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mptGoooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!01:02
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Nafallomorning mpt :-)01:51
Nafallompt: I was kinda hoping you might answer "Single-User Mode" on Ubuntu Desktop with your favorite term to use for the specific question in there ;-).01:52
Nafalloubuntu-desktop@l.u.c that is :-)01:52
mptNafallo, ok01:52
mptah, and I was just up to that message too01:53
mptPerhaps "Recovery Mode"01:54
mptbut I don't really know enough about what it does to be able to give a useful reply01:54
Nafallowell, I can explain that :-)01:54
Nafalloit drops you to a shell as root :-)01:55
UbugtuNew bug: #62228 in rosetta "What happens to translations should be clearer" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6222801:55
Nafallono network up, not even discs mounted :-)01:55
Nafallojust a shell to mock around and fix what's wrong01:55
mptwell, that's no fun, is it01:56
mptEven Windows "Safe Mode" has a GUI01:56
Nafalloyea, but Windows mounts your faulty disc if needed to :-P01:56
Nafalloso it's a feature for us :-)01:57
Nafallo(that's why "Safe Mode" is not an option for it btw ;-))01:57
NafalloSafe Mode should probably do what it does on the livecd, start X with vesa-drivers :-)01:58
Nafallobut we don't have that01:58
mptWhat's wrong with mounting a faulty disk?02:00
=== Fujitsu watches mpt's FS explode.
Nafallowell, if it's faulty you might want to make it work again before mounting it :-)02:01
Nafallofsck etc...02:01
NafalloFujitsu: hehe, the harddrive should know ;-)02:01
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ajmitchis there some way to view history for a product series? I was sure that https://launchpad.net/products/f-spot/0.1 used to point to a different cvs branch :)03:33
jameshI got spammed via the gobby bug tracker ...03:35
ajmitchimpressive, spam bots know trac now?03:40
jameshajmitch: they were opening and closing the bug -- I wouldn't be surprised if it was a human03:43
jameshsome of the comments seem to have been removed03:43
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epsilomis there launchpad in spanish?04:25
mpthi jamesh 04:25
jameshhi mpt04:25
mptepsilom, Launchpad's interface is currently available only in English04:25
mptthough you can use it to translate other software into Spanish04:25
mptjamesh, you suggested I use .split('\n') and .startswith/endswith(' '), instead of a bunch of .startswith('\n ') or... statements, to detect leading/trailing lines04:26
epsilomthis channel is for launchpad for kubuntu and ubuntu?04:27
mptjamesh, but when I try that I get "AttributeError: 'POMsgID' object has no attribute 'split'"04:27
mptI don't understand why the "in" operator works but "split" does not04:27
mptepsilom, this channel is for Launchpad in general. If you have a question specifically about Ubuntu or Kubuntu, try #ubuntu or #kubuntu respectively.04:28
jameshmpt: split() is a method of string objects.  "for x in foo:" just requires that "foo" implement the iterator protocol04:28
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mptjamesh, does https://devpad.canonical.com/~andrew/paste/fileuajrAM.html look reasonable to you?04:35
mptI worked out the problem was that it needed to be msgid.msgid.split(), not msgid.split()04:36
jameshmpt: maybe using splitlines would be appropriate here04:37
jamesh>>> 'a\nb\r\nc\rd'.splitlines()04:37
jamesh['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] 04:37
mptneat, thanks jamesh 04:38
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fabbionehey guys is the DB or LP down?07:22
fabbionei can't save info on bugs07:22
fabbionekeep getting Timeout Error07:22
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crimsunyeah, I just got OOPS-268C224 and OOPS-268D24407:24
stu1fabbione: Give it another 10 mins - there is some maintenance work going on that look like it is affecting you.07:26
fabbionei find it embarassing since i was pointing a kernel guru to it to help us on something :/07:27
stu1Sorry. This should really be done in downtime it looks like. I'm trying to avoid large downtime windows :-(07:28
fabbionestu1: ok, but did you announce it on IRC the usual way?07:28
fabbionethat would have been enough07:28
stu1No - I was hoping it wouldn't be noticeable.07:29
stu1It was going fine until... erm... 20 mins ago I suspect.07:30
stu1fabbione: Should be back to normal now.07:31
jameshwhat were you updating?07:33
fabbionea bug07:33
fabbioneoh nevermind07:33
