crimsun | tuhl: pastebin the error spew, please | 12:08 |
Kream | ahhh | 12:08 |
Kream | :) | 12:08 |
tuhl | crimsun: ok | 12:08 |
Kream | thanks, pepsiman | 12:08 |
pepsiman | np | 12:08 |
tuhl | crimsun: what is todo? | 12:09 |
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crimsun | tuhl: what's the URL of your paste? | 12:10 |
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tuhl | crimsun: | 12:14 |
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Kream | pepsiman: mm. can you find ubiquity-frontend-kde ? I tried searching for it but can't find it | 12:17 |
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crimsun | tuhl: let's migrate to #ubuntu-bugs | 12:24 |
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bluefoxicy | rofl | 01:32 |
bluefoxicy | I'm getting segfaults trying to upgrade to edgy from dapper | 01:32 |
bluefoxicy | from dd | 01:32 |
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=== bluefoxicy looks at his laptop, now edgy... and it's hanging on boot but he doesn't know where | ||
bluefoxicy | how the fucking hell do I make this thing start telling me what it's doing again | 02:06 |
bluefoxicy | instead of just displaying a blank screen with a bar that's supposed to move | 02:07 |
bluefoxicy | this is why pretending 'Cryptic Messages will Scare the User(TM)' is wrong and apple-like. OK somehow I broke it and it says fsck died with exit status | 02:08 |
bluefoxicy | ... | 02:08 |
bluefoxicy | how did it go from grub to X in 5 seconds | 02:08 |
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jdub | bluefoxicy: it's not wrong. the information is available elsewhere; unfortunately, during early development of a new init system, it's not right now. | 02:10 |
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bluefoxicy | ugh | 02:11 |
bluefoxicy | 'elsewhere' if I can get the system to boot, which it looked like I wouldn't have been able to for a while there | 02:11 |
bluefoxicy | jdub: at the very least it's not "more right" than leaving the messages in place | 02:12 |
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jdub | in previous releases a quick alt-f? would've helped you | 02:12 |
jdub | right now upstart doesn't spit out a lot of info, even to an alternate tty | 02:12 |
bluefoxicy | yeah I got a blank screen that way. | 02:12 |
jdub | i imagine that will be fixed at some stage | 02:12 |
bluefoxicy | jdub: it also looks in general unpolished. | 02:12 |
bluefoxicy | think about when Windows boots | 02:12 |
bluefoxicy | STARTING WINDOWS. ........ | 02:13 |
bluefoxicy | <User> ... it's doing nothing. | 02:13 |
jdub | welcome to the unstable series | 02:13 |
jdub | no, that's not true | 02:13 |
bluefoxicy | User sees exactly one task: Starting Windows. | 02:13 |
jdub | when windows xp boots, it uses an indeterminite progress bar | 02:13 |
bluefoxicy | On Ubuntu it used to be user sees a bunch of stuff and a progress bar; now it's user sees a progress bar and assumes one thing is happening (Ubuntu is loading, and is huge and slow) | 02:13 |
jdub | that can be addressed | 02:14 |
bluefoxicy | by hiding the progress bar? | 02:14 |
jdub | better to suggest positive improvements than whine about the state of the planet | 02:14 |
bluefoxicy | It's not that | 02:14 |
jdub | don't be fatuous | 02:14 |
bluefoxicy | I'm whining that you're going BACKWARDS | 02:14 |
bluefoxicy | and that somewhere, someone is claiming this is FORWARDS | 02:14 |
jdub | yes, note the bit about me suggesting that whining wasn't going to help | 02:15 |
zul | bluefoxicy: well then do something about it | 02:15 |
bluefoxicy | zul: I don't see what. | 02:15 |
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bluefoxicy | It's gone as far as to say that Grub should be totally silent instead of saying it's loading Linux; and that Linux should not say "uncompressing the kernel..." while loading, "because this will scare the user" | 02:16 |
bluefoxicy | there are specs on the wiki suggesting to "correct" this | 02:16 |
jdub | i tend to think an activity-based indeterminite progress bar would be better; mjg59 and keybuk have been pursuing the determinite progress bar because, on balance, 'real' progress is more useful | 02:16 |
bluefoxicy | standing up and saying this is wrong will do little more than annoy the developers because they obviously think hiding information the user isn't really paying attention to "makes things easier" | 02:16 |
