
nixternali selected both of them, not knowing which one was the issue12:11
nixternalthe baltix i don't get12:11
fdovingbaltix? 12:11
fdovingthat's another distribution.12:12
fdovingif you don't mind i'll change kde-systemsettings (ubuntu) to kde-guidance (ubuntu)12:12
nixternalgo for it ;)12:12
nixternalgood deal12:22
crimsun(reject the baltix task if you need to)12:23
_Simewhich version(s) of pythn are installed?12:26
nixternalwell well well, if it isn't good ol' mr. crimsun himself ;)12:26
_Simewhich is the default python?12:26
fdoving2.4.3 here too.12:28
_Simeworks here.12:30
_Simemy edgy is up to date too.12:30
nixternalimbrandon: why do you have daffy duck for a drake? ;)12:32
imbrandondapper drake, and its darkwing duck ;)12:33
nixternalahh, looks like daffy to me ;)12:33
imbrandona "dapper" ( dressed up nice" duck ;012:33
nixternaldapper dan ;)12:33
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nixternalheh, i googled "drake" to find you a handsome mallard, but instead the first to pictures were boobs12:38
fdovingyou were lucky then :)12:41
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nixternalhehe, so it looks12:42
fdovingwell.. i have to go get some sleep.12:46
nixternalg'nite, thanks for the help earlier!12:46
fdovingmy pleasure, nite.12:47
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Hobbseemorning all03:36
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Jucatomoin Hobbsee!03:37
Hobbseehey Jucato :)03:38
Jucatowhat's up? :)03:38
Hobbseei'm trying to make our phone work03:40
Jucatophone at home? or at work?03:41
Hobbseeah, got it :)03:41
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JucatoHobbsee: from where does Ubuntu get it's Firefox? from Debian or directly from Mozilla?04:52
HobbseeJucato: pass.04:53
Jucatoheh :)04:53
JucatoMight be interested to read this: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=354622 about Debian packaging a modified Firefox (not using the logo) yet using the Firefox name, just like us04:54
UbugtuDebian bug 354622 in firefox "Using Firefox as the app name without official branding is still" [Serious,Open]  04:54
Jucatolol... didn't know Ubugtu also displayed Debian bugs :)04:54
=== Hobbsee heard discussion of that
=== Hobbsee also leaves firefox well alone :P
Jucatobut isn't Firefox the browser you use? :P04:56
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=== seaLne bangs head off wall after realising he forgot to apply patches in debian/rules
Jucatohi kwwii! :)11:38
seaLnekwwii: you in dublin?11:38
kwwiiseaLne: yepp11:38
kwwiihi Jucato 11:38
Jucatohow are things there?11:38
seaLnekwwii: ah when did you arive? 11:40
kwwiiseaLne: really late saturday evening11:40
Jucatodid you get there in time for the pizzas?11:41
seaLneah never saw you yesterday11:41
kwwiiJucato: I missed the pizzas11:44
Jucatoaw... :(11:44
kwwii(which, from what I heard, is good)11:44
kwwiithe pizza was not apparently very tasty11:44
Jucato"Best pizza is probably the Mexican Spicy, followed by Chicken BBQ." - Adriaan de Groot11:45
JucatoI've been craving for pizzas the moment I read those blogs...11:45
kwwiioh, yeah, chicken bbq and mexican pizza, that sounds italian11:46
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Jucatohi Tonio_11:58
JucatoTonio_, will Ubuntu be affected by the recent Debian-Firefox issue?12:04
Tonio_Jucato: which one ?12:04
Tonio_I don't use firefox so.... :)12:05
UbugtuDebian bug 354622 in firefox "Using Firefox as the app name without official branding is still" [Serious,Open]  12:05
Jucatoah. I was just thinking, since we're almost doing the same thing as Debian (Firefox name, but not the Firefox logo)12:05
Tonio_hum, yes that's possible12:07
JucatoTonio_: btw, what browser do you use?12:08
Tonio_konqueror :)12:11
Tonio_hum, yes that's a complicated issue.12:11
Jucatonice!! (glad I'm not the only konqi fan around :P)12:11
Tonio_in a certain way, firefox is a common name, an animal.12:11
Tonio_I think the trademark is "mozilla firefox"12:12
Tonio_but well debian had the autorization to use firefox trademark12:12
Jucatobut then there was a change of management/policy, so now what was approved before isn't ok anymore?12:13
Tonio_and I don't think the mozilla foundation would say anything against ubuntu, since the usage of firefox by default on ubuntu is important for them, as it is for ubuntu12:13
Tonio_hi kwwii12:13
kwwiiwhy in the hell should we have to use the firefox logo? is it law?12:13
kwwiiHowdy Tonio_ 12:13
kwwiithat is silliness, if you ask me12:14
Jucatowell, it seems like they're trying to do that. If you use the Firefox name, you have to use the entire trademark package, including the logo12:14
