ehime: just fix them up with a vmware image if worst comes to worst and tell them to overwrite it if they fudge things up | 08:53 |
kishore | then... | 08:53 |
v4m21 | mount / | 08:53 |
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v4m21 | and use grub-install <device name> | 08:53 |
wastrel | tell them you can only work with linux computers | 08:53 |
v4m21 | sudo grub-install <devicename> | 08:53 |
kishore | booting from windows cd. or ubuntu | 08:54 |
v4m21 | ubuntu cd | 08:54 |
Gevaudan82 | better yet tell them you got arrested for a hacking charge and can't touch a computer for X years | 08:54 |
ehime | lol | 08:54 |
Gevaudan82 | i'm sure they'll understand | 08:55 |
ehime | I always tell em something fried you'll have to buy an xxxx | 08:55 |
abo | hi | 08:55 |
ehime | the looks people give you when they find out their erratic hdd is intercepting russian satellite transmissions is priceless | 08:55 |
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AN_DI_EN | hai | 08:56 |
ehime | or atleast thats what I tell em | 08:56 |
AN_DI_EN | hai | 08:56 |
Gevaudan82 | if i could only scroll through all the hits snort has detected from romania probing my ssh port...man oh man | 08:56 |
ehime | lol | 08:56 |
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ehime | snort > writefile > garbage | 08:57 |
AN_DI_EN | hai | 08:57 |
Gevaudan82 | honestly, makes you wonder if i'm living in the right country...apparently they know somethin we don't | 08:57 |
ehime | in that order | 08:57 |
abo | I'm having an error after trying to update the flash plugin (none free) , any ideas? it asks me if I agree to the license terms, I say yes, it downloads something, and then I get a update-rc.d error (which give me the usage message) | 08:57 |
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ehime | evidently not enough if they keep trying | 08:57 |
abo | can anyone help me? | 08:57 |
AN_DI_EN | alo | 08:57 |
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ehime | prolly trying to hax0rs your winbox | 08:57 |
ehime | lol | 08:57 |
Gevaudan82 | IDS systems will be dead within 5 years but it at least lets me know how public my ip really is | 08:57 |
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ehime | you should onion route | 08:58 |
ehime | save a lot of drama | 08:58 |
indigoblu | Gevaudan82, Intrusion Detection dead in 5 years? | 08:58 |
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Gevaudan82 | abo: there was a bug already mentioned resulting from this...wait a day or two until it gets patched...it's not just you :) | 08:58 |
abo | Gevaudan82, thanks | 08:59 |
ehime | i doubt id will ever lose a market share as long as kids are curious | 08:59 |
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Gevaudan82 | indigoblu: too many false conflicts, way too many...it's hardly worth mining through anymore...it's all based on signature and well hackers know what the signatures are just as the security professionals do...they will and are getting around it | 08:59 |
Gevaudan82 | detecting an nmap scan isn't exactly what i would consider a threat | 09:00 |
indigoblu | Gevaudan82, I somewhat agree, we are starting to work more with custom host based intrusion detection systems | 09:00 |
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ehime | i think a good majority or the hackers are making money of of the discoveries selling them to the security buffs.... after everyone is in the know and starting to worry or course | 09:00 |
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Gevaudan82 | ehime: i'd prefer it this way honestly and i encourage it...rather than for them to post exploits on newsgroups and websites before patching | 09:01 |
ehime | packetstorm | 09:01 |
ehime | lol | 09:01 |
ehime | i agree | 09:01 |
ehime | i know a lot of the companies local to me (Seattle) are hiring out tigerteams though | 09:02 |
Gevaudan82 | but it is a buyer's market...i just hope hackers don't get too greedy and demand a price way too high much like data recovery services often do imho | 09:02 |
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ehime | lol @ data recovery the oil tycoon of the internet world | 09:02 |
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fyrestrtr | hrmm, guys -- all this talk is nice, but its better suited for #ubuntu-offtopic. Please keep this channel clear for support related questions. | 09:04 |
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Madpilot | elkbuntu, nickspamming is not nice | 09:04 |
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Gevaudan82 | i think i'm ready to pass out anyhow...sorry fyrestrtr, i get carried away...g'night all | 09:05 |
elkbuntu | Madpilot, it would have been more spam for me to quit and rejoin ;) | 09:05 |
Rob00000 | mmmkay, i've searched long enough to believe that there is no clearly defined answer. | 09:05 |
shinobi2 | i have vino installed, how do i know if it's running? i am trying to rdp into ubuntu from another OS | 09:05 |
ehime | lol | 09:06 |
Rizzla420 | that didnt work.. | 09:06 |
Rob00000 | so if anyone has suggestions on how to enter diacritics, i'd love to hear em (or even have a link given.) | 09:06 |
Rizzla420 | i followed the instructions to no avail.. | 09:06 |
ehime | kernel panic smp struck me out | 09:06 |
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JNeverMind | that other hd mustve been stopping me from writing to mbr somehow | 09:06 |
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JNeverMind | it installed and booted fine on this 2gb'er | 09:06 |
ehime | back to the drawing board and my knoppix cd | 09:07 |
ehime | bb | 09:07 |
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Rizzla420 | ehime, you must be whre im at | 09:07 |
Rizzla420 | u trying to fix your mbr | 09:07 |
Rizzla420 | i'm using knoppix | 09:07 |
Rizzla420 | tried to do the instructions i found here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=256209&highlight=grub | 09:07 |
Rizzla420 | but it didnt work, even though it looked successful, no grub, booted right into winxp | 09:08 |
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mainer | Rizzla420: what hdd/artiton like hda3,etc... | 09:09 |
mainer | partition | 09:09 |
Rizzla420 | my root parition is hda2 | 09:09 |
Rizzla420 | but when i did the find /boot/grub/stage1 | 09:09 |
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Rizzla420 | it came back with hd0,1 | 09:09 |
mainer | no | 09:09 |
Rizzla420 | so thats what i installed it | 09:09 |
mainer | do you have a grub prompt? | 09:10 |
Rizzla420 | via setup (hd0,1) | 09:10 |
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Rizzla420 | not right now, im loading knoppix back up | 09:10 |
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Rizzla420 | i'll have the grub prompt soon | 09:10 |
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mainer | ok | 09:10 |
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Rizzla420 | damn.. its 3:11 | 09:10 |
mainer | yuh | 09:11 |
Rizzla420 | nothing like messing with comp stuff at 3am. | 09:11 |
mainer | and you want your ubuntu grub on the hda /mbr,correct? | 09:11 |
Rizzla420 | i blame this all on the pirated software i downloaded on windows | 09:11 |
Rizzla420 | yea, i want it back to the way i had it | 09:11 |
mainer | ok | 09:11 |
Rizzla420 | i just want ubuntu back | 09:11 |
Rizzla420 | i miss it | 09:11 |
Rizzla420 | :( | 09:11 |
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mainer | after its fixed make a boot-floppy(grub0 | 09:12 |
Rizzla420 | k, im back at gub | 09:12 |
mainer | ) | 09:12 |
mainer | bad keybd | 09:12 |
Rizzla420 | i dont have a floppy drive | 09:12 |
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Rizzla420 | have had once since 99 | 09:12 |
Rizzla420 | *havent | 09:12 |
mainer | cd then | 09:12 |
mainer | ok,grub prompt? | 09:12 |
Rizzla420 | would you believe me if i told you i didnt have a cdr on my home pc's | 09:12 |
Rizzla420 | yea, grub prompt | 09:13 |
mainer | is the hdd mounted? | 09:13 |
Rizzla420 | dont think so | 09:13 |
Rizzla420 | so i should mount | 09:13 |
mainer | yuh | 09:13 |
Rizzla420 | mkdir ~/Desktop/drive ?? something like that | 09:14 |
Rizzla420 | mount /dev/hda2 ~/Desktop/drive | 09:14 |
KenSentMe | Can someone test if my ftp server works for external connections? I will send a pm with user and pass | 09:14 |
Rizzla420 | is the the proper way to do it? | 09:15 |
mainer | kde | 09:15 |
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Rizzla420 | mainer, huh? | 09:15 |
mainer | you're in knoppix kde,it s.b. on the desktop | 09:15 |
Rizzla420 | yea, knoppix kde | 09:15 |
Rizzla420 | yes, it is a pain in the @ss | 09:16 |
mainer | select the partiton>right-click>mount | 09:16 |
Rizzla420 | where do i find it? | 09:16 |
Rizzla420 | i dont use kde | 09:16 |
mainer | it shows nothing? | 09:16 |
Rizzla420 | im more familiar with gnome | 09:16 |
Rizzla420 | no i dont see any drives on my desktop | 09:16 |
mainer | a desktop icon on the left0-side? | 09:17 |
mainer | wow | 09:17 |
Rizzla420 | nope | 09:17 |
mainer | type df whats it say | 09:17 |
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mainer | is the hdd listed? | 09:18 |
Rizzla420 | hold on let me check, im using a kvm and have to switch back and forth | 09:18 |
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Rizzla420 | its showing me all the knoppix drives | 09:19 |
mainer | drives or directorys? | 09:19 |
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Rizzla420 | sorry directories | 09:20 |
Rizzla420 | here's a listing /dev/root... /ramdisk... /UNIONFS.. /dev/hdc... /dev/cloop..../dev/hda2 (i just mounted this) | 09:20 |
thenetduck | does anyone know how to install a theme on Xubuntu????? | 09:20 |
mainer | ok go to /mnt tell me wahts theres so cd /mnt | 09:21 |
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mainer | ohhh okay hda2 is mounted | 09:21 |
mainer | sweet | 09:21 |
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Rizzla420 | you werent explicit with your directions, but i switched to mnt and did a "ls" (which you didnt tell me :) ) | 09:22 |
Rizzla420 | i see hda1 hda2 hda5 hda7 hdc | 09:22 |
Rizzla420 | sda5 | 09:22 |
mainer | its 3am lol | 09:22 |
thenetduck | does anyone know how to install themes on Xubuntu? | 09:22 |
thenetduck | Icon themes? | 09:22 |
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Rizzla420 | so clearly its mounted | 09:22 |
Rizzla420 | right | 09:22 |
fysaen | Any way to get this (msi mega sky 580) digi tv receiver work with dapper.... | 09:22 |
Rizzla420 | ? | 09:22 |
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thenetduck | anyone know how to install themes on Xubuntu? or Xfce?? | 09:23 |
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mainer | Rizzla420: and you see the grub prompt so type root=/dev/hda2 | 09:24 |
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mainer | then type grub-install /dev/hda | 09:24 |
Rizzla420 | unrecognized device string | 09:24 |
Rizzla420 | should it be /mnt/hda2? | 09:25 |
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thenetduck | does anyone here know how to install themes on Xubuntu??? | 09:25 |
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dfgas | hd0? | 09:25 |
mainer | ok no try root=/hda2 | 09:25 |
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Rizzla420 | i tried hd0 before | 09:25 |
Rizzla420 | didnt work | 09:25 |
Rizzla420 | nope | 09:25 |
Marlun | When choosing "Install a LAMP server" at the Ubuntu install, which versions of Apache, MySQL and PHP is installed? | 09:26 |
mainer | i'm aiming for ubuntu's grub-menu not just a grub-prompt | 09:26 |
yakumo | hello | 09:26 |
thenetduck | does anyone know how to install a theme on Xubuntu? | 09:26 |
mainer | all try root=(hd0,1) | 09:26 |
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yakumo | anyone know kow will i network my 2pc running both ubuntu | 09:26 |
mainer | then grub-install (hd0) | 09:26 |
Rizzla420 | that returned something: Filesystem type is ex2fs, partition type 0x83 | 09:27 |
thenetduck | yakumo you an ssh them both together | 09:27 |
yakumo | how to? | 09:27 |
boink | Marlun: the versions are installed which are in Ubuntu | 09:27 |
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mainer | Rizzla420: ok then type setup (hd0) | 09:27 |
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Marlun | boink: Ubuntu repositories has multiple version of them all. | 09:28 |
boink | check packages.ubuntu.com to see which versions those are | 09:28 |
Rizzla420 | unrecognized command | 09:28 |
thenetduck | yakumo just do this on both machines sudo apt-get install ssh | 09:28 |
mainer | ok then its setup /dev/hda | 09:28 |
yakumo | ok thnks | 09:28 |
Rizzla420 | u mean setup /dev/hda2 right | 09:28 |
Rizzla420 | i know i know its late | 09:28 |
thenetduck | does anyone know how to install themes on Xubuntu?????? | 09:28 |
Marlun | boink: both php 4.* and 5.* and mysql 4.* and 5.* are in the repositories. | 09:28 |
Rizzla420 | but just checking | 09:28 |
boink | true | 09:28 |
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enat | hi | 09:28 |
boink | you want to know which one it installs | 09:29 |
enat | my ~/.Xresources file isn't automatically being applied .. | 09:29 |
boink | 4 or 5? | 09:29 |
enat | any ideas as to why not ? | 09:29 |
Marlun | boink: yes which version of Apache, MySQL and PHP, like my beginning question :P | 09:29 |
Rizzla420 | mainer, it didnt like that, i think it needs to be specified with the (hd0,1) | 09:29 |
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yakumo | anyone know how to network ubuntu and windows??? | 09:29 |
boink | yakumo: you mean samba? | 09:29 |
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yakumo | yes i download samba | 09:30 |
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mainer | ok,you don't have grub-setup in ubuntu; redo the root (hd0,1) | 09:30 |
thenetduck | does anyone know how to install themes on Xubuntu? | 09:30 |
Rizzla420 | ok, so setup (hd0,1) worked (wich i had done earlier) | 09:30 |
yakumo | what do i need to change in the conf.? | 09:30 |
enat | anybody at all? hhe :/ | 09:30 |
boink | depends on what you want to do | 09:30 |
yakumo | share file | 09:30 |
mainer | then grub-install /dev/hda2 | 09:30 |
enat | thenetduck: hi, installing themes is usually done by extracting the contents into ~/.themes | 09:30 |
boink | from the ubuntu box for the windows boxen? | 09:31 |
the1 | yakumo:I tend to use scp for file sharing | 09:31 |
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boink | scp is too complicated for windows users | 09:31 |
yakumo | sorry but what is scp? | 09:31 |
boink | samba works fine | 09:31 |
the1 | ubuntu supports ssh/scp/sftp quite well | 09:31 |
boink | !scp | 09:31 |
ubotu | scp is a secure way of copying files across networks using ssh. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - winscp is a windows scp client | 09:31 |
mainer | secure copy | 09:31 |
Rizzla420 | the grub-install command keeps giving me an unrecognized command | 09:31 |
enat | i _think_ xfce reads them from there .. | 09:31 |
the1 | and winscp works ok for windoze | 09:31 |
Rizzla420 | im typing this verbatim: grub-install /dev/hda2 | 09:31 |
=== enat isn't one hundred percent sure though | ||
boink | winscp works fine | 09:31 |
mainer | all right lemme think a minute,i just did this before | 09:32 |
boink | but with samba, the ubuntu box can be like a server | 09:32 |
drumline | Do I really need a linux rescue disk on a floppy when Ubuntu comes up as a Live distro? Can't I just use Ubuntu as a rescue disk? | 09:32 |
Rizzla420 | when i typed: setup (hd0,1) it seemed like it worked | 09:32 |
v4m21 | try /sbin/grub-install | 09:32 |
Rizzla420 | it listed some stuff then said done | 09:32 |
v4m21 | or /usr/sbin/grub-install | 09:32 |
Rizzla420 | v4m21, im using knoppix livecd to try to reinstall rub | 09:32 |
enat | drumline: that depends, do you enjoy waiting for the livecd to load? :-) | 09:32 |
yakumo | what should i do with /etc/samba/smb.conf | 09:32 |
v4m21 | k | 09:33 |
boink | edit it for your needs | 09:33 |
yakumo | i change my workgroup | 09:33 |
Rizzla420 | thanks for the help though, i need it right about now | 09:33 |
Rizzla420 | im functioing on 2 brain cells and trying to fix my mbr... | 09:33 |
boink | you'll need to read the docs on the good smb.conf, though | 09:33 |
Rizzla420 | not ideal to say the least | 09:33 |
boink | the smb.conf is set up the way you want to use it | 09:33 |
boink | depends on the policies you want to have on the shared drive | 09:33 |
mainer | me too,ok,try this grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 | 09:34 |
mainer | then setup (hd0) | 09:34 |
enat | can anybody point me in the right direction when it comes to getting your ~/.Xresources file automatically loaded at startup? | 09:34 |
yakumo | ok but what if i want my ubuntu to be a server what should i do? | 09:34 |
boink | depends on which policies you want | 09:34 |
drumline | enat: heh... not really, but it's easy. :) I suppose there's a howto on making a nice disk in google eh? | 09:35 |
boink | very strict or very easy? | 09:35 |
enat | yakumo: you uninstall it and install debian. that's what you do./ | 09:35 |
mainer | i dual-boot and test tooo many distro's,sorry,this time i'm usually sleeping | 09:35 |
enat | drumline: without a doubt :P | 09:35 |
boink | can the windows users delete stuff? is it totally open? | 09:35 |
mainer | Rizzla420: anything? | 09:35 |
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Rizzla420 | will do | 09:35 |
Rizzla420 | that seems to have taken | 09:35 |
thenetduck | what is the command to open a terminal inside of a terminal????? | 09:35 |
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drumline | enat: was hoping you could recommend a good one.. but hey.. I'll take a look. | 09:36 |
boink | thenetduck: xterm & | 09:36 |
Rizzla420 | let me reboot and see whats up | 09:36 |
Rizzla420 | keep your fingers crossed | 09:36 |
boink | if that's what you mean | 09:36 |
yakumo | thnks be back later | 09:36 |
Rizzla420 | or your eyes | 09:36 |
Rob00000 | anyone know how to enter diacritics? | 09:36 |
enat | drumline: heh, my rescue disc is a slackware installation disc - it comes with everything i've ever needed | 09:36 |
boink | slackware rescue is quite good | 09:36 |
boink | basic, but it does the job | 09:36 |
Rizzla420 | *please please please work* | 09:37 |
mainer | Rizzla420: if you get no menu or knoppix grub-menu type c at grub> do root=(hd0,1) grub-install /dev/hda | 09:37 |
the1 | I find the gentoo installer works as a good rescue disk | 09:37 |
enat | word to yo mama | 09:37 |
enat | :-) | 09:37 |
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boink | and the ubuntu live cd works well as a rescue too | 09:37 |
the1 | Its very well ported, and has functionality than the debian disk. | 09:37 |
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the1 | *has more | 09:37 |
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drumline | enat: nice.. :) Do you use the latest version? Does it have multiple disk utils on it? | 09:38 |
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Rizzla420 | SHIT! | 09:38 |
Rizzla420 | sorry, ops | 09:38 |
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thenetduck | does anyone know how to install themes on Xubuntu??? | 09:38 |
Rizzla420 | its halting in bios at boot from cd | 09:38 |
Rizzla420 | but sicne i removed knoppix | 09:39 |
Rizzla420 | theres nothing for it to go to | 09:39 |
thenetduck | I really would like to know how to install themes and Icons on Xubuntu anyone know how???? | 09:39 |
Rizzla420 | so its just sitting there | 09:39 |
Rizzla420 | grrrr | 09:39 |
enat | drumline: well, in the past when it has come down to the crunch and i've been forced to use it - what i did (each time) was use it to boot the system & get a shell, and then i'd mount my normal linux partition and use tools from that | 09:39 |
mainer | hit enter | 09:39 |
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enat | but it comes with a fair few of its own, to be sure | 09:39 |
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Rizzla420 | enter will just cause me to go back into knoppix | 09:40 |
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mainer | Rizzla420: set bios to boot hdd | 09:40 |
thenetduck_ | anyone know how to install themes on Xubuntu? | 09:40 |
Rizzla420 | i have it setup to go cd rom first than hd | 09:40 |
v4m21 | Rizzla what happened ? | 09:40 |
Rizzla420 | but i'll disable cdrom on boot | 09:40 |
sess | what you need to do is install glx and compiz | 09:40 |
sess | thats the real deal baby | 09:41 |
drumline | enat: cool... so you're a hardcore slack guy? | 09:41 |
mainer | ok,then remove cd,close tray hit enter or try ctrl+alt+del | 09:41 |
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drumline | enat: use Ubuntu also? | 09:41 |
enat | drumline: lol, i use whatever does the job. :-) | 09:41 |
enat | apt has definitely made me a lazy man though .. | 09:41 |
enat | :/ | 09:41 |
Rizzla420 | alright changed my boot sequence | 09:41 |
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Rizzla420 | hd first, then cd | 09:42 |
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Rizzla420 | there's no bootloader, it seems to jsut be hanging | 09:42 |
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sess | enat: yea, apt and emerge have both been tools that made my slackware roots shrivel and my manual dependency building skills atrophy | 09:42 |
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sess | BADLY | 09:43 |
sess | :) | 09:43 |
mainer | Rizzla420: doesn't make sense,you could use xp's /fixmbr then add your ubuntu partiton there and chainload i guess | 09:43 |
enat | haha, i totally understand mate | 09:43 |
enat | ;p | 09:43 |
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Rizzla420 | im going back into knppix | 09:43 |
Rizzla420 | man this sux | 09:43 |
Rizzla420 | STUPID WINDOZ!!!! | 09:44 |
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botxj | Rizzla420 dont feel blue, ubuntu is good for j00 :) | 09:44 |
Rizzla420 | i know it is, but i need windows for just one program | 09:44 |
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Rizzla420 | everything else i do i use ubuntu | 09:44 |
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enat | Rizzla420: what's that one program? | 09:44 |
botxj | if you dont need widnows that much ya could run an emulator | 09:44 |
Rizzla420 | fruity loops. i like messing around and making loops/etc | 09:44 |
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mainer | Rizzla420: ok, do chroot /mnt/hda2 | 09:45 |
botxj | a pc emulator on ubuntu and put windows on the emulator and you'd be all right | 09:45 |
Rizzla420 | purely for fun | 09:45 |
enat | Rizzla420: have you tried lmms? | 09:45 |
Rizzla420 | no i havent | 09:45 |
mainer | then just type grub | 09:45 |
botxj | Rizzla420 yeah try LMMS it's a fruity loops copier | 09:45 |
enat | it's decent enough for messing around having fun | 09:45 |
botxj | does the exact same thing as fruity loops | 09:45 |
Rizzla420 | mainer, i'll try that once i get into knoppix | 09:45 |
Rizzla420 | but frutiy is pretty developed now | 09:45 |
Rizzla420 | i just bout a novation midi controller this weekend and it works great | 09:45 |
botxj | then Rizzla420 also try running a pc emulator for linux | 09:45 |
thenetduck_ | can somone help me? | 09:46 |
Rizzla420 | anyhow thats offtopic for the time being since i cant even get back into ubuntu | 09:46 |
orinoco | does anyone have his own compiled kernel, is it worth compiling? | 09:46 |
boink | orinno: depends on your needs | 09:46 |
botxj | you can have all your windows and linux apps on one nice desktop | 09:46 |
Rizzla420 | botxj, i dont think that be very good for a cpu intensive program like fruity | 09:46 |
botxj | oh | 09:46 |
botxj | right i forgot that synthesizers use up alot of cpu | 09:46 |
Rizzla420 | mainer, this is VERY weird | 09:46 |
boink | I needed to do my own kernel when using some vortex raid controllers since neither the debian kernel nor the latest linux kernel had the latest drivers | 09:46 |
Rizzla420 | i jsut reloaded knoppix and now i have all my hd's showing up on my desktop | 09:47 |
Rizzla420 | something that didnt happen before | 09:47 |
mainer | Rizzla420: agreed! | 09:47 |
boink | there is a nice debian way of making the kernel, which puts the kernel into a .deb | 09:47 |
mainer | make sure its mounted | 09:47 |
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Rizzla420 | its says mount point: /media/hda2 | 09:48 |
Rizzla420 | when i hover my mouse over | 09:48 |
botxj | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mej7sf4uonI <--- i want a Sony Vaio UX90 micro pc!!!! /me druels :D | 09:48 |
orinoco | boink, i mean that it is worth taking out all the rubish that loads the precompiled kernel? | 09:49 |
Rizzla420 | so what now oh wise one | 09:49 |
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enat | alright, im gone | 09:49 |
mainer | ok,right-click>it'll show either mount or unmount | 09:49 |
Rizzla420 | lets try and wrap this up before we both fall asleep at the comp | 09:49 |
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mainer | indeed | 09:50 |
Rizzla420 | unmount is the option | 09:50 |
Rizzla420 | therefore its mounted | 09:50 |
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Rizzla420 | it even said so when i hovered | 09:50 |
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Rizzla420 | mounted at /media/hda2 | 09:50 |
mainer | then its mounted sweet | 09:50 |
kendals | How do I install the gaim guification plugin using source? | 09:50 |
kendals | I tried the ./configure, and at the end, it says this: | 09:50 |
kendals | No package 'gaim' found | 09:50 |
kendals | Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you | 09:50 |
kendals | installed software in a non-standard prefix. | 09:50 |
mainer | ok get a root-term | 09:50 |
Rizzla420 | root shell up and running | 09:51 |
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mainer | ok chroot /media/hda2 | 09:51 |
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sess | meh, those umpc aren't very impressive atm | 09:51 |
sess | battery life is terrible considering its form factor | 09:51 |
Rizzla420 | done. now my prompt is "root@Knoppix:/#" | 09:52 |
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sess | huge portion of current laptop battery useage is the lcd backlight | 09:52 |
mainer | cd /sbin/ | 09:52 |
Rizzla420 | done. | 09:52 |
Rizzla420 | next | 09:52 |
=== BTJustice [n=ubuntu@pool-70-105-125-139.chi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mainer | grub-install /dev/hda | 09:52 |
sess | umpc's use super low power oled displays and low speed cpu's but can't muster more that 4.5 hours battery life? | 09:52 |
BTJustice | Can you mount hard drives when running off the Live CD? | 09:52 |
Rizzla420 | just /dev/hda not /dev/hda2? | 09:53 |
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mainer | yes for the /mbr | 09:53 |
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sess | its not a pocket pc, put a 4amp hour battery in that bitch, and gimme a umpc that will run for 10 hours | 09:53 |
mainer | you are in your hdd-ubuntu-partiton?? | 09:53 |
Rizzla420 | took me to the grub prompt | 09:53 |
BTJustice | mainer: Me? | 09:53 |
Rizzla420 | but i typed "grub install /dev/hda" i didnt put the hyphen | 09:53 |
visik7 | anyone got problems with flashplugin from backports ? | 09:54 |
mainer | it should have worked if no errorsno,use grub-install sorry | 09:54 |
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botxj | well sess, that's the best of the umpc's as it gets right now, that thing is like god! | 09:55 |
botxj | i'd get one just for the heck of it, much better than a hacked PSP.. lol | 09:55 |
sess | lol | 09:55 |
sess | but umpc is like 2grand | 09:55 |
mainer | BTJustice: no sorry | 09:55 |
sess | psp is like 250$ | 09:55 |
botxj | that UX90 model is 3000 bucks actually | 09:55 |
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sess | jeez | 09:56 |
botxj | 16GB FLASH HDD! | 09:56 |
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v4m21 | rizzala try to chroot into /mnt/hda2 | 09:56 |
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mainer | yes,thats what is normal | 09:56 |
v4m21 | then try to run grub-install /dev/hda | 09:56 |
Rizzla420 | mairiner, "grub-install /dev/hda" gave me the following error: cannont remove /boot/grub/stage1: read only file system | 09:56 |
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mainer | you're in knoppix,not hdd, chroot /mnt/hda2 | 09:57 |
Rizzla420 | ok i chroot /mnt/hda2 | 09:57 |
Rizzla420 | next | 09:57 |
mainer | yyes!! | 09:57 |
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sess | damn, 3Gs | 09:57 |
mainer | grub-install /dev/hda | 09:58 |
sess | thats a thousand dollars per operating hour | 09:58 |
sess | :) | 09:58 |
mainer | should show msg | 09:58 |
=== lesenscommun [n=lesensco@ARennes-352-1-53-28.w81-53.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
botxj | what's a G? | 09:58 |
Rizzla420 | same freakin error | 09:58 |
sess | Grand | 09:58 |
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Rizzla420 | cannont remove /boot/grub/stage1: read only file system | 09:58 |
botxj | ah | 09:58 |
Rizzla420 | i chrooted /mnt/hda2 | 09:59 |
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sess | botxj: have you seen the MAGIC? | 09:59 |
sess | now thats a device | 09:59 |
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sess | I wouldn't mind paying the 1800 asking price for it | 09:59 |
botxj | well, the extra thousand is for the 16GB flash hard drive compared to the UX180P's 30GB regular hard drive | 09:59 |
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botxj | let me google this "magic" | 09:59 |
justin4thirty | maybe you should kill compiz and restart it | 09:59 |
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mainer | doesn't make sense,if its mounted | 09:59 |
eexpress | Shadymam | 09:59 |
justin4thirty | oops, wrong window | 09:59 |
eexpress | MatthewLange | 10:00 |
=== TimothyP [n=timothy@212.228-136-217.adsl-static.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sess | botxj: its not quite as powerful as the umpc, but its more useful IMO | 10:00 |
mainer | Rizzla420: sorry,dude,i gotta crash i'm up wayy later than i should be | 10:00 |
sess | basically its the ultimate convergence devic,e | 10:00 |
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Rizzla420 | mainer, no problem, thanks ALOT for your help | 10:00 |
Rizzla420 | much appreciated | 10:00 |
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botxj | sess, can you give me a specific link, the word "magic" is a broad term to search for, lol | 10:00 |
Rizzla420 | i should get to bed too but i dont think i could sleep knowing that my shit is still messed up | 10:00 |
TimothyP | Hello, I want to create a deb file for ubuntu (for a small application I wrote as a test) , is there a guide somewhere, I found something but it uses deb-make which seems to be depricated | 10:00 |
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Rizzla420 | take it easy | 10:00 |
sess | botxj: I have the HTC Universal right now, the magic puts it to shame | 10:00 |
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Rizzla420 | anyone else willing to lend me a hand trying to reinstall grub? | 10:01 |
botxj | that htc universal looks like a PDA | 10:01 |
TimothyP | Rizzla420, what is the problem? | 10:01 |
botxj | is it a pda....? | 10:02 |
v4m21 | rizzla try to boot using livecd without mounting swap partation, I guess there is an option to do this in the boot menu. | 10:02 |
botxj | heh, it IS a pda... | 10:02 |
sess | botxj: http://www.advancetc.com/ | 10:02 |
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yacc | Just wondering, how can I setup iptables that it forwards packages that it receives from IP 192.168.1.x masqed to (the default gw), both IPs are on eth2 192.168.1/24 ? | 10:02 |
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Rizzla420 | i have no idea how to do that | 10:03 |
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Rizzla420 | when i get into the knoppix splash screen it just says boot: then hit enter | 10:03 |
Rizzla420 | to start it | 10:03 |
sess | botxj: would you CALL it a pda since it can run full blown linux, and there is a version thatis planned to run windows xp tablet edition? | 10:03 |
Rizzla420 | i dont know what parameters to set | 10:03 |
yacc | Somehow it feels that the packets don't reach the nat tables :( | 10:03 |
v4m21 | k | 10:03 |
drumline | anything special about sfdisk in how it relates to fdisk? | 10:03 |
botxj | dunno sess, what are it's specs? screen size, ram size, etc | 10:04 |
sess | universal has vga display, and i have familiar linux distro running on it. Magic doesn't have vga, but two qvga screens | 10:04 |
sess | :( | 10:04 |
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sess | still hot that site I gave you should give you all the info about it | 10:04 |
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botxj | aight | 10:04 |
v4m21 | rizzla do u know how to boot into single user mode ? | 10:04 |
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sess | 8 gig microhd, cf, sd, 512megs ram, 512 mg flash rom, full querty keyboard, 2 qvga sctouch screens | 10:04 |
Marlun | What do I need to be able to unpack .deb files? I used ar before but now when I've reinstalled my server the "ar" command doesn't seem to be available. | 10:05 |
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sess | wifi, bluetooth, gsm, gps | 10:05 |
sess | and CDMA via UMTS | 10:05 |
sess | pretty much the ultimate convergence devic,e | 10:05 |
JoseStefan | Marlun, dpkg | 10:05 |
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botxj | the sony has 16GB hdd, cf, sd, 512mbddr2ram, qwerty, and one nice 1024x600 brite screen | 10:06 |
yacc | sess: basically something slighty more powerfull than a Nokia9500 ;) | 10:06 |
Marlun | JoseStefan: I can use dpkg to unpack a .deb file? How? | 10:06 |
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JoseStefan | Marlun, i dont remember, try: man dpkg | 10:06 |
sess | yacc: way more powerful than the communicator | 10:06 |
botxj | bah, i hate phones | 10:06 |
sess | yacc: the communicators are pitiful, although i gotta say im a big fan of series 60 and series 80 symbian os | 10:06 |
Rizzla420 | v4m21, im readint someting real quick | 10:06 |
sess | 9500 is running at under 200mhz | 10:06 |
botxj | i want a mobile pc, not a mobile phone with a few pclike things in it, lol | 10:06 |
sess | pathetic | 10:06 |
sess | display is 640x180 | 10:07 |
sess | pathetic | 10:07 |
botxj | oh and the sony has a intel solo core processor at 1.2Ghz | 10:07 |
yacc | sess: Well, they give WLAN/GPRS, a survivable keyboard and ssh, that's an ok combo for me :) | 10:07 |
yacc | sess: display is 640x200? | 10:07 |
sess | series40 outside display doesn't communicate with the internal display | 10:07 |
TimothyP | old pda's are usefull as small mysql servers :p | 10:07 |
botxj | such horrible displays | 10:07 |
botxj | hey you know what would be great, i could use these umpc's to go to my local macdonalnds and do some funny business | 10:08 |
botxj | using the wifi | 10:08 |
sess | yacc: I have a universal, wifi, bluetooth, full keyboard (almost touch type size) and full vga display. GPRS and UMTS as well as 3G support | 10:08 |
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sess | I almost bought a 9300, but its limitations werejust too much | 10:08 |
yacc | botxj: Well, everyone has his one requirements, I've got a 12" widescreen subnotebook with an UMTS card, but for the reachibility I want somehting that is online all the time. | 10:09 |
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Squatch | Quick question, I'm installing Ubuntu for the first time and have an extremely limited knowledge of Linux... So, sorry if this question doesn't make any sense. I'm trying to set up how things will be mounted, have a 5GB partition for Root, 2GB partition for Swap, and the rest of a 40GB HDD for whatever else... Should I mount /var, /usr, /home, and /boot on the 33GB partition or in some other configuration? | 10:09 |
sess | cpu speed is also a big deal, some of the symbian apps I want to run really need 300+mhz if you use the multitasking | 10:09 |
yacc | sess: 9300i seems the nicest one in the collection. | 10:09 |
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JoseStefan | i have a cell phone | 10:09 |
sess | yacc: I completely agree | 10:09 |
yacc | sess: universal? | 10:09 |
sess | htc universal | 10:09 |
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TimothyP | Squatch, work the other way around :) | 10:09 |
botxj | the sony has a bluetooth, gprs, ethernet, wifi, and EDGE | 10:10 |
TimothyP | you can't say how big you're / will be, but you can say how b ig /home /usr etc... will be | 10:10 |
sess | mine's branded O2 XDA exec, maybe you've heard of teh Jasjar, same exact devie | 10:10 |
botxj | if that wont let you stay online all the time, then i dunno what will | 10:10 |
sess | device | 10:10 |
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cerberus | Is there an easy way to upgrade from breezy to dapper without using any x based tools? I've added the dapper cd to my sources list and run apt-get update, but apt-get dist-upgrade does nothing | 10:10 |
yacc | sess: Oh, well, before I go the Windows route, I'll prefer a Psion every time ;) | 10:10 |
sess | botxj: the sony umpc? | 10:10 |
TimothyP | for example 20GB for /home , 2GB for swap , 128MB for /boot would leave you about 17GB for / | 10:10 |
botxj | yes | 10:10 |
botxj | the sony umpc | 10:10 |
yacc | sess: it's not epoc3 but still ;) | 10:10 |
Awesome-o2000 | i gotta go take a psion! i had a large soda w dinner | 10:10 |
=== v4m21 [i=v4m21@nat/yahoo/x-aa77f200c3109f18] has joined #ubuntu | ||
botxj | the sony umpc has EVERYTHING! | 10:11 |
Rizzla420 | PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | 10:11 |
Rizzla420 | i am finally back in ubuntu | 10:11 |
Rizzla420 | 3hours later | 10:11 |
botxj | oh lordeh | 10:11 |
Squatch | So I have to have dedicated partitions for /usr, /var, /home, and /boot as well as root and swap? | 10:11 |
sess | yacc: I love the symbian os, I used to own the psion mx, I think was running epoch3. Symbian is the only truely multitasking mobile OS | 10:11 |
botxj | isnt there a christian ubuntu distro? | 10:11 |
yacc | Squatch: nope. | 10:11 |
Rizzla420 | i can finally get to bed | 10:11 |
Awesome-o2000 | lol christian ubuntu | 10:11 |
TimothyP | no :) | 10:11 |
botxj | i heard of one | 10:12 |
TimothyP | you can but you don't have to | 10:12 |
sess | wm5 is really getting close, with palmos trailing miles behind | 10:12 |
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Awesome-o2000 | "Jesus blessed this OS" | 10:12 |
yacc | Squatch: on desktops one usually sticks with 1-2 filesystems nowadays. | 10:12 |
TimothyP | but since you want to limit the ammount in / ..... | 10:12 |
JoseStefan | Squatch, typical install is 2 partitions, one for swap, and the other for everything else | 10:12 |
yacc | sess: Just got my 9500 yesterday in the mail :) | 10:12 |
vish | can anyone help me out with linux basic setup (i am a windows user >.<) | 10:12 |
sess | christian ubuntu? | 10:12 |
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botxj | http://www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com/christianubuntu/2006/07/about-ubuntu-christian-edition.html | 10:12 |
Awesome-o2000 | sess, i want the satanic version' | 10:12 |
botxj | check it out, christian edition | 10:12 |
cerberus | vish, we'll try | 10:12 |
jaxx | Where is the pagan version? | 10:12 |
Squatch | Alright, I was working off some Slackware setup I tried a couple years ago that recommended about 5 different partitions... | 10:12 |
JoseStefan | Awesome-o2000, it's called windows | 10:12 |
sess | yacc: well, its still a nice device, I would take that over startac anyday ;) | 10:12 |
botxj | i want the satanic version | 10:12 |
Rizzla420 | alright all, if anyone of you who helped me out are still on. THank you so much | 10:12 |
yacc | And the stupid WLAN on it sees only my laptop, OTOH, I do have an atypical WLAN setup (adhoc mode). | 10:12 |
sess | he he he | 10:13 |
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Rizzla420 | if anyone is having problems after reinstalling windows and killing their grub | 10:13 |
TimothyP | Squatch, unless your system has a very specific purpose , stick to / and your swap, and maybe a /home if you want that to be on a seperate drive | 10:13 |
Rizzla420 | i followed this posthttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/redhat-fedora-linux-help/66122-install-mbr-grub-knoppix.html | 10:13 |
Squatch | So, re-partition it to a 2GB swap partition (for 2GB Ram, that excessive?) and all the rest for root and everything? | 10:13 |
botxj | http://www.ichthux.com/ <---linux distro for christians | 10:13 |
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Awesome-o2000 | I wonder which distro is jebus approved | 10:13 |
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sess | Rizzla420: I hate knoppix, love grub, but use lilo when dualbooting | 10:13 |
TimothyP | if you have an older mainboard with a raid controller, where windows is on your IDE hard drive and ubuntu on your sata/scsci drive, I suggest creating a 128MB /boot on your IDE | 10:13 |
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JoseStefan | Squatch, sounds good | 10:13 |
TimothyP | Squatch, yes that would be good :) | 10:14 |
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cerberus | Squatch, that would work though you may want a /home partition as well, that way if you need to reinstall ubuntu or any other distro you son't lose all your personal data | 10:14 |
Squatch | Nope, it's fairly new, putting Ubuntu on an old 40GB IDE, have Windows on a SATA and a 120GB IDE for data shared between the two. | 10:14 |
yacc | sess: that's not funny, that means, I need to make my laptop a router for an IP that is in the same range as the WLAN net :( | 10:14 |
TeePOG | morning all | 10:14 |
TimothyP | :) | 10:14 |
botxj | and can you believe it, every copy of itchtuch linux comes with a bible program in every copy! | 10:14 |
Squatch | Cerberus: Thank you, I'll keep that in mind =). | 10:14 |
botxj | http://www.ichthux.com/files/screenshots/09_bibletime_study_ot.png | 10:14 |
JoseStefan | botxj, sudo apt-get remove bible | 10:15 |
botxj | lol | 10:15 |
Squatch | Thanks for the input guys! :) | 10:15 |
sess | yacc: why? laptop is running windows? internet connection sharing, adhoc address can be anything, as long as its set as the gateway on your nokia | 10:15 |
Shadowpillar_ | is the bible in the fiction repository? | 10:15 |
=== Shadowpillar_ badum pssh | ||
botxj | yes it is | 10:16 |
JoseStefan | Shadowpillar_, lol | 10:16 |
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sess | linux, I've never set up or used adhoc in linux, but it can't be much different than setting up the forwarding rules with ipchains | 10:16 |
Squatch | So, this is the configuration I've come up with. 5GB for root, usr, var, and boot (BTW, do I even need to specify these or will they just default to the same partition as root?), 2GB swap, and the rest I'm putting home on. | 10:16 |
sess | much more difficult | 10:16 |
yacc | sess: nope the laptop has only Linux on it, but still, "routing" packages that come in on eth2, back out on eth2, while it still the same IP network, ... | 10:16 |
Shadowpillar_ | actually I am a christian, I'm just not that fanatical :P | 10:16 |
Shadowpillar_ | people who take the bible so seriously = lol | 10:16 |
whadar | im running dapper, when GNOME starts up it just hangs (showing the splash screen)... checking the logs showed "Couldn't authenticate user". Now im running from GNOME safe-mode session and no problems occured... | 10:17 |
Shadowpillar_ | hrmm on a more on topic subject | 10:17 |
Shadowpillar_ | think we'll ever see a bsd kernel added to ubuntu? | 10:17 |
visik7 | youtube doesn't work anymore with flash7 | 10:17 |
visik7 | WTF!? | 10:17 |
Shadowpillar_ | like gnu/kbsd debian? | 10:17 |
visik7 | no no sorry | 10:17 |
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visik7 | my problem | 10:17 |
botxj | i used to be a christian, but now i'm a mystic spiritualist | 10:17 |
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Squatch | TimothyP, JoseStefan, Cerberus, Yacc, thanks for the help guys =). | 10:17 |
JoseStefan | i think we need to send a lot of candy on halloween to Adobe! | 10:18 |
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Rob00000 | anyone ever used greek keyboard layout? | 10:18 |
JoseStefan | i want to convert to Ubuntuism | 10:18 |
Shadowpillar_ | btw | 10:22 |
shinobi2 | is there a rdp server for ubuntu? vino is vnc, but i am looking for a way to rdp into ubuntu from win xp | 10:22 |
Shadowpillar_ | is the AHCI driver for the jmicron ASIC now supported? | 10:22 |
botxj | and who will the name of the god of ubuntuism be? will it be SUDO?! | 10:22 |
Shadowpillar_ | I wanna double check because I switch to my SATA2 port | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | Shadowpillar_, i think they are still working on that | 10:22 |
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=== Shadowpillar_ checks the kernel changelog | ||
visik7 | flashplugin isn't installalbe | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | botxj, root | 10:22 |
botxj | lol | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | botxj, sudo is a saint | 10:22 |
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botxj | lol | 10:22 |
visik7 | guys | 10:22 |
visik7 | flash isn't installable anymore | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | visik7, are you using backports? | 10:22 |
visik7 | no no | 10:22 |
visik7 | the old | 10:22 |
visik7 | without backports | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | what does it say? | 10:22 |
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botxj | when will they ever make 64bit flash? | 10:22 |
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JoseStefan | i just installed flash today | 10:22 |
Shadowpillar_ | visik7: all else fails, you can get wine (get the latest from winehq.org's repository for dapper) and install firefox for windows and use that to view certain sites until they release the flash port for linux | 10:22 |
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Shadowpillar_ | <botxj> when will they ever make 64bit flash? <-- in january or february | 10:22 |
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Shadowpillar_ | or maybe even before that | 10:22 |
visik7 | update-flashplugin | 10:22 |
visik7 | automatic installation failed due to network problems or upstream changes | 10:22 |
botxj | cool | 10:22 |
Shadowpillar_ | botxj: I use the nspluginwrapper atm | 10:22 |
krups | or use automatix to install the 32 bit version. | 10:22 |
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jouster | Squatch: any partitions you don't specify will be part of the '/' (root) partition. You will want a much larger root and personally I'd not bother with the separate /home partition | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | Shadowpillar_, august | 10:22 |
Shadowpillar_ | use alien to convert the rpm's | 10:22 |
botxj | cause i use amd64 and i dont know how to get flash to work | 10:22 |
Marlun | When installing PHP5, do I have to install all the extensions I want at the same time or can I install them at a later time and it will just work? For example if I later decide I want php5-curl. | 10:22 |
Shadowpillar_ | JoseStefan: august came and passed | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | Marlun, you can install them later | 10:22 |
jouster | Just archive it to the shared 120GB drive (make some FAT32 so both Windows + Ubuntu can r/w) when/if you need to | 10:22 |
JoseStefan | Shadowpillar_, there is an august every year | 10:22 |
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Squatch | jouster: Hmmm, maybe I'll do that, just to adhere to the KISS principle for a noob... >_< | 10:22 |
visik7 | on a fresh install flashplugin-nonfree isn't installable (not the one in backports the other) | 10:23 |
jouster | 5GB won't be enough | 10:23 |
Shadowpillar_ | JoseStefan: nah, they're aiming at the latest, february | 10:23 |
Marlun | What about libapache2-mod-php5, on the Ubuntu docs it says I only have to install it if php4 is already on the system, I thought it was always needed to connect apache and php? | 10:23 |
jouster | unless its a server | 10:23 |
JoseStefan | visik7, maybe it's a NOW issue, i installed that package like 3 hours ago | 10:23 |
jouster | *minimum* of 12, I'd recommend, with your drive | 10:23 |
Shadowpillar_ | http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/ | 10:23 |
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JoseStefan | Marlun, you will need it | 10:24 |
visik7 | JoseStefan: 'couse adobe has removed the page where the update-flashplugin go to get the .so | 10:24 |
Squatch | I like your idea of changing the 120GB to FAT32... Should make things much easier. So, I'll do a 2GB swap, and the rest of the 40GB for root, etc. | 10:24 |
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jouster | yep sounds good | 10:24 |
visik7 | JoseStefan: try to run sudo update-flashplugin | 10:24 |
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JoseStefan | visik7, try "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree/dapper" | 10:24 |
jouster | That's what I have found easiest anyway | 10:25 |
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visik7 | JoseStefan: I've the dapper one not the backport one | 10:25 |
jouster | You are really fairly well off with a separate 40GB drive; the 120GB is juice! | 10:25 |
Squatch | I'm all about easy while I get comfortable with this software ;). | 10:25 |
JoseStefan | visik7, i ran that like 3 hours ago, without problems | 10:25 |
zwnj | where i can find more info about LTS? would 6.10 be LTS? if not, which next version would be? | 10:25 |
shinobi2 | how do i start vino service> | 10:25 |
shinobi2 | ? | 10:25 |
JoseStefan | !lts | 10:26 |
ubotu | lts is Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. | 10:26 |
visik7 | JoseStefan: adobe have removed the page of the old version | 10:26 |
jouster | For sure | 10:26 |
Ace_NoOne | hello - I am a newbie trying to install Ubuntu on my old PC (600 Mhz CPU, 128 MB RAM). However, when booting from the live CD, it takes ages for Ubuntu to load; it's been running for almost an hour now, and all I can see right now is the black background color (no desktop elements whatsoever) | 10:26 |
jouster | t:) | 10:26 |
KenSentMe | I've addad a ftp-server to my locations, how can i delete it? | 10:26 |
Ace_NoOne | why might that be - the live CD used to boot up just fine | 10:26 |
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zwnj | ubotu: i know, but i want to find the answer of other questions. would 6.10 be LTS? if not, which next version would be? | 10:27 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about i know, but i want to find the answer of other questions. would 6.10 be LTS? if not, which next version would be? - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:27 |
Madpilot | zwnj, ubotu is a bot ;) | 10:27 |
Madpilot | ubotu, tell zwnj about yourself | 10:27 |
zwnj | Madpilot: yes, just found it :D | 10:27 |
MikaT | !ubotu | 10:28 |
ubotu | I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage | 10:28 |
Madpilot | zwnj, I think the plan is for every 3rd release to be an LTS release. I'm not certain, though. | 10:28 |
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Madpilot | zwnj, regardless, 6.06 has 3yrs of desktop support and 5yrs of server | 10:28 |
Zvjer | hi to all | 10:28 |
JoseStefan | zwnj, i think edgy will be supported for 18 months as usual | 10:28 |
Zvjer | I have a tiny flashplugin problem, do you know something about it? | 10:29 |
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zwnj | Madpilot, JoseStefan: got it, thanks :) | 10:29 |
visik7 | Zvjer: are you tring to install the backport version ? | 10:29 |
Zvjer | today's flash-plugin upgrade doesn't want to upgrade itself it drops errors :) | 10:30 |
Zvjer | how do I know if it's a backport? | 10:30 |
Zvjer | I have all the repos enabled :) | 10:30 |
visik7 | tell me the version | 10:30 |
visik7 | Zvjer: yes it's due to the fact that you have backports repo in your sources list (that is not supported) | 10:30 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer: find the forum link here: https://launchpad.net/bugs/61349 | 10:30 |
visik7 | btw the problem is that you cannot downgrade | 10:30 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, there are a couple of solutions there | 10:31 |
visik7 | 'couse the old version is not on the adobe site anymore | 10:31 |
Zvjer | yes it's backports ... 7.0.68 | 10:31 |
TeePOG | is there a way to make the flash-plugin report itself as Flash 8? Too many sites don't support Flash 7 anymore | 10:31 |
JoseStefan | visik7, i just purged my flash and reinstalled the dapper one, no problems | 10:31 |
JoseStefan | visik7, update-flashplugin, on the other hand, fails | 10:31 |
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Zvjer | which solution do you all sugest here? | 10:32 |
Zvjer | currently I have no flash insatlled | 10:32 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, downgrading, and not installing the backport | 10:32 |
Ace_NoOne | as a newbie, which filesystem should I use for my Ubuntu partition? | 10:32 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree/dapper | 10:32 |
arcad3_ | sherch boot | 10:33 |
Zvjer | thanks | 10:33 |
Zvjer | I did it | 10:33 |
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Zvjer | update notification will now hunt me for days :D | 10:34 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, you could disable backports from your repos, or ignore the update | 10:34 |
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Zvjer | but backport should be a nice think, not a bad thing | 10:38 |
visik7 | btw | 10:38 |
Zvjer | thinG | 10:38 |
visik7 | I'm unable to recover the old flashplugin | 10:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | * ahci: Add support for JMicron ahci controller. | 10:38 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, it was a minor fluke, we are human after all | 10:38 |
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Shadowpillar_ | - Malone #45839 | 10:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | 2.6.15-24.40 | 10:38 |
Z310N | hallo everyone | 10:38 |
JoseStefan | visik7, both me and Zvjer, have installed it in no more than 5 mins ago | 10:38 |
Zvjer | I suppose they will fix the new version to be installable? | 10:38 |
Z310N | where do I get a Grapical Wine Application for linux? | 10:38 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, there is a way to install the backport, but i dont suggest it at the time | 10:38 |
JoseStefan | visik7, try this: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree | 10:38 |
visik7 | yes I've purged the old one | 10:38 |
Zvjer | I'll wait .. I had enough problems with dealing with aiglx which dies on every upgrade hihi | 10:38 |
visik7 | JoseStefan: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree/dapper <- works | 10:38 |
JoseStefan | visik7, then: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree/dapper | 10:38 |
visik7 | but | 10:38 |
visik7 | ok | 10:38 |
visik7 | it install correctly | 10:38 |
visik7 | but flash don't work | 10:38 |
Zvjer | how can I disable the join/quit notification in x-chat? | 10:38 |
JoseStefan | visik7, i never really got to that part, let me see... | 10:38 |
visik7 | :) | 10:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | <Z310N> where do I get a Grapical Wine Application for linux? what do you mean? | 10:38 |
Madpilot | Zvjer, there's an option somewhere in Settings->Preferences in XChat to turn off display of the join/quit messages | 10:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | visik7: are you sure the gnash plugin isnt installed? | 10:38 |
Z310N | i mean i want a GUI application so i can handle WINE windows emulation more easy | 10:38 |
visik7 | Shadowpillar_: yes never installed | 10:38 |
visik7 | Wine is not an emulator | 10:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | Z310N: run winecfg | 10:38 |
Shadowpillar_ | visik7: make sure you get the latest from winehq.org's dapper rep | 10:39 |
Shadowpillar_ | repo* | 10:39 |
Shadowpillar_ | er | 10:39 |
Shadowpillar_ | oops | 10:39 |
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Shadowpillar_ | Z310N: make sure you get the latest from winehq.org's dapper rep | 10:39 |
Z310N | ive tryied Xwine and some other app. i dont want to use the command line.. | 10:39 |
visik7 | JoseStefan: are you able to see flash sites ? | 10:39 |
Shadowpillar_ | Z310N: well, most exe's will run when you click them, wine will run them, but it's a good idea to run them in a shell so if they crash, you'll know why | 10:40 |
JoseStefan | visik7, guess not, but i lest i dont get the ugly update-rc.d error | 10:40 |
Z310N | winexs is it called, but it wont work, it complains that DLL files are missing even though its located in the dir. from where i run my win app. | 10:40 |
JoseStefan | at leat i | 10:40 |
JoseStefan | at least i (i need a new keyboard) | 10:40 |
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visik7 | ok | 10:41 |
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Zvjer | thanks guys | 10:41 |
JoseStefan | visik7, i believe there is another package that relates flash and firefox | 10:41 |
visik7 | uh ? | 10:41 |
Zvjer | chaky: pozdrav | 10:42 |
JoseStefan | visik7, not sure. but is there another package other than flashplugin-nonfree ? | 10:42 |
ChaKy | Zvjer: e bok, but this is a english speaking channel. Come to #ubuntu-hr | 10:42 |
Zvjer | not a problem, just identifying myself | 10:43 |
visik7 | JoseStefan: flashplugin-nonfree take care of downloading the plugin from adobe site | 10:43 |
Zvjer | anyone heard any rumors of the flash 8/9 for linux release date? | 10:43 |
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visik7 | JoseStefan: but since the 7.0.63 is removed and the package from backports of 7.0.68 is broken is impossible to have flash right now (at least without downloading it by hand and mess up your system spreading .so in the system :) ) | 10:44 |
visik7 | Zvjer: probably for the end of the year | 10:44 |
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JoseStefan | visik7, how are you sure 7.0.63 is removed? | 10:44 |
KenSentMe | I've addad a ftp-server to my locations, how can i delete it? | 10:44 |
Z310N | if i try running my app. it says its missing a lot of DLL but they are located it the base directory where my exe is located | 10:45 |
visik7 | 'couse update-flashplugin contain the url to the place where it get the plugin | 10:45 |
visik7 | I've checked it and I got a 404 | 10:45 |
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JoseStefan | but update-flashplugin might be different | 10:45 |
KenSentMe | How can you delete the entry you created with 'Connect to server'? | 10:45 |
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Z310N | why does it do that shadow? | 10:46 |
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thomas{}bigTOM | what is the command to make gcc work sudo makeessials or something? | 10:46 |
Zvjer | to everyone: like someone said earlyer .. uninstall flashplugin and type: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree/dapper | 10:46 |
Zvjer | it will revert to working version | 10:47 |
visik7 | JoseStefan: update-flashplugin is executed after the flashplugin-nonfree is installed | 10:47 |
Zvjer | nothing is removed from anywhere since it's working for me | 10:47 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, not EVERYONE had backports enabled | 10:47 |
visik7 | Zvjer: but don't fix the problem | 10:47 |
Zvjer | what problem? security? | 10:47 |
visik7 | no | 10:47 |
visik7 | is broken you will not get back flash working after that command | 10:47 |
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Zvjer | flash 7 on linux sucks in all possible ways, who cares about small security since it doesn't even play half sites in the world :) | 10:48 |
kedde | does anyone know an API for WI-FI under Linux? | 10:48 |
Zvjer | no? let me try if it's working BRB | 10:48 |
JoseStefan | visik7, i think he's in for a surprise | 10:48 |
visik7 | close and reopen firefox | 10:48 |
visik7 | :) | 10:48 |
devilx | hi, I've got a question about Kubuntu in use with kickstart. I have the problem, that Kubuntu (everytime I kickstart it) wants to use security.ubuntu.com as security-updates mirror. In fact, this won't work on the network I'm on, since there is no direct connection to outside hosts, only via squid. Is there a possibillity to change kubuntu's security updates source? | 10:49 |
Zvjer | seems you're right haha | 10:49 |
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Z310N | shadowpillar do you know why wine behave like that? | 10:49 |
Zvjer | it's installed but not working haah | 10:49 |
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Guardian | hello | 10:49 |
thomas{}bigTOM | anyone know how to get gcc to start working you download it using synaptic Package manager | 10:49 |
visik7 | flash is broken | 10:49 |
visik7 | long live to flash | 10:49 |
Zvjer | I'll kill myself now :D | 10:49 |
Guardian | does anyone know if there's a way to have usb support in ubuntu while being under virtual pc 2004 ? | 10:50 |
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Z310N | usb is automaticly detected in ubuntu mostly. go install it on a seperate harddrive rather than emulate it Guardian. | 10:50 |
Lemino | need som assistance in upgrading to edgy... | 10:50 |
Lemino | someone please. | 10:50 |
JoseStefan | i think i have a fix | 10:51 |
JoseStefan | but it's ugly | 10:51 |
Lemino | what? | 10:51 |
JoseStefan | meant for visik7 and Zvjer | 10:51 |
visik7 | tell us | 10:51 |
JoseStefan | visik7, Zvjer: installing the backport | 10:51 |
Guardian | Z310N: well i have loads of physical linux at my disposal, but for a particular guy here, we need virtualization | 10:51 |
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Zvjer | why are you installing? | 10:52 |
Guardian | Z310N: but i guess we'll switch to virtual pc / vmware player | 10:52 |
Zvjer | does it work? | 10:52 |
JoseStefan | visik7, Zvjer: the error can be fixed | 10:52 |
Z310N | okay | 10:52 |
JoseStefan | !edgy > Lemino | 10:52 |
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Marlun | Is there a webpage somewhere where I can read about Debian/Ubuntu way of working with Apache? | 10:53 |
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visik7 | ok maybe it's easy | 10:55 |
JoseStefan | visik7, you think we can find the .so elsewhere? | 10:55 |
vds | hi all, I've just installed dapper on a dell inspiron 8600, I'm using nvidia proprietary driver, everything seems to work fine except that I cannot see the textual shell looks, any suggestion ? tnx! | 10:55 |
visik7 | let me see if I can fix the backport pack | 10:55 |
JoseStefan | visik7, i really dont want the backport right now | 10:55 |
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visik7 | yes seems to be ok | 10:55 |
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visik7 | ok | 10:55 |
visik7 | solved | 10:55 |
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Shadowpillar_ | <kedde> does anyone know an API for WI-FI under Linux? | 10:56 |
visik7 | so | 10:56 |
Shadowpillar_ | what do you mean? | 10:56 |
visik7 | using the backport version | 10:56 |
visik7 | install it | 10:56 |
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visik7 | then after the error | 10:56 |
visik7 | sudoedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-nonfree.postinst | 10:56 |
JoseStefan | visik7, there is an easier way | 10:57 |
visik7 | and remove all the crap after | 10:57 |
visik7 | # Automatically added by dh_installinit | 10:57 |
visik7 | then | 10:57 |
visik7 | dpkg --configure --pending | 10:57 |
visik7 | then works | 10:57 |
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zorglu_ | q. i have 2 package .deb on my local disk, but they have dependency on the usual ubuntu repository, i tried apt-get install mypackage.deb to install automatically all the dependancies but it does not get them, is there a way to get all the dependancies automatically ? | 10:57 |
JoseStefan | visik7, read what binapower said here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261179&page=2 | 10:57 |
JoseStefan | visik7, and this bug: https://launchpad.net/bugs/61349 | 10:58 |
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visik7 | yes is more or less the same solution | 10:58 |
stewee | When updating apache on ubuntu, I get this:Setting up apache (1.3.33-6sarge3) ... | 10:58 |
stewee | Number found where operator expected at -e line 4, near "s,^\s*Port.*,Port 80,443" | 10:58 |
stewee | syntax error at -e line 4, near "s,^\s*Port.*,Port 80,443" | 10:58 |
stewee | Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors. | 10:58 |
stewee | dpkg: error processing apache (--configure): | 10:58 |
JoseStefan | visik7, Zvjer: btw, i just kept running update-flashplugin, and it seems to be downloading it | 10:58 |
stewee | someone had this too? | 10:58 |
visik7 | with the dapper version ? | 10:59 |
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JoseStefan | visik7, yes | 10:59 |
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visik7 | not here | 10:59 |
kendals | landell: | 10:59 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 10:59 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 10:59 |
Zvjer | here I am | 10:59 |
kendals | But synaptics only has 0.60..? | 10:59 |
kendals | What do I do here? | 10:59 |
Zvjer | let me try this advice | 10:59 |
JoseStefan | visik7, it's sure taking it's sweet ass time | 10:59 |
stewee | visik7:with the previous one | 10:59 |
Grub_Now | 10:59 | |
kendals | I even tried getting libdbus latest from it's site, and compiling that! | 10:59 |
stewee | visik7: version 3.1 | 10:59 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, run: sudo update-flashplugin | 11:00 |
Z310N | my application that i try to emulate with wine, say it cant install due to missing DLL files, witch are available in the same dir. as the installer file, why dosent it work? | 11:00 |
JoseStefan | Zvjer, looks like it is working now | 11:00 |
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visik7 | Z310N: you need to put the dll in the winecfg | 11:00 |
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cerberus | is there a quick easy way to upgrade from breezy to dapper if you have the dapper cd? | 11:01 |
kendals | How do I get libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) and libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61), when Synaptics only has 0.60 :( | 11:02 |
cerberus | without using x based tools | 11:02 |
Zvjer | yap, flash 7.0.68 works now | 11:02 |
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starpause | i just got moc-2.4.0 compiled & running for ubuntu 6.06! fcuk yes! | 11:02 |
Zvjer | by using the advice 50 lines above | 11:02 |
JoseStefan | i rather get the old one working, and wait until they officialy fix the backport | 11:03 |
Z310N | where visik7? | 11:03 |
visik7 | Z310N: run the winecfg | 11:04 |
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visik7 | and put the dll in the library tab | 11:04 |
Z310N | iam in winecfg but there is a lot of configuration possibilitys | 11:04 |
raj | how do i test my reverse lookup working on dns | 11:04 |
kendals | How do I get libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) and libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61), when Synaptics only has 0.60 :( | 11:04 |
BeepAU | What's the best way of lowering a mp3's bitrate? Is there an app that can do a bunch at once? | 11:04 |
Zvjer | sound is now working for me in youtube hehe :) | 11:05 |
Zvjer | now I like the new flash! | 11:05 |
kendals | Zvjer- what guide? | 11:06 |
Zvjer | sudoedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-nonfree.postinst | 11:06 |
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Zvjer | and remove all the crap after | 11:06 |
JoseStefan | i dont think thats the best way | 11:06 |
Zvjer | # Automatically added by dh_installinit | 11:06 |
Zvjer | then | 11:06 |
JoseStefan | looks very intrusive | 11:06 |
Zvjer | dpkg --configure --pending | 11:06 |
Zvjer | then works | 11:06 |
Zvjer | finally some sound from youtube :) | 11:08 |
Zvjer | have a nice day everybody, and thank you very muck visik7 | 11:08 |
Zvjer | OK? | 11:08 |
visik7 | :) | 11:08 |
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Zvjer | bye | 11:09 |
AbortD | can anyone help me? | 11:10 |
visik7 | can you just ask ? | 11:10 |
AbortD | maybe ;P | 11:10 |
AbortD | well | 11:10 |
AbortD | im getting a error with guichan | 11:10 |
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sess | abortd: 911 | 11:10 |
AbortD | they are saying its my build essentials? | 11:10 |
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AbortD | and its not guichan messing up | 11:11 |
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AbortD | how can i fix it? | 11:11 |
Z310N | any wine experts? | 11:11 |
Empty | AbortD, are you trying to build from scratch? | 11:12 |
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Empty | AbortD, There's a package you need to install if you are compiling source called build-essential | 11:12 |
sess | z310n: im a beer man myself | 11:12 |
AbortD | yes empty | 11:13 |
AbortD | thank you i love you | 11:13 |
AbortD | where do i get this? | 11:13 |
Empty | AbortD, heh, no problem | 11:13 |
Empty | Use Synaptic | 11:13 |
AbortD | k | 11:13 |
AbortD | yer awesome | 11:13 |
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sess | apt-get install build-essential | 11:13 |
kendals | How do I get libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) and libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61), when Synaptics only has 0.60 :( | 11:13 |
sess | easiest way to get it + dependencies | 11:13 |
Empty | AbortD, nah that's an easy one... | 11:13 |
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Squatch | Dang... I'm trying to get the LiveCD to run again, but it keeps hanging at "Loading hardware drivers..." Any suggestions on how long to wait or how to startup in some mode that will show what's going on? | 11:14 |
AbortD | i know yer awesome for helping me | 11:14 |
sess | abortd: you know how to use apt right? | 11:14 |
AbortD | aptpet? | 11:14 |
AbortD | apt get | 11:14 |
AbortD | er | 11:14 |
sess | yea | 11:14 |
AbortD | aptget | 11:14 |
AbortD | space or no? | 11:14 |
AbortD | i forget | 11:14 |
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sess | synaptic is good too, but apt is your bloodline | 11:14 |
=== Gnalein [n=pontus@lund-kc50-sr0-vl100-56-058.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sess | type this at the console | 11:14 |
AbortD | can i do sudo aptget install build essentials? | 11:15 |
sess | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 11:15 |
AbortD | :D | 11:15 |
AbortD | i was right with mistypes | 11:15 |
AbortD | yays | 11:15 |
sess | perfect | 11:15 |
sess | now go do it | 11:15 |
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sess | :-D | 11:15 |
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sess | damn, its late, 4:15 am | 11:15 |
sess | time for bed | 11:15 |
Gnalein | I thought ubuntu "just works" all the time, yet I'm facing several badworking things here | 11:15 |
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=== AbortD hugs sess | ||
Gnalein | Gaim for an example just closes it self after I've connected on msn | 11:16 |
Empty | Gnalein, nothing "just works" all the time, Ubuntu just has a pretty good batting average | 11:16 |
drumline | ubuntu's grub doesn't have reiserfs capability natively does it? | 11:16 |
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Gnalein | It's very frustrating when you cannot be on msn... | 11:17 |
Empty | drumline, use ext2 for /boot, then reiser wherever you need it | 11:17 |
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Empty | drumline, I would only use reiser if you have a clear and documented need for it | 11:18 |
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pluffsy | hi | 11:19 |
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exmethix | hey @ all | 11:19 |
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drumline | Empty: ahh ok.. is that because reiserfs is so new? | 11:20 |
exmethix | i have a question. i want to buy a new webcam today. My old cam was a mistake (Labtec). I just loke to hear some DO's and DONT's from you... | 11:20 |
Empty | nomego_, it is pretty stable but when it dies it does so explosively | 11:20 |
drumline | Empty: I was having trouble getting grub to embed the reiserfs_stage1_5 even when I was specifying a prefix directory... crazy | 11:20 |
drumline | Empty: dayam... I guess I'll be using ext3 :) | 11:21 |
Empty | err drumline , not nomego_ | 11:21 |
exmethix | which cam would you use with dapper and edgy in future? | 11:21 |
Squatch | I was just looking at that issue Drumline, and Reiserfs seems to be pretty mature, it's just that it's optimized for extremely small files (with an efficiency gain of about 10-15 times according to wikipedia)... So unless you really need it, don't worry about it. | 11:21 |
exmethix | i schuold give good pictures | 11:21 |
drumline | Empty: is SUSE jumping the gun then by making reiserfs the default? | 11:21 |
exmethix | and very important: IT SHOULD BE FULLY COMPATIBLE | 11:21 |
exmethix | ;) | 11:21 |
drumline | Squatch: cool... thanks so much. | 11:21 |
Empty | drumline, Yeah... SUSE tends to make bizarre against-the-current-thought decisions like that | 11:21 |
Empty | Squatch, it's a LOT faster if you are dealing with tons of small files | 11:22 |
drumline | Empty: I've noticed.. They were getting slammed by the redhat guys for jumping onto the Xen boat a bit too soon. | 11:22 |
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drumline | Empty: How small? :) like 1k? | 11:22 |
Empty | Squatch, I run qmail queues on Reiser and they totally haul ass | 11:22 |
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drumline | Empty: nice | 11:23 |
Empty | drumline, Like a few meg | 11:23 |
NET||abuse | hmm, i've installed mysql5 from debs and i see by default it has a user, debian-sys-maint , seems to have alot of access, most commands other than privileges and routines | 11:23 |
tomcatt | !ntfs | 11:23 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 11:23 |
NET||abuse | what is the point of it? | 11:23 |
drumline | hmm... | 11:23 |
xenoborg123445 | go to this webpage: http://mrroot.homelinux.org/wordpress/ | 11:23 |
Squatch | Empty: I'll bet, it seems to be optimized for files under 4K. | 11:23 |
Empty | NET||abuse, its for dpkg to use | 11:23 |
drumline | Empty: from what I've been able to tell, there are more tools for diagnosing and repairing ext3, is that correct? | 11:23 |
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NET||abuse | Empty: oh? why does dpkg need access to data in the databases? | 11:23 |