jdub | bluefoxicy: it has nothing to do with "scaring the user"; in part, it is an aesthetic desire, but it is also a measure of consistency that will comfort the user | 02:16 |
bluefoxicy | "will comfort the user" | 02:17 |
bluefoxicy | jdub you sound like you actually have a user interface testing lab where you study the users' reactions to this stuff | 02:17 |
jdub | if you are complaining about the in-development state of things, then do realise that positive input may improve things before release | 02:17 |
jdub | bluefoxicy: i have been involved in a lot of user testing and design | 02:17 |
bluefoxicy | I think seeing that there are multiple tasks and that tasks are being completed comforts the user | 02:17 |
bluefoxicy | rather than the user feeling there's one big task that for some reason takes 15-20 seconds or maybe a minute | 02:18 |
jdub | it may comfort you | 02:18 |
jdub | but it is all gobbledegook to my mother in law | 02:18 |
bluefoxicy | MacOSX and Fedora both use icons to indicate that there's tasks being started. | 02:18 |
jdub | i'll point out a matter of consistency that you probably wouldn't pick up on | 02:18 |
jdub | but that many users unfamiliar with ubuntu have | 02:18 |
bluefoxicy | jdub: icons don't make much sense to the user either, but at least they show something's happening more than "we're loading a really, really huge system" | 02:19 |
bluefoxicy | printer... disks... graphical user interface.. | 02:19 |
jdub | in dapper, the status lines during boot looked like "blahblah ... ok" or "blahblah ... error" or similar | 02:19 |
jdub | the network status line never actually got an "ok" if it were successful | 02:20 |
bluefoxicy | yeah, I noticed that. | 02:20 |
jdub | everything else did | 02:20 |
jdub | but you did not complain about it as if it were some terrible heinous crime | 02:20 |
jdub | yes, icons would be lovely, i'm sure mjg59 would be grateful for your contributions to usplash to provide that | 02:20 |
Fade | get rid of usplash if it bothers you. | 02:20 |
bluefoxicy | because it didn't bug me. It looked like something is happening, I don't really care what but I know my system isn't lagging in one place | 02:20 |
jdub | in the mean time, don't be such a whiner :-) | 02:20 |
=== bluefoxicy meanwhile has jdub's wallet, thanks to loads of indirection. | ||
bluefoxicy | at least the background looks very nice | 02:22 |
bluefoxicy | (you asked for that one; it's printed on the bottom right hand corner of the screen) | 02:22 |
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dan2 | Why is units broken in Dapper Drake? | 03:19 |
LaserJock | I'd guess it has a bug | 03:20 |
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dan2 | <dan2> You have: 212 degfahrenheit | 03:20 |
dan2 | <dan2> You want: degcelsius | 03:20 |
dan2 | <dan2> 212 degfahrenheit = 117.77778 degcelsius | 03:20 |
dan2 | <dan2> 212 degfahrenheit = (1 / 0.008490566) degcelsius | 03:20 |
LaserJock | interesting | 03:21 |
kylem | uh. you want tempF(212) to tempC | 03:21 |
LaserJock | I'm guess deg is trying to convert it to degrees vs radians | 03:25 |
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dan2 | bah | 03:31 |
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crimsun | (He didn't read the man page.) | 03:32 |
LaserJock | well, I read the man page and still don't get how to use it very well | 03:33 |
crimsun | (See the big honking caveat about temperature conversion.) | 03:34 |
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jamadagni | in kubuntu edgy knot 3, the usplash has the first half of the word kubuntu on the right sside of the screen | 07:15 |
jamadagni | and the second on the left | 07:15 |
jamadagni | is this a known bug? | 07:15 |
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fabbione | morning | 07:40 |
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tetragon | Hi. There's a package in universe with security problems that have been fixed in the current Debian packages and would like some clarification on how to request an update to the package | 08:11 |
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fabbione | tetragon: file a bug in launchpad with the details, link to the bug in Debian and mark it as security. | 08:14 |
