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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Sep 15:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 17:00 UTC: Community Council
=== Topic (#ubuntu-meeting): set by Ubugtu at Wed Sep 20 17:39:04 2006
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GNAM@schedule rome09:13
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Rome: 21 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 22:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 29 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 19:00: Community Council09:13
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Czubek@schedule warsaw09:32
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Warsaw: 21 Sep 17:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 22:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 29 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 19:00: Community Council09:32
Burgundavia@now vancouver09:33
UbugtuCurrent time in America/Vancouver: September 21 2006, 00:33:45 - Next meeting: Ubuntu Development Team in 7 hours 26 minutes09:33
Czubek@now warsaw09:33
UbugtuCurrent time in Europe/Warsaw: September 21 2006, 09:34:01 - Next meeting: Ubuntu Development Team in 7 hours 25 minutes09:34
Hobbsee@schedule sydney09:37
UbugtuSchedule for Australia/Sydney: 22 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 27 Sep 06:00: Technical Board | 28 Sep 06:00: Edubuntu | 29 Sep 09:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 04 Oct 03:00: Community Council09:37
Hobbseedev team is....1am, right.09:38
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zul@schedule montreal04:35
UbugtuSchedule for America/Montreal: 21 Sep 11:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 16:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 16:00: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 19:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 13:00: Community Council04:35
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tkamppeter@schedule paris04:50
UbugtuSchedule for Europe/Paris: Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | 26 Sep 22:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 22:00: Edubuntu | 29 Sep 01:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 19:00: Community Council04:50
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Ubuntu Development Team | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 26 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 17:00 UTC: Community Council
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=== sfllaw goes to shut the window.
sfllawMan, it's getting cold here.04:55
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=== pitti waves
Linuturk_codeAre these meetings open to public comment?04:55
Linuturk_codeor are only designated developers allowed to speak?04:55
dholbachLinuturk_code: we have a very tight schedule04:55
pittiLinuturk_code: in principle, yes, but not meant for long discussions04:55
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dholbachLinuturk_code: it's mostly a status update meeting04:55
Linuturk_codedholbach pitti: Ok, I understand. I wouldn't be banned for a short, productive comment. Excessive commenting is frowned upon. Correct?04:56
imbrandonmoins mdz dholbach 04:56
pittiLinuturk_code: right04:57
imbrandonLinuturk_code: mosty yes ( timing is also important ;P )04:57
=== fschoep [n=franksch@adsl-dc-35cb8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
fschoepGood evening everyone04:57
=== fabbione [n=fabbione@port49.ds1-van.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
imbrandonLinuturk_code: these meetings tend to be short and to the point becouse there is soooo much to cover from so many people04:58
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BenCmdz: ping04:58
BenCerr,pong, or "here", whichever :)04:58
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zulheh..present also works04:59
Linuturk_codeimbrandon, well, i doubt I'll have anything productive to say anyway, but I wanted to make sure of the ground rules. I'm just a humble fluxbuntu dev, so I wanted to see how the big boys play :)04:59
zulhey jeff04:59
sfllawjbailey: Welcome.04:59
fabbionemdz: i need a few more minutes to write my report.04:59
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mdzKamion, seb128, mvo, doko, Mithrandir, Riddell, ogra: ping04:59
fabbionemdz: i just managed to get one laptop up and running04:59
seb128mdz: pong04:59
Riddellhi mdz 04:59
zulhi mdz05:00
kwwiihi 05:00
pittihi kwwii 05:00
RiddellLinuturk_code: yes05:01
mdzKamion, doko_: reping05:01
mdzok, good afternoon everyone, let's begin05:03
mdzpitti: will you start us off?05:03
=== fabbione is ready too
pitti * security updates: Thunderbird/dapper, Thunderbird + all reverse dependencies for breezy, Firefox/dapper (needs final approval from mdz), gzip, kernel05:03
pitti * apt-get-debug-symbols: buildd side done by infinity, people.u.c. side done by me, announced to u-d-a, enjoy!05:03
pitti * bug fixing in various packages (mainly apport, hal, gnome-volume-manager, some FTBFS, some dapper updates)05:03
pitti * intro meeting with keescook05:03
pitti * heavy Knot-3 CD testing05:03
pitti * finished last bits of gnutls12->13 transition, gnutls12 in universe now05:03
pitti * managed to stay on top of the bug wave05:03
pitti * fix langpack-o-matic infrastructure to work with new SRU policy (upload staging in *-proposed), urgently need to update dapper langpacks (also to fix some serious bugs)05:03
pitti * Beta testing05:03
pitti * care for mysql merge if infinity's workload is too high05:03
pitti * improve apport-retrace script to make use of new ddeb archive05:04
pitti * bug fixing, to the extent possible by freezes05:04
=== shenki [n=shenki@ppp131-170.lns3.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
pittimdz: btw, ffox is prepared for dapper release; do you want to discuss that or shall I just go ahead?05:04
mdzpitti: I thought we already discussed it, if I'm confused then we should review it again05:04
pittimdz: well, I never got a formal 'ok', that's why I'm asking05:05
pitti(just the ok for thunderbird)05:05
mdzpitti: ok, let's follow up by email05:05
mdzpitti: is there anything on your list which should be on the beta todo list?05:05
=== pitti notes that he set his last spec to 'implemented' today :)
