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vladanian | I've got an upstart question -- I'd been running it on edgy for a few weeks and it was working fine, but for the past couple weeks I've gotten hung up at boot on, "upstart: Error reading control message: Invalid message received." Anyone encounter this? | 12:29 |
johnnybuoy | why is upstart good for me? | 12:30 |
johnnybuoy | hmm | 12:32 |
vladanian | In case anyone's interested, I've filed a bug: https://launchpad.net/products/upstart/+bug/61322 | 12:45 |
johnnybuoy | this is kewl! init IS a bit old | 12:46 |
johnnybuoy | the problem: so is *nix :( | 12:47 |
johnnybuoy | the whole net thing in *nix is a hack | 12:47 |
johnnybuoy | prtty good hack, but still a hack | 12:47 |
johnnybuoy | but GO upstart | 12:47 |
mjg59 | 23:47 < johnnybuoy> the whole net thing in *nix is a hack | 12:59 |
mjg59 | ? | 12:59 |
johnnybuoy | hmm | 01:00 |
johnnybuoy | makers of UNIX admitted this, I fell on it when exploring a novel OS from them (the authors of UNIX): plan9 | 01:00 |
johnnybuoy | UNIX was not designed with networks in mind, networks came later | 01:01 |
mjg59 | I think it's hard to say it's a hack, given how well it works | 01:03 |
johnnybuoy | good hack | 01:04 |
johnnybuoy | but hack | 01:04 |
johnnybuoy | it *does* work well | 01:04 |
johnnybuoy | but it wrks beter in plan9 :) | 01:05 |
mjg59 | In what ways? | 01:05 |
johnnybuoy | well, for egzample it only has one protocol for everything, but I'd think #plan9 would be a better place for this discussion | 01:11 |
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che | the topic isnt accurate anymore... 0.2.7 is up | 12:29 |
=== ..[topic/#upstart:mbiebl] : Upstart 0.2.7 | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/doc/getting-started.html | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UpstartDesignChanges | irc logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | ||
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johnnybuoy | hello! how do I know if a service is started or not? with upstart I don't get the scrolling stuff when starting the pc. | 02:14 |
_ion | Upstart jobs: status jobname | 02:14 |
_ion | init.d scripts: /var/log/boot | 02:15 |
johnnybuoy | ok, thanks! Oh and great job all! my pc starts a *lot* faster now with upstart | 02:15 |
mbiebl | johnnybuoy: probably a placebo effect. atm upstart should be appox. the same speed as sysvinit. | 02:29 |
johnnybuoy | :D | 02:30 |
johnnybuoy | okok | 02:30 |
mbiebl | None of the init scripts was converted to upstart jobs yet, the boot procedure is basically the same (maybe the missing output makes it abit faster) | 02:30 |
johnnybuoy | tha problem is I do status fbsplash, and it doesn't know | 02:30 |
mbiebl | If you want comparable bootup times, install bootchart+bootchart-view | 02:31 |
johnnybuoy | what is that? | 02:32 |
mbiebl | bootchart - Boot process performance analyser | 02:33 |
johnnybuoy | ah ok. | 02:33 |
johnnybuoy | but now I don't have init... | 02:33 |
johnnybuoy | I can't compare :) | 02:33 |
johnnybuoy | I think it must be a little faster... | 02:34 |
mbiebl | If you are happy with upstart, that's all that matters ;-) | 02:34 |
johnnybuoy | or maybe that upgrade last night .. | 02:34 |
johnnybuoy | :) | 02:34 |
johnnybuoy | yes, very. | 02:34 |
mbiebl | Md: ping | 02:34 |
johnnybuoy | I'd like to know what jobs are started tho | 02:34 |
johnnybuoy | status don't work | 02:34 |
mbiebl | initctl list | 02:35 |
johnnybuoy | ahh | 02:35 |
johnnybuoy | maybe | 02:35 |
johnnybuoy | I don't get it | 02:36 |
johnnybuoy | this is not it | 02:36 |
mbiebl | You probably want to read /var/log/boot or remove "quiet" from the boot options. | 02:37 |
johnnybuoy | ah ok! | 02:37 |
johnnybuoy | that might be it | 02:38 |
Md | mbiebl: pong | 02:38 |
johnnybuoy | /var/log/boot: (Nothing has been logged yet.) | 02:38 |
johnnybuoy | :( | 02:38 |
mbiebl | Got a problem with one of your udev rules in /etc/udev/udev.rules | 02:39 |
mbiebl | Specifically the dm rule that prevents /dev/dm-X from being created. | 02:39 |
