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Mithrandir | BenC: do you want a daily build now? | 12:53 |
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zul | BenC: you can throw rocks at your satelite dish or cow dung | 02:04 |
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BenC | Mithrandir: yeah, definitely | 03:19 |
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yarddog | this 2.6.17-9 is giving me a panic on boot | 04:28 |
yarddog | cannot use it | 04:28 |
yarddog | ive reinstalled and still panic, it hangs on the new splash and will not boot | 04:29 |
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Mithrandir | BenC: oh well, I didn't see that before going to bed; you'll have images in an hour or so. | 08:21 |
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ivoks | bummer :/ | 10:07 |
ivoks | BenC: it doesn't work, but it works with 2.6.18-rc7-mm | 10:08 |
ivoks | fwiw | 10:08 |
ivoks | (i know that isn't much of the help) | 10:09 |
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ph8 | morning all | 11:44 |
ph8 | any feedback from the jmicron fix from today's daily yet? I haven't got around to downloading the image yet | 11:45 |
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ph8 | Just one guy going "oh it's not in the source boo hoo" | 11:55 |
ph8 | but according to the .list | 11:55 |
ph8 | /pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.17/linux-image-2.6.17-9-generic_2.6.17-9.23_amd64.deb | 11:55 |
ph8 | is included | 11:56 |
ph8 | so all should be gravy when i get a chance to d/l it :) | 11:56 |
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ivoks | hi BenC | 12:22 |
ivoks | yay... it almost booted :) | 12:24 |
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ph8 | hey BenC! Noticed the comments on the jmicron bug report mate? wondering if it's true/applicable and if so if it would then be a waste of my time downloading the image today | 03:26 |
yarddog | anyone have a problem booting with 2.6.17-9 ? | 03:29 |
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gnomefreak | yarddog: it hasnt hit my repos yet | 03:37 |
gnomefreak | using uk repos too they are normally one of the first updated | 03:38 |
yarddog | i think mine are the ubuntu archives | 03:39 |
yarddog | archive.ubuntu.com | 03:39 |
yarddog | it boots fine on my laptop | 03:40 |
yarddog | but not on this desktop | 03:40 |
yarddog | i had to revert to | 03:40 |
yarddog | 2.6.17-8-386 | 03:40 |
yarddog | the desktop has kde as well and it uses the kubuntu usplash | 03:42 |
yarddog | i dont know if that makes a difference because it hangs/panics on the kubuntu splash screen | 03:43 |
yarddog | so i cant see if its a panic or not | 03:43 |
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gnomefreak | yarddog: they were in my repos but some some strange reason they were not updating i had to install | 03:50 |
yarddog | interesting | 03:50 |
yarddog | what kernel version are you running? | 03:50 |
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gnomefreak | -8-generic | 03:51 |
yarddog | hrm | 03:51 |
gnomefreak | i had changed to -generic since 386 is installed by default | 03:51 |
yarddog | i tried several times | 03:51 |
yarddog | what does generic have? | 03:51 |
yarddog | this desktop is a prescott and there is no 686 or smp either | 03:52 |
gnomefreak | generic is 686 may also be 486 and 586 | 03:52 |
yarddog | so its forced to run 386 | 03:52 |
gnomefreak | 686 was renamed to -generic | 03:52 |
yarddog | so i should be running generic? | 03:53 |
gnomefreak | yarddog: im not sure there is much of a performance difference but im not a kernel guy | 03:53 |
yarddog | ok | 03:55 |
gnomefreak | gonna try brb | 03:56 |