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mdzfor reference, since it will come up many times during the meeting, it is at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-6.10-beta05:06
pittimdz: nothing is terribly urgent, no05:06
mdzyou can nominate any bug for that list by setting the milestone, but make sure the importance is set appropriately05:06
pittiin general, I do think we should fix the ubuntu-meta behaviour05:06
mdzpitti: which behaviour?05:06
pittiok, I'll check my bugs for good candidates, but I squashed most of the appropriate ones already05:07
pittimdz: removing any u-desktop dependency marks all other u-desktop packages for auto-removal05:07
pittiunlike in previous releases05:07
imbrandon( *-desktop )05:08
mdzhmm, is that because the metapackage is used to install the livefs?05:08
pittie. g. I can't even uninstall bug-buddy without apt wanting to kill my  entire system05:08
mdzrather than the task?05:08
pittiI didn't look into it so far, but I think so05:08
mdzpitti: open a bug, set the milestone to beta and let's talk with mvo about it05:08
mvomdz: the current apt has native tasks support05:09
pittimdz: alright05:09
mdzshould be a trivial change to the livefs build script05:09
mdzpitti: thanks05:09
mvomdz: its a matter of modifing the livefs build script05:09
mdzmvo: :-)05:09
mdzmvo: next05:09
mvo- bug triage05:09
mvo- added native tasks support into apt-get to make livefs build easier (apt-get install taskname^)05:09
mvo- improved the synaptic/apt support for automatic dependency display/manipulation05:09
mvo- knot3 cd testing05:09
mvo- bugfixing (apt, pango, gtk-im-libthai, g-a-i, vmware-player-kernel/dapper-security, update-manager, python-apt, python-central, python-defaults, anacron, bash, gnome-system-tools GST_NO_NTP)05:09
mvo- ddtp updates05:09
mvo- added a wikipage about automatic dependency removal and added it to ubuntu weekly news05:09
mvo- some work on the non-interactive dist-upgrader, some upgrade testing05:09
mvoWill do:05:09
mvo- more testing/bugfixing in the beta release05:09
mvo- update the gnome-app-install desktop files/icons05:09
mvo- investigate what to do with the dist-upgrader and early upgrading of apt (fot the breaks field). this was  blocked last week by not working dapper-backports05:09
mvo- user notification for non-free video drivers (these are bad m'kay)05:09
mvo- look into scim/xim mess (scim-chewing in edgy/dapper) and (maybe) create a ubuntu-l10n mailinglist for developer discussion about l10n/input-methods/font issues05:09
mvo- get apache logs to find duplicated HOSTIDs and forcefully reconfigure those *or* remove all old HOSTIDs data from popcon.ubuntu.com and upload new popcon that force reconfigure for all older versions to get a new HOSTID. this means we won't have valid data for a couple of days though05:09
mdzmvo: are we able to do ddtp translation using rosetta yet, and if not, is there a spec registered for it?05:10
Kamionhere, sorry I'm late, just got back from the school run05:11
mvomdz: rosetta has them, but its still manual in a lot of steps05:11
mvopartial because rosetta does not provide the needed api 05:11
mvopartial because I haven't written more scripts to automate import/export yet05:11
mvoand there is some bugfixing to be done in the current scripts that deal with this05:12
mvo(my scripts)05:12
mdzmvo: ok05:12
mdzmvo: do you have anything for the beta todo list? 05:12
mvomdz: I don't think so, there may be stuff coming up though :) I would like to update the g-a-i desktop database05:13
mdzmvo: that seems like something which should go on the milestone checklist05:13
mvomdz: does that mean I should add a bug for it and add it to the beta-milestone?05:13
mvomdz: the dist-upgrader is very high priority now05:14
mdzmvo: no, talk with Mithrandir about adding it to the process checklist05:14
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mvobecause the current breaks in the archive break the upgrader :(05:14
mdzmvo: hmm, is dist-upgrader not ready for upgrades to beta?05:14
mdzmvo: ok, that's important.  please open a bug and set the milestone so it appears on the list05:14
mvomdz: not for packages with breaks, no05:14
mvowill do05:15
iwjmvo: Is there anything I can do to help with the upgrader ?05:15
iwjI'm worried that this is starting to get rather late ...05:15
mvoiwj: possible, lets talk off-meeting05:15
mdzok, thanks mvo05:16
mdzKamion: next05:16
iwjmvo: OK05:16
Kamion  recommends-support: germinate backport for dapper-updates, needed on drescher.05:16
Kamion  ubiquity: Trimmed about 150-200 off the bug list by means of rejections and duplications, fixed some common issues (including back/forward flow between gparted and the mountpoints page, yay), and started categorising the most common remaining bugs.05:16
Kamion  milestone-rhythm: Made the daily CD health checks not mail the release team quite so many times.05:16
KamionTo do:05:16
Kamion  usplash: Still need to handle tasksel enhancements to make resolution detection on fresh (d-i) install work properly. This will bite people who install the beta and then upgrade to Edgy, so is it beta-critical?05:16
Kamion  misc: Other beta-critical bugs (mostly loose ends of console-setup integration; estimate a good day's work for these). Rename server to minimal (?) on the alternate CDs, and hoover up any other relevant ubunt05:16
Kamionu-cdimage bugs.05:16
Kamion  ubiquity: I have two large classes of crashes still to deal with, tagged gtk-mainloop-crash and invalid-literal-for-int in Malone; need to figure out whether these are in fact duplicates, or whether there are multiple causes. Also want to deal with reserved usernames. All this is probably post-beta now.05:16
mdzKamion: people who install the beta [from the alternate cd]  and then upgrade?05:17
RiddellKamion: did abattoir contact you about oem-config-kde not not having to use metacity?05:18
mdzhow does tasksel relate to resolution detection?05:18
Kamionmdz: usplash is installed before xserver-xorg, so can't fetch the mode from xorg.conf05:18
mdzKamion: is the ubiquity keyboard layout issue from knot 3 now fixed?05:18
Kamionmdz: we need to fudge tasksel around a bit to make that not happen05:18
mdzKamion: how will that bite those who upgrade; won't usplash fix that up on upgrade?05:19
KamionRiddell: yes, and I rearranged the code so he could slot in use of kwin or whatever, although I don't think I've seen a patch from him yet that does that05:19
Kamionmdz: usplash doesn't / IMHO shouldn't change an existing usplash.conf on upgrade05:19