fabbione | tetragon: also remember that universe is not supported, so security happens on a best effort base | 08:14 |
tetragon | fabbione: The Debian update is to a new upstream version | 08:14 |
fabbione | tetragon: please file a bug. i am not going to look into it since i am not a security guy | 08:15 |
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Gloubiboulga | tetragon, which package is it? We can merge the package or request a sync | 08:16 |
tetragon | Gloubiboulga: It's sql-ledger | 08:16 |
Gloubiboulga | ok | 08:17 |
lifeless | stockholm: check | 08:22 |
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Gloubiboulga | tetragon, I've requested a sync (bug #62127) | 08:26 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 62127 in sql-ledger "[Sync request] sql-ledger_2.6.19-1from debian unstable (main)" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed] | 08:26 |
tetragon | Gloubiboulga: Thanks, I've just created an account, but the interface is difficult for me to read | 08:27 |
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|thunder | im not sure if my last message made it here. it was supposed to be forwarded from #ubuntu-dev | 11:40 |
|thunder | il like to start learing hot to dev soe stuff for ubuntu. | 11:40 |
|thunder | id like to start with an app that gets input from terminal comands and displays them in a GUI | 11:41 |
|thunder | what is a good place to start ? | 11:41 |
gnomefreak | |thunder: ubuntu-motu | 11:41 |
gnomefreak | #ubuntu-motu | 11:41 |
|thunder | thank | 11:41 |
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|thunder | heres a question. I have a linksys wireless pci card with a rt2500 chipset. dapper detects this and the card works fine live after config. But it is capped at 1Mb/s. why is this ? | 11:59 |
|thunder | it seems like its seven slower then 1Mb, but I remember seeing 1Mb as max transfer rate somewhere. its a 54G btw | 12:00 |
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Mithrandir | Kamion: do we need to upload d-i again to get a new kernel on the alternate CDs or do we have automatic nightly builds? | 01:31 |
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ogra | Mithrandir, looks like the cronjobs are running | 02:05 |
tseng | Mithrandir: do you have any buildd powers? | 02:09 |
Mithrandir | tseng: no, sorry. | 02:09 |
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pianoboy3333 | Who here is good with bash? | 03:07 |
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bddebian | Howdy folks | 03:18 |
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Nafallo | interesting now post on ubuntu-desktop@l.u.c | 03:44 |
Nafallo | I like that idea. | 03:44 |
Fujitsu | Which one? | 03:46 |
Nafallo | the s/single-user/rescue-mode/ :-) | 03:46 |
Fujitsu | Ah, that... It used to be labelled rescue, I believe... Or was it recovery... | 03:47 |
Nafallo | I'm sure mpt will answer that at some point ;-) | 03:47 |
Nafallo | oh, maybe it was. | 03:47 |
Nafallo | I usually makes the system not show the menu at all :-P | 03:48 |
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Hobbsee | recovery, it was | 03:57 |
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AlinuxOS | pitti, ping | 06:17 |
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BenC | Keybuk: ping | 06:44 |
kristog | uhm when universe will be freezed? | 06:46 |
pygi | kristog: 28th | 06:47 |
kristog | pygi: thanky ou | 06:47 |
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pepsiman | does universe include hell? | 06:51 |
pygi | pepsiman: !?! | 06:52 |
kristog | pepsiman: no only paradise ;) | 06:55 |
gardengnome | multiverse is hell. ;) | 06:55 |
pepsiman | "hell freezing" joke... | 06:57 |
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desrt | it's really freakin' lame how my cablemodem can screw up | 07:26 |
desrt | it should have some feature where it automatically powercycles itself when it dies | 07:26 |
desrt | so that i don't have to notice and do it for myself | 07:26 |
pepsiman | my cable tv box automatically reboots | 07:31 |
=== desrt has this wicked hard assignment for his complexity class | ||
desrt | it almost killed me to finish 25% of it yesterday. now, today :) | 07:32 |
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