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ivoks | hi zul | 05:30 |
zul | hey | 05:30 |
ivoks | do you have a minute? | 05:31 |
ivoks | :) | 05:31 |
zul | i might | 05:31 |
zul | whats u | 05:31 |
zul | *up even | 05:31 |
ivoks | ich8 doesn't work with latest kernel 9.23 | 05:31 |
ivoks | and i was checking diff with vanilla kernel | 05:32 |
ivoks | and it's big | 05:32 |
ivoks | but vanilla kernel doesn't include support for ich8 | 05:32 |
ivoks | so, i've looked for a patch and found this: | 05:32 |
ivoks | http://lkml.org/lkml/2006/7/11/493 | 05:32 |
zul | gimme a sec | 05:32 |
ivoks | it seems that our ata_piix.c has parts of this patch and parts from somewhere else | 05:33 |
zul | hmmm...you might want to talk to ben when he is around | 05:33 |
ivoks | ok | 05:33 |
zul | does that patch work though? | 05:33 |
ivoks | it builds | 05:33 |
ivoks | but i can't test it right now :/ | 05:33 |
zul | ah.. | 05:33 |
ivoks | our driver reports that it can't read status of disk | 05:34 |
ivoks | but, i'll talk with ben about it | 05:34 |
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ivoks | speeking of... :) | 05:34 |
ivoks | speaking even | 05:35 |
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ph8 | BenC: Sorry, lost my connection, did you reply? | 05:45 |
ivoks | ph8: did your jmicron worked? | 05:46 |
ph8 | not sure | 05:47 |
ph8 | downloading now | 05:47 |
ph8 | did yours ivoks? | 05:47 |
ivoks | no | 05:47 |
ph8 | same error? | 05:47 |
ivoks | well, i have disk on ich8 and cdrom on jmicron | 05:48 |
ivoks | cdrom wasn't detected at all | 05:48 |
ivoks | and ich8 stalled for a long time... :/ | 05:49 |
ph8 | was ich8 detected in the end though? | 05:55 |
ph8 | there's some guy on bug report saying that the installer is using an old kernel which probably only BenC or Mithrandir would know about - presumably though the installer should use the kernel that gets put into the distro.. | 05:56 |
ivoks | i said that :) | 05:56 |
ivoks | and it does | 05:56 |
ph8 | ah | 05:56 |
ivoks | i've tested it this morning | 05:56 |
ph8 | weird | 05:56 |
ph8 | does that mean someone's not updated the installer? | 05:56 |
ivoks | it's not that weird | 05:56 |
ph8 | or is that how it's meant to work | 05:57 |
ph8 | and since we've got a fixed kernel package can't we just overwrite the one on the install cd? | 05:57 |
ivoks | this is automated procedure | 05:57 |
ivoks | i think tomorrow we'll have new kernel in installer | 05:57 |
ph8 | :( | 05:57 |
ph8 | always another tomorrow | 05:57 |
ph8 | pain in the arse | 05:57 |
ivoks | ph8: safe bet is "the release day" | 05:58 |
ph8 | unless of course Mithrandir's around and is feeling generous? ;) | 05:58 |
ph8 | ivoks: I was hoping to fit this machine on monday/tuesday | 05:58 |
ivoks | ph8: this is expected for a development version | 05:58 |
ph8 | indeed | 05:58 |
ph8 | do you know if any other distros have it fixed yet? | 05:58 |
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ivoks | ph8: i was hoping to make it work yesterday :) | 05:58 |
ph8 | distros that have server installations | 05:58 |
ph8 | ivoks: Did you say ich8 detection worked? | 05:59 |
ivoks | only those that have 2.6.18 kernel | 05:59 |
ph8 | do any have the .18? | 05:59 |
yarddog | that kubuntu splash has something to do with the kernel panic | 05:59 |
yarddog | edgy splash is fine | 05:59 |
ivoks | ph8: there is thousands of linux distribution :) | 05:59 |
ph8 | doesn't answer the question though, does it? ;) | 06:08 |
ivoks | i don't know :) | 06:10 |
ivoks | 2.6.18 is fresh | 06:10 |
ph8 | do you know an easy way to just copy the kernel on the install cd into the installer? | 06:10 |