fabbionei guess that was for stu1?07:33
jamesh(was directed at stub)07:33
stubjamesh: Rebuilding indexes - generally pretty fast except for the full text indexes. Unfortunately, I suspect they are the most bloated :-(07:35
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jameshSteveA: I put my branch that reworks some of the url handling up as work-in-progress09:20
UbugtuNew bug: #62213 in ubiquity "Installer crashed - Ubuntu dapper live CD" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6221309:20
UbugtuNew bug: #62221 in ubiquity "installation ubuntu crashed" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6222109:20
jameshSteveA: it implements the "generic URI" processing as defined in the RFC.09:22
jameshI did up a simple "UriField" type that uses it, which makes it pretty easy to validate the URIs entered into various fields09:23
SteveAsounds good09:26
SteveAwe should have a naming convention for acronyms like this09:26
SteveAhsould it be URIField or UriField?09:26
SteveAshould the class be URL or URI or Url or Uri?09:27
lifelessI prefer acronyms in caps09:27
lifelesseven though it is inconstent with the general guidelines09:27
jameshI usually go for inital cap only -- it avoids all sorts of naming conflicts09:28
jamesh"URI" could be the name of a constant09:29
jameshas for URI vs. URL, these days URL's are defined as the subset of URI's that can be used to locate/access a resource09:30
SteveAI think it is useful to have a URL class09:31
jameshXML namespace names are examples of URIs: they are just used as identifiers rather than to look up a resource09:31
SteveAit can make code clearer if you're saying that the code is dealing with a URL09:31
SteveAand it is what many web app programmers will look for09:31
SteveAso, maybe class URL(URI)09:32
SteveAI think I prefer all-caps for readability.  What I mean is, I never see "Url" written anywhere.  It looks like someone's name.  Particularly "Uri", which is someone's name.09:33
SteveASo, if I'm scanning code for "URI", I'll miss "Uri"09:33
SteveAand when I read "Uri", I don't think "oh, universal resource identifier"09:33
SteveAin the same way I do when I read URI09:34
jameshfair enough.09:34
SteveAYou make a good point about the "clash with the constant"09:34
SteveAI don't think it will happen all that often, though09:35
jameshI included a find_uris_in_text() helper function in the module too, which will iterate through the URIs in a block of text09:36
jameshshould be useful for cleaning up IBugWatchSet.fromText()09:36
jameshand similar.09:36
jameshignoring from the naming issues for a second, the UriField() lets you specify which schemes are acceptable, and to disallow userinfo, query and fragment parts09:42
jameshdisabling userinfo is a good idea for product home pages, to prevent e.g. http://www.ubuntu.com@$IPADDRESS/...09:42
jameshand we can disallow query and fragment parts for Bazaar branch URLs09:43
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SteveAjamesh: I just read through the URI/URL diff.  I like it.  What do you think about doing an OO version of urljoin?10:23
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jameshSteveA: there are resolve() and append() methods for that10:23
jameshe.g. Uri('http://www.gnome.org/start/2.16/').resolve('/about') == Uri('http://www.gnome.org/about')10:24
SteveAso, I can use resolve to get a new Uri instance.10:24
jameshappend() acts like our urlappend() helper function10:24
SteveAand resolve ('..') to cut a path segment from the end10:24
SteveAif I want to have all my URLs ending in slashes, is there a way to do that?10:25
jameshthere is a replace() method too, which can be used to replace particular components10:25
SteveAwell, I mean, all the URLs I'm processing in some block10:25
jameshwith the current methods, you'd need to do something like this:10:26
jameshif not uri.path.endswith('/'): uri = uri.replace(path=uri.path + '/')10:26
SteveAI think I'd find methods .slashAtEnd() and .noSlashAtEnd() useful10:27
SteveAthey'd return a new URI10:27
SteveAor maybe the same one, if the URI matches10:27
SteveAare URIs notionally immutable?10:27
SteveAok, great10:28
jameshuri.replace() returns self if called with no arguments, for instance10:28
jameshI'm thinking of removing the normalisation from the constructor though.10:28
jameshThe Java URI class has it separate, and it might be useful to not normalise sometimes10:28
=== sivang has not had internet access for a week and lost a screen session, if someone msg'd me, re-mg please.