Kamionmdz: sorry, which ubiquity keyboard layout issue?05:19
mdzKamion: I lit the batsignal for gtk help and jdahlin came by; he might be able to help with the other issues as well05:20
mdzKamion:   * The desktop CD installer does not guess non-US keyboard layouts05:20
mdz    correctly.  This merely requires one to select the correct05:20
mdz    keyboard layout when using the desktop CD installer.05:20
KamionI don't think so, but I'll check; thanks for the reminder05:21
mdzok, thanks05:21
mdzdholbach: next05:21
dholbach    * finished functional version of the art-builder05:21
dholbach    * pilot updates into Ubuntu05:21
dholbach    * small fixes05:21
dholbach    * telepathy packaging, reviewing, mentoring - we might quite some progress: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Telepathy/Modules05:21
dholbachTo do05:21
dholbach    * catch up with bug triage, or suffer from Sb of Doom05:21
dholbach    * human-icon-theme update (added icons)05:21
dholbach    * CD testing05:21
dholbach    * investigate in gnome-bluetooth/gnome-phone-manager/libbtctl updates05:21
dholbach    * revu-ing for Universe Freeze05:21
dholbach    * apt-get.org05:21
mdzdholbach: art-builder is deployed?  or not quite yet?05:22
mvodholbach: I'm happy to help with the apt-get.org auto-test-build script05:22
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dholbachnot deployed yet, will do so asap and talk with Frank about it05:22
dholbachmvo: thanks a lot - I just didn't get around yet to debug it05:22
=== dholbach hugs mvo
fschoepdholbach: looking forward to it05:23
mdzdholbach: is there anything in desktop-land which should be on the beta list?05:23
mdzbesides the g-s-d bug I added already05:23
dholbachIn my bug catchup frenzy, I'll be sure to mark bugs as beta milestones05:23
mdzdholbach: ok, review existing higher-severity bugs as well and see if anything should be added there05:24
=== mvo hugs dholbach
mdzdholbach: thanks05:24
dholbachmdz: alright05:24
mdzseb128: next05:24
seb128- load and load of bug triage, replied to most of new desktop bugs and took my backlog from around 370 to 24005:24
seb128- some desktopish updates05:24
seb128- some updates and fixes for gnome-java packages05:24
seb128- started fixing desktop bugs for edgy beta05:24
seb128- keep fighting bugs flood05:24
seb128- fixing desktop bugs05:24
seb128- beta CD testing05:24
=== cliebow_ [n=cliebow@smoothwallkludge.ellsworth-hs.ellsworth.k12.me.us] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzseb128: did the upstream forwarding push help with the bug flood at all?05:24
seb128what upstream forwarding push?05:25
seb128we do forward them all the time ;)05:25
seb128there was no push though05:25
mdzseb128: we had a bug day where the theme was to get folks to help with upstream forwarding05:25
seb128yeah, and I didn't notice a real difference compared to any other day to be honest05:25
dholbachthat was 2 weeks ago or something05:25
mdzyes, and the idea was that more people would then know how to forward bugs and would keep doing it :-)05:26
seb128dholbach and I and some usual triager did put some extra efforts05:26
seb128but not of new people or other guys did participate05:26
mdzsfllaw: is there info on the appropriate wiki pages with links to the needs-to-be-forwarded list?05:26
seb128we would need somebody pushing for that05:26
dholbachit's on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Bugs and I mailed that link to some mailing lists including ubuntu-bugsquad@05:26
sfllawmdz: I'm writing documentation now on the new Bugs/HowToTriage page.05:27
seb128nobody is spending time on the mater atm05:27
mdzsfllaw: after the meeting please, but thanks ;-)05:27
mdzseb128: it is a priority for sfllaw05:27
seb128I'm happy to read that05:27
=== sfllaw hugs seb128.
mdzthanks seb12805:27
mdztkamppeter: next05:27
mdztkamppeter: did you talk with pitti about the meeting format?05:28
=== seb128 hugs sfllaw
tkamppeterThis is the first meeting in which I participate, as I have started at Ubuntu in the beginning of this month.05:28
tkamppeter- Installed Edgy as dual-boot with on my laptop and reported first bug05:29
ogratkamppeter, which we all appreciate ;)05:29
fabbioneonly one?05:29
fabbionethat sounds cool ;)05:29
Kamion(we normally write up our done/todo items in advance so that we can just paste them; it saves time)05:30
tkamppeter- Looked throught the printing-related bugs (subscribed to ubuntu-printing-team)05:30
=== cmvo [n=cmvo@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
tkamppeter- Answered to many bugs to get info from the posters05:30
=== keescook [n=kees@mylar.outflux.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
pittiwe did some packaging tutoring ping-pong, worked pretty well for the merges05:30
tkamppeterfabbione, I have found another one today05:31
pittitkamppeter: bug traige -> #ubuntu-devel, please05:31
tkamppeter- Done my first Debian/Ubuntu package: Gutenprint 5.0.0 final, thanks to pitti to introduce me into the methods of Ubuntu packaging!!05:31
pittiyou're welcome, glad to see a printing guru stirring up edgy ;)05:32
Riddelltkamppeter: apparantly there's some issues with KDE printing, which will be a post-beta priority, any help appreciated05:32
=== phanatic [n=phanatic@ubuntu/member/phanatic] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
tkamppeterpitti, what do you mean with "bug traige -> #ubuntu-devel, please"?05:32
pittitkamppeter: I thought you wanted to talk about bugs, that's #u-devel stuff; sorry, that wasn't the case apparently05:33
tkamppeterRiddell, subscribe bugs to the printing team,05:33
Riddelltkamppeter: will do05:33
tkamppeterand one KDE/CUPS 1.2 issue is well-known.05:33
tkamppeterRiddell, I will tell you about this issue later.05:34
ogratkamppeter, i plan some improvements for ltsp printing in edgy+1 and would like to talk with you about it in mountain view ... (just as notification)05:34
mdztkamppeter: the text is prepared in advance to save time because the meeting is large.  if you could email me after the meeting and prepare next time, that is fine05:34
mdzinstead we will just welcome you this time :-)05:34
mdztkamppeter, for those who have not noticed, is helping us with printing support in Ubuntu05:34
mdztkamppeter: so welcome :-)05:34
mdzsfllaw: next05:34
mdzsfllaw: ping?05:35
sfllaw * Writing Wiki documentation05:35
sfllaw * Bug triage05:35
sfllawTo do:05:35
sfllaw * Bug triage05:35
=== pitti hugs tkamppeter
sfllaw * Writing Wiki documentation05:35
sfllaw * Hug day05:35