ph8 | or is that not do-able? | 06:10 |
ivoks | i did that | 06:12 |
ivoks | and i managed to install edgy onto disk | 06:12 |
ph8 | and it works? | 06:12 |
ivoks | even boot it | 06:12 |
ivoks | but (big BUT) | 06:12 |
ivoks | udev in edgy isn't compatibile with 2.6.18 | 06:12 |
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ivoks | so... bummer :) | 06:12 |
ph8 | i meant the fixed edgy kernel | 06:12 |
ph8 | which presumably is on the install cd as a package | 06:12 |
ph8 | just not in the installer | 06:12 |
ivoks | ph8: you can do netboot, as i did | 06:13 |
ph8 | don't you have a P5B? | 06:13 |
ph8 | the network card isn't supported | 06:13 |
ivoks | i don't know what board it is... | 06:13 |
ph8 | you have to download seperate drivers which aren't on the install cd | 06:13 |
ivoks | ph8: realtek? | 06:13 |
ph8 | iirc | 06:13 |
ph8 | yes | 06:13 |
ivoks | it's supported | 06:13 |
ivoks | r1000 module | 06:13 |
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ph8 | i can try it but i'm not sure you're right | 06:13 |
ivoks | if you have time, you can do it | 06:13 |
ph8 | netboot involves setting up a dhcp server and all that rubbish right? | 06:14 |
ph8 | i don't really have the cabling tbh | 06:14 |
ivoks | first, do apt-get source linux-image-2.6.17-9-386 | 06:14 |
ph8 | it would be a trek | 06:14 |
ivoks | ph8: it's easy... you need 5 minutes for setup and hour and half for waiting kernel to compile | 06:14 |
ph8 | this is for netboot? | 06:14 |
ph8 | i have a feeling one of us might be lagging | 06:14 |
ivoks | ph8: no one is lagging :) | 06:15 |
ivoks | for netboot, yes | 06:16 |
ivoks | you need dhcp3-server and tftpd-hpa | 06:16 |
ivoks | and apache2 :) | 06:16 |
ivoks | those three packages | 06:16 |
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ph8 | eww | 06:16 |
ph8 | i need to setup software raid as well | 06:16 |
ph8 | will netboot use the latest kernel instead of this old one which seems to be all over the place? | 06:16 |
ivoks | ph8: netboot will use kernel which you will create | 06:17 |
ivoks | which would be the same as ubuntu kernel + r1000 module for realtek | 06:17 |
ivoks | it's easy | 06:17 |
ph8 | this assumes the ich8 fix works | 06:18 |
ivoks | that one doesn't work | 06:18 |
ph8 | then my sata's won't get detected? | 06:18 |
ivoks | but if you are willing to try my patch... | 06:18 |
ph8 | hmmm | 06:19 |
ph8 | why not submit the patch to these lovely guys? | 06:19 |
ivoks | cause i'm not sure it works :) | 06:19 |
ivoks | and i can't test it | 06:19 |
ph8 | well then | 06:19 |
ivoks | :(((((( | 06:19 |
ivoks | but if you would test it... | 06:19 |
ph8 | i'm going to try today's daily in an hour, i'm not too hopeful from what i've heard already :/ | 06:20 |
ivoks | then we would know if it works or not | 06:20 |
ivoks | so, you don't want to test this patch? it will take maybe 20 minutes to set everything up (since i allready compiled kernel and modules) | 06:20 |
ph8 | maybe | 06:21 |
ph8 | give me an hour to try this | 06:21 |
ph8 | and then i'll think about it | 06:21 |
ph8 | as i said, if i can get this machine installed on tuesday that would be great | 06:22 |
ph8 | it's the last day i'll be able too really | 06:22 |
ph8 | pressure's on | 06:22 |
ivoks | same here | 06:22 |
ph8 | i've pm'ed Mithrandir, if he appears maybe he'll do a new build for us so the new kernel can get into that blasted installer | 06:23 |
ph8 | then we'll be on the way \o/ | 06:23 |
ivoks | i doubt | 06:23 |
ivoks | since i've allready tried new kernel | 06:23 |
ivoks | and it doesn't work | 06:23 |
ivoks | period | 06:23 |
ph8 | pfft | 06:24 |
ph8 | sounds like a recurring nightmare | 06:24 |