=== SteveA tries to think of a use-case for that
jameshhttp://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/net/URI.html <- the Java class docs10:31
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SteveAone use I have for the menus/facets system is to have a URL without the host section10:33
SteveAthe host section will be taken either from the current request's host10:33
SteveAor from the configuration for that particular menu item10:33
SteveAdepending on the nature of the menu item10:33
SteveAI suppose that's easy enough10:33
jameshso they are relative URIs?10:34
SteveAwe may want to make the Launchpad Request object know its 'launchpad style' URL10:34
SteveAso we can use that easily in code10:34
SteveAthey are sometimes relative URLs, sometimes absolute10:34
SteveAsometimes they are relative URLs, but not the usual kind of relative URL10:35
SteveAso, for a usual kind of relative URL, you append to the URL, then canonicalize it10:35
SteveAso URL + "../foo"10:35
SteveAwe have another kind, where we might take a url and change its host10:35
SteveAor change its host, and the thing at the end10:36
jameshwell "/foo" is also a relative URI (that replaces the path component entirely)10:36
SteveAfor example, https://launchpad.net/foo/bar/baz -> https://features.launchpad.net/foo/bar10:36
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SteveAor, for a more simple case10:37
SteveAfor example, https://launchpad.net/foo/bar/baz -> https://features.launchpad.net/foo/bar/baz10:37
SteveAanother use for the URL stuff is to make the URLs defined in our config files always URL instances.10:37
SteveAthat way, we'll get rid of some of the assumptions that certain code makes about whether the URLs should be given with or without trailing slashes10:38
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danilosjordi: hey, now, apart from KDE article response, we need to do a Gnome response article as well ;)11:00
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carlosjordi: dude, isn't it yet done?...11:09
ddaaSteveA: lifeless: jamesh: spiv: meeting in 40 mins11:20
SteveAthanks ddaa 11:21
ddaampool does not appear online though...11:21
SteveAI'll be away for 30 mins11:22
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jordicarlos: it is11:30
jordicarlos: I have no access to my home box now though, wireless is down again apparently11:31
jordidanilos: I saw that. :)11:31
carlosok, send it for review when you are back at home11:31
carlosjordi: pretty please... :-D11:31
jordidanilos: still, it's the same guy we answered in rosett-ausers already11:31
jordicarlos: once my sight is back in place, yeah :)11:32
danilosjordi: yeah, I know, but the biggest complainer is Benoit11:32
jordiI mean, many of their concerns are real problems, but we've answered them already.11:33
jordidanilos: essential docs will need a section on this11:33
danilosjordi: definitely, much work to do on that front11:33
carlosin fact 11:33
jordithe "upstream diff" filter would really help.11:33
carlosthe problem with the credit removals is more related with our teams11:34
carlosdue a bug in our side (single line for the credit list)11:34
carlosI have already fixed in my TranslationReview branch11:34
carlosall entries are textareas11:34
carlosthe 'funny' thing is that they assume that we change that credit entry by default... and it's just one team who did it (or a couple of them)11:36
carlosanyway.... we need to fix this kind of issue once per all...11:37
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Kreamanyone happen to know how I can translate ubiquity-frontend-kde and -gtk?11:39
daniloscarlos: and we need to document all this! and point people complaining there!11:39
carlosKream: you should translate debian-installer11:41
carlosKream: it includes ubiquity's strings11:41
Kreamthanks, carlos :)11:41
carlosKream: you are welcome11:41
danilosand it's especially strange for me since people on gnome-i18n are waiting for GTP spokespersons to say what they have, and now I have to discuss things from both POVs11:41
carlosdanilos: menthos already answered (in a good way)11:42
daniloscarlos: yeah, but I probably have more info on both views on the problem ;)11:42
carlosdanilos: I think you should not answer that thread unless someone asks you directly11:43
carlosbecause you are in a bad situation ;-)11:43
carlosoh, well, if you think you can give an answer11:43
daniloscarlos: yeah, probably, but I feel like I am not doing my thing as GTP if I don't, so it really, really sucks :(11:43
carlosthat doesn't breaks your GTP position or Rosetta one, that's fine for me (I mean with any other email that follows yours)11:43
carlosdanilos: then go ahead, what I mean is that don't feel that you need to answer that thread if you really don't want to, jordi and I could handle it11:44