sfllaw * Buy a new laptop (the old one died)05:35
mdztkamppeter: please collect your text and send it to me via email, we have moved on05:35
mdzsfllaw must be having connectivity issues05:35
mdzRiddell: next05:35
sfllawCan you hear me?05:35
mdzRiddell: your update please05:35
ograsfllaw, no05:35
RiddellI can see sfllaw 05:35
Kamionmdz: I can see sfllaw speaking05:35
sfllawIt must be a NetSplit.05:35
mdzsfllaw: * Ping reply from sfllaw: 162.49 second(s) :-)05:35
fabbionemdz: so can i05:35
tkamppeter- Checked through the actual versions of Ubuntu packages and the bugs, a lot is too old, therefore asked for UVF ERs on: foomatic-filters, foomatic-db, foomatic-hpijs, HPLIP, Gutenprint, foo2zjs05:35
kwwiias can I05:35
MithrandirI guess it's mdz having problems with his net. :-P05:35
mdzwhat a mess05:36
tkamppeter- (All but foo2zjs already approved)05:36
BenClol, for once I'm not the one with the major lag :)05:36
=== fabbione ^5 BenC
mdzit seems like lag between the server I'm connected to (and some others) and everyone else05:36
mdzam I caught up now?05:37
fabbione* Ping reply from mdz: ? second(s)05:37
Keybuk* Ping reply from mdz: 0.35 second(s)05:37
seb128--- Ping reply from mdz : 0.98 second(s)05:37
Kamion16:37 [Freenode]  CTCP PING reply from mdz: 0.480 seconds05:37
shenkimdz: yes, you're caught up now05:37
mdzsfllaw: anything on the broader bug radar which should be raised for the beta?05:37
mdzsfllaw: which wiki documentation did you write in the past week?05:38
sfllawMmm.  Not really.  There are really only minor issues.05:38
sfllawI'm refactoring the BugSquad pages, so that it's easier to find info on getting involved.05:38
sfllawDocumenting our processes and such.05:38
=== wiz [n=wiz@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ex-Chat"]
=== pitti took the freedom to augment the worse bugs from Testing/Current with a beta milestone flag
sfllawThis should make it faster for new BugSquad volunteers to get up to speed, and also make it easier for people to join Ubuntu QA.05:39
mdzsfllaw: ok, especially in the time leading up to beta, we need your eyes to pick out any serious issues we need to be aware of for the beta05:40
mdzsfllaw: so make sure you are keeping up with bug triage during this critical time05:40
sfllawWhen are we getting those version fields in Malone?05:40
=== mvo will investigate two "does not book up at all" regressions tomorrow from friends
Keybuksfllaw: edgy+705:40
mdzsfllaw: LP1.0 + N05:40
mdzsfllaw: we must work with what we have today05:41
sfllawFair enough.05:41
seb128mvo: what book? ;)05:41
mdzsfllaw: thanks05:41
mdzRiddell: next05:41
=== mvo slaps seb128
Riddelldone: lots of bugfixing05:41
Riddell      kde ubiquity scrollview05:41
Riddell      fix various issues with .pot generation for rosetta05:41
Riddell      discussion with jono05:41
Riddellblocked: ruby on ppc, can recreate failure on davis but probably needs someone more familiar with it to fix05:41
Riddelltodo: investigate Usplash art missing in Kubuntu and test dapper->edgy upgrade generally05:41
Riddell      package kubuntu-docs05:41
Riddell      KDE conference from friday evening to tuesday.05:41
Riddell      Beta release05:41
Riddellnote: kde 3.5.5 and koffice 1.6 both scheduled for early october05:41
Kamionmissing usplash> isn't that just misconfigured resolution, as above?05:41
mdzRiddell: how did kubuntu knot 3 turn out?  any bugs which should go on the beta list?05:41
Kamionor is it something more complex?05:41
mdzRiddell: someone more familiar with ruby, or with ppc?05:42
Riddellmdz: pretty well, main problems all fixed05:42
pittishall we consider amd64/nvidia usplash failure as a high-importancy bug which deserves rollback to vga on amd64?05:42
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Riddellmdz: usplash seems to work on new installs, but there's that bug for dapper upgrades I need to look at05:42
mdzpitti: I thought mjg59 said that was fixed05:43
Riddellmdz: both?05:43
mdzRiddell: martin pool admitted to knowing ruby; you know who the ppc fetishists are in the house05:43
pittimdz: not fully as it seems, today I heard several more confirmations in IRC, and it's still happening for a friend of mine and me (i. e. all amd64/nvidia guys I know)05:43
mdzRiddell: have you asked one of them for help?05:43
Riddellmdz: not recently, I can poke them again05:44
=== spamhog [n=Miranda@xd-85-20-126-238.mi2.albacom.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
Kamionrolling back to VGA will be pretty hard, requires complicated theme changes too05:44
KamionI think we're quite deeply committed05:44
mdzwho will help Riddell with this issue?  it's been blocking for weeks now05:44
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mdzKamion: mjg59 gave the impression it could fall back gracefully05:44
Kamionmdz: not until somebody teaches usplash to build in both bogl and svga backends into a single binary05:45
BenCif there's any ppc usplash help needed, I volunteer05:45
mvopitti: I have a amd64/nvidia test-machine, happy to give it a go 05:45
mdzKamion: gah...I thought bogl talked to svgalib05:45
Kamionunless svgalib can do vga too05:45
Kamionmdz: no, separate backend05:45
MithrandirKamion: that should be doable, shouldn't it?05:45
Kamionat the moment they share function names - There Can Be Only One05:45
KamionMithrandir: doable, sure, but not done05:45
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzKamion: garrrr05:45
Mithrandirif it's a blocker for beta, I can do it.05:46
Kamionwe really really need the existing themes to provide 640x400 and/or 640x480 images05:46
=== BenC has done framebuffer+svga work
BenCfeel free to bug me05:46
Kamionfschoep,kwwii: ^--05:46
mdzBenC: would you help Riddell get ruby/ppc building?05:46
kwwiiKamion: will do05:46
BenChrmm, I can try05:46
kwwiiKamion:  have one, but I did not include it :p05:46
mdzBenC: afaik usplash/ppc is happy now, but more testing is always good05:46
mdzBenC: yes, ruby...it's failing to build on ppc only05:47
BenCok, I can do that05:47
mdzthank you05:47
Kamionkwwii: it's particularly obvious since 640x480 is the current default on all alternate CD installs05:47
RiddellBenC: on 64 bit kernel ppc only to be specific05:47
mdzRiddell: you leave for the conf after the beta release, yes?05:47
Kamionand we may have to fall back to 640x400 on amd64/nvidia, see above05:47
Kamionthat would be 640x400x8 in fact05:47
Riddellmdz: before, I leave tomorrow evening05:47