Empty | NET||abuse, should have no remote access and a yourbox-specific PW locked away somewhere IIRC | 11:23 |
tomcatt | !defrag | 11:23 |
ubotu | defragmentation is not needed for Ext3 and ReiserFS filesystems. They are much more efficient in their allocation of storage units. | 11:23 |
Empty | NET||abuse, when installing packages with databases | 11:24 |
NET||abuse | ohhhhhhh | 11:24 |
NET||abuse | interesting | 11:24 |
Empty | drumline, oodles more | 11:24 |
tomcatt | !reiserfs | 11:24 |
ubotu | reiserfs is a journalling file system, in benchmarks it outperforms many others on I/O operations, but they take notoriously long to mount. | 11:24 |
falsenames | Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me change network card drivers. Ubuntu did not load up foredeth, and instead loaded up an old driver, which is causing my connection to be FAR slower than it should be. | 11:24 |
tomcatt | !ext2 | 11:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext2 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:24 |
drumline | Empty: yeah... I'll be installing this next one with ext3. Thanks. :) | 11:24 |
drumline | !ext23 | 11:24 |
tomcatt | !ext3 | 11:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ext23 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:24 |
ubotu | ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org | 11:24 |
Empty | !xfs | 11:25 |
ubotu | xfs: X font server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 50 kB, installed size 180 kB | 11:25 |
drumline | oh that's right | 11:25 |
drumline | There's a windows driver | 11:25 |
Empty | !jfs | 11:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about jfs - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:25 |
tomcatt | !reiserfs4 | 11:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about reiserfs4 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:25 |
tomcatt | !reiserfs3 | 11:25 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about reiserfs3 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:25 |
njan | Technically that's no ttrue. Ext3 just doesn't happen to have a defragmentation tool. | 11:25 |
Empty | heh, ubotu is kinda slow in the FSA department | 11:25 |
drumline | That new reiserfs.. That'll take a while to catch on. | 11:25 |
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xenoborg123445 | reiserfs4 info -> http://mrroot.homelinux.org/wordpress/ | 11:25 |
njan | Ext2 did, and you can use it on ext3 if you temporarily downgrade ext3 => ext2. | 11:25 |
tomcatt | thx | 11:25 |
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njan | http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net/ext2.html <= ext2 defragger | 11:26 |
drumline | Empty: thx for all the data... very helpful stuff. | 11:26 |
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falsenames | So, can anyone help me with my network driver problem? | 11:27 |
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tomcatt | is there a way to read reiserfs in windows? (in case I need to run it.) | 11:27 |
kendals | How do I get libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) and libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61), when Synaptics only has 0.60 :( | 11:27 |
Empty | drumline, No problem :) Go forth and have fun | 11:27 |
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drumline | Empty, heh... will do. Niter! | 11:27 |
haffe | Hi, could somebody help me with my problem? I installed a hibernate kernel. Now I wish to compile a matching nvidiadriver. How should I do this? | 11:28 |
AbortD | what is opengl? | 11:28 |
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AbortD | !opengl | 11:28 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about opengl - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:28 |
AbortD | :/ | 11:28 |
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sess | damn can't sleep, ned some aquateen | 11:29 |
surface | tomcatt: the way i can think off is load an linux in vmware. | 11:29 |
Empty | AbortD, OpenGL is a 3d toolkit | 11:29 |
babo_ | what are the best webmaster forums ? | 11:29 |
njan | babo_, www.webhostingtalk.com | 11:29 |
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Empty | haffe, what video card do you have? | 11:29 |
babo_ | njan: cool thanks, I'll check it out ... | 11:29 |
sess | Z310N: aah wine, the recursively acronymed windows emulator. :) havent used it in a while, mostly using crossover office for my windows needs. | 11:30 |
AbortD | Empty, dont i need it to view 3d stuff? | 11:30 |
njan | babo_, yw | 11:30 |
vds | hi all, I've just installed dapper on a dell inspiron 8600, I'm using nvidia proprietary driver, everything seems to work fine except that I cannot see the textual shell looks, any suggestion ? tnx! | 11:30 |
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the1 | opengl is standard for graphics functions implimented in hardware and interfaced through a your graphics card driver | 11:30 |
haffe | Empty: GF5200 | 11:30 |
the1 | you can use your cpu for doing opengl instead of your graphics card, but it will be much slower | 11:30 |
AbortD | the1 you just confused me? | 11:31 |
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the1 | sorry | 11:31 |
AbortD | well i got a nvidia or something | 11:31 |
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AbortD | i can 420 or someshit | 11:31 |
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haffe | Hmmm. | 11:31 |
the1 | nvidia is the chipset of your graphics card | 11:31 |
AbortD | ok | 11:31 |
AbortD | well | 11:31 |
haffe | Somebody seems to be unable to read. | 11:31 |
haffe | I got a link to the binary nvidia howto. | 11:32 |
sess | Z310N: I believe that sometimes you have to pay to get what you want, it also helps continue development in the opensource world | 11:32 |
haffe | And as people should know. The binary driver is not compatible with hibernateenabled kernels. | 11:32 |
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kendals | How do I get guifications to work with Gaim2beta3? | 11:32 |
takemiya_masaki | hello | 11:32 |
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fatbrain | cry, where do I get libsmbclient.h from? | 11:32 |
sess | Z310N: you use wine, and it works pretty well. I use crossover office and it works extremely well. If I want to play games, I have wineX, which works tremendously well. | 11:32 |
AbortD | do i need opengl libraries to view things made in it? | 11:33 |
Empty | haffe, tried fglrx? | 11:33 |
fatbrain | (I have libsmbclient installed, didn't see a -dev package :() | 11:33 |
BeepAU | who uses xine and wants to help me? | 11:33 |
AbortD | i installed guichan | 11:33 |
falsenames | Yet again, I'm looking for some way to change what driver my network card is using to forcedeth. I have no idea how to do this, and would like to get some help, as web browsing is going at a snail's pace. | 11:33 |
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haffe | Empty: Why would I want to run an atidriver for my nvidiacard? | 11:33 |
surface | BeepAU: whats the problem with xine? | 11:33 |
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cpk2 | haffe: you wouldnt =P | 11:33 |
Empty | haffe, oh man, I am sorry... it's late | 11:34 |
AbortD | and says it wont support it unless i get certain libraries then tells me to refer to my my graphics card vendor | 11:34 |
takemiya_masaki | im having trouble with a jnlp wich should work but doesnt. Anyone on dapper whould be kind enought to check if it works on his box? Its this app, its a go server client. http://files.gokgs.com/javaBin/cgoban.jnlp. http://files.gokgs.com/javaBin/cgoban.jnlp | 11:34 |
AbortD | to talk to them | 11:34 |
sess | Z310N: It was worth the little money it cost to purchase a few utilities taht would provide me with thousands of hours of productivity and entertainment. I used to dick with vaniilla wine a lot, but in the end, what I wanted has not been accomplished yet by the opensource project. | 11:34 |
=== JosefK_ is now known as JosefK | ||
Empty | haffe, I am STFUing about your vid prob before I fry you LOL | 11:34 |
JosefK | got to say, I'm pretty impressed with the hardware support for Latitudes (even wireless works out of the box) | 11:35 |
BeepAU | surface -- i want to change the aspect ratio xine is set at when it opens | 11:35 |
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falsenames | ok, giving up and heading to a channel where I'll actually get some help. | 11:35 |
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BeepAU | surface -- but, i can't find how | 11:35 |
cpk2 | haffe: the binaries at the nvidia site wont work for you? | 11:35 |
JosefK | anyone here setup a 'TouchStick' (kinda like the ones on a Thinkpad)? the pointer control works, but it can't do tapping or scrolling | 11:35 |
cpk2 | i'm assuming the one from apt-get is no good | 11:35 |
takemiya_masaki | JosefK, its an alps? | 11:36 |
surface | BeepAU: sorry,i am not even know what is aspect ratio | 11:36 |
haffe | cpk2: I am looking for a howto on compiling them. | 11:36 |
kendals | How do I get guifications to work with Gaim2beta3? | 11:36 |
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JosefK | takemiya_masaki: just doing an lspci, two secs | 11:36 |
Marlun | Can I upgrade the vim version that comes with ubuntu to 7.0 somehow? | 11:36 |
BeepAU | surface -- it's the size of the screen, the most common ones are 4:3 and 16:9 | 11:36 |
JosefK | takemiya_masaki: no indication :/ it's whatever comes on a new Latitude, checking xorg.conf now | 11:37 |
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cpk2 | haffe: did you get the .sh? | 11:37 |
Empty | night all | 11:37 |
takemiya_masaki | i setup mine, using synaptic driver, and adding some lines in xorg.conf | 11:37 |
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takemiya_masaki | now scrolling works | 11:37 |
takemiya_masaki | i copied the xorg lines from a suse setup wich had it working out of the box | 11:38 |
surface | BeepAU: maybe u can vi .xine/config and make gui.experience_level to master and try to configure in preference again | 11:38 |
haffe | cpk2: Yes. | 11:38 |
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JosefK | takemiya_masaki: it's a Wacom "eraser" - it's got a seperate section in xorg.conf, so I'm going to google for more options | 11:38 |
cpk2 | haffe: just stop X and then sh nvidiashfile | 11:38 |
haffe | That complains that it can't find kernel sources. | 11:38 |
cpk2 | youre doing this with X stopped right? | 11:39 |
alluc | hi | 11:39 |
haffe | Yes. | 11:39 |
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alluc | my website is http://classifiers.eu/, but when openning this address, it's replaced by, how to keep the original name in the address bar of the browser ? | 11:40 |
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cpk2 | haffe: you have build-essentials? | 11:40 |
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devin_ | what's a simple calculator that i can do '2+5' in with bash | 11:41 |
devin_ | like, simple Unix command | 11:41 |
the1 | bc will work | 11:41 |
the1 | but is not too simple | 11:41 |
jpjacobs | devin_, if you something simple, yet powerfull ry wcalc | 11:42 |
devin_ | is there a simple one i can pass 2+5 to? | 11:42 |
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devin_ | bc seems to only work in interactive mode | 11:42 |
devin_ | i also thought of bc | 11:42 |
devin_ | but because of that i cant use it | 11:43 |
exmethix | could somebody tell me a webcam, that is perfectly working with ubuntu dapper? | 11:43 |
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the1 | bc starts by | 11:43 |
the1 | processing code from all the files listed on the command line in the order listed. After all files have been | 11:43 |
the1 | processed, bc reads from the standard input. | 11:43 |
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takemiya_masaki | i use irb fur | 11:44 |
surface | devin_: bc can do that, example check www.linuxbyexample.co.nr | 11:44 |
takemiya_masaki | for that | 11:44 |
hawkaloogie | this is the SECOND TIME that ubuntu has updated my kernel without updating linux-restricted-modules | 11:44 |
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hawkaloogie | what do i do automatic updates for if not to have my computer automatically update? | 11:44 |
kalif | devin_: echo 2+5 | bc | 11:45 |
devin_ | ah duh | 11:45 |
devin_ | just pipe the stdio | 11:45 |
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hawkaloogie | just a note to those helping users: if some people with nvidia module get latest kernel update and forget linux-restricted-modules, they'll ask why their X won't start :p | 11:45 |
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cafuego | devin_: echo $(( 2+5 )) | 11:47 |
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surface | cafuego: how about floating point? | 11:49 |
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cafuego | surface: 'bc' I think | 11:49 |
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surface | cafuego: echi $(( 2/5 )) | 11:49 |
surface | doesn seems to work | 11:49 |
surface | cafuego: ok :P | 11:50 |
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kalif | echo 2/5 | bc -l | 11:50 |
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surface | kalif: thx | 11:50 |
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kalif | bc is so cool | 11:51 |
Ernst_ | can anyone tell how i can change the theme of wine so it gets the same color as ubuntu's human? | 11:51 |
kalif | echo 'ibase=10;obase=16;16' | bc -l | 11:51 |
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NineTeen67Comet | Afternoon all .. is the cli to format a hard drive in Ubuntu the same as some of the others? mkfs.vfat for fat32? | 11:53 |
jpjacobs | yeah | 11:54 |
scrp | isnt there some terminal i can use to connect to cisco routers? using com1 | 11:54 |
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Z310N | have anyone tried the crossover application? | 11:55 |
surface | kalif: yeah | 11:55 |
Z310N | hereby ment the commersial software that has the same funktionality like wine but in a GUI enviroment | 11:56 |
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ic56 | scrp: the traditional applications are cu(1) and tip(1). They are part of the uucp subsystem. There are plenty others that offer fancier functionality and which don't depend on the uucp subsystem. I like kermit, though I haven't used it in ages. | 11:56 |
kalif | scrp: minicom | 11:56 |
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ic56 | scrp: btw, com1 = /dev/ttyS0 | 11:58 |
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scrp | thanks ic56 & kalif | 11:59 |
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ic56 | scrp: yw | 11:59 |
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KenSentMe | What's the problem with the update of flashplugin-nonfree> | 12:00 |
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mypapit | hmm | 12:00 |
surface | mypapit: whatsup? | 12:00 |
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mypapit | surface: a little bored | 12:01 |
botxj | http://b2b.sony.com/Solutions/product/VGN-UX280P <--- that right there is the besst UMPC ever, hands down, no questions asked | 12:01 |
surface | mypapit: then try to answer question ppl throw here | 12:01 |
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DarkMageZ | KenSentMe, it's borked for you as well? | 12:03 |
scrp | fleah, xwindows wont even let me ALT+F1(F2..F3)...if i try to switch consoles it shuts down X | 12:03 |
KenSentMe | DarkMageZ: well, i get an error when i upgrade it | 12:03 |
scrp | (also all my console screens are blank) anyone have any ideas? | 12:03 |
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DarkMageZ | KenSentMe, same | 12:04 |
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surface | scrp alt+ctrl F1 | 12:04 |
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Squatch | So, I'm sitting here with a fresh install of Ubuntu, staring at a grub prompt... Can't seem to find any documentation telling me what's gonig on and what to do, can anyone point me in the direction of some information that will let me know why Ubuntu isn't booting (it's the only OS on the HDD so I fail to see the need for Grub...) and what to do to get it to boot? | 12:05 |
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RawSewage | what does this mean: mplayer: symbol lookup error: mplayer: undefined symbol: a52_resample | 12:06 |
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RawSewage | mplayer stopped decoding my rm to wav | 12:06 |
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ic56 | Squatch: if you hit [ENTER] or wait for the timeout, grub should boot. | 12:06 |
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hettar | Do edgy install problems get submitted to the normal bug system ? | 12:07 |
motin_ | I'd greatly appriciate it if you took the time to check out the problem of getting tv-out to work on a hp pavilion dv4000 with the intel i915gm graphics card: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1512441 - I am doubting it is even possible. | 12:07 |
Squatch | ic56: No timeout on the screen, and hitting enter just generates another grub prompt two lines down. | 12:07 |
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JosefK | erk :/ with the PLF shutdown, anyone got a source for non-free mplayer/ffmpeg builds + w32codecs? | 12:09 |
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ic56 | Squatch: does your grub display a menu of bootable items? In a default install, there should be at least 2 boots: default and "recovery". | 12:09 |
Marlun | I installed php5-curl with apt-get but now when I do phpinfo(); theres nothing in there about php_curl, do I have to manually add it to the php.ini file? | 12:09 |
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Squatch | ic56: All I see is some info about Grub (version, memory, talk about Tabbing and BASH-like editing), and "grub> _" | 12:10 |
hettar | When I try the last knot 3 release I just get a black screen after it starts X. Is there some way of getting this to work with an ATI x600 in a laptop ? | 12:10 |
NineTeen67Comet | Hi all again, is there a cli to show what format a partition is? .. df -h hands out the used space, and some other info, but what can I use to say .. ext2/3 reiserfs, fat32 etc etc .. | 12:11 |
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KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 12:11 |
Marlun | I know I found the extension lines at the end of the php.ini, but still theres nothing about it in the phpinfo. | 12:11 |
ic56 | Squatch: what happens when you press [TAB] ? | 12:11 |
DarkMageZ | KenSentMe, yo, is this the same error you get? http://mirror.randumb.org/darkmagez/borkedbackport.png (related to your flash issue) | 12:11 |
Squatch | ic56: "Possible commands are: blocklist boot..." | 12:12 |
KenSentMe | DarkMageZ: something like that | 12:12 |
DarkMageZ | KenSentMe, k. i'll file a bug | 12:12 |
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botxj | is that site actualy called "ran..dumb.org" ..? | 12:12 |
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KenSentMe | DarkMageZ: thanx | 12:13 |
surface | Squatch: did u change the ide port ur hdd plugin? , from primary to secondary | 12:13 |
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rootpt | i can't see a video in a webpage, missing plugin to see windows media player videos, can someone help me ? | 12:13 |
surface | Squatch: if u change the location of ur hardisk, this might be happen. | 12:13 |
Squatch | surface: Nope, the drive I originally installed to is the slave on the primary IDE channel, I haven't futzed with any hardware level connections before or after the install either. | 12:13 |
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RabidSnail | rootpt: do you have VLC or MPlayer plugins? they can play older WMV files. | 12:14 |
surface | Squatch: did u add in new hardisk or cdrom? | 12:14 |
jrib | rootpt: I like mplayer plugin-in (make sure you get w32codecs too), but there are others as well. The package for the plugin is mozilla-mplayer | 12:14 |
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jrib | !w32codecs > rootpt | 12:14 |
Squatch | surface: Nope, only changed the boot order in BIOS so I wouldn't get my Windows boot screen (haven't set it up for multi-boot with Ubuntu yet). | 12:14 |
jrib | !multiverse > rootpt | 12:14 |
surface | RabidSnail: i have for xmms one | 12:14 |
ic56 | Squatch: ah. Sounds like you either got out of the menu, or there isn't an installed menu. Assuming you have IDE disks and ubuntu boot partition is the first one, try these three commands, one per line: root (hd0,0) then: kernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda1 and finally: boot | 12:15 |
rootpt | jrib: thanks man | 12:15 |
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RabidSnail | surface: xmms won't do video, will it? | 12:15 |
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Squatch | ic56: Alright, I'll give that a shot. | 12:15 |
Squatch | ic56 and surface, thanks for the info BTW | 12:16 |
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ic56 | Squatch: if ubuntu is, say on the 2nd IDE disk, 4th partition, then change those values respectively to (hd1,3) and hdb4 | 12:16 |
ic56 | Squatch: yw and good luck | 12:17 |
surface | RabidSnail: ops sorry i tot wma | 12:17 |
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surface | RabidSnail: xine with w32codecs will do fine | 12:17 |
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Squatch | ic56: Is there any way to list the available disks/partitions from Grub? | 12:19 |
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ic56 | Squatch: I think so but I don't know it | 12:19 |
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jay_ | hi! How can i say " in English? | 12:21 |
botxj | box box box box | 12:21 |
botxj | there, it's in english now | 12:21 |
jrib | !zh | 12:22 |
ubotu | For Ubuntu help in Chinese #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw #ubuntu-hk | 12:22 |
jrib | jay_: maybe you can get help in the channels above too | 12:22 |
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simpla | Hi | 12:25 |
botxj | hello | 12:25 |
simpla | Does anyone know or used the mono package for ubuntu? did it work? | 12:26 |
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KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 12:27 |
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MorphDK | what is the difference between a GTK+ engine and a regular theme/style? | 12:28 |
Squatch | ic56: Looks like the auto-complete will tell me for each drive what it's partitions are and its file system(s). Using that I was able to see that somehow, the whole configuration I had for the two HDDs involved seem to be hosed somehow, so I'm booting with the LiveCD to check them out and try and sort this out. | 12:28 |
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ic56 | Squatch: good to know. Thanks. BTW, you really should inform the Ubuntu installer of any non-Ubuntu partitions already present. You can do it later manually but it's a hassle. The installer menus are much more convenient | 12:30 |
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Squatch | ic56: What do you mean? Are you talking about say, having an NTFS partition co-exist with an ext3fs partition for instance? | 12:31 |
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opexoc | Does anybody here use aMule and want to help me with using this program? I can't connect to server... I get such errors: 2006-09-20 12:29:50: Connecting 2006-09-20 12:29:50: No valid servers to connect in serverlist found 2006-09-20 12:29:50: Read 0 Kad contacts | 12:31 |
ic56 | Squatch: yes, exactly or NTFS partititions on other disks | 12:31 |
ic56 | Squatch: yes, exactly. or NTFS partititions on other disks... | 12:32 |
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Squatch | ic56: OK, well, I have a SATA disk that's entirely NTFS and I could care less whether I can see it from within Ubuntu, but I have a data disk formated to ext3fs to share data between the two platforms (using Ext2IFS in Windows), and that disk seems to be the only one Grub can recognize the file system on. I installed Ubuntu on the Slave of the primary IDE channel (the shared disk is the master) and that one came up with the correct n | 12:34 |
Squatch | partitions, but they were all unknown file systems... | 12:34 |
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Trackilizer | I now have daul monitors, but everytime i start a game like Americas Army, both screens turn black and Americas Army only shows up on a small scection on the right screen. How do i set it up that when playing games only my left screen is used? | 12:34 |
KenSentMe | Does anyone have a wintv pvr card installed and running on ubuntu? I would like to know what ivtv driver version to use | 12:35 |
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eXiSt | i do load balancing with ip route multipath function. i have 2 isp and 1 local interface. ISP's subnets are different.I m trying to code a shell script that pings hosts from interfaces and check the state of interfaces. There is a assumption there is gateway 1 and gateway 2. Script ping google from the gateways every 120 sec.When it realize gateway1 is down it deletes the gateway one route. But i couldnt solve how i can check if gateway is up or not again? | 12:35 |
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SillyZ | mornin | 12:37 |
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ic56 | Squatch: you inform the installer of those other partitions when you get to the partitioning menu during installation. You'll need to change the existing fields for each partition to set it to the actual values. SATA disks are considered SCSI by Linux, hence you're dealing with /dev/sd?? instead of /dev/hd?? . That's about the limit of what I can offer. I'm still on an older release so I'm not current. | 12:38 |
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Squatch | ic56: Alright, I really appreciate your help. I do have one more question though. By "let Ubuntu know" do you mean I have to list every partition and give it a specific mounting point? | 12:39 |
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armin | hello, could someone be able to help me with a problem i'm having with VMware Player on Ubuntu? | 12:40 |
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KenSentMe | armin: what's your problem? | 12:42 |
bXi | are there any overclocking tools for linux ? | 12:42 |
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jerb | isn't that a BIOS thing? | 12:42 |
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kalif | armin? | 12:42 |
bXi | jerb: this mainboard has a software tool for it | 12:43 |
ic56 | Squatch: yes, exactly. For Windows partitions that you don't want mounted, specify a mounting point and then unset the "always mount" flag (or whatever it's called in teh menu). Mount points under /media/ are apparently best because the GUI file browser automatically lists those under the "my computer" icon. Though I've seen some inconsistency and I have yet to figure out exactly how this is supposed to work | 12:43 |
armin | when i try to maximise a window in WMware Player, it does not expand to full-screen, instead the screen is black with the window crammed against the side | 12:43 |
bXi | so i guess it should be possible somehow in linux as well | 12:43 |
kalif | armin: strange... | 12:43 |
kalif | have you tried the VMware forums? | 12:43 |
armin | ok, where are the VMware forums? | 12:44 |
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KenSentMe | armin: have you tried running vmware from the command line and see if you get any errors? | 12:45 |
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Squatch | ic56: Once again, thanks for the info... | 12:45 |
Squatch | Uh oh... | 12:45 |
kalif | armin: http://www.vmware.com/community/index.jspa | 12:45 |
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Squatch | Finally got something to boot, but it froze with "Kernel panic - not syncing" | 12:45 |
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zek | hey is this the tech support for ubuntu | 12:47 |
daurnimator | the free one | 12:48 |
daurnimator | - expect sparse responses | 12:48 |
ic56 | Squatch: the kernel can panic for a number of reasons. Best you tell teh channel what it displayed *before* it panic'd. | 12:48 |
TeePOG | actually I find the support here quite good... if someone rtfm's first | 12:48 |
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Squatch | ic56: I'm trying it again with a couple of options, the problem has to do with what I specified for /root=... | 12:50 |
ic56 | Squatch: sounds like you're on the right track. | 12:50 |
calloc | If I have say 5 windows machines on a small wireless network and I then have an ubuntu box, that inet connection shares to another windows box - How can I let all clients on the network access media on the windows box behind the Ubuntu box, or is it really worth the hassle?? | 12:52 |
oeb | Hey guys, I installed ubuntu server with the lamp option. But currently the mail() function in PHP is doing nothing. Not sending mail or anything. I am guessing that I need to install sendmail for it to work so i did a sudo apt-get install sendmail which was successful. I added the sendmail path to my php.ini and rebooted the machine. However during the boot process I get an error that sendmail can't start. Is there anywhere that I can find a guide for setting th | 12:52 |
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Squatch | ic56: Alright, I'm specifying "/root=/dev/hda1" even though the HDD with Ubuntu is the slave on the primary channel. For some reason, the ONLY file system that Grub recognizes is on hd0,0, and this is where it's finding the kernel. Yet, for some reason I'm getting "Please append a correct 'root=' boot option" with a Kernel panic. Yet, from the LiveCD, the partition utility sees the install on hdb1... | 12:53 |
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toodles | Hi. I've been looking for a while and I can't find any info on this. When I boot my dell laptop (running edgy alpha3 with and without updates applied), I get a non fatal error: "usplash: No usable theme found for 640 x 480". Any ideas why or where I can get more information? | 12:54 |
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Squatch | ic56: I get the same results if I use "/root=/dev/hdb1" as well. | 12:54 |
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ic56 | Squatch: there should be no slash before "root=" | 12:55 |
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Squatch | ic56: Heh, alright, I'll try both options again =). | 12:55 |
ram89 | thhj | 12:56 |
kendals | How do I uninstall bchunk? | 12:56 |
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simpla | can anyone help me with a mono installation on ubuntu. I am having some problems | 12:57 |
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Squatch | ic56: Same results. | 12:57 |
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ic56 | Squatch: secondly, if your drive is SATA, you're dealing with /dev/Sd?? not /dev/Hd?? | 12:58 |
Squatch | ic56: The SATA drive is for my Windows installs, Ubuntu could live in complete ignorance of that drive as far as I'm concerned. | 12:58 |
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Squatch | ic56: The only volumes I care about mounting are the two IDE drives on the primary IDE channel. | 12:59 |
tommo | I have samba installed, I'm trying to mount a windows network server through the root command, sbmnt //tulip/server /storage/server but its always getting aborted, what am I doing wrong? | 12:59 |
tommo | er, smbmnt* | 01:00 |
tommo | damnit, i mean smbd | 01:00 |
armin | hi, about VMware Player on Ubuntu 6.06 - I maximise it and the screen comes up like this http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/5732/screenshotad1.png | 01:00 |
bXi | i'm not getting a visual with the ati drivers when i have load "glx" in my xorg.conf | 01:00 |
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bXi | any idea what this could be? | 01:01 |
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Squatch | ic56: At this point, I'm ready to let the installer have another go at it and head to bed myself. I have classes in about 5.5 hours >_<. | 01:01 |
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ic56 | Squatch: ok, /dev/hd?? is fine then. Here's what's in my config: root (hd0,0) then: kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.27-2-586tsc root=/dev/hda1 ro then: initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.4.27-2-586tsc and finally: boot | 01:02 |
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tommo | I have samba installed, I'm trying to mount a windows network server through the root command, smbd //tulip/server /storage/server but its always getting aborted, what am I doing wrong? | 01:03 |
donald_ | can anyone point me in the right direction If I download application to my desk top (ie printer software) as a .deb file how do I install it from there | 01:03 |
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armin | i'm sorry to interrupt, but i couldn't find anything on the VMware forum, so if someone's expirenced and has the time could they give me a tip on how to resize into full screen? | 01:04 |
snowblink | donald_, man dpkg | 01:04 |
snowblink | armin, CTRL+ALT+Return usually does it | 01:04 |
ninetofive | can anyone help with a usb webcam? | 01:05 |
armin | when i resize it doesn't fill the screen, instead it looks like this http://img89.imageshack.us/img89/5732/screenshotad1.png | 01:05 |
Squatch | ic56: Awesome! Got farther this time using the intird.img line added in ^_^. | 01:05 |
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ic56 | Squatch: cool! | 01:05 |
tommo | I have samba installed, I'm trying to mount a windows network server through the root command, "smbd //tulip/server /storage/server" but its always getting aborted, what am I doing wrong? | 01:05 |
Squatch | ic56: Thank you! | 01:05 |
calloc | If I have say 5 windows machines on a small wireless network and I then have an ubuntu box, that inet connection shares to another windows box - How can I let all clients on the network access media on the windows box behind the Ubuntu box, or is it really worth the hassle?? | 01:06 |
ic56 | Squatch: yw! | 01:06 |
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bionoid | tommo: mount -t cifs -ousername=<user>,password=<pass> // /local/folder -- replace with IP of server | 01:06 |
Squatch | ic56: Now I'm at some sort of BusyBox shell. Is this the normal shell prompt for Ubuntu? | 01:06 |
tommo | thanks, ill try that | 01:06 |
donald_ | snowblink were do I find dpkg | 01:06 |
shadox | armin: there seems to be somehting wrong with the resolution of resizing (i guess your screen is in 1024x768 and the black part is 640x480) | 01:07 |
ootput | ninetofive: not much, but google (to wit's end) the hell out of the device. | 01:07 |
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ic56 | Squatch: btw, once you figure out the right way to boot, you put a stanza for it in /boot/grub/menu.lst grub reads that file when at boot time. | 01:07 |
Squatch | ic56: Cool, like a script? | 01:07 |
ic56 | Squatch: busybox shell is an intermediate ubuntu install stage. Are you sure that install had finished? | 01:07 |
ninetofive | ootput I have tried google but to no avail | 01:07 |
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ic56 | Squatch: yes, like a script. | 01:08 |
armin | thanks, do you know whether this is a problem with Ubuntu or the VMware Player (or the graphics card or something else?)? | 01:08 |
snowblink | donald_, usually in /usr/bin... which dpkg will tell you for sure | 01:08 |
tommo | bionoid, shouldnt it be mount -t ntfs? | 01:08 |
Squatch | ic56: It claimed to have done so... Reached 100% then rebooted for me. | 01:08 |
ootput | ninetofive: perhaps your google skills aren't good enough :) Which device is this? | 01:08 |
eskaypey | is there something like minimal iso to download? | 01:09 |
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eskaypey | i really don't want to dowloading 600MB | 01:09 |
ic56 | Squatch: hmph. Well, Ubuntu's normal boot takes you straight to the GUI. | 01:09 |
exe-cuter | armin: i think it's the VM player, if it was a fault due to your graphic card you would have noticed this problem also when changing to an other resulotion | 01:09 |
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ootput | eskaypey: not that i know of | 01:09 |
donald_ | thank you snowblink | 01:09 |
eskaypey | damn | 01:09 |
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ram89 | hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 01:09 |
snowblink | donald_, np | 01:09 |
ninetofive | ootput it as a "vtalk" lsusb gives: MIcrodia | 01:09 |
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ram89 | hhhmmmmmmmmhmmmhmhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhmh | 01:10 |
ootput | ram89: that's useful information | 01:10 |
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KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 01:10 |
ram89 | hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 01:10 |
Squatch | ic56: That's what I was expecting =/. Maybe at this point it would be easiest if I started the install package again. | 01:10 |
ootput | ninetofive: do you ave the make/model? | 01:10 |
ajmitch | ram89: stop that now | 01:11 |
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Mehercle | De leukste van het gezelschap komt binnen ;-) | 01:11 |
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Mehercle | Hi | 01:11 |
Mehercle | i have a problem with the flashplugin-nonfree update | 01:11 |
ninetofive | ootput it has a sonix sn9???? chip in it. | 01:12 |
ootput | Mehercle: proceed (= | 01:12 |
Mehercle | Downloading... done. | 01:12 |
Mehercle | 01:12 | |
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jerb | this error flashplugin-nonfree: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 ? | 01:13 |
Mehercle | yesz | 01:13 |
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ic56 | Squatch: yes, the second time you walk through the install you'll know more about what to pay attention to. Do a memtest from the boot CD while you're at it. Bad RAM can cause the install to fail to complete which would explain the behaviour you've had. If you *do* find bad RAM, you'll want to tell the kernel to disregard it when you boot | 01:13 |
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exe-cuter | Mehercle: is it working? werkt t? :D | 01:13 |
Mehercle | nope | 01:13 |
Mehercle | werkt niet | 01:13 |
gnomefreak | jerb: try sudo dpkg --configure -a | 01:13 |
Mehercle | k | 01:13 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: hold on, i had the same yesterday | 01:13 |
ram89 | iiiiiiiiiiiiiii hhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaattttttttteeeeeeee uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu allllllllllllllllllll | 01:13 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: but i fixed it :D ... hold on i'm searching for the link | 01:14 |
Mehercle | okay | 01:14 |
Mehercle | :-) | 01:14 |
zithowa | is there any dashboard-like UI tool for linux? | 01:14 |
Squatch | ic56: I did a memtest and a CD check before I ever booted up the first time, both seemed to test alright. | 01:14 |
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ic56 | Squatch: alright, RAM isn't your problem then... | 01:14 |
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GnarusLeo | Hi! I have just bought the sony ericcsson k610 cellphone. I have heard that it is possible to SYNC the Callendar/appointments with this phone on ubuntu ... does anyone have a good start for me? | 01:15 |
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GnarusLeo | !sync | 01:15 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sync - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:15 |
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kalif | !dashboard | 01:16 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dashboard - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 01:16 |
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tempest | i'm running windows and just installed ubuntu on another partition. can someone help or point me to some info on how to boot into ubuntu | 01:18 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: are you still there? | 01:18 |
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Mehercle | ja hoor, yes :-) | 01:18 |
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ootput | tempest: the installation should've prompted your for choice of bootloaders | 01:18 |
ootput | tempest: did you skip this step? | 01:19 |
tuxub | tempest, you should have a grub menu on startup to select the operating ssystem you want: windows or ubuntu | 01:19 |
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jbaloul | hi all | 01:19 |
tempest | i never saw the step | 01:19 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: i pm'd you :p that should do the trick | 01:19 |
Mehercle | where? | 01:19 |
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KenSentMe | exe-cuter: please post it here | 01:19 |
tuxub | tempest, thats very strange | 01:19 |
Mehercle | a /msg? | 01:19 |
jbaloul | can anyone tell me where i can download ubuntu-server 6.06 (NOT 6.06.1) ? | 01:19 |
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exe-cuter | Mehercle: ik past em hier wel ff, this is the link http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/08/install-mozilla-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu.html | 01:19 |
ootput | tempest: did you do the installation yourself? | 01:19 |
jerb | i need to edit my grub file to say "pirated XP" | 01:19 |
tempest | i figured it must have done it itself | 01:19 |
tempest | yeah ootput | 01:20 |
Mehercle | ok bedankt :-) | 01:20 |
tempest | latest livecd | 01:20 |
ootput | tempest: how complicated was the partitioning scheme that you chose? | 01:20 |
Gnalein | I need help, my Gaim just closes down when logging onto msn :S | 01:20 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: die zou moeten werken, it is suposed to work :D tried it myself yesterday | 01:20 |
tempest | um | 01:20 |
Mehercle | ok badankt | 01:20 |
tempest | whats the scale : / | 01:20 |
tempest | i have 2 60 gig partitions | 01:20 |
ootput | no scale :) | 01:20 |
tempest | i deleted the one on the 2nd | 01:21 |
tempest | and made 2 new in the space | 01:21 |
tempest | one a linux-swap | 01:21 |
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jbaloul | anyone ? | 01:21 |
tempest | other one ext3 i think? | 01:21 |
ootput | tempest: so this is on your secondary disk, right? | 01:21 |
tempest | primary | 01:22 |
tempest | master | 01:22 |
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tempest | will windows disk manager give more info? | 01:22 |
ootput | tempest: during installation, grub/lilo gets installed either to the master boot record of either disk, or to partition on either disk | 01:22 |
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ootput | tempest: if you have the livecd, you can make use of the linux utilities | 01:22 |
tempest | I've got that | 01:23 |
ootput | tempest: so you're able to boot into windows on that machine (as though you didn't perform the installation?) | 01:23 |
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tommo | when i use querying // on | 01:23 |
tommo | name_query failed to find name // it says that querying // on failed to find name //, whats going wrong? | 01:23 |
Squatch | ic56: Wanted to thank you for the tremendous help you've been this morning. I've restarted the installation, I think the Partitioner glitched last time and it never really formatted some things, in comparison to this time, it was acting weird when I last tried to install, so here's hoping that was the issue. | 01:23 |
tempest | i installed ubuntu, rebooted after the install when it asked if I wanted to and it booted to windows | 01:23 |
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ic56 | Squatch: yw! Good luck! | 01:24 |
scrp | tempest: :) | 01:24 |
tempest | i should mention. when i boot windows it asks me if I want to boot to Windows XP (boot screen) or Windows XP (i think its boot screen) | 01:25 |
tempest | and they both go to the same place | 01:25 |
ootput | tempest: ok, so you're installation is probably intact. you'd only need to install grub/lilo to mbr of your primary device (or whichever's set to boot first in bios) | 01:25 |
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Mehercle | exe-cuter: nee, hij is al genstalleerd h | 01:25 |
ootput | tempest: that's not normal for you? | 01:25 |
Mehercle | exe-cuter: nee, hij is al genstalleerd h | 01:25 |
ootput | tempest: you can modify boot.ini later on, but that's a windows thing | 01:25 |
tempest | its always done that. I never knew why but figured it was from me messing with boot screens | 01:25 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: and it still doesn't work o.O | 01:25 |
tempest | just didn't want to hold back something that might be valid | 01:25 |
Mehercle | no | 01:25 |
tempest | ok then | 01:26 |
Mehercle | it is a 'bad' update :-( | 01:26 |
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tommo | when i try to mount my windows server location, mount -t ntfs // /storage/server, it returns, mount: special device // does not exist... whats going on? | 01:26 |
ootput | tempest: are you using a different computer (than the one afflicted) atm? | 01:26 |
tempest | no | 01:26 |
tempest | I'm on it | 01:26 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: can you pastebin your output maybe someone else can help you out with it | 01:26 |
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Mehercle | it is in dutch ;-) | 01:26 |
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ootput | tempest: oh, darn; it'll be harder to provide you with a set of instructions, then | 01:26 |
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ootput | tempest: grab a piece of paper, and I'll try to go through it with you | 01:27 |
tempest | ok | 01:27 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: ja ik weet :D maar dan gaat die admin weer dom doen dat we nl praten,, yes I know :D | 01:27 |
raf256 | are all Ubuntu devels from Africa? | 01:27 |
tempest | i'm ready when you are :) | 01:27 |
ootput | tempest: 1. boot up into the livecd environment | 01:27 |
ootput | tempest: actually, i can do this in a /query if you'd like | 01:27 |
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tempest | sure | 01:28 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: what is you current firefox version? | 01:28 |
Mehercle | exe-cuter: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24089 | 01:28 |
Mehercle | | 01:28 |
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tempest | ootput not sure if you can see my message i'm not registered? | 01:28 |
exe-cuter | mine is ... but that can't be the reason | 01:28 |
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funkmaster | hi there ppl, can some1 help me with a scanner i have, i used it 2 motnh ago without a problem, but now it doesn't work anymore when i connect it | 01:28 |
tempest | I can see yours though | 01:28 |
ootput | tempest: nope, i can't | 01:28 |
tommo | when i try to mount my windows server location, mount -t ntfs // /storage/server, it returns, mount: special device // does not exist... whats going on? | 01:28 |
funkmaster | it's a usb scanner phantom c6 microtek | 01:28 |
ootput | tempest: there are quite a few steps to it (I'm assuming you don't have much linux experience) and I'd like to avoid flooding this channel | 01:29 |
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erUSUL | tommo: it is -t smbfs or -t cifs | 01:29 |
zhaliaroota | hello | 01:29 |
tommo | ah ok, thanks | 01:29 |
exe-cuter | Mehercle: ooow you are on kubuntu? | 01:29 |
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tommo | erUSUL: i tried both of those, it said bad filetype | 01:29 |
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funkmaster | some1 can help me with my scanner? | 01:30 |
=== BaronH [n=hstandin@ip19.net176.community.co.uk] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter | Mehercle: kijk wat die foutmelding zegt "ubuntu dapper ..." this is a plugin for ubuntu dapper drake I suppose ... hold out i'll check it out | 01:30 |
zhaliaroota | is it possible to ask som question regarding "external ps2" mouse problem with my laptop - works only touchpad? | 01:30 |
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BaronH | what laptop? | 01:31 |
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BaronH | what laptop? zhaliaroota | 01:31 |
zhaliaroota | compaq evo n1020v | 01:31 |
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BaronH | so touchpad works, but external mouse doesn't? | 01:31 |
zhaliaroota | yes | 01:32 |
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BaronH | ahh. - do you have a USB mouse with a PS2 converter? | 01:32 |
zhaliaroota | no | 01:32 |
zhaliaroota | pure ps2 | 01:32 |
BaronH | OK. | 01:32 |
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NET||abuse | hey guys, got a funny bug here, i have 2 desktops and a lappy, i'm using synergy to link the keyboard/mouse of the lappy to the other 2 desktops | 01:33 |
BaronH | can you email me your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file? | 01:33 |
CromagDK | !pastebin | 01:33 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 01:33 |
NET||abuse | now on the keyboard of one desktop running ubuntu, all keys are fine, but on either the windows desktop or my ubuntu lappy keyboard, the (at) symbol comes up a | 01:34 |
zhaliaroota | when i moving external mouse: my log shows psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio2/input0 lost sync at byte 1 | 01:34 |
NET||abuse | comes up as | 01:34 |
zhaliaroota | when i moving touchpad: my log shows ppsmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio2/input0 - driver resynched | 01:34 |
BaronH | ahhh. | 01:35 |
calloc | If I have say 5 windows machines on a small wireless network and I then have an ubuntu box, that inet connection shares to another windows box - How can I let all clients on the network access media on the windows box behind the Ubuntu box, or is it really worth the hassle?? | 01:35 |
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Squatch | ic56: Round 2. Same results, get the grub prompt with odd filesystems and partitions... Everything was formatted either using ext3fs or linux swap, but everything is either showing up as unknown or ext2fs... | 01:37 |
aimaz | calloc: you could use IP forwarding so that they can contact the other windows machine using the ubuntu machine as a switch essentially | 01:37 |
BaronH | I don't think both mice should be coming up as isa0060/serio2/input0 | 01:37 |
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decherdt | Squatch, long shot, but I get a kernel panic -sync if menu.lst does not have a initrd entry | 01:38 |
decherdt | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24084 | 01:38 |
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LiteWait | strange issue in dapper... network does not come up on boot, but I can open a terminal and do ifdown eth0/ifup eth0 and it works. ifconfig says it got a DHCP address from the router, but ping the router says 'not route to host'. Any ideas? | 01:39 |
kling0n | I have a problem using the arts sound system | 01:39 |
JosefK | wow, suspend-to-ram works out of the box in dapper :/ | 01:39 |
Squatch | decherdt: I'm not even getting to a boot though. It's as if my menu.lst is non-existant. | 01:39 |
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kling0n | I get a cpu utilization error when I try enabling the sound system through kcontrol | 01:40 |
calloc | aimaz, Is that straight forward enough to do?? | 01:40 |
kling0n | but any applications using /dev/dsp per default are non functional | 01:40 |
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BiSk-8 | hello, i would like to know if ther is any software i can download tu put my digital camer photos on my ubuntu? | 01:40 |
kling0n | and aoss will produce choppy sound for - for example ALienArena | 01:40 |
kling0n | any suggestions? | 01:40 |
calloc | aimaz, wouldnt there be a whole load of windows ports I need to allow etc?? where would you start.. | 01:40 |
CromagDK | BiSk-8: tried to plugin the camera ? | 01:41 |
Ernst_ | is there anyone that has trouble with macromedia flash and wine, the only thing is that it sometimes causes my whole system crash/signout when starting it. If starting it works ok, there are no further problems | 01:41 |
Ernst_ | what can cause gnome to crash/logout... | 01:41 |
BiSk-8 | comagdk, nope | 01:41 |
CromagDK | BiSk-8: try :) | 01:41 |
ic56 | Squatch: you might try examining things with fdisk from the live CD. Maybe you'll discover something odd about the partition table in teh master boot record. | 01:42 |
CromagDK | Ernst_: only using wine ? | 01:42 |
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BiSk-8 | cromagdk, 1 sec | 01:42 |
Ernst_ | CromagDK to: Yes, what else? | 01:42 |
Squatch | ic56: Booting that up right now. | 01:43 |
ic56 | Squatch: ext3 is like ext2 with some extra stuff. It's possible grub doesn't know the difference. Perhaps someone else can verify this | 01:43 |
CromagDK | Ernst_: think you should look into winehq.com | 01:43 |
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Ernst_ | mmm ok | 01:43 |
CromagDK | Ernst_: might be something in forum | 01:43 |
Ernst_ | ok thanks | 01:43 |
CromagDK | np | 01:43 |
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Squatch | ic56: I find it odd that it only sees one disk with that file system on it when both disks involved have a partition formatted using ext3... | 01:44 |
ic56 | Squatch: also, grub mixes scsi and ide disks into one numbering system. Perhaps the installer isn't creating the menu.lst correctly | 01:44 |
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Squatch | ic56: That's a good point. But the /dev/ structure is correct perhaps... Maybe I need to be specifying hd0,0 as the root, but then mounting that same disk for the kernel as /dev/hdb1... | 01:45 |
C-O-L-T | hello anybody uses a laptop? I would like to ask a question | 01:45 |
crogue5 | !ask | 01:45 |
ubotu | Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :) | 01:46 |
Daynah | holy cow guys. I cannot format my sda drive. you know, my super nice one. | 01:46 |
ic56 | Squatch: yes. somethign along those lines might work. | 01:46 |
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exe-cuter | lol | 01:46 |
ic56 | Squatch: i'm off. see you around. | 01:46 |
Daynah | hehe gaim just made all the colors for the names pretty. Sorry, I'm a girl, I like that. | 01:46 |
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Squatch | ic56: Cool, have a good one. Thanks again! | 01:47 |
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Chalkie1873 | hi guys hows ya doing?? | 01:47 |
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Daynah | So I used the gui format thingie and it just sat at the end of the bar until my add kicked in. and then I tried fdisk and now it's doing this " sudo fdisk /dev/sda1 | 01:47 |
Daynah | Unable to open /dev/sda1" (but I don't really know how to use fdisk ANYWAY so) | 01:47 |
C-O-L-T | If I use a laptop and I use mainly on desktop which means it is always on AC affects my battery, can destroy my battery? I have a LI-ION batter | 01:48 |
C-O-L-T | y | 01:48 |
GnarusLeo | 'make -f Makefile.cvs && ./configure && cd XXX && make' <--- isnt that standard procidure for compiling SVN? | 01:48 |
Daynah | COLT, nope. It's fine to always have your laptop plugged in. That's a myth. | 01:48 |
Chalkie1873 | ive recently got ubuntu free with my montly copy of PC Pro, but im having problems finding network drivers, im a bit of a noob to linux but i really wanna try it out, any ideas one what i should do | 01:49 |
bionoid | Chalkie1873: Do you know what type of network adapter you have? | 01:49 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: amen to Daynah | 01:50 |
Chalkie1873 | not entirely no | 01:50 |
vorbote | Daynah: you must oen the disk, not a partition (and for it seems, the sda1 partition doesn't exist). | 01:50 |
Chalkie1873 | its a VIA Rhine II | 01:50 |
Daynah | vor: sorry, it says the same thing for sda. I just happened to cp that one. | 01:50 |
C-O-L-T | Daynah: I thought that it is like telephones where you have to format your battery. So if my laptop is plugged in for too many times does not affect my battery right? | 01:50 |
KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 01:51 |
myatthu | Chalkie1873, pardon me but isn't that rj45 ? | 01:51 |
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funkmaster | can some1 help me with sane and my usb scanner? | 01:51 |
funkmaster | have troubles to get it working | 01:52 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: indeed, can't harm | 01:52 |
Chalkie1873 | yeah, well ive installed ubuntu and i cant access inet :-\ | 01:52 |
ootput | tempest--: if (for some reason) your system doesn't boot up into either Windows, or Ubuntu, repeat the steps | 01:52 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: Thanks for the info guys | 01:52 |
Daynah | COLT: Actually, it's a myth for phones, too. And mp3 players and other similar devices. Batteries will just... die. Fact of life, those little cells will just be too pooped to poop and there's nothing you can do except become a scientists and fix them! :) | 01:52 |
myatthu | Chalkie1873, btw ... you are not using ubuntu now are you ? | 01:52 |
Chalkie1873 | no | 01:52 |
Chalkie1873 | im on my winblows box | 01:52 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: yw any time | 01:52 |
bionoid | C-O-L-T: Your battery will get worse over time nomatter how you treat it, though | 01:52 |
myatthu | Chalkie1873, is the green light on ? | 01:52 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: have you checked your network configuration? | 01:53 |
Chalkie1873 | no | 01:53 |
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BiSk-8 | cromagdk, i plugged it in and nothing happened | 01:53 |
C-O-L-T | Daynah: thanks | 01:53 |
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bionoid | C-O-L-T: and one side-argument is the heat - if you take the battery out, less heat is generated. | 01:53 |
Chalkie1873 | yeah the network its self is fine | 01:53 |
Daynah | Chalkie: Aww, you know we were all thinking it. | 01:53 |
=== vorbote is back from grabbing a cup of coffee. | ||
BiSk-8 | nevermind, i got it to work :D | 01:53 |
BiSk-8 | ty | 01:53 |
Cheery | python2.5 is out, just saying that one would create .deb packages to synaptic... | 01:54 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: can you ping google (or any other page)? | 01:54 |
Daynah | ChalkieL do you know how to set up your network config, or is your network config having a problem | 01:54 |
C-O-L-T | bionoid: I see | 01:54 |
CromagDK | wee | 01:54 |
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ootput | does the livecd offer an X environment? or is it all business and cli? | 01:54 |
Chalkie1873 | im useing the same network config for this box as my linux box | 01:54 |
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Daynah | So uh, why can't my computer access my nice fancy drive in the most basic way? | 01:55 |
C-O-L-T | I have a problem with Linux DC++, does not downloads files correctly, just some small pieces, and finishes the download too early | 01:55 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: wlan or lan? | 01:55 |
Daynah | And how do I fix this? | 01:55 |
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myatthu | ootput, why not try it out ? its gnome if you got ubuntu live cd ... if you wanna know | 01:55 |
Chalkie1873 | just lan | 01:55 |
myatthu | Daynah, usb drive ? | 01:55 |
Chalkie1873 | both etherneted straight up | 01:55 |
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Daynah | sata hard drive | 01:55 |
Daynah | sudo fdisk /dev/sda | 01:56 |
Daynah | Unable to open /dev/sda | 01:56 |
Daynah | And then I pout at my computer. I literally say "pout" | 01:56 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: strange, but to go for sure, you have activated the lan network when you are on ubuntu live disk? | 01:56 |
myatthu | Daynah, so its not mounted ? | 01:56 |
vorbote | Daynah: Can you examine the output of "dmesg | less"? To make sure the kernel is finding your disk. | 01:56 |
GnarusLeo | can Anyone please check why this compilation fails? http://pastebin.com/790475 | 01:56 |
ootput | myatthu: because i don't need to :) I've been using the alt-disk for installation on my boxes in the past. I was helping tempest earlier (providing instructions on how to restore the mbr,) and I'm worried that he won't be able to navigate the livecd (if it was cli-only) in case he messed something up on his system | 01:56 |
Chalkie1873 | give me two secs and ill bring the laptop over | 01:57 |
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exe-cuter | one ... two .. :p | 01:57 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: ok | 01:57 |
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Daynah | No, the problem was it wouldn't mount. And then the problem was it was NTFS or something and the NTFS mount thing wouldn't work so I said fuck it it's backed up and used the gui formatter, and it stalled and wowuldn't do anything (my computer wasn't making normal "formatty sounds") so I rebooted to try again using fdisk, and the gui stopped letting me press the format button and knowing the size and then fdisk said that. I fear I broke it. I got a good deal o | 01:58 |
TheFuzzball | how do I upgrade from Gnome 2.14 to 2.16 in Dapper? | 01:58 |
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Chalkie1873 | ok im hopeing this shouldnt take too long | 01:59 |
Daynah | Vor, what am I looking for in dmesg | less cause it showed a lot? | 01:59 |
jrib | TheFuzzball: gnome2.16 will be available in edgy, the next release of ubuntu | 01:59 |
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exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: np, i've got plenty of time :D | 01:59 |
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Chalkie1873 | kewl mee to lol | 01:59 |
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exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: normally when using the live disk the lan connection is already activated, but let's take a closer look | 02:00 |
vorbote | Daynah: Ahhh!!! OK. I think the first thing is to check the partitioning with a different tool. Open a terminal window and "sudo cfdisk /dev/sda". fdisk is very powerful but it is somewhat confusing. cfdisk has a semigraphical interface and it is easier to use when one is begining. | 02:01 |
=== gizmatix [n=headshop@modem-3208.elephant.dialup.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chalkie1873 | kk cool | 02:01 |
C-O-L-T | I can not download with Linux Dc++ simply begins downloads but then stops them, I do not use a firewall, do you know other DC Client Software or what can I do? | 02:01 |
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Daynah | OH HEY I can scroll down! You'd think after a year I'd be able to figure out terminal... ~slaps her face~ Okay, Vor. Monkey... type monkey do. | 02:01 |
rem__ | . | 02:01 |
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Chalkie1873 | once ive got my laptop sorted me desktop will follow, i will take out me 80 gig hdd and replace with me 160 with the ubuntu loaded on | 02:01 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: you can download die iso from the web, hold on i'll pass you the url | 02:02 |
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Daynah | Vor, and now that I've scrolled -_-' dearie me I need some tea, no there's no sda there, but lemme do the cfdisk | 02:03 |
Chalkie1873 | ill be back on 2 secs guys all me wires are tangled ima unplug and replug | 02:03 |
myatthu | Chalkie1873, ah normally before I install anything , i load the live cd to see if everything is ok then i install ... not that i am saying its your fault | 02:03 |
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exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: i'm on dualboot, got hd of 60 gb (10 gb ntfs winblow --only for photoshop & illustrator cuz i'm a designer ,, 40 gb fat32 to write from both linux and winblows ,, 5 gb ext3 for ubuntu) | 02:03 |
=== vorbote need more cofee, be right back. | ||
Chalkie1873 | kool | 02:04 |
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C0F9B5.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chalkie1873 | ive got my 3rd laptop which will be my winblows lappy for paintshop and counter strike | 02:04 |
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=== vorbote is back and with a coffee jug this time. | ||
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: cs1.6 :D same here :D | 02:04 |
Chalkie1873 | hell yeah | 02:04 |
kendals | Landell won't install- says it needs LibXSS, but I HAVE libxss and every related dep. | 02:04 |
Daynah | Vor: AH! We should go back to fdisk! this one calls it a fatal error! FATAL ERROR: Cannot open disk drive | 02:04 |
Daynah | Press any key to exit cfdisk | 02:04 |
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mcphail | Daynah: is your drive plugged in properly and functional? | 02:05 |
Chalkie1873 | ok im all ready | 02:05 |
Daynah | I'm starting to wonder :( | 02:05 |
vorbote | Daynah: that's very strange. Do you have windows in the same box (dual booting)? | 02:05 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: http://www.ubuntu.com/download here you can download the iso for ubuntu | 02:05 |
Daynah | Vor: Nope! I have no windows.... my roomate has a mac if I need to do something else though... Though it'd just be better for me to do it on ubuntu. | 02:06 |
Chalkie1873 | exe-cuter im loaded up | 02:06 |
mcphail | Daynah: does "dmesg | grep disk" say anything useful? | 02:06 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: ok, yet go to system => admin => network and see if your lan is activated | 02:06 |
=== Tomcat_ [n=tomcat@vpn2-dynip78.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vorbote | Daynah: Aha!. CAn you do what mcphail suggests? | 02:06 |
Chalkie1873 | eugh this tester lappy is too slow | 02:06 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: you misunderstood something I use Ubuntu Dapper Drake, I have problems with one of my apps called Linux DC++ file sharing client | 02:06 |
Daynah | Mcphail: Is this useful? [17179572.088000] RAMDISK driver initialized: 16 RAM disks of 65536K size 1024 blocksize | 02:06 |
Chalkie1873 | networking or network tools? | 02:07 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: ow sry i thought you used dc++ to download ubuntu iso | 02:07 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: networking | 02:07 |
=== habeeb [n=habeeb@athedsl-112354.otenet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chalkie1873 | kk cool | 02:07 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: nope I use ubuntu, I have ubuntu cd's too via shipit | 02:07 |
habeeb | Greetings, are there any console logs? :/ I had an error message, and I got a forced shutdown and want to retrive that error message :/ | 02:07 |
Daynah | Should I run a health disk or is it just a problem with me confusing ubuntu? | 02:07 |
mcphail | Daynah: what about "dmesg | grep sd" - are there any useful error messages? | 02:07 |
Chalkie1873 | the laptop im using is only a pentium 2 500mhz with 96mb ram so its gonna be a bit slow, but this box is me fave and i dont wanna ruin it yet so im also taking nows | 02:07 |
Chalkie1873 | notes* | 02:08 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: same here :D shipit rules :D | 02:08 |
myatthu | habeeb, /var/log/message | 02:08 |
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Daynah | Mcphail, no, it doesn't say anything | 02:08 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: can you help me connected to my dc++ | 02:08 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: np :D i can wait :D | 02:08 |
myatthu | pardon .. /var/log/messages :P | 02:08 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: i'm not using it myself :$ | 02:08 |
Chalkie1873 | i tell ya what im gonna do, load this box up with livecd and get me thrid laptop lanned up | 02:08 |
habeeb | myatthu: there is a .gz file? Is that it? | 02:08 |
C-O-L-T | When Edgy is released will be avaible trough shipit or just dapper? Or both? | 02:08 |
mcphail | Daynah: i'd check to see that the disk is properly plugged in. Is it recognised by the BIOS? | 02:08 |
Chalkie1873 | be back in about 5 mins | 02:08 |
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Chalkie1873 | cos its gonna be faster | 02:09 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: I see | 02:09 |
unfknblvbl | what on earth is this Edgy thing ? | 02:09 |
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter | Chalkie1873: ok cya soon | 02:09 |
unfknblvbl | !edgy | 02:09 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 02:09 |
bersace | Hello all | 02:09 |
unfknblvbl | oh... | 02:09 |
bersace | why is there no alternative cd installer for powerpc ??? | 02:09 |
=== unfknblvbl keeps quiet | ||
myatthu | habeeb, try less /var/log/messages | 02:09 |
C-O-L-T | Anybody uses any DC file sharing client which works :D under ubuntu | 02:09 |
=== doctorshim [n=daniel@BSN-77-44-73.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Daynah | McPhail, I don't know if it's recognized by the bios. In fact, I'm not sure what button to press. I generall just press every button on the keyboard. Chaos theory, ya know. Do you know the intel button to get to that off the top of your head? | 02:09 |
jrib | bersace: there is, http://ubuntu-releases.cs.umn.edu//6.06/ lists them for example | 02:10 |
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exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: what have you already tried? so we don't run the same info trough | 02:10 |
bersace | jrib: but not for edgy !! | 02:10 |
habeeb | From what I see myatthu , that doesnt show the output of the commands etc. | 02:10 |
mcphail | Daynah: preesing all of the buttons usually works! :) | 02:10 |
jrib | bersace: #ubuntu+1 is for edgy questions :) | 02:10 |
Daynah | Mcphail hehe ;) Yes, yes it does. | 02:10 |
bersace | jrib: thanks | 02:11 |
=== bersace [n=bersace@did75-13-82-243-217-90.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["] | ||
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myatthu | habeeb, command ? or error message ? | 02:11 |
Daynah | NEWLY LEARNED FACT! STRAIGHT OFF THE PRESS! Do not leave your laptop on in a drawer. This is similar to the greenhouse effect -_-' | 02:11 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: I tried to download mp3-s via Linux DC++ application from a public hub but the program does not downloads anything. I don;t have a firewall | 02:11 |
doctorshim | Daynah: While on? | 02:11 |
vorbote | Daynah: it depends on the BIOS model, but it usually is one of delete, f2, f5 or f8 in that order. | 02:11 |
habeeb | myatthu: well, basicaly, I tried to convert an avi file. I got an error and want the output of the command I used. | 02:11 |
mcphail | Daynah: iirc, SATA drives should have 2 cables attached to them - a thin one and a fatter one. Check they are both attached | 02:11 |
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Daynah | Yes. | 02:11 |
Daynah | Vor: GReat! I press all the f's first! :) | 02:12 |
myatthu | habeeb, perhaps you can try running it again ? | 02:12 |
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habeeb | myatthu: it will take 3~hours | 02:12 |
Daynah | McPhail, I should turn it iff before doing that though shouldn't I ;) | 02:12 |
=== Squatch [n=Erdrick0@c-24-16-92-164.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: hmm reminds me on the same error i got when using it in winblows ... /me thinks how i resolved the probleme | 02:12 |
mcphail | Daynah: that would be sensible | 02:12 |
myatthu | habeeb, so its not a system error ? then the only other place i can think is the program's own log file ... | 02:13 |
habeeb | myatthu: I see. Thanks <: | 02:13 |
Daynah | welp I'm going to do that... AND study for my bio test at ten! | 02:13 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: I see | 02:13 |
Daynah | Should I also burn a health disk and run that if it's pluged in? | 02:13 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: i'm google'ing :D hold on | 02:13 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: ok :D | 02:14 |
mcphail | Daynah: i have no idea what a health disk is | 02:14 |
=== Yvonne [n=01101110@pdpc/supporter/active/Yvonne] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: are you running wine to use dc++? | 02:14 |
myatthu | i suppose the disc without any scratches | 02:14 |
Daynah | McPhail: Maybe it's not really called that. Those little disks for your harddrives that you stick in you make sure your hard drive really is working. They run before your os runs | 02:14 |
=== Gnalein [n=pontus@lund-kc50-sr0-vl100-56-058.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Chalkie1983 [n=Chalkie@AC8ED1C4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Chalkie1983 | hey guys im back | 02:15 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: nope there is a DC++ for Linux called Linux DC++ search for it | 02:15 |
Chalkie1983 | but my desktop is working fine | 02:15 |
Chalkie1983 | :-) | 02:15 |
=== beasty [n=beasty@d54C2DD0F.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Daynah | My friend corrects me and says it's a "diagnostic cd" | 02:15 |
Gnalein | could someone here tell me why i even bothered to install this | 02:15 |
mcphail | Daynah: well, it doesn't sound as if it would hurt ;) | 02:15 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: wb | 02:15 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: i'm on it | 02:15 |
Daynah | I hope it's not plugged in.... | 02:15 |
Daynah | THANK YOU! | 02:15 |
Gnalein | i can't use be on msn, because gaim just closes after logging in | 02:15 |
Daynah | :) Bye! | 02:16 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: :D :D :D ok thanks | 02:16 |
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Chalkie1983 | what irc program should i use with this os? | 02:16 |
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Gnalein | i can't play music, because even with installed plugins it wont reqognize the files | 02:16 |
Gnalein | finding help and stuff is close to impossible | 02:16 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: gaim (that's what i am using) | 02:16 |
=== dbtsai [n=dbtsai@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dbtsai | hi~~ | 02:16 |
dbtsai | anyone know how to compile kernel on edgy? | 02:17 |
CromagDK | +1 | 02:17 |
CromagDK | !edgy | 02:17 |
dbtsai | I have some gcc4.1 SPP problem | 02:17 |
Chalkie1983 | im useing the cdlive version can i still install progs on it | 02:17 |
kendals | Landell won't install- says it needs LibXSS, but I HAVE libxss and every related dep. | 02:17 |