carlosif you feel confident answering it, go ahead11:44
carloswell, confident is not the right term... perhaps ... if you feel 'happy' 11:45
carlosanyway, jordi, would be possible to have your KDE answer ready this afternoon in a wiki page and as a general answer so we can point GNOME's thread to it?11:46
jordiI mean, it's a matter of pasting it once I have access to it11:47
carlosdanilos: Should I leave it in your hands then?11:47
daniloscarlos: sure, I am fine with that11:47
carlosok, thanks11:48
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SteveA_thumper_: if you're interested, there's a bzr-launchpad-coordination meeting in progress on #launchpad-meeting12:09
_thumper_SteveA, cheers12:10
lifelessreview emeting in 40 minutes12:19
lifelessspiv: and you have a late! branch12:20
spivlifeless: I know :(12:20
spivlifeless: It's half-done, it will be done tonight.12:20
spiv(although not quite in time for the meeting...)12:21
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Mithrandirany launchpad admins about?  I need to freeze edgy.12:23
lifelesstell me where to go12:24
Mithrandirprobably somewhere around launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/edgy12:25
Mithrandirbut it's not exposed in the UI if you can't freeze it, AFAIK, so I don't know.12:26
Mithrandirthat is, I can't change the status, since it seems to require LP admin powers.12:26
lifelesswhat does 'freeze' translate to ? disable all buildds ?12:27
lifelessrelease status -> pre-release-freeze ?12:27
Mithrandirsounds correct, yes.12:27
Mithrandirit doesn't disable the buildds, no.  It makes all uploads to main have to go through by-hand approval12:28
lifelessok, I have no idea if its just a toggle switch. Blame be on your head :)12:28
Mithrandirseems frozen now, thanks.12:28
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lifelessmeeting in 8 minutes12:52
lifeless^ reviewer^12:52
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lifelessmeeting in 312:56
lifelessreviewer meeting time01:00
lifeless== Agenda ==01:00
lifeless * Roll call01:00
lifeless * Queue status.01:00
lifeless== Roll call ==01:00
lifelessI am here01:00
lifeless== Queue status ==01:02
lifeless5 open reviews, all but one are under 2 days - excellent condition. spiv has one at 10 days - whats up there?01:02
spivlifeless: I suck.01:02
spivI'm doing it right now.01:02
lifelesswas the cause something we can try to prevent ?01:03
spivI don't think so.  I forgot to check my review daily, but I've got the relevant tab open in my browser now, and that should be enough to remind me each morning.01:04
lifelessAny other business ?01:05
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lifelessthanks for coming, see you on the 2nd01:07
SteveAI was here01:07
SteveAin spirit, anyway01:07
lifelessSteveA: heh, its already been minuted ;)01:10
lifelessgnight all :)01:10
spivlifeless: g'night01:10
spivlifeless: I have some smart HTTP client stuff working, btw.01:11
=== spiv -> break
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cprovgood morning, guys01:27
carloscprov: morning dude!01:30
carloscprov: did you talk with Ian this weekend?01:31
cprovcarlos: yes, I did 01:32
carloscprov: ok, then you are aware of the broken links at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/dpkg , right?01:32
cprovcarlos: yes, bug #6044001:32
cprovcarlos: but thanks for remember me. Did you have time to think about how to fix i-f-p ?01:34
carlosWell, I have already another script that calls that code01:35
carlosto do the incremental copy01:35
carlosso I guess is just a matter of fixing tests and update some comments there01:35
carlosso we can stop using i-f-p01:35
cprovcarlos: great ! I'll work on the soyuz part today. Do you have any ETA for landing it in RF ?01:36
carloscprov: how urgent is that?01:37
carlosI guess it's a matter of having it done before Edgy + 1 opening01:37
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carlosbut I don't remember when are we supposed to do it01:37
cprovcarlos: distro-team will be blocked on it for edgy+101:37
carlosanyway, it should be quite fast01:38
carlosI will try to handle it this week01:38
cprovcarlos: I don't remeber dates too, but yes, it should be soon (few weeks ?)01:38
carlosit shouldn't conflict with your work as it will mean one code line removal from soyuz code01:38
cprovcarlos: great dude ! thank you 01:38
SteveAjamesh: ping, around still?01:39
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jameshSteveA: yeah01:46
SteveAjamesh: couple of things01:47
SteveAfirst, ddaa will mail you about asking you to help update some of our code to work with bzr 0.1101:47
SteveAdo you have space on your todo list for this?01:47
