
LasaerJocknot too far away12:20
nixternalhey...kubuntu docs..we are going to be replacing the current kde logos and what not to kubuntu ones...if they don't get done by tomorrow, it should be fine correct?12:24
nixternaltomorrow is string freeze..but if i make a change to .xsl files, will that be alright?12:24
LasaerJockI don't think that should be a problem12:24
LasaerJockthe string feeze is mostly for translation12:24
nixternalman...we have 1 day..i don't feel that a lot of docs are ready12:25
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nixternalkdg and release notes for kubuntu are good to go...the about section needs some love maybe12:25
nixternalxubuntu guys been working hard...and the only ubuntu stuff was structure to the dg, and the switching guide, which doesn't matter, as it isn't going to ship with edgy12:26
LasaerJockwell, I'll finish up the packaging guide tonight12:26
nixternalthat im not to worried about ;)12:27
nixternalubuntu stuff is scary12:27
theCoreLasaerJock, you working on it?12:27
theCoreLasaerJock, can I help?12:27
LasaerJocktheCore: perhaps, I'm not sure12:28
LasaerJocktheCore: you could look over the first few chapters12:28
theCorebtw, any reasons why your nickname is mangled?12:29
theCoreit been awhile since a worked on the documention12:30
nixternali just noticed that12:33
nixternaland to think, all that money on college, and he can't spell his own damn nick ;)12:34
theCoreLasaerJock, I think I could do a section about how to package Python modules12:36
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LaserJockwhatever :p12:45
LaserJocktheCore: if you can finish it today :-012:45
theCoreah, I'm always at the last minute...12:45
LaserJockme too12:46
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nixternalrobotgeek: how does the KDG look? is it ready for tomorrow's string freeze?02:53
Burgworkoh geez, the desktop guide for ubuntu is messed02:55
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nixternaldamn...im trying to finish up release notes now Burgwork, if needbe i can help out with that after class tonight02:56
nixternalomg jjesse !!#@@#@02:56
nixternaldude, i was just so thinking about you with the string freeze tomorrow02:56
jjessethe client i'm at doesn't allow irc02:56
nixternalhow does the kubuntu about doc look?02:56
jjessei'll be there till novemember :(02:56
BurgworkI need to bang away the book tonight02:57
nixternalim getting ready to finish up the release notes here in a few02:57
jjesselooks good i think i'll take a look at it02:57
jjesseBurgwork: me too aniversary today so i'm not at computer much, just checking in02:57
nixternalrelease notes have been proofed once..let me add this quick fix, and submit for more proofing02:57
nixternalok..just comitted the release notes edits i did..so if someone wants to proof them02:59
jjesseok heading back out for a bit, i'll proof after wife goes to bed03:01
nixternalhaha ok03:02
nixternali have someone proofing it now as well03:02
nixternalthere are some guys who want to help out kubuntu, so i am abusing them03:02
nixternali mean using them03:02
Burgworkand I am still at work at 6pm, actually working03:02
Burgworkwe need to have another meeting03:03
BurgworkI will see if I can get official timeoff to come to it03:03
Burgworkwell, I am headed home now03:06
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nixternaljeesh..don't lock the session with a livecd ;)03:20
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nixternaljjesse: http://r1.fodey.com/1a2fab3486eb1405789a0d1973fdb558e.1.gif04:15
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LaserJockalright, I think I'm done with the packaging guide05:26
nixternalim gonna eat something, and then get to some doc stuff ;)05:26
LaserJockonly a 32k diff though05:26
LaserJockit seemed bigger :/05:27
robotgeeknixternal: seems fine, i think06:02
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nixternalhmm...how smart would it be to change all 'irc.freenode.net' to 'irc.ubuntu.com'?  07:51
nixternalor maybe create &ubuntu-irc-network;, &ubuntu-irc-server; and what not?  just in case something happens after the freeze, and say we move everything to OFTC07:52
Burgundavianixternal: does irc.ubuntu.com work?07:53
nixternalit is the Kubuntu default now07:53
Burgundaviathen do it07:54
nixternalcreate entities would be the best i think07:54
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nixterna1this is irc.ubuntu.com ;)07:56