Gnalein | ubuntu stinks... i thought i was leaving windows for good, after many years of use, but im thinking of getting rid of this crap and installing it again | 02:17 |
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kendals | !schedule | 02:17 |
doctorshim | Gnalein: The media player in Ubuntu stinks, imho. | 02:17 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: no i don't think so ... never tried it before, but i guess it won't work | 02:17 |
CromagDK | bot gone | 02:17 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: Can I make somehow to write to my windows partition which is larger than the linux one, and it is ntfs | 02:17 |
Mortice | !mp3 > Gnalein | 02:17 |
=== skunkworks [n=skunkwor@68-115-41-210.static.eucl.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CromagDK | dbtsai: #ubuntu+1 for edgy | 02:18 |
Gnalein | does anything acctually works in this? | 02:18 |
kendals | Works fine for me. | 02:18 |
doctorshim | Apache does, Gnalein! | 02:18 |
kendals | And thousands of others. Care to explain your problem? | 02:18 |
dbtsai | CromagDK I get | 02:18 |
Gnalein | i did... | 02:18 |
Chalkie1983 | ok kool ima change the hdd's now so bbs | 02:18 |
=== Dasnipa [n=Dasnipa@bravoalpha.stev192.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: you can't write to ntfs with linux, the size doesn't matter, make it fat32 and you write and read from it from winblows and linux | 02:18 |
doctorshim | Gnalein: Are you using Ubuntu's default media player? | 02:18 |
kendals | Gnalein- perhaps try installing Automatix- it will solve all of your 'problems'. | 02:19 |
kendals | It has all the software and plugins you'll need. | 02:19 |
Gnalein | rythmbox seemed so nice comming with audioscrobbler and all | 02:19 |
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kendals | Tried Amarok? | 02:19 |
Gnalein | where do i get that kendals? | 02:19 |
exe-cuter | Daynah: wb :p | 02:19 |
Daynah | hahahaha | 02:19 |
kendals | I'll grab you a link :) | 02:19 |
doctorshim | kendals: Where do I get Automatix? | 02:19 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: but now I need to format everything right in order to make fat32 and alll my files are lost | 02:19 |
Gnalein | thnx | 02:19 |
=== Kenvey [n=kenvey@d54C4C407.access.telenet.be] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
mcphail | Daynah: success? | 02:19 |
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exe-cuter | Gnalein: "sudo apt-get install amarok" | 02:19 |
Daynah | Just for fun, I plug in my usb drive, and it doesn't mount. | 02:19 |
DarkMageZ | Gnalein, what was wrong with rhythmbox? | 02:19 |
kendals | doctorshim: http://www.getautomatix.com/wiki/index.php?title=Installation | 02:19 |
Daynah | So I go into my computer and I see my cruiser micro whatever it is and I go THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE BUGGER | 02:20 |
C-O-L-T | what it is on and ubuntu DVD? extra apps or what? | 02:20 |
kendals | lol daynah | 02:20 |
Daynah | click on it and it says it can't mount it. Why? "mount: only root can mount /dev/sda1 on /biggun" | 02:20 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: yes, unless you replace your date to another disk or partition | 02:20 |
Minty | hello can someone please give me the command line so that i can check on my kernel version, thanks | 02:20 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: I see | 02:20 |
myatthu | Minty, uname -a | 02:20 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: i did the same for about 40gb | 02:20 |
kendals | daynah, use sudo. | 02:20 |
Gnalein | where is the terminal to write it in | 02:20 |
Daynah | which... I have no clue why that has anything to do with my little usb. But... I have to work on my biology that's ON IT. So. I thought that was kinda funny. | 02:20 |
Gnalein | sudothingy | 02:20 |
=== undesktop [n=undeskto@p57A54F93.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Daynah | but it's not sda1 nor so I want to mount it on /biggun | 02:21 |
Minty | myatthu: thanks | 02:21 |
undesktop | how much disk space does Ubuntu require? | 02:21 |
myatthu | np | 02:21 |
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kendals | Gnalein- Acce > termin | 02:21 |
Chalkie1983 | i am a noob, and i want to clarify what im gonna do before i do it incase, if i have 2 c hdd's in the pc c = winblows and d = linux all i need to do is change boot priority when i wanna swap back to winblows> | 02:21 |
=== guillote_GNU [n=BrainDoo@host97.201-252-210.telecom.net.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: I see, I am in the same boat, I have an 80 GB drive, 20 for windows, 10 for linux, and the rest for videos, music and personal stuff | 02:21 |
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Daynah | so... I'm just going to email it to myself. Study for my biology. And meditate ubuntu issues away. I thought it was funny and would tell you guys though | 02:21 |
Daynah | toots! | 02:21 |
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ramaya_lio | hi, i unistalled grub and installed gfx grub (to install a spash image), but now i can't mount windows partition! any ideas?? | 02:21 |
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Mortice | Chalkie1983: ubuntu will install a bootloader so that you can choose which to boot every time you reboot. | 02:21 |
exe-cuter | Gnalein: go to applications it's somewhere there | 02:21 |
undesktop | how much disk space does Ubuntu require? | 02:22 |
Chalkie1983 | kool | 02:22 |
Gnalein | kendals- acce? what's that, I'm a hopeless lost noob in ubuntu... | 02:22 |
kendals | Sorry, click Applications at the top. | 02:22 |
=== Crane [n=wdf@adsl-065-015-159-088.sip.bhm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: so "the rest" need to be in fat32? is there still some freespace or is the partiton full? | 02:22 |
kendals | Then click Accessories, then click Terminal :) | 02:22 |
myatthu | Gnalein, application - > accessories -> terminal | 02:22 |
kendals | beaten, myatthu :) | 02:22 |
myatthu | :P | 02:22 |
exe-cuter | not if you change your menu's ^^ :p | 02:22 |
=== Dasnipa [n=Dasnipa@golfeight.stev192.eiu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
undesktop | sigh | 02:23 |
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kendals | lol. | 02:23 |
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kendals | what's up undesktop? | 02:23 |
Mortice | already gone, kendals. | 02:23 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: there is free space on my C:\ so I am gonna copy my data over there format my personal partition to fat32 and recopy my data | 02:23 |
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kendals | i know how frustrating it can be to not get an answer in here, so we'll give it a go. | 02:23 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: that is all | 02:23 |
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exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: there is also an other option ;) | 02:23 |
kendals | haha mortice, yeah- some people are just ungrateful for free software! | 02:23 |
=== jamesrk [n=zerodl@66-53-228-19.red.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: what? | 02:23 |
doctorshim | kendals: Does Automatix install *all* of the listed software, or do you get to choose? | 02:23 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: :) | 02:24 |
=== Nilvio [n=nilvio@dsl-tregw3-fe40f800-62.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kendals | You get to choosdoctorshim: | 02:24 |
kendals | You just tick the box next to the stuff you want :) | 02:24 |
DarkMageZ | kendals, have you been suggesting automatrix to people? | 02:24 |
kendals | Very easy to use. | 02:24 |
doctorshim | kendals: Many thanks. | 02:24 |
kendals | DarkMageZ .....maybe? Is there a rule against? | 02:24 |
kendals | :$ | 02:24 |
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exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: do you know the tool "partition magic"? :D take the part from the "rest" disk and make a new partion from it, make it fat32, reboot and place some data on the new disk | 02:24 |
Lynoure | Mik /away | 02:24 |
=== Frostbite [n=adam@82-47-18-35.cable.ubr02.brom.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarkMageZ | kendals, it's got a very bad reputation around here | 02:24 |
doctorshim | I don't want 2,000 media players and such. | 02:24 |
Nilvio | !ait | 02:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ait - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 02:24 |
Nilvio | !ati | 02:24 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:24 |
C-O-L-T | Automatix is the best far better than Easyubuntu in my opinion | 02:24 |
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kendals | Oh, sorry, DarkMagez. Why is that? | 02:25 |
kendals | Is it because of 'copyright' stuff? | 02:25 |
=== tempest-- [i=tempest@c211-30-225-12.carlnfd3.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: i know it I used it in the past | 02:25 |
kendals | Since it is the user's disgression to install what they choose. .. | 02:25 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: redo this action, take the new freespace on the "rest disk" and make it fat32 into the new fat32 partition, and replace your stuff | 02:25 |
kendals | doctorshim: welcome. | 02:25 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: cool :D | 02:25 |
DarkMageZ | kendals, no, cause it apparently breaks stuff, and completely bypasses the package management system. tho i've never tried it myself | 02:25 |
jerb | i have automatrix, but haven't used it,, | 02:25 |
kendals | Ahh. | 02:25 |
C-O-L-T | exe-cuter: thanks for info, cool | 02:25 |
=== quiet [n=quiet@unixcorps/staff/quiet] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kendals | Well, it's work fine for me on 3 diff. installs. | 02:25 |
Gnalein | so what is automatix? | 02:25 |
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kendals | It doesn't use the package management system- it uses the terminal and apt stuff instead. | 02:26 |
exe-cuter | C-O-L-T: yw :D | 02:26 |
quiet | does anyone know how I would go about doing a telnet to a com port 1? | 02:26 |
tempest-- | hi there. ootput was helping me but hes gone now. he told me to type cfdisk /dev/hda to check if its got ext3 but when I type that it says FATAL ERROR and I can't check. any ideas? | 02:26 |
kendals | Gnalein: it's just one way to get Ubuntu set up with all the apps you need, and plugins (i.e. mp3, etc). | 02:26 |
=== pschulz01 [n=paul@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mortice | some of the stuff automatix does can't be undone cleanly. Trivial example: install checkgmail, then do apt-get remove checkgmail. It gets removed, but there's still a .desktop file in your autostart directory (for KDE at least) pointing to checkgmail, which is no longer there. | 02:26 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: are you on linux yet? | 02:26 |
kendals | Gnalein: "Automatix is a graphical interface for automating the installation of the most commonly requested applications in Debian based linux operating systems." (www.getautomatix.com) | 02:26 |
tempest-- | i've just booted back into windows | 02:26 |
Gnalein | does it need any activation after installation? | 02:27 |
kendals | nope. | 02:27 |
tempest-- | i was on the ubuntu livecd because the grub or lilo or whatever isn't running when I boot | 02:27 |
tempest-- | I can only boot into windows | 02:27 |
ramaya_lio | hi, i unistalled grub and installed gfx grub (to install a spash image), but now i can't mount windows partition! could you please help me? | 02:27 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: ok | 02:27 |
kendals | Just install it, then run it, and click the stuff you want. | 02:27 |
tempest-- | I have installed ubuntu though | 02:27 |
kendals | and it does the rest. it's point and click stuff. | 02:27 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: ever used ubuntu before? | 02:27 |
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C-O-L-T | kendals: Can I burn automatix packages to a cd in order not to download always them when you reainstall linux just install them | 02:27 |
tempest-- | ootput was running me through installing grub properly | 02:27 |
tempest-- | no exe-cuter | 02:27 |
C-O-L-T | kendals: sorry for interrupting you | 02:28 |
tempest-- | I use solaris at uni though | 02:28 |
=== zerod [n=zerod@host121-240-static.106-82-b.business.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kendals | COLT: NP. | 02:28 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: ok, here is what you can do | 02:28 |
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kendals | Umm, I'm not entirely sure if you can just burn the packages. | 02:28 |
Crane | hello everyone! | 02:28 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: you are yet in windows aren't you? | 02:28 |
kendals | I'd imagine so, since it grabs them from the sources.list stuff... | 02:28 |
Chalkie1983 | whoa, a big purple thing appeared | 02:28 |
tempest-- | I'm in windows now | 02:28 |
kendals | But I don't know where- you'd hafta check on their website for that. | 02:28 |
kendals | Chalkie1983, that's Barney. | 02:28 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: do you know the program "partiton magic"? | 02:29 |
Mortice | you could just burn the packages to a CD and edit the script. or you could just burn the packages to a CD and do what the script does by yourself. | 02:29 |
tempest-- | yeah. haven't used it though | 02:29 |
C-O-L-T | kendals: somebody can not just make a cd an auto-load cd which installs those stuff to your system, I would like to have something like that, not always connect to the net | 02:29 |
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C-O-L-T | kendals: I know that it is illegal | 02:29 |
Chalkie1983 | how lon | 02:29 |
Chalkie1983 | oops | 02:29 |
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Chalkie1983 | how long does this take to install/? | 02:29 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: install it, and wacht your partitions, see if there is a ext3 one | 02:29 |
tempest-- | exe-cuter: is it freely available? | 02:29 |
C-O-L-T | kendals: but people download those packages anyway so it does not matter much :D | 02:30 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: about 30 minutes | 02:30 |
kendals | C-O-L-T: You could just google for files.deb stuff? | 02:30 |
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C-O-L-T | kendals: probably | 02:30 |
Chalkie1983 | just its still doing the partition | 02:30 |
Mortice | C-O-L-T: there was a discussion of that on the automatix forums. They said they'd like to do it, but they'd need to find someone willing to host it. | 02:30 |
kendals | C-O-L-T: Just grab the relevant .deb for each bit of software, then burn? | 02:30 |
kendals | Ahh, thanks Mortice. | 02:30 |
Mortice | C-O-L-T: which obviously runs into legality issues. | 02:30 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: actually not, but by using a download tool like bearshare in windows, you'll have to get access to it | 02:30 |
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kendals | Well, I gotta get back to my assignment- due Friday! won't do itself, unfortunately... :( | 02:31 |
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kendals | But before I go, see if anyone can help me. | 02:31 |
Mortice | C-O-L-T: since most of what automatix does is download .deb packages and install them, you may as well burn all the debs to a CD and do it yourself. | 02:31 |
isildur | moin | 02:31 |
C-O-L-T | Mortice: of course I know byt everybody knows the fact that who would use linux without an mp3 codec and so on | 02:31 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: you can also use a demo (which you can download from the official site) | 02:31 |
Mortice | C-O-L-T: I would, since I don't have any mp3s :) | 02:31 |
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kendals | I can't get the landell-2.0.deb to install Landell (used as a nicer GUI for Tapioca- gtalk voip stuff), because the package installer for it keeps saying I don't have libxss- I DO have libxss and all related to it. Any ideas? | 02:32 |
tempest-- | exe-cuter: yeah i was just looking for a demo | 02:32 |
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C-O-L-T | Mortice: but from where I download those packages, is there an automatix repository which I can access? | 02:32 |
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Mortice | C-O-L-T: you could have a look at the automatix script, or you could consult the ubuntu wiki for each of the components. | 02:32 |
Mortice | C-O-L-T: e.g. vvv | 02:32 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: or you can check your partitions in winblows itself via configruationscreen | 02:32 |
Mortice | !mp3 | 02:32 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 02:32 |
C-O-L-T | Mortice: I see, thanks for the information | 02:33 |
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exe-cuter | tempest--: hold on i boot my desktop in windows | 02:34 |
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kendals | Anyone? | 02:35 |
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kendals | Landell 0.20 thinks I don't have libxss installed, but I DO...and it won't let me get past there to install it :( | 02:35 |
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tempest-- | hehe exe-cuter | 02:37 |
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tempest-- | i tried computer management before but it didn't seem to give me any info on the linux partitions | 02:37 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: i was about to tell you that | 02:38 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: then i think you don't got a ext3 partition | 02:38 |
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tempest-- | I'm positive I do | 02:38 |
tobstarr | !firefox | 02:38 |
ubotu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins | 02:38 |
KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 02:38 |
Raoul | hey, im trying to compile bitlbee from source and it needs the gli2 headers but the headers in the repos seem to be for a different build of glib that i have installed | 02:38 |
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C-O-L-T | !aiglx | 02:38 |
ubotu | AIGLX ('Accelerated Indirect GLX') is an open source project founded by the X.Org Foundation and the Fedora Core Linux community to allow accelerated indirect GLX rendering capabilities to X.org and DRI drivers. This allows remote X clients to get fully hardware accelerated rendering over the GLX protocol. | 02:38 |
tempest-- | how else did I install ubuntu on it :/ | 02:39 |
tobstarr | hi | 02:39 |
tobstarr | does anybody know why ubuntu is not updating firefox? are there any problems with the or versions? | 02:39 |
Raoul | i get the following error: libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.10.2-1ubuntu3) but 2.10.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed | 02:39 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: did you format your computer after it? | 02:39 |
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tempest-- | I deleted an old partition. created a linux-swap and a ext3 and proceeded to install ubuntu | 02:39 |
tempest-- | all through the ubuntu installer | 02:39 |
kendals | tobstarr- not sure, but I do know a mate had FF update from - 7, and he lost all his bookmarks. | 02:39 |
kendals | could be isolated, but still! :P | 02:40 |
tempest-- | ok | 02:40 |
tobstarr | kendals: okay | 02:40 |
wachara | hi How To I Remove Old Kernel? | 02:40 |
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exe-cuter | tempest--: hmm strange | 02:40 |
gbrent | I am trying to mount a new hard drive and I got it to show up but when I transfer a few GB of files, it says that there is no space. | 02:40 |
gbrent | any ideas? | 02:40 |
tempest-- | or could it be ext2 | 02:40 |
tempest-- | would that be a problem | 02:40 |
tobstarr | kendals: is there a site where i can get this kind of information? | 02:40 |
exe-cuter | wachara: hold on i'm on it | 02:40 |
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exe-cuter | tempest--: no i, ext2 and ext3 are both linux sizes | 02:41 |
tempest-- | ok | 02:41 |
tempest-- | i seem to have ext2 | 02:42 |
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tempest-- | could i paste partitionmagic in pm (8 lines) | 02:42 |
wedgeV | i get "mplayer: undefined symbol: a52_resample" when running mplayer on edgy | 02:42 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: !pastebin | 02:42 |
tempest-- | 8 lines? :/ | 02:42 |
kendals | landell: | 02:42 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 02:42 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 02:42 |
exe-cuter | ow in pm | 02:42 |
exe-cuter | ok | 02:42 |
kendals | What do I do there | 02:42 |
exe-cuter | wachara: "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst " comment (place a # in front) the kernels you don't wish to use | 02:43 |
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wachara | anything else? | 02:44 |
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exe-cuter | wachara: that should do the trick | 02:45 |
jonathan__ | Hi! Can anyone tell me how i can log in as root in the comand prompt? | 02:45 |
monts | sudo su | 02:45 |
jonathan__ | thanks | 02:45 |
jrib | !sudo > jonathan__ | 02:45 |
exe-cuter | wachara: the kernels are still availeble but are no longer in the grub men when you boot | 02:45 |
jrib | jonathan__: use sudo -i instead | 02:45 |
wachara | OK, Thank You | 02:45 |
jonathan__ | ok | 02:45 |
codecaine | is there a program on linux like a server for rdesktop on linux? | 02:45 |
exe-cuter | wachara: yw | 02:45 |
jrib | monts: sudo -i will reset the environment, it's usually preferred | 02:46 |
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exe-cuter | wachara: also read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows (almost at the end of the page) | 02:46 |
monts | k | 02:46 |
Chalkie1983 | so the install will load a lilo?? | 02:47 |
kendals | landell: | 02:47 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 02:47 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 02:47 |
kendals | What should I do? | 02:47 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: "a lilo"? :D | 02:47 |
Chalkie1983 | linux loader, to switch between linux and winblows | 02:47 |
Nilvio | enyone know something good tutorial for ati drivers install ? | 02:48 |
Nilvio | with console | 02:48 |
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jrib | !ati > Nilvio | 02:48 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: ow, you mean grub, yap | 02:48 |
jrib | Nilvio: I'm not sure if that has console specific directions | 02:48 |
Chalkie1983 | kool | 02:48 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: is kinda the last part of the setup | 02:48 |
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exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: to edit your grub => https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows maybe you'll need it some day :D | 02:48 |
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Chalkie1983 | kool thx | 02:49 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: yw :D | 02:49 |
Gnalein | thnx for the help | 02:49 |
Gnalein | byebye | 02:49 |
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exe-cuter | it's the first time in history i helped out so many people :D yeah :D | 02:49 |
kendals | haha | 02:49 |
kendals | help me out :( | 02:49 |
kendals | landell: | 02:49 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 02:49 |
kendals | Depends: libdbus-glib-1-2 (>=0.61) but 0.60-6ubuntu8 is to be installed | 02:49 |
Chalkie1983 | i tried loading red hat 7 about 3 years ago and got nothing but problems | 02:49 |
=== exe-cuter helps kendals out | ||
kendals | Don't know what else to do- it won't install landell 0.20 | 02:50 |
kendals | lol | 02:50 |
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kendals | Through synaptics, it says that. | 02:50 |
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kendals | through it's deb installed, it says i am missing libxss, when i'm not | 02:50 |
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exe-cuter | kendals: tell me first what you are trying to do :D | 02:50 |
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kendals | trying to install Landell. | 02:50 |
kendals | It's a VOIP for gtalk on linux... | 02:50 |
tempest-- | exe-cuter: did you get that info before? | 02:51 |
exe-cuter | kendals: i don't have any good experience with bot voip and skype using ubuntu | 02:51 |
kendals | Well, Skype works great. | 02:51 |
=== monts [n=monts@dsl-58-7-3-56.wa.westnet.com.au] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"] | ||
kendals | But I can't get Gtalk VOIP :( | 02:51 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: the pm info or .... :$ | 02:51 |
tempest-- | yeah the pm | 02:51 |
kendals | And I've triedf Tapioca, but it's voice quality on my end to other people sucks apparently :( | 02:51 |
kendals | and tapioca suggests landell | 02:52 |
Chalkie1983 | i take it i will need to find my geforce 7700 dreive | 02:52 |
Chalkie1983 | drivers** | 02:52 |
GigaByte_ | hell all | 02:52 |
Tripolar | if there a txt file anywhere that can tell me my graphics card and such. No clue whats in this box | 02:52 |
GigaByte_ | hello all | 02:52 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: i once got a look a like problem with a ntfs disk, had to reboot it because of a cluster error (windows couldn't recognize it and crashed) | 02:53 |
kendals | hi gigabyte | 02:53 |
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exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: !nvidia | 02:53 |
tempest-- | its actually the same disk | 02:53 |
Chalkie1983 | !nvidia | 02:53 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 02:53 |
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tempest-- | and ubuntu seems to be the one not recognising it :/ | 02:53 |
Chalkie1983 | *notes all this down* | 02:53 |
GigaByte_ | how to sening mail via termail what command line? | 02:53 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: is there still data on your ext2 disk? | 02:54 |
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tempest-- | i installed ubuntu on it | 02:54 |
CarlFK | thismoring's amd kernel update (and whatever else) took out my sound - where do I start? | 02:54 |
GnarusLeo | Hello to you all! I have wondering wich is the best way to have control over appointments, birthdays and such in ubuntu? I have a k610i cellphone wich it would be GREAT to sync all this into ... anyone have any ideas? | 02:54 |
harfooz | hi all, I'm having trouble with the latest flashplugin-nonfree update: here is the output from the terminal -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24094 | 02:54 |
tempest-- | i can't boot to ubuntu though (only using livecd) because lilo/grub/whichever doesn't run | 02:54 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: what about copying the url :p saves you a lot of write work | 02:54 |
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exe-cuter | tempest--: i suggest you format it, make it ext3 and try again, i really don't know how else to fix it :( | 02:55 |
tempest-- | ok then | 02:55 |
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tempest-- | can't hurt | 02:55 |
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exe-cuter | tempest--: i used ext3, did the ubuntu setup and it worked fine | 02:55 |
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tempest-- | well this isn't actually the problem | 02:56 |
donrosin | i cant connect to my bnc server .. The error message is no route to host? WTF | 02:56 |
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tempest-- | the problem is i can't boot into it because the boot loader didn't install properly or something | 02:56 |
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exe-cuter | tempest--: hmm and reinstalling the grubloader? | 02:56 |
tempest-- | so I'm just following some instructions to install it | 02:56 |
harfooz | I've tried removing flashplugin-nonfree and apt-get install'ing it again, and I get the same error, although it seems that I do have the plugin working. | 02:56 |
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visham | hi folks | 02:57 |
tempest-- | first part was to determine the partition name with ext | 02:57 |
tempest-- | with cfdisk | 02:57 |
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exe-cuter | tempest--: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=grub&titlesearch=Titels | 02:57 |
tempest-- | but it gave me the FATAL ERROR | 02:57 |
LabThug | Hi, I just updated software on ubuntu and got this error "E: flashplugin-nonfree: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" Is this a problem? | 02:57 |
GigaByte_ | how to send mail via terminal? | 02:57 |
tempest-- | ok | 02:57 |
visham | i am running xfce i donot have a taskbar how to get it? | 02:57 |
tempest-- | i'll check that out and if no i'll reinstall | 02:57 |
tempest-- | thanks exe-cuter | 02:57 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: that's strange :s a fatal error when checking the disks | 02:57 |
CarlFK | GigaByte_: mail | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | GigaByte_: mailx + postfix ( or other MTA) | 02:57 |
thoreauputic | !mailx | 02:58 |
ubotu | mailx: A simple mail user agent. In component main, is optional. Version 1:8.1.2-0.20050715cvs-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 149 kB, installed size 288 kB | 02:58 |
exe-cuter | tempest--: ok, if it still doesn't work, you know where to find me | 02:58 |
exe-cuter | thoreauputic: hi there :p it's been a while :d | 02:58 |
Chalkie1983 | ok its all installed, and now its downloading updates :-) | 02:58 |
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Chalkie1983 | thanks alot for your help exe-cuter | 02:59 |
Chalkie1983 | :-) | 02:59 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: yw any time :D | 02:59 |
thoreauputic | exe-cuter: yes, haven't been around as much lately | 02:59 |
exe-cuter | thoreauputic: lol, for a reason? (hope it istn't because of you got sick for helping out noobies (a) ) :d:d | 03:00 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: which version did you installed? dapper drake? | 03:00 |
harfooz | I've got to run to class now, but if anyone has any ideas about my flashplugin-nonfree problem, please let me know! Back after class. | 03:00 |
thoreauputic | exe-cuter: hmm - health reasons mainly, but I took a break in a way, yes. | 03:00 |
Raoul | is there nothing i can do then, if the libglib2.0-dev package is out of sync with the libglib2.0 package then? | 03:00 |
LabThug | harfooz: are you having the same problem as me? | 03:00 |
Chalkie1983 | dapper | 03:00 |
wachara | !XGL | 03:00 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 03:00 |
Chalkie1983 | i think | 03:00 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: good boy :D | 03:01 |
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exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: o.O 6.06? that's dapper drake | 03:01 |
Chalkie1983 | 6.06 LTS | 03:01 |
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Tripolar | is there a way to view what gfx card i have without having to physicaly look at it? | 03:01 |
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exe-cuter | thoreauputic: ow, anyhow, you didn't stop using ubuntu? :D | 03:01 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: yes sir :D that's dapper drake | 03:02 |
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Chalkie1983 | is that good? | 03:02 |
kalif | Tripolar: maybe lspci can help? | 03:02 |
thoreauputic | exe-cuter: of course not :) And I have been contributing to mailing lists etc | 03:02 |
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exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: of course it is :D!! we all are using it (accept the ones you are using the beta of edgy or who wishes to stay on 5.04) | 03:03 |
Blob | All -- What is the diff between linux-amd64-generic and linux-amd64-k8? | 03:03 |
exe-cuter | thoreauputic: o.O | 03:03 |
Chalkie1983 | i got the OS free with my copy of PC Pro this morning | 03:03 |
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Farhan | what is pc pro? what they just suddenly build pc's with ubuntu alreadyon them? | 03:03 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: to be honestly, i prefere ubuntu above winblows (guess we all do in this room :D) | 03:04 |
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Farhan | i like ubuntu but it sometimes has issues. | 03:04 |
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Chalkie1983 | yeah i do already and i only ben using it 10 mins lol | 03:04 |
mthe | lol | 03:04 |
Farhan | lol | 03:04 |
ProN00b | hmm, if i install 64bit base system, can i set specific packages to be 32 bit ? | 03:04 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: you'll love it :p | 03:04 |
mthe | its stuff like codecs that annoy me with linux = ^ ^ | 03:04 |
Farhan | i'm using edgy, and i think they broke ndiswrapper-utils | 03:04 |
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Farhan | yeah codecs are bleh | 03:04 |
exe-cuter | true to mthe | 03:05 |
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exe-cuter | but at leasts it works :D | 03:05 |
Farhan | but that's why there's apt-get everyone loves apt-get | 03:05 |
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ProN00b | mthe, as if codecs would be working good on other os'es | 03:05 |
mthe | tbh this is my 2nd pc, running 600mhz p3.. so it dual-boots damnsmalllinux and ubuntu = win ;) | 03:05 |
ProN00b | mthe, to be honest, i had less problems with codecs on ubuntu than on windows | 03:05 |
Farhan | I just can't get my wireless card on my laptop to work, that's all. lol | 03:05 |
mthe | fair enough = ;) | 03:05 |
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mthe | i am unskilled with linux anyway, so meh | 03:06 |
Chalkie1983 | well i gotta get some codecs bad as i have over 80gigs of movies and shows | 03:06 |
exe-cuter | ProN00b: amen to that :D!! | 03:06 |
Farhan | I have an amd 2000 machine over there with 256 mb of ram, and is upgrading to a gig this weekend. | 03:06 |
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Mortice | !mp3 > Chalkie1983 | 03:06 |
Farhan | i'm a cheap | 03:06 |
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mthe | lol | 03:06 |
Chalkie1983 | !mpw | 03:06 |
Chalkie1983 | !mp3 | 03:06 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mpw - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:06 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:06 |
zwnj | what version of Firefox will be on Edgy? | 03:06 |
exe-cuter | Chalkie1983: idd, the w32codec is of primary importance | 03:06 |
Farhan | uh chalky? | 03:06 |
thoreauputic | !codecs > Chalkie1983 | 03:06 |
mthe | my main is broken, XP-for-nublets can't detect half of its hardware = ^ ^ | 03:06 |
kendals | Every time I use Synaptics, a stupid window keeps coming up 'Configuring flashplugin-nonfree'- how do I stop this | 03:06 |
Farhan | you need mplayer. llol | 03:07 |
mthe | only my various linux distros all work fine on it = :p | 03:07 |
ProN00b | mthe, thers a proprietary codecs page for ubuntu, i am sure you want to check that out (just alot of packages to apt-get, but after you have them all you can play EVERYTHING) | 03:07 |
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exe-cuter | kendals: by installing the flash plug in? :D | 03:07 |
Farhan | I hate the gui package manager. | 03:07 |
mthe | aha | 03:07 |
Farhan | it makes me agnry | 03:07 |
mthe | i must seek this page out ^ ^ | 03:07 |
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Farhan | angry | 03:07 |
kendals | Tried that, exe-cuter... :( | 03:07 |
Farhan | i like good ol console. | 03:07 |
mthe | i have got a broken package that i can't id atm, so i can't install stuff atm = meh | 03:07 |
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Chalkie1983 | im on updates 102 of 176 | 03:07 |
ProN00b | mthe, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats | 03:07 |
kendals | I click forward, and it crashes. | 03:07 |
mthe | tyvm, i will visit tat page = :D | 03:07 |
Farhan | kendals | 03:07 |
exe-cuter | kendals: hold on | 03:07 |
kendals | kk. | 03:08 |
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Farhan | try going to th terminal | 03:08 |
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Farhan | the | 03:08 |
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kendals | yes? | 03:08 |
zwnj | what version of Firefox will be on Edgy? | 03:08 |
Farhan | and sudo apt-get install -f | 03:08 |
ProN00b | mthe, tats what i mean, just apt-get every and each package mentionned there, you won't regret it | 03:08 |
Nilvio | hello i wanna ask when i do fglrxinfo that say i have something Mesa drivers what that Means ? | 03:08 |
Farhan | that'll fix it, i think | 03:08 |
Mortice | zwnj: go to #ubuntu+1 for edgy discussion. | 03:08 |
kendals | zwnj: Prob. or 2.0- whichever is out at the time | 03:08 |
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kendals | ok farhan, i'll try that | 03:08 |
mthe | ProN00B i am onto it m8 = :D ty lol | 03:08 |
zwnj | ok, thanks | 03:08 |
Nilvio | my games not working | 03:08 |
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exe-cuter | kendals: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/08/install-mozilla-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu.html this helped for me | 03:09 |
Farhan | should I be brave and compile my own kernel? | 03:09 |
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quiet | Farhan, what does the stock kernel not do for you? | 03:09 |
Chalkie1983 | bbs | 03:09 |
Nilvio | yesterday i have ati drivers but today i have something mesa drivers enyone know what i need to doo ??? | 03:09 |
Farhan | hmm nothing actually i'd just figured it'd be a smaller kernel if i compiled it. | 03:09 |
kendals | exe-cuter: thanks, but I already have that- this is a diff window that keeps popping up when I do stuff in synaptics, for no reason :S | 03:09 |
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quiet | Nilvio, mesa is opengl | 03:10 |
Farhan | kendals this is the reason why i don't use the gui package manager. | 03:10 |
kalif | Farhan: do if you feel like it, but don't expect miracles :) | 03:10 |
Nilvio | but my games not working do you know why | 03:10 |
Farhan | ahh true | 03:10 |
exe-cuter | kendals: strange ... and your flash is working? | 03:10 |
kendals | farhan, lol. | 03:10 |
Farhan | When i was running debian, I almost had to | 03:10 |
Farhan | my sound didn't work. lol | 03:10 |
kendals | exe-cuter: nope- only with wine firefox....Opera doesn't like the flash even after i install, and neither does native firefox, for that matter. | 03:10 |
ProN00b | Farhan, its not generally smaller, you need to take stuff out of the config to make it smaller | 03:11 |
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kendals | but flash0 works great in wine firefox, so i just boot that when i need flash :( | 03:11 |
Farhan | ah yeah that's what i ment | 03:11 |
ProN00b | Farhan, which is not that easy | 03:11 |
LabThug | has anyone else gotten a flash-nonfree error when updating their packages today? | 03:11 |
kendals | !pastebin | 03:11 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 03:11 |
ProN00b | Farhan, don't complain if you fuck your sys | 03:11 |
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Farhan | lol | 03:11 |
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Farhan | i don't think i'll work on that today | 03:11 |
exe-cuter | kendals: ow that s*cks ... did you tried looking for updates (sudo apt-get update)? | 03:11 |
lastnode | ProN00b, watch your language please. | 03:11 |
kendals | exe-cuter: yep, tried that- tried everything... | 03:11 |
Tripolar | argh. stupid crappy built in videocards | 03:12 |
Kameli | I got blackout when i had open update manager and other stuff, then i was just updating, and now gnome gives error and then go back to log in scene, whats prob? :( | 03:12 |
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CarinArr | does anyone know of any good wiki toolbars for firefox 1.5 and linux? | 03:12 |
CarinArr | slightly OT maybe but can't think where else to ask | 03:12 |
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kendals | CarinArr, just click the righthand side search bar, and click 'add search' or 'customise search' or something. | 03:12 |
kendals | and add it there... | 03:13 |
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kendals | Farhan: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d24095 | 03:13 |
kendals | exe-cuter: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d24095 | 03:13 |
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Chalkie1983 | 11 mins left of me updates :-) | 03:13 |
Chalkie1983 | are u able to change the res of ubuntu? | 03:13 |
Kameli | why my gnome won't start, it just go back to log in windows | 03:14 |
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Samuli^ | Chalkie1983, sure. | 03:14 |
Farhan | ahh | 03:14 |
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Farhan | i see now | 03:14 |
kendals | yeah :S | 03:14 |
Farhan | i think its dpkg -a | 03:14 |
Farhan | try that | 03:14 |
CarinArr | kendals, i'm not wanting a search toolbar, i would like a wiki editing toolbar | 03:14 |
Farhan | i don't remember how i fixed that issue. | 03:14 |
kendals | Chalkie1983: Click System > Preferences > Screen Resolution | 03:14 |
ProN00b | lol, the nannys in here fail so hard | 03:14 |
Nilvio | how i can get that mesa drivers off and back to ati drivers ????? | 03:14 |
kendals | CarinArr: Ahh- nothing like that atm.. | 03:14 |
jrib | !xhangs > Kameli | 03:14 |
Kameli | how i fix broken packages? | 03:14 |
ProN00b | "watch your language please" | 03:14 |
Chalkie1983 | yeah i got it thanks | 03:14 |
kendals | Farhan: thanks, hmm... | 03:15 |
Farhan | all i know is my acpi support is broken | 03:15 |
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kendals | lol | 03:15 |
Blob | All -- What is the diff between linux-amd64-generic and linux-amd64-k8? | 03:15 |
kendals | I don't even know what acpi is... | 03:15 |
CarinArr | kendals, hmm.. there're plenty for windows and i've been told there are ones for linux too | 03:15 |
Nimwei | Good morning guys. Are there any packages out there that will let me stream a playlist of songs? | 03:15 |
Farhan | i think it has something to do with running the latest edggy though. And ProN00b you didn't just say failed so hard? lol. | 03:15 |
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Nimwei | Looking for something that will let me manage it too so I can skip songs or add them on the fly. | 03:16 |
kendals | CarinArr: How do you mean 'toolbar'? | 03:16 |
kendals | Specifically for firefox? | 03:16 |
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kendals | if so, what works as a windows extension, will work in linux firefox ext. | 03:16 |
ProN00b | Farhan, what ? | 03:16 |
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Farhan | i thought you said something abourt failing so hard? | 03:16 |
Farhan | about | 03:16 |
Kameli | Does anyone know the command for fix broken packages? :) | 03:16 |
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Farhan | apt-get install -f | 03:16 |
Sh4d0x | i'm back seems my connection had a problem | 03:16 |
Kameli | Farhan: it's force? :o | 03:16 |
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Kameli | no i want fix my packages, because i got baclout when i was updating softwares | 03:17 |
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Farhan | hmmm | 03:17 |
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Kameli | blackout* | 03:17 |
Farhan | blackout? | 03:17 |
Farhan | what's blackout? | 03:17 |
Kameli | dunno, i used dictionary | 03:17 |
Farhan | oh | 03:17 |
Chalkie1983 | exe-cuter what theme do u use? | 03:17 |
Kameli | when power goes of from your house | 03:17 |
Nimwei | Good morning guys. Are there any packages out there that will let me stream a playlist of songs? Looking for something that will let me manage it too so I can skip songs or add them on the fly. | 03:17 |
Farhan | oh | 03:17 |
Kameli | that'sit : | 03:17 |
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Farhan | that' is a problem. lol | 03:18 |
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Farhan | hmmm | 03:18 |
kendals | Nimwei: Amarok is the best. | 03:18 |
exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1983: i use a combination of some themes :D | 03:18 |
Chalkie1983 | kol | 03:18 |
Chalkie1983 | kool* | 03:18 |
exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1983: hold on i'll tell you which ones :D | 03:18 |
Farhan | chalky whare'd you get your computer from? | 03:18 |
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Nimwei | kendals: I'll take a look at it. Thanks. | 03:19 |
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CarinArr | kendals, http://wikipedia.mozdev.org/ <-like that | 03:19 |
Farhan | lol. I have a nokia 6682 that i think that ubuntu doesn't detect. lol | 03:19 |
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CarinArr | but that doesn't work with firefox > 0.8 | 03:19 |
exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1983: elements = clearlooks // window = clearlooks // icones = nuove xt 1.6 | 03:19 |
fyrestrtr | Nimwei: get icecast, xmm, and xmms-liveice | 03:19 |
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Chalkie1983 | my desktop was cheap, my laptop was a christmas pressie, and my fave laptop i got y self from work | 03:20 |
exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1983: go to www.gnome-look.org do download some theme's etc :D | 03:20 |
Farhan | lol all m computer equiptment is cheat | 03:20 |
Nimwei | fyrestrtr: Sure. Those will allow me to stream my own music off of my own IP to the public? | 03:20 |
Farhan | blarb | 03:20 |
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Farhan | all of me computer equipment is cheat. | 03:20 |
fyrestrtr | Nimwei: yeah. | 03:20 |
Farhan | cheap | 03:20 |
Farhan | i like icecast. | 03:20 |
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exe-cuter_ | noobie question, can someone tell me how to register my nickname? :D | 03:20 |
Nilvio | how i get that mesa off ? | 03:20 |
Farhan | there isn't any lag like there is with shoutcast | 03:20 |
Nimwei | Gracias. | 03:20 |
Farhan | nickserv register email-address password | 03:21 |
Farhan | wait | 03:21 |
Farhan | its /msg nickserv register email-address password | 03:21 |
Farhan | there yeh go | 03:21 |
exe-cuter_ | farhan thx :D | 03:21 |
Farhan | yep | 03:21 |
Nimwei | Bleh, debian sources don't have icecast. heh | 03:21 |
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Farhan | ubuntu ones do i think | 03:21 |
quiet | !info icecast | 03:21 |
ubotu | Package icecast does not exist in any distro I know | 03:21 |
CzarAlex | is there a way to `refresh` my system in to clearing out unused memory? TOP says I have like 4 megs left! | 03:22 |
quiet | !info ices | 03:22 |
Nimwei | Nor does XMM show up. | 03:22 |
exe-cuter_ | farhan i'm not using irc mutch, but since msn is boring :D ... let's rock irc ^^ | 03:22 |
ubotu | Package ices does not exist in any distro I know | 03:22 |
Farhan | hmmm | 03:22 |
Nimwei | !info xmm | 03:22 |
quiet | Nimwei, what is XMM? | 03:22 |
ubotu | Package xmm does not exist in any distro I know | 03:22 |
Farhan | there all comsrhing else | 03:22 |
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Farhan | called something else | 03:22 |
Farhan | i usually do an apt-cache search and i find it like that | 03:22 |
Nimwei | quiet: - I don't know - something Farhan told me to get heh. | 03:22 |
Rico | Hi, the latest version of flashplugin-nonfree is failing to install - update-rc.d prints out its usage string, then dpkg says 'error processing flashplugin-nonfree' | 03:22 |
quiet | Nimwei, beep-media-player? | 03:22 |
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quiet | for playng shoutcast playlists? | 03:22 |
Farhan | mplayer? | 03:22 |
Rico | Is it possibly some broken repository i'm using? | 03:23 |
quiet | i prefer audacious... but ubuntu lags in that department.. so they still have BMP | 03:23 |
Nimwei | quiet: Not necessarily shoutcast playlists, I just want to be able to stream my own folder of music out so I can listen to it at work and control it. | 03:23 |
Farhan | oh | 03:23 |
Farhan | yeah defintiely need icecast then | 03:23 |
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quiet | Nimwei, oh, then you want icecast then, yes. | 03:23 |
quiet | well.. no | 03:23 |
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quiet | you won't be able to control it. | 03:23 |
quiet | it'll be like yourpersonal radio station. | 03:24 |
Nimwei | quiet: Well, I'm remoted into my box right now. | 03:24 |
Farhan | oh | 03:24 |
quiet | if you want to control it you can use MPD | 03:24 |
Nimwei | quiet: So I'll be able to control it. | 03:24 |
Farhan | i guess he would be abled to contro it. lol | 03:24 |
Nilvio | how i get that mesa off ? | 03:24 |
quiet | right.. but you can't really control it aside from adding/removing songs from the playlist. | 03:24 |
mthe | ProN00b: got the win32 codecs, => end of my problems re: that;) ty lol | 03:24 |
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quiet | you just create a big playlist with all of the songs on it. | 03:24 |
Nimwei | quiet: Gotcha. MPD stands for .. ? | 03:24 |
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quiet | music player daemon | 03:24 |
ProN00b | mthe, yeah ^___^ | 03:24 |
mthe | so my 600mhz >> 3ghx pc... ;) | 03:25 |
quiet | it will run all the time, you can connect to it from the local machine or from any remote host.. | 03:25 |
ProN00b | mthe, get the other stuff too, will give you tumbnails in nautilus | 03:25 |
quiet | and control it. | 03:25 |
exe-cuter_ | mthe: lol the first thing i installed when i was on ubuntu :D | 03:25 |
=== monts [n=monts@dsl-58-7-3-56.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | with next/previous/pause, whatever. | 03:25 |
Farhan | quiet. you no anything about why ndiswrapper-utils is broken in edgy? | 03:25 |
kendals | How do I get VOIP with GTalk users? | 03:25 |
ProN00b | oh, well for a 600mhz maybe not, mthe | 03:25 |
Nimwei | quiet: apting mpd-client and libmikmod2 right now. | 03:25 |
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mthe | i will do, going to leave a massive DL session going tbh;) | 03:25 |
ProN00b | mthe, can a 600 mhz pc even play video ? | 03:25 |
Farhan | i have a 800 mhz dell insprion 2500 laptop | 03:25 |
mthe | u would be amazed tbh ^ ^ | 03:25 |
quiet | Farhan, perhaps becase edgy isn't a stable release? | 03:25 |
exe-cuter_ | ProN00b: rofl!! | 03:25 |
Farhan | true that. | 03:25 |
kendals | lol, ProN00b, so mean. | 03:25 |
ProN00b | mthe, i can't play some vids without stuttering on my amd1800+ | 03:25 |
ProN00b | honestly ! | 03:26 |
Farhan | nah i understan quiet. he's blunt like i am. lol | 03:26 |
kendals | Wow. | 03:26 |
mthe | seriously, under edubuntu, it runs nicely = ;) | 03:26 |
kendals | What's up with that? | 03:26 |
exe-cuter_ | ProN00b: do you use vlc? o.O? | 03:26 |
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quiet | Farhan, what's the error? | 03:26 |
ProN00b | exe-cuter, mplayer | 03:26 |
quiet | Farhan, also, are you fully up-to-date? | 03:26 |
=== TheGateKeeper [n=gatekeep@82-36-116-184.cable.ubr03.king.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter_ | ProN00b: try vlc :D think that might help your stuttering out | 03:26 |
ProN00b | kendals, they are 720p x264 videos with aac 5.1 sound | 03:27 |
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Farhan | i instlal it right, and everythings alright then i try to do a sudo ndiswrapper -i driverblah.inf and it says there are no versions of ndiswrapper found | 03:27 |
kendals | Ahh... | 03:27 |
Farhan | kinda weird | 03:27 |
ProN00b | exe-cuter, i don't think it will, i tried vlc, it still bugs on h264 | 03:27 |
Farhan | yeah i'm fuly updated as of yesterday | 03:27 |
Farhan | i think | 03:27 |
Rico | yeah, h.264 is very processor intensive | 03:27 |
exe-cuter_ | ProN00b: o.O that's the frist time I hear vlc fails o.O | 03:27 |
quiet | Farhan, sudp dpkg -P ndiswrapper ndiswrapper-utils && sdo aptitude install ndiswrapper ndiswrapper-utils | 03:27 |
Nimwei | quiet: "MPD system service not installed." | 03:28 |
quiet | Farhan, actually, it may br part of restricted-modules... so i would purge and reinstall that too. | 03:28 |
snail | is flashplugin-nonfree broken for other people too ? | 03:28 |
Farhan | i think theres something about ndiswrapper fcouldn't be made in to a .deb | 03:28 |
quiet | !info mpd | 03:28 |
=== cbosdonnat [n=cbosdonn@lal69-3-82-241-209-76.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | mpd: Music Player Daemon, the name says it all. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.5-5.1 (dapper), package size 96 kB, installed size 332 kB | 03:28 |
kendals | snail: yep. | 03:28 |
cbosdonnat | Hi all | 03:28 |
Farhan | on the lated kernel. | 03:28 |
kendals | Just uninstalled it, after it kept getting in my way! :P | 03:28 |
Farhan | latest | 03:28 |
quiet | Nimwei, in Universe. | 03:28 |
mthe | has anybody tried installing on a really new laptop, if so how was the hardware detection? ;) | 03:28 |
Farhan | quiet what's this multiverse and universe thingy for? | 03:28 |
ProN00b | exe-cuter, well, it does, thought grabbing the current nightly or just current release would fix that (but i am too lazy to get that) | 03:28 |
=== gopss [n=gopss@adsl-70-232-45-199.dsl.ltrkar.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Farhan | i don't uderstand it. | 03:29 |
quiet | Farhan, more packages. | 03:29 |
Farhan | under | 03:29 |
cbosdonnat | I'm wondering if it's risky to install xgl on a non-geek' computer... | 03:29 |
quiet | Farhan, license encumbered packages for some. | 03:29 |
quiet | those are usually in multiverse. | 03:29 |
Farhan | from all the released ubuntu? | 03:29 |
Mortice | mthe: worked flawlessly for me on a new acer notebook just recently, with the exception of the built-in broadcom wireless, which required ndiswrapper shenanigans. | 03:29 |
Farhan | so should i enabled it? | 03:29 |
quiet | community packages. | 03:29 |
Rico | cbosdonnat: i wouldn't, personally. it breaks too many things. | 03:29 |
cbosdonnat | does anyone knows about the xgl status on ubuntu dapper ? | 03:29 |
cbosdonnat | Rico ok | 03:29 |
Rico | cbosdonnat: aiglx, might be ok. | 03:29 |
Nimwei | quiet: Let me check my sources list. | 03:29 |
mthe | mortice ty for that - i am still not skilled at linux manipulation so i am wondering what best to do = ^ ^ | 03:29 |
Satafterh | every on seems to be talking about xgl, wil lit be part of the next release | 03:29 |
Rico | SA | 03:30 |
Rico | A | 03:30 |
cbosdonnat | Rico: what's the difference exactly ? | 03:30 |
=== ajax4 [n=ajax@ppp-71-129-154-195.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mthe | maybe i should buy an old laptop ftw ;) lol | 03:30 |
Farhan | you just enable universe and multiverse in the sources.list right? | 03:30 |
gnomefreak | cbosdonnat: join #ubuntu-xgl and ask they would know | 03:30 |
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Farhan | uncomment the line? | 03:30 |
quiet | !source-o-matic | 03:30 |
ubotu | source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic | 03:30 |
quiet | Farhan, ^^ | 03:30 |
Rico | cbosdonnat: aiglx is basically better, and less of a hack, and i believe it will be in edgy or edgy+1 at least | 03:30 |
GnarusLeo | Hello to you all! I have wondering wich is the best way to have control over appointments, birthdays and such in ubuntu? I have a k610i cellphone wich it would be GREAT to sync all this into ... anyone have any ideas? | 03:30 |
=== ben_ [n=ben@ppp133-65.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Rico | cbosdonnat: people generally only used xgl because compiz didn't run on aiglx | 03:30 |
cbosdonnat | Rico ok | 03:31 |
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ajax4 | I just downloaded an update to flash-nonfree. Can anyone tell me more about this? Was it for the long-awaited Flash 8? | 03:31 |
quiet | no flash 8 for linux | 03:31 |
quiet | flash 9 | 03:31 |
quiet | but it's not out yet | 03:31 |
quiet | probably a security update | 03:31 |
Rico | ajax4: all it did was refuse to install, and now the installation box pops up every single time i apt-get install anything. | 03:31 |
ajax4 | quiet: I thought the current version of flash for Linux was 7? | 03:32 |
ProN00b | in fedory it seems to be possible to force yum to install a 32bit package on a 64bit platform, can i do the same with apt-get ? | 03:32 |
sureshot | mine did not install error exit 1 | 03:32 |
quiet | it is. | 03:32 |
quiet | flash 9 is working.. but not released yet. | 03:32 |
Rico | sureshot: ditto. i had to fix it with dpkg -r flashplugin-nonfree | 03:32 |
quiet | says the adobe linux developer. | 03:32 |
sureshot | ok | 03:32 |
Farhan | i'll just wait to mess with my sources list | 03:32 |
Farhan | when edgy gets updated | 03:32 |
sureshot | thanks | 03:32 |
quiet | according to him.. flash 9 works on gentoo(duh, it's what he uses), ubuntu, red hat el4, and some others. | 03:32 |
Farhan | to stable | 03:32 |
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ProN00b | quiet, you got a bin you could leak ? | 03:33 |
ProN00b | leaked flash source would be kinda krad | 03:33 |
ajax4 | quiet: So they're just skipping version 8 for Linux? | 03:33 |
quiet | i do not. but yo ucan look here. | 03:33 |
quiet | http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/ | 03:33 |
richee | hey folks I am unable to get playe AVI files, there come in 16 bit color and then don | 03:33 |
richee | I cant see a thing | 03:34 |
Farhan | gentoo scares me a lot, i tried ot install it and it took me 19 hours | 03:34 |
quiet | there might be one available. | 03:34 |
ProN00b | ajax4, yes, eeveryone knows that, look at the url quiet just pasted | 03:34 |
richee | !avi | 03:34 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 03:34 |
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Nimwei | quiet: What are the paths for universe adn multiverse? It appears I have the default source lsit installed with Ubuntu. | 03:34 |
sureshot | ok i removed it thanks | 03:35 |
ProN00b | quiet, nope, them people say they are like releasing next year | 03:35 |
quiet | Nimwei, just add "universe multiverse" after "main restricted" | 03:35 |
quiet | "main restricted universe multiverse" | 03:35 |
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quiet | on all repos. | 03:35 |
surface | j #fedora | 03:35 |
quiet | heh. | 03:35 |
quiet | no. | 03:35 |
Rico | what the fuck? how is it possible that php4 was compiled without mysql support!? | 03:35 |
Nimwei | Sure thing. | 03:35 |
Farhan | bad. | 03:35 |
quiet | !language | 03:35 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 03:35 |
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Blob | All -- What is the diff between linux-amd64-generic and linux-amd64-k8? | 03:35 |
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exe-cuter_ | lol | 03:36 |
quiet | Rico, umm.. maybe because you didn't INSTALL PHP4-MYSQL!? | 03:36 |
Rico | quiet: yes i just realised that | 03:36 |
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Rico | thanks though | 03:36 |
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quiet | Blob, k8 == athlon 64 | 03:37 |
sureshot | stuipid question all what is php4 | 03:37 |
Cyberjames | hi. what is the command to add the user in apache group? | 03:37 |
ProN00b | sureshot, well, its php4 | 03:37 |
Mortice | sureshot: version 4 of the php scripting language :) | 03:37 |
exe-cuter_ | sureshot: it's a web language like html | 03:37 |
quiet | php programming language.. version 4, sureshot | 03:37 |
quiet | exe-cuter_, it's not only for web. | 03:37 |
sureshot | ok newbie ms person switching to linux | 03:37 |
Mortice | exe-cuter_: and it's not much like html, either :) | 03:37 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: but it's mainly used for * | 03:37 |
quiet | true. | 03:37 |
kalif | ubuntu - Good clean family entertainment you can trust :) | 03:38 |
quiet | sureshot, similar to ASP and ColdFusion | 03:38 |
myatthu | sureshot, i don't think you need to know linux to know php ... its web programming language :P | 03:38 |
sureshot | ok | 03:38 |
=== ziro01 [n=ziro01@bzq-88-152-185-7.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter_ | Mortice: lol :D duuuhh!!! | 03:38 |
sureshot | thanks | 03:38 |
quiet | kalif, that's "Ubuntu - Christian Edition" | 03:38 |
quiet | ^_^ | 03:38 |
kalif | hehe | 03:38 |
quiet | i can't believe they made that... rofl. | 03:38 |
quiet | www.whatwouldjesusdownload.com - Ubuntu Christian Edition. | 03:38 |
sureshot | use windows and you would understand LOL it is mostly frontpage and stuff like that | 03:38 |
quiet | *laff* | 03:38 |
exe-cuter_ | lool ^^ | 03:38 |
Nimwei | quiet: Ok cool. Downloading icecast-server and xmms-liveice now..is there a specific program I'll need to access the stream from my windows box at work? | 03:39 |
Nimwei | I guess I could read the docs. heh | 03:39 |
sureshot | and i am not into web page dev. also | 03:39 |
quiet | Nimwei, you def. need to read the docs... icecast takes some setting up. | 03:39 |
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Rico | roughly 50% of windows machines use an IIS/ASP setup :( | 03:40 |
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erchache | amd64 distro runs for a intel core duo no? | 03:41 |
acridian | i'm trying to resize my ntfs partition but gparted wont let me use freespace to that :s it looks like this: http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/1284/gpartediaf3.png ...what wrong? (sorry about my bad english) | 03:41 |
erchache | or need 386? | 03:41 |
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quiet | erchache, umm... no. | 03:41 |
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erchache | quiet: amd64 is good no? | 03:41 |
quiet | no. | 03:41 |
quiet | x86 | 03:41 |
KolaNorsu | /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp | 03:41 |
KolaNorsu | /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "keleksi" | 03:41 |
KolaNorsu | whats hat error? | 03:42 |
erchache | fuck | 03:42 |
KolaNorsu | /etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup... | 03:42 |
Nimwei | Grr, the website doesn't have any docs for 2.0+ heh. Stupid package list doesn't have ver 2 yet. | 03:42 |
KolaNorsu | SESSION_MANAGER=local/a84-231-152-26:/tmp/.ICE-unix/5212 | 03:42 |
botxj | amd64 is the sex0rz | 03:42 |
quiet | !paste | 03:42 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 03:42 |
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botxj | amd64 dualcore is more sex0rz | 03:42 |
Samuli^ | acridian, please. Don't use gparted for ntfs-resizing. I've sent my partition to /dev/null like that a few times. | 03:42 |
erchache | but i cant use 64 bits of my intel core duo no? | 03:42 |
Chalkie1983 | ok guys where can i download an irc client for ubuntu | 03:42 |
acridian | Samuli^: what i should use? | 03:42 |
Rico | Chalkie1983: i suggest X-chat | 03:42 |
quiet | erchache, core duo isn't a 64-bit processor. | 03:42 |
myatthu | Chalkie1983, sudo apt-get install xchat | 03:42 |
surface | Chalkie1983: apt-get install xchat | 03:42 |
Samuli^ | core 2 duo is teh sex0rsx! | 03:43 |
erchache | no? | 03:43 |
erchache | is emt64? | 03:43 |
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Mortice | Chalkie1983: apt-get install xchat or apt-get install irssi or whatever else you fancy :) | 03:43 |
botxj | erchache if it's a 64 bit cpu then you should | 03:43 |
quiet | erchache, it's 2 32-bit cores. | 03:43 |
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Samuli^ | It is 64bit. | 03:43 |
quiet | it is? | 03:43 |
erchache | yepa | 03:43 |
Samuli^ | core 2 duo? I'm pretty sure it is. | 03:43 |
erchache | i see emt64 on my boot bios screen | 03:43 |
=== mart_ [n=mart@cpc3-sout1-0-0-cust696.sot3.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
botxj | the only dual core 64 bit cpu i've seen are those athlon x2's | 03:43 |
monts | core duo = 32 bit core 2 duo = 64 bit | 03:43 |
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exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1983: or use gaim | 03:43 |
Chalkie1983 | errm im confused? | 03:43 |
morphir | I need help installing java runtime | 03:43 |
quiet | monts, that's retarded | 03:43 |
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mart_ | hi, this is gonna sound like a silly question but... | 03:44 |
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exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1983: just use gaim :d | 03:44 |
botxj | lol, yeah monts that's retarded lol | 03:44 |
mart_ | if i install a new sound card, will ubuntu just detect it? | 03:44 |
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mart_ | i have no idea how a kernel works.. so wasnt sure if it had to be recompiled | 03:44 |
brian__ | Chalkie1983: sudo apt-get install xchat | 03:44 |
botxj | it probably wont mart_ if it's a new sound card that as made 3 months ago | 03:45 |
mart_ | or if it was just a case of installed the drivers for it | 03:45 |
Samuli^ | "Intel Core 2 processors feature EM64T (an implementation of AMD64), " | 03:45 |
quiet | yep. | 03:45 |
mart_ | but as long as i find drivers for linux... it'll just work | 03:45 |
mart_ | ? | 03:45 |
=== wedgeV [n=wedge@chello084112132126.3.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
terlmann | will the 6.10 beta iso be out tomorrow or today? | 03:45 |
Chalkie1983 | what does sudo apt-get install xchat mean? | 03:45 |
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quiet | he said core duo... not core 2 duo. | 03:45 |
exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1983: it's a terminal code to install xchat | 03:45 |
quiet | core duo is not 64-bit. | 03:45 |
botxj | Chalkie1983 it means buckle your seatbelts dorothy, cause you're about to get xchat! | 03:46 |
Samuli^ | oh right. I was talking about core _2_ duo all the time. | 03:46 |
exe-cuter_ | botxj: lol :D nice one :D | 03:46 |
botxj | ty :P | 03:46 |
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quiet | Samuli^, but apparently he has core 2 duo... as he said it has em64t | 03:46 |
Samuli^ | quiet, yeah. | 03:46 |
exe-cuter_ | botxj: i have to keep that one in mind :D | 03:46 |
Ash-Fox | If anyone is expirencing loss of e-mail from yahoo, it could be that stupid ad they're appending to the end of e-mails: All New Yahoo! Mail Tired of Vi@gr@! come-ons? Let our SpamGuard protect you. | 03:46 |
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wedgeV | i get a symbol lookup error when running mplayer on edgy | 03:47 |
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wedgeV | anyone know how to fix this? | 03:47 |
tempest-- | can i run the internet from the livecd? | 03:47 |
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exe-cuter_ | tempest--: yes of course :D | 03:47 |
Mortice | wedgeV: try #ubuntu+1 for edgy discussion | 03:47 |
Samuli^ | wedgeV, #ubuntu+1 | 03:47 |
wedgeV | thanks | 03:47 |
tempest-- | i'm gonna try messing around again. will be easier if I don't have to keep going back to windows | 03:47 |
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tempest-- | wireless | 03:48 |
exe-cuter_ | tempest--: ok :D see you soon in ubuntu :D | 03:48 |
quiet | tempest--, no... no one person can run the internet... it's millions of computers all over the world. | 03:48 |
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surface | tempest--: mess around? | 03:48 |
mt22 | what is the current version of ubuntu? | 03:48 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: dry :p | 03:48 |
quiet | if a livecd of ubuntu could run the internet... it'd have to be a MIGHTY big machine. :D | 03:48 |
surface | mt22 dapper | 03:48 |
tempest-- | having problems surface. | 03:48 |
erchache | its a em64t cpu | 03:48 |
erchache | a intel core duo....and says is a intel pentium 4 | 03:48 |
erchache | :-S | 03:48 |
erchache | a hardware question.....its or not 64 bits? :-S | 03:48 |
erchache | 32+32 or 64 native? | 03:48 |
surface | tempest--: what is the problem? | 03:48 |
RMorris84 | in the mail notification properties(the lil task bar reminder)... what do i need to put in 'when all has been read:" to make the icon just go away? | 03:49 |
mt22 | i got the cds back in july, do I have dapper? | 03:49 |
quiet | erchache, do you have core duo or core 2 duo? | 03:49 |
tempest-- | well I installed ubuntu but I don't get the boot loader when I boot. trying to install grub. | 03:49 |
surface | mt22 uname -a | 03:49 |
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surface | mt22 u will see whether u have or not, i think it should be dapper | 03:49 |
mt22 | i'm not using ubuntu currently, have to reinstall | 03:49 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: what's the difference o.O :$ | 03:49 |
quiet | em64t uses amd4, yes. | 03:49 |
=== saeal [n=saeal@pool-72-75-37-67.washdc.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | exe-cuter_, 32 and 64 bit is the difference. | 03:49 |
erchache | uhmmm i have a problem on boot | 03:49 |
tempest-- | surface, i also tried to do cfdisk /dev/hda but got FATAL ERROR | 03:49 |
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erchache | ps2 irq doesnt be free or something | 03:50 |
mt22 | well the reason I ask is because i'm unsure if the auto-updater will update through versions like that. | 03:50 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: ow, thnx :D diddn't know that | 03:50 |
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The_Knowledge | Hey Guys how are u all | 03:50 |
saeal | hey, quick question about mounting a second hard drive | 03:50 |
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The_Knowledge | ? | 03:50 |
surface | tempest--: i see, gd luck than, livecd of ubuntu works? | 03:50 |
The_Knowledge | I need help | 03:50 |
exe-cuter_ | saeal: shoot | 03:50 |
mt22 | so if I don't have dapper, i should get new cds before install | 03:50 |
saeal | I | 03:50 |
tempest-- | yup | 03:50 |
surface | tempest--: i see. | 03:50 |
saeal | I have a second hard drive in my machine, its an ntfs windows partition, I'm trying to mount it but I can't | 03:50 |
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tempest-- | install appeared to work | 03:50 |
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saeal | I only see cdrom in the media folder, and nothing in mnt | 03:51 |
exe-cuter_ | saeal: hold on i give you a magic url ;) | 03:51 |
surface | mt22: go to the website and check the release date for sure. | 03:51 |
quiet | wow... the latest xara xtreme build runs GREAT on ubuntu. :D | 03:51 |
saeal | exe-cuter_: thanks | 03:51 |
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surface | quiet: what is Xara thingy? | 03:51 |
The_Knowledge | Can anyone tell me how to access the drives on my harddisk.I click on computer then drives where there but i can't access them erro"unble to mount something like that" | 03:51 |
quiet | a very good graphics program. | 03:51 |
exe-cuter_ | saeal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions that should do the trick | 03:51 |
Blob | All -- What is the diff between linux-amd64-generic and linux-amd64-k8? (last response scrolled off) | 03:51 |
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quiet | surface, they recently open-sourced it and began porting it to linux and freebsd. | 03:52 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: o.O like photoshop?? o.O | 03:52 |
RMorris84 | in the mail notification properties(the lil task bar reminder)... what do i need to put in 'when all has been read:" to make the icon just go away? | 03:52 |
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surface | quiet: i mean what is tat? | 03:52 |
quiet | kind of like photoshop/illustrator. | 03:52 |
quiet | uch faster though. | 03:52 |
surface | quiet: oh i see | 03:52 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: open source? | 03:52 |
=== marty [n=marty@s205-206-61-54.ab.hsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | with many capbilities that they can't touch. | 03:52 |
quiet | it's REALLY fast. | 03:52 |
surface | quiet: better that gimp? | 03:52 |
quiet | can do like 25000% zoom. | 03:53 |
=== student [n=student@gateway.rvgs.k12.va.us] has joined #ubuntu | ||
quiet | surface, don't make me laugh. | 03:53 |
The_Knowledge | Can anyone tell me how to access the drives on my harddisk.I click on computer then drives where there but i can't access them erro"unble to mount something like that" | 03:53 |
The_Knowledge | Can anyone tell me how to access the drives on my harddisk.I click on computer then drives where there but i can't access them erro"unble to mount something like that" | 03:53 |
student | !ruby | 03:53 |
ubotu | ruby: An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.2-1 (dapper), package size 18 kB, installed size 96 kB | 03:53 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: is it open source of payable tool? | 03:53 |
exe-cuter_ | *or | 03:53 |
student | !rails | 03:53 |
ubotu | rails: MVC ruby based framework geared for web application development. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.2-1ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 1723 kB, installed size 12820 kB | 03:53 |
quiet | exe-cuter_, it will be free for windows soon, too. | 03:53 |
quiet | it's currently like $80 for windows. | 03:53 |
The_Knowledge | Can anyone tell me how to access the drives on my harddisk.I click on computer then drives where there but i can't access them erro"unble to mount something like that" | 03:53 |
quiet | www.xaraxtreme.org | 03:53 |
exe-cuter_ | i'm on ubuntu :p | 03:53 |
quiet | download and try it. | 03:53 |
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quiet | it runs great. | 03:53 |
quiet | i'm using it now. | 03:54 |
quiet | it's still in beta for linux | 03:54 |
surface | The_Knowledge: go teminal and try type mount | 03:54 |
exe-cuter_ | the only reason i keep winblows if for photoshop/ illustrator | 03:54 |
exe-cuter_ | *is | 03:54 |
surface | The_Knowledge: did ur hdd mount point there? | 03:54 |
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The_Knowledge | oeky surface and then? | 03:54 |
surface | The_Knowledge: did u see ur hdd there? | 03:54 |
student | !rubyonrails | 03:54 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rubyonrails - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:54 |
The_Knowledge | Right now I am useing windows | 03:54 |
quiet | exe-cuter_, same here... only i use Fireworks... because I *KNOW* fireworks... very well. but i'm working on learning advanced xara stuff | 03:54 |
=== Bren1 [n=bailey@CPE0001031c471b-CM0014e8b57752.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
student | !fastcgi | 03:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about fastcgi - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 03:55 |
The_Knowledge | I jus run the cd and it boot the linux | 03:55 |