mdzRiddell: sorry, you leave tomorrow and come back early next week?05:47
BenCRiddell: it fails to build only on 64-bit kernel, 32-bit userspace?05:47
Riddellmdz: yes05:47
Kamionor whatever the old usplash resolution was05:47
KeybukKamion: x8 or x4 ?05:47
RiddellBenC: yes05:47
Kamionx4 I guess05:48
BenCRiddell: should be easy, I have a G5 I can test out05:48
mdzRiddell: ok, make sure you review your bug list tomorrow and add any beta blockers to the list05:48
Riddellmdz: ok05:48
mdzRiddell: if there isn't a bug filed for this ruby issue, file one and mark it for the beta05:48
MithrandirRiddell,BenC: can you take the ruby/ppc discussion later/in #u-d?05:48
jbaileyBenC: Poke me for other testing on G5, too.05:48
mdzpitti: let's discuss about usplash/nvidia/amd64 after the meeting, I'm not up to date on the issues there05:49
mdzRiddell: thanks05:49
BenCjbailey: thanks05:49
mdzMithrandir: next05:49
Mithrandir* misc: released knot 3, fixed a bunch of casper bugs.  Working on some X bugs.05:49
Mithrandir* next week: preparations for beta, mainly X and casper stuff, help Henrik get online from his new home.05:49
=== mdz watches the beta milestone page grow during the meeting...;-)
Mithrandir(Henrik called me a few hours ago and needed a bit of help to get his DSL running so I'll bike out there tomorrow)05:50
mdzMithrandir: how close do you think knot 3 was to beta quality?05:50
mdzMithrandir: is the other known issue (mono and launchpad-integration?) fixed?05:50
Mithrandirmdz: not fixed, but I think I have a fix.05:51
Mithrandirmdz: beta quality> getting there, but not there.05:51
ografor edubuntu it was far from beta quality ... tomorrows iso should be though05:51
mdzis openoffice installable yet?05:51
Mithrandirtoo many small things all over the place which need small adjustments.05:51
MithrandirI don't think so.05:51
Keybukhas it even built yet?05:51
ograthere was an upload ...05:51
mdzKeybuk: it built, but was rejected05:51
Keybukmdz: several built05:52
mdzthere's an email in my inbox about it which I have only skimmed05:52
Keybukand in fact, are still building05:52
Kamionthere's another upload which should get past the binary reject it hit05:52
Keybukdoko nicely DoS'd the buildds by queuing multiple openoffices05:52
Kamionbut obviously it will take some time05:52
doko_they are building again, yes Keybuk, I know, but I don't have private buildd's05:52
mdzoo.o+oo.o-l10n is unavoidable05:52
ogramore buildd power !05:53
Keybukdoko_: <g>05:53
mdzand those builds are needed to unblock CD production05:53
Keybukthrow more kittens onto the fire!05:53
ograor dedicated ooo buildds :)05:53
Kamioncprov volunteered another i386 buildd from the dogfood farm05:53
=== mdz shovels more coal into the buildds
dholbachgive doko bigger machines - he has enough space at home ;)05:53
mdzMithrandir: do you have a list of those small things all over the place?05:53
Kamionif that's desirable, somebody who can say yes please should talk to him :)05:53
doko_just a multi cpu machine or two would help for the i386 buildd's05:53
Mithrandirmdz: no, sorry, it was more of a general feeling.05:54
mdzMithrandir: it's probably about time to create a wiki page for the beta with a link to the ubuntu-6.10-milestone page + all the bits and bobs which don't deserve full bug reports05:54
Mithrandirmdz: I'll look into that.05:54
mdzMithrandir: ok, thanks05:54
mdzMithrandir: oh, are the stacked livefs builds all happy now?05:54
seb128mdz: what sort of bugs should be listed for beta05:54
mdzseb128: bugs which would make the beta suck ;-)05:55
Mithrandirmdz: I don't think so, I haven't seen any stacks at least.  Need to poke infinity about that.05:55
mdzMithrandir: aarrgghh05:55
seb128mdz: bugs like "gnome-vfs2 lists fstab devices twice because it doesn't understand the UUID= change" a beta candidate by example?05:55
seb128I listed them for edgy atm05:55
mdzMithrandir: thanks05:56
mdzogra: next05:56
ogra* last-week:05:56
ogra - knot3 testing (as good as i could before takeoff)05:56
ogra - detriot ltsp hackfest:05:56
ogra   things fixed there: 05:56
ogra     - xdmcp handling05:56
ogra     - printer handling05:56
ogra     - etherboot support out of the box (thanks jammcq)05:56
ogra     - network swap support05:56
ogra     - rdesktop handling (not in edgy, but we have a fix for edgy+1 to fully support that (thanks Gadi))05:56
mdzseb128: if it's very noticeable, yes05:56
ogra     - floppy handling and localdev improvenemts (thanks sbalneav)05:56
ogra     - X bugs with via driver05:56
seb128mdz: ok05:56
ogra     - upstream packaging training ... ltspfs upstream is maintained completely in LP now, 05:56
ogra       ubuntu packaging is done in a separate branch by upstream as well05:56
ogra       (https://launchpad.net/people/sbalneav/+branch/ltspfs/ltspfs-upstream)05:56
ogra     - ltsp minimal ram requirements are 32MB now for thin clients, that gives many users that were 05:57
ogra       holding back the opportunity to switch to our implementation ! :)05:57
mdzseb128: just set importance appropriately; we'll focus on the most important bugs05:57
ogra     - we worked out an upstream roadmap for further ltsp development see http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/ltsp_roadmap.txt05:57
ogra - ltsp-convergence: all prerequisites fulfilled now, merge of ltsp.org started05:57
ogra - fixed edubuntu-artwork05:57
ogra - fixed remaining known ltsp bugs05:57
ogra - fixed a nasty esd regression in ltsp that prevented the second user from having sound on thin clients05:57
ogra - ltsp-daily-image-tarballs - still need meeting with infinity ... starts to become urgent, will try to catch him asap if he returns05:57
ogra* next-week:05:57
ogra - find remaining bugs in ltsp05:57
mdzogra: the ltsp hackfest seemed both extremely productive and extremely entertaining05:57
ogra - prepare the isos for beta release05:57
ogra - known edubuntu RC bugs that need fixage so far:05:57
ogra   - bug 61688 05:57
UbugtuMalone bug 61688 in lsb "[Edgy]  "unbound variable" in /etc/lsb-base-logging.sh" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6168805:57
ogra     - apparently the portmap postinst is doing an rpcinfo -p in the postinst that takes ages to complete.05:57
ogra       since thats only used to echo the portmap driven services in an info message to the cli05:57
ogra       i think we can just drop that line completely from our package05:57
ogra   - bug 6168105:57