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MisterN | hi. i want to propose a small bugfix patch to a -dev packet without great bureaucracy. is this possible at all? | 07:44 |
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MisterN | libboost-dev: | 07:48 |
MisterN | this is a segmentation fault causing bug (in some extremely rare circumstances) | 07:52 |
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ogra | Mithrandir, actually the d-i kernel seems out of sync ... i just did a test install with a rebuild from today ... | 08:12 |
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cbx33 | why can't I get to the latest cd build images? | 08:39 |
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LockUp | Hello. | 09:05 |
LockUp | Lack of bootloader configuration (any MORE system settings programs) Ubuntu is less user-friendly. | 09:05 |
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tuhl | crimsun: ping | 09:07 |
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Keybuk | *sigh* laptops are so going to be banned on planes by November | 10:14 |
Nafallo | Keybuk: oh? | 10:14 |
Keybuk | exploding batteries | 10:15 |
Nafallo | oh :-( | 10:15 |
zul | Keybuk: yes they are weapons of mass destruction :) | 10:16 |
Nafallo | atleast if you listen to Hobbsee ;-) | 10:16 |
pitti | Keybuk: didn't order a new battery for your powerpc yet? :) | 10:20 |
Keybuk | pitti: fortunately I don't use my PowerPC much | 10:20 |
=== gnomefreak [n=gnomefre@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
Keybuk | it fell down the back of the bookcase a while back, but since it's still plugged in and on the network, I haven't bothered to retrieve it | 10:21 |
Keybuk | it hasn't affected it's status as a port/test machine | 10:21 |
Nafallo | lol | 10:22 |
=== pitti grumbles about the new kernel just crashing at boot and files a beta-blocker bug | ||
Keybuk | I still can't read the phrase "beta-blocker" and think about the release | 10:24 |
=== Keybuk has to take Beta Blocker eye drops | ||
pitti | Keybuk: me neither, but it sounds horrible and important, that's what matters | 10:25 |
ogra | Keybuk, giving a printout of lshal should suffice in the future :P | 10:33 |
Keybuk | heh | 10:34 |
ogra | *g* | 10:34 |
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Nafallo | haha | 10:51 |
tseng | bluefoxicy: ping | 10:57 |
tseng | bluefoxicy: can you please retest your bugs filed on beagle and note if they are or are not still a problem on latest edgy | 10:58 |
bluefoxicy | tseng: i.e. throw evolution's binding back in? | 11:06 |
tseng | bluefoxicy: I guess | 11:06 |
tseng | you have at least 2 bugs | 11:06 |
bluefoxicy | they're probably the same bug | 11:06 |
bluefoxicy | I probably ran beagle a second time 10 months after the first time like "Wtf is this i never saw this program before" | 11:07 |
tseng | I believe it | 11:07 |
bluefoxicy | how do I run beagle | 11:08 |
bluefoxicy | it has no .desktop | 11:08 |
tseng | it autostarts on login | 11:08 |
tseng | the daemon | 11:08 |
bluefoxicy | no to query | 11:08 |
bluefoxicy | beagle-search got it. | 11:08 |
bluefoxicy | there's like a billion beagle-*'s | 11:08 |
tseng | the its Search | 11:08 |
tseng | under accessories | 11:08 |
bluefoxicy | ah, ok whoops. | 11:09 |
bluefoxicy | it's not crashing | 11:09 |
tseng | cool | 11:09 |
bluefoxicy | (I'm not getting any results but that's normal for beagle) | 11:09 |
tseng | haha | 11:09 |
tseng | no crashes are good | 11:10 |
tseng | I will close your bugs then? | 11:10 |
bluefoxicy | yes | 11:10 |
tseng | thanks | 11:10 |
bluefoxicy | whoa my hard disk is screaming at me | 11:10 |
bluefoxicy | the beagle is humping it or something. | 11:11 |
tseng | yep | 11:11 |
bluefoxicy | .... I sound like pappy | 11:11 |
bluefoxicy | (he's back btw) | 11:11 |
tseng | weird | 11:11 |
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bluefoxicy | I should migrate all my mailing lists to evolution and ditch thunderbird; then file a feature request on gnome for evolution to handle RSS feeds... | 11:17 |
tseng | it handled rss feeds 4 years ago | 11:20 |
tseng | and i dont see why you would need that | 11:20 |
tseng | liferea | 11:20 |
bluefoxicy | because I don't want to run 2 programs :/ | 11:21 |
tseng | yeah ok | 11:21 |
tseng | lets put a web browser in there, too | 11:21 |