nixternalalrighty..here i go on my massive search-n-replace mission07:56
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nixternalBurgundavia: do you know if 'ubuntu/browser-startpage/*.html' are built from one file and a .pot, or are they manually created?  please tell me from a .pot file or something, as there are a lot of edits that have to me made to those08:17
Burgundaviahmm, i have no idea, off the top of my head08:18
nixternalalrighty...irc network and server changes complete08:19
nixternali will look into those html files..im thinking they are generated from a .pot file because of all the languages in there08:20
nixternali know we don't give translators an html file to do...08:20
Madpilottranslators generally smoke pot, don't they?08:22
nixternali wouldn't doubt it08:25
MadpilotI meant .pot, of course08:26
nixternalme too ;)08:26
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Documentation Team http://doc.ubuntu.com or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu CoC @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda | Ubuntu's docs in dead-tree format: http://www.lulu.com/ubuntu-doc
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UbugtuNew bug: #61631 in ubuntu-doc "Unreadable Desktop Guides in Russian" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6163112:20
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pepsimanin ubuntu-docs/generic/serverguide/C/network-applications.xml01:43
pepsiman"...db.root...The servers change over time and must be maintained now and then."01:43
pepsimandoes it really mean "The servers" are "maintained", or the db.root file?01:43
bhuvandb.root file01:44
pepsimancan you change the text to make it more obvious?01:45
bhuvanhmm, like?01:45
pepsimanThe servers change over time, so the db.root file must be maintained now and then01:46
bhuvanpepsiman: ok01:46
pepsiman"(the routing table is always computed in advance, and thus the route is precisely the same each time it used)"01:52
pepsimanshould that say "each time it is used"?01:53
bhuvanpepsiman: db.root change is committed in r3311. if you have more, we are glad to hear them. please raise an issue in launchpad01:55
pepsimanI have about 5 more01:56
pepsimanbut I've been looking at the Dapper docs, so I need to check current docs first01:57
pepsimanI'll make a patch02:00
UbugtuNew bug: #61647 in ubuntu-docs "Typos in Ubuntu Server Guide" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6164702:25
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UbugtuNew bug: #61445 in ubuntu-docs (main) "Unreadable Desktop Guides in Russian" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6144504:34
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nixternalbug #4690605:02
UbugtuMalone bug 46906 in ubuntu-docs "wrong use of filename instead of guilabel/guibutton in conventions chapter" [Medium,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4690605:03
nixternalis it ok to fix that bug in the dapper branch?05:03
nixternali commited a fix for edgy already05:03
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nixternalRiddell: have you had the chance to glance at the docs yet?  i know you have been busy with the meeting and all. if you find anything in there (about, release, or dg), let me know and I will fix it ASAP for you06:46
Riddellnixternal: not yet, will do later06:47
nixternalroger that...i will be here all day ;)06:47
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UbugtuNew bug: #61712 in ubuntu-docs "Refers to "bug severity" when it should be "bug importance"" [Low,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6171207:55
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LaserJockhmm, that's for me07:58
UbugtuNew bug: #61713 in ubuntu-docs "Invalid path to 'install-css.sh' (in libdvdread3)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6171308:00
UbugtuNew bug: #61714 in ubuntu-docs "BitTorrent sidebar entry is too large " [Low,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6171408:05
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motinIs the fact that the Help-chapters for Loginscreen-settings are outdated?08:19
motinIs the fact that the Help-chapters for Loginscreen-settings are outdated - a bug?08:19
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LaserJockcould be08:25
motinLaserJock: should I report it you think?08:26
amachuhi all..08:26
amachuthis is sriramadas alias amachu08:26