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yarddog_ | wiping that install and doing a clean onee | 06:37 |
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ivoks | jezzzz | 07:00 |
ivoks | ph8: please, please, are you willing to test this patch? | 07:00 |
ivoks | it might make your computer - work :) | 07:01 |
ph8 | it involves a netboot and a rebuild with the r1000? | 07:02 |
ph8 | if so, how are you going to get around the ich8 issue? | 07:02 |
ivoks | this get's around ich8 issue | 07:03 |
ivoks | it solves it | 07:03 |
ivoks | it also solves PATA part of jmicron driver | 07:03 |
ph8 | and does it involve a netboot or just a patch to the install cd? | 07:03 |
ivoks | fix in edgy kernel includes only fix for SATA part of jmicron | 07:03 |
ivoks | netboot | 07:03 |
ph8 | what do i need to do? | 07:04 |
ivoks | it's much easier to do it trough netboot than remastering CD | 07:04 |
ivoks | ph8: install tftpd-hpa dhcp3-server apache2 | 07:04 |
ivoks | patch is on http://www.grad.hr/~ivoks/ubuntu/jmicron-ich8.diff | 07:05 |
ivoks | then you need to get source of edgy kernel; apt-get source linux-image-2.6.17-9-386 | 07:06 |
ivoks | or, if you trust me, i can provide you prebuild image and modules | 07:06 |
ph8 | presumably as soon as edgy dev has fixed this i can update to their kernel? | 07:07 |
ph8 | i won't be tied into this patched kernel for a long time? | 07:07 |
ivoks | of course | 07:07 |
ph8 | link me to the prebuild then | 07:07 |
ivoks | i have to upload them, just a second | 07:08 |
ivoks | while it's uploading, let's set up everything for netboot, ok? | 07:08 |
ivoks | ph8: ? | 07:10 |
ph8 | ok | 07:10 |
ivoks | did you install those packages? | 07:10 |
ph8 | yes | 07:10 |
ph8 | start of dhcp3 server fails atm though | 07:10 |
ph8 | not sure why | 07:11 |
ivoks | that's ok | 07:11 |
ph8 | no config you think? | 07:11 |
ph8 | ok | 07:11 |
ivoks | now go to /var/lib/tftpboot | 07:11 |
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ivoks | and run: | 07:11 |
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ivoks | lftp -c "open http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images; mirror ." | 07:12 |
ivoks | errr | 07:12 |
ivoks | lftp -c "open http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot; mirror ." | 07:13 |
ivoks | this will take a while, depending on you connection | 07:14 |
ph8 | 5 mins | 07:15 |
ivoks | ok... | 07:16 |
ivoks | while that's downloading, we could set-up dhcp | 07:16 |
ph8 | am i going to be able to setup software RAID using this method? | 07:16 |
ivoks | ph8: this is just for kernel, installer is standard | 07:16 |
ph8 | k | 07:16 |
ivoks | so... in another term, open (as root) /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf | 07:17 |
ivoks | do you have only one or more network cards on your computer? (on which you are editing dhcpd.conf) | 07:18 |
ph8 | wireless and wired eth1/eth0 respectively | 07:19 |
ivoks | great... you are connected to internet trough wifi? | 07:19 |
ph8 | no, wired | 07:20 |
ph8 | although | 07:20 |
ph8 | when doing the netboot | 07:20 |
ph8 | i'll be wi-fied | 07:20 |
ph8 | i think, assuming it works | 07:20 |
ivoks | ok | 07:20 |
ph8 | i've only got one wired connection up here | 07:20 |
zul | bian/build/build-generic-xen0' | 07:20 |
zul | damn it | 07:20 |
zul | /usr/bin/make EXTRAVERSION=-1-generic ARCH=i386 \ modules | 07:20 |
ivoks | you need one free wired network card | 07:20 |
ph8 | free in what sense? | 07:20 |
ivoks | to which you are going to connect your jmicron computer | 07:21 |
ph8 | in the sense the netboot machine connects to a machine that's then connected to the network? | 07:21 |
ph8 | i see | 07:21 |
ph8 | ok | 07:21 |
ph8 | that should be ok | 07:21 |