UbugtuMalone bug 61681 in ubuntu-cdimage "the preseed option for static devices in netcfg for edubuntu can go" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6168105:57
ogra     - postinst change for edubuntu d-i, we dont need to default to a static IP for the first interface anymore (one line fix)05:57
ogramdz, oh, i forgot the initramfs issue you mailed me about ... need to fix that as well ...05:57
ograyeah, it was05:57
mdzogra: what changes were made to get down to 32M?05:58
ograthat was bug 6166805:58
UbugtuMalone bug 61668 in portmap "Building LTSP chroot stops during portmap installation" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6166805:58
ogramdz, automatic nbd swap05:58
ograeven its not our desired fully-automatic-swapserver it is fine for a start 05:58
Kamionogra: yeah, I'll hoover up that ubuntu-cdimage bug in my general pass, it's easy05:58
mdzogra: congratulations on the milestone of ltsp-convergence, that's a great achievement for ubuntu05:58
ogra(thats why the spec is set to deferred, vagrantc and me will care fir it in edgy+1)05:58
ograredhat is the first adopter05:59
ograand warren even agreed to maintain everything in launchpad *g*05:59
mdzlooking forward to the writeup on that05:59
ograright, i wanted to do it yesterday, but somehow had no opportunity to sleep at all, to many bugs to fix before the freeze06:00
fabbioneogra: don't be so surprised.. there are more RH developers using ubuntu and lp that you can think of06:00
mdzogra: 61688 doesn't have its milestone set; please set it if you consider it a blocker06:00
mdzand Importance as well06:00
KamionI'll look at 61688 straight after the meeting06:00
mdzogra: thanks06:00
ograjammcq_laptop and sbalneav started switching to ubuntu ltsp everywhere btw06:00
mdzfschoep: next06:00
fschoep * ubuntu-art-polish-human-icons: contact Dave, now waiting for initial batch of icons06:00
fschoep * firefox-themes-ubuntu: fix bugs (consider switching to Epiphany)06:00
fschoep * looked into some other bugs06:00
fschoep * usplash-artwork: work with Seveas and msikma to get a new design in06:00
fschoep * community-artwork: conference call with jmak and sabdfl tomorrow06:00
fschoep * art-polish-human-gtk-theme: decide on color tweaks based on artwork direction06:01
fschoep * sound-themes: got in touch with cbx33, will work on shortening sounds06:01
fschoep * theme-teams: (try to) package their work06:01
mdzfschoep: switching to epiphany -> that is so not funny :-)06:01
fschoepmdz: no comment :)06:01
Keybukmdz: it'd solve potential trademark issues06:01
Riddellfschoep: the text on the current ubuntu wallpaper needs moved up, it's covered by the panel06:01
ografabbione, but not RH employees that use it for distro work (yet at least) 06:01
fschoepRiddell: thanks for spotting it06:02
dholbachxulrunner+epiphany! yay! :)06:02
fabbioneogra: yup.. those too :)06:02
fschoepRiddell: I am trying to get it right ;)06:02
fschoepBut this does bring up an important issue06:02
mdzfschoep: sounds like there is s till a lot of artwork churn.  is there anything absolutely urgent which might justify an exception for the beta freeze?06:02
fschoepmdz: yes, everything I think (not the right answer?)06:03
fschoepmdz: I'm on the phone with Mark tomorrow06:03
mdzfschoep: no, not the right answer06:03
fschoepmdz: We'll pretty much have to rip out what's in there currently and create new stuff06:03
dholbachmdz: I'll upload a human icon theme soon-ish (some added icons)06:03
mdzfschoep: if the artwork isn't final, we'll deal with that, but we can't have it changing as we're preparing the release06:03
=== Keybuk blinks at fschoep
mdzfschoep: please send me an email after the call with the outcome06:04
fschoepmdz: We (I) tried the community approach and it kind of blew up in my face06:04
mdzfschoep: actually, scratch that.  send me the info for the call and I'll dial in06:04
fschoepmdz: OK, I'll try to get that arranged with Claire06:04
mdzfschoep: thanks06:04
mdzand argh06:04
mdzkwwii: next06:04
kwwiiDone: 06:04
kwwiimade different usplash aniimation ideas...in the end decided this is something for the future06:04
mdzkwwii: I hope you have good news ;-)06:04
fschoepKeybuk: morituri te salutant ;)06:04
kwwiiMade new window deco buttons, gradient for window deco, wallpaper, amarok theme, metabar theme, color tweaking in kde and the window deco, new panel background.06:04
kwwiinew themeing elements in place. All in all we are very close to final06:04
kwwiiTodo: 06:05
kwwiiakademy next week06:05
kwwiifinish usplash (reduce the size/form of the logo, tweak progress bar graphics) 640x480!!06:05
kwwiiabout, app start, help page?06:05
kwwiithrobber for konqueror?06:05
kwwiikeep polishing where and when necessary06:05
mdzkwwii: any final touches for beta should go in tomorrow; it's likely that we'll be locking down uploads early next week06:05
ograwhats metabar ? 06:05
kwwiimdz: we have accomplished everything we set out to do and are outdoing ourselves06:05
kwwiimdz: cool, I will make sure to get an updated upslash in06:05
kwwiiogra: it is shown in the sidebar in konqueror, kinda like MS06:06
mdzkwwii: thanks06:06
mdzdoko_: next06:06
doko_ - edgy-toolchain: implemented06:06
doko_ - edgy-toolchain+1: no status change, opening of edgy+1 needed,06:06
doko_   test rebuilds of the archive needed.06:06
doko_   planning a coordinated glibc-2.5 / binutils update for not later06:06
doko_   than Oct 6.06:06
doko_ - python-roadmap: need to go over the list of application packages06:06
doko_   in main, mostly bug fixes / missed syncs06:06
doko_ - python2.5: final uploaded, extension packages are built for06:06
doko_   2.4 and 2.5, 2.5 will not be the default python in edgy.06:06
doko_ - java-roadmap: classpath-0.92 based gcj in the archive,06:06
doko_   packages providing jni bindings built natively, built06:06
doko_   the core java packages as native (-gcj) packages.06:06
doko_   gcj-4.2 should be removed for edgy (although we should keep it06:06
doko_   for test builds for edgy-toolchain+1 until before the release.06:06
doko_ - openoffice.org-l10n: delayed06:06
doko_this week:06:06
doko_ - scan OOo bugs for printing related bug reports, discuss some06:07
mdzdoko_: what's the latest from infinity/soyuz regarding test rebuilds?06:07
doko_   printing issues with tkamppeter, start OOo bug triage06:07
doko_ - prepare and upload OOo 2.0.4, the usual build failures; binary06:07
doko_   packages will hit the archive not before tomorrow.06:07
doko_ - check and upload printing packages06:07
doko_ - python2.5 final upload06:07