amachurepresenting tamil team..08:26
amachuhappy to join Ubuntu Doc Team08:26
Burgworkamachu, we are literally on the day of the string freeze, but new people are always welcome08:28
LaserJockmotin: just make sure you are looking at edgy documentation and it's outdated for edgy08:36
UbugtuNew bug: #61722 in ubuntu-docs "Gaim reference is VERY incomplete" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6172208:40
LaserJockinteresting that we get all the bugs on the day of doc freeze :-)08:41
motinLaserJock: aha no this is dapper. don't have to oppurtunity to check out edgy today08:42
LaserJockmotin: hmm, well if you think it's a bug file it08:43
LaserJockmotin: but I'm not sure it'll get fixed for dapper08:43
motinLaserJock: doc-bugs arent usually security classed, but this one is docs about remote login... what do you think? valid for a backport?08:44
LaserJockwell, if it was really important it'd go into dapper-updates08:44
LaserJockjust file the bug and well take a look at it08:45
nixternalwho is going nuts on bugs?08:46
nixternalanyone working on those bugs yet?  if not, im on it right now08:47
LaserJockI already commited the fix (and the fix for the fix ;-) ) for mine08:49
nixternalnm..it is all ubuntu docs08:49
nixternalthose are hurting right now08:49
LaserJockdarn it, my ubuntu mail is acting goofy08:51
nixternalwhat is it doing?08:52
nixternalmine is fine right now08:52
LaserJockwell, I switch the preffered address on LP08:53
LaserJockso bug mail from LP goes to the new address08:53
LaserJockbut anything sent to my @ubuntu.com goes to my old address08:53
LaserJockso my email is going to do different accounts today :/08:54
nixternalhehe nice08:55
nixternalyou guys...we need to seriously look over the ubuntu docs..kubuntu docs are good right now...we are going to replace kde logos and images with kubuntu ones shortly and thats it..they are being reviewed right now...ubuntu docs are from what i can see, in shambles08:56
nixternalim willing to help out if needed...im not the best with gnome related stuff, but i can lend a hand08:56
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pepsimanmotin: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates09:13
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motinpepsiman: thank you10:00
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dholbachRiddell asked me to do an ubuntu-docs update10:42
dholbachIs the rest of the team ok with that? Anything you'd like me to wait for, etc?10:42
=== nixternal is scared
LaserJocksuppposedly we should be at doc freeze...again10:44
nixternaldholbach: kubuntu docs should be good as long as he has reviewed them10:44
nixternalhe == Riddell10:44
dholbachnixternal: I meant ubuntu-docs, not kubuntu-docs10:44
dholbachLaserJock: so uploading should be fine10:45
dholbachLaserJock: right?10:45
LaserJockI believe so10:45
dholbachI check it out, test build and upload10:45
dholbachde rien :-)10:45
LaserJockdholbach: we are already at Beta Freeze, right?10:46
dholbachyeah, roughly10:47
BurgworkLaserJock, yes, we are10:47
LaserJockk, I was sort of tying the timing of the doc freeze and beta freeze as they are supposed to be on the same day10:47
LaserJockstupid timezones10:47
LaserJocknixternal: are the Ubuntu docs in bad shape?10:48
LaserJocknixternal: I haven't even had a chance to look at them10:48
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LaserJockdholbach: cool10:56
PlugGiven an image attachment on a wiki page, is there a simple way to put it in a div and float it to the right, so text wraps around it properly?10:59
PlugImagine       [   ] 10:59
Plugsomething like [   ] 10:59
Plugthis, with the10:59
Plugwhere my misaligned [] s were :)10:59
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nixternalplug...check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EdgyEft/Knot3/Kubuntu11:05
nixternali floated all of those images11:05
nixternal||<tablestyle="float: right; background: url(you know this part) no-repeat">||11:06
nixternalsomething along the lines of that11:06
Plugaha!  cheers11:07
Plugnow, if only the ubuntu wiki wasn't so painfully slow at times...11:08
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LaserJockoh man11:22
LaserJockso it looks like we removed the menu .ent from the desktop guide11:23
LaserJockbut didn't change the .xml accordingly11:23
LaserJockoh wait11:25
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LaserJockdarn it11:26
=== LaserJock cries