ivoks | so, if you now have IP 192.168.0.x | 07:21 |
ph8 | .1.102 | 07:21 |
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ivoks | you should set-up 10.0.0.x on your other card | 07:21 |
ivoks | so in that dhcpd.conf enter: | 07:21 |
ivoks | i sent you that on private, so we don't flood channel | 07:23 |
ivoks | now you have to add IP to your network card, which you don't use for internet (ergo; which is free) | 07:24 |
ph8 | erm | 07:24 |
ph8 | i'll try switching to wifi | 07:24 |
ph8 | probably get d/ced | 07:24 |
ivoks | so, if you are connected over eth0, run 'ifconfig eth1 up' | 07:24 |
ivoks | ok | 07:24 |
ph8 | will wait for that download to finish | 07:25 |
ph8 | oh wait | 07:25 |
ph8 | i can add to my wireless? | 07:25 |
ph8 | i assumed you meant the card the jmicron would connect to | 07:25 |
ivoks | no, not to wifi, but to the wired card | 07:25 |
ph8 | will have to wait for that d/l to finish then | 07:26 |
ivoks | ok | 07:26 |
ivoks | what's you connection? | 07:26 |
ivoks | adsl? | 07:26 |
ivoks | (btw; we are mostly following: http://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install) | 07:27 |
ph8 | ja | 07:27 |
ivoks | still downloading? | 07:30 |
ph8 | yes | 07:30 |
ph8 | ah no done now | 07:30 |
ph8 | brb | 07:30 |
ivoks | ok | 07:30 |
ph8 | my wireless is being shit | 07:31 |
ivoks | :) | 07:31 |
ph8 | this could be a long process | 07:31 |
ph8 | i might have to have one machine downstairs and one up | 07:31 |
ivoks | uh | 07:31 |
ph8 | right brb | 07:33 |
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marcin_ant | hi guys | 07:43 |
marcin_ant | ph8: hi | 07:43 |
marcin_ant | ph8: do you know what's going on with jmicron issue? | 07:43 |
ivoks | :) | 07:44 |
ivoks | topic of the week | 07:45 |
marcin_ant | ivoks: sure, but do you know if is it really fixed now? | 07:46 |
ivoks | i think SATA part of jmicron is fixed, but not the IDE one | 07:47 |
ivoks | (i'm not kernel developer, just a poor user with same problem) | 07:47 |
ivoks | so i might not be best person to comment this | 07:47 |
marcin_ant | well that's pretty sad. | 07:49 |
marcin_ant | fortunately I finally got running dapper | 07:49 |
marcin_ant | which I installed using instlux | 07:49 |
marcin_ant | but yesterday I tried to run edgy from daily build which I installed on some other machine with SATA controller based on VIA chipset | 07:50 |
marcin_ant | but I just couldn't boot | 07:50 |
marcin_ant | it stopped with some ACPI message related to CPU... | 07:50 |
ivoks | noacpi might help | 07:50 |
marcin_ant | another thing is - I'm not sure if anyone cares is that on Asus P5B there are 2 NIC's while only one is functional in dapper/edgy... | 07:51 |
marcin_ant | ivoks: I just switched ACPI off in bios... unfortunately no success with it | 07:52 |
ivoks | pass noacpi argument to kernel | 07:53 |
ivoks | f6 | 07:53 |
marcin_ant | well now I just installed dapper on this partition | 07:55 |
marcin_ant | I don't have time to fight with it anymore | 07:55 |
marcin_ant | but just wanted to get some info if is this fixed in edgy daily build | 07:56 |
ivoks | none of kernel devs is in here, so no one can give you exact answer | 07:56 |
ivoks | it didn't work for me :/ | 07:56 |
ivoks | bbl | 08:01 |
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ph8 | huzzah | 08:04 |
ph8 | finally sorted the wireless | 08:04 |
ph8 | and ivoks has left :( | 08:06 |
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tidiman07 | help | 10:30 |
ph8 | can you be more specific? | 10:31 |
tidiman07 | i want to install kernel 2.6.18, but two version, how do i do that? | 10:32 |
tidiman07 | like one with default settings, and another customized | 10:33 |