kwwiiboah, then fsck them12:14
kwwiithat is stupidity12:14
Jucato"In skimming the ubuntu version of the Debian patchset, I'm not 12:15
Jucatosure I'm comfortable with some of the changes shipping with official branding, but this isn't the right place to discuss that.12:15
kwwiiso, we have to include a logo that does not fit with our icon style, great12:15
kwwiithat will become very noticeable in oxygen12:15
Jucatobtw, that quote was from the MozCo guy...12:16
Jucatoabout Ubuntu's version12:16
Tonio_Jucato: yes I can see the issue at the bottom12:16
Tonio_Jucato: in fact mozilla seem to consider that if you wanna change the sources somehow you have the change the name......12:17
Tonio_Jucato: stupid opinion in my view with an open source software12:17
Jucatoor go through the eye of a needle to get those patches/changes approved..12:17
Tonio_Jucato: I don't give a shit on this....... we have done by far deeper changes in konqueror, and nobody minds.......12:17
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Tonio_Jucato: mozilla doesn't seem to understand what "distro implementation" means...12:18
Jucatoyeah... MozCo is unbelievable...12:18
Jucatoheh... glad we ship Konqi by default in Kubuntu :P12:19
=== Tonio_ is listening to "Stockholm Syndrome" by Muse on Absolution [Amarok]
Tonio_let's talk about good things :)12:23
Tonio_I don't mind mozilla since I consider firefox is a "failure" :)12:23
Tonio_yes, read at what was annouced when firebird was annouced...12:24
Tonio_"a fast, lightweight and simple browser based on mozilla"12:24
Tonio_what is firefox today ? the exact oposite...12:24
Tonio_that's what I call a failure :)12:24
Jucato"lightweight"? maybe firebird was... but firefox? :P12:24
Tonio_firefox is slow, heavy and hard to configure (about:config is a pain)12:25
Tonio_it has become incredibly powerfull, complicated and heavy12:25
Jucatoabout:config reminds me so much of gconf-editor (sorry) :P12:25
Tonio_yes, that's why I don't use gnome :)12:26
Tonio_that's a failure in their roadmap in my opinion12:26
Tonio_but if people are comfortable with firefox, cool for them.... but that's it for me12:26
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Jucatohm... talk about good things... pizza at the akademy... :)12:31
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Tonio_Jucato: hehe12:33
_SimeTonio_: hi12:36
_SimeRiddell: hi12:36
Jucatohi _Sime! :)12:36
_SimeTonio_: new kio patch is on the wiki. Fixes a couple of problems.12:36
_SimeJucato: hi12:37
Tonio__Sime: great ;)12:37
_Simethose fixes will make Riddell happy too. ;-)12:37
Tonio__Sime: building and uploading12:37
_Simethanks man12:37
Tonio__Sime: does it fix the audiocd:/ blank content issue ? ;)12:38
_SimeTonio_: no, the other problems were more serious. 12:38
_SimeTonio_:   --> TODO12:38
Tonio__Sime: hehe okay ;)12:41
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Riddell_Sime: you rock!12:44
RiddellTonio_: can you handle?  I can't upload anything12:45
Tonio_hehe, hi Riddell12:45
Tonio_Riddell: yes I'm already building12:45
_Simeyou don't have to tell; I was there. :)12:45
_Sime^ me12:45
_SimeI think that fixes the worst of the problems now.12:46
JucatoRiddell rocks, Tonio_ rocks, _Sime rocks, imbrandon rocks... so many rocks... :P12:46
_Simeyes it is very Flinstones around here.12:47
Tonio_Jucato: that's probably because kde rocks ;)12:48
Jucatono wonder why Kubuntu rocks!12:48
Jucatoright on! :P12:48
Tonio_Riddell: new langpacks are there, I will tell you about translation (broken or not)12:53
RiddellTonio_: works for me12:54
Tonio_Riddell: hehe, yes but what other language than english do you use ? :)12:55
RiddellTonio_: I've been french all week12:59
RiddellParametres du System12:59
Riddellles Fiches01:00
Tonio_Riddell: hehe, okay :)01:00
Tonio_Riddell: and concerning the menus in applications, everything is in french ?01:01
Tonio_I though we had to wait for new langpcks to be out to see the change.01:02
Riddellyes, new packs should be in no?01:02
seaLnelangpacks wouldn't upgrade for me this morning01:03
Tonio_hum yes but they don't install here... probably a dependancy issue, I'm checking01:03
Tonio_seaLne: same here :)01:03
Tonio_seaLne: I assume one dependancy hasn't built01:03
seaLnei hate ruby!!!!! autohell grr01:03
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Tonio_seaLne: we just have to wait since langpacks are not fully built afaiks01:08
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Tonio_hi el02:48
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elhey Tonio_ :)02:49
=== el is tired..... too much lunch!