doko_ - some more gcc/gcj fixes.06:07
doko_ - other: fix python-defaults breakage, finally got tired of xfs fs06:07
doko_   corruptions on my notebook, reinstalled edgy, recoverd my email setup.06:07
doko_ - started SoC summary06:07
doko_next week:06:07
doko_ - continue OOo bug triage06:07
Kamiondoko_: openoffice.org-l10n> "delayed" = "deferred"? or post-beta?06:07
doko_ - OOo bug triage, focusing on python reports06:07
doko_mdz: no news06:07
doko_Kamion: deferred06:07
fabbionedoko_: if you can give the packages i can do sparc toolchain easily06:07
doko_fabbione: ok, will do.06:07
mdzdoko_: ok, I'll make an inquiry06:07
doko_mdz: I'll have to coordinate with jbailey, so the time line is not yet final06:08
mdzdoko_: LP guys are forming a plan regarding opening edgy+1, I"ll talk more with kiko06:08
=== diego [n=diego@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
doko_Kamion, Keybuk: will outstanding syncs be processed a last time tomorrow before the beta freeze?06:10
mdzI haven't read the emails about the oo.o rejects yet, but I will read and reply properly; discuss out of bnad06:10
mdzdoko_: python2.5 final tomorrow, otherwise should probably wait until after beta06:10
doko_mdz: is already in06:10
Kamiondoko_: well, the beta freeze has already started06:10
Keybukdoko_: I did a sync run earlier, were there new ones you've added?06:11
mdzdoko_: oh? I thought the last one I saw was an rc06:11
tkamppetermdz, doko_, will Python be switched to 2.5 in Edgy? I hope this does not break HPLIP.06:11
Kamiondoko_: but in any event I'm still waiting for the descriptions of the Ubuntu changes you're overriding for those ada and zope syncs06:11
mdzbut there it is06:11
Kamionwe need those in the bug, please06:11
pittitkamppeter: no, it won't06:11
pittitkamppeter: it's available, but not the default06:11
mdztkamppeter: no, default is still 2.406:11
doko_Kamion: ajmitch did this for the zope packages, yes, I ahve to do that for ada06:11
Kamionyes, please do06:12
KamionI can do the zope syncs if mdz's ok with that06:12
UbugtuMalone bug 59001 in Ubuntu "sync zope packages" [Untriaged,Needs info]  06:12
mdzKamion: I am06:12
mdzdoko_: ok, thanks06:12
doko_then we can drop python2.3 ... even if it's universe06:12
mdzfabbione: next06:12
mdzdoko_: yay06:12
fabbione * ubuntu-edgy-cluster: more bug fixing. Pending one bug in userland. GFS2 marke06:12
fabbioned as experimental. Not stable enough for production.06:12
fabbione * pkgsum.u.c: no progress06:12
fabbione * edgy-sparc: lots of bug fixing here to get to install and run properly. Left: silo on niagara isn't very happy and a corner case where initramfs is loaded underneath the kernel. One kernel SMP bug on Niagara discovered. ETA for fixes: sometimes during next week.06:12
fabbione * a lot of other bug fixing (mdadm in particular since it had a few regressions from dapper)06:12
fabbioneTo do06:12
fabbione * sparc bug fixing.06:12
fabbione * Bug fixing in general.06:12
fabbione * fire up sparc edgy rebuild of death.06:12
fabbione * been offline most of the day. PSU on ws is dead (replacement by tomorrow) and06:13
fabbione got laptop fixed only a few minutes ago.06:13
fabbione(few minutes before the meeting.. now.. it's one hour ago :)06:13
mdzfabbione: please get the sparc bugs filed  and set the beta milestone so they're tracked06:14
fabbionemdz: ok.06:14
mdzfabbione: there was no sparc knot-3, right?06:15
fabbionemdz: no because i come back that week and not enough time to go trough all the backlog06:15
fabbionebut we will have beta06:15
mdzfabbione: are there dailies?06:15
fabbionemdz: yes.06:16
fabbioneand i test from netinstall06:16
fabbioneso basically on the immediate archve snapshot06:16
fabbionearchive even06:16
mdzhave the dailies been tested?06:16
mdzthe ISOs I mean06:16
fabbionenot from me06:16
mdzplease do test them before monday06:16
fabbionewill do06:16
mdzfabbione: thanks06:17
mdzKeybuk: next06:17
Keybuk * TearDown: examined every package in main and changed some to not stop on shutdown or reboot06:17
Keybuk * Readahead improvements06:17
Keybuk * BootMessageLogging improvements, fsck output now displayed on console and removing "quiet" will do the right thing06:17
Keybuk * Usplash and splash down neatening06:17
KeybukTo do:06:17
Keybuk * No outstanding bug fixes for beta06:17
Keybuk * I don't yet have any release-critical bugs which have sufficient information to debug; but I'm sure I'll get some after beta :)06:17
Keybuk * Hunt for other bugs I can fix06:17
mdzKeybuk: prereadahead doesn't take as long as I thought it would06:17
Keybukprereadahead ?06:17
mdzKeybuk: reading in the foreground06:17
Keybukright, it actually takes less time than reading in the background06:18
Keybukas then you aren't reading files twice06:18
Keybukand aren't thrashing the disk while trying to do other stuff06:18
mdzit shouldn't read files twice if the list is sorted properly06:18
Keybukyeah, it would in the background06:18
mdzbut I think this way is more predictable anyway06:18
Keybukcause it'd start reading the list, while other stuff started06:18
Keybukwhich was further down the list, because the blocks were near the end of the filesystem06:18
mdzKeybuk: if reading in the background, the list should be sorted by order of access06:19
Keybukthen the disk head skips everywhere, which .... defeats the object06:19
mdzbut I guess it wasn't06:19
Keybukthere's definite winnage from having the list read in disk position order06:19
mdzKeybuk: is upstart single-user pretty happy now?06:19
Keybukseems to be06:19
Keybukit should behave as sysvinit now, both for "exit" and "shutdown"06:20
mdzKeybuk: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-6.10-beta is a good starting point if looking for bugs to fix06:20
Keybukyes, I've seen it06:20
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mdzKeybuk: ;-) thanks06:21
mdzBenC: next06:21
BenC* linux-kernel-crash-dump: Will end up disabling kdump on ppc64 and amd64, where it doesn't seem to work. kexec scripts to handle dumping to shell to get useful info will be uploaded with next kexec tools (non-invasive changes to normal kernel operation).06:21
BenC* Last week (kernel): Bug crack down time. Spent 12-16 hours per day going through bug reports. Will be doing this the remainder of the release.06:21
BenC* Next week (kernel): Nailing down critical bugs. Promoting bugs that need to be fixed before Edgy is released.06:21
BenC* Current Major efforts:06:21
BenC  - Merging of Mactel patches.06:21