The_Knowledge | I was just trying to use it without installing it | 03:55 |
surface | The_Knowledge: so now u r in ubuntu live cd or windows? | 03:55 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-226-31-4.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
The_Knowledge | windows | 03:55 |
exe-cuter_ | if ubuntu supported the adobe stuff like photoshop etc (i'm a designer in training) i destroy my winblows disk!! :D | 03:55 |
sureshot | i keep windows due to games and that is all | 03:55 |
Farhan | you put the cd in, restart an there you go. all good | 03:55 |
=== chalkie1873 [n=chalkie@AC8ED1C4.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The_Knowledge | Is there any program to run mric in ubuntu | 03:55 |
surface | The_Knowledge: so what is ur problem in windows? | 03:56 |
chalkie1873 | yay | 03:56 |
surface | The_Knowledge: xchat | 03:56 |
The_Knowledge | I am not faceing any problem in windws | 03:56 |
The_Knowledge | I want to know how to access the drives | 03:56 |
Farhan | what do you want to do then? | 03:56 |
exe-cuter_ | Chalkie1873: officialy on ubuntu? :D | 03:56 |
surface | The_Knowledge: ok i get u | 03:56 |
The_Knowledge | in linux | 03:56 |
Farhan | oh | 03:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: I like konversation and I used to be an mirc guy | 03:56 |
The_Knowledge | oh i c | 03:56 |
surface | The_Knowledge: usually all mount point is at /mnt | 03:56 |
The_Knowledge | Jack sparrow | 03:56 |
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surface | open nautilus and search for /mnt | 03:57 |
Mortice | konversation doesn't come close to mirc's functionality, and mirc is hardly amazing. :/ | 03:57 |
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james__ | Xchat is fine | 03:57 |
Farhan | i like irsii | 03:57 |
The_Knowledge | So can I access movies anything on my harddisk even I can save data on my harddik | 03:57 |
The_Knowledge | ? | 03:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: You can also just use the diskmounter script to mount them and have icons for eact partition on your desktop | 03:57 |
The_Knowledge | in ubuntu | 03:57 |
The_Knowledge | ? | 03:57 |
exe-cuter_ | gaim ftw!! | 03:57 |
Mortice | irssi is good. | 03:57 |
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surface | The_Knowledge: let say u have partition of windows it suppose to be mounted at /mnt | 03:57 |
Farhan | no | 03:57 |
Farhan | wellyou could do it like that | 03:57 |
quiet | gaim for IRC is dumb. | 03:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: Dont write to ntfs drivers | 03:57 |
quiet | use irssi | 03:57 |
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The_Knowledge | okey | 03:57 |
Farhan | i like irsii | 03:57 |
Farhan | quiet, your just like me, you like the console. that's right.. | 03:58 |
The_Knowledge | okey | 03:58 |
surface | The_Knowledge: but i am not sure whether ubuntu do auto mount the partition of windows or not. but slax does | 03:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: I have a fat32 partition I use for sharing files | 03:58 |
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quiet | Farhan, indeed. :) | 03:58 |
exe-cuter_ | quiet: i only use irc for this room :D or creating my own room | 03:58 |
The_Knowledge | oh i c | 03:58 |
Farhan | quiet, you use the gnome-terminal or the big control alt f1 console? | 03:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: You can set it to automount np | 03:58 |
quiet | Farhan, if you still have a faily brown/orange ubuntu theme, try the 'ash' theme from irssi.org. | 03:58 |
The_Knowledge | Hey jack sparrow do u have MSN ID ? | 03:58 |
Farhan | lol i can't even see the crappyu theeme that your mentioning | 03:58 |
=== quiet has his own channel. | ||
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: no... | 03:58 |
=== mads- [n=mads@0x535c9ef8.sdbnxx1.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The_Knowledge | right now I have not install ubuntu I was useing its live cd | 03:58 |
Farhan | quiet, i'm blind, so that wouldn't help me. | 03:59 |
exe-cuter_ | all pray the mighty quiet o.O :p:d | 03:59 |
sureshot | using a fat32 pattion is the best way to share files between windows and linux | 03:59 |
quiet | Farhan, ......? | 03:59 |
Farhan | i'm blind? | 03:59 |
exe-cuter_ | sureshot true to that | 03:59 |
Farhan | yes? | 03:59 |
quiet | yes. | 03:59 |
The_Knowledge | OH I C | 03:59 |
The_Knowledge | gOOD | 03:59 |
quiet | seriously? | 03:59 |
The_Knowledge | mY ALL DRIVES ARE FAT32 | 03:59 |
Farhan | seriously | 03:59 |
CromagDK | !shout | 03:59 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 03:59 |
exe-cuter_ | lol | 03:59 |
quiet | Farhan, join #unixcorps for a minute. | 03:59 |
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Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: There are other ways to shre files, but not quite ready to everyday use, (Just my opioion) | 04:00 |
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mads- | I just installed ubuntu.. The installition didn't prompt me for a su password, and now I can't log into su account.. How do I fix this? | 04:00 |
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Foc | I want to install macromedia flash to play some games on the web but I can't, anyone can tell me how ? | 04:00 |
Farhan | you said unixcorp? | 04:00 |
quiet | mads-, you don't. use sudo. | 04:00 |
Farhan | right? | 04:00 |
quiet | Farhan, unixcorps | 04:00 |
surface | The_Knowledge: you may want to learn more commands if u digs deep for linux, www.linuxbyexample.co.nr might help | 04:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: Windows will show up as sda1 or hda1 | 04:00 |
=== pricechild_ [n=pricechi@host86-139-43-74.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pricechild_ | hi all | 04:00 |
pricechild_ | i'm getting no system sounds | 04:00 |
MadMaX | alo.... alguien de aqui habla espaol??? | 04:00 |
mads- | quiet: you can't use su at all? | 04:00 |
james__ | i wish i could get torrents to run worth a shit on nix | 04:00 |
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quiet | mads-, root is locked by default... use sudo. | 04:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Foc: one sec.. | 04:01 |
quiet | if you know how to enable root, then you can use it. if not, it's best that you don't. | 04:01 |
pricechild_ | and in multimedia systems selector i can't get an successful test. However i do get outputs from games and amarok. Can anyone help? | 04:01 |
=== monts [n=monts@dsl-58-7-3-56.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mads- | fair enough.. Have never use sudo though (quite new at linux). Does sudo not prompt for any password? | 04:01 |
The_Knowledge | One more thing regarding installation I have Drive C of 7 gb on 4gb space windows is install and I want to install ubuntu on 3 gb space without formatting or deleting partition | 04:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Foc: Follow these instructions http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/08/install-mozilla-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu.html | 04:01 |
=== Zajjko [n=Zajjko@81-234-204-3-no118.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pricechild_ | Jack_Sparrow i think the latest flash pluggin is broken.... | 04:02 |
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Mortice | mads-: the way it's set up on ubuntu, it'll prompt for the user's password | 04:02 |
surface | mads-: yes u can set it. | 04:02 |
MadMaX | unlook the root = sudo passwd | 04:02 |
MadMaX | unlock the root = sudo passwd | 04:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | pricechild_: I used that link yesterday, seems fine, but works for me is not a full answer to the question eh | 04:02 |
The_Knowledge | jack sparrow that link is for me ? | 04:02 |
mads- | nizzle... linux just keeps gettin nicer and nicer =) | 04:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | no | 04:02 |
mads- | expect for the bad sound driver there is for my soundcard =/ | 04:03 |
The_Knowledge | One more thing regarding installation I have Drive C of 7 gb on 4gb space windows is install and I want to install ubuntu on 3 gb space without formatting or deleting partition | 04:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: 3 gig is very tight... | 04:03 |
=== GenX [n=genx@adsl-ull-174-70.41-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pricechild_ | Jack_Sparrow i had to downgrade from 7.0.68~ubuntu1~dapper1_i386 to as the new one wouldn't install for me. What version are you running? | 04:03 |
erchache | where i can get information about boot parameters of install server cd? | 04:03 |
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@corenet-549.dynamic.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: Drives are cheap these days.... you might want to consider a bigger one | 04:03 |
erchache | :-S | 04:03 |
jouste1 | You don't need to unlock root account in most cases... just use 'sudo su -' for those *few* occasions when 'root' is needed! :) | 04:04 |
Foc | I want to install macromedia flash to play some games on the web but I can't, anyone can tell me how ? | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | pricechild_: 7.06 DAPPER ..? | 04:04 |
pricechild_ | Jack_Sparrow: actually i'll just check see what repo that latest version is from... might be from one of my dodgy ones :P | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | pricechild_: i AM ON 6.06 | 04:04 |
Blob | All -- What is the diff between linux-amd64-generic and linux-amd64-k8? (last response scrolled off) | 04:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry for the cap lock | 04:04 |
surface | Foc: don't u see mypapit web addr? | 04:04 |
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Foc | surface: no | 04:05 |
pricechild_ | yeah but the package version of flash pluggin is 7.0.68 | 04:05 |
Foc | surface: from where ? | 04:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | pricechild_: To find out your vesion info use terminal: less /etc/lsb-release | 04:05 |
pricechild_ | am doing | 04:05 |
pricechild_ | 7.0.68 is availiable from the backports..... but doesn't work for me | 04:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | pricechild_: dapper 6.06.1 here | 04:06 |
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=== Sanne [n=Sanne@p548D836E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sanne | hi | 04:06 |
pricechild_ | 7.0.63 is from standard repos | 04:06 |
J-_ | how can i get the mozilla or firefox brower to not default the *find* option when im in java, when i want to input something into the java applet? | 04:06 |
surface | Foc: http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/08/install-mozilla-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu.html | 04:06 |
pricechild_ | Jack_Sparrow: we're talking about the version number of the flash pluggin here... NOT dapper | 04:06 |
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exe-cuter_ | Sanne: hi | 04:07 |
=== Chest [n=elam@c-68-41-91-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GenX | hi | 04:07 |
pricechild_ | Blob: they're getting rid of archiatecture specific kernels as there isnt' really any advantage in them anymore, they just waste time for compiling. | 04:07 |
pricechild_ | Blob: which is why we now just have on "generic" kernel | 04:07 |
KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 04:07 |
GenX | please, have you a guide for java plugin for firefox? | 04:07 |
Jack_Sparrow | Foc: Did you bother to read what was posted for you to install that.? | 04:07 |
Sanne | I'm going to make some fat32 partitions for data shuttle with Win2000 with cfdisk in Ubuntu. Can somebody tell me if/when I should use the LBA modus for those partitions? | 04:07 |
adminx | Hi everyone, Is it true that Edgy Eft, when released on 10/2006 will have the new NVIDIA and ATI drivers, AIGLX compositing has been turned on by default. | 04:07 |
exe-cuter_ | GenX: yes | 04:08 |
pricechild_ | adminx no-one knows | 04:08 |
chnode | how to make work Usb Joystick in dapper, its detected but dont work... | 04:08 |
Mortice | adminx: #ubuntu+1 is your channel. | 04:08 |
pricechild_ | AIGLX will is already there | 04:08 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: hi :) | 04:08 |
pricechild_ | however you may need to get new nvidia drivers from backports etc. | 04:08 |
exe-cuter_ | genX: hold on | 04:08 |
GenX | ok | 04:08 |
exe-cuter_ | Sanne: be right with you hold on :D | 04:08 |
Chest | guys, i've updated my kernel and broken my fglrx drivers. How do i recompile the kernel module? | 04:08 |
pricechild_ | or even build from source | 04:08 |
adminx | Thanks | 04:08 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: ok, thanks :) | 04:08 |
Jack_Sparrow | GenX: : Follow these instructions http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/08/install-mozilla-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu.html | 04:08 |
pricechild_ | Chest follow the instructions you used to build it in the first place | 04:08 |
GenX | thanks, exe-cuter_ | 04:09 |
Chest | i would if i could find them | 04:09 |
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Chest | isn't there a command? | 04:09 |
J-_ | how can i get the mozilla or firefox brower to not default the *find* option when im in java when i want to input something into the java applet? | 04:09 |
exe-cuter_ | Jack_Sparrow: that's a flash plug in | 04:09 |
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=== nybble [n=nybble@about/apple/performa/nybble] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pricechild_ | Can anyone help me get system sounds back... In Multimedia Systems Selector i can't successfully test ESD ALSA or OSS however i still get output from games and music players for example | 04:09 |
exe-cuter_ | genX: you want a java or a flash plug in? | 04:09 |
GenX | java | 04:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry that was for foc | 04:10 |
GenX | :D | 04:10 |
chnode | how to make artwiz fonts work in gtk2? | 04:10 |
=== madewokherd [n=urk@VRP5000.rhbd.psu.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter_ | genX: hold on | 04:10 |
GenX | ok :) | 04:10 |
exe-cuter_ | it's supposed to be on this page | 04:10 |
exe-cuter_ | genX: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats#head-55315677ab8f9890825549fa2ecebdde4bc68087 | 04:11 |
J-_ | can i disable the *find* option in mozilla, or firefox? | 04:11 |
Luis | Conocen alguna diecion para chat en Espaol?? | 04:11 |
=== Doggie [n=doggie@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 04:11 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 04:11 |
piratepenguin | pricechild_, sounds like some program is hogging the sound device, but I cant say I'm an expert on the matter.. | 04:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !java | 04:11 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 04:11 |
GenX | thanks exe-cuter_ | 04:11 |
Foc | surface: ok, thanks | 04:11 |
chnode | how to make artwiz fonts work in gtk2? | 04:11 |
exe-cuter_ | genX: call on me if you need more help :D | 04:12 |
Doggie | automatix does it for you | 04:12 |
GenX | ok, thanks | 04:12 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: ok let's face your question :D | 04:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Doggie: No | 04:12 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: ok | 04:12 |
Doggie | java thing... | 04:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | Doggie: Automatix is the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling. | 04:12 |
=== lucas [n=lucas@200-171-172-209.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
J-_ | can i disable the *find* option in mozilla, or firefox? | 04:13 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: can you repeat it once more :$ | 04:13 |
Sanne | I'm going to make some fat32 partitions for data shuttle with Win2000 with cfdisk in Ubuntu. Can somebody tell me if/when I should use the LBA modus for those partitions? | 04:13 |
Doggie | I've never tried to uninstall...... :) | 04:13 |
surface | J-_: check the preference. | 04:13 |
Blob | pricechild_, OK -- so no performance advantage either way then? | 04:13 |
chnode | how to make work Usb Joystick in dapper, its detected but dont work... | 04:13 |
=== fix [n=fix@cable-87-244-191-89.upc.chello.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
The_Knowledge | Jack Sparrow Sorry I was Alway. yeah buddy I know Drive Is cheap I got 120 gb harddisk But All my partition are full | 04:13 |
The_Knowledge | there not space | 04:14 |
The_Knowledge | I only use drive C for installation | 04:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | Doggie: That program will come back later with bizarre problems, you get no help from them and we cant untangle the mess the script leaves | 04:14 |
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=== Blue-Omega [i=Blue@about/cooking/nakedchef/omelette/Blue-Omega] has joined #ubuntu | ||
exe-cuter_ | sanne: ok, if i'm understanding well you want te create a fat32 partition, i don't know myself how to do this in ubuntu, but i can help you doing it in windows by using partition magic | 04:15 |
Doggie | hey... does anyone know how can i change right click menu..... I want to put something...... a launcher to terminal | 04:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_Knowledge: Set aside at least 10 since I know you will use it.. | 04:15 |
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exe-cuter_ | sanne: it's a very easy tool, (did it myself also with partition magic) works fine | 04:15 |
=== Chest [n=elam@c-68-41-91-191.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
Sanne | exe-cuter_: I know how to make them in Ubuntu, but I don't know if I need to set the LBA (lrage block access?) for them. They will be 16GB (4 partitions) and one with > 80GB. | 04:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | exe-cuter_: HE can do it in gparted with no problems.. never had the lba issue to deal with.. Mine is set lba in bios.. | 04:16 |
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Sanne | Jack_Sparrow: I'm a she, btw ;) | 04:16 |
sureshot | just set it to type fat32 and it will be formatted | 04:16 |
KolaNorsu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24097 | 04:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sanne: np, welcome to the channel. | 04:17 |
=== acridian [i=acridian@a88-113-226-130.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
exe-cuter_ | sanne: :$ sry i never made a partion in ubuntu ... never ran into that the LBA problem :$ | 04:17 |
Sanne | Jack_Sparrow: thanks :) | 04:17 |
=== ro-man [n=roman@p5088D856.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Doggie | Jack_Sparrow: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90797 | 04:17 |
surface | lol | 04:17 |
raf_pees_alot | i was in here yesterday...i wanted to thank you Jack_Sparrow for your advice | 04:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: checking your paste now | 04:17 |
raf_pees_alot | i fixed my bad sector problem | 04:17 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: thanks anyway, I'll continue my research then :) | 04:17 |
davvs | can i bind a key to become the deletekey? my ibookG4 has no delete key and i miss it :P | 04:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | raf_pees_alot: the ubuntu install formatted the partition and all is well? | 04:18 |
raf_pees_alot | actually | 04:18 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: maybe this can help you a bit further https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | 04:18 |
raf_pees_alot | i had to take it a step further | 04:18 |
raf_pees_alot | and i used Dban | 04:18 |
raf_pees_alot | to nuke the whole drive | 04:18 |
raf_pees_alot | its fixed now | 04:18 |
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Sanne | exe-cuter_: thanks, already on it | 04:18 |
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raf_pees_alot | no more dual booting for me | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | :P | 04:19 |
exe-cuter_ | raf_pees_alot: why not? :D | 04:19 |
surface | raf_pees_alot: why? | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | who needs windows... | 04:19 |
Rico | hahahaha | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | all it did was mess up my linux | 04:19 |
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LadyNikon | raf_pees_alot: i realized I am to lazy to dual boot | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | i never used it anywho | 04:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: You may need to apt-get install gnome-desktop to fix that... | 04:19 |
mads- | Can I install XFCE4 on ubuntu? Like having two different desktop enviroments? | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | im not much of a gamer | 04:19 |
exe-cuter_ | raf_pees_alot: i do only for photoshop/ illustrator | 04:19 |
surface | raf_pees_alot: dual boot bsd and linux, or 2 linux distro | 04:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | mads-: I have 3 | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | i have gimp | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | to tuch up photos | 04:19 |
raf_pees_alot | and whatnot | 04:20 |
Sanne | for the record, I'm researching for my husband, *I* only use Linux ;) | 04:20 |
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KolaNorsu | Jack_Sparrow: :/ | 04:20 |
LadyNikon | Sanne: heh | 04:20 |
Sanne | :) | 04:20 |
surface | Sanne: linux have a lots of distro | 04:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | raf_pees_alot: Please do not use the enter key for punctuation, put it all on one line | 04:20 |
raf_pees_alot | i dont really have anything against windows.... | 04:20 |
exe-cuter_ | raf_pees_alot: ok but i'm a designer in training :p can't live without photoshop :( | 04:20 |
mads- | Jack_Sparrow: How does that work then? How do you switch between them? | 04:20 |
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LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: get a mac | 04:20 |
raf_pees_alot | if i dont use the enter key..how am i supposed to type in here | 04:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | mads-: there is an option where you do your login... | 04:21 |
Sanne | surface: in my case, I use ubuntu (kubuntu right now), that's why I love to come here :) | 04:21 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: i'm on it :p macbook pro ftw!! | 04:21 |
surface | exe-cuter_: somehow its difficult to get use to gimp. | 04:21 |
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Jack_Sparrow | raf_pees_alot: at the end of a line not three times in 15 seconds | 04:21 |
mads- | Jack_Sparrow: Sounds nice. How do you install another one? :) | 04:21 |
surface | Sanne: welcome, here is a big party, msging non stop | 04:21 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: it's totally different photoshop and the gimp | 04:21 |
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raf_pees_alot | u mean 3 lines are coming out from my one line? wth | 04:21 |
mads- | Cause I'd really like to try xfce | 04:21 |
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jouste1 | mads-: Yeah, install package 'xubuntu-desktop' and it will give you the Xubuntu desktop envrionment | 04:21 |
surface | exe-cuter_: ya even the shortcut key, too used to photoshop | 04:22 |
exe-cuter_ | raf_pees_alot: by using "shift + enter" | 04:22 |
mads- | jouste1: Cool.. Thanks... | 04:22 |
Sanne | surface: I know, usually I'm here much later in my day. Always very busy channel :) thanks for welcome. | 04:22 |
chandan | hi, How to setup nfs server with read/writer permission | 04:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | mads-: apt-get install gnome-desktop or kubuntu-desktop or get icewm and install it.. not the same way but you get the idea | 04:22 |
jouste1 | mads-: but it will also change your boot splash screen to Xubuntu | 04:22 |
surface | mads-: soon fluxbuntu is going to born | 04:22 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: i want a black one so bad | 04:22 |
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chandan | IOn mlounted nfs fodler Iam unable to create a new folder | 04:22 |
raf_pees_alot | i wasnt aware that im spaming..i think it might be my xchat settings | 04:22 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: :D i have a black macbook :p but i want a pro :( :D | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | raf_pees_alot: not your setting. it is your style | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | this | 04:23 |
bikstopa | hi | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | is what | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | I | 04:23 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: pro is to big | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | mean | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | is no | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | t acceptable | 04:23 |
raf_pees_alot | ahhh im sorry...force of habit | 04:23 |
LadyNikon | i want to take it to school as well | 04:23 |
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surface | Sanne: why using linux? get to heard it from where? | 04:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | arrrrrgh | 04:23 |
mads- | surface: Is that nice and quick? | 04:23 |
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exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: :( such an offence :p | 04:23 |
mads- | joustel, that's just where I choose what to boot, right? | 04:23 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: I believe laptops should be small.. HUGE laptops are retarded and makes them less portable | 04:24 |
surface | mads-: i like fluxbox, its very lightweight and flexible for keybinding, i look forward to fluxbuntu | 04:24 |
POVaddct | what do you think about automatix? | 04:24 |
LadyNikon | if you wanted a 20 inch laptop get a freakin desktop machine | 04:24 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: fact :D | 04:24 |
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raf_pees_alot | fluxbuntu is gonna be a big hit...for the weaker computers...i for one will want to apt-get fluxbuntu desktop | 04:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | POVaddct: Automatix is the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling. | 04:24 |
surface | mads-: anyway i have fluxbox installed with my ubuntu. | 04:24 |
jolt | Hey did anyone have problems with the flashplugin update? | 04:24 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: like your attitude :D do you have a mac? | 04:24 |
Sanne | surface: I'm using Linux since 4 years now, first Debian, now Ubuntu. Heard from it through friends, then researched, decided on Debian because of philosophy, now Ubuntu since Breezy, because of better release plan and awesome community. | 04:24 |
sureshot | i like my laptop with its 17" monitor sorry if i am retarted | 04:24 |
POVaddct | Jack_Sparrow: i expected that answer :) | 04:24 |
finalbeta | Jack_Sparrow, that is not true at all. | 04:25 |
jousterk | mads-: no its just the (x)ubuntu logo when the system is coming up | 04:25 |
surface | Jack_Sparrow: u like have keybindings can paste something very constant | 04:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | finalbeta: It is the worst thing you can run | 04:25 |
jousterk | mads-: just wanted to mention it b/c it gave my m8 quite a shock! | 04:25 |
mads- | jousterk: That doesn't matter then. | 04:25 |
exe-cuter_ | sureshot: then we both are retarded :( :D | 04:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | finalbeta: Complete garbage | 04:25 |
mads- | Where can I find that xubuntu-desktop package? | 04:25 |
raf_pees_alot | jolt - what flash plugin update? | 04:25 |
jousterk | mads-: nope | 04:25 |
surface | Sanne: alright. | 04:25 |
sureshot | :0 | 04:25 |
jolt | The dapper drake update as of today | 04:25 |
exe-cuter_ | Jack_Sparrow: tell jolt about flash plug in (lol we got a new bot) :D | 04:26 |
jolt | dpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--configure): | 04:26 |
jolt | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 04:26 |
jolt | Errors were encountered while processing: | 04:26 |
jolt | flashplugin-nonfree | 04:26 |
jolt | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 04:26 |
finalbeta | Perhaps, but you do exadurate allot. I ran it, my system is fiune, now I'm upgraded to edgy, it's uninstalled even,. | 04:26 |
raf_pees_alot | yes jolt...i had to compile my own from the website | 04:26 |
POVaddct | i don't want to start a flamewar. but i agree with Jack_Sparrow. | 04:26 |
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jolt | I cant make one valid CD for Edgy that passes the built-in check cd | 04:26 |
mads- | jousterk: nope? | 04:26 |
jolt | though the md5 sum is correct | 04:26 |
POVaddct | methinks automatix is the (failed) attempt to make a real good disto "easier" | 04:27 |
jousterk | mads-: universe | 04:27 |
raf_pees_alot | edgy eft is in what....3rd knot as of right now? so when is the final date set for...next month? | 04:27 |
surface | exe-cuter_: lol , my fren mypapit will be so happy | 04:27 |
mads- | jousterk: Now you got me all confused? What did you say "nope" to? :) | 04:27 |
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melon | a Q - i've spent my whole existence using windows - until a week or so ago.. now i'm 100% linux - what's the comparison between linux 'n mac os? | 04:27 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: i have a mini | 04:27 |
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finalbeta | POVaddct, it's a shame the distro does need it. | 04:27 |
mypapit | surface: lol | 04:27 |
LadyNikon | Sanne: i started with mandrake heh 5 yrs ago | 04:27 |
surface | mypapit: haha | 04:27 |
exe-cuter_ | lol :D indeed :D | 04:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | raf_pees_alot: what do you mean had to compile your own You mean unpack it as in un-tar... | 04:27 |
POVaddct | finalbeta: it doesn't | 04:27 |
raf_pees_alot | yes jack..sorry ..im not to good with terminology | 04:28 |
raf_pees_alot | but i have compiled my own kernel bfre | 04:28 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: mini = 13"? ibook? or powerbook or ... | 04:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | raf_pees_alot: Compiling is entirely different... | 04:28 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: sorry mac mini | 04:28 |
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LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: got it through my job for like 200 bucks :D | 04:28 |
Sanne | LadyNikon: cheers :) And are you indeed a Lady? | 04:28 |
surface | LadyNikon: lol gals digs madrake because of its duck like penguin is cute. its that true? | 04:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/08/install-mozilla-flash-plugin-in-ubuntu.html for flash | 04:28 |
jousterk | mads-: sorry. Nope to the bootsplash screen mattering! :) | 04:28 |
LadyNikon | Sanne: not a nice question to ask | 04:28 |
raf_pees_alot | youre right..unpack it and put it in the mozzila dir..as opposed to building kernel / modules | 04:28 |
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jolt | I havent complied a kernel since infomagic and linux 99pl7 | 04:28 |
surface | haha mypapit | 04:28 |
LadyNikon | surface: i only used it because my roomate said it was something good to start out with | 04:29 |
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exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: o.o !! unfair !! :D still :p no laptop for you :p ... i got ubuntu on my macbook :D | 04:29 |
mads- | jousterk: oooh.. But where can I find the xubuntu-desktop pakcage at? | 04:29 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: yeah I know | 04:29 |
jolt | Thanks jack | 04:29 |
POVaddct | jolt: thats quite a long time :) | 04:29 |
jousterk | mads-have you got a working ubuntu install? | 04:29 |
LadyNikon | surface: and I am not your typical gal btw ;). | 04:29 |
sureshot | i have eye sight problems i bought my laptop with its 17" monitor so i could set the font to a good size and still have a screen | 04:29 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: nikon? you are photographer? :D | 04:29 |
sureshot | i paid 1200 for it | 04:29 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: off the movie hackers. | 04:29 |
jousterk | LadyNikon: on an IRC ubuntu forum? You *don't* say! ;) | 04:29 |
exe-cuter_ | sureshot: rooffflll!!! | 04:30 |
jolt | I got sick of dealing with the general attitude of Linux back then .. even writing my own .Xconfig, and noone would even give it a once over | 04:30 |
jolt | and dealing with the ATI mach32.. YECH | 04:30 |
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surface | LadyNikon: haha, i read that in the forum, somehow that gal do not like Red Hat because she feel that is so gay ... haha | 04:30 |
Sanne | LadyNikon: sorry, I just wanted to freet a fellow female Linux user... maybe the wording was not optimal, eh? ;) | 04:30 |
Sanne | s/freet/greet | 04:30 |
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LadyNikon | well it says "lady" in my name.. | 04:30 |
CromagDK | and nikon :D | 04:30 |
chalkie1873 | !nvidia | 04:31 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 04:31 |
exe-cuter_ | amen too that :D | 04:31 |
LadyNikon | so unless i start messaging you asking for your a/s/l i would assume until further prove that you are talking to a female. | 04:31 |
Sanne | LadyNikon: I wanted to make sure... anyway, hello fellow female Linux user then ;) | 04:31 |
encompass | howdy all | 04:31 |
alluc | which one is the best, punbb or phpbb ? | 04:31 |
LadyNikon | Sanne: hi | 04:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry all, I had to take a call... did the guy or gal get that link for the flash plugin.. | 04:31 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: loool :D | 04:31 |
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surface | haha | 04:31 |
exe-cuter_ | this is where fun begins :D | 04:31 |
LadyNikon | surface: heh.. that funny.. No i am not a pink mac book carrying gal.. with cute pics of penguines on my desk top | 04:31 |
LadyNikon | me | 04:32 |
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exe-cuter_ | :( why not? :p | 04:32 |
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LadyNikon | meh* time for class.. see yas in about an hr and a half | 04:32 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: I HATE pink. | 04:32 |
LadyNikon | heh | 04:32 |
exe-cuter_ | hehe :D | 04:32 |
exe-cuter_ | cya :D have fun in your class :p | 04:32 |
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LadyNikon | yeah thanks.. | 04:32 |
sureshot | i look good in it LOLOLOL | 04:32 |
surface | LadyNikon: and i read a word i feel so funny, its call she-geek, sounds like she-hulk | 04:32 |
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POVaddct | s/hate/like s/pink/punk :) | 04:32 |
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LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: the honours portion isnt til this afternoon.. thats when the fun begins | 04:33 |
exe-cuter_ | rofl :D | 04:33 |
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surface | lol | 04:33 |
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lukas | hello, can i install ubuntu without some packages? I have got the ubuntu dapper life cd but it doesnt seem to give me any choice. is the only way the alternative install cd? | 04:33 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: afternoun .. it's about evening here :p | 04:33 |
raf_pees_alot | thing is...even after the botched flash plugin update...flash works... | 04:33 |
StasIsLovE | hi, i have some problems with compiz everything works fine exept that rotating the cube with desktops stopt working, it does change the desktop but no animation of cube rotating just black screen | 04:33 |
Sanne | heh, on ##windows they tell me to use ext3 for data shuttle with Windows. | 04:33 |
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exe-cuter_ | sanne: nope | 04:34 |
Mortice | !xgl | 04:34 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 04:34 |
LadyNikon | exe-cuter_: its 10.33am here | 04:34 |
surface | lukas: can remove after finished install | 04:34 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: windows can't even recognize ext3 so you def!! can't use it as swap partition | 04:34 |
sureshot | same time here as well] | 04:34 |
lukas | ok, thought there are ways like dselect | 04:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | StasIsLovE: there is #Ubuntu-xgl for those questions | 04:34 |
exe-cuter_ | LadyNikon: its 16:34 here | 04:34 |
surface | lukas: even alternatives cd doesn't give u this option | 04:34 |
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lukas | ok | 04:34 |
juan | whats the easyist way to install software i cant use the package manager for? | 04:34 |
surface | lukas: apt-get remove or dpkg -e if i am not mistaken | 04:34 |
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lukas | yes thats ok | 04:35 |
surface | its 10:35pm here lol | 04:35 |
raf_pees_alot | this leads me to believe that the problem lies with the post instalation script for flash...since it orks | 04:35 |
lukas | thx | 04:35 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: fat32 is your only choice (unless someone prove the opposit :D) | 04:35 |
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Jack_Sparrow | juan: USe the instructions on the site that is giving you the software.. but use caution, not for the novice... | 04:35 |
jousterk | surface/lukas: Not quite true, a 'server' install is pretty bare | 04:35 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: therre's seemingly some program for Windows allowing to read ext3. But I won't do that, anyway. | 04:35 |
jousterk | very good for tiny compies/installs | 04:36 |
surface | jousterk: thats for server. i look forward to have ubuntu with option for developers | 04:36 |
Samuli^ | I'm reading and writing to ntfs with ntfs-3g with no problems so far.. But fat32 is the preferred way. | 04:36 |
surface | Sanne: why not? | 04:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Samuli^: Thanks for beats testing for us.. | 04:36 |
KolaNorsu | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24103 | 04:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | beta | 04:36 |
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exe-cuter_ | sanne: then i have to use a fat32 partition (it took me a whole day to replace my data format and re-replace the data -- 40 gb) | 04:36 |
exe-cuter_ | *you | 04:36 |
Samuli^ | Jack_Sparrow, no problem, though it seems they've tested it extensively already. | 04:37 |
jousterk | surface: but server install is fine for many uses, it doesn't install many packages | 04:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: losing power, even briefly is not good in your case, you need to reinstall gnome-desktop | 04:37 |
surface | exe-cuter_: fat32 is easier | 04:37 |
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Sanne | surface: I don't think my husband would like to experiment (it's his pc we're configuring, his first dual boot with Linux) | 04:37 |
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raf_pees_alot | i use ext2 with my install | 04:37 |
surface | jousterk: yup its true. | 04:37 |
Samuli^ | Jack_Sparrow, from what I gather it's called beta because of minor bugs like you can't move empty directories, not because it b0rks your file-system :) | 04:37 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: i know :D (found it out myself a month ago :p) | 04:37 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Samuli^: I know of a few it has borked.. completely | 04:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | Samuli^: they always show up here... | 04:38 |
Samuli^ | Jack_Sparrow, really? That's not good news.. | 04:38 |
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Sanne | exe-cuter_: I always used fat32 for data shuttle, except with my just newly built pc, because I didn't install Windows anymore. | 04:38 |
surface | exe-cuter_: my fren install windows at vmware instead, dual boot is a pain for him. | 04:38 |
all-natural | !kernal | 04:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kernal - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 04:38 |
CromagDK | !kernel | 04:38 |
ubotu | kernel is the core of the Ubuntu Operating System (named 'Linux'). You shouldn't have to compile one, but if you're convinced you do, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild | 04:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !kernel | 04:38 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: why is it a pain? because of the grub? | 04:39 |
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all-natural | !kernel | 04:39 |
Samuli^ | come on. | 04:39 |
_apoc | re | 04:39 |
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KolaNorsu | Jack_Sparrow: There's one gnome-desktop, but it isn't installed already and i'm using Gnome atm, i think it be caused by CD-Installation, i installed ubuntu 5.04 from CD and it got already Gnome :-D | 04:39 |
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surface | exe-cuter_: restart and get into windows takes time. | 04:39 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: but if you don't install windows nomore, you don't need a data switch partition (... i think :d) | 04:39 |
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KolaNorsu | i just mean that can i install it even im using gnome atm? :O | 04:40 |
gneral | hi | 04:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: What is your question, without pointing to your link | 04:40 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: nope :p you can edit the grub settings | 04:40 |
KolaNorsu | :D | 04:40 |
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raf_pees_alot | how safe is it to use garnome to compile gnome 2.16 on ubuntu | 04:40 |
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finalbeta | Is it possible to get other prebuild kernels (and have them automaticly updated). For example, ubuntu uses a 386 kernel, can one not get performance gain by using a 686 kernel? | 04:40 |
finalbeta | Or how does it work. | 04:40 |
surface | exe-cuter_: i mean restart from linux and load up windows is still takes a lots of time | 04:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: Your link said you also had kde running right? | 04:40 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: it's for my husbands pc, who will dual boot Win2000 and Kubuntu. He is starting his switching journey to Linux right now :) | 04:40 |
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Mortice | finalbeta: you can get a 686 kernel by doing "sudo apt-get install linux-686" | 04:40 |
finalbeta | ah, thnx | 04:41 |
Samuli^ | hmm. | 04:41 |
raf_pees_alot | if youre compiling your own kernel..and you pick "M" ( mobile) pentium...does that make it a 686? | 04:41 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: ow :D cool :D congrats him from me :D | 04:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | finalbeta: not that much differene between the 386 and 686, I have both in my grub menu.. and yes it updated both for me | 04:41 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: (after years of nagging from me he finally gave in hehehe) | 04:41 |
Samuli^ | is it really that easy? | 04:41 |
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Jack_Sparrow | yes | 04:41 |
Samuli^ | what about 64bit kernel? | 04:41 |
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Sanne | exe-cuter_: no really, he wants it on his own accord. I will give him your well wishes, thank you :) | 04:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | Samuli^: Avoid it for now... | 04:42 |
surface | Sanne: lol, just promise him that linux have no worries for virus for now. | 04:42 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: why would you like to switch :D i'm on dualboot for about a year only switched for gaming (which i gave up) | 04:42 |
Samuli^ | I'm guessing it won't run my 32bit programs. | 04:42 |
raf_pees_alot | 64bit machines are backwards compatible | 04:42 |
surface | exe-cuter_: thats my fren to switch to do something i forgot what is that, very little | 04:42 |
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surface | exe-cuter_: most the time i am in linux, but i do play games (: | 04:43 |
Paddy_EIRE | hey guys I would like to backup a DVD movie that I have, I'm almost certain that I have every dvd ripping app installed. What is the best way to get an exact copy | 04:43 |
Sanne | Samuli^: 64bit Ubuntu is pretty nice, you only need to do just a few things by hand, wait a sec for a link. | 04:43 |
surface | Paddy_EIRE: k3b or gnomebaker | 04:43 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: i would suggest you fix the partitions in windows by using partition magic (at that way you don't have the LBA problems) and it works perfect (as i can prove with my medion notebook) | 04:43 |
sureshot | if gaming compaines would write a linux version of there games ms would be hurt badly ... i would like to see that | 04:43 |
Sanne | Samuli^: lots of help here (and also search the wiki for 64bit): http://www.ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=134 | 04:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | I have XP.. I paid for it, I leave it in there just in case I need it for something, I did lock it down from connecting to the web.. | 04:43 |
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Sanne | exe-cuter_: I will consider it and tell him, thanks. | 04:44 |
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surface | sureshot: 2nd life got linux natives | 04:44 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: sone games will be made for glx cuz of the new vista stuff dx10 and so on | 04:44 |
sureshot | i use it only for games | 04:44 |
jousterk | Sanne: but no e.g. 'flash-nonfree' for x64 yet, is there? | 04:44 |
Paddy_EIRE | <surface> can I use these to make an iso ready for burning to dvd | 04:44 |
Chalkie1983 | on xchat how do i edit my ident? | 04:44 |
raf_pees_alot | whats the avg lifespan of a laptop HD these dys? | 04:44 |
Jack_Sparrow | Paddy_EIRE: did you try acid rip | 04:44 |
sureshot | :) | 04:44 |
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_apoc | are you the ppl that can quote me happy? :P linux install halts after configuring power management | 04:44 |
Sanne | jousterk: correct, falsh is one of those things. You would need to install a 32bit firefox to have flash right now. | 04:44 |
sureshot | 2000000 hour mtbf | 04:45 |
surface | Paddy_EIRE: not sure, i think it should be possible | 04:45 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: i'm willing to load the tool (partition magic) up on my server so you can have easy acces to it (else you need to search with download progs) | 04:45 |
Jack_Sparrow | raf_pees_alot: Depends on how much you bounce it or how often you plull the battery while it is running.. :) | 04:45 |
we2by | os[Linux 2.6.15-23-686 i686] distro[Debian testing/unstable] cpu[2 x Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2400 @ 1.83GHz @ 2.88GHz] mem[Physical : 472MB, 41.1% free] disk[Total : 9.57GB, 49.10% Free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel] | 04:45 |
raf_pees_alot | point taken lol | 04:45 |
surface | exe-cuter_: i only play dota | 04:45 |
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exe-cuter_ | surface: dota? o.O :$ i'm nomore in the gameworld | 04:45 |
Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow>no, i have it but was unsure what the out put format should be (avi/mpeg) also there are options regarding size and abr which I am unsure of....I want an exact copy with special features chapters everything | 04:46 |
all-natural | can someone direct me to some info on installing/removing kernels? | 04:46 |
exe-cuter_ | day of terrible attack? :D | 04:46 |
Sanne | exe-cuter_: Many thanks for the offer, but I will takl with him first. I'll get back to you if needed, ok? | 04:46 |
all-natural | *pretty please | 04:46 |
raf_pees_alot | i like to play linux native games like nexuiz and bzflag if i mustplay games | 04:46 |
Sanne | someday I will learn to type, even | 04:46 |
surface | surface: is actually war craft 3 with maps call dota, very famous here. | 04:46 |
Samuli^ | Sanne, do you think I can just install the 64bit kernel with apt and make grub entry for both 32 and 64? | 04:46 |
exe-cuter_ | sanne: ok :D | 04:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | Paddy_EIRE: it would require dual layer writer or lots of data loss... | 04:46 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow> whay dual layer the movie itself isnt on a dual layer disc | 04:47 |
Jack_Sparrow | Samuli^: It should even make the grub entry for you, but I havent done the 64bit | 04:47 |
sureshot | exe-cuter what kind of laptop do you have my friend | 04:47 |
Sanne | Samuli^: I bet you can do that, but I don't know if it will work if you don't have a 64bit Ubuntu... I wouldn't do that personally before making very sure. Maybe ask in the forums. | 04:47 |
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Jack_Sparrow | PAddy, 99% of them are dual layer.. | 04:47 |
Jimmey | I changed the host name on a computer to something with spaces in it, and now sudo/su won't work. I thought I'd changed it back by logging in with the recovery account and doing "hostname computer", but I think it changed back. How can I change it, permanently? | 04:48 |
_apoc | are you the ppl that can quote me happy? :P linux install halts after configuring power management | 04:48 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow>oh, is there no way to do it like dvd shrink or decrypter | 04:48 |
workheh | hello folks, can anyone please redirect me to a working howto on how to get mdns/zeroconf (misleading name eh) working on dapper drake? ive installed avahi and configured /etc/nsswitch.conf, but cant get it working. | 04:48 |
KolaNorsu | Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24105 | 04:48 |
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runa | hey ;) does anyone knows how to install php5 as an apache module in dapper? | 04:48 |
Samuli^ | Sanne, I'm guessing I'd need 64bit libraries etc. etc. too. | 04:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | Paddy_EIRE: not something we can discuss in here, check around... | 04:48 |
mbs | runa: as opposed to builtin? | 04:49 |
mbs | ok ... is anyone making their machine listen on more than one ip? | 04:49 |
Paddy_EIRE | <Jack_Sparrow> ok | 04:49 |
mbs | need help desperately on this one | 04:49 |
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surface | runa: google that it should be easy to find the ways with apt-get | 04:49 |
runa | mbs: ? I want it as an apache 1.x module | 04:49 |
runa | surface: not apache2, apache 1.3 | 04:49 |
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KolaNorsu | Can someone check my pastebin? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24105 :( | 04:49 |
surface | mbs: what do u mean listen more than 1 ip? | 04:49 |
Sanne | Samuli^: yeah, that's what I'm assuming also. I have a 64bit Kubuntu which works fine except those apps not yet here for 64bit which have to be installed "by hand", but work fine nevertheless. | 04:49 |
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mbs | surface: for example, ifconfig eth0 add ip | 04:50 |
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mbs | so the machine listens to multiple ips | 04:50 |
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surface | mbs: ah i see. is it 1 interface with more than 1 ip | 04:50 |
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mbs | surface: yes | 04:50 |
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ggrelias | how to upgrade my warty warthog ubuntu to dapper ? | 04:50 |
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TheGateKeeper | runa: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_install_PHP_for_Apache_HTTP_Server | 04:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | just updates for ubuntu one of which was the flash-plugin-nonfree, when it came up to accept the agreement i clicked next as you normally do and it failed to install??? | 04:51 |
surface | mbs: i know the ways in RH based, i didn't try it at ubuntu | 04:51 |
KolaNorsu | Paddy_EIRE: i got same | 04:51 |
ggrelias | anyone? | 04:51 |
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mbs | surface: well heres the thing | 04:51 |
Paddy_EIRE | <KolaNorsu>so its still using the older one? | 04:51 |
jrib | ggrelias: you'll have to upgrade step by step: warty > hoary > breezy > dapper | 04:51 |
jrib | !upgrade > ggrelias | 04:51 |
stonarmusic | anyone what? | 04:51 |
surface | ggrelias: warty? | 04:51 |
surface | ggrelias: not breezy? | 04:52 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <KolaNorsu>or can I perform this update again and fix the problem | 04:52 |
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raf_pees_alot | i think rage is a lil better then xchat for ubuntu irc | 04:52 |
KolaNorsu | Paddy_EIRE: i got power cut when i tried to reinstall it, and now my gnome won't start | 04:52 |
seanh | Hi - just upgraded to latest Dapper packages and CD/DVD drive seems to have stopped reading DVDs (won't mount), though it will read CDs. Help?? | 04:52 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: he has a long way to go :D | 04:52 |
ggrelias | cant I do | 04:52 |
ggrelias | sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list | 04:52 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: It would help if you install one at a time and not string those all together. Paste your sources list for us as well. | 04:52 |
Paddy_EIRE | <KolaNorsu> jeeze | 04:52 |
ggrelias | :%s/warty/dapper/g | 04:52 |
mbs | surface: it works ... but the ips come up very slowly selectively ... with 20 ips it takes about an hour for all to be fully listening | 04:52 |
surface | exe-cuter_: yeah too ages | 04:52 |
jrib | ggrelias: skippy release is not supported | 04:52 |
ggrelias | :wq | 04:52 |
jrib | ggrelias: skipping* | 04:52 |
ggrelias | sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 04:52 |
ggrelias | ? | 04:52 |
surface | exe-cuter_: but better than gentoo compilation | 04:52 |
ggrelias | jrib: whats wrong with it? | 04:52 |
exe-cuter_ | surface: lol reminds me on starwars :D 2 light years away from civilisation :D | 04:53 |
jrib | ggrelias: it's not supported, i.e. something could go wrong | 04:53 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: You should also learn how to make a backup..... just for emergencies.. | 04:53 |
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ggrelias | ok, thanks | 04:53 |
jousterk | msb: 'sudo ifconfig eth0:0 <ip_addy> netmask <netmask> up' | 04:53 |
jousterk | mbs: 'sudo ifconfig eth0:0 <ip_addy> netmask <netmask> up' | 04:54 |
jrib | ggrelias: you can do that same process but first go to hoary. Then once you are there, breezy, and then dapper | 04:54 |
seanh | OK, watched a DVD on laptop couple days ago, worked fine, upgraded Dapper packages today, now it won't mount the same DVD. Anyone heard of this? | 04:54 |
surface | ggrelias: consider fresh installed | 04:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | KolaNorsu: I also do not see in your command line apt-get install gnome-desktop | 04:54 |
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mbs | jousterk: yes, I've tried that same method from /etc/network/interfaces as well | 04:54 |
mbs | will try again | 04:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | distro upgrades and NOT advised...... | 04:54 |
jirihavelka | Hi if i got a card reader which reads SD cards, can it read miniSD card? Thanks for answer | 04:55 |
CromagDK | jirihavelka: with an adapter might be yes | 04:55 |
surface | Jack_Sparrow: not good to have dist upgrades? | 04:55 |
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Jack_Sparrow | especially to hoary, breezy then dapper | 04:55 |
KolaNorsu | Jack_Sparrow: yes i have kde too, but its very heavy :( | 04:55 |
jousterk | mbs: what? adding "eth#:#" entries to /etc/ files? | 04:55 |
mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: when did _that_ become perceived wisdom? | 04:55 |
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seanh | Is there some file which logs update-manager upgrades as I do them, so I can attach it to a bug report which occurred after an update? | 04:55 |
raf_pees_alot | i never update ubuntu distro thru apt-get..i just wait for the dvd to be released | 04:56 |
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sureshot | her is a good question are there any drivers or packages that run in linux or ubuntu that are compatiblie to the citrix client that runs in a metaframe server | 04:56 |
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mbs | jousterk: to interfaces | 04:56 |
Jack_Sparrow | surface: They have been a problem since they cannot account for all the changes and addons that a user in linux has the freedom to do. If it is a stock install it is fine, but if it is a stock install then why not just do a fresh install eh? | 04:56 |
jousterk | distro-upgrades tend to be ok in my experience, *unless* you've `tweaked' your install or added [multi|uni] verse packages, which almost eveyone has => bad upgrade time! :/ | 04:56 |
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TheGateKeeper | mcphail: what version of ubuntu are you using? | 04:57 |
mcphail | dapper | 04:57 |
raf_pees_alot | its always best to do a fresh install imo | 04:57 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mcphail: recently | 04:57 |
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jousterk | mbs: Sorry, m8. I only occasionally do it so I've never added the needed lines | 04:57 |
surface | Jack_Sparrow: to maintain all settings and application installed. wish some solution for stateless linux. | 04:58 |
mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: and to whom can we attribute such a random proclamation? | 04:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | mcphail: They are free to try it, but I would suggest a full backup... | 04:58 |
bluezy | sigh Anyone who has a clue on how to get my targa treveller 826 to work propperly? I mean the sound does not seem to work. | 04:58 |
mbs | jousterk: no problem :) | 04:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | mcphail: It has been the general advise given her for awhile... | 04:58 |
jousterk | mbs: too many dam' scripts for configuring interfaces in there in Ubuntu! :) | 04:58 |
seanh | exit | 04:58 |
mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: if that is the case, then ubuntu is broken and needs to be fixed | 04:59 |
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bluezy | Nor does the wireless or the bluetooth... | 04:59 |
seanh | oops | 04:59 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mcphail: Way too many failing is what I assume brought the change. | 04:59 |
seanh | \quit | 04:59 |
TheGateKeeper | if you want to upgrade your distro then I would advise that you backup, then use update-manager to upgrade your distro | 04:59 |
xpto_x | does anyone know how backup all the packages for a future reinstall?? | 04:59 |
jirihavelka | and whats the cost of adapter for reading miniSD cards? (i dont know what is it...) ??? | 04:59 |
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mbs | jousterk: what is there other than /etc/network/interfaces? | 05:00 |
sureshot | i have that built in to my lapttop but your camra should have a usb connector | 05:00 |
stonarmusic | anyone know an easy way to print a flyer with tear-off tabs on the bottom? | 05:00 |
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jousterk | msb: e.g. if-down.d/ | 05:00 |
jousterk | mbs: e.g. if-down.d/ | 05:00 |
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xpto_x | does anyone know how backup all the packages for a future reinstall?? | 05:00 |
jousterk | mbs: sorry, just in case you use triggers I thought I'd get the name right | 05:00 |
bluezy | xpto_x, cp /var/cache/apt/archives/* /backup | 05:01 |
KolaNorsu | Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24107 | 05:01 |
mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: I'm afraid that sounds like plain old FUD. apt-get dist-upgrade is highly unlikely to break anything without telling you, and even more unlikely to break anything which cannot be fixed | 05:01 |
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jousterk | mbs: Actually, I was thinking of the resolv.conf files more | 05:01 |
mbs | jousterk: ah, I've never used that | 05:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | stonarmusic: QUick and dirty way, print the upper half, rotate the page in the print setup and print your tabs.. | 05:01 |
zackeroffj | a | 05:01 |
mbs | jousterk: yeah, but that's not just ubuntu :) | 05:01 |
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TheGateKeeper | Jack_Sparrow: don't know where you get that NOT advised stuff for upgrading your distro, but if you have to do a 'fresh' install every 6 months when ubuntu release it's next release then IMHO NO point running ubuntu linux | 05:01 |
=== pricechild [n=pricechi@host86-139-43-74.range86-139.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mbs | jousterk: good think about interfaces is you can put your nameservers in there as well | 05:01 |
jousterk | mbs: Not complaining about the Ubuntu :) | 05:02 |
workheh | i have two identical machines, both with dapper drake. i can use mdns/zeroconf on one not the other, why? yes /etc/nsswitch.conf is configured with mdns | 05:02 |
jousterk | mbs: I didn't know that, thanks! | 05:02 |
erUSUL | xpto_x: http://www.arsgeek.com/?p=564 | 05:02 |
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pricechild | Can anyone help me? Amarok, totem etc. can all play music or video. However i have no system sounds, and also games like nwn don't work. | 05:02 |
pricechild | well they work, but no sound | 05:02 |
Jack_Sparrow | TheGateKeeper: Feel free to do it... LAst I haerad and saw was that it wasnt working right. | 05:03 |
jousterk | mbs: So you're saying your changes to /etc/network/interfaces work A-OK, it just takes ages? | 05:03 |
KolaNorsu | Does anyone know why i always get this same error : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24107 | 05:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | TheGateKeeper: Maybe we just see the ones that fail.. in this channel | 05:03 |
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mbs | jousterk: yes, everything works fine in the long run, but i need to add about 20 ips, and they take about an hour to come up | 05:03 |
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mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: we also see the fresh installs which fail in this channel | 05:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | true | 05:04 |
gypsymauro | where I can change the language of gdm? there is a variable in gdm.conf? | 05:04 |
jousterk | mbs: I will try that next time I reboot, interesting. I have wierd networking requirements so it might come in handy sometime (I use similar for checking my pf.conf's via OpenBSD) | 05:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | and we try to fix them all | 05:04 |
mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: and i suspect we see far more of the latter than the former | 05:05 |
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sureshot | how many times have you had to reinstall windows due to some virus or somthing | 05:05 |
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mbs | jousterk: you get that? | 05:05 |
gypsymauro | /etc/default/gdm | 05:05 |
jousterk | mbs: get what? | 05:05 |
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TheGateKeeper | Jack_Sparrow: well I found the most successfull way was to use the update-manager, having said that it disabled my network for some stupid reason, but I managed to re-enable it | 05:05 |
mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: until a specific flaw is found in "apt-get dist-upgrade", advising against it remains FUD | 05:05 |
mbs | jousterk: priv message | 05:06 |
jousterk | mbs: nope | 05:06 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mcphail: I will refrain from commenting on anyone wanting to dist-upgrade other than refering them to you | 05:06 |
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pricechild | Can anyone help me? Amarok, totem etc. can all play music or video. However i have no system sounds, and also games like nwn don't have sound | 05:06 |
mcphail | Jack_Sparrow: :) | 05:06 |
shxiaoo | #LFS-support | 05:07 |
=== Hagbarddenstore [n=hagbardd@90-224-38-20-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NicoleB | hi everyone. I am trying to load ubuntu Dapper Drake for the very first time onto an older (former windows 98) laptop. I keep getting the error "unable to locate RSDP". | 05:07 |
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mbs | jousterk: it said :) : Execelent! Send you results to anotherbritt at spammenot gmail.com if you don't mind (If i'm not still around here) | 05:07 |
debianos | hyyy! | 05:08 |
bionoid | NicoleB: Try typing acpi=off at the boot prompt | 05:08 |
Hor|zon | what's wrong with dist-upgrade? you should have a backup anyways so you might as well try. | 05:08 |
NicoleB | bionoid: ok. thanks. I will try. | 05:08 |
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Hor|zon | it'll save you a lot of bother | 05:09 |
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Hor|zon | if you're not unlucky and it fails | 05:09 |
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micke__ | anyone here who can help me getting my computer to boot from the network? I get pxelinux to load, but it can't find the kernel. The tftp server seems to work just fine when I test from another computer | 05:10 |
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Jimmey | Where's the hostname stored folks | 05:11 |
Jimmey | In what file | 05:11 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Hor|zon: having a backup would solve 99% of the problems people have | 05:11 |
POVaddct | Jimmey: /etc/hostname | 05:11 |
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DoubleT | hi all | 05:11 |
PuGz | hey guys. the new banshee 0.11 in ubuntu edgy is VERY good! i had almost stopped using banshee due to the bugs it had... but now it is beautiful! But i do wish there was a deb for the plugins available for banshee 0.11. How can i request this new package? | 05:11 |
=== peija-kax [n=gekko@cs78145018.pp.htv.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DoubleT | Can anyone tell me, which tool I should install to extract an ARJ file ? | 05:12 |
KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 05:12 |
jousterk | mbs: OK please paste you /etc/network/interfaces file to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and I'll make a similar config to test | 05:12 |
peija-kax | DoubleT use search in Synaptic? search for ARJ | 05:12 |
peija-kax | if Archive manager doesnt support it out of the box | 05:12 |
jrib | PuGz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates | 05:12 |
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PuGz | jrib: thanks | 05:12 |
DoubleT | peija-kax: I'm new to Linux, what you mean by Synaptic ? | 05:13 |
mribas | hola de donde deres tu | 05:13 |
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peija-kax | Synaptic Package Manager.. | 05:13 |
jrib | !es | 05:13 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:13 |
mbs | jousterk: cool ... will do in a sec ... i'll have to recreate it since we are using a script in favor of interfaces right now | 05:13 |
kendals | Is there ANYTHING to chat to gtalk users with VOIP? | 05:13 |
peija-kax | it in your menu, System-Administration-Synaptic.. | 05:13 |
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DoubleT | peija-kax: Oh that, ok | 05:13 |
peija-kax | u use it to install and remove and update software from repositories | 05:13 |
jousterk | mbs: what NIC are you using? | 05:13 |
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exe-cuter | ba | 05:14 |
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peija-kax | use the search function there to see if theres a package that adds ARJ support | 05:14 |
mribas | hola algien de merida | 05:14 |
peija-kax | if Archive Manager doesnt support it yet? | 05:14 |
Steil | whoah | 05:14 |
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DoubleT | peija-kax: I installed all my tools from console ! :) | 05:14 |
Steil | people still use arj? | 05:14 |
jousterk | package 'arj', perhaps? ;) | 05:14 |
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sureshot | is that arj support command line or gui | 05:14 |
juan789 | !timetable | 05:14 |
ubotu | Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | 05:14 |
stonarmusic | what's with this flash-plugin update? it keeps failing even though I accept the license? | 05:14 |
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peija-kax | Archive manager should support it? in Apps-Accessories-Archive manager | 05:14 |
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kendals | Stonarmusic: had the same problem. | 05:14 |
NicoleB | I tried your suggestion (acpi=off). That has solved the "unable to locate RSDP" problem. Now I get a new error: "buffer i/o error on device hdc, logical block 178793" | 05:14 |
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mbs | jousterk: couldn't tell you | 05:15 |
kendals | Go to Synaptics, and search for 'flashplugin' and uninstall it. | 05:15 |
mbs | jousterk: but we've had it crop up on multiple machines | 05:15 |
jousterk | mbs: FMI, why are you doing this on many machines? | 05:15 |
jrib | stonarmusic: I think the flash plugin at adobe's site was updated, so now the checksum fails | 05:15 |
jousterk | mbs: just being nosy | 05:15 |
stonarmusic | kendals - ok | 05:15 |
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peija-kax | yes newest flash plugin wont install on me either | 05:15 |
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stonarmusic | jrip - ok, thanks | 05:15 |
peija-kax | i downgraded to last version | 05:15 |
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mbs | jousterk: one is a mail server and one is a webserver | 05:16 |
er4z0r | hey folks is there a way to find out with which parameters (configure --enabel-bla) a debian binary was built? | 05:16 |
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jrib | er4z0r: apt-get source package_name, and look at the debian/rules file (I don't know if there is another way) | 05:16 |
bionoid | NicoleB: Ouch. Most likely you have a (physically) damaged hard-drive. I would suggest replacing it (since it will most likely break down), alternatively you can try a low-level format, and it might work for.. | 05:16 |
CromagDK | how do i see what app is using my soundcard ? | 05:17 |
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er4z0r | jrib: thanks | 05:17 |
NicoleB | hi all! I am getting the error "buffer i/o error on device hdc, logical block 178793" when I try to boot dapper drake onto former windows 98 older laptop for first time. | 05:17 |
jousterk | mbs: yeah done similar with www/mail/etc server. But only <9 NIC's! :) | 05:17 |
er4z0r | CromagDK: maybe lsof | grep /dev/dsp | 05:17 |
bionoid | NicoleB: Or - mind you - do you get this error when _booting_ the livecd? | 05:17 |
CromagDK | ah | 05:17 |
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ckoehler | having some trouble setting up dhcp | 05:17 |
ckoehler | server with 2 eth interfaces | 05:18 |
bionoid | NicoleB: In which case you may have either a damaged CD-ROM or CD | 05:18 |
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jousterk | mbs: ~20 eth0:#'s, wow. Have you pasted conf yet because I am off in ~5 mins m8 | 05:18 |
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ckoehler | both have static ips, one to get out to the internet, the other with a 192.168 address | 05:18 |
RedRose | How Do I give Root Rigbhts In Gnome? | 05:18 |
NicoleB | bionoid: ok. I will try boot: live acpi=off. sorry. still learning. I will check it out. | 05:18 |
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RedRose | I can't see anything in the system->admin folder | 05:18 |
peija-kax | its not there | 05:18 |
ckoehler | but for some reason I am missing something | 05:18 |
CromagDK | er4z0r: didnt find any tho. | 05:18 |
RedRose | i know i should run as root, but it | 05:18 |
Jack_Sparrow | NicoleB: Different Grub Boot Options you can try ide=nodma nomce acpi=off acpi = no pnpbios=off | 05:18 |
RedRose | 's what i'm doing | 05:18 |
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peija-kax | u need to install additional Nautilus scripts that allow opening Root Windoww Here | 05:18 |
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chalkie1873 | sup | 05:19 |
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chalkie1873 | !nvidia | 05:19 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 05:19 |
ckoehler | I don't get a connection to the internet with the client computers | 05:19 |
Jack_Sparrow | peija-kax: gksudo nautilus | 05:19 |
mbs | jousterk: i can't within then :) just send me an email if you want to test | 05:19 |
m-o-r-i-z | anyone knows how i can launching the gnome main menu in a shell? | 05:19 |
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RedRose | How Do I give Root Rights In Gnome? I can't see anything in the system->admin folder | 05:20 |
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CromagDK | its a rootless system | 05:20 |
babo_ | So how do I make babo, babo's default group ? | 05:20 |
CromagDK | !sudo | 05:20 |
ubotu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information. | 05:20 |
babo_ | useradd -D babo -g babo | 05:20 |
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RedRose | I klnow, but I like root, | 05:20 |
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babo_ | doesn't work for some reason ... | 05:20 |
CromagDK | sudo su - | 05:20 |
jousterk | mbs: OK, np. :) Are you sure it's not the scripts timing out somewhere? Sounds like 1 min delay x 20 if's or (2 x 1min delay) x 20 if's to me | 05:21 |
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RedRose | i don't like sudo, so how can i do it so that gnome treats root as the superuser? so that it'll show me everything on the panel | 05:21 |
jousterk | mbs: ie. does it work if you use the plain interfaces file w/out scripting it? | 05:21 |
CromagDK | RedRose: sudo su - | 05:21 |
dijungal | hi guys: i have an intel i910 graphics card on my HP dv1000 laptop... and want to tryout the 3D desktop thing (aiglx) is it stable? | 05:21 |
sureshot | sudo will show you everthing | 05:22 |
jousterk | dijungal:nope | 05:22 |
dijungal | ok | 05:22 |
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dijungal | is there a website i can look at to keep track of it? | 05:22 |
babo_ | anyone ? | 05:22 |
dijungal | can't wait for it to be stable so i can check it out.. :) | 05:22 |
sproingie | RedRose: root is the superuser. just change root's password. you won't find much help on otherwise disabling sudo | 05:22 |
mbs | jousterk: i believe not ... but I can't remember definitively | 05:22 |