gnomefreak | tidiman07: 2.6.18 isnt supported by ubuntu my suggestion would be to read the docs on compiling a kernel and start there | 10:33 |
tidiman07 | i can compile it myself, but i dont know if i try to install it again will it tell me its already installed or override | 10:34 |
gnomefreak | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCustomBuild?highlight=%28kernel%29 | 10:34 |
gnomefreak | i would think naming it something differnet add a .1 or something but not positive on that | 10:36 |
tidiman07 | you know what, i'll just backup some stuff and start experimenting | 10:38 |
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tidiman07 | thanx, ,later | 10:39 |
ph8 | BenC: lo | 10:43 |
ph8 | BenC: Did that kernel patch (for jmicron) bring in this new 'could not read from install cd' when the kernel's loading? My system now actually crashes earlier | 10:43 |
ph8 | 'error reading boot cd' is the exact error sorry | 10:44 |
BenC | no idea | 10:44 |
ph8 | i see, i'll check my image | 10:44 |
BenC | I'm just pulling in the patches that jmicron pointed me to, I have no way to test it yet | 10:44 |
ph8 | it appears your shiny new kernel didn't make it to the installer :( | 10:45 |
ph8 | which is a bummer | 10:45 |
BenC | check the kernel version in the initrd (unpack and check /lib/modules) | 10:45 |
ph8 | do you know how often the installer's kernel gets updated by any chance? | 10:45 |
ph8 | sec | 10:45 |
BenC | yeah, that would suck | 10:45 |
ph8 | how do i unpack initrd? | 10:45 |
ph8 | in the .tar.gz there's just one fine | 10:45 |
ph8 | * file | 10:45 |
BenC | there should be an initrd on the cd image | 10:46 |
ph8 | sorry .gz | 10:46 |
ph8 | i see initrd.gz | 10:46 |
ph8 | not what you mean? | 10:46 |
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ph8 | wb ben | 11:03 |
ph8 | i've got initrd.gz | 11:03 |
ph8 | but that seems to be an unopenable file | 11:03 |
ph8 | is that not what you meant? | 11:03 |
BenC | zcat initrd.gz | cpio -i | 11:03 |
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ph8 | 2.6.17-8-generic benc, that mean anything? | 11:25 |
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ph8 | BenC: 2.6.17-8-generic, that mean anything? | 11:49 |
ph8 | grr :p | 11:49 |
crimsun | ph8: it's likely he's away; his Internet connection is quite bad. In a few weeks he'll have a much more stable one. | 11:49 |
crimsun | getting a T1 iirc | 11:49 |
ph8 | he was sort of here before :p | 11:50 |
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crimsun | it's Saturday evening localtime; he lives on a farm; his Internet connection is awful; ... | 11:51 |
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chillywilly | hi, I am running a dist-upgrade form breezy to dapper for amd64 and there's an error in the pre install script for lvm2...can anyone help? | 12:08 |
BenC | ph8: the installer needs to use -9. The -8 kernel didn't contain the changes for jmicron | 12:08 |
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chillywilly | says returned error exit status 10 | 12:08 |
BenC | chillywilly: #ubuntu | 12:08 |
crimsun | d'oh, I just punted him here | 12:08 |
BenC | heh | 12:08 |
chillywilly | yea...it's like the phone company or some shit | 12:09 |
chillywilly | bouncing me around | 12:09 |
chillywilly | weee | 12:09 |
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ivoks | BenC: hi | 12:09 |
ivoks | BenC: i have a patch, if you would like to look at it | 12:09 |
BenC | email it, bcollins@ubuntu.com | 12:10 |
BenC | I'll be gone for about an hour | 12:10 |
ivoks | BenC: http://www.grad.hr/~ivoks/ubuntu/jmicron-ich8.diff | 12:10 |
ivoks | ok | 12:10 |
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