mbiebl | This breaks gnome-mount when used with luks encrypted partitions. | 02:39 |
mbiebl | johnnybuoy: Install upstart-logd | 02:40 |
Md | mbiebl: discuss this with the maintainers involved in dm. feel free to Cc me | 02:40 |
johnnybuoy | it's doing it right now, i think | 02:40 |
johnnybuoy | ok, thanks | 02:40 |
mbiebl | I talked to the hal dev (davidz and kay) and the said there is no good reason not to have /dev/dm-x | 02:41 |
mbiebl | I asked you, because /etc/udev/udev.rules is part of the udev package. | 02:42 |
Md | mbiebl: yes, but I do not know how dm works. I am sure that I added that rules for a reason (and every other distribution did too), so I will not remove it unless somebody can explain with authority why it's not needed anymore | 02:42 |
mbiebl | Redhat does not. | 02:43 |
Md | ok. still, I will not change the package in a way I do not understand so please look for a rationale | 02:44 |
mbiebl | The rational is, that cryptsetup itself does not need /dev/dm-* | 02:45 |
mbiebl | So it was removed with this udev rules. | 02:45 |
mbiebl | But 3rd party apps, like gnome-mount, rely on /dev/dm-*. | 02:45 |
Md | I think there was much more than cryptsetup | 02:46 |
Md | are you really positively sure that having udev create the devices will not break other dm components? | 02:46 |
mbiebl | According to kay and davidz it should not hurt (otherwise redhat would be busted anyway) | 02:47 |
mbiebl | I can ask the dm maintainer first if you prefer that. | 02:47 |
Md | ok, I will change this in the next upload today or tomorrow | 02:47 |
Md | yes, please ask him as well. just to be sure | 02:47 |
mbiebl | Ok, will do. | 02:47 |
Md | I added that rule may 30. I think there was a reason, but I really cannot remember it | 02:48 |
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_ion | keybuk: grep respawn /etc/event.d/logd | 08:23 |
Keybuk | the // thing? | 08:25 |
_ion | Yep. :-) Not that it really matters. | 08:26 |
Keybuk | yeah, common side-effect of --exec-prefix=/ | 08:28 |
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maro_ | hi :) | 10:02 |
maro_ | do you know if upstart is supposed to completely replace sysvinit, or is it a long-term solution to depend on sysvinit-utils? | 10:03 |
Keybuk | maro: the things in sysvutils/sysvinit-utils are things that aren't really part of init | 10:03 |
Keybuk | so there's no particular reason for upstart to provide its own implementation of them | 10:03 |
maro_ | hm, true :) | 10:04 |
maro_ | are there examples of no-rc-compat setups yet? | 10:06 |
Keybuk | not yet | 10:08 |
Keybuk | we're doing the "release early and release often" thing, we're still at "early" :p | 10:09 |
Keybuk | the idea of doing the rc-compat stuff is that it proves the daemon works, while still letting us revert to sysvinit at a moment's notice if it doesn't | 10:09 |
maro_ | ok, perhaps I can be the first then ;) | 10:09 |
Keybuk | go for it :) | 10:09 |
maro_ | already did a full minit migration once, still have a graph somewhere | 10:10 |
maro_ | minit is one-way depedency based though, so this will probably be a bit harder... anyway: http://borkware.net/~mark/minit.png :) | 10:12 |
Keybuk | heh, cute | 10:16 |
maro_ | doesn't look that complex on a graph, but imagine every service being a directory containing a symlink to the executable, a file for parameters, optional (empty) "respawn" and "sync" files... | 10:19 |
maro_ | running 'tree' in there gives me 63 directories and 211 files ;) | 10:20 |
Keybuk | yeah, djb-style config sucks :p | 10:20 |
maro_ | djb-style does in general ;) | 10:21 |
Keybuk | *shrug* I still use qmail | 10:21 |
maro_ | I wonder how hard it will be to make scripts for upstart ala the one I did to draw the graph | 10:24 |
maro_ | (100 lines of sh) | 10:25 |
Keybuk | quite easy I should think | 10:25 |
maro_ | we'll see :) | 10:25 |
maro_ | anyway, need to get some sleep - sleep tight when the moon hits your timezone :) | 10:26 |
maro_ | ah, just saw your reply on the list - sounds good :) - off now | 10:29 |
Keybuk | I tend to sleep when the sun is up :p | 10:31 |
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