Samuli^ | dijungal, try #ubuntu-xgl | 05:22 |
dijungal | thanks | 05:22 |
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Samuli^ | dijungal, I think xgl will work with intel cards. For me it's stable as anything. | 05:23 |
CromagDK | :x | 05:23 |
sproingie | intel 3d has actual open source drivers, no? | 05:23 |
bionoid | dijungal: I've been running it for quite some time without any major issues, granted, it's not as stable as the regular window managers, but it's certainly usable. And the benefits far outweigh the few things that I've had trouble with - it's HOT :) | 05:23 |
mjr | sproingie, yes. | 05:23 |
=== cadet [n=michael@user-54415381.l5.c5.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jousterk | mbs: fair enough, just wanted to save myself some reading time! | 05:24 |
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mjr | with DRI drivers though, I've the impression that AIGLX is currently a better choice than Xgl | 05:24 |
bionoid | While we were on that subject, has anyone got aiglx/compiz successfully running on two monitors? | 05:24 |
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dijungal | bionoid: i saw some videos on utube... and i wanna check it out.. but after just spending 2 weeks getting my laptop+linux install the way i want it.. i don't want to mess it up | 05:25 |
DarthVader | hello there | 05:25 |
er4z0r | CromagDK: sorry, was only a guess | 05:25 |
mbs | jousterk: i did a few googles without much luck | 05:25 |
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DarthVader | how does one switch the kernel to be used on ubuntu PPC? can I simply modify the link in /boot ? | 05:25 |
jousterk | dijungal: There are some live linux XGL ISO's, though. If you don't want to risk your main install | 05:25 |
all-natural | hola, could someone direct me to some instructions regarding upgrading my 386 kernel to the 686 kernel? | 05:25 |
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jousterk | mbs: OK mon GTG good luck if I c u again lemme know | 05:26 |
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DarthVader | my kernel was updated many times over the past while, but the link have stayed on an older version | 05:26 |
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jousterk | mbs: meanwhile I will try & find time to try it myself, will be interesting! | 05:26 |
DarthVader | so the computer boot with that one | 05:26 |
bionoid | dijungal: Hehe I see your point - certainly you will spend some time to get it running smoothly, but trust me, it's worth the hassle :) | 05:26 |
surface | DarthVader: ur deathstar run ubuntu linux? cool (: | 05:26 |
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Nimwei | Can someone that is familiar with setting up or has an ICECAST server running PM me or help me real quick? :) | 05:26 |
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babo_ | Is it just me or does the useradd man page suck ... | 05:27 |
der0b | are there aiglx live cds? if yes, anyone know what they are? | 05:27 |
CromagDK | er4z0r: i found the apps hehe just other way :) | 05:27 |
uniweb | does someone has experience with autoreply on postfix with a mysql backend? | 05:27 |
CromagDK | er4z0r: i used ps au and checked what was running :) | 05:27 |
DarthVader | surface: yep ;-) | 05:27 |
=== RedRose [n=root@utdpat241254.utdallas.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mbs | jousterk: I really appreciate the help and interest! You're a kind soul :) | 05:27 |
m-o-r-i-z | anyone knows how i can launching the gnome main menu in a shell? | 05:27 |
Mortice | babo_: what's wrong with it? | 05:27 |
=== JosefK [n=brett@82-42-147-9.cable.ubr01.sprt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
babo_ | Mortice: well the syntax isn't explained at all ... | 05:28 |
PuGz | i am using ubuntu edgy. My first partition is windows xp. My fstab has 1 entry for hda1 to be mounted as /media/hda1 using ntfs. However i see 2 entries for it on my nautilus desktop... one called hda1 and the other called IBM_PRELOAD. It is in fact only mounted once. Could this be a bug with gnome-volume-manager? Anyone have something similar? | 05:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | !edgy | 05:28 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 05:28 |
jousterk | mbs: thx, very kind. I am in it for the self-interest too, though! :) | 05:28 |
Nimwei | quiet: I've got icecast setup, but I'm unsure on how to get it to stream a directory of MP3's I have stored...I can't find anything in the docs on it except to create an OGG file, but I'm not famliar with that. | 05:28 |
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DarthVader | anyone? | 05:28 |
PuGz | Jack_Sparrow: thank you | 05:28 |
Jack_Sparrow | np | 05:28 |
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babo_ | Mortice: for a new user ... useradd -g newgroup newuser ... that's fine ... but what about changing a user that's there already with the -D ... | 05:28 |
Mortice | babo_: it is for me, right up the top of the man page | 05:28 |
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babo_ | Mortice: with the -D flag | 05:29 |
CromagDK | does some sound drivers/cards only support one app using sound at a time ? | 05:29 |
medic30420 | Hi all, I am having issues with vnc. Both boxes are Ubuntu. I can login to the current session (i.e. view the remote screen) as long as the user is logged on to the remote box. I am trying to log onto display :1 so i can work independently of the other person working on the remote machine. I have googled this to death with no luck. "When I enter # vncviewer hostname:1" I get "ReadFromRFBServer: rdr::EndOfStream" | 05:29 |
babo_ | Mortice: so I'd like to change the default group of the user babo to babo ... ? What's the syntax for that ? | 05:29 |
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Mortice | babo_: users don't have default groups, do they? | 05:30 |
Timsen | medic30420 take a look on FreeNX | 05:30 |
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NicoleB | thanks for your help everyone. still getting the same error. | 05:30 |
quiet | Nimwei, correct.you must convert mp3's to ogg... it won't stream mp3 because of licensing issues... there's a tool that will do it... just a sec. | 05:30 |
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Jack_Sparrow | CromagDK: See if this helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26567 | 05:30 |
CromagDK | Jack_Sparrow: thnkx | 05:31 |
CromagDK | :) | 05:31 |
babo_ | Mortice: well yes, I think they usually default to their own groups, but actually now that I come to think of it , I misexplained... | 05:31 |
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medic30420 | Timsen, I have considered that option, but it appears that FreeNX has limitations as far as the number of users and connections, i was hoping to use tightvnc or realvnc | 05:31 |
Tjoels | whats the difference between vmware server and vmware player? | 05:31 |
babo_ | Mortice: what i want to do is change babo's group from mail to babo .. | 05:31 |
babo_ | Mortice: how do I do that exactly ? | 05:31 |
surface | Tjoels: one play image, one server image | 05:31 |
Mortice | babo_: you know that he can be in both groups? | 05:31 |
peija-kax | http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/ Nautilus scripts available here | 05:31 |
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babo_ | Mortice: hmm ... I don't really care about the mail group anymore ... | 05:32 |
Mortice | but anyway, to add him to the babo group, sudo adduser babo babo | 05:32 |
Neo8750 | does superglue conduct? | 05:32 |
Tjoels | surface: huh? if i just want to run windows xp on top of ubuntu 6.06 and use it for desktop use, which one should i then choose? | 05:32 |
Kuprin | Hey guys - what's with all the repo bugs lately? I keep getting broken updates, and dpkg won't let me configure anything, and synaptic/apt won't work at all because of broken packages. >< | 05:32 |
peija-kax | supreglue - cyanoacrylate? | 05:32 |
surface | Tjoels: vmplayer :) | 05:32 |
Nimwei | quiet: Gotcha. The way icecast supposedly works, it runs an ogg like "mystream.ogg". I don't see how that can run multiple files. | 05:32 |
Timsen | there is a forever free edition of FreeNX and the use of the X-Server would be faster than vnc @ medic30420 | 05:32 |
peija-kax | supreglue is cyanoacrylate usually | 05:33 |
Mortice | babo_: and then t remove him from the mail group, sudo deluser babo mail | 05:33 |
surface | Tjoels: or qemu, but vmplayer is faster. | 05:33 |
Kuprin | Neo8750, No, cyanoacrylate isn't conductive. | 05:33 |
Mortice | *to remove | 05:33 |
medic30420 | hmm, sounds interesting Timsen | 05:33 |
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Kuprin | Neo8750, Theoretically you could use iron filings or something to make it conductive, but I'd say solder whatever at that point | 05:33 |
babo_ | Mortice: are you sure that won't delete the users babo and mail ? | 05:33 |
medic30420 | i am off to google agian, thanks timsen | 05:33 |
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Tjoels | surface: okay, but i don't really understand what the use of vmware server are. | 05:33 |
Neo8750 | Kuprin: thx now i know how to fix the little ruber thing that fell off from where the missing key on keyboard is | 05:33 |
Timsen | just a moment | 05:33 |
Mortice | babo_: I just doublechecked the man page for deluser. Feel free to do it yourself. :) | 05:33 |
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medic30420 | no problem timsen | 05:34 |
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Mortice | babo_: "If called with two non-option arguments, deluser will remove an user from a specific group. | 05:34 |
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surface | Tjoels: vmware server serves multiple os image, and maintain it.. sort of that | 05:34 |
Mortice | (sic) | 05:34 |
babo_ | Mortice: darn, I just remember that the server isn't ubuntu ... what's the deluser command in the RH world ? | 05:34 |
warlock__ | How to remove a dir which aint empty? | 05:34 |
quiet | Nimwei, you make up an ogg file in the config for ices | 05:34 |
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quiet | Nimwei, don't forget you also have to install ices | 05:35 |
Tjoels | surface: so wmware player can only run one os image? | 05:35 |
Mortice | babo_: ah, probably userdel. You'll have to check the man page for userdel. It's probably the same. | 05:35 |
surface | warlock__: rm -r dirname | 05:35 |
babo_ | Mortice: I think that they should have renamed that as a tool on it's own | 05:35 |
surface | Tjoels: you can open multiple vmplayer | 05:35 |
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Timsen | medic30420 i would suggest to load the newest package of nomaschine.com for debian and try to install taht | 05:35 |
Mortice | babo_: you're welcome to shell script your own wrappers to these tools :) | 05:35 |
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medic30420 | ok, thanks Timsen | 05:36 |
exe-cuter | LadyNikon: back again? | 05:36 |
warlock__ | surface - and how do i copy a dir (ex /hi) to /hi2 ? | 05:36 |
babo_ | Mortice: OK thanks dude, userdel doesn't have the same functionality though ... | 05:36 |
Timsen | no problem medic30420 | 05:36 |
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quiet | Nimwei, mpg321 input.mp3 -w - | oggenc -o output.ogg - | 05:36 |
Ramunas | anybody here has geforce 6100 ? | 05:36 |
Mortice | babo_: No, it doesn't, as I've just discovered | 05:36 |
kalif | GAH! | 05:36 |
Tjoels | surface: oh, okay. i don't think i'm really gonna understand it :P i'll just stick to vmware player... :P but thanks | 05:36 |
dijungal | howto activate the intel gfx 3d drivers | 05:36 |
surface | warlock__: cp -r /hi /hi2 , check out www.linuxbyexample.co.nr | 05:36 |
Mortice | babo_: you'll have to look through the related man pages | 05:37 |
warlock__ | thanks | 05:37 |
babo_ | Mortice: hmm ... I guess that would be an idea. If I was an admin I might consider doing that ... as it is though, I'm a web programmer so I don't have to fiddle with accounts and stuff too often tg | 05:37 |
kalif | what should I look for when /dev/mapper doesn't exist? | 05:37 |
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JackONeill | If I use a USB pen on linux and I hardly ever take it out and put an entry in the fstab.. can I rely on it being ready when linux is booted? | 05:37 |
surface | Tjoels: welcome | 05:37 |
babo_ | Mortice: cheers, I'll find it ... :-) | 05:37 |
quiet | Nimwei, install mp32ogg and you can do an entire directory | 05:37 |
quiet | that's wat i used. | 05:37 |
Mortice | babo_: sorry, just that i'm sitting on an ubuntu machine, so i can't be sure things are the same for me as for you :) | 05:37 |
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Nimwei | quiet: Gotcha. That's why I'm confused. I thought the icecast server was the main program for everything. | 05:37 |
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quiet | Nimwei, icecast is the server... ices gives it the playlist... otherwise you can do live stuff.. | 05:38 |
Samuli^ | what graphical configuration tools there are for samba? | 05:38 |
JackONeill | Anyone got a yes or a no here? | 05:38 |
quiet | Samuli^, SWAT is web based | 05:38 |
JackONeill | Yes means that it can be done.... no means it can't be done :P | 05:38 |
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Nimwei | quiet: Thanks a lot. I'll tinker with it some more now. | 05:38 |
Samuli^ | quiet, ok, I'll try that | 05:38 |
quiet | Samuli^, or System -> Administration -> Shared Folders | 05:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | JackONeill: It should be on your desktop when you plug it in.. | 05:39 |
quiet | Samuli^, but that's pretty limited | 05:39 |
babo_ | Mortice: no probs, I'm on an ubuntu machine as well, that's why I asked in here. I forgot that I was working on ssh over to a server ... thanks anyway though. The effort is appreciated :-) | 05:39 |
surface | warlock__: welcome | 05:39 |
Samuli^ | quiet, yeah, can't use that. | 05:39 |
Mortice | JackONeill: why bother putting it in the fstab? The way ubuntu handles usb drives, it should pick it up whenever it's plugged in | 05:39 |
=== m_0_r_0_n . | ||
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JackONeill | Jack_Sparrow.... yes but i'd rather it be a proper mount | 05:39 |
babo_ | What's the name of the RH Enterprise clone distro again ? | 05:39 |
rpedro | anyone have the link to activate 3d on a intel gfx chip ? | 05:39 |
JackONeill | Not everything can deal with non-fs looking things | 05:39 |
mcphail | JackONeill: you cannot rely on it | 05:39 |
JackONeill | so... If I use a USB pen on linux and I hardly ever take it out and put an entry in the fstab.. can I rely on it being ready when linux is booted? | 05:39 |
babo_ | s/clone distro/distro clone/ | 05:40 |
JackONeill | Ah damn it ! | 05:40 |
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JackONeill | I can rely on fstab mounting my windows share from my other PC | 05:40 |
mcphail | JackONeill: it _should_ work, but doesn't | 05:40 |
JackONeill | why not a usb pen? | 05:40 |
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kalif | something is supposed to create /dev/mapper at boot time... but what? | 05:40 |
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Hor|zon | you can use fstab for mounting your ysb pen...but you have to create a static mount point | 05:40 |
Hor|zon | usb* | 05:40 |
mcphail | JackONeill: there seems to be a race condition set up by the way udev detects things | 05:40 |
CarlFK | how do I find what dep has /lib/libartskde.a ? | 05:41 |
JackONeill | so the /dev/ bit might change each time linux boots mckinnoj? | 05:41 |
JackONeill | mcphail ? | 05:41 |
kalif | !udev | 05:41 |
ubotu | udev: rule-based device node and kernel event manager. In component main, is important. Version 079-0ubuntu34 (dapper), package size 233 kB, installed size 804 kB | 05:41 |
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kalif | !/dev/mapper | 05:41 |
mcphail | JackONeill: the usb drive may not be fully dtected before the attemped mount | 05:41 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dev/mapper - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:41 |
JackONeill | mcphail.... :( | 05:41 |
mcphail | JackONeill: there are workarounds... | 05:42 |
JackONeill | :) | 05:42 |
Hor|zon | there's a guide on it in the gentoo wiki JackONeill | 05:42 |
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JackONeill | about mounting USB storage devices to a dir? | 05:42 |
peija-kax | Secure your SSH by putting a login limit - http://fail2ban.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page | 05:42 |
Jack_Sparrow | mcphail: what about adding the persistent folder to the pen drive to insure it sees it? | 05:42 |
Hor|zon | JackONeill, http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Customizing_UDEV | 05:43 |
mcphail | JackONeill: put the entry in your /etc/fstab, then add the line "@reboot mount -a" to root's crontab | 05:43 |
Hor|zon | you ened to create a static mount point...so the pen can always be found at say.../dev/nameyouchoose so you can create a fstab entry for it | 05:43 |
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JackONeill | mcphail... so it will re-mount after the usb bit? | 05:43 |
Hor|zon | need* | 05:43 |
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mcphail | JackONeill: it is a dirty hack, but works | 05:43 |
JackONeill | or that Hor|zon :P | 05:44 |
JackONeill | Hor|zon's sounds a bit stabler | 05:44 |
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Hor|zon | lol mcphail...setting up udev rules is the easiest thing in the world, no need for hacks | 05:44 |
KenSentMe | I've updated the kernel stuff yesterday and after that my 3d rendering doesn't work and fglrx uses mesa drivers. This is my Xorg.0.log: http://lab.vandenieuwenhof.nl/files/Xorg.0.log and here are the errors in dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24079. Can someone see what's wrong? | 05:44 |
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mcphail | Hor|zon: yes, but udev has changed quite a lot since its introduction | 05:44 |
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mcphail | Hor|zon: i lost interest after a while... | 05:45 |
czer323 | !xgl | 05:45 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 05:45 |
JackONeill | Hor|zon... this guide you've given me seems rather excessive for the small task I wanna do... any way of summerizing a command I could use? | 05:45 |
dijungal | how do i install flash plugin in firefox ? | 05:45 |
CromagDK | !flash | 05:45 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:45 |
AZzKikR | www.ubuntuguide.org also has some useful information | 05:46 |
Hor|zon | JackONeill, basically do "udevinfo -a -p `udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sda`" changing sda for whereever the drive is currently mounted | 05:46 |
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Hor|zon | then go down to the bit that says about usb storage | 05:46 |
Hor|zon | and use the info you got from the command | 05:47 |
Hor|zon | to write a rule | 05:47 |
Hor|zon | I usually use size as the rule | 05:47 |
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JackONeill | Hor|zon, i suppose i'll some clue about what the hell it all means when I am doing it? :P | 05:47 |
user-land | hello, Ubuntu 6.06 repositories feature ktorrent 1.2, while 2.0.2 is the current version. Who could i contact to ask for an update ? | 05:47 |
JoseStefan | update-flashplugin doesn't seem to be working | 05:48 |
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JoseStefan | :( | 05:48 |
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Hor|zon | lol JackONeill, run the command udevinfo -a -p `udevinfo -q path -n /dev/sda and change sda for where ever the drive is mounted now | 05:48 |
mcphail | Hor|zon: udev still misses usb drives pluuged in at boot time fairly often | 05:48 |
Hor|zon | then paste the output at paste.ubuntu-nl.com | 05:48 |
Hor|zon | and i'll write the rule | 05:48 |
Hor|zon | >.> | 05:48 |
Hor|zon | and you can paste it into the file I tell you to | 05:49 |
Hor|zon | easier? | 05:49 |
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JackONeill | cool Hor|zon... thanx... i'll have to do it with my 128mb drive for now - but i'll be using a ~2gb drive when it arrives | 05:49 |
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Hor|zon | woops I mean .org http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 05:49 |
JackONeill | but if though your help i can learn what needs to be done... it will be cool | 05:49 |
=== ephemeros yo | ||
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=== mcphail /me has had horrible udev problems trying to run linux distros from usb drives | ||
JackONeill | Hor|zon... gonna have to boot to linux on my other box... one sec | 05:50 |
CromagDK | !postfix | 05:50 |
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ubotu | postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto | 05:50 |
jorra | !info gdesklets | 05:50 |
ubotu | gdesklets: Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.35.3-1ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 465 kB, installed size 2448 kB | 05:50 |
CromagDK | !postfix-mysql | 05:50 |
ubotu | postfix-mysql: MYSQL map support for Postfix. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.10-1ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 100 kB | 05:50 |
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Hor|zon | it's easy to grasp...the udevinfo command prints info about the drive and then you can use that info to tell udev to do certain things...so like telling it "when you see a drive with this manufacturer id and this size then use /dev/myusbdrive" | 05:51 |
Hor|zon | so basically to make the rule unique you just have to chose some unique info about the drive | 05:51 |
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Hor|zon | and tell udev to do something when ti sees that | 05:51 |
JackONeill | makes sense | 05:52 |
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Samuli^ | hehe, it was easier to write smb.conf by hand than to set-up swat :) | 05:52 |
CromagDK | !pastebin | 05:52 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 05:52 |
Samuli^ | someone REALLY should make gui-tool to configure samba. | 05:52 |
JoseStefan | !flash | 05:52 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 05:52 |
JackONeill | Hor|zon... i share a removable internel HDD on samba from my server as my media disk... i wanna be able to do the same with my 'settings' drive (has like a shared thunderbird/firefox profiles on it) from a USB pen | 05:53 |
JackONeill | then if the server fucks up... i just pull the usb and use it on which pc i need | 05:53 |
harfooz | JoseStefan, there is something screwy with the flashplugin-nonfree update that came from the backports repo -- it's affecting many of us. | 05:53 |
JackONeill | server dual boots win/linux (useless i know, a dual booting server) and on windows it seems easy | 05:54 |
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harfooz | ubuntuforums.org has a lot of postings on the problem. | 05:54 |
JoseStefan | harfooz, i know. but it seems i cant install the older one either, because it depends on an external tar file which is no longer available | 05:54 |
JackONeill | perhaps someone after might be able to aid me in my usplash efforts? anything/everything i have tried (memorized the wiki page by now) just gives me a blank screen when booting up/down | 05:55 |
harfooz | JoseStefan, right -- I can't even dl the flash plugin from adobe now. | 05:55 |
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tombs | licio: hi mann ;) | 05:55 |
JoseStefan | it seems anyone with a fresh install of dapper cant install flash, adobe has pulled out the file from their server, and the one on the repos is just a 'downloader' | 05:55 |
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licio | tombs, hi dude :) | 05:55 |
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tomcatt | !unmount | 05:56 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about unmount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:56 |
mcphail | JoseStefan: these are the perils of non-free software :( | 05:56 |
JackONeill | !usplash | 05:56 |
ubotu | usplash is the start-up splash (before GNOME/KDE appears) in Ubuntu. To customize it, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto | 05:56 |
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JackONeill | Your help page doesn't work! | 05:57 |
JackONeill | Damned ubotu | 05:57 |
guillem101 | !umount | 05:57 |
tomcatt | !kxdocker | 05:57 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about umount - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 05:57 |
ubotu | kxdocker: innovative docker for KDE that is like Mac OSX Docker. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39-0ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 253 kB, installed size 832 kB | 05:57 |
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JoseStefan | did macromedia/adobe put restrictions on ubuntu having a complete package on the repos? | 05:57 |
mrbrdo | how to tell APT-GET not to update a package? | 05:57 |
Bazzi | JoseStefan: basically, yes | 05:57 |
mrbrdo | like, keep it at it's current version all the time, freeze it.. | 05:57 |
tritium | mrbrdo: pin that package | 05:57 |
mrbrdo | tritium: how do i do that? | 05:58 |
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JoseStefan | doesnt sound like a good idea, now they removed the file from their server, and the one on the repos is useless | 05:58 |
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tritium | mrbrdo: the debian reference describes pinnins, as does the manpage for apt.conf | 05:58 |
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peija-kax | u can pin them in Synaptic too cant u | 05:59 |
tritium | mrbrdo: manpage for apt_preferences, rather | 05:59 |
mcphail | peija-kax: can you? | 05:59 |
Hor|zon | yep | 05:59 |
mcphail | excellent | 05:59 |
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Hor|zon | just select lock version in synaptic | 05:59 |
JackONeill | Hor|zon, sorry bout the wait but linux is taking forever to boot up | 06:00 |
peija-kax | mcphail: option Package-Lock version? | 06:00 |
sureshot | so there is not software that plays mp3 files in ubuntu | 06:00 |
peija-kax | in synaptic | 06:00 |
Hor|zon | lol | 06:00 |
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overmind | exit | 06:00 |
overmind | exit | 06:00 |
mcphail | peija-kax: that's a useful piece of info. thanks | 06:00 |
overmind | exit | 06:00 |
Hor|zon | not software that plays mp3? eh? | 06:00 |
tritium | !mp3 > sureshot | 06:00 |
JackONeill | overmind... this isn't terminal | 06:00 |
mrbrdo | tritium: what do i need to type in at "Pin: " to make it never update, keep my current version at all times? | 06:00 |
mrbrdo | *? | 06:01 |
mrbrdo | upgrade i meant | 06:01 |
tritium | mrbrdo: perhaps you should pin it with synaptic, as has been suggested. It should be easier for you | 06:01 |
mrbrdo | ok thanks | 06:01 |
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mrbrdo | is it just me or are the mirrors slow? | 06:01 |
jolt | heh i made the mistake of leaving in a USB drive on live install | 06:01 |
sureshot | thanks have quite a libraray need to be able to get to them lol | 06:01 |
fuzzroo | What to do if my computer gives me at startup: "Failed to load splash image..."? | 06:02 |
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fuzzroo | it won't start after I installed the newest updates | 06:02 |
Kameli | :o | 06:02 |
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ExOniTe | Could anyone help me with a LiveCD problem? | 06:03 |
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CromagDK | !postfix | 06:05 |
ubotu | postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto | 06:05 |
CromagDK | !postfix-mysql | 06:05 |
ubotu | postfix-mysql: MYSQL map support for Postfix. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.10-1ubuntu0.1 (dapper), package size 34 kB, installed size 100 kB | 06:05 |
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mcphail | CromagDK: please /msg the bot | 06:05 |
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CromagDK | mcphail: eh ? | 06:05 |
mcphail | CromagDK: if you type "/msg ubotu postfix" you will get the result in a private message which doesn't spam the channel | 06:06 |
CromagDK | why the option then ? :) | 06:06 |
abhi | after each install I have to do lots of work to set up my ubuntu( i.e installing apps). can anyone tell me how to solve this problem? | 06:06 |
CromagDK | no argues. ille msg it | 06:07 |
peija-kax | abhi - make backups | 06:07 |
=== TheWape [n=kvirc@dyndsl-085-016-017-185.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Coringao | FAST NOTICE: It wants more games in the Ubuntu Linux, have access: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://www.ubuntugames.org | 06:07 |
abhi | peija-kax: how to make back-up? | 06:07 |
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DethKlok | Has anyone set up NX before? | 06:08 |
abhi | I have tried acronis but not working properly. | 06:08 |
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abhi | acronis - backup software | 06:09 |
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=== Coringao To have more success in the DOMESTIC environment, the Ubuntu Linux must twirl games. It has who did not migrou the domestic computer because of games that imagine not to have for linux. | ||
=== Coringao access: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://www.ubuntugames.org | ||
Dr_Willis | Coringao, i think you are confused.. | 06:10 |
surface | DethKlok: anyproblem with nx? | 06:10 |
DethKlok | surface: well i can seem to figure out how to get the manager to work | 06:10 |
DethKlok | surface: installed the server, client, and manager | 06:11 |
surface | DethKlok: ops i try server and client before but not manager. | 06:11 |
IcemanV9 | abhi: shell script with rsync is one way to back up files; man rsync | 06:11 |
ckg | hello everyone | 06:11 |
DethKlok | surface: well i guess u odnt need the manager but when i try to connect it says connection refused | 06:12 |
LadyNikon | im back | 06:12 |
abhi | icemanV9: ok. | 06:12 |
CromagDK | wb :) | 06:12 |
DethKlok | surface: so i have my ubuntu nx server going and try to connect with my windows box | 06:12 |
CromagDK | *snap* | 06:12 |
LadyNikon | thanks | 06:12 |
bl4cktone_ | Damn guys... I tried linux a long time ago with slackware and it was alright a few years, now I'm on ubunut and the gates have opened I love this thing! Using XGL/Compiz and loaded alot of nice software with automatix the OS runs like a dream all I got to do now is work with wine to get my games working :) | 06:12 |
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surface | DethKlok: successfully connected? | 06:12 |
bl4cktone_ | I mean I used slackware for like half a month of and on | 06:12 |
DethKlok | surface: negative | 06:13 |
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surface | LadyNikon: wb | 06:13 |
DethKlok | surface: says connection refussed | 06:13 |
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surface | DethKlok: might be firewall issue? have any firewall btw ur windows and server? | 06:13 |
altf2o | quick question: If an install of Ubuntu has gone bad, and GRUB simply errors out, is there anyway (from the Live CD) to remove grub from my MBR as to restore the previous boot\working order? | 06:13 |
peija-kax | yes | 06:13 |
LadyNikon | thanks surface | 06:13 |
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DethKlok | surface: nope inside the LAN | 06:14 |
peija-kax | altf20 pm me? | 06:14 |
DethKlok | surface: both server and client | 06:14 |
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abhi | is there any backup software for ubuntu? | 06:14 |
CromagDK | abhi: sure | 06:14 |
abhi | pls. | 06:14 |
CromagDK | !backup > abhi | 06:14 |
surface | DethKlok: nx server uses only ssh port which is 22 | 06:14 |
abhi | nice | 06:14 |
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Samuli^ | altf2o, yes. Or you can reinstall grub. | 06:15 |
bl4cktone_ | oppps AmaroK is acting funny | 06:15 |
surface | DethKlok: ps aux | grep nx | 06:15 |
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Daynah | So... evolution or thunderbird? GO! | 06:15 |
Kuprin | Question - how do I fix this: "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem." if the aforementioned command errors itself out with http://pastebin.ca/177676 | 06:15 |
DethKlok | surface: surface: she be running | 06:16 |
surface | DethKlok: the server need to be run, but somehow it didn't show in ps | 06:16 |
altf2o | Samuli^> well the issue /appears/ to be that there's a larger drive than what BIOS supports. GRUB sees this & errors out w/ an "Error 18". Now the current grub version is 0.97, and there is a 2.0. | 06:16 |
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DethKlok | surface: let me check some other things quick | 06:16 |
chalkie1873 | i r having issues sorting my nvidia gfx drivers :-\ | 06:16 |
abhi | Kuprin: go for that command. | 06:16 |
Daynah | I have to use evolution for my school's microsoft thingie mo bob, and I've been using thunderbird just out of habit from windows. | 06:16 |
kingarthur | hi there everybody just made a new install all right but my disk partitions show up twice on the desktop. Any ideas? | 06:16 |
Kuprin | abhi, as I just said, that command errors itself out with this error: http://pastebin.ca/177676 | 06:16 |
altf2o | but the 2.0 docs are not available on the site, so i can't tell if the upgrade would even be worth it. It's not my system, it's my uncles, i'm trying to help get him started w/ Linux. I've just never used Ubuntu. So if he can clear the MBR to what it was, atleast that's a starting point | 06:16 |
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Coringao | FAST NOTICE: I present IUG (Installer Ubuntu Games) that with this program with only some click in mouse, you install the best games for the Ubuntu Linux. Access: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=pt&u=http://www.ubuntugames.org | 06:17 |
=== ryanpg [n=ryanpg@c-24-13-248-42.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abhi | Kuprin: wait. | 06:17 |
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mcphail | Kuprin: it sounds as if flash is broken at the moment. | 06:17 |
JoseStefan | Kuprin, bug https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bug/61404 | 06:17 |
oskude | Coringao: please stop spamming! | 06:17 |
chalkie1873 | how do i find out which kernel i have?? | 06:17 |
tritium | Coringao: please, no advertisements here | 06:17 |
DethKlok | surface: im a n00b, i didnt have openssh installed | 06:17 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, maybe you should try to first try and find a workaround for the HDD/bios. I know for one that hutil for samsung drives can make unsupported HDD's work with bios. | 06:17 |
Coringao | OK | 06:17 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, or flash your bios if possible. | 06:18 |
kingarthur | does any one know if the gnome community has a irc chat channel? | 06:18 |
surface | DethKlok: haha, maybe | 06:18 |
Coringao | Bye... my friends.... | 06:18 |
Daynah | Corinagao, do you need any help with your computer? Would you like to help anyone? :) | 06:18 |
Kuprin | JoseStefan, Crap, so I'm basically stuck with apt broken until an update, which should come in a day or two? | 06:18 |
altf2o | Samuli^> according to his email he's flashed the bios successfully & it didn't help it. | 06:18 |
=== Coringao [n=carlos@201-26-174-202.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has left #ubuntu ["Volta] | ||
abhi | Kuprin: go to synaptic, then edit > fix broken packages. try this. | 06:18 |
Kuprin | abhi, did that. | 06:18 |
DethKlok | surface: its working now | 06:18 |
JoseStefan | Kuprin, there 2 fixes here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261179 | 06:18 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, has he tried to search for help-utils for his harddrive then? | 06:18 |
surface | DethKlok: alright | 06:19 |
Kuprin | JoseStefan, wow, that was fast. Didn't find those this morning. :) | 06:19 |
oskude | kingarthur: im pretty sure yes, but propably in gnome.org network (or something) just read their website | 06:19 |
altf2o | my only other recommendation is to create a smaller partition to put Ubuntu on. Odd thing is Ubuntu itself had no issues w/ it being a 300GB drive, BIOS only supports up to 137GB, that's where GRUB chokes. | 06:19 |
DethKlok | surface: thanks for making me think | 06:19 |
Chalkie1983 | anyone know how i find out which kernel i have installed? | 06:19 |
abhi | Kuprin: still same problem | 06:19 |
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Daynah | Chalkie, System > About. | 06:19 |
Chalkie1983 | kk thx# | 06:19 |
Daynah | OH WAIT I'M WRONG | 06:19 |
Daynah | Snap. | 06:19 |
surface | DethKlok: welcome , enjoy ur nx | 06:19 |
mcphail | Chalkie1983: uname | 06:19 |
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mcphail | Chalkie1983: uname -a | 06:20 |
surface | Chalkie1983 uname -a | 06:20 |
CarlFK | how can I tell about when I installed ubuntu? | 06:20 |
surface | ops | 06:20 |
Daynah | Chalkie: I'm sorry, that's like. My foot in my mouth. that's what Version of Ubuntu though -_-' | 06:20 |
altf2o | Samuli^> i don't believe so. Atleast he didn't mention it, and i'm not sure what 'help-utils' is. | 06:20 |
tritium | surface: yes? | 06:20 |
Chalkie1983 | Daynah its cool dun worr | 06:20 |
=== kober [n=kober@208-47-173-164.dia.static.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CarlFK | kinda like uptime, but installedtime | 06:20 |
surface | tritium: yes? | 06:20 |
altf2o | chalkie1873> try: uname -a in a terminal window, that will have the kernel version. | 06:20 |
kingarthur | oskude, thankyou I am in the process of joinyng them now :) | 06:20 |
tritium | surface: you said ops | 06:21 |
kober | Hey, I'm using network-gnome-manager for my wireless, Is there a way to manually tell it to refresh the list? | 06:21 |
tritium | What do you need? | 06:21 |
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surface | i repeat the reply line above. | 06:21 |
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surface | tritium: i repeat the reply line above. | 06:21 |
SeanTater | Every time I print from debian etch to Ubuntu Dapper (with Listen in ports.conf) I get exactly this on what's printed -> $$ <- what should I do | 06:21 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, for example, this is what samsung disk manager states: "Disk Manager | 06:21 |
Samuli^ | Some old BIOSs have a capacity barrier and does not recognize the high capacity HDD. In that case, the Disk Manager will solve the capacity barrier." | 06:21 |
tesoro | zappe :) | 06:21 |
tritium | surface: so did you need assistance from an op, or did you misspell? s/oops/ops perhaps? | 06:21 |
zappe | :) | 06:21 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, sounds like more elegant solution than to try to find workaround with grub. | 06:22 |
surface | tritium: sorry i think it must be oops | 06:22 |
tritium | surface: just checking | 06:22 |
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ryanpg | I need some help understanding permissions... specifically how they relate to folders and files created on a samba server, anyone "in the know"? | 06:22 |
Kuprin | JoseStefan, alright, that worked. Now I'm back to just getting this error: dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:191: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed. | 06:23 |
Kuprin | Aborted | 06:23 |
altf2o | Samuli^> i'm not sure what type of disk he has, would this "disk manager" work w/ any disk? Or just samsung? | 06:23 |
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infidel | anyone here use emacs? | 06:23 |
altf2o | what i'd like to get is his MBR atleast back in order so he can boot windows. After that i'll help him find a proper solution. | 06:23 |
JoseStefan | Kuprin, dont know if that is related | 06:23 |
ryanpg | I would like to allow any one in the group "staff" to be able to read and write any files created in specific directories | 06:23 |
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specialbuddy | how can I find out how much room I have left on my harddrive | 06:24 |
Kuprin | JoseStefan, it's not related to Flash, this started occurring a day or two earlier. | 06:24 |
tritium | specialbuddy: df -h | 06:24 |
altf2o | specialbuddy> df -h in a terminal window. | 06:24 |
chalkie1873 | im loving linux soo far :-) | 06:24 |
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specialbuddy | thanks | 06:24 |
quiet | is the new flashplugin update failing for anyone else? | 06:24 |
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quiet | it's failing for me | 06:24 |
Kuprin | quiet: yes, it's broken | 06:24 |
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quiet | oh, well that's nice. | 06:24 |
Kuprin | quiet: there 2 fixes here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=261179 | 06:24 |
ryanpg | unfortunatly any file created by OSX has the following permissions set -rw-r--r--, I want all files to be saved with -rw-rw-r-- | 06:25 |
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ryanpg | is there a way to set all files created with g+w in a specific directory? | 06:25 |
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IcemanV9 | kober: how do you mean? did you click on the network-manager icon? it should give you the list of wireless networks. click on one of those and it will refresh automatically. | 06:25 |
DarkAudit | does switching the 'multiuser' to 'default' in one of the fixes actually complete the installation? | 06:25 |
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oskude | ryanpg: chmod is your friend | 06:26 |
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=== IcemanV9 wonders WHY my network-manager wireless disappears?? only wired listed | ||
mcphail | ryanpg: chmod has a "-R" flag | 06:26 |
gubuntu | what are some must have programs that did not come with my default install of ubuntu | 06:26 |
Daynah | McPhail, you helped me with my hard drive earlier today. I ran a Hitachi "Fitness Test" disk on it and it was corrupted. :( I first tried to repair the sector and it said "Defective Drive" OUCH! So, then I tried to use my Hitachi disk to reformat all of it, not just the sector, but I had to leave for class so I'll se how it went when I got back. If it really is literally a "Defective Drive" I have a warranty. But that's what's up. | 06:26 |
JoseStefan | quiet, bug https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bug/61404 | 06:26 |
ryanpg | oskude, but I don't want to just sit there running chmod g+w all day long | 06:26 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, well, uninstalling grub will definately not help. Because then you're without a boot manager altogether, reinstalling MIGHT help. | 06:26 |
LadyNikon | Whats a good photo album to use? | 06:26 |
oskude | ryanpg: then use wildcards and/or -R | 06:26 |
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mcphail | Daynah: sounded like a hardware problem :( | 06:27 |
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ryanpg | oskude, and mcphail I would like any file created to be _automatically_ set with those permissions, running chmod by hand with or without wildcards isn't an option | 06:27 |
IcemanV9 | LadyNikon: picasa or f-spot | 06:27 |
gubluntu | ladynikon, picasa? | 06:27 |
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Samuli^ | altf2o, if you can somehow boot to windows you can write it's boot manager to mbr by fdisk /mbr | 06:27 |
mcphail | ryanpg: did you say you wanted to do this from osx? | 06:27 |
oskude | ryanpg: hmm... never done that, but im pretty sure theres solution(s) | 06:28 |
Daynah | Mcphail, Thanks for the help | 06:28 |
altf2o | Samuli^> gotcha. It appears as though the issue is (as stated on this site), "This error is returned when a read is attempted at a linear block address beyond the end of the IOS translated area" | 06:28 |
mcphail | Daynah: np | 06:28 |
ryanpg | mcphail, it's a samba share so some people will be creating files from OSX, some from linux and some from windows | 06:28 |
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LadyNikon | hmm | 06:28 |
LadyNikon | thanks | 06:28 |
mcphail | ryanpg: are you accessing the share from nautilus? | 06:28 |
POVaddct | LadyNikon: do you want something that needs apache/php/mysql or just a plain script generating static web pages? | 06:28 |
altf2o | so i'd assume he may have the /boot partition above the 8GB mark (a noted max "in general" in grubs docs). Perhaps reinstalling & making sure it's within the first 8GB will help. | 06:29 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, ok, I have no idea what that means. | 06:29 |
ryanpg | mcphail, well I am... but obviously not the mac and windows users | 06:29 |
oskude | ryanpg: oh, samba... theres a room for that too... | 06:29 |
altf2o | Samuli^> ahh, good idea. I'll write down the fdisk command, that may help. | 06:29 |
Samuli^ | altf2o, yes, that will most likely help. | 06:29 |
sureshot | if it is winxp use the cd let it come up to the window portion then goto repair then you will be into a place that looks like dos type fixmbr answer yes and it will fix the windows mbr | 06:29 |
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mcphail | ryanpg: then it can't be changed. Nautilus is broken and has a hard-wired umask | 06:29 |
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chalkie1873 | im having problems with my graphics card | 06:29 |
LadyNikon | POVaddct: good question | 06:30 |
chalkie1873 | ive followed the webpage from !nvidia | 06:30 |
POVaddct | LadyNikon: for the latter, try easyGG | 06:30 |
chalkie1873 | and i get an error | 06:30 |
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Samuli^ | altf2o, use the live-cd and reinstall grub to <8GB partition. Windows bootmanager won't allow you to boot to ubuntu. | 06:30 |
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mcphail | ryanpg: it is a known bug. the developers haven't been interested in fixing it | 06:30 |
LadyNikon | since i am not a programmer/web dev.. its gonna be something I can put with a website that is pretty much click and create :D | 06:30 |
DethKlok | alright i forgot who i was talking to about NX | 06:30 |
chalkie1873 | your x configuration has been altered | 06:30 |
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chalkie1873 | ima reboot brb 1 sec | 06:31 |
POVaddct | LadyNikon: then probably easyGG is not for you :) | 06:31 |
sureshot | that is correct a reinstall of grub or a boot floppy is required or a reinstall of ubuntu | 06:31 |
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Kuprin | Warning: Package python-subversion appears broken. Can anyone confirm? | 06:31 |
weedar | How is it possible that an apt-get upgrade results in my desktop getting the kernel, while my laptop is "stuck" with ? | 06:32 |
jbroome | conspiracy | 06:32 |
mthe | lol | 06:32 |
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kober | Hey, is there a way to manually refresh the list of wireless networks in network-gnome-manager? It gets stuck sometimes and the only way I can fix it is a reboot | 06:32 |
jaypim | lol | 06:32 |
surface | LadyNikon: wordpress is a good blog engine. | 06:32 |
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Dr_Willis | hmm. is there a differeance worth noteing between apt-get update, and aptitude update ? | 06:32 |
Dr_Willis | and aptitude upgrade. | 06:32 |
bXi | anybody here with an ati x1000 based card ? | 06:32 |
Samuli^ | weedar, are they both the same architecture? | 06:33 |
weedar | Samuli^: both are i386, yes | 06:33 |
Samuli^ | weedar, sudo apt-get update? | 06:33 |
oskude | Dr_Willis: apt-get update updates the available packages list from servers you activated, and apt-get upgrade upgrades your system by getting the newest packages from the list(s) | 06:33 |
mcphail | Dr_Willis: i think they differ in how they handle orphaned packages | 06:34 |
Dr_Willis | oskude, i was referng to the use of 'apt-get' vs 'aptitude' in the 2 cases. :P | 06:34 |
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Chalkie1983 | !nvidia | 06:34 |
ubotu | To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 06:34 |
Dr_Willis | oskude, i seem to be having better luck using 'aptitude update/upgrade' these days | 06:34 |
=== RodrigoX [n=Rodrigo@201-74-141-138-sj.cpe.vivax.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oskude | Dr_Willis: i know only that aptitude installs automaticly (useless) recommended packages too | 06:34 |
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Dr_Willis | aptitude seems to be one of those 'not talked about much' tools :) | 06:35 |
oskude | Dr_Willis: and afaik, aptitude uses apt-get | 06:35 |
Dr_Willis | so aptitude dist-upgade seemed to work for me yesterday where apt-get dist-upgrade gave me all sorts of issues. :P | 06:36 |
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marianet | hello | 06:37 |
marianet | i need to instal amsn | 06:37 |
marianet | some body has don this? at an ubuntu 6. | 06:37 |
weedar | Samuli^: ah, I see the relevant packages have been kept back for some unknown reason | 06:37 |
marianet | ?? | 06:37 |
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Unimatrix9 | sudo apt-get install amsn? | 06:37 |
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=== Aar0n444 [n=noemail@bb-87-81-166-3.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aar0n444 | Hi there | 06:38 |
marianet | o, en realidad, la pregunta es: conocen un cliente | 06:38 |
marianet | de chat que soporte webcam video | 06:38 |
Unimatrix9 | i have got an package here its in tar.gz, if i try to unpack it i get an error | 06:38 |
sproingie | !es | 06:38 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 06:38 |
wastrel | !es | 06:38 |
Unimatrix9 | that its not in gzip format | 06:38 |
Chalkie1983 | im having real issues with my gfx card | 06:38 |
Aar0n444 | Can I install ubuntu to a usb flash drive, and boot off that? | 06:38 |
Unimatrix9 | what could be wrong> | 06:38 |
Unimatrix9 | ? | 06:38 |
Chalkie1983 | i got an nvidia | 06:38 |
Chalkie1983 | i followed the site | 06:39 |
mcphail | Aar0n444: you are likely to have problems with that | 06:39 |
licio | marianet, /j #ubuntu-ar | 06:39 |
oskude | Unimatrix9: "file filename.ext" can tell you what type of file it is (if not really broke) | 06:39 |
Chalkie1983 | and when trying to do the last command i get an error | 06:39 |
Aar0n444 | mcphail: what about running a live "cd" from a USB drive? | 06:39 |
licio | marianet, ops.. /j #ubuntu-es | 06:39 |
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Chalkie1983 | error: your X configuration has been altered. | 06:39 |
ocun | hello, i have a sudo problem. i made stupid mistake. i wrote this "sudo chgrp system_username /" in terminal. and now i can't use sudo. give this "sudo: must be setuid root | 06:39 |
ocun | " everytime. how can i use sudo again? | 06:39 |
kishore | how to connect to internet.. thru.. dialup | 06:40 |
mcphail | Aar0n444: that _may_ be possible, i suppose | 06:40 |
kishore | can any one provid me links | 06:40 |
bXi | anybody here with an ati x1000 based card ? | 06:40 |
sess | *yawn* | 06:40 |
oskude | Aar0n444: there are "better" distributions for usb usage | 06:40 |
sess | Im awake | 06:40 |
mcphail | Aar0n444: again, though, i think you'll run into udev issues | 06:40 |
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sess | Z310N: Whats really good | 06:40 |
sproingie | ocun: did you do chgrp -R and change every file? you're looking at reinstalling | 06:41 |
Aar0n444 | Ah ok | 06:41 |
sproingie | ocun: if it's just sudo that's messed up, you can boot from a rescue cd | 06:41 |
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marianet | i wants to install amsn, but said error: dependency is not satisfiable: tcltls, and when i install this, said Dependency is not satisfiable: libc6. wich is already installed. somebody knows the problem? | 06:41 |
mcphail | Aar0n444: you can run it from a usb drive as a qemu session under windows... | 06:41 |
=== trakie [n=trakie@va-charlottesville-cdnt1-bg8-11a-a-192.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ocun | sproingie : how can i do it | 06:41 |
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=== KyleAnderson_ [n=Solar@176-76.125-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sproingie | ocun: boot from a livecd, mount your old volume, fix the permissions from there | 06:42 |
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prekitt | he everybody | 06:42 |
ocun | ok thank you | 06:42 |
=== valdez [n=gsd423@as50253.pc.nus.edu.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
prekitt | hey has anyone setup a tftp under ubuntu | 06:42 |
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prekitt | I installed the tftpd package, but I am unable to connect to it | 06:43 |
sproingie | ocun: if you did change every file in the filesystem tho, you're going to run into endless breakage even after that | 06:43 |
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prekitt | I restarted inet an dit still iddn't work | 06:43 |
prekitt | tftpd anypne? | 06:43 |
valdez | Where can I learn about password security for login passwords in ubuntu and linux in general? thanks | 06:43 |
=== Kameli [n=kameli@adsl-85-217-3-7.kotinet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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oskude | valdez: google | 06:44 |
jbroome | teh google | 06:44 |
Aar0n444 | mcphail: it's for a system with no cd, fdd or hdd./ | 06:44 |
tomcatt | !ntfs | 06:44 |
ubotu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - See also !fuse | 06:44 |
sproingie | valdez: any specifics you had in mind, or just how sudo works? | 06:44 |
prekitt | tfptd anyone | 06:44 |
=== rednax [n=rednax@h125n2fls34o270.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sureshot | are you running citrix | 06:44 |
tomcatt | !ntfs-3g | 06:44 |
ubotu | ntfs-3g is a linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. It has been extensively tested but is still BETA software, so use it with caution. Dapper installation instructions http://lunapark6.com/?p=1710 | 06:44 |
Kameli | Hello, I always get some .ICE authrity type error when trying to log in to gnome, can i remove libice and ice? :) | 06:44 |
SeanTater | instead of printing what I want it to, my printer, when I try to print over a network, prints dollar signs. One is bold and the other not. But If i print from a dapper computer to the dapper computer which has the printer, it works. From debian etch, it won't. How can I fix that? | 06:44 |
Kameli | and what them actually does? | 06:44 |
prekitt | tftpd anyone? | 06:44 |
mcphail | Aar0n444: you can try it, but it usually doesn't work. You may be better trying an old distro (e.g. suse8.2 or something) which doesn't use udev | 06:45 |
prekitt | I can get setup correctly | 06:45 |
sproingie | your printer thinks only of $$$ ... must be an HP | 06:45 |
Kameli | what's that ICE authtority? :S | 06:45 |
SeanTater | sproingie: it is, and it eats $ also | 06:45 |
Kameli | can i remove it | 06:45 |
sproingie | SeanTater: yep, time to fill the ink reservoirs with cash :p | 06:45 |
SeanTater | sproingie: but it seems to be prejudiced against printers without an OS like it;s own | 06:45 |
sureshot | Aar0n444 are you running a citrix clinent there | 06:46 |
mcphail | Kameli: you will have corrupted the permissions on your ~/.ICEauthority file | 06:46 |
Kameli | but can i remove my xauthority? :/ | 06:46 |
Kameli | my libice | 06:46 |
=== janbatisuto [n=jeanbapt@lns-bzn-35-82-250-199-43.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mcphail | Kameli: this can happen if you run some graphical applications with "sudo" | 06:46 |
SeanTater | sproingie: if it would accept 18 dollar billsm along with 7's and 4's, I might | 06:46 |
Kameli | hmm | 06:46 |
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Kameli | well ill try to change them with chmod 777 | 06:46 |
mcphail | Kameli: no | 06:47 |
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sureshot | or a thin net client | 06:47 |
=== Xal2 [n=Xal@p54A6E39B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kameli | mcphail: ? | 06:47 |
=== sproingie actually needs a multifunction printer/copier/fax ... any that actually work on linux? | ||
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valdez | oskude: google gives jack | 06:47 |
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mcphail | Kameli: sudo chown kameli:kameli /home/kameli/.ICEauthority | 06:47 |
Kameli | can i remove it? :/ what it actually does? :-( | 06:47 |
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Kameli | ok | 06:47 |
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SeanTater | sproingie: as long as you don;t plan on using it ovre a network, HP PSC 1210 is cheap and it works. | 06:48 |
valdez | sproingie: Just how the encryption of user passwords are dealt with under linux | 06:48 |
Unimatrix9 | i have ubuntu server over here, it does not unzip, or tar anything? | 06:48 |
Unimatrix9 | any tips? | 06:48 |
oskude | valdez: hmm, http://www.google.com/search?hs=0J4&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aunofficial&q=linux+password+security&btnG=Search | 06:48 |
DethKlok | sureshot: was i talking to u about NX earlier? | 06:48 |
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sproingie | SeanTater: i'm gonna pass on anything that's an inkjet. especially an hp inkjet | 06:48 |
sureshot | sorry i have eye problems did not see it | 06:48 |
Unimatrix9 | the normal unzip xoops-2.0.15.zip gives me error that its not an zip file.. | 06:49 |
Unimatrix9 | wich is kind of strange | 06:49 |
oskude | valdez: 3rd result: http://www.linux.com/howtos/Security-HOWTO/password-security.shtml | 06:49 |
Unimatrix9 | what could be done? | 06:49 |
=== igcek [n=igor@84-255-241-173.static.dsl.t-2.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Tokenbad | ok...I have a friend trying to get eggdrop going....it requires libtcl8.5..I got him to get it along with tk8.5...and when he trys to run make it says can't find libtcl8.5 even though its installed...anyway to fix? | 06:49 |
oskude | Unimatrix9: check the md5sum of that zip file, and/or download the file again | 06:49 |
SeanTater | sproingie: I believe that passwords are encrypted with "crypt" and then when you try to log in, the password you typed in is "crypt"ed and the "crypt"s are checks to see if they are alike | 06:50 |
Unimatrix9 | the same goes for tar zxf xoops-2.0.15 | 06:50 |
SeanTater | sproingie: if that is what you are asking | 06:50 |
sureshot | DethKlok send it in red i have a better chance in seeing it i have diabetes real bad and well my eyes are damaged | 06:50 |
mcphail | Kameli: in the future, use "gksudo" to run graphical apps as root | 06:50 |
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Unimatrix9 | ok, i will try that | 06:50 |
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SeanTater | sproingie: laser? | 06:50 |
mt33 | hey, what's the deal. is VLC not on synaptic? | 06:50 |
tolkan | does anyone know anything about python implementation in ubuntu? | 06:50 |
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sproingie | SeanTater: i'm not the one asking about passwords :) | 06:51 |
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SeanTater | sproingie: oops, sorry | 06:51 |
sproingie | SeanTater: yep. toner turns out to be a lot cheaper than ink | 06:51 |
oskude | tolkan: "python implementation" ? | 06:51 |
jelly | Tokenbad: did he install the -dev packages? | 06:51 |
Kameli | !paste | 06:52 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 06:52 |
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mt33 | why is videolan not on synaptic? | 06:53 |
valdez | oskude: thanks but I'm looking for specific info about how ubuntu or debian does it or is it done the same way for each and every dist? | 06:53 |
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Sanne | mt33: it is | 06:53 |
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mt33 | ohh probably dont' have the right repos | 06:54 |
CromagDK | :P | 06:54 |
Sanne | mt33: package vlc | 06:54 |
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oskude | valdez: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&client=firefox&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:unofficial&sa=X&oi=spell&resnum=0&ct=result&cd=1&q=debian+password+security&spell=1 | 06:54 |
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sureshot | if any needs to post to me post to me by nick.. it comes to me in read and i can see it better i have eye damage due to diabetes and need all the help i can get thanks | 06:54 |
Sanne | mt33: all in universe: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=vlc&searchon=names&subword=1&version=dapper&release=all | 06:55 |
mt33 | i see that now | 06:55 |
mt33 | thanks | 06:55 |
=== roundhead [n=domenico@host206-166-dynamic.9-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sanne | mt33: you're welcome :) | 06:55 |
drayen__ | Hi, i want to be able to forward connections on 8080 to 80. i've tried useing "sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p udp -d --dport 8080 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80", but i still get a connection rejected message when useing telnet to test (and firefox) is there a step i am missing? | 06:55 |
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Tokenbad | jelly, didn't see any dev package | 06:55 |
Unimatrix9 | same trouble | 06:55 |
Unimatrix9 | can some test the zip file maybe, and try to unzip it? | 06:56 |
Kameli | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24113 | 06:56 |
Kameli | check that! :> | 06:56 |
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Unimatrix9 | http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/xoops/xoops-2.0.15.zip?use_mirror=surfnet | 06:56 |
D4rkly | hi i have a amd x2, which kernel should i be using with kubuntu(i386) 2.6.15-27-386, 686 or k7 ? | 06:56 |
drayen__ | whoops i mean "sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp -d --dport 8080 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80" | 06:56 |
JackONeill | I'm getting loads of DMA timeout errors when i boot up - it's slowing linux up like hell | 06:56 |
Kameli | D4rkly: K7 with SMP | 06:56 |
Kameli | it has SMP already | 06:56 |
D4rkly | ok | 06:57 |
D4rkly | would 686 not be better ? | 06:57 |
CarlFK | how come k3b doesn't show me the splash? (it is set in the settings screen) | 06:57 |
oskude | Unimatrix9: unzips fine here... | 06:57 |
Kameli | i dont know, i just know that k7 is for amd durons, for old amd's! | 06:57 |
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Kameli | so maybbe i686 can be good too, dunno, ask from some guru | 06:57 |
CarinArr | er | 06:57 |
CarinArr | k7 works for athlons too | 06:58 |
Mateo2 | who's idea was it to give ubuntu depressing colors? | 06:58 |
D4rkly | i got a new amd dual core :) | 06:58 |
JackONeill | I'm getting loads of DMA timeout errors when i boot up - it's slowing linux up like hell... what can I dooooo!? | 06:58 |
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Kameli | k7 = amd duron/athlon yes but does it run with X2 too good? :) | 06:58 |
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roundhead | hi, i'm trying to add a service with a uri like service:// just to make firefox open then link with the application linked with that protocol. I've googled the topic,but i found only comments referring to gnome-default-applications-properties application, which has been removed from gnome. What to do? | 06:58 |
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Sanne | D4rkly: do you run 64bit Ubuntu? | 06:59 |
Kameli | well have had this error whole day http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24113, can i fix it by removing libice and ice? | 06:59 |
D4rkly | no i386 | 06:59 |
=== MenZa [i=menza@0x535de899.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
weedar | Anyone else getting erros when upgrading the flashplugin? Seems to be an error when configuring it | 06:59 |
Kameli | weedar: i too | 06:59 |
Kameli | but i removed | 06:59 |
CarinArr | i thought you'd be using k7-smp for dual core athlons | 06:59 |
Kameli | :( | 06:59 |
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Sanne | D4rkly: ah, ok, then pasting my kernel version probably wouldn't help ;) | 06:59 |
jelly | Tokenbad: generally, to compile things you need adequate libXXX-dev installed. I don't have ubuntu running right now, but looking at Debian's package names I'd guess you need tcl8.5-dev or something like that. | 07:00 |
Chalkie1983 | im really have issues with my gfx card | 07:00 |
ExOniTe | Could anyone help me with a LiveCD problem? | 07:00 |
weedar | Kameli: you just removed the plugin? | 07:00 |
Kameli | yes | 07:00 |
Kameli | i dont need flash, i just play games | 07:00 |
Mateo2 | Chalkie1983: that's how you know ubuntu is working, when you have gfx issues | 07:00 |
surface | ExOniTe: shot | 07:00 |
weedar | hehe, well I need flash since some webpages rely on it | 07:00 |
sureshot | hey all was is a dcc chat session | 07:01 |
Chalkie1983 | lol | 07:01 |
ExOniTe | I can start the live CD but end up getting a bordeaux screen with the arrow pointer being able to move for 2 seconds. | 07:01 |
Leon | Anyone know something about an bug with ALSA maybe with Dapper Drake, after upgrade, on a EPoX motherboard with onboard sond card? | 07:01 |
Chalkie1983 | well im following the website and i keep getting an error | 07:01 |
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Sanne | sureshot: some direct connection thingy, usually used for transferring files | 07:01 |
=== eternalswd [n=eternals@wcnat-41-54.wheaton.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
habeeb | Hello, when is the next version of Edgy coming out? Wasnt a beta or something scheduled for a month before the normal release? | 07:02 |
surface | ExOniTe: what computer are u using? | 07:02 |
sureshot | Sanne thanks saw that a little while ago and if i dont know i stop it LOL | 07:02 |
surface | !Edgy | 07:02 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 07:02 |
JoseStefan | habeeb, #ubuntu+1 | 07:02 |
eternalswd | isn't xchat-remote supposed to install with the xchat package? | 07:02 |
ExOniTe | surface, do you mean as with specs? | 07:03 |
surface | ExOniTe: somehow yes. | 07:03 |
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habeeb | !schedule > habeeb | 07:03 |
Tokenbad | jelly, thanks.... | 07:03 |
Sanne | sureshot: if you don't know what you're getting, I would definitely stop it hehe. But you can also use it to chat directly with somebody, it's supposed to be faster. | 07:03 |
=== naylor [n=naylor@212.Red-81-33-76.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ExOniTe | AMD Athlon64 3200+ , 1 GB Ram(2x 512 dual channel), 2x maxtor 120 gb, Onboard soundcard and a USB soundcard, Radeon X800 Pro | 07:03 |
roundhead | hi, i'm trying to add a service with a uri like service:// in order to make firefox open links to that uri with the application linked to that protocol. | 07:03 |
Kameli | help me http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24113 ='( | 07:03 |
naylor | hi can anyone please help me with my mouse, it won't work | 07:04 |
ExOniTe | Tried both the 32 and 64 bit version | 07:04 |
brian__ | !eyecandy | 07:04 |
ubotu | Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 07:04 |
sureshot | Sanne i think someone tried and i made him mad but i did not know i am sorry as i said if i dont know i stop it.. old windows habbit LOL | 07:04 |
naylor | i bought it today, it's a nortek egos wl, and ubuntu doesn't seem to recognise it - i don't know if it's broken or not compatible | 07:04 |
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Sanne | sureshot: well, it is generally rude to start a dcc session without telling you first, so righto :) | 07:05 |
=== vagn [n=vagn@c-71-232-216-154.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ExOniTe | Tried looking through the forums for someone with the same problem as me, but nothing. | 07:06 |
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JackONeill | My ubuntu has died... can someone help me? | 07:06 |
sureshot | Sanne thanks he may have but again i have eye damage and this scrolling text is hard to read that is why i have sounds and different colors then my nick is uesed did not see or here any | 07:06 |
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prekitt | anyone having problems with tftp | 07:07 |
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Sanne | sureshot: I would not worry too much about it. If it was important, the other person will surely try again. | 07:07 |
JackONeill | anyone else having problems with ubuntu dying after a few months? | 07:07 |
sureshot | thanks | 07:07 |
vagn | I had to change /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-nonfree.postinst to get the install to complete | 07:07 |
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vagn | i changed 'multiuser' to 'default' in this line | 07:08 |
vagn | update-rc.d flashplugin-nonfree defaults >/dev/null | 07:08 |
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prekitt | ? | 07:08 |
ExOniTe | Lalala. | 07:08 |
=== LordOfTheCows [n=aphirst@adsl-83-100-154-80.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #ubuntu | ||
vagn | sorry, update, not install | 07:08 |
naylor | hello can anyone please help me, i can't find anything about this mouse and i don't know if it's working or not as not responding | 07:08 |
JoseStefan | why does the new flash need an init script anyways? | 07:08 |
JackONeill | Hor|zon: could I call upon your assistance again? my ubuntu seems to have died | 07:08 |
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surface | mypapit. flash plugin again, but jack is not there anymore. | 07:09 |
LordOfTheCows | Are Belkin Wi-Fi USB Dongles compatible "out-of-the-box" with Ubuntu 6.06? | 07:09 |
vagn | ok, sounds like its known | 07:10 |
vagn | thaks | 07:10 |
vagn | thanks | 07:10 |
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kober | what was the URL for the flash fix JoseStefan? | 07:10 |
ExOniTe | No one got some info about the "red screen freeze" thingy... | 07:10 |
JackONeill | everyone likes to ask here but hardly ever answer | 07:10 |
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tolkan | I'm having some crazy issue with python-central package and binary. its not accepting any new packages into python. can anyone help? | 07:10 |
JoseStefan | flash --> https://launchpad.net/products/dapper-backports/+bug/61404 | 07:10 |
DareDevil | hmm..i need help with the dual boot :s any could help me pls ?? | 07:11 |
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ExOniTe | ugh | 07:11 |
JackONeill | X won't start :( (i think)( | 07:11 |
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Sh4d0x | i'm back | 07:12 |
Madeye | Hey, I'm running fresh installation of 24 hours ago I added new.domain.db to /etc/bind and linked to it via the named.conf.local and the domain already pointed to the DNS but this still not effective, Any idea what would be the problem ? How to test the configuration of the zonefile ? | 07:12 |
JFreakCapo | hi, how change my default mail evolution for thunderbird in gnome ? | 07:12 |
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Xal_2 | Hi, I'm having trouble setting up my wireless network. I am using a broadcom wirless G card in my laptop. I can detect a network with network-manager-gnome, but when I enter the correct password, it doesn't connect, but it does restart my router oO | 07:12 |
DareDevil | i got ubuntu installed on primary master hdd and vista on the other slave...in that slave i hav 2 partitins...one dump and other vista..so any1 hav any idea of how to boot into that ?? | 07:12 |
exs | I have two laptops in front of me which are networked via rj4 network cable.. one of them is mine (ubuntu 6.06), the other is my mothers (windows xp).. What's the quickest way to enable me to transfer files? | 07:13 |
ikaruga2099 | hi all, just wanted to know if anyone has ever setup Monket Calendar on their box | 07:13 |
ikaruga2099 | it uses Ajax ...(do I have to set that up)? | 07:13 |
DareDevil | title Windows XP | 07:13 |
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DareDevil | root (hd1,0) | 07:13 |
DareDevil | savedefault | 07:13 |
DareDevil | makeactive | 07:13 |
DareDevil | map (hd0) (hd1) | 07:13 |
DareDevil | map (hd1) (hd0) | 07:13 |
DareDevil | chainloader +1 | 07:13 |
kalif | Madeye: host machine.newdomain | 07:13 |
DareDevil | ^tried tat but din work :< | 07:13 |
=== mr_hus [i=hydrozen@MTL-HSE-ppp167511.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sh4d0x | exs: system => admin => shared folders | 07:13 |
Xal_2 | Do I need ndiswrapper? That is how I had to setup my wireless network last time, but I don't remember the steps for that either. | 07:13 |
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erUSUL | !paste > DareDevil | 07:13 |
bXi | where do i find the dhcp clients settings | 07:13 |
JFreakCapo | how change evolution for thunderbird as default mai client ? | 07:14 |
JackONeill | !0x58 | 07:14 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 0x58 - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:14 |
JackONeill | !dma | 07:14 |
ubotu | dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. It makes hard disks & optical drives transfer data faster, and is almost always enabled in Ubuntu 6.06. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DMA | 07:14 |
DareDevil | :-| | 07:14 |
park | how can i enable or use linux64 command to setarch. in debian . what is the name of the kg | 07:14 |
park | ? | 07:14 |
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bXi | my /etc/resolv.conf keeps getting overwritten by a non working dns server | 07:14 |
exs | Sh4d0x: thank you very much, installing files needed now. | 07:14 |
mt33 | the command Make is getting a command not found error so i know this means i don't have the right compiler installed, what do I need? | 07:14 |
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Sh4d0x | exs: "installing files"? | 07:15 |
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JackONeill | How do I fix the slow DMA issue!? | 07:15 |
ExOniTe | Alrighty, going to do another attempt getting Ubuntu to work >_< | 07:15 |
exs | Sh4d0x: it needs samba from synaptic etc | 07:15 |
DareDevil | any1 wanna help me pls ?? | 07:15 |
Sh4d0x | exs: | 07:15 |
Sh4d0x | exs: yes | 07:15 |
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Xal_2 | Do I need ndiswrapper? That is how I had to setup my wireless network last time, but I don't remember the steps for that either. | 07:15 |
erUSUL | bXi: man resolvconf | 07:15 |
Sh4d0x | exs: in terminal "sudo apt-get install samba" | 07:15 |
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exs | Sh4d0x: it's downloaded it for me :) | 07:15 |
Sh4d0x | k | 07:16 |
ikaruga2099 | to set up ajax...is that some kind of package? | 07:16 |
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exs | Sh4d0x: i've also set the share directory.. What should I do now? | 07:16 |