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jameshI've got a few other things, but should be able to fit that in01:48
SteveAsecond, I want to find out what our svn bindings need to do.  would you take a look and see how much of an API to subversion we need, so we can evaluate what we should do about fixing bindings or whatever?01:48
jameshwill need to start on the scheduler changes Mark mentioned in London some time soon01:48
SteveAthe second thing isn't an urgent thing at all01:48
SteveAbut will be helpful for planning maintenance of supermirror stuff01:49
=== danilos -> lunch
SteveA_thumper_: for this meeting in London, will you commute into Earls Court from your home?01:50
_thumper_SteveA: yes01:51
SteveAok, great01:52
=== ddaa has just booked tickets for london
SteveAddaa: please confirm with clan your arrival and departure dates, for accommodation02:05
ddaaSteveA: sent02:08
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xerxashi 02:42
xerxasthere a launchpad admin here ? 02:43
xerxascan I remove a branch ? 02:43
xerxasi uploaded 2 times the same branch 02:43
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xerxasfor the same package 02:43
xerxashttps://launchpad.net/people/telepathy/+branch/pymsn/ubuntu and https://launchpad.net/people/telepathy/+branch/telepathy-butterfly/ubuntu or pretty much the same stuff 02:44
xerxasthey are both telepathy-btterfly , instead of one being pymsn02:44
elmosalgado: ping02:48
salgadoelmo, pong02:48
elmosalgado: the mirror checker appears to be on some bad crack - it's claiming france telecom is a week behind.  I can't figure out why (the mirror checker thinks so), but it's definitely not02:49
elmosalgado: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+mirror/oleane-ubuntu-packages  <- that specifically02:49
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salgadoelmo, it looks like some files (i.e. http://ftp.oleane.net/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mozilla-thunderbird/mozilla-thunderbird-typeaheadfind_1.5.0.7-0ubuntu0.6.06_powerpc.deb) were not mirrored when the prober ran, and the last published package on one of the pockets that files were missing seems to be from one week ago, causing the status of one or more pockets to be one week behind, thus making us use it as the status for the mirror itself02:57
salgadothis problem should be alleviated once we start running the prober multiple times a day02:58
elmosalgado: hmm03:00
elmosalgado: could you have the mirror prober log file include the date + time it ran?03:01
salgadoelmo, sure, that should be trivial. can you file a bug so I don't forget it?03:02
elmosalgado: and the fundamental problem doesn't seem to be that we're not running the prober multiple times a day, but that the granularity of the check for dapper is way off?03:05
elmoin that I think it really means "missing files from today" rather than "out of date by a week"?03:05
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elmoanyway, I'll file some bugs03:06
salgadoelmo, well, if the only file I found there is from one week ago, all I can tell for sure is that it was updated one week ago03:06
elmosalgado: yeah, but that's clearly not true in this case, _edgy_ is up-to-date03:07
elmodoing this kind of check on dapper doesn't make much sense to me03:07
elmonot to this level of fascism03:07
salgadoelmo, so, let's assume last edgy published package is from 6 hours ago, and that file is already mirrored, causing edgy to have a status of up to date. should the status for dapper be 6 hours behind or up to date, even though the last published package in dapper hasn't been mirrored yet?03:10
elmosalgado: sorry, phone bbiab03:14
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lucasvohasn't there been a "Bounties" section in launchpad?03:18
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doko_ carlos: when do you expect the openoffice.org 2.0.4~rc2-1ubuntu6 translations be imported in rosetta?03:35
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carlosdoko_: well, the system is still importing its .po files03:55
carlosdoko_: the help ones take near 20 minutes to complete...03:55
carlosdoko_: seems like there are around 850 entries pending to be imported03:58
carlosso let's say that I don't think it will be ready today...03:58
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jameshddaa: I added some notes to bug 39015: I think we can implement it with current Bazaar without putting excessive load on the webapp04:47
UbugtuMalone bug 39015 in launchpad-bazaar "redirect from branch/.bzr" [Wishlist,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3901504:47
