
=== knixtech [n=stormcha@c-68-80-182-194.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #edubuntu
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knixtechhello all01:40
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bimberihi there knixtech01:42
knixtechhows it going01:42
bimberifine thanks01:43
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mhz_workjsgotangco: congrats! for the job at the foundation02:33
=== mhz_work had not seen jsgotangco 'in person' before, so...
jsgotangcomhz_work: thanks, its pretty busy work though!02:33
mhz_worki know02:33
mhz_workbut you love it02:33
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sbalneavEvening all02:34
LaserJockhi sbalneav 02:36
sbalneavHey LaserJock02:36
sbalneav!seen ogra02:37
ubotuogra is on IRC right now!02:37
sbalneav!last ogra02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about last ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
sbalneavHmm, what is it to see what Ollie last said?02:37
mhz_work!lastseen ogra02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lastseen ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
mhz_work!seenlst ogra02:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seenlst ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:37
mhz_work!seenlast ogra02:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about seenlast ogra - try searching on http://bots.ubuntulinux.nl/factoids.cgi02:38
bimberiafaik ubotu doesn't store that02:38
bimberiSeveas would know better though02:40
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sbalneavogra: ping04:28
mhzjoejaxx: oh, i had noticed you were here too04:29
mhzduh..."i had not noticed"04:29
joejaxxmhz: :)04:29
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knixtechhey guys07:48
danielhedblomhi there knixtech07:49
knixtechhow are ya07:49
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RichEdhello 08:17
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pips1!seen ogra08:29
ubotuogra is on IRC right now!08:29
pips1ogra: you awake yet?08:29
pips1I'll do some testing with knot3 last daily build08:29
pips1do you want me to test a dist-upgrade 6.06 -> 6.10, before I wipe the disk and start fresh with 6.10? Would that be of any interest?08:37
=== TeePOG [n=arno@] has joined #edubuntu
TeePOGmorning all08:39
TeePOGhi highvoltage, Kamping_Kaiser, pips1, RichEd, ogra08:40
TeePOGand everyone I missed08:40
RichEdhey TeePOG 08:40
TeePOGgood morning all08:40
=== RichEd greets pips1 warmly ... nice email :)
RichEdpips1: busy responding to it now ... which is why I didn't see your moin08:41
=== TeePOG will brb, need to disconnect car's battery
pips1hi RichEd08:43
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Kamping_Kaiserhi TeePOG 08:46
=== pips1 reads sfllaw's recent testing guidelines
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TeePOGwb Kamping_Kaiser08:50
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=== Kamping_Kaiser 'cleans up' room
TeePOGi've been dying to ask: does the services on this server not have an auto-join on identify? I use many different PCs, on W*nd*ws and *nix, and it's a schlep to setup my channel list on all of them08:53
=== TeePOG tries to look tidy so that Kamping_Kaiser doesn't clean him up also
BurgundaviaTeePOG: autojoin is a client function, not a server one08:54
TeePOGactually Burgundavia, most of the other servers I'm on, have a list you set in nickserv that auto-joins you to your list of channels upon identify08:55
TeePOGi don't mean to gainsay you, but i use it daily08:56
Burgundaviahow big are these servers?08:56
TeePOGblabbernet? i'd say pretty big... not sure about exact numbers08:57
TeePOGlagnet, ditto08:58
highvoltageTeePOG: blabbernet is *tiny* compared to freenode though :)08:59
=== TeePOG was merely asking... i can get by, i was really thinking i just couldn't find it
TeePOGwasn't expecting such a vehement response08:59
TeePOGi wasn't impugning the services on your [and my]  favourite server09:00
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pips1ogra: ping10:03
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dibblegohello, I did a kernel upgrade on my son's machine and it seems to be corrupt - how do I roll back with the live CD?10:47
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Kamping_Kaiserwhtas corrupt?10:48
Kamping_Kaiserdoes grub load?10:49
Kamping_Kaiserthen youcan press <esc> when grubs loading, and choose a different kernel10:49
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RichEdping pips1 10:59
cbx33hi pygi 11:06
pygihey RichEd, cbx33 11:06
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cbx33hi RichEd 11:07
cbx33pygi: my new machine kicks ass !11:07
pygicbx33: I know, you've told me that for several times :)11:07
dibblegoI was able to rollback using chroot11:08
cbx33no but.....it seriously does ;)11:08
cbx33sorry pygi 11:08