Samuli^ | !info ajax | 07:16 |
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ubotu | Package ajax does not exist in any distro I know | 07:16 |
bXi | erUSUL: and what would i be looking for? | 07:16 |
Samuli^ | ikaruga2099, try apt-cache search ajax | 07:16 |
Rondom | ikaruga2099: ajax isn't an application | 07:16 |
Xal_2 | Do I need ndiswrapper? That is how I had to setup my wireless network last time, but I don't remember the steps for that either. | 07:16 |
Sh4d0x | exs: now you can see the shared folder in your winblows machine | 07:16 |
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Rondom | ikaruga2099: en.wikipedia.org/wik/AJAX | 07:17 |
exs | Sh4d0x: ok cool, thanks | 07:17 |
Rondom | ikaruga2099: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AJAX | 07:17 |
Sh4d0x | exs: to get acces to the winblows files go to: location => network | 07:17 |
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ikaruga2099 | rondom: that's what i figured | 07:17 |
Sh4d0x | exs: yw | 07:17 |
ikaruga2099 | rondom: i'm trying a web app that uses ajax, but i'm only getting a static page | 07:17 |
mr_hus | are broadcom wireless cards will supported un linux? | 07:17 |
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Rondom | ikaruga2099: did you use firefox? | 07:17 |
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ikaruga2099 | yes... | 07:18 |
NthDegree | uhhh mr_hus, that is something you should ask linux kernel development i think | 07:18 |
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NthDegree | all the support for almost everything is down to kernel development | 07:18 |
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JackONeill | !dpkg | 07:18 |
ubotu | dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. | 07:18 |
JackONeill | whats the dpkg thing for X ? | 07:19 |
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Dr_Willis | which thing JackONeill ? | 07:19 |
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Dr_Willis | !apt-get | 07:20 |
ubotu | apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 07:20 |
=== opexoc [n=opexoc@cov30.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JackONeill | There are hundered of people in this place... what the hell is the problem? | 07:20 |
Chalkie1983 | !mp3 | 07:20 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:20 |
TheGateKeeper | JackONeill: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:20 |
Sh4d0x_afk | Chalkie1983: you need w32 codecs | 07:20 |
JackONeill | Thank you TheGateKeeper | 07:20 |
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Dr_Willis | the ones with ESP are not here... | 07:20 |
TheGateKeeper | !patience JackONeill | 07:21 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about patience JackONeill - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:21 |
Sh4d0x_afk | Chalkie1983: use the first link ubuto gave you | 07:21 |
Dr_Willis | Lol. | 07:21 |
=== meli [n=meli@roo49-2-88-161-136-142.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ikaruga2099 | i thinking maybe the RewriteRules on apache aren't working. Besides a2enmod, is there anything else I have to do to enable rewrite rules? | 07:21 |
sess | if anyone has a chance to visit tailand, you should make sure you pick up all software you're looking for when you're there | 07:21 |
TheGateKeeper | JackONeill: np :-) you have to have a little patience | 07:21 |
Dr_Willis | sess, they got better Linux there? :P | 07:21 |
opexoc | What program for mailing list do you prefer? | 07:21 |
sess | naah, but they have linux apps and windows apps for supercheap | 07:21 |
sess | pretty sure its because there's no copywrite law there | 07:22 |
Dr_Willis | or its just ignored. | 07:22 |
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sess | I got maya6 linux and windows versions for 10$ american | 07:22 |
JackONeill | TheGateKeeper, the only answers people answer here are the easy ones and IF that!... too many people asking not enough answering - it's disorderly | 07:22 |
tritium | sess: please don't advise that here. | 07:22 |
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Dr_Willis | that still dont make it legal. Lol. | 07:22 |
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sess | I paid for it, they came in sealed boxes | 07:22 |
Dr_Willis | and i do not plan on going to to Tailand for the software..... :) | 07:22 |
Dr_Willis | sess, yea.. sure.. that proves its legal! | 07:23 |
TheGateKeeper | JackONeill: well that is the way it is | 07:23 |
JackONeill | for example... isn't that ubuntu-offtopic ? | 07:23 |
tritium | sess: you bought pirated software. Please stop discussing it now. | 07:23 |
sess | point taken, lets pretend I didn't mention it | 07:23 |
ahawks | This is a pretty basic question, but I can't find it in any docs: How can I query a file to see what package(s) provide it. Coming from redhat, the equivalent of rpm -qf <file> | 07:23 |
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opexoc | What program for mailing list do you prefer? | 07:23 |
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tritium | ahawks: dpkg -S <path_to_file> | 07:23 |
ahawks | thanks tritium :) | 07:24 |
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Sanne | ahawks: you can also search on packages.ubuntu.com in section "search the contents of packages" | 07:24 |
exs | Sh4d0x: I seem to be having trouble. My network card in ubuntu is running fine, and the laptop with xp obviousely has it installed. I am currently in system >administration > networking, within the eth0 dialogue. I'm trying to fix the IP settings, since the DHCP option didn't seem to work (nothing there in winblows machine). I've also just tried using manual IP, and having my laptop as the gateway IP of, and using that in the same con | 07:24 |
exs | figuration as my own laptop. | 07:24 |
=== Homer [n=kvirc@68-235-225-150.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JackONeill | ok i'll be a little more blunt... I think X is FUCKED - i could use some expertise if anyone is willing | 07:25 |
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sess | tritium: I prefer blender anyway | 07:25 |
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Sh4d0x_afk | exs: did you set an ip on your ubuntu laptop? | 07:26 |
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JackONeill | FUCKED! | 07:26 |
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Sh4d0x | !language | 07:26 |
ubotu | Please watch your language and keep this channel family friendly. | 07:26 |
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TheGateKeeper | JackONeill: this happen on installation or recently? | 07:26 |
vagrantc | is anyone able to download ubuntu CD images with bittorrent? | 07:27 |
vagrantc | the tracker seems to refuse me. | 07:27 |
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=== xerux [i=xerux@ninjaturtle.idi.ntnu.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
xerux | Does ubuntu 6.06 have xgl, compiz etc. preinstalled ? | 07:27 |
sess | nope | 07:27 |
TheGateKeeper | xerux: no | 07:27 |
CarlFK | exs: I like scp - "sudo apt-get install openssh-server" and find putty for windows and use pscp.exe | 07:27 |
xerux | :( | 07:27 |
=== Dybber [n=Dybber@0x503fdd52.virnxx13.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sess | but its easy to get working | 07:27 |
tritium | !xgl > xerux | 07:28 |
xerux | I've had it working under gentoo since march | 07:28 |
Sh4d0x | tritium: lol just spam him right away lol :D | 07:28 |
Sh4d0x | xerux: works fine here | 07:28 |
xerux | but when I attempted to install it under ubuntu 5.10, I ran into problems | 07:28 |
exs | Sh4d0x: yeah, i set it as a static one | 07:28 |
sess | xerux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompositeManager | 07:28 |
Sh4d0x | exs: both? winblows and ubuntu? | 07:29 |
=== Thorrn4 [n=Thorrn4@pool-151-198-145-214.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sess | xerux: I set it up in about 20 minutes yesterday | 07:29 |
exs | Sh4d0x: both. | 07:29 |
TheGateKeeper | xerux: why would you want to install it? | 07:29 |
sess | from a fresh install | 07:29 |
Sh4d0x | exs: firewall in windows? | 07:29 |
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exs | Sh4d0x: yes! norton :D .. ill sort it out | 07:29 |
xerux | TheGateKeeper: why not ?= | 07:29 |
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jpiccolo | when installing something though adept, how do i click ok in the details window? | 07:30 |
souille | bonsoir quel est l'outil qui permet de faire un listing complet des priphrique de son pc | 07:30 |
tritium | !fr | 07:30 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 07:30 |
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souille | sorry | 07:30 |
tritium | No problem, souille. | 07:30 |
TheGateKeeper | xerux: isn't worth the effort lol | 07:30 |
=== martii [n=martii@82-32-206-45.cable.ubr06.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sh4d0x | exs: lol :D ok :d | 07:31 |
exs | gonna have to fix it in about 10 minutes, just got food | 07:31 |
JFreakCapo | hello again, anybody can help me? how change evolution for thunderbird as my default mail client ? | 07:31 |
Sh4d0x | exs: bon appetite :D | 07:31 |
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ikaruga2099 | anyone ever installed Monket Calendar? | 07:33 |
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ikaruga2099 | !monket calendar | 07:33 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about monket calendar - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:33 |
JFreakCapo | can anybody helpme please... how change evolution for thunderbird as my default mail client ? | 07:33 |
Rondom | JFreakCapo: system=>preferences=>prefered apps <= or similiar, don't know the english names of the menus | 07:33 |
JFreakCapo | Rondom: thks a lot | 07:34 |
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mt33 | i downloaded fglrx-control, but when i type that in at terminal i get nothing | 07:35 |
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Rondom | mt33: type fireglcontrol | 07:36 |
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TheGateKeeper | !fixres > JackONeill | 07:37 |
jpiccolo | when installing something though adept, how do i click ok in the details window? | 07:37 |
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naylor | hi can anyone help, my mouse won't work | 07:37 |
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mt33 | the command "make" gets a command not found error. I have GCC installed, what's the deal? | 07:38 |
Chalkie1983 | ive used the package installer to install bitchx but i cant find it what should i do? | 07:39 |
jpiccolo | !make | 07:39 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 07:39 |
=== kronoz [n=kronoz@AC8E5CA1.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
POVaddct | mt33: which command is not found? | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis | try using the package manager to SEE what files it installed | 07:39 |
jbroome | mt33: install build-essential. that'll get everything | 07:39 |
mt33 | POVaddct: make | 07:39 |
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Dr_Willis | and the command is BitchX i think | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, and i dont think it makes an icon. | 07:39 |
POVaddct | mt33: apt-get install build-essential | 07:39 |
=== runa [n=sdfas@utente8Timpano.sns.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | !info gfxboot | 07:40 |
ubotu | gfxboot: bootlogo creator for gfxboot compliant boot loaders. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.5-0ubuntu3 (dapper), package size 1143 kB, installed size 3372 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) | 07:40 |
Chalkie1983 | Dr_Willis so how do i use it? | 07:40 |
mt33 | ok | 07:40 |
Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, you proberly wont like it. if you have to ask. :P its a text based/terminal irc client. | 07:40 |
runa | where does gdm read the prefered window manage. when i change window manager it does not ask me if i want it to be permanent | 07:40 |
Chalkie1983 | oh | 07:40 |
Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, open up a shell . type the command. :P | 07:40 |
=== feAR` [n=gintas@adsl-213-190-56-76.zebra.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
feAR` | hi | 07:40 |
jpiccolo | can anyone help me click ok (pic)-> http://jpiccolo.isa-geek.com:8080/~jpiccolo/snapshot1.png | 07:40 |
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Chalkie1983 | what would u recomend thats simular to mirc? | 07:41 |
POVaddct | Chalkie1983: if you really want a text based irc client, use irssi | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, open up a shell . type the command. : Read the docs for BitchX. then dump it. | 07:41 |
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feAR` | maybe someone is using nvidia with configured tv out support? | 07:41 |
feAR` | ;) | 07:41 |
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Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, mirc makes me puke. :P I perfer good old Xchat. | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, i much perfer the older xchat however.. not xchat-gnome. | 07:41 |
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Chalkie1983 | its just im looking for a system thing, like moo.dll for mirc :-\ | 07:41 |
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Dr_Willis | I got no idea what you mean by that Chalkie1983 | 07:42 |
Chalkie1983 | ill show u | 07:42 |
CromagDK | !streams | 07:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about streams - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:42 |
Fjutrackx | anyone can help with a soundcard @ ubuntu? | 07:42 |
CromagDK | !stream | 07:42 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about stream - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 07:42 |
Chalkie1983 | OS: WinXP Home Edition 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build #2600) CPU: Intel Celeron , 2.79 GHz Video: Default Monitor on ATi Radeon IGP 345M (1024x768x32bpp 60Hz) Sound: ALi Audio Wave Memory: Used: 137/191MB Uptime: 5h 32m 50s HD: [C:] 9.98/37.25 GB Connection: National Semiconductor DP83815-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport @ 100.0 Mbps (Rec: 21.00MB Sent: 0.96MB) | 07:42 |
Chalkie1983 | basically shows ur system information | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, theres 10000's of those out for the different Linux clients. | 07:42 |
POVaddct | Chalkie1983: nobody cares about that information | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | Chalkie1983, most all of them can do /exex -out somecommand | 07:43 |
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Dr_Willis | and i agree with POVaddct no one cares. :P | 07:43 |
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Chalkie1983 | no its for personal use | 07:43 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | hi people. i need help regarding ubuntu. neone? | 07:43 |
administrator_ | whats the command to completely remove a package? | 07:43 |
sharms | !tell PunjabiFLOYDIAN about anyone | 07:43 |
iapx8088 | administrator_, apt-get remove --purge package | 07:43 |
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POVaddct | Chalkie1983: why would you need that info in a irc client? run gkrellm or something | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | administrator_, what you trying to remove? | 07:44 |
CromagDK | !codecs | 07:44 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 07:44 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | while booting into ubuntu, i get the message: lost interrupt | 07:44 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | what does this mean? | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | POVaddct, plus you can get shell commands that give that info. :) | 07:44 |
Chalkie1983 | im new to linux only got it today...im still learning | 07:44 |
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CromagDK | my xmms freezes when i try to run a winamp stream. Any way to get out if that ? | 07:44 |
POVaddct | Dr_Willis: yeah :) | 07:44 |
sharms | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, that is a driver issue but probably not critical | 07:44 |
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AZzKikR | sounds more like a hardware problem | 07:45 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | sharms, i get this with every distro. | 07:45 |
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sharms | PunjabiFLOYDIAN: it is definately a driver issue then, you can figure out which device by reviewing the output from 'dmesg' | 07:45 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | the harddisk is new. so why is it sayin lost interrupt. i m a linux newbie. | 07:45 |
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administrator_ | dr_willis: 915resolution | 07:45 |
GnarusLeo | Anyone who got any ideas on how to syncronize my k610i with kde organizer or schedule or something? | 07:46 |
administrator_ | whats the command to see if which processes are running its like grap | | 07:46 |
sharms | PunjabiFLOYDIAN: just because your hardware is new does not mean it is supported. You probably bought cheap hardware without good linux support. | 07:46 |
administrator_ | right? | 07:46 |
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PunjabiFLOYDIAN | oh. its a SAMSUNG HARDDISK. is it cheap? LOL. | 07:46 |
[GuS] | yes it is :P | 07:46 |
mwilliams1 | Can someone provide insight to 6.06 installer leaving out the bootloader? | 07:46 |
JosefK | hardware doesn't have to expensive to be supported in linux though sharms | 07:47 |
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PunjabiFLOYDIAN | actually. if the hardware had some problem; windows would also report it | 07:47 |
GnarusLeo | If I allready have used all of my disk space to install linux, but now I want windows as well, how would I approach? | 07:47 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | i have windows xp with sp2. no problem on that | 07:47 |
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sharms | PunjabiFLOYDIAN: just because there is a windows driver doesn't mean there is a fully supported linux driver. | 07:47 |
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PunjabiFLOYDIAN | Gnarusleo: Install windows first. then install linux. | 07:48 |
sharms | JosefK: right on, I should have said something along the lines about his lack of research instead :) | 07:48 |
Sh4d0x | fjutrackx as your question again | 07:48 |
GnarusLeo | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, I have allready installed linux, (and I want to continiue my install) | 07:48 |
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GnarusLeo | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, I mean, I want to keep on using this install | 07:48 |
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sharms | GnarusLeo, don't listen to punjab he doesn't know how to do things | 07:48 |
Sh4d0x | lol | 07:48 |
Sh4d0x | fight!! | 07:49 |
imperfect- | Anyone here used a ECS P4M800PRO-M board w/ Linux? | 07:49 |
Sh4d0x | :d | 07:49 |
[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, is you dirks does not work... is because the chiptset of the MB that maybe linux is having problems | 07:49 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | sharms: I know this much. | 07:49 |
GnarusLeo | hehe, k thanks :) | 07:49 |
[GuS] | witch mother do you ave PunjabiFLOYDIAN ? | 07:49 |
sharms | !tell GnarusLeo about dualboot | 07:49 |
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JosefK | mwilliams1: I can't tell you why it did it, but I can tell you how to fix it | 07:49 |
GnarusLeo | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, everyone know you should install windows first because of MBR :) Thats not my question either | 07:49 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: unless you already know that ;) | 07:49 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | then can i suggest an alternative? use OSL | 07:49 |
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mwilliams1 | josefk - how can I fix and save the install? | 07:50 |
sharms | GnarusLeo: not true. All you need to do is install linux first, then windows, then boot up off live cd and run grub again. Easy | 07:50 |
dreamthief | looooooool | 07:50 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | LOLZ | 07:50 |
dreamthief | he has a female mother @ [GuS] | 07:50 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: when you put your install disk in, there's an option for 'rescue' mode | 07:50 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | sharms: i wont bark now but you please help me with this | 07:50 |
[GuS] | yeah,... seems.. | 07:50 |
dreamthief | lol | 07:50 |
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JosefK | mwilliams1: I'm just getting you a link from the wiki, it can explain it better than I can here :) | 07:50 |
GnarusLeo | sharms, exacly what I was asking for, thanks .. but can i let some of my linux space go? For a windows install? have partitioned all of my disk for linux usage | 07:50 |
[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, witch is your motherboard? | 07:51 |
sharms | PunjabiFLOYDIAN: like I said you need to review the output from dmesg and figure out which device driver is losing the interrupt | 07:51 |
mwilliams1 | josefk thanks | 07:51 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | sharms: you talk linux geek. i m a newbie. i dont know what dmesg is | 07:51 |
dreamthief | and why does the chipset have problems if you're installing windows after linux? ^^ | 07:51 |
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[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, witch is your motherboard? | 07:51 |
[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, witch is your motherboard? | 07:51 |
[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, witch is your motherboard? | 07:51 |
sharms | GnarusLeo: you can resize ext3, but it is a little tough for a beginner | 07:51 |
imperfect- | I'm having some oddproblems -- when I install 2 hauppage cards and an Air2PC card --the onboard ethernet fails to detect... it's like it's not there (not even on lspci -v), yet when I take them out it works fine... | 07:51 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | Gus: motherboard is ASUS P4S333 | 07:51 |
imperfect- | any ideas? | 07:51 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !repeat > [GuS] | 07:51 |
sharms | PunjabiFLOYDIAN: just go to console and type `dmesg | more` | 07:51 |
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[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, and what is your problem? | 07:51 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | ok | 07:51 |
GnarusLeo | sharms, oh, how though? :) NM, Ill just google it, thanks | 07:51 |
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PunjabiFLOYDIAN | then continue | 07:52 |
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bluezy | question, is there a way to install from a live cd? | 07:52 |
Sh4d0x | fjutrackx ask Jack_Sparrow | 07:52 |
Sh4d0x | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | 07:52 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | Gus: during boot, linux fails to load cause it says: lost interrupt | 07:52 |
sharms | GnarusLeo: search for resize2fs | 07:52 |
[GuS] | ok | 07:52 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | and keeps on losing interruption. god knows why. harddisk is a new one. | 07:52 |
naylor | hi can anyone help me out please, my mouse won't work | 07:52 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/phbc50/howtos/how-to_reinstall_grub?highlight=%28grub%29 | 07:52 |
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[GuS] | try to add to your boot line the param. pci=noacpi | 07:52 |
imperfect- | PunjabiFLOYDIAN : Got it jumpered correctly? | 07:52 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: hmm, that assumes the Grub package installed | 07:52 |
GnarusLeo | thanks sharms | 07:52 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: boot the live cd in rescue mode, you'll have to enter the partition you installed Ubuntu to | 07:53 |
sharms | GnarusLeo: np | 07:53 |
bluezy | naylor, what is your mouse is it usb, ps2, serial??? | 07:53 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | Gus: unfortunately, i didnt cause with windows it works fine. | 07:53 |
[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, just do that to test... | 07:53 |
[GuS] | when grub loads... pres Esc.. and then E in the first line of the kernel | 07:53 |
naylor | bluezy, it's usb wireless optical - bought it today and it's not working | 07:53 |
[GuS] | and add at the last, pci=noacpi | 07:53 |
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PunjabiFLOYDIAN | ok... | 07:53 |
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PunjabiFLOYDIAN | thanks Gus. will try it! | 07:53 |
bluezy | ah, is it recognised naylor ? | 07:54 |
naylor | bluezy, it's a nortek egos wl - i don't know if it'll work with linux or not and don't know how to know | 07:54 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: installer says it but the grub in, SCSI bios sees it on powerup. just won't boot... | 07:54 |
bluezy | naylor, look it up? there are lists ... | 07:54 |
[GuS] | PunjabiFLOYDIAN, try pci=nommconf too | 07:54 |
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naylor | bluezy, can't seem to find anything about it on google, could you help me out and take a look please? | 07:54 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | how to type the two commands simultaneously? | 07:55 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: hmm, do you even get the GRUB menu? | 07:55 |
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bluezy | now anyone??? Can I install from a live disk or do I need another cd? | 07:55 |
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JosefK | mwilliams1: if not, you'll need to reinstall GRUB and point it to the correct partition | 07:55 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: nope, never actually get the drive to load the grub. | 07:55 |
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tritium | bluezy: you can install from the dapper and edgy liveCD | 07:55 |
bluezy | Trinisan, how? | 07:56 |
bluezy | hey trappist I like to drink you, I prefer orval, and you? | 07:56 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: oh :/ I don't think I can help with that (if isn't GRUB complaining it can't find its config) | 07:56 |
PunjabiFLOYDIAN | Gus are you there? | 07:56 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: It's like there is no bootloader. | 07:56 |
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tritium | bluezy: when it boots to the live CD desktop, there is an icon for installing | 07:56 |
bluezy | it does not show the desk top. | 07:56 |
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bluezy | it only boots in text mode | 07:57 |
naylor | bluezy, can you point me to any mouse lists, i can't find it? | 07:57 |
Jack_Sparrow | bluezy: Did you have the cd do its' self test for errors and were there any errors? | 07:57 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: Any reason to think booting from floppy then to CD might work? | 07:57 |
Joshm8ten | Hey. I need some help wth Unbuntu. I am new to linux and tryed to install it, But it kept saying "need root drive" | 07:57 |
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Jack_Sparrow | bluezy: Are you using the alt/server install cd? | 07:58 |
C-O-L-T | Hello everybody :D | 07:58 |
Joshm8ten | hello | 07:58 |
trappist | bluezy: chimay | 07:58 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: it _could_ be on BIOS anti-virus | 07:58 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Joshm8ten: Are you running a raid setup? | 07:58 |
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JosefK | mwilliams1: it might not recognise GRUB, although that's doubtful - I'd check your BIOS config | 07:59 |
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Joshm8ten | Hey. I need some help with Unbuntu. I am new to linux and tryed to install it, But it kept saying "need root drive" | 07:59 |
bluezy | Jack_Sparrow, no, but my laptops lcd is not supported | 07:59 |
Pierre | hello | 08:00 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: I've had problems with mixed SCSI and IDE on SCO before and was wondering if this was the same sort of thing? | 08:00 |
Jack_Sparrow | bluezy: Did you have the cd do its' self test for errors and were there any errors? | 08:00 |
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Pierre | is there any dapper repository with kernel 2.6.17 (or 18) for amd64? | 08:00 |
bluezy | Jack_Sparrow, no, but the thing is, the md5 was ok. | 08:00 |
The_HERO | Hi | 08:01 |
The_HERO | need help | 08:01 |
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Jack_Sparrow | bluezy: Did you md5 the download or the cd? you can have a bad burn. | 08:01 |
Jamminpotato | what version of ff is ubuntu going to include? | 08:01 |
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bluezy | the download | 08:01 |
bluezy | I'll check | 08:01 |
Jack_Sparrow | Joshm8ten: If you dont answer the questions people ask it is hard for them to help you. | 08:01 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: SCO struggles with a lot :( I'd check which drives you installed Ubuntu to, and which drives are being booted first | 08:02 |
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bluezy | The_HERO, ask? | 08:02 |
boink | just ask, we're listening | 08:02 |
The_HERO | I am running ubuntu from live Cd I want mount script for access fat32 partition on my harddisk | 08:02 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: it may be you need to make a small (256-512M) /boot partition on the first drive, and have GRUB installed to that | 08:02 |
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The_HERO | I am running ubuntu from live Cd I want mount script for access fat32 partition on my harddisk | 08:03 |
Joshm8ten | Hey. I need some help with Unbuntu. I am new to linux and tryed to install it, But it kept saying "need root drive" <-- please msg me and help :( | 08:03 |
Storkme | how do i format a flash disk in ubuntu? | 08:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Joshm8ten: Cant help you until you help yourself | 08:03 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: checked and rechecked. Initially tried to make a boot partition, tied again without. | 08:04 |
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JosefK | mwilliams1: :/ which arch is this on? | 08:04 |
sysdoc | restart ubuntu server from the term as root >restart? | 08:04 |
=== bluezy needs to reboot and retry | ||
The_HERO | I am running ubuntu from live Cd I want mount script for access fat32 partition on my harddisk | 08:04 |
Jack_Sparrow | the_h | 08:04 |
Sh4d0x | Joshm8ten: yes it is needed | 08:05 |
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mwilliams1 | josefk: last round cut it down to / on first partition and swap on another. Still no go. | 08:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | The_HERO: one sec.. it is diskmounter | 08:05 |
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Buzz_Lightyear | hi | 08:05 |
Buzz_Lightyear | I have some Questions about ubuntu linux with some Hardware ... someones here who can help or think he knows a lot of ? | 08:05 |
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Jack_Sparrow | The_HERO: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter | 08:05 |
Sh4d0x | Joshm8ten: when going through the options from the disk one of the things must be set on /root or something like it (can't rembeber it for sure) | 08:05 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: it's obscure - you get a 'no operating system found' error? | 08:05 |
GTX | Are there any decent sound editing programs on ubuntu? I need to increase the volume on a wav file | 08:05 |
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mabus | Is the alternate install cd an installation method similiar to breezy? I preferred that CD. | 08:06 |
mabus | I liked installing it in a menu with more options than the dapper desktop has. | 08:06 |
Joshm8ten | Sh4d0x >> Tryed to write /root on both harddisk. But didnt work | 08:06 |
mahousesnhi | GTX, try audacity | 08:06 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: never get that far. The bios says it found a bootable system on SCSI and then never lauches the bootloader. | 08:06 |
Sh4d0x | Joshm8ten: can you give me the other options? | 08:06 |
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JosefK | can you disable the BIOS on your SCSI drives and set them to IDE pass-through? | 08:07 |
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GTX | ok mahousesnhi thanks | 08:07 |
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Buzz_Lightyear | I want to install Linux on my System ... first as Secondary ... later as Primary ... but one thing is going on what holds me on to do that ... | 08:07 |
JosefK | it sounds like the SCSI BIOS takes control before GRUB could get a look in | 08:07 |
Sh4d0x | Joshm8ten: there are more items availeble, can you tell me them? | 08:07 |
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Joshm8ten | theres: /home /var /boot <-- But some of them need to format. And i got lots of importan stuff :( | 08:07 |
Sh4d0x | make it /boot | 08:08 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: okay that seems like it may have some potential to work. | 08:08 |
Sh4d0x | or /home | 08:08 |
Sh4d0x | Joshm8ten: only the linux partiont needs that | 08:08 |
The_HERO | jack Sparrow The link which you privide me What Should I do with the Type should I copy it and paste it in to terminal | 08:08 |
Buzz_Lightyear | can someone tell me if there is an Linux distri ... Primary Ubuntu/Kubuntu who supports Netgear WG111 V2 or RT61 from the first Start of System without Installation of driver from myself ? | 08:08 |
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JosefK | mwilliams1: or does your SCSI BIOS even have an option to disable booting? :/ | 08:09 |
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mwilliams1 | josefk: the adaptec scsi bios sees the O/S but the motherboard bios never executes the bootloader? | 08:09 |
Joshm8ten | Thx for the help.I just found the problem :( | 08:09 |
JosefK | that's my guess | 08:09 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Buzz_Lightyear: If running the live cd does not detect it you would need to install a driver or use ndiswrapper to get it going. | 08:09 |
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JosefK | we had a batch of bad Adaptec controllers so there aren't any around here I can test on though :/ | 08:10 |
mirf | do usb drives automount? | 08:10 |
Sh4d0x | Joshm8ten: what was the exact problem? | 08:10 |
gizmo_the_great1 | Hi. For some odd reason I just can't get sbackup to complete starting up. I starts to starts then just dissapears. I need to reconfigure my backup settings to include some folders that i miseed out originally. Any thoughts? | 08:10 |
Buzz_Lightyear | In the Hardware guide is written that WG111 V2 is supported since Dapper ... so i try this! Lot of Thanks! | 08:10 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mirf: they should, but not always | 08:10 |
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mirf | Jack_Sparrow, any wya I can probe for them if they aren't mounted? | 08:11 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: I hate to do it, but I think I will have boot from a floppy and launch the installer instead of boot from the CD after disable the SCSI bios. | 08:11 |
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ucordes | how can i change the icons which are used for a specific file type? | 08:11 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: if you still have a floppy drive, go for it ;) | 08:11 |
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Storkme | how do i find out what device /media/usbdisk/ is mounted from? | 08:11 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | where is the root directory of apache2 on ubuntu | 08:11 |
scott | anyone know of an irc room for ubuntu/macbooks? | 08:12 |
toxic__ | Can you see theesee characters with your keymap/encoding (dotlike) '' (doublearrow) '' ?? | 08:12 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | did you look in System>Administration>Disks? | 08:12 |
stonarmusic | anyone have trouble setting up a hp deskjet d2330? | 08:12 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Storkme: ^ | 08:12 |
teckfatt | hello, any one know the command to find a file with name ? | 08:12 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: if you want software RAID (still fast), you can setup LVM on the drives using the alternate installer | 08:12 |
mwilliams1 | josefk: Got the floppy drive, will have to see where I put that diskette. Haven't needed on of those for a while. | 08:12 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mcphail had a way of doing that this morning but I personally dont know other than sudo mount -a which just re-reads the fstab | 08:13 |
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gizmo_the_great1 | Hi. For some odd reason I just can't get sbackup to complete starting up. I starts to starts then just dissapears. I need to reconfigure my backup settings to include some folders that i miseed out originally. Any thoughts? | 08:13 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | teckfatt: find | 08:13 |
Jack_Sparrow | mirf: If you plug it in after you boot does it show? or are you trying to boot to it | 08:13 |
JosefK | teckfatt: find . -name '*pattern*' | 08:13 |
Storkme | FlyingSquirrel32, err why would you assume i'm using windows in an ubuntu support channel? | 08:13 |
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mwilliams1 | josefk: had to take out the aro-1130 hardware RAID adapter as it was, no linux support. | 08:14 |
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JosefK | teckfatt: you can do some pretty nifty things with find (find . -name 'Thumbs.db' -exec rm {} \;) for instance | 08:14 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | Storkme: I'm not those are the directions on where you can mount drives in ubuntu. | 08:14 |
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mirf | Jack_Sparrow, it doesn't show up whether I plug in before or after I boot, I am not trying to boot from it | 08:14 |
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mwilliams1 | josefk: thanks will go now, have a few things to try. | 08:15 |
RvGaTe | is it possible with openoffice to create network diagrams (like you can do with ms visio) ? | 08:15 |
JosefK | mwilliams1: np's - good luck | 08:15 |
SimonAnibal | I recently installed aiglx+compiz, however when compiz is running there are two issues (so far) that I have with it that I need to switch back to Metacity to fix. a) Trying to Quit/Logout freezes compiz, I can hit 'Esc' to get unfreeze (I'm told this is because of a gnome-session update, so my question for this is: how to I revert to a working version of gnome-session?) and b) Viewing videos in totem or mplayer, the video output is overlayed with a stra | 08:15 |
SimonAnibal | Can anyone help? | 08:15 |
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teckfatt | FlyingSquirrel32, JosefK: thank you | 08:16 |
Jack_Sparrow | mirf: Go to terminal and type "lsusb" does it show anything | 08:16 |
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mirf | ok it's there | 08:16 |
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mirf | Bus 001 Device 003: ID 05ac:1209 Apple Computer, Inc | 08:17 |
sysdoc | Anyone have a clue why >restart won't work to restart ubuntu server? | 08:17 |
mirf | it's my friend ipod, I'm fixing it for him | 08:17 |
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mirf | linux is the ONLY way to backup ipod contents imo | 08:17 |
ebel | Grr. I have a static IP and DNS server. How do I set that? /etc/resolv.conf warns me not to edit it, but settings aren't saved on reboot when I use Gnome tools. | 08:17 |
jpjacobs | sysdoc, guess it should be reboot | 08:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | mirf: Are WE on a MAc? | 08:17 |
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mirf | Jack_Sparrow, nah | 08:17 |
NewUbuntuUser | how do i install the kernal header files? | 08:17 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !gtkpod | 08:18 |
ubotu | gtkpod: manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.2-1ubuntu2 (dapper), package size 480 kB, installed size 1988 kB | 08:18 |
MrBallZ | Question: any one has problems updating the flashplugin ... dpgk gives me an error ... | 08:18 |
sysdoc | jpjacobs, lol, thanks<brain fart! | 08:18 |
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CarlFK | ebel: use the network settings gui? (it will save it in the right place) | 08:18 |
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mirf | Jack_Sparrow, I just want to mount it and rip the contents off | 08:19 |
ebel | CarlFK, yeah System>Admin>Networking. When I reboot it forgets that though. | 08:19 |
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gubuntu | how do i ssh to serial 1? | 08:19 |
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CarlFK | ebel: something is funny. mine doesn't forget | 08:19 |
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CarlFK | ebel: are you sure it is actually getting saved? | 08:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | mirf: SInce it wont mount I can only suggest gtkpod to see if it sees it... Is this the newest ipod? | 08:20 |
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mirf | Jack_Sparrow, no idea | 08:20 |
ebel | CarlFK, Yeah, when I change it and close the window I can get DNS fine. /etc/resolv.conf is saved | 08:20 |
mirf | I just tried manually mounting it on sdb1 | 08:20 |
mirf | cos I fgured that's where it would go | 08:20 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mirf: Let me look at my wifes ipod for a sec..? | 08:20 |
toxic__ | Would echoing the following work on a general keymap/encoding in a terminal '','' ? | 08:20 |
ebel | CarlFK, but when I reboot, it doesn't store the old DNS server I entered | 08:20 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | SimonAnibal: where did you get the instructions for aiglx+compiz? All the ones I find are xgl/compiz | 08:21 |
mirf | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, | 08:21 |
mirf | missing codepage or other error | 08:21 |
mirf | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 08:21 |
mirf | dmesg | tail or so | 08:21 |
lds_trooper | Jack_Sparrow, I put in a new graphics card and now X Server will not start. How do I fix this? | 08:21 |
SimonAnibal | http://corvillus.com/2006/08/03/how-to-set-up-aiglx-and-compiz-on-ubuntu-606-running-gnome/ | 08:21 |
POVaddct | mirf: is it a ipod nano? | 08:21 |
mirf | I don't know | 08:21 |
mirf | in fact no it is not | 08:21 |
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mirf | does it really matter which ipod it is | 08:21 |
mirf | ? | 08:21 |
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mirf | I mounted a nano before just by mounting it while running slax | 08:21 |
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SimonAnibal | I also had an issue that I needed http://wiki.compiz.net/index.php/Aiglx/compiz_on_an_Intel_i915_video_card to resolve | 08:22 |
NewUbuntuUser | how do i install the kernal header files? | 08:22 |
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POVaddct | mirf: my ipod nano is partitioned as two partitions. the second partition is for mp3 | 08:22 |
FlyingSquirrel32 | Thanks, how does it compare to xgl? (If you've had a chance to see) | 08:22 |
SimonAnibal | halfway down it specifies | 08:22 |
SimonAnibal | There's a small glitch with xserver-xorg-air-core: it doesn't install its own modules for input and video drivers. The workaround is to point to the Xorg modules instead: | 08:22 |
SimonAnibal | sudo ln -s /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/ /usr/lib/xorg-air/modules/ | 08:22 |
SimonAnibal | sudo ln -s /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/ /usr/lib/xorg-air/modules/ | 08:22 |
POVaddct | mirf: so try to mount sdb2 instead | 08:22 |
mirf | ah ok | 08:22 |
Nimwei | quiet: Ices doesnt appear to be passing the mount onto Icecast. | 08:22 |
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mirf | cheers thanks | 08:22 |
mirf | mounted | 08:22 |
NewUbuntuUser | how do i install the kernal header files? | 08:22 |
mirf | POVaddct, GOLD MEDAL AWARD | 08:22 |
SimonAnibal | FlyingSquirrel32: It works faster than XGL on an Intel i810 onboard video adapter | 08:23 |
POVaddct | mirf: the first paritition holds the firmware | 08:23 |
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Jack_Sparrow | mirf: MIne just comes up as well | 08:23 |
NewUbuntuUser | how do i install the kernal header files? | 08:23 |
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POVaddct | mirf: do not write to the first partition | 08:23 |
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mirf | :) OK | 08:23 |
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mirf | this one has been dropped in coffee | 08:23 |
NewUbuntuUser | how do i install the kernal header files? | 08:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | Thanks pov | 08:23 |
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mirf | the gadget shop says that can try to fix for 30 but no guarentee | 08:23 |
lds_trooper | Jack_Sparrow, I put in a new graphics card and now X Server will not start. How do I fix this? | 08:24 |
POVaddct | Jack_Sparrow: huh? | 08:24 |
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mirf | I figure I can do it for free and if I don't fix it nothign was lost | 08:24 |
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NewUbuntuUser | how do i install the kernal header files? | 08:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | SimonAnibal: Reconfigure for new hardware or if X fails run. In terminal : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:24 |
CarlFK | ebel: look at /etc/network/interfaces | 08:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | POVaddct: the ipod question | 08:25 |
NewUbuntuUser | how do i install the kernal header files? | 08:25 |
POVaddct | Jack_Sparrow: ah okay | 08:25 |
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kalif | NewUbuntuUser: udo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 08:25 |
scott | does ubuntu allow you to resize partitions inside the installer or do you have to do that beforehand? | 08:25 |
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Jack_Sparrow | POVaddct: Mine just shows up... | 08:25 |
gubluntu | newubuntuuser, search synaptic pkg manager for them | 08:25 |
kalif | I: udo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` | 08:25 |
ebel | CarlFK, /me is looking there & at man page | 08:25 |
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CarlFK | ebel: man interfaces | 08:25 |
kalif | ehhh | 08:25 |
CarlFK | good :) | 08:25 |
ebel | CarlFK, Didn't know you could put DNS stufff there. | 08:25 |
SimonAnibal | Jack_Sparrow: Ummm, maybe not meant for me? My X runs fine | 08:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | scott: You can do it from the installer gparted | 08:26 |
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Rich43 | kalif: you typed it wrong its sudo | 08:26 |
Rich43 | :P | 08:26 |
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crashd | can anyone help me with ffox-32 on ubuntu 64, ive tried using guides and/or scripts, but no matter what i do when i run firefox it loads 64bit | 08:26 |
m1ckeyknox | I'm attempting to decipher the man page for tar.... and not getting anywhere fast enough... how can I tar.gz a directory, keeping the directory structure? | 08:26 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | SimonAnibal: nice, I've got two machines to put this on, so pray for me :) | 08:27 |
ebel | CarlFK, The network interfaces stuff works fine, it's only the DNS/resolv.conf stuff that doesn't | 08:27 |
Jack_Sparrow | SimonAnibal: Reconfigure for new hardware. In terminal : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:27 |
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SimonAnibal | FlyingSquirrel32: Will do | 08:27 |
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CarlFK | ebel: huh - I thought it did dns too... hmm | 08:27 |
lds_trooper | I put in a new graphics card and now X Server will not start. How do I fix this? | 08:27 |
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M_Fatih | join /xgl | 08:27 |
M_Fatih | sorry :D | 08:27 |
gpro | Hey Im new to Ubuntu, I would like to get some help in how I could share files in a network? ( with a windows machine ) | 08:28 |
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SimonAnibal | Jack_Sparrow: Captain, I'm not having problems with xserver-xorg | 08:28 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | By default, where is the apache2 root on ubuntu? | 08:29 |
M_Fatih | i have a problem with my xgl.. i'm using turkish keyboard. i fix my language special chars with xmodmap command. but when i do this, my alt gr key not working :( (sorry my english) how can i fix this problem? | 08:29 |
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Squatch | Hello... | 08:29 |
SimonAnibal | Jack_Sparrow: Unless in some roundabout way that'll help me install an older version of gnome-session | 08:29 |
Rich43 | gpro: you need to installl samba | 08:29 |
mula | hello.. i would to know how can I install Kubuntu | 08:29 |
neviedais | FlyingSquirrel32, the document root is /var/www | 08:29 |
Rich43 | gpro: go to synaptic | 08:29 |
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FlyingSquirrel32 | neviedais: great thanks. | 08:29 |
gpro | Rich43: yeah | 08:29 |
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neviedais | FlyingSquirrel32, ur welcome. | 08:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | SimonAnibal: You are trying to configure for a new video card....? Although I have not done it.. I was told that was how you did it. | 08:30 |
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Rich43 | gpro: http://ubuntuguide.org/ has some good information | 08:30 |
SimonAnibal | Jack_Sparrow: You must have me confused with someone else, Cap'n | 08:30 |
lds_trooper | Jack_Sparrow, I am the new video card | 08:30 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Ignore me.. I must be missing something.... | 08:30 |
gpro | thx | 08:30 |
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lds_trooper | Jack_Sparrow, I missed what you said | 08:31 |
scott | when is edgy eft due out? does 6.10 mean in october? | 08:31 |
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SimonAnibal | So, maybe I asked too much at once, let me try again: | 08:31 |
bXi | does kubuntu run a firewall ? | 08:31 |
Squatch | I just installed Ubuntu and I'm getting an issue with it's Grub installation. The Ubuntu install installed to /dev/hdb1, but for some reason, when I boot up, grub sees it as (hd0,0), yet when I boot into Ubuntu, I must specify root=/dev/hdb1... Because of this confusion, Grub doesn't even see it's menu.lst so I have to manually boot every time... Any suggestions? | 08:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sorry simon | 08:31 |
SimonAnibal | Anyone know how to install an older version of a package? | 08:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | !firewall | 08:31 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) | 08:31 |
SimonAnibal | Jack_Sparrow: no problems | 08:32 |
bXi | Jack_Sparrow: i know how to set up a firewall ty :p | 08:32 |
Jack_Sparrow | You are trying to configure for a new video card....? Although I have not done it.. I was told that was how you did it. | 08:32 |
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Jack_Sparrow | In terminal : dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:32 |
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Jack_Sparrow | bXi: Was your question ... does kubuntu run a firewall ? | 08:33 |
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SimonAnibal | I'm having problems with aiglx+compiz, and I was told that a gnome-session update is the culprit, I would like to revert to gnome-session_2.14.0-0ubuntu2_i386 | 08:33 |
SimonAnibal | However, I have not the slightest clue where to start on this | 08:33 |
Jack_Sparrow | Me either | 08:34 |
lds_trooper | Jack_Sparrow, thanks... trying it now... | 08:34 |
=== guibis [n=guibis@byb190.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fredl | SimonAnibal, aiglx+compiz is beta software, use it at your own risk. | 08:34 |
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fredl | SimonAnibal, FYI however, I'm running Xgl/compiz and this works fine. | 08:35 |
bXi | Jack_Sparrow: yes, and a simple yes or no was sufficient :) | 08:35 |
bXi | but i found the issue | 08:35 |
Sakireth | Hey. I'm on Arch Linux now and i KEEP switching distro's because they all become messy, cluttered, and slow after a few months. I think this is my PC. I am sick of it, i don't want to switch distro's all the time! I need a good distro, or either a good PC. any help? :( (PS. I am banned from #ubuntu-offtopic >_<) | 08:35 |
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SimonAnibal | fredl: When you try logging off you have no problems? | 08:35 |
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fredl | SimonAnibal, some buttons have disappeared, yet. | 08:36 |
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bXi | Sakireth: what kind of pc? | 08:36 |
fredl | SimonAnibal, most notoriously the shutdown button :P | 08:36 |
Hobbesmaster | i installed some update the other day and now I'm having trouble with video acceleration on my agp x800GTO. with glxgears I get a fps of around 80, tuxracer (well, ppracer) has a very slow interface, and ut2004 refuses to start up at all. | 08:36 |
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Sakireth | bXi: Linux fantasyminded 2.6.17-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Aug 24 17:07:48 CEST 2006 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux | 08:36 |
fredl | shoot, network-manager won't detect my ipw2200 wireless card. | 08:37 |
fredl | What's up with that network-manager, it won't recognize two of the most common wireless cards, the Intel Pro and the Aironet. | 08:37 |
SimonAnibal | fredl: I can just switch to metacity (using compiz-manager) in order to logout, however I've been told the simple fix is to revert to gnome-session_2.14.0-0ubuntu2_i386, I just don't know how to do that | 08:37 |
bXi | Sakireth: do you mind to put some time in your linux? | 08:37 |
fredl | another typical Redhat product :( | 08:37 |
POVaddct | fredl: does iwconfig see it? | 08:37 |
fredl | POVaddct, yeah, it even comes up fine because it's configured in the network-config | 08:38 |
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Sakireth | bXi: Ya. but.. every time I use it for a few months, it, it.... :( | 08:38 |
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paines | hi | 08:38 |
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Sakireth | bXi: It becomes slow as heck. | 08:38 |
fredl | POVaddct, when I nm-tool though, it says no recognized interfaces | 08:38 |
POVaddct | fredl: btw, aironet is not very common nowadays | 08:38 |
fredl | POVaddct, come on, support for it has been in the kernel forever. | 08:38 |
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paines | anyone had success with module-assistant a-i nvidia + 2.6.18 ? | 08:39 |
fredl | POVaddct, that's one of the reasons I bought it. | 08:39 |
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POVaddct | fredl: yeah, but that minipci card is only built in rather old notebooks | 08:39 |
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bXi | Sakireth: can i message you for a moment ? | 08:39 |
fredl | POVaddct, not the minipci card, I got a PCMCIA card. | 08:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | Sakireth: Basic installs of almost any OS work fine.. Even XP works until the user installs so much junk that it gags... | 08:39 |
POVaddct | fredl: oh, okay | 08:39 |
Sakireth | bXi: Sure. | 08:40 |
patrik_mrx | i need some help, i'm new to ubuntu. i just updated (for the first time) amongst some onther things, i got a new kernel, how do i switch to it? | 08:40 |
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fredl | POVaddct, I even bought myself an old AP340 access point :) | 08:40 |
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POVaddct | fredl: i'd prefer something which is supported by the madwifi driver. you can build APs with it :) | 08:40 |
sproingie | Jack_Sparrow: or it gets autoupdated with enough junk that it starts to fail. my XP box now takes *minutes* to delete files for no good reason | 08:40 |
fredl | POVaddct, just coz they're so cool and have a clue about 802.1x accounting. | 08:41 |
lds_trooper | Jack_Sparrow, thanks that worked well | 08:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | patrik_mrx: Does it show up in your grub menu when you boot.. | 08:41 |
docta_v | my friend has a problem with his ubuntu system where the mouse buttons stop working intermittently. i've found mention of this problem on the forums but no solutions | 08:41 |
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sproingie | windows installer service is on manual and doesn't autostart. again no apparent reason | 08:41 |
docta_v | anyone have an idea? | 08:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | sproingie: XP automatic updates are nasty stuff... | 08:41 |
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patrik_mrx | it's yaboot, and no, it just shows mac os x, linux and "boot for cd" | 08:41 |
fredl | POVaddct, argh, AP on your wireless card?? *yikes* I know organisations that punish people for doing so. Doesn't that put the card in ad-hoc mode? | 08:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | sproingie: I use XP but it is locked down with no internet access | 08:41 |
patrik_mrx | i'm on a PPC | 08:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | brb | 08:41 |
POVaddct | fredl: not ad-hoc, but master mode | 08:41 |
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sproingie | Jack_Sparrow: i use it for games | 08:41 |
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fredl | Hmm | 08:42 |
fredl | POVaddct, ok now that's interesting. | 08:42 |
fredl | I still wish I could get network-manager to recognize my Intel Pro board. | 08:42 |
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nexact- | hey all, im trying to install sun-java5-jre.. the package isnt find but its in packages.ubuntu.com... but apt-get can't find it, why ? | 08:42 |
POVaddct | fredl: sometimes when i travel by train, i bullshit other people by running a fake hotspot | 08:42 |
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tritium | POVaddct: careful with the language please | 08:43 |
fredl | POVaddct, LOL. | 08:43 |
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POVaddct | tritium: i don't know a different word for that. i'm not a native english speaker. | 08:43 |
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fredl | I'd like to know why such a beta product as network-manager is put into the Ubuntu stable release. | 08:43 |
Fiscal | flash ??? | 08:43 |
jelly | POVaddct: "trick"? | 08:44 |
tritium | POVaddct: okay. Just try to keep this channel work/family safe. | 08:44 |
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boink | there's no need to swear | 08:44 |
POVaddct | jelly: really? okay, i improve my vocabulary :) | 08:44 |
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fredl | POVaddct, here in .nl we call that Jip & Janneke language :P | 08:44 |
Mehercle | lol | 08:45 |
raf256 | how to play fucking .mp3? | 08:45 |
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boink | aaargh | 08:45 |
raf256 | is ubuntu retarded? | 08:45 |
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Mehercle | jip en janneke rulen hoor fredl | 08:45 |
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POVaddct | fredl: hehe | 08:45 |
fredl | Mehercle, yup :) | 08:45 |
boink | maar je kunt toch 't ook normaal doen | 08:45 |
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SimonAnibal | raf256: No, it's free, try http://www.getautomatix.com | 08:45 |
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Fiscal | it is having problems in the installation of the flash-pluguin? | 08:45 |
fredl | Hmm, we should speak Dutch on this channel LOL | 08:45 |
Jon___ | hi all. I want to fetch an edgy knot 3 powerpc ISO. I'd like to opt for a jigdo download. I can't find a .jigdo for the desktop ISO, just the alternate: that's fine, but can someone tell me a value to feed to jigdo-lite when it asks for "Debian mirror"? | 08:45 |
=== strangy [n=strangy@83-131-156-236.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jelly | boink: now, now, "kunt" is suspicioulsy close to an English word. | 08:45 |
JosefK | I'm having some trouble with Suspend-to-RAM. it sleeps fine, and brings my system out of sleep fine, but then a SCSI related process starts eating up 100% CPU | 08:46 |
strangy | j #ubuntu-hr | 08:46 |
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Mehercle | jane, wat is de vertaling van retarded? | 08:46 |
Mehercle | woops | 08:46 |
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jelly | strangy: nemoj me jebat da postoji #ubuntu-hr! | 08:46 |
patrik_mrx | i need some help, i'm new to ubuntu. i just updated (for the first time) amongst some onther things, i got a new kernel, how do i switch to it? | 08:46 |
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strangy | jelly, naravno | 08:46 |
blackelf | how to play a *** mp3? or audio CD | 08:46 |
strangy | :) | 08:46 |
SimonAnibal | patrik_mrx: reboot | 08:46 |
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Fiscal | }it is having problems in the installation of the flash-pluguin? Yes ou no ? | 08:46 |
fredl | jelly, it's Dutch though and means nothing evil. | 08:46 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: w32codecs ;) | 08:46 |
Sh4d0x | wie is nl? :D | 08:47 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: no internet access | 08:47 |
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fredl | Sh4d0x, I am. | 08:47 |
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patrik_mrx | SimonAnibal, it seems that it's still the old kernel, at least according to uname | 08:47 |
jelly | fredl: eh, a false positive then. | 08:47 |
strangy | jelly, there is even www.ubuntu-hr.org :))) | 08:47 |
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blackelf | or how to play normal audio CD at least? for gods sake! | 08:47 |
Sh4d0x | fredl: i remember you :p | 08:47 |
jelly | strangy: I've found that out just today. | 08:47 |
Fiscal | it is having problems in the installation of the flash-pluguin? | 08:47 |
gpro_ | on the DNS settings, should I especify my routers IP? | 08:47 |
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gpro_ | Rich43:on the DNS settings, should I especify my routers IP? | 08:47 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: euhm you are on the inet right now ... | 08:47 |
boink | gpro: dns? | 08:47 |
blackelf | can I play audio CD in ubuntu? | 08:47 |
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fredl | jelly, Humanity to others, remember :) can't take people's freedom to speak their native tongue away :) | 08:47 |
Jon___ | (I don't currently have ubuntu installed anywhere so I can't just use something in my sources.list) | 08:48 |
boink | you could do that in /etc/hosts | 08:48 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: not my friend, he is on a phone | 08:48 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: ofcourse you can | 08:48 |
fredl | although it gets confusing sometimes *g* | 08:48 |
SimonAnibal | patrik_mrx: Hm, in my experience when I get a kernel update all I have to do is reboot and it starts using it. Have you maybe changed your grub settings through a text editor? | 08:48 |
blackelf | stucked with ubuntu with is unable to play audio! | 08:48 |
gpro_ | boink: yeah DNS, I want to create a network so I can share files with my windows. | 08:48 |
boink | the /etc/resolv.conf is your dns | 08:48 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: how? | 08:48 |
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blackelf | system seem to be using DSP | 08:48 |
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=== fredl will stick to english even if 90% of this channel becomes Dutch :) | ||
M_Fatih | i have a problem with my xgl.. i'm using turkish keyboard. i fix my language special chars with xmodmap command. but when i do this, my alt gr key not working :( (sorry my english) how can i fix this problem? | 08:48 |
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Sh4d0x | blackelf: put cd into it, a tool will recognize it and play it | 08:48 |
patrik_mrx | SimonAnibal, since i'm on a PPC it's yaboot and no, i have not touched the config file | 08:48 |
Sh4d0x | tool = serpentine | 08:49 |
TurtleBoots | !limewire | 08:49 |
Sh4d0x | if i'm not mistaken | 08:49 |
ubotu | limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative. | 08:49 |
boink | there is an #ubuntun-nl right? | 08:49 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: no | 08:49 |
TurtleBoots | !java | 08:49 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 08:49 |
fredl | boink, oh is there? LOL didnt even know that. | 08:49 |
SimonAnibal | patrik_mrx: Ah, I'm out of my depth if you're on PPC | 08:49 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: totem can not find codecs for mp3 | 08:49 |
fredl | LOL yeah there is | 08:49 |
boink | fredl: just asking, I don't know myself | 08:49 |
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SimonAnibal | blackelf: www.getautomatix.com | 08:49 |
patrik_mrx | SimonAnibal, i do not think it's that much different | 08:49 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: so you need the w32 codecs | 08:49 |
boink | most .nl computer nerds speak english well enuf | 08:49 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: which program to use to play regular audiio cd? | 08:49 |
patrik_mrx | SimonAnibal, i'll try another reboot | 08:49 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: I am without inet dude | 08:50 |
TurtleBoots | can anyone suggest an equivalent to limewire for Ubuntu? | 08:50 |
jbroome | !automatix | 08:50 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix. | 08:50 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: hold on i test it for you | 08:50 |
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jbroome | TurtleBoots: frostwire | 08:50 |
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SimonAnibal | patrik_mrx: Well, the boot manager is what picks the kernel, and I've no experience with yaboot | 08:50 |
boink | blackelf: xmms plays cd's | 08:50 |
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blackelf | boink: there is no xmms in that ubunt | 08:50 |
fredl | M_Fatih, well you could take language classes, or did you mean help with your other problem? :P | 08:50 |
TurtleBoots | jbroome: apt-get install frostwire? | 08:50 |
blackelf | installed from cd (no inet) | 08:50 |
POVaddct | blackelf: there is | 08:50 |
boink | install it? | 08:50 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: don't think you can play it | 08:50 |
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blackelf | POVaddct: how to install | 08:50 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: I can not play neither mp3 nor regular audio cd? wow this is freaking awesome | 08:50 |
POVaddct | blackelf: enable universe repo, then apt-get install xmms | 08:50 |
tugarinas | dgsdfzasds | 08:51 |
=== Sundisco [i=Sunny@g192101.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Sh4d0x | blackelf: those are restricted formats, you NEED w32codec, if not => no sound :D | 08:51 |
tugarinas | kas lt | 08:51 |
fredl | hey nobody is talking on #ubuntu-nl | 08:51 |
=== Squatch [n=Erdrick0@c-24-16-92-164.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blackelf | POVaddct: no internet | 08:51 |
nexact- | once i've updated and upgraded my ubuntu-server..will I have edgy eft? | 08:51 |
Sh4d0x | may be i can upload the package | 08:51 |
jbroome | !frostwire | 08:51 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 08:51 |
Jon___ | has anyone used jigdo for ubuntu image downloads? | 08:51 |
Sh4d0x | you download it | 08:51 |
TurtleBoots | !frostwire | 08:51 |
Sh4d0x | put it on a memory stick | 08:51 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: how to play REGULAR AUDIO CD | 08:51 |
blackelf | not mp3 | 08:51 |
POVaddct | blackelf: and which machine do you use right now? | 08:51 |
Sh4d0x | !shout | 08:51 |
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TurtleBoots | !frostwire | 08:51 |
ubotu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 08:51 |
Sundisco | hello i bought a wireless modem today and i got ubuntu installed, i bought a D-Link DWL-g510 can any1 help me PM plzzzzzz | 08:51 |
blackelf | POVaddct: that WITH internet, obviously, sherlock | 08:51 |
TurtleBoots | !frostwire | 08:52 |
ubotu | frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 08:52 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: hold on i'll take a audio cd | 08:52 |
=== uzyn [n=uzyn@cm107.delta24.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | are there linux drivers for the dwl-g510? | 08:52 |
MateoP | i get errors when installing flashplugin-nonfree but it works anyways. How do I get it to stop trying to install everytime? | 08:52 |
POVaddct | blackelf: so why don't you set this machine up as a router for the other? | 08:52 |
boink | otherwise, you'll need to use the ndiswrapper stuff | 08:52 |
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blackelf | POVaddct: bewcause it is 50 km away? | 08:52 |
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Sundisco | i dont know, not on CD only windows drivers | 08:52 |
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POVaddct | blackelf: ah okay :) | 08:52 |
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=== kozmic [n=kozmic@243.80-202-221.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uzyn | Hello, does anyone knows how can I install gcc-3.2? I can't find it in the Synaptic. | 08:52 |
THX-1138 | !mouse | 08:52 |
ubotu | Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto | 08:52 |
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TurtleBoots | !dungwire | 08:53 |
=== caplink811-log [n=caplink8@dslb-088-073-043-058.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dungwire - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:53 |
fredl | ugh, firmware for the ipw2200.... yikes is that in the Ubuntu repo? | 08:53 |
boink | ideally, you want to buy a wireless card with an atheros chip | 08:53 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: with sound juicer | 08:53 |
kozmic | is it possible to shrink a ext3 parition so i can make a seperate partition with the free'ed space? | 08:53 |
boink | the atheros drivers are really good in linux | 08:53 |
TurtleBoots | Has anyone here ever used or heard of DungWire? | 08:53 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: name of program to play? | 08:53 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: if i put in my audio disc it opens automaticly sound juicer and i can play my tracks | 08:53 |
boink | but there are other options too, like the ralink drivers as well (for the d-link G122) | 08:53 |
Jon___ | kozmic: I think in general, no. ext3 doesn't fill space up from one end to the other, files are always scattered right across the disk | 08:53 |
Sh4d0x | "sound juicer" | 08:53 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: name of program to run in command line | 08:53 |
uzyn | Hello, anyone knows where can I get gcc3.2? | 08:53 |
kozmic | Jon___: :( thanks | 08:54 |
THX-1138 | !ubotu mouse is also http://www.unix-tutorials.com/go.php?id=650 The most recent Logitech mice. | 08:54 |
boink | apt-get install gcc ? | 08:54 |
Sundisco | theres not many wireless cards for sale | 08:54 |
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Sundisco | i gotta pick | 08:54 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: good question | 08:54 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: hold on | 08:54 |
uzyn | boink: it's not in synaptic | 08:54 |
Jon___ | blackelf: gnome-cd plays audio CDs, I'm suprised it doesn't autostart when you put one in | 08:54 |
POVaddct | blackelf: then install xmms on this machine and copy the *.deb files out of /var/cache/apt/archives to a usb stick and install them on the other machine with dpkg -i <name>.deb | 08:54 |
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Sundisco | i read on the ubuntu website i could get the 1 i have no DWL G510 | 08:54 |
uzyn | boink: I needed gcc 3.2, dapper comes with 4.0 | 08:54 |
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boink | ok | 08:54 |
blackelf | POVaddct: how to download needed files on other PC and take them via CD | 08:54 |
boink | apt-cache search gcc ? | 08:54 |
Sundisco | but i dont understand | 08:54 |
uzyn | i can find gcc 3.3 but not 3.2, anyone has any idea? | 08:54 |
Sh4d0x | POVaddct: indeed it is used to autostart | 08:54 |
Sundisco | and this chat is like all messed up :/ so can some1 PM me so its easyer to talk plzzzzz thnx | 08:55 |
boink | dunno, is there a debian .deb for gcc 3.2? | 08:55 |
raknam | hey everyone, i'm trying to install easy ubuntu, but it tells me "could not apply changes. Fix broken packages first!" when i look in synaptic i don't see any broken packages, what should i do?! | 08:55 |
boink | otherwise, you may need to compile it yourself | 08:55 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: in terminal "sound-juicer" | 08:55 |
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uzyn | boink: i found this, http://packages.ubuntu.com/warty/devel/gcc-3.2 | 08:55 |
uzyn | i have no idea how to install it | 08:55 |
boink | kewl | 08:55 |
POVaddct | blackelf: apt-get install ... downloads the .deb files to /var/cache/apt/archives. unless you call "apt-get clean" this directory has many files in it | 08:55 |
uzyn | can you guide me? | 08:55 |
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blackelf | POVaddct: what? | 08:55 |
fredl | did anybody have to install ieee80211-source to get network-manager to work?? | 08:56 |
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Jon___ | boink: I can't find one. there's a 3.3 | 08:56 |
Sh4d0x | blackelf: did it worked? | 08:56 |
blackelf | POVaddct: my computer is with inet, with ubuntu | 08:56 |
blackelf | Sh4d0x: testing | 08:56 |
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boink | !apt-get | 08:56 |
kozmic | is gparted installed on the Ubuntu Live/Install CD ? | 08:56 |
ubotu | apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 08:56 |
THX-1138 | !WoW | 08:56 |
ubotu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 08:56 |
blackelf | how the hell can I use apt-get - there is no net | 08:56 |