Tonio_el: hehe02:49
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Hobbseehey el, Tonio_ 02:56
=== Hobbsee hands el some coffee
Jucatohi Hobbsee!!02:56
Tonio_yop Hobbsee02:56
Hobbseehey Jucato 02:56
=== Jucato wonders if Hobbsee can give him some tea, too... <--- too much dinner...
=== Hobbsee heard someone talking about Jucato on the radio, on her way to work
=== Hobbsee is munching on dinner now
=== Hobbsee hands Jucato some tea
Jucatothanks! :)02:57
Jucatoooh... your tea is dangerous Hobbsee.. it made el quit leave :P02:58
jsgotangcoel was here?02:58
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Jucatooh there she is :)02:58
Jucatowb el :)02:58
jdonghow ironic.... compiz/Xgl is making my video playback go faster03:00
=== jdong curses at ATI
jdongxv is broken in xorg 7.1 with fglrx03:00
jdongso obvious solution: Xgl xv pbuffer acceleration!03:00
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seaLneRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=324303:43
seaLneanyone else fancy looking at qtruby4 package?03:44
Lathiatwhy 'libqt0...'03:50
Lathiatah qt3 ones are like that anyway03:50
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Hobbseehmmm.  i wonder if we were planning to update kaffeine at all03:53
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=== Jucato wonders if Ubuntu/Kubuntu will ship w/ build-essential...
=== Jucato ducks for possible incoming flames...
Jucatohi bddebian!03:58
seaLnenah that would be usefull03:58
=== Hobbsee wouldnt wish it being distributed, but hasnt read the long thread on ubuntu-devel about it
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JucatoI really pity the ndiswrapper users who are caught in a catch-22 situation because it's not there...03:59
Jucatobut I'm no security expert, so...03:59
jdong__Jucato: what's this about?03:59
Hobbseendiswrapper is on the cd.03:59
jdong__it is?03:59
jdong__that'd be nice04:00
Jucatoer... was it ndiswrapper or something else that needs compiling?04:00
jdong__Jucato: if you want the latest ndiswrapper, you need to  compile04:00
jdong__and a lot of times running the latest SVN build does increase success04:00
Jucatoah (btw, not me. but lots of other users)04:00
jdong__i've got two cards that work better with ndiswrapper04:01
jdong__well, one of them only works with ndiswrapper04:01
jdong__the other one has REALLY sucky native drivers04:01
Jucatotheir catch-22: they need to compile in order to make the drivers work to connect to the internet, but they need an internet connection to be able to download build-essential...04:01
HobbseeJucato: ndiswrapper-utils never needs compiling04:02
Hobbseei've never been able to get it to work, modprobe always fails, but technically it works04:03
jdong__Jucato: are we no longer shipping the compiler / kernel headers?04:03
Jucatoor should that be "theoretically" it works?04:03
jdong__i thought Edgy does that now04:03
Jucatojdong__: heh we ship the kernel headers, but not the compiler, last I checked04:04
jdong__and no, you don't need to compile anything to get ubuntu's ndiswrapper working04:04
jdong__Jucato: hehe, that seems kind of pointless :)04:04
jdong__just in case you wanted to leisurely browse through the kernel headers :P04:04
Jucatowhat's even more pointless is that 686 headers were installed by default, even if a generic image was the one installed :P (don't know if it was fixed, though)04:04
Jucatothat was Knot 304:05
jdong__is ther ea such thing as 686 headers anymore?04:05
Jucato!linux-headers-686 edgy04:06
ubotulinux-headers-686: Obsoleted by: linux-headers-generic. In component main, is optional. Version (edgy), package size 23 kB, installed size 52 kB04:06
Hobbseei believe it's a metapackage04:06
jdong__Depends: linux-headers-generic04:06
jdong__it's generic alright04:06
Jucatoit was probably fixed. but when I installed Knot 3, it didn't install linux-headers-generic04:06
bddebianHeya Jucato04:06
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jdong|laptophmm, kaffeine can't stream from fish://?05:51
=== jdong|laptop switches back to GNOME in protest
Riddellkioslaves don't stream05:53
Jucatoooh hi Riddell!05:53