=== cbx33 is just very excited at startingto do more dev work on it ;)
pygicbx33: lol, don't appologise11:09
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ElectroDoes anyone know how to set up PHP in apache11:20
cbx33Electro: what are you trying to do....are you running this on an edubuntu machine?11:21
cbx33I thought it already had php11:22
ElectroI used thing from repositories11:22
cbx33school tool?11:22
cbx33Electro: hang on a sec11:22
ElectroInstalled Apache 2 and php11:22
cbx33what is the problem?11:22
Electrobut it doesn't work11:22
Electrotry my ip address11:23
cbx33try that11:23
Electroi know11:23
cbx33what do you get?11:23
Electroit just says to me that i should download a phtml file11:24
cbx33that's not normal11:25
cbx33is this dapper?11:25
Electrofully up to date11:25
cbx33hango n11:25
cbx33is libapache2-mod-php5 11:26
cbx33i presume you're using php5?11:26
Electrowhen I try index.php it just returns me text11:27
Electrothe php code11:27
RichEdhi cbx33 pygi & others11:28
cbx33hi again RichEd 11:28
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cbx33do you have <?php ?> enclosing the code?11:28
Electroat the end11:29
Electroits proper code11:29
cbx33have you restarted apache11:29
Electrobut I did restart my computer11:29
cbx33hmm....infuture you don;t need to do that11:29
cbx33unless you kernel upgraded?11:29
Electroi'm running the latest version11:30
RichEdwithout interrupting any of the busy testing going on ... can anyone point me to any look & feel mock-ups for edgy ? edubuntu or ubuntu11:30
cbx33RichEd: you don't have an sio yet?11:31
Electrois there any solution to my problem11:31
cbx33Electro: I'm thinking11:31
cbx33can you pastebin your apache configs?11:32
RichEdcbx33: nope ... I need to clean up one of my old machines and set up as a make & break & testing environment11:32
Electrowhich config files11:32
cbx33and cfheck if php is in the mods_enabled11:32
cbx33RichEd: hmm....I can get you a few screenshots?11:33
RichEdcbx33: Shot. That's why I asked for mock-up etc :) But *not* if I take up testing time. Thanks.11:33
Electrophp is NOT in mods_enbled11:34
Electrohow to enable it11:34
TeePOGi'm gonna tattoo this into my hand now... what's the command to switch the desktop managers on the ltsp?11:35
Electrofirefox is stupid11:36
Electroit doesn't open pages11:36
Electrofor some reason11:36
Electrophp is NOT in mods_enabled11:37
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Electrophp is NOT in mods_enabled11:38
Electrohow do I enable it11:39
Electroanyone out there11:40
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Electrowhat is the terminal command to copy11:41
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cbx33RichEd: did you want any screen shots11:49
RichEdYes please.11:49
cbx33hang on11:50
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cbx33Electro: there is a way to enable a module11:52
Electroenbled it11:52
cbx33good does it work?11:52
Electronow it works11:52
cbx33good job11:52
Electrosaved me11:52
cbx33you shouldn't use cp11:52
cbx33you should use ln -s11:52
Electrowell it works11:53
cbx33because the mods_available file will be updated from time to time11:53
Electrowhat is ln -s11:53
cbx33so you shuold symlink from mods_enabled to mods_available11:53
cbx33it's a symlink.....it points to another file11:53
cbx33if you get my meaning11:53
Electroso I need a symlink11:53
Electrowell ok11:53
cbx33it is prefferable11:53
cbx33hold on 2 secs11:53
Electrodo I require a special module for MySQL11:54
Electrowhere can I get it11:54
Electrothe module11:54
cbx33hang on11:54
cbx33wait 2 secs11:55
cbx33Electro: look at this command a2enmod11:58
Electrowhat about it11:58
cbx33it's used to enable mods11:58
Electrobut what about mysq11:58
cbx33hang on11:58
cbx33install php-mysql12:00
cbx33if you already have a mysql server installed12:01
Electrolet me see12:01
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Electrogot it12:04
Electrowait a sec12:04
Electrobut I don't see the mod in mods_available12:05
cbx33you won't12:06
cbx33it's a php mod12:06
Electroso i'm free with it12:06
cbx33you should be12:06
cbx33have you ever setup a mysql database before?12:06
cbx33I'll leaveyou to it then ;)12:09
Electrobesides, I'm using an automated installer12:09
Electroif it fails, then i'll resort to doing it manually12:10
juliuxRichEd, morning, we have a also an ubuntu/edubuntu booth at systems in munich12:11
RichEdgreat juliux ... make sure to make notes for our news :)12:12
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cbx33willvdl: hi12:18
TeePOGhi willvdl12:20
willvdlhi guys12:20
willvdlcrrrazy friday12:21
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cbx33RichEd: prefered email?12:30
RichEdanyone cbx33 pick !12:30
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cbx33RichEd: get that?12:51
RichEdone time shoe shine12:52