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amarokker | Hi, how do i add this http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ repo to sources list? | 08:56 |
boink | you have an ubuntu cd? | 08:56 |
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Sh4d0x | blackelf: chill ;) you can also apt-get from cd | 08:56 |
raknam | does anyone know how i can fix my broken packages? | 08:56 |
amarokker | just precede it with 'deb' and then plf afterwards? | 08:56 |
=== Jon___ remembers using THX-1138 as a root password once: not a good idea. | ||
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uzyn | Where can I get gcc3.2? | 08:57 |
uzyn | which file should I download? | 08:57 |
boink | heh, root passwd in ubuntu ? :) | 08:57 |
egon_spengler | amarokker: I believe you will find the plf ubuntu repositories are dead | 08:57 |
TurtleBoots | any other alternatives to limewire anyone? | 08:57 |
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POVaddct | blackelf: use apt-get on the machine you are now. then copy the appropriate files out of /var/cache/apt/archives to a usb stick | 08:57 |
LDS_Trooper | not certain how to word this one... here goes. Every so often my system will momentarily freeze then give 4 short beeps and sometimes blackout... then it comes back. Often this happens several times during the day. What is it and how do I fix it? | 08:57 |
MateoP | i get errors when installing flashplugin-nonfree but it works anyways. How do I get it to stop trying to install everytime? | 08:57 |
amarokker | egon_spengler: am trying to get the win32 codecs. | 08:57 |
Jon___ | uzyn: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/download.pl?arch=i386&file=pool%2Funiverse%2Fg%2Fgcc-3.2%2Fgcc-3.2_3.2.3-9_i386.deb&md5sum=5f6f25288c79026f9dd2199c2fca1063&arch=i386&type=main | 08:57 |
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michoelc | hi. haven't turned on my ubuntu pc for about 6 months. now i try "apt-get update" and it says can not open lock file - permission denied, but it worked before, can someone help, tia | 08:58 |
TurtleBoots | !p2p | 08:58 |
ubotu | Conventional P2P clients: Limewire/GTK-Gnutella/Frostwire (Gnutella Network). BitTorrent: see !torrent Direct connect: try valknut. Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information. | 08:58 |
uzyn | wow, thanks Jon___ | 08:58 |
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SimonAnibal | !gnome-session | 08:58 |
Jon___ | uzyn: no prob. You may find it has dependencies you need too, check http://packages.ubuntu.com/warty/devel/gcc-3.2 | 08:58 |
Sundisco | hello i bought a wireless modem today and i got ubuntu installed, i bought a D-Link DWL-g510 can any1 help me ?????? | 08:58 |
ubotu | gnome-session: The GNOME 2 Session Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.14.3-0ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 232 kB, installed size 2372 kB | 08:58 |
egon_spengler | amarokker: deb http://debian-multimedia.org/ stable main | 08:58 |
amarokker | trying, thanks. :) | 08:58 |
Otacon22 | !real | 08:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about real - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 08:59 |
Otacon22 | !realplayer | 08:59 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 08:59 |
docta_v | i have a problem with my mouse... the buttons stop working randomly and then will begin working again after maybe an hour. a lot of people seem to have the same problem on the forums...any suggestions? | 08:59 |
boink | http://packages.ubuntu.com/warty/devel/gcc-3.2 | 08:59 |
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uzyn | Jon___,boink, is it possible if I add Warty's repo into Dapper's repo and do it from Synaptic? | 09:00 |
uzyn | As I do not really know what to do with .deb | 09:00 |
romaluca | how i can to extract a file .ace? | 09:01 |
AZzKikR | ace sux0r | 09:01 |
Sundisco | hello i bought a wireless pci-card today and i got ubuntu installed, i bought a D-Link DWL-g510 can any1 help me installing it ?????? | 09:01 |
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Jon___ | uzyn: yes, you'd add the repo to /etc/apt/sources.list; and you'd need to add something to /etc/apt/apt.conf too I think, APT::Default-Release "dapper"; or whatever you are using by default | 09:01 |
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uzyn | Oh, thanks Jon___. | 09:02 |
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LDS_Trooper | not certain how to word this one... here goes. Every so often my system will momentarily freeze then give 4 short beeps and sometimes blackout... then it comes back. Often this happens several times during the day. What is it and how do I fix it? | 09:02 |
livingdaylight | installed wine from synaptics, now what? I have a language cd rom for Spanish verbs, but still can't install the exe program | 09:02 |
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Sundisco | hello i bought a wireless pci-card today and i got ubuntu installed, i bought a D-Link DWL-g510 can any1 help me installing it ?????? | 09:02 |
amarokker | how well does linux deal with intel's core 2 duo? is it optimized for it or do we just have to use the generic i686 | 09:02 |
Jon___ | uzyn: debian has "unace", it might be in universe | 09:02 |
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Jon___ | uzyn: sorry wrong nick | 09:02 |
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Jon___ | romaluca: debian has "unace", it might be in universe | 09:03 |
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stonarmusic | livingdaylight - browse to the exe, right-click, and choose open with wine | 09:03 |
Jack_Sparrow | LDS_Trooper: those beeps are a hardware error code. Google your bios type and error beeps to find out specifically what it is trying to tell you | 09:03 |
amarokker | Sundisco: try searching the ubuntuguide for ndiswrapper. | 09:03 |
nexact- | E: Couldn't find package sun-j2re1.5 ... how come ?! my sources.list is fine... ? | 09:03 |
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fredl | Hrmm how do I find out which firmware version my Intel Pro wireless card has? | 09:03 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !java | 09:03 |
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 09:04 |
amarokker | see if you make any progress there. i dunno, someone else here might be able to give you a direct hint- never used anything wireless. | 09:04 |
Zdra | where can I find package's changelog ? | 09:04 |
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LDS_Trooper | Jack_Sparrow, thanks.. from those searches it seems to suggest a timer failure and in the solution it offers little specifics... | 09:04 |
togga | hi. I've got a brand new compter with the Intel Dual Core X6800. Of course I want to install a 64bit Linux distribution on it. Which ubuntu install is for me? amd64? | 09:04 |
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boink | http://www.computing.net/linux/wwwboard/forum/28435.html <= DWL-G510/ubuntu | 09:04 |
Xal | Hi, I'm using the default bw43xx driver that comes with Ubuntu, and I'm trying to get it to work with WPA. I have tried wm-applet, but I'm not having any luck. | 09:04 |
michoelc | hi, can someone help, i am trying "apt-get update" and it says "Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)", tia | 09:04 |
LDS_Trooper | I'll keep looking now that I know its not an Ubuntu issue | 09:04 |
Sundisco | okay | 09:04 |
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SimonAnibal | Well, have fun ya'll, bye | 09:04 |
fredl | michoelc, use sudo | 09:04 |
minerale | what are the units for the load average ? | 09:04 |
Xal | The light for my network card comes on, but I can't connect to a network. Networks are recognized, but when i enter a password, it doesn't accept it. | 09:04 |
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Jack_Sparrow | LDS_Trooper: Sometimes a timer failure is due to heat.... is this a lappy or desktop | 09:04 |
stonarmusic | michoelc - ttry 'sudo apt-get update" | 09:04 |
boink | !ndiswrapper | 09:05 |
ubotu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 09:05 |
Xal | I followed that guide. | 09:05 |
LDS_Trooper | desktop | 09:05 |
afmacedo | Hey guys... I have an Ultra Newbie question... somebody can help me? | 09:05 |
Xal | It said that Ubuntu has a native driver. | 09:05 |
Xal | Is Ndiswrapper better to use? | 09:05 |
boink | afmacedo: just ask | 09:05 |
michoelc | ah thats what it was, im out of touch :-) | 09:05 |
LDS_Trooper | recently moved to a different case | 09:05 |
stonarmusic | ask it! | 09:05 |
boink | Xal: if there are native linux drivers, they're better to use | 09:05 |
fredl | Xal, if Linux recognizes it I wouldn't bother about ndiswrapper. | 09:05 |
afmacedo | boink, I want to add an item to the "Help Menu", how can I do this? | 09:05 |
Jack_Sparrow | LDS_Trooper: Did you add fans or drives in the move? | 09:05 |
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Xal | yeah, but I can't connect to a network. | 09:05 |
boink | you should only use the ndsiwrapper stuff as a last resort | 09:05 |
Xal | I can only find them. | 09:05 |
Xal | It prompts me for a password, but it doesn't accept it. It does crash my router though. | 09:06 |
Sh4d0x | Xal: same probleme here | 09:06 |
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Xal | What was your solution? | 09:06 |
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Sh4d0x | not use it? i'm always on lan when i'm on ubuntu | 09:06 |
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Xal | ah | 09:06 |
Jack_Sparrow | LDS_Trooper: New power supply or the old one? http://extreme.outervision.com/psucalculator.jsp to calc what ps size you need for your config | 09:06 |
LDS_Trooper | Jack_Sparrow, no, just moved everything over because the sound card was not fitting well in the old case, nor was the Motherboard | 09:07 |
Xal | Well, I've had it working with ndiswrapper before. | 09:07 |
TurtleBoots | does anyone know how to configure the firewall for GTK Gnutells? | 09:07 |
Xal | I think I'll just use that, if I can figure it out again ^^ | 09:07 |
LDS_Trooper | And both sides of the case are open | 09:07 |
TurtleBoots | *Gnutella | 09:07 |
Sh4d0x | Xal: i've een looking for a whoooooooooole time, just can't get it to work | 09:07 |
afmacedo | Does anybody knows? "How to add an item to the 'Help Menu'?" | 09:07 |
LDS_Trooper | So I'm not too sure about heat... | 09:07 |
Sh4d0x | Xal: lol :D | 09:07 |
blackelf | I am back | 09:07 |
gpro_ | Hello, Im need help sharing files on a networksever with winXp. Im behind a router and I would like to know if I need specific settings in order to see the winXp machine on the network? | 09:07 |
blackelf | so I can not watch movies nor listen to mp3? | 09:07 |
blackelf | damn patents | 09:07 |
TurtleBoots | !firewall | 09:07 |
ubotu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed with iptables (in the command line) or firestarter (gui, can also setup connection sharing) | 09:07 |
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blackelf | really all mp3 players are patented? | 09:07 |
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Jack_Sparrow | LDS_Trooper: Having the case open can sometimes work to your disadvantage as air flow is not directed properly past the components | 09:08 |
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boink | mp3 itself is a patent | 09:08 |
boink | ogg is non-patent, totally free | 09:08 |
livingdaylight | stonarmusic: when it says it saves to Program/blabla, do i just let it carry on? | 09:08 |
LDS_Trooper | Jack_Sparrow, I never thought of that.. I will put the sides on and see if that helps | 09:08 |
livingdaylight | stonarmusic: at the end it asks me to eject cd and click finish but the cd wont eject | 09:08 |
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livingdaylight | stonarmusic: so i clicked finish anyways, and it says failed | 09:09 |
AZzKikR | when you sell audio clips using the mp3 codec, you are entitled to give the makers of it a share | 09:09 |
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fredl | *cringe* network-manager doesn't recognize my Intel Pro wireless card even with the latest ieee80211-source installed | 09:09 |
spudds | I have an install/boot problem, can anyone offer advice? Is there etiquette for asking in here? | 09:09 |
AZzKikR | if you don't, it's freely usable iirc | 09:09 |
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afmacedo | Does anybody knows? "How to add an item to the 'Help Menu'?" | 09:09 |
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Sundisco | I CBA WITH LUNIX | 09:09 |
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pianoboy3333 | Where are the xchat-gnome conf. files kept? I don't see a ~/.xchat-gnome | 09:09 |
blackelf | so | 09:10 |
jme | Hi, I'm having some trouble with a soundblaster 64 | 09:10 |
Sundisco | Read this | 09:10 |
Sick | How can i switch a task like in Windows by ALT-TAB ? (Ubuntu5.1/Gnome) | 09:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | spudds: just ask your question... DId you have the cd do a self test for errors.. yes, even though it may boot you may still have an error | 09:10 |
jme | what should I check to make sure it's installed right? | 09:10 |
blackelf | ubuntu rather sucks about multimedia, before downloading the codecs? | 09:10 |
Sundisco | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported | 09:10 |
blackelf | thoes codes are legal in EU but not in USA right? | 09:10 |
stonarmusic | livingdaylight - the cd won't eject, because it's still mounted by linux, sounds like wine wants it ejected for some reason | 09:10 |
Sundisco | it says G510 is supported | 09:10 |
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Sundisco | i bought it | 09:10 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Sick: I use the mouse wheel while over the lower task bar | 09:10 |
Sundisco | and now its not supported ? | 09:10 |
Sundisco | ftw ? | 09:10 |
cpk2 | spudds: the etiquette is ask your question and be patient | 09:11 |
spudds | Just installed Ubuntu (twice). Both times, it gets to "Uncompressing Linux... ok. booting kernel" then hangs. Tried recovery but nothing in /var/log of interest. Any advice? | 09:11 |
uzyn | Hi, now that I've got gcc-3.2, how can I set Ubuntu to compile with gcc-3.2 instead of 4.0? | 09:11 |
boink | kewl | 09:11 |
jme | any idea how to check on a Soundblaster 64 card? | 09:11 |
boink | you need to compile some code? | 09:11 |
Sick | Jack_Sparrow: i need a keyboard-shortcut, because my application hang up in fullscreen. | 09:11 |
=== AngryElf [n=jsharpe@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | spudds: DId you have the cd do a self test for errors.. | 09:11 |
mthe | is there someone smart who can explain to a newbie how the firewall system works on (ed)ubuntu>? :o got firestarter working, but i want it to auto-start... | 09:11 |
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mthe | i can make stuff auto-start, but it prompts me for the admin password | 09:12 |
uzyn | boink, yeah i'm trying to compile | 09:12 |
MartySkitch | spudds: did you try the live CD first? | 09:12 |
AngryElf | hey all -- the ATI installer for FireGL is giving me "dpkg-architecture: command not found" does that program exist in a current pacakge? | 09:12 |
spudds | I installed from an iso. The 6.06 server iso. I'll try running that see what happens. | 09:12 |
mthe | and teh entire point of it is that it works when i am not here... ^ ^ | 09:12 |
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jme | !sound | 09:12 |
afmacedo | Does anybody knows? "How to add an item to the 'Help Menu'?" I've already searched all around my Ubuntu. | 09:12 |
ubotu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure alsa is selected by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (Alsa Mixer). If you are still having problems with sound, then look at http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSoundProblems | 09:12 |
Jack_Sparrow | mthe: The firewall is always up... You only use the manager to change the settings | 09:12 |
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uzyn | boink: http://www.qualnet.com/products/developer/sysreq.php it's this program. It requires gcc 3.2 to compile | 09:12 |
livingdaylight | stonarmusic: the cd needs to be ejected to complete installation | 09:12 |
mthe | so i needn't bother adding it to perform then? ;) lol | 09:12 |
uzyn | boink, I've tried making, it's still using 4.0 | 09:12 |
uzyn | boink: even thoguh I have gcc3.2 installed now | 09:13 |
mthe | ty vm jack_sparrow ;) | 09:13 |
LDS_Trooper | bbiab | 09:13 |
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jinxi | is there a dock like os x for ubuntu?? | 09:13 |
blackelf | I have debian with inet. Friend have ubuntu 5.04 without inet; How to download and take on CD the files he need to install xmms, amarok, mplayer, kaffeine, and win codecs? | 09:13 |
livingdaylight | anyone know how i can eject a cd from cd tray? wine is locking it in or something | 09:13 |
blackelf | livingdaylight: umount -l /dev/hdd | 09:13 |
stonarmusic | livingdaylight - yeah, you could make an iso of the disc and mount and run the exe off of the image, i think. and then at the appropriate time umount it. | 09:13 |
Sick | Jack_Sparrow: i need a keyboard-shortcut to switch the task, because my application hang up in fullscreen. alternatively a shortcur to close the current active window. | 09:13 |
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kalif | AngryElf: dpkg-architecture is in dpkg-dev | 09:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | afmacedo: Not sure if it applies... but Use Terminal and type gconf-editor | 09:14 |
blackelf | livingdaylight: then eject | 09:14 |
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Jack_Sparrow | Sick: No idea.. sorry | 09:14 |
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raknam | so i'm trying to use easy ubuntu, but its telling me i have broken packages. but no broken packages show up in synaptic package manager, what should i do? | 09:14 |
uzyn | Hi, anyone knows how can I use an older version of gcc to compile now that I have it installed? | 09:14 |
afmacedo | Jack_Sparrow, the only thing that you cannot configure using gconf-editor is the "help one" | 09:14 |
stonarmusic | livingdaylight - or do what blackelf says | 09:14 |
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cess | dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/some.iso? hehe idk :p | 09:14 |
we2by | is there a dock like os x for ubuntu?? | 09:14 |
Jack_Sparrow | raknam: those scripts are not advised.... | 09:14 |
uzyn | A software, Qualnet, needs to be compiled with gcc3.2 but Dapper comes with 4.0. I've got 3.2 installed but have no idea how to compile with it | 09:15 |
cess | w3by, try gdesklets | 09:15 |
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raknam | i thought easy ubuntu was advised but automatix wasn't | 09:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | afmacedo: Sorry it was my only idea.. | 09:15 |
spudds | Just completed the CD rom integrity check. No issues. | 09:15 |
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Xal | I got my wireless to work with ndiswrapper :D | 09:15 |
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kalif | uzyn: you have gcc3.2 installed? | 09:15 |
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uzyn | kalif: yes | 09:15 |
afmacedo | Jack_Sparrow, no problem, I'll keep trying! :) | 09:15 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: i have sata drive, so sda? | 09:15 |
kalif | ok | 09:15 |
uzyn | kalif: just got it installed | 09:15 |
uzyn | kalif: how do I 'make' with it? | 09:15 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: umount -l /dev/sda1? | 09:15 |
cess | Xal, i got wireless with ipw3945 | 09:15 |
blackelf | livingdaylight: dunno check with hdparm /dev/hda perhaps | 09:15 |
raknam | easy ubuntu not necessarily advised, but safe... or is that just safe compared to automatix? | 09:15 |
cess | :D | 09:15 |
kalif | uzyn: CC=/usr/bin/gcc3.2 make | 09:16 |
spudds | Is there any file I can check to see why it's hagning on the kernel boot step? | 09:16 |
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blackelf | livingdaylight: /dev/sda not sda1 .... but wait sda1 seem to be a hard disc partition! | 09:16 |
uzyn | kalif, thanks. let me try that | 09:16 |
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dereks | is there an opposite of grep? ie instead of printing lines with text, i want something that prints without? | 09:16 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: yes, sorry, so what is the cd rom called? | 09:16 |
kalif | dereks: grep -v | 09:16 |
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Jack_Sparrow | raknam: It has been improved... Safe... you seem to have similar problems to others that have used them.. | 09:17 |
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Jack_Sparrow | !easyubuntu | 09:17 |
ubotu | EasyUbuntu is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ ; for help and or discussions about EasyUbuntu please join #easyubuntu. | 09:17 |
kalif | uzyn: you might need to find the real path to where you have gcc-3.2 installed | 09:17 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: done | 09:17 |
pianoboy3333 | Where are the xchat-gnome conf. files kept? I don't see a ~/.xchat-gnome | 09:17 |
uzyn | kalif, yeah i realised so | 09:17 |
kalif | :) | 09:17 |
raknam | thanks! | 09:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | raknam: Use at your own risk says it all | 09:17 |
dereks | kalif: k | 09:17 |
dereks | thanks | 09:17 |
spudds | Having an install/boot problem. Installed Ubuntu 6.06(?) twice now. Both times, after installation has completed successfully, it gets to the "booting the kernel" message and hangs. I've verified the install CD is fine. Looked in /var/log nothing | 09:17 |
boink | which gcc-3.2 | 09:17 |
uzyn | kalif: how do I do it? I just have to dig around? | 09:17 |
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boink | or do an "updatedb" .. then locate gcc-3.2 | 09:18 |
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Jack_Sparrow | spudds: Did you try the live cd or only the server install? | 09:18 |
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we2by | is there a dock like os x for ubuntu?? | 09:18 |
kalif | spudds: hvow can you look in /var/log if your system doesn't boot? | 09:18 |
uzyn | boink, thanks | 09:18 |
kupesoft | I'm getting massive apt-get errors and I don't know what to do. I tried to install the debian package for jedit off of jedit.com and now it's screwed up. | 09:18 |
spudds | Jack_Sparrow: Only the server install | 09:18 |
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spudds | kalif: Recovery mode from the CD, getting a shell and more'ing the file | 09:19 |
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skold | how can i open a file at the end of the file with vim ? | 09:19 |
kalif | ahh | 09:19 |
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blackelf | gnome-cd works both with dsp and alsa? | 09:19 |
kalif | spudds: but if it doesn't get any further than booting the kernel, syslog isn't running.... | 09:19 |
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kalif | actually nothing is running | 09:19 |
kupesoft | # dpkg --remove jedit | 09:19 |
kupesoft | dpkg: error processing jedit (--remove): | 09:19 |
kupesoft | Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should | 09:19 |
kupesoft | reinstall it before attempting a removal. | 09:19 |
kupesoft | Errors were encountered while processing: | 09:19 |
kupesoft | jedit | 09:19 |
spudds | kalif: prob. why all the logs are empty :) | 09:19 |
kalif | :) | 09:19 |
spudds | kalif: any diagnostic avenues for me? | 09:20 |
kupesoft | I can't reinstall it! | 09:20 |
kupesoft | help, please | 09:20 |
tritium | kupesoft: don't paste please | 09:20 |
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boink | apt-cache search jedit ? | 09:20 |
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cpk2 | kupesoft: reconfigure it? | 09:20 |
kalif | spudds: ehh | 09:20 |
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kupesoft | boink: returned "jedit -" | 09:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | kupesoft: You are the third person this week that got hosed trying to install that from jedit.com | 09:20 |
kupesoft | What did the other two do? | 09:21 |
spudds | kalif: is there any way to diagnose why the kernel won't boot on my system? | 09:21 |
boink | then apt-get install jedit, using the ubuntu version | 09:21 |
mthe | lol | 09:21 |
boink | see if that works .. | 09:21 |
kalif | spudds: it's tough | 09:21 |
boink | apt-get can de deadly when it goes wrong | 09:21 |
Shadow_mil | My sound is not working correctly | 09:21 |
Jack_Sparrow | kupesoft: If I knew I would tell you... dont know that they did solve it.. | 09:21 |
kupesoft | boink: "E: The package jedit needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it." | 09:21 |
boink | apt-get remove ? | 09:21 |
boink | same result? | 09:21 |
kupesoft | yes. | 09:21 |
uzyn | boink, kalif: I've found it. It's indeed at /usr/bin/gcc-3.2. However, I tried CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.2 gcc -v , and it's still showing version 4.0 | 09:21 |
kupesoft | exact same | 09:21 |
spudds | kalif: Does Ubuntu work inside Vmware? | 09:22 |
kalif | spudds: maybe "linux init=/bin/sh" from the bootloader | 09:22 |
kalif | yes | 09:22 |
jme | any idea how to check on a Soundblaster 64 card? | 09:22 |
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boink | jme: check? what do you mean? | 09:22 |
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jme | boink: well, see how far the auto-installation got | 09:22 |
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jme | so I can pick it up and fix it | 09:23 |
boink | if the system sees the card? | 09:23 |
jme | yeah | 09:23 |
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boink | you could try "dmesg|less" | 09:23 |
olorin | uzyn, it's not a mistake ... gcc -v will always show the last version since /usr/bin/gcc is a link to gcc-4.0 | 09:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | spudds: Trying to bot the livecd may shed some light on the problem.. | 09:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | boot | 09:23 |
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kupesoft | I googled it | 09:23 |
kupesoft | found solution | 09:23 |
boink | kewl | 09:23 |
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omar | Hello | 09:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | kupesoft: What was the soultion? | 09:23 |
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olorin | uzyn, however, the compilation should use gcc-3.2 if you redefined the CC variable | 09:24 |
uzyn | oh, thanks olorin | 09:24 |
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vdepizzol | how can I disable the text file preview in nautilus? | 09:24 |
omar | I am trying to configure evolution with gmail and eventhough I follow the guide it not happen to work at all | 09:24 |
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Shadow_mil | My sound is not working correctly | 09:25 |
spudds | kalif: got further with linix init=/bin/sh but VFS threw an error VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" | 09:25 |
boink | does the system see the card? | 09:25 |
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Shadow_mil | boink: Yes | 09:25 |
boink | hmm, and the permissions for the sound device? | 09:26 |
kalif | spudds: sounds like your disk isn't recognised at boottime | 09:26 |
boink | I would pressume that isn't so complicated in ubuntu as in debian | 09:26 |
skold | how can i open a file at the end of the file with vim ? | 09:26 |
qatsi | omg, linux is so damn slow, something is wrong, and im not runing xgl :S....strange | 09:26 |
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jme | thanks boink | 09:26 |
quiet | there is no alsaconf on ubuntu? | 09:26 |
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kalif | skold: G | 09:26 |
boink | think so | 09:26 |
omar | I am trying to configure evolution with gmail and eventhough I follow the guide it not happen to work at all | 09:26 |
spudds | kalif: It seemed as if it was properly configured and formatted at install time. Could this be due to multiple scsi disks or vmware settings? | 09:26 |
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boink | man alsaconf would get that | 09:26 |
tritium | quiet: no, it's buggy and no longer maintained | 09:26 |
estagio | estagio | 09:26 |
quiet | so what are you supposed to use? | 09:26 |
Shadow_mil | boink: some sounds work, but I can't play music files | 09:26 |
skold | kalif: thx | 09:27 |
quiet | udev? | 09:27 |
boink | can you play ogg files? | 09:27 |
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kalif | spudds: more likely a wrong disksetting somewhere in vmware | 09:27 |
Shadow_mil | boink: not sure | 09:27 |
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tritium | quiet: hardware auto-detection usually works | 09:27 |
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boink | try the ogg files | 09:27 |
grogoreo | hi | 09:27 |
werner | hi all | 09:27 |
spudds | kalif: Going to try another re-install with a single scsi disk and see what happens. thx for the help | 09:27 |
Shadow_mil | where are ogg files? | 09:27 |
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quiet | tritium, usually yes... but if it had, then i wouldn't be asking. | 09:27 |
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boink | try www.vorbis.com | 09:27 |
kalif | spudds: which scsi-controller are you using? | 09:27 |
boink | or just pull some off google | 09:28 |
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Sanne | hi | 09:28 |
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boink | which software are you using to play the files? | 09:28 |
werner | someone thare who knows what madder could be that an wine emu will dissapear when i klick on it? | 09:28 |
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boink | realplayer plays many different formats | 09:28 |
_Rappy_ | ah, that's why I always have a highlight on the ubuntuchannel when I come to work in the morning. A username mating my real name; werner :P | 09:28 |
Sakireth | boink: BoinkPlayer 1.0 | 09:28 |
werner | i mean in compiz and xgl | 09:28 |
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boink | heh .. boinkplayer :) | 09:29 |
grogoreo | I'm using edgy (I know this is the normal ubuntu channel but no one is speaking on ubuntu+1) and I have a problem with python-apt and python-gst0.10 http://pastebin.com/790777 I can not update either of them | 09:29 |
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omar | I am trying to configure evolution with gmail and eventhough I follow the guide it not happen to work at all | 09:29 |
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Sakireth | omar: omar: omar: omar: omar: err, i don't know houw. | 09:30 |
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Sh4d0x | omar: google, there are plenty of guides who can help you out with that | 09:31 |
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we2by | is there a dock like os x for ubuntu?? | 09:31 |
Shadow_mil | Yes I can play ogg | 09:31 |
boink | kewl | 09:31 |
h4ch3r | when we go to have nvu available for translation? | 09:31 |
marcin_ant | hi guys | 09:32 |
omar | sh4d0x: yes I found a lot but doesn't work in my pC | 09:32 |
boink | try to download a mp3 file and try that too | 09:32 |
Sh4d0x | omar: use thunderbird :D | 09:32 |
marcin_ant | can someone advise me how to install ubuntu on machine with asus p5b and core 2 duo cpu? | 09:32 |
olorin | we2by, gdesklets propose a similar launchbar | 09:32 |
=== Lord [n=Lord@AC8DFDCD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | marcin: which type of cpu? optrons? | 09:33 |
Lord | hi all | 09:33 |
boink | 32 bit or 64 bit? | 09:33 |
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Lord | i got ubuntu today | 09:33 |
boink | kewl | 09:33 |
Lord | 64 bit of course... | 09:33 |
marcin_ant | boink, core 2 duo - intel | 09:34 |
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Lord | just have a few questions if thats ok... | 09:34 |
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cpk2 | did you guys know ubuntu actually invested in putting a billboard up? | 09:34 |
boink | sure, ask away | 09:34 |
we2by | olorin, can I use gdesklets with compiz together? | 09:34 |
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kalif | cpk2: where? | 09:34 |
n0dl|laptop | is there any reprecussion to using the 915resolution package? | 09:34 |
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Lord | um, firstly, where is the best place to get software for it? | 09:34 |
cpk2 | san francisco | 09:34 |
boink | marcin_ant: in my opinion it should install just fine | 09:34 |
kalif | cpk2: URL? | 09:34 |
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boink | Lord: for ubuntu? | 09:34 |
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Lord | also, will any linux software work, or does it have to be specifically for ubuntu? | 09:34 |
marcin_ant | boink, unfortunately you are wrong :( | 09:34 |
olorin | we2by, gdesklest use real transparency, so have a look | 09:34 |
boink | !apt-get | 09:34 |
ubotu | apt is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE) | 09:34 |
cpk2 | i dont have a url I saw it when I was driving into the city | 09:34 |
Lord | yes boink, ubuntu 64bit | 09:34 |
afmacedo | Does anybody knows? "How to add an item to the 'Help Menu'?" | 09:35 |
=== Toohls [n=tony@c-8cf3e253.42-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | ubuntu comes with about or over 10,000 packages | 09:35 |
unimatrix9 | where would mysql be located on ubuntu? | 09:35 |
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tritium | Lord: you should try to use ubuntu packages | 09:35 |
Lord | well i ordered the cd, it came with some basic software, an app manager etc | 09:35 |
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beavis | 2.6.15-27 doesn't work here, no more X, is there any solution for this issue with nvidia again? | 09:35 |
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boink | Lord: you have an internet connection? | 09:35 |
kalif | cpk2: make sure it's there in the beginning of november, ok :) | 09:35 |
boink | adsl? | 09:35 |
Lord | not on that computer | 09:35 |
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boink | oooh, ouch | 09:35 |
cpk2 | kalif: haha ok | 09:35 |
n0dl|laptop | anyone know? | 09:35 |
marcin_ant | boink, this mobo has no support for ide in chipset (ich 8) and uses external pata controller on jmicron chip that's not supported | 09:35 |
Lord | i can download software here and ferry it accross tho | 09:35 |
n0dl|laptop | *sorry wrong window | 09:35 |
brasko | hi, I'm going to start an irc daemon for me and a few friends to use | 09:35 |
unimatrix9 | any one here using mysql? | 09:35 |
brasko | which one should I chose? | 09:35 |
Lord | this is running xp btw, i'm just trying different os's now | 09:36 |
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unimatrix9 | or ubuntu server? | 09:36 |
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kalif | unimatrix9: /var/lib/mysql/ | 09:36 |
cpk2 | it was funny the ad was "ubuntu linux for human beings" | 09:36 |
boink | I don't know if there are additional ubuntu cd's with just .debs on them | 09:36 |
marcin_ant | boink, and while I don't own sata cd/dvd than I cannot boot ubuntu installer | 09:36 |
unimatrix9 | ok | 09:36 |
blackelf | how to play freaking cd!!11 | 09:36 |
blackelf | audio cd | 09:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Lord: Synaptic will list lots of software and install it for you...system..admin...synaptic | 09:36 |
cpk2 | and then underneath it said "^ and servers too" | 09:36 |
botxj | hey guys, i'm trying to install something and this autogen.sh script asked for a command that i dont have called "libtoolize" do you know what that is? | 09:36 |
=== eugman [n=chatzill@c-71-199-127-163.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | apt-get install libtool | 09:36 |
eugman | What do I need to play .m4a files? | 09:36 |
Lord | um, if i am downloading programs to be installing later, do they have to be specifically written for x64? | 09:36 |
kalif | !apt-file | 09:37 |
ubotu | apt-file is a program that can tell you in which package you can find the files you look for. sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update | 09:37 |
botxj | thank you boink | 09:37 |
brasko | can anyone recommend a specific irc daemon? | 09:37 |
kalif | botxj: you need apt-file | 09:37 |
boink | ircd? heh .. that's a good one | 09:37 |
=== tombs [n=tombs@ip5650dcfa.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Tjoels | XChat | 09:37 |
gpro_ | How do I view computers attached to the network via console??? | 09:37 |
boink | arp -a | 09:37 |
botxj | is apt-file a standard command in ubuntu? | 09:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Lord: It is best to stick with the repos for your software until you get comfortable with Ubuntu | 09:37 |
Lord | um, having said there's no i-net there, i can probably rig something up tho | 09:38 |
boink | hmm, is apt-file like apt-cache search ? | 09:38 |
kalif | botxj: i think it's in universe | 09:38 |
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kalif | not sure though | 09:38 |
Lord | the only problem is that i'm using aol here, so i dunno how that will work... | 09:38 |
Tjoels | brasko: XChat rules | 09:38 |
blackelf | what programs can I use to play audio CD in ubuntu? gnome-cd do not work | 09:38 |
boink | heh .. aol, should work fine | 09:38 |
tritium | boink: no, different purposes | 09:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !xmms | 09:38 |
ubotu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Banshee, Beep Media Player, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 09:38 |
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Lord | um, as in, how do i connect to the web from the ubuntu computer? | 09:39 |
boink | realplayer is also an ubuntu .deb | 09:39 |
unimatrix9 | how can i check mysql is working? | 09:39 |
boink | ps aux|grep mysql | 09:39 |
Lord | i've never used it before, don't have much of a clue | 09:39 |
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boink | got to start somewhere :) | 09:39 |
Lord | yes... i am ok with computers in general tho, have my own website and all... | 09:39 |
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Lord | just new to linux | 09:40 |
kupesoft | thanks boink: it worked and it's fixed, | 09:40 |
=== Neo8750 [n=zepski@c-24-11-230-88.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | ubuntu is a good start | 09:40 |
boink | at least ubuntu is made for human beings | 09:40 |
Tjoels | :P | 09:40 |
kupesoft | Lord: ubuntu is easy to install, | 09:40 |
Lord | lol yea | 09:40 |
Lord | i've installed it | 09:40 |
kupesoft | Lord: it's not the only distrubution geared at ease of use, but it's a very good one | 09:40 |
Lord | it's running fine | 09:40 |
boink | it's based on debian, which is made for nerds | 09:40 |
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botxj | aight my autogen.sh script is working thanks to libtool | 09:40 |
boink | though, debian is quite good too | 09:41 |
kalif | unimatrix9: netstat -an | grep mysql shouold give you a hint if it's runnning | 09:41 |
Shadow_mil | I personal think that other then the type of pack manger a disto uses, they are mostly the same | 09:41 |
kupesoft | Lord: how do you want to connect to the internet, via wifi, ethernet, or dialup? | 09:41 |
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Lord | well i'm just after getting some programs onto it, apart from the standard openoffice and gimp | 09:41 |
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad-l@82-45-204-76.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gemeindebau | but don't get a modern motherboard with jmicron controllers. you will be - as i was - extremely displeased with the fact that ubuntu does not install on it :( | 09:41 |
boink | damm | 09:41 |
boink | would debian install on it? | 09:41 |
=== teThys [n=jfranji@83-131-81-142.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gemeindebau | boink: about that controller? | 09:42 |
boink | dunno, could be some bug in the ubuntu installer | 09:42 |
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eugman | What do I need to play .m4a files? | 09:43 |
boink | mplayer | 09:43 |
boink | though, I'm not sure if the ubuntu mplayer will work | 09:43 |
gemeindebau | i am not so good with linux, but it seems that there is no kernel currently that supports it. so once the installer (live or alternate, badger or edgy) needs to mount filesystems... game over | 09:43 |
amarokker | boink: does it play h.264 files now? | 09:43 |
amarokker | last time i checked it doesnt- about 4 months ago | 09:43 |
=== Lord will return a little later | ||
crashd | does anyone know why i can't run any other version of firefox other than 64bit on ubuntu, ive tied the tutes for 32bit and installed swiftfox 32 bit | 09:44 |
crashd | but they always just run the 64bit version ;\ | 09:44 |
boink | I can play .mp4 files with my mplayer, but it isn't an ubuntu mplayer | 09:44 |
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botxj | !lndir | 09:44 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lndir - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:44 |
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botxj | does anybody know the ubuntu xgl channel? | 09:45 |
unimatrix9 | could not connect to database server , is this an mysql error? | 09:45 |
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kalif | is it running? | 09:45 |
unimatrix9 | yhes | 09:45 |
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kalif | hmmm | 09:45 |
edards | ol | 09:45 |
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unimatrix9 | from /var/run/mysqld/mysql | 09:46 |
unimatrix9 | etc | 09:46 |
botxj | what is the ubuntu xgl channel? | 09:46 |
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boink | and ps aux|grep mysql? (don't paste, please) | 09:46 |
botxj | nvm | 09:46 |
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kalif | unimatrix9: do you have mysqld.sock= | 09:46 |
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tritium | boink: pgrep mysql ;) | 09:46 |
kalif | in /var/run/mysqld | 09:46 |
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tritium | boink: #ubuntu-xgl | 09:47 |
boink | heh .. old fashioned :P | 09:47 |
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unimatrix9 | yes i got an mysql.sock | 09:47 |
ebel | Just to say that I solved my problem of DNS server not being remembered from earlier. | 09:48 |
dcroce | hey guys for crontab... if i enter in * * * * * some cmd.. that will run every minute, correct? | 09:48 |
kalif | unimatrix9: back to the manual then :) | 09:48 |
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eugman | boink, mp4 and m4a are different I think. | 09:48 |
unimatrix9 | i am trying to setup xoops | 09:48 |
boink | ok | 09:48 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: hi, what was the command again? to eject? | 09:48 |
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kalif | E-Jey: | 09:48 |
boink | mp4 is good stuff, really good quality | 09:48 |
kalif | dnam | 09:48 |
kalif | livingdaylight: eject | 09:48 |
ebel | I included "nameserver" in /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base | 09:48 |
boink | mplayer http://str3.creacast.com:82/ <= mp4 stream example | 09:48 |
unimatrix9 | hmm , manual eh? | 09:49 |
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unimatrix9 | i been reading it for the last 2 hours | 09:49 |
unimatrix9 | :P | 09:49 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: please | 09:49 |
unimatrix9 | how can i get info on what the name is of the mysql database | 09:50 |
unimatrix9 | maybe the error is there somehow | 09:50 |
boink | well .. this is #ubuntu | 09:50 |
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kalif | unimatrix9: databases are in /var/lib/mysql/ | 09:50 |
morphius | ok, so when i try to login using gdm, I'm in a loop. If I put in my password, it takes me back to the login again (after trying to start gnome). Upon further research, /dev/null has permission promlems. I have crw-------. So I "chmod a+rw" and now get crw-rw-rw-. Great. restart kdm and can login in fine. Reboot. /dev/null: now at crw------- again. I tried having my very last init script in rcS.d chmod the /dev/null automagically but still no go. Any id | 09:50 |
blackelf | livingdaylight: huh? | 09:51 |
boink | man uvd | 09:51 |
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boink | damm .. not uvd, what's it called? | 09:51 |
boink | to change the permissions? | 09:51 |
boink | aargh .. memory | 09:51 |
kalif | chmod | 09:51 |
blackelf | ubuntu sucks about not beeing usable for multimedia by default | 09:51 |
boink | no, for the devices | 09:51 |
ijanos | udev | 09:51 |
blackelf | why there is no distro, like, | 09:51 |
boink | man udev, ta | 09:51 |
kalif | ahhh | 09:51 |
boink | blackelf: debian is worse :) | 09:51 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: teh command you gave me earlier to eject /unmount my cd from cdrom | 09:51 |
blackelf | Ubuntu [NOT for damn USA] that would include mp3 players and such? | 09:51 |
Pierre | take #2, anyone has successfully installed a pinnacle 300i on dapper? or is there a repository to get a kernel 2.6.17/18 for amd64-dapper? | 09:52 |
tritium | blackelf: nothing can be done about that, due to licensing restrictions | 09:52 |
livingdaylight | blackelf: unmount/dev/hdd? | 09:52 |
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=== TJ [n=tj@modemcable079.190-200-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | mp3 has patent hassles | 09:52 |
blackelf | livingdaylight: umount -l /de/devicename will brutally force un mounting | 09:52 |
kalif | livingdaylight: umount - not unmount | 09:52 |
boink | I hope mp3 and ubuntu can resolv that soon | 09:52 |
blackelf | livingdaylight: umount -l /dev/devicename | 09:52 |
ProN00b | blackelf, well, that would be called iUbuntu then, for Illegal (as shit) Ubuntu | 09:52 |
bao_ | i want to install mplayer, but apt says the package doesnt exist or is obsolete.. how can i install it? | 09:52 |
kober | blackelf: Stop living in the 90s and upgrade to ogg | 09:52 |
blackelf | like, umount /dev/hdd | 09:52 |
blackelf | like, umount -l /dev/hdd | 09:52 |
boink | bao: you might need to install mplayer on your own | 09:52 |
TJ | anybody else having new troubles with the recent version of flashplugin-nonfree? | 09:52 |
mthe | harshness lol | 09:52 |
blackelf | kober: but my friends do not have .ogg players | 09:52 |
boink | due to patent problems | 09:52 |
bao_ | boink: why is that? | 09:52 |
juraj_ | can anyone help me with amarok visualizations? I have libvisual-0.4-0 installed. right clicking in amarok and selecting visualizations produces a small blank window which instantly closes... | 09:52 |
ProN00b | blackelf, you can however easyly change your repos, and then one line of apt-get haxxoration will do | 09:52 |
kober | TJ: Yes, you have to modify a file | 09:52 |
krazykit | blackelf: instead of whining about how mp3 isn't installed, why not give fraunhofer a ring and tell them to give up the patent? | 09:53 |
boink | if you want to listen to microsoft format stuff, etc | 09:53 |
cpk2 | boink: pretty sure you can apt-get mplayer | 09:53 |
boink | the wincodecs | 09:53 |
TJ | kober: which one? | 09:53 |
kober | TJ: do you see the file its having trouble installing? the one in /var/lib that ends with postinst? | 09:53 |
bao_ | boink: i see.. i tried installing make and gcc, but it gives me errors while trying to compile :( | 09:53 |
blackelf | krazykit: how expensive is the freaking pattent anyway? coudlnt Ubntu organization buy it already | 09:53 |
boink | if you google "ubuntu mplayer" you'll see many guides for that | 09:53 |
kober | TJ: Edit that file and replace multiverse with defaults | 09:53 |
bao_ | ok | 09:53 |
=== Mr0bvious [n=paul@adsl-67-66-110-116.dsl.wchtks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cpk2 | bao_: if yuo are trying to get compiling tools then apt-get build-essentials | 09:53 |
ProN00b | boink, mpeg4, x264, mp3, aac... thats what you'd want to listen to, all well etablished formats, unlike wm* | 09:53 |
kober | TJ: and then sudo aptitude upgrade and it'll be fixed | 09:53 |
tritium | blackelf: no, it's not that simple | 09:53 |
boink | you need to install the base .debs first, you can do that with apt-get | 09:53 |
TJ | k | 09:53 |
boink | then you can install mplayer | 09:54 |
i4get | !Codecs | 09:54 |
ubotu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 09:54 |
=== wishes [n=wishes@88-105-202-250.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | mplayer is great stuff | 09:54 |
boink | but patents sux :/ | 09:54 |
blackelf | so why it is used in windows? | 09:54 |
boink | mplayer? | 09:54 |
blackelf | why the hell microsoft can but such patent | 09:55 |
blackelf | and linux world can not?! | 09:55 |
boink | it's all business | 09:55 |
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kober | blackelf: Microsoft has a large bank ;p | 09:55 |
blackelf | Ubuntu puts probably like 999999 usd into the ShipIt program | 09:55 |
blackelf | why not pay $$$ to have the licence | 09:55 |
boink | it's difficult | 09:55 |
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boink | ubuntu is working on it, though | 09:55 |
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blackelf | who owns the mp3 license anyway | 09:55 |
kober | blackelf: Is it really that hard for you to modify the sources.list? | 09:55 |
boink | Rome wasn't built in a day | 09:55 |
krazykit | frauenhofer, blackelf | 09:55 |
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gemeindebau | blackelf: i think the frauenhofer | 09:56 |
boink | Thomson does the mp3 licencing | 09:56 |
gemeindebau | institut in germany somewhere | 09:56 |
blackelf | gemeindebau: the what? | 09:56 |
boink | there's a website: www.mp3licensing.com .. or something like that | 09:56 |
blackelf | bah | 09:56 |
boink | Frauenhofer invented mp3 | 09:56 |
blackelf | perhaps I would just buy mp3/OGG players instead | 09:56 |
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bao_ | cpk2: i cant find any package with that name | 09:56 |
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Gnalein | anyone here who is good at fixing discs, or know some good tutorials | 09:56 |
gemeindebau | frauenhofer institute in germany; very smart guys and gals there | 09:57 |
boink | wma/rm have the same hassles, patented :/ | 09:57 |
cpk2 | !b-e | 09:57 |
ubotu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first: not all !repositories are enabled by default!) | 09:57 |
kober | whats the best open format to use? | 09:57 |
Gnalein | got one with corrupted ntfs, which i cant mount | 09:57 |
boink | mp3 was great in its time .. but I think ogg is better quality | 09:57 |
krazykit | boink: yeah, but no one has used realmedia for years | 09:57 |
boink | c'mon, many still use real audio .. like the BBC | 09:57 |
krazykit | kober: flac! lossless audio! | 09:57 |
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rixxon | how do i disable ipv6 when using network-manager | 09:57 |
gemeindebau | krazykit: i think that the new helix player should be an interesting thing, especially for linux users | 09:57 |
krazykit | kober: but more realistically, ogg vorbis support is getting better in most DAPs | 09:58 |
boink | real player is also good for linux | 09:58 |
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krazykit | gemeindebau: i refuse to install ANYTHING by real ever again after dealing with their crap in windows. ever. | 09:58 |
JFreakCapo | hi, exist some msn client with voice support | 09:58 |
gemeindebau | true enough, and the bbc site is working perfectly fine! in linux | 09:58 |
the1 | new realplayer will support wmv I hear | 09:58 |
boink | c'mon, their linux stuff is good | 09:58 |
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boink | realplayer for linux is based on helixplayer | 09:58 |
gemeindebau | boink: agreed | 09:58 |
boink | and it works quite well, I have no problems with it | 09:58 |
lostinc | does anyone here have a Linux + Cert? | 09:59 |
gemeindebau | boink: but i think their new product with quite some format support will rock | 09:59 |
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boink | I hope so too :) | 09:59 |
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kthugalug | !bridging | 09:59 |
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ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bridging - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:59 |
kthugalug | !bridge connections | 09:59 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about bridge connections - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 09:59 |
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cpk2 | bao_: apt-get didnt have build-essential? | 09:59 |
mt33 | what files do you edit for graphics drivers? | 09:59 |
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kthugalug | hey, can anyone help me bridge my connections? | 10:00 |
mt33 | what is the file that lists my drivers i mean | 10:00 |
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gemeindebau | mt33: if unsure do not edit too much, but i think you are talking about xorg.conf in /etc/X11 | 10:00 |
mt33 | ok | 10:00 |
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kthugalug | i need to get the bridge - utils package. anyone got any idea where to get it? | 10:01 |
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C-O-L-T | hello how to format my partition to fat32 in order to access both from linux and windows. In Win XP I can format just to ntfs in linux can I format to fat32? | 10:01 |
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chrishoeppner | Hi | 10:03 |
teacher | hello | 10:03 |
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chrishoeppner | isn't eclipse sdk available in the standard repository? | 10:03 |
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tritium | !info eclipse | 10:03 |
ubotu | eclipse: Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu6 (dapper), package size 100 kB, installed size 368 kB | 10:03 |
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gemeindebau | anybody want a funny windoze fact? vista experience index 4.8; deactivate onboard Gbit lan and add cheap realtek Mbit Lan card: experience index rises to 5.0 | 10:03 |
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tritium | no, in the universe repo, chrishoeppner | 10:03 |
gemeindebau | sorry for the off topic | 10:04 |
Gnalein | anyone who can help me with corrupted ntfs disc? | 10:04 |
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shakma | is there help for setting up evolution email here? | 10:04 |
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cpk2 | !evolution | 10:04 |
ubotu | evolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 4586 kB, installed size 34184 kB | 10:04 |
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kitche | Gnalein: nopw not really but what do you need help with exactly like getting data off of it? | 10:05 |
gemeindebau | Gnalein: have you tried a knoppix live cd? i think there are quite some utilities included, i am unsure about ntfs, though | 10:05 |
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Gnalein | yeah, id like to get the data | 10:05 |
shakma | !evolution | 10:05 |
ubotu | evolution: The groupware suite. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.1-0ubuntu7 (dapper), package size 4586 kB, installed size 34184 kB | 10:05 |
Gnalein | my life is on that disc ^ | 10:05 |
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Gnalein | ^^ | 10:05 |
kitche | Gnalein: try knoppix or backtrack | 10:05 |
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shakma | evolution is having "error sending password". I don't know why. server is up (I can login through web portal) | 10:06 |
Gnalein | ok thnx | 10:06 |
we2by | can I use gdesklets with compiz together? | 10:06 |
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msivanich | Can someone explain the purpose of the sticky bit with chmod? I've looked and read and just dont understand. | 10:07 |
kitche | msivanich: sure | 10:07 |
C-O-L-T | I can not enable my fat32 partition in linux I have just made a fat32 partition with gtparted | 10:07 |
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Jon___ | msivanich: if applied to a directory, an user may not delete files belonging to another unless they are root (see /tmp for an example) | 10:08 |
kitche | C-O-L-T: it's vfat in linux | 10:08 |
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C-O-L-T | kitche: so I should format as vfat? | 10:08 |
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C-O-L-T | kitche: can I write both from windows and linux that drive if I format to vfat? | 10:08 |
cess_ | C-O-L-T, i've also tried to setup a share between windows and ubuntu with a fat32 partition.. windows still saw it as ntfs.. so now i just keep it ntfs formatted and use the ntfs-3g guide on the forums | 10:08 |
msivanich | jon___:what about when its applied to a directory? | 10:08 |
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msivanich | errr i mean file | 10:09 |
Jon___ | msivanich: it is nowadays undefined when applied to files | 10:09 |
kitche | C-O-L-T: yes and yes | 10:09 |
Jon___ | i.e. does nothing | 10:09 |
msivanich | word | 10:09 |
C-O-L-T | kitche: I am gonna give it a try | 10:09 |
we2by | is there a dock like os x for ubuntu?? | 10:09 |
POVaddct | C-O-L-T: yes. but keep in mind that maximum filesize on (v)fat is 4GB. | 10:09 |
lostinc | does anyone have any certifications? | 10:09 |
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C-O-L-T | POVaddct: I need a 40 GB drive | 10:10 |
C-O-L-T | :D | 10:10 |
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ryu | hi | 10:10 |
Jon___ | we2by: I think xfce has a device a bit like that. blackbox-like window managers have a dock too, as does window maker | 10:10 |
POVaddct | C-O-L-T: i meant filesize, not drive size | 10:10 |
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we2by | Jon___, but I'm on ubuntu with gnome | 10:10 |
we2by | and I like gnome | 10:10 |
C-O-L-T | POVaddct: what that it means. I have formatted as vfat right now but I can not access from ubuntu | 10:10 |
POVaddct | C-O-L-T: how do you mount it? | 10:11 |
ryu | is anyone of you guys using wxMaxima and can help me with a setupproblem? | 10:11 |
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C-O-L-T | POVaddct: from system disks | 10:11 |
Jon___ | we2by: hard luck then | 10:11 |
C-O-L-T | I mean System - Disks | 10:11 |
C-O-L-T | not the command line mode | 10:11 |
msivanich | Jon___: so how do i apply the sticky bit? chmod a+t filename ? | 10:11 |
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C-O-L-T | probably I should be root | 10:11 |
Jon___ | msivanich: yup ; it might not take unless you are superuser (and it won't do anything unless filename is a directory) | 10:12 |
C-O-L-T | POVaddct: how do I mount my drive which is /media/hda2/ in terminal | 10:12 |
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kalif | mount /dev/hda2 /somewhere | 10:12 |
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msivanich | Jon___: thank you much | 10:12 |
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Jon___ | msivanich: np | 10:13 |
tuxi | hi | 10:13 |
tuxi | anyone using ubuntu on ms vpc? | 10:13 |
POVaddct | C-O-L-T: umount it first. then create mount point and mount: sudo mkdir /media/hda2 ; sudo mount -o umask=000 /dev/hda2 /media/hda2 | 10:13 |
tuxi | or did it anytime ... | 10:14 |
Jon___ | tuxi: not for a while.. I did a while ago I think. vmware more recently | 10:14 |
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tuxi | thats no help | 10:14 |
sharperguy | can anyone help me convert an avi to a wmv (dont flame me, i would use theora if i could) | 10:14 |
Gnalein | backtrack didn't seem to be something for fixing discs... | 10:14 |
deceptacon | does ubuntu use things like apt-get and synaptic like debian? | 10:14 |
Jon___ | tuxi: you're welcome, glad I took the time to type it | 10:14 |
tuxi | got some problems when trying to install it on vpc | 10:14 |
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Jon___ | sharperguy: I have not heard of an F/OSS wmv encoder | 10:15 |
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boink | wmv is closed source | 10:15 |
sharperguy | is it possible with vlc | 10:15 |
boink | 0wned by m$oft | 10:15 |
sharperguy | i saw someting like that | 10:15 |
boink | vlc can play it, but it can't encode with it | 10:16 |
Jimmey | Is it possible to run the Xserver on multiple TTYs? | 10:16 |
we2by | I'm having video playing problem with compiz enabled | 10:16 |
sharperguy | thats a pain because im stuck with wmv in this instance | 10:16 |
boink | ever heard of ogm? | 10:16 |
boink | that's an mpeg4 file with ogg sound. nice :) | 10:17 |
Jon___ | Jimmey: sure, if you login via GDM, activate the screensaver, there should be a 'new login' button | 10:17 |
sharperguy | boink, nice | 10:17 |
boink | when I rip dvd's, I use mplayer/mencoder with ogmmerge | 10:17 |
Jon___ | Jimmey: ymmv with some video drivers | 10:17 |
boink | using oggenc for the sound track | 10:17 |
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Jimmey | Jon___, it's for my friend, he'd like to play ET and use Gaim etc at the same time | 10:18 |
w30 | Jimmey, yes. the display variable for your present display is 0(zero). you have to go to a script or command with display being 1 | 10:18 |
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Jimmey | But ETSwitch doesn't work | 10:18 |
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Jimmey | w30, so it's that easy? | 10:18 |
UKMatt | If I have two CD-DVD drives, how do I pick one instead of the other in a program's options | 10:19 |
=== Jon___ isn't sure what ET is | ||
sharperguy | what about mp4 i think that might also work | 10:19 |
Jimmey | It's a full screen game | 10:19 |
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w30 | Jimmey, then there are remote options also, check out the man pages for X and startx, etc. | 10:19 |
Jimmey | OpenGL | 10:19 |
sharperguy | is there a way to convert avi to mp4? | 10:19 |
Jimmey | w30, will do | 10:19 |
Jon___ | sharperguy: I expect so... both are just container formats | 10:19 |
UKMatt | like... .m4p is apple's DRM, you don't want that | 10:19 |
sharperguy | not m4p loll | 10:19 |
UKMatt | like... .m4p is apple's DRM, you don't want that, sharperguy | 10:19 |
Jon___ | sharperguy: I expect you need/want to convert whatever is *inside* the avi | 10:19 |
UKMatt | sharperguy, oh lol | 10:20 |
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w30 | Jimmey, well kinda, but remember startx is set up for display 0 so you have to hack that to get startx to run on an alternate display | 10:20 |
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Jon___ | w30: by hack you mean, 'startx -- :1' ? | 10:20 |
barata | guys, what is the best & least complicated torrent client for Linux? | 10:20 |
Jimmey | Jon__, so I could just do that? | 10:20 |
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barata | azureus complexity really kills me | 10:21 |
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gemeindebau | barata: azureus | 10:21 |
cpk2 | azureus is complicated? | 10:21 |
juan | if iv downloaded source(its .c and .h files) what do i need so i can complie it and install it (its a plugin for gaim but the readme assumes i have some idea what im doing) | 10:21 |
Jon___ | Jimmey: yeah probably, but, if ET grabs the button-presses for changing VT, you're still out of luck. When running it, can you switch to a text TTY | 10:21 |
Jimmey | Yeah | 10:21 |
Jimmey | Yep | 10:21 |
=== Jon___ has never got azureus working nicely in Linux | ||
cpk2 | barata: there is a #azureus-support channel | 10:21 |
Jon___ | Jimmey: ok cool you should be ok then | 10:21 |
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Jimmey | So I just do startx -- :1 | 10:21 |
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gemeindebau | if i can get it running anybody can (azureus, i mean) | 10:22 |
boink | azureus runs on java *3vil* | 10:22 |
Jon___ | juan: the build-essential package will pull in a C compiler, make, etc. - but if you've not written C or compiled before, you're in deep water | 10:22 |
sharperguy | so any one know how to do it (avi to wmv)? | 10:22 |
Jon___ | Jimmey: give it a shot, afaik it works | 10:22 |
bl4cktone | Hey guys I'm running amaroK and I'll be playing an MP3 then the program will go grey I'll click on it a few times then it will say The window "amaroK" is not responding. Forcing this application to quit will cause you to lose any unsaved changes. | 10:22 |
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kitche | juan: you need build-essentials | 10:22 |
bl4cktone | it's the second time this has happened in 2 diffrent boots | 10:22 |
Jimmey | Thanks Jon___ | 10:22 |
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w30 | Jimmey, basic X would be like xinit -- /usr/X11R6/bin/X :1 | 10:23 |
gemeindebau | bye everyone, bed time here :) | 10:23 |
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salim | i | 10:24 |
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w30 | Jimmey, if yo try that use control-alt-backspace to get out of it. Add your script like startx does to get a window manager or x terminal or whatever. | 10:24 |
Paddy_EIRE | is there an alternative web streaming plugin to gxine as it is sluggish to load and prone to crash...perhaps one that stays on the webpage | 10:25 |
Jimmey | w30, I'm not with you XoD | 10:25 |
Jimmey | I don't understand. | 10:25 |
thenetduck | can somone help me configure my Desktop in gnome? | 10:25 |
thenetduck | im trying to add somthing but don't know how | 10:25 |
bl4cktone | what are you trying to add? | 10:25 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <thenetduck> what kinda stuff u want doing | 10:25 |
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RedGhost | what u want doing | 10:26 |
salim | hi I've got a mobile phone (sonyericsson k800i) and I connected it via USB to my notebook, which runs xubuntu 6.06 - how can I access the files of that mobile phone? | 10:26 |
RedGhost | I love that | 10:26 |
w30 | Jimmey, just read up on man X | 10:26 |
Jimmey | w30, in startx -- :N, N is the tty number I want to run the Xserver on | 10:26 |
thenetduck | I am trying to make it so that when I right click on the desktop it shows the Ubuntu System Panel as an option I can click on | 10:26 |
Jon___ | Jimmey: if you're using standard ubuntu (gnome); then you needn't actually switch to a terminal and use startx, etc. at all - I believe you can create a new X display via controls on the screensaver login bit. But I don't have an ubuntu machine handy to check, so I can't confirm :( | 10:26 |
RedGhost | salim, I have an ericsson its just like any usb drive | 10:26 |
RedGhost | or "device" | 10:26 |
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salim | oh, and how do I do that, I guess I have to mount it somehow | 10:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | <thenetduck> im not sure there man...thought it was a bit more basic | 10:27 |
salim | maybe you can give me a ling? | 10:27 |
Paddy_EIRE | sry | 10:27 |
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thenetduck | ok | 10:27 |
bl4cktone | thenetduck: I got nothing that's something I'd like to know also | 10:27 |
lostinc | Whats the advantage of ubuntu over Fedora? | 10:27 |
boink | both are good | 10:27 |
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Rich43 | i agree | 10:28 |
boink | it's like comparing apples and oranges | 10:28 |
lostinc | how so? | 10:28 |
boink | for some, they prefer fedora .. for some, they prefer ubuntu | 10:28 |
Rich43 | Ubuntu seems to work more instantly with my hardware (i.e. wireless) | 10:28 |
RedGhost | salim, I am trying to find one but the wiki is unresponsive, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ | 10:28 |
bl4cktone | Well people that are roxorz using ubuntu and dumb fowl smelling people use Fedora.... actually they are both good :) | 10:28 |
boink | and some prefer pain, and use debian sid | 10:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lostinc> ubuntu is just the business.....fedora i cant see why i would personally use it, do u want to be deb based or rpm | 10:28 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lostinc> if rpm then try either freespire or opensuse | 10:29 |
boink | try both and see which one you like | 10:29 |
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lostinc | That is what I am wondering what the advantage of RPM is over the DEB | 10:29 |
Rich43 | since ubuntu is debian based.. it seems to have more packages too | 10:29 |
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boink | rpm now have yum, which works much like apt-get | 10:29 |
jbroome | but still sucks | 10:29 |
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bl4cktone | Can someone help me find out why amaroK keeps crashing? | 10:29 |
Rich43 | debian is the most popular | 10:29 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lostinc> yeah I've learned more about linux with ubuntu than I have with any other distro | 10:29 |
boink | sometimes apt-get can sux too | 10:29 |
lostinc | ic :) | 10:29 |
tritium | lostinc: there is no advantage of rpm over deb | 10:29 |
bl4cktone | i've learned to love apt-get | 10:30 |
boink | nothing is perfect in an imperfect world :P | 10:30 |
lostinc | The reason i am asking is | 10:30 |
Paddy_EIRE | boink: then use YUM | 10:30 |
POVaddct | apt-get moo :) | 10:30 |
lostinc | I was thinking about the Linux Certs and tehy all seem to be red hat based | 10:30 |
boink | both systems are well done | 10:30 |
Rich43 | look on the bright side, you dont have to compile everything from source. | 10:30 |
boink | there are Ubuntu certs too | 10:30 |
w30 | lostinc, Fedora is maybeyquicker to have new stuff than Ubuntu but I got tired of updates breaking stuff. They get it straightened out but it takes a while sometimes and I am not good at fixing stuff so I am trying Ubuntu. | 10:30 |
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Paddy_EIRE | <lostinc> still will translate over to any other distro really | 10:30 |
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bl4cktone | boink: Ubuntu CERTs?! | 10:30 |
lostinc | okay. | 10:30 |
boink | yes | 10:30 |
Paddy_EIRE | <lostinc> or try gentoo if your feeling really adventurous | 10:31 |
Rich43 | w30: that happened to me! :( | 10:31 |
tuxtux | ciao a tutti | 10:31 |
lostinc | I have ubuntu and have used it since 4. whatever and love it. | 10:31 |
boink | Ubuntu does have a certification scheme | 10:31 |
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salim | isnt there any applications which lists me all available mountable stuff (for example my usb-drive/mobile-phone) with which I can connect it / disconnect it? | 10:31 |
salim | I mean mount and unmount it | 10:31 |
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Jimmey | ls /mnt | 10:31 |
lostinc | I just was wondering if I needed to switch to get practice for the certs | 10:31 |
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Jimmey | Try that | 10:31 |
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boink | practice makes perfect | 10:31 |
lostinc | Whats the site for the ubuntu cert? | 10:31 |
bl4cktone | boink: who are these certs provied though? | 10:31 |
boink | just a moment | 10:31 |
Jimmey | salim, try "ls /dev/" aswell | 10:32 |
kitche | bl4cktone: the linux standard people | 10:32 |
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w30 | Rich43, I figure Ubuntu+1 would more like Fedora | 10:32 |
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Paddy_EIRE | lostinc: try Gentoo perhaps....if you learn that then there aint anything you cant do with any other version of linux or bsd for that matter | 10:32 |
boink | http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/certification/pro | 10:32 |
salim | and wich one is my mobile ? :-S | 10:32 |
boink | I saw Malcom Yates at a talk about ubuntu last Saturday | 10:32 |
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variant | lo all, does ubuntu use gcc4? | 10:33 |
w30 | boink, What did he have to say that impressed you if at all? | 10:33 |
ryanoz | variant: yes | 10:33 |
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boink | Malcom is a good speaker .. and he talked much about the drive of Ubuntu to become something | 10:34 |
boink | who knows .. maybe Mark S. will make yet another fortune :) | 10:34 |
variant | ryanoz: thanks, thats all i needed to know :) | 10:34 |
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variant | bye all | 10:34 |
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boink | Ubuntu now has 63 employees and its growing | 10:34 |
boink | and it's based in the Isle of Man .. for tax reasons :) | 10:35 |
bl4cktone | I think my XGL is crashing amaroK, can anyone confirm this happinging? | 10:35 |
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gnomefreak | boink: can you please take that topic to #ubuntu-offtopic | 10:35 |
boink | sorry | 10:35 |
shogran | hey, sup | 10:35 |
w30 | boink, unbelievable what 63 people are getting done. | 10:35 |
lostinc | Was the Isle of Woman closed or was there a really long line like at the restrooms? | 10:35 |
boink | I just wanted to talk about Malcom's talk | 10:35 |
thenetduck | how do you add a theme in GNOME? | 10:35 |
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shogran | I have a serious problem | 10:35 |
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Jimmey | thenetduck, System, Preferences, Theme, then drag the theme .tar.gz into the window that appears | 10:36 |
thenetduck | sweeeeeet.... | 10:36 |
shogran | besides that. i kinda cant change the screen resolution on my ubuntu | 10:36 |
kitche | w30: 63 people is more then most distros have for developers and such | 10:36 |
S0me1 | boink: LPI really nice news ;p | 10:36 |
bl4cktone | my amaroK goes Grey and freezes and I don't know why.. :( anyone have a clue? | 10:36 |
Jimmey | shogran, try sudo dpkg --reconfigure xserver-xorg | 10:36 |
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shogran | wow jimmey.. your on it today? | 10:37 |
Jimmey | bl4cktone, run it in a terminal. Then it freezes, tell us what the terminal says | 10:37 |
terlmann | Anybody want a cool virus-free,free jet photo? | 10:37 |
eugman | I need to do a batch convert of some m4a files. How? | 10:37 |
Jimmey | shogran, I don't get it :( | 10:37 |
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thenetduck | Jummey does this edit my Icons also? or is there a way to do this? | 10:37 |
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appelza | Hi guys | 10:37 |
shogran | your doing goof today is what i meant | 10:37 |
appelza | When I try "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart" I get : | 10:37 |
Sp4rKy | how can i get the charset used for a file ? | 10:37 |
Jimmey | thenetduck, www.gnome-look.org, download some icon themes, and installation's the same | 10:37 |