jdong|laptopRiddell: then how come I can directly open smb:// media?05:56
jdong|laptopbut trying to do the same with fish:// transport, kaffeine insists on copying the whole file locally, then playing05:57
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jeroenvrpanyone have a solution for the flash-problem in Konqueror?!06:04
Jucatowhich flash problem?06:05
jeroenvrpJucato: this one: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=8802.006:06
jeroenvrpproberly the firefox-crash has something to with flash showing grey in konqueror and opera06:07
jeroenvrpin firefox I cab solve this in adding export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 in /usr/bin/firefox06:07
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Jucatoah.. thought it was a Dapper issue...06:09
jeroenvrpJucato: no edgy06:09
jeroenvrpdapper never has this problem06:09
jeroenvrpJucato: OK, I temporaly solved the konqueror problem06:11
jeroenvrpI did a export XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 on the commandline06:11
jeroenvrpand started konqueror from the command line afterwards06:12
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jeroenvrpJucato: see my post http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=8802.msg37444#msg37444 - there is the solution07:15
jeroenvrpthe problem is that composite in xorg is enabled by default and that will cause problems for some users, incl me07:15
jdongah, composite, that explains it07:16
Jucatoah yes07:16
jdongthat's why my fglrx  box doesn't crash but my nvidia box does07:16
=== jdong takes back around 20 explicatives about nvidia
jeroenvrpjdong: yes it must be driver related07:16
=== jeroenvrp must go for 10 min
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Tonio__Sime: I DID IT !!!!!!!!08:17
Tonio__Sime: I have grouped the three icons for viewmode :)08:20
Tonio_Riddell: ping ?08:24
Tonio_Riddell: I assume that's the way you wanted it right ?08:24
Hawkwind404 error08:25
Tonio_Hawkwind: sorry ;)08:30
Tonio_toma: ping ?08:39
tomaTonio_: 10 minutes?08:40
Tonio_toma: sure ;)08:40
Tonio_just to tell you I finally found the way to group the "view" icons :)08:40
fdovingbug 6222308:49
UbugtuMalone bug 62223 in kde-guidance "Monitor & Display, User Management, Disk & Filesystems - All Broken" [Untriaged,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6222308:49
fdovingbug 3325908:56
UbugtuMalone bug 33259 in kde-guidance "The module Display could not be loaded" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3325908:56
fdovinglooks like atleast one dapper 6.06.1 users still experience this problem.08:56
HawkwindI can confirm that here too actually08:57
HawkwindI just discovered it yesterday that when I click on display systemsettings crashes completely08:57
fdovingplease re-open the bug, and add your comments :)08:57
fdovingi can't confirm as i don't have any dapper machines with X.. 08:58
tomaTonio_: cool!08:58
Tonio_toma: just by playing with desktop files.... no source patch needed08:59
_SimeTonio_: cool, I would like to see those icons fixed,09:00
tomaTonio_: amazing....09:00
Tonio__Sime: I have prepared kdebase and kds packages, but uploads now needs approval, due to beta freeze......09:00
fdoving_Sime: any clue about bug 33259 ? is it the same as 62223 ? 09:00
UbugtuMalone bug 33259 in kde-guidance "The module Display could not be loaded" [Medium,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3325909:01
_SimeTonio_: ok,09:01
Tonio__Sime: same for your V6 kio patch...... not approved at the moment, I have to ping Mithrandir09:01
_SimeTonio_: oh, you have packages for your icon fix and my v6 patch.09:02
Tonio__Sime: yes, v6 is in package version 27 and I have a pending 28 that'll have to wait a bit :)09:10
Tonio__Sime: I'm currently pinging mithrandir to approve kdebase with your patch09:12
Tonio__Sime: concerning my work on icons, it is not bugfix, so there is no emergency09:12
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imbrandonmoins 10:13
rouzicHi imbrandon10:14
Tonio_hey imbrandon10:19
Tonio_imbrandon:  http://tonio.homelinux.org/tmp/capture12.png10:19