RichEdsaved to disk ... just need to get a minute to open it !12:52
pips1cbx33,  I want to test the dist-upgrade 'dapper' -> 'edgy' (knot3, daily build 22-Sep). do I change the reference of dapper to edgy in  /etc/apt/sources.list or /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/sources.list ? or both?01:14
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cbx33pips1: 01:19
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cbx33I'm not sure01:19
cbx33I think you'd do it to one and then the other?01:19
pips1i'll try to change both and see what happens :)01:20
pips1hun, apt-get dist-upgrade did nothing01:24
cbx33did you apt-get update first>01:25
RichEdthanks cbx33 : I like the fire feeling in #101:26
=== pips1 is checking the sources.list again
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TeePOGwb Burgwork01:46
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sbalneavogra: ping02:02
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pygicbx33: ping02:11
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cbx33pong pygi 02:23
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mario__cbx33: sorry dc03:01
=== mario__ is now known as pygi
cbx33s'ok pygi 03:02
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sbalneavogra: ping03:22
ograsbalneav, pong03:23
sbalneavhey!  Get my 2 mails?03:23
ograthe esd code has to wait for edgy+1, sorry ...03:23
sbalneavone about esd, the other with the ltspfs patch.03:23
ograthere are plenty of patches exactly in the socet creation area already03:23
sbalneavYeah, that's fine, I was just sending it along so you'd know what the issue was.03:24
ograso that will need a lot of testing03:24
ograi just fixed up petters code to really kill esd and start it over again03:24
ograwhich is fine for now ...03:24
ograand imho the real bug is esd not respecting -HUP 03:24
ograbut we'll need your code very likely for xdmcp ... 03:25
ograsince gdm wont restart esd03:25
cbx33hey ogra 03:25
ograsomehow my body refuses getting off detroit time ... 03:26
=== ogra just got up ...
cbx33ogra: did you read Jordi's blog post03:26
=== ogra is still wading through 600 mails ... give me some time :)
cbx33about partial blindness03:28
cbx33from strained optical nerves03:28
cbx33I thought of you :p03:28
cbx33you get very little sleep dude03:28
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cbx33hi bddebian 03:37
bddebianHeya cbx3303:37
=== botxj [n=botxj@ip70-187-199-233.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33howz it going bddebian 03:52
=== spoone [n=ben@l3-202-89-184-117.arach.net.au] has joined #edubuntu
bddebianBusy man, you?03:58
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cbx33bddebian: having a meeting I shouldn't be having04:07
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cbx33hi afternoon all04:47
cbx33did it work?04:48
cbx33the dapper -> edgy upgrade04:49
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cbx33hey jsgotangco 04:49
cbx33howz it all going04:51
cbx33did you say you wouldn't be going to UDS?04:52
pips1good evening all, got to run, see you04:53
cbx33bye pips1 04:54
jsgotangcocbx33: i doubt05:01
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RichEdcheers all ... enjoy the weekend ... family calls06:15
sbalneavGood weekend, RichEd 06:15
juliuxcu monday RichEd enjoy the weekend06:21
Petariswhoops, wrong channel06:28
sbalneavOgra doesn't love us anymore waaah06:44
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cbx33why doesn't cp copy directories starting with . (ie hidden ones)07:31
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Petariscbx33: you need an option to copy them07:42
cbx33no, I got it07:43
cbx33it was my mistake07:43
cbx33I used /folder/*07:43
cbx33It should have been /folder/.07:43
=== mthe [n=mthe@unaffiliated/mthe] has joined #edubuntu
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=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@adsl-144-142-234.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #edubuntu
=== paolob-parroquia [n=paolob-p@pri-214-b7.codetel.net.do] has joined #edubuntu
paolob-parroquiaHi ogra! what about the gnome-power-manager anti-hibernation patch? Do we already have the deb package? thank you09:29
=== Laser_away is now known as LaserJock
=== rodarvus [n=rodarvus@ubuntu/member/rodarvus] has joined #edubuntu
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cbx33evenin all11:05
cbx33well the transfer is complete11:06
pygicbx33: edgy? :)11:06
cbx33I am now on my shiney new machine with all my settings and documents11:06
cbx33Hi LaserJock 11:07
=== corey_ [n=corey@d64-180-214-139.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #edubuntu
LaserJockogra: wahoo, edubuntu-menus got accepted11:39
pygicongrats LaserJock 11:40
LaserJocknow I just need to get it ready for Main :-)11:40

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