bluefoxicy | hey they have mail and calendar,I think announcements goes well with it. | 11:21 |
bluefoxicy | subscribe to ubuntu-announce vs rss feed? | 11:22 |
tseng | sure, in liferea | 11:22 |
bluefoxicy | it costs an extra 50+ megs of memory in liferea to support a fresh gtk+ window, fresh X connection, fresh display area, fresh everything, and then 5 megs of data related to the specific task vo.ov | 11:23 |
tseng | 50mb is a lie | 11:23 |
tseng | | 11:24 |
bluefoxicy | so basically remove the SHR from RSS, like every sane person does when they calculate memory usage; but do it in a more complicated way | 11:26 |
bluefoxicy | (actualy RSS is inaccurate because anything in swap is not RSS; you have to swapoff to get a good RSS value) | 11:26 |
bluefoxicy | 12937 bluefox 15 0 541m 432m 9244 S 30.2 45.6 0:16.32 beagled | 11:27 |
bluefoxicy | fuck beagle | 11:27 |
=== Gman [i=gman@nat/sun/x-de97caabcdb0cc64] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
tseng | brandon 14859 0.0 1.2 79376 25052 pts/1 Sl+ 16:17 0:01 beagled --debug --debug /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --fg --debug | 11:28 |
bluefoxicy | I killall'd it and it's still growing | 11:28 |
=== bluefoxicy killall -9 | ||
tseng | you're funny | 11:28 |
tseng | beagle-shutdown | 11:28 |
bluefoxicy | holy shit. | 11:28 |
bluefoxicy | Mem: 970640k total, 432432k used, 538208k free, 840k buffers | 11:28 |
bluefoxicy | Swap: 2104472k total, 755076k used, 1349396k free, 54820k cached | 11:28 |
bluefoxicy | from full memory usage and 822 megs swap usage, right after killall -9 | 11:28 |
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jdong | argh, nautilus-cd-burner, why isn't burnfree on by default? | 11:29 |
=== jdong not happy about losing CD-R's | ||
=== jdong paid a whopping $0.005 for it :P | ||
bluefoxicy | tseng: every time I use this program it proves within 15 minutes to be a waste of time. :/ | 11:29 |
jdong | EVERY other cd burning app I know enables burn-free by default, except nautilus | 11:29 |
AlinuxOS | Kamion, hello, I saw that finally I can see Georgian debian-installer in Ubuntu Edgy Eft...I knew that the font that contains georgian is unifont... but it's not insalled (is not inside ubuntu-desktop) in my which file is providing georgian font ? Can you help me please ? (I've redesigned glyphs, cause actual geo glyphs are horrible!) | 11:30 |
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desrt | jdong; see also: serpentine burns in track-at-once mode | 11:41 |
desrt | that's another vaguely useless behaviour | 11:41 |
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jdong | desrt: heh, no kidding | 11:44 |
jdong | desrt: doesn't rhythmbox burn CD's now anyway? | 11:44 |
desrt | that doesn't seem very important to me. i really like serpentine. | 11:49 |
desrt | it's only that one tiny flaw | 11:49 |
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jordi | AlinuxOS: have you played with fc-list? | 11:54 |
AlinuxOS | jordi, no. | 12:00 |
AlinuxOS | why ? | 12:00 |
jordi | that could help you know what font has your glyphs? | 12:01 |
LaserJock | jordi: how's the eyes? | 12:01 |
jordi | LaserJock: they are working ok since tuesday :) | 12:01 |
jordi | I mean, as expected | 12:01 |
LaserJock | jordi: good news | 12:01 |
jordi | I have an appointment tomorrow tho | 12:02 |
AlinuxOS | jordi, oh eyes... | 12:02 |
AlinuxOS | I have too some problems... | 12:02 |
MisterN | nacht | 12:02 |
AlinuxOS | :( | 12:02 |
AlinuxOS | jordi, don't worry ;) | 12:03 |
jordi | what problems? | 12:03 |
AlinuxOS | some camomilla tea..on great..for relax. | 12:03 |
AlinuxOS | congiuntivite | 12:03 |
AlinuxOS | but chronic | 12:03 |
AlinuxOS | 3 years of Congiunctivit. | 12:03 |
jordi | LaserJock: I have been having problems to get rest lately, and those two days were even worse when I got little sleep | 12:03 |
jordi | and at odd hours | 12:03 |
jordi | I'm sleepinmg a lot more since | 12:04 |
AlinuxOS | I don't really know the name in english. | 12:04 |
jordi | today I slept like 8:30. A *lot* :) | 12:04 |
jordi | AlinuxOS: ugh, conjuntivitis, in Catalan | 12:04 |
AlinuxOS | jordi, exactly | 12:04 |
AlinuxOS | jordi, georgian font is not listed :/ | 12:05 |
jordi | AlinuxOS: weird, and you get your characters drawn? | 12:06 |
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