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LaserJocknixternal: ping11:37
nixternalpong a longers11:37
LaserJockdo you know how to create a .pot from the .xml?11:37
nixternalxml2po -k -o output_filename.pot input_filename.xml11:39
nixternaldid i lag out11:39
LaserJockhmm, that's not quite right I don't think11:41
LaserJockI got a very small .pot11:42
nixternalare you trying to get a pot from 1 file, or from multiple?11:42
nixternalok that is different11:43
LaserJockit's for the packgaging guide11:43
nixternalis there an omf file?11:43
nixternalare you in the C/ directory?11:43
nixternalif so...11:43
nixternalthen do11:44
LaserJockyeah, yeah, gimme the stinking command ;p11:44
nixternalxml2po -k -o output_file.pot C/*.xml C/*.omf11:44
nixternalhmm what? did it work for ya11:45
LaserJockok, then I can just commit that?11:46
LaserJockI'm going to have to get dholbach to upload a new package :/11:46
nixternalyes you can11:46
nixternaldon't worry...everyone has been giving him a new package today to upload11:47
nixternalthey have had more cancelled packages than before today along i think11:47
LaserJockok, any other big doc problems?11:48
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LaserJockI wonder how fresh the ubuntu .pots are :/11:48
nixternalnot fresh at all11:50
nixternalnone of the edgy pots are fresh..all the pots you see are dapper pots brought over during the trunk creation11:51
nixternalya..look at the commits, when was the last .pot commit?11:51
nixternali think the last time you will see a .pot is when the branch was created11:52
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nixternali know i just did all of the translation stuff for dapper, and there was no edgy stuff yet11:52
LaserJockmdke did one for the desktop guide on the 8th11:52
nixternali don't know why...there hasn't been any content changes in that..only layout11:53
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nixternalthe only Ubuntu content i have seen changed, was the switching guide..which isn't even going to be in edgy11:54
nixternaloh shoot..i hope that doesn't get grabbed and packaged11:54
LaserJocklooks like mdke did some work on the desktop guide11:56
LaserJockmostly structuraly like you said though11:56
nixternalya, but according to his emails, it was just structure11:56
LaserJockok, fixed a bug and refreshed my pot ;-)11:58
nixternali wonder why mdke did some translations tuff back on the 8th11:58
nixternalmaybe im missing something, but i would think you would do them after the freeze and after all updates and changes have been made11:59
nixternalanywho..im going to recreate the kubuntu ones now and commit11:59
LaserJockthe translated docs you mean?11:59
nixternali just did  a .pot search on my email11:59
nixternalno..aboutkubuntu.pot was created on the 8th12:00
nixternalKDG .pot was done on the 8th as well..and it wasn't close to being done12:00
LaserJockwell, I think translators were getting antsy12:00
LaserJockand mdke was getting ready12:00
LaserJockwho knows12:01
nixternaluh oh12:01
LaserJockwhat'd I do?12:01
nixternalyou didn't do it12:01
nixternalim looking at the rosetta stuff for us12:01
nixternalthere are already files being worked on12:01
nixternalfor edgy12:01
nixternalfor instance, your packaging guide12:01
nixternalwhich according to LP, is completely translated in French already12:02
LaserJockthere isn't anything stopping them12:02
LaserJockedgy was declared open for translation a while ago12:02
LaserJockand the doc team has been quiet on that front12:03
LaserJockso I assume they just started translating12:03
nixternalbut what about updates then?  that is a mess12:03
LaserJockhmm, this gets even more interesting12:04
nixternaldo yo have the power to upload a .pot file to LP?12:04
nixternalI don't see where to do it12:04
LaserJockmdke sent an email to ubuntu-translators ML on the 7th saying talking about doc translation12:05
LaserJockit is done automatically from the *-docs package12:05
LaserJockI talked to carlos about it the other day12:05
LaserJockso the rosetta templates get updated with an updated package12:05
LaserJockthat's why we'll need dholbach to upload a new package if after we have the .pots done12:06
LaserJocknixternal: so are the Kubuntu .pots updated?12:09
nixternalworking on them now12:09
LaserJockI think in the future we could really use a "Getting ready for doc freeze" wiki page12:10

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