Tonio_imbrandon: I finally did it ;)10:19
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Tonio_imbrandon: so don't upload kds since I have a package to upload after the freeze :)10:19
rouzicTonio_: This is a beta?10:19
imbrandonheh i'll try not to ;)10:20
Tonio_rouzic: net released cd will be beta yes10:20
Tonio_imbrandon: we really need this in universe http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=320510:21
Tonio_imbrandon: any moment to revu ? the package is about the perfection10:21
rouzicwhy no use the Plastik theme?10:21
marseillaiTonio_: c'est quoi l'icone sous knetworkmanager ?10:22
imbrandonTonio_: sure i'll revu and upload it here in a few minutes10:23
imbrandonrouzic: what are you talking about ?10:23
Tonio_imbrandon: great10:23
marseillaiah oki powermanager10:24
Tonio_marseillai: de quoi tu parles ?10:24
Tonio_ah vi :)10:24
marseillaiet le cadenas ?10:24
marseillaijamais vue lui10:24
Tonio_kgpg ?10:24
marseillaiah oki ...10:24
marseillaipas l'utilit10:24
Tonio_bah ca sert toujours :)10:24
Tonio_cec i dit j'en ai chi mais on va enfin avoir une icone pour switcher de vue :)10:24
marseillaimouais ... g que ma cl ssh10:24
Tonio_mais comment ca a t galre de grouper les modes10:25
Tonio_de quoi mechant ?10:25
marseillaipouvoir switcher de vue10:25
marseillaiet on va pouvoir associer une vue a un dossier? ca marchait plus ca.10:25
Tonio_hum, je sais pas comment on fait ca10:26
Tonio_mais y a pas de raison que ca marche pas10:26
Tonio_en tous les cas mon patch n'est pas li a ca10:26
marseillaica marchait plus dans dapper10:26
Tonio_il touche pas le code10:26
Tonio_bah faut essayer dans edgy10:26
Tonio_je crois que ca a t rsolu avec 3.5.4 mais j'en suis pas certain10:26
marseillaije passerais mon fixe sous peu! le laptop g pas envie10:26
marseillaile powermanager me dplait10:27
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:27
Tonio_bah il marche bien10:28
Tonio_Mez: hehe, you're right, but as it doesn't discuss a lot here........ ;)10:28
imbrandonTonio_: there is no orig.tar.gz there10:28
Tonio_imbrandon: hu ?10:28
imbrandoni went to go run revu-tools on it and noticed no orig.tar.gz only a diff.gz10:29
imbrandonheya Mez 10:29
Tonio_Mez: any feedback concerning katapult and amarok ? did you finally understood the point, since it always worked here...10:29
MezTonio_ I'm just working on a fix... it's a lil bit of a PITA but I'm half way there10:30
Tonio_imbrandon: what the hell happened.......10:30
Tonio_Mez: hehe okay :)10:30
Tonio_imbrandon: the orig was there, I built it10:30
Tonio_imbrandon: okay I'm reuploading10:30
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Tonio_imbrandon: ust reuploaded with the orig, let's see what happens......10:56
Tonio_imbrandon: there is something going wrong on revu with this package, raphink already had to nuke an upload.....10:56
raphinkwhat package?10:57
Tonio_raphink: transkode10:58
Tonio_raphink: orig dissapeared on revu.....10:58
Tonio_raphink: I just reuploaded, let's see what happens10:58
Tonio_imbrandon: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=324911:02
Tonio_imbrandon: you can revu this time11:02
imbrandonTonio_: cool ok11:09
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=== DaSkreech [n=student@port0122-abg-s-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DaSkreechAnyone happen to know how to apt-get remove Xubuntu?11:26
tomaapt-get remove xubuntu 11:27
DaSkreechThere is no xubuntu :-P 11:28
DaSkreechMeta package11:28
tomaso what do you want to do then?11:28
DaSkreechI thought an aptitude remove gtk* might work11:30
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jdongDaSkreech: removing gtk is kind of painful and deep :)11:57
jdongDaSkreech: but zapping gtk libs will nuke xubuntu pretty well11:57
jdongDaSkreech: the best way is to dig through your /var/log/dpkg.log, try to locate the session where xubuntu-desktop was installed11:57
jdongawk or cut out the names of the installed packages11:58
jdongpipe it to xargs and apt-get remove -yy --force-yes :)11:58
jdongbut do be careful11:58
GNUrojdong: you use rt2570 module?12:05

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