BenC  - AGP/DRM update (already done, clean merge, uploading with today's kernel).06:21
BenC  - Core 2 Duo backports from 2.6.18 (mainly to do with JMicron controllers). This should be complete now. Dozens of people can't boot Ubuntu on Core 2 Duo because of this. I'm ordering a Core 2 Duo laptop in the next couple of days, so I'll be able to do install testing on this platform.06:21
BenC  - PPC64 fixes for sata_svw crash. Fixed now.06:21
BenC  - Still working on making sure the crashes related to apport are tested and fixed. Current kernel (upload today) has fixes that should handle one type of crash, and maybe the other. Major concern is that these crashes are obviously security concerns. The fixes need to be tested very throroughly, else apport may be in jeopardy for Edgy release.06:21
mdzI had a pretty hairy kernel day on my desktop yesterday while I was trying to get vmware working. hit the crash handler bug several times, and also some other crashes I wasn't able to capture information for06:22
mdzit's been stable since then, but I'm uneasy06:22
fabbioneBenC: don't forget silo love for next week please :)06:22
BenCmdz: Did you get the kernel I built for you yesterday?06:22
pittiBenC: I'll give it some hard testing here06:22
BenChas the fix I implemented06:22
mdzBenC: I downloaded it but didn't have time to test yet06:22
BenCfabbione: Ah yes, good ole silo06:22
mdzit's on my laptop06:23
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BenCmdz: apport related bugs are my #1 prio right now, I promoted one to ubuntu-6.10-beta06:23
mdzBenC: ok, thanks06:24
mdzzul: next06:24
zul    * Xen0 and XenU kernels for x86.06:24
zul    * Ported xen to dapper06:24
zul    * bug fixing06:24
zulTo do06:24
zul    * Porting Xen to 2.6.17 before universe freeze.06:25
zul    * Xen0 and XenU kernels for amd6406:25
zul    * bug fixing06:25
mdzzul: anything for the beta hit list?06:25
zulnope not for me06:25
BenCmdz: Chuck's trying to get the xen package to build by build-dep'ing on linux-source-2.6.17 and patching it from there, which I think we be better for security updates06:25
mdzthat'd be handy, yes, if it's now updated fo r2.6.1706:26
mdzzul: ok, thankss06:26
mdziwj: next06:26
BenCzul: Let me know if you need any help with that too06:26
iwjpackage-dependency-field-breaks: All complete except for the critical changes to update-manager, which I'm starting to get worried about.  See also mvo's report.06:26
iwjautomated-testing-deployment: No significant change since last report.06:26
zulBenC: sure the patch is just a bit hairy06:26
iwjthis week so far: Have spent it all wrestling trying to get firefox 1.5 into breezy as a security update.  Main difficulty was an obscure string handling bug now reported upstream, for which I have a hideous workaround.  Have had some conversations with timeless from the upstream community about this too but unfortunately not with any better outcome for us (so far).06:26
iwjtodo: make firefox ship xpidl again (in -dev)06:26
iwjtodo: anything but firefox! aaargh! etc.06:26
iwjSince I wrote that timeless has provided quite a bit more useful help and I think I can actually cross-port the real fix for 1.5.06:27
iwjpitti: So if you would reject that firefox upload from earlier ...06:27
pittiiwj: I can't; just upload another one with a higher version06:27
mdziwj: timeless...he was making noise on the security group list this week about patches not being sent upstream; I looked over the changelog and it seems almost entirely ubuntu-specific. did he talk with you directly?06:28
pittiiwj: I'll do the locale package upgrading for breezy; it's a bit hairy and now I know how to do it06:28
iwjNo.  I've been talking to him on IRC today and he didn't mention it.06:28
iwjpitti: OK.06:28
mdziwj: anything but firefox -> interview prospective firefox gurus ;-)06:28
iwjmdz: Quite :-).06:29
=== pitti wonders whether asac would be interested
mdzpitti: I don't know who asac is, but we welcome all qualified applicants06:29
iwjmdz: I'll do that just as soon as I don't mind losing all the state in my head about these fourteen different ff trees I'm hacking.06:29
iwjmdz: Alexander Sack.06:29
pittimdz: Alexander Sack, Debian's tbird maintainer and the guy who did the last round of backporting; he does know the code pretty well06:29
iwjWe should probably invite him to throw his hat in if he's interested.06:30
mdzpitti: if you have a dialog with him, feel free to contact him06:30
pittithen again, he's aware of the job offer and didn't ask me so far06:30
pittiyes, I'm talking to him quite often, but he didn't express interest so far; will ask him more directly, I guess :)06:30
Kamionsometimes it does no harm to invite people explicitly06:30
iwjpitti: Yes, do.06:30
mdzpitti: perhaps a subtle hint ;-)06:30
Kamionthe best people often underestimate their own abilities06:31
mdzKamion: unless they're known to believe that we eat children06:31
pitti'We're screwed, fix Ubuntu, kthxbye'06:31
mdzKamion: agreed regarding underestimation though06:31
mdzthat goes for all the job postings currently up06:31
iwjDammit, we eat children ?  Where's my share ?06:31
mdztell your friends06:31
mdzwe are looking for the best06:32
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mdzI think that's all for today06:32
mdzany other brief business?06:32
Riddellno kees?06:32
mdzRiddell: I believe he starts next week06:32
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Kamionhe joined earlier and I think he's been watching06:32
pittiRiddell: next Wednesday06:32
pittiyeah, I invited him to see the general format06:33
mdzok, great06:33
mdzthanks, everyone06:33
fabbionethanks guys06:33
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kwwiibye all, thanks06:33
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fabbionecya Ken!06:33
fschoepsee you around06:33
seb128thank you06:33
pittisee you all, and thanks06:33
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 26 Sep 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 27 Sep 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 23:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 17:00 UTC: Community Council
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sharms@schedule chicago09:51
UbugtuSchedule for America/Chicago: 26 Sep 15:00: Technical Board | 27 Sep 15:00: Edubuntu | 28 Sep 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 03 Oct 12:00: Community Council09:51
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