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bradbmatsubara: Re: the "bounty" tag suggestion, fwiw, if you have to ask "it'll come back someday, won't it?" in the tag description, we don't need the tag, IMHO. :P04:49
matsubarabradb: well, the point is, if it'll come back, it's better to group those bugs, if it won't then it doesn't matter and I can reject the bugs.04:51
SteveAit will come back, in a somewhat different form.  I think it's good to retain the information that it is a bounty-system related bug.04:52
SteveAbut I think we shouldn't have a keyword that may be confused with "there is a bounty offered to fix this bug"04:53
SteveAwhich is what most people would expect "bounty" to mean04:53
bradbyeah, perhaps04:55
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matsubaragood point SteveA. bounty-system sounds like a good tag.04:55
SteveAmatsubara: will kiko be around today?05:03
matsubaraSteveA: I think so. Want me to call him?05:04
SteveAI just tried, but thanks05:06
stubbradb: Are you using staging for testing that branch still?05:08
bradbstub: yeah05:13
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jordicarlos, danilo[bbl] : ping06:13
carlosjordi: pong06:13
jordiapparently, my pupils are back into normal operation06:14
carlosjordi: you had that bug again?06:14
jordicarlos: nope, I had blurry vision all day because I had my pupils dilated06:14
jordiI had my retina checked out at the hospital06:14
carlosjordi: drugs?06:14
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jordiI've been werairng sunglasses inside the buildings all day :)06:15
jordicarlos: heh06:15
jordiI wish ;=06:15
jordivision still gets tired when I look at the monitor for a few minutes06:15
jorditoo bright, I guess06:15
carlosjordi: give them more time..06:20
jordiI wanted to post this at least06:20
jordibesides, an addict like me may fall in the trap and have more drugs, and we'd be at the beginning again06:21
elmook, SERIOUSLY06:23
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elmoin malone: click on "add a comment", start writing a comment, realise you want to change the status, click the affects / +editstatus link, make changes, click "save changes".  notice how your carefully typed comment has been EATEN06:25
elmois that a known bug?06:25
flacosteelmo: it is06:26
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flacosteelmo: bug #5760706:29
UbugtuMalone bug 57607 in mdadm "Root on raid fails to boot" [Untriaged,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5760706:29
flacosteelmo: oops, wrong number, it's bug #5771506:29
UbugtuMalone bug 57715 in malone "Lost comments on bug #57607" [Untriaged,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/5771506:29
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kiko-fudsalgado, I fixed the conflict and repushed fwiw08:11
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UbugtuNew bug: #62335 in soyuz "should be able to reset builds in chroot "problem" state" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6233509:01
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UbugtuNew bug: #62344 in launchpad "Code to create Person entries should be moved outside of MessageSet.fromEmail()" [Low,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6234410:00
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mptGooooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders!11:29
kikohey mpt 11:43
kikoI was looking at your fix for bug 46 or so11:43
UbugtuMalone bug 46 in rosetta ""special symbols" when people copy-paste text from original to translation" [High,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/4611:43
kikompt, are the quotes around the icons actually useful?11:44
UbugtuNew bug: #62357 in malone "Display more info in attachment links" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6235711:45
UbugtuNew bug: #62358 in rosetta "Identify packages that need review on Rosetta" [Untriaged,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/6235811:45
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mptkiko, it makes the page slightly more understandable if you have images turned off11:47
kikompt, why don't you put the quotes in the alt text though?11:48
kikoI mean, if it's only for non-image rendering..11:49
mptthat might work11:49
mptok, I'll do that11:49
kikompt, cool!11:51
kikompt, btw, what happens when somebody cut-n-pastes that image?11:51
mptIn Gecko or KHTML/Webkit, they get the alt= text11:52
mptIn other browsers, they get nothing11:52
mptSo the alt text for the newline character is ""11:52
mptand the space character is actually a background image for a real space character.11:53
kikompt, does that work well?11:53
mptIt works in Gecko, KHTML/Webkit, Trident, Presto11:54
kikocool then.11:54
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