appelza | * Forcing reload of apache 2.0 web server... : No such file or directorybled/*.load | 10:37 |
appelza | : No such file or directorybled/*.conf | 10:37 |
Jimmey | shogran, thanks ;) | 10:37 |
appelza | Any idea's? | 10:37 |
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Jon___ | Sp4rKy: with difficulty I'm afraid. for ASCII, it's not ASCII if any byte is > 127; but figuring out some other charsets is guesswork | 10:38 |
TurtleBoots | !dogbreath | 10:38 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about dogbreath - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 10:38 |
Jimmey | appelza, maybe try sudo apt-get install --reinstall apache2 | 10:38 |
bl4cktone | Jimmey: I hate to be a nub but what do I type in to start amaroK? | 10:38 |
Jimmey | amarok ;) | 10:38 |
bXi | do you guys know how to fix | 10:38 |
bXi | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 10:38 |
bXi | cgwd: Depends: compiz (>= 0.0.13-0quinn31) but it is not going to be installed or | 10:38 |
bXi | compiz-vanilla but it is not going to be installed | 10:38 |
StFS | bl4cktone: amarok | 10:38 |
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w30 | kitche, I forget that those 63 people can rip from Fedora Debian Slackware, etc. | 10:38 |
Jimmey | !compiz | 10:38 |
ubotu | Compiz (compositing (window) manager) and XGL (Xserver architecture layered on top of OpenGL) howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager XGL+compiz help in #ubuntu-xgl See http://tinyurl.com/pw5ez for Kubuntu systems | 10:38 |
shogran | well never mind its not working | 10:39 |
appelza | Jimmey: its a production server | 10:39 |
Jimmey | appleza, so that's not an option then, huh. | 10:39 |
Jimmey | Ehrm.. | 10:39 |
appelza | Id like to fix it. | 10:39 |
shogran | uhmm .. it told me that i have two conflicting commands control and remove | 10:39 |
appelza | But I dont usually use ubuntu | 10:39 |
bXi | Jimmey: i'm more asking for the fixt of the actual problem not the xgl part | 10:39 |
Skyrail | I've got a crossover cable connecting a FC5 PC and an Ubuntu 6.06 PC, however I don't know where to go from there, you know set IP, transfer files etc...any one know of a simple tutorial | 10:39 |
Jimmey | bXi, ask the guys in #ubuntu-xgl | 10:39 |
Jimmey | Skyrail, I've got the EXACT same set up, can I PM you? | 10:40 |
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bXi | Jimmey: but what if i get the same issue with other packages? :P | 10:40 |
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Jimmey | I don't know too much about XGL/Compiz, sorry | 10:40 |
Jimmey | Just try and meet the dependencies | 10:40 |
bXi | Jimmey: i dont care that its XGL | 10:40 |
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shogran | still only lets me select 640 X 480 at 60 hz.. i used to be able to run alot more | 10:41 |
salim | hey I tried mountpy, its great for mountint devices which one doesnt know how its called, it should be in the wiki | 10:41 |
bXi | i'm just wondering what i can do to fix this kind of error | 10:41 |
salim | thanks anyway | 10:41 |
salim | bye | 10:41 |
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Jimmey | shogran, what graphics card to you have? | 10:41 |
bXi | this is just the first example i can paste | 10:41 |
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Jimmey | bXi, oh, okay | 10:41 |
bl4cktone | bxi you might need to check your repositories | 10:41 |
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Skyrail | Jimmey er...yeh sure, I don't use this much, what do I do? lol | 10:41 |
bl4cktone | in your sources.list | 10:41 |
shogran | nvidia | 10:41 |
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bXi | bl4cktone: in what way? | 10:41 |
terlmann | use ati | 10:41 |
Jimmey | bXi, install the package that's missing, which in this case, is 0.0.13-0quinn31 | 10:41 |
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Jimmey | Skyrail, don't worry about it | 10:41 |
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shogran | whats ati? | 10:42 |
we2by | is there a dock like os x for ubuntu?? | 10:42 |
Jimmey | shogran, do you have the drivers installed? | 10:42 |
Jimmey | !nvidia > shogran | 10:42 |
kitche | !ati > shogran | 10:42 |
Jon___ | we2by: you've asked exactly that before and then had to stipulate that you don't want to stop using gnome. why not rephrase your question in light of that? | 10:42 |
shogran | im not sure.. but thanks alot you 2 | 10:43 |
bl4cktone | bxi: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:43 |
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bXi | bl4cktone: i know | 10:43 |
Jimmey | we2by, try gdesklets | 10:43 |
bXi | but i have all repositories i need | 10:43 |
bl4cktone | bxi, then add | 10:43 |
bXi | (according to guides and such) | 10:43 |
bl4cktone | deb http://www.beerorkid.com/compiz/ dapper main | 10:43 |
bl4cktone | deb http://xgl.compiz.info/ dapper main | 10:43 |
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MMD | Fulham 1 - 2 Wycombe Wanderers, amen. | 10:43 |
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bl4cktone | bxi if your running dapper | 10:43 |
Jimmey | MMD, I'm a Wolves Fan ;) | 10:43 |
eugman | Anyone know how to convert m4a files? | 10:44 |
bl4cktone | I'm real noob but I just setup compiz yesterday bXi | 10:44 |
MMD | wolves, cool | 10:44 |
Xal | How do I have my ndiswrapper module start up automatically? | 10:44 |
MMD | you out of cc? | 10:44 |
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Jimmey | MMD, and our goalkeeper's set to become England number 1 | 10:44 |
MMD | who? | 10:44 |
bXi | bl4cktone: i'm less noob :) but i keep getting stuck on guides which tell things opposite of eachother | 10:44 |
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shogran | bb in just a sec | 10:44 |
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Jimmey | MMD, Matthew Murray :) | 10:45 |
StFS | has anybody had problems with the vmware-player package? it's in a limbo on my computer... I can't install it properly but I can't remove it either | 10:45 |
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MMD | not heard of him | 10:45 |
Jimmey | MMD :O | 10:46 |
ge5239 | evening .. :) | 10:46 |
MMD | why would I ? :p | 10:46 |
ge5239 | wonder if anyone had a sec over for some grub assistance :) | 10:46 |
KrispEkritter | can anyone give me a hand? just installed - now i have no sound to speak of | 10:46 |
shogran | it worked fine yesterday and today its just not working | 10:46 |
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cpk2 | KrispEkritter: alsamixer levels ok? | 10:47 |
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KrispEkritter | yup | 10:47 |
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Jimmey | MMD, he's a goalkeeping god!# | 10:47 |
Jon___ | KrispEkritter: what sound hardware? | 10:47 |
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MMD | ok! | 10:47 |
Jon___ | KrispEkritter: I had to mute a capture device for my intel chip, randomly: http://alcopop.org/log/2006/02/12/#sound-2.6 | 10:47 |
Jimmey | MMD :-P | 10:47 |
StFS | can anyone tell me what options I have if I can't remove a package? vmware-player is "stuck" I get an error if I try to remove it and it cannot be properly installed either | 10:48 |
ge5239 | so .. anyhows.. just installed ubuntu, got some problems with grub. got it as far as "error 15: file not found" | 10:48 |
KrispEkritter | ....not 100%.... "VIA 82C686A/B rev50 (Alsa mixer) | 10:48 |
Jimmey | StFS, try sudo apt-get --purge remove vmware-player | 10:48 |
Jon___ | StFS: what error messages, specifically | 10:48 |
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ge5239 | config is, as far as i can see, correct, what could i be missing? | 10:48 |
Jon___ | KrispEkritter: hm ok, well try the thing in that url see if it makes a difference | 10:48 |
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shogran | hmmm | 10:48 |
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KrispEkritter | i'll give it a shot | 10:49 |
shogran | anyone know where i can find new themes for ubuntu? | 10:49 |
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maurodafnis | is there any tool for watching shares files/folders over a network for linux ? not command line, window style prefered ^^ | 10:49 |
pty | shogran: art.gnome.org / gnomelook.org | 10:49 |
bl4cktone | bxi: I know what your saying man let me see if I can find the guide I used | 10:49 |
shogran | thanks | 10:49 |
bXi | bl4cktone: you running 64 bit? | 10:50 |
bXi | or just 32 bit | 10:50 |
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maurodafnis | something equievalent to \\<ip here> on windows | 10:50 |
bl4cktone | no but I think the guide talks about it also | 10:50 |
shogran | well.. i did all that installing. | 10:50 |
Samuli^ | maurodafnis, system/administration/shared folders. | 10:50 |
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shogran | but now its not working still.. screen resolution only lets me get that one choice | 10:50 |
gamma | anyone know if they fixed the openoffice save bug on edgy yet? I really want to make the switch | 10:50 |
StFS | Jon___: http://pastebin.com/790835 | 10:50 |
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maurodafnis | i think i wasnt clear about this | 10:51 |
ryanakca | I got "dpkg --get-selections" catted into a file. it's called "dpkgselections". now, how do I use this file with "dpkg --set-selections"? | 10:51 |
maurodafnis | i want to check shared folders on other boxes in the network | 10:51 |
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maurodafnis | not my shares | 10:51 |
maurodafnis | smbclient does that | 10:51 |
maurodafnis | but i wonder if there is a window too | 10:51 |
maurodafnis | tool | 10:51 |
bl4cktone | bXi: this is what I used with my nvidia | 10:51 |
bl4cktone | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/Xgl | 10:51 |
Jon___ | StFS: hmm interesting. you need to get the virtual ethernet thing stopped, I suppose | 10:51 |
KrispEkritter | ....no luck | 10:52 |
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Jon___ | StFS: that's vmware-specific, erm, possibly /sbin/ifconfig to kill whatever interfaces it uses, then removing the pid (if there is one) from somewhere in /var/run to convince the init script it's dead | 10:52 |
eugman | Anyone know how to convert m4a files? | 10:52 |
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bXi | bl4cktone: i'll see if i can get it to work on my ati | 10:52 |
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bl4cktone | bXi: I suggest you have the guys at #ubuntu-xgl help you with this | 10:53 |
bl4cktone | bXi: I think their are a few extra things about 64 bit I don't remember | 10:54 |
maurodafnis | i am looking for something equivalent of the \\ for example that you do on window boxes | 10:54 |
TurtleBoots | Hi Girls | 10:54 |
kalif | StFS: just grep for vmware and kill all the PIDs | 10:54 |
bl4cktone | Hey Sexy | 10:54 |
ryanakca | I got "dpkg --get-selections" catted into a file. it's called "dpkgselections". now, how do I use this file with "dpkg --set-selections"? | 10:54 |
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KrispEkritter | exit | 10:54 |
AngryElf | hey all -- I've noticed ubuntu's screensavers all run pretty darn slow, any ideas on this? | 10:54 |
TurtleBoots | does anyone know how to get old boot options of the grub boot option screen?? | 10:55 |
bl4cktone | angryElf: video card drivers? | 10:55 |
spunk | Andrew67, crappy computer or video card or video card drivers. | 10:55 |
TurtleBoots | Hey bl4cktone | 10:55 |
spunk | Andrew67, sorry wrong person. :-P | 10:55 |
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Jon___ | TurtleBoots: there is one per kernel package installed. So, you can either a) remove old kernels you don't want (look for linux-image-* packages), or b) manually hack /boot/grub/menu.lst, but be aware that having it managed by debconf is nice | 10:56 |
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AngryElf | bl4cktone: i finally got them installed and otherwise they're working fine | 10:56 |
TurtleBoots | !debconf | 10:56 |
ubotu | debconf is a configuration management system. All packages that support debconf are configured when they are being installed. If you want to change a configuration option later, you can do so using dpkg-reconfigure | 10:56 |
bl4cktone | uhh what's your system spec AngryElf? | 10:56 |
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AngryElf | radeon firegl mobility 9000 | 10:56 |
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TurtleBoots | thanks Jon | 10:57 |
Jon___ | TurtleBoots: np | 10:57 |
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shogran | anyone care to help me dual boot XP and Ubuntu? or tell me its no use and stop trying? | 10:57 |
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boink | debian also has make-kpg which is good to make kernels | 10:57 |
bl4cktone | shogran: I did it | 10:57 |
Arcad3 | shogran | 10:57 |
Shadow_mil | shogran: I did it | 10:57 |
Arcad3 | i can help | 10:57 |
Shadow_mil | shogran: install XP first | 10:57 |
shogran | nice... | 10:57 |
bl4cktone | shogran I used grub | 10:57 |
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Arcad3 | use partition magic 8 | 10:57 |
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Shadow_mil | use gparted | 10:58 |
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Arcad3 | make a swap | 10:58 |
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mwe | shogran: the installer takes care of it for you if you install XP befor ubuntu | 10:58 |
Arcad3 | 1G | 10:58 |
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shogran | sweet | 10:58 |
Arcad3 | and an EXt3 | 10:58 |
boink | I think you should install XP first, then ubuntu. right? | 10:58 |
sgbirch | Is anybody familiar with the changes made to the serial ports betweer 2.4 and 2.6? | 10:58 |
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shogran | ill try it mwe's way first.. then arcad.. | 10:58 |
[Wizard] | hey, i have some problem with the nvidia driver, it do: Error: your X configuration has been altered. when i do sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 10:58 |
bl4cktone | shogran: yeah xp first with an open blank partition of about 20GB should be good then you can install ubuntu I think... it's been a few years | 10:58 |
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shogran | as soon as i get XP back..( somone stole it | 10:58 |
Shadow_mil | shogran: stpp[ | 10:58 |
Shadow_mil | stop | 10:59 |
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Arcad3 | at the instalation choose MAnual partition | 10:59 |
navivanus | hi ubunt! | 10:59 |
sgbirch | cant get a multiple port card to work, used to work under debian/sarge (2.4 kernel) | 10:59 |
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Shadow_mil | shogran: you need to change partition with a good paritioning software, else the install might delete your files | 10:59 |
Arcad3 | assign / to ext3 | 10:59 |
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bl4cktone | shogran well you can use partition magic to setup the partion | 10:59 |
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shogran | well im not planning on having files when i do this shadow | 10:59 |
bl4cktone | shogran if your system is already mainly xp | 10:59 |
shogran | just plane assed windows | 11:00 |
sskroeder | Hi all --- i'm looking for a script type font -- like the ones you see in fancy invitations.... does anyone know of font packages that i can install, that contain such fonts | 11:00 |
geronimo | hello, I've got serious problems with the nvidia-glx-legacy drivers, they kind of stopped the cooler of my card and my pc crashes everytime I use opengl apps | 11:00 |
Shadow_mil | shogran: if you do not have XP install, make sure not to give XP the full hard drive, leave some unallocated space | 11:00 |
mwe | but using the ubuntu installer makes using partition magic unnecessary | 11:00 |
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shogran | i will make sure i do that shadow | 11:01 |
Arcad3 | ubuntu installer has a bug | 11:01 |
mwe | only the gui one AFAIK | 11:01 |
cyber_bra | i asked a few days ago and i didn't get an answer so i'll try my luck now!!! does anybody know how to install package ignoring bad ones???anybody???(i used dpkg -i /dir/* and when he pass about half packeges it crashes and i got message "too many errors) :( | 11:01 |
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shogran | i have 70 gigs that i am gonna split right down the middle if i can | 11:01 |
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bl4cktone | shogran: check this video out and let me know if it helps | 11:01 |
mwe | and the bug is only triggered on some hardware | 11:01 |
bl4cktone | http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6104490811311898236 | 11:01 |
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jharr | Does anyone have some good links for creating a customized install cd (I just need to tweak the kernel package). | 11:02 |
escape | hi guys | 11:02 |
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shogran | thats another small thing... i cant get google video or youtube to work... | 11:02 |
Flannel | jharr: you read the stuff on the wiki yet? | 11:02 |
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sgbirch | shogran: do you have flash installed? | 11:03 |
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escape | shogran: install easyubuntu | 11:03 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | noone knows??? | 11:03 |
kitche | shogran: well those use flash so if you don't have it installed those won't work | 11:03 |
jharr | Flannel: I searched, but nothing really gave me what I wanted. I really don't want to use uck, because i don't want a live cd. I want a server install cd | 11:03 |
escape | with this tool you get the codecs | 11:03 |
shogran | hmmm.. | 11:03 |
shogran | cool ill do that Excape.. thanks | 11:03 |
Flannel | jharr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization | 11:03 |
sgbirch | shogran: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 11:03 |
=== Salamander [i=shingen1@82-212-136-241.teledisnet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shogran | oh thanks.. | 11:03 |
escape | but with easyubuntu he hast got all the settings | 11:03 |
jharr | Flannel: thx, I'll take a look | 11:04 |
shogran | thats what my GF was saying about flash.. | 11:04 |
escape | very nice tool i think | 11:04 |
shogran | i like the worde easyubuntu anyway | 11:04 |
bl4cktone | I'm not getting sound out of my Google video and am running XGL Compiz anyone know if I might be missing something? | 11:04 |
sgbirch | shogran: you may have a problem with sound, email me if you need help (sgbirch@imsmail.org) | 11:04 |
shogran | thanks ... | 11:04 |
escape | same for you @blacktone | 11:04 |
escape | try: easyubuntu | 11:04 |
escape | der is a .deb package on their website | 11:04 |
ludedeeds | i've been messing around with ubuntu the past few days, and today i decided to upgrade it from 386 to 686, and now whenever i use update-manager to update the rest of the files(minus the 386 ones, since i dont know if i should uninstall those..).. it freezes the computer when it starts downloading the files.. does anyone know why it's doing this? it didn't do it when using the 386 kernel | 11:04 |
escape | just have a look at google and search for it | 11:04 |
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp78-12.adsl.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | bl4cktone: I would think it's unrelated to XGL | 11:05 |
=== zeratull [n=zeratul@c80-216-54-10.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
escape | ne mwe. i works | 11:05 |
=== strangy [n=develope@83-131-156-236.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
shogran | is that your answer for everything? .. i have a horrible trojan that ate my mother board... : oh.. get easy buntu | 11:05 |
=== blacktiger [n=blacktig@cc141381-b.hooge1.gr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kitche | ludedeeds: are you using smp kernel or no | 11:05 |
shogran | im sorry.. j?K lol | 11:05 |
escape | no but thats the answer for this questions | 11:05 |
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cyber_brain_mfkg | escape: do u know how to install more than one package ignoring bad ones??? | 11:05 |
shogran | its nothing against you im just alittle bit of an ass some times | 11:05 |
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escape | i think this was apt-get install -f ? | 11:06 |
ludedeeds | i didn't install the smp kernel, but when i do a uname -a it does show SMP support | 11:06 |
=== mrbrdo [n=mrbrdo@zephyrus.mrbrdo.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
escape | i'm not shure | 11:06 |
shogran | well i have to see if my pc workums | 11:06 |
escape | try apt-get install --help or dpkg --help | 11:06 |
S0me1 | Guys, Ubuntu exam its like Red Hat RHCE? | 11:06 |
blacktiger | hey | 11:06 |
mwe | ludedeeds: the default dapper kernel has SMP support | 11:06 |
mrbrdo | help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1523709#post1523709 any answers will be greatly appreciated. | 11:06 |
=== spinach [n=me@cpe-065-188-254-009.triad.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyber_brain_mfkg | escape: thanx ! i'll try! | 11:06 |
=== Jack_Sparrow [n=jack@adsl-69-225-126-60.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
ompaul | S0me1, it is LPI | 11:06 |
sgbirch | ludedeedsL the 686 kernel is smp by default | 11:06 |
boink | S0me1: similar | 11:06 |
=== zeratull [n=zeratul@c80-216-54-10.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | S0me1, yes no and not at all :) | 11:07 |
ludedeeds | ok.. so then what was the point of his question?.. | 11:07 |
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=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-b.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blacktiger | can somebody help me with ndiswrapper??? | 11:07 |
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=== Gerrath is now known as Gerrath_away | ||
jharr | Flannel: is there any way to tweak the mirror it uses? | 11:07 |
ludedeeds | or better yet.. how do i disable smp support if that is the problem? | 11:07 |
kitche | ludedeeds: I just know that there is a smp version and a non smp version according to the repos that I have seen | 11:07 |
spinach | where are the desktop images in the file system? | 11:07 |
=== Gerrath_away is now known as Gerrath | ||
spinach | I've looked all around /usr/share | 11:07 |
escape | /usr/share/wallpaper | 11:08 |
=== blacktiger is now known as BlackTiger | ||
jpjacobs | how do i deactivate the prompt for "enable slow keys"? i don't need it I don't want it, it's jsut damn ennoying when you have to hold shift for more than 8 sec. | 11:08 |
=== gtkourounis [n=gtkourou@bas8-toronto12-1167856777.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spinach | bah | 11:08 |
Flannel | jharr: er, change sources.list? | 11:08 |
S0me1 | Ubuntu looking for good business ;p and really that is good | 11:08 |
escape | just search for it "find / -name wallpaper*" | 11:08 |
Kewlb | is there a linux mail client that has built in spam filtering ? | 11:08 |
=== zeratull [n=zeratul@c80-216-54-10.cm-upc.chello.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
spinach | not there here ;-) | 11:08 |
mwe | that will take forever and a day and return several permission errors | 11:08 |
=== bigbootay [n=bigboota@72-255-47-181.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
escape | thunderbird has got a spam filter | 11:09 |
boink | Kewlb: you could try tmda | 11:09 |
=== g0mb0k [n=gombok@119.71-245-81.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | though, tmda is a drastic solution | 11:09 |
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=== optimusprime [n=optimusp@53-202-165-66.rev.knet.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
escape | not if you are root @mwe | 11:09 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | will ubuntu be free forever??? | 11:09 |
boink | yes | 11:09 |
escape | the search is about 1 min | 11:09 |
synjet | !tmda | 11:09 |
ubotu | tmda: Tagged Message Delivery Agent. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.3-1ubuntu1 (dapper), package size 290 kB, installed size 992 kB | 11:09 |
escape | i have a 80gb hdd | 11:09 |
Jon___ | personally I will kill anyone I meet personally who uses tmda | 11:09 |
jharr | Flannel: when it installs though | 11:09 |
mwe | escape: but you're not if you follow the ubuntu guide lines ;) | 11:09 |
boink | each Ubuntu distro from dapper, will be supported for at least five years | 11:10 |
Jon___ | impersonally, I will blacklist them from any server I run | 11:10 |
=== boink uses tmda | ||
boink | kill me | 11:10 |
spinach | ah /usr/share/backgrounds | 11:10 |
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jon___ | boink: you'd better tell me where you live, so I can avoid it :P | 11:10 |
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=== blacky [n=famille@lns-bzn-31-82-252-217-223.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | Jon: aaah, come by for a cup of tea :) | 11:10 |
blacky | bonjour | 11:10 |
mwe | escape: however it will still take a very long time if you use sudo or are root | 11:10 |
boink | bonjour blacky | 11:10 |
Jack_Sparrow | Ignore the aroma of toasted almonds | 11:10 |
blacky | j'ai une petite question svp | 11:10 |
=== zek [n=pirch@host-69-95-58-177.spr.choiceone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
escape | what perfomance do you have with compiz and aiglx? the benchmark tells me 140 fps | 11:11 |
boink | on parle l'anglais ici | 11:11 |
Jack_Sparrow | !fr | 11:11 |
ubotu | Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais. | 11:11 |
BlackTiger | i tried to install my wlan pcmia card, used ndwrapper, it says driver and card found, but when i modprobe it i get with dmsg the message that he couln't initialize the device, what could be the problemm??? | 11:11 |
=== doychev [n=goser@esg074.stw.stud.uni-saarland.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | how does the thunderbird spam filtering work? does it just learn what you manually tag as spam, or does it do some type of intristic filtering | 11:11 |
zek | hey this the help | 11:11 |
PseudoPlacebo | How do I untar a file? | 11:11 |
kitche | BlackTiger: you modprobing ndiswrapper? | 11:11 |
PseudoPlacebo | It's tar xzf or something. | 11:11 |
Kewlb | tar -xf file | 11:11 |
zek | cause i got a big problem with my system | 11:11 |
PseudoPlacebo | But I forget. | 11:11 |
boink | tar zxvf blah.tar.gz | 11:11 |
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escape | you can tag and it lern's by itself | 11:11 |
PseudoPlacebo | boink: Thanks. | 11:11 |
sarahnpetewale | hello | 11:11 |
=== Davidou [n=Infinity@AAubervilliers-152-1-26-116.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackTiger | yes i have to.... whel everybody says that | 11:12 |
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Kewlb | cool thanks escape | 11:12 |
Kewlb | will give it a try | 11:12 |
=== phaedrus44 [n=phaedrus@cpe-72-227-91-211.maine.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackTiger | on the forums | 11:12 |
escape | i installed spamassassin on my mailserver. so my mailprogram does only have to look for the subject ***SPAM*** | 11:12 |
escape | :) | 11:12 |
escape | no problem kewlb | 11:12 |
Kewlb | well mine does too | 11:12 |
zek | hey can some1 help me with a grub problem on by duel boot sys | 11:12 |
kitche | BlackTiger: yeah just making sure that you modprobed ndiswrapper hmm maybe ubuntu has a module loaded for it | 11:12 |
Kewlb | I run my own mailservers and it runs Imail which does an OK job of tagging | 11:12 |
=== beuno [n=martin@68-155-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Jack_Sparrow | zek: What is the prob? | 11:12 |
kitche | anyways to untar a tar.gz it's just tar xvf | 11:12 |
Kewlb | but it still misstags quite a bit so I cant have it autodelete | 11:12 |
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Kewlb | and rules are a roundabout way of getting rid of it (move crap tagged X_SPAM), etc.. | 11:13 |
POVaddct | kitche: xzf, not xvf | 11:13 |
Falcongrinder | hello! | 11:13 |
=== OchSpell [n=ok@ool-4356e6e4.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ludedeeds | alright... i just checked the other computer.. and i have linux-686 installed on it, not linux-686-smp | 11:13 |
mwe | BlackTiger: did you install the recommended driver for your card? there is a DB at ndiswrapper.sf.net for different chips | 11:13 |
ludedeeds | but uname -a still shows smp | 11:13 |
kitche | POVaddct: it works with xf v is just verbose | 11:13 |
Falcongrinder | anyone use mplayer? | 11:13 |
BlackTiger | i do this.... modprobe ndiswrapper, and then controll it, with dmsg | 11:13 |
=== somethingcronic [n=mike@212-1-151-19.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | BlackTiger: did you install the recommended driver for your card? there is a DB at ndiswrapper.sf.net for different chips | 11:13 |
boink | mplayer? sure .. what the question? | 11:13 |
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BlackTiger | yes i used it from the ndis.source... | 11:13 |
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escape | do you know what's funny guys? im technical server engineer. i got home frome work for about 10 minutes. and now i'm doing the next support | 11:13 |
escape | rofl | 11:13 |
Falcongrinder | how do I expand the screen size | 11:14 |
=== nashife [n=nashife@74-60-16-46.eug.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
POVaddct | kitche: i know. but if it is gzipped, you also need z | 11:14 |
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=== darinlh [n=darinlh@12-218-96-209.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Falcongrinder | I can enlarge the border but thats it | 11:14 |
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mwe | BlackTiger: the windows driver recmmended for your card I mean | 11:14 |
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Kewlb | dedication :) | 11:14 |
kitche | POVaddct: no you don't I never have to use z and it extracts the whole thing | 11:14 |
synjet | falcongrinder: I had similar probs.. change the drivers that are used.. | 11:14 |
zek | i had 3 hard drives and one is an xp backup 1 is a duel boot xp and ubuntu 6.06 and i tried kubuntu on the 3rd and it was the most recently added. I was stupid and took the 3rd out and i cant get grub to work | 11:14 |
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Kewlb | I am a Sr. Network Engineer.. I spend my days in routers.. get home.. and study for my 2nd CCIE | 11:14 |
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BlackTiger | yes i used that, searched on the db on ndis....sf.net | 11:14 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | just type F Falcongrinder!!! :D | 11:14 |
=== WildPikachu [n=WildPika@unaffiliated/wildpikachu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | BlackTiger: ok good | 11:15 |
Falcongrinder | thanks | 11:15 |
escape | lol @kewlb | 11:15 |
escape | welcome in the club of workaholics | 11:15 |
=== WildPikachu [n=WildPika@unaffiliated/wildpikachu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
BlackTiger | dmesg|grep ndiswrapper | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.136000] ndiswrapper version 1.8 loaded (preempt=yes,smp=no) | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.140000] ndiswrapper: driver netam772 (Advanced Micro Devices,01/26/2004, loaded | 11:15 |
escape | <--- 5 minutes away. smoking a cigarette | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.140000] ndiswrapper (KeCancelTimer:711): invalid wrap_timer | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.140000] ndiswrapper (miniport_init:240): couldn't initialize device: C0000001 | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.140000] ndiswrapper (pnp_start_device:479): Windows driver couldn't initialize the device (C0000001) | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.140000] ndiswrapper (miniport_halt:271): device e877e260 is not initialized - not halting | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.140000] ndiswrapper: device eth%d removed | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | [17184101.140000] ndiswrapper: probe of 0000:02:00.0 failed with error -22 | 11:15 |
synjet | !pastebin > VlackTiger | 11:15 |
BlackTiger | root@laptop:/etc/ndiswrapper/netam772# modprobe ndiswrapper | 11:15 |
kitche | please use a pastebin | 11:15 |
mwe | BlackTiger: stop it | 11:15 |
=== hondje [n=hondje@c-24-9-242-190.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackTiger | this does it say | 11:15 |
boink | !paste | 11:15 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 11:15 |
=== Gnalein [n=pontus@lund-kc50-sr0-vl100-56-058.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | BlackTiger: don't paste here ! | 11:15 |
Jack_Sparrow | !paste > BlackTiger: | 11:15 |
POVaddct | kitche: tar xf bla.tar.gz | 11:16 |
POVaddct | kitche: tar: This does not look like a tar archive | 11:16 |
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=== azzael [n=azzael@c-65-96-96-152.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackTiger | ok, didnt know that... | 11:16 |
mwe | POVaddct: file name? | 11:16 |
cyber_brain_mfkg | Falcongrinder: if u want to zoom in/out video try W and E | 11:16 |
boink | there are a few rules on #ubuntu | 11:16 |
mwe | POVaddct: tar zxvf foo.tar.gz | 11:16 |
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kitche | POVaddct: well then I never have to use z | 11:16 |
POVaddct | mwe: i only show kitche that tar needs the z flag if the archive is gzippped | 11:16 |
ludedeeds | anyone know? | 11:16 |
zek | i cant use the 3rd hd and i tried installing a new ubuntu to update the grub and mbr but that didnt work Any ideas??? | 11:17 |
Falcongrinder | cyber, it isnt working | 11:17 |
ludedeeds | regarding > alright... i just checked the other computer.. and i have linux-686 installed on it, not linux-686-smp | 11:17 |
BlackTiger | but what does it say, could you see the problemm in it | 11:17 |
kitche | POVaddct: anything I download I just do tar xvf and it untars and ungzips it | 11:17 |
mwe | POVaddct: oh | 11:17 |
=== din_ [n=din@c-68-46-240-168.hsd1.ar.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyber_brain_mfkg | Falcongrinder: ??? xm!!! | 11:17 |
ludedeeds | but uname -a still shows smp | 11:17 |
zek | hello | 11:17 |
zek | any one their | 11:17 |
kalif | kitche: the other way around, right? | 11:17 |
zek | there | 11:17 |
Gnalein | hey everyone, my gaim just closes when i login on msn, can someone help me fix this or tip of some other program to use? | 11:17 |
POVaddct | kitche: then your file is a tar without compression, and is wrongly named .gz | 11:17 |
synjet | falcongrinder: select opengl drivers in preferences | 11:17 |
Jack_Sparrow | zek: YOu can run the live cd and gparted to identify what partitions are in what locations or you can boot the livecd super grub repair | 11:17 |
=== anoobis [n=jscottie@host81-157-71-87.range81-157.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cyber_brain_mfkg | Falcongrinder: what u want to do??? full screen mode? zoom in/out??? | 11:17 |
ludedeeds | and the computer only seems to freeze when i try to download.. | 11:17 |
mwe | ludedeeds: I told you the default dapper kernel has SMP support | 11:17 |
BlackTiger | just reinstall gaim | 11:17 |
=== J-max [n=d@c-24-30-104-152.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlackTiger | i had that problemm also this week | 11:18 |
kitche | POVaddct: lol every file I download is in .tar.gz even the apache2 sources are in that format | 11:18 |
ludedeeds | mwe: how do i disable smp support? | 11:18 |
Gnalein | I'm to new to ubuntu to know how to do that BT | 11:18 |
Gnalein | how to? :) | 11:18 |
POVaddct | kitche: what do you use for downloading? | 11:18 |
mwe | ludedeeds: why would you it doesn't hurt | 11:18 |
optimusprime | how do you take a screenshot? | 11:18 |
J-max | GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA | 11:18 |
J-max | irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/# | 11:18 |
J-max | gnaa GNAA GNAA | 11:18 |
kitche | POVaddct: a web browser | 11:18 |
J-max | GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA | 11:18 |
mwe | !ops | 11:18 |
ubotu | Help! Keybuk, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob, Hobbsee, imbrandon, DBO or gnomefreak! | 11:18 |
J-max | irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/# | 11:18 |
POVaddct | kitche: which one? | 11:18 |
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J-max | gnaa GNAA GNAA | 11:18 |
zek | im kind of new but does it matter what partitions are flagged as bootable | 11:18 |
J-max | GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA | 11:18 |
boink | spam bot | 11:18 |
BlackTiger | open synaptic... | 11:18 |
J-max | irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/# | 11:18 |
J-max | gnaa GNAA GNAA | 11:18 |
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J-max | GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA irc.gnaa.us/#gnaa GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA GNAA | 11:18 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ | ||
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kitche | POVaddct: firefox konq opera | 11:19 |
boink | ta ompaul | 11:19 |
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ompaul | nalioth, ^^ | 11:19 |
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nalioth | y'all are just too quick :) | 11:19 |
ludedeeds | mwe: then do you have any idea why it is freezing? =\ | 11:19 |
POVaddct | kitche: i know that netscape and all its descendants silently decompress gzipped files | 11:19 |
mwe | ludedeeds: what is? ;) | 11:19 |
zek | is there a smaller channel that i could use | 11:20 |
ludedeeds | mwe: everything... when i try to download.. either by update-manager or synaptic.. haven't tried normal downloads yet, just ran into the problem | 11:20 |
ludedeeds | mwe: it will download a couple files, then freeze complete, have to hardboot | 11:20 |
Jack_Sparrow | ludedeeds: I must ask... Have you run scripts like Automatix or EasyUbuntu, (NOT recommending that you do.) to install anything? | 11:21 |
BlackTiger | to reinstall gaim open synamtic.... search for gaim, rigth click uninstall.... then again install thats what i did.... i'm also new but this is easy | 11:21 |
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Gnalein | found it | 11:21 |
=== xcorpion [n=xcorpion@247.Red-88-11-208.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mwe | ludedeeds: hmm. I'd guess it would be related to your network card driver but I don't know for sure | 11:21 |
vk | Hi! Where is the PPPOECONF comend gone in Ubuntu 6.10 (Knot 3)? Can someone tell me how I configuer my ADSL Modem? | 11:21 |
optimusprime | how do you take a screenshot? I seem to have lost that option....I know it was there before... | 11:21 |
Gnalein | should i mark for removal to uninstall ? | 11:21 |
BlackTiger | yes | 11:22 |
=== duckdown [i=airfoil@blackprojects.labs.nasa-gov.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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xcorpion | Hola!!! | 11:22 |
Jack_Sparrow | !edgy | 11:22 |
mwe | ludedeeds: did you check log files in /var/log like syslog for clues? | 11:22 |
ubotu | edgy is the current development version of Ubuntu. Version 6.10, codename "Edgy Eft". For support head to #ubuntu+1. For its release schedule, see !schedule | 11:22 |
Shadow_mil | anyone know how I can get mplayer on ubuntu? | 11:22 |
synjet | optimusprime: hit the printscreen button? | 11:22 |
ludedeeds | Jack_Sparrow: no, what i have done, is install a clean ubuntu 6.06 install, then immediately after, i install ndiswrapper-utils, modify iftab to change my eth1 back to wlan0, blacklist the islsm and islsm_usb, reboot, configure ndiswrapper for my wireless adapter, then upgrade from 386 to 686 | 11:22 |
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boink | showdow_mil: you will need to compile it yourself | 11:22 |
boink | in order to get all the codecs | 11:22 |
bur[n] er | sudo apt-get install mplayer-686 worked for me | 11:22 |
boink | with the wincodecs? | 11:23 |
escape | back again | 11:23 |
mwe | ludedeeds: some windows drivers make ndiswrapper behave odd | 11:23 |
Gnalein | uhm, ubuntu desktop got marked on its own and I can't unmark it | 11:23 |
zek | when i boot up all i get is GRUB: and then nothing happens | 11:23 |
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ludedeeds | Jack_Sparrow: then when i try upgrade the other files that are installed and have updates available, it freezes the comp, it didn't do it ever when i was running the 386 kernel | 11:23 |
boink | !schedule | 11:23 |
ubotu | Ubuntu uses a strict timetable for releases, which means that sometimes newly released programs miss the timetable. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases for more. Edgy schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyReleaseSchedule | 11:23 |
escape | maybe you can help me. did anybody got adobe photosho cs working with wine? | 11:23 |
Jack_Sparrow | ludedeeds: You have the same problem in the 386 as in the 686? | 11:23 |
mebo | hello-first time on IRC-trying to figure out how to get ubuntu to boot to ext3. Currently always boots to ext2. | 11:23 |
Kewlb | I had to manually install mplayer to use wincodecs | 11:23 |
ludedeeds | Jack_Sparrow: no, 386 doesn't freeze, only the 686 does | 11:24 |
xcorpion | Alguien Habla espaol? | 11:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | ludedeeds: You knew that question was comming | 11:24 |
ludedeeds | aye, i did | 11:24 |
synjet | xcorpoin: #ubuntu-es | 11:24 |
escape | installation is fine. wenn starting it, it hangs on loading aditional plugins and after 30 seconds application quits | 11:24 |
boink | no, habla aqui ingles | 11:24 |
boink | !spanish | 11:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about spanish - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:24 |
Jack_Sparrow | !es | 11:24 |
ubotu | Para Espaol por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 11:24 |
boink | ta | 11:24 |
vk | Hi! Where is the PPPOECONF command gone in Ubuntu 6.10 (Knot 3)? Can someone tell me how I configuer my ADSL Modem connection? | 11:24 |
BlackTiger | !du | 11:24 |
mwe | ludedeeds: are you using the windows drivers recommended for your card in the DB at ndiswrapper.sf.net? | 11:24 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about du - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:24 |
Shadow_mil | ok.. Ill need help... how do I complile mplayer with wincodecs? | 11:25 |
synjet | boink: you seem to know many languages! | 11:25 |
zek | any1 with me | 11:25 |
BlackTiger | !nl | 11:25 |
ubotu | Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl | 11:25 |
StFS | kalif, Jon___: thanks for your advice on the vmware thing... I managed to remove it by booting into "recovery mode" | 11:25 |
zek | hello | 11:25 |
boink | heh .. I know how to bluff :) | 11:25 |
escape | !de | 11:25 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 11:25 |
escape | lol | 11:25 |
boink | !hu | 11:25 |
ubotu | Ha magyarul beszelsz kerlek probald a #ubuntu-hu | 11:25 |
Jon___ | StFS: ah interesting approach | 11:25 |
Jack_Sparrow | ludedeeds: I have both 386 and 686 installed and I could not get the 686 to power down correctly. I didn tsee that much difference in the speed so I just run the 386.. | 11:25 |
Gnalein | they wont remove / reinstall :S | 11:25 |
StFS | kalif, Jon___: but I actually found that very interesting since I ended up in a root shell without having to log in!!! | 11:25 |
ludedeeds | mwe: yes, i am, but even under the 386 kernel ndiswrapper seems to crap out under 386 after being idle too long, and i cant modprobe -r it or anything, it freezes the terminal if i try.. | 11:25 |
appelza | my 64bit ubuntu server is not showing all of my 4gb | 11:25 |
appelza | 4gm of ram | 11:25 |
appelza | how do I enable it all? | 11:25 |
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Shadow_mil | ok.. Ill need help... how do I complile mplayer with wincodecs? | 11:26 |
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boink | shadow: do a google search, "mplayer ubuntu" | 11:26 |
zek | GRUB problem | 11:26 |
ludedeeds | mwe: but other than that, under 386 it works perfectly | 11:26 |
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jpjacobs | Shadow_mil, you don't have too... | 11:26 |
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boink | c'mon, if you want the windows codecs with mplayer | 11:26 |
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mebo | any help on getting grub to boot using ext3 instead of ext2 | 11:26 |
jpjacobs | !restricted>Shadow_mil | 11:26 |
boink | otherwise, apt-get install mplayer will work | 11:26 |
synjet | Shadow_mil: you have many options.. you can enable certain repos and then it is just an apt-get away, or compile form source, or use scripts (not recommended) | 11:26 |
ludedeeds | Jack_Sparrow: i on the otherhand, have noticed quite a performance improvement with the 686 kernel... if only it didn't freeze when i'm trying to download.. | 11:27 |
Shadow_mil | I need to play wma files | 11:27 |
boink | I use mplayer to play wma/wmv streams | 11:27 |
Shadow_mil | so I need wincodecs | 11:27 |
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kondorer | found a bit of stuff regarding windows codecs and mplayer http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#multimedia | 11:27 |
Enselic | I want to crep for 'copy' recursivly in .c and .h files, and I've tried grep -r copy .*[ch] , but it doesn't work, what is the right command for this? | 11:27 |
synjet | Shadow_mil: see ubuntuguide.org | 11:27 |
vk | Hi! Where is the PPPOECONF command gone in Ubuntu 6.10 (Knot 3)? Can someone tell me how I configuer my ADSL Modem connection? | 11:27 |
synjet | Shadow_mil: it has all your answers on codecs | 11:27 |
n0dl|laptop | is there a method of testing what resolution your currently running via a terminal ( i dont have gnome nor kde nor xfce) | 11:27 |
rootpt | Shadow_mil: apt-get install buil-essential | 11:27 |
rootpt | Shadow_mil: better this way -> sudo apt-get install build-essential | 11:28 |
zek | i must not know how to use gparted then cause i still cant get my system right | 11:28 |
escape | okay guys. im in ubuntu-de | 11:29 |
escape | good night | 11:29 |
boink | http://www.oldskoolphreak.com/tfiles/hack/ubuntu.txt <= mplayer/ubuntu install, but a little dated | 11:29 |
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appelza | how do I enable ubuntu to see all my 4gb of ram ? | 11:29 |
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mwe | ludedeeds: so it doesn't work properly under the 386 kernel either. I'd try a different windows driver if I were you | 11:29 |
Jack_Sparrow | ludedeeds: That is really strange.. ONe last question. Did you have the installcd do a self test for errors.. even though it does boot fine..? | 11:29 |
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Gnalein | synaptic wont apply my changes :SS | 11:29 |
mwe | ludedeeds: I had to try several before I found a stable one | 11:29 |
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vk | Hi! Where is the PPPOECONF command gone in Ubuntu 6.10 (Knot 3)? Can someone tell me how I configuer my ADSL Modem connection? | 11:29 |
vk | Hi! Where is the PPPOECONF command gone in Ubuntu 6.10 (Knot 3)? Can someone tell me how I configuer my ADSL Modem connection? | 11:29 |
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ludedeeds | mwe: i use a netgear wg121 2.0, there's only 1 driver for ndiswrapper that i've found for it.. | 11:30 |
boink | won't your adsl modem do the connection itself? | 11:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !repeat > vk | 11:30 |
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SpudDogg | Has anyone here ever played with kismet? | 11:30 |
boink | don't you have an adsl modem/router thing? | 11:30 |
mc44 | the sound on my intel 945 chipset HD audio doesnt work in dapper, is it possible to get it working? | 11:30 |
Jack_Sparrow | !edgy > vk | 11:30 |
mwe | ludedeeds: personally I ended up using a driver that was not listed at ndiswrapper.sf.net | 11:30 |
mebo | any ubuntu grub support on this channel?? | 11:30 |
vk | Hi! Where is the PPPOECONF command gone in Ubuntu 6.10 (Knot 3)? Can someone tell me how I configuer my ADSL Modem connection? | 11:30 |
Xenguy | vk: last time I checked it was still there (but that was awhile back, hrm) | 11:30 |
boink | don't you have an adsl modem/router thing? | 11:30 |
appelza | is there a more advanced ubuntu channel? | 11:31 |
Xenguy | vk: and please don't repeat | 11:31 |
SpudDogg | Jack_Sparrow: You usually seem to know the answers. Have you ever played with kismet? | 11:31 |
zek | mebo i need grub help too | 11:31 |
appelza | or one specifically for ubuntu 64bit editions | 11:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | vk Edgy would be a better place to ask. | 11:31 |
vk | Xenguy: ok | 11:31 |
kalif | vk: /usr/sbin/pppoeconf | 11:31 |
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C-O-L-T | hello I need some help connected to a fat32 partition, i can not mount it. | 11:31 |
zek | havnt gotten it | 11:31 |
boink | if you have a dlink or a netgear router, that will do the pppoe connection for you | 11:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | SpudDogg: No sorry never used kismet | 11:31 |
Xenguy | vk: confirmed, I see it | 11:31 |
SpudDogg | Jack_Sparrow: ok, thought id ask :) thanks anyway | 11:31 |
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Xenguy | vk: just checking further here... | 11:31 |
mebo | zek: maybe someone will chime in... | 11:31 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: is it a local fat32 drive? | 11:32 |
zek | hope so | 11:32 |
HOT | anyone know if webmin supports ubuntu officially? | 11:32 |
Gnalein | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. pontus@pontus-desktop:~$ dpkg --configure -a | 11:32 |
Gnalein | dpkg: requested operation requires superuser privilege | 11:32 |
Gnalein | in terminal: E: | 11:32 |
kennytothaha | hi | 11:32 |
boink | what's webmin? | 11:32 |
Gnalein | help please | 11:32 |
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HOT | its a http based administraton tool | 11:32 |
zek | can anyone help me please | 11:32 |
Xenguy | vk: jeez, says here it is in 'main' | 11:32 |
jbroome | !webmin | 11:32 |
ubotu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. Please avoid using it. | 11:32 |
=== Exposure [n=exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boink | heh | 11:33 |
vk | Xenguy: ??? | 11:33 |
HOT | http://www.webmin.com/ | 11:33 |
HOT | its for lazy arses like me | 11:33 |
vk | Xenguy: in main? | 11:33 |
boink | it's not supported in ubuntu | 11:33 |
Xenguy | vk: sudo apt-get install pppoeconf | 11:33 |
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HOT | bah shame | 11:33 |
Xenguy | vk: what happens? | 11:33 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: Here is the situation I have made this partition in order to write it both from windows and linux, I have formatted with Gparted, under XP works but I can not mount in Linux I have tried the command sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda5 /media/hda2 and says it mounts but I can not open the partition. It is a local partition on a 80 GB hard drive | 11:33 |
kennytothaha | does anyone know, where i can find a tutorial where its described how to install libdvdcss on ubuntu? (it's running on a amd64 cpu) | 11:33 |
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zek | any1 know grub commands cause i can get to a grub command line but dont know what to do from there | 11:33 |
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vk | Xenguy: Is it not installed by default? | 11:34 |
Xenguy | vk: That's what we're testing :-) | 11:34 |
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Xenguy | vk: run the command and see what happens; then you'll know | 11:34 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: fat32 right? | 11:34 |
Xenguy | brb | 11:34 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: right | 11:34 |
carthik | How do I find out which package has mkswap in it? | 11:34 |
vk | Xenguy: I'l give it a try! | 11:35 |
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mephis1987 | hello , i have just installed vsftp server, but i cant connect it from other PCs, it says : oops, both local and anonymous are disable , can you guide me this ? | 11:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: try this script http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter | 11:35 |
jake1 | i'm having some issues here | 11:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: Sorry for the lag I had a call | 11:35 |
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jake1 | i'm trying to get sun-java-bin installed | 11:35 |
jake1 | but it's not in synaptic | 11:35 |
Jack_Sparrow | !java | 11:35 |
zek | am i doing something wrong | 11:35 |
=== jeiri [n=abiertos@reserved-231-14.tricom.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | To install a java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the Multiverse repository | 11:35 |
mwe | carthik: install apt-file. then sudo apt-file update. then apt-file search | 11:35 |
mephis1987 | !ftp | 11:36 |
ubotu | FTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd | 11:36 |
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HOT | jake1 you considered automatix? | 11:36 |
HOT | does it automagically for me | 11:36 |
shogran | hello.. | 11:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | HOT: BAd idea... | 11:36 |
carthik | mwe, will try - thanks. | 11:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | Automatix is the WORST things you can run.. Once you do.. there is no going back without restoring from a backup or reinstalling. | 11:36 |
HOT | fair enough, im pretty noob, but it did work for me | 11:36 |
mwe | carthik: but it's util-linux | 11:36 |
kennytothaha | is it possible (for a noob like me) to install wine on a 2.6.15-27-amd64-generic kernel? | 11:36 |
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C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: no problem thanks for helping, I am on the script :D | 11:36 |
Jack_Sparrow | !worksforme | 11:36 |
ubotu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 11:36 |
rootpt | jake1: sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jre sun-java5-plugin | 11:36 |
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Gnalein | jack: is automatix really that bad? | 11:37 |
linuchsan | carthik:package and mkswap? | 11:37 |
zek | this is my first time on irc am i doing something wrong | 11:37 |
Gnalein | i installed that yesterday... | 11:37 |
carthik | linuchsan, ? | 11:37 |
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zek | please help me i cant do anything on my computer | 11:37 |
shogran | uhmmm its still not workin.. | 11:37 |
mephis1987 | hello, i have 1 question about vsftpd, i cant connect it from other PCs, it says : oops, both local and anonymous are disable , can you guide me this ? | 11:37 |
Jack_Sparrow | Gnalein: Worse than BAD | 11:37 |
jake1 | rootpt: will this work on the 32-bit | 11:37 |
pty | mephis1987: have you looked at /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf | 11:37 |
shogran | i cannot change my resolution | 11:37 |
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appelza | I get this with 4gb of ram :( : | 11:38 |
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appelza | [23:37] <Quiznos> hospitals are the #1 location for dying. | 11:38 |
appelza | [23:37] <Quiznos> dont go there | 11:38 |
HOT | i guess we all have our opinions, if its helps the program allowed me to keep a nix variant on my laptop for the first time ever in 5 years | 11:38 |
appelza | oops | 11:38 |
mephis1987 | pty: ,yes it s in /etc/vsftpd.conf and i dont what to change | 11:38 |
HOT | in fact im very happy right now | 11:38 |
appelza | MemTotal: 2832756 kB | 11:38 |
appelza | MemFree: 246252 kB | 11:38 |
appelza | :/ | 11:38 |
Gnalein | how to get superadmin rights in terminal? | 11:38 |
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linuchsan | carthik:what is the issue? | 11:38 |
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shogran | i cannot change my resolution? | 11:38 |
Jack_Sparrow | !automatix | 11:38 |
ubotu | automatix is a script that automates installation of some items. Use at your own risk. See http://www.getautomatix.com/ ; For help with and discussion of automatix please join #automatix. | 11:38 |
pty | mephis1987: listen=YES | 11:39 |
carthik | linuchsan, I wanted to find which package provides the mkswap binary - I found it now. Thank you. | 11:39 |
kennytothaha | how can i install automatix on a 64bit system? | 11:39 |
Jack_Sparrow | HOT: When it breaks, please go there for help... | 11:39 |
carthik | !resolution | 11:39 |
ubotu | x is the X Window System; it's the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type this in a console: sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 11:39 |
pty | mephis1987: local_enable=YES | 11:39 |
famikon | Can any of you fine gents help me get s-video output working on my notebook with an ATI Radion 9600 mobile?? Please PM me! (I've googled and checked the online docs!) | 11:39 |
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HOT | will do thanks | 11:39 |
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Jack_Sparrow | np | 11:39 |
shogran | Thanks! | 11:39 |
HOT | gotta say laptop has been very stable for a long time now though | 11:39 |
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HOT | but advice noted | 11:39 |
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C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: I have saved the file to my Desktop and followed the instructions but does not works says file missing | 11:39 |
kalif | appelza: I think you might need a another kernel | 11:40 |
HOT | i guess when i need total control i will go back to my gentoo boxen | 11:40 |
kalif | or .. a different kernel | 11:40 |
comtechsystems | how can I make a windowsxp machine automatically log into a ubuntu samba share on boot? (map network drive) | 11:40 |
carthik | zek, you're not doing anything wrong - just ask your question, and someone will answer it for you if they know the answer | 11:40 |
linuchsan | carthik:you are kidding! | 11:40 |
mephis1987 | pty: i uncomment that out, is there anything more ? | 11:40 |
Gnalein | how to get superadmin rights in terminal? | 11:40 |
carthik | linuchsan, any particular reason I should be? :) | 11:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: fter saving the page to your desktop use terminal and type cd /home/your_username_here/Desktop | 11:40 |
boink | and if nobody knows the answer, try asking later on | 11:40 |
pty | that should do it i think. then restart vsftpd | 11:40 |
Xenguy | Gnalein: sudo -i | 11:40 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: I know I went in terminal to my desktop | 11:40 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: then sudo bash diskmounter | 11:41 |
C-O-L-T | but says the same | 11:41 |
Gnalein | thnx | 11:41 |
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Xenguy | yw | 11:41 |
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C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: I know I have written that too but the same | 11:41 |
linuchsan | carthik:never mind | 11:41 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: in term type ls see if it is there... | 11:41 |
famikon | How to enable secondary s-video output on an ATI radeon 9600 mobile please? | 11:41 |
comtechsystems | famikon, there are several howtos on the website | 11:42 |
HOT | so anyone have feeling about the prefered method to connect to an ipsec VPN? its like the last thing i need to get perfection here | 11:42 |
rehn | I have problems setting the resolution in the BIOS on my i915 dapper box. "915resolution -l" claims to have the correct modes set up, but x.org sees the relevant entries as having resolution 0x0, according to its log file. Should I be using 915resolution at all? | 11:42 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: it is there diskmounter.txt | 11:42 |
carthik | famikon, try searching the wiki or the forums - the solution if any should involve many steps, so look for a guide. | 11:42 |
Xenguy | HOT: openswan ? | 11:42 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: should be a txt file? | 11:42 |
HOT | is it good Xenguy? | 11:42 |
Xenguy | HOT: I've not messed with it, just heard awhile back | 11:42 |
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printk | rehn: I use 915resolution, which mode are you replacing? | 11:42 |
HOT | ok good info thanks | 11:42 |
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Xenguy | HOT: worth a look - cheers | 11:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | not txt | 11:43 |
rehn | e.g. 66 | 11:43 |
famikon | thanks for the resoponses. any particular spot to look? ive checked the official documentation and the wiki... | 11:43 |
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mc44 | anyone know how to get intel HDA onboard sound working? | 11:43 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: click file and just save it... | 11:43 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: It saves as a txt | 11:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | what browser | 11:43 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: I use Opera | 11:43 |
StFS | anyone having problems with installing flashplugin-nonfree? | 11:43 |
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Jack_Sparrow | remove the txt.. | 11:43 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: ok | 11:43 |
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printk | rehn: i am replacing mode 54 so i can have 1400x1050.. it's working for me | 11:43 |
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rehn | OK. I'll try that one. | 11:44 |
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UKMatt | hey what's the new sticky notes program they have in edgy? | 11:44 |
printk | er sorry mode 58, not 54 | 11:44 |
printk | rehn: sorry mode 58, not 54 | 11:44 |
mebo | still looking for grub ext2 / 3 help... | 11:44 |
pty | UKMatt: tomboy? | 11:44 |
UKMatt | pty, yeahhh! thats it | 11:44 |
HOT | mc44: this any good for yea? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76307 | 11:45 |
rehn | OK. | 11:45 |
printk | mebo: what's the issue? | 11:45 |
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mebo | ubuntu boots to ext2 on ext3 volume | 11:45 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: now worked but still can not open that fat32 drive | 11:45 |
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kalif | mebo: what do you have in /etc/fstab ? | 11:45 |
mebo | expat in Nigeria and power goes off all the time, and reboot is a *real* pain... | 11:45 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: should I reboot? | 11:46 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: ctrl-alt-backspace and restart X | 11:46 |
mebo | kalif: I | 11:46 |
boink | mebo: reiserfs works well too | 11:46 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: okay just a sec and I am back | 11:46 |
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mebo | Kalif: I'll check | 11:46 |
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boink | reiserfs and ext3 both are journaling fs's | 11:46 |
rehn | printk: "915resolution -l" now has mode 58 as 1400x1050, 32 bits. That should be right? | 11:46 |
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mephis1987 | pty: , thanks it works | 11:47 |
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printk | rehn: correct that's what i have... now you should be able to use 1400x1050.. | 11:47 |
pty | mephis1987: no problem | 11:47 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: now I even can not see it :D | 11:47 |
rehn | printk: Restarting X now... | 11:47 |
Centaur5 | I'm trying to install Dapper on an Averatec 6210 notebook and all that happens when booting from the cd is a kernel panic. Is there no hope for this machine? | 11:47 |
printk | rehn: and you are saving this to your /etc/default/915resolution file as well? | 11:47 |
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mebo | another little caviot. machine has both ide and sda | 11:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: is this a usb drive or anthing special/different... maybe you need to post your fstb to the pastebin. | 11:48 |
mebo | fstab is showing them as ext3, but on boot grub uses ext2... | 11:48 |
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C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: nope I don't have any I will poste | 11:48 |
Jack_Sparrow | mebo: WOuld you mind saying the problem again..? | 11:48 |
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ludedeeds | Jack_Sparrow: If i switch everything back to 386, do you know any way to make it where my wireless adapter doesn't shut off after a couple hours? | 11:49 |
kennytothaha | is it possible to install a 32bit ubuntu version on a machine which runs a amd64 cpu? | 11:49 |
mebo | volume is ext3, but grub boots using ext2. When I have a power failure, fschk takes forever, and I have *alot* of those... | 11:49 |
boink | have you converted the ext2 partition into ext3 already? | 11:49 |
mwe | kennytothaha: yes | 11:49 |
mebo | yes. | 11:49 |
mebo | fstab shows as ext3 | 11:49 |
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kennytothaha | and then i don't have all this troubles with programms which doesnt work fine? | 11:49 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24136 | 11:49 |
rehn | printk: Works. Apparently the higher-numbered modes are not working. I though any mode would work, really. | 11:49 |
mwe | kennytothaha: right | 11:50 |
printk | but grub is reading it as ext2? Even if that's the case grub only boots it | 11:50 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: here it is | 11:50 |
Jack_Sparrow | ludedeeds: I seem to remember seeing something in the wiki about that.. you can look or when I get a minute I will look as well | 11:50 |
printk | It shouldn't effect your fsck | 11:50 |
kennytothaha | sweet :) thx a lot | 11:50 |
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boink | though, why install a 32 bit system on a 64 bit box? | 11:50 |
printk | rehn: ah yah i had the same issue :) | 11:50 |
boink | ubuntu has a 64 bit system too | 11:50 |
mrbrdo | boink: because of much much better support | 11:50 |
kennytothaha | i'm a beginner and i have no idea how to compile all those programms and stuff... :S | 11:50 |
mebo | the power failure forces a check since it thinks its ext2. ext3 would bypass, right?? | 11:50 |
printk | rehn: did you edit your /etc/default/915resolution? | 11:50 |
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printk | mebo: no ext3 gets a check too | 11:50 |
printk | mebo: all fs would | 11:50 |
mwe | boink: because of unstables 64 bit programs, no wine, flash etc | 11:50 |
boink | ok | 11:50 |
mrbrdo | boink: and there is some stuff not working on 64bit (eg some wlans, binary drivers maybe) | 11:51 |
boink | reiserfs is faster than ext3 | 11:51 |
ludedeeds | Jack_Sparrow: which wiki? ndiswrapper? or ubuntu's? | 11:51 |
grampajoe | What options do I need in fstab to make an NTFS filesystem readable to all users when I mount it? | 11:51 |
boink | I mean, after a crash | 11:51 |
rehn | printk: BTW, you don't happen have a solution to the problem of X dying when using xv acceleration after suspend-resume, do you? | 11:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | ludedeeds: ubuntu | 11:51 |
printk | rehn: nope sorry | 11:51 |
mebo | guess I just need to get a decent UPS.... | 11:51 |
rehn | printk: This has been in both debian and ubuntu for months now... | 11:51 |
rehn | printk: OK, thanks! | 11:51 |
Jack_Sparrow | mebo: HOw about running gparted and verifying partition info for us? | 11:51 |
printk | mebo: yah any fs will need to be checked if not unumounted before a shutdown.. from ext2 -> JFS | 11:51 |
ludedeeds | was it to use wifi-radar instead of network manager? | 11:52 |
kennytothaha | ty all 4help, i'm gonna leech ubuntu 32 =) gn8 everyone | 11:52 |
mwe | reiserfs likes to fail with style | 11:52 |
printk | yah i'm a reiserfs man myself | 11:52 |
mebo | ok....my miss info then. I thought the journaling would do that for me... | 11:52 |
printk | I like failing in style | 11:52 |
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=== kalif would never run reiserfs on / | ||
mwe | heh | 11:53 |
printk | oh yah me either | 11:53 |
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boink | it works, I've used it on busy servers | 11:53 |
printk | ext2 for /boot and / for me | 11:53 |
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mwe | printk: good idea | 11:53 |
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jake1 | ok..........i am going to paste my sources.list on lispaste, can someone look at it and tell me why multiverse is not working | 11:53 |
kalif | i user reiserfs for my imap store | 11:53 |
printk | everything else is reiser tho :) (/usr, /var, and /home) | 11:53 |
mdasilva_ | reiserfs is fine | 11:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | grampajoe: MIne reads /dev/sda1 /media/sda1 ntfs ro,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0 | 11:54 |
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C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: any opinion? | 11:54 |
boink | ext3 is fine too | 11:54 |
Jack_Sparrow | jake1: Sure | 11:54 |
cjones | has anybody ever booted form CF? | 11:54 |
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Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: I didnt see the reference number | 11:54 |
mwe | kalif: remember to make regular sacrifises for the gods ;) | 11:54 |
mebo | thanks for the help...(even though I didn't like the answer. :)) | 11:54 |
kalif | mdasilva_: yes - but I would hate to repair anything on it | 11:54 |
lupine_85 | cjones: yes, but not in Ubuntu | 11:54 |
grampajoe | Jack_Sparrow: Thanks, I'll try those options and see what happens | 11:54 |
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kalif | mwe: I do that every day | 11:54 |
appelza | where is ubuntu's autostart scripts located (and how can I see what services will start at boot?) | 11:55 |
appelza | or add | 11:55 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24136 | 11:55 |
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mwe | kalif: you should be good then ;) | 11:55 |
Jack_Sparrow | checking now | 11:55 |
jake1 | !lispaste | 11:55 |
kalif | you know: feed an old floppy to the backup god :) | 11:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lispaste - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:55 |
C-O-L-T | Jack_Sparrow: okay thanks for helping me | 11:55 |
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jake1 | !lipaste | 11:55 |
ubotu | Sorry, I don't know anything about lipaste - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi | 11:55 |
jake1 | wtf? | 11:55 |
cjones | lupine_85 was it much faster | 11:55 |
jake1 | where is it | 11:55 |
AZzKikR | !paste | 11:55 |
ubotu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (you can always find it in the channel topic, among other useful things) | 11:55 |
AZzKikR | that one? | 11:55 |
lupine_85 | cjones: typically you use an IDE<->CF converter so that the CF card looks like an IDE drive to the BIOS - I don't know of a bios with native support for CF booting | 11:55 |
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harleypig | I'm having problems with openoffice, apt-get -f install doesn't fix it. How can I just completely uninstall open office and continue on to other things? | 11:55 |
lupine_85 | cjones: hard to make a comparison | 11:55 |
harleypig | err ... installing other tings. | 11:56 |
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cjones | lupine_85 was it on a mini-itx box ? | 11:56 |
Xenguy | harleypig: dpkg -r <program> ? (man dpkg) | 11:56 |
lupine_85 | no, a WRAP box | 11:56 |
jake1 | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/24137 | 11:56 |
cjones | whats a wrap box ? | 11:57 |
lupine_85 | it does work, but it's not a very good idea to put a normal linux system on a CF card | 11:57 |
jake1 | we should have a bot that pastes the link automatically in here whenever someone uses the pastebin | 11:57 |
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lupine_85 | frequent writes to CF cards is very bad for them | 11:57 |
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jake1 | that is my /etc/apt/sources.list file | 11:57 |
lupine_85 | cjones: http://www.pcengines.ch/ | 11:57 |
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jake1 | yet none of the multiverse packages show up | 11:57 |
jake1 | i cnt figure out why | 11:57 |
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harleypig | I've tried that, I get the same dependecny errors | 11:58 |
rmd_ | hmm | 11:58 |
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AZzKikR | jakel, did you apt-get update ? | 11:58 |
Canard | Can you connect a USB pen drive to a computer running ubuntu, does it need to be formatted a certain way, where is it mounted? | 11:58 |
jake1 | yes | 11:58 |
harleypig | woops ... no I tried apt-get remove ... I'll try dpkg-r | 11:58 |
jake1 | quiet a few times | 11:58 |
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cjones | i am thinking of makeing a autopc with a via c3/mini-itx i want to put the os and apps on cf and the swap on hd so if the hd gets killed by vibration i dont have to reinstall do you think that could work ? | 11:58 |
jake1 | Canard: you mean a flash drive? | 11:58 |
HOT | Canard: yes, n(ish), appears on desktop | 11:58 |
Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: NO idea, yours reads fine for mounting an fat32 partition? I wonder if editing your # /etc/pmount.allow would help | 11:58 |
appelza | where is ubuntu's autostart scripts located (and how can I see what services will start at boot?) | 11:58 |
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Jack_Sparrow | C-O-L-T: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions | 11:59 |
harleypig | well, that's a different message ... kubuntu-desktop depends on openoffice.org | 11:59 |
Jack_Sparrow | jake1: Other than the fact that you ran automatix..... it looks fine.. | 11:59 |
rmd | hah | 11:59 |
jake1 | huh? | 11:59 |
AZzKikR | appelza, /etc/rc.x/ directories | 11:59 |
=== EvilGrin [n=gking@80-193-144-85.cable.ubr01.pres.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cjones | lupine_85 i am thinking of makeing a autopc with a via c3/mini-itx i want to put the os and apps on cf and the swap on hd so if the hd gets killed by vibration i dont have to reinstall do you think that could work ? | 11:59 |
appelza | ty | 11:59 |
jake1 | so why the heck won't multiverse work | 12:00 |
AZzKikR | appelza, the x stands for the runlevel | 12:00 |
boink | man update-rc.d too | 12:00 |
lupine_85 | cjones: as long as /var and /tmp are NOT on the CF card, you ought to be "OK" | 12:00 |
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